480 - Part 1
(Judges, Chapter 16)

Part 1 of 19 Parts 


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


I would like to begin this message by reading you the Alternate Translations for the first five verses. I just love this stuff. I am just so thrilled with these translations. Well, the depth of the Scriptures, brethren, is what is happening to us in our spiritual being. At this point, I really question if there ever was a Delilah. I do not even know if there was ever a Samson. Maybe there was a man named Samson or maybe there were many men who had Samson's experience, and there is a parable in the Scripture about one man named Samson.


I think the name Samson, I do not know if I ever told this, the name Samson means, likened unto the Son, and Jesus is our Son of Righteousness. So if anyone wants to believe that there was a Samson, I will certainly not argue with you. Even if you want to believe that there was a Delilah, I will not argue with you. Maybe there was, and I do not know, but what I do know is that this is the story of the spiritual relationship that everyone in Christ has, everyone who is going on with Christ. This is the story of our spiritual self. We have a spiritual self, just like we have internal organs that we cannot see.


We do not wear our internal organs on our sleeve. We have spirits, internal spiritual principles which are our self, and each of us, we the personality that we know our self as, plus the spiritual principles, have a relationship with Jesus Christ and with one another. And one of the foundational truths of our existence, is that we are the descendants of the Primordial Ox who is married to Adam. We are made of the earth, and that we, being earth or clay, are malleable. Our nature can change.


Our nature can be engraved or sealed or turn under the seal. I think that is in the Book of Job, that phrase, and they turn under the seal. It means that the seal presses down into the clay, and you have an impression. We are the clay, and our nature can be changed. And one of the principles that came out of this message today is that Satan is trying to provoke Samson, calling him a chameleon, a lizard that changes its color. A chameleon that changes its color depending on the foliage that it is standing next to.


Satan, challenging Samson, says, You are just a chameleon. Whoever wins the battle, the battle is between Leviathan and Adam, whoever wins the battle stamps their nature on you. You take the nature of whoever you are near to, and that is the truth of us. That is the truth about our spiritual existence, except it is not the whole truth.


There is another element to the truth, and that element is that there is an element of choice. It is true that we are the nature of whoever we are close too, but our preference counts, our preference counts a lot. We must agree with the mind that is stamping it is nature on us. If we wake up one morning, and we find out that, although we did not know it, that all the years of our life, we now realize that we have the nature of the one that we would not consciously prefer, and yet we wake up and found out that, yes, we have her nature. We are thinking her thoughts continuously.


We, the personality, because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, can now say, I want to turn that around. I want to turn that around, and I am going to work with the Lord Jesus to the fullest degree that I can, and with an attitude like that you will turn your nature around. But, brethren, it is painful and time consuming. It is happened slowly over a long period of time, and what is involved is a continual omission of wrong thinking. Because we have been in the nature of the Serpent for so many years, that is what is second nature to us. What we have thought was right for all these years, is not the mind of Christ, and if we are not willing to admit that and give it up, it means that we prefer the Serpent's thinking, in that area, in that instance, at that moment. It is a thought at a time.


When Paul says, Cast down every imagination, I never really even fully understood it myself. I thought that he meant every evil thought that came into your mind, cast it down. He did not even mean that. An imagination is a creative thought, a thought that comes up out of your unconscious mind, an original thought. Some people would challenge me on that, and say that the Serpent cannot do anything original, but that is what Paul means by imagination. He is talking about thought forms.


He did not say, Cast down the evil thought forms. He said, Cast down every imagination. Every thought good or evil, every thought that does not comes out of the mind of Christ, must be counted as sin. If you cannot understand it, you have to ask the Lord to help you understand it, that every thought that is not out of Christ is reasoning with your own mind, with your own understanding, and the Scriptures calls it the sin of pride. And until we can at least believe this and ask the Lord to help us, there is no deliverance.


We have to believe that the thinking is wrong, that it is sin, and that if we want to go on in God it has to go. So it is just little by little, He has to do it, we cannot change our own nature. Our part is to admit that we have the nature that is alien to Christ Jesus, and that, more often than not, our thinking is wrong. That is our part, the confession is our part, and then He changes our nature.


As we become more and more convinced of the error of the thinking of the carnal mind, which we have thought to be good all these years, the more and more we become convinced that it is not the thinking of Christ, and the more He changes us. But it is a slow process, and our, the ability of the personality to change, is a factor in how rapidly we change. Some people change more easily than other people, and that is just the fact of life. So the personality is a factor. So we can make it faster or slower as we go along this painful path.


But this is the core, the very core, of the predicament of moral man, that our nature is changeable, and that we are in the form of our ancestors, in the event we have the nature of the Divine, but we were kidnaped in our infancy and engraved with the nature of hell. We have the Serpent's nature, but only that which came from heaven can go back to heaven. So we have the nature of the Divine. We came down from heaven....not; now, this is so complicated. Not the personality, the personality is of the earth, but we have another part to us. I call it our spiritual virginity. She is attached to the personality, she is one with us. Jesus calls her the worm that dieth not.


We all have a worm of spiritual potential, a spiritual ovum, and what happened to that spiritual egg, to the personality, happened to us also. We cannot be separated, and this spiritual ovum, this spiritual potential within us, this Fiery Serpent, is the sperm of Jehovah's seminal fluid which has been engraved with the Serpent's nature, and it is that Fiery Serpent who came down from heaven. This is the sperm of Jehovah's spiritual seminal fluid, this is the seed of Jehovah's life that has been engraved with the Serpent's nature, and she is attached to us. She is a part of us, and where she goes we go. So from that point of view, I can say we came down from heaven because we are inseparable, except by physical death, from the Fiery Serpent. We do separate at physical death. So she is the one who came down from heaven, and she is the one that is going back up. Jesus came looking for that which was lost. The seed, the virile seed of Jehovah, that is what he came looking for. So from that point of view, we have every potential to ascend up into heaven.


The animals do not go to heaven because they do not have the virile seed of Jehovah's spiritual seminal fluid. The animals are made from the waters of the seminal fluid and the earth, and that is why the animals do not go to heaven. Jehovah's seed is appearing in men, and this is the core of our existence and the problem of mortal man, that this aspect of our self, this worm, this spiritual ovum, which is Jehovah's virile seed, well not virile, Jehovah's dead seed, you know, has to belong to either Leviathan or Adam. And there is a war going on between the two spiritual men although Leviathan is not a true man. She is a lesbian, she is a female spirit acting as a male, and we are the prize, and the champion that we align ourselves with in our thoughts.


That is how we align with someone, we think like they think, the champion that we align ourselves with, that is where we are going to wind up, and this is so important that this message gets out. Because so many people in the Church think that they are right with Jesus for so many reasons, because they go to Church, because they cast out demons, because they heal the sick, because they fast, because they speak in tongues, because they minister.


We must line up with Him in the thoughts of our mind, and when we think with the mind of Christ, we become Christ. So it is not what we do with our hands, it is what we think, it is the mind that we think with, and the mind that we think with is what we are. That is how we identify what we are.


So I am so excited, well, I am excited about every translation that I bring you. But I have found out that Delilah, from my point of view, was not a real person. Whether or not Samson was a real person, he may have been, or he may be an archetype as were many of the men of Judah who had this experience. I believe many of the men of Judah had this experience, and women too. I say spiritual men of Judah had this experience, and, I believe, from the Scriptures translated, that there were many in Jesus' day who had the same experience that Peter and Paul had, but they did not go all the way, for whatever reason. They did not, and I still do not really have it clear in my mind why Peter and Paul did not go all the way.


I know the King James translation makes it sound like it was the Lord's will that they did not go on. But I have that before the Lord because there are so many errors in the King James translation. I have to have my own witness to these things. So I have not heard from the Lord yet, about why Peter and Paul did not go on, but I am interested in and looking forward to the day that He speaks to me about it. Praise the Lord!


This is the third chapter that we are doing in the Book of Judges. It is the third out of the four chapters that has to do with the experiences of Samson, and I will tell you up front that the first five verses, anyway, seem to be almost an exact replication of Jesus' experiences in the temptation.


Adam is ascended in Samson, and Satan rose up in the mind of Samson to try to deceive him. These Scriptures indicated that she used witchcraft, she used witchcraft to try to deceive Samson into falling out of agreement with Christ and agree with her mind. When the Serpent seduces us to think with her mind, we fall out of Christ, and if we do not catch ourselves, Christ begins to die in us because the mind that the personality agrees with is the mind that lives and prospers, and the other mind dies.


Every time we choose the thoughts of Leviathan over the thoughts of Christ, Christ dies a little bit, and the Scripture says we sacrifice Him. But, of course, the glorified Lord Jesus comes and raises Him from the dead continually, continually comes and raises him from the dead. This is why no man will make it without the glorified Jesus Christ, because we all kill Christ all the day long. We kill him all the day long. I do it too.



Recap, Judges 16:1-5


Verse 1, And Adam came to the lair of the Fiery Serpent in the mortal men of Judah, and Adam saw the adulterous woman who lives there, and Adam entered into her.


Verse 2, And the Fiery Serpents in the mortal men of Judah said, Samson is come here, and Adam is compassing him about, and laying an ambush for all of the Fiery Serpents who have ascended into Leviathan's city, and Adam, the head of the neck energy center of the upper window, intends to silence Satan, and engrave all of the Fiery Serpents with the nature of Michael, the light wave who calls forth Adam, the morning, and nail them to the upper window of creation.


Verse 3, And Adam within Samson had intercourse with the Fiery Serpents within the mortal men of Judah, and Adam lay upon their heart energy center to the point that Adam became a hedge between Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent, her household, and Adam seized the Fiery Serpent, the household who is the entrance way to Leviathan's city, and to the neck energy center of Leviathan's timeline, and, Adam, the captain of the neck energy center that is above, brought them out of Leviathan's timeline, and bolted the door, and Adam joined the personalities of the Primordial Serpent, the magician who cast a spell on Adam, and united with Elohim's sons to the neck energy center which is above.


Verse 4, And it came to pass that Michael made love to the Fiery Serpent in the valley where he had silenced Satan, the woman who was miserable, disheartened and pining away, because of her weak and inadequate nature, brought forth Adam, the man child,


Verse 5, And as Adam ascended into Samson, Satan, the Lord of the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual immigrants in the mortal men of Judah, worked witchcraft towards Samson, saying, be deceived, observe Samson that you are Elohim's chameleon, but Leviathan shall overcome Elohim's great strength and harness him, so why do not you cast Adam down before Leviathan over takes him, and we, Satan and Leviathan, if you make it easy for us, we will give you, a mortal man, the salvation that belongs to the brow and crown centers.


So here we see the same principle as Satan promising Jesus all the kingdoms of the world. There is nothing new under the sun, brethren. Michael has been raising Adam from the dead since the time of the fall. The very first time that I know of was in the case of Cain and Abel, in the form of Cain and Abel. Michael has never ceased from laboring, from spiritually laboring, spiritual labor, to raise Adam from the dead, and he has succeeded many times. But the personalities that Michael raises Adam from the dead in are weak. We are all weak, we are weak in our personality, and weak because we have the nature of the Serpent.


I just read it here at the end of Verse 5, it was Verse 4, And the people of this world who are miserable, the world's spiritual women who are miserable, disheartened, and pining away.


And the reason that we are in that condition, that we are weak, is because of our inadequate nature. We have a weak and inadequate nature. We received the nature of the one that kidnaped us, the Primordial Serpent. Praise the Lord. So, as I was saying, there is nothing new under the sun. I believe that there were many men, in the times that Jehovah was active in Israel, many, many, who receive this experience. We know that Jonah was one of them, and we know Elisha was another one, another one who came under Elijah. Elijah was a supernatural man. I do not believe that he was born of a woman, but Elisha was born of a woman, and Jonah was born of a woman.


Well I am not sure about that. I thought Jonah was born of a woman, but I do not really remember. I will have to go back into the study to see. I think we found the genealogy that indicated that he was born of a woman. I believe many, many men in Judah had Adam raised from the dead in them.


I believe many men, at the time that Jesus was manifesting in the flesh, or at least after His death and resurrection, at that time many had Christ raised from the dead in them, but He did not prevail, He did not prevail, for whatever reason. But, He is about to prevail, permanently prevail. Christ Jesus is about to make His public appearance in mortal men with sin natures, without the purification process that the Hebrews were subject to.


Christ Jesus is about to be grafted, or is in the process of being grafted, to many men, and coming forth despite the great depths of sin in everybody's spiritual being. He is piercing through, and He will ascend into the brow (6th) energy center from that place, from which He will rule over that individual, and go forth and help other individuals become free.


This is His plan, and it must come to pass. It is Jehovah's plan, it is the Lord Jesus' plan, and it must come to pass. The Scripture says, The path is very narrow, and there be very few that find it. Well, what that word narrow, the Greek word translated narrow, it means constricted. It is painful, a constricted life style, a life style that presses you in and that causes pain. It does not just mean that you fast all the time or that you are denied the things of this world. It is talking about the crushing of your carnal mind, that is what it is talking about; and very few there be who find it. It is too difficult, the path is too difficult, but a small group must find it, because Jehovah has ordained that it be so, and they shall surely find the way, and, when they are converted, they shall strengthen their brethren. That is our commission.


We are going to start with Judges Chapter 16:1, Then went Samson to Gaza, and saw there an harlot, and went in unto her. Then we see at the beginning there are two prefixes before the Hebrew word translated, went. We had this principle all through Chapter 14 and 15 of the Book of Judges. This is our third study on Samson. The prefix vav means nailed, and the prefix yod means hand, and we know that hand is the symbol of the subconscious mind.


And we are going to translate this, the nailed mind, and that is Adam. He is the mind who is nailed to the one who is raised from the dead, and that is either Michael or Elijah or the Lord Jesus Christ, depending on what year you are talking about, because Michael is incarnating, and every time he incarnates, his name changes.


Michael appeared in Moses, Michael appeared in Elijah, Michael appeared in the Lord Jesus, not in John the Baptist, and the Lord Jesus. And if Christ Jesus is appearing in you, Michael is appearing in you. Just like natural Israel, Jehovah and Elohim began their relationship with a single man Abraham, then another single man Isaac , then another single man Jacob, and then Jacob spread into the twelve tribes, into multitudes of people; spread into a big tree, and in the same manner, Michael appeared in Moses one man, in Elijah one man, in Jesus one man, and he is about to appear. He is in the process of appearing, in many, many human beings in our day. He is about to appear as the boughs and the leaves of a great tree. The Tree of Life in the fourth generation, the same thing.


Abraham, Isaac, Jacob is the foundation, three generations, then expansion into the boughs, branches, and leaves of the tree. Moses, Elijah, Jesus, three generation, and He is about to expand into a great spiritual nation. He will be seen in many people, in the mist of those people, until the whole creation is offered up to the Father, and the Father becomes all in all. Until that time, there will always be a headship company just as there was in natural Israel.


King David was the royal line. The royal seed was in David and his descendant, and there will be a headship company in the great tree that is coming forth, until the day the Father become all in all, and everyone becomes spiritualized and equal. But there will always be a headship group because Christ Jesus in everybody is not maturing equally, and we all need all of Christ we can get, and it is the Lord Jesus' way of speaking to the headship company.


So even though you have a relationship of your own with the Lord Jesus Christ, you have a personal relationship with Him, He is helping you with your problems, He is helping you to understand, He is giving you personal guidance for your life, but when it comes to teaching, when it comes to the instructions for the son, not your personal life so much, but the instruction that will develop you into His nature, He is not doing that with every individual, He is doing that through a headship company. And a lot of people today do not understand this, and they will not submit to a teacher because they think the Lord is going to teach them everything directly. He is not. It is not working that way.


You see the difference between your own personal life and your personal problems and your person needs. And then you have to go to college, and in college there are teachers. Your mother and father taught you a lot of things at home. They taught how to get along with other people, they taught you how to love, they taught you. Parents frequently teach children their letters, and their numbers, beginning of reading and writing, but then if the mother is home schooling, which is not typical in this nation, after she teaches you the basics she releases you to the education of the nation or to a private education, a private facility, wherever she might send you.


So you will always have that personal relationship with Jesus, but to a certain degree, and then after that for your education as a son of God you have to go to Yeshiva. That is the name of the Jewish religious school. You have to go to Yeshiva. Praise the Lord.


So we see that was Adam, it was the mind who was nailed to Michael that went in. Then we have the word Samson, and then we have the word Gaza. Gaza is Strong's #5804. This is a feminine word. As soon as we hear that word is feminine, we know that it is talking about Leviathan's household. It is not talking about any members of the household of God, because every member of the household of God is male.


Strong's #5804, Gaza, it is the feminine of #5794, and it means strong, being strong, and the word that the Lord gave me was, stronghold, stronghold.


Gaza signifies the stronghold of the Fiery Serpent, which Judges, Chapter 15, identifies as the the lair of the wild beast. You may recall that phrase from our previous study.


And the lair of the wild beast consists of the three lower energy centers. That is the lair of the wild beast. It is underground, under the ground of the heart (4th) energy center. Where is the ground? The ground is the heart (4th) energy center, everything under the heart (4th) energy center is under the ground.


We see that we have three levels of energy centers under the ground, at least three that I know of, there may be many more. Everything under the ground is the lair or the den of the wild beast called the Fiery Serpent.


In Judges, Chapter 14, we read about Samson's conversion. In Judges, Chapter 15, we read about Samson's ministry to the moral men of Judah who are spiritual Philistines, and in Judges, Chapter 16, we read about Samson's experiences with the Fiery Serpent trying to free herself from Adam's dominion. Well, I do not really know if that is true. We will work this up as we go along. I do not know if it is so much the Fiery Serpent trying to free herself as it is Satan stirring up the Fiery Serpent to try to free herself from Adam's dominion.


After Adam harnesses or saddles the Fiery Serpent; let us just review a couple of principles here. I say that the mortal men of Judah were spiritual Philistines.


Does anybody remember why the mortal men of Judah are called spiritual Philistines, or spiritual immigrants? Spiritual Philistines, and the word Philistines means spiritual immigrants.


COMMENT: Because they left the upper window, and came to the lower window?


PASTOR VITALE: That is true, let me round it out for you. You have got the answer, let me round it a little more.


The mortal men of Judah are call spiritual Philistines because, like every man born of a woman, they had a Fiery Serpent within them. Every man born of a woman as far as I know, I do not know if you could exist without having a Fiery Serpent within you. And it is this Fiery Serpent which is one of the sons of God who became evil.


We found this Scripture in the Book of Job, The day the sons of God became evil. Of course, the King James Translation does not translate it that way. It says, The day the sons of God sang in the heavenlies, and the true translation is, The day they became evil. You can sing an evil song, and you can sing a good song.


So the Fiery Serpents were the virile seed of Jehovah. When they were engraved with the Serpent's nature they died, but they still have an existence, they have a consciousness, and they are spiritual beings with the nature of the Serpent which has the potential to birth into fully mature creatures, and they are going to be born either in the Serpent's image or the image of Jesus Christ who is in the image of Jehovah.


It is mind-boggling, you know, but all these, who knows how old the earth is? I do not even know. I know for sure it is not six thousand years old, that is not a correct teaching, that is a misunderstanding in the Church, but for ever how long time has been going on.


These sons of God that are still in a sperm, a form of a sperm, a spiritual sperm, have been gestating, they have been in utero for these millions and trillions of years. That is, I do not know about you, but that is mind-boggling to me. I am a mortal person who except, unless God intervenes, I hope He will intervene, but if He does not intervene, I will be 80, 90, or 100 years old on the earth, and I will pass on. I am, my mind is mortal, but my mind is mortal, that is mind-boggling to me.


To believe that Adam fell trillions of years ago; of course when Adam fell it was outside of time, as far as time is concerned, that it was billions and trillions of years ago, and that all of these, this time that Jehovah's seed was apprehended by the Primordial Serpent and engraved in her image have been incarnating, they been gestating, been in utero, for billions or trillions; I do not even know whether they are billions or trillions of years, that is mind-boggling to me.


You see, it is absolutely mind-boggling to me, but I believe that it is true, and I believe that this is the foundation for the teaching of reincarnation. I do not believe in the teaching of reincarnation, but there is a truth to it. My biggest objection to reincarnation is that it teaches salvation by works. You keep reincarnating over and over again until you get it right, and that is not Scriptural. But I believe that these Fiery Serpents have been incarnating and reincarnating for as long as time exists, ever since time came into existence.


Now, not the personality, we are a being with multiple principles. The personality, the outer shell, the physical body, and the personality do not reincarnate. We are made of earth, we return to the dust, but that part of us which is Jehovah's seed, that part of us that the Scriptures call the worm, Jesus calls her the worm' she does not cease to exist. She is the one who is reincarnating, and every time she appears in the visible world, she appears in a new personality, and a new body, a new formation of the clay, and this Fiery Serpent in the one who is going to be born again.


Ever since two thousand years ago, there have been two spiritual beings incarnating time and time again in the earth. The glorified Jesus Christ is incarnating again in the form of Christ Jesus in you, and Christ Jesus in me, and Christ Jesus in all the people over these past two thousand years that He has appeared in. So, the glorified Jesus Christ is incarnating over and over again seeking to bring the personality of humanity into a condition of spiritual maturity, from which condition they will cease from dying, that will abide forever, and also, we see the Fiery Serpents who are the collective Leviathan. Leviathan is the collective name for all the Fiery Serpents, those incarnating and those not incarnated.


All the Fiery Serpents, all of Jehovah's seed which had gone bad, which had become evil, are seeking to incarnate, and both the Lord Jesus Christ, and Leviathan need the spiritual Ox, which we are. That is the collective name for the personality of humanity. Both the Lord Jesus Christ and Leviathan need the spiritual Ox to incarnate in. We are the body and the personalities that are necessary to make a whole man. Therefore, they are fighting over us, but we are not incarnating, and there is no salvation by works. Does anybody does not understand what I just said?


This is a major teaching of the Doctrine of Christ, and I call it multiple incarnations to try to differentiate it from reincarnation because it is not reincarnation, and there is no salvation by works. There is salvation.


PASTOR VITALE: How do we get saved? Can anybody tell us that? What is the only process that will bring salvation? And what is salvation? Let us take that one first? What is salvation, and what is being saved? Does anybody know? What is being saved? Let us take one at a time. Yes?


COMMENT: Our personality.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, yes, the personality is being saved, and what was the next question, I asked what is being saved, and what is salvation? What does it mean? What is happening to the personality that is saved? We will cease from...


COMMENT: Separation from the carnal mind, Satan.


PASTOR VITALE: Well, that is a part of the process, but, that is not really; I mean someone in the street would not understand what that means. What is happening to us? Why is salvation desirable?

COMMENT: To us, we will cease from dying.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, we will cease from dying. We enter into eternal life.


Now, according to these verses that I have translated for you today, you can insert them together with the New Testament account of Jesus' temptation. It is clear to me, certainly in, I think it is Verse 4 or 5 that I translated today, that Satan offers us salvation. Satan offers salvation. You know, I have been preaching here for quite a while that you can enter into full stature in the Serpent's timeline.


I have been preaching that there is immortality in the Serpent's timeline, but I never quite thought of it in those terms, that Satan offers salvation. But, there is a positive salvation, and there is a negative salvation. I do not know what it will be like to be fully possessed by Satan, but I do not see how it could be good. But, remember she is good and evil.


She is good and evil, but I do not see how it could be good. I just, my feeling is that she may let you have, what you might consider a good life, until she is really got you, and then it has to turn into an oppression. Because everything that Satan does turns bad, it is just a matter of time. No matter how good it looks, it starts to decay and corrupt after a season. Because that is the nature of Satan's works, decay and corruption. But, there is a salvation, meaning that your personality will cease from dying, and the Scripture talks about the resurrection of the damned. So you will enter into the condition of eternal life, and in doing so you will be damned if it is Satan who grants you the salvation. It is so.


My carnal mind really urges that this message get out, and I look how, even if people would hear it today, people in the Church would reject it, people in the world would reject it, and my carnal mind just sits down and says, Lord it is all yours, because I do not know what to do with these people, I do not know what to do with them. Praise the Lord, He is going to do something with them. I know that He is going to do something with them. Because He has come that the whole world be saved, and although every personality may not be saved it is just a matter of time until He reconciles all things unto Himself.


Not all individual people, not all personalities, but it is the time, the Scripture says, for the reconciliation of the all. Even the word things in the King James translation is in italics which means it was added in by the King James translators. There is time for the reconciliation of the all, and another word for all, is whole. It is time for the reconciliation into wholeness, into wholeness.


What does that mean? It means that the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil must be joined to the Tree of Life. And this process is going to happen one individual at a time if you are still on the earth when it happens. If not, you pass out of the earth, your body, and your personality turn to dust.


The only thing that survives is the seed. Jehovah seed, that is the only thing that is permanent. Jehovah's seed, and even with Jehovah's seed the nature that is engraved on that seed is changeable.


So, the battle ultimately is between the Lord Jesus Christ, which was perfect in Jehovah's nature, and raised up for this battle, and the Primordial Serpent as she manifests herself through the collective Fiery Serpents called Leviathan. Awesome, awesome, awesome.


Brethren, these are who the immortals are. You see, it keeps getting clearer to me, as we go on it gets clearer to me, these are who the immortals are. They are the Fiery Serpents who had many incarnations, and who are living in some mature experience in an invisible plane. They are not all incarnated but waiting to incarnate again. That is who immortals are, these are the immortal ones.


I have to tell you, when I got up to the verse here where it says Michael made love to the Fiery Serpent, you know that was so offensive to me, because even though I am preaching this message, it was still registering in my carnal mind that Michael was making love to a snake, but you have to understand, and I have to understand that the Fiery Serpent is not a snake. She is an energy stream. She is not a snake that is in my back yard. She is an energy force, that is what she is, a force, she is energy. So all that this means is that Michael's positive energy, his light, Michael's light is positive energy, joined with the negative energy of the Fiery Serpent.


Brethren, what we have here is an atom. Atoms are positive and negative. The nucleus is positive, and the electrons that obit around the nucleus are negative. The whole creation is a mixture of positive and negative. The question is, Will the positive principle dominate the negative principles? Or will the negative principles dominate the positive principles? We are a negative and positive creation.


This is what the Scripture means when it says, The morning and the evening were the next day. Morning is a mixture of light and darkness, where the light predominates, and evening is a mixture of light and darkness, where the darkness predominates. We are positive and negative. Nobody can change that; that is not going to change.


Jehovah's creation is visible, and to be visible it must have dark elements in it. To form the light, you have to have the darkness to form the light. The question is, Who is in authority? That is the whole question.


We were talking about the mortal men of Judah being spiritual Philistines. I started out by telling you that every man born of a woman has a spiritual Fiery Serpent, has a worm, has a spiritual potential ovum within them, and what makes one man a spiritual Philistine, and another man not a spiritual Philistine, is the condition of their spiritual potential. The Fiery Serpent who is married to herself, and/or to the powers that she creates, and/or she has ascended to Leviathan, that person is a spiritual Philistine.


I think that I have to change that a little, I am sorry. The person whose Fiery Serpent is ascended, okay, but ascended apart from Christ Jesus. When the Fiery Serpent ascends, that is just another way of saying that she is engaging in a form of spiritual sexual intercourse. There has to be another element that she is joining with, and when the Fiery Serpent ascends without Christ Jesus, while she remains in the lowers energy centers, she has a relationship with the powers in the belly (3rd) energy center, which, at this time my understanding is, they are a world, they are inhabitants of a world which are spiritual insects.


And they inhabit the third energy center, the belly, and when the Fiery Serpent, when she ascended she has a relationship with them. And when she ascends beyond the belly (3rd) energy center, she goes higher into the next center, or higher than that, she engages in a relationship with the collective Leviathan, and at that point she become a spiritual Philistine.


The very name, Philistine, signifies fierce mighty men, powerful spiritual men. So the ascended Fiery Serpent, the one who has ascended outside of Christ Jesus, is a fierce spiritual or fierce mighty spiritual person, and the significance of the moral men of Judah being spiritual Philistines is that they were ascended. And they were supposed to be ascended through the resurrected Adam, but they have ascended in the wrong channel, they had ascended in the wrong timeline, and the same thing is happening in the Church today.


So the fact that this Scripture calls them Philistines means that they were ascended at least into the next energy center, but they had ascended into the wrong channel, and they were mighty men in the Serpent's nature. To ascend in spiritual authority, to have spiritual power with the Serpent's nature makes you a spiritual Philistine, and if you have any connection with the Lord at all, you should know that He is coming to knock you down. If you belong to Him, or if you are connected with Him, He is coming to knock you down. I do not know how long that is going to take, but hopefully, He will come to knock you down, because if He does not, you are a bastard.


So we see that the mortal men of Judah thought that they were ascended in Adam, but they were not. They were ascended in their carnal mind. They had spiritual powers, they were mighty men, but their minds were not Christ. Their mind was not Christ, their thoughts were not Christ, and, therefore, we are told in Chapter 15, in the Book of Judges, for this reason, Michael, I honesty do not know whether it was the spirit of Michael, but I think I did say that it was the Spirit of Elijah at that point.


The Spirit of Elijah raised Adam from the dead in the man Samson. The spirit of Elijah and Adam raised up a champion in Israel for the specific purpose of dealing with the ascended Fiery Serpents in the other men of Judah who ascended in an adulterous manner. She was a harlot, she was an adulterous woman.


In order to ascend you will have to have spiritual sexual intercourse, and she was engaged in this kind of relationship, but not with her husband Adam. And that is why Samson was raised up, and, brethren, this is why the sons of God today are being raised up. I tell you this frequently, it is not because of Jesus' love, it is not because He wants to give you a good time, it is not because He wants to give you peace, it is not. It has nothing to do with you, and it has nothing to do with me. It has to do with the glorified Jesus Christ who is the expression of Jehovah. This is His creation, and it belongs to Him. And Christ is trying to come forth in the clay of this creation and rule over it.


The positive energy stream is trying to come forth and dominate the negative energy stream, and He is having trouble doing so because the personalities that He is being born in are in agreement  with or prefer their carnal mind. And for that reason, for Christ's sake, the Spirit of Christ, the glorified Jesus Christ, is raising up saviors to judge the sins of His people, and to bring their mind, to bring their thinking, the thoughts of their mind, in line with the thinking of the Mind of Christ so that Christ, the son of God, can rise from the dead in you so that the whole creation can be restored to a form that glorifies Jehovah.


We are supposed to be an expression of Jehovah, and we are an exact opposite of what we are supposed to be. It has nothing to do with me or your personality at all. It has to do with Him. He did not bring us into existence to be an image of the Serpent. This is an illegal expression of Jehovah's creation, and it cannot continue, it is not legal for it to continue, and it has nothing to do with you or me.


If you happen to be in the right place at the right time, if you happen to, for whatever your reason, because it is something deep in your heart, because you heard about God or you heard about Jesus somewhere, if you happen to be one of these people that hears about the Lord and starts panting after him, He will take you and He will love you, and He will bless you. And He will answer your godly prayers, and He will be your Savior, but it is not for you. You are receiving the benefits of what the Lord Jesus Christ is doing as His service to Jehovah. So if you want to get on the right track, you can get all the benefits from being on the right side, and at this point it is largely 50/50.


I really do not see Him forcing anybody in this hour, I just do not see it. And the people that look like He is forcing, He is not really forcing. These are the people who have cried out day and night for help, but they are in such bondage to their canal mind that they fight against His deliverance when He comes to help them. These are the people that He is helping despite themselves. He is answering the call of their heart, He is not listening to their canal mind, but I do not see Him forcing people in this hour. I do not see the Lord forcing people in the hour. I just do not.


I think I explained spiritual Philistines in Israel. And then we read about Samson with the Fiery Serpent trying to free herself from Adam's domination after he harnesses her. The Fiery Serpent in each of us is to be harnessed or saddled, and that is just an expression in the Scriptures which indicates there is going to be a piggy back connection between the resurrected Adam and the Fiery Serpent, our spiritual potential.


She must be covered, she must come under the covering of Christ Jesus, she must be positionally under Him which means her thoughts cannot get pass Him. You see, Adam or Christ Jesus in the New Testament is a mind, He thinks through us. The Fiery Serpent must be trained. She must be engraved with the image of the thinking of the Christ mind. Therefore Adam or Christ Jesus sits on top of her, saddles her, He sits on top of her, and He presses down on her. He engraves His nature upon her. She must be saddled, and she must be engraved.


The Hebrew word that is translated engrave also means plow. She must be plowed. She must be engraved. Plow means cutting into the earth so that she can think. What happens when you are engraved? It means that you automatically think the thoughts of Christ Jesus. So, if this is not your nature right now, if it is not your automatic reaction to think with the thoughts of Christ Jesus, which in this hour, nobody is really doing it, and those of us who are, it is certainly not 100%. If you do not, if that is not your knee jerk reaction, your part is to admit that it is not, and that you would like it to be. It is that simple.


Praise the Lord. The Lord desires to give you His nature. He desires it even more than you desire it. He just wants you to admit that you do not have it. That is all. We have to admit that we do not have it. Jesus says, I come to give the blind sight, but, if you cannot admit that you are blind there is nothing that I can do for you. That is all He wants us to admit, admit that we are not Him.


You see, there is only one spirit that will stop us from admitting that we are not Him, and that is pride. The sin of pride is the worst sin in the Bible. In my opinion, pride is a worse sin than murder because pride stops you from repenting, and that is confession, you know, to say, I am not Christ, and I would like to be. Pride steals Christ from coming forth in you, and that is why it is a more serious crime than murder. Murder you can confess. David was a murderer, he confessed, he repented, he went on with God; but pride cuts you off from Christ. And that is why it is the worst sin in the Bible and the most difficult to detect. Most people will never believe that what is pride is pride. Praise the Lord.


So we see that the Fiery Serpent must be harnessed. Sometimes the word comes up in the Scriptures as harness, sometimes the word comes up as saddle, and we know that to harness or saddle the Fiery Serpent is to dominate her. So it is Adam who will be dominating the Fiery Serpent, and it is the Fiery Serpent's nature to resist that domination. She will resist that domination, and we will see in the verses that we go over, Satan, the spirit who is the lord, the Scriptures call Satan the Fiery lord.


She initiates the Fiery Serpent to resist Adam. So we will not have peace from pride, and rebellion, and envy and all of these major sins, which are in every human being which is born of a woman. Some people act them out more than others, some people deny them more than others, but they are in everybody. Some people deal with them in a healthy manner, other people deal with them in an unhealthy manner, but it is just human nature. We must deal with our fallen humanity.


So until the time that we are placed in the right moral order and fused through great spiritual heat into that position, until Satan is locked in the bottomless pit and silenced; Satan must be silenced. We will have these temptations, but I think the Lord has shown me that a lot of people become very afraid when they hear the temptations, when they hear the voices of sin in their mind. It scares them, and what they are thinking, whether they are aware of it or not, is, What if? What if I do not take the victory? What if she over comes me? I hear this sinful thought in my mind. What if I do it? What if, what if? What if?


Well, you have not done it. You have not done it. You do not have to do it. You do not have to be terrified because you hear the thought. You do not have to do it, and in Christ Jesus you cannot do it. So, most people who are in denial are in denial because of fear. Fear that they will not adequately deal with the sin in their mind, but the word of the Lord to all of you is that you can restrain yourself from doing it. In Christ Jesus, all things are possible. All things are possible, and if you are dealing with the voice of sin in your mind she is doing it any way, even though your consciousness does not know about it. She is doing it anyway, and you are responsible, and you will reap what you have sown.


So your best bet is that you face up to the voice of sin in your mind and deal with her. And to deal with her strongly, with a strong stick, you have to beat her, and burn her in the Lake of Fire, and fearlessly face her, and tell her that in Christ Jesus you can resist every suggestion that she makes.


We are still on Verse 1. I have already told you that the word, went, is proceeded by the nailed mind, which we are translating Adam. So the mind, the mind that was nailed to Adam, the mind that was nailed to Samson, went to the stronghold, went down to the lower energy centers. And we are picking up after the comment.


Again, we see the verb, saw, and saw; there are two prefixes before that also, which means nailed mind. So Adam, the mind that was nailed to Samson, went down into the lair of the Fiery Serpent, the lower energy centers, and the nailed mind saw there a woman to be a harlot, a woman to be an harlot, and saw there an harlot.


My point here, I have a comment on it. The English word translated harlot is; well, that is not right. It is the Hebrew word. I am sorry, the English word harlot, the word translated harlot should not be there.


The English word harlot is a translation of two Hebrew words, Strong's #802, which means woman, that should be woman singular, woman, and Strong's #218, which means to be a harlot. Samson then entered into the lair of the Fiery Serpent and saw the adulterous women.


In the King James translation, they did not translate the word, woman. They just translated the word harlot, but I like to use, if it is legitimate, I like to use terms that we read about in the New Testament, because I think it helps people. Helps people to just pull the whole revelation together.


So we see that Adam was resurrected in Samson and nailed to him. He was secure in the personality of Samson, and they entered into the lower energy centers, the lair of the Fiery Serpent, and there she was, they saw her, the adulterous woman, the Fiery Serpent. They saw the adulterous woman, that is what she is; she is an energy stream, a force, and she is called a Serpent because the pattern that she moves in is a spiraling pattern. It is a spiraling, she goes in a spiral, it is a spiraling pattern. So she is called a Serpent, but she is not a snake like we know a snake. She is an energy force, and she is a female energy force.


She is the negative energy force. The male energy force is the positive energy force, and the resurrected Adam, and the one who raised him from the dead, Michael, or the Spirit of Elijah, or the Spirit of Christ, is looking to be rejoined to the negative aspect of the creation in the correct moral order. So, when Christ comes to you He is looking for your spiritual potential, and He is looking to bring her into submission into Himself. And in that submission, there is a release of great spiritual power, but we see that most people, if not all people, who are in their carnal mind, which is the whole world, by and large, are fearful of this experience.


They are thinking evil of the Lord Jesus Christ, thinking that He wishes to capture them, and enslave them, and do evil to them. And the truth of the matter is that when the carnal mind thinks of Christ Jesus and His plan for them, it is what Satan is planning for the human race. That is not what Christ Jesus is planning for the human race. That is what Satan's planning for the human race, so they are choosing the wrong person.


Why? Because they have the nature of the wrong person. They have Satan's nature, so they are convinced that Satan is better for them, although they do not perceive her as Satan. They think that what they got is better for them than Christ Jesus. But, it is just an illusion, it is a lying deception.


It is just like a woman who is married to a man that is beating her. Maybe this is her third marriage, and this is the third man that is beating her, and she is just not willing to let go. She thinks it is better than having no husband at all. People are afraid of change, and no matter how bad what they have is, at least they know what they have got. They know what they have got, they know that they are surviving in it, and they know that, that life is not that bad.


It all depends on what you consider that bad. A lot of prostitutes go through that. Their pimps abuse them, and they will not leave because they think their life is good. Everything is in your mind, you see. Everything is how you think about it.


So the English word, harlot, is a translation of two Hebrew words, Strong's #802, which means, woman, and Strong's #2181, which means to be a harlot. Samson then entered into the lair of the Fiery Serpent, and he saw the adulterous women. He perceived her. He did not see her with his physical eyes, he saw her in the spirit, he saw her in the spirit, and he saw her with thought.


You saw her the other day. She spoke to you, and you recognized her. Right? Okay, she is in our mind. She is thought. You see, you have to know this, it is essential. She is in your thoughts, and the way she speaks is in a manner that makes you think that it is your own thoughts. Well, it is your own thought. You are her, and she is you. She is in your thoughts. Christ is in your thoughts, the Fiery Serpent is in your thoughts, and Satan speaks through the Fiery Serpent. Just like the glorified Jesus Christ speaks to Christ in you, Satan speaks to the Fiery Serpent. She is the mediator; the Fiery Serpent is the mediator. She is a thought.


So we must learn, and what we are striving to do here is to recognize the enemy within, and the way we recognize her is by examining every thought in our mind, and by examining every reaction that we have, and by saying, Lord Jesus, was that you?


He teaches us by contrast. He teaches us by contrast. He wants us to ask Him. I ask Him all the time. I form opinions, and I say, Lord, is that your mind? Is that your opinion? And sometimes I do not have an opinion, and I say, Lord, let me have Your mind. What are Your thoughts on this issue? And the way things are set up is that, if we do not specifically desire and ask for the thoughts of the Lord Jesus Christ, we default to the thoughts of the carnal mind.


We must pursue Him actively. We must pursue His thoughts, and His manner of thinking actively or, if you are not doing that, your thoughts are of the carnal mind. You need to know that. Well, I wake up every morning, and I; well, I do not do that every morning anymore, but I did it for a long time. I am in, I am in pretty deep. You have to wake up every morning, and say, Lord, let my thoughts be Your thoughts, let my words be Your words, let my carnal mind be buried today, show me the difference, Lord. Today, show me the difference between Your thoughts and my thoughts. Let me understand the difference so I can choose. This is what He is looking for from you, and this is how He will teach you. Satan is in your mind, in your thought patterns. Praise the Lord.


You know the Scripture talks about there being a straight way and a crooked way. Well, we all can relate to that. The crooked way is the Serpent, and it is wrong, and the straight way is righteous. It was just revealed to us in our online meeting that what that crooked and straight means is that it is talking about the patterns of the energy force that result in thought, and it is the Serpent's thoughts that are spiraling, crooked, and it is the thoughts of the Lord that are straight.


So when the Scripture talks about straight and crooked thoughts, all that it is saying is reject the thoughts of your carnal mind and choose the straight path. Choose the thoughts of Christ. Well, how can you do that if you cannot tell the difference? You cannot choose if you cannot tell the difference, and the only way you are going to learn to tell the difference, the difference between the two thoughts in your mind, they both sound exactly alike, the only way you are going to learn to tell the difference is to put it before the Lord.


Now, it is possible that you can have an intense relationship like you probably do. Like I know you do with the Lord, in certain areas you know His voice, but there are other areas that are untouched, and He wants you to recognize His voice in these other areas also. He wants to expand in you.


Alternate Translation

Judges, Chapter 16, Verse 1


Verse 1, And Adam came to the lair of the Fiery Serpent in the mortal men of Judah, and Adam saw the adulterous woman who lives there, and Adam entered into her.


He entered into her, and there was a mixture of the two energy streams. Adam, the positive, entered into the Fiery Serpent, the negative timeline. He straightened out her spiraling molecules and brought her into the right submission to him. He took her tail out of her mouth and made her into a straight line, an energy string, instead of an energy spiral, and they became one.


One spiritual, I do not know what the right word is, I am going to say one spiritual atom just for the purposes of understanding with the positive elements or positive principles, and the negative principles relating to one another in the right moral order.


Continuing with Judges, Chapter 16, Verse 2, And it was told the Gazites, saying, Samson is come hither. And they compassed him in, and laid wait for him all night in the gate of the city, and were quiet all the night, saying, On the morning, when it is day, we shall kill him.


Now, as so often happens with these translations, we see that the King James translators make it sound like the Gazites wanted to kill Samson. Let us just find out what it says. As we go along, the words, and it was told, are not in the Hebrew. That was just added in by the King James translators.


I am translating Gaza; well, I have down the Fiery Serpent. We said that Gaza was the stronghold, the lair of the Fiery Serpent. So I am translating the Gazites, the inhabitants of Gaza, as the Fiery Serpent, and the word, saying, we are switching to said.  


Is come Samson, we will keep all that. The word hither, we are switching to here. And the next word, and they compassed him in, there are two prefixes before that, and it means, the nailed mind which is Adam, and not; they did not compass, the King James says, Gazites compassed Samson about.


The Interlinear Text reveals that Adam compasses Samson about. Adam was protecting him. Samson had his armor on. Samson, who was joined to the ascended or the resurrected Adam in him, was having a spiritual experience. He enters into, most likely, the astral plane. I do not know if it was the astral plane or the etheric plane, but, Samson entered into one of the spiritual dimensions. But, he entered in with a diving suit.


I am going to say the astral plane, that what is coming to me right now. Now, we heard about this when we studied Jonah. The big fish that Jonah was in was not a bad thing. It was really Christ Jesus who was protecting him against the pressure of the astral plane. It is the astral plane which is Satan's sea. That is another name for the astral plane, Satan's sea, and when we enter into that spiritual dimension we need to be protected against the dangers of that dimension. The only way we can safely enter into the astral plane is to be compassed about by Christ Jesus.


Now, I believe that Jesus brought his disciples into the astral or etheric or both astral and etheric planes on a regular basis, that he gave them spiritual experiences in the astral and etheric planes on a regular basis. And in one account the waves became so strong, the waves of the astral plane, that they cried out for fear. Every time you read in the New Testament that Jesus or Jesus and His disciples went to the other side, that is what it means. They went into one of the inner dimensions, either the etheric or astral plane. That is the other side. They went into the spiritual, other side of the creation.


So, Samson had his spiritual experience. He had to go into his spiritual plane to see the Fiery Serpent, but he entered into the spiritual plane protected by Christ Jesus. Praise the Lord. That is exciting. I think I look forward to that day of having experiences like that. But I always hesitate. Part of me will like it, but you never know asking for things that you really do not know what they are going to be like. That is a dangerous thing, but I am always willing to go on with the Lord, knowing that I am safe with Him. And I definitely do not want to move on without Him, that is for sure.


So, I left a prefix out here. Prior to the Gazites, we have the prefix widow, the widowed Fiery Serpent. The Gazites are the widowed Fiery Serpents, signifying that they are not married to Christ Jesus. When the Fiery Serpent is married to herself, or married to Leviathan, or married to the powers of the brow energy center, the Scripture does not consider that a marriage. It is only the union with the resurrected Adam, or in the New Testament with Christ Jesus, that Scripture considers her married.


So the widowed Fiery Serpent said, Samson is come here; and then we have Adam again, the nailed mind Adam, and Adam is compassing him about, compassing Samson about. And then we have the two prefixes: vav and yod again, and that is the third time we have Adam. And Adam laid wait or set an ambush.


So the King James says that it was the Gazites that set an ambush for Samson, but the Interlinear Text says that it was Adam who was; well, I do not know if it is true or not, but the Fiery Serpents are saying that Adam has come with Samson, he entered into our dimension, he is setting an ambush for all of the Fiery Serpents.


Now, this word night, generally speaking, I would translate night as Leviathan, because that Hebrew word means dark shadow, and I know that Leviathan is Elohim's dark shadow. But, in the context of Verse 2, I think we should interpret the dark shadow to be the Fiery Serpent because the word night is modified by the word all; all of Leviathan, so that is talking about the Fiery Serpents that are together.


Just like we talk about the Body of Christ, all of the Fiery Serpent that are the body of Leviathan or the body of the shadow, or the body of darkness. The many Fiery Serpents in mortal humanity are Leviathan's daughters. Leviathan is the offspring, or the larva, or the seed of the collective Leviathan. There is a collective Leviathan. Praise the Lord.


Who is the Leviathan? She is a part of the present-day manifestation of the Primordial Serpent. Today's present-day manifestation of the Primordial Serpent is called Satan and Leviathan, and the Fiery Serpents are all a part of Leviathan. Satan is the liquid part, and Leviathan is the solid part. Liquid and solid.


The whole creation is always liquid and solid. You may recall when we did the Serpent's Triangle that we say that Adam was heavy water. He was the nucleus of the atom of creation. Adam was the heavy one, and the waters were subject to him, but, in this upside-down creation, Satan is the Lord of Leviathan who is the solid one.


Everything is backward, but the creation, if you can think of the creation in the terms of a single atom, there is always a part that is denser than the other part. There is a part that more solid and a part that is more liquid. So the atom of this fallen creation is call Satan and Leviathan. Satan the liquid part, and Leviathan the solid part, Satan the sea, and Leviathan the island in the sea.


And we have a few more words, in Verse 2, In the gate of the city. And it was told the Gazites, saying, Samson is come hither. And they compassed him in, and laid wait for him all night in the gate of the city.


This term, in the gate of the city, signifies the entrance way into either Leviathan or Adam or Christ Jesus' timeline. The city is; you see, there is a whole world of existence inside each of the timelines within us. There are internal worlds within us. We talk a lot, although I have not talked about it for a while, we talk a lot about spiritual cities and the timeline, whether it be Christ Jesus' timeline or Leviathan's timeline. It is called a city because there are inhabitants there. It is filled with the beings that exist in the world that our energy centers are attached to.


I have these drawing on the board for you. I know that the belly (3rd) energy center is connected or is a doorway to the world where the spiritual insects live, and the world or occult calls them nature spirits, but the Scripture calls them insects. The world glorifies them, and makes them very desirable beings like fairies, gnomes, etc., but the Scripture calls the beings of the third of the world, that we enter into through the belly (3rd) energy center, spiritual insects, and they are not all desirable.


They are very dangerous to our health, and we should not be consulting with them, or encouraging them in any way. As we yield to lust, we encourage them. As we yield to lust we encourage them because it is actually them lusting through us. So they must be pushed back into the doorway, have the door closed.


If you have any kind of lust problem, lust for food, lust for gambling, lust for money, lust for material possessions, lust for pretty things, lust for clothes; it does not have to be sexual lust, lust for anything, it means that there is a high activity, high level of activity of the inhabitants of your belly (3rd) energy center living through you. That is what it means. So if you have a problem like that, and you want to know how to pray warfare, one of the things you should seriously consider in your prayer time, in your deliverance prayer time, is smiting all these; most of them are moths. I believe that there are insects other than the moths, but the Scripture talks mostly about the moths.


When you smite them they turn to dust, they are simply made of water and earth. They have no spirit in them. So you can smite them, and you can push them back into the doorway. You can do this in your mind. Push them back into the doorway and slam the doorway close. All of these spiritual insects that are living through you are living in the etheric part of your being, and their activity is causing you to lust. But, of course, you have fallen into agreement with them. You have to fall out of agreement with them. You must decide that you do not want this lust, and, in the spirit, when you pray, push them out the door and slam the door and lock it. And anyone who is inside, smite them and turn them to dust.


So this principle of a city, we have spiritual cities within us; if you have Christ Jesus, you have two spiritual cities, and if you do not have Christ Jesus, you just have one spiritual city. But everybody has a spiritual city within them, and this city is built around the energy centers. This city is built around the energy centers.


There is a street which is most likely the etheric counterpart of the spinal column with a spinal cord. They are entities that have no form, and they take up no time or space, but they are pure consciousness. Although I do believe that they have form in their plane, I do not understand it completely, but they do have form in their dimension.


Brethren, the more I learn, the less I know. I do not know any more than that, but they all are living inside of us, I know that. They are living inside of us, and then, of course, there is a difference between the spiritual insects and the demons. It is my understanding right now that the demons are thought forms, evil thought forms, and spiritual insects are moths. They are different.


Praise the Lord. We are infested. We are infested, the whole planet is infested. I almost died, to be honest with you, I almost freaked out when the vacuum cleaner salesmen came and showed me what was in my mattress. All the mites that were in my mattress. They are there, we are infested, they are everywhere, but they so microscopic that we cannot see them. Well, they are not only outside of us, in our mattress, and on the floor, they are on our skin, and they are inside of us. We are infested inside and out.


Brethren, this is hell, this is hell. We are infested inside and out, and this is why we get sick, and this is why we die, because all of these spiritual insects, and whatever else they are, are feeding on us. Just like the insects of this world, just like the mosquito, and the gnats of this world, coming and trying to bite us and drink our blood. It is happening, in the spiritual plane also. We are being totally victimized, both in this world, and in this visible world.


So we are talking about  in the gate of the city. Now, the gate to the city is the Fiery Serpent. The Fiery Serpent is an essential part of the whole human being. Everything in the human individual is built around her, and actually it is the incarnating Fiery Serpent that literally weaves our body.


Our body is a woven garment. I think the Scripture clearly bears that out, that our body is a woven; well, it does not say our body, but it says we have a woven garment, and even if you read the Scriptures, where Paul says, We seek to be clothed upon, Paul, talks about a garment. If you look up that word in the Greek, it is talking about a woven garment. So we are a woven garment, and we are woven by the Fiery Serpent.


That is who we are woven by, and, just like a spider, after she weaves us she lives in us. The spider weaves her web, then she lives in us. She lives in the web. This is gruesome, but Jesus says that the truth will set you free.


Jesus says, The truth will set you free. That is all true. This is our condition, and what is more truth, is that Jesus has come to deliver us from our condition. So do not concentrate on the condition but concentrate on the fact that He wants to deliver us and stand tall, and let us face the truth, and go on and get out of here. The sooner the better! Let us get out of here. When you get a revelation of what is going on here, you do not want to stay. So, I am talking about the gate of the city.


So the Fiery Serpent, she is the gate to the city. She is the entrance, she is the swinging doorway, and she can turn the whole man either into the city of Leviathan or into the city of Christ Jesus. If the resurrected Christ Jesus succeeds in harnessing her and sitting on her.


The Fiery Serpent is the gateway to the city of God. When she is on her own, when she is widowed, and she is not apprehended, harnessed or saddled by Christ Jesus, she the gateway to hell. She is the swinging door that Jehovah was talking about when He spoke to Cain, and said, You know that if you do not choose the righteous way, sin lieth at the door. You see, there is another city over there. All you have to do is swing, in that direction. If you do not choose the right way, you swing, in that other direction, and you enter right into hell.


Going on with Verse 2. And it was told the Gazites, saying, Samson is come hither. And they compassed him in, and laid wait for him all night in the gate of the city, and the King James says, and were quiet all the night.


But we have a word here, were quiet. That is Strong's #2790, and that word, when you look it up, can be translated engraved, and it also can be translated to silence. As I know that Satan is the one who is being silenced (I put Satan in brackets); Satan must be silenced, and the Fiery Serpent is going to be engraved.


You see, this is very common in our Hebrew translations that I choose more than one word because I have a revelation that both of these translations are legitimate but applying to different principles. The Hebrew language is a supernatural language. I believe it was set up this way. You might say to yourself, how can one word mean both silence and engrave, what does one have to do with the other? Well, in English, one word has nothing to do with the other; to my carnal mind, one has nothing to do with the other, but Hebrew is a supernatural language, and I know that Satan is the one who is silenced, and the Fiery Serpent is the one who was engraved.


So when you are looking at this word from a spiritual point of view, to engrave and to silence definitely have something in common. The word is talking about the dealing with the carnal mind by the Christ mind. When the Christ mind, when the resurrected Adam, when Christ Jesus comes to the carnal mind, He deals with each aspect of the carnal mind differently, and Satan, the unconscious mind, is silenced.


The Fiery Serpent, the subconscious part of the mind, is engraved. Leviathan, the collective subconscious mind, is boiled and cooked. Although Leviathan is really the same as the Fiery Serpent, but a different aspect (I do not want to confuse you). So, we see the words, and were quiet, that verb, to be quiet can be translated to silence and to engrave, and we are going to choose both translations because we know that Satan is the one being silenced, and the Fiery Serpent is the one being engraved.


The word all, we are keeping, the word night, we are translating the Fiery Serpents, I already explained that, it is usually Leviathan, but the fact that the word is modified, the fact that the word night is modified by the word all, means that it is talking about the collective Leviathan, which is the Fiery Serpents.


The word saying, Strong's #559, can also be translated, to intend, we will choose that translation. The word in, we are translating to the point that, that is Strong's #5704, the words it is are not in the Hebrew, the word day really means. if you look that up, Strong's #216, it is talking about the light, and of course, the quality, or the characteristic, the overriding characteristic of the day time is the light.


So we see that this word being translated day, really means the light. And the word morning, Strong's #1242, means the breaking of the night and rays of light, shining through, the breaking of the day, and the words, when we shall kill him, Strong's #2026, and we shall be destroyed.


When I first looked at this word, there was several prefixes there, when I first looked at it, I was led to look up all of the meanings of the individual letters of the Hebrew word, translated to kill, including the one prefix vav, and I got an interesting answer.


I have told you many times that when I do this, you know, it is just like a math problem, if you add it another way to check yourself, you are supposed to get the same answer. The way the Hebrew language is set up is that, the meaning in the Lexicon of the whole word really should line up with the meaning of the individual letters, if you take a letter at a part, but what usually happens is if you take it a letter at a time, you usually get a more detailed meaning, but it should coincide with the meaning of the word in general, and this is what happened here.


I pulled it apart, all of the letters that appeared in my Interlinear Text. Vav means nailed, hey means window, resh means head, gimel means neck, that is the neck energy center, the 5th energy center, nun equals fish, and hey equals window. And this is what I got, The head of the neck energy center of the upper window.


PASTOR VITALE: Who is the head of the neck energy center of the upper window, does anybody know?




PASTOR VITALE: Yes, Adam. So Adam, the head of the neck energy center of the upper window, will nail the Fiery Serpents to the upper window.


So, the translation of the Hebrew word, Strong's #2026, which the King James translates to kill, and we chose to translate to destroy, we find that explained when we pull all the letters apart, we find out how they are going to be destroyed. To the carnal mind, or to the mind of these Fiery Serpents which are in the Serpent's image; to have Adam, the head of neck energy center, nail these Fiery Serpents, who exist in the lair (they exist out of the lower centers); to take them out of the lower centers and nail them to the upper window, is death! And indeed, are we not commanded to die the Fiery Serpent's lifestyle?


Adam has come to kill the Fiery Serpent. He most certainly has come to kill her, but Adam has not come, Christ Jesus has not come to bring to an end the existence of the Fiery Serpent, He has come to bring to an end her lifestyle, and to raise her existence up into a higher plane. But to the mentality of the Fiery Serpent this is death, and the Hebrew word in the Scripture is we shall be destroyed.


So we see that the Fiery Serpent's concept of destruction is to be nailed to the upper window under Adam's authority, and brethren, does not this attitude manifest in human beings everywhere? It is a spirit of rebellion. Frequently wives do not want to submit to their husbands, children do not want to submit to their parents, to them it is just utter destruction. The thought of this submission is utter destruction. People do not want to submit to a pastor, the thoughts of it are utter destruction, but the Scripture says it is life. Honor your father and your mother and you will live long on the earth. Submit to a legitimate head and it will help you to live. The legitimate head watches for your soul, it covers your soul, it covers your sins, you know, but the carnal mind does not want to do it, the carnal mind is afraid. And for this very reason, what is being described right here in this verse, in this phrase of the verse, is the attitude of the average person, who hears the Lord calling them; they are afraid to come, they are afraid of going into bondage.


This is the thinking, these are the thoughts of Satan in their mind, because the whole world should be running for this salvation, but they are running from it because they have the Serpent's nature. And for this reason, in the fullness of time, the Lord Jesus Christ is going to engrave all of the personalities existing at the time with His nature, against their will, because the whole world is spiritually insane, and they will never turn to Christ of their own accord.


I remind you, in case anyone that is reading this message has not heard this, that the Lord Jesus will not do this through a mortal man, a man that has sin cannot force himself on any other mortal man. It can only be a man or a company of men in whom Christ Jesus is fully raised from the dead, and totally living through that person; it has to be Christ Jesus Himself, God Himself in the flesh, engraving people with His nature against their will. A mortal man cannot be doing that. Why not? Because if you are a mortal man, you too have the nature of the Serpent.


So if you are still mortal, if Adam has not wiped out your own carnal mind, and you are forcing your nature on somebody else, you are just giving them another aspect of the Serpent's nature, and it is witchcraft. So we wait. We wait for the public appearance of Christ Jesus, we wait for His manifestation, His full manifestation in the earth, so that we can all be engraved in the nature of Christ Jesus.


This is what the disciples were doing when they came to Peter, and the King James parable talks about Ananias holding back the price of the land. Ananias was one of the disciples that had an appointment with the apostle Peter, for the specific purpose of the apostle Peter, who was in full stature (Christ Jesus was fully raised from the dead in him), who had the authority to overshadow the disciple who submitted to him and have the nature of Christ engraved on him. That is what they were all coming to Peter for, they were not coming to him to leave money. They were coming to ask for help in overcoming the Fiery Serpent within themselves, because a mortal man cannot overcome the Fiery Serpent within himself.


The Scripture clearly says that people in our condition right now, we are moving forward every day, moving forward, moving forward, but we can only go so far, and then the Lord Jesus is going to have reach down and yank us up the rest of the way, because sin holds us down. But once there is a company of men in the earth who are in perfection, a company of men in whom Christ Jesus is so fully manifested, that He is covering over and sealing off their carnal mind, so that there are no thoughts of the carnal mind coming through at all, then people in the flesh, human beings can come to these saviors in the flesh, and say, Help me to put down my carnal mind, so that Christ in me can stand up and overshadow her. That is what Ananias was doing with Peter. And even then, what I just described to you is a form of the catching up, you can only go so far yourself, and then it takes somebody who is in perfection to yank you up the rest of the way.


Now today, in this world today, as far as I know, nobody is in perfection, and I know that I am doing all that I can every day. I am waiting for the time that the Lord Jesus, the glorified Jesus Christ, reaches down His hand into my black hole, and catches me up into the brow energy center. I am waiting for that, I cannot get there myself. But I am waiting for a disembodied spirit to do it.


But once the first-fruits company stand, once Christ Jesus is appearing in visible human beings, people in the Church will be coming for this experience. But it is still a catching up, but it is catching up from God in the flesh, which is much easier to understand.


It is much harder to hold on for this promise the way we are getting it, but when the day comes that the first-fruits company stands, and the Church and the people of the world get their own witness that it is God, and that they are having positive experiences, and they see that it is Christ Jesus, the people will be coming and saying, I want what you have. They have to come to us and say, I want what you have, and then we will be able to help them put down their carnal mind. Actually. I am helping you to do that here, but only with your intense cooperation. But the higher the man is ascended in Christ Jesus, and especially when he is in perfection, he can be of great assistance.


I am helping you, but it is taking years and years, and I am not up there myself, so as I am getting up, I am dragging you with me, but the day will come that there will be a company of men standing on the earth who will be in perfection, who will be able to bring other men into perfection, and possibly in not too long a period of time. So we look forward to that day, I look forward to that day, anyway.


Alternate Translation

Judges, Chapter 16, Verse 2


Verse 2, And the Fiery Serpents in the mortal men of Judah said, Samson is come here, and Adam is compassing him about, and laying an ambush for all of the Fiery Serpents who have ascended into Leviathan's city, and Adam the head of the neck energy center of the upper window intends to silence Satan and engrave all of the Fiery Serpents with the nature of Michael, the light wave who calls forth Adam, or who raises Adam from the dead, Adam the morning, and nailed them to the upper window of creation, and he intends to silence Satan and engrave all of the Fiery Serpents with the nature of Michael, the light wave, who calls forth Adam the morning, and nailed them to the upper window of creation.


And we see that the suggestion here, it is very strong in my spirit, that there is absolute panic among the Fiery Serpents. Now remember, the Fiery Serpents are the unconscious mind of the mortal men of Israel. These men to Samson were as the Church is to us today, they are terrified of us, if they even see us, they think, You are coming in with your strange crazy doctrine and you are asking submission and having your sin exposed, and what are you trying to accomplish in me, surely you are out to hurt me. That is what, that is the thoughts of the carnal mind. These Fiery Serpents, they are in people, that is the subconscious mind of people, this is happening in the Church today.


I have a witness for you, Isaiah 6:4, And Michael, the light wave sounded, summoning Elohim's breath from the inward part of the Serpent's household, and the doorkeeper who had snatched them, was seized with terror, and Michael, the light wave completed the spirits that ascended out of their carnal mind.


Michael is the light wave. In Judges 16:2, we see that Michael calls forth Adam or raises Adam from the dead. In Isaiah 6:4, it does not say that, it just says Michael, the light wave sounded; he is summoning Elohim's breath, or the human spirit, from the inward part of the Serpent's household, and the doorkeeper who had snatched them (and I am not sure whether that is the Primordial Serpent or Leviathan, I do not have my names straight there at that time). At the beginning, there was seized with terror, I think it is probably Leviathan, either Satan or Leviathan was seized with terror, and Michael; I amplified in there, ...and Michael, the light wave completed the spirits that ascended out of their carnal mind, but I do not know that this is right now. Maybe it should be Adam in there. Michael, the light wave, called forth Adam, and Adam completed the spirits that ascended out of their carnal mind.


So once again, I am showing you that, as I continue on with these translations, it brings corrections to previous translations, and it helps me to translate future verses, because I just continue to learn, continue to learn. And we find that many verses only have partial information, and when you put them altogether, then, in this particular area, you have a fuller knowledge of the revelation which you can apply to many other verses.


But as you can see, once again I am showing you that, even though it says, in Isaiah 6:4, this is from our Alternate Translation, And Michael, the light wave, completed the spirits that ascended out of their carnal mind; it is not, it is still a member of the household of God, I would not call it an error, I would just say that my understanding was not deep enough to understand that it was Adam and not Michael that completed them. It is just a lack of understanding, of which member of the household of God is doing this work, at the time that I translated Isaiah 6.


Continuing with Judges, Chapter 16, Verse 3, And Samson lay till midnight, and arose at midnight, and took the doors of the gate of the city, and the two posts and went away with them bar and all, and put them upon his shoulders, and carry them up to the top of the hill, that is before Hebron.


Again, we have before the verb to lay, we have the two prefixes, vav and yod, which means nailed mind, which we are translating Adam, and we are translating the Hebrew word translated lay, in the King James, to have intercourse with, that is what the word means, to lay with a woman, to lie with a woman, to have intercourse with her.


And we understand, I hope, that there is a such a thing as a spiritual intercourse, it is an intercourse of mind, and we are talking about a mixing of energies, a mixing of energies. So when the Scripture says something like, you should not eat with somebody, or you should not fornicate, of course we are not supposed to physically fornicate, but the Scripture is going beyond the physical. Even when it says you should not eat with somebody, what the Scripture is saying is that you should not mix mind, you should not have intercourse of the mind with that person.


And that was the point I was trying to make to you earlier, I pray the Lord gives you understanding, that we could talk to people, we can be polite to them, we can truly bless them and wish the best for them, we do not have to be evil towards people, but if we know that something is wrong with that person's heart, we should not take their spirit in, there should not be a mixing of spirit that we partake of any unclean thing that is within them.


The only way I can describe to you how to avoid that, it is really hard to describe to you, the only way that I know to help you to understand this, is that we must know in our mind the person's potential, or the depths of their evil, if they are evil. You do not have to hate them, you do not have to be mad at them, you do not have to not talk to them, but when you stop and say hello to them, if you know that they are engaged in evil activities, for example, actually physically praying against me, or anyone that you know, when you know this about a person, and you just greet them openly, you receive their spirit. I do not know how to explain it to you any better. When you meet that person and when you know in your mind that this is a person who is doing evil to you or to somebody close to you, you can still be polite and wish them well, but when you know that this person is an enemy (it is an attitude of mind), their spirit does not come into you.


And Jesus said, The truth will set you free, and this includes knowing the truth about everybody; knowing the truth about them, knowing their potential, knowing what they are capable of. You still hope for the best for them, but you cannot live in a fantasy as to who they are, and as to thinking that there will not be any serious consequences for people who are really doing harm to other people, although, granted, this is what the world teaches: look away and cover it up, and just hope for the best for them. But that is the good side of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and when we do this, we have a mixing of our spirit, which can damage us, and I am telling you that I did this for years. I did this for years.


Anybody and everybody that I met, you know, I would just glad to see them, I was willing to take them into my house, want to be friends with everybody, and eventually I grew up. Because of the hardness of this ministry, I had to grow up, because I am a physical woman in a ministry that is not; this is no ministry for a woman. So I could not change my physical sex, and the Lord of course would not change my physical sex, but I had to develop a male mind to survive in this ministry.


So believe me, I learned the hard way, but you see lots of women they do that, they take everyone into their heart, and they have a physical husband watching over them, and they survive, but if you want to be a son of God, you cannot rely on your physical husband, you have to develop this male mind. If you want to be a son of God and you happen to be a physical woman, it requires developing this male mind.


So I am telling you once again, there is nothing wrong with being this nice person that thinks the best of everybody, because that is acceptable for women in our society, but it is not acceptable for men, neither physical men or spiritual men. So everybody has their handicaps, when a physical man is called to be a son of God, he has to deal with the male sex drive, eventually as you go on with God, eventually your sex drive is going to dry up, as you reach certain heights of ascension, and at least it is my understanding that it is harder on most men, it is most difficult for the average man than it is for the average woman to overcome that.


So we who are physical women, we have this feminine attitude that we want to forgive and love everybody and be soft; women are characterized by being soft, you know, it is a nice quality in the Lord, but if you want to be a son of God, we have to deal with this. Men do not have this problem. The average man does not have this problem of not opening himself to everybody. So what we are, male or female, younger or older, or whatever our life experience is, we all have our drawbacks to this kind of calling, and we all have to compensate to whatever our drawbacks are.


But everybody's eligible; all you need is Christ Jesus coming forth in you, that is all you need, and if you are willing to work at it, you can overcome every drawback that you have, through wisdom, through wisdom. I still have physical drawbacks that a physical man would not have, but I have overcome because the Lord has shown me, through wisdom, how to overcome. So there is not anything that you cannot overcome, if you are just willing to accept the teaching, and submit yourself to the Lord for whatever changes He wants to make in you. Praise the Lord. There was something that I wanted to say, it was something about that male female thing, something about a physical husband watching over you.


We are working on Judges 16, Verse 3. So we see that Adam is having intercourse with Samson; the mind has intercourse with the personality. Mind, Adam, is just the Old Testament way of saying the mind of Christ, Adam is a mind, and mind has intercourse with a personality, in the same manner the carnal mind can have intercourse with a personality. And the carnal mind, which we all have, desires to have intercourse with our personality, and in fact has intercourse with our personality continuously.


This is why the Scripture calls us the harlot, because at this point, we are incapable of completely stopping the adultery that we engage in with the carnal mind, we are not capable of stopping completely. What we are doing as we draw closer and closer to Christ Jesus, we are giving up the adultery, Satan and Leviathan, little by little. And you what is really interesting, is that you find some men and women in this world who try to do this, but in the flesh, it is illegal.


If you are married, whether you are a man or a woman; if you are married, and you are really unhappy with your mate and you have decided that you want to separate, it is wrong, morally wrong, assuming that you have a legitimate reason to separate, but whether you do or not, it is morally wrong to go out and find another mate, a boyfriend or girlfriend while you are still married and still living with the other person. But you know people do this, they do not want to be alone, so they go out and they find somebody while they are still married, and they engage in the relationship while they are still married, it is adultery, and then when they get divorced they have another mate waiting for them, this is a very wrong thing to do. It is not only wrong to your mate, it is wrong for your children, and it is also wrong for yourself, because you really cannot come into a new relationship prepared to give that relationship your best when you are just transferring from one to another, without any time to become strong, to heal, to learn from your mistakes. It is just a very dangerous thing to do, to go from one relationship to another one, without letting yourself adjust to and mature out of your experience.


But in the spirit, this is the way that is acceptable to God. And, of course, we are not even supposed to be getting separated or divorced, although I am not a religious fool, I acknowledge that there are some circumstances under which you really have to leave, and of course it is Scriptural for the woman to leave her husband if she abides alone. Once again, this does not mean that you cannot ever get married again, but it means that you must stay alone long enough to have the Lord heal you and make you whole, and I have never seen it happen in less than ten years. That is my personal experience.


But in the spirit, this is not only acceptable, it seems to be the only way we are incapable of divorcing our carnal mind, without being able to lean on Christ Jesus. It is a gradual weaning away from our carnal mind. And every time our carnal mind or Christ Jesus thinks through us, every time we agree with the thoughts of a mind, which ever mind it is, we have spiritual sexual intercourse with that mind. This is how you have sex with a mind. This is how you, or we, me, the personality. have sex with a mind. We agree with their thoughts. That is how we have sex with a mind. So every time we think a thought that is not Christ, it is adultery. That is a hard word, but Jesus said, The truth is going to set you free. We have got to hear it.


So, how in the world can we stop thinking the thoughts of Satan and Leviathan? Well brethren, I have not overcome, I mean I am not 100%, believe me I have many carnal thoughts, a lot more than I would like to admit that I have. And it is a gradual weaning away from the thoughts of the carnal mind, which begin with our learning how to recognize the thoughts of the carnal mind. How could you ever fall out of agreement with them if you cannot recognize them? So when I say something to you, when I tell you, that was not Christ, that was your carnal mind, what I am saying to you is that, You, whoever you are, that you did not recognize that this was Satan and Leviathan thinking through you, they penetrated you.


That is why it is called intercourse, they penetrated your mind. They thought right through you, the personality, and as Isaiah said, You became a street, and you laid down, and they walked over you. What does that mean? The thoughts which came out of the spiritual plane, the thoughts of Satan and Leviathan which came out of the spiritual plane, they passed through your mind and out of your mouth. Every word spoken has an impact in this world.


Every unspoken thought has an impact in this world, but spoken words have an even more powerful impact in this world, and that is what Isaiah was talking about when he spoke the words of Jehovah. He said, You became a street for them, you laid down and they walked over you, and they passed into this visible plane as your words. I do not tell you this to condemn you, I tell you this to educate you. I am not here to condemn you. Because if you can really understand this, if you can really understand how serious this is, then you the personality are going to rise up and fight to change things. I am just trying to stir you up, that is all I am trying to do.


Because if you are convinced that the thoughts that you are thinking, that even if they are the carnal mind, that it is not so important, and on and on, you are not going to rise up and fight. So, it is my job to give you this information and it is the job of the Spirit of Christ to give you your personal conviction of how very important it is that all of us, me too, that we fall out of agreement with every thought that is not Christ, and we cannot do that until we can recognize every thought that is not Christ. And frequently these thoughts arise in us with no warning. So our part is to say (it is merely confession), I did not stop it, I did not see it before it rose up so fast and came out of my mouth that I did not see it, but I know that it is sin. It is true that I did not see it, and I know that you are working with me Lord, but I know that I committed spiritual adultery and these thoughts came out of pride. That is your part, when you can do that, the Lord will work with you, and eventually you will see it in your mind before you speak it. It is a process of identification of the thought pattern of sin in your mind, in your very own thoughts. The identification of thought patterns which originate and arise out of Satan and Leviathan, and that includes the good side of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, as well as the evil side of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.


You are not even in the battle if you cannot recognize what happened to you, even after it happened. And if you are determined to serve Christ Jesus, and Satan and Leviathan are talking through you, you are being raped. You are being raped every time they think through you. Every time they bring your personality in agreement with them, there is power in that agreement, you have been raped. So maybe you did not know what was happening, but you have still been raped, you have still been penetrated, and you have still been the recipient of a male mind that is not your husband.


So I am trying to stir you up and get you to understand how really serious this is, that you understand enough to cooperate with the Lord Jesus to start really working on this, to start really looking. We have to look at the thoughts that are in our mind, and it is nothing that you could do now, it is an ability that you grow into as you understand and believe this message that I am preaching, it is an ability that will appear as the Lord Jesus in you, the glorified Jesus Christ in you, helps you to fall into agreement with what I am saying.


This is how He is transferring you from your carnal mind into the mind of Christ. You subject yourself to this kind of teaching, you are here three times a week, you listen to messages, this is building up the mind of Christ in you. And at the same time, He is showing you subtle thoughts, I mean, you know that you are not going to jump out of window, you know you are not going to commit adultery, you know that you are not going to take a drink, you know that you are not going to do any of this stuff deliberately. But Satan is a deceiver and we will even see it in one of these verses, as soon as I get through with this exhortation, that Satan arose in Samson, and used witchcraft and said, Samson, be deceived. That is a spiritual command, be deceived, and then after Samson said that, there followed a sentence containing wrong thoughts about the resurrected Adam.


Be deceived, believe these wrong thoughts about what the resurrected Adam desires to do in your life. So that is program to help us perceive the enemy in our thoughts. Our enemies are in our thought world. It seems very hard now, but it is just really so exciting once you get into it, it is another world. It is just another world. And then once, as you start breaking through, and you start recognizing different voices in your own mind; well, now you know the Holy Spirit, and you know the voice of Christ, right, but the Lord wants to keep breaking it down for you.


Then you start hearing other people's voices, you start hearing other people's thoughts. It is exciting, but you have to be trained how to deal with it. People who hear other people's thoughts and have not been trained how to deal with it, sometimes wind up in the hospital with schizophrenia. Now, I am not here to frighten you, you should not be afraid of that, I am talking about people who at a very young age are just open to the spirit world, and because of witchcraft, they are open to the spirit world because of witchcraft, and all of these voices come rushing in. That is schizophrenic, schizophrenics hear other voices, it is one of the signs of schizophrenia. But the other voices are evil, and they have authority to be there and to bring confusion, when our spiritual hearing opens up through the training you have here, it opens in Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus is within you to come against every evil thought that you recognize. When you are a person who does not have Christ Jesus, and your spiritual hearing opens up because of witchcraft, you are subject to many evil voices with no righteous voice, and then the evil voices overtake you, and you can become schizophrenic.


But we have Christ Jesus, who will deal with the evil voices. Personally, I do not hear evil voices. Your spiritual hearing opens up in a different channel, it opens up in the timeline of Christ Jesus. I mean from time to time, I hear an evil voice, but not like a schizophrenic, who is tormented day in and day out with evil voices, I do not experience that. I am in a different timeline than a schizophrenic, the schizophrenic is Satan and Leviathan's timeline. And this is exactly what I have been talking about for a long time now, that we must do our best and be very careful that when we do become spiritual, when the Fiery Serpent begins to ascend in us, that she ascends under the saddle of Christ Jesus, then we are safe. Everybody has a Fiery Serpent. If she ascends before she is saddled by Christ Jesus, before He is utterly controlling her, we enter into the wrong channel, and in some people, not everybody, but in some people, it does end in mental illness. I am not going to lie to you. And that is why the rules are, you do not rise up in spiritual power unless you go up with Christ.


And again, the primary signs, everyone, you have to get own witness before the Lord, everyone has to go before the Lord, and of course, if I saw something wrong, I would tell you, but I do not see anything wrong here at all, at this time. The primary signs that you are ascending in Christ Jesus is that you are completely committed to this Doctrine of Christ. And as I said, if you attend the meetings, you listen to messages all week, and you are confessing your sins and repenting, you have every reason to believe that you are ascending in Christ Jesus, and no reason to believe otherwise, at this time. Does anyone have any question about this issue? The Lord seems to really be going after it today, I guess it is because of that discussion we had earlier.


PASTOR VITALE: Does anyone want to ask me any questions about anything that I am saying?


COMMENT: The Scripture that says, Love your enemies, and pray for them who despitefully use you. How does this fit in with the Doctrine of Christ?


PASTOR VITALE: Well, I have said it a couple of times, I will say it again, and then we just have to wait until the Lord helps you to understand. OK? What I have said, and I will say it again, is, you do not have to be afraid of anyone that is evil towards you. You do not have to be mean to them, you do not have to reject them, you do not have to ignore them. You can say, Hello, how are you? You could be pleasant to them, polite to them, kind to them, and you can really pray that the Lord have mercy on them, but all of this time you have to be facing the truth about them, and know that at least, at this time, they are your enemy. At least, at this time, they are your enemy, and this knowledge puts up a block to the mixing of your spirit. Because what happened earlier, my understanding was that you received a person as a long lost friend, who is actively engaged in some evil prayers, evil psychic prayers towards yourself and this very ministry, and the proof of it was, that a couple of, you yourself experienced some mishaps after she ruffled your hair, which is I told you was that she really laid hands on you when she ruffled your hair. You are not supposed to be ruffling someone's hair.


Maybe you do that to a child, but you do not ruffle an adult's hair, you do not do that, and then you had some unhappy experience, so we just break all of the curses right now, but there is your proof right there, that your heart was towards her, but the evil was present towards you. And because you were thinking well of her; Jesus says, love them. What is love? Love is the truth, tell them the truth and pray for them. Jesus did not say, Believe their lies. He did not say, Forget about the fact that they are heart is evil towards you.


I have relationships with people where I go into situations, where I know people are very envious of me or angry at me, or whatever, and no wrong word is ever spoken, but I push it back, I will not receive what they have. I do not know whether I shared it with you or not, I shared it with somebody. I was in another Church, not too long ago, and there was a visiting pastor there, and something about me upset him. I do not know; I mean, it is probably the Spirit of Christ; exactly how it registered in his mind, I do not know, I never saw the man before in my life, and I was introduced to him by a third pastor. He said, Hello, and looked right past me, and started talking to someone else, so I walked away. I said OK, I did not even think about it, and the man was going overseas, so a suggestion was made that we pray, and I wound up being right next to him.


So they formed a prayer circle (did I tell you this story?), and he was holding my left hand, and I started to go into tongues, and then all of a sudden, the other people were praying in tongues and I was not involved in that prayer. And I said to the Lord silently, Lord, why am I not involved in this prayer, what is wrong here, what do you want me to do, what do you require of me, what would you tell me, why am I uninvolved in this prayer for this man?


And the next thing I knew, I started praying towards him, and I saw a vision of my arm and something evil was coming from his hand up my arm, and I started pushing it back. It registered in my mind as lust. Now that does not have to be sexual lust, it could have been any kind of lust, it could have been lust for the anointing on me, it could have been anything, but it was registering as lust, and I started rebuking it and pushing it back and saying, You will not enter into me. I will not receive your sin. Experience your own sin, and I prayed that way for several minutes.


And after the prayer circle broke apart, it was a small group that was standing in front of the Church, he looked at me with this look on his face, that the only way I could identify this look on his face, was as if he was saying to me, Oh, come on, let us not fight, it is not worth it. But there was no fight, I had nothing against him, all I did was say hello to him. But I had been revealed to him; I was called upon during the preaching to answer some questions.


So whether he was threatened by my answers, by my knowledge, or by my looks, or I had no idea, but he manifested when he was introduced to me, and then he had that look on his face, Oh, come on, let us make up. That was the look on his face, and I am sitting there looking at him saying, Why is he looking at me like that? And he walks over and puts his arms around me and hugs me. So, OK, I hugged him back. And then he went around and said goodbye to everybody, so I was the first person that he said goodbye to. So after I prayed for him and pushed back the evil in him, whatever relationship he has with the Holy Spirit, or whoever, Christ (I do not know who he has, but it was probably the Holy Spirit), rose up in him, because I put down his carnal mind. I loved him, I cursed his carnal mind, that is the love of God, and whatever in him was in Christ, the good side of his carnal mind, under the influence of the Holy Spirit.


So I put down the sin that was rising in him, and then the Holy Spirit laid hold of the good side of his carnal mind, and he came to his senses, as a man arising out of a deep sleep, and he must have said to himself, What in the world is wrong with me? I never saw this woman before in my life. She has not done anything to me, she has not said anything wrong, and then that look came on his face, and he came over and he kissed me, because he was in another mind. The evil side of his carnal mind had risen up against me, and I loved him, and I cursed that evil in him, and I prayed for him, that good things should come to him. So that is what that Scripture means, it does not mean what the carnal mind thinks that love is. See, I wished him no evil at all, I just forgot he was manifesting, I did not wish him any harm.


So we have to get out of this track. We are in this track, especially those of us who have been in the Church for a long time, of what it means to be a good Christian. That is not what it means to be a son of God. The love of God is rebuking their sin in the spirit, you do not have to say anything to their face. Are you OK? OK, praise the Lord.


We have to be in continuous communication with the Lord. We are having, I know I heard this on a message recently, one of my own messages, we are having a double life. You are relating to other human beings on one level, and in your inner life, in your inner self, you are relating to the Lord Jesus and saying, or to Christ within you, and saying, Well Lord, what am I doing here, what am I doing here, is that person really manifesting? Or is there something wrong with me, is it them or is it me? Wherever I go, I curse sin, and arise and bless the people. That is what love them and pray for them is talking about.


So we have to develop this ability to stay hold of the inner life, while we are relating to people in the outer life. Some cultures, some occult cultures call this being asleep and awake at the same time. They call the inner life the spiritual life that we have with Christ, they call that the sleep world, and this is the way I live, it is a double life, and this is the way you are called to live, to be awake and asleep at the same time. And it is just practice. You hear it from me, you hear it, you get the idea in your head, and as the Lord makes it real to you, if you yield to it, which I see you are, and say, Lord, if that is what You want, I want it, the Lord makes it real in your life, OK?


We are working on Judges 16:3, And Adam had intercourse with Samson. The mind has intercourse with the personality. In our society, in fallen humanity, we have a mind having intercourse with mind. It is homosexuality, it is spiritual homosexuality.


A physical man and a physical woman, they are the same. Spiritually speaking, they are the same sex, and they are having a relationship. It is spiritual homosexuality, although the Lord has said it is acceptable for the season that we are in this fallen condition. It is legal spiritual homosexuality, that is what marriage is. I am sorry, but it is the truth. That is what marriage is. We are spirit because we, the personality, are attached to a spiritual being which is the seed of Jehovah that has the potential to develop into a spiritual man, and therefore we are spirit, but we are also animal. We are also, I do not like to say soul, because the word soul in the Old Testament means something different than the word soul in the New Testament. We are earth, personality, we are earth, you see. We are both; we have two sides to us, and we must choose whether we are going to live after the earthen side, which is the animal side, or the spiritual side.


You can only partake of both for a season, and then you get to a certain point where you really have to choose which direction you are going in. I do not see the Lord forcing anyone in this hour. Gideon is our example, where he said, Everyone who is afraid, let them go home. Everyone who prefers this world, let them go home. That is what the Lord is saying, because at the stage of development that humanity is in right now, it is really impossible to ascend spiritually, unless you prefer the spiritual life. I think, as I told you earlier on this very message, there is a time coming when the Lord will be taking people against their will, but that time is not now.


So this message and this ministry, it is not for people that have not put Jesus absolutely number one in their life, and you will be amazed as to how many people say, Jesus is first in my life, but the truth is that He is not. They are out there, they are looking for a wife, they are looking for a husband, they are looking for a career, and then they will say to me, Well, cannot I have both, cannot I have that?


You can when Jesus gives it to you. But you have to be willing in your heart to give it all up, to say that Jesus is first in your life. Because He does not deny you all of these things, it is just a question of who builds this life for you, with the wife and the children, and the family and the job and the career. Who is building it for you? Is Leviathan building it for you or is Christ Jesus building it for you? And sometimes for those people who really give their life over to Christ Jesus, for a season, for several years, it seems as if nothing is happening, or that you are going in the opposite direction of what you, your carnal mind, or what this world would think that you should be going in.


OK, we are going to try this again, we are in Verse 3, And Adam, the nailed mind, had intercourse with Samson, the personality.


The word till, we are translating to the degree that; until, or to the degree that. The word mid, the words mid and night, are two different Hebrew words, and the word mid, Strong's #2677, means in the midst of, there is a prefix, the letter hef before that Hebrew word, and that letter hef, means hedge or fence. And the word night, we are translating the Fiery Serpent. As I explained earlier, that word night means dark shadow, and Leviathan is Elohim's dark shadow. But we have been translating that word night, the Fiery Serpent in this series of verses, because in the previous two verses, although not in this one, the word night is modified by the word all, meaning all of Leviathan.


And we know that Leviathan is a many-membered energy force and that particles of his energy are individual human beings, and when a particle of Leviathan's energy is found in a human being. The name changes, she is not called Leviathan, she is called the Fiery Serpent, the individual particle of Leviathan, or the individual atom of Leviathan's many atoms or molecular energy force. A single expression of herself in the individual is called the Fiery Serpent. Every time I try and teach this, I see something, either a pregnant dog or cow with all the teats hanging down.


The Fiery Serpent is a teat, or it is like a cow's teat in the individual, or an octopus with the tentacle in the individual, but there is a collective Leviathan who puts down aspects of herself into the human being. And we go on to the word arose, and we are going to translate that set himself.  There are two prefixes before that verb, again it is vav and yod, meaning Adam.


So we see Adam here three times. Adam had intercourse with Samson, and Adam, I thought it was three times, Adam had intercourse Samson to the degree that; well, I guess it is the second time, I am sorry. And that Adam set himself in the midst. I will put that together for you later. And the next word, I think we have it there twice, in the midnight, yes, midnight does appear twice.


And Samson lay till midnight, and arose at midnight, so that midnight, the translation is the Fiery Serpent in the midst. So I will work that up for you and show you how I work that into the translation. I see that the second time I translated the word night, Leviathan, and we have the English word took, which we are translating seized, and that has the vav and the yod before it, which means Adam. There are a lot of prefixes here. And then we have the English word, the doors.


And I think that I mentioned earlier in this message, that the Fiery Serpent is the swinging door, she is the one who swings both ways, and you know that is an expression in this world. It is an expression in this world that signifies a person who is bisexual, they swing both ways.


The Fiery Serpent swings both ways. Whoever apprehends her, that is the nature that she manifests. The nature of the person who apprehends her is what the Fiery Serpent manifests. But as I tell you all the time, if we do not actively pursue the Lord Jesus Christ, and if we do not actively pursue the kingdom of God and His righteousness, we default to our carnal mind. If we are not working at it, we default to our carnal mind. Now, there is a piercing through where you default to the Christ mind, but more that you default to the Christ mind in certain areas more and more. But the average person, we default to our carnal mind, we have to actively be seeking to think with the mind of Christ. We have to be praying, Lord, let Your mind be in me, let my carnal mind be put down, let my thoughts be Your thoughts.


So we see that the Fiery Serpent is the swinging door, and the swinging door is just a translation of the Hebrew word translated door, Strong's #1817. The King James translation of Judges 16:3 says door, but if you look that up in the Lexicon, it says it means the significance of the word is a swinging door, and that is what a door does, it swings; it opens and it closes. And when this Fiery Serpent swings; either one channel is open and the other channel is closed.


Leviathan's timeline is a channel, and Christ Jesus' timeline is a channel, and again, I apologize for being gross, but this is the message. The natural example that we have of it, is we can get it by commenting on anal sexuality. Anal intercourse is Leviathan's channel. When the Fiery Serpent is entering, or ascending in Leviathan's channel, she is in the anus, that is what the Scripture says. And when the Fiery Serpent is entering into Christ Jesus, she is in the female sexual organ, the female part.


So, when the Fiery Serpent enters into one channel, the other channel is automatically closed off. She cannot have both channels open at the same time. The Hindus depict the Fiery Serpent as lying at the base of the spine, with her mouth covering the entranceway to the spinal column, because the ascension is through the spinal column in the etheric body. Why does she lie there with her mouth covering the root of ascension? I am no expert on Hinduism, but I have read some pretty heavy books on Hinduism, and I have not, to my understanding, I have not seen them saying anything about two channels. So they do tell you that her mouth is over the opening. Praise the Lord.


Now we have the door of the gate, and the Fiery Serpent, she is the swinging door, and she is the gate, she is both. She is the door of the gate, she is the door that lets us enter into a spiritual ascension, and she is the gate that keeps us out of Leviathan's city. I think that should be, I think I just amplified that, there should be brackets around that Leviathan, and of Leviathan's city. The King James says the gate of the city, Leviathan's, so I amplified that.


And two posts, when I read that, I immediately remembered on an online meeting called The Spiritual Passover, Part 2, where we did some translations in the Book of Exodus with the blood being on the posts of the door, and here we find the same expression. You see, this is how I translate, this is not even a translation, this is an interpretation, this is how I interpret these Scriptures. I remember the clues that the Lord teaches us in past translations. In past translations, whatever words were modifying, or however the verse came forth that I looked up all of those words, and I got the revelation that the post of the door, I believe it is the neck energy center. And then there was another word in that same verse in Exodus, which indicated the brow energy center.


I now know the part that overhangs, when the Scripture talks about an overhang, it is talking about the brow energy center. The brow energy center hangs over the neck energy center, and the neck energy center is the lower part of the brow energy center, they are two high places. The neck is the hill, and the brow is the mountain. So I learned something from a particular verse, and then when I see the same word, in a verse where the explanation is not in that verse, but I remember what the Lord taught me, this symbol here means, from another verse. So I immediately remembered our study on The Spiritual Passover, Part 2, and I remembered that the side of the post of the door signifies the neck, the 5th energy center, and I am translating this verse along that line.


I see the phrase is two side posts. In Exodus 12:7, this is talking about the neck energy center. I see this is a long verse, Verse 3. Then we have the word, the English, and went away with them. I am at the top of page 4, the English, and went away with them. And Samson lay till midnight, and arose at midnight, and took the doors of the gate of the city and the two posts, and went away with them, bar and all.


Now that sounds like Samson ripped up the doors and the gates of the city, and the locks and all and carried them away, and put the gates of the city on his shoulder and carried them to the top of the hill. That is nice poetry, brethren, it does not make any sense at all. Because even if Samson was strong enough to do that, why in the world would he do that? I could see him ripping the gates out if he wanted to get in, but why would he put it on his shoulders and carry it to the top of the hill? It does not make any sense at all, brethren. It is a nice story, it is important for people that are not ready for this understanding, believing it helps them make contact with the Holy Spirit, but to go on, we have to get past this King James translation. Praise the Lord.


And he went away with them, we see the prefixes vav and yod before that verb. So we see that Adam went away with them, and the word bar, we are translating bolted, to bolt the door. The words and all, we are translating with, that is Strong's #5973. The words, and put, can be translated to lay upon, that is Strong's #7760, and as soon as I heard that, I remembered that there was a Scripture in Judges 15, where we read about Adam in Samson laying upon the heart center. Do you remember that? Does anybody remember that? It is part of the Alternate Translation of the Book of Judges.


PASTOR VITALE: Does anybody remember why Adam was laying on the heart center of these mortal men of Judah? OK, I will tell you. Adam in Samson had separated the Fiery Serpent from Leviathan.


When the Fiery Serpent in the lower centers of a mortal man ascends without Christ Jesus, and joins with Leviathan, who is putting her hand down into the hole, or the black hole of the individual, Leviathan, who is the collective subconscious mind, which exists beyond the individual. If you can think of all of humanity as a big underground sea, and then a multitude of little inlets, where the water of the sea, goes into little inlets, thousands and millions of little inlets, each little inlet is a human being. And although Satan is the sea, just for the purposes of this example, I am telling you that Leviathan is an energy source (as well as Satan), and exists in a great body, in a great spiritual body outside of the individual. And we are individual black holes and aspects of Leviathan and Satan flowing into the inlet, which we are. Is everybody OK with that?


So we see Adam went away with them and bolted the door. Oh yes, I was talking to you about the heart center. So Adam lays across the heart center, according to our translation of Judges 15, he separated Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent because there is an attempt to bring forth an act of spiritual sexual intercourse. The Fiery Serpent ascends from within the individual black hole, we are all black holes, and Leviathan descends from that great body that she has, which is beyond the individual, and when this union takes place within the individual, great energy is given off.


Brethren, this is the promise from the Lord Jesus that this experience will happen in Christ Jesus, that Christ Jesus will be formed in us and He will ascend, and that the glorified Lord Jesus Christ, who exists way beyond my individual person, and beyond your individual person, just like we know the Holy Spirit is in everybody. In this high spiritual plane where Jesus Christ is one with Jehovah, He, the Lord Jesus, is flowing into our spiritual being, into our black hole, and seeking to have a spiritual union or a marriage with Christ Jesus in us, and when that happens, great amounts of spiritual energy will be discharged, and in that energy, is life. In that discharge of energy is healing to our mind and to our bodies, and the power to ascend into the brow energy center from which place we live forever.


If you can perceive the Lord Jesus Christ flowing into us, He is an energy stream; He is not a particle, He is an energy stream flowing into us. And as He flows into us, and as Christ Jesus rises up to meet Him, we ascend. And the more His energy flows into us, the more it lifts us up, until it reaches that place between the eyebrows, where, once we reach that place, if we reach it by overcoming experiences and we have a solid foundation underneath us, we can live forever. When our consciousness abides in that place between the eyebrows, because of our own overcoming experiences; when we get up that high because we have overcome Satan, and overcome Satan, and overcome Satan, it is like standing on a pile of stones, we cannot fall down. But sometimes the glorified Jesus Christ catches men up who have not overcome, but the Lord Jesus catches them up for a specific purpose; to heal somebody, or to do a specific job for him, and then when that specific job is over, that person descends back down to the level of their own accomplishment.


They may ascend into the brow center, but they cannot abide there forever, because they were just caught up temporarily to do a specific job. But when we climb the mountain, when we fight and war against Satan and Leviathan, and overcome her every step of the way, we build a strong foundation underneath ourselves, and that foundation is Christ Jesus, who gets stronger and stronger, and there is no place to fall. Did you ever see a cartoon or a comedy with someone threatening suicide and they are going to jump out the window, and it is right on the ground. Did you ever see anything like that? That is the condition that we are coming to, there is no place to fall to.


Going on, we have the English words upon his, and put them upon his shoulders. This word is Strong's #5921, and it can be translated to join. And once again, things like this I find a little disturbing, to me the words upon his are very insignificant words, yet we see that this Hebrew word, that upon his really can be translated join, which has a strong significance to it, that is what we are talking about here. The union of the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan, or the union of Christ Jesus, and the Lord Jesus Christ.


Now brethren, when Christ Jesus joins with the Lord Jesus Christ, He has the Fiery Serpent with Him. So both of these unions involve the Fiery Serpent. It is either what the Scripture calls the widowed Fiery Serpent, because when she is without Christ Jesus, the Scripture calls her widowed. The widowed rebellious, adulterous Fiery Serpent, joining with Leviathan, and such union giving off enough energy to promote ascension into the Serpent's timeline. Or we have Christ Jesus joining with the Lord Jesus, but Christ Jesus does not join with the Lord Jesus, unless he has harnessed and saddled the Fiery Serpent and has her with Him.


So both ascensions are with the Fiery Serpent, our spiritual potential. And the ascension of the widowed Fiery Serpent is into the spiritual anus of the Ox, which we all are; we are a part of the spiritual Ox. And ascension through being harnessed and saddled by Christ Jesus is ascension into the true female channel. And you may recall, I am sure you all know here, that anal sex does not produce a child. You have to have; well I do not really care what the world says, but the world would not like this, but you have to have normal sex, there is such a thing as normal sex. You have to have normal sex to get pregnant. Perverse sex does not produce a child. And this ascension into the anus of the Ox, it does produce what this world would call a female child, but Jehovah does not acknowledge the female child as a child. Jehovah does not acknowledge Satan and Leviathan, He calls them nothing in the Scripture. Jehovah said that Israel gave birth to wind, they brought forth wind. They brought forth a spirit that was just wind. Well, Israel brought forth a female child, but the Scripture does not acknowledge a female child.


Praise the Lord. OK, moving on with this long verse, and then we have the English word shoulders, which we learned in another online meeting, that shoulders is speaking about the neck energy center. And the government shall be on his shoulders. The government is in the neck energy center, and when the person ascends, it is a combination of the neck and the brow center. But when your consciousness is ascended into the neck energy center, you are a representative of Jesus Christ's government. The more our consciousness ascends, the more we abide in the neck energy center, and eventually when we get to the brow center, our responsibilities in the government of God increase, as our ability increase, our responsibilities increase as our abilities increase. But from the very minute that you ascend on any level into the throat center, wherever you go, judgment is falling.


Now remember, our consciousness, our mind, is an energy stream, it is not a particle. Mind exists in every single cell of our physical and etheric body. Mind is woven together on the cellular level with every single atom of our being. Praise the Lord.


So, my point was that, it is possible to be ascended into this next center in one aspect of your being, and to still be down in your belly in other aspects of your being. I have seen people ascended into their neck center and they have a spirit of righteousness. They are in their neck center; in this area they have a spirit of righteousness. And you could just be born with that, it is a spirit of righteousness. And yet they are filled with lust, their mind is filled with sin, they are judging people, they are critical, they are not smoothed out yet.


We come to the Lord, everybody comes to the Lord, and some of us come with an inherited anointing. I had an inherited anointing. The first time I ever opened my mouth to prophesy in the Church, it was such an outstanding prophecy that the pastor looked around to see who it was; I did not even know what I was doing. This was just given to me, I did not do anything to gain this. Some people are just born with a spirit of righteousness. And if you have that spirit of righteousness, the Lord will use you to bring judgment on whatever level you are at, but it is possible for someone to have a spirit of righteousness and still be critical, and still be judgmental, and still be just immature in other areas.


So, we have to be very careful to know what we can do in God and what we cannot do. Because the fact that we have ascended into the neck energy center on some level, to the extent that we can bring righteous judgment, it is a big mistake to assume that we are in the neck center in every level. Because different aspects of our personality can be abiding in different energy centers, just like children. Maybe they are reading, they have good grades in reading, but they low grades in math. Does anyone not know what I am talking about? We must evaluate ourselves, we must know who we are, and what we can do, and we must know ourselves realistically, who we are in Christ, and what we can do in Christ. Because if we do know ourselves realistically, then we will be widely open to experiences which will help us to mature in areas where we need to mature.


If we think that we have completely arrived, and we have not, we are not open to the teaching or the correction that will help us to arrive. And if you do not know how to evaluate yourself, ask the Lord. Ask Him to show you in what areas you are in this place on your shoulders, which is talking about the neck. In what areas of your personality and of your understanding, you were in this high place, where the Lord actually uses you to judge sin (out of Christ now, not with the condemnation of the carnal mind). And what areas of your life you are down lower than that. Ask Him to show you, you know He will answer you. Any godly question that you ask, He will answer you. He wants you to be educated more than you want to be educated.


The Scripture says, He is lusting for us. Now, I do not believe that this is the lust as a mortal man lusts, but He desires us, and He desires union with us, with a great passion. And we have found Scriptures that indicate that it is his great passion for us, which brings forth the White Throne Judgment in our life. In Revelation 14; the end of Chapter 14, if you look in our Alternate Translation, it says (I do not know what it says in the King James, but I know in our Alternate Translation it says), Because He loved us so much, He threw himself with us together into the judgment of the winepress, I believe that is the winepress.


He cast himself into the winepress because we were a catch to Him. Christ Jesus can enter into the winepress, Christ Jesus can enter into the Lake of Fire and not be destroyed. Christ Jesus is the head of the personality. We will never throw ourselves into the Lake of Fire. I have trouble throwing myself into the pool. But when Christ Jesus is leading the whole man, when Christ Jesus is truly the head of and leading the whole man, He leads us into judgment, and His motive for leading us into judgment is His intense passion to consummate our spiritual marriage.


His intense passion for union of mind is motivating everything that Christ Jesus is doing to us and for us today. He wants us like a human man wants his wife. He wants to possess us. And His possession (I will beat this horse again), His possession of us means that only His thoughts will manifest in our mind, and as the words of our mouth. And every thought other than His is an act of spiritual adultery, and again, I tell you, I do not tell you this to condemn you, I tell you this to educate you so that you might work with Him and help Him to accomplish the union which will liberate you from the death of this existence.


It is taking a long time to get through Verse 3. Praise the Lord.


We talked about the shoulder, saying that is the neck energy center, then we have the English words carry them up, which we will translate brought them out, a legitimate translation of Strong's #5927. And we have the prefixes vav and yod before that verb. So we see that it is Adam that brought them out, brought them out of where? Brought them out of the city, brought them out of the Fiery Serpent's lair, brought them out of the stronghold of the Fiery Serpent, brought them out of the lower centers. Most people abide in their belly, that is the 3rd energy center. That is where most people abide in our world today.


Then we have the English words the top of, and that word the top of, that Hebrew word is Strong's #2712, it is the Hebrew word resh, that means chief, head, captain. It is the Hebrew word that is translated Captain of the Host, I believe, in the Book of Joshua. And who was the captain of the host? We know that Christ Jesus, or Adam in the Old Testament is the Captain of the Host.


And here we see it is the captain of the neck energy center. The English words and hill, I have translated the neck energy center. I think I mentioned this to you earlier, the 5th energy center is the hill, and the 6th or the brow energy center is the mountain, is the high mountain. When we ascend into the place between our eyebrows, we have ascended to the top of the mountain. The crown energy center is beyond the mountain, it is beyond the body. When we ascend into the place between our eyebrows, we have ascended to the pinnacle or the high place, as high as we can get, while still in the body. To ascend in to the crown energy center, is to depart from your body.


We are almost there. We have the word that, the word is is not in the Hebrew; it has those squiggly brackets around it, it is not in the Hebrew. The English word translated personality; there is a word that is not translated, in your notes it says above, Strong's #5921, and those are in square brackets because there is no translation of that word in the King James, but we will be translating it above, and the word before, and that is translated before Hebron; for years now, I have been translating this word before, personality, and the actual word means, to be in front of, the part that is seen, and we have been translating that personality for a long time now.


And now we have to interpret the word Hebron, which surprised me, how Hebron is one of the words that resulted in the term Hebrew, and, of course it is a geographical locality, the word is Strong's #2275, and it means association, a location, and of course it is a city in Judah, but we are looking for the spiritual interpretation of it. It is also a descendant of Caleb, but if we follow it all the way back, we see that it means a society, signifying a secret society, also a spell, a charmer, a magician. And I remind you that the word magic, it is not a bad word, it is not something that you hear in the Church, but a magician is someone who wields spiritual power, and the word is in the Scripture. Simon, the sorcerer, or I think the word magician, maybe it is just Simon the sorcerer. But of course, Simon's power was not in Christ Jesus. The word magic merely means the wielding of spiritual power.


So, for all intents and purposes, Moses was a magician, and did not Moses have a face-off with the Egyptians? Pharaoh called the Egyptian magicians, and they had a face-off, a stand-off. Moses was a magician too, but the source of Moses' power was Jehovah. The King James translation says, In the last days, the sons of God shall do exploits. Well, that is just another way of saying the word magic, but because people do not understand that there is a magic which is in Christ, we stay away from that word. And we know that in the world there is black magic and white magic, and I do not know about magic, but I am told that there are five degrees of witchcraft. Black is not the highest, red is the highest; and then there is black, green, yellow and white, if I am not mistaken, five degrees of witchcraft. I do not know if that applies to magic also.


So we do not really use the term white magic because in the world the term white magic talks about someone who is wielding Satan's power from the good side of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. They are using Satan's power to do good. And if anyone is reading this message, and you are upset at what I said, any power, any spiritual power that is outside of Christ is Satan's power. Satan is good and evil, and I am not denying that you are using her power to do good, but it is still illegal. It is the illegal exercise of spiritual power.


So we find out that the root of the word Hebron, is magician. A sorcerer is an evil magician. The word magician can be applied to Moses, or anyone in Christ who does miracles, or to someone who is using Satan's power. Magician is generic. It can be righteous spiritual power, good spiritual power, or evil spiritual power, but the word sorcerer applies to the evil use of Satan's spiritual power. Sorcery does not even apply to the good use of Satan's power, it applies to the evil use of Satan's power. But if you exercise the power of God, if you cast out demons, if you pray for the sick, you are a magician. By the true understanding of the word, you are a magician. Are you spiritual? Do you see in the spirit? Do you pray for people and see things change? You are a magician, that is what you are. Praise the Lord. And if you are there is a great responsibility carried with your activities.


If you do not exercise your abilities with responsibility, you will lose what you have. And when you take the root of the word Hebron all the way back, it goes back to #2266, which means to fascinate, that is the verb that the Hebrew word, translated serpent, comes out of, cabar, that is the root of the Hebrew word for serpent. It means to charm, to couple together, to have fellowship with, to heap up, to join self together to make a league, to unite or be joined, to tie magic charms, to be lied with. So we see that the word soul tie is associated with witchcraft. A lot of people have soul ties, and technically brethren, and I just hope everybody is understanding what I am saying here.


The Lord Jesus knows that we are fallen, and He has given us a special dispensation, which means there are things that would be illegal for a more mature spiritual person than we are, that are legal for us, because He knows that we are doing the best we can, and soul ties is one of those things. We are supposed to have only spirit ties. All of our relationships are supposed to be between the spirit of Christ in us and the Spirit of Christ in another human being. But many peoples of the world, including Christians of the world, do not have the Spirit of Christ.


The Holy Spirit is not the Spirit of Christ. So you cannot do what you are not capable of, and therefore, the Lord does not count it as sin unto us. But technically speaking, all soul ties are ungodly, because we are supposed to be tied to Christ Jesus, and through him to the Lord Jesus Christ. We can have relationships with other people, but we are supposed to be tied, fully tied and supported by Christ Jesus and the Lord Jesus Christ, and very few are; even Christians are very few. And at the risk of people misunderstanding me, you have to be so strong that, in the event that it should happen to you, you could separate from your mate and just go right on. Now do not misunderstand me, I am not promoting divorce, I am just trying to describe how strong you are supposed to be in Christ Jesus.


Now this happened to either John Lake or Smith Wigglesworth, I guess it was John Lake, I may have the wrong man. But he was, whoever this famous preacher was, he was out in the jungles of Africa ministering, he was gone for six months, and he came home to find his wife and I think ten children, all had died of some plague. So he had a large number of children, eight or ten or twelve, or something like that, they were all dead! You know, some people would just lay down in grief, and not be able to get up for a year or two, if they ever got up at all. Well, he just went right back into his ministry, married again, and had a whole new family.


Now hear what I am saying, I am not trying to break up your marriages, but that is how strong you are supposed to be in your marriage. That does not mean you will not feel bad, if God forbid, you lose a mate or a child, but you have to go on with God, brethren. The next day you go on with God, there is no time for this, if you are mature enough. I mean, if you are still a spiritual baby, God has mercy on you, you want to be a spiritual man, this stuff does not stop the work of the Lord.


If you have an assignment in God, if you are at that place in your maturity, if you are preaching, if you are transcribing tapes, whatever your ministry is, you do not stop that ministry. Somebody dies, my father died, I went to the funeral, that day, not that day, the next day, I was back at work. You go on with God.


I was watching the History Channel while I was resting between services, and they were giving a biography of Ripley, of Ripley's Believe It Or Not!, and one of the unbelievable believe it or nots that he had, was a woman who was so attached to her husband that when he died, she kept his corpse around for four years. Of course, that is a bazaar example, and I know that really, that was probably just one-of-a-kind, but brethren, sometimes we do that in our spirit. David moaned and mourned for Absalom, until, I believe it was Joab who said, How long are you going to moan for Absalom, how long are you going to mourn? It does not glorify God, brethren.


The world will tell you, well you have to grieve, you have to get it out of your system, you need a period of mourning. But brethren, that is for people who do not have Christ Jesus, that is for people who are in their carnal mind. You have to have your release, you have to have your period of mourning, you have to adjust to the fact that the person is gone. That is not true of people in Christ Jesus. That is not true of people whose primary life force is directed towards Christ Jesus and His work.


Because people who are truly in that place, where the whole driving force of their life is Christ Jesus, they only have to come down for the funeral. They have to come down from that high place into their carnal mind for the funeral. And after the funeral is over, they just go back up. All grieving and loss is in the carnal mind. So if you are reading this message, and you are still a young Christian, spiritually young Christian (I am not talking about physical), and you are in a place where you still live primarily out of your carnal mind, and God forbid, you experience a loss, if that is where you are, well you take as much time as you need to grieve. But if you are in a place where you are visiting with Jesus every day, and you are up there doing work out of His Spirit every day, you come down for the funeral and you go immediately back up into His Spirit, where there is no grieving. I tell you the truth.


The Primordial Serpent is the magician, who used a magic charm to bind the sperm of Jehovah's seminal fluid to her lower window. The Primordial Serpent, she is the magician, she used illusion, she used a magic charm on Adam, and the result of that casting of that spell upon Adam caused Adam to die, and then the Primordial Serpent stole all of the spiritual sperm, all of Jehovah's spiritual sperm that was contained within Adam. Adam was taken by witchcraft. He was completely sold out to Jehovah and determined to do right.


He was taken by witchcraft. And that can be likened, and if we need an example, that can be likened to being overcome in this world, as opposed to backsliding, and I preach about this from time to time. We all have weaknesses in our mind, in our emotions, and in our flesh, and if we are fighting as hard as we can fight, and we are overtaken with a physical or emotional episode of illness, that we are cast down, we can expect to be restored very quickly, because the Lord Jesus knows that we fought as hard as we could and we are overcome, and the restoration is very quick. But when we backslide, when we are not fighting as hard as we can fight, when we are; you see, when you backslide, it is because you are really loving your sin, and you are in a conflict between loving your sin and loving Jesus, and you sort of nudge towards your sin and then you backslide. It can take a long time to recover from that. Adam was overcome by witchcraft. A spell was cast on him, and the Serpent is using that same kind of witchcraft today on Christ Jesus as He tries to rise in the sons of God. Therefore we must learn to recognize suggestion, we must learn to recognize control and witchcraft even though the person may not know that they are doing it. We must obey only Christ Jesus.


OK, this is what we have to work with for Verse 3Adam, to have intercourse, Samson, to the degree that hedge in the midst, Fiery Serpent, Adam set himself, household, midst, Leviathan, Adam, seized, household, the Fiery Serpent, the gate of Leviathan's city, and the neck energy center, Adam went away with them, bolted with, lay upon, joined, neck energy center, Adam, the captain brought them out of neck energy center, that if above personality of the magician.


Makes no sense at all. I worked on it a little bit and this is what I got: Adam had intercourse with Samson to the degree that he became a hedge in the midst of the Fiery Serpent. Adam set himself, household, in the midst of Leviathan, and Adam seized the Fiery Serpent, the household, who is the entranceway to Leviathan's city, and to the neck energy center, and Adam lay upon the heart center, and went away with them, and bolted the door, and Adam the captain of the neck center, that is above, brought them out, and Adam joined the personality of the magician to the neck energy center, which is above.


It is a little better, but this is what I finally wound up with; third try, And Adam within Samson had intercourse with the Fiery Serpents within the mortal men of Judah, and Adam lay upon their heart center, to the point that Adam became a hedge between Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent, her household. And Adam seized the Fiery Serpent, the household who is the entranceway to Leviathan's city, and to the neck energy center of Leviathan's timeline. And Adam, the captain of the neck energy center that is above, brought them out, brought all of the Fiery Serpents out of Leviathan's timeline, and bolted the door, and Adam joined the personalities of the Primordial Serpent to the neck energy center, which is above. He joined the personalities of the Primordial Serpent, who is the magician, who cast a spell on Adam, and united with Elohim's sons, and he joined those personalities to the neck energy center of the world above, or of the window above.


I just want to make a few comments on that verse. Now remember, this Chapter 16 is following Chapter 15, where we saw that Adam, and the Spirit of Elijah in Samson, was ministering to the mortal men of Israel, who were spiritual, who were given over to their Fiery Serpents. They were spiritual immigrants, and they were given over to the thoughts of the Fiery Serpent that was not given to Christ Jesus, and they did not want the deliverance and the salvation that the Spirit of Elijah and Adam was offering to them. So we found out, in Chapter 15, that judgment was the only way that Spirit of Elijah in Adam was raising Adam from the dead in the mortal men of Israel, but the very same mortal men that Adam was raised in, killed him. The personalities lined up with their own carnal mind and killed the resurrected Adam in themselves. Why? Because of ignorance, and this is why education is so important, if we are to ascend in Christ Jesus, because we all have the Serpent's mind, and without this education that is in the doctrine of Christ, we too would kill Christ Jesus as he arose in us, because of wrong thinking. We would do it, and we do it every day.


So this kind of preaching, this preaching itself is engraving the nature of Christ Jesus on your mind. This preaching, submitting to this preaching is renewing you in the spirit of your mind. So at the very least, you have two thoughts in your mind, and you can choose. That is what all this teaching is doing. Because without it, we would be trying to escape from ourselves, we would never make it, we would never make it.


So Adam within Samson had intercourse with the Fiery Serpents, or with the subconscious minds of the mortal men of Judah. And the reason for this, you may recall, was that even though the Spirit of Elijah and Adam in Samson raised Adam from the dead in the mortal men of Judah, Adam in the mortal men of Judah was not strong enough to subject the Fiery Serpent in the man that he was resurrected in. So, it took a man in full stature, it took Samson, the man who Adam was ascended in, to marry the Fiery Serpent in the mortal men of Judah, so that Adam in those same men, could rise up and take his place as captain of the whole man. And that is what is happening today.


Christ is coming forth in many members of the Church, but He is not strong enough to overcome the carnal mind that He is growing up in. And without this instruction in the Doctrine of Christ, and it is not just an instruction, it is the whole rigorous program here. It is a rigorous program here, not many people could do this, you are here three meetings a week, you listen to messages, you all transcribe, I do not even know how you all do it with your other obligations. It is a very rigorous program here. Not many could do it.


So Adam within Samson had intercourse with the Fiery Serpents within the mortal men of Judah, and Adam (now, that is Adam in Samson) lay upon their heart center, to the point that Adam became a hedge between Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent; he broke up that ungodly marriage. He became a hedge between Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan's household. This word household is talking about a wife. You heard of housewife, this is household. The wife is the household of the man. The spiritual male occupies the woman, and she is his household.


And Adam seized the Fiery Serpent; Adam lay on the heart center, broke Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent apart, and then he himself, Adam himself laid hold of the now widowed Fiery Serpent, she was no longer connected to Leviathan, he broke that marriage, and Adam seized her himself. He seized the Fiery Serpent, the household of the woman, who is the entranceway to Leviathan's city, and to the neck energy center of Leviathan's timeline.


And Adam, the captain of the neck energy center that is above, brought them out of Leviathan's timeline, and bolted the door. He bolted the door. Do you remember, I told you about a half an hour back, that only the entranceway to one channel can be open, whichever channel is open, the entranceway to the other channel is closed. There are two channels of spiritual ascension, but only one is open at a time. So not only are we having enough trouble ascending in Christ Jesus, but we cannot ascend in Christ Jesus alone. We have got to pull our own Fiery Serpent out of the spiritual anus (I am sorry); we have got to pull her out of there. We have got to bolt that door and open the door of legal ascension. So our problem is not just to ascend into the right timeline. We have got to pull that part of our self that is ascended incorrectly out of the wrong timeline, bolt the door, and open the door to the true timeline.


So you see, it is not just studying the doctrine, it is a warfare every step of the way, which warfare, you would never even be able to even wage, let alone be victorious in, without the instruction of the Doctrine of Christ. How could you possibly know this, that you have to do all this? You would think that your spiritual experiences are in Christ Jesus, that is what you would think.


And Adam bolted the door to the illegal timeline. And now, up until now, verse 3 is talking about the Fiery Serpents. Now, all of a sudden, the personalities come in. And after Adam bolted the door to illegal ascension, he joined the personalities of the Primordial Serpent to the neck energy center, which is above. He joined the personalities of the Primordial Serpent, who is the magician who cast a spell upon Adam, and united with Elohim's sons. And the significance there is that these personalities are still subject to the same witchcraft. And the personality is that which is being saved.


So Adam had to separate the Fiery Serpent from Leviathan, pull her out of the illegal channel. Now remember, she is fighting every step of the way. Our subconscious mind is fighting every single step of the way, closed the door to the illegal ascension, opened the door to the legal ascension, and then he has to drag her up. And we are fighting every step of the way, because we, the personality, are attached to our subconscious mind, our spiritual potential. We are fighting every step of the way, and we attack the messengers, we attack the prophets and the teachers that God sends to us.


I have a witness to this account, partially from Jonah, and partially from Isaiah. Jonah 2, two phrases from Jonah 2, And the Fiery Serpent put a saddle on Abel, and bolted the gateway to the eternal timeline. Now, of course this is the reverse; Jonah had been ascended and he was overcome by the Primordial Serpent. The Primordial Serpent broke Adam in Jonah away from the Spirit of Elijah, pulled the Fiery Serpent down, locked the door, bolted the door to the true timeline, opened the door to Leviathan's timeline, and caused the Fiery Serpent to ascend in the wrong channel; put an end to the normal sex, and forced her back into anal sex, the sexual act which cannot produce the child that will save us, the manchild who will save us in childbearing.


Alternate Translation, Isaiah 6:4-5, And Michael, the light wave sounded, summoning Elohim's breath from the inward part of the Serpent's household, that is illegal channel, and the door keeper who had snatched them, that is Leviathan, was seized with terror, and Michael, the light wave, completed the spirits that ascended out of their carnal mind, and Isaiah said, Adam, the king, judged Jehovah's armies and envy was revealed in them. Envy was the sin of Judah. Do you hear this?


And Isaiah said, Adam, the king, judged Jehovah's armies, and envy was revealed in them, therefore I am bisected, Isaiah speaking, envy was found in him also, therefore I am bisected. What does that mean, he was bisected? In order to be envious brethren, the Fiery Serpent has to be having an illegal spiritual sexual union with Leviathan. When Isaiah says he was bisected, he means Adam rose and pulled that Fiery Serpent and Leviathan apart to break the envy. And I have been preaching this for a while now, that envy is a Satanic manifestation. For a person to be an envious person; now everybody has envy, but to be given over to the envy, to envious frequently, and letting it flow through you, not fighting with it, not beating it up, what it means is that the Fiery Serpent is ascended in you. So you need to know that, that to be an envious person is an indication that you have an active spiritual life outside of Christ Jesus; it is called witchcraft. And I tell you this for what purpose? So that you can separate that Fiery Serpent from Leviathan and cast her down, that is the only reason I tell you this.


And Isaiah himself is saying that he had it. And Isaiah said, Adam, the king, judged Jehovah's armies and envy was revealed in them, so I Am bisected Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent in the people that violated Jehovah's law, and swallowed up His virgin, that is the Fiery Serpent, and woe is me, my mortal mind is perishing, because she has violated and swallowed up I Am's virgin. Now, this is interesting, because when I translated this, I did not have this revelation of the Fiery Serpent. Let me read it again, I am sure there is going to have to be a correction here.


And Isaiah said, Adam. the king, judged Jehovah's armies, and envy was revealed in them, therefore I am bisected, Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent in the people.  Oh, I see what he is saying; he is saying, so I Am, meaning Jehovah.


So therefore, because envy was revealed, Jehovah bisected Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent in the people that violated His law, and swallowed His virgin, and woe is me, my mortal mind is perishing because she has violated and swallowed up I Am's virgin. So Isaiah was guilty of envy, and the judgment for envy is the separation of the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan. The judgment for envy is what must happen to you, so that you stop being envious. It is not punishment for punishment's sake, it is what you need to happen to you to stop you from doing this sin. Why? Because you cannot be envious without giving over your Fiery Serpent, your spiritual virginity to Leviathan.


And I Am, Jehovah, through the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, or through the person of the resurrected Adam, wants to marry your virgin. Adam wants to rise in you, in the New Testament wants to rise in you and marry your spiritual virginity, marry your virgin. And Adam cannot do that if you have given your virgin as a bride to Leviathan. And if you are an envious person, the only way you can be an envious person is to have given your Fiery Serpent, is to have given your virgin to Leviathan. And therefore, if you are an envious person, you are guilty of this sin, and as soon as you confess the sin, even though you do not understand it, if you can just hear this and confess it in faith, that, If I am an envious person, it is my sin that has made me an envious person, the judgment falls which will separate your Fiery Serpent, which is I Am's virgin; the Fiery Serpent belongs to Jehovah, not to Leviathan; the judgment falls immediately, that separates or releases the Fiery Serpent from Leviathan, why? So that the Fiery Serpent will be cast down to the root energy center, and become a virgin again, and marry the resurrected Adam or Christ Jesus in you, because the virgin belongs to I Am. 


See, you thought that Paul was talking about some human virgin, in, I do not know whether it was 1st or 2nd Corinthians, God help me, I do not know these details, all I know is the Doctrine of Christ. You thought he was talking about some human woman virgin? No he was not. No he was not. He was talking about I Am's virgin, the Fiery Serpent in you. That is who he was talking about. He was not talking about human marriage. God help us, God help us, Lord, help us all Lord, I need help too, in every area that I am still in darkness. God help us. I just praise you, Lord for what you are doing here, for this spiritual truth that you are bringing forth. I thank you, Lord, that you are bringing me out of darkness, I thank you for every ray of light that has entered into my mind.


You know the account of Ananias and Sapphira, I got the revelation by pouring through the Greek, and through a deep study and through the Spirit of revelation and prayer, that Sapphira was not a human wife, but that she was a negative principle within the man, Ananias. So I got that revelation, and then I started reading this occult book, and do you know that in occult circles, the name for the female wisdom, who is the female wisdom? Does anybody know who the female wisdom is? She is Leviathan, the female wisdom is Leviathan. The male wisdom is Christ Jesus or Adam. The name in the occult books, the name in history, for the female wisdom of the occult religions is Sapphira. Sophia or Sapphira. Paul knew exactly what he was saying when he said, Ananias' wife, Sapphira. He knew exactly what he was saying.


Praise the Lord. Now let us go on with Verse 4, King James translation, And it came to pass afterward, that he loved a woman in the valley of Sorek, whose name was Delilah.


And it came to pass, we will keep that, afterward is a translation of two Hebrew words, Strong's #310, and Strong's #651. Strong's #310 means, the hind part, or behind, which signifies the unconscious mind. Strong's #3651 can be translated right, just, honest, or true. We will translate these two Hebrew words as Michael, the unconscious part of the righteous timeline.


The Spirit of Elijah, and the Spirit of Christ are Michael, the light wave in another form. So the unconscious part of the mind of God is sometimes called Michael, is sometimes called the Spirit of Elijah, is sometimes called the Spirit of Christ. And it came to pass afterward, that he loved a woman, and that word loved means sexual union, and the woman is the Fiery Serpent, she is the woman, she is also the spiritual immigrant. And the ascended woman becomes a Philistine.


He loved a woman in the valley of Sorek. This Hebrew word translated 'valley', when I looked up the word, I found that one of its potential translations is a dry valley. First of all, it is a feminine word, and the translation that we will choose is a valley or a wadi, as a dry stream bed, or a mine shaft. And I find that very significant, because the dry valley is talking about the stronghold of the Fiery Serpent, the lower centers, where Satan has been boiled away, it is now dry. The lower centers where Satan has been boiled away, and only the dry dirt is left.


PASTOR VITALE: Does anybody remember what happens to Satan when she is boiled away? Where has the waters gone to, does anybody remember, can anybody answer that? When Satan is boiled away, what happens to the waters?


COMMENT: They become distilled and purified in the window above.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, yes, very good. OK. Satan is boiled, which is a distillation process and the waters turn to steam and this is the process by which the waters which are now in the lower centers, in the stronghold of the Fiery Serpent. This is how the position of the waters change, from the lower centers, or, I am sorry, the world of the lower window, to the world of the upper window through distillation. The window where the water is abiding is determined by the form that water is taking. Water signifies energy, and energy in a form known as water brings the energy down to the lower window, when that water is converted into steam, which is lighter than water, it raises the energy up to the upper window.


So we see that for the energy to abide in the upper window, it must stay in a state known as steam. Once that water starts to condense, it drops down into the lower window, and this is why Jesus said, If you are not hot or cold, I am going to spue you out of my mouth. We did an Alternate Translation on that verse and it was saying, You have to keep the waters boiling, you have to keep your spirit up in a high place. And the way you do that is by confessing your sin and repenting and staying in the Word of God. That is how you do it.


The lair of the Fiery Serpent has become a dry steam bed, because Adam has boiled away Satan. We will translate this spiritual idea. The valley or the spiritual idea of the valley, of the word valley, we will translate it the valley where Satan was silenced, the valley where Satan was silenced. And where did I get that word silenced? Oh I see, it was from another verse of this very chapter, and maybe it is from the following verse, I am not sure at the moment, but I got that from another verse. We know that Satan is being silenced, I think it is probably in the next verse, that Adam had come to silence Satan.


So, therefore, I drew the educated conclusion that in the valley where the waters have been evaporated, Satan has been silenced, and when I asked the Lord how He wanted me to translate this word valley, that was what He gave me: the place where Satan was silenced, or the dark, or the black hole, or the individual in which Satan has been silenced, for Satan must be boiled away in each of us. Hallelujah.


And we are talking about the valley of Sorek, Strong's #7796, Sorek, it means choice finds, and it is from a root #8321, which means choice grapes, and I suggest to you that the choice grape is the fruit of the union between Michael and the Fiery Serpent, the manchild, the resurrected Adam, the fruit of the spiritual union of the marriage of the Fiery Serpent and her true husband, the resurrected Adam in the New Testament; Christ Jesus, whose nature, let me read you the whole verse here so it makes sense.


And it came to pass afterward, that he loved a woman in the valley of Sorek, whose name was Delilah.


The Hebrew word translated name, Strong's #8034, can be translated nature. Name indicates nature. And her name was Delilah, Strong's #1807, Delilah means feeble, and it is from a root, Strong's #1809, which means languishing. I looked up some English definitions here, the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language says that feeble means lacking strength, weak, lacking vigor, force or effectiveness, it means to be inadequate. To languish means among others, to exist or continue in miserable or disheartening conditions, to become downcast, pine, languish, to languish for home and family, to become downcast.


So we see that Delilah is not the name of a human woman, who Samson had a relationship with, but she is a type, she is an archetype, she is a symbol which signifies this state of mind that the Fiery Serpents were in, since they had been apprehended by the Primordial Serpent. We will translate the phrase, whose name was Delilah as, the woman, who was the spiritual woman, who was miserable disheartened and pining away, because of her weak and inadequate nature. So no matter how confident we may be in this world, and there are some very confident people in this world, we all have within us, this potential, to be weak, and languishing and pining away, and miserable and disheartened, and this potential is because we are engraved with a weak nature. Therefore when Christ Jesus comes to us and starts to impart His nature to us, we receive strength. There is strength in righteousness, there is strength in righteousness. Hallelujah.


And it came to pass, that Michael made love to the Fiery Serpent, in the valley where he had silenced Satan, and the mind of Christ, or the manchild, whose nature, miserable, disheartened and pining away, because of her weak and inadequate. Those are the words I had to work with. Here is the Alternate Translation of Verse 4, Judges, Chapter 16, And it came to pass, that Michael made love to the Fiery Serpent, in the valley where he had silenced Satan, and the woman who was miserable disheartened, and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature, brought forth Adam, the manchild.


And of course, this woman is the Fiery Serpent, I think we will add that in. And the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual woman, who was miserable, disheartened and pining away, because of her weak and inadequate nature, brought forth Adam, the manchild.


Now, as I said, there are people in this world who would not tell you that they are weak and miserable and pining away, but is that not what Jesus says to one of the Churches in Revelation, You think that you have it all, but you are really miserable and naked, you just think that you are not weak and miserable and pining away, because you have the good things of this world, but spiritually speaking, you are weak and miserable and poverty stricken and pining away. That is what Jesus said, and you are in such darkness that you do not even know it.


Our witness to this translation of Verse 4, is, I did not put it in, but this is Revelation 12:1, And there appeared a great wonder in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head, a crown of twelve stars, and she being with child, cried, travailing in birth and pain to be delivered, and she brought forth a manchild, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron, and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.


And Timothy 2:15 says, Not withstanding, she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity, and holiness with sobriety.


Continuing with Judges, Chapter 16, Verse 5, And the lords of the Philistines came up unto her, and said unto her, entice him and see wherein his great strength lieth, and by what means we may prevail against him, that we bind him to afflict him, and we will give thee every one of us, eleven hundred pieces of silver.


The English words came up we will translate ascended, and we have the two prefixes before that, vav and yod, which mean Adam; it was Adam who ascended. And the English words unto her, we will translate into. The word her was just added by the King James translators.


And then we have the words the lords of, I did a word study on that. Lord, Strong's #5633, means a lord, a ruler, a tyrant, or an axle. And I found that so interesting, and I have given you the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language translation of the word axle. It is a supporting shaft or a member on or with a which a wheel or a set of wheels revolves. It is the spindle of an axle tree. All I could think about when I read that was the spinal column, a supporting shaft or a member on which a wheel or a set of wheels evolves. The energy centers are likened to a set of wheels, that is what the Lord is talking about in Ezekiel, Chapter 1, when he talks about the wheels and the rings, he is talking about the energy centers. So we see that the Hebrew word translated lord is talking about a tyrant, and it is talking about a spinal column with a set of energy centers. Well, the spiritual man does not have a spinal column, that is a part of the animal body.


So we see that this Hebrew word translated lord is talking about the lord of this fallen creation, the lord of this fallen creation, which is Satan, and Satan is the Primordial Serpent manifesting in this generation. Witness, Ephesians 6:12, For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.


The Greek word translated rulers, Strong's #2888, appears only once in the Scripture, and means a world ruler, lord of the world, prince of this age, it is an epithet of Satan. In other words, it is just another word signifying Satan.


Okay, we will pull apart Verse 5 now. The Philistines we are translating the spiritual immigrants, that is the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual immigrants. The words, unto her, we are translating towards, that is Strong's #8705, the word entice, Strong's #6601, we are translating deceived. The word him we are translating yourself. The word and see, the verb to see, we are translating observe, that is a legitimate translation of Strong's #7200. And the English word wherein, Strong's #4100, primarily means what. And we know that what is a symbol for Elohim. There is also a prefix before that word, it is the prefix beth, which means household. Elohim's household is Samson. Samson is female to Elohim, Samson is the vessel that Elohim, the male organ rests in.


And this is very interesting, the Hebrew word strength, Strong's #3581, can also be translated a chameleon or a lizard, and I have seen this word many, many times. In all of the years that I am translating, it is the first time I have been able to use that translation, and I find it very interesting, that it is used to show Satan's chiding or Satan's attempted manipulation of Samson. Satan comes to manipulate the personality, she comes to seduce us, the personality, to fall out of agreement with the Christ mind, and agree with her carnal mind. And she operates through our pride and our fear, and Satan comes to Samson and says, You are just Elohim's chameleon. I am just his Ox, I do not have any problem with that at all, but the people that have a problem with that, you have got a problem.


When you hear the truth, that you are simply the Ox of this creation, and that your spiritual potential, the Fiery Serpent in you, truly is a chameleon... You see, Satan did not lie, she told the truth. You are just a spiritual Ox attached to a spiritual chameleon, and whoever gets a hold of you, that is who you become, you have no mind of your own, you have no opinion of your own, it is either Satan's opinion or the opinion of Jesus Christ.


You do not have any opinion of your own, you are nothing. If you are not ready to hear this, you are going to flip right over into your carnal mind. If you hear this truth coming out of the Doctrine of Christ, and your pride will not let you deal with it, and your pride will not let you hear it through to the end, that yes, you are absolutely nothing, you are just like a glove in the hand that goes into the glove, that is who you become. But when Christ Jesus is the hand that fills out the glove, we become everything that He is. Yes, we are nothing now, but we become everything that He is. And the truth is that the reason that we are nothing now, is because the carnal mind, Satan, is filling the glove, and Jehovah calls her nothing, that is why we are nothing. We are not an empty glove, we are filled right now. We are filled with Satan and Leviathan, and that is why we are nothing, because she is nothing.


But when we are emptied out and we are filled with Christ Jesus, we shall be equal to the Master, that is what the Scripture said, You cannot be greater than the Master, but you can be as He is. Of course. He will always have the preeminence, but we can be everything that He is. But to become everything that He is, you must first be able to except the fact that right now, you are nothing. Praise the Lord.


And I gave you a definition of chameleon, a changeable or inconsistent person. Well yes, the Fiery Serpent is very inconsistent, and it is not an issue of her not being able to make up her mind who she wants to be. The issue is that two spiritual males are fighting over her. That is the issue, and she just becomes whatever the champion is. You better hide behind the Lord, brethren. Praise the Lord.


OK, going on with Verse 5, this is another long verse. Let me read you the King James again to sort of bring you in here. And the lords of the Philistines came up unto her, and said unto her, Entice him, and see wherein his great strength lieth, and by what means we may prevail against him, that we may bind him to afflict him, and we will give thee every one of us, eleven hundred pieces of silver.


We are up to lieth, wherein his great strength lieth. That word lieth is not in the Hebrew, it is in squiggly brackets, the word great, we will keep, the words and by what means, again is Strong's #4100, which means what, which is a hidden way of saying Elohim. Also, there are two prefixes before that word vav, which means nailed, and household, and Samson is Elohim's household. Samson is the nailed household. Samson is the personality that is joined to, nailed to Elohim, and Elohim is just another way of saying Adam, by the way. Adam is one of Elohim's expressions. Then we have the English word prevail, which we will translate overcome.


There is a prefix nun before that word, and nun means fish, and we know that Leviathan is the principle fish, we learned that from another translation. The English words against him, we can translate for the purpose of. The English words, that we may bind him, Strong's #631, we can translate harnessing, or to harness. The English word, to afflict, we shall translate to cast him down, and the English word, and we will give, we will keep that. The English word, thee, Strong's #8705, we shall translate to belong, and the English words, every one of us, we shall translate mortal men, that is Strong's #376, it is the Hebrew word, ish, it means mortal man, but it was translated every one of us.


We have the words, eleven hundred, these are two different Hebrew words, eleven is Strong's #505, which really means a thousand, and the word, hundred, Strong's #3967, means one hundred. Now, the number one thousand signifies the crown energy center, and the number one hundred signifies the brow energy center. These numbers indicating the frequency of the vibrations of that energy center, because energy is a continuous state of vibration, and depending upon how rapidly or how slowly that energy vibrates, or I should say the manifestations of that energy depend upon how rapidly or how slowly that energy vibrates. The lower down we are, the more sluggish the vibration, and the duller we are, the thicker our physical body is, and the more carnal we are, and the more rapid the vibrations, the quicker our mind is, and the more spiritual our mind is, and the more light is in our life.


And I think we had this on the earlier part of this message, salvation is the ascension of our consciousness, which is our personality and our Fiery Serpent. Our personality, with our spiritual virginity, ascending into the brow energy center, is the salvation of the personality. It is the salvation of the personality. And the energy of the crown energy center, that is the place where the glorified Lord Jesus Christ enters in to join with us.


The crown energy center; there are no physical bodies in the crown energy center, that is beyond the physical body, but the suggestion of the crown and the brow energy center, indicates that the individual has ascended as high as they could go, into the brow center, but they are also partaking of the energy of the crown center, because they have made contact with, either the Lord Jesus Christ, or Leviathan in illegal timeline. So to say the salvation of these two centers, is indicating energy beyond that which can be generated from within the individual.


And then, we have the words, pieces of silver, which simply means silver, which means salvation, that is Strong's #3701. Satan is saying to Samson, Cast down the resurrected Adam, and we will grant you a mortal man, salvation, which is the energy you receive when you ascend into the crown and brow energy centers. We will grant you the energy that you receive when you ascend into the crown and brow centers, which is salvation.


I mentioned this earlier, there is a salvation in Satan and Leviathan. There is an immortality in Satan and Leviathan, but this salvation, number one, will be eternal torment, and number two, even though it is the immortality of this age, it will come to an end when this age comes to an end. So it is a false immortality. Jesus Christ tells us about the age that will never end. The immortal age in the Serpent will end.


The next thing that you have in your notes is that I repeated these words with all the numbers, I should not have done that, so we will just go past that to page 12. And the second paragraph down on page 12, I have all of the words without the numbers, this is what I have to work with on Verse 5, Adam ascended into the lords of the spiritual immigrants and said towards the seed yourself, observe, Samson, Elohim, Chameleon, strength, great, Samson, Elohim, Leviathan, overcome, for the purpose of harassing, to cast him down, and we will give to belong to mortal man, crown center, brow center, salvation.


And this is what the Lord gave me, Alternate Translation, Judges 16:5, And as Adam ascended into the mortal men of Judah, Satan, the lord of the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual immigrants in the mortal men of Judah, worked witchcraft towards Samson, saying, Be deceived. Brethren, that is how witchcraft works. Be deceived. It is all in words.


Be deceived, and then Satan tells Samson what he is to be deceived about. Observe, Samson, that you are Elohim's chameleon, but Leviathan shall overcome Elohim's great strength and harness him. So why do not you just cast down Elohim now, why do you wait until Leviathan overcomes him, you cast him down now, how do you cast him down, by falling out of agreement with his mind, and falling into agreement with what I am telling you. First the seduction goes out, be deceived, that immediately weakens the personality, and makes them susceptible to the suggestion of the wrong thinking. Adam will be defeated anyway, so why do not you turn to my side right now, and we will reward you.


Leviathan shall overcome Elohim's great strength, and harness him, so why do not you cast him down, by falling out of agreement with his mind, and we, Satan and Leviathan, will give you a mortal man, the salvation that belongs to the brow and crown centers.


And as I told you at the beginning of this message, this is the same temptation that was given to Jesus, in Matthew 4:8-10, And the devil assumed authority over Christ Jesus, the very high mountain again, and showed Him all the human spirits of fallen humanity saying, 'I will give you power over all these mortal men, if you will come down from the higher energy centers of the true timeline, and acknowledge that I am God'. Then Jesus says, 'Get down under me Satan, because it is written, that you are the dog (well, I may have to change that), you are the dog of the god who controls you, and that the Fiery Serpent shall be unmarried and serve the purposes of God'.


So, you see, when Satan says to Samson, We will give you a mortal man, the salvation that belongs to the brow and crown energy centers, that is just another way of saying, We are going to give you control over all humanity. In the New Testament, Satan says, I will give you power over all these mortal men.


In the Old Testament, in Judges, Chapter 16, Satan says, I will give you the salvation that belongs to the brow and crown energy centers, and if you know anything about that salvation, you know that the man whose consciousness is in the brow center, who has a union with a disembodied spirit in the crown center, has authority over all of the men of earth. So Satan was saying the same thing to Samson that he said to Jesus. Now all you Pharisees, sit on your hat, cause I am telling you the truth: Jesus was not the first man that Adam rose from the dead in, Jesus was not the first man to experience perfection, but Jesus was the first man to stay in that high exalted place, and to ultimately ascend into the crown energy center, and above, which is the place where you can exist, without a human body. The Old Testament calls this condition the Ancient of Days, Elijah had that experience.


Elijah is the Ancient of Days of the Old Testament. He ascended to a place beyond the human body. And Elijah incarnated again in the man Jesus, and the man Jesus had that same experience. HE ascended to a place beyond the physical body, and today, Christ Jesus is incarnating in you and in me, and in due season, we will have Jesus' experience, shall experience the brow energy center, and Lord willing, some day we shall go into even the higher plane, when our work on the earth is done.


We have to help our brethren after we are strengthened, we have to help our brethren. I would like to just look at that verse again and see if there is any comment the Lord wants to make on it.


And as Adam ascended into the mortal men of Judah, the lord of the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual immigrants in the mortal men of Judah, worked witchcraft towards Samson saying, 'Be deceived. Observe, Samson, you are just Elohim's chameleon, but Leviathan shall overcome Elohim's great strength, which has made you strong, and Leviathan shall harness him, so why do not you just cast down Elohim now'?


Is not one of the Scriptures in the New Testament, Satan saying to Jesus, Why do not you cast yourself down from a big cliff? I have to go and redo all of these Scriptures in the New Testament. What is coming to me, I believe that the Lord is telling me that, when Satan said that to Jesus, Why do not you throw yourself off of the cliff, He will survive, what he was really was saying was, Why do not you cast Adam down from the brow energy center? That is what he was telling him, Why do not you cast Adam down; I will give you power over all of the men of the earth. Jesus was not looking for power over all of the men of the earth.


The greatest of us shall be their teacher and shall not wield power over the men of the earth, like the human rulers do; shall not wield that kind of power over men. You shall teach them, and cause them to rise in Christ Jesus, and be liberated as you are. And Satan was saying to Jesus, Why do not you cast down Adam and take my salvation, which will make you lord and ruler over, and tyrant over the men of the earth? This is good stuff, I had a good meal today.


And as Adam ascended into the mortal men of Judah, Satan, the lord of the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual immigrants in the mortal men of Judah, worked witchcraft towards Samson saying, 'Be deceived. Observe, Samson, that you are Elohim's chameleon, what an insult, that is some insult, but Leviathan shall overcome Elohim's great strength and harness him, harness him or, I do not know if it is harness him, that is not right. But Leviathan shall overcome Elohim's great strength and harness..., it would either be you or the Fiery Serpent; I will have to pray about that. The Fiery Serpent is the one who is harnessed. So why do not you cast Adam down, and we Satan and Leviathan will give you a mortal man, the salvation that belongs to the brow and crown energy centers'. Wow!



Judges, Chapter 16, Verses 1-5


And Adam came to the lair of the Fiery Serpent in the mortal men of Judah, and Adam saw the adulterous woman who lived there, and Adam entered into her, and the Fiery Serpents in the mortal men of Judah said, Samson is come here, and Adam is compassing him about, and laying an ambush for all of the Fiery Serpents, who have ascended into Leviathan's city, and Adam, the head of the neck energy center of the upper window, intends to silence Satan and engrave all of us Fiery Serpents with the nature of Michael, the light wave who calls forth Adam, the morning, and He is going to nail us to the upper window of creation. (Panic!) And Adam within Samson had intercourse with the Fiery Serpents within the mortal men of Judah, and Adam lay upon their heart center, to the point that Adam became a hedge between Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent, her household, and Adam seized the Fiery Serpent, the household who is the entranceway to Leviathan's city, to the neck energy center of Leviathan's timeline, and Adam, the captain of the neck energy center that is above brought them out of Leviathan's timeline, and bolted the door, and Adam joined the personalities of the Primordial Serpent, the magician who cast a spell on Adam and united with Elohim's sons. He joined those personalities to the neck energy center which is above. And it came to pass that Michael made love to the Fiery Serpent in the valley where he had silenced Satan, and the woman who was miserable, that is the Fiery Serpent, the woman, the spiritual woman who was miserable, disheartened and pining away because of her weak and inadequate nature, brought forth Adam, the manchild. And as Adam ascended into the mortal men of Judah, Satan, the lord of the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual immigrants in the mortal men of Judah, worked witchcraft towards Samson saying, 'Be deceived, observe Samson, that you are Elohim's chameleon, but Leviathan shall overcome Elohim's great strength, and harness the Fiery Serpent within you. So why do not you cast down Adam and we, Satan and Leviathan will give you a mortal man, the salvation that belongs to the brow and crown centers'.


What a message! That is absolutely incredible! Please note that when Satan said to Samson, You are just Elohim's chameleon, Satan spoke the truth. I think I touched that when I talked about us being the Ox, Satan spoke the truth, but she spoke the truth in the wrong spirit. And this is why I tell you all the time, beware of third-party information. The person may not mean you any harm, but they may be repeating what the other person said in a different spirit, and you will be receiving a lie. Praise the Lord, any questions or comments on this glorious message? Praise the Lord.


1st Edit, 3/22/19, rh

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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