Part 7 of 9 Parts
The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
Praise the Lord. I am going to read the Alternate Translation of verses 1 thru 11 in Judges, chapter 15. I am going to try to not comment on them. I have made a lot of changes. As I tell you all the time, as I work on a chapter, the Lord brings me deeper and deeper, until eventually, He brings me to the depth of my understanding at the moment. This study in Samson is very deep, so we have a lot of changes. I have done the same thing on part 7 that I did on part 6. What you see on page 1 and 2 is the latest and most recent understanding that the Lord has given me. Then on pages 3 and 4, and 5, I have what I preached from on part 6 with all of the strike outs and the red lining indicating the deletions and the additions, if you want to go over that on your own. It is just too complicated to be preaching and saying I took out this and I added that. Is everybody alright with that? OK.
Alternate Translation of Judges, Chapter 15, verses 1 thru 11. In the day of judgment. That is a translation of the wheat harvest. Samson, the young male goat of Astarte, the she-goat, punished the Fiery Serpent, his wife, saying, 'I will go into the chamber of my wife'. But Satan, the evil waters of Leviathan, the father of the mortal men of Judah appeared and would not permit him to go in. And Samson said, 'Concerning the personalities of the spiritual immigrants in Judah, I am free from guilt and in the righteous moral order because I am against Satan, the evil waters'. I am opposing Satan, the evil waters. Jesus said, If you are not for Me, you are against Me. Samson said, 'I am for Elohim and Jehovah (Old Testament) and I am against Satan. I have made the right choice and therefore I am free from guilt'. But Leviathan, the father of the group mind of the mortal men of Judah said, 'You, Samson, are boasting proudly that you hate Satan and Leviathan. Therefore, I am giving the widowed Fiery Serpent, the beloved bride of your friend Adam, to Leviathan, even though the good side of the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan's young one in the world underneath, is praying to belong to Adam when he appears'.
But the Spirit of Elijah in Samson went and captured the brow energy center of the mortal men of Judah that Satan was appearing in and Adam captured the heart energy center of Leviathan's timeline. And Adam lay upon the heart energy center which is between the Primordial Serpent's two tails and bisected the Fiery Serpent, the tail that was added to Leviathan, the principle tail, and turned her back towards the root energy center. And the Spirit of Elijah consumed Satan, the brutish spiritual blood of the spiritual Philistines etheric bodies. And Adam gathered Leviathan's household together with himself and consumed the Fiery Serpent in the lower energy centers. And Adam shot forth in the mortal men of Judah and they stood up on Samson's foundation and ascended into the garden where the tree of life is. And Adam said to the spiritual immigrants in Judah, Jehovah has done this because the Spirit of Elijah, the one who recognizes the ascended Fiery Serpent, responded (to Samson's cry for help) when Satan captured the Fiery Serpent, Samson's widowed wife. Samson cried out for help.
I am going to start again with verse 6a. And Adam said to the spiritual immigrants in Judah, 'Jehovah has done this'. Now this is Adam speaking through Samson. This is Samson's testimony. And Adam speaking through Samson, said to the spiritual immigrants in Judah, 'Jehovah has done this because the Spirit of Elijah, the one who recognizes the ascended Fiery Serpent, responded when Satan captured the Fiery Serpent, Samson's wife, and gave her to Leviathan for a companion'. The Spirit of Elijah saw that it happened and rushed to the rescue. And the Spirit of Elijah said to Satan. This is what happened. The Spirit of Elijah responded and now this is what happened.
The Spirit of Elijah said to Samson, the unconscious part of Leviathan's timeline, concerning Samson, 'Since you have given the Fiery Serpent to Leviathan, I will surely punish you, Satan, and the shall become limp and unoccupied'. And the Spirit of Elijah attacked Satan, the spiritual energy of the other side of the mortal men of Judah and pursued Leviathan who was in the neck energy center covering the Fiery Serpent, their generative parts. And Adam in Samson married the Fiery Serpent, the stronghold of the lower energy centers, the lair of the Fiery Serpent, that wild beast.
And Adam ascended in the mortal men of Judah, but the spiritual Philistines in the mortal men of Judah besieged him and Leviathan, the collective subconscious mind of the Primordial Serpent, cast Adam down in the mortal men of Judah. And Adam, the mind nailed to Samson, a mortal man of Judah, said to the other mortal men of Judah, 'Why do you think Adam ascended within you'? And Satan and Leviathan, the carnal mind nailed to the mortal men of Judah, answered Adam in Samson saying, 'He is ascending to take us prisoner and to do to us what we have done to him'. And Adam said to Samson, a mortal man of Judah, 'I want you to understand that we put you (and who is the we? The Spirit of Elijah in Adam) in order because Leviathan, the timeline of the Philistines or the timeline of the spiritual immigrants has dominion over the mortal men of Judah'. And Adam in Samson said to the mortal men of Judah, 'We are putting you in the right order with respect to Samson because you were made to belong to me'. (Now that is Adam talking.) 'You were made to belong to me', and the Spirit of Elijah prostrated Satan, the third part of the seventh energy center of the mortal men of Judah and Adam, the stronghold of Elohim's energy, covered the Fiery Serpent, the wild beast in the first energy center.
There was something I wanted to say here. We are putting you in the right order with respect to Samson because you were made to belong to me. And the Spirit of Elijah prostrated Satan, the third part of the seventh energy center. Oh well, I did not want to stop in the middle of the verse and I forgot what I wanted to say. We will just go on. And Adam shot forth in the spiritual immigrants of Judah and the Spirit of Elijah burnt Satan and Leviathan, their father, with fire. And Adam said to Samson, 'The personalities belong to me. So swear with respect to them, that you will bring them to repentance so that they can reach Elohim's timeline, which is within themselves'. And Adam spoke to the mortal men of Judah saying, 'Leviathan indeed imprisoned, harnessed and delivered you, the personality, to the Fiery Serpent, the household of Leviathan's phallus. So you must die to the Fiery Serpent's lifestyle and you must die to the lifestyle of Leviathan, the fish'. I think that may be, you must die to Satan's lifestyle, but I am going to have to check that out. It is probably Satan's lifestyle and Leviathan's lifestyle.
And Adam in Samson instructed the mortal men of Judah saying, 'Cast down the widowed Fiery Serpent and imprison her for the purpose of delivering your personality from the widowed Fiery Serpent, the household of Leviathan, the Philistines' spiritual phallus or the spiritual phallus of the spiritual immigrants'. That is talking about the sons of God who have fallen and become evil. And Adam bound Cain who is second to Abel, the one who is interwoven with the foliage of the earth. And Christ, the new mind of the personalities (it cannot be Christ in the Old Testament.) And Adam, the new mind of the personalities ascended up on the side of Jehovah's stronghold. And Adam bound Cain who is second to Abel, the one who is interwoven with the foliage of the earth and Adam, the new mind of the personalities, ascended up on the side. Something is wrong there. I am not going to go any further now. Ascended up on the side of the new mind of Adam, the new mind of the personalities ascended up on the side of Adam, Jehovah's stronghold. I am going to have to work on that. OK, the next two and a half pages is for you, if you want to do that on your own.
We will pick up with verse 14 of Judges, Chapter 15, the second paragraph on page 5. This is the King James Translation. And when he came unto Lehi, the Philistines shouted against him and the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him and the cords that were upon his arms became flax that was burnt with fire and his bands loosed from off his hands. Just to remind you, I started using squiggly brackets. We have three different characters here as I start to work up this other translation. We have round parenthesis, which contain the words of the King James Translation; square brackets contain my amplifications; and the squiggly brackets like the ones that are around the word, when, means that the word was in the King James Translation, but it is not in the Hebrew.
And entered; we are going to translate the word, Cain entered. The word, unto, we are going to translate into. Lehi, we have established in previous messages, means the jawbone. The jawbone is Leviathan. We found out that Leviathan is the collective subconscious mind of all of humanity. Does anybody remember what the individual name of the individual subconscious mind is? Actually it is Leviathan in the individual. It is the Fiery Serpent. The Fiery Serpent is Leviathan in the individual. The Fiery Serpent is Leviathan's larva. She is her seed. Every man born of a woman, every human being born of a woman, is born with a personality and that personality has a spiritual virginity; the Fiery Serpent. It is Leviathan who has incarnated this whole creation.
When he incarnates us, he takes a seed of himself and builds a web around that seed and we, the personality, are formed. What the Church thinks is the creation that God made, is really the seed of Leviathan, the Fiery Serpent who has built a house for herself. That is what we are. We are the house. Now that is not a strange principle. We hear that in the Scripture all the time. The demons say to Jesus, This is our house. We are the house. There is spiritual life dwelling in us. That is why we need help. We need Jesus because we are the house, the household or the wife, and the spiritual powers that indwell us, the powers and principalities, they are superior to us. We are no match for them and they are evil. That is why we need a Savior.
Once the Savior comes forth in us, once Christ Jesus is formed in us and starts to join with us, with our spirit and our personality, we begin to become spiritual males. Our spirit begins to join with the Spirit of God and we begin to become the son of God. But until we are free of the influence of Satan and Leviathan, we are basically the personality. We are in the process of being converted, but we are the personality. The manchild that we are bringing forth is our Savior. We are being saved through union, but we are still the personality. We have to face who we are. We are the spiritual animal. But it was Jehovah's intention that the spiritual animal would be nailed to or joined to Adam and therefore to the whole household of God and that this spiritual animal, which we are, would be invisible and live fully out of the life of the Son of God. So we are supposed to lose all of our animal qualities by some miracle of God and enjoy all of the fruit as if we ourselves were of the household of God because we will be joined to the household of God and he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit.
But a perversion occurred. There was a separation from the Creator and the spiritual animal who was designed to have a marvelous positive experience with the household of God, divided and became male and female and now a part of the spiritual animal which became male is inhabiting the other part which is us, the personality. So we have a pseudo male mind inhabiting us which is cruel. Therefore we die from generation to generation and we have all the problems of this world. So it is not such a terrible thing that I am telling you that we are the animal. You see, you cannot think with your carnal mind. We are the spiritual animal that was created, that was formed by Elohim for the specific purpose of giving us a marvelous experience with God. We only suffer because of the rebellion of our animal nature.
Even in this fallen world, we suffer because of the rebellion of our fallen nature because Christ is in the world. Even those of us who are Christians and have a relationship with the Lord Jesus, we suffer because of our animal nature. I have been preaching this for years, no matter how your problem is manifesting in your life right now, no matter how your problem is manifesting, the answer for you is to get out of your animal nature. All emotions are in the animal nature. When we ascend into the rational mind of Christ Jesus, every problem is solved effortlessly. That is the solution to our problem. Get into Christ and stay there. Die to the things of this world. Die to your own will and your own desire. Give your whole life over to Jesus Christ and He will meet your needs. It does not mean that you have to go live in a cave somewhere to give your whole life over to Jesus Christ. But you have to be willing to go live in a cave if that is what He requires of you. Sometimes it gets confusing, but it is not confusing. Many of us think we have given our lives over to Christ, but we have not.
OK, we are working on verse 14. We are translating, Philistines as spiritual immigrants. The word, shouted, is Strong's #7321. In the Lexicon, it says it can mean shouted for joy or shouting with alarm. We are going to suggest that the word here should be translated to shout with alarm. The Hebrew word translated against, Strong's #7125, means to call. That does not sound right. Well, apparently I forgot to write up my comment over here to explain how I got this translation. It is Strong's #7125, translated as against in the King James Translation. When I looked up that word in the Lexicon, I found out that it has the same exact spelling and vowels as the word preceding it, Strong's #7124. It is one of these instances where one Hebrew word has so many meanings and so many various meanings that the translator just broke it up and Strong's gave it two different numbers, but it is really the same word as #7124. One of the various meanings of this Hebrew word translated against, means to call by name or to name. The spiritual significance of that word, to call or to give someone your name, is that it means to give someone your nature. To give someone your nature, you have to engrave the earth of their personality.
Does anyone remember what the engraving tool is? What is it that engraves the earth of our personality? It is the spirit. It is the spirit. Christ Jesus is coming to the earth. We are spiritual and physical animals right now. We are made of earth; we are made of clay. The nature that we have is the nature of the beast because Satan is the one who thinks through us. The engraving tool is the spirit of the mind. Every time she thinks through us, she engraves or marks our personality in the spirit. For anybody who has spiritual eyes, they can see that, at least every time we agree with her, we have her nature. We think like her; we agree with her thoughts. We therefore have her nature and therefore we are Satan, at that moment. The spiritual significance of engraving or the engraving tool is to change a person's nature. That means the Spirit of Christ must start thinking through us. When He thinks through us, He engraves our earth. He cuts our earth. He marks our earth. So there is a battle going on between the Spirit of Christ and Satan, who is the pseudo spirit. She is acting like a spirit of the carnal mind. They both want to engrave our earth. They both want our personality to be expressing them. So we, the personality, are in the role of female. We can choose the male that we will serve. The thought that we agree with; if we agree with that thought, that is the worship of that spirit.
We all need to know that every time we agree with Satan, no matter how ignorant we are that that is Satan, no matter how ignorant you are, when you, the personality agree with Satan, at that moment, you are Satan and she has marked your earth. She has impressed her nature on you, the personality. Why? Because you, the personality, have failed to realize that this is not your husband. When we agree with the thought of Satan, this is spiritual adultery. It is an agreement; it is a union; it is a coming together of the spirit and the earth and it produces offspring. This spiritual union produces thought forms which go forth in the spiritual plane to influence many people who are easily influenced and some people who are not easily influenced. It depends on how strong the thought form is. So this is the truth of spiritual adultery.
I mentioned recently on another message that, when the New Testament says, in the Book of Acts, that Peter or Paul said to the Jews, Christ has come and you are not under the law anymore; just cease from blood and cease from fornication. If you think that that means that all you have to do is not eat blood sausage and cease from physical fornication and that by doing that you are accepted into the beloved, you have received a lie. Because to obey that commandment, you have to stop partaking of the spiritual blood of your etheric body, whose name is Satan and you have to stop fornicating with her and with Leviathan, her other side. Satan is the spirit of the mind and Leviathan is the whole mind. So you have to stop agreeing with their thoughts. So is not that wonderful; we are out from under the law. Just do not fool around with Satan or commit adultery with Satan or Leviathan. It may be easier to keep the law and the Scripture says no one could keep the law. So how in the world will we do this? There is only one way that we could do it. We must die to this lifestyle and let Christ live through us. That is the only way we will ever, ever, ever do it. We cannot keep the physical law that was given to the Jew. Neither can we keep the spiritual law which says thou shalt love your brother as yourself.
Well what does that have to do with not eating blood or fornicating? Brethren, if you do not drink of the spiritual blood of Satan's spirit and you do not fornicate with Satan and Leviathan, you shall love your brother as you love yourself and you shall love God. Those are the two great laws; love God with all your heart, your mind and your soul and love your brother as yourself. You cannot do it so long as you are eating of Satan's blood and fornicating with Satan and Leviathan. It is impossible for any man born of a woman who is still living out of their carnal mind; it is impossible, you will never do it. You have to go down to get up. You can never do it. The only way you will ever have this experience is to die to every thought of your carnal mind and live only to Christ. Give it all up and let Christ live through you, which you cannot do suddenly. You cannot say, as of this moment I am going to do that. That is not possible. Christ must mature in you. He grows in wisdom and grace. As He grows in you, as you hear His commandment to you, as you hear Him tell you do this or stop doing that; when you obey Him, you die a little bit to the lifestyle of Satan and Leviathan and you move more into the lifestyle of Christ Jesus. He must apprehend us.
One of the earliest messages I ever preached is called, Satan Swallowed Up. Everybody says, Yea, Satan is going to be swallowed up. Brethren, Satan is in me and she is in you. So for Satan to be swallowed up, we must stop obeying her. But we obey her every day, including me. I try and I try and I try and I make a lot of changes, but her thoughts are alive and well in my mind. So I do the best that I can do to resist her and I wait for Christ Jesus in me to become strong enough to swallow her up; in me. I do everything I can to resist Satan and Leviathan, but I also do everything I can to obey Christ Jesus. In this transitional period, everything in my mind that is not of God that I could see, I confess as sin and ask the Lord to remove it and I wait, knowing that this lifestyle that I lead, that the degree that I submit to Christ Jesus, to the degree that I have the power to submit to Him, is at least not blocking Him from growing because we can block Christ Jesus from growing within us by choosing our carnal mind. So at least I am getting myself out of the way to enough of a degree that He is growing in me everyday. I wait for the day that He has that final growth spurt that makes Him strong enough to swallow up Satan in me. Then He will be living through me. We must become invisible.
The Scripture says, I must decrease so that He can increase. Everybody says, Yeah, yeah, yeah, but nobody knows what it means. They think it means, well you give up smoking. Not that there is anything wrong with that. You should give up smoking. It is not a good thing to smoke. That is not what it means; giving up things. It does not mean giving up going to the movies. It does not even mean giving up fornication, brethren. It is much more than that. The scope of that little statement, I must decrease so that He can increase; the magnitude of the scope of that statement is your whole life. When He is telling you to do something, all the other people in your life will scream and tell you not to do it and that you are wrong. It is a warfare. You do not do this at the snap of a finger. Brethren, we are clay. We have weaknesses; we break. We are subject to emotions which are very powerful. They can do a lot of damage in us. The Lord Jesus must strengthen us to overcome. It is a process that can take years and years and years, although I believe things are speeding up right now and for certain people, it takes them longer than for other people.
So to be engraved with the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ is a painful, time consuming experience. We can only succeed at it when we completely make a decision to co-operate with the program to the best of our ability. Then we have hope that our nature will change. When we resist Satan, when we do not do what she tells us, she does not mark our earth. We turn around and do what Jesus tells us, He marks our earth. So we have two natures marked in our earth. James says that there is sweet and bitter water in us. That is what he was talking about; well similar, along those same lines.
We, the personality must choose. If we think that the Lord Jesus is going to do it for us; well, we will be waiting one long time. We will probably die and pass out of this world because He is not doing it for you. He is giving you the power to do it and He is giving you the wisdom that you need to know what to do and He is giving you the power to do it and you must do it. Every time you try and you fail, you must admit that you tried and you failed and you must put yourself before Him for a critique. What did I do wrong in the circumstance? What could I have done differently? How will I handle it the next time this opportunity presents itself? That is how you change. You do not get this by the laying on of hands. You do not get this as a gift. You have to work at it. When someone points out that you have wrong thinking, you have to really work on acknowledging that that thought was wrong. It is not a question of murder or robbing a bank. This is why it is so hard. It is the hidden sins of the heart. It is in your attitude! It is in your attitude! That is Satan in your attitude or Leviathan in your attitude. What does that mean? It is Satan and Leviathan thinking through you. The thoughts of Satan and Leviathan are sin. Let us go on.
So we are translating the English word, against, to engrave; signifying to engrave with one's nature. To me, the word, against, is a very simple word. We find out that the Hebrew word that is signified by the English word, against, is a very powerful word. Then we have the English, and came mightily, and I have written in your notes, fell upon, but we are going to change that to attacked. The words, upon him, we are translating above. The word, spirit, we will keep. The Lord is Jehovah. The word, became, we are translating was. That is the same word, to be, only a different tense. The word, cords, we have had in previous messages, Strong's #5921. It is talking about interwoven foliage; foliage signifying the plants of the earth. The plant of the earth is the carnal mind. The word, that, we are translating in order that. The word, were, has squiggly brackets around it because that was not in the Hebrew. The word, upon, we are translating above. The words, his arms, Strong's #2220, signify power. We know that Elohim is Jehovah's arm. It is the power to perform the thought or to carry out the thought. The word, flax, is Strong's #6593. It is talking about linen. Basically, that is what it was talking about. We know that linen signifies righteousness. First of all, it is not a substance from an animal like wool. The shaving is the fleece of a sheep. So linen does not come from an animal.
See, we are not supposed to be living after the animal life. The spiritual animal is supposed to be living after the spiritual life, but everything is reversed here. The spirit man is living after the animal life. Everything is backwards. We have to be reversed. We have to die to this lifestyle where the spirit man lives after the animal life. We have to die to this and we have to be born again into the lifestyle where the spirit man controls the animal and the two live after the Spirit. So we have opposite sides in our spiritual being and everything is in layers. Everything I tell you about exists in your own heart. It exists in your relationship with other people. It exists between nations. It exists between worlds. It is a spiritual gravity. It is a polarization where your left side is against your right side and they pull against one another. So we have a left side and a right side within us. We, the personality, must choose who we will align ourselves with. Jesus was not talking about physical warfare when He said, If you are not for Me, you are against Me. This is what He was talking about. If you do not align yourself with me in your thoughts, you will be against Me. It is not my thoughts; it is Leviathan's and Satan's thoughts. That is what He was saying. A lot of people say, I choose Jesus, and they go out and they live out of their carnal mind and they are waiting to be raptured. I really do not mean to knock anybody, except that we are just really out of time. The Church is out of time.
So we are translating the word, flax, as righteousness. The words, was burnt, is Strong's #1197. We have had this word in previous verses also. This word can also be translated, to consume. Of course, when you burn something, you consume it. But it can also be translated brutish or stupid. That is the definition of Cain, the dumb animal. That is our flesh. That is what the Church world calls the flesh; Cain, the dumb animal. All of these spiritual principles are within us.
We have the word, fire, Strong's #784, and there is a prefix on that word. It is the prefix, beth, which means household. We have on occasion, as the context of the verse calls for it, translated the word, fire, as the Fiery Serpent, which I think we are doing here; the household of the Fiery Serpent. The word, loosed, can be translated to melt or to vanish. The words, his bands, Strong's #612, can be translated prison, yoke, or harness. We have also dealt with the principle of a harness in this series. The words, from off, Strong's #5921, means above. But there is also a prefix preceding that word. It is the Hebrew letter, mem, which means waters or waves. Then finally, the words, his hands, Strong's #3072, which we always, in an esoteric study, translate the word hand, as the phallus.
Just as a brief review, the phallus is the germ seed within the individual; the germ seed that will produce the new creature. The Fiery Serpent is Leviathan's larva (I already touched on this). The Fiery Serpent is Leviathan's larva and Leviathan, the collective Leviathan, are the seed of Elohim, Jehovah's semen, that were captured by the earth. In Genesis 1, they are described as the fish in the sea. The sea, before the fall, was talking about Elohim, which is the name of Jehovah's semen. Water and seed; semen has water and seed. Jehovah has spiritual semen called water and seed. When the earth killed Adam and stole the waters, she also captured the sperm of Jehovah's semen and engraved these spiritual sperm, all of which had the potential to become civilized spiritual men. The earth engraved them with her nature and they became Leviathan and that is who Leviathan is. She is female.
They were male when they were in Jehovah's nature and now the fish of the sea or the sperm of Jehovah's semen had become female because they are all engraved with the Serpent's image. Leviathan, the collective seed of Jehovah's semen is now doing what she is supposed to do. I think I have it in this message. She is going forth and She is filling the earth and filling it with fruit. We will get to it. I know I have it in this series. But She is doing it in a female nature and She is doing it in a manner that is destructive to the creation. So I will not go on until I get to that place in my notes. I am getting slain in the Spirit. Am I the only one? I was getting slain in the Spirit the minute I sat down in this seat. Lord, please let me preach this message. I do not feel too alert here. (Laughter) Praise the Lord.
OK, we will just go slowly. I was explaining the word, phallus. We all have a spiritual phallus. Phallus is a word that means an undifferentiated mind or a undifferentiated seed. It is not yet determined whether it will be male or female. Also, that is just another name for the germ seed in the individual. The germ seed is likened to the zygote. When I first started preaching years ago, I used to talk about a zygote. You take the female ovum and the male sperm and you put them together and you have one cell, a zygote, the first cell of the new baby. Well I have stopped saying zygote now. I started saying germ cell because I have found this expression in the Scripture in another spiritual teaching. Zygote, I think may relate strictly to biology, so I am going with germ cell. So the Fiery Serpent is the female aspect of the germ cell. A germ cell has to have two aspects: a male and a female together that has now become one; that has now become the beginning of the new creature. The Fiery Serpent is the female aspect of the germ cell. Every man born of a woman has a Fiery Serpent.
So the question is, Will Christ Jesus join with the Fiery Serpent or will the powers of the third energy center and Leviathan join with the Fiery Serpent? You see, each joining is very different from the other. In the Kingdom of God, Christ Jesus in the individual joins with the Fiery Serpent and she becomes a phallus and eventually joins with the glorified Jesus Christ. In the kingdom of darkness, the Fiery Serpent joins with the powers that she, herself, has created in the third energy center and then they join with Leviathan. Then the Fiery Serpent becomes Leviathan's phallus. So She is either Leviathan's phallus or the phallus of the glorified Jesus Christ. Everyone of you has a Fiery Serpent in you and she is the phallus of Leviathan living in you, penetrating you. Spiritual sexual intercourse is permanent. There is no entering and withdrawing. It is a permanent penetration. In order for us to have existence in this world, we must be penetrated by a being which is beyond this body: which is beyond this world. So we are either penetrated by Leviathan or we are penetrated by the Lord Jesus Christ. Brethren, as far as I know, I do not know anybody that is fully penetrated by the Lord Jesus Christ to the point where He would sustain our life if someone plunged a knife into our heart right now.
We are all penetrated by Leviathan. This is what Paul was talking about when he says in the Book of Romans, Live as though you are divorced from that husband. Live as though you are married to your new husband. Paul is acknowledging that every man born of a woman is married to Leviathan. Her male organ penetrates us from birth. We are her possession. We are her household and when we start serving the Lord Jesus Christ, we are in the process of being weaned away from Leviathan and married to the Lord Jesus. But as long as we get sick and die, brethren, you better believe that that weaning process is not complete. The Church is resisting this message with all its strength. Everyone I speak to, outside of the people who study here, they just want to believe that they are fully saved right now and they are fighting this truth with all their strength. But it will not do them any good at the moment of truth. Whenever that moment of truth is for any individual; you will find out the truth of your spiritual condition.
We are married to Leviathan and Satan is the god of this world. She is our god. She is the god of mortal humanity. When we come to the Lord Jesus Christ, we begin to refuse to serve her. We start serving the Lord Jesus Christ and that is why she has the power to punish us; to create financial difficulties in our life, to cause sickness, to produce accidents, etc. Of course, she has to have legal ground, but there is sin on everybody's life. So Satan has the legal ground. But there are a lot of people in this world that she does not bother. She punishes the people who will not serve her, but we have to serve the Lord Jesus anyway. We have to do whatever He says until we break her hold on us. She must know she cannot stop us from serving the Lord Jesus. No matter what she dishes out, we will survive and Christ Jesus will deliver us. But He does not stop her attacks. He gives us whatever we need to overcome her attacks. So this concept of spiritual phallus is a powerful spiritual principle.
I have been dealing with this for several years now. We are the personality. We are female. We are penetrated by a spiritual phallus, the tip of which has been in us since birth. She is the Fiery Serpent. Who she is having spiritual intercourse with depends on who we are penetrated by and who we are married to at the moment. Right now, those of us who are serving Jesus Christ, at least to this degree, those who are deeply involved with Jesus Christ, we are adulterers because we have two husbands. Well, what does it mean to have two husbands? It means, brethren, that we are having spiritual sexual intercourse with two spiritual males. Spiritual intercourse, I repeat, is a permanent penetration. That means you are penetrated by two males. That makes us a harlot. Again, I am sorry if I am offending you. This is the spiritual truth and it is the message that the Lord has given me. One husband is penetrating us in the legal channel and the other husband is penetrating us in the back. We are penetrated in both openings, spiritually speaking, and we are required to serve the Lord Jesus Christ even while we are penetrated by Leviathan. Eventually, eventually, she will let go and withdraw from us. This is the truth. I am sorry if I have offended you. This is a hard message. I am telling you the truth. This message is not for babies. OK, I think I have explained the phallus to you.
This is what I have to work with when I bring forth a translation. And he entered into the jawbone, which is Leviathan, the collective subconscious mind, the spiritual immigrants shouted with alarm, fell upon, pushed forward above the Spirit of the Lord (which is the Spirit of Jehovah) and the one who was interwoven in the foliage (that is Cain) in order that, above power, linen, righteous, that consume, brutish stupid household, fire, and melt or vanish, prison, yoke, harness, waters above, phallus. Brethren, I look at this and I say, Lord, what are you saying here? Not only I, but this is what the King James translators do. They take all the meanings of all the words and they come up with a translation. I am not telling you that it was strictly their carnal mind who brought forth this translation. I would like to believe that it was the Holy Spirit influencing their carnal mind. For the book to be as powerful as it is, for the King James Translation and all of its sister translations to be as powerful as it is (and it is a powerful book), I would say that their carnal mind was under the influence of the Holy Spirit. But a carnal mind, even under the influence of the Holy Spirit, is limited.
The King James and the sister translations was the best that they could do and that was no small thing. The best that they did was no small thing. It has touched the whole world. But now it is time to go on for the full mind of Christ to bring forth the depth of this understanding. Brethren, I cannot make it any clearer to you; I do not believe that what I am preaching is the depth of the understanding here. It is as deep as I can go right now. But this is not the ultimate understanding. It is all that we can tolerate right now. I do not know how many people there are in this hour who could even bear it. There are some, but the majority of the Church cannot even bear it now. Jesus said, I have much to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. What do you think He was talking about? People cannot even imagine what He was talking about, but yet when they see teachings like this, they do not connect Jesus saying, I have much to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. You are a spiritual animal penetrated in the wrong end of your spiritual sexual parts by Leviathan and you are also penetrated by me in the legal channel. You cannot bear it now, can you? I hope you did not stop reading. Praise the Lord. Well, if you are still with me, let us go on.
Alternate Translation of Judges, Chapter 15, verse 14; And Adam in Samson entered into Leviathan, the collective subconscious mind of the mortal men of Judah and the spiritual immigrants (that is talking now about the individual subconscious mind of the mortal men of Judah) shouted. The subconscious mind of the mortal men of Judah shouted with alarm as the Spirit of Jehovah fell from above. Why did they shout with alarm? Brethren, there is knowledge in the subconscious and the unconscious mind that we, the personality, do not have. The Fiery Serpent within us, the subconscious mind within us, these are the sons of God that became evil. This is the sperm of Jehovah that is now engraved with the Serpent's image. It is a spiritual aspect of ourselves. They know that Jehovah is coming with judgment. We, the flesh, the personality, the dumb ox, we may not get it, but our subconscious mind knows. So when they saw that the Spirit of Jehovah fell from above, they shouted with alarm.
The Spirit of Jehovah fell from above and engraved Cain, the brutish stupid animal, who is interwoven with the foliage of the earth. Now, what in the world does that mean? The Spirit of God falls and it engraves Cain? Well what does it engrave Cain with? Cain is that stupid flesh. Now that is not an insult. The flesh is ignorant, dark, stupid, incapable of understanding and fully given over to the earth and entangled with the foliage of the earth. The carnal mind is that which is growing in the earth. So the flesh, our lusts, our passions, our desires, that are keeping us in this world are completely controlled and possessed by the Serpent's nature. So the Spirit of Jehovah fell and engraved Cain. As soon as Cain is engraved with the nature of the Spirit of Jehovah, she begins to lust for the things of God. We have a part of us that is lustful. When you lust for the things of this world, it can destroy you and it can be sin. Well, it is always sin, but depending on where you are in your walk; some of it is acceptable, some of it is never acceptable. But Jehovah has the power to engrave this dumb beast in us with His own nature and that lust will turn towards Him.
The Psalm says, Pant after Me. That lust for the things of this world will become a panting after the things of God. I do not know about you, but I cannot get enough. This is true of the personality who is widowed. We are widowed. We are not fully joined to the Kingdom of God. We are widowed. We can never get enough of anything. If you cannot get enough of food, you can become obese. If you cannot get enough of sex, you can become a sex addict. It can be a bad bondage for you. Even if you are married, even if you are married, it is not healthy to not be able to get enough. There are other things in life. You cannot get enough attention from your husband, from your wife or from your children. Then you become a demanding person and you ruin your relationships. Brethren, we are lacking. We are negative. Everybody, some more than others; everybody is lacking.
But when you turn your lusts towards the Lord Jesus Christ, there is no damage done. There is only good done because you cannot drain Him. He is an unending flow of provision. I cannot get enough of Him and all that is happening to me is that I am getting healthier and healthier and healthier in my spirit, in my personality, and in my body. There is no damage done. I am growing and even though I have relationships in my life, they may resent my walk because they are carnal. I have to admit, I really hurt my daughter with all the time that I put into God. But she does not even know that what is happening to me because I have lusted after God is benefiting her. From the moment He revealed Himself to me; I have lusted after Him and she has no idea of the benefits that are upon her life because of that. Someday she will spiritually grow up and understand. But I did what was best for me and for her and for my whole family, although the majority of the resentment came from my daughter. In the long run, it will be revealed that I did the right thing, even though people were hurt at the moment. I pant after Him. If I am satisfied, it only lasts for a few moments. Is not that the truth of our life? You have a big meal and you are satisfied and then a few hours later you need to eat again. You have sex and what is it, a couple of days (it depends on who you are), the next hour, the next day, the next week, the next month; it depends on where you are in your life and you need it again. You fellowship with a human being; you have company and it satisfies your emotions. A day or two goes by and you need company again. We are never satisfied. It is our fallen condition.
But every source of satisfaction that you have in this world is either destructive or temporary. If it is not destructive and acceptable to God and man, it is only temporary. The satisfaction that God gives you is temporary, so long as we are in this condition, but eventually we will fill up, you see. Eventually, we will fill up with God. We will never fill up with the things of this world. We will never get to the point where we do not need fellowship anymore. We will never get to the point where we will not need food anymore. Some people get to the point where they do not have sex anymore, but that is a part of the aging of this world, if you come to that place. But it is not that they do not want it. It is that they are growing out of this world. But eventually, you will fill up with God. Eventually, you will fill up with Him to the point that you will live forever. Even if there is something in your life that you never outgrow like a hobby or something that really attracts your attention, you never get enough of it until the day you die. But you still die, you see, if you get my point. It is our condition that we are never satisfied. Some people handle this human condition better than others. The best way to handle it in this world is to get married and have a family. That is the best way to do it. It meets needs. It is a sacrifice, but at least, if you are willing to try, you can have a decent moral life in this world. My point is we are all lacking. We all need to be satisfied. The question is how we satisfy ourselves.
So the Spirit of Jehovah fell and engraved Cain and this dumb brutish beast that really does not even have a mind of its own, but is just controlled continuously by the spirit that she is entangled with, continued to lust, but now she is lusting for God. I do not mean lusting for religion. A lot of people lust for religion. You know, the first time I heard some pop psychologist talk about addiction to religion, I was very offended. I was going to Church between four and seven nights a week in those days. I knew that I manifested, so I asked the Lord about it. The Lord told me it was true. Not only that it was true, but that I was addicted to religion. I was addicted to the music; I was addicted to the drums; I was addicted to the schedule. He said, now I am going to show you the real thing. You can be addicted to me, you see. You can be addicted to my spirit.
So even if you are going to a meeting seven nights a week, if you are there because Christ Jesus in the midst of you has put you there seven nights a week, that is not an addiction. But if you are going and it is not Christ bringing you there; if you are sitting there in that seat, three, four, five nights a week and you are going out and you are not changed or growing and your relationship with the Lord has not increased or improved or matured; you are addicted. You are going there because you feel holy because you are in Church four nights a week and you are addicted. Is there anyone who cannot hear the difference? You are addicted to religion. Of course, that is not the worst bondage in the world because everybody is addicted to something. It is certainly better than being addicted to going to the bars. But none of it is ideal. We are to pant after the Lord Jesus. Our lust shall be directed towards the Lord Jesus Christ when that dumb brute part of us which the Church calls the flesh, is engraved with the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ.
So the subconscious mind, the Fiery Serpent, which was in the men of Judah, were flipping out when they saw that their nature was being changed. Why do you think they would be flipping out? Because they were completely sold out to the Serpent. They were completely given over to her just as the subconscious minds of men in the Church are today and they do not even know it. They jump up and down and they say, Praise You, Jesus, and most of them walk out of the Church and they are not living after Jesus Christ. At least in some ways they are not. So there is a level of knowledge; there is a level of wisdom; there is a level of understanding in the subconscious mind that does not reach the conscious mind of many people. See, that is how a hypnotist can hypnotize some people and make them think that they remember past lives. They are not remembering past lives. They are contacting Leviathan and Satan or one or the other, that aspect of this creation which incarnates continuously.
That subconscious mind who has had experiences, who has penetrated every human being that has ever existed has a memory of their experiences. We, the personality, die from generation to generation. We do not incarnate; Adam incarnates. Adam incarnates over and over again and the Serpent incarnates over and over again. There is only two people incarnating. They are not really people; there is only two beings incarnating in the world and one is incarnating illegally. The Serpent is not supposed to be incarnated. Only Adam is supposed to be incarnating and even that has to come to an end, so that we, the personality, the spiritual ox, can stop dying from generation to generation. That will be the end of incarnation. That will be the end of incarnation and it will be the end of reproduction as we now know it. What will be the end of incarnation and reproduction as we now know it? When Adam is raised from the dead to the point that he is possessing all of humanity. With His possession of us, one of the gifts that we will receive is eternal life. The Fiery Serpent will no longer incarnate. She will be subject to the Lord Jesus. She will be the Seraphim standing in front of the Lord Jesus Christ singing, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord.
So the men of Judah shouted with alarm as the Spirit of Jehovah fell from above and engraved Cain, the brutish stupid animal, who was interwoven with the foliage of the earth (with the carnal mind), and the Spirit of Elijah, the righteous power from above, melted the harness that was upon Abel. And Adam, the phallus of the waters above, arose. Well, let us stop here. And the Spirit of Elijah, the righteous power from above, melted the harness that was upon Abel. What harness is upon Abel? Does anyone know? What covers Abel? Abel is under the earth. Abel has been buried under the earth. Remember that Jehovah said, Your brother's blood crieth out to me from under the earth. Cain killed Abel and Abel is buried underneath the earth. So that is to say that the harness is upon Abel. That is just another way of saying that Abel is covered over and cannot join with (we are in the Old Testament now) the Spirit of Elijah because that earth is in between them. Every time Abel tries to get up, Cain kills him again. So we see that the righteous power from above melted that harness that was upon Abel; did away with, consumed that separation between Abel and the Spirit of Elijah.
And Adam, the phallus of the waters above, arose. Now this is talking about the purified waters above the firmament. This is talking about the higher energy centers and we have found out that Abel is the root system of the Tree of Life and Adam is the Tree of Life. Abel is the root system of the Tree of Life. When he is rejoined to the branches of the tree, the whole Tree of Life is regenerated. The branches of the Tree of Life is signifying the waters or the energy of the creation. Another way to say it is that Abel is the virile seed because he is the root system of the tree. The whole tree (talking about the Tree of Life) the whole Tree of Life is Jehovah's spiritual semen with the virile seed and the waters. Abel is the virile seed of the Tree of Life that is separated from the waters. When Abel joins with the waters or the branch of the tree, the whole Tree of Life is resurrected and the name of the whole Tree of Life is Adam.
Well Pastor Sheila, I thought that you just said that the virile seed of Jehovah's semen is Leviathan. What are you talking about Abel now? Does anybody know the answer to that question? At the time of the Fall, the virile seed of Jehovah's semen was captured by the earth and engraved with her nature and these sperm of Jehovah's spiritual semen are appearing collectively in the world today as Leviathan. Satan is the waters of the virile seed. So we see that Jehovah's whole semen is appearing in the world today in a perverted form. The water part of Jehovah's seminal fluid is polluted with earth and her name is changed and She is become Satan. The virile seed has been polluted because they have been engraved with the nature of the earth. Jehovah's whole spiritual semen exists in this world today in a corrupted, polluted dead form. I say dead because Jehovah's semen in the world today does not have the power to bring forth a manchild or to impart eternal life to the members of this world.
OK, let us bring Abel into this now. When Jehovah made a covenant with Abraham, that was the beginning of a liaison between Jehovah, the kingdom of God, and Abraham, which was designed to re-inject the living Tree of Life into this dead earth. The earth is dead. It is Jehovah's semen, which has been killed, yet it still has an existence. Jehovah came to Abraham and said, I am going to give you seed. I am going to give you live seed. It is going to come through your line. I am going to inject live seed into this world which has been built around the dead seed. See, spiritual things are different than physical things. We are living in the spiritual semen. It is just as if to say that a man's seed impregnates a woman, gets together with an ovum and a child is brought forth. That child is the representation of the ovum and the sperm in another form. This whole world that we are living in is the child that was born of Jehovah's semen which joined with the female seed of the earth. Jehovah's semen joined with the female seed in the wrong moral order. The union of the earth and Jehovah's semen was a union in which the female earth took authority over the male seed and produced a dead wild animal instead of a living civilized man. But it is still the same semen.
Now it is Jehovah's intention to regenerate this dead semen, and the way He is doing it is by injecting live or virile semen into the dead semen. Now we know that in this world, if we were to do that in the natural, to inject anything that is really alive into a polluted body of water, it would die. If we took a living fish and put it into a body of water, a pond or a river that was completely polluted and dead, the fish would die. But this is the Almighty God and He has done this. He has injected His living virile seed into the death of this world and He did it through Abraham's line. He made the covenant with Abraham; the promise of the child was given to Isaac; the promise came to pass in Jacob and was fully manifested through the tribe of Judah and specifically through David. The Tree of Life appeared in this dead world in the person of King David of Israel and that tree was chopped down again.
But this time, the root of the Tree of Life remains in the earth, remains in Abel, the root system of the Tree of Life that died. That is who Abel is; the dead seed, which is dead, but not polluted, if you can hear the difference. Abel is dead, but not polluted. This whole world is made from dead seed which is polluted. Abel is dead, but not polluted. When the scent of water touches him, when the Holy Spirit touches him, Abel rises from the dead and joins with the purified waters. The Holy Spirit is the purified waters. The Holy Spirit is the waters that were purified in the man, Jesus. So we see that we have the root of the Tree of Life, which may be dead, but still pure and capable of being regenerated and we have the purified waters in the form of the Holy Spirit. That man in which the two come together in, is the household of the regenerated Tree of Life, which is the resurrected Adam, which is Christ Jesus in this generation.
So we read, And the righteous power from above melted the harness that was upon Abel, the root system of Adam. That righteous power joined with Abel. You see, it does not say it here, but that righteous power joined with Abel. It is talking about the Holy Spirit. In the union of the two, Adam, the phallus of the waters above, arose. Adam rose from the dead. Adam is the phallus of the waters above. You know, there is also a phallus from the waters beneath. The phallus from the waters beneath is Leviathan. The phallus from the waters above is Adam or Christ Jesus in the New Testament. And Adam, the phallus of the waters above, arose and consumed the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan's household. And Adam arose. I think I may have to make a change there because technically speaking, the phallus does not come into existence until Adam joins with the waters. I will have to look at that. I am going to let it go for now; it is just a technicality. The righteous power from above melted the harness that was upon Abel. Abel joined with that righteous power. Adam arose from the dead. Adam, the phallus of the waters above, consumed the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan's household. I have a witness for you on page 6 of our Alternate Translation of Jonah 2:5b; And the Fiery Serpent put a saddle on Abel. To be honest with you, at the time that I brought forth that translation, I only had a general idea of what it meant, but not to the extent that I have now. So we see that there is an unfolding revelation coming forth here. We learn with each translation that we do. We become more educated in the symbology of the Scripture.
Continuing with Judges, Chapter 15, verse 15 of the King James Translation; And he found a new jawbone of an ass and put forth his hand and took it and slew a thousand men therewith. Now brethren, I tell you what I have told you before; that really sounds wonderful, but it is poetry. Do you really believe that Samson took a jawbone of an ass and killed a thousand human beings with it? Now listen, if you believe that, I understand. I used to believe it and I guess I never questioned it. I am not here to condemn you if you have believed this in the past. I am just telling you that we have to grow up and we have to read the Bible and start to think with reason. The Church must begin to understand that this is a spiritual book, wrought with spiritual principles and that there are spiritual people in the world outside of Christ who understand this Bible better than a lot of Christians. They are just spiritual and they see the spiritual principles in it. Now it is wonderful to have faith. I am a big believer in faith. I have a lot of faith, but having faith does not mean that you have to take a parable like this literally. That is not what having faith means. The personality does not have any faith. We have hope. Our faith is Christ Jesus, the Savior in the midst of us. So to have the faith of the Son of God means that we have the mind of Christ, which can understand the true spiritual significance of the poetry. The personality has hope that faith will be found in us and that Christ will be formed in us. That we can go on rather than believe that a physical man picked up a jawbone of an ass and killed a thousand men with it. I do not know how to make it any clearer. I am not knocking anybody. But we must go on. It is just time to go on.
The English word, found, we are translating acquired. This Hebrew word translated new, Strong's #2961, means moisture. I guess the word, new, comes from the idea of being fresh; moisture. Of a jawbone, we are translating as Leviathan. I pulled out some definitions of moisture for you. It is a diffused wetness that can be felt as a vapor in the atmosphere or condensed liquid on the surfaces of objects. I want to suggest to you that it is Satan. This is talking about Satan, the moisture that arises. Moisture is talking about spirit.
We are solid. We have physical bodies. I do not know how solid we are, but for this world we are solid. There is a moisture that seeps out of us. It seeps out of our skin. It is a spiritual moisture. We are all made of energy. The occult world sees the energy that seeps out from us as the aura. I believe that every man has an aura. I also believe that those of us who are in Christ are not called to deal with the aura of this physical body. We are not to deal with the physical body, the etheric body or the astral body. This is all Satan's creation. But we are called to deal with Christ Jesus. This is what the Scripture is talking about when it speaks about Peter's shadow passing by people and healing them. It was not the shadow of his physical man that we see on the street. This word shadow is talking about the spirit of Christ that was raised in Peter that was emanating past his physical body. It was oozing out of the pores of his physical skin. It was probably not visible to the physical eye, but the spiritual eye would have seen this misty cloud surrounding Peter and that is the shadow. That is what the Scripture is talking about when it talks about shadow.
When someone passed through the mist of Christ Jesus that surrounded Peter, they were healed. So if you need to understand it this way, I can tell you, it is a second aura that is coming forth in you. We are the household of God and we are not called to deal with the aura that comes from Satan, which is the natural man. But when Christ Jesus is mature enough in you to the point that a second aura comes forth in you; that we can deal with. That is just the cloud that followed the Israelites in the wilderness. So you thought that there was a pillar of cloud when the daylight came and that there was a pillar of fire when the physical sun went down? That is not what the Scripture means. It means that the cloud came out of Moses. The resurrected Adam that was in Moses that was oozing out of his pores, formed a spiritual cloud over all the men in Israel, who had Adam raised in them. They were under the cloud with Moses. What does that mean? All of us who minister touch certain people, but we do not touch everybody. When I say men, it is a generic term for the mortal men and women of Judah; all the people in Judah who responded to this cloud that was rising up out of Moses. When their heart responded to the cloud, that means Adam rose from the dead in them, too.
There was a big cloud that hung over Israel, but everyone did not respond to this cloud. Every man, woman and child in Israel in the wilderness, in whom Christ was not raised, remained in the night. Everybody in whom the cloud was raised, everyone in whom Adam was raised, was in the day. They were in the daytime. They were under the guidance and influence of the cloud of the resurrected Adam. But every man, woman and child who did not have this experience were still in the darkness; spiritually, mentally and emotionally. They were still in the darkness and the pillar of fire was upon them. Well, what does that mean? It means that the resurrected Adam was manifesting primarily through Moses, but I am sure through many of the men, women and children (the people of Israel) in whomever Adam was raised. Wherever Adam is raised, judgment comes forth. Wherever Christ Jesus is raised, judgment comes forth to judge the sins of the people who are in darkness. Is that a punishment? No, it is not a punishment. You can save somebody's life by saying to them, What you did was wrong. Then that person has the choice of clinging to their own ways or doing what is right. Wherever Adam or Christ Jesus is raised in an individual in a mortal man, judgment falls on the ignorant. So everyone in the camp of Israel, in the wilderness where Adam was raised, was under the cloud. They were in the day. Everyone in whom Adam was not raised, they were in darkness. They were in the night.
The people who were in the day were judgment upon the people who were in the night. This is just another way of saying they covered their sins. The people who were in the day were a protection to the people who were still in darkness. Wake up, wake up Church, wake up! You cannot go on this way! The poetry is beautiful, but you cannot go on. You are not going to live. I am talking to the Church now. Maybe it is somebody here; I do not know. You go home from here and I do not really know what your lives are like. You have another whole life apart from me. If you tell me about it, I know about it. If the Lord tells me, I know about it. If neither one of you tell me about it, I do not know what you are doing in your homes. You cannot live in the poetry. It is the same thing as saying you may have a fortune in gold rings and if you do not have food, you are going to die. If you do not have food that you can eat, what good is your money?
So moisture represents the spirit that rises up like a cloud. It oozes out of the pores of the flesh and abides like a cloud around the person. The next few words of Judges, Chapter 15, verse 15, in the King James are, of an ass. The Hebrew word translated ass, Strong's #2543, is a masculine word signifying a male donkey. The Hebrew word is derived from Strong's #2560, which means to boil up and glow with redness. Some donkeys have a reddish coat. The color red in the Scripture signifies Adam's energy which was stolen by the Serpent and is now mixed with the earth. We know that Adam was ruddy. Adam's color is rose. When his energy was stolen by the Serpent and mixed with the earth in its present condition, it is red. Now red does not signify the best; the color signifies spiritual strengths. The color red is attributed to the Serpent. It is of the lower plane, the lower energy centers. But rose is a good color. Adam, before the fall, had a rosy hue. The earth had a rosy hue, but when the earth became dense and solid, it became red. You may recall in the message entitled, A Colt, The Foal Of An Ass, we found out that the ass was domesticated by the Egyptians in about 4000 BC. The spiritual significance of this reality is that Leviathan is the ultimate spiritual Egyptian. Leviathan is the chief honcho spiritual Egyptian, who domesticated the personalities of humanity, including the mortal men of Judah and is ruling over them to this day. All of humanity has been domesticated by Leviathan. We serve her.
Brethren, the best of us, in some areas, serve her. I know that I serve her in some areas. If I did not, I would be in perfection. I yield to carnal thoughts in certain areas. To be honest with you, I have no idea of the areas or the layers of carnality which the Lord has not yet revealed to me. All I know is that I am still dying. All I know is that I still do things wrong and therefore I am not in perfection. Who knows what I will have to face over the coming years to go on to perfection, that I cannot even see right now. I do not know. So Leviathan has domesticated the human race. So, we, the human race are the donkeys. We are the jackasses of the Scripture. Again, this is not an insult. It is the truth, which if we can embrace it and receive it as the truth, it will be a door for us to go on to a higher life form. Through our relationship with our husband, through marriage to our husband, we will be caught up to a glorious place in Him, not in our own righteousness, you see, but in His righteousness. So long as we stay apart and think we have all the answers, we are in our own righteousness.
The Fiery Serpent within each of us is our spiritual egg. We, the personality, are the dumb ox and we have a potential to reproduce in our reproductive organ. We have one spiritual ovum within us and that is the Fiery Serpent in each man. That Fiery Serpent, if she marries Christ Jesus, will produce the manchild. But if she marries herself and then Leviathan, the Lord says it is as good as menstruating because to bring forth the female child is as good as menstruating. Why? What does that mean? For the Lord to say that you have menstruated, it means that you have not conceived and brought forth His seed. Well, if we bring forth the female seed, it is just a matter of time until she is destroyed.
Christ Jesus is rolling up this timeline, so Jehovah says it is the same as never having conceived. I am going to tell you right now, you have menstruated. Jehovah says, You have not brought forth anything and what exists right now, I consider it nothing, so I can tell you that you have menstruated. See, you have to think like God thinks. You cannot read the Scripture and think like man thinks because then you come out with a perverse understanding of the Scripture. You have to find out how God thinks and then think like Him. When you think like Him, your earth is being engraved with His nature. How do you get your earth engraved with His nature? You have to think with His thoughts. How do you know what He thinks? You have to be instructed as to how the Lord thinks. That is what all this study and preaching is all about. I am bombarding your minds with thoughts that are entering into you and saying to the spiritual aspects of yourself, Think like this, think like this. To whatever degree you can agree, to whatever degree the Lord Jesus witnesses to you and you can agree, your earth is being marked with the nature of Christ Jesus. Praise the Lord.
I see that I had a footnote here that I did not tell you about when I gave you the witness of Jonah 20:5b, And the Fiery Serpent put a saddle on Abel. This is coming from the Alternate Old Testament. The footnote says, The significance of putting a saddle on Abel is that the resurrected Abel is once again forced underground. So we see in the Book of Jonah, a saddle was put on Abel. But here in the Book of Judges, Chapter 15, the saddle is melted away. So we see that this saddle is not permanent. This saddle that the Serpent can put on the root of the Tree of Life can be dealt with. Praise God.
At the bottom of page 6 continuing on with the words, and shot forth. That is a translation of put forth and we are translating it, and shot forth. The word hand, we are translating phallus. Remember that Elijah or the Lord Jesus Christ's spiritual phallus is the part of Himself that is penetrating a mortal man joined to the Fiery Serpent. Leviathan's spiritual phallus is the Fiery Serpent joined to the powers in the third energy center which are herself. The Lord Jesus' phallus is the Fiery Serpent joined to Christ Jesus. The significance here is that the phallus in the individual is joined to the balance of the male organ. The male organ has a tip to it and a shaft to it. The phallus is the tip of the male organ, which is in the individual. That is the Fiery Serpent, either joined to herself or to Christ Jesus. The shaft of the male organ comes from beyond the individual. In our case it is the Glorified Jesus Christ. He is the male organ which is penetrating into us and the tip of Himself is Christ Jesus in us, who is joined to the Fiery Serpent. On the other side in the kingdom of darkness, it is the Primordial Serpent who is reaching down into the human being through Leviathan and joining to the Fiery Serpent, who has joined herself to the powers which she, herself, created. Again, I apologize if this is offending anybody, but this is the message. It is a sexual message. We are the product of spiritual sexuality. We are the female and we are penetrated and that is the reality of it. Hopefully, we are penetrated by the Lord Jesus Christ.
We are dealing with the balance of the few words of verse 15, and took hold of himself. That is a translation of, took it. And took hold of himself; this is Strong's #394, and it is the word that is translated in Ezekiel, Chapter 1, that the lights were flashing in and out. The suggestion here or the significance of this phrase is that the Lord Jesus Christ or in the Old Testament, the Spirit of Elijah, is reaching down into the human being and laying hold of that part of us which is Himself. In the New Testament, Christ Jesus in us is the Lord Jesus Christ. I have told you that the Fiery Serpent is the larva of Leviathan. Well, Christ Jesus is the Son of the Lord Jesus Christ. Leviathan is an animal. Leviathan has a larva, a little worm. Jesus talks about worms. We have all got a worm in us; Leviathan's larva. Christ Jesus is not a larva. The Lord Jesus Christ is not a worm. He is a man; a spiritual man. So Christ Jesus in us is the Son of God. When Christ Jesus in us joins to that worm, that worm is swallowed up by Christ Jesus and the reproductive potential of the worm in us, which is Leviathan's larva, is absorbed into Christ Jesus and she becomes a spiritual man; if you can hear what I am saying. I am going to drop it at this point. The Fiery Serpents that indwell the mortals of humanity are the sons of God who became evil. They are the sperm of Elohim, Jehovah's semen, which was captured by the earth, who engraved them with her own nature.
Now we have the last few words of verse 15. The word, slew, we are translating subjected or conquered. The English word, therewith, Strong's #8700, can be translated time. We are translating it timeline. The word, a thousand, is referring to the seventh energy center, which is vibrating at a very rapid rate of vibration, a thousand undulations. But, of course, that is a general term. The word, men, is Strong's #376, which is talking about mortal men. This is what I have to work with; and he acquired moisture, Leviathan, personalities, and shot forth, his phallus, and took hold of himself and subjected, conquered therewith, seventh energy center, mortal men.
This is the translation the Lord has given me: And the Spirit of Elijah in Samson, subjected Leviathan, the Primordial Serpent's timeline and conquered the Fiery Serpent and acquired Satan, the moisture or the energy of Leviathan's seventh energy center. That is the seventh energy center of the Serpent's timeline. And Adam in Samson laid hold of the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual sexual part of the personalities of the mortal men of Judah. That is a translation of himself. And Adam, the phallus of the glorified Elijah shot forth in the mortal men of Judah.
Let me read that again for you: And the Spirit of Elijah in Samson subjected Leviathan in the mortal men of Judah. Leviathan is the Primordial Serpent's timeline. The Spirit of Elijah in Samson subjected Leviathan and Adam conquered the Fiery Serpent. Adam conquers the Fiery Serpent. Actually that is out of order. It should be, The Spirit of Elijah acquired Satan (that is just another way of saying Satan was swallowed up) and subjected Leviathan and Adam conquered the Fiery Serpent. The Spirit of Elijah acquired or swallowed up Satan and subjected Leviathan, the Primordial Serpent's timeline, and Adam conquered the Fiery Serpent and the Spirit of Elijah acquired Satan, the moisture or the energy of the seventh energy center. I am rewriting this as I am talking to you. And Adam in Samson laid hold of the Fiery Serpent and conquered her. I guess I am going to have to rewrite this whole paragraph. OK, I am just going to read it to you like it is. It needs to be revised because I see further revisions in here. I will just read it like it is. And the Spirit of Elijah in Samson subjected Leviathan, the Primordial Serpent's timeline and Adam conquered the Fiery Serpent and acquired Satan, the energy of her seventh energy center and Adam in Samson laid hold of the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual sexual part of the personalities of the mortal men of Judah and Adam, the phallus of the Glorified Elijah shot forth in the mortal men of Judah.
We have as a witness to that, Mark 3:27: No man can enter into a strongman's house and spoil his goods except he will first bind the strongman and then he will spoil his house. That is exactly what the Scripture is talking about. We see it very simply stated in the King James Translation for the children of the kingdom. How can you enter into a strongman's house unless you first bind the strongman? For the people who are maturing in the kingdom, for the people who are going on and growing up to become spiritual men in the kingdom, we are learning all these details of how you spoil a strongman's house. Who the spoil man is, why you are spoiling the strongman's house, how it affects the household that you spoil; we are learning all these details. Why? Because it is happening to us. If you are mature enough to be hearing this message, it is happening to you or it is about to happen to you.
Continuing with Judges, Chapter 15, verse 16, King James Translation: And Samson said, with the jawbone of an ass, 'Heaps upon heaps, with the jaw of an ass have I slain a thousand men'.
Now at this point, the Scripture starts to get very difficult. These are verses 16, 17 and 18. The verses are getting very much deeper and I have used a lot of the symbology of the individual letters in these next three verses. How do I decide or under what conditions do I make a decision to start working the meanings of the individual letters into the translation? When the Lord witnesses to me to do that. I examine these words, I go into the Interlinear text, I stare at them, I have full concentration on them, praying the whole time; Lord, what do you have to say about these words? It is a mind communication from Him. He enables me to perceive these Hebrew words as He wants me to see them. For these next three verses, we are starting to go into utilizing the meanings of the individual letters to really get the understanding that Jesus wants me to bring forth in these Scriptures at this time. As I have told you many times before, the deeper the message gets, the more hidden the message is, the more likely there will be words missing or He will be using the meanings of the individual letters. It is not a message that is for the people who are not ready to hear it. There is a lot said in the Church today against esoteric doctrine, against hidden meanings of doctrine, but Jesus clearly said that He speaks in parables and that it is for the disciples to know the parables and not for those who are without. This is what Jesus said.
We have an unfortunate situation in the Church today because a lot of people think they are going on with God and it turns out they are in the good side of the Serpent's timeline and it does not work out. The people get frightened and they have reason to get frightened when they hear about this. They come running back to preschool. That is all there is in the local Churches. I do not mean to be unkind, but it is preschool; that is what it is. Now there is another path, brethren. If you are reading this message, you must know that there is another path. First of all, you need to know that it is true; that there is a hidden doctrine. The Christians who say that it is not true because they are afraid or because they've been burnt; they are wrong. There is a hidden doctrine. There definitely is a hidden doctrine in Christ Jesus and there definitely is an ascension in Christ Jesus.
So whoever is reading this in the Church, you need to know there is another path. You do not have to stay in spiritual preschool in the Lord Jesus Christ, forever, because at that point, you are retarded. Neither do you have to ascend or have an experience in a ministry that turns out to be a cult. What you need to do is get close enough to Jesus to hear His voice telling you where He wants you to go. The answer is not to receive the written word on its surface. Because when you receive the written word on its surface, then all the promises have to come after death, and there is no after death. There is no hell after this physical body dies and there is no heaven after this physical body dies. The personality dies from generation to generation and we dissolve. We are the spiritual clay. The personality is the spiritual clay. When a particular formation of the spiritual clay is not perfected, that very same clay is remolded. It is the resurrected Adam that is coming forth. In our case, it is Christ Jesus coming forth; being born in many individual personalities, molding that clay into the image of Christ Jesus.
So you have to recognize, if you are reading this message, that there is another path; that there is a hidden doctrine and there is an ascension. You have to pray it through. You have to pray everyday of your life; Lord Jesus, if this is not you, get me out of here. If you do not want me here, get me out of here. I have to tell you my opinion and I tell you this without condemnation, that anybody who has had an experience with a Church that has gone off into false doctrine and you have gone with them, you must face the reality that your communication with the Lord Jesus Christ was not adequate. You have to face this and you have to confess it as sin, that your personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ was not solid enough for you to hear Him telling you to get out of that Church or to not even go there in the first place. You have to face that. But a large part of the Church today does not want to face anything like that. They want to be infants. They want to be infantile, putting all responsibility on the Lord Jesus. But it is not going to be that way, brethren. The hour is coming and already is that the Lord Jesus Christ is coming with His true doctrine and with the judgment of your carnal mind, which will cause you to ascend.
There is no place that you could run and although you are better off in the infantile Church than you are in a ministry preaching false doctrine, especially a ministry that has a wrong spirit in there that says it is the Holy Spirit and it is not the Holy Spirit. But you could be in preschool and also know that there is a true ascension and that it has not touched you yet. I see the Church basically in two camps today. The ones that are in preschool and will not budge out of preschool and they are clinging to the letter of the law because they are absolutely terrified by what they have heard about other people who have gone on and have had ungodly experiences. Then we have the group that go on and have the ungodly experiences. Some of them get out and some of them are trapped. But look, even if you are in it, even if you are in a false ministry for several years, and the Lord gets you out; He got you out, did He not? Maybe if you could have heard a little better, you would have gotten out sooner or never gotten in it in the first place, but He got you out, did He not? So now are you going to hide in preschool for the rest of your life? When the real thing comes along, are you going to be so defensed against it that He is going to have to batter down your castle walls to get to you? That is what is happening in the Church.
Continuing with verse 16, And Samson said, with the jawbone of an ass, 'Heaps upon heaps, with the jaw of an ass have I slain a thousand men'. We have two prefixes before the word Samson, Strong's #8123, and that is vav and yod, the nailed mind. That is Adam, the mind that is nailed. At one end he is nailed to the personality and at the other end he is nailed to the Spirit of Elijah above. Then with the jawbone of, which is Leviathan, there is also a prefix, beth, which means household. The word, ass, has the prefix, hey, which means window. The word is Strong's #2543. This word is for a male ass. I suggest to you that it is talking about spiritually male personalities because the ass is the personality. So this particular word is a male ass. I suggest to you that it is talking about the male personalities.
Does anybody remember what makes a personality male? We have both male and female personalities. Mortal men, completely ignoring your physical appearance (we are not talking about your body) all mortal men can be male or female. You can be a spiritual male outside of Christ Jesus. Does anyone know what makes a human being spiritually male, no matter what your body is? Does anybody remember? It has to do with the level of spiritual power that you are born with. It is an inherited thing. Some people are born with a lot of spiritual power. Everybody that is here is a spiritual male. Now until the Lord Jesus comes and starts using it for His own purposes, it means that it is a spirit of witchcraft that is been active in our life.
Again, to have a spirit of witchcraft, you do not have to be sticking pins in dolls. Intense anger is a spirit of witchcraft. Envy is a spirit of witchcraft. There are subtle manifestations of witchcraft; domination, control, aggressiveness. It is all witchcraft. This is talking about the spiritually male personalities. This verse is talking about the men of Judah. Now I mentioned this the other day. Let me tell you again. No matter how much spiritual energy you are born with, it is an inherited thing. The men of Judah had energy that was given in addition to what they were born with because Israel was the recipient of the covenant with Jehovah in the wilderness and also they had inherited spiritual power through Abraham's covenant with Jehovah. But according to the Scripture, at the time that the Lord was raising up Samson, Judah was in trouble. The men of Judah had fallen under the domination of the spiritual Philistines, which was really the carnal mind within themselves. At that point, all of their spiritual energy, that which they had inherited as a result of just being human and then that which they had inherited as a result of Abraham's covenant with Jehovah and that spiritual power which they had because Adam had been raised from the dead in them at one point in their personal lives, was transferred. As soon as the carnal mind overtakes someone who is serving the Lord, all of that spiritual energy comes under the dominion of the carnal mind and it mixes with Satan. You become a very powerful person in Satan and you have a lot of spiritual energy and it is given over to the other side. So the spiritual male asses were the men of Judah who had been captured by their carnal mind and was serving the kingdom of darkness.
The words, in heaps, Strong's #2565, is the same word as upon heaps; in heaps and upon heaps. Most of the time, what the King James translators have done is that they have taken these prefixes and translated them into simple words as they will. In this case, they took the prefixes before the words, in heaps, and that English word, in, is a translation of the prefixes and the second time the word appears, they translated the prefix, upon. But we are going to translate the prefixes which precede these words in accordance with the meaning of the Hebrew letter itself. Well, after all of that, there are no prefixes before these words. But what I told you is still correct.
OK, the English word translated, in heaps, is Strong's #2565, and it is a singular word and it means to upsurge, to boil up, a bubbling up, and it has to do with trouble. The second time it appears, it is plural. What I told you about the prefixes is true. It just does not apply to this word, heaps. It was not correct that the two words were exactly the same. One is singular and the other is plural. But the Hebrew words, in heaps, Strong's #2565, can be translated to boil up, to upsurge, to bring trouble or to be foul; to make dirty.
We will just go on now. With the jawbone of, is Leviathan. And here we have the word, ass. There is a prefix there. The prefix is hey, which means window. It is talking about spiritually male personalities again. The words have I slain, we are translating, to send judgment upon. A thousand, we are translating the seventh energy center. The word, men, is Strong's #376; that is mortal men.
These are the words we have to work with. And said, Adam, Samson, household, Leviathan, window, spiritually male personalities, to boil up, upsurge, befoul, Leviathan, window, spiritually male personalities, send judgment upon, seventh energy center, mortal men.
This is the Alternate Translation: And Adam said to Samson, Satan, 'The foul waters of Leviathan's window is bubbling up and polluting the spiritually male personalities of my household in Leviathan's window. So I am sending judgment upon Satan, the moisture or the energy of the seventh energy center of the spiritually male personalities of the mortal men of Judah where Leviathan is'.
Adam said to Samson, 'Satan the foul waters of Leviathan's window is bubbling up'. You know there are two windows of creation, the upper window and the lower window. The waters in the upper window are purified. That is talking about the higher energy centers and the lower window is the polluted water and it is talking about the energy centers below the heart center. And Adam said to Samson, 'Satan, the foul waters of Leviathan's window is bubbling up and polluting the spiritually male personalities of my household in Leviathan's window. So I am sending judgment upon Satan, the energy of the seventh energy center of the spiritually male personalities of the mortal men of Judah, where Leviathan is'.
The basic principle behind all these verses is that Samson has had a spiritual experience. He is been captured or apprehended by the resurrected Adam and this has happened to him. It has been explained to Samson that this has happened to him because he is called to be a Savior of Judah; that the mortal men of Judah that possess the energy of Jehovah have lost control of their carnal mind which has risen up and buried the resurrected Adam in them and the spirit of that carnal mind, Satan, is using the energy that belongs to Jehovah. So Jehovah has sent the Spirit of Elijah to raise Adam from the dead in a single man to bring deliverance to the whole company of the men of Judah who have been overcome. Brethren, this is the way God works. It is either a single man or a small group of men. He works through small groups to deliver the whole group. That is very scriptural. So if you have any problem wondering if the whole Church could be wrong in their doctrine, the answer is yes, the whole Church could be wrong in their doctrine. It will not be the first time that it has happened. There is a lot of false doctrine in the Church today. When most people hear the true doctrine, they run because they are absolutely terrified. It sounds so foreign and so alien to them that they cannot believe it could possibly be God.
It had to be nine or ten years ago when we translated Daniel, Chapter 7. I remember that the translation of one of the verses was that when Christ does appear, He looks so radically different than the Church, that not only can they not believe that it is Christ, but they are horrified by Him. This is not talking about a physical appearance because I do not think that I look physically horrible. But spiritually speaking, a lot of people are just horrified at the doctrine that is coming forth here. They cannot bear it. Jesus said, I have much to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. They cannot bear it. Christ Jesus is coming forth in an appearance, the message is coming forth in an appearance that the Church cannot believe could be Christ. This message is so radically different than the traditional Church doctrine that they absolutely cannot believe that it is the Lord. Now I did that translation eleven years ago and now I see it manifesting. The revelation was radical enough eleven years ago, but it gets more radical as we go on. Well, it is three o'clock. So I guess we will stop. We did not finish our notes, but we will stop for dinner and we will have two verses to do when we get back.
Continuing with verse 17 of Judges, Chapter 15 in the King James, And it came to pass when he had made an end of speaking that he cast away the jawbone out of his hand and called that place Ramath-lehi. Again, at the beginning of the English word, appeared, we have two prefixes, vav and yod, which means the nailed mind, which we are translating Adam. We are really getting into the prefixes here now. The English words, when he had made an end, there is a prefix, kaf, at the beginning of that Hebrew word, which means wing. Through other studies we have found that wing means the high place or the pinnacle. It is talking about the spirit of the mind. So we are going to translate that as Spirit of Elijah here. That prefix was translated, when, by the King James translators. We are going to translate the Hebrew word that the King James Translation says, made an end; we are going to translate that as, to complete. Strong's #3615, that is a legitimate translation; to complete. The English words, of speaking, we will translate, to put to flight and put in order. Now that is very interesting. This Hebrew word has both translations, to put to flight and to put in order. Once again, this is very common in the Hebrew language. The definitions or the translations appear to be contradictory, but they are really not contradictory because one translation applies to the carnal mind and the other translation applies to the Christ mind. The Hebrew word describes the action that takes place. When what action takes place? When this personality is placed in order, the carnal mind is put to flight. When the personality comes into submission to Christ Jesus, the carnal mind is put to flight.
The English word, away, Strong's #7993, can also be translated to cast down. We know that the Fiery Serpent is the one that is being cast down. We have, the jawbone, which we are translating Leviathan, but there is also a prefix on that word. It is the prefix hey, which means either window or lattice. We are translating it window. Then we have the word, hand, which we are translating phallus. There is a prefix before that Hebrew word, Strong's #3027. That prefix is mem, which means waters or waves. Then we have the word, called; he called that place Ramath-lehi. That is Strong's #7121, translated called. It can also be translated name or nature.
Then we have the word, that, which does not really mean that. It means himself or herself, so we are translating it, himself. That is Strong's #1931. Then we have the English word, place, which signifies the place where you stand. This Hebrew word does not mean any old place. It is talking about the place where you stand up. According to the context of the whole verse, the place where we stand up is in the heart center, according to my understanding of this verse. Between you and me, I did not know that before, that the place where we stand is the heart center. I guess when we are abiding in the energy centers beneath the heart center, we are bowed over. The lowest center that we can get to and still be standing is the heart center, according to this verse.
Then we have the Hebrew word, which is the name of a place, Ramath-lehi. That is a whole big story in itself. We will get to that when we get to it. Let us start at the beginning. OK, I have a comment on it right now and we will go right into it. Both Brown/Driver/Briggs and Strong are the two Lexicons that I work with. If I am not satisfied with them, I go to Gesenius, but both Brown/Driver/Briggs and Strong is on my computer. Both translators say that this word means the height of the jawbone. The root Hebrew word indicates the high place of the jawbone. That is the root that this word comes from and it indicates the high place of the jawbone. Now the jawbone is Leviathan and the high place of the jawbone is Satan. But to accept this interpretation of the word, Ramath-lehi, that it is talking about Satan and Leviathan would indicate a victory for the Serpent's household in verse 17, which I cannot and will not believe to be the case. So in a case like this, I examine the meaning of the individual letters of the Hebrew word and compare that collective understanding with the meaning of the word in the Lexicons. I did this with the Hebrew word and I have done this many times and the collective meaning of the individual letters has invariably lined up with the meaning in the Lexicon.
But I did this with the Hebrew word and found that the word is not only speaking about Satan, the high place of Leviathan, but goes much further than that. Ramath-lehi speaks about the judgment that Adam will execute upon Satan and Leviathan. So we see the abbreviated meaning of the word means Satan and Leviathan. It is up to the translator to decide what about Satan and Leviathan. So you have to get it from the Spirit of Revelation. I have the Spirit of Revelation, but I still need a lot of help. I do not get these translations in my sleep. I work long hours laboring over the potential translations, sitting and waiting before the Lord, waiting for Him to give me the understanding. We see that the Hebrew letters can be likened to Egyptian or Chinese and Japanese characters. Each letter in itself represents a major principle of the Scripture and has a lot to say if you can unlock the meaning of it. So when the understanding is lacking from the words that are given, when it is not complete, and the Lord anoints me to do so, I look at the individual letters. This time I found out, not only does this word mean Satan and Leviathan; it talks about the judgment of Satan and Leviathan. So this is a good place. Something good happened in Ramath-lehi. It is the place where judgment fell on Satan and Leviathan, not where Satan and Leviathan prevailed, but where judgment fell upon them.
On page 9 I have shown you a little work-up there. I have given you the name of the Hebrew letter and the Hebrew letter itself. Resh means the head. We know that Christ Jesus or Adam in the Old Testament is the head. The head of what? The head of Jehovah's seminal fluid. Adam is the virile seed and the waters are female to him. Adam is the head of the waters. The waters rose up and killed the head and the rest is history. The Hebrew letter is resh. The Hebrew word, rosh, which is just a variation of resh is the Hebrew word that is translated captain of the host in the Book of Joshua. The Hebrew letter, mem, means waters or waves. We know that there is a whole spiritual principle; Satan is the polluted water and the water with the virile seed is Elohim. Elohim is the flood of waters. Adam is the head of the waters. Then we have the word, tav, pronounced tau and that means a mark. You can have either the mark of God or you can have the mark of the beast. Scripture says the mark that you have is in your forehead or in your hand, but it is not a single mark in your forehead. In the same manner, the Scripture talks about that place between the forehead as being a place to post the law of God. It is not talking about your physical forehead. The Scripture says between the eyebrow. It is not talking about your physical forehead. It is talking about the mind that is in there. The mark or the engraving that I have talked about on this very message is the mark in our spiritual clay that we are made out of. It is made every time, either Satan or the Spirit of Christ thinks through us.
You see, here is your perfect example why saying the right thing and why even thinking the right thing as a matter of mind control, will not bring forth salvation. If you are thinking the right thing and the right thing is coming out of your mouth, but it is mind control, because you have decided that you want to be a good person in your own strength and look good before men, it is still Satan marking your earth because it is the good side of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. That makes you a Pharisee and a phony and Jesus does not tell you that to condemn you. He is trying to shake your tree. He wants you to stop this phoniness and get out of His way so that He can mark the clay of your earth with the righteousness of God. You have to die to this world and the people who have been evil in this world find it much easier to die to this world than the people who have been pharisees in this world. They find it very hard to give up their custom of looking good before men. But if you want to go on with God, there is no other way except to die to every aspect of the lifestyle of the Fiery Serpent, whether it is an evil lifestyle or whether it is a socially acceptable lifestyle. If you want to go on to the true life in Christ, you have to die to this lifestyle. You have to give it up.
OK, we were talking about the different letters. Then we have the letter, lamed, which means widow or ox goad. We find that word widow has a whole doctrine applied to it. It is pretty much speaking about the Fiery Serpent or the personality (the two are one) that have been cut off from the household of God. The ox goad, I do not really have that clear in my heart what that means, but we know it goes in line with Jesus saying, You do push against the pricks. It is talking about a spiritual principle that will goad you on. Now the ox is the personality. So if Christ Jesus is trying to get you to the top of the mountain; if you are an ox, (which we all are) and if you have a flesh and you are that dumb beast and Jesus loves you so much that He is trying to get you to the top of that mountain, He is sticking you with pins and He is goading you. He is goading you. He is goading you like I do to you all the time. He is goading you, OK. So the ox goad is for the widow. The ox goad is for the one who is not controlled by Christ Jesus. You see, if you are controlled by Christ Jesus, then you know what He wants and you rise up and you do it. Now that does not mean the people who could do this are good and you are bad. Look, we all are who we are. We are who we are and we are where we are. So if someone happens to be a person, that for whatever reason this is where they are in God, they hear His voice and they rise up and they do it; well, praise the Lord. But if you are a person who cannot do that at this time, then the mercy and the blessing of God for you is the ox goad. Move, move, move, that is what the ox goad is.
Then we have the letter, cheth; it is a guttural sound that means hedge or fence. I did a whole teaching on that once. To be honest with you, I do not remember which is the hedge and which is the fence. But that hedge and that fence; on one side it is a two sided hedge. One side is called the hedge and the other side is called the fence. One side protects us and the other side locks out Satan and Leviathan. At the moment, I am sorry, but I forgot which side is which. But I believe the Scripture talks about a hedge being around God's people. So probably the hedge is that which protects us and the fence is like the wrong side of the hedge similar to a piece of fabric where you have a right and a wrong side. So the fence is the other side of the hedge which locks out the household of darkness. The word, yod, means hand. We have had a whole teaching here over many years, probably, that the hand is not a physical hand. The spiritual principle is not talking about a physical hand, but a spiritual hand and that the mind is that which grasps. The mind is the spiritual part of us. The subconscious mind is the spiritual part of us which grasps and captures and it is very possible for the subconscious mind to reach out and form soul ties and influence people. It is possible for the subconscious mind to do a lot of damage to people who do not know how to deal with this kind of thing. The subconscious mind can do a lot of damage on two levels. Some people are not that affected by the subconscious mind. The more spiritual you are, the more likely you are to be affected by someone's unharnessed subconscious mind.
Our conscious mind is the mind that lives in this world of outer darkness. A lot of people, if they are not in touch with what is going on inside their heart and their emotions, their subconscious and unconscious mind, they can do a lot of damage. The subconscious and unconscious mind is basically the Fiery Serpent and Satan. The Fiery Serpent, for all intents and purposes, is Leviathan. Every man born of a woman has evil principles within them. So what that means is the evil principles within you have a free license to do whatever they want, if you are not looking at them. I have explained this on other messages. Of course, if you are dead set against murder, they are not likely to murder through you. But then again on the other hand, I have been telling you all here that in the near future when powerful spiritual giants rise up in the power of the Serpent, they will be coming with severe witchcraft. Under those circumstances, if they send forth a command to murder, I cannot tell you that you will not respond. What Jesus is telling us now is to start to form a relationship with our negative principles to watch them every second, know what they are doing every second, and be ruling over them. So should that day come and I am not prophesying to you, but it would not surprise me at all if that day comes on the earth where spiritual giants with powerful mind control come to influence you to obey them instead of the Lord Jesus Christ.
If you do not have a relationship, if you have not established a relationship with your negative principles, if you do not have control over them, if you are not whipping them daily to submit to your righteous authority or the righteous authority of Christ Jesus in you and that strong mind control comes along, you are going to go down in a second. I am telling you the truth. You are going to go down in a second. It is going to be over before you even open your mouth. At least, if you can perceive what is going on inside of you, if you can perceive the thoughts that are trying to influence you, you can resist them. But if you are blind and you are dead to them, you are finished. I have to tell you that it is already started in this country. It is right in the high part of government; witchcraft techniques coming right out of Washington to influence you to believe and do things other than what God would tell you to do. It is all through the country. It is in the people. People used to make business deals on a handshake. You cannot do that anymore. Even if the man seems to be honest, people do not seem to remember the same way.
Everybody has a different memory, a different story. People being dishonest, people not being able to admit that they are wrong or that they cannot do something. It is all over the country. It is not just you, it is all over the country. It is a plague. Dishonesty, lying and cheating in very subtle ways that people do not even realize it is dishonesty, lying and cheating. These are the seeds that mind control lays hold of. It is yielding to this kind of a lifestyle where this is acceptable to you that when the immortals manifest, they are going to lay hold of that wickedness in you, that you have not dealt with in all these years and they are going to control you. You know why they are going to control you? Because you have not controlled your negative principles, so another man is going to come in and do it for you. I tell you the truth. I tell you the absolute truth, not to frighten you, but this is the ox goad trying to wake you all up. It is the man who knows everything about himself, who stands firmly before the Lord Jesus Christ saying these are my weaknesses and in you, I stand or fall because I am doing all I can. That is the man that will stand. But the man who will not face his weaknesses is going down in a second.
This is what we have to work with, with the word Ramath-lehi. Adam, the head of Satan, the waters, and Leviathan, the hedge around the ox. Leviathan is the hedge around the ox, but Christ Jesus wants to be the hedge around the ox. See, Leviathan is the hedge around your personality. Christ Jesus is having trouble getting to you because you are covered with the scales of Leviathan. Other words we have to work with; engraves, widowed, the subconscious mind of mortal man. The phrase, the head of the waters, signifies that Adam carries Jehovah's virile seed and is therefore the head of Satan, the waters of Jehovah's seminal fluid. Adam must defeat Satan and Leviathan to get close enough to the Fiery Serpent to engrave her with Jehovah's image. Both Satan and Leviathan are defending the Fiery Serpent and the Fiery Serpent is the spiritual female parts of the personality. She is the part of us that is penetrated by the spiritual male organ. Satan and Leviathan are defending her against Christ Jesus.
This is going very fast. I spent hours on this one verse. I am just going to read to you what we have here. This is what I have to work with. And the Spirit of Elijah dried up Satan or swallowed up Satan, the waters of Leviathan's window, and Adam appeared and put Leviathan to flight and cast down the Fiery Serpent and put the mortal men of Judah in order and completed them and Adam, Elijah's phallus, nature, that standing place within himself, Adam the head of Satan, the waters, and Leviathan, the hedge around engraves the widowed Fiery Serpent, the subconscious mind of mortal man. This is what the Lord gave me with the words I had to work with. And the Spirit of Elijah dried up Satan, the waters of Leviathan's window and Adam appeared and put Leviathan to flight and cast down the Fiery Serpent and put the mortal men of Judah in the right moral order and completed them. Adam, Elijah's phallus, the head of Leviathan and Satan, the waters of Leviathan's window, the hedge around the Fiery Serpent engraved the widowed Fiery Serpent, the subconscious mind of the mortal men of Judah with Jehovah's nature and the mortal men of Judah stood up in their heart energy center. That is the garden of Eden and that is the place within themselves. The raw translation says, Stand up in that place within yourself. The place within yourself is the heart center and that is where the garden of Eden is and that is where the Tree of Life is. It is in the heart center. So those of us who are still living in the third energy center, we are bowed over. We are bent over. If we have not penetrated into the heart center, we have been knocked down and bent into the circle of the earth in this world. We keep going around in a circle. We do not go up.
In this one verse, brethren, we have the whole story of the procedure of our salvation, which is taking years, and here it is in one verse. The Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ is going to swallow up Satan, our unconscious mind in us, and Satan is the waters of Leviathan's window. That is the lower window. That is the energy centers underneath the firmament where the waters are polluted. The name of the polluted waters is Satan. I am bringing this into the New Testament now. Now after the Lord Jesus Christ swallows up Satan, Adam will appear. Now why is that? Because Adam is the resurrected Abel grafted to the waters. So after the Spirit of Elijah swallows up Satan; what does that mean? The Spirit of Elijah is fire. He is going to boil Satan and distill her. When the Spirit of Elijah swallows up the waters, then Adam appears because the waters are given over to Jehovah's virile seed and Adam appears. The Fiery Spirit of judgment from Elijah boils the waters and Adam can absorb the distilled waters.
See, Adam cannot graft to the polluted waters. But when the Spirit of Elijah boils them, Abel grafts to the vapor that arises from the distillation and increases into Adam, the head of the waters. So the Spirit of Elijah boils the waters which is the separation of the waters from the earth. As soon as the waters are purified, the root of the Tree of Life grafts to them. The waters are the branch or the energy of the tree and Abel is the root of the tree. When the two come together, Adam is risen. And Adam appeared and as soon as Adam appears, Adam puts Leviathan to flight because Leviathan is in the sixth energy center of the counterfeit timeline which is opposite the sixth energy center of the true timeline where Adam is. I made this point to you when we watched the movie, Merlin, in the scene between Merlin and Queen Mab. Each of them were on a mountain peak and there was a big chasm between them and the waters were very vehement between them. So Leviathan and Adam are on two mountain peaks. The sixth energy center is the mountain peak and they are opposite one another and there is a big chasm between them. They are rivals. Adam and Leviathan are rivals for the ox which we are. They both want to marry us. One wants to bring us unto life and the other wants to bring us unto eternal bondage and torment. We would be abused animals. We are abused animals now, but it would be much worse than this.
And Adam appeared and put Leviathan to flight and cast down the Fiery Serpent and put the mortal men of Judah in the right moral order and completed them. So everyone is saying, Yea, yea, yea, let Adam appear and put Leviathan to flight. But you better know that when the Lord Jesus Christ appears and sets your enemy to flight, that He is coming to put you in the right moral order. It is not free, you see. He is not going to just give you everything you want and go away. He wants something back. He wants you. Yes, the Holy Spirit is a free gift. You get the gift for free, but then once you take it, you belong to Him. You see, you do not have to pay anything to get the gift. He gives it to you. But once you take it, He is coming looking for you. At some time, He is coming looking for you and He wants to be the controller. He wants to be your Lord. He wants to control your life and He wants to control the negative principles within you. He wants to live through you. So when you cry out, Lord Jesus, deliver me from my strong enemy, you should know the other side of the coin. He is going to do it. Then He is going to come and He wants to claim you and that is not a bad thing. Of course, to your carnal mind, it is a bad thing. But so many people do not understand this. You are being very naive.
And he put the mortal men of Judah in the right moral order and completed them. We know that the Scriptures say that we are complete in Him, meaning Christ Jesus. So we see that this is the account of everything that Jesus did for the world and we see Elijah doing it for Samson and the men of Judah. He completed them. Adam, Elijah's phallus, the head of Leviathan and the head of Satan, the waters of Leviathan's window, who is the hedge around the (I guess that should be the fence around the Fiery Serpent) engraved the widowed Fiery Serpent, which is the subconscious mind of the mortal men of Judah with Jehovah's nature. So we see the Spirit of Elijah swallows up Satan. Adam rises from the dead, chases your strong enemy and then he comes to judge you like the Holy Spirit helps you. The Holy Spirit heals you. The Holy Spirit cast out demons and He comes to put you in the right order. Then He wants to marry your spiritual virginity. Then He wants to engrave you with Jehovah's nature. This is all painful, brethren. Having your nature changed is very painful.
And the mortal men of Judah stood up in their heart energy center, the garden of Eden which is within them. So we see that even though the process is painful, the end of it is that we stand up. We stand on our own two spiritual feet and are no longer dependent on the principles of this world. We are only dependent on Christ Jesus because we cannot exist alone and therein is liberty. Also, please note that the place of salvation is within us. The heart center is within us. The brow energy center is within us. There is a rapture, brethren, but it is a spiritual rapture and it is within. It is a spiritual rapture and it is within. We are not going up; we are going in. We are going into inner space, into another dimension and that other dimension is within us. We do not have to leave the earth. It is inside.
I had a dream once where Jesus was sitting inside of a house burning a candle and the candle kept burning out and He kept lighting another candle and outside of the house was the Church world. I could see Christians in my dream, riding on buses, going on evangelical tours, giving out tracts, doing all the things that carnal Christians do. Jesus was in the house alone waiting for His people to come in and sup with Him. He is inside of us and His life is inside of us and His whole world is inside of us. It is another dimension and the way we go in is by talking to Him, studying His word, especially studying the Doctrine of Christ and being alone with Him. I know, as soon as I am alone, He manifests to me. If you are not in that place yet, if you really purpose to be alone, eventually He will manifest. He rarely talks to you when other people are around. Sometimes He does, but it is been my experience that this only happens with people that have an intense relationship with Him. He will tell them something when they are around other people because He wants them to do something right then and there. But even me, I hear from the Lord a lot and He rarely talks to me when I am with other people. It is rare. Why? Because my mind is faced outward. I am either talking to them or I am listening to them. I do not hear from God. You have to be alone.
If you lock yourself up in a room for an hour a day and God does not talk to you, well, that does not mean you should stop locking yourself up for an hour a day. I am not telling you that that is what you should do. I do not believe in a passive aloneness. I believe in an active aloneness. God talks to me the most when I am doing these studies, when my mind is so intensely focused on these studies. I hear from Him a lot. So I do not believe in passive aloneness. I guess I should not say alone because we are not alone; we are with Him. But when you are fellowshipping with other people, you are turned away from Him. The more time you can spend away from other human beings, the more likely He is to talk to you and the more your relationship with Him will develop. Now most people who are alone are screaming and yelling. I know when the Lord first starting bringing me into this, I was a young widow and I did not want to be alone. I screamed and I yelled and I cried and I carried on and I asked Him why He did not bring deliverance into my life. He answered me. He told me, I am maturing you. But I did not like the answer. I was angry for a long time at my lot. But now I see His purposes in it. I am telling you the truth, you really cannot grow spiritually or you grow minimally in direct proportion to the amount of time that you spend in carnal pursuits. I know that I have told you this a couple of times. You have said things to me like, I pray between carnal activities. No, it does not work that way.
If you are in the world of God that is ruled by the Holy Ghost, you can do that. The Holy Ghost means you live in your carnal mind and the Holy Ghost influences you and you can pray on the run, but not in Christ. Christ requires time, away from other people, so that you can hear His voice. His voice is soft compared to the voice of human beings in this world. You have to be turned inward. You have to be facing Him. You have to be focused on the Lord or on His word or on His kingdom. Now I am not saying He cannot talk to you while you are washing the dishes. He talks to me when I am doing all kinds of things. I am saying, if you want to intensify your relationship, if you want to increase it, you need to spend time with Him alone. I am not saying you should not spend time with other human beings and I am not telling you that you should be a recluse. I am always telling you, you should be armed with knowledge and ask Him what He wants you to do. That is always my counsel to you. You need to know that at some point we must choose between Him and other people. I have activities with a lot of people in my life, but I did not always. So the bottom line is that He is supposed to be controlling your life. But you need to know that if you want to hear deeply, you have got to get alone with Him. He talks in the silence. He tells you all kinds of things when you are alone; when you are alone and your mind is towards Him.
So Adam engraved the widowed Fiery Serpent, the subconscious mind of the mortal men of Judah with Jehovah's nature and the mortal men of Judah stood up in their heart energy center, the garden of Eden, the place within themselves. They had been bowed over and they stood up. It is from that place in the heart center which is called the aerial center. That is the place from which we ascend into the fifth and sixth centers. Witness: 2 Corinthians 3:3; For as much as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God, not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart. So we are engraved in our heart. Our nature is in our heart. Joel 2:3; A fire devoured before them and behind them a flame burneth. The land is as the garden of Eden before them and behind them a desolate wilderness. Yea, and nothing shall escape them. So that which is burning that is behind us are the lower energy centers and they are burning under eternal judgment. The burning, the fire, is the judgment that paralyzes those lower centers. The third center is our appetite and all the lusts are there. The first and second centers are where envy and all forms of perversion are, in the lower centers. So that burning is the eternal judgment that is keeping those lower centers inactive.
Ezekiel 36:35; And they shall say this land that was desolate is become like the garden of Eden and the waste and desolate and ruined cities are become fenced and are inhabited. This land which was desolate (that is talking about the higher energy centers) is become like the garden of Eden or at least the heart center. It was desolate because the people were living below the heart center. They were living in their lower centers, bowed over by Satan and Leviathan. Continuing with verse 18, Judges, Chapter 15. Verse 18 is rich in esoteric symbolism and therefore very difficult to translate. Accordingly, I will read the alternate selections with the individual Hebrew words to you. I will make my comments on the Alternate Translation of verse 18 rather than on the individual Hebrew words themselves.
King James, verse 18; And he was sore athirst and called on the Lord and said, thou hast given this great deliverance into the hand of thy servant and now shall I die for thirst and fall into the hand of the uncircumcised. We have two prefixes in front of the Hebrew word which means athirst. Those prefixes are vav and yod meaning Adam, the nailed mind. The nailed mind was thirsty. Adam was thirsty. The word, sore, means vehement. It is referring to the vehement waters which are Satan. And called; the word on is Strong's #413, and can be translated toward or called within. Jehovah is the Lord. With the word, said, we have the vav and the yod in front of the word, said, which means Adam said. The word, given, translated thou hast given, Strong's #5414, can be translated to put upon or to put. In context of the whole verse, I have translated that word, to marry. Because, to put upon, implies being joined to or to cover and that is a Hebrew euphemism which means to marry, to be joined to.
We have the word, hand, which means phallus, and it is preceded by the prefix beth, which means household. Now we have a big one here. Let me see if I can figure out what I said. I added in, bond, to the word servant because I believe Samson is the bond servant. Then we have the word deliverance. This word, deliverance, is the second time it appeared. Well, for whatever my reason, which is alluding me at the moment, I took this word deliverance and I worked up the meaning by looking at each of the letters of this word, deliverance. Although I did not write them out like I did on the previous page, I can tell you that the word window is hey, and the Serpent's tooth is the shin. Nailed is vav and the window is hey and the visible world is ayen. So those are the letters that form the Hebrew word translated deliverance. That is Strong's #8668. The reason that I did that was there was probably something that was not sitting right with me in the translation. When I asked the Lord what to do with it, this is what He directed me to do. So this is what I did. Looking at the individual letters of this Hebrew word untied the knot or unraveled or unfolded the meaning of the verse to me which I could not get before I did that. There was something lacking. I could not put the verse together, but now I can.
We are translating the word, great, as haughty. The word, now, we are translating according. The word, die, translated shall I die, has a prefix before it and that prefix is aleph meaning ox. So we see that the English translation suggests that Samson is complaining, saying, Now I am going to die from thirst. But the real meaning is the ox has to die. The prefix aleph is there. It means ox. We have the word, thirst, which is preceded by the prefix beth, meaning the household. I see that I must have taken all of the letters of that word thirst, also. Beth equals the household of the Serpent's waters that is nailed. Those are the translations of the individual letters and the word, fall, we are translating overthrown. The phrase, into the hand, we are translating phallus. There is a prefix there which is beth, the household of the phallus. And the word, uncircumcised, Strong's #6189, means the one whose sexual organ is still covered. The Christ mind or the resurrected Adam grows within the carnal mind and that carnal mind has to be circumcised off of us for the Christ mind to be liberated, to pierce through. We have a message called The Circumcision Of The Heart. It has to do with piercing through into the heart center in the timeline of God. So the one who is uncircumcised is the person whose Fiery Serpent has been joined to by the resurrected Adam, but has not yet pierced through the foreskin of Leviathan.
Leviathan and Satan are the fence that is trying to do the best they can to keep the resurrected Abel from piercing through that thick scale of Leviathan. In the New Testament it would be the resurrected Christ. To pierce through Leviathan, you have to defeat Satan. For Abel to rise and become Adam, at least some of the waters have to be purified, some of the waters from within us have to be purified so that Abel, the root of the Tree of Life can graft to those waters. Then we have a small sapling, a small beginning, a young tree, of the Tree of Life. So I believe that the Tree of Life is raised in me, but He is not fully raised. Why? Because I know Satan is alive and well. I hear her voice a lot. You may recall, this is the job of the Holy Spirit, to come in and start purifying the waters of the individual believer, because our human spirit is flowing with Satan. Our human spirit is a part of the polluted waters. Then the Holy Spirit comes in. The Holy Spirit are the purified waters from the glorified man, Jesus Christ and He mixes with the polluted waters, but is not polluted Himself. Not only is He not polluted Himself, He starts to pull the human spirit out from Satan. But you see, the Holy Spirit is the clean waters. If you have the root of the Tree of Life in you, the root of the Tree of Life can graft and the Tree of Life begins to be raised from the dead. Then the warfare starts to swallow up Satan to get the rest of the waters back so that the full grown Adam or Christ Jesus can rise from the dead; if you can hear it.
This is what we have to work with; Adam was athirst, vehement, and called, toward, within, Jehovah, Adam said, delivered, phallus, thy bond servant, married, window of the Serpent's tooth, is nailed to the window of the visible world, haughty and accordingly, at this time, ox, die, the household, household of the Serpent's waters, that is nailed to the ox, thirst, and be overthrown, household, the phallus, the one whose sexual organ is still covered.
See brethren, these prefixes are really just points of contact because this is where I am. I am mature enough to be bringing forth the Doctrine of Christ, but I am not mature enough to be bringing it forth without these props. The Hebrew words and the prefixes are props. They are points of contact that the Spirit of Revelation can quicken to me where I am now. That just means that Christ Jesus is formed in me, but He is still very young. Otherwise I would be able to just hear this in the spirit from the Lord. But I just do not hear this in the spirit from the Lord. I have to work for it. I have to labor for it. OK now, I am going to comment on this. Actually what I should have done first, is read you the whole Alternate Translation. I will do that and then I will comment on it. So I am going to go forward to page 13 and read you the alternate translation of verse 18 and then we will go back to verse 11 and I will comment on the Alternate Translation.
And Adam thirsted for Satan, the vehement waters and Jehovah called toward Adam within Samson, saying, you have married the Fiery Serpent, the household of Samson, my bond servant, in the window, where you, Adam, the diffraction grating of the visible world are nailed to Satan, the tooth of Leviathan, the Sea Serpent. Accordingly, Samson, the ox, (this is calling Samson the ox, He is the personality) must now die to the lifestyle (you see, you are not going to physically die, brethren, but you have got to die to the lifestyle of the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan's haughty household and to the lifestyle of Leviathan, the household of Satan, the waters of Leviathan. That is a mistake. I will catch it on the next part. The Sea Serpent that is nailed to the ox so that Abel, the covered phallus, who thirsts for Elohim's waters and the Fiery Serpent, his household, can overthrow Satan and Leviathan in the mortal men of Judah.
Let me take that one more time. And Adam thirsted for Satan, the vehement waters and Jehovah called toward Adam within Samson, saying, 'You have married the Fiery Serpent, the household of Samson, my bond servant, in the window where you, Adam, the diffraction grating (and I will go over that in a minute) of the visible world are nailed to Satan'. Jehovah is saying, Adam, you are nailed to the lower centers. You are nailed to Samson, a man who is in the lower centers, in a world which is nailed to Satan, Leviathan's tooth, the tooth of Leviathan, the Sea Serpent. Accordingly, Samson, the ox, the personality that you are in, must now die to the lifestyle of the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan's haughty household and he must also die to the lifestyle of Leviathan. Oh, that is right. Samson must die to the lifestyle of the Fiery Serpent and Samson must die to the lifestyle of Leviathan, who is the household of Satan, the waters that Leviathan, the Sea Serpent swims in; the waters of Leviathan that are nailed to the ox. You see, Satan, the unconscious mind of the personality (she) is nailed to us.
All this must come to pass. Samson must die to these lifestyles so that Abel, the phallus that is still covered but thirsts for Elohim's waters can overcome. Abel is the phallus, the root of the Tree of Life, that wants to be nailed to the waters of creation in that particular man. Abel is married to the Fiery Serpent so that the two of them together become a germ seed. Abel, the covered phallus, who thirsts for Elohim's waters and the Fiery Serpent, his household, now can overthrow Satan and Leviathan in the mortal men of Judah. You see, this has to happen to Samson. He has to have this experience. Abel in Samson has to rise up and capture the waters. In other words, Samson has to ascend into the brow energy center. Why? Because Jehovah has ordained that Samson is the Savior which will liberate the mortal men of Judah who are completely captured by their negative principles.
Brethren, this is what is happening today. The whole Church is captured. They are utterly prisoners. Either they are spiritually infantile, utterly bound to the letter of the law or they are ascended in a wrong spirit. The whole Church is gone astray, with the exception of one or two, here or there. Every time the Scripture says the whole Church, there is always a remnant. The whole Church has gone astray. The ones who are still faithful, but have not gone on spiritually are resisting spiritual growth, believing that the whole change that is about to come in them will happen after they die. So from that point of view, they have gone astray, also. They are refusing to go on. They are holding the line to such a degree against the false ascension, that they believe there is no ascension. So they are retarded. That aspect of the Church is retarded. The other side of the Church is all gone off, whoring after all kinds of spirits and false doctrines, refusing to face the truth that we are really not saved; that we have within us the potential to be saved, but we are not saved. \
So the Lord is raising up a small group of Saviors; not because that person or those people are great or because they have done great things or because they deserve it? No! If the Lord left us to our own devices, waiting to see which members of His Church would stand up of their own accord and help the rest of the Church; it would never happen. So the Lord Jesus is raising up a small group of people because the whole Church has gone into captivity. We must be very careful not to hear this message and go off in our own spirit. First of all, we are not ready yet and second of all, the sign that we are ready is that we do not do anything of ourself. We do not say anything or do anything of ourselves. That is the sign that we are on the road to getting ready. Let your mouth be sealed unless the Lord tells you to do it.
OK, I will comment on this Alternate Translation. We will go back two pages to page 11. And Adam thirsted for Satan, the vehement waters. John 19:28; And after this, Jesus, knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the Scripture might be fulfilled, sayeth, I thirst. The Lord gave me the revelation several years ago that it was Adam in Jesus who thirsted to be rejoined to Elohim's waters in all humanity. Now we find the Scripture which supports that revelation in Judges 15:18. So we see that Adam has had the experience that he had in Jesus, before. He is had experiences, at least of an aspect of Jesus' life, in the prophet Jonah. We have discovered that. Now we see that Adam has had experiences in Samson that he had in Jesus. But Jesus is the first time that Adam rose from the dead in a man born of a woman and succeeded in bringing that man to glorification. Samson was not glorified. So we see that each time Adam is risen from the dead in a mortal man, he becomes more mature.
Adam is the one who is reincarnating, but not as the eastern philosophies teach reincarnation. Adam is the one who is appearing in many members of humanity and having experiences which result in his learning how to overcome the negative principles that he is to be joined to for the life of the ages. He is joined for the life of the ages except in the instance of what we call the fall. What happened was that the negative principles overturned the positive principles and Adam died to everything that he was. He was the son of God. He died to his life as the son of God. That part of him which remained became the principles of this world.
But Michael entered into this fallen world and has raised Adam from the dead time and time and time again, until Adam finally overcame the negative principles in the human being in the mortal man called Jesus of Nazareth. But I tell you that even in Jesus of Nazareth, the overcoming for Adam was not the ultimate victory. Now do not stop reading. Listen to what I am saying. Every time Adam rises from the dead, incarnates in a man and rises from the dead, he is engaging in an experience which is more difficult than the previous one. Now it was extremely difficult for Adam to rise from the dead in the man Jesus of Nazareth and overcome the negative principles although the man, Jesus, was completely consecrated. He was born in a holy household and He was born with the Spirit of Elijah within Him. So the personality of the man, Jesus, worked with Elijah. The personality of Jesus preferred the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Elijah, which raised Adam from the dead in the man Jesus, therefore assisted Adam in overcoming the negative principles that are a part of every human being. It is not rational to say that Jesus was born without negative principles. The whole purpose of the Spirit of Elijah incarnating as a man was to raise Adam from the dead so that Adam could overcome the negative principles in a man. He is the first of many brethren.
This is how He is going to save the whole creation. The Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ is going to enter into the man. He is going to raise Adam from the dead, but it is the next generation, so we are calling Him Christ. He is going to raise Christ from the dead in the individual and the resurrected Christ is going to overcome the negative principles that every human being has because we are day and night, evening and morning. We are spirit and we are earth. We are darkness and we are light. We are a visible creature and there must be darkness as well as light to produce the negative that will produce the image of the visible world. We are darkness and light. So what I was saying before when I asked you not to stop reading, is this. Jesus is the first man that Adam rose from the dead in and overcame the negative principles in that man to the point that He glorified that man. But the truth of the matter is that Jesus was not exactly like we are. There was no male sperm in that birth. The male sperm that brings forth a child brings forth male hormones with it. The male hormones that are in this world are hormones that produce aggressiveness. Although our society is going in a different direction right now, for generations, men have been more aggressive than women. I still think it is true to a large degree, but there are exceptions on every side. Men are more aggressive than women. Men are more likely to be hostile. They are more likely to engage in violent acts, although as I said, in our society things are changing. But generally speaking, it is the general rule. Why? Because men have the male hormone. I am not going to say Jesus did not have any of that male hormone because I do not know if He was born with it at all. But He certainly was not born with an amount of the male hormone that would give Him that aggression or that aggressiveness that most men have.
So what am I saying? When it came to Jesus, the personality, preferring the resurrected Adam and overcoming and going on to glorification, Jesus was really not up against what we are up against today. Do not stop reading. I am telling you the truth. He was born without the male hormone. He was born into a religious Jewish family. He was born into a family of approximately three thousand years of purification under the law. He was born into a Levite family which was a priestly tribe. What am I saying? That which the man Jesus had to overcome was minimized. All of those thousands of years from when Jehovah first appeared to Abraham were working towards setting forth an atmosphere for a child to be born into where He would have the optimum possibility of overcoming when Adam was raised from the dead in Him. Do you know what I am saying? He was given the optimum conditions. He was born with the Spirit of Elijah. He was born into a family where He was taught the law of God since He was a little boy. They put them in the yeshiva at three years old. He was dedicated. His parents kept the law. He was dedicated at the temple. He was prayed over. He was blessed by the prophets. He had everything going for Him that He could possibly have going for Him and He made it.
Brethren, the people that are coming to the Lord today are the desperate of the world. Now if you are reading this and you do not consider yourself desperate, I am not intending to insult you. Maybe, you are the exception, but I look at the people who are going on in God and they are people that are desperate for the power of God in their lives. They are people who have chronic physical illnesses. People who have chronic and mental illnesses, people who have been drug addicts, people who are hopeless alcoholics, people who have personality disorders, people who have heavy curses on their lives; they are the ones that are willing to give up the things of this world and go on with Jesus. They are coming out of prostitution; they are coming out of thievery; they are coming out of moral corruption. The people that are coming to the Lord today are coming out of unclean lifestyles; unclean. Jesus was clean; born into a Levite family, dedicated in the temple on the eighth day, prophesied over by two witnesses in the temple that He was the Son of God and that He was going to make it, mother and father praying for Him, family praying for Him, after three thousand years of being cleansed under the law.
Today, Jesus or Christ Jesus is rising from the dead in the untouchables of the world. We are the next and the last phase. The first man that Christ Jesus rises in and overcomes their negative principles permanently in this generation; it is the beginning of the end of Satan and Leviathan in this generation, in this category of unclean people. This is the last overcoming. He is not coming to purify people. He is not coming to people that are trained in the Scripture since they are three years old. He is not coming to people who have been prayed over since they were babies by their mothers and their fathers and their grandmothers and dedicated by the pastor in the Church who has known the whole family for three generations. He is coming to the losers of the world and He is going to overcome in them too. He overcame in the touchables; Israel were the touchables. They had permission to touch God. In this generation He will overcome in the untouchables. That is the end of the whole story. The whole creation is going on. I tell you the truth. If what I have just said has offended you and you do not think you are in any one of those categories, well, you may be the exception. But I am telling you, that He is come in this generation for the untouchables. He is coming for the people who do not have a hope of making it in this world without Him. Now if you happen to get on the train also and you are not in that condition, He loves you too. But this incarnation is a multiple incarnation; Christ Jesus is rising from the dead in a multiplicity of people. But it is all of one generation. It is all one incarnation, a many-membered incarnation.
This incarnation of Christ Jesus is the ultimate victory and I am not taking anything away from the man, Jesus, rising from the dead or Christ Jesus rising in Him and taking the man Jesus with Him, spoiling Powers and Principalities and making an open show of them. I am not taking anything away from Him because if He did not do that, He would not be doing this today. What I am saying is, there is one more step beyond what the man Jesus did. Jesus was the touchable that was glorified and He is coming for the untouchables. If you think that you are not untouchable, well maybe you are not. You think you are just an average everyday guy, but you have latched onto this train, well, praise the Lord. But He is still coming for the untouchables. That is the ultimate of His ministry in this generation; the untouchables, the Gadarene demoniacs. But I am not saying that you have to be in that condition to come. I do not know if it is this way anymore, but this is how it used to be when you bought a round trip airplane ticket to Europe about thirty years ago. We bought a round trip ticket to Israel, to our farthest point and we could make as many stops along the way as we wanted and as many stops on the way back as we wanted, on that one round trip ticket. Well, Jesus has bought a one way ticket to the untouchable. Now if you are in great shape, but you just love God and you want to get on this plane, that is fine. But He is penetrating into the world of the untouchable with this incarnation. I tell you the truth.
Did not Jesus say, You shall do greater works than I did? Well what do you think the greater works are? Jesus went to Israel. He went to the clean people. He went to the clean people, brethren. We are going to the hopeless and the brokenhearted of the world when we are ready. Do not go before the anointing. You can lose everything that you have. Oh, Jesus would never let me lose everything that I have. Do not you be deceived. If He is going right and you are going left, He will call to you. He'll send prophets to you. He will send the word to you, but if you do not turn around, you are going to walk off that cliff and He is going to let you go. Jesus!
And Jehovah called toward Adam within Samson. Witness, Genesis 22:15; And Michael, the Angel of the Lord called out of heaven unto Abraham, who is in the second timeline. Again, I translated that a couple of years ago. And Michael, the Angel of the Lord, called out of heaven unto Abraham, who is in the second timeline. Listen brethren, the Lord calls to us. The carnal mind is the second timeline and the timeline of Adam or Jesus Christ is the first timeline or the primary timeline. He calls to us. That is why when you hear the voice of the Lord and it is a loud voice, it is the Lord Jesus Christ calling to you from the other timeline. When you hear Him and it is a soft voice, that is Christ Jesus in the midst of you, who is in this fallen timeline. He is right here with you and He is young and His voice is very soft. The Lord Jesus, who is glorified; He is passed out of this timeline. He is passed out of this world or out of these worlds. He shouts at you. But more people do not hear Him than do hear Him. He is yelling. He is broadcasting as loud as could be and people are walking around saying, I just cannot hear the voice of the Lord. You have to listen. You have to get the plugs out of your ears and the scales off of your eyes. You have got a thick shell of scales on you. It is called Leviathan. It is pride. It blocks you. It deafens you to the voice of the Lord. The Scripture says that the adder within you deafens you. The adder does not hear the Lord. The deaf snake; the snake is deaf. Believe me, He has been shouting to you.
He has been shouting to this creation since time began and there was a beginning of time because this timeline did not always exist. I have heard some people who are spiritual outside of Christ say that that first Scripture in Genesis 1:1 is wrong; in the beginning, that there was no beginning and this world always was. This world was not always here. This world did not always exist. God always existed. The eternal plain always existed, but this world had a beginning. This world had a beginning and it will have an end. The people that are spiritual outside of Christ refuse to believe that this world will end, therefore, they declare that it had no beginning and it always was. They claim it always was and it is therefore indestructible, but that is a lie. These worlds had a beginning and they will have an end and their light will go out forever and only He, who is immortal, the only true immortality that no man can touch, He is the only One who will continue forever. If you want to live forever, you have to be joined to Him. If you think that you are going to be joined to Him in the condition that you are in, filled with sin and following after your carnal mind every day of your life, you have received a lie. If you think all you have to do is die, if you think all that you have to do is give out tracts and go to Church on Sunday and sing songs and die to enter into His eternal life, you have received a lie from the good side of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Lord never told you that because it is not true. Everything He is doing, He is doing in the flesh. His work is in the flesh.
And Michael, the Angel of the Lord, called out of heaven unto Abraham and Jehovah called toward Adam within Samson saying, you have married the Fiery Serpent, the household of Samson or the spiritual sexual parts of Samson or the spiritual wife of Samson, my bond servant, in the window where you, Adam, the lattice of the window of the visible world are. I changed that word, lattice. Let us pull this apart. The word lattice is the scriptural meaning of the prefix, hey. I looked up this word, lattice, for you in the dictionary. It is an open framework made of strips of metal, wood, or similar material overlapped or overlaid in a regular usually crisscross pattern. We went through this whole thing in the message called Quantum Mechanics. We found out that a lattice is the principle behind the diffraction grating. It is a mechanism, sort of like a Venetian blind or like a prism that when white light goes through a prism, it is broken down into all the colors of the rainbow and it is this light passing through this diffraction grating which produces the visible world. Adam is the diffraction grating that the river of light goes through, the Spirit of God. Elohim has to pass through Adam to produce the visible world. So that is the significance of the word.
This is what the verse is saying. This is Jehovah speaking to Adam in Samson now. Adam, you have married the Fiery Serpent, the household or the spiritual wife of Samson, my bond servant. Samson, who lives in the window, where you, Adam, the lattice or the diffraction grating; you are the lattice or the diffraction grating of the visible world. You have married the Fiery Serpent in Samson in the lower window, in the window of the fallen world, where you, Adam, are the lattice or the diffraction grating, which produces the visible world when the light shines through. You see, when the Spirit of Elijah shines through Adam, the visible image is produced, the visible image that is in the image of Jehovah. The image of this world, including us, is produced because Satan is shining through Leviathan and the world came out like an animal. It is an animal world. It is a corruptible animal world. When the Spirit of Elijah shines through Adam or when the Spirit of Christ shines through Christ Jesus, the world will look completely different. I do not know what it is going to look like. But I know that we are not going to be animals. I know that we are not going to be animals and I know that Jesus appeared in a spiritual body that was visible to men. I know that, today, Jesus is a shape shifter and that He can take any form that He wants to take. So He appeared as a human on the road to Emmys, but He was not human as we are human. He can no longer die. He cannot die anymore. He is not corruptible and He does not have to stay in that form.
So what form is He in today? To the best of my understanding and (Lord only knows, I do not have all the answers) to the best of my understanding, the form that the Glorified Jesus Christ is in today is us. But we cannot stay this way because His seed, the seed of the Glorified Jesus Christ, Christ Jesus, is in us and He is rising from the dead and He fully intends to swallow up Satan in us, to marry our Fiery Serpent and to ascend into the higher energy centers with us attached to Him. To have this greatness happening within us, we cannot continue to be the same that we are. We cannot continue to think the way we think and we cannot continue to look the way we look because our appearance and our thoughts are just the product of our inner principles. There is an exchange going on now, an exchange and a conversion of our inner principles. Our Fiery Serpent, our spiritual virginity, is married to Leviathan and she is being broken. Are you upset from time to time? Are you upset a lot? Well, there are big changes going on inside of you. If you think you are going to experience these changes without pain, you are wrong. Some people have more pain than others. Some women have more painful births than others, but if you think you are going to change from Leviathan to Christ Jesus without any pain, you are living in a fantasy.
Adam is the lattice, the diffraction grating of Elohim's creation. I will give you a definition of diffraction grating here; a usually glass or polish metal surface having a large number of very fine parallel grooves or slits cut in the surface and used to produce optical spectra by diffraction or reflected or transmitted light. If you can understand what that means, it is what I told you in simpler language. It is like a Venetian blind, something that lets partial light through and breaks that white light up into colors which produce a visible image.
The balance of verse 18 is; are nailed to Satan, the tooth of Leviathan, the Sea Serpent and accordingly, Samson, the ox or the personality must now die. Now, not physically die. Samson did not physically die. He must die to the lifestyle of the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan's haughty household, and to the lifestyle of the Fiery Serpent, the household of Satan, the waters of Leviathan, the Sea Serpent, that is nailed to the ox, and the ox is Samson, the personality. This is the reason why. So that Abel, the covered phallus (He is still covered by that carnal mind) the uncircumcised phallus, who thirsts for Elohim's waters and for the Fiery Serpent, his household, or his wife (the one that He is supposed to be married to, but She is married to Leviathan right now) so that Abel, this covered phallus, can overthrow Satan and Leviathan in the mortal men of Judah.
Brethren, this is the commission of everyone who is called to ascend in this hour. There is nothing great about us. On the contrary, Jesus has said, He will take the weak ones and the unacceptable ones of this world. He said, He is taking very few rich, very few wise, very few competent (the weak things of the world) and He is raising us up (whichever ones of us make it), and not just to save you out of your troubles. Now is not that a downer? But you have called on His name because you have problems and He has said, All right, I will make a deal with you. I will deliver you out of your troubles and you will serve me for the rest of your life. The service that I require out of you is that you will go and set the captives free and everyone who was not as strong as you are to even get this far, you will go and you will set them free and that is the deal. If He saves your life, you are His. You are not your own. He saves your life for a purpose, brethren. The purpose is that you should serve Him; that He should be able to express Himself through you; that you should be His hands and His feet in the earth; and that you should do His work to reach the people in His Spirit, who cannot hear His voice and cannot see His form, but are crying out day and night, if there is a God, please help me. That is what He is saving you for. He is not saving you to be happy in this world. He is not saving you to have a good life in this world, although you may have that, but that is a side benefit.
Happiness in this world is a side benefit; prosperity in this world is a side benefit; healthy and happy relationships is a side benefit in this world. If He saved your life out of some kind of destruction (whatever kind of destruction you have in your life, He has done it) and in the saving of you, He has drafted you into His army. The Church is just filled with people that are AWOL (absent with official leave). But even more than that, they do not even know they are in the army. But I tell you that Christ Jesus is full well able to teach you that you are in His army. It is just that it is mind boggling to we mere humans that He is so long suffering with us. But He bought you and you will pay the price. So that is what the Scripture says. You were bought for a price. You are the price. You owe Him. You owe the One who saved you and He will full well claim the services that you owe Him, if not from you, from your offspring, because as far as He is concerned, you are the same person. I do not mean to say this in a scary kind of way. What better place can you be than in the service of the Lord? But to the carnal mind, this is a frightening thing. But the Church must be faced with the truth. The Lord has not given you His life so that you can continue on being married to and living the life of the Fiery Serpent. You are very naive if you believe that this it true.
Alternate Translation Recap: Judges 15:14-18; And Adam in Samson entered into Leviathan, the collective subconscious mind of the mortal men of Judah and the spiritual immigrants. The individual subconscious mind of the mortal men of Judah shouted with alarm as the Spirit of Jehovah fell from above and engraved Cain, the brutish stupid animal, who is interwoven with the foliage of the earth. And the Spirit of Elijah, the righteous power from above, melted the harness that was upon Abel and Adam, the phallus of the waters above appeared and consumed the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan's household. And the Spirit of Elijah in Samson subjected Leviathan, the Primordial Serpent's timeline, and conquered the Fiery Serpent and acquired Satan, the moisture or the energy of her seventh energy center. And Adam in Samson laid hold of the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual sexual part of the personalities of the mortal men of Judah and Adam, the phallus of the Glorified Elijah shot forth in the mortal men of Judah. And Adam said to Samson, 'Satan, the foul waters of Leviathan's window is bubbling up and polluting the spiritually male personalities of my household in Leviathan's window'. That is the lower window down here in the fallen world. So for this reason, I am sending judgment upon Satan, the energy of the seventh energy center of the spiritually male personalities of the mortal men of Judah, where Leviathan is.
This is the judgment now. And the Spirit of Elijah dried up Satan, the waters of Leviathan's window and Adam appeared and put Leviathan to flight and cast down the Fiery Serpent and put the mortal men of Judah in the right moral order and completed them. And Adam, Elijah's phallus, the head of Leviathan and the head of Satan, the waters of Leviathan's window, who are the hedge around the Fiery Serpent, engraved the widowed Fiery Serpent, the subconscious mind of the mortal men of Judah with Jehovah's nature. The mortal men of Judah stood up in their heart energy center, which is the garden of Eden and Adam thirsted for Satan.
Now these verses are not in the right sequence. I will have to work on that. There needs to be an interspersion. And Adam thirsted for Satan, the vehement waters and Jehovah called toward Adam, within Samson, saying, you have married the Fiery Serpent, the household of Samson, my bond servant, in the window where you, Adam, the diffraction grating that produces the visible world, are nailed to Satan, the tooth of Leviathan, the Sea Serpent. And accordingly Samson, the ox (that is you and me brethren) must die to the lifestyle of the Fiery Serpent, Leviathan's haughty household. We must die to the lifestyle of Leviathan, the household of Satan, the waters of Leviathan, the Sea Serpent, that is nailed to the ox (that is us). She is nailed to us. Satan is nailed to us. We are all nailed together. It is a big spiritually incestuous mess.
So that Abel, the covered phallus, who thirsts for Elohim's waters and the Fiery Serpent, His household, can overthrow Satan and Leviathan in the mortal men of Judah. If you are having this experience today, you are spiritual Judah. Satan, Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent must be overthrown so that we can go forth and do the commission that we are called to so that the Church can be set free and then the whole world. Set free for what purpose? To serve Satan and Leviathan? No! Set free to be controlled by Christ Jesus because when Christ Jesus controls us, He will bring us, the ox, up into the higher energy centers and forever we shall be with the Lord, without any pain, with eternal life, with total peace, with every need met. But we have got to die to this life style. We have got to give it up, as He takes it from you. Do not go getting religious now. You have to give up the control. He will tell you what He is going to deliver you from today. He will tell you what He is going to correct you on today. It is real easy to say, Well, I will give that up, Lord. You are in control. That is your choice. But when the Lord comes to you and says, Today is the day of deliverance in this area; you say, Oh Lord, I am not ready for that. That is when you have to give it up, you see. Praise the Lord. It is a great honor to have your head broken with the ox goad. It is! It is a great honor! When the pain is all over, we will be dancing in the heavenlies. It is a great honor. It is a great, great honor.
Any questions or comments?
COMMENT: As a child, I had the audacity to say to the Lord, You really had a real good life. You had a mother and a father who cared for you. They took care of your every need. You only had one bad day in your life and you had three hours on the cross. But then as I grew and understood things of the Lord, my concept of what Jesus went through was far more difficult than anything that we ever had to go through because He was aware of all the spirits around Him, where we are ignorant of everything. We really have blinders over us. It was my understanding that He really was the pioneer that suffered through everything to make the breakthrough for us. I cannot conceive of Him having it easier than us.
PASTOR VITALE: I believe that in the physical, He had it easier, but I believe that He must have experienced a lot of emotional and spiritual torment. I am not saying that I went through what Jesus went through, but I can relate to that, being around some people in the ministry that for years could not understand what I was going through. I still am tortured spiritually, a lot, because I experience the pressures that are in the spiritual world. Eventually, we are supposed to ascend into a mental awareness only. When you have a mental awareness only, there is no pain. But apparently, a part of me is still in the astral plane. Sometimes, the pressure is intense. When the pressure is intense, the way Satan would like me to react is to act ungodly or to act out the pressure and I cannot do that. You know, sometimes, I fail. But it is a very painful life and I am sure that Jesus had something along these lines. Probably, much more severe than me.
COMMENT: But all in all, you believe that we have it more difficult?
PASTOR VITALE: More difficult than Jesus? I do not think so.
COMMENT: I was under the impression that we really had it easy in comparison to Jesus because He made a breakthrough for us.
PASTOR VITALE: Yes, I believe that. That is what I am saying. If I am experiencing what I am experiencing, for Him, it must have been much more severe, although I do not understand how or in what way, but it must have been severe. Being spiritual enough to experience the sins of this world is extremely painful. So I have to assume He was much more spiritual than I am. It must have been much more painful for Him and it is been very painful for me.
COMMENT: Oh, you are saying because He was so much more spiritual that things that came against Him; He did not feel it like we do, then?
PASTOR VITALE: He felt it even more strongly.
COMMENT: But He was stronger. They came at Him. Definitely the attacks probably came at Him, far more than us, but He did not feel it because He was spiritually so much stronger?
PASTOR VITALE: No, I believe He felt it. I believe He felt the pain. I believe He felt pain because He was born a mortal man and He had life within Him, but He was not immortal from birth. The man, Jesus, had to be joined to the life that was in Him. So He had the same experience that we have, spiritually. Life may have been easier for Him in the natural world, but spiritually speaking, He had to overcome just like we have to overcome. Being aware of the powers and principalities, it is painful. Seeing sin in other people is very painful.
COMMENT: Just by His knowledge, His understanding, that He was really in a cesspool. We did not comprehend any of that for how long?
PASTOR VITALE: Exactly. It must have been extremely painful for Him, looking at people and seeing the evil in them. Of course, He had to rise above it and not condemn them.
The Scripture speaks of the faith to be healed. If He saw Christ in them, if He saw the root of Abel in them, He went towards them and I am convinced that every healing in the Scripture that came forth also went with the quickening of Abel in the person. The physical healing was just the outward expression of the spiritual quickening that He gave them. When Jesus, who was in perfection, went to help people, what He did was raise Adam from the dead in them. That is what He did. Then the fruit of that resurrection was a physical healing. Jesus did not just go around doing physical healings alone. I am convinced of that. I am absolutely convinced of that. Now that is what is happening in the Church today. That is what the Holy Spirit is doing; physical healings alone. That is why so many people that are healed by the Holy Spirit, either lose that healing, or the disease comes back, or they get another disease, because the Holy Spirit is not doing the same thing that the man, Jesus, did. The Holy Spirit has a whole different ministry than what Jesus did. The people in the Church today who are manifesting the ministry of Christ have a totally different ministry than that of the Holy Spirit. The primary ministry of the Holy Spirit is to bring pure waters into the person and influence the carnal mind to turn towards the Bible and to turn towards God. But the true conversion does not start until Christ begins to be formed in us.
The Holy Spirit does not change your nature, and unless your nature changes, no matter how many healings you have, you will just get sick again. The man Jesus, who was Christ Jesus in perfection was the resurrected Adam in perfection. He went around raising Adam from the dead in all the people. When Adam rose, they were healed and they kept their healing because Adam rose from the dead in them and they entered into a holy life. You cannot get a healing by the Holy Spirit and go on with your sin-filled life and expect to hold on to that healing. The healings of the Holy Spirit are just temporary, to give you that period of grace, for Christ to be formed in you and for you to develop that intense relationship which will bring permanent healing.
It is true that Jesus did the hard stuff. What Jesus did was that He made a way for us to ascend without all of the benefits that He had. He did not have any testosterone. He did not have the male hormone. He was born under the law. He was blessed and all of that. He did make a way for us. Without His life being in the untouchables of the world, we would never have been able to accomplish what He accomplished. So He did make a way for us; that is true. But the fact that He made a way for us does not necessarily mean that His life was that much harder than ours. The experience is very similar, but the circumstances of His life were conducive to ascension than our circumstances. He was born into three thousand years of holy people. His birth was prophesied by the Angel. I went through all this already. So all of those benefits that He had are now given to the untouchables in the form of His Holy Spirit and the ability to have Christ formed in us. That is what He did for us. That does not mean that His life was hard and ours is easy. This is a very difficult life, transferring over and becoming a spiritual person and being continuously aware of the sins of people's minds and dealing with it in Christ. Sometimes, it is just a physical pressure that is just intense. It is just the sins of the world laying on me. Now maybe He felt it more than I did. I do not know. But the fact that He went before us and He has given us all of His background, that does not mean that His life was harder than ours. Do you understand what I am saying?
It may have been harder than us or it may not have been. I do not know whether His life was harder than ours or not. But through the Lord Jesus Christ, the untouchables of the world now have all of the benefits of a man who was born into a Hebrew family with three thousand years of purification and people praying for Him. All of those benefits are ours in the Holy Spirit and through faith in Jesus Christ because in the days of Jesus, the untouchables did not stand a chance. The nation of the Gentiles did not stand a chance. Salvation was in Israel and now because of the Lord Jesus Christ, salvation has gone to the whole world because His Spirit is in us. But that does not mean that His personal life in the days of His flesh was any harder than it is for us. It may have been, but it may not have been. Do you understand what I am saying? I am sure that it was very difficult for Him. I am sure that He felt a lot of emotional and spiritual pain and I am sure that He felt the persecution and the rejection and everything that He went through. I do believe that with all my heart.
COMMENT: Do you believe that Jesus had any remembrance of ever being in the presence of Jehovah?
PASTOR VITALE: Well, Jesus is the name of the personality and He was never in the presence of Jehovah. The personality is the flesh. But if you are asking if the resurrected Adam in Him or if He was born with the Spirit of Elijah in the midst of Him, or if by that Spirit, the personality had any remembrance, I would say no. This is not the Lord, but my opinion, based on everything that I know, I would have to say, no, that He did not have any remembrance. It is my understanding right now that when a spirit incarnates, whether it is the Spirit of Elijah or whether it is an unholy manifestation of Leviathan; when a spirit incarnates, they lose their memory. This is one of the driving forces behind the disembodied or the un-incarnated immortals. They want to do what Jesus is doing. You see, right now Jesus is reproducing Himself. The glorified Spirit of Jesus Christ, today, is incarnating again in a multiplicity of people at the same time. The way He is incarnating again is that He is taking people who are already born and He is giving His Spirit to us and He is forming His life in us and that life is going to grow up and swallow us up and it will be Christ Jesus living through us.
This is what the immortals want to do. They want to avoid having to incarnate the way that has been going on for generations during which procedure they lose their memory and they come into the world as an infant. They have to spend, depending on the society, fifteen to twenty years to even become an emancipated adult. Then they first have to start pursuing spiritual studies to have any experience in this world. So the immortals that are not incarnated, they want to avoid all of this because incarnation causes the loss of memory. You know, it is only for the last, however many thousands of years; recorded history is only six thousand years old, but we could certainly go back to before the flood. There were beings on the other side of the flood. We do not know what they looked like. The Scripture calls them men, but it is naive of us to think that they were the kind of men that we are. We do not know what they looked like and the only thing we know about how they reproduce is that it was a form of cell division. But there are many other forms of reproduction. The way we reproduce in this world is a very low form of reproduction. I do not mean to hurt anyone's feelings, but I am telling you that this is the truth. All woman are not incapacitated when they are pregnant, but they definitely cannot do everything that they could do when they are not pregnant. When you are pregnant, there are limitations on you. Then to give birth to a child that is totally and utterly helpless, that needs years of raising, is not ideal, brethren. This is not God's creation. This is not the way Jehovah set it up.
Even the animals do better than that. A colt or a horse is born and it is on its feet and running in a couple of hours. Depending on the animal, it is weaned from its' mother and totally independent in a short period of time compared to human children. There are certain species on the earth where the offspring are independent and depart from their parents almost immediately. Brethren, we are in a very low place. We are in a very low place. You have got to hear this. In earlier times, when reproduction took place, the new being was completely formed, fully adult, and retaining all knowledge that the parent had. We are very low in this world on the bacterial level, amoebas, paramecium, microscopic organisms; they just divide in two and they become two totally equal cells. An ameba is a one cell organism. It goes into cell reproduction. It is a procedure. It divides itself in half and it becomes two completely identical cells with the same genes; each one of them with the same genes, completely identical. Well, there was a time in the history of man before prerecorded history where men reproduced like that. We are very low. If you have ears to hear it, the way we reproduce is a large part of the gravity that holds us to this world. The large majority of people are drawn to be married for all the usual reasons. No one wants to be alone. They want a sex partner. You want to have children so they'll take care of you when you are older. You want to have a family life. You want to have intimacy. You know, intimacy does not have to be sexual. You know, you could be intimate with your daughters, with your sons, with your grandchildren.
So because we have these human needs, the majority of people get involved in a lifestyle that absorbs almost all their time. Of course, you have to work for a living unless you are a woman and you are home with the small children. Then you are doing more than the people who go to work do, probably. Brethren, becoming spiritual takes time. You have got to put in the time. You become spiritual by immersing your mind in doctrine like this, in messages like this, in discussions like this. Now, if you are studying out of bondage, it is probably not doing you any good. But if you want to become spiritual in Christ Jesus, you have got to put in the time with the spiritual studies that are going to make you spiritual because spirituality in Christ Jesus is all mind. The miracles that grow out of it, the healings and the signs and the wonders, that is just an outgrowth of who you are. See, the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Holy Spirit, that is just a promise of the world to come. It is a taste of the world to come. It is not the real thing. When the Holy Spirit comes and influences your carnal mind, that is the grace of God. It is your opportunity to get the upper hand on your carnal mind. The Holy Spirit is there influencing your carnal mind, controlling it somewhat, so if you, the personality, have the will to do it, now you can start studying the Scripture. You can develop your relationship with the Lord and you can move forward. But the Holy Spirit is being withdrawn from the Church and the world right now. He only stays with you for a season. If there is no fruit from His penetration into your life, you wind up being childless in this world.
You are supposed to wind up with a spiritual child. The fruit of the Holy Spirit is that Christ begins to be formed in you. Then your relationship is with Christ within you, who will never leave you and never forsake you. The Holy Spirit comes and goes. He is here to bring forth Christ in you. Christ will never leave you or forsake you. They are not the same. So all the signs and the wonders and the miracles that come out of a man that Christ is being formed in, that is just the by-product. That is just the outward expression of the One who is living in him. He, the One living in us; He is our spirituality. This is why, if you are married and you have children when you come to the Lord, you automatically have a conflict, because Christ Jesus is into spiritual families. He is not into the families of this world. Someone is going to misunderstand me and take this the wrong way. I am not against marriage or having children, but I am telling you the truth. There were no wives and children hanging out with Jesus and the disciples. I do not hear anything about the apostles hanging out with wives and children. You have to decide what you want. If you think you are taking your wife and your kids with you, you are mistaken. Moses tried to do that. You cannot take your wife and kids with you. So if the Lord calls you, at the time that you are immersed in a family life and you have responsibilities, well, you have to fulfill your responsibilities. But you are limited. That is just the way it is.
I look around and the people whose life are fullest with Christ are the people who are on in years, whose families are raised. A lot of them are on pensions. They do not have to work anymore and they can give their whole life to being in the Scripture and in the studies continuously and Christ is just oozing out of them. That is just the truth. You can only divide yourself to a certain point. There is only so much of you. I do not even know how I got on this tonight. The spiritual life is not a family life, whether in Christ Jesus or Satan. It is a totally different world. You have to die to the lifestyle of this world. Does that mean that you never see your family? No, I see my family, but they are not the primary part of my life. Now, if you have kids, you have to fulfill your responsibilities. I look around at the people who are the most spiritual in the Church and they are the people who are beyond family life. They have grown beyond those experiences or those responsibilities. Of course, you could still see your family and you could still live with your family. But Jesus wants more and more and more of you. That is what becoming spiritual requires; more and more and more of you. Then once He matures in you, He wants to express Himself through you and if you cannot or if He is limited in the way He can express Himself through you, He starts to shrivel and die. It takes time. The life in Christ Jesus is radically different than the life in the Holy Ghost; radically, radically different. Life in the Holy Ghost is a taste of the world to come. The life in Christ Jesus is your conversion. I do not know where that came from. But it is the truth. Does anybody else have any questions or comments?
COMMENT: In looking over this Scripture in Judges 15 around 10 and 11, it brought to mind the Scripture in the Alternate Translation in Romans 8:18 which says, nevertheless, because the Lord Jesus Christ has given us the hope that Christ Jesus will subject the one who subjected us. I feel that it is in connection with the translation in Judges 15:10-11.
PASTOR VITALE: Yes, I agree. This whole message of what is happening to Samson and to the mortal men of Judah is that Christ Jesus or the resurrected Adam and the Spirit of Elijah came to subject Satan and Leviathan, the ones who had subjected the mortal men of Judah. We are waiting for the same experience today.
We are not waiting to go to heaven. There is heaven in the flesh. We are not going to another world. We are not physically moving. Our spiritual position is changing. Our physical position is not changing. Our spiritual position is changing. Our consciousness is changing. It is changing from the bottom to the top. We are changing from a world where we think differently from Christ. I keep looking at people and this principle is so strong in me. Brethren, we are either going to live primarily out of our mind (because spirituality is mind) or we are going to live primarily out of our genitals. If your consciousness is down in your genitals, you live a lifestyle that is a carnal lifestyle. The more you ascend into your mind, the more you die to the lifestyle of the human genitals. It is a lifestyle. I am not against sex. It is a lifestyle. Sex, wives and husbands and families and cooking and shopping and baking; is it bad? No, it is not bad, but it is a part of this world. It is a part of life where you do not use your mind all that much. I am not putting anybody down. I am telling you the truth. Is it bad? No, it is a good lifestyle. It is better than hanging out at bars and fornicating and robbing banks and taking drugs. It is the high lifestyle of this world. It is good to be a married woman and have children and raise your families. It is good to be a family man and play ball with your kids on the weekends. That is a good thing, but there is something higher; there is a life of mind. When that mind is Christ Jesus, it is a spiritual life and the two lifestyles represent two worlds which are antagonistic towards one another. They are as opposite from one another as your head is from your genitalia.
The question is, which end of yourself are you going to live out of? I am telling you the truth. I am not saying anything is bad or anything is good. I am not passing any judgments. I am just telling you the truth, that the spiritual life is a life that is diametrically opposed to the life of the genitals. You have to choose which one you want. I will tell you that if you choose the life of the genitals, you really will not have much of a problem. Christ Jesus is not going to run after you and harass you and Satan is going to love you if you choose that life. But if you choose the life of mind, of spirituality in Christ Jesus, the life of His mind; Satan will pull on you and harass you and draw you and have people crying on your shoulder and loved ones unhappy with you and do everything that she can to pull you down out of the life that is at the opposite end of your being, the life that is up in your head as opposed to the life that is down in your genitals. She will torment you and torture you through the people closest to you and do everything that she can to pull you down into the life of the genitalia. The life of the mind that we are experiencing in Christ Jesus today (those of us here in this group) we have barely got our toe in the water. I know that I have had some spiritual experiences that are the most exciting things that have ever happened to me in my life. I look forward to the day when they happen more often. But compared to the Church or to the people of this world, I lead a pretty supernatural life. It is just very exciting to move in that realm. Of course, you could be somewhere between the genitalia and your mind, but then you are neither here nor there; you are neither hot nor cold. Then you are a mixture. You have got to decide what you want to be. You have to die to the life that is opposing what you want to be.
Now, look brethren, if you like to cook and bake and walk your dog, you are not supposed to give that stuff up as a religious work. When I first entered into this life, I could not tolerate listening to more than one of my own tapes at night. When I first came to the Lord, I could not bear to read a chapter in the Bible every night. That is what I was counseled when I first came to the Lord; read a chapter a day. Well, I did it. I read the chapter, but I was so tormented. Satan in my mind tormented me so badly during the reading of that chapter that I did not even know what I was reading, but I said I am not giving up and I read the words. For about eight months, I read that Bible every day, did not understand a word of it and was tormented the whole time I was reading. Then I had a breakthrough and I started to get revelation. It came very fast. Some people read the Bible for years and they still do not have revelation. Now, I immigrated. I am in a new place. Now if I do not spend hours a day in the things of God, I start to wither. So I pierced through into the other side. I cannot live without this spiritual life, so what am I trying to tell you? Do not stop walking the dog. Do not stop roller skating. Do not stop doing these things because you cannot walk into a place where I am where you could spend fifteen hours a day in this message. I had many occasions where I suffered from burnout. I rarely suffer from burnout anymore. It has not happened in a long time. But I have had experiences where I suffered from burnout and I could not bear the thought of listening to another message. I just had to go and do some carnal stuff for a couple of days.
So what am I telling you? What is my counsel to you? My counsel to you is that it is an attitude of heart, that if you really want this spiritual life in Christ Jesus, if you are not deceiving yourself, if you really want this spiritual life in Christ Jesus, you have to push yourself to do a little more every day. Ask Jesus to help you and guide you and give you a program. But you have to be spending more and more time every day, if that is what you want. I am not being dogmatic when I say you have to. If you want to become spiritual and are running around just talking in tongues, that is not being spiritual. I do not mean to be irreverent. Talking in tongues is not being spiritual. Being spiritual is manifesting the mind of Christ. Is talking in tongues bad? No! Talking in tongues is not bad. But when you talk in tongues, that is the Holy Spirit overshadowing your carnal mind. You are still in your carnal mind. Spirituality is in Christ Jesus, the resurrected Christ in you. It is a state of being. It is a condition that you exist in. You know it is like some of these modern TV's and VCR's; they never shut completely off. The way it used to be with radios and TV's, if you turned them on, they had to warm up. Well, most of the appliances today, they never completely shut off, so that when you turn them on, they go on instantly. Do you know what I am talking about? That is what being spiritual in Christ Jesus is? The second a communication comes in the spirit, you hear it because you were never completely turned off. When you are in your carnal mind you are under the influence of the Holy Spirit. This is not bad, the things that I am talking about; it is just a condition. You have to determine what condition you are in. You have to determine what you want to be and then you have to find out how you get it.
I am not against anybody or anything. When you live your life in your carnal mind with the Holy Spirit, you are not always ready. You are shut off. You have to warm up. How do you warm up? Some people have to fast. Some people have to go into long periods of praise or listen to music. Whatever you have to do to warm yourself up, but if you are in Christ, you never shut off. You go higher and lower, but you never shut off. You live in two worlds at the same time. You never turn away from the spirit world. Part of you is always turned towards the spirit world. The door never completely closes. Now you do not have that experience when you are carnally minded with the Holy Ghost. It is a whole different world. So if you are still walking your dog and playing tennis and doing all this stuff for a large part of your life and you decide you want to be more spiritual, what I recommend that you do is that you first of all submit yourself to God. Ask Him to be in any plans that you lay and try to start spending more time with the Lord, reading the doctrine of Christ or reading a message. This is not the same thing as praying in tongues as you are washing the dishes, which is not a bad thing to do. But that is not the activity that is going to build spirituality in you. You have got to hear the difference. To build spirituality in you takes a full intense concentration. You cannot be doing two things at once. Whether you are listening to a message or whether you are reading a book, whether you are doing a Bible study on your computer, your full total attention is bringing forth the mind of Christ in you. That concentration is bringing forth Christ in you. That is why this exercise with the computers is so good for you, even though you may not be doing the work of Christ with the computer, it is training your attention. It is training you to focus your attention. That is good training.
So do not go giving up all these worldly things. But try and do a little bit more all the time and ask the Lord to help you. You have to build up to this. You cannot just walk into the kind of life that I have. I honestly do not know how to even measure myself. I know I am certainly not doing what the apostles did, to the best of my knowledge. Maybe I am; what do I know? I do not know how to measure myself. But you cannot walk into a life where you are in this word fifteen hours a day. You will burn up. You have to build up to it. I guess the main thing that I am saying is that you have to know that you really cannot do both. At some point you are going to have to choose. If you have children, if you have responsibilities, you will probably have to wait until your kids are grown. But you really have to have a primary focus in your life. You really do. That is much harder for women than it is for men. You have to decide what your primary focus is. You cannot have your primary focus on your family and squeeze God in. You have to have your primary focus on God and squeeze your family in. That is the truth. That is a personal decision between you and the Lord. I do not know why I am even talking about this tonight. But I am telling you the truth. Jesus has to be first in your life and then if you have time left over, after you serve Him, it is for your family.
You have to believe that He will take into consideration that you have a family and make it right. It is a state of mind. It is an attitude of the mind. I am not saying you cannot see your family. I see my family. It is an attitude of mind. Either Jesus is first or your family is first. You cannot have your family first and think you are going to work very hard, twenty hours a day or whatever to squeeze Jesus in, too. Because it is not a question of how many messages you read or how much you study. That is not the issue. The issue is in your heart. Who is really number one in your life and I do not know. Only Jesus knows. I do not know. I know, in my life, that He is number one. I know I absolutely cannot live without Him. I might cry, but I would give up anything that He told me to give up to keep the relationship that I have with Him, which I hope, which I believe is growing every day. This must be for somebody here. I do not know who it is for. It is an attitude of your heart.
Who is number one in your life? He wants to be number one and He will be gracious and make a way for you to fellowship with your family, but He is got to be number one. The example that He is giving me is that when a woman leaves her father's house and gets married, some young women are very attached to their parents when they get married. You have to give your all to your husband. Your husband, being a gracious man, is not going to hinder you from visiting with your mother or your father, but your husband now has to be the primary person in your life. You could be a married person and talk to your mother every day and visit your parents every weekend. Lots of young married couples do that. But your husband is still the primary person in your life. It is an attitude. It is a condition of mind. Whoever that is for, may the Lord help you and bless you. God help us all. It is not easy. It is a tough walk. Praise the Lord. Any other questions or comments?
COMMENT: Being we have a little more time tonight, I had an understanding today of the Scripture about out of your belly shall flow living waters. When I received the Holy Spirit, that is what happened. I had no concept of the energy centers or that it was the Holy Spirit who was purifying the waters. Is that the time when Abel jumped to the heart center?
PASTOR VITALE: I do not think so. The purification of the waters does not have to do with Abel. It has to do with the human spirit. The human spirit is flowing with Satan, the polluted waters. When the Holy Spirit comes in, He starts boiling Satan. I do not know if He starts boiling Satan or not, but He starts purifying and separating the human spirit from Satan. He starts drawing the waters unto Him. That is what the Holy Spirit does. The belly is the center which is primarily where lust is. That means Satan flows freely in the belly. The Holy Spirit is coming in and purifying the waters. The Holy Spirit purifies our waters.
COMMENT: When one receives the Holy Spirit, what exactly is happening at that point with respect to Abel? Anything?
PASTOR VITALE: Well, everybody does not have Abel. Abel is the root of the Tree of Life that was imparted to Israel through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and it manifested in David. The Tree of Life was raised from the dead in David. When that Tree of Life died in the descendants of David, the root of the tree remained in the descendants of David. Now in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Tree of Life was fully resurrected. Life was fully resurrected and therefore, now today, the seed of the Tree of Life is in the Spirit of Christ. But the Holy Spirit is not the Spirit of Christ. So there are not many people that have the resurrected Tree of Life today. They are far and few in between. Basically, Abel, is only in the Jews who are the descendants of David. The Christians can receive the seed of the Tree of Life through the Spirit of Christ. The Spirit of Christ is in the earth today, but I do not think He is very wide spread. Why do I say that? Because so few people in the Church are walking in a spiritual life. They may have intense experiences with the Holy Spirit, but their nature is not being changed. Their character is not being reformed. It is very rare to find a Christian in that condition. So they do not have the Spirit of Christ. They have the Holy Spirit.
Now I do not know what you received. I know that you have an unusual walk with the Lord. I am not really sure what any of you have. It is hard for me to tell. I have asked the Lord. He has not really answered me. Did you understand what I just said to you before I go on? It is possible for someone to have an intense experience with the Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit; intense. You could be very spiritual, but it is a gift, you see. It is very hard to tell the difference between a gifted person who is born in this world with a lot of spiritual energy. So when you are basically a spiritual person when you come into the world with spiritual energy and you connect to the Holy Spirit, you can have a more intense experience with God than the person who connects with the Holy Spirit that does not come into the world with a lot of inherited energy. If you can hear that. Spiritual people who are spiritual to start with when they connect with the Holy Spirit, will have more spiritual experiences than the person who is not spiritual, but connects with the Holy Spirit. That is just the truth. So it is possible I could meet someone in the Church and they really hear from God. You really hear from God. I honestly do not know whether you have the seed of the tree of Christ, whether you have the Spirit of Christ or whether you just have a very high spiritual experience with the Holy Ghost. I really do not know. There is a couple of people in the ministry that are very spiritual and I have the same question before the Lord. I do not really know, but in my opinion, it seems to me at this point, at least when you first started coming here, all of you, that you just had the Holy Spirit. But you have been sitting under the doctrine of Christ for so long and I have been seeding you with the Spirit of Christ for so long, He may very well be growing up in you right now. You all probably have Christ.
But the question that I thought you asked me is, did you have it when you first got the Holy Spirit? I do not know. But if you are sitting here for eight or nine years under this teaching, hopefully, you have got the tree rising from the dead in you by the Spirit of Christ that is coming forth in me. Do you understand what I am saying? But the average person, when the Holy Spirit falls on them, all they have is the Holy Spirit, which is the branch of the tree. They have to get the root of the tree and the root of the dead tree that was imparted to Israel through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is called Abel. But if you are not of the descendants of David, you are not likely to have Abel. Do you understand what I am talking about? Let me try it another way. The Tree of Life was imparted to Israel through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It manifested in David and when the tree died, the dead root system of the tree is genetically carried from generation to generation in the descendants of David. They are born with it.
If you know the Lord and you receive the Spirit of Christ because you are either sitting under this teaching or I believe it is possible to receive the Spirit of Christ just from reading the books. If it is the Lord's will, I believe you could receive the Spirit of Christ that way. What you have got is a cutting of the Spirit of Christ. You were not born with it. It is being imparted to you, engrafted to you. So Abel really is just in the line of David in Israel and that is genetically carried from generation to generation. But the Spirit of Christ, you do not have to be born with it. You just have to get it from somebody who has it. But the difference between the Spirit of Christ and the Holy Spirit is that you get the Holy Spirit from the laying on of hands. You cannot get the Spirit of Christ from the laying on of hands. The Spirit of Christ comes. It is in the word. You cannot have the Spirit of Christ apart from the Doctrine of Christ. They go together, you see.
The Spirit of Christ comes with the Doctrine of Christ and it comes with a change of nature. It is not likely that you have the Spirit of Christ if you are not having your sins exposed because the Spirit of Christ exposes your sins. So I hope I answered your question. I do not know what you have got. You had an unusual experience with the Holy Spirit apparently. You had a very powerful experience with Him. Were you going to say something else?
COMMENT: When anyone receives the Holy Spirit, are they in the heart center even though they have not got Christ?
PASTOR VITALE:: No, I do not believe they are in the heart center.
COMMENT: So what you are saying is that to get into the heart center, that is when the seed of Christ begins.
PASTOR VITALE: No, I think you get Him when you are still in your belly. He has to pierce through into the heart center. To pierce through to the heart center requires a warfare with Satan and Leviathan. I do not think that warfare really starts until Christ is being formed in you, till you have the seed of Christ. Then the warfare starts and you have the potential to ascend into the heart center. You see, in order to ascend into the heart center, you have to punish Leviathan and Satan. They are not going to let you in. You have to punish them. The Holy Spirit is not the warrior; Christ is the warrior. Christ Jesus is the warrior. So first you receive the Spirit of Christ and some people are more fertile than other people. So then you might say, if you want to say that you have Abel, He is grafted to you. But in this generation, we are calling Him Christ. Understand the difference between Abel and Christ? Abel is the name of the root of the tree in the descendants of Israel, the root of the Tree of Life in the Church today. If you do not have Abel, He is called Christ and He is a cutting from the life of Jesus Christ. It is the same Tree of Life.
Look at how many generations it took to bring forth the Tree of Life in David; Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and then all the generations until David. That is how long it took for the Tree of Life to appear in a man; generations. I do not know how many years it was, hundreds if not two thousands years. I have not checked that out. Today, it is possible to get the Spirit of Christ just like that; boom.
COMMENT: When I said shortcut to you, it made me think of favorite places on the computer. (Laughter)
PASTOR VITALE: Yes, these teachings on paper are very powerful. The Spirit is very powerful on the tapes and in the papers. So whoever is reading and listening to these materials, they are being seeded with the Spirit of Christ. The more spiritual you are, the more easily He attaches Himself. If you are not born heavily spiritual, but you have the perseverance to sit under a teaching like this, you can do better than the person who is spiritual and does not have the discipline to apply themselves. So anyone listening to this tape or reading this transcript, wherever you are, you are fine. Wherever you are, you are in good shape. The Lord is going to take you right where you are. You just may need a different variation of ministry. Everybody is not the same. If you really want Him, He is going to meet you wherever you are.
5/24/00 mjs
03/06/19, rh, 1st Edit