564 - Part 1

Part 1 of 5 Parts 

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



Praise the Lord, everybody. I have been able to prepare Romans, Chapter 1 thru verse 28. I intend to do the whole chapter, Lord willing. We will never do it in one day. I have no idea how many parts this message will be because I never know what the Lord has to say to you. I believe that He wants me to start this way. The message of the New Testament has been severely emasculated because of the translation. The true message of the Gospel of God and Gospel of Christ are not going forth. Those Gospels are not going forth. The true message is not going forth to the Church.


 Recently, there were two conferences given by a fairly large ministry in Nassau County on Long Island. I have seen over the years large ministries that, usually when they are large, have more financial resources than other ministries, and the Lord raises up the leaders of those ministries to reach out to smaller ministries on Long Island. There is a ministry called Word Of Life in Nassau County that had two conferences in the last several months. The first conference was on deliverance and healing. They set aside about sixty seats for anticipated visiting pastors. I think I was the only pastor that showed up. There may have been one other. The next conference was about the end times.


In my humble opinion, the message of the end times that is being preached today, and that I expect was preached there, although I did not hear it, is a false message. I read the literature and it mentioned the false message of the Rapture, and the escape from the tribulation, and the hard times to come. I am told that that conference was packed out with more than fifty pastors there. We see that judgment begins at the house of the Lord and with the elders thereof. The elders come in two categories. We have the official elders, which are the pastors of the Churches, and then we have the hidden or the secret elders, which are the people who have Christ formed in them.


Someone can have a very mature Christ formed in them and not be recognized by the professing Church. We have a concealed church and a revealed church. The revealed church and the revealed elders are the people who take the titles and claim to be the spokespersons and the interpreters of the Word of God for the Lord Jesus Christ. That is the revealed church and the revealed pastors and elders. The concealed elders may or may not even have a small fellowship like this. You are an elder, and you are an ambassador for Christ and apostle, if Christ is formed in you to the point that He is living His life through you to any degree. That is the concealed church and the concealed eldership of the church.


Judgment is falling. It begins at the house of the Lord and with the elders thereof, both the elders of the revealed church and the elders of the concealed church. From what I can see, judgment falls on the elders of the concealed church first, because we are the ones that are carrying the true message to the fullest degree that we have the truth today. I am not declaring to you that I have the whole truth, but I think that we have some significant truth here. Judgment falls on the elders of the concealed church for the purpose of correcting the personalities and the thought process of those elders. It is so that we may more accurately understand and convey to other people the true message of the Gospel, or at least the measure of truth that is being imparted to the Church today, or that is being imparted to the concealed elders on behalf of or for the Church today.


Judgment begins at the house of the Lord because we cannot understand what God is telling us if we are in our carnal mind. The transition from being a person who defaults to the rationale of the carnal mind to a person who defaults to the rationale of the Christ mind is piece by piece. In one area we can default to our carnal mind, and in another area we can default to our Christ mind. The Lord works with us. He reveals wrong thinking. He reveals the hidden sins of the heart. He challenges us to repent so that we can migrate, so that we can actually transmigrate from our carnal mind to our Christ mind in that area of the way we think, what we think, and how we reason. His intentions are good towards us.


He has called us to a very high calling. Everybody that is receiving this message today is called to a very high calling. We are very honored by the Lord that He would trust us with His message, and that He would trust us to do with it what He wants us to do with it. Most of us here know that Peter clearly taught us, or the Lord taught us through Peter, that when we are young in the Lord, we do whatever we think is right. When we mature in the Lord, we do not think, we do what the Lord tells us is right. I should not say we do not think, but we become obedient to the Lord. If we think something is right, and He tells us He wants us to do something else, we submit to Him. Of course, this cannot take place, that we think one thing is right and the Lord tells us something else, and we submit to Him, if we cannot tell the difference between our thoughts and His thoughts.


Everyone that has been following along with what the Lord has been doing here, has been in a training program to be able to recognize the thoughts of the carnal mind, and to distinguish them from the thoughts of the Christ mind because we have no choice. We have no ability to be obedient to God if we cannot tell the difference between the two thoughts. Just as kindergarten and grammar school is a preparation for someone who desires a higher education, before you can go to high school or even junior high, and certainly before you can go to college, we have to learn how to read and write. We have to learn how to relate to other people. There are all kinds of things we have to learn.


In the same manner, you might say the Lord is teaching us how to read and write, or how to comprehend and understand Him. He is teaching us to recognize His voice, how to distinguish between Him and Leviathan, and everything that would be necessary to enter into the warfare between the carnal mind and the Christ mind. The warfare will ultimately destroy our carnal mind, and accelerate us into a full manifestation, or accelerate our lifestyle into a full manifestation of the Christ mind. Hopefully, everybody is desiring that, because in Christ is peace, prosperity, safety from all of Satan’s devices, and deliverance from the wrath of God. The wrath of God is the sowing and reaping judgment, over which we have no control. We do not even know what we did to be afflicted the way we are by the sowing and reaping judgment.


This is the message of today. This is God’s truth for today, as I understand it. He has called me to be His messenger to deliver His message to the Church. The professing Church or the revealed church today, is the bride church. They are the female church. As the female, they are ministering to the unsaved or to the world, to the people who do not know Jesus Christ. We, the concealed church, we are the bridegroom. Our job is to minister to the bride. The bride can only do so much for the Lord Jesus Christ. She is limited, but the bridegroom is here to bring the bride up into spiritual manhood. In the natural world, if you are born a female, you stay a female, but in the spiritual world, you can migrate from being a spiritual female to being a spiritual male, which is the Lord’s intention for all of us.


As I see it, there is a problem in the revealed church today, in that the leadership is so focused on delivering the message that Jesus Christ rose from the dead, that God incarnated His Son, and that His Son was crucified and rose from the dead, that there is no introspection there. They are not looking at themselves. They are not looking at their hearts. This is my perception, and maybe there are some exceptions somewhere, but the eldership of the revealed church has no idea to the degree to which they are in sin. This is because they are only looking at behavioral sin. They can only see behavioral sin. It is my understanding that they completely lack the understanding that it is the little sins of the heart, not that they are so little, that are preventing us from moving into the promises of God.


The promises of God are divine health, immortality without pain and tears, and prosperity on every level of our life. It is victory over every enemy that would seek to destroy us, both enemies within our own mind and heart, or spiritual enemies that are manifesting through other people. The bottom line is that this world is a reflection of the spiritual worlds. Nothing happens in this world that does not first happen in a higher spiritual realm. The higher spiritual realms include the mind. People think evil, and evil will manifest. Many do not understand that. Most do not understand that, because without the Christ mind, without a spiritual mind, most people cannot see the relationship between wrong thinking, that they may not even think is wrong, and some destruction coming upon someone that they have wrong thoughts towards. What is a wrong thought? Anything that is not love is a wrong thought.


Somebody once said to me, but I cannot help that. All these thoughts are in my mind. All I can do is not do them. That is the whole point. That is why we all die, and that is why we need a Savior. We cannot stop these thoughts from coming into our mind. These thoughts are manufactured from the unconscious part of our own mind, which is where Satan dwells. Satan must be silenced. The Lord has a plan. He is going to save mankind because we are His beloved. We are His wife, and His Son, because His Son is in us. We are His wife and when His Son matures in us, we become the Son. That gets a little confusing, but we are His beloved. He fully intends to save us from ourselves. We need to be saved from ourselves. We need to be saved from our fallen nature.


Now the message that is in the revealed Church today, will never produce salvation. It will never produce full salvation. What does salvation mean? It means protection. It means deliverance from trouble. We see that many people in the Church today have been delivered from alcoholism, drug addiction, from poverty, from disease, but nobody has been delivered from death. I do not know anybody that has been delivered from death. I hear stories, and I hear testimonies about some people who have been raised from the dead, but they were only raised from the dead for a season. Then they died. What does that mean? It means that they are delivered from premature death, but then they die a natural death. Everybody dies.


The promise of full salvation is immortality. The professing church cannot comprehend this, so they teach that we enter into this immortality after we die. That does not make any sense. Jesus said the last enemy is death. Death must be overcome. The Scripture is very clear. When He has put every enemy under His feet, including the last enemy, which is death, He will offer up the kingdom to the Father. This physical kingdom will cease to exist and we will become an immortal spiritual kingdom that is spiritual in righteousness without pain and suffering.


We see that the message in the Church is not producing the result that the Lord wants it to produce. The people in God, most of which are as sincere as they can be, and as faithful as they can be, are completely focused on getting this message to the unsaved. They think they are okay, and that they are going to physically die and enter into some heavenly place. That is not the message of Jesus Christ. That is not the Gospel of God. It is not the Gospel of Christ. It is not the message of salvation that the Lord is delivering to us. They are preaching a message of afterlife that is out of Egyptian mystery religion.


Judgment is falling. Grace is winding down. We have had grace for two thousand years. What is grace? Grace is amnesty. We have had two thousand years of an opportunity to have our sins forgiven, so that we can hear the true message of God, deal with our sin nature that we are all born with, and enter into immortality. Brethren, the ultimate of the forgiveness of sins is that we defeat death.


The Lord forgives our sins, as we all know. What does that mean? What does the forgiveness of sins mean? It means that you are delivered from the consequence of your sin, but then you sin again, and then what happens? You have to be forgiven for the consequence of your sin. I think they do something like that in the Catholic Church in the confessional. What is the end of that? What is the end of that measure of forgiveness? You die! Death is an enemy that has to be overcome. How come we die? Everything that is spiritual is a process. We cannot enter into or experience one or more aspects of that process without experiencing the fullness of it. Yes, we are forgiven at the moment, and then we do it again. The full forgiveness is the ability, the internalized ability, to stop doing what we need to be forgiven for. The completion of forgiveness in any area is the wiping out of that potential of our personality. That is not happening in the Church. That is why we continue to get sick and die. There is as much sickness in the Church today as there is in the world, if not more so.


I remind you that when Israel was at its hey day, not only were they delivered from sickness, but they went into battle and not one soldier was even wounded. Forget about dying, there was no wounded. They were fully protected, spirit, soul and body. What about Achan? Do you all remember Achan, who took a spoil of war that he was not entitled to have? All of Israel was plagued. One man sinned and all of Israel was plagued until the sin was revealed that Achan had taken something as a spoil of war that he was commanded not to. When that sin was dealt with, the spiritual protection of the Lord went back upon all of Israel.


Anyone honestly looking at the Scripture, who honestly looks at the Scripture, would have to come to the conclusion that there is great sin in the Church because everybody is dying. I would like to clarify for you how God sees sin. There are two ways to look at sin. If we sin in one point of the law, we lose our opportunity for eternal life without pain. Believe me,


that is a positive thing. Some people have said to me, I am not sure I want to live eternally. We all live eternally. The question is, do we live eternally with God or do we live eternally with the Serpent’s plan. Now if you live eternally with the Serpent’s plan, you reincarnate, you reincarnate continuously, and the lifetime that you reincarnate into will be a reaping and a sowing of the life that you lived previously. We all sin, so there has to be continuous pain. We all live eternally. Whose eternity will we be living in?


We are in eternal hell right now. We are in eternal torment right now. Our spirit, which leaves the body when the physical body dies, reincarnates. Jesus clearly said it, there is a worm that dieth not. Jesus clearly said, if you can receive it, that is the spirit of Elias. The man Elijah, whatever he looked like, did not reincarnate, but his spirit came again. The question is which eternity are you in? Are you in an eternity of hell or are you working towards an eternity of righteousness without pain and suffering? We all live forever. That is a shock.


The message in the Church is not producing the salvation that the Lord has called us to. That salvation is based upon the recognition of our sin nature, the understanding that that sin nature will never be converted. That sin nature will not be saved, and we cannot take that sin nature with us into heaven, whatever that might be. The Lord’s plan for us is to give us a new nature. We have an old man and we have a new man. Paul clearly talks about our old man and our new man. Our new man is Christ, who is made in the image of God. He is our righteousness. In order to be saved from hell and death, we must acquire this new man who has this new nature. After we acquire Him, He will war against our old nature, and we will not be fully saved until our old nature is swallowed up and defeated, and swallowed up by our new nature.


We must acquire the ability to live out of our new nature. That is the Lord’s plan of salvation. You can answer an altar call. You can speak in tongues. You can read the Bible. You can be a preacher, and you can do great works by the Holy Spirit. You may have the gift of miracles. You may have the gift of healing, but you will still die in this world if your sin nature is not swallowed up by your new man. That cannot happen unless your new man is developed in you, and you can distinguish between the two of them.


That is basically in a nutshell, the message that the Lord has given us to preach here. That is the message that is in all of Paul’s writings, if you look below the surface level. The King James translators did a tremendous job, but I do not believe that they had this revelation of the two minds and of the two natures, and of the warfare between the two natures. I thank God for the Bible. I do not want anybody saying I am against the Bible. It is a great book, and it has brought a lot of deliverance and help to a lot of people. Still, to acquire the fullness of the promised salvation, we have to get below this written word, because the written word is not revealing the spiritual truth of what we need to know, and of what we have to do to experience the fullness of salvation.


We are going to do an alternate translation of Romans, Chapter 1, and I declare to you that this is the message in Romans, Chapter 1. There is a female church and there is a male church. In one of the verses, I found a word that could have been translated female Christians. Now you do not hear that in the Church today. The message in the Church today is that the bridegroom is coming. They do not know from where He is coming, and they say He is coming out of the sky. They do not understand that the male is coming in a company of human beings that look just like the human beings that have the spiritual female. I believe that Romans, Chapter 1, is telling us that judgment is about to fall on the eldership of the revealed church. Why? Does that mean that they are going to be punished forever? No, it is corrective judgment. They have got to go one way or another because they are not preaching the message that is going to raise Christians up in spiritual power.


The Serpent is taking over the world. The Serpent is moving mightily in this great country that has been a bastion of evangelism. Great Britain is already, from what I have been told, nearly done. Christianity is done. They are making apartment houses out of the churches. What does it mean that Christianity seems to be crumbling everywhere? What does it mean? It just looks okay temporarily. It is just a matter of time until paganism comes back in. When paganism comes back in, what happens? The wrath of God, the sowing and reaping judgment, falls upon the nation. This great prosperity that we have here will not stand. Personally, I am of the opinion that if this country goes down, if Christianity goes down in this country, we will be back in another dark age. I do not believe the Lord is about to let that happen.


I believe that the Scripture clearly says, if you look at the wisdom of the Word, the Spirit of the Word, that the final conflict between God and the Serpent, or actually between the male Adam and the Serpent, will take place in this age. This is the final conflict in this age. The conflict is between the powers and principalities that live in people. Either it is Christ in you, or if you are not in Christ, you are a manifestation of the Serpent. I am sorry, but the manifestation of the Serpent in the individual is called Satan. Satan is good and evil, so we have a lot of people that are good by the standards of this world, but if you are not an expression of Christ, you are an expression of the fallen Adam, who married the Serpent. We are the offspring of the Serpent in our humanity.


This is the age of the final conflict. The Lord is calling His people to stand up in spiritual power. We cannot stand up in spiritual power if the sins of our heart are not exposed. We need to understand what is the sins of our heart. What that is, is the nature of the Serpent, living herself through us. We cannot be Christ and the Serpent forever. Right now, those of us here are both. Those of us that have Christ formed in them, we have Christ and we have the carnal mind, which is a manifestation of the Serpent. One of them is going to kill the other. In some people Christ will prevail, and those people will stand up in the resurrection of righteousness or the resurrection of life. In some people, the carnal nature will kill the Christ in them. Either they will not stand up in spiritual power or they will stand up in the resurrection of damnation. We see that happening in one preacher right now.


God loves you all. God loves us all. He loves everybody, but the Lord intends to save all of humanity, and He is not going to tolerate much longer the repression of the true message by the eldership of the revealed church. I declare to you today that judgment is falling upon the eldership of the revealed church. What form will that judgment take? I am not really sure. I know that the first step in it is that they have to hear this message. This message has to go to them. Most of them reject it. Just about all of them reject it. Something has to happen to them that will make them cry out to God, and hopefully they will hear from the Lord and turn.


I want you all to understand that if hard times fall upon somebody that rejects the Gospel of Christ, it is not a punishment. To me that message is such an abomination, that teaches that if somebody refuses or rejects Jesus Christ, that they burn in hell forever. That punishment, it is an abomination because it is the exact opposite of the nature of our God. The message will go to the elders because He wants them to teach it. He wants them to enter in. He wants Christ to be formed in them. He wants them to stand up in spiritual power, and He wants them to teach the truth to their people. If they reject the Doctrine of Christ, hard times will probably fall upon them in a variety of ways, depending on the Lord’s judgment as to what type of a hard time will produce the desired result. What is the desired result? It is that they should turn to God and ask Him what is wrong, so that He can tell them they are preaching the wrong message.


Everything is motive, brethren. The Church has been carnal for years, preaching against all forms of behavioral sin. Is that wrong? No! We should not sin behavioral, but there is much more to a relationship with Jesus Christ than behavioral sin. There is the sin of our heart, of our mind, of our attitude. We need to know that judgment falls upon us because of a wrong attitude and because of wrong thoughts. Judgment falls for that reason, and that we are spirit, and that our life is spiritual. This life out here, this physical life out here, is just a reflection of who we are internally.


If you have the mind of Christ, and you have an ability to look at the Scripture, you can see that Paul, more often than not, is speaking spiritually. More often than not, he is speaking about the spiritual woman within you, which is a manifestation of the Serpent. He is speaking about your carnal mind versus your Christ mind. When he says the woman should be silent in the Church, the whole church world picked up on that scripture and ran with it. Paul was not talking about physical women. The carnal mind is the spiritual woman, actually Satan. Satan should not be teaching in the Church. In the Book of Revelation, Jesus talks about the doctrine of Jezebel. That is Satan’s doctrine in the Church. Satan’s doctrine is being preached throughout the whole Church. It is not the doctrine of Christ.


The message is going out and time is short. I got an e-mail today about a dream that somebody had. I really believe that that dream witnessed to this message that the Lord gave me, that the Lord is not going to tolerate it much longer. Now once the message, a word like that goes out, that the Lord is not going to tolerate it much longer, it could be fifty years before the correction is fully made. I want you all to understand what is going on here. The Lord will go to one pastor at a time, but the time of grace is being withdrawn.


You see, time periods or spiritual events, for those of you who have studied with me for awhile and have heard some of the teachings on science that I have given, spirit is not a single point in spiritual space. It is a wave. That means spirit has a beginning and an end. It moves. It has a beginning and an end, especially when God does something. When God says it, the way you will read it in a book or maybe even the way you will hear it, if you hear from God, is I will. We think that it is going to happen, and it is going to be one event, and it is going to be done with.


When God says I will, that means He will begin to do it, and He may continue to do it for years. God is above time. God does not exist in time, so when He says I will do it, in that phrase, I will do it, is the beginning of what God is going to do. The end of what God is going to do, no matter how long it takes to accomplish it down here in the world of time, God does not say I will do it in the future. He does not have any future. Past, present and future exist in one place, if that is the right word with God. When we hear God saying I will, He means it will begin. Down here in this world, the will of God is going to begin, and it usually begins in a very small place.


We are going to translate Romans, Chapter 1. I have only translated through verse 28, which I doubt that we will even get that far today, but we may. Are there any questions or comments on what I just said before we actually start our study? I hope that I made it clear. The message in the Church is not the true message of God, and judgment is about to fall on every elder in the revealed church that is holding the truth of God down. That is one of the verses in Romans, Chapter 1. The King James says, who hold the truth in unrighteousness. What it means is that they are holding down the truth. They are not letting the truth out. Do you know that there are some preachers that, at least, have some measure of the truth, and they will not preach it because they are afraid they will lose their congregation. They are going under judgment first, corrective judgment, not punishment. It is not punishment, it is corrective judgment. We have to understand there is a difference.


Romans, Chapter 1. Here is the King James Translation.


Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God, which He had promised afore by his prophets and the holy scriptures concerning His son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh; and declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead; by whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for his name: Among whom are ye also the called of Jesus Christ: To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world. For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers; Making request, if by any means now at length I might have a prosperous journey by the will of God to come unto you. For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established; That is, that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me. Now I would not have you ignorant, brethren, that oftentimes I purposed to come unto you, but was let hitherto, that I might have some fruit among you also, even as among other Gentiles. I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise. So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also. For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written. THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like a corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the women, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers. Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.


Brethren, the suggestion here is that the Christian, including me, all of us, so long as our sin nature exists, are guilty of all of these things in the hidden parts of our hearts. Some of us know that we are thinking wickedness, that we are envious, that sometimes we feel maliciousness or murderess, or argumentative, or we talk about people. We all do it. Every human being does it. Every fallen human being does it, and there is no direction towards dealing with these spiritual sins in the Church. There is no preaching on them. There is no talking about them. There is no information as to how to deal with them.


Paul is very clear, saying that those who do these things are worthy of death, even if he has answered an altar call. Those who do these things are worthy of death even if he speaks in tongues. Those who do these things are worthy of death, even if you heal the sick, cast out demons, give out tracts, preach, if you do these things, you are worthy of death. That is why we all die, so it is time, because the Lord wants us to deal with our sin nature, to teach us how to do it, so that we might defeat death, the last enemy. We are not suppose to die.


I am now going to read the Amplified Alternate Translation, for those of you who are not familiar with my teaching, starting on page 15 of your notes.


I look up every single word in the Greek Lexicon. I pray and come forth with an alternate translation of the verse. After I have translated the whole chapter, although I have only gotten thru verse 27, but certainly after I have translated a block of verses, two or three verses, I may move around some verses or partial verses to give us the true understanding of what Paul is saying. I remind you that translating from one language to another is a difficult thing.


What a translator does, is they look at the verbs. They look at the nouns. They look at the words and they have to put them together like a puzzle, like you are playing scrabble. They mix them up and they put them together until it makes sense in the language that they are translating to. Every translation of anything is subjective. We are talking about the Bible right here. In that translation is reflected the understanding of the translator. This is my understanding of what the Holy Scripture is saying in Romans, Chapter 1, as I studied the interlinear text. This is my understanding of what Paul is saying.


Romans, Chapter 1. The following is the Amplified Alternate Translation. Paul, appointed an ambassador with miraculous powers through Christ Jesus, was separated from the body of fallen Adam and became a voluntary slave who now preaches the good news that God has brought to pass. That which He promised through His prophets by the Holy Scripture before time began, that He would do concerning His Son who came down from heaven, was incarnated by the Spirit of Holiness, generated out of the physical sperm of David, and revealed through Jesus Christ, our controller by God’s dunamis power in standing the dead Adam up again. By whom, we, among all nations, have been offered the divine influence and commission to submit to the moral conviction of Christ so that the name of Jesus Christ should be above all other names, by whom you are also invited to be among all those who are beloved of God in Rome. So that the divine influence may be with you, so that you may be morally blameless and receive prosperity from God our Father, even the Lord Jesus Christ, who is first and above all, and I thank my God that you have the moral conviction of Jesus, the Christ, and that your moral conviction is spoken of throughout the whole world. I want you to know, brethren, that I intended to come to see you many times so that I might have some fruit among you, also, like I have among other none Jews. But I was prevented until now because as God, whom I serve with my spirit by preaching the gospel of His Son is my witness, I mention you in my prayers always. And I am asking if it should be the will of God, if it would be possible for me to visit you at this time, so that I may know you intimately because Christ Jesus desires to possess you and give you some spiritual gift to the end, that you spiritually female Christians, may be joined to Christ, who is inviting us to draw near to the Father by doubling the moral conviction of Christ in both you and me. I want you to note here the phrase, to the end that you spiritually female Christians, means the whole church today. But since the carnal mind is under Christ within me, and I am sent to both Greeks and non Greeks, to those who have both practical skill, keen judgment and insight, and also to those who live by their instincts, and are not intellectual because all are moral transgressors to I Am. I Am, being a name for Jehovah. I am predisposed to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also. Now the gospel of Christ that went to the Jew first and then to the Greek is capable of rescuing everyone who trusts in Christ. That gospel does not shame me because it is the dunamis power of God. As God’s character reveals, Christ in one person does not discriminate against Christ in another person. Because it is written that they shall all live out of the character of God because the violent passion of God for His people is revealed through Christ Jesus who is in heaven, against all the wickedness and injustice of the members of fallen Adam, who unjustly hold back the truth of mankind’s fallen state and God’s plan of redemption. Because God’s truth is shining forth from within those believers who God has revealed it to. Because when Christ was in their heart center, instead of being grateful, they declared themselves to be wise in their own strength and became intimate with Satan, who changed the honorable reputation of the God who cannot die, to resemble the spiritual and bestial nature of the fiery serpent, the mortal foundation of the dead Adam. And because they honored Satan as God, they became expressions of Leviathan, their foolish side. Leviathan, their foolish side, overshadowed Christ and they became idolatrous in their motives, reasoning and communication with their fellows. Please note that behavior is not even mentioned, because if you are idolatrous in your motives and reasoning and communication, your behavior will reveal it. This is the reason why those who are God’s, oppose Christ, their own spiritual body, who is in the image of God and devalue their Christ side by surrendering themselves to the demonic immorality that entered into their hearts through longing for what was forbidden. They thought they were wise in their own strength, and also for the same reason that they thought they were wise in their own strength, the natural instinct to reproduce that went forth from Christ, the spiritual male within themselves, deeply inflamed Satan, the spiritual female, who exchanged the unconcealed revelation of God for her own deceptive image so that the creature that was formed by Jehovah, the Creator of this age, worshiped and served Satan instead of Jehovah, the One who should be adored. This is the reason that they thought they were wise in their own strength, that those who were gods dishonored Jehovah even to the point of surrendering themselves to pathos lust, when they exchanged the righteous eternal instinct of Christ within themselves for Satan, the spiritual female, who used the energy they receive from Christ to manufacture their carnal mind. And the excitement of Satan, the unconscious part of their spiritually female mind, brought them to the point of double mindedness. Now Christ, their male mind, is at war with Satan, the spiritual female within themselves, who is acting like a spiritual male and is binding Leviathan, the subconscious part of the counterfeit mind that they received from Satan.


I believe I am going to do an exhortation on this alternate translation when we come back from our break. Those of you who have the notes can see I have all the work-up for you with the King James verse and some of the alternate meanings of the words. If the Lord lets me, we will go over that too, but He is just leading me to do an exhortation on the alternate translation when we come back from our break. I will reprint this page for you.


Praise the Lord, we are back from our break and I am going to do an exhortation on the amplified alternate translation with references starting on page 17 of your notes.


Paul, appointed an ambassador with miraculous powers through Christ Jesus was separated from the body of fallen Adam and became a voluntary slave who now preaches the good news that God has brought to pass. An ambassador with miraculous powers, that is a translation of apostle. The translation of apostle in the Church today, as I understand it, is anyone who starts churches. So we have men, who I do not doubt are appointed by God to raise up churches all over the world or all over the country, but that is not the scriptural definition of an apostle. The scriptural definition of an apostle is someone who is an ambassador for God with miracle working power.


In order to be an ambassador for God, Christ has to be formed in you. Actually, Christ is the ambassador. What makes you an apostle is that Christ is formed in you, and that He is living through you. A lot of Christians have Christ formed in them. They do not recognize that He is there. That is what Jesus meant when He said the fields are white to harvest, but the laborers are few. We all are suppose to labor in our own harvest, and the labor is of our carnal mind, to dig out the stones and the twigs, because Christ is a tree. He is the Tree of Life that is growing in our earth, or in the earth of our personality. This is the scriptural labor, to deal with the sins of our earthen personality, which if they could, would choke the Tree of Life, who is Christ that is growing in us.


Many Christians have an imputed Christ, the beginning formations of Christ in them, but they do not recognize Him. They do not understand that He is there. They do not know what they have to do to feed Him and to cause Him to grow. That is why the Scripture calls us all midwives. Those of us who are pregnant with Christ, we are called midwives, and we are responsible for that baby, that Christ child that will save us in childbearing. Paul said we shall be saved in childbearing if we continue on in the good works of God. That is not an exact quote. Once we become pregnant with Christ, we are responsible to care for that Christ child.


We have to feed it and see that it gets protected from influences that would kill it, because a fetus is very vulnerable in the early stages. We have to also expose it to spiritual influences that will cause it to grow. Therefore, the focus of the believer who is pregnant with Christ is very different than the focus of the person in the female church. The female church is concerned with saving the world, feeding the hungry and the poor of the world, and those are all good works. That is not the focus of the male church. What makes us male is that we are pregnant with the manchild, and the focus of the male church is to take care of that male child, that manchild, as we are told in Revelation, Chapter 12, that we are pregnant with.


The child has to get fed. He has to hear the Doctrine of Christ. He has to be exposed to the Spirit of Christ, and we have to protect him from witchcraft, from spiritual influences that could kill him. The Christ child growing in you can be spontaneously aborted. Now God cannot die. The Glorified Jesus Christ cannot die anymore. I do not believe anything could destroy the collective body of Christ that is in the earth today, but an individual Christ seed that is growing in an individual believer can die. I believe that these seeds die all the time because the people that he is growing in do not understand that they are pregnant or what they have to do to take care of him. It is not easy.


Most of the people that have come into this ministry have had a difficult time understanding that they really have to start withdrawing from a lot of the things that are very acceptable in the Holy Spirit. A lot of the activities that are very acceptable when you are in the Pentecostal Church have to stop, where the focus in on the world out there, when the focus is on helping everybody that your carnal mind sees needs help. They may genuinely need help, but that does not mean that the Lord is sending you to help them, because now you are a pregnant woman and you are responsible for the child that you carry.


You have to be careful who you expose yourself to, because now you are much more vulnerable to witchcraft and negative influences than you were as a believer in the Pentecostal Church who was not pregnant with Christ.


Your whole focus changes just like in the natural. One day you are foot loose and a fancy free single woman and then you get married and become pregnant. Hopefully, you get married before you get pregnant. (Laughter) Then all of a sudden, you have to be careful. People who love you will be saying, now be careful. Do you want to sit down? Do you need a seat? Do you want something to eat?


Everybody is now taking care of you because you are a pregnant woman and they know that you are vulnerable. They do not want you falling. If you fall, the baby could get hurt or the baby could die. They do not want you lifting things. It is the same thing in the spirit, brethren. Once you become pregnant with Christ, you cannot do everything that you did as a believer in Pentecost. Some of those activities would possibly be endangering the Christ child that you are carrying. As far as the Lord is concerned, once you become pregnant with Christ, the most important thing, as far as ministry goes in your life, is the ministry to that Christ child.


Some of you have been with me for a long time. You know what a hard time you had when I tried to teach you that you cannot be running out and ministering to everybody because some relationships can be damaging to


the child that you are carrying. It may not even be damaging to the child that you are carrying, but you simply do not have enough time to do everything. Now you have to feed this child and feeding him involves studying the Doctrine of Christ. You really have to hear from the doctor. Most women, when they get pregnant go to the doctor. You have some women today who are having their babies at home, but most women go to the doctor, or at least they go to women who have had many children for advice. They go to somebody for advice.


Now that you are pregnant, you need to go get advice from somebody who has been through this before or who knows what they are talking about. You can do the same things that you did previously, but you are endangering yourself, you are endangering the child, and that Christ child is more important to God than other activities. Does that mean that there is someone out there that needs help and God does not want them helped? No! He will send someone else to help them. He will, but that child that you are pregnant with, that is the most important thing to Him. Why? The Lord has a plan. It is called the plan of redemption. He intends to save all of Adam. He intends to save us.


Now I am not preaching ultimate reconciliation. I do not believe that every human being ever born of a woman will be saved, but the whole spiritual root of the creation will be saved. Why? We are the property of the Lord. We belong to Him. He wants us back. He has a plan of salvation, and in the growth of that plan of salvation, the fruit of that plan of salvation, is that His Son, the Son of the Glorified Jesus Christ, whose name is Christ Jesus, should appear in a company of human beings who are existing in this visible world. You are pregnant with the salvation of all humanity, and therefore you are responsible to care for that child, because it is more important than your neighbor who needs help. Of course, you pray for them, and you believe that God will send someone to help them. None of us can do everything. We all have found that out.


When you first come to the Lord, you want to save the world, but you cannot save the world. I cannot save the world. We can only do one thing at a time. I heard Pastor Saunders in Connecticut preach. The man really had a profound influence on my life. A lot of things that he said I have never forgot. This is one of the things he said. He used to go to Africa a lot. He evangelized in Africa a lot. He said you cannot let the poverty and the quality of life over there get to you. It is so devastating that if you take it on as an emotional burden, it will destroy you. You cannot take on the burden of what is going on in a whole continent. One man cannot do that. What you do, you take one person, one person, and you help them to the fullness of your ability. That is how you live with it. That is how we, who are pregnant with Christ, have to live. The person that we are responsible for is that Christ child, that we are pregnant with, and anyone else that the Lord says we can help without jeopardizing the child, or the mother, which we are. That is a principle of the Doctrine of Christ.


Paul is appointed as an ambassador with miraculous working powers. We may have different ideas as to what miracles are. Miracles are not always outstanding visible signs. For instance, somebody getting up out of a wheelchair and running around the church is a wonderful thing, but that is not the only kind of miracle. Christ being formed in you is a miracle. I believe that we are one of those ministries. If there exists a ministry where it is possible to sit under these teachings and become impregnated with Christ, that is a miracle. To be pregnant with Christ is a miracle. There are unseen miracles that are taking place today as Christ is being formed, as the body of Christ is beginning to emerge and ascend into the spiritual power that will deliver humanity from hell and death.


He has to be born. We know that the head is already out. The head has already come out of the matrix. Who is the Head? The Lord Jesus is the Head of the body. He has already come out of the matrix. Now we, the body of Christ, we have to appear. What that means is that Christ has to appear in us, and the whole body had to ascend in power so that the whole world can be delivered from hell and death.


We are talking about Paul being separated from the body of fallen Adam. That is an amplification. By the way, the words that you see in square brackets are my amplifications that are given to help you to understand my understanding of what the Scripture is saying, or what the Lord is saying through Paul. Who was Paul separated from? He is separated from the body of fallen Adam. In Paul’s case, he is separated from all of the Jews who did not have this understanding of the Scripture, and opposed Paul when they heard him teaching this understanding of the Scripture. Do you know that Paul was a Pharisee of the Pharisees? He was a highly respected man in the pharisaical community. That is the Jewish intellectual community. When the Lord gave him this message to preach, he was completely ostracized to the point that many wanted to kill him, which was the thing to do in those days. That was what they did with blasphemers.


He was separated from those who did not believe. He became a voluntary slave. The Scripture tells us, that those of us who give our whole lives over to the Lord Jesus, we can be called slaves of the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul became a voluntary slave and that is the best kind of slave to be, where you give your whole life to the Lord Jesus because He is all there is and loving Him is the focal point of your life. When you truly love the Lord Jesus, everything else in your life falls into place. Jesus clearly said, how can you say you love me when you do not love your brother. When we love God, that love of God flows out into our relationships and into every aspect of our life, when God is the focus and the foundation of our life. We can only prosper to a particular measure if we do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ.


To be married to the Lord, is where it all is. That is all that matters. Then everything in your life will fall into place. If you try to do it without intimacy with the Lord Jesus, the very best you can hope for is a measure of success. Those of us who have a relationship with Him, who have intimacy with Him, we have every reason to hope that every problem in our life will be resolved, and we have the hope of eternal life. We have hope for all of the promises of the Bible, which are great.


Paul said in another place, that he counted everything in this world dung. Nothing mattered to him, other than that he should preach this gospel because there is such life in it. Life just flows through me when I preach this gospel. It is an experience that cannot be compared to any good experience in the world. Any positive experience in life cannot be compared to this. We see that Paul is a voluntary slave. He has given himself over to the Lord. He is intent on doing and being obedient to whatever God has asked him to do, and the Lord has given him a job, and that is as a preacher of the good news, the gospel. The word, gospel, means good news of what God has brought to pass.


What is the good news? It is that God has brought to pass that which He said through His prophets by the Holy Scripture before time began, that He would do concerning His Son, who came down from heaven. God made a promise to mankind through the Jew, or through the covenant He made with Israel, and through His prophets, who wrote the promises down in the Scripture. Now it is very hard to understand these promises, especially in the King James Translation, because it is old English. Even so, you have to get an understanding of these promises by revelation from God. Even when I am preaching to you now, you have to get your own revelation from the Lord. You have to get your own witness that this is what He is telling you. If you want to benefit from this preaching or from anyone’s preaching, you have to get your own witness to what the preacher is saying, and the Christ in you has to make it real to you.


That reality, that experience of you hearing the word, and the Christ in you making it real to you, that means you believe it, because you believe it, because you believe it. It will change your whole life. If you just listen to me, and think that your life will change, you are mistaken, because it will not. It has to get inside of you. That word has to get inside of you. It has to become yours, and it has to grow. You have to have your own experiences, your own relationship with the Lord, and your own experiences in Christ, if you want it to change your life. Some people listen to these messages just as an intellectual exercise. They enjoy it. They just like spiritual things. Personally, I think that is unfortunate, but if that is all you want out of life, so be it. I hope that you enjoy the message.


God made promises years ago through His prophets who wrote it down. Those words became the Holy Scripture, about what He would do concerning His Son, who came down from heaven. Maybe, we should even say here, concerning His Son who was to come down from heaven. I will have to pray about that before I put it in the alternate translation, whether that should be the promises concerning His Son, who came down from heaven or the promises concerning His Son who was to come down from heaven. I have to pray about how to translate that.


I have a witness for you on that. John 3:13;


And No man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.


We are told by John in the gospel of John that the only one who can go up to heaven is the one who originally came down from heaven. The one who came down from heaven is the Son of God. That is fallen Adam. He is the only one that can go back up. I am sorry, but your pets are not going back up to heaven. Your animals are not going to heaven. Only the one who fell down can stand up, and the one who fell down was Adam. Actually, it was the female aspect of Adam. There is a male side to Adam and a female side to Adam. It was the female side of Adam that fell down. Praise the Lord.


I know that is going to shock a few people listening to this message, but it is just the truth. Paul clearly says, wherever the male is, the female is, and wherever the female is, the male is. We know that this is a truth even in our humanity, that all human beings are both male and female, but we are predominately one or the other. I am talking about emotionally and spiritually now. Both men and women have both male and female characteristics, but you should be predominately one or the other. This is true spiritually too. There is a male side of Adam and a female side of Adam.


The Scripture clearly says, God made them male and female, made He them. Adam was male and female. At the time of the fall, the male and the female divided into two separate entities. The Scripture says, and the Lord put Adam to sleep and took of one of his ribs. That Hebrew word, rib, merely means side. Adam went to sleep and Jehovah took one of his sides and separated that side of him from the whole. Adam fell and his two sides, his male and female side, were separated into male and female. Praise the Lord. Does anybody have a question about that?


Concerning His Son who came down from heaven or was to come down from heaven. We know now that the Son of God who was in heaven came down from heaven and incarnated in a human being. The Son of God was in heaven. He existed before Jesus of Nazareth was born of Mary. Just like Christ in you and Christ in me makes us a son of God, the man Jesus of Nazareth became God because the Son of God incarnated in Him. The human aspect of all of us is a slave to the spiritual man. That is another point why Paul called himself a slave. If you look up the Greek word for body, it really means a slave. It is like a glove or a sheath that the spiritual man is wearing. We are a garment.


The Scripture clearly states that we are a garment that the spiritual man wears. When the spiritual man departs, the body dies. That was what happened on the cross. We are told Jesus of Nazareth died before the time that it was expected, because the inner man, the true Jesus, was not the physical body. The physical body is not our true man. But Jesus, the spiritual man, breathed out of that body and the body died. Jesus breathed out of that body before the body died. That is another whole message.


We are talking about the Son of God who came down from heaven. That is not talking about Jesus of Nazareth. That is talking about the spiritual Son of God that incarnated in Jesus of Nazareth, and then the two became one. Jesus ascended and became glorified and that spiritual man, that Son of God that came down from heaven is now called by the name Jesus, but initially they were separate. Is everybody okay?


We see that the Lord made a promise through His prophets who wrote the promises down in the Holy Scripture before time began, before the Fall. The promise was that God’s Son would come down from heaven. Well, what does that mean by before the Fall? Did God know man was going to fall? Well, He did know that man was going to fall, but I believe that the Scripture means more than that. I believe that the Lord God desired, and intended, and willed a visible creation, and that visible creation would take place in the earth. Therefore, His Son would come down and inhabit the earth to give life to the visible creature. Whether the man fell or whether the man did not fall, the message is still the same. The intention and the will of God is that His spiritual invisible Son should inhabit the earth, the spiritual earth; my earth, your earth, the earth of Adam before he fell.


We see that this plan of God is available to men, and that His Son came down from heaven, and was incarnated by the Spirit of Holiness. His Son was incarnated by the Spirit of Holiness. What form was the Son of God in, that came down and incarnated in Jesus? Two witnesses to this. Jesus clearly said, if you can receive it, this is the spirit of Elias. Most people think He is talking about John, but He was talking about both John and Himself. Elijah incarnated in the two men. It was not the man Elijah, but the spirit who was appearing in the earth as Elijah, that incarnated in Jesus and John. As Jesus hung on the cross, He cried out for Elijah.


Even the soldiers mocked Him. We read in the gospels that they said listen to Him, He calls for Elijah. The spiritual man that incarnated as Jesus is Elijah. Elijah carried within the Spirit of Holiness. The Scripture does not say it directly, but Jesus said in these two places, Elijah was His new man. Who is our new man? Our new man is Christ. The spirit of Elijah incarnated as Jesus. He was Jesus’ new inner man, that was there in addition to the human personality that Jesus received from his mother. Here the Scripture says in the Book of Romans, that He was incarnated by the Spirit of Holiness. That means it was a Godly incarnation.


The whole world, brethren, is under the law of reincarnation, but it is an ungodly reincarnation. The whole world struggles, except those that are protected by the Lord Jesus. The whole world struggles under the yoke of forced reincarnation under the sowing and reaping judgment. What does that mean? People are frequently born into painful situations because the reincarnation is directed by the law of sowing and reaping. That is not a holy reincarnation. Michael told Daniel at the back of the Book of Daniel, you will stand on the earth again. Michael told Daniel that he would reincarnate again at the specific will of the Lord Jesus Christ. That is a holy incarnation.


On some of the earlier messages that we preached here, it was all about this very topic. Men are born for four different reasons. Some men are born at the express will of the Father. Some men are born at the express will of the Serpent. Some men are born because a couple decides to have a baby and sometimes someone is born because someone does not plan on having a baby. They just have sex and get pregnant. Everybody is not born for the same reason. All of the incarnations, all of the births, every birth is an incarnation. All of the incarnations that are ordained by the Lord Jesus Christ are all of those people that are ordained at the unction of the Lord Jesus Christ. All are incarnated by the Spirit of Holiness. Everyone else is incarnated by the who? The spirit of unholiness or uncleanness. It is the spirit of the Serpent. It is just the truth.


Jesus said, I have much to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. I would like to know what is being preached in the Church today that is unbearable? I would like to hear one thing that is being preached by the elders of the revealed church that is unbearable. They do teach that people will burn in hell forever if they do not come to the Lord, but I do not see anybody frightened. Do you? I do not see anybody frightened.


When I first came to the Lord, I remember my pastor preaching about that issue. He said, all you people out there, you do not really believe it. You do not really believe that unsaved people, by your definition of saved, by the Church’s definition of saved, if you do not answer an altar call and comply with the perception of the Church as to what salvation is, that all of those people will burn in hell forever. My pastor said, if you really believed that, you would be crying, and screaming, and begging your relatives every day, warning them, terrified for them. He said, you do not believe it. I knew that I did not believe it.


Aside from that error, the truth is that we are burning in hell forever right now. We are in hell right now. We are in eternal torment now. So aside from that error, what is the Church preaching that is unbearable? I would like to know. I do not hear anything that is unbearable. I preach things that are unbearable. I believe that it is the level of truth that the Lord is ministering to humanity today.


It was prophesied, according to the will of God, His Son would come down from heaven, and would be incarnated by the Spirit of Holiness, and in fact this did come to pass when this Spirit of Holiness generated the Son of God out of the physical sperm of David. Matthew, Chapter 1 verse 1 says,


The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.


So Jesus Christ, after the flesh, is the son of David. After the Spirit, He is the offspring of Elijah, and revealed through Jesus Christ, our controller. What are you talking about by saying our controller, Sheila?


The Greek word that is translated Lord means controller. The Lord Jesus Christ has come to control us. Why? Because spiritually speaking, all of humanity is out of control. That is why we get sick and die. What do you mean by out of control? We are not obeying the law of God. There is life in the law of God. For people to have whatever problems we have, to be sick, to be dying, to be compulsive in any area means we are out of control.


I struggle with my weight. Whatever problem we have, it is because we are out of control in a particular area, and the Lord has come to control us, not from the outside, not to put us under a bondage, not to put us under a law that would kill us and break our heart. He has come to live inside of us, to control our compulsions and ungodly instincts from within, so that we can prosper and have a good life in Him. We need the internalized Christ. It is the internalized Christ that has come to control us through Jesus Christ. We call Him Lord. He is the ultimate controller. He will control this world unto righteousness. He will bring an end to all unrighteousness through control.


There is a Godly control and there is an ungodly control. The motives of God are always righteous, no matter what the manifestation of those motives are, because sometimes the love of God manifests as correction to us. Sometimes that correction hurts us and wounds us. No matter what the manifestation of the control of God is, His motive is always that we should live, that we should prosper, and be happy in Him. He is a controller and the way He controls us is that He puts His Son inside of us. It is an internal control.


Did you ever see one of those science fiction programs like one of the earlier Star Trek TV shows where they put some kind of an object in the person’s brain and when they do something wrong, they get punished and their brain hurts them? Well, that is the negative of the spiritual reality. That is the counterfeit of the spiritual reality. The Lord Jesus has put His Son inside of us, first of all to show us what is righteous in comparison to our own thoughts, in the areas that our thoughts are unrighteous, and then He is there to control our fallen nature. It is our fallen nature that is being controlled.


Our fallen nature must be controlled. Do you not control your children? Do you let them do anything they want? You put limits around your children. You paddle them if they will not behave themselves. That is a Godly control. If somebody is damaging society and the police arrest them and put them in a cage, that is a Godly control. You have to have control in the world. You cannot do whatever you want. You will have anarchy. You cannot yell fire in a stadium with thousands of people. What is happening in this country today is that a lot of ungodly controls are being released. There are a lot of areas in this country right now that are out of control. If they are not corrected, it will only lead to trouble and disaster.


God gave a message that His Son would come down from heaven, and in fact His spiritual Son, at the time in the form of Elijah, or the spirit of Elijah anyway, was incarnated by the Spirit of Holiness that was in Elijah and generated his Son in human form out of the physical sperm of David. This Son was revealed through Jesus Christ, our controller. How was it done? It was done by God’s dunamis power, in standing the dead Adam up again. Dunamis is a Greek word. I put it in because I liked the sound of it, and I am the translator, so I can do it if I want to. (Laughter)


There are two Greek words that are translated power in the New Testament. One of them is dunamis and that means the raw power of God. The raw power of God has no morality attached to it. It is the raw power of God. The morality comes through the vessel that wields it. The second Greek word is exousia, which means the authority of God. In that authority of God is the kernel of morality. Dunamis power, by itself, can be wielded by unrighteousness. In fact, that is what witchcraft is. It is the wielding of the dunamis power of the creation through a mind that is not a righteous mind. The dunamis power by the carnal mind is called witchcraft.


It is a question of which morality lays hold of it, the carnal mind or the Godly authority of God. We see that the dunamis power and the exousia power of God is issued through two personal names, Jehovah Elohim. They are never separate, Jehovah and Elohim. Jehovah is the exousia power and Elohim is the dunamis power. In the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, those two powers exist in tandem. They exist together. They are bound together. Another way we could look at that is that the raw power of God is present, and if it becomes illegal, it becomes witchcraft unless the Christ is grafted to us. Christ is the exousia, the moral authority. He is grafted to us to bring our carnal mind into subjection, our carnal mind being the dunamis power and Christ being the exousia power.


What is happening in fallen mankind is that in fallen mankind the carnal mind is both the exousia, the moral authority and the raw dunamis power, but the moral authority of fallen man is corrupt. We are in parts. The morality of fallen man is determined by Satan and Leviathan. Basically, Satan and Leviathan control the raw dunamis power of the unsaved man. Jesus Christ has come to give us the word of God internalized in us to be the true exousia, the true moral authority, that will take control over the counterfeit moral authority that has this whole world abiding in death and destruction. The Scripture says that when women and children are your leaders, the whole nation goes into destruction. This is true in the natural, but it is also true in the spiritual. It has to be true in the spiritual if it is true in the natural. When your leader is your own carnal mind, you are limited. Most people have some form of destruction in their life, some more than others.


The Lord Jesus Christ is giving Christ to us to be the true moral authority, so that the destruction that comes into our lives from our carnal mind can be controlled. Christ Jesus is the controller. Any pastor or someone who claims to be of God that tries to put you under a law and enforce it is not in line with the Scripture. We are teachers. The leadership of the Church are to be teachers. The law in this hour, at least anyway, the right and the authority to enforce it is only in the secular authority. If someone is breaking a physical law and someone is in physical danger, you call the police.


We see that this Son who came down from heaven is being revealed through Jesus Christ who is our controller. He is given to the world to control sin. Why? Because sin is killing us. Sin must be controlled if we are to stop dying, and it is the will of God that we stop dying. The Scripture says all judgment is given unto the Son. He has come to control the carnal mind by His righteous spiritual authority. The Son of God that was in heaven is now revealed through the man Jesus Christ, our controller, the one who is going to control our sin nature that is killing us, and He is going to do it by God’s dunamis power. That is the raw spiritual power, and by standing the dead Adam up again.


You say, well Sheila, where is the exousia power here? The exousia power is in the resurrected Adam. The Son of God is given to us. He is going to control the sin nature of mankind. He is going to do it in two stages. He is going to give us raw spiritual power and He is going to raise Adam from the dead, Adam who is the moral authority of God. That is the exousia right there, together, the raw power of God and the moral authority of God, which is in the resurrected Adam. That is Christ in you, the hope of your glorification. Jesus did say, I am the first Adam and I am the last Adam. Jesus, the Christ, was a manifestation of the resurrected Adam. He had both the moral authority, and the wisdom of God, and the raw power of God. They are bound together with the righteous authority of God controlling the raw spiritual power. This is the only formation in which it is legal to exercise spiritual authority or to manifest spiritual power.


To manifest spiritual power apart from the righteous authority of the living God is a spiritual crime that the Scripture tells us is punishable by death. Well that sounds terrible until you look around and you see that everybody dies. Well, what does that tell you? Draw a conclusion, brethren. Draw a conclusion. It does not mean that you die now. It does not mean that you die the minute you exercise the witchcraft, but you will surely die. That means when the power of God is bringing people into a place where they are overcoming death, you, whoever you are, who are still exercising spiritual power apart from the righteous authority and wisdom of God, you will not be amongst those who are now entering into immortality in Christ.


What about all the people in the Church that answered an altar call, helped the sinners, that healed the sick, that read the Bible, and listen to messages on tape recorders every day? What about them? Are you exercising spiritual power apart from the righteousness of Christ? Brethren, everybody does. Everybody does. You have no hope of ceasing from doing that until you identify what you are doing, that the Lord classifies as exercising spiritual power, apart from the wisdom of God. Paul names these things at the end of this chapter, envy, backbiting, gossiping, and bitterness. All of the sins that are not behavioral sins result in death even after you have answered an altar call.


We all need to be building an ark, brethren, because the flood has already started to rise, and the ark is the Lord Jesus Christ. We need to abandon our carnal minds and enter into the saving grace of Christ in you, the hope of your glorification. You cannot do that without being trained to do it. Christ has to be formed in you. He has to be grafted to you. You have to be able to recognize the difference between your carnal mind and your Christ mind. It is a process. You cannot do it overnight. It is a program. You have to start working on it. The door is already closing on all of the foolish virgins. All of you that think you are okay because you answered an altar call and you speak in tongues, you are not okay.


The Son who came down from heaven is now revealed through Jesus Christ, our controller, by the raw power of God plus the righteous moral authority of the resurrected Adam, which is Christ in you. A witness to that is Luke 20 verses 35 and 36.


But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage: Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection.


Being the children of the resurrection. Brethren, this is talking about the people who ascend into full stature and no longer manifest their carnal mind on any level. This is talking about people who have entered into immortality. People who have entered into immortality no longer reproduce by having babies like we do in this world today. You become a spiritual man and you are likened to the angels. That means you are a spiritual person. You are not living out of the flesh anymore. This is not to be enforced on anybody who is still an average human being.


The Son of God came down from heaven. He is manifesting as Jesus, who is giving us Christ, our controller, under the moral authority of God to control the carnal mind. Verse 5; Talking about Christ Jesus. By whom, we, among all nations have been offered the divine influence and commission to submit to the moral conviction of Christ. The divine influence is a translation of the word saint. We have been offered the divine influence.


Now I want to tell you that that is different than the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit does not control our sin nature. It is the Spirit of Christ, which rests in Christ Jesus actually, that controls the sin nature. It is the divine influence, the moral influence. Now the Holy Spirit is the very beginnings of that. The Holy Spirit is a gift. The Holy Spirit is given to point us to Christ, the one who has the authority to control our sin nature, to influence us from His own morality, to agree with His definition of immorality. This is talking about God now. Mankind’s definition of immorality does not agree with God’s definition of immorality. Because we follow after our own definition of immorality, we get sick and die and have trouble all along the way.


The divine influence is given to us to teach us God’s definition of immorality and to help us overcome and withdraw from all of these qualities of our personality that are producing death in our life. Brethren, just because you do not say the words, it does not mean you are not envious. Just because you do not act on it, it does not mean that you are not envious. Well, I personally believe everybody has envy. I personally believe everybody has rebellion, rejection, pride, and envy. I am convinced of that. Woe, woe, woe, be unto us. What will we do? What is the answer for us? That is why we die.


Everybody has pride, rebellion, rejection, and envy. The answer, brethren, is in your nature. The old man will never be righteous, so the Lord Jesus has come to give us a new nature. Now James tells us, you have two natures, and the doubleminded man is unstable in all his ways. Well what do I do now that I have two natures? Now I have to choose. Now I have to decide to resist everything that is not of God and do my best to do everything that I believe is of God. By the dunamis power of God, I will change, because the exousia, the righteous morality of God will be fighting for me to control my carnal mind.


I am going to say it again. The exousia, the righteous authority and the wisdom of God controls my carnal mind when I choose to reject the wrong thinking of my carnal mind. When more of the righteousness of God binds up my carnal mind because I have rejected that thought process, then by the dunamis power of God, I change, and begin to think like Christ. You cannot change and begin to think like Christ when you only have the dunamis power, which is the Holy Spirit. You have to have the righteous moral authority of God controlling your carnal mind so that you can exercise the dunamis power of God to change. Does anybody not get that? Do you need me to say that again?


So if all you have is the Holy Spirit, you cannot change. You must have Christ grafted to you and growing in you. As far as I know, whenever I make a statement like the whole church, I know there are always exceptions. The whole church does not understand that Christ is different than the Holy Spirit. Christ is a completely different experience than the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is female and the Christ is the bridegroom. It is a whole different experience. You have to learn a whole new way.


We, among all nations, have been offered the divine influences. He is talking about Christ. He is not talking about the Holy Spirit. The Holy spirit comes with gifts. Christ influences you against your carnal mind. We have been offered the divine influence. We have not been given the divine influence. We have been offered the divine influence. Now we are given the Holy Spirit as a gift, but we are offered the divine influence. We must choose Him and commissioned to submit to the moral conviction of Christ. There it is. The divine influence is the moral conviction of Christ, that the name of Jesus Christ should be above all other names. Most Christians


have no trouble sprouting that scripture.


Philippians 2:9; Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every other name.


Brethren, that name of Jesus Christ has to be above every other name in you. You have another name in you. The Greek word translated name means mark. It is talking about nature. You have heard of the mark of the beast. There is a mark above. It is talking about your nature. If you are living out of your carnal mind, the name of Jesus Christ is not above every other name in your person or in your world, because each of us is a world. But it is the word God, that the name of Jesus Christ or the nature of Jesus Christ, should be above every other name in every person that has a relationship with the Lord, and eventually with the whole world.


What are we going to do about this? The carnal mind is higher than your Christ mind. I am not looking at anybody here. This is the case through the whole church. Many in the church have an imputed Christ formed in them, and their carnal mind is higher. What does that mean? They follow after the instruction of their carnal mind. Christ has a very soft voice, a very soft voice, and He will not fight with you. He will not force you to obey Him. If you do not recognize His voice, and you follow the voice of your carnal mind, you will reap what you sow. You will experience the consequences naturally, until you learn to recognize that still small voice within you. Even that has to be tested and proven. What does that mean? It means Satan can sound like Christ.


We see that the name of Jesus Christ, the mark, the nature of Jesus Christ, has to be above every other name in every human being that claims to be a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. Otherwise, you are a lie. If you call yourself a son of God, if you call yourself a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the truth of your reality as God sees it, not as you see it, is that your carnal mind or Satan, the ruler of the carnal mind, is higher than the name of Jesus in your world, you are a liar. You are a lie. I am not looking at anybody in particular. The church is filled with liars. The Scripture says, let God be true and every man a liar. What that means is, let God be true and let the natural man be proved to be a liar.


The Lord says, prove me. If you will distinguish my Spirit, and you will be obedient to me, and you will follow me, and do everything I tell you to do, you will get out of any trouble that you are in. You may not get out by tomorrow, depending on how serious your trouble is. The Lord says, you follow me, you discern my wisdom. It may be coming to you directly. It may be coming to you from a teacher or a prophet. He says, you recognize my Spirit, and you listen to my word, and I will deliver you from every destruction. You prove me and you will find out that God is true. If you listen to your carnal mind, you will find out that you listened to the liar because you will not get out of your trouble.


Verse 6. Talking about Jesus Christ still. By whom you are also invited to be among all those who are beloved of God in Rome, so that the divine influence may be with you too, so that you may be morally blameless, that your sins may be covered, and receive prosperity from God our Father, even the Lord Jesus Christ. We see Paul is talking to the Romans, and he is saying, I would like to come to you. I am asking the Lord for permission to visit you. The reason I want to visit you is that I have good intentions towards you. I want to introduce you to Christ. Your faith has been spoken of all over the world, and now I want to give you the internalized Christ. I need to see you face to face to do that.


That has been my understanding for a long time, that in order to receive the male seed of Christ from someone who has it, there has to be a personal relationship. At least, this has been my experience so far. Maybe things will change in another time, because I am still very young in Christ, and I do not have that much power. Maybe things will change when someone stands up in full stature, but I know that to impart to anyone what God has given me, I have to have a personal relationship with you. I have to have your permission to tell you whatever He tells me to tell you, without you killing me. You have to at least listen.


There are a few things here. He is talking to the Romans now. All those who are beloved of God in Rome. What does it mean to be beloved of God? Why is one person beloved of God and another person hated of God? God loved Jacob and He hated Esau. Why? Did He not like the color of his hair? Did He not like Esau’s eyes? What was Esau’s problem? When the Scripture calls someone beloved or says that someone is hated, it is nothing at all like the love or hatred of human beings. God loves everybody who has His Spirit. It is an unfortunate word, but that is what the Scripture says. He hates everybody that does not have His Spirit, but He does not hate like a man hates. What it means is, if you have God’s Spirit, He is attracted to you. You are in His thoughts. He is concerned about you, and if you do not have His Spirit, you are not in His mind. Not that God has a mind, but He is not concerned with you.


What do you do if you are hated of God? What do you do if you do not have God’s Spirit and He is only interested in those who have the Spirit? What do you do? You have to get His Spirit. He is not telling you that you cannot have His Spirit. What do you do to get His Spirit? You have to humble yourself. I do not want to humble myself. Too bad, you do not have the Spirit. He hates you. I actually had somebody say to me once, if God can heal, let Him show me what He can do. You have got to be kidding, you fool. That is a fool. That is a spiritual fool.


I think the Scripture says, and the fool said in his mind or in his heart, there is no God. Scripturally speaking, the Lord calls you a fool. What is a fool? What is the definition of a fool? The spiritual definition of a fool is someone who lacks the wisdom of God. The Scripture also says, he who leans on the hand of flesh will go into destruction. Also he who leans on his own strength, or he who leans on his own wisdom. Another scripture is he who leans on Egypt, his hand will be pierced through.


Through Paul, God is inviting the Romans who are already beloved of God. I do not know if we read it yet or not, but in another scripture Paul says, you know your faith is known throughout the world. So they already have the Spirit. They have the Holy Spirit. That was what makes them beloved. Speaking in tongues is not the only sign of having the Holy Spirit. Speaking in tongues means you have received the Holy Spirit. It is a particular manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Another manifestation of the Holy Spirit is faith and a desire to pursue God. So those in Rome have the Holy Spirit.


Paul was coming to those who already had the Holy Spirit so that they might receive the divine influence; Christ. Why? Why should they want Christ? It was so they might be morally blameless because Christ is our what? He is our atonement. He is the atonement for our sins. In Him, if we truly repent, and it cannot just be the words. If we truly repent, He covers our sins, and that cuts off the sowing and reaping judgment. That is what it means. That other destruction that was designated for us through the sowing and reaping judgment, which is enforced by Satan is cancelled. Satan enforces the sowing and reaping judgment. It is cancelled by Christ. Satan loses her legal ground to bring destruction into your life for that sin. That is what it means, that Christ is our atonement.


Christ is our atonement. He is the blood on our doorposts. He is the sacrificial lamb, the blood of which is on the doorpost of our heart. Brethren, that is the Christ in you. That is not the Glorified Jesus Christ.


Your atonement is the blood on the door, Christ in you, not Jesus in heaven. Does not Jesus in heaven count? Are you minimizing Jesus in heaven? Absolutely not. If there is no Jesus in heaven, there is no Christ in your heart, because the Christ in your heart is just an extension of the Jesus in heaven.


All of you who are beloved in Rome, you already have the Holy Spirit. I would like to give you Christ, the divine influence that is going to control the sins of your heart that are bringing destruction into your life, so that you might be morally blameless. I want to give you the atonement, that you might receive prosperity from God our Father. Now this is the prosperity of God. It is not just talking about money. Paul says in another place, Brethren, I wish that you should prosper as your soul prospers. You could only truly prosper in this world if you have the prosperity of God, if your soul has the prosperity of God. We see the prosperity of God, the prosperity from God, our Father, even the Lord Jesus Christ.


Now this is very important, brethren. The King James Translation says, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, and this is the foundation of the error of the trinity. Brethren, there is only one God. Hear O Israel, the Lord your God is one God. The trinity is a Roman Catholic doctrine. It is also a doctrine that is found in paganism. There is only one God. The Greek word translatedand can just as easily be translated even. I would, Paul said, that you should be morally blameless, that you should receive the atonement that you might be morally blameless, that you might receive the prosperity from God, our Father, even or who is appearing to us today as the Lord Jesus Christ. There is one God, brethren, one God.


Verse 8, talking about Jesus Christ, who is first and above all. Jesus Christ is first and above all. I have a witness to that in Ephesians 5:23.


For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body.


He is first and He is the savior of the body. He is the head of the church. The Lord Jesus Christ is the head of the church, and we are the church, right? The body of Christ is the church. The church is not a building. We are the ecclesia, the spiritual church. We are the stones in the spiritual building that God dwells in.


So even as Christ is the head of the church, He is also the savior of the body. What does that mean? It means Christ in heaven is the head of the church, and Christ in you is the savior of your body. It is not necessarily your physical body because eventually this physical body is going to go. I understand this is a major issue in the church today. A lot of preachers are preaching that it is this physical body that will be raised. He is the savior of your spiritual body, brethren.


There are many bodies. It is just like Paul says, there are different kinds of flesh; flesh of birds, flesh of animals, flesh of man. In the same way there are different kinds of bodies. The mind is the body of the spirit. The body is a container. The soul is the container of the mind and the physical body is the container of the soul. There are many bodies. The mind is the body of the spirit. We have got to get spiritual. We will never ever understand what Paul is saying if we take everything that he says on the carnal level. You will just never get the message. We have many bodies.


Colossians 1:18.


And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he must have preeminence.


He is the firstborn from the dead. Maybe I will put that in the alternate translation. I will see. I will pray about it. He is the firstborn from the dead and He is above all the others who are about to be born from the dead. Why is Jesus above all the others who are about to be born from the dead? It is because we could not make it without Him, because our ability to rise from the dead is the seed of His Glorified life in us. We will never be who He is. We will never be equal to Him. He will always be higher than us. He will always be first, but we could have the same experience that He had and is having.


And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.


He is preeminent. He is higher than every other believer, even believers when we get into full stature. He will always be higher.


Paul is talking to the Romans now. I thank my God that you have the moral conviction of Jesus, the Christ, and that your moral conviction is spoken of throughout the whole world. That meaning is interesting because there is a difference between Christ Jesus and Jesus Christ in the Greek. The reason I added the article in, the reason I added the word the in, is that in the Greek, this is clearly Jesus Christ, not Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus is the spiritual man and Jesus the Christ, is Jesus in the days of His flesh. Paul is saying, thank God that you have the moral conviction of Jesus the Christ. Thank God you have the same moral conviction that Jesus had in the days of his flesh. Paul is saying, thank God that you have the moral conviction of Jesus the Christ. Thank God you have the same moral conviction that Jesus had in the days of his flesh, and that your moral conviction is spoken of throughout the whole world.


That is interesting because as I read this, this would say to me that they must have had Christ. If they had the moral conviction of Jesus the Christ, they must have had Christ. So that is a confusion, right? The reason I am telling you that, my understanding of the scripture is that Paul has come to the Romans to give them Christ, but now he is saying they have Christ. Well, what does that mean? Does anybody know what that means? There are two manifestations of Christ. There is the imputed Christ and there is the imparted Christ. The imputed Christ, or the beginnings of Christ forming in you, are the result of people who receive the Holy Spirit and pursue God through the Holy Spirit, by reading the Scriptures in prayer to the point that the mind of Christ or the moral conviction of Christ begins to be formed in them. Paul calls that the fruit of the Spirit. The goodness of God is to be formed in you.


Let me say it again. The goodness of God, the imputed Christ, actually the female aspect of Christ, begins to be formed in those people who start out with the Holy Spirit and pursue God fervently. The reward that you receive, the spiritual reward that you receive from pursuing God is that you begin to think like He thinks. You begin to have the moral conviction of God, but if you do not get the male seed grafted to that imputed Christ, it will eventually die. That is why Paul was being sent to Rome.


I mentioned this earlier in the message. Many in the church have an imputed Christ formed in them and that Christ is dying because they do not understand that they are pregnant. They do not understand what their responsibilities are. They do not believe the doctrine of Christ when they hear it. It frightens them because it is different or whatever else, and Christ is dying. He is spontaneously aborting throughout the church world. Before that can happen, judgment will fall to save the Christ child in the many people that are pregnant with Him. We see here that Paul came to give them the imparted Christ. They not only had the Holy Spirit, they had the imputed Christ. Is everybody okay with that?


I have a witness for that in Colossians 1:18. I read that three times already. Well, I will read it again.


And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.


Actually, He said He is the beginning and the end.


Verse 13 of the amplification. I did some moving around of the verses here to make it read in right order. Sometimes in the translation, in going from one language to the other, the order does not read properly. Verse 13 next. I am going from verse 8 to 13. I want you to know, brethren, that I intended to come to you many times so that I might have some fruit among you, also, like I have among other none Jews. But I was prevented until now.


First of all, fruit is the imparted Christ. The imputed Christ is not fruit. The fruit is grown or matures or emerges on a tree that is a growing tree. The imputed Christ is not a growing tree. It is not rooted in the earth of your personality. He said I came to have fruit from you. That implies there is a second witness he has come in the hope of grafting the male seed to them. Then he says, like I have among other none Jews, but I was prevented until now. Well, why do you think the Lord did not want him to come until now? Is the Lord prejudice? Did He not want to give them Christ? Is the Lord mad at them? Did they not do something right? No, brethren. There is a time and a season for everything. Paul was not sent before the imputed Christ was formed in them.


There is a time, so we should not be frustrated when our relatives do not receive Jesus Christ. We should not be frustrated when people do not receive this message because there is a time for everyone. They have to be in a certain spiritual condition before the Lord will send the message to them. Here is a perfect example of why we should not be bringing this message to anybody unless the Lord directs us to do so. If people are not ready for it, they are just going to throw you out of their house. Some people are polite and they do not throw you out of their house. They just ignore you. It depends on the person’s natural personality. In some cases it could damage your relationship. You should not offer this to anybody unless it is the Lord telling you to do it. You need to know that when you come with the Doctrine of Christ, people are like retarded babies. They cannot take more than an eye dropper at a time.



I knew God was sending me to somebody, and I started talking away, and the people’s eyes were crossing. They would just walk away from me. When you feel, or you believe, or perceive that you are sent to somebody, pray silently in your mind. Lord, what is it that you want me to say to this person? You get your answer and you say it, and do not say anything more. What you have done is drop a seed into their heart. They cannot take it, brethren. It is fire burning them. The doctrine of Christ burns the carnal mind. Christ in you is the controller of your carnal mind.


 The controller is in the form of fire. We are the lake of fire. Christ in you is the lake of fire burning their carnal mind. They cannot take it. You do not want to alienate them from you. You have to seek God every step of the way when it comes to ministry in Christ Jesus. Maybe you are smarter than I am, but I do not know what I am suppose to tell anybody. I have to ask the Lord what His purpose is in that person’s life because I cannot figure it out. It is not even that I am not so smart, it is that I do not even have all the facts.


The Lord, He is the architect of the whole design. He is the architect of salvation. He knows who He is calling in this hour. He knows who He is sending, if we can hear Him and go. He knows what He wants to say to them through our mouth at that moment. If you are still in Pentecost, brethren, and you think you have got talking points in your mind of what you are suppose to do to try to save somebody, your carnal mind will interfere with the workings of Christ in you. That person will not get the message from Christ. They are going to get the talking points of your carnal mind. Let he who understands, understand. Okay, we will do a little more. I guess we are not going to finish today.


I want you to know, brethren, that I intended to come to you many times so that I might have some fruit among you also, like I have among other none Jews, but I was prevented until now. You were not ready. Verse 9. Because as God, whom I serve with my spirit by preaching the gospel of His Son as my witness, I pray for you all the time. So all of those people that you are praying for, for years, and the Lord has not sent you yet, they are not ready yet. The Lord heard your prayers. They are not ready.


Verse 10. I am asking if it should be the will of God, if it would be possible for me to visit you at this time. Paul speaking in verse 11. This is my purpose, this is why I want to visit you, so that I may know you intimately. What in the world is Paul talking about? Does he want to have sex with all these people? Brethren, Paul is rarely talking about physical things, and there is a spiritual intimacy in Christ that is a reality. This is why we are told in the Book of Acts that in God’s eyes, anyway, I do not think that it is really manifesting in the world yet, the Lord tells us that the spiritual ties that we form with people are stronger than blood ties. That is what we are told in the Book of Acts. Now that does not mean you do not have an obligation to your parents anymore. Of course, you have an obligation to your parents, but spiritually speaking, the spiritual tie is stronger than any blood tie. That is what the Bible tells us.


Paul wants intimacy with these Romans. In that intimacy, in that relationship, the seed of Christ is imparted to the disciples. This is just another way of saying what I said about half an hour ago. At least now, as far as I know, the only way someone can get the seed of Christ, which I believe that I have, is through a relationship with me. You cannot write me a letter and I can send you the seed of Christ. It does not work like that. It flows through the relationship. It is when your soul and my soul flow together that you get what I have, and unfortunately I get what you have, and that is not just me. That is how it works.


When you enter into a soul tie or into a relationship with somebody, you exchange cells. That is why I have to watch out who you enter a relationship with. Now if you are anointed by God to enter into a relationship with someone who has uncleanness in their soul, then you have to believe He is going to protect you. If He does not direct you to that relationship, and you enter into a soul tie with somebody, you can be the most anointed person in the world, and be endangered. They may or they may not get your anointing, probably not, and you will get everything in them that is trying to kill Christ in you. That is just the truth. We see that it is a spirit of pride that makes us think that we can decide who we are suppose to help.


Verse 11. So that I may know you intimately, because Christ Jesus desires to possess you. Possess you? I thought God was my co-pilot. The epitome of pride. Brethren, we are God’s co-pilot. He is all that there is. Yes, He wants to possess us. Now that is a shocking thing for some people to hear, but the truth of the matter is that we are already possessed. We are possessed of the carnal mind. In order for Christ to possess us, a warfare must ensue between Christ and our carnal mind because our carnal mind is not giving us up easily.


Paul wants to know them intimately, spiritually intimately, so that they can receive the life of Christ in them, the seeds of it in particular. The reason he wants to do this is because Christ Jesus desires to possess us and give us some spiritual gift to the end that you spiritually female Christians receive the seed of Christ. Now the words female Christian is so interesting. I am not going over the details right now, but I could tell you what word that is. It is verse 11. I have it right here. The Greek word means, one of the legitimate translations of it is female Christian. In the King James it is translated established. That Greek word is translated established in verse 11. To add additional confusion to it, there are two basic Greek texts that are used by translators. One is the Textus Receptus, which is Latin, and the other is Nestles’ Text and the two translators disagree on what the Greek word should be here.


They both have a different Greek word in this particular place in the Scripture. They both translate the word established, but Nestle says no, the Greek word is one word, and Textus Receptus says no, the Greek word is another word. It must have been switched by some scribe. I do not know how they would explain it, but they have two different opinions. I am of the opinion, considering the context of the verse, that the correct translation is female Christian. What is the context? Let me give it to you again; so that I may know you intimately. We are talking about spiritual reproduction here. That means the reproduction of Christ. We are all suppose to be pregnant with Christ, the whole church world.


We see that the way God impregnates the church world is by means of an apostle. I do not see sperm floating down out of the sky like gold dust. He is sending an apostle that already has the male seed to the Romans to know them intimately, spiritually intimately. What does that mean? That means that you receive him as your teacher. How does a teacher have intimacy with somebody? The person has to submit and acknowledge who the teacher is.


I met someone that I had not seen in a long time on the street the other day. He looked very down and out. I tried to tell him something about the message. It should have impressed him somewhat that there was ministry here, but he just wanted to teach me. He gave me his card and wrote a scripture on it for me. He had said to me, alright, send me a tape, but the Lord told me not to send him a tape. He is not interested and he wants to be the teacher. This man is in the Church for thirty years and he is not prospering because of his pride.


To have intimacy with Paul or another apostle, you have to recognize who the teacher is and you have to know that you are not the teacher. You cannot get the seed if you think you are the teacher. That is another way of the Bible saying they tried to take the kingdom by force. You cannot take the male seed without me. It has to come through a Godly relationship in which the disciple recognizes that, at least at that moment, that they are subordinate for the purposes of teaching through the teacher. We are all equal as human beings before God, of course.


So that I may know you intimately because Christ Jesus desires to possess you, and give you some spiritual gift, to the end that you spiritually female Christians may be joined to Christ. Paul is the man who was inviting us to draw near to the Father by doubling the moral conviction of Christ in both you and me. Maybe I am going to wind this down. Just let me find a way to close this out for today. So Paul wants to know you intimately because Christ Jesus desires to give you some spiritual gift, to the end that He desires to possess you spiritually female Christians, that you may be joined to Christ or joined to the body of Christ.


We see that it is possible for someone in the Church to have faith in Jesus Christ, which is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit. They can have a taste of the Holy Spirit. They can speak in tongues, and they might have pursued the Holy Spirit to the point that an imputed Christ is formed in them, and you still are not safe. Your soul is not safe. You have got to get the grafted Christ. Safety is in Christ in you, the hope of glory. We will start again with verse 11, Lord willing next week. Are there any questions or comments before we close this out?


COMMENT: While you were speaking about the internalized Christ within us, a scripture came to my mind; when I see the blood, I will pass over you. I understand it to be a different meaning of deeper understanding of the internalized life of Christ within us.


PASTOR VITALE: Absolutely. Absolutely.


COMMENT: What is the difference between being pregnant with Christ and the imputed Christ?


PASTOR VITALE: The imputed Christ is not grafted. You are pregnant with the imparted Christ when the male seed is grafted to you. Our natural example is a pregnant woman. A sperm can fertilize an egg and then it becomes a zygote. Until that zygote get grafted or implanted into the walls of your womb, the baby cannot prosper. It has to get planted. It has to get grafted to the mother’s body so that it can acquire nutrition from the mother’s body. So in the same manner, the imputed Christ is not grafted. It is like the zygote that is not grafted, if it does not receive the male seed which can be likened to being grafted to the mother’s uterus. See, the male seed will feed it and nourish it. The male seed is connected to the Glorified Jesus Christ above, and it is the nutrition, the nurturing, and has the strength to bring that imputed Christ into a full manifestation of the Son of God. Did I answer you? Do you have another question?


COMMENT: So you can be pregnant with Christ and He is not grafted? Is that the way I am understanding this?


PASTOR VITALE: That is interesting. I do not know. We do not have any medical person here. If you have a fertilized seed and it is not grafted to the mother’s uterus, I do not know if you are considered pregnant or not. I honestly do not know. I have to ask Margaret. (Laughter) At the very least, even if you are pregnant with the imputed Christ, if you do not get grafted, it will die. Even if you are pregnant, it does not matter, if it does not get grafted, you are going to die.


COMMENT: It just springs to my mind about the scripture the Jews are going to be grafted into their own tree. So that is similar to what you are saying about the pregnancy and being grafted into the womb.


PASTOR VITALE: The tree is Christ Jesus. He is the spiritual tree that is planted in the earth of humanity. We are told in that scripture, which actually is in the Book of Romans too, that their branches were broken off. The branches are known as the natural Jew. Their branches were broken off and they will be grafted back in when they receive the seed of Christ. Okay, it was a good meeting today, very edifying.


12/16/10 mjs



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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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