237 - Part 2

Part 2 of 7 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



[INAUDIBLE] preaching messages right now that are very specifically associated with this war that is going on in the minds of His people. So we shall continue tonight in Romans 8. It is a long message. If I feel that I am losing you, if I feel that I have saturated you and you are not understanding, I may stop early. If I -- if we make it through, Lord willing, there will be one more message in this series, "Romans 8." And some of the Scriptures that you have been reading for years, that have been blessing you for years, when you hear, you know, what God is really saying, when I really went into depth in the Greek, I am sure you are going to be really blessed because it has excited me.

So can I have just a little more volume on this microphone please? Thank you; thank you very much. Glory to God.

And in case you are wondering why I am singing these days, let me tell you why I am singing. About a year ago, I was in a service in a local church, and they had an altar call for ministry. And I do not know why I would go up. The Lord must have told me to go up. You may have hear this testimony, and the pastor prophesied over me ministry and song. And I was so -- I guess my -- I was so covered with doubt and unbelief that all I could think about was with my carnal mind, that in high school, I was a listener. They would not even let me sing, could not carry a tune, that my whole family is not musical in this generation. Although, they have been in previous generations.

So my reaction was, oh, well, that was just a prophecy coming out in a parable form because songs are doctrine, and I shared that with you, if you remember. And just last week, the Lord quickened it to me. I was speaking to Rita, and the Lord quickened it to me, and He told me, "No, you are going to sing." And that is truly going to be a miracle.


Yeah, and this past week, I had a dream. This was after I received what God said to me. I said, wow, that prophecy was really that -- really meant that I am going to sing. And I said, OK, Lord, if you want to do it, it would make me very happy. It would be quite a miracle. And this past week I had a dream, and in the dream, my mouth was wide open, and I was singing, and the notes were beautiful, and they were on-key, and they were strong. This is even more of a miracle because I just found out that I have a paralyzed vocal cord a week or two ago. So -- and you all know what my voice sounds like, that it breaks, and it wobbles, and it does not squeak too much anymore, but I do not have a good voice. So it is going to be quite a miracle.

And the Lord brought back to my memory -- oh, I was a young Christian. It had to be at least 13 years ago, 12, 13 years ago, when I was still disciple. I wanted to be musical so badly, and I did go up to a couple of people who had received their musical gifts supernaturally because I knew it had to be supernatural with me. Do you remember? What was the name of that organist in the church, John? He died. John, you know who I mean? He played the organ, and his testimony was that one day -- he had never played a musical instrument in his life, and he was sitting down, and he felt the power of God fall on him.

Now listen to this because miracles come in different ways to different people. Some -- it is possible to receive a miracle whereby you have never played in your life and you just sit down and you play. That happens to some people, but John's experience was that he knew that the anointing came upon him, and he played one or two notes. But from that point on, he started to practice, and in a couple of years, he was playing -- well, he was -- I really enjoyed his music in the church. Now if you know anything about music, you know that you do not -- naturally, you do not play like that in two years.

And then I heard the testimony of that young man, David, in Full Gospel Tabernacle. Did you know him? He was 18 years old, never played a note in his life, and something moved on his mother to buy him a piano. And he sat down, and he had the same experience. He just felt the anointing, and he started to work. He practiced eight hours a day, and three years later, he was a classical pianist doing concerts and writing his own music.

See, lots of the times, God -- even though He gives you the gift, He requires the effort. Even with me, I have -- He gave me a gift to study and to research and to teach, but I have been laboring behind that computer it seems like half of my life. I work for it. You cannot do it. If you could sit at that computer, you could do everything that I do and not come up with the same results if you do not have the gift. So that fact that you have the gift does not mean that you do not have to work for it, OK. Although, some people get a gift, like Rita. She was sharing with me the other day; she just picked up the guitar and played one day, but it could go either way. So the Lord reminded me that I had asked -- well, that man, John, he prayed for me that God give me the gift. I said, "I will take anything, a musical instrument, song, anything." I just wanted to minister in music, and he prayed for me and asked God to give me the same gift.

And, of course, there was another organist in that church, Michael. Was that his name, Mary, Michael?


His -- Michael [?Bamgarden?]. His testimony is that he was an only child, spoiled only child, and his mother wanted him to play an instrument, so she was pl- -- paying a teacher to teach him the piano. The boy was so bad that the teacher said to his mother, "I feel that I am stealing from you taking your money. This boy is hopeless. He will never play this piano. I cannot take your money," so she discontinued his lessons. And shortly thereafter, he was in church, and he received a prophecy and the laying on of hands from Pastor Polly [SP] I believe it was, and now he plays, like, six instruments. I mean, he is really good. He is a delightful musician.

So I went around asking everybody who would pray for me to pray for me to give me this gift, and I just thought God was not going to do it. And I said to myself, well, you know, you cannot have everything. I am very gifted, so maybe God wants me to just put all of my efforts into the studying, and I just accept that, and I really let it go. I have not thought about it for years, and it is -- I am having this problem with my voice now for three years, so I do not -- usually, I do not even sing in the service because I felt I wanted to save my voice for the preaching. But now I am actually carrying a tune. How did I do tonight, Rita, not bad, huh?

            Not bad.

Yeah. I mean, considering I was tone deaf, that is not bad. So I am making the effort. We will see what God is going to give me. Nothing would make me happier than to really be able to sing a song and bless somebody, but I am putting in my part. I am doing my part, and we will see what He is going to give me. So that is why I am singing these days.

            [INAUDIBLE] God gave [INAUDIBLE] experience [?that you had?] in New Jersey.

Yes, I was thinking that. That is true, and in my last evangelical trip to New Jersey, I was called up to lead a song service, which I could not even believe it. I said to the people, you know, you do not know what you are saying. You are asking me to lead the song service? And it turned out that I sang better than the other woman that called me up, and that is pretty sad. I will tell you that. That is pretty sad. But I agree with -- and, you know, while I was up there singing, somebody -- I think it was Marcella who I was singing with, said, "Ah, God is going to give her a healing in her voice for her effort." That is what she said.

            [?Praise God?].




            That is great.

Yeah, it is all -- everything is just starting to add up, you know, so I am very blessed. It is nice to get a present from God.


Yeah. Praise of the Lord, He is a good God.

Romans 8, part 2. Recap, verses 1 through 8, "Therefore, the wrath of God is no longer directed towards those in whom Christ Jesus is ruling, who conduct their lives according to the internalized law of the Spirit of Christ and not the spirit of Satan. Therefore, the controlling force in Christ Jesus, which produces life, has set me free from the controlling force which causes me to do dishonorable misdeeds which bring the misery and suffering of this existence upon me."

"And because God thrust His own Son into the fallen living soul to do what the law could not do and condemn sin for its own good, that we might be filled up with Christ Jesus, the one who pardons us from the wrath of God, and be controlled by the Spirit of Christ instead of the spirit of Satan. And because those things which are in the soul are born of the flesh mind, but those things which are in the Spirit are born of the Spirit. And because the mind which is born of the flesh kills the soul, but the mind which is born of the Spirit gives it life and peace. Therefore the mind which is born of the flesh hates God because it is not, nor can it ever be, subject to God. So then men with flesh or carnal minds cannot please God."

So if you are concentrating on cleaning up the way you dress, not that it is bad to dress in a respectful, decent manner, but if that is your point of concentration, if your point of concentration is cleaning up your bad language, which it is good to clean up your bad language, OK. I am not telling you not to do it. If your point of concentration is stopping smoking cigarettes, that is a good thing, but if that is your point of concentration, no matter how hard you try or no matter to what degree you succeed, you cannot and have not pleased God.

There is only one thing which will please God, and that is the formation of His Son in you, is called the mind of Christ, and you are following after the instructions of the mind of Christ and rejecting the instructions of the carnal mind. And when you do that, when you do what? When you give up obeying the commandments of the carnal mind and begin to obey the commandments of Christ, your smoking and your immodest dress and your cigarettes will simply dry up and disappear naturally, without any strong effort of will on your part. You will look holy. You will sound holy, and your behavior will be holy. Why? Because, in your mind, you shall be holy.

Now someone is going to hear this message and say that Sister Sheila says it is all right to smoke and dress immodestly. No, I did not say that. Roll it back, and listen to it again. I did not say that. Glory to God. I rebuke all you Pharisees. I rebuke you. Roll back the message and listen to it again.

I would like to point out something to you about verse 2 before we go into verse 9. As Paul points out clearly in verse 2 -- let me read you verse 2 here of chapter 8. "For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death." The spirit that Paul is talking about, the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, that is the spirit he is talking about. "For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus." In verses 9 and 14, Paul says, "The Spirit of God." Now we have had some teachings in this ministry on why God changes the names of the Spirit of God, why one time He says the Spirit of God, another time He says the Spirit of life, and another time He says the Spirit of truth. And what have we learned so far? Why does God do that, somebody, anybody? Hmm?


Are they all different spirits?

            It is just different manifestations.

OK, different manifestations or different administrations or different expressions of the one Spirit of God. What does that mean? Well, there is only one Sheila. Sometimes I can be gentle. Sometimes I can be stern. Sometimes I can be a pain, but it is always me, different administrations of my personality. The Spirit of God has many aspects to His personality, and to help us understand what His Spirit is doing at a particular time, He gives different names to His -- or different modifying term to -- what is a modifying term? Spirit of, whatever you fill in at that spot is a modifying term. Spirit of life, the word life modifies the Spirit. What kind of a Spirit is it? It is a Spirit of life. Spirit of truth, what kind of a Spirit is it? It is a Spirit of truth. So God uses all these different modifying terms which clarify what function His Spirit is performing at any particular time that He is talking about His Spirit.

So please note that in verses -- well, in verse 2, Paul clearly identifies the Spirit as the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. In verses 9 and 14, however, he merely says the Spirit of God. Now the Spirit of God, I call it nonspecific. It is the Spirit of God, but we have no information, in this expression, the Spirit of God. We have no information as to what function or what administration the Spirit of God is performing at the time that we read about the Spirit of God. We just know that it is a spirit, and it is not the spirit of Satan. It is the Spirit of God. We have no information about what that Spirit of God is doing in this verse. That is verses 9 and 14.

So I want to review with you the Spirit of Christ and the function of the Spirit of Christ. Since Paul starts out, in the beginning of chapter 8, speaking about the Spirit of Christ, I want to suggest to you that he is speaking about the Spirit of Christ throughout chapter 8. But even under the Spirit of Christ, there is -- there are breakdowns of lesser administration under the Spirit of Christ, so I had like to go over that with you. Who knows what the Spirit of Christ is? Does anybody know what the Spirit of -- what the function of the Spirit of Christ is, anybody?



            [?Is it?] to bring forth the mind of Christ?

Well, that is true, but more specifically?

            I don't know if it's more specific. I was going to say to bring us till we get to that point that we all have the mind of Christ [CROSSTALK]

Yeah, I guess I phrased that question wrong. I am sorry. I did not mean to say what does He do. I meant -- I guess, what I meant to say is -- well, let me just put it to you this way. I cannot even phrase the question. The Spirit of Christ is the Spirit of God that appears in man. There is a manifestation of the Spirit of God that appears outside of a man. It appears outside of a man. We know that the Father is within man, and He is greater than man. He is outside of man. The Spirit of Christ is the manifestation of the Father, excuse me, which is joined to man. The Holy Spirit is in man, but He is not joined. The Holy Spirit is in man, but He is not joined.

Our natural example is the male seed. Every male seed does not hook up with a female seed. The Spirit of Christ is the male seed of the Father which has connected to and joined with the heart of a man, OK. When the Spirit of God comes into you, it is called the Holy Spirit. You have received the Holy Spirit. It is the seed of the Father. It is the glorified Lord Jesus Christ floating around in your spiritual being, but He has not made contact yet. He has not rooted yet. And [?what?where?] does He root with? Does He root with your ear? Does He root with your eyes? Where does He root? He roots with your human spirit, OK.

So the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Father which is in man but not joined to man. As soon as that Spirit joins to man or joins with the human spirit of that man, His name changes. Why does His name change? So that we should now know that when the Lord is speaking about the Spirit of Christ, that He is speaking about a manifestation of His Spirit that is joined to man. And what is the implication of being joined to man? More power.

The Lord Jesus Christ is joining with us. It can be liken- -- this joining can be likened to atomic fusion. There is tremendous energy given off in atomic fusion. When God formed this creation, it was in the spiritual act which can be likened to atomic fission. There was a separation. The Son separated from the Father, and tremendous energy was exerted, and the result of it was that the creation was formed. But now we are coming back together again, and there is much more energy in atomic fusion than in atomic fission. So when that Spirit of God hooks up with your human spirit and start -- and the two start to become one, tremendous energy is given off in your spiritual being, which is where? In your mind.

This process is a very slow process because man could not bear it. Man could not bear it. At least one of the reasons why our numbers are so small is that people cannot -- they cannot sit in this room. Sometimes if I just meet and have a conversation with them in another set of circumstances, they cannot stand talking to me. They jump up and run away. My words are burning them. We have to be exposed slowly to the power of God or it will kill us.

The Spirit of Christ has two manifestations in and of itself. The Spirit of Christ has a lesser and a greater manifestation. The lesser manifestation is called the Spirit of adoption. Brethren, you are not a son until that male seed has hooked up with you in a joining. And that which is the product of the joining of the Spirit of God and your spirit is the seed of the Son, which is your personal manifestation of the savior dwelling in your heart. The Lord Jesus Christ cannot save you because He is in my heart. He only saves you when He is in your heart.

So we have a lesser and a greater manifestation of the Spirit of Christ. The Spirit of Christ is the Spirit which is found in Christ, and Christ is the Son of the living God. So if the Spirit of Christ is in you, truly in you, then Christ must be in you. What does that mean? The Holy Spirit must have joined with your human spirit, engrafted to it like a cutting from a plant. If the Spirit of Christ be in you, then Christ must be in you, and for Christ to be in you, the Holy Spirit had to join with your human spirit. If all you have is the Holy Spirit, you are not a son.

Oh, they cannot -- I hear them screaming. It is the truth. I am telling you the truth, all you Pharisees. Do not shut off the message. You are not going to die and go to heaven. There is another step. You have got to take the next step. What if you do not take the next step? You will die. You know, I used to work for a law firm, and a wise guy came into the office one day. I guess he thought it was his way of flirting with me. I gave him some papers to sign, and he said to me, "What happens if I do not sign it?" I said, "You lose." My boss was standing there. He thought that was very funny. You do not sign it, you lose. If you do not conceive, you die, no skin off of my nose. OK.

The -- another name for the engrafted word, then, we are finding out, is the Spirit of adoption. Have you heard that there should be two witnesses in the Scripture of -- excuse me, of every spiritual truth? Well, the term, the Spirit of adoption, only appears in one place. Do you know of a second place that it appears? The second place that the concept of the Spirit of adoption appears, it appears in a different -- in different language, but the spiritual concept of the Spirit of adoption appears under the words the engrafted word. When the Holy Spirit engrafts to you, His name changes to the Spirit of adoption, which is the lesser manifestation or the immature manifestation of the Spirit of Christ. If you have studied our message on baptism, this train -- this logic [AUDIO CUTS OUT] -- this lo- --

This logic is expressed in our study of the baptism with the Holy Spirit. Brethren, God is not frivolous, that -- He is not playing games. He is a very serious God. There has to be a reason why the people who have the Holy Spirit today, in the church today, are not doing the same thing, or let me put it this way. There has to be a reason why the Holy Spirit is not expressing Himself through the church today in the same way that He expressed Himself through the apostles on the day of Pentecost. There has to be a reason why, and the reason why is that what we see in the church today is the lesser or the more immature manifestation of the Holy Spirit, and the apostles received a full baptism with the Holy Spirit. We in the church today do not have the full baptism with the Holy Spirit.

And as you go through the message, we find out that each baptism, the baptism with fire, the baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus, all of these baptisms have a lesser or an immature and a greater or a mature manifestation thereof, so is the same -- so it is the same with the Spirit of Christ. There is an immature manifestation of it called the Spirit of adoption or the engrafted word. And who is the word?


The Lord Jesus Christ is the word. When He engrafts, He is the Spirit of adoption, and the mature manifestation of the Spirit of Christ is the spirit which is in the fully-born mind of Christ, which is in the man who is in full stature. So I am going to put this on the message, so if you are not following me, I would not be too upset about it. If the Lord quickens it to you, information is always nice to have. I always wondered what this Spirit of adoption was, and now I found out. And, of course, the Spirit of Christ is the name of the spirit that has an immature and a mature manifestation, and more specifically, the name of the mature manifestation is the Spirit of life, which is in Christ Jesus.

I am just going to read you my notes. We talked about all this, but I never like to risk leaving anything out, so I will just read you my notes. When the Holy Spirit engrafts to our human spirit, His name changes to the Spirit of adoption. When that fertilized human spirit is fully born as the Son of God, the Spirit of the Son of God is the Spirit of Christ.

The manifestation of the Father, which is not joined to man, is called the Spirit of heaven. You may recall that from our studies in "Jesus and the Jordan." This expression, the Spirit of heaven, appears only once in the New Testament, in John 1:32. The Spirit of heaven is the virile seed of the Father which brings forth Christ in the heart of a man. That is another name of the glorified Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the seed. Did He not give us a parable about the seed? Jesus said, "Let me tell you a parable. A man went out, and he went out to sow seed." The Scripture is filled with accounts of the sowing of seed, the Old Testament and the New Testament. It is not the seed of corn, and it is not the seed of wheat. Although, the Scripture uses those names as a parable, the seed is the seed of the Father. It is the seed that has in it the authority to reproduce Christ in the minds of men. That is what the seed is, and the glorified Lord Jesus Christ, He is it. He is the male seed of the Father.

The human race is female. It does not matter what your body is. Spiritually, we are female, and we are waiting to have a male mind born in us because so long as your mind is carnal, you are female. It has nothing to do with your body, spiritually speaking. To be a spiritual man, you must have the mind of God, and that is what we are all waiting for. The Scripture says there is no male or female in Christ Jesus. What that means is, with regard to the things of God's Spirit -- not the things of this world now. Of course there is male and female in this world, but with regard to the things of God's Spirit, there is no male or female. It has nothing to do with your body. It has to do with the condition of your mind. If it is the mind of Satan that is dwelling in you, you are female. If the mind of God dwells in you, you are male, but do not be distressed. You can grow up and be a man, but you have to start at the bottom, and you have to receive your spiritual training, and you have to go a step at a time.

OK, so we are talking about the Spirit of heaven. You may recall me talking to you about that in the series, "Jesus and the Jordan." The mature manifestation of the Spirit of heaven is the Holy Spirit which was poured out upon mankind on the day of Pentecost. The immature manifestation of the Spirit of heaven is found only in the Old Testament prophets. Now I know this sounds like a contradiction because I have told you in the past that the Spirit of Christ appeared in the prophets in such a mature manifestation of Christ that their carnal minds were completely crushed, leaving no room for error in their prophecy. Do you remember me teaching you that?

Under the Old Covenant, if a prophet made -- prophesied one word that did not come to pass, the judgment was death. Israel was to stone that man to death if he made one mistake, and anybody with any experience in the church today knows that we have false prophecy all over the place, all the time. Even the most mature men of God that we know sometimes have a false prophecy, so how could this anointing me more mature than the anointing that was poured out on Israel, which never made a mistake? And this is the answer. The anointing that was poured out on Israel, the Spirit of heaven that was upon Israel, could not grow. It came upon the prophet at God's will to bring forth prophecy for His people. It did not get less. It did not get greater, and it did not have the power to join with the heart of that prophet permanently and produce a permanent mind of Christ in that man.

The Spirit of heaven that is in the church today, we call Him the Holy Spirit. At this time, He is more immature than the Spirit of heaven that was on the prophets in Israel, but the Spirit -- but this spirit has an ability to mature into the Spirit of Christ and grow up into a form that will bring forth a permanent mind of Christ in man. So right now the Spirit of heaven in the church is less mature than it was in Israel, but it has the potential to be more mature, and it is moving. It is growing. It is a living thing, and, therefore, the Lord told me to identify it as the more mature manifestation of the Spirit of heaven than the one that was in Israel. Is everybody OK? OK.

We are going on with Romans 8:9. "But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His." So we see the Scripture speaking about the Spirit of God, and then it moves on to the Spirit of Christ. So we get more information in the same verse. We find out that that administration of the Spirit of God that is being spoken about is really the Spirit of Christ, and I suggest to you that the spirit mentioned through all of chapter 8 is the Spirit of Christ or one of the manifestations of it.

As we discussed at the last meeting, the expression, in the flesh, does not merely mean to be living out of one's emotions but to be think- -- it means to be thinking with the mind that is born of the flesh. OK, let me go over this for you. We hear a lot about being born again, and what that means is that the seed of the Father is coming in, joining with our human spirit, and a mind, a literal mind is being born in us, the mind of Christ. OK, but there is already a mind in the flesh. There is already a mind in our heart. It is the mind of flesh, and the way it came to be was that the flesh fertilized itself. Part of the flesh rose up, took on the male role and fertilized itself and brought forth an inferior mind. That is why we are dying. It did a bad job of bringing forth a mind. What is the flesh? The living soul brought forth a mind of itself without a male seed, brought forth an inferior mind that has resulted in a perverted generation, which is all of us. We are spiritually perverted, and we died, and we are dying.

So when Paul talks about being in the flesh, he is not just talking about yielding to your emotions. He is talking about thinking with the mind that was actually born in you with a perverted male seed, and we are spiritually retarded. The carnal mind ca- -- has to have -- a mind must have a mother and a father. The mother is always the living soul. The father of the carnal mind is that same living soul who had no authority to bring forth an offspring but somehow did it anyway, and that offspring is retarded. It is a manifestation of incest. We see it in the world today. If two close relatives marry, they stand a large chance of their child being retarded. That is why there are laws against it, so the living soul brought forth a child of incest, and that is humanity as we are today. We are an illegitimate, bastard offspring of God's wife. That is why we are bastard- -- He calls us bastards. That is why we need to be adopted because Fa- -- the Father God is not our father. We were born of his adulterous wife.

So to be in the flesh is not a mere expression signifying that one is thinking with the mind which is born of the flesh but the actual reality of one's human spirit being in or joined to the flesh mind. The Scripture calls it spiritual adultery. Thinking with your carnal mind is spiritual adultery. That is why we are dying. We are in sin. It does not matter what you are doing with your body. It is better not to sin with your body. I am not telling you to go out and sin with your body, but even if you do not sin with your body, you are in sin because your mind is in an adulterous union with Satan. That is how come you have a carnal mind. She is the offspring of your heart, your human spirit and Satan, and that sin exists in your mind, and there is no way you can get rid of it.

So stop sinning with your body. That is a good thing to do, but do not think that you are holy because you are not, until the Lord Jesus Christ comes and saves you from the condition of adultery which is in your mind, and that is a condition that you have no power to save yourself from. You can stop sinning with your body. You cannot stop sinning with your mind. You do not have the strength to stop. That is why you need a savior. His strength is going to pull you out of that adulterous relationship, which is in your mind, and when He separates you from this ungodly husband that you have, whose name is --


-- Satan, He will be your husband. You will have a godly husband. You will no longer be in spiritual adultery, and you will stop dying.

"But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you." That word, if so be -- the Greek word translated if so be, it could be translated since or if indeed, and the Greek word translated dwell is Strong's 3611, and it is speaking of a husband dwelling with a wife, speaking of intimate spiritual union. Webster's says it means to live as a resident. To dwell with someone means to be joined to them. In this -- the context of this Greek word, it does not meant to be roommates. It does not mean to live in the same house and be roommates. It is talking about a husband, wife relationship.

Alternate Translation, the first half of Romans 9:9, "Nevertheless, your mind is not the mind born of the flesh but the mind born of the Spirit, if the Spirit of God truly dwells in you."

Now what does that mean? It means if the Spirit of God truly dwells in you and you have a mind that is born of the Spirit in addition to a mind that is born of the flesh, as far as God is concerned, your mind is the mind of the Spirit. He is not looking at the mind of the flesh. If His mind is born in you, if His Son is in your head, He is not looking at the mind of the flesh. He is looking at you and saying, "You are born of the Spirit, and We are going to deal with that other mess."

Continuing with the second half of Romans 8:9, "Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His." The word have means to hold. It means to be joined to, and the Spirit of Christ, we talked about that. "He is none of His." The first half of verse 9 does not mention the Holy Spirit, which is the seed of God. It does speak [AUDIO CUTS OUT] -- [INAUDIBLE] thereof it is speaking about. The phrase, Spirit of Christ, in the second half of verse 9 modifies the phrase, the Spirit of God, and gives us the missing information. Verse 9 is speaking about the administration of the Spirit of God known as the Spirit of Christ. Excuse me.

The phrase, none of his -- "And if Christ be in you" -- "Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His." The interlinear says not is of Him, or we can say is not out of Him or is not His offspring. Brethren, if you do not have the Spirit of Christ, you are not the offspring of God. You are not a son of Go- -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT]

Brethren, if the Spirit of Christ is not in you, you are not a son. What you have is the Holy Spirit floating around inside of you. You are not a son until that seed joins up. Now this is a big issue in the church today. People get very upset when they hear this. The Holy Spirit is not enough. It is not the end of your conversion. You must go on. You must take the next step, and if what I am saying frightens you because you really thought that you had it all wrapped up and when you died you were going to heaven and you were all set, well, just ask the Lord for it. The answer is not to panic and deny the truth. Just tell the Lord that you want to take the next step.

Christians get very frightened when they hear this, and the reason they get frightened is that they really believe, if they die and they are not fully saved, they will burn in Hell forever. That is why they become frightened, OK. You are not burning in Hell forever, but neither are you saved with the Holy Spirit. You are still a carnal man. Just look in the mirror. You are filled with sin. You sin every day. You do sin; you think sin; you act sin. How could you be saved, brethren? Grow up. This is ridiculous.

Alternate Translation, the second half of Romans 8:9, "Therefore, anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ is not of Him."

If the Spirit of Christ is not in you, you are not born of Him. What does that mean? If the Spirit of Christ is not in you, you do not have His mind. His mind is not born in you. You are just a fallen person with His seed floating around in you.

Let us try that again. I put it in better English. "Therefore, anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ is not of Christ," or, "Therefore, anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ is not Christ."

Because, brethren, when your mind is Christ, you are Christ. The reason the man Jesus of Nazareth was Jesus the Christ was because the mind that he was living by was Christ. So if you do not have the mind of Christ, you are not Christ. You are what?

            [?Satan?] [INAUDIBLE]

You are Satan. You are -- amen, that is what you are. You are the son of Satan. Either you are son of God or you are the son of Satan. Did Jesus not say to the Pharisees, "Your father is the devil"? You heard this before. I am not preaching anything that is not in the Bible. You just did not think it was you. Look in the mirror.

Alternate Translation, Romans 8:9, "Nevertheless, your mind is not the mind born of the flesh but the mind born of the Spirit, if the Spirit of God truly lives in you. Therefore, anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ is not Christ."

Now do not panic. Just tell God you want it. "Nevertheless, if the Spirit of God truly lives in you, your mind is born of the Spirit, not the flesh. Therefore, anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ is not Christ."

Well, how do we recognize the Spirit of Christ? Verse 10, "And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness." Let me remind you that the body -- that there is more than one body. Paul clearly said there are some terrestrial bodies. Some bodies are celestial, OK. There is more than one kind of body, and the body is a container. This physical body contains our soul, and when Christ is in you, your soul is the container or the body of Christ. So if Christ be in you, the soul is dead because of sin.

Sin means misdeeds, deviation from the path of righteousness and honor, and sin is in the mind. The Greek word translated truly appears in the Greek but is not translated. The word -- we are going to use it in the Alternate Translation, truly. The word dead, there are at least three Greek words that are translated dead. This is the Greek word necros, which means corpse, cadaver, dead dead. And the Spirit, I suggest to you, that is being spoken about here is the human spirit. "And if Christ be in you, the soul is dead because of sin." What does that mean? The soul is dead because your carnal mind is still in it. "But the Spirit is life." But your human spirit -- I know that they have a capital S there in verse 10, but I suggest to you that that is the human spirit there, and it should be a small S. Bur your human spirit is life or is alive because of righteousness. And who is righteousness? Righteousness is Christ. So if the -- if Christ is in you, your soul is still dead because you still have a carnal mind, but, nevertheless, your human spirit is being made alive because of the righteousness of Christ.

So, you see, brethren, even if Christ be in you, according to the Scripture, your soul is not saved, and if Christ is not in you, your soul is certainly not saved. Salvation is a process. It starts with your spirit. Then it goes to your soul, and then it goes to your body, and yet your soul is not saved so long as your carnal mind exists. Your soul is saved when that Christ mind in you crucifies your carnal mind. According to my understand of this Scripture, your soul will be dead so long as the carnal mind exists in you, and, for a season, you will have two minds, the carnal mind and the Christ mind. Life is imparted to your spirit by the Christ mind. It is not imparted into your soul until that Christ mind kills your carnal mind.

Alternate Translation, Romans 8:10, "But if Christ is truly in you, your soul is dead because of the sins of your flesh mind."

Your flesh mind is sin, and he is still attached to your human spirit. Let me put this on the board for you. Our human spirit is the harlot of Revelation. She is the adulteress, OK. She is up here, and she has two husbands. She has a husband named Satan, and she has a husband named the Father, who is God. The Father has a Son named Christ, and Satan has a daughter who is a lesbian, named the carnal mind, and they are both having contact with our human spirit. She is the harlot, and she has two children.

Did I do that wrong? I did it wrong. It is been a long time since I did that. She has contact with Satan, and she has his offspring, the carnal mind. She has contact with the Father, and she has His offspring, which is Christ, so she is a harlot because she has two husbands, and she has two children. One is the heir to the kingdom of God, Christ, and the other is the child of the bondwoman, we are told in the Book of Galatians. And the instruction of the Father is to cast out this bondwoman. Our human spirit must be separated from Satan and the carnal mind. Look at this connection here. She has got to be released from this connection.

So Christ here is starting to attack the carnal mind and Satan. That is the warfare, and our human spirit is joined to Satan and the carnal mind when Christ is bombing them. That is our problem. We are in bondage. We are in an adulterous union with Satan. We have his child, and we are all connected in our mind. So even if you have the Christ mind, even if you have it, until this carnal mind is killed, sin is still in you. Why? Because your human spirit is connected to it. This has got to be ripped out of you, and there is a procedure that God has for ripping it out of you. The first step is what, somebody?


No --


-- spiritually speaking, what is the first step here?


Christ must be conceived in you. If all you have is Satan and the carnal mind, you have got no weapon. He is your weapon. This is your stone that you are going to sling at Goliath's head. You cannot do anything until you get the stone and the slingshot in your hand. Everyone is singing and dancing around the church and showing you their dove pins. Brethren, this is war. This guy has got to die. He is killing some members of the human race more than he is killing other members of the human race. There are members of the human race, their life is not bad. They are very content to live with both of them or just with the carnal mind alone and the Holy Spirit, but in this hour, our God is going to the people who are being killed by Satan and the carnal mind, whose lives are a torment, whose lives are a disaster and/or unproductive. He is going to these people first because the other people are not willing to fight. They are not going to fight. They do not want to give up their good life.

This is true in the world. You must have heard this. Go to a nation where they are starving to death, where they have nothing. They do not even have enough food to eat. Those will men will get into the army and fight with everything they have. You go to some of these men around here, they do not want to go. They have got a wife and kids and a house and a good job. They do not want to go to war. You go to some little country where the men have noth- -- no esteem at all. They cannot even take care of their families. They will pick up that gun and fight like there is no tomorrow. It is their only chance to be a man. That is it. God is bypassing the large majority of the church. They do not want to fight. He is going to the people that have nothing to lose. He is going to the people in this hour who are going to die if God does not deliver them. They are going to fight because they have got nothing to lose. They have got nothing worthwhile now.

"But if Christ is truly in you, your soul is still dead because of the sins of your flesh mind." That is it up on the board. "But your spirit has received life because Christ has made her acceptable to God."

The fact that one of your spirit is offspring is Christ has made you acceptable to God, and God is forgiving you for your adulterous union with the carnal mind, and giving you the strength to kill that illegal husband and that child.

"But if Christ is truly in you, your human spirit is alive because of her union with Him, but your soul is still dead because of the carnal mind."

Amplified translation, verse 10, "But if Christ is truly in you, your human spirit is alive because of her union with Him, but your soul is still deadly because of the carnal mind."

1 Corinthians 6:17 says, "But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit." Your human spirit is alive because she is joined to the Spirit of Christ, and life has been imparted to her.

Continuing with Romans 8:11, "But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you."

The interlinear says that the Greek word translated raising -- that the Greek word translated raised is in the present tense. Jesus is the first member of the living soul to be raised from the dead, but He is representative of the whole living soul, which is still being raised. Until every member of the living soul is raised from the dead, we will not be able to put that activity in the past tense. The living soul is being raised from the dead a cell at a time, each of us being a cell, so we cannot say Jesus was raised from the dead. The correct tense is He is being raised from the dead. It is still happening. Christ is still being raised from the dead in the minds of men. The living soul is still being raised from the dead. The living soul is still being crucified. The living soul is still being resurrected. Everything that happened to Jesus of Nazareth is still happening because He was only the first cell of this many membered creation that God is raising from the dead. That is a great mystery. Jesus.

"But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead"  -- and that Greek word dead is necros. It means dead dead. "If that Spirit dwell in you" -- this is a different word translated dwell than the one that I said it meant a husband and wife dwelling together. It is Strong's 1774, and it means to dwell in one and influence him for good. You may recall from our series on the Christ that when the word Christ is preceded by the definite article, the, when it says the Christ and not just Christ, it is speaking about Jesus the Christ. When it says Christ without the definite article, it is speaking about the mind of Christ. Well, in the same -- and you may recall that the mind of Christ died at the time of the fall, and when the Scripture is speaking about Him, it just says Christ without the definite article, the, before it.

So in the same manner, when the article is before the word Spirit, it is talking about the Spirit of God. The King James translation says, "He that raised up Christ from the dead," but Green's interlinear text says, "He that raised up the Christ." To say the Christ in this context made no sense to me at all. I labored over it for 20 minutes. I -- it just wa- -- it made no sense to me at all, so I went into another interlinear text that I ha- -- that is much more difficult to work with. I only take it out when I have a problem. It is called the Greek Concordant Text, and that revealed that is has a different trans- -- it has a different text than Green's interlinear that I work with all the time, and in that earth Greek Concordant Text, it said Christ Jesus.

"But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead" -- OK, and that in the Greek interlinear is Christ Jesus. He is raising up Christ Jesus in us, in this generation. Quicken means to make alive, and mortal means to be subject to death. The Spirit of Christ, which was in Christ, the Son of God, raised the soul man, Jesus, from the dead, and that same Spirit of Christ which is still raising Christ Jesus from the dead in all of us will give life to your souls. The Spirit of Christ which was in Christ, the Son of God -- that is Jesus of Nazareth -- raised that man Jesus' soul from the dead also, and if that same Spirit of Christ is in you raising Christ Jesus from the dead in you, He will give life to your soul also, everything decently and in order. You have got to get Christ raised from the dead in you before your soul is saved.

Amplified translation, verse 11, "So if the Spirit of Christ who is raising up the man Jesus from the dead is living inside of you and influencing you for your good, that same Spirit is raising up Christ Jesus from the dead in you and shall make your souls alive also because His Spirit is internalized in you."

Brethren, this is not the Holy Spirit. I am going to put my testimony on this message again. If you have heard it before, please bear with me. I was dying when I came to the Lord. After maybe as much as five or six years of doing everything I could possibly -- to do -- of everything I was taught to do, submitting to having demons cast out of me, healings, everything. I was in church four or five nights a week. I was still dying, and I read this Scripture, and I said, "Lord, how come this Scripture is not true for me? I have given You my whole life. I have thrown everything into the kingdom of God as I know it, and I am still dying. Why is this Scripture not working for me?" And the Lord answered me. He said, "It is because you do not have the Spirit of Christ." [SPEAKING IN TONGUES]

The Holy Spirit is not the Spirit of Christ, and at some time in the future after that, I conceived Christ. And when I conceived Christ, the Spirit of Christ that was raising Christ from the dead in me began to heal my body, and I have just had miracle after miracle after miracle. I left out a part of my testimony. I said, "Lord, I am not even asking you to raise me from the dead. I just want my body healed." That was what I had said to Him. "Why is it not working for me? Why -- is this Scripture not true for me? I have given you everything I have, total commitment. All I want is a physical body that works."

The Holy Spirit is not the Spirit of Christ. The Holy Spirit is not raising you from the dead. You have got to get the Spirit of Christ if you want to be raised from the dead, and the Spirit of Christ is in Christ. If you want the Spirit of Christ, you have to conceive Christ. The Spirit of Christ which raises you from the dead is found in His Christ, and you get Christ by having the Holy Spirit engraft to you in your human spirit.

I remember where I was. I was in another church. They were singing and dancing and jumping around, singing that song, if that Spirit which raised Christ from the dead dwells in you. "Dwells in you, it shall quicken your mortal body, if that Spirit dwells in you." It was not working for me. I want to tell you I banged on the door of heaven. I said, "I want to know why." The Holy Spirit is not the Spirit of Christ. I said, "Lord, if You are not going to heal me, it is OK, but I think after all that has happened over these last years, I am entitled to an explanation." That is how I talk to God. I said, "If You do not want to heal me, that is OK, but I think that You should tell me why," and He answered me right then and there. He said, "You do not have the Spirit of Christ." Jesus.

Romans 8:12, "Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh." Debtor, one who has not yet made amends to the one he has injured. A debtor is someone who owes something to someone and has not yet paid that debt. What were we indebted to the flesh for? Anybody have any idea what were indebted -- we were indebted to the flesh for? What do we owe the carnal mind? Why do we owe him? We owe him for our existence. You cannot live without a mind. The reason we are in debt to him is that, if he pulls our note, we die. He is giving us existence. The carnal mind is giving this whole living soul existence, and the whole living soul owes him because if he shuts down, we die.

Alternate Translation, Romans 8:12, "Therefore, brethren, we no longer owe our existence to the mind which is born of the flesh."

How come? How come we no longer owe our existence to the mind which is born of the flesh? Because there is a new mind in the living soul who is giving us existence on a higher level. We call it life. Jesus said, "I come to give you life, and that more abundantly." More abundantly than what? More abundantly than this existence whose name is death.

So the Scripture is saying, from the time the mind of Christ is formed in you, as far as God is concerned, you owe nothing to that carnal mind. Even though it is not yet an experiential reality that the mind of Christ is keeping the living soul alive -- it is not a reality yet. We have to cut Goliath's head off, and I saw the souls of them beheaded for Christ. We have to be beheaded from our carnal mind, and when our new head is seated upon our soul, then we will have the reality of owing our life to Christ. Right now it is in the process of happening, but the Lord says, as far as I am concerned, you do not owe that guy anything. Do not be afraid of him. He cannot pull the plug on you. No man can kill you or hurt you in any way unless I give My permission, once My firstfruits is dwelling in you and attached to you and joined to you. I put My mark on you, your mind. Do not worry about it. I know that he is still there, and I know that he is still sin in your mind, but I will not let him kill you. Just live after Me. Do not worry about it. I am taking care of it.

"Therefore, brethren, we no longer owe our existence to the mind which is born of the flesh."

Continuing with Romans 8:13, "For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live."

"For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die." Now this is a different Greek word that is translated death. So far we have had the word necros, which means a corpse. This is the word apothnesko, the Greek word [?apothneksko?] -- apothnesko, and it speaks about a death which is an existence. You see, necros implies no existence. It implies cessation from existence, corpse. Apothnesko is the description of this existence, misery and suffering, and with regard to the soul, it talks about misery and suffering, and with regard to the body, to the death of the body, it speaks about dying without being reformed. So if someone you know has died apothnesko, it means they died without being saved. That is what it means.

So Paul is saying, if you live after the flesh, if you -- what does that mean? If you obey the commands of the mind of the flesh, if -- even though the Christ mind is in you, you are still being obedient to the carnal mind. Your body is going to die without your soul being reformed. You cannot do that, brethren. Once Christ is imparted to you, you must obey Christ, and if you think that you are going to obey Christ without the carnal mind punishing you, you are naïve. You are naïve. We go through that here a lot. I talk to you about that a lot. There is only so much you can do in your spiritual warfare. There will be some pain. You are in a war. You endure hardship as a good soldier.

If you think or if you have been taught that you are going to get through this thing and enter into heaven with no pain, you have received a lie. Then when the pain comes upon you, you get mad because you have been lied to and you think that there is not supposed to be any pain. And instead of doing what you need to do to survive the pain, you are just like a wild, raging bull, mad at everybody you can lay your hands on because you think you are the only one going through this pain and that it is not supposed to be happening to you. Brethren, you need to know that it is going to be happening to you. There will be some pain. You need to learn how to deal with it.

"For if you live after the flesh," or if you live -- if you follow after the carnal mind, you will die unreformed or have misery in this lifetime. "But if ye through the Spirit" -- what Spirit? The Spirit of Christ -- "do mortify the deeds of the body, you shall live." Now this Greek word translated mortify is a third Greek word that is translated death in other places. It is thanatos, and this Greek word is speaking about the separation of the soul from the body. And, "The deeds of the body," the word deeds is a mode of acting in a bad sense, and the body is speaking about the soul.

Alternate Translation Romans 8:13, "Because" -- is that message on?

            [?It is?].

It is, OK. Is it almost over? For some reason I think it is getting ready to --


It is almost, OK.

Alternate Translation, Romans 8:13, "Because if you have existence because of the mind which is born of the flesh, you shall die unreformed: but if you separate yourself from the sinful deeds of your soul, you shall live."

Now check this out, brethren. Check it out. It is good to not sin with your body. It is good to not sin with your mouth, but unless you separate yourself -- look at that board. Unless you separate yourself from the sinful deeds of your soul -- and what are the sinful deeds of your soul? They are the workings of Satan and -- what did you say?


Right. Unless you separate yourself from the thoughts of Satan and the carnal mind, you shall surely die. I do not -- personally do not believe that it is possible, but if it were possible for someone to never sin with their mouth and their body, you would still die if your mind is still yielding to the thoughts of the carnal mind. And when your mind stops yield- -- when you stop yielding to the thoughts of your carnal mind, the sins of your mouth and your body will fall away naturally. Now that does not mean you just yield to physical sin and verbal sin. You are supposed to resist it, but that ability to not sin with your mouth and with your body does not make you holy, and it is only holiness that is going to stop you from dying. No man will ever be holy except that Christ be formed in him and defeat his strong enemy, the carnal mind.

So in the days of the church, when this great salvation was not available to us -- what great salvation? This ability to have Christ formed in us and defeat our carnal mind. In those days, if you grew up in the church in those days or if you are in a condition right now where God has you in that place where He is not talking to you about dealing with the sins of your mind -- He is not dealing with everybody in this way right now -- then God will bless you for cleaning up your act, your physical and your verbal act, and He will leave you alone because that is all He is requiring of you now. But if God is requiring more of you now, if He is requiring you to start dealing with the sin in your mind -- and what is your mind? How do the sins of your mind manifest? In the way you think, wrong thinking, and in your attitudes. That is what I am talking about. Attitudes and emotions is the expression of sin in the mind. So if your minds and your attitudes are filled with sinfulness, pride and rebellion and every evil work and you are talking to me about giving up cigarettes, you know, God is laughing at you. I am telling you the truth.

I have this same principle on my first message, "The Truth About Witchcraft." I had someone in that meeting that was in desperate condition, and all she could talk about was giving up cigarettes, and she is still in fornication today. She gave up the cigarettes. She is still in fornication. Now, you know, God is not blessing that.

So if you have existence because the mind which is born of the flesh is still active in you, you shall die unreformed, but if you separate yourself from the sinful deeds of your soul, you shall live. You have -- that part of you, your human spirit that is attached to your carnal mind, must refuse to agree with her. You have got to resist her thoughts. Sin is in the mind. Envy, pride, rebellion, wrath, murder, resentment, every evil work is in the heart of man, and it is good to give up your cigarettes. I really would not focus on it.

Amplified translation, Romans 8:13, "Because if the mind which is born of the flesh gives you existence, your soul shall separate from your body without being reformed: but if you separate your human spirit from the sinful deeds of your soul and join with Christ, you shall live."

"Because if the mind which is born of the flesh gives you existence, your soul shall separate from your body without being reformed: but if you separate from -- if you separate your human spirit from the sinful deeds of your soul and the mind of that soul and join with Christ, you shall live."

Verse 14, "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God."

Are you sure that message is going? It just seems awfully long to me for some reason. OK.

"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." As many as, Strong's 3745, it can also be translated whatsoever things. Led is Strong's 71. It can also be translated to beget. A man begets. A woman conceives. Brethren, I have been quoting this Scripture for years. "Those who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God." The correct translation, I suggest to you, is those who are begotten of the Spirit of God. You have got to have His life in you. You have got to have His mind in you. To be begotten of the Spirit of God means He has put His child in you. You have got to have the mind of God, or you will never be led of the Spirit of God.

The Holy Spirit does not lead you. It is Christ that leads you. You have got to have the Son, brethren. Holy Spirit is nice. He sings to you, and He dances, and He heals you, and He casts out demons. He is good to you, but He is not going to save your life. He is not strong enough to save your life. You have got to have a savior, a mighty one, a strong one, and He has got to be resident in your mind, not in my mind, in your mind, and that is not what the Holy Spirit is.

It is like -- to say that the Holy Spirit is going to do it for you is like looking at any one of you sitting here and saying that, when you were in seed form in your father's loins, that it is equal to what you are now. That is what you are saying. What you are now can be likened to Christ, and the Holy Spirit can be likened to the seed of you in your father's loins, so as far as we are concerned, it did not ev- -- you did not even exist. God must be born in you. That is what being born again means. God must be born in you, fully born in you.

"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." Some of you may know that there are two Greek words translated sons. This is Strong's 5207, and it is the Greek word that means a child born of a man and a woman. It is talking about a human child. The other Greek word translated son speaks specifically about a male offspring, again speaking about the Son of God who is in your mind, Christ. You see, to date, the living soul has produced many children. Every one of them has been female. Therefore, the whole creation is female. Therefore, we continue to die because the whole creation has a female mind, and she is not strong enough to keep us alive. The only one who can beget a male child is the Father, and He has already done it in the man Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus of Nazareth was the only spiritually male human being to ever walk this earth, at His time. Then Paul -- I believe Paul went into full stature also.

So in this hour, there is no male Son of God in the earth. There is no warrior. There are some of us that are in the making, but there is no warrior in the earth. We are waiting for Him to be born. Everyone is female, except the few that have some male traits, but if you are male in this hour, you are a young boy. There is no man in the earth. The church is filled with women and children in the pulpit. That is why everybody is still dying. People die in the church every day. Drug addicts go back out onto drugs every day. Alcoholics, dry for years, go back drinking every day. People are committing adultery in the church every day because the leadership is women and children. That is in the Bible. That is not me saying that, and it is a curse of God. It is in Deuteronomy 28. "Your leaders shall be women and children." So in this hour, we wait for the Son of God to come into a position of leadership in the church, and, once again, this is referring to the mind that is in the leadership. It has nothing to do with your body.

Alternate Translation, Romans 8:14, "Because whatsoever things are born of the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God."

That which is born -- excuse me. Brethren, that which is begotten of the Spirit of God is male. That is what this is saying. That which is begotten of the flesh is female. Whatever God begets is male. God has no daughters. Every offspring of God is male. It is a male mind. "Because the men who are born of the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God," so if your mind is begotten of the Spirit of God, it makes you man, a spiritual man. Do not bring it down into your natural life. It is going to mess you up. When you are in the flesh, you are what -- you are whatever your body is. When you are in the spirit, you are whatever your mind is.

In part 1 of this message, we found out from our study of verse 5 that the things of the flesh and the things of the spirit are people. People that have a mind which is born of God's Spirit are the sons of God. People which have a mind that is born of the flesh, they are the daughters of Satan.

Continuing with Romans 8:15, "For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father."

"For ye have not received the spirit of bondage," the Greek word translated bondage is referring to the condition of a slave, and who is the slave? Anybody, who is the slave?


Yeah, we are. In our true reality, our human spirit is enslaved by Satan and the carnal mind. So Paul is saying, you are not -- you have not received the spirit that put you in bondage. So who is the spirit that put us in bondage? Satan is the spirit that put us in bondage, but it is not the same spirit as the first time. This is a different spirit, and this time, it is the Spirit of life instead of the spirit of bondage.

"For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear." Now this word fear, it is Strong's 5401, meaning of the word fear that means reverence, and it is specifically reverence for one that has authority over you, reverence for God or reverence -- a woman having reverence for her husband. In the Greek, the words to fear are not a verb. It is translated as a verb, to fear, but in the Greek, it is not a verb. In the Greek there is two different words, the word to, which is a preposition, into, which is a preposition, and then a noun, fear.

"You have not received the spirit of bondage which will put you into or join you with fear again." That is what it is saying. In the Greek, this is what it is saying. "You have not received the spirit of bondage which will put you into or join you with fear again," or, "You have not received the spirit which joins you to or brings you into submission." Remember, that word fear means reverence. "You have not received the spirit which joins you to or brings you into submission to Satan again."

Alternate Translation, first half of Romans 8:15, "Because you have not received the spirit of the carnal mind which brings you into submission to Satan again."

You have not received this spirit of the carnal mind which brings you into submission to Satan. When you receive the Spirit of Christ, it brings you in submission to the Father. We have to submit to some god, brethren. Everybody has to submit to a god. The word spirit of bondage is speaking about Satan, the spirit which is in the carnal mind, but also suggests the human spirit is forced union with him. The word spirit of bondage, it is speaking about Satan, the spirit which is in the carnal mind, but do not forget that your human spirit is trapped in there too.

Amplified translation, the first half of Romans 8:15, "Because you have not received the spirit of the carnal mind which brings your human spirit into submission to Satan again."

Continuing with the second half of Romans 8:15, "But you have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father."

Now I do not know about you, but that verse really sounds nice, but it never -- I never really understood why we would be crying, Abba, Father. Now the word Abba is a Hebrew word that means father. It is a Hebrew word that means father, so what the Scripture is really saying, we are crying Father, Father. Well, it sounds pretty, but it means much more than that. I hope that this blesses you like it blessed me.

First, let me take a minute to talk to you about the difference between a translation and a transliteration. Does anybody remember the difference? I have talked about it from time to time over the years. OK. A translation is when you take a word in one language and you translate it into another language. In Spanish if you say muchacho, in English, the translation of muchacho is boy. You have translated the Spanish word muchacho to English, and the translation of muchacho is boy, OK.

But sometimes we have words or a word in a particular language for which there is no equivalent in the other language. There is no translation. The word that would be the equivalent does not exist in the other language, so what we do is we transliterate the word. For example, there was no Greek -- there was no English word that was the equivalent of the Greek word baptizó, which -- baptizó, to dunk under the water. There was no English word the expressed that, so they took the word -- the Greek word baptizó, and they made an English word out of it, baptism. There was no translation because there was no English word. It was a transliteration. They took the Greek word, and they made it sound English, and they made it an English word.

In Spanish, when computers came upon the scene, there was no Spanish word to express the concept of computer, so they took the English word computer, and in Spanish they made it la computadora. They took the word computer, and they made is Spanish because there was no Spanish word that meant computer. This is a transliteration. Does anybody not understand?

So whenever in the Scripture, it only happens in a very few places, we see a word, a Hebrew word, Abba, and it is appearing in the Gre- -- in the English text and then right after it is the English word which means the same thing, one word is a translation, and the other word is a transliteration, and we have to find out what the mystery is. This is a puzzle. Why is the Scripture saying the same word twice, one word a translation and the other word a transliteration? There has got to be a reason for it. The Holy Spirit does not just write poetry, and what it usually means is that He is talking about something very, very close with just a hairline difference, so He expresses it one way by transliterating the Hebrew word and the other way by using an English word. Does anybody not know what I am talking about?

Let us take this a little further. "But ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father." Now remember the Spirit of adoption is the engrafted word, the lesser anointing -- the lesser or immature manifestation of the Spirit of Christ, and this word cry, "whereby we cry, Abba, Father," this Greek word translated cry is Strong's 2896, and it means to -- well, let me go on with that other study because I set you all up for that. I jumped ahead of myself.

Abba is the Hebrew word that means God the Father. It means Jehovah, and the English word Father is translated from the Greek 3962. It means male ancestor, the one who infuses His Spirit into men and governs their mind. Now who does that? The Fa- -- a Fa- -- this Greek word translated Father is speaking -- one of the definitions of it is one who infuses His Spirit. Let me give you exactly as I read it to you. He infuses His Spirit into men and governs their mind. Who does that? The Lord Jesus Christ is doing that right now. He is forcing His way into our spiritual being and taking over our mind.

Now we see Satan and the carnal mind doing the same thing on occasion, and for the carnal mind to do it, to force his wa- -- her way into someone's mind and control that person's mind is illegal. It has a name. It is called mind control. It is a form of witchcraft, to force somebody to change their mind because your mind is stronger than theirs. It is sin. It is called mind control, witchcraft. It is sin, but God can do it. The Lord Jesus Christ can force His way into your mind and force you to change your carnal mind's ways, and, in fact, that is what He is doing to the whole human race. He is starting with a few people. He is not doing it in everybody right now, but that is what the Lord Jesus Christ is doing.

Now you may have heard it preached in some churches that the Lord Jesus Christ would never force you to do anything, that He is a gentleman, and if you do not want Him, He will leave you alone. And if you have received that, you have received a lie. You have received false teaching, erroneous doctrine. It is not true. He only leaves you alone when you are a bastard, but if you are a son of His, He has got you by the back of the neck, and He is doing whatever needs to be done to whip you into shape. And the reason that false doctrine has spread through the whole church is that the church is filled with bastards, and the Lord is correcting very few people in these days, very few.

So we see two words, Abba, Father. One is the Hebrew word for the Father God, and the second one is really, I suggest to you, a word that describes the Lord Jesus Christ, the one who infuses His Spirit into men and governs their mind. So we see here in the phrase, "Abba, Father," that the Scripture is really saying the Father and the Son. Is everybody OK?

Now the interli- -- well, there is another word in the Greek text that is not translated, and that Greek word is tran- -- the English translation of that Greek word is itself and can also be -- in the interlinear it says itself. It can also be translated himself. The interlinear text says, "Abba, Father, itself." That is what it says in the Greek text, "Abba, Father, itself," and the Concordant Greek Text says, "Abba, the Father, the same," and I am suggesting to you what the intention of the Holy Spirit in these Scriptures is to say that the Father God of the Old Covenant or I sh- -- let me say the Lord Jesus Christ, OK, the Son, is the same as the Father God of the Old Covenant. Why? Because the Lord Jesus Christ, Jesus the Christ, the Son of God, has grown up. He has become glorified, and He is now one with His Father, so what I suggest to you this Scripture is saying, Jehovah, the God of the Old Covenant, the Lord Jesus Christ, the same. They are the same. The Lord Jesus Christ is  the Father of the Old Covenant.

Now the King James translators put the word itself in verse 16. If you look at verse 16 -- I think I said to you up above. I said itself was not translated, but that is not true. It was translated, but they put it in verse 16. "The Spirit itself beareth witness." I want to suggest to you that that word itself belongs in verse 15, which should read, "Abba, Jehovah, the Father, Himself, Jesus Christ, who infuses His Spirit into men and governs their minds." I will put that in better English for you.

Alternate Translation, the second half of Romans 8:15, "But you have received the engrafted word, by which we are crying to Jehovah, the same Jesus Christ, to avenge us."

"But you have received the engrafted word, by which we are crying to Jehovah, of whom Jesus Christ is the same."

Now I missed -- I g- -- I jumped ahead of myself here, so let me back up. I had a little study for you on the word raven, which I am translating to avenge us. Let me tell you how I got that, and we will come back. The word raven, I looked it up in Webster's. The raven is a black bird. Birds in the Scripture signify spiritual men. They can be spiritual men with carnal minds or spiritual men with the minds of Christ. Anyone who is spiritual in the Scripture is typified by a bird, and black in the Scripture signifies an absence of light. And I suggest to you then that the cry of the raven is speaking about men who are covered with the absence of light, which is darkness, and they are crying out from their spirit which is under that darkness. And one of the definitions of the word cry is Strong's 2896. It means to cry out loud or to cry for vengeance, so when the Scripture talks about a raven -- this word cry is speaking about a raven. It is the s- -- what -- where did I get that from?

I am in the wrong place. I did not make this clear. When I looked up that word to cry, it is speaking about the cry of a raven. That is what it is. The cry of a raven, to cry out loud, to cry for vengeance, and a raven is -- I suggest to you it typifies the believer who is still covered with the darkness of the carnal mind bur crying out from their human spirit for help from God, and that in this hour is most of us. We are still covered. Our carnal mind is very active in all of us, but that human spirit that is been quickened, in which Christ is being formed, excuse me, is crying out -- [?I rebuke you?] -- not only for help but is crying out for God to avenge us. Now why would we want God to avenge us? Because we have been raped and taken into [?Shesham's?] tent. We have been [?in white?] slavery for thousands if g- -- probably millions of years, however long we have been in slavery. Christ died at the time of the fall and was buried under the darkness of the carnal mind, and it is the true Son, which is Christ in our spirit, which is crying out for deliverance from our bondage to this dead soul and this dead body that we live in.

I want to give you two scriptural witnesses on that. Genesis 4:10, "And he said, What has thou done? The voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground." Blood, typifying spirit, is underneath the ground of this soul, and when that spirit in you, which is dead, when it is quickened through contact with the Holy Spirit, the first thing it does is cry out, "Father." Who? The Father -- to me, when my human spirit is quickened, "Father, who is in the form of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the same as the Lord Jesus Christ, save me out from under this death that I am trapped under, and avenge me of the carnal mind who killed me." Are you following me? OK.

I have a second witness for you. Revelation 6:10, "And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth," and the ones that dwell on the earth is the carnal mind. The carnal mind has killed us. You may recall the carnal mind killed Christ, broke His bones and killed Him. The carnal mind has killed us. She has stolen us. She has married us against our will, and she has been using us for every evil work. She has made a whore out of us, and when Christ comes to us and gives us life in our spirit, the first thing we do is cry out, "Father God, who is the same as the Lord Jesus Christ, avenge us against our oppressor." And I find it very interesting that once again we have a natural example in this world, that when babies are first born, the first thing they do is cry. Oh, I got a witness to that.

Alternate Translation, the second half of Romans 8:15, "But you received the engrafted word. You did not receive the spirit of bondage again, nut you received the engrafted word by which we are crying or we are able to cry Jehovah, the same as Jesus Christ, avenge us."

Now I had like to remind you of other studies that we have done in the past, specifically in the Book of Revelation, chapter 14, where we found out that the Lord considers us Himself. The Lord Jesus Christ is reproducing Himself in our minds, and He considers us Himself. We found this principle in the Scripture, specifically in the casting of the vine into the winepress. When we did that study in the 78 series, we found it appearing in the Greek that the Lord Jesus Christ cast Himself into the winepress. A man and his wife, they are one flesh. We are His wife. He considers us Himself, OK, so I am going to incorporate that in an Alternate Translat- -- in an amplified translation now. Listen to this.

"But you received the engrafted word. You did not receive the spirit of bondage, but you received the engrafted word by which we are crying to Jehovah, the Lord Jesus Christ" -- they are one in the same -- "to avenge Himself."

"You did not receive the spirit of bondage. You received the engrafted word by which we are now crying to Jehovah, the Lord Jesus Christ, one in the same, to avenge Himself."

That is what we are crying. Do not do it -- did you not ever pray, brethren, "Do not do it for my sake, but do it for your namesake." I pray that way all the time. I did not do anything to deserve this salvation. I did not do anything to deserve deliverance from you, but Your Spirit is in me. I pray like this all the time. Your Spirit is in me. Do it for Your own namesake, that You should not be ashamed before the heathen. Oh, you want to see God answer your prayer? Only it has to be a legitimate cause. You cannot say, "Father, I want a Cadillac that Your name should be a shame unto the heathen." You have to be in trouble. You have to be being overcome by spiritual forces that are bringing destruction in your life. Cry out to God. You have done everything you know how to do. You have prayed every prayer that there is. You do not know what else to do. You say, "Jesus, are you going to let them do this to me, that the heathen should say Your arm was too short to deliver me?" He will move, assuming your prayer is legit. I do not want anyone misunderstanding me. Your prayer must be a legitimate need.

Alternate Translation, Romans 8:15, "Indeed, you have not received the spirit of the carnal mind which brings your human spirit into submission to Satan again; but you received the engrafted word by which we are crying to Jehovah, the Lord Jesus Christ, to avenge Himself."

Our human spirit is Christ. We are Himself.

Continuing with Romans 8:16, "The Spirit itself beareth witness with our Spirit, that we are the children of God."

Now in all the verses of 1 through 16, with two exceptions, even though the King James says the Spirit and I have said the Spirit, the definite article has not appeared in the Greek before the word Spirit. The two exceptions are verse 2, I mentioned this earlier, and verse 16, so I am reminding you of what I said earlier, that when the Greek says the Spirit, it is referring to the Spirit of God, the major, chief honcho spirit. The Spirit of adoption does not have the article before it, so the -- when the Scripture says the Spirit, it is speaking about the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.

To bear witness means just to witness together, and Webster's says that to bear witness means to see or know by personal presence or direct recognition. It is not that you have a feeling or that you have an intuition, but I bear witness that this is Mary Jane because I look at her, and I know Mary Jane, OK, so I know that it is you, and I am bearing witness by personal recognition that this is Mary Jane [?Sears?]. So what is the Scripture saying? That the Spirit of Christ is bearing witness that it is Christ coming forth in our spirit. I mentioned this before. I just never put exactly this way. Brethren, no one can discern Christ in you except some- -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT]

-- that it is you, and I am bearing witness by personal recognition that this is Mary Jane [?Sears?]. So what is the Scripture saying? That the Spirit of Christ is bearing witness that it is Christ coming forth in our spirit. I mentioned this before. I just never put exactly this way. Brethren, no one can discern Christ in you except someone that has Christ in them. Paul clearly stated that. He said we who have Christ in us, we know the heart of all men. We have the ability to look into the hearts of men. We see that it is carnal. We see sin. We see evil. We see everything that is in there, but men who do not have Christ, men who are carnal, they cannot recognize us. They cannot recognize that there is a different mind in us from them, that although we may be in part now and there is still sin in us, men with carnal minds cannot see the mind of Christ. They cannot recognize the righteousness of God appearing in a man. This is what messed up the Jews. They stumbled over Jesus' what? His flesh.


They stumbled over His flesh. They saw a man, and they could not recognize that the mind in that man was a totally different species than the mind in them because, externally, He looked just like they did, and the same thing happens today. Carnal men cannot recognize Christ in a man. They deny that He is there. They think evil of His motives, and they try to drag Him down to the flesh level that they are on. That is what this is talking about, to see or know by personal presence or direct recognition the Spirit of Christ in one man is saying, "I recognize Christ in you."

No carnal mind will ever attest that it is Christ in you, and he who confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in -- or that Christ is come in the flesh is an anti-Christ. The carnal mind will never admit that you are Christ. Brethren, if you are manifesting Christ and you have prayed and your hands are clean as far as you are concerned before God and your convinced that you are in Christ and you are up against someone that is insisting you are not Christ, you are dealing with anti-Christ. That is just another name for the carnal mind, and there is nothing you can do to convince that person that it is Christ talking through you. Why? Because they are incapable of believing it. The carnal mind is incapable of believing that the mind of God is manifesting in man today, in imperfect men who sin.

Now He is not likely to be manifesting in someone who is willfully fornicating or in some kind of outright sin, but we all sin in our minds. There has to be some manifestation of holiness, some effort on your part to lead a holy life, but no matter how restrained your life is physically and verbally, there is always sin in the mind. We fail every day. I fail every day, so carnal men will stumble over the fact that Christ is appearing in sin-filled men, but that is what He is doing. He is doing whether the carnal minds of men believe it or not. He is still doing it, and He is going to continue to do it whether you believe it or not, and do not feel bad if you are one of these people that He is appearing in and you are being attacked because you still have sin in your life. Jesus was without sin, and they did not believe it of Him either. They crucified Him because they did not believe it.

            That is right.

And He was perfect.

            That is right.

Yeah. OK, we only -- I went through verse 17. We are -- this is verse 16. We are almost finished.

"The Spirit itself bearing witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God." The word with is not in the Greek, and the Greek word translated children is Strong's 5043. This word means male offspring. That is Christ. Christ is the Son of God. He is the only male offspring born of the living soul.

Alternate Translation, Romans 8:16, "The Spirit of life in Christ Jesus recognizing our human spirit that we are the male offspring of God."

Amplified, a little better English, "Which is the immature" -- talking about the Spirit of Christ now. "Which is the immature manifestation of the Spirit of Christ personally acknowledging that Christ Jesus is appearing in our human spirit."

Now, brethren, I do not need the Spirit of Christ to witness that it is Christ in my spirit. I need the Spirit of Christ to witness that it is Christ in your spirit. It is called making a judgment in the wisdom of God. Is that your carnal mind, or is that Christ? Now if it is Christ and you are making that judgment, it is righteous judgment, but if it is your carnal mind making a judgment, you are judging before the time, and it is sin unto you, and you shall reap every sin that you sow. You shall reap the consequences of every sin that you sow. God is not going to burn you in Hell forever, but what you do will be done unto you, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not until next year, but you -- every sin shall have its just recompence. If you are a son, that just recompense, which is a spiritual whipping, will be used to teach you and train you and grow you up, but every sin shall have its just recompense, even if you repent. Even if you repent, every sin shall have its just recompense.

Brethren, if you dress your 5-year-old son up in his Sunday best and tell him to wait outside so you can go to church and he jumps in a mud puddle, even if he repents, he has got to take a bath, and you have got to wash and iron his clothes. Every sin shall have its just recompense. It is not so bad. You have survive, and you will grow up.

"The Spirit of life in Christ Jesus which is the immature manifestation of the Spirit of Christ personally acknowledging that Christ Jesus is appearing in our human spirit."

Last verse for tonight, 17, "And if we are children of God, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with Him, that we may be also glorified together." The Greek word translated children is speaking about male offspring. That is Christ. The Greek word translated heirs is Strong's 2818, the one who inherits or is entitled to inherit property. That is what an heir is, one who inherits or is entitled to inherit property, and what property are we inheriting, anybody?


Well, that is true, but what is it called? Well, that is true, yeah. The kingdom of God, someone said the kingdom of God, OK. Hallelujah.

The interlinear text says heirs truly of God, but the word of does not appear in the Greek. We can say then, God's true heirs, and the Greek word translated joint-heirs means just that, that there is more than one heir, and you are all joint-heirs. The Greek word translated suffer -- I lost a page. The Greek word translated suffer is Strong's 4841.

 Could you put that on pause, please? I lost my notes.

The word suffer Strong's -- or suffer with, Strong's 4841, it means to suffer together. Webster says that suffer means to submit to or to be forced to endure martyrdom. That is a painful death. To feel keenly or intensely, to experience, to endure pain or distress, to sustain loss or damage, to be subject to be disability or damage.

Brethren, if we suffer with Him, we shall be glorified with Him. There is suffering in entering into the kingdom. With much tribulation, we shall enter into the kingdom. Get this false doctrine out of your head that you are dancing down streets of gold, inheriting your mansion and eating Italian food. This land is not about to be taken with a nod of your head. It is a battle to the death. This guy is not fooling. He is not giving you up. You are going to have to kill him. He is going to be scratching at you down to the last second. God, help us.

Also, Webster says that the word bear, B-E-A-R, to bear something, is a synonym of  the word to suffer, and under the word bear, in Webster's, one of the definitions is to hold in mind, so I want to suggest to you that this suffering is in the mind, if we suffer with Him in our mind. Now some of us suffer physically, but I suggest to you that all physical pain and infirmity is the consequence of sin. I do not believe that the martyrdom, that our martyrdom, the suffering that we suffer with Christ that leads to glorification is physical. Physical pain, sickness and physical torment are curses that have fallen upon you because of your sins and the sins on your family line. The sufferings of Christ are in the emotions. They are in the mind, in the emotions and in the mind.

You may recall the teaching on Jesus in the garden, that what Jesus was really doing was asking the Lord for permission to circumcise his soul, and the Scripture says that when He received permission of the Father, He exerted s- -- an agony of effort when He circumcised His soul. He exerted such an agony of effort that He pierced through. The suffering is mental, and those of us who are beginning to experience the sufferings of Christ are realizing that, when we choose to do righteousness in a humanly distressing circumstance, it is painful to not yield to your carnal mind. It is painful to not retaliate. It is painful to not lash out. It is painful to not try to exercise an ungodly influence over somebody. It is painful to confess that you are wrong. It is painful to live out of Christ. It will result in pain in your mind and pain in your emotions.

But if you suffer with Christ, what does that mean? It means if you do what is right, if you confess your sins, if you repent, if you refuse to get your needs met by carnal methods, if you refuse to yield to it, even if at the moment it looks like the Lord is not meeting your need. If you pray and ask God for something and He does not give it to you, that is not the green light to go out and get that need met by your carnal methods. If you ask God for something and He does not give it to you, that means He is not giving it to you, so shut up, and sit in your seat. That is what it means. It does not mean go do your thing. It either means He is not giving it to you, or He is not giving it to you now, and if you go out to accomplish what you wanted in your own strength, no good thing can come out of it.

It is called obedience to Christ. Once He has apprehended you, brethren, His way is the only way that is acceptable to Him, and if you try to bring it to pass in your own strength, it is sin. It is the sin of pride, and the Lord will correct you.

OK, this Greek word translated glorified together, it is not the same Greek word that is used to describe Jesus' glorification. It does not mean the glorification that we think of when we talk about Him being returned to pure spirit form. It is the Greek word, Strong's number 4888. It is the only time it appears in the New Testament, and it means to approve together. Webster says to approve means to have a favoral- -- a favorable opinion of, and I suggest to you this is speaking about entering into the approval that the Lord Jesus Christ has received from His Father, so to partake of the Father's approval of the Lord Jesus Christ, we must join with the Lord Jesus Christ. If we want the Father's approval, that same approval that was given to Jesus, we must do as Jesus did. We must think as Jesus thought. We must be as Jesus was.

If you think that God is going to approve of you doing your own thing, you are mistaken. If you think you are going to change His mind, if you think you are going to bully Him, if you think you are going to bring Him down, you are mistaken. You will just heap judgment upon yourself for your foolishness.

Alternate Translation, Romans 8:17, "And if sons, if we are really sons, then we are entitled to inherit, and if sons, then entitled to inherit; true heirs of God, and joint-heirs of Christ; if we truly -- if we are true heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ, if" -- check out the if -- "we truly experience the emotional pain which occurs when He penetrates our mind so that we may share the good opinion God has of Him."

Brethren, to share in His inheritance, you have to be like Him, and the way you get to be like Him is to become one with Him, to be joined with Him. And the way you join with Him is that He penetrates your carnal mind, and in that penetration, your carnal mind dies, and it hurts, and it does not happen overnight. So there will be a period of time in your life where you will be having some painful experiences, but I do tell you, from personal experience, you pass through them.

I was thinking about that today, about some of the painful experiences that I had. I really do not get hurt like that anymore. I have got some of my armor coming up on me. I remember crying out to God many times, "What is this armor I read about in the Scripture? Why am I being hurt like this? Where is this armor?" Well, I must have been sleeping one night, and He must have put it on me because I am not really getting hurt anymore. I have really, really, really toughened up. I cannot tell you exactly when it went on, but it went on, but you can have some pain until it is put in place.

Amplified translation, Romans 8:17, "So if we are truly heirs of God and joint-heirs of Christ, then we are sons entitled to inherit the kingdom and share in God's good opinion of the Lord Jesus Christ, if we truly experience His painful penetration of our mind," and that should say carnal mind. Let me change that, "our carnal mind." It is our carnal mind that is being penetrated.

Let me read that again. "So if we are truly heirs of God and joint-heirs of Christ, then we are sons entitled to inherit the kingdom and share in God's good opinion of the Lord Jesus Christ, if we truly experience His painful penetration of our carnal mind."

Recap, Romans 8:9-17, "Nevertheless, if the Spirit of God truly lives in you, your mind is born of the Spirit, not the flesh. Therefore, anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ is not Christ; but if Christ is truly in you, your soul is dead because of the sins of your flesh mind. But your human spirit is alive because Christ has made her acceptable to God. So if the Spirit of Christ who was raising up the man Jesus from the dead is living inside of you and influencing you for your good, that same Spirit is raising up Christ Jesus from the dead in you and shall make your souls alive also because His Spirit is internalized in you."

"Therefore, brethren, we no longer owe our existence to the mind which is born of the flesh because if the mind which is born of the flesh gives you existence, your soul shall separate from your body without being reformed. But if you separate your human spirit from the sinful deeds of your soul and join with Christ, you shall live because men who are born of the Spirit of God are the sons of God."

"Indeed, you have not received the spirit of the carnal mind which brings your human spirit in submission to Satan again; but you have received the engrafted word by which we are crying to Jehovah, the Lord Jesus Christ, to avenge Himself. Which is -- and this Spirit is the immature manifestation of the Spirit of Christ which personally acknowledges that Christ Jesus is appearing in our human spirit. So if we are truly heirs of God and joint-heirs of Christ, then we are sons entitled to inherit the kingdom and share in God's good opinion of the Lord Jesus Christ, if we truly experience His painful penetration of our carnal mind."

02/27/15 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

03/02/15 1st Edit/Formatting CAS & BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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