635 - Part 4

Part 4 of 4 Parts

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



Praise the Lord, everybody.  On Part 3 we used as a reference Leviticus, Chapter 14 or several scriptures from Leviticus 14.  One of those scriptures talks about scraping the stones of a leprous house.  I have always wondered about Job.  If you want to look at page 3 of your notes, you can see Job, Chapter 2 Verse 8 which reads, And he took him a potsherd to scrape himself with and he sat down among the ashes.  Now of course, that is preached that Job had boils and he took a piece of pottery and was scraping the boils off of his skin.  I always wondered what the spiritual meaning of that was, so I took a couple of hours to do an alternate translation.  I see there is a mistake on your notes.  This is not Job 14: 41thru 44.  This alternate translation is Leviticus Chapter 14 verses 41 to 44. 


I did an alternate translation on those verses to find out what this scraping really means.  Then I applied it to the scripture in the Book of Job, which talks about Job scraping himself.  This is really a side study in this message, Leviathan Must Die, but I decided to do it.  I hope it blesses you.  Okay, here is our alternate translation of Leviticus Chapter 14 verses 41 to 44.  And Abel, the household of God, shall be segregated from Cain, the inner light, or the soul of fallen Adam, and from Satan’s surrounding light and Abel’s blood, or Abel’s soul, shall spill forth from the dust.  Now remember Abel’s blood is under the ground.  His soul is under Cain’s ground.  Abel’s blood or soul shall spill forth from the dust that is scraped off from Cain, the city which was separated from Jehovah into the polluted place of this fallen world. 


Now those of you that have studied with me for awhile may remember, as the Lord brought forth the doctrine of Christ, one of the revelations that came forth is that Abel is sometimes signified as dust.  Dead Abel is sometimes signified as dust.  Let me just read this again.  So Abel, the household of God or of the family of God, shall be segregated from Cain, separated from Cain.  This is called sanctification, brethren.  Abel has to come out from under Cain before Abel can be awakened in Christ, rise above Cain, and cover over Cain.  This is the spiritual reality of the term sanctification, separation from Cain. 


Now it is wonderful if you separate from your worldly lifestyle, and it is wonderful if you separate from drinking, and it is wonderful if you separate from smoking, and all of these destructive things to your health, and to your soul.  The square root, the spiritual meaning of sanctification, which is separation, means separation of the part of us that has a potential to rise in Christ, from Cain, who is dominating him, and that separated part rising above and overlaying Cain, who is the spiritual female within us.  Verse 41 reads; And Abel, the household of God shall be segregated from Cain, the inner light or the soul of fallen Adam, and from Satan’s surrounding light, and Abel’s blood or Abel’s soul, shall spill forth from under the dust that is scraped off from Cain.


Well, what does that mean?  It means that Cain has to be literally scraped off.  Just for argument’s sake, let us think of ourselves as a piece of earth, with all kinds of mud and dirt  just plastered on top of us.  That earth, that dust, that earth that Abel is buried under, has to be scraped off because that is what it is.  It is mud.  So Abel’s soul shall spill forth or flow forth from the dust because Abel’s soul is now trapped in dust particles.  What is more, the significance of Abel’s soul being trapped in dust particles is that the life of God, signified by waters, dried up and is evaporating.  Cain has extracted the life force of God from Abel.  This is what we are going to be doing to Cain.  That watery life force of Cain is really Satan.


Cain is lubricated by Satan.  Leviathan lives in Satan’s sea.  Cain is under Satan’s dominion, just like we have liquid blood all through our body.  Cain, in his spiritual comparison, is completely infused with the consciousness that Satan gives.  That water, which is Satan’s sea, when applied to the dust in which Abel’s soul is entrapped, creates a mud that traps Abel underneath the mud.  So Cain has to be literally scraped off of Abel.  The soul of Abel shall spill forth or flow forth from the dust that is scraped off from Cain, the city which was separated from Jehovah into the polluted place of this fallen world.


Now Cain is a city, brethren.  Each one of us is a city in which spiritual life dwells.  This ministry as a whole is a larger city in which the life of Christ Jesus dwells.  In that manner we can say the collective Cain is in a higher spiritual level.  Down here we are divided.  In a higher spiritual level, in the world of Yetzirah for example, Cain exists as one big city.  Everyone of us, in whom Cain is not completely buried under Christ Jesus, which is all of us, are citizens of that city.  Now we are told in the Scripture that we are citizens of another city.  We are just temporary wayfarers.  We are visitors.  We have visas to be in this world.


If Christ is in you, and Christ is active in you, we are citizens of the city of God, in the same manner that Paul said to us, do not listen to your present spiritual husband.  Live as though you were not married.  Resist and obey Christ.  In that same manner we have two husbands, you see.  We are married to Leviathan and we are married to Christ Jesus, if we are married to Christ Jesus.  We are citizens of Cain’s city as well as citizens of Abel’s city.  This is only a temporary perversion.  James described it this way.  He said a double minded man is unstable in all his ways.  We are told in another place, with a very very misunderstood and misused scripture, that a man who is to minister to the household of God must be a man who has only one wife.


So we have well meaning, but ignorant Christians, telling even widowers that they cannot minister because they have been remarried.  But brethren, a man of God that is going to minister to God’s children, that is going to be in charge of a ministry or part of the household of God, you cannot be married to both Cain and Abel.  You have to be sold out to the Lord Jesus Christ.  That is what that means.  You cannot be ministering out of your carnal mind to God’s people.  So how many ministers in the world today fulfill that requirement?  Probably none.  I believe I fulfill that requirement.  Maybe a couple of others scattered across the world, but not many.  I believe there are others that are ministering out of at least an imputed Christ, but not many, and not the majority.


The inner light is the soul.  Our light is the soul and the surrounding light is more commonly known as our aura.  Now the Church world does not like to talk about the aura, but human beings have an aura.  It has been physically proven that we have an energy field around us.  There are two potential sources of this energy field, because the spirit that is in your inner most point vibrates out, and forms an energy field around the outside of you.  Do I need to put that on the board or is that clear enough? 


That inner light in the deepest recesses of our being vibrates through all of the layers of our soul, and our physical body, and forms an energy field around us.  There are two sources of this energy field.  One is Satan, the spirit that I just told you is through everything in our spiritual body, just like blood.  Wherever you scratch yourself, you physically bleed, we have a spiritual body that looks just like this body.  It exists in the world of Yetzirah.  Throughout that entire body, Satan is infused.  She is the spiritual blood of that body of Cain.  She is the one that vibrates out from Cain in our innermost point, and forms an energy field around the outside of us.  In that energy field can possibly live demons or all kinds of entities that should not be there.  These entities feed off of us and make us sick and sometimes kill us. 


In that case, we need what is called old order deliverance.  We need a cleansing of our aura.  In the Church it is called the casting out of evil spirits.  Do you know that there are occult practitioners who take money to cleanse your aura.  Obviously, they do it by witchcraft, but this benefit is available to the Church, also.  Many in the Church would choose to believe that even though they could be sick or dying, or having all kinds of problems, their pride is so high they will not believe that they could possibly have an evil spirit or evil spirits in their aura. 


Now a new city is being built in us.  The name of this new city is Jerusalem.  We are promised a new city that is coming down from heaven in the Book of Revelation.  Some Christians believe there is a physical city descending from heaven.  Well brethren, even if that is true, what good is that going to do me?  I need help.  I need help with this body.  I need help with my soul.  I need help with my emotions.  I need all kinds of help.  What good is a physical city descending somewhere and landing on the physical earth, going to help me?  I am grateful to know that there is a spiritual city that is coming down into my world from God.  That is what we are told in the Book of Revelation.  A city from God, the new and a holy Jerusalem descended and that new city is Christ Jesus, and He is going to take up residence in me. 


That city is going to be in me.  In that city there is a throne room, and there is a king sitting on the throne.  His name is Christ Jesus, and when He is fully in place, when the palace is fully established, and the King fully established on my throne, He will deal with all of my spiritual enemies that make me sick, that would like to kill me, because we all have a spiritual enemy that wants us to die.  He will deal with death.  He will deal with infirmity.  He will deal with every weakness that I have, and I will enter into the promises of calm delight, and peace and prosperity of spirit, soul, body and material things. 


If you truly have prosperity in your inward parts, you will have prosperity in your outward parts.  Brethren, this is why so many of God’s people are not wealthy.  I was on-line the other day.  There is a list of all the billionaires in the world.  You can find that if you type into a search engine.  I think the richest man in the world, the wealthiest billionaire, is Russian.  They all stole the money when the country went Communist.  This socialist communist doctrine is such a lie.  The people that want to take the money from the middle class are becoming multi-billionaires or multi-millionaires.  All of these people in Washington preaching socialism are all multi-millionaires, living in million dollar houses. 


Something is wrong with this picture.  The second most wealthy billionaire is American.  Then when you go down the list, you would think that most of them would be Americans, but they are not.  There are some Americans, but there are a lot of Russians and billionaires from other nations.  This is my point.  This is the reason why more Christians are not very wealthy, because they do not have prosperity in their inward part, yet.  The only way God gives you that kind of wealth is when it is a reflection of your inner man.  It is just like I said, the inner light shines out from you and forms your aura.  When our inner man is Christ Jesus, developed to a particular degree, that He penetrates out into the outer world that surrounds us, we will be billionaires.  God has the scale, to whatever degree that is.


What is wrong?  The inner man in the Church is not matured to a point where he would produce that kind of prosperity in our lives.  Can you hear that?  Are you brave enough to hear that?  All of these billionaires and multi-millionaires out there in the world, their inner man is developed to that point in the household of the Serpent.  That inner man has penetrated through all of the layers of their soul in their being and has produced the prosperity of the Serpent to her people.  The Serpent is female in this world.  I am sorry, but I am telling you the truth. 


Now there are some billionaires that are in Christ, but I believe at this time, that the billionaires who are in Christ or even the multi-millionaires, that they have received it from an imputed anointing.  The reason I say that is that, to the best of my knowledge, the imparted, the permanent placing of Christ Jesus in individuals is just starting to become available to the Church today.  Two thousand years after the first man that ever experienced the impartation of Christ Jesus, which impartation changes your whole nature and your whole life, appeared, and the name of that man was Jesus of Nazareth.  He was the first begotten of the dead.  He was the first human being born of a woman to experience his inner man being so completely converted into the image and nature of God. 


In His case, He did not become financially prosperous.  He was just delivered from this physical grave completely, because that was what He was called to do at that time.  He was called to reach that ascended place in the flesh, and then depart from the physical body, so that He could ascend to a place where His name is higher than every other name, and be transmuted into a form where He could seed all of us, where He could provide for all of us to have a similar experience to Him.  He was not called to become rich in this world.  He was a rush job, a hurry up job, a three year ministry.  Then again, of course, that ministry continued in Paul.


As far as the world is concerned, He had a three year ministry.  He was crucified and resurrected because the Lord wants to get that victory, that victory which is in Christ, which was in Jesus of Nazareth.  He wants to get it to the rest of the Church, and then eventually to the rest of the world.  He was only in that exalted position for three years.  Then He was taken from the earth, so that He could get His victory.  What victory?  His victory over hell and death, so that He could give the seeds of that victory to us, and we have got it.  Now we just have to embrace it, and nurture it, and pray that it grows into full maturity in us.  I believe we are waiting for the first human being to experience Christ Jesus, an imparted Christ Jesus, a permanent part of us, in full maturity. 


It is the new Jerusalem, established in a human being, with the King sitting on the throne ruling through us.  When that happens, we will start to experience the wealth of this world in our material life.  But you have to understand that when that happens to you, your administration of that wealth will be used in accordance with the mind of Christ.  Much of it will be given away.  A great deal of it will be given away, but we will be permitted to be comfortable, and maybe much much more than comfortable, depending on what the Lord gives us.  The millionaires and the billionaires of the world are destined to be Christians who are under the direct control of Christ Jesus, doing with that money what He wants them to do.


Then we get a side benefit of it.  We can be allowed to have some nice things, a nice house, and whatever else He decides to give us when we prove faithful with the wealth that He gives us, faithful to do what He wants us to do with it.  That is why there are so few Christians, spirit filled Christians, that are very wealthy.  If those spirit filled Christians, who are very wealthy, most of them, I cannot say all of them, but in my opinion, most of them, if not all of them, came into this world with a writing.  I told you everybody comes into this world with a writing, with wealth written on them.  They came into the world with a potential to become very wealthy. 


So what we are waiting to see are the people who did not come into this world with a writing that said you have the potential to be wealthy.  We are waiting for the great miracle, for the people who came into this world with a writing on them saying, cursed, premature death, destined to poverty, destined to destruction, destined to incest, destined to rape, destined to be brutalized and cast down.  Those are the people we are waiting to see have their soul replaced with the soul of Christ.  Those are the people we are waiting to see Christ Jesus take up residence within them and do awesome miracles in the lives of people like that, completely turning their lives around. 


The Lord just wants me to clarify that.  The Lord is not giving millions and billions of dollars to people that are not emotionally and intellectually capable of taking care of that money.  You have to be so changed in your inward person and educated.  I am not saying you have to go to college, but you have to at least know how to handle money.  The Lord is not the lottery.  A lot of people who win the lottery go into destruction.  No, what I am talking about, if anybody did not understand me, I am talking about the people whose inner man will be completely converted, and making them into the kind of person who has the stamina, the will power, and the drive to pursue the education that one needs to make money in this world.  Then the Lord will bless them, and they will be prosperous in their efforts.  Is there anybody that does not understand that?


I hear somebody’s mind saying what if I am not smart?  How fast am I going to get this conversion?  Well, there are two possibilities.  It may not happen to you.  It may happen to your children, or you may go into longevity, and have another whole lifetime to do everything that you did not do in this lifetime, or that you did not have the ability to do.  Maybe you will go back to college.  Maybe all of a sudden you will find yourself able to function on that level.  Maybe it will take fifty years before you are able to function on that level as we go into longevity.  All things are possible for those who believe or maybe it will be on a reincarnation.  I do not know, but that is the promise of the Scripture, being remade from our innermost point.


Brethren, humanity is spiritually retarded.  Do you know we only use one tenth of our brain?  I do not care how smart or unsmart you are, we all have something in common.  We only use one tenth of our brain.  One way or another, the Lord Jesus intends to inhabit us and make full use of our whole brain.  We are called to be geniuses, compared to what we are now.  This is a fallen world, brethren.  Everything in this world is a type of what exists in the spiritual world, so we have retarded people in this world.  But the smartest of us is retarded in comparison to a spiritually mature man.  That is why the Scripture says you had better humble yourself.  If you are the richest, or the smartest person, or you are a really brilliant person, you had better not be lauding it over anybody else, or you are going to find yourself being where they are, either in this life or in another life.


Well Sheila, how could that happen?  It could happen, brethren.  You could have a brain tumor.  You could have an accident.  I saw that happen to a man.  He was an up and coming lawyer.  He was brilliant and making all kinds of money, adding employees to his firm, and he had a stroke, and that was the end of him.  The Scripture says there is nothing that you have that was not given to you.  Your intelligence, your talents, your wealth, the relationships in your life, there is nothing that you have that you gained on your own.  You think you did it because you studied, and worked hard, and trained.  No, because you would not have been able to do it if the Lord did not put the ability to study and train and work hard in your life.  There is nothing that you have done for yourself.  You merely co-operated with the potential that the Lord gave you, and He prospered you in your efforts. 


Some people do everything to be done and they still do not prosper in their efforts because promotion only comes from the Lord.  That is what the Scripture says.  You had better not exalt yourself above somebody that does not have your intelligence, or does not have your abilities, or does not know what you know.  You had better come down to their level and talk to them as one human being to another human being.  You had better.  I will tell you this is a major force behind these politicians that are trying to make this country into a socialist state.  If you are really brave enough to really analyze and research where they are coming from, they are coming from a position that says the man in the street is not smart enough to choose who should be the next president.


They are just ignorant everyday people who actually believe in God and like to hunt and do stupid things.  They have their down syndrome babies and do not abort them.  These people are going to vote for who is going to be President?  That is where they are coming from.  What we see in this country is a high manifestation of pride rising up.  It is rising up as one man, and the name of that man is Cain.  This is my prayer, if anybody in this country, has any shred of an ability to perceive righteousness in them, I am calling them to just stand up.  Maybe you cannot understand the issues, especially all the lies that are going on.  Look for righteousness in the person.  Look for righteousness, and vote where you see the righteousness. 


Verse 42: And the priest shall take and enfold Abel, the other foundation stone because Cain is the foundation stone, which is our mortal foundation.  All of us that are in animal bodies, our existence is founded upon Cain, who is an animal, so we look like our founder.  The priest shall take and enfold Abel, the other foundation stone.  The Scripture says Jesus Christ is that foundation stone, and there is no other foundation besides Him that will endure.  The priest shall take and enfold Abel, the other foundation stone and put him in a place of Cain’s foundation stones.  We see that Cain’s foundation stones are plural, but Abel’s foundation stone is singular.  The Scripture says Christ is not divided.  Even though Christ is appearing through many human beings, He is not divided.  He has the same mind.


Brethren, this is the problem we have run into in this ministry, when I tell people your comment or your question did not come out of the mind of Christ.  If you are a person who has not yet seen an even imputed Christ in you, you may think that I am stopping you from having your opinion.  Your pride might think that I only want my opinion known, and your opinion is not valuable.  None of this is true, brethren.  It has to do with the spirit that you are talking out of, because if you are talking out of one of the foundation stones of Cain, nothing good can come out of it, because that spirit just attacks the Spirit of Christ that is present in the meeting.  It is not edifying, and it tears down what Christ is building.


I remind you that Jesus had to rebuke Peter two or three times.  It is in the alternate translation.  Jesus was saying, Peter, will you feed my sheep?  Peter answered two times in a manner that Jesus did not accept.  How do I know that Jesus did not accept it.  Because Jesus asked him again.  In the alternate translation it reveals why.  Jesus said, Peter, I keep talking to Christ in you and Cain keeps answering me, and I am not going to accept Cain’s answer.  Finally, Peter submitted and said, yes Lord, I will do it.  Now a carnal mind might say, well Jesus just would not accept Peter’s no.  But that is not the case.  The case was that Jesus knew that if Abel could just rise above Cain, the answer would have been yes.  Can you hear that? 


Listen to that again.  Jesus knew that when He asked Peter if he would feed His sheep, and the first couple of answers from Peter was not an enthusiastic yes, did Jesus keep asking him because He simply would not take no for an answer?  Or did Jesus keep asking Peter again because Jesus knew that in his Christ person, Peter would have enthusiastically said yes, but that Cain was rising up to block that response.  Is there anybody that needs me to ask that question again?


That is what happens with me and you a lot.  You say something and I know it is coming out of Cain in you, and I will not accept it.  Even if it was the right answer, I would not accept it if I knew it was coming out of Cain in you.  I am pretty much saying to you, the woman should not be heard in the Church.  Cain is not suppose to be speaking in this meeting.  Ask the Lord to help Christ rise in you, and I will listen to and consider seriously anything that you have to say out of Christ.  But I know that anything that Cain says, when I am in Christ or we are in a meeting where Christ is risen, anything that Cain has to say will, at least on some level, tear down what Christ is doing, so why should I listen to you?


Why should I allow the other people here to listen to you?  This message of the two minds is essential for anyone that hopes to go on in Christ Jesus.  You have to understand that you have two minds.  The next thing is that you have to learn how to distinguish between the two minds.  Then we take it from there.  When I will not let Cain speak in a meeting, that is me or Christ Jesus in me, helping you to distinguish between Christ and Cain in you.  


Verse 42: And the priest shall take hold and enfold Abel, the other foundation stone and put him in place of Cain’s foundation stones.  That means it is going to happen in more than one person.  And the priest shall take a different flesh or a different soul to overlay the house.  So we see that the foundation stone is the spirit.  I guess this is wrong.  I have to check this out.  To overlay the house; I did not close the bracket there, so if I amplified in the word, house, then house is wrong.  He shall take a different soul to overlay the foundation stone because it goes foundation stone, soul, and then what the Scripture calls mortar or plaster, which is this flesh that is on us. 


Verse 43: And if the plague appears.  Now this plague is sin.  First of all this plague is sin, and second of all, the priest is the Lord Jesus.  And if the plague appears and extends its wings in the house again.  Now listen to that; extends its wings.  How many of you remember the LEM studies going back years ago, that when Satan rises, Satan is in the second energy center.  When she starts to rise into the higher centers, what form does she take?  Does anybody remember?  She takes the form of spiritual flies.  The pharisees accused Jesus of being Beelzebub and Beelzebub means the lord of the flies.  Satan in the higher centers appears as flies. 


If the plague appears and extends its wing.  So we see that the plague is Satan, if she appears in a man and extends its wings and starts ascending into the higher centers in the household of God.  Again, if Satan appears and ascends, stretches her wings, and ascends into the higher centers in the household of God again, after the priest has taken away Cain’s foundation stones, and after he cut Cain off from Leviathan’s household.  Leviathan is strengthening Cain to stay on top of Abel.


Verse 44: Then the priest shall come and look, and if he sees that the plague has spread in the house, and that the mortal man with the plague, or the mortal man that is in sin, is bitter even after being rescued from the Serpent’s household.  Now this is absolutely crucial.  In the human being, who is delivered from Cain’s domination and Leviathan’s oppression, if even after that deliverance they remain bitter, this is what is going to happen to them. 


Leviticus 14 verse 45 to 54: And he who, the Lord Jesus, the high priest, in the person that is ministering, shall break down the house, the stones of it.  Now the house is the plaster.  That is this flesh body.  The stones of it, that is our spirit.  And the timber thereof, that is our soul.  And all the mortar of the house, I guess somewhere in there it is the personality.  And he shall carry them forth, out of the city into an unclean place.  Well what does that mean for us?  I want to suggest to you that what that means for human beings is revealed to us through Job’s experience, down at the bottom of page 2. 


So Satan went forth from the presence of the Lord and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot unto the crown of his head.  That is what it means to break down the house and the stones of it and the timber thereof.  All the mortar of the house, and he shall carry them out of the city.  Carry what?  He shall carry the spirit and the soul out of the city into an unclean place.  I know in our alternate translation of Lazarus and the rich man, it says Lazarus’ body was already breaking down because of sin. 


The Lord gave me that translation when my body was very broken, brethren.  Our body breaks down because of sin.  Now if our bodies break down as we age, you need to understand that that is the inherited sin that we inherited from Adam.  But even then, where is it written in stone that if you are still subject, for those of us who are still subject to the laws of this world, where is it written in stone that you must suffer before you die?  You are suppose to close your eyes and go to sleep.  I know people that that happened to them.  My own brother-in-law closed his eyes and he did not wake up.  My next door neighbor was under his car fixing it, and he did not come out.  They pulled him out and he was dead.


Where is it written in stone that you have to be sick and suffer and go to doctors and experience humiliating and evasive tests and treatments?  Where is it written?  So when your body breaks down, and especially when it breaks down prematurely, if you are a young person when it breaks down, it is because of family line curses and inherited sin, and as well as whatever sin you have brought upon yourself in your lifetime.  I do not believe that there is anything that any one person can do in one lifetime that could be so evil that it would bring premature death upon them.  If you have premature death attacking you, that means you are young when you start to die.


I used to ask the Lord what could I have possibly done.  I started to die as a young child, at eleven years old.  What could I have possibly done?  The answer is that, at least the bulk of it, I do not know what I could have even done as an eleven year old, but let us say I did commit some sin.  To start to die at eleven years old, it has to be inherited sin.  What could you do?  This is just my opinion. To start to die prematurely, at any age, even in your twenties or your thirties, that there is not one thing that you could do in your lifetime that would be so bad that you would be slain in that lifetime, unless it is something terrible. 


I heard about one prime minister of Israel, who was assassinated.  I think it was Rabin, but I am not sure.  Some Kabbalist came out of the crowd and cursed the man who did it, and he died within a year.  Something like that, or if you are caught raping somebody and some person with the authority of God sees you.  I have seen that happen where incest was involved.  I have seen it happen when somebody had raped a young girl.  The crime was noted by a son of God and they were openly rebuked and one died within a year and the other died within two years, too young to die.  I think that you have to do something really severe like that to die prematurely.  This is my understanding.  Let the Lord correct me if I am wrong.  It has to be recognized by the Lord through the eyes of a righteous person for you to die prematurely for something like that.  Does anybody have a problem with what I just said?


Now this person, God did everything He could do for them in the natural.  He rescued them from all their spiritual oppressors and they are still bitter.  They are going to start getting sick.  Those of us that have been in deliverance, we all know about a root of bitterness.  Do we not?  A root of bitterness produces all kinds of diseases in us, cancer and arthritis.  If you have been in deliverance you know all about that.  They tell you that you have to confess that bitterness.  You have to forgive people.  You have to get that bitterness out of you if you want to get well because that bitterness makes you sick.  We find some people, that even after the Lord has delivered them, they are still bitter, and then their body starts to break down and they start to get sick. 


Verse 46:  Moreover, he that goes into the house, all the while that it is shut up, shall be unclean until the even.  So that means the people that are trying to minister to the sick person, and I do not know that that applies to us in the Church today, but it applied to the priests.  To be unclean, it meant that they could not do certain things until they were spiritually cleansed by the amount of time that they were separated from the leprous person. 


Verse 48:  If the priest shall come in and look upon it, and behold, the plague hath not spread in the house, after the house was plastered, then the priest shall pronounce the house clean because the plague is healed. 


Verse 49.  And he shall take to cleanse the house two birds and cedar wood and scarlet and hyssop.  We have all this in Christ Jesus.  And he shall kill one of the birds in an earthen vessel over running water and he shall take the cedar wood and the hyssop and the scarlet and the living bird and dip them in the blood of the slain bird and in the running water and sprinkle the house seven times.  And he shall cleanse the house with the blood of the bird, which is a type of the blood of Jesus, and with the running water, which is a type of Jesus’ soul, the higher soul that we receive from Jesus.  And with the living bird and with the cedar wood and with the hyssop and with the scarlet, but he shall let go the living bird out of the city into the open fields and make an atonement for the house.  That is the Lord Jesus.  And it shall be clean.  This is the law for all manner of plague of leprosy and scall, which signifies sin.


So we see the people who do not benefit from the deliverance in verse 45, they get sick and ultimately die prematurely.  But the people who will confess the sin of bitterness and seek a right heart with God, especially in this day and age, can receive the atoning blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and be healed.  I have been delivered from premature death.  I believe the Lord has told me I will enter into longevity.  That means I hope to overcome the expected death of the descendants of Adam.


So we see Job, who was perfect in his practice of the law.  Job knew these scriptures, Leviticus 14: 45 thru 54.  He knew the Scriptures.  He wanted to get healed.  Job 2 verses 7 and 8.  When Satan went forth from the presence of the Lord and smote Job with sore boils in the sole of his foot unto the crown of his head, brethren, that is the beginning of death.  When everything starts breaking down, that is the beginning of death.  I lived with death for years.  Only the Lord would not permit her to take me.


Verse 8; And Job took potsherd, a piece of pottery, to scrape himself with, and he sat down among the ashes.  Brethren, Job tried to heal himself with the strength of his mortal soul, as typified by the piece of pottery.  That is what a potsherd is.  He sat down amongst the ashes.  It really should say, but, Job took a potsherd and tried to heal himself with his humanity or with the spiritual power of his mortal soul.  The result of it was that he could not do it.  He sat down or he married the ashes.


In other words, Job was married to Jehovah through a covenant by which Jehovah said, if you keep the law, I will be your God and your husband and I will provide for you.  That was the covenant that was made at Mt. Sinai.  Job was attacked by Satan and tested.  Instead of crying out to Jehovah to heal him, he tried to heal himself, and the result of it was that he sat down.  Sat down is an euphemism for married.  He sat down to the ashes, the ashes of the earth.  Man was made out of the ashes of the earth.  Then Jehovah breathed the breath of life into the man.  So mankind is made from ashes, the flesh and spirit, the breath of Jehovah.  What is implied here, is that if Job married the ashes of the earth, he married his human or his animal side.  Before he did that, he had to depart from his marriage to Jehovah. 


Is this any different than the Jews today who think that they are going to be restored to their first estate by keeping the mitzvah, by doing the works of the law.  That was what Job did.  It says here he took a piece of clay and tried to heal himself.  He tried to heal himself with his own soul, probably by keeping the mitzvah or by doing some good work.  Who knows?  Maybe, what Job did was to go to the priest and had all of this performed over him.  It did not work.  Maybe it did not work.


You have all heard this testimony.  For years I cast out demons.  I was in a church where we cast out demons.  I would go walking over to someone who was being delivered and the demons would scream out that they did not want me there.  Then one day, all of a sudden, nobody was afraid of me anymore.  I said, Lord, what is going on?  I tell the demons to come out and they will not come out.  I was a super demon chaser.  The Lord said, you think you were a super demon chaser, but I was doing it through you.  You were not doing anything, and I am not doing it through you anymore.  I am not doing that through you anymore.  Now I am doing something else through you. 


Maybe Job went to the priest and had all of this performed on him, and it did not work.  Why would it not work?  Because the Lord had something else for Job.  The Lord was going to use this infirmity, and this trouble and pain that Job went through to raise him up to a higher spiritual place where he would not only be healed, but in addition to being healed, having been raised to this higher spiritual place, he would have authority to be an intercessor for his brethren, who did not have the strength that he had.  This, brethren, is why I tell you all the time, when you have a problem, please do not tell the Lord what you think the solution to your problem is.  Do not say, Lord, I need such and such, because you think that is the answer to your problem.  Do not do that.


If the Lord does not agree with your solution to your problem, you may wind up with nothing.  Most likely, you would wind up with nothing because the Lord is not going to be instructed by you.  That is all a spirit of pride if you do that.  Present your problems to the Lord.  Say, Lord, this is my problem.  What is your solution?  Please help me.  What is your solution and what would you have me to do?  What is my part to do?  But brethren, I tell you the pride is so high in the Church.  I just see it everywhere.  I see it in the people in this ministry.  Do not tell God what to do.  Do not tell Him how to heal you.  Present your problem and ask what His instructions for you are.  Well, this was an interesting exhortation.  I think we will end here for the break.  Are there any questions or comments on this subject before we close?  Okay, God bless you.


We are continuing on with our study of Leviathan Must Die, and that is a study and an understanding in Hebrew 10 verses 26 thru 31.  I will read the alternate translation for you.  After that we are reviewing the work-ups and I have some witnesses for you.  Last week I had hoped to finish this message this week, but since we had the study on Job, I do not know if we will be able to do it.  So let us see what we can do here. 


Amplified Alternate Translation of Hebrews 10 verses 26 thru 31: The inward process by which the sin nature in the midst of us influences, seduces, and deceives us cannot continue after we are taken or apprehended by the Lord Jesus and acknowledge the truth, because anyone who sets aside the law of Moses dies without mercy at the mouth of two or three witnesses.  This is the reason why we must set aside or separate from our sin nature and sacrifice it.  Indeed, how much greater punishment then to think Leviathan, the one who tramples down the son of God, and Satan, the one who considers the blood of the covenant an unholy thing, and Cain, who insults the Spirit of grace by exercising Leviathan’s and Satan’s authority to influence Abel, the one who looks this way and that way, was made holy by the authority of Christ Jesus.  Wherefore, Cain is afraid of the human avengers of Abel’s blood, that the living God is raising up.  That is us, brethren.


Because Cain knows that I AM, Jehovah.  I am sorry, Jehovah is not I AM.  I AM is a higher form of God than Jehovah, a higher position of God, or a higher manifestation of God.  Because Cain knows that I AM awarded the just legal decision to Abel, who then said to me, Jehovah, I will repay Cain when Jehovah returns and prefers Abel within His people.  Wherefore, anyone who fears God should expect that Jehovah’s divine justice is about to consume Satan, Leviathan and Cain, Abel’s jealous opponent, in the lake of fire.


We read in the Book of James, why are you surprised that this fiery trial has come upon you?  The fiery trial has come upon us because Abel is awakened and resurrected as Christ in us, and He is avenging His blood upon Cain in you.  When Christ, in us, avenges his own death upon Cain, in us, and continues to prevail, then the Lord Jesus directs that manifestation of Christ, in you, to help Christ in other believers who are trying to overcome Cain within themselves. 


Continuing on with page 4 of your notes from last week.  We are on verse 27.  The King James Translation says; But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.  I have a witness for you.  Once again, I am not going to read to you all of the alternate translations of the words, but I have it here for you, if you want to follow it through.  The words in parenthesis are the English words in the King James Translation.  You could see how I worked this particular verse up.  I had four practice translations before I finally arrived at the alternate translation, which is in blue. 


Our alternate translation of verse 27 is: Anyone who fears God should expect that Jehovah’s divine justice is about to consume Cain, Abel’s jealous opponent in the lake of fire.  Our witness to the fact that this sin here is jealousy, or at least the motive for the sin is jealousy, we find in Matthew 27:18 speaking about the pharisees and what happened between them and Jesus.  We are told that Jesus knew that envy had delivered Him.  He knew that envy in the pharisees had caused the pharisees to become His enemy and deliver Him up to the authorities.  Mark 15:10 says the same thing.  For He knew that the chief priests had delivered Him for envy.  The chief priests were envious of Him. 


What were they envious of?  Because all the people followed Him or did they really recognize the anointing on Him?  Did they recognize the anointing on Him and condemn Him anyway?  I think they recognized the anointing on Him and they condemned Him anyway.  Acts 7:9 And the patriarchs moved with envy sold Joseph into Egypt, but God was with him.  So who were the patriarchs?  Does anybody know what that means?  Right, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are the patriarchs.  They were moved with envy. 


This is very interesting, because Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob did not sell Joseph into Egypt.  It was the ten sons of Jacob who did it.  So we see the scripture in the Book of Acts calling the offspring of Jacob the patriarchs.  What does that mean?  It means that the patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were reincarnate in the offspring of Jacob.  What else could it possibly mean?  So the patriarchs moved with envy, sold Joseph into Egypt, but God was with him.  Of course, there were twelve sons of Jacob, less Joseph, and Benjamin was home with his father.  So it was ten sons, ten of Joseph’s brothers, that sold him to Egypt. 


They put him in a pit.  That is also very interesting.  They sold him to Egypt.  That is so interesting because the scripture does not say that they sold him to Egypt.  Now we had this teaching on Joseph in the message Mary’s  Alabaster Statue.  Actually, the brothers wanted to kill Joseph and it was Reuben who said do not kill him.  Put him in the pit.  Reuben intended to come back and get Joseph out.  So how could the Scripture say the patriarchs were moved with envy and sold him.  Well, the teaching in Mary’s Alabaster Statue was that the unconscious mind of the brethren was so filled with murder towards them that they actually called forth this caravan that came by and saw Joseph in the pit, extracted him and took him into slavery. 


If you want to see how I came to that conclusion, you should go to Mary’s Alabaster Statue and look for the part listed in the catalogue which says including the story of Joseph.  I think the King James says something like after they put Joseph in the pit, they sat down and lifted up their eyes.  That is as far as I can remember.  The spiritual understanding of it was, even though they submitted to Reuben and did not kill Joseph, murder was in their heart.  To do away with him was in their heart.  That envy in them became a sacrifice to Satan, who supernaturally brought forth this caravan, which lifted Joseph out of the pit, and he was sold as a slave. 


Brethren, the power of our unconscious mind is undeniable.  It is undeniable.  To go on in Christ, you really have to start facing up to that because, brethren, the Lord is not going to give spiritual power to people who are not aware that their ungodly motives with spiritual power in their hands can kill people.  Recognizing first of all that our unconscious mind has power, recognizing that we consciously can disagree with our conscious mind, and recognizing the extent of the power of our unconscious mind, and that we, Christ in us, is required to wrestle with that power and overcome that power and control that power.  If we do not recognize that, do not think that you are going to get power with God because you are not.  He is not going to give you power when you are not controlling Satan and Leviathan in your own vessel.  He is not going to give it to you if you are not even admitting that your unconscious mind can do damage.


This is all witnesses now.  Acts 13:45; But when the Jews saw the multitudes, they were filled with envy.  So we see the chief priests were filled with envy.  The patriarchs were filled with envy.  Brethren, the significance here is that the patriarchs that sold Joseph into Egypt were also reincarnate in Israel in the days of Jesus.  So the patriarchs and the offspring of the tribes were present.  They, too, were in the multitudes that were filled with envy. 


Acts. 13:45; And spake against those things which were spoken by Paul, contradicting and blaspheming.  Of course, that is not Jesus.  That is Paul, but of course, it was Jesus, in Paul, for those of you who are up on the studies here.  Jesus incarnated in Paul.  He actually possessed Paul, while Paul was still alive, which is what He is doing to us today.  He is coming to us, people born of a woman, most of the time full grown, and entering into us.  But He is entering into you all by His Holy Spirit.  When He came to Paul, He completely possessed him, and continued His ministry through Paul.  Jesus continued His ministry through Paul. 


Acts 17:5; But the Jews which believed not, which are the offspring of the patriarchs.  So here we see the patriarchs incarnate again.  They are all the same person.  Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the twelve sons, Israel, they are all one soul.  They are the soul of Abraham that has expanded and reproduced itself, if you can hear that.  But the Jews which believed not, moved with envy, took unto them certain lewd fellows of the basis sort, and gathered a company and set all the city on an uproar, and assaulted the house of Jason, and sought to bring them out to the people.  Brethren, this is Cain.  I thought Jesus said to the pharisees, you are not the offspring of Abraham.  You are not the sons of Abraham.  Abraham would not have done to me or said to me what you are doing or saying. 


In here we are told that the patriarchs were moved with envy.  Is that not a contradiction?  Indeed it is.  Brethren, you and I, we are all contradictions.  We are all Cain and Abel.  We are all the household of the Serpent and the household of God.  We are all contradictions, and we are contradictions to ourselves.  That is why the foundational basic initial warfare is between the two sides of ourselves.  Unless we are prevailing over Cain’s side or the household of the Serpent within ourselves, the Lord will not send us up against the household of the Serpent in another person.  If that were the case, there would be the household of the Serpent in us against the household of the Serpent in someone else.  How could the Lord Jesus win?        

The Lord is never late.  The Lord is never late.  All of us that have been laboring here for years, He is waiting for us to demonstrate our control or the control of Christ in us over our own sin nature before He sends us to more difficult battles.  I really feel to put this on the message.  I am not going to name any names, but there was a problem in the ministry the last couple of days.  Somebody manifested.  One of our beloved brethren manifested.  There was another person involved with the other person, and had nothing to do with my conversations with the manifesting person.  Actually, the problem was straightened out last night.  But this morning there was a problem between two people in the ministry.  One party was offended, but there was no fight, and the offended party came to me.


The offended party manifested here for two days, and we straightened it out last night.  This morning, the party who was the object of the offense, if you are all following me, came under a severe spiritual attack in her personal life.  It was a severe attack.  Now brethren, this cannot be a coincidence.  The rage of the unconscious mind of the person who was offended, even though we straightened it out last night, completely attacked this woman’s household.  Now here is the question, and I do not even know what the answer is.  I think I might know, but I do not know for sure.  The Lord showed me a long time ago that spiritual attacks frequently take three days to reach the person that they are intended for. 


It is not that an attack was intended.  Nobody in this ministry would hurt anybody else knowingly, but one person was offended at another person.  There was anger present.  They thought they were safe by not telling the person, and just telling me.  We worked it out, but the anger was still present.  Now that initial anger, before we worked it out, was discharged and it could have taken three days to get to the person who was the recipient of the anger.  It is just like it takes light to travel for however long it takes.  That is why the light we see in the sky, the light of the stars, it is not what we see now.  It is old light that we see.  So it takes an average of three days for sin to reach the person that it is intended for.


Maybe this initial anger that went out just hit this morning, even though we straightened out the problem last night.  This rage was a severe attack.  I do not want to say anything that would let you know who it was.  Just say a prayer in your mind because this person is in great pain, and there is trouble in the household right now this morning.  Would the source of the problem have done this?  No matter how angry that person was, I declare to you, they would never have chosen to hurt anybody, but their unconscious mind viciously attacked the other person.  This is why I have been talking my heart out to you all for years, hoping to encourage you to agree to learn how to, and in fact, begin to police the unconscious part of your minds.


What does that mean?  It means to recognize that rage inside of you, and capture it.  Put the handcuffs on it immediately.  Do not let it loose.  This is not easy.  I am not telling you that it is easy, but I am telling you that this is what we are called to do.  This is what we have to do before the Lord is going to give us any power over somebody’s life.  To see that anger in us, recognize it as sin immediately, because what happened here was that the person who manifested took them a couple of days and me talking to them for them to see that their problem was pride.  What does that mean?  It means for the first couple of days they were given over to that pride and they thought they were right.  We are never justified in being angry.  Anger is not of God, unless it is a righteous anger coming out of Christ.  That anger is only against sin.  If we are angry because of something that was done to us, it is pride. 


This is the challenge.  This is what we need to ask the Lord to help us to attain to, the minute sin appears in us, that Christ in us should see that sin, and rebuke it and put it down.  That is what we are striving for.  When we succeed at doing that, to a certain degree, He will give us power over other men.  Only Jesus has the scale.  I do not know what the degree is.  He will give us power to heal and deliver, but that same power that heals and delivers, if Cain manages to get a hold of it, to feed her own pride, it can kill somebody.  Are you all hearing what I am saying?


I do not have any great power to heal anybody here either.  I am not telling you that I have arrived.  I know that I am doing it, but I am not doing it perfectly.  I know that I still get mad, and I do not always put it down immediately.  I know that, and I do not have any great power.  At least, what I do, is that I see it.  As soon as it arises in me, I do see it, but I do not always take the victory.  Sometimes, I yield to it.  I was angry the other day.  I yielded to it for about an hour, but in that hour I could have killed somebody if I had more power than what I have.  That is the story, brethren.


The whole world is waiting for us.  The Church is waiting for us.  The world is waiting for us.  The country is waiting for us.  The whole world is on its tip toes waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God, and we are here struggling with our own sin nature and our own pride.  That is the truth.  That is why Jesus said no man knows the day and the hour that the Son of God is going to come, because there is no set time that we will overcome our sin nature. 


Philippians 1:15; Some indeed preach Christ, even of envy and strife, and some also of good will.  Some people just want the prideful pleasure of preaching.  I had somebody actually tell me this, somebody who preaches a basic faith message, that they preach the same message as I do.  In other words, they were saying that they preach the doctrine of Christ.  That is envy. 


James 4 verses 5 thru 10.  Do you think that the Scripture says in vain the spirit that dwells in us lusteth to envy.  Do you think that the Scripture says that for no reason?  That the spirit that dwells in us, our old man, Cain, lusteth, desireth.  He lusted to the point that it becomes envious.  Cain is a she.  Cain lusts in us until that lusts becomes envy.  What does that mean?  She wants what we have.  She wants what we have.  At some point, it turns to envy.  She wants our relationship with God.  She wants the knowledge we have.  She wants the wisdom we have.  She wants the congregation we have.  She wants the money we do not have.  (Laughter) She wants the looks we have or do not have.  At some point it turns to envy.


But He giveth more grace.  Wherefore He says God resists the proud, but gives grace unto the humble.  What does that mean?  It means that if you see that lust in yourself, do not ignore it.  Give it to God.  How do you give it to God?  You say, Lord, I see it and it is there.  No matter how hard I try or how much I rebuke it, it will not go away.  Please do not let me hurt anybody, and do not let me sin.  That is the grace, because at this time no human being that I know of, has the power to stop Satan from generating sin in the unconscious part of our mind.  All we can do is stop it when it arises, and not let it go any further, but it is still sin, so the grace of God would cut off the sowing and reaping judgment on that sin. 


Submit yourselves therefore to God.  Resist the devil and he will flee from you.  Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you.  Cleanse your hands, ye sinners, and purify your hearts, ye doubleminded.  Be afflicted and mourn and weep.  Let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness.  Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and he shall lift you up. 


King James.  Verse 28: He that despiseth Moses’ law died without mercy under two or three witnesses.  Alternate translation: Anyone who sets aside the law of Moses dies without mercy at the mouth of two or three witnesses.  Our witness to that is Deuteronomy 17:6 which reads in the King James; At the mouth of two witnesses or three witnesses, shall he that is worthy of death be put to death.  When two people witness that someone is guilty of a crime that calls for the judgment of death, they shall be put to death.  But at the mouth of one witness, he shall not be put to death.  Why?  What is the unsaid thing said there?  There is always the possibility that envy is propelling this person.  So the Lord says if only one person sees the crime, we cannot run the risk that envy is motivating this person.  They shall not be put to death. 


King James.  Verse 29.  Of how much more sore a punishment suppose ye shall he be thought worthy who have trodden underfoot the Son of God and have counted the blood of the covenant wherewith he was sanctified an unholy thing and have done despite unto the Spirit of grace.  I have a comment here.  This is going to be a very interesting study.  This is my comment.  The Hebrew rabbis say that the phrase this way and that way as it appears in Exodus 2 verses 11 and 12, means that Moses cried out hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one God.  That is called the shuma.


That is a Hebrew word, the shuma.  It is the belief of the people who practice the Jewish religion, the  Israelite religion, the Hebrew religion, that that is like us saying, Lord Jesus, help me.  It is an attempt to call down the power of God into the situation.  So to say, hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one God, is what you say when you are in trouble.  I actually saw this in a movie once about Jews in a Nazi prison camp.  A rabbi was there and he saw the guard strike one of the men maliciously with almost no provocation.  The rabbi cried out the shuma.  There is a particular melody that goes with it.  He sounded the shuma and the guard struck him.  Does everybody understand what the shuma is?  Everybody okay with this?


Continuing with verse 29.  Of how much more sore a punishment suppose ye shall he be thought worthy who have trodden underfoot the Son of God

and have counted the blood of the covenant wherewith he was sanctified an unholy thing and have done despite unto the Spirit of grace.  Now what seems to be missing here is that I forgot to put in the alternate translation of verse 29.  You should be able to find that at the beginning of your notes since I forgot to put it in here.  Does anybody not know what I am talking about?  At the top of page 9, I should have inserted the alternate translation of verse 29 which you can read off of the first page of your notes. 


How much greater punishment then do you think Leviathan, the one who tramples down the Son of God and Satan, the one who considers the blood of the covenant an unholy thing, and Cain, who insults the Spirit of grace by exercising Leviathan’s and Satan’s authority to influence Abel, the one who looks this way and that way, was made holy by the authority of Christ Jesus.  What is wrong with that sentence?  Cain, how much greater is the punishment for the one who insults the Spirit of grace by exercising ungodly authority over Abel, the one who looks this way and that way and was made holy by the authority of Christ Jesus. 


This way and that way.  I thought I had a whole explanation as to how I got that translation of this way and that way.  Let us take a look at this.  That would have to be on page 8 of your notes.  At the bottom of page 8 of your notes, that is the part that I have not been reading to you, but I will read you this one.  In the interlinear text we read sore, shall he be thought worthy, this one.  How much sore a punishment suppose ye this one.  It is not in the English translation, but it is in the interlinear text, this one, and it is Strong’s #3588 which is translated usually who.  Then there is also another untranslated word.  I do not know why I do not have that in there for you.  It is there and it means that one.  I think it is the word #3588 that appeared twice. 


So how much sore do you think punishment this one and that one the son of God trampled down.  I am sorry I did not make that any clearer.  Does anybody need me to say that again?  There are two words in the Greek text of verse 29 translated #3588.  It is like a harmless word and it means, or in one case it is translated who.  I am in the King James now.  How much sore a punishment suppose ye shall be thought worthy who hath.  That Greek word translated who is Strong’s #3588 and it can also be translated, or actually should be translated this one.  Then that word appears again #3588 and it is not translated the second time.  This word Strong’s #3588 can be translated either this one or that one.  One time it appears, one time it is translated who, and the other time it is not translated at all.  So we have this one and that one in the Greek translated only once.  Is everybody okay?  Do you need me to say it again?


When I look at the interlinear text and I look at all of the alternate translations, I remembered that this simple phrase, this one or that one, can also be translated this way or that way, that it has a powerful spiritual significance attached to it.  So I am giving you a side study called this way and that way, so you can see how the Hebrew rabbis deal with this phrase, this one, that one, or this way and that way.  The teaching of the Hebrew rabbis comes out of Exodus 2 verses 11 thru 12, which read as follows.  And it came to pass in those days when Moses was grown that he went out unto his brethren, and looked on their burdens, and he spied an Egyptian smiting an Hebrew, one of his brethren, and he, Moses, looked this way and that way, and when he saw that there was no man, he slew the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. 


So it is a mystery according to the Hebrew sages that Moses did not look this way and that way to see if no one was watching him.  He was not sneakingly killing this person.  Moses saw an Egyptian smiting one of his brethren.  Personally, brethren, I believe that Moses saw the Egyptian in a Hebrew, or of the carnal mind in a Hebrew smiting his brother, and Moses looked this way and that way.  He said, the Lord your God, hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one God.  In other words, give me the mind of Christ.  He said, Lord I see, whether it was a physical Egyptian smiting a Hebrew or whether it was the carnal man.  Whether it was Cain in one Hebrew smiting another Hebrew, Moses saw a man smiting another man and he cried out, hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one God, calling down or attempting to call down the mind of God, saying, Lord, what is the righteousness here?  What is going on?  Should judgment come forth?  What say you, Lord?


He invited Jehovah into the interaction.  Now Moses’ soul was interacting with what he saw, and he was not going to judge before the time.  He wanted the mind of God in this.  Brethren, just as an aside here, if it was really a physical Egyptian smiting a physical Hebrew who was enslaved, and in shackles and abused, do you think Moses would have had to have called out, hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one God?  Father, give me the mind of Christ.  I see this Egyptian with a whip beating this poor Hebrew slave that does not have enough to eat.  Do you think he needed the mind of God to tell him what was righteous there?  Anybody?  So here is your witness that it was the Egyptian in a Hebrew man, or the carnal mind or Cain, in a Hebrew man attacking another Jew, or another Hebrew that was manifesting righteousness or manifesting the anointing. 


Another witness that this did not take place on a rock pile like Hollywood shows us where the Hebrews were digging rocks.  I do not think they were in that kind of slavery in Egypt.  You could believe that if you want to and my message is still true.  So now here is my comment.  It came to pass in those days when Moses was twisted together.  Oh okay, we are doing an alternate translation of those two verses, Exodus 2:11 and 12.  And it came to pass in those days when Moses was twisted together with Jehovah.  Now hear that, Moses was twisted together.  He had a soul tie with Jehovah.  He was born again through Jehovah, that he went down to his brethren to see who they carried.  I carry Christ Jesus.  Who do you carry?  I hope you all carry Christ or Christ Jesus.  Some people carry Leviathan.  Some people carry the household of the Serpent.  The spiritual life within us is who we carry. 


So Moses went out to see who his brethren carried.  Brethren, every time we meet another Christian or even a Jew, we are suppose to be asking the Lord what spirit is on that person.  I just told you before we started recording today, that when the Lord opens the hearts and the minds of the people, and they see the glory of this message, there are going to be a lot of people descending here for all different motives.  People will be offering us gifts with wrong motives.  So Moses went out and he looked at his brethren.  He wanted to see who they were carrying, what was in their heart.  Was it the heart of God or was it the heart of the other side?  He was looking into the hearts of the people to see who they were.  You cannot judge people by what they look like physically.  You cannot even judge people by what comes out of their mouth.  You must try the spirit, and certainly not by their bumper stickers, and whether or not they are carrying a Bible.  You have to look at their heart. 


Moses went out and he looked at the hearts of the people and this is what he saw in one of his brethren.  A spiritually male Cain, was murdering his male Hebrew brethren.  There was a Hebrew in whom Cain was spiritually mature and he was murdering the mature Christ in his brethren.  How was he murdering the mature Christ in his brethren?  Was he introducing doubt and disbelief to them?  Well all that we have to do, brethren, is turn back two pages.  Acts 17:5; But the Jews, which believed not, moved with envy, took unto them certain lewd fellows of the basis sort, and gathered a company, and set all the city on an uproar, and assaulted the house of Jason, and sought to bring them out to the people.  Acts 13:45; But when the Jews saw the multitudes, they were filled with envy, and spake against those things which were spoken by Paul, contradicting and blaspheming.  These things will kill Christ in your brethren.


Verse 12, back on page 9 in the green.  So Moses asked Jehovah, after he invited Jehovah into his inquiry by sounding the shuma, hear O Israel, the Lord your God is one God.  That is in fact how Moses asked Jehovah to manifest the mind and motives of God within himself.  Moses saw with Jehovah’s mind, that Abel the spiritual male, was not there in his Hebrew brethren.  I guess it is in the man, or it should be in his Hebrew brother, the man that was doing the smiting.  So Moses struck or slew Cain in the Egyptian in his Hebrew brethren or brother.  I will have to decide how I am going to do that.  I guess he saw more than one person, so brethren is correct.  He at least saw a part of his people in which Cain was spiritually mature and Moses struck Cain.  He struck the carnal mind, the Egyptian in his Hebrew brethren, that were manifesting the nature of Cain, and he buried Cain’s whirling ascended particles under Abel.  So there has to be one word there.  I see that I did not give you the work-up, but there has to be some word there that should be translated whirling particles. 


Brethren, our soul is a mass of whirling particles, just like this light beam is a mass of photons.  The light that you see is all millions of little particles called photons.  Spiritually speaking, our soul is a mass, not only of small particles, but continuously spinning particles.  So he buried Cain’s whirling ascended particles.  Do you remember what we preached earlier when we were discussing Job?  I said to you, what form does Satan take when she is ascended?  She takes the form of flies, buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, ascended ungodly spirituality.  She takes the form of flies or whirling particles.  It is probably all meaning the same thing and just taking different ways of expressing it. 


So Moses saw Cain.  To be spiritually male, you have to be ascended.  He saw Cain was spiritually ascended.  These Hebrew children, brethren, they were all involved in Egyptian mystery religion, and Cain had stood up in great power.  Every time Christ or Abel tried to resurrect and show his face, that spiritually male Cain was casting Abel down, both in the person where Cain was spiritually male, and in the other Hebrew children where Cain was not even spiritually male.  So the warfare is in within ourselves and the warfare is between the different people.  This was the condition that Moses saw his people in.  They could not escape from Egypt because Cain was spiritually male in enough of the Hebrew children to keep the whole community of Israel in bondage.


After consulting the mind of God, Moses struck Cain.  He looked this way and that way.  He did not dare to do that without seeking the counsel and the mind of God.  Then he struck the Egyptian and we all know what happens next.  The man who witnessed the Egyptian being struck, which was probably the human beings in whom the ascended Cain was stricken down, said to Moses, you are a murderer.  What are you going to do?  Are you going to kill me like you killed that Egyptian the other day?  Brethren, it is not a glorious ministry, rebuking sin in people.  It is hard enough here with those of you who are working with me, but brethren, when we grow up enough, and when we are strong enough in the righteousness of Christ Jesus, we will be sent to deal with the sin nature in people who are not welcoming it.  We may not do this to their face.  It may come as a result of prayer in the home, even when the people cannot see you.  This is not necessarily on an individual basis.


Brethren, Moses had already heard from Jehovah that he was to deliver the Hebrew children from Egypt.  So he went out to take a look at the millions of people that he was suppose to deliver.  This was not just a one man thing.  Brethren, when we pray for the country, when we pray against the forces in this country trying to destroy the Constitution or Democratic roots of our Republic, we are praying against a whole body of Cain.  Remember, I have to say this again.  This was not one poor man that Moses saw doing something wrong and he beat him up.  Moses went out and he looked at the six million Hebrews in Egypt because Jehovah had told him he was going to lead them out.  So he went to see the condition of the people.  The whole account of the condition of the people is reduced to this little parable that expresses it in terms of one man smiting another.  Does anybody not know what I am talking about?


We are doing this right now when we pray for our nation.  When you pray the will of God to the degree that you understand it for this nation, you are coming against the whole body of Cain that opposes that will. They do not have to see you.  They do not know who you are, but their unconscious mind knows who you are.  Satan, in their unconscious mind, knows who you are.  Then you are walking down the street and you trip and fall and you wonder why.  So brethren, some judgments and some harm that comes to us is truly the sowing and reaping judgment, but there is such a thing as being wounded for righteousness sake.  The whole danger of a teaching like this is that somebody who experiences loss because of sin, the pride of their mind will convince them that they are suffering loss for righteousness sake. 


Nevertheless the Lord has appointed me to tell you this truth, and to advise you to seek God as to the source of every mishap that comes your way.  If you deceive yourself there is nothing to gain.  We all need to know the truth about the deficits in our life and the mishaps in our life.  Sometimes, we are persecuted for righteousness sake.  The way I do it is that I assume that every negative thing that happens to me is the sowing and reaping judgment and I confess and repent accordingly.  If it turns out that it is not true, then the Lord tells me, no, that was for righteousness sake, but I appreciate your humility.  Kill that pride, brethren, it cannot do anything but hurt you. 


Genesis 2:12.  The following paragraphs are copied from CCK message #546 and the name of the CCK message called This Way And That Way.  This is my alternate translation several years ago of Genesis 2 verses 12 thru 15 and the comments thereafter.  I have reproduced the whole thing for you and I will read it for you now.  Genesis 2:12;  And he looked this way and that way and when he, Moses, saw that there was no man, he slew the Egyptian and laid him in the sand.  Verse 13.  And he went out the second day, behold, two men of the Hebrews strove together and he said to him that did wrong, wherefore smitest thou thy fellow.


Verse 14.  And he said, who made thee a prince and a judge over us?  This sounds like the King James version to me.  Who made thee a prince and a judge over us?  Intendeth thou to kill me as thou killest the Egyptian?  Moses feared and said, surely this thing is known.  Verse 15.  Now when pharaoh heard this thing, he sought to slay Moses.  Now this pharaoh is not a man.  This is the spiritual entity pharaoh.  Now when pharaoh heard this thing, he sought to slay Moses.  Why did pharaoh seek to slay Moses?  He saw that Moses was in the high spiritual plane seeking to set free the Hebrew children that were in bondage.


Do you think that pharaoh went looking for Moses over one man?  Brethren, do you think pharaoh cared about one man, in that kind of a society where the King was God, where the pharaoh was God, and human life was not worth very much?  Do you think a physical pharaoh was going to kill Moses who was his daughter’s protegee?   Do you think a physical pharaoh, who had a relationship with the man, Moses, who was raised up in pharaoh’s household, was going to kill his adopted son for some guard that was slain by Moses?  I do not think so.  Life was cheap in those days.  Now when pharaoh heard this thing, he sought to slay Moses, but Moses fled from the face of the pharaoh, and dwelt in the land of Midian, and sat down by a well.  That was the King James.    


Now I am reading you from the transcript of This Way And That Way, message CCK #546.  Brethren, this is a very nice parable and it makes a lot of sense to the carnal mind.  Someone said to me, Sheila, are you saying this never happened?  No, I will not tell you that it never happened because I know that everything that happens in the spirit plays itself out somehow in the natural.  If you see three dots, it merely means that I left out some of the text because it was not appropriate for this message.  What I do know is that the rabbis tell us that this phrase, which in Hebrew is kovah, ko, kovah, ko.  Ko meaning this or that.  Kovah meaning this way, that way.  What that really meant was that Moses sounded the shuma.  That is the Hebrew phrase which is translated, hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one God.  That phrase comes from Deuteronomy.  I will give you the exact reference as we go through our notes because I do not recall the exact chapter and verse right now. 


What the rabbis are really saying is that Moses did not look this way and that way to see if anyone was watching him, but he cried out, hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one God.  Now what did that mean?  I have heard that phrase for years, and only recently learned that what it means is that it is a plea for a complete unity with God.  Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one God.  That means the Lord Jesus Christ in the highest heaven and Christ Jesus in me, the lowest heaven, let them be one God.  Let there be a complete and perfected union between them.  Let them be one.  This is our hope of glorification, Christ in you, the hope of glory.  How are we glorified? 


We are glorified when Christ in us is permanently joined to or married to the Lord Jesus Christ, who is already glorified.  That is how we get glorified.  We have to get joined to the Glorified One.  When we are joined to glorification, we too shall be glorified, and all the power of the Godhead, everything that Jesus Christ now possesses, will flow freely into us and through us, as a continuous recycling fountain of living waters through that union.


That was what Moses was doing.  He was calling for the power of God on high to flow through him to fight the spiritual battle to set the Hebrew children free from the gods of mystery Egypt, which were actually living inside of them, possessing the Hebrew children.  So Moses began to set the Hebrew children free before they ever actually physically moved out of Egypt into the desert, if that ever happened.  If you want to believe it happened, that is fine.  Am I saying it did not happen?  I am not saying it did not happen.  I am saying I do not know.


What I do know is the spiritual truth.  However it played out, it played out.  I know that archeologists have been looking for any kind of indication of that exodus for years and they cannot find anything.  They have not found one cup or one dish.  They have not found any sign of that exodus in that desert.  No sign of it has been found.  You can believe whatever you want, however it played out in the natural.  Stay with the spiritual root, brethren, stay with the spiritual root.


Now here is my comment.  I scroll down the transcript and think that the following paragraph applies to this message also.  I was continuing to quote from this CCK message.  Because Moses preferred his carnal mind over the glory of God, that he, himself, had called down.  Moses preferred his carnal mind over the glory of God that he had called down.  He said, hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one God.  Complete me.  This should be complete me in you.  This is an unedited message, brethren.  He said, complete me in you or through you.  I AM rose up and answered his prayer.  Then after God completed him, Moses preferred his carnal mind.  Now I do not know what went before this.  I know that throughout the Scripture, it is not uncommon for Moses to prefer his carnal mind.  That is how Moses got locked out of the promised land.  It was because he hit the rock instead of speaking to the rock like the Lord told him to, which means he obeyed his carnal mind rather than the mind of Christ in him.


I guess I put this in here so that you should all know that even though we call on Jesus to help us, it is not at all uncommon for Christians to say, Lord help me, and when He manifests His help to us, we do not like the way He is helping us.  We do not like the person He has sent to help us.  We do not like what the person He has sent to help us has to say.  We do not like what our part is.  We wanted Him to deliver us from that person who was hurting us.  We were not interested in Him telling us what we were doing wrong, or that we had to repent, or that we had to love them even though they were hurting us because it is not time for them to repent yet.  We do not want to hear any of that stuff.  We want the other guy punished.  Right?  Right?


Does that sound strange to you?  That is just another way of saying I asked the Lord to deliver me, and He came with judgment, and I am sorry I asked.  You have to be careful what you ask for, brethren.  Moses saw Abel was killing Cain within himself.  He cried out for the help of Jehovah, and I AM, Jehovah’s help.  I do not know what that means.  Jehovah’s help was to show Moses his sins.  Moses cried out for help, and the help that was given was to show Moses his sins.  Brethren, you need to know that ninety nine, if not one hundred percent of the time, when you ask God for help, before He will do anything on your behalf, He is going to show you your sin in this interaction.  If your sin was one percent and the other person is ninety nine percent guilty, before the Lord does anything for you, He is going to show you your one percent, and expect you to confess it and repent, before He acts on your behalf.  That is the way it works.  If you do not like it, I am sorry.  I did not write the Book. 


I AM, Jehovah.  Oh, I see what this is saying.  This is talking about the manifestation of God that is speaking to Moses here.  It is the union of I AM and Jehovah.  This is God appearing from two different places.  I AM is a higher place than Jehovah.  In this context, the manifestation of God from the two levels were joined.  When two levels of God join, you do not get one plus one.  Let us say, the level of I AM is worth ten and the level of Jehovah is worth 5, just for argument’s sake.  When the Scripture reads I AM Jehovah, it does not mean ten plus five equals fifteen.  It means ten times five equals fifty, a power measurement of fifty.  Is everybody okay?


I AM Jehovah said, Moses, you asked me for help because Cain was killing Abel in you.  The reason Cain is killing Abel in you is because your sin nature is out of control.  All of you who are being killed, your sin nature is out of control.  Are you in trouble?  Do you have trouble in your life?  You cannot seem to pull out of it?  It is because your sin nature is out of control.  Moses said, I did not expect that answer.  I AM Jehovah, sought to kill Moses.  That is what the King James says, I AM sought to kill Moses.  Well, let me tell you something.  He sought to kill Moses’ carnal mind.  He did not seek to take Moses’ physical life.  Okay, I recognize this now.  This is the account after Moses had fled from Egypt and spent forty years in Midian, and was now being called back to go to pharaoh as Jehovah’s messenger or as I AM’s messenger.


Moses gets this high call on this dangerous assignment to go face off pharaoh, and he packs up his wife and his two kids to take with him.  Jehovah met them in the way.  He said what do you think you are doing?  Moses had this interaction with Jehovah, and the fruit of it was because Moses in his communication to Jehovah was completely carnal.  I AM Jehovah, that high manifestation of God, which is higher than I AM, higher than Jehovah, higher than the union of the two, sought to kill Moses’ carnal mind, because it was completely woven together with the carnal mind of his wife, whose mind was completely woven together with the carnal mind of her father, who was the high priest of Midian.  He said leave your wife and your kids home. 


Alternate translation of Exodus 2 verses 11 thru 15.  I AM, Jehovah, expanded within Moses.  Now this is after he is cut off from the carnal mind or from the animal nature of his father-in-law reaching for him and captivating him through his wife.  We learned that in another translation.  After I AM Jehovah came in, and severed that, now I AM Jehovah expanded in Moses and twisted together with Adonay.  This is Christ Centered Kabbalah.  We would say Christ.  Moses twisted together with Christ, the name of God associated with the household of Christ Jesus, the spiritual day within Moses.


Moses had been joined to the spiritual night.  He was going to take on pharaoh with his carnal mind.  It was utter disaster.  He would have been creamed.  So this judgment was the mercy of God.  Was it the mercy of God because Moses was so beloved?  No, it was the mercy of God because he had an assignment from I AM Jehovah, and I AM Jehovah, wanted Moses to complete that assignment.  He never would have been able to complete the assignment if he went in his carnal mind with his wife and his two kids. 


And it came to pass that when the shekinah, the corn within Moses.  That is like saying the bread of life within Moses or Christ Jesus within Moses.  When the shekinah, the corn within Moses, was ready to be harvested, I AM Jehovah, within Moses, discerned that Abel’s brother, Cain, who had migrated to the mortal side of Eden, the relative of the spiritual Egyptian male within Moses, was killing Abel.  Even after all of this, the life of God was formed in Moses.  The corn was ready to be harvested.  Jesus said, the fields are white to harvest.  What does that mean?  It means believers in whom Christ Jesus has been formed, or at least in whom Christ has been formed, and are ready to have Cain cut off from Leviathan.  The harvest is not the people out there coming to believe all of the false doctrine in the Church.  The harvest is the cutting off, the circumcision of Cain from Leviathan, so that Abel can ascend on top of Cain. 


Verse 12.  So Moses turned inward.  We see even though the life of God was fully formed in Moses, Cain was still killing Abel.  How could Cain still be strong enough to kill Abel?  Cain in each and every one of us is strengthened by Satan and Leviathan, and the whole household of the Serpent.  So Moses turned inward towards I AM saying, hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one God.  Listen brethren, the life of God, Christ was formed in Moses, but he was alone.  It was just the life of God, and he was up against Cain who was strengthened by Leviathan and Satan.  So Moses cried out to God so that I AM Jehovah, should join with the life of God in Moses.  Now we have Cain strengthened by Satan, Leviathan, and we have Abel strengthened by I AM Jehovah.  Until the Lord Jesus joins with Christ in you, your power is extremely limited, and not nearly strong enough to combat Cain, who is strengthened by Leviathan and Satan.


You have to get that union.  You have to get married.  Christ in you has to get married.  So Moses turned inward towards I AM and said, hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one God, and I AM appeared in Moses, and slew the Egyptian.  The Egyptian is Leviathan, who is strengthening Cain.  I AM appeared in Moses and slew Leviathan, who is strengthening Cain, called the Egyptian.  And King Adam or Christ Jesus, the name of the Godly entity that has produced or borne as a result of the union of I AM Jehovah, and the life of God in the individual, the one born of the union of the Lord Jesus and Christ in you, Christ Jesus, covered over the whirling particles of the fiery Serpent within Moses. 


Brethren, I want to tell you, of all the revelation that the Lord has given me, one of the hardest, if not the hardest, that it was for me to hold on to is the following.  Only God knows how many times He had to correct me on this revelation.  Christ Jesus can be fully formed in you, and that is not the end of it.  Cain has to be cut off from Leviathan so that Christ Jesus can ascend above Cain.  You have to have the circumcision.  You study the doctrine of Christ, and you know the doctrine of Christ, and Christ Jesus is fully formed in you, and it is not enough.  You have to war against your own sin nature and circumcise Cain. 


Verse 13.  And when I AM broke forth, when I AM Jehovah broke forth within Moses, behold, Christ Jesus, the spiritual day within Moses, stripped Cain off of Abel.  We read about that in our study of Leviticus this morning.  I said that Cain has to be stripped off of Abel because he is thickened.  Strip Cain off of Abel, the male who was the second born of the twins, that migrated to the mortal side of Eden.  Cain and Abel are the twins that migrated to the mortal side of Eden, and Abel is the male of the two of them.  Actually, they are both female, but Jehovah gave Abel male authority.  So from that point of view, Abel is male and Cain is female.


Abel said to Cain, the one who wronged him, it is Elohim, the avenger of blood, your lover, who is hurting you.  You see, we are suppose to be talking to our other side.  The circumcision hurts, brethren, in case you had not noticed it.  Anybody who is being circumcised, the circumcision hurts.  It is Elohim, the avenger of blood, your lover, the one who wants to marry you, the one who wants to give you immortality without sorrow, that is hurting you.  This circumcision is absolutely necessary for you to receive the promises of God. 


I AM Jehovah said to Moses, Jehovah appointed Abel, the widowed male, to be captain over Cain, and to judge the sin nature that killed you.  Listen to this, brethren.  We are suppose to instruct Cain within ourselves.  Cain is the dumb animal.  Without the wisdom and understanding of God we are dumb animals.  When Christ is resurrected in us, Christ Jesus teaches Christ in you, and you are suppose to be teaching your own animal nature, which apparently has the ability to understand. 


I AM Jehovah said to Moses or said to Abel.  I AM said to Moses, Jehovah.  If I was doing that today I would probably correct that.  This is the instruction to, well maybe it is the instruction to Abel.  Jehovah appointed Abel, the widowed male, to be the captain over Cain and to judge the sin nature that killed you.  I am sorry, this is instruction to Abel to kill the sin nature, to judge the sin nature that killed you, and boast that she killed the completed spiritual man within you, but Moses feared having his sin nature exposed.   But Moses, the great man of God, feared having his sin nature exposed.  So the Egyptian who defends Moses, that is his carnal mind, that is his other side, said well certainly everybody knows that.  Well apparently, Moses did not know it.  Listen, I am going to do it again.


I AM Jehovah, said to Moses, or said to Abel in Moses, as soon as Abel came out from under Cain, I AM Jehovah wanted to begin to instruct Abel.  As soon as Christ is resurrected in you, you are in a ministry like this for instruction.  There is a whole bunch of people out there.  The field is white to harvest.  There is a whole Church world out there where Abel has been resurrected, and they do not want to be taught, and they do not want to be taught this doctrine of Christ.  All of you that are hearing me through the spirit or through the thought forms that are going forth here, this is what the Lord has to say to all of you, in whom Christ has been resurrected, and you do not want to hear the truth.


This is the truth.  Jehovah appointed Abel, the widowed male, to be captain over Cain in you, and to judge the sin nature that killed you.  That very sin nature that is boasting that she killed the completed spiritual man in you.  Are you going to stand up, and war against your sin nature, or are you going to be afraid to have your sin nature exposed?  If you are afraid to have your sin nature exposed, the answer is certainly everybody knows that or I am preaching the same message as you are.  That is like me saying to somebody, did you understand such and such a part of the message?  Sure I understood it.  Did you really?


There are people here who have told me yes, and the Lord has told me no, they did not understand it.  You do that all the time.  The Lord just told me that about you this morning.  All those times that you tell me that you cannot understand it when I am preaching, but you have to go home and listen to the message.  I have been believing that you listen to the message, and you get the whole thing, but the Lord told me it is not true.  When I ask you if you understood it, you should tell me no, I did not understand it.  Break your pride.  You are out of time.  Now you cannot say that to me anymore.  If I ask you if you understood it, now you have to say yes or no and tell the truth.  Okay.


Verse 15.  When I AM Jehovah heard pharaoh within Moses thinking this thing.  So Moses did not even say it out loud.  Brethren, the intent of your heart are revealed to the person raised up to teach you.  You do not have to say the words.  Christ Jesus is me is going to know the truth.  When I AM Jehovah heard pharaoh, within Moses, thinking this thing in response to His instruction, I AM Jehovah sought to kill pharaoh within Moses, and complete the spiritual man.  The Lord is after pharaoh in you and everyone of you that does that.  Everyone of you that will not say I do not know.  So why are you surprised that this fiery trial has come upon you?  I AM Jehovah is out to kill your pride, and that whole Serpent household in you, for the specific purpose of completing you in Himself, and making you a holy righteous spiritual male with power over all the power of the enemy, which includes your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing. 


And I AM Jehovah married Christ in you.  Again, this is a CCK message.  Here it says Zeir Anpin.  And Jehovah married the household of Christ within you, you, the land of contention.  You and me, are the land of contention.  We contend against our God who wants to save us.  When I AM Jehovah married Christ.  I think there is a mistake here, but I am not going to be fixing that transcript anyway, so I will just read it to you as it should be.  I will change it for the message.  The land of contention was within Moses.  When I AM Jehovah married Christ, He taught her and engraved her with I AM’s nature.  Christ is female in relationship to the Lord Jesus.  Okay, moving along.


Continuing on at the top of page 12.  This is the alternate translation.  I put it in the wrong place, but I will read it to you again.  I guess it should be in both places.  This is the alternate translation of verse 29.  How much greater punishment do you think then Leviathan, the one who tramples down the son of God and Satan, the one who considers the blood of the covenant an unholy thing, and Cain, who insults the Spirit of grace by exercising Leviathan’s and Satan’s authority to influence the one who looked this way and that way to sin after she was made holy by the authority of Christ Jesus.  That is some great punishment coming against the powers and principalities of your other side that seek to cause you to sin even after you have been made holy by the authority of the presence of Christ Jesus in your life.


That is why Cain must be circumcised off of Leviathan.  That is why Leviathan must die, because even after you have been made holy because Christ Jesus is established in you, when Cain is still connected to Leviathan, there is enough power there to make us sin even with Christ Jesus on the throne of our heart.  So Leviathan must die.  It is not enough to have Christ formed in you.  It is not enough to have Christ Jesus formed in you.  Leviathan must die. 


Continuing on with verse 30 of the King James.  For we know him that have said, vengeance belongeth unto me.  I will recompense, saith the Lord, and again the Lord shall judge His people.  I am going to leave the work-up to you to study if you like.  My comment is, I have translated the Hebrew word translated judge, twice.  In that King James, it says the Lord shall judge His people.  The Hebrew word translated judge, I translated it twice.  It is called an amplification.  Both translations are legitimate.  I just used it twice in my alternate translation.  The first translation is render and the second translation is prefer.  Below, I copied the entry from the Greek lexicon for you to study if you would like to.  We are moving on to page 13 which also shows you more definitions from the Greek lexicon.


I will read our alternate translation of verse 30, Hebrews 10.  Because Cain knows that I AM awarded the just legal decision to Abel, who then said to me, Jehovah, I will repay Cain when Jehovah returns and prefers Abel within His people.  Cain is scared, because Cain knows that I AM, is the highest manifestation of God.  I do not want to get into that now.  That is a very high manifestation of the names of God.  Jesus is I AM, but I cannot get into explaining that right now.  Jesus has ascended and His name is higher than every other name, so He is ascended to that high place, but the Scripture, the translation, does not say Jesus.  It says I.  So I am amplifying AM. 


I have explained to you previously, possibly in this very message, that most verbs are conjugated.  In other languages, not so much in English, each form of the verb is either I Am, you are, we are, they are.   Each person of the verb usually has a different form than other languages, so it is not necessary to use the pronoun.  Let us do it with English.  If you see the word, am, you know that the pronoun I has to go with it.  If you see the word, are, you know that the pronoun you has to go with it.  Am is singular and are is plural.


In foreign languages there are six different forms of the verb, I, I am, you are, we are, they are, so we need separate words for the pronoun in English because there are three different persons, where the form of the verb is are, you are, they are, we are.  If I do not say you, they or we, if all I say is are, you do not know who I am talking about, so I have to type in an extra word, I, you, they or we to tell you which person of the verb I am talking about.  Did I explain that okay?


In the Greek and in the Hebrew, that is not the case because each of the six forms of the verb, first person, singular, second person, singular, third person, singular, first person, plural, second person, plural, third person, plural.  Six forms of the verb.  Each have a separate word like I just showed you in English, either am or are.  In the Greek and the Hebrew there are six different forms of the verb, so you do not have to type in the pronoun.  Is everybody with me?  So why is there another word in the text that says I? 


There is no reason for a Greek word that simply means I, when it is followed up by the verb, has awarded.  The Greek word translated, awarded is in a form that tells me it is the first person, so why is there another word, I, there?  It is a mystery, and it is a hidden message meaning I AM, because Cain knows that Abel said, I AM has awarded.  Does anybody need me to explain that again?  Did you all get that?


Because Cain knows that Abel said, I AM has awarded the just legal decision to me.  What legal decision?  Who is on trial?  Cain knows that Abel said, I AM has awarded the just legal decision to me.  What legal decision did Abel get?  Because Cain knows that Abel said, I AM has awarded the just legal decision to me.  What court case did Abel win?  

What court case?  What happened to Abel that he took his case to the highest authority, I AM?  He was murdered and buried under the ground.  Absolutely !


You have to understand that Abel was murdered, but he still exists.  He took his petition to the highest level, I AM, because Abel after all of these years cannot break free from Cain’s iron bars.  That is because Cain is strengthened by Satan and Leviathan and whoever else is on top of them.  So Abel has petitioned I AM to deliver him, and I AM has said to Abel, you have the just legal decision.  You are innocent and Cain is guilty.  We are waiting for thousands of years for the judgment to be executed upon Cain.  I AM has declared legally that Cain is guilty of murder.  The law says an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life.  Well, who is going to execute judgment upon Cain? 


In one of the verses before this it says that Cain is scared.  Why is Cain scared?  It is because he knows that I AM has awarded the just legal decision to Abel and her days are numbered.  She is on death row.  She is living and eating, and laughing and marrying, and giving in marriage, and there is a contract out on her, a legal contract.  All the way back there, when Cain was first put out of the garden by Jehovah, Cain said this is more than I can bear.  Everybody out there that sees me is going to kill me.  Then Jehovah put a mark on Cain’s forehead saying, anybody that kills Cain will have to deal with me. 


Well Sheila, how do you reconcile that?  You said that Abel has received the just legal decision.  Brethren, what that means is that no entity in the astral plane or otherwise, not Satan, not Leviathan, not the Dragon, nobody from the Serpent’s household has the authority to kill Cain.  You will not kill Cain.  This creation will continue in its troubles, in its turmoil, until Abel, who is now being raised from the dead grows up, and matures, and becomes strong enough to avenge his own blood.  Satan will not kill Cain.  The Dragon will not kill Cain.  The resurrected Abel, Christ Jesus in you, is the only one that has the authority to kill Cain.  No one can touch her until the legitimate avenger of blood appears to do it legally.


You all want to know how come this creation is going on all of these thousands of years with all of its pain, and unrighteousness, and all of its troubles.  There are all kinds of ideas and opinions as to why the Lord has not done something, either saved us or wiped us out yet.  Here is your answer, brethren.  This creation will continue until the avenger of blood is mature enough to execute the judgment upon Cain, and restore us to our first estate.  That is the answer.  It is going to happen first in each of us, in each and every one of us. 


Christ Jesus has to kill Cain in us.  Then we stand up in full stature.  See, it is not just the doctrine.  It is not just Christ Jesus in you.  You want to stand up in full stature, you have to kill Cain, in yourself.  Then you become a giant for God, and you go and help other people to do the same.  We are not going to be killing Cain in other people.  We are going to be strengthening Abel or Christ in the other people to do it for themselves.  This honor has the saints to kill Cain, within themselves, the source of all of your trouble and misery for your entire life.  No one else is going to take that glory.  You have to kill her yourself, Cain, within you.


Cain knows that I AM awarded the just legal decision to Abel, who then said to me, Jehovah.  Abel said to Jehovah, I will repay Cain.  Now this is after he receives his judgment from the court.  I was violated.  Upon hearing of that judgment, Abel said to Jehovah, I will repay Cain when Jehovah returns and prefers Abel within His people.  So Christ Jesus is here.  Christ Jesus is manifesting Jehovah and is here preferring, joining Himself to Abel in His people.  That is what preferred means.  Christ Jesus is here, or the Lord Jesus is here, joining with Abel.  The Lord Jesus is not joining with Cain.  He is joining with Abel, and when Abel is grown up, He will execute vengeance upon Cain. 


What comes to mind is Judah.  Do you remember Judah?  He had three sons.  His son married Tamar, and he died before he could give her a child.  According to the Levite law, where the brother has to marry his sister-in-law and give her a child, the brother married his dead brother’s wife, and he died too, before she had a child.  So Judah had only one son left, and the Levite law of Israel said that he had to give that son to that woman as a husband.  Judah did not want to do it.  He did not want his third son to die, so he did not do it.  The woman tricked Judah into impregnating her.  That is another story.  You can read it yourself if you want, but that is what comes to mind.  I will repay Cain when Jehovah returns and prefers Abel. 


All of us, all of us, we do not want to give up our Cain.  We do not want Cain to die so that Abel could be reborn here.  It is just like Judah who would not give up his son.  We do not want to give up our Cain.  We do not want to give up this life.  We do not want to give up the way we have been doing things all our life.  We do not want to give up the way our parents did things.  We do not want to give up the ways of this world.  We do not want to try something new, and here we are.  All of us, many of us reading the message, and saying yes, and me too, I want to stand up and I want to be a son of God.  I want power with God.  I want this and I want that.  Well, you have to give up things.  Oh no, I am not giving anything up. 


Years ago I was a very naive young woman.  Aside from natural things, I really thought I could live my life, work, save money, acquire things, and never lose anything.  I thought that I would acquire and hoard everything and keep it for my whole life, but things wear out, things change, things break.  You win a few, you lose a few, with material possessions, with relationships, with everything.  You cannot hold on to everything.  You have got to let go of this life if you want the new life. 


Verse 31.  It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.  Again, I reproduced the lexicon entries for you.  I am showing you Nestle’s Strong’s #5495.  The words we are dealing with is, fall into.  It is Strong’s #1706.  It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.  This is one of the instances in which the two translators of the Greek text that I work with differ.  One is called the Textus Receptus, which is the Latin, and then Nestle is the translator of all the more modern translations, the NIV and all of these modern translations that are around.  They disagree on which Greek word should appear in this scripture, translated fall into.


I think it is Strong’s that says the words, fall into, means to originate and so come to the attention of, to set in or to arise.  That is what Strong’s says.  Now we are dealing with the words, the hands of.  Nestle and the Textus Receptus disagree as to which Greek word should be in the text here.  Nestle says, it should be Strong’s #5495 and the Textus Receptus says the Greek text says #5499.  The two translators of the Greek disagree as to what word should be there.  We are talking about the word that is translated hands.  Nestle says the Greek word translated hands should be #5495 and that word means, as punisher or hostile power. Then it gives you some references there, your blood is in my power, etc., etc.


The Textus Receptus says the correct Greek word is #5499, which means hands.  It could be translated made by human hands.  So we see Nestle and I think I chose Nestle in this place.  Even Nestle, of all of these other translations, which utterly leave out a lot of the power of the Scriptures, on some occasions he can be right, so I am agreeing with him here that this word should be translated a hostile power.  To fall into the hands or to fall into a hostile power or the punishing power of the Living God. 


My witness for that, my proof text for that is Deuteronomy 19 verses 5 and 6 at the bottom of page 14.  As when a man goeth into the wood with his neighbor to hew wood, and his hand fetcheth a stroke with an axe to cut down the tree, and the head slippeth from the helve, and lighted upon his neighbor that he die, he shall flee unto one of those cities and live, lest the avenger of blood pursue the slayer.  In other words, if this is an accident, if you kill somebody by accident, this is Moses’ law.  If you kill somebody by accident, there is a provision for you not to be killed by the dead man’s relative. 


If it really was an accident, you can flee into one of those cities of the high priest.  In another place, it says that man, if it was really just an accident, you can live behind the walls of that city of the high priest until the high priest dies.  At that time you could come out, and most likely the brother of the guy who you accidentally killed is probably dead or very old.  That is the provision that we have, brethren, because we are all murderers.  We are all manifestations of Cain who killed Abel, and we are hiding in the city of Christ Jesus.


Lest the avenger of blood pursue the slayer while his heart is hot, and overtake him because the way is long and slay him, whereas he was not worthy of death inasmuch as he hated him not in time past.  We see according to the Scripture the judgment of death is legitimately executed upon the person who hated the man in his heart.  Someone killed somebody because he first hated the man in his heart.  So we are told that Cain hated Abel in his heart.  He hated him and he was envious of him, and he plotted and planned, and he carried out his plan and he killed him.  That man cannot hide in the city of the high priest. 


Deuteronomy 19 verses 11 thru 13.  But if a man hates his neighbor, and lies in wait for him, and rise up against him, and smite him mortally that he die, and fleeth into one of these cities: Then the elders of his city, the city where he killed somebody, shall send forth and fetch him thence, and deliver him into the hand of the avenger of blood, that he may die.  I am sorry, I got that wrong.  Then the elders of the city that he is hiding in, when they get the witness from God that this man killed somebody because he hated him, they are not going to let him stay in their city.  They are going to turn him over to the avenger of blood. 


That is us, brethren.  We have Cain hiding in our city, living through us.  He is living like an innocent man.  Now of course, you know that I use that word living, according to the meaning of this world.  We know that life is only in Christ Jesus.  Listen, Cain is hiding in you and me.  He has been hiding in us for thousands of years, in our city, this city that belongs to you and me.  Because the murderer is in us, we get sick and we die, and we experience all kinds of sorrow in this world.  Now at the end of time, the mystery of God is about to be completed.  Christ in you, the hope of glory, the avenger of Abel’s blood, and you and I, each one of us, has to decide whether or not we are going to turn Cain over to Abel, which is Christ Jesus in us, to slay him, or we are going to protect the murderer.  Does anyone not understand what I am telling you.  This message is so exciting ! ! !


If you do not turn Cain over, you will die, and you will reincarnate, and you be a house for Cain as long as this world exists.  Once Christ Jesus comes to you, you and me, we can turn her over.  We can turn Cain over to Christ Jesus and enter into eternal life without sorrow.  Listen to this, brethren.  Once you hear this message you are now marked people.  You have heard this message.  Do you understand what I am telling you?  There is no place to run.  You hear this message and you make a choice, consciously or unconsciously, to not turn Cain over to the avenger of blood, I want to tell you, to the degree that we are at, at this time, I am the avenger of blood towards Cain, in you, who cannot do it for yourself, yet. 


There are those of you who will not co-operate with me, who will not confess your sins and deal with them as the Lord sees fit.  As far as I know He does it through me, through everybody here.  You can no longer cry out to the Lord Jesus and say why me?  Why am I hurting?  Why am I sick?  Why am I dying?  Why this, why that?  It is because you have not turned Cain over to the avenger of blood.  There is a part of you that has to die so that the part of you which is related to the Lord Jesus Christ can blossom and bloom and renew your life in Christ Jesus. 


Do you remember previously on this message, we read something where we were talking about Leviticus, where the stones are scraped, and then the priest comes back again, and if that leprosy appears again and takes wings and flies.  Remember that?  That is what Christ Jesus has to do in you.  He wants to come into our house, kill the murderer, and spread His wings and completely fill our house with His glory.  Do you remember the scripture that describes Solomon’s temple?  Solomon built the temple and he dedicated it to the Lord.  We are told the house was so filled with the glory of God that the priests that were inside of it were slain.  They could not get up off the ground.  That is what the Lord wants to do in your body, and in your mind, and in your life.  He wants to slay the murderer that all of us have been harboring for our whole lives, and He wants to fill our house with such glory that we will enter into immortality without sorrow.  It is perfect peace, calm delight, and the fulfillment of all of the promises of the Scripture. 


Then the elders of his city, that is you and me, shall send and fetch Cain thence, and deliver him unto the hand of the avenger of blood that he may die.  Your eye shall not pity him, but shall put away the guilt of innocent blood.  That is Abel’s innocent blood.  You shall wipe out the mark on Israel, the guilt of innocent blood from Israel, that it may go well with you.  Now brethren, this means Cain in yourself, and also means Cain in other people. 


Now listen to me all of you pharisees.  I love you all, all you pharisees here.  You had better get out of this political correctness and start judging righteous judgment, that when something arises, when a sin is revealed in somebody, you had better stop making excuses for them, and you better call a spade a spade.  You better call Cain, Cain, when he is revealed or it may not go well with you.  Am I threatening you?  No, I am reading the Scripture.  Thy eye shall not pity him, but thou shalt put away the guilt of innocent blood from Israel that it may go well with you. 


Does it say here that you punish him?  I do not hear it saying here that you punish him.  It says you will not pity him.  It says you will not feel sorry for the guilty party, but you shall speak the truth, because in the mouth of two or three witnesses, the Lord Jesus will see to it that the correct judgment is executed. 


Joshua, Chapter 20 verses 2 and 6.  Speak to the children of Israel saying, appoint out for you cities of refuge whereof I spake unto you by the hand of Moses: That the slayer that killeth any person unawares, did not mean to do it, and unwittingly may flee thither: and they shall be your refuge from the avenger of blood.  An when he that doth flee unto one of those cities shall stand at the entering of the gate of the city, and shall declare his cause in the ears of the elders of that city, they shall take him into the city unto them, and give him a place, that he may dwell among them.


Now brethren, the manifestation of this in our life is the judging, righteous judgment of conflicts between believers right here in this ministry.  I will defend anybody here who will face the truth.  The Lord will work with you if you will face the truth.  If you stand up in your pride, and you will not face what is going on in your own heart, you will not even take into consideration what I have to say to you, or you will not even pray that pride should be brought down, if it is manifested, you cannot stay in the city.  Does everybody have to agree with me?  Absolutely not.  Does everybody have to be in Christ?  Absolutely yes.  If you are not in Christ, if your heart is right, I will pray with you.  We will all pray with you and the Lord will bring you into Christ, but you cannot be in your carnal mind and expect to live in peace in this ministry because you will not.  There is no agreeing to disagree in Christ.  Either you are in Christ or you are not in Christ.  If everybody is in Christ, there will be peace. 


Verse 5.  If the avenger of blood pursue after him, then they shall not deliver the slayer up into his hand; because he smote his neighbor unwittingly and hated him not beforetime.  So everybody that hurts somebody in this ministry from their unconscious mind or from their conscious mind, if it was not arisen out of hate, there is forgiveness of sins.  If you did harm out of envy or hate, you have to be willing to face that in yourself, or I do not know, it will be up to the Lord what He is going to do. 


Verse 6.  And he shall dwell in that city, until he stand before the congregation for judgment.  He shall stand before the congregation for judgment.  It is not just me.  It is Christ in everybody here, but if it is not Christ in you, you cannot be a part of the judgment, and I am the one that says whether or not it is Christ in you.  If I say it is not Christ in you, and you think it is Christ in you, you are going to be the one to leave, not me.  If I say it is Christ in you, and you think it is not Christ in you, the answer that will produce life is, Lord, by faith it is not Christ in me.  I confess that by faith.  Help me to believe the truth, that I might confess, and repent, and go on.  Together we will smite Leviathan and ask that the Lord raises up Christ in you and helps you. If you fight with me, it goes nowhere. 


Continuing on with verse 6.  And he shall dwell in that city.  This is the person who committed murder innocently.  Brethren, we smite each other all the day long.  We hurt each other all the day long, but the one that did not do it willingly, he shall dwell in that city until he stands before the congregation for judgment, and until the death of the high priest that shall be in those days: then shall the slayer return and come into his own city and unto his own house unto the city from whence he fled.  That brethren, is what is known as the jubilee. 


Brethren, it does not say this exactly, but Abel is coming back to his own city.  We are the cities of Christ Jesus, and He is coming to kill the guilty one in us and possess us.  We are sick and dying, and have all the problems that we have because the one that is possessing us, the one that we are married to, is a murderer.  Our spiritual husband is a murderer, and each and every one of us is under the judgment of death and sorrow.  We are having a Cain experience.


So when Christ Jesus comes to avenge the death of Abel, you be the harlot in Jericho, you be Rahab.  Welcome Christ Jesus into your house.  Welcome the spies, that when the army invades, you and your house will be spared.  Anybody remember the name Rahab?  She said, I am going to tie a red string on my wrist.  She was talking to the two Israelite spies.  When the whole army invades, that will be the sign that the army of Israel will not hurt you.  Do it yourself.  Kill Cain yourself in yourself, so that when the general judgment goes forth on the whole Church, you will not be destroyed. 


Alternate Translation of Hebrews Chapter 10 Verse 31: Cain is afraid of the human avengers of Abel’s blood that the Living God is raising up.  Just because it is late, I am going to skip to page 16 and read the amplified alternate translation, and that will be the end of this series.  Hebrews 10:26 thru 31; The inward process by which the sin nature in the midst of us influences, seduces, and deceives us cannot continue after we are taken or apprehended by the Lord Jesus, and acknowledge the truth because anyone who sets aside the law of Moses dies without mercy at the mouth of two or three witnesses, and this is the reason why we must set aside or separate from our sin nature and sacrifice it.  That is Cain, set aside and separate from her and sacrifice her.


Indeed, how much greater punishment then do you think Leviathan, the one who tramples down the son of God and Satan, the one who considers the blood of the covenant an unholy thing, and Cain, who insults the Spirit of grace by exercising Leviathan’s and Satan’s authority to influence Abel, the one who looks this way and that way to sin after she was made holy or he was made holy, she was made holy by the authority of Christ Jesus.  Wherefore Cain is afraid of the human avengers of Abel’s blood that the living God is raising up, because Cain knows that I AM awarded the just legal decision to Abel who then said to me, Jehovah, I will repay Cain when Jehovah returns and prefers Abel within His people.  Wherefore, anyone who fears God should expect that Jehovah’s divine justice is about to consume Satan, Leviathan, and Cain, Abel’s jealous component in the lake of fire.  So wherefore are you surprised that the fiery trial is upon you?  Amen.  God bless you all.



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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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