Part 4 of 4 Parts
The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
[INAUDIBLE] if you could just review it without [?actually?] using the [UNINTELLIGIBLE] like that [?in?] Zechariah [UNINTELLIGIBLE].
Zechariah 11?
[?OK.?] Oh, but we did Zechariah or Ecclesiastes?
OK. OK, we did this in [UNINTELLIGIBLE], for those of you that are not aware of that. So what I will do to honor this request is I am just going to read the alternate translations and make some brief comments. They do not sound very much like the King James translations of Zechariah 11, but the -- I believe the true intent of the Scripture is revealed in these alternate translations.
Verse 1: “Let down your defenses, humanity, so that the lake of fire can consume your fallen nature, and, once again, there is no salvation outside of the death of the fallen nature. There is nothing in your fallen nature that can mature you into immortality. Your fallen nature can mature you into spiritual expression, but that spiritual expression, not matter how good it looks, has a name, and the name of it is witchcraft.”
There are many -- witchcraft takes many different forms, and does -- there is a form of witchcraft that does not -- is not obvious. As I s- -- the example I always give: It does not shake a rattle or drink a bowl of blood. It is a spirit in your mind, and any exercise of spiritual power that is outside of Christ is witchcraft. Whether you use techniques or whether you use devices or paraphernalia, whether you know it or whether you do not know it, any attempt to influence another person or to have a need met through spiritual power in the mind which is not coming out of Christ is witchcraft, and it needs to be laid down. We need to have our needs accomplished by the power of Christ, and this is something that needs to be taught to us. We have to learn how to do it.
Now, we found in the Book of Revelation some Scriptures which indicate that the primary reason for the necessity of the judgment is that as much as most men would like to make this transfer if they hear -- they hear it preached, and they would like to transfer over and stop using the latent power of the soul to accomplish their needs, but to start to use the power of Christ. They do not know how to do it, or they experience severe anxiety during that wilderness experience where man transfers from the use of the illegal power to the legal power.
For example, if at the time that you are called, you are laying hold of your finances by an illegal method, you do not want to do that anymore. Well, it is going to take some faith on your part and probably some hard times where you will not have very much until God moves you into new ways to earn your living.
I know someone right now in New York who earned his -- his sole source of support was that he was a drug dealer, and he will not do that anymore. He has been having some problems earning a living, but as God cleanses his soul, he has got to straighten his life out. But there is a transition period where you lay down your illegal power to earn money and you start doing it in a godly way, because, you know, to sell drugs, that is the exercise of witchcraft power, according to my definition of it.
I do not know what goes on here, but I know in New York these people who do that, for example, they will go around using their influence on men and say, “Here.” They give it away for free. They give it away for free until you get hooked. They use the power of their mind, the power to influence men to try it, however they do it. Do they shame them into trying it? Do they try to make them feel they are cowards if they will not try it? Whatever influence they use, this is all the power of the mind. Once you are hooked, it is very common to try to turn these people out to prostitution to keep them going to get the money for the drugs. This is all the power of one’s mind for a very ungodly purpose, to sell drugs to people so that these drug dealers can have a source of income.
But just as a way of example for the kind of witchcraft that I am speaking about that is very common amongst people who have come out of the traditional witchcraft and given up the ways of their ancestors, and they think that they are not touching this unclean thing, you all have to know -- and I preach this all over the United States -- they are exercising an influence over other people. It is the same spirit that was operating in your ancestors that were shaking the rattle and drinking blood. It is the same spirit, and the sin is not in shaking the rattle. The sin is in the spirit that is operating in your mind.
So the consequence is the same. The consequence for the practice of witchcraft is death. The judgment is death, and a lot of people do not know that. A lot of people do not like that when they hear it, but it is still the truth. We cannot be manipulating and controlling other people’s behavior for our own benefit. God calls it witchcraft, and he -- the -- he curses it as a judgment on it, and no good thing can come out of your life for the exercise of that kind of power.
-- of the overriding percentage of doctrine in the church today which preaches full stature is denying this need to have our fallen nature die. If you examine it critically, you will see that is the thread, the common thread, that is running through every doctrine that is not the doctrine of Christ in the church. A lot of these doctrines have spiritual truth in them, but they are denying the reality that your fallen nature must die.
There is only one way to enter in. Your fallen nature must die, and Christ must replace it. You must have a change of nature along with the doctrine and the glory and everything else. When you get your nature changed, the doctrine will be an outgrowth of your changed nature, you see, and every good thing will be an outgrowth of Christ growing in you.
So we see the carnal minds of men, once again, have it backwards. They are trying to put immortality into them with the doctrine that is coming out of the mind of fallen men, and it will never work.
I have got it backwards.
Verse 2: “Sound a war cry, all of you men in whom Christ is being formed -- excuse me -- because Satan has been cast down. That powerful one has been returned to her true nature, soul.”
She is acting like a spirit. She is acting like a spiritual man, but she is not. She is soul, and that means her authority has been stripped from her. We touched on this last night. In this hour, Satan is acting like a man, and she is trying to rule, and she does not have what it takes to rule. She does not have the spiritual strength to bring forth a world or an existence for us that is life. She can only bring forth this corrupt counterfeit called death in which we experience torment and all of the problems of this existence.
So Satan is being forced back down to her God-given role, and, of course, that means Christ is coming into his own kingdom, and he will erect the visible world and our visible bodies, and when Christ erects the world, it is no longer death, but it is life, and it is the deliverance from all the hell and torment which is in this existence.
Let me just say it again. The reason that Satan has to go back from being spirit to soul is that she really -- she is a soul -- she is a part of the soul, the Earth -- Satan is a part of the Earth who is acting like a spirit, and she is doing it imperfectly. She has taken on the role -- I rebuke you. She has taken on the role of spirit.
Our natural example is a woman not called by Christ, now. You see, when you are a physical woman and Christ calls you, he makes up for everything that you are lacking, every leadership quality, every emotional or spiritual strength that you may not have, although some women are very strong, but everything that you are lacking -- God has to do something with my voice. You have such deep voices here. You do not have the problem that I have. If she is truly called by Christ, the Lord will make a -- will add himself to her and strengthen her in every area of weakness, and if he has truly called her, he will make her equal to any man in the area that he has called her, see.
But Satan is a type of the woman who is not called. She has -- it has -- she has entered into a male role and is inadequately doing the job. The example that I like to use is a woman who has been widowed. For example, she has three children. She did not ask for it, but she found herself in the role of head of the family. From what I am told, that may not happen here in Nigeria. You have such a strong extended family, that may not be true here, but in the United States, if a man dies, our family system is not as strong as your family system here, and we -- it is more common than not to find this woman elevated into the role of provider and nurturer of a- -- of the children, being a mother and a father to the children, and it is very rare that a one-parent family raises well-adjusted children. We are having a crisis in the United States for the lack of the male influence in the family.
So we see a woman doing the male role. She is going to work. She is providing the food. She is paying the rent. She is counseling the children. She is loving the children. The kids are physically growing up and functioning. They are working, but in their emotions, they are damaged. OK. So she has raised her children, and they look like they are fine, but in due season it is made evident that they are really not emotionally functioning well, that these children have experienced a loss because there was no father because this woman, although she tried her best, just did not have what it took to be a mother and a father to these children.
So that is the whole principle of Satan. She is acting like a man. She has taken on the male role, but she does not have what it takes, and, therefore, the product that she has produced, this world, is corrupt and filled with violence and disaster. So she is going back to what God ordained her to be, and the only way she can go back to being soul, or being spiritually female, is that Christ is returning to his house and picking up the male role. That is the whole principle here.
“Sound a war cry, even though you are still expressing the carnal mind because the spirit of Christ is come down to the Earth of your soul.”
So the Lord is saying, “Even though you still have your carnal mind” -- and we have been talking a lot about this. The Lord is really hitting it home. And this is Pentecost. You have the power of God without a change of nature. The Lord is saying, “Despite the fact that your carnal mind is still living through you, do not be discouraged.” It does not mean that things are hopeless. It means that it is time for war. Sound the war cry. Rebel against the thoughts of your carnal mind. Start to recognize them and refuse to obey them. Every carnal thought that you can perceive in your own mind, disobey it and cleave unto Christ, and the Lord will change your nature. That is what it is saying.
“Sound a war cry, even though you are still expressing the carnal mind because the spirit of Christ is come down to the Earth of your soul to kill your carnal mind.”
So hang in there. Do not be discouraged. The work will be done.
Verse 3: “The pastors are wailing out loud because the mind of Christ is spread out.” That means the pastors with carnal minds. “The cry of grief-stricken man is heard because Christ Jesus is bringing down the spirit of death.”
And as I have been telling you, this experience of having the carnal mind and the spirit of death rules in the carnal mind, the experience of having this carnal mind crushed in you is never a pleasant experience. It is not my intention to cause anyone any distress or any fear, but I would be lying to you if I told you that it was without its pain and without its stresses, and the pain usually takes the form of conflicts in human relationships. That is where the pain comes in, and we have to learn to come up against the carnal minds of men. Sometimes it is the carnal mind in us, and you have go on. You have to take the victory in Christ. You have to --
First of all, righteousness has to be satisfied. Then you have to be able to forgive, and you have to be able to overcome every ungodly manifestation. Embarrassment, anything that would drive you away from going forward in Christ must be overcome because the conflict will come. Men and women in Christ will conflict. That is without a question of a doubt. It is between Christ and the carnal mind. You are going to have conflicts with people, and --
Once again, further to what I said earlier, people who have had an upbringing which has trained them to get along with ex- -- maybe here in Nigeria you have all these extended families. We have the nuclear family in the United States. The family is being destroyed, and -- what do I mean by the nuclear family? Does anybody know what the nuclear family is? You heard of it? They teach that in the university here? Yeah? Do they teach it here?
Yeah. So we see the extended family virtually not functioning in the United States, and in many instances the nuclear family is not functioning. Let me just say what it is, for those who do not know. The extended family is a family whereby aunts and uncles and cousins -- and you are all pretty much mixed in. You see each other so much, you spend so much time together that it is possible if the father is not around, there is an uncle in the family that has -- will exercise as much authority as that father or grandfather or an uncle. I even heard an account three years ago here of a young woman who wanted to marry out of her tribe, and her father refused. So she went to her father’s older brother, and he said OK. So the uncle had more power than the father.
This is unheard of in the United States, absolutely unheard of, [?yep,?] and usually even the grandfather would not have authority over the father. It is the nuclear family. The man is the head, if he is the head. OK. It is just that family, the father and the mother and the children. That is it. That is the nuclear family, and frequently the roles are all mixed up as to who has the authority. Now, not all of the time, but some of the time.
So why did I start telling you that? What was I talking about here? I was -- what? The nuclear family. So I was speaking about authority. I must have been relating it somehow to --
OK. Well, I cannot remember what I said, so I will just go back to verse 3. “The pastors are wailing out loud because the mind of Christ is spread out, and the grief-stricken men -- the cry of grief-stricken men is heard because Christ Jesus is bringing down the spirit of death.” I do not know. I lost my -- I hear what you said, but I cannot seem to get it back.
So I am saying that it is just this warfare -- my mind just went blank, Lord. The --
Yeah. So we see Sa- -- the -- well, I have just been speaking about the natural types of Satan’s condition. The reason she is being put down under and the reason that these carnal men are wailing with grief is because Satan has been ruling over this world and in the minds of men for a long time, and when you are raised to be -- to have an authority over you, like women are raised in some societies, they just accept it. They go from their father to their husband, and that is just the way life is, and society functions, but if you go into a society like we have --
It is not just America. It is pretty much, I am told, all of Europe, although I think it is most severe in the United States -- where women more and more are coming to a place where they just do not acknowledge and refuse to live this Chr- -- actually, it is Christian to have -- the husband is the head of the wife, that is Christian. They are just completely denying it, and they enter into a marriage with an agreement that they are equal -- the man and the woman is [sic] equal, and they both work, and they both have their careers, and they both take care of the kids, and they both shop, and they both cook, and they both clean. And they are not even calling -- the people who are into this are not even calling each other husbands and wives anymore. They are calling them -- what are they calling them? -- life mate or life partner or something like that.
And it may sound good on the surface. You know, my opinion is that it just does not work, and what I see happening is I see the manhood in the country being destroyed. That is what I see. You see, the women wanted a position of strength that traditionally women do not have, under Christianity anyway, and the women who adhere to this movement, they thought that they could increase their strength -- excuse me -- without decreasing the strength of the man, but it does not work like that. There is only so much strength. If you have 30 percent of it, women, and the men have 70 percent of it, and now, women, you take 50 percent of the strength, the man who had 70 percent of the strength now only has 50 percent of the strength, you see.
So if you are in a re- -- everything has -- every cause has an effect. If you change -- if one person in a contract changes their position and becomes stronger, the other person must become weaker. And if you do not believe it, just open your eyes and take a look at what is happening in our society because it is happening, and the women are very strong, and the men are getting weaker with each generation. Anyone with eyes in their head would be panicking at this point, as far as I am concerned.
So we see Satan as a women’s libber, and she has been out from under the authority of a man. It is very painful to go back under authority after you have experienced independence. Actually, I think it -- personally, I think it is impossible because we are continuously mutating. OK, we become something new. When a woman goes into a different lifestyle, when she arises out of a lifestyle of being under a man for s- -- however many years and she starts living an independent lifestyle, she becomes something else, and you really cannot go backwards. You really cannot. It takes the power of God for you to go backwards. It would be very, very painful for not only a woman, but even for a man.
For example, I used to work for a law firm -- and I say it because the job was with attorneys -- and it was not unusual to see an attorney that had -- he was a big man, and he had some powerful clients, and the client went out of business, for example. I have one man in mind. He used to represent banks. He had several banks which closed. So he did not have the client. He did not have the business. He did not have the income.
What does this man do? Can you take a man like this who everybody took their hat off to and tell him, “Now, you go back and become a law clerk and sit under another lawyer”? The man could not it, you see. Even though he lost the client, in his heart and in his mind, he was a bigshot established lawyer. A human man, his pride would not tolerate him going back to being a law clerk. It is impossible. Or if not a law clerk, we call them in the United States to be an associate, to get a job where you assist a bigshot lawyer. The man would not be capable of doing it. He probably would get sick and die from the grief or have some kind of a heart attack. People just cannot do it.
So what do they do for these men, and this particular man? They let him -- he must have had substantial savings or probably another source of income, stock market investments or whatever. So he kept his big office in this law firm, and he sat there and played with his computer all day. He had no business. He had no practice of law. He probably was paying this firm to let him have this office. He had a secretary that sat at her desk and did nothing all day, and he played computer games all day because not only would he be incapable of submitting to another attorney giving him all these commands, but nobody would hire him. Why would they not hire him? Because they would know that he was incapable of submitting to -- he would not be able to give his best. His pride would be causing him too much pain. So he could not go back. You cannot go back.
So once a woman comes out, and the word we are using in the United States is individuate -- once she individuates -- because, technically speaking, a woman that is trained socially to survive only with a husband in that kind of a society, she really, technically speaking, is not a complete individual. She is a dependent individual. She is dependent on her husband and her children for financial and emotional satisfaction, and she is j- -- she is technically not a complete individual. That is the truth, whether you like it or not.
So once a woman individuates and she becomes a whole person, that she is having a satisfying life without a man, you tell her that she has to go back and live her whole life in caring for her husband and her children and laying down all of her own needs and her own desires and her own opportunity to be creative, it is a very rare woman that is going to be able to do it. So for this reason, the societies in which we see these events occurring are really in crisis because individuated women, or emancipated women, are raising their female children to be emancipated, and the males who have been weakened are raising their males to be weakened males. You know, a young man has to have a male role. You have to have a role model to learn how to be a man. So we have some very serious problems in our society.
But, in any event, as a type for Satan, she has individuated. She has experienced the exercise of authority. She has become the god of this world, the prince of the power of the air, and now she is being told by Christ that she has to go back down under his authority and have no existence of her own, but only to be seen through her husband’s achievements, which is the traditional female role. And she is fighting to the death because for her to back down under means that she must die to everything that she has become, and she is really incapable of doing it. She has to be beaten down.
And we see an example of this in nature, people how have -- whose personalities have been formed either in a negative way or in a criminal way or in a situation of a woman who has individuated. If she should desire to go back down into a traditional role, which we find happening with some women who were not Christians but who have become Christians. They believe that God has told them to do this, and they desire to do it. It takes a beating down of that which you have become.
An excellent example of it is in the movie “The Last Emperor.” Has anybody seen that movie, “The Last Emperor”? It is the story of the last emperor of China before the communists took over and wiped out the royal family. They no longer have a royal family in China. This man -- and the movie shows how an emperor is raised. Now, the -- I think the emperor is considered God, if I am not mistaken. So here is the tiny little baby, a 1, 2-year-old baby. None of the servants can raise their voice to him or deny him anything. Anything he wants -- and he lives in a whole court. It is a palace, which is a whole complex. It is a city. He lives in the -- I think they call it the royal city. There is another name, but it is a royal city with the palace in the midst of it, and all of these servants just are giving this infant everything that he wants.
This is how he grew up -- complete homage. He was completely spoiled, arrogant, indifferent to people’s needs and feelings and wants. He was -- they -- under that dynasty -- th- -- obviously they were not Christian. I am not sure what -- I do not think they were Buddhist. I am not sure what religion they were -- some pagan religion. He was automatically given at a certain -- as he achieved a certain age, he was married, and he was given at least one concubine, maybe more -- a wife and three or four concubines. It just -- he just ruled. He had everything. He did not even have to go out and get it. It was just given to him. Everything he wanted was just given to him, and then the communists came in and took over the nation and entered -- that is what they called it, the forbidden city. The common man was not allowed into this city. You had to be some high person in China to get into this city.
So the communists entered into the forbidden city, and all of the traditions were torn down, and this emperor was put in jail. And they show you in the movie how ingrained it was in the minds and the lives of the people to worship this man that in jail he had other inmates polishing his shoes and doing all kinds of things for him. So the communist guards put an end to it. They were determined to wipe out the dynasty. They wanted this whole concept of royalty wiped out of China.
That man was in jail for 10 years, and the movie was about his experience, how it broke him having to tie his own shoes and having to take his plate -- I understand what [sic] you are laughing, but it was painful for him. He had to take his plate and hold it out for them to put food on his plate for him, and the man was an excellent actor. You could see it was torturing him to have to do these things for himself, and on top of that, I think they had him scrubbing floors and doing things like that, you know.
Another -- a person with less strength, I believe, would have had a heart attack and just checked out. A lot of people, they cannot deal with their circumstances, and it is an unconscious form of suicide. They just die to the grief, but, apparently, he was a very strong man, and he overcame, but it took 10 years under these circumstances, and when was converted, when his nature was changed, they released him from jail. When they realized this his haughtiness was gone and that his arrogance was gone and that that whole personality of selfishness was gone -- he had become a new creature, a common man worthy of being a Chinese communist, and they released him from jail.
And it shows you him walking out in the streets with all the young Chinese -- well, with all the Chinese youth dressed in their uniforms and -- I do not remember the exact challenge, but he had a challenge. Somebody -- he had mercy on somebody. This man that had never experienced mercy in his life, came face-to-face with some hungry or poor person, and he actually gave of his own substance to them. So the message was that this man had had a change of nature. It took 10 years of hardship to undo the way he had been raised.
And I minister to people in New York that come to me with severe problems that have arisen as a combination of family-line curses, inherited curses, and being raised in a nonproductive way. They have personality characteristics which are damaging their life, contaminating their relationships, and they do not know what is wrong. They just know they have severe problems in their life, and it takes 5 to 10 years to turn them around with the power of Christ that is in me. I do not have full power, but with this measure of power of Christ that is in me now, it takes 5 to 10 years to turn people around. Not into Christ, but to turn them around from being a negative manifestation of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to a positive manifestation of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, where they can now have rewarding positive relationships with people. I get people coming to me that they are really not even qualified to marry. They are so a- -- an- -- asocial, so damaged it takes 5 to 10 years, and when I saw that movie, “The Last Emperor,” I said, wow, that is right in line with what the Lord has shown me. It took them 10 years to remake this man.
So if this is what we are talking about, to remake a human being who has been formed incorrectly, what is it going to take to change even a good manifestation of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil into Christ? What is it going to take? And these people that I work with for 5 to 10 years, it is painful for them. It takes painful experiences. It is painful finding out that that situation that is hurting you so badly, that the pain in it is originating from your misevaluation of the circumstance and your failure to respond in a way that will bring resolve or reconciliation, that you are your own worst enemy. It is painful.
So if that is what it takes to convert someone from a negative lifestyle to a positive lifestyle, what will it take, brethren, to convert us even from a positive human being into Christ? Can you hear what I am saying? It takes a lot. It takes pain. It takes trouble. It takes difficulty. It takes spiritual and emotional strength and fortitude, and it is just not happening overnight in this hour.
So this is what is waiting for Satan, and for all intents and purposes, our nature is Satan, and we have to have our nature changed. And the Lord is hammering at us and hammering at us, and even though with our eyes we could see what Christ is -- we have a vision. We want to be like him. It is in our heart and it is in our mind, but it actually has not happened to us yet. We have to go through the hammering that will make us change. It is not enough to see it intellectually.
So this is what is happening to Satan, and we see the Scripture saying “The pastors are wailing out loud because the mind of Christ has spread out. The cry of grief-stricken men is heard because Christ Jesus is bringing down the spirit of death.” That spirit of death is in us, and when Christ Jesus brings it down, it is stressful, and for me to tell you otherwise, I would be lying to you.
Verse 4: “‘Therefore,’ says Jehovah, ‘govern the bestial men whose carnal minds you are slaughtering, the ones who are enslaved by their carnal minds but, nevertheless, declare their own righteousness, the ones whose own pastors do not have enough compassion on them to show them their sins.”
So we are told here in verse fi- -- in verse -- that was verses 4 and 5, speaking to those men in whom Christ is being formed, govern the men who are living according to their beast nature. Now, after -- I did use that word governed because that was the intention in the Hebrew, but you have to be very careful that you do not fall into a snare of making yourself a king to other men. When God says governed, it does not mean what that word govern means to the natural fallen man. It does not mean that you go and start taking control over people’s lives. We cannot be taking control over people’s lives. The government of Christ is in Christ, in love and in mercy. Now, there is a rebuke in Christ, but you better be very sure that it is coming out of Christ because if you are snared by the pride of your own mind and you start taking control over people’s lives and it is the witchcraft power which is coming out of your carnal mind, God is going to rain down judgment on you.
And there is a difference, if you have eyes to see it, if the Lord will just help me show it to you. It is not easy. OK, let me try it this way. The control or the government of natural man is external. It can be likened to a policeman. If you want them to stop doing something, you lay hold of that man and bind him up. The control of the natural man is exhibited in the raising of children. OK, if they are doing something wrong, you beat them. Someone said to me -- well, the other night, I was speaking to somebody and telling them in the United States and in many of the European countries, especially in Scandinavia, it is becoming illegal to beat your children. They put you in jail for beating your children. Yeah, so Sister [NAME] said to me --
Here in Nigeria?
[?No, they just passed the law.?] [INAUDIBLE]
They just passed the law that you cannot do it here? So Sister [NAME] said to me, “Well, --.”
Yeah, well.
Yes, well, that is in Nigeria they cannot enforce it because, you see, the people in Nigeria, you are still -- I am not sure what the right word is, and I am very verbal, but I just do not have the right word. You -- and I do not really see it as such a bad thing. You still -- hmm. Your traditions are still very active. You see, what happens with the government of the carnal mind is this. That -- the government comes in and puts restrictions on the individual person that initially -- initially, these restrictions are positive, but man -- fallen man does not know where to stop. He keeps on going, and he keeps on putting restrictions, and he keeps on putting restrictions, and then he goes over the line and what was positive becomes negative.
So we see -- let me give you an example. We see that putting certain restrictions on men within a society is godly. “Thou shalt not murder.” If someone hurts your wife or your sister, you cannot go out and just kill them. You cannot do it. There was a time when you could do that, but you cannot do that anymore. But we see in Western society what is happening is that we are putting so much restriction on the individual that people and the traditional defenders of the family, men, are finding themselves powerless to act in that aspect in the male role of defender.
You cannot even -- you are in danger -- in this hour if someone breaks into your house and you shoot them, you are in danger of going to jail and being executed yourself. Even though this man has entered into your house with a gun with the full intention of damaging your possessions or taking your possessions or damaging your family -- our laws are going so off the deep end that if you kill somebody, you are in danger of being tried for murder yourself. Now, there was a time that that was not true in the United States. There was a time that if someone broke into your house, all you had to do was establish if they forced that lock, if they came through the window. If they got killed, they got killed. They just carted them out.
But, you see, that law which was to benefit all of society that you just cannot go around killing people, it is now going to the other side, and it is protecting the criminal more than the solid citizen. And we see men finding themselves powerless. We see the government more and more powerless to restrain the criminal. On the one hand, criminals are running wild, and on the other hand, if you are a man, you cannot do anything to protect your wife or your family or yourself because they lock you up and put you in jail.
And we -- as a most unhappy example, we recently had a case -- a lot of people -- and, please, I know someone is going to misunderstand me. I am not talking about -- I do not believe in going out and getting guns or anything like that. I am just talking about the problem that we have. A lot of people, men and women, are now walking around with guns because there is a lot of lawlessness. So this man was walking down the street, and he saw a woman being attacked and robbed. He happened to have a gun on him. It was an unregistered gun. So the woman was being severely assaulted, and he saved her life, and they put him in jail for shooting that man. I do not know whether he killed the man or he ju- -- or the criminal or if he just hurt him, but the man, he took a chance to save this woman’s life knowing that he would be in trouble with the police because he had an illegal weapon, and they put in him jail for 20 years or something like that for what he did.
So the law that was once good is starting to break down. Something is wrong. It is not functioning, you know. If the man had an illegal weapon, there should be some penalty for carrying the illegal weapon, but to put him in jail for 20 years because he killed a man that was attacking and killing a woman is crazy, you know. So if you can hear what I am saying, it has gone overboard.
So what you have in Nigeria here -- and I still do not have the word for it. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] I got it. You still have a lot of individual involvement that ev- -- it is the whole society. They cannot put you all in jail, no. I am told --
You see, that is what it comes down to.
They cannot lock all of you up, you know. I just heard a story last week that some man was beaten up by a mob, and he was beaten up so badly he was -- his face was all damaged. Well, there was something going on here with some member of your society that was weaker than him, and for the whole mob to beat him up, there had to be a whole bunch of people on the street that were in agreement that this guy was doing something he was not supposed to be doing, for him to be beaten to that extent that he had to be hospitalized, [?right?].
And -- now, in the United States, they put all these guys in jail, you know, for beating up the man. It would not matter what was going on. There was a little girl involved. What was going on with this little girl, it would not matter. They would lock up every man that was a part of this mob that beat up this guy, you see. So what has happened is that the government has taken full control of justice. They have stripped the average man of any ability to act in this function, and now government is breaking down. So nobody is doing the job, and we are he- -- unless we get a miracle, we are headed back to chaos, you see.
So -- I started -- oh, yeah. So they could pass all the child abuse laws they want in Nigeria. If nobody obeys the law, the law has no power, you see. If the whole society rejects the law, the law has no power. But what has happened in Western society is that they have gotten everybody to obey the law, and now the law has gone bad. So we are passing laws that you cannot discipline your own children.
And the re- -- the whole reason I got on this tack was we were talking about the government of the carnal mind. The government of the carnal mind is external, OK, and if you have children, how do you teach them to reject or to have the strength within themselves -- to have the strength to resist wrong? You beat them. That is what you do, and it works. They have to be taught to resist their own ungodly impulses. So the government of man exercises carnal restraints. You punish the body. Either you restrain it or you beat it. That is the government of man, OK.
Then there was another aspect of the government of man, which is the mind control which comes out of the carnal mind, and we see that happening in the United States too. I find it very unfortunate. You see, we have had this teaching for a couple of generations now that you should not lay hands on your children. Well, children are undisciplined. They cannot restrain themselves. If you are not allowed to physically restrain them, how do you get them to do what they are supposed to do, OK? So we see seeping into our society abuse, verbal abuse and mental abuse.
You are not allowed -- if a child puts his feet up on the couch, and you say “Take your feet down from the couch,” and the child will not take their feet down from the couch, you give them a smack, and they take their feet down from the couch. But if you are not allowed to touch them, the tendency -- the way things have been going would be, for example, to say to the child “Now, are you not ashamed of yourself sitting there with your feet on the couch? You are not smart. If you were smart, you would take your feet down off the couch.” So we start building things into the child’s mind that they are not intelligent.
You see, the quick smack is the mercy of God. Just do not do it, you know. So now you are being told because you put your feet on the couch -- and the child loves putting their feet on the couch -- that makes you stupid. That makes you ignorant. That makes you -- however the abuse is going, and this is witchcraft to say to somebody “If you do not take your feet off the couch, I am going to consider you stupid.” This is an exercise of spiritual power. It is not physical power, but it is an influence on the child to make them do what you want them to do, but it is an ungodly influence, and it is tearing down their ego, and it is tearing down their self-esteem. When you whack the child, it does not tear down their self-esteem. Assuming you are doing it as a loving parent and there are other expressions of affection present, what you are doing is strengthening their ability to discipline themselves.
So the government of man is external, either physical restraint or an external attempt to change that person’s mind, which is really, really wicked. And since we are having a sociology class today, just for your information, the ultimate expression of this misstep in our exercise of government from physical government to illegal spiritual government, in my opinion, we now have the parent abuse by children, and we see children beating their parents. We see adult parents beating the grandparents. [?And so?] we have women beating their husbands. Everything is out of [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. It sounds funny because if the guy hits her back, they put him in jail. So -- not that he should be hitting her back. Do not anybody misunderstand me. It is that what do you do?
You know, I saw recently on a TV show several abused husbands, you know, big, strapping guys, you know, and they -- someone said [?to someone?], “Why did you let her do it to you?” One man was burnt. His wife burnt him. “Why do you let her do it?” “Well, what am I supposed to do? She will call the police and they will arrest me,” and that is probably true.
So we see a central government -- we see a government which has taken too much authority away from the society now become a destructive force to the society, you see. You cannot take all government out of the family without destroying the men that make up the family. You have to have some measure of government right in the family, or the whole society is going to collapse. So we need a miracle.
So, anyway, I got -- I told all that b- -- so, look, you have [?heard a?] description of you people in Nigeria. You -- that your society has still retained a lot of authority in the individual. Your family structure is still pretty strong. You still have an extended family that is pretty strong, and pretty much speaking, the majority of the natural leadership which is in the manhood still exists. If they see something happening, they will rise up to help the person, [?you know?]. We have had situations with people being murdered in the United States that everybody just stands there and watches because the men are being stripped of everything within them that would respond, and it is just a wicked, wicked situation.
You have to find that middle ground whereby you have a central government that makes rules which are for the good of the people, that take some authority away from the men. For example, in Bible days, if somebody was murdered, it was the most senior man in the family who would go out and be the avenger of blood. He would murder the one who did the murder. Now, we do not have that today. You call the police, and they arrest the man, and he goes to trial. So s- -- the head of the family has to lose some of his authority so that a central government can be established, but when that central government goes so far as to strip men of everything, it just does not work. It is destroying the whole family.
So this is the position that we find Satan in. She is completely individuated. She is a prince. She is in charge of a whole world, and she is not about to go back down under the authority of Christ, so she has to be beaten down. And since Satan is in us, and we -- and Christ has come to us and says “I am your husband, and, Satan, you have got to go back down, and you have to be under my authority,” it is requiring some painful experiences to change our nature. So, therefore, we find in the Scriptures several Scriptures speaking about grief-stricken people with blackness in their face, a man holding his loins like a woman in travail. So we have to keep the balance now.
It is nothing that we cannot bear. The Lord has promised to not give us more than we could bear, but for me to tell you that it would be a snap would be a lie, and there are preachers who are preaching that. They are telling you it is going -- the change is going to be accomplished automatically, and I cannot tell you that because it is a lie. It is just a lie, but you could bear it. You could do all things in Christ, and you have everything you need -- In Christ, you have everything you need to overcome, to be an overcomer and victorious. But there will be some hardship, and Paul said, “Endure hardship like a good soldier and enter into the kingdom.” God wants you to enter in. Christ wants you to enter in. He wants you to overcome. It is his good pleasure to give you the kingdom, but it is not without a war. That is the bottom line.
And, of course, in verse 5 -- well, I did not give you examples of godly authority. See, ultimately, the authority of Christ is to be internalized. It is a mature Christ in you so ruling and controlling your life from within that no external authority is necessary. You see, the law is not for a righteous man. The law that we see in this world, it is not for a righteous man. It is only for an unrighteous man. A man that is ruled by an internalized Christ is a righteous man. He does not need a policeman. He does not need a soldier, and, ultimately, when ma- -- everyone on the face of the Earth is in full stature, there will be no reason for any kind of secular government. Every man will be doing what is right. No one will be injuring or violating the other, and there will be no reason for government at all.
The government will be on his shoulders. What does that mean? The government will be on Christ’s shoulders. It will be a spiritual government that will be inside of each and every man, and we are told in the Book of Ezekiel, I think it is chapter 1, “And that glorious creature, you know, he -- they move together. No one bumped into the other one.” They were information. No one bumped into anybody else. Everybody went in the same direction at the same time because the government of Christ in you is telling your or is working together or is the same brain as the government of Christ in me.
For our natural example, we would call it coordination. Our two hands work together. Our two legs work together. Our whole body coordinates and works together. Well, are we not the joint body of Christ? But we are not coordinated now. We are all bumping into each other and tripping each other up and hurting each other and killing each other and damaging each other. We are spastic. We are not functioning or functioning on a very low level.
So the government of Christ is internalized, but until such time as he can appear in his full strength in each individual for a season, it is temporary. There will be a man or a group of men available in whom Christ is mature to govern those who are still subject to their beast nature.
Now, for the men who are not yet perfect, who are a governing influence on men who are still carnal, your government is still internalized. You do not try to control people if you are in a position like this. You do not try to control people by physically restraining them. You do not try to control them with your mind. You do not try to pray your will on their life. You do not try to pray them into your church or out of your church. You do not try to pray them into the marriage that you think is for them. You do not try to pray them into the job that you think is for them.
Your prayers -- if Christ is in you and you have some authority over men who are still carnal, your prayers are supposed to be bringing the will of God into their life, supposed to be teaching them righteousness. You are supposed to be teaching them to love one another. You are supposed to be teaching them to submit to one another. OK, but you are also supposed to be pointing out the errors in their own way of thinking that are bringing destruction into their life because curses operate in the mind. So if you have wrong thinking, there is no amount of prayer that could straighten out your life. You have got to start thinking in line with the mind of Christ. You have to think like he thinks.
So that is the job of the people who have Christ in them, who have received already a measure of this correction to the way of thinking, to go to their brother in love and tell them that their thinking is wrong. The only problem is that frequently that brother’s carnal mind will start taking potshots at you, if not openly, from the unconscious realm. So we see, those of us in whom Christ is being formed and who have begun to enter into this ministry of Christ of showing people their sins -- and it is really Christ in you doing it. It is not your carnal mind -- that you are engaged in a continuous spiritual warfare that people’s unconscious minds are trying to kill you, and sometimes people’s conscious minds.
It is much easier to deal with if the person has a hostile reaction to your correction. At least it is out in the open and you can deal with it, but when the person does not have an honest reaction, either because they are just a dishonest person or -- but usually it is because of the way they have been socialized. Usually, it is because they have been taught to not speak back to an elder or they have been taught to not have conflicts or not have confrontations. So they try to do the right thing, but they do not truly repent in their heart, and this hostility goes out in the unseen realm of the spirit.
So then if the minister is trained at all -- this happens to me all the time. You know, you just deal with it on a spiritual warfare level, and the Lord brings it out into the light, and eventually everything is worked out, but if you do not have this training, you know, it is really -- it is a continuous warfare, and then you are just wondering where all this destruction is coming into your life. What is hitting me? What is happening? Well, it is somebody’s unconscious mind that does not like what you just told them.
So it is a training. We deal with it frequently in New York. It is nothing I could really tell you in five minutes, but God is full well-able of teaching you, of raising up someone here or all of you here. He taught me and he could taught [sic] you -- he could taught you; he could teach you. We have the messages. I have a lot of this kind of teaching on the messages. However he is going to teach you, he is going to you. He is going to teach you. Do not think for a second that because I am going back to New York you are without a teacher. He will not leave you without a teacher. He will do it. Somehow he will do it.
So we see that the government of Christ is different from the government of man. The government of man punishes, you see. He either punishes your body, he restrains your body, or he punishes with his mind, but the government of Christ teaches righteousness. If there is one overriding quality of the government of God, it teaches righteousness. It does not just punish. It tells you what the right thing is, and then it gives you power to do what is right. See, the government of man -- even if it could tell you this is the right thing, the governments of men do not have the power to change the criminal heart, but in Christ is the power to say, “Look, this is the right way to think. This is the right thing to do, and by the authority that is in me of Jesus Christ. I give you the power to change.” It is called the breaking of the curse, you see.
So we are told in verse 5 that there is a group of people, which is the whole church basically today, except for a few exceptions, whose own pastors do not have enough compassion on them to show them their sins. Why? Because when you show people their sins, brethren, they get mad at you. They stop tithing. They take back all the gifts they gave you. They punish you. They stop coming to your church, and they start lying about you, and they try to get the whole congregation to leave the church with them, and you have all kinds of trouble. So if you are dependent on your congregation for anything, either for their money or for their emotional support or for your prestige, if you are dependent on your congregation for anything, you are not likely to show them their sins. That is why the true man of God must be totally independent of all these influences of the congregation.
Now, that does not mean that you should not support your local ministry. That does not mean that. What it means is that if you are supporting your local ministry, you should know that you have no authority to tell that minister what to do with the support. Just as if you pay your taxes -- I paid my taxes. I do not have any authority to tell the police what to do or the fire department what to do or the president what to do, but my tax money is paying all these people. So if you are supporting your local ministry, that is a good thing, but it does not give you authority over the authority, and that authority has to do whatever God tells them to do, has to minister to you on righteousness and be willing to stand no matter what your retaliation is or the retaliation of the personality that at that moment is behaving in a spiritual criminal way. If that pastor is truly called of God, and if the whole congregation rises up as one man and leaves, he will give you another congregation.
So we see that there is a ministry that do not have enough compassion on the people to show them their sins and that the reason they do not have that compassion is self-preservation, and self-preservation is the overriding characteristic of the carnal man. The overriding characteristic of the Christ man is his service to God, and if he loves -- if he is truly serving God, he is ministering to you not just blessings, but correction.
You need to be corrected. Everybody has areas where they need correction. If you do not need any correction, you should be teaching. You should be up here, and you should have -- I mean that. I do not mean it sarcastically, and I preach this in New York. We have a lot of people who think they should not be a part of a fellowship, but there are so many people that need help. My opinion is if you really do not need to be sitting under anybody, you should have people under you. Either you should be receiving or you should be ministering. I cannot see anybody just not involved in a fellowship. There are so many people that need help and love and teaching and sharing of experiences. What are you doing home in your corner reading a message? You should be a part of a fellowship one way or another, and if God has not given you a group to sit under you, then he should be giving you a group for you to be a part of.
Now, it is possible that for a season he has called you out, but it should not be for a very long time. You should be asking him where he wants you to be and what he has for you at this time because we should be active participants in the program of God. This is my opinion. Not just sitting home in a corner reading messages and newsletters. We have to be interacting with the body of Christ. We have to be getting hurt and learning how to overcome. We have to be telling people the truth and learning to love them, even though they are enraged at us. We have to be learning to keep quiet when it is time to keep quiet. We have to be learning to recognize who is over us and who is under us. You cannot learn that from sitting home reading about some high doctrine on a message. So there is a big cop-out in the church today. Are these people in for a surprise.
Verse 6, this is the Lord speaking: “‘I will not extend the gentle judgment of the Holy Spirit to those who are agreeing with their carnal minds any longer,’ says Jehovah.”
What does this mean? The gentle judgment of the Holy Spirit, that is a condition which exists pretty much in the church today whereby God will come to you himself in a dream, or he will send a prophet, or he will send just another believer who may or may not know what they are doing to come to you and tell you, “You know, brother, that attitude is really wrong.” It is just not scriptural. Let me show it to you in the Scripture. And if you have enough humility at that moment to say, “I see it. I am convicted of the Holy Ghost. I repent,” the forgiveness of sins is present and no further judgment is necessary, but that is only temporary.
There is another kind of judgment. It is called wormwood judgment. We see it typified by Judah going into captivity in Babylon. Seventy years were pronounced upon them, and despite all of their bitter tears and repentance, the Lord did not change the judgment. Seventy years was pronounced upon them, and the generation that went into captivity in Babylon never came out. It was their children that came out.
So we see in the Book of Zephaniah here, chapter 11, the Lord saying, “Do not think this opportunity that you have under the Holy Ghost to repent every time you do something wrong will continue forever.” This is not the Roman Catholic church. This is the church of Christ. It is the church of the living God. Do not be deceived. You say you are sorry, and you do it again, and you say you are sorry, and you do it again, and you say you are sorry, and you do it again; but the day is coming that you are going to say you are sorry, and the Lord is going to say, “I hear your words, but I pronounce 70 years upon you, and you may not come out. Your children will enter in.”
You need to know that this is coming. It is not going on forever that you could say you are sorry and get another chance. If you are truly sorry, you will stop doing it, and if you are so bound that you cannot stop doing it, you are supposed to be banging on heaven’s gate saying, “Jesus, I cannot stop doing it. Help me.” This is not the Roman Catholic church: Say two “Hail Marys” and I forgive you. Stop doing it.
You have to at least be trying to stop doing it. Anything, I say -- I am never condemning you. Anything that you hear me say, I am never condemning you. If you are trying to stop, God knows that you are trying to stop, and he is not about to pronounce wormwood judgment on you if you are trying and failing. If you are trying and failing, he is going to give you the power to overcome, but this verse here, it says he is going to stop giving this gentle judgment to those who are in agreement with their carnal minds.
That is what it says. “I will not extend the gentle judgment of the Holy Spirit to those who are agreeing with their carnal minds.” That means you are not even trying to stop. Not only are you not trying to stop, you are justifying what you are doing and convincing yourself that you are righteous. The day is going to come where you are going to say you are sorry and it will be too late. You are going into captivity, whatever form that cati- -- captivity takes. You have got to be trying, brethren.
“...says Jehovah, ‘but I will turn them individually a man at a time over to Satan’s calamitous judgment, and Satan and the carnal mind will break up the Christ mind, and I will not snatch them out of danger.’”
This verse is saying that there are people in whom Christ is being formed -- and you just asked that question today I think that the kingdom of God can be within you, but you are not living out of it. There are people in whom the Christ mind is formed, but they are still not using him to stop sinning, and they are in fact living a very carnal life. And the Lord says, “The day is coming. Beware. I am not going to accept your apology anymore, and if Christ is formed in you, I am going to break him up. I am going to dismantle him. I am going to remove him from you, and you are going to be all Satan’s,” because the presence of Christ in you is a restraining factor opposing the operation of Satan in your life.
He said, “I am going to withdraw my Christ if you are not at least trying to change, and I am going to turn you back over to Satan. He will have full dominion over you to bring whatever destruction he wants to bring into your life.” And the Lord further says, “I will not snatch them out of danger.” He is going to turn them over to Satan’s calamitous judgment, and Satan and the carnal mind will break up that Christ mind, and the Lord says, “I will not stop it.” The implication being if your Christ mind is broken up, you are quite in danger.
Brethren, you are in more danger than the man who has never known Christ. If you think that you spend any amount of time in Christ and you lose your Christ mind and are turned back to the authority of Satan and that he will not punish you for every prayer you ever prayed against him, for every time you ever resisted him, --
-- if you think he is not going to punish you, you are being --
-- you are deceived.
Brethren, this is very serious to be turned over to Satan.
This is very serious.
You are not in Rome. Wake up, wake up, wake up. Start changing. Start trying to change. I do not want to hear anybody saying, “I tried, but I cannot.” Try and cry out to God.
My classic example is an alcoholic who is completely overcome with the alcoholism. You have to be crying all the way to the liquor stores. I have no seen one here, but we have shops that sell just liquor. Do you have that here too? Well, we have. We call them liquor stores. That is all they do is sell alcohol --
-- alcohol beverages. What did you say?
They walk with it on the street. Well, that is against the law in the United States. You are not allowed to walk with it on the street or sell it on the street or drink with it. You have to be crying all the way to the liquor store, “Jesus, I c- -- I want to stop, and I cannot help myself. Help me, help me, help me.” As you put your money down on the table, you have to be saying, “Jesus, help me!” As you chugalug the bottle, “Jesus, I am completely overtaken. Have mercy on me!” But it has to be true.
Huh? It has to be true that you are really overtaken, and he will come to save you. But if you are not even trying -- if you are saying, “Oh, well. What could you expect? I am just a fallen man, and my wife just yelled at me. She really embarrassed me in front of my brother, and my son disrespected me. Who could bear that?”
“And my boss mistreats me. Oh, he really mistreats me. Three drinks for that.”
Satan made me do it.
“And Satan made me do it. The devil made me do it. And I -- what could you expect, you know? Who has power over this devil?” That is what the Lord means when he says you are in agreement with your carnal mind, and he is going to remove this opportunity to repent without any long-range penalty in your life. It is going to end.
Now, there is a lot of naïveté in the church, though usually with a message like this, a lot of people would not be receiving it. People that -- they do not hear it. I know when I first came to the Lord I was very blessed. I was not raised in the church. I started out in a very powerfully anointed church that I did not realize was a very unusual experience, and I thought all the churches were like that. I did not know it was not true. After five years, that anointing left the church, and I thought I was going to die. The kind of outpourings you have experienced here, I spent five years, four, five, six nights a week in that, and this is what happened to me. I grew up very fast spiritually because that kind of rain makes you grow, but when the Lord stopped pouring out that rain, I had never thought it could happen. I thought it would go on for the rest of my life in this same church four or five nights a week with that kind of an outpouring. I could not believe that God withdrew it, and it was traumatic for me.
So that is this message now. You have got to know this opportunity for simple repentance is going to have a cutoff date. He is not going to accept you are sorry anymore. Somebody is thinking there is a Scripture that says if your brother repents seven times seventy, you have to forgive him seven times seventy. That is what you have to do. That is not what God has to do. That is what you have to do. You, the fallen man, you have no right to say, “I have just cut you off -- wormwood judgment.” You have to keep forgiving because you are fallen, and an unrighteous man cannot judge an unrighteous man, but a righteous man, Christ, can say, “That is it. I am not dealing with you anymore.” The church does not like to hear this, but it is the truth.
Verse 7: “‘But I will govern the sheep who are slaughtering their carnal minds, those who are wretched and afflicted because of their faithfulness to Christ, and this is how I am going to do it.’”
So we see an element in the church who are resisting their carnal minds and trying to kill them by the power of Christ, and the Lord says he is going to honor them, and he is going to govern them. Well, for Christ to govern you he has to knock out your carnal mind. He has to behead your soul from your carnal mind and sit down and govern you. So the Lord is saying, “For those who are resisting their carnal minds, I am going to give them relief. I am going to remove the source of irritation. I am going to remove that which they are overcoming, their carnal mind, and I am going to sit down at the throne of their soul and govern them, and they shall have rest in peace.”
That is the true Sabbath, the true cessation from labor. It is the cessation of the laying off of the spiritual labor which keeps sin under our feet. God is going to kill sin so that we do not have to guard our garden anymore, but that we can rest in peace knowing that sin is dead.
And God has a plan for doing it. He says, “I entered into a marriage contract with humanity which provided that I would make Christ her mind.” The Father has entered into a marriage contract with all of humanity, and his promise is to internalize Christ in us. The first stage of the contract is called grace, or the imputed anointing, and the second stage is called crucifixion, or the imparted anointing.
“And this is how I am governing all of mankind until the marriage.” So we see the type of judgment that we were just speaking about where the Lord sends somebody to you, and you confess your sins, and he heals you and teaches you and gives you time to change as long as you are resisting. It is called grace, but grace is only for a season, and then we enter into the more mature aspect of that covenant, crucifixion, that which actually kills the sin nature in us, so that we could lie down and rest. And, of course, the end of this crucifixion is the marriage, complete union with the Father.
Verse 8: “‘And I am overcoming the third part of the whole soul realm in battle, and my Holy Spirit formed Christ in all of the people, but they refused to live out of him.’”
Now, a lot of us are up to that in the church today. I mentioned it a couple of times today. It is possible to have Christ formed in you -- that is the kingdom of God -- and not live out of him. I just mentioned it a few minutes ago. When the kingdom of God -- you see, the Scripture says “The fields are white to harvest, but the laborers are few.” When Christ is formed in you, he is supposed to start to kill your carnal mind, but a lot of people, they have not even heard the message. They are not doing it because they have not heard the message. But you have a testimony from what you tell me -- from what I recall talking to you about it that you never heard this preached, but you got this message right in your heart. Is that not true? Yeah. So God has his faithful.
But, you see, there is an element of borderline people. See, there is a group of very strong people in Christ that really can hear from God. Sister [NAME] apparently was banging on heaven’s door. You never heard this message preached, did you? You got that directly from Him before I came. So she had a need, you see, and she was banging on heaven’s door, and God told her directly what she needed to do.
But there are some people that are borderline. They [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- either they cannot hear from God, or they do not have that much strength, and they need to get strength from a preacher or from a group where everybody is doing the same thing. This is the whole principle of the sons. The strong ones are going forth to help the weak ones. So there are a lot of borderline people that are going -- Christ is going to be broken up in them because either they have never heard the message or they do not have the strength to fight the war. It is already happening.
Verse 9: “‘Then I said I will not extend the gentle judgment of the Holy Spirit to you anymore, so whoever has the Holy Spirit and lets him die, let him die. If you have --.’”
This is God talking. Brethren, he is the captain of the Host. In Pentecosts a lot of people think he is Santa Claus. He is not Santa Claus. He has been very gentle to the people at Pentecost. We are talking about the God -- the creator of the universe, and we are about to see his more mature leadership qualities. He is saying to those who are not willing to go on: If you have the Holy Ghost and you are not willing to go on to Christ, let the Holy Ghost die. And whoever has Christ but refuses to live out of him, let Christ be tread under the foot of the carnal mind, and let the rest of them who are to be ruled by Israel continue in her adulterous relationship with the carnal mind.
The Lord says he is going on. If you have the Holy Spirit and you are not willing to fight the war which will lead you into Christ, let the Holy Spirit die. If you have Christ, and you are not willing to wage the war with the carnal mind to become in full stature and all those people out there are waiting for the righteous judgment of Christ -- the world is waiting for the sons. If you are not willing to fight, let Christ be tread underfoot. “I have got a faithful 7,000 that are going to go through. If you are not one of them, let my son in you die. I have got 7,000 that he is going to be born in. I have 7,000 that he is standing up in.” The type of this is Gideon. Let the fearful go home. We do not need you here.
Now, that does not mean that if somebody in the calling, amongst the called ones, has a weak moment that you abandon him. Everybody is not equally strong. So as long as you are in this war, we are to be strengthening each other, but there are some people who have been very irresponsible with God’s gift, and it is no fallen man’s place to make a judgment who that man is. Christ decides who he is sending home. I do not decide who is going home. You do not decide who is going home. Watch out for your pride, brethren, it will kill you.
Verse 10, this is the Lord speaking: “‘And I took back the grace I had extended through the Holy Spirit by breaking to pieces the Christ mind I had formed in the people, and I separated myself from them.’”
Well, that is what we were talking about when I first started preaching today, and I said that Pentecostal anointing is dissipating. It is fading away. It is being withdrawn. Do not be discouraged. He is taking away that first grace so that he could establish the second crucifixion, and he takes away the first first. He does not give you the second and then take away the first. So there is a period where it looks like we have nothing. Do not be discouraged. Something very profound is happening in the church today.
We now have parent abuse by children, and we see children beating their parents. We see adult parents beating the grandparents, and so the -- we have women beating their husbands. Everything is out of whack. It sounds funny, you know. It sounds funny because if the guy hits her back, they put him in jail, so -- not that he should be hitting her back. Do not anybody misunderstand me. It is that, what do you do? You know, I saw recently on a TV show several abused husbands, you know, big strapping guys, you know, and they -- someone said to them why did you let her do it to you? One man was burnt; his wife burned him. Well, why do you let her do it? Well, what am I supposed to do? She will call the police, and they will arrest me, and that is probably true.
So we see a central government -- we see a government, which has taken too much authority away from the society, now become a destructive force to the society, you see. You cannot take all government out of the family without destroying the men that make up the family. You have to have some measure of government right in the family, or the whole society is going to collapse, so we need a miracle.
So, anyway, I got -- I told you all that, but [?I was?] looking for a description of you people in Nigeria. Y- -- the -- your society has still retained a lot of authority in the individual. Your family structure is still pretty strong. You still have an extended family that is pretty strong, and, pretty much speaking, the majority of the natural leadership which is in the manhood still exists. If they see something happening, they will rise up to help the person, you know. We have had situations with people being murdered in the United States, and everybody just stands there and watches because the men are being stripped of everything within them that would respond, and it is just a wicked, wicked situation.
You have to find that middle ground whereby you have a central government that makes rules which are for the good of the people, that take some authority away from the men. For example, in Bible days, if somebody was murdered, it was the most senior man in the family who would go out and be the avenger of blood. He would murder the one who did the murder. Now -- who did the murder. Now we do not have that today. You call the police, and they arrest the man, and he goes to trial, OK. So s- -- the head of the family has to lose some of his authority so that a central government can be established, but when that central government goes so far as to strip the men of everything, it just does not work; it is destroying the whole family.
So this is the position that we find Satan in: She is completely individuated. She is a -- the prince. She is in charge of our whole world, and she is not about to go back down under the authority of Christ, so she has to be beaten down. And since Satan is in us and we w- -- and Christ has come to us and says I am your husband, and, Satan, you have got to go back down, and you have to be under my authority; it is requiring some painful experiences to change our nature. So, therefore, we find in the Scriptures several Scriptures speaking about grief-stricken people with blackness in their face, a man holding his loins like a woman in travail.
So we have to keep the balance now. It is nothing that we cannot bear. The Lord has promised to not give us more than we could bear, but for me to tell you that it would be a snap would be a lie, and there are preachers who are preaching that. They are telling you it is going -- the change is going to be accomplished automatically. And it -- I cannot tell you that because it is a lie. It is just a lie, but you can bear it. You can do all things in Christ, and you have everything you need in Christ. You have everything you need to overcome, to be an overcomer and victorious, but there will be some hardship, and Paul said endure hardship like a good soldier, and enter into the kingdom. God wants you to enter in; Christ wants you to enter in. He wants you to overcome. It is his good pleasure to give you the kingdom, but it is not without a war. That is the bottom line.
Verse 11, “And my covenant of grace was broken in that day.” I am sorry, wrong verse. “But the faithful” -- I cannot read my own writing. OK, I guess this is it.
“And my covenant of grace was broken in that day, but the faithful of the flock who were crucifying their carnal minds knew the word of the Lord.”
So in the day that the covenant of grace is being broken, in the day that the Pentecostal anointing is being called back, there is a faithful group in the flock that are hearing this word and believing that it is true, and to those group -- to that group, to those believers, says this: If your judgment is coming -- if what you think, if your opinion is coming out of the mind of Christ, if you believe that this is the true message of Christ and it is coming out of the mind of Christ, loose my Christ, which is given to you by God, even though she is appearing as Satan right now. What does that mean? The Christ which was given to you by God who is appearing as Satan right now is your human spirit. She is joined with Satan and appearing as your carnal mind, so the Lord is saying the faithful -- if you are truly faithful, you are going to know this message is true, and if you know this message is true, give me what is mine.
He wants the seed which is in you. He wants the female seed, which is destined to produce his Christ. And how do you do that? By confessing your sins and repenting. Give up all the defenses of the carnal mind, and let Christ kill your carnal mind. That is what he is saying. Stop this resistance, and start working with Christ. Start working with Christ in your own mind, and start working with Christ in anyone who he has given you to help you to judge your own soul, and stop denying all this junk is in your heart, and stop defending yourself. Give me what is mine. I want my Son to appear in you. And if it is truly Christ in you that is hearing this word, you will do it. You see, that is the proof that you are not a Pharisee sitting in a meeting like this, saying I love this doctrine, but I am not doing it. If you are truly the faithful of God, you are not only going to be hearing this word, but you are going to be doing this word, and you are going to be killing your carnal mind. Fall out of agreement with your carnal mind; agree with Christ, and kill that thing.
Verse 13, “And the Lord said to me, overturn the spirit of the idol-maker’s garment” -- that is the carnal mind -- “where I am highly esteemed.”
Now, brethren, if you fall into the category that I just mentioned, if you believe this message and you are willing to stop defending all of your sins and just call it sin and fight with Christ to kill it in you, the Lord is saying, in those men, he is saying to the Lord Jesus Christ overthrow that carnal mind. That man that is been crying all the way to the liquor store, Jesus help me, Jesus help me, Jesus help me, he is going to get his victory. The Father is sending the Lord Jesus Christ to give extra power to you to overturn the power of the enemy in your life in the faithful.
I hope you know that the Pentecostal church in this hour is filled with people who have not received their miracles. Do you know that? Filled with people that have not received their miracles. The faithful of God who are more concerned with the righteousness of Christ than their own self-image and defending their own egos and their own pride, you are the one; you will get the miracle. That is the one who is getting the miracle. If your pride is the most important thing to you, you are not going to get the miracle.
You are not going to get the miracle outside of the righteousness of God because, you see, when we defend our sin, whether we realize it or not and whether we say those words or not, when we defend our sin, we are saying that God is the guilty one. This was Job’s crime. He said, what did I do to deserve this? I did not do anything to deserve this? So without realizing it -- I am giving him the benefit of the doubt. He did not realize it. He was saying, if I did not deserve it, that makes God unfair. God is guilty of permitting unfair trials to come upon me, so we see that pride condemns God. Therefore, if you are a f- -- if you are proclaiming your righteousness despite every evil thing that is happening to you, you are manifesting pride, and that attitude will discourage God from sending the Lord Jesus Christ to overturn your carnal mind, and everybody is not getting the miracle today. In the days of the famine, brethren, God sent the prophet, Elijah, to one widow woman. I am not implying it is only going to be one person; I am implying it is going to be very few. But in the hearts of the righteous ones, he is overthrowing their carnal mind, and you are considered the members of Jehovah’s household.
“And the Lord said to me, overturn the spirit of the idolmaker’s garment, the carnal mind, where I am highly esteemed, and I see Satan in the members of Jehovah’s household.” This is the prophet, Zechariah, but he is speaking as Jesus Christ. “And the Lord said to me, overturn the spirit of the idolmaker’s garment, the carnal mind, where I am highly esteemed, and I, the Lord Jesus Christ, see Satan in the members of Jehovah’s household.” That is the true family of God.
Verse 14, “And I overturned their carnal minds so that the imparted anointing could be liberated, which is the” --
And the imparted anointing is the binding together of the grace of the Old Covenant, first to Judah and then to Israel, with the grace of the New Covenant, which is with the Israel of God. The New Covenant is with the Israel of God. The New Covenant is not a doing away of the Old Covenant so much as a binding together of the two. It is a binding together of the two. Remember, Jesus Christ came out of the Old Covenant. The law came out of the Old Covenant. The Ten Commandments came out of the Old Covenant. Jesus said, I did not come to do away with the law; I came to fulfill the law, to make it complete. The Old Covenant was partial c- -- it was good. The Old Covenant was good, but it did not have the power to complete men or to make them perfect or to give them the righteousness and the nature of God, which would catch them up to a spiritual place where sin would have no dominion over them. You see, God is not taking his law away. He is not saying that we can remain sinners and not have punishment from his law. God will always punish sin. Punishment for sin will never be withdrawn. What God is doing is raising us up above sin so that we are not guilty anymore, so that the law has no power over us because our guilt is being taken away.
Now right now, under the Old Covenant, our guilt is removed by faith, but it is not a reality unto us. So what does that mean? Our guilt is removed by faith. That means we have the opportunity to receive the power of God into our life to make our life better. If we are sick, we can be healed. If we have a curse, the curse can be broken. If we have a demon, the demon can be cast out, but, brethren, everyone that is ever partaken of the Old Covenant, either that aspect of it which was given to Judah or that aspect of it which is given to Pentecost today, still dies.
Now there is no death in righteousness, so if we are truly forgiven and raised up above sin, we should stop dying. Therefore, the church is not yet entered into the New Covenant, brethren. Oh, they hate to hear this. Pentecost, you are still under the law. You are just under the Old Covenant in a different form than Judah was under it, in a form which is much less grievous, but, nevertheless, the Old Covenant -- because in the New Covenant is eternal life, and you have not received it, even though your carnal mind has drawn the conclusion that it is after the death of the body because you had no other explanation as to why you were still dying. Eternal life is resident in a change of nature. The Old Covenant is power with God without a change in nature. It improves your carnal life but does not give you eternal life. The New Covenant changes your nature, erases the mark of the beast from you, rips out your carnal mind and gives you the mind of Christ, the righteousness of God. And against a righteous man, brethren, there is no law, and if there is no sin in you, then there is no law against you; then there is no death in you. The New Covenant is eternal life. If you are aging, if you still have problems with infirmity, if you show any sign of weakness at all, you have not yet entered in, and you can call this blasphemy from morning until night, but you are still going to die.
Verse 15, “And then Jehovah said to me, seize the carnal minds of the company of unreformed men” -- that is Pentecost -- “who are called to judge the world.”
All of us here, no matter where we think we are, no matter how much deliverance we think we have had, brethren, if we are f- -- manifesting out of our carnal mind at all, if our nature is not completely Christ, we are still unrighteous men because if we offend in one point of the law, we have broken the entire law. Brethren, if you are dead, you are dead. If you -- if a bullet goes into your heart, you want to argue with me that, if it would have moved over a fraction of a 10th of an inch, you would not have died. You are still dead. You could argue with me all that you want to argue with me, but if you are dead, you are dead, and you are not resurrected until you stop dying.
And just in case you need another witness, when you are raised from the dead, you do not need food. The power of Christ sustains the flesh of this body. It is like the difference between an atomic generator and fossil fuels, some -- or some sticks that you are burning a fire with. When you have the atomic generator in you, which is Christ, you do not have to put the fuel of animal flesh or plant life in to fuel your body. So if you still need food, that should be your last witness.
God, help us.
Help us, Lord. These people, they are amazing. God loves them. He loves us all, but they are still amazing. OK.
Verse 14, “And I overturned their carnal minds so that the imparted anointing could be liberated.”
Because the imparted anointing is in that crucifixion; that is what it means to overturn their carnal mind, which is the kingdom together -- which is the binding together of the grace of the Old Covenant, first to Judah and then to Israel, with the grace of the New Covenant, which is with the Israel of God. And the Israel of God, you might recall, is everyone who is walking according to Christ, everyone who is [?rude?] -- ruled by the internalized Christ. The Israel of God are those men who have truly been raised from the dead. The New Covenant is an internalized Christ, completely ruling you.
Do you know that gory Scripture in the Book of Revelation which the King James translators translate the blood is going to be so high it is going to be up to the horses’ bridals and all that? When we looked up every word in that Scripture, it sa- -- it does not say anything of the sort, which I sh- -- I knew you expected me to say that. What it is really saying -- what it is re- -- I m- -- [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- I do not know whether I have it in the book or not, in the Alternate Translation book or not. What it is really saying is that the full deliverance of God is that we shall be completely governed by the law of Christ. And when we are completely governed by the law of Christ, we will stop dying. Is it in there, Celia?
I think it is -- anybody know what chapter -- is it Chapter 14?
[?It is 14?].
Yeah, it is 14. It is 14 or 15. It is 14.
Yeah. It is the last verse in 14. Yeah, here it is, 14:20.
“And the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the second generation of sons were crushed in the lake of fire, and the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ flowed out and spread abroad to the other areas of their spiritual being, and Christ covered over Adam, the conscious mind of the Adamic soul, which is death, and Satan, the unconscious mind of the Adamic soul, which is Hell, even this world system, where we strive to attain the prize, which is the fullness of Christ. And the firstfruits of the second generation of sons appeared in and became one with the glorified soul of Christ, which had authority over Satan. And the second generation of Christ flowed down.” This is it. The ho- -- this is translated “horse bridals” and “the blood.” “And the second generation of Christ flowed down into Hell” -- that is this world -- “and became the undisputed authority over this world system and the law which rules it.” That must be verses 20 and 21 or some such thing.
“And the second generation of Christ flowed down into Hell and became the undisputed authority over this world system and the law which rules it.” That is the verse which the King James translators translate, “And the blood shall be up to the horse bridals,” believe it or not.
And, of course, I do have a message, if you want to read how I came to that conclusion, with all the details, it is probably the last message in the 78 series, but, once again, if you are ever looking for anything like that, Brother Dotan has the subject matter index. You would just determine the exact, correct Scripture, for example, Revelation 14:21, if that is correct, and you go into the subject matter index. You look up under R for Revelation. You follow down until you find that verse, and then you follow the dots across, and it tells you what message it is on.
Verse 16, “And I shall raise up a governor over the fallen creation who shall not seek new converts nor heal the bodies and souls which have been broken because of sin, neither shall he minister to those who have not conceived Christ nor those who have conceived him but are not living out of him. But he shall tear in pieces the carnal minds of those who have faithfully and persistently sought the kingdom of God and the righteousness which is in Christ, and he shall separate them from Satan and from them -- and form them in the image of God.”
So we see in Verse 16 the Lord saying that he is going to be doing a new thing. He is not going to be did not same works that Pentecost has done. He is not going to be seeking new converts. Let me read it for you again.
“And I shall raise up a governor over the fallen creation who shall not seek new converts nor heal the bodies and souls which have been broken because of sin.”
Now that is not saying he is not going to heal your body and soul. What he is saying is, when he tears your carnal mind to pieces and gives you the mind of Christ, any infirmity that you have, physical or in your soul, will automatically be healed. What he is saying is he is no longer going to be doing the miracles of Pentecost where your body and your emotional problems are healed without a change of nature. If you are aware of and you are wondering why the miracles of Pentecost are falling off, it is because that dispensation of grace is being shut down. If you want a healing today, you have to start working on a change of nature. God is shutting down grace, and the covenant of crucifixion is opening up to men. It will produce -- each covenant will produce the same result, a healed body and a healed soul, but the covenant of grace produced a temporary healing whereby you -- either you contracted something else, or at the very least you died anyway. But the crucifixion of covenant -- of cru- -- the covenant of crucifixion produces a permanent healing through a changed nature, which is growing out of the power of an eternal life. He is shutting down the old as he raises up the new.
And this -- just for your information, this healing which is available under the New Covenant is available today, healing which comes through a changed nature. But the knife, the weapon that we have to bring this New Covenant, is still very dull. What does that mean? It means the measure of power that we have to change our nature or to help people that we are given authority over, if you have it, to change their nature, the power is minimal. Why? Because we are still too young to be using a very sharp knife, but the power to accomplish the work is there; it is just taking a lot longer than I would like it to take, five to 10 years depending on the -- actually five months to 10 years depending on the severity of your problem. It took the Lord 13 years to heal my body because the Lord said to me, I am not healing your body with a Pentecostal healing. I am not j- -- I am not healing your body [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- outside of a change of the spiritually criminal nature which produced this disease. That does not mean it has to take 13 years for you, but let us at least get in touch with reality.
So, “He shall not seek new converts nor heal the bodies and souls which have been broken because of sin, neither shall he minister to those who have not conceived Christ.”
He is not going out teaching people who are carnal, nor those who have conceived Christ but are not living out of him. He is not dealing with those people anymore. He is turning the full force -- who? Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ is turning the full force of his power and authority and ministering to the faithful that we read about at the beginning of the chapter who are -- have fallen out of agreement with their own carnal minds and are trying to kill their own carnal minds to the best of their ability. The Lord Jesus Christ is coming to help us, and he shall tear in pieces the carnal minds of those who have faithfully and persistently sought the kingdom of God and the righteousness which is in Christ, and he shall separate them from Satan and form them in the image of God. And that condition of being formed in the image of God is known as full stature, the first stage of the resurrection.
Verse 17, the last verse, “Woe unto the carnally-minded ministers who have not produced the fruit of Christ in God’s people because Christ shall wage war against their God, Satan, and their carnal mind shall be completely overthrown, and Satan shall be cast down.”
And I suggest to you that that is the taking down of the Pentecostal church. Now what is God going to do? Is every Pentecostal church going to disappear from your streets? No. The same thing is going to happen to Pentecost as happened to the Methodist Church and the Anglican Church. There are going to be big buildings filled with people. We passed all the cars driving here today. Look at how many we are here. There was a whole big parking lot of cars at the Pentecostal church, and inside is the spirit of death, and for every man who cannot tell the difference, for every man who does not discern Christ spiritually, he is still going to be going to the big churches with the big crosses, with the men with the big gowns, whatever it is that turns you on. What are you looking for? Are you looking for big money? Are you looking for the way somebody dresses? Are you looking for political connections? Whatever your problem is, that is what you will stumble over. If you have a problem with a woman preacher, you will s- -- God will send you a woman preacher. If you have a problem with a man, he will send you a man. Why? Because he is exposing your carnality.
You have to discern Christ wherever he is. If he is in a donkey, you have to receive him, even if he is in your wife. If Christ manifests to you through your own wife, you have to receive him. Now that does not mean that you stop being a man in your marriage. We are talking about spiritual things. Marriage is not a spiritual covenant. Marriage is a carnal covenant. The woman can never be a man in a natural marriage; it is perverse. But spiritually speaking, she can have the authority which is traditionally in manhood if God gives it to her. Now she should not be taking authority over you, but if God has given her some people to have authority over, leave it be, brethren. Do not fight God; it is not worth it.
Well, praise the Lord. That was good. You know, when you listen to these two messages, if you listen to them, they are probably completely different. When -- from when I did this [UNINTELLIGIBLE], it is a whole different message. Praise God. Well, it is 3 o'clock. We ran an hour over, so I think we are going to call it quits. I am losing my voice. Did anybody have a question? I really -- OK.
In connection with this leadership, this man’s leadership, it is like after reading [?a few messages?], I wanted to say something. When somebody gets [UNINTELLIGIBLE] a man who is not godly, does he still have that kind of authority over the woman? Because it is like --
What do you mean by not godly? [CROSSTALK]
[?Do you know?] what he is speaking about?
Yeah [UNINTELLIGIBLE] [?he is?] not a Christian. Maybe he is a Buddhist, that kind of a thing.
So you are not talking about him abusing her. You are just saying -- yes, he still has that authority over her. It is her husband, yeah. But if this man starts insisting that she stop being a Christian and start worshipping Buddha, now he just m- -- [?and?] -- he just transcended his authority, you see. He has -- the man has authority over the natural life. The natural man has authority over the natural woman. From the minute that a woman becomes a Christian, for spiritual purposes, her husband has now become Christ. And as soon as there is a conflict over a spiritual issue, she is to resist her husband. Now this is a very dangerous thing that I am saying because people’s carnal minds will abuse it, but the truth is that, if your husband tells you to jump off the top of the building and kill yourself, you know you are not supposed to do that.
Right. If your husband tells you to rob a bank, you know you are not supposed to do that. If your husband tells you to kill your own child, you know you are not supposed to do that. Well, if your husband tells you that you cannot be a Christian and you have to worship Buddha, you are not supposed to do that.
Yeah. So but the -- of course, the problem with that is that, depending on the circumstances, it could break up your marriage, so you have to be very careful. If you know a woman who is going through this, to pray with her very carefully and not to be responsible for breaking up this marriage if it is not Christ. You have to be very careful that you pray with her for God’s will and for the Lord to take control of the circumstance. Now the Scripture says, if the man is willing to live with you in peace, you are not supposed to leave him, so you have to give God the opportunity to give up this pursuit of trying to force her to be a Buddhist. You have to g- -- at least see what God will do because marriage is very important. Marriages should not be broken up easily, OK.
I asked the question once to you [UNINTELLIGIBLE], and you seemed to answer it today, but let me just say it back to you. I asked what is the difference between -- what is sin unto death and sin not unto death. I hear you are talking about someone who has Christ formed in him, and he has [?a problem?], but he is not in agreement with it. [?He is?] crying out to the Father. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] [?everything is?] unrighteous. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] [?as that?], but a Scripture says there is a sin that is not unto death, and there is sin that is unto death. That means [?he that?] is not in agreement with his carnal mind and that which he does not want to do and he is crying out to the Father, if he falls into doing it, it will not be unto death to him, but yet it is still sin.
And, of course, that is only temporary. That forgiveness which comes because he is resisting is only temporary. We must continue to resist until the potential to do it is ripped out of us. The Scripture is submit yourself to God. Resist the devil, and he shall flee from you, and that sin -- if you have submitted yourself to God and you are resisting the devil, the sin is not unto death. So he whose sins are forgiven by Christ are not unto death. That is basically it, but if you are playing games with the Lord and you are playing Catholic Church, you know, you are in great danger, you know, really. I have seen people lose their call.
I know one woman. Her own testimony is that she backslid, and after she backslid, it was wormwood judgment. It was like she was outside looking in. She was aware that she had lost everything she had in Christ, and she could not get back. She cried out to God. She repented, and she could not get back. Thirty or 38 years later -- this woman was in her 60s at the time that I knew her, well, at least in her late 50s if not her early 60s. It was 30 some odd years later. He gave her another chance, and she did it again. I could not believe my eyes, but she did it again, severe pride. She just bounced right out again, and she was really starting to grow. So whether or not he will give her another chance -- she is now in her 60s, which does not -- I mean, her [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- age will not hinder you, but we will see whether God will give her another chance. I do not know.
And I know another woman who is a young woman, had a very -- oh, what an anointing on this woman, very heavy call on her life. She was young and -- 22, 23. She had a child, and her husband had -- was a drug addict and had left her, and that trauma drove her to the Lord, but she resisted the call. She was very angry. She did not want that hard life. She wanted her husband, and she wanted a natural life, and she rebelled, and she rebelled, and she rebelled. And one morning she called me up all upset; she had had a dream. She said there was blood everywhere in the dream, and the Lord was speaking to her in the dream. She knew that she -- that the Christ in her had aborted. It was spiritual blood, you know, but the Christ in her had aborted, and she heard herself saying to the Father, well, I have another chance. And he told her, yes, and this was 13 years ago. She is as carnal as this book.
Every once in a while, Christ rises up in her because the potential is always there in your human spirit, you know, but she got her wish. Her husband came back, and whatever her memory was was not accurate. It was a bad marriage, so the man did eventually get off of drugs, but the marriage still broke up. She wound up with somebody else, and that broke up. Things have not gone well for her. What I am -- my whole point is that was not -- that was a judgment. That was not a blessing of God. It was a judgment that fell on her, rebellion against the call on her life, and it is a tragedy. So she had a child from the first man; it did not work out. Then she lived with another man without marriage. She had a child from him. He turned out to be a drug addict too, and she found herself pregnant with a third child which she felt she could not bear since this man was on his way out. She had just found out he was a drug addict. She could not bear the thought of raising three children and having to work, which is very hard, and she decided to abort the child. That was what she did, and now she is with a third man, and they are supposed to be getting married. And that is all she seems to want is this carnal life, 13 years, so we will see what God will do for her.
But this is examples of wormwood judgment. Sometimes you come back, and sometimes you do not come back, and sometimes even if you come back, you have not learned your lesson. You see, God is going to let you go. He has got one purpose in mind, to raise up this firstfruits company. If you are fighting him hard enough, he will cut you loose. He is looking for the faithful few. If you are faithful, he is taking you. If he has called you and you are that much in rebellion against his call, he is going to forgive you, and he is going to forgive you, and he is going to forgive you, and then he is going to cut you loose. Why? Because he has enough faithful? Is that not what I just read to you.
He has now got enough faithful to go forward with -- now the carnal church tells you that there is only so much room for faithful people. After 144,000 there is no more room for you, but that is not true. There is enough room for as many as are faithful, but once he gets enough faithful, he is not playing games with you anymore. Can you hear the difference? It is the exact opposite. See, the church teaches, if you do not get there fast enough, if you are not one of the 144,000, you do not stand a chance. It has nothing to do with your faithfulness; it is how fast you can run.
Right? That is not true. He will take everybody that wants him. I believe that. If you want him bad enough and you are willing to pay the price, he will take you. But there is a whole bunch of people who are saying it, and their heart is not right; it is all lip service. So what the Scripture is saying is once he gets enough as m- -- enough men to accomplish his purpose, the ones who really are not serious, he is cutting them loose. I hope you can hear the difference. It is a world of difference. The carnal mind perverts everything; it is backwards, you know. Anybody else? No. Praise the Lord, brethren. OK.
The Bible says that all manners of sin shall be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven. What do you [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- what is your opinion about that?
OK. We have a whole series on that. We have the Alternate Translations in the book. You have the b- -- a copy of the book, right, the New Te- -- yeah, [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. We have the Alternate Translations in the book, and I have a whole series of messages on it. When we looked it up in the Greek, what we found out the Greek was truly saying was that men will be forgiven every sin. It is Satan. It is that blaspheming spirit that will not be forgiven. It is a mistranslation. There is no unforgiveable sin. It is the blaspheming spirit that will never be forgiven, and what that means is that Satan is not redeemable. That is what it means. Every sin known to man is forgivable because we have fallen. God knows we are sick. He is forgiving us because we are sick. Our mind has been captured by an alien force. We are not in our right mind.
In the United States, we have a law that says, if you can be proven incompetent, you are not guilty of anything, murder, anything you do. They will not execute you. They will not put you to jail, if they can prove that you were out of your mind when you did it. All o- -- we are insane. We have lost our mind. We have lost our Christ mind; that is true. We have lost our mind. He wants every single person who will come to him, but he is acknowledging that, in this present condition and because of the condition of the soul and the world in this hour, some men are just brute beasts who will not come, but that spirit which is in them, that spirit will be raised up in the last day. So the men who are brute beasts in this hour who will not come, it is just this flesh is going to be re-dissolved and reformed, but the whole spiritual creation is going to be restored because we fell, and he has forgiven us. But that wicked spirit, that s- -- that blaspheming spirit, the impurity in the earth by which we fell, she will never be forgiven. She is going back down under. She must be under authority, and she will serve man.
Did I answer your question? The w- -- the -- you know, the message is so good. Satan has so perverted this message and broken the hearts of so many people and put fear on so many people, but God is so gracious, you know, and he is so merciful, and he loves us so much and is -- as messy as this thing is, it is going to work out.
I would like to read you a Scripture from our Alternate Translations that the Lord just gave to me. It is in the Old Testament. It has profoundly touched me. It is the Book of Zechariah, Chapter 4, the account of the horses. No. It is not Chapter 4. Is it? Nope, cannot be that. Well, I hope I have it here.
Chapter 6, OK. That whole account of the horses is an account of the fall of man, and the reason the horses are without riders or without a rider is because Christ was the rider of the horse, and the significance is that the soul, which died, did not have a rider because the mind which is in the soul today, excuse me, is born of the flesh or born of the soul, and, technically speaking, only a spirit can be a rider of the horse. So we find out that that whole account of Zechariah 6 is the angel which is Christ giving information of this terrible tragedy that happened to God’s creation.
And the last verse, , says, “Then the angel, in a loud anguished cry, explained to me, you will see in due season that the parts of the living soul that unfold toward the dark part of the unconscious mind, even the spark of my life” -- that is the human spirit -- “which is to bring forth Christ, but who is now joined to Satan, that human spirit shall yet be in the place where my Spirit shall rest.”
She shall be resurrected into Christ. And when I brought forth that Alternate Translation, I c- -- even now it is touching me. It is just so profound as to the anguish that Christ has experienced at the fall of his creation, and when I read that, I think of the angel -- the mighty angel of Revelation with one foot on land and one foot on sea saying it will not -- he will not wait any longer. It is time. Do not look at the circumstances; it does not matter. His wife has been captured. She is married to Satan. She has brought forth an illegitimate child, but, nevertheless, he has declared that he will defeat our enemy and that h- -- the human spirit in men, which is his life, she shall once again be married to Christ, and that is his promise to us, not to each individual formation of the clay, but to the spiritual creation. We shall be married to Christ again, and his plan is righteous. And the fact that a man had an existence and that that existence did not carry on does not make him unrighteous. He knows what he is doing. Everything is under control. We just do not understand because we are carnal. He is good; he is faithful; he is righteous; he is true; he loves us, and everything is going to be all right in the end. That Scripture just really touched me, the angel with an anguished cry. He said, I will see my wife back in my house again. Anybody else? No, OK.
[INAUDIBLE]. After listening to you for the past five weeks, I notice that you always say, when we translated the Alternate Translation or when we [?checked it that?]. Who are this we?
Who are we? The Lord Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus in me. We did it together. I could not have done it without him. That is the definition of a son as opposed to a servant. He did not translate it through me. He worked through my natural talents and skills. We see there are a lot of occult books on the market today. One of them I use in -- when I tried to make this point. It is called “The Seth Series.” Do you have that wonderful work of il-literature in Nigeria? It is called “The Seth Series,” and it is written by a woman parapsychologist who yielded herself to some demon, and this demon would meet with her every night at a set time, and she would sit down at her typewriter, and he would actually translate into her mind what he wanted her to say, and she would type it like a secretary. That is how a devil writes through a human being, OK.
So if you know anybody who is having such an experience and thinking that it is the Holy Ghost, you need to know that the Holy Ghost does not do that. First of all, the Holy Ghost does not write books. Christ writes books, and when Christ writes books, he does not use that technique of challenging. It is probably a devil, and the only reason I am not saying for sure it is a devil is that I do not like to be so definite when I have not met the person or talked to them, but it is probably a devil. To the best of my knowledge, the Holy Ghost does not do that, neither does Christ. What Christ does when he writes or brings forth translations is he mixes himself with your human talents. There is a digestion; there is an intermingling. And the two of you together, at least for the purposes of the creative work, become one and bring it forth, and I worked for this.
And one of my greatest frustrations is that I would just love to do this whole Bible. At the rate that I am going now, I do not even think I would have enough years to do it. It would just take years and years and years with the methods that God has given me now where I am still so carnal that I have to spend all these hours looking up all these words. And things are getting better and better. This computer that he gave me is wonderful, and I have a program on the computer now that makes things much easier, but it just takes hours and hours and hours. So this is where we are right now. I do not know what would change if you should stand up in full stature next week. Maybe it would change. I do not know, but it is a labor. It is a labor which is in Christ.
I feel I would like to give you my testimony about the book, “Mind, Hell and Death,” how I wrote that book. We were in ser- -- well, first of all, I existed -- I think that this is very common for people that are truly in a ministry called by Christ. We are in a continuous condition of being overwhelmed, and there is always more work than you can do because that is God’s way of keeping pressure on you. It is the pressure on you that makes you grow. Pressure makes you grow, so I am in a continuous condition of being overwhelmed, and as I grow and I rise to the occasion, well, he just puts some more weight on me, you see, and he will keep on doing that until you stand up in full stature. So -- and my carnal mind -- he is always testing my carnal mind. I mentioned earlier I do all the office work. I do all the carnal work. I am continuously aggravated that I do not have enough time in the Scriptures, and this is my condition. I am overwhelmed. I make all kinds of lists about what I am going to do, never complete anything on the list because something else always happens to intervene.
So one day there was a word that came forth in a service. It was a very brief -- oh, my whole point was I have had people telling me for years, Sheila, you really have to start writing. You have to do this Alternate Translation. You have to start writing books. You -- people need the written word, you know. Tapes are limited. People want something they could look at in a few minutes. They do not want to put the hour and a half into listening to a tape recording. And my answer has been consistently nothing would make me happier than to write, but I just cannot figure out how I am going to do it. I do need to sleep five hours a night, and I do have to eat, and every once in a while, my body just stop going, you know, once -- well, my mind stops. There is just 24 hours in the day, and I just do not see how I could write at this time. That is been my answer for seven years. If God makes a way, I will do it. I cannot see it. Writing takes a very long time. Creative writing takes a very long time.
So we had a word of knowledge in the service one night. It was not even obvious that it was a word of knowledge. It was simply a work of my hand. I did not e- -- I do not think anybody even knew that it meant any kind of a writing or a creative work, a work of my hand. I said, oh, that is nice, and I forgot about it. The next week, I went to my desk to start to work. I was revising a set of notes that I was teaching from, and I started typing, and I had a thought in my mind, and the thought starting developing in my mind. It started out to be a note to myself that I would preach from, and as I typed away, as the idea continued to come to me, I realized that something unusual was happening and that I had much more than a note in my notes.
Transcribed by Verbal Fusion 05/24/16
1st Edit 05/27/16 rh