524 - Part 2




Part 2 of 2 Parts
The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
 Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team. 


Praise the Lord, brethren. What we're doing is a study of the seven verses that the word, indignation or displeasure, which is a translation of Strong's #23 appears in the New Testament. Those seven verses are Matthew 21:15 which we translated in part 1 of this message. We translated the surrounding verses also, 14 thru 26. Today we are translating Matthew 20:24 and the surrounding verses which are verses 20 thru 29. That verse is Matthew 20:24; And when the ten heard it, they were moved with indignation against the two brethren. The principle that we're trying to establish is that indignation is a manifestation of pride. From what I could see, when the word indignation or displeasure appears in the Scripture, it's not obvious that it's a manifestation of pride. We are going to be translating that word usually as Leviathan. On one occasion we translated it Cain. The principle is that outrage or indignation can arise against something that somebody says out of their carnal mind or it can arise out of something that Christ says or it can arise out of the truth of the Doctrine of Christ. Another translation of the Greek word, Strong's #23 is offended; to be offended. To be offended is the sin of pride. That's shocking to some people. See, Jesus is not offended.


Now I've told you many times how the overriding characteristic of the category of people called Pharisees is pride. Pharisees are frequently offended. They're offended by sexual immorality. They're offended by cursing. It's not that these things are good, but you see, Jesus is not offended by them. He is really not offended by them. He will not fellowship with sexual impurity or with a foul mouth person. Such behavior will drive the Holy Ghost from you and why will it drive the Holy Ghost from you? Because such behavior arises out of the carnal mind. When you choose to engage in such behavior, you embrace the carnal mind. When you embrace the carnal mind, you drive Christ Jesus under the carnal mind. If it's the Holy Spirit, the carnal mind drives Him away or down under. Jesus is not offended. He wasn't offended by the lepers. Jesus wasn't offended by the adulterous woman that He ministered to. He wasn't offended by the manifestations of people who were demonized. Jesus was not offended as many in the church world are offended. Offense is a manifestation of pride. Jesus' reaction to offensive behavior, to sexual impurity, to adultery, etc. is compassion. Now that doesn't mean that he excuses the behavior, but He seeks to bring you to repentance so that you might change your behavior, so that He might forgive your sin. But Jesus is not offended. He is very sad that you are living such a lifestyle. Jesus is very sad that your quality of life does not meet up to the standards that He has established for you. That is the truth.


So let us pursue our message today. In part 1 of this message, we translated Strong's #23, a Greek word that the King James Translators have translated either to have or to be moved with indignation or to be displeased. We're translating that as Leviathan. This is a very radical translation because it reveals sin within the one who is indignant. This Greek word appears seven times in the King James version. Translating Strong's #23 as Leviathan means that the one who was indignant is manifesting an ungodly spirit. Whether we are responding to sin in another person or to Christ Jesus in another person, indignation arises out of pride. We will translate the remaining six verses as a testimony to the validity of translating Strong's #23 as Leviathan. Recap Matthew 21:14 thru 16; And those who were too weak to overcome Satan and Leviathan, who were preventing them from understanding the Doctrine of Christ, came near to King Adam/ Christ Jesus, depending upon what dispensation you're in. If this is the first message of Living Epistles' Ministries that you're hearing, the reason I say King Adam/Christ Jesus is that the mind of God was within the mortal man, Jesus, in the days of His flesh. Jesus was a mortal man who became God because God dwelt in Him. The mind of God dwelt in Him. That was King Adam in the man Jesus. After Jesus was crucified and glorified, the mind of God that dwells in people subsequent to Jesus' resurrection is called Christ Jesus, because the mind that was in Jesus now has the personality of Jesus of Nazareth added to it. The name of the anointed one in the New Testament is Christ Jesus.


On behalf of the people who would be concerned, this is the correct translation, King Adam. That's the correct translation, meaning that Adam was regenerated in Jesus and was married to the Glorified Elijah so that the great one inside of Jesus of Nazareth was King Adam; the regenerated Adam plus the Spirit of Elijah. I am concerned that people will be saying that I do not believe that Jesus is God or misunderstanding what I'm saying in some way and I'm concerned not for myself, but for the people. I would not want anyone to be driven away from this message because they misunderstand me, which unfortunately happens a lot of times. So King Adam, which is the regenerated Adam plus the Spirit of Elijah in the man Jesus is the correct translation. Christ Jesus, as a man's mind, didn't come into existence until after the crucifixion and resurrection, but I say both, hopefully to avoid a misunderstanding. So those who were too weak to overcome Satan and Leviathan, who were preventing them from understanding the Doctrine of Christ came near to King Adam/Christ Jesus, Jesus' completed mind, and they were healed. When the chief priests and the scribes saw the wonderful things that King Adam did; (Abel) Adam's spiritual children within the chief priests and scribes cried out saying, may King Adam/Christ Jesus, the mind that completed Jesus, the son of David, liberate us now. Leviathan within Jesus' disciples, said to Jesus, do the chief priests and scribes understand what Abel within them is saying? Jesus said to the disciples, yes, because Cain within the chief priests and scribes remembers that, in the beginning, Adam suckled the immature Abel, the spiritual infants who are behind the personalities of the chief priests and scribes. Cain knows that Abel desires that Elijah should repair the altar within the chief priests and pharisees and complete Abel.


Now it's not clear to me in this translation, how much of this was conscious and how much of this was subconscious. But the message is that, at the very least, on the subconscious level, Cain within the chief priests or Cain within the people that are familiar with the Scripture, know the truth about our beginnings. They know the truth about (what to Cain is our potential) and we know that it's a fact that Abel will be restored; the rebuilding of the altar within the individual. You know, years ago when the Lord was first calling me to this ministry, when I didn't know that I was called to the ministry, my life was very bad. I had been in God for thirteen years already. I was physically near death when I came to the Lord. I wasn't healed, but alive, and my life was just a disaster on many levels. One night the Lord brought me into a local church and brought forth a prophesy from the pastor of that church, that was so powerful that the pastor was literally jumping around, just filled with joy, telling me I never brought forth a prophesy like that before and I don't even know you. The part of the prophesy that I remember was, don't slip and don't slide because the Lord is rebuilding the altar. I had no idea what that prophesy meant at that time. But I knew that it was a positive word. I now know that the altar is what connects us to God, whether it's a physical altar or a spiritual altar. The altar is that structure upon which we place the sacrifice, which sacrifice relates us to the Godhead. Now Christ Jesus is our altar and who is the sacrifice that goes upon the altar? Who are we sacrificing? Yes, the carnal mind and more specifically, Leviathan.


Leviathan is the sacrifice that is placed upon the altar, but it is the whole carnal mind. You are right; the whole carnal mind. That sacrifice, that delivering up of our own pride and our own carnality, which is Satan and Leviathan, puts us in communication with the Lord. Now when it's a spiritual altar, Christ Jesus, the structure that Leviathan can be burnt upon must be put in place. Of course, there is a whole process to raising up Christ Jesus in us. Christ must be grafted to Abel in us. Christ must acquire the energy, our spiritual blood, which is Satan's waters and energy, so that he can increase into Christ Jesus. Then Christ Jesus wars against Leviathan and cooks Leviathan and when we're in agreement with Christ Jesus, within us, to destroy Leviathan, eventually Christ Jesus within us, marries the Glorified Jesus Christ. That is the purpose for the construction of the altar; to bring us back into intimate fellowship with the Glorified Jesus Christ. Cain knows that Abel desires that Elijah should repair the altar and complete Abel. I guess that should be complete Christ Jesus. It's just really hard to decide which terms to put in there. I'll try and see what the Lord wants me to do.


How is Christ Jesus completed? Through marriage to the Glorified Jesus Christ. But of course, we're talking about the days of Jesus' flesh. So the marriage to the glorified man in those days was to Elijah, the Glorified Elijah. After Jesus was crucified and resurrected, Jesus completely mingled with the Glorified Elijah and He is now known as Christ Jesus. See, this is a big stumbling block for many people. Elijah and Jesus are one today. The Glorified Elijah did for Jesus what the Glorified Jesus is doing for humanity today. The two are one in this hour. Jesus is ....(Boy, you know what just tried to come out of my mouth? Jesus is Leviathan. I rebuke you). Jesus is Elijah or Elijah is Jesus in another form. Just as you, today, are the same person as the baby who was born, however many years ago you were born. You didn't look anything like you look today, when you were born, but you're the same person. Elijah is appearing as Jesus today. I just finished a very exciting on-line transcript that will be going out in the mail shortly. Michael is a part of that glorified man. Michael is the foundation or the beginning seed upon which the Glorified Jesus Christ is built. Michael and Elijah and Moses' qualities are in there. Michael, Moses and Elijah all incarnated in the man Jesus. That's what the Mount of Transfiguration was all about, when we saw Moses and Elijah. They were within the man, Jesus. Jesus was the sum of all of these entities. Well, we saw the personalities. We saw Elijah and Moses. They were the personalities and Jesus inherited all of their qualities, everything they had learned; Jesus inherited that.


The reason that Michael isn't named or made obvious on the Mount of Transfiguration is that Michael is a Prince. We're told in the book of Daniel that Michael is a Prince. A Prince is a spiritual man that doesn't have any visage; they don't have any appearance. Michael incarnated as Moses and as Elijah. So Michael is invisible. You have to understand all this or you get all upset when I talk about Michael. Some people get it all mixed up with what the Jehovah Witnesses teach and they think I'm a Jehovah Witness. I'm not a Jehovah Witness; I'm here to preach the truth. Michael is a Prince of Israel. He appears in the New Testament in the book of Revelation in Chapter 12. So it behooves us to find out who Michael is and what He means to us. You cannot cut Michael out of the Scripture because the Jehovah Witnesses say that Michael is Jesus, which is true. But the next statement that they make is not true. They say Jesus is not God and that He's just a prophet. That is not true. Jehovah Witnesses know that Michael is Jesus, but they don't understand it in the way that I just explained it and they use it to tear down Jesus, which is an error. You have to put your fear away and tell the Lord that you want to know the truth. So when Moses and Elijah appear on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus, Michael was also present. But Michael is a Prince; He's invisible. Christ Jesus is a King. Kings are visible. They're spiritual men and spiritual men are kings. Princes are invisible. Satan is the prince of this world. The prince of this world cometh and he has nothing in me, Jesus said. Princes are invisible powers. Kings are visible powers and they're spiritual men. Praise the Lord.


We'll pick up half way down page 2. This is our study in Matthew 20 verses 20 thru 29. Then came to him the mother of Zebedee's children with her son worshiping him and desiring a certain thing from him. We will start with Matthew 20 verse 24. This verse follows the request of the mother of Zebedee's children that her two sons sit on the right and left hand side of Jesus in His kingdom. The King James Translation suggests that the physical mother of James and John (the physical children of Zebedee) was seeking special privileges for her sons and that the other ten remaining disciples were indignant. But we will see as this translation develops, that all the disciples were indignant, not towards their brethren, but towards Jesus who told them about the two judgments which precede the rise into perfection. I'm suggesting to you that all twelve of the disciples were indignant when they heard that they had a sin nature and that their sin nature had to be exposed and that they had to fight a war to overcome that sin nature. They were indignant; they were offended, they didn't like the idea. I want to suggest to you that this is a parable that has a deep spiritual significance. I don't believe that in Bible days, a woman, especially a woman who acknowledged Jesus as God, would have the nerve to approach Jesus and ask for a favored position for her two children. That's my personal opinion.


But aside from that, after studying this account and praying about it, I am convinced that the mother that is mentioned in this series of verses is Leviathan, the mother of Cain and Abel, who are within the disciples. What happened was that Jesus had just finished telling the disciples that He was going to be crucified. The disciples were Jews. They knew all about Elijah and Elisha. They knew that Elisha inherited Elijah's ministry when Elijah was glorified. They were saying to Jesus, we want the same thing. Elisha inherited Elijah's ministry and we would like to inherit yours when you are glorified. So we are going to take a spiritual understanding of the word mother, which is Leviathan. Can anyone tell us who the father of mortal men is if the mother is Leviathan? Yes, Satan is the father and Leviathan is the mother of mortal men. So if we're going to take a esoteric meaning of the word mother, we should take a esoteric meaning of Zebedee's children. Now this gets confusing because we know that two of Jesus' disciples were the physical children of Zebedee. But brethren, this is a hidden message. It's not suppose to be easy to dig out the truth. The meaning of Zebedee is the "gift of God" the children who are the gift of God.


So all of the disciples who were the gift of God to Israel and to humanity, when they heard that Jesus was going to be crucified, was saying, oh wow, I'm going to inherit this great ministry. I'm going to have Jesus' power. I'm going to have this wisdom. I'm going to have this knowledge. I'm going to be a great one in the earth. Jesus knew that this kind of pride was laying them wide open for Satan to destroy them. It was all of the disciples, not just two. There was no physical mother or two physical sons of Zebedee. It was all of them and Jesus perceived their thoughts. I don't think they even spoke it out loud. That was their reaction to Jesus telling them about the crucifixion; that they would become great. Now listen brethren (those of us who are in this program to have our sin nature exposed) you have to understand that Satan thinks through you. When you hear thoughts like this in your own mind, you should not hide them because they are Satan's thoughts. You have to face them and repent and burn them. I hear outrageous thoughts in my mind, much too frequently to make me happy. But I know that those thoughts arose in my mind and I just ask the Lord to forgive me and I burn them and I pray the exact opposite. If you're not hearing outrageous thoughts in your mind, then you're in denial or you're blinded. You're either not open to spiritual communication, which means you're blinded or you hear it and you're in denial.


Brethren, you have to overcome your pride because it's a good thing to hear these outrageous thoughts. It means that you're deep into the judgment. It means that your ears are opened to the spirit world, that you're hearing Satan's plots and that you're cutting her off at the pass. What does that mean? Listen brethren, let's say Satan arises in your mind and wants to make you a great one. Leviathan is thinking through you, that she wants to make you a great one and you don't hear those thoughts because you're blind or you're in denial; then Leviathan starts to control your behavior. Satan gives you the thoughts and then Leviathan starts to control your behavior. Satan gives Leviathan all of her thoughts. Thought starts with Satan in the unconscious part of the mind and arises into the subconscious part of the mind, which is Leviathan. You may not even be aware of what you are doing to bring these desires to pass. If you're blind or if you're in denial, Satan and Leviathan will move to bring their desires to pass in your life. I'll tell you right now, Jesus is not going to fight with you to get you to turn around and fight with Satan and Leviathan. You have to turn around and fight with Satan and Leviathan and Jesus will assist you. So if you can't hear these thoughts, that means you are a controlled person in that area. Can you hear this?


That means you are a controlled person in that area and you can go forth with behavior that will be obvious to everybody except you; that you are in competition with the preacher, that you are in competition with the preacher over the members of the congregation that you would like to raise up as your own disciples, that you would like to take something from that ministry that doesn't belong to you to use for your own ministry and everybody knows it except you. You're obvious to everybody except yourself, because if you're blind, you're really blind. The best thing that could happen to you, if you're in that condition, is that you will have a pastor who will expose your true motives to you. When someone with a right motive exposes your true motives to you, that cuts off Satan at the pass. It's the mercy of God to expose ungodly motives that are operating in you. But it cannot go on forever. Eventually we all have to start to see into our own heart and to confront Satan and Leviathan in our own heart. So any teacher that you have or any pastor that you have, is just assisting you, is breathing for you, until you can start to breathe. He's seeing for you until you are delivered from your blindness. He's fighting for you until you overcome your passivity and your denial. But eventually, we all have to do it for ourselves.


Pastors who are revealing your sins are like physical therapists, moving your fingers, moving your legs and saying, function, function, function. There is an enemy in the midst of you that seeks to destroy your inheritance in Christ Jesus, that seeks to destroy Christ in you and possess you. A lot of people get upset at that word; possession. But we are all possessed. You have to understand that we are all possessed. The personality cannot survive on its own. Either we are possessed by Satan and Leviathan or we're possessed by Christ Jesus. Satan and Leviathan, the carnal mind, are good and evil. You do not have to be a serial killer to be possessed by Satan and Leviathan, but you have to be possessed by somebody. In this dispensation, in this hour, nobody is being born possessed by Jesus, so we're all possessed by Satan and Leviathan. The exposure of our sin nature is for the purpose of assisting us in transferring over to become the property of Christ Jesus because that's all we are; property. We, the personality, and this physical body cannot exist without a husband and we are the property of our husband. That's a hard word for people in this prosperous nation to accept. But in due season, this truth will be revealed and to the faithful first. This truth will be revealed to the faithful first; the people, who to the best of their ability, are loving and serving Jesus. This truth will be revealed so that they can truly become the property of Christ Jesus and a full expression of Him; a righteous man. Against righteous men, there is no law. Even the law of sin and death cannot touch them. Praise God.


Well, I went ahead of myself, but I'll just read you my notes. Verse 20; Then came to him the mother of Zebedee's children with her sons, worshiping him and desiring a certain thing of him. This verse follows the request of the mother of Zebedee's children that her two sons sit on the right and left hand side of Jesus in His kingdom. The King James Translation suggests that the physical mother of James and John, the physical children of Zebedee, was seeking special privileges for her sons and that the other ten remaining disciples were indignant that the two disciples should seek special privileges or that their mother should seek it for them. But we will see as this translation develops, that all the disciples were indignant, not towards two of their rank, but towards Jesus who told them about the two judgments which precede the rise unto perfection. He didn't tell them about the two judgments; He just told them about the White Throne Judgment. I suggest to you that it was not the physical mother of the sons of Zebedee who spoke on behalf of her physical sons, but that it was Leviathan, the disciple's spiritual mother, who spoke through all of the disciples. If we are using the esoteric meaning of mother, why not use the esoteric meaning of Zebedee which is "gift of God." All of Jesus' disciples received Christ, Jehovah's gift to Israel and to all of mortal mankind. Whoever receives Jehovah's gift becomes Jehovah's gift to everyone else. Christ Jesus is the mediator. You cannot receive Jehovah's gift, which is Christ and keep it for yourself. So the more of Christ that you receive, the more is required of you to submit to God that He might use your members for His own purposes, whatever those purposes might be. That means His purposes, not our idea of His purposes.


This is verse 20; We're translating the word, Cain, to approach. We're translating the mother as Leviathan and the children as the gift of God. That's an interpretation of Zebedee. The English word, with, can be translated in the midst of. I've amplified the word, Satan. This is what we've got for verse 20. Then Leviathan, the mother of the children who God gave as a gift to humanity, desiring to marry Abel in the midst of her sons, approached Satan and worshiped Satan. You see, we pretty much got this revelation when we did Samson. I don't recall if it was the message entitled Samson and Delilah. I think it was Samson and the Foxes. In that message study we found Satan threatening to marry Leviathan to the sons of Israel. The mother and father that generated a mortal man is in the midst of them; Satan and Leviathan. Also, Cain and Abel is in the midst of all mortal men. Leviathan is seeking to marry Cain and Abel. What is another name for Cain and Abel in the fallen man? Does anybody know? What form is Cain and Abel in, in fallen man? Yes, the Fiery Serpent. Cain and Abel have been captured by the Dragon and covered with earth and engraved with the Dragon's nature and they're known as the Fiery Serpent. Now the Fiery Serpent is the spiritual maiden. She's in the parables of the Scripture. She's usually called the daughter. Whenever you see the word, daughter, with no personal name associated with it, it's very possible that the Scripture (you have to check out the whole verse or a series of verses) it's a very real possibility that the Scripture is talking about the Fiery Serpent; the hidden meaning of daughter. She's the daughter of Satan and Leviathan. She's a young maiden and she is of marriageable age today, in this hour, and in the new age that we're coming into.


See, we're coming into two new ages. In the Dragon's world, we're coming into the Age of Aquarius. We're also coming into the New Age of Christ Jesus. I don't have any further name for it at this time, other than to say it's the age that will never end. It's the time of love for mortal humanity. The Fiery Serpent is the spiritual sexual organ of all mortal men. Whether you're physically male or physically female, you have a Fiery Serpent that is your spiritual sexual organ and she is female to Leviathan, but the Fiery Serpent is also male to us; the part of us that we know to be the personality. The Fiery Serpent is male to us, but she is female to Leviathan and Leviathan is seeking to marry her, but Christ Jesus is also seeking to marry her. The mortal man (that's you and me, a whole man) the mortal man where their Fiery Serpent marries Leviathan, will ascend and become a supernatural man with the Dragon's image. But the mortal man, where the Fiery Serpent marries Christ Jesus, will ascend and become a supernatural man in the image of Jesus Christ. This is what the Scripture talks about when it speaks about two resurrections; one unto righteousness and one unto damnation. The Scripture says to experience damnation is to ascend into the crown energy center of Leviathan's timeline and be engraved with the Dragon's nature at that level of spiritual power. It is damnation. That's what the Scripture says.


Alternate Translation: Matthew 20:20; Then Leviathan, the mother of the children who God gave as a gift to humanity, desiring to marry Abel in the midst of her sons (I'm going to have to read this over and decide whether to leave it Abel or the Fiery Serpent) desiring to marry the Fiery Serpent in the midst of her sons, approached Satan and worshiped Satan. I think the reason that I amplified Abel rather than the Fiery Serpent is that in this account, Cain and Abel are addressed separately. Verse 21, King James Translation: And he said unto her, what wilt thou? She saith unto him, grant that these my two sons may sit, the one on thy right hand and the other on the left in thy kingdom. Please note that there is no personal name in this verse at all. Whenever you read a verse in any translation that does not supply a personal name, you have to ask the Lord who the subject of the verbs are. In the Alternate Translation I do the best that I can to always amplify a personal noun for each subject, to the best of my ability, as the Spirit of Revelation rests upon me. Otherwise it's just up for grabs. Now of course, you can pray about your own readings as you read them, but a lot of people have no idea how to even begin to guess what the personal names should be. So I do the best I can to put myself before the Lord and insert what I believe to be the appropriate name so that, at least, you can have a jumping off point to pray about.


Verse 21 King James; And he said unto her what wilt thou? She saith unto him, grant that these, my two sons may sit, the one on thy right hand and the other on the left in thy kingdom. Gesenius #8040 in his Hebrew and Chaldean Lexicon of the Old Testament says this concerning the left and right hand. The left side, the north, the left hand and side to have been so called from being covered because of its being wrapped up in the outer garment thrown over the left shoulder. The right hand on the contrary was called right because it was given as the pledge of faithfulness and promises. Gesenius says further at #3225 concerning the right hand, that the right side signifies the south and that the concept of standing on the right hand of anyone is for the purpose of aiding him. We would expect the one who stands on the right side to aid us to be masculine, yet the right hand is more often feminine than masculine in the Hebrew and the Greek Lexicon which announces no masculine usage of the word, whatsoever, and says that the right hand is the hand that grasps or takes and is therefore feminine. Although the Hebrew says that the right hand is feminine, the Hebrew significance that's applied to the right hand is that it is a right hand of power.


I have to tell you that I read something not too long ago that said the Hebrew shekinah (which I believe at this time, is the ascended Adam, what I would be calling King Adam) is what the shekinah is in the Old Testament. That's my opinion, that it's the regenerated Adam together with the Spirit of the Glorified Man that raised him. I would call it King Adam or in the New Testament, I would say King Christ. That shekinah is feminine. I looked it up and I couldn't believe it was feminine. So I went into the Hebrew Lexicon and I found out that it's true; it's feminine. I couldn't understand that. I put it before the Lord and I have found the answer to my question. The shekinah glory, which is the Lord of the Old Testament is indeed feminine, feminine in relation to Jehovah, not feminine towards mankind, the ones that she is sent to minister to. I know that in our esoteric studies, I have found scriptures that have indicated that Adam is the nurse that is raising up sons on behalf of Jehovah. King Adam is the shekinah. That's my revelation. I even thought at the time when I first saw that revelation, that Adam was the nurse. To me that was such a female role although we do have male nurses today in this country. It was a nurse that was bringing up children and I thought how unusual for Adam to be in such a female role. But I now understand that Adam is the nurse of Jehovah's children and that he is female to Jehovah, but male to us and that is how the Scripture portrays it.


So we see that the Hebrew does say that the right hand, who is sent to assist us is female or of the feminine gender, yet to say that someone is sent to assist us is a verb of strength. So what the Scripture is really saying is that Jehovah's wife, the spiritual being that He sent to raise up His spiritual children is female, but she is very powerful because she is Jehovah's right hand. However, when we look at the term, right hand, in the Greek Lexicon, the definition of right hand shows no strength whatsoever, but says that the right hand is the one that grasps, therefore making the female needy. Now the Hebrew says the right hand gives assistance, but the Greek says, no, the right hand takes. I tell you, once again, that the English translation of the New Testament, which was written in Aramaic, translated into Latin, translated into Greek and then translated into English, is not at all accurate. Granted that it has given a lot of people power, that it has brought a lot of people to the Lord Jesus Christ. Granted that the English New Testament, the King James and the sister versions, that we have here, have done a lot of good for a lot of people, but you cannot, in my opinion, go onto spiritual maturity in Christ with the translation of the Greek testament that we have as the New Testament in this country. So there are only two ways that I know of to get the truth of the New Testament. I would have to study it in the Aramaic, which I cannot do because as far as I know, there is no Aramaic with Strong's numbers and I don't speak the language. The method the Lord has given me to unlock the New Testament is to apply the esoteric symbols that the Lord has taught me during twenty years of study in the Old Testament. We've brought forth a lot of symbols and when I apply those symbols to the New Testament translation of the Greek, we find very exciting messages coming forth from the New Testament.


I tell you that many elements of the church are waiting for the Jews to recognize Jesus as Messiah. But they will never recognize Jesus as Messiah until the true message is presented. The Jews that know the Scripture will never come to the Lord. There are a lot of Jews that have come to the Lord, but they're not practicing Jews. Jewry at large, will not come to the Lord until the New Testament lines up with what they know to be the Scripture. They don't call it the Old Testament, but what they know to be the Scripture. For years I heard this and I said, well, I was told the New Testament talks about Jesus and it's all about Messiah and they cannot see that the New Testament has to do with the Old Testament. But now as the Lord is starting to unlock the mysteries of the New Testament to us, I see, how aside from the fact that Christianity claims that Jesus is the Messiah, there's really nothing of the New Testament that lines up with the Old Testament. There are some principles like the marriage and sons coming forth. I see those principles in the Old Testament, but the New Testament is not written from a Jewish point of view and the average Jew cannot see the connection between the two works. We have the privilege of unlocking the mysteries of the New Testament, of applying the esoteric symbols of the Old Testament to it and to bring forth some very exciting translations, that are true translations of the New Testament that can be related to the Old Testament. So this is an open door for Jewish people to say maybe, maybe, there's some truth in this.


Well, I went ahead of myself again, so I'm just going to read you my notes. I may be repeating myself. The mystery of the right hand is solved when we understand that the left and right hand is speaking about Jehovah's hands. Adam is Jehovah's right hand and his source of blessing and assistance to the people. Adam is female to Jehovah, but male to Abel; Christ in the personality. Satan is Jehovah's left hand, His hand of judgment. The left hand according to the Greek Lexicon means a good omen because the Greeks consider the left hand lucky. But we know that the left hand is Satan. So we see that once again the Greek usage does not line up with the esoteric understanding of the Hebrew language. The New Testament was written in Aramaic, translated into Latin, then Greek, and then English. There are only two ways that I know of to arrive at the true understanding of the New Testament and that is either to study it in the original language or apply the esoteric symbols which we have learned from our studies in the Hebrew Old Testament.


We're translating verse 21 now. The word sit, we're translating to marry. That's a Hebraic usage. The word two, we're translating second. The word one, we're translating united with or united. The Greek word translated on, can be translated the beginning. Right, we're translating as blessing. The word hand, is not in the Greek. It's just the word, right, and we're translating that as blessing. The word, and, we're translating because. And; we're translating as because. There's the same Greek word that we translated as one before, but I don't know how it was translated in the King James. I didn't write it down, but we're translating it, united with, again. Then we have that Greek word translated on, once again, which means the beginning. I see that I messed up my notes here. I see what I did. Okay, the word left, we're translating as Satan. In the previous verses, Jesus told the disciples that He was about to be crucified and Leviathan arose in the disciples to ask Satan for Jesus' power when Jesus left the earth plane. Elisha had a very different reaction when Elijah was about to be glorified. You know, I don't even think the disciples said anything to Jesus. I think He perceived their thoughts, that that was their reaction to His telling them that He was going to be glorified. Their reaction was not, oh praise God, the world's going to be saved or how exciting for you, Lord Jesus, that you're going to be glorified or how wonderfully this will affect humanity and that we'll be able to go forth and heal all the people.


They were thinking of themselves, that they would become powerful men. What that means is that they were still carnal. They were not thinking with the mind of Christ. That's what that means. Christ doesn't think those things. Christ would think the things that I just said; how wonderful for you Lord Jesus, how wonderful for Israel, how wonderful for the world. But Leviathan, the carnal mind, thinks about self. Jesus knew about Leviathan's negotiation with Satan who was looking for some legal ground to destroy the disciples. So Jesus headed off Satan by exposing Leviathan within His disciples. Satan said to Leviathan, what do you want? Leviathan said to Satan, grant me permission to marry Abel, my second son within the disciples, who is united with Christ, the beginning of Jehovah's blessing to humanity because Cain within the disciples is united with me, Leviathan, the beginning of Satan's kingdom of darkness. So it's really hidden here, that Cain and Abel are one; they're really the Fiery Serpent. Leviathan is saying, I have just as much a right to marry the Fiery Serpent as Christ has to marry the Fiery Serpent. Christ has claims on Abel, says Leviathan, and I have claims on Cain. I have just as much right as Christ has to marry the Fiery Serpent. So Satan, give me the power to kill Christ so that I could marry the Fiery Serpent. That's what this is all about. Of course, as far as the second son goes, we know that Cain was the first born and Abel was the second born and that they were both born of Leviathan. Cain and Abel are the mortal remains of the immortal Adam.


Some immortals can never die and some immortals can die. The immortals that are pure spirit can never die. Spirit cannot be destroyed. But immortals that are spirit mixed with the dust or mixed with the earth, they can die because the earth can be corrupted and destroyed. Any being that is formed from the earth can be an immortal that is capable of dying. That sounds like a contradiction, yet it is true. Adam was an immortal; he was spirit and dust and he was immortal, but yet he died. Adam was immortal because the spirit side of himself was connected to the immortal Godhead. When that connection was broken, the dust side of Adam disintegrated and He died. He didn't cease to exist; he died to his immortality and he became Cain and Abel, the mortality of this world. Cain and Abel became the Fiery Serpent and the Fiery Serpent is immortal. The Fiery Serpent is immortal, but it is the earthen side of the Fiery Serpent that is not immortal.


See, I don't know if I made that clear. Let me try again. Adam was made from spirit and the dust of the earth. He had an immortal side and a mortal side. The spirit that was within Adam was Elohim. Elohim cannot die. But the formation of the dust can die. By way of example, if you have the dust formed as a duck, the duck can cease to exist when you smash the earthen formation. The spiritual root does not die. The earthen formation of the spiritual root dies. Adam died to his existence as Adam the son of God. But his spiritual root continued and the spiritual root was Abel, Jehovah's royal seed. Although that spiritual root was broken off from the immortal Godhead, that spiritual root, Abel, is still immortal. But the earthen formation around that spiritual root, not only died, but dies from generation to generation. Abel, the immortal root keeps appearing in the earth with a new formation of the dust side of himself; a new personality and a new physical body. So we see that it's the earthen formation that dies. The spiritual root does not die. Spirit cannot die. We die to the visible formation. So Adam died to his existence as a glorious son of God and his mortal remains are appearing today as a spiritual entity known as the Fiery Serpent, which is engraved with the Dragon's evil nature. The earthen side of that spiritual being changes from generation to generation. The earthen side of that spiritual being dies from generation to generation. It gets very complicated. Maybe I should put it on the board for you.


At the board: I'm going to do the best I can to explain this to you. What I'm trying to show you is that you can be immortal and still die. There is a level or a grade of immortality that can die. I'm displaying Adam as a parallelogram. He has Jehovah's nature and His formation is permanent. He is immortal. He doesn't change. He's always a parallelogram. The squares within the parallelogram signify Abel or spirit and the circles signify the dust. Just by way of review, Adam is the collective consciousness of all of the sperm of Jehovah's spiritual seminal fluid that is mixed with the dust. Adam is the dustman. Jehovah breathed Elohim into Adam. Elohim is Jehovah's spiritual seminal fluid; water and many seeds. Another way to say it is, my body is made up of trillions of cells, but yet you look at me and I'm one whole. Adam is one whole. You might look at him as an ovary. He's one whole ovary, but filled with many seeds. These are the seeds of Elohim, Jehovah's spiritual seminal fluid. Adam always looks the same way. Adam is immortal, but he is capable of dying and he did, in fact, die. Now Abel, the squares within Adam, the seeds of Jehovah's spiritual seminal fluid, can never die. They are immortal seeds. The only thing that changes is the dust that they're mixed with. The immortal seed is invisible. The dust that they're mixed with can be formed into different shapes. So it is not the immortal seed that changes, but it is the dust that changes. So when Adam dies, he dies to Jehovah's nature and his immortal parts. Jehovah's royal seeds continue to exist.


But the dust part changes from a parallelogram to a triangle. Of course, that is symbolic to say Adam changes from a parallelogram to a triangle; a symbolic way of showing the change of nature from Jehovah's nature to the dragon's nature. It's the same squares. Abel is still typified by a square. All of the Abels are still immortal. But the dust that the Abels are mixed with have changed form from a parallelogram to a triangle. When Adam exists in his immortality, this parallelogram is permanent. It does not die and have to be reborn again. He exists always in this formation of a parallelogram. But once Adam dies to his immortality, what changes is the formation of the dust. The Abels, the immortal seeds don't change. They are Jehovah's royal seed and they always will be Jehovah's royal seed. The dust that they're mixed with changes formation from a parallelogram to a triangle. But Jehovah's royal seed is still mixed with the dust and the transition from a parallelogram to a triangle is just another way of saying that Adam died to Jehovah's nature and the immortal seed and the dust are now formed in the dragon's nature. That's what the shift from the parallelogram to the triangle signifies. Now once again, Adam is immortal. That means his formation never changed from when he was, in the days before his fall. Of course, Adam is resurrected today in the form of the Lord Jesus. His formation will never change. But of course, the Lord Jesus, today, can never die. The purpose of this board is to show you that you can be immortal and die.


Adam was immortal because he consisted of Jehovah's immortal seed. Jehovah's immortal seed was connected to the immortal Godhead. The dust that was cleaving to Jehovah's royal seed reflected Jehovah's nature. It never changed. It did not go to sleep at night and wake up in the morning. It did not die and then reincarnate. That's what it looked like; Adam's parallelogram. But Adam died to Jehovah's nature and he exists in another form. Adam did not cease to exist. He died to Jehovah's nature. The Scripture calls Adam's present form Adam's mortal remains. We see in this fallen condition the dust is now shaped in the Dragon's nature, signified by a triangle. The mortal remains of Adam is called the Fiery Serpent. We see that Abel, the squares, of Jehovah's royal seed still exist, but that the dust has taken on a personal name. See, in Adam's parallelogram, it's just dust. But in the fallen mortal remains, the dust is taking on a personal name of Cain. Cain, the animal nature and the dust, have separated from Jehovah's nature in the immortal seed. The woman who was silent in Adam's parallelogram has now spoken and has declared herself to be independent of her husband. The woman formed from the dust, called Cain, is now no longer in sync with her husband, Adam, and is continuously resisting Abel, who Jehovah set up over Cain.


So we see that the fallen remains of Adam, that have the Dragon's nature, has entered into a whole new world, where you die and you are born again on a regular basis. It's called reincarnation. Jehovah's royal seed is still immortal and that royal seed never dies, but its nature can be changed. We see that Jehovah's royal seed has been engraved with the Dragon's nature, but Jehovah's royal seed can never die. Yet, the dust covering it (and I have that up here) Abel, the mortal root is surrounded by the dust, Cain. For the people listening to the tape, I'm now pointing to the upper right hand side of the board. This is the condition of Abel in his fallen condition surrounded by a particle of dust. In incarnation, that royal seed surrounded by dust, multiplies. It becomes an embryo and a fetus and eventually it's born as a spiritual triangle, as a human being with the Dragon's nature. But the main significance of what I'm trying to tell you is that Adam was immortal because his immortal root, all of the Abels, was joined to the household of God in heaven and he was immortal. But you see he was not immortal on his own recognizance. He was not immortal because he was righteous. Adam was immortal because he was joined to righteousness. But today, the Lord Jesus Christ is immortal because He is a righteous man. When your immortality or your righteousness depends upon somebody else, you can lose it. If you lose contact with that person, you lose it.


Of course, today, we are in a similar condition to that which Adam was in before the fall. We are righteous because of Jesus Christ. But if we lose contact with Jesus Christ, we lose our righteousness. If we come out from under His cover, we lose our righteousness. We are not righteous in our own right. Therefore, those of us who have life can die to whatever measure of life that we have. The significance of what I'm trying to tell you is that in Jehovah's immortality, you do not die and then have to be born again. You do not go to sleep and have to wake up again, which is another way of expressing reincarnation. This is the formation and you keep it and you stay in it. But Adam was held up by Elohim. You're going to hear me using a new word because I've told you many times I don't know what to call some of these elements of the Godhead. I had a recognition that there are different grades or different levels of the Godhead. There's Jehovah and there's Elohim, and Elijah. I've told you all this, but sometimes I get to a place where I don't know what to call them. So I'm going to be calling the part of Elohim that's beyond the earth and creation, the part of Elohim that's still connected to Jehovah, the Supernal Elohim. Supernal just means heaven; the part of Elohim that's in heaven that can never die. The Supernal Elohim, the part of Himself that's in heaven, that can never die. But Jehovah breathed a breath, a part of Elohim, into the dust. That dust, that breath of Elohim, that breath of life, was captured by Satan and for all intents and purposes, died.


So Adam was immortal, but he could die to his immortality because he was not immortal in his own right. His immortality depended upon the Supernal Elohim, who was in heaven above and connected to Jehovah, who can never be disconnected from Jehovah and who can never die. Adam was caught between or was balancing between the Supernal Elohim, who was above, who could never die, and the dust that he was joined to, who was below him. The Supernal Elohim above him was positive and the dust below him, which was connected to the primordial serpent, was negative. Apparently, Adam fell down far enough into the negative planes of existence, that he disconnected from his anchor; from the Supernal Elohim and he died to his immortality. I'm going to say it again. You can die to your immortality (if you are immortal because of a union with immortality) but when you, yourself, are immortal through righteousness, no man can take it from you.


So we see that Adam died, but he did not cease to exist. He died to his righteousness, he died to Jehovah's nature, he died to his immortality and Adam has mortal remains. All that happened was that the Abels in the dust reformed. They reformed into the Dragon's nature and now they're under the Dragon's law. Adam was under the law of life and now we're under the law of sin and death and under the law of sin and death we have day and night. People are born; they live and they die. All the Adams, all the immortal roots, are born. The dust that they're attached to that's formed as a baby; it's born, the baby lives its life and it dies. The dust dies. The formation of the dust dies. The immortal root doesn't die. You cannot destroy spirit. You can't even destroy the dust, the dust is reformed. Here I show you the dust reformed back into Adam again. The immortal root is reformed back into Adam. The squares are all the Abels. The immortal root never ceases to exist, but can die to Jehovah's nature and can also die to the Dragon's nature. We know the dust as Cain. Ever since the dust became independent and started thinking different thoughts than Jehovah's immortal seed, the dust took on a personal name; Cain. Cain is reformed over and over again when Abel is disconnected from Jehovah, the only true immortality. Are there any questions about this?


See, we all have an immortal root. But the immortal root right now is captured by the dragon; captured by the Dragon and subject to the laws of the Dragon's universes, which is night and day. You're born and you die. The immortal root, Abel, is born and he dies. He's born and he dies. He's born and he dies. As soon as he's getting it together in this world, he dies and he has to be born again as a baby and learn how to talk and walk and do it all over again. Pretty much the only reason that humanity is progressing to the degree that it's progressing is that we have reading and writing and the ability to record the things that we learn, because everybody dies. The great minds of humanity; they die. But they leave their knowledge as a legacy and the new people, the new children and the new human beings that are come into the world, study and then go on from there. That's why humanity is going forward. But Abel is trapped, you see. He's trapped under the law of sin and death. He has to keep being born again over and over and over again. If you want to get a good idea of what that's like from God's point of view, there was a very good movie that I saw called Groundhog Day. It made the point excellently. But this is not Jesus' plan. This is not Jehovah's plan. Are there any questions about this, at all?


This is Drawing #2. I tried to show you what the Lord has taught me recently about the levels of the Godhead. I've told you many times that frequently I was at a loss for a name when I wanted to express to you a particular manifestation of God. I was at a loss for words and this is what the Lord has shown me. There are ten levels to the Godhead. The first three levels are unknowable. They are the expressions of the Godhead that produced Jehovah who was the Creator of what we know to be the worlds. I hope that you understand that there is only one God and this one God is the Unknowable, so high that we could not even relate to Him or see Him. He sends forth aspects of Himself that descend lower and lower into the earth so that there are manifestations or aspects of Himself that relate to us as men. But there's just one God. Depending upon the level that He is manifesting towards us on, He takes different names as He manifests Himself to us on different levels. The principle is in the Scripture. Abraham was in one spiritual condition and his spiritual condition changed and his name was changed to Abraham. That's the principle that's operating here. This is how the Lord helps us to understand Him because He's not understandable. We're not capable of understanding Him, so this is the parable form that He has given us, so that we can even have a hope of understanding what He's all about. His purpose is that He wants to relate to us. That's His intention. He wants to relate to us. It's like us trying to talk to an ant. How do you talk to an ant and have them hear what you're saying? So that's the purpose of this, but there's only one God. When we say that He exists, it's not even that there are many levels of God, but that God exists or appears to us on many levels. It's God appearing on many levels; the same God appearing on many levels as He ascends deeper and deeper into the earth.


So Jehovah is the Creator and underneath Him is Elohim. That's Jehovah's arm; that's the part of Himself that He stretches forth. Then we have Adam, Jehovah's hand. As you see over here, Jehovah never descends. The Supernal Elohim that is connected to Jehovah, who is connected to the Unknowable never descends. There is a Supernal Michael. Michael is the name of the seed part of Elohim. Elohim is waters, energy and seed. As of now, I have never seen the Lord speak to me or show me any personal name for His energy. As far as I could see, there is no personal name for the Lord's energy. It's the power of God as opposed to the consciousness of God and the consciousness of God does have a personal name. The consciousness of God, the seed part of Elohim is Michael. There is a Supernal Michael, that is a part of the Supernal Elohim that never descends. I don't know whether you remember it or not, but about four or five years ago, I was teaching that Elohim died. Some people here were a little upset over it and I couldn't understand it myself, but I knew that was what I was seeing in my studies.


I didn't understand at that time, that there was a Supernal Elohim, an Elohim that never leaves the heavenlies and then Elohim's breath, that was breathe into the dust. It was Elohim's breath that was breathe into the creation that died. That, of course, is the next level. Elohim's breath is Michael. That's the consciousness of Elohim plus the water or the energy that was breathed into the dust. Adam was formed from the dust and he had no life in him. Elohim's breath was breathed into him and Adam became a living soul. Adam is dust plus Elohim's breath and he can die to Jehovah's nature if he's overcome by the nature of the dust, which is what happened to Adam. We are, today, in a very similar position that Adam was in except that Adam was righteous. Adam was already connected to Jehovah. We are trying to become reconnected to Jehovah. So we have it harder. On the one hand we have it harder than Adam had it, but on the other hand, we have it better than Adam had it because we have the Lord Jesus who keeps picking us up every time we fall. So I'm not going to go any further with that either.


Michael is the name of Elohim's seed when Elohim's seed is dominating the dust. Michael, not the Supernal Michael, but Michael in the earth, can die to Jehovah's nature. Abel is the name of Michael when he is dominated by the dust and he is dead to Jehovah's nature. Now the Lord just gave me this, so the prior drawing is not accurate where I said Abel. Up in the upper left corner, before Adam died; that should be Michael up there. I hope you know the Lord teaches me as we go along. I spent the whole day yesterday trying to perfect an on-line meeting transcript, Michael and Christ, Abraham's Seed. Now I'm going to have to go back in there before we publish it and make a couple of changes because this is how the Lord teaches me. It could just take me days or sometimes weeks or months to get it right and even now I don't know that it's right. I don't know that He'll come to me a month later and give me another correction. But the Lord does not sit down and instruct me like I'm instructing you. I sort of have to follow my nose and as I work it out and I teach, the truth just dawns on me. That is the Spirit of Revelation at work.


So I've been teaching you up until now that Adam is the collective consciousness of all the Abels. Now the Lord has just corrected that. Adam is the collective consciousness of Michael, all of the seeds. Michael is all of the seeds of Elohim's spiritual seminal fluid. They only become Abel when all of the children, Jehovah's royal seed, die to Jehovah's nature. Michael, once he's breathed into the earth of the dustman, can die. When Adam dies to his immortality, when Adam dies to Jehovah's nature, all the seeds that he's made of, which are Michael, die to Jehovah's nature and they become Abel. Cain and Abel are the mortal remains of Adam. Michael is the collective name of all the seeds that are in Jehovah's nature in the earth. Is everybody okay? Does anyone want to ask me anything? This is a major revelation the Lord is bringing forth; a major revelation. I don't know how we got into this from the message today, but we got into it. So if there are no corrections, we'll just break for dinner and we'll go back to our original message.


Praise the Lord. We're back from dinner and I'm not really sure where I left off when the Lord brought in that whole exhortation on Michael. It's very interesting to see what the Lord does. That subject matter of Michael comes from an on-line meeting transcript that I worked on all day yesterday. That wasn't the first day I worked on it. I've been working on that OLM making the transcript read right, for several days now. The reason the Lord broke through into this message was that He wanted to give me a piece of information that He wanted woven into the OLM before we sent it out. So that's what that was all about. It's just so interesting to see how the Lord works and it's such a blessing to know that you're not in a box, to know that the Lord is fluid and that He flows and that He has purposes. It is essential that we know this. He has purposes that are higher than anything we could ever imagine. That's why it's so important that we yield to Him because we don't understand what He's doing. This is the truth for all authority. This is why rebellion is such a serious sin of pride that tries to make decisions for the authority. This is why it is so serious because the person who's under the authority just doesn't have the whole picture, so you're not at all even qualified to make a decision. To try to make yourself an authority over the authority is destructive to everybody under the authority and destructive to the purposes of God because you don't even know what His purpose is. Praise the Lord.


I'll pick up with the Alternate Translation of verse 21 on page 4. And Satan said to Leviathan, what do you want? Remember this is Leviathan in the disciples. I believe it was Leviathan in all twelve disciples and I also believe that they do not verbally speak, but this desire for power was in their thoughts and this is what was going on in their thoughts as they entertain the desire for this power, as they did not resist it and rebuke it and recognize it for what it was; their sin nature. This is what was happening on the subconscious plane. Leviathan, on the subconscious plane, within the disciples, went forth to Satan on the unconscious plane, within the disciples, and was making a negotiation. Now it's really important that we all understand that this really happens. It happens for you, it happens for me, it happens for everybody. Satan and Leviathan are alive and well on the subconscious and unconscious planes of existence within us. They're literally making plans for our lives. The Lord is calling us to be a police officer that puts out the hand and says, no. We're all trained. None of us are going to murder. None of us, I believe, would ever go out and commit adultery. None of us would go out and steal. People who are this dedicated to God; we're not going to do this. But there are layers and levels of sin that we do not understand is sin. So because we don't understand that it's sin, we are not resistant to it.


Everything I've been pounding into you for years now is designed to make you resistant to levels of sin that you never recognized before as sin, the levels of sin that you don't really hear spoken about in our society very much. So you have never heard of it before. But these levels of sin, although they may be acceptable to our society, will keep us from ascending into immortality and keep us from ascending into the ministry that the Lord has for us. Brethren, we are the gifts of God to the church, to Israel and to the world. We are Jesus' disciples today. We're reading about the disciples of Jesus in the flesh. Today, Jesus is glorified, but we're still His disciples. He's speaking through a spokesperson because He's an invisible Spirit right now. So He's speaking through me and whoever else He may be speaking through in the world. But everyone that's in a true discipleship ministry is Jesus' disciple. The reason I could say that is because His intentions towards us is the same as His intention was towards the twelve, to expose their sin nature and to help them to ascend into a place where they could do what He did. Jesus wants us to do what He did. The church is waiting for us. Israel is waiting for us. The world is waiting for us.


You know, when I stop to think how many years (as human beings recognize years) the Dragon's creation has existed, it boggles my mind. Up in heaven, we're just on the third day, in the world that's beyond space and time. Our world is space and time. But the world where Jehovah and where the Lord Jesus is right now is beyond space and time. It's only a few days since we fell into the pit. But I have reason to believe it's been trillions of years as man recognizes years. You know, a lot of people believe that Genesis 1:1 where it says, and in the beginning, was a reformation of the creation. A lot of people believe that that was not the beginning of time and space and that the Lord wiped out a previous creation. Well, I don't believe that the Lord wiped out a previous creation. I believe there is a truth to what the Hindus teach about the days and nights of Brahma. There is a period of creation and the Dragon (whatever name that would line up with the Hindu gods, probably Brahma) the Dragon rolls out creation; planets, worlds, universes, everything that we know of and they last for trillions of years. Then it's collapsed in the days and nights of Brahma. The whole creation is collapsed, disintegrates, and all the molecules that form the solid matter disintegrate into nothing. It's a period of rest that we can liken to the nighttime when we sleep. Then trillions of years go by and Brahma rolls out the creation again.


So how many times did that happen before Genesis 1:1? I don't know about you, but it absolutely boggles my mind. Does everybody understand what I said? I do not believe Jehovah wiped out a previous creation. We are caught up in the Dragon's world and in the Dragon's world, there is a spiritual day and night sequence, where in the daytime everything is awake and there's existence like we see today and in the nighttime everything gets flattened out like a sand castle. Everything gets flattened out. Creation and destruction likened to reincarnation on the level of the human being. This is what we're trapped in. We're trapped in this mess and right from the beginning of this creation anyway, Jehovah tried to put a stop to the Dragon's pattern.


I know the Lord showed me this and I don't know why I'm talking about all this tonight. But I think it's in Genesis 2:2. The Lord showed me where Jehovah's pattern was interfered with and the Dragon overtook creation again. Everything that's happening to us from that verse; I believe it's in Genesis 2 and I could probably show it to you if I had the king James here, but I don't. Everything that's happening is now in time and space. But in the beginning, within time and space, maybe even Jehovah was trying to roll out His creation in the midst of the Dragon's days and nights. I don't even know; it's just totally beyond me. The Dragon's world of time and space interfered with what Jehovah was doing because Adam fell prey to the Dragon's mind. This could be going on for quadrillions; I don't even know what the next word is. It's just mind boggling, totally mind boggling. But here we are at the end of the age and my Bible says that Jesus Christ will take the victory. I don't know what happened in past ages. I don't know what happened in past creations. I'm having enough trouble trying to figure out what's going on in this creation. I don't even have enough information about the previous races that existed on this planet and in this creation. I don't have any of that information. I probably couldn't cope with it at this time, anyway.


(End of tape 1)


Tape 2


What the Lord is teaching us here is designed to transport us out of this timeline; out of time and space into the eternal world of the Lord Jesus Christ. So we have to be very careful that we don't let studies, aside from what the Lord is teaching us, capture our time and our mind. Praise the Lord. I don't know where that came from. Satan said to Leviathan, what do you want? That's Satan in the disciples and Leviathan in the disciples, having this conversation. In the book of Daniel, when we translated Daniel Chapter 8, we came across scriptures that I think may even appear in the King James Translation, but it certainly was revealed in the Alternate Translation, that it must have been the Supernal Elohim talking to Michael. I'm not sure who it was, but someone was talking to somebody and Daniel was hearing this conversation in his head. Brethren, there are all kinds of beings that live inside of us. There are beings from the righteous timeline, the world of God and from the unrighteous timeline and they talk about us, just like parents talk about children who they think are sleeping. Sometimes the children are awake and they're listening to what their parents are saying; oh, we're going to move, etc. Mom and Dad are talking about us moving.


They lay plans for us. Satan and Leviathan lay plans for us, to trap us into thought patterns and behavior that will keep us trapped in this world. I want to tell you that no matter how good your life may be or aspects of your life may be, you and I have no way of knowing what true life is. We just don't know because we have no memory of it. But my Bible tells me that we're in hell, even concerning the parts of our life that are excellent; excellent to us because we don't know any better. So there are forces and there are beings planning our lives and this is the question; are we going to live out the rest of our temporal lives letting other ungodly beings plan our lives for us or are we going to stand up and face our sin nature and do whatever we have to do to have the Lord open our ears so that we can hear these plans being laid and demolish them and go on with God. I don't know about you, but I know what I'm doing and I know where I'm going. I don't even think I'm capable of being any other way. I've been like this all my life. I'm going with God and I'm going to face whatever I have to face and I know that in Him, I could take every victory. I'm looking forward to getting out of here. Of course, once we get out of here, we're not home free. We're going to be around fighting for other people for a long time.


I'll start again. And Satan said to Leviathan, what do you want? Leviathan said to Satan, grant me permission to marry Abel, my second son within the disciples, who is united with Christ at the beginning of Jehovah's blessing to humanity because Cain within the disciples is united with me, Leviathan, the beginning of Satan's kingdom of darkness. So Leviathan is complaining to Satan, I have just as much right to the Fiery Serpent. Remember the Fiery Serpent is Cain and Abel. They're really just one being; Cain and Abel. They've become a spiritual earth worm and Satan is the spiritual blood of that earth worm. They're engraved with the dragon's nature and Leviathan is saying, what is this Christ doing in these disciples? I know what He's up to. Christ intends to fight with you, Satan, and acquire your energy, your spiritual blood, and become Christ Jesus and marry this Cain and Abel, this Fiery Serpent. Then they're going to take over the whole man and make him a spiritual man. Leviathan is saying, I have just as much right to this man as Christ does. Christ is related to Abel, but I'm related to Cain and I'm asking you, Satan, to give me authority and power to overturn this Christ so that I can possess and control and dominate this man and not Christ Jesus. That's what this is all about in this one verse.


Verse 22, King James Translation; But Jesus answered and said, you know not what you ask. Are you able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with. And they say unto Him, we are able. Well brethren, that is a manifestation of pride right there. Brethren, you don't know that you are able until you've experienced what you think you're able to do. You might think that you're able, but until you experience it, you will never know whether or not you are able. Are any of you able to take my job? You don't know. Maybe you think you're not and maybe you're right, but maybe you think you're not able and maybe you are able. Maybe the Lord can train you up for my job. I don't know, but you don't know either. Nobody knows what you're able to do. You don't know.


So that's pride and that's the witness. See, Jesus tested them. He said, are you able and they said, yes, we're able. The whole time Jesus heard their thoughts. Their thoughts were that they were up to Jesus' job. But Jesus knew they were not up to His job. Why were they not up to His job? Because you cannot do Jesus' job when you're living out of your carnal mind. They were living out of their carnal mind. That answer, we are able, proved it. I know I'm not able to do anything that the Lord asks me to do. My prayer is I'm willing to do anything, if you help me to do it. I don't know that I could do anything. We learned from the message, The woman In The Well, that the esoteric meaning of, to drink, means to draw energy. A well is a deep hole in the earth and cup simply means container. A well signifies the energy of a mortal man and a cup signifies the energy of a spiritual man. Wells can dry up, but a container suggests an unlimited potential to be refilled.


This is the work-up of the Alternate Translation of verse 22. We're translating, not, as Leviathan. We're translating ask, to desire. We're translating cup as vessel. In this verse it will be Elijah who holds the power of God. The word shall, is Strong's #3195. It's not likely that you would see the word, shall, with its own Strong's number because shall is the part of a verb (shall what? shall go). That's the verb, to go. Shall be, that's the verb to be. Why would a separate Strong's number be assigned to the word, shall? Because the King James translators didn't know how to translate the word. That word, Strong's #3195 translated shall, means to permit. Now the words (and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with) that whole sentence is not in the Greek. Jesus' disciples understood that Jesus was about to be glorified and were asking to take over Jesus' ministry in the same way that Elisha took over Elijah's ministry. You see, these were Jewish men and they knew the Scripture. They knew that Jesus was an incarnation of Elijah. So they were thinking that they were incarnations of Elisha and they were expecting to do what Elisha did. I would like to read to you our Alternate Translation of 2 Kings Chapter 2 verses 1 thru 6, the account of Elijah, so that you can see the radical difference between Elisha and Jesus' disciples. Jesus' disciples were filled with pride thinking that they were qualified to live His life and walk His walk, but not Elisha. Elisha had no pride. Elisha had faith. Elisha had a revelation of how dangerous it was for Elijah to leave him.


Elisha knew that he was standing, that he was walking above the power and authority of Satan and Leviathan only because Elijah was joined with him in his heart center. Elisha knew that he could fall when Elijah was taken from the earth. Of course, Elisha received Elijah's power. That humble man was saved from destruction. With all of Elisha's knowledge, he did not have the power to continue to keep Satan under his feet after Elijah was taken. But the Glorified Elijah came from heaven and saved him, came down from the invisible plane, strengthened him in a different way than when Elijah was in the flesh and Elisha was saved and Elisha didn't even take over Elijah's ministry, but had a ministry I think even more powerful than Elijah, if I'm not mistaken. But the disciples, first of all, weren't aware of the danger. They were all lifted up in pride saying, sure we could do it. They would have been knocked out in a second. The only reason Elijah came to save Elisha was because Elisha cried out for help. So apparently with all of the teaching that Jesus had done and of course, I don't know how much training these disciples had had at this time, because they didn't even understand the Doctrine of Christ. They didn't understand what could happen to them and they didn't understand what to do if it happened to them. They were totally unprepared. I wonder how many years Elisha was with Elijah. I really don't know, but I'd like to know. We know the disciples were only with Jesus for three years. That's not a very long time as you all know.


2 Kings Chapter 2 verses 1 thru 6; And the time came for Jehovah to restore Elijah to the scriptural world above the firmament, so Elijah departed from Elisha's heart center, but Elisha was still among the prophets. That means Elisha was still walking above Satan's authority even though Elijah departed from Elisha's heart center. Elijah said to Elisha, Jehovah is restoring me to the spiritual world above the firmament, so I urgently advise you to continue to dominate Leviathan after I pass over into the eternal timeline. Elisha humbled himself before Michael and the resurrected Adam, Elohim's household within Elijah, saying, Jehovah's life has preserved you, Elijah, and I am determined that the life I receive from Jehovah through you, Elijah, shall preserve my personality also. Michael came to Elisha saying, do you know that Jehovah will enclose Elijah, the one who controls Leviathan, the serpent's high priest within you, in a spiritual body today? Elisha said, yes, I Am has declared it and said no more. Look at how silent Elisha is. He's not speaking. He's not speaking. Elijah said, I urgently advise you to continue to dominate Leviathan after I pass over into the eternal timeline because Jehovah has appointed Leviathan and Satan to test you. You see, Elisha knew the Doctrine of Christ. Elijah was teaching it to him and Elisha knew about it. Elisha's response to Elijah was, Jehovah's life has preserved your personality and I am determined that the life I received from Jehovah, through you, shall preserve my personality, also. So Elisha knew that he was about to be tested.


The disciples apparently had no idea that Jesus' death and resurrection would be a testing for them. They didn't seem to know that. The serpent's daughter; I see it says here, Leviathan, but we now know it should be the Fiery Serpent. The daughter of the serpent is the Fiery Serpent, the false prophet. And the serpent's daughter, the Fiery Serpent, the false prophet, attacked Elisha by drawing near to Elisha to tempt him, saying, do you know that Jehovah will enclose Elijah, the one who controls Leviathan, the serpent's high priest within you, in a spiritual body today? Elisha said, yes, Jehovah has declared it and said no more. Elijah said to Elisha, I urgently advise you to continue to dominate Leviathan after I pass over into the eternal timeline because Jehovah has divorced me from Satan and Leviathan. Elisha said, Jehovah's life has preserved your personality and I am determined that the life I received from Jehovah, through you, shall preserve my personality, also, and Elisha continued to dominate Leviathan. The rest of the story I have not reproduced for you here. But the bottom line is that Elisha loses control. He has the presence of mind to cry out to Elijah's God to help him and he is helped from on high. That is the beginning of Elisha's supernatural ministry. Can anybody not see the difference between the attitude of Elisha and Jesus' disciples? I'll tell you something, brethren, a knowledge of what could go wrong in your life makes you a very humble man. I'll tell you, it makes you a very humble man. Praise the Lord.


Elijah knew that only Jehovah could preserve his life and that he had no power apart from Jehovah, but apparently Jesus' disciples had not learned that lesson yet, because they thought that they were equipped to take over Jesus' job. Alternate Translation, Matthew 20:22; But Jesus responded to His disciples, the children who are Jehovah's gift to humanity, saying, Leviathan knows what you desire, but are you able to drink from Elijah, the glorified vessel that I am permitted to drink from? You see, brethren, it could be very dangerous ingesting energy that you are not prepared to ingest. Jesus presented this concept in the parable of the wineskin. You see, the carnal mind could not receive the power of the Glorified Jesus Christ. It would kill us. That's why Christ must be formed in us and Christ must acquire Satan's energy and we have to have experience and practice at wielding the power of God at these lower grades down here. We're all waiting. Everybody here, I have to believe has Christ Jesus formed in them. So that means we're waiting for the Glorified Jesus Christ to join with Christ Jesus in us and preserve us.


Well, what's taking so long? Why doesn't Jesus just do it? Because Christ Jesus in us has to prepare us, the personality, to receive that level of energy. Energy could damage your body. I've told you all many times that people who ascend in the serpent's timeline frequently become physically and mentally ill. The personality cannot cope with the infusion of energy, so we are being introduced to increased amounts of energy slowly. First we read the Bible, then we get the Holy Spirit, then we receive Christ, then Christ becomes Christ Jesus, then you sit under the kind of anointing that comes out here, which is power being poured out on you and your tolerance for increased amounts of energy is building in you. So Jesus said to His disciples, do you think that you can drink from a glorified man like I do? Remember that the Lord just recently revealed to us here, the esoteric meaning of the term, to drink, when we did The Woman in the Well. That woman was the Fiery Serpent, who was drinking at the well of the man. The esoteric meaning of the word, well, is a human being. There's energy in all of us. We're all a container for energy.


That Fiery Serpent was going to that man to feed. That's a hard word. It's one of the harder words that I brought forth here, but there's not a doubt in my mind that's it's true. There are beings, other kinds of species, in other planes of consciousness and they feed off of us, just as we feed off of the cattle that are raised for food on this planet. That's a hard word, but it's the truth and I'm convinced of it. So Jesus is saying to His disciples, can you drink at Elijah's well? To put it in a very blunt carnal way, can you hold that kind of liquor? Can you drink without getting sick? Now someone is going to go and say, Sheila is telling everybody to drink. No, I'm just trying to relate this to some worldly situation so you can see it. Haven't you ever seen a movie of a young man stealing a cigarette? I saw a movie once; I think it was the Sullivan Boys and his father catches him and the way his father deals with it, he says, well, you don't want that stuff. You don't want that old cigarette; here have a cigar. He sticks a cigar in the kid's mouth and lights it and says, puff real deep. Now I'm not recommending you should do this; this was a movie that I saw. The boy got so sick that he didn't even think about smoking for the next ten years. Can you handle that? Can you handle having the Lord Jesus Christ plugged into you? Can you handle His thoughts pulsating through your mind? Can you handle His power that stirs up when He moves to change the material world around you? Do you know what it's like when you start up the engine of a car and the power turns over the engine. Could you tolerate that going on inside of you? Would your organs survive? Would your mind survive?


Jesus was telling His disciples, do you know what you're asking for? Can you really drink from a glorified Spirit? Obviously, these disciples were living out of their carnal mind. They could have been physically, mentally and intellectually damaged. Jesus says, can you drink from the vessel that I am permitted to drink from? You need permission to drink from the glorified man. For Jesus, it was the Glorified Elijah. For us, it's the Glorified Jesus, who is Elijah in the next generation. We must have permission to drink from the glorified man. Well, apparently, I have some permission. All of this revelation that comes down is not from Christ Jesus in me alone, but I know that I cannot have the full power of the Lord Jesus flowing through me. If I did, I wouldn't have the problems that I have. So we are being conditioned, we, the personality, we are being conditioned to be containers that hold the power of God without being destroyed. Brethren, why do you think the serpent has not fully possessed mankind up until now? I think on this very message, I told you that we are possessed by the serpent, but there are levels of possession. We are born into the world possessed by the serpent. But she wants to complete her circle. The Dragon wants to marry the Fiery Serpent in us, which is the double portion. Why do you think the Dragon is not possessing more members of humanity? Because she knows that we're not prepared yet; that we would die. Energy moves at a rate of vibration that damages human tissue and could make you insane if you receive too much too fast. Apparently, Jesus knew that and His disciples didn't. He said, are you able to drink from the glorified vessel that I am permitted to drink from? Jesus had permission; they didn't. Jesus' disciples said to Jesus, we can deal with the spiritual battles associated with receiving the Glorified Elijah's energy.


Now that's all an amplification. I might even change that. I'll have to pray about that before I put it in the book. We can deal with the spiritual battles. You see, that's a very interesting point. Do you remember the stories about the Old West? If you had a reputation as a quick gun, there was always somebody looking to test you and to take you out just for the reputation. Brethren, when you have the anointing on you, trouble comes your way. When you have the anointing on you, you are called to intercede for righteous judgment. That means you're attacking Satan's crowd and Satan's crowd hits back. Can you handle the warfare? Can you handle the thoughts that will go through your mind? Can you handle the attack on your mind? Can you handle the attack on your body from just the presence of the Glorified Jesus in you? Can you handle the warfare with all the witches that are praying at you and throwing curses at you because you are the vessel that Christ Jesus is executing righteous judgment through? Would you know what to do if someone throws a cursed object on your patio? Or would you go out there and pick it up and say, ooh, I wonder what this is and then bring it into the house and say, isn't this cute? I'm not putting you down. There was a time that I would have done that. There was a time that I did something similar to that. But when someone threw a cursed arrow on my patio a couple of weeks ago, I knew what to do. Are you ready? You should never ask for a ministry. Your prayer should be, Lord, use me to your glory. I always pray and ask for the fulfillment of my creative potential in Jesus' time. Because if you ask for a ministry and you're asking out of pride and it's over your head, Satan just may come and give it to you. The question should be, how can I serve you today, Lord Jesus? What do you want me to do?


Verse 23 in the King James. He saith unto them, you shall drink indeed of my cup and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with, but to sit on my right hand and on my left is not mine to give. But it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my Father. Please notice, no names are in there. No names; that's the sign that the verse is open to interpretation. There's no proper nouns going with the subject. Once again, the words, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with, is not in the Greek. The word, but, we're translating and. The word, sit, we're translating married. That's the Hebraic usage. The word, on, can be translated the beginning. The word, right, we're translating blessings. The word, not, we're translating Leviathan. There's another untranslated word, Strong's #1537 which means on. That's the word that we translated, the beginning. It appears the second time, but it's not translated. We will translate it the second time as the beginning. The word, left, we're translating the kingdom of darkness. There's an untranslated word, Strong's #5124 which we will translate as mind. The word, but, we're translating as other. The English words, it shall be given to them; there's no Greek foundation for those words. The word, of, we're translating under.


Alternate Translation, verse 23 of Matthew 20. And Jesus said to His disciples, indeed, you shall drink from my cup and marry Adam/Christ Jesus, the beginning of Jehovah's blessings to mankind. Jesus said to His disciples, indeed, you shall drink from my cup. Well, that's interesting. I think He's really saying, drink from my cup after I'm glorified and you shall marry Adam/Christ Jesus, the beginning of Jehovah's blessing to mankind and Elijah, my Father, will prepare whoever delivers up my opponent, Leviathan, the beginning of the kingdom of darkness. You see, there were two words to be translated, beginning, in the Greek. The King James didn't know what to make out of it, so they just didn't translate one word. And my Father will prepare whoever delivers up my opponent, Leviathan, the beginning of the kingdom of darkness. Christ is the beginning of the kingdom of light and Leviathan is the beginning of the kingdom of darkness. I think it's Cain that's the beginning of the kingdom of darkness.


I'm going to start at the beginning. And Jesus said to His disciples, indeed, you shall drink from "my cup." When I'm glorified, you shall drink from me. In other words, He's telling the disciples that they do not have permission to drink from Elijah. They have to wait until Jesus is glorified. You will drink from "my cup" and you will marry Christ, the beginning of Jehovah's blessings to mankind and Elijah, my Father, will prepare whoever delivers up my opponent, Cain, the beginning of the kingdom of darkness to Adam/Christ Jesus and drives Satan down under Christ Jesus, their other righteous mind. Let me try that again. Jesus said to His disciples, indeed, you shall drink of my cup (when I am glorified); I'm going to have to put that in. And you shall marry Christ, the beginning of Jehovah's blessings to mankind and Elijah, my Father, will prepare whoever delivers up my opponent, Leviathan. Something is wrong there. My Father will prepare whoever delivers up my opponent, Leviathan. Leviathan is not the beginning of the kingdom of darkness. Can you put that on hold, please.


I see a lot of changes in the Alternate Translation of verse 23 and this is how the Lord is showing it to me. And Jesus said to His disciples, indeed, you shall drink of my cup, of the Glorified Jesus Christ. You won't drink of Elijah; you're going to drink of me. You have to wait until I'm glorified. You will marry Christ, the beginning of Jehovah's blessings to mankind and Elijah, my Father, will prepare Cain, the beginning of the kingdom of darkness within the disciples, to deliver up my opponent, Leviathan, to Adam or Christ Jesus and to drive the Fiery Serpent down under Christ Jesus, their other righteous mind. So we see in this verse, a reference to both Christ and Cain and, of course, Christ is cleaving to the dead Abel. Christ is in place of Abel who died. So we see the mention of Christ, which is Abel, and of Cain, and then we see an implied reference to the Fiery Serpent because it is the Fiery Serpent, which is Cain and Abel, together. Cain and Abel engraved with Satan's nature or with the Dragon's nature is the Fiery Serpent. When the Scripture talks about Cain and Abel separately, the implication is that the Fiery Serpent is being broken up and Abel is being apprehended by Christ wholly. Cain and Abel cannot be separated, but their order can be reversed.


The Fiery Serpent is Abel under Cain's authority, engraved with the Dragon's nature. As Christ appropriates Satan's energy, the spiritual blood of the person, that this is happening in, Cain and Abel within the Fiery Serpent are reversing. Why? Because Christ has been cleaving unto Abel and Cain is having more and more trouble keeping Abel underfoot because Christ is cleaving unto Abel. As Christ exercises authority against Cain and starts reversing that ungodly moral order, you see the Scripture starts to talk about Cain and Abel, rather than the Fiery Serpent. The Fiery Serpent is Cain and Abel with Cain covering Abel with no resistance. As soon as Christ cleaves to Abel and starts resisting Cain, the Scripture starts talking about Cain and Abel. It's the same principle in reverse as something that I said with regard to one of the drawings this morning. I told you that Michael is the living seed of Elohim and Michael mixes with the dust when He's formed into Adam. But the dust has no personal name until the dust starts to rebel against Michael, who is in Jehovah's nature and that dust starts entertaining the thought of the primordial serpent. So when the dust starts thinking thoughts other than the living seed that she's joined to, she gets a personal name. She becomes another person.


It's the same principle as a woman being pregnant. Some people name their babies before they're born, but let's make it extreme so that we can understand. Not many name their babies when they're three or four months pregnant. There's a fetus inside of you and it's a part of the woman. It isn't really a baby until the baby is born, even if you've given the child a name. It isn't until the baby separates from the mother that you really recognize it as a human being and that you apply that name to a human being. It's the same principle. The dust that cleaves to Michael, the living seed, has no name, so long as she's not opposing Michael in any way. But as soon as she starts thinking other thoughts or thoughts other than Michael, the dust gets her own name. She becomes an individual. That's a separation and she gets a name; Cain. Here we see it in the reverse with Cain and Abel. When Abel is under Cain's authority and Cain is strengthened by Leviathan and Satan, Cain has the whole household of darkness strengthening her and Abel is dead, so there's no resistance. So we see that Cain and Abel is called the Fiery Serpent. They're under one name because there's no resistance. But as soon as Christ cleaves to Abel and starts resisting Cain, the Scripture now talks about this dual being as Cain and Abel because there's two different thought patterns and two different purposes and two different intentions coming from that one dual being. Does anybody not understand what I just said?


Verse 24; And when the ten heard it, they were moved with indignation against the two brethren. So once again the King James Translation sounds like it's the ten disciples that are angry with the two sons of Zebedee, thinking that they had the nerve to ask for an exalted position with Jesus. To be honest with you, I am not sure if this King James Translation was correct. What it means for the mother of Zebedee's children to be asking Jesus that one of her sons should be at His right hand and her other son should be at His left hand because I believe the right hand of Jesus is the hand of blessing and the left hand is the hand of judgment. So what would it even mean if a physical woman went to Jesus and said I want my two sons sitting on each side of your hands? I don't know what that would mean. It sounds very poetic. It sounds very nice. I want my two sons to have your power, but what specifically was she asking for? Does anybody have any idea? I have no idea what that means. It's just a parable, which is another witness to me that our translation is much more accurate. I could see a mother going to a boss although I really doubt that this would happen. Would any woman have the nerve to approach Jesus and say that? I could see her going to Jesus and saying, well, I want my sons to have a ministry.


In Jesus' day, I don't know, it wasn't anything like the church today. They didn't have much money. I don't think they were just traveling around and preaching and teaching. Well, I want my son to be exalted as a teacher. I want you to put him up the next time the crowd comes around. I want him to be the head who distributes the loaves and the fishes, as if that were true. But she didn't say anything like that. She said, I want one son on your left hand and one son on your right hand. Well, what does that mean? What did Jesus have that He could give only to two and not to the others? What was Jesus offering His disciples that would set up such a competition? I don't see that He had anything like that at all. I've even heard it preached that James and John and Peter were the inner circle. Those were the three that were on the Mount of Transfiguration with Him. I don't even believe that Jesus had an inner circle. I believe He was telling everyone of His disciples, you can have an equal relationship with me as you mature spiritually. As you mature spiritually, you can get closer and closer to me. Everybody has the same opportunity to mature spiritually and to come to me. The only reason He was transfigured in front of James, John and Peter and not the others was because He was probably transfigured in front of all of them, but James, John and Peter were the only ones who could see it. He is not a respecter of persons.


Jesus was not one who would deliberately provoke competition in the congregation. I have experienced that. I was in a church where the pastor literally fostered and fed competition amongst the members of the congregation. Jesus did not do anything like that. So this is all a parable, a surface understanding of the Scripture and you have to understand that the Scripture is written to pass on spiritual mysteries to future generations. Every time you look at something in the English and you cannot make sense out of it, you need to know that there's a spiritual mystery under that paragraph or that sentence that you have to ask Jesus to unlock for you. I know that this was true of me and of most people. I read the Bible for years and it never occurred to me that I was suppose to think about whether or not it made sense. I just read it and ingested it. At the beginning, I thought everybody in the Bible was good. When I first started to understand it and I saw that somebody, a Levite priest, was doing something evil in the book of Judges, I went into confusion. You're suppose to think about what you read in the Bible. It's not a sin to think about it and say that doesn't make sense. Lord, what does that mean? It doesn't make sense to me. That's what you're suppose to do.


So when the ten heard it, they were moved with indignation against the two brethren. The number ten signifies the law and it also signifies the belly or the third energy center which is under the law. Which law? The law of sin and death and the law of sowing and reaping. Zebedee's children signifies all of the Abels. Well, we now know that that's wrong, but I'm going to leave it like that for now. I'm getting confused between the Abels and Michael here. All of the Abels are the spiritual children who are Jehovah's gift to humanity. Okay, we're going to leave it Abel. Abel is being revived as Christ is joined to him. Abel is dead, but Christ is his new life. We were all dead. When Christ is joined to us, we have new life in us. Zebedee's children signifies all of the Abels, the spiritual children who are Jehovah's. I guess that has to be Christ. All of the many Christ, the spiritual children who are Jehovah's gift to humanity. The ten signifies Jesus' disciples who were still under the law. So we see that the ten signify all of the disciples who are under the law and that Zebedee's children signifies all of the disciples who are Jehovah's gift to humanity.


Dealing with verse 24 now. We're translating ten as the law. The word, two, we're translating second. When Jesus' disciples, who were under the law, heard that they would have to face their sin nature and overcome Satan and Leviathan, who is their sin nature within the disciples, and overcome them, Cain, within the disciples, was moved with indignation against Abel, their second born brother within Jesus. They did not like what Jesus said. They did not want their sins exposed. They did not want to be told that they were wrong. They did not want to be told that it was pride to have that thought that they were qualified to drink from Elijah's energy, which probably would have killed them. They did not want to be told that their thoughts were wrong. They did not want to be told that they had an enemy within them because it may have even frightened them that they had to engage in a warfare with the enemy within them and drive Satan and Leviathan down under the Christ within them. You see, this whole conversation implies that the disciples were talking to Jesus out of their carnal mind.


Does that mean they didn't have Christ? I don't think so. I think a lot of people in the church world have Christ, but they don't understand. You might even say to them, do you know you have Christ and they say, yeah, alright, amen, I have Christ. They don't understand that they're suppose to be living out of Christ and that He's suppose to be their mind. There's a mind that they were born with that has to be resisted and overcome and forced down underneath the new mind that's given to them. So to say, yeah, amen, I have Christ and continue to think and relate to other people out of your carnal mind is a waste of Christ. If your situation remains in that condition, Christ within you will eventually die. What you don't use, you lose. That's why the Doctrine of Christ is so important. There are several aspects to the Doctrine of Christ. There's an actual message that you have a second mind and you have to overcome the first mind, etc, etc. Then there's the instruction as to how to recognize and distinguish between the two minds and how to drive the carnal mind down under. So the Doctrine of Christ is not just the story or the message of our condition and what we have to do to overcome it. It's the practical training. You cannot perform the Doctrine of Christ if you cannot distinguish between your two minds. That's the biggest stumbling block, recognizing sin in your own mind, because you're convinced that it's not sin.


Satan convinces you and it's called justification, that the way you think is good and righteous and that it's Christ. I wish I had a ten dollar bill for every time someone told me, Christ said or Christ told me. No, He didn't. Me too, I've been deceived. I want to tell you, living the Doctrine of Christ takes my whole life. It takes time. You have to think about the thoughts that come into your mind. You cannot act blindly. You have to think about the thoughts that come into your mind and apply them to every test that you've been taught, to try to determine whether they're Christ or not. Then you have to decide whether you're going to act on those thoughts or not. Of course, if you want a drink of water or whether to get up and go to work in the morning, you don't have to go through that. But so far as any action that you're going to take, that will affect your life or your free time or even your job, you have to ask the Lord what His will is in every aspect of your life. If you don't have the ability to distinguish between Christ and the carnal mind and the counsel thereof, you've got a real problem. Of course, Abel is the second born and Cain was the first born. So Cain, within the disciples, was enraged at Abel within Jesus. Abel, within Jesus, was strengthened by Christ and of course, within Jesus Christ, had already increased into Christ Jesus by defeating Satan in the man, Jesus, and acquiring Satan's energy, which was Elohim's stolen energy. Yet, the Scripture says Abel. It's in a parable form and it's making a point and we'll just go with it.


Verse 25; But Jesus called them unto Him and said, you know that the Princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them and they that are great exercise authority upon them. Now it is so important for us to see this. Jesus knew that they were enraged at Him. He didn't rebuke them. He taught them. He understood that they were in their carnal mind. He was focused on the goal that Elijah had set before Him. Elijah was the representative of Elohim and Jehovah to the man, Jesus. His goal was to save these gifts to Israel in humanity from Satan's destruction because they were not even aware of what was going on inside of their own mind. It wouldn't surprise me at all if this verse is abbreviated and that the reason the disciples were enraged at Jesus was because He actually exposed Leviathan to them. He actually told them, look, I heard your thoughts and your motives are wrong. I confided to you about God's plan, that I'm about to be glorified and your response to what I told you when I shared the Doctrine of Christ with you was wrong. I shared glory with you and you responded out of your carnal mind, which is to your destruction. Maybe He told it to them like it was and they went into a rage saying, no, that cannot possibly be true. You may recall the Alternate Translation of the book of Jude where Michael is fighting for the body of Moses. That's the live body of Moses, by the way. If you look up the Greek word, you'll see it's the live body of Moses.


In our Alternate Translation, we found out that Michael could not acquire Satan's energy in Moses. Michael was trying to boil Satan in Moses. By boiling Satan, it would separate the waters (which is the energy of the man, Moses) from the polluting earth, so that Michael could be joined to the energy in the man, Moses, and become a full manifestation of Elohim. Then what would Elohim do? Elohim would raise up the regenerated Adam, which is the mind of Christ, as He did in the man Jesus or in anyone. You see, first you get the power of God and then He raises up the mind of God in you. All you people out there who have the Holy Spirit, that's not enough. That's just the power of God. His job is to raise up the mind of God in you and the nature and the person of God in you. So we see that Moses had an imputed anointing. When Michael could not acquire Satan's energy within Moses, Michael confronted Moses and said, look, you've got to confess that Satan is your sin nature, so that I can defeat her. Moses' response was nay, nay, this is not so. Satan is not my unconscious mind and I do not have, on any level, unconscious or otherwise, any evil thoughts towards the Lord or towards any of His servants. Moses could not believe that and the result was that Moses was not glorified. Moses could have been glorified. You see, you cannot be glorified unless Jehovah, who's giving all of the commands from on high, says you have the opportunity to be glorified. Moses had the opportunity to be glorified, but he wasn't. He didn't take the victory.


Everybody that comes to the Lord has a call on their life and very few people fulfill that call to the uttermost because they're not willing to pay the price. They're not willing to face their sin nature or they're not willing to give up what they have to give up to follow God because you don't follow God without giving something up. You have to give a lot up to follow God. So it's a very rare person who is willing to follow the Lord Jesus, no matter what the price; a very very rare unusual person. So Moses had the opportunity to be glorified, but he was not. Elijah was glorified, but he was not born of a woman. Then Jesus had the opportunity to be glorified and He was. The truth is we don't know how many people had the opportunity to be glorified, that did not fulfill their commission before Jesus. We don't know how many. We don't know how many tried and couldn't make it. So the Spirit of Elijah came and impregnated Mary without any human male sperm, somehow. You see, Elijah was not born of a woman and He was glorified. Jesus only had one human parent. You see, it's the inherited human weaknesses that make us fail. Moses was born of a human man and a human woman and he didn't make it. Elijah was not born of a human mother or a human father and he made it. Jesus was born, just of a human mother, and He made it. Today, we're waiting for the people who are born of a human mother and a human father who make it. Do you hear this? Jesus had only one human parent. Somehow, not having that male sperm, equipped Him to overcome where Moses, who had two human parents, could not. But this is the hour that men with two human parents can overcome. We're living in an age that is making history. Praise the Lord.


But Jesus called them unto Him and He taught them. He said, you know that the Princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them and they that are great exercise authority upon them. Jesus is giving them a lesson about their carnal mind. He's saying, but this isn't so for you. Why? Because you have the opportunity to receive Christ. Well, you have Christ. You have the opportunity for Christ to mature in you and to be your new mind. So on verse 25. I see we didn't change anything there. There is a witness to that, John 12:31; Now is the judgment of this world. Now shall the prince of this world be cast out. Satan is the prince of this world. So the princes of the gentiles that Jesus was talking about is Satan in the individual. Michael is the Prince of Israel. It's amazing to me how little is said about Michael in the church and Michael is utterly maligned because the Jehovah Witnesses say that he is Jesus.


You rarely hear anything preached about Michael at all. We're told that he's the Prince of Israel in the Old Testament and in the New Testament, we're clearly told that he's fighting against the Dragon. So Michael is a great mystery. The church knows very little about Him. The Lord has been filtering information about Michael to this ministry over the last few years. I think we have three messages on Michael and now another powerful message on Michael has come forth. Michael is the Prince of Israel. I think I told you earlier on this message, a prince is a spiritual being; a spiritual being. He's not a man. Michael is not a man. Michael, mixed with the dust, forms the man, Adam. Michael is the living seed of Elohim, Jehovah's spiritual seminal fluid and he's mixed with the dust and becomes the man, Adam. But Michael, alone, is not a man. He has to be mixed with the dust. Michael is immortal. I'm not going to get into that whole thing right now. Michael, above, is immortal. But Michael, Elohim's breath in the creation, can die. When he dies, he becomes Abel, the dead seed. Let's go on before I get into all that again tonight.


Alternate Translation, Matthew 20:25; But Jesus called forth the Christ nature in His disciples by saying, you know that Satan, the prince of this world, dominates the gentiles and that Leviathan wields a powerful authority over them. Now look at this. The disciples were enraged at Jesus, that He told them that they have a sin nature and that He heard their thoughts. They probably were all angry because Jesus was telling them what they were thinking and they didn't even know they were thinking it. Probably the disciples said to Him, Jesus, how could you think such a thing about me, that you tell me you're going to be glorified and I'm thinking that I'm good enough to take over your job or that I want to take over your job? How could you think such a thing about me? Yeah, I think I'm equipped to do it. You asked me and I answered your question. But you think that's my reaction to your instruction about the crucifixion is that I'm not even concerned about you being crucified. Not only am I not concerned about you being crucified and possibly being hurt, but I'm not even curious about how you're going to be protected. I don't even want the information about what glorification means, the details about how it's going to happen. Here you are telling us this really exciting thing that's going to happen to you and all I can think about is that I'm going to receive power. How dare you say that about me. It can't possibly be true. So Jesus is trying to explain to them that they're in their carnal mind, but that they're called to something higher than that. They're called to something higher than that.


Verse 26; But it shall not be so among you. You shall not have the prince of this world exercise dominion over you and Leviathan shall not exercise authority over you. You shall not be dominated by Satan and Leviathan and they shall not influence you. But whosoever shall be great among you, let him be your minister. Well, that's not an accurate translation. The word, but, we're translating as indeed. The word, will, whoever among you prefers, the word, will, means to prefer. Here we see that same situation. Will is part of a verb. Will what? That word, will, has its own number because the King James translators did not know how to translate it and the word means to prefer. Let him be, means to come to pass. The word, minister, it's translated in the King James as a noun; he will be your minister, but we are going to translate it as a verb and we're going to translate it as attend.


Alternate Translation of Matthew 20:26; But it shall not be so for you, indeed. It shall come to pass that the Glorified Elijah, the hand of the great God Jehovah, shall appear in whoever amongst you prefers Adam\Christ Jesus over Leviathan and Elijah will strengthen you to attend to Satan and Leviathan. You are not going to be dominated by Satan. Leviathan is not going to influence you, but it shall come to pass that Elijah shall appear in whoever amongst you prefers Christ over Leviathan and Elijah will strengthen you so that you can take care of Satan and Leviathan who are trying to dominate and influence you. How will you take care of them? You will put them under Christ. My witness to this is Luke 22:43; And there appeared an angel unto Him from heaven strengthening Him. My comment says, and I cannot prove it from the Greek text, but the Lord tells me that the ministry of Elijah in this verse is to impart the strength needed to overcome Satan and Leviathan.


Verse 27; And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant. And whosoever will be chief; whosoever will be is a part of the verb, to be, but it has its own number. Again it means prefers. It has its own Strong's number which can be translated, to prefer. Alternate Translation of Matthew 20:27; And the Glorified Elijah will be the chief of whosoever amongst you prefers Adam over Leviathan and you, the personality, will be the Glorified Elijah's servant. We should know right off that any verse that says let somebody be your servant is coming out of pride. We are the servants. The Glorified Elijah will be the chief of whosoever amongst you prefers Adam over Leviathan. I'm going to leave it Elijah, but we know that it would be the Glorified Jesus Christ who would be the chief over the disciples. But of course, Elijah is the Glorified Jesus Christ and He couldn't be telling them or He might be telling them, when I'm glorified I'll be your chief. And the Glorified Elijah will be chief of whosoever amongst you prefers Adam over Leviathan and you, the personality, will be the Glorified Elijah's servant. We are the servant of the Glorified Jesus Christ. We, the disciples, are the servant of the master who is training us. Jesus is our master. The Glorified Jesus Christ is our master and we are His servant. The way we serve the Lord Jesus Christ is by ministering to His children. We teach and train His children.


Verse 28; Even as the son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister and to give His life a ransom for many. Even as, we're translating, just like. Not, we're translating Satan. Cain, we're translating appeared. Man means Adam. Minister can be translated, to teach. Those are the only changes. Alternate Translation, Matthew 20:28; And Satan will appear to you just like she appeared to teach Jesus. Now get this straight, brethren, anyone who tries to teach a teacher is manifesting Satan. It's a spirit of pride that would raise you up to try to teach a teacher, but it's Satan's intention, it's Satan's motive within you, to bring down that teacher. So to try to teach a teacher, it's much more than pride. It's pride on your part. The pride in you has yielded to Satan, whose true intention is to bring down the teacher. Any teacher that allows himself to be taught by a disciple is giving away his heritage just like Esau did and Satan will appear to you just like she appeared to teach Jesus, the son of Adam. But Jesus delivered up Leviathan, His animal life, to redeem the many Abels within mortal humanity and the Glorified Elijah strengthened Jesus to attend to Satan and Leviathan. I want to suggest to you that this is the significance of Matthew 4:11; then the devil leaveth Him and behold angels came and ministered unto Him. I wondered about that verse for years and I could never make any sense out of it. I want to suggest to you that the word, angels, should be singular. Some scribe, somewhere, made it plural. The angel, came to minister to Him, just like the angel came to minister to Elijah after the sons of Israel killed Adam in him and just as in Luke 22:43 there appeared an angel unto Jesus from heaven strengthening Him. That's the angel that came to minister to Jesus.


It was not many angels coming to minister to Jesus. That's a serious translational error as far as I'm concerned. It gives a very wrong impression. The angel is the Glorified Elijah. The devil is the ascended personality of the mortal man, Jesus. Are you offended? Jesus was man and God. Brethren, this is what we are all up against. You have to hear this. If you're offended, you better rebuke your pride. This is really important. As we feed our spiritual potential, which is the Fiery Serpent, she is rising in us. If you're listening to my tapes or reading spiritual material and it doesn't have to be mine, if you're engaged in powerful spiritual material, if you're eating spiritual food, you need to know that your Fiery Serpent is rising and there's a warfare going on to direct her into the righteous timeline because she is defaulting into Leviathan's timeline. She does not want to go into Christ Jesus' timeline. She is fighting you like a wild beast. She's raised up in power because you've been feeding her all this spiritual food. But she wants to go where she wants to go. She doesn't want you lassoing her and directing her. She's raised up because you've raised her up. You've created a monster and now you have to control her. Me too! This is all of us. This is the reality. There is a wild beast arising out of the sea, says the book of Revelation. It's happening in you and she's rising because you have imparted the power to her to rise, through your spiritual studies. Now you have to get in right line with Christ Jesus to acquire the power for yourself to tame the beast that you've raised up because she wants to go into the wrong channel.


Now remember, the Fiery Serpent is an energy stream. You may be doing everything that you know to do to direct her into the right channel and there may be some little rivulets of her energy stream that are ascended in Leviathan's timeline, anyway. She's an energy stream made up of many particles. She's not one horse that you could lasso and pull her in. So even if you're succeeding in directing her into the right channel, there may be little rivulets, particles, of her that are ascending in Leviathan, anyway. What does that mean? It means what's righteous in you is going to get stronger and what's evil in you is going to get stronger. There's a scripture like that, but I can't place it at the moment. I can't even tell you what book it's in, but that's what it says, let the evil get more evil and let the righteous get more righteous and let them both become visible. Let the righteous one be visible in you and let the evil one be visible in you. You can't kill it if you can't see it. You have to see it to kill it. That's what the temptation was all about. Jesus was a mortal man and God was in Him. The end of Jesus of Nazareth was that the God that was in Him completely co-mingled with His humanity and He became God. But Jesus was a mortal man and at the hour of His temptation, it says right here; then the devil leaveth Him. Am I in the wrong place here? Oh, it's my comment. The devil is the ascended personality of the mortal man, Jesus, who is this devil. The devil was the Fiery Serpent that had ascended into the right side of Jesus' heart center.


Brethren, the Fiery Serpent goes through the right side of the heart center before she gets to the left side of the heart center. Every one of us, we're pulling that Fiery Serpent up into the left side of the heart center, but she goes into the right side of the heart center first. So particles of her were in that right side of the heart center holding on and not wanting to let go. Maybe even particles of her actually joined with Leviathan and that would have had to have happened for her to be called the devil. The devil is the entity that results from the union of Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent in the heart center. When they're in the seventh center, they're called Pharaoh. When they're in the heart center, they're called the devil. When they're in the sixth center, they're called the vampire bat. So everybody has both until the Glorified Jesus Christ comes down and joins to Christ Jesus in us and cuts us away from Satan and Leviathan once and for all. Your evil will become more evil because your spiritual studies are feeding her. So the devil in Jesus rose up and challenged Him. Jesus was double minded. He was the Son of God and He also had a part of Him that had formed into the devil. This Fiery Serpent, which is an energy stream made up of many particles joined in two different timelines. Some of her particles joined with Christ in Jesus and some of her particles joined with Leviathan. He was a double minded man. Doesn't James say we're double minded? Everybody is double minded and the moment of truth will come (that you, the personality) will have to decide who you will cleave to.


Christ Jesus, contains the Spirit of Truth; the truth about you, the truth about who you are, what you are, who's inside of you, and the whole Doctrine of Christ and the truth about every evil aspect of you. Are you the Spirit of Truth or are you the lie? There will be a conflict and it's not a one time conflict. It goes on for a long time between the two sides of you. The wars that we have with ungodly people that are sending curses is the least of it. It is the war within ourselves that determines our end. This is what the temptation was about. Jesus was confronted by the devil who was formed in the right side of His heart center. Jesus, the Son of God, who was in the brow energy center of the righteous timeline was confronted by the devil, who was formed in the heart center on the right side. I don't know, I may have my names all mixed up. I don't know what energy centers they were in. The scripture says the devil is a much more common word.


I know that Jesus had to be in the brow center and I find it hard to believe that He was being challenged by the devil in the heart center. So what I'm trying to tell you is that probably the devil was ascended into the brow energy center. But the scripture is not going to say the vampire bat challenged Jesus. So they say it was the devil. I may have my centers or my names mixed up, but my principles are accurate. I know this is the word of the Lord to you. The devil is the ascended personality of the mortal man, Jesus. Maybe Jesus wasn't in the brow center yet. Maybe He was just in the fifth center and maybe the devil does ascend into the fifth center. I don't know what to call the married couple in the fifth center. Maybe it's just the ascended devil. The devil is the ascended personality of the mortal man, Jesus. Everyone who ascends in Christ Jesus can cross over to the other side taking all the power he acquired from the Lord with him. The devil tempted Jesus to use the power of God to meet Jesus' own needs. But Elijah, the Angel of the Lord, strengthened Jesus, who was fasting from the things of the world to refuse the thoughts of the devil.


Verse 29; And as they departed from Jericho, a great multitude followed Him. The word, followed, we're translating accompanied. The Lord has established here that the word, multitude, means spiritual. I suggest to you that the great spiritual one is Elijah. I think I have a note here about Jericho. There's nothing said about Jericho. This scripture, Matthew 20:29 is the first time that the word Jericho ever appears in the New Testament. There was nothing at all said about Jesus and the disciples going into Jericho, just that they departed from Jericho. I want to suggest to you that they were in spiritual Jericho. The Lord just never ceases to amaze me. It was just last month that we had that message on Joshua and we found out that there's a spiritual Jericho and all of the significance of spiritual Jericho and Rahab, etc. etc. Now here we have a scripture in the New Testament and as soon as I saw it, I said, oh wow, that has to be spiritual Jericho and it must have been the Lord who gave me the idea to see if there was any scripture saying that they had entered into Jericho and I found out that there's no such scripture. So there's not a doubt in my mind that this New Testament verse is talking about spiritual Jericho and it's just another witness to everything else that I've told you in this whole message; that Jesus had entered into the land of the personalities of His disciples and He had seen Leviathan and identified them. He had seen Leviathan and He heard her negotiation with Satan for the very life of Jesus' disciples and He moved to save their lives by revealing the truth of what was going on in the unconscious and subconscious mind of those disciples.


We see here, by the 29th verse that the disciples took the victory. First they were enraged and angry at Jesus and then they took the victory. How do I know that? Because of the Alternate Translation; And as Jesus and the disciples departed from spiritual Jericho, the spiritual man, Elijah, the hand of the great God Jehovah, accompanied them. We could say that Elijah is great, but that scripture comes to mind, the Great God Jehovah. So this is my translation and I would like to believe that the Lord has told me to do it this way. And as Jesus and the disciples departed from spiritual Jericho, they departed from their experience of Jesus exposing their sins. He entered into the land. He entered into their subconscious and unconscious mind. If you remember the message that we did on Joshua, when King Adam entered into Joshua's personality, he sent a message to Leviathan and he said, hey you, I'm coming to dominate you, to control you, and to put you under my feet. I'm sorry, but the Lord just reminded me that the real message was that King Adam sent a message to Leviathan saying, I want Abel to escape and I want this personality to escape and you will let them go. Let them go. That was the message that King Adam sent to Leviathan when he entered into the secret parts of Joshua's personality. We see that Jesus did the same thing. As Jesus and His disciples departed from spiritual Jericho, the spiritual man, Elijah, the hand of the Great God Jehovah, accompanied them.


Where did I get that word, hand, from? I guess that word, hand, should be in the brackets. The hand of the Great God Jehovah accompanied them. So what does that mean? It means that the disciples took the victory and that their Christ mind came up to the surface when they confessed their sins. Their Christ mind came to the surface. They put their carnal mind under and Elijah, the spiritual man, accompanied all of them. It doesn't say Elijah just accompanied Jesus, you see. The Glorified Man does not accompany the carnal man. The Glorified Man accompanies His son in the mortal man. The Glorified Jesus is only where Christ Jesus is. If you don't have Christ Jesus, then the aspect of the Glorified Jesus Christ, that He has reserved for you, is called the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the power of the Glorified Jesus Christ to you. The Holy Spirit does not come to change your nature into a righteous nature. The Holy Spirit, the power of Jesus Christ, has a relationship with your carnal mind. The nature of the Lord Jesus Christ does not have a relationship with your carnal mind because there is no basis for a relationship. The carnal mind doesn't understand anything that the Lord Jesus is talking about. It rebels against Him, is indignant against Him and curses Him continuously, whether the person knows it or not. So the Lord Jesus has a relationship only with Christ.


It is the job of the Holy Spirit to get Christ grafted to you. Once Christ is grafted to you, then the Glorified Man comes to you or sends a teacher to you as He sent Jesus. The Glorified Man came in the teacher, Jesus, to instruct the disciples to live out of their Christ mind so that they could have a relationship with the Glorified Man. Even if you have Christ grafted to you, if you're living out of your carnal mind, you cannot have a relationship with the Glorified Man; the Holy Spirit, yes, the Glorified Jesus, no. The only way that the Glorified Jesus will have a relationship with Christ in you is if Christ is on top of your carnal mind. The only way Christ can be on top of your carnal is if you're confessing your sins and you're submitting to whoever it is that the Lord sends to enter into your personality and say to Leviathan, let them go. Then the Glorified Jesus, not the Holy Spirit, but the Glorified Jesus will accompany you as you depart from Jericho. As you depart from your experience of having your sins exposed, as you depart in victory, the Glorified Jesus will accompany you. That's talking about the double portion, brethren. You already have Christ. I don't know about you, but I need the double portion. I need it really bad. Praise God.


I'll just read you my note here. The first reference to Jericho in the New Testament, Jesus and the disciples departed from spiritual Jericho, which you can hear about in message #523 Rahab. Jesus had entered into the etheric plane within the disciples and exposed Leviathan to deliver the disciples from Satan's grasp. The disciples must have repented because the great Elijah accompanied them or Elijah, the hand of the Great God Jehovah, accompanied them as they departed from spiritual Jericho, which means that they departed in Elijah's strength. As we are told, Elijah will give the power to put Satan underfoot to everyone who delivers Leviathan up to Adam\Christ Jesus. How do you deliver up Leviathan? It's an attitude of your heart. It's an attitude of your heart. Only Jesus knows and I only know if He tells me. But only Jesus knows if you have really delivered up Leviathan. Sometimes you could deliver Leviathan up in one area and not in another area. How do you deliver up Leviathan? You have to be willing to face the truth, no matter how painful it is and then do whatever you can do to rectify the situation because we're all deceived. We're all blind.


Okay, we'll do the Alternate Translation of Matthew Chapter 20 to verse 26. Then Leviathan, the mother of the children who God gave as a gift to humanity, desiring to marry Abel in the midst of her sons, approached Satan and worshiped Satan. And Satan said to Leviathan, what do you want? And Leviathan said to Satan, grant me permission to marry Abel, my second son within the disciples, who is united with Christ, the beginning of Jehovah's blessings to humanity because Cain within the disciples is united with me, Leviathan, the beginning of Satan's kingdom of darkness. But Jesus responded to His disciples, the children who are Jehovah's gift to humanity, saying, Leviathan knows what you desire, but are you able to drink from Elijah, the glorified vessel that I am permitted to drink from? And Jesus' disciples said to Jesus, we can deal with the spiritual battles associated with receiving the Glorified Elijah's energy. And Jesus said to His disciples, indeed, you shall drink from my cup when I am glorified and you shall marry Christ, the beginning of Jehovah's blessings to mankind. And Elijah, my Father, will prepare Cain, the beginning of the kingdom of darkness within the disciples, to deliver up my opponent, Leviathan, to Christ and to drive the Fiery Serpent down under Christ Jesus, their other righteous mind. When Jesus' disciples who were under the law heard that they would have to face Satan and Leviathan, their sin nature, and overcome them, Cain within the disciples was moved with indignation against Abel, their second born brother, within Jesus. But Jesus called forth the Christ nature in His disciples by saying you know that Satan, the prince of this world, dominated the gentiles and that Leviathan wields a powerful authority over them. But it shall not be so for you. Indeed, it shall come to pass that the Glorified Elijah, the hand of the great God Jehovah, shall appear in whoever amongst you prefers Adam/Christ Jesus over Leviathan, and the Glorified Elijah/Jesus will strengthen you to attend to Satan and Leviathan. (End of tape 2)




This is an addendum, an addition to the above message, Indignation, Part 2. There was no room left on the tape, so we just decided to continue preaching it on this message. (If you should desire to hear it on tape, you will find it on message #528 tape 2 entitled And They Were Afraid.)


Praise the Lord. In the message #524, Indignation Part 2, we translate Matthew Chapter 20 verses 20 thru 29. Matthew, verse 20 says; Then came to Him the mother of Zebedee's children with her sons worshiping Him and desiring a certain thing of Him. Now from the very beginning, my position as we began to do the Alternate Translation was that I could not believe that a Jewish woman in the days of Jesus' flesh, would have had the nerve to approach a rabbi. The disciples called Him Rabbi; they called Him Master, they called Him teacher. I could not believe that a Jewish woman, the mother of one of His disciples would have the nerve to approach Jesus and ask for advancement or special gifts for her sons. I therefore took the position that the scripture was saying that it was Leviathan, the spiritual mother of the disciples, arose and started having grandiose thoughts about self achievement and self importance. The series of verses that we translated occurred right after Jesus instructed His disciples about the crucifixion. So we see that Leviathan rose up in response to Jesus telling the disciples about the crucifixion. Leviathan rose up and said, oh boy, Jesus is going to be crucified and I'm going to inherit His office. I believe that our translation established that it was not just James and John; it was all of the disciples that were thinking this. Pride rose up in all of the disciples because we interpreted the name Zebedee and it means the children that are God's gift.


So Zebedee's children were all of the disciples because all of the disciples were called to be apostles, God's gift to Israel and ultimately to the world. But at that time, they were God's gift to Israel. So Leviathan rose up in all of the disciples when they heard that Jesus was about to be crucified and they related Jesus' announcement to Elijah because Jesus had instructed them. He said, I'm going to be crucified, but I'm also going to be glorified. The disciples were Jews and they were trained since they were three years old in the yeshiva. They knew all about Elijah and Elisha. They believed Jesus was Messiah and they knew that they were His disciples. So they sort of latched on to Elisha's experience. But as I explained in that message, it's obvious when you take a close look that the disciples were not nearly as mature as Elisha was. When we compare the disciples' reaction to Jesus' announcement that He was about to be glorified to Elisha's reaction to Elijah's announcement that he would be glorified; the two experiences were completely different. So that was my position in Indignation Part 2, that all of the disciples was Zebedee's children and that Leviathan rose up spontaneously in all of them when they heard Jesus' announcement of His glorification. Subsequent to preaching that message, I realized that there is a parallel account to Zebedee's children approaching Jesus, or the mother of Zebedee's children approaching Jesus.


That parable account is in Mark Chapter 10 verse 35, which reads; And James and John, the sons of Zebedee, come unto Him saying, Master, we would that thou should do for us what soever we shall desire. So there are two parable accounts because after I found this parable account, I searched to see if there was a third or a fourth parable account. But there are only two parable accounts; one says the mother of Zebedee's children and the other account, James and John approached Jesus, themselves. I think I remember seeing this and may have even heard someone preach on this once. I know that it was pointed out to me that how could this be? It's a big mystery of the scripture and in one case it says Zebedee's children and in the other case it says James and John came to Him. Well Sheila, you just said all of the disciples had this reaction. Yes, I believe all of them did, but maybe James and John were the only ones who spoke it out. Maybe some of the others were in denial or maybe the others didn't understand that Jesus inheritance is for everyone. I don't know. As I told you this morning, the Greek is not as clear as the Hebrew. In the account of Mark, it says that James and John were the ones who verbally spoke. They may have been the spokesperson for all of them. We see down in verse 21; And when the ten heard it, they began to be much displeased with James and John. I just looked in the Interlinear Text because the parallel account in Mark 10 says in verse 41 that the ten were much displeased with James and John.


Now in the account of Matthew, I had looked at the Interlinear Text and drew the conclusion that all of the disciples were displeased with Jesus because He had told them that they would have to have their sins exposed. Now when I look in the Interlinear Text on Mark 10, it's a little different because verse 41 does say, and the ten began to be much displeased with James and John. But this is what I have in my heart. You may recall that the translation of the ten is those who are under the law. So all of the disciples who were under the law began to be indignant or much displeased with James and John. Why were they displeased with James and John? Because they were very indignant that James and John had even spoken out the secrets of their heart. In verse 40, Jesus responds to this request to sit on His left and His right hand. Now remember, His right hand is the hand of blessing and His left hand is the hand of judgment. To say that you want to sit on Jesus' left hand or on His left side means that you want to have this ministry that we have here, to be a son of God that exposes sin. And Jesus' response to them in verse 39; You shall indeed drink of the cup that I drink of and with the baptism that I am baptized with, you shall be baptized with. Well back in verse 38 Jesus is saying you don't know what you're asking for. Can you drink of the cup that I drink of? So all this is pretty much the same.


Then in verse 40 Jesus says, you'll be baptized with the baptism that I'm baptized with, but to sit on my right hand and on my left hand; to receive the blessings of God, to be able to minister the blessings of God, to be able to do healing and deliverance and to sit on my left hand, to be able to judge righteous judgment that sets people free, is not mine to give. Righteous judgment will set the people free who cannot be set free with old order deliverance. Old order deliverance has its limitations. So to sit on my left and right hand, to have that power (old order deliverance and new order deliverance) He said, that is not mine to give, but it should be given to them for whom it is prepared. I know there are other scriptures that talk about the lake of fire that is prepared for the devil and his angels. The Lord has told me (whether or not I can establish it with looking into the original Greek) that Jesus preached a whole message to them on those who shall sit on my left and right hand; the ones for whom it is prepared, will receive it. What He was really saying, those whose old man goes into the lake of fire, the devil and his angels, for whom the lake of fire is prepared; you are the ones who will sit on my left and right hand, if you can hear that. So this sentence of Jesus' is completely truncated. The meaning of it is completely changed. I'm going to say it again. Jesus said to them, to sit on my left and right hand, to wield the power of God in both old order and new order deliverance, creative miracles, the making of eyes, and having people get up out of wheelchairs; if you want that kind of power, the devil within you must go into the lake of fire for whom the lake of fire is prepared. The lake of fire is prepared for the devil and his angels.


So if you want that kind of power, the devil within you, your old man, has to go into the lake of fire, which is Christ Jesus in you. So He was telling them, it's not enough to have Christ Jesus raised up in you. It's not enough to know the Doctrine of Christ. The devil, within you, must be completely absorbed into Christ Jesus. The disciples didn't want to hear it, so they got very mad at James and John for even asking Jesus the question. Now in this account of Matthew, it looked to me like those disciples who were under the law were annoyed at Jesus. There was no indication in the account of Matthew that the other disciples were angry at James and John. But in this account, there's an indication that they were angry at James and John. So maybe the translation of Matthew should be adjusted. I don't know. I'll have to ask the Lord about it. Maybe they were not angry at Jesus. They were angry at James and John for even bringing up the subject. They didn't want to even hear it. Are there any questions or comments?


Comment: Listening to this account, I just couldn't imagine that the disciples who had been with Jesus for three years, didn't understand that their carnal mind and everything about their personality was going to be wiped out. He told them that He came as a servant and they were going to be a servant. I couldn't understand what they were trying to achieve. I would have thought Jesus would have made it real clear to them that any of their own goals or hopes for something was going to go by the wayside, that they were going to be a servant for the people and the mind of Christ was going to take full control and operate in them.


SHEILA: Well, He may have told them that. We don't know. But whether Jesus told them that or not, unless the carnal mind is under the feet of Christ in you, you can't understand. Jesus heard their thoughts. It says here that James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came to Him, saying; well, it sure sounds like they came to Him, saying it verbally. Either Satan overtook them or their carnal mind just rose up in such power and their greed and lust for power, just rose up so strongly that they forgot all the teaching. I don't know. It could be a number of explanations, but the bottom line is I'm seeing more and more that Jesus' disciples were very carnal.


There are certain scriptures that indicate they had a lot of spiritual knowledge and there are other scriptures that indicate that they were very carnal and I just don't know, at this point. I haven't translated enough of the gospels to know or even form an opinion as to what the situation was. I know there are other scriptures where I perceive them as having a lot of spiritual knowledge. So this could have just been a carnal reaction. You think your carnal mind is underfoot and then all of a sudden, Leviathan just rises up. I know it happens to me. He just rises up. You see, that's the bottom line. Leviathan has legal ground for rising up in us when, for that split second, we're in agreement with her thoughts such as; oh, I'd love to be Messiah, I'd love to have that great ministry of healing and deliverance, I would love to feel that power. That's what's behind a desire like that; power. Is that not one of the things that Satan comes to bring you down with; sex, money and power? Sex was a thing with me for a long time. I wanted to get married like everybody else, but I'm past that. I really don't want any power unless there's something latent in me that's going to rise up at another time. I don't know, but I think I'm just so beaten down in that area that I really don't desire any power, but it may rise up later.


Right now, from time to time, Satan comes and torments me with money. I'll tell you that. I went through it just a couple of months ago with this big house that I thought I wanted. I had to admit to the Lord that Satan was seducing me in that area and it still comes up from time to time. I have to rebuke it. It comes up. I'm not doing anything about it. I'm not acting on it, but it's there. I'm not going to lie to anybody. If it's there and it's appropriate for me to tell you, I'll tell you it's there. I've been watching a particular evangelist every Sunday morning, and he has really matured. I remember when he preached nothing but tithing. This morning his message really blessed me. He's about seventy years old and you would never believe he was seventy. I was surprised to hear that. He says he's married for forty seven years. Maybe he and his wife got married at fifteen because neither one of them look that old. So he's at least in his sixties and I thought he was in his fifties to tell you the truth. He looked very good. Apparently he's a very wealthy man. He was giving a good message and it did come around to what you have to do. His people are largely black and it's just the truth that there are a lot of black people in God and they just can't get out of their poverty. They just can't get out of their poverty. So he was ministering in that area and it was very sound teaching, that you have to understand that everything you have belongs to God, if you want to get out of this poverty; every dollar, every dime, every penny that you have belongs to God. You're just the steward over it.


He was saying how he knows how hard it is for people because they've worked all their life and this is the mentality of our society; I worked for it and it's mine. But it's not yours; it's not yours and it's not mine. You never know what's going to happen the next day. Now, even now, I'm saying, well, here I am wanting this big house and I really was seduced by it for awhile. Now I'm sure that I'm going to be healed, but I just realized there's no value to anything if you lose your health. Nothing is worth anything and you can lose it overnight. Anything can happen in a second. But I looked at him today and I have to tell you that the desire for money rose up again. I just confessed it to the Lord. I mean the man is not poor. I don't know how much he's got, but he's not poor. He was talking about giving away $4,000 in offerings. It wasn't in a bragging spirit; I don't want you to misunderstand. Actually his preaching was on how to be responsible with your money. I heard him say on another day that a lot of people give him checks that bounce. You know, the bank charges you twenty dollars every time a check bounces, plus it messes up all your records and everything else. Apparently a lot of people give him checks that bounce.


So he was teaching on that and saying that you have to be responsible and you have to reconcile your bank statements. He said, he has several bank accounts and he has this one bank account which is strictly for giving offerings. The account was short $2,000 and he was really flipping out looking for that money. He made a big joke out of it. The "woman that the Lord gave me" (laughter) she wrote a check for $2,000 and put $1,000 in the register. His wife was giving a free will offering for $1,000 and as she was writing the check, I guess the Lord made it $2,000 and she didn't fix it in the register. He was just going on and on about how you have to be responsible in this area, so the guy is not poor. I have to tell you, it hit me. I don't have as much as I could use. I just said, Lord, I recognize that I'm in your hands, but it's there. It's there and it comes up. So maybe the power issue will come up some day; I don't know. But right now, I don't want power. Right now, I really don't want it. I have no desire to be on TV or have a congregation of a thousand people. All I want to do is dig into this word and bring it forth. I have no desire to travel like some preachers, but I do desire the money they have. I'm not going to lie to you. I would like what these other preachers have in the area of money. I would be lying if I told you otherwise. But I don't have a power issue at this time. I don't have a power issue with people. I don't think I have any desire to control people. But who knows what's coming up next month or next year?


But the point is, until Cain is cut away from Leviathan, any of these seductions can arise in you. That's the issue. You see, Christ Jesus is joined to Abel in us and Cain is joined to Leviathan and Cain is joined to Abel. So because Cain is joined to Leviathan, Abel is joined to Leviathan. Until Cain is cut away from Leviathan, these seductions and these lusts can seep into us from Cain. From Cain they go into Abel and they go right through us and they just arise. Now it could have been that way with the disciples. I just don't have enough information from the original Greek. They may have been fully schooled in everything that was mentioned and Leviathan just rose up and overtook them. It's very hard to see when that happens because it's happened to me. When you're in the midst of it, when you're under this seduction, it's very hard to see. You think it's right. Satan justifies it in your mind. You think it's right.




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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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