042 - Part 7
(Revelation 6-7 & Genesis 49)

This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Glory to God. This is the sixth seal of the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ to Saint John, part 7, and we are dealing with Jacob’s prophecy to Joseph. I’m going to start with a recap, however, of Jaso- -- Jacob’s prophecy to Asher and Naphtali and the first verse of the prophecy to Joseph, which we did at the last service.


Genesis 49, verses 20-22. “The spiritual food of Christ shall be brought forth from within Asher, and the bread of God shall feed the nations, giving them life instead of death. Naphtali is a loving wife, stretched out into many members. He brings forth spiritual men in the image of God, shining with his brightness. Joseph is a son of God that bears many offspring, even a son who bears spiritual young in the realm of appearance, whose sons appear above their spiritual foundation and are able to master the realm of appearance, both beholding it and journeying about within it, but not being overcome by it.”


And, for those of you listening to the tape that are not familiar with this teaching, by and large, what God is doing in the realm of appearance today is that he has incarnated the sons of his spiritual life, and he has sur- -- he has surrounded them and covered them over with flesh, and he has commanded them to not be ruled by the flesh, which is sin, which is powerful. There is power in sin, and there is power in the spiritual life of God, but the spiritual life of God that’s in the earth is in an immature form. It is likened to sperm, but we know that God is so mighty that his sperm has a form of life that is even greater than our natural life, if you can understand that.


If you can’t, pray about it, because everything that God does, we are a type of, and he is many, many, many times greater than what you see here. What would be a man’s sperm, for a natural man, to God is a life that is greatly formed. It has intelligence; it has power; it has ability. And he’s wrapped it in flesh, and he’s said to it, rule. And the flesh that he’s wrapped it in has an existence of its own. That existence is known as sin. And, for all intents and purposes, until that sperm of Almighty God is fertilized -- OK, is fer- -- is joined to the second element, the existence of sin is stronger than it.


Maybe I didn’t make that clear. We know that everything in the natural realm is the mirror image of what we see in the spiritual realm. OK? In the spiritual -- in the natural realm, it is the male sperm that fertilizes the female ovum, and the female ovum must exist first. It exists, a sperm approaches it and they join, and we have the beginning of a new individual. But, in the spiritual, it’s the mirror image. And you’re going to see -- we’re going to do a study on this in a few minutes, that the Lord -- the part of his life that he sends into the earth, it’s female, but he calls it sperm. He calls it sperm, and the reason for this is that there is nothing in God that is female. Everything that is of him is male, so he picked off a piece of himself, sent it forth, and he said -- as it leaves him, it’s male, but as it approaches into the earth, it becomes female and weak. And what it’s waiting for is the second visitation of the life of God, which is going to join to it, and together, they will be powerful enough to overcome the existence in the earth.


I hope I made it clear. I’m going to synopsize it in a little different way one more time. I’ll make -- try and make it even simpler. God is male. Everything about him is male, but to reproduce himself, he needs a female element. So he has literally plucked a piece of himself off, separated from -- separated it from himself, leaving it in a condition of spiritual weakness, and he calls it female. And that part of himself is waiting for the second part of himself, which he calls male, which is still one with him, which is not separated from him, and they’re going to join together. And they are going to become -- anybody know? Christ, Son of God in the flesh.


OK, so, for the period of time that the first piece -- think of it as a big ball of clay. For the period of time that the first piece of God that he pulled out of himself, OK, and separated it from himself and sent it into the flesh to be the female element of this new creature, this new creation, God wrapped in flesh, OK, it became female because it was totally separated from God. When the male element comes forth, anybody know what the male element is? It’s Christ. It’s Christ. The male element is coming forth, and it’s Christ, hallelujah, and Christ is one with the Father, so He is male.


Did I confuse you? Did I make it worse than when I started? You’re all just staring at me. Everybody understand this? OK. Glory to God.


OK, so the life of God, which is in a female condition because it is totally separated from him, is wrapped in flesh, and even though God knows that this spiritual life will never overcome the existence of the flesh, He has still commanded it to do so. And here we find a great mystery about God. We also know that God judges sin. Even when he knows that he sent his Son into a condition that he cannot overcome, and he does not overcome, God still judges the sin because he’s a righteous God. And that’s a great mystery, and it’s hard to understand, but that’s the truth. If you can’t understand it, you’ll have to pray about it.


So, glory to God, he has commanded that part of himself, which is his spiritual seed, to overcome the existence in the flesh, knowing that they can’t do it. And, for thousands of years, that part of his spiritual life which is wrapped in flesh, which is -- does anybody remember? The human spirit -- in the living soul, OK. The living soul is flesh, and that part of the living soul which is strictly of God is the human spirit. That’s what’s waiting to be fertilized by the male element. He says to it, overcome, and she can’t. And he knows that she can’t, and he’s still going to judge her for the sin. Glory to God.


But the Lord has a great and a mighty strong one. His name is Christ, and he’s appearing in the earth, glory to God, and he is going to execute the judgment upon the human spirit, and the result of that judgment will be that she will be freed from Satan. She will be purified from her sin. She will be joined to Christ, and God shall appear in the flesh. Hallelujah.


So, I said all that because of our Alternate Translation of verse 22 in Genesis 49. I’ll read it again to get us back on the track. “Joseph is a son of God that bears many offspring, many members, even a son who bears spiritual young in the realm of appearance, whose sons appear above their spiritual foundation in the realm of appearance and are able to master the realm of appearance, both beholding it and journeying about within it, but not being overcome by it.”


So, that means the promise to spiritual Joseph is that they are going to overcome the flesh, glory to God, and when we overcome the flesh, we stop dying. Glory to God. Hallelujah, no more sin. Glory to God. That part of God that he sent into the earth to be the female element, who has been totally overcome by the existence in the earth, she is about to be liberated, joined to Jesus Christ, become Christ Jesus, his offspring, and rule the flesh for the life of the ages. Glory to God.


OK, the second verse on Joseph in Genesis 49:23. “The archers have sorely grieved him, and shot him -- shot at him.” The “at him” is really not in the Hebrew. The Scriptures say, “The arches have sorely grieved him and shot and hated him.”


Now, this word archers is Strong’s #1167. It is the only time that it is translated archers in the Hebrew Scripture, and in the Interlinear, it is not translated archer. It is translated man or master of arrows, master of arrows. The word that’s translated archer, Strong’s #1167, has nothing to do with anyone that handles a bow. It simply means “a man, a lord, a master, a possessor, an owner.” It’s used of the owner of a house, the lord or possessor of a thing, and it’s used once in Joel to describe a husband of a wife’s youth. It means to have dominion over or to take a wife, and in the actual Hebrew Scripture, there is another word that is translated arrows. So, they don’t put that second word. The King James translators do not even address the second word, arrows. They just take this word, “man, lord and master,” and turn it into archer, which is really misleading.


So, here we have a man who’s a lord or possessor, a husband, someone who is dominant, a ruler, and he is a man of arrows. And the word arrow is Strong’s #2678. Even though it’s not in the King James, I looked it up, and it comes from the idea of dividing. It means -- and it’s from a root that means a wound or the iron head of a spear. An arrow divides. You hit something with an arrow, and it splits it. Glory to God.


“The archers have sorely grieved him.” Now, we’re talking about Joseph. What’s going on here? And the last verse was glorious. The promise is that Joseph is a son of God, and he’s going to bear live young that are going to have authority over the soul realm. And the next Scripture says, “The archers have sorely grieved him.”


Well, I’m suggesting to you that this is one of these situations that we studied many times in this ministry, where the revelation is very deeply hidden, and the King James translators, having no knowledge of revelation, chose words -- and I’ll put this on the tape again for those of you that haven’t heard it -- when you go into Webster’s for any word, there could be 20 definitions of a word. Well, it’s the same thing in the Hebrew. It’s the same thing in the Hebrew. So, when the translators went into the Hebrew lexicon, they had a choice of 20 words to put as a translation of this word -- of these words, and because they didn’t have the revelation that God was bringing forth, they made sense out of it in their carnal minds, and they came up with something that has no relevancy at all.


And, what we’re doing in this ministry, when we do these studies in prophecy, is that we go into the natural language, either the Greek or the Hebrew, and I pray, and I meditate, and I seek God. And I apply what I find to the revelation that God has given me to preach through this ministry, and I bring forth what he has told me. And, for those of you listening to the tape that don’t understand, I am not changing the Bible. This is called a translated license. I’m doing the same thing that the King James translators did, and this is one of the problems with the many translations of the Bible today. A lot of people are unaware of this, but when you buy one of these modern Bibles, you are buying a translate -- you’re not only buying a translation, you’re buying the man’s revelation. You’re buying the man’s revelation.


You can only translate in accordance with your revelation. It doesn’t even have to be Scripture. If someone brought a book to me or a legal document to me, and they wanted me to translate it, and each word that was a foreign language had 20 meanings, I would choose the word that made some sense to whatever my life experience was. So, when you buy a translation of a Bible, you’re buying a man’s revelation, brethren. That’s what you’re buying. So, you have to be very careful. Picking a translation is something to pray very seriously about, and if you feel that you could do it -- nothing should be grievous to you. But, if you feel you should do it, it would be good to read more than one translation.


I know I started out with the King James, and at some point, I started to transfer to the NIV. I made the decision to transfer to the NIV, and the Lord sent me a letter. So I’m not going to take the time to put this testimony on the tape, but he literally sent someone to me with a letter, and it was very supernatural, and the letter showed how many Scriptures which exalt Jesus Christ are eliminated from the NIV, and I started checking it out. I didn’t believe it. They were just wiped out. They just weren’t there. They weren’t mistranslated; they weren’t there.


OK, now, I’m not telling anyone not to read the NIV because a lot of people have trouble understanding the King James. All that I’m telling you to do, or suggesting to you to do, is pray about everything, and if you can do it without causing yourself grief, it’s a good idea to read more than one translation. It’s a good idea, glory to God, because there seems to be a spiritual happening in the newer translations. The Scriptures are being corrupted to some measure. Now, there’s corruption in the King James too.


The bottom line is, you’ve got to get your revelation from the Lord. That’s the bottom line, OK, but -- so, just pray about it. It’s -- this is the truth. I’m telling you the truth, and what you have -- God told me to go back to the King James. I wouldn’t even try to tell anybody what version they should read, but be aware of it, because the truth is going to set you free. So, have the knowledge and put it in your heart and see what the Lord tells you. Glory to God.


OK, so we’re talking about the phrase, “The archers have sorely grieved this man,” that we just found out is going to -- is prophesied. It’s going to have dominion over the soul realm, and they shot him, and they hated him. So, let’s find out what God is really trying to say here. Hallelujah.


This word, sorely grieved -- the archers sorely grieved him -- it’s Strong #4843, and in the -- in the Hebrew, it is not the past tense. If there’s something else that I’m finding out is very common, the tenses are switched continuously. They switch the tenses, and even more confusing than that, in the Hebrew, it’s -- Hebrew is a very fluid language.


I’ve mentioned to you many times before, the Hebrews themselves, when they write, they don’t put the vow- -- I have -- do you all know what He- -- the Hebrew alphabet looks like? You know that it’s not Arabic letters. Its symbols, and the vowels are underneath the symbol, just for anybody here that doesn’t know. OK, that’s the Hebrew letter A, OK. It’s called an aleph, and there’s one vowel. Like, our vowels are A, E, I, O, U. There’s one vowel that looks like that that means aw. And there’s another vowel that looks like that that means ah. So, that’s -- the vowel is underneath, and then they have dots and a series of dots.


And in traditional Hebrew writings, they leave the vowels off. They leave the vowels off. If you read traditional Hebrew writing, for people that live in that country, all you will see, you know, is what -- I can’t write Hebrew here. I just know a couple letters. You’ll -- all you’ll see -- you will not see anything underneath. And the words change in accordance with the vowels. So, you have to be sensitive enough to know what the word means by the words that come before.


That’s how fluid a language Hebrew is, and what I’m finding out as I do all this prophecy is that a lot of the verbs are in the infinitive form, infinitive. That means, if we’re talking about the word to go, the infinitive form is to go. And then I could say I go, you go, we go, we went, OK, but to go -- it’s just, like, the basic form of the verb. And, in this study that we’re going to be into in a few minutes, almost -- there were many cases of the verb being an infinitive, and the King James translators made it past tense. And it’s not past tense; it’s an infinitive. That means it’s the translated license as to whether it’s past, present or future. And I didn’t agree in one instance that it was the past. Hallelujah, glory to God. So I have translated license, and that’s what we’re doing here.


OK, this word, sorely grieved, is Strong’s #4843. It is not in the past tense. It is an infinitive, an infinitive verb, and it -- that means it -- its correct translation is to be sorely grieved, and the translator has to make the choice and fit it in with the other words as to what the tense are [sic]. It’s from the idea of flowing, which in my mind relates it to spirit, and it means to make bitter, to make bitter, to make bitter -- not to be made bitter, but to make bitter, infinitive. It means to be grieved or vexed, glory to God, and the word shot mean -- it’s through the idea of projection. It’s Strong’s #7232, and [?Gesenga?] says that there’s another choice of translation for that word, to be shot, and it can be translated “multiplied into many myriads.”


And the way we get this big variation is that the root that it comes from is the root which means to project forth, to project forth. So that can mean to shoot you, or it can mean to increase, and in Psalms 144:13, we see this word, #7232, translated shot. In Psalms 144:13, we see it translated “thousands and ten thousands.” Psalms 144:13, “that our sheep may bring forth thousands.” That’s the same word translated shot. “And ten thousands in our streets,” and I would translate that, that our sheep may bring forth to be multiplied into many myriads. Our sheep may bring forth for the purpose of being multiplied into many myriads. When you bear young, you increase and you multiply into many myriads.


OK, now this word, at him -- we’re dealing with the Scripture, “The archers have sorely grieved him and shot.” At him is not in the Hebrew, OK, and hated him, glory to God. This word, hated, it’s only translated hated two times. It’s Strong’s #7852, and it means to lay a noose or a trap, to lurk for, to persecute, to oppose self against. Now, I feel that I really should have given you a translation on that first phrase, and I didn’t, so I’m going to adlib it. I don’t feel I should carry it over here.


OK, the archers have sorely grieved him, and the master -- and the master makes her bitter and grieved. And the master makes her bitter and grieved. Now, one other thing that I want to point out to you -- these Hebrew Scriptures, there’s a lot missing. There’s a lot missing, and once you have the revelation, you have to put it all together. So, I have taken the liberty. There are Bibles written today, and they’re called paraphrased Bibles. And what the translators do is, they take their revelation, and they add words. There’s the Amplified Bible, and there’s the Living Bible -- it’s paraphrased -- and they take these Hebrew and Greek words, and they expand them. They add additional English words, so that you can get a better understanding, and that’s what I’m doing for you now. I’m translating these Scriptures in light of the revelation that God has poured into my heart, to preach through this ministry.


And I have drawn the conclusion -- I’m going to support it a little further down the line -- that this phrase, “the archers have sorely grieved him” means, and the master -- and the master of who? The master of the living soul, even the husband of Israel’s youth, makes her bitter and grieved. So, we’re talking about the Lord here. He’s the master and the owner of the living soul, even the one that was married to Israel in her youth. He has caused her, both our living soul and Israel, to be bitter and grieved.


Well, let’s find out why. The next phrase is, and shot, and shot -- at him is not in the Hebrew. He shot, and he hated him. OK, we found out that the word shot doesn’t mean to destroy, but on the contrary, means to increase it into many myriads, so what are we saying? And the master of the living soul, even the husband of Israel’s youth, makes her bitter and grieved, wounds her by dividing her into many members. He shoots arrows at her. The result of shooting at her is that she’s dividing, and she’s increasing. Amen. He’s wounding her, he’s hurting her, he’s breaking her into many pieces, and we know that the development of the living soul is painful. Even childbirth is painful in the natural realm. When we increase as human beings, it’s painful. We’re wounded, but the result is that we are increased into many myriads, glory to God.


And the last phrase, and hated him. So let’s take that, and then we’ll put the whole thing together. This word hated, it’s Strong’s #7852, and it’s only translated hated two times in the King James. It means to lay a noose or a trap, to lurk for, to persecute, but there’s one more possible translation of this word, and it means to oppose self against, to set oneself against, to set oneself up as opposite. And in Job 30:21, we see it translated like that. “Thou art become cruel to me: with thy strong hand thou opposest thyself against me.” And that’s the word translated hated, Strong’s #7852.


Now, let’s understand this a little better. Webster says that the word oppose means to place opposite or against, to place over against something, so as to provide a contrast, like a mirror. You set a mirror up opposite you, and you see your reflection. If you have light, and you block it off, you give yourself darkness. You set darkness as opposite light, and we know that the function of darkness is to reveal the light. Amen. Glory to God.


OK, hallelujah. So, if we want to see righteousness -- when God wanted his righteousness to be revealed, he manifested unrighteousness, so that man could look at unrighteousness, and he could look at righteousness, and he could see the difference. And my own personal experience in this area was that the first -- well, it was the second church that I went to. I wasn’t in the first church very long, and it was a very hot, filled, Holy Ghost, jumping, everything church, and I -- and my pastor used to come to me all the time and say, “Did you see that fire?” And I had to say, pastor, I couldn’t see it. It’s that way all the time. I don’t know what you -- why -- it wasn’t any different tonight than it was last night.


And, one night, he brought a visiting preacher in. And I sat there, and I was in great distress, and I didn’t know what was wrong. And I went home, and I prayed, and I prayed, and I prayed and wanted to know what was wrong, and the phone rang. And, glory to God, he answers prayer. They had a saint call me up, and she said to me, “Did you know that man had no anointing at all?” And I said, that’s what was wrong. The fire of God wasn’t there. And, when they went into the next service, and my pastor got up in the pulpit, I knew that the fire was falling, because I had experienced a dead service. And, ever since that day, glory to God, I can discern the fire of God. When the anointing is not in a service, I know it.


So that’s how God reveals himself through contrast, and we are his contrast. He is good, and we are evil. And if you’re listening to this tape, and you don’t think you’re evil, I’m terribly sorry if I’m offending you, but there is no good thing in you unless you have Christ, and if you have him, he is the only good thing in you -- and in me, and in all of us. We are evil. God is good. The mercy of God has ordained and declared and prophesied that the good shall be swallowed up by the evil. I’m sorry. Oh, pray -- glory to God, I rebuke that -- that the evil shall be swallowed up by the good that we might partake of his righteousness. There is no good thing in us, glory to God.


OK, so we’re saying that this word oppose means to set opposite, and the definition of opposite means diametrically different, contrary, turned or moving in different directions.  And we know that we’ve had studies here about the linear man and about the man from heaven, and we know that this life of the ages that we are dwelling in is moving along a straight line -- we are the linear man -- and that, at some point in the life of each member of the living soul, he is having an encounter with the man who was coming down from heaven. And the result of that encounter is that he stops moving along the straight line, and he is bent up towards the heavenlies. So, we’ve had teaching that man goes horizontally, and Christ goes vertically. We are going in opposite directions. Man, the living soul, is living his existence in the opposite direction that God lives his life. Hallelujah.


So, what does this say here? And he hated him, and he hated him. This word, him, it’s -- there was no Hebrew -- no Hebrew -- no number keying me into the Hebrew word. This is not uncommon in Strong’s when it’s a pronoun, and the Hebrew information is the same as the Greek information. They just will give the Greek word. There’s no point in taking up room repeating it. So, in the Greek, this is -- this word, him, is Strong #846, and it is a pronoun. It can be translated them; it can be translated himself or themselves. It can be singular pronoun, plural pronoun or a reflexive pronoun.


So, let’s see what the Lord is saying here. And the master of the living soul, even the husband of Israel’s youth, makes her bitter and grieved.


Wounds her by dividing her into many members, setting himself opposite to them. To who? To the members of the living soul, glory to God. The master of the living soul, the creator, even the One who was married to Israel in her youth, makes the living soul bitter and grieved. Why is she bitter and grieved? Because she has been separated from her master. Man has been separated from God through sin, hallelujah, and he wounds her by dividing her into many members, glory to God, and the wounding is not even something as simple as the pain that is present in childbirth. It’s much more than that, brethren. I don’t know whether you’re aware of it or not, but as the living soul expands, each member becomes weaker.


We know that, right after the fall, man was living 900-some odd years. And after the flood, they were living much less than that, but men were healthier. As the living soul matures -- OK, I just heard this on an old tape that I was reviewing -- she is indeed evolving and maturing socially and intellectually, but spiritually, she is descending. And, just like anything else, the more you expand it, the weaker it is. Can you understand that? So, she’s being divided, and she’s being made weaker and weaker and weaker because she’s only made from the same basic substance, and the more members you have, the weaker each member must be, and so, she is descending in her spiritual substance. However, at the moment of her weakness, at the weakest moment, she shall be joined by the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, and he shall be her strength. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


So, she is -- I want to point out one more thing to you. We said her -- even the husband of Israel’s youth makes her bitter and grieved, and I said that’s because of the separation. And, yes, I declare to you, man was separated from God through sin, but it was the will of the Father. God makes her bitter and grieved. It was -- the separation was the will of the Father, because when the Father was joined to the living soul in its condition of one cell, God the Father was the salt of the earth, of the living soul, and it could not have divided when God the Father was joined to it. So, he withdrew himself from it, knowing that he was leaving his bride vulnerable, but he had ordained that she would expand or unfold or germinate into many members, and he knew that she would fall into sin. Glory to God.


So, and the -- so, the master of the living soul, even the husband of Israel’s youth, he made her bitter and grieved -- is making her bitter and grieved. She is still bitter and grieved and shall be bitter and grieved until she’s rejoined unto him. He wounds her. He has wounded her, and he is wounding her by dividing her into many members. He’s spiritually wounding her, and he is setting himself opposite to them. He is righteous, and they, the many members of the living soul, are evil. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


Glory to God. OK, I have a note to myself here. I’m glad I put it down because I would have gone past this. Bitterness, grief and wounds are because of separation from God. I just told you about that. Speak about -- oh, yeah, speak about contrast between spiritual and natural reproduction. You know, this is really interesting. God asked me to point this out to you. We know, in natural reproduction, that we have a woman, and when she becomes impregnated, she has a life within her body, and for all intents and purposes, she and that life are one. And, as the life grows and matures, it becomes more capable of life apart. As the fetus grows and matures, it becomes more and more capable of life apart from the mother. And we know, in, God forbid, the case of an accident or a premature birth, if the fetus is born in the eighth month or even in the seventh month, sometime, the fetus can live, even though it’s a premature birth. If there is a separation of fetus from mother in the third month, I don’t believe there’s any chance of life. There’s no chance of life whatsoever, is there, Annette, in the third or fourth month.


            [?No, I would say --?]




            No, [INAUDIBLE], but not the --


The third or fourth month, yeah.


            Not after the third month.


Yeah, I don’t think so, no chance at all. So, we start with a woman, OK, and the beginning of the child, the embryo -- she is, for all intents and purposes, one with the mother, right up almost until the end. And then, and under normal circumstances, she is one with the mother until birth, and the separation -- the birth is a separation, and the child continues to separate. An infant that’s born is totally dependent, and as it grows, it becomes more and more independent, and Lord willing, it becomes an adult, stands on its own two feet, goes out, gets married and has its own family and could be living thousands of miles away from its mother and, hopefully, is independent emotionally. Under normal circumstances, the child is.


Well, spiritual reproduction is the exact opposite because natural reproduction is the mirror image of spiritual reproduction. We have it happening the exact opposite way, spiritually. The Lord God wanted to multiply. He is male and female. He did not start a life growing within himself. He took a piece of himself that we can liken to a sperm, just to try to understand it. It’s a much higher -- much higher condition, but we’ll call it a sperm. He took something from himself, and he took it away from himself, and he put it down here in this realm of appearance, outside of himself, and he gave it an existence. He called it the living soul. He called it the living soul, and it’s apart from him. It’s of his substance. It’s made out of him, but it’s not within him like a natural baby.


And, in due season, he is entering -- he, God Almighty, is entering into the -- entering into the womb and coming forth, and he is the child. He is the child growing up inside the woman, which is either in a male or female body. We’re talking a spiritual thing. And, when he grows to full maturity inside of the mother, he is not leaving. He’s going to abide for the life of the ages, giving life to the mother, and the mother of all living is Eve. She’s the living soul. That’s us, and for a season, we’ve been out here without him, and we’ve gotten into all kinds of problems, but we shall be saved in childbearing because we are not more mature than the baby. We are not greater than the baby. The baby is not dependent on us, like in the natural realm. The baby is God Almighty. He is greater than us. He is more mature than us. He shall not leave us. We shall be saved because his life shall dwell in us, and he shall never leave us.


Glory to God. It’s the exact opposite. Do you see that? It’s the exact opposite. Hallelujah. Glory to God. OK, thank you, Lord, for reminding me.


OK, Alternate Translation. Let me read that to you again. Alternate Translation, Genesis 49:23. And the master of the living soul, even the husband of Israel’s youth, makes her bitter and grieved, wounds her by dividing her into many members, and he’s setting himself opposite to them, the many members of the living soul. Hallelujah.


OK, moving on, Genesis 49:24. I’m going to read you the whole verse, but I only got through the first third today because I diverged into a side study that I couldn’t resist.


OK, Genesis 49:24. “But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob; (from thence is the shepherd, the stone of Israel).”


And all we’re going to deal with today is, “But his bow abode in strength.” And I was looking for some Scriptures to get a spiritual understanding of this word bow, and the Lord led me to another witness to multiple incarnation, and I couldn’t go past it. So, that’s what we’re going to do tonight. I just couldn’t resist it. This word, bow -- “But his bow abode in strength” -- it’s Strong’s #7198, and it stands for strength and power. One of its translations is that it typifies strength and power, and it can also represent the heavenly bow or the rainbow, which typifies God’s spirit, glory to God. And we did several tapes in this ministry showing that the rainbow is the image produced by light passing through water, and it’s a type of the spirit of God passing through the living soul, resulting in the image of glorified man. Hallelujah.


So, we are going to say that the word, bow -- and there are several words translated bow -- this one is #7198 -- that it’s talking about the spirit of God. And I went looking for some other Scriptures, and I found Job 29, verses 19-20, and we’re going to do -- we’re going to do that today because it’s another witness to multiple incarnation, and I couldn’t let it go. It’s very deep. You’re going to have to pray about it, and this is one more witness to me that the Scripture is the second witness. The second witness is not the Holy Spirit in our hearts. There are a lot of things that God is showing me in his Bible, that if I didn’t have the word or the revelation in my heart first, I would have never seen it reading the words, never seen it. He’s got to give you the revelation in your heart, and then you will see it everywhere. You’ll see it everywhere.


It’s just like when I grew up in a Deliverance church. I used to hear the preacher preach all the time that he had people coming to him and say, “Show me deliverance in the Scripture. Show me deliverance in the Scripture.” You can’t show anybody deliverance in the Scripture. They got to -- they have to have the revelation in their heart. And his answer to these people was, “Show me the Holy Spirit in the Scripture.” Well, maybe you think that the Holy Spirit’s all over the Scripture, but do you know that there are thousands of Christians that don’t believe in the Holy Spirit? And you could show them thousands of Scriptures, and they’ll say, “It doesn’t say that.”


Well, I could show you all the Scriptures for deliverance, and people that don’t believe it will say, “Well, it doesn’t say that.” And God is, little by little, giving us more and more Scriptures for multiple incarnation, and the people that don’t want to receive it are going to say, “You’re crazy,” and whatever else they’re saying about us. I really don’t want to hear it, but this is what God’s given me, and I’m preaching it. And he gave us another witness, and it’s really exciting.


So, here we go. Job -- ah, job. One day, my daughter was up on a -- on the prayer line, and she was talking to her little friend, and she said something about job. And the pastor looked down from the pulpit, and he said, “Job.” And she says, “Oh, I thought it was job.” She was so embarrassed. No, it’s job. It’s job, it’s Job.


OK, Job 29, nine -- verses 19 and 20. “My root spread out by the waters, and the dew lay all night upon my branch. My glory fresh in me, and my bow was renewed in my hand.”


Well, let’s see what this is saying here. My root spread out by the waters -- the word root is Strong’s #8328, and it means bottom. And you know that a root is under the ground, and I’m suggesting to you that it means the unseen part, and the unseen part of our being is spirit. Well, everybody knows that you could see our body. Well, if you don’t know it, you could see our soul, because our soul is our personality. Our soul is our personality, and you can --- someone could hide me behind a screen, and they could muffle my voice, but if you know me really well, you can get a pretty good idea that it’s me by the things that I say and by my attitudes towards certain issues. So, you can see my soul, but you have a lot of trouble seeing someone’s spirit.


And I was just talking to the Lord about this yesterday. I had no idea he was giving me this message or this part of the message for tonight, and I was saying, Lord, you know -- you know what the problem is with multiple incarnation. You know why a lot of people can’t deal with it, because you can’t identify the spirit. How do you identify the spirit? You see, they can deal with the concept of someone’s soul coming back, someone’s personality coming back, but if I say to you, your soul’s going to die -- it’s not your personality coming back, it’s your spirit coming back -- they’re going to say to me, “Well, what’s my spirit? What does it look like? What does it sound like? What does it do?”


And you want to know something -- I don’t know. I said, Lord, I cannot identify my own spirit, and that’s why this teaching is going to have -- come up against such opposition. So, he didn’t say anything further to me, but usually, when he starts putting thoughts like this in my mind, it’s coming. So, as soon as he shows me -- I can’t wait to find out how to identify our spirit, because we have been admonished by Paul to know no man after the flesh, but to start knowing everyone by the spirit. And I would like to learn how to do that.


And I see it starting in my life a little bit -- I had a horrendous experience in the office a couple of weeks ago. It was -- it was this -- well, half the office rose up against me, and the two women out of 20 women that turned out to be my staunch supporters didn’t look like -- anything like me. There were three women, I’m sorry. For those of you listening to the tape, I’m white, and I’m middle class, and the -- and the whole office is white and middle class except for a very few people. And the people that stood by me -- there were three of them, two black women and one Puerto Rican woman -- and they all had the spirit of God. Oh, I’m sorry, one did. Two of them had the spirit of God. The other one didn’t. She calls herself a Moslem, but she’s got something. She’s one of those people that’s a law unto themselves. Paul talks about it in the book of Romans, beautiful woman, and she just knew that what was happening was unrighteous, and she stood on the side of righteousness, and she doesn’t name the name of Christ. Paul says they’re a law unto themselves.


Well, if that isn’t starting to move after the spirit, I don’t know what is, because anybody looking at me would say, “What’s she doing over there with them?” And I know that there were people in the office saying that. What’s she doing over there with them, with the blacks and the Puerto Rican? We’re the same spirit. That’s what I’m doing over there with them. That’s what they’re doing over there with me. I was the one that was being hung by my thumbs. There was -- they were over there with me. I didn’t have any choice, glory to God.


But I’ll tell you, it’s dramatic because, you know, God starts mixing you with people of other cultures, and it’s not so much the color of their skin, but that they come from other cultures, and sometimes they think differently, and they have other ways. And I find that I have to be very careful because I’m no longer in my closed little area of people from the same exact kind of background with me, but I have nothing in common with these people anymore that hate for no reason and gossip and destroy. I don’t care if they’re from the same background as me. I have nothing in common with them because we have a different spirit.


So, you see, the change is starting to take place, but I still -- I mean, I could see the spirit in a crisis like that, but if you -- if a man came in front of me, and Go- -- and I -- and God said to me, show me his spirit, I couldn’t show you his spirit. So, this is the problem that we have with multiple incarnation, but God’s going to show us. He has to show us because we’re going forward. Amen.


OK, so the phrase is, “my root spread out by the waters,” and I’m suggesting to you that this word, root, means the -- it typifies the eternal spirit of God. It’s under the earth. We’ve taught this in these meetings, and I’ll put it on the board for you. I’ll draw a line here indicating the earth, OK, and we know that grass appears. I’ll just draw a couple of flowers, so you can see what I’m talking about, and underneath the earth, we have a root system. It doesn’t have to be a tree. Grass has a root system too. There’s a big root system, and in the fall and in the winter, all of these flowers and grass, they die. And all that you see is bare ground, and it looks like it’s dead. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say the ground was dead, but underneath the ground, where you can’t see it, is a root system. And in the root system is life, glory to God, and when the seasons change, and when the spring comes, and when the sun starts shining, and it warms up, the life that’s in this root system pierces through the soil, and you see a blade of grass in the realm of appearance. Glory to God.


And we know -- we’ve been studying here for a year -- that the way we express spiritual life appearing in the earth is that it pierces through, and what it pierces through is the soul. So the earth would be typical of the soul, and we know that. And the root system would be typical of the spirit, and when the spirit pierces through the soul of the earth in the right season, blades of grass appear. And, as we go through the spring and summer and the fall, and the sun starts going down, and it starts getting colder, the grass dies, brethren. The grass dies, but the root system doesn’t die. And the cycle continues, and when the weather warms in the sunshine, this very same root system that hasn’t changed at all -- it’s unseen -- sends forth more blades of grass. And it’s a cycle, and it just continues, and it’s conti- -- it’s continued since the beginning of the earth, and the message that the Lord has given this ministry is that life, as we see it on the face of the earth, is likened unto grass. And when a human being pierces out of his body, the root system that’s underneath this vessel known as Sheila -- that’s underneath your vessel -- there’s a root system. It’s called your spirit, and you can’t see it.


But the day is going to come that it’s going to send forth grass again. But when it sends forth grass again, it’s not the same blade of grass that was there before. It’s a new blade of grass. It’s not your personality that’s coming back again. It’s -- well, we all know it’s not your body that’s coming back again. That’s an easy one, but there’s a whole thousands of people in this world that believe that your personality comes back again. But the teaching in this ministry is that Jesus said that is not so. It is not your personality that comes back again.


What is happening is that your root system -- the root system that has produced what you appear, how you appear in this hour -- the root system, your spirit, has sent forth a new blade of grass. The only thing that’s eternal is this root system, and the Lord has to show us how to identify this root system, because otherwise, this teaching means nothing. What do I mean, my spirit comes back? I don’t even know who my spirit is. I know myself through my personality. I mean, I know that I have the spirit of God, but I can -- I can’t separate the spirit of God in me from the spirit of God in you. I don’t know what the difference is. I can’t tell.


So, we’re going to wait for God to teach us. Glory to God.


OK, so we’re dealing with the phrase, “my root spread out by the waters,” my spirit spread out by the waters. Now, this word, spread out, is Strong’s #6605. It means to loosen, to plow, to carve, to begin, to appear -- to begin, to appear, to carve out. And we’re going to go through this, but I’m going to suggest to you that we are talking about the spirit, the eternal spirit of God, starting to begin the process which will end in his appearing in the earth of the living soul. He’s spread out. He’s started to do what was necessary to begin to appear.


My root spread out by the waters, and this word, by -- there’s no definition for it in the Greek or the Hebrew. They didn’t take the - they didn’t want to take the room. It’s too obvious and typical a word to take the room in Strong’s to define it, so I looked it up in English. I looked it up in Webster’s, and this is what Webster says the word “by” means, and these are just several of the definitions now. There were quite a few more than this. The word “by” means through the medium of, through the agency or instrumentality of, by means of. My root spread out by the power of the waters. OK? It also can mean sired by. My root spread out, siring, going forth to sire something.


Now, this word, waters, in the Hebrew, it’s #4325, and it’s the same word. It’s the same word used to express urine and male semen. It’s all the same Hebrew word. It’s the word I’m -- we’re going to go into this deeper, but what I’m suggesting to you -- I want you to bear it in mind -- is, my spirit began to do what was necessary, OK, by the pow- -- by the power of the spirit to produce spiritual semen.


OK, let’s go on with this. OK, now I couldn’t -- the wor- -- I looked up the word semen in Webster’s, but I went from semen to sperm to a couple other words, so I really don’t want to bend you -- I don’t want to risk confusing. I’m trying to make this as simple as possible. I just want to tell you that if you go into Webster’s and you look up the word semen, you’re not going to find these definitions. You have to follow it through, to semen to sperm to gamete. There’s a whole bunch of words.


OK, and this is what it means. It’s a mature germ cell that’s capable of initiating a new individual by fusion with the female cell. So, what are we saying here? My root spread out by the waters. My spirit began to carve out by the agency of my spirit, OK, what was going to be the living soul. My root spread out by the agency, by the authority of, by the power of my spiritual semen. It began to carve out the creation or the power of my spiritual semen.


And the next phrase is, “and the dew lay all night upon my branch.” Now, this word dew in the Hebrew, it just means dew. So I looked it up in Webster. Dew is moisture that is condensed upon the surface of cool bodies, especially at night. And I remind you that separation from the spirit of God is night, and I also remind you that, spiritually, the living soul is in a cool condition, OK, that to be in the realm of the spirit is considered to be hot. And we did the steam and the water and the ice. Spirit is likened to steam. If you’re spirit, you’re hot. And, if you’re solid, which we are, you’re cool. So we’re in a spiritually cool condition. It’s night for us, except for those of us that have received the spirit of God, and day is dawning in us. But, for most of the members of the living soul, it’s night. They’re separated from God.


So, dew is the moisture that is condensed upon the surface of cool bodies, the members of the living soul, especially when they’re separated from God, and it appears in minute droplets. It’s moisture produced in plant life. And I’m suggesting to you that it’s that which is of God, which is in the many members of the living soul, that is separated from him, and that is the human spirit. That is the human spirit. That is the spirit of God in each member of the living soul. She has been overtaken by Satan, but she’s straight from his spirit, and her purpose is to be fertilized by Jesus Christ and bring forth the Christ. And that’s what’s happening in the church world in this hour.


So, we’re saying, “and the dew lay all night upon my branch.” So, that manifestation of my spirit in the living soul -- it lay all night upon his branch. Let’s find out what that means, glory to God. OK, I just want to read you my note here. Dew typifies the immature life of God which is present in the living soul. It’s the immature life of God which is present in the living soul in its immature stage. Its name is the human spirit. And this word, lay all night, that’s one Hebrew word, lay all night, #3885, and it means to continue all night. That which is of God, which is in each member of the living soul, is continuing. It cannot be destroyed, and it will continue throughout the long, dark period of the night. Until the daystar rises in its heart, it will not leave. Glory to God.


OK, “lay all night upon my branch.” This word, branch -- it’s the only time it’s translated branch in the Hebrew. It’s Strong’s #7105, and it really means the harvest, as already reaped. It can be translated a limb of a tree, but the whole idea behind it is that which is cut off, that which has been harvested or, in the case of a limb of a tree, that which is an extension of the main. Glory to God. I’m going to read you my Alternate Translation, and then, if I feel it needs more expounding, I’ll go back to it.


Alternate Translation, Job 29:19. My root spread out by the waters, and the dew lay all night upon my branch. My spiritual substance appeared through the agency of that part of me or through the pow- -- by the power of that part of me which had the capability of beginning a new individual when fused with the female cell. And that was even my Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who was propelled into the earth. And the immature appearance of my spirit, even the living soul, continued throughout the period that he was separated from the Father, covering, like a womb, that part of me which was to be harvested. Even the human spirit shall be harvested out of the living soul.


We’ll go over it again. Hallelujah. Now, this part -- now, this is Job speaking. In case I haven’t made it clear to you, Job is speaking prophetically. This is -- he’s bringing forth spiritual truth. It’s as if the Father is speaking. OK, my spiritual substance -- the Father speaking. It appeared. Now, you know you can’t see the spirit of God. He’s saying he appeared through the agency of, by the authority of, through the power of that part of me which had the capability of beginning a new individual when fused to a female cell.


Now, if you want to produce a new individual, your arm can’t do it. Amen. You can’t do it with your arm. You can’t do it with your nose. You can’t do it with your leg.


That part of you which produces a new individual is the sperm. A woman cannot bring forth a baby from her ear or from her leg. She brings it forth from her womb. There’s a particular organ that does it.


Now, I have something very interesting to share with you. I don’t know about you, but I always thought, when I heard the Scripture in John -- in the beginning of John, that the whole world was made by Jesus Christ, and by none other was it made -- I always had this picture in my mind of Jesus Christ in his human form standing up and somehow making the worlds. Now, brethren, the Lord told me it doesn’t mean that. It doesn’t mean that. It means that the whole world was made out of -- out of him, out of him. God took his own Son and broke him into all these pieces, and if Jesus Christ did not submit to this processing by the Father, there would be nothing made. It was not made by his hands; it was made by his life, by the authority of -- God took a part of himself.


It was really -- it was not a full-grown man, Jesus Christ. It was a spiritual sperm of Almighty God, and he took it on -- out of his substance, out of the substance of his Son. He made everything that the eye can see today. And if it wasn’t for that sperm, there would be nothing to be seen, because there would have been nothing to make it out of. It wasn’t Jesus Christ standing up, making it with his hands. It was made out of what he was. It would be as if God would take a hammer and smash me and break me into a million pieces and turn me back into clay and make me into 10,000 people that wouldn’t exist if it -- if I didn’t exist first. That’s what it means. The worlds were made by him, and without him, there was nothing made, because there would have been nothing to make it out of. That’s what it means. Glory to God.


Now, we went through this, all of this teaching, in the 18 series, but God, he just keeps giving it deeper, and he just keeps a deeper understanding, and each time he tells it to me, it just gets -- the revelation just gets stronger in me, just looking at it from a different viewpoint. So this is the 19th verse in Job 29. God’s speaking. My spiritual substance appeared. You couldn’t see God before, but he appeared, and he appeared by the agency of that part of him which had the capability of beginning a new individual when fused to a female cell, even my Son, even his Son. He propelled him into the earth, stripping him of his power, making him female, and the immature appearance of my spirit, even the living soul.


And we have a whole message on this, that when Jesus Christ was propelled into the earth, and he became poor so that we could become rich, he became the living soul. We are him in an immature stage. And I know a whole ministry that got a measure of this revelation. I heard the preacher preach it. He’s me. I’m him. And then he went off and thought that he was perfect, but what we are, brethren, are the female element of the creation. We are him. He is us, in the female element of the creation, and until our husband and our Lord and Savior is joined to us, we are nothing but women. And, in this country, we see a lot of emancipated women, but traditionally, for thousands and millions of years, women were nothing without their husbands. They would have starved to death with no one to take care of them.


Well, the reason you see all these independent women in the world today is that when you look at the natural, you can get an idea of what’s happening in the spiritual. And what’s happening in the spiritual is that women are becoming independent because the Lord Jesus Christ is in the process of joining himself to the living soul, making the living soul, which is female, male and independent. Glory to God.


OK, we’ll try it again. My spiritual substance appeared through the agency of that part of me which had the capability of beginning a new individual when fused to a female cell, even my Son, and the immature appearance of my spirit. Even the living soul continued throughout the period that he was separated from the Father. Even the living soul, which continued throughout the period that he -- I should have said she, because she was female -- was separated from the Father. This living soul, brethren, is going to continue. If your body died, if your body died, if my body died, if the body of everybody that I know died, there would be the bodies of the people that I don’t know that would still be alive, and the living soul would still be alive. And the Lord God has ordained that this living soul will continue in many members, because for as many die, more are being born, and it will continue until the day that the Lord Jesus Christ joins himself to it, raising it back up into the realm of the spirit and restoring it to eternal life.


So, even the living soul continued throughout the period that she was separated from the Father, covering, like a womb, that part of me, of the Father, which was to be harvested, even the human spirit. Glory to God. And I remind you, in case I haven’t made it clear or in case you’re not familiar with it, there is a harvest coming. There is a harvest coming. There is a life, Lord willing, if you’re listening to this tape. There’s a life growing in you. You’re pregnant, and you’re not pregnant with an -- with an immature, helpless little infant. You’re pregnant with the Son of God Almighty. And when he arises in full stature, you’re not going to take care of him. He’s going to take care of you.


And he’s going to be harvested, you along with him -- harvested out of what? Cut off from what? The whole concept of harvesting is to be cut off -- cut off from what? Cut off from this life of death, cut out of this body of death, this vile body of death, raised up in the glorified life of Christ Jesus. Hallelujah.


OK, going on with verse 20 over here: my glory fresh in me, and my bow was renewed in my hand. That’s how I -- that’s how we got into this, with this word bow. My glory fresh in me, and my bow was renewed in my hand. Glory to God.


OK, let’s see what this means. Excuse me just a second.




My glory was new with me, and -- oh, I -- I’m sorry. I didn’t explain that. Oh, well, back up. Scratch that. My glory fresh in me, and my bow was renewed in my hand. Now, I want to read you that same Scripture from the Interlinear because it’s not at all clear.


First of all, that word, fresh -- it’s only translated fresh one time in the Hebrew, and just about all the other times, it’s translated new. It’s Strong’s #2319, and it’s used of a new wife. If you want to check that out, you could see it in Deuteronomy 24, verse 5. It’s used to describe a new name. You can check that out in Isaiah 62, verse 2, and it often is used to describe the fresh grain of this year. And we know that the harvest is cyclical. You get a harvest, fresh grain, every year. It’s what we have up here on the board. There’s a root system, although the grain has to be -- the grain has to be planted each year, so maybe I’ll take that back. It’s not the same thing, but we know that there’s a harvest every year, that it’s on a cycle. And this word, new, is used to describe the new harvest, not the harvest from last year, but the new harvest, and every time it’s used, the implication is that there was one before it. If you have a new wife, that means you have an old wife. If you have a new name, that means you had an old name.


Glory to God. OK, and it’s also used -- well, let me give you that scripture if you want to check that out. Fresh grain of the current year, and you can find that in Leviticus 26:10. And it’s also used to describe new gods that had never been heard of before, and that’s in Deuteronomy 32:17. Glory to God.


Now, I want to read you the Interlinear translation of verse 20 of Job 29, and that word fresh is translated new, and this is how it reads. “My glory new with me” -- not in me, with me -- “and my bow in my hand was renewed.” My glory new with me, and my bow in my hand was renewed.


OK, we’ll take the first phrase first, my glory new with me. Now, this new glory, I’m suggesting to you, typifies God, OK, and --


Well, let me -- let me put out what I’m getting at, so you don’t have to guess. I’m suggesting to you that the root -- let me put this up on the board for you. We’re talking about a root of glory and a bow, and I’m suggesting to you that the root indicates the spiritual -- the unseen spiritual life of God, unseen spiritual life, OK. And I’m going to suggest to you that the glory typifies the life of God in the soul because glory means splendor and brightness, and that could be seen. OK, this word glory is Strong’s #3519, and it means weight, splendor, copiousness, and splendor is seen. It’s shown, it’s glorious, it’s obvious.


So, we know that the spirit of God is being expressed through our souls, through our personalities. When the anointing comes on one of us, and we minister, glory is pouring out of us. You can see it in my soul. Why? Because my body moves, my personality -- maybe I’ll speak, maybe I’ll prophesy, maybe I’ll pray for you, but you can see the glory of God in what -- my behavior, which is my personality. Sometimes you could see it in my body. You could see it on my face. Glory to God.


So, the root is the unseen spiritual life. The glory is the life of God in the soul, and I’m going, Lord willing, to establish to you that the bow -- not the body, the bow, OK -- that the bow, which is wood, is the life of God with a soul and a body. That’s what, Lord willing, I will establish to you, with you, in the next half an hour. OK, let’s go forward.


My glory, new with me. We already discussed the word new, OK. The new glory typifies God by his spiritual son, reappearing in the earth with a new soul to begin a new cycle or a new journey. That’s what I’m suggesting to you. It’s a new glory. That means there had to be an old glory. There’s a soul now. There was a soul before. Glory to God.


Now, this expression, with me, it’s the same Hebrew expression used in Genesis 3:6 to describe Adam and Eve being one. Remember, it says she ate of the forbidden fruit, and her husband with her. We did a whole -- remember that? We did a whole word study on that. If you want to review it, it’s on tape 18, part 4, explaining that, excuse me, with me -- it doesn’t mean standing next to me. It means a part of me. For example, if I were pregnant, my baby would be with me, that we were inseparable. Therefore, when Eve partook of the fruit, Adam automatically partook of the fruit. If you’re pregnant, what you eat, your baby gets. And we’ve been teaching in this ministry that at that point, Adam and Eve were one. I’m not going to get into that now. It’s late. On tape 18, part 4, if you would like to review it, and glory to God.


And the word, glory, I already described to you. The word, bow, that got us into this whole study -- I don’t know if I gave you the number on that. Let me get it from the other place here, so we can put it on the tape. It’s #7198, and I believe I read it to you already. It stands for strength and power.


OK, now the word bow, I suggest to you, is the spirit of God expressed through a soul and a body. And the reason that I suggest that to you is that, first of all, the bow is made out of wood. We won’t talk about the plastic of our modern society, but traditionally, bows are made out of wood, and wood typifies the exterior of a tree. We know that trees typify men in the Scripture, and the wooden -- persistent woody tissue of the outside of a tree describes the body. We’ve had many teachings on that.


OK, and the second reason that I sug- -- that I suggest that is that the bow is the weapon of God. It’s the spirit of God expressed with soul and a body which has become a weapon, and we know that the believer is going to become a new, sharp threshing instrument with teeth. I did that somewhere. I know I went through those Scriptures somewhere, but I didn’t write down the tape number for you. I know we did that. It’s in Jeremiah. The believer is -- it’s a prophecy to the believer that we shall become a new, sharp threshing instrument with teeth. We are going to be God’s weapons of war, and we did study -- I wrote it down for you here somewhere -- in a recent tape that the bow -- here it is, tape #40, part 3. That is a review on the bow being the weapon of God, and we are God’s weapon.


How are we his weapon? When he executes the judgment, he speaks it through our mouth. When he wants to visit somebody, whether it’s to bless them or whether it’s to warn them, what does he do? He sends a man. And whether they hear or whether they forbear, the Scripture says, they shall know that a prophet has been amongst them. If there’s a man available, God sends him. The only time he goes by his spirit, we’re told in the Scripture, is when there’s no man to send.


And right now, he’s in the earth, and he has men in the earth, and this -- I’m not saying he’ll never come to you by his spirit, because he does, OK, but by and large, if he can’t get your attention, if he’s banging on your door and he’s talking to you, and either you won’t listen, or you don’t understand what he’s saying, he’s going to send a man to you. He’s not going to send a clap of thunder out of the sky. He’s not going to look down and see something written in the sand, OK. He’s going to send a man to speak his word to you, and we have believers flip -- flopping and falling on their face all over the church because they can’t tell when God is rebuking them through a man. They can tell when he’s blessing them through a man. They have no problem with that, but they can’t tell when he’s rebuking them through a man. They tell you that you preach condemnation to them. Glory to God. I -- we’re running out of time. I can’t get into that now.


OK, so the phrase we’re dealing with is: my glory new with me, my glory new with me. My glory is who -- is my spirit in the soul. That’s Jesus, my spirit in the soul. That’s Christ. My spiritual son recycles through the earth with me. My spiritual son in the flesh, my Christ, my glory new -- not the glory that I had before, not my spiritual son in the soul that I had before, but my spiritual son new with a new soul on the new cycle. He’s a new blade of grass that’s just appeared from the root system. I took it off the board.


My spiritual son, recycled through the earth with me -- why? Because the Father’s with the son. If the Father wants to appear in the realm of appearance, he is going to appear in the soul that is in the body. That is his son. The Father is appearing in the son, and the son is appearing in you. Glory to God. My spiritual son, recycled through the earth with me. I was there too, joined to a new soul.


OK, let’s get some more of these words. And my bow in my hand was removed. The hand -- the word hand is Strong’s #3027. We know that there are two Hebrew words for hand. One is the open hand, and one is the closed hand. The open hand is a blessing, and the closed hand is a judgment. This is the word for the open hand. It’s the hand of blessing, and the word renewed is Strong’s #2498, and that means to spring up, to pierce through, and there’s our word that describes the soul. There’s the spiritual life piercing through the soul, and it appears in the realm of appearance, and it also means change. The word renewed means spring up, pierce through or change.


And the weapon or the bow -- the weapon of my open hand of mercy. Who’s the weapon of my open hand of mercy? It’s Jesus Christ, brethren. He pierced through into the realm of appearance, hallelujah. He’s going to appear. He’s going to appear. Everybody’s waiting for him to drop out of the sky, but, brethren, he’s not going to drop out of the sky. He’s going to appear in men. He’s going to appear, brethren. Glory to God. John 5, verse 22, “For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment to the Son.” And the weapon of my open hand of mercy -- the judgment of the Son. Glory to God.


Now, how can a weapon be merciful? I remind you, brethren, that God’s mercy is judgment, because it’s only judgment that’s going to raise this living soul back up to the realm of the spirit. We’re dying down here.


We’re dying, we’re in agony, we’re in torment, and we’re doing great in this country, and I know a lot of people that are in torment. This whole living soul is writhing in agony, and there’s no way it’s going to stop unless the Son joins himself to her. And, brethren, the join -- the Son is not joining himself to her until she’s purged of her sin. And the judgments of God bring forth deliverance from sin, followed by marriage to the Lord Jesus Christ.


So, judgment is the mercy of God. I’m told there was a preacher, a local preacher, from Long Island on the radio, preaching God doesn’t send judgment on people. God doesn’t do that. He has mercy, he has mercy. Well, brethren, his mercy is judgment. What do you -- is he going to let us lay in this sin forever? That’s not mercy. That’s hate.


The Scripture says, if you don’t discipline your children, you hate them. Glory to God.


OK, I’ll read it to you again, Alternate Translation, Job 29, verse 20. My spiritual son recycled through the earth with me, joined to a new soul, and the weapon of my open hand of mercy, even the Lord Jesus Christ, pierced through into the realm of appearance.


So, do you see the progression there? My spiritual son, he recycled through the earth with me. First there was just the spirit of God. Then there was the spirit of God being expressed through the soul many times. I don’t know how many times. God hasn’t told me, but more than once. And, eventually, the end result of it is that the open hand -- excuse me -- of mercy, even the Lord Jesus Christ, after recycling through the earth with the Father, getting a new soul each time, finally he pierced through into the realm of appearance. He judged the living soul. He purged her from sin, and he is marrying her, brethren, and we’re going back up from where we came down, from whence we came down. Glory to God.


My spiritual son, recycled through the earth with me, joined to a new soul and the weapon of my open hand of mercy, pierced through into the realm of appearance. And, just for those of you that are listening to the tape that might get confused about this, when I say joined to a new soul, I’m talking about a human soul. We know there’s just one living soul of which we are all members. He is never leaving the earth. The living soul will always have members in the realm of appearance. From the day he was created until the day that he’s totally swallowed up by the Lord Jesus Christ, he will always have members in the earth. No matter how many die, he’s birthing new bodies. So, when I say new soul, I’m talking about a new human soul, OK, a new member of the living soul. That’s what I’m talking about. Glory to God.


OK, I’d like to give you those two verses together, if I may. Alternate Translation, Job 29, verses 19-20. My spiritual substance appeared through the agency of that part of me which had the capability of beginning a new individual when fused to a female cell, even my Son, and the immature appearance of my spirit, even the living soul, continued throughout the period that he was separated from the Father, covering, like a womb, that part of me which was to be harvested, even the human spirit. My spiritual son, recycled through the earth with me, joined each time to a new soul, and the weapon of my open hand of mercy, even the Lord Jesus Christ himself, pierced through into the realm of appearance.


Glory to God. Hallelujah. OK, I just want to -- it’s almost like an anticlimax, but I did it, and I’d like to give it to you. When you were dealing with Genesis 24, that first third of it -- but his bow abode in strength -- and I’d like to give you an Alternate Translation on that. I just have two words that I want to talk to you about. The word abode is #3427, and it is not in the past tense. It is an infinitive, and I have license to translate it in whatever tense I would like to. Glory to God, it is an infinitive, and it means to sit down and to judge, to dwell, to remain, to marry, permanency. He’s talking about permanency.


And the word strength is Strong’s #386, and this is -- this is what really convinced me to do this study. It’s from an unused root, which means to be perennial. Remember our studies on grass? This word is from an unused root which means to be perennial, appearing in all seasons, permanence, especially used of water, typifying the spirit. It means to be constant, to continue, specifically a chieftain, hard, mighty, rough. So, it’s talking about eternal strength. It’s talking about the life of the ages. That’s what it’s talking about.


And the Alternate Translation for that phrase, which is “but his bow abode in strength” is: but nevertheless, OK, even though -- let me bring you back to 49 -- Genesis 49:23. And the master of the living soul, even the husband of Israel -- is you -- makes her bitter and grieved, wounds her by dividing her into many members, setting himself opposite to them. But, nevertheless, even though he’s doing all that to her, the life of his spirit is marrying the living soul, glory to God, and they shall continue in the realm of appearance for the life of the ages.


But, nevertheless, the life of his spirit -- but his bow abode in strength. But, nevertheless, the life of his spirit, his bow or Jesus Christ -- the Lord Jesus Christ is marrying the living soul, and they shall continue. They shall abide. He’s going to sit down and dwell and marry her, and they shall abide together in strength -- in strength, in permanence, in continual life for the life of the ages. Glory to God.


So, we see in our study in Job how Jesus Christ is coming to the place where he’s piercing through into the realm of appearance. The whole process started with the spirit of God, the spirit of God joined to a soul for many cycles in this realm of appearance, and eventually, the weapon of God’s mercy, the Lord Jesus Christ himself, shall appear in the realm of appearance, at which time he is going to marry the living soul, and they shall abide forever in the realm of appearance for the life of the ages. Glory to God.


OK, I’ll just recap that for you. Glory to God. Genesis 49, 22 and 23 and the first third of 24. Joseph is a son of God that bears many offspring, even a son who bears spiritual young in the realm of appearance, whose sons appear above their spiritual foundation and are able to master the realm of appearance, both beholding it and journeying about within it, but not being overcome by it. And the master of the living soul, even the husband of Israel’s youth, makes her bitter and grieved, wounds her by dividing her into many members, setting himself opposite to them. But, nevertheless, the life of his spirit, the Lord Jesus Christ, is marrying the living soul, and they shall continue in the realm of appearance for the life of the ages. Glory to God.


Any questions about this? Hallelujah. Glory to God.






            About the soul, can you explain the soul a little bit more? Like, the son -- the spirit, you’re saying, recycles through the earth, but the soul -- I don’t have an understanding about the soul. It -- it’s, like, you’re saying that through a new soul. Where is the soul created? Where is it coming from?


Yeah. A baby is born, you see. There is a living soul. God created the female element, which is the living soul, and every time the spiritual life recycles through the earth, a baby is born. That’s how he gets the soul in his body. God says, up in the high realms of the spirit, I want you to recycle through the earth. Then, in the realm of appearance, a baby is born. Hallelujah. Can you receive that?




Glory to God.


But then, I didn’t -- I didn’t see. I guess -- I mean, I guess I was thinking, as in the -- it’s so easy to think that the soul is so connected with the spirit that it would have to just follow it.


If it’s going to go up, and it -- and the soul -- I would think the soul would go with it. I guess I just don’t have an understanding that much of the soul, that if the soul can just go -- you know, where does it go? Where does it go? You know.


Well, where does it go? It get -- I believe that when a human person -- when the body of the human person dies, that the Scripture teaches that the body and the soul, which are made of dust, return to the dust. The only thing that’s eternal is the spiritual life that comes from the Father.


So, the soul itself isn’t dust. I mean, the body is dust. I can understand that, but the soul is the -- is the personality that’s -- that is joined with the spirit, right?


It’s joined with the spirit here in this realm of appearance, but it is dust. The soul, the living soul, was made from the ashes of the earth, and God formed the living soul. He formed Adam out of the dust of the earth, and he became a living soul. Yeah, you see.


Well, you -- I know that you have the tapes. It -- it’s not easy. This revelation is not easy. It’s very tough. So, just pray about it. You have the tapes, and then --


[?You only go?] so far that I see a little bit of what you’re saying.


Yeah. Well, it’s much --


And then he gave the living soul. But that was when God breathed into them, right? I mean, when God put his spirit, when he breathed into Adam, that’s when he became that with the soul. So, hi- -- God’s spirit in that body, that he made from the ground, altogether became a living soul. Right?


That’s right. Christ joined together with the existence of the earth became the living soul. When Christ became poor that we could become rich, when he was slain before the foundations of earth, what happened to him was that he was joined to the existence of the earth, and he became this living soul, and this living soul has many members. And when a body -- when a body dies, the soul, the substance, the spiritual earth that the soul is made of, goes back into the lump.


That’s on tape 21. Do you have tape 21? I think you should have tape 21. You don’t have it? I’ll have to get it to you. That whole teaching is on tape 21.


            Can you [INAUDIBLE]?


03/07/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion
03/17/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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