480 - Part 3
(Judges, Chapter 16)

Part 3 of 19 Parts  


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Praise the Lord.  I will be reading you the Alternate Translation of Judges, Chapter 16, verses 1-6, and in Part 2 of this message, I had placed verses 1, 2, and 3 after verse 4 and 5. I had done some kind of an interspersion, but I now realize that that was not the translation that the Lord wanted. What happens is when I do over these verses, as the Lord brings me deeper, and brings me into a translation, and corrects what I have done so far, then I realize that the sequence of the verses should not have been changed. The reason I put verses 1, 2 and 3 further down, was because I did not have the full understanding of the translation.


So as I tell you many times, all of the translations coming forth here are very valuable, they are certainly in my opinion more valuable than the King James translation for the rising Son. Even if the translation is not exactly as the Lord is bringing it forth in this hour, the spiritual principles are still valid, and the messages are still valid. Who knows, a month from now or two months from now, what I have here will be changed, why? Because my knowledge will have increased, my understanding will have increased. Praise the Lord.


Recap, Judges 16: 1-6, And when Adam caused Samson to die the Fiery Serpents lifestyle, Adam saw the adulterous woman... I think that has to be Samson saw the adulterous woman.


Adam sees the adulterous woman all the time, it is the personality who is blinded from time to time. And when Adam caused Samson to die the Fiery Serpent's lifestyle, Samson saw the adulterous woman who lives in the lair of the wild beast and attacked her. This is the point that we all have to come to, we have to see the Fiery Serpent, we have to see the negative principles within ourselves, and we have to attack them. There is no way we are going to attack them, until we see them, and until we see them for what they are, and what they are, are dangerous to our life.


Verse 2, And the Fiery Serpent in Samson said to the mortal men of Judah, 'Adam is compassing Samson about, and now Samson will lay an ambush for all of the Fiery Serpents who have ascended into Leviathan's city, and attack them, because Adam, the head of the neck energy center of the upper window, intends to silence Satan, and engrave all of the Fiery Serpents with the nature of Elijah, the light wave which calls forth Adam, the morning, and nail them to the upper window of creation.'


You may remember this is all true, this is what the resurrected Adam or Christ Jesus in the New Testament is planning on doing, but it is not a bad thing it is a good thing. So the carnal mind perceives the truth of Jehovah's plan of salvation for humanity to be an evil plan, to be destructive, to humanity. But the truth is it is life to humanity.


Verse 3, And Adam within Samson lay upon the heart center of the mortal men of Judah, to the point that Adam became a hedge between Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent, her household, and Adam seized the Fiery Serpent, the household which is the entrance way to Leviathan's city, and to the neck energy center of Leviathan's timeline, and Adam within Samson, the captain of the neck energy center that is above had intercourse with the Fiery Serpents within the mortal men of Judah...  I am going to make that spiritual intercourse ...had spiritual intercourse with the Fiery Serpents within the mortal men of Judah, and brought them out of Leviathan's timeline and bolted the door against the Primordial Serpent, the magician, who cast a spell on Adam and united with Elohim's sons, and Adam joined the personalities of the mortal men of Judah to the neck energy center, which is above, because there’s a neck energy center which is below. The Serpent's timeline is in the lower window.


Verse 4, And it came to pass, that the Spirit of Elijah in Samson, the valley where Satan was silenced, made love to the Fiery Serpent in the mortal men of Judah, and the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual woman in the mortal men of Judah, who was miserable, disheartened and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature, brought forth Adam, the manchild. And I do not know how clear it is, but Samson is the valley where Satan was silenced. And the significance of Satan being silenced is that Satan is no longer speaking through that personality, and if she is no longer speaking she is no longer engraving their earth, and that personality, that earthen personality is no longer in the Serpent's nature, or in Satan's nature.


Our personality bears the nature of the one who speaks through us, of the one who engraves our earth. So the spiritual principle of silenced, see, is a spiritual principle. Silence is a change of nature. So if we do not just talk out of this physical mouth, well it is good to be discreet, and not say indiscreet or offensive things, but that is only a surface deliverance. As long as the one who originates the hurtful thought, is still thinking through us, but we are just not speaking it, we are still in bondage. It is not even a question of saying, Well, we are still in sin, we must understand that sins hurts us, sins hurts us. So if we just shut our physical mouth, but we are not at war with Satan who is speaking these thoughts in the spirit through us, we are still almost as hurt, or certainly still seriously hurt, as we would be if we were speaking the words.


Verse 4, And it came to pass, that the Spirit of Elijah in Samson, in the valley where Satan was silenced, made love to the Fiery Serpents in the mortal men of Judah, and the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual woman in the mortal men of Judah, who was miserable, disheartened and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature, brought forth the manchild. And I remind you that that is an interpretation of the name Delilah, the woman who was miserable, disheartened and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature. We are suggesting to you in this study that name Delilah is the collective name of the mortal men of Judah, who are living out of their carnal mind.


It is the same principle, if you need this to understand it, it is the same principle of saying Christ Jesus, thinking of Him as one entity. But Christ Jesus exists in the many members of humanity, wherever He is appearing. It is the intention of Christ Jesus to appear in every human being on the face of the earth, and He is still Christ Jesus. In the same manner that I have lungs, and a spleen and all kinds of internal organs, and blood and trillions of cells throughout my body, but I am Sheila. Collectively, we are Sheila.


Delilah, collectively, is all of the mortal men of Judah, who are living out of their carnal minds, and being approached by the Godhead, being approached by Elijah and Adam, for the specific purpose of converting their nature into the image of Jehovah, why? That they might live and stop dying.


Verse 5, But as Adam ascended in the mortal men of Judah, Satan, the Lord of the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual immigrant in Samson, whispered towards Samson saying, Elohim has deceived you into believing that Elohim can harness Leviathan's great strength and overcome her, because he wants mortal man to be his changeling, but we, Satan and Leviathan will give you the salvation that belongs to the brow and crown energy centers if you will cast Adam down.


In the last message, Part 2, of Samson and Delilah, we translated Strong's #3481, chameleon, suggesting that Satan was goading Samson, saying, Oh, you are just Adam's chameleon, one minute you have the nature of Jehovah through Adam and Elijah, and the next minute you have the nature of Satan and Leviathan, you are just a chameleon, you are not even anyone in your own right. But the Lord has shown me another meaning for that word, the word that we translated chameleon, Strong's #3581. The Lord never ceases to amaze me! Last week after I preached Part 2 of this message, I felt led to borrow Shakespeare's A Midsummer's Night Dream, from the library.


In the early part of this play, which is about nature spirits, we see the queen of the fairies coveting an Indian child, an east Indian child that looked like it was about a year old. She was still holding it in her arms, and her husband the king, determined to take the child for himself. The queen called the child a changeling, and the king called him a page. And to be honest with you, at the time that I watched the movie, I did not understand what the issue was about the child. Now I really should have, considering everything that we preach here, but I guess I was thrown off by seeing what looked like a human woman who was supposed to be the queen of the fairies holding this human child in her arms., and that was the way the production expressed it. But I now know that the issue is this, the issue is a witness to what I have been preaching here, that the nature spirits which are the spiritual insects that abide in our third energy center are seeking to manifest themselves through people.


I have been preaching that here for several months now, that ascended Fiery Serpent, which means that through sinful thoughts, and they could be socially acceptable sinful thoughts, pride and envy, they could be thoughts that we do not are sin. But it does not matter whether we know it or not, if Satan is thinking through us to the degree that the Fiery Serpent is ascended in the 3rd energy center, she opens the doorway to that world. To what world? To the world where the nature spirits exist. And they come through this doorway and they try to enter into us for the specific purpose of feeding off of our spiritual blood. And feeding off of our spiritual blood, I believe it is more than just the sustaining their existence, they also desire to manifest themselves through us. They desire to influence us, they want to influence our behavior, our thought patterns and our behavior in this world.


And it is really evident in this play, you know, they show you nature spirits which are invisible to the humans who are meeting them in the woods, and they show you that some of the nature spirits, one in particular, Puck, puts his arm around the man and talks to him and whispers in his ears and gives him ideas. They desire to influence us to feed off our energy and to have experiences through us.


So the principle in this movie was that this Queen Titania, she somehow had found entranceway into this young child. She had found a spiritual doorway that allowed her to influence him. I was thrown off when I saw the child in her arms, but that was the way the producer or the director of the play expressed it. I could not understand why the king would be fighting her for it, and what this says to me, is that it is not so easy for these nature spirits to find access to human beings. But of course that was in Shakespeare's day, where there was a strict Christian moral law enforced. It is much easier these days for nature spirits to gain access to human beings because of the sinful lifestyle in this nation and in the whole western world today.


So when I started to work on this message today, the Lord quickened to me that that movie that I, actually, I heard the word changeling ringing in my mind ever since I watched the movie. And when I started to work on this message last night, I realized what the Lord was saying to me. I went into the dictionary, and the dictionary says that a changeling is a child secretly exchanged for another. Well I could not really do much with that, the only thing I can make out of that, was to say, Well, it is something like a mosquito. Do you know that when a mosquito bites us, that what we call a mosquito bite, in order for us to get a mosquito bite, they have to inject their stinger into us, and that there is an exchange of blood. They take our blood and they leave something in it is place, that is what causes the swelling and the itching.


So that is the exchange of the changeling child, it is a spiritual principle. The spiritual insect gained entrance to someone, and children, physical children, are much more vulnerable to this kind of penetration than adults are because a one-year-old child has no self-control, has no power to say no, does not even know the difference between good or evil. This is why it is so important that we cover our children.


And how do we cover or children? We cover our children first and foremost with a moral lifestyle ourselves. So apparently this Indian child was wide open, or the door to the 3rd energy center, which is the door to the etheric plane, where the nature spirits are, was wide open in this Indian child.


And apparently at the time that this play was written, there were not that many children, or any kind of human being whose door was open. There certainly were more nature spirits than there were people whose door was open. So the queen and king were vying for the child, so that they could enter into his spiritual being through that open door and have an exchange of blood with him, so that they could receive the energy of his life, and that they could inject their life into him. And by injecting their life into him, have experiences through him, have experiences in this visible world through him. And it is not just an instantaneous thing. One might say, Well, what kind of an experience could a nature spirit have through a 2- or 1-year-old child?


Brethren, once they enter in, they grow with you, they wait until the child grows up. They have whatever experiences they can through a 1-year-old, I do not really even know, but they do not go away. Once they get a foothold in that door, they are with that child as he becomes a young man, and a married man, they are with him through his whole life. They have got that foothold in there.


So we see that the principle of changeling is not so much a child secretly exchanged for another, but an exchange of the life blood, which is executed between the child and the nature spirits. And then I looked up the word, page, which to me gave me more information. The reason that this gave me more information is that I did not have the revelation on changeling until right now. The Lord did not give it to me last night, but the definition of page, I should not say that the Lord gave it to me, I did not hear it until today. The definition of page is a boy who acted as a knight's attendant, at the first stage of training for chivalric knighthood. A youth in ceremonial employment or attendance in court. And I suggest to you that for spiritual principles, we are talking about a disciple.


We are talking about a disciple. So we see that there is a purpose even beyond an exchange of energy, and an exchange of energy, which enables experiences in this visible world, we see that a nature spirit who is seeking this kind of relationship with a human child or a human adult is really seeking to disciple them. They are seeking to make spiritual mediums out them. Do you know that that is what we are? If we speak the word, I speak the word of Christ Jesus, I am a medium, that is what I am. The Scriptural word is mediator. The occult word is medium, but that is what I am, and if you have express Christ Jesus, that is what you are. You can use the occult word; it is true, that is what you are. We are the channels for the expression of an invisible spirit.


So we see that in the same manner that when Christ Jesus attaches Himself to us, it is His full intention to live through us, and to make us living expressions of Himself. When a nature spirit attaches to a human being, it is that spirit's full intention to disciple that human being and make them an expression of themselves. We know all about that. We call them spirit guides. It is just different words. We know all about spirit guides. That is what we are talking about here.


So we see Satan whispering to Samson, saying, Elohim has deceived you into believing that He can harness Leviathan's great strength and overcome her, and the reason He has deceived you, is because He wants mortal man to be His changeling, but we, Satan and Leviathan, want mortal man to be his disciple... OK, now here is the catch, ...but we, Satan and Leviathan, you do not have to be our disciple, we are just going to give you the brow and crown energy centers, and you do not have to disciple, you do not have to learn anything, you do not have to confess your sins, you do not have to sit in long meetings like this, reading messages; you do not have to admit what you are doing wrong, and learn how to submit to authority; just come up here, we will lay hands on you, and you will ascend into the brow and crown energy centers, and have the power of those energy centers.


So Elohim's lying to you, He is telling you all of these lies. And what is Elohim saying to them? He is saying, I have the strength to capture and bind up Satan and Leviathan. He does not have the strength, and He is your enemy, we are your friend, He just wants to put you in bondage. He wants you to submit to another man, He wants you to lay down your life and be victimized by another person, and we do not want anything from you, we love you. We are just going to lay hands on you, and you do not have to do what is right, you do not have to walk in holiness, you do not have to obey the Lord's laws, you do not have to be obedient to him on a personal level, just come here, we will lay hands on you and you are going to get your spiritual power and ascend. Brethren, there are preachers preaching this today. I heard it. No more studying, just come up, it is going to be imparted by the laying on of hands, nothing for you to do, just receive it. Praise the Lord.


Now, understand that Satan was not goading Samson, he was telling him that Elohim wanted to disciple him, but that Satan and Leviathan would grant him access to the higher energy centers, without discipleship. And of course this is not true. Well, it is only true in a measure. There are people who do have spiritual power, who do possess ungodly spiritual power, but they do not, frequently they do not prosper in the world. The people in the occult that prosper are the people who submit to spiritual discipline, whether they are Wiccan, whether they are witches, whether they are Hindus, whether they are Buddhists. Whoever it is that is wielding the Serpent's power.


The men in this world who really benefit from wielding the Serpent's power are the ones who are submitted to an occult discipline, under a teacher, where they learn. They learn how to work magic, they learn how to cast spells, they learn how to curse people, they learn how to protect themselves from having a curse thrown back on them. The men who really wield the power of Satan are submitted to a spiritual discipline. And the people in this world, the men, and when I say men, I am talking about men and women; the people in this world who have spiritual power, but are not disciplined, go into destruction. They go into destruction, just like the Christians who have spiritual power and are not disciplined go into destruction.


I was reading in my comment here, I guess I have told you all this. This message in the Church today is saying there is no need to study or to have overcoming experiences, you can ascend in spiritual power by the laying on of hands. You do not have to know anything, just going to get that power and do whatever you want to do and fly in the spirit wherever you want to fly. You will not be answerable to anybody, and you are a lone ranger, you do not have to belong to fellowship, you do not have to submit to a pastor, just get your spiritual power and use it all to take care of yourself.


Brethren, spiritual power in Christ Jesus is given to us to serve Christ Jesus. The fact that we get helped, that we are benefited by this spiritual power is a side benefit, it is a fringe benefit. Christ Jesus gives us His power so that we will do His works in this earth, and His work in this earth is to set people free. Well, you say, I need to be set free, you are set free as you serve Him. You are set free as you serve Him.


You are set free as you submit to the Lord Jesus Christ, come under discipline, do what He tells you, no matter what you are feeling, and no matter how afflicted you are. When you serve Him, your fringe benefit is that you get set free. And if you think that you have to get set free before you serve Him, you have a hard lesson to learn, because you will find out that this is not true. You will find out that the most important thing in your life, if you are seeking help from the Lord Jesus Christ, is to fulfill your commitments to Him.


Verse 6, And Satan spoke to Samson through the spiritual woman who was miserable, disheartened and pining away, because of her weak and inadequate nature, saying, 'Please explain the source of Elohim's great strength to cast down, imprison and engrave the widowed Fiery Serpent, that is ascended in the circular timeline, that is nailed to Samson, Elohim's household'. Now, this spiritual woman; brethren, there are plenty of people in the Church today who are Delilah. Of course do not go by the King James translation. There are plenty of people in the Church today, they are serving Jesus Christ, they have faith in Jesus Christ, but they are miserable, they are disheartened, and they are pining away, and the reason that they are miserable, disheartened and pining away, is that their nature is inadequate and weak.


So you mean there are people who serving Jesus Christ, but still have the nature of the Serpent? Without a shadow of a doubt. Most of the people in the Church still have the Serpent's nature, and this is what judgment is all about. You cannot receive the nature of Jesus Christ by the laying on of hands. You come to the Lord and everything about you is of the Serpent. He receives you, you are reconciled unto Jehovah through the Lord Jesus Christ, He starts doing miracles in your life, He gives you words of knowledge, but brethren, your nature does not change without judgment.


How is that? You cannot change into something that you are not familiar with. How will your nature change if you do not know anything about the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ? Oh, you think you know about His nature, but you do not. One's nature is demonstrated by the way they think, and everyone that comes out of the world has a carnal mind, nobody who comes out of the world with their carnal mind intact has the slightest idea how the Lord Jesus Christ thinks.


I want to tell you that speaking in tongues, the gift of prophecy, interpretation of tongues, even the ability to lay hands on the sick and see them healed, and cast out demons, does not teach you about the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ. We must be instructed in righteousness. You have to get it from somebody else. And you do not get it by the laying on of hands, you get it by being in relationship with somebody who has it. And you have to be in right relationship with them, you have to be in submission to them. You have to, what does that mean to be in submission? You have to recognize that even in your hours of the greatest stress, that the chances are 99% that their opinion is Christ and yours is your carnal mind, especially in your moments of stress.


And by an act of will, by the power of Christ Jesus, you are to choose the opinion of Christ Jesus over the opinion of your carnal mind. And that is how your nature is changed. So you can be very gifted and still be living out of your carnal mind. And living out of our carnal mind without acknowledging that we are doing so, subjects us to the Reaping and Sowing Judgment, which is mediated by Satan. That is how we have trouble in our lives. I have preached on this, I have been preaching on this for years.


Yes there are curses, yes there are all kinds of trouble coming from other people's carnal minds. There are family line curses, there are generational curses, there are new curses coming forth every day from people's minds, but if those curses find place in us, that means there is a hole in our hedge, and the only way we will close up the holes in our hedge, is to get directly behind Jesus and walk in His footsteps, and that is no easy thing to do.


First of all, you have to see Him, you have to see where He is walking, and you have to recognize His footsteps. And if you think that is easy, you try it, you will find out that that is not easy, because you are looking through the eyes of your carnal mind. Everybody is in this condition, the Church and the world. The measure of a man's gifts do not define the nature that lives through him. The gifts will not defend us against Satan's attacks. Righteousness in our thinking patterns, defend us against Satan's attack, and that is what I mean by walking behind Jesus.


So we see in verse 6, And Satan spoke to Samson through the spiritual woman who was miserable, disheartened, and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature..., she is still in her carnal mind. I do not care how much you love Jesus, I do not care how long you have been in the Church, if you are disheartened and miserable, it is because you are still in your carnal mind. Christ Jesus is happy every day. In the midst of all kinds of trials, Christ Jesus is happy. I condemn you not, if you are miserable, it means you are in your carnal mind. ...saying, 'Please explain the source of Elohim's great strength, to cast down, imprison, and engrave the widowed Fiery Serpent'. That means to cast down the Fiery Serpent, why? Because she is ascended. She is ascended in the 3rd or 4th energy center, and what does she do when she is ascended? She marries Leviathan and exercises illegal spiritual power.


So we want to find out where Elohim gets this strength to break the Fiery Serpent away from Leviathan and cast her back down to the 1st energy center, and imprison her down there, so that she cannot ascend without Christ Jesus authority, and to engrave her, to engrave the widowed Fiery Serpent with the nature of Jehovah. That is what engraving is all about, it is talking about nature, and deliverance is in nature, it is the nature that we have that either makes us or breaks us. And nature, it manifests through our thoughts, it is resident in every cell of our being, but it is manifested, it is readable, it is discernable, it is recognizable through our thoughts; through our thoughts and our attitudes, not always through our words, because some people are dishonest. It can be discernable through words, but not always, because some people lie.


But our nature is discernable in our attitudes, and in the true spiritual speech, for anybody who can hear in the spirit. So we see that Satan wants to know how Elohim has the strength to separate the Fiery Serpent from Leviathan, make a virgin out of her again, cast her down to the root energy center, and engrave her with Jehovah's nature. I am sorry, and engrave the widowed Fiery Serpent, that ascended in the circular timeline, and engrave her with Jehovah's nature. And these words about the circular timeline, is in this verse, the Scripture is just imparting this spiritual secret, this mystery that the molecular pattern of the Serpent, of the ascended Fiery Serpent, is circular.


And we have found out in recent online meetings, that the molecular pattern of the spiritual, of the Spirit of Christ Jesus, is linear. The molecular pattern of the energy force, of the energy source known as Christ Jesus, is linear. The molecular pattern of the carnal mind is circular.


So if you can see in the spirit, you can tell whether you are dealing with a spirit that is of Christ Jesus, or whether you are dealing with the Fiery Serpent, but you do not have to see in the spirit, you can tell who you are dealing with by the words that they say, by the attitudes that they take, and by behavior, but behavior can be deceiving and words can be deceiving. You must learn to have the ability to discern the intents of a man's heart, if you really want to know what you are up against.


Why would you want to know what you are up against? So that you can know what to expect from this person. Not only to protect yourself from being victimized, but so that you can understand how you can help them in Christ Jesus, how you can help them without being destroyed yourself. There is a godly help and there is an ungodly help. We must know what we can do to help people that will not turn us away from Christ Jesus, that will not deplete our energy that is promised to Christ Jesus. We need to know when to say no, and when to say yes. So I will reverse it one more time. I think I hit every point here.


And Satan spoke to Samson through the spiritual woman who was miserable disheartened and pining away, because of her weak and inadequate nature saying, 'Please explain the source of Elohim's great strength to cast down, imprison and engrave the widowed Fiery Serpent that is ascended in the circular timeline, that is nailed to Samson, Elohim's household'. How did Elohim do this in Samson?


Remember, the panic attack, or the panic notice amongst the subconscious mind of the mortal men of Judah is this, Elohim has cast down the Fiery Serpent in Samson. He has overcome Satan and He has overcome Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent is now under the dominion of Elohim, and we want to know how you did it, so that it will not happen to us. They want to know all about your doctrine so that they can use it against you. Does that sound so strange, is not that what the Pharisees did? Did not they come and ask Jesus questions so that they could use it against Him, so that they could his answers against Him? Well, why would they want to use his answers against Him? To break His power. Well why would they want to break His power? Because they did not want Him to do to them what happened to Him.


He became the Son of God and they did not want it. Now, that is spiritual insanity. He became the Son of God and they did not want it! They did not want to share his experience, why? Because I do not think it ever occurred to the them that they could have the same experience. All that they could think about was what they would lose through this experience. They were not willing to give up one inch of their power, or their money, or their sin, and this is true of the Church today. They are not willing to give up whatever it is that they are doing that the Scripture calls in full that the Lord would require them to give up, they are not willing to give it up. They do not want to give up their power, they will never give up their power, they are terrified of giving up their power!


Brethren, Jesus Christ cannot help you until you give up your power. He cannot take care of you if you are not taking care of yourself. And out of those three things, giving up your sin and giving up your power and giving up your money, if someone, if the believers who come to the point where they are willing to give up something, they will give up their money first, they will not give up their sin. They will not give up believing that they are righteous, they will not give up believing that they are justified in the way that they think and behave, and they will not give up control over their own lives. And this, brethren, is the reason for judgment. I do not condemn anybody, I am telling you the truth, for this reason judgment must fall, that the people should learn righteousness. And how do you learn righteousness? The mind of Christ must be imparted to you. Praise the Lord.


Now please note that verse 6 is what Samson heard with his physical ears, but verse 7 is the spiritual speech that vibrated into Samson's mind. Verse 6, that is what the people said to Samson, Oh, Elohim's great, look at what He did in your life, tell me, how did He do it? But the truth of their motives of the intents of their heart, was saying something else, and I will read you our Alternate Translation of verse 7.


The intents of their heart was, I had the wrong verses down here, verse 5 is what was being said in the spirit and verse 6 is what was being said in the natural, and verse 5 says, But as Adam ascended in the mortal men of Judah, Satan, the lord of the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual immigrant..., it should be the spiritual immigrant, not in Samson, but in the mortal men of Judah. You see, Satan was cast down in Samson. Satan was not speaking in Samson, Samson was hearing Satan coming from the mortal men of Judah, and it was registering in his mind as his own thoughts.


But as Adam ascended in the mortal men of Judah, Satan the lord of the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual immigrants in the mortal men of Judah, whispered towards Samson, saying, 'Elohim has deceived you into believing that Elohim can harness Leviathan's great strength and overcome her, because He wants mortal man to be His disciple. But we, Satan and Leviathan, will give you the salvation that belongs to the brow and crown energy centers, if you will cast Adam down'. That was the spiritual message, but the verbal message was, And Satan spoke to Samson through the spiritual woman who was miserable, disheartened, and pining away, because of her weak and inadequate nature, saying, 'Please explain the source of Elohim's great strength to cast down, imprison, and engrave the widowed Fiery Serpent that is ascended in the circular timeline, that is nailed to Samson, Elohim's household'.


Brethren, we must obtain the ability to discern the speech of a person's heart. As you mature in Christ, you must know that it is not even a question of not trusting people, it is not a question of not trusting people, it is a question of simply being aware of what is going on, because people have an unconscious, and a subconscious mind. And if you are going to walk in safety as a spiritual person, you have to know what is operating their mind, this way, you are prepared to deal with sin coming out of their mind towards you. If you can see it coming, you can pray about it, you can pray for them, maybe you can nip it in the bud, before it ever manifests in the physical. Or if it does manifest in the physical, you have already heard from the Lord, and you know how to deal with it in Christ, so that there is no sin unto you, and that you can not only defend yourself, but turn around and help the person, which is what we are supposed to be doing. We are supposed to be elders here.


Our ears are supposed to be open to spiritual speech. A couple of years ago, I am pretty sure I put it on a message, I did a translation on a few of the verses concerning Jesus coming out of the garden of Gethsemane, as He was approached by the Sanhedrin's guards. And that message I brought forth that He spoke to them on two levels. On one level, Jesus said to the guards, I am Jesus of Nazareth, are you looking for Jesus of Nazareth? I am He. He said those harmless words, but the spiritual speech that was coming out of Him at the exact same moment, was that He was telling the guards, I do not remember exactly how it came forth, so this a real paraphrase, that actually it was Jehovah who spoke through Him; well, it was really the Spirit of Elijah.


So, the man Jesus said, I am He, that you are looking for, and the Spirit of Elijah said, I am manifesting, whoever will serve me, come and receive my spirit. So I guess it was Adam that spoke through Jesus and said, I am He, and the Spirit of Elijah said, I am manifesting, it is time, come and serve me, and partake of this great salvation. And out of all of the guards of the Sanhedrin, I do not know how many guards were there, there was only one man that responded in the spirit, do you remember his name? Does anybody remember? It was Malchus.


You see, the communication was subconscious mind to subconscious mind. I do not know what kind of a conscious reaction Malchus had, I do not know, but that Scripture, when you look at the deep message of those Scriptures, Peter and Jesus recognized Malchus' response, and he received whatever they were giving out in those days. I will say the seed of Christ, Malchus received it.


Brethren, there is always a double message, if you can hear it. That does not mean people are evil, it means that people are fallen. People are fallen. And even if we do not have Christ, we are double minded. We are saying good things through our mouth, and frequently, not always, but frequently, evil things through our subconscious mind. And what is evil? Selfishness is merely evil. If you are saying to somebody, I want to do a favor for you, but the truth of the matter is that it is benefiting you to do them this favor, your motive is evil, because you have not been honest with them.


So with your mouth you are saying, I desire to bless you because I love you, because I want to do something nice for you, but the truth of the matter is that you have, that it is important to you to do this thing for them, because it is going to benefit you somehow. People do that every day in this world. No one thinks of that as being evil, but Jesus thinks of that as being evil. And it is not evil as the carnal mind makes it evil, but compared to the righteousness of Christ Jesus, it is evil. And why is that? Because Christ Jesus would never do that, you see. Only your carnal mind would do that, Christ Jesus would never let you think that He is doing something that is blessing you while it is really a benefit to Him. Because nothing that He does for you is a benefit to Him. Everything he does is a benefit to you, there is not anything we could give Him.


So only the carnal mind would let somebody think that they are doing a blessing for somebody, while the truth is that they are being benefitted by the blessing. It is not that the person is not being blessed, it is that there is a double truth there. Yes, I am blessing you, but the double truth is, that in my blessing you, I am being satisfied, I am feeling good, I am looking good to my fellow neighbors. Whatever your reason is, there is a double motive. See Christ Jesus is single, there is never a double motive in Christ Jesus. So can we not do nice things for people, can we not give people things? Of course we can. Do whatever Jesus tells you to do. When you do it out of Christ, the only double motive that you have is that you are doing it because you are serving the Lord Jesus, and there is no sin in that.


We sin every day, probably every minute of every day, because that is the operation of the carnal mind. I am not saying you are a terrible person, I am saying we are all fallen, and if we hope to ascend out of our troubles in this world, and if we hope to ascend in to eternal life, a change of nature is required. We are not capable of being the way I just described, of being totally selfless in everything that we do, we are not capable of it. Therefore there is no condemnation in not being totally selfless, but that does not mean we should not recognize that our goal is to be totally selfless, because that is where eternal life is, in total selflessness.


But what we must understand is that we are incapable of attaining to that goal in and of ourself. Eternal life is in selflessness. We are not selfless, but there is no condemnation in our condition, because we do not have the ability to be anything but selfish. Selfish, concerned with self. We cannot be any other way, because we are lacking. The only way we can be totally selfless, is to be totally fulfilled. I am talking about 100% selfless. Therefore this is what is required of us, do not try to make yourself selfless, do not try to believe or pretend or give the impression that everything that you do is only for the other person, that is a lie. Be honest in your dealings and ask the Lord Jesus to give you His life, which is totally selfless.


There must be an exchange, our life for His life. You hear it preached in the Church, Well, He gave His life for our life; He died on the cross so that we could live. He did not die on the cross so that we could live. He did not die on the cross so that we could stay like this. Jesus died on the cross so that His selfless life could be converted into a form that could be grafted to all of humanity. And now that selfless life, in the seed form of the Spirit of Christ, is available. So let there be an exchange, Die to this lifestyle, saith the Lord, and take up mine. What most people do, is deny their evil side and live out of their good side, which is still death. Jesus, help us to understand it, Lord.


So verse 6 is what Samson heard with his physical ears, and verse 5 is the spiritual speech that vibrated into Samson's mind. And we have been talking about this here the last couple of weeks. I told you on a, I think I even put it on a recent message, about my experience, where I thought I was criticizing my young doctor, and as soon as I went to fight what I thought was criticism in me, I went to war with my own thoughts, the Lord immediately revealed to me, I was hearing someone else's thoughts. And I went to that doctor again, after I gave you this testimony, and the thoughts were not pounding through my mind. When it is exposed that it is someone else's thoughts, and I guess I did pray for him also, it stopped. We must know that thoughts that come into our mind could be other people's thoughts. You have to know this. Now, you cannot use this as an excuse to say that every ungodly thought that comes into your mind is not yours.


If you want to walk this walk, if you want spiritual power with Christ Jesus, you need to be willing to admit that any ungodly thought in your mind could be you and take that position. That is where I start from, that is my starting off point, it was me, I am guilty! But I will not let it go any further, I heard criticism in my mind, but you will not go any further, the buck stops here. And when you start to fight those thoughts, if it is not you, the Lord will reveal it to you, but you have to fight it as if it is you, with all of your strength; you have to fight sinful thoughts in your mind. And if the Lord does not say anything to you, well, then believe it is you.


What have you got to lose? Are you any worse off than if you do not believe that it is you, and it is you? You are better off even if you believe it is you, even if it is not you, you are better off believing that the sinful was you, so that you can war against it, and repent, and ask the Lord to cover you, and it is breaking your pride if you do that. We must inspect our thoughts. Sometimes it is Christ Jesus speaking to us, and we think it is a silly thought in our mind, it could be a word of knowledge from the Lord, it could be important that we hear this word, and understand it and follow it through. But we think it is our thoughts and we keep it to ourselves. Maybe it is a word for somebody else. You have to let these words out and let the body of Christ try the word. If it is a word for somebody else that is not in the group, call me, I will try the spirit for you. I am really good at this kind of thing, or bring it in front of the whole group, we will all try the spirit, but do not hold it in, and not give it out, because that is not using the talent that Jesus has given you, if you do not use it, you are going to lose it. You have to work this program, brethren, you want to be spiritual? You have to act spiritual. You want to be spiritual? Then you have to think spiritual.


Ask the Lord to help you to think spiritual. I know that last week we have had such heavy curses coming into this ministry these last few weeks, I told everybody that I was being invaded by some form of, if it was not a grasshopper, it was some form of locust. I am told grasshoppers are green, this was a black bug, but it jumped, and it was either a dark grasshopper or some form of locust, I do not know what it was, and first they started appearing in the bathroom, and then they started appearing in the kitchen, and increasing until I received the revelation that I should break the curse of the plagues of Egypt. What does that mean?


It means somebody was praying the Psalms against me here. Somebody who thought they were doing God a favor decided that this ministry was not of God and was praying the Psalms against us. I broke the curses of Egypt, and the things disappeared. I never picked up a spray bottle, I never sprayed, they were getting worse every day. I did not do a thing except break the curse of the plagues of Egypt, and I shared this with somebody here, and their reaction was (do not be offended now, I am using you so that people can learn from you, OK?) Their reaction was, Oh, I am so glad you are not bothered by the insects anymore. And here I was telling them, now this is not exactly what I said, but this was my heart, Glory to God, I got a word of knowledge from the Lord, I broke the curse, the bugs disappeared without even one squirt of a spray, I was all excited over the supernatural manifestation, but the person that I talked to was in the carnal mind and said, I am so glad you are not bothered by the bugs anymore.


So if you want to be spiritual, you must pursue spirituality. First of all, make your general fleece with the Lord to help you think in spiritual terms as a general rule, and then, as frequently as you think of it, do not go into bondage, but as frequently as you think of it, say, Lord, let my thoughts be towards the spiritual side. Brethren, your thoughts cannot be down the middle; either they are towards the spiritual side, or they are towards the carnal side. If you want to be spiritual, you must pursue spirituality. Ask the Lord to help you to think towards the spiritual side. The Lord wants to give it to you, He wants you to have everything, but you have to be willing to change. And depending on your heritage, if you are born with a tendency towards the carnal mind, you have to work very hard at that change.


How do you work hard at it? Ask the Lord to help you to change. Talk to spiritual people, and admit that you are carnal, and just work at it, work at it, think about it, meditate on it, go over it in your mind, saying, Well, look at that, look at how my response was carnal. My response could have been, Praise God, you had miracle. That was a miracle that those bugs disappeared without even a spray. That does not happen in normal life, that was a supernatural event. So you do not condemn yourself but think about it. Let your mind be filled with spiritual thoughts and understanding of spiritual things, that is how you change, that is how you pursue spirituality. That is how you do it. Praise the Lord, we are going to stop for dinner. Are there any questions or comments before we stop for dinner?


Praise the Lord, we are back from dinner, and we are picking up with Judges 16:7, KJV, And Samson said unto her, If they bind me with seven green withs that were never dried, then shall I be weak and be as another man.


Praise the Lord! And of course we see the King James translation is suggesting that Delilah is a single seductive woman who is trying to physically bind Samson, and we have found out with our studies so far, that the truth of the matter is that the battle is a spiritual matter, and that Satan is trying to bind Adam, and the Spirit of Elijah is trying to bind, or actually it is Adam, is trying to bind Leviathan, and the battle is between the Spirit of Elijah and Satan, and Adam and Leviathan. They are each trying to bind each other to harness or saddle one another, so that the one should be sitting on the other.


Adam and Leviathan, we are talking about minds, Adam signifies the mind of Christ, and Leviathan signifies the carnal mind, and only one mind can manifest through an individual at a time. So each mind is trying bind the other mind underneath himself. Now, it is the mind that is on top of the saddle that is the mind that is manifesting through the person. Let us go on.


The word, there are two prefixes before the English word, said. And Samson said unto her. And those two prefixes are vav and yod, which we have established all the way back, that this is speaking about Adam; it is speaking about the nailed hand. Yod means hand, and hand means subconscious mind. Spiritually speaking, the subconscious mind that is nailed to the personality is Adam. It is usually Adam, most of the time, unless the context of the verse says otherwise. So Adam said, in the English words, unto her, we are translating within. We are saying Adam within Samson said.  And the word if, it looks like we are leaving it here, but I think I may have changed it to because, well, we will just leave it if right now. That word Strong's #518, it could be translated if, because, or since.


And then we have in the next word, in the English words are they bind me. We have two prefixes before that, and this is just yod, which means hand or subconscious mind, but it does not, the vav is not there, saying the nailed subconscious mind. So please note that this subconscious mind is not modified by any other prefix, but the context of the verse indicates that this is Leviathan, the other mind. Because we have this prefix, yod, two times in verse 7. The first time it is talking about Adam, and the second time it is talking about Leviathan.


The English words, they bind me, that is a translation of Strong's #631, and we are translating it harness or saddle, and the English word, seven, Strong's #7651, we are translating complete, and the word withs that precedes it is a prefix, the prefix beth, which means household. And then we have the English word, withs, which must be an old English word, because we do not hear that in our society today. It is Strong's #3499, and we are translating that for these studies as the rest or the remainder or that part that remains.


Gesenius says that this word can be translated to exceed the bounds of or to be beyond measure. This Hebrew word signifies the Spirit of Elijah, Adam's head, who cannot be harnessed. Adam can be harnessed and killed, but the Spirit of Elijah cannot be captured or destroyed.


The Spirit of Elijah, Jehovah's right arm is an aspect of the one self-existing cause from which the first cause of the universes came into existence. Now we did this verse on part 2, but we did so many translations of various verses that were witnesses that did not come from Judges 16, that I decided to read you through this verse again. What does this mean, the one self-existing cause from which the first cause of the universes came into existence?


This is suggesting Jehovah, the static energy, Jehovah, there is no action in Him. Jehovah is the think tank; all thought comes from. Elohim, His right arm is the active or the dynamic energy. So the Jehovah is the self-existing cause, He always was, He is now, and He always will be. He just is, and the first cause of the universes is Elohim. Elohim is the dynamic energy which goes forth to form the universes.


So to say the first causes of the universes. it is talking about the foundation, the first cause. Elohim was breathed into the man, and the man became a living soul. So Elohim is first cause, He is the foundation, without Him there would be no universes, and Jehovah is the self-existing one, out of which Elohim, the first cause, arises.


And then we have the word, green, in the English translation, with seven green withs, and we are translating it new sinews. It is Strong's #3892, and on part 2 we went over this, that a sinew is a tendon, vigorous strength, muscular power, and a tendon is a band of tough inelastic fibrous tissue that connects a muscle with its bony attachment, and we came to the conclusion that the spiritual sinew, it was the Spirit of Elijah. And that was way we did all those extra translations on part 2, it was a witness that the spiritual sinew, I hope I got it right, it was the Spirit of Elijah. Adam sits on the Fiery Serpent, he has to subdue her, and he sits on her or he marries her, and the Spirit of Elijah comes in and straps them together, just that extra casing.


Did you ever put some items in storage, and you put in a carton and you close the carton, or you put it in a trunk and you turn the key, and then you put it cords around it also, just that extra binding, to make sure it does not open. So the Spirit of Elijah is the spiritual sinew, or the spiritual tendon. We know that we talk about sinews in the Book of Job, that word, sinews, is very present in the Old Testament, and this verse has opened up the esoteric understanding of the word, sinew. It is the spiritual of Elijah, and it is specifically referring to the binding together of the body of Christ in the individual, and the body of Christ in the New Testament. It is Christ Jesus revived in the individual, married to the Fiery Serpent, and the two are bound together when Christ Jesus in the individual joins with the glorified Jesus Christ, that is the final binding. The glorified Jesus Christ is the final binding on the union of Christ Jesus and the Fiery Serpent. And in the Old Testament, depending where you are in time, the Spirit of Elijah or Michael is that final binding, that sinew that locks Adam together with the Fiery Serpent and makes it impossible for them to separate again.


You see, ever since the fall, Michael in his many forms has been raising Adam from the dead. Michael has raised Adam from the dead many times, and Adam stands up strong and he defeats Leviathan, and he marries the Fiery Serpent, and the man is standing tall in Christ Jesus, and then Satan just comes in in great strength and overturns that marriage and raises up Leviathan, and they knock Adam down and they kill Adam, and then Michael raises Adam from the dead again. This has been going on for however long it has been since the fall. And this is the reason that we need a savior. That even Christ Jesus revived or regenerated in us, is not strong enough to defeat Satan and Leviathan, the carnal mind of fallen man. You see, now we are stronger than Satan and Leviathan.


With Christ Jesus alone, or the regenerated Adam alone, we are weaker than Satan and Leviathan. It is just a matter of time until Adam is overturned or Christ Jesus is overturned, it is just a matter of time. They are stronger than the regenerated Adam, which is Christ Jesus. Satan and Leviathan are stronger than the regenerated Adam which is Christ Jesus.


Therefore, not only must Adam be regenerated in us, not only must Christ Jesus be regenerated in us, but he must ascend to a place where he can make contact with the Lord Jesus Christ, who will bind him in his position of authority over the Fiery Serpent and make it impossible for Satan and Leviathan to overthrow him. Adam is telling Samson that if the carnal mind of the mortal men of Judah imprison him, Adam, the Spirit of Elijah, the part of Elohim's household that remains after Adam dies -- what do you mean the part of Elohim's household that remains? After Satan and Leviathan overturn Adam, or overturn the Christ mind, Adam dies, but the Spirit of Elijah or Michael, they do not die, and the Spirit of Elijah is one of Michael's incarnations, in case you have not heard my earlier teaching on this. Michael can never die.


I remember when I first started to get this revelation. I preached several messages, about three or four years ago, where I preached that Michael died, or that Elohim died, I am not sure whether I said or probably it was Elohim died. And everybody here was shocked, and I was shocked, but that seemed to be what the Lord was telling me. But I did not have the revelation, that the man is in two parts, and it is Adam that died, Elohim does not die, Elohim is aspect of Elohim. I did not realize that there were two Adams. Even back in Genesis, there are two Adams. I had that revelation years ago, when I use to study on my kitchen table as a young disciple, the Lord showed me that there were two Adams in the garden of Eden, and one was an imputed Adam, and the other was an imparted Adam, but I did not know what it meant.


So the imputed Adam is the Adam that is the thought form of Jehovah, that thought form can die, but the imparted Adam that was Elohim. He cannot die. But after I preached that message for a few times, the Lord just let me do it, it broke my pride, and I had to tell everybody that it was a misunderstanding. The principle that I was teaching you was correct, but I had the wrong name. Elohim cannot die. You see, Elohim and Adam, they are one man. Whether Elohim is manifesting as Michael, or Elijah or the Lord Jesus Christ, when Elohim is joined to Adam, they are one spiritual man, and when Satan and Leviathan rise up and attack that spiritual man, it is possible to kill the regenerated Adam, it is possible for Adam to die, it is possible for Christ Jesus in you or in me to die, but it is not possible for the glorified Jesus Christ to die, and it is not possible for the Spirit of Elijah to die, Elohim cannot die.


So when Adam is attacked and killed and murdered, there is a part that remains, and that part is Elohim or any of His manifestations. It is just another way of saying, when Adam is killed, the spirit that is in Adam survives. I have been teaching that here for quite a while. Adam's spirit manifested and is manifesting in the fallen world as Abel, the breath of life, the consciousness of the creation. So we see that the spiritual man that is in the image of Jehovah who is called Adam, his name is Adam, but He is really two parts, or at least two parts anyway, and there is a part in him that is eternal, that is not named. We do not say it is Adam in the Spirit of Elijah, we do not say it is Adam in Michael, we just say it is Adam. But when Adam dies, we see that there is something that survives, and that something is Elohim, that glorious spirit which has formed Adam. Jehovah's thought form cannot die, and it is just a matter of time until He comes back and reforms Adam or regenerates Adam.


Elohim is the eternal root. He is Jehovah's right arm. He cannot die. So Adam is telling Samson that if the carnal mind of the mortal men of Judah imprison him, the Spirit of Elijah, the part of Elohim's household that remains after Adam dies, will complete him or will complete Adam again.


I think we should put that in the notes, the part that remains after Adam dies, will complete Adam again, but there is a condition. As long as Satan stays dries up, and the only way that Satan will stay dried up, brethren, is if we are continuously policing our own internal principles, confessing our sins, attacking Satan when we see her, and repenting. And remember, true repentance means change, you must change, you must lay hold of the power of God and change. Once you are convinced of the sin manifesting in your mind, in your thinking, you must lay hold of the power of Christ, and change. That is what the repentance is, it is change, otherwise it is just confession.


If you are just admitting that you are doing it and not changing, it is just confession. And the Scriptural principle of confessing one's sins and repenting is signified in the Scripture as Satan being boiled, being boiled away and the earth becoming barren, or Satan being swallowed up.


So as long as we continue to confess our sins and repent; in other words, if we have been overcome by Satan and Leviathan, and they have murdered Adam in us, as long as we do not become bitter towards God or turn against the Lord, as long as we continue to confess our sins and repent, it should not be very long before Elohim or in our case, the Lord Jesus Christ rises up and regenerates Christ Jesus in us. As long as Satan stays dried up, but if we start feeling sorry for ourselves, if we fall into self-pity, if we blame God, Satan will come rushing back in like a tidal wave, and at that point, Elohim will not regenerate Adam because Adam is only regenerated on the foundation of confession and of repentance.


That is so important, you have got to hear it. And I also have been preaching for a while now the difference between backsliding and being overcome. What I just told you is the same thing that I have been preaching on and off for years. The difference between backsliding and being overcome, if you are confessing your sins and repenting, but Satan and Leviathan have overtaken you against your will. You have fought as hard as you could fight, but you are knocked down against your will, if you cleave to your position in your mind, that position of holiness, that raised up Christ Jesus in you in the first place, if you are confessing your sins and repenting and serving God with all of your strength, if you stay in that attitude of mind, even though you have lost ground, the Lord Jesus Christ will rush in and regenerate Christ Jesus in you, in a relatively short time, it happens at this point in my life He restores me very quickly.


Because Satan is dried up, I am still confessing my sin and repenting, even though I fell back in a particular area, you see. But if the setback that you have, if your reaction to the setback that you have, is that you fall out of confession and repentance, and you start blaming God and feeling sorry for yourself, and whatever, then you are no longer overcome, now you are backslidden. So the difference backsliding and being overcome is the attitude of your heart and your mind. Maybe you are sick, maybe you fell down and you got sick, or maybe in my case, what use to happen to me, it is not happening to much anymore, but I would get so afflicted in my emotions, and in my mind, that I would not be able to work, and I would lose several day's work. That would be my being overcome, but the Lord would restore me in a couple of days if I would just hold on and pray and confess my sins, I would be restored within a couple of days, within a short period of time.


There have been occasions here, what is coming to me right now, that I would just lose my ability to get the revelation that I teach. I have been teaching publicly for eleven years, and on occasion I would just dry up. And one day I went before the Lord and I said, Lord what is wrong with me, I am completely dry? And He told me that I was in a spiritual hole, that for the purpose of this affliction, I was Joseph, and my brothers, apparently some people were praying against me, had put me in a deep pit. So I just continued with my confessions that I was helpless without the Lord, and repentance of all sins that I knew of, because there had to be a whole in my hedge for them to do this to me. We are supposed to be invincible in Christ Jesus. So if someone can put you in a spiritual pit, there has to be a hole in my hedge. But I just stayed close to the Lord and I prayed and in two or three days the revelation came back. I was overcome. But if I went into sin in my mind after I lost the spirit of revelation, then I am backsliding. And once the attitude of your heart changes and you are not confessing your guilt anymore and you are blaming your condition on other people, now you are backslidden, and that could take a long time to restore you if you are backslidden. Anybody not understand the difference?


We translated Job 40:17, and the part of our study of the Hebrew word translated sinew. We are redoing this translation on part 3 because the Lord showed me a more accurate translation. Now I am not repeating to you the translation that I gave you on part , but this is the revised translation that the Lord gave me. And first of all, King James, Job 40:17, He moveth his tail like a cedar, the sinews of his stones are wrapped together. Here is our Alternate Translation, well I have a break down for you here. Based on the previous verses, we are talking about Behemoth, or saying Satan, Behemoth, unconscious mind, that is a translation of tail. The Hebrew word translated moveth, can be translated to curve, and this signifies the Tree of Life, the cedar tree signifies the Tree of Life; the sinews signify the part that remaineth, the eternal part; the words, wrapped together, we are translating intertwined, and the stones are talking about male testicles, and I suggest to you that the two sources of seed are Adam and Leviathan, Adam and Leviathan.


Job 40:17, Alternate Translation: Satan, the unconscious eternal part of Behemoth, bows over Adam, the Tree of Life, to intertwine Adam and the Fiery Serpent, the two sources of spiritual seed. Now I know that in past messages, I commented to you on the spiritual significance of the woman that was bowed over. I know that we had an illustration on that, how the Serpent's timeline only ascends as high as the heart center, and the Christian who is trying to get to, to ascend in the timeline in Christ Jesus, Satan and Leviathan come and try to curve our spiritual ascension at the heart center. So instead of going up into the timeline of Christ Jesus, we are bowed over in to a circle, into the circular timeline, which is Satan and Leviathan's timeline.


A lot of Christians in the Church today are bowed over and they are in Satan and Leviathan's timeline, and they are having a spiritual ascension. And they think it is in Christ Jesus, but it is not, they are bowed over, and their ascension is in the circular timeline. There are only two sources of seed, two sources of spiritual seed, and that is the seed in Adam, and the seed in Leviathan. This is very interesting what the Lord has recently revealed to me. I know that I have mentioned to you from time to time, that there is a character in the Book of Genesis, if you read it esoterically, and how do I read it esoterically? I look at the prefixes, I look at the individual letters, and there is talk about a flying fish that existed at the beginning of time, or before time, there was a flying fish in the interaction between Adam.


At the time of Adam's fall, in the interaction between the primordial Serpent and Adam, there was a flying fish involved, does anybody remember me talking about that? There is a flying fish involved, according to the esoteric reading of the Scriptures, by looking at the meaning of the letters, and I got that word several years ago, but I just could not get it, I could not get this flying fish bit, and now I understand it, so I will share it with you today.


It seems to fit in here with the two different kinds of seeds. The Lord recently explained to us here, and if you recall that Leviathan, the collective Leviathan is what the Scripture talks about as the principalities, and that sparks of Leviathan fly off and become Fiery serpents that incarnate the individual. And the Lord has revealed to us here that Leviathan, the collective Leviathan, is the seed part of Jehovah's sperm that was captured by the earth and engraved with the earth nature. They are the sons of God who became evil. Leviathan is the collective sons of God who became evil. How did they become evil? They became engraved with the Serpent's nature.


This is what the Lord just told me just a couple of days ago. First of all, I think I suspected this a long time ago, but sometimes I get revelations that go through my mind, I forget them, and they go back through my mind again. Adam was not an individual, we all know that he did not look like we looked, that he did not have an animal body. Adam was not a single entity. Adam before time, was a many-membered entity, just like he is today. Adam is being regenerated in the earth today, His name is Christ Jesus in this generation, and He is a many-membered body. Jesus is the head of the body.


So Christ Jesus is a many-membered body. Does anybody have any problem with this? Well, before time, Adam was a many-membered body. And who was Adam? Adam was the name of all of the collective sperm of Jehovah's semen, in the same manner that I said to you in this message, that Delilah is the single name of all of the mortal men of Judah, who were thinking and acting together as one man. Adam is the single name for all of the sperm of Jehovah's semen. So Adam was and still is a many-membered man, and Leviathan is a single collective name for all of the sons of God who are now engraved in the Serpent's nature. So as we see demonstrated in Revelation, Chapter12, where it says Michael fought and his angels, and the Dragon fought and her angels, what is happening in the world today brethren, is that there is a war going on between the sperm of Jehovah's semen that are engraved in the Serpent's nature, and the sperm of Jehovah's semen that are engraved in Jesus' nature.


That is what that whole account in Revelation, Chapter 12 is about, with Michael and his angels fighting. It is the same war that existed when Adam fell, only it is manifesting in another form because the creation fell, and we are in animal bodies now. So who are the flying fish? Get to your point Sheila (chuckle), who are the flying fish? First of all, what does fish mean? Fish is signified in Genesis as Jehovah's sperm. The fish in the seas at the beginning, it is talking about Jehovah's sperm, sperm are fish. Human sperm are fish. Look at them under a microscope, they go swimming in the seminal fluid. So the fishes that were abounding in the sea, that is just a symbolic way of saying that Jehovah's semen was very rich in sperm.


Did you ever hear of a sperm count? Some men have a low sperm count, and it is hard for their wife to conceive, it is not impossible but difficult. The King James translation says the sea which is overflowing, well this may not be the exact words, the over teeming with fish. Jehovah's semen, Jehovah had a very high sperm count in his semen, in His spiritual semen.


These are the fish of the sea, and the fish of the sea, Jehovah's, the sperm of Jehovah's semen were in the upper window. They were swimming in the sea above, they were not swimming in the sea below, and the sea below is what in this world we would call water, and the sea above, is what we would call air in this world.


We were talking about swimming in the air. Is it so way out to say that a bird swims in the air. Do you see a way a bird moves its wings, is that any different than doing a butterfly stroke in your pool? The Bible is symbolic, brethren. The flying fish, what it means is it is the fish that are in the upper window of the heavens, because the whole firmament is called the heavens, and the firmament is in two windows. So the heavens is the part of the firmament that is above, where the air is, the heavens of the heavens.


So the sperm of Jehovah that were in the upper part of the firmament were called flying fish, and they were engraved with the, well I guess they were engraved with Jehovah's nature, but it was temporary. And the fish that fell down below into the lower part of the firmament, and captured by the Primordial Serpent, they were the fish, they were not flying fish. I do not know exactly what the King James says, but they were not flying fish. But you see the sperm of Jehovah's semen became evil. And the account that we find in Genesis of the flying fish is that they seem to be under the Primordial Serpent's influence. They seem to be in agreement with the Primordial Serpent, when it comes to influencing Adam unto his fall.


So we see that there was a war going on before Adam fell, Adam was the collective name of maybe trillions of spiritual sperm, and it was the same principle that is going today, the Primordial Serpent was drawing those sperm unto herself with seduction and with witchcraft, and Adam and Elohim were trying to hold on to the sperm. It was a battle of the will and of the mind, and at some point, the Primordial Serpent managed to gain control over let us just say for argument's sake, more than fifty percent of the sperm that made up the collective Adam, and the whole entity known as Adam collapsed. Can you hear that? The entity known as Adam existed so long as he held on the majority of the spiritual sperm.


Even though there was a drain, the Primordial Serpent was drawing some of those sperm away from him, Adam still held, there were enough spiritual sperm to maintain this entity known as Adam, but at some point, the Primordial Serpent managed to draw away so many of the spiritual sperm, that the entity known as Adam collapsed. The form of it collapsed. And the spiritual sperm, then all of the spiritual sperm fell down into the waters in the lower window and were engraved with the nature of the Primordial Serpent, and they became Leviathan.


See, I knew there was a difference between the flying fish and Leviathan, but I could not put my finger on it. Leviathan is the collective name of Jehovah's sperm, in the lower window completely engraved with the Serpent's nature. And the flying fish are Jehovah's sperm that are still in the upper window, but they are under the Primordial Serpent's influence and their thinking is being converted to her way of thinking.


Now the big question is, why did I stop here to tell you that, oh yes, I was talking about the two different kinds of seed. We were doing an Alternate Translation on Job 40:17, which talks about two different kinds of seed. Well what are the two different kinds of seed?


All that there is, is Jehovah's spiritual semen. But each spiritual seed has an engraving on it, and not all of them have Jehovah's nature engraved on them. So the two kinds of seed are all Jehovah's seed, the only difference is the engraving on the seed. And the two kinds of seed, one kind is called Adam, the spiritual seed, or the spiritual fish that are engraved with Jehovah's nature, and then there is Leviathan, the spiritual seed or the spiritual fish that is engraved with the Primordial Serpent's nature. Those are the two kinds of seed, and each kind is trying to wipe out the other kind.


Today, Adam is appearing as the Lord Jesus Christ, and He is determined to erase the Serpent's nature from every spiritual sperm in existence. It is just not time yet, He is coming for the whole of humanity. And He will retrieve unto Jehovah's nature every spiritual sperm, which is talking about the spiritual nature of every human being, not every physical body, and not every personality, but the spiritual substance that has been in the world since we appeared in animal bodies. The Lord Jesus Christ will apprehend every spiritual sperm. And what is the name of the spiritual sperm? It is the Fiery Serpent in the individual, that is who it is.


He will apprehend every one of them and engrave each and every one with the nature of Jehovah. So He is one kind of seed, but Leviathan is the other kind of seed. And Leviathan is determined to capture, to do the same thing. And Leviathan does not believe the Scripture that she is lost, that the Lord Jesus Christ will surely retrieve every single one of Jehovah's sperm, and return that seed to the rightful owner. Satan and Leviathan do not believe it, so there is  a war going on. A thought just popped into my mind about these fertilized fetuses that are such a controversy today. I saw a documentary on it on TV, that a woman who sought to become pregnant through in vitro fertilization, she had several of her eggs fertilized. And they are being kept in very, very cold temperatures, they could last 100 years. These are viable fetuses, they are human beings in seed form, and the question is, what is going to happen to them? The parents had to make a decision to destroy them, to donate them to other people, and I think, I do not know if there was a third choice or not.


The danger of donating your fertilized fetus, your fertilized eggs to other people, is incest. We will have just chaos in the world, if you do not know who the parents are the of your children, or who your sisters or brothers are. But this is what we are up against, and this is the thought that just came to me, when I thought about all of Jehovah's seeds, that many of them, the majority of them in this hour, are under the control of Satan and Leviathan, the modern day expression of the Primordial Serpent, and this is the war to engrave the nature of the fish, of the spiritual seed, either it is Jehovah's nature, or the Primordial Serpent's nature, that is what the war is all about.


Now if you have a problem in your life and you have a financial problem or if you are sick, and you are involved in this war, well you will get healed as you fight this war. But if you think that your problem in your life -- and I am not diminishing it, I have been ill, I have had financial problems, I am diminishing it, but I want you to come into reality. As far as the Lord Jesus Christ is concerned, these problems are very small, your financial problems are very small, your sickness is very small. He has the fate of the whole world in His hands, and if you want to be healed, if you want your finances healed, if you want your life healed, get in on His program, and you will be healed as you walk in obedience to Him. That is the bottom line.


Satan, the unconscious eternal part of Behemoth, bows over Adam, the Tree of Life, to intertwine Adam and Leviathan, the two sources of spiritual seed. What does that mean, to intertwine Adam and Leviathan, the two sources of spiritual seed? Brethren, to combine the two sources of spiritual seed, there has to be a change in the engraving. And it is the Serpent's MO, to mix those who are consecrated to Jesus Christ with the world, because the world corrupts the separated seed. We cannot fellowship with the world and change them, they will change us. The carnal mind is on their home turf. If you think you are going to stay holy and stay in Christ while hanging out with the world, you are mistaken, the world will change you. And that is what this is talking about. Satan is always pushing for a mixture, a mixture, a mixture, so that you lose your identity. And the identity of the mixture is Satan.


Continuing with Judges 16:7. Well I just repeated these notes for you, I am not going to read them again. Our Alternate Translation of Judges 16:7 is, And Adam said to Samson, 'If Leviathan, the subconscious part of the carnal mind of the mortal men of Judah, harnesses me, Elijah, the remainder of Elohim's household within them, is strong enough to wound Satan and dry her up, and Elijah and Adam shall be as one spiritual man, and they shall bind the Fiery Serpent anew.'


And Adam said to Samson, Adam and Samson was going into the spiritual being of the mortal men of Judah, to regenerate Adam in the mortal men of Judah. These were Samson's instructions from Adam within him. If Leviathan, the subconscious part of the carnal mind of the mortal men of Judah harnesses me in the mortal men of Judah. Adam is saying, If after you regenerate Adam, if He is overtaken, if Leviathan puts Adam underneath him, which kills Adam, do not worry, do not worry about it, because the remainder of Elohim's household within them, that is Elijah, is strong enough to wound Satan and dry her up. And Elijah and Adam shall be as one spiritual man, and they shall bind the Fiery Serpent anew.' Adam is saying, Do not be alarmed if you see Adam die. And we know from other verses that in fact Adam did die after he was regenerated. The mortal men of Judah killed him. They saw him as an enemy and they killed themselves.


If you recall the messages in Samson & The Foxes, this is why education is essential. The personality has the power to kill the regenerated Christ Jesus or the regenerated Adam. So the personality must be educated, to join with Christ Jesus, and to recognize Satan and Leviathan. Because I do not think anyone in their right mind would join with Satan and Leviathan, no one in the Church anyway. So the Doctrine of Christ, and the course of study here, is to teach us to distinguish between Christ Jesus and Satan and Leviathan, and to recognize Christ Jesus' thought, to recognize how He think. How does Christ Jesus think? Christ Jesus thinks the Doctrine of Christ, that is what He thinks. So how could you know what Christ Jesus thinks, if you do not know the Doctrine of Christ? And we see that Satan is very subtle, in the subsequent verse of this message, we see Satan lying to the mortal men of Judah. Satan lied to the woman in the garden, Satan twists the words of Elohim.


How will you know that the Word of God is being twisted if you do not know the spiritual truth of the Word of God? You must know the Doctrine of Christ before you will recognize the spirit of error. The problem in the Church today is that the Church has made the King James translation the Word of God, which it is not. It is a surface translation of the Word of God. The Doctrine of Christ is the Word of God, and we do not have it in its fullness here.


I believe that the Doctrine of Christ is infinite. The more our mind can comprehend, the deeper we will understand the spiritual message of Christ Jesus to the Church. And we will see that message coming forth in the subsequent verses. I have a witness for Judges 16:17.


This is Eph 2:15, Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances, for to make in himself of twain, one new man, so making peace. And that is a witness to our Alternate Translation of Judges 16:17, which says, The part that remains, Elijah is strong enough to wound Satan and dry her up, and Elijah and Adam shall be as one spiritual man, and they shall bind the Fiery Serpent anew. And of the twain he made of himself one new man, so making peace. Making peace with whom? Making peace with the Fiery Serpent within us. How did He make peace with her? He captured her. That is how He made peace with her.


Continuing with Judges 16:8. In case you do not remember, the Fiery Serpent is the strong enemy of Christ Jesus. She is the wild beast that inhabits and controls the lower energy center. She does not want Christ Jesus for a lover, and she is attacking Him and biting Him and trying to destroy Him every step of the way. She longs for, and lusts for who? Who does the Fiery Serpent long and lust for?


COMMENT: Leviathan.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes. What were you going to say?


COMMENT: I thought the Lord Jesus Christ.


PASTOR VITALE: The Fiery Serpent? No, she does not want the Lord Jesus Christ. If she would want the Lord Jesus Christ, we would not have any problem. She longs and lusts for Satan and Leviathan. And your desire shall be unto your husband, Genesis 3, And your desire shall be unto your husband. Well who was her husband? The woman married the Serpent. Our spiritual virginity longs and lusts for Satan and Leviathan, to the point that she will destroy Christ Jesus when he comes to break her relationship with Satan and Leviathan.


Verse 8, King James, Then the lords of Philistines brought up to her seven green withs which had not been dried, and she bound him with them.


The word, brought up, we are translating ascended, and it has the two prefixes before it that indicate Adam. The English words, to her, we are translating toward, and then we have the word, lords of. This is Strong's #5633. The same Hebrew word, Strong's #5633, translated lords, in verse 8, also appears in verse 5, where we did a study to establish that this Hebrew word can be translated Satan or spinal column of the etheric body. Both Strong and Brown-Drivers-Briggs say that this word can be translated both lord and axle. We established in our study of verse 5, that Satan is the lord of this world. Today I suggest to you that Satan is also the lord of the spiritual inner world, which compasses the energy centers that hang on and are supported by the etheric spinal column.


Continuing with verse 8, And Adam, that is a translation of then, ascended, that is a translation of brought up, toward is a translation of to her, the lords of the Philistines we are translating the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual immigrants. The word, seven, we are translating complete, the word, withs, we are translating the part that remains. The word, green, Strong's #3892, can be translated moist, new chords or strength, and the word, which, we are translating since, the word, not, we are translating Satan, have been dried, we are keeping that. She bound him, we are translating to imprison, and the English words, with them, a translation of Strong's #8700, can be translated time, and we are translating it timeline.


Adam ascended towards the lords of the etheric spinal column, Fiery Serpents, spiritual immigrants, complete the part that remains moist new chords, strength, since Satan had been dried to imprison timeline. And this is the translation that the Lord gave me, And Adam ascended into the higher energy centers of Elohim's timeline, within the mortal men of Judah, because Elijah, the part that remains after Adam dies, dried up Satan, and Elijah's strong chords imprisoned Leviathan, the counterfeit timeline, which was completing the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah.


Continuing with Judges 16:9, KJV, Now, there were men lying in wait, abiding with her in the chamber, and she said unto him, 'The Philistines be upon thee, Samson.' And he break the withs, as a thread of tow is broken when it touches the fire. So his strength was not known.


Now there were men lying in wait, that is Strong's #693, and all of those words can be translated ambush, and there are two prefixes before that word, vav, which means he, which means window. Please note that prefixes do not say, the mind nailed to the window, which usually means Adam, but the one nailed to the window. This sounds like it is the Fiery Serpent lying in wait, but all motives originate in the unconscious part of the mind.


So we see that it is Satan who is seeking to ambush Samson. It Satan in the unconscious part of the mind of the mortal men of Judah, who is seeking to ambush Samson. Now brethren, we have to live with this. Our most beloved friends and relatives can have Satan operating in their unconscious mind. Only the people who are trained are really aware of what is inside of their unconscious mind. People can live a whole lifetime, never really harming anybody, but Satan is in there, and somehow when Christ manifests in the family or in a close friendship. that simple little Aunt Tessie that never hurt anyone in her life, never showed any signs of envy or desire to harm to anybody, Satan can just zoom up from her unconscious mind and stir up the whole family against you, because of this crazy doctrine that you are following.


You have to know this without losing your affection for the people, and you have to deal with it in the spirit, because they do not even know what they are doing or why they are doing it. So you have to deal with it through spiritual warfare and through prayer. And if the Lord brings them to a place where they could listen to reason, then you talk to them. But you should not be talking to someone that will not listen to reason, they will just make a fool out of you. You should withdraw from people that will not listen to reason or who do not have a right attitude towards you. You should not discuss these issues with them. They will overturn Christ in you.


In the condition that we are in today, and the level of maturity that Christ has today, unless you are convinced that it is Christ Jesus risen up in you, to accept the challenge of this person's carnal mind, you should withdraw. Because if Christ Jesus is not risen up to accept the challenge, the carnal mind in the other person will make a fool out of you. They will defeat you. You have to know when to withdraw. How do you know? Ask the Lord. Is not this great? We can talk to Him anytime, in the moment of crisis anywhere. If we are completely bound, it should never happen to any of us, hands, feet, mouthed gagged, we can still say, Lord Jesus, help and what do you want me to do?


That is some benefit, brethren! There is not anything in this whole world that I would give that benefit away to have, it is priceless. It is absolutely priceless. So we see that it is Satan in the unconscious mind of the mortal men of Judah, who is seeking to ambush Samson, who is there to deliver the mortal men of Judah from Satan.


The very people that you are sent to help can manifest Satan to you, and most likely will, until, the person is educated, until the personality is educated to the point where they resist Satan, and cleave unto Christ, in themselves and in you. The personality must be educated, or they will surely agree with Satan and Leviathan. Now if the personality is not willing to be educated, at this point in our development, there is nothing we could do. It is between them and Jesus. We can only educate the people who are willing to be educated, or willing to make the commitment, to come to the meetings, to talk to you, to listen to what you have to say, to honestly pray about it. Those are the only people we can help at this time.


And I have to tell you, I do not know that I ever saw Jesus help anyone other than the condition that I just described. The Gadarene demoniac fell on his knees when he saw Jesus, recognized Him as the Son of God and worshiped Him. The adulterous woman, we have every reason to believe that she was crying out for help. Jesus said, Go and sin no more. Did she say to Him, Tough on you, I like my adultery? I mean, did she say that to Him? She must have been crying out for help for a long time. I cannot think of one Scripture (and I am glad I made your day). Someone is laughing here. I cannot think of one Scripture in which Jesus gave a miracle, or any kind of healing, which is a miracle to anyone that was not repentant, that was not willing, that was not crying out to God, willing to do anything to get well. That is what he meant when He said, Deliverance is the children's bread.


Yet when he found a non-Jew who was recognizing Him as the Son of God, and in a condition of repentance, He had mercy on her, He gave her the ministry. Why? Because her heart was right. Well, what does that mean? Let me give you a new flash on that. Israel was supposed to be educated. The personalities of the men of Israel were educated to agree with the law that Jehovah had given them, which clearly required them to confess their sins and repent. That is why deliverance was the children's bread, because the personality that is not educated will never fall into agreement with Christ Jesus, or in the Old Testament, with Adam and Elijah within, the mind of God.


The uneducated personality defaults to Satan and Leviathan. They fall prey to the lies and deception of Leviathan. They agree with Satan and Leviathan, and there is no deliverance for any personality, any human being who's mind is in agreement with Satan and Leviathan. That is what it means, deliverance is the children's bread. It is only for the people who understand that their personality must line up with the mind of God to receive deliverance. And wherever a Gentile, wherever a non-Jew appeared, who somehow by the grace of God, had this ability to fall in line with the mind of God, Jesus said, OK, you could have it too.


But it is rare, you see. The Scripture clearly said, Receive the strangers in Israel. Who were the strangers in Israel? The people who recognized Jehovah, recognized God, recognized His power, submitted to Him and worshiped Him, and said, We want to be with You. Jesus said, Take them with you, receive them. You have to understand this. The benefits of God are given to the personality who agrees with the mind of God. And it is a very rare personality that agrees with the mind of God without formal education in the righteousness of God. Is not that simple? But large parts of the world perceive the Scripture as prejudicial. They see God as ministering to only one group of people. No, He is here to save the whole world, but there is something for all of us to do, and we cannot do it without the education, except in very rare cases. It is not going to happen. You have to know what you have to do to get your deliverance. Jesus.


We are in verse 9. The English word, abiding, we are translating to sit upon, or to marry. The English word translated with her, we are translating for the purpose of. The English word, translated in the chamber, we are translating within or the innermost part, and there is a prefix there, beth, which means household. The most inner level of consciousness is the unconscious mind. The innermost level of consciousness is the unconscious mind. We out here in the conscious mind, we are in outer darkness.


The next word is she said, we are translating she said, thought within her heart or intended. And there are some prefixes before that. The King James translates it and, but we have several prefixes here, vav, nailed, and tow, which means to mark or to engrave. So we are translating these two prefixes, the nailed one who engraves. The one who is nailed to the window that engraves, that is Satan and Satan is nailed to lower window, she is the engraver, she is going around engraving the seeds of Jehovah's spiritual sperm with her nature. She is the engraver. You may recall in Isaiah, I believe it is Chapter 9, we read about the man with ink horn, with the writer's ink horn; he is going out engraving. The allegory of the Scripture says we are going to be marked, sealed in our forehead and on our hand. And some people believe that we will be tattooed or some such thing.


No brethren, the Scripture is spiritual, the engraving is in our nature, and our nature is in every cell of our being, and when the majority of the cells of our being are engraved with the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ, there appears an entity in our heart center, we appear as human being, that is a manifestation of Christ. So this warfare, this battle, to engrave Jehovah's seed, with either the nature of Jehovah, or the nature of the Primordial Serpent, is going on right within the very cells of our body. And as I told you earlier, there was an entity called Adam which is the collective name for all of the many spiritual sperm of Jehovah's semen, and then I am just saying more than fifty percent to make a point. I do not really know what the percentages are, when more than fifty percent of Adam's, of the seeds that comprised Adam were drawn away unto the Serpent's nature, the entity known as Adam ceased to exist.


We see that in Daniel 8, there is a ram. All of the seeds in Israel are engraved with Jehovah's nature, and Israel is a ram and then all of sudden a goat appears, which means Leviathan and Satan have risen up in Israel, and they are engraving some of the men of Israel. And there is a warfare in Israel between the men who were given over to Jehovah, and the men who were given over to Satan and Leviathan, and the men who were given over to Satan and Leviathan defeated the men who were given over to Jehovah, and the ram disappeared, Israel fell.


Is this not what we are talking about in our online meetings, with Judges, Chapter 21, and the Benjaminites? We saw that all of Israel rose up to wage war against the Benjaminites who are ascended in Leviathan's timeline. Why? Why could not they just leave them alone and let them do their own thing? Because it is contagious. Because Satan is not satisfied to have risen up in the tribe of Benjamin. She will not stop until she possesses all of Israel or the whole world. These principles are going on right in your individual being, and when the majority of the spiritual cells of your body that signify your mind, and mind is in every cell, in every cell of your being. When the majority of your cells are engraved with the nature of Jesus Christ, Adam appears in your heart center, and that entity is who you are. I have to say this again, I do not think I reached somebody, I am going to say it again. Adam is the collective name for all of Jehovah's seeds that are engraved in His image. Just like there is a many-membered body of Christ. We are an individual world. Every human being, the Greek New Testament calls us a cosmos, we are all of us is a cosmos. Each of us is an individual world.


Out of all of the many trillions of cells and spiritual cells of our body, each and every one is engraved with the nature of either Satan or the Lord Jesus Christ. And the majority of the cells of our body, or let me put it this way, the nature that is prevailing over the majority of the cells of our body takes form. It takes the form of an entity. Just like Adam is the collective name of all of the seed engraved in Jehovah's image.


So when every individual, depending on whether the majority of their spiritual cells are engraved with the nature of Satan or the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ, that is the image that appears in their heart center. If the majority of your cells are engraved with image of the Lord Jesus Christ, Christ Jesus appears in your heart center, and His symbol is a ram. But if the majority of the spiritual cells of your being and your physical cells, all of you, are engraved with the Serpent's nature, with Satan's nature, an entity appears in your heart center, and her name is? Anybody?


In the New Testament, her name is the Devil. That is the name of our old man, the Devil, and her symbol is the goat. And for most of us who are reading this message right now, who is a completely carnal person, until the Lord calls us, even if you are in God twenty years, you were a completely carnal person before the Lord calls you. Every cell of your being was engraved in the nature of Satan, and your heart center was occupied by the goat. Now goats are good and evil. The Devil is good and evil. You could have been a good person, and your heart center is still occupied by the Devil. The Devil is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. If that person who you were twenty years ago, has taken a new path, and is engaged in dying to the lifestyle of the Fiery Serpent, and pursuing after the lifestyle of Christ Jesus, many of the cells of your spiritual and physical body are now engraved with the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ. And the chances are that you have two entities in your heart center, a ram and goat.


Did you ever experience a warfare in your heart center? I have, and it is painful. So everything that I am preaching here to you, it is not way-out doctrine. Everything that I am preaching, it is going on inside of you. It is going on inside of your mind and it is going on inside of your heart. Everything that I preach here, this is not a high philosophy that is not to be applied to your life, it is true of you. The conflict, the battle, the entities, the spiritual principles, the positive principles, the negative principles, they are all inside of you. The whole thing is happening inside of you. And then on a larger scale, if you take the Church, each individual one of us, is one cell in the Church, and when the majority of the members of the Church are in the image of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Church will manifest Christ Jesus. But the Church is not manifesting Christ Jesus today.


So we know the story, do we not? We know who has engraved the majority of cells, of the majority of the members of the Church. We are manifesting Satan. And then once the Church gets in order and the Church is manifesting the nature of Christ Jesus, then the war will be between the Church and the world. And eventually all the people in the world will be manifesting the nature of Jesus Christ, and the Lord Jesus will give up the creation to the Father, and he will be all in all. Praise the Lord.


So we see that the prefixes, the hidden message in the Scripture is talking about the engraver who is nailed to the window. And I suggest to you that Satan is the engraver. Why do I say Satan and not the Spirit of Elijah. Is not the Spirit of Elijah, or in this dispensation the Lord Jesus Christ, is not he the engraver? Yes He is, but He is not nailed to any window. The Lord Jesus Christ is not nailed anywhere, He is in eternity, He is beyond time.


So the engraver nailed the window is Satan. So Satan, the engraver nailed to the window, thought within her heart, we are keeping the words unto him, the Philistines we are translating the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual immigrant, the word, be, is not in the Hebrew. The words, upon thee, we are translating above. Samson we are keeping, and then we have the English word, he break. We are translating that to draw away. That is Strong's #5423, can be translated to draw away, and there are two prefixes before that word. Vav means nailed, yod means mind, we are talking about Adam here. And then we have the word, of himself, I guess that was an untranslated word, I am not sure what I meant by those squiggly brackets, of himself, probably it was not translated.


Now there are men lying in wait, abiding with her in the chamber, and she said unto him, and he break the with... Yes OK, that word was not translated, Strong's #853, of himself. Sometimes a little word like that is very important because it clarifies the subject of the verb. As I told you many times, there are many verbs in the Scripture where the subject is not clear. We just have a pronoun for the subject, and we have to interpret who the verb is talking about. So a little word like of himself can point us or clarify who the subject is, which does not require that decision to be strictly our own subjective opinion. We have a clue, and the Scripture says, of himself. And the word, Samson break, and then we have the word, withs, which we are translating, the Spirit of Elijah. We are translating the word, withs, as Elijah. The word, as, we are translating as of himself, and then English word, is broken, we are translating, is separated, which is Strong's #5423, this is the same Hebrew word translated break.


The Hebrew word translated break is preceded by the prefixes which signify Adam, the mind nailed to the upper window of creation. The same Hebrew word, translated broken, is preceded by the prefix yod, which means mind. The question here is, do these prefixes signify Adam or the Fiery Serpent, the subconscious part of the Primordial Serpent's mind? And then we have the word, break, and one is preceded by vav and yod, and the other is preceded yod. So I see I do not answer the question here, and that is probably because at this point I did not know which words signified who. Frequently I do not know until I put all of the translations together and see what the Lord has to say.


The English words, are thread, Strong's #6616, we are translating a twisted thread, and the word, of tow, which is not a common word in our modern English, that is Strong's #5296, it means the refuse of flax, or the by product, like the chaff of the wheat. I looked up the word, flax, and the American Heritage Dictionary says that flax is any of several plants of the genus Linum. It has blue flowers and seeds that yield linseed oil. Linseed oil comes from flax and it is a plant. Well, I see that I have a definition of the flax, but I did not make any notice of what conclusion I drew. So we will find that out as we will go on, I did not make a note of the conclusion I drew. But we know that this word, tow, it is a byproduct of flax, a refuse of flax, it is something that is not disposable. We know that it cannot be of Christ, it has to be of the Serpent's household. So we have a few more words. This is a long verse, verse 9.


The English words, when it, are really two prefixes, beth = household, and hey = window, and the English word, toucheth, now this is interesting, this English word, toucheth, in verse 9, I want to read the King James here, And he break the withs as a thread of tow is broken when it toucheth the fire. That English word, toucheth, is a translation of Strong's #7306, which means spirit. I do not know where the King James translators got toucheth from, they just pushed their translators license, they did not know what to do with the word. This is the Hebrew word that is translated the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Jehovah, ruach, spirit. So we see that the King James translators completely changed the word.


And the word, fire, we are translating Fiery Serpent, the word, not, we are translating Satan, the words, was known, Strong's #3045, we are translating was revealed, and Strong's #3581, translated strength, in the King James, we are translating lizard, or changeling, or as we have found out, the word now means disciple. At least for the purposes of this translation, and this discussion, we are translating that word disciple.


I am just going to jump ahead to the Alternate Translation on page 9, Satan, the spirit nailed to the lower window, thought within her heart that she would ambush Samson. I see that should really be within the hearts of the mortal men of Judah. Satan never thinks within her own heart, she is always in the heart of a man. Satan, the spirit nailed to the lower window, thought within the heart of the mortal men of Judah, that she would ambush Samson, and draw him away from Elijah, the part of himself that remains after Adam dies.


What does this mean that she would draw him away from Elijah, the part of him that remains after Adam dies? I gave a whole exhortation on this about a half an hour ago. This is to say that it was Satan's intention to bring Samson into a sinful attitude of mind, after Adam died, the only way Samson could be drawn away from Elijah, is by sin in his thought process. You may recall what I told you, even after Adam was killed the instruction to Samson is, do not worry, the part that remains, Elijah, will raise Adam from the dead, and will regenerate him anew, do not worry about it, so long as Satan remains dried up. That means so long as the man does not sin in his mind. That means that Elijah will do this, if the man is overcome, but not if the man is backslidden. So Satan knows this, and she is devising a plan in the hearts of the men of Judah, to cause Samson to stumble in his thought life, so that when Adam is killed, he will also be separated from Elijah, and completely cast away.


Now to be honest with you, at this point, I did these verses last week, and I am going to really have to go over these verses to find out whether Satan is lying in wait for Samson, or lying in wait to kill Adam as he rises in the mortal men of Judah. At this moment that I am preaching to you, I do not have it straight in my heart. But, Lord willing, I will have for you, when we review these verses in part 4 of this message. So I will just go along with my notes now, as I have them.


Satan, the spirit nailed to the lower window, thought within the heart of the mortal men of Judah, that she would ambush Samson and draw him away from Elijah, the part of himself that remains after Adam dies, and place the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual immigrant over Samson, so that Leviathan, and the Fiery Serpent, the household of Satan, the spirit nailed to the lower window, could have spiritual sexual intercourse with Samson, Adam's disciple. It does appear that verse 9 is about Samson. Now you have to realize that it is Adam and Elijah in Samson, that is invading the spiritual being of the mortal men of Judah. So Satan in the mortal men of Judah would like to overthrow Adam and Elijah in Samson, so that he will leave them alone.


The same principle is here. If you have come to the place where the Lord is using you to reveal sin in people, those people are likely, if they are not agreement with what you are doing, are likely to rise up and try to provoke you to sin. There was a time when that was happening to me a lot, and I would fall prey to it. How does that happen. People, when you come to them in a spirit of truth, they will say things that will be so outrageous, that it will stir up your pride, your indignation, that you will say, How could you say that about me? or, How could you say that? And immediately, you are in your carnal mind, and they overthrow you. This happens to all young sons rising up. You have to be tried and tested, you have to have these experiences, because you cannot, you will not, you will not have the ability to stand against this kind of provocation coming out of the carnal mind, unless you overcome it.


You will not have a natural ability to overcome this kind of provocation. Whatever natural ability you have must be proven through overcoming experiences. If you do not have the overcoming experience, to the best of my knowledge, it is just a matter of time until you meet the one person that you cannot defeat, and they overturn you. You have to go through, you have to be overcome by the carnal mind, and through confession of pride, because it is only your pride that caused you to be overcome, you will eventually overcome your pride in this area. You see, if you are not tested and proven, if you have not been provoked by someone's carnal mind and been cast down, and confessed it as the sin of pride, and then overcome, if that does not happen to you, the chances are very high that your overcoming the provoking one is coming out of the strength of your carnal mind.


The chances are 99%, that if you are walking around saying, Oh, yes, I have met these Pharisees that provoke me, and they have never gotten the best of me, they have never ever cast me down once. The chances are 99%, that the strength of your resistance is in your carnal mind. Why do I say that? Because it is Christ rising up in you, and Christ is young at the beginning, Christ is weak at the beginning. He is very likely to be overturned by a Pharisaical mind in the beginning of your training.


So if you do not have any of these experiences, where some sharp carnal mind makes a fool out of Christ, or defeats Christ, if you have never had these experiences, or you have only had one experience such as that, you really should ask the Lord if you are overcoming is in Him, or if you are overcoming is in the strength of your carnal mind. Now look, if your overcoming is in the strength of your carnal mind, the day must come that you are defeated. And I will give you some advice, you are much better off being defeated in small little conflicts. When Christ in you is still young, you are much better off if someone defeats you in an unimportant matter. And this way you build up your strength to overcome Pharisaical-type provocation. You start small. The only thing that is hurt is your pride; it is no big deal, no great loss, just your pride is hurt.


And you could admit that that Pharisaical mind overcame Christ in you, and you build up in your strength, so that when the day comes that you meet a strong adversary, who is against Christ in you, you will have the overcoming power behind you to stand against that adversary. If you do not build up this way, I am telling you, I do not dare to tell you it is 100%, but I will say 99% chance, that your overcoming is in your carnal mind, and your carnal mind has a breaking point. So this is what you do, and if you are convincing yourself that you could stand against Phariseeism, and not be overturned, and you are lying to yourself -- if you are in denial and it is the strength of your carnal mind, your overturning your defeat will be an important matter. Do not wait to be defeated in an important matter. Take your defeat in some little thing where no one really cares except your own pride. Does anyone not know what I am talking about? Do you know what I am talking about?


I am going to read the Alternate Translation of verse 9 again. Satan, the spirit nailed to the lower window, thought within the heart of the mortal men of Judah, that she would ambush Satan and draw him away from Elijah, the part of himself that remains after Adam dies, and placed the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual immigrant over Samson, or over Adam and Samson. She wanted to give the Fiery Serpent authority over Samson instead of Adam, or in our case, instead of Christ Jesus, so that Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent, the household of Satan, the spirit nailed to the lower window could have spiritual sexual intercourse with Samson, Adam's disciple.


And our witness is 1 Kings 12:31, And he made an house of high places... and this is talking about Jeroboam, the king of the separated Israel, ...and he made priests of the lowest of the people, which were not of the sons of Levi. Satan and Leviathan seeks to bring us out from under the headship of Christ Jesus and put us under the headship of Satan and Leviathan, both within our own self, and within our relationships with other people. Satan and Leviathan seeks to take us out from under the headship of Christ Jesus. It is an ongoing warfare of people trying to unseat you from the position that Christ Jesus has placed you in. You must learn, and we must all learn, to resist all of these efforts without sinning.


Now the tendency, once one gets a revelation that a lot of people, they may be unconsciously, they may be unaware of what they are doing, but there are so many people in this world that are continuously relating to you in an ungodly manner, which ungodly manner is designed to unseat your authority in Christ Jesus. It is very subtle, it looks like little things that should be of no importance, but when you see the spiritual truth behind it, you will know that you cannot let it continue. And the reaction to this knowledge, that someone is really trying to put you under Satan, whether they know it or not, usually the reaction is anger. You have been living your whole life blinded to all of these things, because you are a socially acceptable person, and you think you are supposed to look away from all these little things, and then you start learning the Doctrine of Christ, and one day your eyes open, and you realize that there is no innocent little words said, that this person is really trying to put you down, and Christ Jesus, and put Leviathan over you, a lot of people get angry, and they want to fight in the flesh.


Or if you find out that a lot of trouble that you are having is coming because people are thinking evil thoughts towards you. The typical person gets angry and wants to fight in the flesh, but we cannot fight in the flesh. We cannot do anything that will be sin unto us. We do not want to fight in a manner that will be sin unto us. So we must learn the warfare, we must learn how to defend ourselves without sinning. And that is an attitude of the heart, that is not easily come by. I know it was years, maybe five years or so, that the Lord would not let me return curses. I knew that people were praying evil towards me, and I was not permitted to return curses. Why? Because the condition of my heart, if I returned them, it would have been sin unto me. I would have been fighting the spiritual warfare on the level of the sinner. And that makes it witchcraft, it is not the Spirit of Christ. The Spirit of Christ is redemptive. Even when a judgment goes out or when a curse is returned by the Spirit of Christ, it is a redemptive. Whatever evil happens to the person because you send a curse back, ultimately works for their good when you are really doing it in the Spirit of Christ.


So for about five years, the Lord would not let me send a curse back. And then one day He said to me, I have done the work in your heart (and I thought it was forever, I never expected it to change). One day He said to me, I have done the work in your heart, and now it is time to start sending the curses back, because when the Spirit of Christ sends the curses back, there is ultimate good to the person. Just like when you discipline a child, there is an ultimate, the end of it is an ultimate good. And I tell everybody who will listen, if you are not really sure that your heart is in Christ, you should not be sending curses back.


I know that when I send curses back today, that there is no vengeance in my heart, there is no retaliation in my heart, there is no desire to hurt the person who is hurting me. What is in my heart is, You cannot do this to me, I cannot let you do this to me, for the simple reason that I have a job here of service to the Lord, and I have to function in this world, and I cannot let you stop me. That is my whole motive for sending it back, You have got to stop harassing me, I have a work for the Lord to do.


And I know that I do not just say the words, that I truly mean it when I send back the curses, I forgive their sins, I wish them no evil, but I cannot just stand here and let you shoot me when your shooting me is stopping me from doing my service to the Lord. And if your heart is not in that condition you should not be sending curses back. You can break them without sending them back.


Going on with verse 10, KJV, And Delilah said unto Samson, 'Behold, thou hast mocked me and told me lies, now tell me I pray thee, wherewith thou mightest be bound?'


I see the first word we start here, the English word, said, has two prefixes before it. Vav means nailed and tow means to engrave, so we are talking about Satan the engraver that is nailed to the lower window. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is called the engraver, because she engraves her nature on the personality of the individual every time she thinks through him. To engrave signifies spiritual speech, which is thought.


You may recall that teaching, spiritual speech is thought, and to hear in the spirit means to hear people's thoughts; you can hear people's thoughts. The problem that we have is that when we hear other people's thoughts, most of the time we think they are our thoughts. They enter into our mind as our thoughts. This is why we must police our mind. No unclean thought should be allowed to stand in our mind. And it may not, well, that is easy to identify, an unclean thought, and I am not talking about sexual perversion, I am talking any sinful thought, envy, criticism, should not be allowed in our mind. But sometimes we will receive a thought which is a suggestion. The most common is to receive a thought to telephone somebody, and as soon as you call the person up they say, Oh, I was just thinking about calling you. You called them because you heard their thought and you moved on their thought. That is not great minds working together. You heard their thought and you did it before they did.


Well that is not such a big deal when it comes to a telephone call, but you can get yourself into a lot of trouble acting out somebody else's thoughts. So you have to know how to engage in this warfare, and that is a whole other message. You have to learn how to police your own mind. Christ Jesus in you must be in charge of all of your thoughts, and deal with every thought that is not of Christ Jesus, whether it is coming from you or somebody else. And the principle is that, whether it is Satan or somebody else, when they think through us, thought is spirit, and spirit is vibration, and when the spirit vibrates in the earth of our personality, it marks our personality. And it is very obvious to spiritual people or to the Lord, whether that thought is from Satan or the Spirit of Christ. Does anybody remember why? How we can tell the difference?  If we could see the earth of our personality, what does the thought pattern of Satan looked like as opposed to the thought pattern of the Spirit of Christ?


COMMENT: Spiraline?


PASTOR VITALE: OK, who is spiraline?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, Satan's thought pattern; yes, her mark is a spiral. And the Spirit of Christ has a linear mark. Is not that interesting? Praise the Lord.


I have not yet heard from the Lord as to how He wants me to express this concept of Satan, the engraver, in this translation. As the expression now stands it really requires a footnote or people who are reading this translation and the Alternate Translation without reading this message would have no idea why I was saying Satan, the engraver. So frequently the Lord clears these issues up for me as I review the translations for the next message.


Going on with verse 10, And the woman; the woman is a translation of Delilah, and I see I did not put it in here, but that is the woman who is pining away and miserable, I put it in later on, said we will keep; unto Samson we will keep, the word, behold, usually, actually I think this is the first time I have ever translated this word, behold, as we see. Usually it means look, you know, look at that wonderful thing, but we do not know what the original Interlinear text said. We do not know what the original Scripture said, or in this case, there is no law that says that this word, behold, which means to see, it does not have to be an explanation, there is no law that says it cannot be translated we see, which is what we will translate it. The words, thou hast, we are taking out, they were really not in the original Hebrew, and the word, mocked, we are translating to deceive, that is Strong's #2048.


The English word, me, and I see I did not put the number in there, I did not put the Strong's number in there, but there is an English word me and it is probably that Strong's #8700, can be translated time, we are translating it timeline. And then we have the English words, and told. And is a translation of two prefixes, vav, nailed, and tow, to engrave. So we see we have Satan the engraver again, and the English word, told, we are translating either to subdue or to put in order, and I think that I use both translations. Leviathan has to be subdued, and the Fiery Serpent has to be put in order, and that is a translation of Strong's #1696. And here we have me again, so that up above, well it could be a different word translated me. This me is Strong's #413, and it means by, we are translating it by. And then we have the word, lies, Strong's #3577, and we will translate that, to prove her a liar, that is a legitimate translation, to prove to be a liar.


And we have the word, now, which we will keep, the word, tell, we shall translate explain, and the words, I pray thee, we shall translate please, and we have me again, Strong's #8705, and we are translating that the purpose, please explain the purpose, and the English word, wherewith, Strong's #4100, which means what, which is the symbol for Elohim.


Please note that the mortal men of Judah are acknowledging that Samson is Elohim. This is the way the Scripture signifies a son of God, which should really be translated Elohim's son, son of God, that word God is Elohim, Elohim's son.


In Bible days, a grandfather would call his grandson his son, and as we see in the New Testament, the Pharisees called Abraham their father. We found this principle in our Alternate Translation of John 21:21, Then Peter, turning his attention to John, says to Jesus, 'Lord, is not John the one who is Elohim? Why are you giving me this assignment? It is the same thing as me saying, when the majority of our spiritual being is engraved with the nature of Christ Jesus, a manifestation of Christ Jesus appears in our heart center, and Christ Jesus starts living through us. We are not perfect, and He is not living through us a hundred percent of the time, but when He does manifest through us, He is Christ Jesus.


If this is Christ Jesus teaching through me, which I believe it is, at this moment, I am Christ Jesus to you. If I am showing you an error in your thinking, anything that Christ Jesus says through me, at that moment I am Christ Jesus, or I am Elohim, although not 100% of the time, and not in perfection. So Christ Jesus is manifesting in the earth today. The body of Christ is real, but hard to find, and hidden. The body of Christ is hidden within the visible Church. The visible Church is not the body of Christ. Just as we have a physical outer body and an etheric body, and spiritual internal parts, so is the Church, and the visible Church can be likened to our physical body, it is not the real Church. You go tell this to the world, You, looking for a man of God, the last person you should look for is some famous preacher. How do you find the man of God? You have to call on the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and ask Him to direct you.


OK, going on with verse 10, ...thou mightest be yoked.., is Strong's #631, and there are two prefixes before that, tav, to engrave. So we will say that this is Satan, and I gave you a whole definition of yoke here, it comes from our dictionary, the American Heritage Dictionary, to yoke or to hitch, to fasten in any sense, to couple, a frame designed to be carried across a person shoulders with equal loads suspended from each end, something that connects or joins together. Let me read you the Alternate Translation, to become joined securely. The mortal men of Judah are asking Samson why Satan and Leviathan should be yoked. I guess this comment is not too accurate, first I had it why -- I had it as I was working up the verse -- I had the mortal men of Judah asking Samson why does Satan need to be yoked to Leviathan, and then I changed it, saying the mortal men of Judah wanted to know how to overcome Satan and yoke her with Leviathan, and then the Lord showed me no, I had it right the first time.


So this comment is not accurate, although I can read it to you this way: It is necessary to yoke Satan to Leviathan so that the whole carnal mind can be forced into subjection. Now that is Samson's answer. The mortal men of Judah, why? You have just, and you will see in subsequent verses, they are saying, You have subdued Leviathan, and you have put the Fiery Serpent in order, why do you have to go after Satan also? And the answer is, from Samson, You have to yoke Satan to Leviathan so that the whole carnal mind is forced into subjection. That is his answer.


And this is our Alternate Translation, And Satan the engraver, nailed to the spiritual woman who is miserable, disheartened, and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature, said to Samson, 'We see that you have proven Satan the engraver to be a liar, by subduing Leviathan, the deceiving timeline that is nailed to Satan, and putting the Fiery Serpent in the right moral order. So now, Elohim, (talking to Samson), please explain why Satan the engraver might be yoked to Leviathan, who is already in submission to Elohim. This might should be should.


You have got Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent, why do you not leave Satan alone? And the answer is, If you do leave Satan alone, she is going to get Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent free. But of course, these mortal men of Judah are not being honest with Samson. We are told that it is Satan speaking through their heart that is trying to find out how Samson intends to get Satan also, so that they can stop Samson from boiling Satan away in the mortal men of Judah.


Lots of times people come to you and they ask you to explain your doctrine to them, and their heart is wrong towards you. They do not really want to understand the Doctrine of Christ, they are trying to snare you. I had a woman do that to me when I was a young teacher, in my first year that I was teaching. I stayed on the phone with her for an hour, I thought she really did not understand what I was saying. It took me an hour to get it, that she was really trying to teach me that I was wrong. You must have discernment, you must know who is asking you questions, and whether they are sincere or not. And you should not be answering questions to people who are trying to snare you. You should not be answering questions to people who are not sincerely seeking to understand what you believe. You should not be talking to dishonest people. That is casting your pearls before swine, and the result of it will be that their carnal mind will rise up and smite Christ Jesus in you, because of the ignorance of the personality.


And I do not mean to insult you, we all are ignorant in some area, we are trying to overcome our ignorance. The personality is responsible, if you can hear it this way, for taking care of the manchild Christ Jesus. The personality has the ability to place Him in danger. Once again, the education of the personality is essential; it is true. Remember that this is Satan speaking through the mortal men of Judah. They have acknowledged that Samson is Elohim and are now asking Samson why it is necessary to subdue Satan also. But we see from the Interlinear Text that their motive is evil. Their true intent is to find out the secret of Samson's supernatural strength to overcome Satan and Leviathan so that Satan can escape from Elohim's power.


Please note that these men have some spiritual knowledge. I believe that they were in full agreement with Satan, or she could not have spoken through them. Remember, these men who were completely given over to their carnal mind freely delivered Satan's words because they believed that the salvation that Samson was bringing would destroy them. Let me read you the Alternate Translation of Judges 15:10, And the Spirit of Elijah and Adam, the mind nailed to Samson, a mortal man of Judah, said to the other mortal men of Judah, 'Why do you think Adam ascended in you?' And Satan and Leviathan, the carnal mind, nailed to the mortal men of Judah answered, 'We think that the Spirit of Elijah and Samson has ascended to take us prisoner and do to us what we have done to them.'


It is this belief, the personality believing these thoughts, that brings the personality into agreement with Satan and Leviathan. And also, of this very same chapter, Judges 16, we see in verse 2, And the Fiery Serpent in Samson said to the mortal men of Judah, 'Adam is compassing Samson about, and now Samson will lay an ambush for all of us also. And for all of the Fiery Serpents who have ascended into Leviathan's city and attacked them, because Adam, the head of the neck energy center of the upper window intends to silence Satan, and engrave all of us Fiery Serpents with the nature of Elijah, the light wave, who calls forth Adam the morning, and nailed them to the upper window of creation'.


So we see that the mortal men of Judah are not walking in the truth of the Doctrine of Christ. They think the ministry of Christ to them is evil. And I will say it again, I said it a while back on this message, The only defense against the lies of Satan is the understanding of the Doctrine of Christ. She is very convincing. We are mortal, we are fallen. She incarnated us. We have been in her power for years and years before the Lord received us. The only defense against her lies is a knowledge of the truth, an intense working knowledge of the truth, not just in your mind, not just in your intellect, but flowing through every cell of your spiritual being and the only way you can remain in this condition of a vital knowledge of the spiritual truth of the Doctrine of Christ flowing through every spiritual aspect of your being, is to feed on the Doctrine of Christ on a regular basis.


It is the spiritual blood of the Lord Jesus Christ that is in the Doctrine of Christ, it flows in the blood. You cannot come to a service once a week, or read a message once a week, and abide in this life-giving blood. You have to eat it, drink it, breathe it, sleep it, dream it, and live it every day, if you want the full power of its protection. Why? Because the Serpent, Satan, she uses witchcraft. She throws illusion upon you. You forget everything the Lord told you, it has happened to me. You forget what the Lord says when you come into the presence of the Serpent. When she comes in to your mind, you forget everything the Lord told you. Your carnal mind forgets everything the Lord told you.


Christ Jesus does not forget everything that the Lord told you. And for this reason, Christ Jesus must be on top of your carnal mind. But the only way that Christ Jesus will remain on top of your carnal mind is if you eat, drink, sleep, breathe, and dream the Doctrine of Christ. Because as soon as you think with your carnal mind, your carnal mind comes to the surface. You can think with your carnal mind little bits here and there, think back and remember all the times that I have said to you right in these very services, where we are talking about carnal things, but we really have to stop right now, because I am losing the anointing. Remember me saying that to you? What does that mean? It means, because of the carnal topic, I perceive the carnal mind coming out from under Christ in me, and if I do not stop it right then and there, the carnal mind will ascend and cover over Christ.


So I am in a place where I can perceive it happening. I can talk about carnal things, and I am aware when she is getting out from underneath Christ in me, and I stop. But not many people can do that. Not many people can tell the difference. But you have to eat, drink, sleep, breathe, and dream the Doctrine of Christ. Why? Because when you eat, drink, sleep, breathe, and dream the Doctrine of Christ, when your attention is towards the Doctrine of Christ, it keeps the Doctrine of Christ on top. Whatever you are thinking about, that is the mind that is on top. And if you want the fullest protection possible of the supernatural ministry of Christ Jesus, the way you get it is by keeping Christ Jesus on top. Because when the mind of Christ Jesus is already manifested, when the crisis presents itself, your supernatural deliverance is right there. If Christ Jesus is under your carnal mind, well you may have to go and fast and pray for a couple of days to get your answer, at which time it may be too late. I am telling you the truth. Supernatural deliverance is in Christ Jesus being on top all the time. Praise the Lord.


We are on verse 11, KJV, And he said unto her, If they bind me fast with new ropes that never were occupied, then shall I weak and be as another man.


The word, said, has two prefixes before it, vav and yod, that is talking about Adam, vav and tow is talking about Satan. Vav and yod is talking about Adam; the words, unto her, we are translating within, the words, bind me, we are translating to take prisoner, the word, fast, we are translating yoke, Strong's #631, and ropes, Strong's #5688, it means a cord, a rope, a foliage, interwoven foliage. Strong's #5688, translated ropes, in verse 11 of Judges 16, also appears in Judges 15, verses 13 and 14, where it is translated cord.


We determined that what is in Chapter 16 also appears in Judges 15:13-14, where it is translated cords. We determined in Chapter 15, that this word signifies Cain, the foliage of the spiritual earth. We also found out that foliage means the leaves of trees, which signify the physical body and personality in the visible world. We then have the word, new, Strong's #2319, translated new, in verse 11 of Chapter 16 also appears in Chapter 15, verse 13, where we found out that this word can also be translated house or name or wife, although we translated it unheard of in verse 13 of Chapter 15. Then we found out that word could be translated house, name, wife, or unheard of, and we translated it unheard of in Judges Chapter 15:13.


But here in Judges Chapter 16:11, we are going to translate that word wife. Then we have the word, said, with two prefixes before it, vav and yod, meaning Adam. Unto her, we are translating within; if, we are translating because; bind me, we are translating to take prisoner; fast, we are translating yoke; ropes, we are translating foliage, and then we have wife. Wife is a translation of the English word, new, Strong's #2319. The English word, that, we are translating because; the English word, never, a negative particle, we are translating the Primordial Serpent. And then we have the word, occupied.


Now this is very interesting, we have the word, occupied, OK, let me give you this first. We are translating were occupied, to fashion, that is Strong's #6213, and then we have an untranslated word, Strong's #8700, which we translated timeline, and then, I do not even understand this in my Interlinear Text, which is on my computer program, we have another word, translated occupied, but it is a different number, this is Strong's #4399, and but we only see the word, occupied, once in the King James translations, but according to the Interlinear Text, we have two Hebrew words, both translated occupied, one Strong's #6213, and the other, Strong's #4399, and even though I find these numbers, two different numbers with the word occupied listed under them, I cannot find any translation for the second word, occupied.


So I did not even realize when I was working this verse up that it did not even appear in the King James translation. But I see now that we have one untranslated word, actually we have two untranslated words. OK, so the first word, translated occupied, Strong's #6213, we are translating to fashion, that is the word that means to form or to mold, and the second word, translated to occupy, Strong's #4399, means to employ, or to use, see. One means to fashion, to mold, to make, and the other word means to use or to live in, or to occupy. The spiritual significance of the word, employment, is to live through, that is to use that person's personality and physical body as their own members.


We know that in the Scripture, the Lord Jesus talks about people hanging around outside his garden, and that they are unemployed, and the Lord Jesus says, If you are willing, I will employ you and I will pay you the same wage that I paid those who have been laboring for a long time. When we did our commentary on Merlin, we saw that Queen Mab, the queen of the fairies, refer to her known servant as being employed by her. So apparently this is a spiritual term, to employ, to use, to live through.


And then we have the word, weak, which we are translating afflicted. There is a prefix before that which means nailed, vav, and then we have the words, shall I be, but we will just say it is the word, to be, and then we have the English word, another, which we will translate united, Strong's #259, it really means one or united, and there is a prefix before that, the prefix kaf, which means wing, which we translate as spiritual, and it is translated in the King James as the words, and as. And then we have the English word, man, Strong's #120, but it really means Adam.


Now there is a difference between the Hebrew word adamah, which means Adam, and the Hebrew word, ish, which usually is the word that is translated man in the Hebrew Scripture. Ish means mortal man, and it is very -- in the Hebrew, the English translates it man, but if you look at the Hebrew definition of the word, it really says man, it says that one, or that certain one, because, scripturally speaking, a mortal man is only half a man and therefore not a man. Adam is the only true man. So ish signifies mortal man, could be a male or a female, and the word enowsh signifies mortal man, but the males of the mortal man. And the word that is most commonly used is ish, referring to mortal man, and the literal translation is that certain one, it does not really mean man. But here we see that the English word, man, is a translation of Adam.


Alternate Translation Judges 16:11, And Adam within Samson said to the mortal men of Judah, 'Because your wife, Cain, the foliage of the spiritual earth, has imprisoned you and yoked you to the Primordial Serpent.... Now remember, Adam within Samson is answering the questions of the mortal men of Judah, who Satan was manifesting through these men, trying to ambush Samson, saying, Why is it necessary to bind Satan as well as Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent? But there was an evil intent in their question, they were seeking to snare him. Nevertheless, Adam in Samson gives a legitimate answer.


And Adam within Samson said to the mortal men of Judah, 'Because your wife, Cain, the foliage of the spiritual earth, has imprisoned you and yoked you to the Primordial Serpent and Leviathan, the Primordial Fish. I think I forgot to tell you that there was a prefix, nun, which means fish. Let me just go back here, yes, I was busy explaining to you about the two different words translated occupied, and I did forget to tell you that before. Strong's #6213, translated were occupied, is the prefix nun, which means fish, and which we translated Leviathan.


This is the Alternate Translation of verse 11, And Adam within Samson said to the mortal men of Judah, 'Because your wife, Cain, the foliage of the spiritual earth, has imprisoned you and yoked you to the Primordial Serpent, and Leviathan, the Primordial Fish, who fashioned their timeline for the specific purpose of employing mortal humanity, for that reason, you are trapped by Satan and Leviathan, that is the reason, Satan who is nailed to you must be afflicted, so that you can be united with Adam in the spirit, so that Satan and Leviathan does not employ you.'


Brethren, you shall be employed, either by Christ Jesus or by Leviathan. You shall be employed. So for this reason, the Lord Jesus Christ, Christ Jesus is coming to defeat Satan and Leviathan in you, because you are just a bunch of sheep, and I do not mean that in any offensive way, it is just the truth. We are all just a bunch of sheep, that we just go right into the slaughter, and for that reason, because of our ignorance, Christ Jesus will deliver us despite ourselves. Thank God for it, amen?


And Adam within Samson said to the mortal men of Judah, 'This is the reason why Satan has to be apprehended, as well as Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent, because your wife, Cain, the foliage of the spiritual earth, has imprisoned you, and yoked you to the Primordial Serpent and Leviathan the Primordial Fish, who fashioned their timeline, for the specific purpose of employing humanity. For that reason, Satan who is nailed to you, must afflicted, so that you could be united with Adam in the spirit.' And there are two things I would like to point out to you here. Adam within Samson is talking to the mortal men of Judah, and he says to them, Your wife, Cain. What does that mean? It means that these mortal men of Judah had Abel. They had the root of the Tree of Life within them. And Adam was not even talking to the personality, he was talking right to Abel, to the root of the Tree of Life, who had been overcome by Cain.


He was seeking even in his, now listen, Satan spoke through the mortal men of Judah, with an ungodly motive and Adam in Samson rose right up, ignored Satan, and spoke right to Abel. Now, we have this principle in the translation that we did in John 21, when Jesus was saying to Peter, Will you feed my sheep? If you recall the first, I may not have this exactly right, but the Lord spoke to Peter, and first Satan in Peter answered, and then Cain in Peter answered, and the Lord Jesus could not seem to connect with Abel in Peter, and then finally the Lord Jesus just said to Peter, You know, you have got an ungodly soul tie with Satan. I keep talking to you, I keep talking to Abel in you, and Satan keeps answering me. And the King James translation says, Peter was grieved.


Why was Peter grieved? Because it would not have been possible for Satan to be answering Jesus, if Peter, the personality, was not in agreement with Satan. Peter, the personality, was not in agreement with Abel, why? He did not like what Jesus was saying. It scared him. So Adam in Samson spoke right to Abel, in the mortal men of Judah who were in full agreement with Satan and Leviathan in their mind. But you must understand that through this communication directly to Abel, this is the strengthening of Abel, this is the sending forth of the scent of water that will revive Abel. And for this reason, we send forth the Doctrine of Christ into the world. We send out the books, we post them on the Internet.


We got an order today from someone whose address is xxx. Well, we have gotten request from witches before. We send them the books, we send forth that living word, they may be requesting them in contention, but we send them forth in truth, and let the Lord Jesus be glorified in them. So we see that Adam is going right for Abel in the individual.


In the New Testament, the Spirit of Christ has to be there for Adam to be talking to you, because the ministry to the carnal mind is the Holy Spirit. So Adam is Christ Jesus, Christ Jesus speaks to Abel in people. Christ Jesus speaks to the grafted Christ in the New Testament. If you do not have the grafted Christ in the New Testament; if you do not have the grafted seed of Christ, then you are dealing with the Holy Spirit. There is a big difference, there is a world of difference.


The Holy Spirit ministers to the carnal mind. I do not care how gifted you are, you are still in your carnal mind, and you are going to die. I do not care how many times you get sick and Holy Spirit heals you, you will die. The only hope of eternal life in you, is that Christ Jesus should be formed in you, that is a pretty radical difference, is it not? That is a pretty radical difference. Jesus said, I am the resurrection. Christ Jesus is the resurrection, Christ in you, the hope of your glorification. It does not say the Holy Spirit in you, the hope of your glorification. Am I against the Holy Spirit? No. Am I against the gifts? No. But there is something better. The Holy Spirit and the gifts impart great blessings in this life, but if you hope to move on to the next life, you have to go on beyond the Holy Spirit and the gifts of his Spirit. You have to bear the Christ child, to have hope of eternal life.


And the second thing I wanted to point out to you, at the end of the verse it reads, ...and Satan and Leviathan, who have fashioned this timeline to employ mortal humanity, for that reason, Satan, who is nailed to you, must be afflicted, so that you can be united with Adam or with Christ Jesus in the spirit. This affliction is talking about the tribulation. The tribulation that we read about in the New Testament, if you study that Greek word, it is talking about a narrowing, a forcing down into a narrow, constricted area. This is the forcing of Satan into the bottomless pit, and the bottomless pit is the root energy center, where she goes back to sleep and does not do any harm.


So the affliction of the tribulation is designed to force Satan, or it says Satan in the New Testament, to force the Fiery Serpent down, to force the ascended Fiery Serpent down into the root energy center. The whole problem is that we, the personality, are attached to the Fiery Serpent, she is our spiritual virginity. So you can go one way or the other. You can judge yourself, you can recognize manifestations of witchcraft in yourself, and rebuke your own spiritual virginity who is engaged in adultery. I mean, in this world it is like saying your own sexual organs are committing adultery and you have nothing to do with it. This is just somebody going out and being sexually promiscuous, and saying, Well, I cannot help myself.


Spiritually speaking, you have the option of dealing with your own ascended Fiery Serpent, of rebuking her, of refusing to manifest, of refusing to agree with the envy, of refusing to agree with the criticism, of refusing to agree with the rage, and forcing that Fiery Serpent back down into the root energy center, or if you cannot or you will not do it yourself, then the sons of God will come to help you to join to Christ in you, to force her down to the root energy center. And if you will not submit to the judgment of the sons, then you come under Satan's Sowing and Reaping Judgment, or the Sowing and Reaping Judgment executed by Satan.


Some people go the easy way, and some people go the hard way, but if you have been apprehended by Christ Jesus, the Fiery Serpent will be afflicted, and she will be cast down to the root energy center, and she will be cast into the Lake of Fire. First, she is forced down into the root energy center, and becomes a virgin again, and then Christ Jesus marries her, and Christ Jesus is the Lake of Lake of Fire is the union of the Fiery Serpent with Christ Jesus. Praise the Lord.


And Adam within Samson said to the mortal men of Judah, because your wife, Cain, the spiritual foliage of the spiritual earth, has imprisoned you, you are in prison fellows, you think you are free, but you are not, and yoked you to the Primordial Serpent, and Leviathan, the Primordial Fish, who fashioned their timeline, for the specific purpose of employing humanity living through humanity, having experiences through humanity, with no concern for the pain or torment that they have caused to the mortal men.


Satan, who you are nailed to, must be afflicted, so that she cannot fulfill her goal of living through you, of having experiences through you, which experiences are known to be sin to the personality, and produce sickness, torment, and death to the personality. Well, why do you think all of these experiences are sin? Because Jehovah never intended for the creation, Jehovah never intended for the seed of spiritual seminal fluid to be matured through his experience. This is the Serpent's mind that says, We shall be matured through experience. Therefore, all experience in this plane, is sin. It is the carnal mind that is having the experience, you see. Jehovah's spiritual seed is joined to the carnal mind, to the Serpent. It is the Serpent that is having these experiences, and she is joined to Jehovah's seed in the wrong moral order.


The Serpent is in the male role and Jehovah's seed is in the female role. She needs the energy and the consciousness of Jehovah's seed to have her experiences. So every experience that we have down here is sin, because Jehovah's seed is in the female role. Well, Pastor Sheila, you tell us that we have to mature through experience. I have heard you right on this message saying that you have to have overcoming experiences to distinguish between the carnal mind and Christ Jesus; this is true because we are already fallen, we are already fallen.


So Christ Jesus is coming in and giving us overcoming experiences to bring us to the place where we will be able to have all knowledge through union with the Spirit of Christ. I personally believe that we will be having overcoming experiences only up to a certain point. Now, the Scripture says that when Jesus was glorified, and He walked on the road to Emmaus, it says that He expounded on all of the Scriptures that had to do with Messiah. Now He did not do that when He was still in the flesh. What this says to me is that, in His glorification, all knowledge was imparted to Him. Now I do not really know how much knowledge Jesus had in the flesh, I know He was the son of God in the flesh. I could only go by my own experience and of course I am not in perfection yet. But I know that the spiritual knowledge that I have is limited, if for no other reason that my mind could not bear it. My mind could not bear having unlimited knowledge about every human being that I know, let alone every human being in the world. I think it would make me insane, I would self-destruct. If you think of my mind as a computer, I could not contain it. To have knowledge of every human being on the face of the earth, full disclosure of their sins and of their heart, and of their life, I do not think He had a knowledge of every human being on the face of the earth.


I do not even know that He had full knowledge of every son and daughter of Israel, why? Because He was still in the flesh. But in His glorified condition, He had absolute knowledge of everything. Not only of the Scripture, He had total knowledge of every aspect of the Scripture to His ultimate infinite depth, which we could never comprehend while we are still in the flesh, let alone imperfect in the flesh. I believe He had knowledge of every human being in the world; I believe today He has knowledge of every human being in the world.


And not only that, but full knowledge of math and science, and everything that we would need to know to be experts, in astrophysics, experts as to the universes and the worlds and the sciences. In full union with the Spirit of Christ, is all knowledge. But it is my opinion right now, that you have to be glorified to get to that point, where all the knowledge of the universes is yours by impartation through fusion, not by the impartation of the laying on of hands from some other imperfect man, but by impartation through fusion with the universal eternal Spirit of Christ.


So I think that we have to have overcoming experiences just to get us to the point where we are in a condition where we can be fused to the Spirit of Christ. I think if the Spirit of Christ tried to fuse to us now it would probably destroy us. So we are still functioning in our fallen mortal way, through experiences. We are still in the Serpent's body, we still have the Serpent's mind to a large degree, and we are still functioning in the Serpent's plan of having overcoming experiences, until we reach the point where we are so converted into the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ, that we can then take the advanced program of fusion with the Spirit of Christ, and know everything. Hallelujah. Total knowledge by impartation through fusion with the Spirit of Christ. This is how low down we are that we are not even qualified to be one spirit with the Lord. Brethren, we are very low down. I do not tell you this to put you down, the truth will set you free. We have got to know how low down; we are way under the ground brethren, we are in hell. We are very low.


I amplified this translation of Judges 16:11. Basically, all I did was change the position of the phrases. And Adam within Samson said to the mortal men of Judah, 'Satan, who you are nailed to, must be afflicted, so that you can be united in the spirit with Adam, because your wife, Cain, the foliage of the spiritual earth, has imprisoned Abel, your head, and yoked you to the Primordial Serpent and Leviathan, the Primordial Fish, who fashioned their timeline to employ mortal humanity.'


Recap, Judges 16:6-11, And Satan spoke to Samson, through the spiritual woman who was miserable, disheartened and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature, saying, 'Please explain Elohim's great strength to cast down, imprison, and engrave the widowed Fiery Serpent that is ascended in the circular timeline, that is nailed to Samson, Elohim's household.' And Adam said to Samson, 'If Leviathan, the subconscious part of the carnal mind of the mortal men of Judah, harnesses me, Elijah, the remainder of Elohim's household within them, is strong enough to wound them and dry her up, and Elijah and Adam shall be as one spiritual man, and they shall bind the Fiery Serpent anew.'


And Adam ascended into the higher energy centers of Elohim's timeline within the mortal men of Judah, because Elijah, the part that remains after Adam dies, dried Satan up. And Elijah's strong cords imprisoned Leviathan, the counterfeit timeline, which was completing the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah, and Satan, the spirit nailed to the lower window, thought within her heart that she would ambush Satan and draw her away from Elijah, the part of himself that remains after Adam dies, and place the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual immigrant, over Samson, so that Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent, the household of Satan, the spirit nailed to the lower window, could have spiritual sexual intercourse with Samson, Adam's disciple.


So Satan the engraver, nailed to the spiritual woman, who was miserable, disheartened, and pining away, because of her weak and inadequate nature, said to Samson, 'We see that you have proven Satan, the engraver, to be a liar, by subduing Leviathan, the deceiving timeline that is nailed to Satan, and putting the Fiery Serpent in the right moral order.


So now Elohim, please explain why Satan the engraver should be yoked to Leviathan who is already in submission to Elohim. And Adam within Samson said to the mortal men of Judah, 'Satan, who you are nailed to, must be afflicted, so that you can be united in the spirit with Adam, because your wife, Cain, the foliage of the spiritual earth, has imprisoned Abel, your head, and yoked you to the Primordial Serpent and Leviathan the Primordial Fish, who fashioned their timeline to employ mortal humanity.


I would just like to make a couple of comments on Satan being proven to be a liar. The men of Judah are saying, We acknowledge that you have proven Satan to be a liar, because you have apprehended Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent. You subdued Leviathan and put the Fiery Serpent in the right order. Well how does that make Satan a liar? You may recall from previous verses, Satan was saying that Elohim was not strong enough to subdue Satan and Leviathan, she was saying that it was a lie. It was a lie that she was able to do this, and it was a lie that Elohim was able to do this, and his motive, said Satan, for saying such a thing, was to make a disciple out of Samson. It is in verse 5, But as Adam ascended in the mortal men of Judah, Satan, the lord of Fiery Serpent, the spiritual immigrant, in the mortal men of Judah, whispered towards Samson saying, 'Elohim has deceived you into believing that Elohim can harness Leviathan's great strength, and overcome her. And the reason that Elohim has lied to you, is because he wants Samson, or mortal man, to be his disciple. But we, Satan and Leviathan, will give you salvation, the salvation that belongs to the brow energy center, without discipleship, if you will cast down Adam.


And we see that it is possible for the personality to kill Christ Jesus, to kill Adam or Christ Jesus, by agreeing with Satan and Leviathan, but the fact that Adam came forth and subdued Leviathan and put the Fiery Serpent in the right order; now this, the power to do this, came forth from Samson, it came forth from Adam and Elijah in Samson. So therefore, Satan was proven to be a liar, Elohim did have the strength to overcome Elohim's great strength, and Elohim was not lying for the specific purpose of making Samson a disciple.


What that means is that Elohim wanted Samson just to have experiences through, and to just use Samson as a rag, that is what Satan and Leviathan does to her disciples. So this is what Satan and Leviathan do to her disciples and to the people who open themselves to be channels for Satan and Leviathan. Satan and Leviathan misuse them and throw them away, as old rags. And we see the same principle in the world in human beings, people speaking out of their carnal mind will always accuse you of the same evil motive that is in their heart, whether it is true of you or whether it is not true of you, people think that what is in their heart is in other people's hearts. This is the sign of the carnal mind, Satan and Leviathan. Praise the Lord, are there any questions on tonight's message? You must have, I can see by the alertness on your face, that you must have at least five excellent questions. Anybody? OK, goodnight, God bless you.


COMMENT: When you were talking about the various fish that were engraved by Elohim or Satan, it made me think of the goats the sheep being separated, and the goats symbolize rebellion, and the lambs were following Christ.


PASTOR VITALE: Amen, you got your witness to the message.


Rs 09/25/00

1st Edit, 04/26/19, rh


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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