340 - Part 2
(An In-Depth Study)

Part 2 of 14 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



I mentioned on Part 1 that I have looked at Job, Chapter 41 several times.  On at least one, or more occasions, I have gone through and looked up a lot of the words and really could not make head or tail out of the chapter.  Why?  It was because I did not have the revelation in my heart.  If you recall me telling you on other occasions, the only way I can look in the Hebrew and Greek Lexicons and select translations other than what the King James Translators have used, is when the Lord has already put a revelation in my heart that is different than the traditional church revelation.  Without that Spirit of Revelation and Understanding, I cannot make any sense out of certain scriptures.   


How would I possibly know which word to choose, when each Hebrew word can have twenty or more translations?  I have to first have the revelation in my heart.  I am very excited to see the Lord allowing me to make sense out of Job 41.  The devil is very mad.  We are tearing up his kingdom.  We are tearing up his turf.  We are exposing who he is, who Leviathan is, and even more specifically, we are proclaiming Jehovah, through the Lord Jesus Christ’s plan for the salvation of humanity.  We have the blueprint, the blow by blow details of how the Lord is going to do it.  It includes slicing up that big fish called Leviathan.


He does not like to hear it, because somehow, and I cannot tell you exactly how it works, but when we preach these messages, it rips him up in the realm of the spirit.  This small group here, preaching this word, under the anointing of God, under the anointing of Christ Jesus, is ripping up the devil in the heavenlies.  Leviathan, I remind you, is the devil’s completed mind.  The devil is the full personality of the fallen man.  That personality exists of soul and mind.  The spirit in man is in the form of a mind.  Spirit is correct, but we are getting into college now.  We need to be more specific.  Spirit in the form of man is a mind. 


Leviathan is the completed mind in the whole fallen personality, or the whole personality of fallen man, which is called the devil.  That mind is in two parts, unconscious and conscious.  The unconscious part of the mind is actually the spirit which has begotten the mind.  The mind is a garment which covers the spirit, so the spirit in the fallen dead man is Satan.  Does not Paul say, be ye renewed in the spirit of your mind?  The spirit is the god, or the spirit which has woven the garment, and incarnated the human body of the creation. 


In the fallen man, that god or that spirit is Satan.  The garment which she has woven for himself is the completed mind known as Leviathan, which mind is attached to the soul which God created.  The combination of the soul, which is married to the Leviathan mind, is called the devil.  The combination of the soul, which is married to the Christ Jesus mind, is called Christ Jesus. 


I went before the Lord today and I said to Him, Lord, I think I am missing a piece of information.  I think just as Leviathan is the name of the completed mind of the devil or of the fallen creation, there has to be a name for the mind that is in the man, Christ Jesus.  It cannot just be the mind of Christ Jesus.  I suspect that mind has to have a name.  After I prayed about it for awhile, something came to me.  I am going to tell you what it is.  I just want you to know that I am not one hundred percent sure that this is correct, but this is what I am going with.  The name of the mind of the man Christ Jesus is the Logos, the Word of God.  The Word of God is the mind which is in the man Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man.


Now remember that Leviathan is not a proper noun.  Leviathan is not a name.  The King James translators made it a name, but it is not a name.  It is a word that means sea monster, that is all folded up or braided together, signifying the completed mind of the Serpent that dwells in the sea.  The sea typifies this visible physical world.  So Leviathan is the name of the completed mind of the Serpent.  Until the Lord shows me otherwise, we will be saying that The Word of God, or the Logos of God, is the name or the way we express the completed mind, which is present in the man Christ Jesus. 


We have found out that for every variation of language in the Scripture, there is a reason for it.  The Lord is not frivolous, so there has to be a reason why one time He would say The Word of God and another time He would say Christ Jesus.  There has to be a reason for the difference.  Until God shows me otherwise, I am going to be going with this revelation.  The Logos is a Greek word for Word of God, so Logos is Greek and the Word of God is English.  I am saying that Logos is the name of the completed Christ mind, which is found in the man, Christ Jesus. 


The Lord has just given me one witness to what I just told you in Chapter 19 of the Book of Revelation, verse 12 and 13.  His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.  Verse 13.  And he was clothed with a vesture.  Remember now, the clothing is the woven mind.  He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name was called The Word of God.  Name signifies nature.  For the time being, in any event, I take this as a witness from the Lord that the name of the mind in the man Christ Jesus is The Word of God.  Your mind is your nature.       


The reason we are all dying is that our nature is sin, no matter how many good deeds we do or how much we try.  I do not believe it is possible, but if we could live our life without ever saying a sinful word or doing a sinful deed, we would still die because our nature is sin.  The nature of Jesus, the righteous, is the Word of God.  I just got a strong witness that that was the Lord.  Hallelujah. 


This is Part 2 of Leviathan.  For whatever reason, my notes are set up that we are going to review Isaiah 27.  I am going to go with my notes.  For anyone listening to this tape or reading this transcript, I have been all over the place.  We have been in a tremendous war here.  I do not know if that is the reason why, or if we are all over the place because that is where God has been leading me, but there are three series that I have completed.  They all seem to be intertwining with one another.  Number #313, The Serpent, The Dragon, The Devil, And You, which as of the time that I am preaching this, we have completed thirteen parts.  I do not believe that series is over.  The second series is #338, Jeremiah, Chapter 8, which I believe we have completed five parts, and that is definitely not over.  We have three more verses to do on that.  Now we are running into this series, tape #340 on Leviathan. 


All three series are intertwined.  That is how we wound up with an alternate translation of Isaiah 27:1 in the Leviathan series.  I am just going to go for it.  (Laughter)  As I told you on the last tape, if you want to get the most that you can out of this study, I suggest that you listen to all three series.  Just as if you are looking to get the most that you can out of one of the gospels, you really need to read all four gospels to get the most full complete picture of what happened in the days of Jesus’ flesh. 


Let us go on.  Isaiah 27:1.  We worked this alternate translation up somewhere, I think.  (Laughter)  It is a joke.  In the Jeremiah, Chapter 8 series, here is the Alternate Translation of it.  In that day Christ Jesus shall join Himself to the Serpent’s criminally completed mind and the creation shall have a single mind again.  The Dragon, which is the Serpent’s first incarnated generation, and that Dragon called the Devil and Satan, which are the second incarnated generation, the Serpent’s morally corrupt criminally completed mind, which is ruling over this visible physical world, shall be torn apart. 


In that day Christ Jesus shall join Himself to the Serpent’s criminally completed mind and the Dragon, called the Devil and Satan, which is the Serpent’s morally corrupt criminally completed mind, shall be torn apart.  In that day, Christ Jesus shall join Himself to Leviathan, the Serpent’s criminally completed mind, and the creation shall have a single mind again.  And the Dragon, called the Devil and Satan, that Serpent’s morally corrupt criminally completed mind shall be torn apart. 


I guess these are Amplified Translations.  This is the last one coming up now.  In that day Christ Jesus shall join Himself to Leviathan, the Serpent’s criminally completed mind, and the creation shall have a single mind again.  The name of that mind is the kingdom of the two heavens.  The Devil and Satan, who are in the Dragon’s image, and are the second incarnated generation of the Serpent’s morally corrupt criminally completed mind, which is ruling over this visible physical world, shall be torn apart, so that the human spirit can join with the Holy Spirit, and increase into Christ Jesus, the new righteous ruler of God’s creation.  Christ Jesus is the new righteous ruler of God’s creation.  As Jesus said to Satan during the temptation, you are no longer god of this world.  There is a new writing on God’s soul, and I, says the Lord, am the new Lord and master of this mighty soul.  Hallelujah.  Glory to God.


I got you guys all excited over any anticipation of Job, Chapter 41 and I see that we are starting out with Psalm 74:14.  You see, this study on Leviathan has been weaving its way through the other two series that I mentioned.  I am sorry if I am frustrating you, but we are going to do two Psalms very briefly.  Then we will go into Chapter 41 of Job


Psalm 74:14; Thou brakest the heads of leviathan in pieces, and gavest him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness.  I believe there are just four scriptures in the old testament which mention Leviathan.  I guess that is what we are doing here; Isaiah 27:1, Psalm 74:14, Psalm 104:26, and Job, Chapter 41Psalm 74:14; Thou brakest the heads of leviathan.  The interlinear text says broke, that the correct tense of that Hebrew word translated brakest should be broke.  It is broke.  Strong’s #7533 means to break down or to break into pieces; to break down or to break into pieces.  Now those of you who study with us regularly should know by now that this concept of breaking anything into pieces or scattering into pieces or smashing into pieces, is referring to the separation of the soul from spirit, and the joints from the marrow.  It is referring to the separation of the soul from the mind. 


When the Lord gets the mind separated from the soul, He is going to break the mind.  Why is He breaking the mind?  Because the mind is a union.  If it is a completed mind, it has three threads.  A completed mind is a braided mind.  It is a three thread braided mind, and the three threads are the human spirit.  In the fallen mind it is the human spirit, it is the dragon, and the increase of the union of the two into Leviathan, the completed mind.  So that which is being broken and smashed is not the human body.  The Lord Jesus is not in the business of smashing and dismembering and maiming human bodies.  It is the criminal mind that He is going to smash, for the specific purpose of freeing up the human spirit that is braided in there with the dragon and Leviathan. 


The Lord’s reason for freeing up the human spirit is that He, the Lord Jesus in the form of the Holy Spirit, in this hour, wants to join with the human spirit to bring forth His increase, Christ Jesus.  In the man Christ Jesus is the completed mind called The Word of God.  So we see all of this breaking and smashing to smatterings, the carnal mind would like to believe is the maiming of human bodies.  It is nothing of the sort, but it is the breaking of the criminal mind which is killing us.  It is the breaking of the power of the criminal mind.  It is the separation of the power source of the criminal mind.                                      


The human spirit is the power source of the criminal mind.  She must be separated from the dragon because he has no power to do anything without her.  He has no power to incarnate human beings.  He has no power to sustain the image of this creation.  He has no power.  He does not even have any power to be the dragon.  When the dragon is stripped of the human spirit, he will revert to being the Serpent.     


There is a heavy anointing here.  Thou brakest the heads of leviathan in pieces.  The word heads; we did an alternate translation in Ezekiel where we translated this Hebrew word.  It is the same Hebrew word that is translated heads.  We did a whole word study on it, and we found another translation in Gesengus Lexicon.  Actually, I think it was a different number in Gesengus, but the word was spelled exactly the same way as the Hebrew word.  Hence, the King James translators could not deal with the variation of potential translations for this Hebrew word, Rosh, Strong’s #7218, #7219, #7220, so they categorized the different translations and put them in three different categories, I think, and gave each category a different number.  I guess it was not the King James translators.  It was the writer of Strong’s Concordance who did that.


They categorized all the potential translations of the Hebrew word Rosh and gave each category a number of its own.  But the fact is that each of these three Strong numbers are spelled exactly the same way.  The King James translators took translator’s license in choosing which translation of the word Rosh they would use.  They made that judgment based on their carnal understanding of what the Lord was saying.  Basing my choice on revelation knowledge that I received from Christ Jesus, I have made another choice.  I choose, legitimately so, to choose the Hebrew word Rosh and the translation of it that means poisonous plant.  It is the same exact Hebrew spelling as the word translated Rosh.  It means poisonous plant.


Why does the word translated head mean poisonous plant?  We go into that in detail in Ezekiel.  We broke the poisonous spiritual plant.  Thou brakest the heads of Leviathan in pieces.  You broke the poisonous spiritual plant, which the Serpent is appearing as, in this visible physical world.  Now remember that spirit is appearing as a plant in the earth of the soul in this hour.  Jesus said I am the true vine.  I suggest to you that the Dragon is the false vine.  Jesus is the true vine, the expression of Jehovah in the earth, and the Dragon is the false vine, the expression of the Serpent in the earth.  Spirit or mind in this hour is growing out of the soul, as a house plant grows out of the earth in a pot.


That spiritual plant has deep roots which are buried in the earth of the soul.  Those deep roots signify the spirit or the god that is in the creation, which is hiding behind his mind.  It is hard to see the god.  You see his mind, you see the personality, you see the body, but you really need spiritual eyes to see who the god is.  How do you determine who the god is of an individual person?  You have to look at their mind.  Technically speaking, you should be able to tell who the god of an individual is by looking at the external appearance of that person.  However, in this hour the creation is in transition.  We know that Jesus of Nazareth had a mind which was God.   


Jesus of Nazareth had an old man and a new man.  His new man was Christ Jesus, and the mind of Christ Jesus is called The Word of God.  When you looked at Jesus of Nazareth’s flesh, at his body, he was in the form of sinful flesh.  That was in the days of his flesh.  He has since been glorified.  Paul said, we no longer know any man by the flesh, because now in these days, in these transitional days, you could look at someone with a fallen human body and that is no indication of what their mind is.  You have to look at the person’s mind.  How do you look at somebody’s mind?  You listen to the words that they say.  Even if you listen to the words that they say, you cannot recognize the mind of Christ Jesus, you cannot recognize the word of God unless it is in you.  You cannot recognize what you do not know. 


Paul clearly said, if you have sin, a particular sin, you will recognize that sin in other men at the snap of a finger because you have done it or entertained it.  You are familiar with it.  Well the closer you are to the Lord Jesus, the more intimate you are.  The closer you are to marriage to Christ Jesus, the more likely you are to recognize Him in another man.  If you spend a large part of your time in your carnal mind, you are less likely to be able to recognize Christ Jesus in another man.  Paul said, we discern everybody. 


We, who abide in Christ Jesus continuously, we look at you and we know whether you are in Christ Jesus or whether you are in Leviathan.  We could tell, but you who abide continuously or frequently in Leviathan, you cannot.  If you abide continuously in Leviathan, you will never recognize that we are the word of God.  If you are doubleminded, and you spend a lot of your time in Leviathan, you are going to have a lot of trouble recognizing the word of God is manifesting in us.  That is what Paul said.  Paul said, what you are intimate with, you recognize instantly in other people.  The more familiar you are with something, the more quickly you recognize it.  That is just a fact of life in this fallen world.


Let us go on.  Thou brakest the heads of leviathan in pieces, and gavest him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness.  So you Lord, you broke the poisonous spiritual plant which the Serpent is appearing as, in this visible physical world.  You broke that plant in pieces.  Now why would you want to break a plant in pieces?  We are told, I believe it is in one of the Psalms, that the wicked, they are holding hand in hand.  They are all attached.  You see, we are one creation.  We look like we are a bunch of individual people, but our separation is an illusion.  Our separation is an illusion.  We are one poisonous plant with many leaves, and the Lord is going to break us apart, separate us, separate the soul from the mind, and Satan from the human spirit.  He will break us all apart and reform us.


So he brakest the heads of leviathan.  Thou brakest the heads of leviathan in pieces and gavest him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness.  The Hebrew word translated gave is Strong’s #5414 and it can be translated made him or made him into.  And gavest him to be meat; meat not necessarily meaning beef or lamb.  But when we hear the word meat in the King James Translation, it is referring to simply food.  The Lord God made Leviathan to be food for the people in the wilderness.  The word meat or food is Strong’s #3978 and Gesengus tells us that this word means food, but especially corn; especially corn. 


Please remember that Jesus is the corn of heaven; the corn of heaven.  Scriptural references witnessing to the fact that Jesus is the corn of heaven are Hosea, Chapter 2: verses 22-23, Hosea, Chapter 14:7 and Haggai, Chapter 1:11. Those in the congregation will read them now and I will comment on them.  These are our scriptural witnesses that Jesus is the corn of heaven.  Praise the Lord.  I am enjoying this tonight.  Thank you Jesus.  Thank you Lord. 


Hosea 2:22 and 23; And the earth shall hear the corn, and the wine, and the oil; and they shall hear Jezreel.  And I will sow her unto me in the earth; and I will have mercy upon her that had not obtained mercy; and I will say to them which were not my people, Thou art my people; and they shall say, Thou art my God.                         


And the earth shall hear the corn.  The earth is who?  The earth is the soul, and the soul shall hear the corn, and the earth shall hear Christ Jesus, and the earth shall hear the Word of God, the mind of Christ Jesus.  We are told in Ephesians 3:10; To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God.  The powers and principalities shall be taught by the Church, and the earth shall hear the mind of Christ Jesus.  The earth shall hear the Word of God.  It is the corn that is going to be sown in the earth.  Now remember there is such a thing as seed corn.  Jesus is the corn of wheat who fell into the ground.  He is the seed corn and He is falling into the earth of the soul.  When that corn sprouts and starts putting out roots, it is going to touch the spirit in the soul, and the spirit in the soul will intertwine itself with the roots of the seed corn.  Lord willing, it will give forth the increase of the new form of the man Christ Jesus. 


Hosea 14:7; They that dwell under his shadow shall return; they shall revive as the corn, and grow as the vine: the scent thereof shall be as the wine of Lebanon.


Now we know that corn does not revive.  So every time you read in the Scripture about something that does not make any sense like corn reviving or waves rejoicing in God, we should know that the word is symbolic of a spiritual reality.  We know the corn is not going to revive.  Who is going to revive?  Christ Jesus is reviving.  He is reviving from the dead.  Amen.  Jesus said if a corn of wheat fall into the ground it shall bring forth a great harvest.  So that is our witness, if you can hear it, that Jesus is the corn of heaven.   


Haggai 1:11; And I called for a drought upon the land, and upon the mountains, and upon the corn, and upon the new wine, and upon the oil, and upon that which the ground bringeth forth, and upon men, and upon cattle, and upon all the labour of the hands.


The corn is referring, not only to the Lord Jesus Christ, but to the man, Christ Jesus, who in this hour is appearing in a many membered company.  Drought is referring to a lack of water.  It is a famine of water.  We are told that there will be a great famine in the land.  That means that the Church, the members of humanity, in whom Christ Jesus is appearing, are lacking.  We are told the fields are white to harvest but the laborers are few.  This means that Christ Jesus has been conceived in many many Christians, but very few are willing to fight the war against the devil in their own mind. 


Very few are willing to look at and confess sin in their own minds.  They are not laboring the labor that is going to rip the weeds out of their garden so that the true plant of Christ Jesus, the cultivated plant or the cultivated vine, can grow freely.  We are told that there will be a drought.  Why will there be a drought?  Is it that the Lord is not supplying corn and wine?  Is the Lord withholding water from His people, or is it that the people will not drink at the Lord’s well.  I suggest to you the people have refused and are refusing to drink at the Lord’s well.


At the beginning of our series, The Serpent, The Dragon, The Devil, And You, we had a scripture where our alternate translation says that man is deaf to the Word of God because the devil is in his ears.  The Devil is in there blocking up his ears.  If man is deaf to the word of God, this is the pronouncement of a miracle to say the earth, man, shall hear the Word of God.  The Lord is going to heal the deaf.  Isaiah 29:18.  Hallelujah.


I am getting slain in my own meeting.  Is everybody okay?  Well everybody is awake anyway.  My father woke everybody up.  (Laughter)   He is definitely enlivening this meeting.  Anyone listening to these tapes, my dad does not know the Lord.  He is 89 years old and he manifests at almost every meeting that we have him in.  I am deliberately leaving his comments on the tape because I think they are just a blessing.  I keep thinking of the man that rose up in Jesus’ meeting and He had to cast the devil out of him.  So God bless my father.  (Laughter)  Praise the Lord.  He is getting a dose sitting in this meeting and he is just fully manifested.  Let us go on.


We are working on Psalm 74:14.  Leviathan, the Serpent’s completed mind became corn for the people when he was broken enough to release the human spirit.  Listen; Thou brakest the heads of leviathan in pieces, and gavest him to be corn to the people.  What are you talking about, Sheila?  How could Leviathan be corn for the people?  Brethren, to understand this word of God, you have to be good at doing puzzles.  The way Leviathan was corn to the people or became corn to the people was that the Lord broke his heads.


Did you ever see a Spanish pinata where they beat that toy horse with some kind of a bat, and it finally breaks open, and all the candy and the goodies come out?  Well, the Lord broke the heads of Leviathan.  He beat Leviathan until he broke in pieces, and what came out was what?  What came out?  The human spirit was released.  As soon as she was released, the Holy Spirit joined with her.  What happened when the Holy Spirit joined with her?  You know, the Holy Spirit is the seed corn.  The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ.


The seed corn joined with her, put His root down into her, and there was an increase in the form of the man, Christ Jesus.  Who is the corn?  The corn is Christ Jesus.  So that is how Leviathan became food for the nations, through His death.  He has got to die.  An animal or a deer running in the woods is not doing you any good.  He has got to die for him to be food for you.  He has got to die.  He has to be broken in pieces, and he has to be cooked.  Well, for Leviathan to be food for you, he has got to die, and he has got to be broken in pieces, and I guess he has to be cooked.  He is going to be boiled.  Is that not exciting? 


Leviathan, the Serpent’s completed mind, became corn for the people, when he was broken enough to release the human spirit, who then joined with the Lord Jesus Christ, and increased into Christ Jesus, the corn from heaven.  Hallelujah.


The word wilderness is Strong’s #6728 and it means desert.  And gavest him to be meat to the people inhabiting the desert.  The soul is made of dust.  The waters of this visible physical world are the mind that is in the soul.  The soul is the earth.  The waters is referring to the mind, which is in the soul.  Remember, at the beginning of time, Jehovah called all the waters back, and He said, let these waters be called seas.  Amen.  And let the dry be called earth.  Amen.  Did you ever wonder why the word Seas was plural in Genesis 1:10?  Let the waters be called Seas.  Does anybody know why?  Nobody knows why, so I am going to tell you.


Listen, we recently revealed that there are prophesies that Satan’s sea would be dried up.  Satan is definitely associated with the sea.  Leviathan is definitely associated with the sea.  He is the Dragon who is in the sea.  If you check out the last few tapes, we definitely mention that the same Hebrew word translated sea can also be translated the western quarter.  This is either in the first or second tape, specifically Daniel Chapter 8, I believe.  We determined that the western quarter is referring to the visible physical world, and that the southern quarter is referring to the visible spiritual world.  I have all the references in the words that we got it from.                


We see there are two seas.  There are two quarters which are visible, the western quarter or the western sea, and the southern quarter or the southern sea.  There are two seas.  There are two quarters that are visible in this world, and there are two quarters which are invisible.  What are the two quarters which are invisible?  The east which typifies what?  Yes, the eternal realm of God; timelessness.  You see, the seas typify time.  The visible world is a place where time and space is in play.  The east typifies timelessness and the north typifies Satan, where it is dark and cold. 


We see that the east and the north refer to spirit, both the Spirit of God and the counterfeit spirit of Satan.  Spirits are invisible.  The west and the south are visible, and refer to the visible spiritual world.  The south, the visible spiritual world, is also known as the Garden of Eden or Paradise.  The west is the visible physical world, also called the Land of Nod.


Please forgive me, I am getting slain in my own meeting, and I am doing the best I can.  If I stumble a little or if I sound like I am drunk; I guess I am drunk in the Spirit.  Praise the Lord.


We see in Genesis 1:10, the Lord says let the waters be called Seas.  The visible world is a sea.  It is a cosmic sea.  I believe it is 96 percent water.  The atmosphere is filled with water.  Our bodies are 96 percent water.  It is not the kind of water that is in the ocean which appears in this world, but spiritually speaking, this is a world of water.  It is a world that is under water.  I think I mentioned to you before I believe it is Atlantis.  I believe the legend of Atlantis is referring to the world that existed before the Flood, which world was not under water.  I do not know what it looked like compared to this western quarter. 


It was the southern quarter, you see.  I do not know what it looked like or what it was like to live there.  We are so used to living like fish under the water, on the bottom of the sea, that we do not even have any memory of what it was like to live above the waters.  I have no idea.  I am convinced this world is Atlantis, that we exist under the sea, and Leviathan is the monster who dwells in the sea.  We are all down here under the sea together.  Amen.


If you cannot receive it, pray about it.  It is the truth.  At least ask God.  Truth is stranger than fiction, brethren.  It is always hard to recognize where you are, because you are just so used to it, it is hard to believe.  You are so a part of it.  It is hard to believe you are in hell.  It is hard to believe this is Atlantis.  It is hard to believe, but ask the Lord.  He will witness all truth to you.  This doctrine is so exciting.  Thank you Lord.


So how did I get into that?  I said the soul is made of dust and the waters of this visible physical world are the mind.  The waters refer to the mind which exists in the earth of the soul.  So just one more thing.  The waters, the west and the south, are referring to the conscious mind.  The hidden parts, the east and the north, are referring to the unconscious mind in the creation.  All four parts together are two categories of visible and physical. God help me with this.  All four quarters together make up the mind of the creation which is growing in the soul.  The mind and the soul together form the whole personality of a man; the soul being emotions, and the mind being rational. 


In a well balanced person it is the rational mind that makes decisions.  What kind of decisions?  Decisions on life, decisions on how to live, everyday decisions, big decisions, little decisions, based on fact and what is in one’s best interest.  Emotions make decisions based on feelings, pleasure and pain, gravitating towards things that make one feel good, and avoiding things that gives one pain.  If our emotions are ruling we can find ourselves in some very painful situations that we have to work our way through.  When the emotions are ruling over the mind, it cannot be anything but destruction in your life.  You have to do what it right, brethren. 


First you have to find out what is right, and then you have to do what is right, no matter what you are feeling.  It is hard to deny feelings of things that will give you pleasure, but if that pleasure is going to give you destruction, you had better flee from it or you will be destroyed.  Do not go with your feelings.  Go with your rational mind, which Lord willing, is in Christ Jesus.  There is such a thing as prudence to the man who does not know the Lord.  There is a wisdom of a natural man that grows out of a righteous lifestyle.  There is a wisdom in the world, which wisdom is based on a knowledge of God, even though these people may not know God as we know Him.  They may practice heathen religions, but something of the law of God is written on their heart.  They have a knowledge of righteousness, and what is right for men, and they reap what they sow in this world system. 


The soul is made of dust.  The waters of this visible physical world are the mind that is in the soul.  The Serpent’s mind is signified or typified by salt water and Jehovah’s mind is signified or typified by sweet water.  The Greek word translated sweet means not bitter.  The human spirit is the salt of the earth, which is dissolved in the Serpent’s mind.  Sea water is not drinkable, indicating that the Serpent’s mind produces death.  Sweet water is water that is agreeable or capable of being ingested by man with impunity. 


Well now you say, Jesus said ye are the salt of the earth, and the human spirit is typified by salt, as I just said.  When she is dissolved in Satan’s sea, she becomes poisonous water.  You cannot drink sea water.  You get sick and you die.  But when the human spirit, the salt of the earth is dissolved in Christ Jesus’ sea, He makes that water sweet.  Just as the prophet Elisha added something to the poisonous stew, that stew became edible.  The principle here, brethren, is that the partial tree is poisonous. 


The tree of the knowledge of good and evil alone is poisonous.  When Christ Jesus is added to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, that which was poisonous becomes sweet.  Can you hear it?  The human spirit combined with the Dragon producing the carnal mind is poisonous water.  That very same human spirit joined to the Word of God in the man, Christ Jesus, is beneficial food for mankind.  Jesus, help us.  Give us understanding, Lord.        


Alternate Translation of Psalm 74:14; You broke the poisonous spiritual plant into pieces.  That is speaking about the carnal mind.  And you made him.  Who?  Leviathan, that completed mind into edible spiritual food; Christ Jesus.  For the animals; fallen man of this visible physical world.  Now it says you made him to be meat for the people inhabiting the wilderness.  If you look up that word wilderness in Strong’s Concordance, it talks about the place where the animals dwell. 


There is a Hebrew word for people that I did not write down.  It is Strong’s #5971 and could mean huddled troops.  But the word wilderness, itself, implies it is a place where animals are.  I hope that you know that we are all animals.  Man is a part of the animal kingdom.  We are the most highest developed animal in the animal kingdom because we have a mind.  The other animals do not have a mind.  They have a soul, but they do not have a mind.  They may have a soul, but they do not have a mind. 


This is the Alternate Translation the Lord gave me.  You broke the poisonous spiritual plant into pieces.  I do not know why I did this to tell you the truth.  I do not know why I named the animal carnal mind leviathan.  The Lord builds on the revelation that I have so continuously that I can prepare a set of notes, and by the time Thursday rolls around, I have more revelation on the issue.  These notes were prepared last Sunday.  It is just amazing.  It is like it just does not stop rolling through my mind.


It is just like my mind is a pipe and Christ Jesus is inside of me, and He is just flooding this revelation out as fast as my mind can bear it without collapsing.  It is not only my mind, but I am taking such a beating.  I am taking such punishment from Leviathan for faithfully executing this work, that it is not even a question of how much my mind can tolerate it, it is how much of a beating my body can take, because the Lord knows what I am going through.  But from Sunday to Thursday, I get a deeper revelation, so let us make this correction here.


You broke the poisonous spiritual plant into pieces.  I am just going to take that carnal mind out.  And made Leviathan into edible spiritual food.  The name of that food is Christ Jesus.  For the animals; which is fallen man, of this visible physical world.  One more time.  You broke the poisonous spiritual plant into pieces.  And made him into edible spiritual food, Christ Jesus, for the animals, fallen men, of this visible physical world.  You broke that poisonous spiritual plant, Leviathan.  I have got this in the wrong place.  You broke that poisonous spiritual plant, Leviathan,  into pieces, and made him into edible spiritual food, Christ Jesus.  You broke Leviathan into pieces.  You freed up the human spirit.  She joined with the Holy Spirit.  Christ Jesus was born and He became edible food for the animals, the fallen men of this visible physical world. 


Brethren, this is incredible.  To understand what this Scripture is saying, you have to have this revelation because this Bible needs to be amplified.  There is not only words missing, there is whole thoughts, whole concepts, whole sentences missing that the Scripture is assuming that you know what this one symbol means.  It is amazing.  How exciting to be permitted to partake of this glory.  It is worth every punch, except that when I am being punched, I am screaming my head off.  When I look back on it, it is worth it.  How marvelous to be permitted to eat of this food, how absolutely marvelous. 


This great sea is full of your riches.  I took that phrase, this great sea is full of your riches from Psalm 104:25.  I felt that it was needed for us to understand verse 26.  This great sea is full of your riches.  Verse 26: There go the ships: there is that leviathan, whom thou hast made to play therein.  This great sea; the Hebrew word translated great can also be translated proud.  This proud sea.  Now how can a sea be proud?  The King James translators rejected the word proud because they said how can a sea be proud?  But we know that the sea is the symbol for this western quarter, this visible physical world, where Leviathan is a high principality.  He is the mind of humanity.  The Dragon is the corporate unconscious mind, which is present in every human being, and each individual human being has his own expression of Leviathan, the completed mind of the Serpent.


The Dragon is in every mind; that old Serpent, the Dragon, the Devil, and Satan.  Did you think the Lord could not make up His mind who He was talking about?  We hear Him saying that in Revelation, Chapter 12 and Revelation, Chapter 20.  That old or that ancient Serpent, the Dragon, which is the Devil, and Satan.  Did you ever wonder about that?  How exciting finding out what the Scriptures are talking about.  The Serpent in the garden increased into the Dragon, and the Dragon incarnated as the Devil, and the god in the mind of the Devil’s personality is called Satan. Hallelujah.  Glory to God.


There go the ships.  There is that Leviathan, whom thou hast made to play therein.  This great sea, this proud visible physical world, is full of your riches or is full of your Spirit.  There go the ships.  The Hebrew word translated go is Strong’s #3214 can also be translated walk referring to one’s walk, one’s lifestyle, the life’s journey that someone is taking.  There go the ships.  Ships is Strong’s #591 and it means merchant; merchant ships.  This is the same Hebrew word used in 2 Chronicles 9:21.  For the king’s ships went to Tarshish bringing gold, and silver, and ivory, and apes, and peacocks.  Some of you that have been around for awhile might know   that this is the scripture that the Lord gave us, which is the basis for one of the most controversial doctrines that we do teach here.  I have not mentioned it in a long time.  There is a scriptural foundation for evolution.  Do not turn off the tape or stop reading. 


There is a scriptural basis for believing that man has arisen out of monkeys.  Do not shut it off.  You will be sorry.  This is a good word.  Now Darwin got it backwards.  We did not evolve from monkeys.  We were not monkeys and then one day we became a man.  But I suggest to you that the creation that God made was a mind.  It was a mind that was formed out of the physical earth, and somewhere, at some time after the creation fell, that glorious mind which was formed by Jehovah, and which was given life by the Son of God, because of its fallen condition, was joined to an animal body.


Listen to me.  Do we not live in an animal body?  I am not saying man grew out of an animal body.  I am saying there was a glorious mind made by Jehovah.  That mind died, and as a result of its death, it was joined to an animal body.  I believe that this verse is a scriptural basis for believing that the animal that the mind was joined to was an ape.  When we did this study several years ago, if you looked up that word in the Hebrew, it really does not mean ape.  It means some kind of a monkey.  I think the scientists are saying that we evolved from Reese monkeys, whatever that is.  It is not a gorilla.  It is a particular type of monkey.  It is that type of monkey that is signified by this Hebrew word, which is translated ape. 


I am going to say it again to all you pharisees that are ripping up and going crazy.  Listen!  We were a glorious mind, a glorious spiritual creation.  We died.  When we died, we were joined by chains of darkness to Satan for safe keeping, so that we would not be wiped out completely, until God can raise us from the dead.  We were placed in spiritual jails underneath the earth.  These spiritual jails are under the dominion of soulish authority, and we were given animal bodies.  We are clearly told in Genesis that God gave Adam and Eve skins.  I suggest to you that He did not give them tan skins.  He gave them skins that were still attached to the animals.  The spirit of man was born into an animal population in the form of a mind. 


Now listen to me.  Did not that glorious mind, the Word of God in the man Christ Jesus, exchange the external form in the man Jesus of Nazareth? Did not the fact that the man or the mind of Christ Jesus was present in the man Jesus of Nazareth result in his deliverance from the animal body and his translation into a spiritual body?  Is that not true?  If you could just stop panicking and listen.  It was a glorious mind that was in a spiritual body.  It is the exact reversal of what I just said.  Because it died, it was put in an animal body and it raised up that animal body to what we see as man today. 


Now listen.  I am going to say it again.  The mind of Christ Jesus was in the man, Jesus of Nazareth, and because that glorious mind was raised from the dead in fallen flesh, the result was an increase in the fallen flesh; from fallen flesh into a glorious spiritual body.  What I am suggesting to you is that when the fallen mind was joined to an animal body, it was still so glorious, and it still had so much power in it, that it raised that monkey’s body up to a place which is above every other mammal in the world.


That is why man walks on two legs.  We are the only animal that walks upright.  We are the only animal that reasons.  We are the only animal that has language.  Because even in his dead condition, the Lord’s son, the Christ, is so powerful, that when he was joined to an animal body, that animal body was raised up to a height that he could have never achieved on his own no matter how many millions of years he lived.  You do not have to believe it, but does anybody not know what I am talking about?  Glory to God.


For the king’s ships went to Tarshish.  We talked about this.  We have a tape that was something on evolution if you want to hear it.  I think #38.  Just for this tape I will tell you briefly, gold typifies spirit.  Silver typifies soul.  Ivory typifies leviathan or the carnal mind.  The apes typify this physical body.  Peacocks are known for being proud.  When I put this message together, I could not remember what peacocks meant.  When I meditated on it, I remembered.  I am not too sure now, but peacocks are known for being proud, and the male peacocks have that beautiful spectrum of color in their wings.  I think that peacocks are referring possibly to the imputed anointing, because there is a lot of pride associated with it.


Now color comes from light, put through a spectrum.  Is everybody okay?  A bright white light, when you put it through a prism it breaks down into a spectrum of all the colors we see in a rainbow.  There is a name for it.  I cannot remember it because I am passing out in my own service here. The colors in the rainbow typifies the Spirit of God in this physical world.  The Spirit of God is typified by bright white light.  You pass it through a prism and you get the spectrum of colors typifying this visible world.  Spirit is invisible.  Bright white light is invisible.  When you put it through the prism, when you break it down, it is signifying the Spirit of God in the visible world.  So the color spectrum in the peacock is referring to the Spirit of God here in this physical world, but it is also associated with pride. 


So if I am not mistaken, because my mind is so fuzzy that I cannot even keep my eyes open.  (Laughter)  I think we said that the peacocks were referring to the imputed anointing; the Spirit of God joined to the pride of man.  This is the imputed anointing, the loaned authority of God appearing in a man whose foundation is still Leviathan.  The overriding quality or the overriding characteristic of Leviathan is pride.  So we see it being joined to the Spirit of God.  The pride of man is for a season.  It is temporal until the Spirit of God increases into the man Christ Jesus, in us, who has the power to swallow up that pride.  He will give us the nature of Almighty God, which is totally absent from our sin nature, which is called pride.


There go the ships.  There goes fallen man.  The ships are fallen men.  The king’s ships went to Tarshish and down in the hold they had gold, spirits, silver,soul, ivory, Leviathan for their completed mind, and apes, physical bodies, and peacocks, pride.  They also had the loaned authority of God.  There go fallen man whom thou hast made to play therein.  The Hebrew word translated made is Strong’s #3335 and it can be translated destined.  There go the ships that Leviathan, whom thou hast destined to play therein.  The Hebrew word translated play is Strong’s #7832 and a legitimate alternate translation is to play war games. 


I found this out a couple of years ago, but I did not take the time to check it out.  I think it is in one of the books of Samuel, one of the history books.  We hear about King David’s men or King Saul’s men, I cannot remember, going out to play.  I found out one day that that word play meant to engage in war games to the death.  The King James translators translated the word to play.  Whether or not that is the same word as we have here, I honestly do not know.  As I said, I did not take the time to check it out.  It probably is the same word.


Whether it is or not, the principle is the same to the mind of the King James translators.  For example, games in the Roman arena where the gladiators fought to the death, they would categorize that as playing games.  They were games unto the death.  I suggest to you that is the significance of the phrase, whom thou hast made to play therein.  This verse is referring to the war games that have already begun.  Can anybody guess between who and whom?  Yes, the war games have already begun between, the man Christ Jesus, and the Devil.  It is between the completed mind of the Devil, called Leviathan, and the mind of Christ Jesus, the Word of God.  The games have begun and the games are to the death.  Only one mind shall survive. 


Alternate Translation of Psalm 104:26; This proud visible world is full of your Spirit.  Men exist there and the Serpent’s completed mind exists there also.  That Leviathan, whom you have destined to play war games.  I have pretty much covered this, but let me read you my notes.  The expression destined to play war games is speaking about the warfare between Christ Jesus and the Devil, which will result in the breaking up of Leviathan, the Serpent’s completed mind.  This is the separation of the joints from the marrow.  Also, it will result in the ultimate death of the Devil.  The Devil now is the whole lesbian personality of the creation, which is the whole creation, which is soul and mind.


We are talking here about the separation of soul from spirit.  It will also result in the death of Satan.  The spirit which is the god or the unconscious or the controlling part of that mind.  Remember mind is in two parts, the conscious and the unconscious.  The unconscious mind is spirit.  The unconscious mind is another way of saying this is the spirit which has woven the mind and produced the visible world.  The unconscious mind is the controlling factor of our life.  Even the psychiatrists know that.  I think we are eighty to ninety percent controlled by our unconscious mind.  We do not even know why we do what we do.  Then that unconscious mind, or that spirit or god, weaves himself a garment, which is a mind to dwell in.


That mind is the result of the god who is initiating this whole creation, joining with the soul, in particular the spirit in the soul, and giving rise to an increase.  It is either the completed mind called Leviathan, which is sired by Satan, or the completed mind called the Word of God, which is sired by Jehovah.  We now know Him as the Lord Jesus Christ.  When that completed mind joins himself to the soul, it either creates a condition of life or death in the soul, depending on whether the mind is alive or the mind is dead.  The Word of God produces a live soul, and Leviathan produces a dead soul.  The external body is an expression of the god at the inner most recesses of the creation. 


Right now I am seeing a vision of an old fashion shining knight in armor.  The armor that they wore was made of metal links woven together.  The Lord is telling me this is what the mind is.  The warrior spirit, the male spirit, the god of the creation, is behind the mind which is woven as a defense.  The mind is joined to the soul, and the soul is behind the visible expression of the spirit which is hidden.  That which is up front is an image, an illusion, an image of the god which cannot be seen.  The god, which is an invisible spirit pierces through the soul.  He pierces through the mind that he is dwelling in.  He pierces through the soul, and he projects an image of himself in the visible world.      


I am having a memory right now of a Star Trek episode that I saw, where the Enterprise picks up on its video screens a picture of a very imposing and frightening alien who threatens to bomb them out of oblivion.  It actually succeeds in producing a significant amount of fear in the Enterprise.  The end of the whole affair is that they are allowed on the alien ship and there are no armies.  There is only one man running this whole ship and he is about 3'2", a very small babyish looking man with a high pitched voice.  He had projected an image of himself onto the screens of the Enterprise as a very frightening entity.


When asked why he did it, he told Captain Kirk that no one would ever be afraid of him when they could see what he actually looked like.  This alien had the power of delusion to project an image of himself that was totally unreal, which produced fear and respect in the minds of potential enemies.  This alien was hidden inside of a spaceship, which spaceship was inside of another spaceship; Invisible spirit inside of mind, behind a soul, behind a body.  Jesus.  What you are looking at is a picture.  It is a picture.  It is a shadow.  It is a shadow. 


Amplified Translation of Psalm 104:26; This proud visible world, which is full of your Spirit, is inhabited by men who are possessed of the Serpent’s completed mind.  That Leviathan, who is destined to engage in warfare with Christ Jesus, to determine which mind will express its life through Jehovah’s creation.  Hallelujah.


Brethren, the mind consists of the spirit which has incarnated.  You can call him the unconscious mind.  You can call him the control.  The garment he dwells in, that which is woven from two additional threads, the spirit which is in the soul that is Christ, and the increase which results from the union of the human spirit and that male spirit that controls this increase.  It is either the Logos, the Word of God, or Leviathan.  The Logos, the Word of God, dwells in the man Christ Jesus, your new man, and Leviathan dwells in your old man called the Devil.  Hallelujah.


Any questions or comments before we begin Job, Chapter 41?  Any questions or comments on the two Psalms we just did?  Hallelujah.


COMMENT: Is there any place in the Scripture that says Leviathan has seven heads?     


PASTOR VITALE: I do not believe it is in there.  I know that has been a teaching in deliverance circles.  If I am not mistaken, there is no scripture that says that.  They get that from scriptures in the Book of Revelation that says something about seven heads.  I am not sure.  Somebody put it together with this scripture the heads of Leviathan, but I do not believe there is any scripture that says Leviathan has seven heads.  There are scriptures that says the Dragon has seven heads in Revelation 12:3, Revelations 13:1 and Revelation 17:3.


You should be able to look that up.  You have a Bible program in your computer.  I am without a search program right now.  As you know we got a new computer and the Bible program that I have cannot be programmed into this new computer.  We are getting a new program, which we will not have for another few weeks.  That leaves me without a Bible program.  I was looking all these words up manually in Strong’s Concordance today, which was a humbling experience.  You get so used to having a computer that you do not want to go back.


If anything, it made me realize how blessed I am because it is so fast to search for these words with a computer.  I did all this manually.  You know, when I first started teaching in this ministry, I did not even have a typewriter.  I did everything by hand.  I wrote out everything by hand.  I cannot even imagine it now, but that was how we started out here.  So the Lord has blessed.  It is better to start small and let God build you up.  It is hard to start big and lose everything.  When I stop to think about it all, it is amazing. 


COMMENT: I would like to ask a question.  Before the Flood, if we were not in these bodies, how could the Flood kill the bodies, if it was not this type of animal body? 


PASTOR VITALE: So you are asking how could all the men on the earth, on the other side of the Flood have been killed by the Flood?  Well, that is a very good question and I think it is right in line with my question that I have been asking for years.  How come, if there were giants before the Flood, we do not find any giant bones.  How come?  One of the answers that I have come up with, so far, is that bones of the giants were either not made out of the same substance, or did not look like anything that would be recognizable as human bones.  There were bones of dinosaurs.  There were bones of all kinds of animals.  How come there are no bones of the giants?  Maybe they were not made out of the same substance, so we are not recognizing them, or they did not look like the bones of men today.


So along those lines that is an excellent question.  If we were not in an animal body, how did the water kill the giants?  Well we do not know what the giants looked like.  I do not know.  It is an excellent question.  We have reason to believe that there was an actual flood.  There are geophysical signs in all the world that a physical flood did take place.  I believe there was also a spiritual flood.  I believe that the waters of the soul realm, this visible physical world, flowed in upon the visible spiritual world, and covered it over.


You may remember the teaching that came down two summers ago.  The expression the heavens will roll up like a scroll is referring to the fact that this world, called hell and the land of Nod, is lying over the garden of Eden.  This world is going to roll up like a scroll and Eden will appear again.  Well, if you can use that as an example in your thinking, the world before the Flood is a dry place because it was not under water.  It was a dry place.  When the floods came in, what happened was that hell covered over the garden of Eden.  That world before the flood dropped down to the bottom of the sea and became the ocean bed of this world system.  Can you hear that?


Now exactly what that looked like, I do not know, but I have got this revelation in principle.  It is new to me.  The Lord just started teaching me this over the last month or so, maybe even less than that.  It is an excellent question and I pray that God gives me the answers.  I do not know whether the giants, which were the men before the flood, although not in a physical body, were in an animal body, but in some form that could drown.  Sleep on this one tonight, is it possible that these spiritual men that were giants before the flood, did not die in the flood?  Maybe they did not die from the natural flood.  Maybe they died from a spiritual flood.



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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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