048 - Part 2
(Revelation 9)

Part 2 of 3 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Hallelujah. We're finishing up the sixth trumpet today. I have one comment on last week's message. There was something that I had in my notes that, for some reason, I went right past. And I wanted to explain it to you.


With regard to Revelation 9:14, which says, saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates, we had said that that was the appearance of Christ in the form of the completed spirit of the human being. And I wanted to give you a witness that angels in the Scripture typify the spiritual man, as opposed to a prophet, being a natural man going under the anointing to another man with a message. I'm going to say it again. An angel is the Christ which is growing within you. The manifestation or the appearance of an angel in the Scripture typifies a manifestation of the Christ that's coming forth in you. A prophet could be someone that has not birthed Christ, or may have birthed Christ, but it's -- a prophet is someone that God anoints as a man, as a natural man, to go to another man to deliver a message. When you hear about an angel in the Scripture, it's a function of the Christ within you.


And we've spoken many times in this ministry about how demons are rooted -- I believe they must be. I'm going to make a strong statement. To live, they must be rooted in the soul, but they have the ability to vibrate forth from our bodies and take form opposite us. And people without spiritual knowledge think that these demons are coming, that they just float in the sky, but it's a deception. They are rooted in the soul of a man. And if you see a demon, it could come from your soul, or it could come from someone else's soul. But it's a spirit that is vibrated forth from the soul of a man and is appearing. It's an illusion. It's appearing as a separate, autonomous entity that's not rooted in any man, but it's not true.


Well, an angel, if you've ever seen angel, I declare to you, it's a manifestation of the Christ, either in you or in another man, that is vibrated forth from the soul that it's growing out of and has taken form opposite you. And you cannot see the spiritual cause that rooted in the earth of the soul in which it's dwelling.


And I want to give you an example of that. In Judges chapter 6, I'm going to read you a few verses. Judges chapter 6, verses 7 to 12. And it came to pass, when the children of Israel cried unto the Lord because of the Midianites. The children of Israel were oppressed. They were calling for a deliverance. Verse 8. That the Lord sent a prophet unto the children of Israel, which said unto them, thus sayeth the Lord God of Israel, I brought you up from Egypt, and brought you forth out of the house of bondage; and I delivered you out of the hand of the Egyptians, and out of the hand of all that oppressed you, and drove them out from above you, and gave you their land; and I said unto you, I am the Lord your God; fear not the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but ye have not obeyed my voice. Israel cried out for deliverance, and the Lord sent a man speaking the word of God, telling them why they were in this trouble. That is the function of a prophet. He usually is rebuking somebody.


We know -- many of us here, we've heard prophecy from the floor of the church about blessings and wonderful things. That's not a prophet. That's the gift of prophecy manifesting. In most instances -- sometimes God will send a prophet to speak good, but in most instances, he's t- -- he sends a prophet to tell men, in the language of their birth, what their problem is, why they're in trouble, to explain something to them that these men have not been able the -- to -- that -- to men that have not been able to lay hold of this understanding directly from the realm of the spirit. God will send a prophet to say, look, you're in trouble because. I can't bless you when you're doing this and this. Or you're in trouble because you have not obeyed me. Well, what's implied in that? Start obeying me. Repentance is required. Basically, that is the function of a prophet. 

Let's see the function of an angel. Verse 11. And there came an angel of the Lord, after Israel repented. Now, I'm assuming that Israel repented because in the following verses is the account of Gideon who flees Israel from the Midianites, which would not have happened if they didn't repent. So here's another instance of something being unsaid in the Bible. Brethren, anytime you read in the Bible about Israel crying out to God and deliverance following, you can assume that Israel repented because if they didn't, there would be no deliverance.


Verse 11. And there came an angel of the Lord, and sat under an oak which was in Ophrah, that pertained unto Joash the Abiezrite: and his son Gideon threshed wheat by the winepress, to hide it from the Midianites. And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him, and said unto him, the Lord is with thee, thou might man of valor. And what I'm suggesting to you, brethren, is that the Christ that was in the spirit of Gideon, under the command of almighty God, vibrated forth and took form opposite Gideon and spoke to him. And what I'm also suggesting to you is that angels are sent to Sons of God. Prophets are sent to rebuke the carnal man and show him the error of his ways. Angels are sent to minister to those who are in submission to God and deliver a message from the Lord to help them, to minister them and to deliver a message to the Lord.


And we -- those of us that have been in deliverance, we've heard a lot about ministering angels. I believe in ministering angels. But, brethren, I believe that they're the angels that are in the hearts of the brethren. And I believe that if you go before a congregation and ask for deliverance and four people stand around you and pray for you and deliverance comes forth, that you have been ministered to by ministering angels. I also believe that, even in this hour, it's never happened to me. I've asked God for it. He's told me I'll experience it, and I'm waiting for it. That even in this hour, if you are a man, possibly not even a saved man, I believe God has mercy on everybody, and you cry out to God and he chooses to minister mercy to you -- prophets minister rebuke. Angels minister mercy. That there is somewhere a believer that has a mature Christ that at the calling of God will rise up and vibrate forth from their body, from their soul, and present themselves and take form before that human being.


And I remind you, there is no time or space in the realm of the spirit, that ministry can be from the spiritual man of someone you're sitting next to, or that your spiritual man can appear on the other side of the world to the person to whom God has sent you. Angels, brethren, angels. Glory to God. Let's get a realistic idea of who and what they are. Glory to God.


Verse 13. And Gideon said unto him, oh my Lord, if the Lord be with us, why then is all this befallen us? And where be all of the miracles which our fathers told of us, saying, did not the Lord -- but [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- did not the Lord bring us up out of the land of Egypt? I didn't intend to go that far.


So the prophet brings rebuke to the natural man, Israel, and the angel brings ministry, mercy and communication from God to the one that's being called. Can you hear the difference? Hallelujah. OK. I left that off of last week's message. Glory to God.


Recap, Revelation 9, verses 13 to 17. This is the sixth seal. And the angel ministering to the natural man announced the warfare against the living soul and announced that the time of his redemption and of his restoration to the spiritual realm of God was at hand. And I understood the command which came forth from the spirit of Jesus Christ which rules in the body of Christ. The spirit of Jesus Christ is ruling in the minds of the members of the body of Christ, which is the garment that covers God. The body of Christ is the garment that covers God.


And the angel ministering to the natural man which was announcing the warfare against the living soul and announcing that the time of his redemption and of his restoration to the spiritual realm of God was at hand, was commanded to fertilize their human spirits, causing them to birth Christ against their will. That's the first woe. I remind you, that was done by the means of stingers, scorpions with paralyze the -- which paralyzed the men from aggressively opposing the fertilization and stingers, the mind of Christ, which entered into the natural man's mind and imparted the mind of Christ to them against their will.


And when Christ appears in them -- this is the second woe. That's the four angels. When Christ appears in them, then their job is to separate him, the natural man, from Satan. I'm sorry. Their job is to separate themselves, the four angels, from Satan and the carnal mind, which were joined to the human spirit before Christ appeared in her. I remind you, for Christ to appear, the human spirit must be fertilized. In this hour, the human spirit is married to Satan and has produced the carnal mind. God is not divorcing Eve from Satan before he marries her. God is committing legal adultery by the power of righteousness. He is having sex with Eve. Oh, I rebuketh. I'm stuttering all over the place.


Father, in the name of Jesus, I just brake curses coming against this message and against this meeting. I ask that you defend us, that you tear down any walls in oppo- -- I can't even talk. And oppositions coming against us. We just rebuke you. We command you to flee from this meeting, to get off of my mind. And so we ask you, father, for the power of your deliverance and the protection.


Eve is married to Satan. She's produced the carnal mind. Christ is committing a legal -- I'm sorry. The Lord is -- by his Holy Spirit, is committing legal adultery. He is having sex with Satan's wife, Eve, and he is producing his offspring, Christ, right in the midst of Eve, her husband, Satan, and the carnal mind, which are all one. When Christ appears, he shall separate Eve from Satan and from the carnal mind. That is the second woe.


And when Christ appears in the human spirit, that's the four angels, he's going to separate him from Satan and the carnal mind which were joined to the human spirit before Christ appeared in her. And Christ in full stature was separated from Satan and the carnal mind of natural man, having been spiritually prepared for the time period in which the light of almighty God would appear and confront the souls of men, even at the end of the natural lifetime of the Adamic man, for the purpose of utterly destroying, the spirit which rules the living soul. And the identifying characteristics of the spiritual men which appeared in the realm of appearance was completion of their souls and spirits and the fulfillment of the law in their souls and spirits. This is the identifying mark of the Sons of God, completed souls and spirits and the fulfillment of the law. You think you're a Son of God, brethren. Are you without sin? You're not, you're not a Son of God. Show me your righteousness, brethren, and I'll believe you.


Verse 17. And this is how I perceived the men in the vision who were in submission to God -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT] spiritual life that rule them. Who's the spiritual life that ruled the men that were in submission to God, anybody? Christ, of Jesus Christ. The spirit of Jesus Christ has become the minds of the -- the mind of the men who are the Sons of God. They had armor made of the spirit of God, of the castrated Satan, of Adam and of Christ. And the souls of the men who were in submission to God were intense and aggressive with the mental and moral strength to venture, persevere and withstand danger, fear or difficulty. And the father, their purified human spirit and Christ could be seen in their soul in the realm of appearance.


And I'm just going to go over that because we had a little trouble with it last week. That verse describes the glorified man, brethren. It declares that righteousness has appeared in the minds of these men, and as a result of it, the living soul, each manifestation of it, has been brought into its proper position in submission to Christ. And when Christ is ruling in your mind and the living soul has been bought into proper position, your body shall be changed, and it shall become the glorified body, which is that armor of the spirit of God which dwells in its midst. The glorified body is the armor of almighty God, and that's what that verse describes. Hallelujah.


Verse 18. By these three was the third part of men killed. By which three? By the father, by the Christ and by the purified human spirit. By these three was the third part of men killed by the fire and by the smoke and by the brimstone which issued out of their mouth. And this word killed is Strong's 615. It means to kill outright. We're not talking about the miseries of this world or the separation of the soul from the body. We're talking about outright destruction.


And the third part of men, I remind you, we had this in the first trumpet, is the satanic realm of the mind. The first part of men that was developed was Adam. The second part was Eve. The third part that appears in the Scripture is Satan or the unconscious mind. So by these three, by the father, by the Christ and by the purified human spirit was the satanic realm, the unconscious mind in men that generates every evil thought that propels us to thin either with or without our consent, was killed [UNINTELLIGIBLE] outright. He was killed outright. He was slain. He utterly lost his ability to impulse ungodly thoughts and desires and propensity for sin, into where? Into our conscious mind where we could fall prey to it and do it. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 9:18. And Satan, in the unconscious minds of men, was destroyed by these three elements of God's judgment, by the spirit of almighty God, which is the father and by the purified human spirit, which has produced Christ, and she is now married to Christ, and by the soul of Christ which projected forth from the souls of the Sons of God. And I remind you that all three are one. God the father is in his Christ, and God's wife is the human spirit. The human spirit is God's wife, and Christ's mother. And then Christ is going to rise up and marry the whole living soul. So we not only have legal adultery here, brethren, we have legal incest. We have legal incest. It's legal when God does it. It's not legal when Satan does it. It's not legal when natural man does it. Hallelujah.


Now, we just said that the third part of men, the satanic mind, was utterly destroyed. I want to give you a little comparison. In the first trumpet, we were told that the third part of the trees was burnt up. In the second trumpet, we're told that the third part of the sea that had life died. That was the second trumpet. In the third trumpet, we're told that the third part of the waters became wormwood. In the fourth trumpet, we're told that the third part of the sun, moon and stars was smitten or darkened. Now, all -- this third part, we're all talking about this [UNINTELLIGIBLE] the unconscious mind. In the fifth trumpet, there's nothing about the third part of men's minds. And I'm suggesting to you, the reason for that is that the fifth and the sixth trumpets are really two separate parts of the same event which is the birth and the appearance of Christ in men. The fifth trumpet being his birth and the sixth trumpet being his appearance. And when he's appeared, the third part of men are slain outright. Maybe I'll put that on the board for you. Glory to God. Thank you, Jesus. Wonderful.


Would you do me a favor and separate those pages for me? Just separate them. Thanks a lot. OK. So we have the first trumpet, which is the trees -- the third part of the trees are burnt up. And what we discovered in that hour, when we studied the first trumpet, was the trees symbafi- -- symbolized the Sons of God. Shut that off. I have to pray again. I'm under -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT].


Hallelujah. OK. I'm going to try this again. Glory to God. OK. The first trumpet tells us that the third part or the satanic realm or the unconscious mind of the Sons of God was burnt up. So, apparently, there's two categories of men. There's a first fruits company coming forth that God is doing this working first for the specific purpose of them ministering to other men. So the first trumpet is that the unconscious minds of men, of the Sons of God, are burnt. And when the unconscious mind is burnt, the implication is it's burnt by the spirit of God that's dwelling within them. And that means an exchange is taking place. They now have the mind of Christ because what has utterly burnt their satanic mind is now ruling in their minds.


In the second trumpet, we're told that the third part of the sea -- now, I have a correction for you here. When we did the second trumpet, the Scripture says the third part of the sea that had life died. And what I told you was that it was those people that had Christ in their mind, those people that had birthed Christ. OK. The third part of the sea, the sea of the living soul -- the third part is the satanic realm, and I said the satanic realm of the men that were part of the living soul that had the life of Christ died. They died to the soul realm. That's what I told you. They died to the soul realm.


Well, I didn't quite see it in the fullness of its depth, and this is what the Lord told me. Let me give it to you again. This is the second trumpet. This is the satanic realm, the unconscious mind, of those members of the living soul that had birthed Christ, died. Now, not only did the satanic realm die, but implied here -- here we go again, not stated but implied here. What's the three parts of the satanic realm, anybody remember? No, the three parts of the satanic realm is Satan, Eve and the carnal mind. So, yes, Satan was destroyed. Yes, the carnal mind was destroyed, but was Satan -- but was Eve destroyed? Eve was not destroyed because in order for Satan and the carnal mind to be destroyed, Eve had to have birthed Christ, and she is now married to Christ. She is now married to Christ.


So all of those members of the living soul that have birthed Christ, two things happened to them. Satan was destroyed. The carnal mind was destroyed. Eve was set free from them and birthed the Christ. And I should have put it the other way first. All of those members of the living soul that had birthed Christ, OK, Christ stood up in her, separated her from Satan and from the carnal mind, and destroyed, after he separated her -- destroyed Satan and the carnal mind. So there's two parts to that. Any questions on that? You look confused. Do you understand it? OK. Glory to God.


That was the third part of the sea that had life died. Satan and the carnal mind died. Eve was sep- -- was saved. She was rescued. She was -- and she was married to the -- to Christ. For the second trumpet, let me put this down up here. The second trumpet was Eve births Christ, Satan destroyed, the carnal mind destroyed.


The third trumpet. Glory to God. The third trumpet says that the third part of the waters became wormwood. The unconscious mind of those men that had the Holy Spirit, the unconscious mind of those men that had the Holy Spirit came subject to the bitter judgment of God. The third trumpet. The unconscious minds of believers that would not receive Christ became subject to bitter judgment. Believers that would not receive Christ became subject to bitter judgment, judgment without the benefit of immediate repentance being granted to them.


So what do we have so far? The first trumpet, the unconscious mind of the Sons of God were consumed by the fire of God, and only the mind of Christ prevailed in their mind. The second trumpet, Eve births Christ. Satan is destroyed, and the carnal mind is destroyed. Glory to God. Let me look at that again, the second trumpet. The third part of the men in the li- -- in the sea that had life, those people that had birthed Christ took it a step further. Satan -- Christ stood up in full stature and destroyed Satan in the carnal mind. In the third trumpet, the believers that had the Holy Spirit that had not received Christ lost their chance and received bitter judgment. The fourth trumpet says that the third part of the sun, moon and stars, the unconscious mind, the satanic realm, of the sun, moon and stars was darkened. So that's the whole living soul, the mind of the living soul in the fourth trumpet. the satanic influence on men was covered over. It couldn't manifest anymore. Glory to God.


And the fifth trumpet. There is nothing in the Scriptures on the fifth trumpet that says the third part of men -- that something happened to the third part of men, and that's because the fifth and the sixth trumpets are two parts of one event, which is the appearance of Christ. In the fifth trumpet, Christ is birthed in the many members of the living soul. In the sixth trumpet, he stands up in full spiritual power and appears. And when he appears, in the sixth trumpet, the third part of men is killed outright, the unconscious minds of men, the satanic realm of men is killed outright. He's utterly finished, satanic mind utterly destroyed. Glory to God.


So in the first trumpet, God is dealing with the Sons of God, the first fruits company. In the second trumpet, God is dealing with those members of the living soul. And I remind you, they may never go to church. There are people out there that have Christ in their heart. They're a law unto themselves, and that's the second trumpet. When that second trumpet sounds, Christ is going to stand up in them and destroy their carnal mind. And when the third trumpet blows, believers that had the Holy Spirit but have refused to consummate the marriage with their -- with the Holy Spirit. They have refused to have sex with the Holy Spirit. They are going to lose their opportunity to birth the Christ, and they're going to become subject to bitter judgment with no opportunity to repent in sight.


When the fourth trumpet sounds, the satanic influence on the minds of the whole living soul is going to be brought under submission to the authority of Christ. And in the sixth trumpet, the mind of Satan, in the whole living soul, shall be utterly destroyed. Any quest- -- I know this is confusing. Any questions in this area right now? No questions. OK. So -- you have a question?


About the Holy Spirit. Where is [?the line?] with that? If they don't receive Christ -- they have the Holy Spirit and they're not receiving from the Holy Spirit. I don't understand [INAUDIBLE]


OK. I think I understand your question. There are men on the face of the Earth today that have received the Holy Spirit of promise. The promise -- the fulfillment of the promises is in Christ. The end of the promise is in Christ. For you to receive the fullness of the promise, Christ has to appear in you. And there are a group of men in the church today, by and large the majority of them, that will not consummate their marriage with the Holy Spirit. They will not have sex with him because if they were, Christ would appear in them. Now, exactly what the details are for each individual man, I don't know, but by and large, I would say, they're rejecting -- I can't even say they're rejecting the message of the Son because you can't get the message of the Son unless God gives it to you. So all that I can tell you is that God's looking upon their heart, and their heart isn't right.


Because what's the job of the Holy Spirit? Do you remember? He comes to convince us of sin. The Holy Spirit comes to convince us of sin, so maybe they're not repentant. I don't know. It's not my job to look on any man's heart and determine why he hasn't birthed the Son of God. That's not -- God hasn't given me that ministry, unless he'll send me to one person. Do you understand what I'm saying? He's going to each individual person, and if that person has the Holy Spirit and they haven't birthed the Son, it's because something is wrong in their heart. And the Lord just spoke to me, and he told me chances are, 99 out of 100 chances, it's because they're Pharisees. And what was the major sin of the Pharisees? Anybody? Pride. And why pride? How would pride stop us from birthing the Son? We want to be glorified as men. We don't want Christ appearing in us and swallowing us up. We don't want -- well, I don't want to say we. Forgive me. You know, the people that whe- -- that haven't birthed Christ that refuse to receive Christ, they do not want to be the horse of the Lord. They do not want a bit in their mouth and reigns on them. They do not want to be controlled. Does anybody know what they want to do? Yeah?               




Amen, amen. They want to rule the Holy Spirit. They want to lay hold of the Holy Spirit and make him the horse, and they want to be the rider. They want to do magical tricks with the supernatural power of almighty God. So when you ask me the question, I didn't know the answer, but the Lord gave it to me as I stumbled around here today. The answer is, men that have the Holy Spirit that do not birth the Christ have pride, the pride of man that want to rule, even over God. Did I answer your question? OK. Glory to God. OK. Thank you, Jesus. This is a hard word, hard word. OK. Glory to God.


Verse 19. For their power -- we're talking about the manifested Sons of God now, not the impart Sons of God that we see in the earth today but the manifested Sons of God that have stood up in full righteousness and utterly overcome their carnal mind. For their power is in their mouth, and in their tails: for their tails were like unto serpents, and had heads, and with them they do hurt.


And I just to put it on this message. I want to remind everybody here, and I want it on the message just in case someone's listening to this one out of nowhere. Yes, God uses the descriptive words such as hurt and scorpions and words that to the mind of man are anything but what you would choose to represent God. He uses these words to describe the ministry of the Sons of God towards men because this is how men will see them. This is how men will see them. He's trying to impart to us the understanding that when those men manifesting the mind of Christ are -- confront the men who are manifesting the m- -- the satanic mind, those men that are manifesting the satanic mind will perceive the Sons of God as evil, as hurtful, as low-grade animals such as scorpions. They're going to perceive them as  their enemies. Is that clear? That's why God's describing the Sons of God in this manner, which is a question that baffles many people in the church world. They say, well, you know, why would God use these -- that can't be the Sons of God. Why would God use these words to describe them? Because to the minds of men, that's how they're going to see them.


For their power, the power of the Sons of God, is in their mouth. And this word power is Strong's 1849. I remind you, there are two Greek words that could be translated power. This is the word exousia. It means delegated authority. They are moving in the authority of almighty God, and that -- the authority is appearing in their mouth. I remind you, we're not going to walk around with a New York City Police uniform on. We are not going to have handcuffs hanging from our belt. We are not going to have a gun hanging on our waist. Our authority to do hurt is in the spoken word. Glory to God.


We've got to switch over from using typewriters to using computers. We talked about this on one of the most recent messages. We've got to learn how to stop using our hands to get things done and start using our spiritual authority which manifests in the spoken word. And a lot of Christians as -- me too, you know, it's a tough transition, but we've got to ask God to get us through it. We've got to trans- -- we've got to get through. We've got to go over. We've got to go over to the other side. Hallelujah.


So their power is in their spoken word and in their tails. Their power is in two places. It's in the spoken word, and it's in their tails. Glory to God. Now, the word tails, we have this on the last message, and we said that the tail is the backside. It's the end part. And we said that man is made of two parts. Well, we know he's body, soul and spirit, but the body is merely a slave that responds to the ruling spiritual force. So if we eliminate the body, man is made of two parts, soul and spirit, and the lower part is the soul, and the higher part is the spirit. We established this even on last -- let's see, on the last message or the message before that. And their pow- -- so their power's in their spoken word and in their souls because -- well, what do you mean it's in the spoken word and in their souls? Because for their tails, for their souls, were like unto serpents.


The word serpents is Strong's 3781, and it's through the idea of sharpness of vision. And I remind you that Satan is the serpent. And I continue to remind you that the serpent is the fallen man. He is the fallen Adam, and we have messages on that if you'd like to review it. You can review message number 35, part three, and message number 40, part two, where we give Scriptures and establish the fact that the serpent is the fallen man or man ruled by Satan, as opposed to man ruled by Christ.


So they had power in their mouth and in their souls because their souls were like unto serpents. Their souls were like unto fallen men. And they had heads. The word head, we've had this before. And the word head also typifies soul. Now, what have we got here? This is the confusing verse. I'm going to go through it slowly. I'll take any questions as we go on this. We have two words here, that we have already established on previous messages, typify soul, the word tail and the word head. Well, what is God talking about here? It's been my experience in the Scriptures, brethren, that when God uses two different English words that could be translated the same way, he's talking about shades of difference. Let me give you an example.


I'm going to read you my note. I don't want to risk missing anything. OK. It usually means a shade of difference or two different varieties of the same thing, such as the Adamic soul and the soul of Christ. [AUDIO CUTS OUT] [INAUDIBLE] head and tail, both meaning soul, one meaning the soul of Christ and one meaning the soul of Adam. And I remind you that the book of Revelation is a book of symbols. If you don't know -- if you don't have this revelation before you go through the book of Revelation, you're just not going to understand what the Lord's talking about. And if you recall, when he first put us in this study in the book of Revelation, he told me, and I know that I told you at one or more meetings, that the studies that we had had before we started the book of Revelation was specifically designed by God to impart to us the revelation that was necessary for us to understand the book of Revelation. And anybody that writes to me asking for these messages, I'll send it to them if they want it. But I suggest to them that they listen to several of the foundational series first to prepare themselves with this revelation. Otherwise, you're coming -- you're listening to the Revela- -- the book of Revelation messages without the proper background. God could quicken it to you if he wants to, but if you really want to understand in depth, you're best off studying these foundational series. OK.


What have we got in this tough verse 19? For their authority is in their mouth, in the spoken word, and it's also in their souls because their souls were like unto fallen men which had souls. Their souls were like unto souls, and with them they do hurt. Well, let's try and understand this confusion. The word hurt, I remind you, means -- we studied that in a recent message, 47, part two. And we established that when God hurts somebody, it's referring to forcing his mind on them. And when someone is manifesting the Adamic mind, the mind of Satan, and Christ moves upon them to put them underfoot and cause them to think with his mind, from the opinion of that man that this is happening to, brethren, he's being hurt because there's another power in his mind that's trying to change his mind. We've called it legal mind control. Only Jesus Christ can do it. Man tries to do it, and it's illegal, punishable by death. Well, what have we got here? Well, their authority is in the spoken word and in their souls, one kind of soul. And their souls were like unto fallen men that had souls, and with them they do hurt. Let me read it to you.


Alternate Translation, Revelation -- excuse me. 9:19. Because their authority is in the spoken word and in their souls -- that word for can be translated because. Because their authority is in the spoken word and in their souls because their souls are like fallen men which had a spiritual authority, even Christ, and the soul of Christ kept the Adamic soul underfoot. I'm going to have to take this a few words at a time because I know it's not clear to you. OK.


Let me get back to verse 18 so we can run this through. And Satan in the unconscious minds of men was destroyed by these three elements of God's judgment, by the spirit of almighty God and by the purified human spirit and by the soul of Christ, which projected forth from the souls of the Sons of God. Now, remember, and Satan in the unconscious mind was destroyed. OK. Verse 19. But -- because Satan, in the unconscious mind -- verse 18 -- verse 19 -- was destroyed because their authority -- whose authority? The Sons of God authority, is in the spoken word and it's in their souls. Well, how come this authority is in their souls? It's in their souls. This authority is in the souls of the Sons of God because their souls were like fallen men, which had a spiritual authority, even the soul of Christ. Hallelujah. They had this authority in their souls because their fallen souls had come in submission to the authority of Christ. That's why they had authority in the spoken word and in their souls, because it wasn't the Adamic soul. The Adamic soul had come in authority in submission to the soul of Christ. I'm going to read you the whole thing, and then we'll go over it again.


Verse 19, Alternate Translation. They -- the satanic -- and Satan, in the unconscious minds of men was destroyed, verse 18. Verse 19. Because their authority, the authority of the Sons of God, is in the spoken word and it's in their souls. Well, how come they have authority in their souls and I don’t? Because their souls were like fallen men which had a spiritual authority, even Christ, and the soul of Christ kept the Adamic soul underfoot. And I don't have that authority because Christ in me has not yet put the Adamic soul underfoot. Any questions on this at all?


I'm going to read the two verses together, verse 18 and 19. And Satan, in the unconscious minds of men, was destroyed by these three elements of God's judgment, by the spirit of almighty God and by the purified human spirit and by the soul of Christ which projected forth from the souls of the Sons of God. Satan was destroyed because their authority, the Sons of God authority, is in the spoken word and in their souls. And they had authority in the spoken word and in their souls because their souls were like fallen men. That's the Adamic soul, which had a spiritual authority, that's the soul of Christ. And the soul of Christ kept the Adamic soul underfoot. They had two souls, and Christ was ruling and reigning over Adam. Everyone here has two souls. If you're listening to this message, you most likely have two souls, but, brethren, who's ruling? Who's ruling? 100 percent of the time, who's ruling? Answer the question, and you'll know why you have only limited authority in the spoken word and out of your soul. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


Now, I had hoped here to do a comparison for you on the locusts and the horsemen which typify the four angels. The four angels appear in the human spirit, and when they take form in the natural, the Scripture, in verse 16 of chapter 9, describes them as horsemen. And I just didn't have time to do it, so I'm going to put it on next week's message.


Now, in chapter 9, the locusts were on horses, and they had breastplates, and they had very similar qualities to the horsemen that appear in chapter 16 of -- in verse 16 of chapter 9. And what I've suggested to you earlier is that the locusts are the Christ that has been birthed. And the horsemen typify Christ in full stature. And Lord willing, on the next message, I'll give you a detail by detail comparison. I just didn't have time to do it. OK.


Going on with verse 20. And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of these hands -- of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk. Now, that's verse 20, and it was -- it's following through from verse 19, which says, for their power is in their mouth. No, I think it goes back to 18. By these three was the third part of men killed. OK. And they were killed by the Christ -- the soul of Christ putting Adam underfoot. And the rest of men -- verse 20. And the rest of men which were not killed by these plagues that were visited upon the satanic or the unconscious mind, they would not repent -- not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk.


Now, we have to establish the rest of men before we continue. We -- the reaction of the carnal mind to this Scripture would be that we're dealing with another category of men. But I suggest to you that Christ has already dealt with the human spirit. How? How has he dealt with the human spirit, anybody, anybody? Christ has appeared in her. He separated her from her husband. He's purified her, and he's -- and the father has birthed Christ in her. The human spirit is now purified and dealt with by almighty God. And I suggest to you that he has also dealt with the satanic realm. We just read about that in verse 18 and verse 17, where -- and verse 19. 17, 18 and 19, the satanic realm was utterly slain. Why? Because the mind of Christ has put the satanic mind underfoot.


Now, what has not been dealt with? What are the three parts of man? What are the three parts of men? Adam, Eve and darkness. Adam, Eve and Satan. We have dealt with Eve. She is the human spirit. We have dealt with Satan. He is the unconscious mind. So there is one third of the minds of men that has not yet been dealt with, and I suggest to you that this word rest is talking about Adam, the conscious mind. And this word rest is Strong's 3062. It means remaining ones, other residue, remainder. And what's interesting is that it's a masculine word, and we've been teaching here that the living soul is feminine in relationship of God. It's the masculine plural of Strong's 3007, which means forsaken, inferior, lacking. And I'm going to suggest to you that the Holy Spirit in this Scripture called it masculine because the conscious mind of man is standing up in its own strength, outright opposing God, declaring its manhood, refusing to accept the fact of its weakness and its incompleteness and it's neces- -- and the necessity of it having a male head over it. It's utterly denying this. And God lets the Holy Spirit call this word rest masculine plural because there are many conscious minds. There are many souls. And it's masculine because the Holy Spirit is trying to impart to us the understanding of the state of mind of the consciousness of men.


Now, what does this imply? This is very deep. The unconscious mind has been destroyed. There's no more evil from the depths of our heart, subtly saying to us, sin, fornicate, hate, use witchcraft. The whisperer has been destroyed. Eve is no longer producing demons because her husband has been castrated. She's been purified, and she's producing Christ and the fruits of the spirit. Well, why does not the conscious minds of men stop sinning? Why doesn't he stop sinning? Christ is his unconscious mind. Christ is his spirit. Why does he continue to sin? Because he loves the darkness, brethren. He loves the darkness. Why? Because his deeds are evil. He doesn't want to go over to Christ. The conscious mind of man is still rebelling. He no longer has the excuse that Satan is stronger than he is and he can't resist. He no longer has the excuse that it's a demon in his heart that's making him do it. All of his excuses have been whipped out. And according to the Scripture, men in the world in this condition will still continue to sin because their conscious mind, that which we are -- I hope we're not in that category. I don't think so. That which they are shall love their sins to the fullest extent [?of their?] still not receiving Christ. They have all the power necessary to stop sinning, and they don't want to. And they hated the light, I believe the Scripture says. And they hated the light, why? Because their deeds were evil. Glory to God.


Now, I want to show you something that God gave me as I was meditating on this writing on Northern State Parkway last night, I got a ticket. And the policeman said to me, didn't you see me? You passed me by. And I said no. He said, how come you didn't see me? I said, well, I had something on my mind. Now, this is what I was meditating on, brethren. God gave it to me as I was driving along Northern State Parkway last night. Hallelujah. He was a very nice policeman. He gave me the minimum penalty, and I bless him. Glory to God. OK. He told me that there's two -- would you do me a favor? There are Handi Wipes in there for this board. Maybe I can erase this a little better, if you could pull one out for me.




Yeah [INAUDIBLE] see if that'll come off. Thank you. Hallelujah. He told me that there are really just two categories of men. That's what he told me, that there are two categories of men. And those are men that would stop sinning if they could and men that would not stop sinning even if they could. But it's even deeper than that. It's even deeper than that. He told me that there's two categories of men, those have the Lord God written in their heart and those that don’t. And I remind you, we've been talking about it for weeks. There are men in the Earth that have the Lord God written in their heart. Christ is in them when they're birthed. They're birthed with a fertilized spirit, or it happens somewhere along the line. And they're not in church, and many of them aren't Christian. And don't -- those of you listening to this message, don't crucify me until you hear me out. It has to be developed. I'm not saying they're going to receive eternal life has Hindus and Buddhists. I'm saying that the spirit of Jesus Christ has quickened in their spirits, and now it has to be developed. They have to get teaching. And, yes, they have to receive all of the true gospel of God, not the false gospel being spouted by the pharasitical church today. OK.


I hope I made that clear. Somewhere along the line, there's going to be someone that's going to just believe what they want to believe, and there's nothing I could do about it. OK. There's two categories of men, those that have Christ, OK, and those that do not have Christ. Each of these categories is broken into two parts. In those that have Christ, there are those who are Christians, like we are. We're working on it. We're studying. We're exposing ourself [sic] to spiritual ministry. We're seeking deliverance with all our heart and soul. We're repenting. We have the knowledge that we're supposed to do this, and we're pursuing it with everything we've got. That's this category. They have Christ in their heart.


The second group of people in this category are those that are without knowledge. They're either without the knowledge that we have, or without the calling. God has just permitted them to remain with the spirit of Christ in an embryonic form, for whatever his wisdom -- I don't know. He doesn't consult me. There are people in this Earth that have the spirit of Christ. They're in two categories. They're seeking to develop that embryo with everything in their power and those that are either without knowledge, or God hasn't called them to where we are.


The second category of men, they do not have Christ, and they're in two categories also. And the first category is the same as this. They're utterly without knowledge or they're utterly without the calling. They don't have Christ. They're not pursuing it. They're not trying. They're just out there doing their thing.


And the second category, hold onto your hat. A lot of people are going to get mad at me for this. The second category are the believers in the churches, the believers in the church world. There are believers -- the church is filled with believers that do not have Christ in their heart. But God has had mercy on them. They've had a drug problem. They've had an alcohol problem. They were dying from infirmity. Something was so desperate in their life that at some point, they cried out to God. They knew of God. They had heard of him. OK. The Scripture talks about people knowing of God, knowing of him but not knowing his ways. Most people knows God. To put a gun to anybody -- put a gun to an atheist's head, and he's going to get down on his knees and start asking God to help him. A lot of people will tell you that. People that never believed in God, put them into a -- put them in the army and put them in the middle of Vietnam. They get down on their knees saying, God, help me. It's just human nature, brethren. A lot of people receive the Holy Spirit in an act of God's mercy. They would die without [INAUDIBLE] because of your faith.


And what does he do with them? He puts them in the church. He gives them his Holy Spirit. And they dance and they sing and the jump around, and they preach false doctrine. Do you hear this? Do you hear it? There's a true Israel in this hour. Well, we know the whole living soul is Israel in this hour, but all of Israel is not Israel. They're all not called in this hour. And those that do not have Christ, those that do not have him in any form ,their descendants will have him. If their bodies that they're in now corrupt before the root of Christ is imparted to them, their descendants will receive Christ because the entire living soul is going to be saved. But in this hour -- on the Earth, in this hour, there's two categories of men because all Israel isn't Israel. And the true Israel is in two parts, those that are in the church and those that are out of the church. And the false Israel is in two parts, those that are in the church and those that are out of the church. Hear it. Oh, they're not going to like that. Glory to God. Hallelujah. It's the truth.


You'll get your turn to, but you've got to repent. You've got to repent. You've got to repent. You've got to repent. You're not getting this thing without repentance. I don't care how much money you give to the church. I don't care. You're not getting it. I'm telling you. I don't care how nicely you prophesy. I don't care how sweet your tongues are, and I don't care if you're on the floor casting out demons 24 hours a day. You're not getting this thing without repentance.


And the rest of the men, the Adamic mind, he's the only one left. The conscious mind of men, which was not killed by these plagues, they yet repented not of the works of their hands. Glory to God. The word men, I'd like to point out to you, is Strong's 444, and there's more than one word translated men in this Scripture. This is the word that really means -- it's anthropos. You may have hear of anthropology, the English word anthropology. It really means man-faced creature. That means that either the Adamic man or the man -- the glorified man of Christ can be described by this word men. And if you look at the words that describe Jesus, in his glorified condition, it's this word, anthropos. It's the same thing as saying there was a Neanderthal man, and he is -- was just as much a man as we are men. We are so far advanced of him, but even -- you know, science in our society does not deny him his manhood. Neanderthal men, he was a beast, if he even existed. He's a theory. I don't really even know. But just to make the point. They call him Neanderthal man, and we are modern man. Well, there is Adamic man, and there is the man of Christ. So it's just a generic term. It's a general term that means man-faced creature. It has nothing to do with the condition of his development. It's just he's a man-faced creature. Glory to God.


So let's try and find out what this verse is saying. And the rest of the member- -- conscious minds of men which were not killed by these plagues that were specifically directed towards the unconscious mind, they still wouldn't repent of the works of their hands. Now, this word plague is Strong's 4127, and it's an important word because it means stroke, stripe, wound, calamity. And it's from 4141, which is another form of the word meaning to shape, through the idea of flattening out, to pound, a single stroke. And what I'm suggesting to you is that the root of this word plague is a word that means to pound into shape. And our minds, brethren, are being pounded into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ. You see, there's a mold that our Adamic mind has to fit into. Right now it exists in the realm of the spirit like a big blob. It's in the right form, you see. It's now functioning, and it's doing evil and harm. But it's got to be forced into the mold, it's going to be forced into the right moral order that's going to make it for- -- that's going to make it fulfill the ful- -- the function that God has called it to. And the way God is bringing the Adamic mind into the correct moral order, brethren, is by beating it black and blue, and I'm sorry if that offends you, but that's what he is doing.


If we are out of the will of God, if he has not called us, if we are outside of God, if we are in total rebellion, we are under the judgments of God which are designed to bring us to repentance. Once you've repented, if you've repented, brethren, and you're still being smitten, Satan is no longer unrestrained. He is the chained, harnessed animal of almighty God that is being permitted to smite you of -- into the image [INAUDIBLE]. Satan is unleashed against you unrestrained. His job is to bring you to repentance. Once you repent, he is restrained. Satan becomes restrained. He comes under the immediate, direct, specific control of almighty God, and whatever he is permitted to do to you is for the specific purpose of bringing, of converting your Adamic mind into the mind of Christ, two different functions of the same creation of God. The first one brings you to repentance. The second one brings you into the image of Christ. Satan cannot touch you without the authority of God. And when Christ appears in you, as we heard in another message, he shall turn away from you, brethren, for ye shall be an [UNINTELLIGIBLE] to him. He will not be able to tolerate being in your presence.


Let's try this again. The word repented is Strong's 3340. It means to think differently. We have to think differently. You have to admit that you're wrong. They wouldn't admit that their thinking was wrong, and the rest of the men, the conscious minds of men, which were not killed by the blows and the stripes that were given to the unconscious mind, they still wouldn't admit that their thinking was wrong. Now, what was their thinking? Their thinking was a reflection of Satan. The originator of their thinking was destroyed, and they still wouldn’t admit that they were wrong.


Did you ever -- you know, I heard a preacher say once that he preached the rapture for years, and he found out that it was wrong, and he wouldn't stop preaching it because he had preached too many messages on the rapture. His unconscious mind was exposed as preaching the wrong thing. It was destroyed. It was wiped out. He didn't believe it anymore, but he wouldn't change his conscious mind. Why? Pride. That's the principle. Can you hear it? That's the principle. The unconscious mind, the source of illegal bondage, the slo- -- the source that made the conscious minds of men slaves to do what it wanted is destroyed, and the conscious mind still believes the old way.


I understand when the emancipated the slaves in the South, there were many that wouldn't leave the plantations. They were free, and they wouldn't go. This is the conscious minds of men. They're still running in the old track. Why? Because they love it. They've gotten to love the sin that Satan has forced it upon you. Hallelujah.


Now, I know I had some Scriptures for you on stripes. Oh, here it is. I put it in the wrong place. OK. And the rest of the men, the conscious minds of men, that were not killed by the plagues, that was specifically designed for the unconscious mind, would not repent. And these plagues are stripes given by God. I see what I did.


Let me read you the Alternate Translation first. Alternate Translation, first half of Revelation 9:20. And man's unconscious mind, the place where all Adamic thoughts originate, was destroyed by the stripes which he gave to pound his mind into the image of Christ. And man's unconscious mind, the place where all Adamic thoughts originate, was destroyed by the stripes that God gave to the unconscious mind to pound that unconscious mind into the image of Christ. But the conscious mind -- and it was accomplished. But the conscious mind of these men was not destroyed, and these men manifesting the conscious mind of Satan still refused to give up the labor, the witchcraft, the mind control and -- the labor, the witchcraft and the mind control of this soul realm which satisfies -- that's a very important word. They wouldn’t give it up because it satisfies their emotions and their need for food and shelter.


They refused to give it up and start seeking the spirit of Christ to meet their needs. Why? They didn't want to switch from the typewriter to the computer, brethren. It caused them to be disoriented. It caused them anxiety. It made them nervous. It made them fearful. They didn't think that they could do it. They didn't believe that they could do it. They ran from the switch. They wanted to cling to the old, familiar ways. And man's unconscious mind, the place where all Adamic thoughts originate, was destroyed by the stripes which he gave to pound his mind into the image of Christ. But the conscious minds of those men was not destroyed, and they still refused to give up the labor, witchcraft and mind control of this soul realm, which satisfies their emotions and their need for food and shelter, and to start seeking the spirit of Christ to meet their needs. They either didn't believe they could do it, or they didn't believe that Christ could do it better. They're caught in the groove. They can't get out.


Luke 12:47 to 48. This is a witness I have for you with regard to the fact that God is beating us. And that servant, which knew his Lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. If you know the Lord's will, if you have some knowledge, if you're called to deliverance and you -- but, what's the Lord's will? That you should all repent and receive the glory of God. That's the will of the Lord, full salvation for everybody. And that servant, which knew his Lord's will, and prepared not himself, he wouldn't repent, and he wouldn't submit to the deliverance, and he wouldn't attempt to change his ways, he shall be beaten with many stripes. Satan's going to be leashed against -- unleashed against him, brethren. Yes, a believer, Satan unleashed against a believer. Amen.


Verse 48. But he that knew not, he that didn't -- wasn’t' aware of the rules and the teachings of God. But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to him -- and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more. Now, the servant that knew his Lord's will and didn't do it, what spirit was operating in him? Rebellion. I suggest to you rebellion. Rebellion, as the sin of witchcraft, it's wicked, and it requires many stripes. The servant that was ignorant did not necessarily have rebellion. They were doing the same deeds, now. One man had rebellion, and the other man was just ignorant. Now, the ignorant man still had to be beaten. Why? Because he had to come to the place where he's going to say, God, why is this happening to me? He has to find out that he's wrong, so he's going to get enough stories to make him start questioning.


But the believer that's in the church world, those that have seen the power of God and tasted of the word of the spirit and partaking of the miracles of the world to come and still willfully sin, there's nothing left for them but burning, brethren, and the harsh judgment of almighty God. Why? Because their grou- -- the ground of their soul is nigh unto cursing. They must have severe curses on their life to make their mind so reprobate that being subjected to a ministry like this, for example, they could go out and willfully, knowingly sin. They've got to be beaten. Why? Not because God is a tyrant. Because he wants to bring your mind into c- -- into the formation of the mind of Christ, and your mind is so reprobate that the only way he's going to do it is to unleash Satan against you. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] OK. Glory to God.


Going on. Because their authority -- I'm sorry, wrong verse. And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands. Glory to God, of the works of their hands. That they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk. Now, this word idols -- we have a message on idolatry if you'd like to review it, message 16 and message 32, part one, establishing that the true idols are in your heart. The true idols are in your heart. We are commanded not to worship graven images, but the true idols are in your heart. And I remind you that everything that God talks about in the natural is typifying something in the spiritual.


Ezekiel 14:3 says, son of man, these men have set up their idols in their heart, and put the stumbling block of their iniquity before their face: should I be enquired of them? This is God almighty speaking to his prophet saying, look at these people. They directed idols in their heart. And I'm going to suggest to you that the ultimate idol that's in your heart is the image of man. These Hebrews were worshipping the satan- -- they were submitting to, which is worship is, the satanic mind instead of the mind of almighty God, which had been imparted to Israel. And almighty God said to this prophet, shall I be enquired of them? Shall I let them come to me and seek counsel? Shall I minister to their needs? Shall I answer their prayers? They're worshipping the satanic mind. So the idols are in our heart. The ultimate idol is the image of the natural man, which is Satan. And he had many children, which we call demons. Glory to God.


That they should not worship devils. Devils are demons. Now, if you check that out in the Greek, the correct word is demons, and I'm not going to go into any teaching on demons here. If you're hearing this message and you want more teaching on demons, write to me. I just can't stop right now. This is a long message.


The word idols is 1497, and Strong's says that an idol is an image or a heathen god, and it's from the root 1491, which means form, appearance, shape. Idols refer to the form, appearance or shape that the living soul takes in the realm of appearance. And the living soul appears in the realm of appearance in two formations. He appears as a human body, and he also appears in behavior. So when we're talking about idolatry here, it could be -- have anything at all to do with a natural man. We could idolize a man. We could idolize his accomplishments. We could idolize the way he looks. We could idolize anything about him. And we can also idolize behavior. Isn't he sophisticated? Isn't it great the way he handles himself? I want to be just like him. It's idolatry, brethren. You're supposed to be like Jesus.


Let's -- this sounds like such a simple verse, but it's really very deep. Let's try and get some understanding. That they should not worship devils. Now, I remind you that the word worship means to submit to. You should not submit to the demons, brethren. We all know that. When a demon whispers in your ear either from your own mind or from someone else's mouth, if you hold it up against the word of God and they're suggesting something ungodly to you, you're supposed to resist. If you don't resist, you worship them. And even if you've tried to resist and you fall prey to it, you still worship them.


That's why you have to repent and get deliverance. You have worshipped them. Did you know that when a demon tells you to do something and you did it, you worship that demon? Whether the demon comes out of the TV, whether it comes out of the legislature, whether it comes out of your mother -- your natural mother, father, another believer or the pastor of your church, you are required by God to discern the spirit. And if it's a demon and you do it, you have worshipped that demon. Don't tell me your pastor told you to do it, brethren, because you need deliverance for every time you've ever done what a man has told you to do and it's been wrong.


Now, don't get into a fit of religious hysteria. If you don't know about it, God's going to bring it to your memory. And don't argue with him. Just repent and get the deliverance. We've all done all kinds of things that we don't even remember or know about. In due season and in proper order, God will bring it to our mind and deal with it. Hallelujah. But don't tell me that someone has authority over you and it's OK because they told you to do it. It's not OK. It's not OK. It's not OK. OK.


That they should not worship devils, neither shall they worship idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and wood. Well, I'm going to suggest to you that this has a natural interpretation and a spiritual interpretation. I believe that we are not supposed to worship idols. The big question -- and I really don't have an honest answer for you. I asked the Lord, and he hasn't told me, so anything I say here is my opinion now. I believe -- well, this is not my opinion. I believe -- this is a New Testament Scripture that clearly states we're not to worship three-dimensional idols. Now, the question is, what does worship mean? I personally do not have three-dimensional images in my house. And any -- I have very few pictures, and what I have are very muted, subtle pictures.  And I'm not even sure about that. I just did it in the last couple of years. I do not have specific pictures that are imitations of real life living things. They don't seem to have much problem with the water or boats or scenery, but I don't have images of men, specifically on pictures. Three-dimensionally, I wouldn't have anything in the house. OK.


Now, the question is, can you have a three-dimensional image if you don't worship? Well, I don't have it, brethren. I wouldn’t even try to tell you whether to have it or not. But I'm telling you that it's not clear in my mind that it's OK, obviously because I don't have it. And I can't -- God has not given me an explanation, but I will tell you this, it's very strong on my heart, for me, not to have a three-dimensional image in my house. It's not just that I think. It's a very real spiritual reality to me, that there's no way -- I ha- -- God hasn't given me anything to give to you that would say this is why. This is why, it's new covenant, and the true idols are in our heart. I believe the true idols are in our heart. So why can't we have a three-dimensional image? I'm not going to worship it. Well, I might look at it and admire it, but I'm not going to do what it tells me. Well, if I idolize that man because he's such a great baseball player -- if I could, I'd be a baseball player.. But if I idolize a stone image, what is -- I can't be a stone image. I'm just admiring it. I don't know what the answer is, brethren, but I wouldn't do it. And my advice to you is, if you haven't gotten a clear word from the Lord to do it, if it was me, I wouldn't take the chance. That's my council to you, but I don't have anything straight from God, so you do with it what you want. And I love you whether you have three-dimensional images or not. It's not my business to judge you.


I -- there's -- one of my best friends has a whole house full of -- her whole house full of images. She's got cabinets filled with them all over her house. And I know she loves the Lord. I know she loves God. She's in a deep walk. She gets all the messages from this ministry. She serves God to the best of her ability, and she's just not convicted of idols. So I'm no judging you. It's between you and God. I'm trying to help you to find your way. OK.


So we're going to find out what this verse means both on a natural level and a spiritual level, that they should not worship idols of gold and silver and brass and stone and wood, which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk. OK. Now, I have message 18, part one, which talks about the submission of the soul. What did I do here? There was something else that I left out. God just reminded me.


I just went back to 20 because I forgot to tell you something with regard to that word, men, the rest of the men. That word the is not in the Greek, so the way the verse really reads is, and the rest of men, which makes -- which will -- if you're having any problem with believing that what the Scripture's talking about is the conscious, Adamic mind, it should make it easier for you to understand. The Scripture should read, according to the Greek, and the rest of men, not the rest of the men, the rest of men. OK. Glory to God.


We are back in -- oh, this is the -- that was the first part of 20. Now we're back in the second part of 20. And I had a note for you here that if you want to study other messages about not worshipping idols, you can review message 18, part one. Glory to God. OK.


Now, this word in this phrase, that they should not worship idols. I suggest to you that the tense of the Greek is wrong. That form of the verb, they should not worship devils, is a wrong translation. And the King James [?too?] says they shall not worship. In other words, you're not going to do it. You sho- -- they sho- -- God's going to do something to you. He's going to sting you with his mind so that you're going to receive the ability to not worship idols. The tense should be shall not worship. Glory to God. OK.


Now we're down to golden idols, that they should not worship devils and idols of gold. That means golden idols, and gold typifies deity. And this refers to images or idols that are worshipped as God. And I'm sorry -- you know, if you're a Catholic, I'm not against you. I love you as a human being, and I appreciate you, but if you are worshipping three-dimensional images, if you are bowing before them, if you are calling them God, if you are submitting to their counsel in any way, if you are lighting incense or candles to them, brethren, you are guilty of worshipping golden idols, idols that typify deity. And God is not pleased with this behavior. He loves you as a human being, but every human being attempting to serve him in this hour is in error in some area of their life.


This is a very sensitive, touchy issue. If you are Catholic or Greek Orthodox or if you're not either of those and you have a -- well, I'm going to stay with the three-dimensionals right now. If you are worshipping an image -- no, I'll put it in. If you have a picture of Jesus on your wall and you talk to him every day, brethren, you are guilty of worshipping golden idols. The Lord would like you to stop. And I've said it to you, and you have heard it. And from this point forward, it is between you and God. I will not do anything to try to cause you to stop. I've imparted. I've fulfilled the role of a prophet to you, and I've imparted the knowledge to you of what displeases God. And I will suggest to you that based on all of my knowledge and experience in God, if you don't submit, he will come to you gently and confirm what I've said to you. I don't know for how long, for a month, a week, for 10 years. I don't know. But when the Lord God almighty determines that it's time to not be gentle anymore, the judgments will begin to fall on you in strength because there's no way you're entering into the kingdom while you're performing this behavior. You've got to stop, not at my timing or at my will but at God almighty's timing and at God almighty's will.


And I happen to personally believe that there are men and women that call themselves Catholics that go to the Catholic church that worship idols, that go to mass, which is another form of idolatry, that have the spirit of God. I believe that. There was a time that I was taught otherwise, and I didn't believe it. I believe it today. But I will tell you this, that you fa- -- in my opinion, you fall into the same category as -- or within the category of the believers in the church that have the Holy Spirit that are refusing to bring forth the son, because you can't bring forth the son while you won't let go of your idolatry. And the day is going to come that you -- the -- the cutoff period's going to come, and if -- you're going to lose what you have of God, and you're going to fully back into the idolatry of the Roman Catholic system. Glory to God.


If I've offended you, I'm sorry. I just ask that you pray about it. I'm being faithful to God. I'm telling you the truth. OK. So we know golden idols are three-dimensional images that represent God, and I include in that a flat picture of Jesus or any kind of saint, any image that you perceive to be God or representative of God. If you're worshipping at that image, you're guilty of worshipping golden idols.


So we're also talking about silver, idols of silver, brass, and stone, and wood. Brass typifies the judgment, which is Satan. We've had many messages on that, that brass typified Satan. Stone typifies the human spirit. I've spoken about this on many messages, that stone typifies spirit.


And wood, we've spoken about this on other messages also, typifies the Adamic soul. God tells us in parable form that he cut a tree out of the garden. He cut a tree out of -- he said there are two trees in the garden. There was the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And [?I may?] not know it, but God cut down the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and he's cutting it all up, and he's going to make a man out of it. God is the carpenter. You see, first he grew the tree, and then he cut it down. When Adam fell, the tree was cut down. And what the Lord is doing right now is that he's carving the tree trunk into the image of almighty God, and wood typifies the Adamic soul. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Now, the spiritual significance of the silver, brass, stone, wood and gold, it j- -- I'm sorry, just brass, stone and wood. The spiritual significance of that is witchcraft, brass typifying Satan and judgment. Witchcraft, that includes binding and loosing, brethren. If you're trying to force your will on other people, you are performing witchcraft. You are worshipping idols of brass. You're performing witchcraft. You cannot put your law on somebody. I don't care how they're hurting you. I don't care how they're damaging you. If you attempt to bind up their personality or stop their behavior, you are working witchcraft in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. And you're one of these men who will not stop doing the ways of Satan in your conscious mind and turn over your needs in this soul realm to almighty God and see what he's going to do for you. You're still trying to do it yourself. You don't trust God to do it for you. And it's my understanding of the Scripture that you are using witchcraft. If you are a well-meaning believer and have been taught to bind and loose and you're freaking out at this moment, do not panic. Just ask God if it's true. Do not panic. Do not panic. God is very gracious. OK.


So the judgment is witchcraft. The brass typifies witchcraft. And the stone, which is the human spirit, and the wood, which is the Adamic soul, I suggest to you, typifies worshipping men which is humanism, and this includes science, brethren. [?This not only?] is something that might be as simple as worshipping your car or worshipping a sports figure or anyone that's accomp- -- or worshipping the accomplishments or the man who has accomplished any great thing in this earth realm. It goes deeper than that. It includes science, and we're going to go into this a little deeper.


The whole living soul, except for a few members here or there, is utterly blinded to the witchcraft of this society. And I'm declaring to you that science is witchcraft, brethren. I have some definitions I'm going to read to you. These men stand up in three piece suits, and they flaunt PhDs, and they've really established themselves. And they've convinced the whole world that they're legitimate. But there's a saying in the world, brethren, and it's a little vulgar, but God's giving it to me, and I'm going to give it to you. A whore is a whore. You can dress her up and you can put anything you want on her, but she's still a whore, and she stinks from the offense of the sin that's upon her.


And I'm suggesting to you that the entire spiritual -- now, I'm not talking about men. I'm not talking about men. I'm talking about the spiritual kingdoms that are ruling in the men that are totally deceived that are scientists and doctors. The root of it is witchcraft. It's the same spirit that existed thousands of years ago that made magic potions to heal people. It's witchcraft, brethren. Any kind of power outside of God is witchcraft. And if you look up to mankind to meet any one of your problems, and I include science in mankind, you are guilty of worshipping idols of brass, stone and wood.


Now, don't anybody go out and throw their insulin. You know, I've seen this happen to people in churches. People [UNINTELLIGIBLE] they just received Christ. They're as carnal as could be. And they come into a church. I saw it happen. They took his insulin away from him, and the man went into diabetic shock. Now, let's just keep our heads on our shoulders, brethren. This is the way it works. You hear a radical statement like this. You go to the Lord. You say, Lord, is it true? The Lord says to you, yes, it's true. You say to the Lord, what do you want me to do about it? And you don't give up your insulin until you've got one clear word from the Lord that it's time because you could die. God, help us. God, help us. It's going on out there. They take these people's medications away from them.


There's a man that I know. I've been [INAUDIBLE] for 9 years. For years, he harassed me to give up my vitamins, and we all here know what I've gone through with this. No one would want to give it up more than me. The man literally harassed me. I would be over at his house for dinner, and he's harass me to not take it. I could have died. God, help us from these pharasitical Christians. God, help us. Every counsel you get from a minister of Christ, you take it before the Lord, including me. I'm only a man. I could make a mistake. You've got to get your own witness. You pray about everything, brethren. Glory to God. OK.


That they should not worship devils, nor idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see them, nor can hear their prayers, nor can walk with them. The word see is Strong's 991, and it means voluntary observation. They can't see you when you're down there crying at the foot of that idol, brethren. They don't see you crying. They don't hear your words, and neither do they come down and meet you and walk with you in response to those words and those tears.


Alternate Translation, the second half of Revelation 9:20. And to stop worshipping three-dimensional shapes that represent other gods and the Holy Spirit and Jesus. You have to representing shapes that represent Jesus and the Holy Spirit. That's right, your dove pins, that's right, all you born again Christians. You're worshiping other gods. You go flaunting around your dove pin. Don't tell me it's harmless. You're supposed to know better than the guy in the street. And to stop worshiping three-dimensional shapes, and your crosses, brethren, get them off your neck. It's idolatry.


I'll try again. And to stop worshipping three-dimensional shapes that represent other gods and the Holy Spirit, that's the dove, and Jesus, that's a crucifix or your cross, and witchcraft power, that's your binding and loosing, and science, that's all you Christians that are still running to doctors, which cannot see you, nor hear your prayers, nor walk with you. Now, I have not condemned you if you still go to doctors, and I'm going to say this again. I'm sorry if I sound frustrated. I'm going to tell you again, you don't give up your doctors until you get a clear word from the Lord that he's moving you into this deep walk of the realm of the spirit. Excuse me. And one of those signs -- it doesn't have to be a sign to you. But one of those signs frequently is that you go to the doctor and the doctor can't help you. That's frequently a sign that God is moving you into a walk with him where he's going to heal you, but he may have different signs for you.


Seek God. Don't be foolish, brethren. God doesn't want you dead. How can Christ appear in you if your body is dead? He doesn't want your body dead. Use your common sense, and don't tell me that's psychology because it's in this Scripture. It's called prudence. That's what common sense is, and it's in the book of Proverbs. It's also in some of the earlier epistles. Use your brain. Don't get so spiritual that you become a fool because you could lose your body. OK.


And I declare, the Scripture for you typifying or explaining or demonstrating that God does walk with men. Genesis 5:22. And Enoch walked with God, and the Scripture says that these idols, your dove pins and your crosses and your pictures and your slogans and your bookmarks with all your fancy little Scriptures on them, brethren, they don't walk with you. The spirit of God walks with you. You've got to get into the realm of the spirit because these things can't see you and they can't hear you, and they can't walk with you.


And I've got a [?flash?] for you. The book known as the Bible can't see you or hear you or walk with you either. The book made of natural substance, paper which is wood, that is known as the Bible is a carnal expression of the mind of God given to young Christians that cannot hear into the realm of the spirit. And, brethren, I still read my Bible. I am not delivered from that yet. I'm not in the realm where Jesus was where every word written in that book came forth from his spirit. So we need the Bible. God ministers to us through it.


But, brethren, if there's a demons flying around your house, it's not going away because you take a Bible and open the book in your house. I did that when I was young, had a demon flying around my house harassing me. Everybody said, fill the house with Bibles. I had 10 Bibles opened to all the warfare Psalms. Brethren, the only good that could possibly do you is if you're really young and God looks at you and thinks you're cute and has mercy on you. That piece of paper can't see you, can't see your distress, can't hear your petition and cannot rise up out of those pages and defeat that demon.


Christ is in you, brethren. And if you're too young, if you don't have the spiritual authority, you better seek God about who to get in that house that had that spiritual authority that's going to defeat that demon because you could have 25 Bibles, brethren, and there's no spiritual power on that page. I'm telling you the truth. Use the Bible as it's intended to be used. Don't idolize it. God is spirit, and we must worship him in spirit. And in truth, we must worship him by the spirit of the father and the truth which is [AUDIO CUTS OUT] [INAUDIBLE] and thank you, Jesus. Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 9:20. And man's unconscious mind, the place where all Adamic thoughts originate, was destroyed by the stripes which he was given to pound his mind into the image of Christ. But the conscious mind and Adamic conscience of these men, they were not destroyed, and they still refused to give up the labor, witchcraft and mind control of this soul realm which satisfies their emotions and their need for food and shelter and to start seeking the spirit of Christ to meet their needs and to stop worshipping three-dimensional shapes that represent other gods and the Holy Spirit and Jesus and witchcraft power and science.


I want to read that again. It didn't come out right. And they also refused to stop worshipping three-dimensional shapes that represent other gods and the Holy Spirit and Jesus. And they also refused to give up witchcraft power and science, which cannot see you, nor hear your prayers, nor walk with you.


Verse 21. Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts. They wouldn't switch over, brethren. They were on a track, and they couldn't get out of it. That was the only way they knew how to make their living. That was the only they knew how to provide for their needs, and they couldn't, or they wouldn’t switch from that typewriter to that computer. Neither repented they of their murders. Murders, I don't think -- I have to go into that. If you hate your brother, Jesus said, you've murdered him. They wouldn't stop hating, brethren.


And I'm going to do thefts next. Thefts is Strong's 2809, and it means the thing stolen, and I'm s- -- anybody want to take a crack at what the natural man is stealing, anybody? [UNINTELLIGIBLE] OK. He's stealing the souls and the bodies that belong to almighty God. These souls and these bodies that we live in, they're part of the glorified creation of man. And part of the process of getting them glorified is subduing the mind of Satan that now possesses them. And these men would not throw their will in line with Christ and give up these bodies and souls. They're still stealing God's property. And I remind you, it wasn't theft until Jesus appeared at the end of the last age to put away sin. These bodies and souls belonged to Satan by dispensation from God, but after the crucifixion, they now belonged to Jesus Christ. And the minds and the souls of men will not turn them over to the mind of Christ who wants to possess his possession. Jesus taught a parable on that. OK.


Now we're going to do sorceries. I have a few -- I'm sorry I'm so long, but as I explained to you earlier, I'm trying to stay within the framework of -- like, today it's the sixth trumpet. I didn't have enough material to make another message out of it, and that's why this is happening. And that's why sometimes the messages are short, because I'm trying to keep this in an orderly -- this is the most incredible endeavor, going through the whole book of Revelation and trying to keep it in some orderly fashion.


Nor repent did of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornications, nor of their thefts. Sorceries, Strong's 5331. The Greek word is pharmakeia. Is there anybody here that didn't know that? Anybody here that didn't get that teaching on pharmakeia? OK. This is a deliverance teaching. It means the use or administering of drugs. I don't believe it means the abuse of drugs. I believe that it means the use of medication, drugs, to cure your diseases, brethren. And I remind you that diseases are judgments of God, and the ultimate deliverance from them is repentance and the mercy of God which will call off the hoards of hell. Pharmakeia, the use of administering drugs, it also means poisoning, sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it.


And I'm going to suggest to you that drugs are poisonous. If you don't know it, most drugs are poisonous. They're toxic to the body, brethren. They may kill your condition. They may heal you of your condition temporarily, but drugs are toxic, so they're poison. The scientists and the doctors are administering poison to men to keep them alive a little bit longer. Drugs are poisonous, and looking to the medical profession and doctors for healing instead of God is idolatry. It's looking at that man or that system and saying, you have the power to heal me.


I had on TV the other day, some little girl. She won a contest. She got an A+. The question was -- I may not have this right. If you heard it and I'm wrong, well, you can correct me. Something about, what would you do if you made a lot of money? And she said -- oh, it must have been -- had to do with drugs. It had to do with drugs, yeah. You shouldn’t take drugs. It's not good for you. And if I had a lot of money, I would take that money and give it to the scientists and let them find a cure for drugs. She had an A+, and they put her on public TV. Young lady, there's no cure for drugs but repentance of sin and belief and faith in almighty God through his son Jesus Christ. Father, quicken that word to her, I pray in the name of Jesus.


Isaiah 47:9 -- verses 9 to 12. I'm going to show you this in the Old Testament. But these two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood: they shall upon thee in their perfection, and they're complete within their ultimate expression, for the multi- -- why? For the multitude of your sorceries, and for the great abundance of your enhancements. Widowhood and the loss of children. That means loss of children at birth, loss of older children through sickness, loss of children through emotional separation, loss of children. If it's happened to you, there's a curse on you. And guess who's cursed you? Almighty God.


Verse 10. For thou has tru- -- why? Why has God cursed you? This is why? You've trusted in your own wickedness. You've trusted in your own ability to make things right. Thou hast said, none seeth me. Thy wisdom and thy knowledge, it hath perverted thee. Natural man, your wisdom and your knowledge has perverted you. And thou hast said in thine heart, natural man ruled by the spirit of Satan, I am. In case you don't know, that's the name of Jehovah. That's God's name, Satan. Thou hast said in thine heart, I am, and none else beside me. I shall lift my head up above the clouds, and I shall be as God.


Verse 11. Therefore shall evil come upon me. No, you're not innocent. You're not innocent. You're not. Therefore shall evil come upon thee; thou shalt not know from whence it riseth: and mischief shall fall upon thee; thou shalt not be able to put it off. And, brethren, that's my testimony, for those of you that don't me. I couldn’t put it off. And I'm only alive because God has a purpose for me. I couldn’t put the mischief off. Even the doctors couldn't help me. Even the scientists couldn't help me. Nobody could help me. I'm a walking dead man. And desolation shall come upon thee suddenly, which thou shalt not know. It came upon me suddenly, brethren. I was 11 years old. I'm still suffering from it. It came upon me suddenly. All of a sudden I was sick, and all these terrible things are happening to me.


Verse 12. Stand now with thine enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries, wherein thou hast labored from thy youth. Labor, doing things yourself, doing things in your own power, doing things in your own spirit, it's witchcraft. Jesus says, stand now with thine enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries, where with -- by which you have labored from thy youth; if so be thou shalt be able to profit, if so be thou mayest prevail. See if you can't profit. See if you can't heal yourself. See if you can prevail. See if you could do it. And I declare to you, brethren, because medication has saved one man from death and let him live another 20 years, the man still died. No matter what doctors and scientists do for you, you still die, and mankind shall continue to die until Christ appears in him. And if Christ doesn't appear in him, the human race will be wiped out because God has cursed it, and it cannot live. But God has had mercy on us.


[AUDIO CUTS OUT] said, I have mercy on you so you can sin. He said the soul that sinneth, it shall die. But I'm going to give you my Son. I'm going to do something for you that's going to impart righteousness to you. And once you become righteous, I will no longer be required to kill you because of my own righteousness. Can you hear that? God's not saving the sin-riddled man. He's saving the righteous man. We're in the process of being made righteous so that we can be permitted to live. He's not pardoning the sin-filled man. His mercy is his son which is righteousness. He's giving us the power to stop sinning. He's not pardoning us in our sin-filled state. That's a big misunderstanding in the church. He's making us righteous so he doesn't have to kill us. It's an incredible miracle. We're so wicked that we're condemned to death, and he doesn't want us to do. So he's giving us his Son. He's nailing his Son to our soul for the life of the ages so that we could be made righteous and that the judgments that he has not called off, is not calling off, and shall not call off will have no effect upon us. Death has no power over righteousness. The judgments still stand. The soul that sinneth, it shall die. Do you hear this? Glory to God. OK.


I have a review on this witchcraft for you. God told me to do it. Now, we read in Isaiah that the reason this is happening to us is because of our sorceries and our enchantment. This is the Old Testament now, and the word for enchantment is Strong's 2267, and listen to this. You know what it means? It means a fellowship or an association. Association of doctors, of scientists. It means a group of men getting together to put the mind of man -- to give the mind of man greater strength, to bring forth the answer to the problems of man through men.


I'm going to say it again. God told me to say it again. Every problem on the face of this Earth exists because God has cursed man unto death with no repeal. He will not tolerate sin. And every attempt of man to solve any of these problems, illness, water pollution, air pollution, drugs, any problem in this realm, the destroying of wildlife, any solution that comes forth from the mind of man is witchcraft. That's what it is. And when a group of men get together to form a society to bring forth this form of healing, God calls it enchantment, and incantation or a charm.


The word sorceries is Strong's 3785, and that means incantations or sorceries. And I have some definitions from Webster, but I want to put something in here right now because I can hear them screaming in the realm of the soul. God helps those that help themselves. You're a fatalist. You are a Hindu or a Buddhist that will lay there and let yourself be killed until God helps you.


Brethren, excuse me. I need a drink for this one. Well, [UNINTELLIGIBLE] not a Hindu, and [UNINTELLIGIBLE] not a Buddhist. I am not a fatalist. I believe in aggressively performing behavior that will help myself. And that behavior involves screaming, sometimes on the top of my lungs, God, help me. And then I do what he tells me to do. And if he does it that way, I receive ministry from other people that he has sent me to. If you're listening to this message and you're still young in Christ and you're still going to doctors and you yell, God, help me, and he sends you to the doctor, you go. But if you go to a doctor without even seeking God, you're guilty of idolatry. It's a very fine line. I hope that I made it clear. Christians are not passive. They are not fatalists. They are not inactive. They are vibrant, vital, living beings involved in a vital, vibrant relationship with almighty God who has the power to deliver them out of every destruction.


Webster's definitions. Charm. Charm is one of the words for enchantment. It's an act or expression believed to have magic power. That's the same word that's translated fellowship or association. How are they going to help you? Brethren, I'm suggesting to you, now, get your spiritual mind up. Ask God to open your spiritual mind.


You know, what's the expression? You can't see the tree because you're in the middle of the forest? You can't see the forest because you're in the middle of the tre- -- you're in the middle of the forest. You can't see that you're in a forest. All that you can see is the tree. We are so surrounded by this medical profession and this scientific profession, we can't see how the -- how much it is witchcraft. It's witchcraft, brethren. They stand over you, and they pronounce judgment on you. They pronounce a charm over you. Either they tell you that you'll be well, or they tell you that you'll die. They pronounce what your symptoms are going to be. They pronounce what your reactions are going to be. Witchcraft, the charm.


The word magic, Webster says, the use of means believed to have supernatural power over natural forces. Now, I remind you that natural forces is every one of God's judgments that's coming against us, the tidal wave, the hurricane, the tornado. This whole earth realm is under the judgment of God. So if you are a group of men and you are looking for a solution to this problem, you are working magic. You are seeking supernatural power over natural forces. You're seeking to overcome the natural forces by the supernatural power of the unconscious mind, which is Satan. Man that are seeking to solve the problems of this world, I'm going to say it again, is using the supernatural power that comes forth from the mind of man to overcome what? God's judgments.


Incantation, it's one of the definitions of sorcery and enchantments. And these, I remind you, are all reasons why we are dying. Glory to God. Why destruction has come upon us, why we've lost our children and why we've become a widow. And I -- let me say it right here. If you do not have a vital relationship with almighty God, whether you be a natural man or a natural woman, you are a widow. You are a spiritual widow, brethren. You're not -- well, you're married to Satan. God help you. But God sees you as a widow.


Incantation, it's the use of spells or verbal charms. And I remind you that a charm is an act or expression believed to have magic power, an act or expression. Here's the medication. Take two every four hours. You shall be well. It's pronounced over you. And you go home, and there's not a doubt in your mind that you're going to be healed because the doctor said if you take two pills every four hours, you're going to be OK. Did you ever meet a human being in your entire life that went to a doctor that said, take two pills every four hours, you're going to be well, that didn't believe it? I never met anybody. I believed everything they told me. Sometimes it wasn't even true and I believed it. You tell a Christian God's going to heal you, they have all kinds of warfare in their mind.


So an incantation is the use of a spell or verbal charms, spoken or sung, as a part of a ritual of magic. It's a formula of words chanted or recited. Well, these doctors don't chant, brethren. But did you ever sit across from a doctor leaning back, behind his desk in his chair, and were you aware that what he was saying to you he had said 100 times before? He's reciting his prognosis upon you, brethren. He's practicing magic. It's just the truth.


Now, I repeat, if you're hearing this message for the first time, don't go throw your medicine away, and don't stop seeing doctors. Let God lead you into it slowly. God's not glorified in the death of your body. Use your brains. Glory to God.


Sorcery. Hallelujah. Sorcery is the use of power gained from the assistance or control of evil spirits, especially for divining. It also means necromancy. Now, brethren, I'm going to say something very shocking to you. But [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- the mind of man that brings forth these cures is the mind of Satan. He is the ultimate evil spirit and all of his demons. So if you used power gained from the assistance of your satanic mind, you are guilty of sorcery.


Brethren, this is how God sees the human race. If you're hearing this message -- no one here is laughing. But if you're hearing this message and you're laughing and you're thinking I'm crazy, I suggest that you laugh twice or that think twice and that you ask God if this isn't true because I  really don't particularly care what men's opinions are. I want God's opinion, but God speaks his opinion through men. And if what I'm sharing with you is God's opinion, the whole human race is condemned under witchcraft. They're building witchcraft of the worst kind, opposing Go- -- of the absolute worst kind, using the mind of man to oppose our creator. That's what it comes down to.


Sorcery, the use of power gained from the unconscious mind. [?Well, a man?] goes he [UNINTELLIGIBLE] it's not an unconscious mind. He takes samples, and he used slides. Brethren, he meditates on it until the answer comes to him. That's just the truth about science. They take all of the evidence and all of the science and all of the slides, and they put it all together, and, brethren, where the answer comes from, when it gels, it comes from the unconscious mind, the man which is Satan.


How many of you could do what I do, could look up all of these words and come out with the message that I come out with? The message that I come out with comes from the mind of Christ in me. You could all sit down and take Strong's concordance and Webster's and look all those words up. I don't have a message but for the mind of Christ, and I declare to you that science doesn't have a drug, and he doesn't have a cure, and he doesn't have a counsel for you but by the mind of Satan. I don't care how many slides or samples or experiments he has. Some spirit's got to pull it together and make it work.


This word sorcery also means necromancy. Oh, well, I did divination first. Let me do that. Divination, the art or practice -- where did I get divination from? I know it's one of these -- a part of these other words. Divination, the art or practice that seeks to foresee or foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge, usually by means or aid of supernatural powers, unusual insight or intuitive perception. Well, brother, you have cancer of the spleen, and 50 percent of the people die and 50 percent of the people don't die. But I've looked at your x-rays, and I divine that you're going to make it, but your brother in the next room, I divine he's going to die. I rebuke you, you lying devil. Only God gives life or death. They're diviners. They're witches. They're sorcerers of the worst kind.


And I'm going to say it again, I'm not against the men. Please, don't -- I know this isn't for anybody here. But I don't know who's getting these messages. Don’t run out and start cursing doctors and binding and loosing and working your own Christian witchcraft on them. They need salvation just like everybody else. They're deceived just like everybody else, and many of them really think they're doing a good work for mankind. You could pray for them, but take care of yourself first, brethren. Don't worry about the doctors. Don't worry about fixing up the doctors. Go before God, and seek him about getting out from under their control. Don't worry about the men outside of you. Look into yourself, brethren. Let's get ourselves straightened out. Don't worry about the other guy, unless he's really attacking you, and then you petition God for deliverance. But don't worry about saving the Catholics and getting them away from their idols. And don't worry about saving the doctors and getting them out of their witchcraft. Just take care of your own problems. You'd be much better off, unless God specifically sends you to minister to somebody. Then, of course, you go. Glory to God. OK.


That was divination, the art or practice that seeks to foresee or foretell future events. B the year 1995, we will be curing 95 percent of heart disease. Want to bet? OK. The word sorcery also means necromancy. Necromancy, a lot of you here, you've been in deliverance. You know that word means the worship of the dead, and we know that in the Catholic religion, the worship of Mary exists. In the Jewish religion, they have a prayer that they call yizkor. They pray for the dead. Almost every religion of the world prays for the dead.


I was in a church for 5 years that had a very deep walk with the Lord. Somebody died, the only person that ever died in that church. The pastor was out of town. And the man that he left in control, in charge of the ministry, which wasn't qualified, in my opinion, to be in charge of the ministry anyway, called a funeral service, and he gave a prayer for the dead. And I wouldn’t go, and I was criticized, and it's tough. I prayed for that woman when she was alive, and I prayed for her more than once, and she was dead. And I wasn't going to participate in any prayer for the dead. Hallelujah.


But this is another definition of necromancy. Conjuration of the spirits of the dead for the purposes of magically revealing the future or influencing the course of events. Now, conjuring means to charge or entreat earnestly or solemnly, to summon, to imagine or contrive. It means to go --  to pursue a dead spirit, to summon them to respond to you or imagine their response to you, but to exert some kind of influence that will cause you to receive a communication from the dead spirit. Brethren, mankind is dead. God killed him when he cut down the tree. This is the realm of death. We are in the process of being resurrected back unto life through Jesus Christ. If you go to the mind of man for the solution to any problem, you are summoning the dead for the answer to your problem. Don't you talk to me about the Catholics worshipping Mary. Give me a break, you Pharisees in the church. OK. OK.


So we are dealing with, neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts. And fornication, of course, means both sexual -- we know that it exists in the church in the church today, and fornication with the carnal mind. We're not supposed to be fornicating with the carnal mind. We're supposed to be getting divorced from him and marrying Jesus Christ. So fornication is on both levels.


Alternate Translation, Revelation chapter 9, verse 21. Neither would they change their mind and stop hating their brother, nor would they stop looking to drugs, nor to the men who discover and prescribe them to be healed, nor would they give up their sexual fornication, nor their fornication with their carnal mind, nor would they change their mind about using the souls and bodies that belong to God to express the lusts of the natural man.


II Kings 1, verses 2 to 4. And King Ahaziah was sick, and he's sent to enquire of Baalzebub the god of Ekron whether he shall recover of this disease. But the angel of the Lord said to Elijah, the spiritual man within Elijah -- a prophet did not go to Elijah. The Christ within Elijah said to him, go say to him, to King Ahaziah, is it no because there is not a God in Israel, that ye go to enquire of Baalzebub the god of Ekron? Now therefore thus sayeth the Lord, thou shalt not come down from that bed on which thou art gone up, but thou shalt surely die. Glory to God. It doesn't matter what Baalzebub the god of Ekron would say. God pronounced his death. I'm almost finished.


I want to give you a definition of Baalzebub and Ekron so you know without a question of a doubt who King Ahaziah was petitioning for witchcraft information about his wellbeing. Baalzebub, Strong's 1176. From -- and it's -- it means Baalzebub, and it's from the root 1167, which means master, husband or owner. It's from two words, the word that means mater, husband or owner, and also me- -- it's from -- the second root is 2070, which means a fly, especially one of a stinging nature. King Ahaziah sought the master, the husband of the stinging flies. A fly, Webster says, is a flying insect. And Webster says that -- amongst the definitions of insect is any of the various small animals, such as earthworms. If you would like to review the messages that establish that men are earthworms, brethren, you can read -- you can review messages -- it's number 31, parts three, four and seven. God symbolizes men as worms.


And the conclusion that I draw is that Baalzebub is the husband of the earthworms that fly -- God picked a fly because we do have wings. We do fly in the spiritual realm of the soul. We do have spiritual power [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. Baalzebub is the husband of the earthworms that fly in the spiritual realm of the soul. His name is Death, and he is the originator of sin. King Ahaziah sought Satan for information about whether or not he would live or die. And, brethren, if you are going to a doctor and saying, will I live or will I die, you are seeking the counsel of Baalzebub.


And I'm going to say it one more time. If God sends you to the doctor, you're not seeking counsel as to whether you're going to live or die. God may choose in this hour for you to receive the ministry of a doctor, but you're not asking him whether you're going to live or die. You better not be, you better not be. And if you are in a position in God where he's moving you into the place where he heals you, you may find yourself in a very difficult position of having God say, thou shalt live, and going to a doctor and hearing him say, thou shalt die. And you watch that warfare that goes in your mind, so it may not be in your best interest to go to a doctor. You have to find out where you are in God.


Use your [?brain?] people. Don't be stupid and say Sheila told me, and now I'm dead. I don't want to hear it. I'm not -- I know it's funny, but I'm -- I'm making a joke out of it. I'm not kidding you. It's -- I don't -- it's OK that you're laughing. It was funny the way I said it, but I'm not kidding you. Use your brains. God, help us.


I Corinthians 15:56 says the sting of sin -- or the sting of death is sin. And the flies were stinging flies, so we're insects. We're earthworms. We have wings because we have the ability to move in the spiritual realm of the soul, and we have stings because the sting of death is sin. We're filled with sin. He's the lord of the flies, brethren. He's the god of the fallen man. His name is Satan. And the way death continues to possess us is by causing us to continue to sin. That's the sting. OK.


I'm just going to tell you about Ekron, and we're going to finish up here. Baalzebub is the god of Ekron, and Ekron is Strong's 6138. It means eradication. It's from a root 6131. It means to exterminate, to hamstring, to give down, to pluck up, to root up. And I'm suggesting to you that the land of Ekron over which Baalzebub is king is this realm of appearance. It is the place where we have been placed for extermination. The soul that sinneth, it shall die. We're living in a place where the plagues of God are flying upon us every day. Satan and entities separate and apart from God has not killed your child without legal right. Sin has killed your child, sin that you have inherited, sin that you have partaken of, and you are under the judgment of God.


Ekron, it's the land where someone is hamstrung. It's the land where man is shown how weak he is, man who has said, I shall lift my head up above the clouds. I shall be of God. This is the place where man is -- where it is being revealed to man how weak he is. Drugs got the best of you, alcohol got the best of you, can't hold onto a husband, or your kids hate you, you're dying and you can't get well, you're weak, brethren. You are not God. You are not God. You do not have the power to deliver yourself. The killer bees are coming out of Africa. There's nothing you could do about it. If you kill them, another plague is coming. Cockroaches as big as mice.


I hear all these preachers are gathering up all these details and talking about them and thinking -- and with glee saying all these plagues are coming upon the world after their escape from the rapture. It's coming on you too. Better start worshipping God in spirit and truth.


Ekron, it's the land where man is hamstrung. He's made impotent. His power is taken from him, where he's dug down, he's plucked up, and he's rooted up. We've been placed here for extermination, Baalzebub, Satan, the lord of the flies, mankind, and we dwell in the land of Ekron, the place of death. It's not after you die, brethren. This is it right here. We're in it. But, God had mercy, and he sent a Son, and it was his will that all men should not perish but that they should receive eternal life. He is going to save the entire living soul, brethren, but you've got to repent, and if you can't, these scorpions are coming after you, and they have stings. And your minds going to be changed, and you're going to admit that God's way is right and your way is wrong.


And when there's no more people in this land of Ekron that prefer the ways of death and the ways of Satan, when every last one has been converted to the mind of Christ, this realm shall no longer exist. If you think that you're a Christian and you're going to -- if the world's going to be just like this when Christ appears in you, you're mistaken. It's going to be a spiritual creation. This is the realm of death. It's going to be swallowed up by what, anybody know? Christ, victory. The Scripture says victory, but it means Christ. Amen. It's going to be swallowed up by Christ. Death, where is thy sting, where is thy victory, shall be swallowed up in Christ. Hallelujah. These bodies, these souls, this whole world as we know it. Glory to God. OK.


I have a definition of Baalzebub for you and a recap, and I'm finished. You've been very patient with me. The husband of the earthworms that -- Baalzebub, the husband of the earthworms, that's you and me, that fly in the spiritual realm of the soul, the god of the realm or the place or land where man is made weak and exterminated.


Recap, Revelation 9, verses 18 to 21. And Satan is the unconscious mind of men, and Satan, in the unconscious minds of men was destroyed by these three elements of God's judgment, by the spirit of almighty God and by the purified human spirit and by the soul of Christ which projected forth from the souls of the Sons of God because their authority is in the spoken word and in their souls because their souls were like fallen men which had a spiritual authority, even Christ, and the soul of Christ kept the Adamic soul underfoot. And man's unconscious mind, the place where all Adamic thoughts originate, was destroyed by the stripes which he was given to pound his mind into the image of Christ.


But the conscious mind of these men was not destroyed, and they still refused to give up the labor, witchcraft and mind control of this soul realm which satisfies their emotions and their need for food and shelter and to start seeking the spirit of Christ to meet their needs and to stop worshipping three-dimensional shapes that represent other gods and the Holy Spirit and Jesus and to stop worshipping witchcraft power and science, which cannot see you nor hear your prayers nor walk with you. Neither would they change their mind and stop hating their brother, nor would they stop looking to drugs, nor to the men who discover and prescribe them to be healed. Nor would they give up their sexual fornication, nor their fornication with their carnal mind. Nor would they change their minds about using the souls and bodies that belong to God to express their lusts. Any questions today?


            Three-dimensional idols could be us, each other.


Absolutely, worshipping men, absolutely. We're three-dimensional, absolutely. Anybody else? Glory to God.


04/15/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

04/18/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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