Part 5 of 10 Parts
The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
Praise the Lord. We are doing a very exciting translation about the two witnesses in Revelation 11. I am particularly excited because the Lord has shown me many times, and this is just one more time, how the Scripture is truly bottomless and that we can have many translations of the Hebrew Scripture, all of which are correct. They are merely coming forth on a different level of consciousness, and I do not know if I have really ever made it clear what these 12 levels of consciousness are.
They are levels of understanding which identify our spiritual maturity, and they can be likened to a 1-year-old child and a 10-year-old child. You cannot tell, certainly, a 1-year-old child what you could even tell a 5-year-old; they cannot understand what you are saying. But, yet, we can communicate with a 1-year-old child, if we do not want them to touch the hot stove. We can communicate with them. We might smack their hand, or we might just restrain them against their will, despite their screams, and just carry them away. There are di- -- there are 12 levels of spiritual understanding, and, for all I know, there are 12 levels of understanding the Scripture, if not more. What do I know what is up ahead?
And I understand the Scripture as I study it in the original language, in accordance with the maturity of the Christ in me. Now the translation of Chapter 11 that existed in our Alternate Translation -- that exists now in our Alternate Translation, it is an excellent translation, and it is -- as far as I am concerned, it is far superior to the one in the King James translation. But when the Lord showed me what he is bringing forth now, it -- [?his?] just -- hi- -- I am just really excited. Why? Because everything that the Lord has been bringing forth, excuse me, all this deep revelation -- there is even one paragraph that talks about the beginning of time. Believe it or not, it is in there, in Chapter 11.
It is just so exciting because it is another witness that what he has been bringing forth here or that what has been coming forth here is of God, and it is just another witness to me that, for every level of truth that we ascend to, we will see this truth in every level of the Scripture. It is the same thing as trying to show someone who does not believe in the Holy Ghost that the -- receiving the Holy Ghost is in the Scripture or as trying to show someone that deliverance, casting out of evil spirits, is true for Christians today. You cannot believe it unless you ha- -- ascend to the level of consciousness that comprehends this kind of truth.
And one of the -- I pray a lot of prayers, but one prayer that I pray all the time is that if I ever should come in contact with someone who is on a higher level of consciousness than I am, I pray that I receive the wisdom to not attack what they are saying, either to ask the Lord for the understanding or to leave it alone. And because I feel this way, when the Lord first started me answering false doctrine in the church, I was very concerned about it, that I was not lifted up in pride myself, coming against somebody who understands something that I did not understand.
But after much prayer, the Lord witnessed to me that the way it is obvious that this is not true in my case is that I have -- and this is a very fine line. He has given me an alternate teaching. I have -- I identify everything that the Lord has shown me as false, and I have an alternate teaching that is more mature. But, of course, people who cannot see it cannot see it, you know, but he satisfied me, that I am not doing this, that I am not wounding someone who is on a higher level of consciousness than I am because of my ignorance. But we must pray all the time because I do not want to be guilty of that. Not only do I not want to be guilty of that because it is the sin of pride, I -- if someone is on a higher level of consciousness than me, I want to know what they have. I want it, you know. I want it.
So I -- what I am going to do -- what I would like to do here is read you the recap. Now I did not have time to int- -- well, there are just a couple of verses that are interspersed, and the first six verses we worked up on Part 1, but I have not completely finished interspersing this. I think towards the end there will be one or two verses that have to be interspersed, but in this chapter, most of the verses are sequential.
I am very excited about this translation because it has revealed -- it has exposed a very great error that, if I had just stopped to think about it, I would have known could not be true. It is not possible that the two witnesses could be killed, you know. Well, I think the way I justified it, that the two witnesses were killed, was that I preached it that they were dressed in sackcloth, so they were still mortal men, even though they had Christ in them. They were still mortal men, and that was how they were killed. That was how I justified it.
But we have found out that the two witnesses are the Lord Jesus Christ, who is above, and his Son, Christ, who he is raising from the dead in us. And, brethren, when Christ in us agrees fully, in doctrine, in righteousness and in truth -- truth is doctrine. When Christ in us agrees fully and perfectly with the Lord Jesus Christ who is above, that will indicate a union of mind. When Christ in us, who is being raised up under tutors, agrees fully in issues of righteousness and in doctrine, which is truth, there will be a marriage. This will be the -- a marriage. The only way Christ in us will agree with the Lord Jesus above is when they are coming together in one mind, in one judgment of what is right and in one measure of what is true. This is the marriage, which is the fifth level of consciousness, and it is the marriage, which is just one step, one level of consciousness, before separation from Leviathan and Satan. It is a high place to be, OK.
So we must have truth in our inward parts. We must have truth in Christ, and Christ, that one who is in the earth, must agree with the one who is above, OK. And the way this is happening is that Christ is work- -- the Lord Jesus Christ is working together with our carnal mind and with Christ. When I do all these studies, I do it with my carnal mind. I submit -- my discipline is of my carnal mind. The hours I put in are carnal. My study skills, I use a computer; I use books. This is all carnal. I am doing all the research and submitting myself to everything my carnal mind could learn.
The Lord Jesus Christ is coming to me and moistening my efforts or raining on my efforts with the spirit of revelation, and the result of this is that Christ in me is maturing. So all three parts of me are working together to raise up Christ to a place where he will marry the Lord Jesus who is above, and this marriage to the Lord Jesus above is our reconnection to the golden timeline or the eternal world of Jehovah. That is o- -- the restoration of our altar, which connects us to the Father above.
This translation of Chapter 11 of the Book of Revelation indicates that -- well, of course, if we know that the two witnesses are the Lord Jesus and Christ in us -- well, we know that Christ in us could die, but the Lord Jesus can certainly not die. The Lord Jesus certainly cannot die, so this translation reveals that the one who is dying is Satan and Leviathan. Satan and Leviathan, our carnal mind, is the one who is dying, and we know from the King James translation that the two witness company prophesy. But I do not know about you, but I never knew, really, what they prophesied about. The King James says they give their testimony. Well, their testimony about what? Well, I thought it was that Jesus was risen from the dead. Well, that is nice. Well, it is not untrue, you know. But, somehow, I c- -- I never really focused on it, but do you think giving your testimony that Jesus is risen from the dead is really going to make people rise up and kill you in the streets, you know? I have heard about persecution in other countries, but I do not know. Somehow it just did not sit right. I did not think I had the whole truth.
Well, with this translation, I found out what the two witnesses are prophesying. They are going out to men who are living out of their carnal mind and saying to them, I prophesy death upon your carnal mind, Satan and Leviathan. So not only are the two witnesses going out and declaring into the heavenlies that Satan and Leviathan is about to die, prophecy is a creative word. The two witnesses are going to people and saying, Leviathan and Satan in you is going to -- are going to die. I prophesy it upon you, death upon the powers and principalities in you, death on them. It is not just a testimony. This is what happened to me. No. This is a creative prophecy. It is a judgment of death upon the powers and principalities that are ruling. No wonder L- -- Satan and Leviathan is rising up to kill them.
But I declare to you and I hope to show to you that the battle, largely, is between Christ Jesus -- well, who is Christ Jesus? Christ Jesus is the Lord Jesus Christ and the resurrecting Christ operating as one mind. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Spirit in the mind known as Christ. And when they come together and operate together, they are called Christ Jesus. Now the Lord Jesus Christ comes together with Christ from time to time; it does not have to be a permanent union. The permanent union of the Lord Jesus and Christ is the fifth level of consciousness, which is marriage, and a marriage is permanent. That means the Lord Jesus comes together with Christ, and they do not -- they -- from that point on, they do not depart from one another.
For those of us, however, who have not yet attained to the fifth level of consciousness, we do have experiences whereby Christ in us comes together with the Lord Jesus. I would like to -- I do not know for sure, but I would like to believe that is what is happening when I preach to you, and I would like to believe that that is what is happened when I study because all of this marvelous truth is coming forth, OK. They can come together for any purpose that the Lord Jesus Christ desires to accomplish, which requires the spiritual strength necessary -- which requires the spiritual strength of the two of them working together to accomplish what the Lord Jesus wants to accomplish. But until we are married, until we ascend to the fifth level of consciousness, we come together with the Lord Jesus Christ, and we separate; we do not stay joined to him, OK.
So the Lord -- this is just really exciting because we found what the -- that -- what the two witnesses are preaching, and we found out that the two witnesses are Christ Jesus. The two witnesses together are Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man, and that it is Christ Jesus in men prophesying against Satan and Leviathan in men and that the first one that we prophesied death to is Satan and Leviathan in ourselves.
Now there is no way that any one of us is going to be prophesying the death of Satan and Leviathan in another man if we have not taken enough authority over Satan and Leviathan in ourselves so that we could do it because they are going to try to be stopping us from doing it every word out of our mouth. If you are preaching this message or even if you believe this message, even if you cannot give it out to anyone, if you believe this message, you must have significant chains on your own carnal mind. To be sitting in a meeting like this, to be listening to these messages, if you are on the other side of the world or wherever you are, you must have significant chains on your carnal mind to even be listening to the messages.
So, first, we preach it to our own powers and principalities. Then we preach it to those near to us, and, eventually, as the Lord leads us, we will be preaching it to other men. Now some that we preach it to want the preaching, like the people in this meeting, and you are all cooperating by dealing with your own carnal mind. So Chapter 11 starts out dealing with the believers in whom Christ Jesus is coming forth, but I th- -- I believe that there are verses towards the end where -- specifically when it talks about the enemies of the two witnesses.
Of course, we have enemies within ourselves, but there are men out there in the church -- more likely in the church than out of the church, but they could be out of the church -- who are our enemies. They are hostile to us. This is the definition of the word, enemy. They are hostile to us, and that if they could do it, they would hurt us. And how would they hurt us? What is their intention in hurting us? They want us to stop prophesying their death because, when Christ in you prophesies the death of your carnal mind or someone else’s carnal mind, there is power to kill them. You see, it has to be Christ in you prophesying it. There is power to kill them.
Now we had an interesting interaction here this morning that Leviathan -- the fellowship was divided. Leviathan rose up in half of the brethren to attack the -- this me- -- to attack and to prevent the prophecy of their death coming forth from the other half of the brethren. Is that not exciting? So if you were one of the people in whom Leviathan rose up, that is OK, as long as you can see it. Can you see it? We are here practicing to dis- -- learn how to distinguish between Christ and Leviathan. Brethren, let me tell you, the only way you are going to learn how to tell the difference is when Leviathan manifests. You see, she has got to manifest for you to recognize her, so praise God. We had a manifestation in the service this morning; that is just wonderful. OK.
I guess, that is all I wanted to say. A- -- well, I will say this before I start reading this recap. We also -- I have also found in this chapter some -- the revelation of deep truth that came forth in “Quantum Mechanics and Creation” and some of the “Spiritual Foundations.” That never ceases to excite me. I -- this is the first time I have really found it -- well, that is not true. I find it a lot in Paul’s writings, that he is talking about something very carnal, and then, all of a sudden, he throws in something spiritual. And right in the midst of this chapter is one or two verses just reiterating deep, spiritual truth about the -- our beginnings.
And, also, brethren, I have found a witness in this chapter to re- -- to evolution. Now do not stop reading. Brethren, the Lord made -- Jehovah and Elohim made a spiritual creation, and that spiritual creation fell, and even after that spiritual creation fell, Jehovah was working with it to keep it in a holy place and in a safe place because, when you fall out of holiness, you fall into a very dangerous t- -- place, which is a spiritual jungle. But in that safe place, the creation, whatever it looked like in those days -- we are talking about Genesis 11 now -- was seeking to build an evil mind and to use that evil mind against Jehovah, so Jehovah came down, and he turned that -- whatever they were at that time, he turned them over to the animals.
Now I have seen this revelation in several stages because my own Leviathan did not want to see the truth of this. The spirit, the breath of life that was breathed into the creature at the beginning of time, was turned over to the animals, and very recently, maybe just a month ago, I told you -- I shared with you that I had the revelation that, when Jehovah cast down the creation, that they appeared on this earth as primitive man, Cro-Magnon man, what- -- whoever the first man was -- and that the serpent has actually evolved us to the condition that we are in today. But it is even more severe than that, brethren, and I will show it to you in this chapter. It is even more severe than that.
The scientists have a real grasp on the formation of this world. The reason the Christians are so up in arms against evolution is because everybody thinks that the evolutionists are saying that God made us by evolving us from apes, but it wa- -- that was not what Jehovah and Elohim did, but that is what the serpent has done after the breath of life was turned over to her. And I want to suggest to you -- and do not stop reading. I am telling you, I challenge you to keep reading this, but pray about it. The scientists will tell us, at the beginning of time, there existed only the primordial sea. It was just a sea. This whole planet was covered with water, just a sea, and in the water was slime that was just a bunch of chemicals, and I forgot the word, chemicals and proteins and the basic, basic building blocks of matter. And at the very beginning of time, it was slime in the primordial sea that covered the whole earth, and over billions of years, this slime built itself up into an animal world of which human being are the par- -- are a part.
Now, brethren, I want to tell you that this is exactly in line with what I have taught you of how spirit incarnates, that spirit incarnates by folding over on itself, and I have drawn lines on the board that sf- -- spirit just folds over itself until it gets thick. Now, brethren, is this not what I have taught you that the waters of life did when the separated from the seed? Did not [sic] the waters join with the earth and thicken herself and build mounds. The Scripture talks about being -- building mounds, high places. Whatever I -- whenever w- -- I found that in the Scripture, I always thought of the earth being mounded up. I always thought of man and animals of the earth, like the earth outside my house being mounded up, but apparently I was not seeing it quite correctly. These chemicals and the other -- there is a name for the building blocks of the life of this world, and it is just slipping my mind right now. It was in the form of slime in the primordial sea, and over billions of years -- and who is the name of the sea? Who is the sea? OK.
Satan is the sea. She has just gathered together, within herself, the solid parts of her waters, and this slime has gotten thicker and thicker and thicker and thicker, and the first thing that appeared was fish or whatever lived in the sea. And, eventually, she thickened herself to the point that animal life appeared, and it was not just the earth from the ocean bed. That is what I was thinking of. Why could it not just be the earth from the ocean bed? Because, you see, when Jehovah gave the creature over to the animals, what appeared was a primordial sea in which the breath of life was completely dissolved. The breath of life was completely dissolved in the sea. I preached that three or four years ago, but I had no idea what I was saying, that the human spirit was dissolved in the sea. Do you remember when I preached that? A long time ago, and I still talk about it once in a while.
The human spirit appeared in this visible, physical world in the form of the chemicals and the building blocks, the proteins which are the building blocks of the life of this world, dissolved through the sea. And over a period of time, there was a thickening, and the world is not partially water and partially animal. This is all the work -- I should not even say the work of Satan, but the one underneath Satan. Satan is this present generation. Underneath her is the serpent and the serpent’s neck, and now this visible world stands upon it. Evolution is true, but it is not Jehovah and Elohim’s creation.
And, also, there are Christians -- I have spoken to them, that -- they are convinced, from what they read in Genesis 1, that there were two creations. I remember the first young man that showed me this, but, of course, the way they believe it is that Jehovah failed with the first creation, and he wiped it out, and he started again. And I could never receive that in my spirit, but this message I could receive: The creation that Jehovah and Elohim made fell. Jehovah tried to -- he did his best that he could to help them to be holy in their present condition, but their hearts were continuously evil towards him. And, finally -- and we had this in the exhortation this morning, that there are no- -- there is no Scripture that says God helps those who helps themselves -- who help themselves, but it is an unstated principle in the Bible; it is not stated in those words.
And, finally, Jehovah said, I have done everything I could to keep you alive, to keep you in a spiritual place where all provision is for you, but you are not working with me. You are building an evil mind for your own purposes. I, therefore, cut you loose. And I know that in the day that you separate from me -- I know, Jehovah said, you will become a female animal. Therefore, the Scripture says Jehovah turned them over to the animals. He knew what they would become when he separated from them. Who is them? The creation, whatever it looked like at that time, which had fallen down from the level that it was originally built at, but was still in a safe place, and Jehovah was still with them. And he said, just hang in there with me, and I will get you back. It does not have to get any worse than this.
But whatever the creation looked like at that time, they did not do their part. They did not submit to a holy, righteous way of life, but grew more and more evil every day, seeking to build their own mind and their own connection to spiritual power until, one day, Jehovah said, look at what they are doing. I will not help those who are not working with me. Jesus said, if you are not with me, you are against me. And Jehovah knew that when he separated himself from the creation, whatever they looked like at that time, that they would become a female animal, and that is why we found the translation in Genesis 11 that said Jehovah turned them over to the animals.
It was not like in witchcraft we -- [?where?] -- if you ever watched one of those TV programs, “I Married a Witch,” you know, where someone snaps their fingers and you become a cow or you become a tiger, Jehovah did not say, I make you an animal. Jehovah knew; he knew what would happen when he separated from them, that they would become a female animal. He did not wish it on them; he did not pray it on them; he did not preordain it for them, but he knew what would happen.
And the serpent got a hold of the breath of life, and she incarnated this world, and she started out as the primordial sea with globs of protoplasm in her that, over millions of le- -- of years, turned into what we are today. Brethren, this is the serpent’s creation, and I have the first scriptural witness that I have seen in Revelation 11, believe it or not. You see, you never know where you are going to find these deep, spiritual truths because they are scattered through the Scripture. The deeper the truth, the deeper the revelation, the more likely it is that it is in an isolated place just stuck in, tucked in with something else. The Lord does not drop these truths into us like candy bars. You have to study to show yourself approved. It is a privilege to dig out the truth of the Scripture. You have to dig it out; it is gold.
So there is a whole bunch of interesting stuff in this Revelation 11. I will read you the recap. We have through -- well, it says -- on your notes, it says it is verses 1 through 10, but I did get through 13, so you could change that. I am going to try not to expound. I am going to try to just read through, and then we will go back to page 1.
Recap, Revelation 11:1-13, “And a new mind was given to me, which had all the weaknesses of my mortal mind, yet it was strong. And Christ Jesus appeared in me saying, transfer into my mind, and estimate the maturity of the mind of Christ and of Christ’s relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ who is above, which reveals the maturity of the whole individual who is worshipping God in the Lord Jesus Christ’s timeline. But the serpent’s captain is also estimating the maturity of the carnal minds which she provides for the bestial multitudes, so cast Satan and Leviathan, your external mind, off of your Christ mind because only Christ Jesus, the holy city, will be able to tread the carnal minds of the two-headed beast under their mind.”
You see, if you are going to tread a mind under, you have to have something the tread it under. If you do not have the mind of Christ, you will never tread your carnal mind under because there is nothing to tread it under.
Verse 3, “Indeed, I shall present my two witnesses to mortal man, and they shall prophesy that the carnal minds, which are the serpent’s timelines, which are clothed in mourning” -- that is fallen personalities -- “shall” -- that is dead, fallen personalities -- “shall die when the resurrected Christ mind marries the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Now that is what was -- that is what that whole issue was in this ministry this morning. Here it is in verse 3. “The serpent’s timelines, which are the carnal minds clothed in carnal personalities, well, f- -- dead personalities, shall die when the resurrected Christ marries the Lord Jesus, who is the Holy Spirit. And these two sources of the anointing, the Lord Jesus Christ and Christ, together known as Christ Jesus, shall stand in human bodies in the visible, physical world, and they shall have Jehovah’s authority to use all manner of public calamity and heavy affliction as often as they deem necessary to cut down the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that is in their earth and to repossess the waters of life. But the hostile ones who are criminally disposed to violate Christ Jesus shall oppose him, so, for this reason, the lake of fire shall come out of Christ Jesus’ mouth and devour Leviathan and kill Satan.”
Now, look, I have to stop here. I have to point out to you, brethren, that this is what happened here this morning. You see, our carnal mind wants to make the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ into some grievous, frightening thing with people running down the street all on fire and screaming and yelling, but this is not so, brethren, because this verse happened right here. Let me give it to you again. I want you to relate these Scriptures to reality.
“But the hostile ones who are criminally disposed to violate Christ Jesus shall oppose him.”
Now half of the brethren here opposed Christ. Now we know it was your carnal mind, and your carnal mind is hostile, is criminally disposed to violate Christ Jesus, and therefore they opposed him. Now, be careful, do not get any condemnation in here now. This is an exciting message because you are Christ, and you are also your carnal mind. So what happened this morning was that Christ in you failed to police your carnal mind. There is no crime in that. It happens, so now you can learn from it to police your carnal mind in the future, but that is what happened. The hostile one in you, who was criminally disposed to violate Christ Jesus, opposed Christ in someone in whom Christ was manifesting, someone who had their carnal mind down under Christ, believers who love one another, who have been fellowshipping together for years. The carnal mind rose up in some of you and attacked the one in whom Christ was appearing.
This is what is going to happen. Do not get condemned now because you have to know this because, as Christ starts manifesting in you, people will be attacking you. Now you have to know that they do not know what they are doing. You have to know -- you have t- -- you see, you have to experience it yourself so that when you are persecuted for -- because Christ is manifesting in you, you will be able to help the people in whom the carnal mind has risen up to attack you. And if your response to these people is that they are your enemies and you are out to get them -- of course, that would be your carnal mind’s response -- you are not ministering Christ. You had to have this experience this morning. You have to see this; it is essential preparation for dealing with people in whom the carnal mind will rise up and attack you. It was essential. Resist condemnation with all of your strength.
“But the hostile ones who are criminally disposed to violate Christ Jesus shall oppose him,” happened this morning, “and for this reason, the lake of fire shall come out of Christ Jesus’ mouth and kill them.”
Well, did anyone see the lake of fire this morning? Where did you see the lake of fire? The lake of fire. Where did you see the lake of fire? The lake of fire. Did anybody see the lake of fire this morning? I am going to read it again.
“But the lake of fire shall come out of Christ Jesus’ mouth and devour Leviathan and kill Satan.”
It came out of your mouth.
It sure did, came out of my mouth, and it killed Leviathan and Satan in you. Now you have to realize that Leviathan and Satan, tha- -- to the -- when the Scripture says that we kill them, it does not mean that they are dead-dead. Why? Because the serpent’s neck, Leviathan, the subconscious mind, raises them from the dead. So there are going t- -- there is going to be a series, a period of time, over which we kill Satan and Leviathan, but they do not die dead, OK. Another way to say it is we wound them; we weaken them, OK. But the Scripture says we kill them, so I am going to take it at face value, that every time Christ Jesus rises up and defeats Satan and Leviathan, the Bible says we have killed them. Now my carnal mind says, well, they are not really dead, but the Bible says we killed them, so, as far as I am concerned, we killed them in this circumstance. We killed them in this issue, OK, and I believe that, and I believe that, every time we do that, they are weaker, and we will not stop doing until they dead-dead, lying in the street, dead, never to rise again.
So praise the Lord. It happened here this morning. The hostile ones who are criminally disposed to violate Christ Jesus -- does not make you a bad person. It means that your own carnal mind rose up and ex- -- and revealed herself through you to oppose Christ in the one that he was appearing in. And for this reason, the lake of fire shall come out of Christ Jesus’ mouth and devour Leviathan and kill Satan. So everybody knows who they were this morning: You were Leviathan and Satan. You were Christ who did not seem at all capable of defending himself, and I was Christ Jesus, in this circumstance. That does not mean that the day could not come that I could be Leviathan and you could be Christ Jesus.
We are all headed for the same place, but so long a- -- well, whoever is the most mature at the moment is revealed when they destroy the attack, you see. They destroy the powers and principalities, and they strengthen Christ, and this is not -- it is not a game; it is not a contest for who is better. Everyone can enter into Christ Jesus. There is a whole world out there to be ministered to. And when the whole world -- when Christ Jesus is appearing in the whole world, well, then the Lord has something else for us. It is not a test for who is better or who is smarter. We are here to strengthen our brethren to expose sin, to destroy it and to strengthen the Christ mind in the people in whom he is coming up; that is what our job is.
Praise the Lord. Verse 6, “Becau- -- and the reason that this is going to happen, that the lake of fire is going to come out of Christ Jesus’ mouth and devour Leviathan and kill Satan, is because Satan and Leviathan have the serpent’s authority to shut up the human spirit so that the Spirit of Christ, which is the seed of Christ Jesus’ prophecy” -- and I will go over this in detail -- “does not draw him out of their carnal minds and return him to the world above. And when they, Christ Jesus, finish his testimony concerning Satan and Leviathan’s future, the wild animal that evolved from the bottom of the abyss or the earth of the abyss shall make war against Christ Jesus, but Christ Jesus shall overcome Satan and Leviathan and kill them.”
And I rebuke the translation in the King James Bible who says it is the two witnesses who will be killed by the beast from the bottomless pit. I have nothing against the King James translators; they did the best they could. But as you will find out when we go over this verse in detail -- you see, the only difference is this one word, “But Christ Jesus shall overcome and kill them,” and the King James translators chose to translate that Greek word “and,” and it changes the whole sentence. “And they shall make war against Christ Jesus and overcome and kill him.” That is what the King James translators say, but I say, no, not “and,” “but Christ Jesus shall turn around and kill them,” and we will go over this in detail.
“Indeed, the waters of life penetrated our Lord, Adam, so that the serpent’s neck, that large, flat city, which is the serpent’s timeline, could generate Satan and Leviathan, the double-headed tunnel that connects the serpent to herself. But she” -- that is the serpent’s captain -- “shall be ruined, and Christ Jesus shall discern Satan, the third part of their dead, serpentine mind that is in the same place with their Christ selves and the spiritual Christians and the natural Jews and the carnal church and those who have no knowledge of Christ, and they shall bend Leviathan, their conscious mind, down into a passive position underneath their Christ mind, and they shall divorce her.” That is Leviathan.
“And the personalities that dwell in the earth shall rejoice over themselves because they have acquired the mind of Christ, and they shall sacrifice their carnal minds and thrust their Christ minds into one another, and the Lord Jesus Christ shall double over the -- or overlay the Christ mind, and that is how these two prophets, the Lord Jesus and Christ, will force Satan and Leviathan, the carnal minds of those who use witchcraft in the earth, down under their Christ mind.”
“And the Spirit of life from Christ Jesus arose in the human spirit who is in the midst of Satan, the third part of their carnal mind, and Christ stood upon their carnal mind, and Christ Jesus prostrated the serpent’s captain, that exceedingly terrible one who is across from them, in those who discerned him.”
Please check that out. This mighty salvation is happening in those who discern Christ Jesus. You have got to see him to enter into this salvation, and we are blinded to him. Who blinds us to him? Our own carnal mind blinds us. We have got to have this procedure, this training that is going on here to distinguish between the two because, if it were possible, and it is possible, the very elect would be deceived. In what way? They cannot tell the difference between their good and evil self. That was what caused Adam to fail the test at the beginning of time. He could not tell the difference between his good and evil self, and he made the wrong choice. So be assured that if you cannot tell the difference between the two, you are sure to make the wrong choice because that is the way it is set up. The evil is strong. You have to choose good. If you are not making an active choice, the evil has you.
Verse 11, “And the Spirit of life from Christ Jesus” -- I think I read that already.
Verse 13, “And the Lord Jesus Christ, the other one who had ascended to the 12th level of consciousness, generated a spiritual storm in the lower heaven that quaked the earth. And Satan, Leviathan and the serpent’s captain” -- that is a threefold marriage there, satanic marriage -- “that marriage decayed, and the evil nature of the man-faced creature that was married to Satan and Leviathan was killed by the storm. And the part of them that remained was terrified, and he gave themselves over to the mind of the Lord Jesus Christ"
Very exciting, brethren. We are going to page 1 now. This is the hour. It is happening now. It has begun to happen. How long it will take, I do not know; I am just convinced that it will be in our lifetime, and it could be very soon. I do not know, and it is my understanding, as I told you on Part 1 of this message -- this is something new that the Lord just told me, that [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- first, Christ has to be conceived in you, but once Christ is conceived in you, we will ascend above the surface of this -- of the sea of this world when the truth in our heart lines up with the truth that is the Lord Jesus, and he tells us that he is the truth.
And what you have to do and what I do all the time is pray for the truth all the time. I tell the Lord all the time, I am not just asking you; I am begging you. Deliver me from any error. Deli- -- I am begging you. I am not asking you. Well, if I just happen to be wrong, set me straight. I am begging you because my life depends on this, to straighten me out not only doctrinally, in any area where I have wrong thinking or I am doing the wrong thing, in any area. Please, tell me, and if I do not hear you, do not stop telling me until I hear you, please. That is my prayer. That is how I pray. OK.
We did the first six verses on Part 1. We are going to review them, and I believe it is verse 6 that I had to change radically because I did not have the revelation right.
I point out to you, as I have many times before, that if you check these Scriptures out in the King James, you will see that more Scriptures do not have a subject than do have a subject. It just says “he” or “it” or “they,” and what happens to the average person, including me, is that you just assume. You just draw conclusions about who the Scripture is talking about, and if the first sentence has a subject, you just assume that all the verbs after that are referring to that first subject, which, in most instances, I have found, is not the case. And the only way you are going to be able to tell who the subject or the verb is, is to have this doctrine, to have this understanding in your heart. This is a mystery. The truth of the Scripture is a mystery. Actually, this written word, this book, this -- words written in English, it is a mirror. It is a mirror that reflects the understanding that is already in our heart. You see, whatever is in your heart, you see it in the word. Now is that not interesting?
The Scripture talks about the king of Babylon who looks in the liver, and we know that -- well, I do not know if you know, I know that a lot of people out there who do fortune telling, some of them scramble eggs, and they look in the eggs. Some of them look at your palm, or some of them look in your eyes. The truth of the matter is that these people who do these things, who look for spiritual knowledge by looking in eggs or a mirror on the wall or a piece of flesh, OK, what they are really doing is looking for a mirror to bounce their own spirit off of.
Now this very deep. Try and understand me. This is truly the way it works. You see, all of this spiritual knowledge is in our mind. It is in Satan, our unconscious mind, and even deeper than Satan. We have a subconscious mind that connects us to every other human being on the earth. We are calling our subconscious mind the serpent’s captain because that is the only name I could come up with. And the Scriptures seems to call her Leviathan, but, also, our conscious mind is called Leviathan, so it gets very confusing, so I am calling -- until the Lord shows me a better name, the subconscious mind, where every b- -- where every mind of every human being alive meets. There is a spiritual place that is a place of ingathering.
Have you heard about the ingathering of the saints? And the churches out there, many members of the church having parties and ingatherings and calling the saints to come in their physical bodies. Brethren, the place of ingathering is the subconscious where everybody in that tree meets. Now the whole -- every human being alive is gathered into the subconscious mind of the serpent, but there is another tree in the earth, and it is the tree of life, and the tree of life has a tree trunk or a subconscious mind or a place of ingathering, but the only people that get in there are the people who are in Christ. The ingathering, brethren, is that Christ in the individual believer matures enough so that his roots go down into the subconscious mind, where he meets, on a spiritual level, every other believer in the world.
So, you see, all knowledge is within. All knowledge that the serpent has is available to every human being on the face of the earth, if they could just get their conscious mind in contact with the serpent. Now, of course, this is illegal. It is an illegal spiritual activity. You have to go through Satan to get your conscious mind connected to the serpent, in which is all knowledge of this world. Jehovah has outlawed this, and there are serious consequences to those who attempt to do it, but this is not illegal in Christ Jesus, you see. All knowledge that the serpent has, plus -- well, of course, a lot of what the serpent has is polluted and wrong and convoluted, but all knowledge of everything is in Christ Jesus. The whole trick is to get our conscious mind in connection with Christ Jesus, and that is what we are trying to do by studying here, but all knowledge is within the mind.
So what the people in the world do that are into witchcraft, they have found that, if they look in a mirror or if they look in the liver or if they look in eggs, somehow the knowledge that is in their unconscious and their subconscious mind reflects onto their conscious mind, and they see things, and they understand things, and they have knowledge that they did not have in their conscious mind alone. Does anybody not know what I am talking about? This is what we do with the Scripture. The words, the written English words that are in this book that we call the Bible, are a mirror; they are a spiritual mirror. When we look at them, they are also -- you could call them a point of contact. When we look at them, desiring the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ, if our heart is truly right, we may get some error at some point, but depending on the maturity of the Christ in us, the knowledge which is in Christ Jesus, our subconscious mind, can be reflected forward into our conscious mind through this point of contact, these words that are in the Bible.
And that is why Paul said we see through a glass, darkly. This mirror that -- we have the King James translation, or e- -- all of the translations today are just offshoots of the King James translation. This mirror, we see into it darkly. Why? Because we are looking with our carnal mind. Well, I hope I am not, but most of the people in the church. I hope nobody here is, but most of the people in the church y- -- or anyone who reads the Bible, they do not have the mind of Christ, so it is darkness in you looking at the word of God.
Or if you do have Christ being formed in you and Leviathan is covering over that Christ, Christ in you is looking at the mirror through darkness, and it is when we find the strength to circumcise Leviathan off of our Christ mind that we will see into the mirror unhindered, and we will have all knowledge of everything that is within us, of the golden timeline, of the golden age. Eternity is within us if Christ is within you. Even if Christ is not in you, the human spirit is eternal. But we look darkl- -- not that the glass is dark. The Bible is not dark, but the darkness is within us. Isaiah said darkness covers the whole earth, and gross darkness the people. We look at the mirror through darkness, and whatever we get out of this mirror is a miracle because the Lord Jesus Christ is making a way for us to see in the darkness until such time as Leviathan is circumcised, or I do not believe Leviathan is circumcised off of me, but apparently the Lord Jesus Christ, through Christ that he is raising from the dead in me, is shining a great deal of light through me. Praise God.
Maybe the foreskin is very thin. I honestly do not know how it works, you know. I do not know whether Leviathan gets thinner and thinner and thinner and becomes -- and goes from being opaque, which means no light gets through at all, to be translucent, which means some light gets through, to being transparent, which means all light goes through. I do not know if it works that way or if it is a -- or if Leviathan stays opaque and he is just cut off. Well, to be honest with you, I never thought about it, but I am getting a strong witness in my spirit that the way we get circumcised, the way Christ is circumcised, is that Leviathan gets thinner and thinner and thinner and thinner, and more and more light comes through the thinner she gets, until fallen she just [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- finally Christ just passes through her. Wow, it is exciting. OK.
I am going to start expounding. I will not have too much to say about the first five verses because they are just a review. As I told you -- I believe it is verse 6 -- I really did not see the depth of the translation. That does not mean what I told you on Part 1 is wrong; you can definitely benefit from reading that message. The Lord just showed it to me deeper. And, again, the issue is who are these Scriptures talking about. That is the issue. We have all these verbs with no subject. Who are they talking about? And the only way we can tell is if we look in the mirror of our King James translation or in- -- I use the interlinear somewhat, but it is still just words, you know -- that we look in our mirror, and the fullest extent to which Christ shines his light through our carnal mind, that is how we see it, you know. And one day we could see it deeper than the next day, just did not see it.
Verse 1, there is no change here, “And a new mind was given to me, which had all of the weaknesses of my mortal mind, yet it was strong. And Christ Jesus appeared in me saying, transfer into my mind, and estimate the maturity of the mind of Christ and of Christ’s relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, who is above” -- he is our altar. He is our connection to the world above -- “which observation will reveal the maturity of the whole individual who is worshipping God in the Lord Jesus Christ’s timeline.”
That means the mind of Christ. This is how you discern someone’s spiritual maturity: You look for Christ. And how do you recognize Christ? You recognize Christ through the words that the person says. You either recognize him or do not recognize him through the words that the person says. You try the spirit on the words that the person says. And the Lord Jesus Christ is the Spirit of the mind of Christ. Praise the L- -- and the only way you will ever recognize them is if you have them. That is my understanding of the Scripture. You cannot recognize Christ; you cannot recognize Christ Jesus if you do not have Christ. You have no basis for recognition.
I know when I was a disciple, I spent five years in a deliverance church, and I remember the first t- -- you see, I was not raised in the church, so I really did not know anything about religious spirits or Pharisees or anything like that. I did not have much -- any religious upbringing. And the -- I remember the first day I had heard somebody talking about all those religious spirits, and I had never heard anything like that before. I said to the Lord, what is a religious spirit? I was talking to religious spirits four time a week in that church, but I did not know what a religious spirit was. I did not recognize it until it was pointed out to me. Then the Lord started showing me mind control, how to recognize mind control. It was not anything that I had not seen before; I just did not know what it was. You will never recognize Christ if you do not have an intimate relationship with Christ yourself. OK.
In Part 1 of this message, I was not sure how to translate the word, “city,” and if you read that message, you will hear me telling you I am not sure how to translate the word, “city.” But what -- I do not mean translate. I [UNINTELLIGIBLE] interpret. I was not sure what the word, “city,” was signifying. But I discovered, while translating verse 8, that the word, “city,” signifies the subconscious mind. You see, the Scripture will explain itself, if you could just find the right verse to give you the clue. In verse 2, it was not clear to me, from the context of the whole verse, what the word, “city,” is signifying. But in verse 8 it was very clear, so I went back, and I made my adjustment in verse 2.
That happens to me all the time. I am in a study, and a light is revealed that illuminates something that I was wondering about for a long time. That is -- sometimes when I try to study, I wind up all over the place because I re- -- I see something, and I say, oh, that is what that means, and I go look over here, and I go look over there, and I am in six different studies at one time. I have to pray to ask the Lord to control me because I am all over the place, and I have to ask for him to put me in the study that he wants me in right now.
Verse 2, “But the serpent’s captain” -- and just for c- -- let me say this for people who do not study with us all the time. The serpent’s captain is the name that we are giving to the serpent’s subconscious mind, typified by the trunk of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The serpent is the roots of the tree. The subconscious mind or the serpent’s neck or the serpent’s captain is the trunk of the tree, and all the human beings who have carnal minds, which is the whole world, are the -- their s- -- their minds are the branches of the tree, and the leaves of the tree are their physical bodies and their personalities.
And the reason the subconscious mind is called the serpent’s captain -- you see, every time there is two names for one thing, you should know that whatever we are talking about is called one thing when it is relating to A, and it is c- -- well, let me make it simple for you. Well, sometimes I have -- I do not know how I am going to say this. We can have one -- well, OK, let us do it this way. We have one man, OK. When he is relating to his wife, he is called husband, and when he is relating to his children, he is called father, but it is the same man. So if we find something in the Scripture that has two names, we should know that one name identifies him when he is relating to one thing, and another name identifies him when he is relating to some other thing.
Now the serpent’s -- the subconscious mind of the serpent is called the serpent’s captain with regard to all the branches that he is lord ov- -- that she is lord over. Remember I said the serpent’s captain is the trunk of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which branches out into all the branches, which are the many carnal minds. Well, the trunk is the captain over all of the branches, all of the individual carnal minds, so she is called the serpent's captain because she is head and lord over all of the individual conscious minds, Leviathan in each individual.
But the subconscious mind of the serpent is called the serpent's neck in relationship to the serpent because the serpent is the roots that is down in the earth, and her subconscious mind is, for all intents and purposes, the serpent stretching her neck out into the visible world. She is the roots down in the earth, and she wants to get higher to the visible, physical world, so she stretches her neck out. And as her neck stretches, it stretches into the tree trunk, which is the serpent's neck.
Let me put that on the board for you. This is drawing number one, and it represents the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The serpent is the roots. The tree trunk is the subconscious mind of man, and it is called, sometimes, the serpent's captain, and it is called, sometimes, the serpent's neck, OK. These black lines at the top of the trunk are the branches, typify the branches of the tree, and the branches of the tree indicate the individual conscious mind.
You see, we are -- we have a mind. Mortal man has a mind; it has a conscious part, an unconscious part and a subconscious part. The branches are the individual conscious minds. The tree trunk, which is the subconscious mind that connects the serpent, which is the roots of the whole tree, to the branches, which is the individual conscious mind, is called the serpent's captain when she is relating to the branches, which are the individual conscious minds. The serpent's captain is the military officer, the commanding officer over the individual conscious minds of mortal man. She is their military, commanding officer, and her title is captain. How do I know that? I found it in some Scripture somewhere when I was doing some deep study. I found it. She is also the lord of the conscious minds of mortal man.
But this same subconscious mind, when she is relating to the serpent who is her head -- you see, the subconscious mind is the captain over all the conscious minds in the world; she is the boss. But when the subconscious mind relates to the serpent who is her boss, she is not captain over her boss; she is called the serpent's neck. She is certainly not the serpent's captain, and the reason she is called the serpent's neck is that the indication in the Scripture is that the serpent, who is down here and who is the roots in the earth, desires to ascend towards the visible world. And in this desire or this desire to vibrate towards a visible world, which is really -- it is not really up; it is out -- she stretches herself. She is really interested in getting there, and as she stretches herself, due to her interest, she turns -- she becomes the serpent's neck.
It is as if to say we had -- you see, we do not have the power in this world, but -- in this spiritual world, technically speaking, if I wanted to see what was outside that closed door, if I was mature enough, which I am not, my spirit could vibrate out through that door and see what was going on around the corner. Now I have experienced that twice, but I do not have any control over it. The Lord did it both times in an -- I am stuttering -- in an emergency situation. He let me see what was on the other side of the closed door. But people who are mature, spiritually, they can do it at will. Their spirit vibrates out of their body. Their spirit stretches out beyond their body, goes through the door and sees what is on the other side of the door. That is the significant [sic] of the serpent's neck. As she desires to be in a place that is beyond where she is, which is the roots in the ocean bed -- as she desires to go towards the visible world, she pu- -- just like a tree puts out a shoot, her neck appears and stretches up towards the visible world or out towards the visible world. And that neck, when it relates to her, is her neck, but when it relates to the individuals in the visible world, that neck is the captain or the lord of all the conscious minds of the world.
So, you see, when we get into this warfare and we start recognizing Leviathan, do not think for a second that you are just up against Leviathan in your mind because you are not. You are up against Leviathan in your mind. You are up against Leviathan, the collective Leviathan in your immediate family, who does not like Christ coming forth in you. I do not care how much they love you; Leviathan in them does not like Christ coming forth in you. And when you overcome Leviathan in your immediate family, you are going to have to overcome Leviathan in your extended family. And when you take that victory, the serpent's captain starts raising up Leviathan in people anywhere in your life, in your neighbors, in your job, when you are walking down the street.
And then, when you start to be spiritual, as you get more and more spiritual, the serpent's captain is raising up carnal minds from all over the world that you do not even know. How come? Because what -- being spiritual means that your conscious mind up here is coming into communication with your subconscious and your unconscious mind. And when your conscious mind up here starts turning inward, you are going to be meeting up with all the other minds that are inward, and the way it is set up right now is that the average person is not spiritual, and our whole world and our whole life is out here, our bo- -- from our body outward. That is how I was raised, from my body outward. No one ever told me anything about being spiritual, but there is a whole world, a whole spiritual world, and it is in here. It is inner space; it is in our mind. And when we go in instead of going out, at some point, we are going to be meeting all the other people that have gone in.
And we could have this experience in the serpent, or we could have this experience in Christ. Now it is very dangerous to have it in the serpent. I have never experienced it, but I understand that there are people who declare -- spiritual people in the serpent who declare that they have gone into inner space and that it is worlds. They talk about going to other planets. Just as if we have a -- just as we have a universe out there, they claim that, in the mind, all these things exist. I do not know whether it is true or not. It may be true. I am convinced that is where all the aliens come from, inner space. Do not understand it. I do not understand it, but I believe it, that there are worlds inside of us that do not take up any space. I just believe it; I do not understand it.
So when we st- -- how do you go inward? If you are in the world, you go inward by pursuing Satan, and most people would not pursue Satan, but the problem is they do not -- she does not call herself by that name. You go inward by pursuing spiritual things, and you need to know that if you are not pursuing spiritual things in Christ, you are pursuing spiritual things in Satan. Whether you do not use the word or not, that is what is happening because, if you are developing your spirituality and it is not Christ, it is Satan. There is only two ways to get spiritual.
Now, of course, if you are in Christ and you are getting spiritual, well, it is just really exciting, you see, but it is hard to be spiritual in Christ. It is harder to be spiritual in Christ. I am telling you, I got so excited doing this message. I do not want to be lusting for an experience that I do not have because I am convinced that the healthiest way to live is to be happy today and to be happy with whatever level of understanding or spiritual experience the Lord is giving us today; I am convinced of that. But, you know, when the Lord has me preaching this message, it is very hard not to be excited about what is coming; it is really hard to not be excited.
And I remind you that full s- -- what -- we have been preaching full stature here for years, that full stature is not where it is at because, when we get to full stature, which is perfection, we are going to be meeting up with a lot of immortals who are equally spiritually mature. The Lord wants us to get to the fifth le- -- and that perfection is the fourth level. The Lord wants u- -- to bring us to the fifth level of consciousness as rapidly as possible because we are much safer in that place. The fifth level of consciousness is marriage, Christ in us married to the Holy Spirit, and when that happens, for all intents and purposes, the Holy Spirit ceases to exist for us, and he matures into the Spirit of Christ, and we are much stronger. We are much stronger in that place.
But, of course, there are immortals who ascend all the way up to the 12th level of consciousness, you know, but the issue is that the less dependence we have on this world, the less likely chance of being hurt. And in the fifth level of consciousness, we become completely dependent on the Lord Jesus above, but, of course, we are still attached to the world down here. It is like having legs even though you are not using them. You are flying all the time, but you still have the legs, so, at the very least, they are a weight on you. Well, did I explain this to you?
Now I considered putting a Scripture up there, but I decided not to do it because I think it would confuse people because the Scripture is positive. This whole board is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but there is a Scripture that typifies this exact situation in Romans, and it says the sons of God -- not -- I am sorry. The whole creation is standing on tiptoe, waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God. And if you look up that word, the word that is translated “standing on tiptoe,” it will tell you, in Strong's Concordance, that this word means “a stretching out of the neck, looking for the appearing of their God.” So it is talking about our human spirit rising up towards the Lord Jesus and stretching out and reaching for him, and then the whole creation -- not the whole creation out there. This whole creature right here is reaching out and standing on tiptoe, looking for the appearing of my great God.
And everyone has to do it for themselves, cannot do it for anybody else. You can assist somebody that is trying to do it for themselves and needs assistance and is humble enough to ask for it. You cannot do it for somebody that is not doing it for themselves. Stop spinning your wheels. Save your energy and put it into yourself because the sooner you stand up, the more you will be able to help other people that are weak. It is not selfish; put it into yourself. Let us stand up. Stop looking at everybody else; look at yourself. Of course, if you have a loved one that is suffering, if they are an addict or some -- of course, I want to hear that they are delivered, but do not -- we w- -- you know, the tendency with a lot of people and some of you here is -- I hear it from you all the time, you know. This one is doing so well, and my husband is doing so well, and my wife is doing so well. Well, that is nice. I am not against it, but when you are here, I want to hear how you are doing, OK, because your husband and your wife, they are nice people, and I like them, but they are not a disciple here. I want to know how you are doing. Where is Christ in you? Are you killing your carnal mind? That is what I want to hear about. OK, June.
We are on verse 2 now. We just put a diagram on the board, hoping to explain who the serpent's captain is and why the Scripture calls her by that name. Now I remind you that verse 1, which we just read, talks about Christ in the individual estimating the maturity of the Christ in themselves and of the relationship between the Christ in themself [sic] and the Lord Jesus. What does that mean? Well, we are hoping for the [?filth?] -- for the fifth level of consciousness during which the Christ in us has stretched out far enough to have made a permanent liaison with the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the real beginning of safety, the beginning of safety, you see.
Now verse 2 tells us, “But the serpent's captain” -- OK. Now when the Christ in us touches the Lord Jesus and connects, that liaison is now a new person, and the name of that person is Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man. And that means that the Lord Jesus Christ, who is above, who is c- -- attached to the golden timeline, to the eternal world, is now permanently attached to the Christ in you, which is in the earth, and you become a new creature who is in heaven and earth at the same time, and the name of the new creature is Christ Jesus. And that creature becomes a fortified city, you see. Your mind is a city. The mind is a city. Who dwells in the mind? A spirit dwells in your mind. Mind is a city for a spirit, and when the mind in you is attached to the spirit and the -- when the mind in you marries the spirit who dwells in that mind, your mind becomes a fortified mind.
I am sorry. I did not say that accurately. Please bear with me. I have decided to not back up and take what I just said out of the message because it really was valuable, but the mind is the temple of the spirit. I did not say it exactly right. The mind is the temple of the spirit that dwells in it, and when the mind, which would be Christ, marries the Spirit, who is the Lord Jesus Christ, they become a fortified city; they become a city that is fortified because the Spirit is defending the temple. They become a fortified mind.
Now I think this is one of those situations where something is called by two different names, OK. I -- OK. A mind -- I w- -- b- -- I have been talking about mind here. That is the whole message here, a mind [?here?]. The mind is called a temple when it is specifically referring to the home of the spirit that dwells in it, OK. We have a mind; we have a Christ mind; we have a carnal mind. And that mind -- just like the woman who is married to the man, she has a husband, and she is a married woman, but she also is a mother, and she has children. We have a mind that is a mind, but when we refer to the home or the abode of the spirit that dwells in the mind, that mind becomes the temple of that spirit. And that mind becomes a city when the mind marries the spirit within it; it becomes a defensed or a fortified city when the spirit permanently joins to that mind. I hope I made that clear. OK.
So Christ Jesus -- so what we are really saying is that the subconscious mind is the city. Now why would we say that? Because the subconscious mind is the place where the min- -- where the conscious mind meets the spirit; they meet in the sub- -- and they meet and they mix together in the subconscious mind. I do not really know if I could show it to you on this board. Let me see. You see, these branches indicate an individual conscious mind, you see, and the spirit of the mind is down here in the roots. So the spirit is ascending, and the mind, the conscious mind, is descending, and they meet in the subconscious mind. That is why the subconscious mind is the mediator between God and man.
God is at the root. Now, of course, this is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This is the god of this world, but it is also true of the Christ mind. God is at the root, and he is ascending, and the spirit in the mind of man is descending. Well, I may have it backwards. I guess, the Spirit of God, really, should be descending, and the spirit of man is ascending, and they are meeting together in this place of mediator-ship. Can everybody see that? Can you see that? OK. So -- and that is also why the subconscious mind, typified by the tree trunk, is called the city; that is where all the people live; that is where all the married people live. You have to be married to live in this city. The only way you get into the city is when you are married to the spirit, whose neck the city is. Can you hear this? Can you hear it? OK. Praise the Lord.
So now we know -- you know, for a while, I was really struggling with the term, holy city, in Revelation 21 and 22. I really was not sure what the holy city was, and now the Lord has revealed it to us; it is the subconscious mind in Christ: It is Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man, the tree trunk that connects the root of the tree, which is spirit, to the conscious mind in man. This is the city right here, and it goes right along with what I was saying to you earlier, that, as you become spiritual and you start turning in instead of living your life out, you are going to enter more and more into the city, and you meet all kinds of people in the city.
I am telling you that the people that pass through my mind, it is -- sometimes it gets pretty crowded in there, you know, and sometimes I pray for them. I asked the Lord what he wants me to do. All these people pass by my mind, especially when I am studying, but, really, it happens all day long because I am -- my life is turned inward. Now there is no condemnation on you if you are still living in the outer world. I am just telling you the truth, and if you have the truth, you can make a choice, you see. So my -- I am turned inward. I am very conscious of spiritual things; I am spiritual conscious. So, continuously, people just pass through my mind, people who also are turning inward, and we meet in this city.
Now I do not know for sure, but it would not surprise me at all if the time comes, as I get more and more spiritual -- because I do not think I am all that spiritual. I am a lot more spiritual than a lot of people in the church, but compared to a lot of workers of witchcraft out there, I am not very spiritual at all. You know, I am really just entering in, but, of course, I am entering in at Christ. They are all entering in into -- in Satan. I would expect that, if I continued to mature spiritually, and I sure hope I do, that the day will come where I will be able to talk to these people that I meet in the city.
Now if that shocks you, I am sorry, but we should be able to do everything in Christ that the witches do in witchcraft. You should be able to have telepathic communication, and there should be great power to heal, not coming from a gift that the Lord Jesus Christ layers on us and says, here, you can borrow my cloak, but great powers to heal and communicate and impart knowledge that comes because Christ in us, that is a part of us, is so mature that he is ab- -- you see, he is re- -- as he matures, he reaches down from the branches, and he is so mature that he is abiding in the city almost continuously. You meet all kinds of people there, and they have all kinds of activities there. I do not even know what. I am not in -- I mean, I am just -- my -- just my toe in it.
And I know that sometimes the Lord has me talk to people in the city, but no one has ever answered me. Well, the on- -- well, one person answered me once, but he was a witch, so I would not really count that. I cannot tell you of anybody that I have ever prayed for as they pass through my mind that has answered me, except this witch, but maybe the reason for it is the people that I pray for are not deep enough into the city themselves to respond to me, you see. That is what telepathy is. You ascend into the city where all minds meet, and you talk to people, so the day is going to come there is going to be a significant number of people who are in the city of Christ, in the holy city, and we will be able to talk to each other. There will be people that will be partaking of these meetings. They will be right here with us in the spirit because they had become mature enough to ascend into the meeting place.
Can you -- do you at least understand what I am saying? OK. Did you have a question?
I see -- in this drawing, I see the arrows going up, and that is called a city. Is it the holy city, or is it only the holy city when the branches come down to meet and stretch?
This is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
But if you want to switch this over to the tree of life, then this would be Christ Jesus in here.
But is it called the holy city right now?
No. That is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Now you said -- in the middle there, you said that is a city, and all the thoughts in your mind are in that city.
Is that called the holy city, or is it just the city?
OK. It is [?as?] -- the tree trunk is a city. If it is in Chr- -- if it is Christ Jesus, it is the holy city, OK, and if it is in the serpent, it is the dirty city or it is Babylon, the holy, the unholy, the corrupt city where all filthy things go on. And, you see, the filthiness and the abominations that the Scripture talks about is that, in order to be spiritual in the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the h- -- your human spirit, which is giving you consciousness -- everyone has a human spirit that is in their conscious mind, so in order to be spiritual in Babylon, your human spirit has to come down and fornicate with the serpent and the serpent's neck to abide in this city. You have to fornicate with the serpent, and there is -- you know, it is an abomination. The Lord says it is disgusting, you know. We -- I -- we do not really know the fullness of what it means, but it is an ugly thing. The Lord says it is an abomination, OK.
I do not know if this is similar, an experience that I had in connection with what you are talking about, but I was told that this picture was very significant in the person’s life, and they had lost their child. And they saw in this picture a vision of their child in this picture, and so I went with part of my family to see it see it. And that -- just that explanation of that person -- that child that died and [?that?] -- it was explained to me.
I had an experience to go to a home where a woman had lost her child, and she asked the Lord -- she supposedly asked the Lord to see a vision of her child, and so she looked at this picture of what they called a sacred heart, and she saw a v- -- her child in that picture. And so we were invited to come, and a lot of people had come to the home and saw visions of their dead ones in that picture, so this thought was in my mind of her dead child in that picture. And so when I went there, I had the same experience because I saw my father who had been dead. I saw, also, his picture in that picture, and so I was just relaying all this to the ingathering, the serpent’s subconscious mind, and this circumstance came to me, and I wondered if what you were talking about was similar.
Yes. It sounds to me like it is pretty much the same thing that I have been talking about. You already -- when you went to see this picture, you had it in your mind that you might see the picture of a dead person there, and that anticipation stirred up Satan in you, and there was a c- -- it was -- it really was a fornication, you know. I have to tell you that it was a fornication because -- especially for someone like you, should have known that that could not be God, and I am not criticizing you. I am just relating it to what we are talking about here. So it just gave Satan legal ground to stir up, and you looked at the picture. It was a point of contact. It was a mirror, OK, and, actually -- and whoever it was, it was -- the serpent’s captain rose up and flashed this information onto your conscious mind through Satan. Satan has to be involved in there somehow, you know. She brings the image. She is the water, and that is exactly what happened. All of these things in this outer world, they are just points of contact.
I know one day -- it was several months ago. I was walking through the house. I was not looking for this, and as I -- we happened to be in the middle of a deep warfare at the time with one person, at least one person that I knew of that was really raging against the ministry. And as I passed by this mirror right here, I saw an image of this man raising his fist at me like this, and it, sort of, shook me. But when I sought the Lord on it, he showed me, and, I guess, what he showed me was the beginning of my understanding, what I brought forth here today. I was not even looking for it in the mirror, but there is something about a natural mirror that it brings forth a reflection of spiritual activity.
There are mirrors all around us, and we do not have to -- that is why it is so dangerous to look at tarot cards, you know. I -- when I -- before I came to the Lord, I used to read tarot cards, and every once in a while, something will come on, on TV. I will think it is a harmless program, and then before I know what is happening, they are turning over tarot cards on the program, and I will not look at them. I turn away. I do not want to see these tarot cards, and I -- it is not even any conscious decision. I just know in my spirit, for me, maybe not for you. I do not know, but for me, it is very dangerous to even look at the images on the cards because this whole world is an image. This whole world is an image on water, so we see reflections everywhere, and the reflection that we see is what is inside of our mind. But because we have two minds, we have to be careful to reject the criminal mind and to look for only what is in the Christ mind, you see.
Now I would just like to make one more comment about what I said earlier with regard to myself, that I pursue the inner life, OK. And I am not here today to condemn anybody, but I am here to tell you that there is an inner life. You can choose it if you want or you c- -- whatever you want. It is between you and God. I am here to give you information, OK. What does it mean that I choose the inner life? To the fullest extent that I can do it, I choose to live in my mind. The inner life is in your mind. What does that mean? That means, if I have a choice of doing some activity which is an activity of the body as opposed to an activity of the mind, my natural choice is the mind, you see.
Now if you hear what I am saying and you honestly evaluate yourself and you find out that your natural choice would be to do things of the body, sports, shopping, going to a movie, if that would be your choice, there is no condemnation in this. But you -- if you want to, if you hear what I am saying if you see me, if you want what I have, you can say, Lord, my natural choice is the physical worl- -- this outer world, but I would like that my natural choice should be different. Change my natural choice. You have the option, now that you have heard me, to do that. I am not telling you to do it, but, you see, a lot of people, they think that they cannot get something until they feel the drive for it, but you do not have to feel the drive for it. You can ask the Lord to put the drive in you.
You see, I remember, years ago, I heard the expression, oh, he is all into his mind. I did not even know what it meant. I did not know what it meant. Now I know what it means. We can live in our mind, or we can live in our body. Most people have a mixture, but you have to be living predominantly in one or the other, you see. Now if your lifestyle causes you to spend most of your time in your body but your heart is panting to be in your mind, you just cannot do it, then you are living out of your mind, you see. Y- -- the fullest extent that you are in your body, you are in resistance against it, and it is just a matter of time until that which you really desire becomes a reality for you, you see. But if you really prefer carnal things, then you could stay that way, and that is OK. It is OK, or you could say, Lord, I want to be different. I want to live out of my mind, but I cannot, so help me, and he will.
So, anyone who is reading this message, you need to know that you have a choice, that you could ask the Lord for anything. That is why nothing is impossible with him. No matter what things look like, no matter what you feel, no matter what you are, if you just say to him -- you see, you have to confess what you are, you see. You have to confess that you are carnal; you have to confess that you are a mur- -- I mean, whatever you are. I am not s- -- whatever you are at the time that you approach the Lord, you have to say this is what I am, but I would really like to be different. Will you change me? And he has the power to change you, but you have to admit what you are and tell him that you would like to be something different, and it does not even have to be such a terrible, horrible thing, just that you would like to be different, but you have to tell him -- you have to admit what you are, you see. He does not go for any of this denial stuff. He does not -- the Lord does not deal in pride, you know, but he could do anything for you. He can give you -- he -- you can be anything.
Well, it is 3 o'clock, and I promised to stop teaching at 3. I only got to verse 2. I do not believe this. Let me just make sure I finish 2 so that we could pick up tonight in verse 3. I did not finish 2, so we will pick up again at verse 2 tonight. We only -- I only said a little bit, the first phrase of part 2. I was hoping to finish this message by next Thursday. The way it looks now, we will be here for two weeks on this. I really wanted e- -- I really wan- -- well, I guess I could get it into the new print of the Alternate Translation before I finish preaching it. I guess, I could do that. Well, I am not going to worry about it. Does anybody have any questions or comments before we stop for dinner? OK. [AUDIO CUTS OUT]
Praise the Lord. This is drawing number two, and it is another drawing of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It is not too easy to see, but if you look real hard, you could see that the branches on the top of the tree have arrows, showing that the branches are going upwards, and then a couple of the branches have turned downward. You can tell that by the little arrows pointing downward. When a human being and Leviathan, the conscious mind of a human being, decides to pursue spiritual things, he is really turning inward. It is not really downward; he turns inward. And when he turns inward, he is reaching Satan. Unless he is in Christ, OK, he is turning inward to Satan.
Satan is within. Satan is spiritual and physical. Satan is the blood. She is in the blood. She is a spirit that flows in the phylisic- -- in the physical blood, and the physical blood is in the veins and also through all the tissues of the body. So when someone’s mind turns inward, whether they know it or not, if they are not in Christ -- and some of them think they are in Christ -- they are communicating with the spirit that flows through this whole body.
And as they commune with Satan, because her sea is filling -- you see, the serpent’s neck is a passageway or a tunnel. It connects the serpent’s world, which is an inner world, to the outer world where we live, where the branches are. And as the person turns inward towards Satan, the serpent ascends into the passageway and snatches the mind of the person that is seeking spiritual things and marries them. It is a forced marriage. It is a rape and a forced marriage, and in that forced marriage -- that forced marriage can be likened to the fifth level of what I call negative consciousness, and the fifth level of consciousness is when the Holy Spirit marries the ascended Christ.
Now the first -- the second level of consciousness, justification, is the Holy Spirit marrying our human spirit, and the fruit of that marriage is a son, Christ. When Christ ascends to his full maturity and overcomes Satan and Leviathan in his own mind, that is the third and the fourth levels of consciousness. The next step is for the Holy Spirit to marry the ascended Christ, the Christ that has overcome Leviathan and Satan, and that is a very powerful message. That is the end of the Holy Spirit. He is swallowed up into a greater administration. He becomes the Spirit of Christ. He marries -- the Holy Spirit marries Christ, completely joins with him, and becomes the Spirit that dwells in Christ, the Spirit of Christ, you see.
So, right now, at this stage where I am, for example, I am somewhere between justification and sanctification. I have been justified, and I am moving towards sanctification, which is the matur- -- the full maturity of Christ. Now I have a relationship with the Holy Spirit. He is joined to me because he married my spirit. The Holy Spirit married my human spirit, and Christ is coming forth, so the Holy Spirit is with me all the time. You might say he is an immature manifestation of Christ Jesus because Christ Jesus is Christ in me plus the Holy Spirit, OK. The one in the earth, Christ in me, and the Holy Spirit in heaven, working together, is Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God, who is in heaven, and man and Adam, who is in the earth, OK.
But I am in -- I am not even sure if this is the right words, you know, because the Lord gives me these revelations before I get the names for them. All I know is that Christ in me has a relationship with the Holy Spirit and that I do have some power, at the very least, to get this revelation and preach this word, OK. But I am only between the second and third levels of consciousness. My whole point is the marriage of the Holy Spirit to the ascended Christ -- you see, my Christ is not ascended. When I say ascended Christ, I mean fully mature, having overcome Satan and Leviathan. When Christ is fully mature and overcomes Satan and Leviathan and the Holy Spirit marries him in that condition, there is very real power there, very great power. There is power now, but that is very great power.
So the fifth level of consciousness is a powerful -- is a spiritually powerful place to be, you see. So when the serpent reaches up and snatches the conscious mind of that man -- you see, the conscious mind in human beings today is mature because we are born with a -- we were born with a Leviathan mind. Christ is a new mind that is growing up from seed in us. We are all born with a Leviathan conscious mind, so exactly how mature she is, I do not know. I never stopped to think about that yet. My whole point is that when the serpent reaches up and snatches Leviathan, she is not snatching a seed; she is snatching a spiritually mature mind, and I liken it to the fifth level of negative consciousness. That is a lot of power.
But I have good news for you, brethren. I read ahead in this chapter, as I told you this morning, and some of you might be familiar with a verse in Chapter 11 of the Book of Revelation that says something like this: And the spirit of life entered into the two witnesses, and they rose from the dead, and all that saw them were affrighted. They were terrified, and they turned, and they served Jesus. Does anyone -- can anyone relate to that Scripture? Have you read something like that? OK.
Well, I have a flash for you. That is not what the spiritual Scripture says. What I just said was wicked men, according to the King James. Wicked men saw the spirit of life ascend in the two witnesses, and they were so afraid of Jesus Christ that they served him, lie. The spiritual -- my studies have shown that the spiritual intent of those Scriptures can relate to this board. These are men -- and I use that word generically, males and females -- mortal men who have ascended to a high place in the serpent because they came under the serpent’s witchcraft.
And I believe I prayed a prayer in one of the meetings in front of you all not too long ago asking the Lord to tell me if there was any hope for people who were in full stature in the serpent because I did not know the answer, but now I know the answer. There is hope for people who are at a full stature of evil because that is what the verse that I just described to you is talking about. It is not true that wicked men saw Jesus Christ and served him out of fear. No. Jesus Christ came and set these men free without their asking for it, and when they came up -- when the hypnotized men -- these men that were in a full stature of evil, they were snatched by the serpent, and they were under a spell, and Christ Jesus set them free. And when the spell was broken on them and they had a revelation of where they were and who they were married to and what they were doing, they became so terrified that they ran to Jesus to protect them. I tell you the truth.
Jesus will not take anyone out of fear; this is a false message in the church. You have to want him. And it is -- for some people, to want him, it is going to take Jesus showing them how bound they are to evil to make them realize that they cannot overcome this evil themselves and that their only hope is to cleave to Jesus Christ. Does anybody not understand what I said? Brethren, there is just a wrong attitude in so many areas in the church, and this is one area.
And I know that the Lord has instructed me with regard to this ministry, if there is nobody here but me, my attitude is to be it is a privilege for you to sit under this ministry, and you will come here with an attitude that thanks the Lord that he has brought you here, or you will not be here. I do not care about your money. I do not care about your praises. I do not care about anything that you can give me because you are not giving me anything. Anything that you give me, it is Jesus giving me through you, and if it is not you -- and I am not t- -- rebuking anybody here. This is just a general statement. We have a great group here.
Everything I have, he gives me. If he does not give it through you, he will give it through somebody else. This attitude in the churches of trying to get the people to come to their church, of trying to get money out of people, of trying to get people to do -- to volunteer to do anything, this is wrong. This is a female attitude. If you are a true servant, if you are a true son of Christ Jesus, you are ministering out of your maleness, and men, spiritual men, have gifts to give. Spiritual men are the gift givers, and you have to come here because you want what I have to give you. And if you do not want what I have to give you, then you should not be here, and I will not let you in.
We have pastors in the church being fired by the people, utterly prostituting themselves for money. This is not right, and it is an abomination and an insult to the name of the Lord because, if you are not called, you should not be in the pulpit, and if you are called, you should act like a man. And if the Lord has put you in the pulpit, everyone that he sends to study under you or to be trained under you is female to you. And if they are not respecting you the way they should be respecting you, they should not be here, and I will stand on that if I am the only one in the ministry because I know that the minute I turn away from that attitude, I am finished. Some jezebel is going to come in and take me over, and the minute some jezebel comes in and takes me over, I stop hearing from the Lord.
Anyone called to the ministry -- and you are all called to the ministry; it is just a matter of time. I do not know how formal your ministry will be, but you are all -- you are training for the ministry, every one of you. Anyone who is called to the ministry has their needs met by the Lord Jesus above, however he chooses to meet them, through whoever he chooses to meet them. The second you think that you have to please people, you have already slit your throat, and it is just a matter of time until your ministry dies. You may still have a physical shell of a ministry, but you will not have an apostolic ministry like we have here. I tell you the truth. You are all in training, OK, and you came into it today, and you were full well ready to compromise and make changes and do whatever you had to do, so you really have to get before God on that, OK.
Did you want to say something? Your -- you do not have a microphone.
Do you mean, after I sang that song, that --
No, at the roundtable this morning. You were full ready to compromise and do what was being suggested --
-- to you and make changes without asking the Lord, you see. Now if you are going to be in ministry, you have to be humble enough to listen to what other people say. Maybe it is good advice, you know, but the whole point is that you put it before the Lord, that you do not take directions from anybody but the Lord. If someone has a r- -- if someone is telling you something in a right spirit -- what does that mean? If they are not trying to control you, OK, whether they know it or not. If they are not trying to control you, you should listen to what they have to say. I want all the information I can get. Tell me. Let me hear it, but it is up to me and the Lord what I do with it. OK.
We are having a little trouble getting started tonight. Praise the Lord. We are back from dinner, and we are going on with verse 2, which is a review. We worked this up on Part 1.
“But the serpent’s captain is also estimating the maturity of the carnal minds which she provides for the bestial multitudes.”
Brethren, this may be a shock to you, but the multitudes of human beings are beasts. We are animals, brethren. We are animals, and, as animals, we have a carnal mind which has been provided by the serpent’s neck. She incarnates Satan and Leviathan. The serpent’s neck incarnates Satan and Leviathan. So the instruction to the body of Christ is, in verse 1, measure the maturity of Christ Jesus in you, but do not forget the serpent’s captain, the one who is in charge of all the carnal minds, is also -- excuse me, is also estimating the maturity of her hosts of the carnal minds of the multitudes because -- why is that? Because there is a war coming.
So you better know where you are in Christ. You better know how mature you are. You better know what you can do and what you cannot do. You better know when to run. You better to know what your allies can do. You should be asking the Lord what is the military potential of every person in this ministry. I ask him that. What can I expect from them? You cannot expect more from people than they can give you. If you expect more than they can give you, you are going to find yourself wide open with no weapons and no armor. If I think you can defend me and y- -- and it is obvious, if I were to seek the truth, that you are going to turn and run in the battle, well, I am really leaving myself undefended.
You have to know who you labor with. You have to know what to expect from the people, the most well-meaning people. You have to know what they could do and what they cannot do. That is what Jesus is talking about here in the Scripture, and he says you better know what you can do and what you cannot do, and you better know what the -- what your associated can do and what they cannot do because the serpent’s captain is also raising up men with carnal minds to full stature, and he -- and she is f- -- she is -- knows who she is raising up, and she is getting ready to send them against you, so you better know what you can handle and when to stand and fight and when to retreat because your death does not glorify Jesus Christ, and the -- your death at the hands of Leviathan does not glorify Jesus Christ.
So, therefore, cast Satan and Leviathan, your external mind -- this means that -- it is just another witness that the Christ mind is growing inside or underneath the carnal mind, so we are exalted here to cast off that external mind, Satan and Leviathan. Because -- this is why you have to do it. And how do you cast off your external mind? There is only one way to do it: You have to confess your sins and repent and ask the Lord to help you to recognize your external mind because, as bizarre as this sounds -- it sounds way-out, but it is the truth. It is very hard to tell the difference between Christ and your carnal mind. It is very hard to tell the difference for the most faithful of believers. It is very hard to tell the difference.
So the Scripture says cast off your external mind because only the mind of Christ Jesus, who is the holy city, will be able to tread under the carnal minds of the two-headed beast. You have to cast off your carnal mind so that you are t- -- living out of your Christ mind and getting married, getting your Christ mind married to the Lord Jesus because it is only at that level of consciousness where our Christ mind has cast off the carnal mind -- now if you stop to think, that is what I just said to you a little earlier. That is what I just said to you, that the Holy Spirit has married my human spirit, has married your human spirit, and that is the second level of consciousness.
But the fifth level of consciousness, which is really the first level with real power, OK, the Holy Spirit is marrying the ascended Christ. Remember when I said that about 15 or 20 minutes ago? The Holy Spirit is marrying Christ, who is fully mature and who has put Leviathan and Satan under his feet. That is just another way of saying cast off your external mind. Put them under your feet or cast them off; it is saying the same thing, you see. And the reason you should do that is because only the mind of Christ Jesus, which is unhindered, you see, only the mind of Christ Jesus, the holy city -- that is talking about Christ Jesus that has cast off Leviathan and Satan. They are the only ones that will be able to tread under the carnal minds of the two-headed beast, and that is talking about the two-headed beast appearing in the many members of humanity. You will never escape, and the two-headed beast is the be- -- is the serpent that is appearing as Leviathan and Satan. That is the two-headed beast.
Well, I am not really sure about that. Something is telling me that it is Leviathan and the serpent’s neck, but I am not really sure. I will have to check that out, but it is the beast. It is the serpent’s kingdom that is appearing in two different ways. I think, for now, we will leave it Satan and Leviathan.
The only way you will be able to tread the carnal minds of the two-headed beast -- that is talking about other people, brethren. The only way you will be able to defeat men who are coming to you with an e- -- with a spiritual, evil intent, with a strong manifestation of the beast as their mind, the only way you could possibly defeat them is if, within yourself, you have cast off Satan and Leviathan and the Holy Spirit has married your ascended Christ. You need -- we need to get to that place to wage this war, you see.
I do not care how strong you think you are. We have a lot of people in the church. God is going to have to help them. I do not know. I am trying, really, to be very positive these days. I do not know what is going to happen, but the church is filled with pride. I think everybody here knows that, and we have a lot of people who are completely underestimating or m- -- completely overestimating their strength and underestimating the strength of the enemy. There is going to be a lot of casualties. I believe that the Lord is going to come through, but I do not think that we will escape having many casualties because of the lack of experience and understanding because of the immaturity and the pride in the church. There will be many wounded.
Verse 3, “Indeed, I shall present my two witnesses to mortal man, and they, the two witnesses, shall prophesy that their carnal minds, the carnal minds of mortal man which are clothed in mourning” -- that is talking about fallen personalities.
Brethren, this is the world of death. We dwell in the world of death, and everything about us is mourning. It may not seem that way to you, if you lead a relatively happy lifestyle, but that is only because you cannot -- you do not have real life to contrast your present existence to. So the carnal minds which are clothed in fallen personalities shall die, you see. The two witnesses are going out into the world, telling mortal men, whose minds are Satan and Leviathan, your mind, Satan and Leviathan, will die when the resurrected Christ marries the Lord Jesus. I should really say when the ascended Christ. Let me fix that, when the ascended Christ marries Christ Jesus.
And you wonder why Satan and Leviathan is attacking you? We talked about this earlier. Brethren, the offense must come. We are going out prophesying the death of the powers and principalities of this world, and prophecy is not just a story. Prophecy is creative; prophecy carries with it the power to bring it to pass.
Verse 4, “And these two sources of the anointing, the Lord Jesus and Christ, also known collectively as Christ Jesus, shall stand in human bodies in the visible, physical world.”
So, you see, the two witnesses are not human. They are not human. They are a spiritual man, Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man. The two witnesses are spiritual. These bodies, these physical bodies, belong to the serpent. Jesus is only tolerating them for as long as it takes him to get his son separated from the animals.
Verse 5, “And if anyone is disposed to criminally violate Christ Jesus, which are these two witnesses, the lake of fire comes out of their mind.”
You see, now the King James says “mouth.” We have dealt with this word many times. The Greek word translated “mouth” can also be translated “mind,” and, of course, nothing comes out of your mouth that your mind does not just speak. Your mouth -- the words of your mouth are a reflection of your mind, so we see that the lake of fire is coming out of the mind and out of the mouth of the two witnesses to devour the hostile one who opposes them, and the hostile one who opposes them is Satan and Leviathan, and Satan and Leviathan, also known as the carnal mind, can appear in anybody, any saint, the most precious, churchgoing Satan. We saw it this morning. We are all born with a carnal mind, and she will be alive and well until Christ Jesus arises in us and kills her.
And our instructions from the Lord are to kill the carnal mind that is Satan, the unconscious mind, and Leviathan, the conscious mind. We are to kill her whenever she dares to show her head, and we had a demonstration of this here this morning. [?And?] lake of fire will come out of their mind to devour the hostile one who opposes them because anyone who is disposed to criminally violate Christ Jesus has to die, but it is not people, brethren. It is the powers and principalities in the people. Now I believe that some people will die. I believe that some people are so completely given over to the powers and principalities in them that there will be people dying. But the people who cry out to Jesus Christ, people who are seeking righteousness, what dies in them is Satan and Leviathan. And then there are going to be some people who the Lord is going to call, and they are not even going to want him, you see.
He makes these decisions on the basis of your spirit. Maybe you were incarnated at the express will of the Father and you do not know it. You see, even for those who are incarnated at the express will of the Father, they are still born with a carnal mind, you see. They are born with a carnal mind with a potential for Christ to rise in them and do the works of the Father. Can you understand that? When Jesus incarnates somebody, he incarnates a human being with a potential to serve him.
So we can almost say that, in the case of rebellion, in the case of somebody who does not want to serve Jesus, who do not understand that they are called to this high purpose and they are not interested in this stuff at all, Jesus is going after them, and he is going after them with judgment. To punish them? No, for the specific purpose of making them see their helplessness so that they will turn to Jesus for help. He makes us see the truth of our captivity so that we turn to him for help. That is the reality because the only person who would run from Jesus Christ, a savior, is someone who is really blind to the truth of his captivity. He thinks he is happy, you see, or he is under a witchcraft spell, enjoying his sin. We are captured; we are captured; we are captured. We have to know that we are captured.
So did I make that clear? It is possible for the Father to incarnate someone for a specific purpose in the earth, and by the time that person grows up and comes to their majority [sic], to their human majority [sic], they do not know that the Father incarnated them, and the carnal mind that they were born with may have such a grip on them that they do not want anything to do with Christ. So in a situation like that, judgment will fall for the specific purpose of revealing to the person themselves their own need for the savior, and then when they cry out for the savior, the union will come. Did you want to turn that [AUDIO CUTS OUT]
I have been told that I just said just human majority instead of human maturity. Offhand, I really do not know what I intended to say, but I would think maturity. I meant maturity most likely. Praise the Lord. OK.
So we are still in verse 5, “And if anyone is disposed to criminally violate Christ Jesus, the two witnesses, the lake of fire comes out of the mind and the mouth to devour the hostile one who opposes them.”
Well, whose mind and mouth does it come out of? The lake of fire comes out of the mouth of the human being in whom Christ is suppressing their carnal mind. The lake of fire comes out of the mouth of the one who is manifesting Christ. That is where it comes out of, and it comes out th- -- in a warfare that, to the carnal mind, does not seem like warfare because the weapons that the Lord Jesus uses towards the people that he is discipling is reason and understanding.
You see, we are under the judgment seat of Christ. The weapon is truth, reason and understanding to all who will submit to that and honestly pray and honestly be willing to make changes. If you are not willing to do that, then you are under the satanic judgment, and it is not the lake of fire that is dealing with you, but it is the fire of Satan, and it is painful judgment.
We heard a testimon- -- an unfortunate testimony this morning about someone whose boyfriend was abusing their -- abusing them or abusing their child, and there was a police officer trying, in every way, to encourage the woman to go -- to flee to a place pa- -- a place of safety, which she did. But then she returned to the abuser, and the man murdered her child. That, brethren, is a satanic judgment. That is a judgment that is executed by the god of this world on a person who has walked out from under the g- -- the white throne judgment.
Now this woman may not have been a Christian, but she was under a merciful counseling of a godly police officer, and she walked out from under that, you see. The white throne judgment is righteousness; it is righteous wisdom; it is an understanding of a way to deal with the weaknesses in your life that are going to be the least painful. And when you walk away from that, Satan is waiting for you. Now this woman has to live for the rest of her life with the knowledge that she could have saved her child’s life. She may even be subject to criminal charges. I do not know, you see.
So the lake of fire, contrary to the teaching in the church, is the power of God to destroy Leviathan and Satan in believers who are working with the Lord to convert from a carnally-minded man to a Christ-minded man. The lake of fire is the mercy of God, and it is Christ speaking through the mouth of a person who is living out of that Christ because -- there is only one way you can live out of Christ: They have successfully waged the warfare that is keeping Leviathan and Satan under their feet.
I have redone verse 6 because I missed an essential point. Please note that the phrase, “to have authority,” appears twice in this verse. If you look at it in the King James, you will see that that word, “to have authority,” appears twice, but it is not clear who has or who has given -- who has the authority -- it is not clear who has the authority or who has given the authority. And I have told you before and I will tell you again we must look very carefully at verses that have no specific subject, and I will tell you upfront that one of these words, authority, is talking about Je- -- the authority that Jehovah has given to the two witnesses through the Lord Jesus, and the other word, authority, is talking about the authority that the serpent has given to Satan and Leviathan.
I have used strikeout to show you which words I have taken out, and since my redlining is not working, since I reprogrammed by computer, I have put the words that I have added to replace the stricken out words in full caps. Does anybody not know what I just said? OK.
Now you could see there what I -- that I struck out two witnesses w- -- there in brackets. Those words are in brackets, two witnesses. That means that I amplified because the interlinear text and the King James text just said, “And these have authority to close up heaven,” and my carnal mind -- you see, when I study -- I told you this morning, when I study these Scriptures, I study with my carnal mind and with my Christ mind. It is a joint effort between my carnal mind and my Christ mind, so programmed into my carnal mind is still the transla- -- the King James translation that I have heard all of these years. And I [?saw?], well, these have authority to close up heaven; well, that must be the sons of God closing up the heaven, depriving people of water and spiritual things, punishment, punishment, punishment. Brethren, the punishment is upon Satan and Leviathan. The punishment from God is upon Satan and Leviathan.
Now if you are a stubborn and rebellious person who is stubbornly cleaving to the thoughts of Satan and Leviathan, then punishment is upon you, and it is upon you from Satan, the one that you are serving. But for the one who comes to Christ and who is willing to submit to the correction, the punishment is upon Satan and Leviathan within him, and it is no longer him, but sin that dwelleth in him. Now I would not want you think there is no pain at all; this war is stressful, but I will take the judgment seat of Christ over the satanic judgment any day.
So we see that my carnal mind got into this study, and I assumed that it was the two witnesses that had the authority to close up heaven, but it is not; it is Satan and Leviathan that has authority to close up heaven. Well, what are you talking about, Sheila? Let me remind you there are two heavens. There is the heaven above the firmament. That is the visible, spiritual world of God, and there is the heaven below the firmament. What is heaven? If you look at the word in the Hebrew and the Greek, it is talking about waters. It is talking about the world, which is an image that is appearing in the waters, and it is in the mind.
Heaven is the waters upon which the image is produced, so the heaven that is present in this world that we exist in is the spiritual -- wait a minute. I did not say that right. The heaven of this world that we live in is the spiritual waters which are reflecting the image of this world, and this image is a corrupt image. Everything corrupts in this world; everything ages; everything corrodes, and that is an indication that the waters, which are re- -- are producing this image, must be corrupt. This is the lower heaven. We are the fallen world. Some people call us Atlantis.
So Satan and Leviathan have the authority to close up heaven, huh. Well [AUDIO CUTS OUT]
Are we ready? Yeah. OK.
After I gave you that whole exhortation on the heaven below, I am going to suggest to you that this word, heaven, is talking about a part of the heaven above that is dwelling beneath. What am I talking about? The heaven above is the Spirit of God. The heaven above is -- we are back to the seminal fluid again. The heaven above is the waters of life, which are the waters of the seminal fluid together with the sperm. The waters of death, the urine, OK, are th- -- waters of life that have separated from the sperm of life, you see. The waters that produce death are the waters of life who have rebelled against their life and built their own sperm from earth, the waters that have joined with the earth to produce this perverted creation.
Now in this perverted creation is Elohim’s breath of life. Now, look, before the fall, we had the sperm, which was Elohim, that made himself into a seed, which was Michael, that planted himself in the earth and produced the plant, the living plant called Adam, and that living plant, Adam, had some of Michael’s electrons in it. Do you remember that Michael became the river of life that flowed through the upper heaven, pierced through the firmament, planted some of his seeds in the earth and kept going round and round? He was the river of life, a river of light particles, and when he pierced through the earth, some of his light particles remained in the earth.
So when Adam, the living plant, died, that part of Elohim’s river, the light particles that had buried themselves in the earth that were now a part of Adam, the living plant which was the offspring of Michael’s seed, we call it the breath of life, OK. It is part of the heaven above. It is part of the heaven above because it is part of the seed; it is part of the sperm. Are you following me? The serpent captured that. It is as if to say -- let me put it -- I know I am repeating myself. Bear with me. I go -- I try to go with the spirit. If I repeat myself, it means somebody here has not understood it.
Michael, the one who buries the seed in the earth, is a light stream. He looks like a light beam, but that beam is made up of millions if not billions and trillions of light particles. Some of those light particles were buried in the earth and became a part of Adam, the plant, the living plant. And when Adam, the living plant, died, those particles that were of Elohim’s Spirit, that were of Michael’s seed, were captured by the serpent. That is the source that enables the serpent to give this world consciousness. There would be no consciousness if she did not steal some of Michael’s light particles. We call it the breath of life, and in fallen man, we call it the human spirit, you see. So there is a part of the heaven above that is down here in the heaven below. Can you hear that?
Now Satan and Leviathan, you see, they have authority from the serpent to seal off the human spirit so that the Holy Spirit cannot get to them, you see. The Holy Spirit is in the earth looking for the breath of life; it is himself. The human spirit in men is the Lord Jesus Christ’s self. It is himself, Elohim’s sperm, Michael, the seed. It is all himself; it is all God. And this filthy animal has captured him and enslaved him and is using him to produce this world. So Jesus came to retrieve that which was lost. He came to get Jehovah’s son, but the serpent has given Satan and Leviathan authority to seal off heaven, the human spirit.
Remember, the human spirit is dissolved in Satan and the sea, and he is also completely dispersed through the female animal. And w- -- I do not know whether you remember it or not because it is been quite a while because several years ago we had a study -- we did some psychological studies several years ago, and we found out that Leviathan is the chief honcho standing in front of the human spirit, not letting anybody near him. Psychiatrists know about it. Psychologists know about it, that there is one part of the personality that is severely to go -- that is willing to go to extremes to defend against the human spirit. I do not know what the psychiatrists call it because I did those studies a long time ago, but you could really relate what they are saying to what I am saying. Pride -- Leviathan stands in front of the human spirit and will defend him to the death. Leviathan will kill, if she can, anybody trying to liberate the human spirit. Why? Because if Leviathan loses the human spirit, that person dies, and that is what is going to happen. I fully expect to die, you see.
The Holy Spirit has gotten inside of me. He has penetrated me. He has got my human spirit. He is raising Christ from the dead. Christ is going to marry the Holy Spirit, and when Christ marries the Holy Spirit, the very next level of consciousness is the death of Leviathan, and the one after that is the death of Satan. And then it is just a matter of time until I am out of the body and back to the visible, spiritual world of God. I fully expect to die, you see, but I will live in Christ. Paul said, I am dead, but nevertheless I live, in Christ. But the part of me that is Leviathan, she is going to die, man. So when she is -- tries to stand between me and the Lord Jesus or between your human spirit and the Lord Jesus, she knows exactly what she is doing. She is fighting for her life, and she is not fooling. You are dealing with a desperate enemy. The whole problem with the average Christian is that they cannot even comprehend Leviathan’s desperation. They really cannot comprehend that they are fighting with some kamikaze suicide person because they might as well go down fighting. [?And the?] average Christian is going around saying Satan’s ashes under my feet. God, help us.
So I suggest to you Satan and Leviathan have the authority to close up the human spirits of the serpent’s timelines. Now the serpent’s timelines, remember -- we are translating the serpent’s timelines. That is talking about the branches on the tree. The serpent is the chief honcho timeline, and -- the serpent’s neck, I am sorry, is the timeline, and all of the branches that come out of the serpent is an individual timeline. Every human being is a timeline, and every timeline has a human spirit, which is a part of our carnal mind.
So Satan and Leviathan have the authority from the serpent to close up the human spirit of the serpent’s timelines, to see that they are not moistened. I belie- -- and I believe the word in the King James translation is “flow out,” but I have [?chosel?] -- chosen a legitimate translation for that Greek word translated “flow out,” and it is “moistened.” So Leviathan is defending the human spirit, blocking the human spirit from getting moistened by the rain, and the rain, I want to suggest to you, is the seed. It is raining down on humanity today. Jesus Christ is pouring out of his Spirit upon all flesh, and he is sprinkling on all of mankind, and Leviathan, in the individual, is given authority in Satan to block that human spirit from receiving the seed of life, which is coming in the form of rain. It is semen coming in the form of rain, which rain will moisten the human spirit. Well, it g- -- and what happens when you get moistened? You expand. Moisture expands you, and the human spirit, when joined to the Holy Spirit, expands into Christ Jesus. Is everybody OK? This is high revelation, brethren.
“And Satan and Leviathan have authority to close up heaven so that the human spirits of the serpent’s timelines are not moistened by the seed that is being poured out into this world by the rain or the seed of their prophecy.”
You see, this rain that has the power to moisten the human spirit -- and what happens when you moisten -- the human spirit in himself is a seed. You moisten a seed; it is starts putting out roots, right? It starts to grow. And the seed, we see, comes through prophecy; it is spiritual rain; it is spiritual semen; it is spiritual semen that is pouring out upon human minds through the spoke- -- through the preached word, the spoken, preached word.
So how is Leviathan and Satan going to shut up heaven? Well, they keep people away from the word. They will do everything they can to keep them out of church. If they cannot keep them out of church, they will put them -- they will let them go to a church where the doctrine coming forth is not dangerous. The biggest opposition in the church is against the most powerful churches. The most people -- the most peaceful churches are mainline churches where people just come in and feel good for an hour and go home. As soon as you find a church that is doing healing, there is all kinds of trouble. If they start casting out demons, forget about it. And if you get into a ch- -- and you know what happens with the deliverance churches, OK.
Even Win Worley used to say, before he died, “The average deliverance church lasts five years, and then they go off.” Some people fall away because of the warfare; others conceive Christ and go on to the doctrine of the kingdom, and the Leviathan and Satan stop them right there. The average Christian who goes through deliverance gets his mind delivered enough to conceive Christ and starts seeking the kingdom message now is deceived into thinking he does not need deliverance anymore. Well, he may -- it -- he does not understand that the form of deliverance changes once Christ is conceived in you, and he starts denying that deliverance i- -- could still be necessary for other people that are not in his condition, and he just goes off into false kingdom doctrine, and Leviathan has shut up heaven to this man.
Now you get in a ministry like this, we are a very serious danger to the serpent’s kingdom. We are a very serious, present danger. That is why our numbers are as few as they are because there is no way you could go to -- you could stay in a ministry like this and not lead a holy life; you will be destroyed. But there is power here, brethren. I believe there is power here now, and there is great power coming, but there is no way you could stay without being a seasoned warrior and without leading a consecrated, committed life.
“And Satan and Leviathan have the serpent’s authority to close up heaven so that the human spirits of the serpent’s timelines are not moistened by the rain of the prophecy of the two witnesses, and they, Christ Jesus, has authority” -- you see, the first authority is for Satan and Leviathan; the second authority is for Christ Jesus. The interlinear text does not tell you which it is or who it is or what it is; it just says “they.”
“And Christ Jesus has authority to repossess the waters of life.” Now what I struck out there was “to return the waters to Christ Jesus,” which is not so radically wrong, but to repossess the waters of life is much clearer. Christ Jesus has authority to repossess the waters of life, brethren. The seed wants the other side of his semen back, you see. The seed has been instructed by his Father to produce a visible, spiritual world, and he needs his wife to do it. He has to have the water side of the semen, but the water side of the semen is possessed of the serpent’s kingdom and being used to produce this vile, corruptible world.
Brethren, Christ Jesus is the Father’s seed. He has come to get the waters back, and he is going to have to kill Leviathan and Satan to get them back. Well, Satan definitely has to die; she is the corrupt waters of this world. She is going to be boiled, and all the impurities will stay in the earth, and the waters will evaporate and ascend up above. So the major change here in verse 6 is that I recognized that the first time the word, authority, appears is that it is talking about Satan and Leviathan having authority to block the human spirit of mortal men from receiving the seed, the spiritual seed that comes forth through the prophecy of Christ Jesus.
And, please understand, I am going to tell you this because maybe you know it; maybe you do not. Brethren, this is prophecy. Every word out of my mouth is prophecy. These messages that we have been bringing forth here for nine years, this is prophecy, and it goes forth into the spiritual world as a living commandment to come forth, you see. The only reason it is taking so long for these things to come forth is that I am not all that mature, but it is Christ in me, you see. It is royalty. It is deity in me speaking the words that Jehovah has spoken above. You see, the one who is in the earth is agreeing with the one who is in heaven, and it must come to pass. It just takes a little longer because I do not have all that much power, but come to pass it will.
“So Christ Jesus has the authority to repossess the waters of life and to cut down.”
Now I amplified. I added in the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you s- -- because in the interlinear text, we have the word that means “to cut down,” and we have the words, “in the earth,” “to cut down in the earth.” Now you may recall, when I preached Part 1, I told you that that word, “in,” in the phrase, “in the earth,” is in the Greek, but the King James translators did not translate it because they could not figure out what it meant. They did not know that you had to amplify and add in the words, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
“So Christ Jesus has the authority to repossess the waters of life and to cut down the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that is in the earth, that is in your earth, that is in my earth.”
And the way they are going to do this -- you see, to get the waters of life back, they have to cut down the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because the tree -- Satan dwells in the city in the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If you look at the board, you could see it. She dwells with the serpent’s captain, so the tree -- the whole tree has to be cut down. You see, Satan is defended by the serpent and by the serpent’s neck, so the whole tree has to come down to get the waters back. And, of course, the breath of life is generating from the serpent who stole him, so the whole filthy tree has to come down.
And the way the two witnesses will do this is with all manner of public calamity and heavy affliction, as often as they desire to do it. Now to the carnal mind, this sounds frivolous that they are going to humiliate you publicly as often as they feel like doing it. Well, their desire to humiliate you publicly will be based upon the prompting of the indwelling Christ telling them how much you need, how much any individual needs -- how much public humiliation any individual needs to stimulate them, to stimulate Christ in them to rise up and start waging war against their own carnal mind. Now we have this here, but it is without condemnation. Most corrections are public, public in this -- amongst the group here, but it is not a mocking, humiliating kind of thing, but it is public.
“And Satan and Leviathan have authority to close up heaven so that the human spirits of the serpent’s timelines are not moistened by the rain of their prophecy. And Christ Jesus has authority to repossess the waters of life by cutting down the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that is in the earth with all manner of public calamity and heavy affliction as often as they desire to do it.”
I have an interspersed version of verses 4 through 6. “And these two sources of the anointing” -- that is the Lord Jesus Christ and Christ equals Christ Jesus -- “shall stand in human bodies in the visible, physical world, and they shall have Jehovah’s authority to use all manner of public calamity and heavy affliction as often as they deem necessary to cut down the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that is in the earth and to repossess the waters of life.”
“But the hostile ones who are criminally disposed to violate Christ Jesus shall oppose him, so, for this reason, the lake of fire shall come out of Christ Jesus’ mouth and mind and devour Leviathan and kill Satan because she has authority from the serpent to shut up the human spirit so that the Spirit of Christ, which is the seed of Christ Jesus’ prophecy, does not draw him out of their carnal minds and return him to the world above.”
Let me read you that last -- 6b again. “Christ Jesus has authority to k- -- to devour Leviathan and kill Satan because they” -- it should be, “they have the authority from the serpent to shut up the human spirit so that the Spirit of Christ, which is the seed of Christ Jesus’ proph- -- which is the seed that comes forth from Christ [?Jebus’?] -- Christ Jesus’ prophecy, does not draw him out.”
Who? Does not draw the human spirit out of their carnal minds because, when the seed of the Spirit of Christ draws the human spirit out of the carnal minds, those human spirits will return to the world above. And when the human spirits of men return to the world above, this world will go out like a light because the human spirit is the light of this world. As much as we are in ignorance, the human spirit is the only light that there is, of course, until Jesus comes. When Jesus came, he said he was the light of the world, but he is only lo- -- your light if he is inside of your mind. He has to get inside of your mind to light you up.
Continuing with Revelation 11:7, “And when they shall have finished their testimony,” talking about the two witnesses now, “the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and overcome them, and kill them.”
I rebuke you; I rebuke you; I rebuke your carnal mind who influenced the King James translators to say this. The English word, “and,” in the phrase, “and shall overcome them, and kill them,” is Strong's 2532 and can easily be translated “but.” Please note that the King James translation and also the interlinear text does not say who is overcome and who is killed. The only thing we see there is the word, “them.” “The beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them.”
Well, it is a reasonable conclusion that the beast is making war against the two witnesses, but then put your finger over that them and just look at the rest of that sentence, “and shall overcome them, and kill them.” There is no indication whatsoever who is overcoming who or who is killing who, and the average person reading this translation says, well, the beast ascended up out of the bottomless pit and made war against them. Well, that must have been the two witnesses, and we draw the conclusion that that same best -- we carry -- we are carrying the subject, the beast, forward to the verb, overcome, and to the verb, kill.
But I suggest to you that that is not the intention of the Scripture. I suggest to you that the word, “and,” should be translated “but,” which would make this verse read like this: “And when the two witnesses shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, but the two witnesses shall overcome them, and kill them.”
You see, what probably threw the King James translators off is the plural pronoun, them, thinking that the beast is singular, you see. The beast that rises out of the bottomless pit is singular, so when the King James translators saw the plural pronoun, them, instead of him, they just assumed that it was the two witnesses who were being killed and overcome, but we know that the beast is a two-headed beast. How do we know that the beast is a two-headed beast? It says it right here in verse 2, you see, that the beast is a two-headed beast, Satan and Leviathan. But, of course, the King James translators did not have the Alternate Translation Bible, so they did not know that the beast was a two-headed beast.
But then again, on the other hand -- and, as always, I am not against the King James translators at all. They did a great job for what they had. Then again, on the other hand, we hear in Revelation 12 that the beast has -- I think it says the beast has seven heads or seven something or other, the dragon. The dragon has seven heads, yeah. So, I guess, they distinguish between the beast and the dragon and not realizing that the beast was double-headed, they translated -- actually, they did not even translate the Scripture that the beast overcame them and killed them. They left it to your imagination. They just put in, “and shall overcome them, and kill them,” but it really does sound like it is the beast, but it is not.
Praise the Lord. Christ Jesus and Jesus Christ are married in this Scripture, and no beast is killing them. “And when the two witnesses shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, but Christ Jesus shall overcome them, Satan and Leviathan, and kill them.” And, actually, the translation really should be, “But Christ Jesus shall overcome Leviathan and kill Satan,” you see.
And we do not even know where that plural pronoun came from, the word, “them.” We do not know what it said in the original Scripture. We do not if it was singular and some scribe made it plural because he could not comprehend that it could be a singular pronoun. So [?if you?] -- it really should be translated, “overcome Leviathan and kill Satan.” See, every time you see two words like that, there is a real chance that it is talking about two different entities. OK.
Now I gave you this exhortation already. I have a note here that says I suggest to you that the word, “ascend,” in the phrase, “ascendeth out of the bottomless pit,” is speaking about evolution. Now I talked about this at the beginning of the message, so I am not going to go on again, but this is what came on me. It was very strong. I was under a very heavy anointing, and it was very strong when it came upon me. The beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit, it is the beast --
Well, first of all, let me remind you that the pit is not bottomless. We did a study on this several months ago. The pit is not bottomless. It is so large that it is almost impossible to ascertain the bottom, but it is not bottomless. It has as bottom, and the bottom of the pit -- you see, the pit or the abyss is within Jehovah, if you remember the teaching. The abyss is a tear in Jehovah’s fabric, and nothing is greater than Jehovah, so the abyss has to have a bottom, you see.
But this concept of arising out of this depth, OK, this depth, this tear in Jehovah’s fabric, brethren, the tear in the fabric is filled with water, and the water was turned over to the animals by Jehovah. And the beast that arose out of the pit that is filled with water is this animal life that evolved out of the pit, if you heard my exhortation at the beginning of this message. When Jehovah turned over the creation that was determined to continue on building their evil mind, Jehovah separated himself from them, and there was no place for them to go except to evolve in the direction -- you see, they were walking away from Jehovah. They were determined to have their own mind, to get -- to -- whatever they wanted to do, get into a spiritual world, evolve a physical, visible, world. I can only -- I only have some shadows in my mind of what they were actually trying to achieve. And Jehovah warned them, and he worked with them, and he worked with them, and he worked with them. And he said, you cannot do this. Agree with me, and, in time, you will receive your reward. And [?who?] -- whatever the creation looked like at that time, they were walking away from Jehovah, doing their own thing. They wanted to incarnate their own world, so Jehovah said, all right, I am not going to strive with you anymore. Do your thing; I am leaving, and Jehovah separated from them.
And the next thing that happened, I do not know how long it happened -- how long it took. The next thing that happened that we know about was that the creature that Elohim had formed for Jehovah continued on a course that would have -- that would cause it to appear in a visible, physical world. You see, Jehovah was trying to direct them towards a visible, spiritual world, but this mind, it was a criminal mind, and it wanted to exalt itself. It did not want to be under the headship of Jehovah and Elohim. So when Jehovah separated, it continued on its course that was away from God.
Now there are lots of Scriptures that talk about this world being opposite the spiritual world of God, and there are many Scriptures that liken this world to looking into a mirror. We are the mirror of the visible, spiritual world, and even if it -- well, I do not -- that drawing on the board right now, you cannot see it, but if you recall the drawings that I have drawn of the abyss, the s- -- visible, spiritual world is above, and the visible, physical world is beneath, and they are completely opposite from one another; they are mirror images of one another.
So when Jehovah separated from the creature, whatever the creature looked like at that time, it continued on it course to build a visible, physical world that it could prevail over. And who was it? It was already the serpent and Leviathan, the serpent’s capt- -- the serpent’s neck. And the first thing that appeared when the physical -- when the visible, physical world appeared, the first thing that we saw, if anyone could have seen it, was a world that was completely covered with a primordial sea, and the scientists will tell you that there was nothing but water on the earth. And in the waters was protoplasm and amino acids, and all of these building blocks of human bodies and of human beings are the human spirit or the -- Elohim’s breath of life that incarnated in this visible, physical world, dissolved in Satan’s sea.
Is there anybody not following me? Do you know what I am -- you do not have to believe it. Do you know what I am saying? It was the breath of life, what we know as the human spirit, that appeared at the beginning of this world, dissolved in the primordial sea, and he appeared as protoplasm and amino acids and all of the chemical building blocks that human beings are made out of. And however long it took Satan to do it, probably billions of years, she just gathered together the parts of herself, earth -- the earth that was with -- dissolved in herself and the amino acids and all of these other substances that were from the breath of life, and she actually formed living things or conscious things, not living things. And, first, she formed fish in the sea, and then just as the evolutionists say. It is just true.
By her spiritual power, she has formed the animal life of this world, and the spiritual power that she has is the breath of life that she is possessing. Is this an awesome revelation? But this is not the world that Jehovah made, that Elohim formed for Jehovah. This is a world made by a criminal, a runaway criminal who has stolen Elohim’s breath of life. And I believe this Scripture, the beast that comes out of the bottomless pit, if you can hear it, is alluding to that. You have to ask the Lord, just like Baptists cannot see the Holy Spirit for today or the gifts for today in the Scripture, you may not be able to relate to what I just said, but you are really doing yourself a disservice if you do not ask the Lord if it could not be true.
Now, look, this word, rise -- the King James says, “And the beast that raiseth out of the -- ascendeth out of the bottomless pit,” and another synonym for ascend is “to arise,” and I went into our dictionary, and we have some definitions for the word, “rise,” here. It means “to assume a standing position after lying, sitting or kneeling,” “to increase in size, volume or level,” “to appear above the horizon,” “to come into existence,” “to originate,” “to puff up” or “to become larger,” “to swell up.” The bread dough should rise to double its original size. “To become stiff and erect.” And we know that the Scripture has a lot to say about bubbling up and increasing, and it is talking about the human spirit increasing into Christ Jesus, increasing into Christ and then increasing into Christ Jesus.
So all these words are synonyms for ascendeth, this beast that came into existence, this beast that assumed a standing position after lying down, this beast that returned to life. And at the very -- on page 4, I just left all these words in because I thought you might like to look over them since it is such a controversial thing that I am saying. At the bottom of paragraph 15 on page 4, it is in the upper half of the page. The last thing that the American Heritage Dictionary says about this word, “to rise,” is it means “to climb,” and that words means “steady, often effortful progress,” the beast that has, by great effort, progressed out of the bottomless pit onto the land, or not out of the pit. She is still in the pit, but is appearing as you -- if you look back on page 3, she has become stiff and erect, and Peter talks about the earth standing -- being in the water and standing up out of the water. And at the bottom of that paragraph 15, it says “to arise” also means “to progress as against gravity,” and it also means “beginning” or “stem.” The beast that ascendeth is the beast that was the beginning.
And I have some definitions of the word, “beginning.” I see I did not accent anything, so I do not know why I did that, but now I have to read through the whole thing. “Beginning, the act or process of bringing or being brought into being, a start, the place where something begins, a source, a origin.” This is -- these are all definitions of arise, the beast that arose out of the primordial sea. And I have some definitions for the word, “stem,” towards the bottom of the page. Now, remember, this i- -- this comes as an -- a synonym under “arise.” The stem is the main ascending access of a plant, a connecting or a supporting part. And when I read this, I really thought about the serpent’s neck. “The tube of a tobacco pipe,” and that serpent’s neck is a tube. I will fol- -- establish that for you in future verses right in this chapter.
The serpent’s neck is a tube. The serpent ascends through one end, and the conscious mind of an [?unawaring?] -- unwitting man comes into the other end of the tube, and the serpent snatches him. The small projecting shaft with an expanded crown by which a watch is wound. Well, the whole point is that it is a stem, that it is a tube. The sha- -- it is a shaft, and it is also the main line of descent of a family, the main part of a word, the tubu- -- I am on page 5 now, the tubular glass structure mounting the -- well, I am not going to read that. To have or take origin or descent. Oh, here, I did emphasize something in the middle of the page: to come forth or to come into being, to arise, to come forth or to come into being.
And, also, you might find it interesting, I am in the middle of page 5 at the bottom of that paragraph that comes under the number three, one of the last things that it says is rebellion rising in the provinces. So this beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit, it is the h- -- she is the fruit of the serpent’s rebellion, and she is rising up. In a recent message, I told you that I now believe that, when Jehovah cast the creation down from Babel in Genesis 11, that mortal man first appeared as primitive man. I now believe that the only thing that appeared immediately after the creation was cast down was Satan, the primordial sea from which all life as we now know it appeared. Evolution was possible only because Elohim’s breath of life was dissolved in Satan, the primordial sea.
Also, the word Gre- -- and, also, the word -- also, the Greek word translated “bottomless,” which we discovered in another message, does not mean bottomless. It means “of immeasurable depth,” and this word is from a root word that means “base.” The wild animal arose out of the base or out of the ocean bed or out of the earth of the abyss. The wild animal arose out of the ocean bed. We are made out of earth, so you do not have to believe it if you do not want to, but I got it real strong in my spirit, brethren.
And I have always belie- -- I have believed for a long time that the scientists have a lot of truth, so there had to be a reconciliation between what the Bible says and what the scientists say. Of course, the major problem is that no one really knows what the Bible says. We know what it says to us at whatever level of consciousness we are, you see.
So there are a lot of Christians in the church today, they are doing what they think is right. They think they are defending the gospel, and they are in a war with science, but, unfortunately, it looks to me -- it really looks to me like the scientists have a lot of truth, and these Christians with -- which -- with great faith -- you see, they have a lot of faith. They are understanding the Scripture with their carnal minds, and that is why the Scripture does not line up with the scientists, but I see every -- more and more, every so often, what the Lord is showing us here is just lining up with the scientists more and more and more. Only we have more of a knowledge here than the scientists have. We have a knowledge of a world before this world, you see. This is the second timeline; this world is the second timeline. It is the serpent’s timeline, and it is a temporary timeline. It will end. It is not an eternal timeline.
Alternate Translation, Revelation 11:7, “And when they, Christ Jesus, shall have finished their testimony concerning Satan and Leviathan’s future” --
You see, we are just not preaching a story here. We are preaching Satan and Leviathan’s future, and their future is death. And, remember, brethren, whatever preaching you sit under, get ready for it to happen to you. You sit under a preaching of salvation -- well, we call it reconciliation -- expect to get reconciled. If the ministry you are in preaches faith, expect to have your faith built. If the ministry preaches healing or deliverance, expect healing and deliverance. We are preaching and prophesying the death of Satan and Leviathan, and the first ones that will die as a result of this preaching are the people that are immediately sitting under this teaching.
“And when Christ Jesus shall have finished their testimony concerning Satan and Leviathan’s future, the wild animal that evolved from the bottom or from the earth” -- the bottom is the earth of the abyss -- “shall make war against Christ Jesus, but Christ Jesus shall overcome them, Satan and Leviathan, and kill them.” Hallelujah.
Revelation 11:8, “And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.”
And shall be ruined, sh- -- and their dead bodies, OK. I have translated “dead bodies,” Strong's 4430, as “to be ruined.” This is a legitimate translation from Strong's, “to be ruined.” And the words, “shall lie,” are not in the Greek. Do you believe that? The words, “shall lie,” were added in. The word, “in,” is Strong's 1909, and that word can -- Strong's tells us, can indicate time, and I am translating it there, “timeline.” The word, “street,” is Strong's 4113, which is from another word, Strong's 4111, which means “to be spread out flat,” and we are translating this word, “street,” “flat.”
And the significance of this word, flat, is that the visible, spiritual world was laid out and flattened out. To us, this wo- -- I think I mentioned this possibly on Part 1. I know I spoke to you about it recently. This world, to us -- I mean, to me, to my carnal mind right now, this room is three-dimensional, is very three-dimensional, but, spiritually speaking, we are flat because we have -- unless we are in Christ, we have no spiritual dimension, and compared to the spiritual world of God, which is above, what happened to us is that we were flattened out. Is anybody having a problem with that? To be honest with you, I really cannot perceive it in my mind, but I understand it in principle, that there is another or more than or many more dimensions to the spiritual, visible world, so many more dimensions that our world, which looks very three-dimensional to me, is considered a flattened-out world compared to the spiritual world that is above. Is everybody OK? Do you want me to say it again? OK.
And the word, “city” -- well, I see that I am going to have to change this right here because the Lord teaches me as I preach, and I have it down here as that great personality, but I am going to have to change that. The city is -- that great city, that would be the serpent’s captain. OK. I am just going to let it go for now. I will have to work on that. I will put a question mark. We will leave it “that great city” for now. And the word, “call,” “that great city called Sodom,” that word, “called,” is Strong's 2564, and Roget’s thesaurus says that this word can also mean “to generate,” not only “to call” or “to name,” but “to generate,” “to call something forth,” in other words, “to call something forth.”
And the word, Sodom -- I did not write down the number for you, but right in the Strong's Concordance, one of the translations is “savage,” one of the translations of “Sodom.” I think it means “burning.” On the surface, it means “burning,” but if you look deeper, one of the translations is “savage,” and then if you go deeper, if you start following the roots back, one of the roots is “nothing,” and we know here that nothing is a name for the serpent or her hou- -- any member of her household. So we are going to translate the -- “Sodom,” “savage.” It is definitely a satanic name, and it is a savage city.
And the word, and, Strong's 2532, we are translating it “indeed.” And the word, “Egypt,” “Egypt” means “double straits.” And when I researched that word, I found out that it means a “two-ended -- “double, two-ended, narrow channel.” A strait is a narrow channel or a tunnel, and I printed out the definitions of strait for you. It means a narrow channel joining two larger bodies of water, and I suggest to you it is talking about the subconscious mind, whether it be the serpent’s neck or Christ Jesus. But, of course, in this case, it is Egypt, so it would be talking about the serpent’s neck. Is everybody OK? Egypt means “double straits;” it is talking about a two-ended channel, and I am suggesting to you that it is talking -- in this co- -- in the context of this verse, it is talking about the serpent’s captain or the serpent’s neck. Praise the Lord. OK.
I am down towards the bottom of page 6, where I am going on, and I am dealing with the words that say “and shall be ruined,” their t- -- OK. I see what I did. I took all of the translations that I just read you above, and I put them together, and this is what it sounds like. Oh, I am sorry. We have a few more words here. This is where our Lord was crucified, and we are translating “where,” “this is why,” and we are translating the word, crucified, “penetrated,” and this is what we have.
“And shall be ruined their timeline” -- that is the serpent’s neck -- “that large, flat city.” You see, I changed it over here, but it -- I -- apparently, I did not change it above. “And shall be ruined their timeline, the serpent’s neck, which is that large flat city.” Remember earlier we were saying how the serpent’s neck was a city, and here we hear that it is large, and it is flat. That means it is not a true spiritual city. “And shall be ruined their timeline, that large, flat city which generated the double-headed tunnel that connects the serpent to herself.” I do not think that is right. “And shall be ruined their timeline, the serpent’s neck, that large, flat city” -- I have to work on that -- “the double-headed tunnel that connects the serpent to herself. Indeed, this is why our Lord was penetrated.”
Oh, this is very interesting. I remember this now. “Indeed, this is why our Lord was penetrated.” “And shall be ruined their timeline, the serpent’s neck, that great, flat city.” There is something wrong with this word, “which generated,” so I am going to have to deal with that later. I d- -- so I am just going to leave it out for now. “And shall be ruined their timeline, the serpent’s neck, that great, flat city, the double-headed tunnel that connects the serpent to herself. Indeed, this is why our Lord was penetrated.” Hmm.
Now please note that this Scripture cannot be speaking about the Lord Jesus. Why? The only part of Jesus that was penetrated was his physical body. “Indeed, this is why our Lord was penetrated.” Crucified means penetrated. Now, remember, it was the Son of man who was crucified. It was not Christ who was crucified. The Son of God was not crucified. The Lord was not crucified. Jesus’ humanity was crucified. So how can the Scripture say this is where our Lord was crucified? You are going to like this one.
I am on page 7. Now, remember, Jesus said he was the first and the last Adam. This means that Adam incarnated as Jesus. I am sorry. I read that wrong. That means that Adam incarnated as Jesus or not incarnated as Jesus is Lord. Now this sounds shocking at first. Do not stop reading the message. Hear me out. Remember, the Lord means controller, kurios in the Greek. Before time began, Adam, the living soul, controlled his own evil side, and Adam was Lord of the whole creature and Lord of the whole earth.
I suggest to you that Adam, who was penetrated by the waters of life -- do you remember at the time that I preached that, I was calling the waters of life Cain because I did not know what to call them? But we know that the waters of life were not called Cain until they incarnated. So the waters of life, the water side of the semen, killed Adam. Remember that teaching? Goes back to g- -- I think it -- we had that in “Creation Revisited,” if I am not mistaken.
Adam, who was penetrated by the waters of life is our Lord. And when the man, the mortal man, Jesus, married the resurrected Adam in him, Adam, who was married to Michael through the Spirit of Elijah, which was above, Jesus inherited his husband’s title and became Lord Jesus. Can you hear this? Adam is Lord. Adam is the one who rose up in the man, Jesus, and said to the Pharisees, “Before Abraham was, I am.” Adam was king of the earth. He was Lord over the whole creation. Adam is the Lord who was crucified, and it was Adam risen from the dead in the mortal man, Jesus, who married the personality of the mortal man, Jesus, making the mortal man -- making the man, who was no longer mortal -- making the man, Jesus, Lord Jesus.
Is there anybody that cannot hear this? This is really important because, if someone is hearing this with their carnal mind, they are telling me that I am denying Jesus’ deity, and this is not true. Jesus was a man born of a woman, and he became God when Adam rose from the dead in him and utterly defeated the carnal mind that Jesus inherited from his mother. Adam did this in the man, Jesus, and then Adam married the personality of the man, Jesus, and the mortal man, Jesus, became the immortal Lord Jesus. So it was not the Lord Jesus who was crucified; it was the Son of man, Jesus’ humanity that was crucified. The Scripture that says, “where our Lord,” does not say which Lord, “was crucified,” is talking about Adam who was penetrated at the time -- when he was penetrated, it was the fall. Adam was penetrated before time began.
Is everybody OK? Does anybody want to ask me a question about this? This is, sort of, radical, and you have never heard it before. Is everybody OK? OK.
The waters of life, you may recall, penetrated Adam so that sh- -- for the specific purpose -- she knew what she was doing. She had consciousness -- so that she could incarnate Satan and Leviathan, the two -- well, that is not really right. So that she could incarnate the serpent’s neck, the two-headed tunnel that enables her to sexually interact with herself, and we have that on the board right now. I will read it again.
The waters of life penetrated Adam for the specific purpose of incarnating the serpent’s neck, who incarnated Satan and Leviathan, but the waters incarnated the serpent’s neck, which is the two-headed tunnel that enables her to sexually interact with herself. There are three generations of the serpent: the serpent, the serpent’s neck and the branches which are the carnal minds of this world. And the serpent’s neck is the two-headed tunnel where at one end is the serpent and at the other end are the conscious part of the carnal minds of all of humanity, and the serpent interacts with herself. She has sex with herself in the serpent’s neck. The serpent arises into her -- into the serpent’s neck, and the human being who is seeking spiritual things outside of Christ enters into the serpent’s neck, and the serpent snatches him. Is everybody OK? This is good stuff.
Alternate Translation, Revelation 11:8, “And the serpent’s neck, that large, flat city, the timeline that generated Satan and Leviathan, the” -- no, that is wrong. “And the serpent’s neck, that large, flat city, the timeline” -- you see, I am having a problem with that word, “generated.” I am going to have to pray that through, so I am just going to read this without it.
“And the serpent’s neck, that large, flat city, the timeline, which is the double-ended tunnel that connects the serpent to herself, shall be ruined. Indeed, this is why our Lord was penetrated.”
Now that does not make too much sense, but listen to it -- I amplified it, and I moved some of the phrases around. “Indeed, the waters of life penetrated our Lord, Adam, so that the serpent’s neck, that large, flat city, which is the serpent’s timeline, could generate Satan and Leviathan -- could generate” -- having a problem with that word, “generate.”
“Indeed, the waters of life penetrated our Lord, Adam, so that the serpent’s neck, that large, flat city, which is the serpent’s timeline, the double-headed tunnel that connects the serpent to herself -- but she shall be ruined.”
“Indeed, the waters of life penetrated our Lord, Adam, so that the serpent’s neck, that large, flat city, the serpent’s timeline, could generate herself, the double-headed -- could generate the double-heade-” -- OK. I think I got it. OK. Oh, my goodness, OK. C- -- why do not you shut that off for a minute, Mary, and I will get it right for everybody? [AUDIO CUTS OUT]
OK. I figured out what was wrong w- -- it was not the word, generate, that is wrong. I have -- it is the word, “Satan and Leviathan,” which, actually, I amplified. I put them in -- those words in myself, and I had them in the wrong, place, so let me read this to you again.
This is verse 8, amplified, Revelation, Chapter 11, “Indeed, the waters of life penetrated our Lord, Adam, so that the serpent’s neck, that large, flat city, which is the serpent’s timeline, could generate the double-headed tunnel that connects the serpent to Satan and Leviathan, but she shall be ruined.”
So what it is really saying is -- so that the serpent’s neck could -- in order to generate the double-headed tunnel, the serpent’s neck had to generate the third generation of the serpent, which is this world. It is the carnal mind of this world, you see. The one end of the tunnel was the serpent, and then came the serpent’s neck, OK, but the whole purpose of the serpent incarnating is to incarnate this third ge- -- level of the serpent, which is this world, so that she could get some carnally-minded men to seek Satan and snatch them. Is anybody not following me?
Let me say it again. “Indeed, the waters of life penetrated our Lord, Adam, for the specific purpose of the serpent’s neck, that large, flat city, which is the serpent’s timeline,” generating that third level, that [?surge?] -- third generation of the serpent, which would be the other end of the double-headed tunnel. The serpent is at one end, and the third generation, Satan and Leviathan, would be the other end, for the specific purpose that the serpent could connect to herself, that the serpent could connect to Satan and Leviathan, the third generation of herself in that spiritual city, the serpent’s neck.
So this was the plan. From the beginning, when the fa- -- of the fall, this was the plan of the waters of life. She deliberately killed Adam, and she had it in her mind the whole time to incarnate a second and a third generation of herself, the second generation being the mediator between herself and the third generation, for the specific purpose of incesting the third generation. That is why our Lord was crucified.
Continuing with Revelation 11:9, “And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in the grave.”
Now, remember, we are translating this Greek word that is translated “dead bodies” -- in verse 8, we just translated it “ruined.” It does not have to mean dead bodies, so what we see in the King James translation has been a very h- -- might I say Hollywood translation of what the Scripture says.
To start out with our translation of verse 9, I have a little study on these, I believe, four words: “people,” “kindreds,” “tongues” and “nations.” The word, “people,” is a translation of Strong's 2992, and it is talking about people of the same stock -- that means the same ancestor -- who speak the same language. And I suggest to you it is talking about the people who have Jesus as their stock. The Scripture is very clear that we are a new -- that we are a single generation. Everyone who is in Christ is a member of this 42nd generation, that we are -- that there are new bloodlines, that we are a new nation in Christ. So the word, people, I suggest to you, is talking about the spiritual church, not the church -- not the carnal church, the spiritual church, whose root is Christ and whose doctrine -- whose language is Christ because only the people whose root is Christ will be speaking this doctrine of Christ.
We have our own language. Do you know I have had several people say to me -- several people that were really not hostile to the revelation here, saying, well, you have all these terms that I never heard before. I really do not know what you are -- you know, what you are talking about. You know, it is really hard to read, especially, your translations because you have all these terms. I do not know what they mean. We have our own language, you see. I am suggesting that the word, “people,” is speaking about the spiritual church.
The Greek word translated “kindred,” Strong's 5443, Strong tells us it means “a tribe,” and in a New Testament, it is mostly used to describe the descendants of one of the 12 tribes, so we are going to translate it “natural Jews.” The word, “tongues,” is Strong's 1100, and it is talking about people using the same language, but not necessarily the same stock or the same root, so this is saying people speaking the same doctrine, but they do not necessarily have the same root. I suggest to you that this word, “tongues,” is talking about the carnal church, which, in fact, speaks in tongues, OK. They have the same language. They speak in tongues. They speak the same doctrine, but they do not have the same root. They are not all rooted and grounded in Christ. They are from all different backgrounds.
And the word, “nations,” Strong's 1484, Strong's tells us is a pagan ra- -- it is speaking about pagan races, a group of people that have the same habits, but they are not necessarily of the same stock, nor do they speak the same language. And I want to suggest to you that this word, “nations,” is talking about people -- a group of people from all different backgrounds, and they are all doing the same thing; they are all sinning, and they have no knowledge of Christ. So in the words, people, kindreds, tongues, cr- -- and nations, we are talking about the sp- -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT]
-- about people using the same language, but not necessarily the same stock or the same root. So this is saying people speaking the same doctrine, but they do not necessarily have the same root. I suggest to you that this word, tongues, is talking about the carnal church, which, in fact, speaks in tongues, OK. They have the same language. They speak in tongues. They speak the same doctrine, but they do not have the same root. They are not all rooted and grounded in Christ. They are from all different backgrounds.
And the word, “nations,” Strong's 1484, Strong's tells us is a pagan ra- -- it is speaking about pagan races, a group of people that have the same habits, but they are not necessarily of the same stock, nor do they speak the same language. And I want to suggest to you that this word, nations, is talking about people -- a group of people from all different backgrounds, and they are all doing the same thing; they are all sinning, and they have no knowledge of Christ. So in the words, people, kindreds, tongues, cr- -- and nations, we are talking about the spiritual church, the natural Jew, the carnal church and the heathen, who have no knowledge of Christ whatsoever.
I am on the top of page 8. “And they shall discern” -- this is a transac- -- a translation of the word, “sea,” is Strong's 991, and a legitimate translation is “discern.” They shall discern who? Christ Jesus. The Lord Jesus Christ and Christ working together shall discern the spiritual Christian and the natural Jew and the carnal -- that should not be carnal church; it should be carnal Christ -- and the carnal Christian, and Christ Jesus shall also discern those who have no knowledge of Christ at all.
And we are translating “dead bodies,” “dead,” and we are translating “days,” “serpentine timelines.” Now the -- I get that from the definition of day, which is 24-hour day. It is talking about darkness and light, morning and evening. It is talking about temporal times, and I believe that it signifies the serpent’s timelines [AUDIO CUTS OUT] [?Christ?] timeline is eternal. And we also have the word in the interlinear or -- “themselves.” We are translating it “there.”
Now we have an old revelation that you may not have heard me talk about in a while. The word, “three,” can be legitimately translated “the third part,” and this is a revelation that the Lord gave me years ago when I was doing a translation somewhere in the Book of Revelation where it says, “the third part of the threes and the third part of the grass,” and all that. And I sat before the Lord. I could not make head or tail of i- -- out of it, and I said, Lord, if you do not tell -- give me a revelation on this, I am just going to bed. I do not know what I am going to preach tomorrow, but I just do not understand it. I have done that two or three times in these nine years that I have been teaching here, and he has always come through.
And what he told me that night was that it is talking about the third part, which is the darkness in our mind, the third part of the mind. There is a spirit. The human spirit is in the mind, and Satan is in the mind, and Satan is the darkness. There is the personality, the human spirit, and the darkness in the mind, Satan or Satan and Leviathan as one. And this revelation has proven itself over and over. We had an outstanding revelation here. Actually, someone in this very fellowship really manifested over it. I believe they received the revelation now. In 1 Corinthians -- I believe it is 1 Corinthians 15, saying that Christ rose on the third day, and that is a deep, hidden message in that Scripture. If you have never heard it before, you can read the message, or you can read it in the Alternate Translation of the New Testament. You see, it is a great mystery.
Christ -- not the Lord Jesus Christ, but Christ rose out of -- Christ, the resurrected Adam in the man Jesus, rose out of the third part of Jesus’ day, Jesus’ carnal mind, Jesus’ -- the serpentine timeline that Jesus was born with, the third part of it. Christ rose out of the third part, out of the satanic part of the day. Now does that offend you, brethren? Do not stop reading. Remember what I told you earlier: The breath of life was dissolved in Satan’s primordial sea from the beginning of this fallen world. Christ is dissolved in the third part of the day. Maybe I sh- -- I am really starting to go out in the spirit here. The word, “Christ,” is not incorrect, but it probably just confused you.
Elohim’s breath of life, what we call the human spirit, was dissolved in Satan’s sea, and when the Holy Spirit comes to raise that human spirit from the dead, he is in the third part of the day. The Holy Spirit goes to Satan’s sea, where Christ -- where the breath of life is dissolved. The third part of the day is the darkness of our fallen existence.
And the word, “half,” is Strong's 2255. To be honest with you, I do not know what “physical body” is doing there, but I am just going to go past it right now. I will just mark it off. I do not know whether I just do not recall what I did with it or it is a mistake, so let us just mark it off. But there is a word in the interlinear and in the King James that says “half;” it is Strong's 2255, and it can be translated “in the same place.” And I think what it is saying is that the Christ mind is in the same place as the carnal mind.
And the “bodies,” we are translating that “dead.” We are not translating this word “ruined” at this time. We are translating it “dead.” And the dead bodies themselves -- “themselves” is a translation of “there.” And then we have a negative particle, “not;” we are translating that “Leviathan.” Then we have the word, “shall suffer,” “shall not suffer them to be put in graves.” Well, that word, “shall suffer,” can be translated “to divorce;” it is right there in Strong's. And then we have the word, “to put,” “shall s- -- shall not suffer them to put.” Right there in Strong's, “to bend down into a passive position.” The word, “in,” “in graves;” “in” can be translated “underneath.”
And the word, “grave” -- this Greek word, “grave,” is not talking about a hole in the ground; it is talking about sepulcher that is above the ground. It is talking about a stone monument, and stone typifies spirit, and a stone monument is talking about a spirit that is formed and standing erect above the ground, and I am suggesting to you that it is talking about a mind, the spiritual mind, the mind of Christ.
Alternate Translation, Revelation 11:9, “And Christ Jesus shall discern the spiritual Christians and the natural Jews and the carnal Christians and those who have no knowledge of Christ. And Satan, the third part of their dead serpentine timelines” -- that is their minds -- “that are in the same place” -- these carnal minds are in the same place with their Christ selves or with their Christ mind. “And they shall divorce Leviathan and bend her down into a passive position underneath their Christ or their spiritual mind.”
Amplified translation, Revelation 11:9, “And Christ Jesus shall discern Satan, the third part of their dead, serpentine mind that is in the same place with their Christ selves or with their Christ mind, and the spiritual Christians and the natural Jews and the carnal Christians and those who have no knowledge of Christ. And they, Christ Jesus now, the two witnesses, shall bend Leviathan, their conscious mind, down into a passive position, underneath their Christ or their spiritual mind, which is the fourth level.”
That is talking about perfection, also known as full stature. And after they do that, after they bend Leviathan down under their Christ mind, they shall divorce her, and that is speaking about the fifth through the eighth levels of spiritual matur- -- spiritual circumcision. Hallelujah.
Please note that the two witnesses, the Lord Jesus Christ and Christ, which together are called Christ Jesus in a spiritual man, the only mediator between God and man, who is appearing in many mortal men -- please note that the two witnesses are Lord Jesus and Christ together, called Christ Jesus. They are one spiritual man, and they are the only mediator between God and man, and they are appearing. These two witnesses are appearing in many mortal men. Praise the Lord. Is everybody OK? Am I losing you all?
Just as a closing exhortation because I am losing the whole congregation here, it has been very hard to understand this, and what I was just telling everybody was that the deeper the revelation, the harder it is to receive it, and a lot of people here are going out in the spirit, and this is the exact expression of what I was talking about earlier. Leviathan stands up to stop your human spirit from receiving the rain of my prophecy because, you see, Christ Jesus in me is preaching this message, and that makes me the two witnesses -- the two -- I am the -- both the two witnesses to you, and my words are rain, which are the semen of almighty God, which have the power to moisten your human spirit and bring it to life. And if Christ is already conceived in you, the additional rain is raising him up, and Leviathan stands right in front of your human spirit or your embryonic Christ and puts you to sleep so that you cannot receive this word.
So I think it is very exciting that we are seeing happening here, actually, what I preached about, and I am just hoping that we are going to have some really exciting experiences very soon. I think we are just very close. It is just really exciting. So I am going to let you go for tonight because you cannot take anymore, OK. Praise the Lord.
Transcribed by Verbal Fusion 04/09/16
04/12/16 1st Edit rh