Part 2 of 3 Parts
The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation
By The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
We are back in Zephaniah, chapter 1. The message that the Lord gave the Hebrew prophets, to the best of my knowledge, in every case, is the doctrine of Christ or the doctrine of perfection, the promise or the information about what the end of the fall of man is, that it is the resurrection from the dead. It is not burning in Hell forever, but it is the resurrection of the dead. And each prophet has a different emphasis of this great plan of salvation of the Lord. I mentioned to Mary earlier that the Lord has suggested that she listen to Habakkuk. The emphasis in the Book of Habakkuk is upon the necessity of seeing the evil in the hearts of men, not to destroy them with this knowledge, but you cannot deliver somebody if you cannot see what they need to be delivered from.
Brethren, if you go to a doctor because you have a problem in your belly, he has to open you up and take a look at what is causing the problem in your belly. You have to look at it. You have to know that it is there in order for you to help the person. If you are in denial and you are saying everybody is good, every -- God loves everybody, everybody is good. men are good, well, then how will you ever show people their sins? And if you do not show people their sins, how will they ever confess? And if they do not ever confess their sins, how will they ever repent? And if they do not repent, they will die in their sins, and their blood will be on your hands, if God sent you to show them their sins and you refused to do it because of some religious, pharisitical spirit that says fallen man is good. Fallen man is wicked.
People are wicked in different ways. The Bible says that the prostitute and the alcoholic have it easy. They know they are wicked, but all you Pharisees out there, you really have a big problem. You do not know how wicked you are. You think that your religious rituals and your works and the way you dress make you righteous. And if you do not get a revelation that you are as wicked as the rest of us, you will surely die in your sins.
And as the Lord has been showing us here, the hardest people to minister to are the Pharisees. Why? Because when you go to show them their sins, they wage a holy war against you. We had that in a recent message. It may even have been Zephaniah. Their pride rises up and wages a holy war against you. How can they wage a holy war against you? They think that they are the righteous one and that you are unrighteous for doing what you are doing, and they will fight against you to the death. Why? Because they do not think they are guilty.
You see, you come against a man who, in his heart of hearts, knows that he is guilty, and he has a breaking point. He says I cannot keep up this farce any longer. You are right; I am guilty. But the man who really thinks he is innocent, the man who really thinks that he is arrived, man, you cannot convince him that he is guilty. He will fight until he kills you or you kill him. Is that not true? We have one laughing person because they know it is true, right?
Amen. It is true. Look at the kamikazes from World War II, the suicide pilots. They were undefeatable because they did not care if they died. They believed that if they died in battle, that they would go to heaven, so they would do all kinds of crazy things. They j- -- they would crash into a battleship. They would crash their plane right into the battleship, take down the whole battleship. They did not care if they died. They were waging a holy war. You try to defeat someone that thinks their right. Without Christ on your side, they will kill you because, you know, that belief and self-righteousness, it is gives you strength.
So, outside of Christ, talking about two fallen people, if you see a contest between a man that is fighting for a right- -- what he believes to be a righteous cause and you see him up against a man who is just fighting, you better believe the man that thinks he has a righteous cause it going to kill that other guy. You know, it is not enough to have physical strength; it is the determination in your heart. As my dear old daddy says, you have to have it in you. It does not matter how physically strong you are. You have to have that smell of blood in you to go out and really kill somebody, either spiritually or physically. Everybody does not have it.
It is the same principle with wisdom. You could be intellectually brilliant. It is not enough to go to college and go to law school. Brethren, you cannot be a lawyer unless you have it in you to be a warrior. To be a lawyer is to be at war. Your whole job is at war with the other c- -- with the other lawyer. If you are not a soldier, if you are not a warfare worker in your heart, then do not become a lawyer. Although, some people who do not have this lust for war become lawyers, but they become tax lawyers, and they just sit behind their desk, or they become trust and estate lawyers, and they just make up wills for people. They do not engage in any of the adversarial aspects of the legal profession. It is not enough to have the brains; it is not enough to have the muscles. You have to have the bloodlust.
I am telling you, all the -- all of the moneymaking aspects of this society requires bloodlust. If you think I do not know what I am talking about, you are mistaken. If you want to be a successful businessman, you have got to have that bloodlust. I am -- well, of course, there are a few exceptions. You look at men who have become millionaires, frequently, they are unscrupulous. You have to have that competitive spirit. It is a contest down here in Hell.
This is a spiritual jungle, and if you do not have that competitive spirit, well, you get yourself a job where you just earn -- and that is not bad. You get yourself a job where you just earn your living day by day, and you live a simple life. But for the animals in this spiritual jungle that are predominant, they are all in a predatory business. Even sales, a predatory business. Business, a predatory business. Corporate structure, a predatory business, people eating each other alive every day to make their first million. That is the nature of this system down here.
It is not that way in heaven, you see. Promotion is of the Lord, and a lot of people that are in this world who try to transfer into getting things done by the kingdom of God, by the methods of the kingdom of God, have a big problem because this competitive edge is all worked up in them. They want to go, go, go do it themselves. But in the kingdom of God, you have to stand still and let the Lord kill all your enemies, in accordance with his plans and his purposes, and let the Lord exalt you to a high place.
And when the Lord opens the door in your life, no man can shut it. When the Lord gives you a promotion, when the Lord gives you a job, nobody can take it from you, so, therefore, there is no reason to fight to keep it. There is no reason to fight to keep other people from getting a similar gift or blessing. If God gave it to you, he will sustain you in it, and if he gives the same gift or a greater gift to someone else, there is no reason for envy or for feeling threatened because God is not an Indian giver. He does not give and take back, and he has plenty for everybody.
There are no shortages in the kingdom of God. It may look that way for a season because the kingdom of God is still under construction, but God's intention for everybody is that we should all become spiritual males with full dominion over this soul realm, completely satisfied and ultimately blessed, lacking nothing. So if you are in a competitive mindset in the kingdom, you are spinning your wheels. God will not promote you, brethren, when you are trying to promote yourself.
Everything in the kingdom is given to the most qualified person, so whatever job God gives you to do, be grateful. Humble yourself. Do it to the best of your ability, and if he promotes you, fine, and if he does not promote you, be content with what you have. And be grateful that you have an opportunity to do whatever he has given you to do in the kingdom, no matter how small or how great; always bearing with you the knowledge that the greater the gift, the greater the responsibility; the greater the warfare and the greater the potential to fall.
So do not lust after someone else's office, brethren. You would not want it if the Lord did not d- -- believe or determine that you were strong enough spiritually to stand against the attacks that would come upon you from Satan for such a position. Thank God that he is not giving you what you are not ready for, and if you do not have it, you are not ready for it because the Lord needs everybody. If you were capable, you would be in the office; you better believe it. The kingdom is sorely lacking leadership and lacking commitment in every area, lacking committed people in every area. So if you are capable, you have got it, and if you are not capable, you might not like what you have to go through to be made capable, so count the cost before you pray and ask for it.
How many people I know have said, oh, Lord, Lord, Lord, let me, let me, let me, let me. And the Lord says, yes, and they give their testimony. The Lord said I am going to be a preacher, hallelujah. And two months later, you see the same person crying their eyes out, kicking and screaming and yelling and saying what is happened to me. Satan has got a hold of my life. What did I do to deserve this fierily trial? You asked to be a preacher, brother. You have to get cleaned up if you want to serve God. You cannot bring your sin into his kingdom. OK.
Let us try this thing. Zephaniah, chapter 1. This is part 2. I am reading you the Alternate Translations interspersed and amplified of verses 2 through 9, which we did at the last meeting. And please notice how Jehovah is -- this almost sounds like a legal document. Jehovah is declaring to the people not only of Israel, but the peoples of the world, as to his intention of delivering them from the bondage that they have fallen into. And I believe it is a legal document; it is a covenant. When the Lord speaks through a prophet and it is the pure word of the Lord coming out, it is an immutable word. It is an unchangeable word. That makes it a contract.
When God says he is going to do it, when God says he is going to deliver us out of Hell, that means, brethren, he will deliver us out of Hell whether we like the way he is doing it, whether we do not like the way he is doing it, whether we are screaming or whether we are yelling or whether we are complaining or whether we are trying to kill each other because we do not understand. He is going to do it, and he is going to do it his way, not your way. You cannot twist his arm; you cannot make him feel guilty; you cannot influence him; you cannot change him. He does not get upset when you have a temper tantrum. He either just ignores you or whacks you on the behind. He is bigger than you are; he is stronger than you are. He does not need you; you need him. And if you are fighting against God, you are a scriptural fool. That is OK. It is OK for today. You can be a fool today and be wise tomorrow. The only thing that is forever is the Lord. You can change. You do not have to be what you are today tomorrow.
Zephaniah 1:2-9, "I, Jehovah, am promising to heal the whole creation, which is in outer darkness, by gathering her into a relationship with me which will protect her when I liberate Adam from his beast nature by crucifying his carnal mind to Christ. And this is how I will do it: I am going to free the human spirit from her bondage to Satan and the carn- -- from her bondage to Satan and the carnal mind by sending the carnal minds of other men against Judah and everyone therein who is dwelling in their souls, everyone who is not living out of the rational mind of Christ but living out of their emotions."
It is death to obey your emotions. Resist your emotions, brethren; obey God. And he is telling us how he is going to do it. He is going to send the carnal minds of men against those who swear by Jehovah with their mouths, but they are liars. They are really swearing by Satan in their hearts and obeying the armies of demons in their carnal minds. And he is going to send the carnal minds of criminally-intended men against those who have turned away from Jehovah and those who are not looking for Jehovah and those who have not loved him enough, to trample their carnal minds underfoot.
So we see in this verse the attack of the Lord is coming against men who are not even looking for God; that is the heathen. Those who have known him or have experienced him and are backslidden and those who are not -- who do not love him enough to trample their carnal minds underfoot, those in whom Christ are be- -- in whom Christ is being formed because you cannot trample your carnal mind underfoot unless Christ is being formed in your mind. You have to have something with which to trample your carnal mind under, and that which will trample your carnal mind under is Christ, so if you do not have Christ, you cannot be doing that. So we see this declaration going to -- if you have ears to hear and eyes to see, it is going to the whole world, not only to Judah, and it is also speaking to the modern-day church.
"And it shall come to pass in that day." In what day? In the day that Jehovah frees the human race, who are engaged in all of these sins that we just mentioned. "And it shall come to pass in that day that Christ rips the carnal mind out of everyone who overcomes her and offers her up to Jehovah, that in that day" -- now, listen, in that day, there is going to be a company of men who are going to overcome their carnal mind, and to those who overcome their carnal mind, Christ is going to rip that carnal mind out.
You see, right now we are at war. Every time you take a victory over your carnal mind, it is great, but, brethren, we are not supposed to be at war for the rest of our lives. The age of peace is supposed to come, and peace will not come until the carnal mind is dead. So you wage the war; you resist your carnal mind. You overcome her, and the day will come that Christ will rip her out from the midst of you, and you shall have peace. And in that day, Jehovah shall appear in the men he has purified. Well, brethren, if he has ripped your carnal mind out of you, you are purified. So, first, you overcome your carnal mind. Then Jehovah rips the carnal mind out of you, making you purified, and then Jehovah appears in you. And when he appears in you, he shall send you to the sons of Israel.
"And Jehovah shall appear in the many as purified and rip out the carnal minds of the sons of Israel" -- that is the church today, brethren -- "and everyone else whose human spirit is covered by Satan." So first the carnal mind is being ripped out of those who have overcome. Those who are overcome are being sent to the church to rip their carnal minds out, and then they are going to the world to rip the carnal minds out of the earth, everywhere where she is appearing.
"So, brethren," Zephaniah, the prophet, says, "let your carnal mind be silent when Christ comes to you to show you your sins because the time when he shall defeat your carnal mind is very near." And the Lord showed us Thursday night that what this verse really means -- it is verse 9. If Christ -- now he who does not believe that Christ is come in the flesh is an anti-Christ. Christ is not coming out of the sky. He is not coming to you in visions and dreams. He is coming to you in a man, and in this hour, in an imperfect man, and the name of the company in which Christ is manifesting in imperfect men is the two witness company, amen. And when the members of those -- that two witness company arises to purification or full stature, their name changes to the sons of God.
So the Lord is pointing out sins to men in this hour, out of imperfect vessels, but he is not sending an imperfect vessel to you to point out your sin in an area that that imperfect vessel has not overcome. If it is truly Christ in a man pointing out your sin, that man must have overcome in the area where he is showing you your sin. That is why he understands you. That is why he sees it in you. That is why he recognizes the operation of it. He had it himself, and it was confessed and repented of and overcome, otherwise he is not qualified to show you that sin. OK.
So in that hour that God sends Christ in a man to you to show you your sin, this is a sign unto you, brethren, that the hour of your deliverance is at hand. God wants to rip your carnal mind out of you, that you should live in peace with God because, when you have peace with God, no man could possibly be your enemy. And as long as your carnal mind is manifesting, you are not at peace with God because your carnal mind is at enmity with God, brethren, in the way you think, in the things you say and in the things you do. So if God sends a son or a member of the two witness company to you to show you your sins, let your carnal mind be silent, and listen to the correction because this is a great blessing unto you, for the hour of your deliverance from bondage to Satan is at hand. Hallelujah.
Continuing with Zephaniah 1:10, "And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord, that there shall be the noise of a cry from the fish gate, and an howling from the second, and a great crashing from the hills."
Well, that sounds real pretty, and it sounds like poetry, but verse 10 of Zephaniah 1 is one of those verses that makes no sense to me at all in the King James translation. It sounds good. I know the Lord said it, and that is wonderful, but, in this hour, the Lord is speaking to his sons no longer in parables. But how is he speaking to us? Face-to-face. Now he may be speaking to you face-to-face by giving you your own revelation, but if he is speaking to you through a teacher, he is still speaking to you face-to-face.
Let us find out what the great God is saying to us, that we might be encouraged and that we might work with him unto our deliverance from Hell. Brethren, it is time to break out of this place, and you have to do it the Lord's way, and part of his way is through understanding of his plan. So let us take a look at what he is saying to us.
"And it shall come to pass in that day, says the Lord," and that Hebrew word translated "saith," it is not just a spoken word. It is a statement of God. It is Jehovah saying, I, Jehovah, declare to you in this day this is what is going to happen. It is prophetic. There is no changing it. There is no avoiding it. It is a legal commitment from the Lord. "In that day, there shall be the noise of a cry from the fish gate." "Cry," Strong's 6818, the Hebrew word means "a cry for help."
The "fish gate." Some of you may know that Jerusalem had a wall around it and that there were many gates in this wall, each gate having its own name, usually derived from the activity that would go on in or near that gate. So the fish gate into the city of Jerusalem was the gate where fish were s- -- bought and sold. So if you wanted to purchase fish -- if you were living in Jerusalem and you wanted to have fish for dinner that night, just like we know in Long Island, you can get fish by going down by the fishing boats. Where do they come in, in Brentwood, Bay Shore? Is that where they come in, the fishing boats? Babylon.
OK. If you want really fresh fish, you can hop in your car and take a ride down to Babylon and meet the fish boats and get the fish right out of the water. Well, if you lived in Jerusalem and you wanted fish for dinner, you had to go to that section of the gate of Jerusalem, which is called the fish gate because that is where they sold the fish. Now you could go to the sheep gate if you wanted to, but you would not find any fish there, so if you are looking for fish, you have to do it the Lord's way.
So we see a group of people at the fish gate either buying and selling fish or, I suggest to you, being bought and sold. Fish, we know, are a type of believers. Jesus clearly said to the apostles, "You will be fishers of men," so we see men referred to as fish. And, personally, I believe that the Lord is speaking about the spirit of man because we know he also refers to believers as sheep, so the Lord is not frivolous. If he is referring to believers as sheep, he is referring to the whole person because a sheep is an animal. When he refers to man as a fish, he is referring to -- well, where are fish? They dwell in the ocean, and the ocean typifies the unconscious mind of man, so fish refer to the deep, spiritual nature of man. And man has a conscious mind and an unconscious mind. Fish refers to the unconscious mind of man. And who is the unconscious mind of fallen man? Satan. So I suggest to you that those who are crying for help in the fish gate are those whose unconscious mind is Satan.
Now, remember, our human spirit is that part of us which i- -- was originally with God. Our human spirit is typified by salt. She is that part of us which has the potential to be Christ, and, in this hour, her salt is dissolved in the water of Satan's spirit. And Jesus said, if you have salt that is not acting like a preservative, if you have a human spirit that is not Christ, what good is your salt for salting? If you have a human spirit that Christ is not growing out of, if you have a human spirit that is not preserving the life of your soul and your body, what good is your human spirit?
So if your human spirit is not preserving your life -- and everybody that is ever been born into this fallen world has died with one exception, the Lord Jesus Christ. If the human spirit is not preserving your life, what is she doing? She is joined to Satan in your unconscious mind, and she is bound in his existence. She cannot get out. She cannot come into a condition whereby she can per- -- she can manifest Christ, where she can be raised from the dead as she joins with the life of Christ and rises up in his strength. She is bound in the seawater or the salt sea of Satan, and it is going to take a superhuman miracle to get her out. How do you separate salt from seawater? There is only one way. How do you do it?
You have to boil the water. Satan must be boiled. Who, brethren, is strong enough to boil the water of Satan's existence? Christ. He is the only one. He is the lion of the tribe of Judah. He is the only one strong enough to break the seals of Satan's ownership upon this dead soul. You cannot do it yourself. We will be down here forever in eternal torment. Glory to God.
So I suggest to you that those who are crying for help in the fish gate are God's people who are recognizing that they are in bondage in their minds. Now this is not true of the whole church. We have elements in the church that are very content to live out this existence and die and go to heaven and inherit their mansion and walk on streets of gold. They are not crying out for help. They think they are OK. There are elements in the church that believe they are incapable of sin in their fallen condition. They are deceived by the pride of their own mind.
So in the day that those elements of God's people who ascend above this deception and recognize the pitiful condition that they are in and how desperate they are in their bondage to Satan and how they need the help of a personal savior growing in their own soul, not the help of the Holy Spirit that makes their feet a dancing, but how they need the help of a personal savior to defeat Satan in their own minds and deliver their human spirit out from her bondage to him. Those of God's people who come to that condition of awareness, in that day, we are going to see what is going to happen.
So it shall come to pass in that day, says the Lord, that when the people who are in bondage to Satan recognize their bondage and cry out for help, and howling from the second, which makes no sense at all. Let us find out what that means.
Well, let me read you my note first, just to make sure I did not miss anything. The entrance to Jerusalem where fish were offered for sale, that is the fish gate. The words "fish gate" appear to indicate the Hebrews who are still being sold or are in bondage. Well, they are being sold to Satan even though they are in Jerusalem, even though they are in the church. Brethren, we have people in the church that are being sold to Satan. E- -- Satan is selling them every day.
The church is filled with sin. How could you tell me I am incapable of sin? I had a pastor say that to me. Sister, do you really believe you could sin? Yes, brother, I really believe I could sin. What a shame. The man has a ministry over here in Middle Island, very nice man, but he is killing his people because if you do not tell your people to confess their sins and repent, their blood is on your hands. May God have mercy on his soul and let him know the truth. He said it to me. Rita was sitting right there. You mean you sin? My goodness. Yes, I do, every day. God, help me. I sin in my mind. Sometimes I sin in my behavior. OK.
This bondage can be taken on two levels today. There are many Christians who enter into the city who are being sold by Satan. What does that mean? It means they have many spiritual problems, and also this is the condition of the church at large today, which means no matter how well the individual is doing, the whole church is still abiding in death. So we see the people who are sinning with their behavior; they know that their sin is.
But the whole church, if you never, ever sin in your behavior, you are still abiding in death. How doing I know? Everybody dies, and my Bible says that if there is no sin in you, if you are truly righteous, when this body dies, the Father would raise you from the dead, just like he raised Jesus of Nazareth from the dead. The Father is no respecter of persons. Why would he raise Jesus of Nazareth from the dead and let you stay dead? Because you are filled with sin, you fool, but the carnal minds of men has made up all kinds of excuses why nobody, not one man after resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, has ever been raised from the dead. They make up all kinds of fantasies, doctrines of demons, as to why people die and stay dead.
And the truth is that Jesus of Nazareth was the seed. After he was raised from the dead, sacrificing his sinless life, he did not have to die. He gave up that sinless life to be converted into a spiritual form whereby he could rain on all of humanity, and if a drop of him gets in you and begins to grow, when that growth matures to its fullness, you too shall be raised from the dead because the one who has already overcome the world has reproduced the life of his person in you, and he will kill your fallen nature that is causing you to die, and he will be your life. Jesus.
The cry for help coming from the fish gate indicates the realization of the element of the church which is in denial that she is still in Satan's grasp, and she will stop going out and beating people over their heads with a Bible, and she will start looking at her own sins and start working with the mote in her own eye before she goes telling other people their sins when she is still filthy. Jesus said do not you tell people their sins until you have taken victory over them in your own life. Why? Because when you show someone their sins in an area that you are not victorious over, the judgment will fall on both of you. Are you ready for that? We saw it happen in an international evangelist, pointed out sexual sin in a man when his life was dirty, and the boom fell on him, did not even take a year, crash. Do not you judge another man's servant unless the Lord has sent you, and he has not sent you unless you have taken the victory yourself. And if you think he has, you are lying to yourself, and you will find out when the boom falls on you.
"And an howling from the second." The Hebrew word translated "howling," it is used -- it means "howling." It is used in Jeremiah 25:36 to describe the distress of the shepherds whom the Lord is removing to second place. Now that was -- this is part of the reason why I read you this dream earlier. There is a ministry which is being removed to second place, and we are -- and I told you in the exhortation that, if you have the eyes to recognize the men in whom God is raising up now and step back voluntarily as John the Baptist did, there is no shame in it. But if your pride is so high that you cannot see it, when God removes you forcibly, there will be a shame to the extent that you will be howling, crying in great distress.
We find this is Jeremiah 25:36. The word is describing the distress of the shepherds or the pastors whom the Lord is removing the second place because they are second to the high priest. That Hebrew word translated "second" is Strong's 4932, and it means second to the high priest. Brethren, when Christ appears in full stature in a company of men, they become the high priest. They are in the same office that Jesus was in and is in. So when a company of ministers in full stature appears in the church, they shall be the high priests. They are the -- one and the same with the Lord Jesus Christ. We all know the Lord Jesus Christ is our high priest, but he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit. So when Christ appears in you in the fullness of his life and puts your sin-filled life underfoot and makes it inoperable, you become a member or a part of the high priest, and every other minister that you come in contact with becomes second in position, second in authority, second in power unto you. And if you do not step down, you are going to be taken down.
So these -- this ministry, which is in second place -- they are in first place now. They are in first place until the high priest appears, but they are using the sheep for their own gain. They are using the sheep for their own gain. They are using the sheep to make money. They are using the sheep to exalt themselves and make themselves important. It is going on all over the church, and the Lord tolerates it. Why? Because the first place company is not yet available, and these imperfect men who are hurting a lot of people are also helping a lot of people, and they are better than nothing. But when the greater appears in the earth, the lesser shall be removed. When that which is perfect is come, that which is imperfect shall be removed, so remove yourself, you fools, before you get taken down and made ashamed.
In Zechariah 11:3, we seem the -- we see the same word, the word "howling," Strong's 3215, used to describe the pain felt by the shepherds or the pastors when the Lord takes away their spiritual power. So we see pain coming to the existing fivefold ministry on two levels, pain that will result in their howling, pain coming when they realize that they are not the high priest company but they are second and pain coming when they lose that spiritual authority, which they have, because they have been using it to abuse the sheep, using spiritual power to control people, using spiritual power to make money.
Brethren, you cannot sell the word of God; you cannot sell the power of God. You are obligated to pray for everybody and anybody who asks for prayer. You are -- sorry, I lost the word. You are required to teach everybody who comes to be taught. You are required to help everybody for whom you have the ability to help, without compensation. You cannot charge for the word of God; you cannot charge for a prayer. And if you say that you cannot live without charging, then go get a job because, if the Lord is not supporting your ministry, you should not be in it, unless you are in a transition period where you are serving God but he has not given you an income yet. And you would know that because only a fool is going to work two full-time jobs when you do not get paid for one job unless you know the Lord has sent you.
There shall be a howling from those who are second to the high priest, the undershepherds, the carnal men. The second are the carnal men who are anointed or have the anointing of the Holy Ghost. Actually, anointing is not a correct word. The Greek word translated "anointing" means oil, OK. The men who have the Holy Ghost have the fountain of water. Water can be washed away, brethren, and we will find that in a further verse. The oil does not wash off; it sticks to you. You can lose the Holy Ghost, and you can lose the ministry that he gives to you as a gift because the calling and the gifts of God are without repentance. You do not deserve them. Technically, you are not qualified to have them, but you are the best the Lord could raise up, God help us, and you are better than nothing until that which is real manifests in the [AUDIO CUTS OUT]
Oh, I printed out those two verses for you that demonstrate the Hebrew word translated howling. Jeremiah 25:36, "A voice of the cry of the shepherds, and an howling of the principal of the flock, shall be heard: because the Lord hath spoiled their pasture." And what is their pasture? The people, yeah, their ministry, yeah. Either all the people are going to leave you, or nobody will pay their tithes to you or give you any form of money, which everybody needs to survive. Either you will get a bunch of faithless people who take and do not give that which they are able to give, or everybody will just pack up and leave. You see, in the kingdom of God, you give what you are able, and you get everything you need, spiritually. You give financially what you are able, and you get every spiritual thing that you need.
Zechariah 11:3, "There is a voice of the howling of the shepherds; for their glory is spoiled: a voice of the roaring of the young lions; for the pride of Jordan is spoiled." Their glory is spoiled; their pride is spoiled. God is bringing down their pride. The word "glory" is typifying their spiritual power. Glory typifies spiritual power in the soul realm. God is spoiling, and he is taking it from them. Either they will go on and be a part of the ministry in Christ, or they will have no part in the ministry. Their spiritual power is spoiled.
"There [?shall blaze?] of a cry from the fish gate, and an howling from the second, and a great crashing from the hills." "Great" just means "great." "Crashing" is Strong's 7667; it means breaking. This is the Hebrew word which indicates the -- or can indicate the breaking of the mind. In Job 41:17 it speaks about the breaking of the mind. In Genesis 42:1 it speaks about the breaking of the outer husk of the grain, and in Proverbs 16:18 and Isaiah 1:28, this word is used to describe the destruction of whole men. The outer husk of the grain, the part of the grain which is not edible typifies what? The carnal mind. So we see this crashing or the breaking of the hills. It is speaking about the destruction of the carnal minds of men or the breaking up of the carnal minds of men.
Hills -- you may remember from previous messages, hills typify men. In the Scripture mountains typify -- what do mountains typify? Hmm? Nations. Mountains typify nations, and hills typify men, symbolically speaking. So we are going to see the breaking up of the hills; the carnal minds of men will be breaking up. And the purpose for the breaking up of the carnal minds of men is what? Why is God going to break up the carnal minds of men?
Yeah, so that Christ can appear, definitely. God is not killing your carnal mind if Christ is not being formed in you. You will die. You cannot exist in this world without a mind, so the fact that the Lord is breaking your carnal mind or the fact that you have come under judgment or the fact that God has brought you up against someone whose mind is in Christ who is opposing you and correcting you and breaking the ungodly powers of your mind, that is a sign that Christ is being formed in you. God will not do it to you unless Christ is being formed in you; you will not have anything to keep you alive.
Alternate Translation, Zephaniah 1:10, "And I, Jehovah, declare that, in that day, my people who are in bondage to Satan but deny their condition, the day that they shall change their minds and cry -- the day they are going to stop denying it and cry out for help, I shall strip the pastors who are abusing my people of their authority. And the carnal minds of my people shall break up."
I think I -- do I have a pen [?here?]? I think I wrote this wrong. "And I, Jehovah, declare that, in that day, my people who are in bondage to Satan but deny their condition shall cry out for help. I shall strip the pastors who are abusing my people." Oh b- -- put that on pause for a minute. What did I do here?
"And I, Jehovah, declare that, in that day, my people who are in bondage to Satan but deny their condition -- I declare in the day that my people who are in bondage to Satan but deny their condition shall cry out for help. I shall strip the pastors who are abusing their authority, and the carnal minds of my people shall break up." OK, I have got it now.
This is verse 10, "And I, Jehovah, declare that, in the day that my people who are in bondage to Satan but, denying their condition, shall cry out for help, I shall strip the pastors who are abusing their authority, and the carnal minds of my people shall break up."
Now in what day? In the day that Jehovah purifies the firstfruits company by ripping their carnal minds out and sends his purified sons to show Israel their sins. And, brethren, the implication here is that the pastors are the -- are being allowed to abuse their authority people the people, in their heart of hearts, love it.
Now I thought I printed out a reference here, and I do not see it anywhere. But we are told, in the New Testament, that there is a day that will come that people will not endure sound doctrine, that they have itching ears, that they want to hear what they want to hear. They want to hear that they are righteous; they want to hear that God has blessing for them; they want to hear only good things. They do not want to hear about their sins; they do not want to confess their sins; they do not want to repent. And the Lord is saying, because of this, I have allowed these unscrupulous pastors to exercise authority over you, but in the day that I raise up a righteous ministry who will show you your sins and you confess and repent, in that day, I will give you godly pastors. The two go together.
I want to tell you something, brethren. The people in the church today who are truly confessing their sins and repenting, they have either been brought out from under ungodly pastors or are [?bring?] -- or are being brought out. The men who abide -- or the women, I should say. The people, the spiritually female people who are abiding under ungodly shepherds are there because of the pride of their own heart, which is very content to avoid any possibility of confessing their sins. That is a hard word, but I believe it is the truth of the Scriptures.
If you see a ministry -- if you know a ministry that went bad, that man was a great man of God yesterday and today he stinks, that is a scriptural word. The dead fish, in his unconscious mind, stink. If you know a man like that and you know people who are manifesting the power of God strongly and they did not come out when that man died spiritually, they are stuck in that church because their pride is being satisfied there. There is something there that is making them feel good. Either they are in the ministry and they are not willing to give up their position, or they are being allowed to abide there without their sins being exposed.
Something ungodly is keeping them there because, if they truly loved the Lord, they would be panting after him like the hart in the forest. They would be following the Lord on their knees every night saying, Father, show me to a ministry where righteousness is being preached. Take me to a ministry where your Spirit is manifesting. Let me experience your glory. Do not leave me in the death of this dead place. But if they are abiding in the death of that dead place and they are blaming it all on the demons or the curses of their enemies and proclaiming that they are innocent, it is because of the pride of their own mind. And I do not care how anointed they were in healing or deliverance or teaching or preaching. If they are stuck there, it is because they are pursuing their own sins and their own righteousness more than the righteousness and the love of God, and that is the truth.
Amplified translation, Zephaniah 1:10, "And I, Jehovah, declare that, in the day that I rip the carnal minds out of my firstfruits and send my purified ones to my people who are in bondage to Satan but deny their condition -- in the day that I send my purified ones to show them their sins, my people shall cry out for help, and I shall strip the pastors who are abusing them of their authority, and the carnal minds of my people shall break up, and Christ shall appear in them also."
"And I, Jehovah, declare that, in the day that I rip the carnal minds out of my firstfruits and send my purified ones to show my people, who are in bondage to Satan but deny that condition, to show them their sins, my people shall cry out for help." When their sins are shown to them, they will cry out for help. "And in that day, I shall strip the pastors who are abusing them of their authority, and the carnal minds of my people shall break up, and Christ shall appear in them also."
So, you see, even God's people, who are lifted up in pride and who find themselves in bondage because of the pride of their own minds, God is going to send his Christ to appear in them also. You see, the Lord, he does not have to burn you in Hell forever. What a waste of time. Why would he want to burn you in Hell forever? He has the power to fix you, and he either fixes you or he kills you. He either rehabilitates you or kills you. Life is not scriptural. Life sentence is not scriptural. Either rehabilitate the man or put him out of his misery. That is what the Bible says.
So we see this -- oh, so we see the Scripture saying that the Lord is waiting for the people to realize their bondage to the false, fivefold ministry because it is their own sins which keep them bound to this man who is controlling them.
2 Timothy 4:3 says, "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts, they heap unto themselves teachers, having itching ears." Because of their own lust, they pursue teachers who tell them what makes them feel good.
Continuing with Zephaniah 1:11, "Howl, ye inhabitants of Maktesh, for all the merchant people are cut down; all they that bear silver are cut off."
"Howl," that is the same word as above. It means they are crying out because of the pain of the judgment that is upon them. "Inhabitants" is Strong 3 -- Strong's 3427; this word is speaking about those who are sitting down, and also it means someone who is married to you. I suggest to you this word is speaking about those who are joined to their own soul. The concept of sitting down or being married to is the concept of joining. It is a word that means union.
You may remember from our recent series about Elijah, he was the man who was joined to his own soul. That is a fallen condition. If your mind is carnal, the carnal mind is born of the soul. The spiritual seed of God is not present. The carnal mind is the mind which was brought forth of the soul by herself, and the carnal mind is female, and we are all joined to our mind. That is why the carnal mind has more power over men today in whom the mind of Christ is being formed because the carnal mind is married to your soul. She is the sitting queen. She is attached to your soul, and possession is 9/10ths of the law. She has you. She has been told by the Lord she has you illegally, and the order has gone out commanding her to turn the souls of men over to the Lord Jesus Christ, but she has not done it, brethren. She has still got us. She is still joined to us. She is still controlling us. She is still tormenting us, and she is still using us for her wicked purposes. That is why Christ is bombing us, so that we can be liberated from her grasp. So the word "inhabitants" is speaking about the ones who are sitting down or married to their own soul; that is everybody except the Lord Jesus Christ.
"Maktesh," Strong's 4389; this Hebrew word has a meaning besides -- Maktesh is a geographical area, but it also has a meaning which means -- it means a mortar. Did you ever hear of a mortar and pestle? Pharmacists use it, where the mortal is a bowl, a hollow bowl where you put a substance in it, and you take a pestle or a hard rod, and you grind up. You can grind up garlic in it, and you can make some tonics or substances that you take for medicinal purposes, a mortar and a pestle. The mortar is the bowl in -- which contains the substance that is being ground and blended with other substances.
So what are we saying here? All you inhabitants who are sitting down in or who are married to or are -- or who are joined to the bowl where substances are ground. Well, the bowl, the container, is the soul. The container that the mind rests in is the soul, and all of you people who are joined to your soul but are in a condition where the Lord is starting to break up that soul, if you are dwelling in a soul where the pestle of the Lord is coming down and is starting to break up that which is within you, this word is for you. Did I make that clear? Everybody got that? Are you OK? No? I am be- -- I will say it again.
This word translated "Maktesh," it is speaking about a mortar, a bowl which is used for the mashing of substances and the blending of it -- sometimes the blending of it with other objects. A lot of people use it. They mash up a garlic clove in the -- and you literally grind the garlic clove between the bottom of the bowl and the metal -- not the metal, the object that you use to crush it with, OK. Everybody OK? OK.
So the Lord is saying, you inhabitants of Maktesh, all of you who are joined to your own soul who are in a condition whereby the pestle of the Lord or the object or the weapon of the Lord is coming and he is grinding you to powder. That is an expression that is used throughout the Old Testament. You shall be ground to powder. It is speaking about the separation. It is speaking about the destruction of the condition that you exist in. When you grind up a garlic clove, you just break it down. When you are finished with it, it does not look like a garlic clove anymore, and in some cultures, they will mix it with a little olive oil, and they will grind it up, or they will mix it with a whole pound of butter, and you will have garlic butter. It will not look like a garlic clove anymore, so all of you who are dwelling or joined to a soul that is being crushed by the Lord, whose form is being changed by the Lord, this message is for you.
What is the message? Howl. You are supposed to be howling. Why? Because the Lord has got his pestle on you, and he is breaking you to pieces, and it hurts. You think that is funny, huh? It hurts when he breaks your heart up, when he shows you your sins and he says you cannot do that anymore. You cannot lie anymore because I have got somebody in your lie that is going to tell you what your true motive is. You cannot be in denial anymore. You cannot play that game anymore because I have put people in your life that are just going to look at you, and they are not going to be mad at you, but they are going to love you, and they are going to say, well, whatever turns you on, brother, but you have not fooled me.
Those of you that are in this place right now, where the way you have lived your life for 20, 30, 40, 50 years is being crushed, where your lies do not work anymore, where your manipulation does not work anymore because God has put someone with a spirit of righteousness up against you, you are going to howl because it hurts. It hurts to find out what you are really feeling. You have not only been lying to other people; you have been lying to yourself. You have been lying to yourself about what you feel; you have been lying to yourself about what you believe; you have been lying to yourself, making the other person the guilty party all the time, when most of the time it was you, not even 50-50. Most of the time it was you blaming the other guy, blaming your birth condition, blaming all the hard breaks that you had in life, boo-hoo, boo-hoo, boo-hoo. That only counts when you are a dependent child.
From the day you become an adult, you are responsible for your own life. I do not care what your mother did to you; I do not care what your father did to you; I do not care what the bullfrog did to you. Do what you have to do to get yourself straightened out. Get before God. Confess your sins. Repent. Forgive the people who hurt you because, if you cannot forgive them, you are going to be bound to your past. If you have ungodly feelings, unforgiveness for your parents or anyone from your past, if you are saying I am in this condition because Joe Blow hurt poor little me, you are living in the past, and you will die in the past. You must forgive everyone and go on so that you should live and not die.
And, you know, this is not just a Christian principle. I watched a TV program last night. I do not know. I was in -- I had some kind of a virus for two days. I watched more TV than I have watched in the last six months. I watched some program about a young man who is being tutored by a Ja- -- I think the man was Japanese. He was some kind of an Asian teaching him karate, and this man taught this young boy through an encounter with another man whose heart was very wicked and hard and very cruel towards other people. The Japanese had an opportunity to kill this man who attacked him. The man attacked him. He could have killed him, both karate black belts, so he could have killed him, and he did not kill him. He did not even wound him. He let him go.
The man only hurt himself because the good guy in this program -- there is a good guy and a bad guy, OK. Apparently, his reflexes were very fast. He was standing in front of a car, on the side of a car, and when the guy went to punch him, he moved away fast enough so that the guy put his fast through the car window, and his fist was all bleeding. He went to hit him with his other hand, and he got out of his way again, so he had two fists that were completely bleeding. All of the pain and damage the bad guy did to himself. Then the good guy got a hold of him and had his hand right in his face. I guess, from the TV program, he was in a position that he could have killed him. I -- with one stroke, and he did not even touch him.
And the boy that he was training said to him, "Why did you not hurt him?" And he said, "Brother" -- he did not say brother. He said, "Son, living with unforgiveness is more painful than death." Living with unforgiveness is Hell, brethren. You torture yourself; you hurt yourself. You do not hurt the person you have not forgiven. Most of the time they do not even know that you have not forgiven them. Jesus. So this is not just a Christian principle; it is a spiritual principle that all spiritual people know.
My goodness, where am I? I lost my place. Oh, we are in Maktesh. We are talking about the inhabitants of Maktesh.
"Howl, ye inhabitants of Maktesh" because -- cry out in pain because the Lord is ripping your carnal mind and your soul to pieces. Why? Because it is filled with sin because "all the merchant people are cut down." The King James says "merchant people," but the Hebrew text says "the people of Canaan," Strong's 3667. The Canaanites are the ancient enemy of the Hebrews, and they are known to be a heathen people, violent, fierce, without any strong morals. The Lord told the Hebrews to wipe them out.
So we are told here that the merchant people are cut down. Spiritually speaking, the Canaanites exist in our mind. People that are completely given over to their carnal minds could be called Canaanites, living without morals, without caring, without mercy. The merchant people are cut down. The interlinear says perished is Strong's 1820, and it means "to be silenced," "to cease" or "to perish."
Well, brethren, we are going to howl in pain, those of us who are being crushed, as our carnal mind is being silenced and is being caused to perish. We shall cry in pain, but it is the pain of childbirth. It is a pain that has another side to it. The Scripture says, in that day, you shall see men with their hands on the loins, as women in travail. It is going to be a spiritual pain that can be likened to the physical pain of childbirth. The pain will be the pain of your heart. Do you have pain in your heart? Are you crying out because of pain in your heart? Maybe the Lord is crushing your carnal mind, and, if you could believe that, maybe the pain will be bearable. If you could believe that, first of all, this pain had a beginning and it will have an end and, second of all, that the end of this pain is that a new you, formed in the image of the righteous God, shall arise in your mind and that you have a whole new life waiting for you, maybe you could bear it.
Bite the bullet. There is no place to run. Brethren, when you are on that labor table, there is only one way out; that baby has to be born, and it is the same thing spiritually speaking. You cannot turn back. If your -- is your heart ripped open? Is there a big gaping wound in your soul? There is only one place to go. Let that Christ child be born in you, or you will spend the rest of your life in this pain.
"For the merchant people are cut down; all they that bear silver are cut off." "Silver" -- well, the word "bear" is Strong's 5187. It had quite a few translations. I have chosen the one, in view of the context of the whole verse, which means "to incline oneself" or "to lean towards." Silver typifies salvation. All those who are leaning towards salvation, all those who are looking towards that great hope that the Lord Jesus Christ has promised to us, all of those who are believing this word, all of those who are believing into Christ because they want salvation, they are cut off.
This is a different Hebrew word than the fir- -- well, the first word is "cut down." "The merchant people are cut down." This word is "cut off." It is a different word, Strong's 3772, and it means -- well, it is the same Hebrew word which appears in verse 3, and in verse 3 we used it to describe the dividing up of Adam's carnal mind so that that man can be gathered into Christ. It means to make a covenant and the dividing of the sacrifice which confirms the covenant. The sacrifice is our carnal mind, and because of this word translated "cut off," that is what made me decide to translate the word "bear" as "to incline oneself towards" or "lean towards" salvation because the word "cut off" is not negative. It is positive, and it is speaking about the covenant that God is making with man and the sacrifice of that covenant is the destruction of your carnal mind.
So what do we have here? The Scripture is saying everyone that is screaming their head off because they are in pain because the pestle of the Lord is crushing their hearts and their minds and their souls to cut off or cut down the Canaanites, which are in their own mind, their own wickedness, that all of these people, the ones that are also leaning into the Lord Jesus Christ, looking for the salvation which he has promised, are divided. Their carnal minds is divided up, and when your carnal mind is divided, that means Christ is going to be appearing from underneath the ruins. Is that not glorious?
Alternate Translation, verse 11, "Let the enemies of God's people who are sitting on their souls or who are joined to their own souls -- let them perish. Let the carnal minds perish. Let the enemies of God's people who are joined to their own souls" -- that is the carnal minds. "Let the carnal minds perish, and the carnal minds of those who are leanings towards salvation be divided." "Let the enemies of God's people who are sitting on their own souls or possessing their own souls -- let the enemies of God's people, who are possessing the souls of God's people, let them perish, and let their carnal minds -- let the carnal minds of those who are leaning towards salvation be divided."
"Let the enemies of God's people who are possessing the souls of God's people perish, and let the carnal minds of those who are leaning towards salvation be divided or cut up so that Christ can appear."
As a witness to this, I give you Revelation 20:4, "And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus." The head that is joined to the souls must be cut off so that Christ can join himself to or marry your soul.
Amplified translation, Zephaniah 1:11, "Let the harlot, who is sitting on and possessing the soul of God's people as a queen, perish, and let the carnal minds of those of God's people who are believing into Christ for salvation be divided up." Hallelujah.
"Let the harlot, who is sitting on and possessing the soul of God's people as a queen, perish, and let the carnal minds of those of God's people who are believing into Christ for salvation be divided up."
Now the harlot is the human spirit who is joined to Satan, so when the Scripture says let her perish, it does not mean that our human spirit is dying. It means that our human spirit is dying to the life that she led as Satan's harlot. She is going to -- she is not going to die. She is going to die to that life, and she is going to be raised in the newness of a life which will be given to her through union or marriage to Christ, and we are talking about the minds of men. This marriage is a spiritual marriage which takes place in the minds of men. It has nothing to do with your body.
As a witness for that, I have for you 2 Peter 3, verses 10 and 12, "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise." This is the coming down of the carnal mind now. "And the elements" -- that is speaking about the carnal mind. "The elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up."
"Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God," that is verse 12, "wherein the heavens being on fire" -- that fire is in Christ -- "shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?" And the carnal mind is breaking up into how many parts, somebody? Three parts. And what are the parts?
Eve, the human spirit.
[CROSSTALK] carnal mind.
And the carnal mind, the child of the ungodly, adulterous union.
Continuing with t- -- Zephaniah 1:12, "And it shall come to pass at that time, that I will search Jerusalem with candles, and punish the men that are settled on their lees: that say in their heart, The Lord will not do good, neither will he do evil."
"And it shall come to pass at that time." The word "time" means a specific, appointed time. One of the false teachings in the church today is that there is no specific, appointed time. There is no season -- I quote you out of a couple of international newsletters that I have read. "There is no season. There is no appointed time." You are a liar, brother, because anyone who disagrees with the Scripture is a liar, and this word is not a matter of interpretation. Just open up your lexicon and look it up. It says at the appointed time.
So why would a teacher say that there is no appointed time when there is an appointed time? Does anybody know? Why would any teacher say there is an appointed time -- that there is no appointed time when there is an appointed time, anybody? He wants to say that that which is prophesied to occur in the appointed time is already happening to him. You see, the appointed time is not here yet. It is almost here. We are waiting for a door to open which l- -- which will allow men into the kingdom of heaven in full power. As far as I know, it has not happened yet. I -- Lord willing, I expect it to happen very soon.
But the men who are walking on the earth today saying I have already entered into the door; I have ascended; I have all the power of God available to men; I am the righteousness of Christ. When a faithful believer says to him, but, brother, how can you say this? It is not yet the season. He says there is no season because if he were to answer and say it is the season, then you get into a debate, and you sit there facing each other off and one person saying it is the season and the other one saying, no, it is not the season, it is the season, no, it is not the season. So puts an end to the bickering; he says there is no season. And if the person that he is saying it to is not strong in Christ, he walks away saying, hmm, I could have sworn that that Hebrew word said that there is a season. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] season [UNINTELLIGIBLE] season?
It is called mind control, brethren. It is a dishonest argument. It causes the person who is arguing with you to doubt themselves. It is not an honest fight. Throw confusion on their mind; inject doubt into their mind, and they walk away like a babbling idiot. The world knows that. That is how you fight. It is a dirty fight. You are supposed to be able to win your argument because you are speaking the truth and because the power and the Spirit of God is backing you up. You are supposed to be able to win your argument because you are the mouthpiece of God, because your desire is that this person, no matter how ignorantly they are opposing you, because you want that person to experience the glory of God and all of the good things that God has to offer. That is why you are supposed to want to win the argument. And if you are arguing because God has raised you up to argue and the Spirit of God is behind you and you are speaking the truth, it does not matter if you do not win the argument the day that you argue because, in due season, we will all know whether or not you argued your argument under the anointing and the power of Christ. How will we know two years down the road, if not sooner? How will we know?
Absolutely. Brethren, listen. This arguing which is of God, it is likened to an interaction between a man and a woman. When you come back two years later and you find the person pregnant with Christ, you know that you got in there. If you come back five years later and the carnal mind is still there, God did not send you because, if God sent you, you got in there. If God sent you, your words, which are spirit and truth, penetrated their mind. However long it takes for that seed to sprout and raise up, God never fails. Now whether or not that seed comes to full term is another story, but if God sent you, if you are speaking the truth in a spirit of righteousness, if the power of God is backing you up, you have penetrated that person's mind and you have planted a seed, and, in due season, the fruits will be made manifest. So there is nothing to argue about, you see. If you were right, that righteousness will appear in their minds and the person will repent and confess that you were right. If you were wrong, you have to repent. Hallelujah.
"And it shall come to pass at that appointed time that I, Jehovah, will search Jerusalem with candles." "Search" -- the Hebrew word translated "search" means "to search out," "to look for." To look for what? To look for sin. Jerusalem typifies the soul of man. In that day that the Lord purifies his firstfruits company, he is sending them to search the hearts of men for sin. That means, if you are sent, you have to see the sin if God shows it to you. You have got to look at it, and you have got to call it what it is without condemnation. Why? Because God is not going to deliver the person from their own sins if you do not fill out your form and file it with the heavenly court. Guilty. Send someone to cleanse their soul.
"And it shall come to pass at that time, that I will search Jerusalem with candles." The interlinear says "lamps," Strong's 5216. Proverbs 20:27 says, "The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, searching all the inward parts of the belly." So we see that the candle of the Lord is the spirit. I suggest to you that, in order for your spirit to be a candle that is going to light up and illuminate the inward parts, which is your mind, that your spirit must be joined to Christ because the dead human spirit is not a candle. It is a dead candle, which means it is a candle which has no flame on it. So to be a candle of the Lord, Christ has to be growing out of your spirit. You could be a candle of Satan. Jesus said, if your light is darkness, how great is that darkness. Well, what are you talking about, Pastor Jesus? He said, if your light, which is your spirit, is darkness because it is not joined to Christ but it is joined to Satan, how great is that darkness.
"And it shall come to pass at that time, that I will search Jerusalem with candles, and when I find sin in their hearts, I will punish the men that are settled on their lees." The Hebrew word translated "punish" is Strong's 6485. We found this word in the last message, in the previous verses. It can be translated "lacking" or "missing." It is a positive word, brethren. When the Lord finds sin in your heart, when he discovers that your mind is carnal and not Christ, after that, the next time you look, you will find your carnal mind lacking or missing. Why? Because when God sends his purified ones to you to illuminate or to reveal all your sin and it is exposed that your mind is carnal and not Christ, the next thing that happens is that your carnal mind will be ripped out.
So as painful as it is having your sins exposed, the end of the whole mess is that Christ will be formed in you and your carnal mind, which is influencing you to sin every second of every minute of every day of your life, your carnal mind which keeps you locked down here in Hell and will eventually kill you -- will kill your body; your soul is already dead -- will be ripped out of you, that Christ might be your mind, that he might preserve the life of your soul and of your flesh and give you a passport into everlasting life and not everlasting life with torment, but everlasting life with complete satisfaction, nothing lacking, spirit or soul, nothing lacking, totally satisfied. I cannot wait. No more pain, brethren, no more pain, no more tears, just the glory of God, a continuous bath in the glory of God, a continuous baptism, a continuous immersion in the Spirit of God.
I will punish the men -- or the men that are settled on their lees will find their carnal mind missing. The Hebrew word translated "men" here is not the word for Adam. It is another word; it means "mortal men." So the mortal men, the men whose minds are found to be carnal, who are settled on their lees. The word "settled" is Strong's 7087, and it means to be dr- --
Coagulate. It means to congeal.
OK. What does congeal mean?
Oh. Congeal means to become, like, a solid mass or [INAUDIBLE]
Oh, OK. That is good. This word is used of blood, OK. Did you ever hear of blood plasma, OK? What is blood plasma? Blood plasma is blood that has been separated into the thick part of the blood and that part which is watery. It takes the water out of the blood. Everything that keeps us alive is in the thick part of the blood, and it, therefore, condenses it, condenses the blood. It do- -- you do not need as many containers to put it in. We also see milk -- when milk goes bad, it coagulates. It breaks down into a thick, lumpy mass and thin -- oh, thin, watery substance. It separates.
So this word translated "settled," it means "to be drawn together" or "to coagulate," and one of the nouns that is derived from this word means "ice," so we see that -- the meaning really leaning towards a rigid formation. So when milk goes bad and it separates into that chunky stuff, that is how you make cottage cheese, you know. You take milk, and you throw some s- -- they call it a starter, into this big bucket of milk, and it causes the milk to separate into the solid parts and a thin, watery part. Another way of calling it is the curds and the whey, OK. So this word of which the word ice is derived from, it is speaking about that rigid part that separates out from a watery substance. Now how does that -- what does that mean here? Excuse me, I lost my place. So I am suggesting to you that the Lord is speaking about men who are separated from God and have become cold because of their distance from the sin, and they are living out of their solid parts.
Now let me make that clearer. Listen, spirit is liquid or vapor. Spirit -- we are stuck in these hard, rigid bodies. These bodies are a prison house. After Jesus was raised from the dead, he could go anywhere. He could -- well, some people will tell you he walked through walls. I do not really believe he walked through the wall when he showed himself to doubting Thomas because I do not think he walked. I think he simply materialized in the house, but he could walk through walls if he want to -- if he wanted to. He could appear as a ball of light. He was not restricted to the earth. These bodies are restricted to the earth. We have to build machines to get us up in the air. We are trapped down here on the earth, but spirit is vapor, and spirit on the soul realm is liquid. It is not formed; it is not hard; it is not rigid. So what this word is saying, men who are settled, it is men who have separated from God, from the liquid of God, and who are living this existence out of a rigid form, which is this body. It is fallen men. This -- the word "settled" is speaking about fallen men who are living out of their carnal minds. Everybody OK on that? You OK?
And they are settled on their lees, and the word "lees" is Strong's 8105; it means "solid part." Those men who are living out of the solid part of the separated creation, fallen men, not the men whose mind is Christ because we are told in the New Testament those men who are spiritual, they are like the wind, and they just go wherever the Spirit of God blows them, OK. They are like wind. So to- -- those who are settled on their lees are speaking about carnal men who are living out of their carnal minds. So what are we saying? And he is going to punish the men that are settled on -- he is going to punish the men, or he is going to cause to be lacking the men who are living out of their carnal minds. And what is he going to cause them to lack? Their carnal minds, OK.
The men who are living out of their carnal minds -- listen, brethren. If God has given you the kingdom of God, if the mind of Christ is in you and you are still living out of your carnal minds and you are stubborn and you are willful and you are immature, whatever words you want to apply to yourself, if you refuse to start living out of the kingdom of God or the mind of Christ and you continue to get your needs met with the carnal methods and the fallen methods and the witchcraft methods of your carnal mind, OK, God is going to take your carnal mind away. Look, he is going to throw you in the water. He is going to throw you into the water. Either you are going to start to get your needs met in a righteous manner by the power of God or you are going to die because your carnal mind will be missing. This is expressed another way in the Scripture as the Lord pushing the baby eagles out of the nest. You are lazy. You do not want to fly. You like the idea of the mommy eagle feeding you. Well, it is all over, sonny. You better start flapping your wings.
And these men who are separated from God in their hearts, they are going to find their carnal mind lacking. Why? Because that carnal mind is saying the Lord will not do good, neither will he do evil. There are men out there saying the Lord will not do good, neither will he do evil. I have spoken to people like this. Yes, God created the universe. He made man. I believe that the creation was ordained by a divinity, but he set it in motion, and he said, all right, you are on your own, and he is not -- the Lord is not engaged or involved in the affairs of men. He is not involved in or concerned with the affairs of men. How do I know that? Because if he was, he would not let the horrible conditions that exist in this earth exist, therefore God will neither do good, nor will he do evil. God will not correct man, nor will he help man, but he set us up, and we are on our own. And now whatever we do with it, we are going to reap what we sow. That is what the Buddhists teach. That is what the Hindus teach. That is what the teachers of reincarnation teach, and that is what a large part of the kingdom church is teaching in this hour. God has poured out of his spirit upon all flesh, and the only way -- place that you can find him now is in fallen man, and it is up to fallen man to set this creation straight. God, help us. It is a lie.
If your mind is saying that, if your mind is believing that, if your mouth is teaching that, get ready because you are going to wake up one morning, and you are going to find your carnal mind lacking. And in order for you to find your carnal mind missing -- that is a real easy way of saying it -- it means judgment is about to fall on you, brethren, because you have been given everything that you need to live out of the mind of Christ and you have refused to do so. Why? Because you do not like what the mind of Christ says to you. You do not want your sins exposed. You want to be holy, and you want to be righteous without the process, without going through the process which will make you holy and righteous.
Listen, holiness and righteousness is available unto you, but you have got to go through the mortar and pestle thing. You have to be purified. You have to get the spots and the wrinkles out. You cannot have a baby unless you have the baby. Well, in this world you can adopt a child, but in God's world you cannot. You have to have your sins exposed. You have to realize how vile you are, without condemnation, and you have to submit yourself to God and get a new mind that will give life to your soul and preserve your flesh. But if you are going around saying God is not involved, judgment is already at the door.
Alternate Translation, Zephaniah 1:12, "And it shall come to pass at the appointed time that I, Jehovah, shall examine the souls of my people to determine whether their mind is born of Satan or born of Christ, and I shall rip out the carnal minds of the men which are saying the Lord shall not judge the sins of his people."
"And it shall come to pass at the appointed time." What is the appointed time? The time in which the firstfruits of Christ have been purified, the firstfruits, the first group of men which have overcome their carnal minds and had their carnal minds ripped out by Jehovah or by the Lord Jesus Christ, in that appointed time. And, of course, the Lord is including this the men who have overcome in specific areas, although they have not overcome completely; that is the two witness company. In that hour I, Jehovah, shall examine the souls of my people. Well, is Jehovah showing coming down as a spirit to examine the souls of his people? No, he is examining the souls of his people through the men who have been purified. And when their souls are examined, they shall determine whether or not the minds in -- the mind in the people is born of Satan or born of Christ.
And when it is exposed that a man has a mind which is born of Satan, the name of that mind being the carnal mind, I, Jehovah, through my purified ones, shall rip out the carnal minds of the men which are saying the Lord shall not judge the sins of my people. Or, more specifically, saying I, Jehovah, shall rip out the carnal minds of the men which are saying, to my purified ones, you shall not judge my sins. Who do you think you are showing me my sins? In that day the carnal mind which opposes the ministry of Christ in a man, those men shall be defeated by the mind of Christ in those men.
And what is the defeat? The defeat is that no matter how hard you fight and no matter how defensed your carnal mind is, the words of the Lord in the purified ones are spirit and are life, and those words shall penetrate your defenses, and those words shall penetrate your mind as at sting of a scorpion injects poison into the flesh of a man. The stingers of the Son of God, which are spiritual stingers, shall penetrate your mind, and the seed of Christ shall be deposited in the earth of your soul, and, in due season, Christ shall appear in you also.
So whether or not you think you won this argument, you lost this argument. If you kill the son who is not in full stature, if you hurt them really bad, if they get sick, if you put them in the hospital, if you kill them, you still lost because, you see, had they only known, they would have never crucified the Lord of glory. So no matter what you do to that son or how you hurt his feelings or how you hurt his emotions or how you damage his life because you send lies in an international newsletter all over the country about him, whether you damage him, whether you damage his family, whether you damage his ministry, there is nothing that you can do to rid yourself of the very life of God which has been injected into your mind because that son has forgiven you and prayed for you and showed you your sins. So you kill away, brother; you kill away.
"And it shall come to pass at the appointed time that I shall examine the souls of my people to determine whether their mind is born of Satan or Christ, and I shall rip out the carnal minds of the men which are saying the Lord shall not judge the sins of his people."
I would like to give you two witness, and then we are going to break. Isaiah 58:1, "Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins." That is the Lord instructing his purified ones to show his people their sins. Why? So that he might save them from death and Hell.
Revelation, chapter 11, verses 3 and 5, "And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth." That is the imperfect company. They are still in their humanity. They are not perfect; they are clothed in sackcloth. If they were clothed in the Spirit of God, there would be glory and light and color upon them. Sackcloth is a type of mourning.
So this two witnesses company of imperfect men who have overcome in certain areas shall prophesy for 1,200 days, and the prophecy, I suggest to you, it is -- I know it is not clear in the Greek, but I suggest to you that prophecy -- well, prophecy is different than the gift of prophecy. Prophecy is the word of the Lord, so to speak the word of the Lord, even in a normal conversation, if it is Christ in you speaking it, it is prophecy. I suggest to you the prophecy they are going to be speaking is that which your sins are. They are going to be speaking in a normal tone, in a normal conversational tone, revealing your sins to you, but if it is Christ in them revealing your sins, it is prophecy. So we see this imperfect company prophesying to the church for a thousand and two hundred and threescore days.
Verse 5, "And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed."
I suggest to you that the carnal man will always hurt the son who is showing his sins to him, and the result of his hurting that son will just be the legal proof that the Lord needs that this man is a carnal, fallen, violent man, and, in this manner, their carnal minds shall be killed. How? Their carnal mind shall be ripped out of them after the seed that is imparted by the prophecy produces Christ in that man's mind so that they can live when their carnal mind is ripped out of them. Is God awesome? Is this an awesome God? Hallelujah.
Continuing with Zephaniah 1:13, "Therefore their goods shall become a booty, and their houses a desolation: they shall also build houses, but not inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, but not drink the wine thereof."
"Therefore their goods shall become a booty." "Goods" is translated "wealth" in the interlinear; it is Strong's 2428. It means, strength, power, virtue, spiritual strength, brethren. "Booty" is translated "prize" in the interlinear, Strong's 4933, and it means -- it can be translated "to wash off" or "to milk clean." It just amazes me that they get the translation "prize" out of it, to wash off, to milk clean. Their goods, their strength, their power, their virtue shall become washed off or milked clean. And when I translated this verse, all I could think about was the living water of the Holy Spirit, that this could not be -- that their spiritual strength could not be the anointing of Christ because the anointing of Christ is typified by?
Oil. So for their spiritual strength to be washed off, it would have to be water, something that was water soluble. So that means the anointing that is being spoken about here is the anointing of the Holy Ghost. It can be washed off or milked clean. It can be drained out. It can be taken back. Their houses -- "and their houses a desolation." The house, I remind you, is the container in which -- well, a house typifies the soul, and the soul is the container in which the mind rests. The spirit rests in the mind. The mind rests in the soul, and, in a fallen man, the soul rests in a fallen body. In a man who is mature enough to not need these fallen bodies, we have a spirit resting in a mind, resting in a soul, and there is no solid body, and this man is a free man, a man who has been delivered from his bondage to this soul realm.
"And their houses a desolation." "Desolation," 8077 in Strong's; it means a "waste" or a "desert," and I remind you that the desert is -- does anybody know what the desert is?
It is the -- and what is the dry place? What it is?
OK. It is the soul realm without Christ, the wilderness, the dry place. These are all names which typify the soul, the existence in the soul realm without Christ. It is a dry place without the living waters or the fountains of the waters of Chri- -- of the Holy Spirit.
"And they shall build houses." Their houses shall be a desolation, and they shall build houses. Now the house is typifying the soul, so whenever you hear something that sounds funny like that -- their house shall be a desolation, and they shall build houses -- it is almost always talking about or contrasting the carnal mind to the mind of Christ, OK. So the house that is going to be a desolation is the house whose mind is the carnal mind.
"And they shall also build houses." Well, after they -- after the soul, who is joined -- which is joined to the carnal mind, is torn down, OK, it will be built again, when their mind is renewed in Christ. They will tear down houses; they will build up houses. They will tear down souls that are ruled by the carnal mind, and they will build up souls that are ch- -- ruled by Christ. The Lord tears down, and the Lord builds up.
"They shall also build houses but shall not inhabit them." "Inhabit" is Strong's 3427; this word means "to sit down on thrones" or "to marry," and it is the same word that we came up against in verse 11. You remember the Scripture describes the joining of the mind to the soul as a spiritual marriage. Right now, everyone, as far as I know today, who is in the flesh, is married to their carnal mind. Our soul is married or joined to our carnal mind; that is why we die because our carnal mind is characterized by the quality of death. So our mind is death, therefore our soul dies, and eventually our body dies.
And the carnal mind is the sitting queen. She is joined or married to our soul. That is why our souls must be beheaded for the testimony of Christ. We must have our head cut off. The sitting queen must be divorced from us, separated from us so that Christ can sit down and be our sitting king. And when Christ is the sitting king on our soul, we shall automatically do righteousness without any effort, without any thought, and we shall be converted out of this realm of death into life because a- -- the king that has married us is life himself and that that life has been imparted to our soul. That is what we are waiting for. It is one of the promises of the Bible.
So what does this Scripture mean, verse 13? Therefore their spiritual power shall wash off. Their spiritual power, the power of the Holy Ghost is going to be removed from them, and their houses or their souls shall be a waste desert. There is goi- -- not going to be any life in their souls, and they shall build houses but not inhabit them. Now this verse is a little difficult. The Lor- -- this is the way the Lord has shown it to me. They shall build houses but not inhabit them. Their souls are going to lose spiritual power, and [?this?] -- who are we talking about here? We are talking about the people who are saying the Lord shall not judge the sins of his people. This is the judgment upon them, OK. They are going to lose the Holy Ghost. Their souls will become a waste place or a desert place. They will not be irrigated or watered by the Holy Ghost anymore, and they will build houses, but they will not be joined to them.
Now this is what the Lord gave me. You are free to say yea or nay. Their souls are going to lose spiritual power, and they shall begin to die. Now, remember, dying is a process. First, you die spiritually. When the life of God is separated from you, you die spiritually. Then your soul dies, and eventually your body dies. Brethren, it is impossible for your body to die if your soul is alive, so, if your body dies or if all of your relatives have experienced the death of their body, then you know that everyone that you know who has died, their soul was dead first. And it is impossible for your soul to die if your spirit is alive, so everyone whose body has died that you know, first, had a dead spirit because that spirit was separated from God. The death of the spirit is separation from God.
So this -- now this is the judgment on the people that says -- that say God will not do good nor evil. Their souls shall lose spiritual power, and they shall begin to die. They shall try to rebuild their souls by the wisdom of men, but they shall find no power to do so. How do you rebuild your soul by the wisdom of men? Well, it is happening today, brethren. God pronounces death upon you, and you go, and you find a doctor, and he gives you a miracle drug. And he operates on you, and you cuts the cancer out of you, and you think that you beat God's judgment. And then five years down the road, you have cerebral palsy.
Look, no doctor can help you unless God is in agreement. I know there are people that go into the hospital -- I was one of them. I was a dead man, but I came out, and now I am very much alive because it was the Go- -- the Lord's will that I should live, so God was operating through the medical system. But I want to tell you that if God has pronounced death upon you and God has pronounced death upon you now, there is nothing you could do to keep yourself alive. There is no doctor that can save you. If it is your hour, you can go into the hospital to have a toenail removed, a hangnail removed, and bleed to death, and that is the truth, whether you believe it or not, and doctors have no power to do anything for you at all that the Lord has not granted to be done to you.
So we see men under judgment for saying that God will not judge the sins of men. They are going to lose their spiritual power. They are going to begin to die. Well, how do you begin to die? You get sick. So they are going to try to rebuild their souls and their bodies by the wisdom of men, but they shall find no power to do so.
"They shall plant vineyards, but not drink the wine thereof." "Plant," Strong's 5193; it means "to fix," "to fashion" or "to pitch a tent," "to set anything upright." Brethren, it is speaking about incarnation, to fix or to fashion or to pitch a tent. A tent is a house made out of skin. We are living in houses, or our spirit is living in a house made of skin. This word is speaking about incarnation. They shall plant vineyards. They shall plant or impale into the earth vineyards, and vineyards typify the life of the spirit, but they shall not drink of it. Remember, we -- when we did our study on Noah, we were told that Noah planted a vineyard, and he drank of the wine thereof, and he became drunk. We found out that the vineyard that he planted was Satan's -- Satan got into his mind and planted a seed in his mind, and then Noah drank of the fruit of that vine. So there are two vines in the earth. One is the --
No, vine.
One is the true vine, and the other one is the --
-- false vine, so we have Christ and the carnal mind, the true and the false vine. So we see here that they shall plant vineyards, but they shall not drink thereof. The Hebrew word translated "drink," 8354, can also be translated "to fix the warp in the loon." Now, remember, the garm- -- a loom is weaving a garment. God is weaving a garment to cover his spirit, and the garment is the -- does anybody remember? The garment is the mind, and the soul is the house, so we see they shall build houses. They are going to try to rebuild their souls by the wisdom of men, mind power, all kinds of healing, psychiatrists. This is all healing to the soul, but they shall fail to do so, and they shall also plant vineyards or plant spiritual life within themselves, but they will not be able to fix th- -- to repair the mind.
See, brethren, when God removes his Spirit, the mind of Christ dissolves, and you are left with the carnal mind. So what this is saying is that there is no way you can restore the wisdom of Christ unto yourself when God takes it away. The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away. You cannot give yourself Christ, and you cannot keep hold of Christ. The Lord must give himself to you, and he must decide to be faithful to you. It is a blasphemy, what is going on in the church today. Do you receive Christ? And this fallen, mortal man, filled with thin -- with sin says yes or no. That is an insult to the living God. You cannot choose the Lord; he must choose you. The greater chooses the lesser; the greater blesses the lesser. You f- -- you are just filled up with pride to think that you could say yes or not to the Lord at your will, and he is waiting there, quivering, waiting to see what your answer is that is coming out of your fallen, reprobate, corrupt mind.
So we see that in verse 13 that their spiritual strength is going to be washed away, and as a result of this, they shall build up their soul, the houses, which is their soul, but they will not be able to live becau- -- why? Because their soul is going to die, and they shall plant vineyards. They are going to try to plant their own spiritual strength, which is in Satan, but they will not be able to drink the wine thereof. They will not be able to use -- they will not be able to repair the mind of Christ with the spiritual power of Satan. That is what it is saying.
Brethren, this is a part of the curse God outlined in Deuteronomy 28, and it can be broken only in Christ. They will try set themselves upright by their own righteousness, but they will not be able to exercise spiritual power unto deliverance. Deliverance from the curse of God is only in Christ. You see, if you are cursed by witchcraft, it is possible to go to another witch and get the curse broken. Does everybody know that, that a curse pronounced by a witch on you can be broken by another which? But when God curses you, brethren, there is no way this curse is lifting off of you unless God lifts it off in Christ.
I know someone once who came to pray for a church. He came to break the curse on that church. And I said to him, brother, you cannot break the curse on this church. He was a fine man of God. He said, why not? I said, because God put this curse on this church. He just looked at me with his eyes opened wide. Brethren, what God has cursed is cursed, and whom God has blessed is blessed. Do not spin your wheels. Line up with the one with -- that has the power. As they say in AA, stay with the winners.
Stay with the winners. You would have to be a fool to fight against God.
Alternate Translation, Zephaniah 1:13, "Therefore, their imputed anointing shall be taken away from them."
And, again, we are talking about the men who say God shall not judge our sins. This is the judgment upon them for having a mind which would say or teach such a blasphemy. Their imputed anointing shall be taken away from them, and their souls shall begin to die, and they shall rebuild their dying souls and bodies with the wisdom of men but shall not be able to keep them alive. They shall restore their spiritual life, but Satan's power shall not be able to fix their minds.
You see, you can have a spiritual life in Satan, but he cannot repair your mind. Satan kills. He destroys your mind. Some people go into insanity after experiencing the spiritual power of Satan. You can have your kicks. You can have your experience, but the end of all of your spiritual experiences in Satan is death. Why? Because God curses such an activity, and the curse of God is unto death. Spiritual power is only legal in Christ, and you have to do it the Lord's way.
As a reference I give you Mark 8:36, "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"
Continuing with Zephaniah 1:14, "The great day of the Lord is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly, even the voice of the day of the Lord: the mighty man shall cry there bitterly."
"The great day of the Lord." "Great" can be translated "elder." The senior day, the day of God's authority is near. And I suggest to you that the great day of the Lord is the age of the Lord's elder. This i- -- this word "great," which means "elder," it is the same word that we found when we did the Elijah series and when Elijah called on his elder to help him, and we translated that as the Lord Jesus Christ, so the Lord's elder is Christ. The great day of the Lord or the day of the Lord's elder is the day of Christ. It is the day of Christ.
"The great day of the Lord is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly." "Hasteth" means "to hurry." "Greatly" is a different Hebrew word than the word "great" in the phrase "the great day." "It hasteth greatly," Strong's 3966, it means "forcibly," "violently as an aid in distress." Brethren, this may be hard for your carnal mind to believe, but the Lord has been working to deliver humanity out of Hell with such a speed that it is considered or describe in the prophets as violent, a violent rush to give us the aid that we need to get us out of here.
And I remind you those of you who might remember and those of you who might not that, in prior studies, we found out that the aid of God is Christ. We are told in Genesis that God gave -- that God declared that Adam needed a help that was meet unto him. The word is not help meet. Adam needed a help that would be sufficient for him. The word "meet" means to be sufficient for him. Another word for help is aid. God devised an aid for Adam. Why? Because Adam had a weakness in him that caused him to be seduced by the support, and the aid or the help that God provided for Adam is Christ, Christ in you, the hope of glory.
I am sorry to disappoint you, but it was not E- -- the help that God gave Adam was not Eve in the form of the fallen human spirit. Eve, however, was the female seed through which Christ would be born into Adam. So the Lord said I will give you a help, Adam, and when God says he is going to do something, he starts with a seed. God said, Adam, I am going to give you a help, and he gave Adam the female seed, the potential for Christ to be formed in him. He did not give the man a little wife to cook and clean for him. I am sorry, but that is not what the Scripture is talking about. Sorry to disappoint you. That is not what it is saying.
The great day of the Lord is near, and it hasteth greatly. It is coming very quickly in a forcible, violent effort to aid the distressed soul, which is the wife of God, even the voice of the Lord. This word "voice" is masculine. We are speaking about a masculine voice. The voice of Jehovah is a man's voice, and I suggest to you that the voice of the Lord is being spoken as judgment through the sons of God. The voice of the Lord is his word being spoken through men, and when men speak the word of the Lord, what do they prophesy? They prophesy the deliverance which is promised by Jehovah through his Christ. That is what the prophets -- the Hebrew prophets are prophesying. They are prophesying about it, God's deliverance for mankind. The Lord says it is coming very quickly to aid his wife who is in distress, even the voice of the day of the Lord. So there is a voice pronouncing the day of Christ, and that voice is the company of sons who are preaching the doctrine of Christ.
"The mighty man shall cry there bitterly." "Mighty man," Strong's 1368, can be translated "tyrant." The word "cry" is Strong's 6873, can be translated "a warlike cry." "Bitterly," "the mighty man shall cry there bitterly," "bitterly," Strong's 4751, can be translated "fierce," "vehement," "powerful" or "raging."
Alternate Translation, Zephaniah 1:14, "The day in which the Lord's Christ shall appear is very near, and it is approaching with violent speed to aid God's dying people. The rage of the tyrant's battle cry shall be fierce."
Brethren, as the day of the Lord approaches and Christ begins to wage war against the carnal minds of men, the battle cry of the tyrant shall be fierce. Brethren, the carnal mind is not bending her knee and saying, welcome, Lord Jesus. She is taking on every inch of armor she can muster. She is sharpening up every sword and every axe and every weapon. She is defending herself. Her battle cry is fierce. She is raging in her anger and in her witchcraft power, and she is fully prepared to fight unto the death. She would rather see an individual die than have Christ be the king of that human being. She will kill you before she will turn you over.
Continuing with Zephaniah -- well, let me read that for you again. This is verse 14. "The day in which the Lord's Christ shall appear is very near and is approaching with violent speed to aid God's dying people. The rage of the tyrant's battle cry shall be fierce."
Continuing with Zephaniah 1:15, "That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness."
"That day is a day of wrath." "Wrath," Strong's 5678, the Hebrew word says that it means "anger," but when we studied the Book of Revelation, we found that, in contexts where the -- this wrath is speaking about Jehovah's wrath. In the Greek -- which in certain instances, the Greek is an expansion of the Hebrew. We get some -- not necessarily more information, but more understandable information in the Greek than we do in the Hebrew. We found at least two places where the word -- the Greek word translated "wrath" can also be translated "the passion of the Lord," and it is describing the passion that the Lord Jesus Christ has to be joined to the soul, which is his wife, that he is so passionately determined to be reunited with his wife that he is in a rage to kill the carnal mind who has taken her captive.
Now that is, sort of, tough on our carnal minds because it is been thousands of years, but one day is to the Lord -- one day to the Lord is as 1,000 years to man, and, as far as God is concerned, he is violently attacking the criminal who has stolen his wife. But if you remember my teaching on the threshold, the Lord's violent rage against the criminal which has kidnapped his wife -- remember, the rape and kidnap of Dinah in the Book of Genesis is a type of what happened to the Lord's wife. She went out for a walk. She was attacked by Shechem. She was raped, and he took her into his tent. That is what happened to God's wife, and we are the offspring, the illegitimate offspring, of God's captive wife.
So it may look like he is not doing anything to deliver his wife at this time. That is because you do not have spiritual eyes, but at a time in the verse near future, everything that is been happening in the invisible realm of the spirit -- and what is been happening? The Lord has been on his white horse, galloping in a frenzy to get to the place where he can deliver us. This warrior on his white horse and the frenzy with which he is determined to get us back is going to appear in this realm of appearance, and we will see it. It will be visible. The wrath of the Lord against the carnal mind shall be visible. The love of God for his wife, humanity, shall be visible, whereas many today cannot see either one. Glory to God.
So the word "wrath," I want to suggest to you, it is a day of wrath. It is a day of great anger towards the carnal mind, but it is a day of the expression of the Lord's love towards humanity, love and rescue towards humanity, who is his wife. "A day of trouble and distress." Now before I go any further, I want to give you some backup on the rest of this verse. This is a difficult verse, and a lot of these words -- "a day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness and desolation, day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness." Some of these Hebrew words are verbs and some are nouns. They are all translated as nouns or adjectives. I do not think I see any verbs in there at all; they are all nouns or adjectives. Some of them are verbs. Some of them are nouns, and there is one word in there -- let me tell you which one it is, the word "desolation," Strong's 4875, is speaking about the waste places, which is the soul, which is God's wife, and every other word besides that word is speaking about what is happening to the soul. But the way it is translated here, you know, if God did not show it to you, you would never pick it out. Does everyone know what I am talking about? OK. All of these words, which are descriptive words, they are all giving us a message about what is happening to the waste places, which is the soul that is without the Spirit of God. So let us try and work this through.
"A day of trouble and distress." "Trouble," it is translated "adversity" in the interlinear; it is Strong's 6864, and according to the spelling of the Hebrew word, the correct number should be 6868. I really do not know why Strong's has the wrong number in there, but I compared the Hebrew letters, and I found the exact spelling of this word under a different number. Probably, the reason for this discrepancy is that the translators just could not make any sense out of the word under the correct number, but the correct number is 6864, but it should be 6868. 6868 means "to cleave as with a knife," "to flow," "to run as a wound." And I suggest to you that this word is signifying the circumcision of the [?stone heart?], which is the second stage of the resurrection. Can you hear this?
"A day of trouble and distress." "Distress," 4691; this word means distress, but it is from a root which means "a female rock." Now rocks typify spiritual power, so the female rock is what -- is who? Who is the spiritu- -- who is the female spiritual power?
Who is the female spiritual power? Satan, that is right. So this distress that we are being told about, it is the distress that a female spiritual power experiences. It is the distress that a weaker female spiritual power experiences when she comes up against someone stronger than her.
"A day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness." "A day of wasteness," Strong's 7722; it means "sudden ruin." "A day of desolation," Strong's 4875; that is the word that means "waste places," so we are not talking about that now. That is talking about the soul, and all these other words are modifying her now. "A day of darkness," Strong's 2822; this word means "dark prison," and it is masculine. I am going to suggest to you that the dark prison typifies the carnal mind, and the reason she is coming up masculine is that she is the prison house that has authority in this soul realm.
And you may recall I told you this the other day, that the Lord has shown me to call Satan and the carnal mind masculine, OK, in the context of their authority over this realm of Hell. They are both female in relationship to God. As soon as God comes on the scene, they are female, but the prison house of the carnal mind is masculine because she has succeeded in being a man to the fallen spirits of man and binding them up and keeping them in jail. So the word here comes up masculine to show her strength to imprison the spirit of man.
"A day of gloominess," Strong's 653; once again, I found the exact spelling of this word under another number, but I typed the first number twice. I made a mistake here. I cannot give you the correct number, but it means "feminine," "thick." Let me mark that down so I can look it up. What happened to my pen? [?Are you OK?]?
Is that on pause?
"Gloominess," Strong's 653; the exact spelling lines up with another word, but I did not get the number, and it means "feminine," "thick and dense darkness" or "wretchedness" that comes as a result of spiritual weakness. "A day of clouds and thick darkness." "Clouds," 6051, a cloud as a covering and a veiling over the heaven. Now does that sound familiar to you, a cloud as a covering and a veiling over of the heaven? Remember that this world is lying on top of -- does anyone know what this world is lying on top of? What? Eden. This world is covering over Eden as a veil. The carnal mind is covering over the mind of Christ as a veil, OK, so it is a gray of -- a day of great darkness to Christ because she is covered over. She is veiled over, and a man is not supposed to be veiled. Only the woman is supposed to be veiled, so it is a disgrace for the man to be veiled, and as soon as Christ is strong enough, he is required to cut this veil away. "Thick darkness," 6205; it is a masculine word, and it is used especially of the night, to describe the night.
I have put this together for you, and this is what it sounds like: Zephaniah, 1:15, Alternate Translation, "This is the day the Lord will express his anger against Satan and his passionate love for mankind. It is a day of great distress for Satan, and as" -- now that is the rock. That is the female rock that is distressed. This is a -- "It is a day of great distress for Satan and of sudden ruin for the carnal mind, who is the dark prison which covers over the spirit of man with the misery of the kingdom of darkness." OK.
Now the spirit of man, where I got that from, that was the word translated "waste places," 4875. "This day is the day the Lord will express his anger against Satan and his passionate love for mankind. It is a day of great distress for Satan and of sudden ruin for the carnal mind, who is the dark prison which covers over the spirit of man with the misery which is in the kingdom of darkness."
Continuing with Zephaniah 1:16, "A day of the trumpet and alarm against the fenced cities, and against the high towers."
"Trumpet," Strong's 7782. I cannot really be re-teaching every symbol in the Scripture, but a trumpet -- most of us here should know. What does the trumpet typify?
A message.
A message. What?
It could be a warning, but a message -- in the context of this prophet, I would say it is speaking about a message.
"A day of the trumpet and alarm." "Alarm," Strong's 8643, can be translated "cry of battle," and also the sacrifices, the Levitical sacrifices, were offered with the sound of a trumpet, which is evidenced in Numbers 10:10, if you would like to check that out. The day of the trumpet and alarm against the fenced cities. The day that the doctri- -- I am suggesting to you that the message is the doctrine of Christ. The day that the doctrine of Christ and the cry of battle is given against the fenced cities.
"Fenced," the interlinear says "fortified;" it is Strong's 1219. This word is used to describe the harvest of grapes, to dig out metals, to rebuild a wall. I suggest to you it is speaking about the liberation of the human spirit from the cities or the souls of men. Now, remember, the city -- the word city s- -- typifies soul, and the word fenced means to dig out. Remember, the human spirit is buried underneath the souls of men. She needs to be dug out. She is the gold which is underneath the earth. And, also, the word harvest is referring to the harvesting of the life of Christ away from that soul and, one more thing, to rebuild a wall. So this word, fenced city, is speaking about the soul of man in which the human spirit is being raised from the dead.
"A day of the trumpet and alarm against the fenced cities, and against the high towers." The word "high" is Strong's 1364; it means pride. The word "towers" is 6438, and this word means "corners." I do not even know where they got towers from. Now, remember, Jesus is the chief cornerstone, so when we speak about corners, we are speaking about -- well, let me put it to you this way. The Hebrew word translated "towers" is feminine plural, and it is signifying the female manifestations of spiritual authority in the many members of fallen man because the corner is an aspect of the geometrical expression of the creation, and we know that Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone. He is the only male cornerstone. We know that his triangle is a right triangle, and I suggest to you that the female angles of the fallen creation typify the perverted triangle, which geometrically expresses the creation, the isosceles triangle with the point at the top.
Does anybody not know what I am talking about? OK. You do not. OK. Let [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- I guess, I do not feel like getting up tonight, but I will put it on the board for you.
Most preachers who will show you the geometrical expression of the church in the form of a triangle will show you -- and a triangle like this, it is called an isosceles triangle, but the Lord showed us in the 38 series that this triangle does not express God's creation. God's creation is expressed as a right triangle and -- where the line that goes from heaven to the earth joins the line of the earth, forms an angle inside. It is an angle, but outside it is called a corner. Jesus is the head of the corner. He is the head or the king of the spiritual man who goes from heaven to earth, as well as the earth man who lives only on the line of the earth. He is the head of the corner. He is the head of both the spiritual and the earth man. This isosceles triangle is a female triangle. It is the geometric expression of the man that does not have Christ, and the corners are of Satan. Actually, there is no corner. There is no corner here in an isosceles triangle. But that -- this is the triangle that is usually shown to you by teachers in the church.
Isosceles? I think it is I-S-O-C-E-L-E-S, but I could be wrong. I only saw one other preacher write about the triangle expressing the church as a right triangle a couple of months after he listened to my number 38 series, which he never acknowledged that he enjoyed or did not enjoy. And I have seen this same man, several times, give credit to other preachers in his newsletter, but he never mentioned me. Praise the Lord. Glory to God. OK.
So this word "corners," I want to suggest to you it is speaking about -- high towers is the pride of the female corners, the pride of the spiritual, fallen man. That is what I would like to suggest to you. So what are we talking about here?
Alternate Translation, Zephaniah 1:16, "This is the day that God's people shall sacrifice their carnal minds up to Jehovah, after the doctrine of Christ prepares them for the battle which shall liberate their human spirit from her illegal union with Satan and the carnal mind."
"This is the day that God's people shall sacrifice their carnal minds." What are their carnal minds? The high towers, the pride and the corners, speaking about their carnal minds. God's people are going to sacrifice their high towers, the pride of their carnal minds, up to Jehovah, after the trumpet, the doctrine of Christ, prepares them for the battle, for the alarm, OK, which shall liberate their human spirit from her illegal union with Satan and the carnal mind.
And the word "liberation" comes from the Hebrew word translated "fenced." I know these verses are very difficult. You know, we have to pray about them. This is what God has given me.
"This is the day that God's people shall sacrifice their carnal minds up to Jehovah, after the doctrine of Christ prepares them for the battle which shall liberate their human spirit from her illegal union with Satan and the carnal mind." Glory to God. I do not know why I did this.
Continuing with verse 17, "And I will bring distress upon men, that they shall walk like blind men, because they have sinned against the Lord: and their blood shall be poured out as dust, and their flesh as the dung."
"I will bring distress upon men." "Distress," song -- Strong's 6887; this word means "to bind together," "to be shut up," "to oppress," "to persecute," "to be straightened." When I looked at this word and the definitions of it, all I could think about was the tribulation, which if you follow that word back in the Greek, it means to vex Satan, to force her into a straight place. This was the same feeling that I got from this word distress, and also, of course, to bind together, speaking of the crucifixion of Christ to the carnal mind.
"And I will bring distress upon men." I am going to crucify Christ to the carnal mind of men. This Hebrew word translated "men" means "Adam." I am going to bring distress upon Adam. "They shall walk like blind men." "Walk," Strong's 1980; it means "lifestyle." "Blind men," Strong's 5787; it is used of men who walk in the darkness of ignorance or misery. And they shall walk -- their lifestyle shall be one of ignorance and misery because they have sinned against the Lord.
"Sinned," Strong's 2398; it means "to miss the mark." They failed to connect with the Lord. They have sinned against the Lord. "And their blood shall be poured out as dust." "Blood," Strong's 1818; it means "to be red." This word is speaking about the blood or the soul of fallen man, which shall be poured out unto death. And the word "poured out" is Strong's 8210, and it means "death." It is speaking about the death of the life of the flesh of the fallen man, and this verse is another reason why I read you that dream, Ronda's dream earlier, because you may recall that, after the criminal shot her with the gun, all of her blood poured out, so the symbols were very scriptural in her dream.
So I will bring distress upon Adam. I am going to bind him to Christ, and the many members of Adam shall have the li- -- a lifestyle of ignorance and misery because they have sinned against the Lord. And the blood of the fallen man shall be -- shall die, shall be poured out. The word "poured out" means "death." The blood of fallen man shall die, "shall be poured out as dust." The word "dust" is Strong's 6083; it means "heap of rubbish." So the blood of fallen man is going to die and become rubbish. Now that is very exciting, brethren, because for our blood or the life of this existence to die and become rubbish, the Lord is not going to let that happen until he provides for us to be sustained by the life of Christ. When the -- that which is new has come, that which is old shall pass away, so that is a very exciting promise here in verse 17. Glory to God.
"And their flesh as dung." The word "flesh" is Strong's 3894, speaking of that which is eaten, and I refer to you -- I suggest to you that that is speaking about this animal body that we live in. Now the blood is going to die and heap up this rubbish. That is speaking about the soul, OK, but the flesh is speaking about this animal body that we live in, and this will become dung. "Dung," Strong's 1561; it is speaking, especially, of human waste.
You may recall we translated a very long dream for someone a couple of years ago, and I gave you copies of that interpretation. Part of that dream was that the man has a l- -- very large bowel movement and wants to keep it and save it and cherish it, and bowel movements -- I am sorry that this is gross, but, in the symbolism of God's dreams, bowel movements refer to the carnal mind, the waste.
We are a waste product, brethren. Our human bodies and even our souls are just vehicles in which the m- -- the life of Christ is being incubated, so the fact that our souls and our bodies have become waste products are indications that Christ has been fully matured, just like the amniotic sac that sustains the life of the baby in the womb becomes a waste product after the child is born. That is what we are. We are a walking, talking, breathing amniotic sac for the life of Christ.
Alternate Translation, Zephaniah 1:17, "And I shall bind Christ to fallen Adam so that they shall die to their ignorant and miserable lifestyle, and their fallen animal bodies shall be made waste."
We will not need them anymore, brethren. We will not need them anymore. Remember, the bodies which we live in are fallen, but they shall not be made waste before the Christ in the individual is strong enough to sustain our life without it.
Verse 18, "Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the Lord's wrath; but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of his jealousy: for he shall make even a speedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land."
Silver, I suggest to you, man's own attempt at salvation. Neither silver, not their own attempt to save their souls, nor their gold. Gold typify man's -- gold typifies man's spirit. In the fallen man, the gold is joined to Satan, so neither man's own attempt at salvation nor his carnal mind, which is man's spirit joined to Satan, can deliver him in the day of the Lord's wrath. The word "deliver" is Strong's 5337; it means "to snatch out of danger," "to pull away" or "to strip off." To snatch the human spirit out of the danger of Satan and the carnal mind, to pull her away from Satan and the carnal mind and to strip the carnal mind off of the human spirit who is now joined to Christ. That is the deliverance, OK. Man's own devices will not deliver him from the spiritual power of God, which wants to kill, strip away and strip off the carnal mind so that the human spirit can be snatched out of danger.
"And the whole land shall be devoured." The word "devoured" is Strong's 398; it means "to eat," and the concept behind the word eat is to burn. Brethren, when we eat food, it is consumed; it is burned up by the energy heat of our body. So the whole land, which is talking about the soul, the land shall be consumed or swallowed up by his jealousy. Jealous s- -- b- -- I am sorry, the fire of his jealousy. Well, we know out God is a consuming fire, and "jealousy" is Strong's 7068. It means "ardent zeal towards anyone." Brethren, the Lord's ardent zeal to possess his rightful wife is going to result in the whole soul, including the mind in that soul, which is the mind of the flesh, being burnt up as the living God crucifies Christ to the carnal mind.
God's jealousy and his desire for the possession of his wife is going to result in Christ crucifying himself to the carnal mind, and the whole soul is going to be consumed by the life of Christ. The carnal mind is going to burn up; the soul is going to burn up, and there is going to be a reorganization, a restructure of the entire creation. The mind which is in man, which is now fallen, shall be renewed. The human spirit shall be delivered or snatched away to safety and rejoined in -- to Christ and reformed in the image of the Father. And the soul will be re-engraved because, in this hour, our soul is engraved in the image of Satan, OK. So that mark, the mark of the beast, shall be removed from our soul by fire, and the image of the Father shall be engraved upon the soul because of God's jealousy for us, his zeal and his determination to get us back. That is how much he loves us.
Amplified translation, Zephaniah 1:18, "Neither shall Satan's spiritual power nor fallen Adam's own devices be able to save him in the day that Jehovah destroys their carnal minds with his spiritual power and perfects everyone who is joined to her own soul because Jehovah passionately desires to marry his wife."
I am sorry. There were a few words I did not give you. Let me go back. For -- we got through "but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of his jealous: for he shall make a speedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land."
"Speedy riddance," Strong's 3617, means completion or perfection. He is not going to get rid of them; he is going to complete them; he is going to perfect them. And he shall make a speedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land. And them that dwell in the land, the interlinear says "inhabitants," Strong's 3427. Once again, this is the same word that means "to sit in possession of" or "to marry," all those who are married to the land. And he will complete or perfect all those who are married to their own soul.
Now just the fact that we are married to our own soul means that we are incomplete because we are supposed to be married to the mind of Christ, but we are married to a mind that our own soul has brought forth. That means we are without a man. We are incomplete.
Alternate Translation, verse 18, "Neither shall fallen Adam's own -- neither shall Satan's spiritual power nor fallen Adam's own devices be able to save Adam's carnal mind from the Lord's destruction in the day that Jehovah kills her, but the whole dead soul shall be destroyed by Jehovah's spiritual power because Jehovah passionately desires to marry his wife, and Jehovah shall perfect everyone who is joined to her own soul."
Amplified translation, "Neither shall Satan's spiritual power nor Adam's own devices be able to save him in the day his spiritual power -- in" -- I am sorry, "In the day that Jehovah destroys their carnal minds with his spiritual power and perfects everyone who is joined to her own soul because Jehovah passionately desires to marry his wife."
Recap, Zephaniah 1:10-18, "And I, Jehovah, declare that in the day that I rip the carnal minds out of my firstfruits and send my purified ones to my people, who are in bondage to Satan but deny their condition, to show them their sins, my people shall cry out for help, and I shall strip the pastors who are abusing them of their authority, and the carnal minds of my people shall break up, and Christ shall appear in them also. Therefore, let the harlot who is sitting on and possessing the soul of God's people as a queen perish, and let the carnal minds of those of God's people who are believing into Christ for salvation be divided up."
"And this is what will happen at the appointed time: I shall examine the souls of my people to determine whether their mind is born of Satan or Christ, and I shall rip out the minds of the men which are born of Satan and saying the Lord shall not judge the sins of his people. And their imputed anointing shall be taken away from them, and their souls shall begin to die, and they shall rebuild their dying souls and bodies with the wisdom of men, which shall not be able to keep them alive. Satan's power shall restore their spiritual power but shall not be able to fix their minds."
"The day in which the Lord's Christ shall appear is very near and approaching with violent speed to aid God's dying people. The rage of the tyrant's battle cry shall be fierce. This day is the day the Lord shall express his anger against Satan and his passionate love for mankind. It is a day of great distress for Satan and of sudden ruin for the carnal mind, who is the dark prison which covers over the spirit of man with the misery of the kingdom of darkness. This is the day that the doctrine of Christ shall prepare right's people for the battle which shall liberate their human spirit from her illegal union with Satan and the carnal mind."
"And I shall bind Christ to fallen Adam, and they shall sacrifice their carnal minds up to Jehovah and die to their ignorant and miserable lifestyle, and their fallen animal bodies shall be made waste. Neither shall Satan's spiritual power nor fallen Adam's own devices be able to save him in the day that Jehovah destroys the carnal mind -- destroys their carnal minds with his spiritual power and perfects everyone who is joined to her own soul because Jehovah passionately desires to marry his wife."
Now I would like to read you verse 2 through 18, and I am going to comment and try to sh- -- point out to you where the promise is and where the judgment is, and I think we can find full stature here and possibly the second stage of the resurrection. So this is what I have for you.
Verse 1 is Jehovah's promise. I am sorry, this is verse 2: "I, Jehovah, am promising to heal the whole creation, which is in outer darkness, by gathering her into a relationship with me which will protect her when I liberate Adam from his beast nature by crucifying his carnal mind to Christ."
Verse 3 tells us how Jehovah is going to do it. This is a general statement, and this is spiritually speaking. "This is how I am going to do it: I am going to free the human spirit from her bondage to Satan and the carnal mind by sending other carnal minds against Judah and everyone therein who is dwelling in their souls."
So the deliverance on a spiritual level is coming by the vehicle of the carnal minds of men, and now we have three categories of people who are going to experience this judgment: everyone who is dwelling in their souls; those who swear by Jehovah with their mouths but are really swearing by Satan and obeying the armies of demons in their carnal mind; and, three, those who have turned away from Jehovah, those who are not looking for him and those who have not loved him enough to trample their carnal minds underfoot, three categories of people upon whom the judgment will fall.
Verse 6 announces the full stature of the firstfruits. "And it shall come to pass in that day that Christ rips the carnal mind out of everyone who overcomes her and offers her up to Jehovah." Verse 7, the announcement of full stature being given to the church and the gentile. Verse 7, "That Jehovah shall appear in the men he has purified and rip out the carnal minds of the sons of Israel and everyone else whose human spirit is covered by Satan." Verse 8 tells us what man has to do. "So let your carnal mind be silent when Christ shows you your sins because the time when he shall defeat your carnal mind is very near."
Verse 9, we start to see how this judgment is going to manifest in the natural. It will bring the church to confession and repentance, which will result in the deliverance of the church from ungodly pastors. Verse 9, "And I, Jehovah, declare that, in the day that I rip the carnal minds out of my firstfruits and send my purified ones to my people who are in bondage to Satan but deny their condition to show them their sins, my people shall cry out for help," confession and repentance, "and I shall strip the pastors who are abusing them of their authority, and the carnal minds of my people shall break up, and Christ shall appear in them also," full stature happening in the natural.
Verse 10, this is a spiritual prophecy of deliverance, spiritual information as to how this deliverance will continue in the realm of the spirit. Verse 10, "Therefore, let the harlot, who is sitting on and possessing the soul of God's people as a queen, perish, and let the carnal minds of those of God's people who are believing into Christ for salvation be divided up." Glory to God.
Verse 11, how -- this is telling us how -- excuse me, how the church will be brought to repentance. Now, remember, in verse 9, we are told that the church is being brought to repentance; verse 11 tells us how this will happen. Verse 11, "And this is what will happen at the appointed time: I shall examine the souls of my people [?through?to?] determine whether their mind is born of Satan or Christ, and I shall rip out the minds of the men which are born of Satan and saying the Lord shall not judge the sins of his people."
Verse 12 tells us about the judgment which manifests as an actual experience for these men. Verse 12, "And their imputed anointing shall be taken away from them, and their souls shall begin to die, and they shall rebuild their dying souls and bodies with the wisdom of men but shall not be able to keep them alive. Satan's power shall restore their spiritual life but shall not be able to s- -- to fix their minds."
Verses 12 -- I am sorry, verses 13 and 14 give us general information about the timing. Well, verse 13 gives us general information about the timing of the Lord's appearance. Verse 13, "The day in which the Lord's Christ shall appear is very near and approaching, with violent speed, to aid God's dying people, and the rage of the tyrant's battle cry shall be fierce." Get ready for a tough fight.
Verse 14 gives us information about the Lord's attitudes towards his creation. Verse 14, "This day is a day that the Lord shall express his anger against Satan, as well as express his passionate love for mankind. It is a day of great distress for Satan and of sudden ruin for the carnal mind, who is the dark prison which covers over the spirit of man with the misery of the kingdom of darkness."
Verse 15 speaks of God's love. "This is the day that the doctrine of Christ shall prepare God's people for the battle which shall liberate their human spirit from her illegal union with Satan and the carnal mind."
Verse 16, still talking about God's love, "And I shall bind Christ to fallen Adam, and they shall sacrifice their carnal minds up to Jehovah and die to their ignorant and miserable lifestyle, and their fallen, animal bodies shall be made waste."
That verse 16, it is also information as to exactly how this liberation will take place. And, of course, now this is speaking about the third stage. "And their fallen, animal bodies shall be made waste." That is the third stage of the resurrection. "I shall bind Christ to fallen Adam." That is the first stage. "And they shall sacrifice their carnal minds up to Jehovah and die to their ignorant, miserable lifestyle." Well, I cannot see the second stage in there, but "their fallen animal bodies shall be made waste," that is definitely the third stage. Now I know that I found the second stage in there, but I did not mark it, and I must have gone right past it. OK.
Going on with verse 17, speaking about God's anger. "Neither shall Satan's spiritual power nor fallen Adam's own devices be able to save him in the day that Jehovah destroys their carnal minds with his spiritual power and perfects everyone who is joined to her own soul because Jehovah passionately desires to marry his wife."
Would you put that on pause for a minute? I just want to [AUDIO CUTS OUT]
I just checked over my notes, brethren, and the second stage of the resurrection appears in verse 15. Apparently, I did not include it in my Alternate Translation, and I will really have to pray about this, but I will tell you, generally speaking, where it should be. I will have to work it into the correct English.
Verse 15 says, "This day is the day the Lord shall express his anger against Satan and his passionate love for mankind. It is a day of great distress for Satan and a day of sudden ruin for the carnal mind." [INAUDIBLE] The sudden ruin of the carnal mind is when the Christ, which is lying underneath her, circumcises her or cuts her away, so I will have to work those words into the Alternate Translation. And, once again, that circumcision without hands, which is the second stage of the resurrection, I will give you the exact word, except I am having trouble finding myself here. Could you put that on pause again, please?
The idea of the circumcision of the carnal mind, which is the second stage of the resurrection, is expressed in the word "trouble" in verse 15. It is Strong's 6864, but if you recall me telling you, the spelling of the Hebrew word lined up with Strong's 6868, which means "to cleave as with a knife," "to flow," "to run as a wound." And the whole conc- -- the whole principle of the circumcision of the carnal mind is that she will be cut with the circumcising knife, which is Christ, and Christ will flow through because Christ is typified by blood, will flow through and will clot over the surface of the carnal mind and heal the wound. The wound that killed the creation is that that which was inside came to the surface. It is as if to say, if one day you woke up and your heart was appearing on the surface of your skin, you could not live in that condition; you would die. So Christ is piercing through the carnal mind, cutting her, flowing through, covering her over and clotting over and scabbing over this wound which is killing the creation. Glory to God.
Any questions about this message? It was very deep, but the message is glorious. Let me just say this. We are finding out that every prophet -- every one of the Hebrew prophets seems to have the message of the kingdom, the message [AUDIO CUTS OUT]
-- a rigid formation. So when milk goes bad and it separates into that chunky stuff, that is how you make cottage cheese, you know. You take milk, and you throw some s- -- they call it a starter, into this big bucket of milk, and it causes the milk to separate into the solid parts and a thin, watery part. Another way of calling it is the curds and the whey, OK. So this word of which the word ice is derived from, it is speaking about that rigid part that separates out from a watery substance. Now how does that -- what does that mean here? Excuse me, I lost my place. So I am suggesting to you that the Lord is speaking about men who are separated from God and have become cold because of their distance from the son, and they are living out of their solid parts.
Now let me make that clearer. Listen, spirit is liquid or vapor. Spirit -- we are stuck in these hard, rigid bodies. These bodies are a prison house. After Jesus was raised from the dead, he could go anywhere. He could -- well, some people will tell you he walked through walls. I do not really believe he walked through the wall when he showed himself to doubting Thomas because I do not think he walked. I think he simply materialized in the house, but he could walk through walls if he want to -- if he wanted to. He could appear as a ball of light. He was not restricted to the earth. These bodies are restricted to the earth. We have to build machines to get us up in the air. We are trapped down here on the earth, but spirit is vapor, and spirit on the soul realm is liquid. It is not formed; it is not hard; it is not rigid. So what this word is saying, men who are settled, it is men who have separated from God, from the liquid of God, and who are living this existence out of a rigid form, which is this body. It is fallen men. This -- the word "settled" is speaking about fallen men who are living out of their carnal minds. Everybody OK on that? You OK?
And they are settled on their lees, and the word "lees" is Strong's 8105; it means "solid part." Those men who are living out of the solid part of the separated creation, fallen men, not the men whose mind is Christ because we are told in the New Testament those men who are spiritual, they are like the wind, and they just go wherever the Spirit of God blows them, OK. They are like wind. So to- -- those who are settled on their lees are speaking about carnal men who are living out of their carnal minds. So what are we saying? And he is going to punish the men that are settled on -- he is going to punish the men, or he is going to cause to be lacking the men who are living out of their carnal minds. And what is he going to cause them to lack? Their carnal minds, OK.
The men who are living out of their carnal minds -- listen, brethren. If God has given you the kingdom of God, if the mind of Christ is in you and you are still living out of your carnal minds and you are stubborn and you are willful and you are immature, whatever words you want to apply to yourself, if you refuse to start living out of the kingdom of God or the mind of Christ and you continue to get your needs met with the carnal methods and the fallen methods and the witchcraft methods of your carnal mind, OK, God is going to take your carnal mind away. Look, he is going to throw you in the water. He is going to throw you into the water. Either you are going to start to get your needs met in a righteous manner by the power of God or you are going to die because your carnal mind will be missing. This is expressed another way in the Scripture as the Lord pushing the baby eagles out of the nest. You are lazy. You do not want to fly. You like the idea of the mommy eagle feeding you. Well, it is all over, sonny. You better start flapping your wings.
And these men who are separated from God in their hearts, they are going to find their carnal mind lacking. Why? Because that carnal mind is saying the Lord will not do good, neither will he do evil. There are men out there saying the Lord will not do good, neither will he do evil. I have spoken to people like this. Yes, God created the universe. He made man. I believe that the creation was ordained by a divinity, but he set it in motion, and he said, all right, you are on your own, and he is not -- the Lord is not engaged or involved in the affairs of men.
He is not involved in or concerned with the affairs of men. How do I know that? Because if he was, he would not let the horrible conditions that exist in this earth exist, therefore God will neither do good, nor will he do evil. God will not correct man, nor will he help man, but he set us up, and we are on our own. And now whatever we do with it, we are going to reap what we sow. That is what the Buddhists teach. That is what the Hindus teach. That is what the teachers of reincarnation teach, and that is what a large part of the kingdom church is teaching in this hour. God has poured out of his spirit upon all flesh, and the only way -- place that you can find him now is in fallen man, and it is up to fallen man to set this creation straight. God, help us. It is a lie.
If your mind is saying that, if your mind is believing that, if your mouth is teaching that, get ready because you are going to wake up one morning, and you are going to find your carnal mind lacking. And in order for you to find your carnal mind missing -- that is a real easy way of saying it -- it means judgment is about to fall on you, brethren, because you have been given everything that you need to live out of the mind of Christ and you have refused to do so.
11/21/15 Transcribed by VerbalFusion
11/24/15 1st Edit by BP