494 - Part 2
(Mk. 5:1-20)




Part 2 of 4 Parts 

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Recap of Mark 5 verses 1 thru 12: And Jesus and His disciples passed over Satan's sea which is the astral plane and appeared in the left side of their heart center which is the etheric plane. And while Christ Jesus was covering their personality in the etheric plane, they met a righteous pharisee and Adam was living within the tomb or was living within the pharisee, but could not knit together with the fiery serpent because Satan the morally impure spirit had chained that mortal man to Leviathan. Even though Adam has shackled the righteous pharisee's carnal mind by chaining Leviathan and knitting together with the fiery serpent, Satan had broken Adam's chain which was upon the righteous pharisee's carnal mind in pieces and severed Adam from the fiery serpent who was under him. And indeed no mortal man had tamed Leviathan yet. Therefore, both Adam and Leviathan were living in the righteous pharisee, but he was speaking from Leviathan's brow and crown energy centers, which was cutting Adam, the pharisee's righteous genetic heritage to pieces. But when Adam in the righteous pharisee, who was running the race, perceived that Jesus was from the future age that was still afar off, the righteous pharisee submitted to Jesus and Adam spoke loudly with the voice of the righteous pharisee saying, Elohim and I Am are with you Jesus, Son of the Most High God. I solemnly implore you in the name of God to deliver me from Satan who is tormenting me. Then Jesus said, let Satan, the morally impure spirit depart from the fiery serpent's assembly in this Adam. And Satan asked Jesus, on what authority do you command me to leave? And Jesus answered saying, you have the morally impure nature of the second energy center and the strength of the seventh energy center of Leviathan's timeline, but the Spirit of Elijah is my authority and we are too great for you. And as soon as they heard this, the spiritual insects of the third energy center who are married to the fiery serpent that was feeding in the sixth and seventh energy centers of the mighty Leviathan requested earnestly that Adam not separate them from Leviathan's city. But Jesus called to Adam in the righteous pharisee saying, we will thrust ourselves into your etheric body so that we may enter into the midst of the spiritual insects who are married to the fiery serpent. That's as far as we got. I see that your notes didn't print out properly, but that verse is Mark 5:13 from the King James Translation.


So we're continuing with verse 13, King James Translation. Forthwith Jesus gave them leave and the unclean spirits went out and entered into the swine and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea. They were about two thousand and were choked in the sea. Please note that Nestle is talking about the Strong's numbers. You may recall from part 1, we deal here with two sets of Strong's numbers; one compiled by a man called Nestle and the other set compiled by the textis receptis which is a Latin name that probably goes all the way back to some early rendition of the Greek. Please note that Nestle indicates that there is no Greek foundation for the English word, forthwith Jesus. Once again, we disagree with this amplification. We will amplify the subject of the Greek word translated to give, as the righteous pharisee. I see that I put in here; please note that Nestle indicates, but neither does the textis receptis indicate that there's any Greek foundation. Actually, both Nestle and the textis receptis indicate that there's no Greek foundation for the English word, forthwith Jesus. Nestle gives no Greek word, whatsoever, as you can see in your notes. There's a 999 above those words which means that Nestle doesn't even acknowledge a Greek word at all. But if your were to look in the textis receptis interlinear text you would see that in those pointed brackets there would be numbers for the Greek words, but there is no actual Greek word.


I guess I should go over this for part 2. There are five lines to each row of words. The top line is the transliterated translation. That means it's a phonetic translation with Arabic letters so someone who speaks English might be able to sound out the Greek word. The second row is the actual Greek word. The third row is the Strong's number. The fourth row is the King James Translation and the fifth row is the alternate translation with amplified words in brackets. So if you look on the third row of the group of words where you see the words, forthwith Jesus; what I have printed out for you here is the interlinear text with the Nestle numbers. So Nestle shows no number indicating a Greek word for the English word, forthwith Jesus. Neither is there any Greek word appearing right above it. If I had printed out the interlinear text with the textis receptis numbers, you would see in those pointed brackets numbers indicating the Strong's numbers for the words, forthwith Jesus. But even though the textis receptis puts those numbers in, there is no Greek word in the row of texts that gives you the Greek spelling. Does anyone not know what I'm talking about? So the textis receptis has amplified the interlinear text with the words, forthwith Jesus, and actually gone so far as to put in these Strong's numbers which means forthwith Jesus. But if you look at the interlinear text, you see there's no Greek word which is a foundation for the textis receptis for putting in those numbers.


So we see that the king James Translation has amplified the subject. They have told us who they think gave leave. But I want to suggest to you that it wasn't Jesus who gave permission. It was the pharisee who gave permission. The Greek word translated to give leave, we are amplifying. That means we're going to give it two legitimate translations for that Greek word, Strong's #2010. We're going to translate it to give permission and to transfer. The Greek word translated went out, we will translate to spread abroad. On the next line, we're amplifying the word there. You can see it's in brackets. That means I've amplified it. The word entered, we're translating arose. Swine, we're translating the married or the expanded fiery serpeot. The English words, ran violently, we're translating plunged. The herd, we're translating spiritual insects. A legitimate translation of the steep place is overhang. We did find out in a study in Exodus that that word overhang is referring to the seventh energy center. To be honest with you, I'm not really sure whether it's the sixth or the seventh energy center. I'm waiting for the Lord to clarify that for me. But the concept of overhang means that it's protecting the lower energy center. For the time being, for this study, I'm saying it's the seventh energy center. The sea, we're translating the astral plane. Then we have the words, about two thousand. We're translating that, the second energy center. That's the number two, the impurity of the second energy center manifesting the spiritual strength of the seventh energy center.


You may remember from part 1 of this study that the number one thousand signifies the crown energy center. The crown energy center vibrates at a very high rate of speed. There is a slight variation as to the number of undulations in the various books that I've read. But since the scripture says one thousand, we will take that number. Some occult books say it's one thousand. Another spiritual philosophy says it's 986. But the scripture appears to be indicating that the number one thousand signifies the crown energy center which vibrates at this intense rate of speed. We did establish in part 1 that when that first digit changes which would change it from 1,000 to 2,000 or 3,000; that that first digit indicates the lower energy center that's manifesting that kind of strength. In this case we see the impurity of the second energy center manifesting with the strength of the seventh energy center. I don't want to say these beings have life because these beings are not alive. Jesus is the only true life. But the existence, the conscious being that dwells in and that calls the impure second energy center home, must ascend into the seventh energy center for that impurity to manifest the strength of the seventh energy center. The impure being or the being that lives in the impure second energy center is speaking about the fiery serpent. As the fiery serpent ascends, she branches out.


What's interesting is that the analogy that the Lord has given me is the human bronchi. We have two bronchiole tubes which expand out to a multiplicity of bronchi. If you would see a picture of human lungs and the bronchi of the human lungs, they really look like the leaves of a tree extending out from the bronchiole tubes. This is the analogy that the Lord has given me. The fiery serpent which is an energy force that is made up of a multiplicity of spiritual particles starts to move upward because she's vibrating all the time. Every aspect of the creation vibrates continuously. So when the fiery serpent begins to ascend, she branches out into a multiplicity of spiritual insects. She actually creates the beings that indwell the third energy center which are the insects of the etheric plane. The third energy center is the doorway to the whole world of the dimension. It's another dimension where a whole world exists and the beings that indwell that dimension are spiritual insects with consciousness; not like the insects of our world that have consciousness. They're superior to us. They're in the serpent's image and they have supernatural power and they're superior to us. Just as the insects of this world, more often than not, feed off of human blood; they nip us, mosquitoes bite us, flies bite us; in the same manner, the insects of the etheric plane live off of our spiritual blood. They penetrate our etheric body to the best of their ability, access the energy centers of our etheric body and drink of our spiritual blood. Our energy center vibrates and pulsates through our whole body. Just as the heart is the main organ for the blood, the energy centers are the main organ where the energy of the individual is found.


The Lord told me something very interesting the other day. He told me that vampires to whatever degree they exist, and they exist, that they are just a glorified spiritual insect because the insects have been drinking our blood for as long as human being have existed. Mosquitoes and flies drink our blood, but we don't think anything about it because they take out such a tiny drop of our blood that it doesn't really hurt us unless the mosquito or the fly has a parasite and they give us malaria or some such thing. So we get a mosquito bite and we put some alcohol on it and it goes away and we don't think anything about it. But mosquitoes bite; flies bite, ants bite; most insects bite and they bite us. When they bite us, they bite us to get our blood. I'm sorry if this is gory, but I'm telling you the truth. There are spiritual insects in our third energy center which bite us to get our spiritual blood. Then the Lord told me recently that these vampire bats to whatever degree they exist, they are just glorified insects who are just not taking a drop of our blood. They're taking enough of our blood to kill us.


Now I'm not telling you that vampires are real; I'm not telling you that. All that I'm telling you is that this is what I heard in the spirit. Of course, it makes sense to me that if vampires do exist, they're just doing what the everyday mosquito and fly does in this world. They're just doing the same thing that the spiritual insects of the third energy center do. If they exist when they do it, they have the ability to take so much of our blood that we die. Whenever the Lord tells me something like this, He will follow it up with more information. Anyone hearing this tape, I'm not telling you that the Lord told me that vampires are real. It could be what He told me was an analogy to help me to really understand how serious insects are. We've all seen horror movies where insects gang up on a human being and do kill them by eating them alive or draining their blood. But it's an unusual situation. It doesn't happen every day. So the Lord may have been telling me this just to make a point. He was showing me that the drinking of human blood, both physical blood and spiritual blood seems to be what non humans are interested in. It's like this whole world, if it could, would consume us. The lions and tigers of the jungle would eat our flesh including the blood if they could. The insects want our blood and I think some strains of ant eat your flesh also.


Brethren, we are food for the world. Do you hear what I'm saying? But because of our mind, we've overcome the animals of the jungle because our mind is greater than their mind. They're physically stronger than we are, but because of our mind, we've overcome the animals of the jungle. Because of our mind, we've largely overcome the insects. They're spraying in Queens right now. This area of the world is being attacked with malaria bearing mosquitoes, which has not been heard of in this country since God only knows how long. What am I saying? Man is the food for the other aspects of the world, but because we have intelligence we can protect ourselves somewhat, at least those of us in the west anyway. The third world suffers much more than we do. Those of us in the west live in relative safety from wild animals and parasite bearing insects. But in the hour that we are spiritually overthrown, we will no longer be able to hold the line against the other life forms of this world that we are food for.


Do you know in Genesis 1, the scripture says let them rule over the whole creation and let every herb be meat for them. Well brethren, temporarily, when we fell out of paradise, we fell into a world with a different commandment. Jehovah says, let everything in this world be meat for Adam and the creator of this world, the serpent says, let man be meat for every insect and every wild animal. Why do I tell you this, to scare you? No, Jesus said the truth would set you free. So what is your answer to what I have just told you? The answer is, Adam better rise from the dead in you, because Adam is under the commandment that says every conscious being in all of the worlds, in all of the dimensions that we exist in are food for Adam. But if Adam is not regenerated in you, you are food for the insects, physically and spiritually, and the animals and all of the beings in the other dimensions of the worlds of this creation. I'm telling you the truth. Everything is coming to a head. Adam better rise in you and you better be on your face before God saying, let him rise in me because he is the only weapon that will sustain you against the things that are coming upon the earth. You are the only hope of your family if Adam does rise in you. Praise the Lord.


I was talking about the second and the seventh energy center at the top of page 3. The English words were choked in the sea. The Greek word translated choked can also be translated to hinder growth or to strangle or to choke. The sea, once again, is the astral plane. I will read you my note on what I just spoke about on the number two thousand. The second energy center is the thousandth place. It equals the moral impurity of the second energy center manifesting as the power of the seventh energy center. This is the second witness in addition to our new understanding of the word legion, which we worked up in verse 9 of Mark 5. The number was six thousand in verse 9 and some odd digits. The Lord revealed to us that that was talking about the impurity of the second energy center manifesting with the power of the seventh energy center. All that I'm saying is that we worked it up two ways. I'm not going to review it today. It's the same thing as saying four plus four equals eight and six plus two equals eight. We got the same answer that the Lord is talking about, the impurity of the second energy center manifesting with the strength of the seventh energy center; so the number two thousand in verse 13 and through the Greek word translated legion in verse 9. Two witnesses in this account that this is what the Lord is talking about; the impurity of the second energy center manifesting with the strength of the seventh energy center. Two witnesses.


With regard to the word strangle and choke, we're talking about the fifth energy center. I think I gave a pretty fair exhortation on that on part 1. The throat energy center is the most powerful place your consciousness can abide in before you take that quantum leap to the brow energy center where you become a supernatural man. In your etheric body, there is just really one channel. We see similar situations in the physical body and I think it's in the food pipe and the wind pipe. I'm not too good with my anatomy here. But I think that there's a valve inside of this pipe. I know that it's also true in the male organ where the sperm and the urine comes out of the same channel. There's a valve there. The two substances cannot be emitted at the same time. There's a valve. If you're urinating, the semen is cut off. If semen is coming forth, you can't urinate. There's a valve that locks off one substance, but it's the same channel that both substances go through. Does anybody not know what I'm talking about? So in the channel of ascension for our consciousness, there is really just one channel. But within that one channel there's two channels. Only one can be opened at a time. There's a valve, that when one channel is opened, that valve locks off, closes off and seals off the other channel. So we are born with the channel of ascension into Christ Jesus sealed off. The channel of ascension into the serpent's higher energy centers is opened. That's the condition that we're born in.


So when Christ Jesus is formed in us and we begin to move into a program that is designed to cause us to ascend spiritually, we have much more to do than ascend spiritually. We've got to open that valve and we've got to close off the connection or the opening into the serpent's higher centers. That requires a warfare with Satan and Leviathan. It requires an intense warfare just to get the channel of ascension into Christ Jesus open. It is in the throat center where this valve resides. If you can get to the heart center in Christ Jesus, Satan will try to stop you from ascending into the throat center. I don't understand it completely, but this is what the Lord told me. When Satan and Leviathan move to stop you from moving into the throat energy center in Christ Jesus, they choke you off in the etheric plane . They choke your consciousness off in the etheric plane so that you cannot ascend into that high place. It's a high place to abide continuously in the throat center. However they choke you off in the etheric plane and I'm saying however because I don't really understand how they do it. But they choke off the channel of ascension into Christ Jesus. They close that valve. The scripture describes it as they shut the door and they locked it, so as you ascend you can only go into the serpent's timeline.


Whatever it is that they do in our etheric body to utterly seal off the possibility of ascension into Christ Jesus and direct us into Leviathan's timeline, it can manifest in our physical life as being choked. Now I've had at least five incidents of choking with no apparent external stimuli. I just started to choke. It was a very shattering experience, each of the five times. The last time I was alone. But the Lord delivered me every time. You had a similar experience, but it was external, when your nightgown wrapped around your neck and choked you while you were vacuuming. So if you are ascending in Christ Jesus, it may be wise for you to seek the Lord about what you need to do to protect yourself against choking spirits before it even happens; now that you have this information that as you ascend, Leviathan will try to either close off that valve or shut off the opening into the city of Christ Jesus. When Leviathan moves to do that, it manifests in the physical plane as a choking experience in your life. This is the spiritual significance of being strangled and being strangled or choked does hinder your spiritual growth because you have to get up into the throat center to get into the brow center in Christ Jesus. That is the significance of the Greek word translated, to choke.


This is our alternate translation. Mark 5:13; And immediately the righteous pharisee. I see that, immediately, should not be there. That was a word amplified in the King James Translation. And the righteous pharisee gave Jesus and the disciples permission to transfer into his etheric body. Isn't that interesting? Jesus wouldn't do it without permission. The righteous pharisee gave Jesus and the disciples permission to transfer into his etheric body and the spirits of Jesus and the disciples spread abroad. Remember, they're an energy stream. They spread abroad just like a physical blood transfusion. They entered into the pharisee's etheric body and mixed with his etheric blood, just like a blood transfusion. They entered into the midst of the morally impure spiritual insects who are married to the fiery serpent. That's our translation of the word, swine. The swine is the ascended fiery serpent who has branched out like all of the bronchi of the bronchiole tubes. She has branched out into a multiplicity of insects.


I forgot to put this on my earlier exhortation. When the ascended fiery serpent wants to get up to the seventh energy center so that the moral impurity of the second energy center can manifest with the strength of the seventh energy center, she has to fly up there. So she ascends into the third energy center at which point she transforms herself into a multiplicity of insects. Remember the fiery serpent is an energy stream made up of many particles and as she enters into the third energy center, those particles sprout wings and become spiritual insects. From there they fly up to the higher energy centers. When they get to the sixth energy center, they make contact with Leviathan who's in the seventh energy center and at that point feed off of cosmic energy. They feed off of energy that is beyond the energy of the individual that they're living in. Well where is all this cosmic energy that they're feeding off of? Does anybody know? Other people, brethren; other people. The individual whose fiery serpent is ascended and manifesting in each of the particles of the energy stream of the fiery serpent is now become a spiritual insect with wings which has made contact with Leviathan. Leviathan is their access to other people. If you remember the teaching here, Leviathan is the name of the collective fiery serpent. I see I have to put this on the board for you. Praise the Lord.


We have two drawings; drawing #1 and drawing #2. Drawing #1 shows Satan's sea. Leviathan is the sea serpent that lives in Satan's sea. Satan's sea is the astral plane. I indicated Leviathan by these squiggly lines. You could see at this point where the lines become straight, Leviathan breaks down into the fiery serpent which can be likened to rivers flowing out of an ocean. Leviathan spews out these sparks of herself which descend into the earth. Each spark descends into the earth of a man and becomes the fiery serpent or the worm that Jesus spoke about, that each man born of a woman has. That fiery serpent is an energy force and she generates the spiritual blood of every man born of a woman. The name of that spiritual blood is Satan. But for the purposes of this teaching, the fiery serpent that lives in each man feeds off of the energy of that man. I try to make this as clear as I can. If you look closely at the drawing you can see that I drew a series of marks indicating the ascension of the fiery serpent up into the astral plane. When the fiery serpent gets as high as the brow energy center, she now makes contact. She can stretch herself to make contact with Leviathan who is in the astral plane. Leviathan reaches down a little bit; the fiery serpent reaches up a little bit. That fiery serpent now is no longer feeding off of the energy of this man alone. But the fiery serpent of this man has ascended into the astral plane through a union with Leviathan and now has the ability to cross over and descend into another man who's fiery serpent is not ascended and descend into that man and drink out of that man's energy.


The principle is similar to the principle of outer space. When we first started sending satellites into outer space, everybody was concerned that if it was Russia up there, they would just sit there in that satellite as the earth turns and as soon as the United States comes along, they just drop a bomb on it. So we see that ascension, physical and spiritual ascension, gives us advantage over the people who are still on the earth. So this man that has an ascended fiery serpent, once he enters into Satan's sea where all the energy is one, he just crosses over to his neighbor and descends into that man and victimizers him and drinks of his energy. This is what the scripture calls hunting and fishing in the spirit. I mentioned this on the previous tape. I'm not really sure that I have it exactly right, but the fishing is the fishing for energy. I'm going to drop it right here because I don't think I have it straight. I hope that I have it straight by part 3 of this message. But the hunting is the hunting for Adam, to kill Adam or to take Adam's energy and Adam dwells basically in the heart center. The fishing; I think the Lord told me that I got it backwards in part 1. The fiery serpent is the fish and things are opposite in the astral plane from this physical plane. Spiritually speaking, the fish, the fiery serpent is ascending looking for the water. The fiery serpent is a fish out of water. The water signifies spiritual energy. So the fiery serpent ascends through the energy centers. The waters of the human body are in the energy centers. So the fiery serpent is called the serpent of the earth because she's buried in the earth, but she's seeking the waters of the individual. She's seeking the energy of the energy centers of the individual. So it's the fish who's going fishing for the waters; if you can hear what I'm saying. It's backwards in the spirit. In the natural, men go fishing in the waters for the fish, but in the spirit, the fish, the fiery serpent, is dipping into the energy centers of the individual looking for their waters. The fiery serpent is a fish without water. She's looking for the water.


So in a past study, we looked at Jesus where He said to Peter, you shall be fishers of men. He said you're going to go fishing for Adam. You're going to go into other people's etheric bodies, not for the purpose of stealing their energy, but for the purpose of reviving Abel and raising Adam from the dead. So all of you people, all of you spiritual criminals, who are out there, who had ascended fiery serpents that were entering into the astral plane and swimming anywhere they wanted and having the ability to descend into any man that was spiritually defensed and just take whatever energy you want from him; you who did this spiritual criminal behavior, now you're still going to be entering into people's etheric bodies, but you're going to be doing it to revive Abel and raise Adam from the dead. So it's the fish that's looking for the water; if you could hear it. Praise the Lord.


I did the best I could to make this clear. The drawing is a little confused, but I gave the victim a triangular head and I do have little marks showing the fiery serpent going upward and showing the descent of the fiery serpent into the victims. Are there any questions on this?


This is Mark 5:13: And the righteous pharisee gave Jesus and the disciples permission to transfer into his etheric body and the spirits of Jesus and the disciples spread abroad and entered into the midst of the morally impure spiritual insects who are married to the fiery serpent. That's our ascended fiery serpent now. She married the spiritual insects that she, herself, created. What that really means is that she just changed her form. She went from an earthbound energy source to an airborne energy source. She sprouted spiritual wings and ascended upward into the higher centers. The spiritual insects; that's the herd that were feeding in the seventh energy center of Leviathan's timeline in the righteous pharisee plunged into the astral plane and this is how Jesus and the disciples choked off Satan's expansion. Well, they didn't plunge into the astral plane. They plunged down out of the astral plane. They plunged downward, out of the astral plane. This is how Jesus and the disciples choked off Satan's expansion from the second to the seventh energy center in the righteous pharisee. I'll read it again. And the righteous pharisee gave Jesus and the disciples permission to transfer into his etheric body and the spirits of Jesus and the disciples spread abroad and entered into the midst of the morally impure spiritual insects who are married to the fiery serpent and the spiritual insects that were feeding in the seventh energy center of Leviathan's timeline in the righteous pharisee plunged downward out of the astral plane and this is how Jesus and the disciples choked off Satan's expansion from the second to the seventh energy center in the righteous pharisee. I think I'm going from the morally impure spiritual insects who are married to the fiery serpent. I'm not sure what I'll change it to, but something like it; which are an expansion, which are the expanded or the ascended fiery serpent. I'm going to change it to something like that. We're going to stop here for tonight.


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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