Part 2 of 4 Parts
The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
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Did the ass really belong to Balaam, or was Balaam the ass? Praise the Lord.
I was just talking to the group here off the message about how several times in the past during my studies, I have looked into the depth of the Scripture, and the power of it has gripped my heart. One of those occasions was in Zachariah -- I think in Zachariah 5, the chapter about the riderless horses, where we found that this was an account of the fall. And at the end of that chapter, the angel is standing there saying, nevertheless, despite everything that happened, I will still be glorified in this creation. And I felt the grief when I saw that deep understanding of the Scripture.
Another time was, I think, in Romans. I think it is Chapter 7, Chapter 6 or 7, where Paul is prophesying, and actually it is Adam speaking through Paul. And he is saying -- he is talking about how sin [?revives -- that?] he was alive once, but then sin [?revived?], and I felt the real depth of that Scripture.
But tonight, in one of the Scriptures in Numbers 22, as I was looking deep into the heart of the Scripture, I saw Cain threatening to murder Adam again, and it was -- the threat was with such a viciousness that it gripped my heart, and I started having heart palpitations, and I just had to ask for prayer before I started to preach because I was in severe anxiety and distress for the last several hours, since I heard that threat coming from Cain.
And the threat just came into my mind, and I believe it is the Lord, that the reason my heart was gripped so severely was because as I saw the truth of the Scripture, Cain in me threatened Abel in me -- threatened Adam in me. That is what the Lord just told me. This just came into my mind. That is why it was so real to me because it jumped from the printed word and into the reality of my own heart, and Cain rose up and said, "If I only had the power, I would kill you again." That is what he said, "If I only had the power, I would murder you again." Jesus.
Too bad, Cain, you do not have the power. You do not have the power because, you see, I am more than Adam. I am the Emancipated Slave. I am more than the first Adam. The last Adam is within me, and you cannot murder him, so you are going to die. You will surely die, and God's people will stand up in full stature, and He shall set the captive free, and the whole creation shall be glorified, and you shall be who and what you are. You shall be the woman, and you shall submit to Adam. And, believe it or not, after your processed enough, you will be very happy with what you have got. Oh, I just got a -- a knife just went through my head, just went right through my head, but that is OK Cain. You are just wasting your energy. Praise the Lord.
This is "Balaam's Ass, Part 2." And it was pointed out earlier, that is the wrong date. This is April 25th.
Recap, Numbers 22:20-27. I made a couple of comments on this review. I did not really make any significant changes, just some comments on it.
OK, Verse 20, "And Elohim came to Leviathan, His dark shadow in Balaam, and said to her, you shall not summon Cain and Abel, these mortal males, and gather them together to establish your lifestyle, but you shall do the acts that I declare you to do. And Balaam, Elohim's four-footed beast, walked with Leviathan, the serpent, and Abel incestuous offspring, and they rose up and took authority over Abel, their spiritual side. And Elohim was angry because Balaam was walking with Leviathan when Adam, who Jehovah made king, and Abel and Cain, the two young males who were with him, were standing in Jehovah's righteousness and riding above Leviathan, his four-footed beast. And Balaam, the four-footed beast, saw Abel, the part of him that Jehovah had appointed as priest, firmly established in righteousness with his knife pulled out."
And for that we have a comment. Please note that the phrase, "Able established in righteousness," is speaking about Abel crucified by Elohim, and the phrase, "His knife pulled out," is speaking about a spiritual weapon. Abel crucified by Elohim and holding the weapon is Adam, Jehovah's instrument of righteous destruction. He is the Angel of Death, brethren. He is the destroyer. He is the inkhorn writer of Ezekiel Chapter 9.
So I will start at the beginning of Verse 23. "And Balaam, the four-footed beast, saw Abel, the part of him that Jehovah appointed as priest, firmly established in righteousness with his knife pulled out, circumcising Leviathan and turning his -- that is Balaam's character in the right direction, and Adam wounded Balaam, the four-footed beast who was a part of himself and bent her in the right direction. And Adam, whom Jehovah appointed as king, stood steadfastly as the wall, which on the one side prevented Cain from mixing with the earth, and on the other side, which prevented the earth from polluting the waters of life. And Adam, whom Jehovah appointed king, perceived Leviathan, Balaam's bestial side, pushing herself into the wall of his spiritual manhood, and Adam pressed against the wall from the other side and subjected her and joined her to himself again. And Adam, whom Jehovah appointed king, rose up and flowed over into the narrow region between mortality and immortality in order to redirect Leviathan's lifestyle away from the left dark side."
Please note that Balaam is so given over to Leviathan that the Scripture calls him Leviathan.
Verse 27, "And when Leviathan, Balaam's lower nature, perceived that Balaam had submitted to Adam, whom Jehovah made king, she was angry and punished Balaam by stirring up witchcraft in the hearts of the other mortal men."
And who are the other mortal men? The other mortal men are the men who Balak sent to bribe Balaam. So we see here a suggestion that there was more at work than Balaam's own wickedness. Now there is no excuse for what he did, OK, but we see that the minds of the other men were pressing upon him, that there was more involved than his own Leviathan. Those of us who have been in a spiritual warfare here know how true that is, that we are not just fighting our own wickedness, but we are fighting all the subtleties and the seductions and the manipulations of everyone else's carnal mind. Everyone who does not have their fully bridled, which is everybody, OK -- some of us have her more bridled than others, but no one has her completely bridled. And we are not only fighting the sin in our own mind, but we are fighting Leviathan who is -- wants nothing more than to make us sin in the mind of everyone else in their life and sometimes in people we do not even know.
I think if Christ Jesus is mature enough in you, it is possible for you to walk into a restaurant and for Leviathan to just stir up someone to think evil towards you just as you walk down the street, just as you walk down the aisle. Why? To strengthen Leviathan in you, to defeat the ascending Christ Jesus in you, excuse me, which in the Old Testament is Adam. The New Testament name for Adam is Christ Jesus.
Continuing with Verse 28, "And the Lord opened the mouth of the ass, and she said unto Balaam, What have I done unto thee, that thou hast smitten me these three times?"
[?I mean?], before I go on, I would like to review a principle with you that I have been teaching here for a while. I am told this teaching has been condemned at the Convention of -- what is it, Nicaea or -- I am not Catholic. I was never Catholic. Which -- the Council of -- some Catholic council condemned this doctrine.
OK, you do not know the name of it?
[?Nicaea, mm-hmm?].
Well, maybe that is it. I do not know. I was challenged online with that. They said that doctrine was condemned by the Council of whatever it is.
No, it was not the Council of Trent. It was another one. And I said to the poor man -- I said I am not Catholic, neither am I intimidated by the Catholic Church's condemnation. I am stuttering here.
Neither am I intimidated by the Catholic Church's condemnation of the truth, and he got really upset, you know. He said that is a Gnostic doctrine. Well, maybe the Gnostics preach what I preach. I am not Gnostic, and I have not studies the Gnostics in depth. I preach what Jesus Christ gives me to preach. Maybe the Gnostics had a little truth. Well, maybe the Pentecostals have a little truth. Maybe the Catholics have a little truth. I am getting my revelation directly from the Lord. You do not like that, shut off the message.
OK, brethren, we are in parts. Human beings are in parts. We have an evil side, and we have a good side, and then there is us, who is the host. Our humanity is a host form of existence, and we have within us both good and evil, OK. I am going to repeat this. I know I said this on a prior message. I am going to go over it again because it is very important.
There was a preacher, that has, I believe, an international newsletter, who was preaching, as recently as five or more years ago, that there are these two tremendous principalities and powers that are fighting over us. And we have nothing to say about it, so we might as well just sit down and curl up in front of the fire, you know, with a Pepsi-Cola or something because there is nothing for us to do about it, except we are just supposed to believe that Jesus is going to take care of everything. And this is not true. We do have something to say about it, and as strange as this may sound to you, what we have to say about it is very important because the one that we choose to align ourselves with, when we choose to align ourselves with one side or the other, it establishes the balance of power.
Now that does not mean that Jesus is not strong enough to take us even if we are not in agreement with Him. But the way Jesus has -- the plan of Jesus to get us to join with Him is that He gives us free choice, and He says, who are you going to align yourself with, Cain and Abel? Jesus says, I am with Abel. Who are you with? And when you let it be known that you are with Cain -- although all you people listening to this message might think that could never happen to you, there is a time in our lives when we are all with Cain. We all have -- we all come to that place in our life. What does Jesus do to change the balance of power? He does not accept it, you see.
See, these subtleties of this doctrine, you have really got to see it. Jesus will never force you against your will to serve Him, but He arranges the circumstances of your life so that you come to a place where you are grateful to serve Him. And that arrangement of the circumstances can be very painful. It is call judgment, but it is righteous judgment. It is a righteous reaping of the sin that you have sown, and the result of it is that you flee to Jesus Christ for protection. But at the time that you choose Him, you choose Him out of a pure heart. You do not choose Him out of fear of death. You do not choose Him out of fear of judgment because He will not accept you that way. He will only accept you with a heart that loves Him and desires Him.
I never understood that Scripture, "God loves a cheerful giver," until recently. I really never understood what it meant. He will not take your offering. He will not take your sacrifice. He will not take your tithe. He will not take you unless you have a heart that really wants Him. He will turn you over to the one you really want, and when you are abused enough and you really want Him, then He will take you. That is the way it works.
So we are in parts, brethren. We are a host life form which is temporal. Now that may sound strange to you because everybody that we know lives a few years and then dies, and we think this is going to go on forever, but it is not true. This whole world is passing away. Our form of life is passing away, and this form of life will end when the spiritual life, which is maturing in us, arises and mature to the point that He does not need a host anymore. And what will happen to us? We will go one way or the other. If we go with Jesus, He said we can be equal with Him. He said we cannot be greater than Him, but we can be equal with Him.
If we go with the evil side, we will face destruction at some point. You might live a very long time. Some of it may be good, some of it may be bad, but we cannot enter into everlasting life on the good side of the Tree -- on the evil -- good or evil side of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The only one that can go up to heaven is the one who came down from heaven. And the one who came down from heaven is Adam, and he is the only one that is going back up, Jesus, and he is going back up whole with the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil securely bound to him.
These three verses that we are going to do tonight very clearly indicate this. There is a word in the Hebrew Scripture that is virtually never translated, and it means oneself. And it if do not have the revelation that Balaam has three parts to himself, it is virtually impossible to translate these verses, but it -- and it is very confusing. Balaam has three parts to himself. He has Balaam the ass, Balaam the Christ and Balaam the devil. Well, it is the Old Testament. I should not be saying Christ. We have Balaam the devil. We have Balaam -- the righteous side of Balaam who is the -- who is Adam in his priestly office, and at some point he does ascend to -- I am sorry, Abel in his priestly office, and at some point, Abel does ascend into Adam. And then we have Balaam the host. We have Balaam, his good side and his evil side.
I also would like to remind you that even with some of these Scriptures -- we find that some of these Scriptures talk about Adam, which indicates that Adam is apparently functioning in Balaam. That means Adam would have to have been risen from the dead to function in Balaam. Balaam is still not in full stature. Full stature indicates sinlessness. The term full stature comes from the Scripture verse that speaks about the fullness of the stature of the Lord Jesus Christ who was the Son of God. He was sinless. And we found out in our studies here that Adam can be risen from the dead in you, but unless he has completely defeated Leviathan and Satan and bound them underneath him with such a security that our sin nature, which is in Satan and Leviathan, is incapable of expressing itself through us, we are still mortal, and we are a double-minded mortal. We are someone who has two minds, or actually it is a mind and a heart, but I do not want to get -- be confusing anybody right now.
The point that I am making here right now is that Adam can be fully risen from the dead in us, but we are still not sinless until Adam binds that sin nature so completely that she cannot manifest through us at all. So in the man Balaam, we see that, in several occasions, it appears that Adam was risen from the dead, but Adam had not so securely bound that sin nature that he was sinless. He was not sinless. And I believe it was in one of the verses that we read, or I guess it was not -- [?let me see?]. Now where was it?
OK, it is Verse 22. It says, "Elohim was angry because Balaam was walking with Leviathan when Adam, whom Jehovah made king, and Abel and Cain, the two young males were with him -- who were with him, were standing in Jehovah's righteousness." That means Adam was fully mature, and they are riding above Leviathan and had control of the vessel, but Leviathan was not completely bound up, and Balaam agreed with Leviathan, so Elohim was angry. I hope you can understand that. It is really necessary to understand that concept to go on with the next few verses.
And also I would like to point out to you that as strange as it seems that we wound up in this study while we are still in the middle of Genesis 7, it is very interesting, but we see some of the principles that we learned, when we translated Genesis 6, being used here. And in the prior verses, we saw -- we found the secret way or the hidden way of the Scripture talking about Cain and Abel used in the verse that I just read, and in one of the verses that we are going to use tonight, we see the word three used in the way that it was used in Genesis 6. It fits right in. If you think of the word three as the three-part altar -- what is the three-part altar? It is Jehovah, Abel and Cain. It fits right into the translation of the verse, and the whole message is pulling together here. I could not possibly have made this up, brethren. It is too awesome.
So let us go on with Verse 28. "And the Lord opened the mouth of the ass, and she said unto Balaam, What have I done unto thee, that thou hast smitten me these three times?"
The word Lord is the Hebrew word for Jehovah. The Hebrew word translated opened, Strong's 6605, can also be translated engraved, and there is that word that is never translated. It means himself, Strong's 853, "And Jehovah engraved Himself." The mouth, the Hebrew word translated mouth is Strong's 6310. It can also be translated side, extremity or edge, and I suggest to you that Jehovah is engraving that side of Himself, of the ass, and we found out that the ass is Balaam. Jehovah is engraving one of Balaam's sides, and actually we will find out, as we go on, that what this Scripture is talking about is the side of Balaam, who is the host, the ass, that is engraved with Jehovah's nature. That is who the Scripture is talking about. And Jehovah's nature is engraved upon Adam, Balaam's other side.
"And she said," and I want to suggest to you that it is not she who said but that it is Balaam's other side, the one that is engraved with Jehovah's nature. And it was Adam who said, and Adam said. And Strong's 559, the word translated, to say, can also be translated, to say with authority, and, actually, I think I changed this further on, and I made it Abel. I did. I made that Abel, and I did not change it over here. And A- -- it was Abel who spoke with authority, Adam's -- Balaam's other side. Leviathan is his one side, and Abel is his other side. "And Jehovah's nature, which was engraved upon Abel, Balaam's other side, said with authority."
Now I struggled with this a little, whether or not it should be Adam or Abel. This is always a problem with me. I have told you about this before. It is very hard because the Scripture does not tell you who it is talking about. It gives you -- it tells who it is talking about by giving you a set of facts or a hint or a clue, and sometimes it is very hard to decide whether it should be Abel or Adam. Sometimes I even get Abel and Cain mixed up. It is really so difficult to decide, and usually I do not get my final decision until I put the whole chapter together and I read it through, and then even then sometimes I go back after three months and I -- after three months more of this intense training that we are receiving here, and I see that I got it backwards. So that which is open to interpretation, talking about the subject, I am just doing the best I can at this time.
"And Abel, Balaam's other side, which was engraved with Jehovah's nature, said with authority," and I really think this should be Abel because, you see, Abel is mortal. Adam would not say something with about. Adam is authority, you see. If you are a mortal human being, you can speak with authority, or you can speak without authority. But if you are immortal, if you are Adam, everything about you is authoritative. So simply by virtue of the fact that the Scripture says that the person we are talking about spoke with authority, that says to me that this is a person that, if you were looking at him, you might not know that he had the authority. Otherwise, why does the Scripture have to say he spoke with authority? And, therefore, I am choosing to translate this Abel instead of Adam.
"And Abel, Balaam's other side which was engraved with Jehovah's nature, said with authority." Well, what about his being engraved with Jehovah's nature? Well, Abel crucified by Elohim is engraved by Jehovah's -- with Jehovah's nature. And Abel, who was not crucified by Elohim, would not be speaking with authority. Why? Because Abel uncrucified by Elohim is where? Underneath the ground being tread upon and fornicated with in a homosexual way by Leviathan.
"And Abel, Balaam's other side which was engraved with Jehovah's nature, said with authority, What have I" -- let me get this out of the book here. "What have I done to thee that thou hast smitten me these three times?" What have I done unto thee? Now you may recall that the word what, Strong's 4100, is a hidden way of saying the Son, or Elohim. We talked about this many times. This is a Hebrew principle that I found in a deep study of Hebrew books, that as the negative particle can be used to speak about Satan or Leviathan, the word what, meaning what is he -- because nobody really knows what Jehovah or Elohim -- what they are. We only know a portion of them. We do not really know them, so the word what is a hidden way of saying, "What is this?" and who typifies Jehovah saying, "Who is this? Who is this one?"
And, of course, we see that principle in Isaiah. I think it is Isaiah 66. I may have my chapter wrong. It says, "Who is this one coming with red garments? Who is this?" That is Jehovah, and, "What is this?" That is Elohim. Now that does not mean every time you see the Hebrew word 4100 we have to translate it Elohim. It means we have a choice, in the same manner as when we see a negative particle, Strong's 3808. Sometimes there is one or two other words that are negative particles. We can translate them as [?not?], or we can translate them as Leviathan or Satan. You make your decision based on the context of the verse. And in the same manner, when you see the Hebrew word 4100, which means what, you decide whether or not you will translate it what or Elohim based on the context of the verse. We are going to translate this word Elohim in Verse 28, so the word what is Elohim.
"Have I done," this is Strong's 6213, and it is a word that means to make. Elohim makes. The word unto, the English word unto, was added in by the King James translators who chose a different translation for the word make. We do not need it because we are saying, "Elohim makes the or makes you." And the word that, Strong's 8705, is for the purpose of. "Elohim makes you for the purpose of," y- -- the word tra- -- the English word that, we are going to translate it -- I am sorry, the English word thou, we are going to translate it that, and hast smitten, we are going to translate kill.
And the English word thee, Strong's 2088, can be translated, this one. Now the use of the word that means this one implies that there are at least two of the same thing spoken about. If you say this one, it means not that one but this one. There has to be at least two. And I suggest to you this should be a question. What has Elohim done to you that you should want to kill Him? And I think -- what has Elohim done to you that you should want to kill Him? These, that means this one, three, and the number three -- we just went through this in our study of Noah's Ark in Genesis 6 and 7. It can mean a three-part item or a three-part of whatever word follows it or modifies it.
And the English word times is Strong's 7272, which can be translated pudenda. This is a word that describes the sexual organ. What is more, this is the same Hebrew word, this Strong's 7272, translated pudenda -- that can be translated pudenda, which is translated times in Verse 28, this very same word was translated foot in Verse 25, but -- where we translated it spiritual manhood. And in this particular Verse 28, we will translate it altar because we know that the spiritual manhood of the creature is the altar. It is the living thing. The spiritual manhood is when Abel and Cain are joined together and they are joined to Jehovah. That is what makes you [?manhood?]. If your spirit is not joined to Jehovah, you are not a spiritual man. This whole creation is spiritually female. There are a few of us who are joined closer to Jehovah through the Lord Jesus Christ, and we are very, very, very young males who definitely need our elder brother and our Father, or we will lose our manhood to the jezebellic woman who rules this world, whose name is, anybody? Who is the god of this world?
Satan is. Satan is the god of this world. She is the jezebellic woman who is very vicious. And the serpent, of course -- you know, everything is a technicality. It is so close. The person who generated Satan, of course, is the serpent, and the serpent is married to -- or Cain is married to the serpent, so there is some truth in that, that is was Cain. Praise the Lord.
Has Elohim made you for the purpose of killing this three-part altar? Is that what you are alive for, to destroy the work of God? I could say that to a lot of people that I know. What are you alive for? What were you born for, to destroy down -- to destroy or tear down the work of Jesus Christ? Is that what you were born for? I remember [INAUDIBLE] years I read that Scripture. Your body is for the Lord, not for fornication. For years that puzzled me. I said, were men and women not made to go to bed together? What are you talking about your body is for the Lord? Surprise, brethren, your body is for the Lord, and it is not for fornication.
Now I see that I took this word Elohim -- "And Abel, Balaam's other side which was engraved with Jehovah's nature, said with priestly auth-" -- OK, Verse 28, "And Abel, Balaam's other side which was engraved with Jehovah's nature, said with priestly authority" -- I left [?an or?] out there -- "said with priestly authority, Has Elohim made you for the purpose of killing His three-part altar?"
So we see that Abel was standing in righteousness, rebuking his other side. I do that all the time. I rebuke my evil side all the time. I teach her, and I rebuke her, and I bridle her, and I break her power, and I put her under me. Why? Because she is killing me. Why? Because her sole purpose in life is to destroy that part of me which can give me life. Who [?are me?]? Who am I? I am the host. I am a life form in which exists good and evil, and I choose the good. [INAUDIBLE] even more than the good, I choose righteousness. I choose to suffer the punishment of the witchcraft power of the minds of other mortal men which plague me daily because I will not obey Leviathan in my own mind. And she goes out and stirs up Leviathan in other people's minds.
I choose righteousness, and I pray continuously for strength to continue to choose righteousness because I know that the Spirit is strong, but the flesh is weak. I am very careful. I try to never tell the Lord Jesus what I will do for Him or what I will do because I do not know what I am going to do unless He is standing with me. I do not know what I will do when Leviathan tricks me or Leviathan [INAUDIBLE] [?evil thing?]. Please, stand with me and enable me to do what I will. So, Lord, I promise to do all I can if You will just give me the strength. I cannot [INAUDIBLE] -- I cannot make any more of a commitment than that. You strengthen me, Lord. You give me what I need to do it, and I will do it, or I will do the best I can. I will go down fighting. You cannot even keep your own soul alive. How could you be promising to do anything for the Lord?
"And Abel, Balaam's other side said" -- I am sorry. "And Abel, Balaam's other side which was engraved with Jehovah's nature, said with priestly authority, Has Elohim made you for the purpose of killing this three-part altar?" He is talking to Balaam. He is talking to the whole of Balaam. He is talking to the host.
Verse 30, "And the ass said unto Balaam, Am not I thine ass, upon which thou hast ridden ever since I was thine unto this day? Was I ever wont to do so unto thee? And he said, Nay." I struggled with this a long time, and this is what I wound up with. And ple- -- oh, I am sorry. I read you the wrong the verse. You will see that we are doing Verse 30 next, and the reason I have Verse 30 next is that -- it is not unusual for me to reverse Verses 29 and 30, but this is -- but Verse 30 and 29 have such a powerful message in them that I decided to do Verse 30 instead of doing it 29 and 30 and then reverse it later on, so let me read you Verse 30. Sorry about that.
"And the ass said unto Balaam" -- Oh, I did read you Verse 30. OK, I [INAUDIBLE] OK, "And the ass said unto Balaam, Am not I thine ass, upon which thou hast ridden ever since I was thine unto this day? Was I ever wont to do so unto thee? And he said, Nay." OK. The word said just means said. Ass, we know that is Balaam. He is the ass. He is not riding on an ass. He is the ass, and we are all asses. The host race is the ass. The Hebrew word 413, translated unto, we are translating in -- well, it -- the word can be translated within. I am making it the part of Balaam. The word -- the English word am is not in the Hebrew. It was added by the King James translators. And the English word not is a translation of the negative particle 3808. We are translating it Leviathan, and we are taking out the word thine. You can see I struck it out, and adding in the word am. How could you add in the word am, Sheila? Well, the King James translators put it in in the word before. I could put it in in the word over here. I am the ass, OK. I am the ass. Hmm, would you put that on hole for a minute, please, Xxxx?
OK, this is one of those instances where we had a negative particle, and I thought it should be translated Leviathan, but after struggling for an hour with this verse, I had to draw the conclusion that, in this verse, the negative particle means not. So you can cross out Leviathan and put the word A-M back in, and what the verse is saying is, "And the ass side of Balaam, who was the host, said, Am I not the ass?"
The word upon, Strong's 5921, means upon, and, which thou hast ridden, Strong's 7392, we are translating it carried. "And the ass side of Balaam, who was the host, said, Am I not the ass that has carried you?" This word [?over?], I think we are going to move that down to the end there. "I am the ass that has carried you ever since," Strong's 5750, means continually, can be translated continually. I am the ass that has carried you continually. [?I am going to put a comma in there?]. "I was thine unto," and the word unto, Strong's 5750, we are translating up until this time. This day, the word means [UNINTELLIGIBLE] day. We took the question mark out, and the words, was I ever, in English, we have taken out. This is Strong's 5532, and the word can be translated to prophet. And then the English word wont, it is the same Hebrew word, 5532. It is repeated twice, and another translation of that word is for service, from my service. You have profited from my service.
"And the ass side of Balaam, who was the host, said, Am I not the ass that carried you continuously, whose service you profited from up until this day?" And then there is another sentence. The King James says to do so, but it just means did I not do it? To do so unto thee, it is a new sentence. It should be a new sentence which we are translating, did I not do this? Is it not true? "And the ass side of Balaam, who was the host, said, Am I not the ass that has carried you continuously, whose service you profited from up until this day?" [AUDIO CUTS OUT]
And the very last few words, "And he said, Nay." Would you put that on hold please, Xxxx? I hope this verse is not too confused. It is a very difficult verse. It took me a very long time. This last word, nay, in the phrase, "And he said, Nay," that is Strong's 3808. It is the negative particle, and we are going to translate that negative particle Cain. Remember, when it is a negative particle, we have our choice. It could be the serpent. It could be Leviathan. It could be the devil. It could be Cain, OK, and you will find out why we are translating it Cain when we get to Verse 29.
But for the time being, our translation of Verse 30 is, "And the ass side of Balaam, the host, said" -- and who is he saying it to? He is speaking to Abel. OK, in Verse [?8?], "And Abel, Balaam's other side which was engraved with Jehovah's nature said with priestly authority, Has Elohim made you for the purpose of killing the three-part altar?" Abel is speaking to the host, Balaam. Now, remember, this is Abel speaking with priestly authority. That means he has had his priesthood restored, OK.
And now, in Verse 30, we see the ass side, or the host, is answering Abel. "And the ass side of Balaam, the host, said, Am I not the ass that has carried you continually, whose service you profited from up until this day?" Now can you see that? How has the host served Abel continually? How has Abel profited from this host? And if you have an answer, please use your microphone, or I will not recognize you. Does anybody have any idea? Think about this.
OK. Verse -- I will read it -- I will read you -- the whole thing for you. In Verse 28, priestly Abel is rebuking Balaam, the host life form which carries spiritual life, and telling him, did Elohim make you for this purpose, to destroy the go- -- your righteous side? And Balaam, the host, comes back at Abel and says, how dare you talk to me like that? Have I not been carrying you continually? I am -- am I not the host life form that has carried you, that has given you existence continually, whose service you have profited from up until this day? The host is rebuking the priestly Abel, saying, how dare you rebuke me for lining up with Leviathan? You would have no existence if it was not for me. You are a spiritual life which is not mature enough to live without a body. You cannot live without me. We are symbiotic.
We saw a Star Trek episode about this a couple weeks ago. It was excellent. We are [?symbions?]. I cannot live without you, says the ass, and you cannot live without me. Of course, the ass is not saying that she cannot live without Abel, but the ass is rising up and saying to Abel, I cannot live -- you cannot live without me. And, of course, it is true, but the ass is not admitting that she cannot live without Abel. Can you hear it? I am going to say it again. It is awesome. I am going to say it again.
Verse 28, "And Abel, Balaam's other side which was engraved with Jehovah's nature" -- that means he is righteous, and he said it with priestly authority. He is standing in his office. He said to the ass, to the host life form, "Has Elohim made you for the purpose of killing His three-part altar?" That is the living thing. The three-part altar is the living thing when it is standing. When it is standing in a host, that host is immortal. So here is the host, and his righteous side is saying to him, what is your purpose? Is it to cleave with the three-part altar, that we might all enter into immortality, the host with us? Or is it your job to kill the three-part altar so that all of us die? And the ass -- she is an ass all right -- turns around -- the ass who would have no life whatsoever if it was not for Abel the three-part altar that is existing in her, turns around and says, how dare you tell me, OK, what to do? If it was not for me, you would not have any existence at all.
Can you hear it? The creature telling the creator, if it was not for me, you would not have any existence at all. If I did not carry you continually all these years, you would not be here. And what was Jesus' answer to that? If you will not praise Me, the rocks will cry out. I do not need you, you ass. You are an ass. If you were not giving me -- if you were not the womb in which I was incubating, [?I will raise up the rocks?] to be wombs to incubate Me. We see this in the church. We see it all over the church, disciples telling the elders [INAUDIBLE] to raise them up. I am going to pick you. I am going to reject you. I am going to choose you. I am going to throw you away. You have to serve me. Where would you be without my tithe? I would be in Jesus' bosom without your tithe. Where would you be if I was not filling whatever ministry I am filling? There will be 10 more to take your place, [?some in right standing?] with Jesus.
It is all over the church, and everyone that is talking like that is an ass. Is that not what the Bible Jesus said? And 60 million people shut off their messages and sit down and write me a letter. Well, if you think like that, the Bible says you are an ass. You can get no benefit, from the Spirit of God or the people through whom He is manifesting, with an attitude like that. There is only one thing you are going to get for an attitude like that. Anybody know? A rod across your back.
"And the ass side of Balaam, the host, said, Am I not the ass that has carried you continually?" Am I not the physical body that you dwelt in continually since you fell, the one who has served you and the one from whom you have profited from up until [UNINTELLIGIBLE] How did Abel profit from Balaam? Abel would have no existence at this stage of his maturity and this stage of his spiritual development, would have no existence without this ass. Yes, Abel profited from the ass. Yes, the pastor profited from the tithe, yes, but he is still in charge of the ass. He still has the authority over the ass.
And our last phrase, "And he said, Nay." It is really the beginning of Verse 29. We are translating it -- well, then, of course, there is the phrase, "Did I not do this for you?" The ass is saying -- Balaam's saying, "Did I not do this for you?" Yes, you did it for me. Yes, you did it. That is like saying to a policeman, you cannot arrest me because my taxes pay your salary. It is corrupt thinking. And our last phrase is, "And Cain said." That is the translation of the phrase, "And he said, Nay," nay, a negative particle. We are translating it Cain.
Verse 29, "And Balaam said unto the ass, Because thou hast mocked me: I would there were a sword in mine hand, for now would I kill thee." And said Balaam, that word unto that is struck out, the King James translators put it in, and the translation looks like it should be, "And Balaam -- and said Balaam, the ass," not [?just?] ass, Balaam's the ass. "And then said Balaam, the ass, Because." That is Strong's 3588. We are going to translate it indeed. "Thou hast mocked," Strong's 5953, can be translated, to thrust through. We are talking about crucifixion here. "I would," Strong's 3863, that is the form of a verb that we do not really use today. We hear it in English -- in Old English, you know. Would to God that I could be here with you. It means if it were only possible, you know. I pray [?if it?] could only be. That is what it means. I pray to God I could be with you.
"There were," and that is interesting. This word, Strong's 3426, it is not the usual Hebrew word that is translated, to be. The verb were is a pa- -- a form of the verb, to be. This word, Strong's 3426, some- -- it really means, to have, but there are many instances that the King James translators have translated it, to be, because, to have, did not seem to fit into the sentence. We are going to translate it as the verb, to have, in the past tense, I had. Would to God, I pray, if only I had a sword.
This same word that is translated sword, it is the same word that we trans- -- it is the same Hebrew word that we translated magical sword in Genesis 3:24, and that is one of the definitions in Gesenius, magical sword, referring to witchcraft. And in Genesis 3:24, first we translated it magical sword, and then we changed that magical sword to the serpent. We made it more real to our message.
And this is our Alternate Translation of Genesis 3:24, so, "Jehovah and Elohim divorced Adam, the immortal enclosed place where one experiences intimacy with Jehovah. And Adam was bisected into two heretofore unknown beings, and Adam, the guardian of the whole Tree of Life's moral character, was overthrown by the magical sword, which is the serpent."
Hmm, I do not know whether that should be the serpent or Cain. Maybe it should be Cain. "And Adam, the guardian of the whole Tree of the Life -- Tree of Life's moral character, was overthrown by the magical sword." See that is one of those things that I struggle with, whether it should be Cain or the serpent. I do not know why I chose the serpent. But, actually, it was Cain that overthrew the serpent [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- that overthrew Adam. We are going to have to change that in the Old Testament. OK.
"Would that I had a sword in my hand," that is Strong's 3027, the word hand. This word, Brown-Driver-Briggs, one of our electronic dictionaries, says that this Hebrew word can be translated phallus. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language says that phallus means -- we have three definitions here. It is speaking -- in anatomy, it is speaking about the penis. It is speaking about the sexually [?indifferentiated?] tissue in an embryo that becomes a penis or a clitoris. It is, number two, a representation of the penis and testes as an embodiment of generative power. That is the one we are choosing.
If you have not stopped reading the message by now, I am very sorry, but this is a principle throughout the Scripture, that Jehovah's male strength is signified throughout the Hebrew writings as a male sex organ. I am sorry if that offends you. And, to be honest with you, as I saw this verse evolving, I started to get a little anxious. And I said, Lord, do you really want me to preach this? And I am preaching it. At this point, what have I got to lose? Nothing. This is what it says, brethren. The Bible is talking about a phallus. He is talking about an immature male organ. That is what it is talking about, an immature male organ.
"And Balaam, the ass, said, Indeed, Adam has thrust me through, but if I only had the serpent's spiritual power -- magical sword -- if I only had a magical sword. Yes, Balaam, [?yes, and?], indeed, Adam has thrust me through, but if I only had a magical sword, I would kill you again."
The English word for, Strong's 3588, means surely. The English word now, Strong's 6258, meaning this time. We are translating it this time. Would kill, we are translating murder. I would surely kill him this time. In other words, Cain killed him, but he did not stay dead, so Cain is thinking he did not really kill him. That is the way I see it. Cain is thinking he did not really kill him. I would surely kill you this time, or -- meaning kill you permanently.
"And, Balaam, the ass, said, Indeed, Adam has thrust me through, but if I only had the serpent's spiritual power, I would surely kill him this time." Well, how come he does not have the serpent's spiritual power? See, the whole point here is that when Elohim crucified Abel and gave him his priestly authority back and Adam rose from the dead in Balaam, He thrust the serpent through. What does that mean? Let me try and -- [?I am having?] a little trouble preaching tonight. I do not know if I will put it on the board. Just give me a minute. No, I guess I will have to put it on the board.
The serpent is formed as a result of the union of the earth with Cain. OK, remember we went through this whole thing? That Cain has a lower nature, and Cain's lower nature is the earth. So long as Cain is on top and her lower nature is the earth, she is called the what? Does anybody remember? Please use your microphones. Cain with the earth under her feet is the woman, OK. But when Cain came out from under Abel's authority, the earth swallowed her up, and the earth went on top, and Cain went on the bottom. So it is still earth and Cain, but the roles reversed, and now Cain is no longer called the woman, but she is called the serpent because the earth has authority over her, and Cain is the earth's lower nature. So that is who the serpent is.
So we see, in this Scripture, Cain is saying that Elohim has thrust her through, and now she does not have the serpent's power anymore. Where does it say that she does not have the serpent's power anymore? Well, if she had the serpent's power anymore, she would not be saying if only I had the serpent's power. It is reverse inference saying that she does not have the serpent's power anymore, because Elohim thrust her through and stripped the earth off of her and put the earth under her feet and brought her into right order. Maybe I could draw it that way [INAUDIBLE]. Elohim pierced through the serpent and flipped the serpent over and put the earth underneath Cain's feet and brought the whole creature into the -- into right order. Jehovah, Abel, Cain, the earth, and who is the earth? Earth is the ass, so this -- there is no serpentine power when the earth is underneath Cain's feet. For Cain to have power, she has to be the serpent, and to be the serpent, she sells out her loyalty to Jehovah and lets the earth take authority over her so that she can take a form in which she has power, which is an evil form and an evil source of power.
And [?did I not?] recall that I struggled for a while during these deep studies? I was not really sure whether Cain was overcome by the earth or whether Cain solicited the earth because she wanted the power that came through that union. And on some of my earlier messages, I indicate that I thought that Cain was victimized by the earth, but I had to draw the conclusion later on that, no, it was Cain who sought out the earth to make a league with the earth so that she could gain c- -- power in the form of the serpent.
And even as I preach this message, I am drawing more and more to the conclusion that Cain was very evil, and the thought is even in my mind right now that -- well, let me start this way. I have been preaching up until now that when Cain killed Abel, she came out from under Abel's authority, and the earth took advantage of her and rose up and be- -- and put Cain underfoot, and Cain was lost. And I am seeing it a little differently tonight. I am going to keep on praying about this, but what is coming to me right now is that Cain was always in control, and when she killed Abel, she was not victimized by the earth. She [?literally?] -- I do not know whether she allowed it to happen or she caused it to happen, but when the -- when she -- when the earth rose up over Cain, it gave her spiritual power. It says right in the Scripture that she had the magical sword of the serpent's spiritual power when she was married to the serpent. And Elohim came and thrust her through, separated her from her husband, the earth, and forced her back in submission to Abel, and she lost her spiritual power. That is how [?we lose now?].
Now since we are doing these deep studies, this is the second character study that is making me change my mind about what I thought prior to this with regard to Adam. This I have talked about a lot. I thought Adam was some really weak person who was just seduced and died, until the Lord started teaching us that Adam was a great warrior, but there was a weakness in him. Sin was found in him, but he was a mighty warrior, faithful to Jehovah, but sin was found in him, and ever since he was invaded by his own lower nature, Cain, Jehovah has been assisting him in his attempts to take authority over the creature which he is. Adam is a whole creature. Just as if to say a woman is called by her husband's name, she is Mrs. So-and-so, this whole creature, the living beast, was called by the name of the mind which controlled it, Adam.
The whole living beast was called Adam. This is Adam. The living beast was Adam's wife, and ever since he was invaded by his lower nature, Cain, and gave up his immortality to come into this mortal world to reclaim his wife -- and why did Adam come into this mortal world to reclaim his wife? Because he cannot be immortal without his wife. The immortality that Jehovah has designed requires a unified Cain and Abel, a unified good and evil side under the dominion of the good side in the creature's immaturity and under the dominion of righteousness in the creature's maturity. And Adam lost his grip, and his wife flowed away into this mortal hell. He came after her, and he is continuously -- he has never ceased from attempting to gather Cain and Abel together in every single individual and stand up in his immortality because Jehovah said let them have dominion. Let Cain and Abel together, in the form of Abel -- in the form of Adam's immortality, have dominion over this whole world, and Adam has never ceased from attempting to recover what he is lost. The first person in whom he has recovered what he lost is called -- use your microphones. Somebody should know the answer to this, the first person in whom Adam recovered what he lost, the first person.
Christ Jesus.
Jesus -- the man, Jesus Christ, yes. Christ Jesus is Adam who rose from the dead in the man, Jesus Christ, and then went on to be the last Adam in the man, Jesus Christ, the emancipated slave, the glorified one who cannot exist without Balaam's ass, without the ass so that the ass can no longer say that to him, have I not served you, and do you not need me? No, Jesus Christ does not need you.
So I found out I was wrong about Adam, and as I do these translations time and time again, I see the faithfulness of Adam. I see the righteousness of Adam, but I see weakness in Adam. Brethren, there are people like this in Jesus' body today. They love righteousness. They strive for righteousness, but they are not perfect. They have weakness. And these people are the apple of His eye. Even when they slip, there is a difference between being overcome and backsliding. These people are the apple of His eye, the ones who love His righteousness and are doing everything they can to live it. Adam is a mighty hero. I thought he was a little nothing, weak, little person who was dominated by his wife. Well, he is a might hero, and I thought Cain was not all that bad, and I am finding out that Cain is very, very evil, exceedingly evil. Is that not what the account -- what Paul's account in Romans says, that he was alive once, but when sin revived, it was exceedingly sinful.
So what does this mean? Well, I believe that my opinions were formed by the world around me and by the church world around me. I do not -- I have not met anybody yet that thinks that Adam is a mighty hero. Do you know anybody that thinks that Adam is a mighty hero? I have never heard of that before. And, well, does anybody -- did anybody ever think of Cain being exceedingly sinful? Did you think that he was exceedingly sinful? I never thought that. Anybody here think he was exceedingly sinful?
He was a murderer was what I thought.
I do not know about exceedingly.
Yeah. Well, I knew he was a murderer, but I never thought of him as evil. You know, sometimes people murder, but they are not evil, [INAUDIBLE]. Can you hear the difference? To be evil, you have to be a serial killer, you know [UNINTELLIGIBLE] like some of these crazy people we have had around today that have murdered masses of people and eaten their bodies. To me, that is exceedingly evil, and if you murder somebody -- please, I am not justifying murder, but I do not see that as exceedingly evil. So what does this mean? What comes to my mind is what is going on in the world today, this watering down of everything so that you do not have good and you do not have evil. You do not have black. You do not have white. You do not have sin. You do not have righteousness. Everything is just a sticky, [?gooky?] nothing in the middle. Jesus said that if you are lukewarm He would spit you out. That is what I see in the doctrine. That is in the church today. The good is toned down. The evil is toned down, and there is not almost any difference between good and evil.
I was watching Rush Limbaugh the other night, and he was talking about this with regard to the Republicans and the Democrats, that the Democrats are trying to say, oh, no, it is a two-party country. We are really -- we both believe in the same thing, and there is just a very slight difference between us, and that is not true. At least, I do not think it is true. It is OK if you think it is true. I do not think it is true, and Rush did not think it was true, and he had a clip of Newt Gingrich saying, no, it is not true. They are radically different. The parties are radically different. They have two different visions of what this country should be, and it is this spirit that is over the whole country, that is over the world, that says do not fight, one world religion. Let us get a religion that everybody could believe in, and we will not fight anymore. Do not stand for anything. Do not have convictions. That just leads to war. Do not talk about religion or politics. It leads to war, so do not have any convictions. Be nothing. That is what I hear in this.
This is Verse 40 -- 30, "And Balaam, the ass, said, Indeed, Adam has thrust me through, but if I only had the serpent's spiritual power, I would surely kill him this time." Please note that this is Cain speaking to Abel through Balaam who was in full agreement. Now Balaam is in full agreement with Leviathan, his lower nature. Elohim crucified Abel, Balaam's other side, and Abel's priesthood was restored. But, remember, this -- I told you this already. Balaam was not in full stature but was double-minded. Abel, in his priesthood, had imputed authority. Well, I did not put it in this note, but, yes, Elohim crucified Abel, but also there had to be a thrusting through of the serpent which reversed the order and stripped Cain of her spiritual power. Apparently, for Cain to have spiritual power, she has to submit to the earth. She has to cover -- be covered with the earth.
I feel in my spirit right now that there is something here -- there is a piece to this puzzle missing. I do not really understand it, but usually when a question like this comes up, it is just a matter of time until the Lord shows it to me, why Cain has to be covered by the earth in order to get spiritual power. There is something I am not seeing. Either I am not seeing it quite clearly, or there is some information that I do not have. Praise the Lord.
I have typed out here for you Verse 28, 30 and then 29 to -- I am going to hope to convey to you what is being said in these three verses. It is very profound. "And Abel, Balaam's other side which was engraved with Jehovah's nature" -- that is the imputed Adam, imputed immortality -- "said with authority, Has Elohim made you for the purpose of killing his three-part altar?"
And now we see in Verse 30, the host, Balaam, turns against Abel. "And the ass" -- I am going to change that. "And the ass part of Balaam, the host, said, Am I not the ass which has carried you continually, whose service you profited from up until this day? Did I not do this? Is that not true? Are I not the great one? Are I not more important to you?"
And then in Verse 30b, and then Cain speaks together with the host, "And Cain, within Balaam, said," Verse 29, "And the ass part of Balaam said" -- they spoke together. Cain and the ass, Cain and the host, spoke together, and they said, "Adam has thrust me through, but if I only had the serpent's spiritual power, I would surely kill him this time."
So we see the host is in full agreement with the evil, hallelujah, but Jesus has the last word.
Verse 31, "Then the Lord opened the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the angel of the Lord standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand: and he bowed down his head, and fell flat on his face." The Lord is Jehovah. The Hebrew word translated opened can be translated uncovered. The eyes of Balaam, and Jehovah uncovered the eyes of Balaam, I suggest to you that that word eyes should be singular. I suspect in the original Hebrew text it is, but whoever -- the scribes or whoever transcribed this could not imagine the Scripture talking about one eye, so they made it plural. There is not a doubt in my mind because we have found out here that the two eyes that the spiritual man has are not left and right, opposite one another, but on top of one another.
We have a spiritual eye, and then we have a second eye which lies on top of the spiritual eye, blinding the spiritual eye, two eyes, one on top of another. So the one eye has to be stripped off, and the second eye is Leviathan, our wounded heart, the lying mind, the mind that is not a mind. It is a heart. He lay down on top of our spiritual eye and covered him over. Another way the Scripture describes it is as a foreskin. Leviathan is a foreskin lying over the host's male organ. Brethren, that which makes us spiritually male is our male mind, and our male mind is covered over by Leviathan. Leviathan is the foreskin, and he must be circumcised off for us to function as a male. He is hindering us -- she is hindering us.
So Jehovah uncovered Balaam's spiritual eye that was covered over by Leviathan, the wounded heart, and He saw -- now I do not know. And He saw -- that -- there is that word himself again that is never translated, and it means that Balaam saw himself. He saw a side of himself that he had not seen before. King James says, "And he saw the angel." No, he saw that he himself -- that there was a part of him. He saw the part of him that was Jehovah's angel, and Jehovah's angel is Adam. And Balaam saw that the angelic side of him was greater than Leviathan and that he was the angel or that he could be that angel instead of Leviathan.
I suggest to you that the major problem that fallen or mortal man has with his deliverance is that he cannot believe that he is called to be an immortal Son of God. There is someone right here in this ministry who tells me this all the time. I cannot believe it could be happening to me. It cannot be me. What would God want with me? Well, God does not look as you look. He looks at your heart, and obviously there is something in your heart that He wants or He would not be here. And for you to continue to say I cannot be called, I cannot be called, when you are so obviously called is the sin of pride. It has nothing to do with what you feel like. It is what Jesus says you are. You do not have to feel like it. It is what Jesus says you are. Rise up, and behave like what He says you are, and then one day you will be what He says you are. He is the one who calls things that are not into existence.
I have a second witness to that principle, that when we see who we are, we will willfully drop our life as Leviathan. Most of us in this group have heard several accounts of people being so upset at the thought of having to give up this personality or this body. Their problem, brethren, is that they do not have a vision of what is in its place. That is what their problem is. That is what this Verse 31 is saying. When Balaam, the ass, which is the host race, which is all of mortal man, when we see the vision of who we really are, we are not going to accept being Leviathan anymore.
You want to really bring it down to this world that we are in? I will give you a way-out example. Take someone whose life is completely ruined. They have been a prostitute. They have been a bank robber. They are an outcast from society. Nobody wants them. They have no manners. They do not know how to get along in society. You could see them -- any middle-class person could see them coming a mile away and crosses the street. And one day someone comes to them and says, I am going to make you into a middle-class person. I am going to teach you manners. I am going to teach you how to behave in society. I am going to teach you how to talk proper English. I am going to educate you. I am going to give you a job that will allows you to function to your highest creative potentially, but you have to be willing to give that street life, to let it go, to give it away. And this is what you could [?be?]. I am telling you that I have the power to do this in your life.
What do you choose, the street life or your new life? [UNINTELLIGIBLE] [?anyone in their right mind?] is going to choose the street life. Only the person who does not believe that it is possible for them to get a new life will choose the street life. They are afraid that they will not make it, that they will not be able to talk right, that they will not be able to learn, that they will not be accepted. That is the only person that is going to turn it down. This is the problem with mortal man today. But when Jesus convinces them that this is what they will be, they will willingly reject their negative side, and we see that message in Matthew 27:52-53.
"And the holy one who went to sleep at the beginning of time" -- that is Adam -- "and he rose from the dead in the many members of the body of Christ, and their human spirits entered into Christ Jesus." That is the resurrected Adam. "And their souls awoke from the sleep of death." That should be spirit. That is an error [?right there?]. "And their spirits awoke from the sleep of death, and Christ Jesus appeared in the sons of God, and the many members of the fallen, dead Christ" -- I do not know what that -- that is a soul [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- "saw them -- the many members of the fallen, dead Christ saw them and remembered that they too were Christ." Oh, I see, that should be mortal man. That is what I -- I have to redo this. I have to redo this New Testament review of everything we have learned here.
"And Christ Jesus appeared in the sons of God, and the many members of the mortal creation- -- of mortal man" -- that should be of mortal man -- "and the many members of the mortal man saw them and remembered that they too were a part of Adam, and they willingly abandoned their adulteress union with the dragon, Leviathan."
OK, so what do we got here? "And Jehovah uncovered Balaam's spiritual eye, and he saw himself, that he was the angel of the Lord, or he saw that part of himself that was the angel of the Lord, standing erect in the way." That is Strong's 1870, in a moral lifestyle," And his sword," 2719. That is the word that can be translated his circumcising knife, "was drawn out." And then the King James says, "in his hand." We are striking out the in his, and that word hand can be translated phallus. Once again, that is the immature male organ. And he -- so what does it say? "And his" -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT]
"Then Jehovah uncovered Balaam's spiritual eye, and he saw the part of himself that was the angel of the Lord standing erect because of his moral lifestyle and his circu- -- oh, because of his moral lifestyle," and his circumcising knife was drawn out" I suggest to you, towards his phallus. He was getting ready to circumcise himself, brethren.
Let me give it to you again. "Then Jehovah uncovered Balaam's spiritual eye, and he saw the part of himself that was the angel of the Lord standing erect because of his moral lifestyle." He was immortal because of his moral lifestyle, and his circumcising knife, which is Adam, was drawn out towards his phallus, towards his immature male organ.
The [?balance?] of this message, "Balaam's Ass, Part 2," may be heard at the beginning of Part 3 of this message, "Balaam's Ass." Please fast-forward to the end of this message. Thank you.
And I see I did not put the rest of this down. OK, and the last three words here, which I see I did not type in. I think Leviathan was really manifesting over this one. "And he bowed down." The King James says his head. Those words are not in the Hebrew, so we are striking out his head. "And he bowed down and fell flat." That is Strong's 7812, and it can also be translated shrivel up, and he bowed down and shriveled up. What bowed down and shriveled up? The King James says the face, Strong's 639, and [?Gesenius?] Lexicon -- Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon, says that this word can be translated --
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