366 - Part 5

Part 5 of 6 Parts

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


-- it again, and we are going to redo, for the third time, Genesis 2:18-25. Apparently, I did not have it right the first two times. Now that does not mean it was wrong the first two times. That does not mean the revelation that came down here on these verses the first two times was wrong. I remind you that each word has many potential translations, and there -- in these verses, there are principles which are not translated. That is where amplification comes in, and, frequently, if it is a difficult translation, the Lord leads me there. He leads me there slowly. That is why, many times, I will amplify a verse two, three or four times, because each time, excuse me, I amplify the verse, it leads me notonly into a more polished translation, but as I work on it, the understanding of what Jesus is really intending to say arises in my spirit. That is how I keep on changing it.

Well, apparently, Jesus was trying to bring forth a revelation in these verses that I really did not have the full understanding of the revelation, and as I have told you, there is no way anybody could translate these Scripture if you -- in the way that Jesus really, really wants them to be translated, unless you first have the understanding in your heart. And this revelation of Cain and Abel and really who they are and what happened when Adam incarnated, this revelation is a crucial revelation to receiving the knowledge of the truth. And Jesus said it was the truth that would set us free.

In our Alternate Translation in the Book of Daniel, we read that the great prince will overcome through understanding. We have to understand the fall. We have to really understand what Jehovah and Elohim's purpose was in forming this creation, at least to the extent that it is being revealed to us now, because we do not have all the truth about that at this time. Exactly what occurred, what happened that we call the fall, and we also have to understand Jehovah's plan to restore us unto Him.

I do not know about you, but I always thought that when Cain killed Abel, well, he just died, and that was the end of him. That was what I thought because that is my experience in this world. A person that I know dies. I know that their spirit leaves their body, but the person that I knew -- I do not know people in the spirit that are disembodied. Once they -- the person is disembodied, they are gone from my life, so I thought when Cain killed Abel and buried him underneath the ground that was the end of Abel.

But Cain and Abel were not fallen human beings like we are. Cain and Abel were the residue of Adam after he died. Adam was not a man in the flesh like we are. Adam is a spiritual man who is the mind of Elohim. Adam is formed into a mind, which mind is intended to be woven through threads of ground to form a living beast or a living creature, but I have been saying living be- -- living creature, but living beast is really the right -- the scriptural term. The Hebrew says a living beast. Jehovah's creation is a beast which is alive. But the mind of Elohim is supposed to be ruling over the whole beast, keeping is prosperous and positive and an instrument or an expression of the glorious God, Jehovah.

The creation that Jehovah imagined has parts to it. Jesus. So the living soul, which is the immature mind, which is Elohim's immature mind -- well, let me do this first.

Let me talk to you about Jehovah and Elohim's relationship, or Elohim's relationship to Jehovah. I touched on it on the last part. Elohim and Jehovah are inseparable. They are inseparable. I think I told you that for the brief period of time that I studied the Zohar -- the Zohar is Hebrew mysticism, and I stopped studying that book because I found it to be heavily infiltrated by an ungodly doctrine, but that does not mean that they did not have any truth at all.

And one of the few things that I did pick up from the Zohar was that the ancient Hebrews believed that the creator -- now they did not call him spirit. To this day, the Jews do not call Jehovah spirit. They s- -- claim they do not know what he is. I call him a spirit because Paul called him a spirit, and I believe that Paul was speaking on behalf of Jehovah, so for that -- I do not have any personal knowledge or understanding that Jehovah is spirit. I am not even sure what spirit is. I just know that it is conscious intelligence, and -- a living spirit is conscious intelligence that is invisible.

Why did I say a living spirit? Because the human spirit does not have consciousness. The human spirit, which is the dead Abel, has no consciousness outside of the flesh. That is why, when a human being dies, even if they have a relationship with Jesus Christ, there is no memory of that personality. Just the spirit goes on, and the spirit is an unconscious part of the many membered living soul which is Elohim's mind. It has no consciousness aside from its t- -- its basic nature, which is Elohim. You see, the personality is Elohim's mind mixed with the earth, and we have personalities aside and different from and, actually, opposite from the mind or the personality of Adam because we are fallen, and we are standing opposite of him.

So let me try to stay to my point. Elohim and Jehovah are one God, the creator of the universe, and Jehovah has a higher and a lower extremity. That is what the Zohar says. The New Testament says that the creator is a Father and a Son, and some denominations say He is a Holy Spirit too. They make a trinity out of it, but I claim that there is just one creator, one God Almighty, but He does have different parts to Him. And starting at the most basic point, He has a higher and a lower extremity. Brethren, did you know that the organic brain has a l- -- an upper brain and a lower brain? OK. Look, the message is in everything. It is in our physical bodies. It is in the earth. The truth of the creator is everywhere. Witnesses are everywhere if you just have the wisdom with which to see it.

So what is the difference between Jehovah and Elohim? Jehovah is the higher extremity. He originates thoughts. Jehovah is the one that imagined an imagination. He imagined a creature. He im- -- it was Jehovah that decided that He wanted it, and when Jehovah decided that He wanted it and He had a vision in His mind of what it would be like, His lower extremity, Elohim, went forth to do the work. It is as if to say you are an artist, and you have a vision in your mind of what you are going to paint, and then your hands go forth and do the work. Your hands are another part of you, but there is really no separation between your mind and your hands. They are all one person, different parts of the living God performing different functions. Jehovah imagines; Jehovah thinks; Jehovah devises; Jehovah envisions; Jehovah wages war; He is the warrior.

Elohim does the work. He forms the creation, and we saw that in Genesis in Chapter 1. It was all Elohim doing all the work, and Elohim said, "Let there be," and Elohim said, "Let there be," Elohim, the lower extremity of Jehovah, carrying out the thought of the higher extremity. Elohim is also the mediator between God and man. Although we never got to it on the last message, I did have some passages in Genesis, which you could check out yourself if you want, where it shows you, if you look at it in the interlinear, that Jehovah approached Abraham and offered to make a covenant with him. And as soon as Abraham consented, all of a sudden, it is Elohim talking to him, dealing with him, showing him the details of the covenant. Jehovah, outside of man, approaches man, speaks to him from outside, and when the man's heart responds, Jehovah, by his lower extremity, Elohim, enters into the man's heart, joins with him and continues to speak to him from within.

Now I just had a very interesting memory as I am preaching this, and I may have told you that the Lord speaks to me frequently through memories, and this is the memory that I had. And going back almost, I guess, 18 years I am with -- I have been reconciled to the Lord about 18 years. When He first revealed Himself to me, well, He revealed Himself to me by doing exploits. I was very ill. I could not get out of the house, and He managed to get a Bible mailed to me. Those kind of exploits he did, but then I needed a job. And I went on a particular interview, and He told me that He would -- I would have this job, but the man never called back. He did not call back right away. He called back about four or five weeks later, and I went on -- oh, I know what happened. I am sorry.

I went on the interview, and when I came out of the interview, a voice spoke to me from outside of me. This is very interesting. I have been waiting for 18 years for the answer to this question, of what is the difference between God speaking to you from outside of you and God speaking to you from inside of you. I came out of the interview, and in my car, it scared me half to death, but a voice, a very strong voice, came from outside of me and said, "I am the Lord your God." The -- I may not be able to repeat it exactly. It was so long ago. He says, "I am the Lord your God, the king of Israel," and I do not rem- -- really remember what else He said. From this day forward, you will serve Me, or you should know that I have given you this job, something like that. I knew that I had the job, and the man did not call for four weeks, and I thought I was flipping out, but he called four weeks later, and I had the job.

And I never heard the Lord speak to me from outside of me after that. It was always from within my own p- -- mind that He spoke to me. 18 years I am waiting for the answer to this question. Do you hear it like I hear it? He was outside of me. He spoke to me. I received the word, and He went into my heart, and from that day forward, Elohim spoke to me from within my heart. The voice outside of me was Jehovah. I received His covenant. He entered into my heart, joined with Abel, and from that day forward, Elohim spoke to me from within my heart. Is that not something else? Jesus.

Well, let me give you a corresponding thought here. If any of you -- I do not believe it will be happening to anyone here, but I do not know who is listening to this message. If you ever hear a demon talking to you from outside of you, you better know that if you agree with what he is saying, the next time he talks to you, it is going to be from inside of you. And if that is what happens to you, you need to know that he was outside of you, and he got inside of you because you made a league with him. You agreed with what he was saying, and now he was inside of you, and you better go and get deliverance, and do not give me any of that junk that a demon cannot have a -- that a Christian cannot have a demon, because he was outside of you, and he got inside of you.

Now, Sheila, what are you talking about? You have been teaching here for years that demons are born in the mind of men. Yes, someone else's mind came to you with a seducing thought, and when you agreed with it, he reproduced himself in your own mind. Does anyone not know what I am talking about? OK. Let us try and stay on the point with this message.

I am talking to you about the relationship between Elohim and Jehovah. They are both God. They are one God. There is one God, but, brethren, your feet are your feet, and your hands are your hands, and your womb is your womb, and your brain is your brain, but you are one person. They are one God. Jehovah has a certain set of functions, and Elohim has another set of functions. Jehovah imagined a creature, and Elohim went forward to build that creature. And the first thing that He did was form a mind, and the substance out of which He formed the mind was Himself.

Now Elohim is attached to Jehovah, and He mixed Himself with the dust, and He formed a mind, and He gave the mind a name. He called it Adam. His personal name is Adam, and His generic name is the living soul, which is the name for the immature mind of Elohim, immature because it was designed to increase into the mature mind called the Word of God. What is the difference between the immature mind and the mature mind? Well, you say, the immature mind has two threads, and the mature mind has three threads.

Well, that is nice. What does that mean, Sheila? I did not know until recently, so let me tell you what the Lord has shown me. The two-thread mind is a mind which exists apart from the man. When that mind incarnates and becomes a part of a human being, the part of the human being that he is attached to is the third thread. So what are we saying? The mind was incomplete because the whole creation was incomplete. It had not incarnated yet.

I used to wonder how come Jehovah was so slow that Cain got in there and messed up everything before Jehovah. The answer is that the creature was to be finished upon incarnation. The creature was to be finished upon incarnation. The mind, the two- thread mind, was to be increased into a three-thread mind and perfected after incarnation. That is why Cain charged forward and reincarnated on his own recognizance without Elohim's permission, without Adam's permission. He did it because he thought, with his reprobate mind, that if he would incarnate ahead of Adam, he could be the chief honcho, but he was in for a big surprise, you see. Cain, who was a part of Adam's -- who was Adam's lower extremity --

Listen, Elohim was Jehovah's lower extremity. Elohim formed Himself into a mind called Adam, and Adam had a lower extremity. His name was Cain. Jehovah and Elohim are one God. Adam and Cain are one living soul, one mind, but [?it is?] -- Elohim is incapable of betraying Jehovah because He is -- they are perfected together in the spirit world, where Jehovah dwells. Adam, on the other hand, was mixed with the dust and influenced by the earth, and Adam's lower nature, Adam's lower extremity, apparently had the ability to rise up and attack the one of which he was a part of.

You see, they were not two equal parts. Adam and Cain were not two equal parts. Adam was the living soul, Elohim's mind, and Cain was an organ within that mind, just as if your heart is an organ within your mind. Cain did not like his position, you see. He was in a pretty high place, Cain. He was a part of Elohim's mind. He was in a pretty high place, but he was filled with envy because he was not in the headship, and he had some knowledge of the plan of creation, but apparently only limited knowledge because his thinking was wrong just as everybody who is thinking with Cain's mind is usually wrong because the thinking is perverse.

Why is your thinking perverse? Because it is polluted by the earth that he is mixed with. Cain was the one who was mixed. He was the foreigner. He was a mixture of spirit and earth, and the earth polluted his mind. Did you ever hear of children eating lead and having their mental faculties deteriorate? Cain was a part of Adam's mind -- of Elohim's mind, Adam, that was polluted. It was necessary for that mixture of earth and spirit to go forward with Jehovah's creation, and Adam was supposed to be exercising control over the part of him that was not stable.

But Cain, having some knowledge, and partial knowledge is very dangerous, decided in his own mind that if he could just incarnate before Adam did, he would be able to weave himself together through the earth, warped threads of the creation, and he would be the man. He would be the head. He would be the chief honcho. He would exercise authority over Adam. You see, in his fallen mind -- or in his reprobate mind -- it was not fallen at the time. It was perverse. In his perverse mind, Cain thought that the person who arrived in the visible world first was the one who would have authority.

And is that not the way things go in this world? The first person on their moon put their flag in it. The first country in the United States, on this North American continent, put their flag in it, and then we had a war between the French and the British and whoever else was fighting there, because they were claiming whoever arrived first and established a colony had rights to the land. That is the way this fallen world goes because this is Cain's world.

But surprise, surprise, Elohim was not in agreement with Cain's reprobate mind. Elohim and Jehovah said I do not care who gets there first. I appoint the headship. Now, brethren, do you not see this in church ministries? The pastor under instruction from the Lord Jesus will choose someone to preach or replace him when he is gone or for some spiritual office, and someone will come up and say, well, I have been here longer than them. I want to preach when you are gone. I have labored here for all these years. Brethren, only Jesus can choose who replaces the pastor when they go -- when the pastor is gone. Only Jesus appoints who preaches, who teaches and who functions in every and any ministry, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with how long you have been in the ministry.

It has to do with [?equipment?]. As far as Jesus is concerned, the most qualified one get the job. It has nothing to do with how much money you have put into the church or how long you have been laboring in the kingdom or how long you have been in any particular ministry. But Cain thought, if he just got there first, if he just got into the visible world first, that he would make out his stake and possess the land and be the chief honcho. So he did something illegal. He rose up against his own body, which is what cancer does to you, which is what every degenerative disease does. It rises up and tries to kill its own body, the body that it is existing in.

And Cain rose up, and he invaded the man, we are told, and he pierced through him, and he incarnated in the visible world. But when he got there, he found out that the way he had seen things was not correct. He did not incarnate as the chief honcho. The offspring of Elohim, the Son of God, the Son of Elohim was supposed to appear in the visible world, but when the image appeared, it was not the Son of Elohim. It was the woman, so Cain was not so smart after all. He got through first, but all he succeeded in doing wads killing his own self, which is Adam, and he killed the whole living creature. And in the place of the Son of God, we find the woman, meaning that the creature had incarnated in a mortal form. If you are immortal, you are male. If you are [?immortal?a mortal?], spiritually speaking, you are a female. It has nothing to do with the body that you are in.

And not only did Cain find out that even though he got there first that he had incarnated -- that Adam had incarnated as a mortal woman, but to make matters worse and add insult to injury, he still was not the chief honcho because Jehovah and Elohim made his brother, Abel, the authority over him. No wonder he was wroth. Did you ever wonder why Cain was so wroth? He was wroth because he stole the incarnation. He incarnated illegally, and he was tricked by his own reprobate mind. Things did not turn out the way he expected them to turn out. Cain thought he was going to be the Son of God, and he was wroth that Jehovah and Elohim gave priestly authority to his brother, Abel, who was born into the visible world after him. That is why he was wroth. I am sure it is the best answer you have ever heard. You may not believe this one, but I challenge you to give me a better explanation as to why Cain was wroth. His plan failed.

His plan failed, and his incarnation failed, but not completely. His incarnation -- it is as if -- let us give you a natural example. A man and a woman hope for a child, and they conceive an imperfect child, and that child is born into this world and is a trial for the whole family, for the rest of that child's days. We have some people in this world that say, if you find out that your fetus is imperfect, you should abort it. Why would they even think that way? Because an imperfect child is a trial for the whole family for as long as that child lives. So even though Cain killed Adam and the whole living creature, there still was an offspring, but it was a mortal, imperfect, perverted offspring that has been a trial for everyone who has come into existence, on account of this im- -- on account of this mortal, imperfect, perverse mind that was birthed into the creature by Cain.

Some might say a fate worse than death, and, in fact, many indict Jehovah and say why does not He just put an end to the world. Why does He allow all this pain and torment in the world? Surely He is an evil God that just enjoys our hardship. But I declare unto you Jehovah and Elohim are a faithful, loving God that have accepted this perverse child and that are suffering long with this perverse child and that have not ceased from working towards the deliverance of this perverse child from the very moment that the tragedy happened.

So what have we said here? We have said that not only is there no trinity, neither is there a duplicity, a Father and a Son, and I have been preaching that for years. I heard it from Bill Britain, and it sounded right, so I have been preaching it for years, but now the Lord shows me that there is only a unity. There is only a oneness, Jehovah. Elohim is a part of Him. Elohim formed Himself into a mind, which He called the living soul and named Adam. Adam, just like his Father, had an upper and a lower extremity. Adam's lower extremity was the part of him that -- now, remember, this whole creation is coming forth in a watery medium, Adam's lower part which was close to the earth, which was the byproduct of the separation of the Son from the Father, was mixing with that earth. We call that part of Adam that was mixed with earth, spiritual urine, the personal name, Cain. And so long as he was under Adam's authority, everything would be fine.

But something went wrong. The fall that happened is that Adam lost control of his lower nature. You know, brethren, it is like saying that someone lost control of their bladder. Their urine messed up everything. The tragedy is that Cain pierced through Adam, killed his own self because Cain was a part of Adam. He killed his own self, and he killed the potential for the creature to incarnate as the male Son of God and incarnated in a perverse form. This is the tragedy. This is the fall. Adam lost control of him. I still do not really have it clear in my mind exactly what happened there, but I am sure that it is coming.

OK, so in view of all this, we are now going to retranslate Genesis 2:18-25, in view of this understanding. In view of this understanding, on -- in -- I am going to make some different choices that I made in the earlier translations to reflect this understanding that I have right now.

You know, before I go on, let me show you one more thing. I will show it to you on the board. There -- a lot of these issues I really have not had clear in my mind up until now, and they are clearing up. OK, I want to show you what the beast is. I want to clarify what the beast is and what the woman is. "The beast of the field." There is an expression in the Scripture, "The beast of the" -- hmm, maybe I am ahead of myself. "The beast of the" -- let me just check my notes here. Could you put that on hold for a minute, [?Xxxx, please?]?

We see that in Verse 19, which says, "And out of the ground, Jehovah and Elohim formed the whole beast of the field," so first let me go over what the ground is. I think I clarified it on the last message, but let us do it again, the difference between earth and ground. Earth is the gray, white, grayish, white substance that was the byproduct of the separation of Elohim from Jehovah. It was the byproduct. It is garbage. It is worth nothing. But you may remember, in Genesis 1, the waters of Elohim's life, His seminal fluid, flowed over the earth and completely saturated it. And then Elohim said come on back. I am calling all the waters back. Let them be gathered into one place, and let the waters be called seas, and let the dry part be called earth.

OK, so what are seas and earth? Seas are the waters of the creation that have saturated the earth and pulled back. Apparently, some change was made in them. And the earth is the white, gray [?stubble?] that have been saturated by the waters of creation and then dried out, and apparently there was some mineral deposit that changed the earth -- even though it was dried out, changed the earth to ground, and Strong's number for ground is 127, and it is the -- it is -- comes from the same root word that -- did that just turn on, Xxxx? OK.

And it comes from the same root word that Adam comes from, and it means red or ruddy. It is talking about earth that is fertile. Ground is fertile earth. Earth is barren. Earth is -- you cannot grow anything in soil that has nothing in it, in sterile soil. You cannot grow anything in it. Ground is number 127, and the Hebrew word for Adam is number 120, Strong's 120, and they are very close in the lexicons because Adam is made out of the ground. Adam is an increase of the ground.

So when the Scripture talks about the beast -- let me just give it to you the way it is, please. "And Jehovah and Elohim formed the whole beast of the field." The word every means whole. The beast of the field, Jesus, OK. Now the word field can be translated background, and I suggest to you that this is a way of saying that the beast of the ground, the beast out of the fertile earth, is the background threads of Jehovah's garment. And the background threads are the warp. The warp of the garment are just there as a background so that the woof threads, which are usually the colorful and beautiful threads can be -- have something to be woven through.

Now we have been teaching here for a while that the warp of the garment is the -- I have been teaching you that it is the earth. Remember when I would draw a cross like that, and I would say this is the warp over here, and the warp is the earth? Remember? I have been doing that for a long time now. Well, I am finding out that first, well, it is not the earth. It is the ground, OK. It is not the earth. It is the ground. And that the warp of the garment is not this gray, dry ground that is powerless -- gray, dry earth that is powerless, but it is ground. It is ground that is red and ruddy, that is fertile. The warp of the garment is fertile ground.

So when the Scripture says -- why cannot I get this straight? The whole beast of the field. What he is saying is that the beast of the field is the background, the ground which is the background, and we know from other Scriptures that the background ground is in threads. So I am suggesting to you that the beast of the field is the background threads, the warp threads, of the creature.

Now this word field also can be translated battleground, and it is not unusual for me to find that more than one of these translations can apply to what we are being taught here. The warp threads, the ground, surely is the battleground where the war is being fought between Elohim's righteous mind and the ground, which is morally reprobate. It is a battleground. The question is who is going to rule, the living soul, Elohim's mind or the threads, the warp threads which are made out of the ground?

It most certainly is a battleground. We have a garment that is being woven, and both the warp and the woof want to be the head. We have a marriage. Both the man and the woman want to be the head. We are talking about an authority issue, and this ground will never, ever accept the fact that she is to be in the lower extremity. She will have to be forced into that position because she will never do it willingly, so it surely is a battleground.

So I find out that the warp thread that is made out of ground is the beast. And I will be honest with you. I was really confused with all these terms for a while. And I found out, for sure now, that Cain is the woman, and we know that Cain increased into Satan. When did Cain increase into Satan? Does anybody remember? When she captured the waters of the creation and when she dissolved herself in the waters of w- -- of the creation. When Cain, who was joined to the earth, captured or succeeded in polluting all of the waters of the creation so that that which was seminal fluid became urine because it became polluted with the earth, the waters of the creation took on the name Satan.

That is why we know that Satan is a sea. Have you not heard me talk -- tell you that Satan is a sea? She is the seas that we read about in Genesis 1, except that these are polluted seas. If you recall, the original commandment was, "Let the waters be drawn back. Let the dry land appear, and let the seas be separate," OK. But Satan is the dry that has disobeyed Elohim's commandment and dissolved herself in the seas that were supposed to be separate from the dry, so we now have Satan's sea, which are the polluted seas that we read about in Genesis 1.

And then Cain went on to increase into Leviathan, which is the mind that Cain brought forth after he twisted together. Leviathan is the mind that Cain brought forth. So in this hour, Cain is appearing to us as Satan and Leviathan, and the actual twisting of the earth is when Cain twisted himself together along the warp threads of the earth. He twisted himself together with the earth. Now Adam was supposed to be doing that, but Cain did it. He took on the male role instead of the female role, and the whole creature, the warp threads -- warp, bestial threads of the ground, with Cain twisting together through them and polluting the whole waters of the creation, now become the beast. It is the beast of Revelation.

So we see the woman is Cain. The beast is the whole creature that was formed when Cain wove himself through her, and the Scripture says he occupied her. And the principle is that he occupied her like a man occupies a woman, and the per- -- the principle is that he married her and is possessing her and is using her for his own purposes. That is why the Book of Revelation says, and there was a woman, a harlot, sitting on a scarlet covered beast. The King James translation is, "Sitting on a scarlet colored beast," but the correct translation is really she was sitting within a scarlet colored beast, or she was married to the scarlet colored beast.

And what it is saying is that here is Cain completely possessing Jehovah's creature and ruling as if she were the husband. But who is supposed to be the husband? Adam is supposed to be the husband because he is Jehovah's -- I am sorry. He is Elohim's mind. Adam is supposed to be the husband, and Jehovah and Elohim are supposed to be dwelling within Adam, but Cain incarnated without Jehovah and Elohim, occupying herself, a woman occupying herself, and we have a creature which is depicted in --

[AUDIO CUTS OUT] -- -iah as riderless horses. And Jehovah and Elohim are not present in the creature. The only presence or residue of the righteous Adam that we have in the fallen creature is Abel, who is completely in bondage to Cain. She has him completely woven in here. He cannot move. He is been forced into the female role, and Joel 3:3 calls him a homosexual harlot because the woman -- Cain is acting like a man, and she is therefore made a woman out of Abel, and she is interacting with him on a continuous basis, which is necessary to keep the image of this world in existence. Jesus. Is everybody OK on this? Jesus. Could you shut that off for a minute? We will let everybody [INAUDIBLE]

Praise the Lord. If you -- as you look at your notes, I will just explain the markings to you once again. The area that you see that is grayed out, the only reason it is gray is because I do not have a color printer. If I had a color printer it would be in red, and it is called red lining or red marking. It indicates that something is present that was not present before, and these are the notes from Part 21 that I have carried over. So the grayed out or the red line areas are something that I have added, and then you have the words that have a line through them. That is called the strikeout. That means that I may have used them on Part 21, in those translations, but I am not using them now because I know understand -- I now have a better understanding or a different or a deeper or a mature understanding of these Scriptures and/or of what Jesus is trying to say to us through them.

And as I explained to you, I think it was off the message, that it is impossible to translate, not only these spiritual things but from one language to another. It is impossible to accurately translate if you do not have a very real idea of what the original document is trying to say. It is impossible to teach any subject, math, science, social studies. It is impossible to teach a class if you really do not understand it yourself. If you do not understand it, it is just words, and it is just taken me a while to get to the point where I understand it. Who knows, maybe it will be deeper next week. I do not know, but this is where just has me now.

And as I told you off the message, the other translations are not really wrong. You cannot really say they are wrong. They are valid. They are valid translations. It is just that Jesus has something more out of it that He wants to tell us, both by a different choice of the many choices of translations for each word and a different amplification, OK. I hope you understand what I am saying. These translations are not wrong, but I found that another translation would be more accurate, which is what I just said to you. You could say Cain is married. What -- I forgot what your question just was, but I said both Cain and Leviathan is the right answer, but Leviathan is a better answer or a more accurate answer.

So we are bringing forth these translations more and more accurately as my understanding of what Jesus is trying to tell me increases. That does not make the other translations wrong. It just makes them not as mature. Jesus. OK.

We are going to start with verse 18, and we are going through verse 25. And as you see on the first page, I added the translation. Now when I say I added the translation, that means that it was in the book the whole time. I do not tell you every potential translation when I teach you. It means I chose another translation from the lexicons, and I added it into the notes and indicates that it was not -- that these words are not on the notes for Part 21 by the red lining. So for the translation of the word good -- well, let me read the whole verse to you.

"And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him" -- well, I have to read this out of the Bible. I get messed up with my notes here.

This is Genesis 2:18, "And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."

Boy, we are so far away from Sally and John that it is a joke. I mean, you look at this translation, you know, this boy girl, meets and falls in love and gets married, that it is a joke. Do you understand what I am saying, how far our translations are away from this -- it is not e- -- carnal is not even the word. The word is really childish translation of the Scripture. OK.

"And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."

Now the Hebrew word translated good, I think, on Part 21, I translated it -- you can see. I have the line through the words that I trans- -- the way I translated it on Part 21. I translated it agreement. I translated the word agreement. Well, I found that word in one of the lexicons, that this Hebrew word could be translated agreement. And then when I looked at agreement, I amplified it and said, oh, well, Cain made an agreement with the earth. We know, that he made an agreement, so it is not a wrong translation. We are just looking into another aspect of a many-faceted translation and hoping to pick out the most accurate one that will accomplish Elohim's purposes in our spiritual growth.

So I have now rejected that translation of agreement, and I am going to change it to benefit or advantage. "And the Lord God said, it is not to the advantage that the man should be alone," but we see the negative particle, which is translated not in the King James translation, we are translating Cain, which makes it sound like this. "And Jehovah and Elohim said, it is to Cain's advantage that the man should be alone."

The Hebrew word translated alone means separated. Separated from whom? Jehovah and Elohim. Brethren, I suggest to you that it was to Cain's advantage that Adam, which is the translation of the word man -- it says man in the King James, but it is Adam, Strong's 120. It was to Cain's advantage that Adam should be separated from Jehovah and Elohim. Now how is it to Cain's advantage that Adam should be separated from Jehovah and Elohim? Brethren, Cain could never have pierced through and incar- -- pierced through who? Pierced through Adam and incarnated in the visible world if Adam was con- -- and then wove himself through the beast and took over the whole creation if Adam was still connected to Elohim.

So it was to Cain's ad- -- listen. Let me put it to you another way. For Cain to incarnate apart from Adam and take possession or occupy the whole creation, OK, he would have to kill Adam. The only way Cain could do it would be to separate Adam from Elohim and Jehovah, and that is Adam's death. And we are going to find out why -- if it is not too clear to you, just hang on because by the time we get through verse 25, it is -- what happened is really, really spelled out here , but let me just say it again because I do see some puzzlement on some of your faces.

OK, the only way that Cain could have incarnated first to do what he did would be to kill Adam, OK, because there had to be a piercing through. Let me try and put it on the board for you. And, once again, I honestly do not know how to draw this, and the way it should be drawn is from the inside out, and I do not know how to do it, so I am drawing it from top to bottom. We had Jehovah and Elohim, and they were attached to Adam, the living soul, and this was in the invisible world, OK.

Now, at some point, Jehovah and Elohim were going to pierce through Adam and appear in the visible world as the Son -- and Adam would appear in the visible world as the Son of God. So it must mean that there was some kind of -- there would be some kind of a mixture, or something would happen to Adam when Jehovah and Elohim pierced through him that would enable him to appear, some kind of an interaction, and I do not have any more information on it right now other than that the Scripture likens it unto a woman's conception. There is a mixture of the two seeds, and a child is born. That is the only information that I have right now.

And a male being was supposed to appear in the visible world and weave himself through the bestial threads, the beast of the gr- -- the beast that was made out of the ground which was in the form of the warp threads. So when the Son of God was born, He knew that He was going to weave Himself through these threads and that He would appear as visible creation, the male offspring of Elohim, the Son of God which was destined to increase into a many membered male offspring, OK, the two generations of Elohim. If you remember Jesus Christ, number one, Messiah, and then the Sons of -- actually, I do not know.

If there was not any fall, maybe there would not have been a Jesus Christ. You know, there probably would not have been if there was no fall. The creation would have just gone right into the many membered Son of God. How can I say that? I can say that because there are Scriptures that say once the creation -- once mankind is purified enough, there will be no more job for Jesus Christ. The mediator, the only mediator between Son and -- between man and God is going to lose his function once mankind is purified enough.

We have two witnesses to that. The most popular one is in 1 Corinthians where it says, and after the Son has put every enemy under His feet ex- -- that is excepting the one that has established Him -- I am not quoting it exactly. He will offer up the whole creation to the one who sent Him, and there will be no more need for Jesus Christ, no more need -- no more J- -- need for Christ Jesus, no more need for a mediator because the mediator's purpose is only to connect sin-filled man with perfect Jehovah. Why? Because if sin-filled man comes in contact with perfect Jehovah, sin-filled man will be destroyed. So once sin-filled man has become sinless, there is no longer any need for the mediator.

So I -- on that basis, I say to you, if there was no fall, Adam incarnating in the visible world after he was pierced through by Jehovah and Elohim. We call it spiritual sexual intercourse. Exactly what would have happened, I do not know. And looking at it from a physics point of view, I do not know what would have happened, but some kind of a mixture of the elements there would have produced a spiritual man, a man of a high spiritual order who was to weave himself through the beast part of the creature which was form -- in the form of the warp threads of the garment, and the Son of God would have appeared in a visible, spiritual world. But -- and, of course, Adam would have been connected to Jehovah and Elohim, and the result is that the name of the creature would have been the living beast.

And when it broke out into -- and the name of the living beast is Behemoth, and when the creation actually became many members, the many members would be called Behema. The King James says cattle. Now that may sound like an insult to you, but that is what we are. We are cattle, and when we are possessed of or married to the glorious Son of God, we become living cattle.

Now if you are insulted, you are probably insulted because you are thinking of cattle as we know it today, cows and sheep and goats, but we are cattle on a much higher order. But in any event, you are not anything anyway. All that we are is the Son of God in us, so if you are really offended at this, you really need to examine yourself for pride because what you are you are.

OK, so this is what was supposed to happen, but, you see, Cain had a plan. He did not want to incarnate as the lower extremity of the Son of God. He did not want to be the lower extremity of the Son of God because no one ever heard his name before he incarnated. He did not even have a personal name. He had a generic name. Well, what did we call him? Spiritual urine. Well, you do not like being a beast, whoever is hearing this message? Cain did not like spiritual urine. It is almost a joke is it not? He do not like being spiritual urine. He did not like not having a name.

Let me tell you something, all you people listening to this message who are offended that I teach that the personality is not resurrected and that the only part of you that is going on is what you do for Christ and that the only part of you going on is Christ Jesus in you, and His is the only personality that will be visible at the end of the age when He appears in His permanent form. All of you people that have a problem with this, your nature is Cain because that is what Cain said. I do not want to appear under Elohim's nature. You see, Adam said, OK, I will appear under Elohim's nature, but, of course, Adam had his own name, Adam. But Cain, he was the lower extremity, and he had -- he was not named, and he was very offended. So he said, well, I am going to take care of this. I am going to take matters into my own hands.

And I want to tell all of you if you need any proof that you have Cain's nature -- because everyone in the earth today has Cain's nature, we all have it. If you need any more proof than this, let me tell you, has there ever been a moment in your life that you have taken matters into your own hand? Has there ever been a time in your life that you have gone over authority? Has there ever been a time in your life where you have forgotten to ask Jesus and you just did it yourself? If you are saying no, you are lying. I will tell you right out. You are lying, or you are deceived because we all have this testimony, every one of us, and that is proof that our nature is Cain because that is what he did. He took matters into his own hands.

And before -- let me just erase this, and we will do it again. Before Jehovah and Elohim pierced through Adam, what were they waiting for? Well, I guess they were waiting for whatever they were waiting for. Before they pierced through, this lower extremity of Adam, who was nameless at the time, he usurped Jehovah and Elohim's authority. And he did what they were supposed to do, and he pierced through Adam, and he appeared in the visible world, and Adam was cut off from Jehovah and Elohim. Because actually -- Jesus, Lord, I wish I knew how to draw.

A better way of saying this is that -- you see, the way I have it drawn up here is that Adam is still above, and he is appearing below, but the truth is that the whole living soul moved. Like when the cloud went up, all of Israel moved, the whole living soul moved into the visible world, but when it appears in the visible world, it appeared in a different form. Now listen to this, if Jehovah -- if it was Jehovah and Elohim piercing through the living soul and that gave them the momentum to move into the visible world, Jehovah and Elohim was in the midst of them.

But Adam, for all intents and purposes, because he yielded to his lower nature, Adam has to take responsibility for what he did, so we could say Adam moved into the visible world, and he went without Jehovah and Elohim. Can you hear that? He di- -- so he left them behind. Why? Because They were not ready.

Listen, let me tell you something. If you are a little girl or a little boy and you are walking down the street with your mother and holding your mom's hand and you want to cross the street but she does not think it is safe or she is not ready to go, you are running out into the street, and when her arm will not go with you, you are bouncing back. He had to -- Adam had to break free from Jehovah and Elohim to incarnate, and then he incarnated with -- well, what I am trying to say is Jehovah and Elohim were not ready to go. They were not ready to go, so when that little kid running out in the street, under certain circumstances, the mother -- if the mother expects, she is going to hold onto them, and They are going to bounce back. If the mother's hold is slack, the kid might just pull right out from under her hand and run across the street. Now, I am not indicating that Jehovah and Elohim were slack because all fault is with Adam. I am just giving you a parable to try and help you to understand. Are you following me? OK.

So Adam -- they cannot move forward without the pillar of fire. They cannot move forward without the cloud, and the reason it moved forward without the cloud and the pillar of fire was that Adam lost control of his emotions. Now I am giving you an example. I do not really know what happened yet.

But did you ever want to do something so bad and you knew it was the wrong time? And did you ever fail to control yourself? I do not know about you, but I have. I fail to control myself. I have talked when I knew I should not have talked, and I have bought something when I knew I should not have bought it, and I have gone places that I knew I should not have gone, because something was driving me. A part of my lower nature or my lower nature was driving me for whatever reason, and I yielded to it. Everyone has that testimony or you are lying or in total denial. Everyone in this world has that testimony.

Well, Adam lost control of his lower nature. His lower nature overtook him, and that is one of the words that we will find as we go on with this translation. Cain overtook Adam. He overtook him. He overtook Adam's restraints, and Adam followed his lower nature to follow him. You see, Adam did not stand there when Cain tried to run across the street and hold onto his hand so that Cain bounced back. Adam did not do that. He followed Cain right across the street, and they came into the visible world. Adam incarnated in the visible world, and they detached from Jehovah and Elohim.

As I told you in the introduction to this message, Adam was in for a big surprise, and we will find this also came forth in the translations. He did not incarnate as a Son of God. We are told, and we have several witnesses to this in Job and in other Scriptures, that Adam did not know that it was his own nature that had pierced through him and not his true husband, Jehovah and Elohim, until he was his image.

It is as if to say that some very naïve woman that does not know anything about reproduction had sex with a man, got pregnant, did not have any idea what it meant, even the big belly, and it was not until after the birth that she saw this baby in her hands. And all this time, she believed the stork brought the baby, and it was not until she saw the baby come out from between her legs that she realized what the sex act meant and what the pregnancy meant and what the swelling meant. She had no idea because she thought the stork brought the baby. But it was not until she looked at that baby coming out of her own body that she realized that her doctrine was wrong. The stork does not bring -- did you know that the stork does not bring the baby? The stork does not bring the baby.

So it was not until Adam incarnated as Cain that he knew that something terrible had happened to him. And the way he knew that something terrible had happened to him was that he perceived that the image that he saw had a mortal spirit. How did he recognize that it was a mortal spirit? I do not know, but he knew that it was a mortal spirit. And because it was a mortal spir- -- it had a mortal spirit, that it was female.

And this is the first place in the Scripture where the woman appears, woman, wife. It is all the same Hebrew word. The first time that it appears, when Adam incarnated as a mortal woman. And then the Scripture says and as soon as he perceived that his image was mortal, he swelled up again, and he bare Abel, and he died. He ceased to exist. Now, on prior messages, I have taught that it was Elohim that is -- that broke down into Cain and Abel and ceased to exist. I am sorry, OK, but it was Adam that broke down into Cain and Abel and ceased to exist. He died.

But the big joke on Cain was that he still was the lower extremity, and we will find it in the translations when we get to it, that Jehovah and Elohim said, well, Cain did this dastardly deed, OK, and he inca- -- it might have been Adam that said this. I am not sure. We will find out when we get to it. And he incarnated first, and he tried to dupe Adam and strip him of his authority, but I think it was Jehovah and Elohim who said, but I am not going to let him get away with it because I decide who is the boss around here, and even though Cain was born as a mortal woman, I am going to incarnate the other side of Adam, the mortal man, to have authority over Cain. Cain, you are still the lower extremity. You are still the lower extremity. You did not pull it off. You failed to pull it off.

And Cain was wroth. The Scripture says that Jehovah accepted Adam's offering and did not -- accepted Abel's offering and did not accepts Cain's. And I said to myself, now, why would [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- why would Jehovah accept Abel's offering and not Cain's, and why would Cain be wroth? I knew there had to be more to it than that. Now in the Scripture in Genesis 4 where it says Jehovah accepted Abel's offering, the firstfruits of his flock -- it says something like that. If you look at it in the Hebrew, what it says is -- that Hebrew word is a word that means that Jehovah looked to Abel and acknowledged that he had the rights of the firstborn. He had the rights of the firstborn, but Cain said, but I was born first. But Jehovah said, I do not care. And that is a principle through the whole Scripture, that the second is preferred over the first. Jehovah said I do not care. You got there first illegally, and you have not, and you will not accomplish what you attempted to accomplish because I am chief honcho around here, and you are not it. Abel has the rights of the firstborn. That is what Cain was wroth about. Glory to God. Hallelujah.

But there is one more trage- -- one more aspect to this tragedy, and the Scripture says that by the time Adam incarnated again as Abel -- and we have no idea how long that took. You know, it could have taken 1,000 years. I have no idea how long it took, but I found in the Scripture that it says by the time Adam incarnated a second time as Abel, Cain had already woven himself through the bestial warp threads and was sitting in and occupying and married to and possessing the whole creature, which was no longer a living creature but was now a dead creature. The woman was occupying herself as a man is supposed to occupy a woman, spiritual lesbianism. And they -- and Adam had incarnated without Elohim and Jehovah, and the creature was dead because the life was gone.

Elohim is the life. That is who Jesus is. That is who the glorified spirit of Jesus is. He is Elohim who was raised from the dead. I am sorry. He is Adam. Let me get this straight. The Lord Jesus Christ is Adam, Elohim's mind, who was raised from the dead in the man, Jesus of Nazareth, and who increased into the Word of God, the three-thread mind by twisting himself together with Jesus of Nazareth's humanity.

That is who Jesus is, the first human being in which Adam, Elohim's mind, the living soul, twisted together with a human being, the third thread, and the whole man was glorified and became spirit and is now appearing in the form of the Holy Spirit. And he wants to do the whole thing for you. He wants to raise Adam from the dead in you, and when Adam is raised from the dead in you, he is going to twist himself together with your humanity, which is the third thread, and you are going to be the Word of God, and you are going to stand up in full stature. That is what it is all about.

So let us see it in the Scripture here. We are still in verse 18. So I changed the translation of, "Cain made a league with the earth," and I changed it to Cain would benefit from Adam's death. The benefit of Cain to Adam's death was that Cain wove himself together with the bestial warp threads, occupied the creature, and is now the god of this world. Adam died, and Cain inherited this world. That is why this world has to come down, you see. It is just a matter of time until it comes down because this world is made out of the substance which belongs to Jehovah and Elohim. This world is made out of the substance that the living soul was made out of. Adam had to die for this world to be formed.

So, you see, Cain killed Adam three times. Cain killed Adam when he pieced through him. Cain killed Adam in the form of Abel, and Cain killed Adam again when he destroyed the living soul that was functioning in Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth, at which point the creation fell down [INAUDIBLE] [?point?].

Praise the Lord. And the word ordain, the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, says that the English word ordain can be -- can also mean to invest with ministerial or priestly authority, to authorize as a holy man, to give virtue or superior authority. Excuse me. And I am translating this along with the message that I have given you earlier, that -- in this way, that Jehovah and Elohim said, Cain, you failed. You are still the lower extremity because I am incarnating Abel after you, and I am giving him the high priestly authority despite the fact that you were born first. So do you understand that both translations are correct? We are just looking for the one that is more accurate. Do you understand that? OK.

Everything else is pretty much the same. At the end of the original verse, the words, for him, were not in the Hebrew. They were added in by the King James translation, so we are going to just ignore those few words. And this is what it sounds like. Well, the next few verse- -- the translations that you see that are not marked, those are the translations from Part 21. If you go to page 2, you will see, and throughout this whole set of notes, the new translation is red marked -- is red lined, and it has the number of the verse in front of it.

So the old translation of this verse was, "And Jehovah and Elohim vowed that since Cain made a league with the earth to separate Adam from Jehovah and conquered him and offered him up for the purpose of incarnating on the other side," so, you see, it is very similar. We are changing that now to, "And Jehovah and Elohim said, Cain acquired power by separating from Adam, the family of God, but I will give Adam priestly" -- oh, that should be Abel. "But I will give Abel" -- that should be Abel there if you want to change your notes. "But I will give Abel priestly authority so that he can conquer Cain." Jesus.

"And Jehovah and Elohim said, Cain acquired power" -- OK, I took the words benefit and advantage, and I amplified that to acquire power. "And Jehovah and Elohim said Cain acquired power by separating Adam from the family of God." That is Jehovah and Elohim, and that is the English word mother in there. Hmm, verse 18, where did I get the family of God from? Could you put that on hold for a minute, please?

OK, I see what I did here. The family of God is an amplification of the phrase that says the man should be alone. The significance of being alone is being separated from Jehovah and Elohim, and I took -- when I said the family of God, I really took the translation or the amplification of verse 23 where it say- -- verse 24, where it says, "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother," and we found out that his mother is speaking about the family bond or the family of God. And so therefore -- I guess, it hit my spirit, that I liked the way it sounded, and I incorporated that translation. I -- actually, I incorporated it in the form of an amplification because verse 18 just says that the man should be alone. It does not state in verse 18 who the man has to be separated from to be alone, so I took the answer to that unstated person, who Adam is going to be separated from, from verse 24. Does anybody not know what I am talking about? OK, praise the Lord.

OK, verse 18, Alternate Translation, "And Jehovah and Elohim said, Cain acquired power by separating Adam from the family of God." That is Jehovah and Elohim, "But I will give Abel priestly authority so that he can conquer Cain." Jesus. OK. Praise the Lord.

Verse 19, I pretty -- excuse me. I pretty much gave you the teaching on that. If you look at the first line of verse 19, you will see that I struck out the word earth, and I should have replaced it with ground, but I - -- oh, the ground is already there, "And out of the ground." So earth was a -- it was a misunderstanding on my part as to the difference between earth and ground, and I already gave you the teaching on that, that the ground is the bestial part of the creation, and the beast -- and out of the ground, the Lord God formed the whole beast of the field. It is speaking about the ground being formed into the warp threads of Jehovah and Elohim's garment.

And down on my comment underneath that verse, you could see that I struck out Elohim, and I put in Adam's deterioration into Cain and Abel began with a division of though, mind and purpose. It looks like he did not even untwist from Jehovah until after he chose to go the way of Cain. Adam separated from Jehovah and Elohim when he incarnated without them. So we pretty much covered that in principle.

Let us just read the Alternate Translations, and you could see the most recent at is on page three, and it is red lined. I will read the old one for you too.

"And Jehovah and Elohim formed the serpent out of the earthen part of the creature, and Elohim, the spiritual part of Adam, went within Himself for the purpose of receiving Jehovah's nature on behalf of the whole living creature because Adam's nature would be passed onto the whole creation."

I do not think we made too much of a change here. This is the new Alternate Translation. "And Jehovah and Elohim formed the bestial background for Adam' mind out of the ground." That is the warp threads. "And Adam went within himself to receive Elohim's nature on behalf of the whole creation because Adam's spirit would engrave the clay personality of the whole living beast," the principle there being that the -- Adam's spirit, the living soul, was to receive Elohim's nature, and, of course, Elohim's nature was Jehovah's nature. And then when Adam wove himself through the bestial warp threads, he was to give Jehovah's nature and Elohim's nature to every individual that was appearing. That was the whole intention. Adam had this tremendous responsibility of imparting Jehovah's nature to the whole creation, knowing that if it did not, it would have been hell for the whole creation, which is exactly what happened to us. Jesus.

Verse 20, I do not seem to have made too many changes over here. The old translation is, "And Adam gave his nature to the whole creature, to Adam and to the bestial part of the arrangement, but did not detect that it was the serpent did not detect that it was Cain who had" -- well, this is the old one, "that it was the serpent who had helped him to incarnate until he C- -- saw Cain," and Cain, of course, was a mortal woman.

And this is our new Alternate Translation, verse 20, "And Adam gave Elohim's nature to the bestial background threads" -- that is the warp -- "of Adam's mind, that Adam's mind was wove through, and to the whole living creature but did not detect that it was Cain who had helped him to incarnate until he saw that his image was mortal." Jesus.

Verse 21, I see I only made one change here with regard to the word -- well, there is two changes with regard to the word slept. Let me read the verse in the King James. "And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof." Our translation of the word slept was to become leprous. Well, we know that Adam became sick and died, but I find it more accurate now to choose the translation languid from the Hebrew lexicons. And the English definition of the word languid is lacking energy or vitality, showing little or no spirit or animation. And I suggest to you that what happened was that Adam lost his connection to the spirit, which was Jehovah and Elohim, and he became languid. He lost his spiritual life. You see, he did not cease to exist. He was immortal because he was attached to the spiritual life, and he lost his spiritual life.

Then I see another correction down here beneath the definition of languid. And one of his ribs -- oh, OK, I see what I -- what I have been saying to you is that the two ribs or the two sides of Adam are earth and spirit. Now I have been teaching that for a while, that the two sides of Adam are earth and spirit. But, at least in this instance, that is not correct. This particular verse is speaking about Adam's divided spirit. Adam was good and evil. He was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and he had a two-sided spirit. It was good, and it was evil, and the part of him that was mixed with the earth, which is called spiritual urine, was the evil side of Adam.

So I have to change that. When it talks about -- when the Scripture talks about taking one of Adam's ribs, it is not talking about taking either his earthen or his spiritual side. It is talking about taking the side of his double spirit, the side of his two-pronged spirit that was evil. That is what it is talking about.

Our old translation is, verse 21, "And Jehovah and Elohim threw Adam into a trance, and he married his other side and became leprous, and the woman delivered up Elohim, his male reproductive organ."

Now, remember, the male reproductive organ, the part of Adam that had the potential within him to incarnate as a male, as the Son of God, was his upper extremity. It was the part of him that was attached to Jehovah and Elohim, that was not polluted by the urine. Adam's good side had the potential to incarnate as a spiritual male, OK. Therefore -- excuse me, I lost my place. Therefore, that was his re- -- that is the living soul's reproductive organ, the side of Adam that was pure. The side of Adam that was good is called his male reproductive organ.

And our Alternate Translation for verse 21 is, "And Jehovah and Elohim threw Adam into a trance, and he died to the spiritual life. And Cain, his other self, carried him away and married the living soul, which is the male organ of regeneration, and the woman imprisoned" [AUDIO CUTS OUT]

"And Jehovah and Elohim threw Adam into a trance, and he died to the spiritual life." Now if you stop to think about that, that really does not make very much sense. And as - - I have not interspersed these verses yet, but I did begin to do it, and I believe that this phrase is completely out of place. It makes it sound like Jehovah and Elohim killed Adam. " And Jehovah and Elohim threw Adam into a trance, and he died to the spiritual life," but I do not think that is what happened. I think Adam separated from Elohim and Jehovah, and he died to the spiritual life. So I hope to take some time between services to perfect this interspersion. And if I can do it, I will have it on the message for you tonight. I would just like you to know that, in my opinion, this phrase needs to be moved someplace else.

"And Jehovah and Elohim threw Adam into a trance, and he died to the spiritual life. And Cain, his other self, carried him away." You see, Cain pierced through Adam and carried the whole living soul into the visible world, [?OK?]. Did you ever hear the expression -- well, Rosy says it all the time. What is your favorite expression, Xxxx? I lost my head. She got carried away.


Yeah. How many [UNINTELLIGIBLE] so sorry, I got all carried away. Adam got all carried away, and he marrie- -- and so Cain, his other self, carried the whole man away and married the living soul. He married himself, and the woman -- well, this is wrong too. The woman imprisoned Abel. Please fix your notes. The woman imprisoned Abel. How did she imprison him? She wove him into her perverse garment, forcing Abel, who had the priestly -- had the sanction from Jehovah and Elohim to be the priest of the fallen creation. Cain still had no respect for Jehovah and Elohim but maintained her position as male and forced Abel into the position of female and permanently wove him into her garment, her mind, of which she was god. She became her own god. Is that not what is happening in the New Age movement today? Is man not his own god?

And I would like to suggest to you at this point that the woven garment, which is woven by Cain, is -- the secret, spiritual, symbol -- symbolic name for Cain's garment is a web, and there are some Scriptures about the spider. You will find them if you look for them, the spider in kings' houses. There are a few Scriptures. And I believe Cain is the spider, and the web that she weaves is this perverse garment, which is called the dead best, or the -- you know, the beast. That is what we are. We are a dead beast.

And some of us, if you are listening to this message, Abel in you must surely have been contacted by the Lord Jesus Christ, and the living soul, Adam, is in the process of being raised from the dead in you. But we are still woven into the spider's web, and we will be caught in the spider's web until the whole mind is overturned. Even in full stature, the spider's web is just under our authority. It is not until glorification that the spider's web is completely destroyed by being cast into the lake of fire.

I will just read it one more time. We will stop for dinner. "And Jehovah and Elohim threw Adam into a trance, and he died to the spiritual life. And Cain, his other self, carried him away and married the living soul, which is the -- which is Adam, the male organ of regeneration, the mind which has the ability to incarnate as a spiritual male. And the woman, Cain, imprisoned Abel by weaving into her ungodly web." [?Praise?] [AUDIO CUTS OUT]

I want to comment on that phrase, the male organ of regeneration. I just -- all I can do is keep telling you that as I preach, the Lord keeps refining my understanding, so just roll with the punches. I just mentioned that Adam is the male organ of regeneration, and that is not completely accurate. I am drawing Adam as an oblong here, and you may recall that Cain is his lower nature, the part -- now Adam is water. He has not incarnated yet at this point. This whole creation is in a water medium in which the Elohim, the Son of God, flowed away from His Father into an area that has been bounded off and is to be --


-- and to be formed into Jehovah's creation. And Adam is mixed with the dust, OK, and he is in the midst of the waters. And there is a part of him that is close to the earth, and we -- the Scripture likens the earth to the ocean bed. The part of the waters closest to the ocean bed are much muddier than the waters at the surface. And the Scripture gives a generic name and a personal name to that part of Adam which is close to the earth and has a lot of grains of earth mixed in it. It is the spiritual urine, and after that spiritual urine incarnates, he takes the personal name of Cain.

Now this image that I have on the board here is Adam, the living soul, the immature mind of Elohim. The male organ of regeneration is this part of Adam which is not spiritual urine. I still do not have a personal name for it. On other messages, I called it the seminal fluid, but I guess it is not even the seminal fluid because, if you remember --


-- Jehovah -- Elohim said, not Jehovah. Elohim said let a firmament appear in the midst of the waters, so the seminal fluid is the waters that is above. The firmament is the living soul, and the urine is underneath the living soul, and the seminal fluid is above it. Yet, there is a part of the living soul which is very close to the earth, and there is a part of the living soul that is spiritual urine mixing the waters of the living soul with the granules of the earth that are floating around. So this would be the urine in here, spiritual urine, and the rest of the living soul is the organ of regeneration. It is that part of the living soul which has the ability to incarnate as the Son of Elohim when Jehovah pierces through Him. There has to be a piercing through Jehovah.

Now, remember, this is all coming up from underneath. I am just drawing it on top. Jehovah is piercing through the living soul, and there will be some kind of a joining likened to human reproduction, male seed, female seed, and then the whole living soul will gather itself up and move on and incarnate in the visible world. I think I have got my directions backwards. It is coming from the inside up or from the inside out. Jesus. I guess I drew this arrow the wrong way. Sorry.

OK, Jehovah is within the living soul. He is arising within the living soul, piercing through him. He is hitting the earthen seabed, and the image is bouncing back, and the visible world is up here, the reflection, Elohim's reflection on the waters. So this part of Adam that is joining -- that is supposed to join with Jehovah, I found it, when I did these Alternate Translation and looked up all these words, I found a word that said the male organ of regeneration, and I know what it means because the Lord is giving us this deep revelation. Someone else would not know what it means, you see.

So it is the part of the living soul that is pure, but the living soul does have a lower nature. It is called spiritual urine, and when the spiritual urine rose up and did what Jehovah was supposed to do, pierced through the living soul, acted like a male seed, mixed with the pure organ of regeneration, shot down to the earth and bounced back and formed an image, it caused the living soul to separate from Jehovah and Elohim. And the Scripture says that the living soul joined to himself. Elijah, the man who was joined to his own mind, OK.

There are two parts to the living soul. Elijah, the man who is joined to his own mind, his own negative lower self, rose up, acted like a male, joined with him and produced a product of incest. The product of incest was that the spiritual urine incarnated and received a personal name, Cain, and then Cain wove himself together with the bestial warp threads, the threads going the opposite direction, and increased into a morally corrupt mind called Leviathan. So for all intents and purposes, Cain, Leviathan is his mind, and Satan is the sim- -- is the waters of creation that have been completely polluted by the earth. Cain has now increased into Leviathan and Satan, and they are the woman that has stolen Jehovah and Elohim's creation. They have stolen the living soul. Well, they did not steal the living soul. They stole the substance that the living soul was made out of because the living soul died, OK.

And please note that Adam incarnated as Cain, and Adam still existed. It was not until Adam swelled up a second time and incarnated as Abel that Adam completely died. There was nothing left of Adam. Can you hear that? Adam swelled up and incarnated as Cain, and Adam still existed. He still had -- there was still a substance called the living soul. But when he swelled up and incarnated a second time as Abel, there was now nothing left of Adam. The living soul was dead and completely separated from Jehovah and Elohim, OK. Are you OK?


Did you want to ask a question?

[INAUDIBLE] so in other words, you could say [?when?] this organ of regeneration, that was Adam, right, Adam?

No, this is my whole point.

You just said it was Adam, [?and we?] wrote it down. Here it says Adam was the re- -- the organ of regeneration. We wrote -- I thought I wrote that down.

That is what I said when I first stood up here.

Oh, but it is not then.

OK. That is what I said when I first stood up here, that as I preach, the Lord is refining and refining and refining this message, OK. Adam is in two parts, Cain and the organ of regeneration. The part of Cain that is not polluted by the earth is the organ of regeneration. That is the part of him that can -- that is capable of incarnating as the Son of God when he is pierced through by Jehovah and Elohim, OK. Everybody OK? OK.

Another way of saying it is that Adam is good and evil. Adam is good and evil, and when Jehovah and Elohim pierce through Adam and join with the good side, Adam is capable of incarnating as the Son of Elohim. That is another change I am making. I am going to try to stop saying the Son of God and start saying the Son of Elohim because that is what the Scripture says. The sons of God are Elohim's sons in this world, and I made that change in the Alternate Translation also. We are the sons of Elohim. That is who we are. OK, did I get it straight?


OK. So it is -- we are really saying -- a lot of these spiritual principles we are saying in more than one way. It is the same principle just looking at it from a different point of view. Adam is good and evil, and the evil was the part of his waters, of the waters of his life, that mixed with the earth. Jesus. Interesting, well, we will see what this evolves into. Thank You, Jesus.

When he mixed with the waters of the earth, was that Satan?

No. Satan is the urine who -- now let me start by defining urine for you. The spiritual urine is the part of the waters of life that is polluted with the earth, OK. When that urine spreads out and pollutes the complete waters of the earth, which is called the seas, when it is completely polluted with the earth, the urine has increased into Satan. That is who Satan is. Praise You, Jesus. Praise the Lord.

That was verse 21, "And Jehovah and Elohim threw Adam into a trance, and he died to the spiritual life. And Cain, his other self, carried him away and married" -- I am crossing out the living soul here -- "and married his male organ of regeneration, and the woman imprisoned Abel."

So we see in that verse there is a big jump, and in the interspersed translation, you will see that I will break up those two phrases. There is a big jump and a series of events between Cain marrying Adam's organ of regeneration and the woman imprisoning Abel. Cain joined with Adam in his spiritual sexual parts. Cain incarnated. The urine incarnated as Cain. Cain wove himself together with the bestial threads of the earth, increased into Leviathan. Adam swelled up again, and this time he was born as Abel, and the woman spider captured Abel and wove his righteous -- the righteous threads of Jehovah and Elohim's garment, which Abel was, the woof threads, wove them into her illegal web," OK. And when I intersperse these verses, I will put it in a better order.

Going on with verse 22, I do not really see that I made any serious changes there except I changed Elohim to Adam. "And Jehovah formed a woman from Elohim, the side of Adam which had married himself." So that was a misunderstanding, and I told you that is one of the changes that I have made, that it was not Adam who die- -- it was not Elohim who died. It was not Elohim who had two sides. It was Adam that had two sides to him, and it was not Elohim who married Himself. It was not Elohim that divided into Cain and Abel. It was Adam, Elohim's righteous mind.

And I would like to share with you a vision that I am seeing of Adam. I sort of touched on it at a recent meeting where I told you that I am starting to see Adam, largely, as a victim of his own weakness. Now do not misunderstand me, he is guilty. I tell you all the time the buck stops here. If something goes wrong, I am guilt. If something goes wrong, you are guilt. We are all guilt, but there are different degrees of guilt. Even Jesus said, depending on your motives, some people will receive many stripes, and some people will receive few stripes for the same sin. Now Adam sinned. He lost control of his lower self, and he allowed himself to be dominated by his lower self, and his lower self rose up and made himself -- made herself the head and killed Adam and imprisoned Adam's residue, Abel.

I am beginning to see Adam as a very righteous prince. Well, when we did the translation on -- I think it was Genesis 3:21, if I am not mistaken, we are told that Abel was a righteous prince, and Abel was the re- -- the descendant of Adam after he died. And I just have a vision in my mind of Adam being attached to Jehovah and Elohim. Let me see if I can show you what I am seeing here. I am not in any way making excuses for him. He sinned, and because Adam died, we all died. But the question is was the temptation so severe, you know, that he was just completely overtaken?

It is like the difference between backsliding and being overtaken. I mention that here. A lot of times many people are overtaken. Their sin within them is a weakness that they fail at the moment to overcome, but they go down fighting. That means they are overcome. It is very different than backsliding. Backsliding is when you go backwards when you have the power to not do it, and you just do not exercise your power. And the only reason you would not exercise your power when you have it is because, in your heart of hearts, you really want it, OK. Now even that is forgivable, OK, but there is much less stripes, much less serious consequences for a son of Elohim who has gone down fighting with the last scrap of strength that they have and the enemy was too strong. Yes, they went down because sin was in them. They could never have been defeated if sin was not in them, but they fought to the fullest degree that they could, and Jesus honors that. And in my opinion, you will be restored much more rapidly if you go do- -- if you are overcome than if you backslide.

Sometimes when you backslide, it is associated with wormwood judgment, and it could be a long time. It could be, but I have found that when you are overcome, the Lord just brings you back very fast. And I think that Adam was overcome. Does anyone not hear what I am saying? He could have never fallen if he did not have the potential to sin. What happened in the trial that resulted in Adam's death was the it was revealed that he was not perfect, and the trial was necessary because Adam probably thought he was perfect. How do you know that you have sin if it is not exposed? But I believe that Adam was as righteous warrior prince, and he was Elohim's son, and that he was a righteous mind. I believe the Scripture teaches that.

So since I do not know how to draw it, I will just draw it. I see Jehovah, the upper extremity, and Elohim underneath Him and Adam underneath Him and Cain, Adam's lower nature. This is a descending -- if you could see what I am doing. And they are all interconnected. They are all interconnected. Now the vision that I am seeing right now is that Cain rebelled. Is that not what the Scripture says? Cain rebelled. He came out from under Adam's authority, and he did something that he had no authority to do. He incarnated in the visible world as the woman.

Now Cain is a part of Adam, so what we are saying is that Adam was ripped in half. What we are saying is that Adam was ripped into two pieces, and I see his lower nature down here exalting herself, and I see righteous Adam cut in half. I see righteous Adam cut in half. His vital organs had risen up and absconded, left him, departed from him, and he was hanging onto Elohim and Jehovah with the thread of life that was left in him.

Now I know on other messages that I said that Adam separated from Elohim. I am sorry. Just flow with me. This is what the Lord is showing me now. Everything that I teach here is ba- -- the principles are basically the same. Where I am struggling is how it happened. My struggle is how it happened, but the principles are sound. So Adam, the thread of Adam that survived when his or- -- half of his vital organs ran out on him, was clinging to Elohim and Jehovah.

And as we get to it, you will find that there is one Alternate Translation -- there is an Alternate Translation of one of the verses somewhere between verses 22 and 25, I think, where Adam himself is declaring, well, since this happened to me, since my lower nature ran off, since my lower nature overtook me and joined with me and my sexual parts with me in the female position and incarnated as a mortal woman in the world, I am polluted. I am corrupted. It is therefore the righteous thing that I should be separated from Jehovah and Elohim and that the balance of me which exists should incarnate as the woman's counterpart, mortal man. Adam himself says it is the right thing. It has to be this way, and then Adam swelled up again and incarnated as Abel. And when he incarnated as Abel, he completely lost his tie with Jehovah and Elohim, and he died.

And I perceive in my spirit, as I do these translations, sometimes the pain is intense, and I believe that I am feeling Elohim's pain. I believe that I have felt it on several occasions, when I work up these translations as to how Adam died. I do not know whether it is Elohim's pain or Adam's pain. I do not know, but I feel somebody's pain, and I know it is the pain of the Son of God. I cannot tell you whether it is exactly Abel or Elohim -- Adam or Elohim, but I know that I am feeling a pain of the Son of God in my heart and the absolute horror of what happened to Him. And, of course, we had studies here a couple of years ago indicating that Adam was castrated. It is the horror associated with a man who is standing there thinking he had all the glory of the kingdoms in his hands, and he did, and he was looking up, and he was not looking down, and someone came along and castrated him. He did not see it coming, and the agony of what happened to him is intense. It must be Adam's pain that I feel.

I am telling you, sometimes I do these translations, and I cry, and [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- with these translations that I am dealing with now. On Friday night, when I was working on them, I was just moaning with -- it was like a memory of the torment that had happened to Adam. So I am [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- at this point, I do not see Adam as an evil person in any way. I see him, perhaps, as immature. I see him as inexperienced. I see him as, you know, possibly a little prideful and puffed up, but I see him as a righteous son, really determined to serve Jehovah and Elohim, and just got swept away by his own weaknesses, and that it is a tragedy, and that he suffered terrible pain and is still suffering terrible pain.

But I was excited to find out that even though Cain killed Abel and Abel's blood was crying out to Jehovah from underneath the ground, that Abel was going to be resurrected. I never knew that. How exciting. You see, I wonder if -- you know, you have to -- I d- -- I have not found it in the Scripture yet as to why Adam was saying it is righteous that he should completely depart from Elohim and Jehovah and incarnate as the mortal man. Did it ever occur to you that the reason that it was righteous was that was the only way to get his wife back? He lost control of his lower parts. She incarnated as the woman, and he had to go get her back.

This is very interesting because what is coming to my mind right now is a newsletter that I read that -- I even have a message where I talked about it, that I was really offended by -- where this international preacher was saying that Adam loved Eve so much that when he saw that she ate of the poison fruit or the fruit that would bring death, that he loved her so much that he ate the same fruit so that she should not have to be alone over there in the incarnated world. And I knew that that could not be true because righteousness does not compromise, but as I preach this now, I see that what this writer was saying was a perversion of the truth. Let me say it again.

What I just said to you is that Cain incarnated as the woman because Adam lost control over her, was his sin. He lost control over his wife. It was therefore righteous that he should incarnate in a mortal condition to go get his possession back, and one of the words that we translated indicated that Cain was his possession. She is his wife. So this man who wrote this newsletter got a revelation on some level that Adam loved his wife so much that he went with her, but the way he perceived it and the way he presented it was wrong because he made righteous Adam a weak compromiser, which is a lie. Do you understand what I am talking about? Is that not something else? He had a vision, a glimpse of the truth, but it came through his carnal mind, and whenever anything goes through your carnal mind, anything, you blaspheme the Son of God. That is what you do. You blaspheme the Son of God. You have a question?

So you are saying that Adam yielded out of strength and not out of weakness? That is [CROSSTALK]

Absolutely. Well, he did not yield. What did you mean by yield?


He incarnated in a fallen condition.

He willingly --

He willingly came into the visible world.

Is that not yield?

Well, I am no- -- let us just le- -- let us change the word so that there is no confusion on the message, OK. I do not know that I would call it yield, but I have to think about it, OK. Adam incarnated, OK, to follow after his wife and get her back, but he did not do it because of a weakness that justified his wife's sin. He did it out of a righteousness that said my wife has rebelled and sinned, and I am going to get her back. So here we are talking about motive again.

We are talking -- motive is just so important because if this other writer was correct, he was making -- well, now you see here it gets all confused. Yes, Adam is a sinner. He sinned when he lost control of his wife, but that is not -- but he was overcome, OK. His sin was revealed, and he lost control of his wife. That is not the same thing as making a conscious decision which says my wife sinned, and I love her so much, I am going to sin too. My wife is taking pills to kill herself, and I love her so much, I am going to swallow the pills too. That is how he preached it. That is not true. Adam said my wife sinned, and I am going to get her back to straighten her out and make her righteous so we can live in the light of the Lord.

Can you her the difference? Big difference, but I would have to say Adam willingly severed himself from Jehovah and Elohim and incarnated as Abel because he knew that when he incarnated as Abel, there would be nothing left to be attached. You see, mortal man cannot be attached to Elohim and Jehovah, so he knew that when he incarnated as the mortal man, he would lose his permanent connection to Jehovah and Elohim, and he did it willingly because he said it is a righteous thing to do. It is the right thing to do, and it is right here in the next verse or so. Hallelujah. This message is just fantastic. Jesus. Well, we will get to it, OK. Let us go on.

So we are on verse 22. Now the only change that I made was that I changed Elohim to Adam. "And Jehovah and Elohim made Cain, Adam's other side, which had ceased and invaded him into a woman." So we are saying now that the woman was made out of Adam's other side, OK. In the last translation I thought it was Elohim's other side, but Elohim's other side is Jehovah, and there is no way that Jehovah or Elohim is ever a woman. Jesus.

Verse 23, well, the only changes that I see here are a few words crossed out. OK, the old translation of verse 23 was, "And Adam vowed that his other self, which is made of the same substance that his male reproductive organ was made of, shall be called adulteress because she married the servant instead of her true husband."

And this is our new translation now. "And Adam said this other self, which is made out of the same spiritual substance that the living soul was made out of, shall be a mortal female mind because she stole my virility."

That is the word that came up in the translation, virility, which means his ability to incarnate as Elohim's male offspring. She used it, you see. She laid hold of his male regenerative organ. Who? Cain, and she joined with it because that was what she had to do to incarnate. You see, she could not incarnate without Adam's substance, so she laid hold of it, and she joined herself to it, which for all intents and purposes, was her own mind, two parts of the mind joined illegally and incarnated. And because of this incest, the living soul died, so we see the Cain and Abel are made out of the same substance that the living soul was made out of, but they incarnated without Jehovah and Elohim. That is why they are dead. That is why Cain and Abel are dead.

Let me start at the top. "And Adam said this other self, which is made out of the same spiritual substance that the living soul was made out of, shall be a mortal female mind because she stole my ability to incarnate as Elohim's male offspring. Elohim is" -- oh, I see what I did here. This must be a note. If you are looking at your notes after those words in brackets, "ability to incarnate as Elohim's male offspring." After that, it is supposed to be a note. Elohim is Jehovah's lower extremity. Jehovah thinks creative thoughts, makes decisions and wages war. Elohim puts what Jehovah is thinking into action and is His ambassador to mankind. Elohim is God, but He submits to Jehovah and obeys His commands. Adam is Elohim's immature male mind, the living soul.

Cain is Adam's lower extremity and is male also for so long as he is in submission, but Cain lusted for the headship and thought that if he pierced through Adam and incarnated before him that he would be the upper extremity of the visible living beast. In other words, Cain did not understand that authority comes only by appointment from Jehovah and Elohim. He thought that if he could incarnate and occupy the beast, by weaving himself through the warp threads before Adam did, that he would become the righteous male woof thread of Jehovah's garment. Possession is nine tenths of the law in this fallen world, but as far as Jehovah is concerned, first arrival or possession do not impart authority. Therefore, Adam pronounced judgment on Cain saying, you may incarnate before me, but you will never be Elohim's son. You will be the woman with a mortal female mind.

Even though Cain incarnated first, she was still the lower extremity, but she was mortal, and despite Abel's priestly authority, she continued to possess the beast as a husband and wove Abel into her perverse web as the female warp thread, and this is how Abel died. When you read in the parable that Cain smote Abel and Abel's blood is crying out to Jehovah from underneath the earth, this is what the Scripture is talking about.

You see, we tell the 5 and the 7-year-olds in s- -- in kindergarten, in Bible kindergarten, the Cain hit his brother, and he died, and somehow, even though he was dead, he was crying out from underneath the natural earth. But when you become a man, you are supposed to do what men do, and what men do is face the truth and deal with the truth and judge righteous judgment. So if you still want to believe the fairytale, it just means you are in kindergarten Bible school, so face the truth if you do not want -- at least fact the truth that you are in kindergarten Bible school if that is where you want to be. Why? Because finding out the truth, brethren, requires fighting a warfare with Leviathan in your own mind. He does not want you to have this truth, and if you are not waging a warfare against him and prevailing, you will never hear this truth.

Verse 24, this is the verse I was talking about now. Verse 24, "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." What a fantasy. Brethren, basically what the verse is saying is that, for this reason, Adam is going to leave his fatherhood, you see. When he is severed -- when he incarnated as Abel and separated from Jehovah and Elohim, he lost all ability to incarnate as the Son of Elohim. So for this reason shall a man lose his fatherhood and separate from his mother. The Hebrew word mother means family bond. He separated from his family, Jehovah and Elohim. He gave up his ability to reproduce himself -- I am sorry, to incarnate himself as the Son of God in the visible world, and he incarnated as a mortal man with the specific instruction and direction from Jehovah and Elohim to get his wife back and put it together and pull the family together and overcome that wicked Cain who was running away with the creation.

The old translation of verse 24 is, "Therefore it is righteous that Cain should separate from Abel" -- I am sorry, "from Elohim," and, well, that should be Jehovah. Well, this is the old one -- "that Cain should separate from Elohim and be smelted together with the earth and th-" -- I do not know where I got this from, "and that the urine and the semen should be one productive organ." I have some notes on it if you are interested enough in following it through. I thought -- I did not have the true revelation, and I thought that the one reproductive organ had to be the semen and the urine. You see, that is what happens when you do not have the full revelation in your mind. Your mind fills in something else. I made the most sense out of it that I could, and I might even have suspected at that time that it might not have been exactly right, but it was the most sense that I could make out of it.

And now I say unto you, "Therefore, by reason of righteousness shall Abel be loosed from Adam, his fatherhood, and Jehovah and Elohim, his family." Oh, I see what I did here. Now this was such a difficult verse that when I redid it, I had to do it one, two, three, four times -- actually, five times. I rewrote this five times before I came up with my final translation, and I left all five times in so that you could see how this translation evolved. Every time I do the best I can, and Jesus comes in and moves in my efforts, and I just keep going until I wind up with a product that I believe He is satisfied with. That is how I get these translations.

So this is what I started out with. "Therefore, by reason of righteousness shall Abel be loosed from Adam, his fatherhood, and from Jehovah and Elohim, his family bond, and be smelted together with Cain, and they shall be one sex."

Well, then I prayed, and I went a little further. "Therefore, by reason of righteousness shall Abel be loosed from Adam, his fatherhood, and Jehovah and Elohim, his family bond, and be smelted together with Cain, and they shall be one sex organ."

Well, that is really what happened, is it not? OK, let us try it again. "Therefore it is righteous judgment that Abel should be loosed from Jehovah and Elohim, the family bond, leave his fatherhood behind and be overtaken by Cain, and they shall be one sex organ." And I thought it meant, well, no more lower or higher extremity, but I found out that was not true because Abel had authority over Cain, so I kept on going.

"Therefore, it is a righteous judgment" -- well, actually, that is not even right. It has to be Adam. Adam is the one who is separating from Jehovah, not Abel.

"Therefore, it is a righteous judgment that Adam should be separated from Jehovah and Elohim, the family bond, lose his ability to father the manchild, be overtaken by Cain and joined to her in marriage with" -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT]

OK, now, so I am looking at the translation which is before the final translation, and I have typed in Adam/Abel because I still did not have it straight in my head who I was talking about there, OK. So my final translation, I hope I got it right. Let us read it.

Verse 24, "Therefore, since Adam was overtaken by Cain" -- that sounds good -- "and joined to her in his spiritual sexual parts" -- OK, now I have in brackets there with Abel in the female role. It has to be with Adam in the female role. "Therefore, since Adam was overtaken by Cain and joined to her in his sexual -- in his spiritual sexual parts with Adam in the female role" -- it is -- and, Abel, you will see that when I put all these verses together, I change that word role to position. He was in the female position.

"Therefore, since Adam was overtaken by Cain and joined to her in his spiritual sexual parts with Adam in the female position, it is a righteous judgment that Adam should be separated from Elohim and Jehovah, the family bond, and lose his ability to father Elohim's male offspring." That is pretty good. I finally got it. I will read it again.

"Therefore, since Adam was overtaken by Cain and joined to her in his spiritual sexual parts in the female position, it is a righteous judgment -- it is righteous that Adam should be completely severed from Elohim and Jehovah and lose his ability to father Elohim's male offspring." Why? Because he was having incestuous sex with his own mind. He was no longer -- he was corrupted. He was no longer qualified to bring forth the heir.

Last verse, 25, "And they were both naked, the man and the wife, and were not ashamed." Now I see that I added something in this verse. "And they were both" -- OK, I put in that the translation here, it means -- well, which word is this now? "And they were both" -- I guess it is the -- I do not have it indicated here, but it must be the English word were that is the verb, to be. "And the two" -- the Hebrew word both, Strong's 8147, means the two, and I added in the words incarnated or come into existence. That should be the translation of the English word were. I did not put it in the right place, and I have a comment for you. It comes from a root that means to pour out. That is they poured out into the visible world, or they poured out of themselves into the visible world, and that is talking about what I showed you, that when the living soul was pierced through, the whole living soul, the cloud lifted up, the whole living soul migrated into the visible world in an incarnated form.

And I see at the end, on page 9, at the end of verse 25, I put in an additional translation, which I got from the lexicons, just did not have it -- just did not choose it before. It is the translation of the English word ashamed, Strong's 954. I had written in before that it meant pale, the life of Jehovah or ruddy, and I now included the translations disappointed, confused and delayed.

Let me remind you that I told you that on occasion I will choose more than one translation, and I will get ahead of myself, and I will tell you that I believe that Adam was disappointed that he incarnated as a mortal, and that Cain was confused because she thought she was the man and found out -- [?you see?] she had it all in her head that she was going to beat Adam out and thought that she would incarnate as a man, and she did not incarnate as a man. She incarnated as a mortal woman, and she was all mixed up as to who she was. She is still -- you see, even though she incarnated as the mortal woman, she still thought she was the man, and she married the earth, talk about mind control, talk about believing what you want to believe. She stole the inheritance. She had it in her head that it would turn out a certain way, and it did not, so she just kept on going as if it had turned out the way she wanted it to, that she was the man. She thought because she got there first she would have the headship.

And as I told you earlier in this message, that is why she was wroth when Jehovah received Abel's sacrifice. What that means is Jehovah acknowledged Abel as the head of the fallen creature, Abel and Cain. Jehovah said, Abel, you are the head. You have the rights of the firstborn, and Cain was wroth because Jehovah broke His own law to do the righteous thing. What does that mean? Cain's headship was stolen, and it was perverse and deformed, and Jehovah said I do not care if you pierced through into this word first. I am not giving you the right of the headship. You do not have it. I have the right to do that, Jehovah said to him. And Cain rose up, and what did he do? He killed Abel. He killed him because he had it in his head that he was the man.

So our Alt- -- the Alternate Translation of verse 25 was, "And Adam and Cain incarnated without Jehovah, and they were spiritually dead." I have amplified that a little more. Our verse 25 now says, "And Adam incarnated without Jehovah and Elohim and was disappointed when he saw that he was mortal, but Cain, the adulteress, was confused because she thought that she was the man, and, also, Adam recognized that the completion of Jehovah and Elohim's living beast was delayed."

You see, Adam incarnating illegally resulted in the delay of Jehovah's glorious plan for this creation. So this whole experience from the time that Cain rebelled until the regeneration might be considered a parenthetical phrase. What does that mean? I talked to you about parenthetical phrases the other night. Let me put it on the board for you. The man walked, comma, and his dog walked, comma, in the street. If you cross out the phrase between the commas, you still have a full sentence. The man walked in the street. The phrase between the commas is called a parenthetical phrase. It can be in, or it could be removed, and the sentence is still a whole sentence.

So on that basis, we see that this whole event, from the time Cain rebelled until the regeneration and the restoration of all things, is a parenthetical phrase that is going to be ripped out of history, and the point that the creation was at before Cain rebelled is going to link up to the point of the regeneration and the restoration of all things, and the whole creation is going forward as if this nightmare never happened. Oh, I got a chill. Hallelujah, hallelujah.

Alternate Translation, Genesis 2:18-25, "And Jehovah and Elohim said, Cain acquired power by separating Adam from the family of God, but I will give Adam priestly authority so that he can conquer Cain. And Jehovah and Elohim formed the bestial background threads for Adam's mind, out of the ground, and Adam went within himself to receive Elohim's nature on behalf of the whole creation because Adam's spirit would engrave the clay personalities of the whole living beast."

"And Adam gave Elohim's nature to the bestial background threads that Adam's mind was woven through and to the whole living beast, but did not detect that it was Cain whole helped him to incarnate until he saw that his image was mortal. And Jehovah and Elohim threw Adam into a trance, and he died to the spiritual life. And Cain and his -- and Cain, his other self, carried him away and married the living soul's male organ of regeneration, and the woman imprisoned Adam. And Jehovah and Elohim made Cain Adam's other side -- ma- -- I am sorry. And Jehovah and Elohim made Cain Adam's other side, which had ceased and invaded him into a woman."

"And Adam said this other self which is made out of the same spiritual substance that the living soul was made out of shall be a mortal female mind because she stole my virility, my ability to incarnate as Elohim's male offspring. Therefore, since Adam was overtaken by Cain and joined to her in his spiritual sexual parts, with Adam in the female position, it is a righteous judgment that Adam should be separated from Elohim and Jehovah, the family bond, and lose his ability to father Elohim's male offspring. And Adam incarnated without Jehovah and Elohim and was disappointed when he saw that he was mortal, but Cain, the adulteress, was confused because she thought that she was the man. And the completion of Jehovah and Elohim's living beast was delayed."

Now, you see, our carnal mind says that it is a righteous judgment that Adam was punished. He was separated from Jehovah and Elohim because he was so evil and did such a wicked thing, but we found out tonight that that is not at all Jehovah and Elohim's mind. Thing was righteous, we found out, for Adam to separate from Jehovah and Elohim because it was righteous to go and get his wife back, you see. It was righteous to go and get his wife back and not leave her in hell forever. Wow, that is two opposite sides of the world. Do you hear that? Leviathan says Adam got it good, and Jesus says, no, it is the right thing to go get your wife back. Jesus, help us. Deliver us, oh, God, from this wicked mind. Jesus.

You know, I saw a movie like that once. It was about a young man who was seduced by a woman. She deliberately seduced him to marry her for some very selfish reasons. She did not even love him. She just wanted a man to take care of her, his position in life, some such thing. And his parents saw it, but she completely enamored him, and he was just taken with her, and he married her. She gave him a very painful life and ran away from him after a period of years, and he -- she ran away several times. He went looking for her. He was a Christian man, you know. He went looking for her every time she ran away. She told him she did not love him. He found her in all kinds of places. He went looking for her every time. She was his wife, and he had made a commitment to her for better or for worse. He got a bad deal, but he went looking for her and brought her back every time until I think she killed herself.

You see, now, if you are a woman and you make a mistake and the man is bad, you are in trouble. That is why there is a provision in the New Testament for the woman to leave her husband if the situation is really impossible. There is no provision for the man to leave his wife. You go back for her every time, and you pray. And if it is really an impossible situation, she will leave you. Jesus will make that decision. There is no excuse for a man to leave his wife. You go and get her every time, and you pray without ceasing, and only Jesus could make that decision to take her out of your life.

I am -- I could just hear people screaming at what I am saying. That is what the Bi- -- my understanding of the Bible. Never said it would be easy to be a Christian man and walk a Christian life, but that is what I believe the Bible says. Did the Pharisees not say to Jesus is there no divorce? [UNINTELLIGIBLE] there was no divorce for the man. Just said there is no divorce for a Christian man. You are responsible for your wife, in sickens or in health, for better or for worse.

I amplified and interspersed these verses, and this is what we got. That first -- if you are looking at page 10, the para- -- the typing on the upper part of the page is just a duplication of what was on the previous page, so you might want to cross it out.

Amplified and interspersed translation of Genesis 2:18-25, "And Jehovah and Elohim formed the bestial background threads for Adam's mind out of the ground, and Adam went within himself to receive Elohim's nature on behalf of the whole living beast because Adam's spirit would be engraved on the beast, clay personalities."

"But before Adam gave Elohim's nature to the bestial background threads that the living soul was to be woven through and to the whole living beast, Cain, Adam's other self, carried him away and married his male organ of regeneration, and Adam incarnated without Jehovah and Elohim but did not detect that it was Cain who had helped him to incarnate until he saw that his image was mortal. And he realized that the completion of the living beast was delayed."

"And Adam was disappointed when he saw that he was mortal, but Cain, the adulteress, was confused because she thought that she was the man. And Adam said, my other self, which is made out of the same spiritual substance that the living soul was made out of, shall become a mortal female mind because she stole my virility, my ability to incarnate as Elohim's male offspring. Therefore, since I was overtaken by Cain and joined to her in my spiritual sexual parts in the female position, it is a righteous judgment that I should be separated from Elohim and Jehovah and lose my ability to father Elohim's male offspring."

"And Jehovah and Elohim threw Adam into a trance, and they made Cain Adam's other side, which had ceased and invaded him, into a woman, and Adam died to Jehovah and Elohim's spiritual life. And Jehovah and Elohim said, Adam's transgression resulted in his separation from the family of God, and Cain acquired power when she incarnated as the mortal woman who murdered Abel and -- I am sorry, who murdered Adam, and she imprisoned Abel. But I will give Abel priestly authority so that he can conquer her."

I do not know about you, but I am flying. I feel so loved. I hope that you are feeling it too.

Pastor Sheila, it is funny. As you were reading that --

Oh, Jesus.

-- all I could sense, a big stage, and this -- all the words coming out, like being acted out.


Thank you. I just feel so loved. Can you imagine this compared to this doctrine of going to hell forever? It is so wicked. He loves us so much, so much that he went into hell to get us back. Glory to God.

At the bottom of your page are the four verses that we have done in a couple of messages before that. I put them in. It is two verses from Genesis 3:20 and 21 and two verses from Genesis 4:1 and 2. I put them in because there is additional information there. In Genesis 3:21, we find out that in order to clothe them, Jehovah and Elohim fashioned a righteous mind for Abel and an animal skin for the woman, so we see a strong witness there. And, of course, animal can be translated beast also.

This concept of an animal's skin for the woman, that is the beast that Cain is now occupying. Remember, she wove herself together with the bestial threads, and she is -- Cain is the harlot sitting on top of the scarlet covered beast, and -- excuse me, and this is...

It was so powerful.

...just one more witness that she is bestial. Cain is bestial. Leviathan is bestial, and everyone whose mind is Leviathan is a beast, and not a glorious living beast but an animalistic -- maybe I should change that in the translation to animal rather than saying beast as opposed to living beast. Maybe I should have Jehovah's creation, the living beast, and the fallen beast maybe I will call animal. I will just pray one more time before I plug this into the Alternate Translation that I have to print out this week. I have to do it this week.

And also, let us see, Genesis 4:1, we pretty much know all that. And here in Genesis 4:2, we see the witness that Abel was the righteous prince. The Scripture says he was a righteous prince, and then we also find out that by the time Abel incarnated, Cain had already married the ground, which marriage -- it is not stated, but which marriage produces her offspring, the mind -- the morally corrupt mind known as Leviathan. Jesus. Any questions, comments?

Pastor Sheila, when you were reading through, I think on page 10, even though you did not do the amplified, it still made so much more sense than some of the other Scriptures. This --

Thank you.

-- made a lot of sense.

Thank you. So we think that Jehovah waited all these years to send the Lord Jesus to us. Do you know how many people stumble on that? How could he wait so many years to send the Lord Jesus to us? Well, it is not true. Adam, Elohim's mind, gave up his connection to Jehovah and Elohim to come after us from the very beginning. From the very beginning, he has come to get us.

I just repent of ever evil thought I have ever thought, even in my own mind, thinking, well, I am not indicting Jehovah. I would not do that, but just in my misunderstanding I have condemned Him. I have said, well, I do not understand it, but I guess if He did it, He is righteous, but I believed that He did it. I believed that He -- that it took Him all these years. I said, well, there must have been a righteous reason, but it took Him all these years to get us help. Help went forth from the very beginning. What a marvelous message. Anybody else?

10/24/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion 11/04/14 1st Edit CAS/BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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