045 - Part 2
(Revelation 8)

Part 2 of 3 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


I am going to review the hail. I listened to last Sunday's message, and you may recall I wasn't feeling too well. The message wasn't as bad as I thought that it was, but I really think I could have done a better job explaining the hail. So I hope you're not disappointed, but I've decided to redo it. And I've gone through the end of the first trumpet. So we'll have two tapes on the first trumpet.


I had to spend hours, today, meditating on the rest of this chapter because to understand what the burning up of the trees and the green grass meant, I had to meditate all the way through to verse 13, pretty much, which was the end of chapter 8. So I spent hours doing that, and that's what happened. So we're going to rea- -- we're going to continue on with the first trumpet, and if I feel led of the Lord, I'll give you an overview of the second trumpet. I don't have the Greek words written down. I don't have it completely worked up for you, but if I feel led of Lord, I'll just give you an overview to, sort of, lead you in to what we'll be talking about on Sunday. OK.


And I do have a correction. I said on last week's message that we have 100 messages on the book of Revelation. Lorraine [SP], could -- I heard a little feedback on the message. Can you turn down the volume of the tape just a hair? Thank you. Yeah, OK, thanks a lot. And we do not have 100 messages on the book of Revelation. I was really out of it last Sunday, I guess. We do have 107 messages preached in this ministry over the past 15 months. We have 107 teaching messages, 50 of which are on the book of Revelation. And sure, there will be a 100 or more messages by the time we finish.


I don't know about you, but I'm just very excited that the Lord is letting us go through the book of Revelation. I've never, in all my years in the church, seen anything like this study that the Lord's giving us. And if he ever lets me put it into a book, it's really going to be -- it's going to just be something else.


And you also might be interested to know that somebody told me today that there's a preacher that's associated with the Assemblies of God church. I'm not sure of his name. I wouldn't put it on the message anyway. But, apparently, he's got the revelation that the judgments associated with the -- in the book of Revelation are for the church, that it's not for the world while the Holy Spirit escapes the church out of here. And he's being forced out of the Assemblies of God ministry, or they're trying to force him out of the Assemblies of God, because he's preaching that the judgment is for the believer.


And this is very exciting for me because it's another voice preaching the slaughter of the soul. And as we're learning now in chapter 8 that once the slaughter of the soul begins, it's just a matter of time until the beginning first fruits company stand up in spiritual power. They've got to appear in the realm of appearance. It's happening. Everything that we've been studying is happening. There are a few small voices in a couple of corners of the world saying that the judgment is for the church. That's the slaughter of the soul. That means we're moving into the timeframe where we're going to see at least some members of the first fruits company appear in the realm of appearance, and it's just very exciting. OK.


So let's go on. I'm going to recap. I broke verse 7 of chapter 8 of the book of Revelation down into six parts. It was that complicated. And I'm not going to redo the first part. I'm just going to read it for you. Let me read you the verse. The first angel sounded and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the Earth, and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up. The first phrase that we're going to deal with is the first angel sounded. And the members of the first fruits company, to stand up -- and, I'm sorry. And the first members of the first fruits company to stand up in spiritual strength began to announce the warfare against the living soul and to warn the spiritual men dwelling with him in the same vessel and to announce the time of his redemption and of his restoration to the spiritual realm of God.


And I remind you that we were taught on Sunday that there is a first fruits company. And this first fruits company is going to be standing up in spiritual authority one member at a time. So if you hear several voices preaching the message or in some way manifesting what you think is a witness that they're amongst that first fruits company, it doesn't mean that you're not in it. It doesn't mean that other people aren't in it. The entire first fruits company is not manifesting. Just little corners of it are starting to manifest now in the realm of the soul. To the best of my knowledge, it has not appeared in the realm of appearance.


And I remind you, from our teaching last week, that we can recognize spiritual things in the realm of the soul by implementing our spiritual discernment, that the difference between appearance in the realm of the soul and appearance in the realm of appearance is that when a spiritual happening manifests in the realm of the soul, we need spiritual discernment to see it. It is visible to those that have spiritual discernment. When a spiritual happening manifests in the realm of appearance, it is visible to everybody, both spiritual people and non-spiritual people. It's going to be as obvious as Jesus hanging on the cross. Even the heathen do not deny that he was crucified. So that's the difference.


So the first members of the first fruits company to stand up in spiritual strength began to announce the warfare against the spiritual life. We're doing it right here, brethren. And to warn the spiritual men dwelling with him in the same vessel and to announce the time of his redemption and of his restoration to the spiritual realm of God. OK.


We're continuing with the phrase, and there followed hail. And the word followed is Strong's 1096. As I told you last week, it's the only time translated followed. It's really the word that means to come into existence, and it really means they became. The first members of the first fruits company that are heralding this glorious message became hail and fire mixed with blood.


And I'm not going to give you the grammar again. Or I'll tell you briefly. It's translated there followed. That's the passive mode, and that's an incorrect translation. It's an imperfect -- it should be an imperfect tense, which is a past tense which has not been completed. And that means they became hail and fire mingled with blood. They became an action that's not completed because it has not yet happened to every members of the living soul. OK.


Now, I want to try again to explain the spiritual significance of the hail to you. Hail is Strong's 5464, and it's from a root that means to let down from a higher place to a lower place. And I remind you of our example of the glazier forming a glass bowl. He takes cold glass. He lowers it into the heat where it becomes workable, pliable. He molds it. He forms it. And then when it's perfect, he raises it back up. Glory to God. And we have started in the high spiritual realms with the Lord, and we've been lowered into a cold place where God is working with us. The natural is the opposite of the spiritual.


Now, Webster says that hail is precipitation that's water, and it's water in the form of small balls or lumps, usually consisting of concentric layers of clear ice and compact snow. So the hail is in two parts. It's part ice, and it's part snow. Glory to God. Ice, Webster says, is frozen water. And I remind you that water typifies spirit on the soul realm. Gas typifies a spirit -- pure spirit. Water typifies spirit on the soul realm. And ice typifies spirit that has become hard, which is our bodies. Glory to God.


So the ice part of the hail, OK -- and I also remind you that the ice comes in small balls, and there are many members of the living soul. And this ice, it's clear. You can see through it. It has no color. And I remind you that we're likening this hail to the living soul. And with regard to the living soul, the color red typifies Adam. And the color white typifies Satan because Satan never received the life of God. Adam has received the life of God. He is therefore red. And Satan has never received the life of God, and he is white. And if this is the first message you're hearing, write to me. I don't even know what message to recommend to you, possibly this [?18 series?]. We studies this in-depth. OK.


Satan is the only part of the living soul without color. And when Christ stands up in power in the first fruits company and he pierces through into the realm of appearance, he will push Satan, who is presently in the front, to the background. And Satan will become the spiritual skeleton. The reason he's going to become the spiritual skeleton, brethren -- you can't be a skeleton unless there's something on top of you. And the reason he's going to become the spiritual skeleton is because there's going to be another layer added to our spiritual being, and it's going to be Christ. Christ is going to appear in the realm of the soul, and he's also going to appear in the realm of appearance. And the creation of God is going to be in the form of a man. And I remind you that natural man is Satan. We're all manifestations of the Satan mind. And we are the form, the model, the outline that will give shape to the creation of God, which is going to be pure spirit. Glory to God. OK.


The icy part of the hail typifies Satan. And I asked the Lord why it's in concentric layers. I told you on Sunday that concentric layers or concentric circles are circles that are equidistant. Each circle surrounding the circle before it is the same distance away from the circle before. If there are 10 circles, they are each, for example a 1/4'' apart. The distance from one circle to another is the same for every circle.


And I asked the Lord why they were concentric layers, and, I believe, what he told me is that we know that Satan is the bottomless pit. You just keep going down, down, down into the ultimate depths of sin. And, therefore, the sin that we can fall into ca- -- is in stages. We fall into sin in stages.


And those of you who are student of his- -- of the history of the living soul, you would know that Satan has not brought this country, for example, into the position of decadence that it's in in one hour or in -- even in one year. Unfortunately, he's done it very quickly. He's done it in 20 or 30 years, but he has not done it in one generation, brethren. When Satan determined to bring this country into moral decadence, it started in the late '50s and in the early '60s, and he started with one generation. OK. He's now dealing with second and third generations, each one falling deeper and deeper into sin.


If he had gone to the people that were rebelling in the '50s and in the early '60s and suggested to them what a lot of young people are doing today, he would have failed. They would have never done it. They would have never jumped to drugs and alcohol and promiscuous sex. They would have never jumped to it. The first step that they took was simply to break the simple rules. They started drinking. They started smoking. They started having sex with their boyfriends before marriage. They started -- they didn't -- if Satan would have said to them, have a baby out of wedlock, in the '50s, willingly, knowingly, desiringly, he would have had a lot of trouble finding someone willing to do it. And, today, it's very common, women looking for men to father their children, not getting pregnant accidentally and deciding to keep the baby, single women looking for men to father their children because they want a child but they don't want the commitment to marriage. So to bring America to this position of decadence, Satan had to bring her down a stage at a time. And I believe these stages are the concentric circles of the ice. Glory to God.


So we're saying that hail typifies the living soul, that hail is in two parts. It's ice and it's snow. And we know that the living soul consists of Adam, Eve and Satan, spirit, soul and Satan intelligence in the Earth. So the hail -- the ice part of the hail typifies Satan, the Satanic realm, and it is covered over with snow. Snow, Webster tells us, is white crystals of frozen water formed directly from the water vapor of the air. Snow is formed directly from the vapor. Vapor typifying -- vapor is a form of gas typifying spirit. Glory to God.


Now, it says it's white. Webster says snow is white crystals, and if you would like to review our study on crystal, that's on message 38, part one. And in that study, we determined that the Hebrew word for crystal -- I'm sorry. It's the Greek word for crystal, 2930, is -- told us that crystal is many-faceted, referring to the living soul, many membered. It's clear. It's without the darkness of sin. And it's colorless. It's without the life of Adam. And I suggest to you that the water vapor typifies the human spirit separated from Adam, the human spirit separated from Adam.


Now, remember that God is separating the soul from the spirit and the bone from the marrow. God is separating the soul from the spirit and the bone from the marrow. And the reason that he's doing that is that he is going to purify the human spirit. Excuse me, that's distracting me. OK. Thanks. OK, thank you. OK. And the reason he's separating the soul from the spirit is that the soul and the spirit are utterly corrupt. God has to separate them. The spirit has been married to Satan and produced every form of blasphemy. And the soul is [UNINTELLIGIBLE] which is the conscience, is corrupted. God is separating the soul from the spirit, and then he's going to separate the human spirit from Satan. And he is going to marry the human spirit and redo this whole thing right.


So what I'm suggesting to you is that the ice part of the hail is the spirit part of the redeemed man. It is the human spirit that has been separated from the soul because it's without color. OK. That's the snow, and it's laying on top of the ice. So this is the spirit part of the soul. It's the human spirit, and it's the spirit that rules in the living soul, which is Satan. We're not dealing with the human soul here because the human soul is red. Did I make that clear? The hail is white, and it consists of the Satanic realm and the human spirit in the realm of appearance.


Now, snow can be seen, and I suggest to you that to appear in the realm of appearance, the human spirit has to be completed. Now, Webster tells us that the ice is covered with compacted snow, and the word compact means combined, consolidated, to make up by connecting or combining. And I'm suggesting to you that the compacted snow is the combined spirit in the realm of appearance, the Father, the Holy Spirit, the human spirit and the Christ. Now, note that the snow is on top of the ice, and this fact typifies -- the now on top of the ice typifies the completed spirit of the Sons of God.


Please note that the completed spirit is now on top of or ruling the spirit of the living soul, which is Satan. And in the glorified man, we have the human spirit, which has been completed, which is being ruled by Christ joined to Satan. Now, in the fallen creation, the human spirit is joined to Satan. She's in submission to him. She's his wife, and she's producing all the names of blasphemy. In the Sons of God, the human spirit is still joined to Satan, but the human spirit has been completed. Christ has been birthed in her, and she is ruling Satan. The moral order of the relationship between the spirit that was in the -- that is in the living soul and the spirit of Christ has been reversed. Christ has appeared. He is on top of Satan. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation. This is the second sixth of Revelation 8:7. And the spirit which was ruling in the unconscious minds of the beginning company, even Satan, was pressed down under the Christ which was appearing in their completed human spirits. And the spirit which was ruling in the unconscious minds of the beginning company, even Satan, was pressed down under the Christ which was appearing in their completed human spirits. Now, remember, the human spirit was married to Satan. God separated her from Satan. He married her by his Holy Spirit. Christ came forth in the human spirit, and here we see them in very close contact again, this time with the human spirit joined to her husband, Christ, ruling over the Satanic mind, neutralizing it, castrating it, making it incapable of causing us to sin and being a part of the being that we call the Sons of God whose soul have been redeemed, who are standing up in spiritual power.


Satan is still present. And the way -- when the Scripture says he's going to be destroyed, what the Scripture means, he's going to be destroyed as we presently know him. His power to hurt us is going to be destroyed. His power to make us sin is going to be destroyed. But he shall continue in a new form, even the servant of the Christ. Hallelujah. Glory to God. He shall serve him. He sha- -- he who was master shall serve the Christ. Glory to God. OK.


We're continuing with the phrase and [UNINTELLIGIBLE] they became fire mingled with blood. They became hail. The first fruits of the first fruits company became hail, and they also became fire mingled with blood. So we found out that the hail typified the human spirit and the Satanic realm of the soul. They became hail. And now we're going to find out that the fire mingled with blood is what happened to the human soul, the human soul which is Adam. OK.


The word fire -- well, I didn't look it up for you because fire always typifies God. We know God is an all-consuming fire, and fire typifies the spirit of God. And the word mingled is Strong's 3396, and Webster says -- and mingled means to mingle or to mix. And Webster says that mingle means to bring or combine together or with something else, to intermix, to prepare by mixing. And mingle specifically suggests that the elements are still somewhat distinguishable or separately active, which is the case here. The snow which is the spirit -- which is the glorified human spirit, is separate from Satan, which is the ice. Hallelujah. They're close together. They're in fact one because the snow and the ice are the two parts that make up hail, so they are one, but they're still separate. So we -- that's what the word mingle means.


And the word mix means to combine or to blend into one mass, to combine with another, to bring into close association, to form by mixing components. It also means to inter into relations, to crossbreed, to become involved. And mix may or may not imply loss of each element's identity. This is not the case here. The elements have not lost their identity. They are separate, but they're in a new relationship. They're cleansed, and they're in a new relationship. So we find that the blood mixed with the fire of God must typify the soul life of Christ because the Adamic soul life could never abide in the fire of God. Does anybody know why? It would be burnt up, it would be burnt up.


The Adamic soul life in direct contact with God would be burnt up. That's what we need a mediator, and our mediator is Christ Jesus. He is Je- -- well, he is Jesus Christ, and when Jesus Christ is our soul, we do not get burnt up because he is without sin, and he is spotless, and he is pure. So the fire mingled with blood typifies the fire of God, which is spirit, mingling with the soul life of Christ. So what we're saying is that when the Sons of God began to appear, they appeared in their spirits, and they appeared in the soul of Christ. We don't see the Adamic soul here.


Alternate Translation. The third sixth of Revelation 8:7. And they were mixed with the soul life of Christ which abides in the fire of almighty God. And I remind you, in previous verses here -- I don't know if I could tell you exactly which verse it was. I guess, it would have had to be verse 6. Yes, verse 6. And the angel took the censer and filled it with fire of the altar and cast it into the Earth. And we had determined, when we did that word-by-word, that the substance, the life substance of the Sons of God, had been cast into or mixed with the soul life of Christ. And now we see them, the Sons of God, appearing in the realm of the soul, and the Scripture says they were mixed with the soul life of Christ, which abides in the fire of almighty God.


Each phrase it goes a step further. So we have now dealt with the Satanic realm. It's become ice. The human spirit has been completed. It has become snow, and we see that the soul, which is now the soul life of the Sons of God, is the soul of Christ. And this is how they're appearing in the realm of the soul.


Now, we're continuing with the phrase, and they were cast upon the earth. They were cast upon the earth. First, the Satanic realm was dealt with. The human spirit was completed. They were mixed with the soul life of Christ. And the next thing that happened was that they were cast upon the earth. And the word cast is Strong's 906. It means to deliberately hurl, to cast out or to throw down. And the word upon -- and they were cast upon the Earth, is Strong's 1909, and that can be translated to. Now, the word earth is Strong's 1093, and it means soil, region, solid part of the whole of the terrain, globe, ground, land, world. So they were cast down, I suggest to you, into the realm of appearance. They were cast down into the part of the earth that is seen.


And I remind you that our soul is made of earth. Our soul is made of earth. But this clearly states that they were cast to the form of the earth that is seen, OK, and that is our bodies.


Alternate Translation, the fourth part of -- the fourth sixth of Revelation 8:7. And they were thrown down to the solid part of the earth. Now, our souls are made of earth, but our souls are not solid, brethren. Our souls are spiritualized earth. And they were thrown down to the solid part of the Earth.


And I have another, what I call an Alternate Alternate Translation. The fourth sixth of Revelation 6:7. And they appeared in the realm of appearance.


Alternate Translation. This is the first through the fourth sixth of Revelation 8:7. And the first members of the first fruits company to stand up in spiritual strength began to announce the warfare against the living soul and to warn the spiritual men dwelling with him in the same vessel and to announce the time of his redemption and of his restoration to the spiritual realm of God. And the spirit which was ruling in the unconscious minds of the beginning company, even Satan, was pressed down under the Christ which was appearing in their competed human spirits. And they were mixed with the soul life of Christ which abides in the fire of almighty God, and they appeared in the realm of appearance. The first members of the first fruits company appeared in the realm of appearance.


Men, whether spiritual or not, whether saved or not are going to be able to recognize the Sons of God. Just like when you see a Catholic priest walking down the street, brethren, you know what he is. You recognize the collar. If he's wearing -- I don't really know. If he's wearing the vestments. I believe, that's word, the pur- -- sometimes they're purple. Sometimes they're white. You can recognize a Catholic priest. You could be Jewish. You could be a Hindu. You could be a Buddhist, but you know a Catholic priest when you see him if you have any kind of education in that area. Well, there's going to be something really special about these first members of the first fruits company. It's going to be so special that no matter what religion you are or where you are spiritually, you will be able to say, that is a Son of God. He has power with God. It's going to be that obvious, brethren. Glory to God. OK. Hallelujah.


Now, we're continuing with the phrase, and the third part of the trees was burnt up. That word burnt is not in the Greek. And it should read, the third part of trees burnt up. Now, I remind you that the fallen soul is in three parts, Adam, Eve and Satan. And this expression, the third part, I had a lot of problem with this. I had to mediate on this. Ii was mediating on this for over an hour. And I've drawn the conclusion that God is not saying the third part of [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- just for argument's sake. Let's say there's 20,000 human beings. 20 -- there's much more than that. Let's say there's 20 million. There's even a lot more than that, human beings on the face of the Earth. I always thought that when the Scripture said the third part, it meant one third of 20 million, numbers, that it was talking about numbers. But, after mediating on this for between an hour and two hours, I had drawn the conclusion that that is not what the Holy Spirit is saying in the Scripture but that the Holy Spirit is talking about the third part of the spiritual makeup of man.


And the word third part is Strong's 5154. And I declare to you that the third part of the spiritual makeup of men is the Satanic realm in our mind. And I -- if you'd like to review message 18, part three, you will see that the third river coming out of Eden, which we studied in depth. It's called Hiddekel, typifies the Satanic realm. It's the third river coming out of Eden, and it typifies the Satanic realm. And I just didn't give you any more references than that. I thought this was enough. But this is what, I believe, the Lord has told me. The third part is typifying the Satanic realm, not talking about numbers, not talking about a third of the total number of cells of the living soul, but talking about the third part of the spiritual makeup of the living soul.


Now, we're dealing with the phrase that says and the third part of trees was burnt -- the third part of trees burnt up. Now, trees -- we discussed earlier in chapter 7, verse 3, and in many other messages, that trees typify men in the Earth. Trees have bark, and they're seen, and they're planted in the earth, and men are planted in the earth of the souls. So we're just going -- what I'm going to suggest to you is that the trees -- because where did God get trees from? He's talking about hail. He's talking about ice and snow and fire, and all of a sudden he's talking about trees and grass. I couldn't follow it through. And the conclusion that I drew, what I believe God has told me, is that all of this hail, this ice, the snow, the fire, everything that we're talking about, once it appears in the realm of appearance, becomes trees and grass. OK. The Sons of God, which are ice and snow and hail and fire and blood, when they appear in -- that's all spiritual symbols typifying spiritual makeup. And once they appear in the realm of appearance, they become trees. Glory to God.


So we're dealing with the phrase and the third part of trees burnt up. And the third part of trees burnt up. Now, this word burnt, it's Strong's 2618, and it means to burn down to the ground, to consume wholly, to consume by fire. And I remind you, brethren, that Moses looked upon the bush. He said, behold, a bush that burneth but is not consumed. And I declare to you that the trees are the Sons of God in the realm of appearance, and they are abiding in the midst of the fire of almighty God. They're burning, but I declare to you that they're not consumed.


Alternate Translation, the fifth sixth of Revelation 8:7. And when the Sons of God appeared in the realm of appearance, they abode in the fire of almighty God, but they were not consumed. And I would like -- if you'd like to review how the purifying fire of God will burn in the unconscious minds of men, it's in Ezekiel 2, verse 27, and we did that on message 38, part 10, message 38, part 10. We talked about how when the fire of almighty God gets inside of your vessel, it's going to burn all the way down into the depths of the pit which is your unconscious mind, and it's going to burn all the way up into your conscious -- the conscious mind of your soul. And it's not going to consume you. It's just going to purify you. It's going to keep you free from sin.


So we're saying and when the Sons of God appeared in the realm of appearance -- I have to change this Alternate Translation. Go- -- I -- I guess, God changed it as I read forth. Now, what did I say? And when the Sons of God in the realm of appearance, they abode in the fire of almighty God, but they were not consumed. Glory to God. Thank you, Jesus, for the correction. OK.


We're going on with the phrase, and all the green grass burnt up, and all the green grass burnt up. The word grass is Strong's 5528, and it's the only Greek word translated grass. I remind you that we have three messages on the study of grass, message series number 33. And Thayer says that the -- and we found out in that series that there were several words that were translated grass in Hebrew. In Greek there's only one word translated grass. And Thayer's tells us that the Hebrew equivalent of this Greek word is Strong's 2682. That's the Hebrew, and it means a courtyard, a fence, a dwelling place for unclean animals. That's what the Greek word grass means. It's not only what you eat. It means a courtyard. It's like saying -- somebody saying, well, go ahead. Sit down on the grass. It really means sit down on the lawn. That's how it's translated. So this Greek word means a courtyard, a fence, a dwelling place for unclean animals. OK.


And I'd like to take you to Revelation 18:2. I'd like to -- and he cried mightily with a strong voice, talking about the angel, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. And I'm going to suggest to you that that Scripture which we studied in the series that -- Mystery of Babylon, which is message 32, part two, we did that verse. And I'm suggesting to you that it's saying almost the same thing as the phrase and all the green grass was burnt up. That may sound strange to you. Let me read it again. And the angel cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. Glory to God.


Now, what we've -- I'm going to incorporate what was the Alternate Translation of that phrase into our Alternate Translation of Revelation chapter 8, verse 7. This is the phrase and all the green grass -- OK, all the grass that was the courtyard, the fence, OK, the dwelling place of unclean animals, burnt up. And the home of the demons, the place where the unclean spirit of man and every impure manifestation of spiritual life, which is a part of the whole, dwells, was utterly consumed. That is the Adamic soul, the Adamic soul. So when the Sons of God appeared in the realm of appearance, they abode in the fire of almighty God, and they were not consumed, but all the green grass, all of the Adamic soul, it was consumed. The place that housed the unclean spirit, the place in which the demons dwelt with impunity, it was consumed. Glory to God. OK.


Recap, Revelation 8, verse 7. And the first members of the first fruits company to stand up in spiritual strength began to announce the warfare against the living soul and to warn the spiritual men dwelling with him in the same vessel and to announce the time of his redemption and his restoration to the spiritual realm of God. And the spirit which was ruling in the unconscious minds of the beginning company, even Satan, was pressed down under the Christ which was appearing in their completed human spirit. And they were mixed with the soul life of Christ, which abides in the fire of almighty God. And they appeared in the realm of appearance, and they abode in the fire of almighty God, but they were not consumed. And the home of the demons, the place where the unclean spirit of men and every impure manifestation of spiritual life, which is a part of the whole, dwells, was utterly consumed. When the Sons of God appeared in the realm of appearance, they abode in the fire of almighty God, and they were not consumed because their life was his in the soul life of Christ, but the Adamic soul life, all the green grass, the place that housed the unclean animal, was utterly consumed. It could not abide in the fire of almighty God.


So this is what's happening. We're being ripped out of the Adamic soul life. We're being cast, forcibly, into the Christ soul life. We're being cast into the realm of appearance. We're going to have two fully functioning souls for a season. We know we have to fully function- -- well, I don't know about fully functioning. We have two souls now. We have the Adamic soul, and we have the soul of Christ, and we know that they take turns functioning. We know that when we sin, it's the Adamic soul, and when we're standing in righteousness, that it's the soul of Christ. And in everybody I know, including myself in this hour, the soul of Adam is stronger than the soul of Christ. But the day is coming that we shall forcibly cast our life substance into the soul life of Christ and mix with him. Our Adamic soul is still going to exist. We're still going to have two souls, but the soul of Christ in us shall be stronger for a season. We shall appear in full spiritual strength in the realm of appearance. And when we stand up in full spiritual strength, the fire of almighty God that's burning within us, which is our full spiritual strength, shall utterly consume the Adamic soul, and we shall no longer be double minded, but our eyes shall be single in accordance with the commandment of Jesus Christ. And we shall see only out of the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ. For, indeed, the Adamic soul shall no longer exist.


Now, that's the end of the first trumpet, and I'm just going to give you a brief overview of what God showed me on the next few verses. The very next thing that happens -- we're moving into the second trumpet now, and we're going to do it in detail, Lord willing, on Sunday. The Scripture says, and the third part of -- I'm sorry. And the second angel sounded, and as it were, a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea. Brethren, mountains in the Scripture typify nations. And, indeed, the Lord says that we are his holy mountain. His holy mountain is Zion, and the Sons of God are Zion, are spiritual Zion. And the Scripture says and a great mountain burning with fire -- what is the mountain that's burning with fire, brethren? Surely the Adamic soul, if it burnt with fire, would be and has been consumed at this point. The mountain burning with fire, brethren, is God's holy mountain. It's the Sons of God. It's Mt. Zion burning with the fire of almighty God, and they were cast into the sea.


And I remind you, the sea is a type of the living soul. They were cast into the living soul, brethren, burning with the fire of almighty God. They appeared in the realm of appearance. They came as an attack upon the living soul, and what was the reaction of the living soul? The first reaction was, and the third part of the sea became blood, and the third part of the sea became blood. And that word became can be translated was joined to.


And I declare to you, the third part of the living soul, the Satanic realm of the living soul, was joined to the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ. Brethren, do you hear this? Do you hear this? When we stand up in spiritual strength and God sends us aggressively to the living soul, our soul is going to join with them.


I don't know exactly how it's going to happen. I really can't tell you exactly how it's going to happen except that it's my opinion -- and this is not under the anointing, that it's going to happen through the words that we speak because spirit -- spiritual things happen through the words that we speak. Amen. God's going to send us to a man, someone that knows nothing about Christ, and we're going to say something to them. And the Christ in us is going to reach out, and he's going to join to the Satanic realm in that person's mind. And they're -- and they shall become blood. And the soul life, the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, shall be imparted to them. Can you hear this? Can you hear this? We shall go aggressively forth into the streets, brethren. And when we speak, it's going to be with such power that the spirit, which our words are, are going to cleave unto the Satanic realm of the minds of unsaved people and aggressively wage war against them and defeat them. Do you hear this, or am I hearing this by myself? Is this exciting, or am I the only one that's hearing this. Glory to God.


The third part, the Satanic realm of the living soul became joined to the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ. And the Lord just reminded me of the Scripture in Genesis that was the basis for the message, And Jacob Prevailed. And when we pulled those Scriptures apart one-by-one, we found out that what happened Jacob in that unusual encounter in the middle of the book of Genesis, where he had the encounter with the angel where he wrestled all night, that what was really happening was the Christ was standing up within him and that -- and one of the interpretations of one of those verses was that he was sending out a grappling hook and pulling Jacob close by. And it's a sailor's term. It's a term that sailors use. The Lord Jesus Christ described himself as a ship, and he sent out a -- it's a piece of metal with little hooks on it, and it lays hold of the other ship, and you pull the other ship close to your side so that you could board it, so that you could board it.


I saw a movie the other day. It was called The Sand Pebbles. And there was the United States gunboat. They did that to that a Chinese boat. And I remembered that Scripture. They threw out that grappling hook, and all of the men [?seized?] hold, and they pulled the boat right up side, and then all the American soldiers got onto the Chinese ship, and they killed all the Chinese soldiers. Brethren, the words in our mouth that are spirit are going forth as grappling hooks into the hearts of the members of the living soul. And those words are going to pull them alongside of Jesus. He's going to board them, brethren, and he's going to destroy every enemy in their mind. And they shall become one with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


The whole wicked world is -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT] [INAUDIBLE] is a myth. They think the word of God is a myth. They think it's not going to happen. They say, well, it's been 2,000 years since Jesus was crucified. How could this thing possibly be? Well, they're just showing their ignorance as spiritual things, brethren. It's going to happen, and glory to God, Lord willing, we are going to be amongst the vessel through which Jesus shall throw forth his grappling hook and lay hold of the members of the living soul, pull them alongside and join them to his soul life. Glory to God. Hallelujah. OK.


In verse 8, it says, and the third part of the creatures, which were in the sea and had life, died. And the third part of the creatures, and I declare to you, brethren, that we're all creatures. We're all creatures. God is creating us. And the third part of the creatures, the Satanic realm of the creatures, which were in the sea and had life, died. Glory to God. For some reason, I had a lot of trouble with these verses. I'll see if God gives me anything else for Sunday. But God just seems to be zeroing on this third part.


And the Satanic realm of the creatures, which were in the sea and had life, died. Now, how could they possibly have life? The only way they could possibly have life is that the Holy Spirit was present there. I'm sorry, not the Holy Spirit. Life is only in the Son. Christ had to be birthed there. Now, I remind you, the way God is going this, the human spirit is married to Satan, Jesus Christ has gone right in the midst of our sin-filled soul. He has not purified us first. The Holy Spirit has gone right in, and he has dared to fertilize the human spirit before she's totally purged from Satan. Christ is growing in the same place where Satanic manifestations are growing.


And I declare to you, to have life, you must have the Son. Life is in the Son, and it is in no other. Life is not in the Holy Spirit. Life is in the Son. So what is this Scripture saying? And the third part of the creatures, that's us, which were in the sea, which is the corporate living soul, and had birthed the Christ, died. Well, how did they die, brethren? When Christ stand up, brethren, you're going to die. If you're a creature that dwells in the soul realm, you must die to the soul realm.


So when the Sons of God hit the shores, when they preach to the people that don't have Christ, what's going to happen? They're going to be pulled alongside and receive the soul life of Christ. When they come in contact with people that have birthed Christ, they're going to in- -- their preaching is going to result in that Christ being increased. He's going to stand up. He's going to come forth in power, and he's going to cause them to die to the soul realm. These are the creatures that were in the sea, in the realm of the soul, that had the Son in the midst of [?they were living?] a soul life. We all know people like that. They've birthed the Son, and they're living in the soul, in the realm of the soul. Well, when they get hit with the words of life and spirit and truth that come forth from the Sons of God, that's going to be that double portion. Christ is going to increase. He's going to stand up, and he's going to slay the soul realm. And they're going to move into this very deep walk with the Lord. Hallelujah. Glory to God. OK.


Verse 9. And the third part of the creatures -- we did that -- which were in the sea and had life, died. And the third part of the ships were destroyed. Now, that word died, it means dead, dead, dead, dead, not to be resurrected. The soul life shall die. And the third part of the ships were destroyed. And the third part of the ships were destroyed. And I declare to you that the spiritual life dwells in a vessel. Anybody know what the spiritual life dwells in? What does the spirit dwell in? Anybody? What does it ride on? What does the spirit ride on? The soul. The spirit rides on the soul, and the soul rides on the body, OK.


So the next thing that happens is the third part of the ships were destroyed. The vessel in which the spirit was dwelling is going to be destroyed. Hallelujah. Now, this word destroyed, it means to waste away, it means to waste away, to corrupt, to rot. And I suggest to you that when the Satanic life is utterly taken over by the spirit of God, the soul that supports it is going to waste away. This body cannot live without a soul, and our soul cannot live without a spirit. So what did we say? When the third part of the creatures -- that's you and me, the many members of the living soul, which were in the sea, that's the corporate living soul, and the ones that fit this category that have had life, that have birthed the Son, OK, when they come in contact with the preaching or with whatever works the Sons of God are going to be doing, it's going to increase the Son in them. He's going to stand up, and he's going to slay the soul realm. OK. He's going to slay the soul realm from the realm of the spirit. And the result of it that the soul that the spirit is dwelling in is going to rot away. It's going to rot away. Glory to God. OK.


I'm not going to go on. I don't -- I'm not going to go on because I'm really not prepared. But I didn't think I was going to do that verse 9. We'll just review it briefly on the next tape. Apparently, God really wanted me to do it. Hallelujah. I'm all excited, brethren. Do you hear this? Do you hear this? I don't know what -- about your Bible, but my Bible says to me that the apostles went out and they preached, and there were crowds of thousands, three, four, 5,000, and everybody was healed. And the Scripture says in the book of Acts, and the demons came out crying with one voice. Why did they come out with one voice? Because there's only one living soul, brethren, and the demons are all a part of the living soul.


And God is attacking the whole living soul, so whatever those apostles did -- were they just preaching? I don't know. Your guess is as good as mine. We really don't have any details. What does the Scripture say? And they preached the word of God and they healed the sick and they cast out the demons, but really don't really know whether they did it by their word or whether they were laying hands on. I don't recall any Sc- -- I know there are Scriptures that Jesus laid hands on people. I don't recall any Scriptures that the apostles laid hands in these crowds of 5,000. So the chances are, maybe in certain individual cases, there will be laying on hands. But how could we possibly lay hands on 5,000 people. It's got to be a supernatural work of the spirit of Christ vibrating forth from us and doing the work. It's got to be. Hallelujah. I'm all excited. I'm all excited. Any questions on this message? Hallelujah. No questions for today? OK. Glory to God.


4/03/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

4/08/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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