268 - Part 2

Part 2 of 10 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.







            [INAUDIBLE] chapter 2, 18th verse.


Galatians 2:18.


            2:18. I want you to help me to understand that.


Do you have that on pause, Celia, for a minute? Let me just see what I [AUDIO CUTS OUT] no, I am not. Give me another minute here.


This is a very deep question. You really have to go back a few verses to understand it. What Paul is speaking about -- well, as a matter of fact it is really hard to explain this in a couple of sentences. Lord, just --


            We can move on [CROSSTALK]


Well, just let me see what -- if the Lord will give me something for you, OK, to at least try, OK. Basically, what Paul is speaking about in this chapter is the difference between the righteousness that comes by the way you dress or whether or not you wear makeup, the righteousness of works, OK, which is really no righteousness at all. It is the self-righteousness that cannot save your soul as opposed to the righteousness which is given to us when the nature of Christ appears in us, OK.


So there is a true righteousness, and there is a false righteousness, and the church, in this hour, is in a false righteousness. They think they are holy or righteous because of the things they do. Do you understand that? OK. And do you understand that the true righteousness is g- -- is being given to men? Through the nature of Christ to be given to them. And the way you get the nature of Christ -- we talked about it this morning -- is by having your sins exposed and cut out of you. Remember, we the talked about that this morning, OK. So that is what Paul is speaking about here.


And then in verse 17 he says, "But if week to be justified by Christ," if we seek the righteousness with -- which comes through His nature being given to us, if we seek the righteousness with -- which comes by having our sins exposed. What happens is if we seek the righteousness which is -- which comes when Christ is formed in us, verse 17, "we ourselves also are found sinners." That means, when the righteous nature of Christ is given to our heart, it exposes our sin. That is what we have been talk- -- that is what -- the whole thing we talk about in this ministry, OK.


So he says, well, if the fact that Christ is given to us exposes our sin -- we are still in verse 17 -- does that mean that Christ is a minister of sin? Is that a bad thing? That -- look at this: Christ is exposing all of our sins. It must not be a good thing to have Christ. Is that true? And Paul says, no, that is not true. It is a good thing to have your sins exposed because that is the only way you can get the true righteousness.


And then in verse 18 he says, "God forbid," he said that the fact that Christ exposes your sins does not make Christ a minister of sin because, "if I build again the things which I destroyed," in other words, if sin in me is exposed and I stop sinning, OK, for a season, but then I build it again, I start sinning again. He says, "I make myself a transgressor of the law." That means to know that which is sin and to do it with knowledge makes you a transgressor of the law. Jesus said if you sin without knowledge because you are ignorant, you will get few stripes, but to know to do good and to choose to do evil, you become a full transgressor of the law, and the result is that judgment falls on you.


See, God winks at you when you are ignorant, and He will come, and He will teach you. He will send someone to teach you that is wrong; you should not do that. But to sin with full knowledge, you are in great danger of hellfire. That is what He is saying. And he is saying that Christ is righteous to do that; it is the right thing to do. And it does not make Christ a minister of sin; it makes Him a minister of righteousness.


And then in verse 19, he says, "For I through the law am dead to the law, that I might live unto God." He says come out from under the law that says thou shalt not wear pants; thou shalt not wear makeup; thou shalt [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- come out from that, but receive the righteousness of Christ. What is the exact way he puts it? He says be dead to this law that says you will not do this and you will do that, but live unto God, verse 19, live unto God because there is no life in the law that says thou shalt not. I mean, I am -- we are not talking about the spiritual law now, thou shalt not commit murder. The spiritual law stands, but all of these laws that s- -- you know, about works, that you cannot do this or you cannot do that, all this religious stuff, he says be dead unto it, but come alive unto Christ in the spirit of the word. Did I answer your question? OK.


            In the 5th chapter, [?the?] 17th verse.


Are we still in Galatians?


            Yeah, all of our questions [?are having?] to do with Galatians, 5:17.


"For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other." Well, the flesh is speaking about the soul, and I do not really know what word that is in Greek that is translated lust, but it is speaking about the desires of the soul, which are on every level, OK. It is not just sexual, anything that we crave for, food, liquor, things, riches, money, OK. The things that the soul craves for are completely opposite of the things that the Spirit will direct us to, so there is a constant opposition, constant conflict in one's heart as to whether we will respond to the l- -- desires of the flesh, the lust of the flesh, or the things of the Spirit, and the lust of the flesh is like a spiritual gravity. Every time we start reaching for the things of the Spirit, it is pulling us down.


So the actual verse says for the flesh, your soul or your emotions or your mind, is at opposition to the desires of the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit, they are the exact opposite of what your soul wants. They are c- -- the soul and the Spirit are contrary one to the other so that you cannot do the things that you would. What Paul is saying, that if -- left to your ow- -- to yourself, [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- man would desire the things of the Spirit because there is no pain in the things of the Spirit; there is pure reward and satisfaction in the spiritual things of God. Everything that we get from the soul, there is a string attached to it. There is string attached to everything, so the best you can hope for in this world is to control your cravings in accordance with God's law so that the strings that are attached are minimal, OK.


For example, everybody down here in Hell has needs for fellowship because we are not independent. We are interdependent; we need other people. So, Lord willing, we will get our lives right with God so that the people that we find ourselves interdependent with are godly people. People hurt each other. There is just no way to get away from it. People hurt each other, so the best we can hope for is to get linked up with people who are going to hurt us at a minimum, that when the conflict comes, at least they will have a heart that is towards peace, that is trying for peace, that is trying for reconciliation, that is willing to meet you halfway, that is willing to have a godly compromise, and you get over the bumps of life, OK. That is the best you can hope for in this world, if God is blessing you.


If you want -- if this life is going to be a Hell, you are going to find yourself in relationships, one after the other, where you are killing each other, where you are tearing each other down, and you are fighting all the time, and you are hating one another, and you are retaliating against one another, and you are throwing spiritual darts at each other. If you are married, you are cheating on each other; you are lying about each other; you are gossiping about each other. It is a manifestation of Hell.


So to get back to this Scripture, Paul says you cannot do the things that you would do. You desire a godly relationship with people, and you cannot. There is something built into you that wrecks every relationship you put your hand to, OK. You do not want to drink, but you cannot stop drinking. You want to go to school, but you cannot concentrate on your work, so the good things in life that you are attracted to are put in your heart by the Spirit of God, but the soul that is in you, with all of its inherited wickedness, is spiritual gravity that drags you down to the -- as low as it could get you. The spirit wants you up high with the good things of this world. Did I answer your question?




"But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise." Well, this is speaking on two levels. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] well, this is -- in the natural, this is the story of Abraham and Sarah. Was it Abraham and Sarah? Abraham and Sarah. Sarah was barren; she could not have any children. It was very important in Bible days for a man to have an heir, and a male heir specifically. Today, we do not care too much, but -- up until very recently. Well, some people still care, yeah. But [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- it is not the way it used to be. It used to be a really -- a tragedy if you did not have a son. It was a real tragedy. Men divorced their wives because they did not give them sons. In generations past, it was perm- -- it was a ground for divorce. If the woman did not give you a son, you could get a divorce from her.


So Sarah was barren, and she received a prophecy. An angel appeared to her, or the angel appeared to Abraham, and Sarah was hiding behind the wall, mocking the angel. The angel said, your wife, Sarah, will bear a son, and Abraham said, how could this be? We are both past the age of childbearing. But God said I am going to give you a miracle, and Sarah did not believe. She mocked, so she did not have the faith to believe that God could do it, so she said to Abraham -- in those days, men had c- -- it was legal to have concubines. You know what a concubine is? Well, I guess, you would call it, like, a legal girlfriend, except that you had to make a commitment to her. You could legally take her into your house, but you had to promise to provide for her, to feed her and clothe her and give her a house to live in. And if she had any children, you had to acknowledge that they were your children and raise the children, so it was a legal lifestyle in those days to do that.


So Sarah said to Abraham, "Take my servant as your concubine. She will give you a son." So Abraham did that, and the concubine gave him a son, and the Scripture says that is the son of the flesh. It is the son that came forth because a man and a woman came together, and a child was born. But then, true to the prophecy of God, Sarah did conceive and bear Abraham a son, and that was a son that came as a miracle of God. The s- -- the child of promise is the son that came as a miracle of God, and the child that came from his relationship with the servant girl, we are told, is a child that came because a man and a woman came together. It was not of God. It just happened. There are things -- [?I?] -- people get pregnant, OK. So the son of the flesh and the son of the promise. Did I answer your question, or was there more to your question? Where were we?


Verse 23, "But he who was of the bondwoman" -- that is the servant girl -- "was born." Because had a relationship with her, so she had a baby. "But he who was of the freewoman" -- Sarah, she had the baby because God promised her a child. Did I answer your question? OK. Any other questions before we start? OK. I am going to try and preach this message. I am getting a lot of opposition in the spirit here. It is breaking a little; I was praying against it.


Beginning with verse 10, "Art thou" -- speaking to Nicodemus, "Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things?" We see Jesus rebuking Nicodemus because he is a master in Israel, which means he knows the letter of the Scripture. He could probably quote the Old Testament. There are p- -- I know people in the church today. They know long passages of this Bible by heart. Every time you have a crisis or you have a problem, they can quote you Scripture, but the problem is they do not know what it means. The problem is that they use it incorrectly. And how do you use a Scripture incorrectly? What happens when you use a Scripture incorrectly?




Yeah. And what do you do to the person when you use a Scripture incorrectly? You --


            You give them condemnation.


You condemn them, definitely. Misuse of the Scripture condemns people. So we see Jesus saying to Nicodemus you are a master of Israel; you are a chief honcho in some denomination; you are a priest; you are a chief overseer; you are a bishop. You mean, you do not understand these things? Now in the prior Scriptures, Jesus was talking about spiritual things, the spirit of the word, and He said, Nicodemus, I thought you were chief honcho in the church. How come you do not know this stuff? Because the whole point was that Jesus came to Israel to teach Israel the spirit of the word, to raise them up from being carnal men to being spiritual men so that they might be delivered out of Hell.


And when Jesus arrived, the head honchos of Israel said to him who do you think you are? We know all there is to know. I can quote you this Bible from memory, and I could tell you where every story is, chapter, book and verse. And what do You mean that You are going to tell us the truth and the truth is going to set us free? So Jesus said -- told them a few spiritual things, and then He said I thought you were a chief high honcho here. You mean you do not know what I am talking about? How could you not know what I am talking about if you know it all? So we see Jesus giving them the stick, saying, you know -- pricking him in his conscience, saying you really are phony. You think you know it all, but you do not.


Going on with verse 11, Jesus continues to speak about spiritual things. The Scripture says that the Lord comes, and He confounds the wise. Men who are wise in their own conceits, men who are wise because they go to college, men who are wise because they go to Bible college, men who are wise because of any knowledge that they have gained in this world, Christ comes, and He confounds them. He shows them that their years of study are worthless.


Paul said -- Paul was a highly educated man. He was a chef honcho in the Sanhedrin, which was the civil government of Israel, and he had a very important office. He was a highly educated, highly respected man, and he said I count everything that I have learned in this world as dung. And the only thing -- he said, I -- the only thing I am interested in is the power of Jesus Christ in His resurrection. He said, compared to the power which is present in the resurrected Christ, everything I have ever learned or obtained in this world cannot be counted as anything more than trash. That is what Paul the apostle said.


Now that does not mean that you do not pursue your life. It does not mean that if you want to get educated that you do not get your education. But in the hour that the Lord Jesus Christ makes available to you the spirit of the word, when you place it next to what you have achieved in your own power, that which you have achieved in your own power is worthless. In the hour that He calls you the transfer over, if you do not drop everything that you have obtained in this world and run after Him, the Bible says you are a fool. And it says that you love the wealth of this world more than you love the spiritual riches which are in Christ, and that makes you a fool. Why? Because the wealth of this world is what? What is happening to it?


            It is going to pass away.


It is passing away. It is going to burn up like that. Look at what happened in California. One day you have it; the next day you do not. One minute you have it; the next day you do not. They interviewed two people on that TV, a man and a woman. They had just finished decorating their house. It was a very expensive house. It belonged to some movie star. They had just put the last decoration in place, and the earthquake came. And we see Jesus giving a parable, talking about the man who saved all his money and stored it up, all his wealth. He saved it, and he finally reached his goal, let us say a million dollars. That night, you fool, your soul is required of you.


That does not mean you do not save your money; it means you do not put the pursuit of wealth at the top of your list of priorities. You put Christ at the top of your list of priorities. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Put that first, and then go live your life believing God will be there controlling it, influencing everything you do. If He lets you go to college, you go. If He lets you be a businessman, you be a businessman. If He lets you make a lot of money, great. If He leads you in other directions, as long as God is in control of your life.


Your value, your self-worth is in Christ, not in your education or your money. Because if you put your self-worth in your education and your money, the day that you lose it, you are nothing. But if you put your life and your self-worth in Christ, what God gives to you, no man can take away from you. If God gave it to you, no man can take it from you. If a man gave it to you, if you earned it in your own carnal strength, you can lose it. So dedicate your life, your profession, your labor, your efforts, your youth, your strength, your intelligence, dedicate it to Christ. And then, no matter what happens in this world, you are standing on a solid rock. You have invested into the spiritual riches of Christ, and you cannot fall, if you truly do this. Do not deceive yourself.


So Jesus is talking to Nicodemus, and He continues to discuss spiritual things, and He says, "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testify what we have seen; and you do not receive our witnesses." He says I am talking to you about spiritual things. Man, you are so thick, OK. And He says we speak about what we see and what we know. Who are the we? Who are the two witnesses?


            Father and Son?


In who -- OK, a -- the F- -- the Son, Christ Jesus, in the man Jesus Christ, plus the Father. We are teaching you spiritual things, even when we talk about earthly things. You are so thick, you do not even want to believe. He says how are you going to understand spiritual things which you cannot see if you do not believe the earthly things that I talk to you about? And He is c- -- He is really giving it to Nicodemus. He is really giving it to him.


Verse 13, and now He goes on to tell him the spiritual thing, even though He just rebuked him and said you did not believe me when I talked about the natural things. You did not believe that you should not be selling doves in the temple. You do not believe the things that are obvious, but I am going to tell you spiritual things anyway. And He goes on, and He says to him, "No man hath ascended up to heaven, but He that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven."


So, you see, the Pharisees, they had a desire to ascend up to heaven, and He said you cannot get up to heaven unless you came down from heaven. Only the one who is fallen can get back up. The one who did not fall, the one who always was evil is now evil and always shall be evil, is not getting up into heaven. So what He was saying to them is, you devils, your father is the devil. Jesus is telling the Pharisees that all through the Scriptures, you are sons of the devil. You are sons of Satan. The devil is your daddy. He said to them, the devil did not fall down from heaven. Who fell down from heaven?


            [INAUDIBLE] Christ.


Christ fell down from heaven. Christ died. He was alive in heaven, and He fell down like a shooting star, fell down from heaven. He says only the Christ who was in heaven and fell down from heaven is going back up to heaven. Christ is a mind. Your mind, He said, is not Christ. Christ is the Son of the living God, and your daddy is not the living God. Your daddy is the devil; that means your mind is the carnal mind. Carnal mind was never in heaven, did not fall down from heaven, ain't going back up to heaven. That is what He was saying to them. No man hath ascended up, but He that came down, even the Son of man in me, Jesus said, who is in heaven. He said I am standing are here on the earth. If you need a witness that heaven is not another planet, Jesus said the Son of man is in heaven, and in many other Scriptures, Jesus calls Himself the Son of man. He says I am in heaven right now. My body is here on the earth, but My mind is in heaven. He said My mind is in heaven; I am in Christ.


So He is saying to these Pharisees you have no hope of getting up to heaven with all of your knowledge of the letter with you able to stand there and quote long passages of Scripture, with your ability to prophesy. The Jews had prophecy. Did you know that?




The Jews have prophecy, OK. They had the Spirit of Christ. They had miracles. They had military battles that were won without one wounded, without one shot, without one arrow being shot out. Battle of Jericho, all they did was march around the city and blow their trumpets, and the walls fell down, and the people ran out screaming. They had all kinds of miracles, but there was no way that these miracles, that this prophecy, that this knowledge of the Scripture would get them back up into heaven because there is only one way that you can get into heaven, and that is with the mind of Christ. And they did not have the mind of Christ; they had gifts.


And this is the condition of the church today. In most instances the church does not have the mind of Christ; they have gifts. And there is no way they are getting into heaven because, when you have gifts, your daddy is the devil. It is only when you have the nature of God that your Father is God, and you are not going to get the nature of God without having your sins exposed and ripped out of you. You cannot keep your sins and get up into heaven; you cannot do it.


So this is what Jesus is telling them. He is saying, Nicodemus, I thought you were a master in Israel. I thought you knew all there was to know. I thought there was nothing that I could possibly teach you because you had all the answers, so let us see you figure this one out, and He gives him this riddle saying there is no way you are getting up into heaven. And then He goes on to say, in verse 14, "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life."


Now most people that preach on this think that Jesus is speaking about His crucifixion, but as I told you in the last message, that Greek word translated lifted up is a w- -- is a Greek word that means exalted. It does not mean crucified; it means to be exalted, to increased -- to be increased. And the Lord revealed to us in the last message that Moses lifted up the serpent. Now we -- every time I ever heard this message preached, even are here, even are here in my Bible it refers you to Numbers 21:9 where Moses made a brazen serpent and lifted it up, and the plagues stopped killing the Hebrew children. But this Greek word translated lifted up, which means exalted, can no way fit into this Scripture. There is no way that the Scripture could say that Moses exalted a piece of metal, and the Lord revealed that the serpent that he exalted, the serpent that Moses exalted, was the serpent in his own heart. His own carnal mind was exalted.


How do you exalt one's carnal mind? You know, the Scripture says in Mark -- at the back of the Book of Mark, that we -- that these signs shall follow those who believe. They shall raise up serpents. They shall take up serpents. What serpents? Our carnal minds, brethren. When Christ is formed in us, He is going to lay hold of our carnality and bring it up into the heavenlies. How do you do that? By killing it, OK. When we kill our carnality through crucifixion with Christ, that part of us which is carnal is going up into heaven but in a dead form. You cannot bring sin into heaven, so our carnal mind is being killed, but that part of us that can be seen, because God wants to be seen, is being raised up into the heavenlies. We are going to be the form of the spiritual creation of God.


So we see here a deep spiritual truth that I never heard anyone ever preach before, that Moses crucified his carnal mind in the wilderness, and in the same way must the Son of man have a carnal mind which is crucified. Why? So that, verse 15, whosoever believeth in the Son of man, in Christ, should not perish -- I am sorry. The Son of man is not Christ. The Son of man is Jesus of Nazareth. That whosever believeth that Jesus of Nazareth was the Christ should not perish but have eternal life. Well, what does that mean? Jesus is speaking in parables. What does it mean? We have to find out what it means.


Jesus was saying, look, you are sons of the devil. There is no way you are getting back up to heaven unless the mind of Christ is imparted to you, so therefore, just like Moses in the wilderness crucified his carnal mind and therefore [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- received power from God to save the lives of thousands of Hebrews. In the same manner, Jesus of Nazareth shall crucify His carnal mind so that He can be raised from the dead and glorified -- so that He can be crucified, raised from the dead, glorified and changed into a form whereby He can pour out of His Spirit upon all flesh so that the nature of Christ can be reproduced in the mind of every man.


Therefore, once you get the mind of Christ, Christ is the one who fell down from heaven. And when His mind is dwelling in you, He is going to crucify the serpent in you and raise you back up to heaven with Him. So if you want to get into heaven -- Jesus is saying to the Pharisees, if you want to get into heaven, the only way in is with the mind of Christ, and when that mind of Christ crucifies your carnal mind, He will exalt you and raise you into the heavenlies. That is the only way you are getting back up.


When I taught this in the last message, I mentioned to you that it had always concerned me what was taught in this Scripture about Moses being denied entrance into the Promised Land by the Father because he committed such a serious sin of striking the rock instead of speaking to the rock to get water out of it. So Jehovah vindictively punished him and said your eyes will look at the Promised Land, but you will never enter in, and it is always bothered me. It is been on my heart for the last few months, to do this study, but the Lord never let me do it before now.


And I did not believe that teaching, but I looked it up, and sure enough, that is not what it says. That is not what this Scripture says. There are a couple of words -- did I write down where I was? I think, I was in Deuteronomy. I believe, that Scripture is in Deuteronomy 32:48-52, says, "And the Lord spake unto Moses that selfsame day, saying, Get thee up into this mountain Abarim, unto mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is over against Jericho; and behold the land of Canaan, which I give unto the children of Israel for a possession: And die in the mount whether thou goest up, and be gathered unto thy people; as Aaron thy brother died in mount Hor, and was gathered unto his people: Because ye trespassed against Me among the children of Israel at the waters of MeribahKadesh, in the wilderness of Zin; because ye sanctified Me not in the midst of the children of Israel. Yet thou shalt see the land before thee; but thou shalt not go thither unto the land which I get -- which I give to the children of Israel."


Now it sounds, in the King James, like Moses was punished for his transgression. I looked up most of these words in the interlinear text, and I found that there were a couple of words that were not translated, and that -- let me take it from here. "And the Lord spake unto Moses that selfsame day, saying, Get up into this mountain Abarim, unto mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is over against Jericho; and look at the land of Canaan, which I give unto the children of Israel for a possession: And die in the mount whither thou goest up, and be gathered unto My people."


Now, look, I did not have the time to spell this out the way I always spell these things out for you, spiritual I really cannot give you a blow [?bly?] -- by blow teaching, but I will tell you that there is an additional word in the interlinear which appears shortly after the word sanctify. Because you trespassed against Me -- verse 51, "Because you trespassed against Me among the children of Israel at the waters of MeribahKadesh, in the wilderness of Zin; because ye sanctified Me not in the midst of the children of Israel."


After the word sanctified Me in the midst of, there is an untranslated word which means -- it is Strong's 5045, and it means the south or the southern quarter. And there is a prefix before that word, which is the Hebrew letter mem, and that Hebrew letter, we are told in Gesenius, means or signifies the number 40, and you might know that the number 40 is the number for generation. And there is a one-letter word before that which is simply the letter P in Hebrew. And you co- -- if you want to, you can look that up in Gesenius at the beginning of the words with that letter P. I am told or we are told that that letter P can be translated either the number 80 or the word mouth. So there is a word, a prefix and a second word that is not translated, which means the mouth of the generation of the southern quarter.


Now let me remind you from our Daniel 8 series that the south typifies the visible, spiritual realm of appearance, OK. Remember, the -- let us see, the east is the realm of God. The north is the realm of Satan. The west is the realm of appearance that we dwell in today, but the sou- -- the -- which is the physical, visible world. But the south is the visible, spiritual world or the G- -- the world of Christ or the Garden of Eden, OK. And the mouth of the [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- well, let me start with the generation. The generation of the southern quarter would mean the generation of men who will dwell in the southern quarter. And who are the generation of men who will dwell in the southern quarter? The sons of God, the people that are going back to the spiritual world of Christ, those are being -- who are being raised from the dead.


And the mouth of the generation of the southern quarter, OK -- [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- well, let me remind you. Who is a mouth? We just talked about this in a recent message. Spirits have a mouth. The mouth of a spirit is a man. Did you ever hear a lawyer referred to as a mouthpiece, somebody's mouthpiece? Aaron was Moses' mouthpiece, OK, so the mouth of a spirit is the man who that spirit talks to -- talks through. And I want to suggest to you that the mouth of the generation of the southern quarter is the man through whom the mind of Christ is speaking. The mind of Christ dwells in the southern quarter, and the mouth of Christ is the man through whom Christ is manifesting.


So what do we have here? The Lord said to Moses, because you did not separate -- you did not sanctify Me; you did not separate the generation of the south land unto Me in the midst of the sons of Israel. And I want to suggest to you that the Lord is saying to Moses you did not manifest Christ; you did not succeed in separating Christ from the carnal mind in this situation, OK. It was not so much that God was punishing him for striking the rock or for losing his temper. That is condemnation that comes under the law.


What the Lord was saying to Moses, brethren, was, look, I have got My Son in the earth, and My Son, Christ, He is striving to stand up in full stature in men. He has never stopped striving from the time of the fall. And Moses was a very strong manifestation of Christ, but the Father said to him, as strong a manifestation as Christ was in you, Moses, He did not fu- -- My Son, Christ, did not fully succeed in separating from your carnal mind. He did not do what Jesus of Nazareth did. Christ was strong in you; Christ was formed in you; Christ was developed in you. But He did not separate from the carnal mind enough to put that carnal mind under Him and keep him there like Jesus of Nazareth did.


And He said to him because Christ in you failed to do that, I am going to take you -- I am going to gather you unto your fathers not as a punishment, but listen, Moses, your called to a spiritual inheritance, and I am -- and you are a type of Christ, and you are a preincarnate manifestation of Christ, and you are called to enter into the spiritual land. And I am not letting you enter into the physical land because that is not your inheritance. You are not to inherit the letter or the flesh; you are to inherit the spirit. So, therefore, I am taking you from the earth. You were not strong enough to sanctify Me; you were not strong enough to fully separate the Christ mind from the carnal mind. So I am gathering you unto the fathers until such time as you incarnate again. And I will show you that in the Scripture, incarnate again. I did this in such a rush. Please forgive me. Put that on hold for a second. [AUDIO CUTS OUT]


There was another untranslated word in there, and I am sorry, but I do not have the number for you on that one, but what it means in the Hebrew is to spread out. I am going to gather you unto your fathers, and you will inherit the land when you spread out again, when you incarnate again. And, you see, Jehovah was not really speaking to the man Moses; He was speaking to Christ in the man Moses. And He said, My Son, Christ, You are not strong enough in Moses to fully separate from the carnal mind. I am [?gathering?] you unto your people. I am not letting you enter into this physical land. That is not what I have for you. My whole purpose in your manifesting in the earth was to see if Christ could not sanctify My by fully separating from the carnal mind, and you have not done it. Your work is finished. Let Joshua take the people into the Promised Land. With you, my only concern is having someone stand up in full stature. You did not have the strength to do it this time, so I am calling you back. My spiritual Son, I am calling you back, and you will inherit the land when you spread yourself out again.


And I do not know about you, but when I read this Bible, the next time I see Christ spreading Himself out again is when?




In whom?




In Jesus of Nazareth. That is what the Father said to him. I am taking you back. You will get another chance when you incarnate as Jesus of Nazareth. Now I would translate some of these words a different way. First of all, the word to look, we are told here that you [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- you look at the land. Let me see. I am in verse 49, and be- -- and -- "Get thee up into the mountain, and behold the land of Canaan," like it is a punishment. Look at it, but you cannot have it. When you look that Greek word u- -- that Hebrew word up, it is Strong's 7200. That word "you shall see" can also be translated to acquire, to carry away with oneself or to fight face-to-face. Now I suggest to you that the correct translation is you shall fight this land, not the land of Canaan -- it does not say Canaan in the Gre- -- it does not say Canaan in the Hebrew; it just says land. So the Father is saying to His Son, the Christ, You shall fight with this land again when You incarnate again because there is a battle between the land of the soul and the spiritual mind of Christ [INAUDIBLE] [AUDIO CUTS OUT]


As we were told on the exhortation earlier, the lust -- the flesh lusteth against the spirit, and the spirit lusteth against the flesh. So You will have another chance to struggle with the land. He is telling His spiritual Son, You will have another chance to struggle with the soul when You incarnate again, when You spread Yourself out again as Jesus of Nazareth.


And, pretty much, those are only the significant words that were different, and I have a very -- I am sorry, a very incomplete Alternate Translation here. "God is saying to Moses, go up and die on the mountain where you are going, and be gathered unto your people in the same way that Aaron died." In other words, die not as a go- -- [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- die as a natural man in the same way that Aaron died, your brother. "And the reason for this is because you transgressed against Me among the sons of Israel." Well, Moses did transgress in that He manifested the carnal mind instead of the mind of Christ. It was a transgression; he failed, OK, but not in the way that it is translated. He failed, but God was merciful towards him. He said you will get another chance when you incarnate. You will get another chance to wrestle with this soul that defeated you this time. You will get another chance in the future, when you incarnate as Jesus of Nazareth. That is what He said to him. It was not a punishment. Look at the land, but you cannot have it. Our God does not do things like that.


So we see that there were moments in Moses' ministry where he did sanctify the mind of Christ. When he went to Pharaoh -- he was in a temporary full stature when he went to Pharaoh. He was definitely in a full stature when he went to Pharaoh. He could have never done those miracles or faced up to Pharaoh without being in a temporary full stature, but it is been proven that it was a temporary full stature when he failed at the waters of Meribah. You have a question?


            Do I have this straight? Was the Lord speaking to the Christ in Moses' life, in the car- -- or the Christ in his mind? That is who He was speaking to?


He was speaking to the Christ because Moses was just a clay pot that the Christ was appearing in, OK. Exactly, God was -- Jehovah was speaking to the Christ and saying --




And neither did I. God just [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- yeah. He said -- and so when we go into the Book of John and we are told that Moses lifted up the serpent or that Moses crucified the serpent, which was his own carnal, that happened when Moses was sent to Pharaoh. He was in full stature, but the proof that Moses was exalted only for a specific assignment from God and that this crucifixion of the serpent was not a permanent t- -- change of his nature, the proof of this is his failure when he smote the rock at Meribah.


So God was not punishing him, but the Lord said to him, you failed to take a permanent victory, but do not be upset. I am gathering you unto your people, and I am pulling you out now. I am not letting you go into the land that I have given to the natural Jew because there is no opportunity once you go into that land for you to manifest Christ. You have just been -- you have just failed the test. After all the great things that you did in My Spirit, one failure to separate Christ from the carnal mind proves that your condition was not permanent. There is no point in going into the natural land; it is just been proven that your condition was not permanent.


So I am going to [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- and I am -- and what that means, Jehovah said to Moses, is that you are not going to be able to do it in this existence. If you failed at this point, after everything that you have been through, after going to Pharaoh and taking the Hebrew children through the wilderness and all of the glorious things that you did from My Spirit, if after that you failed to manifest Christ, Jehovah said, what that means is you failed to do it in this personality's experience, so going on into the Promised Land is not going to do you any good. Can you hear that? There is no way you are going to make it in this existence, OK, so I am turning the Hebrew children over to Joshua because he can do just as good a job as you, and do not you feel bad because you will have another opportunity to struggle with this soul that I have given to you and that you must capture and rule in your next incarnation, which is Jesus of Nazareth. That is what He said to him. That is what it says. If you do not want to believe that, it is perfectly all right, but it satisfies me. You have another question? OK.


            That means that God really -- how do I say this? Jehovah really was -- all the things He had Moses do, He really was doing them in the imputed Christ.






Well, it was more than the imputed Christ that we see today.




It was an imputed full stature. We do not see full stature today, you know.


So I do have an imperfect Alternate Translation for you. "God is saying to Moses, go and die on the mountain where you are g- -- where your brother Aaron died, where you transdre- -- where you transgressed against Me among the sons of Israel in the waters of Meribah in Kadesh wilderness, in the wilderness of Zin; because you did not separate the generation of the south land" -- that is the mind of Christ -- "unto Me in the midst of the sons of Israel. You shall fight hand-to-hand with this selfsame land or with this selfsame soul when you spread yourself out again; you shall not partake of the Old Covenant fulfillment of My promises."


And I want to tell you this is how God deals with us. Every time we fail, He does not punish us for punishment's sake; He does not condemn us if we are condemned [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- the Scripture says our own soul condemns us. The Lord says stand up, son, and try again. Stand up. Learn all you can learn from your fall. Get stronger from your fall, and stand up, and try again. And the only time that -- pretty much, that the Lord is really mad at you and going after you for punishment's sake is when you are running from the fight. You know, once you enter into this battle, He treats you as a son, as He treated Moses in this instance.


But when you are still running from Him, then He is after you, and He is going to do whatever He has to do to break you, for you to come to a place where you submit to Him and start joining with God to work with Him to confess your sins and improve yourself and go on into Christ. At that point [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- any -- pretty much anybody that is in a ministry like this who is working with God to confess their sins and overcome them. God is very merciful towards us because He knows that we are not perfect, but yet we are working towards perfection with Him, and He is very merciful towards us. It is the ones that are running away, that are trying to get away from Him, that He is after them to break their will and to break their pride and to break their witchcraft power so that they come into submission to Him.


So no matter how hot the trials get for those of us that are in some measure of obedience or desiring to be obedient to the Father, no matter how hot the trials get, He is very merciful to us, and we can expect, every time, to land on our feet. I do not care how many tumbles you take. I do not care how high the cliff is. I do not care how many mistakes you make. I do not care the extent of the wickedness that is exposed in you, you can expect to land on your feet every time you mess up, and this is why we must be very careful not to condemn or judge our brother before the time. I do not care how much wickedness you see in that person.


If that person is cleaving unto Christ and doing the best that they could do considering the condition that they are in at that moment and you condemn them, the Lord is coming after you because you are -- the -- because of the ignorance of your carnal mind that could not see into that man's heart, that despite the horrible things that he is doing, he is so bound by Satan that, believe it or not, this guy is doing the best he can in view of the condition that he is in. So you do not know. That is why we have to forgive everybody and love everybody and bless everybody and help everybody because you do not know who is going to be a general in God's army next year. This guy might rise up and go are past you.


So that is the great danger of condemning any human being. You do not know where they are going to be tomorrow, and you do not know where you are going to be tomorrow. So keep your eyes on yourself and off of your brother, and do everything in your power to live at peace with all men, and if there is a conflict, to reconcile quickly with a minimum of conflict. Give it up. Submit one to another. Suffer the loss, if it is not a matter of righteousness. Make peace quickly. Jesus, OK.


We will go on to verse 16 of chapter 3, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." The Greek word translated world in verse 16 is cosmos. For God so loved the cosmos or God so loved the creation that He gave His only begotten Son. Brethren, there is only -- well, first of all, the Son of God is a what?




A mind. The Son of God is a mind, OK. And when that mind is fully ruling over a man, that whole man becomes the Son of God. When the mind of Christ is the Lord and master of an individual human being, that individual human being then takes the name of his Lord and master and becomes a manifestation of Christ, but there is only one human being that is the begotten Son of God. And what does it mean to be a begotten Son of God? It means to be directly sired by the Father. The Christ which was born in the man Jesus of Nazareth was the only manifestation of Christ that ever was and that ever shall be directly sired by the Father because the Scripture says that every Son of God which is coming into this world, subsequent to the Lord Jesus Christ, is not and shall not be directly sired by the Father but shall be a -- does anybody know the answer? Did you read the book? A cutting of the Lord Jesus Christ.


We are being grafted into His tree. If you know anything about gardening, there is a big difference between planting a plant from seed and planting a plant from a cutting, and the difference is that the cutting is already established. The root system is established. The plant is much more likely to survive when you put it in your garden as a cutting. Is that not true? The root system is established; it is stronger and much more likely to survive. That means that we are much more likely to survive -- who are we? The second generation of Christ is much more likely to survive than the Lord Jesus Christ was. Can you imagine that?




As hard as it is for us to be coming to this place of full stature, it was that much harder for Him as the comparison between growing a plant [AUDIO CUTS OUT]


-- out here on Long Island where we have many amateur gardens -- gardeners. It is a rare person that plants from seed. Do you not go into the nurseries and buy the flats? You buy the plants that are already started. The plants -- the professionals sow the seed, get them to sprout, get the root system established, and then you just transplant that plant into your garden, right. Very few people start from their own seeds because it is hard to grow from seed. Well, Jesus of Nazareth -- the mind of Christ that was in Jesus of Nazareth was the only mind of Christ that was started from seed. Every other Son of God in whom the mind of Christ is flourishing is a flat. Is that not what they call them, flats, right? We are all flats. Is that not nice? OK. Is that amazing? As hard as this has been for us and is for us, it was that much harder for Jesus. It was a miracle. Well, it is a miracle what is happening to us, but it was a stupendous, outstanding, quadruple miracle that Jesus of Nazareth stood up in full stature. Can you see this?




And it is been horre- -- it is being horrendous for us. So Jesus of Nazareth, who was Christ, is the only begotten Son of the Father. We have a false doctrine in the church today saying that every human being born has the potential to be a begotten Son of God. This is not true. It is not true that you are born with that which you need to become a spiritual man. You do not have it, and, brethren, you are female, and you cannot become a male, a spiritual male, without something being added to you by the Lord Jesus Christ. And that which He is adding to you is His male life, which is coming in a flat, and it has to be engrafted into your earth. Now how do you work with a flat, brethren? You dig a hole in your garden, right? And you take this little square of earth with the plant growing in it, with the root system already established in it, and you drop it in the hole in your garden, and you cover it over with earth right? That is what is happening to us.


Christ or the seed which is of Christ, the Holy Spirit, must be engrafted into our soul. What must be engrafted? A piece of the earth of the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ plus the root, which is His -- the Spirit of the Father, which is in His soul, must be engrafted into us. All that is potentially in the seed of the Holy Spirit, a piece of the earth of Jesus' soul plus the root system which is the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of the Father of Jesus' life. His whole life is being engrafted unto us, spirit and soul, that is why we can say we are a new creature. There is a whole new man being added to us inside of this flesh, not just a mind. There is not just a mind being added to us; much more than the mind of Christ is being added to us, a whole new man.


So when that flat is engrafted or planted in our garden, we get a piece of the Lord Jesus Christ's soul and a little shoot of His Spirit, and when it is grafted into our soul, it grows up to be a big tree and takes over or swallows up all of our soul. And this new man, which started out as just a flat, takes over our whole soul and swallows up the old man who ceases to exist. Can you hear this? Glory to God. So Jesus is the only begotten Son of God.


For God so loved the cosmos or the creation that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in that only begotten Son, whoever believeth into Him, whosoever believeth with his spirit strongly enough that the spirit of man in that person should vibrate out of himself and make contact with the only begotten of Son who has been engrafted to his soul. You know, a graft could fail. Did you ever see a graft fail? OK. That graft gets into your soul; it has got to take. Your own human spirit has to reach out and make contact with that glorified life. So whosoever believeth into Him, whosoever touches Him, lays hold of Him, whosoever has a successful graft in His soul shall have everlasting life, should not perish. That means his soul will not perish; his spirit will not s- -- perish; his soul will not perish, and his body will not perish. But he will have everlasting life or the life of the ages.


Because God -- verse 17, "Because God sent not His Son to into the world or into the cosmos to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved." Now this Greek word translated condemn, it is the same Greek word -- well, it is not the -- it is a Greek word that means to judge. For God sent not His Son into the world to judge the world; but that the world, through Him, might be saved. I remind you, however, that in John 5:22 and verse -- in John 5:22 and 27, we are told all judgment is given unto the Son. So we see an apparent contradiction here, but I suggest to you that what the Scripture is saying is that God did not send His Son into the world to look at men's sins and say, therefore, you are a sinner, and you must die in your sins. God did not send His Son into the world to declare men guilty. We know men are guilty. Jesus told us that Moses convicts, that the law of Moses declares us guilty.


So the difference between the word translated condemnation and judgment, it re- -- the difference between chapter 3 verse 18 and chapter 5, verse 22 and 27 is that in chapter 3 the Lord is saying I have not sent My Son to declare you guilty; Moses has already done that. In chapter 5, He is saying I send My Son to judge righteous judgment, not to declare you guilty, but to expose your sin and root it out so that Christ can be formed in, that you might be raised from the dead. But it is interesting to see that the Scripture pretty much uses the same word. In chapter 3, it is the verb form of the word, to judge, and in chapter 5, it is the noun form of the word. Both words mean judgment, and if you did not have this understanding, you would think that the Scripture was inconsistent, in chapter 3 saying I did not send My Son to judge and in chapter 5 saying I sent My Son to judge.


It sounds like the Scripture is speaking in circles. Jesus talked like that in a couple of places. And the disciple says what is He talking about? Jesus said I do not come to judge you, but if I do judge you -- did He not say that? He said I did not come to judge you, but if I do judge you, I judge righteous judgment. What in the world is He talking about? In one sentence, He says I did not come to judge you, and in the next sentence, He says but if I do judge you. Well, what kind of doubletalk is that? It is not doubletalk. If you do not understand, you are carnal. He says I did not come to judge you as a man. I did not come to judge you with My carnal mind, but I came to judge the righteous judgment of Christ, which will kill your carnal mind and produce the life of Christ in you, thus raising you from the dead. That is what He was saying.


"But He that believeth on Him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name or in the spirit of the only begotten Son of God." And I think we went into this in the last message and made it clear that only someone with the Spirit of Christ can recognize the Spirit of Christ. Therefore, if you do not believe into the Spirit of the Son of God, you have condemned yourself, or you have judged yourself guilty. You [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- because the -- your guilt is erased only in Christ, so you have judged yourself guilty, meaning you have declared to all the eyes to see and ears to hear that you do not have the Spirit of Christ if you do not believe unto Christ. You did not have it. So we went into that in more detail in the last message; I would like to go on.


"And this is the condemnation, that light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." And we went over that in the last message too. We found out that the word -- the Greek word translated love is agape love, and there is no way that wicked men could love with agape love, so we retranslated that verse to say, "The light has come into the cosmos, and the light loved man more than the darkness. Nevertheless, the thoughts of men everywhere were evil towards the light because everyone that doeth evil [?hatest?] -- hateth the light, and all men are evil." That is it. That is what it is saying. In their carnal mind, in their fallen condition, all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.


So that was pretty much all review. Let us go on. T- -- we will do a little bit of chapter 4. I mean, we will do all of chapter 4. In verse 7 -- chapter 4 verse 7, this is Jesus speaking to the woman at the well in Samaria, and He said to her, "Give Me to drink." Now we know that the Jews were not allowed to have anything to do with the Samaritans; they were considered unclean. And I declare to you today that we have the same rule, the same law in the church today, in churches that preach do not talk to Jehovah's Witnesses, churches that interpret Scriptures in a carnal way saying that you should not even speak to someone who does not believe as you do, that this is what the Pharisees did to the Samaritans. And if you are practicing that kind of a practice y- -- or that kind of an activity, I declare to you, you are in the Old Covenant because the New Covenant -- a -- an -- a believer truly moving in the New Covenant has the power to overcome evil with good, and we are not to be shunning anybody. We are not to be receiving their false doctrine, but we are not to be shunning anybody, so that is a false teaching or an Old Covenant teaching in the church.


And we see Jesus breaking the law of the Pharisees, and in this hour, there are some believers who are breaking the law of the pharisitical church, and they are going out, and they are having dinner with Jehovah's Witnesses and with all kinds of people who believe differently than they do, without having a driving need to be right, without having a driving need to convert the people to the way they think. But we see people in the church today who are mature enough to have a relationship with people of all different kinds of beliefs and who are mature enough to have a conversation with these people that is an exchange of ideas, with pride so under wraps that you can honestly listen to what the other person has to say and not even be afraid to consider it. Of course, you have to be mature to do this. You have to really know your doctrine, and you have to really know your God to go in and not be threatened by someone believing differently than you and to honestly talk to them about it, and, hopefully, in that conversation, as some questions or plant some seeds that will result in Christ growing in them.


So we see Jesus speaking to the Samaritan woman, and He said to her, "If you knew the gift of God and who it is that saith to thee, Give Me to drink; you would have asked of Him, and He would give thee living water." So Jesus is, again, speaking in parables, and He is speaking about the Holy Spirit. We mentioned that this morning, that the living water is the Holy Spirit. [AUDIO CUTS OUT]


Once again, we see Jesus speaking in parables. Here is this woman offering Him a drink at His request, and He starts speaking about spiritual water. And He said to her, if you knew who you were talking to, you would be asking Me for water, for the water of life that is within Me. And -- glory to God.


So Jesus is saying to this woman in verse 13, "Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again." That is the natural water; you thirst again. Brethren, this is the condition of the soul realm. Everything that you ingest, which gives you satisfaction, is only temporary. You have got to do it again; you have got to eat again; you have got to wash again; you have got to love again; you have got to dance again. Everything that gives you pleasure, you have got to keep on doing it because it only lasts temporarily. You have to eat that piece of chocolate cake again; you have to have that drink again; you have to go out on the town again. There is no end to it; you never stay satisfied, and it is a condition of Hell to never be permanently satisfied.


So Jesus said I have water for you. I have a life for you that will fill you so full that you will be permanently satisfied. And He said, if you knew who you were talking to, you would be asking me for that water. I would not -- you would not be giving Me your natural water that will quench My thirst for five minutes or for 10 minutes or even for an hour. This world is corrupt; it is deficient; it is lacking; it is inadequate. And it only keeps us existing for a short period of time, and then we pass out of this world because the substances and the pleasures of this world cannot even keep us alive.


Verse 14, "But whosoever drinketh of these fountains of living waters that I shall give him," Jesus speaking, "shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water continuously springing up unto everlasting life." Every need that you have in your emotions, in your mind and in your physical body shall be completely and permanently satisfied when this wellspring of living waters is in you.


Now please note that this is not speaking about the Holy Spirit in seed form. The Holy Spirit is that which comes into you, OK. It is not springing up unto life everlasting. The Holy Spirit is the seed which will eventually produce life everlasting, which is in Christ. The full satisfaction is in Christ, OK. Let me read it to you again exactly as it is in the Scripture here.


"The water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." The Holy Spirit is not the everlasting life. The Holy Spirit comes from outside of you, from another man. It enters into you, and when it springs forth in you, it brings forth, eventually, the life of Christ which is the everlasting life. I know it is very subtle, but the everlasting life is not in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit must accomplish its work. It must engraft to you. It must irrigate your soul. It must invigorate your land. It must bring forth the life of Christ because the everlasting life, the life of the ages, is in Christ, OK.


And the woman said to Him, in verse 15, that she was interested; she wanted this water. The woman was interested in spiritual things. Now please note that the Samaritans were totally outcast by the Jews. They were considered unclean, spiritually leprous to the point that they would not even associate with them, but please note the woman's spirituality. The Samaritans were an outcast according the law of Moses. They were unclean; they were into idolatry; they did not worship in accordance with the instructions of the Bible. But please notice the woman's spirituality.


And we see this in the church today. There are people; God brings them into my life continuously. I meet them many times over, people who are not yielding to the law of God, who are not submitting to the teachings of Christ. They do not -- frequently, they do not want any part of Christianity, but these people are spiritual. They do not want any part of the letter of the law; they do not want any part of the ritual; they do not want any part of the bickering and the gossiping and the pettiness in the church. They despise it enough to stay away. They do not even go to church once a week, but these people are spiritual. And when the spiritual ministry of Christ comes forth and touches them, I suggest to you that their response will be as quick as this woman at the well, spiritual people.


Do not discount anybody, brethren. God is going after the workers of witchcraft; He is going after the gypsies, and He is going after the thousands, if not millions, of people are here in this country that the church considers unclean but who have a spiritual potential which has already developed. And as much of a contradiction as this is, people who are in deep sin find their spirituality or their spiritual potential, frequently, highly developed. Alcoholics, drug addicts, workers of witchcraft of the occult workers and people who have been engaged in sexual sin frequently have highly developed spiritual potential. And Jesus clearly said these people are coming into the kingdom before the Pharisees. It is a great mystery, but it is the truth, so please note in the woman by the well. She is spiritual. As soon as Jesus talks about something spiritual, she is interested.


Now let me remind you that in chapter 3, Jesus was talking about spiritual things, and Nicodemus did not have the vaguest idea of what He was talking about. But this poten- -- this spirit- -- this Samaritan woman, she recognizes, we will see in -- further down, she says to him, I perceive, sir, that You are a prophet. Now, remember, the Pharisees wanted to kill Him. When Jesus expressed His spirituality to the Pharisees, their reaction was to call Him names, to tell Him that He was a bastard and to try to kill Him, but the Samaritan woman recognized that this man was a prophet.


And I am telling you that the same thing is happening in the church today. There are more people who are not Christians whom the Christian church would despise because they are involved in behavioral sin. The whole world is involved in sin, and large parts of the church is involved in behavioral sin. But the people in the church who have given up behavioral sin condemn people in the world who are openly engaged in fornication and the like, OK. But these people who are out there in the world, many of them will recognize the sons of God when the Pharisees will not. The people in the world are spiritual, and much of the people in the church are pharisitical, carnal as could be and all bound up in the letter of the law, so blinded by it that they cannot recognize the Christ when He comes in their midst. Why? Because they think they are the Christ, and when they see someone with a different anointing, they cannot -- they perceive it to be something to be destroyed.


So here is this Samaritan woman speaking to Jesus, saying to Him I want what You have. Now, remember, the Pharisees said who are You who are wholly born of fornication, that You would give us the truth that we might be set free? But the Samaritan woman says I want what You have. Jesus says to her in verse 16, "Go and call they husband, and come hither. And the woman answered, and he s- -- and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband: For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst though truly."


Now, brethren, this is -- what I am going to tell you here is not all that clear, but I want to suggest to you that Jesus was speaking spiritually to this woman as a representative of the fallen soul. And I will go into this in a little more depth a little further on, but when she does go into the city, she does not call her husband. She does not call her boyfriend; she calls the men of the city. So there is no indication, further on, that Jesus was really speaking about this woman personally having five husbands, although it may have been true; it may not have been true.


But I am suggesting to you that the depth of what He was saying to her was speaking to the soul. You have had five husbands, and the husband you have now is not your husband. You were married to Jehovah at the beginning of time. Then you married His Christ; then you married Satan; then you married the carnal mind. And then you married the Christ which was in Moses because all of Israel came out unto me- -- the mediator, Moses, who was a manifestation of Christ. But the husband that you have now, the carnal mind, is not your husband because she is a lesbian. She is not a true husband. The woman said I have no husband, and Jesus said you have had five husbands, Jehovah, Christ, Satan, the carnal mind and Christ in the form of Moses. The soul that the f- -- that the Lord created has had five husbands. "And he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly." The carnal mind is not your husband.


And the woman's answer to Him is, "But, sir, I perceive that You art a prophet," and she strikes up a spiritual conversation with him. She said, "Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship." Now what kind of an answer is that? Jesus spoke to her about spiritual things, and she responded with a spiritual response, which is something the Pharisees did not do. So she recognized Jesus as a man of God, and she wanted some information from Him. Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and Ye say," meaning the Jews say, "that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship." She is saying we are just worshipping the way our forefathers have worshipped for generations, but the Jews will not bother with us because they say we are doing something wrong. Is that true? That is what she said to Him. Is that true?


And Jesus' answer was, "Woman, believe Me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain," in this physical mountain, "nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. You worship you do not know what," so that is -- He is being hon- -- now, remember, Jesus was pricking at the Pharisees; He was being sarcastic with the Pharisees. But He is not being sarcastic with this woman; He is just outright telling her you really do not know what you are worshipping. Because, in Samaria, they worship the golden calves, so He is saying to her, you know, you are really in error. You really do not even know what -- you are just doing what your fathers told you to do. You really do not know what you are worshipping. He says, but we know, we the Jews, we know what we worship because salvation is of the Jews. And what does that mean? It means that Chri- -- the Spirit of Christ is present amongst the Jews. So we worship the living God, Jehovah. We know who we worship; we worship the true God. But you do not even know who you are worshipping because if you worship the golden calves, who are you worshipping?




Satan. He is saying you do not even know that you are worshipping Satan, but we know who we are worshipping, the one true God. He said, "But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him." And I declare to you, brethren, that the true worshippers come from every corner of the earth. They were in Jewry, and they were in Samaria, and in this hour today, God has true worshippers in the church, and He has true worshippers in all kinds of cults and denominations and false religions all over the world, people that, in their heart of hearts, have a relationship with the Lord. They are just in a bind; they are doing what they were taught; they are caught in a trap. And they do not even know that they are worshipping Satan, but the Lord knows who are His. The Lord knows those who are His, [?that are?] -- the Lord knows those who are in witchcraft that are trapped in witchcraft that really are craving the one true God but somehow got waylaid, got messed up. And I am telling you, there is going to be wailing and gnashing of teeth when the true worshippers of God are revealed because many that are in the church are not the true worshippers of God, and many who are the true worshippers are coming out of a lot of spiritual filth. There is going to be wailing and gnashing of teeth and great surprise.


Verse 24 -- and how -- well, back in verse 23, how do you worship in spirit and truth? Spirit and truth, unconscious mind and conscious mind which is in Christ. Spirit, the Spirit of the Father, and truth, Christ said -- Jesus said I am the truth, the way and the life. You cannot worship God out of your carnal mind. There is nothing that you can give God out of your carnal mind that He will receive. The worship of the carnal mind is likened unto the offering of Cain. It is the fruits of your ground; it is the fruits of the earth. He does not want the fruits of the earth; He wants the fat of your flock, which is the worship which comes from your Christ mind. It is the only thing, the only form of worship that is acceptable to God.


Brethren, that means, if you do not have Christ being formed in you, you have nothing to offer the Father. You have nothing to offer Him; there is nothing that He wants that you have other than that you should produce the life of Christ. And if you do not have it, there is nothing that you can give Him, nothing that He will take from you, nothing that He will accept from you. So to worship in spirit and truth is to worship out of Christ.


Verse 24, "God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth." That is interesting, God is a Spirit. You know, the -- although I have not seen Him in a long time, I have had a few debates with a Hasidic rabbi, and he tell -- he denies that God is a spirit. He claims we do not know what God is, and the Lord really has not shown it to me in the Scripture where I could give him any proof. I know the Old Testament talks about the Spirit of God, but he has some answer for that. He says, well, sometimes God is a spirit; sometimes He is this; sometimes He is that. He takes all different forms. They claim they do not know what God is. But we are told in the New Testament, by Messiah, that God is a Spirit. Glory to God.


Now in the midst of all this, OK, Jesus' disciples approach Him and talk to Him about eating. Now look at how they interfere with His spiritual conversation. Brethren, we have had this right here, where there is a spiritual conversation going on, and sometimes I have to rebuke some of you. Someone will get up and start doing the dishes or doing some carnal thing or erasing the board here. I have to tell you sit down; the Spirit is moving. You are interfering with the move of the Spirit.


Well, His disciples approached in the midst of this spiritual conversation, talking about food. And Jesus turned around, and He said to them, "I have meat that ye know not of." He was saying to them, hey, baby, you just busted up my spiritual conversation. That is what He said to them. Do not bother me about food when I am up to my Father's business. You are out of order, and the disciples, not even realizing -- being so carnal, not even realizing that they were being corrected, started saying to each other what is He talking about? What kind of food is He talking about? What is [?the?] food -- kind of food You are talking about?


See, that is just, sort of, something inserted there, but in verse 33, the disciples say, "Hath any man brought Him food? He ought to eat." And Jesus went on, and He elaborated. You see, He did not let them get Him onto carnal discussions. He turned around and explained to them, but He stayed spiritual. And He said to them, "My meat is to do the will of Him that sent me, and to finish His work." And what is the work of the Father, anybody? What is the work of the Father, to finish His work? What is His work? The work is to finish the creation, and the finishing of the creation is to bring forth sons to finish man, that man should be in the image of the Father and that the whole earth should be under His dominion, excuse me, as ordained in the Book of Genesis. Jesus has come to finish the work of the Father. He says, "Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest."


Now what is harvest? We have a whole church world, brethren, talking about harvest with an incorrect definition of it. Brethren, a harvest is not reaching out into the world and bringing people into the religious church. Harvest, if you look it up in your dictionaries, is the separation of the fruit from the vine. Harvest is the separation of the fruit from the vine. It is not bringing bare grain into the kingdom because when you bring heathen people into the kingdom, they have not yet born fruit. They are heathen; they are dead. The harvest is the separating of the fruit from the vine. This is something that happens to a mature believer. Harvest is an -- a m- -- an experience of spiritual maturity. It is an exaltation unto spiritual maturity whereby one no longer needs the vine it is growing on to survive, and the vine the Christ is growing on is our carnality. Jesus is the only one, brethren, that has been harvested; He is the only one that can live without a human body in this hour.


So Jesus was rebuking His disciples, and He was saying, look, brethren, do not ever, ever interrupt me when I am having a spiritual conversation because you are worried about carnal things, and I say that to you here all the time. Sit down, you just busted up a spiritual conversation. Do not ever bust up a spiritual conversation for something carnal, because you are hungry or because you want to clean up. Something is wrong; you are manifesting. You are manifesting your carnal mind.


So this is what Jesus is telling them, and He says to them, look, do not worry so much. We will have plenty of time to eat. He says, you say yet there are four months and then cometh the harvest? Now He is talking about a natural harvest. "Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes." That means open your spiritual eyes. Lift up eyes means open your spiritual eyes. We are on verse 35. "And look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest." Now the fields, brethren, are the souls of men. The fields are the souls men, and Jesus says they are already white unto harvest. I suggest to you that Jesus is prophesying because, in this hour, there were no men that were white unto harvest because Jesus had not yet been crucified. Therefore, the seed had not been poured out, therefore no one had even conceived Christ.


So Jesus was saying look forward to the coming harvest; that is what He was saying to them. Stop worrying. There will be plenty of time. God will give us a break; God will take care of our bodies. There will be a natural break in the move of the Spirit the will give us time to eat. You do not have to interfere with the move of the Spirit because you are so worried about food, but to bottom line is that the disciples did not choose the food over the spirit. I percei- -- I believe that they did not even perceive the spiritual conversation, and a large part of the reason why they could not even perceive the spiritual conversation was that they were Pharisees themselves, and they could not even imagine that Jesus would be having a spiritual conversation with a Samaritan woman. They could not even consider it, so they just went barging in without even trying to spirit, drew a conclusion. They drew a false conclusion.


And Jesus prophesies to them, and He is saying the harvest is -- that there is plenty of harvest coming, and I believe He was even saying to them even in Samaria. Look on the fields. He did not say look on the Jews. He said look on the fields; look on the souls of men for they are already white or ripe unto harvest. And then He goes on to a parable. Jesus spoke almost continuously in parables.


He said, in verse 36, "And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto eternal life: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together."


"And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto eternal life" -- there is a wage. We know the wages of sin is death, but there is a wage that is paid to the people that are willing to labor the spiritual labor, which is in Christ. We know that for everyone that enters into the vineyard, they are getting a wage, and that wage is --




Well, in the parable, I --




I think it is a penny, if I am not mistaken. I could be mistaken; I thought it was a penny. I do not think it was a talent. It was ha- -- it was a penny, or I may be wrong that it is one penny, but I think it was a penny. So there is a wage for the spiritual labor. Now you may hear- -- I have heard it said the salvation is a free gift, yes. The vehicle that will ultimately bring forth salvation is a free gift, the Holy Spirit, the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is free, and as soon as the Holy Spirit engrafts to you and Christ begins to be formed in you, you have work to do, and you have a spiritual labor.


You have to study to show yourself approved. You have to purify yourself and get purged from sin, and you have to kill your carnal mind. And the wage that you get paid at the end of the day, we are told, is eternal life. So the one that reapeth, the one that labors the spiritual labor will get paid, and he will -- and his pay will be the fruit of Christ, which produces eternal life. And the reason for this spiritual labor is that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together. And who sows the seed?




The Lord hol- -- sows the seed. The s- -- Holy Spirit is the seed, OK. The Lord sows the seed. He is the one that sows -- and the Lord Jesus Christ sows, and Christ Jesus reapeth, OK. Christ Jesus reapeth so that the one who sows and the one who reaps may rejoice together, two generations of Christ.


"And herein is that true saying, One soweth, and another reapeth." Now when you look that word up, translated "another" in the Greek, it can be translated "the rest." So we can say one soweth, and the rest reapeth. The Lord Jesus Christ sows, and the many members of Christ Jesus reap by killing their own carnal mind.


"I sent you to reap" -- verse 38, "I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labor: other men labored, and ye have entered into their labors." The tr- -- the words "other men," it is really the Greek word that just says "the others." So the one who sowed is the Lord -- well, the Father sowed upon Jesus of Nazareth, and right now Jesus of Nazareth is sowing upon all mankind. So I sent you to reap your own harvest of the Christ in you whereupon ye bestowed no labor. It was the Lord Jesus Christ that sowed the seed. The other one labored; the Lord Jesus Christ labored, and ye are entering into their labors by reaping the fruit of Christ. Is that clear? [INAUDIBLE] [AUDIO CUTS OUT]


I did go past the account of the Samaritan woman. I would like to back up onto that and point out to you, in verse 28, where the Scripture says she left her waterpot, "and went her way into the city, and saith to the men." I looked at it in the Greek. It has nothing to do with her husband. She went to the men of the city, and she said, "Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did," and the men of the city went to see Him.


Now if she did in f- -- if she was in fact living with a man -- because some people preach this, that she was living with a man. Jesus said to her you had five husbands, and the one you have now is not your husband, so some preachers will tell you she is living with some guy, OK. If that were true, she did not obey Jesus; she did not bring him. She went and brought the men of the city.


So I feel in my spirit that the Scripture is saying that Jesus was speaking to the soul with regard to the five husbands. The only suspicious statement is that the Samaritan woman said to the men this man told me all things I ever did, so whether or not she actually had five husbands, I do not know, but I perceive a mystery in this that I do not have all the answers to right now. The only thing I can say for sure is that she did not bring -- it -- the Scripture does not indicate in any way that she brought any boyfriend or man that she was living with to see Jesus, so if she in fact had one, she disobeyed him, yet she brought all the men of the city to come see a prophet.


So the moral that I see in this, although I do not have all the answers on it, the moral that I see in it is that the Samaritan woman recognized Him as a prophet and recognized Him as a spiritual man and brought the men of the city to meet Him. She found Messiah; she recognized Him as Messiah. Whereas the Pharisees did not recognize Him as Messiah; they did not recognize Him as a prophet; they did not even recognize Him as a spiritual man. So if the Lord gives me any more information about this before the end of this series, I will add it onto this series. I do not know whether he will or not. There is nothing that I could see in the Greek that would explain this; I will have to receive it by revelation, if the Lord gives it to me. Do you have a question?


            Yeah. You went through the five spiritual husbands in verse 18, and then on 22, could you explain the difference between that? Like, it would seem like she would have forms of Christ, but in 22, He is saying you worship the golden calf, which really means Satan, so --


Yeah. Well, the fifth -- the husband she has now is Satan. You see --


            Oh, I thought you had said it -- when you had said it was the carnal mind, if you can go back [CROSSTALK]


Tell me what is wrong.


            I thought number five was of the -- something with the carnal mind. I did not know that it was Satan. When you --


Well --


            -- explained it.


Now, well, the carnal mind is Satan, but what I said was the first husband was Jehovah.




The second husband was Christ before the fall.




The third husband was Satan, OK, because there is --




-- two joinings, OK. There is always two joining. First, we join with the Holy Spirit, which is really the Lord Jesus Christ. Then we marry Christ, OK, so we are having two husbands in the -- in this covenant. So at the beginning of time, the soul first married Jehovah, OK. then Christ was formed; then Christ married the soul. Then Satan and joined with the -- with Eve, OK, and brought forth the carnal mind; then the carnal mind married the soul, OK.




Then the fifth husband was Christ in the form of Moses. Samaria was under Moses at the beginning, before the split of Judah and Israel. So she had five husbands, but the husband that she has now -- which would be a sixth husband, if I have this right, OK. You had five husbands, and the husband you have now is not even your husband. Jesus was saying now you are married to the carnal mind, and the carnal mind is not even her husband; she is female.




OK. So does that conflict with something, with verse 22?


            I think when [?when it is in my mind?] --








            It seemed like you gave a different order before, but this sounds very feasible what you just [CROSSTALK]


Yeah, OK. I -- well, if I did, I do not know. I do not think I did, but if I did, the way I gave it to you now is the way I am presenting it right now until such time as the Lord changes it. Ye worship ye know not what, yeah. They are worshipping Satan through the carnal mind. Well, the golden calves is the worship of Satan, and the carnal mind directs you to worship Satan. Christ directs you to the Father, OK.




OK. Praise the Lord.


08/12/15 Transcribed by VerbalFusion


09/03/15 1st Edit CAS/BP


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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