494 - Part 4
(Mk. 5:1-20)

Part 4 of 4 Parts 

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



Recap Mark 5: 1 thru 16: And Jesus and His disciples passed over Satan's sea, which is the astral plane and appeared in the left side of their heart center which is the etheric plane and while Christ Jesus was covering their personality in the etheric plane, they met a righteous pharisee and Adam was living within the tomb, which was the pharisee (that walking tomb, which was the pharisee) but could not knit together with the fiery serpent because Satan, the morally impure spirit had chained the mortal man to Leviathan. Even though Adam had shackled the righteous pharisee's carnal mind by chaining Leviathan and knitting together with the fiery serpent, Satan had broken Adam's chain which was upon the righteous pharisee's carnal mind in pieces and severed Adam from the fiery serpent who was under him. And indeed, no mortal man has tamed Leviathan yet. Therefore, both Adam and Leviathan were living in the righteous pharisee, that he was speaking from Leviathan's brow and crown energy centers which was cutting Adam, the pharisee's righteous genetic heritage to pieces. But when Adam in the righteous pharisee, who was running the race, perceived that Jesus was from the future age that was still afar off, the righteous pharisee submitted to Jesus and Adam spoke loudly with the voice of the righteous pharisee saying, Elohim and I are with you, Jesus, son of the Most High God. I solemnly implore you in the name of God to deliver me from Satan who is tormenting me. And Jesus said, let Satan, the morally impure spirit depart from the fiery serpent's assembly with the spiritual insects of the third energy center in this Adam. And Satan asked Jesus, on what authority do you command me to leave? And Jesus answered saying, you have the morally impure nature of the second energy center and the strength of the seventh energy center of Leviathan's timeline, but the Spirit of Elijah is my authority and we are too great for you. And as soon as they heard this, the spiritual insects of the third energy center who are married to the fiery serpent that were feeding in the sixth and seventh energy centers of the mighty Leviathan requested earnestly that Adam not separate from Leviathan's city. But Jesus called to Adam in the righteous pharisee saying, we will thrust ourselves into your etheric body so that we may enter into the midst of the spiritual insects who are married to the fiery serpent. And the righteous pharisee gave Jesus and the disciples permission to transfer into his etheric body and the spirits of Jesus and the disciples spread abroad and entered into the midst of the morally impure spiritual insects that the fiery serpent had increased into and the spiritual insects that were feeding in the seventh energy center of Leviathan's timeline in the righteous pharisee plunged downward out of the astral plane into the righteous pharisee's second energy center. And this is how Jesus and the disciples choked off Satan's expansion from the second to the seventh energy center in the righteous pharisee. When the spiritual insects that were feeding in the seventh energy center of Leviathan's timeline in the righteous pharisee vanished, the righteous pharisee declared what had happened to him with the mind of Christ and with his personality. And the people who heard went out to see him. And the people came to see the righteous pharisee who had been demonized because the fiery serpent within him increased into the spiritual insects in the third energy center and to see Jesus who was covering the fiery serpent within the righteous pharisee and the righteous pharisee was holding back the moral impurity of the second energy center from acquiring the strength of the crown energy center of Leviathan's timeline by abstaining from Satan's thoughts. He told everyone who came to see him that he became demonized when the fiery serpent ascended into the spiritual insects within him and ascended to feed in the sixth and seventh energy centers of Leviathan's timeline.


Now I would just like to remind you that whatever is preached under the anointing touches everybody that hears the message. In a church where faith is preached, the people get faith. The Holy Spirit is preached; the people get the Holy Spirit. There's a deep deliverance being done for everybody who's in this condition in this congregation. And that is you; I told you the Lord is revealing. Now this message came forth by a divine unction. I'm still in the middle of Samson and Delilah and the Lord just brought this message forth. What does that mean? Is He pointing you out? Is He trying to condemn you? No, it is time for your deliverance. The Lord has revealed that this is your condition. Now remember, this righteous pharisee; what does that mean? A pharisee that had Christ formed in him. Even though he was keeping the law and he had Christ formed in him, he just couldn't get off the ground, spiritually. He couldn't do what was right and he couldn't stop living out of his carnal mind. Now you had a word of knowledge the other day that you were crippled and I said that word of knowledge came forth because your deliverance is on the way.


God doesn't give a word of knowledge without coming forth to deliver you. I prayed for you. He never does anything unless He first tells His prophets. The word is that you are this righteous pharisee. This is the reason you can't get off the ground. Only I'm not Jesus. But I do know, that for the Lord to be revealing all of this, He has a plan of deliverance for you. But remember now, the righteous pharisee came to Jesus and confessed all of these things. So you stick with your confession and somewhere, maybe when we're on the road, you're going to get your miracle. But I'm telling you openly that the Lord has revealed that this is your condition and this is why you're spiritually crippled. This is why you can't get on with your life in Christ Jesus. Those active spiritual insects cause all this confusion. A man in Nigeria once said to me (and I didn't understand it at the time) I've got all these flies in my head, meaning he was in a total state of confusion. Flies in his head; flying spiritual insects. It's witchcraft bringing confusion. So I just rebuke them in the name of Jesus and with whatever strength I have, I cast them back down to the second energy center. We'll see what God is going to do for you, in the name of Jesus.


Continuing with verse 17 King James Translation: And they began to pray him to depart out of their coasts. That's Mark 5:17. The Greek word translated, to pray, can also be translated, to implore, which means to beg; which is what we will translate it. The Greek word translated coasts, Strong's #3725; I'm translating it as the etheric bodies. The word coasts is signifying the land and our bodies, the solid physical body and the etheric body. They're really just one body, just as there's an inside or an outside or a wrong side and a right side to a piece of fabric. Actually I think the physical body is the wrong side and the etheric body is the right side. We're living out of the wrong side of our body because our whole existence is here in this solid physical world; not only are we fallen down, but all of creation as well. Not only have we fallen down into a physical body, but we're living out of the underside or the wrong side of the physical body. This side is not suppose to be seen. We know that we heard this expression with regard to the carnal mind, that the carnal mind is not suppose to be seen. It's a shame. When our carnal mind is exposed, the scripture likens it to a flasher (someone who's showing their physical genitals). You can get arrested for that in just about every civilized country in the world. It's a wrong thing to do. So we (all of humanity) are walking around, day and night, for whole lifetimes, for generations, existing in a spiritual condition that can be likened to someone who walks around continuously flashing his genitals. This is all of humanity. Now some of us are a little better off than others and some of us are worse off. God forbid, it should be anyone we know, but there are thousands of people living in the streets. I passed a man just the other day. We were preparing for a hurricane and I saw this man just sitting there in the rain with no hat on his head, sitting on the grass as I drove along on the road. I passed him going and I passed him coming. Obviously, he had nowhere to go. All I could say was, have mercy, Lord.


So some of us are obviously worse off. Some of us are drug addicts or prostitutes. I say some of us because all of humanity really is one. There really is a truth to that. A lot of people who aren't Christian say, well, we're all one. There is a truth to it. But we can ascend above that condition in Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus is not one with the fallen world. But even though we have Christ Jesus in us and even if we're living out of Christ Jesus, there's a part of us that's still interwoven with the rest of humanity. So we are all one, but we're suppose to fight for our individuality. We're not suppose to fall under the group mind. But we are all one. All of humanity is one; all of your family is one. There's a group soul in your family, but in Christ Jesus, we're suppose to be ascending out of that, cleaving unto Christ Jesus and leaving our worldly ties behind. That's what this is all about. All of our pain; all of our trouble; all of our witchcraft; all of our rebellion; all of our disease; is in this ball of humanity. This ball of clay; it's all in there. But Christ Jesus isn't in there. You see, Cain is that part of us that is the flesh that is interwoven with this ball of clay that's become corrupt. But if Christ is in you, Abel is ascended above that ball of clay. We have the opportunity to live a life that is beyond the grasp of all of this wickedness. But with some people, they're bound to the clay and they can't get out. But in Christ Jesus, they can get out. But the more bound you are, the harder the judgment that is necessary to break you free. It is not easy to be broken free. You've got to admit what's manifesting through you, so that you can ascend with Christ Jesus so that He can cut you out of that thing. You've got to admit what's in you and you've got to make a very strong effort to resist Satan's thoughts.


You don't have to do everything you think, especially if you know that your mind is your carnal mind and you're in confusion all the time. You don't have to do what you think. You don't have to do what you feel and you don't have to do what you think. You do what Christ Jesus tells you to do. You don't know what He's telling you to do because you're not asking Him. Even if you ask Him, you have to wait for the answer. You have to quiet down; quiet down. Brethren, I'm not the only one who's telling you this. People in the world will tell you this. Doctors and people in occult spiritual disciplines will tell you this. If you want to hear from the spirit, you have to be still. If your mind is running and racing continuously, you'll never hear from the Spirit. You've got to quiet down. You've got to be still. I know I've been through a terrible trial these last few days trying to get out of here to go on our trip into the southern States. I went to bed at 9:30 P.M. which for me is unheard of. Why? Because I couldn't hear from God. I couldn't hear a thing. So I just gave it all up and went inside and laid down. I fell asleep early and woke up and I'm hearing somewhat from Him, today. At least I have some direction. He never fails us. He never fails to answer your question. He never fails to give you direction. This is true of all of us. The problem is we can't hear Him because either our emotions are involved or upset; we're nervous, we're anxious; we're afraid. We'll never hear Him in the midst of that. You have to settle down and be still. When you're nervous and anxious, none of that is in Christ Jesus. That's all your carnal mind. So for you to be walking around in your carnal mind, for you to be walking around nervous and anxious and frantic and in a "I don't know what to do state" you need to know right away, that's not Christ. Christ is buried under your carnal mind when you're in that condition.


So we're in verse 17. The word coasts, which really means land, we're translating etheric bodies in view of the context of the whole verse. Alternate Translation: And the people who saw what was done in the righteous pharisee began to beg Jesus to make the spiritual insects within themselves depart from their etheric bodies also. They began to beg, to implore. We have to really want this deliverance. Jesus is not chasing you down the street to get you delivered. You can come to church everyday. You can be as faithful as you want in many areas, but if you want deliverance, you have to chase Jesus down and you have to really mean it. I've been talking to you for quite awhile, but recently even more so, about how the new move of God is going to go to the public. I believe we're already engaged in the new move of God. I believe that Christ is coming forth in you if you're pursuing the doctrine of Christ, if there's change in your life; that we already are in the new age. You may recall this part in verse 6; But when Adam in the righteous pharisee, who was running the race. Now the pharisee that got help was running the race. You're running the race; that means you qualify, you see. The righteous pharisee who was running the race recognized that Jesus was from the future age that was still afar off.


Now this was two thousand years ago. The righteous pharisee submitted himself to Jesus, you see. So we have been wondering how this new age in Christ is going to go to the public because I believe it's here now. The new age is here now. I believe I live in it a large part of the time; I can't say I live in it completely. But of course, Jesus was in this world, so I don't know to what degree I'm living in it because I don't know how to measure it. But I know that I'm largely in another age and that I don't live like other people in this world. Every aspect of you that cleaves to this message and cleaves to the Spirit of Christ, that part of you is already in the new age. The new age is here and it's been here for two thousand years. Now that may sound very strange to you, but it really isn't. Now I'm no expert on this, but it's my understanding that spiritual ages last for thousands of years. The people in the occult are more knowledgeable about this than we are. The scripture backs that up. There's a lot of truth in the occult studies they pursue. Some of them are very knowledgeable about the ages. They give each age the name of one of the signs of the zodiac and we did find in our message called The Last Supper, that the age of Aquarius is mentioned in the scripture. If you look at it in the Greek, that's where it is. When Jesus said to His disciples, go out and you'll find a man carrying a water pitcher, He wasn't talking about a human being walking down the street. He was talking about the being that would be the head of the age of Aquarius.


All of these ages and occult principles; they're all true of this fallen world. Even though we live after Christ, we are in this fallen world. Our bodies are of this fallen world. We have a carnal mind that's of this fallen world. The whole society that we live in is of this fallen world. So therefore there is a lot of occult science that affects us. So someone quotes the scripture, be in this world, but not of it. Well, we're in the world. All that it means is, don't follow after it. Don't obey it. But there is information in the world that is valuable, when Jesus calls you to these deep studies. So we find that the age of Aquarius is mentioned in the New Testament. That's the age of the great conflict where we see Christ Jesus in Revelation, chapter 12, appearing as Michael with all of His angels, fighting to bring down Satan and Leviathan and all of those members of humanity who serve them. This is the final conflict. Moses brought down Egyptian mystery religion. Paul brought down Grecian mystery religion and this is the age that the father of both of those mystery religions will come down; Hinduism. The religion of Babylon and the religion of Chaldea was all Hindu based religion.


This is the final conflict where we will be used to bring down the religion of the serpent in the authority and in the character of Christ Jesus. You won't be a party to this if you're still in the nature of the serpent. The serpent is not going to destroy herself. Only Christ Jesus will destroy the serpent. This is the end of all the ages. This Hindu philosophy has been around for thousands and thousands and probably millions of years. I don't know how far back it goes. I know the bible talks about six thousand years of recorded history. But we don't even know what a thousand years means in the scripture. I believe that the earth is millions, if not billions of years old. I think the scientists are probably correct in whatever they would say in this area. The serpent's religion, however old, is Hinduism. I'm not insulting Hindus. They will tell you; they worship the serpent. I've read their books. They not only worship the serpent, but they worship the serpent in their own body. They know there's a spiritual serpent within them. They call her kundalini and they worship her. It's the serpent's religion and Hindu philosophy is the serpent's philosophy. It's the spiritual truth with some exception because they don't understand Hinduism fails to acknowledge Jehovah and the end of all things. But on a day to day basis, so far as our spiritual condition is concerned, Hinduism is very accurate. Every occult religion has come out of Hinduism. Buddhism arose out of Hinduism. I believe that Taoism, which is found in China, arose out of Hinduism. So there is a truth that there are multiple ages and because this is the serpent's world, each age is named after a sign of the zodiac. That doesn't mean that it's false. Of course, we should not be following it. But that doesn't mean that astrology is false. It's true of this fallen world, whose god is Satan, who is the present day manifestation of the primordial serpent.


So I told you all that to tell you this. There's a new age in Christ Jesus, but there's also a new age in the occult. We're coming into the age of Aquarius from the serpent's point of view. We're coming into the age of Christ Jesus from Jehovah's point of view. So actually we're coming into two new ages. From the time that Jehovah approached Abraham and made His covenant with him, that was the beginning of the restored timeline of Jehovah; right here in our time, in our world. So there are two timelines in this world; two parallel universes in this world, both existing in the human beings of this world. The worlds are within us. It says that in Ecclesiastics. The worlds are within us. If you look up that Hebrew word translated world, it means age. The ages are within us. So there are two timelines present in this world right now and therefore there are two new ages. The new age of Christ Jesus, which is in the nature of Jehovah has existed for two thousand years. Now that may sound mind boggling to you. There was a time that it would have been mind boggling to me because men only live under a hundred years today. But the truth is that each age lasts for thousands of years. Each age lasts for thousands of years and when there is a changing of the guard, when we approach the time that we're existing in one age and entering into a new age, it's a gradual transition which can be likened to the tide coming in or going out.


So it's not at all strange that the new age in Christ Jesus has been here for two thousand years because there has been a mixture for this two thousand years. There's been a mixture of the ages. There's a mixture in the individual and there's a mixture of the spirit that flows through our world. The people who study astrology will tell you the same thing with regard to the transition from the age of Pisces into the age of Aquarius in the serpent's timeline. It's been coming in for several hundred years, the transition from Pisces to Aquarius; the time as men know time. For the past couple of hundred years, there's been a mixture in society. There's been a lot of confusion in society. There's a transition into a new age. But the new age of Christ Jesus has been around for two thousand years. I don't really know how long the transition from Pisces to Aquarius has been. But the new age of Christ Jesus has been around for two thousand years and there has been a war in the spirit for two thousand years. This conflict exists universally. It can be reflected in the planets and in the universes. The conflict exists between planets of our own universe. What do I mean? All kinds of asteroids passing by with potential destruction. The conflict exists among nations. The conflict exists among people. The conflict exists among families and the conflict exists within us.


So from the day that Christ Jesus enters into your life, you have unending war; conflict between the rational mind of Christ Jesus and your emotions that want to rule you and your carnal mind that wants to rule you and Christ in you. The battle is right within you and you must choose. Will you follow your emotions; will you follow your carnal mind; or will you follow Christ Jesus? If you can't hear from Christ Jesus, you listen to the head of the ministry that you're in. Or if your husband is in Christ, you would want to follow your husband if he is mature in Christ. For you to follow him spiritually, he has to be mature in Christ. If you cannot hear for yourself, you hear from the authority and you do what the authority tells you. As soon as something goes wrong, you don't go running off to somebody else or to your own carnal mind. So for two thousand years, the new age in Christ Jesus has been flowing in and it's coming in like a wave just like the tide on our beaches. A wave comes in and it rolls out and a wave comes in and it rolls out. So we have accelerations of the Spirit of God. We saw what the church calls revival, but really what it is, is the wave coming in and the wave rolling out. But brethren, the tide has to come in. The day has to come that the tide comes in and when the tide comes in; it abides. This tide that's coming in, in Christ Jesus, will abide and it's not going out again.


The last verse in Revelation chapter 14 is translated to say that the blood will be as high as the horse bridles. Well first of all, the blood is the blood of Jesus Christ. I cannot give it to you word by word, but we translated that verse. What it means is there's going to be an overflowing and there's a new age coming upon this earth where the mind of Christ will rule and the law of the Spirit of Christ will rule. The name of the new age in Christ Jesus is the age of righteousness. We live in a criminal world, but the age of righteousness is rolling in and we must decide to follow that righteousness and not follow the old ways. It's a decision. We all have a choice. So we see that the people who saw what was done in the righteous pharisee began to beg Jesus to make the spiritual insects within themselves depart from their etheric bodies, also.


So we see that this great work that Christ Jesus is doing has been done quietly. We have these meetings in my private home. The great work that He's doing has to go public. It must go public. It's my understanding at this time that the publicity that must be manifested to the world is deliverance from the kind of problem that this righteous pharisee was delivered from. What kind of problem did he have? He was a follower of Jehovah and the law of Moses and he couldn't get his life together. He couldn't get his head together and he couldn't get his mind together. We don't know how it was manifesting in his life, but there had to be what we would call character flaws or social problems today, in this man. He was following the law faithfully, but he could not ascend above the impurity of the second energy center. You see, brethren, once you fall down; you try and get up. I've told you this; I've preached this here. We see this on many levels. When God raises you up to authority, you better not turn it over to everyone who comes along and tries to pull you down. It's hard to try and get up again after they've knocked you down and stepped on you. It can be done, but it's no fun getting back up again. You try getting back up again.


So Israel fell down. We find that in one of the Psalms. It says, oh God, we've fallen down, oh God. Come with your righteous judgment, that we might be raised up again. This righteous pharisee had aspects of himself in the second energy center. Look brethren, we are not a solid person. Our true nature is spirit and spirit is not single particles. Spirit is an energy stream which is made up of many particles which has the ability to spread itself abroad. Our mind and our spirit is spread throughout this whole physical body. If your mind is strong enough, your mind can project beyond this body. So part of us can be in many of the energy centers. Aspects of this particular pharisee were trapped in the second energy center because of inherited sin. He was probably saved from a very destructive lifestyle by following the law, which otherwise would have caused him to reap what he had sowed. I was having that discussion with someone else the other night. This is true of many people, brethren. You see, probably all of our society has aspects of our self down in the second energy center. We're fallen, but when we're raised up in a home where we're taught the law and we're taught how to live a righteous life, the fact that we behaviorally follow this law stops Satan from bringing us into an extremely destructive lifestyle in the flesh; drugs, alcohol, prostitution, criminal behavior that could wind one up in jail. But what's happening in our society today, is that all of the rules are coming down and people are finding out that they cannot keep the law by nature.


A lot of children that aren't rooted and grounded in Christ, who don't have Christian parents; they've falling into drugs, alcohol, many sex partners by the time they're nine and ten years old. We see many young people getting involved in Satanism. They're finding out that without the law, a child or a young person goes off into evil. Well, you say, it's only a minority. Well, that's this year. Wait another fifty years, if there's no intervention. Well what will happen, Sheila, in another fifty or a hundred years with no intervention? Humanity will be living in a lawless criminal society. That's what will happen in fifty or a hundred years, or maybe it won't even take more than a couple of generations. Our children are growing up with no sense of right or wrong. If we're trained up in the law, things will go good for us down here in hell, as well as we could hope for. So thank God for the law until Christ Jesus is formed in us and the law is internalized. This is the new age; the internalization of Christ Jesus, our conscience and our ability to obey that conscience. You see, the law will build a conscience in you and it will give you the strength, in most instances, to control your behavior. But the law cannot control the sin in your heart; the sin in your unconscious mind. The motives that you have would continuously seek to tempt you to fall into ungodly behavior because our motives are generated by sin in this fallen world. We still continue to die, even though we may have a good life in this world because behavioral, we have behaved ourselves.


So the law develops our conscience as to what is right and wrong and imparts some strength to follow that law, but there are many who do not follow it. But Christ Jesus, internalized, is our new conscience, which far exceeds the conscience which is given to us by the law. When we're under the law in our carnal mind, there are aspects of righteousness that we cannot even comprehend. But when Christ Jesus is internalized, we have a conscience that is much stronger than the conscience of the law which teaches everything that the law teaches, plus righteousness concerning spiritual aspects of our self. So this is what Jesus meant when He said, I have not come to take away the law, but I have come to fulfill the law. The spiritual law that we have in this world is the ten commandments; Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and your soul and love your neighbor as yourself. But we have a law that is then enhanced, which teaches us to obey the spiritual law by fighting Satan within ourselves and, eventually, utterly destroying her in Christ Jesus; the power to do so. The law gives us the power in many cases to control our physical behavior. Christ Jesus gives us the power, if we're willing to fight to control our spiritual behavior, to control our subconscious and unconscious mind, so that we can stop dying.


Therefore, this is the sign that the world will see. This is the sign that the world will see, much more so than physical healing. I'm not saying there won't be any miraculous physical healings. When the Holy Spirit fell in this nation back in the forties, there were many physical healings. When the Spirit of Christ appears publicly, there will be deliverance from a lot of mental institutions. A lot of mental disorders will be healed. There has to be a public sign. It has to be more than the people coming to hear the testimony of the man that was healed. There has to be a healing that is not available in this world and it has to be more than one.


Verse 18: And when he was come into the ship, he that had been possessed with the devil prayed him that he might be with him. The subject of the verb, and when he was come; we're amplifying as the pharisee. The ship is Christ Jesus. You see, the King James translation sounds like Jesus came into the ship, but I'm suggesting to you that it's the pharisee that came into the ship. Well how could the pharisee come into Christ Jesus? The pharisee is the consciousness of the pharisee entered into the Christ mind in himself, which Christ mind was gathered unto the man who was Jesus, the Christ. The pharisee came out of his carnal mind and entered into Christ Jesus and when he came into Christ Jesus, which is his right mind, he begged Jesus that he might be with him. The Greek word translated prayed, we're translating begged. He begged Jesus that he might be with him. The King James says that he might be with him, but the Greek word that's translated, might be, is Strong's #5600 and that means to stand up. The pharisee begged Jesus that he might stand up and that's a pretty common symbol that we use. We've been using it and hearing it for years. To stand up means to be perfected. The significance of standing up means perfection. I think we have drawings on this from the previous part of this message. When our consciousness is ascended with the fiery serpent into the serpent's timeline, we're bowed over. The etheric spinal column that we have is bowed over into a circle. That means that we're subject to torment. Remember this righteous pharisee was being tormented by Satan. He begged Jesus to deliver him from the torment. He was bowed over. He was ascended in the serpent's timeline. He couldn't get up above his heart center, so Jesus entered into him and cast those spiritual insects down or the fiery serpent down.


Remember now, just like a tree that grows up; first you have a shoot or a stem or a trunk and then the leaves branch out. As the fiery serpent ascends, she spreads out. Now remember the fiery serpent is an energy force; she's not a particle. She's not a single entity. She's an energy stream and as she ascends, she spreads out as a tree spreads out branches with leaves. The fiery serpent spreads out into many flying insects. Just like in this world, in our natural example, we see the larva of flies. They're little worms; maggots. Sometimes, if you don't keep your garbage pail clean, you'll see maggots; little white worms. They turn into black flying insects called flies. Well, here's your natural example. The fiery serpent is in the root energy center when she's sleeping and when she stirs and awakens, she rises into the second energy center and her immoral impurity becomes active. What immoral impurity? She seeks to do evil. What kind of evil does she seek to do? She seeks to ascend to the highest point possible in the etheric plane and travel in the etheric and the astral plane and rob our energy. She wants our energy. So we see as the natural maggot turns into a multiplicity of flies, the fiery serpent, the spiritual worm, grows up into the spiritual insects of the etheric plane. If you needed a witness, there it is. Those spiritual insects ascend into the higher centers of Leviathan's timeline which hits the heart center. The fiery serpent can only go up as far or ascend into the first half of the heart center and then she cannot penetrate into the upper part of the heart center which is dry ground because this whole world is under the ground. We're down here in hell.


So when you hit a ceiling, you automatically turn and start curving around. If you're ascended in the serpent, your etheric spinal column is completely bowed over. Depending on how high you are ascended, you can be bowed into a whole circle. So the pharisee begged Jesus to stand up. He just didn't beg him for perfection. He said, let me pierce through this ceiling. Let me enter into the left side or the upper part of the heart center which is beyond Satan's grasp and then hopefully into the fifth and sixth energy center of the timeline which is in Christ Jesus. At this point, Jesus wasn't glorified yet, so we would say Adam's timeline. So we see that the pharisee had spiritual knowledge. He said, Jesus, you just cast down those spiritual insects. That means he was completely bowed over into a circle. Now that my consciousness is descended back to the second energy center; let me stand up. Brethren, if you come to the Lord and your fiery serpent is ascended, you have to go back down before you stand up straight. Everybody is ascended in the fiery serpent to some degree. The whole world is involved in witchcraft. At the very least, within families, there is severe control. There is sever control within families. See, in this country, the family ties are really breaking down. When you see people from other countries, where the family is still very strong, there's severe control exercised, not only by the parents. It's by the older brother, by the older sister, by the aunt, by the uncle; there's severe control.


The righteous pharisee said to Jesus, let me stand up. You knocked me down, you cast down the fiery serpent in me; now let me stand up. In the second energy center, you are lying down; spiritually weak. Most of the people in this world, outside of Christ, are strong in the fiery serpent because you'd be destroyed in this world if you don't have some strength. That strength usually appears as pride and domination. This is a criminal world. If you're not manifesting pride and domination, other people will be dominating you. So Jesus knocked this pharisee all the way down and then the pharisee said, let me stand in you; I'm weak down here. I want to tell you that I've experienced this. I was very strong when the Lord called me. Well after all the trials and tribulations I went through, I got delivered from a lot of my sin, but at one point (I'm coming back now) I was really devastated because I was very ascended. I was very tough in the wrong spirit. I've been beaten to a pulp and I had a couple of years that I was really weak. I was already running this ministry. I was very weak in my spirit and in my emotions. I'm coming back and I'm getting stronger now, but I'm still not where I was when I first got knocked down. I was one tough person. I'm coming back, thank God. I knew in principle that I would be coming back, but it lasted a long time. I was weak for a long time. So we see with this righteous pharisee, that he lost all his spiritual strength. So when he said to Jesus, let me stand; I beg you, let me stand, he wasn't just looking for spiritual power. He realized that he had lost all his strength to survive in our society. When I say society, I'm talking about your family, to begin with. Brethren, people crush each other. It doesn't mean they don't love you; it's just the way fallen people are. They crush each other. When this pharisee realized that he lost all his strength, he said, Jesus, let me stand up in you; I'm a total victim down here.


See, this is the reason why the Lord will not start your judgment until Christ is being formed in you. Because when He destroys your carnal mind, there has to be a Christ mind to take over or you'll die. I have a note here. Christ Jesus, the regenerated Adam in a mortal man becomes a ship when he is joined to the Spirit of Elijah or the Spirit of Christ. The regenerated Adam in the righteous pharisee was covered by or joined to the Spirit of Elijah in Jesus and thereby entered into the ship, the vehicle that enables us to pass through the astral plane safely. We have to pass through the astral plane to enter into dry land for our consciousness to abide in our etheric body. Now remember, at the beginning of this message, I told you that we're living out of the wrong side of the garment; that our whole physical being is a woven garment and that there's a right side and a wrong side. This whole world, the bodies that we live in, are the wrong side of the garment. At the very least, we're suppose to be living out of our etheric bodies. So we've fallen down as far as we can go. What I'm saying here is that we need a vehicle to pass through the astral plane to live out of our etheric bodies.


You may want to review the drawings from the earlier parts of this message; I think part one. I showed you where the astral plane is; that the astral plane is this world that we live in; a cosmic sea. Our whole atmosphere is filled with water. There's water everywhere. When we begin to ascend spiritually, we have to ascend through this spiritual aspect of this water world that we live in. That is the astral plane; it's Satan's sea. So to get to the place where we could live out of our etheric body, which is the other side of the heart center, which is the left side of the heart center, we have to pass through Satan's sea. We cannot pass through Satan's sea and still be in Christ and righteous unless we are gathered into the ship or the ark that is prepared for us. It has to be fully prepared for us. So we start by having Christ being formed in us and then Christ has to increase into Christ Jesus. Until Christ Jesus is powerful enough in you to bring you through safely, the Lord's provision is to put you under a head and He strengthens the head and Christ in you is gathered unto the head and we're all in the ship. That's what He's doing here right now. All of Jesus' disciples were gathered unto the Spirit of Elijah in Him. You better believe that if you're strong enough to go it alone, that there's going to be a whole slew of people attached to you. Nobody is alone out there. Either you're gathered into someone who is strong in Christ or you have a group of people gathered unto you. If you're out here all by yourself and hearing this tape, something is wrong.


Alternate Translation, Mark 5:18: And when the righteous pharisee who had been demonized entered into Christ Jesus, he begged Jesus to perfect him. I have to tell you that I've been reading this scripture for many years and that I didn't understand what has just come forth on this tape. I thought the pharisee just wanted to be perfected. Well, I want to be perfected, too. We all want spiritual perfection. But I really didn't get it until today, that Jesus had stripped him of his spiritual power in the serpent and the man was an absolute victim in this world. That's why the scripture says he begged Him. It wasn't a yes or a no or an iffy thing. He was saying, Master, you did this great work for me, but please don't leave me in this state. You delivered me from the serpent, but don't go away and leave me like this. You stripped off my clothing; don't go away without clothing me. To be unclothed in this world is very dangerous.


We've heard a lot, although not recently, about cults in this nation, going back to the fifties or the sixties. A lot of high school and college age young adults were getting involved with cults headed up by one strong leader. Usually the cult had a religious aspect to it. That's what was happening to these young people. Their spirit was being gathered up into this leader because the family had failed. In most instances, the family had failed. You see, you're suppose to be gathered up into your family. The father is suppose to be under God in the extended family. Even if the grandfather is alive, there is suppose to be an extended family within an established chain of authority. The young people are suppose to be gathered up into that stable authority. There's great protection in the family. But when the headship isn't right, everything starts to break down. So what we see in our society today, is the breakup of the family. The extended family is largely broken down, although not completely. In some instances it still exists, but the extended family is largely broken down. Even the nuclei family, just the immediate mother, father and children; that's called the nuclei family, even that's largely broken down.


The children go off by themselves, the father going off by himself, the mother going off by herself; nobody is gathered into everybody. Everybody is out there on their own and they're subject to the powers and principalities of this world. They're easily victimized. We need as many godly relationships as we can have. If you're not completely grounded in Christ, you need a family, unless the Lord has called you unto Himself. But the family has to be in righteousness. It should also have a church family. We need as many strong relationships as you can have. Of course, unfortunately, we hear a lot about children and young teenagers running away. They're immediately victimized by pimps and dealers that want to use them to sell drugs. This is not just a physical thing. If the child runs away and the pimp or the drug dealer grabs them; there is a spiritual reason that these children are being victimized like this. So we see the whole society is descending. More and more we hear about child abuse; parents not even having a godly attitude towards their own children. This is the fruit of coming out from under the law that God has given us.


When the righteous pharisee who had been demonized entered into Christ Jesus, he begged Jesus to perfect him. Verse 19: Howbeit Jesus suffered him not, but saith unto him, go home to thy friends and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee and hath had compassion on thee. So the King James Translation makes it sound like Jesus has refused this pharisee and said, no, you can't stay with me, you can't travel with me and you can't be a part of my company. Just go home and tell your friends about what happened. But that's not what the Greek scripture indicates. The Greek word translated howbeit, Strong's #2532; we're translating, there. The negative particle not; we're going to translate Satan. The Greek word translated suffered, we will translate forgive. That's Strong's #863 and it can be translated to forgive. The word go, Strong's #5217, can also be translated withdraw. The English word go, Strong's #5217; we're translating withdraw. The next four Greek words represented by the next four Strong's numbers, #1519; #3588; #3624; #4675 are all bunched together in the interlinear text with one translation. That translation in the interlinear text is home. But I looked up each individual word and I found out that the word that says home, Strong's #1519 doesn't mean that at all. We'll be translating that as timeline. There's no translation for the #3588. That's a word that just means, the. The #3624 means a dwelling place or to dwell. The #4675 means, you. So what it's really talking about is the timeline which is your dwelling place or the timeline that you dwell in. The King James translators just translated it home. But it really means the timeline that you dwell in. The word to; we're translating towards. The phrase, thy friends, doesn't mean friends, but it means home. So we see that the King James translators made a lot of changes here, which is legitimate. They exercised translator's license to make the translation make sense to the fullest ability that they could understand it. But the word means home. So we see that what's being said here is that I would like to dwell with you in the timeline which is your home. The word tell, we'll translate declare. That's close enough. All of the other translations, we're keeping.


This is what we've got; Mark 5:19 Alternate Translation: And when Jesus saw that the righteous pharisee had forsaken Satan, Jesus forgave him, saying, withdraw from Leviathan's timeline that you dwell in and go towards your true home which is Christ Jesus and declare the great things that the Lord hath done for thee. Lord; that word, Lord, means Adam or Christ Jesus, as we found out in another study a couple of years ago. Lord means controller. Adam and Christ Jesus; they're the controller of our carnal mind. This is one of the major differences, if not "the" difference between the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Christ. The Spirit of Christ is in Christ Jesus and it's the Spirit of Elijah that's in Adam. The major difference between the Spirit of Christ and the Holy Spirit is that the Holy Spirit is not a controller. The Holy Spirit does not control your carnal mind. Christ Jesus or Adam control your carnal mind. Does anyone know how He controls your carnal mind? Christ Jesus sits on top of your carnal mind. He covers your carnal mind. Then the Spirit of Christ comes in and binds that sacrifice to the altar. Christ Jesus is our altar and our carnal mind, our animal nature, is the sacrifice. The Spirit of Christ comes in and binds that carnal mind under Christ Jesus. You see, Christ Jesus is a whole man. We're told in the book of Timothy; there's only one mediator between God and man; the man (the man) Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit is a Spirit. Christ Jesus is a whole man and within Christ Jesus is the Spirit of Christ. The Holy Spirit is not a controller.


I'll start at the beginning, Mark 5:19; And when Jesus saw that the righteous pharisee had forsaken Satan, Jesus forgave him, saying, withdraw from Leviathan's timeline that you dwell in and go towards your true home which is Christ Jesus and declare the great things that the Lord (that's Adam or Christ Jesus) has done for you and how Jesus had compassion on you. Verse 20 King James: And he departed and began to publish in Decapolis how great things Jesus had done for him and all men did marvel. Mark 5:20 and we're keeping most of these translations. The word Decapolis is the name of the city, so we will interpret the name of this city. It means, ten; city or region. It means the number ten and city or region. I believe in the Greek, the word deca means ten and the polis means city. So it means the city or the region of ten. The third energy center vibrates at a rate of ten undulations. So we're going to interpret this city as the third energy center. We can do that when we see that the whole verse witnesses to that interpretation. Alternate Translation of Mark 5:20; So the righteous pharisee departed from the third energy center and proclaimed the great things that Jesus had done for him and everyone that heard about it was amazed. Amazing!


Recap Mark 5 verses 1 thru 20: And Jesus and His disciples passed over Satan's sea which is in the astral plane and appeared in the left side of their heart center which is the etheric plane and while Christ Jesus was covering their personality in the etheric plane, they met a righteous pharisee and Adam was living within that righteous pharisee which the scripture calls a tomb. But could not knit together with the fiery serpent because Satan, the morally impure spirit had chained the mortal man to Leviathan. Even though Adam had shackled the righteous pharisee's carnal mind by chaining Leviathan and knitting together with the fiery serpent, Satan had broken Adam's chain which was upon the righteous pharisee's carnal mind in pieces. And severed Adam from the fiery serpent who was under him and indeed no mortal man has tamed Leviathan, yet. Therefore, both Adam and Leviathan were living in the righteous pharisee, but he was speaking from Leviathan's brow and crown centers which was cutting Adam, the pharisee's righteous genetic heritage, in pieces.


I remind you that that righteous genetic heritage is Abel joined to Christ Jesus. That's what that is. And Abel was being separated from Christ Jesus in preparation to bring the man back under the dominion of the serpent. But when Adam in the righteous pharisee, who was running the race, perceived that Jesus was from the future age that was still afar off, the righteous pharisee submitted to Jesus. And Adam spoke loudly with the voice of the righteous pharisee saying, Elohim and I Am are with you, Jesus, Son of the Most High God. I solemnly implore you in the name or in the nature of God to deliver me from Satan who is tormenting me. Then Jesus said, let Satan, the morally impure spirit depart from the fiery serpent's assembly with the spiritual insects of the third energy center in this Adam. And Satan asked Jesus, on what authority do you command me to leave? And Jesus answered saying, you have the morally impure nature of the second energy center and the strength of the seventh energy center of Leviathan's timeline, but the Spirit of Elijah is my authority and we are too great for you. And as soon as they heard this, the fiery serpent who had increased into the spiritual insects of the third energy center that was feeding in the sixth and seventh energy centers of the mighty Leviathan requested earnestly that Adam not separate them from Leviathan's city. But Jesus called to Adam in the righteous pharisee, saying, we will thrust ourselves into your etheric body so that we may enter into the midst of the fiery serpent who had increased into the spiritual insects. And the righteous pharisee gave Jesus and the disciples permission to transfer into his etheric body and the spirits of Jesus and the disciples spread abroad and entered into the midst of the morally impure spiritual insects that the fiery serpent had increased into and the spiritual insects that were feeding in the seventh energy center of Leviathan's timeline in the righteous pharisee plunged downward out of the astral plane into the righteous pharisee's second energy center. And this is how Jesus and the disciples choked off Satan's expansion from the second to the seventh energy center. Just in case I haven't made that clear to you, wherever the fiery serpent is, Satan is present. The fiery serpent is the worm that feeds off of the energy of the individual and then she excretes the spiritual urine which is Satan. So wherever the worm is, you're going to find Satan.


Verse 14: And when the spiritual insects that were feeding in the seventh energy center of Leviathan's timeline in the righteous pharisee vanished, the righteous pharisee declared what had happened to him with the mind of Christ and with his personality and the people who heard went out to see him. And the people came to see the righteous pharisee who had been demonized because the fiery serpent within him increased into the spiritual insects in the third energy center and to see Jesus who was covering the fiery serpent within the righteous pharisee and the righteous pharisee was holding back the moral impurity of the second energy center from acquiring the strength of the crown energy center of Leviathan's timeline by abstaining from Satan's thoughts. Now I want to comment on this to you. You've got to understand here that Jesus, by gathering this pharisee unto Himself, gave the pharisee the power to do what he needs to do. The pharisee, himself, was holding back from obeying Satan's thoughts. I'm going to read it again. And they came to see Jesus, who was covering the fiery serpent within the righteous pharisee and the righteous pharisee was holding back the moral impurity of the second energy center from ascending and acquiring the strength of the seventh energy center.


The way the pharisee was holding back the fiery serpent was by abstaining from Satan's thoughts. This means that Satan is going to whisper to you. Satan is not going to stop whispering to you. You have to reject Satan's thoughts in your mind. You have to resist Satan's thoughts. Jesus gives you the power to do it. You have to do it. You can't say, well I thought this, and I thought that and I thought that. Stop thinking! Because so much of what you think is wrong. If you have an instruction from an authority, don't think. Just do what you're told because Satan is active, very active in your mind. It has nothing to do with you doing anything deliberately. The fact that you're all confused and don't know what you're doing doesn't change the fact that you're obeying Satan. You have to decide who you're going to obey. So this whole teaching is for you and Jesus is here to deliver you. But you're not a baby in arms. You've got to take all of this instruction, all of this wisdom, and all of the power (you've been given power) and now you have to do it.


Verse 16: And he told everyone who came to see him that he became demonized when the fiery serpent increased into the spiritual insects within him and ascended to feed in the sixth and seventh energy centers of Leviathan's timeline. And the people who saw what was done in the righteous pharisee began to beg Jesus to make the spiritual insects within themselves depart from their etheric bodies, also. When the righteous pharisee who had been demonized entered into Christ Jesus, he begged Jesus to perfect him. And when Jesus saw that the righteous pharisee had forsaken Satan, Jesus forgave him. Listen; the true forgiveness of sins is only after you forsake Satan. Now that doesn't mean forsake sticking pins in dolls. It means, after you forsake Satan's thoughts, you are forgiven. Now remember, forgiveness comes on two levels; forgiveness by faith and the actual forgiveness of sins which is the same thing as spiritual ascension. Remember, Jesus said, what's the difference if I say, your sins are forgiven you or pick up your bed and walk; you're healed. So the forgiveness of sins that brings healing from disease and death is the turning away from the sin. We're forgiven by faith when we repent in general and that forgiveness in faith imparts power to turn away from Satan's thoughts. When you turn away from Satan's thoughts, then the true forgiveness of sin comes in and you spiritually ascend. You must turn away from those thoughts. So long as you make excuses for yourself, you are choosing Satan's thoughts. Now you've got to hear this; this is a hard word. You choose Satan's thought over Christ Jesus. You can't say that you're not hearing because you have heard it from me. When you hear it from me, you cannot say you're not hearing from God because that's the whole reason that the Lord puts you under a teacher.


Your carnal mind is so active, Satan is so active, that she blocks a lot of the understanding that the Lord would give you. So once you've heard it in your language, there's absolutely no excuse. When you choose Satan's thought over the instruction of an authority, whether your conscious mind admits that you're doing it or not, this is outright rebellion and it is the preference of Satan's thought over the thought of Christ Jesus and there's no excuse. There's no excuse. I'm not here to condemn you, but you've got to understand that we prefer Christ Jesus in our thoughts. When you choose Satan's thought over Christ Jesus' thought, you are preferring Satan. You have got to hear this. This message came forth for you a couple of months ago. You've got to hear this. Then you sit there and you say to me, you think I did it on purpose? I don't care whether you did it on purpose or not. The truth is that you have preferred Satan's thoughts over the thoughts of Christ Jesus. The consequences of your behavior is that you're going to stay in your condition. I'm here to help you; I'm not here to hurt you. There are consequences for every choice that we make. When you choose Satan's thoughts and you just make excuses for yourself, you're going to stay right where you are. So we see that this whole message has come forth telling us about a pharisee in a very unhappy spiritual condition. When Jesus came along, he recognized Him. You recognized the anointing when you saw it. It says the pharisee was running the race. You're running the race. But you're falling down at the very last step. You've made it so far and you're falling down at the very last step.


So if you walk away from here, today, understanding that Satan is in your thoughts and that you have to reject those thoughts in your mind and choose Christ Jesus,


you've learned something. You have to reject thoughts, not only in your own mind, but also reject the inclination to ignore what comes out of the mouth of an authority, especially when it comes to ministry business. If you've learned that much, today, you've taken a great victory. So you have to stop thinking for yourself in areas where the law is established. Let me say that again. There's a time to think for yourself and a time to not think for yourself. The time that you don't think for yourself is in an area where the law is established. You don't say, well, this authority gave me an instruction, but it doesn't look like it's working to me, so I'm going to just go and do something else. At the very least, if it looks like it's not working, you go back to the authority and say, something is wrong; it's not working for me. You don't just make up your own instruction and go off and do it. Now this is for you. You're at a crossroad now. Either you're going to stop doing this and start coming under obedience or you're going to continue to follow after your rebellion. This is under the anointing. We're going up. Everybody is going up. So this is your choice. If you don't go up; don't you come blaming Jesus, because He's fighting for you and I'm fighting for you. It's your choice. I've done a lot of teaching here about Jesus taking people against their will. Well, let me clarify that. What Jesus is going to do against people's will is that He is going to graft the seed of Christ to them. That's what He's going to do against people's will. Once Christ is grafted to you, whoever you are hearing this tape or whatever, you are going to be in the position of this pharisee.


Once Christ is grafted to you, you have to prefer Christ. It's wonderful that you go to church and that you're committed and you're faithful, but the only thing that's going to cause you to ascend spiritually is to choose or to prefer the thoughts of Christ Jesus. Going to church, healing the sick, casting out demons, tithing; all these things are important, but if you don't prefer the thoughts of Christ Jesus, if you don't prefer His righteous order over your willful rebellion, He's going to let you go. That's a hard word. He's not taking anyone into the kingdom against their will. He's giving you Christ against your will. Once you have that Christ mind in you, which enables you to hear the doctrine of Christ, if you deliberately choose to turn away from what Christ is telling you, He's going to let you go. I tell you the truth. I repent if I've given anyone this idea that Jesus is going to take anyone against their will. The Lord just told me I didn't make it clear. He's going to engraft Christ to you against your will. Then once the conscience of Christ Jesus is operating in you, you must choose Him. If you don't choose Him, He's not going to choose you. It's not a punishment! It's not a punishment and it's not a threat. He's going to give you everything you need to go through, but you must choose Him to go through. If you don't, you will reap what you have sown. He wants you. That's why He's got me manifesting like this. This is not an ungodly manifestation. He wants you. He wants everyone to make it. He wants the whole world to make it. But sometimes carnally minded people are just very difficult. I'm fighting for you. He's fighting for you. I'm fighting for you, every way I know how, but I can't do it for you. No one is going to do it for you. You have to do it for yourself.


I'll read verse 19 again. When Jesus saw that the righteous pharisee had forsaken Satan, Jesus forgave that pharisee saying, withdraw from Leviathan's timeline that you dwell in. Well, when Jesus tells you to withdraw from Leviathan's timeline; with that commandment is the power to do so. There's no way that anybody is withdrawing from Leviathan's timeline, no matter how much power Jesus gives them, if they have not first forsaken Satan. And when Jesus saw that the righteous pharisee had forsaken Satan, Jesus forgave him, saying, withdraw from Leviathan's timeline that you dwell in and go towards your true home which is in Christ Jesus and declare the great things that the Lord, Adam or Christ Jesus has done for you and how Jesus had compassion upon you. Come out of your carnal mind and tell the truth of your miracle out of the mind of Christ. So the righteous pharisee departed from the third energy center and that's the place where most of the world dwells; in the third energy center. And proclaimed the great things that Jesus had done for him and everyone that heard about it was amazed. So we see that this pharisee did not have a physical healing. He did not get up out of a wheelchair. He did not have a withered arm restored. He was not blind and received physical sight. All of these miracles are fine and wonderful and they may continue to happen on some level, but these are the miracles that are associated today with the Holy Ghost.


Jesus said, you will do greater things than I have done. These are the greater works. He said you will do greater works than I have done. We're not just healing physical bodies. Well, you say what about the physical body? Doesn't Jesus want to heal the physical body anymore? Brethren, when you forsake Satan's thoughts and depart from Leviathan's timeline and start talking to people out of Christ Jesus, your body will be healed. Look at me. I'm stronger every year. The greater works is the turning or the helping or the assisting of people to turn away from the thoughts of Satan. Satan is in your mind. There is the imparting of power through this message to turn away from Satan's thoughts that we might be healed; spirit, soul and body and delivered from death. The greater works is deliverance from death.


Just like I said earlier on this message, Jesus said, I came to fulfill the law, not to take it away. The internalized Christ Jesus gives us the power to have a conscience which transcends the good conscience of this world and gives us a conscience concerning spiritual things. What does that mean? Christ Jesus is our ability to understand that Satan thinks through us; that Satan whispers through us. Christ Jesus is the conscience that says, turn away from a thought that's not adultery, that's not telling you to steal, that's not telling you to kill, that's not telling you to bear false witness. It's a thought that may not be evil; it may even be good, but it's arising out of Satan within you. Christ Jesus is the conscience that has the power to give you that information and turn you away from Satan's thoughts. You can't go around saying I didn't do it on purpose because your carnal mind is strong enough to block out what you're doing. Jesus wants everybody to make it. Time is very short. We're moving into the new age rapidly. Events are happening faster and faster and faster. Jesus wants everyone to make it. He will beg you and He will plead with you, but you've got to do it. He's not going to pick you up like you're a baby in the carriage and take you. He's not going to do it. Praise the Lord. God bless you all.


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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