042 - Part 11
(Revelation 6-7 & Genesis 49)

This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.




You will receive direction of your feet. I’m the one that directs your feet, and I do not show you everything all at once, but I direct you. And you have heard pieces here and pieces there of the Word.  I will bring it together, and I will bring you in, and I will cause you to submit. You will learn submission. You will learn the true humility, and you will walk in the path that I have set before you. 




I sent you here, and I sent you there, but I’ve brought you here now to bring you up higher in my spirit, that you can walk in my spirit and not after the way of man and not after the will of the flesh but after my spirit. 




And you will tarry for a time for healing, and then I will lead you. If you know not in your heart where you are to go, but I know where you ought to go.  Be not afraid for the direction that I send you.




Believe in me. Doubt not in your heart, and I will remove those mountains. I will remove them by my spirit, saith the Lord. 




            Thank you, Jesus.




Devote your heart to me, and I will bless the work of your hands -- all of your heart, holding nothing back.


Glory to God. Today is the last message in Genesis 49. I’d just like to remind you that we are going through the whole book of Revelation. Praise God and Lord willing, we’re going to make it through to the end. And we took a turn at Revelation, Chapter 7, where we were told that the 12 tribes of Israel [?would see all?]. Thank you. And we took a turn to Genesis 49, where Jacob is prophesying over all of his 12 sons, and we’re trying to get an understanding of this proph- -- these prophecies so that we can relate it to Chapter 7 of the Book of Revelation. This is the last message that’s going -- we were going to be in Genesis 49, and we’re going to do Dan and Issachar. However, to start off their message, I’m recapping last week’s Alternate Translations, which are on Simeon and Levi and Benjamin.




Simeon, the son of God, who appeared in the Earth, and Levi, the Living Soul that he was a part of and attached to, have the same father. Their swords, the forms their spiritual life or strength took after they pierced through into the realm of appearance -- God called it a sword -- are unjust, immoral and unethical vessels. Let my soul not agree with the counsel of the carnal vine. Let my spirit not be joined with him because in their rage, against the restraints which God placed upon satisfying the emotions and lust in their mind, they killed the Living Soul. And in satisfying the emotions and lust in their mind, they rendered the human spirit incapable of bringing forth the Christ, thus plucking up the kingdom of God by the roots.


Their emotional displeasure is detestable because it has strength, and their passionate outburst is detestable also because it made the Living Soul hard. I will separate them into many members through the natural man Jacob and break down their incorrect moral order through the Spiritual Man Israel. That was Simeon and Levi.


Benjamin: Benjamin shall break the Living Soul into many members, like a wolf tears a dead animal carcass for food. At night in the hour that the Living Soul has military power, he shall separate her into many members, polishing each member of she whom upon her death, will be pierced under the bridle of the Living -- I’m sorry, placed -- under the bridle of the Living God. In the morning, when Christ appears, he shall swallow her up. Glory to God. OK, so we’re finding that these prophecies towards some of the tribes declare these tribes to have very ungodly qualities that are inherent in the Living Soul, but nevertheless, at the end, when Christ appears, every ungodly quality of the natural man, as it appears in any individual or across the board of the entire Living Soul, shall be swallowed up in Christ. Hallelujah.


OK, Issachar: The prophecy is Issachar is a strong ass couching down between two burdens, and he saw that rest was good, and the -- read it right here -- and the land, that it was good and bowed his shoulder to bear and became a servant unto tribute. I don’t know why I put that in there, but I went on to Dan, so just put that on the back burner because I don’t want to start moving my notes around and lose anything.


OK, we’re going to start with Dan. This is Genesis 49, 16-18.  “Dan shall judge his people as one of the tribes of Israel. He shall be the tribe of Israel that’s going to judge the rest of Israel. Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path that biteth the horse heels so that his rider should fall backward. I have waited for thy salvation, O Lord.” OK, the word -- the name Dan is Strong’s 1835, and it means “to judge as an empire judges.” It means “to rule, to strive as at law, to execute judgment,” and we’re going to find out that Dan had many idolatrous ways and that he was used by God to encounter the other tribes of Israel to suggest to them that they sin and to try those other tribes to see whether they would fall in agreement with Dan or obey the law of God. And we’ll find out that in many instances, the other tribes failed to obey the law of God. They followed the ungodly suggestions of Dan.


Dan shall judge his people, and the word “judge,” I -- it’s the same as the definition of his name -- “to execute judgment, to strive to rule”, and the word “people” is -- it means a congregated unit of people, and it’s basically referring to the whole of Israel. Dan shall judge his people as one of the tribes of Israel. So basically, what it means is that Dan is the tribe out of all of Israel that’s going to be used for this purpose.




Genesis 49:16. The tribe of Dan shall judge his own people, even the other 11 tribes of Israel. Verse 17: “Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path that biteth the horse heels so that his rider should fall backward.” The word “serpent” is Strong’s 5173, and it is the word that comes from the root which means Satan. We have had this in -- on many tapes, so I’m not going to go into it now, but it is the serpent, exactly what it says, typifying Satan. And the word “way” -- “Dan shall be a serpent by the way” -- the word “way” is 1870, and that means “a road, a course of life, or a mode of action.” And this is very interesting. It’s from a root that means “to string a bow by treading on it.” You know, when -- years ago, when the bow was one of the primary weapons -- the bow and arrow -- in order to get the string to stretch from one end of the bow to the other, the men would put the piece of wood that was the wood part of the bow on the ground and step on it and bend it backwards so that the string could be hooked over the edge. Because if they tried to hook the string from one edge to the other while the bow was not bent, they wouldn’t be able to do it because that string had to be really tight for it to propel the arrow, and it was very difficult to do it while the bow was stretched out. So they would step on it and bend the wood back, slip the string over the corner and release the wood. So we’re finding out that the root of this word “way” means to be shaped and formed by being stepped on. Now I declare to you, brethren, that the Living Soul is being stepped on by Almighty God, and it’s not ungodly. We’re being stepped on, and the result of it is that His image shall appear in us. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


OK, the phrase we’re dealing with is, Dan shall be a serpent for the way, and I have an alternate translation for you on that. It’s the first third of Genesis, 49:17.




Dan shall be Israel’s adversary, as he, Israel, experiences the course of life which bends him into the image of God. Hallelujah. Dan shall be -- the tribe of Dan shall be Israel’s adversary, as he, Israel, experiences the course of life which bends him into the image of God. Continuing with an adder in the path: Dan shall be an adder in the path. This word “adder” is a very interesting word. It’s Strong’s 8207. It’s the only time it’s translated “adder.” If I remember correctly, the word “adder” is only used in the scripture four times, but this is the only time that it’s this Hebrew word that’s translated “adder.” And what it means is “a snapping serpent marked with black and white spots.” I found that very interesting because we know that the natural man is the serpent, and we know that he is a very dangerous, wild, venomous beast and that he’s -- the danger of him is in his tongue. His tongue kills, so we have a serpent that snaps. He kills with his tongue, and he has black and white spots.


I find that very interesting because we know that the natural man is formed of the Son of God, typified by white righteousness, who was fused to the existence in the earth, pure darkness, black spots. So here we have a serpent, the Living Soul, the serpent, the result of the joining of the spiritual life of the Son of God and the darkness of the existence in the earth. And we find that we have the natural man, which is described as a snapping serpent with black and white spots. And to make it even more interesting, this word comes from a root, 7779, which means “to overwhelm” or “to cover over.” And I remind you -- we’ve talked about this before -- that every member of the Living Soul, every member of the human race, we are spiritual life that is covered over, and we became covered over when the serpent pierced through into the realm of appearance and became hard.


We received these vile flesh bodies, all part of the plan of God. And we have also studied in other messages that the end of this vile flesh body shall be -- that it shall be incorporated into the glorified man. And we are the form. This is what the -- we are what the glorified man is going to look like. This is what he’s going to look like. He’s not going to be made of what we’re made of. He’s going to be incorruptible, but when you look at him, he’s going to have the form of a man. We studied that in our studies in Ezekiel. So what we are walking around in now is the form, the mold, for the glorified man. And he’s -- we’re not going to disappear completely, but he’s going to be swallowed up into the greater creation. The serpent’s going to be swallowed up. Adam’s going to be swallowed up. Every element that God is dealing with as he brings forth his creation is not being cast away. It’s not becoming garbage. It’s becoming incorporated into the greater whole. Hallelujah. And if you haven’t heard our other tapes, and you want to study that, we have a very interesting series, number 38, on that. If you’re listening to the tape, write to us. We’ll be glad to send it you.


OK, so Dan is an adder. He’s a snapping serpent that’s black and white, and he covers over, and he’s in the path. I have a couple of scriptures here for you. Oh, yeah, this is really interesting. OK. This word, “to cover over,” -- I didn’t mark this clearly. I believe this word “to cover” -- yeah, OK. This word “to cover over,” the root of the word “adder,” is translated “bruise” in Genesis 3:15: “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed. It shall bruise they head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” Now that’s such a popular scripture, and so many people have different ideas of what it means.




I’m going to take five minutes to give us an alternate translation on it because I got such insight into that scripture when I found out that that Hebrew word translated “bruise” is the root word that’s translated “the snapping serpent” and that it’s a word that really means “to cover over.” Hallelujah. So I just want to -- I looked up two words from that scripture, and I’m going to give you an alternate translation on it. The word “head” -- well, let me read it to you again. “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman.” This is God speaking to the serpent. “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed.” And I remind you, anybody here, if it doesn’t know it, “the seed of the woman” is Christ. Ye shall be saved in childbearing. The seed of the woman is Christ, and the seed of the serpent, which may not be as well- known throughout the church world, is natural man. It’s natural man, brethren. I’m sorry if I offended you, but it’s the truth.


“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman,” between the serpent and the woman and between thy seed, Christ, and her seed, the natural man, and it, Christ, shall bruise thy head (the serpent’s head), and now, you, serpent, shall bruise or cover over the heel of Christ. Well, what in the world does that mean? OK, the word “head” is Strong’s 7218, and it means “beginnings, chief ruler.” It’s the spiritual source, I declare to you, of the natural man. It’s the spiritual entity known as the Living Soul. And the word “heel,” which is referring to the heel of Christ, is Strong’s 6119, and that word means, “footstep or track,” and I’m not going to get into any detail. I’m pretty sure I touched on this before. But I declare to you that natural man is the footstep or the track or the likeness of almighty God with the form, with the rubber stamp. We’re not the image. The image is his nature and his character. We are in his likeness because we’re like the outline of what he’s going to be, the shape without being filled in. And that’s what the heel is, I suggest to you. And this is the alternate translation I’m going to give you for Genesis 3:15.




And I (God speaking) will make you, serpent, and the woman enemies. And your seed, serpent (the natural man) and her seed (Christ) shall be enemies too. The soul of Christ shall bruise or cover over your beginnings, your natural soul beginnings -- Hallelujah -- even the unseen Adamic soul, which is in every natural man. And you, serpent, shall cover over Christ-likeness, even natural man. And I declare to you that God named the finished item first. We’ve seen this so many times. He named the finished item first. What he’s saying is you, Satan, shall cover over God’s -- those that are in God’s likeness. Brethren, the world is covered by Satan. He is the ruling spirit in the Living Soul. He is covering those that are in the likeness of almighty God. Those -- those members of the human race that have been ordained to manifest the Christ -- they’re married to Satan. They’re covered over by the spiritual covering of Satan. But the end of them shall be that Christ, the soul of Christ, shall cover over the Adamic soul. Hallelujah.


There was a manifestation of the spirit of God in man. It was called the human spirit. It is called the human spirit. She fell. She married Satan. Satan has become her cover. Glory to God. But there’s another soul in the Earth, hallelujah. His name is the Lord Jesus Christ, and he is coming in power, and he shall cover over the Adamic soul. And that’s the promise in Genesis 3:15. Glory to God. Thank you, Jesus. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


OK. I have a note here. I’ll just read it to you in case I missed anything. Adder --a serpent which can do damage with his mouth, which has black and white spots, and I remind you that the son of God in the existence, which lives in the earth -- well, I explained that to you -- are typified by black and white. And this adder covered over the spiritual life when he pierced through the soul into the realm of appearance. Hallelujah. OK, going on, the phrase is “an adder in the way.” The word “in” is Strong’s 1722, and it describes “something that is within the interior of a whole.” It’s within the interior of a whole. So if we’re talking about an adder in the way, if you’re talking about an adder in me, we could be talking about a demon that’s within me. It can be translated “within.”


Job 6:19 -- oh, I’m sorry. Jumped ahead of myself.


The word “path” -- “an adder in the path” -- I’m sorry. It’s not an adder in the way; it’s “an adder in the path,” and the word “path” is 734. It means “a well-trodden road, a path.” It can also be translated “traveler, the one who moves along the path,” and it’s used that way in Job 6:19. “The troops of Tema looked. The companies of Sheba waited for them.” That word “troops” is the same Hebrew word translated “path.” It means “travelers.” Job 31:32: “The stranger did not lodge in the street, but I opened my doors to the traveler.” That word “traveler” is the same Hebrew word translated “path.” So what have we here? Surprise, surprise -- a biting serpent within the spiritual traveler, journeying through the realm of time.


Dan: Dan is a biting serpent. He’s a demon. He is demons within the spirit -- within the human spirit, which traveled through the earth of the soul. He is the serpent within what we are in this hour -- Glory to God -- a biting serpent within the spiritual traveler journeying through the realm of time or journeying through the life of the ages. And if you’re not following these tapes regularly, we have several tapes on that concept of spiritual life traveling through the realm of time. Write to us, and we’ll get you the tapes. Glory to God. Moving on with Dan, he -- Dan is a -- he’s an adder that’s in the path that biteth the horse heels so that his rider shall fall backwards. The word “biteth” is Strong’s 5391. It means “to strike with a sting, to bite, to gnaw, to vex.” As a serpent, “to oppress with interest on a loan.” To oppress with interest on a loan. Praise God. Hallelujah. That’s what the word “biteth” means -- “to strike with a sting” -- that’s the tongue, brethren. The number is 5391 -- “to oppress with interest on a loan,” and we know that Satan is collecting everything that he can collect off of our spiritual and physical hides because we have fallen into sin, and we are in his power. Glory to God. Now the word -- the phrase is, “that biteth the horse’s heels,” but “horse” is singular in the Hebrew.


Do you have a question? OK. Though in the Hebrew, the word “horse” is singular, so it’s really saying is, “he biteth the heels of the horse,” -- heels, plural, of the horse, one horse. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Zechariah 10:3 says, “For the Lord of hosts has visited His flock, the house of Judah, and have made them as His goodly horse in the battle.” The “horse,” brethren, is the house of Judah. The house of Judah, his people and home. Messiah is appearing. Glory to God. Hallelujah. And “heels” -- we just talked about it. It’s the same word from Genesis 3, 6119. It’s “heels.” It’s “footsteps.” It’s “those that are in the likeness of almighty God.” So we’re saying that Dan -- he strikes as a serpent at the im- -- likenesses of Judah, at the likenesses of those people in whom Christ is appearing. And he does it for a specific purpose, and that specific purpose is that the rider should fall backward.


Well, let’s find out who the rider of the horse is. Well, I guess I already told you in Zechariah 10:3: “For the Lord of hosts has visited his flock, the house of Judah, and hath made them His goodly horse in the battle.” The rider of the horse is almighty God. Glory to God. And for the specific purpose that the rider, that almighty God, should fall backward. Well, what does that mean? The word “fall” is 5307. It means “to throw down or throw back,” and the word “backward” is 268, and it means “to the West, to the North, to the hinder parts.” And I remind you that the East is the realm where God is, so the West would be the realm of the soul. It’s the exact opposite of the East. The North is basically the area of darkness, and the South is where the blessings of God are, and the hinder parts we know is the unconscious mind. So what the scripture is saying is that Dan strikes at Judah, those members of the Living Soul in whom Christ is appearing, for the specific purpose of displacing Christ in their mind to the background. And if Christ goes to the back, if Christ becomes your unconscious mind, who’s your conscious mind? Satan’s prevailing through you. He is displacing Christ.


And those of us that have insight in this hour know that our [?negating?] is in the mind. It is the battle between our carnal mind or the mind of the Living Soul, of which we are members, and Christ, who is determined and shall indeed apprehend us. We have two souls. If you have Christ, you have two souls, and they are warring for you. They are warring for me. And we have been given the ability by Christ to throw our will in line with one or the other. Christ is going to win whether we throw our will in line with him or not, but who wants to have our will in line with Satan? Glory to God.




So the alternate translation of the third third of Genesis 49:17: Dan, the one who oppresses the men of Israel so that their rider, even the Lord of hosts, should be thrown back to the hinder part of their mind. Glory to God. [?And these are preaching?] that used to be in [?Epdate?]. He preaches there’s no warfare. He preaches there’s no warfare. I don’t -- can’t even deal with it. No demons, no Satan, no warfare? Oh, really? I don’t understand. OK, Glory to God. Alternate Translation, the whole of Genesis 49:17 -- Bless them, Lord. I -- you know, I just -- it’s just amazing.




Genesis 49:17: Dan shall be Israel -- I see I wrote Israel in my notes, but it really should be Judah. Oh, no, it should be Israel. Excuse me. OK. Dan shall be Israel’s adversary, as he, Israel, experiences the course of life which bends him into the image of God -- a biting serpent within the spiritual traveler journeying through the realm of time, who oppresses the men of Israel so that their rider, even the Lord of hosts, should be thrown back to the hinder parts of their mind. Hallelujah.


And I remind you of our study, “Mystery Babylon.” I believe it’s Tape Number 32. We were taught that spiritual life, when it enters into the earth, it receives a soul and a body, and it’s the prime directive from the Lord is prevail over the soul. Don’t fall prey to the mind and the morals of the soul but maintain your integrity -- the law of God that was imparted to your spirit from the realm of the spirit. But what has been happening for all of these thousands of years to the members of the Living Soul is that as soon as they take on the flesh, they’re overcome by the flesh, and they lose their integrity. So the -- they are -- the biting serpent is the Satan in the mind, and the spiritual traveler fornicates with him, and Christ is pushed to the hinder parts, and Satan comes into the conscious mind, and we have what we see across the earth today. Hallelujah. That’s Tape -- the Series, Tape 32 if you want to study that teaching. OK.




49:18 -- no, jumped ahead of myself. Verse 18: “I have waited for thy salvation, O Lord.” Now this word “wait” -- it’s 6960, and it also means “to bind together by twisting.” It can mean “to wait, to expect.” It can mean “to gather, to be gathered together,” if used “of the gathering of nations and waters.” And the word “for” can also be translated “because of.” It’s Strong’s 3588, and the word “salvation” I’m sure you’re all familiar with. It’s 3444. It’s means “deliverance, aid, help,” and I hope you know it. If you don’t, I’ll tell you again. I’ll just keep on saying it until the whole world knows it. Our only help is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the child that we are being saved by. As we in our female soul realm bear forth the Christ child, we shall be saved. He is our help. He is our aid.


He is what God promised when he said to Adam, it is not right that a man should be alone. I shall make a help for him. I shall make a helpmate for him. That word is not helpmate; it’s help -- a help sufficient for him. That’s what it means. And God prophesied, I’m going to make a help that’s going to be sufficient for him. And the first thing that he did was form the human spirit, the vehicle by which the Christ would be birthed in man. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Our help is Christ. Glory to God. It’s not a preacher. It’s not a ministry. It’s not a doctrine. It is the spirit of almighty God in you. Brethren, don’t take anything less. Don’t let anyone convince you of taking anything less than your personal, vital, living relationship with almighty God as he dwells in you. He is your head. He is your pastor. He is your life. He is your deliverer, and he is your salvation. Don’t take any less. Get everything you can get from any ministry God sends you to, because ministries are here as safe havens for believers. You are entitled to attend any one you want to, but obey God. Don’t come into bondage. Glory to God.




OK, alternate translation, Genesis 49:18. We shall be gathered together because of your salvation, O Lord. Now in the King James it says, “I have waited for thy salvation.” I remind you that the word “waited” is not -- there is no tense indicated in the Hebrew. It’s an infinitive. We talked about this. It’s translated “license to choose the tense,” and the King James translators made it in the past tense. “I have waited for your salvation,” but I take translator’s license. I make it in the future. We shall be gathered together because of your salvation, O Lord. We shall be made one in Christ. Hallelujah. And the Lord shall reconcile all things into one in Him. We shall be gathered together because of your salvation, O God. We are indeed dispersed. The Living Soul was dispersed at Babel. It was a judgment of God. They received different-colored skin. They received different cultures. They received different languages. Why? Because when they were gathered together, they were gathering their strength and witchcraft powers to wage war against the living God, and he dispersed them. The Living Soul is dispersed. If you are a member of the Living Soul, even if you have the holy spirit, you are among the dispersed of the Earth. You have to get through the whole process, brethren. Christ has to be birthed in you. He has to come to full stature, and he has to swallow up your soul. You’re still a natural man. Glory to God. Hear the truth, and go on and get the whole thing. Don’t think you’ve got it now so that you don’t go on. Hear the truth. See your place in the Lord. Understand where you are. Find out what you have to do, and get the whole thing. Get it. Get full deliverance. Get every promise in the Bible.


Recap all of Dan: The tribe of Dan shall judge his own people, even the other 11 tribes of Israel. Dan shall be Israel’s adversary, as he bends him into the image of God, a biting serpent within the spiritual traveler, journeying through the realm of time, who oppresses the men of Israel so that their rider, even the Lord of hosts, should be thrown back to the hinder parts of their mind. We shall be gathered together because of your salvation, O God. Hallelujah. Summary of the characteristics of spiritual Dan:  Dan shall cause Israel to sin by tempting him to follow the dictates of their carnal minds instead of the counsel of God. I’m not going to put it on this tape, but if you want to find out some of the sins of Dan, you can read about it in Judges, Chapter 17 and 18, and primarily, their sin was idolatry. Glory to God. And in the last day, Dan too shall know the salvation of the Lord. God’s going to save all men, brethren. And if you’re hearing this tape, and you’re offended by that word, I beg you, seek God for the root of your motives. Seek God for the root of your motives. Is He not great enough to overcome the wickedness and convert the wickedness of all men? Hallelujah.


OK, we’re moving on to Issachar. Genesis 14 -- I’m sorry, Genesis 49, Verses 14 and 15. “Issachar is a strong ass couching down between two burdens, and he saw that rest was good, and the land, that it was pleasant and bowed the shoulder to bear and became a servant unto tribute.” Starting the Verse 14, “Issachar is a strong ass couching down between two burdens.” This is very interesting. Issachar is 3485, and it means, “he will bring payment of wages.” And I remind you that the wages of sin is death. Issachar is typifying the Living Soul at its most carnal. He will pay the wages of death. Anybody know what the wages of death are? Anybody remember that? Anyone want to take a crack at it? It’s sin, but the wages of death is paid to Satan. We are his wages. We are his wages. He has authority over us. He speaks through us. He thinks through us. In some unfortunate circumstances, commits perversion through us. We are his wages.


Sin is Satan, and he’s being paid with us. And there’s only one way out for him -- in Christ. Hallelujah. OK. Issachar is a strong ass, and the word “strong” is 1634. It’s the only time it’s translated “strong” in Strong’s Concordance, and it means “bone,” strangely enough, b-o-n-e, bone, as in a skeleton. And it is the -- Geisinger says that it’s basically the same as the Hebrew word 6106, which also means “bone,” but they give it a different word because this word 1634 is basically used in poetic literature, and it’s used to describe the substance of a thing. Well, physically, our substance is our skeleton. All of our flesh and our sinews are hanging on our substance, but spiritually, our substance is spiritual. Our soul is hanging on our spirit. Our soul is hanging on -- that’s how God built us -- spirit, soul, body. So our spiritual substance is spirit. We would not, you know, to the best of my knowledge, we couldn’t be alive if there wasn’t a ruling spirit in us.


Either Satan is your ruling spirit, or Christ is your ruling spirit. You have to have a ruling spirit. So the substance of our spiritual being is spirit. Hallelujah. Job 40:18: “His bones are as a strong piece of brass. His bones are like bars of iron.” That second word, “bones” is the same Hebrew word translated “strong” in this Verse 14 of Genesis 49. And in that instance, in Job 40:18, we did a study on that in the 18 Series, and we really talked about the fact that bones typify spirit in the scripture. I’m going to give you a couple of scriptures on it. I can’t make it crystal clear for you. If you receive it, fine. If you can’t, pray about it. But God told me years ago that bones in the scripture typify spirit. OK, I’m going to give you a couple of scriptures, and if you can agree with me, fine, and if you don’t, that’s fine too.


OK, in the verse that I just read you, Job 40:18, they’re talking about Behemoth, and it says that his bones are like bars of iron. And I remind you that in Daniel, we talked about this too. In the Book of Daniel, Chapter 2, Verses 41-44, where it discusses Nebuchadnezzar’s statue, it says the feet of the statue are part clay and part iron, and when we talked about that, we decided that the iron was the strength in the flesh. The iron typified the spiritual life in the flesh. The strong part of a human vessel is the spiritual life. In the natural, the strong part is the bone, and the soft part is the flesh. In the spiritual, the strong part of your being is the spirit, and the soft part is the soul. So the bone is the skeleton in the natural; it’s the hard part, and the spiritual implication of the word “bone” is therefore spirit, the hard part of your spiritual being.  Spirit hard, soul soft. Spirit male, soul female. Glory to God. OK. So if you want to read that, review that yourself, it’s Dan- -- Daniel 2, Verses 41-44, and if you, you know, I’ll answer any questions if you have any afterwards. I just didn’t want to take the time to go into this any more deeply.


OK, Ezek- -- now, this is a scripture. I want to bring this scripture up to you. This scripture has fascinated me for years, and the Lord finally gave me some understanding in it, so I’m just going to take a few minutes on it. It’s Ezekiel 39:13-15, having to do with bones. I never understood it until the Lord gave us this understanding of spiritual life traveling through the Earth. I’m going to read you these three verses: “Yea, all the people of the land shall bury them.” This is after [?Omeganon?]. “And it shall be to them a renown the day that I shall be glorified, saith the Lord. Sever out men of cont- -- “and they shall sever out men of continual employment, passing through the land to bury with the passengers those that remain upon the face of the Earth to cleanse it. After the end of seven months, they shall search.” And the passengers that pass through the land, when any man seeth a bone” -- “when any seeth a man’s bone, then shall he set up a sign by it till the buriers have buried it in the Valley of Hamongog.” Now we know that that’s talking about Omegamon, but I have no understanding -- I’m not going to look up any words. I’m just going to go through those three verses again and give you a quick understanding of what God is saying here in Ezekiel 39, Verses 13-15. This is after the onslaught known as Omegamon. “Yea, all the people of the land” -- well, we are the people of the land. We are the spiritual life living in the soul. ... “they shall bury them.” Bury who? All the dead ones that died in Omegamon.


And that -- “And it shall be to them a renown the day that I shall be glorified.” It’s going to be a glory to God, and it’s going to be a positive benefit to the men to bury the dead ones after God is glorified. Well, who’s dying when God is glorified? The soul man is dying that almighty God might be glorified. When Jesus Christ appears, our soul man shall have died. There’s no other way Christ shall appear except that our soul man shall have died. And then, OK, Verse 14: “And they shall sever out men of continual employment.” Now I point out to you they’re severing out men, OK? This is not spiritual life. They’re severing out men of continual employment, and I remind you that the soul realm is the realm of the labor. We work here. We are employed here, but it is not continual. Our employment comes to an end when we die.


But here it says they’re severing out men of continual employment, men whom shall not die. Glory to God. Men whom shall not die. Hallelujah. And they shall sever out men of continual employment, passing through the land, passing through the life of the soul. That’s the life of Christ, brethren -- men who shall not die, the many members of the body of Christ passing through the land of the Living Soul, to bury, along with the passengers, the spiritual life -- those that remain upon the face of the Earth. We have the Earth of the soul, the spiritual life passing through, which is the human spirit, and then we have the life of Christ. The human spirit joined with the Christ birthed within us is going to pass through the land of the Living Soul, and what are they going to do? They’re going to cleanse it. They’re going to cleanse it.


“And after the end of seven months, they shall search it, and they shall sever out men of continual employment,” men who do not die, that are passing through the life of the soul, and they’re going to bury, along with the human spirit, those that remain in the soul upon the face of the Earth, to cleanse it. There cannot be any more manifestations of the Living Soul. Why? Because the Living Soul is unclean. And they’re going to be cleansing the land, and the cleansing of the land require it -- requires the burying of all manifestations of the Living Soul. And I remind you, brethren, that you cannot bury the manifestations of the Living Soul until you have birthed Christ, because if you haven’t birthed Christ, you have nothing under which to bury it. You’ve got to birth Christ, and when you’ve birthed him, you’re going to travel through the land along with Christ in you, and you are going to bury every manifestation of the soul realm in your mind. Hallelujah. Verse 15: And the passengers, those that pass through the land, hallelujah, the spiritual life living in this realm of appearance, when any seeth a man’s bone, when any seeth the slightest sign of the spiritual life that was Satan, if he dares to show his head, then shall that passenger set up a sign by it until the buriers have buried it in the Valley of Hamongog. Hallelujah. We, those that travel through time, the human spirit joined with Christ in us, we shall rule and reign with him. We shall pass through the realm of the soul of our own being and cleanse it. And at one sign of the life of Satan, and at any sign of a bone, it’s going to be marked. It’s going to be recognized. It’s going to be exposed until it’s covered over by the life and the power of almighty God.


Hallelujah. I prayed about that for years, but you know, sometimes God doesn’t answer your questions because you need another revelation to understand it, and I needed the revelation of spiritual life passing through the Earth to understand this scripture. Glory to God. OK. Hallelujah. We’re talking about Issachar, who is a strong ass. So the word “strong” is talking about spiritual substance. Now the word “ass” is 23 -- I’m sorry -- 2543. It is a he-ass. It is male, and it is so-called from the reddish color, which is -- in southern countries not only belongs to the wild ass but also to the common or domestic ass. Now I didn’t even know that -- I’ve seen burros. It says also, it’s the animal which the Spanish-speaking call -- she’s called “burro,” and we’ve taken that into English, and we have a English word, “burro.”


I’ve seen pictures of burros. I never saw them as being red, so I don’t really understand this, but this is what Geisinger says, that they’re reddish animals. I’ve never seen one up close. I’ve just seen them in movies, you know? So Geisinger says that they’re red, and that’s this word “ass.” Now Webster says that an ass is “any of several hearty, friendly animals that are smaller than horse -- than horses -- than the horse. They have long hair and include one domestic form, used as a beast of burden. They are stupid, they are obstinate, and they can be used to describe a perverse person.” And I declare to you, brethren, this is God’s estimation of the natural man. He calls him a strong ass. And as we go on, I’m just going to remind you that the word “red” throughout the scripture typifies Adam. The color red typifies Adam, as from the ruddiness of the Earth. He is the natural man. Glory to God.


Issachar is a strong ass. Now this word “ass” is from a root, 2560, which means “to boil up,” and we know that the natural man is filled with passion, and it is his passions that have destroyed him, that are destroying him and that shall destroy him if Christ does not intervene. So the word means “to boil up.” It means “to ferment with scum” If you are a member of the natural man, there is scum in your mind, brethren. It has to come out. It has to be cast out. Scum, demons have to be cast out. The root, the source that’s producing the scum has to be swallowed up by Christ, but first the scum has to be cast out. In many instances, it’s a simultaneous process. You are not delivered by the washing, the water of the word. Demons must be cast out, but there is also a root producing the demons. That cannot be cast out. That will be swallowed up by Christ. Hallelujah. So we’re talking about the root of this word “ass.” It’s “to boil up, to ferment with scum, as with leaven,” and we know that Paul tells us that leaven typifies sin. In the scripture it means “to glow with redness,” and we know that that’s the color and the sign of Satan manifesting through Adam. Hallelujah. It also means “to dog, to foul, to make dirty, to trouble,” and “dog” means “to cover over.” It means -- it can mean “to smear with pitch.” Now this is -- I found very interesting. Pitch is a bituminous, flammable substance, and we talked about that in the Tape Number 11 in “Cush Begat Nimrod.”


And we found out in that tape that natural man is made from a substance that’s naturally flammable. And we found out that when God burned up Sodom and Gomorrah, He didn’t just pour out fire from upon heaven. The substance of the ground upon which these cities were built were inflammable. So the fire came from underneath as well as from on high. Just as with the flood, the waters rose from underneath, and they poured out from on high. And we found in that tape that natural man is made of a bituminous substance. We are naturally flammable, and we are going to burn. Praise God, when the spirit of God touches us, we are going to burn, but we shall not be consumed, saith the Lord unto Moses. “Behold, the bush that burneth that is not consumed.” We shall abide in the fire of almighty God. Hallelujah. Glory to God.




Thank you, Lord. Hallelujah. So what are we saying here? Issachar is a gross manifes- -- is a manifestation of the grossest, grossest understanding of the Living Soul. He’s red. He has violent emotions. He has scum. He’s filthy. He’s stubborn. He’s perverse. We’re all these things, brethren. Don’t think you’re civilized. You’re not. Your unconscious mind, Satan in your mind, is all of these things. Just because you put nice clothes on, and you live in a house, and you learn how to be clean and wash yourself, you’re not OK. You’re not OK. Only in Christ Jesus are we OK. Hallelujah. OK, so Issachar is a strong ass, and what’s he doing? He’s couching down between two burdens. The word “couching down” is Strong’s 7257, and it means, “to lie down or recline.” It’s used of quadrupeds -- that’s four-legged animal -- and they -- which lie on their -- can’t read my own typing here. Spelled this wrong -- which lie, I guess I meant on their breasts, with their feet gathered under them. He’s talking about sheep, goats.


Horses don’t usually lie down. When they lie down, they gather their feet under them. And I remind you our study of the unfolding of the Living Soul in Ezekiel. It’s on Tape 40, Part 2 if you want to hear it. And we found out that when God first created the Living Soul, he was a zygote. He had a potential to unfold into many members, and I’m suggesting to you that that is the intent that God is using with regard to Issachar, who was typifying the Living Soul. He’s saying that he’s a beast that has his legs folded under him because he is not completely unfolded yet. And we know that there are a specified number of members which will unfold from the living soul, and in that last generation, Christ shall fill every member. Hallelujah. So the crouching down means to lie down as an animal, which we are -- sorry if it offends you, but we are -- which crouches down between two burdens. The “between” is Strong’s 996. I’m -- I’ve taken this out of Geisinger. It can be, and I am translating it here “within.” “Within,” it’s a legal translation. And the word “two burdens,” that’s one Hebrew word. It’s Strong’s 4942. It is used only in the plural, and it typifies a sheepfold. It’s a pen where flocks remain at night during the summer. And I remind you that night is the spiritual realm of darkness, which exists in the minds of those that are ruled by the Living Soul.


However, I also remind you that the summertime is the hour of the harvest. So we’re talking about the members of the Living Soul, the condition of their mind in the hour of the harvest. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Let me just see if there’s anything else here I want to tell you. Hallelujah. Oh, yes. This word, “two burdens,” it’s from a root 8192, and that root means “to bear, to stick out, to scratch or scrape off, to cleanse from dregs, to make naked.” And I suggest to you that’s just another witness to the fact that in the hour that we are animals, in the hour that we are in the sheepfold, in the hour that we are darkness -- in darkness, in the summertime, Christ is about to swallow us up and to make us appear to stick out and appear in his spirit and to make us naked, to cleanse us from the dregs of the Living Soul, and he’s going to do that by scratching and scraping the filth off of us, and sometimes it’s very painful.


And a lot of the members of the body of Christ run from it, and they don’t want it, but if you’re hearing this tape, I don’t think this applies to anyone here. I’m telling you, he’s going to get you. Don’t run. Run towards him because he’s going to get you because he loves you, and he doesn’t want you to continue in this realm of sin, and he’s going to do whatever he has to do to cleanse you and to bring you into submission to him so that he can bless you. And we’ve had, I think, two messages on the true reality of blessing, that the ultimate blessing of almighty God is that He should bring you into submission to him. Because when you’re in rebellion, all He could do is wage war against you. The ultimate, overall blessing is to be brought into obedience, and then all of the blessings that are in Christ Jesus will automatically fall upon you.


You won’t have to get down on your knees and say, Lord, I don’t like my job. Lord, I’m not happy here. Just when he -- and this is not a work of natural man. You can’t do it yourself. Rebellion is in our mind. It’s inherent in the mind of the natural man. He’s moving in this hour to bring us into obedience so that we will not have a reason to say, Lord this is wrong in my life, but that the blessings of the Kingdom of God will pour out, as if a window were open in heaven, without us even having to ask. You want to pray a prayer that’s going to save your life? Pray to be brought into obedience to God. Pray that He should bring you into obedience. It covers everything. How do you know what you need? Pray to be brought into obedience, brethren. Hallelujah, not just for yourself, for your children, for your grandchildren, for your great-grandchildren. Pray to be brought into obedience to God. Hallelujah.




OK, alternate translation, Genesis 49:15. Issachar is a form of spiritual life joined to a violently emotional animal -- that’s me, and that’s you -- whose many members shall be cleansed from their corruption when their true spiritual nature appears during the harvest season. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Verse 15: And he -- still talking about Issachar -- saw that rest was good, and the land, that it was pleasant and bowed down the shoulder to bear and became a servant unto tribute.” OK, and he “saw”-- that word is 7200 -- it includes “spiritual sight.” I suggest that’s the meaning in this instance. He saw that rest was good. The word “rest” is Strong’s 4496, and it is specifically referring to the rest of matrimony. When a woman marries, she rests upon her husband -- well, traditionally. We know it’s not that way in this country, but traditionally, and in the Bible times, he went out, and he provided. He worked. He did the hunting. She did the chores in the house, and that is the rest of knowing that all of nee- -- of all of your needs to exist in this life shall be met by your husband. And we know that we are moving into that in our marriage to Christ. He shall meet all our needs.


So Issachar saw that the rest -- and that word “rest” is feminine -- that the rest of the soul realm was in marriage to Christ. He saw that that marriage was good, and the word “good” is Strong’s 2896. It means “upright or prosperous.” He found out this beast, this high-minded, ignorant, perverse beast got a revelation that he could rest from his labors if he would marry Christ. He got a revelation, and it was good. Hallelujah. Because he’s in rebellion against God. He’s fighting Him. He’s afraid of Him. He doesn’t want to be married to Him, but somewhere along the line, each man in his own order, each member of the Living Soul shall get a revelation that marriage to Christ is prosperity. Hallelujah.


“And he saw that rest was good, and the land, that it was pleasant.” Now the word “land” -- it’s 776. It’s the typical word for the “land,” but I suggest to you the spiritual application is the Living Soul. “And he saw that the land was pleasant.” The word “pleasant,” 5276 -- it’s a word that’s used to describe a country, and we know that we are a country, or we are the land, our soul, and we are a country. This is a country that’s beloved, and I suggest to you that it refers to the cleansed Living Soul. We are the beloved of almighty God, but He’s not -- He loves us, but His love takes the form of judgment if our land is polluted. That love manifests in judgment so that we can be cleansed and receive all of the benefits of marriage to Him.


So Issachar, he saw that marriage to God was good, and he saw that the land was pl- -- could be pleasant. He saw -- I guess that means that he saw that the soul of Christ was pleasant or that being the beloved of God was pleasant. And what did he do? He “bowed the shoulder to bear.” The word “bowed” is “to bend away,” and Strong says that that includes “moral deflection.” Now we had several teachings on that word deflection when we start -- studied the production of spiritual images, which is -- one of which is mankind. The word “deflection,” it refers to light rays, and a light ray travels on a straight line, and when it hits -- our natural example was the rainbow, OK? When it hits the water in the atmosphere, it bends, and it goes off of its straight path, and it goes in other directions, the result of which is the formation of the rainbow.


And then we related that to the Living Soul, which travels on a linear plane but going round and round and round on the circle of the Earth. And there’s no hope for mankind. Don’t you believe the lies of the scientists. There’s no hope for the human race unless it goes up, and to go up, it has to change its direction. It has to get bent. It has to get deflected, and it has to go up towards the heavenly realm of almighty God, and it’s the only hope for the Living Soul. So that’s what this word means. He bowed -- he bowed the shoulder. He -- and that -- and this word can mean “moral deflection.” So he changed his moral direction, and he changed it in the direction of the mind of the Lord Jesus Christ. He bowed the shoulder. And the word “shoulder” is 7926. It means “the hinder part of the shoulder blade, the upper part of the back, where the burden is borne.”


And most of us here know that that’s where pride rests, and that’s where a lot of man’s problems rest. And we also know that Jesus said that he has a burden for us to bear, but he said that his yoke is easy, that we should take it down. What he’s telling us is that we’re beasts of burden, and we’ve got to bear a yoke. Either we’re going to be yoked by Satan, or we’re going to be yoked by him. The problem with the world today is that they don’t believe it. They think that they’re not yoked by Satan, and that Christ wants to yoke them, but they have to get a revelation that they’re under Satan’s yoke. And then they have to get a revelation that Jesus’ yoke is good, and then they’re going to throw their will in line with Jesus, and the whole thing’s going to go through. Glory to God.


So Issachar, this perverse-minded beast of burden, he got a revelation that it was much better being under the yoke of the Lord Jesus Christ, and he deflected his -- in his mind to the thoughts of the Lord Jesus Christ, and he took the burden of the Lord Jesus Christ on his shoulders, the scripture says, and he bowed the shoulder to bear. And the word “bear” is Strong’s 4- -- 5445. It means “strong labor.” He exerted strong labor in the direction of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. And those of us that are moving on in God, we know it’s just not true that you say, Jesus be my Lord and Savior, and you’re glorified. There are preachers that preach it. If you’re hearing this tape, if you believe it, you’ve bought a lie. It’s hard, grievousome [sic], sore labor, but you have no choice. You have no choice. God has ordained in the natural that women shall labor to bring forth children. I don’t know why. I’m just his mouthpiece. What do I know? But he did it that way. Some women have harder labor than other women. Some women die in childbirth. All kind- -- look at the natural realm for your example. Some women are in labor for 24 hours. I’m having a very hard labor. Praise God. I hope yours is easy, but we all must labor to bring forth the child. There’s no birth without the labor. So Issachar, the perverse Living Soul, got the revelation that his only hope was to bring forth the Christ child, and he set all of his strength towards the labor that would bring forth the child. Hallelujah. To look upon himself, to introspect, to discern his own motives, to discern the sin in his own heart, to repent for his wickedness -- it’s labor, brethren. It’s spiritual labor. And then to join with Christ to defeat that sin in your own heart after it’s exposed -- it’s spiritual labor.


And we have some good tapes on that. I think it’s Series 52. It’s on the “Four Horses of the Book of Revelation”, describing how God requires us that have -- those of us that choose to go into the kingdom willingly to discern the sin in our conscious mind, which if I remember correctly, was the red horse -- the waging of the war against the conscious mind, and the pale horse is the unconscious mind to discern the sin in our unconscious mind before it manifests, and to, by the power of God, to utterly crush it and defeat it. Those are the people that are going in in the first [?Ruth?] company. If you can’t find the spiritual strength to do it, you’re going in anyway, but it’s going to be a much harder, less satisfying going in because if you can’t wage war against the sin in your own unconscious mind, when God wages war against it, you’re going to be one with your unconscious mind, and you’re going to be the recipient of all of the judgment.


So if you can hear this word, if can God can quicken it to you, rise up in the power of almighty God and start putting your finger on the sin in your conscious mind and in your unconscious mind, because if you don’t do it, He’s going to do it. He’s going to do it. He’s going to judge you until you get down on your face and say, Lord God, why are all these things happening to me? Don’t let it come to that. Don’t let it come to that. OK. We’re on Issachar now. He bowed his shoulder to bear the labor that’s going to bring forth the Christ child, and what happened to him? He became a servant unto tribute. And the word “servant” is 5647. It means “to enslave, to reduce to servitude.” It means “to bestow labor upon a field.” And I remind you of our previous studies, that we are the field. Our soul is the field that is capable of producing ungodly fruit.


That field must be enslaved. There is only one man that is capable of enslaving it so that the fruit that it produces is the fruit of God. His name is the Lord Jesus Christ, and we are in the condition that we are in today because he who has enslaved the fields of our soul goes by the name of Satan.  But this field, it shall indeed be enslaved by the Lord Jesus Christ. It shall produce the fruit of almighty God, and although we shall be enslaved, we shall be more free and more liberated than we could ever have imagined in the depths of our carnal minds. So Issachar became a servant unto tribute. And the word “tribute” is 4522, and it means “a tax in the form of forced labor.” And to people that still have a lot of soul, they don’t like to hear this, but I’m telling you the truth, brethren. You’re not your own man, and you’re not your own man. The Lord Jesus Christ wants to ride you as his goodly horse. He wants to speak through your mouth. He wants your body to go where he wants to be. He wants you to think his thoughts, speak his words and do his deeds. And when you’re totally enslaved by the Lord Jesus Christ, you will be in ecstasy. Your carnal mind can’t believe that, but it’s the truth. The key to believing it is to believe that you’re enslaved by Satan. If you can’t see that you’re enslaved by Satan, just, you can’t -- the carnal mind can’t get past the word “enslaved,” but you’re already enslaved. You’re enslaved by Satan. It’s just a question of who you’re enslaved by. You’re just a beast, brethren, and you’re perverse. You’re the horse of the spiritual life that’s riding you. Choose either stay, Satan, or almighty God. Your rider shall be almighty God in any event, but you have the option to go the easy way or the hard way.




Genesis 49:15: “And he saw that marriage to God would be good, and that, as a result of such marriage, the land of his soul would be cleansed, and he submitted to the yoke of the Lord. And the land of his soul was subdued under the headship of Jesus Christ, the Son of God” Hallelujah. Recap of Issachar: Issachar is a form of spiritual life joined to a violently emotional animal, whose many members shall be cleansed from the corruption when their true spiritual nature appears during the harvest season. And he saw that marriage to God would be good, and that as a result of such marriage, the land of his soul would be cleansed, and he submitted to the yoke of the Lord, and the land of his soul was subdued under the headship of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Hallelujah.


Summary of characteristics of spiritual Issachar: Issachar represents the history of the animalistic beginnings of the Living Soul, up to and including his realization that marriage to God is what is best for him and then the realization of that marriage.


And I just want to close with three verses from Ephesians 3, Verses 9-11. And to make all men say what is the fellowship -- all men -- to see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world have been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ, to the intent that now, unto the principalities and powers in our minds -- in heavenly places, in our soul realm -- might be known by the church through the foolishness of preaching, the manifold wisdom of God according to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah. Any questions today?


I know that you mentioned it -- the embryo in us, that Christ is being formed in us, and it’s like an embryo. But at the time of travail is the time -- is the end of the nine months in the natural, and in travail, it’s like coming into another hour, right?


Yes, and I’m not quite sure what your question is, but yes, it is coming into another hour. What’s happening is that the embryo of Christ is within our soul, and it’s bursting through of our soul the appearance of Christ will naturally result in the breaking to pieces of the natural soul because that’s how he’s going to get out. He has to get out of the sac, and the result of it -- so it’s going to be a simultaneous appearing of Christ and the breaking to pieces of our soul because he’s got to get out of the amniotic sac that he’s in. So --


            That is the hour of travail?


That’s the hour of travail. It’s called “Jacob’s Trouble.” The scripture says in that hour, ye shall see a man with his hands on his loins, as if a woman in travail. It’s going to be very painful. I’m sor- -- I don’t mean to scare anybody, but let’s, you know, let’s just hear the truth here.


[UNINTELLIGIBLE] figure out in the natural, how that it’s formed for nine months, and then it comes in -- it comes into this hour of travail. And in the natural, it could be a few hours or many hours. And is this like a type of -- that it -- with each person it could be a few hours or many hours?


I believe that there’s a natural type to every spiritual reality, and I really believe that some people will have a much -- much more painful travail than other people. I don’t know why.


The question that it led up to -- is that -- when the baby is born, it was like in an unseen realm for a long time, and then it came into the realm of appearance, I mean, that it appeared. Is that what that scripture means, that Christ appearing in Thessalonians, that he is going to naturally appear?


He most certainly is. He’s going to appear in you, and he’s going to appear in me. And also, you know, this concept of him appearing in a moment, I don’t know how many people here have ever heard this concept of threshold. They teach it in psychology classes. I don’t have my blackboard here anymore, so I’ll try and give you an understanding. They’ll draw a line. This is the theory of threshold, OK? This is a line here. They draw a line. I’ll make this microphone wire -- this extension wire. They draw this line, and they say there’s a change coming, and it’s starting all the way over here. The change is real. There’s not a question of a doubt that it’s going to manifest where everybody could see it, but nobody could see it when I’m behind this line. And it could take years of working and changing and things happening in your mind. OK, now, this is a psychology theory. They’re talking about your mind. It could be an attack of mental illness. It could be a nervous breakdown. It could be coming for years behind this line, all kinds of things working. Nobody could see it. And one morning, the person wakes up and steps over the line, and she’s insane. It didn’t happen overnight. It’s been happening for the last 20 years. Well, Christ is going to appear in a moment, but it’s been happening for your whole lifetime.


When the Holy Spirit comes into our spirit, that is the beginning of the embryo?


The -- yes and no, OK? You -- the embryo cannot be formed without the Holy Spirit, but the fact that someone has the Holy Spirit, is witnessed when it comes, does not confirm that the embryo has been formed because our natural example is sexual intercourse in men and women. And we all know here -- we’re all adults, and we all know that even if sexual intercourse, even without any manifestation of birth control, may not conceive. We don’t know vision. So the fact that the Holy Spirit enters into your heart does not mean that he has fertilized the human spirit. How many people do you know -- maybe you don’t know anyone personally, but I know people that have had an experience with Christ. They spoke in tongues, and they walk away, and nothing happens. And 50 years later, [?these visions come?] and recommit your life to Christ. Well, they got touched by the Holy Spirit. Maybe they even spoke in a few tongues, but for whatever reason -- I don’t know why -- the fertilization didn’t take place.


The time when Jesus told the disciples to tarry in the other room, in the other room, did they experience the fertilization of the spirit? After 50 years, was that fertilization?


I never really thought about that. I must have -- I don’t want to give any quick answer because this tape’s going out to the public, but I’ll think about it, and I’ll give you another answer. I would -- I don’t know if it was fertilization or not. I really can’t tell you. I’ll pray about it for you, though, OK? It may have been. I just don’t want to put it on the tape if there aren’t certain source -- the Lord giving you the answer. I’ll get back to you on it [INAUDIBLE]. This is a very touchy issue. You can have the holy spirit, and if nobody here on this tape or anybody here -- if you want to know if there’s anything that you could do to help the process of having Christ birthed in you, the answer is to expose yourself to the spirit. If you’re a woman, and you want to get pregnant, you know, and you know, you’ve made love with your husband a couple of times, but you’re not pregnant, well, what do you do? You keep on making love with your husband. And birthing it is you can find the will to do it. And you bombard, you know, your -- the eggs that are passing down into your uterus, and as often as you can, then somewhere, one sperm is going to fertilize the egg. I mean, this is just biology. So if you want this thing, if you hear the spirit, and want this thing, ask God where you should go, where there’s a call for an outpouring of his spirit. And you get there as often as you can, exposing yourself to that outpouring. And you -- and that outpouring you [?close?] many things now. If what you want is the baptism of the Holy Spirit, just expose yourself to the Holy Spirit, but it’s not -- you want is Christ to be formed in you, what you need to be exposing yourself to is a word that is coming forth from a vessel. It has been prepared by God -- excuse me -- whose words have become, by the power of almighty God, spirit in life and have the authority to fertilize your spirit. That’s what Paul said. He said, I’m your Father. He said, I’ve begotten you in the woods. What was he talking about? Christ was in him. Christ was preaching through him, and that word [?fertilized their?] human spirit. And you have to ask God who these people are. Don’t ask a man. Ask God. So if you want -- if you don’t think Christ is [INAUDIBLE], if you’re not sure, and that’s what you want, you have to expose yourself to the preaching that is coming forth by a vessel in whom Christ is speaking through. You can’t just pick up a Bible and preach.




Yes, yes. You can’t get it from anybody. You can’t get it off the pages of a book. You have to get it from the living Christ. And you have to find [INAUDIBLE] in whom the living Christ is speaking from. And you can only get it by spiritual [INAUDIBLE]. There’s no street sign down there. It’s not a sign with somebody’s picture frame, [INAUDIBLE] so-and-so. “Come and get [?fertilized?] by Christ.” If you -- if we’re [INAUDIBLE] [?at the time, like, that’s?] probably not true anyway. [INAUDIBLE] [?spirit?]. This is the hour of the spirit [INAUDIBLE] it’s the hour of --


03/06/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

03/18/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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