380 - Part 3

Part 3 of 4 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


And now the message entitled “Balaam’s Ass, Part 3.” Please note that immediately following this announcement is the ending of “Balaam’s Ass, Part 2.” Immediately following after that short ending, Part 3 of “Balaam’s Ass” will begin. Thank you.

[UNINTELLIGIBLE] Adam the living soul, Adam the living soul, the mature male organ is Adam’s emancipated slave. And I see I did not put the rest of this down. Hm. OK, and the last few words here, which I see I did not type in, and Leviathan was really manifesting on this one, “And he bowed down,” the King James says “his head.” Those words are not in the Hebrew, so we are striking out his head. “And he bowed down and fell flat.” That is Strong’s 7812, and it can also be translated shrivel up.

“And he bowed down and shriveled up.” What bowed down and shriveled up? The King James says the face. It is Strong’s 639, and [?Gesenius’s?] lexicon, “Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon,” says that this word can be translated dual. It can be translated dual, as in two-sided, a two-sided person. We know that we are dual. We are good and evil. So what does this say? I did not even -- you are going to have to write in yourself because I did not type it in.

“Then Jehovah uncovered Balaam’s spiritual eye, and he saw the part of himself that was the angel of the Lord standing erect because of his moral lifestyle, and a circumcising knife was drawn out towards his phallus,” OK, “and he bowed down.” Who? Who is the -- who is being cut off of the phallus? Leviathan. “And Leviathan bowed down and shriveled up” or “and the double mind, that double mind, bowed down and shriveled up.” That false, lying male organ bowed down and shriveled up. Adam circumcised him off. Can anybody not see that?

“Then Jehovah uncovered Balaam’s spiritual eye, and he saw the part of himself that was the angel of the Lord standing erect because of his moral lifestyle, and his circumcising knife was drawn out towards his phallus, and the double mind fell flat and shriveled up.” It is really Leviathan. “And Leviathan, the lying male organ, fell flat and shriveled up.” I do not mean to be gross, brethren, but he lost his erection. She lost her erection. It was a false male organ. “And she fell flat and shriveled up.”

Please remember our definition of the word phallus. Let me get that definition back for you again. [?And you are?] really going to talk about me now. Sister Sheila is preaching pornography. Hm, Jesus. OK. This is the American Heritage Dictionary definition of phallus. It is -- it can be this -- the word for the sexually undifferentiated tissue in an embryo that becomes either a penis -- a male penis or a female clitoris. So you all know what I mean by undifferentiated? It is tissue that is not yet formed into a male form or female form. OK, that is what a phallus is.

So we are told in verse 31 here that the angel of the Lord had a circumcising knife drawn out towards his phallus, and then his phallus fell down flat and shriveled up. It was tissue that had been formed into a male organ, but when the angel of the Lord cut it with his circumcising knife, it fell down and it shriveled up and it became the female organ. Can anybody not see that?

Because it never -- it was not supposed to be a male organ. The male organ of Leviathan is a perversion. She is a female. She is generated by the serpent, who was a female. It is a perversion. Leviathan is a perversion. The serpent is a perversion. They are all female acting like males. They are phallic tissue that has developed in a perverse way. Brethren, do you know that every once in a while some poor, poor individual is born with both sex organs? Do you know that that happens? It happens, yeah.

Recap Numbers 22:28-31: “And Abel, Balaam’s other side, which was engraved with Jehovah’s nature, said with authority, ‘Has Elohim made you for the purpose of killing His three-part altar?’ And the ass part of Balaam, the host, said, ‘I am’” -- oh. “And the host part of Balaam said, ‘Am I not the ass which has carried you continually, whose service you have profited from up until this day? Did I not do this? Is this not true?’

“And Cain within Balaam said -- and the ass part of Balaam said, ‘Adam has thrust me through, but if I only had the serpent’s spiritual power, I would surely kill you this time.’ Then Jehovah uncovered Balaam’s spiritual eye, and he saw the part of himself that was the angel of the Lord standing erect because of his moral lifestyle, and the circumcising knife was drawn out towards his penis, and Leviathan fell flat and shriveled up.”

To be continued. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] it is really not the end of the sentence there. It went beyond to verse 32. It is very exciting. Any comments or questions on this message? Anybody?

Praise the Lord. This is the beginning of Part 3 of “Balaam’s Ass.”

Hallelujah. This has been a very exciting evening. We just had a very exciting exhortation, and, as I was telling the group, the notes that you have today are not usually as orderly as I would have my notes because I was severely restricted as to time, and I am going to ask the Lord to help me to bring this message forth.

I reached an impasse last night. I could not go on. There were unanswered questions. I just could not go on, and that is the sign that the Spirit is not moving. But I did wake up at 5 o’clock this morning with the answer to some of my questions, primarily as to who Balaam is, and the message took a whole different turn. I did -- I, therefore, did not have enough time to get my notes in as orderly a condition as I would have liked them.

Things are moving very rapidly. The Lord is not even giving me enough time to complete studies as my perfectionist spirit would like me to, but He is jumping all over the place to put together, I believe, the revelation by which we are ascending into full stature. I want to make this very clear. You cannot ascend into full stature by revelation, but a revelation is part of the conditions which will surround us as we ascend into full stature. Confession of sin and repentance is essential, and the murder of Leviathan is essential. The doctrine is integral in giving us understanding as to what is required of us and what we must do to ascend.

Not too long ago, it really cannot be more than a month or two, the Lord brought us into a study on Noah and the ark, which we have not completed. We got a lot of information out of that. We found out that the full s- -- what we know as the condition of full stature, which expression comes from the Scripture that speaks about the fullness of the stature of the Lord Jesus Christ in His Godhood, that the way we are going to ascend into that condition is by the gathering together of Cain and Abel. And the Lord showed us that Cain and Abel were separated when Adam died.

He -- the immortal Adam divided into two mortal spirits, Cain and Abel, and that -- and there are two -- and they are completely separated, but they separated and then they were joined together in an ungodly configuration, and we incarnated as animals. And this study showed us how Cain and Abel would be gathered together, that Abel would stand up in his restored priesthood when the Lord Jesus Christ crucifies him, and by that strength he will force Cain to comply to the righteous moral lifestyle that he is now living through his union with the Lord Jesus Christ.

What does that mean? Is it enough to not murder people? No, it is not enough to not murder people. Cain is spirit. Spirit manifests in the form of thought. Every thought must be brought captive. Every ungodly thought comes from Cain in the form of the serpent, Satan and Leviathan. Every thought must be rebuked and murdered. Every ungodly thought must be destroyed. Cain must be forced to think as Abel, the priestly Abel, thinks.

Once again I point out to you that everything in the spirit world is the opposite of the things of this world. What a horrible thing to say to somebody: You will be forced to think as I think. This is what we see in dictatorships in slave states. It is the ultimate mind control. It is a horror. It is a nightmare. It is the basis of many big brother, New World movies. How horrible! You cannot have your individual creative thought.

But in the kingdom of God this is the case because the kingdom of God is sanity, and the kingdom of darkness, which has incarnated us, is insane. So an insane mind cannot say to another insane mind, you must think as I think; but a righteous mind can say to an insane mind, you must think as I think. I insist upon it, and your life depends upon it.

Full stature shall be attained to as we force Cain to agree with righteous Abel, which we are. Now, of course, that cannot work for you unless you are righteous Abel. How do you get to be righteous Abel? You have to confess your sins and repent and wage war against Leviathan and learn the doctrine that is going to strengthen you and partake of the anointing that flows when this doctrine is taught, which doctrine will strengthen you through knowledge and understanding as to what is happening to you.

It is all working together. One part without the others will not do it. Confession and repentance without the doctrine that is going to give you the knowledge you need will not do it. The doctrine alone without the confession and repentance will not do it. Confession, repentance and the doctrine will not do it unless you are killing Leviathan. She has got to die. How does she die? As you force Cain, who is within Leviathan, to agree with you, Leviathan will become sick and die.

So we see that the journey to full stature is a process which engage- -- which involves several stages, all of which -- which involves several aspects, all of which are necessary to ascend. We must be getting close. Things are speeding up. The information is speeding up. We have jumped -- I did not finish the study on Noah’s ark, and we jumped into Numbers 22 with regard to Balaam. I could not see how this account of Balaam’s ass had anything to do with the glorious doctrine that is coming forth here.

And I prayed. I said, Lord, what is going on? We did not finish chapter 7 of Genesis. Now I am all stuck in Balaam’s ass and this whole account of Balaam’s ass flows over several chapters. What do you want me to do? There is chaos here. My carnal mind perceived this as confusion, but I continued with Balaam’s ass because that is where the spirit was putting this petition before the Lord.

And last night I hit that -- you know what? I think I hit that wall that [?Balaam?] was up against. I just could not go any further, but the Lord woke me up at 5 o’clock this morning, and He had opened another door, and the door that I was trying to get through in preparation of this message this morning was closed. Why? Because it was the Lord Jesus Christ’s intention that I should go through another door and you with me because whatever I preached that is the door you go through with me.

I have a very exciting message for you. I am all over the place. You may recall that even before we got into Noah’s ark we were in Genesis 11 where we found out -- where we were talking about -- we had some information about what happened at the Tower of Babel, and I had wanted to do all of Genesis 11, but the Lord directed me to Noah’s ark, OK.

And now what -- the two verses that we did in Genesis 11 are going to be integrated into this study on Balaam, and we also have a verse from Revelation 17 as one of the two or three -- I think there were three [?tops?] -- well, there are probably just three chapters that I never translated of the book of Revelation. I now see why. I just did not have the revelation that was necessary to understand what this chapter 17 is saying.

Of course, I have just done one verse. I had hoped to do two, but I did not have the time. As you could see, we are very late this morning, and I cannot even promise you that I will do it for the -- in the next meeting unless -- you know, I cannot even -- I do not know what the Lord is going to be doing with me from meeting to meeting, but I do know that this ministry is not just giving you a Sunday morning message. This is just not a Sunday morning feast. We are on a specific course of study that is going to result in our ascension to full stature, to godhood.

And Jesus Christ is at the helm. He is at the steering wheel, and we are just jumping all over the place. It may look like it is not making any sense, but when the time comes He is going to pull it all together. And I did not even finish the series on Kundalini. We are all over the place, but in this particular message, Balaam, Part 3, a lot of it is pulled together, and I am going to do the best I can to make some sense out of this. I know the Lord is going to be with me, and it is probably going to be an excellent message.

We will start with a review of verses 20-31 of Numbers, chapter 22, and you may see that verse 22 was completely redone. The Lord showed me that I did not really quite see it the way He wanted it, and the second phrase of verse 24 was redone because I really did not see it the way the Lord wanted me to see it.

And I am going to say something very radical to you right now. This is a very radical statement. I considered it radical when the Lord showed it to me, and that is that there is more than one interpretation for every verse in this Bible, even on a deep level. This -- these English words that we have here, they are jumping off points; they are intermediary points for where the Lord Jesus Christ meets our pea brains, you see. He is so far beyond us that if He came to us directly, we probably could not understand a lot of what He is trying to tell us, or we would be so upset by it that we really need the confirmation of this book, which is -- largely, that is what is happening here.

But the Lord has just showed me for the second time now that it -- on the deepest level, He can interpret every one of these verses or He can speak through every one of these verses however He wants so that it is completely responds to a given situation. And I have seen Him do it twice now, and at first I was concerned. I was really concerned. I said, oh, Lord, I really thought that was it, and He showed me very clearly -- yesterday He spoke to me very clearly, and when I looked at the two translations of -- one verse of which is -- we have done. I think it is -- I do not know what verse it is.

In this study, I did the verse. I translated the verse two days ago in a letter that I sent to somebody with regard to a specific message for that person, and then when I came into the chapter to translate the verse for the purposes of the chapter in the Alternate Translation Bible, I went through all the words, and I could not get the same translation. And I said, Lord, did I make a mistake? That was when He told me. He says, “No, what you see in in those words is what I want you to see, and I am not showing you that.”

And when I compared the two translations, they were really not that far apart, but I could see where the root of it was the same. And one translation was specifically designed towards one set of circumstances, and the other translation was specifically designed towards another set of circumstances, and both translations were true. Both translations were legitimate translations of every Hebrew word just like I always tell you.

Now, this is hard to deal with. If you are having a problem with it, come and get prayer. The Lord is not rigid. He moves, He flows, and His word interacts with every situation. It is the same thing that -- I told you this in the past. I am sitting here preaching this word. I have got one spirit on me. I have got one state of mind. I have got one delivery. I am speaking the same words to all of you, but each of you is hearing what I am saying with a different mind.

And what I am saying in this very message is going to be heard differently by each of you, and different aspects of what I say is going to be important to each of you, and different aspects of what I say will be emphasized to each of you. I have been teaching for years that this is the little red schoolroom. I do what I do, and the Lord Jesus Christ in your mind makes out of it the ministry that He wants to give to you today.

This is the same situation with the translation of these verses. The Lord, if you -- the Lord enables the translator to translate that verse so that it is custom designed to minister to the person or the situation that the Lord Jesus is dealing with at that time. Is anybody having a problem with this? Does not understand this? It is grow-up time. It is really grow-up time. It is really grow-up time.

And even with the Hebrew, if you were studying this Word in the Hebrew, if it was not in English, we all know that every English word, every Hebrew word, has many meanings. Jesus, if you were reading it right out of the book in the Hebrew, He would make it say to you what He wanted it to say to you.

Is there anybody here who has never had an experience when reading the King James translation, that the Lord spoke to them through that Word, that you looked at a sentence in the King James and you knew that Jesus was making it real to your heart? Is there anybody here that has not experienced that? And what it said to your heart really was not written in the book.

I had a neighbor once came knocking on my door in the morning. She was so excited, and this woman had had some problem with sexual indiscretion, and she said, “Sheila, the Lord just told me I am not going to be a harlot anymore.” And I said, oh, how exciting. Where did it say that in the Bible? And she could not find it. She could not find it.

And, I want to tell you, once at the very beginning of my walk with the Lord, while I was severely afflicted, I was reading the Bible, and I read something that I have not been able to find since, that the Lord was going to tie a millstone around my enem- -- my spiritual enemies’ necks and drop them to the bottom of the sea. And I looked up every word of that -- every occasion of millstone in this Bible, and to this day I have not been able to find it, but that was what I read when I was reading my Bible.

It is the same situation with the formal translations that are now going down in print through this ministry. Your [?pharisaical?] mind may be restricted to a specific, exact word-by-word translation, but the Lord Jesus Christ is not. And we are all challenged to mature to the point where we are willing to flow with Him, trusting in Him to keep us on the right path.

And do not trust on Him to keep you on the right path if you are not walking in holiness because He is not going to do it. Because why? Because not walking in ho- -- walking in unholiness is not walking on His path. If you are walking on His path to the fullest degree of your ability, He will keep you from going off the road. But you have got to be on the path. You need to be seeking the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and He will keep you on the path.

But if you are on a completely different path, do not think you are safe because you are not. And if you think you are safe because He has not said anything to you, do not think you are safe because He may have said something to you 15 years ago that you never heard. And He said it twice, and He said it three times, and you did not come over to the right path, and now He is not talking to you anymore.

[?You all?] know that I know a woman. She said it right to my face after a doctrinal encounter with me that I did not want, but they were all upset. She and her husband were all upset. Well, if I am wrong, why does Jesus not tell me? And now she is dead. Let me tell you, the church world has been sold another Jesus. The Jesus that is preached in the church world is a lie!

[?Well, let us start.?] Recap Numbers 22:20: “And Elohim came to Leviathan, His dark shadow in Balaam, and said to her, ‘You shall not summon Cain and Abel, these mortal males, and gather them together to establish your lifestyle, but you shall do the acts that I declare that [?ye?you?] shall do.’”

Now, please note that the gathering together of Cain and Abel to establish a lifestyle is speaking about a lifestyle founded in spiritual power. Just as -- by virtue of the fact that Cain and Abel are being gathered together, brethren, what that is saying, OK, is that you are possessing the pow- -- spiritual power that is both in Cain and Abel, the negative and positive charge of the creation, to join them together to have the power of an immortal mind -- high, high spiritual power.

Elohim is saying you will not -- now, what is this saying? Listen to this. It is acknowledgment right in the Bible that spiritual power on the level of an immortal mind, it has to -- how do I say this? I guess I am going to really need that board. I should have asked you to put it up. Now I have to stop the message. OK. I am going to just try and hold on to this thought while you put the board up.

Thank you. OK, now what we have here -- well, let me give you the principle first. This is the very important principle. Well, let me say this for the people who are not here and listening to the message. What I have on the board here is the persons of Jehovah, Abel, Cain and the Earth in a descending order. What I have on the board is a diagram of the relationship -- thank you, Jesus -- between Jehovah, Abel, Cain and the Earth when they are in a godly order and when they are in an ungodly order.

This principle is very important. It is essential. Let me remind you that it was this principle -- what principle? The principle of the relationship of the parts. It was this principle that ultimately defeated the argument of an atheist that I was debating with who was a very brilliant debater. Actually, she was better than me, except that Jesus gave me something to tell her that she could not deal with. She was an excellent debater who was trying to tell me that the animals are equal to men and that the Earth and the trees are equal to men -- this is pantheism, OK -- because we are all basically made out of the same substance.

And this is all true. Everything in our world is made out of the same substance, if you get down to the smallest possible part. So she was out to prove to me that man is not the ruler of this world, and she actually got me to agree to her -- to agree with her, and I do agree with her, that everything in this world is made out of the same substance in different proportions.

And her argument was, well, if it is just a matter of proportion, we are all equal, that it is just accident the way the proportions flow together. And she was utterly defeating me until the Lord said to me, “Configuration.” Relationship, you see? It is not proportions. What makes man the ruler is the relationship of the parts -- the relationship of the parts, OK.

Jehovah is our connection to the immortal world, to eternity. Jehovah is eternity, and Jehovah has made a statement: “I do not care how smart you are. I do not care how good a debater you are. I do not care if you have a Ph.D. I, the one who created you [?say?] that you cannot hook into Me in any configuration that you want to. If you want to connect to My eternal world, if you want to connect to My immortality, if you want to connect to the benefits of My life, this is the configuration: Jehovah, Abel, Cain and the Earth.

“It has nothing to do proportion. It has nothing to do with how much of -- there is -- how much of a part of the whole -- what percentage of the whole is Earth or what percentage of the whole is Cain or what percentage of the whole is Abel or what percentage of the whole is spirit. It does not matter. The cutoff line is right at the borderline of eternity. You cannot connect to Me unless you are in the right relationship.”

It is configuration; it is relationship; it is placement; it is not proportion; and the only one that has the power to place you next to immortality is immortality. Well, what are you talking about, Sheila? The only one that has the power to place you next to Jehovah is Jehovah’s immortal mind. His name is Adam who died when his own lower part invaded him and killed him, but Jehovah is continuously raising him from the dead on a temporary basis until such time as He raises him from the dead permanently. And that temporary resurrection which is acceptable to the one who establishes the standards of the configuration is Jehovah, Abel, Cain and the Earth.

And when you come into that order -- there are two things that I could tell you about that order. Jehovah, Abel and -- you know, I am sorry. I did this wrong. Sorry about that. This line over here does not include the Earth. I am sorry.

When you come into that order, Jehovah, Abel and Cain form a living altar. Sometimes the book of Genesis calls it a living thing. It is the life of the being, the visible being, that is built around it. It is not the life of this flesh, but is the life of the -- what the Scripture calls the living beast, the creation of God.

The Earth -- I guess we could do this. Jehovah, Abel and Cain is the living altar, and if we want to include the Earth in it, it becomes the living beast. But this living altar, Jehovah, Abel and Cain, is the life of the livi- -- of the beast. That is what makes the beast alive. And whenever you have an altar you have a sacrifice that is on the altar. The sacrifice that is on the altar is that which is born of the union of the parts, and the union of Abel and Cain when connected to Jehovah is Adam, the mind of the living beast.

So the living beast has an altar or a sc- -- a living part to it, which is spirit, and it has a mind, and the living part is the spirit that is in the mind. Paul talks about the spirit that is in the mind. Life is in relationship. Life is through union with the Son. We live because we have a relationship with life. We are dead because we have a relationship with death. And when we -- we even have it -- when we have a relationship neither with life nor with death, we cease to exist.

Existence comes in two forms: life and death. The existence known as life results from union with life. The relationship known as death is a result of union with death. A union with neither one -- neither life nor death is the cessation of existence. Both life and death are existences.

OK, looking at it from the other side, we have Alternate Translations in the book of Genesis, I think it is Genesis 1, where Jehovah is warning Adam saying, “Do not let that serpent out from under you,” or, “Do not let the Earth out from under you because the Earth desires to ascend above you.” I know it is in there. It is in Genesis 1 somewhere. Well, this is what the Earth wants to do. She wants to be on top.

Now, look at what happens. Is everyone OK? Can I erase part of this? If the Earth ascends to the top -- well, she cannot get over Jehovah, right, but she can get over Cain and Abel. When the Earth rises up and gets over Cain and Abel, there is a big gap between the serpentine altar and Jehovah. The Earth, Cain and Abel form the serpentine altar. The Earth and Cain alone are the serpent, and the Earth, Cain and Abel together, the increase of that altar, is Leviathan. Leviathan is the mind, and the Earth and Cain is the serpent or the spiritual -- we know it is a lying spirit, but the spiritual part of this serpentine altar.

So in order to form the serpentine altar, the Earth has to bring Cain and Abel -- it has to bring them both under her submission and gather them together in the configuration that forms the serpentine altar, which has the spiritual power to produce a mind, but we know it is a lying mind that we -- more accurately is called a heart.

Configuration, configuration, and the Earth out of place -- the ascended Earth separates Cain and Abel from Jehovah. Why? Jehovah will not cleave unto the Earth. He will not speak unto the Earth. He will have no relationship with the Earth. So, therefore, we see that the living altar and the living beast, which are immortal, now become the serpentine altar, the serpent and Leviathan, which are mortal. And why are they mortal? They are mortal because they have lost their connection to immortality.

It is really simple until you get somebody who does not want to believe it. There are certain things we cannot do, brethren. I remember once in an office that I worked in there was a women’s libber who was having some kind of a controversy with one of the bosses, and she said him, “I could do anything I want to do!” And she was 5’2”, and he said, “Be 6’2”.” She was real mad at him for some reason. He was not mad at her, but she was real mad at him.

Brethren, there are certain things we cannot do unless we come into the right configuration. We will never be immortal until we come into the right configuration. In this hour, knowing how hard it is to come into this right configuration -- well, how would we come into the right configuration? Abel in us would have to rise up and overcome Leviathan. Being as hard as that is to do, but it is doable, [?you?] see. It is doable.

How do we know that is doable? Jesus of Nazareth did it. That does not mean that Jehovah could not do it with other people. He can if He wanted to. The whole purpose of Jesus of Nazareth being our sacrifice and our Savior is that His glorified life being cut up and distributed to the masses makes it that much easier for us.

So in this hour our mediator, our intercessor, the spiritual power which makes it possible for Abel to rise up out of this serpentine altar -- I guess this is wrong. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] Let us see. It says the serpentine altar is the Earth, Cain and Abel. The Earth and Cain is the serpent, OK, and the serpent has increased into Leviathan. OK, I see what I did here. And the serpent has woven herself through Abel and become Leviathan. That was right. OK.

So, in this hour, our strength to come back into the right relationship with Jehovah, who is our immortality, is in the Lord Jesus. Well, what you talking about Sheila? You just said there is another way. Brethren, there was another way because Jehovah decided to do it that way, but He only did it that way once. He only sent Elohim to raise one man from --


He is your Savior, and now Jehovah says if you want to get close to Him, He is not sending Elohim to you anymore. You can pray till doomsday; He is not doing it that way anymore. You have to go through Jesus. He sent us Jesus. You do not believe in Jesus? You might have the right proportions, but you do not have the right configuration, and you shall die in your sins unless Jesus has mercy upon you and beats you until your pride is stripped off of you and you could see the truth, that you need the Lord Jesus Christ.

So you see the church world, they have a half-truth: You cannot enter into heaven without Jesus, and if you do not accept Jesus you are going to hell. Well, you are already in hell, but they do not see the second half of it, that He loves us so much that He is not going to let the world stay in their ignorance. He is going to beat us into submission. Oh! Only the devil does that! No, brethren, the devil lets you stay in your sins and your torment. Jesus will beat you into submission, but not before the right time and not before the whole plan is in play, and you have nothing to say about it.

It is in relationship, brethren. We are a creation which is in parts, and the way our parts are related to one another indicates whether we will live or whether we will die, and the powers of this world are like a spiritual gravity which are continuously pulling us in the negative direction of mortality. Rising from the dead, ascending back up to immortality is like trying to get out of the gravity of this world in a spaceship. It takes an enormous amount of power to press against the forces of this world that keep us down here in this deadly mortal condition.

So we see in verse 20 of Numbers 22 that Elohim is telling Balaam, “You shall not gather Cain and Abel, these mortal males, together and gather them together to establish your lifestyle.” And we see from what I just drew on the board that Balaam’s lifestyle -- Leviathan’s lifestyle has a name, and its name is Leviathan. Leviathan is the lifestyle. Christ Jesus is lifestyle. You shall not gather Cain and Abel together to produce your lifestyle. Well, I have to really look at this. It looks like He is probably talking to the serpent here. I will have to go back into the Hebrew and check that out.

“And Elohim came to the serpent in Balaam” -- well, I am going to have to go over that. I will leave a question mark -- “and said, ‘You shall not summon Cain and Abel, these mortal males, and gather them together to establish your lifestyle, but you shall do the acts that I declare that you shall do.’” Hm. I guess the dark shadow is the serpent because Leviathan has both darkness and light in her. She has Cain and Abel together. Hm. OK, I am going to make it the serpent for now, and we have to pray about this.

“And Elohim came to the serpent, His dark shadow in Balaam, and said to her, ‘You shall not summon Cain and Abel, these mortal males, and gather them together to establish Leviathan” -- to increase into Leviathan -- “but you shall do the acts that I declare you to do.’”

Verse 21: “But Balaam, Elohim’s four-footed beast, walked with Leviathan, the serpent and Abel’s incestuous offspring.” Remember, I just showed you over here the serpent, Cain and the Earth wove themselves together with the background threads of the creature which Abel is under and increased into Leviathan.

“But Balaam, Elohim’s four-footed beast, walked with Leviathan” -- he was in agreement with Leviathan -- “and the serpent -- Leviathan, the serpent and Abel’s incestuous offspring, and he rose up and took authority over Adam, Balaam’s spiritual side.”

You may recall from the first two parts of this message that mankind is a host race. There is spiritual life dwelling in us, a negative spiritual life and a positive spiritual life, and that the direction in which the host leans is significant. We can choose. We could be completely bound up by Leviathan and the serpent, but if we [?think?] Jesus, He will begin to set us free. We do have an influence on our own lives.

This host race, mankind, is temporal. We will cease to exist at the time in which the spiritual life within us matures. If we join with the Lord Jesus, we will become equal to Him. We cannot be better than Him, but we can become equal to Him as His sons. If we join with Leviathan, we will come under -- if we join with the serpent, we will come under Leviathan’s yoke, and we will be experiencing hell.

It cannot be forever because Jesus will not allow it to be forever. It will come to an end, but, let me tell you, one day of torment is too much for me. [?I?] -- what form will that torment take? I believe the people who ascend to a full stature of evil will have an awareness that they are no longer running their own life, but they are slaves of a spiritual wickedness within them that will cause them to engage in activities that will be very painful for the host. That is my opinion at this time.

We have a lot of people that are playing with spirit guides, playing with Leviathan, and they think they are in control. All this teaching of the Eastern philosophy as to how to stir up the Kundalini, ma- -- mortal man thinks that he is going to control the spiritual power that is within him, but he is mistaken -- or she is mistaken.

That is only a -- that is a female mind that would think such a silly thought. And the spiritual life that is within us is superior to the host race. It may not look that way, and it may not be true at the time that the spiritual life is still infantile, but if you stir up this spiritual life, you will be captured by her and victimized by her.

Verse 22 -- I have taken out completely -- now, this is just really interesting. I completely missed two words when I translated this verse. I was blinded to it. And verse 22 in the King James says, “And God’s anger was kindled because he went, and the angel of the Lord stood in the way for an adversary against him.” The Hebrew word translated adversary is Satan. I did not even see it, and I did not even translate -- I did not translate incorrectly. I did not even translate it. I missed the whole point of it until the Lord showed it to me last night.

As I said, part of the reason is -- if you are reading [?my comment?], part of the reason that I missed these two important words translated against Satan, or that should be translated against Satan, is Leviathan within me, Leviathan’s mind control. But the other part -- the other reason that I missed it is that the King James translation so dilutes the power of this phrase, translating it for an adversary against him. For an adversary against him, attributing the Hebrew word Satan, Strong’s 7854, to Jehovah’s angel.

Instead of saying Jehovah’s angel rose up against Satan, they said that Jehovah’s angel was the adversary. Do you hear this? The King James say [sic] that Jehovah’s angel Adam is the adversary. You lying devil. Leviathan translated that all wrong. This Hebrew word, Strong’s 7854 [UNINTELLIGIBLE], is trans- -- excuse me, is translated Satan 20 times, adversary -- it is translated adversary seven times and it is translated withstand once in verse 32 of this chapter that we are studying. Accordingly, I have change the Alternate Translation of verse 22 as [?phallus?].

“And Elohim was angry because Balaam was walking with Leviathan instead of Adam, whom Jehovah made king, and Cain and Abel, the two young males within Adam, who were standing against Satan in s- -- who” -- I am sorry -- “were standing against Satan in Jehovah’s righteousness and riding above Balaam, his four-footed beast.”

Let me give it to you again. “And Elohim was angry because Balaam was walking with Leviathan instead of Adam, whom Jehovah made King, and Cain and Abel, the two young males within Adam” -- because it was Cain and Abel gathered together that increased into Adam, the angel of the Lord -- “and together they were standing against Satan in Jehovah’s righteousness.”

Well, why does it say “Jehovah’s righteousness”? Because Cain and Abel were gathered into Adam, and they were connected to Jehovah, as I showed you on the board earlier; therefore, “they were standing against Satan in Jehovah’s righteousness and riding above the four-footed beast,” meaning they were ruling the whole vessel.

You see, our whole vessel is in parts. It is always up for grabs. Who is going to be the king of this vessel? Is it going to be Jehovah’s angel? Is it going to be the serpent’s angel? Or is it going to be the host? Is the animal going to rule? There are cases in which the animal rules. Jesus. The angel of the Lord, was standing in righteousness, standing against Satan in Jehovah’s righteousness. Jesus.

Verse 23: “And Balaam, the four-footed beast, saw Adam, the part of him that Jehovah appointed king, firmly established in righteousness with his knife pulled out, circumcising Leviathan and turning Balaam’s character in the direction of righteousness. And Adam wounded Balaam, the four-footed beast, who was a part of himself, and bent her in the right direction.”

See, that is what happened to me last night. I was wounded for the purpose of being bent in the right direction. Why does the Lord do it that way? I do not know. I had some anxiety last night. I was studying for hours, and I was stuck, and I had two meetings today, and it caused me some distress. I was wounded so that Jesus Christ could be glorified in this meeting today.

Why did He not just say, “Sheila, I want you to go in a different direction”? Because that is not the way He does it. His ways are not our ways, and sometimes His ways wound us. Does that make God evil? No, it makes man evil. If Jesus’ ways wound us, that means there is something in us that is not in agreement with Jesus, and Jesus is righteous; and if we are not in agreement with righteousness, we must be unrighteous or evil. Does that shock you? It is the truth.

There was something -- my mind, apparently, was at a level of mortality last night that I could not perceive Jesus turning. I could not perceive it, so I hit a stone wall. If I had been able to perceive the turn, I would not have been -- hit a stone wall. I would not have had any distress at all, but my mortal mind was not mature enough to follow Jesus without pain. Our minds, Christ Jesus in me, was not mature enough to perceive Jesus Christ’s direction, so I had to be wounded to turn me.

Now, there are some people that have this experience and, unfortunately, cannot even recognize that they are being wounded. I do not say this to be unkind. This happens to preachers every day. Every day, preachers that are preparing messages are wounded by the Lord saying, “No, no, no. Wrong direction. Untrue. False doctrine. I do not want to preach that tomorrow,” and even the wound does not stop them.

They just keep on going, and they come into the pulpit on Sunday morning, and they say, “What an oppression here. What an oppression. I have this glorious message, and I cannot get it out,” and it is the Lord saying, “I never told you to preach that!” And they walk away from church saying, “I do not understand it,” if they could recognize it, “that glorious anointing on the music and no anointing on the word.” And their pride is so high that they cannot recognize that their word is not from the Lord. Jesus, help us, Lord.

Verse 24: “And Adam, whom Jehovah appointed as king, stood steadfastly as the wall.” Now, the reason that I had this wrong is that the whole second phrase of verse 24 is an amplification as to what the wall was separating. OK, now, you see the way I had it was this wall, which Adam is the wall, it prevented Cain from mixing with the Earth on the one side, and the Earth from polluting the waters of life on the other side.

I did not know what to put in there, so I took a revelation from a translation that we did a couple of months ago. That is what the [UNINTELLIGIBLE] did, remember? It kept the seminal fluid on -- in the heaven above and the urine underneath. I took the revelation from a past study. The Lord has shown me, however, that that is not the point that He was making here.

And I guess we are going to -- I am just going to read through the beginning verses of Numbers 22 after I finish this Alternate Translation. And I guess what I am trying to say here is that, after reading those verses last night, I believe that there was a spiritual battle. I believe there was a spiritual battle that Balaam’s mind was attacking Israel before he ever agreed to curse them, that his mind went before him, that from the minute Balaam’s -- from the minute Leviathan responded to Balak’s messenger instead of Adam, the attack upon Israel had begun.

Now, those of us in this ministry know what a mind thinking against us can do, even if we are trying to restrain it. Simply by virtue of the fact that Leviathan instead of Adam responded to Balak’s messengers the spiritual power was already reaching out towards Israel. Can you hear this at all? Can you hear this at all? If Adam had responded to Balak instead of Leviathan, there would have been no question.

Balaam did not have to ask Jehovah whether or not he could curse Israel. He knew better than that. Balaam falls into the category of Adam here, who was tricked -- the woman was deceived, but the man was tricked. Seduction or deception is dealing with someone who is overtaken. Trickery and deception means that you knew what was right, but because of evil in your own heart, you let someone else’s words influence you. Because why? Because you really wanted what they wanted even though you knew what was right.

Balaam knew what was right. Balaam has an immortal mind within him. Balaam had Adam resurrected in him. Balaam had two minds, so as soon as he heard the offer, Leviathan rose up. And it was Leviathan who said, “Let me check with Jehovah,” but the whole time Leviathan was already reaching out to attack Israel.

So in context of that possibility, which at this point I believe to be true, verse 24 says, “And Adam, whom Jehovah appointed as king, stood steadfastly as the wall, which, on the one side, prevented Balaam’s mind from invading Israel’s manly mind,” -- we see a warfare of the minds there -- “and, on the other side, prevented Leviathan and Israel from invading his own manly mind.”

Let us take a look at this on the board. Could you put that message on hold, please?

This situation is -- I had experienced this situation. Let me put it to you simply so you can follow me as I talk. This is talking about the situation when someone, like all of us here who has Christ Jesus being developed in them but is not yet in full stature, is attacked by Leviathan and somebody else.

What is the first thing that our mortal mind does when Leviathan attacks from the outside? Leviathan in me, who is down under the authority of Christ Jesus because I am beating him up -- her up every day saying, “Get you down in this bottomless pit underneath the feet of Christ Jesus in me. You dare to rear up your head -- pow! -- get down there!” And I have got her down there under my feet, and Leviathan and someone else attacks me, what form does that attack take? It breaks right into Leviathan -- into Sheila Leviathan’s prison and sets her free or attempts to set her free from attack by Leviathan and someone else, and Leviathan in me is there rattling the -- on her jail cage, saying, “Let us out! Let us out!”

Did you ever see movie like that? And they are running their cup along the bars of the jail cell. I have seen movies like that. Someone at the other end of the jail is making a break, and the prison guards are all in confusion trying to put it down. And all of the prisoners that are locked up in their cells are looking every which way to say how they could -- to see how they could join into this jailbreak, and they are working with the prisoners that are escaping trying to confuse the guards. “Let us out!” Does anyone not know what I am talking about? That is what this verse is talking about.

There was a warfare. Adam, a single entity, a single angel of the Lord manifesting through the men of Israel, OK. Now, I said earlier that Adam was raised from the dead in Balaam, but in this circumstance Leviathan had broken free, risen up and put Christ Jesus in Balaam under his feet because Leviathan and Balaam wanted to do this deed. He wanted the money. It is as simple as that; he wanted the money. So Balaam became Leviathan. When the host -- whoever the host agrees with, that is who that person is.

Look, I am in agreement with Christ Jesus a lot of the time. I do not know how to measure it, the Lord would have to tell me, but I know a lot of the time I am in agreement with Christ Jesus. But in that one second, in that one minute, in that one 60 seconds that Leviathan rises up out of the bottomless pit and expresses herself through me, I am Leviathan.

In every second of our life, in every interaction, in every encounter, in every conversation, in every unspoken encounter, we are either Leviathan or Christ Jesus, and there is no halfway. We are one or the other, and the only way we are going to get out of this hellish world is to learn to recognize who we are in every given situation, and if it turns out that you are Leviathan, to confess it to -- if you have hurt somebody, to confess it, repent -- certainly, to confess it and repent to the Lord and wound that Leviathan who rose up and humiliated you by expressing herself through you. Wound her! But we are one or the other at every second and every sub-second of our existence. We are one or the other. That is the truth of our existence.

So who the host agrees with, this mortal life that we are experiencing in these outer realms, is the life of the host, the life of mankind. You are playing Yahtzee, right? It is not spiritual. That was the host, our host existence, experiencing a game, a conversation, a trip to Orlando, Florida. That is the host person that you are. Every activity that you engage in that is not spiritual, it is your host person engaging in that experience.

So we see that we are three people. Well, the whole world is at least two. You are either the devil expressing Leviathan; or you are the host, just an average person loving your kids, taking a trip; and if you have Christ Jesus in you, you might be -- you have a third possibility. You could be Christ Jesus. Now, there are some people in the world who do not really have any host life. They are so given over to the devil. Serial murderers, really, really sick people, they are so given over that they are the devil. Of course, that would be a full stature of evil, you know.

And we have coming upon the world in this hour -- of course, we have seen in Jesus Christ -- to be so in agreement with Christ Jesus in you that you are Christ Jesus and the host ceases to exist. “And Enoch walked with God, and Enoch was not.” His host identity ceased to exist. Jesus. Thank you, Lord. OK. Now, so does anybody not understand what I have on the board there? Let me make it clear. I lost my train of thought for a minute.

So this Scripture -- well, let me read you the Scripture, the alternate interpret- -- Alternate Translation of verse 24: “And Adam, whom Jehovah appointed as king, stood steadfastly as the wall, which, on the one side, prevented Balaam’s mind from attacking the men of Israel and, on the other side, prevented Leviathan and Israel from bringing Adam down from within.”

Now, in the days of Israel’s headship of the church they had a -- they were under a different phase of the covenant [?than?that?] the church is under today, and Adam stood as one man for all the men of Israel. In this relationship, in this covenant that the church has in this hour with Jesus Christ, we are individually responsible. Christ Jesus is being formed in the individual, and we are [?not?] -- we are joining on some level because everything is happening simultaneously, OK, but, basically -- at least up into a certain point, we are individual expressions of Christ Jesus.

In Israel, there was just one corporate expression. You see, it is possible for Christ Jesus to die in one individual and still be alive in me and still be alive in you. In Israel, either Christ Jesus was alive or He was dead, you see, and when the anointing was stripped from Israel, it was also stripped from men that had not done anything wrong. Do you understand what I am saying? It was not an individual situation. OK.

Going on to -- are there any questions over this issue? Verse 25: “And Adam, whom Jehovah appointed king, perceived Balaam’s bestial side pushing herself into the wall of his spiritual manhood, and Adam pressed against the wall from the other side and subjected her and joined her to himself again.”

Now, I am not even sure -- it -- this sounds to me like it is talking -- oh, I am not going to -- I am going to have to pray about this. This verse 25 sounds to me like it is even talking about Israel here.

“And Adam, whom Jehovah appointed king, perceived Balaam’s bestial side pushing herself against the wall of his spiritual manhood, and Adam also pressed -- and also was” -- I am going to have to redo this. You see, as I preach here, as I preach this message, the Lord gives it to me more clearly, and it looks to me like verse 25 is saying that Adam pressed against Balaam and he pressed back against Israel. I just have to rewrite it because that is not what it is saying here.

“And he perceived Balaam’s bestial side pushing herself into the wall of his spiritual manhood, and he pressed against the wall from the other side and subjected her” -- who? -- “subjected Israel and joined her to himself again.”

Now, I did not have that revelation as of last night. Do you understand what I am saying? OK. Praise you, Jesus. So it was not Balaam that he subjected and joined to himself again, but it was Leviathan in Israel that was buckling under the pressure of the warfare. Has anyone here ever buckled under the pressure of the warfare? I have buckled under the pressure of the warfare.

And joined -- I still have to rewrite that. I have buckled under the pressure of the warfare. Brethren, the only person ever to have lived who never buckled under the pressure of the warfare was Jesus of Nazareth after He ascended into full stature. That is the whole purpose and the whole principle behind tribulation and judgment. The pressure stays on you. The pressure stays on you, and sometimes you do not buckle, but sometimes you buckle.

But the point is that you keep getting stronger and you keep getting stronger; and the stronger you get, the more pressure comes against you until you shoot through the sky, and you reach a point where no matter how much pressure comes against you are so far above the Earth that it could never bring you down. That is the condition that we talk about; we call it full stature. The Eastern philosophies call it higher consciousness. Super consciousness -- they have all different names for it. It does not matter what name you call it; we are talking about a condition whereby our -- the person who we are is so high above mortality that it cannot break us. Why? Because when we break, we become mortal.

Do you know that for the brief moments that we stand in a strong righteousness of Jesus Christ in a particular battle -- we have all experienced this. I have seen it on all of you here at one time or another. In that instant, we are mortal. In that instant that Christ Jesus in us is so fully manifested and coming against unrighteousness that that is the immortal Adam fully possessing us. We are immortal, but we cannot hold onto it. Christ Jesus in us is not strong enough to stay up above Leviathan. Leviathan is pushing on His wall saying, “Come on down. Come on down,” and He falls down until such time that He gets mature enough to punch her back. “Get down there. I am not coming down.”

Elijah went through that. The king sent soldiers against him and said, “Come on down off that mountain that you are on.” And Elijah said, “I am not coming down,” and he sent down lightning. He said, “I am not coming down,” and the lightning killed the soldiers. And the king sent more soldiers. They said, “Get down off that mountain. Who do you think you are? Get down off that mountain! Give up your authority! Who do you think you are?” And Elijah said, “I am not coming down,” and he sent down spiritual power and they died. And the king sent more soldiers, and this guy was no fool. The captain was no fool. He says, “I got the message. Please come down. The king would like to talk to you.”

Do you see the difference between demanding that you come down -- when someone demands that you do something, the authority -- if you do it, the authority is in the demander [sic], and the person who submits to the demand is female in relationship to the one who demanded. If you ask, “Would you please do this for me?” then the one, if they agree to do it, is -- retains their authority, is not in sin against Christ Jesus for giving away their authority and makes the decision, “Yes, I will do it,” or “No, I will not.” Hopefully, [?it is, if the answer is no,?] for a righteous reason.

So, you see, we are not talking about the behavior. In both instances, if the person with authority capitulates and yields to the demand, it looks -- all that you see is that the person does what was demanded. But if the demander [sic] changed their tact- -- changes their tactics and says, “Would you please?” and the one with authority does it, if you do not have understanding, both behaviors look the same to you. The one with the authority did what was wanted to be done.

In one case, it was sin on the part of the person with the authority because they yielded to Jezebel, and in the other case, it was a righteous expression of that person’s authority to do what the person was asking them to do; but in both of those instances, the appearance was the same. The person with authority did what the other person wanted them to do.

When Jesus gives you authority, you must hold onto it at all costs. Requests will be made of you, and I pray that you and I [?do righteousness?] with regard to every request that is made of us, but you never respond to a demand because you have given your authority away.

And what does that mean? You are opening the door to Leviathan’s jail, and she is getting out, and she is trying to kill Christ Jesus in you and strip you of the authority that you have in every area of your life. Now, you might think it is not important to give up your authority in this small little area. What you must know is that when you do it you have the key in the lock to Leviathan’s jail, and you may not be able to stop her. You may be giving this aspect of your authority away, but you may not be in agreement to giving another aspect of your authority away; but once she is out, it may be too late.

And it will not necessarily be that one time. Giving away your authority chips away, chips away, chips away at whatever authority you have. And you may think it is nothing, think it is nothing, think it is nothing, and then one day in an issue that you can fully see you should be establishing your authority, you will not have it.

And you will say, “Lord, what happened to it?” Well, it chipped over there, and it chipped over there, and it chipped over there because it was not important to you. See, it was important to Jesus, but it was not important to you because you did not understand, and then the day that something came that you recognized was important, the strength was not found in you to stand for righteousness.

Verse 25, let me read it again. “And Adam, whom Jehovah appointed king, perceived Balaam’s bestial side pushing herself into the wall of his spiritual manhood, and he also pressed against the wall from the other side and subjected Israel and joined her to himself again.” His wall was caving in from the inside out, but Adam held.

Verse 26 -- he held the line. Verse 26: “And Adam, whom Jehovah appointed king, rose up and flowed over into the narrow region between mortality and immortality in order to redirect Leviathan’s lifestyle away from the [?lest?left?] dark side.” Now, apparently, that verse 26, and I did not see this as of last night, is referring back to that verse 25. And I will probably have to do some interspersion there.

“And Adam, whom Jehovah appointed king, perceived Balaam’s bestial side pushing herself into the wall of his spiritual manhood, and also he saw Israel pressing against him, and he rose up and flowed over into the narrow region between mortality and immortality and subjected Israel” -- can you see how I am interspersing 25 and 26? -- “and he subjected Israel and joined her to himself again in order to redirect her lifestyle away from the dark side that was being stirred up.” Now, hopefully, I will have that worked up for you in the next message.

Verse 27: “And when Leviathan, Balaam’s lower nature, perceived that Balaam had submitted to Adam, whom Jehovah made king, she was angry and punished Balaam by stirring up witchcraft in the hearts of the other mortal men.”

And I suggest to you that that witchcraft that was stirred up, it appears in verse 17: “For I will promote thee unto very great honor, and I will do whatsoever thou saith unto me. Come, therefore, I pray thee, curse me this people.”

Now, remember, the first offer to Balaam was an offer of the rewards of divination. It was most likely money or material goods or women or whatever, and when witchcraft was stirred up in the hearts of the mortal men, then he promised -- he was promised honor. Power -- he was promised power.

The first promise was money and that which money could buy, and the second promise was power. And probably, you know, women and sex were involved in both of those things. The two issues over which mortal men may be seduced -- three issues: money, power and sex. Jesus.

Verse 28: “And Abel, Balaam’s other side which was engraved with Jehovah’s nature” -- that is an [?imputed?] Adam -- “said with priestly authority, ‘Has Elohim made you for the purpose of’” -- no. OK, now, this -- OK, this is where I got into trouble last night. Starting with verse 28, we see a rebuke coming towards Balaam that I could not understand. I could not understand this rebuke, so let me read it to you here.

“And Abel, Balaam’s other side which was engraved with Jehovah’s nature, said with priestly authority,” -- to Balaam -- “‘Has Elohim made you for the purpose of killing this three-part altar?’ And the ass part of Balaam, the host, said, ‘Am I not the ass which has carried you continually, whose service you have profited from up until this day? Did I not do this?’”

The host part said to the godly part of Balaam, “What are you rebuking me for? I have been the vessel that you have existed in all this time. Did you want anything more from me than that? I never knew you wanted righteousness from me. I exist so that you can exist in this physical world. You want something else from me too?” But, of course, he knew all the time that righteousness was required of him.

“And Cain within Balaam said” -- “And the ass part of Balaam said, ‘Indeed, Adam has thrust me through, but if I only had the serpent’s spiritual power, I would surely kill you this time.’” So we see that Adam, manifesting through Abel, is in full control of Balaam’s vessel, but that Cain is very present and that his hatred and his murder and his lust to rule is very present, just contained in the bottomless pit because of Adam’s strength.

And, in case I did not make it clear in verse 28 where it says “Abel, Balaam’s other side which was engraved with Jehovah’s nature,” it is talking about Adam. When Abel is engraved with Jehovah’s nature it means that he has risen in the strength of Adam, who is the reflection of Almighty God.

Verse 31: “And then Jehovah uncovered Balaam’s spiritual eyes, and he saw the part of himself that was the angel of the Lord standing erect because of his moral lifestyle, and his circumcising knife was drawn out towards his phallus.”

Now, we know that the phallus is a -- is an immature sexual organ and that the sexual organ of the spiritual man is his what? What is the sexual -- his mind. It is his mind, yeah. And we see that the angel of the Lord had a circumcising knife held out towards his mind. His mind -- the -- Adam, the mind, the godly mind, the righteous mind of Balaam, was being covered over by Levia- -- the foreskin. The foreskin is Leviathan. The foreskin is flesh. Leviathan was layering over Balaam’s mind, and Adam was standing in full strength ready to cut him off to preserve his headship of this vessel.

Now, what confused me here was Adam speaking to Balaam in this way: “Did Elohim make you for the purpose of destroying His three-part altar?” Now, the three-part altar is Israel. I do not think I made that clear from prior messages. I may not have seen it myself. Israel is the three-part altar that existed in the Earth in that day.

And we see Balaam very spiritually powerful, very high level. I mean, Balak came and said, “Curse Israel.” Balak came to Balaam asking him to curse Israel after Israel had utterly destroyed the Amorites and taken whatever other victories he had taken. So for Balak to come to bribe Balaam to curse Israel, Balak must have [INAUDIBLE] --


We read in Numbers 22:5: “He sent messengers” -- speaking about Balak. “He sent messengers, therefore, unto Balaam, the son of Beor, to Pethor, which is by the river of the land of the children of his people, to call him saying, ‘Behold, there is a people come out of Egypt. Behold, they cover the face of the Earth, and they abide over against me. They abide opposite me.”

Balak is talking about the minds of the people. He is saying, “The people that have come out of Egypt, they have a mind that is opposite to my mind.” He is -- Balak is recognizing the mind of God in the children of Israel that are coming out of Egypt. “Their mind is opposing me” because Balak’s mind was Leviathan. The very fact that Balak went to a soothsayer to ask him to curse Israel indicates that Balak recognized that Israel was piercing through by spiritual power. Balak recognized it.

“Come now, therefore, I pray thee, curse me this people, for they are too mighty for me. Peradventure I shall prevail” -- perhaps I will prevail -- “that we may smite them and that I may drive them out of the land, for I know who you bless is blessed and who you curse is cursed.”

He knew it was a spiritual war. He knew that these ragamuffins that had just come out of Egypt could not possibly be defeating the armies of these great nations, and he knew that there was a man in the Earth that had very high spiritual power, and I suggest to you that he had a resurrected Adam and that he had Cain and Abel joined -- that he had Cain and Abel gathered together within himself. He had real high spiritual power.

As I explained on other messages, I do not believe he was immortal because to be immortal one would have to have Cain and Abel gathered together and having fully suppressed Leviathan to such a degree that the person was sinless. I do not believe this was Balaam’s condition. He had two minds. Balaam had two minds: He had Leviathan and he had a resurrected Adam, and he probably flowed back and forth as the mood moved him.

Who is this man Balaam? Who is he? Where did he come from that he has a relationship with Jehovah? I think -- there is even a Scripture here, I do not know if I could find it, where he says, “I can only do what the Lord my God tells me to do.” I do not know where the verse is right now. Balaam says, “I can only do what Jehovah and Elohim tell me to do.” Balaam was connected to heaven. Who was he? Jehovah knew him, went to him and said -- sent Elohim to him to say, “Is this the reason you live? Is this the reason Jehovah gave you life? To kill His three-part altar Israel?” Who is this man? That is the question I asked last night.

So let us go on. I am going to stop at 3 o’clock. We got a very late start this morning. I -- well, maybe I should start right here. It is a quarter of 3. OK, maybe I will do that. I have prepared for you verses 32, 33 and 34 and a couple of other verses in between. So since this is a whole new phase of the message, I think that we will start here. I will take questions or comments on the message so far, and then we will pick up after dinner. Any questions or comments?


Praise the Lord. Continuing with verse 32: “And the angel of the Lord said unto him, ‘Wherefore hast thou smitten thine ass these three times? Behold, I went out to withstand thee because thy way is perverse before me.”

“And the angel of the Lord,” we know that Adam is the angel of the Lord. “Said unto him,” speaking about Balaam. We have a word that is not translated [?here?]. Oh, I see. The word wherefore, “wherefore have you gone out” -- wherefore, that word we are tr- -- it is Strong’s 5921. We are translating it on the ground of, and then we have a word that is not translated. It is Strong’s for 4100, which means what. You also may recall that the Hebrew word translated what is the coded name for the Son, Elohim. Now, does anybody remember coded name for the Father is? Elohim is what, and Jehovah is [UNINTELLIGIBLE].


I am not putting -- acknowledging you --

Was whom?

-- if you do not have a --

Was whom?

Who, yes. Who, exactly. Who is this? is the Father, and What is this? is the Son. And we know that the negative particle is speaking about the serpent or one of her expressions.

So what do we have here? Adam said “on the ground” or “on the ground of Elohim.” And I am suggesting to you that what that means is, “on the ground of Elohim,” on what grounds? On what authority? On Elohim’s authority? On what grounds are you doing this? Have you done it on Elohim’s authority?

“Hast thou smitten,” we are translating killed. The ass is -- “Hast thou smitten,” we are translating it killed. Well, we know that Balaam is the ass. These we are translating this. “Three” -- and we -- and “three times,” we have translated it the three-part altar. That Hebrew word translated times is 7272, and it can be translated altar. Well, actually, it [?can?cannot?] be translated pudenda, which is the sexual organ, and we know that the living thing, the sexual living thing of the living beast is the altar, the three-part altar.

And our Alternate Translation is “Has the ass killed this [sic] three-part altar on Elohim’s authority?” Or -- that does not make much sense, so let us try it this way. “Has Elohim authorized you to kill His three-part altar, Balaam?” Because the ass is Balaam, you see. In the King James, it says that Balaam is smiting the ass, and if we translate it along the lines of what the King James did, it sounds like the ass is being killed.

But I suggest to you now -- we are going to move these words around, and I suggest to you that what the Scripture is saying is “Has Elohim authorized you to kill His three-part altar, Balaam?” Balaam is in place of the word ass. And let me remind you that the three-part altar is the living thing. It is the life of the spiritual man. It is the life of the living beast. And does any- -- can anybody tell me what the three parts of the altar are? What are the three parts of the living altar? Anybody?

Jehovah, Cain and Abel?

Excellent, yes. OK? And we have a mystery here. The three parts of the living altar are Jehovah, Cain and Abel, but there are not three thirds of the altar. There are three parts to the altar, but there are two halves. And who is one half of the altar?

One half is Cain and Abel, and the other half is Jehovah.

Right. Jehovah is one half of the three-part altar. I know it sounds a little confusing at first, but it makes sense when you realize that Cain and Abel, when they are gathered together, increase into Adam. So we can really say Adam is half of the altar, and Jehovah is the other half of the altar, but when Adam deteriorates, that half of the altar breaks down into two parts. Praise the Lord.

Now, when I first preached this, going back a couple of verses, I thought the three-part altar was in Balaam and that the angel of the Lord was saying to Balaam, “Has Elohim made you to kill Adam within yourself?” But as I pursued the next few verses, I saw that could not be the case, and I am now of the opinion that the angel of the Lord is saying to Balaam, “Has Elohim made you or formed you to kill His three-part altar?” And Jehovah’s three-part altar is Israel. Jehovah’s three-part altar is Israel, and Balak has come to Balaam with the rewards of divination, with money, saying, “Curse this people.”

Well, do you think he wanted to -- do you think Balak was asking Balaam to put a laughing potion on them? There are many curses. No, Balak wanted Balaam to kill the Hebrews. He was afraid of them. He had read of the- -- he had heard about them, what they had done to the Amorites and all of the military victories that they had had, and he wanted the Hebrews stopped. I read in a Bible dictionary before he -- before the Hebrews got to Canaan, he wanted them stopped. He wanted them killed. The beginning of Numbera 22 says -- Balak says that they were a mighty people. He was afraid of them, and he recognized that their power was spiritual.

So Jehovah comes to Balaam and says to him, “Has Elohim authorized you to kill Israel, His three-part altar?” Israel has the official office of being the representative of Jehovah, yet we find a man called Balaam who was a spiritually strong enough to actually hurt them. Is that amazing? Now, it might even indicate that Balaam was stronger than Israel -- than the anointing on Israel.

So the three-part altar that Jehovah has come down to protect is not in Balaam. It is the three-part altar that is in Israel that Balaam, in his heart, really wants to curse. He wanted the rewards of the divination. He really wanted it, and even though he said, “I will go ask Lord what I should do,” this was an issue that he should have known the answer to. And by virtue of the fact that he said, “I will go ask the Lord,” it is revealed that his true desire was to take the job. And as soon as that -- as soon as his mind desired to take the job, even though his mouth was saying, “I am going to talk to Jehovah,” Leviathan had already risen up and, I suggest to you, was starting to attack Israel in the spirit.

Brethren, every action that we do, every action that we perceive, is the fruit of a thought. The thought comes first. The thought comes before the action. You see, people that have the power to do damage with their mind are so spiritually mature that they do not have to do a physical deed. Have you not heard -- not necessarily from the Scripture but from just your experiences in life and watching TV and movies, have you not heard that when -- that at least it is a thought that when man is extremely mature language will not be necessary anymore. It will just be strictly mind-to-mind communication. Have you not heard of that concept? I am sure you have heard of the concept. It is all over the “Star Trek” and science fiction programs, and everybody has watched some of it.

See, the whole point is the day is coming that we will not need this body. If you do not have this body, you do not have vocal cords. The form of communication is mind-to-mind. [INAUDIBLE] So the only reason that we speak with this mouth or that we do with these hands is because our mind is not strong enough to accomplish what we would like it to accomplish. Our mind is weak. Our mind is immature. We are mortal. We are fallen. But as our mind matures, we will use our mouth and our hands and our feet less and less and less.

So I am suggesting to you -- let me give you a Scripture on this. Let us see. Let us look at verse -- start with verse 7 of Numbers 22: “And the elders of Moab and the elders of Midian departed with the rewards of divination in their hand, and they came to Balaam and spake unto him the words of Balak. And Balaam said to them, ‘Lodge here this night, and I will bring you word again as the Lord shall speak unto me,’ and the princes of Moab abode with Balaam.” They stayed -- and I have not translated that verse, but they stayed with him. In his heart, he established a league with them, and he was saying to them, “I would like to do this.”

Now, what you mean, “I would like to do this”? Look, if someone came to you -- one of these ladies here, if someone came to you and asked you to do something that you really did not want to do, would you say to them, “Stay here and I will go ask my husband”? Would you do that? No, you would just tell them “no.”

So by virtue of the fact that Balaam said he would go speak to the Lord, it indicates that he, in his heart, wanted to do it, that Christ Jesus was under the authority of Leviathan. Leviathan had risen up. Leviathan was responding to the messengers. Balaam had them abide there with him, whatever that means. He made a soul tie with them. He made a league with them, and from that moment forward Balaam’s mind went out against Israel. And I suggest to you that it was against this attack of Balaam’s mind that the angel of the Lord rose up and said to him, “What are you doing? What are you doing? Has Elohim formed you so that you could curse His people?”

Going on with verse 32. Balaam wanted to do it. “Behold, I went out to withstand thee” -- the angel of the Lord speaking -- “because thy way is perverse before me.” Behold, meaning look. “I went forth against you.” What does that mean? Adam manifested. He manifested; he rose up. And he did not just beat up Balaam’s Leviathan; he came to the host, he came to the man, and he said, “Why are you in agreement with Leviathan? Why are you doing this?” He came to talk to him.

I want to tell you, brethren, before judgment falls, the Lord comes and talks to you. You may not have heard Him when He came to talk to you, but He came to talk to you, and He came to give you His counsel and His opinion and His wisdom, and you either did not hear it or you chose not to do it. Why? Either because you thought it was not Him, or you were just in outright rebellion. But the Lord is merciful, and He is wonderful. He does not judge you without giving you a chance to turn around.

So Adam says, “Behold, I went out against you.” And then we see that the -- in the King James it says, “I went forth to withstand you.” The Hebrew word translated withstand is 7854. It means Satan. He went out to withstand Satan that is in Balaam. He was telling Balaam, “Right now, Satan is up against me,” me, the angel of the Lord, Adam. “Satan in you is up against me nose-to-nose, and I went out to withstand Satan.”

The word because is Strong’s 3588. We are translating it surely, and the word is perverse, Strong’s 3399, we are translating it cast down, which is a [?mid-translation?] in Brown-Driver-Briggs. Thy way, Strong’s 1870, means lifestyle, and the words before me, Strong’s 5048, can be translated away from or opposite me.

“Look, I went out against Satan to surely cast down her lifestyle in you, which is opposite to mine.”

You know, I had this conversation with a woman last week. She was very uptight about a couple of the things that I preached, and I told her that I was full well able to discuss it with her civilly. But it turned out that she could not discuss it with me civilly, and she -- what she really wanted was no conflict. We were talking about this during the exhortation at dinner.

Brethren, a famous man said, “I would fight to the death for your right to disagree with me.” Now, you cannot force me to do it your way, but you have a right to disagree with you, and we should not be fighting because we disagree. I should be listening to what you think, and you should be listening to what I think; and if you stay with your thoughts, well, you stay with your thoughts. Why can we not talk?

Well, this woman was very uncomfortable with disagreement. She wanted agreement. It is the spirit over the whole country today. One-world church: Let us all agree. And she said to me -- she -- I am not going to go into this too long on this message, but there was an issue, and in this issue she thought that it was Christ who should do something. And I said, no, it is the carnal mind that must do something. And I told her that I agreed with the way she understood the Bible principle, but it -- I did not think it was Christ that had to die in this instance. I thought it was the carnal mind that had to die.

And I -- and she took what I said as a form of agreement, and she says to me, “Oh, well, then it is just a play. We really agree, but it is just a play.” And I said, no, it is not a play. We are directly opposite from one another, at which point she got all upset. I said, we are diametrically opposite one another. I agree with the principle that you have to die under this circumstance, but you think Christ has to die, and I think the carnal mind has to die, and that puts us at totally opposite ends.

So then she said to me, “Oh, OK. Well, then, that is OK.” And I said, no, that is not OK, and she got even more upset. I said, no, that is not OK, and the reason it is not OK is that there is only one truth. It is not OK that we are at complete opposite ends from each other. And then I said -- do you know what my reaction to the situation is? See, she was waiting for me to try to force her to believe as I believe. No, I will not try and force you. My reaction to this situation is that I will pray. Lord, I need the truth. I want to know the truth. I am not only asking you, I am begging you to tell me if I am wrong because I need to know the truth. But I respect your right to disagree.

The lifestyle, the righteous lifestyle, of Jesus Christ is diametrically opposite the lifestyle of Leviathan. We are in an Old Testament message now, so I should not be saying Jesus Christ. The righteous life of Adam, the angel of the Lord, who is Christ Jesus in the New Testament, is diametrically opposite -- exactly opposite, opposite poles -- from the lifestyle of Leviathan. One is righteous, and the other is evil. Even the good of this world is evil in comparison to the righteousness of Jesus Christ.

“Has Elohim authorized you to kill His three-part altar, Balaam?” [?Well, I?] guess we will make that -- in the final Alternate Translation, we will make that Israel.

“Has Elohim authorized you to kill Israel, Balaam?” You see, Bal- -- he had to have the power to do it. I really believe, the way this Alternate Translation is coming [?here?clear?], that Balaam had the power to knock out Israel.

“Look, I went out against Satan to surely cast down her lifestyle in you, which is opposite to mine. That was why I manifested. I manifested to turn you away from what you were doing.”

Verse 33: “And the ass saw me and turned from me these three times. Unless she had turned from me, surely, now also I had slain thee and saved the ass alive.”

Well, let me tell you, the people in this country and in this world today that are putting animals ahead of people probably love this Scripture. The angel of the Lord was going to kill Balaam and save the ass alive. Sorry, that is not what it says. First of all, Balaam is the ass. OK, let us find out what it says.

And the ass, which is Balaam -- the host -- the ass is the host. Balaam, I guess, is the whole man. “Saw me and turned,” 5186, thrust away, turned away. That is the word for repentance, turn around, change your mind. “And the ass saw me and thrust away” -- we are not using the words from me. There -- the King James translators put them in.

And those words from me are a translation of the Hebrew word 6440. It can also be tra- -- that is the word that means face. We see that word a lot in the phrase face of the Earth, face of the ground, and we translate that the personality of the Earth, the serpent, the personality of the ground, Leviathan. That is the word; it means face or personality. And the English word these, we are translating this three-part altar.

This is what we have got: “And Balaam saw and thrust away the personality of the three-part altar.” OK, that does not sound too good. Please note, there are two verbs there: saw and thrust. “And Balaam saw and thrust away the personality of the three-part altar.” Well, that sounds like he is throwing away Adam’s personality. That does not sound too good. Well, let us see if we can find out what the two subjects are for those two verbs because to assume that Balaam is the subject of both the verb saw, that is to see, and the verb to thrust away is a naïve assumption.

Why would I call that a naïve assumption? Because I have been translating these Scriptures for nine years, and I found situations like this time and time again. Not all that often, but quite a few situations like this, and the subject of the second verb is always a hidden subject which changes the entire meaning of the verse.

“And Balaam saw the personality,” Balaam was the one who saw, you see. The subject that is missing goes with the verb to thrust away. “And Balaam saw the personality of the three-part altar”-- and thrust away -- “and thrust the serpent away.” I suggest to you, thrust the serpent away.

Adam rose up, went out to come against Satan [INAUDIBLE] and Balaam [INAUDIBLE] the angel of the Lord thrust away [INAUDIBLE] was going to get.” Now, why would Balaam thrust away that which Adam was going after? Because, brethren, if the [?Lord Jesus Christ?] is Satan in me, and I am in agreement with Satan, I am going to be saying my goodbyes. What that is saying is a man named Balaam [?has the?] angel of the Lord within him [INAUDIBLE] and the angel of the Lord rose up to destroy [INDAUDIBLE] [?I slay the serpent?] [INAUDIBLE] and I will serve you. Just let me live.

Is there anybody that does not know what I am talking about? Adam, the angel of the Lord, is telling Balaam that Balaam had an experience [INAUDIBLE]. [?Now,?] this is where I got stuck last night. I [?was stuck here until?] the Lord gave me the [?understanding?] that this situation [?did not happen at this time?].

[?This situation?] where Balaam recognized the angel of the Lord and turned away from serving Satan happened in a time past, and Balaam’s life was preserved, and he still existed. This situation happened before Jehovah ever made His contract with Israel. And I want to suggest to you that Balaam was present at the Tower of Babel and the judgment that was executed upon it.

This is very interesting. This is what the Lord told me when I woke up this morning. This is the revelation that he gave me. I come to an impasse in my studies last night. I did not even know what I would be preaching today, but [INAUDIBLE] [?asleep?] [INAUDIBLE] [?asking the Lord?] [INAUDIBLE] [?woke up?]. [?Now, it is very interesting.?]

If it is true [INAUDIBLE] if it is [INAUDIBLE] the [INAUDIBLE] which [?existed?] [INAUDIBLE] [?initiated?] [INAUDIBLE] [?drawing conclusions. See?] [INAUDIBLE] [?separated the language of each people that were building the tower. They knew what they?] [INAUDIBLE] I thought at one point that even one [INAUDIBLE].

Well, I did not know, but unless Balaam represents [?everyone that was present in that situation at the tower?], then they were differentiated beings, which is probably the case. I think that is what the Scripture indicates. It says the whole world was of one mind, one speech, one language, whatever. The angel of the Lord came down. Jehovah sent the angel of the Lord down, and he was coming against Satan.

And in a few minutes -- I have printed out in your notes our Alternate Translation of [INAUDIBLE] Chapter 11 which [INAUDIBLE] [?Tower of Babel?] [INAUDIBLE]. [?Jehovah sent the angel of the Lord.?] He was out against Satan because it was Satan in these men that were trying to get up into heaven in an ungodly way, and Adam was headed for Satan with murder in his heart, and Balaam saw him coming. [INAUDIBLE] do not see judgment coming. It is a tragedy how many people cannot see the angel of the Lord standing with the sword drawn, and they walk right into destruction. It is the curse of the fool. If you do that, it is the curse of the fool.

I had the curse of the fool on me at one time. I had just started to drive. I think I was 17, maybe 18 years old. I had my dad’s car. I was going away for the weekend, and I was on the New York State Thruway doing 75 miles an hour. And I was doing 75 miles an hour because I was racing some -- two young fellows in the car next to me, and they saw the police trap and I did not. I wondered why they slowed down. I got the ticket, and they did not. And my father flipped out, and I do not blame him. I said, why are they slowing down for? It never occurred to me to hit the brake.

It is the curse of the fool, brethren, when danger is right in front of your face and your eyes are blinded to it. I do not say this to condemn you. We must pray for the curse to be broken over us and for the scales to be removed from our eyes.

Let us go on, and I will show you my witnesses. I hope this is going to bless you. It just really, really blessed me. So what are we saying? We are saying that starting with verse -- is it starting with verse 32 or 31? Let me just check this out here.

OK. Verse -- starting with verse 32 -- OK, I am suggesting to you that -- starting with verse 32, 33 and I think it is 34, that this is an account of the situation that happened probably -- maybe even -- I do not know how many thousands of years [INAUDIBLE]. I do not know. I know the church world teaches that no one ever lived more than a thou- -- more than 990-something years since Adam died, but all that I could tell you -- the Lord has not spoken to me directly on this issue, and I do know that, as far the genealogies go of the line which leads to Jesus Christ, nobody lived more than 990-some-odd years.

But I want to tell you, brethren, and I want to suggest to you strongly not to close your mind and put Jesus in a box, OK? Do not put Him in a box. Anything is possible, and there is always an exception to the rule -- always.

Now, if you read the account of Jesus’ -- of Jehovah’s judgment on the people who were present at Babel, they lost all their spiritual power. He stripped them of their spiritual power, and here is Balaam with spiritual power strong enough to kill and wipe out Israel. There is always an exception. Do not be a Pharisee. Do not be naïve, and do not think you know it all because no one knows it all so long as we are in this mortal mind. You cannot put Jesus in a box.

Now, I am not telling you that I believe that Balaam was thousands of years old, but I think he may have been. I think he may have been. I think it is a possibility, and I believe that the Lord will clear up this issue as we continue to labor in the Word and seek the truth.

But here is the situation. Here is the Israel of God. I am sorry. That is the word for the spiritual Israel. Here is the Israel that Jehovah has made a contract with. He has given them [?an imputed?] authority in a resurrected -- in the form of a resurrected Adam that was more powerful than the anointing of the Holy Ghost in the church today, and here is one man that was powerful enough to wipe out all of the prophets and priests and manly men of Israel.

What kind of power is this that the man had? He must have been around for a long time. I suggest to you from the beginning -- from the beginning of the fall. [?I do not know.?] Let us find out, all right? I am not telling you -- what I am telling you is not engraved in stone, but this is the way it looks right now. Let us go on.

Verse 33 -- oh, we are in the middle of that. OK, we did that first part. “And Balaam saw the personality of the three-part altar and thrust the serpent away.” OK, we are on the second phrase of verse 33. “Unless she had turned from me, surely, now also I had slain thee and saved her alive.”

The word unless -- I guess we are keeping that, unless. The pronoun she, we are choosing the pronoun you. Let me remind you that the third-person conjugation of a verb is he, she, it or the pronoun is you. OK, the third-person can be any third -- I is the first-person, you are the second-person, the third-person of the verb could be he, she, it and the pronoun is you. [?It could mean he, she?] [INAUDIBLE] what I am trying to tell you.

So, unless you, I suggest [?to you?here?]. Had turned, that is Strong’s 5186, and we are going to translate that word turned, turned away. “Unless you had turned away.” The King James says “from me,” but the Hebrew word that is translated from me is 6440. That is that word that means face again, the personality. Surely, we will translate it surely. And the word now is Strong’s 6258. We can translate at that time, a legitimate translation of that word. The English word also, Strong’s 1571, can be translated neither. And then we have a word that is not translated, Strong’s 853, which means oneself. We deal with that all the time.

Had slain, Strong’s 2026. In the Brown-Driver-Briggs lexicon, this Hebrew word, Strong’s 2026, it says it can be translated to deal a deadly wound, to wound someone unto death, to kill, to murder, to slay, to wound unto death. And I want to suggest to you that this word should not be a verb, that it is a noun -- a noun with an adjective, a deadly wound, a deadly wound.

Now, the King James translators frequently take a noun and make it a verb, take a verb and make it a noun. It is very common. They do it all the time. But the intent of the word, whether it be a verb or a noun, is to deal a deadly blow. Anybody see where I am going? Deadly wound? Does it sound like something in the book of Revelation?

The English word thee, Strong’s 853, we are translating itself. And the words her alive, Strong’s 2421, that means life, and it can be translated to restore to life, to save her life, to restore to life, the same basic principle.

This is what we have got: “And unless you had turned away from your personality at that time.” Now, please note that this word personality in the beginning of verse 33 is translated the personality of the three-part altar. You saw the personality of the three-part altar, but in the second verse this word personality is not modified, and I suggest to you it is referring to Balaam’s fallen personality Leviathan.

“And unless you had turned away from your personality at that time.” OK, let us try it again. “And unless you had turned away from Leviathan, your evil personality, at that time, neither would I have restored the life of yourself to the deadly wound of yourself.”

Now, that does not make much sense, but what I did was type in all words in the order that they appear, and this is what it sounds like when it makes sense: “And unless you had turned away from Leviathan, your evil personality, at that time, I would not have restored the life of your deadly wound.”

I would not have restored the life of your deadly wound. Brethren, what is the deadly wound of the beast? The wound that killed the beast was the death of its head. The living beast was alive because his head was Adam, who was in the image of Jehovah, and when Adam was murdered a deadly wound was dealt to the head of the beast, and the beast died from that deadly wound, but it still has an existence and this is it. It is called hell. Right here, we are in it now.

Now, I have pulled out a few scriptures here because I really felt led to go with this deadly wound. I would like to read you the whole of verse 33, though. I see I did not put it in here for you, but let me read it.

Verse 33 of Numbers 22: “And Balaam saw the personality of the three-part altar and thrust the serpent away.” I guess this is Adam speaking. “And you, Balaam, saw the personality of the three-part altar and thrust the serpent away, and unless you had turned away from Leviathan, your evil personality, at that time, I would not have restored the life of your deadly wound.”

So let me point out a couple of things to you here. First of all, Balaam turned away from both Satan and Leviathan. That is not a stutter. “Balaam saw the personality of the three-part altar and thrust the serpent away, and unless you had turned away from Leviathan, your evil personality.” OK, both Satan and Leviathan were thrown away. [?Thrust away, why? Because?] they are one. You cannot keep one and thrust away the other.

So we saw that Balaam thrust away the unconscious mind, the serpent, and the conscious mind, Leviathan. He thrust evil from him, and Adam says to him, “Unless you had done that, I would not have restored the life of your deadly wounds.” Now, the deadly wound was unto Adam. This is saying Adam was restored in him. Adam was raised from the dead in you. The three-part altar was reconnected in you.

Now, this does not mean Balaam was in full stature. Once again, it is -- to be -- to have Adam raised from the dead in you does not make you in full stature. What brings you to full stature is that, that godly mind, Adam, has to so defeat Leviathan that Leviathan is totally incapable of expressing herself through you in any way because every expression of her is sin.

So Balaam could have had Adam raised to full stature and also the serpent and Leviathan was present in him. Now, the Scripture here says that he thrust the serpent and Leviathan away. Thrust them away -- thrust them -- thrust them away, rejected them -- rejected --


The host has a vote. The host has a say. We are a three-part person. Now, Leviathan -- if Christ Jesus being formed in us, we are Christ Jesus, and we are a host vessel which is temporal. The host personality, the host body, will cease to exist when the spiritual life [?within us?] matures. And it can only mature on -- either in -- into righteousness or unto [sic] good or evil. And a maturity into righteousness brings everlasting life, and maturity both to good and to evil does not result in everlasting life. And, of course, the maturity into evil is torment.

Balaam saw the angel of the Lord coming with a vengeance against the evil or the perverseness that was being done at the Tower of Babel. Balaam saw him coming and fell down on his face and said, “Spare me, Lord. I will serve you.” And Adam said, “OK,” and restored the altar in him that he tore down in every other man -- mortal man that was present at this event known as the Tower of Babel.

I pulled out three scriptures in Revelation 13 that deal with the heads.

Verse 3: “And I saw one of his heads, as it were, wounded to death, and his deadly wound was healed, and all of the world wondered after the beast.” And that is a very interesting verse, and the church world links that up with other verses that talk about a dragon having seven heads. Would you put that on hold for [?a minute?me?], please?


As I was saying, the church world links this verse up with another verse that talks -- I think it is chapter 17, that talks about a dragon having seven heads, and we have all heard it preached that one of the seven heads was wounded. I would like to suggest to you, however, that the -- this is not accurate, and a little further on we will translate one verse that talks about the seven heads. I suggest to you there are only two heads. Adam and Leviathan, those are the two heads, the two minds.

“And I saw one of his heads,” one of the beast’s heads, “as it were, wounded unto death.” Brethren, the fallen creation, mortal man, is a beast with two heads, and one was wounded unto death, and the one that was wounded was a righteous head, Adam.

“And that deadly wound was healed, and the whole world wondered after the beast.” That deadly wound was healed. Well, it was healed. It was healed by Jehovah. He put the altar back together again, and then it was also -- the wound was healed. Adam was restored.

OK, now, I have not translated this verse. I have not looked at it in the Greek, so I do not want to go any further. But I would also like to suggest to you, because I believe this is the direction the Lord is moving us in, is that in several situations Jehovah did restore the wounded head back into life, and it was Jehovah that did it; but that in other situations the beast, that had one of its heads wounded that was existing by the power of Leviathan, healed himself in an attempt to restore himself to full stature with the power of the serpent.

Now, we will get to that verse -- I have it a little further down -- where it tells us in Genesis 11 that the reason Jehovah sent Adam out to break up what was going on at the Tower of Babel was that the man -- mankind at that time had Adam intact. They had a righteous mind, and they also had an unrighteous mind.

And the men at that time, including Balaam, were choosing to follow after their unrighteous mind. So what Jehovah decided to do was break up the serpentine altar. He separated Leviathan from Satan. He stripped -- we are Leviathan. Mortal man is Leviathan. He stripped Leviathan of the serpent’s spiritual power.

But Balaam saw Adam coming, and he said, “Oh, no, Lord. I do not want to be a mortal man. I give up Satan and Leviathan. Let me serve you.” And Adam said, “OK,” and healed his deadly wound, and everyone else got wiped out. Far-fetched? I think it is better than anything I have heard so far.

Revelation 13:12: “And he ex-” -- the beast now -- “exerciseth all of the power of the first beast before him and causeth the Earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed.” Well, that is pretty much the same principle.

Verse 14: “And deceiveth them that dwell on the Earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast saying to them that dwell on the Earth that they should make an image to the beast which had the wound by a sword and had lived.”

The sword -- a sword is the symbolic way of -- the spiritual sword -- the weapon, which is the spiritual sword, is a mind. So if the beast had two heads, a righteous mind and an unrighteous mind, and the deadly wound was ministered to the righteous mind by a sword, then it was the un- -- we know that it was the unrighteous mind that killed the righteous mind. And, of course, that fits in with everything that we have been teaching here.

The deadly wound to the head is the death of the head or the mind. The head of the celestial or the spiritual body, which is the personality, is the mind or, in the case of mortal man, the heart. Mortal man does not have a mind, or the mind that he has is a lie. It is not a true mind. It is a counterfeit mind, which is called a heart. Death occurs as a result of Cain and Abel being separated. Spiritual death occurs when the altar that Jehovah stuck together breaks apart; Cain and Abel break apart again, spiritual death occurs.

OK, here are those verses from Genesis 11:6-7 of Alternate Translation: “And Jehovah said, ‘Look,’” and who is He talking to? He is talking to His angel. He is talking to Adam. “And Jehovah said, ‘Look, the people have united Cain and Abel and Leviathan. Their whole mind is joined to the serpent.’” It looks like I have the word is [?out of?added?] there. We are missing the word is.

“And Jehovah said, ‘Look, the people have united Cain and Abel and Leviathan. Their whole mind joined -- is joined to the serpent and obedient to mortal man’s other altar.’” Now, we see one altar is Jehovah, Cain and Abel, and the other altar is the serpent, Cain and Abel -- or the Earth, Cain and Abel. I guess we could say either the Earth, Cain and Abel or the serpent and Abel. It has to be one way or the other.

“And Jehovah said, ‘Look, the people have united Cain and Abel.’” They did in their own power! They united Cain and Abel in their own power. “‘And Leviathan, their whole mind, is joined to the serpent and obedient to mortal man’s other altar.’” So I am separating Leviathan from the serpent. Jehovah said, “I am going to break up that altar, and I am giving Cain the serpent’s spiritual substance to the animals.” That is us. We got it. And this is how I am stopping Leviathan, the evil mind in me, from worshiping the serpent.

Brethren, what is worship? Worship is union. Worship is spiritual sex. Worship sex of the mind, and it results in the generation of spiritual power. If you are truly worshiping Jesus Christ, you have spiritual power being generated in you. Now, if you think you are worshiping Jesus Christ and you do not have any power, you are not worshiping Jesus Christ. You may think you are, but you are not. Worship is communion. It is an exchange of mind. It is an interaction of mind.

Mortal man was operating in the spirit -- in the serpent’s spiritual power when Jehovah’s power, through Adam, was available to them, and this is exactly what happened to Balaam. What does that mean? Well, the power of Jehovah was available to him when Balak’s messengers came to him, but he did not choose righteousness. The host chose Leviathan. Balaam, the ho- -- the ass, the host, had a fully resurrected, mature righteous Adam. All he had to do was say to Adam, “I perceived Leviathan trying to influence me to take this bribe, but I cleave unto you,” and Adam would have risen up and slapped Leviathan right down. But Balaam, the host, agreed with Leviathan.

You see, Christ Jesus, or Adam in the Old Testament, does not fight Leviathan for you unless you are fighting Leviathan, see. A lot of people are confused over this. You must do all you can do to fight Leviathan, and Christ Jesus will come in and give you the balance of power; but you cannot love your sin and say, “Christ Jesus, kill Leviathan,” while you are in full agreement with his express- -- with her expression manifesting through you.

The Lord will not respond to [?your call?]. Well, if he does respond at all, it will be with judgment. He will not smite Leviathan while you are loving the fact that she is living through you. He will not do it. You have to confess it as sin and repent, and even if you are totally overcome, at least take a couple of potshots at her. Say, “I rebuke you.” Rip her up a little bit. Do something! But if you are justifying your sin, the Lord will be silent unto you. Jesus.

And here I wrote a note that I have already -- I already have made a -- formed an opinion in my own heart. I wrote this note, “I wonder if Balaam was not one who survived this judgment upon Babel through repentance.” And from the time I wrote that down, I feel that the Lord has told me that that was exact- -- that is exactly who Balaam is. He is one who survived the judgment that occurred at the Tower of Babel through confession of sin and repentance.

OK. Now, we are going to do a couple of -- we are going to translate a couple of verses from the book of Revelation, and although it is not written in your notes, that is Revelation, chapter 17, and we are going to do verses 8 and 9. I may have done 10 also. I am not sure. The book of Revelation, chapter 17.

Revelation 17:8: “The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition. And they that dwell on the Earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.”

Brethren, this is an extremely difficult verse. The King James translators did the best that they could, but I think that the Lord Jesus has given us a better translation, which I find very exciting.

“The beast that thou sawest was,” and for the word was, just to make it a little clearer we are going to say was existing. Pretty much -- well, OK, I will wait on that. Was existing [INAUDIBLE] she existed in the past, that is what it means. “And is not.” Well, we have a lot of experience with translating these negative particles as either the serpent or Satan or Leviathan, and I suggest to you that that is the situation here. We are translating the negative particle, Strong’s 3756 in the Greek, as Satan.

And this what we have got: “The beast that you saw existing in the past, who exists now as Satan.” It is the same beast, brethren. It is the serpent that was in the garden, is existing today in a different form, as Satan in your mind.

“And shall ascend out of the bottomless pit and go into perdition.” The word -- English word and is a translation of Strong’s 2532. We shall translate it indeed. The English word shall is a translation of Strong’s 3195, which implies to be thinking about something. The English word ascend is a translation of Strong’s 305, but we are going to keep that translation, ascend. “Out of the bottomless pit,” we will keep that. The English word and, Strong’s 2532, we will translate it indeed.

The English word into, Strong’s 1519, we will translate it toward. Now, that is important. That is an important change. Perdition, Strong’s 684. Brown-Driver-Briggs says it is talking about the destru- -- the -- excuse me, the destruction which is associated with hell, and I suggest to you a full stature of evil -- that this verse is talking about a full stature of evil. The English word go, Strong’s 5217, can also be translated to depart from or to bring under authority.

And this is what we have got: “The beast that you saw existing in the past exists now as Satan. That same beast is thinking about ascending beyond the restraints that Jehovah placed upon her when He separated Leviathan from the serpent’s power,” -- and that was back in Genesis 11 at the Tower of Babel -- “indeed, toward a full stature of evil.”

OK, now, this not good English yet. I did not put it into good English yet, but what it is saying here is that the -- Jehovah has separated Leviathan from the serpent’s power because she was headed towards a full stature of evil, and the way she was headed towards a full stature of evil was because she was departing from Christ Jesus’ authority and bringing Christ Jesus underneath her, the serpent’s, authority. And that is exactly what we just read about [?in our?] translation of -- [?back in?] verses 6 and 7 of Genesis 11.

OK, this is a long verse. Let me just get you the English here. “And they that dwell on the Earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world.”

And shall wonder, this English word wonder, it is a translation of Strong’s 2296, and I want to suggest to you that in the context of this whole verse it should be translated wonders, miracles, signs and wonders, not that someone is going to wonder and say, “Oh, wow! Look at that beast!” That was how I always -- but I always thought it meant. “Wow! Wow! Wow! Look at that beast!” No, it is talking about miraculous signs and wonders, and you will see how it fits in with the other words.

We then have an untranslated word, Strong’s 3588, which we shall translate these. The phrase, “they that dwell,” Strong’s 2730. Now, this is an important change. To dwell means to reside or to be resident -- to be resident. I know this is difficult. Just hang in here with me. The English word on, Strong’s 1909, can be translated across or the other side. Remember, we talked about that earlier. To be [?onto?on two?on?] diametrically opposite sides, opposite poles. It is talking about two different minds or two different positions.

We then have a word that is not translated, Strong 3599. We are translating it this. The English word Earth, Strong’s 1093, is speaking about ground, and that is inhabited land. The difference between Earth and ground is that the ground is cultivated, inhabited land.

And I want to suggest to you that it is talking about the right side of the brain, and you will see how this whole revelation that has been coming down here with regard to the brain is right here in this verse. I am suggesting to you that the cultivated -- the word that is translated Earth, it is -- really means ground. It means inhabited land, and it is speaking about the right side of the brain, which is the Garden of Eden.

The English word whose, Strong’s 3739, we are translating it from which. We then have a negative particle again, the English word not, Strong’s 3756, which we are translating serpent. Were written, Strong’s 1125. Writing is speaking about engraving. It is speaking about the nature that is engraved upon us. We have another untranslated word, Strong’s 3588. We will translate it her; it is a pronoun. And we then have the English word names, Strong’s 3686. Names refer to nature, brethren.

And this is what we have got. Now we are talking about this beast now that is thinking about rising up above Christ Jesus’ authority and putting Christ Jesus under the serpent’s authority, and not only Christ Jesus coming under the serpent’s authority, but the miracle-working power. That’s the signs and wonders.

She also -- she only -- she wants authority over Christ Jesus, but she also wants authority over the miracle-working power that is resident -- those are those that dwell on the Earth, that are resident -- the -- not the people that dwell on the Earth, but the miracle-working power that is resident on the other side of the brain from which the serpent engraved her nature.

Do you hear this? The serpent engraves her nature on the left side of the brain. It is called Eastward of Eden, but she is seeking to apprehend and bring under her authority the miracle-working power that is resident, that is available, to every resident of the right side of the brain, but you got to get over to the right side of the brain. But the serpent cannot get over to the right side of the brain to get that miracle-working power; she wants to bring it under her authority on the left, mortal, side of the brain. And this is what she is thinking about. This is what she wants to do. This is what is stirring up Kundalini is all about.

Let us get the -- let us lay hold of the miracle-working power without confession of sin and repentance. Without union with Jehovah, let us lay hold of the energy that is resident in this mortal vessel that was put here because Jehovah gave it to the animals. Let us lay hold of it and gather Cain and Abel together, and let us have miracle-working power without Jehovah and without Jesus Christ. Is that not what the New Age is all about? Is that not what they are saying? Is this not what Eastern philosophy is preaching? Let us get the power, and let us do it our way.

I am going to give you the English here: “Were not written in the -- name -- whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.” Well, it sounds very exciting, except it does not make any sense.

OK, the English word in, Strong’s 1909, we are translating it upon. There is an untranslated word, Strong’s 3588, which we will translate this. The English words the book are not in the Greek. They are not in the Greek. Nothing about a book of life in the Greek. The English word life, Strong’s 2222, is in the Greek, but nothing about a book. The English word from, Strong’s 575, we will translate separate or separate. The foundation, Strong’s 2602 --

Oh, what did I do here? This word fou- -- OK, the word foundation -- the English word foundation means to deposit, to -- what I did was I put the word -- instead of -- OK. The King James translators did not know what to make out of this, so they added the word book, and they made it the book of life, but the word book is not in the Greek. So I eliminated the word book and put the word life together with the English word foundation, OK. And to found something means to deposit something. So I put the word to deposit or to found together with life, and what we have here is the deposit of the virile semen of the world. OK? Life, foundation, deposit -- we are talking about depositing the virile semen of the world. And we are translating the Greek word which is translated world, arrangement, the arrangement that the Lord made.

“When they behold,” Strong’s 991, and that -- one of the translations in Brown-Driver-Briggs of this Hebrew word, 991, is the sight of the senses, physical sight. Genesis 3:7 says, “And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked, and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons.” That is what this word behold is talking about, the sight of the senses.

And what we have now is -- this is a long verse. “Upon the separation of the life from the virile semen of the arrangement, because of the sight of the senses.” The virile semen was separated from the true life because of the sight of the senses. The virile semen was separated from the life -- I am sorry, “Upon the separation of the life from the virile” -- well, that does not make any sense. I will have to put it together for you.

The sperm is the life of the virile semen. The separation -- OK, OK. I am sorry. I got that wrong. The sperm is a part of the semen. The word semen, or the semen, consists of the sperm and the other part. I could not find the name of the liquid that the sperm is in. When it -- when the two are together, it is called semen, but when you extract the sperm from the semen, I could not find any medical name for it. The only name that I could find in my encyclopedia here is the transporting medium, the transporting medium.

I have told you that Elohim, the sperm of Jehovah, came out from Jehovah in a water medium. Do you remember me teaching you that? He came out and a water medium. Human sperm is ejected from the male body in a watery medium. I do not know what the name of it is, but I do know that it has proteins, and all of the building blocks of life are present in the supporting medium. Jesus. And I told you that the watery medium that Elohim came out in is the basic substance of this whole image.

The watery medium is the substance of the image. What does that mean? Well, if it is Adam that is forming the image of a world, he is forming a reflection on the top of the supporting medium, the watery, supporting medium. If it is Leviathan projecting the image of this world, Leviathan is projecting it from underneath the waters of the supporting medium.

OK, and the reflection that is on top of the waters is the visible spiritual world. It is clear, and it is pure; and the image that is projected from underneath the waters by Leviathan is dark and muddy. That is the world that we are living in. The whole world is covered with the darkness of the Earth that is polluting the watery medium that supported the sperm. And the Earth being dissolved in the watery medium killed the sperm. All that was left was the watery medium.

And the last phrase here: “When they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.” The beast that, the English word that is Strong’s 3754. We are translating it because. The English word was, 2258, we are translating it existed. The English word and, Strong’s 2532, it can be translated then to. We now have a negative particle, Strong 3756. We will translate it the serpent. The English word is, we will keep that translation. And yet, Strong’s 2532, we will translate indeed is. And now we see the words yet is at the very end of that verse. It is not in the Greek. It was added by the King James translators. We are eliminating it.

“Because the beast that existed as the serpent indeed exists today.” I added in the word today for emphasis. “Because the beast that existed as the serpent indeed exists.” So you all know that when you see an Alternate Translation, when it is my Alternate Translation, any words in brackets are words that I have added in. They are amplified words. “Because the beast that existed as the serpent indeed exists” or “indeed still exists.”

OK, I put the whole thing together, it is not very good English, on your page 7, but if you look at the bottom of page 7, you see a verse 9 and the first line of verse 33. That should all be scratched out. OK, so I am going to read -- I am going to put all these trans- -- or translations of the various phrases together. It is not the best English, and then on page 8, I put it together in pretty good English.

“The beast that you saw existing in the past, who exists now as Satan, is indeed thinking about ascending beyond the restraints Jehovah placed upon her when He separated Leviathan from the serpent’s power toward a full stature of evil by departing from Christ Jesus’ authority, and bringing Christ Jesus and the miracle-working power that is resident on the other side of the brain from which the serpent engraved her nature, because of the sight of the senses upon the separation of the life from the virile semen of the arrangement underneath the serpent’s authority, because the beast that existed as the serpent, indeed, still exists.”

Well, it did not make too much sense, so I tried to clean it up. Now, the -- it -- the -- at the top of the page 8, that first phrase, “the serpent indeed still exists today,” you could scratch that out too. It is a complicated verse. My hat is off to the King James translators. They did an outstanding, stupendous job with what they had to work with.

This is Revelation 17:8, Alternate Translation: “The beast that you saw, who existed in the past and exists now as Satan, is indeed thinking about” -- now, before I go any further, you will see a couple of phrases in b- -- in all caps, and I put in a one and a two because this verse is so complicated that it is really hard to understand it even with the Alternate Translation.

“The beast that you saw, who existed in the past and exists now as Satan, is thinking about two things.” So I have made it as clear as possible as I could for you. “Satan is thinking about two things. The first thing is she is thinking about ascending beyond the restraints that Jehovah placed upon her when He separated the serpent’s power from Leviathan, who was moving toward a full stature of evil by departing from Christ Jesus’ authority. And the second thing she is thinking about is bringing Christ Jesus and the miracle-working power that is resident on the other side of the brain, on the side of the brain that is opposite from the side where the serpent engraved her nature, when the virile semen of the life of the arrangement separated from the part underneath because of sensual sight, because the beast that existed as the serpent, indeed, still exists today.”

It is a very complicated verse. I think I will be able to clean it up a little more. I just did not have the time. But the two things that I would like you to see there is that the serpent is thinking about -- see, she has two ideas in her mind. She wants to break Jehovah’s restraints, and she wants Christ Jesus and the miracle-working power of the right side of the brain in her possession. That is what she wants.

And then in the midst of all that, we have information about what happened at the beginning of time. We see that -- now, I am up on -- I am on the third -- I am starting on the fourth line of that Alternate Translation there. We are finding out that Jehovah placed restraints upon the serpent, and those restraints are that He separated Leviathan from the ser- -- He stripped Leviathan of the serpent’s power, and the reason that He did that was that Leviathan, who was mor- -- was in mortal man -- the mortal mind of mortal man, was moving toward a full stature of evil. And the way she was moving towards a full stature of evil was that she was departing from Christ Jesus, Adam, the mind of God, who had full power to meet all her needs. He was intact. Adam was intact.

And then the second piece of information that we have here, with regard to the serpent’s desire to bring Christ Jesus and the miracle-working power of the age to come under her authority, we find that this miracle-working power is resident on the o- -- on the side of the brain that is opposite the side of the brain where the serpent’s image is.

Spiritually speaking -- I really do not have this completely straight with regard to the physical reality because I do not have -- I really have to get some anatomy books out. But spiritually speaking, the left side of the brain is female, and the serpent’s nature, therefore, is engraved on the left hemisphere of the brain. But she is not satisfied with the power she has here. She wants the power that is resident on the right side of the brain, which is evil.

And we are finding out further that the na- -- the serpent engraved her nature on the left side of the brain, which is Eastward of Eden. The way that happened was that the virile semen of the life of the arrangement separated from the part underneath. Now, this is very interesting because I got a flash of revelation when I was working on this. I am not 100 percent sure that it is true, but a thought hit me, a very interesting thought, and that is this: I never really had it straight in my head what the difference between Adam and Cain was. I never really had it straight.

You know, I have talked about Adam being in a watery medium and the lower parts of his waters mixing with the earth and all that, but the thought hit me that Elohim was the sperm -- is the sperm, and Cain is the watery medium. Cain may have been the actual water. So who is Adam, now? Adam is the mind that was formed when Jehovah breathed Elohim into the dust, and Adam was in the midst of this watery medium, and Adam’s lower part may be the watery medium. Do you at least know what I am saying? You are not following what I am saying?

Maybe I could get this on the board. Let me try to put this on the board for you. I feel comfortable enough to put it out to you as a suggestion. I am not 100 percent sure that it is correct yet. Look -- try and look at it this way.

Adam is Elohim, which is the sperm breathed into the dust. Is that not right? Now, even when we did our Alternate Translation on Genesis 1, I remember finding the verse where -- I do not remember who was giving the instruction. I guess it was Jehovah -- saying that the seminal fluid -- it indicated that the seminal fluid was separate from the sperm, and I could never see the significance of it.

OK. Now, Elohim is the sperm, and He came forth in a watery medium. I am saying, is it possible that the watery medium -- does anybody see my eraser here? -- is what Cain is? Now, let me ask you a question. What was -- from what condition did Cain’s weakness generate? Was Cain not a watery medium in which the Earth was dissolving herself? Cain was a watery medium in which the Earth was dissolving herself. The Earth dissolved herself in Cain and became the serpent.

So it looks like Cain might have been the -- I cannot remember the -- what did I call it? The supporting -- the transporting medium. Is it possible that Cain was the transporting medium that Elohim was in? I think it sounds like it is a real possibility. It makes sense, so we will hold onto it. Did I help you little? Are you following me a little bit with this? OK.

OK, now let us -- so you see, it was not the sperm that got into trouble, neither was it Adam that got into trouble; Cain was the unstable part. Now, apparently, Adam and Cain were connected to one another. I am not exactly sure how they were connected to one another because I believe that Adam was not, you know, a single form like we are a single form. Actually, I do not know what he looked like. And I know that he was spread out throughout the watery medium. It would be almost as if to --

Oh! I just had a thought. It would be almost as if to say the watery -- see, I believe that Adam was present in every atom of the watery medium. It is as if to say Adam was the nucleus. Adam was the nucleus of an atom where we had a little -- and the shell closest to the nucleus has two electrons, OK, and the next orbital has eight electrons if [?their?there?they are?] -- if the shell is complete.

It is almost as if to say Adam was the positive charge of the creation, and Cain -- see, Adam is dust. Let us say he is in the center here, and Cain, who is the supporting medium, is surrounding Adam, A-D-A-M, in every atom of the waters of creation. Adam himself was stable, but the waters swirling around him were not stable.

And you may recall me telling you that an outer shell, that should have eight electrons to be satisfied. If it has only four electrons, it makes this atom an unstable atom that is going to be looking to be attracted to something to fill in the four missing electrons, and that this is how a molecule is formed. Can you see this, that I only have four electrons in the outer shell? Can you see that? This outer shell is half-empty. That means if another atom comes along that has -- if another atom comes along that has four electrons in its outer shell, these two atoms will join each other.

I am just not quite sure how to draw it. So this is probably wrong, but it is better than nothing. Another atom comes along, and the outer shell of this other atom touches the outer shell of the first atom. The second atom has a nucleus; Adam is in the midst of the nucleus. And there is an inner shell that has two [sic] electrons, OK, and this second atom has four electrons also. Now, somehow these two atoms link up and become one. [UNINTELLIGIBLE], you know, I am sorry if this is not too accurate, but somehow these two atoms are sharing electrons, so now we have two atoms that have an outer shell with eight electrons each. Do you have any -- do you know what I am talking about? You following me at all? OK.

I am sure that the drawing is not accurate, but somehow these two atoms link up. And this atom had four electrons in the outer shell, and this atom had four electrons in the outer shell. And now this atom, the fir- -- atom number 1, is utilizing the four atoms [sic] atom number 2 -- the four electrons from atom number 2, and is now complete and satisfied in its outer shell, in its outer orbital. And atom number 2 is utilizing the four electrons from atom number 1, and atom number 2’s outer orbital is completely satisfied also.

This was Adam’s weakness. He was surrounded by a watery medium that was unsatisfied and lusting for completion. Somehow Jehovah was going to satisfy this watery medium that was negative. Right now, I cannot even begin to even tell you how. And Adam was told to hold the line. Adam was told to control his outer orbital, his negative side, his electrons; he was told to hold them in line as our sun holds all the planets in orbit around [?her?it?]. And Adam failed to do it. He failed to hold the line of his outer orbital.

You know, it is just like a lot of people are going through today in God. Do you know there are a lot of people today whose lives are not satisfied? Lots of single people that want husbands or wives, lots of married people who are not fully satisfied with their marriages, and the promise of the Scripture is that Jesus will meet our every need, but right now at this moment he may not be meeting your every need. Is He not fulfilling his promise you? No, we are negative. We are lacking. He is working in our lives to bring us into a condition whereby we will be satisfied by His spirit, but there could be a long period, many years, of having to deal with lack of satisfaction in one or more areas of our life.

So Jehovah said to Adam, “Your outer orbitals are not satisfied, and it is going to be this way for a season. Maintain your integrity.”

Let us go back to our parable. Single people, do not fall into fornication. Maintain your integrity. Stay at the helm of your life and direct it. So there is something pulling your emotions, something that is lacking in your life; Jehovah said, “Hold on to the [?line?] -- to the altar. Do not sin. Do not slip and do not slide, and in due season I will satisfy you.” That is a parable.

Adam had some -- now -- had some outer orbitals that were not satisfied, and Jehovah said, “You have to wait until I satisfy you,” but Adam did not hold onto them. He failed to hold onto them, and he was satisfied by the Earth. The outer orbitals that did not have a full amount of electrons joined up with atoms of Earth instead of atoms that were spiritual. He mixed his seed. Adam mixed his seed, and the creation was -- which was just a baby creation, that had just begun, that was in the process of cell division. Just as a newborn -- not a newborn. Just as a -- an embryo in a woman engages in cell division until it becomes a whole fetus, this was the beginnings of Adam -- of Adam, A-D-A-M.

And when he lost control of his outer orbitals and he let his electrons join with atoms of Earth instead of atoms of Jehovah’s Spirit, if that is the right word, the creation incarnated in a perverse form. Adam did not hold the line. Jesus. Is everybody OK on this point? All this in verse 8 of Revelation 17, is that not incredible?

OK, I am back 1, 2, 3, 4 -- I am reading five lines from the bottom -- five lines up from the bottom on the Alternate Translation on the top of page 8. So we found out that the serpent engraves [sic] her nature on the left hemisphere of the brain when the virile semen of the life of the arrangement separated from the part underneath. When the virile semen of the life of the arrangement separated from the part underneath. Well, I am going to have to pray about that, but that is what hit me when I was looking at. When the semen separated from the life -- from the part underneath.

And the reason that this separation occurred was because of sensual sight. Well, I guess the part underneath must be the Earth. I do not know. I do not want to take any more time on this message. When the crea- -- when the creature -- when the living beast, obtained sensual sight there was a separation. The part underneath separated from the part on top, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil separated from the Tree of Life, it is the same story through the whole message because of sensual sight under -- of the part underneath; or the part that was under the serpent’s authority separated out, and it killed the virile semen of the life of the arrangement.

Now, we know that what happened was that Cain invaded Adam. We know that Cain not only separated from Adam but turned around and invaded him. And if we are going to follow this teaching that has come forth tonight with regard to physics, if Adam -- if Cain invaded Adam, we see the electrons of the outer orbitals must have invaded the nucleus and then broke it apart, and the negative part of the creation became the nucleus.

We [?have?] flipped inside out. Now, let me show it to you. We [?have?] flipped inside out, and now Cain, of course in the form of the serpent and Leviathan, are [sic] in the nucleus, and the outer orbital is Satan, the waters that are polluted with Earth. [?Now?Well?], I guess Cain is not in the center. So Cain is the water. Leviathan is in the center, the nucleus, and Satan and Cain are in the outer orbitals.

Adam died, right? And Leviathan took his place, and Cain always was in the outer orbitals, right? So where did Satan came [sic] from -- come from? Satan is the Earth -- the atoms of Earth that satisfied Cain’s incomplete orbital. Can you hear that? Cain was the watery medium that the sperm came in. Cain consisted of atoms which had outer orbitals were not satisfied. There should have been eight electrons in his outer orbitals; there were only four. This -- I am just making this up, if any physicist is listening to this. There should have been eight electrons in his outer orbit [sic], and, let us say, he only had four -- or she only had four, and atoms of Earth came along and gave four electrons to Cain’s outer orbitals, satisfying her.

Let me do it for you this way. Maybe it will help you understand. OK, we will make Cain black. Cain had four electrons in her outer orbital, and she was unsatisfied, OK, and the Earth came along and gave her four electrons. Four electrons from the Earth, four electrons from Cain, and now this atom had eight electrons in its outer orbital, and it is complete and satisfied. It is not lusting. It is not subject to magnetic attraction. It has become neutralized. It is completely content. And this mixture of the Earth and Cain in the outer orbitals, which are liquid, a liquid supporting medium, is called Satan.

This world that we live in, it is made up of atoms that have a mixture of Earth -- spiritual Earth and Cain, the supporting -- the transporting medium that Elohim came into this world in. In all of our spiritual outer orbitals of every one of our spiritual atoms, Cain mixed his seed. Somehow Jehovah was going to fill in those four electrons.

Now, I have read something in a couple of my physics books about electrons invading the nucleus, and I cannot remember what I read, so I cannot give you anything tonight on that. But we know that when Cain found the strength, she invaded the nucleus and killed Adam. I cannot really take it anymore along this line. I do not have what I need to do it. Jesus, is that not interesting? I sure would like to see that deeper, Lord. Huh.

So who is the serpent then? We see electrons of the Earth came in and completed that outer orbital. Well, the water -- the watery me- -- the supporting -- the transporting medium is Satan, and somehow the Earth and Cain got together and they became the serpent. Wow, very interesting.

See, we really have to address the reality of how naïve it is to think that the basic [?principals?principles?] of this creation at the beginning of time had personalities like we do, to think of them as Cain and Abel, as a man and his brother -- or, you know, it is really naïve to think that. These were basic [?principals?principles?] of the beginning of the monumental creation and the spiritual [?principals?principles?]. Jesus.

The serpent engraved -- when the virile semen of li- -- of the life of the arrangement -- when the virile semen of the life of the arrangement separated from the part underneath. Jesus. Does everybody -- do you want to put that on hold? We will give them a few more minutes, [?Joe?].

I have been looking at the sentence while you were writing. It was bothering me. I think I found out what was not clear about it. “When the virile semen, which was the life of the arrangement, separated from the part underneath.” I changed the word of to which was. When the virile semen, not of the life but which was the life of the arrangement, separated from underneath. I think I am going to take that -- the words the part out. Separated from underneath.

“When the virile semen, which was the life of the arrangement, separated from underneath,” that means the lower part of the semen separated out. Remember, I told you the semen is in two parts: the spermatozoa and the supporting medium. [INAUDIBLE] but this is saying the semen is -- the spermatozoa [?for?or?] the supporting medium separated from the sperm. “When the virile semen, which was the life of the arrangement, separated from underneath.” Underneath meaning the lower part. The supporting medium is the lower part. The higher part, the most important part, is the sperm.

So we see that the supporting medium, which I believe is Cain, separated from the sperm, and what did she do? She joined herself with the Earth. She sep- -- now, who is the sperm? The sperm is Elohim, and Elohim, at this point, is in the form of Adam. Elohim has formed himself into Adam, the living soul, the immature mind of the creation. And the supporting medium, the waters, separated from Adam and joined with the Earth. Adam, A-D-A-M, the living soul, could not hold his electrons in their orbitals. [?Jesus.?]

Verse 9, we are still in Revelation chapter 18: “And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sitteth.” And here -- Strong’s 5602, here in the same spot, in the same place. The word is, is not in the Hebrew. “The mind which hath,” or which possesses, “wisdom.” Brethren, it is talking about the mind of Christ. Who is the wise mind? Remember, there are two heads. The beast has two heads, which are minds: the mind of Christ, which is Adam; or the mind -- or the lying mind of Leviathan, which is really a heart.

“The mind which hath wisdom” is the mind of Christ. “And the wise mind,” or the mind of Christ, “is in the same place as the seven heads.” We found out in our study of Noah’s ark -- does anybody remember what the number seven is significant of? [INAUDIBLE] Please, use your microphone.


Well, it means completion, that is true, but we also found something more mystical about that number seven. Does anybody recall what it was? There are seven spiritual knots, OK, seven places in which the spiritual energy which is in man is bound up in knots. And, remember, the Lord gave us the Scripture “Who is strong enough to open the seals -- the seven seals? The Lion of Judah is strong enough to pierce through those seals and open them.” And each of these seals are places -- high places in the physical body where our spiritual energy is all tied up in knots, seven different places.

So the mind of Christ is in the same place as the seven heads. Now, the English word heads is Strong’s 2776, and it can be translated prominent places. And I want to suggest to you that these seven heads are speaking about the seven knots, the seven places where our spiritual energy is bound up and tied up in the human body.

And the word are is are. And then we have seven mountains, and a mountain is Strong’s 3735. It is a place from which one ascends. I suggest to you it is the high place. The Old Testament is filled with talk about the high places. There are seven prominent places and seven high places, and I suggest to you what the Scripture is saying is that these seven places -- there is only -- really only one set of seven. They are both prominent, in that it is a place where the -- prominent meaning important. They are -- there are -- these are important places in the human body where our spiritual energy is gathered together, and it is also a place from which one ascends.

The high place is a place from which one ascends. Even in the Old Testament, pagans were always worshiping [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- and the Jews. The Hebrews were always sacrificing in the high places. The significance of the high place, I have known for quite a while, is the spirit of your mind. That is the high place. That is the place that -- from which we ascend by the spirit. The flesh will never get into heaven.

And the English word -- oh, there is a word that is not translated, Strong’s 3699, and it means where. And then there is another word, the, Strong’s 3588. I do not think that is translated either. It can be translated the or this. And the English word woman, well, we all know who the woman is. Who is the woman? Everybody, please use your microphones. Does anybody know who the woman is? Does anybody remember who the woman is? Nobody knows who the woman is? Help.




Cain, yeah. The woman is Cain, that is right. The mortal woman is Cain. OK, the place where the woman sitteth, Strong’s 2521. This English word sitteth -- and both the Greek and Hebrew word that is translated sitteth, at the time that the Bible was written, the significance is marriage. It is where you sit. It is where you abide. It is where you reside. It is where you dwell. It is your permanent place. Going on the assumption in the days that this word was written, that it is not -- well, it is not good to be alone, you see. It is a question of whether your mate is outside of yourself or within yourself, to be alone is a weakened condition.

But this word, both the English -- the Greek word here and the Hebrew word translated sitteth, the significance is marriage. We translate it marriage many times. No one should be alone, and that is how we will translate it here. The English word on, Strong’s 1909, can be translated to. And then there is another word. I do not think it appears in the English. It is Strong’s 846, and it can be translated herself.

The translation being: “The seven important areas, which are the seven high places, where the woman is married to herself.”

“And the wise mind is in the same spot as the seven important areas, which are the seven high places, where the woman is married to herself.” What that is saying is that spirit that is tied up in knots in the seven places is in the form of -- well, I do not even know what name to use right now, but we know the woman married herself. Cain is married to the serpent. Cain married the serpent and is now in the form of Leviathan, who was married to the Earth, and Abel is underneath the Earth. It is an incestuous marriage. Cain married Abel. Cain married Abel. First, Cain invaded Adam -- Cain married Adam. Adam died and broke down into Cain and Abel, and then Cain married Abel.

For a while I was teaching here that Abel died and was under the Earth and was -- had ceased to exist, but not too long ago I started telling you that the Lord has showed me otherwise. Just as Adam had died to his immortality but continues to exist in the form of Cain and Abel, Abel died to his priesthood but still exists as Leviathan’s homosexual harlot.

What does that mean? It means to generate this creation, whose name is hell and death, there must be an interaction between the negative and the positive charge of the creation. Leviathan is the negative charge; Abel is the pos- -- is the residue of the positive charge, and this is the basis for the Scripture that indicates that Leviathan is keeping Abel as a homosexual harlot. It is the continuous interaction between Leviathan and Abel, who was under the background threads of the creature, that is producing the image of this world.

And Abel is in the female position. Abel, who is supposed to be the priest in the male position, was supposed to be interacting with Cain and Jehovah to produce a godly image of a godly the world, is in the female position and is being interacted with by Leviathan, who is producing the image of this perverse world.

Wow, I had the anointing just rolled in here. Man, oh! Jesus. [?Thick as a rug.?] Hang on. It is lain in the spirit -- it is a slain in the spirit anointing. Hang on.

“And the wise mind, that is the mind of Christ, is in the same spot as the seven important areas, which are the seven high places, where the woman is married to herself.” Now, how could the mind of Christ be in the same place where the woman is married to herself?

I just said it. I just said it. The mind of Christ, or the potential for the mind of Christ, is in Abel, and Cain, in the form of Leviathan, has married Abel. So they are in the same spot. In each of these seven prominent places, where the spirit of mortal man is bound up and tied up in knots, Abel and Cain are both present. We have been asking the Lord where Abel is. We just found out. He is in the seven knots. That is where he is. Jesus. These seven important areas are called the seven seals in another place.

“And the mind of Christ is in the same place as the seven important high places where the woman is married to herself.” Praise the Lord.

So the Hindu mystics have really laid hold of something when they teach that they stimulate the serpent, which is coiled at the base of the spine, to pierce through the seven knots. She is piercing through Cain and Abel together, and as she pierces through energy is generated. When the serpent is stirred up and she starts to ascend up the spinal column, energy is generated, and that energy stimulates each of the knots in which both Cain and Abel are present. Can you see her forming her serpentine altar? Is that not what the serpent altar is made out of, the serpent and Abel -- the serpent and Cain and Abel?

So when these mystics that are practicing these techniques that are designed to stir up the serpent, what they are doing is forming the serpentine altar that Jehovah sent Adam to break in Genesis 11, and they are rebuilding the altar illegally.

[INAUDIBLE] to remind you -- could you shut that off, please? I will erase the board. [?Was that the?] --


-- where His spirit is. He comes into your brain and somehow He comes down to the bottom of your spine and starts ascending up your spinal column, and as the Lord Jesus Christ passes through these knots, He is creating -- and that is what we are going through now. He is creating an energy. He is joining with Cain and Abel and forming the altar of life, you see.

As the Lord Jesus Christ comes in and starts ascending up the spinal column -- and I am not sure. There is a possibility He may not s- -- He may not -- [INAUDIBLE] oh, boy, I am getting slain in the spirit. There is a possibility that the Lord Jesus may start at the top and go down. I am not really sure whether He goes to the bottom and starts ascending or whether He goes right into the brain and goes down from the top to the bottom.

I am not sure, but the point is that as the Lord Jesus Christ, who is in the form of the Holy Spirit, passes through these high places -- I think He pretty much has to come up from the bottom. Unless there is something I do not know yet, He has to come up from the bottom.

As He pierces through these high places, Abel is released, and an energy is given off. And the Lord Jesus is joining with Abel and with Cain, who apparently are in pieces -- who apparently are in seven pieces, and He is gathering them as He goes, forming the altar of life. And in each high place more energy is generated. We are fighting a war every step of the way to go up, and we are headed for this place in between the two eyes. It is called the third eye or your spiritual eye. When we get to that place, we are in full stature, when we have ascended back to immortality.

So, I guess, when the Lord Jesus Christ comes down here and He starts ascending up the spinal column, the first thing He has is a war with the serpent. Now, the Eastern philosophies say this is the serpent coiled down here, and I read one book on Eastern philosophy that says Leviathan is somewhere up here, but I do not know that that is correct. This may be Leviathan down at the base of the spine.

Why do I say that? Because I know that our war is with Leviathan. Our war is with Leviathan. Unless -- another thought just came to me -- Jesus Christ is fighting with the serpent. We are fighting -- Jesus Christ is fighting with Satan.

Well, I guess I better stop because I am getting slain in the spirit, and I do not have this really clear in my mind. But there is a serpent. Whether it is the serpent or whether it is Leviathan, at the base of the spine, Jesus Christ must have to pierce through her before He can start opening the seals. That is why the Scripture says, “Who is strong enough to open the seven seals? The Lion of Judah, He is strong enough.”

What is so hard about opening the seals? Well, to start with, you have to get past the serpent who is guarding the opening to the spinal column. And those of us that have been around for a while know that we are in a real battle with Leviathan, and we know that when we overcome Leviathan we are becoming more spiritual. I have never quite thought of it in these terms. Maybe that is what is happening to us.

I know that every time I defeat Leviathan, Jesus Christ is exalted me, and I know that on several occasions I have defeated him in the power of Christ Jesus, and the -- and Christ Jesus flexes His muscles. He gives a war cry, a cry of victory, and usually that cry victory takes the form of increased revelation.

The message is very important. You cannot get into full stature with the message alone. I told you that at the beginning of the service today. But the message is very, very important, and that is how Jesus Christ exalts Himself in my life. When I -- when He takes the victory in me, He gives me more revelation. I have known that for years.

And, at this point, there is honey that is pouring out of me, and the Lord gave me the Scripture tonight that He is going to open the windows of heaven. And if you have heard that Scripture associated with the tithing of money, you have heard a misinterpretation, a mistranslation of that Scripture. That Scripture is talking about bringing forth the life of God in the individual. When Christ Jesus is brought forth in the individual, Jehovah says He will open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing that you cannot contain.

I cannot contain this. I cannot contain it. I cannot get the work done fast enough. I am now in the middle of chapter 17 of Revelation, chapter 7 of Genesis, chapter 11 of Genesis, chapter 3 and chapter 4 of Genesis; and I have to let go of my own ideas and just go where the Lord is taking me.

OK. I did do verse 10. It is not too long a verse. I would like to finish out my notes. If you could bear it, I would like to finish out my notes.

This is verse 10 of Revelation 17: “And there are seven kings; five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come. And when he cometh he must continue a short space.”

“And there are seven kings.” The Greek word translated kings, Strong’s 935, means leaders or commanders -- leaders or commanders. And when I tried to put this translation together I asked the Lord what this could mean. A king at each of the seven knots? A leader or a commander at each of the seven knots? And what He gave the was that these are seven stages of leadership. Seven stages of leadership as we mature.

Brethren, to be a son of God, you are going to be a leader, you are going to be a king. We are being trained for leadership. Every son is a teacher. Every son is a counselor. We are being trained for the government of God.

10/07/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

10/17/14 1st Edit CAS/BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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