224 - Part 6

 Part 6 of 8 Parts

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Alternate Translation: 1 Kings 19:10: And Elijah said -- well, Elijah said to whom? Who was he speaking to? Anybody remember? He was speaking to the Christ -- to Christ Jesus who had manifested in him. And Elijah said I have served Jehovah, the God of Battle fervently, both in Christ as well as with my humanity. But the Sons of God are seeking to stop me from exposing their sins by killing me and they have broken their marriage covenant with Jehovah and separated themselves from him in their thoughts and their carnal minds have murdered their own Christ minds and I have been circumcised and my carnal mind remains.

Now the carnal mind has been reigning through this whole message. You may recall at the last message I had to make a correction because my carnal mind had given you some revelation in the message before that so I had to correct it. And I have another correction for you. My carnal mind told you in the last message that the Christ mind was asking Elijah, the carnal -- we will say Elijah the Christ and Elijah the carnal -- he was a double-minded man. Elijah Christ asked Elijah the carnal what happened. How did the Christ mind die? How did Elijah come into such a condition that he had to cry out to God so that the Lord would send -- so that Jehovah would send the Lord Jesus Christ to raise Christ from the dead in him? I told you that Elijah Christ died and therefore did not know what happened. Now we know that God knows all things and Christ is God, so that was my carnal mind seeing the situation backwards. Christ knew what happened to Him. He was asking Elijah to find out if Elijah knew what was happening to him?

Have you ever seen someone in authority, a teacher, a parent, anybody, know exactly -- have you ever seen a mother looking at her son with blueberry pie all over his mouth saying “Johnny, do you know what happened to the blueberry pie? I left it right here and it is gone. What do you think happened to it?” That is what Elijah Christ was saying to Elijah the carnal. What happened? Do you know what happened to you? Do you know what happened to you so that you can learn from your experience? Do you know what happened that brought you down? Have you learned? Have you made adjustments? Have you grown so that this may not hopefully happen to you again? That is what Elijah the Christ was saying. Or that is why Elijah the Christ was asking Elijah the carnal what happened.

Another possibility here was that Elijah had just -- Elijah the carnal had just stated that he was serving Jehovah, not only in his Christ mind but that even when he was a carnal man he was serving Jehovah. And we know that there are people in the church who are as carnal as could be. But in their own way, God knows that it is to the best of their ability they are serving the Lord. That their heart is turned towards Him, that they want Him and although they may be doing things that we think are carnal, the Lord looks down on them and knows they are doing all they can to serve Him. Just like you look at your kindergarten child who is trying to clean up his room and making it worse than before he started. But you know he is doing the best he could do. And God tries the motives of people’s hearts.

So Elijah the Christ was looking at Elijah the carnal and I believe I will have a true witness to this by the time I finish preaching this message. But at this point I believe that God was telling me this morning and last night that Elijah Christ was testing Elijah the carnal to see if he was as faithful in his carnal mind’s evaluation of what happened as he was in the Christ mind’s evaluation of what happened. Listen, we are doing it here. It is possible -- I have been teaching you here for a long time -- it is possible to evaluate events and to evaluate facts with your carnal mind, which is under the influence of Christ. Can you hear that? There is a difference between thinking with your carnal mind, who is being influence by Christ because of your desire to serve Him; and there is a difference between that mindset and a mindset in which Christ is your mind. When Christ is your mind there is no room for error. There is room for error when you are operating in your carnal mind but you have said, “Lord Jesus, let me hear the truth. Let me think the truth. Let me evaluate. Let that mind that was in Christ Jesus be in me.” When you pray a prayer like that you are still thinking with your carnal mind but Christ comes down and influences your carnal mind towards the truth.

So you may notice that Elijah is asked the same question twice. Did you ever wonder why? In verse 9, we are told: And the Lord came unto him and said unto him, “What doest thou here, Elijah?” And if you compare verse 10 to verse 14, you will see that word for word it is the same verse in verse 13 we are told -- let me see if it says the Lord. And behold there came a voice unto him and said what are you doing here, Elijah? Word for word, in verse 10 and verse 13 the same exact answer. I hope to convince you by the time we work through this message that the answer Elijah gave in verse 10 was with his carnal mind, which was under the influence of Christ; and that the answer that he gave in verse 14 was the answer that his Christ mind gave. And word for word, they were the same. God is constantly testing us. Constantly. I further suggest to you that when the Lord looked upon Elijah and saw that it was true, that he was zealous or jealous for the Lord God of Hosts and serving Him with all his strength, both with his carnal mind and with his Christ mind, and when the stories matched  up and there were two witnesses as to the atrocities which the Sons of God had worked against the prophet Elijah and against the Christ in their own minds and against the Lord Jehovah, there were now two witnesses -- Elijah’s carnal mind and Elijah’s Christ mind -- that the Lord made a judgment that the evil deeds of Israel or of the Sons of Israel, which were reported by Elijah, were true and the Lord God executed judgment upon Israel.

Verse 15: And the Lord said unto Elijah “Go, return on thy way to the wilderness of Damascus: and when thou comest, anoint Hazael to be king over Syria.” I have read this chapter so many times and I have said Lord, what in the world does that mean? That man has just been through a traumatic experience and he is telling you how the Sons of God tried to kill him and all that you have to say is go anoint Hazael as king of Syria? God executed judgment and, Lord willing, we will get to this today. I do not know why I am starting at the end but I would like to believe that it is the Lord manifesting through me. I had no intention of doing this. We will find out that this was God’s judgment upon Israel because we find out that 15 years after this event, King Hazael, or Hazael, is anointed King over Syria and becomes a severe enemy of Israel which does serious damage to Israel and to the people of Israel.

You may recall that I tried to exhort on this chapter, Part 1 of this series is my attempt to exhort on this chapter. It is a good message but, compared to the depth we have gone into now, it is a carnal surface interpretation. It is an excellent message but it is not the meat of the word. And the Lord told me to go into a word by word. We are finding out the intense depth of the revelation in this Scripture. I have had all kinds of opposition against doing this and the reason opposition has been so intense is that Elijah’s experience is a type and an example of what the Son of God will be experiencing in this hour. Elijah was a Son of God in the Old Covenant. It is what we will be going through with the Sons of God coming against us and Elijah clearly said that they tried to kill him. Why? Why? Why did Israel try to kill Elijah with their thoughts? Anybody? Why?

           He exposed their sin. And they hated him for it and they did not want him as a prophet. They did not want that man to rule over them. So now, after doing a word by word study, after all these years, I realize that God’s answer to Elijah was not to ignore him because he was behaving in a soulish way, but God’s answer was: Well done thy good and faithful servant. I shall now visit judgment upon the nation which tried to kill the prophet that I sent to them to show them their sins.

Point 1: We talked about it in the exhortation. You must be persecuted for the judgment to fall which will end in the resurrection of the dead human spirit of someone who has hated you. You must be persecuted and when God finds you righteous He will judge that person and in the New Covenant, in any event, the end of that Covenant is the resurrection of the dead. Point 1.

Point 2: It took 15 years for this judgment to fall. Now, in this hour, it appears that things are speeding up in some instances. Things seem to be speeding up but do not be encouraged -- sorry. Do not be discouraged if you do not see numbers increasing, if you do not see people receiving the word. It takes time for the judgment to fall, which produces life, and it takes time for the seeds which you have sown to sprout. A year and a half is very fast. It could take lots longer than that. There have been a lot of seeds sown through this ministry. It could take 20 years to really see a harvest coming in.

Those are two major points I wanted to make. We shall now proceed with verse 11. We are going to do word by word verses 11 through 13. I will not repeat 14. It is the same exact thing as verse 10. And then I will exhort on verses 15 through 18 and, as the Lord lets me, I will go over some of the Scriptures which show this judgment in 2 Kings. It starts in 2 Kings, Chapter 8. Could you put that on pause for a minute please?

1 Kings 19: We are doing verses 11 and 12 together. I have combined them. And He said -- and who said? Christ Jesus, who had just heard Elijah’s account of what had happened, that Jezebel had threatened him and tried to intimidate him and the combination of Jezebel’s threats and the mind that was coming against Elijah as one man with rage that he had torn down their idols and torn down their altars and killed their prophets, that the minds, the carnal minds, plus both the unconscious and the conscious minds, we shall see as we go on, of the Sons of Israel coming against Elijah, along with Jezebel coming against Elijah, was too much for Elijah’s ability in Christ to stand against. And the rage of the carnal mind which was coming against him strengthened his own carnal mind which the Christ mind in Elijah had had all bound up and chained in the bottomless pit. But when the rage of the carnal mind of the Sons of Israel, along with the rage of Jezebel, came against him what happened was that it strengthened his carnal mind. And his carnal mind rose up and threw off the shackles of Christ.

Now, you see, many would say Israel cannot be cursed. Israel cannot be cursed. But if there is sin present in us the curse will join with our own sin and strengthen it and, if it can, rise up and cause us to sin and then the judgment of God falls on us and in fact, the judgment of God fell on Elijah in that his Christ mind died and he fell down to Hell and became a carnal man, married to Satan. We find this out in Parts 2 through 5 of this series. But, Elijah’s true heart, his spirit, cried out to God and the Lord heard him out of Heaven. Hallelujah. And sent the Lord Jesus Christ to save him. The Lord Jesus Christ came and raised Elijah from the dead. We see in verse 12 the beginning of the resurrection. Now the first thing that happened was the Lord Jesus Christ came in spirit form and came to Elijah and manifested and spoke to him. That is the conversation that we see in verse 11. The Lord Jesus Christ came; Jehovah came out of the realm of the spirit, entered into Jehovah’s mind, and remember, the Spirit’s name changes every time He is in a different location His name changes, so Jehovah is the name of God outside of the mind of a man, outside of this creation which exists in time. Jehovah is the name that God takes in the realm of eternity. But He entered into this realm of time which is the mind of man and when Jehovah entered into the mind of man His name changed to -- anybody?


Well, the Holy Spirit is the New Covenant. It is the mind -- the Spirit of Christ, the Holy Spirit is the glorified Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ and He did not exist at the time of Elijah. So, when Jehovah entered into the mind of the man His name became the Spirit of Christ. And the Spirit of Christ laid hold, in some measure, of Elijah’s mind and a manifestation of Christ Jesus appeared. I told you earlier I do not have this completely straight yet. But a manifestation of Christ Jesus appeared and spoke to the man Elijah. And we found a similar happening when we did Daniel 7 word by word. We found the Lord or Christ Jesus manifesting to Daniel and having a conversation with him. Also, at the end of Daniel 8, we found Daniel, much to his chagrin, experiencing two voices in his head. Daniel heard a conversation between the Lord Jesus Christ and the Christ Jesus which was formed in his mind. The carnal mind of Daniel heard the conversation of these two spiritual giants discussing him in Daniel 8.

We see that the mind of Christ has somehow formed in the mind of Elijah but apparently not a manifestation of any union of Elijah. I am struggling with this, but Christ was there and said to Elijah: What happened? Elijah told him what happened and then the Lord Jesus Christ or Christ Jesus, Lord help me get this straight, heard his problem and said: I have the answer to your problem. And this is the answer to his problem: Go forth and stand upon the mount before the Lord and I will tell you up front the answer to Elijah’s problem is you need to stand up in full stature again. And Christ Jesus, by saying to him, go forth and stand up in full stature again, with that word, imparted the spiritual ability to do so.

Go forth, Strong’s 3318. It means to spring forth. It is used of soldiers going out to war. It means to be liberated. So Elijah Christ was speaking to -- or the Christ Jesus was speaking to Elijah’s spirit and saying: Spring forth and rise up in Christ. Be free of the carnal mind that you have become married to because of your sin. Does anybody remember what Elijah’s sin was? Anybody? The sin of?


No. It was rebellion. It was rebellion. He received the thoughts of the carnal mind and rebelled against the authority of Christ. He obeyed the thoughts of his carnal mind which is rebellion against Christ, which would have had him think otherwise.

So Christ Jesus is saying to Elijah: let your human spirit spring forth and be freed from her marriage to Satan and the carnal mind and the fact that this word can be translated soldiers going out to war or to be liberated indicates that we can only be liberated from our carnality through an act of spiritual warfare. Brethren, do not believe the lies in the church today that you shall ascend automatically. The only place that you shall ascend to automatically is into the spiritual realm of the God known as?


Satan. Satan. We did a whole series on this. Glory to God.

And He said: Go forth and stand. This Hebrew word stand is 5975 and this word typifies full stature in both the Old and the New Testaments. If you have spiritual power in Christ you are lying down in a bed. If you have some spiritual power you are sitting up. And to be standing means to be in full stature which is the first stage of resurrection in which you are functioning as God. Your carnal mind is so brain dead that you are functioning as God.

And He said: Go forth and stand upon the mount before the Lord. Upon the mount, 2022. We discussed in our last message how a mountain typifies the high place of the earth where God meets man. This is the human spirit, but more specifically than the human spirit, the mind of Christ. And He said go forth and stand upon the mount before the Lord. The Hebrew word translated before, Strong’s 6440. It means face. We dealt with this word many times over the years. The face is the part that you see. It is the part of the person that you see. Usually it is the first part that you look at and it is the part that looks outward. It is talking about the realm of appearance; the face of the man is the realm of appearance. It is an outward part of him. The Hebrew word translated Lord means Jehovah. So the face -- before the Lord, or the face of Jehovah means the part of Jehovah which is seen. And the part of Jehovah which is seen is His Christ. Jehovah is not seen in this physical body. This physical body is the image of Satan. This physical body is the fact of Satan. The face of Jehovah is the mind of Christ. OK? Jehovah, the pure Spirit, dwells in His throne, the mind, which is Christ. OK? And in this hour the mind of Christ is dwelling in? Anybody?


No. What part of our spiritual anatomy is the mind of Christ dwelling in?


The carnal mind. The carnal mind. Jehovah, or the Spirit of Christ at the innermost being, he is in the mind of Christ. The mind of Christ is within the carnal mind and the carnal mind is within this body which is an image of Satan. And Christ has to get out. He is like the pit of a piece of fruit. He has to be piercing His way through and it is a warfare. First it is a warfare to get Him conceived inside -- in your most inward part. And then He has to rise up and wage war to pierce His way through to the outer realms. And when He pierces through to the outer realms He is going to cover over the hostile carnal mind and He is going to deal with the soul and the body and eventually become King of our entire person. Hallelujah. He is not coming from up there, brethren. He is coming from in here. Glory to God. And that error that Christ is coming from up there, it is a typical error. Men thinking or looking with their carnal minds see things as a mirror image of spiritual truth and it still happens to me. It still happens to me on moments and I find that I am seeing it backwards. It is like I am looking in a mirror where your left hand looks like your right hand. He is not coming from out there, brethren. He is coming from in here. The devil is not out there, brethren. He is in here. The angels are not out there, brethren. They are in here.

Spiritual things are within, they are not without. They are within. That is a great mystery because there are worlds inside of our head -- worlds, plural. How could this be? Because we are oriented to think about things with a mind that functions in this realm of time and space. But spirit -- in spirit there is no time and space. So there could be worlds inside of us. I confess to you, I do not fully understand it myself. I just believe that it is true. That we are houses or mansions for spirit and there are worlds of spiritual beings inside of us or at least two worlds -- the world of darkness and the world of light. And that these worlds are very large, but when they are in spirit form they do not take up any room because they live inside of us. But when they vibrate out from the realm where they exist, which is spirit, and they come into this world, what happens to them? Anybody?


That is true, but let us use the words that people that do not know anything about this kind of talk would understand. What happens to them? They are invisible, formless spirits dwelling in the High Place of the Spirit and when they get into this world they become? Visible. That is a good word but there is more. Visible.



            Spiritual beings.

They become physical. They become visible. They become hard. They become rigid. They take on form. They take on form. Like water vapor becomes an ice cube, they take on form. They become formed when they enter into the spiritual environment of this world. You want to know where these aliens are coming from, brethren? They are not coming from out there. They are coming from in here and they are spirit and they pierce through from our mind. They pierce through into this world and when they get here they become hard and rigid and they become formed. And they even bring their spaceships with them. It is part of their spirit -- manifests as a being and part of it manifests as a ship. I am telling you the truth, man.

            [UNINTELLIGIBLE] fantasy?

It is not a fantasy. It is someone who is so afflicted by witchcraft that the spiritual life that is locked inside of them which is veiling itself and holding itself a secret from our conscious life that we have out here or our conscious existence, pierces through against their will and comes through. And now we hear about alien abductions. Well, lots of them, once they get through and they get into this world they take the personality, the innocence, so to speak, personality of that part of us that is existing out here as a sheep and they take us back within. They take us captive. Because we are sheep and those life forms which have the authority to herd the sheep, just as man has authority over natural sheep, spirit has authority over man. If you are not being herded by Christ you are being herded by the carnal mind. That is man’s biggest stumbling block. You have to know that you are not your own. Someone owns you. It is just that Satan and his carnal mind have owned you for so long that you think you are your own, but you are not your own. You are just so joined to Satan that you think you own yourself. Well, I guess you do because you are him. But there is an element of you, you see, there is an element of every man that is not a part of Satan and that is our human spirit and that is what is being saved. Right now our human spirit is so joined to Satan that we think and act and do just like Satan does. That is why we think we are our own. There is no conflict. And the only time there is a conflict in a man is when he has had some contact with the living God and has some conscience that something is wrong and is resisting his true ruler. That is the only time there is a conflict. I have been hearing for years that Satan wants to steal your soul but it never had any reality to me. What does it mean? It means Satan wants the full use of your mind and your body. He wants to utterly possess you and to throw off any shackles that might be on him through teaching of righteousness in this world. He wants to unrestrainedly manifest his wickedness through your mind, through your behavior and through your flesh. That is what it means when someone says to you Satan wants your soul.

See, all these clichés that we have, we must find out what they mean. We must find out what it will mean to us when it happens. It does not mean that he is taking your physical body to another planet called Hell. It means that he is going to make your existence here in this world a Hell because he is going to have free reign to express his evil through you without restraint. That is what it means. Let us go on.

Alternate Translation: The first fifth -- I broke these -- we are combining verses 11 and 12 and I have broken it down into five parts. The first fifth of 1 Kings 19:11-12: And Christ Jesus said: Let your human spirit be liberated and arise into the visible High Place of Jehovah. That is the mount of the Lord. Please note that at the first appearance of Elijah’s Christ mind, Elijah is double-minded. His carnal mind is fully activated to the point that he is answering the Christ’s questions. Elijah’s Christ mind is not suggesting that Elijah stand up in full stature, but actually commanding it and his command is with power. John 8:11 says “She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.” When the living God or the expression of Him tells you to go and sin no more or to stand up in full stature it begins to happen. And, as we go on in this message, you will see that it was and is a complicated procedure for Christ Jesus to raise Elijah back up to full stature.

For years I thought there was going to be a bump on the head or I would wake up in the morning and I would be in full stature. It is a complicated procedure which is a warfare in the realm of the spirit which raises us up in full stature. Now, brethren, the Lord Jesus Christ has commanded us to stand. When did He command us to stand? He commanded it through Paul. He said put on the full armor of God and when you have done all that you could do to stand, what? Stand. Now humanity has been commanded to stand and the battle is raging in the realm of the spirit, but most of us are still asleep and cannot perceive the battle. That does not mean that it is not going on. The fact that we cannot see the battle does not mean that it is not going on. It is raging. And it is raging in the minds of men who are fully given over to their carnal mind. I guess I did not say that exactly right. It is raging in the minds of men who are resisting the carnal mind. But the battle is on two levels. If you are resisting the carnal mind, if Christ is in you, the battle is raging in your mind and it is also raging outside of you because your carnal mind is screaming for help and Satan is raising up every carnal mind that he can to strengthen your carnal mind to rebel against Christ in you and bring you down. Amen. Amen.

So this battle is on two levels. If you are denying the evil in people I do not care how innocent they are, I do not care how naïve they are, do not tell me that they do not mean it. If you are not willing to face up to the possibility that Satan has manifested in them to cause you to fall, you are not in this war and you will not survive it. You will not survive it if you are not willing to face up to it. Jesus said the enemies of your own household will be against you. That means the woman sleeping in your bed. That means the husband you wake up with in the morning. That means the mother that you have loved for 50 years who has nurtured you and blessed you and helped you will be saying to you: Do not do what God told you to do. Who will be seducing you away from the instructions of the Lord. Who will be seducing you away from righteousness with no conscious concept whatsoever of what they are doing. But whether they know what they are doing or not, if you obey them and not God you are guilty of the rebellion which killed the Christ in Elijah and your spiritual life is on the line. The answer is not to rebuke people who do not know what they are doing, unless God tells you to. The answer is not to control the people who are giving you bad advice. The answer is to take the victory over every suggestion that is ungodly which is made to you by any human being who walks. You must take the victory. You must judge every word that is said to you. You must judge every suggestion which is said to you and make up your mind whether or not it was God in that suggestion. And if God told you one thing and the most anointed prophet in the church tells you something else, you had better do what God told you to do and be not like the prophet who did not obey God and stopped off for dinner at another prophet’s house and a lion came out of the woods killed him. That is OK. Jesus.

Amplified Translation: Let me just go over amplification because we have someone new here today. There is a Bible available called the Amplified Bible. What the translators of that Bible have done is they have taken -- I do not know whether they did it directly from the Greek and Hebrew text or not, but they have taken other translations of the Bible and they have used -- where there appears one word, in the King James, for example, they will use four or five words to do what they believe is necessary to explain the context of the verse. You know what the Amplified Bible is? Well, we do that here also. We work up a translation by frequently choosing different translations of the Hebrew word than the King James translators have chosen and I will read you that translation in poor English because I want you to at least have some understanding of how I got that translation and then I put it in good English and smooth it out and I call that an Amplified Translation.

Amplified Translation: The first fifth of 1 Kings 19:11-12: And Christ Jesus said let your human spirit be liberated and arise into the mind of Christ. So we see that the literal translation was the visible High Place of Jehovah and I changed that to the mind of Christ. And Christ Jesus said let your human spirit be liberated and arise into the mind of Christ. Please note that Elijah’s ascension into the mind of Christ rendered his carnal mind inactive, just as a bird’s feet are rendered inactive when the movement of his wings raises him up off the earth. A bird has both feet and wings, but when his wings have him in the air his feet just hang there. They are utterly worthless. When Christ Jesus clamps onto our carnal mind and takes full control over our life our carnal mind is still there and it is still present, but he is worthless because he is off the ground, in the heavenlies and he cannot manifest. But, so long as he is there, there is always the possibility that his feet will touch ground again and he will take dominion in your thoughts. And this condition continues, we found out recently, right through full stature. That even when you are in full stature, when you can call yourself God because your carnal mind is so brain dead and the mind of Christ is functioning, that the Lord has revealed to us here that it is possible for the carnal mind to get out.

We see this event described in the Book of Revelation where it says -- I think it is Chapter 20 -- that Satan got out and went up on the breath of the earth and got past the camp of the saints about, but fire came down from Heaven and killed him. We believe that once we have arrived to full stature, we hope that will never happen but it happened to Elijah. He was in a temporary condition of full stature and Satan got out, the carnal mind got out, and we have a lesson here. We have a word from the Lord, a personal word to this ministry. This message is not being preached to everybody that reads this Bible. This is a personal word to everyone here from the Lord. That your carnal mind can get out from any chain that you have on it when your carnal mind is strengthened by someone else’s carnal mind. You do not even have to be in full stature to hear this lesson. Hear the word of the Lord. Any area of your life in which you have victory -- you may have had victory for years -- what does that mean? That your Christ mind has refused to let your carnal mind do what it wants to do in this area. After victory for years, it is possible for someone to come along and strengthen your carnal mind in this particular area and your carnal mind will come out from under the chains to Christ and you will sin in an area that you have not sinned in in years.

So what does that mean? Choose carefully the company that you keep. Choose very carefully the company that you keep. Choose who you take counsel from. And do not obey suggestion, no matter what. I do not care who is suggesting it to you. Every thought is to be taken captive; every thought that arises in your mind and every thought that is spoken into your ears by your most trusted companion. Be careful because if you do not obey the Christ in you and you submit to someone else’s suggestion because it seems to be the easy way out and it was not so important anyway. It was just a minor issue. Oh, well, do it her way. The strength that you have in Christ is being weakened. You do what God tells you to do. You do what you know to be right. Do not worry about losing your job. Do not worry about losing a relationship. You do righteousness and believe God to sustain your every need. These are treacherous days we are living in, brethren.

Continuing the second fifth of 1 Kings 19:11-12: And behold the Lord passed by. And behold the Lord passed by. What does that mean? You read about that in the Book of Exodus, too. I think it says it in the Book of Exodus when Moses was up on the Mount, the Lord passed by. The Lord showed Moses his hinder parts. What does it mean? What does it mean? What does it mean? We have to come up out of the parable. What does it mean? If it happened to me right now, what would I be experiencing? Let us find out.

The Hebrew word translated passed by, Strong’s 5674, means to pass over, to pass through, it means an overflowing. And it can also be translated to die. And right up front I will tell you that this is the second stage of resurrection and it is speaking about the Spirit of Jehovah passing through Elijah’s carnal mind. What is He passing through? What is He passing through? What is He passing through? He is passing through the carnal mind that is lying on top of Him. I just talked about it, remember? The spirit is in your innermost part, like the pit of a piece of fruit and He has to pierce His way through, all the way through the fruit from which external point He takes dominion over the whole man. Jehovah pierced -- passed or pierced through from Elijah’s most inward part to a place -- He passed through the carnal mind to a place or position where He could take dominion over him.

            That was imputed, right?

Imputed. Yes.

Jehovah passed over Elijah’s carnal mind. We could also say Jehovah hovered over Elijah and joined with Elijah’s human spirit. The purpose of piercing or purpose of penetrating, brethren, I suggest to you is to plant a seed. The earth is penetrated so that the farmer can plant the seed. The earth must be penetrated for a seed to be planted. A woman must be penetrated for a seed to be planted. Do not shut off the message. It gets worse.

Alternate Translation: The second fifth of 1 Kings 19:11-12: And there it was. There it was. Jehovah broke Satan’s power and overshadowed -- and he said go forth and stand upon the mount and behold. I did not have the whole verse. Let me just fix my notes. Oh, I did read it. And behold, the Lord passed by. The Hebrew word translated behold means and there it was. And there it was. Jehovah broke Satan’s power. Jehovah pierced through the carnal mind. He broke Satan’s power. Glory to God. And as soon as He broke Satan’s power and He penetrated her. Why would Jehovah want to penetrate Elijah’s carnal mind? He wanted to plant His seed so that Christ Jesus could be formed. And I have been preaching here for years, brethren, no matter what your problem is, I have the same answer for you. No matter what your problem is, there is one answer. The mind of Christ must be formed in you. The answer to every problem that you have is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Now there is counseling that goes along as you mature. There is counseling, life counseling, how to handle situations, but the answer to your every problem is Christ in you, the hope of glory, and then the Lord carries you through until Christ fully matures in you. But He is the answer to everything. Jehovah pierced through Elijah’s carnal mind to join with his human spirit so that Christ Jesus could be formed in him.

Now remember, Elijah had been taken captive by Satan and the carnal mind. Satan had married Elijah’s spirit and Elijah was lost in sin. The answer to his problem, his deliverance, is not in speaking in tongues. Neither is the answer to his problem this doctrine. The answer to his problem and the answer to your problem and the answer to my problem is the formation of the very person of Christ Jesus in us. That He should utterly put down the old man and be our life. Jehovah penetrated Elijah’s carnal mind right through to his human spirit, joined with her, formed the mind of Christ, and, as we will see further on, Christ broke the carnal mind’s bones and she died.

We have had some teaching here on breaking Christ’s bones. I will just comment on that briefly. I really am very long-winded today. I am just going to comment on this briefly. If you would like to find out more about this concept of breaking a spirit’s bones, we teach on it in the 186 series called “The Christ.” A spirit has a skeleton, brethren. The term bones refers to skeleton. A spirit has a skeleton. A spirit has a form. A spirit has a structure, even though the spirit himself might be invisible to your carnal eye, he has a structure. His structure is spiritual and he must be spiritually discerned. When you come into a meeting like this and you discern the “anointing” the structure of Christ has been formed or taken form in this meeting. Sometimes something goes wrong and a carnal mind gets in here and breaks up that anointing and all of a sudden it is gone and there is a wicked spirit present here. Somebody is fighting with somebody. There is an argument going on. There is a hostility going on. The bones of Christ have been broken and another -- out of the bones are the formation of another criminal spirit has been erected over the meeting. From moment to moment each individual has the formation of one of two spirits manifesting through him - either Christ or the carnal mind. When a group of people gather, the meeting has a spirit over it. Now it is possible there could be one person in the meeting whose mind is carnal, but if the minds of the other people are strong enough Christ will still be manifested. But we found out here over the last year, several times it has happened, that one person’s carnal mind was strong enough to break the bones of the Christ of all these believers.

So what does that mean? It means we must get stronger. We must get stronger. We must mature. Because the carnal mind is the sitting queen and she has a lot of spiritual authority and she will break Christ’s bones whenever she can. But we know that a mature Christ can break the bones of the carnal mind. So if Christ manifestation in you is broken by the carnal mind, all that it means is that He is immature in you and you need to confess that you do not have everything that there is to have and that Christ is immature in you and that you have to ask the Lord what you must do to have Him grow up in you. And I will tell you right out, number one, you must look on your sins. If you want a mature Christ in you, you must look upon your sins and you must look upon the sins of other people and if you are determined and intent on covering over everybody’s sins in the carnal mind you will not enter into a mature relationship with Christ. If you think everybody is good and you are making excuses for everybody, you are in infantilism -- in spiritual infantilism. If I have offended you I am sorry. I am here to tell you the truth. Do you know an infant lies in that crib and anyone that sticks a bottle in its mouth, it starts to suck? If there is cyanide poisoning in that bottle, it starts to suck. If ET manifested and put a bottle in that baby’s mouth he would take it from ET. As a child gets older you tell them when they walk the streets going to school, you do not take candy from strangers. Know those who you labor with. The Lord tries the motives of men’s hearts. If you are His Son, you try the motives of men’s hearts. If you are a Pharisee you think everybody is good and you make excuses for everybody’s sins and therefore, they continue in their sin. Judgment does not fall and they die. They die. And if God has called you to expose their sins, you have contributed to their death. The Lord said that if you do not tell them the truth their blood is on your hands.

Continuing with the third fifth of 1 Kings 19:11-12: And a great and strong wind before the Lord. Please note that I have taken the words before the Lord which appear after the words the rocks and I have moved those words. So we are making the third fifth of 1 Kings 19:11-12 to read: And a great and strong wind before the Lord. Let me read that again. Please note that we have placed the words before the Lord which appear after the words the rocks -- we have taken those words and we have placed them -- I cannot even read my own note. Please note that we have placed the words before the Lord which appear after the words the rocks -- we have placed them after the words the Lord passed by. That does not seem to be correct. Let me look at my Bible here. Glory to God.

And a great and strong wind. And we took the words after the word and break in pieces the rocks there is the phrase before the Lord. We have taken that phrase -- oh. I see what I said. And we have placed it after the words passed by. Oh, I see. After the words passed by and right now we are doing -- I guess it does not go after the words passed by. We are placing it after the words a great and strong wind. So that is a mistake in my notes. And a great and strong wind before the Lord. The word great is Strong’s 1419. We had this word in prior verses. It can be legitimately translated elder. And we have translated this word that says great one that can be considered elder, translated elder, and we have been translating it the Lord Jesus Christ. A great and strong wind. The Hebrew word translated wind is Strong’s 7307. It means spirit. And the Hebrew word translated strong is Strong’s 2389. Now, one of the many translations of this word strong is to be firm, or to be hardened. Earlier we were talking about spirit coming into this world system and what happens to it when it comes into this world? It becomes hard. It becomes hard. Exactly. It becomes hard. It takes form like an ice cube. And we will find out that this word translated strong -- it sounds like a very simple harmless word, strong -- in this chapter it is really talking about the Spirit of Christ or Jehovah Himself. Jehovah coming into the mind of a man and taking form. And when Jehovah takes form, His form is the mind of Christ. Absolutely.

I am not sure whether it is the mind of Christ or Christ Jesus. Pray for me, please. I have to get this straight. I am sure the Lord will tell me in due season. This word is used to refer to the Lord Christ in Isaiah 40:10. That word translated strong, it refers to the Lord Christ in Isaiah 40:10 if you would like to check that out. This great or elder Spirit I suggest to you is the Spirit of Christ. Now, how did we get from Jehovah to the Spirit of Christ? Remember that the Lord changes His name when He changes His function. Jehovah changes His name from Jehovah to the Spirit of Christ when he changes from Spirit to mind. And what is a mind? Can anyone give us the definition of a mind? Anybody?

            [UNINTELLIGIBLE] spirit?

That is close. A mind is the product or the offspring of the union. I am sorry. What did you say?

            The joining of the soul and the spirit of mankind?

Yeah. Well, that is true. But let me make it more specific. The joining of the male spirit with the reproductive part of the soul, which is the human spirit. The human spirit is a part of the soul, so it is correct to say the joining of soul and spirit produces a mind. But some people get confused as to what the human spirit is. The human spirit is a part of the soul just like a woman’s ovary is a part of the whole woman. So -- it is good to say it both ways. It is good to say it both ways. We will have it on the message for people with questions. So mind is the offspring or the product of the union between a male spirit and the soul -- and that specific part of the soul, which is the human spirit. So when Jehovah changes from being an unattached spirit to a mind -- and how does he change from being an unattached spirit to a mind? He appears in the next generation. Mind is the second generation of the Spirit of Jehovah. Can you hear this? Jehovah has married the soul, joined with the human spirit, think of a marriage, and there is an offspring and Jehovah, appearing in the next generation is in his mind. It is in a different form, the form of mind. We have had a lot of teaching here about next generation. We know curses go from generation to generation. Blessings go from generation to generation. Salvation goes from generation to generation. And it is not unheard of for a promise of God to someone to be visited on their offspring. If ever, if ever you know someone who received a promise of God and they died and did not receive it, do not be discouraged but look to the next generation and see if the Lord did not answer that prayer in the next generation. Now it may have been a false prophecy, but do not be naïve. God is greater than a 70- or an 80- or a 90-year life span and it is not unheard of to see His promises fulfilled in the next generation. It is common.

We saw the judgment upon David and Bathsheba visited upon the offspring of that illicit union. The baby died. I think it was King Hezekiah, I am not sure, who showed the King of Babylon all of the intimacies of the temple, all of the secret things of the temple, and it was the offspring of Hezekiah that would up in Babylon in captivity. So both curses and blessings and promises are fulfilled in future generations. If you can hear it, hear it. The Lord Jesus Christ said that our children are us. He said I know that you are the children of the ones that killed the prophets because you are doing the same thing. It is a mystery. It is a mystery. You are in a different flesh body and you have a different name but you are the same person that your ancestors were -- the same spiritual person. It is a great mystery but it is a spiritual truth that the Lord Jesus Christ speaks about. Glory to God.

Further, now we have a whole study on this word translated strong -- Strong’s 2389 -- further. This word, Gesenius tells us, is a masculine verbal adjective. It is masculine and it is a verbal adjective. First of all, let me remind you that an adjective -- does anybody know what an adjective is?


What does it describe?

            A noun.

A noun. All right. An adjective describes a noun and an adverb describes a verb. Modifies. Describes or modifies. OK? This verbal adjective, being masculine then, means that it must be modifying a masculine noun. The noun -- if the adjective is masculine that means the noun -- that which it is modifying -- must be masculine. The two have to agree. The term verbal adjective means that this is an adjective that acts like a verb. What does that mean? In other words, this word, translated strong, hard or firm -- those are all nouns -- strong, hard or firm -- when this verbal adjective is used it is translated -- well, you have to ask the question who or what becomes hard or firm? In other words, it is translated to become hard or firm. In other words if you have -- let us take it with water. You have water. You have firm water. That means the water is become firm. If you have hard water it means the water has become firm. So a verb is implied although it is not there. Does anyone not know what I am talking about? Everybody OK?

You do not know what I am talking about? I will say it one more time. What is the exact word? A verbal adjective, it has the effect of making the modified word a verb. Let me think of another example for you. That is a fixed -- that is a repaired -- that telephone is repaired. That is a repaired telephone. I do not know if that is a good example or not. There is no verb is in the Hebrew, but for me to tell you -- that is not a good example. Well, I really do not want to hold this up anymore, but for me to tell you that that telephone is repaired implies that there was a verb present when there was not a verb present. You do not know what I am talking about? OK. I am just going to have to go on. I cannot think of another example. OK. Let me give you this one. If we have a dress -- a dress pretty. In the Hebrew we see dress and pretty. OK? We have a noun, dress, and a verbal adjective which says pretty. There is no verb in the Hebrew is. It is just dress pretty. We know in good English it has to say the dress is pretty. So this verbal adjective pretty implies that you have to put a verb in it. The verb is. Do you hear it? OK.

I suggest to you then that Elijah’s elder brother, which is a pre-incarnate manifestation of Christ Jesus, became hard and firm, just as water vapor becomes hard and firm when exposed to cold temperatures. Now remember that Hell is the cold place. Hell is not hot. Hell is cold. Hell is dark. Hell is as far away from the sun as you can get. Our God is a consuming fire. It is a lie that Hell is the hot place. Satan lies about everything. The hot place is where God is. He is the sun, He is light, He is bright, He gives life. Darkness gives death. Nothing can live in the darkness. You cannot survive. The fire that is in Hell is the purifying influence of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Let me read you this note again. I suggest to you then that Elijah’s elder brother, the pre-incarnate Christ Jesus, became hard and firm just as water vapor becomes hard and firm when exposed to cold temperatures. Remember that Hell is the cold place and when the male spirit joins with the spirit of man, he becomes hard or he takes form. He takes the form of a mind. He is an invisible spirit and he takes the form of a mind as a result of the union with a female spirit. That is to say that Jehovah became the Spirit of Christ when he penetrated Elijah’s carnal mind and then he became the mind of Christ or Christ Jesus when He joined with Elijah’s human spirit. This is all Jehovah taking a different name for each form that He takes. Glory to God.

The word -- let me see -- the phrase that we are talking about -- And a great and strong wind before the Lord. The word before, Strong’s 6440, we had that earlier, it is the part of the face turned toward someone. Before -- it means the part of the face that is turned towards someone and the phrase is before Jehovah so we are talking about the part of the face which is turned towards Jehovah. That part which is seen, the part of Jehovah which is seen in His Christ. It is the mind of Christ. The phrase before the Lord Jehovah is talking about the mind of Christ. So what do we have? A great and strong wind means and the Spirit of Christ. Before the Lord, the mind of Christ.

Alternate Translation of a great and strong wind before the Lord: now this is not too clear. Just try and bear with me. I will clear it up for you. It is not in good English at this point. The third fifth of 1 Kings 19:11-12: And the Spirit of Christ joined with Elijah’s human spirit and the mind of Christ manifested. And a great and strong wind, the Spirit of Christ, the mind of Christ. It is not good English. And the Spirit of Christ, the mind of Christ. And I am amplifying that. And the Spirit of Christ joined with Elijah’s human spirit and the mind of Christ was or the mind of Christ manifested or the mind of the Christ came into existence. Is everybody OK?

Continuing with: And rent the mountains and brake in pieces the rocks. Well, the Spirit of Christ joined with Elijah’s human spirit and the mind of Christ manifested and the mountains were rent and the rocks were broken in pieces. Brethren, the mind of Christ is a warrior spirit. He is a warrior spirit. If you think He is here to give you a Cadillac you are mistaken. He is here to absolutely kill your carnal mind. He is here to destroy your carnal mind without mercy. There is only one problem. When He kills your carnal mind, you are there. And I got a little excited today because you have been hearing me preach this for a while and we have a Scripture for it. The example I give you was France during World War II. France was occupied by Germany and when the allies set out to liberate France they bombed France. They bombed French people. They bombed French businesses. They bombed French farms. And the French people were in travail. They may not have had food. Some of them may have lost loved ones. But the end result is that France, the totality of France, was liberated. So when God comes to get our human spirit free from the grip of the carnal mind and Satan, we are in the fire and we are feeling it and it hurts. And carnally-minded men look at this condition, it is called the tribulation. They look at the trials and the troubles and they say this cannot be God; it must be Satan. Either that or they call God perverse and they blaspheme Him. No, brethren, you are France and the Lord Jesus Christ is bombing you and your mind is so given over to Satan you do not know that you are held captive by him and that the only way you can get free is for the Lord Jesus Christ to bomb the whole man. So do not resist the judgment. Do not resist the judgment. The end of it is your liberty. And the Lord wants you to understand this. He is delivering you with understanding.

And the rocks -- what is the exact phrase? And the rocks -- and rent the mountains and brake in pieces the rocks. Rent, Strong’s 6561, means to break or crush bones and limbs. And it is used of a wild beast. Who is the wild beast? Who is the beast? The carnal mind is the beast. So the mind of Christ manifested and rent the mountains. He broke the bones of the mountains. Now, the first time this word appears, the word mountain, the first time it appears in verse 11, it is single. And Elijah said go forth -- Elijah Christ said and go forth and stand upon the mountain before the Lord. But the second time the word appears and the mind of Christ manifested and rent the mountains, the second time the word is plural. I suggest to you that the Spirit of Christ not only crushed Elijah’s carnal mind, but whose other carnal minds did He crush? Anybody?


Amen. Amen. Elijah’s carnal -- the mind of Christ manifested in Elijah in a powerful enough manifestation to crush the carnal minds of all of Israel that were trying to kill the prophet because he was exposing their sins and because he had destroyed their idols and he tore down the altars and he killed their false prophets whom they loved. Now, brethren, these idols could be in your heart. I believe it is in the Book of Isaiah we are told the idols could be in your heart. So the prophet of God in this hour -- you have to relate these Scriptures to yourself, the prophet of God in this hour is coming to all of us -- me, too -- all of us and exposing idolatry in our heart and tearing down our altars and killing the false prophets. I want to tell you. I want to tell you, every one of you, that you do not have the strength to stop your unconscious mind from hating the prophet that is doing it to you. I am telling you the truth. Now Christ in you has to rise up. Christ in you has to rise up and rebuke the false prophet in your own mind, who is hating the prophet of God that is exposing your sin. That is what you are required to do. If you cannot do it you should know that the prophet who exposed your sin is doing it for you at the end of this, no matter how pleasant or unpleasant it is for you, and everybody is different, is that your sin will come to the surface, will be exposed in front of witnesses. God will bring you, because of His mercy, to conviction and repentance and you shall be delivered and live and not die.


Praise God. Thank God for judgment. It is a life saver.

So the Spirit of Christ not only crushed Elijah’s carnal mind but the carnal minds of the sons of God who were strengthening her. That was rent the mountains. Now we find the carnal mind breaking pieces the rocks. Not the carnal mind. The mind of Christ brake in pieces the rocks. Rocks -- Strong’s 5553, that is pretty -- we have been talking about rocks for years. They typify spiritual powers, nothing too unusual about that. The rock. Rock typifies spiritual powers. Gesenius says that this word rocks, translated rocks, is masculine and singular. Now, any word that is masculine is Christ. Christ is the only masculine spirit. Gesenius says that this word is masculine and singular but almost never appears in the singular. That is what Gesenius says. Yet, I checked out the form of the word. It is masculine and singular. So who is masculine and singular? The undivided Christ is masculine and singular. The undivided Christ.

I suggest to you that the Spirit of Christ crushed the many-membered carnal mind which had taken Elijah captive. I do not know why I said the Spirit of Christ. It really should be the mind of Christ. The mind of Christ crushed the many-membered carnal mind which had taken Elijah captive and broke into pieces the satanic, unconscious mind of the sons of God which were joined as one man to Elijah’s own satanic, unconscious mind and they were manifesting together the unconscious minds of all of the sons of Israel, linked up with Elijah’s satanic, unconscious mind, and, as one man, stood up to kill the Christ that was in full stature in the prophet Elijah.

            Thank you, Jesus.

Alternate Translation: The fourth fifth of 1 Kings 19:11-12: And crushed the bones of the carnal mind and broke apart the unified satanic, unconscious minds of the sons of God which were manifesting as one man to kill Elijah’s Christ mind. They wanted to bring down the righteousness in him because the righteousness was taking away their pleasures. Was exposing the inner secrets of their hearts. That they were idol worshipers. That they were not sons of God. That they were rebellious and adulterous towards Jehovah and that they loved the spiritual filth that seeped into Israel through Jezebel and her false god, Baal. They were not being forced to worship Baal. They loved to worship Baal. And in this hour, this being a spiritual covenant, the church is filled with [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. Everybody, everybody, everybody. If you are not in full stature there is some area in your life where you are adulterous and worshipping other Gods. Everybody. And it does not matter if you are thinking, if you are hearing this message and you are thinking well, I just do it a little bit and that woman down the street does it a lot, you are a Pharisee because one point of the law can kill you. Or the infraction of one point of the law will kill you. And you are dead. That is why you are dead. It makes no difference to the Lord whether you are sinning in one little area, whether you are in denial and lying to yourself that there is pride in your heart or whether you are out there and you are a hooker on the street. On the contrary, the Scripture says the hookers are coming in first, brethren. Because their sins are blatant and exposed and open and they cannot deny it. But you, who are hiding your pride and hiding your hatred and hiding your rebellion and have a mask and a smile on your face saying that you are this great person of God, you are going to have trouble going in because you are not only hiding this sin from everyone else, you are hiding it from yourself.

If you really cannot see it how are you going to confess it and if you do not confess it how are you going to repent and if you do not repent how are you going to be forgiven? Because you have to confess and repent to be forgiven. So this is a great mystery. But people who have a spirit of Phariseeism are to be pitied in this spiritual context, of course. More so than the prostitute and the drunkard. If you can hear it, hear it. If you cannot, that is OK. Ask God to expose you. Ask God to expose you. I pray for God to expose me all the time. Daily I pray for Him to expose me. Because I know that if I hold on to my sins I am going to die. I am going to die down here in Hell. Now for the person who is thinking she is already dead, the Christ in me will die down here in Hell. And He is the only thing that is worth anything in my whole life. Jesus.

Let me read you this note gain. I suggest to you that the mind of Christ crushed the many-membered carnal mind, which had taken Elijah captive, and broke into pieces the satanic, unconscious mind of the sons of God, which were joined to Elijah’s satanic, unconscious mind and were manifesting as one man towards Elijah to kill his Christ mind.

Alternate Translation: The fourth fifth of 1 Kings 19:11-12: And Christ crushed the bones of the carnal mind and broke apart the unified satanic, unconscious minds of the sons of God which were manifesting as one man to kill Elijah’s Christ mind.

Continuing with the fifth fifth of 1 Kings 19:11-12: But the Lord was not in the wind and after the wind and earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. Let me tell you. The carnal mind is true to form. He just wants to be God and we have found consistently that Scriptures that pertain to the Lord Jesus Christ have been stolen by the carnal mind. Now, I would assume -- I could be wrong -- that almost everybody here, if not everybody here, we are all mature believers -- have heard this passage preached upon that Elijah was looking for the Lord and the Lord was not in the earthquake and He was not in the wind and he was not in the fire. But God spoke to Elijah through that still, small voice. Now, I have been preaching for years that an audible voice is a low spiritual realm. If God speak to you in an audible voice, it is a low spiritual realm. Now, do not get insulted. God talks to me from time to time in an audible voice. He talks to me in many different ways. But an audible voice communication with God is not something to be coveted. It is an immature realm. A mature communication with the Lord is either through symbols, which we had in the exhortation this morning. We have many believers receiving symbolic visions and dreams. But they do not understand what God is saying to them. God is speaking to you as a grownup and apparently you are not yet grownup enough to hold a grownup conversation.

But the fact that the Lord is speaking to you as a grownup means He intends to grow you up. So do not be condemned. Be encouraged. But symbols that need to be interpreted in accordance with an intense, deep knowledge of the Scripture is a much more mature communication between man and God than an audible voice in English. Can you hear that? English is your fallen language. It means God has come down to where you are to speak to you. When God speaks to you in symbols He is inviting you to come up where He is and when God invites you, it is just a matter of time until you come. And an even greater, mature method of communication -- I would say just about the greatest or the most mature method of communication between God and man is when the Lord joins Himself to your mind so completely that His communication to you is as your own thought. It comes in to your mind as your own thought because He has become you. And as you think, you think with the mind of Christ. That is the ultimate maturity of communication in Christ.

So what does this mean? God is not in the earthquake and God is not in the fire and God is not in the spirit but God speaks in a still, small voice. I suggest to you that is not the meaning of this phrase at all and that the still, small voice is Satan. So let me show -- I will show it to you. I will show it to you. I will show it to you. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


It is Satan though. Actually it is the carnal mind. It is Satan through his carnal mind. I will show it to you. OK. We are dealing with the phrase: But the Lord was not in the wind and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. Now I want you to know that I had one peck of trouble with this phrase and it was 2 o’clock in the morning and I told the Lord very boldly -- I got very bold last night. I was so tired that I wanted to cry and I could not cry and I was sitting there. I was pressing in at 2 o’clock in the morning and I told the Lord that if He did not give me this revelation I was going to sleep. Because I just could not see sitting there knocking my brain and my carnal mind for an hour and I recognized clearly that this was one of those phrases that if He did not tell me what it was there was no way I would ever get it. I could stare at that Scripture for the next 500 years and never know what that Hebrew meant if God did not tell me. And those of you that have been here for a while, you know that we come up against that from time to time. That it is a hidden message in the Scripture and if He does not tell me, forget it. So I gave it another five minutes and He told me and He told me pretty fast. He must have had mercy on me. He also gave me a miracle because I only slept three hours last night and as I was lying in bed I asked Him to please make it as a full night’s sleep. I have heard people do this before but He has never done it for me before. But I feel fine. He did it for me for the first time. So I am very grateful.

So let me try and show you what He showed me. You are going to have to pray about it because I cannot -- it is so botchy that I will just do the best I can, but you do not have to believe it if you do not want to. But I will show it to you as best as I can.

OK. First of all -- am I in the wrong place here? But the Lord was not in the wind. Oh, I see. OK. I did not -- OK. I see what I did. What I did was -- it was so confused I wrote out the Interlinear text. I am going to read you the Interlinear text which makes no sense at all. But my whole point in showing you the Interlinear text is to tell you that the translation that the King James translators put together was as much a manifestation of their understanding of these words that make no sense at all, as it is mine. We call it translator’s license. The words make -- the Hebrew text makes no sense at all. So the King James translators did the best they could with it but it has nothing whatsoever to do with what the Lord was saying. Does every -- does anybody not know what I am talking about? OK.

This is what the Interlinear reads -- I thought I typed it out but I guess I did not. The Interlinear reads: Not in the spirit was Jehovah and the unconscious -- well, I should really be using the exact words from the Interlinear to start with. I thought I typed it out and I did not. Not in the spirit was Jehovah. I typed in here unconscious mind but I must have replaced something else for that. OK. The word spirit appears twice. I made it unconscious mind. Not in the spirit was Jehovah and the spirit and the earthquake -- that is what I did -- and the earthquake. Not in the spirit was Jehovah and the spirit and the earthquake. That is what it says. So first of all we are going to start with -- and the word not appears three times. I do not know if it appears three times in the King James text or not. Let me see. And the Lord was not in the wind. That is one time. And after the wind an earthquake and the Lord was not in the earthquake. The second time. And after that the fire but the Lord was not in the fire. The word not -- the Hebrew word translated not appears three times. Now, Gesenius has a note in his lexicon and this is what he says -- he cites the Masoretic Text. It is some Hebrew text. I did not have time to look it up and see what it is, but some ancient Hebrew text. Grammatical text of the Hebrew language says that this Hebrew word, translated not with the exact same spelling, at least 15 times is translated to him - to him. At least three times in the Hebrew text the Hebrew word that really means to him is translated not. So we see the people that transcribed this Hebrew text interchanged the two words. Is anybody having a problem with that? You are having a problem with that?


OK. So I want to suggest to you that the correct translation of this word which is translated not is to him. The Scripture says three times to him -- to Satan -- to the carnal mind and to the whole man, Elijah. Hallelujah. Stay with me.

The second phrase is: To him in the earthquake was Jehovah and the spirit, the earthquake, a fire. Makes no sense at all. OK. Then, of course, there is the third phrase: But to him in the fire was Jehovah, the spirit, the fire, a voice. That is what the King James translators had to work with. So we are translating the not to him. We are translating the spirit in, I think, two of the cases we are translating it Jehovah and in one of the cases we are translating it the realm of the spirit. And we are translating the earthquake, the carnal mind. Let me give you that one. I will tell you how I got that. The Hebrew word translated earthquake, Strong’s 7494, means the noise of chariots, horses running, battle, trembling, the brandishing of a spear. Now those of you that have been studying here for a while, you know that the carnal mind is a weapon; Satan’s weapon is the spear that Satan is brandishing. You may recall that chariots refer to the soul realm and the carnal mind manifests and exists in the soul realm and that the whole concept of war involves the carnal mind’s warfare or Christ’s warfare against the carnal mind. The warfare takes place in the realm of the mind. Is everybody OK? OK.

This is what we got. If I can find my place. Oh, and the fire. The fire is Strong’s 784, our God is a consuming fire, so I will suggest to you that the fire is the power of God. The power of God which is attacking Satan and the carnal mind. That is what this is all about. This phrase is all about the battle. Elijah cried out for help. Jehovah manifested, sent the Spirit of Christ, Christ formed Christ Jesus, the mind of Christ in Elijah. The mind of Christ manifested and went after Satan and the carnal mind which had taken captive Elijah’s human spirit. There is a full scale warfare going on here to make Satan and the carnal mind let go of Elijah’s spirit. Why? So that Christ Jesus could marry Elijah’s spirit and bring forth the mind of Christ in the man Elijah so that mind of Christ could capture the carnal mind, paralyze it and catch Elijah back up to full stature. Is everybody OK? That is what this verse is all about.

Let me give you an Alternate Translation here. Apparently I went right through. Let me give you the last few words. Still small voice. Still, Strong’s 1827, it means silence. Small, Strong’s 1851, it is used, Gesenius says, of fine dust. It means emaciated, withered limb. Now, do not tell me that word describes our God. You devil. You lying devil. Neither is God emaciated or a withered limb. Leviticus 21:30 translates this word, translated small, Strong’s 1851, as dwarf. As you may know, a dwarf cannot be a priest or have anything to do with the holy rites under the Old Covenant. It is a bad word.


Small. Strong’s 1851. Leviticus 13:30 describes this same word, Strong’s 1851, as a thin hair which shall make one unclean. If you have one of these you cannot enter into the congregation. Isaiah 40:15 uses this word, translated small, Strong’s 1851, to describe the nothingness of the nations compared to the Lord. Isaiah 40:15. Behold the nations are as a drop of a bucket and are counted as the small dust. Strong’s 1851. And are counted as the small dust of the balance. Behold, he taketh up the isles -- the Lord taketh up the isles as if they were nothing. It is talking about Satan, brethren. The word small is talking about Satan. And the word voice can be either the voice of God or man. OK. Let me back up a little here.

The word after appears -- and after the wind and earthquake but the Lord was not in the wind. The word after appears several times. The word after is Strong’s 310 and it means behind, the hinder parts, following behind. I want to suggest to you, brethren, that the meaning of this word is that the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ got into Elijah’s mind and He got behind Satan and He got behind the carnal mind and He was chasing them so that He could kill them. He was behind them, beheading them. So let us see. I did work up some Alternate Translation here. OK. Now, also, the phrase and it was which is in verse 13, verse 13 says: And it was so, when Elijah heard it. That verb, it was, is a part of verse 12. And now I will put the whole thing together for you. We need a verb in there. You may have noticed there were no verbs. To him in the spirit -- well, very few verbs. To him in the spirit was Jehovah, the spirit, the earthquake. To him the earthquake was Jehovah and the spirit, the earthquake a fire. But to him in the fire was Jehovah, the spirit, the fire, a voice. So we are going to take the verb to be from the beginning of verse 13. It is Strong’s 1961. Let me try and walk you through this. I am just going to read you this note.

I believe I heard from the Lord about the translation of this phrase. As always you are free to say yea or nay. It is a difficult translation so even though it is not going to make any sense to you at all, I would like to read the Interlinear text to you. I guess this is where I put it in. I do not know where I put it in. Three o’clock in the morning. I would like to read the Interlinear text to you as follows: To him in the spirit was Jehovah and behind the spirit a carnal mind. To him in the carnal mind was Jehovah and behind the carnal mind a fire but to him in the fire, Jehovah was, and behind the fire, a voice, a whisper, small, it was said. What I did there was I replaced the word earthquake with carnal mind. That is what I did. Now, where did I get whisper from? A still small voice. I must have forgotten to tell you what that meant. A still, small voice -- the word translated still, the Interlinear translates it whisper, 1827, and it means silence. Now, we have a whole message here on the whisper of the serpent and you may recall that God speaks in loud, clear words -- not necessarily words. But either we were talking about the dream this morning. When God communicates it is in strong, clear, crisp symbols but Satan whispers. Your visions and your dreams are muted. They are not clear. He is hard to understand. OK? So the still voice, it is a silent voice or a whispering voice. It is a voice that is less than God. But we will translate it silence. Let me give this to you.

I am going to amplify this. I am just going a step at a time so you can follow me. To him, the spirit of Satan, Jehovah was a spirit and chasing behind the spirit, a carnal mind. To him in the carnal mind was Jehovah and chasing behind the carnal mind a fire. But to him who was in the fire -- who was in the fire?


No. The whole man, Elijah, he was in the fire. To him that was in the fire was and behind the fire a voice of the dust which was to be silenced. Now listen to this. To Satan, Jehovah was a spirit chasing behind him and the carnal mind, to overtake them. To the carnal mind, Jehovah was a fire chasing behind her, but to Elijah, the whole man, the one who was in the fire, Jehovah was a fire chasing after the voice of the dust to silence her. To your unconscious mind, Satan, Jehovah is an enemy. He is chasing after her and He is chasing after your carnal mind, your unconscious and your conscious mind. Jehovah is their enemy and he is chasing after them to destroy them. But to you, to the whole you, He is your Savior, who was destroying your enemy. The whole problem is that, in this hour, some of us cannot see clearly and we are so joined to Satan in our minds, and there is no shame in this, we are so joined to Satan in our minds that when we see Jehovah coming to chase after our unconscious and our carnal minds to kill her -- and how does Jehovah come? Jehovah comes in a prophet that is manifesting the mind or in a Son that is manifesting the mind of Christ. When we see Him coming at us we perceive Him as the enemy of our soul and we rise up to defend ourselves. But the word of the Lord to you is I am against your unconscious mind and I am against your conscious mind which is filled with sin but I am not against you for you are the beloved of my heart and my betrothed and I have come to save you. Hallelujah. But you are there in the same place with your strong enemy and sometimes you are so blinded that you cannot tell who is you and who is your strong enemy and it looks to you like I am coming to hurt you, says the Lord, but I am not. I am coming to save you. Hallelujah.

Jehovah fights the spirit, or the unconscious mind as a spirit. He fights the conscious mind, which is the carnal mind, as a fire and fire signifies the war-like spiritual power of God in the soul realm. You may recall that in verse 6 of 1 Kings 19, we translated the phrase hot coals as the lightening spiritual power of God. But to Elijah, the one who was in the midst of the fire because the Lord was attacking his carnal mind, the Lord was a deliverer. The Lord was a deliverer who was chasing after the voice of the dust, a still small voice, the voice -- the word small is dust -- the voice of the dust who was to be silenced -- still. He was chasing after the voice of the dust or Satan in Elijah’s conscious mind to shut her up. Jehovah was after the spirit of Satan to overtake him and destroy him. He was after Elijah’s conscious mind, the carnal mind, to overtake her and destroy her, but to the whole man Elijah, Jehovah was a deliverer who was coming to silence the voice of Satan coming through his conscious mind, the carnal mind. The whole man was so intricately woven together with his carnal mind that there was no separation and you cannot see the separation until the judgment is over because the end of the judgment, the fruit of the judgment, is the destruction of the conscious mind and the destruction of the unconscious mind, but the liberation of your human spirit, to marry her new husband, Christ. If the mind of Christ is not actively functioning in you enough for you to perceive this warfare, OK, you have to wait to perceive the fruit of the warfare.

And if the Lord is after you, whether your eyes can see or whether you are blind, if the Lord has received you, you are in and there is no place to run. So there will be a category of people whose eyes may never open until it is all over. I do not know. It is possible. But there are a lot of people that are crying out to God day and night, crying out day and night, Jesus, help me, Jesus, save me, Jesus, help me, Jesus, save me, and they cannot see that they are alienated against God in their mind. That their carnal mind is opposing their Christ mind. That they are opposing themselves. That their mind is reprobate and when they cry out Jesus, help me, Jesus, help me, Jesus, help me, He is coming, not to the one that you perceive to be your enemy but He is coming to you to correct what is wrong in your thinking that is keeping you in this ungodly condition. So when Jesus comes to set them free they decide that it is Satan because they cannot believe that the Lord Jesus Christ would come to rain down judgment on them. It is that guy over there. He is mistreating me. He is beating me. He is controlling me. He hates me. He is jealous of me. No. You are failing to stand up and take the victory in righteousness which is in Christ. The answer is not to punish your enemy.

The answer is that righteousness should appear in you and then, when righteousness appears in you, then he goes after your enemy. But righteousness must first appear in you. You must do what is right. As we had in the exhortation this morning, do not retaliate. If you cannot respond in Christ, do not do -- cast it away, but do not hurt the person and then Christ is your defense. But when you are doing the wrong thing, when your response to affliction is carnal, no matter what that other person is doing to you, the Lord is coming to you first. He is taking the opportunity of this affliction to teach you what you are doing wrong. He is taking the opportunity of your travail to expose your sins before the sinners. Now, to the carnal mind, this makes no sense at all. The guy is killing me. I cannot take it another second. And you are correcting me? Yes. Yes. The judgment of humanity has begun. It is beginning in the church with the elders thereof. Do not tell me about your husband, ladies. And do not tell me about your wife, gentlemen. And do not tell me how bad your children are. Because the Lord wants to fix you and He is not about to take these irritations out of your life until you have completely overcome them in Christ. So your overcoming saves you from death and then, when you overcome, the Lord turns His face towards your family, who you think is your enemy, but is not your enemy. Satan is your enemy. Your husband is not your enemy. Your wife is not your enemy. Your mother-in-law is not your enemy. Your enemy is spiritual. So when you overcome you move yourself into salvation and you move your enemies into salvation. So you must overcome. Because everybody is waiting on you. Everybody is depending on your ability to overcome in Christ because you are the Christian. And the heathen that is killing you does not have an overcoming weapon. You have the weapon. So you must fight to save everybody in this horrendous ungodly [UNINTELLIGIBLE] that you are involved in.

First you overcome your own carnal mind, then you overcome your husband or your wife’s carnal mind, and then the rest of the family, and then He sends you to people that you are not naturally related to and this is how the world shall be saved. By having their mind made righteous again. And it is not easy and it does not happen overnight and it does not happen without pain. We see that the Scripture is saying that the Lord wages war against Satan and the carnal mind on two different levels, while at the same time, He is a savior to the man in whom Satan and this carnal mind are manifesting. It is amazing.

Alternate Translation: The fifth fifth of 1 Kings 19:11-12: And in the realm of the spirit Jehovah chased after Satan to overtake him and in Elijah’s conscious mind and the conscious minds of the Sons of God, Jehovah chased after their carnal minds to overtake them. But to the man Elijah, the one who was in the fire, Jehovah was a source of spiritual power which was silencing the voice of the dust which had overtaken him.

Please note that the Interlinear text names Satan once and the carnal mind twice, indicating that Satan is one spirit in the minds of the many, but that the individual has his own carnal mind, which we are all responsible for, brethren.

Amplified Translation: The fifth fifth of 1 Kings 19:11-12: And Jehovah chased after and overtook Satan and the unconscious mind of the Sons of God and He chased after and overtook the carnal mind and their conscious minds, but to Elijah, Jehovah was a source of spiritual power who was silencing the voice of the carnal mind which was trying to kill him.

Alternate Translation: The whole of 1 Kings 19:11-12: And Christ Jesus said, let your human spirit be liberated and arise into the mind of Christ and there it was, Jehovah overshadowed Elijah’s carnal mind and penetrated her and the Spirit of Christ joined with Elijah’s human spirit and the mind of Christ was formed in Elijah and the Spirit of Christ chased after and overtook Satan in the unconscious mind of the Sons of God and Christ Jesus chased after and overtook the beast in their conscious minds -- that is the carnal mind -- and the Spirit of Christ broke Satan’s power and divided the unified unconscious mind of the Sons of God and the mind of Christ crushed the bones of the carnal mind and Elijah’s carnal mind died. Nevertheless, despite all His war-like behavior, Jehovah was a source of spiritual power to Elijah, which silenced the voice of the beast, which was trying to kill him.

            [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. It is a comment.

I have looked at this thing for years. Never, ever would I ever thought it was this. Never in a million years.


            Praise God.

            What bothers me is that -- how come the King James did not interpret the still small voice as what you just brought out?


I do not want to talk without a microphone but [UNINTELLIGIBLE] we painted, so it is on the table.

            [They were carnal.]

They were carnal.

            Oh. They were carnal?


            Oh. Oh, I see.

            But then they got it wrong. They got -- they got it wrong, right? Because --

Yeah. They got it wrong.

            As far as their interpretation, right? In the Scriptures they are saying the Lord was not in this, this and this, but He was in this. So that is not right.

[UNINTELLIGIBLE] backwards. The carnal mind, left to his own devices always get it backwards.

            And in your original Hebrew that is not what it says. It does not say the Lord was in this, this --

No. I read it to you -- what it says. It made no sense at all what it said. It was just a bunch of words.

            Right. So they put it together wrong.


            Needless to say, I was pretty much lost on the whole thing, but you were saying something about exposing sins and you did not say how, really. Whose sins and why? Is it supposed to be by prayer or what?

This is the general season for everybody’s sins to be exposed. OK? But each man in his own order. It is not -- it is the season to have sins exposed.


Well, Christ is in a man, OK? So it -- God has to be in control of it. First, He comes to the individual and He shows you your sins. He will speak to you or He will give you a dream. And some people can hear and some people cannot hear. Some people can hear a little bit. Some people can hear some sins and others cannot hear other sins. Why? Because they have a mental block against it because they have a problem in overcoming it. So all of the sins that God shows you that you can hear Him, that you are willing to acknowledge that God said it, that it is in you, and confess and repent, then there is no reason for Him to send a man to you. But if there is a sin, He has been speaking to you about it for a long time, you have been in church, it has been preached about but you could never relate that sin to you, you are just having trouble confessing that it is in you, He will send a man to you. OK? It could be your husband. It could be your mother. It could be me. If you read my book, He had me corrected by a total stranger on a line in an airport. OK? And the more resistant you are the more likely He has to be to send someone who will be very blunt to you. You see? So I heard it from that woman in the airport so it was not necessary for Him to send a Son to me. Although God has sent people to me but it is very rare. He did send somebody once with rejection. I did not know I had rejection. I did not realize that what was troubling me was rejection. I could not put my finger on it. And apparently He must have told me because I could not hear it because He sent someone to me and they told me right to my face, that is rejection. So I said what? That is rejection. And there have been a couple of things -- not too often, but there have been a couple of things that someone has said to me and I said no, I do not think so. But I give God all the glory. I always pray about everything I hear. And He will come to me and say yes, that discernment was right. It is true. And then I start waging the warfare myself so pretty much, pretty much with me, it is between me and God. Not 100 percent. 98 percent. But some people -- and there is no shame in this -- some people cannot do that. It is awesome to be that bold and that -- that is not the word. Vicious is not the word either. To be that bloody. To see your sins to that degree. It is -- I cannot think of the word I want to use. It is very -- some people just cannot bear it. God loves them enough, people like this that really cannot bear to see their own sins, God loves them so much that He will send a Son to them to tell them, knowing that that person is going to rise up and attack the Son, either with their mouth or unconsciously. He literally takes a Son of God in the making and sacrifices them by saying: I want you to go and tell that person the truth, no matter what they do to you. If they kill you I will raise you from the dead. If they wound you I will heal you. And the end of it is they are going to be raised from the dead. I want you to die for them.

So the more ability everybody has to judge themselves, the more likely you are to be sent to other people. Until you take the victory of seeing your own heart, it is not likely that He will send you to other people. Now, you may be a person who is having trouble seeing their own heart and you are telling people their sins all the time, then you have to really get before God and find out if it is Christ in you doing that or if it is your carnal mind doing it because if it is your carnal mind showing people their sins when you cannot look upon and confess your own sins, then you are judging before the time and it is witchcraft and you are in sin. So without any condemnation anywhere God wants everybody to stand up. He is not condemning anybody in this hour. There is no more condemnation in Christ Jesus. He wants you to stand up. He wants you to be a vessel of righteousness because the whole world is waiting to be judged. The world is waiting for His judgments because without His judgments we are dead and we are going to stay dead. So God’s motive in showing you your sins is to make you the righteousness of Christ.

[UNINTELLIGIBLE]. Judging by what you said about the still quiet voice being the voice of the carnal mind, I am a little bit perplexed. Remember that dream I had Monday night where I actually woke up at 4 o’clock in the morning and I heard this overpowering voice. I did not hear anything it said, but it was overpowering. I automatically assumed it was the carnal mind. That the Lord was showing me the power of the carnal mind that it could block out everything. Now I am questioning -- is that the mind of Christ?

The loud voice?

            Yeah. It was an overpowering loud --

But you cannot remember what it said?

            Not a word. But I was -- I thought it was a voice.

Did you have a good feeling or a bad feeling?

            I would say bad, I think, because I automatically -- during the course of the day I assumed -- I thought about being over in India and hearing the -- the sound of Krishna music.

I have an answer for you. [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. It was the voice of the Lord because if -- if it was the carnal mind, you would remember what it said. You see, we do not have any trouble remembering what the carnal mind says. We just have trouble remembering what the Lord says. I know that lots of times God gives me an instruction and it is -- we have even found it in the Scripture. Eve said, now what did the Lord say, you know? So the fact that you could not remember it --

            The voice actually did not speak. It did not speak.

OK. But it was a powerful -- OK. This is what is in my heart. You do not have to believe it if you do not want. That it was the Lord and He was exalting Himself to you because -- because we know that you are struggling with this -- this whole message is for you. It is not that it is not for anybody else, but the whole message is for you. You have to know that. I know you know that. So He knows that you are struggling with that and I believe He was exalting Himself to you even though you could not hear what He said, He was saying to you: Mary, in the near future I will speak so loudly to you that I will overshadow your carnal mind.


And you shall hear my voice, sayeth the Lord. And I shall silence the mouth of the dust sayeth God. And I shall anoint your ears with [UNINTELLIGIBLE] and you shall hear me sayeth God and you shall confess your sins and repent and I shall forgive you sayeth God and purge you of your sins and you shall go forth in the resurrected life of the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall break the curses on humanity and set my people free. Hallelujah.

            I have not looked [UNINTELLIGIBLE] in a long time and I just came because [CROSSTALK]. I will try here.

           PASTOR VITALE:  This prophecy was November 17, 1985. Sister, you have been anointed to set the captives free. You have a ministry of blessings by the laying on of your hands.

            That is what I was just thinking.

            [CROSSTALK] captives free.

            PASTOR VITALE: Mary, I think this is for you. I feel that what the Lord was saying when you kept -- that whole day after you awakened up with that and you -- it sounded like over in India. I feel that the enemy is never going to be able to change it. You are going to know when it is God. You are going to know it. It is going to be loud and clear.


He is going to do it for you. He is going to do it through you because you are greatly beloved.

We were asking that we cannot hear the voice because we crush it down sometimes so it sounds further off in the distance because our carnal mind is resisting it. Sometimes I have asked the Lord if I could do something or if I should do this and I heard immediately -- boom -- NO. And I did not receive that as the Lord. It was like a condemnation. And so I would wait. I would say: I do not receive that. I do not think that is the Lord. I said: Lord if it is You, please show me. Otherwise I am going to go ahead and do it because I do not hear that as God. But it is a loud voice. But it is like NO. And I do not think that is God.

You try the spirit.


PASTOR VITALE: Ask for a witness.

            Yeah. I ask for it all the time.

            I am thinking of that one time that the Lord spoke to me in my kitchen and it was lightning and thunder and it came down. I mean it was like lightning that went right into the depths of my being and I always consider that is how He talks to me when He wants to get His point across in no uncertain terms.

            In response to my question? Or no?


            Sometimes Satan can jump up and scream too, can he not?

Let me just -- you have to try the spirit, but the time is coming and already is that we will find ourselves in circumstances where you do not have time to try the spirit and what I do, and I recommend it to everybody, is that the first word out of my mouth is Jesus and then I go and do what I feel I have to do. I say Jesus and then I do whatever comes to me. Believing in faith that He is going to honor that faith and He is going to be in whatever I do if it is an emergency. But if you have time you have to try the spirit on everything.

            What about that dream you had where the carnal mind was in there yelling and screaming and you had to kick it out. It was louder than the voice of God.

It was louder than the voice -- well, I was not in full stature. So there are many different circumstances. You really have to try that spirit very carefully and there is safety in a multitude of counselors. Just make sure that you -- that the counselors that you seek have been sent to you by God. Even though somebody -- somebody could be a person of God but God may not have sent them to you to be a witness in this counsel. So you just have to be careful. Do not panic. Do not be frightened. Fear is of the carnal mind. Just pray diligently and give yourself to God in faith and He is going to keep you.

            In the teaching you said that the carnal mind can break the bones of Christ and to me it just -- being that Christ is the Anointed One, and all powerful, I am not sure -- I was going to ask you to elaborate on that because I do not understand how Christ could be crushed because I thought He was the one that would be the one that would crush the carnal mind.

That is an excellent question. The situation is that this is Satan’s world. We are down here in Hell and Satan is the prince of this world. Christ is the invading force. OK? And the carnal mind is the sitting queen on everybody’s mind here. Christ is the one that has to fight to manifest. It is like saying that Christ is the Son of God, but right now He is in enemy territory and He is reproducing Himself in this realm and growing the second generation of Christ, Christ Jesus. He is growing Him up from seed, so Christ Jesus, until He is a full-fledged God is as a servant and under tutors and governors and is capable of being cast down and needing to be rebuilt as Christ grows up to the point where He is an overcoming male adult. Now the Lord Jesus Christ is glorified and all powerful. OK? When I say the bones of Christ are broken, I am talking about the second generation of Christ, which is us that are coming up. We do not have the spirit without measure. Christ is growing up as a root out of dry ground in us and the carnal mind is continuously trying to suffocate Him and crush Him. We have a whole message on that.

            Is that what it means that it says it is possible for the Son of God to be crucified afresh?


Exactly. The Lord Jesus Christ cannot be crucified afresh. He is glorified. But He is reproducing Himself in us and, I mentioned it earlier, it is a mystery. But spiritually speaking, we are no different than our parents. We are the same man as our parents, so the Lord Jesus Christ is indestructible, but there is a second generation of Christ that is destructible until it reaches maturity and the Lord perceives that second generation of Christ, which is us, as Himself. Therefore the Scripture says it is possible to crucify the Lord of Glory again. Not the glorified Lord Jesus Christ, but Christ in us is capable of being crucified again. The Christ that is being raised up in, Christ Jesus. OK?

            The question that he asked me, when the carnal mind is cast into the bottomless pit, 4,000 years in chains -- does this event -- is it called full stature or the second stage of resurrection?

That is full stature. The second stage of resurrection is the circumcision without hands. The binding of Satan in the bottomless pit where he cannot manifest, which means your only mind is the Christ mind, is full stature. And, in fact, the symbolic meaning of the number 1,000 is full stature. OK? The second stage of the resurrection that is the stage that we have the least information about. It is the circumcision without hands. You see, when Satan is bound in the bottomless pit Christ is still underneath the carnal mind. Christ is strong enough to bind up Satan while He is still lying underneath the carnal mind. Then the next stage is that Christ passes through. We talked about that today. He passes through the carnal mind and manifests on top of him and that is the circumcision without hands it the second stage. And the third stage is the glorification which makes everything permanent and unchangeable. OK?

            OK. Praise the Lord.

12/01/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion 

12/08/14 1st Edit CAS/MJS

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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