Part 17 of 19 Parts
The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
Praise the Lord; we are picking up on our review of the alternate translation with verse 14a at the bottom of page 4 of your notes. The alternate translation reads;
14. And Satan the engraver nailed to the lower window within the mortal men of Judah boasted saying, the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah are exalted above Samson, and Satan the one who engraves the fiery serpents with the primordial serpent's nature, thrust herself as a needle into the warp threads of the loom in the lower window of the mortal men of Judah, Samson's household, who are nailed to the lower window to weave her nature into the mortal men of Judah. ATB
This is a very heavy verse. It seems as we do these translations, we find that from time to time there is just one verse usually in a whole chapter, or it is sometimes a whole series of chapters that is very, very deep, very deep revelation of the doctrine of Christ, that there is no way you could make any sense out of these verses unless you had a knowledge of the doctrine of Christ, and this is one of those verses. The revelation that came forth is that Satan is the weaving pen or the needle and I think it was, well it started out with this message, but we turned it in, we gave the message another name, Moses, Camels, and Water In The Desert, or something like that Jesus or the spirit of Christ, is the needle that passes through the tightly woven warp and woof threads of the fabric of creation, and that the King James translation which quotes Jesus as saying, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God, that, that is a mistranslation, it was the only sense that the King James translators could make out of it, but it was a mistranslation. What Jesus was saying is, that it is only the spirit of a man, because the spirit of the man is a needle, we see that the spirit of Christ is the needle, that is thin, that is linear, see, that can pierce through the woven fabric of creation, which I do not know if we could call the fabric of creation spiraling but it is certainly not thin and piercing.
Now in verse 14a, we see Satan described as a pin, as a weaving pen, so that says to me, that is very interesting what the Lord just said to me. That says to me that it is the spirit whether it is the spirit of Christ or the spirit of Satan, it is that sharp thin instrument that pierces the woven warp and woof threads of the fabric, and the Lord just flashed an image in front of my mind of an upholster's needle, a curved needle, because I was saying, I was thinking in my mind, well if Jesus is the needle, the linear needle that pierces through the fabric of creation, how could Satan be a pin also, but it does not say needle, it says weaving pin. Does anybody know what a weaving pin looks like? Is a weaving pin a straight needle or is it a curved needle, does anybody know? It is a curved needle, really, well that is upholstery, but we do not know about weaving fabric, if it is a curved needle or not, but in any event, that is the image that the Lord flashed in front of my mind, a curved needle, and we know that a curved needle does exist for upholstery, if not for anything else.
We see that it is the spirit of a man, whether it is the spirit of Christ or the spirit of Satan that pierces through the fabric of creation. What does that mean to us? Brethren, we want to pierce through the fabric of creation. What are you talking about Sheila? Brethren, this fabric is covering over the real thing. This creation, this world, it is an image, it is a spiritually computer generated image; it is not a computer as we know computers, but it is the spiritual counterpart of a computer which has generated the image of this world. It is a superior mind, which has generated the image of this world. This world is not real! It is not real and the pleasures of this world are spiritual drugs to keep you content to remain here.
There is another side of this fabric you see, there is a fabric covering us, it covers each of us individually, it covers each cell of our being. The Scripture says that we are covered with darkness. There is another side to this fabric and on the other side is light. Everything that Jehovah intended to give us in the creation, in the existence that He promised the creation. We want to pierce through the fabric.
That fabric that is woven together, it is a tight weave. Satan has fixed it, Satan has woven this fabric and she has fixed it that nobody can get through, no soul can get through, at least the personality, no personality, the soul is the personality, no personality can get through. We had a whole message on this; the whole camel cannot get through. Does anybody remember who the camel is?
What does the camel represent in the Scripture? The camel represents the personality that is abiding on the left side of the heart center with Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus or Adam, He is on the left side of the heart center, and He has boiled all of the waters away from the heart center, from that left side of the heart center. The left side of the heart center is the desert, and the desert, now this is spiritually speaking, the desert that we are crossing, is the left side of the heart center and we are hoping to get to the 5th energy center, to the throat energy center, and to the brow energy center which is the Promised Land.
The brow energy center is the Promised Land. If nobody remembered what the camel is, I guess you are not going to remember what the name of the corresponding animal on the right side of the heart center is that lives under Satan's authority. That is the jackass. On a previous tape, I said, I think I said it was the Devil, but I did not get that revelation until afterwards, so I guess I am going to have to put this on the board for you. The personality that dwells in the left side of the heart center is signified by a camel, because you are crossing that desert to get to the 5th and 6th energy centers, to Zion, and the personality that dwells on the right side of the heart center the Scripture says is a jackass, you are under Satan's dominion and you are stubborn, and you are foolish.
Am I insulting you? No, that is your condition. You have to know what your condition is to overcome it. If you are under Satan's dominion, you are also under Leviathan's dominion, and Leviathan makes you stubborn. When you are sold out, when you are married to Leviathan, you are a stubborn idolatrous person, which most human beings are, some to a greater degree than others. The personality on the left side of the heart center is called a camel, the personality on the right side of the heart center is called jackass, and Christ Jesus or the regenerated Adam on the left side of the heart center, what animal signifies him?
COMMENT: The ram?
PASTOR VITALE: The ram, yes. We see on the left side of the heart center we can see a ram, or a camel or both. The ram is Christ Jesus or Adam and the camel is the personality. What is the spirit on the left side of the heart center? What is the spirit that covers the left side of the heart center? What is the spirit that is within Christ Jesus?
COMMENT: Spirit of Christ?
PASTOR VITALE: Yes, the spirit of Christ. On the right side of the heart center we see that we have the goat, and the personality that is on the right side of the heart center is signified by a jackass, and that personality joined to the goat, I think I left something out; I am going to put this on the board for you.
This is drawing #1, I have drawn the heart center here, and of course the heart center is spiritual, it does not look like this, I just draw it like a heart, to make a point. The heart center is divided down the middle and to the left and the right side, and I am demonstrating here basically that we have an inner man, and personality that covers or clothes our inner man, and our old man is called the goat, symbolically called a goat, that is the personality in agreement with the carnal mind. Satan and Leviathan is our carnal mind.
Satan is the unconscious part of the carnal mind; Leviathan is the subconscious part of the carnal mind. The personality that agrees with that mind becomes a goat, and goat is the symbol of our old man, and the jackass is the symbol of the personality side of the old man, in other words, we exist in this world, we relate to one another as human beings. If I meet someone who is a carnal person, I do not think of them as a goat, you know, I think of them as a human being. The human beings, the people on the surface that those of us who exist in this surface plane deal with, are symbolically known as jackasses. The whole right side of the heart center is under Satan's sea. We are spiritually fish, spiritually speaking, fish swimming in Satan's sea. This whole world is completely immersed in Satan's spirit.
On the left side of the heart center we have a ram, the ram signifies Adam or Christ Jesus, and the personality is what the church world calls the soul, the personality that is in agreement with the thoughts of Christ Jesus who is the resurrected Adam, is spiritually known as a camel. Why? Because we are living on the left side of the heart center, we are beyond Satan's grasp, and we are living a sacrificial life, we are sacrificing or denying ourselves everything that Satan would offer us to stay in this left side of the heart center, the place from which we hope to ascend into the 5th and 6th energy centers, the 6th energy center being Zion, it is a spiritual place, Mount Zion.
Satan covers the whole old man, this whole world is completely drenched in her, and we see that the desert does have moisture in the atmosphere, the spirit of Christ which is in Christ Jesus or in the Old Testament would be the spirit of Elijah which is in Adam, is present in the atmosphere of the desert.
Once again, I recall to your memory that the Hebrew children were complaining about their life in the desert. I do not know if they were in a physical desert, I would not, I mean if you had something to tell me I would listen but I would never get into a discussion over it. I know that the Hebrew children were in a spiritual desert. To me it really does not make sense that they should have crossed the desert in eleven days and it took them forty years. If it is a physical desert, it really does not even make any sense. Brethren, look at how long it is taking us to change. Look at how long it is taking us to even understand this doctrine. Look at how long it is taking us to see what we are really all about, just to see inside of ourselves.
We should have been able to cross over to the 5th and 6th energy centers in eleven days, whatever that means. I have not really studied it, whatever eleven days means. We are just going round and round, but hopefully as we go around, we are ascending a little bit every time. The problem is that we keep on being pulled back to the right side of the heart center, the lusts of this world, to the relationships of this world, to the pulls and the ties of this world, we have to find the strength within ourselves, we are this camel, we have to find the strength within ourselves to overcome the pulls of the world which are both inside of us in our household and in our beloved relatives who are doing everything they can to bind us to the earth, thinking that they are justified in doing so. I have depicted the spirit of Christ with dots, and as you can see the dots which are really, they are really not dots, but they are really very minuscule linear atoms, they are linear, you are just seeing the tip of this very fine, it looks like a dot to you, but there is depth to it. These are the needles that the spirit of Christ is comprised of.
Brethren, if you know anything at all about microbiology or bacteriology, there are certain bacteria that are linear and then there are bacteria that are round. Cellular organisms or microscopic organisms, they come in all different sizes. I do not have any more information right now but I know that I have seen pictures of microscopic slides of different bacteria, disease bacteria, some of them are logs, they are rectangular, others are circular, and others are spiral. The spirit of Christ linear, it is going passing right through this crossing over of the warp and the woof of the fabric of this world. This world exists in a sack.
We exist in a spiritual sack; it can be likened to the placenta in a human woman. We exist in a sack. Over here on the right side of the heart center, I said to the Lord, Well why can the water not penetrate through the fabric? The Lord said to me, that there is an ability of Satan's water to penetrate the fabric, is the foundation of the operation of this recyclable world. Do you know that our world is recyclable? The leaves fall off of the tree, they hit the ground, they fertilize the ground, the energy goes into the root of the tree, the tree rises up and puts out more leaves, it rains, the water hits the earth, the sun comes out, the water evaporates, ascends up into the atmosphere, builds up in the clouds, and it rains. It is a circular recyclable atmosphere, our world is recyclable, and everything is recycled.
We see that the fabric of creation cannot be penetrated by Satan's waters, because the fabric, it is a spiritual fabric and it is created in such a manner that it does not let anything pass through and it lays hold of the spiritual waters, absorbs them, processes them, and pours them back down on the earth again. This is just another description of a black hole, nothing gets out. Only energy escapes from the black hole, and Satan will not let her own energy escape, why? Because there is no, Satan has no means to replace the energy of this world if she lets it escape. There is only one place to go for the energy that escapes from this world and that is back up to the kingdom of God, and she does not want that happen, so she has locked it in, and this is the black hole right here. We are back to black holes again. She does not want her energy to pierce through. Satan must die for the energy aspect of her to pierce through the fabric of the creation. She has no intention of dying.
I will tell you once again, in my opinion, the alien visitors to whatever degree that they have visited the earth, are coming from the astral plane and the reason they are always doing experiments on human bodies, is because Satan wants to know how to keep these human bodies when reproduction stops on the earth. Reproduction is stopping on the earth? Sheila what are you talking about?
Brethren, once the sons of God stand up in full stature and go forward converting the masses of people, reproduction will be stopping on the earth. Satan needs new bodies because she kills the body she lives in. First of all, Christ Jesus does not kill the bodies that He lives in but second of all, eventually everyone that is married to Christ Jesus will shed the body and ascend high above where we do not need this physical body. Satan wants the physical bodies. Satan's full stature is in the physical body. The highest that you could go in Satan, you still need a physical body.
If you read testimonies about Hindus, who claim they have experienced very high spiritual experiences in the serpent, their body must be preserved, they leave the earth, their body goes into some form of stasis, their disciples wash it and take care of it, and they are flying in Satan's heavenlies somewhere having spiritual experiences, but if that body is killed, that personality that is flying high in Satan's spirit, will die.
This is the principle that we saw in the movie, The Matrix, the body stayed in the spaceship or the boat, and the soul or the personality went into the computer generated world, and if one was killed, whether it was the physical body that was not conscious in the ship, or whether it was the personality that was actively conscious in the Matrix, whichever one was killed, the other one died because one could not live without the other. This is Hinduism, but this is the not true with Christ Jesus.
Jesus Christ of Nazareth was glorified and today He lives without His body. He did not take His body with Him, His body dissolved, the spiritual and the physical elements that formed the body of Jesus Christ dissolved. Does that sound crazy to you? What happens to human beings that die? They turn to dust. In corps buried in the ground, if you dig it up however many years later, there is no flesh left at all, where did it go buried under the ground? It dissolves, only the bones left, the bones being a type of the spirit. In the spiritual world, the spirit only survives.
We see that there is no escape from the right side of the heart center, it is a recyclable world, but there is escape from the left side of the heart center, for the spirit of Christ that can pass through the fabric of this world. We are the matrix. You may think that we are science fiction, but it is based upon a truth, it was not all truth, but it was based upon a truth, a spiritual existence.
The physical body is not passing through the fabric for sure, but somehow by a miracle in Christ Jesus, we can become so completely joined to Christ Jesus through marriage to Him, that we will pass through when He passes through. The way is very narrow brethren, and you have to slip through the cracks. That means there is no room for sin. Your sin binds you to this world. The sins of your thoughts, the way you think binds you to this world. Every thought that does not come out of the mind of Christ, cannot pierce through the fabric of this world, and you will not go through. That is why we are still here. If it was so easy to go through, what are we still doing here?
For years I was saying, Well Jesus is going to come any moment. Oh no, He is here, He is already come, He is trying to lead captivity captive. He wants to go back up where He came from, but you see He pierces through the walls and we are stuck, we cannot go through, so He is staying down here with us judging our sins, doing everything He can to help us to choose His thoughts in every situation so that the carnal mind will come under the mind of Christ Jesus, and we will be processed to the point that we can be married to Him in every cell of our being and pierce through the fabric of this creation, through union with Him.
I thought you said we are going to have a spiritual body? I thought the Scripture says we are going to have a spiritual body? We will have a spiritual body; it will be reformed on the other side of the wall. Remember Star Trek, they disintegrated in the ship and they re-materialized on the planet, it is going to be something like that.
Even your spiritual body cannot get through this wall. You have to understand what your spiritual body is. It is just dust. We are spirit, we are mind, and we can take, when we are mature enough in the spirit, and Jesus is now in this condition, He can take any body that He wants, any body, not anyone of you, but any physical body that He wants. Wherever He goes, He gathers unto Himself the molecules of the material elements of this world, and forms a body around Himself, and He can make it look any way that He wants.
When we are mature enough in Christ Jesus to pass through the fabric of this world, we will be spiritually mature enough to gather unto ourselves the material atoms that exist outside of this world, and form a spiritual body around ourselves. The body is just clay. The physical body and the etheric body, it is just dust. We are spirit; we are mind, that is what we are. When our consciousness fully leaves the left side of the heart center, and ascends beyond the fabric of this creation, this image that we are drawing as a camel, whatever we look like, this image will simply disappear. It will just fall apart, turn to dust and disappear, our consciousness will be all of the way up here, and we will be able to gather unto ourselves the dust of these higher centers to form a spiritual body.
Down here our body is not made of dust, but it is made of clods of mud.
If nobody has any questions, I would like to do another drawing to show you what happens on the right side of the heart center, when the water hits the top here. Are there any questions on this? Okay.
I have attempted to draw for you the right side of the heart center and show you how the fiery serpent ascends, the Scripture says she bubbles up, that sin bubbles up, and this black spiral is Leviathan coming down, and when the fiery serpent meets Leviathan, she lays hold of her energy and ascends up by joining herself to Leviathan's energy, goes beyond the heart center, all of the way up to crown center, and the water over right side of the heart center is the conductor for the electricity and of course the fiery serpent is an energy source that can be likened to electricity, so she flows through the water, which is the conductor, and this is not the best drawing here, but this would be the 5th energy center and the 6th and 7th, she ascends all of the way up to the top at Satan's fountain here, this is Satan's water beyond the individual. This drawing here is the individual heart center. The fiery serpent in the individual heart center, she ascends beyond that individual and partakes of Satan's waters in the astral plane, and then she starts her downward path.
Here is the fabric of creation, up here, she cannot ascend Satan's waters and the fiery serpent cannot ascend beyond the fabric of creation. This is a recyclable creation, what they call an ego system, everything is recycled, and then she comes back down again, but it is not as simple as the singular path as I show you here, it is much more like this image at the bottom, where it says spiritually active heart center. It is just a continuous bubbling up of the waters.
I always thought that this concept of a vortex indicated that the waters in Christ were just as active as Satan's waters, and the Lord did tell me a couple of weeks ago, that this concept of the vortex of these bubbling active spinning waters that it is not true of Christ, it is just true of Satan, and the members of her household, but this was the first time He had me bring it forth in a teaching. This is the individual heart center, she is bubbling up with the ascended fiery serpent, just bubbling as negative spiritual energy. This is a person that is always looking for a fight; this is the person that is always offended easily. This is the person that is aggressive.
You could be a passive aggressive; you could never raise your voice, but say very subtle cutting remarks. That is what your heart center looks like, Satan is activated in you, and over here right next to it where it says spiritually active man, all centers, this triangle, well actually it is a vortex, it indicates more than the heart center, but that man where Satan is having this experience where she is bubbling up and partaking of Satan's energy in the astral plane beyond the individual, this is what their heart center, this is an evil heart, filled with activated negative energy.
The waters of the Lord are calm, I am sorry not the waters of the Lord, the waters of the creation of down here in this mortal world, are called Satan, I do not have any word at the moment about the waters above, but the waters are always calm when Christ is present. Does anyone have their Bible with them; we can put these Scriptures on the tape. Actually there are three verses so we could take one each, Psalms 107:29, and then Jonah 1:11-12.
PSALM 107:29
29. He maketh the storm calm so that the waves thereof are still. KJV
I will just make a comment on that. It is Satan and in her sea that is always raging. Some people speak out or act out the rage, other people act in the rage. The more you act in the rage, the more you likely you are to become physically ill or to astral project your rage onto the people closest to you, your mate or your children. Exactly what makes in case the rage become illness and in another case makes the rage, just passes it on to someone else, at this point, I do not have the answer, I would really like to hear the answer to that question, but I do not know the answer right now.
This is the violent sea. We read about it all through the Scripture, it is talking about the astral plane, and we all have the astral plane inside of us, it is our emotions, and if we have a tendency towards those emotions being stirred up, it means that we are spiritually active in Satan's spirit. We need to call out to Jesus Christ to ask Him to say, Be calm to our sea, because no good thing could come out of raging spirit, whether you act it out or whether you act it in. You have to be careful that you are not deceiving yourself; if you are a person, who may act it in, do not think that you are okay because your mouth is under control.
When James talks about your mouth being under control, he does not mean this physical mouth, he is really talking about the heart or the mind that produces the words coming out of your mouth. I had a raging spirit; I came out of family of rageaholics, and the Lord Jesus has said to my sea, be calm. If you have a raging spirit there is nothing to be condemned about, but if you do not, if you hear this message and you have a raging spirit and you are too proud to say, Lord Jesus please tell my sea be calm, and then to do whatever He tells you your part is, well then you are on your own, and you are responsible for every evil thing that happens to you.
JONAH 1:11
11. Then said they unto him, what shall we do unto thee, that the sea may be calm unto us, for the sea wrought, and was tempestuous. KJV
12. And he said unto them, Take me up, cast me forth into the sea, so shall the sea be calm unto you, for I know that for my sake, this great tempest is upon you. KJV
I do not have our alternate translation of Jonah present right now, but I suspect that if Jonah was cast into the sea, it was, not as a sacrifice to the sea. Did you hear what the King James said, Take me up, let me ascend, okay, and let me be cast into the sea, let me take authority over the sea. I guess I have to read the alternate translation onto this message.
Praise the Lord, our alternate translation is interspersed, but I will start with verse 1, chapter 1, verse 12a, and 11 is interspersed with verse 12.
JONAH 1:11-12
And Jonah said to the mortal men of Nineveh, the spirit of Elijah forgave my sins and drew me up into the energy centers above the visible world. ATB
Did you hear that, and catch me up, what did it say in the King James? In the King James it says take me up. The alternate translation after much prayer is;
And Jonah said to the mortal men of Nineveh, the spirit of Elijah forgave my sins and drew me up into the energy centers above the visible world. And King Adam silenced the fiery serpent who was stirring up all of that water, stirring up Satan's sea, and dried up Satan, the emotional sea that was scattering my energy, and cast down the fiery serpent and gave me eternal life. And King Adam speaking through Jonah said, because I am knows that Satan, this great emotional storm exists because of me, ATB
I did not read you the whole thing, let me get back to that, I do not want to do this to anybody on the tape. As I told you it is all interspersed, so I am going to back up a little.
...and gave me eternal life. (Now this is verse 10).
10. And the mortal men of Nineveh were astonished but exceedingly reverent because they recognized that King Adam, Jehovah's presence had boldly opposed Satan, Jonah's emotional sea and driven her away, and the mortal men of Nineveh said to Jonah, Why did King Adam do this for you? And King Adam speaking through Jonah said, because I am knows that Satan, this great emotional storm exists because of me, King Adam. ATB
What does that mean? Adam is and was and still is responsible for the creation, and we are in this fallen condition because he did not hold the line. He has come seeking that which was lost, the creation, Jehovah's creation, Jehovah's spiritual semen and everything that it has become to date. We see that this great emotional sea, it is inside the individual. It manifests as rage. It is not a good thing to be a rageaholic, but if you are someone who is raging and you are acting in, you are in great danger because you may not recognize that you are acting in and rage is the source of all disease.
Do you know that anger is the source of all disease? At least at its basic root, because Satan is the source of all disease you see. All disease is a reaping and sowing. That is so hard for people to believe.
I was chronically ill at 11 years old, I am telling you that it is very hard to believe, but you have to understand that it is not necessarily what you have sown in this life. We are our ancestors; it is all the same spiritual man coming forth in different generations. That is the bottom line, as hard as it is to believe. You can be the nicest person on the surface, spend your whole life rolling bandages for the Red Cross, but it is the thoughts of your mind that give Satan legal ground to bring disease and death. It is a very hard word, especially when you have been serving the Lord as best you are able your whole life. It just proves one more time how incapable we are of doing anything for ourselves; we are not capable of doing anything for ourselves.
Well you say, I go out to work and I earn my own money. That is because your legs work, and because you are not retarded or blind. That is the truth of it brethren. Are there any questions or comments about anything that we have talked about this morning? I am passing out in the spirit. We call it quits for dinner.
Praise the Lord, we are back from dinner, and we are working on verse 14a at the bottom of page 4 of your notes.
14a. And Satan, the engraver...ATB
Let us review what Satan the engraver means. Can anyone tell us what Satan the engraver means? Why is Satan the engraver, what is she engraving?
COMMENT: She is engraving her thoughts on our carnal mind.
PASTOR VITALE: Exactly, she is engraving her thoughts and her nature on our carnal mind, and actually on our personality, because Satan is the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and that mind, that carnal mind is being impressed into the personality which is clay, and the personality is now engraved in a manner that causes the personality to speak the words of and act the behavior of the whole carnal mind, and Satan is the unconscious part of that mind and it is the unconscious part of the mind that generates thought.
Just as if you had two statues, one of an angel, because we do not know what the Lord looks like, you had a statue of an angel and a statue of a devil, and there was a ball of clay and you could press that statue into the clay, the clay would reproduce the image of the statue.
This is so interesting because even the brain is just a series of indents and impressions; there are signs throughout our physical body of the truth of our spiritual nature. The personality has no nature of its own, the personality is made of clay, and it is the spiritual earth and the waters of creation. We, the personalities of mortal humanity, we are the spiritual woman and we are an expression of our husband. Every personality is married to a mind. The mind is the husband and the personality is the wife, and the wife expresses the nature of the husband, so your answer was right but you just did not have the refinements of it.
Satan is the unconscious part of the carnal mind which impresses her nature on the personality. Spiritually speaking, we have all kinds of markings on us, on our personality. The example that the Lord gave me is an earthworm crawling underneath the earth, you see bumps coming up in the earth as the earthworm crawls underneath the earth. The Scripture calls this the motion of sins, sin is a person, Satan is a person, and as she moves, she is a spiritual person and a spiritual woman and spirit is energy, and energy moves by vibration. Both Satan and the spirit of Christ if he is in you move through the earth of our personality by vibration, they move back and forth, and they mark the earth of our personality with their nature.
This is the whole principle behind the mark of the beast. There is not going to be any surface mark on your forehead or your hand, it is in your etheric body, the markings are in your etheric body, and it is referring to nature. Your nature is revealed, how is your nature revealed, can anybody tell us how our nature is revealed?
COMMENT: By our behavior?
PASTOR VITALE: By our words more than our behavior. Words can be deceptive, it is the spirit that we speak by, you cannot use discernment only by the words that you hear with your ears, you have to discern the spiritual speech. You have to discern the unspoken speech, you have to discern whether it is Satan speaking through that person, or whether it is the spirit of Christ speaking through that person.
If it is the spirit of Christ speaking through the person, their mouth will be repeating hopefully what the spirit of Christ is saying, but if it is Satan speaking through that person, the person's mouth might be saying Satan's words, but might not, because mortal men are phonies. Sometimes they are blinded to the truth of what is in their heart, and sometimes they know the truth and they are just covering up. Covering up is a big thing these days, lots of people lie in our society today and it is acceptable.
So Satan...(There was a gap in the mp3 file here, so continuing on with message).
The spirit of Christ is an engraver also but not only is the spirit of Christ not bound to the lower window, He is not in the lower window, He is not even bound to the upper window, the spirit of Christ is not bound. He is beyond the upper window. This is the way we differentiate between the two spirits that engrave. Satan is bound in the lower window, she engraves down here in the world underneath the ocean bed. Praise the Lord.
Satan, the engraver nailed to the lower window within the mortal men of Judah...ATB
Every human being has a lower window. Every human does not have an upper window, the upper window must be built in us, and the upper window is built in us when Christ is grafted to us. Everybody has a lower window within their spiritual being, in the etheric body. That is just another way of saying the right side of the heart center or the left side of the heart center. The right side of the heart center is our etheric being, and Satan the astral plane covers the etheric world. Satan is the heavens of the fallen world.
And Satan the engraver nailed to the lower window within the mortal men of Judah boasted...ATB
We see that boasting arises out of Satan.
Satan boasted saying, the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah are exalted above Samson. ATB
PASTOR VITALE: Does anybody remember who the spiritual immigrants are?
COMMENT: The Philistines?
PASTOR VITALE: Yes, that is a translation of the Philistines, but can anybody tell us who they are?
COMMENT: Modern day Palestinians?
PASTOR VITALE: Well that is the physical, that is in the physical yes, the modern day Palestinians are the descendants of the physical Philistines, but this is a spiritual study, who are the spiritual Philistines, the spiritual immigrants?
PASTOR VITALE: Anybody remember? The Fiery Serpents, the Fiery Serpents are the spiritual immigrants who are very powerful as Philistines are known to be very powerful. Cananybody tell us where the Fiery Serpents have immigrated from and where they have immigrated to? Anybody remember that? Can anybody tell who are the Fiery Serpents originally were, they are in changed state right now, who were they originally?
COMMENT: The sperm of Jehovah.
PASTOR VITALE: Yes, the Fiery Serpents originally were the sperm of Jehovah's spiritual seminal fluid, and they fell down into the lower window where the earth was much thicker in waters of the lower window as opposed to the waters of the upper window, and they were coated with earth, and they were weighted down and came under the power of the Primordial Serpent who engraved the earth that they were coated in, with her own nature, and that nature penetrated right through to the spiritual aspect of the Fiery Serpents. They were not Serpents at the time, but they were Jehovah's sperm which could have developed in either direction. Either they could have developed with the Primordial Serpent's nature or they could have developed with Jehovah's nature.
It was Jehovah's intention that they would develop with Jehovah's nature. Adam the nursemaid of all of Jehovah's sperm was seduced and fell prey to witchcraft and his charges were scattered, and each one of them were coated individually with earth, that is in the condition that we are in now. This division between human beings, it is not natural in the spiritual world, it is just down here in the world underneath the ocean bed that each Fiery Serpent is in her own house.
We see that the spiritual sperm of Jehovah emigrated from the upper window, from the world above, down into the world below. There is a truth about this teaching about hell, but it is a spiritual truth, it is what happened to the spiritual beings that this whole creation is built around, beings, plural, and those are the sperm of Jehovah, the foundation of the whole creation. There is a Scripture about the worm turning, I think it is in Job, the worm turns, the Fiery Serpent is a spiritual worm that can turn like a chameleon goes from, can go from righteousness to good and evil, and this is what happened on the other side of the flood.
All of the beings on the other side of the flood were in Jehovah's nature, but their worm, their Fiery Serpent slowly turned and their nature reverted to the Primordial Serpent's nature and that whole age and the beings of that age came to an end, the flood was Satan rising up again. That was an age of prosperity that was brought about through union with Elohim and Jehovah before the flood, but Satan came in like a flood, the flood is Satan, and overshadowed the imputed Christ that was holding her down, and that ended that age.
Praise the Lord, the Scripture tells us that this present age will not end with a flood, this present age will end with what, does anybody know? What is the element that will end this age?
PASTOR VITALE: Fire, what does that mean? The world will tell you and the church will tell you that the world is coming to an end, but this time not by a flood, but we are going to burn to death. What does it mean?
COMMENT: It is Jehovah burning our sin?
PASTOR VITALE: What will be left?
COMMENT: Just the spirit and the personality of those will go in.
PASTOR VITALE: Christ Jesus, the new man will be left. Burning, the burning is the judgment that will burn away the sin nature, and it will be the last judgment, they will be purified in the judgment never for a worm to turn again, this will be the permanent deliverance, and the Fiery Serpents will become what after the purification?
COMMENT: Seraphim.
PASTOR VITALE: Yes, the Seraphim that are in front of Christ Jesus crying holy, holy, holy, day and night. The Fiery Serpents were the spiritual sperm of Jehovah wrapped in earth and engraved with the Serpent's nature, manifesting the Serpent, and each human being born of a woman has a Fiery Serpent within them. It is not a garden worm, it is a spiritual entity. Every man has one; it is a spiritual force within the individual. Jehovah's sperm emigrated from upper window into the lower window, they immigrated from flying fish with the temporary nature of Jehovah to spiritual worms under the earth with the nature of the Serpent and they are very powerful, they are Philistines, they are spiritual Philistines.
This is a spiritual book, the Bible is a spiritual book, Samson and Delilah is a spiritual study, like I have told you many times, I think that large parts of the Bible may be true both in the physical and in the spiritual, but with regard to Samson and Delilah, I am convinced that the King James translation is just a parable brethren. It is a parable, it makes no sense at all to think that the great judge of Israel would fall asleep on the knees of a woman and be so manipulated by her, I do not believe it, it is a parable brethren, and the truth of it is spiritual. The Fiery Serpents are inside of God's people. Today it is the church, and Christ Jesus is supposed to rise up and overshadow her and turn her, turn her. Does anybody know where Christ Jesus is turning the Fiery Serpent from and to? He is turning her away from? Do you want to guess?
COMMENT: Our carnal mind or Leviathan.
PASTOR VITALE: Well you are close, turning her away from that lifestyle, we are turning away from that lifestyle, from the lifestyle of Satan's lifestyle, and we are being turned towards the lifestyle of Christ Jesus, and our lifestyle is determined by the way we think. Our thinking must change, the church talks about repentance being a change of opinion, no, no, no, it is a change of mind, not a change of opinion, going from evil to good is a change of opinion, but true deliverance, eternal life is an exchange of mind, we must put down the carnal mind and we must live out of the Christ mind, a whole new mind, not from good to evil, a whole new mind, righteousness is in the mind of Christ, eternal life is in righteousness.
The way we kill our carnal mind is by understanding her operation, and deciding that we do not want to think this way or live this way, and we have the, another mind waiting for us, the mind of Christ is right there with righteousness and teaching, and we are to lay hold of that righteous way of thinking, all thinking controls behavior. Of course you do not want to go out and rob and steal and punch people out, but aside from the basic normal life that socialized people live, do not worry too much about your behavior, worry about your inner life because your inner life will produce a like image in your behavior. Eventually the inner life, the Christ life that you are developing within you eventually will work its way out into your behavioral life and into the life of your vocabulary, you will verbalize it, eventually that inner life will work its way out.
Concentrate on the inner life, concentrate on your motives. It is very important that you understand and that you understand where to place the emphasis, we had a whole exhortation on this off of the tape earlier. The emphasis is on sin, you have got to see where the sin is operating through you and go after it with a vengeance. By the grace of God you have to ask the Lord to put perseverance in your heart that you really want to root out sin in your very thoughts. Do not put the emphasis on the behavior; put the emphasis on your motives. Praise the Lord.
Satan, the engraver nailed to the lower window within the mortal men of Judah, boasted saying, the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah are exalted above Samson, well what does that mean? The Fiery Serpents within the mortal men of Judah are exalted above Samson. I remind you that Samson, the mind of Christ in Samson, that is the regenerated Adam and the Spirit of Elijah, in Samson had penetrated into the minds of the mortal men of Judah. Brethren, mind is spirit, when you sit under a teaching like this, when you sit under any ministry, you are being penetrated by the mind of the authorities in that church, if they are godly or if they are ungodly, you are penetrated by mind continuously. In a family, in a physical family, you are penetrated by mind continuously, by the authorities of that family, godly or ungodly though they may be. Authority penetrates down through the members of the family. The thoughts of the authority are in your mind, the priorities of the authority are in your mind, the ideas of the authority are in your mind. You have a group soul and the authority's mind is penetrating. The mind of the authority is male and it penetrates the members of the household, whether it is a physical household or whether it is a spiritual household. You can find the same situation in a business, in an office situation where you spend 35 hours a week or more working. The mind of the authorities will mold you, and sometimes it is not an ungodly thing.
If you have a job you have to follow the pattern that the employer wants you to follow. Maybe there are 3 different ways to do your job, you have to do it the way your employer wants you to do it, you have to give up your own ideas, you have to yield, and do it the way your employer wants you to do it. We are molded by authority. Praise the Lord.
Samson or the regenerated Adam and the Spirit of Elijah in Samson had penetrated the minds of the mortal men of Judah. Can anybody tell us why Adam and the Spirit of Elijah penetrated the minds of the mortal men of Judah and what they intended to do, what this mind that was already in the mortal men of Judah, what was its activity, what was it trying to do, can anybody answer that question? The objective then, back in the days of the Old Testament is the same objective as the objective of the Spirit of Christ and Christ Jesus today in the church, they are penetrating the minds of the people who are in any measure of submission to an authority in Christ Jesus, for the specific purpose of grafting Christ to you and strengthening that Christ and assisting Him to ascend into the heart center in you.
To ascend into the heart center, you must overcome Satan; Satan is not assisting you to ascend into the heart center of the righteous time line. Samson and any teacher who is in Christ Jesus is penetrating the minds of the people who will give Him any ear, any credence whatsoever, He is entering into their mind, He is either raising Abel from the dead, either reviving Abel, or grafting Christ to you and nurturing that Christ in you, strengthening Him, assisting Him through instruction and spiritual strength, to overcome Satan in you, and rise to the heart center within you and occupy that heart center. The Spirit of Christ or in the Old Testament Adam and the Spirit of Elijah remains in the heart center of the disciple with the imputed Christ Jesus or the regenerated Adam, the imputed Adam, why do I say imputed? It is because Christ or Adam has not ascended into the heart center by His own strength. He has not ascended into your heart center by overcoming Satan alone, He needed help, and as we have been hearing about, for a long time now because we are preaching on Samson and Delilah for a long time, that it is possible for the regenerated Adam or Christ Jesus in your heart center, if He is imputed, if He is not there in your heart center because He has overcome Satan on His own, it is possible for Him to what? What happens to Adam or Christ Jesus when He starts to go backwards? He is in your heart center, He is standing there, and the Spirit of Christ and Christ Jesus in the authority that God has raised up is strengthening Him, what happens when He loses His strength and starts going backwards? He begins to dissolve, He begins to dissolve. He begins to deteriorate and slip backwards and become weaker and weaker and weaker.
We see that the mortal men of Judah were seeking to overthrow Samson, why? It was because apparently they did not want his headship. I cannot believe they did not want to continue to stand in the heart center. I have preached this to you before, they have received Satan's lie that they did not need a teacher and they would continue to ascend from the heart center without a teacher. They were throwing Samson's bands off, they did not want his judgment, they did not want him exposing sin in them, they did not want him correcting them, they did not want him telling them what to do and they were convinced that they could ascend without him, and that is the lie that Satan whispered into their ears. They were envious of him, the mortal of Judah were envious of Samson, they were in competition with Samson, they wanted to make themselves not only equal to but higher than Samson, they wanted to put Samson under them, and they wanted to ascend under those terms. Brethren this happens every day in the church, it is a form of immaturity.
Paul calls it immaturity, carnality is immaturity. To fall for Satan's lies is immaturity. To believe that you can ascend outside of the plan that the Lord Jesus has established is immaturity, it is foolishness. It has nothing to do with a teacher; this is Jesus' plan for the ascension of the church. You will be disciple and instructed on a personal level, so that your carnal mind can be exposed so that you can see Satan within yourself so that you can destroy her. We see right off, the mortal men of Judah did not even know, I do not think they knew that it was Satan putting that idea in their head, that you can ascend without Samson, I do not think they knew it was Satan. They probably thought it was God. That is the way the carnal mind works, it gets everything backwards. Praise the Lord.
Do you know that actually happened to me? When I was very new in this ministry, God really raised me up from seed; I was as green as could be when He started me preaching. I did not have any experience with other pastors, I was never under another pastor, the Lord has done everything that I am, the Lord made me, I was as green as could be. I had an assistant at the time, and one morning, I heard voices in my head saying, and I thought it was my assistant saying, Well I do not need Sheila anymore, we were meeting in her husband's office, and I had agreed that she should have a Bible study there on another night, and I heard her thoughts, Well I do not need Sheila anymore, I got the Bible study, I got the office, we do not need her. In my ignorance I called her and said, Did you really think that? Now I know that she lied to me, but she said, Oh no. I said, Well I know it came from your household, so it must have been your husband. She said, Yes it must have been my husband, but it was her.
She thought she did not need a teacher, not that I am so great, but that she did not the teacher that the Lord God had established, and she slid out of the doctrine of Christ and as far as know, this is years later, she has not been restored yet. Where did her thought come from? Where did that thought come from that the Lord let me hear? It was Satan arising in her mind. At the time, I do not think she knew it was Satan, she probably thought it was a good idea.
God help us! You have to have a revelation of righteousness. That is the beginning of recognizing Satan. Satan speaks on all kinds of levels, but if you cannot recognize Satan's thoughts in an issue like that, if you do not know that rising up against, well I guess she did not believe that I was the established head, I do not know what she believed, I do not know what she believed. If you cannot recognize something as obvious as that, that you should know that, that is wrong, you will never recognize Satan on a subtle level, so you have to begin with the more obvious. I do not mean to discourage you, you must begin with the more obvious to become aware. Some people, and we had this big discussion off of the tape earlier, that you are so socialized that when unsociable thoughts or unacceptable thoughts rise in your mind, you just reject them so automatically, that you do not ever really face them, that, that thought was in your mind, you just reject it, you do not do it, it is out of your mind, but you never deal with the fact that, that thought arose in your mind, it means Satan is still active behind the wall. You have to see it and face it without condemnation, so then you will start to see the subtleties of her activities.
Satan the engraver nailed to the lower window within the mortal men of Judah boasted saying, the spiritual immigrants within the mortal men of Judah are exalted above Samson...ATB
Samson was covering the Fiery Serpents in the mortal men of Judah, and Satan is boasting that she has seduced the mortal men of Judah to throw off their own cover. This should not sound so strange to you because it has been happening for generations, it happened in Judah, it is happening in the church, the immature Christian always throws off his cover, it is a very rare occasion will not try to throw off his cover, because we are all rebellious at our root, we are all born of the carnal mind and we are all born with pride and rebellion as our foundation, pride and rebellion are our foundation.
They are the foundation of mortal man, and blessed is the child that is raised in the household where he is taught righteousness and required to respect authority, because that young person will develop the ability to control his mortal foundation, and not let it rise up and destroy his life. Satan boasted saying the Fiery Serpents had come out from under Samson's cover, and they were exalted above Samson.
And Satan, the one who engraves the Fiery Serpents with the Primordial Serpent's nature thrust herself...ATB
I was looking at this before I started preaching, I am going to really have to rewrite this last sentence, I am going to have to really pray about this, but what it is really saying is that Satan, the needle that weaves the warp thread thrust herself into the mortal men of Judah who are the loom which is the fabric of creation. We talked earlier this morning about the fabric of creation. This whole world, this whole visible world is a woven image, and the warp thread of the image are not supposed to be creating the design, the warp threads are supposed to be the background of the fabric, the woof threads, and the warp threads are supposed to be colorless, the woof threads are supposed to be woven through the warp threads to create the image of the kingdom of God, but we see that Satan, the warp thread is weaving herself through the woof threads and that is what Satan does, that is what her thoughts do, everything is reversed in the carnal mind, she is putting Christ under her, she is making Christ the passive one, she literally made Christ the warp and made herself the woof, and was beginning to weave her image into the very fabric of the mortal men of Judah, and this is a very important point.
We talk a lot about the engraving of the personality, but this weaving together is more than being, just impressing the mind into some clay, this weaving is actually weaving the nature into every cell of our spiritual being. This is another manifestation of wormwood judgment. When Satan actually weaves herself together with our human spirit and our personality, it could take years to unravel us. What is the preferable manifestation of this? The practical manifestation of being woven together with Satan is called character flaw. It is Satan's nature woven through us, through our mind, and through every cell of our being, that creates character flaws. Everybody here who is working faithfully on their character flaws knows how long it takes to untangle ourselves in a particular thought pattern that they have been operating in for years.
Why do we not stop doing it? It is because Satan's nature and way of thinking is woven together, is braided together with every cell of our being. We see that it is not enough to bring in the nature of Jehovah; the nature of Jehovah cannot even get in there. We have to unbraid that braid, and that braid is so tight that I think it cannot even be unbraided; it has to be cut off. It has to be a lot of, those are the dead branches that Jesus was talking about in the parable, there has to be a lot of cutting off, some unbraiding and a lot of cutting off.
You know when you get a ball of thorns caught in your hair, or a bat caught God forbid caught in your hair, you have to cut it out, the hair has to be cut away. We are all tangled up, all of us, we are all tangled up with Satan, we are completely in spiritual adultery, and it could take years and years to untangle ourselves. You cannot untangle yourself unless you have something else to braid together with. This kind of severe, it is a severe ministry to untangle yourself from your carnal mind and weave yourself together with the mind of Christ, this is a severe process, it is a radical change in your own life.
You cannot untangle yourself from the carnal mind unless Christ is grafted to you, and you are untangling is in direct proportion to the strength of the mind of Christ in you, that means you have to be deeply involved in spiritual ministry, you have to be sitting under the doctrine of Christ and living for God to build up Christ to the point that you can run into Him.
Then when you are all set, then you have to start untangling yourself. Without the power of the Spirit of Christ it is impossible, and you need the doctrine of Christ, you need the instruction, it is a change of mind. You have to have the instruction which imparts to you the knowledge of how Christ thinks, and what He perceive to be sin, not what your carnal mind tells you is sin. It is the little foxes, nobody is going out and murdering anybody in God's church, it is the little foxes, it is the carnal mind thinking through you in ways that she is trying to convince you are harmless that have the strength to kill your conversion in Christ, because a full conversion unto eternal life requires a complete immigration into the mind of Christ which is in Christ Jesus, and a complete rejection to the point of its destruction of your carnal mind.
Satan has convinced you that some little fox, some little thing that you are saying or doing is harmless, that one point of the law will destroy your bid or your reaching for eternal life. That is the short of it. The carnal mind, eternal life is the silencing of your carnal mind. I did not tell you that when I commented on the drawing this morning, to be calm, when we talked about the drawings and we talked about the sea being calm, I looked up that word in Hebrew, it means to be silenced. The Hebrew word translated calm in the book of Jonah and I think we had another Scripture in the Old Testament too, it means to be silent. Eternal life is in the silencing of your carnal mind and in particular Satan the unconscious part of your carnal mind, the one who generates the thoughts.
When she is silenced, you have entered into eternal, either you have entered into eternal life because Christ Jesus is active in you and you have immigrated into Him, or you will physically die.
Many say how cruel that is, if you violate the law in one point, you have broken the law? That is just an example of the spiritual reality. If Satan thinks one thought through you, it will deprive you of eternal life. She must be fully and completely paralyzed, covered to the degree that she cannot vibrate in the earth of your personality. How do you do that? She has to be completely separated from contact with the clay of your personality. That is why the angel came down with a big chain and put her in the bottomless pit, locked her down there in the lower centers and put a seal over her, so that she cannot get close enough to the clay of your personality to vibrate through it and mark it with her nature.
It is not rigidity on the part of Jehovah that says, if you violate the law in one point, you are guilty of the whole law, it is not rigidity on His part, it is an attempt to help us to understand that our carnal mind must be completely silenced. If she so much as touches the clay of our personality with a vibration, that is the end of eternal life. What does that mean? It means that when Christ Jesus is covering your carnal mind and Satan is the unconscious part of the carnal mind, when Christ Jesus is strong enough to cover her permanently, you will enter into eternal life, because death is in the operation of the carnal mind, thinking through you. That is death. In order for the carnal mind to think through you, she must exalt herself above Christ Jesus in you.
If it happens for one second, that your carnal mind gets loose, you need to know that she has killed Christ for that one second, and if the glorified Jesus has raised Him from the dead and He has come up to the surface, but for that one second, your carnal mind has killed Christ. This is just theory, I am just trying to help you to understand this, this is just theory, if in that one second which spiritually speaking would be an hour or a day or a year, if in that one second that your carnal mind manifests through you, a legal ground opens up to take your life, and Satan zooms in and takes the opportunity, you are dead. It is sort of like you have seen in horror movies over the years, where someone by the spirit of Satan is living way beyond the age of the normal person, they are 200 years old, or 500 years old and they look like a youthful person, and then somehow they are dealt with, I cannot recall at the moment how they are dealt with, but they lose their power to hold this form at 500 years old they just disintegrate in front of your eyes and turn to dust. This is just by way of example and I just want to help you to understand this, if you are living out of the life of Christ for 500 years, you are 500 years old, and Satan rises up and overshadows Christ in that one second, because the truth is that you are 500 years old, you will turn to dust and dissolve.
This is the meaning behind the Scripture that says if you violate one point of the law, you have broken the whole law. So because of the grace of God, Jehovah has made a way of escape, I mean this is a horrendous condition that we are in, who could forever keep their foot on the neck of the Fiery Serpent, knowing that if one second your foot slips off, you are a dead man, who could live like this? Nobody, that is why everybody dies, but by the grace of Jehovah who sent the Lord Jesus Christ, He has made a way of escape, that Christ Jesus our new mind and our whole new man should grow within us, should marry us the personality that we should be woven together with Christ Jesus in every cell of our being, and then that Christ Jesus should ascend in us into the righteous time line, and meet somewhere above, meet the glorified Jesus Christ, and when Christ Jesus in us joins with the glorified Jesus Christ, we who are joined to Christ Jesus will be woven together with the glorified Jesus Christ in whom there is no possibility of Satan overtaking. He who has suffered and died, died once and for all, He cannot die again, but Christ Jesus in us can die, Christ Jesus in us the son of the glorified Jesus Christ, He dies all of the time. Every time we sin He dies, the glorified Jesus Christ raises Him from the dead, because He has mercy on us, but in that weaving together, of the Christ Jesus within us, with the glorified Jesus Christ and we the personality are already woven together with Christ Jesus, in that weaving together is eternal life, Satan can never mark our personality again after we have woven together, that is the three fold cord, the personality, Christ Jesus in us, and the glorified Jesus Christ. This is our hope, Christ in you the hope of glory. The hope is that Christ will rise in us, that He will marry us, weave together with our personality, and then ascend into the higher centers and marry the glorified Jesus Christ.
We cannot ascend into the higher centers without Him. We have no power to ascend into the higher centers without Him, why not? We the personality are made of earth, we belong in the lower window, we are made of the substance of the ocean bed. The Lord Jesus Christ could come and boil Satan away, and you see what the Lord wants back, He wants back the spirit, the spirit of Elohim that was breathed into the creation. The Scripture says Jehovah breathed the breath of life into the man, He wants that spirit back. He could boil Satan away, and get the spirit back and the earth would all dry out because the spirit is manifesting as water down here, could dry out this whole world underneath the ocean bed, make it like dust that you can blow away, so that the Fiery Serpents, the sperm of His seminal fluid will be able to be free because the dust that is surrounding them and trapping them and imprisoning them will just blow away, but then we would die, there would be no, we are the present day manifestation of the primordial ox, there would be no female, there would be no woman, there would be no personalities, and it is the will of Jehovah that there be a civilized man reflecting His nature and that civilized man has to have a wife. This is the plan; he has to be a married man, so the Lord is saving the personality too. This is the plan that Christ Jesus will be planted in us, that He will marry us the personality. Then by the grace of God He will ascend into the higher centers, because only He who came down can go up, the personality never came down from heaven, the personality is made of the mud of the earth.
He who came down from heaven, the man from heaven, it is our hope we will ascend back up into heaven, and weave together with the glorified Jesus Christ who can never die again. The reason that He can weave together with the glorified Jesus Christ is that they are one and the same, Father and son. That is the plan. When we are woven together with Christ Jesus down here underneath the ocean bed, we become largely a reflection of His life, but when He weaves together with the glorified Jesus Christ, everything that is not of Him will disappear, will be silenced, and we the personality will be a glorious woman, we are going to be that woman of Proverbs, we are going to be a righteous woman and we will be preserved.
What does that mean? It means that Satan will not be able to turn us back to our evil side anymore. It does not just mean that we will not die anymore; it means we will not be able to be turned back to our evil side anymore. Everything that Satan touches she turns to evil. Sheila, I thought you said Satan was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? She is, but she defaults to the evil side, she is capable of goodness when under the influence of the Holy Spirit for example, or when under the influence of the law, she is capable of goodness, but if there is not a pressure being exerted upon her, either by the Holy Spirit or social codes based on the spiritual law of God, which we find all over the world in all heathen cultures, that you should honor your parents, and you should not steal and you should not violate another man, this is all the spiritual of God, it is in the genes of the heathen, the spiritual woman, the personality, she is capable of expressing goodness, but she default to evil. As I was saying, if she is not under the pressure of goodness either from the Holy Spirit or from the spiritual law of God or social rules and regulations, she will default to evil. Her evil side is stronger than her good side. In order for the woman or the personality to be good, she has to be strengthened in goodness from something outside of herself that she has left to her own devices; her evil nature will overtake her.
Brethren, that is what is happening in this country today, and we have some very jaded people in power who do not believe any of this, they believe that man is good at his root, and we see the face of evil arising across the land, because it is not true that man is good at his root, man is evil at his root, and he must be taught to be good, man must be taught to be good, he must be taught what is right, or he will default to evil, and an animalistic nature.
The mortal men of Judah threw off Samson's rule, and Satan the one that engraves the Fiery Serpent with the Primordial Serpent's nature thrust herself as a needle into the mortal men of Judah, who were, the woof thread, who represented the woof thread because they had the nature, why did they represent the woof thread? They had the nature of Jehovah because of their covenant with Him on Mount Sinai, and Satan made herself the warp thread, she reversed the roles, and she was engraving her nature onto the men who were supposed to be manifesting Jehovah's nature, and that is always Satan's intention, to reverse roles, to exalt herself, and to make herself the male, or the one in authority in all situations. The Spirit of Elijah within Samson rescues Adam within the mortal men of Judah.
14. But the Spirit of Elijah...ATB
He saw what was happening, that the mortal men of Judah were almost completely overtaken. The Scripture says the Spirit of Elijah shined brightly but who did it shine through? He shined brightly from Samson's 5th energy center. It was Samson, the personality that the Spirit of Elijah was manifesting through, that recognized that his disciples were breaking the tie with him. He perceived that the spirit tie was being broken. I had an experience like that just a few months ago, I came back from Florida, and I knew that something had changed in the spirit with one of the disciples in the ministry, I knew that she had departed from me, and as of that point, she had not said anything to indicate to me that this was the truth, but I perceived in the spirit that she had departed from me in the heart center, that she had come out from under my cover, and it did manifest.
14. The Spirit of Elijah shined brightly from Samson's 5th energy center and stirred up Adam within the mortal men of Judah...ATB
Why would Adam have to be stirred up? When the mortal men of Judah threw off Samson, the way they the Fiery Serpents exalted themselves above Samson, they also exalted themselves above the regenerated Adam in the mortal men of Judah, and rendered them unconscious. We see that Satan did not lie to the mortal men of Judah, it was true that they, and it is true that we can ascend without a spiritual teacher, but we ascend as the Fiery Serpent, we do not ascend as Christ Jesus, and in order for the Fiery Serpent to ascend, Adam must be covered over and ultimately killed. Apparently, Adam was not yet killed, because the Scripture says he was stirred up, that means he was just rendered unconscious. The Fiery Serpent bit him in the mortal men of Judah and was ascending above him and would ultimately have suffocated him,
14. But the Spirit of Elijah shined forth from Adam's 5th energy center and stirred up Adam within the mortal men of Judah. Adam within the mortal men of Judah, the one who is near to the Spirit of Elijah... ATB
The Spirit of Elijah only relates to his own household, that is what this means, that Adam in the mortal men of Judah was near, was a relative of, the spirit of Elijah in Samson. The Spirit of Elijah did not reach for the personality of the mortal men of Judah; he reached for the regenerated Adam in the mortal men of Judah,
...and Adam within the mortal men of Judah pulled Satan, the weaving pin out of the mortal men of Judah. ATB
When rescue comes from the household of God, the rescue takes the form of the household of God being raised in you, and then that household does the work for you. This is the form that rescue takes. God raises up Christ in you, and then Christ takes the victory in you, and if Christ Jesus is not formed in you or He is not formed in you to a particular level of strength which I cannot identify to you right now, the Lord will raise up a teacher and put you under a teacher, and Christ Jesus in that teacher will, what will Christ Jesus in that teacher do, will Christ Jesus come and rescue you? Yes and no, Christ Jesus in the teacher will minister to Christ Jesus in you, and Christ Jesus in you has to respond or there is no help for you.
This is the way it is today, in an imperfect man. It is really Christ Jesus in you that is going to deliver you. Even if I have a word for you, if I come to you and I tell you, You are doing something that is really destructive, you really better stop and think about this, and you decide to take the counsel, what has happened to you is that Christ Jesus has been stirred up in you, that you were following along the path of your carnal mind in a particular area and you did not realize it or you were overcome, and the Lord Jesus sends me to you, sends Christ Jesus in me to you, with a word, and I only speak to Christ Jesus in you, I do not speak to your carnal mind, and Christ Jesus in you gets stirred up because of my communication with you, and you go off and Christ Jesus in you must take the victory, I cannot take the victory for you. I would not try to do it. You must overcome yourself;you must take your own victory. I will stand with you, I will strengthen you, I will pray for you, but you must take your own victory. If I take the victory for you, any ascension that you experience will be imputed, you cannot have an imparted victory unless you yourself overcome your carnal mind, and there is no eternal life in an imputed victory, there is no eternal life in imputed Christ Jesus.
The imputed Christ Jesus can dissolve. If you are living out of an imputed Christ Jesus and your carnal mind dies, and the imputed Christ Jesus dissolves, you are dead. The whole purpose of moving into Christ Jesus is to have eternal life, but to receive eternal life; Christ Jesus must be your immortal foundation.
You can have an imputed mind of Christ in you and He can do almost everything that the imparted Christ does, except comprehend the doctrine of Christ and become an immortal foundation that will ultimately produce eternal life. He is not rooted and grounded in you. You can have a great life in this world with a powerful manifestation of the imputed Christ but you are still going to die unless that manifestation of Christ in you roots in to you, grafts into you, becomes a part of you to the degree that if you kill the carnal mind you will still live. As far as I can see that is the only difference between the imputed and the imparted Christ Jesus. The Hebrews had an imputed Christ Jesus. I believe they had revelation, but certainly in their heyday they had a supernatural life. What happened to them? Christ Jesus dissolved because He was never grafted or rooted and grounded in them, He never became an immortal foundation for them, and ultimately He dissolved. The reason He dissolved was that the Hebrews failed to recognize their sin nature and deal with it adequately, and how do we deal with our sin nature adequately? We have to kill it.
They did not do that, but they chose to believe that they were saved by the works of the law. I would hear that for years, well they were saved by the works of the law. Why do you think that, what kind of a deception is that? Do they think they are saved by the works of the law? The truth is that, that was just the words that they were saying, and the reality is that they just did not want to deal with their sin nature, they did not want to face it or they could not face it.
I believe that the power was there for them to look into their own hearts and see their motives and see the truth of Satan and Leviathan within themselves but they could not bear it, and they went into a form of escapism and convinced themselves that they were saved by the works of the law. Jehovah sent a Messiah, He sent a man in the flesh to help them to see their sin, which they were now blinded to, and they killed Him. They killed their only hope of entering into the process which would impart the promised eternal life to them. Amazing is it not? To me that is quite amazing, and yet I see it happening in the church, it is human nature, that is what human nature does. The Lord Jesus' answer to this character flaw in human nature is education. He is a teacher, education. Brethren when the day of crisis or the day of calamity hits this country and evil is so fully manifested that it is publically recognized, the sons of God will be doing at least as much if not more teaching, they are going to be more teaching than anything else.
We can pray people out of their trouble and pray people out of their trouble, and they are going to be in the same condition that the Hebrew people were in. They will be grateful and they will say they are going to do whatever necessary to walk the straight path and a week or a month or a year later, they are going to be right back where they started from. They have to be educated brethren or they will not stand.
Spiritual power is not enough to make stand, you have to have the word of God and He has to be a living being inside of you, He has to be your inner man, your new man living through you by the power of the Spirit, and that new man is the word of God, and He speaks the word of God and He talks the doctrine of Christ and if you are falling for this false revival out there, that says no word or very little word, and all spiritual manifestations, you are being seduced by Satan who is appearing as an angel of light, because righteousness and salvation and eternal life is in the person of Christ Jesus, and He is more word than He is Spirit.
The Spirit witnesses to the word. We follow Him whether His Spirit is pouring out or not, and we are sustained by His word, but I do not know that I could be sustained by the Spirit alone, I know I could not. The word is the food that we survive on.
And this is how the Spirit of Elijah, Adam's linear spirit within Samson's throat energy center separated Adam within the mortal men of Judah from Satan's spiraling waters that were drawing the mortal men of Judah under her power. ATB
Adam's linear spirit, and of course Adam's spirit is the Spirit of Elijah. This is how His linear Spirit separated Adam within the mortal men of Judah from Satan's spiraling waters. How did His linear separate them from Satan? The Spirit of Elijah entered into the fabric of the spiritual being. That is on the etheric plane of the mortal men of Judah, and wove the design into, wove the nature of Jehovah into the fabric of the mortal men of Judah. That is how He saved them. He pulled Satan's pin or Satan's needle out. That is another way of saying that Satan could no longer weave her nature into the mortal men of Judah, and then Adam's linear Spirit implying the needle aspect of the Spirit of Elijah, penetrated into the fabric of the being of the mortal men of Judah, and wove His nature into every cell of their being, and they were saved.
Salvation is through union with the Spirit of Christ, in the New Testament it is the Spirit of Christ, and in the Old Testament it is the Spirit of Elijah. Adam within Samson preaches the doctrine of Christ.
And Adam who belongs to the Spirit of Elijah, stood boldly opposite Leviathan within the mortal men of Judah, and Samson their teacher declared to everyone who had Adam regenerated in his heart center that Elohim had dedicated them to I am while they were in the waters of their spiritual mother's womb.
And Adam who belongs to the Spirit of Elijah, stood boldly opposite Leviathan within the mortal men of Judah...ATB
Adam always opposes Leviathan, the Spirit of Christ opposes Satan, and Abel opposes Cain.
And Adam who belongs to the Spirit of Elijah, stood boldly opposite Leviathan within the mortal men of Judah...ATB
Actually we should say,
And Adam within Samson who belongs to the Spirit of Elijah...ATB
Actually it is Samson who belongs to the Spirit of Elijah.
And Adam within Samson who belongs to the Spirit of Elijah, stood boldly opposite Leviathan within the mortal men of Judah...ATB
There was a confrontation brethren, there was a confrontation, and Adam was communicating with his disciples and Samson, their teacher declared to everyone who had Adam regenerated in his heart center. He is preaching the doctrine of Christ to them, why was He standing boldly opposite Leviathan? Adam within Samson was standing boldly opposite Leviathan in the disciples saying, You will not cover Adam, you will not cover Adam, because if you cover Adam within the mortal men of Judah, they will never be able to hear this message, and they will never be able to hear the doctrine of Christ, or understand what I am about to tell them. Adam within Samson held Leviathan at bay, so that Adam in the heart centers of the mortal men of Judah could comprehend what Samson had to say to them. This is what Samson had to say to them;
...and he said this to everyone who had Adam regenerated in their heart center...ATB
Samson was teaching Adam. He was not teaching the carnal mind, he was not teaching Cain, he was not teaching the personality, he was teaching Adam in the mortal men of Judah and this is what he said;
Elohim dedicated you all to Jehovah, (that is I AM), while you were still in the waters of your spiritual mother's womb...ATB
Who is the mother, spiritually speaking, who is the mother? Can anyone tell us who the mother is? Do you know? Mother Nature, mother, the great mother is the Primordial Serpent, and the earthen part of the creation. The Primordial Serpent is the water part of Jehovah's seminal fluid mixed with earth; she is in the lower window. The earthen part of the creation received consciousness when the waters of the Jehovah's spiritual seminal fluid washed over her, she received consciousness. That is how the Primordial Serpent came into existence. How could the mortal men of Judah be in their spiritual mother's womb? The truth is that I believe that Samson was not talking to the personality. Let me see;
...declared to everyone who had Adam regenerated in their heart center that Elohim had dedicated them...ATB
I really have to work on that translation because it is not true that their personality was dedicated. Who was dedicated to I AM while they were in the waters of the primordial sea? Does anyone know who was dedicated to I AM at that point? Jehovah's spiritual sperm, the spiritual sperm that fell and became the Fiery Serpents were the ones who were dedicated to I AM. Brethren, Samson is preaching to the Fiery Serpents within the mortal men of Judah, and He is saying, Hey you Fiery Serpents, you worms, you earthworms that are doing evil all of the time, you were dedicated to I AM when you were in the primordial ocean.
When you swam in the seas of Jehovah's spiritual seminal fluid, Elohim dedicated you to Jehovah. Elohim declared or vowed or promised that you would be in the nature of Jehovah. Therefore the condition that you are in, the nature that you are in now, cannot last, because you were dedicated to be in Jehovah's nature and it must come to pass, you must turn, you cannot stay in this condition, and all of you personalities out there, Samson is teaching, you who are married to the Fiery Serpent, you will be, or you will experience, or you will have an experience or your experience will be determined by who the Fiery Serpent in you marries.
You will have a tormenting experience if your Fiery Serpent marries Leviathan, and you will enter into eternal life if the Fiery Serpent within you marries Christ Jesus. The Fiery Serpent within you was dedicated to I AM from the beginning by Elohim. That is what He is telling us, your husband was dedicated to I AM.
While the Fiery Serpents which were flying fish at that time, in those pre-time days before time began, the Fiery Serpents were flying fish; they were spiritual sperm swimming in the primordial ocean. I believe that organic life came out of the ocean, but the evolutionists do not recognize the spiritual life that has inhabited and inhabits the organic life which the personality is, the spiritual life which has joined with the organic life did not start as a single cell ameba. The spiritual life that is joined to the organic life has descended from a higher state.
I find it so interesting that the evolutionists say that organic life, life made out of the chemicals, out of the material chemicals of this world, emerged out of the sea, and it is very possibly true, it is just a counterfeit of the spiritual truth that the sperm of Jehovah's seminal fluid swam in the primordial ocean before they were coated with earth and weighted down. The primeval womb is the sea, spiritually speaking, and apparently it is the sea, organically speaking. Is that not interesting? Does anybody not understand what I just said about spiritual life as opposed to organic life and the two life forms meeting and dwelling together in this hour to the deficit of the spiritual life, the organic life is covering over the spiritual life hiding it and crushing it? In humanity today, it is completely reversed, the situation is completely reversed, the spiritual life should be ruling over the organic life.
The mind should be ruling over the flesh. Well, you say, My mind rules over the my flesh, I do not fornicate, I do not steal, I do not take drugs, I do not cheat on my wife, I do not do any of these things that my flesh would like to do, my mind is ruling over my flesh. Maybe in these basic areas brethren, but in the very thoughts of your mind, you live a life of the flesh or you would not be in this condition. What condition, my life is wonderful? You can prepare to die in about another 40 or 50 years, does not everyone having a wonderful life like you have die? Oh, but that is normal. No, that is not normal, that is not normal, death is not normal, disease is not normal, the troubles of this world are not normal, it is hell. It is not normal to see little babies with no hair because they have cancer. If you have the most normal life by the standards of this world, you will still die and that is not normal, that is an aberration. It was never, ever in Jehovah's plan.
Samson is teaching the spiritual part of the mortal men of Judah which is covered by Adam. The Fiery Serpent is our spiritual potential, so she can understand spiritual things depending on whether or not she is under the headship of Christ Jesus, or Leviathan, she can learn spiritual things and if Adam is covering her, she will learn them correctly, if her cover is Leviathan, spiritual truth will be twisted in her understanding.
Samson is teaching the mortal men of Judah and in particular their spiritual part which is Christ Jesus who is covering the Fiery Serpent, and Samson continued to teach them, that if they allow the Fiery Serpent within them to ascend above Adam their head, Satan would steal the waters from above that were within them.
Brethren, this is for today. We had a whole exhortation off of the tape on this. We are to defend against Satan exercising authority over our Fiery Serpent with all of the strength that we possess. I thought that I got through to you and then I explained it to you off of the tape today. If Christ Jesus is manifested in us, and Satan arises in someone else's mind and speaks to us, you must understand, by the grace of God you will understand that Christ Jesus will never, ever, ever, respond to a question that Satan puts to Him, so therefore if you are in a position of authority, and you respond to a question that Satan has asked you, what that means is that your carnal mind has risen up to respond to the question.
For your carnal mind to speak out of your mouth, she must cover over Christ Jesus, which is death unto Him. The context of your conversation is not important, the principle is if your carnal mind speaks through you, you have covered Christ, and for that moment, He is dead. That is the principle, it does not matter what the issue is, the issue could be a Hershey's chocolate kiss, it does not matter, if it has not happened to you yet, the day will come that you will have this challenge that Christ will be manifested in you, maybe you are trying to minister to somebody, maybe you are out at a social with your physical mate, and you have an opportunity to minister Christ, and your mate turns around and tries to get you to answer him, which would require your carnal mind to come up, wherever Christ is appearing, Satan will rise in whoever she can to ask you a carnal question that Christ will never ever answer, which is designed to bring your carnal mind up and kill Christ in so doing.
I tell you the truth, this is the truth. I have had experiences where Christ is manifested through me, and I am talking to somebody, it is like I have blinders on, I cannot even take any credit for it, I hear people talking all around me, and I do not even hear them, I just hear sound, I am so focused on what Christ is doing. I am not always that strong, it depends on how strong Christ is in me at the moment, but it is happening more and more to me.
You cannot allow yourself to be distracted. I do not say this to condemn you, I say this as an example unto you, as to what you must strive for, we cannot be distracted. If you are having a conversation with somebody, and a third party ignorantly interjects themselves into that conversation, you are not to turn to that third party if it is Christ ministering, do not worry about being impolite. You stay on your track, you stay on your focus, you agree with Christ Jesus in you, and He will take care of the person that is offended, and if they are not reasonable, there is nothing you can do about it. You must stay in agreement with Christ Jesus, not with Satan speaking to you from another party.
Samson is telling the mortal men of Judah, that they were dedicated to I AM, and they will be in Jehovah's nature one way or another, and therefore you mortal men of Judah, and you men of the church today, you have to be very careful not to let the Fiery Serpent within you ascend above Adam, who is the head of the Fiery Serpent, because Satan would steal the waters from above, that is the clean energy.
What is the name of the waters from above? Satan is the polluted waters, what is the name of the waters from above in the individual? What is the name of the clean waters that Christ has the potential to graft to in the individual. The answer is the Holy Spirit brethren, the Holy Spirit. In this present day, the Holy Spirit is the clean water. In the Old Testament it was the Spirit of Elijah, the clean water. If Christ grafts to Satan, He will die. Satan will kill the young Christ or the seedling of Christ.
Jehovah has given us clean water for the seed of Christ to graft to. For a while there, I was a little confused about Christ Jesus being identified as the oil, so how can He be the clean waters, He is the oil? This is what the Lord told me, according to the Scripture, He is the oil. Remember this is all a parable to help us understand spiritual things. What the Scripture is saying by calling the Holy Spirit, actually the Holy Spirit is not really the oil, Christ Jesus is the oil, so that is not even correct, the Holy Spirit is the water.
You have to forgive me, I am passing out, I do not even know how I am preaching here tonight, my eyes are half closed, but I praise God for this anointing. I am sorry, that was not accurate, the Holy Spirit is the living waters that Jesus has promised will rise up within us. The Holy Spirit is the clean waters. It is not an issue of similar waters. You would say to yourself, how come they do not mix together? The answer to that is they are waters of different density.
When we did The Serpent's Triangle, we talked about heavy water. Spiritually speaking and chemically speaking, not in this world, all water is water, but scientists know there is such a thing as heavy water, scientists that work with chemicals, spiritually speaking, it is possible. Waters of different levels of density does exist. If you have sewn before, you know that there is muslin of different grades, there is fabric of different strengths, of different fibers. There are fabrics where the fibers are thinner than other fabrics, there is different density of, when you buy a fabric, the threads per square inch, of certain fabrics, there are more threads per square inch, and it is a more solid fabric, a more expensive fabric. There is water of different densities. The Holy Spirit is water, but it is of a different density than the waters of this world.
When the Holy Spirit flows in the system of the person where Satan is the spiritual blood, there is no mixing of the waters. Satan's waters cannot penetrate the density, the level of density of the Holy Spirit. At the moment I do not know, it must be that the Holy Spirit is rarer, and that Satan is thicker. Praise the Lord. We see Samson warning the people that Satan, if she can do it, if the Fiery Serpent ascends above Adam and covers Him, Satan is going to move right in to steal the waters from above, the Spirit of Elijah that is within them, the waters from above, that is the Spirit of Elijah. The Spirit of Elijah can never be stolen or destroyed or in this hour the Spirit of Christ cannot be destroyed, but everyone that is in Christ Jesus has a drop of that Spirit of Christ within them, and that can be stolen by Satan, but the Spirit of Christ Himself cannot be destroyed.
It is just as if Christ Jesus within us can be killed, but the glorified Jesus Christ cannot be killed. Can anybody tell us why Satan wants this clean water within us, why does she want it, anybody?
COMMENT: She wants the energy.
PASTOR VITALE: Yes, water signifies energy in the Scripture, and Satan wants, just as I told you earlier this morning and we had a drawing on it, this world is a recyclable world, the energy, this whole world exists within a sack and there is a measure of energy within this sack that is continuously recycled through new born babies and through the atmosphere, and the ecosystem, and Satan is looking for energy beyond the measure of energy that is in this sack, the spiritual sacks that we live in. The clean water of the Holy Spirit comes from the world above, and it is a source of energy that is beyond the energy of this creation, of this ecosystem, of this spiritual ecosystem in this world, and that is what she wants.
That is the fleece of the sheep. Jesus called us sheep because we all have a fleece, something that can be shirred from us, and it is the anointing of God. Satan wants that fleece, she wants that energy. Satan would steal the waters from above that were within them, which are Elohim's energy within them, and when that happens,
And it would come to pass that Elijah, Adam's Spirit, who was nailed to all of them, would deteriorate and become useless and that their capacity to be Samson's disciples would depart from them. ATB
...and that Elijah, Adam's Spirit...ATB
I think that is wrong, I think it should be;
...that Adam that is nailed to their spirit...ATB
I will have to pray about that. I do not think Elijah deteriorates; Elijah is the part that remains. It has to be Adam that deteriorates. I will have to work on that.
And it would come to pass that Adam, who was nailed their spirit, would deteriorate...ATB
I have to pray about this, or;
Adam within them who is nailed to the Spirit of Elijah...ATB
I think maybe that is more like it.
It is Adam within the mortal men of Judah that is nailed to the Spirit of Elijah within Samson, would deteriorate...ATB
I will say it again.
And it will come to pass, that Adam within the mortal men of Judah, who is nailed to the Spirit of Elijah within Samson, would deteriorate and become useless, and that their capacity to be Samson's disciples would depart from them. ATB
Our capacity to disciple in Christ is the imputed Adam within us, or in the New Testament Christ. Christ has to be present. You will never understand this doctrine if Christ is not present, because this doctrine is life to the Christ child in you and it is death to your carnal mind, so your carnal mind will never receive this message. They may appear to; the carnal mind might appear to receive this message. I had a big witch once that I met through the internet love my translation, but do not be deceived, he does not love the part where I talk about confessing your sins and repenting, he does not love the part that talks about the death of the carnal mind, he loves the stories, he love the other stories or the aspects of it, it sounds good, it is spiritual, it stimulates him, but he does not, I am sure there is no way he is going to go for this stuff, confessing your sins, that he has a spirit of witchcraft, no way, it is in the eyes of the beholder.
We had that woman here, she communicated with me on and off for a couple of years, said she was crazy about the ministry, had a couple of our tapes, the ministry changed her whole life, and then it was revealed that she thought that I was preaching, I do not know exactly what she thought that I was preaching, but she thought that I was preaching some form of tantra, which involves human sexual activities for spirituality, and as soon as I told her that was not true, she disappeared and we never heard from her again.
People, their mind will make whatever they want out of this doctrine to use it for their purposes. If anybody tells you that they love this doctrine of Christ and you do not say anything to them, but you should have a question mark in your mind until you really get to know that person, because the carnal mind will try to take it and make it her own.
This is the message that Samson was preaching;
Elohim dedicated your spiritual potential to I am while they were still in the waters of the primordial sea, but if you, the personality and Adam within you, the personality, if you allow the Fiery Serpent to ascend above Adam your head, Adam who is being sustained in you, by the Spirit of Elijah in me Samson, if you let that Fiery Serpent get over Adam your heard, Satan will steal the waters from above, that the Spirit of Elijah that has been imparted to you, the Spirit of Elijah in Samson gave some drops of Himself to the men of Judah,and Satan will steal that energy that is within you, which is Elohim's energy and it will come to pass that Adam in the mortal men of Judah that is sustained by the Spirit of Elijah in Samson will deteriorate and become useless, and that Adam, their capacity to be Samson's disciples will depart from them. ATB
Praise the Lord. That was the end of verse 17 on page 5, and Lord willing we will pick up with verse 18a the next time we preach on Samson. God bless you all.