480 - Part 11
(Judges, Chapter 16)

Part 11 of 19 Parts  

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



Praise the Lord. We are continuing on with our exhortation with on the alternate translation of chapter 16 of the book of Judges, and we are up to page two of our notes, the middle of the page, verse 5, and just in case this is the first message that you're listening to, I call your attention to the fact that the alternate translation is interspersed. Verse 5, Our heading is "Satan seduces the personalities of the mortal men of Judah." "But as Adam was within the mortal men of Judah, ascended into the neck energy center of the mortal men of Judah, Satan, the lord of the fiery serpents, the spiritual immigrants in the mortal men of Judah, whispered towards the personalities of the mortal men of Judah saying, Samson has deceived you into believing that Elohim can harness Satan and Leviathan's great strength and overcome her, because Samson wants you, the mortal men of Judah, to be his disciples, but we, Satan and Leviathan, will give you the salvation that belongs to the brow and crown energy centers without submitting to Samson, if you will cast Adam who is rising within you." So we see that Satan whispers to the personality. "But as Adam within the mortal men of Judah ascended into the neck energy center of the mortal men of Judah..."


Now I remind you that Adam is ascending in the mortal men of Judah, because he is strengthened and fortified by Adam in Samson. Adam and the Spirit of Elijah in Samson has penetrated into the minds, specifically into the minds of the mortal men of Judah, they have revived Abel, who has increased into Adam, and Adam is rising from the heart center. Adam does not go below the heart center. And in order for Adam to rise above the heart center, the heart center is the 4th center. So in order for Adam to rise above the heart center into the 5th center, the throat center, which is the most powerful energy center in a man, short of becoming a supernatural man, in order for Adam to do that, he has to be caught up by a glorified spirit.


In this case, it is the glorified spirit of Elijah who is flowing into the mortal men of Judah through Samson, who is strengthening the regenerated Adam to ascend into the 5th energy center. And we see that this experience that the mortal men are having is what we have called the imputed or an imputed experience. Adam within them is ascending into a place of high spiritual power without the individual personality in Judah, having overcome his own sin nature. See, it's possible to have an experience where your personality will be caught up unto a high level energy center, where you receive spiritual power with God, without you, the personality, having first overcome Satan within yourself. Why will the Lord do this? Well it's happened to me, he's done it to me so that I could have the power to pray healing for somebody. Just about every time, I've had several such experiences, and every time it has either been to pray healing for somebody or to pray deliverance for somebody from a high energy center in the righteous time line. Why?


Because the Lord Jesus wanted that person healed or delivered, and it required, that deliverance or that healing required a certain level of spiritual power, and to give me that level of spiritual power, he had to catch me up to the 5th energy center, the place from which that level of power flowed, but it was just temporary. As soon as I did the job that I was caught up for, the Lord no longer sustained me, the Lord Jesus no longer sustained me in that high spiritual place, and I descended slowly, and most always, I came down by the end of the day except in one instance, I was caught up so high, I think it lasted almost a week, and that was to pray healing for my pastor, who was about to have a heart attack.


So we see in verse 5, that the mortal men of Judah are having an experience known as a spiritual ascension in the righteous time line without having defeated Satan in their mind. Therefore simultaneously, as Adam and the Spirit of Elijah in Samson, are raising Adam in the mortal men of Judah, into the throat energy center. Satan has the ear of the personalities, because they're just bystanders as to what's really happening to them. They're not participants. They're not confessing their sins and overcoming. How do I know this? If they were confessing their sins and overcoming, they would have sent Satan packing. Satan is their sins. You see, this is really an unfortunate expression in the church to say, confess your sins, because people think that this means behavioral sin, and it's good to confess your behavioral sin, but you've got to get this sin at its root. And the root of all behavioral sin is our sin nature.


So we're not really so much to confess our sins as we are to confess our sin nature. Now that doesn't mean that you can do evil things and not confess it. Of course you're suppose to confess your behavioral sins that you're aware of that you can see, but primarily what we are dealing with, those of us who are moving into Christ Jesus on a mature level, we're dealing with our sin nature, and Satan is our sin nature. Satan is the nature of the primordial serpent in us. So if these mortal men of Judah were truly confessing their sins, they would have to confess that they were thinking evil towards Samson. But they didn't, they entertained the thought. Let me read you the verse again here.


"And Satan whispered towards the personalities of the mortal men of Judah saying, Samson has deceived you. Now, if these mortal men of Judah were in an active overcoming warfare with their sin nature, what would their responses have been to Satan saying, Satan whispering, "Samson has deceived you." Can anyone tell us what the response would have been from overcoming Jews? What do you say when you hear Satan whispering to you, "Sheila has deceived you"?


COMMENT: You're wrong, you're wrong Satan.


SHEILA: It's you, Satan, it's you, I recognize that it's you, and you're a liar. That's the response, but the mortal men of Judah did not respond in that manner. You know, according to this dialogue here, they didn't even resist. They went down without a fight. How can you go down without a fight. To the best of my knowledge, the only way you go down without any fight at all, is if you do not recognize that thought in your mind as Satan, you think it's a righteous thought. You think it's a true thought, and the pride of your mind deceives you into thinking that God put that thought in your mind, which means you're completely given over, you're completely under the seduction of Satan and the rest of her household, you're completely a captain of war. There's no resistance at all.


Even if eventually you lose the fight, let's say you have an evil thought towards the teacher that the Lord has raised up to bring you into the kingdom, even if you have evil thoughts and you resist and you resist and you resist and you overcome, at least you know that you were in the war because you were fighting. But if there's no resistance at all, you're a complete captive of Satan, that you don't even recognize that the thoughts of your mind are her, are her thoughts thinking through you.


"But as Adam within the mortal men of Judah ascended into the neck energy center of mortal men of Judah, Satan the lord of the fiery serpents, the spiritual immigrants in the mortal men of Judah, whispered towards the personalities of the mortal men of Judah saying, Samson has deceived you into believing that Elohim can harness Satan and Leviathan's great strength. Now this is what Samson is preaching. Samson is preaching to the mortal men of Judah, Elohim can harness Satan and Leviathan's great strength, and overcome them. This is, first of all, Satan is whispering, "it's a lie, Samson has deceived you, Elohim is not strong enough to overcome Satan and Leviathan", and second of all Satan is saying, "Samson's motive for telling you such a lie is that Samson wants you, the mortal men of Judah to be his disciples." He wants you in his church, he wants your tithe, he wants followers. But we Satan and Leviathan, we are telling you the truth. We will give you the salvation that belongs to the brow and crown energy centers, and you won't have to submit to Samson or anybody else. All you have to do, is cast down Adam who is rising within you. This is an aspect of the temptation that we read about in the New Testament. Jesus experienced Satan talking to him along these lines, "Why don't you throw yourself off of that cliff, the angels will catch you, and you will not even stub your toe." I think that's what it says, I know it says that the angels will catch you.


Now it is up to the believer, it was up to these mortal men of Judah, and it's up to the believer today, to consider every thought that comes into their mind. You don't just act on every thought that come into your mind. You have to inspect it and consider it, and think about it, and make a judgment as to whether this thought came from Christ within you, or whether this thought came from Satan within you, because those are the only two options. Now, can anyone tell us how they would have reasoned this out. Let's say the mortal men of Judah really thought that it might be true, you know. What you said earlier that the response should you have, Satan you're a liar, that response would come from a man who knew, who really recognized Satan, and knew that this was Satan and she was lying to them. Can anyone here tell us how you would deal with such a thought, or such thoughts coming into your mind, if you're really weren't sure where they were coming from?


COMMENT: I believe that you would have to say, "Lord, who's thoughts are these?", and then meditate and concentrate, you know, think of what's going on, and then separate it, to see just what, if it's the Lord or if it's not the Lord.


SHEILA: Well, that's a good start, that's about 50% of it. First of all, you have to recognize that it may not be God's thoughts, okay, and second of all, you apply the rules, the rules of behavior, that the Lord has given us as mature saints of God, and those rules are these, are you convinced that God put you in this fellowship? Let's say you are one of these mortal men of Judah. Are you convinced that God put you under Samson? If you are convinced that God put you under Samson, then you go against any thoughts that's coming against Samson. You put it before the Lord, and you say Lord, This thought has entered my mind, but I know that you have put me under this teacher and I'm believing you to either straighten my thoughts out, or deliver me from this teacher if this is the truth.


But as we'll find out, as the scenario goes on, the mortal men of Judah, sought to ambush Samson. They went right with the thoughts, they assumed and drew the conclusion that Samson was a deceiver and that his motives towards them were evil. They never questioned the thoughts, they never challenged the thoughts, they never acknowledged that the Lord put them under Samson in the first place. They didn't consider any of these things. They just went with the thoughts that entered into their mind. They followed like children following the pied piper. Isn't that what Jesus said? You have just followed on as children following a man playing a flute.


You've just gone with the flow, you haven't thought about your life, you haven't thought about your emotions, you haven't thought about what's in your mind, you're just follow the impulses that have come from Satan. And of course we see Satan and Leviathan offering salvation. Now salvation means preservation of the personality, and they're talking about the salvation that belongs to the brow and crown energy centers, that's talking about ascending into a place where you will become a supernatural man, where your body would be preserved, where you would be above the conflicts or above the powers and principalities of this world and you would have supernatural power. And Satan is promising this kind of experience, this kind of existence without submission to a teacher.


Now of course we know, I know that the peoples in this world that are going into initiation, that are ascending spiritually outside of Christ, well, how do I say this, not in the church, in the occult world, as far as I know, everyone that is ascending spiritually submits to a teacher. It's just as far as I know, in the Christian world, that the Christians who are deceived in this manner, really think that they're going to ascend into a higher place without submitting to a teacher. Isn't that interesting? I don't know of any occult discipline, or any person in the occult that believes that they can really ascend into this high place, by themselves, only Christians think they can do it.


So we see the manifestation of high pride, because to not want to submit to anybody is high pride. The Lord Jesus has his people in groups, he has his people in spiritual families, and there's always a head. You know it always use to be that way in the natural family. There was always a head of the family and a head of the extended family. It's just this last fifty years or so ago, that the family headship has broken down, but the family is breaking apart, everybody is out there doing there own thing, like they did in the book of Judges, in those days, every man did what was right in his own eyes. But you have to do what's right in God's eyes, you see. And God doesn't have lone rangers, God puts you in groups, God puts you in groups, and there's always a head, and the head of course is in submission to Christ Jesus.


So we see that the mortal men of Judah had a temptation experience, and I find that very interesting because it's just a witness to me that what was going in the church today is the same thing that went on in Israel, and what went on, what's going on in the church, and what went on in Israel, is different than the whole occult world. The Hindus worship the gurus that teach them, and I'm not saying that this is right, but it's to an extreme over there. The gurus, what is a guru? A guru is a master of Hinduism who has ascended into high spiritual power, and he takes disciples that study under him, and they literally worship him, they bow down to him, and now listen, I'm not saying that's the way it should be. I'm saying that, that is the exact opposite extreme from what's going on in the church today, and from went on in Israel, where we find men who think they don't have to submit to anyone.


Praise the Lord, so we see the seduction of the mortal men of Judah underway, we see no resistance, no questioning, but a very strong willingness to sacrifice their teacher. However, we will find out as we continue on with this study, that the mortal men of Judah were completely captured, they were completely captured by Satan and Leviathan. The whole personality and the fiery serpent within them, were completely captured by Satan and Leviathan, and the reason that the occult world doesn't have this problem, is that the ascension, the occult world is no danger to Satan and Leviathan. So these people have no problem submitting to their teachers. It's just in the church, and in Israel, that Satan and Leviathan is opposing the discipleship procedure, the ascension procedure, that in the way the serpent and her household opposes the ascension of Jews and Christians, or the Jews of the days of Judah, and Christians today, is that she brings forth this intense pride and rebellion, which must be found in the individual to start with, and raises up thoughts which if not resisted, produce behavior that destroys the whole ascension process, and for this reason, Christians stay, and we'll see that Jews in the time of Samson, needed to be instructed in the doctrine of Christ. Anyone in the church who is ascending, without receiving the instruction of the doctrine of Christ, without being taught how to deal with Satan's thoughts in their minds, and therefore not implementing this warfare, are surely ascending in the serpent's time line.


You cannot ascend without this instruction. How will you recognize Satan in your mind, she doesn't come with a bright light saying, "I'm an angel of light", she's subtle. And besides, as far as I know, most of the teaching in the church is that Satan in another man comes as an angel of light. I have, I don't know everything that's out there, but I have never heard a teaching that Satan is in your mind. And you have to discern the thoughts of your mind and separate Satan from Christ in your mind. Have you ever heard anyone teach this? I haven't heard it. Well Paul talks about it, but no one, I've never heard a preacher believe that this is what Paul means by some of things he says. I don't know anyone in the church that says Satan is in your mind. Have you ever heard that teaching that Satan is in your mind, I've heard some deliverance ministries that say Yes, you have demons, and yes, you have that iniquity in you, which is the body of sin that's in you. But that's easy when a voice is telling you to kill somebody, but pride and rebellion are very difficult to discern. And it's to the best of my knowledge, you need to be discipled, you need to be a part of a group who is going through this training, and if you're on your own, the chances of you being deceived are very, very great. So we see that Christians, and the Jews in the day of Samson have problems concerning their ascension, that the men and the women ascending in the occult disciplines do not have.


Satan, the god of this world, is assisting the ascension of everyone ascending in her time line, and she is opposing, she is the adversary, she is opposing every man or woman, or spiritual male, that is ascending in the true time line. So the ascension for Christians today, is much more difficult than the ascensions for those who are arising in the occult. They don't have the problems that we have. That's why there are so few of us. Although even in the occult world, not many are willing to pay the price, but there are more people in the occult ascending today, then there are Christians. And that is the truth. So we see that Satan and Leviathan, in the mortal men of Judah, have covered over their Christ mind, have used witchcraft upon them, the witchcraft that arises within pride, self preservation, and self interest, to turn Samson's disciples against their teacher, the one who is saving their spiritual life, because Adam and Elijah within Samson has actually penetrated the minds of the disciples, revived Abel, regenerated Adam and is in the process of making Adam strong enough in each of the disciples to stand himself against Satan and Leviathan.


But you see, even if Adam and the Spirit of Elijah in Samson fully established Adam in the mortal men of Judah in the throat energy center, Satan would still bring them down. Because there's no way you can stay in that high place of spiritual power if you are not fighting Satan's thoughts in your mind every day, and a major, major weapon in fighting Satan's thoughts, is a knowledge of what is right as God see what's right, a knowledge of how you relate to other people, a knowledge of how you behave yourself in the fellowship he's sent you to, a knowledge of how you submit to elders, and knowledge of how, of what is right, in so far as the behavior of a son of God toward other people in your personal ministry towards other people. When you have a strong knowledge of what is right, if a wrong thought comes into your mind, you recognize it immediately, you put that spot light on it, and you say I don't think you're God, and I'm not budging, unless the Lord really witnesses to me, that this is him. I had such an experience before the Lord raised up this ministry, between the time that he took me out of the church that I trained in, and the time that he raised up this ministry, he had me go into local churches, staying in each church about six months, and it was a combination of having experiences for myself, and bringing this anointing into the church. I didn't know it at the time, I didn't know he would be raising up a ministry here. And one day, in a church that I had been in for several months, the Lord spoke to me one Sunday morning and he said, he pointed to a man across the isle from me, who the Lord had shown to me was really going places in God, and he said to me, "I want you to anoint that man for ministry." And I said, "Well now, I do not believe that was you Lord, because I cannot believe that you are telling me to stand up in another man's church, and go over and anoint someone for ministry. That is absolutely wrong and I will not do it." And I said, "If this is you Lord, somehow you're going to have to make a way, that it would be acceptable, and as soon as the last, now I said this silently, this was my communication with the Lord. As soon as the last word was spoken within my mind, the pastor stood up and said, You know this is your church as well as mine, I'm not the only one who ministers here, there's ministry for everybody, so if you have some ministry that you want to do, you just raise your hand and I'll call upon you, and I sat there, I couldn't believe my ears, but my hand went up right away. And the pastor called on me, and I stood up and I turned around and I anointed the man for ministry. And the pastor flipped out to tell you the truth.


I have to tell you in all honesty, if somebody did that in my meeting, I'd be upset myself, but it would have to be that the Lord would witness to me strongly that this was him, and if that was the case, you have to accept it. But I don't think that pastor ever believed it was the Lord, he was really upset at what I did. And I'm telling you, I myself would have been shocked, if I saw somebody else do it, but you see, the Lord Jesus can do anything that he wants. Yet he had to make a way where it would be reasonably acceptable. I could not have just stood up without the pastor saying that, I could not have just stood up and done anything that I wanted in another man's house, that would have been wrong. So the Lord Jesus does break the rules of the carnal church. What does this mean? The Lord is raising up an army of sons, and he wanted the anointing that's on me. Does this make me a great one in myself? I am a great one, because Christ Jesus is in me, does it make me Sheila a great one? No. But the one who is in me is a great one. And the one who is in me is the seed of the next stage of the deliverance of the church. I'm just his horse, you see. I get him where he wants to go. Now this great one that's within me, wanted to call someone who was in that carnal church, the law of the Spirit is greater than the law of protocol in the carnal church. And I Sheila, the horse, had to face the persecution of being called out of order.


"The personalities of the mortal men of Judah plot to ambush Satan." So we see that the personalities are seduced. They receive the thought, they receive Satan's suggestion, and they agree with it, and they go forwards to act it out, with no resistance at all. Verse 9, "So the personalities of the mortal men of Judah that were nailed to Satan, the Spirit in the lower window, who are miserable, disheartened, and pining away because of their weak and inadequate nature, thought within their heart, that they would ambush Satan and draw him away from the Spirit of Elijah, the part of himself that remains after Adam dies, so that the fiery serpent, the spiritual immigrant within Samson could ascend above Samson, so that Satan, the spirit nailed to the lower window, and Leviathan, Satan's household, could have spiritual sexual intercourse, with the mortal men of Judah, Samson's disciple.


So we see, that the purpose for Satan's seduction, the purpose for Satan whispering to the mortal men of Judah, is that she, Satan and Leviathan, desire to have spiritual sexual intercourse of the mind, with the mortal men of Judah, and they cannot do that when the personalities of the mortal men of Judah are ascended in Adam's time line. Why? Because when Adam's time line, when the personalities ascended in Adam's time line, it controls that ascension, the power that's generated from that ascension, controls and paralyzes the activities of Satan's household. That's what eternal judgment is. Eternal judgment is the ascended Adam and Spirit of Elijah, in our generation, the ascended Christ Jesus, and the glorified Jesus Christ continuously burning in the lake of fire, which they are, the negative principles of the personality, keeping them from sin.


So we see that the negative principles of the creation, which are spiritually female, in relationship to Adam or in relationship to Christ Jesus, in the glorified Jesus Christ desire to be male. The negative female principles of the creation desire to behave like the positive principles of the creation. And not only do they desire to behave like the positive principles of creation, but they desire to make the positive principles, the positive male principles of the creation into negative female principles. So we see that Satan and Leviathan do not only desire to be male, they desire to make the true male female. They're desiring to completely reverse God's order in the creation. They're not satisfied with their role, and I want to tell you brethren, if you're not satisfied with your position in your church, or in any area where you're under authority, if you're not satisfied with your position in your family, or in your job, if you're not dealing with it properly, it's sin, and how do you deal with such dissatisfaction properly?


You say, "Lord, I acknowledge that this is where you put me." Now is some cases your dissatisfaction is unchangeable. If you don't like your position in the family, well maybe you're the middle child, or maybe you're the wife and you want to be the physical husband. That cannot change. You must confess this as sin, and ask the Lord Jesus to help you to cope. But in a job, in a ministry, if there is a realistic hope of advancement, the answer is not to be jealous of the person who has the job you want, or to try to sabotage the one who has the job that you want, but to say, "Lord Jesus, help me to be content where I am, and if it be your will, promote me.


And work very hard and do the best job that you could do, whether you're in a changeable position or whether you're not in a changeable position, submit to that authority, do an excellent job, and ask the Lord to deliver you in your emotions, that you should be content where you are, and that if it be his will, to promote you. But to strive for a promotion yourself, to strive for a change to compete with other people, with a competition that arises out of pride, is the sin of pride, there is a healthy competition. If there were three young lawyers, and there is only one opening to be a partner, well you compete by doing the very best job that you can do, working hard, putting extra hours, that's okay. That's a godly competition. But to compete in your heart, if it's a competition that's ungodly in your heart, there is a spirit of murderer associated with it, that you are really willing to bludgeon the other contestant to win the job, this does not glorify God. Have a meek and humble spirit, do the very best that you can do, and leave your promotion in the hands of the Lord. We take too many things into our own hands.


So we see that the personalities of the mortal men of Judah that were nailed to Satan, the spirit in the lower window, who are miserable disheartened, and pining away because of their weak and inadequate nature, and that is a translation of Delilah. If this is the first tape that you're listening to, we have discovered in our studies that Delilah is just a name or a type of the female mind, the collective female mind that exists in all of the disciples, as the Lord Jesus draws them towards discipleship, and that anyone who expects to be raised up as a teacher in Christ Jesus, or who is already a teacher in Christ Jesus, you must know that your congregation, and the Lord deals with small groups, you could have a congregation of one, two, three, four, five, I doubt that it would be more than five, because you need to know that the subconscious, if not the conscious, the subconscious mind, of your congregation is plotting to kill you.


Oh Sheila, how could you say that? Did not Jesus say to the pharisees, "why do you try to kill me?" And did not the pharisees say to him, "You have a devil, who is trying to kill you?" If it's your time to be a true teacher that's truly in Christ Jesus, you need to know that the subconscious mind of your disciples, and sometimes it's in their conscious mind, are seeking to destroy your authority. And in the tearing down of your authority and the destruction of your authority, they are seeking to destroy Christ in you. Now they would never believe this, and maybe you're having trouble believing it yourself, but I am telling you, it is the truth, and to be a true pastor and the only true pastor is when it's Christ Jesus in you pastoring. To be a true pastor, you take your life in your hands. To be a true pastor is to deal with your congregation on a personal level, pointing out sinful attitudes and sinful behavior in a godly manner. And I don't mean to insult anybody, but the men who call themselves pastor s in the church today, are not pastors. They're not Scriptural pastors.


You have to be ministering out of Christ Jesus to be a pastor is to disciple your congregation. I tell you the truth, it is dangerous, and you have to be highly trained to deal with the subconscious, and sometimes the conscious minds of your people who have not yet been convinced that the thoughts that they are thinking are prideful and rebellious and murderous towards you. Because when you are moving in a ministry where you are truly ordained by Christ Jesus, you must exercise your authority in a godly manner, and if you let Delilah in your congregation seduce you into doing things that Christ Jesus, your head is not telling you to do, Scripturally speaking, you are sacrificing Christ Jesus, and your relationship with him has already begun to deteriorate. He has begun to die, as you submit to Delilah, the subconscious mind, of your congregation, the collective subconscious mind of your congregation, Christ Jesus in you begins to die. And you're all alone because nobody believes what they're doing, and they don't believe that they're wrong and they don't believe they're in rebellion and they don't believe they're manifesting pride. They think you are deceiving them. They think your motives are evil towards them. They think you are wrong, they, Delilah, the subconscious mind, and sometimes conscious mind of your congregation, think that they have a right to control with the money they give you, they think that they have a right to pass judgment on you, and they think they have a right to rebuke you and correct you, and sometimes punish you, and they don't have any of these rights, but they believe that they do, and you are sent to them as a savior, why? Because people who have such thoughts are destroying themselves, and if Christ is in them, they're destroying Christ within themselves.


So if you are the real, the genuine article, if you really are a pastor in Christ Jesus, you are sent as a savior to this group of people, who are destroying Christ within themselves, and bringing a very destructive reaping upon their whole family, because they're sowing these ungodly thoughts towards you, the pastor, thinking they have the right to do it. You are sent to them to teach them, and to expose their sin nature to them. You are the first witness to them, and the Lord Jesus is the second witness, the Lord Jesus, who will speak directly to them is the second witness. It's not an easy job. The true pastor is a son of God, the savior. Praise the Lord.


So we see that the personalities of the mortal men of Judah thought within their heart, that they would ambush Satan, and draw him away from the Spirit of Elijah. They thought within their hearts that they would ambush Samson and draw him away from the Spirit of Elijah, the part of himself that remains after Adam dies. Well what does that mean? They would ambush Samson and draw him away from the Spirit of Elijah, the part of himself that remains after Adam dies. Well the very word Ambush, brethren, means the death of Adam. See, Adam can die, the Spirit of Elijah cannot die. Can anyone tell us the relationship between Adam and the Spirit of Elijah? Adam is the thought form that is generated by the Spirit of Elijah is Elohim wrapped in the personality, the glorified personality of Elijah. The Spirit of Elijah is Elohim. He's immortal, cannot die. He's the right arm of Jehovah, Elohim cannot die. Adam is the Spirit of Elijah clothed in a temporary personality, well that's not even correct, I'm sorry about that. I'm sorry about that. Let me say it in a different way. Adam is the thought form that is generated by the Spirit of Elijah. Adam is a mind, he's not a personality, he's a mind.


Adam is a mind that is in the image and who has the nature and expresses the nature of Elohim, who expresses the nature of Jehovah. So Adam contains Elohim's spirit, plus enough earth to form a mind, because a mind is spirit and earth. Adam can die, because the earth that's formed around the Spirit of Elijah, that has formed this mind called Adam, that earth can be attacked, it can be dried out and it can be caused to fall away to dust. The mind can die, but the spirit in the mind cannot die. The very word ambush suggests the destruction of Adam. So the personalities of the mortal men of Judah thought within their heart that they would ambush Samson, you see. But it's really, I'm going to have to amplify that in, that they would ambush Adam, within Samson, and draw him away from the Spirit of Elijah. Now why would the mortal men of Judah want to draw Adam away from the Spirit of Elijah. So we see that it's Adam within Samson, not Samson being drawn away from the Spirit of Elijah, but Adam.


Now, Adam has a marriage with Elijah. Adam in a mature believer, Adam in Samson, was married to Elijah. And you may recall to come to the place that Samson was in, okay, the fiery serpent was bound underneath the resurrected Adam. The regenerated Adam overshadowed, covered over the fiery serpent, and the Spirit of Elijah is the strong cord or the sinew that binds the sacrifice to the altar. Adam is the altar. We have an altar within us. Christ Jesus is the fiery serpent, and the Spirit of Elijah, you see, Adam has to overshadow and apprehend the fiery serpent, Adam pierces the fiery serpent, but the fiery serpent can still get away. Therefore, the spirit of Elijah binds to the two together. So we see that it's the plan of the mortal men of Judah to separate Adam from the Spirit of Elijah, why? So that they could kill him.


See, the Spirit of Elijah that is binding the fiery serpent to Adam, is Adam's protector. No personality can overcome the Spirit of Elijah. The Spirit of Elijah wars against Satan, Adam wars against Leviathan, and Abel wars against Cain, everybody wars on their own level. Adam in indestructible so long as he is bound or married to the Spirit of Elijah. So the mortal men of Judah thought, well let us separate Adam from Elijah, and how would they do that? By causing Adam to sin. Brethren, that's the only thing that will separate us from the Lord Jesus is our own sins. And we are at a tremendous disadvantage, if we are not aware of our sins. If we are not aware of what is sin, and if we cannot recognize sin in our own mind, we are in continuous danger of being separated from our savior, because of our ignorance. And what is the Lord Jesus' response to this condition of weakness, of intense weakness that we, all of mortal humanity are in, although most men won't believe it. Brethren, unless your eyes are open, you have no idea how vulnerable we are in this world. A little tic can bite you and give you lime disease and you could die. A little mosquito could bite you and you could die. We are very vulnerable brethren.


We think it's normal that we have all of the hospitals and all of the equipment that we have, and I don't deny that it's a mercy to the suffering person in this world, but brethren, this is not normal, that you fall down and you break your leg, or you're in a car accident, or your leg is crushed and you need an amputation, this is the not normal. We're living in hell. It's normal that you wake up one morning, and there's a lump on your breast or on some other part of your body, that's not normal. It's not normal that you get the flu and stay in bed for two weeks, that's not normal. So it was the intention of the mortal men of Judah to separate Adam from the Spirit of Elijah, so that they could destroy Adam. And of course these are Satan's thoughts in the mortal men of Judah.


So we see that personalities of the men of Judah thought within their heart that they would ambush Satan. Now that's an interesting phrase, they thought within their heart. Now that says to me that these are the thoughts of their subconscious mind. That's not a conscious thought, that's coming out of the fiery serpent within them, their subconscious mind. They thought within their heart. They thought the thoughts of their inner self. "Let us draw Adam away from the Spirit of Elijah, so that we could ambush Adam. So that the fiery serpent, the spiritual immigrant within Samson, could ascend above Samson." Now I just explained to you that the condition that Samson was in was that the fiery serpent was under him, that the fiery serpent was pierced by Adam, and that the Spirit of Elijah was binding the sacrifice, the fiery serpent, to the altar of the regenerated Adam. And we see that the subconscious mind of the mortal men of Judah desire that the fiery serpent within Adam should be above him, not underneath him.


See, the book of Revelation says that, Jesus speaking, that everyone who has pierced me shall see me. Well that translation is not exactly correct, everyone that is pierced by Christ Jesus shall see you, shall see the glorified Jesus Christ. He's coming in the spirit, he's not coming in this flesh, in this physical world. He's coming in the spirit, and you won't be able to see him, unless Christ Jesus has been regenerated in you and pierced your fiery serpent. So the mortal men of Judah said in their heart, the fiery serpent within the mortal men of Judah said, let's separate, let's ambush Adam, and separate him from the Spirit of Elijah, so that the fiery serpent, can ascend above Samson, which would destroy Samson's authority, so that Satan, the spirit nailed to the lower window, and Leviathan, Satan's household can have spiritual sexual intercourse with Samson's disciples, this is the fiery serpent, whose heart is towards Leviathan, within the mortal men of Judah. The fiery serpent, the spiritual sexual part of mortal man, who lusts and whores after Leviathan continuously. The fiery serpent, who is a part of Satan's household, and who is murderously hateful towards everything, every part of the household of God. It's bringing forth these thoughts into the mortal men of Judah, and there's no resistance.


You see, the personality in fallen man is divided. The personality is divided into the woman, and the woman's spiritual sexual parts. The woman is the personality as we know ourselves as personalities, and the spiritual sexual part that's attached to the personality is the fiery serpent. Now the fiery serpent is given over to the serpent's household. She's 100% sold out towards the serpent's household, but the personality is both good and evil. And the personality, especially the one who is trained up in a society where there's a lot of love and a lot of recognition and worship of God, that personality tends towards the good side. So we see that the spiritual woman is divided. But if we don't understand that we have a subconscious mind, who is the mouthpiece of Satan, our unconscious mind, we the personality, the spiritual woman, are at a severe disadvantage, and just about 100% libel to be victimized by our own subconscious mind, because we don't believe she's there. The western world doesn't believe she's there.


You know the whole eastern world knows that there's a being that lives inside of us. Even psychiatry knows that we have what they call a libido, a superego, that there are parts of us that are unconscious and subconscious, the psychiatric literature will tell you that the unconscious and subconscious parts of the individual, rule the individual, to the point of almost 99%. The average person is ruled by their subconscious and unconscious mind almost completely. We do things, we don't even know why we do them. I was in that condition for years. Why did I do that? I don't know. Why did marry that man? I don't know. Why did I go to that school? I don't know. Why did I drop out of that school? I don't know. The circumstances just seem to make it the right thing to do at the moment. I felt like doing it at the moment.


No spiritual knowledge whatsoever of our motives or as to what is driving us to go and what directions in our relationships. That's the average human being. They're a herd of sheep. And those of us who choose to rise above that spiritual condition of being a sheep, that just follows its instincts, we pay a heavy price. We pay a heavy price to stand against the powers and principalities of this world, which would write the script for our life. Those of us who truly stand in Christ Jesus, and this is not the average person in the church. Those of us who truly stand and say, "Satan, you cannot write the script for my life, but I will follow the script that Christ Jesus has written for my life", we pay a terrible price. When the Lord called me to this ministry, every human being that was in my life was against it. My mother, my father, my sisters, my brothers-in-law, the church that I came out of, everybody, my daughter, my husband, everybody was against me. It is a miracle that I survived and the only reason that I did, is that this work is of Christ Jesus, and he kept me alive physically, he enabled me to survive mentally and emotionally, because it was his intention to raise up this ministry, and to do the great work that is being done through this ministry today.


And this is not only true in Christ. Every man who has ever stood against the collective mind of mortal humanity, even outside of Christ has been severely persecuted. The Lord has shown me that anyone who goes against the main stream is severely punished by Satan and Leviathan in other men. And it is only the people of great conviction that go on despite the opposition. Verse 10, we see that verse 10 is interspersed with verse 6, and there are two headings over these verses, "The personalities of the mortal men of Judah ambushed Samson", so we see in verse 9 they plot to ambush Samson, and in verse 10, they ambush Samson. And b), "Satan speaks through the personalities of the mortal men of Judah." So Satan, and this ambush, what form does this ambush take, can anybody tell us what form this ambush takes. Can anybody tell us what form this ambush takes. The form that this ambush takes is words. The mortal men of Judah seek to snare Samson with words, just like the Pharisees the Sadducees did to Jesus. They came to ask him questions with an evil motive.


What would a good motive for asking a question be? A desire to learn. An evil motive for asking a question is a desire to embarrass or expose as someone who doesn't know the answer. And we did find out in the case of Jesus, which I believe must be true in the case of Samson, that even more, the main motive of Samson's disciples and of the Pharisees and Sadducees in the case of Jesus, was to be so provocative as to cause Jesus and Samson, to come down out of the high place. Jesus was in the brow center, Samson was in the throat center, and if either of these men, would respond to the provocation, you see, both of these men, recognized, they were both in a high spiritual place, they both recognized that the motive of the men who came to them was to provoke them and cause them to respond in an ungodly manner.


So both Jesus and Samson were tempted to manifest pride, and get angry at the temptation or give forth some prideful response, to the men who were provoking them, provoking them to what? Provoking them to respond out of their carnal mind, and in that event, if either one of them did respond out of their carnal mind, they would have immediately fallen out of the high energy center that they were abiding in. So we see that the evil of the motive, both of Samson's disciples and of the Pharisees and the Sadducees, was to bring Samson and Jesus down from that high spiritual place where they were abiding. Both of them because of their union with the glorified spirit. So the motive was not just to trick them, it was not just to embarrass them, it was not to expose them to a false teacher, but these men, on some level, subconscious, unconscious, whatever, on some level, knew that these two men were of God and were in a high spiritual place, and they're questions were designed to bring them down out of that high place of authority. And if you know anything about church life at all, you know that it is so common, for people to come into a church and challenge the authority of the pastor. It's an everyday event. And the younger the Christian, the more likely they are to do it.


That's what immature spiritual Christians do. They're so lifted up in pride, that they challenge the authority of the pastor, not all of them, but a lot of them, if you have that tendency, that's what they do. So Satan the engraver nailed to the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, the spiritual woman who are miserable, disheartened and pining away because of their weak and inadequate nature, that's our interpretation of Delilah now, said to Samson, "We see that you have proven Satan the engraver to be a liar."


Now this goes right along with what happened here off the tape earlier. They said something nice about Samson, "Oh, Samson, we see that you are right, you prove Satan to be a liar." Do you know what I'm talking about? What happened off the tape earlier, they said something good about him, aren't you a wonderful pastor. Look at how powerful and how strong you are. You knew the truth about Satan, that she is a liar. Such a beginning to a conversation is designed to throw the pastor off guard. It is designed to deceive the pastor into thinking that this disciple is on his side, and that this disciple has something good to say about him, when the truth of the matter is, that the disciple is coming to bring him down out of his authority. You're so smart, Samson, you have proven Satan to be a liar, and we know that this is the case, because you have subdued Leviathan, the deceiving time line, that the fiery serpents are nailed to, and have put the fiery serpents in the right moral order. Samson has subdued Leviathan in himself, and within the mortal men of Judah, and we see that, and what's interesting here is we see that the mortal men of Judah, are speaking the truth themselves. That Leviathan is the deceiving time line.


Samson you have overcome Leviathan, that the fiery serpent within you, Samson, and the fiery serpent within us are nailed to, nailed to, that's talking about a spiritual marriage. It's saying that the fiery serpents were married to Leviathan in both Samson and in the mortal men of Judah. But Samson overcame Leviathan, and unhooked the fiery serpents from Leviathan, and pierced them through himself. You see that fiery serpent, whoever she is connected to, she's always connected with a piercing. The ascended fiery serpent connects to Leviathan with a bite, she bites into him, a piercing, a connection through a bite, a piercing. The Scripture says nailed. The suggestion says piercing, the union is through piercing.


So we see that the mortal men of Judah are flattering Samson, and they're flattering him with the truth. So the person who flatters, if they're not aware of what they're doing might say, I'm telling you the truth, why do you think this is flattery? Flattery is a spirit, flattery is a motive, it's not the words that you speak, it's the motive for speaking them. And we see that the mortal men of Judah were preparing Samson to relax, to think that he was among friends, so that they could slip in the suggestion that would kill him. Now I want to tell you that if I receive that word from you, it would have, at that moment, sacrificed Christ Jesus in me. Cause every day, every second, from thought to thought, we either sacrifice Leviathan, or we sacrifice Christ, in every thought that comes along. We either choose the thought of Leviathan, or we choose the thought of Christ Jesus. And whoever's thought we join with, the other one is sacrificed.


So if I agree with anything that comes out of anybody's mouth, towards me, which is motivated by Leviathan, in that thought, I have sacrificed Christ in me. No matter how harmless it appears to be, it's never harmless. Any thought or words that arise out of Satan are not harmless, and the more anointed you are in Christ Jesus, and the more ascended Christ Jesus is in you, the more likely that the words that people say to you are designed to sacrifice Christ in you, because everybody who is unaware is Satan's mouthpiece. Every man born of a woman is Satan's mouthpiece except those men, who stand at the door in Christ Jesus and say, "No, you cannot come into this house", and there are very few of them.


So you have subdued Leviathan, Samson, this is all the truth, and we know that Leviathan's a deceiving time line, and that Leviathan has pierced the fiery serpents within us, and you have put the fiery serpents in the right moral order, and what is the right moral order? Under Adam, under Adam, and the Spirit of Elijah, under Christ Jesus and the glorified Jesus Christ, and the fiery serpent that is under Christ Jesus, and the glorified Jesus Christ, or the fiery serpent who is under Adam and the Spirit of Elijah cannot pierce into Leviathan, because she is already pierced, you see. Praise the Lord. And of course there's another aspect to it also, as I just told you earlier, the fiery serpent is the spiritual sexual part of the personality, you see.


Now, when the personality is joined to Christ Jesus, or when the personality is joined to Adam, the fiery serpent is under the personality, you see. But when the personalities are female, the female part of the personality, the woman, when she is not joined to Christ Jesus, the fiery serpent is on top of her, and that is the wrong moral order, more specifically, the wrong moral order is the fiery serpent on top of the personality. And what does that mean?


It means the fiery serpent, your subconscious mind, whose natural inclination is to awhore after Leviathan, and think the thoughts of and speak the word of Satan, that's her natural inclination, she will be controlling the part of the personality that has the potential to turn towards Christ. See, the fiery serpent will never turn towards Christ of her own accord. She's completely sold out to Satan and Leviathan, but the personality, the woman, the woman part of the personality, she has the potential to turn towards Christ Jesus. So we see that the fiery serpent is desiring to lead the whole personality, to control the part of the personality that has the potential to turn towards Christ. The fiery serpent wants to control her, put her underneath her, and take the whole personality into the household of Satan and Leviathan.


Now remember salvation is the preservation of the personality. The personality is headed towards preservation, or salvation, when she submits to Christ Jesus and the fiery serpent is under her, what does that mean? The fiery serpent, the subconscious mind that she's born with, is not making the decision for the whole personality. Now the female part of the personality, the woman, she does not have the strength to resist the fiery serpent of herself, in and of herself, it is only when she cleaves unto Christ Jesus that the fiery serpent has the strength to lead her own life, and not be led by her spiritual sexual parts, who's completely sold out to Satan, who is the destroyer of the woman.


So we see that our only hope, we the personality, our only hope of being saved from Satan's household is to join with Christ Jesus, and in fact, he is our savior, and he is our hope, our only hope of being saved from the fulfillment of the serpent's household in our life, which is what? It means a spiritual sexual union with the primordial serpent. That's what humanity is headed for, a spiritual sexual union with the primordial serpent. Verse 6, "And Satan continued to speak to Samson, through the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, the spiritual women who were miserable, disheartened, and pining away, because of their weak and inadequate nature saying, so please explain the strength of Elohim's great strength to cast down imprison and engrave with Jehovah's nature, the widowed fiery serpents, who are ascended in Leviathan's time line, that the mortal men if Judah, are nailed to. So here it comes, here comes the punch line. We've buttered up Samson, we've flattered him, we've told him how great he is, and here comes the trick question designed to raise up pride in Samson, that would separate him from Elijah.


Now, I remind you that back in verse 9, these mortal men of Judah were plotting to draw Adam, or to draw Samson, because of Samson's pride, to draw Adam away from the Spirit of Elijah. They were seeking to raise up pride in Samson, the personality part of the household of God, because as soon as Samson or anyone of us agree with pride in our mind. Okay, if we're in the Old Testament here, as soon as Samson would agree with pride in his mind, Adam would start to separate from Elijah and deteriorate, Adam would start to deteriorate. Here in the New Testament, those of us who are walking in a walk where we have a relationship with Christ Jesus, and the fiery serpent is bound under us, what does that mean? I'm not following after the mind of the fiery serpent in me, I follow after Christ, therefore she's bound under me, see. If Satan can speak through anyone of you and say something that will raise up pride in me, and I will agree to go with the flow, and agree with that pride, Christ Jesus in me starts to deteriorate. And this is the drawing away of Adam from the Spirit of Elijah, or the drawing away of Christ Jesus from the glorified Jesus Christ. It's the deterioration of the mind of God within you. That's how he draws away, he starts to dissolve. Remember Adam is made of dust. So anyone who flatters a man of God is doing Satan's work, and they're conveying a spirit of murder designed to bring that man down. And the fact that you don't know that you're doing it, doesn't change anything. You've been doing it all your life, change. There's no condemnation to you, just stop doing it.


"And Satan continued to speak to Samson, through the personalities of the mortal men of Judah." Satan spoke to the mortal men of Judah, and Satan speaks through Christian congregations and Satan speaks through Christian disciples. Satan speaks through man. "And Satan continued to speak to Samson through the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, and the spiritual woman, who were miserable, disheartened, and pining away because of their weak and inadequate nature saying, "So, Samson, please explain the source of Elohim's great strength to cast down, imprison and engrave with Jehovah's nature, the widowed fiery serpents who are ascended in Leviathan's circular time line.


So they want to know the source of Elohim's great strength. So they're acknowledging that Elohim can imprison, and engrave with Jehovah's nature, the widowed fiery serpents, the fiery serpents that have been separated from Leviathan, I'm sorry, the widowed fiery serpents is the Scriptural term for the fiery serpents who are not married to Christ Jesus, or who are not married to Adam. So this verse is talking about the widowed fiery serpents who are ascended in Leviathan's time line, even if the fiery serpents are married to Leviathan. And the Scripture does not consider them married, it still considers them widows, because the only true husband is Adam in the Old Testament, and Christ Jesus in the New Testament. So we see that the mortal men of Judah tempted Samson to manifest pride and to try to explain the source of Elohim's great strength, for the specific purpose, well let me say it this way, "...explain the source of Elohim's great strength to cast down, imprison and engrave with Jehovah's nature." You know the reason I'm hesitating here, is because I really could not see what's wrong with this question, Why couldn't Samson just say, "Well, Elohim's great strength comes from Jehovah", you know, and while I hesitated the Lord spoke to me, and he gave me the answer of what these mortal men of Judah were doing. You know, there are some people in the church that will ask you questions that will just drain you. They will just ask and ask and ask, and it's Satan operating in them seeking to drain your energy.


What do you mean the source of Elohim's great strength, these are men of Judah, these are Jews. They know the source of Elohim's strength, why are you asking a question that you know the answer to. Now that has arisen in this fellowship also from you. And I'll say to you, why are you asking a question that you know the answer to? And the answer is, that whoever does that, says that they're just trying to make me talk, it's a form of flattery, and a form of manipulation to get me to talk for whatever your reason, to drain my energy for whatever it's meaning to you. But it's not a godly question. So we see that the mortal men of Judah were baiting Samson. First they flattered them, and then they baited them, to go on and on and on and teach them what they already knew, that Jehovah is the source of Elohim's great strength. And then the question continues on. "...Elohim's great strength to cast down...", and we know that this is referring to the fiery serpent ascended into the 7th or the crown energy center, where she's called the swine, and we have a whole message on the account of the Gadarene demoniac and the swine being cast down, and to imprison that fiery serpent that's cast down, imprison her where? Imprison her in the 2nd energy center, underneath the personality, which is in the 3rd energy center, and to engrave her, the fiery serpent, with Jehovah's nature, the widowed fiery serpent, who are ascended in Leviathan's circular time line, so we see that these men of Judah, they had great spiritual knowledge, they know that Leviathan's time line is circular, and to engrave the widowed fiery serpents who are ascended in Leviathan's circular time line, that the mortal men of Judah are nailed to.


So they have enough spiritual knowledge to know that Leviathan's time line is circular and they're asking Samson this most basic question, what is the source of Elohim's strength? It's Jehovah, you don't know the answer to that question? So we see that even with that question, they're still flattering him, and saying, "Show us what a great teacher you are, come teach us, teach us." 10b), "...and please explain now, why Satan, the engraver, should be yoked to Elohim. Now this an interesting, well now here is a question that they may not have known the answer to, "... and please explain now why Satan the engraver should be yoked to Elohim?" Now remember Satan is the pseudo spirit that flows in mortal men, she's really not spirit, but she's functioning as a spirit, and she's the spiritual blood of mortal man, and she must be yoked to Elohim, you see. She must be purified and yoked to Elohim, and the reason for that, is that the human spirit, which is Elohim's breath, the source of all consciousness of mortal humanity is flowing with Satan. That's why Satan must be yoked to Elohim, because Elohim's breath that was breathed into the creation, before the beginning, when Jehovah and Elohim formed Adam and breathed the breath of life into him, that breath came from Elohim, and when the creation fell, Satan apprehended that breath, and that breath is the source of consciousness of this dead creation. So we see it's not really Satan that's supposed to be yoked to Elohim, but Satan must be boiled away so that Elohim's breath can be restored to the father. To be honest with you, as I haven't really seen that before I preached it, and I would really have to meditate on this. I'm going to bring this message to an end tonight.


In time for part 12 of this message, I hope to go forward enough to see if the Lord won't tell me, if this was the trap somehow that it's not Satan being yoked to Elohim, Satan must die, so that one of her components, the breath of life can be yoked to Elohim. I'm going to have to go forward and look at this alternate translation, and see even if that is the trap, I don't understand how that was designed to bring Samson down. I'm going to have to go forward looking at the rest of this exhortation from this point of view. I just love these exhortations on this alternate translation because the message comes out even deeper to me as I preach it. That's very interesting. Okay are there any questions or comments about tonight's message? We're going to make it an early night tonight. Any questions or comments?


I looked forward and I see that Samson never answers either of these questions, the first question, what is Elohim's source of great strength, and the second question, why should Satan be yoked to Elohim? Samson never answers these questions, which says to me that the mortal men of Judah should have known the answer, they were asking questions that they knew the answer to, to either drain Samson's strength, or to divert him, to take his concentration off of preserving the mortal men of Judah, to divert his concentration, and I'm not going to talk, this tape is about to come to end, and I'm not going to go to a second tape, but we see that this is what the Sadducees and Pharisees did, they tried to distract Samson, and Jesus, to get them out of the mind of Christ. You see, Christ Jesus would not answer these questions, and I know that there have been occasions that people here have asked me questions, and I won't answer them. And sometimes they get offended and say, Why won't you answer my question? And I would say at the time, all that I could tell you, is there was something wrong with your question. It was like you punched me in my heart, and for a long time, I didn't even understand it, and then the Lord started telling me to tell the people, that was an ungodly question, you knew the answer to it, there was something wrong with the motive, with the spirit that asked that question. And Christ Jesus will not respond to a question that's asked with a wrong motive, and that's what happened here. Samson never answered them, and in the next verse, where we'll pick up on part 12, we see that Samson said to Adam, Samson said to Adam in the mortal men of Judah.


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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