042 - Part 12
(Revelation 6-7 & Genesis 49)

This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Glory to God. We are reviewing chapter six of the book of Revelation. I hope that I can get through the whole chapter. And the plan is, if the Lord lets me stick to it, is that at the next meeting, I will review chapter seven verses one through eight, and we'll pick up right with verse nine on Wednesday's meeting, Lord willing. [?The?] -- for those of you that weren't at the meeting, we reviewed chapter five of the book of Revelation at the last meeting, but the tape was destroyed. So if you feel you need a review, you're just going to have to go over the original tapes that covered that chapter.


OK. Chapter six, verses one through eight. Reveal God's plan of redemption as it appears in the realm of appearance after it appeared in the realm of the spirit. The first fruits company first, so as we explained last week, for which we have no tape, there's something actively happening in the realm of the spirit. First the Lord thinks of it, then it actually, literally, is drawn in the realm of the spirit. And the next thing that we see is that it appears in the realm of appearance.


[?Elaine,?] excuse me, I'm just going to need a little more volume. I'm straining my voice just a touch. OK. Praise the Lord, thank you. OK. So this is what we're dealing with in the book of Revelation. We're dealing with two literary techniques here, and one is the fact that the Lord seems to deal with this symbolic book in the way that first indicates his desire, his speaking something into existence. Then we see it sketched in the realm of the spirit, and the next thing that we see is it appearing in the realm of appearance.


And the second literary technique that we appear to be dealing with here is that the Lord states the accomplished fact first, and then the -- it's possible that several following verses, in each case, is different, describes how that situation came to pass.


OK, so we're moving on with chapter six, verses one through eight. Reveal God's plan of redemption as it appears in the realm of appearance. And back in chapter five, we've been dealing with it as it's dealt in -- as it was sketched in the realm of the spirit. OK.


Now the first thing that's appearing in the realm of appearance is the first fruits company. The first seal, which is covered by verses one and two, reveals Christ being birthed in the human spirit as he goes forth to overcome the human soul. And I remind you that the first four seals, known as -- otherwise known as the Four Horsemen. It's dealing with the first fruits company, and Christ is appearing in the human spirit.


The way that happens, I remind you, is that we receive the Holy Spirit usually in the form of the baptism. But the Holy Spirit [?can?] some way, along the line join us with Elohim in spirit, and that is a fertilization of the human spirit. There's going to be an offspring [?of the?] result of that union, and that result is the birth of Christ. So you no longer have a human spirit, and there is no longer a Holy Spirit, but Christ has been formed in you.


And he is formed in you in the form of an embryo. He is not formed in you in full stature. He appears as an embryo, and from that point forth, he starts to grow in stature. And somewhere along the line, he will stand up in full stature, and he will appear in your every thought, word and deed. And at that moment, your soul and my soul, our soul, will be swallowed up because when Christ stands up in full stature, there's no more room in the human vessel for the carnal mind. OK.


Chapter six, verse one. And I saw when the lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, come and see. And I'd just like to remind you that on the tapes where we originally studied this verse, we found out that the word thunder was directly related to the word roar, and we therefore related the word roar to the lion.


And we bounced back to chapter four, verse seven, where there is a description of the new creation man. I'll just read it to you. And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beat like a calf, and the third beast had the face of a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle. Those four aspects are four aspects of the new creation man, and I'm suggesting to you that the first four seals are relating to those four aspects of the new creation man. So try and follow me. If you can, you're going to have to go back to the original tapes that were preached on chapter six of the book of Revelation. OK.


Alternate translation, verse one, chapter six. And since my attention was already turned towards the vision, as it passed before my eyes -- this is John speaking -- I saw the power of Christ begin to release the first fruits company from Satan's control. And I heard the lion, in them, expressing his spiritual authority saying let the work of the Lord Jesus Christ in the first fruits company. And let them be aware of it and understand it, and as the lion in the first fruits company spoke it, it came to pass in the realm of appearance. And I heard the sound of human spirits being expanded to the spiritual dimension of Christ.


And we know that the lion typifies the lion of the tribe of Judah, so it was the Christ in each member of the first fruits company saying let him appear, let Christ appear. And Christ appeared in the human spirit. And, the very last phrase, and I heard the sound of human spirits being expanded to the spiritual dimension of Christ. And we've explained that when you have Christ, you have the human spirit, you have the Holy Spirit, you have Christ, and you have the father because the father is in Christ. Glory to God. So the first seal, the white horse, typifies Christ coming forth in the human spirit of man, in this instance, of the first fruits company. Glory to God.


Verse two, chapter six of the book of Revelation. And I saw and beheld a white horse, glory to God. And he that sat on him had a bow, and a crown was given unto him, and he went forth conquering and to conquer. And I'm going to suggest to you that that white horse and the rider on the right horse is actually Christ. In verse one, we heard the command being given, and in verse we see what happened.


An alternate translation. And I continue to look into the realm of the spirit, and a miracle. I saw one who had been restored to the correct moral ordered, who was dazzling white with righteousness because the resurrected Christ was manifesting to him, making him into the weapon. And the sons of God were joined with him in their minds. And his life took root and generated, and he appeared, overcoming Satan in the minds of the first fruits company so that, through them, he might be sowed in the minds of the entire living soul, germinate, appear in them and overcome Satan in each of them also.


So we heard -- in verse one, we heard  human spirits being expanded to Christ, and the next thing that we saw was one who had been restored to the correct moral order. And when Christ appears to us in full stature, brethren, we shall have been restored to the correct moral order, and we will have everything that we need to put sin under foot so that we will have the authority to stop sinning. And when we stop sinning, we shall indeed stop dying. Glory to God.


So I just want to point out a few things here. Christ appeared. He restored that particular member of the living soul to the correct moral order. And when we are in the correct moral order, the Lord says we shall be a weapon. We shall be the weapon of the Lord, and we shall be used to destroy all unrighteousness. And the vessels in whom we destroy unrighteousness, those vessels too shall be caught up. Their human spirit shall be expanded, and they shall be restored to the correct moral order. When almighty God destroys, life comes out of that destruction. [?I remember one of his first?] being raised up in God.


I had a conversation with brother that could not believe that all men should be saved. And he showed me all these Scriptures that said -- I'm sorry. He couldn't believe that Satan was going to be reconciled, and he showed me all these Scriptures that said he was going to be destroyed. He's going to be destroyed, he's going to be destroyed. Amen, Satan is going to be destroyed. But when God destroys you, you come forth in a new form of life. Glory to God.


We have to get the mind of Christ, and one of the biggest problems in the world today, in the church world today, is that man has been reading these holy Scriptures with his carnal mind. And what he's gotten out of it is that men are going to be cast down into hell and burned forever. God only burns you until you repent, until you're restored. And the burning is by the fire of his spirit, and it's his spiritual process. Glory to God.


So we shall be restored to the correct moral order. We shall be made into a weapon that will destroy our unrighteousness joined with the son of God in our minds. In case you don't know [UNINTELLIGIBLE], all of the spiritual work that's happening is in our minds. Glory to God. Life and death is in the way we think. Glory to God.


And the life of Christ took root, and it germinated. And he appeared, and Satan was overcome in the minds of the first fruits company for the specific purpose that the first fruits company would go out and by the foolishness of preaching words that are spirit and life, they would sow the seeds of Christ in the minds or the hearts of men and members of the church and that Christ too would germinate and appear in them and overcome Satan in each member of the living soul. Glory to God, hallelujah.


OK. Number two, the second seal, verses three and four. The first Adam is revealed for what he is  even into Christ. When Christ appears and the war of the ages begins [INAUDIBLE] all conscious minds and between man. OK. The second seal that [?hands out?] -- the second seal is the rider on the red horse. And what I'm saying here is that we have found out that when the first -- when the second Adam appears, when Christ appears, he's going to reveal the first Adam for what he is.


The Scripture in Thessalonians says, and when that -- and that [INAUDIBLE] shall be revealed by the brightness of the coming of the Lord. When Christ appears, when righteousness appears in our minds and in our souls, we are going to realize that the carnal man, the first Adam and natural man, that he indeed is anti-Christ.


And he very well may appear in a man in the Middle East, and he very well may appear in many different manifestations [INAUDIBLE] all of these things may very well be true, but, brethren, anti-Christ is the natural man. He is the carnal mind, and he lives in you, and he lives in me. And he is not going to be stamped in the Middle East because if anti-Christ stands up in the Middle East and he is destroyed, another anti-Christ will stand up in the Middle East. We have all kind -- we had all kinds of dictators throughout history that have worked horrendous works upon mankind. Brethren, the only hope of defeating manifestations of anti-Christ in the world is to defeat him in the minds of men. Glory to God.


Now, we're dealing with the first fruits company when God's starts to -- and they are the examples that every member of the living soul -- when God starts to redeem you, the first thing that's going to happen is that Christ is going to appear in you. And the next thing that's going to happen is that Christ in you is going to reveal your carnal mind, your natural man, your first Adam for what he is. And the war of the ages shall begin.


Now, I don't deny -- I don't really know, but I wouldn't argue with anybody that there's not going to be a physical battle, an atomic war. I don't know. To tell you the truth, I don't care because my mind is directed in one direction. If Christ shall have appeared in me by the time that bomb falls, it can't touch me. I'm going for the -- I'm going in the direction that's going to save my life, and that is a spiritual direction. Christ must appear in me. I don't care what's going to happen out there in the natural world because I can't do anything about it. Jesus Christ is not dropping out of the sky. He's not pulling us out of here in a rapture. He's not doing any of these fantasy fairytales that are being preached. What he's going is appearing in you and in me. And when he appears in us, we won't -- we shall be able to say no man can take my life, but I lay it down, if God requires us to lay it down.


And I have this another tape. If there's an atomic holocaust and Christ has appeared in you in full stature, if all of your flesh burns off of your body, it'll grow right back on because the spirit that quickened Jesus Christ from the dead shall quicken your mortal body. Your body won't be able to die, so I'm not going to get into any arguments with anybody about Armageddon manifesting in the natural realm. It very well might. What I'm saying to you is that for sure Armageddon is going to manifest in your mind, and it is going to be between the first Adam and the second Adam, between Christ and anti-Christ, between Christ and your carnal mind, between Christ and your natural man. That's the manifestation of Armageddon that we have to know about because it's got to happen to us, and we've got to overcome, and we've got to get through it as fast as we can because, brethren, look at this world around us. We are running out of time.


And the Scripture says first the natural and then the spiritual. I don't doubt for a second that a great cataclysm is coming across the Earth, and the only way you're going to survive it, brethren, is to have Christ appear in you. Get your sights straight. Get your mind set in the right direction, and start praying to God that he'll appear in you in time to save your life and possibly to save the life of your family. I really don't know, but I think it's a possibility that if Christ has appeared in us in full stature, we might have some authority to save members of our family that have not yet attained to that spiritual condition. I think it's a possibility. Get your sights straight, brethren. Christ must appear in you. OK.


Verse two, chapter six of the book of Revelation. I'm sorry, verse three. And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say come and see. And as the power of Christ released the first fruits company from Satan's control, I understood that the calf in the first fruits company, even the castrated Satan was saying let the work of the Lord Jesus Christ appear in the first fruits company of the living soul, and let them be aware of it and understand it. Glory to God.


The first beast was saying let the work of the Lord Jesus Christ appear in the first fruits company of the living soul. And let them be aware of it, and let them understand it. Glory to God. OK, hallelujah. OK. Glory to God.


Verse four. And there went another horse that was red, and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the Earth and that they should kill one another. And there was given unto him a great sword.


Alternate translation. And the other of the two Adams unfolded in the spirit that was rolling through the second Adam. Even Satan was given authority to destroy the unity and rebellion against God that exists in the minds of natural men. Setting them one against the other that they should slaughter one another which will result in the separation of Eve from Satan and from all of their ungodly offspring so that she would be free to birth the Christ.


This war of the ages, this war between the two Adams is to set Eve, the human spirit, free from Satan, who was her husband, and to set her free from every human that has been produced as a result of their union. Eve is the human spirit. She must be joined to the Holy Spirit, and Christ must appear in her. Glory to God. She must be totally free now.


This is happening. A lot of people might have a problem with this, but the Holy Spirit being joined to Eve is happening while she's still joined to Satan. It's happening simultaneously with her still being joined to Satan. Christ is appearing in the exact same place where the carnal mind and the demons are dwelling. Christ is coming forth right in the midst of it. And when the war of the ages begins in the minds of men, to break the human spirit free, casting out the demons and swallowing up Satan.


You know, this is what's happening with the red horse. The war begins, and, brethren, you are a part of the war, and it can be very painful. You have to get the mind of cross. You have to [?throw?] your will in line with God, and you have to -- and the way you do that is to read the Bible and determine what is righteousness. You have to read the book. You have to find out what God's law says. You have to know what's righteous and what's unrighteous. And when thoughts come into your mind to do unrighteousness, you are required by almighty God to resist. He who submits himself to God and resists the Devil, the Devil shall flee from him. You must resist. You can't resist until you know what's right and wrong. Glory to God. OK.


The third seal, verses five and six. Men are brought into agreement with Christ in their conscious minds. And that we find, and when we study the phrase one penny for a measure of wheat and together with Christ they slaughter their own souls. And the result of it is that they separate themselves from all unrighteousness. And that's expressed by the phrase one penny for three measures of barley. Christ can then be glorified, and he can be glorified in us only after rebellion in our human souls has been totally crushed and brought into submission to his authority.


And the problem that members of the church are having today is that they can't even tell who's impulsing the thoughts into their mind. They think it's God, and it's not God. They think it's God, and it is God because they don't know God, and they don't know his ways. And it's very hard to hear the voice of the Lord. You have to pray very carefully.


And if you're a young believer, even if you're mature believer, it cannot hurt you in any way to have a relationship with one or more responsible believers where you go to them and you say I had a word, and I'm not sure whether it's God or not. Would you pray with me about it? And get other witnesses until you get to a place where you really feel you don't need that. But I'll tell you, sometimes Indeed the counsel of other godly believers because so long as we're in this flesh, we are very vulnerable to being deceived.


And one of -- of course, the most obvious way to know whether or not God is speaking to you, the first thing you do is line it up with the word of God. That's the first thing that you do. But as we move on in the Lord, just to confuse you, I don't want you to go home without being confused today. Just to confuse you,  as we go on in God, we know that God is a law unto himself, and he is a higher law. And sometimes he breaks what appears to be his own law. He's really not breaking it, but to the carnal minds of men, that's what it looks like.


And we know that God sent forth a [?lying?] spirit to [?go?] in the mouth of the prophets. And we also know the account in the book of Kings where the prophet went to man. He said smite me. And the Scripture said the prophet said in the word of the Lord, to the man, smite me. And the man said I won't smite a prophet of the Lord. He could not discern that it was the anointing telling him to break God's law, but he would not smite the prophet. And he walked away, and he was smitten. The prophet went to another man and said, in the word of the Lord, smite me. This man discerned the spirit of God, and he broke God's law and he smote the prophet. And indeed, it was the word of the Lord.


The prophet went forth and stopped someone in the way and gave a word from the Lord. And in those days, to the best of my knowledge, I have -- I don't see God doing it today, but in those days it was very common for God to send a prophet to somebody. And that prophet would not just deliver the word. He would give him visual signs.


I can't -- at the moment, I'm pretty sure the prophet was saying to a king, I just can't remember who it was. And the king was supposed to have done something in battle that he didn't do, if I'm not mistaken. And the prophet not only went with the word of the Lord -- and the word was because you didn't destroy the enemy, God shall surely destroy you. He not only went with the word, he went with a wound on his face. I don't know why, but God gave visual effects, at least in the Old Testament. God sent a prophet with verbal and visual effects.


And we know that Jeremiah was required to lie on his side while he prophesied to Israel. Jeremiah prophesied to Judah, excuse me. So to the best of my knowledge, I know God uses me as a prophet very frequently, and I've given words to many people, some of them very difficult to receive, very strong words. But God has never sent me with dirt on my face, or he's never asked me to have someone smite me and [?go with a bleeding chin?]. And he's never asked me to lie on my side. So I don't know whether he's not doing in this hour or he just hasn't asked me to do it or not.


But just to confuse you, you know, it's just very hard working with God. So what did I say to him? I said if you want to find out if you're hearing from God, line it up with the law. But there are certain instances that God breaks his own law. Well, how in the world do you know whether or not you're hearing from God? Well, brethren, you have to do the best you can to have a right heart and desire righteousness. But your motives are very important, and there's safety in a multitude of counselors.


I'm sorry to leave you with this confusing word, but it's the truth about the word of God. Just pray a lot. And a very important factor is that in the heart of hearts, you really desire to do God's will, that you desire to hurt no man, that you know that vengeance is of the Lord, no matter what's been done unto you, and that your heart's desire is to praise God. If you can be honest with yourself and determine whether or not those are your motives -- if they are your motives, you've got a real step towards safety. If they're not your motives, throw yourself on the mercy of the lord, and tell him that you want them to be your motives because the greatest thing it's going to cause deception, when hearing from the Lord, is an ungodly motive that will convince you that God has said it's alright to do something ungodly.


So as we continue to see this moving in the realm of the spirit is fraught with treachery, and the greatest weapon that we have that's going to enable us to survive it is to -- is this ability to discern our own motives. It could save your life. It could save your life, your ability to discern your own motives because cause that's where all the deception comes from. It's something -- it's a motive in your own heart that's letting you believe a lie because of an ungodly desire.


So I hope I didn't leave you with any confusion. If anyone has any question about -- because I don't think anyone here does, but if anyone listening to the tape does, write to me. I'll try to clarify it for you. I don't know how to make it any clearly. And I acknowledge to you that moving in the realm of the spirit is fraught with danger. It's -- there's danger every step of the way.


And your greatest weapons are desires for righteousness and this ability to discern your own motives. If you don't have either one or ei- -- or one or the other, ask God for it or stop moving in the realm of the spirit because you're in great danger because if you move in the realm of the spirit and your motive is wrong and you use spiritual authority, judgments are going to fall on you. And don't think they're not because they're going to. Hallelujah. OK.


So what are we up to now? We are up to verse five I believe. OK. Verse five. And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, come and see. And I beheld and lo a black, and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.


Alternate translation. And as the power of Christ released the [?third thought?] of the first fruits -- of the living soul from Satan's control, I understood that the part of the first fruits company which was seen in the realm of appearance, even Adam, was saying let the work of the Lord Jesus Christ appear in the first fruits company of the living soul. And let them be aware of it. And I saw it in the spirit that there it was, the part of the first fruits company which was in darkness and without the light of God, even the human soul, and he was under the yoke of the law in his part of the first fruits company.


Now, I'll just try and expand on that for you a little bit. This is Adam appearing. And Adam is indeed in darkness. He is the part of the living soul to whom the law of God was imparted, but he did not have the strength. The law did not have any power. It told him what was right or wrong, but it did not impart to him the power to overcome the evil, and Adam was totally overcome by Satan. And Adam and the natural man, we are told, is in total darkness and without light. That is the human soul, and he is under the yoke of the law because even the law did not impart the power to him to keep it, God still required him to keep it. And when he could not keep it, the judgments for breaking the law are upon him.


Now, a lot of the people have a problem with that, and I had a problem with it for a few years. Well, if God knew that Adam didn't have the strength to keep the law, how could he judge him for breaking the law? Well, God is a righteous God, and he judges sin. He judges sin wherever it appears. He judges sin. Now, that's a really deep spiritual truth. If you can't deal with it, just put it on the shelf. Glory to God. Hallelujah. OK.


Verse six. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, a measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.


Alternate translation. And I heard a spiritual instruction coming forth from the deepest recesses of the first fruits company saying may the first fruits of the living soul be purchased back unto God, that the vehicle by which God is doing this, even the Holy Spirit, and the life of the father within him must not be violated so that the life of Christ may be birthed in them and then persecuted and crucified so that Satan can be swallowed up and their new lives in Christ harvested -- were harvested into the kingdom of God. OK.


And I heard a spiritual instruction coming forth, and it said may the first fruits of the living soul be purchased unto God. Well, what's being purchased back unto God? Our soul. But the vehicle by which God is doing this, even the Holy Spirit and the life of the father within and -- must not be violated. In other words, when the trials and tribulations upon the hearts of the first fruits company, it's going to bring them back to God. Do not the Holy Spirit or the -- [UNINTELLIGIBLE] or the life of the father within him. They must not be violated because if they're destroyed, there's no way Christ can come forth. Hallelujah.


And we're also told here that when Christ does come forth, Christ must be persecuted and crucified so that Satan can be swallowed up. And that these -- the lives of the members of the first fruits company can be harvested into the kingdom. And let me tell you something, brethren. This is not just a platitude. This is a reality. I'm going through it right now. We must be persecuted, and we must be persecuted. And it is a lie in the church world that Jesus was crucified for us. It is a lie. We do not have to have our bodies hanging on a cross, but our souls must be nailed to the appearing Christ in us. And it is a very painful spiritual process.


We don't want to frighten anybody, but the truth never hurt. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] Jesus said that'll it set you free, and I think there's going to be a lot of people in the church world, and maybe there are people in the church [UNINTELLIGIBLE] right now that are saying they thought they were just going to be raptured, and then all these trials come upon them. They just -- they're very bitter and angry towards God, and they can't deal with it. But, brethren, all must be crucified, and we have several tapes explaining that when Jesus' body on the cross, it was a sign that to -- it was a sign, something visible, physical, that men could see, but the spiritual reality of what happened was that the soul of Jesus Christ was crucified and nailed to the soul of Christ that was within him.


I mean, what good could it have possibly have done God to stick nails in his son? We know there are a lot of people in the church world that believe that God required the shedding of his blood for the remission of sins. But, brethren, that's not what that means. I can't get into the whole teaching now, but the shedding of blood, it is bring forth the remission of sin, is the pouring out of the soul life of Jesus Christ that is in this hour being sprinkled upon all flesh.


What good is Jesus' blood if it can't touch you? This man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, died 2,000 years ago on the cross, and his blood was poured into the Earth. What good could that possibly do you? It was his spiritual blood, the life of his soul, that was poured out, that is still being poured out in the realm of the spirit upon men, touching them, getting inside of them and reproducing the life of Christ.


The reason the body had to hang on the cross was that men are carnal, and they needed something to see. [?What did you good?], brethren, was that the soul of Jesus Christ was crucified to -- the Adamic soul of Jesus Christ was crucified and nailed to and joined to and made one with the soul of Christ in the unseen realm of the spirit. And in that way, you too must be crucified. We are crucified with him. We -- that part of us which is Christ, our human spirit, which has birthed Christ, with Christ we are crucified to the Adamic man. There is one body of Christ, and there is one body of Adam. We are with Christ. We are in Christ, so therefore we are crucified with him to the soul of Adam. Glory to God. Hallelujah. OK.


What are we up to here? Verse seven. Thank you. OK. This is the fourth seal, verses seven and eight. Satan is revealed in the unconscious minds of men, and the spiritual warfare over who will rule the unconscious mind begins. And I'm not sure I made it clear, so I'm going to make this statement. We must prevail in our conscious mind. We must lay hold every thought, determine our motives and fall in line with the law of God for that thought. And if it's ungodly, we have to cast it down. And when we take the victory in that area, we move in to discerning the thoughts in our unconscious mind before they even get to our conscious mind.


You see, when the thought gets to our conscious mind, at that point, we sinned. If the thought of murder makes its way [?fully?] to our conscious mind, we have sinned, and we then have to repent and implement the sacrifice of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ to cover over that sin so that the judgments do not fall on us. But the next thing God requires of us is to lay hold of that thought in our conscious minds before we fornicate with it, before it comes into our conscious mind, and destroy it before the sin is even committed.


And it's very hard, but, brethren, I'm going to tell you it's very exciting. We've been learning all kinds of spiritual things in this ministry for over a year now. We found out that every thought that comes up from our unconscious mind is not from us. We found out that there are people alive in this Earth today that have the power, spiritual power and authority, to literally implant their thoughts in our mind and make us think that it's our thought. And if we can't lay hold of it and capture it, and if pieces [?flew?] into our conscious mind, their thought becomes our sin. It's very exciting. Glory to God. OK.


Verse seven. Hallelujah. And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, come and see. And the power of Christ released the fourth through of the first voice of the living soul from Satan. I understood that the flying eagle [UNINTELLIGIBLE] man, even the large strong bird with keen vision whose nature it is to fly in the heaven is, in the light of day, the same, that the work of the Lord Jesus Christ appear in the first fruits company of the living soul. And let them be aware of it and understand it.


Verse eight. And I looked and behold a pale horse, and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the Earth to kill with sword and with hunger and with death and with the beasts of the Earth.


Alternate Translation. And I looked into the realm of the spirit, and there it was, a sickly looking horse, not qualified to reproduce. And the spirit ruling him was the spiritual testaments of God, the judgment of the Lord, even Satan in the unconscious mind. And he caused the members of the first fruits company to separate from their bodies and the spiritual life of the living soul to continue in an unseen place under the earth of the souls and bodies of natural members of the first fruits company.


An authority was given to him over the unconscious minds of the first fruits company to utterly destroy them from off the face of the Earth by doing spiritual battle against them in their unconscious minds, by depriving them of the bread from heaven which gives eternal life and by causing their souls to continue to separate from their bodies because of sin. And with the demons whose tyranny it is impossible to overcome without the power of Christ [UNINTELLIGIBLE].


This sounds way out, brethren, but it's just really true. People implanting  their thoughts in your mind. It's the ultimate mind control. And the battle of Armageddon is being fought in our unconscious minds. And it's not only -- the battle is not only between Christ in your mind and Satan in your mind, or the carnal mind in your mind, it is between Christ in you and the Satanic thoughts of the [?corporate?] living soul.


You not only have to overcome Satan and ungodly thoughts in your own unconscious, but you have to overcome thoughts that are being imposed, propelled into your mind through the television, through the movies, through ungodly people and from [?work of the?] witchcraft that is systematically, actively working to propel these thoughts into your mind. But some of it is just subliminal from the advertising as you walk down the street. They're invading our carnal mind, the mind of Adam, every day of our life, and by the power of Christ in us we have to lay hold of them and take authority over them and deal with them, cast them down.


And we're told in this Scripture that the sickly looking horse was not qualified to reproduce. We know that he's been reproducing. Satan has been reproducing for centuries, but it's an illegal reproduction. He's producing ungodly, unclean, unethical vessels. We had that in another recent message. I don't remember which one. And he has been ruling the human soul. He is the testaments of God. He is the judgment of God because Adam fell. Satan rose to power, and he has been executing the judgments for breaking the law upon mankind ever since.


He operates in the unconscious mind, and he causes the members of the first fruits company to separate from their bodies. That's physical death. And the spiritual life of the living soul to continue in an unseen place under the earth of the souls. And our spiritual life exists under the earth of this body. The ultimate plan of God for us is a spiritual body where our soul will not be hidden, but our soul will shine through with the righteousness of almighty God. Hallelujah.


An authority was given to this unclean Satan over the unconscious minds of the first fruits company to destroy them from off the face of the Earth by doing spiritual battle with them, by depriving them the bread of heaven and by causing their souls to continue to separate because of sin. And that's the warfare. That's Armageddon.


We have to join with Christ in us and rise up to this battle of the ages. And, brethren, I'm not going to lie to you, it is Hell. It is Hell. But we can do all things in Christ with strength [UNINTELLIGIBLE] with strength us. And the Scripture says we can be cast down seven times, but we shall never be destroyed.


But, brethren, I don't want to scare you, but I'm telling you. Get ready for a fight. Get ready for a fight because if you think you're going to walk into the kingdom skipping and singing la-de-da, you're not going to walk into the kingdom. You are in for one big shock. The battle of the ages is coming. It's already upon you sayeth the Lord. Even now it is in your minds, sayeth God. Looketh not to the outer realm, but looketh within sayeth the Lord, lest thou be cast down and destroyed. Hallelujah.


The word is going forth in the Earth. It's starting. It [?reached?] -- this is one of the places. This little ministry, and the word is going out, but it is going to reach God's people. Armageddon is upon you, and it's in your minds, and you must fight. You are not skipping into the kingdom. Hallelujah. OK.


That is the end of the first four seals which typified God's dealings with the first fruits company. Now, the fifth seal also deals with the first fruits company, and we're going to touch on that. It's verses nine through 11. The first fruits company have now overcome their souls by the power of Christ, and they commanded it to stay. They've overcome their conscious minds and their unconscious minds by the power of Christ and they are commanded to stay in this condition until Christ overcomes in the rest of the living soul because. remember, there's one more step. And that's glorification of the body. That's what I have written down here, but I'm going to change this a little. Why did I want to change that now? OK.


They're commanded to stay in that condition. They had their souls underfoot. They're waging war. They're taking authority over every thought in their conscious mind and in their unconscious mind, but they're waging war. They have not yet rested from their labors.


Actually, as I see it now, there's two more steps here. And the next step is Christ prevailing in them so that they can rest from the spiritual labor, what hard work this is, laying hold of every thought and bringing it into submission. And we find out, in verse nine, let me read verse nine for you.


And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw unto the alter the souls of them that were slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. Verse ten. And they cried with a loud voice saying, how long, oh, Lord, holy and true, does thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the Earth? Well, what are they talking about? They're saying, Lord, we're exhausted. We're taking the victory. We're bringing ever thought into submission, and we are succeeding in not sinning, but we're exhausted. How much longer until you stand up in full stature so that we can rest from our spiritual labor of keeping sin under foot?


So in verse nine -- I'm sorry. In verse 11 it says and white robes were given unto every one of them, and it was said unto them that they should rest, yet, a little soothing until their fellow servants also, and their brethren, that they should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled. OK.


So there's two more steps after you get to the point that you put sin underfoot. You want to rest from your spiritual labors, and I'm going to suggest to you that that imparting of the white robes is the standing up of Christ in full stature, enabling them to rest from their labors and restoring them to the correct moral order that is described by having a white robe imparted to them.


Nevertheless, yet, there is one more step, and that is the glorification of the body. So let's take it a verse at a time. Verse nine. And when they had opened the -- when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw unto the alter the souls of them that were slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. But what was slain? Their soul was slain. Their soul was slain for the word of God because Christ appeared in them. And for the word of their testimony, that's the spirit and the word of God had appeared in them.


Alternate translation. Verse nine. And when the power of Christ continued to release the first fruits of the living soul from the power of Satan, I saw in the spirit that the human souls of those having been sorted, because the word of God, even Christ, had appeared in them. And because their spiritual condition of submission to the Christ gave evidence of his overcoming presence. I saw that those souls were indeed covered by and in submission to the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah.


Verse 10. And they cried with a loud voice saying how long, oh Lord, holy and true, does thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?


Alternate translation. And they made the sound of spiritual beings functioning in the realm of the spirit. We just said that. We're going to have to learn how to function and wage war in the realm of the spirit. Even a communication that was so obvious it could not be ignored. And this is what it said. How much time must we wait, oh Lord, before you, who are without sin, even the genuine Christ which has been revealed in us, defend our souls by separating them away from Satan, the one who inhabits the Earth and mankind? They want to rest from their labors.


Verse 11. And white robes were given unto every one of them, and it was said unto them that they should rest yet for a little soothing until their fellow servants also and their brethren that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.


Alternate translation, verse 11. And the souls of every one of them were redeemed. And every one of them was commanded that they should cease from their labor of keeping Satan underfoot. And they [?recover?] and collect their strength for an additional period of time until the other slaves of the same master, even Satan, who were birthed out of the same spiritual womb, even Eve, and who were about to be destroyed as they were destroyed, shall be filled with Christ also.


So what we see happening here is that the first fruits company are given rest from their labors. Christ stands up in full stature, separates them from Satan so they no longer have to raise this warfare in their conscious and in their unconscious mind, but they still have not been glorified.


And the angle says to them I'm going to give you rest. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] I'm going to have your soul separated from Satan. We're going to get you rest because you're in agony, but you still have to wait for the balance of the numbers of the living soul to come into that same condition. And you're all going to be glorified together. That's what it's saying. Hallelujah. OK.


And in the very next verse, verses 12 to 17, starts the sixth seal. Well, it's more than verse 17. First of all, I'm just going to the end of chapter six. The sixth seal goes well into chap- -- goes right through chapter seven. But right now we're dealing with chapter 16 and verses 12 to 17 describe how the command in verse 11 and white robes were given unto every one of them that -- so the first fruits company. It now describes how they get those white robes. Glory to God.


I see that my notes are wrong here. OK. Just the verses are wrong. The next several verses -- I can't give it to you now because I don't want to stop on the tape, and I just see there's an error here. The next several verses now describe how the first fruits company got their white robes, how it happened that they were separated from Satan, that they were fighting with all the strength that they had to keep under their feet. How were they separated from him? We're going to find out in verse 12.


And I beheld, when he had opened the sixth seal, and lo, there was a great earthquake. And the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood.


Alternate translation. And I looked when the power of God continued to release the first fruits company of the living soul from the authority of Satan. And there it was, a powerful outpouring of the spirit of God in many human vessels. And as the Earth labored, the light and the Earth is our soul. As our soul labored, the life of Christ was raised to full stature in the first fruits company, and their human spirits were completed as the rising son of Christ overshadowed them. And their human souls were made alive by his blood. Glory to God.


We've heard so much about this -- the moon being covered by the blood and the sun -- whatever the Scripture says. What does it say here? [UNINTELLIGIBLE] verse 12. A great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth, and there's so much doom and gloom preached about that. But the truth is, brethren, that something glorious is happening. The life of Christ is being raised to full stature. And the blood on the moon is indeed the soul life of Jesus Christ covering over the natural soul. It's glorious.


And this is -- remember at the beginning of the message we said we're dealing with a literary technique? That first Christ describes an established fact, and then for the next few verses, he tells us how it's accomplished. Well, in verse 11, we're told that the members of the first fruit -- members of the living soul, the first fruits company, that they were given white robes, that they were delivered from their labor of keeping Satan under foot. And that deliverance is described in verse 12.


This is how it happened. Christ stood up in full stature and overtook, in their soul, swallowing up Satan. And their souls were made alive by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Giving me a second here. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] my stopwatch. OK. OK.


Verse 13. And the stars of heaven -- now, this is continuing. We  found out that what happened to the sun which typified the human spirit, and we found out what happened to the moon which typifies the human soul. Now in verse 13 we're talking about the stars. And the stars of heaven fell unto the Earth even as the fig tree casted her untimely figs when she is shaken with a mighty wind.


Alternate translation. And the ministers of God's word, who fornicated with the harlot and preached the false doctrines birthed by their carnal minds, [?washed?] their spiritual power and became natural men. Even the tempest of God's spirit tested them even as the [UNINTELLIGIBLE] figs of a fig tree growing out of season never come to maturity but fall off and die when a powerful wind blows upon the tree.


Now, brethren, let me tell you. This book of Revelation is really tough. I hope that you can stay with me. What this verse 13 is saying is that after the sons of God stood up in full stature, it had an immediate effect upon the balance of the members of the living soul. And starting with verse 13, now starts the sixth seal. OK. Because it's no longer what's happening to the first fruits company, but we're now starting to deal, in the sixth seal, which -- with how the manifestation of the sons of God is going to affect the balance of the members of the living soul.


And the first thing that's going to happen when they stand up in spiritual authority is that the preachers that are in the Earth today that are under an imputed anointing or under no anointing at all and not being obedient to God, they are going to lose their spiritual power because the true ministry of Jesus Christ shall stand up in the Earth.


And the Scripture says and the ministers that preach the word of God who fornicated with the harlot, those ministers preaching false doctrine, which is almost everybody, well, not everybody, but large numbers of the ministers in the Earth today that preach false doctrines that came forth from their carnal mind, they will lose their spiritual power and [INAUDIBLE]. They'll lose their spiritual power, and the people will be forced to acknowledge the true ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Now, a big problem that we're having on the Earth today is that the [?bygone?] company has indeed appeared. The true word of God that can bring forth Christ in men is in the Earth. But the temporary ministry that God raised up, waiting, while he was waiting for the sons of God to be manifested, that are preaching false doctrine, they were there with the mercy of the Lord. They are bringing a measure of healing into deliverance.


There is a, you know, measure of salvation. Drug addicts are delivered, and alcoholics are delivered. And there's a lot of mercy in the ministry that exists in the world today, but it is not the ministry that can reproduce Christ in men. And when -- and the ministry that can reproduce Christ in men is available in the Earth today. But this other ministry is opposing them, calling them liars, calling their words that they're bringing forth false doctrine and telling all the people to stay away from them. They're doing the same thing that the Pharisees did when Jesus appeared.


And those of us that are in the bridegroom company, those of us that are in the company that has the true word, we know that God's going to have to do something very supernatural because the people, indeed, are sheep. And they don't know spiritual things. They don't understand. They don't know how to defend themselves, and they just follow the people that have visible signs of authority. And we know that the only way that these people are going to get the true word of God is for the Lord to bring down the other ministry.


And we know that Jesus said to the Pharisees you not only [?called?] up the kingdom of God for yourself, but you don't let the people enter in either. See, and that's what this ministry is doing today.


And I remind you about the brazen serpent in the wilderness. Moses raised it up at the instructions of God, and thousands of Hebrew -- of the Hebrew children were saved from the destruction of having -- of being bitten by serpents. When they looked upon the brazen serpent, it was a vessel of good, and it saved many lives.


And we find out, as we follow the Scripture through that what ultimately happened to that brazen serpent was that it became an object of idolatry and that the Hebrew children set it up as a shrine and worshiped it. So for those of you that are upset by what I just said about the current fivefold ministry, pray about it from this point of view. God does set something up for a purpose. It is good for a season, and then it becomes idolized. It becomes perverted. And because of the carnal minds of men, it becomes a weapon or an object of death and destruction.


And that's what's happening in the church world today. The fivefold ministry that's existed for possibly thousands of years [UNINTELLIGIBLE] country [UNINTELLIGIBLE] revival in this country, it's done great good. But it's time for it to be shut down, and the men that are in charge of it will not shut it down. They will not turn the fruit of the vineyard over to Christ. And what he is going to do is strip them of all of their spiritual power. But he's not going to do it until the bridegroom company stands up in full stature.


And to the best of my knowledge, I really don't know anyone -- I don't know anyone outside of Jesus Christ of Nazareth who, you know, is not really even a part of the bridegroom company, of the current bridegroom company. This is the 42nd generation of his offspring we're talking about. I don't know anybody that stood up in full stature, but we've had many prophecies that it's coming soon, and it's going to be a simultaneous standing up of the sons of God and a stripping of the current fivefold ministry so that the people who are the sheep who really are defenseless can see the true signs of God and come and receive of the bread of heaven. Hallelujah.


So verse 13 starts the sixth seal, and the sixth seal describes the effects of the sons of God upon the balance of the members of the living soul. OK. Going onto verse 14. And the heavens are parted as a scroll when it is rolled together. And every mountain and island were moved out of their places.


Verse 14, alternate translation. And the first fruits company company separated the spiritual realm of their souls into two parts, even the soul from the spirit, the bone from the marrow and Eve, the human spirit, were separated from her husband, Satan, and the first fruits of the living soul was restored to the correct moral order. And the members of the first fruits company of the living soul were thrown into a commotion of agitated movement, and they threw themselves out of their natural boundaries.


Well, I see I got it wrong again. I hope I'm not confusing you. But it seems that verse 13 seems to have been thrown in in the middle. That's definitely a manifestation of the sixth seal. It's the effect of the first fruits company upon the balance of the living soul. That as we go on to the 14th verses, I see that the Scripture is still talking about the first fruits company.


And I'll read it to you again. And the first fruits company separated the spiritual realm of their souls into two parts, even the soul from the spirit, the bone from the marrow and Eve, the human spirit, was separated from her husband, Satan. And the first fruits of the living soul was restored to the correct moral order. And the members of the first fruits company of the living soul were thrown into a commotion of agitated movement, and they threw themselves out of their natural boundaries.


And, remember, our life is hid in Christ, that element which is the real substance that we are which is buried in the depths of the Satanic mind in this hour is going to join to Christ, get power from Christ, and we're going to throw ourself out of our natural boundaries into the spiritual boundaries of the life of Christ. Indeed we're going to pass through into his flesh, which is the veil, and we're going to pass into the realm of the spirit and a life in the spirit.


So they're still describing here the operation or the events that resulted in the first fruits company receiving white robes. This is how it happened. This is what white robes mean, and this is how it's happening. OK.


Now, going on to verse 15. Let's see what we've got here. Verse 15. And the kings of the Earth -- OK, we're back again to how this is effecting the members of the living soul. And the kings of the Earth and the great men and the rich men and the chief captain and the mighty men and every [INAUDIBLE] and every free man hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains. OK.


So we had -- in verse 13, we had the reaction of the ministers of the existing gospel to the manifestation of the sons of God. And now, in verse 15, we're reading about the reaction of the balance of the members of the living soul to the manifestation of sons of God. And that is -- actually it runs from verse 15 to verse 17.


So I'll read you an alternate translation of verse 15. Glory to God. And the remaining members of the living soul which appear on the face of the Earth and the spirit sowed in the Earth by the Lord, and the spirit sowed in the Earth, which fornicated with the harlot and because spiritual strong with mind control and witchcraft, and the men with spiritual power, both of the Lord and of Satan, and the men who had birthed Christ and the whole of the victims of this world system and the whole of the privileged of this world system were hidden within their own selves. That is to say that their true spiritual nature was covered over and made secret by their facial expressions, their bodily movements, by the gifts of healing, deliverance and prophecy which they received with that repentance, when their souls were strengthened by the Holy Spirit and by the mind control and witchcraft power of the living soul.


Now, what this verse is saying is that it's describing all of the categories of natural men. The successful, the unsuccessful, the poor, the rich, and they're all hiding from the wrath of the lamb. And what this means is that when the sons of God manifest, the wrath of the lamb, the power of almighty God is reaching forth for the balance of the members of the living soul, to put them through this painful process that will result in their receiving eternal, life.


But the members of the living soul are resisting. They are resisting. They cannot see that it's going to result in eternal life. And even if they can see it, they do not want the pain. They do not want to cooperate, and they are hiding from the spiritual life of almighty God, and they are hiding behind their facial expressions, their bodily movements. The gifts that they received with that repentance in the church, they're saying that that makes them holy. And we know that gifts are given with that repentance, and they're hiding behind the mind control and the witchcraft of the living soul.


They will look you right in the eye while they are -- have their hand in the till, stealing, and dare you to say that they're a thief. They will look you right in the eye and say that they are holy and that they are righteous and that they are not stealing from you, among many other lies. This is the ultimate mind control. They will look right at you and defy every fact that opposed what they're saying and swear to you what they want you to believe, ultimate mind control. Glory to God.


And I'll let you put this on this tape because someone had asked me a question once. The difference between mind control and witchcraft is as follows. Witchcraft power is designed to alter or manipulate a person's behavior. If someone -- if you want someone -- I'll really simplify this -- to pick something up off the floor, and they say I do not want to pick this up off the floor, it is wrong, and you threaten them, and you cause fear to come upon them. And you threaten to take their job away from them or you threaten to cause great damage to their children or to their health or to their body. And they bend down and they pick that up off the floor. That is witchcraft power. They don't agree with what you're telling them to do, but somehow you've asserted your will upon them and forced them to do it.


Mind control -- when you're using mind control, if you want that person to pick that  thing up off the floor, you will not threaten them, but you will use the power of your mind to convince them that it is to their benefit and that it's righteous and that it's to the glory of God to pick that thing up off the floor, and they will do it willingly and gladly and with joy in their heart because you have utterly taken over their thought processes with yours. And, in my opinion, witchcraft is pretty wicked, but mind control is much more wicked than witchcraft because the person becomes a vegetable. They can't even think. You take over their mind, how terrible. OK.


Verse 16, we're still talking about the reaction of the members of the living soul to the fact that almighty God is reaching out to convert them from natural men to spiritual men. Verse 16, chapter six. And the kings of the Earth and the great men and the rich men and the chief captains and the mighty men and every [?bound?] man and every free man hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains. Glory to God.


Verse 16. Is that what I read, or did I just read that already. I'm sorry. I read that twice. Look to verse 16. And said to the mountains, now they're hiding themselves. And they turn around and they say to the mountains and to the rocks, fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the lamb. And the [?bid?] Satan, the spirit that ruled in their souls and their souls that had been strengthened without repentance by the Holy Spirit, to be their state of mind and hide them from the Christ and from the desire of the father which was reaching out for them.


And we see what's happening here, in the members of the living soul, is the exact opposite of what happened with the members of the first fruits company. The members of the first fruits company threw their minds in line with almighty God, and they resisted Satan. But we find that the balance of the members of the living soul will not throw their minds in line with God. They will oppose God. They will resist him with all of their strength, to the extent that they will call upon Satan in their own mind to fight against almighty God. They do not want to change, and they do not want to be converted. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Verse 17. For the great day of his wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand? Glory to God. Hallelujah. For the mighty age of his reaching out for us has appeared, even Christ in us, and who shall have the strength to separate himself from Satan and stand up in spiritual power by entering into the sole life of Christ. Who shall have the strength to do it? It's impossible but that Christ join himself to us. For the mighty age of his reaching out for us has appeared, even Christ in us, and who shall have the strength to separate himself from Satan and stand up in spiritual power by entering into the sole life of Christ. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Now, we'll see that in chapter seven, we're continuing with the sixth seal, and we're going to find out that in the next several verses there is being described the process by which the sons of God are going to bring this unwanted deliverance to the members of the living soul.


03/06/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

03/17/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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