591 - Part 3

Part 3 of 8 Parts

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



Praise the Lord everybody, we are starting our alternate translation today of this very exciting revelation that, well we have had so many exciting revelations here, concerning the virgin birth, and Mary and Jesus’ deity, so I am going to read the alternate translation of Luke 1:26-35, I am going to read starting on page 2, and then I will expound on it. I have the work ups for you, on page 1.

As I told you, I may not be reading every alternate word, onto this message, but I do have to work it up because even myself, sometimes I say when I am reading it, Well where did I get that alternate translation from? If I do not have the work up, that means I have to go into the Interlinear Text and do the whole thing all over again. I am giving you the work up, showing you the King James, the word in the King James in round brackets, and of course the square brackets are my amplifications.

The detail of which I will read on to this message I do not know, I will go as the Spirit moves me. This alternate translation is so interesting, and Lord willing, next week, we will do the alternate translation of the parallel account in Luke, which I believe the two accounts need to be integrated because we read something in Matthew 1 about, And in those days, Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth, and I believe that the whole account that we read about in Luke fits in between verse 35 of Matthew 1, and the Scripture that says, And in those days, Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth.

The carnal mind thinks, Well all of this happened and then, the next day, Mary jumped up and went to visit her cousin Elizabeth, therefore she was physically impregnated by the Holy Spirit, and she did not know Joseph until after the physical child was born, but we are saying otherwise. Let me read this alternate translation to you right now.

LUKE 1:26-35 And in the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of the heathen circular world, named Nazareth. AT

I have to just comment on that here, I could not resist putting it in. Galilee means the heathen circle, and we have used this term in so many of our alternate translations, it is really calling our world the matrix, that is what it is doing, it is calling our world the matrix. The world down here is heathen compared to the holiness of God which is above, and it is a circular world.

No matter how much progress we make, we just go round and round and round, this is the mystery of what we read about in the Scripture that the Hebrew children wandered in the wilderness for all of those years, for 40 years they wandered in the wilderness. What it means is that they wandered in a spiritual wilderness, and they went round and round and round doing all of their good works, and everything they could think of doing, but they did not ascend into the higher worlds of God.

This world that we live in is called the circular world of the heathen. No matter how much progress we make, we do not ascend. This truism applies to the church. No matter how much progress we make, and it also applies to mankind in general, and to the Christian world in general. No matter how much progress we make, we just do not seem to ascend, and to the Jew, this applies to the Jew also, who are forever seeking knowledge and never coming to a knowledge of God. It applies to the Christian who seek knowledge and attain knowledge and become puffed up by that knowledge, instead of ascending. What does that mean? To put it in terms that to me are understandable is that this knowledge and the seeking of knowledge, this knowledge is pursued and sought after by the carnal mind.

All of this knowledge that we have and that is available to people today, and there are people studying with me, and I am not necessarily talking to anybody here, people study with me from all over today, if the shoe fits wear it, but I do not have anybody in mind, people study with me, and they get this high revelation, and actually I have someone in mind, but it is no one in this room right now, and they get this high revelation and they think that they are attaining to the kingdom of God, but they are not, because revelation does not, is not the doorway into the kingdom of God.

Revelation is the doorway into knowledge, and it is good, I love this knowledge, I love this word, this alternate translation is so exciting to me, I love it, but it is not going to get you delivered from, it will not help you to escape from the circular world, the circular world of the heathen.

In order to get up off of the ground, we need rocket fuel, we need rocket fuel to get up off of the ground, and to ascend into the higher worlds, and the rocket fuel that we need is the maturation of Christ in us. First of all, the resurrection of, and then the maturation of Christ in us. This is the secret, this is the key to all of the information and revelation that is locked up in this glorious word, in this spiritual understanding, in the revelation of the truth, this one little secret is what is locked up under key.

It is locked up under lock and key, and all of the understanding and revelation, you could understand God’s plan, if it were possible, which I do not think it is possible, but for argument’s sake, you could understand God’s plan of salvation 100% accurately, and it will do you no good whatsoever, if Christ in you is not raised from the dead, because when Cain understands God’s plan of salvation, the best that could happen to you, is that you will receive knowledge in this world, which will not give you power to ascend, and the worst that could happen to you is that Cain will ascend based on the power of that knowledge, and that is not a good thing.

That is what John calls the resurrection of the damned one, the King James translation says, the resurrection of damnation, but it is the resurrection of the damned one. Who is the one who is damned? Cain. The resurrection of Cain, the Bible calls him a tyrant, and that tyrant is within you, it is the resurrection of Cain within who will drive you to do religious works, and to work for your salvation, and drive you until you are exhausted, and produce nothing but death in you.

Here is the key, this is what is locked up under the seal in the book of Revelation, this knowledge right now that Christ in you must be resurrected. Every human being is born with a dead Christ which is really a fragment of the Adam who died and broke into many pieces. He is in there, the new age tells you, the Christ is in there, He is in there but He is dead.

How could you tell me He’s dead, I understand all of this wonderful revelation? I did not say He was unconscious, I said he was dead! This is a mystery, we will never get anywhere without wisdom, death does not necessarily mean cessation of consciousness, we can die to the wisdom of God, we can die to the life of God, we can die to the glory of God. I died to the life I was in before the Lord apprehended me. I might just as well have been born, physically born dead, my life is so different. Death does not mean cessation of consciousness.

Therefore to understand the Scripture, even the King James Scripture with your carnal mind is death. The Bible is a spiritual book, it must be understood spiritually, and you cannot understand it spiritually if you have not been taught and learned the spiritual principles behind the written word. You need to know that death does mean cessation of consciousness, death is your carnal mind, life is Christ Jesus, and two, they oppose one another, and they are contrary to one another, and the flesh lusteth against the spirit, and the spirit lusteth against the flesh, and two shall never come into an agreement, one must die.

The human being that has both, the human being that has some measure of the spirit, now that does not mean he is resurrected and fully conscious yet, resurrection is a process that could take your whole lifetime, but if there is enough of Christ in you, there is a conflict in you and one must die, two men in your bed, one shall be taken and one shall be left. Two women grinding at the mill, one shall be taken and one shall be left. Who is going to be left?

The one that continues to grind, the one that labors, the one this is in bondage, that is Cain, the one that drives you to do religious works, that is Cain. Who will be taken, and who will be left? Here is the key brethren, Christ must rise from the dead in you, you must have the same experience that Jesus of Nazareth had if you wan to ascend. If you want this glorious word, to raise you from the dead, in to the life of Christ Jesus, Christ who came into existence with you in your world dead, must be born again. Christ in you must rise from the dead, because Christ is the only one who can ascend, only He who came down from heaven can go back up in to heaven.

We need to understand who we are, we are the vessel, we are the house, we are the horse. We are the house, that deity dwells in, we are the horse that deity rides on. We go where our husband goes, we died to the righteousness of Jehovah, married the Serpent, and we fell down into the Serpent’s world. Christ must be born again in us before He could marry us, and ascend back unto His Father, taking us with Him. Cain will only take us to Satan and Leviathan, and the Serpent.

You must be born again, and the whole church world thinks they are born again and they are not. The whole church world thinks that the end of the process of salvation is at hand, and they have barely begun, because the Holy Spirit is not the rebirth of Christ in you, it is the beginning of the process that will raise Christ from the dead in you, and then when He is risen, He has to fight the warfare against Satan and Leviathan in your own being, in your world, each one of us is a world. He has to fight and overcome Satan and Leviathan to the point that He connects with the glorified Jesus Christ, and marries Him and produces the savior in the midst of you, Christ Jesus.

All of the knowledge in the world, all of the revelation in the world, if it were possible which it is not, to fully comprehend this Scripture, will not save you, and it is possible to understand spiritual philosophy with your carnal mind. Cain under some circumstances can understand spiritual philosophy. Do you know how difficult Hindu and Buddhist spiritual philosophy is? It is very difficult studies, that is coming out of the carnal mind. Some people are born with this ability, I was not born with this ability. This ability to understand the spiritual philosophy of Christ Jesus was built into me, it was developed, I was not born with this, but some people are born with it, and that is a blessing and curse at the same time.

It is a blessing because it is wonderful, it is wonderful, I love studying philosophy, especially the philosophy of God, but if you are born with this ability to understand the doctrine of Christ, and you think that because you can understand it, you have the key that is going to unlock salvation in you, then you are deceived, and you could never attain to salvation, because you are basing your salvation on your ability to understand Christian spiritual philosophy which is the doctrine of Christ, that is the biggest mistake you could make.

Only he who came down from heaven can go back up to heaven. Cain has always been of the earth, he is of the earth, earthy, only the man from heaven, who came down from heaven can go back up into heaven. That is the key that is going to unlock the power of resurrection that is in the doctrine of Christ. Yes the doctrine of Christ is the power of God unto resurrection, but you have to have the key that will unlock it, and the key is the resurrection of Christ within you.

Without the key you have a locked up body of knowledge and you will continue to exist in the heathen circle of the earth, and brethren, that is implying reincarnation, endless, an endless cycle of births and deaths, trying to ascend back up to heaven which is the place of rest, by religious works, by being a good person, by studying.

This looks so unfair to the carnal mind. Sometimes really grievous sinners are received by the Lord. We have done studies about David, David committed some grievous sins, So what was so great about David that is not great about me, we ask? The Bible is very clear, if your ears are cleared out, you can hear it, he was a man after God’s own heart. What does that mean? It means in his heart, he perceived the will of God and pursued it to the best of his imperfect ability, and when he failed, he recognized his failure and repented.

You could be a person who has never done anything wrong in your life, which is not possible but we are making points here, you may have done anything seriously wrong, behaviorally to anyone in your life, and sometimes people like that get jealous when people come to the Lord.

Let me explain that, some people have been in the Lord since childhood, raised in the church, went to church every Sunday, went to Bible camp, gave out tracks, did everything that they were supposed to do, prayed on their knees, fasted, they did the whole gamut of works, and they never received the Holy Spirit, well they might have received the Holy Spirit, but they never spoke in tongues or they never prophesied, or they never had any great spiritual experience in God.

Then someone comes in off of the street, an alcoholic, a drug addict, a prostitute, a divorced woman, someone who is a great sinner in the eyes of the Pharisees, and frequently in the eyes of the world, and like that, like that, they get all of the gifts, the Lord’s is carrying them away to high places, they have a ministry, and their whole life turns towards God, and the person who was raised in the church is still stepping one step at a time, and never seems to get any place spiritually.

There is a spiritual jealousy that arises in a situation like this, one is Cain, the person is only doing what they have been taught to do, but they have been bringing the offering of the fields, they are works, they are bringing as an offering what they can do and grow for themselves.

Do you know that it is possible to grow a ministry for yourself? You can grow your own ministry, you can go out there and take your Bible and preach and get people to follow you, and you can say God told me to do that, maybe He did, and maybe He did not, my point is, every ministry that exists and every Bible study that exists was not raised up by God.

There are a lot of grain ministries out there, but the person that just came in off of the street that has been delivered from alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution, the whole thing, any great sinner, lifestyle, any great sin, something happened in their heart, they started perceive Christ in their heart and follow after Him, so the animal sacrifice or the reality of the animal sacrifice is the sacrifice of our fallen nature which is the animal nature. Abel brings he sacrifice of the animal nature to the Lord. Here is the alternate translation Luke 1:26-35;

LUKE 1:26-35 And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of the heathen circular world named Nazareth, AT

The angel came down into the matrix, he descended from a world above. Verse 27,

To an unmarried woman and to Joseph who was of the household of David and the virgin’s name was Mary. AT

We have gone into this on other messages, the word virgin, at the time that the Scripture was written really simply meant an unmarried woman, and that definition is in Strong’s concordance, it does not necessarily mean a physical a virgin, it means an unmarried woman.

...and to Joseph who was of the household of David, and the virgin’s name was Mary. AT

This account, verses 26-35 is the account of Gabriel’s visitation to Mary. We have to go to Luke chapter 1 to read about Joseph’s experience with Gabriel. Verse 28;

And Gabriel said to Mary, you are endowed with the good mental faculty of spiritual women, wherefore the Lord shall enter into the midst of you, and you shall experience the calm happiness promised in the Scripture. AT

Brethren, this is such and interesting verse.

...you are endowed with the good mental faculty of spiritual women... AT

Gabriel is saying to Mary, you are not a spiritual male. What do we need, what makes a spiritual male? The only thing that makes us a spiritual male is the mind and nature of Christ Jesus living through us, the nature and the reasoning and the rational and the responses of Christ Jesus being acted out through our person makes us a spiritual male. You can have Christ grafted to you, but if you are still making decisions and responding to people out of your carnal mind, it does not matter that Christ is in there, you are still functioning as a woman.

Whoever lives out of their carnal mind, you can be a good person, you could be an evil person, you could be a hero, you could be brilliant human being, if you are living out of your carnal mind, as far as God is concerned, you are a spiritual woman. The angel is saying to Mary, You are endowed with the mental faculty of spiritual women. Why would he have to say you are endowed with the mental faculty of women?

I want to suggest to you that within the carnal person, there is a spiritual manhood that is not of God. Cain, when Cain ascends and joins with Leviathan and Satan in mind, there is a spiritual manhood that is resident in the carnal mind, or that can be found in the carnal mind. We have had, there are people in the world who have had great wisdom, great leaders in times of war, great presidents, great leaders of our armies, during military conflicts have been given great wisdom.

Let me start again, because in those cases when we see great wisdom in times of war that can be the imputed Christ overshadowing them, what I am trying to say to you is that I believe the angel said to Mary, that to recognize that you have the good mental faculty, so if there is a good mental faculty of women, what must there be?


PASTOR VITALE: Right, so it is recognized that you have the good mental faculty of spiritual women, which is what, does the good mental faculty have a name? What is the name of the good mental faculty? What is the name of the bad mental faculty? Cain and Abel. The angel is saying to her, it has been recognized that you are living out of Abel, the good mental faculty, because one is always on top of the other, either Cain is on top of Abel, or Abel is on top of Cain, and as far as I know, every human being except those who have been visited by the Lord, in every human being Cain is on top of Abel.

Cain can be good or evil, but how brilliant you are, or what kind of good works you have done in the world, unless the Lord Jesus Christ has strengthened Abel in you and put him on top of Cain, Cain is on top of Abel in you. It is possible for brilliance to appear in someone where Cain is on top of Abel, it is possible, but it is not the brilliance of God. I want to work this through with you because I do not want to leave you without understanding.

The evil mental faculty, if there is a good mental faculty, there must be an evil mental faculty, so that means if Cain is on top, what happens to evil faculty, it becomes criminally brilliant. Hitler was brilliant, so he had evil brilliance, but I am struggling with the good and evil and for some reason the Lord is trying to correct me and I do not know why I am struggling with it, but this is the situation even if Cain is on top, an imputed Christ can overshadow you to accomplish the will of God.

I am not sure what he is telling me so I am going to let it go, if I can understand it, I will come back to it in the next, in part 4 of this message, but apparently I am missing something. Let me just stop and pray here, just in case it is not the Lord that is interfering with my thought process.

PRAYER: Father in the name of Jesus, I just pray if that is not you hindering and Satan is stopping me from saying something that you want said, I pray that Satan should be removed, and that your perfect will should come out of my mouth today Lord, and I pray that you bless the rest of this message. I know that Satan is not happy with this message, I just pray that you help me and that you overshadow me and that the message should come out Lord as you would have it to come out, in Jesus name, amen.

Let me just read it through without commenting on it and then I will go back and comment, I will start again, verse 26;

LUKE 1:26-35 And in the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of the heathen circular world named Nazareth, to an unmarried woman and to Joseph who was of the house of David, and the virgin’s name was Mary. And Gabriel said to Mary, You are endowed with the good mental faculty of spiritual women, wherefore the Lord shall enter into the midst of you, and you shall experience the calm happiness promised in the Scripture. Now Christ, the angel within Mary reasoned with Mary’s carnal mind, who was wondering what such a greeting might mean, because receiving a word from above, alarmed Mary’s carnal mind. AT

That is the verse that I rewrote, and this is how it was rewritten;

Now Mary’s carnal mind was alarmed because she had received a word from above and she was wondering what such a greeting might mean. So Christ, the angel within Mary said to her, Do not be afraid Mary, the divine influence that comes from God has found you.

Now look, and I will show you your future. Your womb shall conceive and a son shall be produced from the seed that Gabriel planted within you, and the name that you shall call Him by is Jesus. And He shall be called the son of the supreme God, and He shall be great. And the Lord God shall give Him the throne of David His father, and He shall rule over the house of Jacob in the age to come, and His kingdom shall never end.

Then Mary said to Christ, the angel within herself, How can this happen to me, since I do not have an intimate relationship with a man?And Christ, the angel within Mary, said to her, The Spirit of the Holy One has visited you from above, and the supernatural power of the supreme God has enveloped you, and the result of this experience is that the Holy One who called you, shall come into existence, or shall be born as a man, and He shall be called the son of God. AT

Back to verse 26, so we have already commented on verse 26,

And in the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of the heathen circular world, named Nazareth. AT

I remind you that each human being can be called a city, each one of us is a world, each one of us can be called a city. When the book of Revelation says, the new this and the new, the new Jerusalem is coming down out of heaven, it is talking about the new mind, so I guess our mind is the city, the mind that contains the Spirit of God is the city, and the whole of us is a world. The new Jerusalem that is coming down is the mind of God that is being imparted to us because we can never ever return to the place that we have fallen from unless we get a mind that comes from that place. We are no longer a citizen of heaven in our fallen state, we fell out of heaven, and we lost our citizenship, so the Lord God has made a provision for us to return, He has given us a passport, and that passport is in the form of the mind of Christ. In the spiritual world, and I think I was talking about this recently, and I do not know whether it was this meeting or Sunday’s meeting, but in the spiritual world where there are no forms, that which makes the same, or that which identifies people as being of the same family is the way we think, it is thought.

When we are bodiless consciousness, bodiless consciousness can only be identified as being of the same family by the way they think. It is called similarity, it is called the rule of similarity. This rule applies even though we are in physical bodies down here, when it comes to placing us spiritually, as to what family we are a part of, or what grade or level in the household of God we are at, that is determined not by what we know brethren, but by the way we think, the mind, the reason, the rational, the conclusions we come to, the way we look at things, the way we evaluate things identifies whether we are in the household of God, or we are still in Leviathan’s household, and if we are in the household of God, there are different grades and degrees of the household of God, and how it has been said to me, that there is only one Holy Spirit, and everybody that has the Holy Spirit has the same degree of God. This is completely untrue, and immature thinking.

First of all, it completely denies that Christ comes after the Holy Spirit, that we mature in Christ, but everybody does not have the same gifts, everybody that has the Holy Spirit does not have the same gifts, everybody does not have the same drive to pursue the Lord, and Christ, there are definitely grades, now with the Holy Spirit, I think that no matter what gifts you have or do not have, your level of spirituality is pretty much the same, you are still down here in the heathen circle, Christ is the middle column, Christ is the ladder that connects heaven and earth. Christ Jesus is the ladder that we climb up on, to ascend into heaven.

You cannot ascend in the Holy Spirit, you can be blessed by the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit can deliver you, can heal you, can bring blessings into your life, the Holy Spirit is definitely a supernatural force sent by God, but the Holy Spirit is not the ladder, you can not ascend in the Holy Spirit. The only that can go up to heaven is the one who came down from heaven, and that is talking about the man Christ Jesus, it is not talking about the Holy Spirit. The difference is similar to the difference between the dunamis power and the exusia power of God, it is not the same thing, we do ascend on the Holy Spirit, we ascend in Christ Jesus through wisdom. We ascend through wisdom, it is the wisdom of God that raises us up to higher places in Christ Jesus, not the manifestation of the gifts.

It is His maturity in us. Heaven is a spiritual place. I have been so challenged on that, Pastor Vitale, you are saying that hell is not a place, and heaven is not real place, and you are saying it is just in your mind. No, I am not saying that. I am saying that heaven and hell are states of mind, well actually they are two different minds, and every mind produces an environment for that mind to dwell in. Every mind produces an environment, a house and environment for that mind to dwell in.

Our world or the world that we live in looks like it does and our bodies look like they do because these bodies and this world if formed by the collective carnal mind. The mind forms a house and an environment that is a reflection of the mind. Anybody who is intellectual and spiritually honest, that would look at the body that we live in, and the world that we live in, must admit that it had to be an animal mind that produced this body and produced this world. Therefore, hell is indeed a place, a very real place, and this is it.

It is the world and the body that is formed and produced and manufactured by the mind that fell into hell, or the mind that represents hell. That concept is probably easier to understand than what I am going to say now, that heaven is a real, I do not if it is physical place, but it is a material place with form, but we do not see it today, which is the proof that our carnal mind is still prevailing.

When the Christ mind in us becomes powerful enough to overshadow our carnal mind and take up the control of our physical body and our environment, our environment will not look like this and our physical body will not look like this. The Christ mind will change our physical form into an image that reflects the glory of God. We saw that in Jesus of Nazareth on the mount of transfiguration.

We will be translated to a material world, I do not know if material is the right word, to a visible world, let us say visible world, that reflects the glory of God as it is revealed through the mind of Christ in us.

That is what happened to Jesus of Nazareth, our example. I have this on a message, the whole incident of what happened to Him in the garden of Gethsemane, with what that King James calls the drops of blood appearing on Him, which most of the church world translates it to mean that He was so frightened, I am sorry you know, sometimes I get a sarcastic spirit on me, I am just going to go with it, this man who the church world claims was God, became so frightened at the thought of the cross that He sweat blood. There is something wrong with this picture. I do not believe that God has sin, and fear is sin!

Anyway, what happened in the garden of Gethsemane, and I have this preached on a message, is that, the inner man of Jesus of Nazareth was so completely joined to the personality of Jesus of Nazareth, and had so completely taken over the man Jesus of Nazareth, that the physical animal body that Jesus of Nazareth had lived in, for thirty years, started to dissolve, and the blood of the inner man, the blood of Christ Jesus within started to penetrate out from the thick skin of this body and appear on Jesus’ skin, with the direct intention of dissolving this form, and bringing into existence a form for the inner man that reflected that inner man which was the glory of God, Jesus, the personality Jesus of Nazareth married His inner man, who was Elijah, and the two became one, called Christ Jesus, and Jesus’ outcry to the Father in the garden was, Lord I cannot hold this body together much longer, the real me is reforming me, the real me, the real me which reformed my mind, a year ago, or whenever it happened, the real me which reformed my mind is now reforming my physical body, and I know that you sent me into this world knowing that I had a mission to be crucified, you better do it now because I am losing my grip. The real me is coming out, and swallowing up this animal form.

Brethren, this is one of the first messages that I ever preached, Satan swallowed up. The carnal mind has to be swallowed up, the fallen emotions have to be swallowed up, and ultimately this physical body, will be swallowed up just like flesh or any other vulnerable object is swallowed up, or dissolved when placed in proximity to acid. His body was being dissolved.

There is an episode of Star Trek that I love, Star Trek, The Next Generation, where something in space enters into the ship Enterprise, and it was reforming the whole ship, there was no residue, there was no sign that anything had been destroyed, but within the very same materials that the ship was made, this spiritual entity was reforming it so that it looked like a completely different ship.

That is why there was no carcase found after the resurrection, because that which had formed the physical body had been reformed into something else, there was no residue, there was no waste product, it was reformed into something that reflected the glory, that was inside, the glory that was inside came to the outside, that was the drops of blood on His skin, it came to the outside and dissolved the house that was built by Jack, is there not a fairytale like that, this is the house that Jack built, right? Jack and the beanstalk.

Do you know that fairytales are very spiritual? The inner essence of the man Jesus, the renewed man of Jesus of Nazareth who was no longer Jesus of Nazareth but was now Christ Jesus, was penetrating this physical shield and dissolving it like acid dissolves flesh. I had a point with all of this, what was I talking about? We were talking that the good and evil mental faculty.

I do not know how I got on to that, but it sounded good anyway. Cain is the evil mental faculty, and Abel is the good mental faculty, and I think what I was saying was that for Abel to reflect the nature of God in any way, he really has to get on top of Cain, because as long as Cain is on top of Abel, let us say Abel has been awakened from sleep, first Abel has to be awakened from sleep, when he is awakened his name changes and it becomes Christ. Then the warfare starts for Him to overcome Cain, and get on top, then He fights with Satan and Leviathan, and eventually, moves to take over the whole body.

The angel was saying to Mary, You have been identified with the mental faculty, that means that Abel is on top, was on top with Mary. I believe in part 2, I suggested to you that Mary was not sewing when Gabriel came to her, she was not cleaning the house, she was not playing checkers, I suggested to you that she was on her knees praying that she was fasting and praying, that this was a woman of God that could be likened to Daniel after he was taken to Babylon on his knees saying, Lord what is going to happen to my people? How long will this dispersion and the loss of our nation continue?

Remember at this time, I think it had been 500 years that there was no prophet in Israel. Mary knew that, there were people in God in Judea that knew, that something was terribly wrong. That Israel had lost its power, that the ten tribes were gone, they did not even know where they were, that Israel was a vassal state of Rome, that the prophets were gone, and the Pharisees had taken over, everything had changed, there was, everything had changed, she was on her knees, saying, Lord what about my people, when are the prophets going to come back, what about the promises of your coming, what about the promises of the Scripture.

She was a holy woman, seeking God, and not seeking God for her own personal needs, and I am not knocking that, I seek God for my own personal needs, but first of all I seek God for His purposes in my life. If you want God to meet your personal needs, I strongly recommend that your first prayers should be asking Him as to how you can serve Him, and how you can serve in the kingdom. What does He require of you, what would He have you to do, how can you serve.

Once you receive your assignment and you are serving God, then you will prevent your personal needs. Maybe you are serving God by being in a ministry like this, maybe this is your time to study, maybe this is your time to have Christ born again in you, because I am telling you my whole message this morning is, that I am trying to tell you that no matter how developed you think your ministry may be, or somebody’s ministry may be, if that ministry is coming out the Holy Spirit alone, it is not building Christ in you.

You may have raised it up yourself, and the Lord may have said, Okay, go ahead, or the Lord may have said, Alright I will give you something to do, because, I am sorry but that is an immature place to be, the only way up, is to get into the middle column which is Christ in you the hope of glory, and when you get into Christ in you, you only do what He directs you to do, and all of the other things that we were doing, and I am not saying they are bad, I am talking about signs of maturity.

All of the other things that you were doing, giving out tracks, giving out clothing, all important things, they were all important things, but growth in Christ does not come out of that. Having a Bible study where you are teaching the surface understanding of the word, going to church, struggling with other people as to whose doctrine is right, all of these things do not come out of Christ, proving someone that their Scripture is wrong, that their religion is wrong, that does not come out of Christ.

That is what the carnal mind does, the person may have the Holy Spirit and they think it is the right thing to do, but Christ never told us to do that, never, ever, ever, unless He sets up the dialogue, and He only sets up the dialogue with somebody whose mind is open.

You should know that the Lord is never setting up a dialogue with somebody who does not want to hear what you have to say. It was recognized that Mary had the good mental faculty of women. That does not even necessarily mean that, she had that a hundred percent of the time.

If in fact, I am correct, and Gabriel appeared to Mary when she was down on her knees, she had fasted for a week, she was down on her knees seeking God for Israel, for the restoration of the ten tribes, for the fulfillment of the promises, for a ministry that comes out of Christ, that God calls you to, not that you raise yourself up to, which happens all of the time in the church, at that moment she in the good mental faculty of Abel. It could be like when she was not praying, she could be like everyone else.

With most people, Cain is on top most of the time. Cain can be good an evil, I am not saying that you are evil, my point is, that it was Mary’s state of mind that she was seeking God with all of her heart that raised Abel up above Cain. You may recall in a future verse, the angel says to Mary, You were found, the angel found you. You know the song, I was lost, and now I am found? A lot of people say, I found God. Nobody finds God. Brethren, you cannot find God, God has to find you, and how does God find you?

How does God elect you? Is God a respecter of persons? No He is not. God is high on His throne, and He is looking down on the earth, and everybody that is down on the earth crying out to Jesus, appears as a twinkling star to the Lord above. That is how He finds us. I do not know that we really look like a twinkling star, that was a metaphor. I preached a message once called election. We have to be down here screaming and yelling, waving flags, Jesus, take me, take me, help me, Jesus down here, down here!, and He finds us.

As far as God is concerned, we could be lost on a desert island. We are, we are lost buried under the earth, and He finds us when we cry out to Him with a true motive, a true heart that is seeking God, we are truly seeking God, we appear, somehow we appear and He can see us.

Who is He seeing, is He seeing us, the carnal person? No, in order to cry out with the good mental faculty, in order to truly seek God, it has to be Abel in there. Abel is the one who is buried under the earth crying out to His father. That is what that means, that she was found because it was perceived that she had the good mental faculty because in this woman Mary, Abel was conscious, and not only was he conscious, but he was not in agreement with Cain.

He was, signs of life were vibrating in him. Abel is the breath of life, he is conscious in everybody, but he is in full agreement with Cain. He is riding on the back of the beast, giving life to the beast system. In some people somehow, you know I was one of those people and I cannot, well I cannot tell you why, I just was crying out to God, but the Lord just reminded me that I did not know anything about God until at ten years old, my mother decided that her children knew nothing about God and she wanted to give me some religious education.

I guess it was from that day forward, His Spirit must have gotten on me, because that was before I got sick, I got sick around eleven years old, sick unto death, and I was just crying out to God, and He heard me, obviously He heard me out of Holy Hill, because I am not dead, and I am preaching His word, and I should have died a long time ago, according to Satan’s plans.

She was endowed with the good mental faculty, she was on her knees seeking God and He saw her, the good mental faculty of spiritual women, so we are told that she is definitely a spiritual woman at this point.

Wherefore the Lord shall enter into the midst of you, and you shall experience the calm happiness promised in the Scriptures. AT

The Greek, it is much easier to understand the Hebrew than the Greek. Brethren, I want to suggest to you that what Gabriel is telling Mary right here is not that she is going to be physically impregnated with the human being Jesus, who will be an incarnation of the Holy One, which I believe is Elijah, that is not what He is telling her. He is telling her what is going to happen to her after Jesus is resurrected, and she has the experience that we are having today, having Christ indwell us. Read it again.

And Gabriel said to Mary, You are endowed with the good mental faculty of spiritual women, wherefore the Lord shall enter into the midst of you. AT

That word Lord, that Greek word Lord, it means controller. Brethren Christ Jesus in the midst of us, Christ in you the hope of glory is your controller. Somebody has to control us, and if we do not think anybody is controlling us, we are mistaken, because we are just sacks, we are houses for spiritual life, and it is either Leviathan and Satan controlling us and living through us, or Christ Jesus controlling us and living through us. It has been that way since we were born.

We were born with Leviathan and Satan controlling us, so we think that we are controlling ourselves, but brethren, human beings that do not get any of this teaching, make the same mistake that Christians make, Christians and Jews, this is the reason that Israel fell and that they brought forth wind instead of the manchild, is that they thought that the individual human beings were the sons of God, or that the individual human beings, I do not know the right word to express it, as far as the Jewish standpoint would go, but people in the church, they think it is them.

They think the old man is being remade, let me leave it that way, both Jews and Christians, or many Christians, they think it is the old man that is being remade, and they do not understand that man is the vessel that contains spiritual life, and that the spiritual life that is giving us existence right now is going to be swallowed up by a new form of spiritual life called Christ Jesus.

It is the story of the body snatchers, that is what it is, the inner man, our old man. Paul clearly told us that we have an old man and a new man, and an inner man. Our old man is being swallowed up by our new man, but new man has to get inside of us before he can swallow up the old man.

I want to suggest to you very strongly that in verse 28, Gabriel is telling Mary what is going to happen to her after the crucifixion and resurrection of the son that she is going to bring forth. The Lord, the controller, shall enter into the midst of you, and you shall experience calm happiness, the calm happiness promised in the Scripture. This controller, this Christ Jesus in the midst of us, controls, is given to us to control the ungodly lusts and passions that are built into us by the old man who we physically are still a manifestation of.

I do not know about you but I need a Godly controller to tell me when my anger is inappropriate, and to tell me that everything my mind desires to do and my emotions are driving me to do are inappropriate. I need a controller to control my old man. We all do, it is obvious to me, it may not be obvious to you, but we all need a controller, and Christ Jesus in us controls the lusts and passions and all of the ungodly inclinations of the old man. The controller shall enter into you Mary, and you shall experience the calm happiness promised by the Scripture. This calm happiness, if you want to go back to page one, that is a translation of the Greek word translatedhail, in the King James and the sister translations, it is made to be a harmless word, hail, you know, greetings from the angels. Why would the King James translators do that? Because they did not know how to fit the term calm happiness into this Scripture, it did not make any sense to them.

Let me tell you something, when I start translating these verses and I think that I have got the idea of what the Lord is saying here, this has happened to me a couple of times recently, I will look at it and I will look at it, and there is one word that just does not fit in with what is in my heart as to what the Lord is saying in that Scripture, so I will take that word, and I will go and look for alternate translations that will make it fit in with what is in my heart, and with the rest of the words that are coming forth, and invariably I find an alternate translation of that word that does fit in with what the Lord is telling me He is really saying here, it fits in with all of the other words. This English word hail not only did not particularly fit in with alternate translation, but it reveals a truth that even unlocks the subsequent Scriptures.

I have given you two alternate translations which witness to what I just told you, that the angel said to Mary, the Lord, the Christ in you, the Christ that is available to us after the crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, Christ in you the hope of glory shall enter into the midst of you and you shall experience the calm happiness promised in the Scripture, and the words blessed among women are not in the Greek.

Anybody, you can buy yourself an Interlinear Text, it is right there for you, it is not in the Greek. Here are the two alternate translations that witness to this that I worked up years ago, one is Matthew 8:26, and the other is Luke 2:10. Matthew 8:26;

MATTHEW 8:26 And then Jesus said to the disciples, Why are you afraid, you are afraid because you do not believe that Christ, your personal savior is truly in the midst of you. Then Christ within the disciples arose and rebuked the spirit of Satan, the spiritual sea, the unconscious part of the carnal mind within the disciples, and the disciples experienced great calm. AT

I guess I really should have read Luke 2:10 first. Luke 2:10, alternate translation;

LUKE 2:10 And Elijah, Jehovah’s angel said to the spiritual men, Satan and Leviathan within you are afraid that I bring you the good news that calm delight is now available to all of the people who are tormented because their Fiery Serpent has ascended without Christ Jesus. AT

In Luke 2:10, this is the angel speaking to the shepherds telling them that a savior has been born. Satan and Leviathan within you are afraid, you see everything that you feel either comes from Satan and Leviathan or Christ. We, the personality, the surface personality that we know ourselves by, could not exist without an inner man, so the angel was telling the shepherds, the reason that you are afraid is because Satan and Leviathan within you are afraid because they know that I am an angel sent from God and I have come to tell you that the life and the nature and the mind of God is about to enter into you and destroy them, that is why Satan and Leviathan are afraid, but I bring you the good news that calm delight is now available to all of the people who are tormented because their Fiery Serpent has ascended without Christ Jesus, or who have ascended in Cain.

I did this alternate translation years ago, I might not, I probably would make some changes, but I cannot be redoing the whole alternate translation. the point in there, in Luke 2:10, years ago, I do not know what word it was that I translated calm delight, but we see in Luke 1:28, we see calm happiness and Luke 2:10 we see calm delight, and in Matthew 8:26 we see great calm. We read about peace with God. The Lord has promised us peace brethren, the peace that the Lord has promised us, is peace with God, it is impossible to have peace with men, it is impossible to have peace in your life if you do not first have peace with God, it is not possible.

Well, you say, Pastor Vitale, I know people that do not give one hoot about Jesus Christ and they have great peace. Everything is relative, but that may be true, they have peace because the Lord has not touched them yet, the Lord has not come to them yet, this is talking about people of God, brethren, when Christ comes to us and touches us, our life becomes tumultuous. When you have two men inside of you, when you have Christ and Leviathan living inside of you, when you have Abel and Cain living inside of you, and the lusts presses against the spirit and the spirit lusteth against the flesh, and the two are contrary one to the other, your life becomes tumultuous. Depending on how mature Christ is in you, your Christ can become less tumultuous or more tumultuous, but you will always have conflict.

Paul says, Endure hardship like a good soldier. The Christian walk is the walk of a warfare, it is the warfare of Christ who has come into you and is seeking to take over your whole being as I described it to you earlier. The angel is speaking to the shepherds and saying, Look, it is a time of rejoicing, all of this torment that you have experienced because, there was an imputed manifestation of Christ in you, and the flesh is lusting against the spirit, and the spirit is lusting against the flesh, and you want to do things that the Spirit of the Lord is telling you are wrong for you to do, that conflict is now over, but of course it is over by faith, because you were struggling within your own self to not sin. You have been struggling within your own self not to sin, your conscience which is an imputed Christ, you know people that have never heard of Christ can have an imputed Christ, that is the word that I use to describe the nature or the mind of God.

Do you know that people have been found, primitive people have been found with societies highly functioning according to the laws of God. Paul says about those people that the law is written on their heart, they were never taught about this law, but they know in their heart, that you know when you raise your children, you do not abuse your children, you do not have sex with your mother-in-law, which I just heard on the news the other day, the whole society is being corrupted and the people are falling under it, we just have to pray and hope that the Lord is going to save us, I believe He is, but the whole society is being utterly corrupted.

Primitive people that live in huts, know that you do not have sex with your mother-in-law, that you do not eat your own children, and that you have a ruler over the tribe and you submit to the ruler and you honor him. How did they learn that? Paul said it is the law of God that is in their heart. Every human being that is born of a woman is born with Abel, in various degrees of depth, well Abel must be remembering something because Cain certainly does not honor those laws. That is what he was saying to the shepherds, the struggle that you have within yourself, to lead a life, you know, even if you do not know about God, I believe that these shepherds knew about God, but even people that do not know about God or care about God, if they have any kind of wisdom at all, they know that there are certain things that you do in this world that can destroy your life.

We all have struggles within ourselves to not do things that either will offend God or that we know will bring destruction into our lives, and the angel is telling them you do not have to worry about that anymore, the Lord has provided a controller for you, this is the help that Jehovah promised Adam when He was dying, this is the aid, the assistance that is given to you to resist and overcome every pressure to take drugs, every pressure to drink, every pressure to smoke, every pressure to overeat, every pressure and driving spirit in you that drives you to do something destructive, here is a controller that is going to help you to resist and overcome that lust, so now you can have peace.

You can only receive the controller when you have peace with God, because of the conditions upon which the Lord gives you the control, and the more you submit to God, the more the controller in you will gain power and overcome the ungodly lusts of the flesh.

You now have hope, you have hope of not spending the rest of your life in torment struggling with your own ungodly passions to murder that man, he offended you, you feel like murdering that man, you know if you murder him you are going to go to jail and the rest of your life is ruined. Those struggles will be over because the controller that comes from heaven is going to help you to stop committing adultery.

Like He said to the adulterous woman, All of these things that you have failed to overcome, you now have strength to overcome, and eventually you will overcome them completely, Satan will be ashes under your feet, and you will have calm delight because of the controller.

I do not even think people, a lot of people even know what it means to have a relationship with Jesus. Having a relationship with Jesus is having power over all of the power of the enemy within me. It is not power over you, it is power over me, power over every ungodly thought and desire in me, over every ungodly temptation as to how to deal with people who make me angry, it is power over principalities in me. When I have peace with God, which means I am confessing my sins and repenting, because you do not have peace with God if you do not confess your sins and repent, then I have power over the powers and principalities in me, and then I will have peace with you, and all of my enemies will be at peace with me, because I will be dealing with my enemies in a Godly manner with the power of God backing me up. That is the ultimate promise, is it fulfilled in my life yet a hundred percent? No, but it has been fulfilled in certain areas, so we keep on fighting, so that is the promise, that is the concept of calm delight. ]

I have just described to you the spiritual principle of calm delight or calm happiness, and this is what Gabriel said to Mary, You are endowed with the good mental faculty of spiritual women. The Lord has seen you, you shined out from under the earth of Cain, and therefore you shall receive the promises of the Scripture, the Lord, Christ shall enter into the midst of you, and you shall experience the calm happiness promised in the Scripture. Let us take a break and we will come back and do verse 29. Luke 1:29;

LUKE 1:29 Now Christ, the angel within Mary reasoned with Mary’s carnal mind who was wondering what such a greeting might mean, because receiving a word from above alarmed Mary’s carnal mind. AT

I am suggesting to you that this is no longer Gabriel speaking to Mary, I have two reasons to suggest that. First of all, once Gabriel has been named, why would the Scripture say the angel? The angel is such an indefinite term. I could see, if in writing style would not want to repeat the name Gabriel, it would say he, because the angel has already been identified, so the angel said to Mary, and further, he went on to say, and he further said, so this you are going to have to pray about, but I want to suggest to you that this is no longer Gabriel speaking to Mary.

It is my understanding, and I will give you a personal testimony about this, is that, the Lord Jesus Christ, or He sends an angel to us, He is the angel, I do not want to get into that right now in this message, but a messenger from on high comes to us, the procedure is that He speaks to the Christ in us, and then the Christ in us delivers the message to the carnal man, that has been my understanding of the Scripture for a long time. My personal experience is that when the Lord first called me, I was visited by what I believe to be the Lord Jesus Christ, and He spoke to me at a very difficult time in my life, actually when I was driving a car, I do not know how I did not crash the car, this booming voice spoke to me, I had just, well let me start from the beginning, I was having a lot of trouble getting a job, and I had just had an interview, I believe the Lord told me I would be hired for that job, and I was.

As I drove away from the interview place, this loud booming voice spoke forth into my car, saying, I am the Lord your God, who has brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage, and you will serve me. It scared me half to death, you know, and then I forgot about it, and I never realized until years later that it was right after that, that I started pursuing the things of God. I cannot remember exactly how much longer after that. Then as time went on and I actually became very much involved in the things of God, I asked the Lord one day, I said, How come I have never head that voice again? The Lord answered me and He said, Because that voice got inside of you and now speaks from inside of you.

What happened to me was that the Lord Jesus Christ spoke to me, I heard Him, but technically He spoke to Christ in me, or when He spoke to me, He awakened Christ in me, and now the angel in the midst of me, which is now Christ Jesus in the midst of me, relays the will of the Lord to me. We see this situation in many different ways. Another way, a way that is more common to you is that the Lord Jesus has visited me with the spirit of revelation, and the angel in me is repeating what I have heard to you.

This is the way the Lord works, He does not, the person who is in the highest rank, does not speak to everybody individually, He speaks through His ambassadors, He speaks to you through the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit can relate to you and can teach and can guide you up until a certain level, and when you are ready to come up into Christ, you have to get a teacher who is out of Christ, and the way that the Lord does that, is that He speaks to one person and that person teaches, I teach the teachers you know, and everyone goes out there and teaches whoever the Lord assigns you to, after He assigns you to somebody.

What I am describing to you happens on the spiritual level and it also happens on the physical level, and if you look at my alternate translations of the Old Testament, you will see that I was preaching this principle years ago, and the angel or Jehovah appeared and spoke to Christ in the prophet, and then the prophet spoke it out to the people, that is the whole principle of mediatorship, so there is a spiritual mediatorship, the Lord Jesus Christ after He plants His seed in you, He does not speak to your carnal mind, He speaks to His seed in you, and His seed in you teaches your humanity, the carnal mind, or your humanity.

I suggest to you that, that is what happened here, that angel Gabriel came and spoke to Abel, because we are told that Mary had the good mental faculty, so Gabriel came and spoke to Abel and instructed Abel, and then Abel in Mary or Christ in Mary explained to Mary, or explained to the carnal side of Mary what was going on. This is the way that the Lord does things.

That is my opinion, if you have any problem with it I suggest you pray about it, because I believe that this is what the Lord told me.

And Gabriel said to Mary, You are endowed with the good mental faculty of spiritual women, wherefore the Lord shall enter into the midst of you, AT

I am suggesting to you wherefore Christ, the offspring of your glorified son shall enter into the midst of you, or the offspring of your son who was glorified, let me say it that way, shall enter into the midst of you, and you shall experience the calm happiness promised in the Scripture, or the calm happiness that one experiences when Christ resides in you, and now Christ, the angel within Mary reasoned with Mary’s carnal mind, who was wondering what such a greeting might mean.

In other words, Christ within Mary now recognized that the carnal side of Mary was having some alarm. Christ, the angel within Mary reasoned with Mary’s carnal mind, because her carnal mind was wondering what such a greeting might mean, because receiving a word from above, alarmed Mary’s carnal mind. Christ within Mary now realized that the human part of Mary was alarmed that she had received a word, any word from above.

You have to understand that what we have that the Lord speaks to us is very unusual in the days that Mary was having this experience. The Lord only spoke to the prophets, never spoke to the average person. Not only did the Lord only speak to the prophets, there had not been a prophet in Israel in several hundred years, and the Lord is speaking to her. It alarmed her. I wonder why it alarmed her, I wonder if she did not think that it was Satan. She might have thought that it was Satan speaking to her. Who knows what she thought. I see that, that is the verse that I rewrote, verse 29;

Now Mary’s carnal mind was alarmed because she had received a word from above, and she was wondering what such a greeting might mean. AT

Why would she be afraid? It could have been Satan speaking to her, or who knows what was going through her mind, God does not speak to people, has anybody ever said that to you? Who do you think you are that God would speak to you? It sounds like the epitome of pride. I tell you here all of the time, a lot of things that I say, if it is not pride, words coming forth from God, and we are told in Daniel chapter 7 that the little horn will arise and He will speak proud things. The translation in the King James makes it sound like the little horn in bad and filled with pride, but brethren the little horn is Christ Jesus and He speaks such incredible things that people who do not also have Christ will think that He is the epitome of pride, whoever is manifesting Christ Jesus, who do you think you are, saying things like this, who do you think you are teaching things like this.

Who do you think you are that you actually believe that God talks to you? That is how the carnal mind thinks, who do you think you are, only the priests of the Catholic church can get revelation. That is what was told recently, to a member of the family, You have to be a priest to get revelation. What do you mean you are interpreting the Scripture? Other people have said, You have no right to change the King James translation, you are not allowed to change one word. The Scripture warns that the one who changes the intention or the meaning of the word of God is damned, not someone who changes the King James translation, someone who perverts the true intention of the Scripture is damned, and right now that is the whole church world.

Mary’s carnal mind was alarmed, that she had actually received a word from above. What in the world did that mean? God does speak to people. She is a prophet? I am just fasting and praying to find out what is happening to my people, I am no prophet. Even if I were, there has not been a prophet in hundreds of years, who am I that I should be hearing the word of the Lord.

I want to tell you that I had years of this kind of trepidation, years. I use to lay spread eagle on my carpet, begging God to deliver me if this was not Him talking to me. I was frightened for years. Gabriel came, Gabriel delivered a message to Mary, and He departed, and Mary was pondering and wondering, what could this mean? An angel came and this is what He said to me, I have to idea what it means. Christ within Mary spoke up and explained it to her.

If it is no already happening to you, at some point it has to start happening to you, that what I preach to you here, if you do not understand it, I mean I will do my best to explain it to you, but Christ within you needs to understand it, because you do not want to believe what I am telling you intellectually only, you have internalize it, it has to become yours, if you want to experience spiritual growth from what you are learning, it has to become a part of you, it has to feed the Christ in you.

Mary had a spiritual experience with Gabriel, who planted His seed in her, as we explained in the previous message, I believe the soul of the man who incarnated, or the spiritual man who incarnated as Jesus of Nazareth, was imparted to Mary with that word. What are you talking about Pastor Vitale?

Does not the Scripture say that we are saved by the foolishness of preaching? Does not the Scripture say, does not Jesus say that a man went forth to sow seeds, and the seed that he sowed was the word of God. The angel came to Mary and he sowed His seed. He said, Mary, You are endowed with the good mental faculty of spiritual women, wherefore in the future, the glorified Jesus Christ shall enter into the midst of you and you shall experience calm happiness.

Is it not interesting the way that the Lord talks to us, look at what was left out?, that she would give birth to the man who would be called the son of God, that He would be crucified, that he would be resurrected, and that He would be glorified, that He would be pouring out His Spirit upon all men, look at what was left out? Brethren, the whole Scripture is an abbreviation, it is impossible to truly understand the message of God without the spirit of revelation. I declare to you, it is impossible, there is so much left out! Of course, you could fill it in with your knowledge of what the Lord has taught you from another place in the Scripture, it is a puzzle, the Scripture is a mystery. Verse 30;

So Christ, the angel within Mary said to her, Do not be afraid, Mary, a divine influence that comes from God has found you. AT

That is what happened to you. Did not something like this happen to the believers in the upper room. Peter was in jail, and they were praying and fasting and carrying on, Lord, Lord, get Peter out of jail, save Peter, save Peter, get Peter out of jail, and they hear a knock on the door, and someone opens the door, it is Peter. They said, That cannot be Peter, and they slammed the door in his face! Is that not what we are like brethren? We pray and we pray and we pray and we pray, and we ask God and we ask God and we ask God, but do we really believe it is going to happen, or when it does happen, are we not surprised when it really happens. A lot of times we are. Right? We are. We pray, we beg, we cry, and we moan, and when it happens, we are shocked, which means that we really never had the faith for it to happen in the first place, we were just carrying on, venting.

Christ within Mary, is now teaching her, and what comes to mind is that Scripture which says, If you do not understand what is being taught in the church, go ask your husband at home, what it means is, if you do not have, if you are not in the ministry like this, where you have access to, you really have easy access to me, at least those of you sitting here, you have access to me, to ask a question right after this meeting, if you do not have access to the teacher and something was taught that you did not understand, well go home and ask your husband at home, go home and pray about it, and ask the Christ within you to explain it to you.

I want to tell you the Lord will never refuse a prayer like that. If the Christ in you is not able to explain it to you, He will send someone to you to explain it to you, go and ask your husband at home. Do not make up your own fantasies about what the word means. Christ in Mary says, God has found you, and you have had an experience, God has found you, He sent an angel to you, do not be afraid. He says, Now look, I will show you the future. Brethren, an experience with God is of the future, the age to come, the world to come.

Your womb shall conceive. I think that is so interesting, if the Scripture says your womb shall conceive, what is implied there? Yes, that is what it means, but that is not what I am talking about, if it says your womb shall conceive, what else is implied there? Have you ever heard anyone say to you, my womb conceived, and I am pregnant? Did you ever hear anybody say that? They just say, you are pregnant, right? What does it mean if the Scripture says, Your womb shall conceive? What is the reverse inference, there must be some other part of you that can conceive. Why would I need to modify the word conceive? Your womb shall conceive, what other part of us can conceive? The mind can conceive, absolutely.

I suggest to you that Mary is being told that her womb shall conceive because her mind had already conceived, or the spiritual aspect of herself that we would understand to be the soul of the incarnating being had already conceived. The angel was saying to her, now your body is going to conceive. Honestly I do not know what the right word is. If what I am trying to tell you, and this is what I am trying to tell you, that Gabriel by speaking to Mary, imparted the incarnating soul to her, which entered into her ovum, or was within her waiting to enter the sperm. Brethren, the more I learn the less I know, I am just speaking to you, generally speaking, this is my understanding, Gabriel spoke to Mary and somehow the soul of the incarnating being that would be born as the son of God, was imparted to her.

The best that my carnal mind can do at the time, is to tell you that, that soul must have penetrated the ovum that was ovulating at the time, or that was about to ovulate. I have something interesting to suggest to you also, that since I believe and I have been teaching that it was Elijah who incarnated within Jesus, and was born as Jesus of Nazareth, Elijah was the inner man, the incarnating soul within Jesus, the soul or the inner man that the soul of Jesus of Nazareth married and became integrated with, and that, that unified soul, the union which we are calling Christ Jesus of Elijah and the soul of Jesus of Nazareth departed from the physical body, that spiritual man Elijah had to be the soul that was imparted when Gabriel spoke to Mary. I am thinking that Gabriel is the spiritual name of the glorified Elijah.

I remember asking the Lord a while ago, who is this Gabriel? He always answers our questions. Sometimes we have to wait a while to get the answer, but He always answers our questions. This is what I am suggesting to you, it is what is coming to me, if I am wrong, let the Lord correct me, that Gabriel was the glorified Elijah, Elijah who had ascended, and when he came to Mary, he spoke to her and then he entered into her, the angel spoke to her and he entered into her, he entered into her in preparation for incarnation in the son that she would bring forth.

The next question is, who is Michael? Michael to me is easy anyway, we read about Michael in the book of revelation, and I believe that Michael is the glorified Jesus Christ. Who was Michael before Jesus was glorified? I have been preaching about Michael for a long time, that Michael was the one who has been incarnating, I think I better stop here, because, I will think it through, and if I get anything, I will talk to you about it in the next message. I did tell you that Michael, well, that Michael incarnated as Elijah. I believe, at least I have this on record, that Michael incarnated as Elijah, and then Elijah was glorified.

Basically I am saying they are the same angel, in different capacities, and we know that the Scripture attributes a different name, a different name to the same being, when he is in different capacities. Let me pray about that, because I am just telling you that off of the top of my head, and I will see if I have more to say next week when Lord willing we go on with this message, but that is very interesting.

This I really believe is coming from the Lord, that Gabriel appeared to Mary, spoke to her and then entered into her to bring to pass the prophecy. Upon entering into her, who knows, I am thinking, I hope you all understand that I preach by revelation so that is what is happening right now, if I sound choppy, that is what is happening right now, this is revelation coming forth.

I said to you a few minutes ago, that the Christ within Mary explained to her what Gabriel had said, but I think I have to change that. Gabriel spoke to Mary, got inside of her, and spoke to her from inside of her. Gabriel spoke to her from inside of her. Is anybody not following me? He spoke to her from with inside of her, so it was more than Abel talking to her, where did he go when he got inside of her, the teaching that has come down here from the doctrine of Christ is that he would have joined himself to Abel, and raised Abel from the dead. Maybe Abel was, it was just an imputed Abel because she was crying out to God, and Gabriel came into her, joined to Abel, that is my teaching here that the seed of Christ joins to Abel, Abel is the root system of Adam who died, it is the beginning of the reconstruction of Adam or the resurrection Adam in you.

I am now saying that it was Gabriel who became now the angel in the midst of her who was speaking to her from inside of her. Just like my own personal experience, he spoke to her from outside of her, got inside of her, then he spoke to her from inside of her. He said, Now look, I will show you your future, now that you have conceived in the spirit, at that point, Christ was conceived in her, the Christ that was ready to be born was already conceived in her and he says, And Now your womb is going to conceive too, because here I am ready to incarnate, I need a body to incarnate in, so your womb shall conceive also, and a son shall be produced from the seed, I have written down here that Gabriel planted, or a son shall be produced from the seed that I am, and the name that you shall call Him by is Jesus. Brethren, this is all the spirit of revelation, I will go over this, and if I have any corrections or changes next week, I will be glad to give it to you, but this is what is coming forth.

Now look, I will show you your future, your womb shall conceive also, and a son shall be produced from the seed that I am which is now within you, and the name that you shall call him by is Jesus.

verse 32;

And He shall be called the son of the supreme God, and He shall be great, and the Lord God shall give Him the throne of David, His father. AT

That is so interesting, that is a nature material dynasty, saying that Jesus shall receive the throne of David His father. We have people from all different elements of Christianity believing that Jesus is going to return and sit on the throne of natural Israel, that He is going to return to Jerusalem. I asked the Lord this morning what that means. I said, Lord, I know what all of these people are saying you know. Then some people say, and I think up until recently I probably would have told you, well, He is going to inherit the throne of David, the throne that was in David, simply means that Christ Jesus was present in David at a time when probably David was the only one in whom Christ Jesus was dwelling. I prayed this morning carefully and I said, Lord, I want to hear from you what this means. I have a problem believing that any, well I do not believe that the Jesus that left the earth is coming back, but I have a problem believing that any physical man is about to take up a natural throne, a physical throne in a theocracy, in a nation over in the middle east. But to be honest with you, I have had questions that I have asked about that over the years. There was a time that I believed that everything that was happening today was spiritual, and then the Lord showed me that the times of the Jewish holidays, the Yom Kippur, and Rosh Hashanah which the church world knows by the name tabernacles, that a spiritual door actually opened at that time, which, what does that mean a spiritual door opened?

Brethren, the Lord has been trying to cause a flow of the power of God into this world, that is the reason He sent Jesus to bring a flow of His power and His Spirit and His authority into this world to swallow up and chase away the existing spirit in this world. He is penetrating into this world.

I know it was a few years ago that the Lord told me that there really is a spiritual foundational truth for astrology, now not the way the witches do it, not the way the astrologers that divine by an ungodly spirit do it, but there a truth to it in that everything is moving, is that not amazing, that we are, our cells are moving and vibrating continuously, that this planet is rotating on its axis, and orbiting around the sun, is that not mind boggling, and yet we sit here, I have no perception that I am moving, except that this rocking chair is rocking, that is just mind boggling.

The Lord has told me that there are spiritual elements that are continuously moving in the same manner, and because they are continuously moving, that means that these spiritual elements are continuously changing in their relationship to each other. They are continuously changing in their position, where their position and how they are in relationship to all of the other spiritual elements of the spiritual world.

Remember who are we? We are all cells in the body of the superior being, his name is the resurrected Adam, we are all cells in his body. We are told in the book of Acts, in him we live and move and breath, we are cells in his body. You can relate what I am saying to circulation, to spiritual circulation or the circulation of the spiritual blood, there is a continuous movement, and as the spiritual elements continuously move, they pass by and relate to other elements of the whole. Because of that, it is possible that at certain times, when certain elements of the creation are near each other, that a door through a greater influx of the spiritual energy opens.

Just like the eye, the pupil opens and the lense of the eye opens and closes depending on how much is available. There is a spiritual lense that controls how much light comes into the earth and into each one of us individually. I was surprised to find out, and I found, what the Lord teaches me brethren, He teaches me by experience, my instruction is not intellectual, I shared with you today how He spoke to with a loud booming voice, and I never heard that booming voice again, and when I asked Him why, He said it was because now he was inside of me. That is what happened to Mary, Gabriel got inside of her.

What I teach you, I teach you what He teaches me, and He teaches me from experience. I learned that at the time of the year that Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur rolls around, there is a spiritual increase for at least the last five or six years, that has been a significant spiritual increase right after that date and time, which leaves me to believe that there is something to that date. I do not pursue these Jewish holidays as a feast or a festival or a ritual, I do not do anything, I do not do anything other than what I do all of the time, but I am aware and I am looking for the increase that the Lord is going to give the ministry and give to me and give to the brethren as that day and time passes by.

The question now is, well if I found out that, that is true when I did not think it was true, could it possibly be true that one person is going to stand up in spiritual power that is going to be obvious to the world and he is going to take some kind of a physical throne. I really cannot believe that to tell you the truth. At this point, I do not believe it, but I do not trust myself, what do I know, I do not know anything. The carnal mind is always wrong anyway. What is interesting is that we have also discussed in this ministry how all of the power brokers are manifesting right now. We see democracy dissolving, creeping socialism is taking over the whole Christian world and it is fighting to take over in this country right now.

The whole spiritual people all over the world, know that it is the end of the age and something is going to be happening. Each spiritual philosophy or each spiritual group has their own take on what is going to happen, but each group agrees that there is a big change happening, and all of these groups that have their own ideas about who is going to rise to power, I call them the power brokers, that is what I mean by power brokers, there is a group of power brokers out there made up of disenthroned royalty European royalty.

They are waiting to take the throne back, they are waiting for the monarchy to be preinstructed, they see democracy come down except basically in the United States, and we are fighting for our democratic life right now, for capitalistic life right now. They see democracy dissolving and socialism does not work, it is just a matter of time until the nation collapses under socialism, because how much money can you give away when nobody is working, and socialism tends to work against the concept of hard work, because you do not get rewarded for it, it is not God’s form of society, socialism. The Bible says if you do not work, you do not eat.

That does not mean if someone cannot work, that they starve to death, that is a principle. It means if you are capable of working, you should be working, or you should not, or no one should be giving you anything. You have to be doing the best that you can do. We see these disenfranchised European monarchs, they are waiting for the societies to collapse so that they can back the throne, and start to rule their countries again. I look at that I say, Wow, is it really possible that monarchies will be reinstituted in the world? I do not know because there are all of these power brokers, you have the communists that want to bring in communism, there are the socialists that want to bring in socialism, there is a disenfranchised world that wants to bring the monarchy back, then there are the Mormons that think they are going to become gods and rule from theocracy here in this country, and every religion has its own concept, so all of the power brokers are struggling to see what is going to come, what is going to form the new world, because democracy is dying and socialism cannot live for long. That is what they are all thinking.

Is it possible that the monarchies will return and that they will actually be a nation there in Israel, there will actually be a single man, a descendant of David sitting on a physical throne? If you asked me right now, I would tell you I do not think so, but I asked the Lord, I say, Lord what does this mean? I would really like to know what this means. However long it takes Him to answer me, I asked Him who Gabriel was years ago. However long it take for Him to answer me, I have asked the question and if you do not ask the question, you have no right to expect an answer. And He shall be called your physical son Mary, shall be called the son of the supreme God. I just said that wrong, me incarnated in your physical son shall be called the son of the supreme GodAnd He shall be great, and the Lord God shall give Him the throne of David, His father. He shall be called the son of the supreme God because He is going to marry the angel that is incarnating Him, the personality is saved when it marries the inner man called Christ Jesus. That is salvation, the personality which is the soul of the fallen man, we are all born with a soul of fallen Adam, and fallen Adam is really Cain, we are all incarnations of Cain, and we are all born with a fallen deficient soul that keeps dying.

Literally speaking we need to get a new soul, you have to get a living soul that comes from above, a soul that comes from a resurrected Adam. Our mortal soul, that is not capable of surviving marries, joins to, intertwines with, marries our living soul, that is imparted to us from the Lord Jesus, or in this case, from the angel Gabriel. I now believe this is the glorified Elijah, and of course they are all one. When our mortal soul is joined to the living soul, our mortal soul comes alive, it becomes one new soul. I read something like that in the book of Ephesians. And of the twain, He made one new man, of the two, He made one new man, of the two souls, of the mortal soul that cannot keep itself alive, and the soul that came from God, Christ in you the hope of glory. He made one new man.

And He shall rule over the house of Jacob in the age to come, and His kingdom shall never end. AT

Please note the house of Jacob, not the house of Israel, not the house of Judah, but the house of Jacob. Jacob had twelve sons, and we are not even saying the house of Israel. Israel is spiritual Jacob, this is Jacob, physical human beings, the descendants of the twelve tribes, we are not for sure who they really are anyway. There has been so much mixture and intermarriage, the sign that if you are looking for a sign, the sign that you are a descendant of Jacob is a heart that pants after God, that is the sign. That is the sign that you are a descendant of Jacob, that your heart desires the living God.

Of course everybody that is a descendant of Jacob does not fulfill that, but this Scripture says verse 33, that He will rule over the whole, the house of Jacob, the descendants of all twelve tribes. those that pant after God and those that do not pant after God.

What does that mean? Those who are not looking for Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior, you are a descendant of Jacob, Messiah still has authority over you whether you know it or not, or whether you like it or not, and He is moving in your life, and depending on your degree of rebellion, judgment is falling upon you because He is your God whether you know it or not or whether you like it or not.

We now know that Mary has been spiritually impregnated by the angel Gabriel, who I believe is the glorified Elijah. He has advised her, now you are going to become physically impregnated, your womb will conceive, you have spiritually conceived, now your womb shall conceive, and I am going to be born as your son and you will call His name Jesus, and He will be the savior of your people.

He will rule over the house of Jacob in the age to come, and His kingdom shall never end. No matter how many Christians are killed, the kingdom of Christ Jesus will never end, and it will never leave the earth. This is the major difference between what is happening in the United States and other great kingdoms and nations and empires that have been destroyed. The Roman empire was not founded on Christ Jesus. All of the previous great empires that were not founded on Christ Jesus, and all of the people that are saying, Well neither was America founded on Christ Jesus, our founding fathers were Masons. I do not know what to tell you about that right now, I have some ideas but I am not ready to state them, and I would not even bring them into this message at this time.

This is what I know, that this nation, aside from what is happening here right now, this nation has a population, or had a population that honored Jesus Christ. Churches use to be filled on Sundays, children were taught the Ten Commandments, the Bible was read in public school. When I went to public school, we had to attend what we called auditorium and the Bible was read to the whole class, the Old Testament they read, they did not preach Jesus, but they read morality from the Old Testament, usually Psalms, and this is a Christian nation. Whatever the intentions of our forefathers with their masonry, I do not have any answers for you right now, but this is the only nation of its kind in the world that ever was risen up on the name of Jesus Christ.

Whether or not it was mixed with something else, I do not know, and I see the blessings that came upon this nation, these blessings did not come from Satan. The mercy that we have on other nations, the money and the resources that we have given away, the help that we have offered to people, that comes out of the heart of my God, and nobody can take that away from me, even though I do not have explanations for what is being said about our forefathers being masons.

I know what I have seen with my eyes, and what I understand with my heart, comes out of the heart of God, and therefore anyone who is comparing this nation to previous empires and predicting our demise as other empires have demised, you are without understanding because we are not like the other empires. We are the household of God, and whatever happens to us, we will glorify Him, and suit His purposes. You are not your own, you have been bought for a price, and this nation is not its own, we were raised up for a reason, and that reason will manifest and it will come to pass and Christ Jesus will always have a place in the earth, and a place from which to broadcast Himself and reveal Himself.

Do not get all nervous by what you see going on in the country, and in the earth, but look up because your redemption draweth nigh, be excited and look to see what God is doing in the midst of all of this. Verse 34;

Then Mary said to Christ, the angel within herself, How can this happen to me, since I do not have an intimate relationship with a man.AT

This is very interesting, she did not have, she did not say that to what the angel said to her in verse 28;

You are endowed with the good mental faculty of spiritual women, wherefore the Lord shall enter into the midst of you, after the crucifixion and resurrection of your son the Lord shall enter into the midst of you, and you shall experience calm happiness promised in the Scripture. AT

Mary never said, How can that happen? Of course I was being a little sarcastic there, the angel did not say to her after the crucifixion and resurrection of your son, the angel said to her, The Lord shall enter into the midst of you, and you shall experience calm happiness. Mary never said, How can that be? How can I experience calm happiness? Look at the condition of my people, there has not been a prophet around for hundreds of years, we are under the Roman empire, we have become a vassal state, that which was the glory of Judah, the glory of David, the glory of Solomon... Mary never questioned the angel about the Lord entering into the midst of her, and experiencing calm happiness. The reason she never questioned that was because she was aware that those principles were in the Scripture. I think I read in the book of Daniel somewhere that the angel entered into him, the angel took a lock of his hair, the angel entered into him. When an angel speaks to you, it enters into you. Mary was familiar with this spiritual concept. She did not have any question about that, and she knew all about calm happiness.

She knows that, that is one of the promises of the Scripture, she had no question about that at all. What she questioned, is how she could conceive a physical child without having an intimate relationship with a man. Verse 35, when you read that in the King James, and even sister translations, it is written in the future tense, but I want to suggest to you that, that is incorrect, that this verse should not be written in the future tense. I want to suggest to you that wherever the tense was changed, whether it was the Jesuits who did it or whether it was the translators from Aramaic to Latin, from Latin to Greek, I do not know, but I am telling you by the spirit of revelation that this verse should be in the past tense, and this is what the angel said to her.

And Christ or Gabriel within the midst of Mary said to her, The Spirit of the Holy One has already visited you from above. AT

The Spirit of the Holy One, you can say Holy Spirit if you want to, but in Greek it has to do with the positioning or the just the positioning of the two words, which comes first, Holy or Spirit. If Holy comes first, it is the Holy Spirit, if the Greek says Spirit Holy, it is the Spirit of the Holy One, and they are not the same thing. I would call the Spirit of the Holy One the Spirit of Christ and the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit, and they are not the same.

It is the Spirit of the Holy One, is the Spirit of Christ that grafts to you and spiritually impregnates you. The Holy Spirit does not have virile seed. There is more than one kind of seed, the Holy Spirit is a seed, she is the female seed, but the male seed that impregnates you with Christ is not the Holy Spirit, it is the Spirit of the Holy One, the Spirit of the glorified Jesus Christ, and who is the glorified Jesus Christ? I think it is clear in the book of Revelation, he is Michael, and who is Michael? Michael incarnated as Elijah, Elijah when he got glorified, His name changed, he became Gabriel. It is all the same angel brethren, it is the same angel brethren, it is the angel of God.

The Old Testament says, And the angel of the Lord, and the angel of the Lord, and the angel of the Lord, sometimes he appears as Gabriel, sometimes he appears as Michael, and now He is appearing as Christ Jesus, and he appeared as the glorified Jesus Christ, it is the angel of the Lord. What He is doing in the age that He appearing in and who He is relating to, calls forth different names. I have talked to you about this principle so many times. I am sitting here preaching with power.

I want to tell you I have two little grand children, they have no idea who I am in Christ Jesus, I am just grandma who gives them a bath sometimes. I am the same person. I relate differently to different people. I have different functions in the lives of different people, and so it is with the angel of the Lord. There is only one angel of the Lord. There is only one God, there is only one true God. Do you know how many people stumble on this?

In the Old Testament, He related to the Jews as Jehovah. That same one true God today is relating to the world as the Lord Jesus Christ, different people, different name. It was the angel of the Lord, it was the angel of the one true God that incarnated in Mary and brought forth a reflection of Himself in a man, that is what the son of God means.

If you are God, how can you be the son of God, God almighty reigns in the heavenly realms high above anything that we are able to comprehend. He brought forth a reflection of himself in the earth, He said, I and my name are one, I am me, my name, my mirror image, my reflection is in the earth, and we are the same nature, but I never told you I got inside of one little man, infinite God, infinite God, He said to David, How can you make a building that can contain me?Solomon said, I know that this building, this temple that I built cannot contain you, but it is my hope that when we pray to you from this place, you will hear our prayers and honor them.

How can God get inside of one human being? The nature in that man called Jesus was an accurate representation of the nature of God, Jesus, the man Jesus can be likened to the seed of a whole apple tree, He was not the apple tree, He was a seed, an accurate representation in a form that human beings could understand of who God and what we can hope for today in our humanity.

The Holy One, the seed of the Holy One, the virile male seed of the Holy One, as opposed to the female seed of the Holy Spirit, they are not the same. Christ, because I guess his name is not Gabriel anymore, I guess once He gets inside of you, it is called Christ, once Gabriel gets inside of you, He is called Christ. Once the Lord Jesus got inside of me, He was called Christ. Am I telling you that the Lord Jesus Christ is inside of me, then He is inside of all of us. Yes He is inside of all of us in His omnipresence but if the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, I think He is coming back as an individual man, how can a man be inside of man. His Spirit is inside of us, His presence is inside of us, His consciousness is inside of us.

I went to a seminar once where the preacher was teaching that we are Jesus, everybody going around to see each other’s hand, I refused to do it, and she talked about me from the pulpit because I refused to do it. She told everybody, you know how these preachers say, Go around and kiss and hug everybody? She said, Well go find somebody and say, Hello Jesus and kiss their hand. I hope you understand my position, I know Jesus Christ, the glorified Jesus Christ is omniscient, I am saying He is not a single man inside of a single man, it is His presence. That is why we are now the son and He is the Father.

Christ in us, not us, Christ in us is the exact representation of the nature and the glory of God, we are His name, we represent Him. We signify Him to other men. He said, I and my name are one. Jesus never once said, I am God, never once, He said, I am the son of God. I go to my Father and to my God. God is going to God, come on, you know this is so ming boggling to me, now the Lord has enlightened me in this area, it is so mind boggling to me. Do you know how I got his revelation? I said to the Lord one day, Lord would you show me how to minister to the Jewish people, that this Jesus being God has to be in the Old Testament, please show it to me so I can minister to the Jewish people, and guess what? He told me, they are right and we are wrong.

This is the biggest objection that the Jews have to Christianity, they know that saying the form of a man is no different than showing a statue as God, because man walks and moves and talks and breathes, he is still an image, and the Scripture says, Thou shalt make no images, and thou shalt have no other gods before me. You shall not bow down to the images.

Brethren, this whole world is ruled by evil powers and principalities, the power the authority to take them down and make heaven come to the earth of this world, is resident in the earth, but the Israel of God must come into existence, the true Christians in whom Christ Jesus dwells and the true Jews who are not Jews by name only, but who are circumcised in their heart, we must come together in the same manner that the kingdom that Solomon rules over, the completed Israel, the unified Israel came together, and we will have the power to take down the ungodly powers and principalities of this world and literally save the world, if you can understand the meaning of that term as I am using it. And the Jews and the Christians will never come together, never ever, not a chance ever, as long as the Christians insist that this human being, this human man, that had bowel movements, and urinated, and was born from a woman, covered with blood, is God. The son of God was born in a stable, and the stable was the physical person of Jesus of Nazareth. He was born in an animal body. Verse 35;

So Christ, the angel with Mary said to her, The Spirit of the Holy One has visited you from above, and the supernatural power of the supreme God has enveloped you, and the result of this experience is that the Holy One who called you, shall come into existence and He shall be called the son of God. AT

The Holy One of God appeared to Mary in the person of the angel Gabriel, and got inside of her, at which point he changed his name to Christ, and then he was born as a human being called Jesus of Nazareth, and then that Holy One married the mortal soul of Jesus of Nazareth that Jesus inherited from His mother, which mortal soul formed the human body, and together the unified, the married couple, the unified being, the mortal soul of Jesus of Nazareth, and the Holy One, the soul of the Holy One departed from the physical sack, he departed from the placenta if you can hear it, and they were born into the world above, as an example that can happen to all of us, means sons of God, the spiritual being, the incarnated glorified Jesus Christ in you, wants to marry your mortal soul and depart from your placenta, which is your physical body, and bring down the powers and principalities that illegally possess this world, and it will come to pass.

Of all of the disobedience of God’s people, despite of that lack of understanding, despite all of the ignorance, despite all of the selfishness and narcissism, and the competition, and the not wanting to leave this world, and the things of this world, despite everything, the placenta will not release this baby, despite the placenta refusing to release this baby, this multi part baby will be born, and the powers and principalities that rule over this world will come down, and the Lord Jesus Christ will rule, He shall be called the son of the supreme God and He shall be great, the Lord God shall give Him the throne of David His father. He shall rule in the physical appearances of men, whatever we will look like at that time, He will rule from the hearts of men.

Whether or not there will be a single man on a throne, I do not know.

And Christ the angel within Mary said to her, The Spirit of the Holy One has visited you from above...AT

Visited, past tense, already happened, the angel came, he talked to you, he got inside of you, and supernatural power of the supreme God has enveloped you and the result of this experience is that the Holy One who called you shall come into existence, shall be born as a man, that is what come into existence means, and now you have to go cohabit with Joseph, and we will read about that Lord willing next week. And He shall be called the son of God. Brethren, that holy thing, that Holy One shall be called the son of God, not the physical man, what was inside of him, the incarnated being inside of him. Christ in you is that Holy One, you are not the Holy One, I am not the Holy One, it is Christ, or Christ Jesus, whatever degree of maturity you are up to, inside of you, He is the Holy One. The magi that saw Jesus’ star in the sky, they did not see it in the physical, I do not believe they saw it in the physical sky, they saw it in the spirit, they were astrologers, they saw it in the spirit.

They came and they did not bow down to a human baby, it looked that way to ignorant people, they bowed down to the incarnating spirit, they bowed down to the Holy One that was in that baby, who came, to show all of humanity how salvation will come to pass. The mechanics of salvation. Brethren, there is a plan, as to how we shall be saved, and it is the only way we shall be saved, fully saved, it is our soul that is being saved, it is not our body that is being saved, and that is a big issue in the church, there is a whole element of the church that would fight with me right now, about our body being saved, this body is not being saved, this body is a reflection of the animal mind, it is going to be swallowed up, Satan shall be swallowed up.

There is a mechanics of salvation, there is a way that it has to be done, and this is how it has to be done, the angel has to enter into you. In this dispensation we call Him Christ, the seed of Christ, He shall enter into you, and He has to convict you of your sins. Of course the Holy Spirit convicts you of your sins, He has to, He judges your sins, He judges your sin nature, He is out to kill your sin nature, absolutely out to kill your sin nature, He has to graft to you, He has to swallow up your sin nature, join with you so completely that you can depart from the placenta of this human body together. All of the stages that go in between, because I think we will be in this body for a long time. I do not think that we are about to depart from this body. The Lord has told us the next step is longevity. What is longevity? Longevity is the process by which aging starts to slow down and eventually comes to an end. I do not know how long a time period this will take.

Spiritual things happen slowly, we do not go from, we do not jump from an experience where it is natural and accepted to be aging, every year, every day, every minute, every second, we are aging, and then suddenly, we are caught up into immortality, it just does not work like that. First the aging process has to slow down, then the aging process has to come to a stop, then there will be a season of time that the aging process has stopped but has not yet reversed. I have no idea how long this is going to take, but those of us who are hearing this message that the Lord has touched and pricked in your heart, we have entered into longevity, the process of the ending of the process called death is in process. I just said process three times. That is what we are up to now.

The only way this is going to happen to you is if you offer up your sin nature as a sacrifice to the Lord Jesus. He is pleading with you, showing you your sins, He is talking to you, He is talking to you in your dreams, He is talking to you through me, He is talking to you through anyone who He can talk to you through, and you have to hate your sin enough, and love Jesus enough to give it up, if you want to enter into the process, because there is no way the process will be completed in you when your sin nature still lives, or still exists.

The mechanical diagram or the mechanical plan of salvation includes the destruction of the sin nature, and that step cannot be ignored. Christ must be grafted to you, He must be formed in you, there must be a long, long, long term war between Christ formed in you, and your sin nature. You must be instructed in spiritual things with the doctrine of Christ, the seed of Christ, Abel in you, the Christ in you that has been awoken, that has awoken to His righteousness. Paul said, Awake to righteousness, what does that mean. Abel is us has been under the mind of Cain, since birth, for generations, who knows how long we have been down here, it has not been six twenty four hour, three hundred and sixty five twenty four hour days for six thousand years, they are not twenty four hour days. I do not even think that is important how long we have been down here. Abel is born under Cain’s mind. Paul says, Awake to righteousness. You have the capacity to recognize righteousness, start recognizing righteousness. That is one of the things I tried to teach you here, I just call it thinking with your Christ mind, I call it thinking with the rationale of Christ, that is awakening to righteousness. As long as you analyze situations and view situations with your carnal mind, you have not awakened to righteousness. You are doing it with your carnal mind which is unrighteousness. You can learn how to judge righteous judgment, if you are willing, if you are willing to put your pride away and say, Yes, Pastor Vitale, I judged that with my carnal mind and I reject that, I am going to believe what you believe, and I am going to put it before the Lord trusting Him, that if what you told me is not true, He will deliver me. I am not going to cleave to what I believe. You have got to give up what your carnal mind has been believing for all of these years if you want to enter in. For those who try to understand it with your carnal mind, you will never understand it, you have got to give up your carnal mind, you have to sacrifice your carnal mind. That is the way it works, you take the example I am giving you, you believe it on faith, and go before the Lord and ask Him to help you, that is the only way you are going to enter in, otherwise you are not going to enter in.

You cannot take your carnal mind and your carnal reasoning with you, it will not go. You are not coming out of the placenta, and you are going to die in your sins, and your testimony will be the testimony of Judah. You are gods, because if there is a god inside of you, you are a god. What does it mean to be a god? It means you have supernatural power, you have supernatural power. We all have supernatural power, but you shall die like men, because you would not give up that animal mind, and the living God has said, That animal mind will not rule with my power. I have given you a taste of my power, but you will not keep it so that, that animal mind can use it, you will die like a man.

There is a specific plan, I can see in the spirit, I can see the diagrams, I can see the blueprints of the engineer, of the mechanical engineer who wrote this whole thing out, this plan of salvation for mankind, and no one is going to change it. The only ones who will enter in to the fullness of salvation are the people who follow the plan, and you could say whatever you want to say, you can make any excuse you want to make, you can do anything you want, you are not dealing with me, you are dealing with the living God, and I am telling you right now, in His name, that you are not entering in on your own plan, it is going to be His way or the highway, and you are going to die like a man, and I say that to the whole church when I preach like this, it is going to out, I am telling it to everybody here, and I am telling it to the whole church, it is going out into the spirit, it is not going to be your way, it is going to be His way, if you cannot believe His way, if you cannot believe that I am His prophet, and if you cannot believe that I am telling you it is His way, I prophesy to you that you will die like a man.

I can hear them all screaming, Well so will you Pastor Vitale, you are going to die like a man. We will see about that, and if I do die like a man, it will the one that comes after me that will enter in, but you will not, unless you are doing it His way. Suffer the loss, Paul said, Suffer the loss, shut up, shut up! Suffer the loss, so your wrong, so you have been doing it for fifty years the wrong way, so what! We will just wait a minute and see if the Lord has anything else to say, if not, I will take questions or comments if there are any. God bless you all.


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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