042 - Part 8
(Revelation 6-7 & Genesis 49)

This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.




[?Say it not?] sayeth the Lord, for indeed, I am God almighty. [?Knoweth?] not thou the way I [?ministered through Gideon?] sayeth God. Did I not divide, sayeth the Lord? And did I not divide again? Did I indeed not rid his ranks of every man manifesting ungodliness? Yea, sayeth God. I gave him the victory with a handful, sayeth the Lord. With the power of my spirit and the power of my word, I broke the Earth [?indocile?], sayeth God, and indeed I [?shall break you as yea?] sayeth the Lord. I shall appear in the in great power. Look not at the circumstances. Look not to the left, and look not to the right, but serve me. Each of you here, sayeth the Lord, I have given you a work to do. Be faithful to that which I have given thee to do, and I shall be faithful unto thee, sayeth the Lord. Look not hither, and look not thither, and if thou understandeth not, that is all right. Serve me, sayeth the Lord, in the capacity that I have commanded thee to serve me. And thou shalt see mighty wonders, sayeth God. Indeed, I shall manifest by my spirits, sayeth the Lord. And thou shalt be my vessels, sayeth the Lord God. Indeed, thou shalt be at my right hand, sayeth the Lord. And by you and through you I shall judge the church and then the world, sayeth the Lord. Fret not, fear not, be no defeated, sayeth God, but rejoice, for indeed, the hour of my appearance is at hand.


Nay, sayeth the Lord unto the [?church world?]. Thou hast indeed fulfilled my purpose in you. Thou hast run when I have said stand, and thou hast prayed when I have said be still. And thou hast gone hither and thither in their own power, in thy own power, sayeth the Lord. Thou hast named by name as the source and the motive of all of thy ungodly deeds, sayeth the Lord. Thou hast blasphemed my prophets, sayeth the God. Thou hast called my word occultish. Thou hast denied my spirit. Thou has blasphemed by thy very lifestyle, sayeth the Lord. And thou hast lifted thyself up in self-righteousness above thy afflicted brother and against the afflicted heathen in the world, and even the unafflicted heathen. Indeed, sayeth the Lord, I shall chasten thee, for this cannot be done in my name, sayeth God. And I have chosen, sayeth the Lord, not to discard thee. I shall permit thee to keep my name, sayeth God. Therefore, judgment must fall. The sins of the church must be reproved, sayeth the Lord. My people must be convicted, sayeth God. Repentance must come forth, sayeth the Lord, for I shall tolerate the slur upon my name no longer.


Indeed, sayeth God, I am long-suffering. Many cannot understand why, and many cannot know why, but in this ministry, I have given an understanding of the time, according to the way men count it, that it takes my spirit to pierce through into the realm of appearance. There is no slack in my will, sayeth the Lord. There is no hesitation to execute my judgments and fulfill my words, sayeth the Lord. What there is is a dividing line between the realm of the spirit and the realm of appearance. And I have judged thee, sayeth the Lord. Yea, even from before the foundations of the Earth. And the appearance of my judgment is about to appear [?in?on?] the Earth, sayeth God. For indeed, I shall have a church without spot and without wrinkle. I shall have a holy people, sayeth the Lord, indeed, a chosen generation without sin. And I shall enter into your mind, sayeth the Lord, and I shall bring forth repentance through judgment, sayeth God. And thou shalt acknowledge those that thou hast rejected, sayeth the Lord. And thou shall come unto them to be fed and to receive of the fountain of my spirit, sayeth the Lord, and I shall be glorified, and indeed, my father, eventually, shall be all in all. Humble yourselves, sayeth the Lord. Prostrate yourselves before me for the hour of judgment is at hand.


[?How are you?]? This is the Sixth Seal of the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John, part eight. Hallelujah. I have a comment to make with regard to part seven. Now, those of you that were here on Sunday, you know that we deviated from the series on the sixth seal, and we [?stood in?] addendum to part 13 of tape 38. So I put this comment on Sunday's tape also, but the Lord told me to put it on this tape in case someone outside of -- at a -- someone who doesn't attend the meetings, just orders the series, I want them to have this comment with regard to part seven of the sixth seal. And this is with regard to the fact that I commented on that tape that God is totally male, that everything about him is male. And when I reviewed the tape, I realized that there was a contradiction in that I have been teaching it for, oh, a series of months that God is both male and female, that he is the breasted one and that he nurtures and brings up young. And the answer to that apparent contradiction -- and I remind anyone listening to the tape, that if you hear a contradiction either in my teaching or anybody else's teaching, or if you read a Scripture and you think it's contradictory, OK, well, then it may be a contradiction in the human being's teaching, but if you see a contradiction in the Scripture, God never contradicts himself. You just don't understand it in a manner that would reconcile the two things that he said, and I urge you, if ever you come across a contradiction, to ask God to either show you an error, if it's a person that's preaching it, or to show you that fact or that knowledge that will reconcile the two Scriptures to you.


And the -- and this is the answer with regard to this problem. God is all male. He is 100 percent male, but he is a higher life form than we are. And when he wants to perform the function of the female, the ability is within him to perform that function. He just brings it forth from within himself. And when he wants it to reproduce, he brought forth from within himself a female element, but God is still male. Everything about him is male, but for a specific time period, and a limited time period at that, and for a specific purpose, he manifested the womb of the Earth so that he could bring forth his young. And he shall nurture and feed his young, which is a female role, until they no longer need him, and then he will no longer do these things. He is all male, but for a season, when the need arises, he allots a certain part of himself to perform a female roll. Did I make that clear? Praise the Lord.


OK, I’m going to recap Genesis 49, verses 22 and 23 and the first third of verse 24. Joseph is a son of God that bears many offspring, even a son who bears spiritual young in the realm of appearance whose sons appear above their spiritual foundation and are able to master the realm of appearance, both beholding it and journeying about within it but not being overcome by it. And the master of the living soul, even the husband of Israel's youth, makes her bitter and [?graved?], wounds her by dividing her into many numbers, setting himself opposite to them. But nevertheless, the life of his spirit is marrying the living soul.


And they shall continue in the realm of appearance for the life of the ages. Hallelujah. Continuing with the second third of verse 24, Genesis 49. We're doing the prophecy, Jacob's prophecy to -- I'm sorry, Jacob's prophecy, that's correct, to Joseph. The second third of verse 24. And the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob. And the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob. The word arms is Strong's 2220. [?They're saying this is?] -- that this is rarely used in a masculine sense, so we're talking about female or [?soulish?] arms, and it means strength, might, power or military force. We're talking about the military force of the soul realm. Glory to God.


And we did a study on the -- in the book of Zachariah. I believe it's tape eight if I'm not mistaken. I didn't make a note of it, where we discuss the military power of the living soul and we are told that she has set up a base in Shinar, and she is determined to rage war against the living God. Does anybody remember what she's waging war over? Does anybody know what the prize or the spoil of that was, of the battle between the living soul and almighty God? Anyone want to take a crack at it? Our bodies and our souls, amen. The living soul, the spiritual entity known as the living soul, ruled by the spirit known as Satan, wants our minds. He wants to be our mind, and he wants to use our members for his wickedness, for his drug taking, for his alcoholism, for his murder, for his death. He wants to appear in the realm of appearance. And the Holy Spirit -- I'm sorry, not the Holy Spirit, but Christ himself wants to appear through our bodies and through our souls, our personalities, and they are at war for the vessels which we are. Glory to God.


I just -- I have a coup- -- a Scripture for you here just demonstrating that this word arms is used to describe military power. Daniel 11:15, so the king of the North shall come and cast up a mount and take the most fenced cities, and the arms of the South shall not withstand. The military strength of the South shall not withstand. And that's how we're going to use that word in this Scripture, the military force of the living soul. This word arms, also, can mean violence. Job 35:9, by reason of the multitude of oppressions, they make the oppressed to cry. They cry out by reason of the arm of the mighty, by the military strength of the mighty. And that word mighty simply means spiritual power. It does not have to mean almighty God. Hallelujah.


And obviously, if they are oppressing people, they are an ungodly spiritual power, so we're talking about the military power of the living soul when we speak about arms. And we're dealing with the phrase and the arms of his hands were made strong. Well, the word hands is 3027, that's referring to the open hand of power. Those that have been following this series know that there's a different Hebrew word for the closed hand. Glory to God. This is the positive, the right hand, the open hand of power. And we also know that the hand typifies God's ministry in the realm of appearance because when God wants to touch you, when he wants to speak to you, when he wants to help you, he sends a man to you. If you're hungry, God is much -- God could do anything. He's a supernatural God. But he's much more likely to send a man to you to give you some money and say go buy food than he is to supernaturally manifest a dinner in front of you. He will do that, but in this hour, most of us in the church know that if you're having a problem, if you have a need, God is most likely to send a man to you to either give you what you need or give you money to buy it.


If you need healing, God is -- he could -- doesn't have to do it, but he secretly, more often than not, will send a man to pray for you, to lay hands on you and to give you the blessing of healing. We know that a lot of people receive revelation from the living God, but in this hour, brethren, when the Lord wants to teach you, in 99 out of 100, if the odds are not even greater than that, 999 out of 1,000 people, if God wants to teach you, he's going to send you to a teacher that is teaching what he wants you to hear.


Now know there's a whole group of people in the church today that say you don’t need teachers anymore and that the Holy Spirit can teach you, but, brethren, you have to get it where God is giving it, and if God is teaching you through your own spirit, praise the Lord. That's wonderful. But it's my opinion, and I have this on other tapes, than on this hour, there are so many people that need to be taught that if you have been raised up to that place in God, if you want to test it, if you think God's teaching you to the point that you don't need a teacher, one of the tests you can put to it is do you have disciples, because I suggest to you God is not going to waste you. If he has developed you to the place where you do not need another teacher, he's not going to waste you. He's going to send students to you to share what he's given you. So that's one of your tests, if you're in this -- possibly in this deception, this is a good way to test yourself. Glory to God, hallelujah.


OK, so we're saying that the hands [INAUDIBLE] God's ministry in the realm of appearance, and I am suggesting to you that the hands of -- the arms of God's hands is the church. The arms of God's hands. The living soul through which God manifests to minister. And in the old covenant, the arms of God's hands was Israel. It was natural Israel. If you wanted a blessing from God almighty, there was only one place on the entire planet that you could get, unless God moved sovereignly, which he did, which he -- I know that he spoke. I don't if he blessed anybody, but I know that he spoke to Pharaoh. I don't want anyone laying hold of my words. But the norm was if you wanted to get a blessing, you had to go to Israel. And in this hour, if you want to get a blessing, you have to go to the person in the church that he's anointed to give it to you. However, God can break his own general rule. I'm not putting God in a box, but there is -- there are general rules. So I'm suggesting to you that the arms of God's hands is the members of the living soul through which almighty God is manifesting. And those members are, in the new covenant, the church. They were Israel, hallelujah.


OK. And the arms of his hands were made strong. Now, these words were made do not appear in the Hebrew. The word strong is Strong's 6339. It's the only time it's translated strong, and the form of the very in the original Hebrew is the infinitive. Now, we spoke about this. I don't know whether -- did we speak about this on Sunday, or was it on the message before this?









OK. Let me put it on this tape just in case I didn't put it -- just in case I went over this. No, I couldn't have spoken about it on Sunday's message. I couldn't, OK. So it must be on part seven. I spoke about the grammatics of translating from the Hebrew, that very frequently, in the Hebrew language, we will find an infinitive or a neutral form of the very, which means to do something, to be strong, to go, to love, and it's the translated -- it's left up to the translator's license to appropriate the correct tense when translating it into English. This word strong, it's an infinitive that means -- since I'm teaching this lesson, I have the license to determine what tense God is using. It's the only translated strong, and what it means is to be agile in the sense of springing up and fleeing like a gazelle or a deer. A gazelle is a form of a deer, I believe, just -- that's lying down on the ground. They're very swift animals, gazelles, and they spring up to a running position at a moment's notice. They're animals that live in the wild, and if they smell or discern a wildcat stalking them, they're on their feet, and they're running in a manner of seconds. And that's the intent besides this word's -- that's the intent in this word strong, so it's not strong in a sense where you could lift something that's heavy. It's strength to move, OK.


Now, I shouldn't have even -- I shouldn't even have been wasting too much time on that because this also is one of these instances in the Hebrew language that we've spoken about where there is another Hebrew word that is spelled exactly the same way with a totally different meaning. And the -- of course, the compilers of the lexicons could not deal with the diversity in the translations of this word.


They determined that when they formed the le- -- when Strong formed the lexicon, he determined that he would give the same exact Hebrew word two different numbers and make it into two different words because he couldn't believe that one Hebrew word could mean all these different things. OK. Now, in this case, Strong gave the same exact word the number 6338. It's spelled exactly the same way, and the definition is to separate, to distinguish and, specifically, to separate and purify metals from [?from jewels?], to purify or refine gold, to purify or refine gold. That's the word strong. And the arms of his hands were made strong. Glory to God.


Let's see what we have here. Apparently, this is one of these instances where the King James translators translated to the best of their ability, but having no spiritual knowledge, put something down in the English that has no meaning to us. OK, glory to God. And the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob. Now, this word by did no- -- we went through this on a previous message. Strong's does not give any numerical reference for the word by, so in the -- the last time we spoke about this, I looked it up in the English. However, in this instance, I went into the interlinear, and the interlinear says that the correct translation is not by, but the correct translation of this word is from. Now, I have no way to prove it to you because Strong's did not show me the word that was translated by, so I'm just going to take the interlinear's word for it. I'm going to say that the correct word is from, and when I looked up the word from in Strong's, there's no reference in the Hebrew, so I had to take the Greek definition of the preposition from. It's Strong's 575, and it means off, away from something near, off or away from something near, off or away from something near. And the arms of his hands were made strong. Now, we couldn't say strong off of the hands. That's why they changed it to by because they got the -- strong is the wrong definition, so they follow it with the wrong preposition. It's just like -- you -- if you start building a house on sand, if your first step is wrong or your first step is faulty, you just fail from there on in. OK.


I just want to talk about this word, hands, and I'll give you an Alternate Translation here. The word hands, again, it's the same stro- -- same word translated hands used earlier. Strong's 3027, and it's -- means the open hand of God. One of the definitions of this word is to use it to mean power, strength and might for -- and it specifically refers to God in this instance, and it refers to his strength, his might and his power, either for his own, to protect his own, or against his enemies. And I have the Scripture for you here showing how it's used like that. Ezra 8:21, 22, and verse 31, then I proclaimed a fast, Ezra speaking, for I was ashamed to require of the king a band of soldiers and horsemen to help us against the enemy in the way. Ezra was ashamed to ask for help from the king. Why? Because we had spoken unto the king saying the hand of our God is upon all them for good that seek him, but his power and his wrath is against all them that forsake him. The hand of the Lord is referring to either the power or the wrath of God, depending on who he's ministering to, his friends or his enemies.


Verse 31, and the hand of our God was upon us, and he delivered us from the hand of the enemy and of such [?as ray in weight?] by the way. So the right hand of almighty God is the hand -- if you're God's friend, it's the hand of provision. Glory to God, hallelujah. And the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty of Jacob. That word God that you see in the King James, it's not in the original. By the hands of the mighty of Jacob. However this word is Strong's number 46. It's only translated mighty five times out of many translations of the word mighty, and it's only used to describe the mighty one or the mighty God of Jacob of Israel, hallelujah. And it's from a root which means to fly, so let's see what we've got here.


Alternate Translation, the second third of Genesis 49:24. And Israel shall be purified as fine gold by the spiritual power of the almighty God of Jacob. Glory to God. I think I did that wrong myself. I d- -- I used the word by instead of the word from. OK. And Israel shall be purified as fine gold, and the arms of his hands were made strong, and Israel shall be purified as fine gold by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob, by the spiritual power of the almighty God of Jacob. And the word should be --  I didn't do it right. OK. That word by, I should have put in there away from, away from, OK, or by the purpose of the spiritual power of almighty God of Jacob, or away from the [?jaws?]. I'm going to leave it blank, scratch that, OK. And Ezra shall be purified as fine gold by the spiritual power of the almighty God of Jacob. What I was trying to say with that concept of away from is that the [?draw us?] o that which is soul in us is going to be purified away from the spirit of God which is in us. It's going to be purified away from us. That's what I was trying to say, but we'll just leave it. And Israel shall be purified as fine gold by the spiritual power of the almighty God of Jacob. Glory to God, hallelujah.


OK. Now, we're going on to the third third of verse 24, and I just want to make a comment here that it really should be a part of verse 25. The third third of verse 24 should be the first part of verse 25. And the reason the King James translators made this error is that -- what God is really saying here is so unlike what it sounds like in the King James. They just couldn't make any sense out of it, but it's very exciting, and we're going to find out what the Lord was really saying here. OK, if you notice, if you're looking at verse 24 on your Bible, if you look at that last third, you'll see there's no verb there. You'll see that the word is is in italics, which means the King James translators added it in. And what it really says is from thence the shepherd, the stone of Israel, and that's what it says in the interlinear. There's no verb there. So they couldn't make any sense out of it. They put it in parenthesis. But it's really apart -- but how it really should read is from thence the shepherd, the stone of Israel, even the God of thy father shall help thee. You see, that made a question out of it. I -- OK. By the God of thy father who shall help thee. But what it really should say is from thence -- from where? From Israel. They're talking about Israel. From Israel is the shepherd. From Israel is coming forth the shepherd, the Christ, the stone of Israel, even by the God of thy father, he shall help thee.


OK, so -- OK. Let me go on. This took me a long time to do this. It was very confusing. OK. We're going to start here, and we'll just back over it until you understand it. OK. Starting with the third third of Genesis 49:24, from thence the shepherd, the stone of Israel. This word shepherd is Strong's 7462, and it means a shepherd, to rule the flock. And we know that the good shepherd or the great shepherd is Jesus Christ, and -- but I don't think that a l- -- I think that a lot of people don't understand why he gets that title, that title of shepherd. We know that we're the shepherd and he's the shepherd, but I don't know if the church has an understanding of the fact that he is the shepherd and he is shepherding us from within our spiritual beings. I don't know if the church understands that what happened when Jesus Christ of Nazareth appeared on the Earth 2,000 years ago, was crucified, resurrected and ascended on high to the right hand of the father and is now pouring of his spirit upon all flesh. What has happened is that the spirit of Jesus Christ, which is the father, became available to be spread out into all of mankind. And when you receive the spirit of Jesus Christ that he's pouring out upon all flesh, you receive the shepherd. He's not outside of us tending us like a shepherd does with a rod. He's inside each one of the sheep, which is us. Praise the Lord. OK. So when the Scripture says he's ruling the flock, he is the shepherd because he's ruling us from within.


Because everything in the spirit is the opposite of what's in the natural. Glory to God. OK, hallelujah. Now, the word stone is Strong's 68, and it means a stone of any size. It's from the root 1129 which means to build or obtain or beget children. And I just thought that this was a good opportunity to study the difference between the fact that Jesus is sometimes called the stone and sometimes he's called the rock. So I'm going to take this opportunity to distinguish the two. The word rock is a completely different word. It's Strong's 5553, and it means fortress or stronghold. Now, that wasn't too clear, so I went into Webster, and this what we've got. Webster's says that the word stone is a concentration of earthy or mineral matter. It's a surface upon which a drawing, text or design to be lithographed is drawn or transferred. And I didn't know what a lithograph was, so I looked it up. And it says that a lithogra- -- lithography is the process of printing from a smooth stone or piece of metal on which the image to be printed is ink receptive and the blank area is repellent. And what that means is that Jesus is impressing his image upon us. So just for [?organin?] sake, we'll draw Jesus as a square, as a [?deva?] metal plate. And let's say Jesus wants us to look like this. OK, and for those of you listening to the tape, I've drawn a square with just a picture of a man in the middle of it. Now, this outline of a man is ink receptive. That means if I put ink all over this plate or this stone, his outline, which is etched -- it's usually etched in. It's going to catch the ink. But all of this area, this flat area of the stone that's not etched, the ink will not cleave unto it. So when I take a piece of paper and I press it on top of this plate or this stone, what's going to come off on the piece of paper is the image of this man because the ink remained in the etched part that was in the stone, but it didn't remain on the other part. So they're talking about etching. When they talk about the stone, we're talking about the ability to reproduce an image, and we were told that the Hebrew definition of a stone comes from the word to beget children, to build a house. So Jesus Christ, he is the plate. He is the stone in which the image is etched. And when we are laying upon him, we're going to walk away bearing his image, except that that's in the natural.


In lithography, they take a piece of paper and lay it over the stone and run a roller across it, and when you lift the paper up, you have an image. But everything's the opposite in the spiritual. He's writing himself on top of us. He's writing on top of us. He's pressing down on top of us, and he's not getting up and walking away. We're staying there, together, as one unit, and we shall be impressed with his image. His image shall indeed be engraved upon our soul. And though we've talked about this in this ministry, that in the Scripture, especially, people and God himself have many names, and he will change his name to describe a particular function. So when the Scripture says that Jesus Christ is the stone, it's talking about Jesus Christ in his function of impressing his nature or his image upon the soul of men. That's when Jesus is called the stone.


Now, let's find out about the rock. OK. Strong says that a rock is a large, massive stone, forming a cliff, a foundation or a support. And when Jesus Christ is described as the rock, he is your defense. He is your support. He is your foundation. He is no longer the building block of many stones. He's no longer the first of many numbers. And we mention, on a recent tape, that Jesus Christ is the zygote of the spiritual man. He's the first cell. He's the first cell, and he's involved in cell division right now. He's cutting himself in many pieces, putting himself inside of each of us, and there's going to be many cells. And together, the many cells together, are going to form a rock, a protection [INAUDIBLE] When Jesus is called the rock, it's -- he's being referred to in his function as the protector, as the defender, as the provider, as the refuge, but when he's called the stone, he's being described in his function as the progenitor or the forefather of a whole new race of beings. Glory to God.


OK, Alternate Translation. This is the third third of Genesis 49:24. From there, the ruler of the lock, even Jesus Christ, the building block, the first cell of Christ Jesus, which is the whole body of Christ, that's it. It leaves you up in the air, so the Kings James translators put the word is in there because they could not connect it to the first verse of 25. It didn't make any sense to them, but we're going to connect it to the verse -- to the first verse of 25. I'll just read it to you again. This is the third third of 24. From there, the ruler of the flock, even Jesus Christ, the building block, the first cell of Christ Jesus. Now, we're going to connect it to the first verse of verse -- to the first third of verse 25, which says even by the God of thy father who shall help thee. Now, that word, even, is not in the original Hebrew, so we're going to scratch that. We have, now, by the God of my father, who shall help thee. The interlinear translates that from the God of your father, may he help you. From the God of your father, may he help you. And we're going to work from that. Now, well, we're going to work from both of them. We're going to -- now, the verb, going back to the King James, by the God of thy father, that word by -- again, there's no reference in the King James so that I could look that up. And, again, the interlinear says that the correct word is from, from the God of your father, so we're going to take that translation, meaning off or away from something that's near. And we're dealing with the phrase from the God of your father, may he help you. Now, this word help is Strong's 6826. It is an infinitive. It is an infinitive, so the exact translation should be from the God of your father to help. From the God of your father to help you. So I am going to take translators license, and I am going to change the tense, and this is what we got.


Alternate Translation. The first third of Genesis 49:25. From the God of your father will help come. I want to read you the third third of 24 and the first third of 25 together. From there, the ruler of the flock, even Jesus Christ, the building block, the first cell of Christ Jesus, from the God of your father, will help come. Can you hear that? It's saying that Jesus Christ is the Son of God of Joseph's father. I'll read it to you again. It's really tough. From the ruler of the flock, even Jesus Christ, from the God of your father, will help come. From the ruler of the flock, which is Jesus Christ, from the God of your father, will help come. Your help will come from -- let me give you an [?actual?natural?] You need help understanding these Scriptures, OK. Your help will come from the teacher, from Sheila, your help will come. You don’t understand these Scriptures. You're going to get help to understand the Scriptures from the teacher. From Sheila, your help to understand the Scriptures is going to come. That's what the Scripture is saying here. From the ruler of the flock, even Jesus Christ, from the God of your father, will help come. But the translators didn't know that the shepherd was the God of Joseph's father, so they made it two separate sentences. They couldn't make any sense out of it. OK. I’m going to read it one more time, then we'll go on. From there, the ruler of the flock, even Jesus Christ, the building block, the first cell of Christ Jesus, from the God of your father, [UNINTELLIGIBLE], will help come. OK. We're going to get back to that again in a little while.


Right now I want to ask the question who is the God of Joseph's father. Who is the God of Joseph's father? Genesis 12:1, now the Lord had said unto Abraham, get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house unto a land that I will show thee. The Lord appeared to Abraham, and that word Lord is Strong's 3068. It's God. That word is -- that word, Lord, is Hebrew 3068, and it is the word that's translated Jehovah, the self-existent or eternal one.


So the self-existent or the eternal one appeared to Abraham and said get thee out of thy country. OK. And we're going to find out that God appeared to Abraham in three different manifestations. Genesis 17:1, and when Abraham was 90 years old and 9, the Lord appeared to Abraham and said to him I am the almighty God. This word almighty is 7706. He did not say to him I am the eternal God. He said I am God almighty, Strong's 7706. This is the El Shaddai, the impregnable one, the warrior and the destroyer. Strong's tells us this word means destroyer.


Now, about 4 or 5 years ago, I was studying on a Saturday night, and I had received a visitation from the Lord, and he told me that a particular sister was asking him a question about Apollyon from, I think, it's chapter 9 of the book of Revelations, if I'm not mistaken. And she wanted to know who he was, and God had revealed to me who he was, and he said to me call her up. And I called her up, and she was studying about Apollyon. And I said to her, you know, the Lord told me that that's Jesus Christ. And she said, oh, well, he's the destroyer. And he's the king of the pit. He's the king of all the demons. You better believe he's the king of the demons, brethren. But, aside from that, I'm not going to get into another subject. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] we're going through the whole book of Revelations, so we'll get there. But the locusts are the sons of God coming forth, but Jesus Christ is also the king of the demons. He is king of kings, brethren, and he Lord of Lords, and there is none over him.


He is over everybody and everything. And she said, oh, no, you can't tell me my God is a destroyer, and she didn't even -- she was not even aware that God had sent -- told me to call, that she had prayed right there at her kitchen table and that God had sent an answer to her by the telephone, and she didn't -- she thought I called her by coincidence. And a year later she came to me and said, you know, Sheila, I have to tell you, God witnessed to me that he is the destroyer. That is one of his functions. He destroys. He destroyed the first born of old Egypt. He is a destroyer, he is a destroyer. Glory to God.


However, what the carnal mind of man cannot -- and I still don't think, even when she confessed that to me -- I was really [INAUDIBLE] that she came to me and told me 'cause most people are very ungrateful when someone -- when you send the gifted person to him, most people, not all. Most people are very ungrateful, and either they think it's coming to them or they hate you for it, or they don't recognize it, or whatever. But that's OK, because those of us that are here, we're all parents here, and we know how ungrateful children are. So if God has called you to minister to his people, you are in the role of parent. And if they are ungrateful and if they hate you, well, it's just [INAUDIBLE] anyway, and that's just your due. You just live [INAUDIBLE] serve God [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. But my point is that -- even when she came to me and told me that, I don't believe that she realized that God answered her prayer right then and there by telling me to call her. I think, to this day, did she realize that.


Well, in any event, I want to make the point, the carnal minds of men don't understand what it means that Jesus Christ is the destroyer. They still don't understand that when Jesus Christ destroys you, you do not disappear. You rise again in another form, that the destruction of Jesus Christ is -- results in life, in spirit, that one of the greatest blessings that could come upon you -- and as a man, is to be confronted and consumed by the destruction of the Lord Jesus Christ. [?With?] his destruction converts you into his form and into his nature and into his image. And thus the judgments of God are the mercy of God because they're going to destroy you, brethren. They're going to break you in little pieces.


And as we've been studying in this ministry for months, once you're broken into pieces, what happens next? Does anybody remember, anybody want to take a crack at it? After he breaks you in pieces, he puts you back together in the right moral order so that you stop dying. And we're going to find out in a few minutes so that you not only stop dying, but there too become eligible to be a recipient of his blessings because when you're in the wrong moral order, you're in rebellion. And when you're rebellion, there's only one way that he relates to you, brethren. He's your enemy. He's the destroyer. He's the destroyer of all unrighteousness. And if you're not in the image of God, you are unrighteous, even if you have his Holy Spirit, even if you have his Holy Spirit. If there's any unrighteousness in you, he is your enemy in those areas, but his destruction is bringing you forth in the image of his son, in pure gold, as pure, refined gold. So, yes, yes, almighty God is the destroyer, but the destruction of God [?is glass?]. It should happen to everybody on the face of the Earth, and it shall. Glory to God.


OK. So we found out that God [UNINTELLIGIBLE] of Joseph's father, which is Abraham, he is the self-existent one, he is the eternal one, he is the destroyer, and we're going to find out that he's one more thing. Genesis -- I'm sorry, with regard to Genesis 17:1, we said he is El Shaddai. The word El is Strong's 410, and it means mighty. Can be used of any God, but it's especially used of the supreme God. So what the Lord did was he took the word mighty, and he put it together with the destroyer. His title is really the mighty destroyer or the mighty warrior. He is the God that is greatest of all the Gods. That's what it means. There's no God greater than him. The word El or the word God really means God, almighty, but Shaddai, he's the impregnable one, the warrior or the destroyer.


And there's another principle operating here that the Lord's been speaking to me about these past months, and that is that when we are giving off something -- and this applies the heathen or carnal man too. When they're giving off some form of spirit -- in the occult they call it energy. I shouldn't worry about people calling me occultish. They're calling me much worse than that by now. But when a human being or a life form is giving off a particular form of energy, it's very hard for you to force it to absorb something that you're giving it. Can you see that? When an entity is giving off rays, OK, there's no opportunity for it to absorb destruction that you're sending against it. If a man is aggressive or if a woman is aggressive and they're fighting against you with loud words and accusations, it's very hard for you to knock them down or to defeat them because they're throwing all this energy at you, whether it's righteous or whether it's unrighteous. How do you get your point across? How do you get them to repent when they're throwing forth all this negative energy at you? How do you do it? You have to defeat them. You have to knock them down and smack them so that they stop [?standing up?] this energy. Then you go to them and you love them and you heal them, and you say, now, look, this is the right way. But God, he is the impregnable one. There is nothing, there is no one in the entire universe that is strong enough to stop him from sending forth his energy and make him receive from them because he who receives is female brethren. The one who receives is the female.


I know there's a lot of people today that think that they're swinging, whatever they're -- whatever they're want to -- going to call themselves. I almost said swinging singles, but I don't mean swinging singles, but they're swinging men and women, and they have all these new ways of performing sex. But I tell you, brethren, that the Scripture states that the female receives, and I don't care what your body is. If you're involved in sex act and you are on the receiving end, you have placed yourself in a female position, gentlemen. Do you hear what I'm telling you? You're bringing forth femininity in your spiritual being. Glory to God. I know this is really hairy, but the Lord wants me to say it, and I'm going to put it on the tape. If you're too tired to be a man, don't do it. If you're too tired to take the male role in a sex act, don't do it. Wait until you're not tired because you are birthing femininity and spiritual weakness in your soul. Oh, I said it. Glory to God. Hallelujah, Lord.


OK. So El Shaddai, he is the God that cannot be overtaken. He is the God that cannot be forced to a position of receiving from another. He cannot be brought into a position of submission. He is impregnable. He is undefeatable.


He is male in every aspect of his being. There is none for whom he submits or for whom he lies down or for whom he stops emanating forth. He is the giver. He is not the receiver. If you receive, you are in a female role for that moment. Now, I know that men and women give each other of their love, and that is acceptable, but God almighty gives. He will permit you to love him, but he does not need your love, brethren. He does not need your love. We need him. And when a man receives love from a woman, it's acceptable. There are things in this flesh that God has made acceptable that's not acceptable to spiritual life. We know that the true population is between spirit and soul. It's supposed to be between God and man, but the Lord has said, for a season, I've placed you in this position, and copulation between two souls is acceptable in marriage. Well, if you're a man, is it acceptable for you to receive godly affection from a woman even though that's not a male role because men don't receive. They just give. Can you hear what I'm saying? Am I making any sense at all? Men don't receive. They just give. Look at the men of this nation today. You're in trouble, brethren. You're in trouble. You're birthing spiritual weakness within you as you yield to these roles of letting women support you, of letting women do what you're supposed to be doing, of letting women raise your children. You are birthing femininity and spiritual weakness in you. Glory to God, hallelujah. Glory to God.


OK. I don't know how I got on that. The Lord was really pressing that point, though. OK. And the Lord revealed himself to Abraham one more time. Genesis 17:9, and God said unto Abraham thou shalt keep my covenant. Therefore, thou and thy seed after thee in their generations. And this word God is Strong's 430. It's Elohim. It's the plural God. It's used of Gods in general but especially of the supreme God. And what the Lord was saying to Abraham in Genesis 17:9 was that -- and God said, and all of God said, and God said, in all of God's manifestations, he said unto Abraham, I'm making a covenant with you. It's not just El Shaddai making the covenant with you. It's not the self-existent one making the covenant with you, and there are many more names of Gods that I'm not going to get into now. But the corporate God, all of me, every aspect of my being, every aspect of my manifestation, is making a covenant with you and you'll keep it and your seed after you unto all their generations.


So we're trying to find out who is Joseph -- the God of Joseph's father. He's all. He's every manifestation of God. He is the corporate. He is the almighty. He is the self-existent one. He is El Shaddai. He is the impregnable one. He is the one that never ceases to be male. He never receives. He doesn't need you. You need him. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation. Genesis, chapter 49, this is the third third of verse 24 and the first third of verse 25. I'm going to give it to you again. From there, the ruler of the flock, even Jesus Christ, the building block, the first cell of Christ Jesus from the God of your father, will help come. From where? We're talking about the arms of his hands, from Israel. Your help shall come from Israel, even Jesus Christ, the great shepherd, who shall through the members of the body of Christ, by his glorified spirit. Help will come from your father's God. Your help shall come from Israel, even Jesus Christ. He's Messiah. He's promised to be born from Israel, and he has been. The great shepherd, Jesus Christ, who shall rule through the members of the body of Christ by his glorified spirit. Help will come from your father's God in you. Your help is your father's God in you. Hallelujah, glory to God.


You may recall, back in Genesis, God said Adam needed help. He needed a help -- mate for him. Now, I think everybody here knows that the word is not help mate. The word is that he needed a help that would be sufficient for him. If you study that Scripture, you'll find out that that's what it means, that word mate does not mean help mate. He said Adam needed a help, and the next thing that God did was that he formed Eve. And Eve is the human spirit, and most men in the Earth and in the church today, they think that the help that God made for Adam was the human spirit, but I declare to you, brethren, that the help that God provided for Adam is the Christ that's coming forth in your human spirit. The help is not the human spirit. The help is not Eve. The help is the child that she shall bear that shall give you eternal life. Glory to God, hallelujah. Your help shall come from Israel. Even Jesus Christ, Messiah, the great shepherd, who shall rule the members of the body of Christ by his glorified spirit. Help will come from your father's God in you. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


These two verses are saying that Jesus Christ is the Son of God in the flesh. That's what it's saying. Help is coming from Israel. We know Messiah's coming from Israel, so [?we think your?] help is the Messiah, and your help is from Joseph's father. He's saying that your help is in the God of Abraham. Well, what does it mean? That the God of Abraham is in Messiah, the Son of God in flesh. That's what it's saying. Your help is coming from Israel, Messiah. Your help is coming from Abrahams fa- -- from your father's God. They're the one and the same. So what the Scripture is saying, that your father's God, Abraham's God, the El Shaddai, is in Messiah. If you have Christ, you have the father, the impregnable one, the never failing male, the provider of your every need. He's coming forth in you, brethren. He's coming forth in you if you are a manifestation of the tribe of Joseph. Glory to God, hallelujah.


Continuing on with the second third of Genesis 49:25, and by the almighty, who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above, and by the almighty -- what are we talking about, and by the almighty? Where is your help coming from? It's coming from Israel, through Messiah. It's coming from the El Shaddai, who's in Christ, and it's also coming from the almighty, who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above. Now this word means the almighty and by the almighty, 7706. So what is the Scripture telling us? Christ is the Son of God, hallelujah.  That's what the Scripture is saying. And by the almighty he shall bless thee with blessings from above.


The word bless -- and by the almighty, he shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above. The word bless is Strong's 1288, and it means to kneel down. The primary motion lies in breaking down. Why does God break us down? We just talked about it a few minutes ago, this whole concept of being broken down. He's breaking us to pieces. Why? Because we're in the wrong moral order, and that condition is causing us to die. So when the Scripture says that the almighty's going to bless us, well, how is he going to bless us? He's going to give you a Cadillac, going to give you a husband, going to give you a child, going to give you a million dollars, going to give you a nice house, going to heal your gall bladder condition, going to get you up out of the wheelchair. Well, brethren, that's all nice that God does that, but he's got something much greater for you. He's going to bless you because he's going to cause you to kneel down. And I declare to you there is not one member of the living soul that's going to kneel down of his own accord. He's going to be caused to kneel down by the authority and the judgment of almighty God, and we had a message recently where we talked about it -- the -- Israel becoming obedient. And we discovered that people become obedient because an authority figure asserts their authority.


The church and the world shall become obedient to, shall submit to, shall kneel down to the Lord Jesus Christ because he shall assert authority and judgment through that authority that shall bring him into this condition. I declare to you, brethren, if you don't assert authority over your children, they will never come into submission. They will grow up, and they will hate you, and they will never come into submission. You've got to assert your authority over them. You've got to bring them into submission. You have got to cause them to kneel down. Hallelujah.


And by the almighty who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above. This word lift is Strong's 6973, and it can be translated by reason of, and this word blessings is Strong's 1293, and it's talking about an invocation of good. It means to have the ability to grant peace, [INAUDIBLE] with God, gifts, and we're talking about all of the things that almighty God is capable of giving to us. Glory to God, hallelujah. And we're dealing with the phrase who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above. Now, this word of, the interlinear says that the correct Hebrew word is from, and it means from the direction of, from the direction of. I looked it up in Webster. I believe it means from the direction of. Hallelujah. He shall bless thee with blessings from heaven above. Heaven, to define the spiritual realm of God and this word above is Strong's 5921, and it means not necessarily above but upon, on top of, over. Above to me- -- can mean above, over there, anywhere, but what this word really means is not above me out yonder but on top of me. On top of me, over me, upon me.


Alternate Translation, second third of Genesis 49:25. And the indestructible God, even the destroyer, shall break you down into your basis spiritual parts, rearrange them and restore you to the correct moral order, thus granting you the peace that occurs only when he rules over you. He shall bless you. He shall bring you into submission by reason -- glory, God, glory to God -- of thinking peaceful thoughts to you because he's going to be on top of you, and you're going to kneel down because he's on top of you. And the indestructible God, even the destroyer, shall break you down into your basic spiritual parts. You're not just going to kneel down. He's going to break you down totally. He's going to rearrange them and restore you to the correct moral order, thus granting you the peace that occurs only when he rules over you. The blessings of God, brethren, the blessings of heaven are to be brought into submission. There's no blessing that could do you any good unless you're in submission to God. He could give you a Cadillac, and if you're in rebellion, you're just -- the judgments are just going to fall on you. A boulder will fall on your Cadillac. There's no blessing he can give you if you're in rebellion. You've got to kneel down. And the blessings of God are the peace and everything associated with it that comes with being in submission to almighty God. So the blessing he's going to give you is that he's going to break you until you kneel down. He's going to break you. He's going to pour out judgment upon you, and all kinds of grief and pestilence in your life, and if that happens to you, brethren, you are blessed because the end of this horrible, painful process is that you shall come into submission to God. He shall rule over you, and you shall have peace with him and all of the blessings associated with being in a peaceful relationship with almighty God.


Because, brethren, let me tell you something, if you don't know it already, there's only one friend or one enemy that you can have, and that's God. If he's for you, who could be against you? And if he's against you, there's nothing in this world that's going to help you survive. I'll tell you, there are people like that. There are -- there used to be a column called Little Abner. They used to make a joke about it. There was a man that walked over with a black cloud over his head. You know there are people that can't succeed. No matter what they do, they can't succeed. They can get all kinds of help, financial help, education, medical help, opportunity, everything, and they flunk everything that comes their way. They can't make it. Something always goes wrong. When you [?endure a curse?] from God, brethren -- if you're hearing this tape, the chances are, you know, that he's apprehended you for himself. And in that event, every curse that he's placed upon you or that has come down on your family line is now being used for your good in that it's going to bring you to repentance, and he's going to deliver you.


If he has not yet apprehended you and you are living on this Earth without a knowledge of almighty God and a curse of this magnitude is upon your life, there is no help for you anywhere. You must repent and receive the mercy of almighty God. If you are an [?unsafe?] person, there's still no help for you unless you repent and receive the mercy of God. The only problem is if you are successful in this world, you're going to have more of a problem believing what I'm telling you. So the mercy of God is a horribly cursed life. That is the mercy of God. Because somewhere along the line you're going to realize that you can't do it yourself, that something's terribly wrong. You're going to cry out to God, and he's going to have mercy on you. I hope I made that clear and it didn't sound like a talked in circles 'cause I'm not talking in circles. And if you're hearing this tape and you think I am, write me, and I'll explain it to you. Sometimes it gets very complicated and the line is very thin. Glory to God.


Yes, God curses people. The entire living soul is under the curse of the Lord because they have failed to keep the law. And there's no help for you, brethren. I pray to the mercy of God and I -- and for all the wise guys out there that are saying to me, well, you know, what about AA and what about the drug programs, and what about all the rehabilitation programs? I'm going to tell you something, brethren, they wouldn't work for you if God didn't say OK. I want to tell you something. God is apprehending every member of the living soul a member at a time. It's taking thousands of years, and he has mercy on the troubles of the Earth, whose time it is, it is not now. So if you know someone that was helped by AA, or if you know someone who has gotten off drugs by a program, if you know someone that was helped by a psychiatrist, brethren, I declare to you, that was the mercy of God through that agency to that person whose time it is not yet to be called to salvation. But if you're called to salvation and you're running in the other direction, there's no help for you. AA can't help you. The drug program can't help you. The doctors can't help you. There's no way you can hold a job. There's nobody, nothing, no way you're going to survive unless you repent and come to God. Check it out with Jonah. Glory to God.


OK. I'm rambling on tonight. I'm running out of time. OK, glory to God. I'll read it one more time, the second third of Genesis 49:25. And the indestructible God, even the destroyer, shall break you down into your basic spiritual parts, rearrange them and restore you to the correct moral order, thus granting you the peace that occurs only when he rules over you. Hallelujah. Continuing with the third third of Genesis 49:25. And I just want to put on this tape that I was dying before I came to the Lord. The doctors couldn't help me. The medication couldn't help me. The chiropractor couldn't help me. Nobody could help me. I had doctors that wouldn't answer my phone calls because they wouldn't admit that they couldn't help me. I was dying. They couldn’t diagnose me, and they couldn't help me, but God helped me.


Blessings of the deep that lieth under, blessings of the breast and of the womb. The word deep is 8415. It means an abyss, a surging mass of water, the main sea or the subterranean water supply. And I suggest to you that that's typifying the living soul. We've talked about this many times in this ministry, that the sea typifies the living soul, the surging mass of water. And the word lieth, blessings of the deep that lieth under. Lieth, 7257.


To crouch on all four legs, folded like a recumbent animal. And I didn't know what recumbent meant, so I looked it up. And Webster says that it means tending to rest upon the surface from which it extends, tending to rest upon the surface from which it extends. In other words, if you see a flower coming out of the ground, that flower, it's more or less resting on its roots. Can we say it's resting on its roots. In other words, if you can't -- if I'm standing behind this desk and you could just see me from the waist up, you're just seeing me from the waist up, but I'm resting on my legs. So this word lieth means to crouch down, and you can only see the part that's on top. You can't see the part that's really sustaining you that's underneath. And I'm going to suggest to you that that -- well, I'm not going to get to that now, OK. OK, the -- OK. Blessings of the deep that lieth under. Blessings -- OK, we're staying with that lieth under. Blessings of the deep that lieth under. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] I wrote this down wrong. And the word is Strong's 8478. It means the bottom, as depressed, and depressed means -- or hollow. Hollow, that part that you can't see, that root system that's underground. And I'm suggesting to you that that's typifying the criminal unconscious mind of men. Blessings of the deep. I didn't know that Satan could bless us, that lieth under. Let's find out what it means.


Blessings of the breasts and blessings of the womb. The breast is Strong's 7699, and it means a woman's breasts. We know the Lord is the breasted one. We know that the gifts come from the life of his spirit. The life of his spirit is in Christ, and Christ nurtures us, and I suggest to you that the breast typify Christ in men, the soul of Christ which is being exchanged for our organic soul. And the blessings of the womb, the womb is 7356. It means a girl, a woman, and that part being peculiar to the female sex. And I declare to you that that part of our spiritual makeup that is peculiar to the female sex is the human spirit. Glory to God.


Now, this word of, blessings of, there's no numerical reference in Strong's, so I looked it up in Webster. And Webster says that the word of means -- can be used to indicate the point -- now, there are many definitions of of. I picked two. It can be used to indicate the point of origin from where something is coming, and it can be used to indicate the contents of something.


Alternate Translation, the third third of Genesis 49:25. The life of God shall be found in the Satanic realm of your unconscious mind. The life of God shall appear in your soul and in your human spirit. Glory to God. Blessings of the deep that lieth under and [?by?] the blessings but the life of God. The life of God shall be found in the deep down, crouched down -- over the crouched down part in the deep. The life of God shall be found in the Satanic realm of your unconscious mind. The blessings of the life of God shall appear in your soul through Christ, and he shall appear in your human spirit. Now, this is interesting. The life of God shall be found in the Satanic realm of your unconscious mind. The life of God shall appear in your soul and in your human spirit. Why? Because the soul of Christ is coming forth in your human spirit, so the Scripture did not repeat the phrase the life of God shall be found. He put it together, the soul of Christ and the human spirit, he put it together. The life of God shall be found in the Satanic realm of your unconscious mind. The life of God shall appear in your soul and in your human spirit, which is one with your soul after Christ marries you. Hallelujah, glory to the God. For they're saying that the blessings of God are submission to him, and submission to him results in his life falling through you. Glory to God. Let's take the whole thing.


Alternate Translation, Genesis 49, the third third of verse 24 and all of verse 25. Your help shall come from Israel, even Jesus Christ, the great shepherd, who shall rule through the members of the body of Christ by his glorified spirit. Help will come from your father's God and the impregnable God, even the destroyer, shall break you down into your basic spiritual parts, rearrange them and restore you to the correct moral order, thus granting you the peace that occurs only when he rules over you. The life of God shall be found in the Satanic realm of your unconscious mind. The life of God shall appear in your soul and in your human spirit. And you may recall when we did our study in Ezekiel 1 on God's glorified man. One of the final verses indicated that the life of God, the fire of almighty God, would extend downward into the pit and upward, in that the glorified man will be consumed with the fire of almighty God. I'm sorry, that was wrong. He will be filled with the fire of almighty God but not consumed by it. And this is the promise. This is the exciting promise that so few Christians understand, that the word is coming forth in this hour. Glory to God. We all are capable of every evil work ever committed in the history of man, and God only knows what else we're capable of [UNINTELLIGIBLE] brethren, but the promise of almighty God is that his fire, the light of his light, shall descend into the bottomless pit of our unconscious mind, rendering us incapable of anything other than the righteousness of God, and that's what this is talking about.


And the other main point here is that Christ, the God of Abraham, and the impregnable God are all one. Hallelujah. I'll read it one more time, and we'll close it out. Your help shall come from Israel, even Jesus Christ, Messiah, the great shepherd, who shall rule through the members of the body of Christ by his glorified spirit. Help will come from your father's God and the impregnable God, even the destroyer, shall break you down into your basic spiritual parts, rearrange them and restore you to the correct moral order, thus granting you the peace that occurs only when he rules over you. The life of God shall be found in the Satanic realm of your unconscious mind. The life of God shall appear in your soul and in your human spirit. Hallelujah. And the Lord is asking me to remind you one more time that the help that God promised Adam in Genesis 2 or 3, I guess Genesis 3, was not Eve. Eve was the beginning of -- Eve was the formation of the vehicle through which that help would come. And we've done many studies in this ministries where we have explained that God says something, and then he starts with the basic building blocks. God said let us create man in our image, and a shoot appeared, the very beginning of the process that would bring his word to fulfillment in the Earth. Well, the Lord said it's not good for man to be alone. I shall make a help that is sufficient for him. I shall make a help that is qualified for him. I shall make a help that is the kind of help that he needs, and that help, brethren, was not Eve. She was the shoot that appeared. She was the vehicle through which Christ would appear. The help of all mankind is God almighty in the form of his Christ. Hallelujah. Any questions tonight, anybody? Glory to God.


03/06/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion
03/17/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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