Part 2 of 8 Parts
The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
And the message is a continuation of the series we started on Elijah. You may recall that the f- -- I preached one message on it, and it was -- it was an exhortation where I did not look up every word. And I was right on in a lot of areas, but when I looked up every word, the major point that I messed up on is that I believed from the King James translation -- excuse me -- that Elijah -- what I preached to you was this: that Elijah was not a natural man. Some people say Elijah was a pre-incarnate manifestation of Christ, but I declared to you that he was not on that message because after Jezebel threatened his life, he fell down, became quaveringly frightened and suicidal and had to cry out to God like a quivering little baby. And I preached it. It was a good message. I reviewed it, and -- but what I said to you was all this proves is that he was a natural man, and I believe I also said on that message that somewhere, somehow from deep within himself, he must have cried out to God to raise him up again, and thus, the angel appeared to him and touched him.
And what I teach here, one of the things I teach here is that no matter how desperate you are, I do not care if your body is totally paralyzed, I do not care how afflicted you are, spiritually or emotionally, all you have to do was get out the thought, Jesus, I repent, I cannot help myself, please help me. You do not even have to speak it; just think it. If you could do that, he has heard you.
So that was what I preached on the message. Somehow Elijah must have gotten that thought out, and when I worked up the first -- I have verses three, four and five for you. The message is so glorious. I cannot wait to preach it to you. It is an absolutely glorious message. And none of that is true, none of that is true; Elijah was not suicidal, and he was not a sniveling little coward. It is the same carnal mind that interpreted those scriptures that way as the carnal mind which portrays Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane begging the Father to deliver him from the cross, which we found out was not true. And what we find -- or what I found in those three verses of 1 Kings 19 was a glorious message of a faithful servant of God who was overcome by his carnal mind. Why? He was frightened. His life was threatened. Jezebel threatened his life. And the fear was enough to make him let go of his Christ life, and he let go. The fear -- put pressure on him and knocked him down. He let go. And he spiritually fell, but he was not sniveling, crying or suicidal. He was strong in his fall. What do I mean? He recognized what happened to him. He confessed what happened to him. He confessed that he let go. It was not God’s fault. He let go. And he cried out to God. And behold, an angel. Even the high priest of Jehovah, the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to him and reversed the fall. Glorious.
1 Kings 19:3. “And when he saw that, he arose and went for his life and came to Beersheba, which belongeth to Judah and left his servant there.” The Interlinear says, “And he saw and arose and went for his life.” And I point out to you that it is not clear who these verbs are speaking about, and he saw -- we are not even sure who “he” is -- and arose -- there is not even a pronoun in the Interlinear and went -- so of course the carnal mind assumes that all three verbs are speaking about Elijah, but I suggest to you that that is not correct, and as we have been finding out here is the Lord has been teaching us for quite a season now, the true understanding of this scripture is hidden deeply, and we must be a detective and ask many questions and investigate deeply to find out what the Lord is really saying.
And, again -- once again, in case anyone is picking up this message for the first time, I am in no way against the King James translation. I believe there is great good that could be had out of it. But for those of us who are seeking to go on into the deep things of God, we want to know the deep, hidden, spiritual, fullest extent of the truth that God has for us in these words, and I remind you that the King James translators -- they just gathered up all the Hebrew words, which are very abbreviated, as I just showed you, and they made the best sense out of it that they can. In most instances, however, they related to men, such as Elijah, and such as Jesus of Nazareth in the Garden, they related to him, or they imputed onto him the qualities or the characteristics of a carnal man. Why? Because the translators themselves were carnal, and when they came to translate these words, they -- in some measure would say, well, how would I have felt in that situation? If I had just killed all the prophets of Baal and Jezebel threatened to kill me, I would run for my life. And they looked at the words in the Hebrew, and it looked like they could possibly translate these Hebrew words accord- -- in accordance with that mindset, and that is what they did, but I declare to you, there is another mind in the earth today, and that these scriptures, these words can be translated with the mindset of Christ, and that is what we are doing here, and I do not agree in this context at all that Elijah was a sniveling, cowardly crybaby. He was a powerful, anointed man of God who was not in full stature, who was hit with a bomb from the carnal mind, his very life was threatened by someone who had the power to do it to him, and he lost it for a brief moment. But in the second that he was losing it, as he was going down, he was crying, Lord Jesus, save me from myself. And from the second that thought went out, verbalized or not, I do not know, his deliverance was on the way. Can you hear this? Very exciting. I am very excited.
So the Interlinear says, “And he saw and arose and went for his life.” And I suggest to you -- I believe there are three different subjects for these three verbs, and when he saw -- the word “when” is not in the Hebrew -- the word “saw” is Strong’s 7200. Now this word, I have translated many times to see. It is a common Hebrew word, “to see,” but there are other usages even in the King James translation. There are several times it is translated “to respect, to give respect,” quite a few times. I did not count them up for you, but at least I would say, three to five times I personally saw, and I did not do an exhaustive search. I saw it translated “to give respect,” and three times, or two times, it is translated, “to disrespect.” And I will give you those scriptures. Job 37:34 and Job 41:26, the same Hebrew word translated “to see” is translated “to disrespect.” And in a third instance, in the Song of Solomon, Chapter 1, Verse 6, the same word is used; it is translated, “Do not look upon me,” but it is obvious from the context that the woman is saying, “Do not disrespect me; I am in terrible shape; I have fallen; do not look on me and see my disrespect,” so although it is translated “Do not look at me,” the context is obviously disrespect; “do not look upon me, it will be a disrespect unto me,” I am -- it is like, h- -- as if you would see a woman walking down the street nude and you would turn away, you would not look at her. You would not look upon her shame. Do not disrespect me by looking at me.
OK. The word “arose” -- “And when he saw, he arose.” This is Strong’s 6965. And it means “to arise” -- you can rise up from a bed or a couch. It can also be translated, “to arise against someone, to rise up and attack someone,” and it could also mean, “to exist or go forth,” and those of you that have been studying here for a while know that “to exist or go forth” can mean “to manifest, to manifest that which is unseen is now seen.” That is what a manifestation is. If you are talking about an ungodly manifestation, we are saying that equality within us, rebellion, anger, hate, whatever, is not of God, that you cannot see because of -- because we are socialized, because we are trained to not act like that, because it is not socially acceptable. When that potential in us rises up and shows itself, we call it a manifestation. Well, the carnal mind could be lying underneath Christ. You could be living in Christ for days, and then the carnal mind rises up and manifests, or you could be living out of the carnal mind for days, and suddenly, the spirit will hit you, and Christ will arise and manifest. Spirits manifest. Christ manifests, and the carnal mind manifests. Any spirit which is not seen and then is seen has manifested. Amen.
So someone arose -- or we could say someone manifested -- or someone rose up hostilely against someone and went -- Strong’s 3212. This word in the Lexicon, it merely listed to mean, “to go,” but it is from a root word, Strong’s 1980, which can be translated, “to worship, to go away, to make vanish, to cause to perish, to have intercourse with, or to go into, or a robber,” so the word that appears in the Hebrew, Strong’s 3212 had only two definitions, which is very unusual for the Hebrew, merely “to go.” But we see the root word that it comes from means “to go, to go away, to go into.” It means more than “to go,” [?though?], so we have all of these choices. In other words, the word “to go” is incomplete. You have to ask the question, to go where?
“And when he saw, he arose and went for his life and came to” -- “and went for his life,” the word “for,” Strong’s 413, means, “because of, or according to, or under.” He went down under his life. He went down under his life. And the Hebrew word translated “life” is 5315, and it means “breath” or “mind,” and I remind you that Elijah had two minds. He had a carnal mind, and he had the Christ mind, so when the Scripture says he went down under his mind, we have to ask himself, which mind went down under which mind? Do you hear this? If his Christ mind was up and his carnal mind was down, and the Scripture says that he went down under his mind, then it means his Christ mind went down under his carnal mind. If his carnal mind was up and his Christ mind was down, that means his carnal mind went down under the authority of Christ, and we find this in the Scriptures all the time. It is a great mystery. Why? Because the true hidden manner is hidden. Jesus clearly stated the mysteries of the Scripture are not for everyone’s ears. They are for the ears of the disciples. Do not let anyone tell you that the Gospel is simple. It is a lie. It is not as sim- -- it is not simple. And the scripture that sounds like it is saying that does not mean that. Means something completely different. This gospel is hidden. It is deep. It is heavy. And you have to dig to understand it. And you have to ask yourself questions: which mind? Let me remind you that the Hebrew language in particular is so rich that almost every word that you look up has a series of meanings that oppose one another, has a series of meanings that are positive and a series of meanings that are negative. It confused me for years until I found out. Certain definitions would be -- for the word “mind,” for example, would be applied to the carnal mind, and certain definitions of that same word would be applied to the Christ mind, and the definitions applied to the Christ mind would be positive, and the definitions applied to the carnal mind would be negative. So what am I saying? This Hebrew language is devised apparently with a hidden knowledge, not -- with an unobvious knowledge that everything in life that we talk about can either be applied to Christ or the carnal mind. And when the carnal mind does it, it is sin and negative, and when Christ does it, it is godly and it is righteous, and it is positive. That is the explanation for all these Hebrew words that have definitions that radically oppose one another. I could not understand it for years.
Celie [SP], could you [INAUDIBLE]?
Alternate Translation: first half of 1 Kings 19:3, “And he disrespected and came into existence and caused to perish because of his mind.” Does not make much sense. So let us follow it through. Now, remember, when you translate from one language to another, this is what your text sounds like. Your text is not automatically in good English when you translate from one language to another. So the first thing you do is translate the verbs and then the nouns and then based on your own personal experience, if you are a translator, you put this thought or these thoughts into good English. The King James translators being carnal brought forth a lot of carnal doctrine, but we, brethren, being spiritual in this hour, hallelujah, are bringing forth much spiritual doctrine.
And the letter killeth, and the spirit maketh alive.
Who did Elijah disrespect? I suggest to you that Elijah, by yielding to his human fear disrespected the Christ within himself. Well, how did Elijah -- how would Elijah disrespect the Christ in himself? Elijah refused to obey Christ’s instructions in the crisis. I do not know what Christ’s instructions were. But the man’s life was threatened, and fear arose out of his carnal mind so quickly that Elijah could not lay hold of it and put it down, and the fear weakened him, weakened his hold on the Christ mind, and he let go, and his overriding emotion or the mind that took authority over him at that moment became the carnal mind, and he responded to -- when I say “obey,” I mean he responded to the fear. Can you imagine? If the queen of the land sent you a message like Jezebel sent to Elijah? She said, if you are not dead by this time tomorrow, let me be dead. The sitting queen said that. Brethren, the sitting queen that is sitting on your soul is saying that to you today. If you are not dead by the end of this age, let me be dead. Is that the exact scripture? Would someone read me that scripture, please? It is verse 2 of 1 Kings 19. I just want to make sure I have it right on the message.
Then Jezebel -- is that [CROSSTALK]
Yeah, yeah.
“Then Jezebel’s second messenger went to Elijah saying, ‘So let the gods do to me and more also, if I make not [UNINTELLIGIBLE] as the life of one of them by tomorrow, about this time.”
Yeah. So Jezebel was saying, if Elijah was not dead by the next day, let the gods kill her as Elijah had killed the prophets of Baal. Well, let me tell you something; I have no problem understanding that fear arose in this man’s mind. And it rose up so quickly that either it was too fast for him to get a hold of it, or even if he saw it coming, it was too strong, and it overrode him, and his mind, which had been obviously Christ, when he was killing all the prophets, went down under; his carnal mind came up, became the overriding mind and thought process of the man, and he responded to the fear, and the scripture says, “And Elijah disrespected Christ.”
Now, brethren, you have to hear this. Now, listen, even though I went through this whole exhortation earlier that there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus for those who are fighting the battle, you need to know that when you go down, you have gone down. There is no condemnation, but you need to know that you failed. You did not lose the war, but you lost that battle, and you need to know it. There is [sic] no excuses to be made. You need to know it because knowing it and acknowledging is pa- -- is the first step to rising up in Christ again. Soon as you are justifying yourself, you are responding out of pride, and you are still in your sins. You have got to know that.
So Elijah disrespected the Christ within himself when his life was threatened, causing Christ to vanish or perish, and we had one of these words that could be translated, “to vanish or perish.” I think the word translated “went.” We can tha- -- we can translate “to vanish or perish” “to go away.” He went away. Well, the carnal mind says, well, he went away, he left the geographical area. Well, I declare to you that to go away does not necessarily mean to leave the geographical area for a spiritual person. Christ, who was manifested, when that fear rose up, disappeared because the carnal mind came into view just like when the sun rises, you cannot see the moon; that is what happened. Elijah lost it.
So we are saying that he refused to obey Christ’s instructions when his life was threatened, causing Christ to vanish or perish, or another translation is, “become a robber.” Well, now, brethren, how could Christ become a robber? Brethren, there was an exchange of minds. There is one man. His name is Elijah. His mind was Christ, and then suddenly, a robber arose and stole that life from Elijah -- and the name of the robber is the carnal mind -- and became his mind. The carnal mind against Elijah’s will stole his life because Elijah’s true life is hidden Christ. So the carnal mind, the robber -- and Jesus called him a robber. I have a couple of references for you, took full advantage, of that attack of fear upon the man of God and rose up and overshadowed Christ, and Christ became a robber, or Christ became a carnal mind, or the mind in the man Elijah which was Christ became carnal. Now, it does not mean that Christ the living God became a robber. We are talking about the man Elijah. Christ in the man Elijah became a robber. The mind of Christ was exchanged for the carnal mind.
Let us try this again. The first half of 1 Kings 19:3. And I am adding some subjects to these three verbs. “And Elijah rebelled against Christ, and a robber rose up and came into existence, and Christ perished.” I suggest to you the three verbs that we started out with. I will give it to you again. He saw; he arose, and he went for his life. I suggest to you that is talking about three different people or the -- or entities. Elijah saw -- Elijah rebelled against Christ or disrespected him. It was the carnal mind who was the robber who rose up and came into existence and went for his life, and Christ was the one who ran for his life or perished. Christ was the one who vanished.
Can you hear it? You see, when these words appear in the Hebrew, frequently they appear in the infinitive form of the verb. We are told it is the unconjugated form of the verb. The conjugated form of the verb is “I go; you go; he, she or it goes; we go; you go; they go.” That is called the conjugating a verb. There are six different forms of the verb. There is an infinitive form, which is “to go,” “to go.” It just tells you what the action is. It does not indicate any way who is doing the action. So frequently in the Hebrew, the verb is in the infinitive form. And it is translator’s license to add the subject. That is how we get errors in the translations. It is not that anybody is evil or seeking to deceive us. The Hebrew is not that clear with -- unless you are translating it under a spirit of revelation. If you are not translating it, [?under it?] anointing -- well, I should not even say that -- the written Hebrew, the printed Hebrew is not clear. So either you are getting the -- either you are filling in what is missing out of your carnal mind, or you are filling it in out of your Christ mind. That is the bottom line. And if you are filling it out of your carnal mind, you are drawing all kinds of conclusions, many of which we see here are not true.
“And Elijah rebelled against Christ, and a robber rose up and came into existence, and Christ perished because of Elijah’s mind.” Christ perished because of Elijah’s carnal mind.
One more time. “And Elijah rebelled against Christ, and Satan arose” -- they changed robber to Satan -- “and Satan arose, and Christ vanished underneath Elijah’s carnal mind.”
So you see as we work it through, we are making it clearer and clearer; we have to fill in all of this fill; the Hebrew just gives us the main words.
“And Elijah rebelled against Christ, and Satan arose, and Christ vanished underneath Elijah’s carnal mind because Satan, when he arose, brought forth his carnal mind. Is not that what happened? If the -- at the time of the fall? These scriptures sound radically like the scriptures we studied in Daniel 8, describing the original fall. [?Satan?] found strength, brought forth his carnal mind, and his carnal mind killed the Christ mind, and this event is known as the fall. It has happened -- it happened to Elijah, and I want to tell you it has been happening ever since the fall, that Christ has never ceased; the Lord Jehovah has never ceased for bringing forth his Christ in the earth, whenever and as frequently as he can since the time of the fall, but until the Lord Jesus Christ -- up until that time, the Christ that was appearing in the earth was of the same immaturity as the Christ at the beginning of time, and he abided for a season, and the carnal mind rose up and killed him, or he abided long enough to accomplish God’s purpose in him to bring forth a prophecy, whatever, such as the major prophets in the Bible, and then the Lord withdrew, but there has been no Christ that has dethroned the sitting queen and replaced her and ruled permanently from a position of authority this living soul, since the fall, but we see that that happened in the Lord Jesus Christ, and because he lives, you too shall live; because he overcame his carnal mind, you too shall overcome your carnal mind; because He was raised out of the dead once, you too shall be raised out from this realm of death and hell.
John 10:1 says, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.” Jesus is clearly teaching that to enter into the spiritual realm of God, which he describes as the sheepfold, the safe pla- -- a sheepfold is a place that is safe for sheep. Jesus clearly said his people were sheep, so the safe place for the sheep is the spiritual realm of God. Jesus is saying to you, whoever enters in another way to the spiritual realm, or through Satan, or through their unconscious mind is a thief and a robber, and the one who does that is Satan, and we are in the midst of a whole series on this right now, that the teaching is in the church, that you could enter into the spiritual realm of God through communion with your unconscious mind whose name is Satan, and my Bible says that you are a thief and you are a robber if you are doing that. There is only one way in, and it is through the door, and his name is Jesus.
Luke 20:2-3. Then entered Satan into Judas, surnamed Iscariot, being of the number 12 -- that is the wrong verse. Oh, no -- no, it is not. “Then Satan enter into Judas.” When the Scripture says “then Satan entered into Judas,” I suggest to you, this -- everything we have been talking about for the last 20 or 25 minutes is what happened to the man Judas. I believe he was -- well, I do not know if they had Christ in those days. They probably had an imputed Christ, such as Israel had, that he was up there; he was a disciple of Christ. I believe he had that imputed Christ mind. He was moving with the other apostles. But at one point, there was legal ground. Whatever that legal ground was, I have never really studied it; I have heard a lot of opinions about it. I do not have an opinion as to why Judas betrayed Jesus. The Lord has not called me to study that issue as yet, but some weakness was found in the man Judas, something that caused him to let go of Christ, and Satan arose, and the Scripture says, “And Satan entered into Judas.” And what is not stated is that Satan entered in. When Satan enters in, he brings forth his carnal mind. His carnal mind kills Christ, and the carnal mind is ruling in that vessel.
Now, remember, the carnal mind is Satan’s high priest. Every god has a high priest. That is why Satan does not do the killing himself. He brings forth his high priest who offers up the sacrifice. And the carnal mind sacrifices whom?
Christ. And the high priest of Jehovah is Christ. Every God is a high priest, and the high priest performs the sacrifice -- well, sometimes the sacrifice is of that God’s enemy, but sometimes it is just an innocent sacrifice, but with regard to Christ in the carnal mind, it is the sacrifice of the enemy.
And also in John 13:27, “And after the sop Satan entered into him” -- we are still on the first half of 1 Kings 19:3 -- “And Elijah disrespected or” -- we are using the translation “rebelled against Christ” -- and Elijah went or worshipped the robber, Satan, and Satan arose, brought forth his carnal mind into existence, and because of the adulterous worship that Elijah gave to Satan, this was possible that the carnal mind would come into existence, and Christ died or vanished because of Elijah’s mind, because of Elijah’s carnal mind, so we are amplifying this verse. We are doing the same thing that the authors of the amplified Bible have done. We are taking some abbreviated Hebrew words and filling them out in view of other Scriptural truths that the Lord has shown us so that we can fully understand what the Scripture is saying here.
“And Elijah rebelled against Christ, and Satan strengthened his high priest” -- my notes are not too good, excuse me -- “and Satan strengthened his high priest” -- OK. “And Elijah rebelled against Christ, and Satan strengthened his high priest who was in captivity underneath Christ” -- underneath the feet of Christ, “and Elijah’s carnal mind rose up hostilely and sacrificed Christ unto Satan, and Christ vanished underneath Elijah’s carnal mind.”
Can you hear it?
Hebrews 10:29. “Of how much sorer punishment suppose he, shall he be thought worthy, who is trodden underfoot the Son of God and has counteth” -- excuse me -- “and has counteth the blood of the covenant wherewith he sanctified an unholy thing and have done despite to the Spirit of grace.” So we see that it is possible for the Son of God to be tread under foot. All you religious people out there that are getting ready to shut off the message; it is in the Bible. Amen.
Glory to God.
So, as we said, Elijah submitted to the fear, which came from Satan, and as a result of this failure to hold onto Christ, the Son of God was tread underneath the feet of Elijah’s carnal mind. And this also was another witness that Satan is not going to be destroyed. A lot of Christians get very upset when they hear Satan’s not going to be obliterated, wiped off the face of the Earth. He is not. He is just going back down into the position that he was created to occupy. The reason he has the strength to do the damage he is doing right now is that he is taking on authority that God never gave him, but there is a place for him. In the creation he does not have to be wiped out. He has to be broken and brought into submission and bound up just like a wild ox or a wild stallion or, you know, the parts of the world, they tame elephants and bring them into servitude to man. Satan will be brought into servitude to God after he is broken.
“And Elijah rebelled against Christ and Satan strengthened his high priest who was in captivity underneath Christ, and Elijah’s carnal mind rose up hostilely and sacrificed Christ unto Satan, and Christ vanished underneath Elijah’s carnal mind.”
Revelation 20:7-9. “And when the thousand years” -- I am sorry, verses 6 to 9. “Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection. On him the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years. And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, And shall go out to deceive the nations, which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured it.”
I read you these scriptures because I believe they describe what happened to Elijah. Satan was down in the bottomless pit, and we found out when we studied these verses that the thousand years is not necessarily a literal thousand years but that the number a thousand typifies the full stature of the human spirit. And I suggest to you Elijah had to be pretty high up to be killing all those prophets and to do what he did. I would not have the guts to do anything like that. I would say to you, he had to be fully under the control of the Christ for him to do that, and that is a definition of full stature.
So Elijah was in a temporary condition of full stature, and Satan in him, because he was a fallen man, was down in the bottomless pit, and this is what happened to him; he got out. And when the thousand years were expired, when the condition of full stature gave out, we found out because of the fear that Elijah was attacked with, Satan was loosed out of his prison, and he went out to deceive the nations. He went out to deceive the carnal man Elijah, and to gather them to battle, and h- -- and they went up on the breadth of the earth. Satan got out, and he went up on the breadth of the Earth. He went on the exterior of the earth. He brought forth his carnal mind. I see -- you do not have to believe it, but I suggest to you that is what the mystery of that scripture is. When Satan gets out, the first thing he does is raise up his carnal mind because his carnal mind is his weapon. Christ is Jehovah’s weapon, and the carnal mind is Satan’s weapon. He is his war machine. So as soon as Satan is released, he brings forth his carnal mind. Does anybody remember how Satan brings forth his carnal mind in a man? Anybody? He has to join with that man’s human spirit. Yeah, that is what he does. Satan gets out. He lays hold of your human spirit and forms a manifestation of the carnal mind in the same way that the father, who is now the Lord Jesus Christ, will lay hold of your human spirit through the Holy Ghost, join with it and bring forth the manifestation of Christ. Spiritual is spiritual; it is just a question of which spirit. And I declare to you that in the case of Elijah, fire indeed came down from God out of heaven and devoured that manifestation of the carnal mind, and the reason that fire came down is that it was in direct response to the outcry of Elijah himself.
Continuing with the second half of 1 Kings 19:3. “And he came to Beersheba, which belongeth to Judah, and left his servant there.” I always wondered why he left his servant there. Well, I suggest to you he did not leave his servant in Beersheba. Did you not think his servant was Elijah? His -- well, he does not call Elijah until the end of this chapter. I used to always think it was Elijah, but he did not call Elijah until the end of chapter 19, so let us find out what this is talking about.
The word “came,” Strong’s 935, means, “to enter into.” It can also be translated “to be used of a bride entering into the house of her husband,” and it is also translated in the Hebrew language “as to have intercourse with one.” So we see that Elijah came to Beersheba. He entered into -- he entered into that carnal mind. That is what I am suggesting to you, and we know that the Scripture describes this coming together, this Satan laying hold of his human spirit and forming the carnal mind as a marriage. I suggest to you that Elijah had intercourse with this carnal mind. He had intercourse with Satan; the carnal mind was brought forth, and then he joined with the carnal mind also, and that is what this scripture is talking about. He came into Beersheba, and Beersheba, I suggest to you, is the carnal mind.
Let me show you how I could say that. You may know that in prophecy, the names of cities and towns have spiritual meaning when we are doing prophecy. Beersheba, it is an ancient town situated on the southern border of Palestine. It is on the outskirts of Judah. Judah means the praise of God. Judah’s speaking about the Christ in you from which the true spiritual praise goes up to God. Beersheba’s on the outskirts, and we had it in the exhortation this morning. Who was on the outskirts of Christ? The carnal mind is covering over Christ, so I suggest to you that Beersheba typifies the carnal mind.
“And came to Beersheba which belongeth” -- belongs is not in the Hebrew, but it is really not important, so we will go past it. And “Judah” means “God be praised.”
“A life in this spirit is lift from one’s innermost inward parts.” Elijah’s entering into Beersheba, or entering into a border town of Judah, indicates that he left the life of the spirit in which he praised -- or from which he praised God -- and entered into a place on the border of that spiritual life, a place of spiritual darkness -- Jesus called it, anybody?
Out of darkness.
Out of darkness, amen.
“And he came to Beersheba and left his servant there.” “Left,” Strong’s 3240, an- -- which can be translated “to desert, to leave behind.” It is spoken of a person dying of that which is left empty or a vacant place. So we see Elijah deserted s- -- well, we -- we think he deserted somebody. The word servant is translated young me- -- young man in the Interlinear. It is Strong’s 5288, and it can be translated “newborn child.” It can be translated “soldiers.” It is used of soldiers, and it is used of Israel when he was a young nation. And I suggest to you that Elijah deserted the Christ in him. He deserted the Christ with him and left that place empty. Did not Jesus say, I go to prepare a place for you? What -- and we found out that that place that he went to prepare for us is the mind of Christ. So when Eli- -- when Elijah deserted the Christ, that Christ mind dissolved, and it broke down into the human spirit. It broke down.
Now, remember, the Christ was the formation of the human spirit and Jehovah. Jehovah joined with the human spirit to bring forth an imputed Christ. OK? When Elijah let go of him, when the carnal mind ascended in power in Elijah, it knocked Jehovah out; there was a separation between Jehovah and the human spirit, and that mind of Christ dissolved. So the place in the man, which was set aside for the mind of Christ was left vacant. Why? Because the carnal mind cannot replace the mind of Christ. Can you hear this? So when Jesus said, “I go to make a place for you” -- “to prepare a place for you,” what he was saying was, I am going to prepare a new mind for you. He said, I am going -- I am returning into spirit form so that I could come back as spirit and join with your human spirit and prepare that house for you for your human spirit, that mind of Christ where your human spirit can abide with the father for the life of the ages.
Did I make that clear? This was a difficult point. Did I make it clear? Does anyone want me to repeat it?
So I suggest to you that the Hebrew word translated “servant” is not speaking about -- is speaking about the Christ child who was Elijah’s military strength. Remember that word can be translated “soldiers” or “newborn child.” The newborn child typifying the man-child of Revelation 12, that child that will save the living soul in childbearing, Elijah had that child, that holy child, we are told in the Book of Acts, your holy child, the mind of Christ was formed in Elijah, and that holy child was the military strength by which he executed the deeds that he did in the name of Jehovah. What an incredible experience challenging all these prophets and then killing them. Can you imagine this? And Elijah deserted him.
I see -- and -- well, let me see, there is one more word. “And came to Beersheba, which belongeth to Judah and left his servant there.” The word “there” is Strong’s 8033 and can be translated “at that time.” I suggest to you that Elijah entered into spiritual darkness when he rebelled against the Christ within him and left him behind and that his Christ mind died. Elijah entered into spiritual darkness when he disrespected or rebelled against the Christ, whatever Christ was telling him to do. When Jezebel threatened his life, he did not do it; he obeyed his carnal mind, and he left Chr- -- because he obeyed his carnal mind, he left Christ behind. He said he did not make a decision to leave Christ behind; he made a decision to obey his carnal mind, and every decision that we make has natural results to it.
So for somebody sometime -- sometimes people do things that are wrong, and they will say to me, I did not mean to do that. And I will say to them, well, I know you did not mean to do that, but you did it. I know that when you did it, you were not thinking; you were not thinking -- let me give you a silly example. When you spill the orange juice all over the kitchen floor, I know you were not thinking or planning or intending to spill the orange juice all over the kitchen floor, but when you picked up that container with your hands all full of olive oil and you did not stop to think that that container was going to slip out of your hand, the result of your doing something indiscreet, of picking up that container when your hands were greasy resulted in the orange juice all over the floor, and you are responsible for the orange juice that spilled all over the floor. The thought never entered your mind; you never intended to do it; you did not want to do it; you are sorry that it happened, but you did it. You did it. It was the outgrowth; it was the result of a decision that you made, and you were responsible for it. We are all responsible for every result of every decision we made, and if we did not take the time to pray about it or ask God to give us the ability to look far into the future to see what the repercussions of our decisions would be, we are still responsible for it, and that was our lack and our fault for not thinking or planning or seeking God with regard to this decision. If it was an automatic decision, if our carnal mind arose in us and just did it through us, well, then we have been spiritually raped, but we are still responsible for what happened. That is the truth. And the truth is going to put pressure on you to start looking into yourself to asking God to give you an increased ability to recognize your own motives and sin in your own heart and to increase your ability to look into the future with a prophet’s eye and see what the results of your actions will be and to count the cost before you do anything and everything. That is what we are being trained up to do.
And I put a lot of pressure on you. I put a lot of pressure on all of you, and I am not going to stop because that is my job. I am supposed to be doing that because the Lord is going to whip you into shape. He has got great plans for every one of you, and our natural type is going into boot camp for the marines. The only problem is the people that come here or other fellowships where God is doing this have a problem perceiving themselves in a spiritual boot camp, but that is where you are. And if I am too easy on you, I have to answer to the Lord. He has got a job for you to do, the salvation of this entire soul. Being easy on you is not the answer.
Alternate translation, the second half of 1 Kings 19:3. “And Elijah entered into the outer border of God’s spiritual life” -- a- -- put it in a little better English, let us try it again -- And Elijah deserted Christ at that time and married the darkness which surrounds the spiritual life of God. Elijah’s human spirit released from the father, Christ dissolved, and Elijah’s human spirit joined with Satan, and the carnal mind was formed.” And the scripture says he married the darkness.
And, of course, please remember that Christ is being formed underneath the earth of the carnal mind.
Amplified translation, the second half of 1 Kings 19:3. “And Elijah deserted Christ at that time, and his human spirit was joined to Satan. And Elijah deserted Christ at that time and his human spirit was joined to Satan.”
2 Peter 2:4: “For if God spare not the angels that send but cast them down to Hell and deliver them into chains of darkness to be reserved unto judgment.” I suggest to you that what happened to Elijah is explained in 2 Peter 2:4, “For if God spare not the angels that sin” -- but this is what happened to Elijah now; he cast them down to Hell, and he delivered them into chains of darkness, the carnal mind is the chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment. Paul clearly said that this chain on me is Christ.
Brethren, the mind which is running your life is your chain. Either you are bound to chains of darkness and you are living out of the carnal mind, or you are bound to that chain which is Christ. Now if you are a double-minded man like we both are, your chain is the carnal mind, the sitting queen or king is your true chain.
When Paul said he had this chain, I suspect he was in full stature at that point. I cannot say that unequivocally, but your sitting queen is your chain -- you better believe you are bound to her. She has got her mind chained to your soul. The Bible says that the harlots sitting on a scarlet-colored beast -- and the beast is your soul -- and the harlot has dominion and is riding that beast. I suggest to you only because she is joined and one with Satan and the carnal mind. The human spirit has no authority of her own to rule this soul. She is nothing in and of herself. She is nothing without a husband, and depending on the husband that she is joined to, she is either good or evil. When our human spirit is joined with Satan and the carnal mind, she is evil, and she is the false prophet, and she is depicted as the whore of Revelation. And the type of the human spirit is the way women used to be many years ago. And in some societies she still may be looked at that way that a woman is nothing without her husband. I know the -- in the American Indian culture, if a woman’s husband died and she had no adult son, they just put her out to die in the snow. All the Indian families would live in their tipis when it was snowing outside, and no one would take this woman in. She would just be locked out until she died from the cold. And, of course, in India, you may know that the ancient tradition for when the husband died was that the living wife was burnt with the dead body of the husband.
Alternate Translation, the whole of 1 Kings 19:3. “And Elijah rebelled against Christ, and Satan strengthened his high priest who was in captivity underneath Christ, and Elijah’s carnal mind rose up hostilely and sacrificed Christ to Satan, and Christ vanished underneath Elijah’s carnal mind, and Elijah deserted Christ at that time, and his human spirit was joined to Satan.”
Now, that is not in the best English, and you may notice that the sequence is not correct. We find out frequently when we translate these scriptures that the sequence of events is not in a logical order for our world down here. Why it comes out that way I do not feel to go into now, but I am going to put it in the correct sequence of events, and [?do you?] -- let me explain what I am talking about when I say sequence of events. For me to say, I got a drink of water; I rose from the couch, and I was thirsty does not make any sense. I would say I was thirsty; I rose from the couch, and I got myself a drink of water. That is the sequence, the logical sequence of events; that is the way it happens. Well, for whatever reason, the logical sequence of events, which are described in the Scripture frequently are not in the correct order for our minds, even in Christ. They just do not make any sense in this world. So I have to put them in a logical sequence, and that I have done for you here.
Well, I have not done it yet -- well, I should have done it. I think I ha- -- well, “And at that time, Elijah yielded to Satan’s thoughts and rebelled against Christ and deserted him, and Satan strengthened his high priest who was in captivity underneath Christ.”
Now, notice that the high priest was not strengthened until Elijah rebelled, and Elijah rebelled in his thoughts. OK? Was not -- so we have a lot of people in the church that have trouble understanding that sin does not have to be acted out for it to be sin. Sin is in your mind. Elijah rebelled in his thoughts. It does not say that he did anything. It was in his thinking. He rebelled in his thoughts.
Now, I know the Scripture says that he went a day’s journey. We are going to get to that in a minute. This may very well have happened in the natural, that he went a day’s journey into the wilderness. It may have happened in the natural. It may not have happened in the natural, but whether it happened in the natural or not, I believe there is a spiritual application of that. There is a spiritual understanding of what happened in Elijah’s mind as a result of his being attacked spiritually by Jezebel’s threat; spiritually and emotionally he was attacked. Did everybody understand what I said? I do not want anyone misunderstanding this. This may have happened in the natural. It may not have. Whether it happened in the natural or not, there is still a spiritual significance to this account, which may truly be historical or not, and I believe that everything I am teaching here happened in Elijah’s mind, whether or not it acted out in this world.
So at that time Elijah yielded to Satan’s thoughts and rebelled against Christ and deserted him, and Satan strengthened his high priest -- the carnal mind, who was in captivity underneath Christ -- and carnal -- and Elijah’s carnal mind rose up hostilely and sacrificed Christ unto Satan, and Elijah’s human spirit joined to Satan, and Christ vanished underneath Elijah’s carnal mind.
Now, that is not completely right, o- -- did I [?get?] [UNINTELLIGIBLE] --
I will have to fix that. Sequence wrong. It is much better than it was, but just to point it out to you, I said the heart -- the carnal mind rose up hostilely and sacrificed Christ, and then I said the human spirit was joined to Satan. Now, the human spirit would have to be joined to Satan before the carnal mind would rise up hostilely. So the sequence was not exactly accurate there. I will fix it up on my notes.
Continuing with verse 4, 1 Kings 19, “But he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness and came and sat down under a juniper tree, and he requested for himself that he might die and said, it is enough now; Lord, take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers.” And that is the verse upon which I preach that Elijah fell down to his carnality and became filled with self-pity and suicide, but upon looking up every word in the Hebrew found out that this is not true, that Elijah went down fighting and that as he was falling, he was crying out to his God who responded immediately.
He himself went -- 19:80 -- this word “went,” once again, we talked about this in the prior verse. It can be translated “to have intercourse with,” “to worship,” “to go away,” “to vanish,” “to cause to perish” or “a robber.” A day’s journey -- the word “day” is Strong’s 3117, and I remind you that Christ is the “day.” “Journey,” Strong’s 1870, this word can also be translated “a way of life or a mode of worshipping God,” and I am suggesting to you that this day’s journey is really saying that this spiritual way, the Christ way of worship went away. A day’s journey -- day is the Christ, and journey is a lifestyle, a way, a mode of worshipping God, and Elijah went a day’s journey and went away Elijah’s lifestyle of worshipping God in spirit and truth. Can you hear it?
“And he went into the wilderness” -- well, if he left the lifestyle whereby he worshipped God in spirit and truth, he had to go into a new method or a new lifestyle and that which he went into was the wilderness, which typifies the carnal mind. He stopped worshipping Christ, and he began to worship the carnal mind.
“And he came and sat down under a juniper tree” -- “to come,” Strong’s 935, we had this in the prior verse also. “To enter into” -- it is said of a bride entering into the house of her husband, and it means “to have intercourse with.” “To sit down,” Strong’s 3427 means “to inhabit” or “take in marriage.” So in case you ever wondered why the Scripture would say Elijah came and then he sat down, what it is saying is he married the carnal mind, and then he had intercourse with it.
And he did this underneath a juniper tree. The word “under,” 8478 is translated “below,” “beneath” or th- -- “that which is under one,” and the carnal mind is the one who was under Christ.
The word “a” in the phrase “a juniper tree” is not the simple indefinite article “a”; it is Strong’s 259, and it is frequently translated “to unite or to join oneself together with”; it is the Hebrew word that we see translated in the Lord Jehovah exalting himself when he says, here, oh, Israel, the Lord Your God is one God. The word “one” in the phrase “one God” is the same Hebrew word that is translated “a.” It speaks about unification. And the juniper tree, I suggest to you, typifies the dead creation of God, this dead soul. I have a definition for you of juniper tree, it is a desert -- it is a desert, almost leafless shrub furnishing a very poor refuge from the sun’s rays. Its roots make good fuel and charcoal. It is good for burning. It is good for burning. Jesus speaks about that in some of his parables. These are only good for burning. Speaking about the carnal man.
So let us see what we have here. Alternate translation, the first half of verse 4, 1 Kings 19: “And Elijah himself went” -- we are translating that “cause to perish” -- on a journey -- “journey” translated “the worship of the day, the mode of worship of the day, Christ,” “and had intercourse with and sat down” -- we are translating “and sat down” “to have intercourse with” -- “and married” is being translated “into the wilderness” -- “into his lower mind” -- “and a” -- or “was united” or “joined to” “the juniper tree, his dead soul.” “And Elijah stopped worshipping Christ, and he married and had intercourse with his carnal mind, and Elijah became one with his dead soul. And Elijah stopped worshipping Christ, and he married and had intercourse with his carnal mind, and Elijah became one with his dead soul.”
Now, please note that when you are living a life whereby your mind is Christ, you are separated from your dead soul. The Scripture calls it -- does anybody know what that experience is? Sanctification -- I am sorry to disappoint you, but the true sanctification is not giving up cigarettes and going to movies and not fellowshipping with worldly people. The true sanctification is spiritual; it is a separation from this dead soul, and the way we separate -- the only legitimate way to be sanctified is to have our mind displaced into Christ. So we are told, after Elijah’s fall, that he stopped worshipping Christ, he married and had intercourse with his carnal mind, and Elijah became one -- one with or joined to his dead soul; his sanctification was reversed.
Please note also that the Scripture clearly places the full responsibility of Elijah’s fall upon Elijah. The Scripture says, “And he caused himself to stop worshipping Christ and commit adultery with Satan.” It is the same principle behind the fall. Elijah had the Christ mind and the carnal mind, and he failed to take the victory. There is no condemnation in this, but we have a whole element of the church today saying that man is not responsible, that God planned it this way, and man is innocent, and God is a wicked, cruel God who has subjected his people to the torments of this world system for a season. Is being preached by thousands of -- well, thousands are believing it. It is being preached by quite a few.
Continuing with the second half of 1 Kings 19:4. “And Elijah requested for himself that he might die and said, it is enough now, Lord. Take away my life, for I am not better than my fathers.” “Requested,” Strong’s 7592, can be translated “to ask for an enemy’s death.” Once again, the word “requested” is unmodified; it could be any kind of request, but this word by its usage in the Scripture is frequently used to describe the request of an enemy’s death.
“For he requested for himself his life.” The word “life” is Strong’s 5315. We had it in the prior verse. It means breath or mind. I suggest to you Elijah is petitioning the Lord to kill this carnal mind. Now, the Bible says, Elijah was asking God to kill him. No, brethren, Elijah cried out immediately as he fell, oh, Lord Jehovah, kill this -- I petition you to kill this carnal mind that has risen up in me. Can you hear it?
“Requested,” Strong’s 7592, “asking a higher authority to kill one’s enemy, himself, his life” -- oh, it says “himself.” I see what it -- “and he requested for himself” -- in the Interlinear, it says, “And requested for his life to die.”
Now, listen, this is a real -- this is a classic example of a -- of some of the problems with translations. The King James says, “And he requested for himself that he might die,” but the Interlinear says, “And he requested for himself” -- I am sorry, “And he requested for his life to die.” He requested for his life to die. And the word “life” is Strong’s 5315. It means breath or mind. Elijah requested that his mind die. Can you hear it? And it is not translated that way. You have to look in the Interlinear to see that.
The word “die” is Strong’s 4191. It means “to perish, to destroy or to kill thoroughly or outright.” Elijah requested that his enemy, his mind be killed outright.” See, it was not suicide. He did not request for his physical death. He had a revelation that a robber mind had killed Christ and that he was overtaken, and he immediately petitioned the Lord, who had the authority, to kill this mind, and he immediately petitioned God to do it.
“And he requested for himself that he might die and said” -- “said,” Strong’s 559, can be translated “to say within oneself” or “to will.” Now, we have talked about this tonight. We do not know to what degree Elijah was overtaken. I do not know whether he was physically overtaken, emotionally, spiritually or all three, I do not know, but he willed within himself -- and the Bible says, “he said.” But that is a weak word compared to he willed within himself.
And he willed within himself -- as he was petitioning the Lord to kill his enemy mind outright, he willed within himself saying, enough now, enough now, for I am not better than my fathers. The word “enough” is Strong’s 7227, and this is a radical -- I have to call it an abuse -- I am in no way condemning the King James. I am just trying to point this out to you so that you sharpen up and ask God to help you sharpen up. This is a radical abuse. To translate this Hebrew word “enough,” Strong’s 7227, it means “master,” “elder,” “great man,” “leader,” “doctor,” “excellent teacher.” I suggest to you this is Elijah crying out to the Lord, saying, oh, Great God, my elder, my master, save me from this robber mind that has overtaken me.
He said, “enough now.” The word -- Hebrew word translated “now” is Strong’s 6258, and it means “in a short time” or “presently,” and “Lord” means “Jehovah.” “So Elijah cried out, Jehovah, Master, Great God, take my life.” The word “take” is Strong’s 3947. It means “to take for oneself,” “to take a wife,” “to take possession of or occupy a hostile country,” and I suggest to you, as Elijah was overtaken, he was crying out to the Lord Jehovah, his great God and elder to marry him again and to possess the hostile country which is Elijah’s soul which had risen up and captured him. Can you hear it? Can you hear it? Can you hear it?
“Life,” again, is Strong’s 5315. It is speaking about mind. Or we see that word appearing twice. I think it is twice. It is appearing twice. Right, it is appearing twice in the same verse, so the King James translators could not deal with it appearing. Twice they did not know what to make out of it, so in the first instance they did not translate it “mind,” and they made it himself because they did not understand that Elijah had two minds, and one time that the word “mind” was used, Elijah was speaking to his carnal mind, and the second time he was speaking about his Christ mind. Made no sense to the translators of the King James Bible.
“For I am not better than my fathers,” the word “not” is a negative -- it is a negation, it means not. “Better,” Strong’s 2896, means “a good tree.” This too is -- I believe it is an abuse, but -- they just did not -- they couldn’t make any sense out of it. The word “better,” Strong’s 2896, it means “a good tree” or “fertile land,” and who is the good tree in the fertile land? Christ. “Than my fathers” is Strong’s number 1, which means “original ancestor.”
I suggest to you that Elijah was saying, as the Jews said, our father is Abraham, Elijah was saying, my original ancestor is the very Son of God. My ancestor is not the carnal mind. My father is not the devil, but my father is God, and this criminal mind which has risen up in me is a robber and a liar and a thief, and he is not me; kill him, Lord; kill him. I do not know about you, but I pray that way all the time. All the time I pray that way.
Alternate translation, second half of 1 Kings 19:4. And Elijah asked that his enemy mind be destroyed outright, and he willed within himself that in a short time, Jehovah, his elder would marry his hostile soul because his mind was of the mind that was presently ruling in him was not the good tree of his ancestors.
Elijah was acknowledging that this was not the mind of Christ. He was saying this is an unrighteous mind manifesting in me. I am the descendant of God. I am the son of God, but this mind in me is not the son of God. Kill him.
We have a whole church [?room?] full of people who sin every day of their life possibly every minute of every day saying I am in the image of God. You will never make it out of hell thinking that you are the image of God in this sinful state that the whole human race is in.
You see, they read it in the Scripture that Adam was to be in the image of God, but they do not understand that it has not happened yet. Adam was in the image of God, righteous Adam. Righteous Adam died and became fallen Adam who is presently in the image of who [sic]?
Satan. Jesus said to the Pharisees, your father is the devil, man; wake up. You would not need to be adopted if you were not a bastard, and the reason you are a bastard is that your mother is God’s wife, but your father is the devil. And you are in his image. That is why he tried to kill the Son of God all the time, and you think Christ is evil because you have a corrupt, fallen mind that perceives righteousness as sin.
Amplified translation, the second half of 1 Kings 19:4. “And Elijah asked that his enemy mind be crucified.” As we know the Scripture says Elijah asked that his criminal mind be killed. And we know, I should have asked you the question first, what is the method of execution of a criminal mind? Crucifixion, amen. And Elijah asked that his enemy mind be crucified, and he willed within himself that in a short time, Jehovah, his elder -- we could even say the Lord Jesus Christ, his elder brother, if we are going to bring it into the new covenant, the Lord Jesus Christ, his elder brother would marry his hostile soul because his carnal mind was not of the tree of life which had possessed his ancestors. It just occurred to me as I was reading this that Elijah is a type of the New Testament saint that is going through this procedure, so the word elder is implying our elder brother, the Lord Jesus Christ. “And Elijah asked that his enemy mind be crucified, and he willed within himself that in a short time, Jehovah, or Jesus Christ, his elder brother would marry his hostile soul because his carnal mind was not the tree of life which had possessed his ancestors. Was not Christ -- his mind was not Christ.
Alternate translation, the whole verse 4 of 1 Kings 19. And Elijah stopped worshipping Christ, and he married and had intercourse with his carnal mind, and Elijah became one with his dead soul, and Elijah asked that his enemy mind be crucified, and he willed within himself that in a short time, Jehovah, his elder, would marry his host soul -- sorry, my notes are not good this morning. That does not sound right, but I cannot tell what I printed there, that Jehovah, his elder would marry his hostile soul -- that is what it is --because his carnal mind was not the tree of life, which had possessed his ancestors. Now, I put it in the right sequence; I turned it around -- here it is -- verse 4, and Elijah stopped worshipping Christ and married and had intercourse with his carnal mind, and he became one with his dead soul, and Elijah willed within himself and requested that in a short time, Jehovah, his elder would marry his hostile soul and crucify his enemy, the carnal mind, which mind he confessed was not the tree of life which had possessed his fathers.
Now, I did it one more time. I hope you realize the reason I take it in so many steps is that by the time I finish with it you would never be able to relate it to the original verse. That is why I take it in so many steps. This is our final product.
Amplified translation of 1 Kings 19:4. And Elijah stopped worshipping Christ and married and had intercourse with the carnal mind and became one with his dead soul, and Elijah willed within himself and requested that, in a short time, Jehovah, his elder, would marry his hostile soul and crucify his enemy, the carnal mind, which mind he acknowledged was not Christ, the son of his true father, Jehovah. Hallelujah.
That excited me.
OK, we just have a little bit more here. I did do verse 5 for you, which is a short verse. “And as he lay and slept under a juniper tree, behold, then an angel touched him and said unto him, arise and eat.” Now, notice the sequence. Elijah falls. Elijah cries out to God. And the angel is right there. That is how fast it happens, brethren. That is how fast, but you have got to confess that you are the one; you have got to confess that you were not justified in what you did; you have got to confess it was your carnal mind, and it was not Christ, and He is right there, but you have got to do what you have to do.
Here is an example for you.
“And as he lay and slept” -- now he lay and he slept -- “lay down,” Strong’s 7901, it is used of those who --
Please -- he used of those who are sick or who are mourners or those who are dying -- “And he slept,” Strong’s 3462, this word is used to describe leprosy, and it means “to become dried up” or “to experience spiritual death.” “And he lay and slept under a juniper tree.” The word “under” is Strong’s 8478. It means “below,” “beneath” -- we had this in the prior verse also. The one who is beneath, it is the carnal mind. The word “a” means “to unite or join oneself.” We had that before also. Now, “the juniper tree” means “the carnal mind.” We had that before also. “Behold” merely means “to look.”
So we see that Elijah became sick, and then he died, and he lay down underneath the carnal mind, and he became joined to the carnal mind. He became -- it came into subjection to it, and then an angel touched and said to him, arise and eat. An angel, Strong’s 4397 is “messenger,” “priest” or “prophet.” Now, most of us know that an angel is a messenger, but I call to your attention also that he is a priest and a prophet. We know that Christ is both priest and prophet because all of the fivefold ministry offices are in the Son, right, so the priest is the one that ministers from man to God, and the prophet is the one that ministers from God to man. Under the old covenant, the office of prophet was separated from the office of priest. If you were a priest, you could not be a prophet. If you were a prophet, you could not be a priest. In Israel, they had checks and balances like we supposedly have in Washington, but in the Son where there is perfection, where there is no sin, we find the office of the peop- -- the offices of the priest and the prophet existing together or coexisting. The reason God is separate to them and fallen man was because man is fallen and corrupt, and too much power will corrupt anybody, but in the Son, who is in perfection, he cannot be corrupted, so both offices are his.
So I suggest to you the angel which appeared to Elijah was Christ, and he touched him -- “touched,” Strong’s 5066, “to reach and join oneself to anything.” I suggest to you Christ reached out for him and joined himself, and when Christ joined himself, when Jehovah joined himself to Elijah, where did he join himself to? In his spirit, in his human spirit, so he reached out for it and joined himself in his human spirit and said -- the word “said” is Strong’s 559; it means to lift oneself up, and I suggest to you that the Lord Jesus Christ manifested. First he reached for him and joined himself to him -- whereas I read my notes, I realize that it was Christ in a form that was -- that typified the Lord Jesus Christ. It was not Christ in the mind of Elijah because it was -- it was a type of the Lord Jesus Christ’s spirit, reached out for J- -- Elijah’s human spirit, joined with it, and Christ was formed in the mind of Elijah. It is a two-stage event. Can you hear it? Two-stage event.
So the angel touched him, reached out and joined himself to him and then said, “and then Christ was formed as Elijah’s mind” -- not as an external spirit now but as Elijah’s mind -- and he said, “arise,” 6965, “to exist or go forth.”
Please note that first the Lord Jesus Christ manifested, the word “said,” and then the mind of Christ was formed in Elijah, “arise” -- well, I just told you that. I read you my note. This sequence of events typifies the first and second generations of Christ. First the Lord Jesus Christ comes to us in the form of the Holy Spirit. He joins with us, and then Christ is formed in our own mind as our own personal Lord and Savior. I hear a lot of Christians preaching, you have got to get a personal savior. Yeah, brethren, you have got to get a personal savior. He has got to be your very own savior. My savior cannot save you. It has got to be Christ in you, the hope of glory formed in you, planted in you, growing in you, living out of you, your mind, your righteousness, your holiness and your perfection. Whatever Jesus had or has or whatever I have or might have must be reproduced in you, or it is doing nothing but tickling your ears with doctrine, and if you -- all you are getting are tickled ears, you are going to die, brethren. You are going to die for lack of righteousness, so that righteousness has to be growing in you for you to live.
This word “arise” is -- I point out to you -- is the same Hebrew word, which retranslated to mean that Elijah’s carnal mind manifested in verse 3. It is the same Hebrew word used in verse 3 and verse 4 translated “arise” in the King James, that in verse 3 means that the carnal mind is manifesting, and in verse 4 means that Christ is manifesting. It is the same word. Spiritual is spiritual. The question is which spirit are we talking about. That is the question.
“And the angel told him t- ” -- “said eat.” The idea of eating is to join oneself to. If I eat a steak, technically speaking, the steak of that cow winds up -- not the steak, the flesh of that cow winds up as my flesh. You eat flesh, and flesh is built on you. Did you ever wonder why God only ordained the eating of flesh after the fall? We have no reason to believe that flesh was eaten before the fall o- -- many Christians say that the creation was vegetarian before the fall. I do not know whether they were vegetarian or not, but I do not find anything that is -- that talks about eating flesh before the fall, and I suggest to you, brethren, the reason why is that the creation was not flesh before the fall. If you eat flesh, it puts flesh on you. If you eat spirit, it builds the spiritual flesh of Christ. Well, I do not know what the creation ate before the fall, but as -- before the flood, but I suggest to you that the -- this -- the fact that they did not eat flesh, that there is no indication, that they ate flesh says to me, and it is a witness that they were not flesh, they were still spirit, some kind of spiritual beings. Now, we know there were giants before the flood. We know that man fell down into male and female bodies approximately five generations after the flood and that the way man looks in this hour, fallen man, that we are the skeleton of the original creation. And the healthiest of our species is as radically different from what the creation looked like on the other side of the flood or right after the fall. That is a -- is -- let me say that again. The way we look is as radically different in relation to the way the creation looked on the other side of the flood as a human skeleton is to one of our human beings.
Now, if you did not have a scientist to tell you that that bunch of bones is what a man looks like after he dies and his flesh disintegrates, you would never know that that bag of bones was a man at one time. Well, brethren, let me tell you something, when the Lord looks down at us, sometimes he has trouble seeing the spiritual life of his son. We look so radically different than his son righteous Adam was at the time that he was originally formed that the Lord has to send some prophets forth saying -- anybody remember?
Is anybody in there? Is the spiritual life of my son in there? Or are you an empty shell? Can you hear it?
John 6:53. Then John said unto me, verily, verily, I say unto you, accept ye, eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood, we have no life in you. So when we eat Christ and drink his blood, it builds Christ in us. If you eat of the flesh, you are building flesh. If you eat physical food, you are putting physical flesh on you. If you -- I do not in any way mean to condemn anybody. I am telling you the truth. The more time you spend in carnal activities, the stronger your carnal mind will be and the fatter your carnal mind will be, and the more time you spend with the spirit of Christ, the stronger and the healthier and the more vital and vibrant and the more influence upon your life will Christ be or the -- my English was not too good, but I guess you know what I mean, OK?
Alternate translation, the whole of verse 5, 1 Kings 19. “And he became spiritually weak, and his mind dried up and was tread underneath, and he was joined to his soul and behold a priest reached out and joined himself to Elijah and manifested, and the mind of Christ arose in Elijah, and Christ became his mind.”
A little clearer: “And Elijah’s carnal mind became” -- s- -- now, we have to discern which mind it is, right? “And Elijah’s carnal mind, I suggest to you, at the touch of the high priest of God, became spiritually weak and dried up and was tread underneath the mind of Christ, and he who -- Elijah -- the one who was joined to his soul and behold, a priest reached out, joined himself to Elijah and manifested, and the mind of Christ arose in Elijah, and Christ became his mind. The sequence is all off.
OK, this is it in good English. Verse 5, And behold, Jehovah’s high priest, the Lord Jesus Christ, reached out and joined himself to Elijah who had become joined to his soul, and the mind of Christ arose in Elijah, and Christ tread Elijah’s mind underfoot, and Elijah’s carnal mind became spiritually weak and dried up and died.” Hallelujah.
I want to say that again. And behold, Jehovah’s high -- and behold, Jehovah’s high priest, the Lord Jesus Christ, reached out and joined himself to Elijah who had become joined to his soul, and now the mind of Christ was formed in Elijah, it arose in Elijah, and Christ, the mind of Christ in Elijah tread Elijah’s carnal mind underfoot, and his carnal mind became spiritually weak and dried up and died.
Recap. 1 Kings 19:3-5. “And at that time” -- at what time? At the time that Jezebel threatened Elijah’s life -- “Elijah yielded to Satan’s thoughts and rebelled against Christ and deserted him, and Satan strengthened his high priest who was in captivity underneath Christ, and Elijah’s carnal mind rose up hostilely and sacrificed Christ unto Satan, and Elijah’s human spirit joined to Satan, and Christ vanished underneath Elijah’s carnal mind. And Elijah stopped worshipping Christ and married and had intercourse with his carnal mind, and he became one with his dead soul, and Elijah willed within himself and requested that in a short time Jehovah, his elder -- I want to change that to the Lord Jesus Christ -- his elder, would marry his hostile soul and crucify his enemy, the carnal mind, which mind he acknowledged was not Christ, the son of his true father, Jehovah. And behold, Jehovah’s high priest, the Lord Jesus Christ, reached out, joined himself to Elijah, who had become joined to his soul, and the mind of Christ arose in Elijah, and Christ tread Elijah’s carnal mind underfoot, and his carnal mind became spiritually weak and dried up and died. Hallelujah.
And I just point out to you that verse 4, that the mention of the Lord Jesus Christ in verse 4 was prophetic. At first I did not understand it because I could not see the Lord Jesus Christ in the Old Testament, but it was a prophecy. Elijah is a type of the saint today that is going through this process, and that was like a hidden way of saying that this is a message for the New Testament [?saint?]. So we see the Lord Jesus Christ in the Old Testament.
I do not know about you, but I am flying. Is that absolutely marvelous?
-- that there is no indication before the flood that the men ate meat?
That is my understanding.
Oh, because --
Is that incorrect?
Well, I know there is one -- at least there is one indication where Isaac asked Jacob to go fix him the meat before he died.
That was after the flood. I said the flood.
Oh, it was after the flood.
Yeah, before the flood, t- -- I could be wrong.
That was after the flood.
To the best of my knowledge --
Abraham, Isaac and all were after --
After the flood.
That is after the flood?
OK, I am sorry. I [?did?did not?] --
That is OK. That is OK. Sometimes I make mistakes.
I thought it was before --
That is OK. I have not done an exhaustive study on this, so if anyone listening to the message finds out that I am wrong, please feel free to let me know, but that is my understanding. There is no mention of men eating meat before the flood.
Does it not go through talking about Adam and Eve to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, or -- where is Noah in there? I thought Noah was after that.
[CROSSTALK] was the sixth generation.
Yeah, no. We go from Adam and Eve to Seth.
Oh, OK.
And then we -- the Lord talks about Noah, the only righteous one before the flood.
So there is no indication.
No, no.
That is kind of neat, [?huh?].
Yeah. And I will put this on the message. I will give credit where credit is due. I have been asking the Lord for years why the bones of the giants have not been found because I am of the opinion that the men who existed before the flood, and Noah and Shem, Ham and Japheth were all giants. I am not going to get into the whole study now, but that is my opinion, and I have been asking the Lord for years why man has not found giant bones. They found dinosaur bones, and somebody -- well, it was Rita -- as I say, I will give credit where credit is due -- one day it just popped out of her mind that they did not have bones like we have. And I said, wow, and I started praying about it from that point of view, and then it occurred to me that if they were still spiritual men in these spiritual bodies where their wife was within them, they were not living within animal bodies. They -- all that it means that there were no bones is that they were not living in animal bodies at that time.
Can you hear this? You do not have to agree with me. Do you hear what I am saying? There have been no bones found. Well, maybe it is because they were not living in animal bodies at that time. And then my mind says, well, the giant on this side of the flood, his name is what? What is the name of the giant on this side of the flood?
Goliath, one of the giants on the side of the -- of the flood. He was in an animal body, but -- I -- the teaching here is that man has been descending physically, among other ways, man has been descending since the fall, and first -- the first thing that happened, perhaps, was that this giant spiritual man whose wife was within him, who reproduced by means of some form of cell division, first he fell down into the flesh. He was a physical giant, and then the physical giant ceased to be. And all we have are these little guys around you, male and female. Can you hear what I am saying? And we know that Goliath was a criminal. He was a philistine. He was a criminal. So we are not talking about the giants who serve God on the other side of the flood, so it is a real possibility -- this is all circumstantial evidence, but it -- it is the best thing that I have heard, it is the best answer I have heard. I have been asking God for years where these bones of the giants are, so this is the closest thing to any kind of an answer at all that I have heard, and I am very excited about it. Anybody else? Any questions?
Was not homosexuality one of the big things before the flood?
Well, Jesus said, as in the days of Noah, but we really do not know whether it was spiritual or physical homosexuality. It is not clear. That is a good point. That is a very good point, but it is really not clear. And then, on the other hand, OK, we did have, before the flood, the descendants of Cain, who I believe have -- did fall down, into flesh bodies, not only flesh bodies, but male and female bodies, before the flood, and I think that whole line was wiped out in the flood, so before the flood, we had the descendants of Cain and the descendants of Seth, and I believe that the descendants of Cain at the time that Noah lived were in flesh bodies and male and female flesh bodies, and that whole line was wiped out, but that Seth’s line, I still believe, we were in spiritual bodies, and let me just say this, that the descendants of Cain were not giants. If they were in female and male bodies they were not giants.
But if Cain’s descendants were in flesh bodies, would not that indicate that they had eaten flesh?
Yes, but the Bible speaks about -- with the exception of the first couple of chapters of the Book of Genesis, all we hear about are Seth’s descendants. Seth was the new seed that God gave to Eve. Cain was cast out of the garden.
Did not Abel offer the sacrifice of the lamb? Was that --
It does not say. It does not say --
And well, first of all, I would like you to tell me whether or not it said the lamb because I do not know.
But even if it did say the lamb, we know that the lamb is Christ. The question is, at that time, when the creation was still so spiritual, even if the Scripture does say the lamb, was it talking about Christ? Or was it talking about a natural lamb? And -- and s- -- I do not know what the Scripture says, OK? I think the Scripture says he offered up his flock, if I am not mistaken. It does not say lamb. He offered up his flock, and we really do not know what that means. I have not even looked up the words in the Hebrew, so I really do not know what that means. That would be an interesting study though.
And then --
It does not mean that --
-- of course, Cain offers his sacrifice of --
Of the earth.
-- of the earth, --
-- so.
Yeah, do you remember the teaching that Cain and Abel were really one superior man, OK, and they were in the same body, and Cain was the carnal mind, and Abel was the mind of Christ. That was the first offspring of the fallen creation, which was born with the two minds, and God said, all right now, you are fallen, OK, you messed up; Eve fornicated or committed adultery with the serpent, and you are fallen, but you are still very high up, spiritual -- it has taken thousands of years for us to get to the mess we are in now, so God said to the creation, you are still -- you know, you are still OK, Ca- -- Abel. You rule the creation and take dominion over Cain, and you are going to be OK. OK, even though you are fallen, I am going to straighten you out. That is what God was saying to them. And then he said to Cain, he said, now, do not mess up and start attacking the Christ mind and his creation because if you do it, sin is lying at the door. What does that mean? If you rise up and kill your Christ mind, who is your authority, his whole creation is going plummeting down to Hell, and you are going to be with it. If you do it, if you insist -- if you do not do well, if you do not submit to Christ, you are going to open the door that is going to let sin in, and the whole creation is going to fall down to Hell. That was what God said to him. He spoke to the double-minded creation. And the reason he said that to Cain was that he knew that Cain typifying the carnal mind had the strength to kill it, and, in fact, he did kill Abel, and the Scripture says, and the blood of righteous Abel cries out from underneath the ground of the carnal mind to this day in the form of the blood of righteous Abel is now in the form of our human spirit crying out, crying out for God to save us from this existence.
It is my understanding that the Christ mind can only come from seed form.
Oh, no, not at all.
Then why did Jesus have to go through that whole process if that is not true?
Well, the -- OK, just let me get my thoughts together, OK? The whole point of Jesus Christ is that the original creation was formed -- oh, I am sorry, that the Christ mind in the original creation was formed without experience. It would be as if an adult human being just appeared in this world physically immature, physically strong, but with no experience whatsoever, having the mind of an infant, he could starve to death, or he could freeze to death because of the elements, no experience. The original mind, which was in the creation was formed without experience. That was why God stood it up in the Garden of Eden. It was total provision until God trained up the man to be able to take care of himself. It is the same thing that happens with our children. And secondly -- and the reason for the fall was in fact, that that righteous mind of Christ did not have enough experience to withstand the carnal mind or to withstand Satan.
At the time of the fall, in the beginning, the man who was Christ had everything that he needed to keep Satan underfoot, except the wisdom that comes with experience. The Scripture says the woman was deceived, the man was not deceived, so the creation fell because the man knew -- God had told him right from wrong, but he did not have enough experience to take the victory. Then again in Israel, we see Christ being formed without coming forth from seed, and God indicts Israel. He says you are menstruous rags. What does that mean? I gave you my anointing. I gave you my power. I gave you my word. We are told that all of these things being given unto Israel, as far as God is -- is concerned, he considered them gods. He said, ye are gods, but you shall die as men. What does that mean? You had the word. You had the power. You had the priests. You had the prophets. How come you are still natural men? He says in another place, you have brought forth wind. The child that you brought forth, with all of his male seed, the word, the spirit -- it is all male seed -- with all of this seed that you had, I have had intercourse with you, Israel; I have had marital relationships with you, but you have not brought forth the man-child; Christ is going to make you a spiritual man that is going to put down your carnal mind permanently. You have not done it. What you brought forth is wind. You are still carnally minded men. And that word “wind,” if you do a word study on it, it means “the carnal mind.” I cannot reteach everything right now.
So we see that up until 2,000 years ago, from the time of the fall up until 2,000 years ago, this living soul has produced nothing but female children; that means the carnal mind. Every human being born up until 2,000 years was a carnally minded person, and those areas in which the mind of Christ manifested, it was a manifestation of Christ that was not brought forth from seed. Jesus of Nazareth was the first man who was born with the mind of Christ in an infant. He was trained up in the righteousness of the Hebrew law, and then eventually trained by the spirit of God himself, and he rose up; the Christ mind in him rose up and took total dominion over his carnal mind. He is the first man that did. Every other manifestation of Christ, including Elijah’s, up until that time, was not from seed. That is how come the carnal mind killed him. But the carnal mind cannot kill the Christ that is raised up from seed, and that is the whole purpose of the Lord Jesus Christ; that is his whole function in God’s plan of salvation for humanity. Did I answer your question?
OK. OK. Well, for now I answered you.
[?Yeah, I think it is?] my understanding, I do not know [?if?] maybe true for the Bible, but when God first told Adam and Eve to eat, that was, like, vegetation of the trees and things like this, but it was after Noah that he said you can eat of the flesh.
That is true.
Yeah, so that is many generations.
Yeah, but are you talking about them being vegetarian?
Yeah, they w- --
Yeah, but I just want to tell you a question because I do not know the answer. I just want to throw a question out. OK? We do not really know what the creation looked like at that time. And we know -- I know that they were just -- there was just one tree in the garden. We found out that the King James translation makes it sounds [sic] like -- sound like there were many trees. Well, there was just one tree in the garden. It was the tree of?
Life. And in the midst of the tree of life was?
The tree of knowledge.
The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but they were just one tree; they were just one tree. It is as if to say a nut has a seed inside of it; they were just one tree. So, when the Lord said, y- -- of the tree, of the whole tree, if I remember our alternate translation, you may eat of the whole tree if you desire, but of the partial tree, do not eat, so we are talking about spiritual trees. Therefore, the question that I ask you that I do not know the answer to, I do not know the answer to it, OK, it is called a rhetorical question. I do not know of the answer, and I do not expect you to answer it, maybe someday God will answer it, is, did they really eat any form of natural food, or was the Lord saying to them, you may eat of the whole tree of life, the creation which is under the dominion and control of the mind of Christ, but if you partake of the mind of Satan o- -- in and of himself, you are going to die? So we are not even talking about natural food at that point. So I do not know what the creation ate. My personal opinion is I doubt that it was the kind of food that we ate today because they were not like us. But I do not know for sure.
Dinosaur bones were found. Why would the animal kingdom --
I am sorry?
Ani- -- dinosaur bones were found. Why would the animal kingdom be visible and not the --
Because the creation was falling slowly. The original fall -- the original manifestation of the fall was the separation of God’s spirit from the creation, but there was so much life in the creation because the mind of Christ was living. It was manifesting there. He is likened then to a son or like a -- an atomic reactor or dynamo. There was so much life in the flesh part of the creation, which is the soul, that it is taking thousands of years for the soul to die, and in the Hebrew, or when the Scripture speaks about God’s pronouncement of death upon the soul, it says dying, you shall die, slow death. Slow death. First sprit, then soul, and our bodies die eventually. Anybody else?
[?I have a question.?] OK, [?they say something?] about the dinosaurs and everything, but if the dinosaur- -- were the dinosaurs around before the flood? No, right?
Yeah, they were.
They were?
Well, I think so, as far I -- you know, when it --
Well, then what --
-- comes to these areas, I am not an expert, but as far as I know they were.
Why would God not have Noah take two of them? He took two of all the animals.
Well, now, when we get into these areas, I am telling you, I am no -- I am not claiming any authority. It is just either what I have heard from other people or what I believe just in my spirit, --
-- [?I am just trying?]. OK. The whole creation shrank. OK? If it is true that God’s creation were giants, spiritual giants, --
The dinosaurs would fit in.
The dinosaurs shrank, and modern science tells us -- when I first heard this I was amazed -- that the descendants of dinosaurs -- do you know what they were? They are the birds.
Oh, right.
Yeah, that when they examined their bone structure --
-- they see that the birds are the descendants of dinosaurs. Now, if these birds out there were just so small compared to us are the descendants of these gigantic dinosaurs, can you imagine how big man was? I mean, you take a -- well, let us be generous. Take a 5-foot man, the bird, it cannot be more than 1 foot, if it is a foot. So if the dinosaurs were 30 feet, that means man must have been 40 or 50 feet tall. Can you hear this?
Much more than that.
Much more than that?
I never --
They [?could have watched the?] universe.
I never knew that there was any giants. I never knew that there was anybody that was big. I thought everybody was this size.
Well, you know about Og and Goliath on this side of the flood.
Mm-mm, not really.
Yeah, OK, well, the Bible talked about -- the Bible says, and there were giants in the land in those days, so giants are [?scripture?] --
I thought they meant spiritual giants, not physical giants.
Yeah, no, g- -- Goliath was a giant; he was pretty big, and Og- -- Og, we are told, Og of Bashan died. He was the last of the giants, and he --
[CROSSTALK] was [?big?] [CROSSTALK] --
-- died because his -- yeah -- th- -- the Bible gives the dimensions [CROSSTALK]
What scriptures are those?
It is in Genesis.
Just look under Og, O-G.
Please take the microphone. I -- did I answer your question? OK.
Some demonic spirits or angels, when you see -- if you have ever seen in the spirit realm -- I know I saw one time one walking across the room, the shadow of something, and it was like 9, 10 feet tall.
Yeah, they [INAUDIBLE].
And so I -- what I am questioning is, could these be these ancient spirits, some of them evil or something?
Hmm, that is a good point, but I really -- I have no idea.
Yeah, where do they come from that they are so giant, you know? Are they from another life?
Well, they are images. Anything that you would see is an image of an invisible spirit, and, for whatever reason, the image that they project of themselves is that big. I have heard the same thing about angels, that whenever someone sees an angel, they are gigantic, so, for some reason, the image comes out big. I do not have the answer [?as to why?].
I guess I was wondering if they have the ability to exist for a long period of time, some of these giants that have died, you know? Are they --
Are you talking about whole [?personalities?]?
Yeah, are they the soul that -- their soul was that strong that they came down through the ages, like 6,000 years could be maybe nothing for them?
And, I am sorry, would you mind repeating what you said at the beginning -- these -- w- -- which entities are you speaking about? I thought you were just talking about standard demons, standard-sized demons. I must have missed something --
-- that you said.
Well, my question is, I thought it was just a large demon, maybe.
And where did you see these demons?
But my feeling is, even from that time, my feeling is -- I saw it long time ago during a deliverance. --
You said this was a personal experience of yours.
A personal experience during a deliverance.
I saw it pass, and nobody saw it because they were looking across at me, and I saw it out of the corner of my eye move out of the room, and it just walked through the wall, and it was giant; it was humongous, and it was bent over like that. You know, it was, like, defeated, I guess. I do not know. Looked defeated and it just walked away. But I was wondering, could this be -- could -- is it a possibility -- could it be the souls of those giants, or gi- -- some of the giants that lived years and years ago? Is it possible?
Well, I do not know, but you really have to ask yourself whether it was a demon or whether it was a whole soul, so you --
I was not there. I did not see it -- I really do not feel qualified. I do not want to say the wrong thing. I do not have any answer for you, but if the Lord speaks to me, I will be glad to share it with you.
I was just curious about it, you know, so --
So -- now this entity, you felt that it came out of somebody that was being prayed for?
Not necessarily. I wondered. They were praying for me at the time.
And you just saw this --
And I was on the other side of the table, and there was like three or four elders sitting on that side of the table.
And this happened quite a while ago. This is at least 12 years ago. And that is what happened. I saw --
I said -- what was that? And they were asking me, well, what did you see, and I told them, and it was just as clear as day, the thing walking across the room, just as like somebody was there with us, you know?
So you had no perception that it came out of you? You just saw it walking across the room.
Yeah. Well, what did they say? They were present. What did the elders say?
It was a little -- they were a little taken by it. They were s- -- they said, well, what was it, you know? They did not see it.
Well, anything is possible. I just do not have the answer.
The night I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, that is how the Lord showed me He was huge. I was so tiny that I just -- I was in the palm of His hand, so.
Praise God. Anybody else?
Well, it is my understanding that --
What is it --
It is my understanding that the peoples -- anthropologists who study the different nationalities in different parts of the world, they will tell you, for example -- and I may have this backwards -- but just by way of example, that the American Indian, that their ancestors really root in Asia; you will hear things like this, and people will say, well, how could they possibly have gotten over this great sea that separates Asia and the Americas, and one possibility is that the land was not separated at that time, but another possibility is that if man was so big, he just walked across the ocean, so we do not really know.
[?When they?] talk about the pyramids, they --
-- say it could be built by giants.
Yes. Yes, there is a big mystery how these pyramids got built with the stones so high up, how did --
So heavy.
And so heavy, how did they do it? Well, maybe giants built them. It is the only rational answer I ever heard of. It is the only thing that makes any sense to me. If you have a better answer, I would like to hear it.
Then I wonder if the --
Where is the -- give [?Rita the?] --
If that were true that they walked across the ocean [?and?on?] everything, that means that they, you know, that how deep the ocean is would not have affected them, if they were taller than the ocean.
Taller than the ocean or they had some forms of -- some form of transportation. Maybe they flew, I do not know.
The ocean [?might have?] [INAUDIBLE]
Maybe they had flying power, but --
I was thinking if they were that big --
Any of these things are possible.
-- before the flood -- if they were that big, that the whole world would have to been larger, I would think.
Well, the wh- -- I believe the whole world shrunk, I believe. Well, this world is just an image.
Well, maybe that is true. Maybe the whole universe shrunk, you know?
I believe that. I believe that there is some evidence -- some scientific evidence to that effect. This world is just an image.
[CROSSTALK] scientific --
I thi- -- it just fleeted --
-- evidence --
-- through my mind. I do not remember where I heard it.
Because that is what [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. The whole universe shrunk.
This world is just an image. It is a reflection of the spiritual world. It is a reflection of the spiritual world.
When I look up at that map, it is so huge, but I can see how Africa could fit into the different places, so almost like it was one [UNINTELLIGIBLE].
And it broke apart.
Is that what you are saying?
It looks like it.
Yeah, it kind of looks like it.
That is what it looks like to me.
Well, that is very possible. It is all possible. It is very exciting. We have been promised all knowledge in Christ, so I expect the answers to all these questions eventually.
You know, in the beginning, it says the way the creation was -- I cannot remember -- but was not there -- the way the land was formed and so forth, I guess I have -- I really have to look in the beginning at -- where it says in the -- and the land appeared w- --
And the dry land --
And the dry land appeared -- so right there I am starting to get it. “And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep.” [UNINTELLIGIBLE]
Could someone please work that pause button?
Just going back to the practical aspect, when you were talking about having olive oil and something slips out of your hand, if it slips out of your hand without olive oil, that is not --
No, my whole point was that any reasonable person should -- any adult person should know that if you pick something up with your han- -- with a greased hand, that you are not going to be able to hold onto it. Therefore, to say that you are not responsible that it fell o- -- that the or- -- that the orange juice on the floor is not rational. The Lord requires us to stop and think, well, I better wash this oil off my hands, or there could be a result; that was my whole point. But if you pick it up and it falls out of your hand, well, you are still responsible for it; you are still -- not -- there is no condemnation in it, but you cannot stand there and say, I did not do it. If you spilled it, clean it up. OK? If you made the mess, clean it up. You cannot expect anyone else to clean it up for you.
Along that train of thought that, you know, everything must have been larger, there seems to be, like, a freedom in it. Like, maybe the mind of Christ was -- that life was larger, you know, that life -- when he thinks of -- and thinks in terms of the mind of Christ and the creation, that he is life, and it is just an existence, a larger existence, but the carnal mind minimizes things and eventually becomes non-existent because it is death. Do you understand my train of thought, you know what I am saying?
Yes, I understand what you are saying.
Yeah, so it seems like --
Either that or the carnal mind --
-- there is a freedom in it -- there is like a --
Yeah, the -- another possibility is that the carnal mind is losing power. The creation is shrinking because the carnal mind is losing strength.
Yeah, and eventually would become non-existent,
Well, I cannot --
-- [?huh?right?]?
-- agree to that.
I used to preach that this world system would eventually be destroyed, that we were self-destructing, and the Lord corrected me on that.
Oh, OK.
And he told me that this is eternal torment, and that it will not self-destruct.
Oh, yeah.
That we will be trapped in hell forever unless the Lord Jesus Christ breaks us out, so --
-- what would happen -- I see what you are saying; if there is a progression and we are getting smaller and smaller, what would happen, I do not know, some kind of change, but this is eternal torment, [CROSSTALK]
That the change would even go into something worse maybe.
Right, yes.
I see.
Different forms.
Because it is just constantly degenerating.
Right. Right.
What happens to the lump of clay theory when everybody goes back to the pile, more or less?
Well, that happens after your body dies.
Oh, you mean with regard to what Rita just said?
Well, we are just really --
I [?understand why the question?] [INAUDIBLE]
OK. I know what you said. We are just really speculating. Y- -- Rita was saying, well, if we keep degenerating and getting smaller and smaller, maybe we wind up as nothing, and I said, no, --
-- God said, this is eternal torment, and then Rita -- and both Rita and I said, well, maybe -- who knows, we might go into a different form. Well, in that event, the lump of clay would just be reformed into a different form, but I do not want to get off into anything [?too?] [UNINTELLIGIBLE] because there is absolutely no scriptural basis for anything like that at all.
Well, basically what I am saying is that is basically what scripturally is right.
It starts out with the lump of clay.
Yeah, which is in the soul realm.
And then you are like non-existent if you -- when you die, and it is more or less, I guess, what is here is your hell.
This is the creation, hell. This is the --
If you do not get any -- if you do not get past this, you are not going to Heaven, so.
Right. See, and what we are dealing with --
That is the way I look at it.
Yeah, what we are dealing with is one creation -- one creation -- when the mind in it is Christ, it is Heaven, and when the mind in it is carnal, it is Hell.
One creation, it is just which side of the coin are you dealing with, and this physical world is the image which is produced by the mind which is Hell, and this will be done away with because the Scripture says it is extraneous. It is an extra -- the Scripture describes it as an additional orbit around the atom of creation, but there is just one creation. When it is positive, it is Heaven. When it is negative, it is Hell. And when it is Hell, that mind that is in it, put an extra shell on it, which will be done away with, but every other aspect of the creation is just going to be reformed into the image of God. Is that what you were saying?
More or less recycling the evil into the good?
Exactly, recycling. Who was it that s- -- told me something about recycling. Was it you?
Yeah, I did, yeah.
It was you. That is the second time I heard that. Mary’s granddaughter said, I got it, Grandma; it is -- you are talking about recycling. Well, that is exactly what the Lord is doing. He is recycling this waste product.
12/01/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion
12/08/14 1st Edit CAS/MJS