Part 2 of 2 Parts
The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
Yea, saith the Lord, yea, I am God, even He, the one who healeth thee, saith the Lord, and beside Me, there is none other. There is none other healer, and there is none other deliverer, for every other one who calls himself healer or deliverer takes a wage from you, saith God, even your life. But I am the one, saith the Lord, who healeth thee and who delivereth thee from every sin that besets you, from every affliction and every disaster and every destruction, and I take no wage from you, saith the Lord; but on top of all of the good that I give you, I also give My life unto you. I am He, saith the Lord, who is able to deliver you out of the hand of the destroyer. I am He, saith the Lord, who is able to break every yoke. Yea, even I am the one who is able to keep you from falling, saith the Lord.
Look not at your circumstances; look not to the left or to the right, and be not faithless, saith God, for I am truly your deliverer, and I shall not fail you, saith the Lord. My ways are not your ways. My ways are far above your ways, saith the Lord, although they may prove grievous to you. But I am not a man that I should lie, and I have told you and I have promised you that I would set you free that you might serve Me, and I shall do this thing, saith the Lord. Rest in Me; trust in Me, and I shall do this thing.
“Romans 5, Part 2.”
We will start with the recap from part 1, and those are verses 1 through 11.
Verses 1 and 2 -- I have combined verses 1 and 2 as follows: “Therefore, being made righteous by Christ, we have peace with God because of the Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have advanced from the engrafted Word into Christ Jesus, our personal Savior and the God in the midst of us by which we stand, and we rejoice in the expectation of the appearance of God in the hell of this world system.”
Verses 3 through 5 combined: “But we rejoice in our hardships as well, understanding that trouble builds endurance and that endurance shall be tried by experiences which shall prove whether we are Fallen Adam or Christ, and that by responding to those experiences out of our Christ mind shall not dishonor us but rather produce an expectation of good things from God because the gift of God, which is the Holy Ghost, is poured out into our carnal minds as an expression of God’s love [INAUDIBLE] because in the Age of Innocence, which is now past, Christ died when He failed to distinguish between good and evil, that we were cast down to this present evil age with Him and became ungodly.”
“Can anyone possibly not only s-” -- excuse me, Verse 7: “Therefore the fall has made it very difficult for anyone to die to their carnal mind so that Christ can be fully born in them. Under these present circumstances then, how can anyone possibly not only slay their carnal mind but also cross over into the life of Christ?”
Verses 8 and 9: “But since we are sinners, because the immature Christ’s death in the past age is still overshadowing us, the love of God is uniting the members of the whole living soul into Himself through the mature Christ, which is much more preferable than the present righteousness we receive by the engrafted Word because it shall save our soul from God’s judgment of destruction which presently abides upon the fallen creation, because, if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God because of the Lord Jesus Christ’s death, much better than being reconciled, our soul shall be saved when the imparted Christ is fully born in us. And we are not in rejoicing only in our atonement, Christ Jesus, but also in the Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we received Him.”
Verse 12: “Wherefore, as by one man, sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.” And the Greek word translated wherefore means for this cause. As we are going to translate just as.
And this word translated one, “as by one man,” is Strong’s 1520, and if you look it up in your references books, it can be -- you will find that it can be translated the other one, the other one. Now, we found a situation similar to this when we did Romans 8:20 or 8 -- I must have a note on it. Let me read my notes. There is more than one Greek word which means one. In verse 12, the Greek word which means one of two different kinds or one of a group is used: “Wherefore, as by the other man, sin entered into the world.” You may recall that we found a similar usage of the word him when we studied Romans 8:20.
And for anyone listening to this message who may not know what I am talking about, the Scripture in 1 Corinthians 15:45 speaks about the two Adams, or as the Lord has been revealing it here, the two stages of Adam’s development: the time or age of his immaturity when he was a soul man and the time or age of his maturity when he is a life-giving spirit. 1 Corinthians 15:45: “And so it is written, the first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.”
So our whole point here is this Greek word translated one is clearly indicating that there were t- -- at least two men that we are talking about. So every time the Scripture says one, you have to take in the whole sentence and ask God to tell you which one God is talking about -- which who, which Adam is God talking about? Adam, the soul man who sinned and died, our original ancestor who sinned and died, and that is why we still sin today and we die because we have inherited his sin; or is the other one, the other man, the mature Adam, who is whom? What is his name?
Chr- -- the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the other guy.
I saw a Star Trek episode once. If I could remember the name, I will take it out for you. It is one body -- two men in one body. One man is fallen, reprobate and criminal, and the other man is righteous and seeking holiness, and they are both sharing the same body, and there is a constant warfare going on between the two men, or you might say the two minds, and they are constantly pounding on one another and trying to get the other one down and out of the way. Why? So the one who is strongest at the moment can think and be that man’s mind, can speak and use his mouth, and can use his body for whatever purposes the man who is in control [?was?would?] use it for. Now, obviously, the unrighteous man would use his body for one set of activities, and the righteous man would use his body for another set of activities.
So this is our condition today. It exists on two levels. It exists in fallen men, and the separation is between the fallen man that we are all born with, the fallen mind that we are all born with, and we might say a mindset which is injected into us or imparted into us as we are children [?when?where?] our parents take us to church, and our parents teach us what is right and what is wrong. So we wind up with a split in our mind, and some people reach physical maturity in a condition where the man that they are born with, the mind that they are born with, the inherited sin that they are born with is stronger than that mindset which was imparted to them by their mother and father. And this condition is known as a curse because to be ruled most of the time by a mind who is bringing you into destruction, who is thinking destructive thoughts through you and is who -- and who is speaking destructive words through you and who is doing destructive deeds with your body is a cursed condition to be in, and the fruit in your life will be cursed.
But we find people who do not know the Lord Jesus Christ whose parents have successfully imparted to them a mindset of righteousness. What does that mean? A mindset that if they obey it, and they have the power to obey it, will give them a decent life in this existence which we have here. The name of this existence is what?
Hell and death.
Hell and death, that is true. Hell and d- -- the existence is death; the place is hell, but it is possible to have a decent experience here, down in hell, if this mindset of righteousness has been successfully imparted to you and has developed discipline in your life and dominion over that man that you inherited, that you were born with.
Once a man finds himself in a condition in this world where the mindset that he is bor- -- that he was born with is stronger than the mindset that was given to him as a child, there is almost -- I cannot say never, but to the best of my knowledge, the chances of his entering into a productive life in this world are almost nil. Why? Because it [?would?will?] take power to join with the mindset which was imparted to him as a child, to strengthen that mindset to overcome the sin that he was born with, and that kind of power basically is not known to man with one exception, and that exception is --
Christ Jesus.
-- the Lord Jesus Christ -- Christ, amen.
So then we see the second category of man, a man wh- -- in whom it is already established that the mindset which was imparted to him by his parents has failed to overcome the inherited sin in his life, and his life is not productive and is destructive. Then, if the grace of God blesses him and enters into his life and gives him a new mind and a new consciousness, and the strength in that mind and consciousness -- and conscience to overcome the inherited sin, that man finds himself to be a double-minded man.
Maybe I did not make my point clear. Let me back up a little. The first man is a double-minded man also; he is a double-minded man who lives in hell because his inherited sin is running and ruling his life. He has no power to stop it, but he has a revelation of what is right. He has a revelation of what his life could be like if he had the power to do right, but he does not have the power to do right. Brethren, this is a definition of hell.
But when Jesus Christ comes into your life, He is not only righteousness, He not only tells you what is right, He gives you the power to do right. Jesus Christ has power that the mindset which was imparted to you by your parents does not have. All power in heaven and Earth has been given to the Lord Jesus Christ, and what do you think He has done with it? He has given it or is willing to give it to us. For what purpose would He be giving us this power? To overcome our inherited sin, which is bringing torment and heartache and destruction and a sense of hopelessness of ever being reformed into our lives.
So these are the two men. Fallen Adam, who can be in one of two conditions. His life can be in order down here in hell, or his life can be totally out of control down here in hell; and the second man, the other guy, the other one, is the Lord Jesus Christ, who is without sin, who has inherited all power and authority in heaven and Earth and who fully intends to use that power to set humanity free from its slavery to the other guy, which is who? Fallen Adam. So when we find that word in the Greek, the other guy, you have to read the whole sentence and find out which other guy the Scripture is talking about. He is talking about two different people.
So we are in Romans 5:12. “Wherefore, as by one man,” as the one guy, “sin entered into the world, and because sin entered into the world, death came into the world; and because death came into the world, it has passed onto all men,” and the reason it has passed onto all men is that we have all sinned because the penalty for sin is what?
Death. Now, death is much more than the death of the body. See, that would be real simple if it was just the death of the -- of this body, but death implies suffering and misery and heartache. Now, the church world teaches you that when this body dies your soul goes to a place where it suffers and where it -- you are not -- where it is in torment continuously; but I declare to you that that is not true, that the place of heartache and suffering and torment is right here in this world system, in this existence. It exists on two levels: it exists in the minds of man, and it exists in the world outside of us. This is hell; we are in it now; you do not have to die and go to a worse place than this.
“So as by one man” -- who? Who is the one man? Adam, who sinned and fell -- “sin entered into this world system, and because of sin, death followed right after it, and so death has passed upon all of us, and we have all sinned.”
Sin is Strong’s 266, and it is the Greek word, which means the offense. We ha- -- if we have sinned, we have offended. It also means to be without a share in, and when we sinned, we found ourselves without a share in what?
What did we lose our inheritance in- --
Inheritance in Christ.
In the kingdom -- in Christ, in the kingdom of God. When we sinned, we lost our share or our inheritance in the righteousness of God which entitles us to live, to dwell, to abide in the kingdom of God, which is a safe place, free from torment and all forms of destruction.
The worl- -- the Greek word translated world in this Scripture is cosmos. There are at least three Greek words that are translated world, and this is the Greek word that means cosmos, and that means a system. As we talk about a system, the Milky Way is a system. There are sys- -- star systems. Each individual is a system. Every human being sitting in this room is a system or a cosmos. You all have a head. You all have a heart. You all have lungs and a liver and a spleen. You all are an individual system, and in the same manner, the entire creation is a system.
I call it the atom of the Creation, the atom of the Creation. And this atom of the Creation -- let me put this on the board for you. As the atom is the basic building block of God’s creation, we find atoms on many levels. You know, an atom is a sub-visible. You cannot see it, but a star system is very great. So this whole creation is an atom. And you may remember that in the center of the atom is the -- does anyone know what it is called?
The nucleus?
The nucleus, and there are orbits that go around the nucleus. In the nucleus are particles called protons, which are positive, and neutrons, which are neutral, and in the orbits we have particles called -- anybody remember?
Is it electrons?
Electrons, and they are negative. When God originally formed the creation, the internal parts -- or as the Scripture says, the inward parts -- were pure. They were the life of God; they were spiritual, and they were surrounded by the negative elements of the creation, which is what?
OK, but there was a tragedy, and the substance of the electrons -- or the electrons invaded the nucleus. If you know anything about physics, you will know that this is not unheard of, it is not uncommon, that electrons invade the nucleus of an atom. There was an invasion of -- well, what is the scriptural name of these electrons? Let us get down to the nitty-gritty here. What are we going to call these electrons? She has a name.
Satan invaded the nucleus. She wanted to get inside. Why did she want to get inside? Because there is power inside, because the rulership was inside, because the authority was inside, because the control was within.
Behold, the kingdom of God is within you. If you are looking for power outside yourself, you are spinning your wheels. Your only real power is within. Everything that happens in your life outside of you is an expression of what is going on in your mind and in your spiritual being. So if you are looking to heal yourself or cure your situation by changing your external circumstances, you are spinning your wheels. You have got to change your internal environment -- your mind, the way you think. You need to deal with curses in your life; you need to change the way you think, and you need to deal with your emotions, and that change will be expressed in the life outside of you.
So Satan invaded the nucleus of the atom of the creation, and she penetrated it. She succeeded in penetrating it, and now we have electrons in the nucleus. We have negative particles in the nucleus. A positive and a negative makes a negative. We have got mud inside of the nucleus. The mud got inside of the nucleus as a result of an all-out invasion. And what did that mud do to Christ? Anybody?
She killed them dead. She killed them dead.
So we have neutrons, which are neutral, and electrons, which are negative, and who did she replace Christ with?
The carnal mind [INAUDIBLE]
The carnal mind is the mud that is in the nucleus of the creation, and she literally turned the atom inside out. The electrons are now inside; she forced the protons to the outside.
I forgot why I started to tell you this. Why did I start to tell you this? It must be in Romans 5:12. Why did I start to tell you this? Oh, we were talking about how sin entered into the world, and we were talking about the fact that the Greek word translated world is cosmos. This is how sin entered into the world, brethren, and it was an all-out, planned spiritual attack from the negative elements of the creation.
So you say to yourself, how could God allow this? How could He let the negative particles penetrate His Christ? Does anybody remember the answer to that question? Somebody try.
Can anybody tell us how come God allowed Satan to penetrate His Christ and kill Him and replace Him with his carnal mind?
Because He has a plan, and that plan is to bring us all through to this way in what He is doing right now?
No, that was not God’s plan, to allow him to do it. That is what they teach in the church world. It was not God’s plan.
Because Adam did not know good from evil?
And --
And he -- OK?
OK, when the proton -- when the electrons -- when Satan attacked the nucleus, Christ could not tell that it was not God. Christ could not tell that it was not God. All He knew was that it looked like spirit, it felt like spirit, it tasted like spirit, and He let it in.
The Scriptures say that Adam was not deceived; only Eve was deceived.
Mary, I cannot go into all that now. I have it on at least three messages. It is on either Romans 6 or Romans 7. I know you have those messages. I go into the whole thing, OK? It is another whole teaching. I will never get through the message, and I will tell you where it is exactly. Just a second. Must be Romans 6. Just a minute. Would you put that message on hold, please, so that we do not have a big --
-- that -- I have that teaching on Romans 7. Romans 7, I go over the whole thing.
OK. “Wherefore, as by one man, sin, the offense that resulted in us being without a share in God’s kingdom entered into the system, or the world system, which is the creation; and as a result of that, death entered in by sin.”
As a result of this penetration and destruction of Christ and His replacement by the carnal mind, the atom of the creation died. The creation died, and so death passed upon all of us. We inherited it when we were born; and as a result of us being born with a mind, which is death, we have all sinned, because we were born with a sin nature, and we could do nothing but sin.
[?There are?Where?] at least three Greek -- I think three Greek words translated death. The word death in this verse 12 is thanatos. I have quite a few definitions here. I will just read you some of them. Thanatos means more than the death of the body. It is speaking about -- it speaks of the death of the body, excuse me, with the implied idea of future misery in a state beyond, and -- I should not have put all of this in here. It is speaking about the netherworld, the abode of the dead where it is very dark, and it is supposed to be a region enveloped in the darkness and ignorance of sin. It is speaking about the misery of the soul which arises from sin, which begins on Earth but lasts and increases after the death of the body.
So we see this word thanatos is speaking about death and pain and torment in the mind. It is the miserable state of the wicked dead in hell, and what we are preaching here is that we already died. We died when our original ancestor Adam died. We were in his loins when he died. In another place the Scripture says that when Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek, Levi, who was in his loins in the form of seed, as far as God was concerned, paid tithes to Melchizedek. So we were in Adam’s loins. He had a potential to bring us forth, to bear us, when he died; and because he died, we are born dead, and we have lives of pain and torment and misery because we are the offspring of an ancestor or a father who sinned and died.
Now, the Scripture says the sins of the fathers shall be visited upon the children unto the third and fourth generation, and there is no way to get out from under that judgment outside of the Lord Jesus Christ. In another place, in the prophets, it says in that day, the parents shall bite the grape, the sour grape, and the children shall no longer grimace. What does that mean? It means there is a day coming that the sins of the father shall no longer be visited upon the children unto the third and fourth generation. And that day, brethren, is in Christ.
If you want to get out from under the sins that you have inherited, there is only one way you can do it, and that is to get that other guy, His name is the Lord Jesus Christ, to enter into your very person and be the God in the midst of you in two stages. The first stage being what? What is His name when He first enters into you?
[?The Holy Spirit.?]
The Holy Spirit -- the Lord Jesus Christ in the form of the Holy Spirit. And the second stage is?
[?Christ Jesus.?]
Christ Jesus being formed in you. There is a provision. It is in the Earth today, to come up out from under your sin, but it has got to be His way; it cannot be your way, and His way is hopi- -- is Christ in you, the hope of glory. And you try getting Christ to start growing in you if you think that your carnal mind is going to open the door and say, “Welcome,” you better think again. He would rather see your body dead than see Christ growing in you, and he is going to bring every torment into your life that he can possibly bring in.
OK. OK. We are still dealing with verse 12. “And so death passed upon all men.” This Greek word translated passed, it is Strong’s 1330, and it can also be translated pa- -- to pass through, to pass through. And I did some research on that English word, and that can also mean to pierce, to penetrate, to gain entrance or to flow into.
And I want to suggest to you that all of us who have inherited death are -- in our spiritual being, are in the same condition as that atom on the whiteboard. We have been pierced; we have been penetrated by Satan, and he has flowed through into our being, and he has penetrated -- and he has penetrated us and polluted the purity of our spiritual being with his existence -- he does not have life; Satan does not have life -- with his existence and by bringing forth his offspring in us. Satan taking the role of spirit has penetrated our spiritual being. What is the name of our spiritual being?
The human spirit.
The human spirit. And when a male spirit penetrates our human spirit, what is born?
[?A mind?] [CROSSTALK]
A mind is born. And when that spirit is Satan, the name of the mind in you is what?
The carnal mind [INAUDIBLE]
The carnal mind, and that is the condition of all of us. We have all been penetrated and pierced through by Satan himself. And the legal ground, the open door, the reason that it is possible is that he got into the mind of our original ancestor who had the strength to shut him out but did not do it. And as the -- as you just quoted in your question, the man was not deceived. The woman was deceived, but the man was supposed to be guarding the woman, and he let him in.
“And so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.” We will translate, for that, inasmuch as. All men sinned; that means everyone. We are all sinners. Every one of us has sinned. None of us is good; no, not one. That means everybody born into this world system eventually dies. Those of us who lead a more productive life than others will have less torment in the here and now. Those of us who are leading an unproductive life will have more torment in the here and now; but, brethren, as we are told in the Book of Ecclesiastes, the same event happens to all of us: we all die, proving that we have all sinned. No matter how good we look, we have all sinned.
That scripture about Levi paying tithes is Hebrews 7:9-10: “And as I may so say, Levi also, who receiveth tithes, paid tithes to Abraham, for he was yet in the loins of his father when Melchizedek met him.”
Alternate translation, Romans 5: 9-10: “So since sin, and the misery which arises out of sin, entered into the world because of the other man, physical death, heartache and sufferings also penetrated all men.”
Now, that physical death, heartache and suffering is inside of us, brethren. It could not happen to you from the outside if it was not inside of you. We are not innocent victims who are afflicted by external circumstances. Our internal center, our nucleus, controls what happens to us outside. The nucleus controls what is in the orbits. This powers of principalities manifesting in our mind control the external circumstances of our life. Even the world knows that. That is why they talk about positive thinking and holistic healing. The world knows that.
And the only time it may be possible that external circumstances look like they are controlling your life is that your internal spiritual condition is so devastated that you have a malignant, criminal condition in your mind, which is literally sacrificing you to the forces of this world. Either you are sick and you are dying, either you turned over to an addiction, or you turn over to some form of compulsive, destructive behavior that is tormenting you and destroying you. If that is your condition, brethren, the internal forces of your mind are sacrificing you to Satan. This is a hard word, but I tell you the truth.
So I have a witness for you that we are pierced through. 1 Timothy 6:10: “For the love of money is the root of all evil; which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith and pierce themselves through with many sorrows.” So it is a scriptural expression, brethren, that we are pierced through.
Now, I am going to read you verses 12 and 13 together. “So since sin, and the misery which arises out of sin, entered into the world because of the other man, physical death, heartache and sufferings also penetrated all men because sin was in the world” -- oh, I did not do [?that yet.?that. Yeah,?] I put this in the wrong place. Oh, I need a pen. Sorry. I will read that to you later.
Continuing with Romans 5:13: “For until the law was in the world [sic], but sin is not imputed when there is no law.” “For until the law was in the world [sic], but sin is not imputed when there is no law.”
That does not even make much sense, but as most of the church translates it, we will say, because sin was in the world until the law was given, but the penalties of sin are not imposed when there is no law. Is that not how you have always heard it? Is that not how you have always heard it?
Let me read [?you it?] together, verses 12 and 13: “So since sin, and the misery which arises out of sin, entered into the world because of the other man, physical death, heartache and sufferings also penetrated all men because sin was in the world” -- now this is why men were penetrated because “sin was in the world until the law was given, but the penalties of sin are not --
-- saying is the reason all of this heartache and suffering has been going on all these thousands of years is because the penalty for sin has not yet been imposed. Now, this sounds like a contradiction, but what is going to get rid of all this heartache and suffering is the imposition of the penalty of sin. Do you hear this? You will go on in your torment forever until such time as the penalty is imposed upon you.
We are talking about judgment. Everybody is worrying about judgment, running from judgment, afraid of judgment. My Bible says the judgments of God are merciful. I do not care how painful they are; I do not care what you are going through, the end of them is deliverance from sin. If, God forbid, the doctor told you that you had a cancerous tumor that had to be removed, it would be painful for you to have that tumor removed. They would have to cut you open, and it would be painful for you, but the end result of it would be that you would have a productive life for as many years as you have left.
Brethren, sin can be likened to a cancerous tumor. It is killing us. It is killing us, and we shall continue to go from generation to generation dying until the penalty for that sin is imposed. Now, I know you hear a lot about national disasters, and we have seen some very strange weather patterns in the United States, but I want to suggest to you that the penalty for sin which will cure you from your sin is not a tornado or an earthquake or a flood. Let me remind you that there are two kinds of judgment in the earth. There is the judgment -- now, all judgment comes from God. There is the judgment in the earth that is called the wrath of God; it has an executor. Who executes the wrath of God upon men?
Satan, and the end of his execution of judgment upon you is what?
No, Satan? No, death. You die. You die. He kills you. I want to suggest to you that the floods and the tornados and every -- and the earthquakes is a judgment which is under the category of the wrath of God. It is a judgment that is being generated by this world system itself, and there is a prince over this world system, and the end of these things are destruction. What good comes out of your home being swept away in a flood? The best you can hope for out of a judgment executed by Satan is that it will be so severe that it will turn you towards God. That is the best you can hope for out of it.
But there is another judgment in the Earth. Does anyone remember what it is called? What is the second judgment called?
The judgment seat of Christ?
The judgment seat of Christ, and the executor of that judgment is?
Is Christ, yes. Actually, it is Christ Jesus. It is your internalized Christ. That judgment does not begin to fall upon you until the seed or the the Word of God is engrafted in you because if the Lord were to execute judgment upon you without Christ being engrafted in you, you would not survive. We are told in the Book of Isaiah that -- but -- if it were but -- not for the fact that the Lord left us a tenth, we would not have survived. The judgment of sin is so severe -- and why is it severe? What does it kill? What does the judgment for sin kill? It kills your carnal mind.
Brethren, if God kills your carnal mind and you do not have another mind, you are going to die. You cannot live without a mind, and that is why God only chastens His sons. It is not that He is all lifted up in pride and a respecter of persons and dividing people and respecting persons; God only chastens His sons because if you are not His son, you will be destroyed. It is the mercy of God that He does not chasten someone who is not His son. God loves all of humanity --
So the penalty which will deliver you out of the misery and the heartache of sin is a correction to your own wrong thinking. It is a correction to your own mind, to the thought processes that bring destruction into your life, to the patterns of thinking and the patterns of doing things and the patterns of getting your needs met that are keeping you abiding in sin. The penalty that will deliver you from sin is judgment right into your personality, correcting every wrong thing that you are doing, exposing every sin in your heart and ripping it out and replacing it with Christ.
So, we see a Scripture that says first in the natural and then in the spiritual, and as we see severe natural disasters falling upon the Earth, one must believe that somewhere in the Earth there is a company of people who are being exposed to the judgment seat of Christ. And as the natural disasters increase, the number of people being exposed to the judgment seat of Christ shall increase. And as terrible as it sounds and as grievous as it might be, to us, in our emotions and sometimes in our body, the penalty for sin that is being imposed upon us -- the grief in our life, the pain in our life, the heartache in our life, the wrath in our life, the destruction in our life -- when it is the Lord Jesus Christ stirring you up and making your uncomfortable, it is the mercy of God, and you have entered into the season whereby you are about to be or are even already in the process of being delivered from the sin that is destroying you.
“So -- [FRAGMENTED AUDIO] -- because of the other guy, the one who failed, physical death, heartache and sufferings also penetrated all men because sin was in the world until the law was given.” That word because does not even sound right, but sin was in the world until the law was given; but it is the penalties of sin are [sic] not imposed when there is no law.” So sin was in the world with no hope of deliverance until the law came.
Verse 14: “Nevertheless, death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned” --
-- “after the similitude of Adam’s transgression who was the figure of him who was to come.” We will translate nevertheless therefore. The Greek word translated death is thanatos. The Greek word translated reigned means to exercise the highest influence, to control.
Brethren, death controlled from Adam to Moses. I talk about this a lot, brethren. If you are worrying about being controlled, if you are worrying about Christ controlling you, you are already controlled. Death controls. He has your mind in a condition that keeps you sinning so that you keep dying. You think you want your freedom, but it is not freedom; you are in bondage to the one who controls you. It is just that he has been controlling you ever since you were born so you do not think you are being controlled, but you are being controlled, and you are being controlled by someone who is killing you.
So when the scripture says that death reigned, it is saying that death took hold, took control of the creation and controlled that creation -- we will find out in the next few words -- from inside of man’s mind. He controlled from inside the nucleus of the atom.
“Nevertheless, death reigned from Adam,” and that Greek word translated from, it means out from the mind of or out of Adam or from within Adam. Death is in the minds of men.
And the Greek word translated transgression, Strong’s 3847, it means a going over, a violation or a breach, and I want to suggest to you that Adam breached his covenant with God. He went over the line. He took authority that he had no right to take. He did something that he had no right to do.
So that is the whole point. I will get back to your question. The woman was deceived. The man was not deceived; he knew exactly what he was doing. He went over the line, and he broke his covenant with God. You see, the way you hear it in the church is that, well, the woman was deceived; the man was not deceived. That means that -- now, remember, this is not human men and women as we know them today. Christ is the man, and the soul is the woman. It has nothing to do what [sic] kind of a body you have. So you hear it being taught in the church. Well, the man was not deceived; it was the woman that was deceived. Well, the whole point is -- and you do not hear this preached -- is that the man was not deceived; where was he? And that is the whole point.
There is only small amount of penalty imputed to someone who is truly deceived. God has mercy on you, but the one who is not deceived, the one who knows what he is doing and willfully sins, watch out because you are in trouble. Jesus said, “The one who is deceived will receive few stripes, but the one who knows what they are doing and arrogantly, willfully flies in the face of God will receive many stripes.”
Alternate Translation, the first half of Romans 5:14: “Therefore, misery and suffering exercise control of God’s creation from within Adam’s mind until Moses came, and it even exercised control over men who did not fail to comply with God’s standard of righteousness in the same way that Adam violated it.”
In other words, there are men in this world today who, if they had the choice, would choose not to sin. I guess that is pretty much all of us. Well, that is certainly all of us here. If we had the choice, we would choose not to sin, but we do not have the power to not sin. The whole point being that Adam had the power to not sin, and he did it anyway. So when the scripture says, we have not sinned in the similitude of Adam, that is what it is talking about. Adam was not deceived; Adam had the power to say no.
But those of us today -- and today, brethren, we are all the woman -- all of humanity today with a fallen mind which is spiritually weak is the woman. Except for those of us that are coming up in Christ, we are deceived every day of our life. We do not understand God. We do not believe God. We cannot see God. We believe the lies of the devil every day of our life. Except those of us that are moving in Christ, we are deceived by the devil every day. We are the woman. All of fallen humanity is the woman, and that is why God has mercy on us because most of us cannot tell the difference between our left hand and our right. That is why God has mercy on us.
But the Christian, the mature Christian who really knows this Word, who has seen the power of God, who has tasted the good Word of God, who has seen the miracles of the age to come, who knows what this is all about and turns his back on God, there is nothing left for you but fiery judgment because there is something wrong with your brain because anyone who could see the power of God and taste of the good Word and choose sin, there is something wrong with you. You have a cancerous tumor in your spirit, and judgment already is headed for you with your name on it, not as a vindictive punishment, but to deliver you from this condition of mind that causes you to choose sin over the good things of God. If you choose sin over the good things of God, you need an operation. There is something wrong with you.
I condemn you not; I am telling you the truth. You go to a doctor -- if your back hurts you and you go to a doctor and he says, “Sir, you have a tumor and you need an operation,” I am telling you, if you choose sin over the good things of God, you need an operation! There is something wrong with you. Why? Because sin brings death into your life, and righteousness brings life. Who would choose death over life? Only a sick person. It is illegal to try to commit suicide. They put you -- they lock you up. If you slit your wrists, they lock you up. Has God locked you up lately to stop you from slitting your spiritual wrists? There is a whole country and world of people out there who God is not locking up. And why is He not locking them up? I just told you. Who remembers? Why is He not locking them up?
[INAUDIBLE] mercy.
No. He is not locking them up to stop themselves from killing themselves. Why is he doing that? Because they are not sons. What --
They are bastards; that is why. He only disciplines his sons. And that is not an arrogance; that is not an affront. When God delivers you from the sin that is destroying you, He kills your carnal mind, and if you are not His son, if you do not have His life in you, you will cease to exist. God only locks up people to stop them from slitting their wrists when His life is in them because when He rips that sin out of you, man, there is not going to be anything left but God, and if He is not in there, you will die.
Amplified translation, the first half of Romans 5:14: “Therefore, misery and suffering exercise control over God’s creation from A- -- from within Adam’s mind until the law was given by Moses, and it exercised control even over men who did not willfully choose to sin as Adam did but were overcome by their fallen nature.”
So death is ruling over this whole creation outside of those moving in Christ. Whether you love to sin or whether you would stop if you could, you are being controlled by a criminal mind that you inherited from your ancestor, Fallen Adam.
The second half of Romans 5:14, speaking about that Fallen Adam: “Who is the figure of Him that was to come.” The Greek word translated figure means pattern, form or example; and the correct tense of the phrase, was to come, is, is coming. The correct tense is present -- is a present participle -- it is coming.
Now, brethren, I want to point out the Scripture to you and present it to you as a scriptural witness that the Christ which was formed at the beginning of time was not perfect. He was just a pattern. The Adam who was formed at the beginning of time was a pattern of the one who was to come. He was not the genuine article. Whether Adam fell or did not fall, he was just the beginning, the model, the prototype. He was good, but he was not perfect, and he was not finished.
And, again, the example that I give you is someone making a dress. All the pieces of the pattern are cut out, and they are all basted together, but they are not backstitched. They are just basted together, and a big wind comes along and blows that dress to pieces. That is what the Adam of Genesis was; he was the model. He was not the genuine article, and when God speaks and announces that, let man have dominion over all the Earth and all of those promises, they have not yet been fulfilled in man. So whether Adam fell or whether he did not fall, he needed more work.
And, as we have discovered in other messages, he could have -- he had to be tested. You could only do so much for somebody. They have got to -- at some point, they have got to kick in and start walking. When you have a child, you can put good shoes on them; you can stand them on their feet; you can hold their hands; you can do lots of things, but if you want that child to start walking, they have got to walk.
And God did everything for this creation, gave him everything He could possibly give him, gave him every advantage, and He said, “All right, Adam, let us see what you are going to do with the potential for sin that is in your heart. It is not activated. It is under control. I have got it all tied up and bound up. It cannot hurt you unless you fall out of obedience to Me, and you start agreeing with that sin. That is the only thing that is going to hurt you. Let us see what you are going to do.”
And the serpent came to the man. I do not know what he said to him. I do not how it happened, but he tempted him. It was a seduction. I guess you gave it your answer anyway. He tempted him. It was a seduction, and Adam had two choices: Would he responded to that seduction with his intelligence, or would he respond to that seduction with his emotions? And the example the Lord has given us is a man that goes into a housewife’s house to fix something, and she attempts to seduce him. Is he going to listen to his brain and run, or is he going to jump into the bed? Adam had two choices: listen to his mind, or listen to his emotions. And what do you think he did? He jumped into the bed!
Now, listen to me, male or female is in the condition of your mind. In the exact moment that Adam made an acti- -- he had the power to say no. He had the power to say no. He knew God told him not to do it, but it felt good; and the moment he made an active, intelligent choice to disobey God and yield to his emotions or his passions, he fell out of the mind of Christ; he fell out of his manhood, and he fell down into a female condition of mind: “And the serpent said to the woman.” He fell down out of his manhood in his mind. He came in submission to the serpent who became the man over him, and we are still in that condition today. Did I answer -- do you understand what I said? Did I answer your question? It is on that message if you want to review it.
Alternate Translation, the second half of Romans 5:14, speaking about the Fallen Adam: “Who is the pattern of the one who is coming.”
So all you Christians and all you people that go around saying that we are in the likeness and the image of God, check it out because it is not true. God does not do the things that men do. Men do some very wicked things. God does not sin. We are in the likeness of God in that He is spirit and we are spirit, but we are not yet in His image. Whose image are we in?
Satan’s image. Your father is the devil. Jesus said it. Read your Bible. Your father is the devil.
Alternate Translation, Romans 5:14: “Therefore, misery and suffering exercise control over God’s creation” -- that is us -- “from out of Adam’s mind until the law was given by Moses, and it exercised that control even over the men who did not willfully choose to sin as Adam did, who wa- -- Adam, who was the pattern of the one who was coming, but were overcome by their fallen nature.”
I put that into a little better English for you: “Therefore, the misery and suffering in man’s mind controlled men until the law was given by Moses, even those men who did not willfully choose to sin as Adam, who was the pattern of the one who was coming, but were overcome by their fallen nature.”
And let me point out to you at this point, once again, the pleasure-pain principle. Brethren, the name of the game is control. If you think that Christ is trying to control you, you are right because He is fully intending to control you out from under Satan’s control. Somebody has to be controlling you. We are soul men who have a controller. What is another name for the controller? Mind, mind, mind. The soul has a controller. It is called a mind. The question is, which mind is controlling you? And if Satan is controlling you, you had better believe the Lord Jesus Christ is fighting to take control over you. Your problem is you are in such agreement with Satan controlling you that you are joining with Satan to fight against the Lord. That is what your problem is. You are so overtaken; you are so one in your mind with Satan, that when Jesus comes to set you free, you are shooting at Him side by side with Satan.
So let me review the pleasure principle for you, please -- pleasure-pain principle. For people who are not Christians or people who are very young Christians, Satan will control them by offering them pleasure. Whatever your pleasure is -- heroin, crack, alcohol, money, power, women, men -- whatever your pleasure is, Satan will offer it to you if you are young in Christ and you are still being tempted by that stuff.
As soon as you start to mature into Christ and you have been saying no consistently to all those temptations, he changes his tactics, and his attempts to control you are with what?
[?With pain.?]
With pain. He will cause you pain. He will say, “If I do not do what -- if you do not do what I tell you, you will have pain. I will give you pain in your body. I will give you anxiety in your heart. I will cause you frustration. I will make you angry. I will stir up your emotions. You will lose your wife. You will lose your job. You better do what I say.” But I want to tell you something, brethren, the second that you submit to Satan, you have already lost everything. So do not take his threats, and do not yield to his pressure, and do not yield to the pain that he is giving you because as soon as you yield, you are going to have much more trouble than that pain was giving you. [?That?But?] when you have this pain, you need to know that there is an end to the pain, and that when you endure to the end, in faithfulness to righteousness in Christ, the end to your pain is deliverance into the kingdom of God, which has peace and contentment within it; but if you yield to that pain, the end of it is destruction and death.
So what am I saying to you? Brethren, I am telling you the truth. You get the truth in this place. I am not giving you any sugar-coated placebo pill. You are going to have pain. The question is, what kind of pain are you going to have? Are you going to have pain that leads to deliverance and life, or are you going to have pain that leads to destruction and death? Pick your pain, but do not be deceived. Make an intelligent choice. Get your facts straight.
Romans 5:15: “But not as the offense, so also is the free gift. For if through the offense of one many be dead, much more the grace of God and the gift by grace, which is by one man,” -- or by the other guy -- “Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many.”
The Greek word translated offense is 3900, and it means a lapse or a deviation from truth and uprightness. It means a misdeed. It means to take a turn off of the side. You do an offense. You did something that was wrong.
Brethren, this whole creation has deviated from the path of righteousness, and we -- this step that we have deviated with is going on for thousands -- and I am not going to get into any controversy on how old the creation is on this message, but it is going on for years and years and years. Our ancestor Adam took a spiritual step in the wrong direction, and we are all paying the price. Everything that happens spiritually occurs down here in hell.
Brethren, anyone who has authority, who deviates from the righteous cause that God points them on, that sin is felt by everyone underneath them. If you are a man who is exercising your headship over your family, and you do something unrighteous, every member of your family will be affected by it. If you think that you have got a secret and nobody knows, you are mistaken because God knows; and if you have sinned, something spiritual is happening in your life. And if your wife and your children never find out, if it never comes to your ears what you did, in future generations the consequences of that sin will be felt by your ancestors [sic].
But most likely, depending on how close you are to God, your wife and children will find out right in this lifetime. The closer you are to God, the more quickly your sin is exposed and dealt with. I have known people walking very closely with God whose sin is exposed within 24 hours. They are reaping what they sowed within 24 hours because they are a son. If you are a bastard, you can go whole generations before your descendants feel the effects of your sin. Jesus Christ is in the business of exposing sin. He does not let it go very far. If you are really His, you cannot even think it. I am getting all carried away here. I lost my place.
OK, so the word offense means a deviation or a misstep or a lapse or a temporary se---. I could not find the word temporary in any of the dictionaries, but the word in my heart is a temporary deviation, a lapse, a temporary misdirection; and that is what is in my heart, so you can say yay or nay. I could not find it in any of the books.
Temporary -- how is it temporary? Because God is bringing us back. Look, brethren, you are supposed to rule your household. If God has given you authority, you are supposed to rule your household. If He has given you a family, you are supposed to rule your family. If He has given you a business, you are supposed to rule your business. If He has given you a ministry, you are supposed to rule your ministry. And God is supposed to be over whoever the head is; and you have taken a step in the wrong direction, God is going to -- if He is the head over the head -- if the head of that institution -- business, family, church -- if they are in submission to Christ, you must believe that He will bring a correction because He is a faithful husband and a faithful father, and every misstep will be corrected.
That is why the misstep that Adam took is only temporary because his father was God, and the living soul was supposed to be the bride of Christ. We are supposed to be marrying Christ. We are His wife. Can you imagine having a wife like that? She runs off. She hates your guts. She is a homicidal maniac trying to kill you. She is in total rebellion against you and wants nothing to do with you, and He is coming to get us back; and that is why the lapse is temporary because He is a man who has His house in order, and He will bring it back into order.
When God gives you authority, you have a responsibility to keep everyone under you in line, and if someone goes out, you have to go get him back. Jesus said, if one sheep strays away, He would leave the 99 sheep that were in the right place and go out and get the one that strayed away, and that is the responsibility of a shepherd. When God gives you a s- -- I mean, even a natural shepherd. When you have authority over anything, you are responsible for every one that is under you, animal or human being, child or whatever. If God gives you responsibility, you must answer to God for everyone that He put under you, and if they go astray, you are responsible to get them back unless God tells you, “I have cut them loose,” and that is a different story; then you let them go.
I checked out the dictionary, and Webster’s said -- well, one of the definitions for offense is a lapse, I said -- a lapse or a deviation; and Webster’s says that another definition for lapse is to pass from one proprietor to another, proprietor meaning owner. So I suggest to you that during this lapse, during this misstep that the living soul took, we passed from one owner to another. Does anyone here not know that God sold us to Satan? He sold us to Satan. That is what He did. He said to His wife, “You slept with him; you are pregnant; you are his.” That is why we are all bastards, why Daddy is not God. It is the other guy.
But now in this hour that the other guy is appearing [?to?in?] humanity, the Lord Jesus Christ. He is breaking those seals of ownership that Satan has upon us, and He is taking us back but not without the correction, not without the penalty for sin being paid, and what is the penalty for sin? Anybody?
Well, the death of what? What is our sacrifice? We have to come with a sacrifice. Our carnal mind must die. The penalty for sin is the death of our carnal mind, and that sacrifice which allows us back into heaven is a dead carnal mind; and you cannot kill your carnal mind until you have the mind of Christ ready to jump in and be your mind because if you do not have a mind, you will die.
So therefore, God does not judge or correct sin until His mind is appearing in you. He is not weak. He is not remiss. It is not that He does not know what He is doing. He knows what He is doing. You do not know what He is doing, and, again, let us bring that high spiritual principle down to our life right here and now. If ever you see someone in authority not correcting somebody, and you make a judgment that they are remiss, I strongly encourage you to get before God because every sin is not corrected every time it appears. God does not correct sin in a person until He has prepared their heart to receive that correction because if your heart is not prepared to receive that correction and someone tries to administer that correction to you, they could first break your heart.
It is not God’s purpose to bring hopelessness and despair upon people of never, ever being able to attain to the requirements you put upon them. Correction is brought in areas where you are presently able to overcome. So if you are challenging or judging people in authority, first of all, you are not supposed to be doing it, but if you are doing it, if you see it, if you have spiritual eyes and you see other people’s sins, I encourage you to get before God and ask Him to give you a godly attitude towards it because the fact that you have spiritual eyes and you see other people’s sins does not mean that you have the wisdom to deal with that sin. And if you deal with it incorrectly, who knows what that is called? Does anybody remember?
Wha- --
You own their spirit?
No. No, what is it called when you judge somebody’s sin and you do not have authority to do it? It is called judging before the time, judging before the time, judging before you are wise enough to know what to do with that sin because when God judges sin, it is not His intention to destroy the person. It is His intention to correct the person that they might be a happier, more productive person. So if you are spiritual and you see sin before you have the wisdom and the love of God to deal with it, you better keep it to yourself because if you judge before the time, you are guilty of murder. It is hatred to point out people’s sins when you cannot help them to overcome. Jesus said it is hatred. He said if you hated your brother, you have killed him. Did He not say that? There is only one purpose for pointing out people’s sins, and that is to help them to overcome; any other reason is sin, and you will reap consequences for it.
Please note that verse 12 speaks about sin, which is the fail- -- sin is the failure to conform to God’s standard of righteousness. Verse 14 speaks about Adam’s transgression. These are all different Greek words. Transgression is -- Adam’s transgression is his violation or breach of covenant with God. See, a transgression does not even have to d- -- anything to do with not complying to a standard of righteousness; it is a breach of covenant. And verse 15 speaks about the offense; that is a third Greek word. And that offense we translated, the passing from one proprietor to another. I had another definition. It is not -- it must have fell out of my computer. It means passing from one proprietor to another. That is the offense. No, it is not there.
Adam’s breach of covenant with the Lord resulted in the whole creation’s failure to conform to God’s standard of righteousness. That is sin. We are all sinners because we are not conforming to God’s standard of righteousness. So, brethren, if I point out a sin to you, do not tell me that your brother Joseph or Joe or John does it too because I do not care. You are not conforming to God’s standards of righteousness in that area, and He wants you to make an effort to change. It does not matter if Mary does it too or if Josephine does it too. God does not do it. That means in that area you are a sinner. So let us ask Him to help us.
Adam’s breach of covenant with the Lord resulted in the whole creation’s failure to conform to God’s standard of righteousness and take another path, thus passing from one proprietor, our owner, God, to another, Satan.
Continuing with Romans verse 15 -- Romans 5:15: “But not as the offense, so also is the free gift. For if through the offense of one many be dead, much more the grace of God and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ” -- or by the other guy, Jesus Christ -- “hath aboundeth -- this gift, hath aboundeth unto many.”
Now, this word not, “but not as the offense,” if you look it up in the Greek lexicon, it will tell you that this is a negative particle which is used only in direct questions that are expecting an affirmative answer. That means this word not is only used in questions that are expecting the answer -- what does affirmative mean?
Yes, but I do not see a question in the King James translation, so we are going to make a question out of it.
The phrase we are dealing with is, “but not as the offense, so also” -- “but not as the offense, so also,” that is the King James. We are going to translate it: but is it not also true, but is it not also so, or is it not also true? Is it also true what? Something about the free gift. I want to suggest to you that this is one of those instances where the King James translation is not accurate, so hang in there with me. We will try to find out what Paul was saying.
“But is it not also true that the free gift” -- this Greek word translated free gift is Strong’s 5486, and it means a favor which one receives without any merit, and this Greek word is always translated gift or free gift, as in the gifts of the Spirit.
Brethren, the -- who was the free gift? Does anybody know?
[?Christ Jesus??]
No. Who was the free gift?
[?The Holy Spirit?] [INAUDIBLE]
Yeah, the glorified Lord Jesus Christ who, when He gets into our heart, is called the Holy Spirit. That is the free gift. Christ Jesus is not a free gift. We pay a heavy price to lay hold of Christ Jesus. The Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, is free. All you have to do is ask for it, and when He comes in, for Christ Jesus to be formed in us, we have to fight a war. We have to confess our sins, and we have to kill that sin in our own heart. It is not free. There is a heavy price to pay for Christ Jesus.
Alternate Translation, the first third of Romans 5:15: “But is it not also true of the free gift” -- or what did the verse before say? Let me read that for you again. So that we can understand what is going on here.
“But not” -- oh. Hmm. “Therefore, the misery and suffering in man’s mind controlled man until the law was given by Moses. It even controlled those men who did not willfully choose to sin as Adam, who is the pattern of the one who is coming, but were overcome of their fallen nature. But is this not also true of the free gift?”
So what does -- what Paul is saying here is that, well, one man sinned, and all of humanity inherited sin. Well, is the same thing not true of the same gift? Is not the righteousness of Jesus Christ going to pass on to all men?
If Adam died in the garden and the trillions of members of humanity are all dead, is it not at least -- is not the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ at least as powerful as sin, that the righteousness that was exhibited when He died should pass upon all men? Is this not also true of the free gift?
“For if through the offense of one many be dead,” that Greek word, one, means the other guy. Now we are talking about two guys: Fallen Adam and the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord from heaven.
“For if through the offense of that other guy, Adam, everybody is dead,” and the Greek word translated dead -- remember, there is at least three words translated dead -- death from the Greek. The Greek word translated word death in this instance is 599, apothnéskó. It means to perish completely, to have a violent death. Now, this word is not speaking about an afterlife. There is another Greek word, phanatos, that is talking about afterlife of suffering. This Greek means -- this word means to be wiped out, to perish, to die a violent death, and there is another translation that we used in the parable of Lazarus and the rich man, and that is to die unreformed.
Brethren, when a human being in this world system dies, the Greek word that would describe it would be phanatos because they have died unreformed. I have a flash for all you Pharisees out there, if your beloved whoever-it-is-relative died without being reformed, that means if their mind was not Christ, they have perished. That you have the Holy Ghost does not mean that you are reformed. There are more sinners in the church than on the outside. What is the sin that God hates the most? Somebody? Pride is the most hated sin of God. It is the worst thing you could do, is manifest pride; and the church is filled with Pharisees who [sic] overriding personal characteristic is what?
Pride. The whole world knows it except the Pharisees.
So “For through the offense of many,” I am sorry. “For through the offense of one, the many are dead” -- excuse me. The many members of humanity are dying without being reformed. They are dying without being rehabilitated. They are dying in a mind which is still fallen.
“Because if through the other one’s deviation -- that is the other guy, Fallen Adam -- because if through the other guy’s deviation, his misstep, for his stepping away from righteousness, the many members of humanity died unreformed.”
Let us put the two of that together: “For if through the offense of many” -- I am sorry.
“But is it not also true of the free gift, that that free gift is going to pass on to all humanity? Because if the other guy’s misstep from righteousness be- -- because” -- I am sorry. “Because if through the other guy’s misstep from righteousness all of the members of humanity died unreformed, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath unbounded unto many.”
Grace is Strong’s 5485. It means favor, goodwill and loving kindness. The Greek word translated gift, this is a different word than we read earlier. Let me get that other place for you here. The other word gift is free g- -- translated free gift. It is Strong’s 5486 in verse 15, and this word is 1431, and it means heavenly gift. The Greek word translated free gift appears to refer to the gifts of the Spirit, while the Greek word translated gift alone refers to the heavenly gift, which is Christ. So the free gift is the Spirit of the -- the glorified spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the heavenly gift is Christ. Such subtlety, such fine lines, huh?
“Much more the grace of God and the gift which comes by grace” -- “and the grift -- gift which comes by grace.” The Interlinear says that word by is of. We are going to translate it of. And we are talking about the other guy again.
The Interlinear reads “the gift into grace.” And I want to suggest to you that the gift is the Holy Spirit, which brings forth -- which brings you into the grace of Christ Jesus. The Interlinear reads “gift into grace of the one man Jesus Christ to the many abounded.” I suggest to you that the translation should be, “The gift of the one man, the other guy, Jesus Christ, abounded or turned into or changed into the grace which is Christ Jesus.”
And the Greek word translated abounded means to overflow. The King James says unto. I am saying to overflow into. The Holy Ghost is poured out with such an abundance that He is overflowing and converting into who?
Christ Jesus in you, yes.
Alternate Translation, the third third [sic] of Romans 5:15: “Much more the loving kindness of God, even the gift of th-” -- now, this -- what is the loving kindness of God? -- “the gift of the other guy, Jesus Christ, which leads us into grace overflowed unto the many.”
“Much more the grace of God and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, has abounded unto many.”
And I put it in better English: “Much more the loving kindness of God, which is the gift of the other guy, Jesus Christ, the one who impregnates us with Christ Jesus, His gift -- that gift that He is -- has overflowed into the many members of mankind.”
So if Adam died and that sin passed unto the -- all of humanity, there is much more power in the gift of God to us to pass unto all members of mankind and deliver us from this condition of death. Now, we have a world out there that cannot understand how Jesus Christ was crucified and raised from the dead and ascended 2,000 years ago, and how come the world is such a mess?
But they are just carnal, and they cannot understand God’s ways. You have a question? They cannot understand God’s ways. It is a mystery, but it is 2,000 years later, and we are waiting for the next significant spiritual event, the appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ in all of humanity.
But it has taken 2,000 years for the seed -- Jesus Christ was the seed that went into the ground of this creation, and it has taken 2,000 years for His life to come forth in all of humanity. It has taken 2,000 years for the gift of God, His righteousness, to appear in all of humanity.
Oh, you know, we watched the movie “Malcom X” the other day, and the -- I do not know whether it was the writer of the book or whether it was the director of the movie, but he had this revelation, that Malcolm X died. And he even said it: a seed went into the ground, and he showed all these little schoolchildren jumping up and saying, “I am Malcolm X. I am Malcolm X. I am Malcolm X.” What does that mean? His thoughts, his ideas, his purposes through his memories are being reproduced in these children.
But in Jesus Christ we have more than His thoughts and His ideas and His memories. That is just a book. We have His life because the Father raised Him from the dead. And it is His very life that is in us, not just a memory from a book. But it is a great mystery. It has taken 2,000 years after that corn of wheat fell into the ground. Jesus said, if a corn of wheat fall into the ground, it shall bring forth a what?
A great harvest. A great harvest. Well, the corn of wheat, Jesus Christ, He fell into the ground; He gave up His soul life; He sacrificed Himself so that He could become the seed which would bring forth a great harvest of human beings like you and me that have, as our mind, His glorified Spirit. That is, if you have ever gardened, it is -- as you go out and you plant your seeds and you wait a few weeks, six weeks, for them to sprout, in the Spirit, it has taken 2,000 years for this seed to sprout; but my Bible says, it is going to sprout. My Bible says it is sprouting, and my Bible says it is going to bring forth a -- anybody know? A great tree, a great tree that will be harvested in many members, the tree of life appearing throughout humanity.
Alternate Translation, Romans 5:15: “But is it not also true of the free gift because if through the other guy’s deviation from righteousness many died unreformed, much more the loving kindness of God, which is the gift of the other guy, Jesus Christ, the one who impregnates us with Christ Jesus, has overflowed into the many members of mankind.”
We cannot just see it yet, brethren; it is coming.
Continuing with Romans 5:16: “And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift. For the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offenses unto justification.”
The gift is Christ. The word judgment -- the Greek word translated judgment is Strong’s 2917. It means conviction. It means conviction. And the Greek word translated condemnation is the execution of the sentence which results from that conviction. And the sentence is, anybody?
The -- pardon me?
Well, the sentence is death but -- this particular word means damnation. And I suggest to you that that word is speaking [?about the God?]. Yes, the creation has died, but the term died sounds like a final ending thing. The creation has died and come under the wrath of God. This whole world is under the wrath of God. That is why people suffer. It is a penalty for sin that has no deliverance attached to it. It is a penalty that is mediated by whom? Satan. And it is unto? Destruction. But when Jesus Christ comes into your life, the wrath of God becomes the what?
The judgment seat of Christ, and that judgment is mediated by?
[?Jesus Christ.?]
Christ. And the end of being judged by Christ is? Life.
So, you see, you are going to have the pain. You are going to have the penalty. Excuse me. You are going to pay the price. You are going to have the torment. If Satan is doing the job, you die; and if Christ is doing the job, you live. So be careful. I am warning you all. I know there is at least one person here that I can say amen to this, that you do not run from the judgment of Christ, which is going to end up in your life, and run right into the arms of Satan’s judgment, which is going to kill you as sure as you are sitting here in this room.
We are on verse 16. “As not as it was by one that sinned” -- I don’t know. This is -- these verses are very difficult, so I just have an Alternate Translation for you.
The first half of Romans 5:16: “And have we not received Christ because of the other guy’s sinning? The one who was convicted and sentenced to damnation.” Now, remember, the other guy, Fallen Adam, is now a many-membered man. That is all of us. We are the other guy, and because of his sin -- let me read you it [?correctly. OK,?] “because of his sin, which is our sin, we have been given Christ Jesus so that we can get out of this place.” It is time to break out of hell.
The second half of Romans 5:6 -- Romans 5:16: “But the free gift is of many offenses unto justification.” The free gift is the Holy Spirit, and the Greek word translated of we are going to translate it out of. The Greek word translated justification, 1345, means a favorable judgment, by which one is acquitted.
Brethren, we are being pardoned. If Christ has been imparted to you, you are being acquitted; you are being pardoned. I remember when God first came to me, I had a powerful dream that I was coming before this judge, the -- I do not know what they call it, but the desk that he stands behind -- or that he sits behind -- it was so high, I was standing in front of it, and I could barely see Him, and I was filled with fear. I was going through all these -- all of these labyrinths, all these hallways, and I came before the judge; and he had a big mallet, and he was banging it, and I just knew that I was pardoned.
When Christ comes into your life, and He begins to deliver you from sin, you have been pardoned, but there is a difference between getting a pardon in this world and getting a spiritual pardon. You see, if you have been in jail in this world system and you get a pardon, you are just released into the world, but nothing has been done to your heart or your mind to produce a change. If you are really guilty and you got off, nothing has been done to change that part of you that got you into trouble. If you were really innocent, nothing is done to heal that part of you that has been devastated or wounded because you were innocent; they just let you go.
But when Christ gives you a pardon, everything in you that is guilty, everything in you that is sin must be ripped out. No sin is entering into the kingdom of God, and every hurt and wound that is in your heart because you were innocent must be healed. And He makes all things new: gives you a new heart, gives you a new mind, gives you new life, gives you new friends, gives you new places to go, new things to do, gives you a new career. He makes all things new, but the free gift is of many offenses unto justification.
Alternate Translation: “But the Holy Spirit is the result of many deviations from God’s law which have resulted in an acquittal from God’s damning judgment and restoration” -- excuse me -- “to righteousness.”
Let me give you the whole thing. Romans 5:16: “And have we not received Christ because of the other guy’s sinning, who was convicted and sentenced to damnation; but the Holy Spirit is the result of many deviations from God’s law, which have resulted in an acquittal from God’s damning judgment and restoration to righteousness.”
Now, brethren, listen to this, OK. The first problem that we had, death, it was a result of Adam’s sinning, but this justification -- let me make sure that I am giving you the right words here. But this many offenses unto justification. Let me tell you what that means, brethren. It means that even though we fell and we died and we have all sinned and falling short of the glory of the God, God has used all of these sins to build in us a conscience of righteousness and an ability to overcome those sins because of a righteousness in our mind.
What is this saying? It is everything we have been teaching here, that we have been strengthened by our sin. We have experienced it. We found out the destruction that it plays in our life. I want to tell you, brethren, if you touch a hot stove -- if you do not -- if you never saw a hot stove and you touch it and burn your hand, the next time you walk into that room, you are not going to touch it so fast. It is very easy to fall into the clutches of sin that you have never experienced. I could tell you until I am blue in the face, “Do not do it; you are going to get hurt,” and you are not likely to listen to me, why? Because it is not your human nature; but even if you do listen to me, if there is a sin in this world that you have never experienced, you are going to make a very poor minister to the person who is caught by that sin. You are not going to have compassion for them. You are not going to have mercy for them, and the chances are excellent you are going to condemn them. Why? Because you did not do it. God is going to use it all for our good. We are experiencing it. We know it is evil, and then when He gives us the victory over it, He is sending us to other people to have mercy on them, to have compassion on them, to see them through until they are strong enough to overcome also. So, you see, the gift of the Holy Spirit is the result of a man who overcame sin and therefore can relate to your heartache.
The Lord Jesus Christ was the product of the human race who was fallen. He came into the world after many generations of fallen humanity steeped in sin. After the flesh, He is of the seed of Israel. Israel has sinned mightily. In His humanity, He inherited all of the sin of His ancestors, and He overcame it. Have you ever heard of the survival of the fittest in the jungle? He survived and overcame all of the wickedness of this soulish jungle, and in Him is all of the experiences, all of the overcoming power, all of the righteousness, all of the mercy, all of the goodness of God that has come forth out of the manure out of this fallen humanity. Paul said it. Do not look at me like that. Paul called it dung. He said it, did he not?
Brethren, you cannot grow a plant in sterile soil. It will not grow. You have got to put garbage into the soil. Jesus Christ is the true vine. He is a plant. The Scripture clearly states we are a spiritual plant growing in the earth of the soul. He is the fruit that was planted by the husbandmen. His father planted Him in the earth with all the garbage and the earth -- I am -- I sh- -- I am sorry. I should say the seed sprouted and produced fruit, some thirtyfold, some sixtyfold and some a hundredfold.
So what are we talking about? The free gift, which is the Lord Jesus Christ, is the result of the many offenses of humanity which have resulted in our acquittal.
Now, let me remind you briefly that back before the fall, God said to Adam, “It is time for the test. You can go one of two ways: You can stay straight. You can obey me, and I have a plan” -- I do not -- I personally do not know what it is -- “that is going to make you into a mature, spiritual man, everything that I intended you to be” without falling into the unhappy experiences that humanity fell into. God was able to do it. But Adam chose to sin, and so humanity is becoming a mature, spiritual man with all of the benefits and gifts thereof as a result of experiencing sin. So it may sound like a paradox to you; it may sound like a contradiction to you, but the very end result of all of the disaster that has fallen upon humanity is acquittal unto the life of God. Jesus.
Alternate Translation, Romans 5:16: “And have we not receive Christ because of the other guy’s sinning, who was convicted and sentenced to damnation? But the Holy Spirit is the result of the many deviations from God’s law which have resulted in an acquittal from God’s damning judgment and restoration to righteousness.”
I do not know about you, but I do not know about any hell burning forever. I know a God who is able to clean me up; and I am screaming and yelling and kicking every step of the way, but He is pulling that stuff out of me, and He is full well able to restore me to righteousness. He does not have to burn me in hell in forever. He is able to rehabilitate me.
Verse 17: “For if by one man’s offense death reigned by one, much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.”
I do not know. These translations are not -- you know, they are really not clear. So we see that pretty much the same words are being used over and over. So I am just going to give you the Alternate Translation.
The first half of Romans 5:17: “Because if by one man’s deviation from righteousness, violent death and lack of reform [?control?controlled?] through the mind of the other guy” -- oh, I guess it is not the other guy. I guess it is the same guy.
“Because if by one man’s deviation from righteousness, violent death and lack of reform” -- I am sorry; let me try again.
“Because if by one man’s deviation from righteousness, violent death and lack of reform [?control?controlled?] through the mind of that one” -- let me change this -- “of that one” -- continuing with, “much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by the other guy, Jesus Christ.”
“Much more they which receive abundance.” The Greek word translated receive, Strong’s 2983, it means to lay hold of, to lay hold of abundance. The Greek word translated abundance is Strong’s 4050. It means overflowing. Righteousness, Strong’s 1343. Righteousness is the condition, the only condition, which is acceptable to God. The gift of righteousness, I suggest to you, is Christ Jesus in the midst of you.
I remind you from an earlier verse that the Greek word translated reign means to exercise the highest influence, to control unequivocally. And the phrase is “shall reign in life by one.” The Greek word translated life is zóé. There is a couple of Greek words translated life. This Greek word translated life in most instances is modified, either by another word or by a whole verse, because there are many different kinds of life, and we find in the Book of Revelation, this Greek word zóé being used a lot to describe the very beginnings of the life of God appearing in the manure of the carnal man. Does anybody not know what I am talking about?
I know when I was a disciple, I was taught that this Greek word means the life of God, and it does not mean the life of God. It just means life. Of course, there is no life anywhere outside of God, but there are different stages of the life of God. We have talked about that a lot. So in this verse, the word is used in the context of the gift of righteousness shall reign into life, shall bring us into life, the very beginning stages of life. Sometimes the Scripture describes it as a grass seedling. And John 14:6 says, “Jesus saith unto him, ‘I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me.’” So Jesus is the life, and we are going to use Him in place of that word life. Jesus is the new life. He is the vine coming forth in the earth.
Alternate Translation, the second half of Romans 5:17: “Much more those laying hold of Jesus” -- much more than all of those who died because of the first guy. “Much more those laying hold of Jesus, who is the overflowing grace of the Holy Spirit and Christ Jesus, the gift of righteousness, shall control through the other guy, Jesus Christ.”
Brethren, Jesus Christ controls, and if you think He does not, you are mistaken because if He does not control you, the sheriff’s department is going to control you. If He does not control you, the drugs are going to control you. If He does not control you, somebody or something is going to control you. You better believe He is controlling you. He is all over you, taking away the control of the other guy that he has on you.
Alternate Translation, Romans 5:17: “Because if by one man’s devi-” -- ah, excuse me. I have to have a drink of water here. Jesus.
“Because if by one man’s deviation from righteousness, violent death and lack of reform controlled through the mind of the one guy, much more those laying hold of Jesus, who is both the overflowing grace of the Holy Spirit and Christ Jesus, the gift of righteousness, shall control through the other guy, Jesus Christ.”
And if you feel like you are being pulled to pieces, it is because there are two minds fighting for control over you.
Verse 18: “Therefore, as by the offense of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation, even so, by the righteousness of the one” -- or the other guy -- “the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.”
Did I not just do that? Oh. The word condemnation, again, is speaking of the wrath of God; and the word righteousness, once again, is speaking about the only condition -- the only human condition acceptable to God, and it is speaking about a man who was acquitted from God’s judgment. That was righteousness, and justification means freedom from guilt.
Alternate Translation, Romans 5:18: “So then through the one guy’s deviation from righteousness, all men were subjected to the wrath of God; also, through the righteous act of the other guy, which resulted in acquittal, all men were granted freedom from guilt and entrance into the life of God.”
You see, people stumble because of the past tense here, and I checked it out in the Greek; it is the past tense. So the church says, I do not see it happening, so it must happen after this body dies. And the world looks at it and says, the whole thing is a phony. But I want to tell you, brethren, that it has all happened already in the realm of the spirit. It is in the process right now of working its way into the physical realm. It has to travel from the realm of the spirit out here to outer darkness.
And I remind you of the angel that said to Daniel, “From the first day you said your prayer, we heard it, but it took me 21 days to get to you, and I had to war with the Prince of Persia to get to you.” Well, so far it is taking 2,000 years. It is not after the death of this body in some by-and-by. It is coming. Jesus is coming. And one day very soon He is going to arrive here, and when He arrives here, He will appear, and we shall see Him; and those who see Him shall be like Him, and those who pierce Him shall see Him. Not the ones who killed Him on Calvary, but the ones who pierced through into His life shall see Him, and when they see Him, they will be like Him, the ones who fought the war.
So then, “Through the ones -- one guy’s deviation from righteousness, all men were subjected to the wrath of God; also through the righteous act of the other guy, which resulted in acquittal, all men were granted freedom from guilt and the life of God.” All men [?all?or?] the creation was granted that gift. It has not arrived here yet, though, brethren.
Do you know sometimes the United States sends out -- well, let us talk about Somalia. President Bush went on TV and said he was sending troops and food and help to Somalia. Well, maybe the Somalis heard it before they arrived there. They heard about their deliverance. They heard the food was coming. They heard the troops were coming. They heard the help was coming, but the guy that died before the army got there died. The guy that got there before the food got there died. Does anyone not know what I am talking about?
He is coming. Deliverance is coming. Salvation is coming. Help is coming. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] it is not here yet. It is coming. It is in the process of. It is going to be arriving very soon.
Verse 19: “For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.”
The Greek word translated disobedience is 3876, and it means hearing amiss or an unwillingness to hear. You know, that really bugged me when I found that out. I can live with disobedience being an unwillingness to hear, but to hear amiss? I miss God sometimes. He says something to me, and I do not hear it, or He says it, and I think He means something that He does not mean. I said, what does that mean? I am disobedient? And the answer is yes because if you do not understand what He says, it is because of the fallen condition of your mind, and it is sin. Disobedience.
The words, were made, are Strong’s 2525, and that could be translated ordained, appointed, set in place, appointed to administer an office, declared, shown to be. For as by one man’s disobedience, many were shown to be sinners, many were declared to be sinners, many were appointed to be sinners because of one man’s disobedience. And the Greek word translated sinners is 2628 which means exceeding sinful or wicked. And the Greek word translated obedience means submission, and the Greek word translated righteous is Strong’s 1342. It means guiltless, faultless. When God acquits you, you are without fault and without guilt.
Alternate Translation, Romans 5:19: “Because through the disobedience of the one guy, the many members of humanity were appointed to be exceeding sinful” -- that is us -- “so by the submission of the other guy, the many members of humanity shall be made guiltless.”
“Because through the disobedience of the one guy, the many members of humanity were appointed to be exceeding sinful.” Do not tell me you are not sinful. It is everybody.
“So by the submission of the other guy, the many members of humanity shall be made guiltless.” And if you cannot confess your sins, you are in danger of not receiving this gift that is going to declare you guiltless. Jesus said, “I came to heal the blind.” If you tell me that you are not blind, if you tell me you can see, there is nothing I [?can?could?] do for you. Jesus has come to deliver sinners out from hell. If you claim you are not a sinner, there is nothing He can do for you.
We are almost finished. Hang on. Verse 20: “Moreover, the law entered that the offense might abound, but where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.” Law, 3551. It means a law or a rule which produces a state approved by God. Brethren, man does not know what is right or wrong. If you do not know what is right or wrong in your heart, and God g- -- or somebody gives you a law, and you obey that law, God will count it to you -- unto you as righteousness. If the right thing is not coming forth out of your heart, you are way ahead if you obey the law than if you do not do the right thing. Even if it is not in your heart, at least you are doing the right thing. You are way ahead. The law is a good thing. It is a good thing, and it saves you from judgment falling on you. It is a good thing.
“However [sic], the law entered.” Entered, 3922, it means to enter in addition. It means that something came into this world system that was not there before. It was not a replacement; it was not that something left and something else came in. An addition came in. The law was something that was not there before. There was no revelation of righteousness in the earth before Moses gave us the law or before the Lord gave us the law through Moses.
“Moreover, the law entered that the offense might abound.” Abound, 5248. It means to exist in abundance, to increase. Now, what God is saying here is that -- so that the deviation -- God wanted the deviation, that misstepping, He wanted it to increase. He wanted it to increase so much that it would be obvious to anybody with eyes in their head. God gave the law to expose sin because, brethren, all of us sin, and we do not know that we are sinning.
If you do not -- if nobody tells you that what you are doing or what you are thinking is a sin, how will you ever know that it is a sin? So God said, thou shalt not steal; thou shalt not murder; thou shalt not commit adultery; thou shalt not lie; thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. But there are many areas in our life where we sin very subtly, and we do not even realize that we are sinning. So Christ will come to you, and He will send someone to tell you, sister, that is a sin. To condemn you? No. To kill you? No. To hurt you? No. So why? Why expose that evil? So that you would have an opportunity to confess it as sin and repent and become eligible to have God rip it out of you.
The Greek word offense, I remind you, means deviation; and sin is a failure to conform to God’s righteousness.
Alternate Translation, Romans 5:20: “Moreover, the law of Moses was added so that deviation from God’s righteousness might increase and be exposed, but God’s mercy increased more than the deviation.”
God’s mercy was increased and exposed more than the deviation. See, right now, it looks like the exposure of sin is intense.
You may know I have an ongoing dialogue with a rabbi, and he keeps throwing that in my face. He throws it in my face all the time. Jesus Christ was supposedly raised from the dead 2,000 years ago, and sin has gotten worse. He did not receive my answer, but this is the answer: God did it. God is making sin exceeding sinful, so that everybody should know what sin is, so that when righteousness appears, we will choose the good and reject the evil because, although it may not be obvious to many right now, the grace of God is overflowing with much more power and much more force than the greatest, most exceeding evil that this world system could produce.
Last verse, verse 21: “That as sin has reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Alternate Translation: “So that as sin ruled by misery, lack of reform and physical death, the goodness and mercy of God might rule through a condition of mind which is acceptable to God into the life of the ages through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Sin rules us, controls us by misery, lack of reform and physical death, but the goodness and mercy of God rules through a condition of mind which is acceptable to God. Which condition of mind will gain us entrance and bring us into the life of the ages, that is a life that does not end? A life without end through Jesus Christ, our Lord dwelling in our hearts.
Brethren, you cannot enter into the life of the ages because Jesus Christ is dwelling in my heart. He has got to be in your heart. You cannot get in by my anointing. You might get healed by my anointing. You might get delivered by my anointing. You might get taught by my anointing. You might mature under my anointing, but I cannot get you into the kingdom of God because why? Why? [UNINTELLIGIBLE] who knows why? Behold, the kingdom of God is within you. It has got to get inside of you. Everything I can give you is just a Band-Aid. It has got to get inside of you. It has got to be reproduced inside of you. It has to grow inside of you. I can only take you so far. You have to start to walk.
Recap, Romans 5:12-21: “So since sin and the misery which arises out of sin entered into the world because of the other guy, physical death, heartache and sufferings also penetrated all men because sin was in the world until the law was given, but the penalties of sin are not imposed when there is no law. Therefore, the misery and suffering in man’s mind controlled men until the law was given by Moses, even those men who did not willfully choose to sin as Adam, who was the pattern of the one who was coming, but were overcome by their fallen nature.
“But is it not also true of the free gift? Because if through the other guy’s deviation from righteousness many died unreformed, much more than the loving kindness of God, which is the gift of the other guy, Jesus Christ, the one who impregnates us with Christ Jesus, and has overflowed into the many members of mankind. And have we not received Christ because of the other guy’s sinning, who was convicted and sentenced to damnation?
“But the Holy Spirit is the result of many deviations from God’s law which have resulted in an acquittal from God’s damning judgment and restoration to righteousness. Because if by one man’s deviation from righteousness, violent death and lack of reform [?control?controlled?] through the mind of the one, much more than those laying hold of Jesus, who is both the overflowing grace of the Holy Spirit and Christ Jesus, the gift of righteousness, shall control through the other guy, Jesus Christ.
“So then, as through the one’s deviation from righteousness, all men were subjected to the wrath of God, also through the righteous act of the other guy, which resulted in acquittal, all men were granted freedom from guilt and the life of God.” Freedom from guilt and the life of God. “Because through the disobedience of the one man, the many members of humanity were appointed to be exceeding sinful, so by the submission of the other guy, the submission of the other guy to God, the many members of humanity shall be made guiltless.
“Moreover, the law of Moses was added so that deviation from God’s righteousness might increase and be exposed, but God’s mercy increased more than the deviation. So, that as sin ruled by misery, lack of reform and physical death, the goodness and mercy of God might rule through a condition of mind which is acceptable to God, into the life of the ages through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Hallelujah. What a message. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] Do you believe this message?
I am just absolutely amazed that -- I am thinking of Daniel [?when he was told?] [INAUDIBLE] God had to keep it hidden for so long that this is just absolutely beautiful. God is really dealing so much with the carnal mind, knowing that we cannot do it; only through Him. It is beautiful.
Was the Prince of Persia in Daniel’s mind?
I believe so, yes. I believe -- I believe it was a manifestation of Christ in his mind. Now, it was not an imparted Christ like we have. It was an imputed Christ that the Lord was bringing forth in his mind to answer his questions. It was a temporary Christ that arose in his mind to deliver a message from God and then dissolved. Those of -- and that is called the imputed anointing. In this hour, we have a manifestation of Christ that never leaves us or forsakes us, but He is not fully mature. He starts from seed, and He is growing up. The temporary Christ that appeared to Daniel was a fully mature Christ, but He was just there for a few moments, and He went away.
But the Prince of Persia was demonic? Something in his carnal mind, was it not?
Oh, did you say the Prince of Persia?
I am sorry. I guess I am tired.
I thought you were talking about -- what was it, Michael, his prince who appeared to him, right. The Prince of Persia is the carnal mind, yes. I was speaking about the angel. I am sorry. Yes. Anybody else?
That means we have to fight for every revelation that the Lord wants to give us?
Yes. Every revelation, every -- we have to fight to hear from God, and then we have to fight for the strength to obey God, and it is a battle every step of the way. Yes. The Prince of Persia will shut out revelation, yes. Anybody else? Anybody else?
Are we to pray against these princes in our own carnal mind?
Well, I go back to my same counsel to you. You pray against them under the anointing. If you make a religious work out of it, I do not see it doing you any good. You know, I would ask the Lord, if I were you, to help me defeat those principalities and to give me an ability to pray the way He wants me to pray. If you go after it out of your own humanity, it is fruitless, and it is witchcraft because God is bringing you to a place of obedience.
Everyone that is studying here is being brought into a place of obedience where He is training us to only fight by His Spirit. To fight out of our own spirit is strange fire. We are learning to fight by His Spirit, and the way I do it is say, Father, I acknowledge I have a Prince of Persia in my mind. I would like deliverance. What do you want me to do? Give me a prayer. Give me the way You think about it. Give me Your understanding about it, and then do what He wants you to do, and ask Him to help you to not do it with your carnal mind because that is the major lesson we are all learning today, is to lay down the weapon of the carnal mind and pick up the weapon of Christ.
This is the major lesson that everyone in this ministry is faced with, discerning the carnal mind and distinguishing it from Christ and laying down that carnal mind, which is a weapon, and picking up the weapon of Christ. Because we have been defending ourselves with the carnal mind for so many years, and we have been using the carnal mind to get our needs met for so many years, it is second nature to us. It is like being a right-handed person and using the -- losing the use of your right hand and being forced to start to use your left hand. That is what it is like. That which is second nature to us, God is telling us to lay down and to learn a new way, and it is not easy. It is not easy, but He is able. He is able.
01/19/15 Transcribed by VerbalFusion
01/27/15 1st Edit CAS/BP