523 - Part 3

Part 3 of 3 Parts
The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
 Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team. 

            Alternate Translation, Josh. 2:1-8, "And Adam the son of Jehovah the eternal one within Joshua, the mortal man that Jehovah liberated from death went forth from the crown energy center, the plane of existence that is beyond time, to tread down Leviathan, the moon which is the mind of Israel's spiritual cosmos who is second in authority to the Primordial Serpent, who used magical arts to murder Adam, and Adam the spiritual male within Joshua said, I will go see Leviathan, who acquired the land, or the personalities of Elohim's civilized man for herself, and Adam within Joshua went and entered into Leviathan, the adulterous woman who expresses the nature of Rahab, the primeval Dragon. And Adam within Joshua had spiritual sexual intercourse with the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan's household, which was there in the midst of Israel."

"And Adam within Joshua challenged Leviathan, the widowed king, who is the moon or mind of Joshua's spiritual cosmos saying, "Look, Adam the spiritual male within Joshua has entered into Leviathan's side of the spiritual waters of the children of Israel to explore the planes of existence within the spiritual earth of their personality. And Adam sent a message to the widowed king, Leviathan, the moon or the mind of the children of Israel, who was near to Rahab, the primeval Dragon, and Adam the spiritual male within Joshua said to Leviathan, let all the earthen personalities escape, that Adam the spiritual male within Joshua, entered into, for the purpose of searching for the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan's widowed household within them, and besieging and entering into the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan's widowed household."

"And Adam, the spiritual male within Joshua, besieged the Fiery Serpent who was nailed to Leviathan, within the children of Israel, and Joshua, the two-fold spiritual male seized the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual woman within the children of Israel, who was nailed to Leviathan, and Abel within the children of Israel restrained Cain, Abel's female side that is nailed to the Fiery Serpent, and Adam within Joshua said to Abel within the children of Israel, who is near to Adam, "Stand upright", and Satan knew what was happening." This is the same story as Jehu and Jezreel, do you recognize it? "And Adam within Joshua appeared at the gate of Leviathan's widowed time line, and carried Abel within the children of Israel out from Leviathan's time line, and Adam, the spiritual male within Joshua shut up the widowed dark side of the children of Israel. But when Satan the unconscious part of the carnal mind of the children of Israel realized that Abel within the children of Israel had departed with Joshua, the two-fold spiritual male Satan hastened to run after the children of Israel, to lay hold of Abel within them. But Adam who was in Joshua's brow energy center put Abel, the one who belongs to Adam in the right moral order within the children of Israel, and Abel ascended into the left side of the heart energy center of the children of Israel, and Abel restrained Cain, who was nailed to Leviathan, the wooden threads of Israel's spiritual garment, who was against Adam." And Leviathan is the tree of knowledge of good and evil. So she is the wooden thread of Israel's spiritual garment.

"And Cain who is the gateway for Satan, the river of death within the children of Israel, because she pursues the lifestyle of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, surrendered, and Satan the unconscious part of the carnal mind within the children of Israel departed when Adam the spiritual male within Joshua pursued Satan the unconscious part of the carnal mind within the children of Israel. And the Fiery Serpent within the children of Israel suspended her spiritual sexual connection with Leviathan, when Adam ascended into Joshua's brow energy center, which is above Leviathan, the counterfeit time line." Praise the Lord.

So the first verse of Josh. 2 was an overview of the whole chapter, and verses 2-8 is an account of the seeking out of Leviathan. Now what has happened here is that Joshua and probably Caleb, I am saying probably Caleb, because I have not look at the Interlinear Text of the other chapters of this book yet, but the King James translation does say that the two, Joshua and Caleb, entered into the foreign lands. I do not exactly how the King James expresses it. And what is happening is that these two men, this is the way it looks to me now, Joshua and Caleb, Adam was regenerated in these two men, and ascended into the brow energy center, and they became the leaders who looked into the personalities of the children of Israel to locate and to identify Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent, just like we are doing here in this ministry.

So the lands that they went into, the lands that Joshua went into, this particular chapter seems to be just about Joshua, the land that he went into, and actually it was Adam that within Joshua that went into the personalities of the children of Israel, seeking out and sending a challenge to Leviathan, saying let these personalities go, and I am coming..." Okay, so Adam within Joshua went into the personalities of the children of Israel, and sent a message to Leviathan. Brethren, when I preach like this, I am sending a message to Leviathan in you. When I preach and you submit to this preaching, Christ Jesus in me is telling Leviathan, "Let these personalities go." Does that not sound more like the book of Exodus, is that not what Moses said to Pharaoh? Well maybe you are all Pharaoh. You probably are, it would not surprise me at all. I told you just earlier off of the message, that I always thought that to be ascended into the crown energy center of Leviathan's time line, and to be Pharaoh, Pharaoh is the primeval Dragon married to Leviathan, who is married to the Fiery Serpent in a personality, and all of which are ascended into the crown energy center.

I always thought that someone in that condition would be actually practicing witchcraft, lighting candles, making curses, sending curses, but I really believe that the Lord has told me today that this is not true, that it may be true in some cases, but that Pharaoh can be manifested envy in your every day loving grandmother, and the sign that Pharaoh is manifested in somebody, the sign that that person is ascended into the crown energy center, well there are several signs, and the signs are cruelty, envy, control, argumentative spirit, and aggression in general. You could be an average every day citizen. You could have hidden aggression, there is such a thing as passive aggression. So, and since I have been telling you all for a long time that everybody here is very powerful, God has called you into his army because of your powerful spiritual ability, which at the present time is being channeled into Leviathan's channel.

So we are trying to knock down your Fiery Serpent, and we have even had a couple of drawings on that recently. She has to come all the way down to the 3rd energy center and cross over to a place where she can start to ascend in Christ Jesus, and when you ascend in Christ Jesus you will be a very powerful force for the Lord, and you are all powerful forces for the Lord now, but you will be a much more powerful force for the Lord. And there is a period of weakness, while you are, Scripturally speaking while you are circumcised, but then you can cross over and ascend in Christ Jesus. So I now know that someone, that a mortal man can be manifesting Pharaoh without being a practicing witch, you just have to be a very aggressive person, a very envious person, a very argumentative person, a person who is manifesting on a regular basis malignant pride, blaming other people for what you do, taking no responsibility for anything, that is very possible, that if you are very good at this, that you are a manifestation of Pharaoh.

So we see that Adam regenerated and ascended in Joshua, was looking into the personalities of the children of Israel challenging Leviathan saying, "Let these people, let these personalities go, because they are called to serve Jehovah, they are called to be, they are called to have Abel revived in them, and Abel to grow up into Adam and to be manifestations of the nature of Jehovah. So you have to let them go. And I really believe that the warfare that is not really, the warfare is not really described here. But I believe fully that we are experiencing this warfare in this ministry. The Lord is exposing Leviathan, and the Lord exposes Leviathan and Satan who is always with Leviathan, by exposing the way Leviathan and Satan think. We are trying to identify the thoughts and the attitudes of Satan and Leviathan, so that we can escape from her nature, and Christ Jesus is fighting for us, challenging Leviathan, willing to fight with Satan to get us free. And all that we have to do is run, and the way that we run is by saying no to the thoughts of Satan in our mind.

Okay we are now up to verse 9 of Joshua chapter 2, and the whole tone of the chapter changes, because the chapter is no longer talking about Adam challenging Leviathan, but now we see that Adam is speaking to the children of Israel. I will just read you the Alternate Translation of Joshua chapter 9, to give you an idea of where we are going. "And Adam the spiritual male within Joshua said to the children of Israel, Satan knows that you have cast down the idol in the heart center, which is above your belly energy center, that the Fiery Serpent who inhabits your earthen personalities is exhausted from resisting you, and that Leviathan's marriage to the Fiery Serpent is dissolving, because Jehovah has given you dominion over the land of your personality. So in verses 2-8, we see Adam challenging Leviathan saying, "Let go", and then in verse 9, we see Adam within Joshua, and it is probably Joshua speaking to the people saying, "Well congratulations, you are doing it." And the Fiery Serpent is exhausted from resisting you. Well why is the Fiery Serpent exhausted from resisting us. How are we afflicting her? We are trying to separate her from Leviathan, we are beating on her, we are burning her in the lake of fire, we are rebuking her, we are breaking her apart from Leviathan, we are refusing to agree with her thoughts, and she is exhausted from resisting us, and her marriage to Leviathan is dissolving. Hallelujah.

Now, when the Fiery Serpent separates from Leviathan; that is the end of Pharaoh in our 7th energy center. For Pharaoh's nature to be manifesting in us, or for Pharaoh to be manifesting in us, and what does Pharaoh do? Pharaoh is the one who wants to stop us from serving Christ Jesus, Pharaoh is the one who is going to do anything and everything possible to keep us from serving Christ Jesus, that is his role, okay. And please note that Christ Jesus is not attacking Pharaoh in the 7th energy center. Just as in the early chapters of Daniel, I am not sure which chapter it is, 2 or 4 I think, where we read about Nebuchadnezzar's statue, that tremendous statue is brought down by smiting the feet of the statue. So Christ Jesus is not smiting Pharaoh in the 7th energy center. Christ Jesus is smiting the foot, okay, of Pharaoh, which is the Fiery Serpent, and on top of the Fiery Serpent is Leviathan, and then the head is Pharaoh in the 7th energy center.

So we are beating on the Fiery Serpent, because she is the one that is close to us, and when we pull her down from Leviathan, Pharaoh will cease to exist, and Pharaoh will break up into three parts. The Fiery Serpent, Leviathan and the Dragon's nature. So when Pharaoh is not manifested in the 7th energy center, where do we find the Dragon's nature? In Satan, Satan is the spiritual blood of our etheric body, and she carries the Dragon's nature, when Pharaoh dissolves; the Dragon's nature is manifested through Satan. And the spiritual power of the person who has this experience is greatly diminished. We are trying to break Pharaoh's power in our life, and when we break it, then we are trying to break Leviathan's power in our life, and we are trying to separate the Fiery Serpent from Leviathan, and from the Dragon, who is in the 7th energy center, and we want to weaken that Fiery Serpent, so that Christ Jesus in us can put her under foot and cover her. When he does that, Abel will escape, and Abel will ascend into the heart energy center, and eventually become Adam, and eventually our whole personality which is, our personality is Abel and Cain, and Satan the spiritual blood of the worm.

So Abel will escape, Cain will escape, and Satan the spiritual blood of the Fiery Serpent or worm, will be boiled and the human spirit will escape also. Okay, so all of this is going on between verse 8 and verse 9, okay, this information is not in Joshua chapter 2, you have to have this information to understand what is happening in Joshua chapter 2. So let us go on with verse 9, King James translation, "And she said to the men...", so you see that Scripture does not tell us who is talking, and the Hebrew word that is translated "she", it is simply a pronoun, that could be translated "he" or "she" as the translator prefers. The King James translators decided that it was Rahab the harlot talking unto the men, but we with the deeper spiritual understanding of this verse have found out that it is Adam speaking to the children of Israel.

And the King James says, "And she said unto the men...", but it is really "the spiritual man said" okay, "And she said unto the men, "I know that the Lord has given you the land, and that your terror is fallen upon us, and that all of the inhabitants of the land faint because of you." I am going to take out Rahab the harlot. And Adam, the spiritual male said, see I am not going to move the words around because that first paragraph is just a word for word, so I am just changing my amplification from Rahab the harlot to Adam.

"And Adam said to the spiritual males..." so the Hebrew word that is translated "men" is the Hebrew word that means "spiritual males", "I know that Jehovah has given you the land and that the "idol"...", that is a translation of the Hebrew word translated "terror". The word "upon" we are translating "above", and the Hebrew word translated "faint", we are translating "to be exhausted from resisting and dissolving." So we are translating that Hebrew word twice; that is called an amplification. And the Hebrew word translated "fallen" we are translating "cast down". The word "land" we are translating "earth", and the words "because of you" we can legitimately translate "personalities".

The idol in the right side of the heart energy center is the devil, and I am going to stop saying the right side of the heart energy center, because at some point I believe that idol occupies the whole heart center, and I am not sure about it, so I am going to take it out. The idol in the heart energy center is the devil. The devil is the personality where the Fiery Serpent is joined to Leviathan, and the marital abode is in the 4th energy center. The 4th energy center is where the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan meet and marry, that is the marital bed. If ever you read about a marital bed, in a Scripture that is in parable form, it is talking about the heart energy center. The idol in the heart energy center is the devil, the devil is the personality where the Fiery Serpent is joined to Leviathan, and abiding in the marital abode in the 4th energy center. The Fiery Serpent when she ascends to the 7th energy center is called the swine, and the Fiery Serpent married to Leviathan, married to the Dragon is called Pharaoh.

And a witness for you is Eze. 14:7, "For everyone of the house of Israel or of the stranger that sojourneth in Israel, which separateth himself from me, and setteth up his idols in his heart, and putteth the stumbling block of his iniquity before his face, and cometh to a prophet to inquire of him concerning me, I the Lord will answer him by myself." So we see that the Scripture is very clear that is possible to set up an idol in your heart, there are spiritual idols, and any physical idols made of wood and stone, are merely a reflection of an idol in the person's heart. Anyone who creates an idol or forms an idol has an idol in his heart, because the heart of God would never form an idol of wood or stone.

Isaiah 19:3, "And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst of thereof, and I will destroy the counsel thereof, and they shall speak to the idols, and to the charmers, and to them that have familiar spirits, and to the wizards." This is very interesting because we know that the 7th energy center, when it is occupied by Pharaoh, and Pharaoh is the collective name of the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan and the Dragon, and primeval Dragon, all gathered together into one in to the 7th energy center, that 7th energy center becomes spiritual Egypt. "And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst thereof.." and the spirit of Egypt is the Dragon, "...and I will destroy the counsel thereof..."

So we see that when Pharaoh is manifested in the 7th energy center of a mortal man, not only are we dealing with spiritual power, but we are dealing with spiritual counsel. And in case you do not know it brethren, for centuries there have been prophets that have not been of the household of God. There have been oracles that have the gift of prediction and prophecy, in Greece and in all of the occult nations of the world.

I saw a movie about Tibet, a relatively recent movie, well the movie was recent, it was about Tibet, not too long ago, and it showed an oracle in the Tibetan religion, which is really Hinduism, I am sorry a form of Buddhism, but Buddhism and Hinduism, there is a lot of similarities.

So there is counsel that comes out of spiritual Egypt in the 7th energy center. And I told you recently, I do not think that it was on a message; that counsel can kill. I have been teaching you here for years to beware of letting Satan speak through you, to beware of giving counsel to people that is not asked for, and that even if it is asked for, if you are not really sure it is of God, you should not counsel people. And we find in the account of Balaam, his counsel produced death. His counsel had the ability to destroy. False counsel destroys Christ Jesus. Balaam's counsel was concerning Israel, counsel kills. There is a tremendous responsibility that goes with giving people counsel. You cannot do it lightly, and to do it to glorify your own flesh, which is, I am sorry this is rampant in the church, people going around prophesying over people when they do not even know what they are talking about. It is very dangerous and can ruin people's lives, and hurt severely.

Eze. 20:7, "Then said I unto them, "Cast ye away every man the abomination of his eyes, and defile not yourself with the idols of Egypt, I am the Lord your God." And this phrase the abominations of his eyes is very interesting because the Hebrew word translated "eyes" really means "what is seen by the eyes", and it signifies the spiritual world. "So cast away the abominations that exist in the spiritual world within you, and do not defile yourself with the idols of Egypt, the idols of Pharaoh that exists in the 7th energy center, do not worship him, do not take counsel from him, I am the Lord your God, I will meet all your needs." "But they rebelled against me, and would not harken unto me. They did not every man cast away the abominations of their eyes, neither did they forsake the idols of Egypt. Then I said, "I will pour out my fury upon them, to accomplish my anger against them, in the midst of the land of Egypt."

Eze. 30:13, "Thus saith the Lord God, I will also destroy the idols, and I will cause their images to cease out of Noph, and there shall be no more a prince of the land of Egypt, and I will put a fear in the land of Egypt." Well that is interesting because this could be taken on two levels, the Lord could be speaking through his Ezekiel to his own people, "I am going to bring you down out of the 7th energy center of Leviathan's time line, and there will no longer be a prince in your spiritual Egypt, in your heart, in your crown energy center of Leviathan's time line, and I will put a fear in the land of Egypt that could be a fear of Pharaoh, that will make Pharaoh afraid in the 7th energy center." But of course this prophecy came to pass in physical Egypt. There are no princes in Egypt today, Egypt has an elective government.

The Hebrew word translated "men", Strong's #376 means "a male person". This word signifies a mortal man that has spiritual power and can be applied to a son of God, or a member of Leviathan's household or a daughter of Satan, however you wish to say it. Alternate Translation, Josh. 2:9, "And Adam the spiritual male within Joshua said to the children of Israel, "Satan knows that you have cast down the idol in the heart energy center, which is above the belly energy center, that the Fiery Serpent who inhabits your earthen personalities is exhausted from resisting you, and that the Leviathan's marriage to the Fiery Serpent is dissolving, because Jehovah has given you dominion over the land of your personalities. Let us pick that apart a little. It sounds on the surface like the verse is repeating itself when it says, "Satan knows that you have cast down the idol in the heart center", and then it says further on, Leviathan's marriage to the Fiery Serpent is dissolving. Well does not it mean that that marriage has dissolved when you cast down the idol in the heart center. No, I think what the verse means is that to cast down the idol in the heart center means you have pulled your thoughts out. You see, to form the devil, the personality must be in agreement with the thoughts of the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan who are married and dwelling together in a spiritual sexual union in their heart energy center.

So we might say that the devil is, the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan and the personality in full agreement. So when you pull your thoughts out, when you no longer agree with the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan, that is casting down the idol in the heart center. But as soon as you pull your thoughts out, that does not mean that the union between Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent start dissolve immediately. Therefore it appears as two different events in this verse. Satan knows that you have cast down the idol in the heart energy center, you have pulled your thoughts out of agreement with Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent, which energy center is above the belly energy center. And all that that means is that, the Fiery Serpent who normally abides in the belly energy center is ascended into the heart center, for the devil to be formed, that the Fiery Serpent who inhabits your earthen personalities, is exhausted from resisting your relentless attacks upon her union with Leviathan, and because she is exhausted from resisting you, that union is dissolving, and Leviathan's marriage to the Fiery Serpent is dissolving.

And all of this is happening, because Jehovah has given you dominion over the land of your personality, and that dominion is in the form of, does anybody know what form that dominion is in? Christ Jesus has given you dominion over your personalities. What does dominion mean? Christ Jesus has given you the power to rule over your own personalities. And what form is that power in? It is in the form of the regenerated Adam which to us in this new covenant, it is actually the regenerated Christ Jesus, the offspring of the glorified Jesus Christ. But of course Jesus Christ is the last Adam. Christ Jesus is Adam in another form. Our potential to dominate our own personality is in Christ Jesus who is imparted to us. Christ in you the hope of your glorification.

The Rahab, the harlot company will understand that the sea is Satan's symbol, and that drying up the sea means Satan's destruction. Josh 2:10, "For we have heard how the Lord dried up the water of the red sea for you when you came out of Egypt, and what you did to the two kings of the Amorites that were on the other side of Jordan, Sihon, and Og, whom you utterly destroyed." Now the King James translation makes it sound like Rahab the harlot is speaking to the spiritual male, and of course the spiritual male is Adam within Joshua, so we could say, Joshua is a spiritual male, but as I research this verse, I find out that that is not the case, and of course this whole teaching, this whole three part study, has to do with the Rahab the harlot company, and how we will recognize them, and that is why I read in here, the Rahab the harlot company will understand that the sea is Satan's symbol, and that drying up the sea is Satan's destruction.

Brethren what this whole concept is really talking about, I do not know how many chapters it encompasses, is that the Rahab the harlot company is the disciples that sit under the sons. You who are listening to me tonight, you are a member of the Rahab the harlot company, and I am a member of the Joshua company, and there is no way that you would submitting of my penetration of your personality to expose Satan and Leviathan if you did not understand the doctrine of Christ, you just would not be tolerating it.

So we see in the King James translation it is so, the concept is so simplified that the Hebrew children are attacking Jericho and there is this harlot sitting on a roof, and she just has this spiritual discernment that the God of gods is with them, and she is asking for mercy, but it is much, much, much, more than that, because how did she recognize that they were Jehovah's people, how did she even know? She must have, according to the King James translation, she had to have the predictive knowledge that the sons of God, or the children of Israel were attacking Jericho, and that they would prevail. How did she have all of this knowledge, see.

And you may recall in a previous part of this message, I read to you from one of the Bible dictionaries, I do not remember which one it was, I do not think it was Unger's, I think it must have been Nelson's, that said, there is no indication in the Scripture as to how Rahab the harlot had this knowledge about Jehovah, that he was the one true God, etcetera, etcetera, there is nothing in the Scripture, there is nothing in the King James translation of the Scripture that gives this knowledge. But the truth of the matter is that Rahab was not, a person who did not know Jehovah, she was not a person who did not know the Hebrew children. Rahab was the Hebrew children that Joshua and Caleb were invading in order to expose Leviathan so that those Hebrew children could have the same experience that Joshua and Caleb had. And the experience that Joshua and Caleb had was the regeneration of Adam, and their spiritual ascension into the brow energy center, which made them mighty men of God. So we see that Rahab the harlot is the Hebrew children, and today Rahab the harlot is the church. But of course if you have a self-righteous Pharisitical spirit, and you think that you are clean because you answered an altar call, you will never see yourself as Rahab the harlot.

Brethren, salvation is for the whole world. The Scripture clearly says, "Let whosoever will come and drink of this water", but right now at this moment, salvation is going toward the Christian and towards the Jew, why? Is God a respecter of persons? No, God is not a respecter of persons, but he does everything decently and in order, and he is saving the whole world, he is saving the spiritual substance of the whole world, but he is starting in one small place and spreading his salvation forth over the whole world. He began with Abraham, who increased into Israel. Israel produced Messiah. Israel was cut off of their own tree, but they will be grafted back into their own tree, and in this hour, salvation is to the church, and to the Jew, and to whosoever can have the spiritual insight to recognize what Jesus is doing and come and ask for it, he can have it too. But the plan is to raise up the Jew and the church, and send them to the rest of the world. This is the hour of the salvation of the Jew and the Greek. I should not have said the Greek, the Jew and the church.

So Rahab the harlot company knows what is happening. She knows the doctrine of Christ, she knows the spiritual symbols, she understands and she is cooperating with the Joshua company. So we see that the King James translation of Josh. 2:10, again makes it sound like Rahab is talking to Joshua and Caleb, but she is not. Verse 10 is a continuation of Adam's dissertation to the children of Israel, and actually it was Adam within Joshua, so it was actually Joshua speaking to the Hebrew children, and Joshua just told them that Satan knows what is happened, you have torn down the idol in the heart center, okay. The Fiery Serpent is exhausted from fighting with you, from resisting you, and her marriage to Leviathan is dissolving, and Joshua goes on to say, "because, and all this is happening because the children of Israel..", and I am reading the alternate translation now, on page 4, "because the children of Israel heard how Jehovah dried up Satan, the spiritual blood of the Fiery Serpent, the red seaweed side of the personality, so that they could depart from the crown energy center of the Leviathan's time line, and because the children of Israel heard what Jehovah did to Leviathan, the spiritual mud that swept away Adam, the other righteous side of death, the dream world presence of Sihon, the Amorite king, who is conscious in two worlds, he is conscious in the physical world, and he is conscious in the spiritual world, and to Og, the round baked clay animal called Cain, who slew Abel, because Jehovah consecrated Abel, and appointed Abel, to shut up Cain's anger."

Now brethren, this is very clear that the people who comprised the Rahab company are people who know the doctrine of Christ. We will go over this a phrase at a time. This verse 10 is very heavy stuff. I will probably have to explain it all to you.

And Joshua is saying to the Hebrew children, you are able to cast down the idol in your heart center, to resist the Fiery Serpent who inhabits your personalities and exhaust her, and to dissolve her marriage to Leviathan, because you heard the doctrine of Christ, and all these aspects of it, which we will go over one at a time. Brethren it is very naive to think that a total stranger, a non-Jew and a non-Christian that knows nothing about Jehovah, about the word of God, about the doctrine of Christ, that they are going to look and have a miraculous revelation of the sons of God, and what they have come to do, and are going to, even more than that, maybe they will get a revelation of who the sons of God are, but the bottom line is this, brethren, to cast down the idol in your heart center, to resist the Fiery Serpent until you exhaust her, and to dissolve her marriage to Leviathan, takes spiritual strength. And even if you recognize the sons of God, you will not find the spiritual strength within you if Christ is not in you. And it is the doctrine of Christ that imparts Christ to you and strengthens him in you. See you may remember from the earlier verses that Adam in Joshua threatened Leviathan, "Let the personalities go", and Abel escaped, and ascended into the heart center from where he restrained Cain. Rahab the harlot company prevailed because they knew what to do when Adam in Joshua threatened Leviathan. So we see that you have to know what to do, and then you have to have Christ in you, who is going to do it.

You see, when you sit under the doctrine of Christ like this, Christ is being educated in you. When Christ is grafted to you, he is not grafted with all knowledge, he is a young prince in you, and he has to be educated. So you, the conscious part of the personality, which is Cain, you have to be educated to cooperate, and Abel in you has to be educated, or Christ in you. If you are a Jew, you have Abel, if you are not Jew, well Christ has to be grafted to you. In a Jew, Abel is more likely to be conscious in a Jew than in a non-Jew, but Christ grafts to Abel, whether he is conscious in the Jew, or whether he is not conscious, or whether he is dead in the Christian. And Christ has to receive this instruction. You and me, Cain, we have to know what to do so we can cooperate, and Abel has to know how to escape, and he is has to know that he has to ascend to the heart center, and restrain Cain. So you have to have Christ, and then both Christ is grafted to Abel, and Cain must know what to do.

So even if there were people who were very high in witchcraft and had the ability, let us say they read my books and they had all of this knowledge of what is supposed to happen, it is still of no effect if Christ is not in you, and if your heart is not right, you can read all of my books and you are not going to have Christ. If your heart is not repentant and turned toward the Lord Jesus sincerely, and sincerely so, Christ is not grafted to you, the knowledge of the doctrine of Christ is not going to do you any good. So you have to have both. How could the Rahab the harlot company be just people in the street that see some men walking down the street and say, "I recognize you, you are the sons of God, here I am going to help you escape. Not at all, brethren, not at all, not at all. It is just a fantasy, not at all.

So we are working on verse 10, King James, "For we have heard how the Lord dried up the water of the red sea for you when you came out of Egypt, and what you did unto the two kings of the Amorites that were on the other side of Jordan, Sihon and Og, whom you utterly destroyed." "To utterly destroy", Strong's #2763, can be translated "to shut up the nostrils", the nostrils in the Hebrew language signify anger. Wherefore "to shut up the nostrils" can be translated "to be consecrated to God". The nostrils mean "anger", so when you shut up the nostrils, you shut off the anger, and you become consecrated to God. And this is what the lexicons say, on the positive side, the Hebrew word translated "to utterly destroy" can be translated "to be consecrated to God." And on the negative side, it can be translated "to slay".

I have told you many times how interesting the Hebrew language is, that just about every word in the Hebrew language has totally conflicting meanings, and the truth of it that it has one meaning to the carnal mind, and another meaning to the Christ mind. So the same verb can mean to consecrate to God and to slay, because when you slay your carnal mind, you are consecrated to God. The Hebrew word translated "red", Strong's #5488 means "red seaweed" and we discovered in a message on Ezekiel, I think it was Ezekiel chapter 1, years ago, that Leviathan is the weed, and no we find out that the Fiery Serpent is the seaweed, she is under Satan's sea, she is the weed under Satan's sea, and the Fiery Serpent is the red seaweed, the spiritual plant that exists in Satan's sea, and the waters of the red sea signify Satan, the water or the energy of the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual blood of fallen mankind. The Fiery Serpent is the red seaweed, that is a translation of Strong's #5488, translated simply "red" in the King James translation. The Rahab, the harlot company will understand that Sihon is Leviathan, and Og is Cain.

Well you say, how in the world will Rahab the harlot company understand that Sihon is Leviathan and Og is Cain? Well they are going to listen to this message, or we also have an on line meeting that we are about to publish on this same subject. They are going to read this transcript of this message, or they are going to read the transcript of the on line meeting, and they will know that Sihon is Leviathan, and Og is Cain. "Sihon", Strong's #5511, means "to sweep away", but there is an unused root under this same number Strong's #5511, and when I talk like this, I have usually gone into Gesengus Lexicon, if you want to check this out, and that there is an unused root under the same number, which means to be muddy or clay, means to be made to be filled with clay. Strong's #5512, the next consecutive number after #5511, translated "Sihon", has the exact same spelling as the Hebrew word Strong's #5511, and means "clay".

So we have encountered this many times, and it is just translator's license to take one Hebrew word and give it two Strong's numbers, because for whatever Strong's reason, he gave the same word two different Strong's numbers. So we see that the word that is translated Sihon, that the spelling of that word can be translated either "to sweep away", "to be covered with mud or clay, or to consists of mud or clay", and then Strong's #5512 also means "clay". Leviathan is the Primordial Serpent's male spiritual sexual organ which is formed from the mud of the primeval ocean bed. Now that is an old revelation here, I have told you that many times. Actually Leviathan is not the Primordial Serpent's organ, she is the Dragon's, we have to change that to Dragon's, she is the Dragon's male spiritual sexual organ, which is formed from the mud of the primeval ocean bed.

Sihon is Leviathan, the collective subconscious mind of mammalian humanity. We are all mammals, we are all, mortal men are animals, we are mammals, and Sihon is Leviathan the collective subconscious mind of mammalian humanity. Og, Strong's #5747, means "long necked" and is derived from the Hebrew words, that mean, "round baked cakes made from ashes." The word "round" suggest the cruel race of people who existed at the time that Jehovah destroyed the tower of Babel.

These people dwelled in the crown energy center of Leviathan's time line, which curves around until the 7th energy center meets the root energy center, to form the circular surface of the spiritual black hole. So when you hear about people who are round people, it is talking about people who are completed in the Leviathan, and hope of the light of Christ shining through is cut off. That is what the spiritual significance of words "round people" are. There is nothing of Christ in them at all.

The parallelogram is the geometric expression of Adam/Christ Jesus' time line. But the black hole which is, I do not really know what the geometric word is for it, I am sorry I cannot think of the word, it is a triangle that is three dimensional, just like a three dimensional square is called a cube, there is a word that describes the three dimensional triangle, and it is slipping my mind at the moment. The parallelogram is the geometric expression of Adam/Christ Jesus' time line. So the black hole is definitely of the Dragon's household. Cain is the clay animal that appeared when the waters of creation mixed with the spiritual dust of the earth and became hard.

Leviathan, that is Sihon, and of course Cain is Og, let us put that in, Leviathan, Sihon, is the collective subconscious part of the carnal mind, and Cain, Og, is the clay animal, and the two are one creature, mortal man. Leviathan, the collective subconscious part of the carnal mind, that is Sihon, and Cain, the clay animal, that is us, are one creature, and the clay part of us is Og. We make one creature, one two-fold creature, the part of us that appears in the physical world, and that part of us that appears in the astral plane, mortal man. And that is why Sihon are always spoken of together, because they are really one. And you will see as we go on in these translations, the expression two-fold man comes forth, and it is talking about a man who is conscious both in the physical and in the spiritual planes, a two-fold man. If you have Christ Jesus in you, you are a two-fold man, you exist on two levels, and you are a much more complicated person than the carnal person, who exists only in this world.

Okay, we are working Josh. 2:10. "Jehovah" is a translation of the word "Lord", the word "water" we are translating "spiritual blood", the Hebrew word translated "red" we are translating "red seaweed", which is what it really means. The word "for you" really is the Hebrew word that means "face", the part that is in front, which we translate "the personality" all the time. The Hebrew word "came out" we are translating "depart", and "Egypt", is talking about the 7th energy center of Leviathan's time line. And of course it means more than that, for the 7th energy center to be Egypt, the Fiery Serpent has to be up there with Leviathan and they all have to be, and the two have to be joined together with the Dragon. The English words "unto the two" we are translating "two-fold", it is a Hebrew word that means "two", and two-fold is a legitimate translation.

"Sihon" is muddy, we are translating that "muddy", the English words "that" we are translating "who", and Sihon, I see that I translated Sihon twice, so I amplified. We translated "Sihon" "muddy", and "to sweep away", the word, there is no Hebrew foundation for the English word "were" in the Hebrew. "Jordan" we are translating "death", "Og" we are translating "Cain", and also we are translating "Og" "the round baked clay". We are translating "Og" "slew", is that right? We are translating "Og" "to slay", I think that is probably a mistake, I do not think we are translating "Og" "to slay", I will have to check that out. We do have a word that means "to destroy", we are probably translating the, that Hebrew word translated "destroy", I guess we are translating it twice, "to slay", that is the negative, and also "to shut up", I will have to check that out, but that is what it looks like that we are translating that Hebrew word translated "destroy" twice, "to slay" and "to shut up".

Alternate Translation, Josh 2:10, "Because the children of Israel heard, they sat under the teaching of the sons of God, and they knew all about how Jehovah dried up Satan, the spiritual blood of the Fiery Serpent, the red seaweed of the personality..." Well how did, well in this dispensation it is Christ Jesus, how did he dry up the spiritual blood of the Fiery Serpent? The spiritual blood of the Fiery Serpent is Satan and Christ Jesus is boiling Satan’ that is how he is drying up the blood. "...so that the Hebrew children could depart from the 7th energy center of Leviathan's time line...", and I think I am going to change that in the translation.

"...so that the Hebrew children could depart from spiritual Egypt in the crown energy center of Leviathan's time line, and because the children of Israel heard what Jehovah did to Leviathan...", what did Jehovah do to Leviathan, or what did Christ Jesus do to Leviathan? Does anybody remember the judgment on Leviathan? Satan is boiled and what is happening to Leviathan, does anybody know?

COMMENT: She is cooked.

PASTOR VITALE: Exactly. Leviathan is in Satan's sea, when Satan is boiled, and what happens to her after she is cooked, do you have the answer?

COMMENT: She is consumed.

PASTOR VITALE: And who consumes her?

COMMENT: Christ Jesus.

PASTOR VITALE: Christ Jesus consumes her, yes. The high priest consumes the sacrifice, Christ Jesus the high priest consumes Leviathan who is our sacrifice. It is a lie and a false translation and a false message in the church that Christ Jesus is crucified so that we do not have to be crucified. We do not have to be crucified physically, we do not have to be destroyed physically, but our sin nature must be consumed, our sin nature must be slain and destroyed, and the Lord Jesus Christ's crucifixion was for the purpose of imparting Christ to us, Christ in you, the hope of glory, Christ in me, my potential to overcome Leviathan. And Christ in me, the savior in the midst of me, that will boil Satan and consume Leviathan. Christ Jesus did not die on the cross, so that I have nothing to do but dance and sing and go to heaven, this is a lie and if you believe it you are deceived.

So we see that the children of Israel heard how Jehovah dried up Satan, the spiritual blood of the Fiery Serpent, the red seaweed side of the personality. And what is the other side of the personality? Cain, the animal, the hard clay is the other side of the personality. "...so that they could depart from spiritual Egypt, the crown energy center of Leviathan's time line, and because the children of Israel heard what Jehovah did to Leviathan, that Jehovah...", well actually it is not really Jehovah, it is actually King Adam. Adam is the high priest that consumes Leviathan. What King Adam did to Leviathan, the spiritual mud that swept away Adam, the other righteous side of death, Adam stands across from Leviathan, see. See this may get confusing here. Adam stands opposite Leviathan and the Leviathan killed Adam, so how did King Adam consume Leviathan, if Leviathan killed Adam? Well brethren, King Adam in another man, you see. Adam was consumed, Adam was consumed in every man, and now in the regeneration, King Adam in certain men, are going forth with their mind, penetrating into members of the church, okay, for the purpose of consuming Leviathan, of strengthening Abel in the people that they are penetrating, to raise Adam from the dead, so that King Adam, can once again consume Leviathan.

"And King Adam did to Leviathan, the spiritual mud that swept away Adam, the other righteous side of death, the dream world presence of Sihon." And the dream world is just another way of saying the astral plane. So we see that Leviathan is the presence of Sihon in the astral plane. Sihon was a physical king, he was a physical man, but he also existed in the astral plane, and his presence in the astral plane was Leviathan.

I am a two-fold man, I exist in this physical world as Sheila, and I also exist in the mental plane. I honestly do not know if I have a presence in the astral plane or not, I honestly do not know, I may, you know, but my spiritual presence is Christ Jesus, wherever he is appearing. If he is appearing in the astral plane, that is who I am, I am Christ Jesus in the astral plane. And the way it is put in many occult circles, even in the mystical Hebrew books is the one who is above, and the one who is below, and that the one who is below is a reflection of the one who is above. So you can say, well the person's in heaven and earth at the same time, or you can say, the person is a physical person below, and that his spiritual presence, Christ Jesus or in the Old Testament, King Adam is appearing to all of the spiritual planes of consciousness. I think the Lord just answered me, Christ Jesus in me is appearing in the astral plane. Christ Jesus in me is appearing to all of the other planes of consciousness within me, and they all see him. And if Christ Jesus is in you you are in the same condition. That is why you have warfare, depending on the maturity of Christ Jesus in you; that is why you have warfare continuously, because the inhabitants of the other planes of consciousness see Christ Jesus and are attacking him.

Now you may remember from one of the previous verses, that Satan knew that Adam within Joshua was challenging Leviathan, Satan knew that Abel in the Hebrew children, had escaped and ascended into the heart energy center, and was restraining Cain, and Satan ran after the Hebrew children, so as to lay hold of Abel again. That is what the story says, that is what the parable, even when we translate it, it is still a parable, if you cannot have, if you do not have all of this other knowledge that I am telling you, well, how did Satan run after the Hebrew children to lay hold of Abel again? That is the same thing as saying, I never rest all night long, I am attacked, that Christ Jesus in me is engaged in a continuous warfare with the inhabitants of the other planes of consciousness, and I really am not always aware of it, I just feel the impact of it. That is what is meant, when this very translation that we are doing in this very chapter, says, "Satan heard about it and ran after the Hebrew children to get Abel back." Satan and all of the inhabitants that are her armies in the other planes of consciousness, and all of the human people, who are a part of Satan's armies because they agree with Satan's thoughts, are attacking Christ Jesus continuously, without rest, for the specific purpose of bringing down Christ Jesus, and gaining control of Abel once again, because there can be no manifested creation without Abel.

So we see that Leviathan is the dream world presence of Sihon, the Amorite king who is conscious in two worlds, and also what King Adam did to Og, the round baked clay animal called Cain, who slew Abel, because Jehovah consecrated Abel, and appointed Abel to shut up Cain's anger. Well what did King Adam do to Cain? King Adam strengthened Abel, so that Abel could revive and rise up and in this generation the Lord Jesus is grafting Christ, the seed of his own life, to Abel who is dead in most of humanity, to stand in for Abel, so that Abel can rise, or Christ can rise to the heart center and restrain Cain, because Cain is the open door. Cain is the door that Satan enters in to your mind through. Now if you have Christ you are supposed to be restraining Cain; that means you are supposed to be closing and locking and barring that door that Satan enters into to think through you. Satan is trying to get into our minds, and if she gets into minds, I do not know about you, but my door is not fully closed yet, she comes in with her wicked thoughts and I have to fight her off, you see.

It is just like the difference between old order deliverance, and new order deliverance, is there anything wrong with old order deliverance? No, you fight on whatever level you are on. Old order deliverance is for people that do not have Christ grafted to them. Old order deliverance is the mercy of God fighting with the demons, struggling with them, spending hours to cast demons out.

That is what you have to do when you are still down in the 3rd energy center, but by the time you ascend into the 4th and 5th energy centers, it is a very rare thing, I mean I have not cast out a demon in years, why? Because the demons are down in the 3rd energy center, I am in the 5th energy center, I do not have to fight with them, I just work on this word of God and they are pressed out of me. This doctrine of Christ, forces them out of me, but if I needed one, if the Lord told me I needed a demon cast out, I would take it. I am not against old order deliverance.

We are talking about Cain, what did King Adam do to Cain? Cain who is oppressing Abel, King Adam strengthened Abel to rise above Cain, so that Abel could restrain Cain, no longer fight on the same level, struggling back and forth, just cover her, and shut her up, because Cain is Satan's mouth piece. As a matter of fact, I think that should be Satan. "The clay animal called Cain who slew Abel, because Jehovah consecrated Abel, and appointed Abel to shut up, I think that should be Satan's anger, Satan's the one that is shut out, well I do not know I have to pray about that. It must be Satan's anger.

The Rahab company will be familiar with the doctrine of Cain and Abel. Leviathan and the Fiery Serpents are dead, because they are separated from Jehovah, they do not die from generation to generation like we the mortal side of the personality do, Leviathan and the Fiery Serpents are immortal for so long as this age endures, and when the age ends, they die. So it is a false immortality that they possess.

So we see once again, that we must destroy Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent within ourselves, to receive that supernatural power that liberates mortal mankind from this physical world which is hell. We can receive temporary power from the Holy Spirit before he is swallowed up by the Spirit of Christ, but if we are not struggling with overcoming and destroying our own negative principles, a supernatural that we possess is not from Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit delivers, heals, comforts, but does not deliver us from this world system, delivers us from demons, okay, the Holy Spirit heals, delivers from demons, from demons and circumstances, but does not deliver us from this world system.

You see, when, you know you can just start reading the word of God, you do not even have to have the Holy Spirit, I believe that there are some Baptists that read the word of God that do not speak in tongues, but they must have some measure of the Holy Spirit, but they have not received it, they do not have any great strength like you do when you speak in tongues, and I think their prayers are powerful. You see, as soon as any aspect of the Spirit of God touches you, and that can happen just from reading the word, it wakes up the Fiery Serpent in you.

The Fiery Serpent who is sleeping coiled in your root energy center, she is stimulated by the word of God, and she starts ascending into the 2nd and 3rd energy center, which is okay, but if you do not lay hold of her in the 3rd energy center, and direct her into the left side of the heart energy center, she is going to go be default into the right side of the heart energy center, where she will marry Leviathan, and you will not even know what is happening to you, she is going to ascend with Leviathan all the way up the crown energy center of the counterfeit time line, where they will marry the Dragon and you are going to become a super witch. And I know people in Christ who are in this position.They are manifesting powerful spiritual authority, and they think it is the Lord and it is not.

So how do you know in which time line you are ascending? Brethren, if you are not seeking out the land, if Christ Jesus either in you or in somebody else is not looking at your personality, to identify the thoughts of Satan, and to show you the attitudes of Leviathan, the thoughts of Satan, and the attitudes of Leviathan, haughtiness and pride, and you are not working on it, to burn these qualities, these thoughts and these qualities out of you, you are not ascended in Christ Jesus. I tell you that unequivocally. Josh. 2:11, "And as soon as we heard these things, our hearts did melt, neither did there remain any courage in any man because of you, for the Lord your God, he is God in heaven above and in earth beneath."

So we see, you know, even the King James translation indicates that the Rahab the harlot company, knew these things about the sons of God, but there is no indication as to how they knew these things about the sons of God. And my position is that the Rahab the harlot company are all disciples of the Joshua company, the sons of God.

Okay, there are two prefixes "vav", "nailed" and "nun" "fish", before the Hebrew translated "understand", or "heard", and we are translating the word "neither", which is a negative particle, we are translating that "the devil". The word "melt" we are translating "to dissolve", and the Hebrew word translated "did remain there", we are translated "to arise", the word translated "more" we are translating "again", "courage" we are translating "spirit", "because" we are translating "personalities". "Man" we are translating "spiritual male", "for" we are translating "because", "Lord" is "Jehovah", "God" is "the supreme God". "Your God" we are translating "the God". "Heaven" we are translating "the 5th energy center".

The 5th energy center is the heaven that is above the earth of the heart energy center. That is about it. Okay, Alternate Translation, Josh. 2:11, "And as soon as the children of Israel who were still nailed to Leviathan understood that Jehovah is the supreme God of all the gods in the throat energy center of Leviathan's time line, which is above the heart energy center of Leviathan's time line, but underneath the throat energy center of Adam/Christ Jesus' time line, the Spirit of truth within Adam, the spiritual male, rose again within the children of Israel, and the devil, the idol in the heart energy center of the personalities of the children of Israel dissolved.

See, when I first worked up this verse, I could not figure out why that word again was in there, you see, and I think that is a very significant word. The Spirit of truth within Adam, the spiritual male, rose again within the children of Israel, and to me, this is a clear witness that this Rahab, the harlot company, or Rahab the harlot, she was not just some heathen woman that happened to have all of this information. These were fallen children of Israel, that use to have the Spirit of truth, which today is appearing to us as the Spirit of Christ. Israel has the Spirit of truth, and they went in bondage in Egypt, they went under bondage under Pharaoh, and they lost the Spirit of truth. So now they are being restored in the wilderness, and their personalities have been scrutinized and invaded by Adam within Joshua and Caleb, and verse 11 says, "As soon as they understood that Jehovah is the supreme God of all the gods in the throat energy center, the Spirit of truth that was within Adam, the spiritual male rose again within the children of Israel."

So they had to have, this Rahab, I mean if you are translating this Rahab the harlot instead of children of Israel, this has to mean that Rahab the harlot had the Spirit of truth at one time. And Rahab the harlot was an idolatress. So here is our one really strong witness, that Rahab the harlot is the children of Israel in the wilderness.

The group of Israelites that came out of bondage in Egypt, and who were fallen down, whatever spiritual power they had, was in spiritual Egypt. "And when they understood that Jehovah was more powerful than the gods of Egypt, the Spirit of truth arose within them again, and the devil in the heart energy center of the children of Israel dissolved. You see you have to believe it is possible. You have to believe that Jehovah is the greatest God. The Rahab the harlot company will have a knowledge of the energy centers and their inhabitants. And of course energy centers, that is just another way of saying, the spiritual worlds within us, because each energy center is associated with a spiritual world, and the inhabitants thereof. The Rahab the harlot company will be afraid of the warfare until they understand that Jehovah is undefeatable. The Rahab the harlot company will be afraid of the warfare until they understand that Jehovah is undefeatable. The Rahab the harlot company will have faith that in Christ Jesus, have faith that Christ Jesus, will have faith in Christ Jesus to give them every victory over the other planes of consciousness, and their inhabitants.

Josh. 2:12, "Now therefore I pray you, swear unto me by the Lord, since I have showed you kindness that you will also show kindness unto my father's house, and give me a true token." The Hebrew translated "swear", literally means "to seven", which signifies completion. The English word "assemble" signifies assembling one's spiritual atoms in the higher energy centers. So we are translating that English word "swear" we are translating "complete", "unto me" can legitimately be translated "to belong", we are translating "Lord" "Jehovah", we are translating "since" "so", "to show" we are translating "demonstrated", "kindness" we are translating "much zeal". "Also" we are translating "to assemble". "Ye" we are translating "ourselves", "unto" we are translating "into", the word "knee" can be translated "to give us". The Hebrew word translated "Kindness" means "favor" which can be translated "privilege", and the Hebrew word translated "token" means evidence, which we are translating "witness". Alternate Translation Josh. 2:12, "And the children of Israel said to Joshua, we have demonstrated how much zeal we have to assemble ourselves in to the brow energy center of the father's household, so complete us now, and give us the privilege of belonging to Jehovah, so that we might be a witness to the truth."

So we see that the Rahab the harlot company is asking for much more than mercy when the sons of God take over the city of Jericho. "And the children of Israel said to Joshua, we have demonstrated how much zeal we have to assemble ourselves into the brow energy center of the father's household, so complete us now, and give us the privilege of belonging to Jehovah so that we might be witnesses to the truth." They want the whole thing, they do not just want mercy, they want the resurrection themselves. They want Adam regenerated within them themselves. They want to be in the two witness company, they want to be, what do you think the two witnesses are witnessing to? They are witnessing to the truth, what truth? That Jehovah is the greatest God, that Jehovah is greater than the gods of this world, that Jehovah is greater than Satan, that Jehovah is more powerful than death, and that even though mankind keeps sinning over and over and over again, which is Satan's legal ground to keep us down here, Jehovah can still get us out.

And that is the assignment of the Lord Jesus Christ, to get us out, despite ourselves. But of course we have to repent and admit our condition, we have to admit our condition, and ask for help. Now to be a member of the two witness company, which is what they are asking for, that is no easy thing, that is a hard life to be a member of the two witness company, and we will see that Adam is going to tell them that it is no easy thing. Young Christians, they want to be in the ministry, they want to be two witnesses, they want all the promises; they do not even know what they are asking for.

The disciples of the spiritual males demonstrated their zeal by understanding some of the doctrine of Christ. And they also demonstrated their zeal by we are told in a prior verse, that they were fighting so hard against the Fiery Serpent that they were exhausting her. They thought that they understood all of the doctrine of Christ, so Adam enlightened them in verse 14, concerning the exposure of their sin nature, and mercy of the white throne judgment, dying to the Fiery Serpent's lifestyle, and the rejection of Leviathan. You see in the earlier verses where the Hebrew children were fighting the Fiery Serpent, and dissolving Satan and Leviathan's marriage; that was bringing them, bringing down their high power, and breaking the power of witchcraft. I had five years of deliverance from witchcraft when I came to the Lord, but to actually want to be a two witness, a member of the two witness company, to actually want to be a son of God, you have to go beyond breaking the power in of witchcraft in yourself, you have to overcome your carnal mind and enter into the nature of Jesus Christ, and that is a whole different phase of deliverance.

I know people, there were people in the church that I trained in, a whole family that came in, they were very troubled, there was a lot of trouble in that family with the children and the parents, and there were a couple of people like this, the mercy of God manifested in their lives, they got deliverance from the trouble, the young girl went forth and married, I heard she is having, you know she is pretty content in her life, I think the young man is okay, and they never went on, they did not come on, they are not in this ministry, they are not in this word, they got deliverance from their trouble in this world. The power of witchcraft was cast down in them, and they went on with a Godly lifestyle. But the whole new phase, a whole second phase, if you want to be a member of the two witness company, it is whole different ball game.

You have to have your sin nature exposed, and that requires submitting to the mercy of the white throne judgment, which shows you your sins with mercy, you have to die to the Fiery Serpent's lifestyle, and you have to reject Leviathan. Well I guess reject Leviathan should come first, and then die to the Fiery Serpent's lifestyle. Well, if you do not get your sins shown to you with mercy, how are they shown to you? They are shown to you by Satan, without mercy. Well what is the difference? Well when Satan shows you your sins, it is unto death. Satan shows you your sins by visiting the same sin upon you that you visited upon others, and the end of all that is death.

The white throne judgment, which shows you your sins with mercy gives you instruction, and understanding, and instruction on how to stop doing that, and how to replace that ungodly behavior with the righteous behavior of Christ Jesus and the end of the white throne judgment is eternal life. So that is how we show sins with mercy or without mercy, mercy leads to life, and without mercy leads to death, but your sins will be shown to you, because every sin will have its just recompense, and God is not mocked, you will surely reap what you have sown. But when you are under the white throne judgment, when you reap what you have sown, it works for your good.

And I have a witness for you here, I guess I did not read this yet, the Rahab the harlot company will desire the ministry of the son of God. The two witness company witnesses to the truth of Jehovah's philosophy as opposed to the Dragon's philosophy, and to the Lord Jesus Christ, their witness to the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ as the fulfillment of Jehovah's promises, and actually what they are witnessing to, we now, we know in the new covenant, in the New Testament here, that the two witnesses are testifying to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, because the Spirit of life comes into them, it is the spirit of life that is the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ that comes into them.

So that is really what they are witnessing to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Rev. 11:3, "And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and three score days, clothed in sackcloth..." That just means a human body, a mortal body. Josh. 2:13, "And that ye will save alive my father and my mother, and my brethren, and my sisters, and all that they have and deliver our lives from death." Well we see that the children or that the Rahab company, they are asking for much more than that, and of course our father, well, Abel is our brother, Abel is the male, Cain is our sister, Adam is our mother, and the father, although I do not have it in here, the father is really Elijah, well the father is Elohim, so that Elohim, the father of the creation.

The Hebrew word translated "they" can also be translated "to belong to", the Hebrew word translated "deliver" can be translated "to defend", there is an untranslated word meaning "himself". The Hebrew word translated "lives" means "soul life", and the soul life is the personality or the Fiery Serpent. I think we will translate it the Fiery Serpent, the soul life is really the Fiery Serpent. And there is a prefix "mem" before the word translated "death". "Mem" means "waters" and we are translating it "spiritual blood", and the word "death" we are translating "the Fiery Serpent". I must have had a reason for doing that even though I do not see it in my notes. I do not know how I got the Fiery Serpent out of death. Abel is the one that is revived in the Jew, and according to this verse, Christ is given to everyone who wars against Satan within himself.

And Christ is given to everyone who wars against Satan within himself. You want to know how to get Christ grafted to you? I have been telling you for years that if you sit under the preaching of the doctrine of Christ, I believe that he is grafted to you if you submit yourself to the preaching of the doctrine of Christ, most likely he will be grafted to you, but according to this verse, we now know how to speed up the process. You want to speed up the process, you want Christ grafted to you more quickly, you want him to grow more quickly, war against Satan within yourself. Be willing to face that you are an expression of the carnal mind; that Satan's thoughts prevail through you, and start to war against all of the negative qualities that you see in yourself. If you can see them yourself, or if someone from the Joshua company shows them to you, take their word by faith, and start to war against them, and Christ will graft to you and Christ will grow.

Alternate Translation, Josh. 2:13, "So that Elohim, the father..", Elohim the father of who, Elohim the father of Adam. We are all the offspring of Adam in this dispensation, we are the offspring of the Lord Jesus Christ who is the last Adam. "So that Elohim, the father of Adam, will revive Abel our brothers, and Cain, our sisters, so that Adam, our mother will regenerate in everyone who belongs to Jehovah and defends Cain, the female side of the personality against Satan, the Fiery Serpent's spiritual blood.

I guess it is not the father of Adam, it is our father. Adam is our mother, and Elohim is our father. You know a year or so ago, the Lord revealed to us that Satan is the father, and Leviathan is the mother of the carnal mind, well everything that is true of the carnal mind, has to be true of the Christ mind, we have to have a father and a mother, and Elohim is our father, and Adam is the mother of Christ mind, and of us in general. Those of us, of course right now, we are all in Satan's image, all of mortal humanity is in Satan's image, but the civilized man that Elohim is bringing forth, when we will be converted, when we will be delivered from these hard clay animal bodies, we will be in the image of Jehovah, Elohim is the father and Adam is the mother.

So right now we are still living in bodies that are in the image of the Serpent, but if Christ is in you, Christ has a father and a mother, and Elohim is the father, and Adam is the mother. So what I said earlier, that Elohim is the father of Adam, that is not really wrong. Elohim is the father of Adam, and he is also the father of us, because we are Adam's offspring. But just to avoid confusion, we will say, "So that Elohim, our father will revive Abel our brothers..." all of the other sperm of Jehovah's spiritual seminal fluid, are our brothers, "and Cain, all the dust that is formed and cleaving to Abel, are our sisters, so that Adam, our mother will regenerate in everyone who belongs to Jehovah, and who defends Cain, the female side of the Fiery Serpent against Satan, the Fiery Serpent's spiritual blood."

"So that Elohim our father will revive Abel our brothers and Cain our sisters so that Adam our mother will regenerate in everyone who belongs to Jehovah, and defends Cain, the female side of the Fiery Serpent, against Satan the Fiery Serpent's spiritual blood." I think that should be Adam, "everyone who belongs to Adam." Abel belongs to Adam, if you remember from previous verses. And our mother regenerate in everyone who belongs to Adam, and defends Cain, the female side of the Fiery Serpent against Satan, the Fiery Serpent's spiritual blood. Josh. 2:14, "And the men answered her, our life for yours, if you utter not this our business, and it shall be, when the Lord has given us the land that we will deal kindly and truly with thee." So you see, it is just a complete denial that there is any power in this Rahab the harlot company. But the Rahab the harlot company is spiritual Israel, it is all of the believers that are under the tutorship of the Joshua company of the sons of God, and they are asking for a lot more than to be protected. Is anybody here asking to just be protected? I hope not, you should all be asking for the fullness of the promises, full ascension.

Okay, Adam, there are two prefixes before the Hebrew word translated "answered", and those two prefixes signify "Adam". The word "men" we are translating "spiritual males", "life" we are translating "the whole personality". The word "life" means "personality", I will have to check that. The word "yours" we are translating "underneath".

The word "to die" that is an untranslated word, look this is a significant word, it changes the meaning of the whole verse, and it is untranslated. Strong's #4191, it means "to die". And the word "if" really means "not", and we are translating that the Fiery Serpent. And there is a word "not" which we are translating "Leviathan", the English word "utter" we are translating "to stand boldly opposite", "Lord" we are translating "Jehovah", "us" means "to belong to", and we are translating it "to possess". The Hebrew word translated "deal" we are translating "to tell you". Well I guess that is what it means.

The very important untranslated word in this verse "to die" unlocks the mystery of the whole verse. The spiritual males are telling their disciples what they must do if they are to ascend in to the brow energy center of the righteous time line, you must die. The Joshua company are telling the children of Israel, you have got to die if you want to ascend into the 6th energy center of the righteous time line, you must die to the Fiery Serpent's lifestyle, and to die to the Fiery Serpent's lifestyle, you must die to her mind, you must die to the way she thinks, you must die to her attitudes. You are grafted to the tree of life by acting like the tree of life, by thinking like the tree of life, and by having the attitudes of the tree of life. You grow into the tree of life.

Alternate Translation, Josh. 2:14, "And Adam the spiritual male within Joshua answered the children of Israel saying, "Your whole personality is in the world underneath Satan's sea."

"So you must die to the Fiery Serpent's lifestyle if you want to dominate the land of your personalities, and if you want to die to the Fiery Serpent's lifestyle, this Leviathan who stands boldly opposite our cause..", what is our cause? That you are going to die to the Fiery Serpent's lifestyle. Well Leviathan is not going to let you do that very easily. "And this Leviathan who stands boldly opposite our cause of dying to the Fiery Serpent's lifestyle, must be given over to Jehovah, so that we can tell you the truth about yourselves with mercy..", you see. If you want to die to the Fiery Serpent's lifestyle, you have to hear the truth about yourself, with mercy, that means with instruction as to how to change, that is the mercy, see. And if you are in agreement with Leviathan, you will never be able to hear us telling you the truth about yourself. So you must give up Leviathan, you must sacrifice her, you must betray her, you must turn her over, must be given over to Jehovah. It says Jehovah, but we know that, she has to be given over to Christ Jesus to consumed, but of course ultimately she is given over to Jehovah.

I guess it says here that Leviathan must be given over to Jehovah because Leviathan is the ungodly formation of all of Jehovah's royal seed. You have got to give up her thoughts, you have got to stop defending yourself, you have got to stop making excuses for yourself, and let us tell you the truth about yourself, with merciful instruction as to how to change, and how to take the victory over the attitudes and thoughts that are killing you every second of every minute of every hour of every day, so that you can die to the Fiery Serpent's lifestyle, so that you can ascend out from, so that your personality can ascend out from underneath Satan's sea, and you can have your heart's desire, to be a member of the two witness company. Praise God.

Alternate Translation Josh. 2:9-14, "And Adam the spiritual male within Joshua said to the children of Israel, "Satan knows that you have cast down the idol in the heart energy center which is above the belly energy center, that the Fiery Serpent who inhabits your earthen personalities is exhausted from resisting you, and that Leviathan's marriage to the Fiery Serpent is dissolving because Jehovah has given you dominion over the land of your personalities. And because the children of Israel heard how Jehovah dried up Satan, the spiritual blood of the Fiery Serpent, the red seaweed side of the personality, so that they could depart from spiritual Egypt in the crown energy center of Leviathan's time line, and because the children of Israel heard what King Adam did to Leviathan, the spiritual mud that swept away Adam, the other righteous side of death, the dream world presence of Sihon, the Amorite king who is conscious in two worlds, and to Og, the round baked clay animal called Cain, who slew Abel because Jehovah consecrated Abel and appointed Abel to shut up Satan's anger."

"And as soon as the children of Israel understood that Jehovah is the Supreme God of all of the gods in the throat energy center"..., that is the heaven of the heart energy center, that is the twilight, that is the dream world, the throat energy center is the dream world, "...and as soon as they understood that Jehovah is the supreme God of all the gods in the throat energy center of Leviathan's time line, which is above the heart energy center of Leviathan's time line, but underneath the throat energy center of Adam/Christ Jesus' time line, the Spirit of truth within Adam, the spiritual male rose again within the children of Israel, and the devil the idol in the heart energy center of the personalities of the children of Israel rose again, like it was before they went into bondage in Egypt. And the children of Israel said to Joshua, we have demonstrated how much zeal we have to assemble ourselves into the brow energy center of the father's household, so complete us now, and give us the privilege of belonging to Jehovah, so that we might be witnesses to the truth." And the way they demonstrated their zeal was by confessing witchcraft and by casting down the witchcraft within themselves.

"Let us be witnesses to the truth, so that Elohim, our father, will revive Abel our brothers, and Cain our sisters, so that Adam our mother, will regenerate in everyone who belongs to Adam, and defends Cain, the female side of the Fiery Serpent against Satan, the Fiery Serpent's spiritual blood." And that verse is really out of order, I did not have time to intersperse them. I will have to work that in before I get it into the book. "And Adam the spiritual male within Joshua entered the children of Israel saying, "Your personality is in the world underneath Satan's sea, so you must die to the Fiery Serpent's lifestyle if you want to dominate the land of your personalities, and if you want to die to the Fiery Serpent's lifestyle, this Leviathan who stands boldly opposite our cause of dying to the Fiery Serpent's lifestyle, must given over to Jehovah, so that we can tell you the truth about yourselves with mercy, with instruction as to how to overcome."

Alternate Translation Josh. 2:1-14, "And Adam the son of Jehovah, the eternal one within Joshua, the mortal man that Jehovah liberated from death, went forth from the crown energy center, the plane of existence that is beyond time to tread down Leviathan, the moon or the mind of Israel's spiritual cosmos, who is second in authority to the Primordial Serpent, who used magical arts to murder Adam. And Adam the spiritual male within Joshua said, "I will go see Leviathan who acquired the land or the personalities of Elohim's civilized man for herself." And Adam within Joshua went and entered into Leviathan, the adulterous woman who expresses the nature of Rahab, the primeval Dragon. And Adam within Joshua had spiritual sexual intercourse with the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan's household, which was there in the midst of Israel."

"And Adam within Joshua challenged Leviathan, the widowed king, who is the moon or the mind of Joshua's spiritual cosmos saying, "Look, Adam the spiritual male within Joshua has entered into Leviathan's side of the spiritual waters of the children of Israel to explore the planes of existence within the spiritual earth of their personalities. And Adam sent a message to the widowed king Leviathan, the moon mind of the children of Israel, who was near the Rahab, the primeval Dragon.

And Adam the spiritual male within Joshua said to Leviathan, "Let all the earthen personalities escape that Adam, the spiritual male entered in to for the purpose of searching for the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan's widowed household within them, and besieging and entering into the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan's widowed household, and Adam the spiritual male within Joshua, the seed to the Fiery Serpent who was nailed Leviathan within the children of Israel, and Joshua, the two-fold spiritual male seized the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual woman within the children of Israel who was nailed to Leviathan, and Abel within the children of Israel restrained Cain, Abel's female side that is nailed to the Fiery Serpent and Adam within Joshua said to Abel within the children of Israel who is near to Adam, "Stand upright", and Satan knew what was happening."

"And Adam within Joshua appeared at the gate of Leviathan's widowed time line, and carried Abel within the children of Israel out of Leviathan's time line, and Adam the spiritual male within Joshua shut up the widowed dark side of the children of Israel, but when Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind of the children of Israel realized that Abel within the children of Israel had departed with Joshua, the two-fold spiritual male, Satan hastened to run after the children of Israel to lay hold of Abel within them. But Adam who was in Joshua's brow energy center, put Abel the one who belongs to Adam in the right moral order within the children of Israel, and Abel ascended into the left side of the heart energy center of the children of Israel and restrained Cain, who was nailed to Leviathan, the wooden threads of Israel's spiritual garment who was against Adam."

"And Cain who is the gateway for Satan, the river of death within the children of Israel, because she pursues the lifestyle of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, surrendered and Satan the unconscious part of the carnal mind within the children of Israel departed when Adam the spiritual male within Joshua pursued Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind within the children of Israel, and the Fiery Serpent within the children of Israel suspended her spiritual sexual connection with Leviathan, when Adam ascended into Joshua's brow energy center, which is above the counterfeit time line.

And Adam the spiritual male within Joshua, said to the children of Israel, as soon as the children of Israel understood that Jehovah is the supreme God of all the gods of the throat energy center of Leviathan's time line, which is above the heart energy center of Leviathan's time line, but underneath the throat energy center of Adam/Christ Jesus' time line, you cast down the idol in the heart energy center, which is above the belly, that is the 3rd energy center, and Satan knows that the Fiery Serpent who inhabits your earthen personalities, is exhausted from resisting you, and that Leviathan's marriage to the Fiery Serpent is dissolving because Jehovah gave the children of Israel over the land of their personalities, and when the children of Israel heard how Jehovah dried up Satan, the spiritual blood of the Fiery Serpent, the red seaweed side of the personality, so that they could depart from the crown energy center, which is spiritual Egypt of Leviathan's time line, and what Jehovah did to Leviathan, the spiritual mud that swept away Adam, the other righteous side of death, was the dream world presence of Sihon the Amorite king, who was conscious in two worlds, and to Og, the round baked clay animal called Cain, who slew Abel, because Jehovah consecrated Abel, and appointed Abel to shut up Satan's anger.

The Spirit of truth within Adam, the spiritual male rose again within the children of Israel, and the devil, the idol in the heart energy center of the personalities of the children of Israel dissolved. And the children of Israel said to Joshua, we have demonstrated how much zeal we have to assemble ourselves in to the brow energy center of the father's household, so complete us now and give us the privilege of belonging to Jehovah, so that we might be witnesses to the truth, so that the father will revive Abel our brothers, and Cain, our sisters, so that Adam our mother, will regenerate in every one who belongs to Jehovah, and defends Cain, the female side of the personality against Satan, the Fiery Serpent's spiritual blood. And Adam, the spiritual male within Joshua answered the children of Israel saying, "Your whole personality is in the world under Satan's sea, so you must die to the Fiery Serpent's lifestyle if you want to dominate the land of your personalities, and if you want to die the Fiery Serpent's lifestyle, this Leviathan who stands boldly opposite our cause of dying to the Fiery Serpent's lifestyle must be given over to Jehovah, so that we can tell you the truth about yourselves with mercy. Praise the Lord. That is a good word. Any questions or comments? God bless you.

COMMENT: What does the primeval Dragon mean?

PASTOR VITALE: Primeval means the first. The Dragon came with the first of the evil force, the first expression of the evil force, which now is manifesting to mortal humanity as Satan and Leviathan.


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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