475 - Part 9
(Judges, Chapter 15)

Part 9 of 9 Parts 


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Well, praise the Lord. I have the alternate translation here for you. We have completed the translation for verses 1 thru 20 which is the whole of Judges, Chapter 15. I have not really completed the interspersion because I have been putting a lot of time into the actual translation. As I have told you many times, the more I go over it, the more I understand what the Lord is trying to bring forth in these Scriptures. I remind you, once again, that if you are a person who is bound to the letter, if you are a person who says this is what it says, then you are under a legalistic spirit because we need to receive the Spirit of the Word. These physical words are just points of contact and we have to find out from the Spirit of Revelation what He is trying to say to us through these finite words. You see, the Spirit of Revelation is infinite. As deep as this is to us, it is probably pabulum to the Spirit of God because we are still so mortal. He is immortal. He is infinite. The expression of His word is infinite. The physical words on a page that we see are finite. The meaning of the physical word is limited. But if we concentrate on the message while seeking the Lord Jesus Christ for the truth, the Spirit of Revelation will give us an understanding which is beyond the finite word. That is where the amplification comes in. That is why I have these amplifications here. It is because I receive revelation beyond the finite word. Does anyone not understand what I am talking about? That is what the Spirit of Revelation is, understanding beyond the finite word.


So this is a very deep chapter. I am very excited, but I am always excited about every translation the Lord brings forth here. I spent several hours on these twenty verses and I have seen even deeper into them than I did as of Part 7. The Lord gave us something completely beyond the actual translation in Part 8. So I have made some changes in the Alternate Translation and I have completely omitted the verses with the red line and the strike out because I just made so many changes. I just eliminated them. Hopefully, by the next time we meet, I will have the interspersion for you. I find it very exciting. So what I am going to do now is read the whole twenty verses, although in the first two pages of your notes I only have thru eighteen. But if you want to look at the back of your notes, the last two pages where it says interspersion; I never did intersperse it. So starting at the top of page 12, we just have some very minor interspersions which I have been doing all along. But I see that there is going to be a lot of work on the interspersions. I will just read it from page 12. The major change that I made was in verse 1. I am going to read you the recap from Part 7, but the Lord has given me additional revelation on it. I will read you the old recap to sort of get you in the spirit and try to bring you up to where I am. Then we will do verses 19 and 20 and I will show you the changes that the Lord has shown me.


This is Judges Chapter 15, 1 thru 18. In the day of judgment, Samson, the young male goat of Astarte, the she-goat, punished the Fiery Serpent, his wife, saying, I will go into the chamber of my wife. But Satan, the evil waters of Leviathan, the father of the mortal men of Judah appeared and would not permit him to go in. And Samson said, concerning the personalities of the spiritual immigrants in Judah, I will turn them against Satan, the evil waters, and put them in the righteous moral order because I am free from guilt. But Satan, the father of the group mind of the mortal men of Judah said, You Samson, are boasting proudly that you hate Satan and hate Leviathan. Therefore I am giving the widowed Fiery Serpent, the beloved bride of your friend, Adam, to Leviathan, even though the good side of the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan's young one in the world underneath, is praying to belong to Adam when he appears. But the Spirit of Elijah in Samson, went and captured the brow energy center of the mortal men of Judah that Satan was appearing in. And Adam in Samson captured the heart energy center of Leviathan's timeline and Adam in Samson lay upon the heart energy center of the mortal men of Judah which is between the Primordial Serpent's two tails and bisected the Fiery Serpent, the tail that was added to Leviathan, the principle tail and turned her back towards the root energy center. And the Spirit of Elijah in Samson consumed Satan, the brutish spiritual blood of the etheric bodies of the spiritual immigrants in the mortal men of Judah.


And Adam in Samson consumed the Fiery Serpent in the lower energy centers of the mortal men of Judah and gathered Abel, Adam's root system, together with Adam and Samson. And Abel shot forth from under the ground of the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan's household in the mortal men of Judah. And Adam stood up on Abel's foundation and ascended into the heart center of the mortal men of Judah, the garden where the Tree of Life is. And Adam in Samson said to the spiritual immigrants in the mortal men of Judah, Jehovah has done this because the Spirit of Elijah, the one who recognizes the ascended Fiery Serpent, responded to Samson's call for help when Satan captured the Fiery Serpent, Adam's widowed wife, and gave her to Leviathan for a companion. And the Spirit of Elijah in Samson burnt Satan and Leviathan, their father, with fire and Abel shot forth from the spiritual immigrants in the mortal men of Judah. And this is how it happened. The Spirit of Elijah said to Satan, the unconscious part of the Primordial Serpent's timeline, concerning Samson, Since you have given the Fiery Serpent to Leviathan, I will surely punish you, Satan, and the Fiery Serpent shall become limp and unoccupied. And the Spirit of Elijah in Samson attacked Satan, the spiritual energy of the other side of the mortal men of Judah and Adam in Samson pursued Leviathan in the mortal men of Judah, who was covering the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual generative part of the mortal men of Judah from the neck energy center.


And Adam in the mortal men of Judah married the Fiery Serpent, the stronghold of their lower energy centers, the lair of the Fiery Serpent, the wild beast. And Adam ascended in the mortal men of Judah, but the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual immigrants in the mortal men of Judah besieged him and Leviathan, the collective subconscious mind of the mortal men of Judah, cast down Adam in the mortal men of Judah. And the Spirit of Elijah and Adam, the mind nailed to Samson, who himself was a mortal man of Judah, said to the other mortal men of Judah, Why do you think Adam ascended within you? And Satan and Leviathan, the carnal mind nailed to the mortal men of Judah, answered the Spirit of Elijah and Adam in Samson, saying, He ascended to take us prisoner and to do to us what we have done to him. And Adam said to Samson, a mortal man of Judah, I want you to understand that we put you in order because Leviathan, the timeline of the spiritual immigrants, has dominion over the mortal men of Judah. And the Spirit of Elijah and Adam in Samson, said to the mortal men of Judah, We are putting you in the right order with respect to Samson because you were made to belong to us, and the Spirit of Elijah prostrated Satan, the third part of the crown energy center of the mortal men of Judah. And Adam, the stronghold of the Spirit of Elijah, Elohim's energy in Samson, consumed the Fiery Serpent, the wild beast in the root energy center of the mortal men of Judah. And Adam said to Samson, The personalities of the mortal men of Judah belong to me. So swear with respect to them that you will bring them to repentance so that they can reach Elohim's timeline which is with themselves.


And Adam in Samson spoke to the mortal men of Judah saying, Satan, indeed, was able to imprison, harness and deliver Abel, your spiritual phallus to Leviathan. Therefore, you must die to the lifestyle of the Fiery Serpent, the household of Leviathan, the principle fish. And Adam in Samson instructed the mortal men of Judah, saying, Cast down the widowed Fiery Serpent, the household of Leviathan, and imprison Cain for the purpose of delivering Abel, the widowed phallus of the spiritual immigrants from Leviathan. And Adam in Samson, bound Cain, the foliage of the earth, who was interwoven with the Fiery Serpent and second to righteous Abel, the new phallus of the mortal men of Judah. And Adam ascended in the mortal men of Judah and Elijah, the righteous power, which is Elohim's Spirit from the energy centers above, attacked Satan in the mortal men of Judah. And Adam, Jehovah's stronghold from the energy centers above, who has Jehovah's nature, attacked Leviathan, and the spiritual immigrants shouted with alarm as Abel's harness melted. And Abel attacked Cain, the foliage who was interwoven with the Fiery Serpent and became Adam, the phallus of the waters above. And Adam consumed the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan's household, and the Spirit of Elijah in Samson, acquired Satan, the moisture of the crown energy center of the mortal men of Judah. And Adam in Samson subjected Leviathan, the Primordial Serpent's timeline in the mortal men of Judah, and Abel in the mortal men of Judah laid hold of the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual sexual part of the personalities of the mortal men of Judah and conquered her.


And Adam, the phallus of the Glorified Elijah shot forth in the mortal men of Judah. And Adam said to Samson, Satan, the foul waters of Leviathan's window is bubbling up and polluting the spiritually male personalities of my household in Leviathan's window. So I am sending judgment upon Satan, the moisture of the crown energy center of the spiritually male personalities of the mortal men of Judah in Leviathan's window. And the Spirit of Elijah in Samson dried up Satan, the waters of Leviathan's window in the mortal men of Judah. And Adam appeared in the mortal men of Judah and put Leviathan to flight and cast down the Fiery Serpent and put the mortal men of Judah in the right moral order and completed them. And Adam, the phallus of the waters above, who was the head of Abel, the hedge around the Fiery Serpent, engraved the widowed Fiery Serpent, the subconscious mind of the mortal men of Judah with Jehovah's nature, and Adam, the Tree of Life, stood up in their heart energy center, which is the Garden of Eden. And Abel, in the mortal men of Judah, thirsted for Satan, the vehement waters, and Jehovah called toward Abel within the mortal men of Judah, saying, Adam in Samson, my bond servant in the window where Adam, the diffraction grating of the visible world is nailed to Satan, the tooth of Leviathan the sea Serpent, has married the Fiery Serpent, the household of Leviathan. And accordingly, you, the personalities of the Primordial Ox must now die to the lifestyle of the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan's haughty household and the household of Satan, the waters of Leviathan, the sea Serpent that is nailed to the personalities of the Primordial Ox, so that Abel, the phallus who was covered by Adam in Samson, who thirsts for Elohim's waters and the Fiery Serpent, his household, can overthrow Satan and Leviathan in yourselves, the mortal men of Judah.


I would like to tell you the reason I am repeating the mortal men of Judah so much is that I feel it is absolutely necessary for clarity because there is a difference between the principles in Samson and the principles in the other mortal men of Judah even though Samson also is a mortal man of Judah. Adam is more mature in Samson and it is Adam and the Spirit of Elijah in Samson, ministering to the spiritual principles in the other men of Judah. So I have to put all those extra words in there to make sure that whoever is going to be reading this transcript will at least have the opportunity to tell whom I am talking about, Adam in Samson or Adam in the men of Judah. As I started to tell you at the beginning of this message, I found out the first verse is not translated correctly. We will get to that as soon as we finish verses 19 and 20.


In Chapter 14 of the Book of Judges, we hear about the account of Samson's ascension, Samson's judgment, Samson's experience, and Adam rising from the dead in Samson. So verse 1 of Chapter 15 is really just one verse to sort of bring you up to date and say, well, Samson is already ascended and the whole story of his ascension is in Chapter 14 of the Book of Judges. But Chapter 15 is the account of how the ascended Samson sets free the other mortal men of Israel. Starting with verse 2 we see that the whole Chapter 15 of the Book of Judges is the experience of the fallen mortal men of Judah and the savior, Samson, that Jehovah raised up to help them to overcome Leviathan and Satan and the Fiery Serpent within themselves. That is what this whole Chapter 15 is about. We find out that Adam goes in and the Spirit of Elijah goes in and attacks Satan, Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent in the mortal men of Judah and actually cause Adam to rise from the dead and come forth in the mortal men of Judah. The personalities that Adam has risen in, for the specific purpose of being their savior, of delivering them from bondage to Satan and Leviathan, the personalities that Adam is risen in, kill their own savior.


Brethren, this is very timely. People that think we do not need to study the Old Testament are ignorant. I do not mean to insult anybody, but you are ignorant, and you do not know what you are talking about. The true message of the Old Testament is exactly what is happening in the Church today. Understanding the Old Testament on this deep level is going to help us do our part to get delivered. I do not know how to make it any clearer. The Lord has made it very clear to me that there is no rapture and there is no deliverance by the laying on of hands. As I just told you, Jehovah raised up a savior in Samson. The resurrected Adam in Elijah in Samson actually brought forth Adam in the mortal men of Judah, overcame Satan and all of the negative principles in the people that Samson was sent to minister to. The very people that he was trying to save, rose up and killed the resurrected Adam. The same thing is happening and will happen today. Therefore, the essential factor is the understanding by the personality of what is happening to them, why it is happening to them, which of course includes the truth about our present condition, and what the personality must do to retain this great work that is actually coming from Jehovah. In the New Testament, it is the Lord Jesus Christ, but Jehovah sent the Lord Jesus Christ. His great work that He is doing is liberating Abel and He is raising Adam from the dead and He is conquering Satan and Leviathan so that we can enter into His glorious life. The people that He does this great work in will never be able to hold on to it until they understand what their part is to keep it.


Brethren, we, the personality, must do something to hold on to the deliverance that the Lord Jesus Christ is giving to us. There is no way that we are going to do what is necessary to hold our deliverance unless we understand what is necessary. There is no way we are going to understand what is necessary for us to do unless we understand what our condition is. This, brethren, is the purpose for the instruction of the Doctrine of Christ. So long as the personality agrees with Satan and Leviathan, the Lord Jesus Christ will be continuously raising Adam from the dead. He will be raising Adam from the dead for as long as you live, and you still will not enter into eternal life, because the personality continues to choose Satan and Leviathan over the Spirit of Christ in Christ Jesus. Why does the personality do that? Well, there are two reasons. The personality is ignorant of the truth of the Doctrine of Christ and the personality is already married to Satan and Leviathan. It is the same thing as a policeman answering a domestic violence call. The husband is beating up the wife or the wife is beating up the husband, although it is usually the husband beating up the wife. She is screaming, yelling, all full of black and blue marks, and the policemen come in and the wife says, go away and leave my husband alone. That is what we are up against. Therefore, instruction in the Doctrine of Christ is essential.


But also, we see in this chapter that the carnal mind cannot receive the things of God. The carnal mind cannot comprehend the things of God. The carnal mind cannot be instructed by the Doctrine of Christ. The carnal mind will not listen to it and if she does listen to it, she perverts the Doctrine of Christ. So we see that the procedure of Jehovah's plan as being executed by the Lord Jesus Christ in this hour is that there will be an impartation of the mind of Christ, to some people without their agreement. There will be a spiritual warfare coming forth from the established sons of God towards the person that the Lord directs them to, to impart the mind of Christ in them. When I give you an exhortation on the Alternate Translation, you will see that once this happened to the men of Judah, once the mind of Christ was imparted to them without their agreement, then Adam in Samson started instructing the mind of Christ in the Doctrine of Christ. In the Old Testament, the mind of Christ is called Abel. The carnal mind cannot comprehend the Doctrine of Christ. If the carnal mind can comprehend it, she will misuse it. She will not make the proper use of it.


I do not really know about non-Christians, at this point, although I believe in my spirit that there are very spiritual people in this world that could be in all kinds of paganism, but they are spiritual and that something in them is crying out for the true God. Now the Lord did not tell me this; I just believe it in my spirit. I believe that these people are the strangers in Israel. When the Jews came out of Egypt, they were commanded to bring the strangers that wanted to come along with them. So I believe that there will be some people who are not Christians, but who are very spiritual and when they hear this message, they will respond to it and of course, once they respond to it, they will become Christians. But basically, this message is for the Church. The Church has the Holy Spirit. I do not know how many have the mind of Christ, but are not living out of Him. You see, if it were truly the mind of Christ in me or in them, when they hear this message, they would know it was the truth. So I have to believe that the majority of the Church either does not have the mind of Christ or that He is so buried by Cain and the Fiery Serpent that He has no effect on their lives at all. So for all intents and purposes, He is not even there. So there will be a warfare coming from the manifested sons of God towards the members of the Church to free up that organ, that spiritual organ of understanding, that spiritual organ in the members of the Church and the people of God, which will enable them to understand this message.


This will be a necessary legal violation of their minds because it is necessary to save their life. Just as it is necessary in the case of your physical body when you need surgery to survive. It is a violation of the body to make an incision in the body to lay hold of the organs underneath. But there will be an incision made in the ground of the members of the Church because either Abel is under the ground and he cannot get out or the incision is necessary to impart the seed of the Spirit of Christ, which will cause Abel to come forth. But there will be spiritual surgery done on the body of Christ and on the people who name Jesus as their Savior. It is the Lord Jesus who will do the picking. I cannot tell you that it is even everybody in the Church, but the people who have truly connected with Him will be subject to this spiritual surgery to either free up or impart to them the spiritual organ that is capable of understanding the Doctrine of Christ. Praise the Lord.


I watched a TV program yesterday and it was a science fiction program that I only watch in a rare while. It was called Earth, the Final Conflict. One of the characters in this TV show is a man who looks humanoid, but I think his father or one of his parents was an alien. I think it was his father, and his mother was a human. So he has these alien qualities and this man reached the point of conflict in his life where his alien abilities were coming to the fore. He looked at his hands and he could see the lights glowing in his hands. At one point he got upset with a friend who was trying to help him, and he accidently killed the friend. He just wanted to be left alone and pushed him away, but he had this spiritual strength manifesting in him and the man went flying over a balcony and was killed. Then the man who has this alien power realized that this same power that killed could heal and he laid hands on his friend and raised the man from the dead. The reason I am telling you this is that this half human man is very upset at these alien powers that are manifesting in him and he goes to speak to a representative of the alien race of which he is a part of. The alien elder explains to him that this is a very dangerous time in his life because it is the time of the revelation of the beast within him. The alien very profoundly says, Everyone has that beast element in them. Everyone has this beast element in them. The question is who will rule our lives, the beast or the civilized part of ourselves. The alien elder tells him that in the past, no one really succeeded in having this spiritual power and keeping the beast under control because the spiritual power is the beast.


Brethren, I have told you many times that the Fiery Serpent is our subconscious mind. She is our spiritual power. She is our spirituality. That is why Christ Jesus must lay hold of her and join Himself to her so that we can have this spirituality in righteousness. The Fiery Serpent is the beast. The Fiery Serpent is the beast and when she rises without union with Christ Jesus, then any spirituality is in the hands of the beast nature. So here is this science fiction program talking about what I preach. Here is this human and he is really all upset because he is scared. This power is rising up in him and he is scared that the beast is going to overtake him. He feels that he is losing control of it. The alien elder said something very profound to him. Our hero, the man who was half human and half alien said, I really do not want this. It is a great thing, but I feel like I am losing control. I cannot control it and I do not want to know anything about it. That is the key word; I do not want to know anything about this beast that is in me. The alien elder said to him, But you cannot control what you do not understand. You cannot control what you do not understand.


Brethren, we all have a beast in us. It is our subconscious mind. She is our spirituality. The age of spirituality for humanity has arrived. Either we, the personality, will be spiritual under the control of Christ Jesus or we will be spiritual under the control of the Fiery Serpent, who is the household of Leviathan, who is ruled by Satan. So it is the time for love as the Hebrew Scripture tells us. That means that humanity is coming of age. We will be spiritual in one timeline or in the other. The only way that we can choose the righteous timeline is to understand the beast who would take us over and control us, if she could. You cannot control what you do not understand. You have to know your enemy.


Someone said to me the other day, The Lord says in the Scripture, 'Lean not unto your own understanding', so I do not want to know. What that means, brethren, is lean not to the understanding of your carnal mind. Lean not to your own understanding of your flesh, but understand with the mind of Christ. You must know your enemy to defeat him, if you can hear it. The world knows about it. The science fiction writers know about it. The Hindus know about it. The Buddhists know about it. The Confucians know about it. It is time for the Church to know about it. Praise the Lord.


We will continue with Judges, Chapter 15, verse19 from the King James, But God clave an hollow place that was in the jaw, and there came water thereout; and when he had drunk, his spirit came again, and he revived: wherefore, he called the name thereof Enhakkore, which is in Lehi unto this day.


The English word, but, is a translation of two prefixes, vav and yod, the nailed mind, which we are translating Adam. The word, clave, can be translated to break through. I think I changed it, to penetrate, in the final translation. God is Elohim. The hollow place is the Fiery Serpent. The Fiery Serpent is the female spiritual principle within us. She is the womb. She is that which receives. She is the hollow place. She is the vessel that receives the male organ.


I have some definitions for you here. This word, Strong's #4388, is a translation of hollow place. It is from the root #3806 which means a mortar or by analogy, a socket of a tooth. It is a hollow place. I have a definition of a socket for you; an opening or a cavity into which an inserted part is designed to fit like a light bulb socket, for example. With regard to anatomy, it is the concave part of a joint that receives the end of the bone, a hollow or concavity into which a part, such as the eye, fits. The definition of mortar is a vessel in which substances are crushed or ground with a pestle. We know that there is a Scripture that says you shall be ground to powder, although I did not get you that witness. It is a pretty common one in the Scripture.


So we see that the hollow place is the Fiery Serpent who receives the male organ. The hollow place is the Fiery Serpent, the womb of the earth that Adam is inserting himself into. We have the word, in, which is a translation of the prefix, beth, which means household. The words, the jaw; that is Leviathan. She is the jawbone. Then we have another prefix, vav, which means nailed to. It is a translation of the word, and. Then the words, came out, can also be translated, to lead out. The English word, thereout, Strong's #4480 can be translated, from the side of. You know that whenever we hear those words, the side of, it is talking about either the upper or the lower window. Those are the two sides of creation. The upper window, which is spirit and the lower window which is flesh or earth. The King James Translation says that the woman came out of Adam's rib. That Hebrew word translated rib, means side of. The woman came out of the side of Adam, which was earthen. Adam had an earthen side. He was made of spirit and dust. The woman is of the earth; earthy. Adam is of the earth; earthy. He was spirit and earth and the earth part of him was his female side. The word, water, Strong's #4325, we can legitimately translate as urine. Then we have the words, when he had drunk. When is a translation of two prefixes, nailed and mind, vav and yod, which we are translating Adam. The Hebrew word, translated drunk, we can translate swallowed up.


Swallowed up is sort of a famous word in this ministry. One of the earliest messages that we preached was Satan Swallowed Up. We know that it is Abel who is thirsty for the waters of creation, and as soon as Abel drinks of those waters, he matures into Adam. Abel is the root system of Adam. Adam is the Tree of Life and Abel is the root part of that tree. So the root seeks to be joined to the branches and the branches of the tree signify the energy of the creation. Abel, the root system thirsts for the energy of the creation so that the whole Tree of Life can live again. Therefore, Satan must be swallowed up because Satan is the waters of creation. It is the Lake of Fire that swallows Satan up. It brings her to a boil and separates the earth from the waters. It separates the earth from the energy. The way the Primordial Serpent and her principles in this generation control the energy of the creation is that they are joined to the energy in every spiritual atom and every physical atom. The energy is joined to the earth in an incorrect moral order. You see, this creation is spirit or energy and earth, but it must be the spirit ruling over the earth. But the connection or the union of spirit and earth in the creation today, gives the preeminence to the earth and the spirit is the servant of the earth.


Does anybody remember what kind of a configuration or what kind of pattern the energy of a human being takes when the earth is predominating over the spirit? A pattern is within the wave. The pattern that the energy of our being takes when the earth is joined to the spirit, with the earth dominating, is a spiral pattern. This is what came forth on the on-line meeting on Wednesday. Does anybody remember what pattern the energy takes when the spirit is dominating the earth? Yes, a straight line. We had a very exciting teaching on this on Wednesday. That is what Jesus meant when he said, enter in at the straight gate. Enter into the channel for ascension which is identified by a linear pattern within your energy stream. The Serpent's energy stream moves in a circular pattern. But the energy stream, that which is a wave that moves in a straight line; that is the way to go. That is the timeline that leads to the true eternal life. You can even see in a circular pattern that you just go around in circles. You stay in the Serpent's timeline. Praise the Lord.


We just talked about the words, he had drunk. Then we have the prefix nailed before the English words, came again, which we will translate repented. The Hebrew word translated, to come against, Strong's #7725 can be translated, to repent. Then we have the word, spirit. Then we have the word, and, which once again are the two prefixes, vav and yod, and we will translate that Adam. We have the English word, revived, Strong's #2421, which can also be translated, his life was restored. To revive is to restore life; to restore life. Then we have the word, wherefore, which we are keeping. I did not make it clear in my notes.


Oh, here is a comment on it right here. Wherefore is a translation of two Hebrew words, Strong's #5921, which can be translated as because, and Strong's #3651, which can be translated just, true or righteous. So we are taking those two translations, because and the righteous one. We have the word, called, which can also be translated to summon or to invite. The name thereof can also be translated nature. Then we have the word, Enhakkore, Strong's #5875. This word is derived from two Hebrew words. Strong's #5869 is the Hebrew word which means the eye, and much more than that. This word signifies all that the eye can see. That is the entire visible world. Then we have Strong's #7121, which means to name, to call out or to invite. So we see that the Hebrew word, Enhakkore, Strong's #5875, means the nature of the visible world that you are invited to. This word signifies Elohim's visible spiritual world.


These are the words we have to work with; Adam broke through, Elohim, womb, Fiery Serpent, that household, Leviathan, nailed, took it out of the side of, the urine, nailed mind, swallowed up, nailed, repented, his spirit, mind, his life, was restored on behalf of, righteous one, summon, invite, name, nature, the nature of the visible world, since which Leviathan, as far as this other timeline. This was a tough verse.


And the spirit of Elijah in Samson led the human spirit of the mortal men of Judah out from the lower window of creation, the side where Satan, the spiritual urine is, and the Spirit of Elijah in Samson swallowed up Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind of the mortal men of Judah. And Adam, Elohim's household in the mortal men of Judah penetrated the Fiery Serpent, the womb that is nailed to Leviathan, their collective subconscious mind. And Cain who was nailed to the Fiery Serpent, the foliage of the earth, repented and life was restored to Abel who was nailed to Cain in the wrong moral order. All this happened because righteous Adam invited the mortal men of Judah to receive the nature of Elohim's visible world. The reason he invited them was that Leviathan's nature had penetrated as far as Elohim's timeline. Leviathan's timeline was attacking the timeline of God. The battlefield is in the personality. If Jehovah did not intervene, by offering the men of Judah the nature of His invisible world, the mortal men of Judah would have been overtaken by Leviathan's timeline.


You see, the mortal men of Judah (as the Church today) had an imputed Christ. Well, the anointing in the Church today is different than what Israel had, but it is imputed in both cases. I believe that the anointing on Israel was much more intense than the anointing of the Holy Spirit today. Now that gets a rise out of a lot of Christians, but it is the truth. At their peak, at their zenith, the nation of Israel were a supernatural people, highly supernatural people. This is not true of the Church today. The Church is very carnal. But the whole point is that no matter what anointing you have, you cannot keep it unless your nature is changed. You cannot enter into the fullness of it unless your nature is changed. You can only go so far without a change of nature. Until your nature is changed, until your nature becomes the nature of Jesus Christ or in the Old Testament, the nature of Elohim, you cannot enter into His visible world and timeline. Until you receive the nature of the Savior, you will continue to fall prey to Satan and leviathan, no matter what the Lord Jesus Christ does for you.


This is what happened to Adam at the time of the Fall. He was spirit and he was earth and he had the nature of the Serpent in his earthen part. He had instruction, intense instruction from Jehovah, but he had not yet received Jehovah's nature. He had instruction from Jehovah and the nature of the Serpent flowing through his spiritual being and Adam fell prey because the Serpent's nature within him did not play fair and used witchcraft to seduce him. Adam fell prey to that nature which was in his members. Brethren, this is the condition of the Church today. It is true that some people need more work than others, but the very best example of mortal man is still in the nature of the Serpent and you will not hold on to the life of God so long as you are in agreement with and yielding to the Serpent's nature. You will be tempted to yield to the Serpent's nature so long as or at least until you are engraved with the nature of God, Elohim's nature, the Lord Jesus Christ's nature.


The Lord Jesus Christ can give you all the instruction in the world. You can be instructed in righteousness and He can give you His Holy Spirit. He gives you the Bible, teachers, and all kinds of things, but Satan will rise up and seduce you time and time and time again, until you receive the nature of Jesus Christ. With His nature comes His wisdom. We just do not always have the time to go running to a teacher to ask for wisdom and if you are in the nature of the Serpent, which most of the Church is today, even when you hear the wisdom of the teacher, you frequently do not do it. Frequently, you do not even hear it. The Serpent is an adder that makes you deaf. So the Lord has mercifully sent you teachers, but you have to get it yourself. There is only so much that a teacher can do for you. You, the personality, must decide, must choose, who you prefer. It is not what your mouth says, it is what your heart says. You must choose who you prefer and then do everything you can to help the Lord engrave you with His nature. You must help Him to cut your heart out.


It is the only way. I am trying to make it light, but there is no easy way. Our ancestor, or whoever we are in another form, fell. Adam fell prey to the aspect of himself which was the Serpent's nature and we, his descendants, probably for billions if not trillions of years, are experiencing the same trial over and over again. There is nothing new under the sun. We are going through the same thing that Adam went through with one exception, we are already fallen. In Adam's case, the Serpent did not yet have dominion over him. The Serpent already has dominion over us. If you are the most righteous man in this world, Satan has dominion over you! I know that because you die. You do not die if you are righteous. So if you have any reason to believe that you are going to die like everyone else, even though you may be a good person, that goodness will not buy eternal life for you. So the only way to enter into eternal life and to hold on to the promises of God is to live out of the life of God and enter into the visible world that Elohim is building is to have your nature changed because we are all Serpents. Some of us are good Serpents and some of us are evil Serpents, but we are all Serpents.


So until the Church world can get this revelation and believe it, the Church world is at a great disadvantage because they cannot take step number one. They do not believe they are Serpents. They are choosing to believe that they are sons of God in the condition that they are already in and they believe that they are protected from all the evils of this world and that they are going to be raptured. So because of this situation, the Lord Jesus Christ must take drastic steps to save His Church from themselves. See, the Church is completely (I do not want to say completely) but largely given over to their own evil side. They are believing the doctrine of the Serpent. Any belief other than the Doctrine of Christ is a belief in the Serpent's doctrine, in Leviathan's doctrine. The whole Church has gone after Leviathan's doctrine. Praise the Lord.


In my opinion, the worst thing that you could do when you are still in your carnal mind (and you have to acknowledge that you are in your carnal mind) is to try to go into deep doctrine. I heard from someone not too long ago, that some teacher had written a book and said that it was Adam that gave the keys of the kingdom to Satan because Jesus said, Now you have the keys of the kingdom and I have given them back to you. So they say, How did Satan get the keys to the kingdom? and that Adam must have given them to her when Adam fell. But that is not true, and it is not scriptural. The keys to the kingdom mean the ability to enter into the kingdom. Satan has locked up the ability of the Church to enter into the kingdom. So how did she get this power?


PASTOR VITALE: Does anybody know how Satan got this power to prevent the Church and the whole world from entering into the kingdom of God? Does anybody know how she got this power?


COMMENT: Adam was deceived by his earthen side.


PASTOR VITALE: Well, that is true, but how did Satan get the keys? How did Satan get the power to lock us out of the kingdom? We are not talking about how she did it. We are talking about how she had the authority to do it.


You are all giving the reason as to why Adam lost the power, but no one has said how the Serpent gained the power, so I will answer the question. Jehovah sold him. The Serpent seduced Adam, but Jehovah said to Adam, Since you have yielded to the temptation, I have sold you to Satan. See, Jehovah could have pulled him back. Just the fact that Adam fell prey to the witchcraft does not mean that the Serpent got his power. I know that I have been through some severe testing and I have been subjected to some heavy witchcraft, but the Serpent did not get my power. Satan did not get my power. So the fact that Adam was not taking the victory, the fact that Adam yielded to the witchcraft does not mean that that is the reason Satan took the power because Adam had a protector. He had Elohim and Jehovah protecting him. So who is responsible for Satan taking power? If I have a five-year-old child and I see that child is about to steal some candy will be the example I will use. This is the whole principle of righteous judgment. This is good. So I have this five-year-old child and I see his hand in the candy jar. I can stand by and do nothing and let him take the consequences of the store owner coming over to him and saying, Young man, you have just stolen candy and I am going to call the police. Of course, that is an exaggeration. It is a five-year-old. Well, as his mother, I can say, Johnny, put the candy back and I am going to have to discipline you for this. You see, the elder is responsible.


The husband is responsible for the wife and the children and depending on the circumstances, the wife is responsible for the children if she is the elder around. This is what righteous judgment is. I have done this here with all of you when I have seen you doing something wrong. I will say to you, You know, you really should not talk to me like that; that is wrong. That was flattery or that was this or that was that. When I do that to you, I am saving you. If you say OK, and you repent, I have saved you from the consequences of that error. This is the whole principle of righteous judgment. We see it again in the situation with Adam and Eve. Of course, we know this is just the parable. The King James Translation says, Eve partook of the fruit and gave to her husband with her. Most of the Church says, Well look at that, she poisoned her husband. It is all the woman's fault that the man fell. No, it can never be the woman's fault that the man fell. It could never ever, in God's eyes, be the fault of the person under authority for causing damage to the person in authority. Now if a person under authority does something that causes the person in authority to stumble, the person under authority still has to reap what they sow because they have manifested sin themselves. It does not matter whether it is witchcraft, seduction or whatever it is. They have to reap what they sow for their sin. But when the authority falls, there is no one to blame but the authority.


I have even brought this issue up in this congregation several times. I have not heard it in a long time, but in the past, I would tell somebody that you just did something that was a temptation to me. On occasion it was something that I should not be eating, and I ate it. I have told you, I take the full responsibility for eating what was not healthy for me, but you have to take the responsibility for tempting me. But you cannot go around saying, I made you eat it. Oh woe is me, I made you eat it. That is an ungodly burden. Do you understand what I am saying, and can you see the difference? You must take responsibility for tempting somebody, but if the person that you tempt does not take the victory and eats something they should not eat, you cannot go around with that burden on you. You can only take the burden up to the point that you tempted them. From there on, it is their problem. We are tempted every day in life. We are challenged to call on God. If we feel weakness coming on us and we are tempted to do something that we should not do, we are supposed to call upon Jesus to give us the strength not to do it. I cannot go around blaming everybody that tempts me. But the person who tempts me must answer for their own sin. Does anyone not understand this?


So Adam did not take the victory, but Elohim was supposed to be covering his sins. Elohim and Jehovah were supposed to be covering him. In other words, they could have stopped him. Now I do not know exactly how it happened, so I am just putting it in a parable form. They could have tapped him on the shoulder and said, Hey Adam, everything we instructed you about, you are right in the middle of it right now. It is happening to you right now. You better take the victory. But they did not. Adam was prepared. He was furnished, and he was equipped to be victorious. What does that mean? He had the knowledge, the instruction, and he had the strength to take the victory over his other side, his evil side, his earthen side. What he did not have was the nature of Jehovah. What he did not have was the experience. See, you need one of two things. You either need an experience that tells you, Well, I am not getting involved with that again. I learned that the hard way. That is the way the Serpent teaches you. Or the other way to know that you are not supposed to do it is that you have Jehovah's nature which says, No, no, do not touch the unclean thing because that is bad. You see, we need an instant reaction. Sometimes we have time to think about things or pray about things, but when we are out there in the world, sometimes we do not have time to think or pray. We need the very nature of the Lord Jesus Christ within us to know; No, thank you. Why? I do not know. I have not figured that out yet, but no thank you. I know the Lord will tell me when I can get alone with Him. He will tell me why I said no. But right now, I am just saying, No, thank you.


Adam did not have that. What Adam had was the memory, just the memory of instruction in righteousness. I want to tell you, brethren, that when someone talks to you in an influential way, the memory of your instruction in righteousness goes right out the window. I see it with you right here just in the running of the ministry. I will ask you to do something, to buy something, or to talk to someone on the telephone and as soon as that person talks with authority to you, you tend to yield to them instead of remembering what I told you. This is the nature of the Serpent. So you have got to grasp this understanding yourself. You have to have a knowledge in yourself of why you would say no to that man on the telephone. But when you are just executing my instruction, the reality of your situation is that you are caught between two opinions; the opinion of my instruction and the opinion of this other person. The one who is near to you, the one who you are talking to right now, the one who makes what he is telling you sound right causes the memory of my instruction to grow dim. That is what happened to Adam. It is happening to us today. It still happens to me, although I get stronger and stronger every day and I am at the point now where if I feel I have a particular kind of knowledge and someone speaks to me with a strong authority and says, Oh no, that is not the way it is, I will not yield to them.


There was a time in my life, not too long ago, where I would yield. I would say, Oh, well, I guess I was wrong because the person was talking with such authority. I would say I must be wrong. But almost, without exception, I would find out that the other person does not know what they are talking about. There are people in this world that talk without knowledge and they will repeat to you in a spirit of authority something that they just heard somebody else say, that they do not really know for a fact is true. I am just talking about information in the world, where you go to get postage or where the local post office is, if you are new in town. I am just talking about worldly things now. So I am now at the place where if I have some knowledge that I may not be absolutely sure about, I go with my opinion. If someone else comes along and says, Oh no, that is not right, this is how you do it. I will say to them, Well, I heard it another way. I thank you for your opinion and I will check it out, but I will no longer yield to them. Then I will go back to them if it turns out they were right, and I will tell them. But most of the time they are not right. Most of the time, they are talking out of ignorance. A lot of people just talk. It makes them feel good. It is an ungodly manifestation of pride. They just want to have the answer for you.


So Adam had the memory of righteous instruction on the one hand and he had the actual present influence of the Serpent's witchcraft on the other hand and he fell prey to the pressure. It happens to people every day. That is what high-pressure salesmanship is. We respond to other people. I called for an electrician the other day. I made two phone calls. I took two names out of the Pennysaver. The first man called me back. He had a nice ad. Well, there were two ads. One man had his license listed in the ad and I liked that. The other man did not have his license number, but he may not have been knowledgeable enough to know that is a good idea and that a lot of people in the Pennysaver do that. He said, If you call me, I will call you back within fifteen minutes. So apparently, he had some kind of beeper system. He called me back and gave me a ball park figure, not a set figure, and he did not make an appointment with me. He said, I will call you in a few days. I think he must be new to this business because when you do your business out of the Pennysaver and you get someone on the phone, you schedule them right away or you could lose them. Well anyway, he sounded OK, so I said, All right. He did give me a high and a maximum price that he would charge me.


Then the other guy called. I knew I had made two calls and I had sort of made an appointment with this man. I had said, All right, call me and let me know, although I was not too happy about him not making an appointment with me. Then the second electrician called, and this guy was a real go getter and he really wanted to schedule me. I perceived in my spirit that he really needed the work. Now he seemed to be very busy. He called me at 10:30 at night and he really wanted that job. I yielded to him and I have not heard from the Lord that I did something wrong. I felt that I did not have a firm commitment with the other guy. I called him the next day and I told him I changed my mind. I did not even have an appointment for him to come and look at the job. But I responded to the second man who called. Now, maybe I made a mistake and maybe I did not, but I decided that I was better off with a man who really wanted the work. I felt that he really wanted the job when I spoke to him on the telephone. My response was OK. He was not doing anything wrong. I just perceived it in his spirit that he really would have liked to have scheduled me right then and there. He gave me a good price and I hesitated.


I said, I will call you back. To tell you the truth, I wanted to pray about which one I would take. I felt in my spirit that he just really needed this work and I responded to him and said OK. I did not say this to him. I just said it to myself. You need the work that bad, I will give it to you. That was my reaction. I do not know what kind of problems he has in his life that he needs the work that bad. All right, I will give it to the one who needs it. That was my reaction. Unless the Lord tells me that I made a mistake, which He has not told me, that is the one I choose. Lord, if I made a mistake, please tell me. That was how I made my decision. How do I know the difference between two electricians? Everything is just pot luck. I responded to the man's need.


Now, this was not an ungodly influence, but I was influenced by the man. Can you understand what I am saying? I was influenced by the man. I responded to him. Well, Adam was influenced by the Serpent. Adam responded to the Serpent and on the other side of him, all he had was a memory of the law. Were you ever caught in a power play between two people? Sometimes you find this between a young married woman. She may find herself in a power play with her mother or her father on one side and her husband on the other side. You are pulled in two directions and you have to decide which way you are going to go. Well in Adam's case, he was not even being pulled on the other side. He just had a memory of an instruction. Brethren, that is a very mild pull. That is a very mild pull. When you are in an interaction with another human being and you are feeling their emotions, it is difficult. I guess it depends a lot on how sensitive you are, too. I am very sensitive. I guess Adam was very sensitive in that place of time. You respond to people. Sometimes they are influencing you in a godly way and sometimes it is an ungodly way. This man did not do anything wrong. Maybe someone else would not even have recognized what I recognized. I felt he really needed the work and I gave it to him. He wanted to schedule me right there and he made the appointment. He will be here next week.


So Elohim and Jehovah did not cover Adam. They did not go and tap him on the shoulder and say, This is what I told you about in class. It is happening to you now. They did not do that. It had to be righteous because Jehovah is righteous. He did not make an automaton. He did not make an android. He did not make a robot. Jehovah made a man and He instructed him, and He said, Just follow the instruction until you are engraved with my nature. In due season you will be engraved with my nature and then you will have all the knowledge that you need, all the knowledge that there is without experiencing the evil that would make you draw the intelligent conclusion that you are not touching that hot pot anymore. Some people say, Jehovah had to know that Adam would not take the victory. Well, Jehovah did know that Adam would not take the victory, but Jehovah was not making a robot. He was making a man; a thinking, functioning, rational, independent, powerful, authoritative man. I believe it was fifty-fifty as to whether or not Adam would take the victory. He had a fifty-fifty chance, just like we have today. Fifty-fifty, but the personality that puts their shoulder to the plow and will not let go of Jesus Christ for any reason, whatsoever, greatly increases those odds, probably up to a hundred percent, if you will not let go of Jesus. I tell you all the time, make your fleece with Him now. Do not wait for the moment of crisis. Make your fleece with Him now, that you want Him to correct you in every error to save you from every destruction. Tell Him that you are trying the best you can to follow after this instruction, and that you are willing to pay any consequence that He calls forth for you, to help you when your carnal mind is covering over this instruction. Your chances go up to a hundred percent or at least ninety nine percent.


So Adam had a fifty-fifty chance of taking the victory. Yes, Jehovah knew it and Jehovah who knows everything probably knew which way it would go. But when Jehovah saw that Adam did not take the victory and fell into an ungodly relationship with the Serpent, Jehovah sold Adam under sin. I believe it is in the New Testament that we were sold under sin. I know I did a whole study on it in one of the older messages, maybe Message #18 or #31. No, it was not even that. It was in one of the Revelation messages. I did a whole study on sold under sin. Jehovah sold us under sin and bound us in chains of darkness until what? We are bound together with chains of darkness unto what? How long are we bound in chains of darkness? Until the judgment of our sin nature which imparts the nature of Christ to us. The chains of darkness that we are bound to are spoken about in either 1 or 2 Peter. The chains of darkness that we are bound to is Satan. We are bound to Satan. She is inside of us. We are all one being, and we are bound to her until the judgment which imparts the righteous nature of the Lord Jesus Christ to us. With that righteous nature comes the wisdom to overthrow Satan and Leviathan in our own mind. So you see, it is not even the judgment itself that delivers us from the chains of darkness. The judgment itself imparts to us the power to overthrow the chains of darkness. We must do it. We must do it. I do not know how I got on that, but it sounded good to me. Praise the Lord.


I guess it came from this Alternate Translation of Judges Chapter 15:19. And Adam invited the mortal men of Judah to receive the nature of Elohim's invisible world. The reason that they needed the new nature was that Leviathan's nature had penetrated as far as Elohim's timeline. Are there any questions about that whole exhortation before we go on with verse 20? I am going to say it one more time. Jehovah sold Adam under sin. We are all the descendants of Adam. We will only be delivered from that judgment when one member of our own race overcomes Satan and Leviathan and that overcoming member of our race is the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the only One who was strong enough to break the seals of our bondage. Hallelujah.


Continuing with Judges 15:20; And he judged Israel in the days of the Philistines twenty years.


The word, and, is the translation of two prefixes, vav and yod, which means Adam. The word, judged, we are translating governed. Israel, we are keeping. The word, days, is Strong's #3117. That is a word which means the twenty-four-hour day and it talks about time. The twenty-four- hour day talks about time. The Hebrew word translated year talks about a set period of time which could be a whole age. This twenty-four-hour day signifies time. We know that time operates in Leviathan's timeline. This twenty-four-hour day where time continuously goes forward, forward, forward is Leviathan's timeline and that is signified by the word, day. The word, year, could be any period of time. It could be an endless age. The word year could signify an endless age. We have a prefix there, beth, which means household. Let me read you my own notes again.


The Hebrew word translated days signifies a twenty-four-hour day which speaks of time. This word usually signifies Leviathan's timeline. The Hebrew word translated years signifies an unspecified measure of time which can be a whole lifetime. When the word, years, is qualified by the word spiritual, the Scripture is talking about the promised age which will have no end. Ephesians 3:21 says, Unto him be glory in the Church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end or age without end. Then we have the word, Philistines, which is talking about the spiritual immigrants. The word, twenty; the number twenty in the Hebrew alphabet signified by the Hebrew letter, kaf, which means wing and wing signifies spirit. The word, years, we are translating timeline. And governed Israel, the household of the timeline of the spiritual immigrant's spiritual timeline. This is what we have got.


Alternate Translation of Judges, Chapter15:20; And Adam the spiritual age governed Cain, the household of the spiritual immigrants of Leviathan's timeline in Israel. See, Leviathan's timeline was erected in Israel. Brethren, Leviathan's timeline is erected in the Church. Leviathan's timeline exists in all of us. If Christ Jesus is being formed in us, we have two timelines or two channels of ascension or two channels of resurrection in us. If Christ Jesus is not being formed in us, we just have the channel that we were born with, which is Leviathan, the Primordial Serpent's timeline. The root of escape to the kingdom of God must be added to us and it is added to us in seed form. It must then be developed in us. You may recall that one of the translations of this chapter is Adam instructing Samson, saying, I want you to bring the mortal men of Judah to repentance so that they might enter into my timeline which is within them. Life is within us. But if you still get sick and you are aging, and you have reason to believe that you will die unless Jesus intervenes supernaturally and even if He intervenes supernaturally, you will die eventually unless you go forward into eternal life. We all die. That is the characteristic of this world. You have not received eternal life if you anticipate dying. You know, we believe so many things in the Church world. If people would just think for themselves, they would know that it makes no sense at all that you have to physically die to enter into eternal life. Well, if you have eternal life, what do you have to die for? It makes no sense at all. We must die to the lifestyle of this world to enter into eternal life. We must die to this lifestyle and take up the lifestyle of Christ Jesus. The change is eternal.


Alternate Translation of Judges 15:20, And Adam the spiritual age governed Cain, the household of the spiritual immigrants of Leviathan's timeline in Israel. I would like to remind you that the spiritual immigrants are the Fiery Serpents in the individuals. The reason they are called spiritual immigrants is because the Fiery Serpent is the sperm of Jehovah's semen that was captured by the earth. Just as Adam needed or was waiting to be engraved with the nature of Jehovah so that he would have that salt, that preservative within him, knowing what is right and what is wrong and what not to touch. All of the spiritual sperm that was within Adam was in the same condition. Every sperm had the potential to be a civilized man in Jehovah's image. But all of the sperm, all of Adam's potential offspring, as well as Adam, needed to be engraved with Jehovah's image. Now the way it was going to work was that when Adam was engraved with Jehovah's image, all of his potential offspring would have been engraved with Jehovah's image in one fell swoop. In one engraving, Jehovah and all of his offspring would have had Jehovah's nature. The King James Translation says that Jehovah or Elohim (I do not remember which one it is) brought all the animals before Adam to see what he would name them. Brethren, there were no tigers and lions in those days. It was not an animal world. There was only one animal. Who is the animal? At that time we did not exist as we exist now. Who is the animal? Yes, the spiritual Ox was the animal; that is right. So that was the only animal.


Jehovah brought Adam to the animal to see what nature he would give the Ox that he was attached to. It was Adam's test and Adam is still bearing the consequences of his choice today. But the test is not over. It is given to a man only once to die and then the judgment which produces the righteous nature which prevents the error from ever happening again. So the spiritual Philistines, the spiritual immigrants, they are the spiritual seed of Jehovah's semen which was within Adam. When Adam died, all of the seed scattered, and they were captured by the Primordial Serpent who engraved them with her own image. You see, the sperm of Jehovah's spiritual seminal fluid is the basis of any kind of existence that comes forth in this world. I do not want to say life because this is not life that we partake of right now. This existence is called death. But you have consciousness, you have existence, whether in life or death. The sperm of Jehovah's seminal fluid is necessary. So the Fiery Serpent in each of us, our spiritual virginity, our spiritual potential is within us. We, the personality are the ox and we have a seed within us which is the seed of Jehovah's seminal fluid which has been engraved with the Serpent's nature. We have the seed within us. We have a spiritual ovum within us and that spiritual ovum is a sperm of Jehovah's seminal fluid. We are the Ox.


The Fiery Serpents are called spiritual immigrants because they have immigrated from the upper window into the lower window. They have immigrated from the high spiritual plane of the upper window into the earth. Every Fiery Serpent is inside of this dark earthen body, this prison. Actually, it is within the carnal mind. But I do not want to get into that right now. The Fiery Serpent is in prison. Well she is imprisoned in this dark body. It is dark inside where our internal organs are. Of course, she is in the etheric body. It is dark in there. That is why they are called spiritual immigrants. I know I touched on this on another message but let me review it. There are spiritual Philistines and physical Philistines. The modern-day descendants of the physical Philistines are the Palestinians. They are just a physical example of the spiritual Philistines. The Philistines are the race that produced the giants. I do not want to get into that right now. The concept of Philistine is someone who is highly ascended spiritually, highly ascended spiritually. The spiritual Philistine is the Fiery Serpent in us. She has the potential to be a spiritual giant. Now we know that Egypt was a highly occult mystical nation. That is not true of Egypt today. They are pretty much under the Islamic law. I think witchcraft is even forbidden under the Islamic law. So people change.


I do not really know what the Philistines were like in Bible days. I know what the King James Translation says. Maybe they were a physical race that were physical giants. I understand that there have been bones found of physically very large men. I understand that science claims that this whole creation was much larger and that the dinosaurs became the birds. It is a scientific theory that is in the public domain that our whole world shrunk and became very small at some point. So maybe there were physical giants, but I think that the main intention of the Scripture when it talks about giants is talking about spiritual giants who were very high in spiritual power. But so was Israel very high in spiritual power in days gone by, several thousand years ago, but they are not today. They are just everyday people today. But Israel is rising. I have preached it here that I know that there are many people right in this country that firmly believe that Greece is rising, and that Egypt is rising. The mystery religions of Egypt and Greece are rising again. I have no problem believing it because I know that Israel is rising again. But it is going to be a spiritual war. Maybe it was in the physical a couple of thousands of years ago. Maybe it was, maybe it was not. I do not know what to believe anymore unless I get a witness in my heart from the Lord. But I know that there is a tremendous spiritual warfare rising and that the principles of these ancient war fares, of these ancient conflicts are rising again, Egypt and Greece and probably the ancient principles of India.


India is the nation that has brought forth the Serpent's doctrine and I can freely say that to an Indian because they worship the Serpent. They know who the god of this world is. It is the ancient Indians, if that is what they were called in those days, thousands of years ago, that brought forth the Serpent's doctrine which would be parallel to the Doctrine of Christ. They have got a lot of truth, but it is all from the Serpent's side. Israel is rising again. If you are fully given over to the program that Jesus is bringing forth here, you are a part of Israel that is rising again. You need to know who you are. You are not an everyday person. It is very hard to see. It has taken me a very long time and I see it now because I literally spend hours and hours and hours in this word. If I did not have administrative work to do, I would probably be in it twenty hours a day, seven days a week. It has taken me a very long time to even really believe it. When you have a family and a wife or a husband and children and grandchildren, it is very hard to abide in that reality, that Israel is rising in you and that you, the personality, are a part of the conflict of the ages. But all things are possible with Christ. That is what He said. So you do the best you can.


Recap, Judges Chapter 15 verses 19 and 20. And the Spirit of Elijah in Samson led the human spirit of the mortal men of Judah out from the lower window of creation, the side where Satan, the spiritual urine is, and the Spirit of Elijah in Samson swallowed up Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind of the mortal men of Judah and Adam. Elohim's household in the mortal men of Judah penetrated the Fiery Serpent, the womb that is nailed to Leviathan, the collective subconscious mind and Cain, the foliage of the earth, who is nailed to the Fiery Serpent, repented and life was restored to Abel, who was nailed to Cain in the wrong moral order. All this happened because righteous Adam invited the mortal men of Judah to receive the nature of Elohim's visible world because Leviathan's nature had penetrated as far as Elohim's timeline and Adam, the spiritual age governed Cain, the household of the Fiery Serpents, the spiritual immigrants of Leviathan's timeline in Israel.


Praise the Lord. We are back from dinner and I have finished the interspersion for Judges, Chapter 15. There is a heading on almost every verse. We will just go through it very slowly. I do not know how many messages or how long it will take us to do this, but I think my intention is to show you the Lord's plan for us in these Scriptures; the Lord's plan for the Church and eventually the Lord's plan for all of humanity. We see that Samson's experience is very similar to the experience that we are having today. Samson's experience is prophetic because what is happening today is that the Samson company is being raised up. As I have told you many times, we find in this translation that the resurrected Adam in the Spirit of Elijah who are known to us today as the Spirit of Christ and Christ Jesus within us, is telling us, the personality, who have been called to this high calling that the reason we are called to this high calling is to help the rest of the Church and ultimately the whole world. Well, we are called to anyone that the Lord sends us to, but basically, we are called to the Church. So there is nothing special about us. We have been called and we have answered the call, not because of any great thing that we are or that we can do, but the purpose that the Lord Jesus is raising us up for is to save His Church or to bring the salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ to His Church.

You will see that this chapter is divided into basically three sections. First, it is the imputed anointing. The Spirit of Elijah and the resurrected Adam in Samson go into the mortal men of Judah and do it for them; swallow up Satan, chase Leviathan, marry the Fiery Serpent, free up Abel because Cain has killed him, and Abel is buried underneath the ground, even to the point that Adam rises from the dead in the mortal men of Judah. But the mortal men of Judah cannot hold their deliverance. Satan rises up and Leviathan rises up in the personality that is undelivered, and the personality joins with Satan and Leviathan to kill the savior in the midst of them. This is what happens in Chapter 15.


The second time around, Adam in Samson, begins to teach the mortal men of Judah. He is teaching them the Doctrine of Christ. He is teaching them everything that I am teaching you here. We see that Abel is freed again and I am not sure if Adam rises the second time. I think Adam rises the second time and is cast down again, if I am not mistaken. Abel rises the second time. Adam in Samson delivers Abel in the mortal men of Judah for the second time. Well, it is not Adam that rises again. He frees up Abel for the second time when Satan is about to attack Abel again, because Abel is the root system of Adam. So Abel has to be raised from the dead. Abel is the root of the Tree of Life that was imparted to Israel through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He is the root of the Tree of Life and it is the Tree of Life that is being resurrected in us. So it is the third time that Satan is about to bring down this young tree that is coming forth again in the mortal men of Judah. This time Adam rises up to judge the sins, to judge the personality of the mortal men of Judah so that Adam rises from the dead in knowledgeable strength. The end of the whole story is that Adam in Samson rules over Israel for the unending age. Adam rules over the body of Christ. Adam does not rule over the carnal mind. The Holy Spirit is sent to the carnal mind. So for Adam to be ruling over Israel for the spiritual age, that implies that Adam is raised from the dead in the men of Israel.


The third time the imputed resurrection of Adam failed. If we do it for the people, they will not hold on to their deliverance. If I do it for you, if we do it for them, failure will occur. You have to be fully educated as to what the situation is. You have to be fully committed to be on the side of Jesus Christ. You have to be willing to fight and to see the enemy within yourself to overcome Satan and Leviathan to the point of permanency that you enter into the everlasting age. It is very interesting, and it is happening today. The instruction is coming forth today. We are in the third stage. What does that mean? It means the Church is in the third stage. It is two thousand years since Jesus appeared in the earth and we are in the third stage. I know that Paul had the doctrine because he wrote about it in the Bible. Whoever had the potential to rise in Christ did not rise. Now according to these notes that you have read ahead of me, the judgment comes after the instruction. So the fact that Paul brought forth the instruction two thousand years ago, we do not know whether or not anyone entered into the judgment. As far as we know, it was just the instruction. For whatever reason, Paul did not continue on, if he did not continue on. I do not know. I am questioning that issue, myself, what it means that he was born out of season. I know what the Church teaches about that, but I am asking the Lord about it. It says that Paul was offered up. We do not even know what that means or what happened to him.


But today the instruction and the judgment is coming forth. Now we know that Jesus judged the sins of the disciples. That is what the foot washing was all about. But we do not know how deep it went. We know that Paul was raised up. You have to think in spiritual terms that maybe the full cycle was accomplished in Jesus' day that we are seeing here in this Chapter 15 of the Book of Judges. Maybe instruction came forth and sins were judged, and people ascended. We know that Adam was ascended in Ananias and that there was a whole group of disciples at Damascus in whom Adam was ascended, that knew the Doctrine of Christ. Well, what happened to all of these people? I really do not know what the answer is, but my mind is open. If they were fully ascended why did they die? I do not know. But I know this is the end of the age and I know that we found Scriptures that said Christ Jesus will meet Leviathan in the age of Aquarius. So this is the time of the restitution of all things. I do not know what happened to the other disciples that were ascended. I do not know why they died, if they died. I really do not know. I believe anything is possible. I believe that they could still be alive. I do not know. Maybe they went into a state of immortality and they are still around. I do not know. I am not going to be bound to my carnal mind, but what I do know is that it is happening again today, and it is happening here. Whatever happened two thousand years ago in Jesus' day is happening again here.


It may have happened every ten years since then, but I do not know about it. It is possible that it happened. Not many people know about us, although we do have a public ministry with this message. As far as I know, there is no record of anyone else doing this. So it looks to me like what happened two thousand years ago is happening again. Like the letters that Paul wrote, letters are being written today. The New Testament was written two thousand years ago. We do not even know what Paul wrote. All we know is the translation of what he wrote. We do know that the spiritual translation of the Scripture is coming forth in English today. These translations cannot even be translated into another language. You have to understand this message to translate it into another language. So it is not even translatable. If the Lord wants this in other languages, He has to raise up people who really understand the doctrine to translate it and not that many people understand it today. So it is happening again, what happened two thousand years ago, and we are going to hope that this time, we are going to be in the third stage of what we see in Chapter 15 of the Book of Judges. This is the time that Abel is going to make it, that he is going to rise from the dead and increase into Adam and he is going to enter into the spiritual age which has no end. It is a very real possibility that this is the third stage happening now two thousand years after Jesus arose. Of course, Samson is a type of what Jesus, the Messiah, did.


Well, let's try this again. I have made some changes here. This is a recap of Judges, Chapter 15, verses 1 thru 20, the interspersed Alternate Translation. In the day that Adam judged Samson, the young male goat of Astarte, the she goat, Adam in Samson punished the Fiery Serpent, his wife, saying, I will go into the chamber of my wife. You may recognize that I have changed this first verse. As I worked on the Alternate Translation, I realized that verse one is saying that in the day of Samson's judgment that Samson is described as a young male goat. What that means is that Samson was a mortal man. He was a mortal man. We are all goats. The ram is the resurrected Adam. The lamb is probably Abel. The lamb is Christ who is still untrained and very young and very naive. The young Christ in us has to be trained. He has to grow in wisdom and grace. So the Church and the world is waiting for the ram to appear once again. You may recall in the Book of Daniel, the ram was prevailing over the whole visible world, the lamb signifying Adam. And the he goat appeared and killed the ram. Well, the ram is rising from the dead today. But he is rising from the dead within the goat. We are all the goat. That goat that rose up in Daniel, Chapter 8, was the goat that was within Judah. Well, Daniel is not an account of the early fall of Adam. Daniel is an account of the fall of Judah, of the resurrected Adam in Judah. So Adam was resurrected in Judah and the carnal mind, the he goat, rose up in Judah and killed the resurrected Adam. But the ram is rising again today in the Church. The ram is rising again in a many-membered company. Praise the Lord.


So we see that it is in the day that Adam judged Samson, the young male goat of Astarte, the she goat. Adam in Samson punished the Fiery Serpent in Samson, his wife, saying, I will go into the chamber of my wife. The only way Adam could rise in Samson and join with the Fiery Serpent is for Adam to go under judgment. Because once again, the personality must agree with the resurrected Adam or the resurrected Christ Jesus or he will not be able to succeed. You know, for years, I wondered what that Scripture meant in the Old Testament, Come, let us reason together. Why would the Lord be saying to us, Come, let us reason together? It did not make any sense to me at all. But now it makes sense to me. The Lord is reasoning with us and instructing us and helping us because unless we agree with what He is doing, Satan will not be defeated. Our mind must come into agreement with the righteousness of Christ Jesus for this deliverance to be accomplished. The process that brings us into agreement with the mind of Christ Jesus is called the judgment of the personality. You see, the Fiery Serpent is the spiritual sexual part of the personality. Brethren, this is just a nice way of saying, if you want to put it in human terms, that a man wants to have sex with a woman and before he can make contact with her sexual parts, he has to bring her mind into agreement with him. Otherwise, it is rape. That is what is going on here. Christ Jesus wants to join with the Fiery Serpent, Samson's spiritual sexual part.


The way the Lord Jesus Christ does this is that He requires the personality or the woman to agree to yield up her sexual members. The way the Lord has set it up is that, if the personality does not agree to yield up her spiritual sexual members to Christ Jesus, the personality is turned over to Satan and Leviathan. That is the way it is set up. Yet, on the other hand, the Lord does not turn us loose in our spiritual insanity. The person who is calling on the name of Jesus, who is really seeking to have a relationship with Jesus Christ, will come under judgment in order to help the thinking of that person line up with the righteous mind of Christ. Have you ever prayed, Lord, I want to be like you. Look at me, this is a wild hope to have my nature be like you. But when the Lord hears that heartfelt desire in someone's heart, He comes forth to judge the personality, to show that personality every wrong thought in her mind and to impart the ability for that personality to have their heart's desire, to have the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ through correction; through correction. Now the Fiery Serpent has to be punished because the Fiery Serpent is a wild beast that would kill Adam coming to join with her if she could. A natural type of this in the human female is that the male sperm that enters into the woman meets with all kinds of vile chemical substance in the woman that tries to kill the sperm. That is what we are going through spiritually. So the wild beast has to be beaten into submission, but the woman has to be convinced, judged. The woman is a thinking person. The personality is a thinking creature. We are thinking creatures, capable of reason, and the only reason we would choose Satan and Leviathan over the Lord Jesus Christ is because we are captured by the Serpent's witchcraft.


So the Lord Jesus Christ or in the Old Testament, the resurrected Adam, comes to the personality that has chosen God, that prefers God, and starts to bring a correction to all of the wrong thinking, the wrong attitudes, and the wrong emotions in the person. The result of this procedure of the judgment of the personality through the exposure of sin and the overcoming of the bestial Fiery Serpent, the fruit of this endeavor is that Adam rises from the dead in the individual in a form that is capable of overcoming Satan and Leviathan's attack and we enter into the age that does not end. I remember when I was young in the Church and I heard about Enoch who walked with God and he was not. Of course, a lot of the Church teaches that that is the rapture. Then I got the revelation that that is not the rapture. That is what the Scripture says. I looked it up in the Hebrew. Enoch walked with God and he was not. What does that mean? It means that his personality ceased to exist and that Christ Jesus was living through him so fully that the man known as Enoch ceased to exist. Now I know the Scripture gives a time of death for Enoch. I am at the point now that I have to really check out everything. If you are that ascended in Christ Jesus, it is my understanding that you are not supposed to die. Unless that was just the age then that you could have that ascended experience and then for some reason, you die. But why would you die? If you are ascended to that high place why would you die? I do not know. The Lord has not told me yet. I do not know. But I know that the King James Translation, when it comes to spiritual truth is not a translation to be relied upon. But I have to hear it from the Lord. So we shall go on.


In the day that Adam judged Samson, the young male goat of Astarte, the she goat, Adam in Samson punished the Fiery Serpent, his wife. The Fiery Serpent is Adam's wife, but she is resisting him. She is a wild beast that does not want his male attention. But Adam in Samson said, I will go into the chamber of my wife. I will have spiritual sexual intercourse with the Fiery Serpent and I will do what needs to be done to have this experience. I will judge the personality. I will show them their sins and I will convert them into my nature. I will bring their carnal mind into such a degree of submission that I will live through them and I will punish the Fiery Serpent every time she tries to bite me until I fully join with her. This is the beginning of the salvation of the personality, once Christ Jesus joins with the Fiery Serpent. Then when Christ Jesus ascends out of the lower or the nether world and He ascends into the higher energy centers, He will join to the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual sexual part of the personality. Well brethren, where your sexual part goes, you go too. Do you not? How can your sexual part go somewhere without you?


The Scripture says we are saved by union with the Son of God. He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit. Where is the joining? The joining is in the spiritual sexual part. Brethren, this whole creation is based on marriage. The Lord is married to the spiritual Ox, which we are. When we join with Him, when we fulfill our wifely duty, we are saved. But because of a reprobate mind, we do not want to join with our husband. We prefer to be joined in some perverse relationship. Why? Because we have the Serpent's mind. When we have the Serpent's mind, we want what she wants. When we have the mind of Christ Jesus living through us, we want what He wants. That is just pretty shocking, that we do not even have a mind of our own. The mind that is living through us determines our own desires and preferences. For this reason alone, we should give ourselves over to the Lord Jesus Christ, if you can just hear it, knowing that anything that you crave and desire and lust after, is just a perverse mind in you craving, desiring and lusting after it. If you give yourself over to the Lord Jesus Christ, you will crave and desire and lust after the things of His kingdom.


The more He lives through you, the higher you ascend and at some point, somebody has to ascend into eternal life. Jesus already did it and eventually, very soon, the members of the Church and the members of humanity have to start joining Him where He is because He said, Where I am, you too, shall be. It has to come to pass. We see that the instruction is already going forth and it is going forth publicly. Today is the day of salvation. Now the next thing that happens after Adam is resurrected in Samson is that he judges Samson's carnal mind. What is he judging? He is judging Samson's carnal mind. Apparently, after he punishes the Fiery Serpent, there is a joining between the resurrected Adam and the Fiery Serpent in Samson. The next heading that we come to is Adam lives through Samson and declares that he will live through all of Judah. So the next thing after Samson's experience of judgment and punishment of his spiritual sexual part, we see Samson saying, concerning the personalities of the spiritual immigrants in Judah, I will turn them against Satan, the evil waters, and put them in the righteous moral order because I am free from guilt.


Brethren, the only way Samson could make a statement like that is because the resurrected Adam was fully possessing and controlling him. It is the only way he could make a statement like that. That was Adam speaking through Samson. Samson had ceased to be. Samson walked with God and he was no more. He still went by the name of Samson and he still looked like Samson. He still had the same family as Samson, but it was the resurrected Adam speaking through him. What did Adam say when he spoke with him? He spoke the words of the Son of God. I am come to do thy will, oh God. What is the will of Jehovah? The will of Jehovah is to deliver humanity from this wicked age and restore us to the world above where we are supposed to be. But brethren, we cannot be restored to the world above with the mind of the world below. So our mind must be re-engraved. We must be prepared to ascend into the world above and this preparation is spiritual and spirituality has to do with mind. So our mind must be prepared for the world above and this is the reason for the judgment of our carnal mind, the exposure of the evil nature of the carnal mind, even in the good works of this world.


We must understand this because understanding that even the good works of this world are evil in comparison to the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ. Understanding this gives us the choice. If we do not understand this, we do not have a choice. We will automatically default to Satan and Leviathan's mind. So the Lord Jesus Christ is educating His Church. The message is going forth in great power. It does not really matter that only a few are responding in this hour because at the exact proper moment the Lord Jesus Christ, the Spirit of Christ and Christ Jesus in whoever the man is, will begin to penetrate the minds of the people who are so overcome that they are incapable of making the right choice. They are incapable of choosing Christ Jesus. Hopefully, when the Lord Jesus Christ overshadows their carnal mind, in that brief moment of clarity, when the Lord Jesus Christ through a man, covers over their carnal mind, in that brief moment, they will realize who they are and where they are and how much they need help and they will cry out for the help of the Lord Jesus in that brief moment.


See, that is the purpose of the three-fold plan. This is the purpose of the imputed anointing. This is the purpose of raising Adam from the dead in people who are not repentant because for however long, if it is five minutes or five hours or five weeks or five months that they are thinking with the rational mind of Christ before Satan rises up and kills Him, that will affect their personality. That experience, that amount of time that they spend with the mind of Christ flowing through them will permanently affect the personality, hopefully to desire a repeat of that experience, thus turning the person towards the Lord Jesus. But eventually, it must be the personality who chooses to deny Satan and Leviathan and cleave unto Christ for any permanent lasting experience in the endless age of Christ Jesus. You must want to be there. I am telling you, I face temptations every day, that to somebody else, it is not a temptation. But I know that for me to stay where I am and continue on in this path, I must say no to the things of this world.


At the present moment, I have never been stronger. God only knows, I hope that I keep up this strength. I do not want to suggest that I am standing. I just know that I am stronger when it comes to saying no to the things of this world, than I have ever been since the Lord called me to this walk. I have a revelation and a strong and firm conviction that my choice for my life is to go on with God. I want to get as far as I can get in this lifetime. If I stand permanently, praise God. If I do not stand permanently, I only have two requests; that I am productive up until the bitter end and that the Lord take care of my daughter. Those are my only requests. Whatever He wants is fine. I fully believe He will honor those requests if I do not stand or if I do not stand permanently. Some people stand, but it is not permanently. A lot of the men of Israel stood, but it was not permanent. Maybe Enoch stood and it was not permanent. I do not know. So as soon as Adam fully possessed Samson, Samson spoke with Adam's mind. He said, concerning the personalities of the spiritual immigrants in Judah, I will turn them against Satan.


Listen to this. You wonder why Satan is chasing after you? You may not even know that you are saying this, but simply by being at these meetings and embracing the Doctrine of Christ, you are declaring to Satan that you will turn the rest of the Church and the rest of the world against Satan. You want to know why she is bubbling after you and trying to burn you? She is not taking any chances that maybe, you will be able to fulfill your word. That is what this doctrine is saying. I am going to turn the whole world against Satan, the evil waters, and after I turn the personalities against Satan, I am going to put them in the right moral order. I can do it, said Samson, because I am free from guilt, because this is not even me talking to you. This is the resurrected Adam talking through my very members. Therefore, the personality that you see and the personality that you hear is free from guilt. Brethren, there is only one way to be free from guilt and that is to be fully possessed of the righteous mind of Christ Jesus. It is the only way that any mortal man, born of a woman, will be able to declare themselves free from guilt.


Every aspect of your carnal mind must be in the bottomless pit or the Lake of Fire and you must be fully possessed of the righteous one. You must die to everything that you are and let the righteous one live through you and you will be a new creature, a part of the creation of God. Jesus said, I am the beginning of the creation of God. You cannot ascend with this mind because it is this very mind which is the spiritual gravity which keeps you down here in the earth. If you want to ascend into the higher centers, you must have a higher mind built into you and for a season, you will be a mortal man with a higher mind dwelling in this low place. But eventually, your renewed mind will bring your personality to where the mind is. Did you ever hear the expression, What do you expect, if your mind is in the gutter? If your mind is in the gutter, eventually your body will be in the gutter. Think on high things, brethren. Do not think about things that are in the gutter. It brings the whole man down. Concentrate on high things and it will bring the whole man up. Our whole nation is being brought down. The TV is filled with sewage, filth; it is in the gutter. The video games that our kids watch are not just video games. They are simulations specifically designed to alter your personality. I do not mean to insult anyone, but the ignorant parents of this world are letting their children play these so-called games. They are not games. They are like simulations used by the army to specifically alter your personality. It is mind control.


Samson said, concerning the personalities of the spiritual immigrants in Judah, I will turn them against Satan, the evil waters, and put them in the righteous moral order because I am free from guilt. The next category is Satan opposes Samson's assignment. But Satan, the evil waters of Leviathan, the father of the mortal men of Judah appeared and would not permit Adam in Samson to go into the mortal men of Judah. And Satan, the father of the group mind of the mortal men of Judah said to Samson, You are boasting proudly that you hate Satan and hate Leviathan, therefore, I am giving the widowed Fiery Serpent in the mortal men of Judah, the beloved bride of Adam, your friend. The Fiery Serpent in the mortal men of Judah is the bride of Adam. I will go back to the beginning of verse 2. And Satan, the father of the group mind of the mortal men of Judah said to Samson, You are boasting proudly that you hate Satan and hate Leviathan, therefore, I am giving the widowed Fiery Serpent in the mortal men of Judah, the beloved bride of Adam, your friend, to Leviathan, even though the good side of the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan's young one in the world underneath is praying to belong to Adam when he appears.


This is a message for the Church. So Satan, in all of her boldness, is saying that, even in the personalities of the Church, those of you who are praying for Jesus to take you, Satan boldly says to those very same people, I am giving the Fiery Serpent to Leviathan for a wife. What is Satan saying? She is saying, I have that much control even over the Christians that are praying, Lord Jesus, all I want is you; take me Lord, all I want is you. Satan is declaring, I have enough power even over that person, to turn her away from Christ and marry her to Leviathan. This is just another way of saying what we read about in the gospels; and Satan caught Jesus up to a high place and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and said, I will give you all of these if you will just worship me. Satan boldly said to Jesus, I possess the kingdoms of the world. I do not want this fight with you. Come over on my side and we will share the wealth. You can be god in the flesh and I will be god in the spirit and we will rule forever over mortal humanity. That is what Satan said to Him.


So we see that when Satan rose up to oppose Samson or the resurrected Adam in Samson, that he did it through the minds of the mortal men of Judah. See, we read in verse 3 that Samson said, I will turn the spiritual immigrants. Let us talk about that. Concerning the personalities of the spiritual immigrants in Judah, I will turn them against Satan. You know, that is like me saying to the world, Well, you know, you are going to get saved whether you like it or not. You know, people get very offended over that. People in the Church say that, I am praying for you and you are going to get saved. If it is not the Spirit of Christ in you, it is a form of witchcraft to tell somebody who does not want your prayers or who does not want your salvation, that you are praying for them and they are going to be saved, whether they want to be or not. I would get very upset if someone said that to me. But if the Spirit of Christ says it, there is no sin in it. If it is not the Spirit of Christ, it is the sin of pride, thinking that you know what is best for somebody else and that you know when the timing should be. Everybody is not coming to the Lord at once. The Lord is not too weak to bring everybody to Him. He has a plan, each man in his own order.


First, you have to have the teachers before you bring the people and there is no salvation in the Church today. There is reconciliation. There is no salvation in the Church today. The doctrine is all wrong. The judgment, if it exists at all, is very limited. That is why the whole world is not coming to the Lord. The five-fold ministry is not raised up yet. The one that is out there is just a practice run. They are not the real thing. They do have a job. That is the female Church. They are spreading the Holy Spirit and the job of the Holy Spirit is to separate the human spirit from Satan. The human spirit is flowing with Satan in this hour. Satan is the spiritual blood that flows in the etheric body of mortal man. She is an energy stream that we call the spiritual blood that flows in the etheric body. The human spirit in this hour is flowing with her as two rivers come together. The two are one and they are inseparable. That is where Satan gets her power from. She gets it from the human spirit. The human spirit is that residue that remained in the creation when Adam died. The Primordial Serpent has captured the energy of Adam and the sperm of Adam. The root of the tree, the sperm, and the branch of the tree, the energy; the Primordial Serpent stole both of them.


Can anyone tell us what happened to the root of the tree? Who is the Tree of Life? Adam is the Tree of Life. The Primordial Serpent killed the Tree of Life and she captured the root and the branch of the tree. The root of the tree is the sperm that was within Adam. It was Jehovah's sperm. It was within Adam who was to give birth to all the civilized peoples of the world. So the Primordial Serpent stole that sperm and engraved it with her nature. Does anybody remember the form that that sperm is in today? What is the name of the form of Jehovah's sperm that was within Adam that was engraved with the Primordial Serpent's nature? Does anyone know how it is appearing in this creation today? It is the Fiery Serpent, brethren. It is the Fiery Serpent.


She is the seed that has the potential to become either a fully mature civilized man with the nature of Jehovah or to become a spiritual woman who is highly accomplished in witchcraft. Whatever this Fiery Serpent within us becomes, we, the personality, will be her garment and wear and experience what this Fiery Serpent matures into. We are being changed from the inside out, whatever our mind becomes; she is our subconscious mind. The Fiery Serpent is the one who formed us. Oh my God, I hear the Christians screaming, quoting a Scripture, No, Jehovah formed us in the womb. I would have to investigate that Scripture, but I am telling you this is not Jehovah's creation. The Primordial Serpent killed Adam and stole the spiritual substance, stole the whole Tree of Life, the root and the branch of the tree; the root being the spiritual sperm which she engraved with her nature. These spiritual sperm in the nature of the Primordial Serpent this day is appearing in this world as the Fiery Serpent in mortal man, our spiritual virginity, our potential for spiritual maturity. The energy, the branch of the tree, is appearing as the human spirit. The human spirit is flowing with Satan, the spiritual blood of our etheric body. The human spirit is the power, the energy, that the Primordial Serpent is possessing for the purpose of this creation. We have an existence. Existence requires energy. Existence requires energy.


The Fiery Serpent in the individual, which is the spiritual seed of Jehovah which has been engraved with the perverse image, is feeding off of the energy of the creation. The root is feeding off of the branch. That is a perversion, brethren. The root is supposed to nourish the branch. The root is deep. Think of your garden plant. The root is deep in the ground, draws the water and the nutrients from the ground. Is that not that the way it works? But this root, this Fiery Serpent, is feeding off of the branch. Nothing but death can come out of this and that is why we die after a season because the one who brought us into existence feeds on us. So we see that the whole root of the Tree of Life is utterly perverse and corrupt. For this reason, Jehovah imparted a fresh lively root into our world. Who did Jehovah impart the fresh living root through into this world? Where was the Tree of Life restored in this world? It was restored in Israel, brethren. The seed of the Tree of Life, that holy seed, that is not corrupted, the seed that is in the image of Jehovah was imparted to Israel, through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and manifested fully in King David. The resurrected Tree of Life manifested fully in King David. I tell you, the Lord Jesus will work with people and He will work to cleanse them, and He will work to help them to serve Him. But at some point, when the Lord Jesus makes a judgment (I do not make it), when He makes a judgment that this person is just not cutting it, He goes to somebody else.


Now that does not mean that He cuts the person off completely. The Lord Jesus will keep working with the person, but He goes to someone else to accomplish His purpose. Let us say the Lord is trying to raise up a particular kind of ministry. If for whatever reason I did not make it, if for whatever reason I did not pass all the tests that I passed to be where I am today, He would go to someone else. That does not mean that He hates me or that He would reject me. He would still love me and help me wherever I was, but at some point, the Lord Jesus makes a decision, This person cannot handle what I have asked them to do. Now if the Lord Jesus asks you to do it, it is got to be possible for you to do it. But some people do not rise to the occasion and in that case the Lord Jesus will say, OK, I have given you your chance. You have not risen to the occasion. That means you have not done your part. This is not a punishment. Jesus says, This is not a punishment, but my ministry must go on and you did not do it, so I will give it to someone else. So the root of the Tree of Life that existed before time began is so utterly perverse and corrupt because of the Serpent's image that Jehovah decided to put a clean cutting into the earth and He planted it in Israel. There is even a parable in the Book of Isaiah about Jehovah planting a tree in His garden. It is the Tree of Life.


And Samson said, concerning the personalities of the spiritual immigrants in Judah, I will turn them against Satan, the evil waters, and I will put them in the righteous moral order because I am free from guilt. And Satan said, That is what you think. Satan, the evil waters of Leviathan, the father of the mortal men of Judah appeared. Where did he appear? He appeared in the mind of the men of Judah, and they said, You are not doing that to me. I do not want your salvation. I do not want your Jesus. I do not want your Bible. Just leave me alone. Well, brethren, you cannot penetrate that. We cannot penetrate that. We should not even be trying to penetrate that. Now if the Lord Jesus decides to penetrate it, that is a different story. You cannot fight that and if you try, it is witchcraft. So apparently, Samson made this declaration.


You know, I heard a testimony once about a preacher who was called to a deliverance ministry, and he read up on it and he was convinced the Lord had called him to it. He probably read all of Win Worley's books or whatever about casting out demons. He came into Church one Sunday morning. He was all excited. He said, All right now, all of you in the congregation, I will see you back here at seven o'clock at night for the evening service and we are going to start casting out these demons. Well, nobody came. The whole Church disappeared. This preacher declared that he was going to go forth with the ministry that the Lord Jesus had called Him to, but brethren, if you have a ministry, you have to have someone to minister to. All the people who were to be the object of his ministry rejected him. That is what happened to Samson. He did not speak it into the air. Samson told the men of Judah that he was come to bring them under judgment, which would bring them into the nature of Jehovah so that they could ascend into the endless timeline. They all said, That is what you think. It is just like when Jesus went into the synagogue and said, This day this Scripture is fulfilled in your ears. I think the Scripture says they tried to kill Him by throwing Him off a cliff. Well, we found out that that is not a true translation, anyway. The Pharisees did not try to physically kill Jesus. They were much too religious for that. But they tried to throw Him off a cliff. What they tried to do was throw Him out of the brow center. Jesus had ascended into the brow center and they tried to bring Him down out of that high place. That is the cliff they tried to throw Him off of. Praise the Lord.


So Satan, the evil waters of Leviathan, the father of the mortal men of Judah appeared and would not permit Adam in Samson to go into the mortal men of Judah. Satan rose up, the father of the mortal men of Judah, and would not permit Adam to go into the mortal men of Judah. What does that mean? How does Satan rise up? Satan rises up with spiritual power to repel. You see, Leviathan says, You are not doing that to me. But Satan attacks. We are attacked by people's minds frequently, but we do not always recognize it. The more spiritually sensitive that you are, the more you will recognize Satan attacking you from someone else's mind. I know one of the ways that I recognize when I am under attack is that I get very agitated. That is the effect it has on me when someone's mind is attacking me. I get very agitated frequently, although it is happening less and less. My voice will rise, and I will start speaking much more quickly. I guess it is a form of anxiety that sort of manifests as hyperactivity or compulsion. That is when witchcraft is attacking your spirit. But of course, you have to be spiritually sensitive to recognize this. Once again, if you want to move in the spiritual world, you have to be open to the spiritual world. To be spiritual in Christ Jesus, you do not only receive Christ Jesus' messages, you are sensitive to everything going on in the astral plane because we are fallen. That is another reason for this instruction. The Lord wants us to be spiritual. He wants us to go on in Christ Jesus, but we have to learn how to deal with the negative principles of this world, because when you are open to the spiritual world, you are open to everything. You have to know how to deal with it.


But Satan, the evil waters of Leviathan, the father of the mortal men of Judah appeared, and would not permit Adam in Samson to go into the mortal men of Judah. So it was not just pride saying, You are not doing that to us. Satan rose up with spiritual power to attack Samson. How do you think that attack would manifest towards Samson? Now, Samson was in the brow center. He was fully possessed by Adam. So that spiritual attack going out of the minds of the men of Judah would be designed to bring him down out of that high place. See, that is what happened to Elijah. We have two accounts of Elijah. One time the sons of Israel succeeded in bringing Elijah down out of that high place. Another time they failed. Does anybody remember the occasion upon which the sons of Israel brought Elijah down from that high place? It was after he had challenged the prophets of Baal. The prophets of Baal were just the carnal minds in the men of Judah. The King James says, Not one man said a word. The reason they did not say a word was because they were the prophets of Baal. Their carnal mind was completely given over to the paganism of that day. Cain had risen up and killed Abel and the same physical men were fully given over to Baal to the point that the Scripture calls them the prophets of Baal. What makes you a prophet? You speak the word of the spirit. That makes you a prophet. I am a prophet. I speak for the Spirit of Christ and bring forth the Doctrine of Christ. Every time you bring forth the Doctrine of Christ in the Spirit of Christ, you are a prophet. The gift of prophesy in the Church is not the true prophesy. It is just a gift. It is a taste of the world to come. The true prophesy is when the Spirit within you speaks through you, when you become the mouthpiece of the Spirit that indwells you. That is the true prophesy.


So when Elijah killed the prophets of Baal, he used legal mind control to overshadow the carnal mind and he raised up the mind of Christ in all of those men of Judah and that is how Elijah killed the prophets of Baal. It was all through his mind. But it was just temporary and when that deliverance wore off and the carnal mind rose to the surface in the sons of Israel, they all ran after Elijah and when they all attacked him, there was enough power to bring him down out of the brow center. They killed him, spiritually. Michael had to come and raise Adam from the dead in him. But then again, in another place, we are told that the king sent his captain of fifty to say to the prophet Elijah, come down from that mountain that you are in. Elijah sent down fire and burnt the captain and his fifty. That happened several times until one of the officers came to him in the right spirit. Any kind of authority that you manifest in Christ Jesus will be challenged. First, you have to know what authority you have. Second of all, you have to recognize the challenge and then you have to learn how to deal with it without being in sin yourself. When God gives you authority and you give it away, it is as much a sin as anything else. Do not give away authority that God has given you. You must stand in that authority. Why? Because when you stand in authority, you are the spokesperson of God and when you yield to someone who is not in Christ, you are shutting that door of opportunity for Christ Jesus. You have just buried Him. Spiritually speaking, you are guilty of murder.


But Satan, the evil waters of Leviathan, the father of the mortal men of Judah, appeared in the minds of the mortal men of Judah and he would not permit Adam in Samson to go into the mortal men of Judah. He would not permit Samson's mind to penetrate the mortal men of Judah. How did he stop that? Jesus said, My words are Spirit and my words are Life. So Satan stood up. Satan, herself, is an energy stream. She is a force and she stood up as an energy force and opposed the force of Samson's mind that was heading towards the minds of the men of Judah. She interfered with destructive interference. She stood right between them. And Satan, the group mind of the mortal men of Judah, said to Samson, You are boasting proudly that you hate Satan and hate Leviathan. Satan was speaking right through the mouths of the men of Judah. Therefore, I am giving the widowed Fiery Serpent in the mortal men of Judah, the beloved bride of Adam, your friend, to Leviathan, even though the good side of the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan's young one in the world underneath, is praying to belong to Adam when he appears. Well, this still came out of the mind of the men of Judah.


Now they may not have verbally spoken such a message, but remember, Satan is the originator of all good and evil thoughts. She merges out of the unconscious mind, out of the depths of our being, and thought originates with movement. Satan is an energy stream and she moves by vibration. That movement or vibration is the original or the beginning of a thought. So these words came out of the mortal men of Judah. Now I have no problem believing that the mortal men of Judah said to Samson, You are boasting, and you are proud, and who do you think you are, that you hate Satan and Leviathan. I have no problem believing that that came out of their mouth, but I doubt that the rest of this came out of their mouth. It came out of their heart. Satan spoke right through them and said, I am giving the widowed Fiery Serpent in these men that I am speaking through, the beloved bride of Adam, your friend, to Leviathan, even though the good side of the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan's young one in the world underneath, is praying to belong to Adam when he appears. I have that power. That vibration came right out of the men of Judah; spiritual speech. Satan moved, and the earth was marked, and the communication went forth and Samson heard it because Samson was fully ascended into the brow center with Adam. He heard the spiritual speech.

As a matter of fact, what is coming to me right now is when Samson confronted the men of Judah and said this to them, the men of Judah spoke out of their conscious mind saying the first part, You are proud, and who do you think you are, saying you hate Satan and Leviathan. You may recall the teaching when we first brought this verse forth, that you hate somebody, scripturally speaking, means you have no connection with them. So Samson was saying, I have no adultery, or I have no spiritual sexual communication with Satan and Leviathan. That is what he was saying, and it was true. Adam was completely repressing Samson's carnal mind and living through Samson and the men of Judah said, who do you think you are saying such a thing? It is all pride. That they said with their mouth. That was Leviathan talking through their mouth and then Satan moved.


I see in the spirit right now; a rattlesnake just shaking her tail, vibrating her tail. The rest of the communication was in the spirit and Samson and Adam in Samson, heard Satan's communication, I am going to show you that I have full control, that I fully possess these mortal men of Judah and I am so in control of them that I am going to cause them to marry Leviathan and become ascended spiritual females in the Serpent's timeline. Now that is some challenge. Satan fully challenged Adam and the Spirit of Elijah in Samson. You better believe that everyone who attempts to ascend, no matter how low you are when you are first starting, Satan is there saying the same thing to you, saying it to Christ in you, and if you have a teacher that is helping you, if I am that teacher, they are saying it to me. Whoever your teacher is, whoever the Lord sent to strengthen you, as Christ begins to come forth in you, you better believe that Satan is shaking her rattle. You think it is just some accident that voodoo priests shake rattles as a part of their rituals. They are simulating the shaking, or the vibration of the Serpent as signified in the rattlesnake. They are trying to stir up her activity because in her movement is power. When she moves, there is power.


Now, this concept of the Fiery Serpent being the beloved bride of Adam sounds like a contradiction to our carnal mind. That is an oxymoron; it is a contradiction. It makes no sense to the carnal mind, at all, to say that this bestial Fiery Serpent is Adam's beloved bride. But she is. Remember the Fiery Serpent is the subject of the Song of Solomon. The Fiery Serpents are Jehovah's sperm and they have to be rejoined to Adam, who is supposed to be nurturing them and raising them up as civilized men. The way the Scripture describes it is as a marriage. We know that what would be incest in this world is acceptable in spiritual principles and that Adam is marrying these Fiery Serpents for the specific purpose of removing the nature of the Primordial Serpent and engraving them with the nature of Jehovah through this fusion, through this union. This principle of marriage in the Scripture is talking about a spiritual fusion, a fusion of two energy sources. The Fiery Serpent possesses energy and Adam possesses energy. We are talking about a fusion, a restoration, a regeneration of Jehovah's seminal fluid.


Let us see if we have anything else in this verse. I will read it one more time. Satan, the father of the group mind of the mortal men of Judah said to Samson, You are boasting proudly that you hate Satan and hate Leviathan. So that is Leviathan that rose up in the mortal men of Judah and they accused Samson of pride. This happens so often, brethren, when you speak the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, that the carnal mind accuses you of pride or any other sin. They accuse you of pride. They accuse you of rebellion. I guess it is mostly pride that they would accuse you of. They would say anything except to believe that this could actually be Christ Jesus speaking through you. So we see Leviathan rose up in the mortal mind of Judah to accuse Samson of being proud, never for a second believing or even probably having any understanding that it was possible that Adam rose from the dead in him. You see, when Adam rises from the dead in us, we become a new person. We become a new man.


I was told about an occult program this morning that someone saw on TV. It was like a TV magazine reporting on these people who were having an experience of spirits entering into them and completely changing their nature. One testimony was of a woman who looked up and saw the image of a woman coming towards her. I do not know whether the woman was solid or not. The woman walked right past her and pierced right into her body and her whole life changed after that. She became another person. When Adam rises from the dead in you, you become another person. I am a whole different person than I was, and I am still changing. So I am making a point here. The Fiery Serpent is really the seed of Jehovah, which is supposed to be a part of Adam. Now in spiritual reproduction, the offspring does not depart from you. In our world, a woman has a baby and the child departs from her. Even though a mother and a child are very close in the child's infancy, as the child grows up, the child departs more and more from the mother and eventually marries and starts their own life. But it is not so in spiritual families. In spiritual families the child stays within. We are being saved in childbearing. When we bear the Christ child, He shall save us, and that child stays in the midst of us. Well, all of the spiritual children that were in Adam's spiritual womb had the potential to become civilized spiritual men.


I have to tell you, I do not fully understand it myself. All of those men that Adam had the ability to increase into would remain within Adam. They would become what we would think of as a many-celled creature. Just as we are made up of trillions of cells and each cell has a consciousness on its own level. Of course, not the consciousness that we have, but each cell of our body has consciousness on its own level. There is such a thing as cellular memory. So whatever Adam was designed to increase into, it would be something because we cannot understand these things. The example that we get is a human body that has trillions of cells, but we are all one unit. So whatever Adam was destined to increase into, he still would have been one unit and that is why he must join with these Fiery Serpents because they are the sperm that are a part of him. They are Jehovah's sperm that is a part of Him. So he is going fearlessly towards them, believing that when he joins with them, he will not be polluted by their fallen nature, but that the Fiery Serpent will be engraved with the nature of Jehovah that Christ Jesus has. There is a fusion coming. The Scripture says, The Fiery Serpent is Adam's beloved bride. That means he wants her, and he is fully determined to join with her and bring forth the creation of God, the creature that we were supposed to be at the beginning.


Even though the good side of the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan's young one in the world underneath, is praying to belong to Adam when he appears. So the Fiery Serpent is Leviathan's young one in the world underneath. The Fiery Serpent is Leviathan's larva. Leviathan is the collective subconscious mind of all of humanity, even if you have the Holy Spirit. If you are born of a woman, you are penetrated by Leviathan, the collective subconscious mind of all of humanity. The Fiery Serpent is an aspect of Leviathan that is in the individual. She is the worm that Jesus talks about. We all have a worm inside of us. Jesus called Jacob a worm. When Jesus called Jacob a worm, He was not talking to the personality of Jacob. He was talking to the worm inside of Jacob. He was saying, Jacob, You are that worm. I have not studied this in the Interlinear Text, but it seems to me at the moment, that what Jehovah was saying to him was that Adam is raised from the dead in you and fused to that worm, your subconscious mind. Of course, I have not looked at it in the Interlinear Text, but the Fiery Serpent is the worm. Every human being born of a woman has a worm and that worm is Leviathan's larva. That is Leviathan's seed in the individual. You see, the mass of Jehovah's sperm that was captured by the Primordial Serpent and engraved with her nature exists as a collective energy force called Leviathan. When Leviathan drops a seed of herself into an individual human being, the name changes to the Fiery Serpent, but the Fiery Serpent is really Leviathan in the individual.


Let us see if there is anything else in this verse. Leviathan's young one in the world underneath. That is the Fiery Serpent. The seed that is planted in the womb of the earth, which is designed to bring forth a spiritual female in the image of Leviathan, who is in the image of the Primordial Serpent. It is Leviathan's young one. Leviathan is reproducing herself by dropping her seed in the human beings that are born into our world. But we see that the Fiery Serpent is both good and evil. She was a part of the Tree of Life, but she is now a part of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Fiery Serpent in some people are praying day and night, that when the Lord Jesus Christ or when Adam appears in the world, that they will be permitted to be joined to Him. See, the Fiery Serpent is our subconscious mind. The Fiery Serpent is the part of us that understands and has a knowledge of spiritual things. So you need to have spiritual understanding to be praying that when the Lord Jesus Christ appears in this world, that He will take you. Is that not what the harlot in Jericho said? When you invade this city, please take me. Let me be in your part. Brethren, there is an invasion coming.


The world that thinks that Jesus Christ is powerless is very deceived. The Church that is waiting for a rapture is very deceived. There is an invasion coming, but the Lord Jesus Christ is not influenced by other people. He is not coming before the right time because the world is saying, Where is the promise of His coming, and the whole thing is a lie, and He is just a weak God, and the pagan gods that I served before I became a Christian were stronger than He is, and I am going back to my witchcraft. He is not influence by any of these things. He is just doing what He is doing, and His plan is to free the entire creation, this creation which is formed by the Serpent, from the grip of Satan and Leviathan, and He is helping the people who seek His face. That is what He is doing. That is why you hear so much about tragedy and you do not see a move of the Spirit of God. Ignorant people say, Well, where is God? Why is He letting this happen? The truth is that He is responding to the people who seek Him. And for the people who do not seek Him, He is not punishing them, but they are subject to the sowing and reaping judgment which is executed by Satan. Jesus has a plan. It is Jehovah's plan. He is not in this earth to stop tragedies from happening. He is not here to interfere with the righteous Sowing and Reaping Judgment. He is here to bring the White Throne Judgment, which raises Adam from the dead and translates people into the timeline of His life. He is not here to interfere with the circumstances of this world. But if you are serving Him, then He will do it, if your cause is righteous.


The Spirit of Elijah in Samson vows to punish Satan. So we see that the Spirit of Elijah rises right up to Satan's challenge. Now please note that it is the Spirit of Elijah that fights Satan and it is Leviathan that fights Adam. In all of these years of studying, I have not seen that rule changed. In this new covenant, the Spirit of Christ will fight with Satan and the resurrected Adam will fight with Leviathan. The resurrected Adam does not challenge Satan. Why is that? The resurrected Adam can be killed. The Spirit of Christ cannot be killed. The Spirit of Christ is the Spirit of Jesus Christ who lives forever more in the eternal world where Jehovah is, but the resurrected Adam in the individual can be killed.


8/30/00 mjs

1st Edit, 03/20/19, rh


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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