Part 1 of 3 Parts
The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
You see, there is ministry in this anointing. If you are sick, you can get healed. You can get a demon cast out just by virtue of being under this outpouring. Your problems, even though they are 20 miles away, there is no time or space in the realm of the spirit. This is a move of the spirit that heals. You need to know, and if you do not know it, I ask that God witnesses the truth of it to you. It took me a long time to understand that. I could not understand it, but this is a manifestation of the Spirit of God that is here, and it is not just here. He is going into your lives, wherever there needs -- something needs to be repaired. When it falls on you here, it goes into your life, into your home, into your family, into your children, into your parents, wherever there is damage, and it heals because the Spirit of God is what? What is his major characteristic?
Liberty, life.
Life. Well, it is liberty. That is true, but it is life. Whatever it touches lives. Whatever this Spirit touches lives, and if it touches death, death lives. Death is revived. When it touches death, death is revived. And there is nothing that is impossible to your God, therefore, brethren, to assume that you have failed before you have given God a chance to work is the sin or presumption, that you think you know more than Almighty God. Come in. Nothing is impossible unto him. That is why, once he engrafts to our life, we must know that everything that appears to be a failure is not a failure. It just looks that way because it is the Lord's way of turning your direction, but everything must work for the good for those who love the Lord. The end of it must be good. If you fall down 10 times, everything that you learned each time you fell must result in a great victory on the 11th turn. You need to know this, otherwise your heart gets broken and you give up. You need to know this. Jesus. [AUDIO CUTS OUT]
The Lord says we are all going up; everybody here is going up.
[?You are?] going up. You see a spaceship taking off. You know, for him -- for the Lord to raise us up off of this death plane, it is -- takes a power that can be likened unto rocket fuel. That is how hard it is to raise us up into heaven. Actually, it is impossible, so for us to go up is a miracle. Does anybody know why it is impossible? We had this at a recent meeting.
Well that is true. Can anybody say that more specifically, based on the last two meetings on the Book of John that we had?
Jesus said to the Pharisees only the one who -- the only one who can go up is the one who --
Has [?come down?].
-- has come down. Who is the one who came down?
Christ was up here. He was alive in the heavenlies, and he died, and he fell down, and we are manifestations of death, and death was never in the heavenlies. So the only way we can get back up is to have life born in us. That is why you must be born again because if you are not born again, you shall never see the kingdom of God because death cannot ascend up into the heavenlies. [AUDIO CUTS OUT]
[CROSSTALK] [?really good timing?].
[AUDIO CUTS OUT] [INAUDIBLE], but victory is sweet. I am tying myself to the mast post for this one, man. Let me tell you.
There is no sunshine without the rain.
There is no joy without the pain. Come, oh, dawn, awake to a new beginning. Forthcoming a long awaiting day, a vision, a hope, a dream. A sun has risen in glorious array. From death's cold grasp when -- where once he was an offspring, through the judgments of a merciful God, not without pain or loss of soul, but holding onto God's promise of a glory to behold.
Read that again, please.
This kind of an outpouring is not in every church.
We are being blessed by a visitation of the very presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is not outpouring like this in every church; he is just not. He does not even do this here at every service. This is a special visitation. Oh, my goodness.
Thank you, Jesus.
Thank you. [?Have to?] how to deal with these tornadoes when they pass through town, and when they pass through your life, you have to know how to deal with them. You have to tie yourself to the mast post, or you are going to get blown away. You have to know that these hard times had a beginning and that they will have an end, that it is just a trial, that you passed into it and you are going to pass out of it and that you are going to be better for having gone through it. You will be stronger; you will be more knowledgeable; you will be wiser. This knowledge is going to get you through.
If you do not have this understanding and you think your life is going to be like this for the rest of your life, you might be so discouraged that you will not want to go on. It is not for the rest of your life; it is only for a season. How long is a season? I do not know, could be a day, could be a week, could be a month. It could be a few years, but you will come up on the other side if you cling to the Lord Jesus Christ.
If you lay hold of him and dig your nails in and do not let go, he will bring you through. Why? Because he has already overcome this world. What does that mean? It means that there is no power and no principality and no demon that has power over him. He is all-powerful. All power in heaven and earth has been given unto him, so, you see, Satan can touch you, and the demons can touch, but they cannot touch him. So if you dig into his back and do not let go, he will get you through. Do not let go.
And by all means, do not be foolish enough to get mad at God, the only one who can save you, you fool. I say that with all love. I say it with all love. Do not be foolish; be wise. And when you come into your right mind -- because if you are cursing out God, you must be in your left mind; no one in their right mind would do that. So when you get back into your right mind, pray ahead for the next time, and say, Lord, keep me from cursing you out when I fall into my left mind.
He is very merciful. I tell you he showed me a mercy today that amazed me, absolutely amazed me, that in the midst of a very serious sin, which was confessed, but the person was unable to overcome, I saw the Lord give that person a miracle of mercy, full- -- while they were fully involved in their sin, against their will though. He is incredible. He is awesome. He is not like any man, and he just loves us, and he just loves us, and he just loves us. And we keep messing up, and he loves us, and sometimes we curse him out, and he loves us. And sometimes we hate him, and he loves us. And sometimes we hurt our brother, and he loves us. Sometimes we hurt ourselves, and he loves us.
These last few months, I have a revelation that I never had before, of Isaiah saying -- when Isaiah saw -- "In the year that King Uzziah died," the Scripture says, Isaiah speaking. "I saw the Lord, and he was high, and he was lifted up, and his train filled the temple," and Isaiah said, Lord, I cannot be in your presence. I am a man of unclean lips. Do not look at me. And what did the Lord do, anybody?
He sent an angel. Go ahead, yeah.
He sent an angel and cleaned his mouth with coals.
Hot, burning coals.
Hot, burning coals to purify him.
He purified him. You see, you say to God, I am a man of unclean lips, I am filthy, Lord, thinking he is going to kill you, and what he does is turn around and purify you. You see, he does not have to kill you. He does not have to burn you in Hell forever. He does not have to send some red demons with pitchforks after you. He has the power to fix you. I do not care how wicked you are. I do not care what you have done. If you can just confess it, he will fix you. The only problem that is pretty unfixable is if you cannot confess that you have done it, and even that is fixable, but he has to beat you because that is the sin of pride, and he will beat you until you can confess it, and then he will fix you. He is an awesome God, beyond the comprehension of fallen man, who murders and kills and whips and beats and punishes and treads underfoot and takes revenge and hates.
[AUDIO CUTS OUT] [INAUDIBLE] than this. The fire in Hell is not the devil; the fire in Hell is the Lord. The devil has no fire. He has spiritual power, which is sometimes defined as -- or portrayed as fire in the Scriptures, but his fire is cold. Did you know that dry ice burns, brethren? Devil's fire is cold. Where he is, is dark and dreary and dingy and icy cold. The fire is God. [INAUDIBLE] [?try and preach this thing?].
When the Spirit of God is in the midst of you, he warms you in the winter, and he cools you in the summer. Our need for warm clothing in the winter time is a condition which is -- results from spiritual weakness, the fact that we need something added to us. In the summertime, we need a cooling agent, air conditioning, a cool swimming pool. All of this is supposed to be done from within us. Our body temperature is supposed to be regulated from within us. Our food is supposed to be given from within us. Our emotional needs are supposed to be provided from within us. The reason we need our needs met from outside of us is that there is something missing inside of us, and that which is missing is the regulating factor. His name is Christ.
We need to have him added to us, and Christ is a different manifestation of the Lord than the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the beginning of the process which results in the spiritual warrior named Christ being fully born in you, who can meet your every need. No more disappointments, no more rejection, no more lack, no more need, total satisfaction on every level from within yourself. One hundred percent of the time, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, you shall be independent of any and every need which you are now experiencing in your spiritual femaleness. You are dependent. You are female. You are spiritually weak. Everybody except Jesus, you are needy. Just wait with me. I do not know what he is doing tonight.
The basic message of Habakkuk is -- well, the basic message of, virtually, every prophet is full stature, but the Book of Habakkuk, specifically, is full stature, the promise of the defeat of the carnal mind. Does anyone -- let me go over what full stature means. Full stature is referring to an experience or an event in your life whereby the Christ, the nature of God, the very person of the Lord Jesus Christ, is reproduced in a man to a measure of full, spiritual manhood, as was demonstrated by the Lord Jesus Christ in the days of his flesh. Jesus of Nazareth walked on the water, we are told. He was demonstrating a principle. Spiritually, we are to walk on the water of this soul realm. We are to have dominion over this world. There is to be nothing in this world that can harm us. That is the promise, and we are about the start seeing it fulfilled at any moment. It is the message across the whole church world. Everybody is waiting with bated breath. It is at any moment. We are waiting for the first man to stand up or for the Lord Jesus Christ to stand up in the first human being of our generation, and then people will start popping up all over the place in full stature. Once the door opens, once the womb opens, everyone else is going flowing out. When you have twins, the first baby is the hardest; the second one just comes right out. Anybody have twins around here? Is that true? That is not true. Sorry.
Twenty-four minutes. No, I did not mean time-wise. I meant, was it not an easier birth?
It was not. Really?
I stand corrected. Sorry about that. Well, it is my understanding, in any event -- that might have been a poor example, but it is my understanding that, as soon as the first one -- as soon as the Lord Jesus Christ appears in full spiritual manhood in the first man of this generation, that we will see him appearing in many men very quickly thereafter, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. I will stick with my example of the tomato plant. That is a better example, huh?
You plant your tomato plant, and you go out every morning, and you examine your plant, and you prune the leaves off of it. And one day you go out, and you see a whole crop of green tomatoes, and you continue to go out every morning. And one morning, you see one red tomato, and you go out the next morning. You see three red tomatoes. Is that not true?
The next morning you have five red tomatoes, and then y- -- at the height of the summer, you can have as much as t- -- as many as 10 ripe tomatoes on your plant at any given morning.
Well, the Book of Habakkuk, that is what you have got, huh? We are just getting witnesses all over the place, full stature, full stature, full stature, full stature. I hear it screaming in my head. It is this year. OK. I am going to try to preach this.
Now I want you to know that the Lord never ceases to amaze me because I thought I would be preaching on the Book of John again tonight, but I went to my desk, and I said, ah, I do not feel like preaching in the Book of John again. [?I said, Lord?], will you not give me another message? And I just flipped open to a page, and I said, hmm, Zephaniah, never preached anything in the Book of Zephaniah. Maybe the Lord will let me preach something out of the Book of Zephaniah, and I really was naive enough to think that when I felt a go ahead that the Lord was just yielding to my -- whatever kind of spirit it was, until I started studying it, and I see that that was not true at all, that the Lord put it in my heart from the beginning, and we have a message of the hour, once again. It is very interesting. OK.
We are going to do half of chapter 1 tonight. I will read you the whole chapter.
Zephaniah 1, "The word of the Lord which came unto Zephaniah the son of Cushi, the son of Gedaliah, the son of Amariah, the son of Hizkiah, in the days of Josiah the son of Amon, king of Judah. I will utterly consume all things from off the land, saith the Lord. I will consume man and beast; I will consume the fowls of the heaven, and the fishes of the sea, and the stumbling blocks with the wicked: and I will cut off man from off the land, saith the Lord. I will also stretch out mine hand upon Judah, and upon all the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and I will cut off the remnant of Baal from this place, and the name of the Chemarim with the priests."
"And them that worship the host of heaven upon the housetops; and them that worship and that swear by the Lord, and that swear by the Mal- -- by Malcham; and them that are turned back from the Lord; and those that have not sought the Lord, nor enquired for him. Hold thy peace at the presence of the Lord God: for the day of the Lord is at hand: for the Lord hath prepared a sacrifice, he hath bid his guests."
"And it shall come to pass in the day of the Lord's sacrifice, that I will punish the princes, and the king's children, and all such as are clothed with strange apparel. In the same day also will I punish all those that leap on the threshold, which fill their masters' houses with violence and deceit. And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord, that there shall be the noise of a cry from the fish gate, and a howling from the second, and a great crashing from the hills."
"Howl, ye inhabitants of Maktesh, for all the merchant people are cut down; and they that bear silver are cut off. And it shall come to pass at that time, that I will search Jerusalem with candles, and punish the men that are settled on their lees: that say in their heart, The Lord will not do good, neither will he do evil. Therefore their goods shall become a booty, and their houses a desolation: they shall also build houses, but not inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, but not drink the wine thereof.
"The great day of the Lord is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly, even the voice of the day of the Lord: the mighty man shall cry there bitterly. That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness and desolation, and a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, a day of the trumpet and alarm against the fenced cities, and against the high towers."
"And I will bring distress upon men, that they shall walk like blind men, because they have sinned against the Lord: and their blood shall be poured out as dust, and their flesh as the dung. Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the Lord's wrath; but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of his jealousy: for he shall make even a speedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land."
One of the biggest problems that we have with the Old Testament is the translation of the King James translators and, pretty much, every other translator, as far as I know. The Old Testament prophets sound like such gloom and doom, if the person tends to be religious, they are scared half to death. If they are rebellious people, they say I do not receive that, and they throw the Bible in the garbage pail.
But the mind of Christ has the secret of God's message, which is wrapped up in words that sound very frightening, and the secret is this. The bottom line secret is this: There are two minds available to men, the carnal mind and the mind of Christ. The enemy of God is the carnal mind. Every evil that the Lord is doing is to your carnal mind so that the mind of Christ can be established in you, that you might stop dying so that you might live. The Scripture does speak about great destruction; it is the destruction of the carnal mind.
And I have told you before that, if you look for it and if you ask the Lord to show it to you, every t- -- chapter -- I have not gone over every one individually. It is like -- it is possible that there is an exception, but as far as I know, every chapter in any of the Old Testament prophets, no matter how doomy and gloomy it sounds, if you look for it, there is at least one verse that says, after God does all these terrible things to your carnal mind, he is going to raise up Christ in you and raise you from the dead. Sometimes it is obvious in the King James translation. You can see it if you look for it in the King James translation. I tell you that I could not see it in Zephaniah 1 when I read it through this afternoon. I could not find it, and I said to myself, well, perhaps the positive verse is in chapter 2, but, nevertheless, I felt to go ahead with chapter 1, and I found these positive verses right in the first couple of verses, except that they were translated poorly.
Let me remind you, as in English, every Hebrew word can have anywhere from five to 30 translations. It is the translator's freedom to choose any translation that he wants. The King James translators looked in the lexicons, and they just went eeny, meeny, miny, moe, this sounds like it will go, and they picked words. But, you see, Christ knows what he meant when he wrote this book, and the King James translators did not write this book. And if you have got a problem with what I am doing here, you better check it out because you just may have idolatry for the King James translation of the Bible.
You have to lay hold of Christ and ask him what he meant when he wrote this book, and you have to ask him if he is telling you what he meant when he wrote this book through me, and at the very least, you have to tell him that you want to know what he meant to say to you. And if there is any religious spirit inside of you saying I am going to cling to this letter of the word, you better start repenting because you are not going to stand when the de- -- when the locusts -- I almost said demon locusts [?because?] I am so brainwashed myself.
When the locusts, which typify the sons of God, rip through this land -- what do I mean you will not stand? I mean the sons of God are about to rip through this land, and they are going to be ripping men's carnal minds out. Now if the mind of Christ is not being formed in you when I rip your carnal mind out, you could die, so get it together, brethren. At least, be smart enough to say, Lord, if there is any truth in this at all, I want it. If there is no truth in this, get me out of here. At least, give it to him to run your life. Look, there is no way you are going to believe this unless Christ in you witnesses to you that it is the truth.
The whole Bible is a parable. From Genesis 1 to the end of Revelation, the whole Bible is a parable. It can be understood on the surface, and it can bring good things into your life from understanding it on the surface, but it cannot raise you from the dead. Now hear the difference: If you read this book and you take it at face value, it has good things in it. It will give you good life. It will tell you how to get along with people. It will bring blessing into your life, but after you live a lifetime, you are going to die like everybody else in this world. But the secret of eternal life is in this Bible, but it is not in a word that you take at surface value. It is deep. It is hidden. It is the mysteries of the doctrine of Christ, and you have to ask the Lord for it because it is not available to everybody today.
Jesus clearly said to his disciples, after they asked him, master, why do you speak in parables to the multitudes and teach us in secret? And Jesus clearly told his disciples, the truth of the Scripture, the deep spiritual truth of the Scripture, is not for everyone in this hour. So to the masses of people, I speak in parables, and those parables can bless them. But to you, upon whom the ends of the ages have come, I speak face-to-face. OK. Let us try this.
Verse 1, " The word of the Lord which came unto Zephaniah the son of Cushi, the son of Gedaliah, the son of Amariah, the son of Hizkiah, in the days of Josiah the son of Amon, king of Judah."
Could you put that on pause for me?
So what verse 1 tells us is that the prophet Zephaniah is prophesying to the house of Judah. You may know that Israel -- that all of the 12 tribes were the nation of Israel until there was a civil war in Israel, and Israel broke into two nations, Judah and Ephraim or Judah and Israel. This is a prophecy to the house of Judah, and God judged Judah and Israel -- or Judah and the separated Israel, Judah and Ephraim. He judged them separately. Different armies attacked the two nations, and the results of that attack -- of each of those attacks was different, so this prophecy is to the nation of Judah.
Verse 2, "I will utterly consume all things from off the land, saith the Lord."
Nuclear attack, yells the preachers. Well, the Hebrew says that -- the Hebrew word translated "utterly" is the same Hebrew word that is translated "consume," and there are many definitions for this word. I have chosen, for the word translated "utterly" -- it is Strong's 622, and in view -- after studying the whole verse and hearing from the Lord as to what he truly intended to say, I have chosen, of the many translations available, for the Hebrew word translated "utterly," I have chosen the translation, "to take unto myself." And another translation for that same Hebrew word, which is translated "consume" in verse 2 -- another translation that Gesenius gives us is "to heal."
So, once again, we see a Hebrew word with directly opposite meanings. This is consistent throughout the Hebrew language. If you go down the listing, you will find translations that are negative and translations that are positive, and the reason for this is that the Hebrew language, which is the original language that the Scriptures were written in, clearly indicates a knowledge that there are two of everything. There is the good land, and there is the bad land. There is the good mind, and there is the bad mind. There is the dead soul, and there is the living soul. So depending on whom the Lord is speaking to, he will either use a positive word or a negative word. If he is speaking about your carnal mind, the word is negative; the meaning is negative. If he is speaking about your Christ mind, the word is positive.
So the Lord is saying I will take unto myself and heal all things, in the very -- well, it is the second. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] the first verse is just an announcement of who the prophet is. In the very first word, the Lord says, thus saith the Lord, all you people down here in Hell, I declare unto you that it is my intention to take you unto myself and to heal you. Now if you want to believe that that word means that God is going to destroy you, you believe it. Both translations are completely legitimate. You want to believe the world is coming to an end, you believe it. You want to believe God is burning you in Hell forever, you believe it.
I believe verse 2 of Zephaniah 1 is a declaration of the Lord, telling me that he intends to save this entire creation, to take us unto himself in what we find described in other passages as a spiritual marriage. Jesus is the bridegroom. The church is the bride of Christ. It does not matter what kind of a body you have; your mind is female, and you are marrying -- either you are marrying Satan, or you are marrying the Lord Jesus Christ, one or the other. He is going to take us unto himself; that means he wants to marry us. And in this marriage, in this joining of our fallen mind to his glorious mind, is healing.
There is only one problem. Anybody know what the problem is? We are already married. So we have got to get divorced, but there is another problem. Our husband does not want to let us go. He likes having us around. That means there must be a warfare because we are chained to our stove in the house of Satan, and he has the key to the manacle on our ankles, and he is not about to let us go. You are going to have to kill him to get out. God, help us.
I will take you unto myself, saith the Lord. The whole creation, I will take you unto myself, and I will heal you, says the living God.
Verse 3, "I will consume man and beast; I will consume the fowls of the heaven, and the fishes of the sea, and the stumbling blocks with the wicked: and I will cut off man from off the land, says the Lord."
And I am going to ship them down to Hell with demons that are going to stick them every hour on the hour. Thank God it is not true. Jesus.
Could you put that on pause for a second? I missed my [?note?] [AUDIO CUTS OUT]
I just wrote a note in here for you, in case somebody listening to this tape did not know. Now why did I do it that way? Oh, I know why I did it that way. I am sorry. Why [INAUDIBLE]
OK, I guess, I -- the Lord just led me in a little different direction from my notes. I will just read you the note that I put together while I was studying this. Dealing with the words, utterly consume, to take unto myself to heal, and speaking -- well, this word, to take unto myself to heal, it can be translated to receive for the purposes of protection or to gather or to assemble, and the same u- -- the same word is used in Numbers 12:14 to describe the healing of a leper, and it is also used in Jeremiah 47:6 to indicate a sword which has been put into its sheath.
Now what would a sword being put into its sheath have to do with us? Brethren, the sword of the Lord is the wicked, OK, and fallen man is wicked, OK. We are the expression of Satan, so the putting of the sword into the sheath means to take a dangerous enemy and stop him from being dangerous, so fallen man is a dangerous enemy. We are dangerous. We are criminals, and those of us who are into dreams might know that every time God describes or gives the symbol of fallen man in a dream -- does anyone know what that symbol is, of fallen man, in a dream?
A snake.
Well, a snake, but in a humanoid form. How would he describe the man? A s- -- the snake really typifies --
-- the -- just the snake, more or less, would typify the spiritual -- the serpentine spiritual nature of the man, but when God shows a whole man and he wants to indicate that that man is fallen, what kind of a man?
[CROSSTALK] a beast?
No. He shows him as a biker, a motorcycle rider. He does, yeah.
Why? Why, you will have to ask the Lord that.
As a biker?
As a biker with a black leather jacket and chains and a motorcycle and the whole nine.
One of these days, we will write a book, if the Lord lets, on the universal symbols of God. Look, Freud has a book on what the sym- -- what your dreams mean. Freud has a dictionary or an encyclopedia, whatever you want to call it.
And he has all the symbols of what the symbols of your dreams mean. Well, God has symbols too, and at least one, if not the only symbol of fallen man, is a motorcycle biker. Praise the Lord. OK.
So, also, as I was working on these two words translated "to take unto myself" or "protection" and "to heal," the thought came to me to remind you -- this, sort of, is line with me saying that we are married to Satan. Oh, I see what I did here, OK. Every time the Lord pronounces judgment upon humanity, there is always that verse that you can find where he is going to save the remnant. Now some people might think it means, if there are 1,000 people coming under attack, that he is saving 10 people. Well, that might be true, but you must take this on another level. He is saving a remnant of every person. And what is the name of that remnant that is being saved? Is this flesh being saved? No. What is being saved?
[?Your?] spirit.
The spirit. The human spirit is being saved. The word remnant means a piece of the original. That -- you see, we are fallen. We were reformed, OK. We were formed to look like God, OK. We were in the image of God, and something went wrong. We were marred, and we were reformed in the image of our husband, who is --
Satan, OK. But there is, within the midst of us, a remnant, a piece of the original, a piece of that which was with God from the beginning, and that is what being saved -- the Lord is really not interested in this flesh because it is Satan's flesh. He is interested in it so long as his remnant is -- needs this flesh to survive. He will give you a Band-Aid; he will heal you. But, ultimately, this flesh is going; it is Satan's body. He is interested in his own.
Listen, brethren, he is not the God of the dead; he is the God of the living. He is the God of that which has fallen down but has the potential to be raised from the dead, and that is the spirit of man. So every time we read Scriptures such as the ones in the Old Testament, in the midst of all of this blood and guts, we know, and if we look for it, we will find where God is moving to save the remnant of his life, which is spirit, which is in fallen man, and that spirit is sometimes called breath.
We are told in the Book of Genesis that the Lord formed the man, and he breathed the breath of life into him, and that breath which was the breath of God, once it got inside of man, became the spirit of man. It is the Spirit of God in a female form. It was the Lord's intention to reproduce. He, therefore, brought forth from within himself a female seed and placed or breathed that seed into the man, which he had formed.
And we see this form of reproduction in plant life in this world. If you are looking for a natural example of how God reproduces, do not look at the animal life because God does not reproduce like the animal life. God, which is spirit, reproduces as plant life reproduces in this world. God is not an animal. God is not the beast, and if you are looking for a type of his life in this world, you look at plant life.
And there are many plants who reproduce from within themselves; they are self-pollinating. They have both the male seed and the female seed. God has both the male seed and the female seed, and he brought forth his female seed and placed her inside of the man. The Scripture calls her his breath. And when he -- when this female seed is in the Father, it is called breath. When the female seed is placed in the man, he changes her name, and she becomes human spirit or Eve, Adam's fertile parts.
So remember that the breath of God in man, which is also known as the spirit of man, committed adultery with Satan and is presently in bondage because of her adultery to both Satan and the illegitimate child that she bore him, whose name is the carnal mind. And because she made that misstep, she messed up, you know. She thought it was her husband, but it was not her husband; it was Satan. And that mistake caused her to bear an illegitimate child, and now she is stuck together with her husband and her illegitimate child.
She is trapped in an ungodly soul and spirit tie. There is no way she could possibly get out. It is going to take a miracle. It is like saying you put Krazy Glue on your two fingers and stuck them together, and they bonded in an extreme case, and they grew together, even the bone grew together. She is completely joined to her adulterous husband and her bastard offspring, and it is going to take a miracle of God to get her free. That is our spiritual condition, brethren. That is how we wound up down in Hell.
So, you see, once again, let me just point this out about sin. It is not that God whips you when you sin, but the Scripture clearly says that your own sin will judge you. You will reap what you have sown. Brethren, there are consequences for what we do, and there are consequences for what we think. God does not have to beat you with a cat of nine tails; you will simply reap what you sow. The consequences of your own choices will judge you. Eve made a mistake. She thought Satan was her husband. She went for it. She had an illegitimate child, and the judgments of God fell upon her. Praise the Lord.
See, she could be saying, for the next 20,000 years, that she did not know she made a mistake. She was innocent; she did not do it. She could be making every excuse in the book. Brethren, she had the baby. I know you were innocent. I know you did not mean it. I know you would not do it again if you had the chance. I know that you made a mistake and you were all messed up and you were half asleep and you were not alert that day, but you had the baby. And who is the baby? Us. We are the baby. We are it, bastards. That is why we need to be adopted.
And the carnal mind, of course, and the o- -- the fullness of the os- -- offspring, which is humanity in this fallen condition is spiritual male or female? Female, OK. Satan can only produce female children, therefore we are dependent, spiritually weak and needy. God's answer to our problem is to convert us into spiritual males which are independent and have the spiritual authority to subdue and overtake the evils and the dangers of this world. We need to be rescued. Hallelujah.
I will utterly prot- -- I will protect and heal all things. The word all means the whole creation. "From off the land." Now the King James says "from off." It is Strong's 5921, but Gesenius -- but the interlinear says "that which is upon the land," and if you check the word out in the Hebrew, it does not mean off the land; it means that which is on top of the land, not off the land. We are not being plucked off the land. That which is protected and is to be healed is that which is lying on top of the land.
"And I will utterly consume all things." All things is referring to the whole, which is the creation. The King James says "from off the land," but the interlinear says "from that which is upon the surface of the land," OK. Let us take this one at a time. The King James says "from off," Strong's 5921, but both the interlinear and Gesenius says "that which is upon." From -- I will heal the whole creation from that which is upon the land.
Now there is another word in the Hebrew that the King James have not translated, and it means the surface. It is f- -- [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- the whole creation shall be healed from that which is upon the surface of the land. Now, brethren, what happened when we fell is that we turned inside out. We were dwelling within, and there was a protective wall around us, and Satan got into the most inward place, which is where the Spirit of God should be, and pushed us to the outer realms.
Now this was a result of God's curse. Remember, God said to the serpent, "Upon thou -- thy belly, thou shalt go." If you look up the Hebrew word translated "belly" in that Scripture, it means the exterior realm. The spiritual man, the creation at the beginning was spiritual. He dwelt within a safe place called Eden, but he was banished, and he was forced out of the garden, and we now dwell on the surface of the earth where it is dangerous.
The Garden of Eden is within. Behold, I show you a mystery: The kingdom of God is within you. So we are out here in an unsafe place. This is a spiritual jungle out here where lions eat people alive every day, so this is the cur- -- God's curse upon the serpent, and we are the serpent's seed, and we exist out here on the surface of the creation. Jesus called it -- does anybody know what Jesus called it, anybody? Outer --
-- darkness. We are at the farthest point away from God, in the outer realms, as far away from God as we can be. It is part of the curse upon the serpent, and that curse is upon us because we are the serpent's seed. Amen.
So we- -- the word "land" is Strong's 127. It is the Hebrew word translated "a tilled field," and it is the word from which the name Adam is taken. Adam was formed out of the earth, and this is the word. It is Strong's 127. It is translated "land," and one word down in the lexicon is Adam. Adam is the man who was made out of the tilled earth, OK. So what is the Scripture saying here?
Well, let me give you some more information before I give you an Alternate Translation. And at the end of the verse, it says, "saith the Lord." This Hebrew word translated "saith," it is Strong's 5002, and it is more than a word that just says "say." It is a word that is rarely used of human beings, and it indicates the oracle or the pronouncement or the spiritual word of God. And the word "Lord" is Jehovah.
Alternate Translation, Zephaniah 1:2, "I, Jehovah, am promising to heal the whole creation, which is in outer darkness, by gathering her into a protective relationship with me."
Brethren, death is separation from God. Weakness is separation from God. Vulnerability, death, is separation from God.
[?He is?] just confirming what you said.
OK. Are we on? OK.
"I, Jehovah, am promising to heal the whole creation, which is in outer darkness, by gathering her into a protective relationship with me."
The word "heal" speaks of salvation because death is separation from God, so healing or in another place the Scripture says the knitting together of our spirits back unto God, speaks of salvation. And the phrase, "to gather unto myself," speaks of reconciliation. Reconciliation is the experience with God, which most Christians, Baptists and [?Pentecotals?] -- Pentecostals today tell you is salvation, but, brethren, you are not saved when you enter into a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. You have been reconciled unto him; you have been gathered unto him. He has afforded himself or extended himself unto you and given you permission and the gift of having a relationship with him, and it is called reconciliation.
You are not saved until you have complete dominion over this world of Hell, which is trying to kill you. This world that we live in, it is trying to kill us, and if you live -- after you live for a season on the earth, unless the Lord Jesus Christ intervenes, she will kill you. How do I know that? Because every person that has ever been born into Hell, with the exception of one man -- who?
Jesus of Nazareth.
Has died. Glory to God. So the phrase, "to gather oneself unto the Lord," it speaks of reconciliation. Please note that there is an interim step between reconciliation to God and full salvation. There is an interim step which is not mentioned. Does anybody know what it is or the name of it? Justif- --
Justification. We are reconciled unto God when we receive the Holy Spirit. We are justified when Christ -- or when the seed -- well, when the Holy Spirit engrafts to our human spirit. That is justification, and salvation of our soul or salvation occurs when that engrafted seed matures into the fullness of the stature of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is full spiritual manhood, full authority and dominion and power over all of the power of the principalities of this world, which are the enemies of God.
Power, this is about power. This war that you are in, all these bombs that Satan are dropping on you, the issue is power. You see, you might feel very powerless right now, but Satan knows something that you might not know. If you keep on g- -- and this is what he knows, that if you keep on going in the direction that you are going, you shall receive power, and you shall receive and inherit a power which is greater than his, and he is not stupid. He is not waiting until you are his size to knock you out. He wants to get you now, when you think you do not have anything, when you are weak, when you are hurting, when you are crying. He wants to knock you out now when you have no clout. But Jesus said, if you will stick with me, just hang on, just grab hold, I will bring you into the real power, and I will protect you until I get you there, if you could just believe it.
Verse 3, "I will consume man and beast; I will consume the fowls of heaven, and the fishes of the sea, and the stumbling blocks with the wicked: and I will cut off man from off the land, saith the Lord."
Boy, that sounds terrible. Let us see what it really says. Jehovah speaking, "I will consume man and beast." The Hebrew word translated "consume" is the same Hebrew word translated "consume" in verse 2, and I am choosing -- after studying the whole verse 3, I am choosing a third translation. Now check this out: Between verse 2 and 3, we have the Hebrew word Strong's 622 used three times, and I am choosing a different translation each of the three times, depending on the context of the whole verse. Is everybody OK? The first time this word, Strong's 622, appeared, we translated it "to take unto himself for protection." The second time it -- we translated it "to heal," and now, the third time, we are translating it "to kill or destroy." It sounds like consume. In this third instances, we are translating it along the lines of "consume." Jehovah is saying I will kill. I will destroy. Man is Adam, and beast is the beast nature that is in man.
Now we see the word -- the Hebrew word translated consume appearing twice in verse 3 also. "I will consume man and beast, and I will consume the fowls of heaven." In verse 2 alone, we are translating that Hebrew word, which is translated "consume" -- the first time we are translating it "kill and destroy," and the second time, we are translating it "gather unto himself."
Well, what have we got here? And I will consume the fowls of the heaven. The word "fowls" is Strong's 5775, and it means wing, and the word heaven is plural. I remind you of the teachings, the teaching about the two heavens. When the heavens are plural, it is speaking about the heaven of the soul realm and the heaven which is in Christ being joined together, operating as one heaven under the authority and the auspices of Christ. And I suggest to you that the phrase, "the fowls of heaven," is -- "the fowls of the heavens" is speaking about that part of our spirit being with -- which flies or functions in the heavenlies. It is speaking about the spiritual man. It is speaking about Christ.
"The fishes of the sea" are speaking about the life which is in the unconscious mind. The sea typifies the unconscious mind, and when we are talking about the mind of Christ, the sea is the spirit of Christ. I will consume man and beast. I will consume the spiritual life of the man and [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- I will consume the spiritual life of the man in his conscious mind and in his unconscious mind. Well, I really should have given you ha- -- an Alternate Translation of half of the verse, but I did not do it, so we will go on.
"And the stumbling blocks with the wicked." "Stumbling blocks," 4384, is a Hebrew word which means "incitement to sin." What does that mean? It means something that will tempt you to sin, something that will stir you up to sin. Let me refer you to Romans 7:5, which says, "For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins," incitement to sin, "the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death." So I am suggesting to you that the phrase, "the stumbling blocks of the wicked," is speaking about Satan's ability to stir up a desire to sin in us.
And you may remember the teaching about the fall, that what happened to righteous Adam was that Satan stirred up some kind of spiritual passion in him. I really do not know what it was like, but our natural example down here in Hell is to be tempted to commit adultery, if you are a man with a woman or if you are a woman with a man. But something happened in the realm of the spirit with righteous Adam, who was up very high, and Satan stirred up his ability to sin and tempted him, and that is what this word "stumbling block" is speaking about.
The stumbling block of the wicked, I suggest to you, is the carnal mind. That which is in us which tempts us to sin is our carnal mind. Our carnal mind is sin. Her state of being is sin. She is the one who lusts; she is the one who has pride; she is the one who will place thoughts of sin in our mind at every opportunity that we are not resisting her. So the incitement to sin or the motions of sin in us is within the carnal mind. That is why we cannot help but sin, at least in our mind. We may be able to stop sinning with our behavior, but we are incapable of not sinning with our mind. That is why we need a savior, because we cannot cease from sin in our mind. And Jesus said, if you hate your brother, you have --
You have murdered him. And Jesus said, if you lust after that woman and you never say a word to her or go near her, if you are 15 miles away and you are lusting for her, you have already --
Committed adultery.
-- committed adultery with her. It is all in the mind. That is why we need a savior. There is no way we could stop sinning so long as our human spirit is in spiritual bondage to Satan and the carnal mind. He has full control over us so long as our human spirit is in an adulterous union with Satan and joined to his offspring, the carnal mind. That is why the Lord Jesus Christ is coming, and that is why you hear all this blood and guts in the Bible. He is coming to beat on the carnal mind and break it down and rip it to pieces so that he can get our spirit free, and then he is going to marry us. He is going to marry our spirit, and he is going to utterly force Satan down under his authority, and forever we shall be with the Lord.
And we shall never sin again because, when we are married to the Lord, our state of being will no longer be sin, but it will be righteousness. And as I sit here and I say it to you now, we can do nothing but sin because of our forced union with Satan and the carnal mind. When we are married to Christ, we will be able to do nothing but righteousness because we shall be joined to the Lord and to his Son, Christ Jesus. You see, doing righteousness should not be an effort; it should come forth naturally, and it will come forth naturally when we are married to the Lord Jesus Christ. Glory to God. Should not be an effort. The fact that it is an effort means that you are not saved, so do not tell me that you are saved because you speak in tongues because you sin every day. Hallelujah.
And, of course, the stumbling blocks of the wicked, the wicked one is Satan. And, also, let me point out to you that the word -- Hebrew word translated "stumbling blocks" is plural. That means there are many carnal minds in this world.
Alternate Translation, the first half of Zephaniah 1:3, "And I will destroy Adam's beast nature by gathering Satan's power to incite him to sin, together with the conscious and the unconscious mind of the spiritual man."
Can you hear it? It is talking about the crucifixion of Christ. "I will destroy Adam's beast nature." The King [?Jane?] says -- King James says, "I will consume man and beast," but the word "and" really is not -- it really is not in the Hebrew, and I am translating it, "I" -- Jehovah speaking, "I will destroy Adam's beast nature." And the way God is going to destroy it is by gathering Satan's power to entice to sin, which is the carnal mind, together with the fishes of the sea, the unconscious and conscious mind of the spiritual man, which is Christ. Can you hear it?
OK. Second half of verse 3, "And I will cut off man from off the land, saith the Lord."
The Hebrew word translated "cut off" is Strong's 3772, and it can be translated "to make a covenant." This is the Hebrew word which is used to describe the slaying and dividing the victims, as was customary in making a covenant. In Old Testament days, when a [?covemant?] -- covenant was made, animals were sacrificed. They killed the animals, and they cut them up, and they divided them. And this is the Hebrew word translated "cut off," signifying the dividing of the animals, so it is not just cut off, but it is a division. It is a separation, and I suggest to you that, in this verse 3, Jehovah is gathering Adam, but -- at the beginning of verse 3, he is gathering Adam, but at the end -- and it -- this is the same Hebrew word now -- he is cutting him off.
Listen, verse 3, let me give it to you again. "I will consume man and beast; I will consume the fowls of the heaven, and the fishes of the sea, and the stumbling blocks with the wicked." Now, remember, we translated the word, "consume," "to gather in for protection," and now at the end of the same verse, the Lord is saying I will cut off man from the land. Well, first God is gathering him for protection, and then he is cutting him off. Sounds like a double-minded man to me, except that it is not a man; it is the Lord. So what is he saying? He is saying I will divide -- not cut off, but divide Adam or separate Adam from the earth of the soul.
Now you may recall, in our recent series on Elijah, we are told in s- -- in 1 Kings 19 that Elijah, when he fell down out of Christ, became joined to his own soul, and this is the condition of fallen man. We are joined to our own soul in a condition of death because, in order to live, we must be joined to Christ and not to our own soul. So at the beginning of verse 3, the Lord is promising to destroy Adam's beast nature, and at the end of verse 3, the Lord is promising to divide or separate Adam from the earth of his soul, and it is the same Hebrew word being used twice.
You simply cannot translate these Scriptures without knowledge coming from the Holy Ghost. There is no -- or from Chri- -- not the Holy Ghost, from Christ. There is just no way you can do it. So, once again, the King James translators did their absolute best. They just did not have the anointing to translate this. Why? Because it was not time. Daniel tells us that knowledge will be cr- -- increased in the last days, so the fact that this knowledge is coming forth is a sign that this is in fact the last days because we are told in the New Testament that the holy men who brought forth these Scriptures did not understand what they were saying, but the knowledge is coming forth in this hour. Glory to God.
Alternate Translation, Zephaniah 1:3, "I, Jehovah, am promising to destroy Adam's beast nature by gathering Satan's power to entice him to sin, together with the conscious and unconscious mind of the spiritual man. And I will divide Adam from the earth of the soul."
I think someone has a question. Let me just go over how I got conscious and unconscious mind of the spiritual man. Let me go back for a minute. The word, "fowls of heaven," I suggest to you is speaking about the spiritual man, Christ. Christ is in the conscious mind, and "the fishes of the sea" indicate the unconscious mind of that -- or the Spirit of Christ in that Christ mind. OK.
We are o- -- still on verse 3, and the Lord showed me that the second phrase should be first, so I reversed the first and second phrases of verse 3, and this is what it sounds like: "I, Jehovah, am promising to divide Adam from the earth of his own soul, and I will destroy his beast nature by gathering Satan's power to entice him to sin, together with the conscious and unconscious mind of the spiritual man."
You see, this is a promise. Let us try it again. I made it a little clearer. "I, Jehovah, am promising to divide or separate Adam from his soul, where he is a carnal man, and destroy his beast nature by gathering Satan's power to entice him to sin, together with the conscious and unconscious mind of the spiritual man." OK.
Now one more time, I changed that to include the phrase, "the crucifixion of Christ," our New Testament expression. This is our final translation of Zephaniah 1:3. "I, Jehovah, am promising to liberate Adam from his beast nature by crucifying his carnal mind to Christ."
Now, brethren, did you ever wonder where Paul got the crucifixion of Christ from? Everything in the New Testament must be in the Old Testament. It has to be there, so glory to God. The Lord is showing us the crucifixion of Christ, which is the death of the carnal mind in the Old Testament. I do not know about you, but that excites me. I find that very exciting.
Verse 4, "I will also stretch out mine hand upon Judah, and upon all the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and I will cut off the remnant of Baal from this place, and the name of the Chamarims with the priests."
"Stretch out the hand," it means to stretch out or to spread out, and we are talking about a spirit. It is Jehovah saying that he will stretch out his Spirit, but when he uses the word, hand, we know that what that means is that he is spreading out his Spirit through human beings. He is operating through human beings. He is spreading himself out, and he is injecting himself into human beings, whom he takes control of so that his purposes can be accomplished.
"I will stretch out mine hand." The Lord Jehovah is manifesting in men, and he says I am going to stretch out my hand upon Judah, and I am going to be manifesting through other men and upon all the inhabitants of Jerusalem. Now Jerusalem is the capital city of Judah, and we know that Jerusalem was being prophesied against. She was wicked. She was in much sin, and she is also a type of the soul. Judah is the whole nation. Jerusalem is a type of the soul.
And Jehovah is saying, "I will cut off the remnant." Well, let me back up a little. "And upon all the inhabitants of Jerusalem," so the Scripture is speaking about everyone that is dwelling in their soul. Brethren, we are not supposed to be living in our soul; we are supposed to be living out of our spirit. So the -- Jehovah is saying that he is going to stretch out his hand. He is talking about judgment upon his chosen nation. In this hour, it is the church and upon everyone that is part of his nation that is living out of their soul instead of their spirit can expect judgment to fall upon them. Why? If you remember the story about Elijah, judgment had to fall to separate him from his soul because to be joined to your own soul is death.
And what does it mean to be joined to your own soul? It means that the mind which is in you is the mind which is brought forth by your own soul. That is Satan's mind, the carnal mind. To be joined to your own soul means that you have fallen out of Christ and that the mind which is giving you existence is the carnal mind. That is what it means. You are joined to your own soul instead of God's Son, which is Christ. OK.
Next phrase, "And I will cut off the remnant of Baal from this place, and the name of the Chemarims with the priests." This does not make much sense in the English at all.
Verse 4 -- now where did I get that from? Could you put that on pause for a minute? OK. Those of us that know some of the history know that the hand that God sent against Judah who -- does anyone know? Who is the human hand that God sent to judge Judah? What king?
Babylon, the king of Babylon was the hand of the Lord sent to judge Judah, so I put his name in our Alternate Translation. "I will send the king of Babylon against Judah and the men dwelling in their souls." Now since the Scripture talking about the men dwelling in their souls, we know that the king of Babylon must be spiritual, and the spiritual king of Babylon is whom, anybody?
Well, the carnal mind. It is Satan and his carnal mind is the king -- is the spiritual king of Babylon. I will send the king of Babylon against Judah and the men dwelling in their souls.
Continuing with the second half of verse 4, "And I will cut off the remnant of Baal from this place, and the name of the Chemarims with the priests," makes no sense in the English at all. The word, "to cut off," is Strong's 3772, and it means to remove. "The remnant of Baal," now remember we talked about the remnant not too long ago. We said a remnant is a piece of the original. Baal is a pagan god, which is typifying the carnal mind, so the only thing in the carnal mind that is a piece of the original -- the original what? The original Spirit of God that was breathed into the creation. What is the remnant that is in Baal? What is the only piece of the original?
The human spirit, amen. The human spirit. So the Lord is saying I will cut off the remnant of Baal. I am going to cut off the human spirit. I am going to remove the human spirit. Well, that sounds terrible, but the reality is the Lord that i- -- the Lord is saying I am going to remove the human spirit from her captivity, from her union with the carnal mind and Satan. It is a positive thing. I shall remove the human spirit out of her jailhouse, out of her bondage. So I shall cut off the human spirit from this place, and the name of the Chemarim.
Now I looked up -- I looked this word, the name of the -- well, name means spirit. I looked up this word Chemarim both in the interlinear and in Gesenius, and I really do not know where the King James translators got that word from, but -- and I [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- I am sorry. I did not write down the number for you, but it is not a proper na- -- noun. It merely means "idolaters operating out of a place of idolatry."
And so the Lord is removing the human spirit from this place of idolatry, and then the word priests -- and I suggest to you this place of idolatry is the place where Satan is worshipped, and the priests are Satan's priests, which direct worship to him, and they are the carnal minds of men. So the Lord is saying I am going to remove the human spirit from the grips of Satan and the carnal mind. Hallelujah. Thank God for the bombs. Rip it up. Rip away, Lord. Rip away, and let us not be afraid. Do the surgery, Father, in the name of Jesus.
Alternate Translation, the second half of Zephaniah 1:4, "And I will remove man's spirit from Satan and their minds." Hallelujah.
The whole of the Alternate Translation -- or Alternate Translation of the whole of verse 4, "I will send the king of Babylon against Judah and everyone therein who is dwelling in their souls, and I will remove man's spirit from Satan and their carnal minds."
Now, listen, God is sending judgment upon Judah, and that is the church today, and everyone therein who is dwelling in their souls. Brethren, that is everybody. Judgment is coming on everybody, except the one whose mind is Christ, now not the sitting queen being your carnal mind and accessing the mind of Christ from time to time. The only man upon whom judgment is not falling is the man whose mind is Christ, the sitting king, the man who -- in whom the carnal mind has been beheaded and removed from her position of power. As far as I know, in the flesh today, there is no such man. That means judgment is coming upon the whole world, beginning with the church and the elders thereof, and judgment is a good thing. It is painful for the moment, but it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness, which is a Christ mind which can raise you from the dead and permit you to enter into eternal, everlasting, unending life and not a life of eternal torment, but a life of complete satisfaction on every level. The Hindus call it nirvana. Jesus.
"I will send the king of Babylon against Judah or the church and everyone therein who is dwelling in their souls." That is everybody. "And I will remove man's spirit from Satan and their carnal minds, and I will raise you from the dead."
All you foolish people running away from this judgment, God wants to raise you from the dead. Where are you running? You are like little kids who do not want your polio shot. This pain is but for a moment, and it shall reap everlasting life. Quit yourselves like men, and stop running. Take your medicine. Glory to God.
Verse 5, "And them that worship the host of heaven upon the housetops; and them that worship and that swear by the Lord, and that swear by Malcham."
Now let me just keep you in line with this. The Lord is stretching out his hand through men, and he is doing -- he is stretching it out upon Judah and everyone that is joined to their own soul, and he is also stretching it out now upon those that worship the -- what does that mean? Judgment. God is also judging them that worship the host of heaven upon the housetops. Well, what in the world does that mean?
The word -- Hebrew word translated housetops is Strong's 1406, and it is speaking about the surface of the altar. Now you may recall from our studies in 1 Kings 19, when we did "Elijah," that the s- -- the altar, speaking about a spiritual altar, is that which is formed when the male spirit joins with the spirit of man, forms an altar, and co- -- and that which comes forth on that altar is the offspring of the union. So what this Scripture is saying -- and we are talking about the mind here. We are talking about the mind of man.
"And those that worship the host of heaven." The host -- the word host means "armies," and the armies of heaven, brethren, are the spiritual beings in heaven. I suggest to you it is talking about the demons, all the spiritual beings in the heavenlies. Christ is not divided. The host of heaven is talking about all the demons. The carnal mind is divided. There are many demons in the heavenlies, and there are people down here on the earth who worship these demons. Did anybody not know that? People worship demons. What are some of their names? Saint Anthony and Saint Jude.
Saint Gerard. Well, you say that. Come on --
-- you take your lumps. OK, Mary, all right. And Claude, OK. Praise the Lord. And them that are worshipping demons. Brethren, worship God. We are commanded to worship God. We are commanded to worship the Father, and we are commanded to pray to the Lord Jesus Christ in the name -- I am [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- I am sorry, commanded to worship the Father in the name or the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. Worship God; do not worship demons. The Lord is seeking those who will worship him in spirit and truth. Let go of your demons.
So judgment is coming upon those that are worshipping demons on the altar of the carnal mind or through their connection with Satan, and he is also pouring out judgment on "them that worship and swear by the Lord and that swear by Malcham." Malcham is the God of the Amorites. Now this is a poor translation. I am going to give you the translation that the Lord gave me, but I will tell you this first. The phrase, "that swear by the Lord and by Malcham," what it is really saying is the Lord is passing judgment upon those hypocrites who say they are swearing by the Lord, but in their spirit, they are swearing by Satan.
Brethren, it is all over the church. The Lord told me, thus saith the l., the Lord this. I know someone. I have her in mind right now. Every other word out of this woman's mouth is the Lord, the Lord, the Lord, the Lord, the Lord. This woman is so filled with witchcraft, I do not even know if the Lord is there. Who is her lord? She thinks he is the Lord Jesus Christ, but he is not. You see, you could say Lord, Lord, but the only way that you know that you are worshipping the Lord Jesus Christ is when you what? Does anybody know? When you do what he tells you, brethren. Do not say Lord, Lord and do not do what he tells you because, if you say Lord, Lord and you are disobedient to him, you are a phony, you are a hypocrite, and he is not you’re God, and you are just paying him lip service, and your true worship is to Satan. Do not go into church and raise your hands and dance around and prophesy and go out and kill your brother because, if you do that and you say you serve Jehovah or the Lord Jesus Christ, you are a liar. Because we are told in the First Epistle of John, if you hate your brother and you say you love the Lord -- I am sorry, if you say you love the Lord and you hate your brother, you are a liar because how could you love someone who you cannot see when you cannot even love someone who you can see? Is that not what it says? So we have got a whole church full of people, man, saying Lord, Lord. I have got someone in mind right now. I love the Lord. I l- -- oh, I love the Lor- -- I just love the Lord. It is not worth a hill of beans, brethren. It is just words, empty words.
And you want to know something? The whole world knows that you are a phony, and in this hour, the whole world knows that the majority of the church are phonies because they do not love; they hate. Jesus.
Alternate Translation -- let me see what I did. Alternate Translation Zephaniah 1:5, "And those who swear by Jehovah with their mouths but are really swearing by Satan and obeying the armies of demons in their carnal minds -- judgment is also falling upon those who swear by Jehovah with their mouths but are really swearing in their hearts by Satan and obeying the armies of demons in their carnal minds."
And the proof that you are not obeying, that you are not swearing by Jehovah but that you are swearing by Satan is that you are obeying the demons in your carnal mind.
Continuing with verse 6: And judgment is also pouring out upon "them that are turned back from the Lord; and those that have not sought the Lord, nor enquired for him."
"Turned back," turned away, we are talking about backsliding. Not sought after him, not even looking for him in the first place. Nor those who enquired of him, enquired, Strong's 1875. Believe it or not, this word means to tread or trample with the feet, and I suggest to you that those who have not enquired for him is speaking about those people who have not tread or trampled the carnal mind under their feet. And let me remind you that it is impossible to do so unless you have Christ formed in you, so this category of those who have not enquired of him is speaking about that element of the church in which Christ is being formed. Yet -- even though the mind of Christ is in them, even though the new man is in them, even though the kingdom of God is taking form in them, they have not used that spiritual weapon to trample the carnal mind underfoot.
You see, it is not enough to have the kingdom of God, brethren. You must live out of him, and the only way you can live out of the carnal mind is to use him to kill your c- -- did I say the carnal mind? The only way you can live out of Christ is to use him as a weapon to kill your carnal mind because your carnal mind does not like the idea of you living out of him, and he will punish you every time you try. He will pull on your feet; he will rip your clothes off; he will give pain upon you; he will bring destruction and disaster into your life every time you try to live out of Christ. And if you run from him, he will ultimately defeat you. If you hide from him -- who? Your carnal mind. He will ultimately defeat you. Brethren, you must turn and fight. You must turn and face him and kill him, or he will surely bring you down.
Alternate Translation, verse 6, Zephaniah 1, "And those -- judgment is falling upon those who have turned away from Jehovah, those who are not even looking for him and those who have not loved him enough to trample their carnal minds underfoot."
Now, please note, those who have turned away from him, those who have received the Holy Ghost but have lost interest; those who are not even looking for him, those who do not even have the Holy Ghost, they are happy with their life here in Hell; and those who have not loved him enough to trample their carnal minds underfoot, those in whom Christ are being formed. Do you see the three categories? The heathen who is not looking for him, the members of the church that have the Holy Ghost but have backslidden and the members of the church in whom Christ is being formed but have not used that spiritual weapon to kill their carnal mind. Judgment is coming upon all three categories. Thank God.
Verse 7, "Hold thy peace at the presence of the Lord God: for the day of the Lord is at hand: for the Lord has prepared a sacrifice, he hath bid his guests."
Do you think you could close that window for me? Oh, June is going to do it, yeah.
"Hold thy peace" means to be silent. The He- -- the intent of the Hebrew is "to be silent." The word "before" is in the Hebrew; it is not translated. "Hold they peace before" or "in the presence of," and that Hebrew word translated "present" means "face of the Lord God." "Be silent when you are in the presence of the face of Jehovah." What is the face of Jehovah? The face, that part which can be seen. Jehovah is an invisible spirit. What part of Jehovah can be seen? Christ. Amen, Christ. Hallelujah.
"Hold thy peace at the presence of the Lord God: for the day of the Lord is at hand." The day of the Lord, brethren, is a generation. It is not a 24-hour day. It is an age, and the ages are within the hearts of men. We are in the church age in this hour. We are being translated into the kingdom age, and the way you are translated from one age to the other is that the new age is formed in your heart, and then your spirit, your human spirit, transfers over. We are in the church age, which is still in the carnal mind, and we are being translated into the kingdom age [AUDIO CUTS OUT] in which there is eternal, everlasting life. Glory to God.
So the Scripture is saying, "Hold thy peace at the presence of the Lord God." Do not let your carnal mind speak when Christ appears to you. If it is -- I have been telling you this for years, brethren. If it is not Christ in you, do not speak. Do not cease from praying the prayer that the prophet prayed. Let my tongue cleave unto the roof of my mouth, if it not be Christ speaking through me. Let my carnal mind not speak through me. Pray it; he will honor it. Pray the prayer; the Lord will honor it. "Hold they peace at the presence of the Lord God." Do not let your carnal mind yakkity yakkita when the mind of Christ is appearing either in you or in somebody else.
And wherever Christ is appearing, that Spirit is royalty. You are to hold your tongue. I do not care if you are a kingdom. I do not care if you are the president of a nation and Christ is appearing in a donkey. The Book of Jude speaks about brute beasts who cannot recognize dignitaries when they see them. Brethren, it has nothing to do with the sex of the vessel. It has nothing to do with the wealth of the vessel in which Christ is appearing. It has nothing to do with their age or any worldly thing. Christ is a royal spirit. He is the Son of God, and every carnal mind is to bow their knee to him wherever he manifests.
Now if Christ is manifesting in you, your carnal mind is to be silent. If Christ is manifesting in someone else whose presence you are in, your carnal mind is to be silent, but before you can be silent, you must learn to recognize Christ. Ask God to let you recognize Christ, lest you be marked as a brute beast who cannot recognize dignitaries when they are standing right in front of your nose.
"For the Lord hath prepared a sacrifice, he hath bid his guests." The sacri- -- what is the sacrifice that the Lord is sacrificing?
The carnal mind.
The carnal mind. Brethren, Christ Jesus in you has every intention of laying hold of your carnal mind and throwing him in the pot and boiling him for a sin offering. Now either you will do it yourself, or the Lord will send somebody to do it for you, and it is not shame if you cannot do it yourself. We will see, as we go along with this study, that there are two categories of people with regard to judgment, those who, for whatever reason, everything we have is given. Paul said, what are you puffed up for? Everything you have is given, nothing for you to think you are great about. If you find within yourself the spiritual strength to offer up your own carnal mind as a sacrifice to the Lord, great, you are amongst those who are in the company who are to go out and help the people who are not as strong as you are, and you [AUDIO CUTS OUT] offer our carnal minds as a sin offering for them.
[AUDIO CUTS OUT] [INAUDIBLE] [?spoiled?] [AUDIO CUTS OUT] [INAUDIBLE] belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ. He has been given all power in heaven and earth. He is the Lord and master of this creation. He owns us, and he shall have us, and he shall possess us, and he shall manifest through us and appear in us, and we shall go where he tells us to go, and we shall do what he tells us to do, and he shall think through us, and he shall be through us, and he shall be everything that we are, despite our rebellion against him and our determination to be our own man.
"For the Lord hath prepared a sacrifice." He has prepared the carnal mind to be sacrificed. How do you prepare the carnal mind to be sacrificed? She must be wounded, wounded and hurt and beaten into submission, and then she is offered up. "He hath bid his guests." The word, "bid," is 6942, and believe it or not, it means "purified." He has purified his guests. The word, "guests," is translated [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- in a term that you are familiar with, "the named ones," "the called out ones," but another translation of that word is "the ones who cry out. The called out ones are the ones through whom he will speak. The called out ones are the Lord's mouthpiece.
Now in the Book of Revelation, we hear about the mouth of the beast. The Lord has a mouth. Every man that faithfully speaks the word of the Lord in this realm of appearance is the mouth of the Lord. And his called out ones, those who are chosen, what you are chosen for, brethren, is not to live in mansions on streets of gold, but you are chosen to speak the word of the Lord, and when you speak the word of the Lord, you get persecuted. You are persecuted; you are hated. They tried to murder Paul. He had to escape from the city by the skin of his teeth. So what are you all puffed up about?
Alternate Translation, Zephaniah 1:7, "Jehovah has purified the men he shall appear in, and they are ready to sacrifice your carnal mind, so be silent when Christ is appearing to you because the time when he will defeat your carnal mind is very near."
Now in this verse the Lord is talking about Christ appearing to you in another man. Let me read it again.
"Jehovah has purified the men or the firstfruits company. He has purified the men he shall appear in, and they are ready to sacrifice your carnal mind." Why are they ready? What qualifies them? They themselves are now without sin. "So be silent when Christ is appearing to you and exposing your sin." Do not answer back out of your carnal mind "because the time when Christ will defeat your carnal mind is very near." Jesus.
Verse 8, "And it shall come to pass in the day of the Lord's sacrifice," in the day that the Lord sacrifices the carnal mind, "that I will punish the princes, and the king's children, and all such as are clothed with strange apparel."
The Hebrew word translated "punish," Strong's 6485, can be translated "to be lacking or missing," and I declare unto you that the punishment that Jehovah is executing is upon the carnal mind, and the result of that punishment shall be that you shall not be able to find your carnal mind. She shall be amongst the missing, for the Lord Jesus Christ shall have slaughtered her and dissolved her, and she shall be seen no more.
"And it shall come to pass in the day of the Lord's sacrifice," in the day that the Lord sacrifices your carnal mind, that the carnal mind shall be missing. Well, let me give it to you the way it appears in the King James. "And it shall come to pass in the day of the Lord's sacrifice that the Lord will cause to be missing the princes and the king's children and all such as are clothed with strange apparel."
"The princes," Strong's 8269, it is speaking about angels, particularly archangels, and I suggest to you that the good archangel is Christ and that the evil archangel is the carnal minds of men. So the Lord will punish or cause to be missing the carnal minds. "And the king's children," the word, "children," is really "sons," so the male issue of the king. Judgment is coming upon the male issue of the king.
Now what makes you a male? If you have the mind of Christ, if Christ is being formed in you, you are male, and judgment is coming upon the males also. Why? Because there are sons in God's kingdom who are not using what has been given to them to kill their carnal mind. If you cannot do it, brethren, God is not condemning you, but he is sending someone who has been purified to join with the son in you to kill your carnal mind.
Now if you have the mind of Christ in you and you are not living out of him, you are living out of your carnal mind, then a son is coming up against you and waging war against your carnal mind as if you do not even have the mind of Christ. Why? Because God loves you, and you shall not stay in this condition. You shall not. You shall not be reprobate; you shall not be a heathen; you shall not be a shame unto your Father's name, but you shall be glorious that your Father might say, this day, my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. Glory to God.
"And all such as are clothed with strange apparel." "Clothed" means "to be wearing clothing," and this -- the word, "strange," Strong's 5237, means "of another family." And everyone that is clothed with the apparel of another family. You may recall from the "Elijah" series, the Lord revealed to us that the clothing or the garment is the mind, which is covering over the ruling spirit of the vessel. So everyone that is clothed, everyone who has a mind, everyone whose human spirit is clothed with a mind which is of a family that is not the family of God, shall receive judgment also.
Well, God is not going to judge someone whose garment is Christ. The law is not for a righteous man, brethren. The law is only for an unrighteous man. Judgment is only for unrighteousness. So if your human spirit is clothed or covered over or married to a mind which is from a family that is not of the household of God, judgment shall fall on you too. Why? Because you are a shame unto your Father, and your garment must be removed from you, that you might be clothed in royal garb and look like and be as a son of God should look like and be, glorious, without spot or wrinkle, perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect, holy.
Alternate Translation, Zephaniah 1:8, "And it shall come to pass in that day or in the day that Christ offers up the carnal mind to Jehovah, that the sons of Israel and everyone else whose human spirit is covered by Satan shall lose their carnal mind."
You are going to lose the thing, man. You are going to look around one day, and he going to be gone. Hallelujah. Take it, the sooner the better.
"And it shall come to pass in the day that Christ offers up your carnal mind to Jehovah." With all your screaming and your yelling and your kicking, he is going to do it anyway. "In that day, the sons of Israel" -- that is Is- -- that is the Jews -- "and everyone else whose human spirit is covered by Satan" -- that is everyone else besides the Jews -- "shall lose their carnal mind." Jew and Gentile alike shall look around, and that carnal mind shall be nowhere to be found. Hallelujah. And it is a word of Christ. It is a work of Christ.
We can only clean ourself up to a certain point. We can clean ourselves up, but to a certain point, and at that point, the Lord must descend from heaven and lay hold of us and drag us the rest of the way up with his righteousness because we can only get so high. You do your part, and he will do his part. Glory to God.
Verse 9, this is the last verse we are doing today. "In the same day also" -- in what day? In this day of judgment "I will punish all those that leap on the threshold, which fill their masters' houses with violence and deceit."
"In the same day also will I punish all those that leap on the threshold, which fill their masters' house with violence and deceit."
Remember my teaching -- do you remember my teaching about the threshold last Sunday? There is a threshold between the invisible world and the visible world. There is a threshold; there is a border; there is a barrier, and it is between the carnal mind and Christ. Brethren, we have to leap over the threshold. We have to leap over the wall. We have to come out and pierce through our carnal mind and pierce into Christ. We have got to go over the wall. The carnal mind is holding us in with a spiritual gravity. We have got to desire Christ with such a desire that we pierce through that. Well, we have to leap over that wall and enter into Christ. Glory to God.
"In the day of judgment, I will also punish those that leap over the wall of their carnal minds." Man, even those that make it out of their carnal mind are going to be punished. I will punish all those that successfully leap over their carnal minds and penetrate Christ. They are going to be punished also because, even though they do that, they are still filling their masters' houses with violence and deceit. Even those that are touching Christ in this hour are still living to enough of a degree out of their carnal mind that they are filling Christ's house with violence and deceit.
Alternate Translation, Zephaniah 1:9, "In the day of Christ, I will cause all of those who are leaping over the wall of their carnal minds to be lacking the one who fills the Lord's house with the violence and deceit of the carnal mind."
Brethren, even if you leap over that wall and pierce Christ, your carnal mind still has to die. You must look around and find your carnal mind lacking too, so those who take the victory over the carnal mind and those who do not take the victory over the carnal mind, you are all still coming under judgment because it is that judgment which will kill the carnal mind that you have leaped over. He has got to die, man, because if you do not kill him, he is going to kill you, as sure as you are sitting there on that couch. You had better not leave any remnant of him alive. In the Old Testament, the Lord said to the Hebrew soldiers, kill everybody, men, women, children and cattle. Leave nothing alive, that it might regenerate and grow up and be a stronger enemy than ever the original was.
Please note that, in verse 8, Jehovah promises to cause the sons of God and everyone with a carnal mind to lose their carnal mind, and in verse 9, he promises those who overcome their carnal minds will lose their carnal minds also. Everyone must lose their carnal mind, those who are not s- -- those who are strong enough to overcome her themselves and those who are not. Those who are not strong enough to overcome their carnal minds themselves shall have their carnal minds slaughtered by the sons of God.
Do you know that song, "Everybody Has Got to Get Stoned"? Everybody has got to get stoned. You know that song? You do not know that song.
Everyone has got to get stoned, brethren. You have a carnal mind; he has to die, and he is going to die through judgment being executed upon you, the best of us. So get your education on how to deal with it. Do not fight against God, and do not fight against his servants, but tie yourself to the mast head, brethren, and weather the storm and reap the fruit and the victory and the spiritual growth.
"In the day of Christ" -- this is verse 9: "In the day of Christ, I will cause all of those who are leaping over the wall of their own carnal minds to be lacking the one who fills the Lord's house with violence and deceit."
Well, who is that? Who fills the Lord's house with violence and deceit? The carnal mind. So we can say, "In the day of Christ, Jehovah is going to rip the carnal mind out of everyone who overcomes her." He is great rip the carnal mind out of everyone who overcomes her and out of everyone who does not overcome her. He is going to rip the carnal mind out of the earth.
Recap, Zephaniah 1:2-9, "I, Jehovah, am promising to heal the whole creation which is in outer darkness, by gathering her into a protective relationship with me. I, Jehovah, am also proclaiming to liberate Adam from his beast nature by crucifying his carnal mind to Christ. I, Jehovah" -- it sounds like a legal document, does it not?
[?It does?].
"I, Jehovah, am promising to send the king of Babylon against Judah and everyone therein who is dwelling in their own souls, and I will remove man's spirit from Satan and their carnal minds. And from those who swear by Jehovah with their mouths" -- and [?it is?] -- that means I am promising to send the king of Babylon. "I am s- -- promising to spend j- -- send judgment upon those who swear by Jehovah with their mouths but are really swearing by Satan and obeying the armies of demons in their carnal minds, and I am also sending judgment upon those who have turned away from Jehovah and those who are not looking for" --
[AUDIO CUTS OUT] [INAUDIBLE] "appear in and is ready to sacrifice your carnal mi- -- their carnal minds, so be silent when Christ is appearing in you because the time when he will defeat your carnal mind is very near. And it shall come to pass in the day that Christ offers up the carnal mind to Jehovah that the sons of Israel and everyone else in the world whose human spirit is covered by Satan, which is be, shall lose their carnal mind."
Brethren, you are going to lose your mind, brethren. "In the day of Christ, he will rip the carnal mind out of everyone who overcomes her." Now I did not --
I did not put the time into this that I usually do. Normally, I will give -- would give you amplified translations at the end of each Alternate Translation. I did not do that today, but I have taken verses 2 through 9 of Zephaniah 1, and I have amplified them, and I have interspersed them, and I would like to read you that. It is just very -- a very exciting translation.
"I, Jehovah, am promising to heal the whole creation, which is in outer darkness, by gathering her into a relationship with me, which will protect her when I liberate Adam from his beast nature by crucifying his carnal mind to Christ. And this is how I am going to do it: I will free the human spirit from her bondage to Satan and the carnal mind by sending the carnal mind against Judah and everyone therein who is dwelling in their souls and against those who swear by Jehovah with their mouths."
But now he is sending the carnal mind. Now notice that he is delivering us from our carnal mind by sending the carnal mind against us. Now what did Jesus say? "A house divided against itself cannot stand," but Jesus has the power to divide Satan's house, and he has the power to control the carnal minds of certain men and send them against the people who he is intending to deliver from their own carnal mind. Can you hear this? Anybody not understand what I just said?
God is going to judge the carnal minds of men by sending other carnal minds against them. The hand of God's judgment is Satan, through the carnal mind, so he is going to destroy your carnal mind by sending someone else's carnal mind against you. And Jesus said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." In that hour that Jesus lays hold of Satan in certain peoples' minds and forces him to attack his own household, in that day the kingdom of Satan, the seed of the beast, shall fall. Hallelujah. OK.
Let me start from the beginning. "And I, Jehovah, am promising to heal the whole creation, which is in outer darkness, by gathering her into a relationship with me, which will protect her when I liberate Adam from his beast nature by crucifying his carnal mind to Christ. "
"And this is how I am going to do it: I will free the human spirit from her bondage to Satan and the carnal mind by sending the carnal mind against Judah and against everyone therein who is dwelling in their souls instead of in the Spirit of God. And I am also sending the carnal mind against those who swear by Jehovah with their mouths but are really swearing by Satan and obeying the armies of demons in their carnal minds. And I am also sending the carnal mind against those who have turned away from Jehovah and those who are not looking for him and those who have not loved him enough to trample their carnal minds underfoot. "
"And it shall come to pass in the day that Christ rips the carnal mind out of everyone who overcomes her and offers her up to Jehovah, that in that day Jehovah shall appear in the men he has purified or in the men who have overcome their carnal minds -- that Jehovah shall appear in the men he has purified and rip out the carnal minds of the sons of Israel and everyone else whose human spirit is covered by Satan, so let your carnal mind be silent when Christ shows you your sins because the time when he shall defeat your carnal mind is very near."
Brethren, if God has sent a man to you in whom Christ is appearing to show you your sins, brethren, control your carnal mind and be silent because, when that event happens in your life, the defeat of your carnal mind is very near. In the hour that God sends a man to you to show you your sins and it is Christ in that man, it means the hour of the defeat of your carnal mind is very near, so do not fight it. Let your carnal mind be silent. Let whatever of Christ in you there is work to suppress your carnal mind, and listen to the word of the Lord in the purified one. And in this hour, no one is completely purified, but we are purified in certain areas because you cannot judge somebody's sin -- you cannot shore up somebody's sin if you have not been purified in that area. So when God sends someone to you, be quiet, and receive the correction because your time is at hand. Hallelujah.
Let me read that again, those last few verses. "God is sending judgment by way of the carnal minds of men against all these categories of people. And it shall come to pass in that day, in the day of judgment -- and it shall come to pass in the day that Christ rips the carnal mind out of everyone who overcomes he- -- his own carnal mind and offers her up to Jehovah, in that day, Jehovah shall appear in the men he has purified, the men who just overcame their carnal minds."
"And when Jehovah appears in the men he has purified, he shall rip out the carnal minds of the sons of Israel" -- that is the Jews -- "and everyone else whose human spirit is covered by Satan." That is the rest of the world. "Therefore, let your carnal mind be silent when Christ shows you your sins because, when your sins are shown to you, this is a sign that the time that Christ shall defeat your carnal mind is at hand."
Is that not glorious? What a glorious message.
Please, use the microphone. Would you, please? Thank you.
Last night, the Lord spoke that very word to me.
Which word is that, Zephaniah?
I was [INAUDIBLE] hearing [?this?] Scripture [INAUDIBLE], and I said, Lord, you sent a perfect man. His tongue is under control, and I asked him for that [?phrase?], and I actually put my carnal mind on the altar. And I said, Lord, I want you to [?consume it?] by your fire [INAUDIBLE] my mouthpiece.
Praise God
And [?when?] you said that word, and then you -- even just talking about putting the carnal mind on the altar because that is exactly what I had done.
Praise the Lord.
And then when you spoke too about the threshold, I could [INAUDIBLE] -- you know, it is custom for the groom to carry the bride over the threshold.
I guess, I needed just some of these points, words [?or contact?] for me to believe that the Lord is taking me in [INAUDIBLE] because, I guess, I have difficulty believing [CROSSTALK]
Well, just try to cling to the idea that it is nothing that is great about you. On the contrary --
-- he is promise- --
-- difficult.
Yeah. He is promised to take the weak things of this world. He said there would be very few wise, so that should help you. [AUDIO CUTS OUT]
Oh, how I love Jesus. Oh, how I love Jesus. Oh, how I love Jesus because he first loved me.
It tells me of a savior's love who gave his life for me, that I and all who come to him from sin may be set free.
Oh, how I love Jesus. Oh, how I love Jesus. Oh, how I love Jesus because he first loved me.
Jesus, the name I love so well, the name I love to hear. Now saint on earth its worth can tell, no heart conceive how dear. Oh, how I love Jesus. Oh, how I love Jesus. Oh, how I love Jesus because he first loved me.
In heaven with all the blood-bought throng [AUDIO CUTS OUT] [INAUDIBLE] the new eternal song of Jesus' love to me.
Oh, how I love Jesus. Oh, how I love Jesus. Oh, how I love Jesus because he first loved me, because he first loved me.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, sweetest name I know. Fills my every longing, keeps me singing as I go. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, sweetest name I know. Fills my every longing, keeps me singing as I go.
Jesus, keep me near the cross; there a precious fountain, free to all, a healing stream, flows from Calvary's mountain.
In the cross, in the cross, be my glory ever, till my raptured soul shall find rest beyond the river.
Near the cross, a trembling soul, love and mercy found me; there the bright and morning star sheds its beams around me.
In the cross, in the cross, be my glory ever, till my raptured soul shall find rest beyond the river.
Near the cross, O Lamb of God, bring its scenes before me. Help me walk from day to day with its shadow o'er me.
In the cross, in the cross, be my glory ever, till my raptured soul shall find rest beyond that river. In the cross, in the cross, be my glory ever, till my raptured soul shall find rest beyond that river.
-- -s I spent in vanity and pride, caring not my Lord was crucified, knowing not it was for me he died on Calvary.
Mercy there was great, and grace was free. Pardon it was multiplied to me. There my burdened soul found liberty [?at Calvary?]. [AUDIO CUTS OUT] [INAUDIBLE]. Then I trembled at the law I had spurned, till my guilty soul imploring turned to Calvary.
Mercy there was great, and grace was free. Pardon it was multiplied to me. There my burdened soul found liberty, at Calvary.
Now I have given to Jesus everything. Now I gladly own him as my king. Now my raptured soul can only sing of Calvary.
Mercy there was great, and grace was free. Pardon it was multiplied to me. There my burdened soul found liberty, at Calvary.
Oh, the love that drew salvation's plan. Oh, the grace that brought it down to man. Oh, the might gulf that God did span at Calvary.
Mercy there was great, and grace was free. Pardon it was multiplied to me. There my burdened soul found liberty, at Calvary.
Years I spent in vanity and pride, caring not my Lord was crucified, knowing not it was for me he died on Calvary.
Mercy [AUDIO CUTS OUT] [INAUDIBLE]. There my burdened soul found liberty, at Calvary.
By God's word at last my sin I learned. Then I trembled at the law I had spurned, till my guilty soul imploring turned to Calvary.
Mercy there was great, and grace was free. There, pardon there was multiplied to me. There my burdened soul found liberty, at Calvary.
Oh, the love that drew salvation's plan. Oh, the grace that brought it down to man. Oh, the might gulf that God did span at Calvary.
Mercy there was great, and grace was free. Pardon there was multiplied to me. There my burdened soul found liberty, at Calvary.
Mercy there was great, and grace was free. Pardon it was multiplied to me. There my burdened soul found liberty, at Calvary.
[INAUDIBLE] is still raging, OK. I am telling you, all you people [INAUDIBLE] [?still raging?].
Victory shall be mine, victory shall be mine. If I hold my peace and let the Lord fight my battles, victory, victory shall be mine.
Victory shall be mine, victory shall be mine. I will just hold my peace and let the Lord fight my battles. Victory, victory shall be mine.
Joy, joy shall be mine. Joy, joy shall be mine. I will just hold my peace and let the Lord fight my battles. Joy, joy shall be mine.
Peace, peace shall be mine. Peace, peace shall be mine. I will just hold my peace and let the Lord fight my battles. Peace, peace shall be mine.
-- that click thing. Why do you not give that thing to somebody?
Get that thing that you brought out here to use.
What thing?
You know, that click thing.
[AUDIO CUTS OUT] -- victory shall be mine. Victory, victory shall be mine. Victory, victory shall be mine. I will just hold my peace and let the Lord fight my battles. Victory, victory shall be mine. Victory, victory shall be mine.
Joy, Joy shall be mine. Joy, joy shall be mine. I will just hold my peace and let the Lord fight my battles. Joy, joy shall be mine.
She is yawning and dancing at the same time.
Victory, victory shall be mine. Victory, victory shall be mine. I will just hold my peace and let the Lord fight my battles. Victory, victory shall be mine. Oh, I am [INAUDIBLE] wait a minute [INAUDIBLE]. We have got to get this back. [INAUDIBLE] that is it. Victory is mine. Victory is mine. [INAUDIBLE] I want to dance so bad. I have got this guitar.
[INAUDIBLE] for the Lord your God [INAUDIBLE] nobody knows the words. [INAUDIBLE]
Clap to the, clap to the Lord your king. Clap to the, clap to [?your God?]. for the Lord your God [INAUDIBLE]
Sing to the, sing to the Lord your king. Sing to the, sing to the king. [INAUDIBLE]
Thou hast turned my mourning into dancing for me. Thou hast put off my sackcloth. Amen. Thou hast turned my mourning into dancing for me and girded me with gladness. [?To the end of my glory may sing?] praise unto thee [CROSSTALK]
Thou hast turned my mourning into dancing for me.
Thou hast put off my sackcloth. Thou hast turned my morning into dancing for me and girded me with gladness. [?To the end of my glory may sing?] praise unto thee and be not silent. O Lord my God, I give thanks unto thee forever.
Thou hast turned my mourning into dancing for me. Thou hast put of my sackcloth. Thou hast turned my mourning into dancing for me and girded me with gladness. [INAUDIBLE] to the end I will sing praise unto thee and be not silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks unto thee forever.
[CROSSTALK] [AUDIO CUTS OUT] [INAUDIBLE] I will gave thanks unto thee --
-- forever.
[CROSSTALK] you got it, really, really deep.
Thou hast turned my morning into dancing for me. Thou hast put off my sackcloth. [INAUDIBLE] my carnal mind. Thou hast turned my mourning into dancing for me and girded me with gladness. To the end I will sing praise unto thee and be not silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks unto thee forever. To the end I will sing praise unto thee and be not silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks unto thee forever. Glory to God.
Hey, John, wake up.
[CROSSTALK] hallelujah. [SPEAKING IN TONGUES] hallelujah.
Oh, we did not need sweaters tonight. We have got the heat of the Holy Ghost.
Did anybody see the lake of fire?
Burn, burn, burn, burn, burn.
It is that Holy Ghost and fire keeping me alive, keeping me alive, keeping me alive. It is that Holy Ghost and fire keeping me alive. Jesus is keeping me alive.
It is that Holy Ghost and fire keeping me alive, keeping me alive, keeping me alive.
It is that Holy Ghost and fire keeping me alive. Jesus is keeping me alive.
It is that Holy Ghost and fire keeping me alive, keeping me alive, keeping me alive. Well, it is that Holy Ghost and fire keeping me alive. Jesus is keeping me alive. Glory to God.
We have got the devil on the run.
We have got the devil on the run. He cannot stay when we pray and see what the Lord has done. [INAUDIBLE] we have got the devil on the run.
We have got the devil [CROSSTALK]
That is good.
That is good. Let me just get it. We have got -- how does it go again?
Tell him. She has got the words. [CROSSTALK]
We have got the devil on the run. We have got the devil on the run. He cannot stay when we pray and see what the Lord has done. There is healing for the body, saving for the soul, joy for those who have none. [CROSSTALK]
Wait a minute. She is -- there is two different tunes here. Let me hear you sing it just straight through because I have not heard it that way before.
That might be it.
That might be the original tune.
That might be the original tune. Come up and sing in my ear. I cannot -- that could be --
Wow, that was wrong. [INAUDIBLE]
We have got the devil on the run now. We have got the devil on the run.
He cannot stay when we pray and see what the Lord has done. There is healing for the body, healing for the soul, joy for those who have none. Without a doubt we got a right to shout.
Because without a doubt we have got a right to shout because we have got the devil on the run.
Sing that last one again.
Because we have got the devil on the run.
Yeah, sing that last [?tune?].
Without a doubt, we have got a right to shout. We have got the devil on the run.
We have got the devil on the run. OK.
We have got the devil on the run. I want you to sing it with me until I learn it because --
-- there is two different ways I have learned it. We have got the devil on the run now. We have got the devil on the run. [CROSSTALK]
It is country. I am sorry.
It is country?
It is so country it cracks me up.
It is good.
I like it.
Yeah. Well, he is country. He is down there in Delaware. Right?
He is out in the boonies. I love it. It is good. OK. Let us do it.
We have got the devil on the run now. We have got the devil on the run. He cannot stay when we pray and see what the Lord has done. There is healing for the body, healing for the soul, joy for those who have none. Without a doubt we have got a right to shout because we have got the devil on the run. We have got the devil on the run. We have got the devil on the run.
That is good. You have got to sing this with me. I love it. We have got -- she is country. She -- how did you get that way? You grew up on Long Island.
I do not know.
You can sing it just like that. It is just real good.
I can sing it that way [CROSSTALK]
You got we have got the devil on the run, like, punch, you know, like you are punching the devil.
That is the way we always sung it.
Yeah, it is good. OK. We have got the devil on the run now. We have got the devil on the run. He cannot stay when we pray and see what God has done. There is healing for the body, healing for the soul, joy for those who have none. Without a doubt we have got a right to shout because we have got the devil on the run. We have got the devil on the run now. We have got the devil on the run. He cannot stay when we pray and see what God has done. There is healing for the body, healing for the soul, joy for those who have none. Without a doubt we have got a right to shout because we have got the devil on the run. We have got the devil on the run. We have got the devil on the run.
Without a doubt.
Glory to God.
All right.
That was good.
Well -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT] [INAUDIBLE] Glory to God. He is my [INAUDIBLE] and my salvation. [INAUDIBLE] Deliver me from my strong enemy [INAUDIBLE]. He is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer. He is my God. He is my [INAUDIBLE]. He is my [INAUDIBLE] salvation [INAUDIBLE]. He is my high tower. He is the high tower.
You see, there is my in this anointing. If you are sick, you can get healed. You can get a demon cast out just by virtue of being under this outpouring. Your problems, even though they are 20 miles away, there is no time or space in the realm of the spirit. This is a move of the spirit that heals. You need to know it, and if you do not know it, I ask that God witnesses the truth of it to you. It took me a long time to understand that. I could not understand it, but this is a manifestation of the Spirit of God that is here, and it is not just here. He is going into your lives, wherever there needs -- something needs to be repaired. When it falls on you here, it goes into your life, into your home, into your family, into your children, into your parents, wherever there is damage, and it heals because the Spirit of God is what? What is his major characteristic?
Liberty, life.
Life. Well, it is liberty. That is true, but it is life. Whatever it touches lives. Whatever this Spirit touches lives, and if it touches death, death lives. Death is revived. When it touches death, death is revived. And there is nothing that is impossible to your God, therefore, brethren, to assume that you have failed before you have given God a chance to work is the sin or presumption, that you think you know more than Almighty God. Come in.
Nothing is impossible unto him. That is why, once he engrafts to our life, we must know that everything that appears to be a failure is not a failure. It just looks that way because it is the Lord's way of turning your direction, but everything must work for the good for those who love the Lord. The end of it must be good. If you fall down 10 times, everything that you learned each time you fell must result in a great victory on the 11th turn. You need to know this, otherwise your heart gets broken and you give up. You need to know this.
11/08/15 Transcribed by VerbalFusion
11/09/15 1st Edit by BP