042 - Part 1
(Revelation 6-7 & Genesis 49)

This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation

By The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Praise the Lord everybody. This is the Sixth Seal of the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John, Part 1. Hallelujah. I guess I have to stop doing these previews because we really cannot tell what this is going to be until we start looking up the words in the Greek, and really getting into it. I had mentioned last week that I thought the sixth seal was the beginning of the redemption of the balance of the living soul, but apparently, it is not. Praise the Lord. It might be later on. We have done three verses. We are doing three verses in this message. We are in Chapter 6 of the Book of Revelation. We are doing verses 12, 13 and 14. As you may or may not know, the sixth seal goes from verse 12 to verse 17, which is the end of Chapter 6, and all of Chapter 7 is the six seals.


I am going to stop projecting these previews because I do not know what is coming. But these first three verses apparently are the fulfillment in the realm of appearance of what we studied under the fifth seal. You might recall, under the fifth seal, the saints of God were saying to the Lord, those that were under the altar, those that had put their souls underfoot, were saying to the Lord, how much longer until you separate us from Satan? We are doing warfare in our conscious mind. We are doing warfare in our unconscious mind. We have got our soul underfoot, but we are still married to Satan. We are still joined to him, and he is still impulsing thoughts to us, and bringing torment into our emotions. These saints were told in verse 11 that white robes were given unto them, and they were told that they should rest for a little season. Apparently, that took place in the realm of the spirit. Now that we go into verse 12, we are seeing that manifest in the realm of appearance.


We went through something very similar in Chapter 5 and in the beginning of Chapter 6. We said that God had a thought, and He thought about the redemption of man, and the first thing that happened in the realm of the spirit was that the lamb appeared. Then we studied everything in Chapter 5, and we said all this was happening in the realm of the spirit because God had thought it, and starting with Chapter 6, it started to appear in the realm of appearance. Now apparently, in this Book of Revelation, the prophesy seems to go back and forth between what happens in the realm of the spirit, and then how it appears in the realm of appearance. I hope I made that clear to you. What we studied on the last message, was the fifth seal, verses 9 thru 11 of Chapter 6. It typified the spiritual men, who by the power of God, had put their souls underfoot, and were crying out to God to be separated from Satan, who was still trying, desperately, to drag them back down under his power. They were granted permission from heaven to rest from their labors of keeping Satan underfoot. Now in verse 11 and 12 of Chapter six, we see how this is going to appear or manifest in the realm of appearance. I am going to recap Revelation 6, Verses 9 thru 11, which I just told you was the fifth seal. Then we are going right on to verse 12, the sixth seal.


AT Revelation 6:9-11; And when the power of Christ continued to release the firstfruits of the living soul from the power of Satan, I saw in the spirit that the human souls of those having been slaughtered because the word of God, even Christ, had appeared in them, and because their spiritual condition of submission to the Christ, gave evidence of his overcoming presence, I saw that those souls were indeed covered by, and in submission to the soul of Jesus Christ. They made the sound of spiritual beings functioning in the realm of the spirit, even a communication that was so obvious it could not be ignored, meaning how much time must we wait, O Lord, before you, who are without sin, even the genuine Christ, which has been revealed in us, defend our souls by separating them away from Satan, the one who inhabits the earth of mankind. And the souls of every one of them were redeemed, and every one of them were commanded that they should cease from their labor of keeping Satan underfoot, and recover, and collect their strength for an additional period of time, until the other slaves of the same master, even Satan, who were birth out of the same spiritual womb, even Eve, and who are about to be destroyed as they were destroyed, should be filled with Christ also. AT


That destruction, I remind you, is the slaughter of their soul. The slaughter of their soul, the placing of their soul underfoot, the chopping of it to pieces, so that it could be separated from the spirit. Glory to God.


King James Version. Revelation 6:12: And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood. KJV


The word great is Strong’s #3173 in the Greek. It is feminine. It is a feminine word, and it refers to large numbers. The word earthquake is Strong’s #4578 in the Greek. This is a very interesting word because it does not have to apply to the earth. It really means a shaking. It can refer to the air. When it is referring to the air, it is talking about a gale. When it refers to the earth, it is talking about an earthquake. It really means a tempest, a commotion, a storm, either in the air, which is the realm of the spirit, or in the earth, which is the realm of the soul. Webster says that a gale is a strong current of air, a wind from 32 to 63 miles an hour. That is the Spirit of Almighty God coming with judgment. That is a powerful spiritual force. Webster says that a tempest is an extensive violent wind, especially one accompanied by rain, hail or snow. It means a furious storm. I remind you that hail, rain, and snow, can be seen in the realm of appearance. When it is a gale, when it is in the form of a wind, it is pure spirit. When it turns, when the storm includes hail, rain, or snow, that tempest, that commotion in the realm of the spirit, has appeared in the realm of appearance. Glory to God. It has appeared in the realm of appearance.


Now I just wanted to note something interesting that I found out. This word tempest, which is the real true translation of this word that is translated earthquake, is really tempest. In the English, it comes from the Greek word tempest, meaning time. It is something that happens in the realm of time. So when the Scripture talks about an earthquake, we are talking about something spiritual that happened, breaking through into the realm of appearance. We have also touched on it many times in this ministry, that the breaking through from one spiritual realm to another is associated with great violence. It is just like a baby’s birth. A baby’s birth is violent. Any doctor, any unsaved person, will tell you that birth is a violent process. Sometimes the babies come out all beaten up and battered. So earthquakes in the Scripture usually typify going from one spiritual realm to another. We know that the living soul has already pierced through from the realm of the spirit into the realm of time. Right now we are trying to pierce back into the realm of the spirit, and we want to take our souls, and our bodies with us. Hallelujah.


Now this word that is translated earthquake is from a root that means to rock; or vibrate sideways; or to and fro; to agitate in any direction; to cause to tremble; to throw into a tremor. I am still suggesting to you that these are all verbs that typify the birth process. A baby pushes forward in a contraction, and slips back. It is a to and from agitating action. I suggest to you that we are talking here about a spiritual birth. The sons of God in the heavenlies, have been given dispensation to rest from their labor. What is the rest from their labor? The rest from their labor is that Christ should appear in them, and keep Satan underfoot for them, so that they can rest. For the sons of God, for natural men that are being raised up to a higher power, the rest is that Christ has to appear in them. Christ has to appear in full stature in them to do the work, so that they can rest.


I suggest to you that this earthquake is the coming forth of Christ in full stature in the souls of these men that have been given permission by the Lord to rest from their labor. The Hebrew equivalent of that Greek word, Strong’s #4578 is #7494 and that also means vibration; bounding, uproar; a confused noise. It means a rattling, a rushing, or a shaking. I remind you that when you shake something, the result of it is that two things that were once one, are now two. Sometimes you bring flowers in from your garden, and you are afraid there are ants on your flowers, so yo shake your flowers. You want to separate the ants from the flowers. I know I spilled some sugar on a tablecloth the other day, and I took it out on my terrace, and I shook it. I wanted to separate the sugar from the tablecloth. I am suggesting to you that this shaking again typifies a separation. It is a separation that Christ is coming forth, and it is also the separation of the human spirit from her husband, Satan. Glory to God.


There is a big shaking. Things are switching around. Things that were joined are being disjoined, and things that were not joined are becoming joined. We have a big mixup going on here. Isaiah 9:4-6 says; For thou hast broken the yolk of his burden, and the staff of his shoulder, the rod of his oppressor. Isaiah 9:5; For every battle of the warrior is with confused noise. There is that word shaking. And shall be with burning and fuel of fire. Isaiah 9:6; For unto us a child is born. After the shaking a child is born, and a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. What I am showing you by picking out these scriptures is that in the Old Testament the birthing of the son of God, the everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace, The mighty God, his name shall be called Wonderful, and Counsellor; it is preceded by a battle with a warrior that is making a confused noise, and it shall come forth with burning fuel of fire.


What is burning, brethren, is the spirit. The soul is being slaughtered, and the spirit is being burnt. How is it being burnt? It is being separated from Satan, and joined to the Spirit of God. When your spirit is joined to the Spirit of God, brethren, the only thing that is going to abide the fire is that which is, or was, originally from God. Anything that is in your spirit that it has picked up from Satan, anything that is in your spirit that is not Godly, it is going to burn. The only thing that shall abide the fire is the gold. The burning, brethren, is when you are joined to Christ. That is by being thrown into the lake of fire. Hallelujah. Everything that cannot get into the kingdom of God is going to burn, and your true spiritual substance shall abide with Christ forever. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


I just want to give you a translation of that word warrior, in Isaiah 9:5 that I read you. For every battle of the warrior is with a confused noise. There is the shaking and with burning of fuel of fire. That word warrior is Strong’s #5431 in the Old Testament. It is used of a shod soldier, a soldier wearing shoes. It comes from a root that means miry clay, so we are talking about protection from the miry clay. A shod, a shoe that protects us from the miry clay. What we are talking about here is the cover of Christ upon us, that is going to protect us from the polluting affect of the clay, in which the existence of the living soul lives, which is the mind of Satan. We are still going to be one. We are going to be living in a body that is made from the clay. We are still going to be joined to Satan, but we are going to receive a covering that will protect us from being polluted by him. Hallelujah.

King James Version. Zechariah 14:5-7; And ye shall flee like as ye fled before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah, king of Judah, and the Lord my God shall come, and all the saints with thee. And it shall come to pass one day which shall be known to the Lord, not day nor night, that at every evening time, it shall be light. KJV

This is written to the house of Israel. What we are saying here is that they shall flee like they fled before the earthquake in the days of King Uzziah. What is going to happen after that?

After they flee from the earthquake, the Lord my God shall come, and all the saints with thee. Hallelujah. This word all in the Hebrew is Strong’s #3605. It means the whole. With is Strong’s #5973 and it means equally with. So when the Lord comes after the shaking, brethren, He is coming with all of the members of the living soul that have birth the Christ. Actually, He is coming in them. He is coming in the members of the living soul that have birth the Christ. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


The whole point that I am trying to make to you is what is following the shaking. You see, we have people, a lot of carnal minded Christians, and non Christians, who read the Book of Revelation, and they see all these terrible signs, earthquakes, and the moon turning to blood, and the sun losing its light, and they do not see the good that comes after the purging. But brethren, what follows after the purging is Christ, and the peaceable fruit of righteousness. Hallelujah. I just gave you a little alternate translation here on that phrase of the Lord my God shall come and all the saints with Him. And the Lord my God shall come, the holy ones having been made one with Him. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


I just have another root that this word earthquake came from. It means to be moved or shaken. The primary notion lies in noise and crashing; noise and crashing. This spiritual change that is coming upon us is going to be associated with noise and crashing. What is crashing? The living soul is crashing. Where is it crashing from? He has been ruling in the heavenlies. Satan has risen to a place of power in the living soul, and he is coming, crashing down, and when he comes down there is going to be a lot of noise, the Scripture tells us. There will be a lot of screaming, and yelling, and moaning, and groaning, and pain. But the end is Christ. Hallelujah. Glory to God. The end is Christ.


What is so interesting to me about prophesy, both Old Testament and this Book of Revelation, is that the positive results of all the blood and guts is not obvious. It is not obvious. If you read this book, either the Book of Revelation or the Old Testament prophets, all you hear is the blood, and the punishment, and the pain, and the torment. You have got to get a revelation from Jesus Christ of what is going to happen after the destruction. It is hidden. It is not for everybody, brethren. It is only if God reveals it to you. Hallelujah. Webster says that the word shake means to move irregularly; to invert, to vibrate, to free oneself from; to dislodge; or reject by jerking movements. To dislodge or reject by jerking movements; we are talking about two things. We are talking about being shaken away from Satan, and we are talking about the Christ being shaken out of us. Hallelujah.

King James Version. Haggai 2:6-7; For thus saith the Lord of hosts; I will shake the heavens and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land, and I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory. KJV

Well, here is one scripture where we have the positive following the negative but carnal minded men never get there to read it. He is going to shake the heavens, the earth, the spirit, and the soul. He is going to shake the entire living soul, and the body, the sea and the dry, and I will shake all nations. That is the non Jew. And the desire of all nations shall come, and I will fill this house with glory. Hallelujah. Christ shall be birth as a result of the shaking.


Alternate Translation of the first half of Revelation 6:12; And I looked when the power of God continued to release the living soul from the authority of Satan. And there it was, a powerful outpouring of the Spirit of God in many human vessels. That is the rain, and the hail, and the snow, associated with the earthquake, and the storm. And the earth labored, and the life of Christ was birth in them. Hallelujah. Glory to God. The life of Christ was birth in them, and they were separated from Satan. It is going to be a simultaneously procedure. Hallelujah.


You cannot be separated from Satan unless Christ has been birth in you, brethren. I do not really know what would happen when you are removed from Satan, without Christ having been birth in you, but you probably would die. You have to be married to a spirit. There has to be a spirit ruling your vessel. See, you cannot be separated from Satan until Christ has appeared in full stature in you. It is going to be a simultaneous procedure.


Continuing with Revelation 6:12; And the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood. Now this is a very famous verse, and a lot of carnal minded Christians, and non Christians, think that this world is coming to an end. They think the sun is going to fall out of the sky, and the moon is going to be destroyed. They have all kinds of books written that will convince you that these scriptures typify an atomic war. I declare to you, brethren, this is spiritual. I am not saying there is not going to be an atomic war. Maybe there is, but I do not believe that this realm of appearance is going to be destroyed. It is going to be renewed. It is going to be glorified. It is going to be strengthened, because Christ is going to appear in it. So there might be some shaking in the natural. Maybe there will be a war. I really do not know, but by and large, what prophesy is talking about is what is happening to our spiritual condition. This is how I feel about it.


I have been criticized for not being too concerned with about what happens in the natural, but this is how I feel about it, even if it is true. Let us say there is a terrible physical holocaust, famine across the world, and all this destruction coming, how is Jesus Christ glorified in this? That is, unless you believe in the rapture, and you think He is coming to snatch you away to safety, while He turns the rest of the world over to destruction. Now if you do not believe in the rapture, which I hope anybody listening to this message does not, how is Jesus Christ glorified in the destruction of the natural realm? I am not concerned with what He is not glorified in, but I know that when my soul is destroyed, when the slaughter comes upon my soul, that it is the sign that Jesus Christ is being birth in me, and He is going to be glorified in me.


You see, if there is no glory for Jesus Christ, there is really no point in even turning your direction towards it. Do you understand what I am saying? Why do you even want to talk about it if there is no glory for Jesus Christ in it? I declare to you, brethren, that if it does happen in the natural, it is also happening in the spiritual. If it is happening to you in the spiritual, you are going to be prepared to deal with whatever is happening in the natural. If you are only prepared with all of these fantasies about what is happening in the natural, and the spiritual work is not being done in you, how are you going to survive what is happening in the natural? You only survive if Jesus Christ is glorified, and He is only going to be glorified when He appears in you, and rips you free from Satan. So I really do not pay too much attention to what is happening in the natural world, but apparently, there is some reflection. But that is not what it is all about. What is happening in the natural world is a reflection of the spiritual truth. Large numbers of Christians have their eyes riveted on the Middle East. Who cares? Who cares? Hallelujah. Glory to God.


And the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood. The word sun is Strong’s #2246 in the Greek, and it means specifically the rays of the sun. It means light, the rays of the sun. The word black we had in a previous message, with regard to the black horse in Revelation, and it means without light. So what are we saying? We are not saying that the sun is going to be destroyed, but we are saying that the light of the sun shall not be seen. We are saying that the light of the sun shall be covered over. Now we are looking at this word sackcloth. The scripture says the sun became black as sackcloth. Sackcloth is Strong’s #4526 in the Greek, and it means a receptacle made for holding or carrying things; a garment of light material which clings to the person like a sack. What it really means is that a covering is coming over the sun. It is not that the sun is going to be destroyed, but something is appearing that is going to overshadow the sun to the point that you cannot even see its light. That is what it is saying. This sackcloth, also, regards to a sack that is worn by mourners, penitent, suppliants, and also like the Hebrew prophets who led an austere life.


What I am suggesting to you is that we know that the Lord Jesus Christ is referred to as the Son. We also know that there is a natural sun. I am declaring to you that the sun is a natural man. We know that there is a sun in the natural man because we have studied the woman of Revelation. She had the sun, she had stars over her head, and the moon under her feet. We did do a message on that, but I do not have the number of it for you. We did do a message on it where it shows that, that is the living soul in the correct moral order. So there is a natural sun. We have also studied that each individual is a cosmos. Each one of us is a cosmos. We have a spirit, and we have a soul, and we are a part of a larger cosmos, but each one of us is a cosmos. I am suggesting to you that the sun, in this instance, is the human spirit, because nothing will ever stop the light of the Lord Jesus Christ, so this cannot be Jesus Christ that we are talking about.


I am suggesting to you that it is the sun of the human spirit that is going to become without light. It is going to become black without light. It is going to take on a sack. Something is going to cover it, and that is going to make it mourn. It is going to make it mourn. The sackcloth is made of hair. It is Strong’s #5155 in the Greek, and I remind you that hair in the Scripture is a type of the spirit. Samson lost his strength when he cut his hair. We know that spiritual power is in the spirit. Hair is a type of the spirit. So there is a garment that is made of spirit that is going to cover over the rays of the human spirit. That is what it is going to do. But we are going to find out what is going to happen. Hold on just a second. Hallelujah.


We are dealing with the human spiritual condition, and we are told that the human spirit is going to be covered over. It is going to become totally without light, and that the moon, which is Strong’s #4582 in the Greek, is a satellite which circles around the sun. It reflects the light of the sun. We established in this study on the Sun Clad Woman that the moon typified the soul. The soul reflects the life of the spirit. The body reflects the life of the soul. So the human spirit is going to lose all of its light, and the human soul is going to be covered with blood. Blood is Strong’s #129, that which is needed for life. Blood is needed for life. Well, let us find out what the Lord is talking about here.

King James Version. Leviticus 17:11; For the life of the flesh is in the blood. The life of the flesh is in the blood. Isaiah 26:21; For, behold, the Lord cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain. KJV

Let me tell you what I am getting at, so you do not have to be guessing. What I am suggesting to you is that the sun of the Lord Jesus Christ is going to rise in the hearts of mankind, and the human spirit is going to be utterly overshadowed. The light of the human spirit is not going to shine anymore in contrast to the light of the sun of God. She is going to be without light. She is going to be black. It is going to be as if a sack came over her, a sack of mourning, a sack of penitence. She is going to be repentant, and become holy in the presence of the emerging Christ in her. The result of her coming into proper order to the Spirit of God is that her soul shall receive life. Her soul shall receive life. The moon shall be covered with blood. The moon, typifying the soul, shall receive life, because what condition is the soul in today? It is dead. It is dead. We are walking around, having babies, and we are living in this existence, but according to God, the living soul is slain. She is dead. We are spiritual zombies walking around in this world system. What the Scripture is saying, when the sun of the human spirit is darkened, it is because when Christ rises, He is going to be so gloriously bright that you will not be able to see her in that hour. Her soul shall receive life. That is what it is saying.


Let me give you some witnesses to it in the King James Bible. Isaiah 26:21; For, behold, the Lord cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain. Now this is a very poorly translated passage. We are going to find out that it has a glorious promise in it. First of all, the word punish is Strong’s #6485 in the Hebrew, and it can be translated to look after anyone as a shepherd looks after his flock; to look after anyone again. We know that the Lord looked after the living soul, and when the living soul fell, there was a separation. I declare to you that this word punish means that the Lord shall look after us again. Indeed, He is coming to put judgment on us, but the end of the judgment is that He is going to look after us again. So that word punish is really very misleading. It does not give you the whole picture.


Now this word disclose; the earth shall disclose her blood. We are trying to get some usage on blood here. The word disclose means to reveal, to uncover, especially to uncover anyone’s ear by taking away the hair. An example is tossing one’s hair over an ear or shoulder. What it really means is to open the ear to instruction. Let me hear what you are saying. That is how it is used in the Hebrew. Let me hear what you are saying. It also means to have intercourse with a woman. It means to open yourself up, to make yourself acceptable to instruction, and also to sexual penetration. Now we are dealing with the phrase, the earth shall also disclose her blood. After she discloses her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.


Now I remind you that the slain of the earth are the many members of the living soul. We were slain when we were separated from God. There is a big controversy in the church world over the beast, and one of his heads was slain unto death, and yet he lived. Everybody has all of these ideas about who he is. Brethren, the head of the beast that was slain, yet he still lives, is the living soul. We are dead, brethren, but yet we still live. We have an existence. We have an existence. I have a flash for you, for those of you that would want to criticize me for saying, we, when I talk about things like the living soul being dead. I declare to you, even if you have the Holy Spirit, you are still dead, brethren. You are still dead. You are still dead. By this way you shall know that you have passed from life unto death when you love your brother, not when you love him today, and you do not love him tomorrow. When you love your brother, with the agape love of the Lord Jesus Christ, when he does every terrible thing known to man, to you, and you love him to the point that you would die for him, you have entered from death into life. The church today has not yet entered into life. I am not making a mistake. Do you hear what I am saying? I am saying it, and I am saying what I mean. You have not entered into life yet.


The last phrase is the earth shall also disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain. This word cover is Strong’s #3680 in the Hebrew, and it means to plump or to fill up hollows. It is talking about penetration. It is talking about penetration. If there is anything empty or lacking in you, like if you had a cup, and you filled it with water, because the inside of the cup was hollow. That is referring to a womb, and what it is talking about is that the womb of the earth was filled with the offspring of Satan. That is what we are talking about. The earth shall no longer fill in her empty places. What was lacking? Christ was lacking, and she no longer is going to fill in the empty places of the soul with the offspring of Satan. Let me give you an Alternate Translation on that. We are trying to get an understanding of what blood is here.


Alternate Translation of Isaiah 26:21; Look, the Lord is coming out of the realm of the spirit to once again look after the inhabitants of the earth, because without him, they have produced iniquity. The earth of the living soul shall open her life on the soul realm to the instruction of the Lord, and have intercourse with Him, and shall no longer fill up her slain members with the illegal fruit of Satan’s spirit. AT


Why? Because when she has intercourse with the Lord, Christ will be born, and there will be no more empty spaces. My whole point in all this is to tell you that blood throughout the Scripture typifies life. It typifies life. Blood typifies life. The life of the flesh is in the blood.

This is the second half of Revelation 6:12 from the King James Bible. And the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood. KJV

Alternate Translation of the second half of Revelation 6:12; And their human spirits became overshadowed by the rising sun of Christ, and their human souls became alive. AT

Their human souls that had been slain became alive. They were covered with blood. Hallelujah.

King James Version: Malachi 4:2; But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings. Isaiah 60:19; The sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee: but the Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory. KJV

The sun shall no more be thy light by day; that is the human spirit. Neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee: but the Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory. So the human spirit, and the human soul are giving up the life styles, or the existence which God calls death, of being slain, over these thousands of years, if not millions of years, and they are going to live in the light of Almighty God as He arises in their own spirit, overshadowing it, giving life to the soul. Hallelujah.

Alternate Translation of Revelation 6:12: And I looked when the power of God continued to release the firstfruits of the living soul from the authority of Satan, and there it was, a powerful outpouring of the Spirit of God, in many human vessels. And the earth labored, and the life of Christ was raised to full stature in them, and their human spirits became overshadowed by the rising sun of Christ, and their human souls became alive. AT

Hallelujah. They were slain and they became alive. Glory to God.

King James Version: Revelation 6:13; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken in a mighty wind. KJV

Now we did this on message #5. I am going to tell you that the stars represent the truth of God, if you want to review this. It is just a little before you get to the halfway mark at the beginning of the message. We did a study in Daniel, establishing that the stars typify the truth of God, and that when the stars are cast to the ground, what it typifies is that the preachers that God has raised up to preach the truth to men in the earth, have fallen, have fornicated with their carnal minds, and are preaching false doctrine. It is described in the Book of Daniel as the stars being cast to the ground. Hallelujah. Figs typify Israel.

King James Bible: Jeremiah 24:5; Thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel; Like these good figs, so will I acknowledge them that are carried away captive of Judah. KJV

Israel is typified by figs. The untimely fig is Strong’s #3653 in the Greek. It is an unripe fig that grows during the winter. It grows out of season, but yet when springtime comes in, it does not mature. It falls off and dies. It is birth in the wrong season, and as the springtime approaches it does not lay hold of the rays of the sun, and come into its own. It just cannot survive. It is born out of season, and it dies, and it falls off of the tree. I know that we did another earlier message where we studied the Book of Jude. I am sorry, but I do not have the number of the message for you. One of the phrases in the Book of Jude in verse 12, talks about men being born out of season, that will never bear the fruit of the eternal realm of God’s Spirit.

Alternate Translation of Revelation 6:13; And the ministers of God’s word, who fornicated with the harlot, and preached the false doctrine, birth by their carnal minds, lost their spiritual power, and became natural men, when the tempest of God’s Spirit tested them, even as the unripe figs of a fig tree growing out of season, never comes to maturity, but fall off and die when a powerful wind blows upon the tree. AT

This is a hard word, brethren, but what it is saying to me is that there are going to be preachers, that are in the pulpit today, that are standing against the true word of God. They will come forth with all of the authority that they can muster over the minds of God’s people. This is saying that when God blows on them, brethren, they are going to fall, and they are not going to be saved by getting this revelation of the true word of God. They are going to be cast down. That is what it says. They are going to be cast down. Anybody reading this message that has not heard all of the series in this ministry, I do believe that all men shall be saved. If this sounds like a contradiction to you, we have plenty of messages reconciling the fact that I believe a man can be cast down in this lifetime, and that I still believe that all men shall be saved. I cannot get into it on this message. The transcribed messages are up on our website if you would like to pursue the information. Hallelujah.

King James Version. Matthew 7:24-27; Therefore, whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. And everyone that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it. KJV

If you would like to check it out further, the two or three verses prior to these verses that I just read in Matthew 7:24-27, are believers saying to Jesus, we have cast out demons; we have healed the sick; how could you have cast us out? Jesus said, depart from me, ye workers of iniquity. I never knew you. This scripture is saying that they fell because their house was built on sand, because they did not hear these sayings of mine. Verse 26; And everyone that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not.


Heareth them and doeth them not. Do you know what that says to me? It says to me that God is speaking the true doctrine to every one of these men. Personally, I know a couple of men that He spoke them to, and they rejected the doctrine violently. I do not know how many other preachers of the Gospel did as well. They did not say it to my face, but they implied that I was preaching a false doctrine. That is what they are doing. This is the end of them. They are untimely figs. What does that mean? They have been moving in spiritual power, but they are moving in spiritual power out of season. Why? Because they are moving in spiritual power without the true word of God. That is a contradiction. No one should be able to be moving in spiritual power without the true word of God. So how could this be? It is, and it exists, and it can be, because God has mercy on His people. He has raised up men with an imputed anointing, without the true word of God, to heal, and deliver, and have mercy upon His people. But when the hour for the true Gospel of God comes, they are suppose to lay down their false doctrine, and receive the true word of God.


What is happening, is that their natural man has risen up in them. We did that study in the Book of Zechariah, Chapter 5, where we are told that the living soul has gone to make war against Almighty God. The Lord has come for His Church. He has come for His believers that have been ministered to by these men. They have been ministered to in song. They have been ministered to in healing. They have been ministered to in deliverance. Now the Lord wants them to get the true Gospel that is going to make Christ appear in them, and these ministers will not let go of the people. The Lord says they are going to be cast to the ground. They are going to become natural men. They shall no longer be able to heal, and deliver, or pray in tongues, or whatever else they are doing in the Spirit. They are going to be cast off the tree. They are going to be cast off the tree, brethren. To me that means natural death. I do not see how it could mean anything else. I do not see how it could mean anything else.

Alternate Translation of Revelation 6:13; And when the ministers of God’s word, who fornicated with the harlot, and preached false doctrines birth by their carnal minds, lost their spiritual power, and became natural men when the tempest of God’s Spirit tested them, even as unripe figs of a fig tree, growing out of season. AT

They never come to maturity. They would not take that last step. So what happened to them? They fell off and died. The figs fall off and die when a powerful wind blows upon the tree. Well, it might not be physical death, but it certainly means spiritual death. I will tell you something, brethren. I was at a fellowship over three years ago. It was alive with the life of God. It was during a particular service where the power of God was so powerful that it was like electricity pulsating through the whole service. A very powerful word came forth, and it said repent. There was much more to it, but I do not remember that. Repent, and do not put out your shoulder, and stick out your lip, and stiffen your neck, because if you do, you shall surely die. I declare to you, brethren, that fellowship has died. It is dead. The people ministering there have no spiritual life. So I guess it does not have to mean natural death. It can mean spiritual death.

King James Version: Revelation, Chapter 6:14; And the heavens departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. KJV

The word departed is Strong’s #673 in the Greek. It is only translated departed two times. It is a reflexive word. It means to rend apart. Reflexive, I remind you, refers back to yourself. If you are rendering something apart, it does not mean I am rendering you apart. It means I am rending something within me apart, as I am ripping this necklace off of my neck. To rend apart in a reflexive condition does not mean I am separating something from you. It means I am separating something from me. That means to rend apart, to separate, and it from a root that means to put room between; to put room between.

King James Version: Acts 15:39; And the contention was so sharp between them, that they departed asunder one from the other: and so Barnabas took Mark, and sailed unto Cyprus. KJV

That was a very close apostolic relationship that was broken, and they separated themselves from one another. Hallelujah.

King James Version: Revelation 6:14; And the heavens departed as a scroll when it is rolled together. KJV

The word scroll is Strong’s #975 in the Greek, and it is the same word translated book in Revelation 5:1. We did a whole study on Revelation 5:1 and we talked about the book that was graven or inscribed within and without. We talked about the fact that it was Satan’s markings that were on both the soul and the body of the living soul. This word scroll is the same word as book. Well, I do know why the King James translators chose scroll, because the phrase said it is applied at the scroll when it is rolled together, so they chose the word scroll. Let us find out what this word roll means. It is Strong’s #1507 in the Greek, and it is the only time it is translated rolled, and it means to press close. It can mean to roll together, but Thayer’s Lexicon says of the Greek language, it can mean to have restored. It can mean to restore. So we are talking about the restoration of a book that was engraved within and without, with the markings of Satan. We are talking about the restoration of the living soul, brethren.


The word together is not in the Greek. Let me read you the phrase again. And the heavens departed as a scroll when it is rolled together. Together is not in the Greek, and the word, as, is Strong’s #5613 in the Greek. It can be used to express a designed result. It can be translated so that. Let us see what we have got.

Alternate Translation of the first half of Revelation 6:14. And the spiritual realm of the soul separated itself into two parts. It separated itself from itself. That means if I were to separate
myself from myself, there would be two of me. What is the spiritual realm of the soul? It is Satan married to Eve, and their offspring, which is the carnal mind, and they are all one. And the spiritual realm of the soul separated itself into two parts, even the soul from the spirit, the bone from the marrow, and Eve, the human spirit, was separated from her husband, Satan, so that the living soul was restored. AT

Hallelujah. Glory to God. Glory to God. Very exciting. If you would like to review changing spiritual roles of Adam, Satan, and Eve, it is on message #31, Part 5. The reason I am recommending this is, if you did not pick it up when you heard me say it, I said, and the spiritual realm of the soul separated itself into two parts, even the soul from the spirit. What I am saying to you is that Satan is the soulish part. The spiritual realm was separated into two parts, the soul and the spirit. Well what did the spiritual realm consist of? Eve, which is spirit, and Satan, which we have been calling a spirit here for weeks. I remind you that the spiritual sexual roles of Satan have changed. He was soul. He became spirit when he became the ruler of the living soul. He became an imputed spirit.


Do you remember the teaching, if you are a woman, and you are married, and you have five kids, and your husband leaves, for whatever reason, and there is no man in the house, the woman becomes the man in the house. For no reason other than that she is the most senior person there, and you are not going to have your five year old son making the decisions. She became the head of the household. She inherited the male role because there was nobody else to take it. That was what happened to Satan. He was sold. He was part of the living soul, but he became spirit because God had separated Himself from the living soul, and Adam, who was God’s appointee, fell prey to sin. So Satan rose from the position of soul to the position of spirit. When we separate the spiritual realm of the soul, it breaks down into spirit and soul, because Satan is pushed back down to a soul position. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


We are on the next phrase now of Revelation 6:14, the second phrase. And every mountain and island were moved out of their places. The word mountain is Strong’s #3735 in the Greek. It really means a mountain. We have talked about this many times, and I remind you that in the Scriptures, mountains refer to pride. Remember we talked about the mountains and the valleys? The mountains refer to pride. It also refers to the places of false worship, the place where the false worship takes place. I just want to suggest to you that a mountain in this scripture, anyway, is typifying the individual members of the living soul. The living soul is pride, and unless you are totally converted into Christ, brethren, you have pride. Do not, anyone, tell me you do not have pride. Some might have more than others, and some might have it under control better than others, and some might have evil spirits of pride on top of their root of pride, but unless Christ has utterly swallowed up your soul, everybody has pride. If you are a member of the living soul, you are a mountain, because you are lifting yourself up above, no matter how much under control it is. Hallelujah.


The word island is Strong’s #3520 in the Greek. It means a floating land. In the Hebrew it is Strong’s #339. It is a little clearer in the Hebrew. It means a desirable inhabitable place. We know that our human bodies and our human souls are inhabited, or made to be inhabited, by a spirit. They were made to be inhabited by Almighty God. For a long season they have been inhabited by Satan, but our souls and our bodies are islands. This whole world is a world of water. It is 96% water. Our bodies are 96% water. The atmosphere is 96% water. If you see a man walking down the street, in the midst of an atmosphere that is 96% water, I suggest to you that he is an inhabitable place, where spirit can dwell, in this world that is made of 96% water. Hallelujah.


This word translated island in the Hebrew, also means border or outline. We have had many teachings here, how this body that we live in, is a border and an outline of a city, in which spiritual life dwells. Glory to God. The phrase that we are dealing with is that every mountain and island were moved out of their places. The word moved is Strong’s #2795 in the Greek, and it means not only to move, but to move to and fro. We are talking about that shaking again, to throw into a commotion. We are talking about that jerking that brings forth, which both separates, and brings forth birth. It is the same verb. Hallelujah. Let me read you that verse again. Every mountain and island was removed out of their places. This word, their, is Strong’s #846 in the Greek. We have had it several times since we have been studying the Book of Revelation, only it has always been translated them, before, and it is that reflexive pronoun.


I am suggesting to you that it should be translated out of the place of them. They are being shaken out of their own place. What is our own place? Where do we live? We live in this body. We are being shaken out of our own place. We are being shaken until we are separated from Satan, and we are going to get a new body. We are being shaken apart. Everything is being separated. The word place is Strong’s #5117 in the Greek. It means any portion or space marked off, as it were from surrounding space. It is used of an inhabited place or a city. It is talking about our bodies, brethren. It is talking about our bodies.

Alternate Translation of the second half of Revelation 6:14; And every member of the living soul and the body she inhabited, was thrown into a commotion of agitated movement, and threw themselves out of their natural boundary. AT

Now you may recall that we talked about the twenty four elders, physically, violently, throwing themselves out of their natural soul into the soul of Christ. If you want to review that, it is message #39 Part 4. I do not know what part of the message it is on. That is what I am suggesting to you is happening here, that the sons of God have been given the go ahead, and they have been given the power to jerk themselves free from Satan, and when they jerk themselves free, they are going right into the soul of Christ, and becoming one with Him. They would perish otherwise, because you have to be joined to one spirit or another. I am going to read it again.


Alternate Translation of the second half of Revelation 6:14. And every member of the living soul and the body she inhabited was thrown into a commotion of agitated movement, and threw themselves out of their natural boundary. AT

Hallelujah. Glory to God. We escaped from being joined to Satan, our natural boundary. I personally do not think it is the body at this point, but our natural boundary would be the soul. We were jerked away from that, and we are going into the soul of Christ.

King James Version: Jeremiah 30: 6-9; Ask ye now, and see whether a man doth travail with child? Wherefore do I see every man with his hands on his loins, as a woman in travail, and all faces are turned into paleness? Alas! For that day is great, so that none is like it: It is even the time of Jacob’s trouble; but he shall be saved out of it. For it shall come to pass in that day, of the great shaking, of the great pain, of the spiritual labor, that shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord of hosts, that I will break his yoke from off thy neck; whose yoke? Satan’s yoke! I will break Satan’s yoke from off thy neck, and will burst thy bonds, well what are thy bonds binding you to? They are binding us to Satan. and strangers shall no more serve themselves of him. We are going to be separated from Satan. Verse 9: But they shall serve the Lord their God, that is us, and David their king, whom I will raise up unto them. He is bursting our bonds, and we are going to serve God by being joined to His Christ. Hallelujah.

Alternate Translation of the whole of Revelation 6:14; And the spiritual realm of the soul separated itself into two parts, even the soul from the spirit, the bone from the marrow, and Eve, the human spirit, was separated from her husband, Satan, so that the living soul was restored. Every member of the living soul, and the bodies they inhabited, was thrown into a commotion of agitated movement, and threw themselves out of their natural boundaries. AT

Glory to God. I will read it again.

Alternate Translation of the whole of Revelation 6:14; And the spiritual realm of the soul separated itself into two parts, even the soul from the spirit, the bone from the marrow, and Eve, the human spirit, was separated from her husband, Satan, so that the living soul was restored. Every member of the living soul, and the bodies they inhabited, was thrown into a commotion of agitated movement, and threw themselves out of their natural boundaries. AT

I do not know about you, brethren, but I am in a commotion of agitated movement a lot. I just wish I would come out already. Laughter. Hallelujah. I want to give you a second witness to these few verses. We did not get past verse 14. I stopped there. I want to give you a second witness in the Old Testament.

King James Version: Isaiah 34:1-4; Come near, ye nations, to hear; and hearken, ye people: let the earth hear, and all that is therein; the world, and all things that come forth of it. For the indignation of the Lord is upon all nations, and his fury upon all their armies: he hath utterly destroyed them, he hath delivered them to the slaughter. Their slain also shall be cast out, and their stink shall come up out of their carcases, and the mountains shall be melted with their blood. And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll: and all their host shall fall down, as the leaf falleth off from the vine, and as a falling fig from the fig tree. KJV

I only have an alternate translation on one of these verses. I am going to just comment on the others. Verse 1 of Isaiah 34; Come near, ye nations. The word nations referred to non Jewish tribes. Glory to God. Come near, ye nations, to hear. All of you non Jews, all of you unsaved people, come close to me and hear. I remind you that you cannot hear the servants of God without permission from the Lord. See, the carnal mind misinterprets the Scriptures. They think God is begging these people to come near and listen, but the truth is that these people are incapable of hearing the truth of God’s word, without permission from the Lord. Glory to God. Come near, I give you nations that are not born again, that are not receiving the word of God, that do not have my Spirit, I give you permission to come near to me, and hear this glorious word that is going to produce Christ in you. And hearken, ye people. People is Strong’s #5971 in the Hebrew, and it represents a tribe. It usually typifies Israel. So He is saying to the non Jew, I give you permission to approach unto me. To Israel He is saying, listen to me. Listen to me. Let the earth hear. So He is calling the Jew and the non Jew, let all of the earth hear. Let the entire living soul have the ability to hear the things of God. Glory to God. Let the earth hear and all that is therein.


Brethren, that includes Satan. That includes the demons. That includes everything that dwells in the creation of God. I am sorry if you are hearing this message, and it offends you. I do not believe it is offending anybody here, but God is reconciling His creation. I remind you of a prior teaching. Nobody is getting thrown out or cast down. The problem of the living soul is that we are in the wrong spiritual moral order. All of the components of the living soul were created, and or formed, by God. They are suppose to be here. What happened to us is that we are in the wrong moral order. Satan, the existence that dwells in the earth, who was suppose to be the spiritual skeleton, is the prince of the power of the air. For those of you that are not reading every message, I know that all power and authority has been given unto the Lord Jesus Christ. He has the authority, and that makes Satan’s activities illegal, but Satan has not given up his position yet to anyone that I know of, outside of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The only thing that has changed in the realm of appearance is that he no longer has a legal right to us, and Jesus is fighting to get us back. Hallelujah.


Come near, ye nations, all ye Jews and ye non Jews. Let the earth hear, and all that is therein. Satan is not going to be destroyed from the face of the earth. He is going to be restored to his correct moral order, under the foot of the sons of God, under the foot of Christ, where he shall perform his prescribed function. Hallelujah. In Colossians 1:18 and in Ephesians 1:20-23 we are told that the powers and principalities shall learn of the things of God by the church; by the church. Hallelujah. Come near, ye nations, to hear and hearken, ye people: let the earth hear, and all that is therein, the world, and all things that come forth from it. The peace of the Lord is for every part of the creation, for every part of the creation, but you must be in your proper order. You cannot have your five year old son running your house, because if you do, you are in bad trouble. You and your whole family is in bad trouble. Your family life is in the wrong moral order, and only disaster can proceed forth from it. So Satan and his demons shall be dealt with. Someone asked me a question when I talked about the demons. The demons, I believe, are going to be dismembered. They are going to be broken down into spirit and soul, and sent into their proper position in the creation. They are illegal offspring, but Satan is the spiritual skeleton. Hallelujah.

King James Version. Isaiah 34:2; For the indignation of the Lord is upon all nations, and his fury upon all their armies: he hath utterly destroyed them, he hath delivered them to the slaughter. KJV

Here we go again with the slaughter again. So the indignation of the Lord is upon all nations, that is non Jews and His fury upon all their armies. That is their spiritual armies. He has utterly destroyed them. He has delivered them to the slaughter. They have to be slaughtered. The soul has to be separated from spirit. Every ungodly birth, every demon, everything not of God, has to be cut in pieces, and separated, and put in its proper place.

King James Version. Isaiah 34:3; Their slain also shall be cast out, and their stink shall come up out of their carcases, and the mountains shall be melted with their blood. KJV

Their slain, also, shall be cast out. The word slain is Strong’s #2491 in the Hebrew. We are in the Old Testament now. We touched on this earlier. It means pierced through, to be mortally wounded. When we were separated from God, we were pierced by the judgment that fell on us. That is the result of our breaking the law. We were pierced. What we were pierced by was Satan. We became his. Remember the teaching that Satan is going to be joined to Christ? He is going to be pierced by the jagged rock, that is Christ. Well, the living soul, when it fell into sin, was pierced by Satan. He penetrated us, spiritual sexual penetration, and we have produced his offspring. Hallelujah.


The word cast out is Strong’s #7993 in the Hebrew, and it means to cast anything or any person out of a place. What is being cast out of the place is Satan and the demons. They are in the wrong place. They have to come out. For thy slain shall also be cast out, and their stink shall come up out of their carcasses. The word stink is Strong’s #889 in the Hebrew. It really just means stink. The word that it comes from means cistern, which is like a cesspool. But when you take it back one more word, the basic root that it comes from is Strong’s # 874 and it means to engrave. It means to engrave. I remind you in message 16 where we did some study on the true graven images, where God calls them an abomination. So this is what this word stink means. He is talking about the graven images. He is talking about the offspring of the marriage between Satan and Eve. That is what He is talking about.


He is saying their slain shall also be cast out. Those souls that were killed are going to be cast away from Satan, and their stink, their graven images shall come up out of their carcasses. What are our carcasses? Jesus said that where you find the carcass, that is where you are going to find the eagle flying. The carcass refers to a soul that is dead. The carcass refers to something that is dead; a dead body or a dead soul. What it is saying here is that their stink shall come up out of their carcasses. Well, we have been killed. Our souls are dead, and our body is dead, and the stink is the demons, but the Lord says they are coming up out of here. They are coming up out of our souls, and they are coming up out of our bodies. And their stink shall come up out of their carcasses. That word come up is Strong’s #5927 in the Hebrew, and it means to be made to depart or driven away. It can be translated to be driven away. This sounds like a terrible judgment of the Lord, but it really is glorious.


And the mountains shall be melted with their blood. The word melt means to waste away. The word, with, is Strong’s #5973 in the Hebrew, and it can be translated together with, or as the same time as. The mountains; that is us. That is the members of the living soul. The mountains shall waste away at the same time with their blood; at the same time with the blood of their soul life. They are going to get the life of the Lord Jesus Christ. I want to make this point, because it can be confusing, that there is no distinction, in the Greek or Hebrew language, between the blood of the soul life, and the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no distinction. You have to determine which one it is by the context of the sentence.

Alternate Translation of Isaiah 34:3; The mortally wounded members of the living soul shall be cast out of their prison houses, and their graven images shall be driven away from their dead bodies, or their demons shall be driven away from their dead bodies, and from their souls. And the proud members of the living soul shall waste away at the same time as their soul life. AT

And the proud members of the living soul shall waste away at the same time as their soul life. We are talking about soul and body. They are both going to disappear, brethren. We are getting a new spirit. Our soul is going to be raised from the dead by the presence of the indwelling Christ, and lastly our body shall be glorified.


This is the closest to what we just did in Revelation. Alternate Translation of Isaiah 34:4. And all the armies of heaven. I point out to you that, that first heaven is singular, and the second heaven is plural. And all the armies of heaven, singular, shall be separated from themselves, and the heavens, plural, shall be restored, and their armies shall lose their spiritual power to appear in the realm of appearance.

King James Version. Isaiah 34:4; And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll. KJV

Let me give you this quote. This is Isaiah 34:4; And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll, and all their host shall fall down as the leaf falleth off from the vine, and as a fallen fig from the fig tree. All the host of heaven, singular, and I remind you that there are two heavens. There is the spiritual realm of the soul, and the spiritual realm of God. Frequently, when the word heavens is plural, it is referring to them both. I do not know if it ever refers to the realm of God in the singular. I do not know, but right now this is referring to the spiritual realm of the soul. And all the host; and that word host, in case you do not know it, it means armies. All of the armies of the spiritual realm of the soul shall be dissolved. They are going to be separated, because right now they are all stuck together, giving each other great strength. They are bound together.


We talked about it in the last message. How are they bound together? They are bound together because they have the same master. They have the same master, and they are bound together, because they were born out of the same Eve. They were born out of the earth. The armies of the heaven does not have to be spiritual. You could be a vessel, a many member of the living soul, and you are a member of the host of heaven, if you are moving in ungodly spiritual power. You are an army in the ungodly heavenlies. And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved. They are joined together in those two bonds, and they are going to be dissolved. And the heavens, plural, shall be rolled together as a scroll. There is going to be a restoration of Eve, which is a part of the Spirit of God. She is going to be rejoined to the spiritual realm of God. The heavens are going to be restored. They are going to be rolled together.


Let us look at this alternate translation here. And all the armies of heaven shall be separated from themselves. If you are a member of the army of the spiritual realm of the soul, you are going to be separated from yourself. And the heavens, in you, shall be restored. You are going to be joined to Christ. And their armies shall lose spiritual power, to appear in the realm of appearance, and never be seen again. And the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll, and their armies shall lose their spiritual power, to appear in the realm of appearance. Hallelujah. And all their host shall fall down as the leaf falleth off from the vine, and as a fallen fig from the fig tree. Glory to God. As a leaf falls off a vine; they are never going to be seen in the realm of appearance again. As a leaf falls off a vine, even though the vine continues to live, and as a fig falls from a fig tree, and the tree continues to live.


There are plants. One is called a vine, and another is a type of a tree, and they are living things that live in the earth for long periods of time, and they produce manifestations of life that only appear for a season. They are called leaves. Sometimes they are called fruit. They appear, and when the season ends, when fall comes, the leaf falls off, and they die, but the vine still abides, and the tree still lives. We studied this in this ministry. There is one spiritual entity. He is the living soul. He is spiritual. He keeps on taking the flesh. If a human body dies, that is okay, another baby is born. There are many members of the living soul. Each individual man or woman that dies can be likened to the leaf on a tree. The tree continues to live, but that vessel is never going to be seen again on the face of the earth, but the tree births new leaves, and new babies, and new vessels are born. I do not have the message number where we studied that. You can contact me if you want it.


Let me read it again. All the armies of heaven. That is the members of the living soul, of the natural man. All the armies of heaven shall be separated from themselves, and the heavens shall be restored. We are going to be separated from ourselves, from that, in us, which is the natural man, which is us joined to Satan. We are going to be separated, and joined to Christ. And their armies shall lose their spiritual power to appear in the realm of appearance, never to be seen again in this natural form. That is because when we are separated from Satan, we are never going to appear again in this natural form. We are never to be seen again in the realm of appearance, as a leaf falls off a vine, even though the vine continues to live, and as a fig falls from a fig tree, and the tree continues to live.


This is not going to happen anymore, that the living soul can take on the flesh, and that, that vessel will live for a period of time, and disintegrate. It is going to stop happening because this is the existence of the living soul. He has to keep birthing new vessels because the vessels wear out and die. Why? Because we are under the judgments of God, but now we are going to be joined to Christ. I will just read you my comment here. Natural man is a temporary, incomplete, immature manifestation of the creation of God, that will not abide forever. Only Christ will abide forever. What we see in the earth today is going to end, bodies dying, souls dying. It is going to end.

King James Version. Ezekiel 47:12; And by the river, upon the bank thereof, on this side and on that side, shall grow all trees for meat, whose leaf shall not fade, neither shall the fruit thereof be consumed. KJV

Souls that will live for the life of the ages, and bodies that will live for the life of the ages,
when we become joined to Christ. All of you people out there that think you are going to get it when you die, and go to heaven, it is not true. You have to have a body to get it. You have to have a body before eternal life is imparted to you. Hallelujah.

Alternate Translation Recap of Revelation 6:12-14; And I looked when the power of God continued to release the firstfruits of the living soul from the authority of Satan, and there it was, a powerful outpouring of the Spirit of God in many human vessels. And the earth labored, and the life of Christ was raised to full stature in them, and their human spirits became overshadowed by the rising sun of Christ, and their human souls became alive with his blood. And the ministers of God’s word, who fornicated with the harlot, and preached the false doctrine, birth by their carnal mind, lost their spiritual power, and became natural men. When the tempest of God’s Spirit tested them, even as the unripe figs of a fig tree growing out of season never come to maturity, but fall off and die, when a powerful wind blows upon the tree. And the spiritual realm of the souls separated itself into two parts, even the soul from the spirit, the bone from the marrow, and Eve, the human spirit, was separated from her husband, Satan, so that the living soul, and the body they inhabited, was thrown into a commotion of agitated movement, and threw themselves out of their natural boundaries. AT

Hallelujah. Glory to God. We are at the stage of a closing remark. What is happening, at least in these beginning verses of the six seals, is that the promise, and the commands of the fifth seal are now appearing in the realm of appearance; the promise, and the command. The permission was given in the fifth seal, and now it is happening in the sixth seal. Any questions? Glory to God.


2/22/2014 - Transcribed by MJS 
3/04/2014 - 1st Edit MJS

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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