460 - Part 3

Part 3 of 3 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



Praise the Lord. I am going to read you the Recap from Part 2, which is Verses 1-13, but if you have not recognized it already, there have been some changes, and the Lord corrected my understanding with regard to Isaac. And it seems to me, at this point, that apparently he was trying to bring himself into perfection, that he had heard the word, he knew the message, that the -- I do not know whether he knew, I do not know exactly how he heard it, but he heard the message -- that there would have to be a people in the earth that would be in full stature, that would be in perfection. And he understood the whole problem with getting the spiritual power back from Satan, that she was possessing, and when he saw that he was old and that he was going to be physically dying, he took the matter into his own hands to bring himself into perfection, thinking that he was not supposed to die.


Now I think that when I preached this on the earlier messages, I was thinking that Isaac was seeking to bring himself into perfection simply because of a selfish motive, that he just did not want to die. But I believe at this point that the Lord has wanted to corrected me, and told me this, that Isaac made the same mistake that David made. At least it is my understanding at this time, from my studies in the King James translation, that David thought that he was supposed to be the one to build the house of the Lord, and Jehovah had to send a prophet to him and say, No, you are not the one that is supposed to build the house; my son will build the house. And of course, that son was not Solomon, that son is Jesus Christ, who is building the spiritual house of the Lord.


So this is where I am in my revelation right now. I believe the Lord corrected me, that Isaac was not so much evil in his desire to preserve himself at the price of witchcraft, so much as he was mistaken, and deceived, thinking that it had to happen in his generation, and when he saw that his body was dying, he went forth to bring it to pass in his own strength. And I think so many people do this. We do it with our ministries, we do it with our family, if we want them to know the Lord, it is just the tendency of the carnal mind to try to bring things to pass in our own strength. It is very hard to just not do anything, as I guess you all know. It is not hard for me, but I am really a broken, broken person. So I guess when you get this broken, that is one of the things that happens to you when the Lord breaks you, is that you find within yourself is this ability to not try to bring things to pass in your own strength. But I think the average human being has this very strong tendency to try to bring things to pass in their own strength. And of course this is witchcraft, you see. Everybody is doing it.


That was the name of our message this morning, "Witchcraft in Your Friends," everybody, the whole world is doing it. It is a condition of our fallen mind. It is a knee-jerk reaction of our fallen mind, and if you stop to think about it, it is the exact opposite of having faith in God. Why are you trying to bring it to pass in your own strength? Well, God did not do it today, so you think He is not going to do it, and maybe God did not do it in ten or fifteen years, and you think He is not going to do it. Well, maybe he is not going to do it, but of course some people have promises. I had a promise of physical healing, and I was in the church fifteen years when I was two weeks away from death. I really thought He was not going to do it, you know, I thought that somehow I messed up, I did not hear the message right. But He let me go fifteen years, and I was getting weaker and weaker the whole time, and He did it for me, so who knows? His ways are not our ways, so it is not in our human nature to be able to say that we are not healed, that our children still have problems in their life, and we are just going to accept it until God delivers us. And you know, this attitude is so close to the fatalistic attitude of Hinduism, that a lot people misunderstand what I am saying.


I do not believe in passivity, I believe that we have to do what we have to do. The whole problem is recognizing what it is, that it is legitimate for us to do; that is what the hard part is. And my understanding of it is that you serve the Lord, you serve the Lord with all of your strength, and you pray until you hear a word from Him. I think that it is absolutely legitimate to pray to the Lord on a matter that is really close to your heart, if you have a sick child, or if there is any kind of trouble in your life or with your marriage, I think it is absolutely legitimate to bang on God's door until He says to you, I will help you, or I will not help you. And I think, if the Lord says to you, I will not do this thing that you want Me to do, that His motive is righteous. What does that mean? If He says that you are asking for something that He is not going to do, that means that, if He were to do it for you, it would interfere with His plan for your life. That is what it means.


He is righteous, He is incapable of doing evil to you, unless that evil produces -- unless that evil is a chastisement that produces good in your life, He is incapable of it. And I remember hearing it one time that there was a revival going on in the Philippines, and there was so much faith there that if somebody died, they took the body to the Church, and everybody stayed there and prayed in tongues until the Lord spoke, either until the Lord raised them from the dead, or until the Lord said, I am not going to do it, I am not going to raise them from the dead, bury them. So I think that those of us who serve Him, who have a close relationship with Him, that it is legitimate for us to demand an answer from Him. I think there are certain things that, well you have to understand what I mean by demand that we can expect an answer from Him, and to not stop praying until we get that answer, Yes, I will do it, or no, I will not do it. And if He says yes, I will do it, then we serve Him to the best of our ability until He brings it to pass, knowing that it could be years, knowing that no matter how bad it looks -- He is incapable of lying, you see, and if he says, No, I will not do it, then we can ask Him to help us to accept it.


I cannot believe He would -- well, I do not want to get into that right now. But what I am trying to say is that the knowledge that He either said, Yes, I will do it, or No, I will not do it, would give me a peace. It is the, I have a problem of not knowing, that is what my problem is. And we are supposed to be in peace all of the time, believing that the Lord is working in the background. That just popped into my mind. That is a computer expression you know, you have sometimes programs that work in the background. He is always working in the background. We go forth in our life, we pursue our life, we live as faithfully as we can, and He is always working in the background. You just believe He is going to do it, and you take every crisis at a time and you get through it.


So I believe that the Lord has corrected me, and that this is what Isaac's state of mind was. He was mistaken, and he was deceived by Satan, he thought that the promise had to come to pass in his lifetime. Now we know that if you are deceived, you are deceived by the pride of your own mind, so obviously, Isaac had pride, obviously he was not in perfection. You can be very spiritually powerful and not in perfection. You could even be so spiritually powerful that you frequently, a lot of the time, ascend into the brow center, but the whole point is, if you offend in one point of the law, you are a mortal man. So if you spend 99% of your life in the brow center, but when you get mad, let us say, it brings you down for the moment, you are not a perfect man.


So Isaac, I think he was very high in the spirit, I think he was very spiritually high, I think he had a lot of spiritual knowledge, but the whole point of a Savior is that Jesus, the glorified Jesus Christ will nail us into the brow center so that we cannot fall down. He is in the 7th center, and once we get up there, He is going to nail us there, and that is what we have today that Isaac did not have.


So I made some changes in view of this new understanding, but I still believe that it is true that Isaac had a revelation that the way things are in our fallen condition is that the virile seed will be in one man, or one group of men, and the waters or the spiritual power will be in another group of men, and when that company comes together in right order, they are indefeatable, and that is what happened to Israel. Judah, for years -- someone wrote a book, the Lord never let me read it, I asked him about it, but He never directed me to it because probably the revelation is not accurate. But some man somewhere in the Church world had a revelation that Judah has the Scepter and Joseph has the Birthright, that was the name of the book. And I looked at the title several times, I knew that the minister at that time had read it, and I said, "What does that mean, Lord?" But He never led me to the book. But now I know what it means. Judah has the scepter; Judah has the virile seed. And the other ten tribes of Israel, well, I do not really know what the birthright means in the context of this title, but Israel has the spiritual power. Ephraim was a powerful, powerful nation, and Judah has the virile seed, and when they come together as one body with Judah as the head, they become a fearsome force.


And what is wrong in the Church today is that the spiritual power is there in the Holy Spirit, but the righteous -- well, the righteous seed is in the Church, but they are rejecting him, they do not understand. And the Lord has told me that this situation exists on many levels. It is true of the nation, it is true of the Church, it is true of local fellowships, it is true of families. And the Lord told me that this is true here, that this ministry in right order, that the virile seed is present, that is what is doing all of this wonderful, wonderful teaching. So I am Judah, and you are Israel, and together we are a fearsome force, and we are ascending, every one of us is ascending, and I think we are going to hit the jackpot in our lifetime, I believe that, because everything is in right order. We are going forward at a gallop.


So what I am trying to say is that I believe that my understanding is correct, that Jacob had the virile seed and that Esau had the spiritual power, and that when Isaac tried to bring his perfection to pass in his own strength, I believe that he did send Isaac out, he did send Esau out into the astral plane to capture Jacob's virile seed. I do not understand it completely. I will tell what my opinion is, I cannot really tell that this is what the Lord has told me at this time, but I think that Esau went in the astral plane to bring Jacob under his dominion. When someone goes off in the astral plane to gather energy from another person, what I think that means, how I think that manifests in our life, is that person who is the hunter, goes forth to dominate the person with the virile seed, I think that was how it manifested, and that they engage in this activity through some kind of activity of the mind, it is witchcraft.


So Isaac sent Esau forth to capture Jacob's virile seed through a form of domination of Jacob, but I do not have anymore information at that time, and what really strikes me, what really struck my memory is something that I have known about for years, but never could understand when we did our study in "Noah, Ham, Shem and Japheth," when Ham recognized that Noah had been corrupted. When I did the deep study, when I looked up every word in the Hebrew, it was obvious to me in the Hebrew, I had no idea what I was studying, but it was obvious to me in the Hebrew that Shem and Japheth were attached like siamese twins, and I did not understand what it meant, but today, I understand what it means. Shem and Japheth were attached, one of them had the virile seed and the other one had the waters, but they were attached in the wrong order. Satan, the waters, was ruling over the one with the virile seed. Can you understand that?


So those of us that have virile seed, we need to know that there are people in this world, that whether they know what they are doing or not, that Satan from their unconscious mind is reaching out to dominate us. I had an experience like this this week. I have to believe that this is what happened, even if I see him putting it on a message, so I am having trouble accepting it, and I do not fully understand it, but someone tried to dominate me this past week, or this past couple of weeks, and I know the person who tried to do it has a very strong mind, I do not know what they were doing. I do not know if they were lighting candles and praying, or they were just willing me to do what they wanted me to do, but it affected me, and it affected me so strongly that Christ in me was in a war with this person. My consciousness did not know what was going on, but someone tried to put bands on me. They tried to make me do something that they wanted me to do for their own purposes, and I became aware of the fact that something was wrong last Wednesday. I have been in prayer about it since last Wednesday, What is wrong with me?, and I know that one of my weaknesses that still exist in my life is that, and it does not happen too often anymore, but my tendency is that I can get real nasty.


If you are doing something, if I think you are hurting me, I can get real nasty, I am capable of it, everybody is not capable of it; I am capable of it, I am capable of it, I can get real nasty, and my prayer was, "Lord, this has not happened to me in a long time, but I feel instability in me, do not let me make a fool out of myself." That was my prayer, "Do not let me make a fool out of myself." And Saturday I saw the person and I just broke free, and I did not make a fool out of myself, I just said, "Look, I am not interested," and I walked away, but it was so powerful when I walked away, I was shaking, and I could not understand why I was shaking like this. I mean, it was not anything immoral that they wanted me to do. It was someone who wanted me to take a certain kind of class that I did not want to take, and when I walked out, when I said, No, I am not going to do this, and I walked out, I was absolutely shaking. I could not figure out what was going on, and I have been praying about it every since.


It is almost two days since it happened, and the answer seems to be that this man was trying influence me to do something that I really do not want to do, and I do not think the Lord wants me to do it, and he happens to have a very strong mind. So if the Lord does not tell me, I will never know whether he was lighting candles and praying against me, or it was just his will, just his thinking towards me that he wanted me to do, but I broke free. So, this is a spiritual jungle, people capture each other all the time, and I think the most dangerous people are the people who do not know they are doing it, they are the most dangerous people. But people try to capture people all the time. That is one of the things that I try to teach about here.


I have this movie, "The Servant" in mind, I have tried so many times to get it out of Blockbuster to show this movie, and apparently it is just not available in video. It is a British movie, how a British nobleman, someone who was very established in society -- he was a strong person, he was, had a good job, he was a noblemen, he had money, and this servant, he had enough money to have servants -- and this servant who was his personal servant, corrupted him, and utterly broke him spiritually. See, the world knows about it. These things really happen. People get seduced, so you say, "Well, it would not have been so severe if I took a class that I did not want to take." When someone succeeds in seducing you, it has a lasting effect in you, it breaks you, it weakens you, it tears you down, and if it is not the same person coming in to influence you to do something else, you are now vulnerable to the next person that Satan's going to send your way, and you get weaker and weaker and weaker. So we cannot allow ourself to influenced by anyone accept Christ Jesus. Or, it is OK to let yourself be influenced if it is your decision to be influenced by a family member; if they want you to do something, even if you think, "Well, they really should not be asking me this," but if it is your mother, and you want to do it for her, that is your decision to be influenced by her, you should not be influenced against your own will.


I want to tell you, one of my biggest assets in distinguishing between Christ Jesus and Satan is this, the Lord has never, and I am with Him for twenty years, He has never forced me to do anything against my will. If He wants me to do something that I did not want to do, He convinces me of it. He convinces me of it and He brings me into agreement with Him. I have never ever been forced to do something that I did not want to do. So when I feel that pressure on me, that I am being forced to do something, I know it is not God. I can tell the difference, there really is a difference. And you need to know this, because as you become more and more spiritual, you become more and more vulnerable to this.


You see, there are a lot of people in this world, they are not spiritual people, they are decent people, they have worked hard all their life, they have raised their families, they are not spiritual people, and they are not affected. They have got, frequently, you know, probably this is true of all of you here, you have got a sense of right and wrong that was imparted to you as a child, and you just live your life, and these spiritual influences, they really do not touch you, but as you begin to ascend spiritually, you are going to be open to these influences, and hopefully -- you see, the test has to come, it has to happen to you, so hopefully when the day comes that you are tested, the Lord will quicken to you something that I have said to you. That is how He is going to defend you. He is going to give you a memory of something that I said to you, and it is going to be up to you to recognize that that memory is in your mind, is that the Lord is telling you that this person is using witchcraft on you. That is what a memory is, the Lord talking to you through a memory.


So this kind of witchcraft it goes on, it has been going on for generations, but if it has never touched you, it is because you have probably been like the average human being abiding in the third energy center, and you just have not been affected by spiritual things, but when you come to a ministry like this, you are ascending spiritually, it has got to happen to you, and it will happen to you. So hopefully you will be prepared when it happens to you, and hopefully it will be a simple little thing, it will not be anyone seducing you for any -- hopefully the Lord will keep you in a safe place, that when the first seduction comes, it will be a simple thing, because it has to come. And I want to tell you something, I would be very surprised if you take the victory the first time you are seduced. It is not likely that you will take the victory the first time you are seduced. So we are just going to hope that it is just going to be some simple thing in your family, or maybe somebody here will seduce you. We seduce each other all the time, and I will be able to point it out to you and say, "You know, you were just seduced," so that you can start to recognize it when it is happening to you.


We are coming into a whole new world, brethren, we are coming into a whole new world. So this is my revelation at this point, that somehow Esau went out from a high spiritual place, he ascended into the astral plane, and he went out to dominate Jacob, because Jacob had something that he wanted. You see, this man that tried to dominate me this past week, I had something that he wanted, he wanted me in his class. That is why people try to dominate you, because you have something they want, they want you to be a part of their life in a way that will benefit them, but that is really not to your benefit, and the battle is right in here in your heart center.


So I was telling you about Noah. I believe that Shem and Japheth were one spiritual man. These translations about Jacob and Esau, as I read the Interlinear text, says to me clearly that Jacob and Esau were one spiritual man. Judah and the ten tribes of Israel, they were one spiritual man, and when they broke apart, they lost their supernatural strength. So Shem and Japheth were one spiritual man in Satan, they were one spiritual woman, and the contest between Noah and Ham. I am getting ahead of my notes, but I will just go with the Lord.


What I never could understand was why Noah cursed Ham with such a vengeance. The Lord gave me the revelation several years ago that Ham had recognized that Noah had been seduced by Satan, and that the virile seed that Noah had had been overturned and Satan had made herself the head of Noah. So at one point, I thought that Noah was envious Abel, I could not get it, but now I get it. That account of Noah cursing Ham right through Cain, and that vicious curse that has manifested and is still manifesting on Ham's descendants -- look at Africa today, and for years, for generations, they were in the depths of witchcraft, there is still a lot of witchcraft in Africa. Why would he do that to his own son? Because Noah was completely overshadowed by Satan, it was not even him, and what he wanted from Ham was the virile seed. Ham had the virile seed, and Noah was exercising his paternal authority over Ham saying, "Come and join with me, and let us be one family, let us be one body. Shem and Japheth are one man, now you have to come in and submit yourself and be in submission to the headship of this family," but the family was out of order. Noah was completely overshadowed by Satan, Shem and Japheth were completely overshadowed by Satan, and they were trying to get Ham, who had the virile seed, to submit to them.


I believe this is exactly what was going on with Esau and Jacob. But Isaac and Esau were going forth to dominate Jacob, the one with the virile seed. And when Jacob, you may recall from Part 2, from Parts 1 and 2, when Rebekah said to Jacob, "I want you to go to your father," Jacob said, "But he may recognize who I am, and not bless me but curse me." What Jacob had in mind was Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. He knew the whole story, you see. This was a repeat, see, there is nothing new under the sun. What happened during the fall repeats itself continuously, wherever Jehovah's virile seed appears. Wherever Christ appears, the conflict between the Serpent and Adam is repeating itself, over and over and over again.


So Jacob knew from history what had happened, Jacob knew that he was supposed to be one man with Esau, he knew that Isaac was under Satan's influence, apparently under Satan's influence, and he knew that Isaac had the strength to curse him down to the pits of hell, and all of his descendants. He had a reason to be concerned about going to his father. So this is what is looks like now, Isaac was under the influence of Satan, Esau is in the place that Shem and Japheth were in, in agreement with their father, spiritual men without the virile seed, spiritual men without righteousness; righteousness is in the virile seed.


The Pentecostal church today, they have the spirituality, but they do not have the righteousness. It is obvious to the whole Church world, everybody knows that. It is very hard to find a righteous man in the Pentecostal church. You are more likely to find a righteous man in the Catholic church, or in the Anglican church, or the Baptist church. The least righteous men are in the spirit-filled churches. Why? Because when the spirituality comes on you -- well, there are two reasons, and one reason is, and I believe this is true, that when the move of the Holy Spirit came in, it went forth and he gathered unto himself a lot of people who were not in the Church world, who were very reprobate of mind. And the second reason is that having spiritual power tends to manifest your sins. There is intense pride in the Pentecostal church, incredible pride in the Pentecostal church.


So when spiritual power comes into you, unless you receive instruction in righteousness, under a righteous head, that spirituality coming in flushes your sins to the surface. But unless you are in a church, and someone is giving you instructions as to how to deal with those sins, you are going to be an unrighteous man with spiritual power. I am not talking about one evangelist here and one evangelist there, I am talking about the average person in the church, going around trying to, the average one is going around trying to run everybody's life. It is just an abuse in the Church, it is very common, trying to control people and tell them how to live. They are waiting for their husband to come. They are waiting for the righteous seed to come and join with them. But when the righteous seed comes to the Pentecostal church, the Pentecostal church is going under judgment, because all of these sins that are manifesting because of the spiritual power have to dealt with. And then it will be one an individual at a time, you will receive the righteous seed and the spiritual power, and that is an exciting place to be, to have both.


It is an exciting place, but it is a place of continuous warfare. Satan is after you, do not fool yourself. If you have the righteous seed and the spiritual power, Satan wants to knock you out really fast. So it is continuous warfare. It is a good life, but you need to know that it you are living in a whole different timeline.


OK, so let us try and get back to Isaac and Jacob here. I am going to read the Recap from Part 2, and then as we go on, you will see that I have made some changes.


RECAP, Genesis 25:1-13, "And as Isaac aged, he lost his spiritual strength to appear in the visible world, so he called Esau, his eldest son, and he said to him, 'My son,' and Esau said to him, 'Behold, here I am,' and he said, 'Look at me, I am old, and Satan knows that I am about to die. Please now, lift up your spiritual body and the container that holds it, and go forth into the field as a spiritual weapon to catch some of Satan's energy that will preserve the flesh that I love.'" Now I think that is one of the things that I changed, it is not Satan's energy.


'Go and get the virile seed that will preserve the flesh that I love, and bring it to me so that I can preserve it and make my animal life kneel down to me before I die.' And Rebekah spoke to her son Jacob saying, 'Look, I heard your father speak to Esau, your brother, saying, Bring me spiritual meat to consume that will preserve the animal life that I have acquired, so that I can bless Jehovah's personality before I die. Now therefore, my son, obey my voice, because it is I Am who is commanding you. Go into the household of God and seize Abel, the second offspring of Astarte, the she-goat's astral desire body, and I will make them into King Adam, Jehovah's preservative, because your father is committing adultery with Satan. And you shall bring it to your father so that he may consume it and bless you before he dies. And Jacob said to Rebekah, his mother, 'Look, my brother Esau is a spiritual mortal man, and I am a meek mortal man, a man without spiritual power. Perhaps my father will discern the spiritual world that speaks in tongues, and I will bring a curse upon myself instead of a blessing.' And Rebekah said to Jacob, 'Satan, the mother of this fallen creation, is the cursed one, do not obey her voice, but obey my voice only, and go and enfold what belongs to you." And that is another change that I made. That was Jehovah speaking to Jacob through Rebekah.


"And Jacob proceeded to enter into Esau," and so there was a spiritual connection there, "...and enfold Satan...." He laid hold of Esau's spiritual power before Esau laid hold of his virile seed. See, everything is the order that you connect it in. Who is on top, and who is on the bottom, it is essential.


"And Jacob proceeded to enter in Esau and enfold Satan, the widowed mother of Jehovah's creature, and made Adam, the spiritual preservative, out of his mother, and Abel, because his father was adulterous. And Jacob, the younger son, enfolded Satan, the deceitful female desire body of Esau, the eldest son of Rebekah's household, and clothed Esau. And Jacob added Satan's waters to Abel, his spiritual phallus, and King Adam's smooth neck clothed the etheric bodies of Esau and Jacob, Astarte's two male goats." I am going to need two pages of footnotes on this to put this in the Alternate Translation.


"And King Adam the salted preserved meat, clothed Abel, the spiritual phallus of Jacob's household, and he became bread."


So that was just to sort of bring you up to what we are doing, and give you a general idea. You will see the changes as we go along. But I want to, before we go into actually working on the verses, I want to talk to you about the spiritual principle that the Lord showed me this week, because I really could not translate these verses correctly without this knowledge. And how am I going to do this? I seem to be just going off the top of my head, so I will stay with that. It is basically, I spoke to you about it this morning, but I do not believe that I really hit it home to you yet, and the principle is about our spiritual virginity, our spiritual virginity. And this principle will be incorporated into the verses that are about, when Jehovah says to Jacob, "Now go into Satan's waters and acquire Satan's waters." We are talking about how we connect to the Fiery Serpent.


You see, we are a personality, and the Fiery Serpent is our virginity. She, our Fiery Serpent is the part of us that is our potential to be spiritual. She is the one that ascends into the heart center. She ascends into the heart center, connected to the virile seed, then when she gets to the heart center, she is in a configuration that prepares her to join with the Lord Jesus. Now of course in the time of Isaac and Jacob, it was Michael that she was joining to, but  do not get hung up on the names, because that is not the purpose of this message. If our virginity ascends without being joined to, in this generation it would be Christ, who is really the resurrected Abel, if she ascends without her husband joined to her in a position as her head, she arrives in the heart center in a configuration that only Leviathan can join with. So, our spirituality, our potential for spirituality, is supposed to be repressed until the command comes to us to join with her and begin the ascension. And that is very clear in this translation that Jacob was doing nothing to promote his spirituality until Jehovah came to him and said, Now it is time to ascend.


So I think I will start by reading my notes and I will put some of this on the board for you to make it clearer.


"The righteous seed lies dead in the street." Isaiah 59:14, "The judgment is turned away backward and justice standeth afar off, for truth is fallen in the street and iniquity cannot enter." Jehovah's virile seed which was deposited into Isaac through Abraham, and is transmitted through the physical bloodline of Jacob, specifically through the tribe of Judah, lies dead in many of Judah's descendants. Elohim's waters, that is the Holy Spirit, joins with the human spirit. Now, our human spirit is flowing with Satan, spirit can be likened to water, so whatever is of the Spirit of God in us is flowing with Satan, or part of him -- well, Satan is the waters that moisten the earth that form the spiritual clay that we are made of. So our human spirit is flowing both with Satan and she is in the earth, because Satan's waters have made clay out of the earth. So Elohim's waters, or the Holy Spirit, depending on where you are, before Jesus or after Jesus, join with the human spirit who is flowing with Satan, who is woven together with the earth of the Fiery Serpent.


The human spirit, he is flowing with Satan, he is in the earth of the Fiery Serpent, and Satan and the earth and the Fiery Serpent, they are all woven together. And again, the example that the Lord is giving me in my mind right now, we talked about it in the Serpent's Triangle, when you think about human semen, if you have ever seen human semen, it looks like it is one substance, but if you put it under a microscope, there is sperm and water in that semen. And the sperm can be likened to heavy water. There has to be something that distinguishes the sperm from the water, it is microscopic. But those sperm that is in the semen are heavier than the water. So the Fiery Serpent, if you can think of our spiritual being, she is the solid part of us, but she abides in Satan's waters, if you can hear that. All of humanity is, we are a spiritual womb, we are spiritual eggs.


You know, I have heard so much over the years, I have heard so much about people wanting to know why we are here, what is our purpose. We are all spiritual eggs, we are here to develop into a form of spiritual life, and hopefully that spiritual life that we develop into will be Jehovah's civilized man. That is our hope, because the only way that can happen is that Christ is formed in us, and therefore Christ is our hope of glorification.


So when this happens in someone who has Jehovah's dead seed, when what happens? When the Holy Spirit enters in and touches the human spirit, when this happens in someone who has Jehovah's dead seed, that dead seed is quickened and becomes Jehovah's virile seed, who is strong enough to dominate the Fiery Serpent. And this is what Jesus was talking about when He talks about the four kinds of soil, people who have no root in themselves. Now remember, Jesus was talking to Judah. He was talking about someone having no root in themselves. So this has to say to me, or at least this is how I see it at this time, that even if you are of the tribe of Judah, you do not have to have that root in you. Apparently, even if you are a Jew, you do not have to have this root in you. There are a lot of Jews who have come into the Church, a lot of born-again Jews these days, who have the Holy Spirit, well, why are they not where I am? I have been asking the Lord this for years. I do not know what to tell you, except that everybody does not have the root, and for those who do have the root, there has to be an agreement of conditions.


It is not enough to have the root. You do not get pregnant every time. If you are a woman, you do not get pregnant every time you lie with your husband. It is a combination of positive conditions that produces pregnancy. So even if you do have that root in you, what are the other conditions, I do not even know what to tell you. All I know is that there a lot of born-again Jews, and I cannot see any difference in them than the non-Jewish members of the Church. They have the Holy Spirit, they prophesy, they speak in tongues. Well, what happened to me? I do not know. So, every Jew does not have the root, or if they have the root, all of the other conditions that are necessary are not present. And this is what the Church is waiting for.


The Holy Spirit has come in and joined with their human spirit, but they are still not able to dominate the Fiery Serpent, because you cannot, you do not have the strength to dominate the Fiery Serpent, unless Abel is raised in you. I have been preaching this in a series of ways over the years. I always knew that there was just some element missing. For a long time I preached that the Holy Spirit joins with the human spirit and Christ is conceived, and that is not wrong, except that I did not have the whole picture. I did not have the whole picture because there is a lot of people that have the Holy Spirit and Christ is not conceived. And then, in a lot of people, Christ is conceived, but He does not dominate the Fiery Serpent. All of the conditions have to be positive. So I still do not have a 100% answer.


I still do not have a 100% answer, but this is what I have today, and this is what we need to understand these translations. What happened when Jehovah called it to Rebekah's attention, because Jehovah is the one who stirred this whole thing up, not Rebekah. When Jehovah called it to Rebekah's attention that Esau was entering into the astral plane, and it was his intention to dominate Jacob, and to lay hold of Jacob's -- Jacob had the seed, and to put this virile seed and the water together, but with the waters at the headship of the virile seed, which will a produce a full stature in the Serpent, Jehovah came to Jacob and said, "It is time for you to become spiritual, and this is what I want you to do, this is what you have to do."


The Alternate Translation says, "You go into the household of God, and I want you to join with your Fiery Serpent. I want you to go into the household of God, go into the part of you that is Me," and I do not know how he did this, I do not know how he did it, but, "let Abel in you be raised." See, as Jehovah talked to him, Jehovah imparted what would be the equivalent of the Holy Spirit today. I believe that as Jehovah talked to him, Elohim or Michael, sometimes the names drive me crazy, you know, Elohim -- I am sorry, it must have been Michael imparted to him to strengthen that root in him, and together they dominated the Fiery Serpent in Jacob.


You see, if we become spiritual without the strength to dominate our spiritual part, she will dominate us, and we will ascend in witchcraft. I will give you a parable, it is just like saying with a human person, a young lady or a young man, if they are not taught to dominate their sexuality the chances of them becoming promiscuous is very great. You can die from becoming promiscuous. Today you can get AIDS. It is not a healthy thing to be promiscuous. Do you all understand this principle, that we have this part, this spiritual potential, and for us to become engaged in spiritual activities before the male aspect of ourself is strong enough to restrain her from becoming a harlot, to restrain her from being a harlot, we are in danger of entering into witchcraft? Did I make that clear?


So as Jehovah was speaking to Jacob, and telling him to do this, I believe, and I may have the wrong name, I am going to say Michael now. Michael was imparted into Jacob to strengthen that virile seed in him, and together they became one seed or a germ cell, if you remember that teaching, two seeds so closely joined together. When Jesus said, "If you have this one seed, the most humblest of all seeds, you can move mountains," and if you are reading this message and that offends you, I am sorry, but you have to ask yourself why the Church is not moving mountains with the Holy Spirit, something is wrong. And there is nothing wrong with the Holy Spirit, what is wrong is the teaching in the Church. Something is lacking, the Holy Spirit is only one part, one part of what you need to have a germ cell in you, the germ cell or the zygote. So either you have to have to the root, the root of Jehovah's virile seed in you, or you have to get it from somebody who has it.


So Michael entered into Jacob and joined with his human spirit, and they became a strong male germ cell, and they went to the Fiery Serpent and joined with her, and they forced her into the female position, and they joined with her in the male position, and Abel was raised from the dead. Jehovah's virile seed plus the Holy Spirit, plus Michael that was added through Jehovah's word, joined to the Fiery Serpent. Remember, Abel is dead under the earth. His blood is crying out from under the earth.


I will say it again, the human spirit plus Michael, or in the New Testament, the Holy Spirit, plus the Fiery Serpent that has absorbed Abel's blood, plus the root of Jehovah's virile seed -- either you have to be born with it or you have to get it from somebody else -- raises Abel from the dead. And once Abel was raised from the dead, then the next thing that Jacob had to do was to lay hold of Esau's spiritual waters, they were one man. I do not know how he did this, some form of domination, but you see, when it is in Christ, it is a legitimate domination. It is an authority, it is a leadership, when it is in Christ, it is not hurting anybody, it is righteous, and it is producing all of the manifestations of Christ Jesus, if He is in it; He has got to be in it, see. And once Abel lays hold of the spiritual waters, Adam rises from the dead. So Abel matures into Adam, and then as Adam ascends in consciousness, and he gets up into the 6th center, and he is nailed there in our generation by the Lord Jesus Christ, he becomes King Adam, an immortal, supernatural undefeatable man, and this is what Jehovah did for Jacob.


He said, "Esau's coming to dominate you and capture the virile seed that is in you and do everything that I just described to you with Satan in the headship." That means when Esau ascended into spiritual power, Jacob would have ascended with him into evil, and Isaac would have benefitted from it. How? I do not know, I do not have all of these spiritual details, but they would have been one spiritual man, and they would have been using their own spiritual power for their own purposes, and it would have damaged Jacob, and it would have damaged the virile seed in all of the plants that Jehovah had for the deliverance of the whole creation through this virile seed. So Jehovah came to Jacob and said, "Your brother is coming for you, and guess what?, he is strong enough to get you." Esau, certainly, Esau with Isaac's blessing, had the strength to do whatever he needed to do to capture Jacob and bring the whole power of the Godhead, which was in the earth, into the kingdom of darkness. Esau had the strength to do it. How do I know that? Jehovah came to Jacob and said, "I am going to raise Adam from the dead in you so that he cannot do it to you."


See, the Lord never imparts spiritual power without a purpose. He never does it without a purpose. I believe the sons of God are going to stand very soon, and if I am right, I believe the reason that they are going to stand very soon, is that Jesus Christ intends to deliver this nation and restore it to righteousness. He does not raise people up in power without a reason for doing it. So this whole concept of salvation, to save me, it is not even true. Are you saved? Are you saved? Are you going to Heaven, are you saved? It is not even an accurate concept to be saved, to save me, you see. We are saved to serve the Lord Jesus Christ and to govern the whole creation in righteousness. You want to be saved, your life will never be the same. You want to be saved, you are drafted into the Lord Jesus' army. You are not going to be like you are and be saved. And it is not for you; His son is in you, He wants his son back, number one, and number two, He wants his Ox back, because He did not make this Ox to be in eternal torment. But if you can hear it, it is a very fine line, it is not the same thing to hear Jesus saying, "I want that Ox back," which the Ox today, the Ox that Adam was joined to at the beginning, that aspect of himself which was made from the dust of the earth that gave him form, that is the spiritual Ox that appears Ezekiel's four-faced man, that is who the Ox is. And that Ox is appearing today as the human personality.


So the Lord Jesus Christ is saying, "I want my Ox back because the Lord Jesus is the resurrected Adam. I want every aspect of my Spirit that is woven together with the earth or humanity, and I want my Ox back, because I have mercy on my Ox. I did not make this animal so that she should be in eternal torment." That is not the same thing as saying to somebody or to yourself, Jesus wants to save me, Jesus has saved me. Can you hear the difference? OK, it is a big difference. It is a big difference, and when you can hear that difference, that the Lord wants back what is his, OK, and not for a selfish motive; because He is not going to leave us in this condition because He is responsible for us. You have to realize that everything that we are in the Serpent's kingdom, we have to die to everything that we are in the Serpent's kingdom. You could be the most well-adjusted person in the world, your thinking could be perfect, your way of expressing yourself could be perfect, we still have to die to everything that we are in the Serpent's kingdom.


I have another witness to this, Job 14:7-9, "For there is hope for a tree, if it is cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease..," I added a few words in here, "... though Abel, the root, was old in the earth, and Adam the stock thereof die...," it was Adam who died. Adam in the ground dies, but the root abides, "...yet when Satan, the water, is sacrificed..," the word in the King James is "scent," and if you look up that Hebrew word that is translated "scent," it is the word that is translated frequently in the King James, that Jesus or Jehovah smelled the sweet savor of the sacrifice, that is what the word is, it is the smell of a sacrifice.


"So when Satan, when the water is sacrificed," and how do we sacrifice the water? We boil her. "Yet when Satan, the water, is sacrificed, Abel, that root will bud and bring forth limbs...," that is a translation of boughs, limbs of the Tree of Life, which Adam is. "... will forth limbs of the same tree." So Adam is the tree that was planted in the earth that died, and if you have the root in you, and you sacrifice Satan, the Tree of Life will bud in you, so you have to have the root. You either have to be born with it, or you have to have it by impartation, and I do not believe that you can receive this root of Christ by the laying on of hands. This is the revelation that I am walking in now, you cannot receive it by the laying on of hands, you receive it by what is going on here. You receive it through submission to a godly teacher by receiving the doctrine of Christ, and by -- well, by receiving the doctrine of Christ, that is how you get it. Then once Abel is formed in you, then the warfare starts that is going to destroy your carnal mind. But you get it through submission to a teacher that Jesus has raised up and you sit under the instruction, and you sit under the anointing that comes forth in a meeting like this, and what comes forth in a meeting is instruction, it is the doctrine of Christ, and little by little that is how the root is imparted to you.


And how do you know that the root is imparted to you? The strong sign that the root is imparted to you, and that Abel is formed in you, is that you go under judgment, because Abel is formed under the ground and he has to overturn the Fiery Serpent and dominate her. So your carnal mind goes under judgment, that is the sign that you have conceived. You are under judgment, that is when the war begins. Jehovah's virile seed plus Satan's waters is Elohim, Jehovah's whole semen. Elohim is the virile seed plus the waters. The name of the virile seed alone is Michael. When the virile seed lays hold of the waters and dominates them, it becomes -- well, he is Elohim, but Elohim, when he forms himself into a thought form, he becomes King Adam. King Adam is the name of the whole thought form, that is Elohim's waters, plus the virile seed, Michael, plus the dust of the earth, forms Adam. And Adam joined to the Godhead through Michael is King Adam.


I am going to say that again:


Jehovah's whole seed is Elohim, the waters and the virile seed. The virile seed alone is Michael. The waters plus the virile seed, the whole semen, plus the dust of the earth, is Adam, Jehovah's whole thought form. And then when Adam is nailed into the eternal realm by Michael one, in Israel it is the Spirit of Elijah, in our day, in this generation it is the Lord Jesus Christ; when Adam is married to the eternal realm of God, he becomes King Adam. He becomes the King of the earth.


You see, there will be a visible creation, we will get spiritual bodies, and we are going to exist in the earth, I do not know what we are going to be like. I do not think that we are going to ascend as high as Jesus ascended; Jesus is bodiless. We will be spiritual men with bodies, we will be His body, it will be His mind in all of us. The word hand signifies the individual subconscious mind, and that is our spiritual phallus. You could be a physical woman or a physical man and have a spiritual phallus. A phallus is an immature penis, it is the spiritual male organ which is a mind, a male mind. And hand is the euphemism, the parable, that is the word that is used. I found it, well, certainly in the Old Testament, I have even found it in the New Testament, when you see the word hand, if you are looking for the deep spiritual meaning, it could mean a man's hand, but it could possibly be signifying the spiritual phallus, and the name of the spiritual phallus is Abel, the resurrected Abel.


By the time Abel becomes Adam, he becomes a full grown man and his male organ matures, he is no longer a phallus. This is the Fiery Serpent, plus the human spirit, plus -- oh, I left something out here, the word hand signifies the individual subconscious mind. This is the Fiery Serpent, plus the human spirit, plus the additional waters, either the Holy Spirit or Satan. The Holy Spirit flowing in a man who does not have the root of the tree becomes a spiritual man without righteousness.


OK, I see what I did not put in there. The word "hand" signifies the individual subconscious mind. This is the Fiery Serpent, plus the human spirit, plus additional waters. Now, let us see, this is not really right. How should I say this? The Fiery Serpent that is joined with the human spirit and the waters of Satan, she is the spiritual phallus in the kingdom of darkness. I have not seen that too often in the Scripture. When I see that word hand, it almost always means the phallus of the resurrected Christ, but for it to be the resurrected Christ, there has to be one more element than the phallus in the kingdom of darkness. To be the resurrected Abel, you have to have the root of the virile seed. If a person has a phallus, a spiritual phallus, and they are lacking the root of the virile seed, that phallus is under Satan's control.


Let me go over that again. This spiritual part of us, and as she matures, as she is capable of maturing and becoming spiritual, and becoming capable of spiritual sexual intercourse without Christ dominating her, and if our spiritual virginity becomes mature, becomes active, becomes spiritually active and Christ is not dominating her, that means if that root is not in there, if either she was not born with it, or she did not receive it from somebody else, then she is spiritually active in the kingdom of darkness, and the only one she could join with is Leviathan. The Lord Jesus Christ will not receive our spiritual virginity unless she comes covered; she has to be covered by the resurrected Christ in us.


Seem the Lord Jesus is our true husband. He is waiting to join with us in a marriage; that is in the Bible, in the King James translation. He is waiting to join with us in a spiritual sexual union, but He will not join with us unless we have a wedding garment. We have to be covered, and our covering is Christ in us, the resurrected Christ that has come forth from the human spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Fiery Serpent, and that root of the virile seed, and that when all of these elements come together, Abel, the virile seed is raised from the dead.  So when we talk about a spiritual phallus now, we know that all of these elements are present. When we talk about a spiritual phallus, we are talking about the Fiery Serpent, our virginity covered by Abel, that is what we are talking about, and we need to know, that when we talk about the spiritual phallus, or even when we talk about Abel, that the Fiery Serpent is present -- the Fiery Serpent, the human spirit, the Holy Spirit, the root of the virile seed -- when they come together, Abel is raised from the dead, and the Fiery Serpent is a part of him, just in the same way that we could say, we are a spiritual man, we are Christ, but this earthen body, it is a part of us, our carnal mind today, it is a part of us. Christ Jesus in us is supposed to be ruling over our carnal mind. We have an earthen mind.


Well, when we talk about Abel, our spiritual phallus, he is attached to the Fiery Serpent. He is covering the Fiery Serpent, that is who Abel is. He is either under the ground or on top of the ground, but Abel is the virile seed of God attached to the ground, woven to the ground, that is who he is. So it is not really particularly clear here in my note here. The word hand signifies the individual conscious mind. This is the Fiery Serpent, plus the human spirit, plus additional waters, but what I did not make clear here is that to be the resurrected Abel you have to have that root also. And the difference between the spiritual phallus known as Abel and the spiritual phallus of the kingdom of darkness is that Abel has that root, has that virile seed, and the phallus of the kingdom of darkness is our active spiritual potential without Christ. That is the difference between the two hands.


This word "hand," the word that is translated "hand," it almost always means right hand, right hand, the resurrected Abel. The Holy Spirit flowing in a man who does not have the root of the tree becomes a spiritual man without righteousness. Our parable that helps us to understand this is a highly sexual person without the morality to deal with his own passions.


As I was working on this something led me to, I did not even write down what this was, Revelation12:7-11, but as you can see, I put that Revelation 12 after Verse 7, it is in the wrong place. At the moment I cannot even see what it was that connected me to this, but something clicked in my mind when I was working on this introduction, and I was looking at Job 14:7-9, and something clicked and led me to this account. Maybe it will come back to me as we are going over it. At the moment, I cannot think of what led me to it, but it really touched me, so I put it in the message, and I am not going to spend too much time on it.


The words in round brackets is the word that is in the King James, and the word in square brackets is something that I added in, it is an amplification. I have translated their testimony as Christ Jesus. And when Christ Jesus is completed in them, this is the Two-Witnesses now, the Fiery Serpent, that is a translation of the beast, she is the beast, the Fiery Serpent, shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and they shall make war against Leviathan. Who are they? Well, the Fiery Serpent is going to ascend out of the bottomless pit because she is under Christ's cover and she is becoming spiritual, and as she begins to ascend in her spirituality, I do not even know if Leviathan is, you may recall that Leviathan is guarding the household. If you go back to the Scripture that says, "You cannot enter into the strongman's house without first binding the strongman," to be honest with you, I am not sure whether it is Satan or Leviathan at this point. I am not going to stop for it, I have Leviathan written down and I am going to leave it.


When Abel rises from dead in us and he is dominating the Fiery Serpent, we have got one war on our hand with the kingdom of darkness, because Satan knows that as the Fiery Serpent ascends under the cover of Abel, that they are headed for marriage to Lord Jesus, and the end of that whole thing is the end of the kingdom of darkness. So as soon as you start to ascend under Abel's cover, or in this generation, under Christ's cover, you just are in a warfare all the day long. Satan raises up whatever sin she can in you and she will raise up Satan in whatever person she can to cause you to sin and bring you down, to break Christ away, to break the resurrected Abel away from the Fiery Serpent. Why? So that the Fiery Serpent can rejoin with herself.


You may recall that the condition that the Fiery Serpent is in right now, she is geometrically expressed as a circle, she is eating her own tail. So when Christ comes He pulls her tail out of her mouth, and joins Himself to her in a formation that keeps her in a string formation, she becomes strings of energy instead of circles. So if the warfare with Satan and Leviathan can hurt Christ badly enough, He will let go of the Fiery Serpent, and she, who is straightened out into at string, will immediately curl up again. That is what the warfare is designed to do. The warfare is designed to make to Christ in you let go of your spiritual inheritance. And the way you do that is when you fall into sin. When you fall into sin Abel loses his grip and the Fiery Serpent reverts, when she goes back into her circular formation, she belongs to Leviathan again. So that is the whole purpose, to make you fall into sin even if it is the most subtle sin in your mind.


You know, I am amazed at the thoughts that come into my mind as I become more and more sensitive. I am aware, thank God it does not happen to often, but I am aware of Satan in my mind cursing God, blaming him for something that has happened to me, and I know that that is a lie. I know that everything that happens to me is because of my sin or my ancestors' sin, I know that God is good, and I immediately cry out. I rebuke it and ask the Lord to forgive me, but it is Satan in there and impulsing these thoughts in my mind. And, you see, if I do not hear it, it is sin unto me. Is not that something? You know, if I did not know better, I would say it was unfair, except I know that we are in this condition because we are fallen. Satan is chattering away in our mind, and every time she talks, we are guilty of sin, and she does not talk with a mouth like we talk, she is a spirit, she talks with vibration. You know, just like a cricket, all that noise that it makes, it is vibration. She vibrates from behind us in our unconscious mind, and when she vibrates she marks the inner part of our being, and that very mark is sin, even if we never heard her. Is not that incredible? I think that is incredible.


Now when we hear her, we can -- I rebuke her immediately, I burn her, I boil her away, and I repent, and I ask God to have mercy on me, and I believe that that mark is smoothed out. I may not have it right, but that is what I think right now. So you see, it is absolutely essential that you begin to hear in the spirit. How are you overcome her if you cannot hear her?. And what stops you from hearing her is that you are blinded to all sin, your eyes have to open. It is painful to have your eyes opened, but this is the path that we must travel to enter in to salvation. The more your sins are exposed to you, and the more you bravely face them and deal with them as the Lord describes, the more your mind clears up, because our mind is all fogged up with all of this sin, it is all fogged up, and eventually you will hear her every time she moves, and you will cast her down.


Paul says, Cast down every imagination. How could you do it? You have to hear her. It is a quiet voice. It is very subtle, and it is nothing that you can acquire for yourself. This ability to hear the voice of sin is the fruit of your labor in Christ, the fruit of your willingness to turn inward, to face what is in your own heart -- and it is never pretty for anybody -- and to deal with it. Your reward is your ability, or at least one of your rewards, or part of your reward, is your ability to hear in the spirit so that you can stop that thing from bringing destruction in your life, and not only that, but you will hear other people in the spirit, whoever is attached to you. You will know when your children or your grandchildren are in trouble, you will know, you will be able to deal with it.


See, you may know now, you may get words of knowledge now, but this is an ongoing thing, it is continuous. Once your eyes are opened, your eyes are opened, and nothing gets past you. You become higher than this world, and any trouble brewing, you will be able to stop or at least minimize, because you cannot control other peoples lives, but you certainly will be able to put a righteous influence into any trouble coming towards your family. And it will not be just towards you family, it will be to whoever the Lord assigns you to. So our mind is all filled with mud, and we have got to get that mud cleaned out so that we see and hear in the spirit, because Satan is in there deep, she is all the way in the back, and she is subtle. She inputs thoughts in your mind, she makes suggestions to you, you think it is your own mind, or even worse, you think it is the Lord. It is not easy to recognize, it is very hard to recognize.


"So when Christ Jesus, their testimony, is completed, when He is formed, the Fiery Serpent, the beast, shall ascend out of the root center of the bottomless pit, and Christ Jesus and the Fiery Serpent together shall make war against Leviathan, who does not want her, who claims her as his wife, and they shall overcome her and separate her," that is a translation of the word "kill," I found it in the Lexicon, it is a legitimate translation. Oh, that word "to kill," it is the Greek word thanatos. There is more than one word. both in the Greek and in the Hebrew, that means to kill, or death. Thanatos means death because the soul or the personality separates from the body. Thanatos is the word most commonly used, most commonly translated "death or to die," and that is what it means. When your soul and your spirit separate from your body, you die.


So a legitimate translation of that word "kill" is "to separate," and we know that when we separate from our carnal mind, we die to everything that we were in our carnal mind. It is a death, separating from your carnal mind is a death. So when the Fiery Serpent is separated from Leviathan and from herself, she dies to everything that she was, and she becomes a Seraphim, she becomes a Seraph. "So when Christ Jesus, our testimony, is complete, the Fiery Serpent," that is the beast, "shall ascend out of the root center," that is the bottomless pit, and they are now one, Christ Jesus and the Fiery Serpent, "they shall make war against Leviathan and overcome her," maybe it is even Satan and Leviathan, "and overcome her, and separate from her, and the Fiery Serpent shall separate." I do not know if I did that right, "and the Fiery Serpent shall separate from Satan and Leviathan," I do not think I made that clear here, "and overcome her and separate her," it is Satan, "and the Fiery Serpent shall separate from Leviathan and Satan." She is the woman that they are fighting over.


Verse 8; Now this is real interesting. In Verse 8, I have here, "And Satan's dead body shall lie in the neck of the city, which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt." Let me tell you how I got that, and the dead body that is going to lie in the street is the carcass, the carnal mind, Satan and Leviathan, our carnal mind is what is going to lie dead in the street. Where you see the carcass, that is where the eagle flies. When you see the dead carcass, when you Satan's dead body, Satan and Leviathan's dead body, you know that man has ascended spiritually in Christ Jesus. When you see the carcass, that is where the eagle is flying. So it is going to be the dead body of the kingdom of darkness, it is going to be, I did not really spend a lot of time on this, so I think I do not have an ideal word here, but Satan and Leviathan's dead body, when it is lying in the street. And the Lord told me what that word "street" is, I now have a revelation on the word "street."


You may recall, when we did Parts 1 and 2 of this message, I gave you a definition of the what the word "neck" is. Going back about a year ago, we had a phrase called the "Serpent's" neck," and the Lord revealed to me that the Serpent's neck -- I had Satan in the root center and Leviathan in the top, and I was drawing pictures of the neck for you, but I did not really understand what it was. I now believe that the neck is that area that is raised up when the Fiery Serpent ascends, and that neck area, it is from the heart center and through the 7th center, or maybe it even goes down even lower, I do not know. I am having trouble saying this. When the Fiery Serpent ascends, as she ascends into those higher centers, the energy of those higher centers is stirred up, and powers and principalities are created as she ascends, if you remember that. If she is ascending in Christ Jesus, it is Adam who is rising up, and the Eagle and King Adam. So these powers and principalities in the kingdom of God are coming into existence as the Fiery Serpent ascends into the higher centers. If she ascends into the counterfeit timeline, what are created are all of the gods and goddesses that the Hindus talk about, and an actual city or a street or a neck is erected, and it is almost like a pathway, a spiritual pathway that the Scriptures call the Serpent's neck. It is either the Serpent's neck, which is the hairy neck, or it is the smooth neck, that is what we learned from this series, the smooth neck is this street, this energy street that is opened up in the true timeline, and now the Lord has revealed today, that it can be called the neck or it can be called the street. There are different names for the same principle, and usually. if there is a second name for it, it is simply looking at it from a different point of view, just like we have the Lake of Fire judgment and the Winepress Judgment, it is the same judgment, it is just a different aspect of the judgment.


So this is all I have for you at the time, I expect the Lord to give us more information about this. But the term neck or the term street is referring to this energy pathway. Probably Jacob's Ladder fits in to this concept too. This energy pathway that is erected as the Fiery Serpent ascends, and she activates all of the higher energy centers, the energy stirs up and this pathway or this street is erected. I know there are Scriptures, I think in Isaiah, where he talks about, "And all the children..." these are the powers and principalities that come into existence as these energy center are activated. And you may recall that is a scriptural principle to talk about the dry waste places, that is talking about the higher energy centers that are not activated, there is nothing going on there, they are a desert, they are dead.


This whole creation is living down in the third center or lower, except for a few people, a very small percentage who are ascended, most of them in the Serpent, very few in Christ Jesus. So as the Fiery Serpent ascends she blazes a pathway into the higher centers, and that pathway that she blazes is the street that the prophet Isaiah is talking about, "the children in the street." And if I recall the Scripture correctly, it is, "...and the voice of the bride, and the voice of the bridegroom." Well, the Fiery Serpent is the bride, and the bridegroom is Lord Jesus, and the children playing in the street, it is the thought forms that are coming forth. That is what it is talking about, it is all a parable, the whole thing is a parable, because who can understand this spiritual stuff? It is a miracle that we understand it in our fallen mind.


And I think that the reason that sometimes this pathway is called, the Scripture talks about a highway, and there is a highway to heaven. This is the highway that opens up as the Fiery Serpent ascends. This pathway opens up into a highway, becomes Jacob's Ladder, we ascend and descend, because if we want to relate to people in the lower centers we have to come down to where they are, you know, but we always leave a part of ourselves in the higher center so that we can get back up. And I think that the reason that sometimes this street is called the neck, it is just called the neck from the aspect of stretching out. And this is exactly what is happening. As the Fiery Serpent ascends she is stretching herself out, and blazing a pathway into the new world. And of course, that well known Scripture in the New Testament, where it says, "And the whole creation is waiting for the sons of God." One of those words, I cannot tell you which one it is right now, probably the word that is translated "waiting for," if you look it up in your Lexicon, it is talking about a stretching out, looking for the one who is to come, but that stretching out is not a stretching out of the physical neck.


We are looking for the one who is to come by laying hold of our spiritual virginity and covering her with our spiritual maleness and raising up into the heart center, and stretching towards the fifth and sixth center, stretching out towards the place where Jesus can get a hold of us, and pull us into sixth center and nail us there. That is what it is talking about. The whole creation is waiting, or looking for the manifestations of the sons of God, well, you have to get up there for yourself, He is not coming out of the sky. Jerusalem is not a city. Do you know there are Christians who believe there is a city coming down out of the sky? Maybe someone here really believed that at some time. I am not mocking you, you just have to come out of it, you have got to come out of it. Spiritual things are within.


"And Satan, Leviathan's dead body..," that is the carcass, "shall lie in the street, or in the neck of the city, which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt," and of course, that is this spiritual city that we live in, that is the city of the carnal mind, "where Adam our Lord was also crucified," and of course, that is Adam appearing as the Lord Jesus Christ. He was crucified within. There is an internal spiritual crucifixion. And that crucifixion is the joining of Christ to our personality and the Fiery Serpent. When the tail is pulled out of her mouth -- and this is a spiritual molecule at a time -- her tail is pulled out of her mouth and Christ is nailed to her. How does He keep her from -- did you ever work with something that you try to, I cannot think of an example, but I know that it has happened to me: when you are doing arts and crafts, you take something that naturally curls up and you try to straighten it out, and you let go and it keeps springing back together again. Well, He has to nail Himself to her after he straightens her out so that she stays in the right configuration. This is the crucifixion, it is a thought at a time, a thought at a time.


Verse 9, "And the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see the carcase," that is the dead body, our carnal mind, when she is dead the eagle is going to fly, "of Satan," and Satan is a translation of three, Satan is the third part, and that word appears twice, that word dead body appears twice, "the dead body of Satan," that is a translation of three, "and the dead body of Leviathan, who is the partial mind." Now that is a revelation that the Lord just gave me when I translated that dream about warfare in Washington, that the word half is referring to the partial mind. So we see that Satan and Leviathan are going to lie dead in the street, and this is happening in each individual son of God.


"And the people and the kindreds and the tongues," that are mentioned above, "shall depart from," that is a translation of suffer. They are going to depart from Satan and Leviathan. See, when we stand up, when we have this experience, when our carcass is dead and we are flying as eagles, people are going to see us. They cannot see us now, we are only in part. They cannot see us now, but when they see us, they will turn away from Satan and follow the same path. And it will not only be them recognizing us, we will be giving them the spiritual strength to turn away from Satan. The whole world is captured.


What you see happening in Washington is true of the whole world, to some degree. Of course, it is severe, what is happening in Washington. To me, that is just incredible, however many they are, legislators, lawyers, strong powerful men and women, they are captured, but the whole world is captured to some degree. So, when the sons of God stand, they will impart the spiritual strength to the Church, and then to the rest of the world, to depart from Satan and Leviathan, and Satan shall lie down in the grave. Satan is being cast down in the bottomless pit.


This is talking about the rest of the Church, the Church and eventually humanity. Who is Satan? Satan is the fruit of the ascended Fiery Serpent joining with Leviathan. So the whole significance of casting Satan into the bottomless pit is this: that the Fiery Serpent is ascended and committing adultery with Leviathan, and that adultery has to be broken. The Fiery Serpent has to be separated from Leviathan and cast down back into root center. What that means is the Satanic power of that person's life is broken, and now that the Fiery Serpent is in the root center, Christ can be formed in that person and cover that Fiery Serpent, and now she will ascend in a right wedding garment, she will ascend covered by Christ, and she will not marry Leviathan, she will marry the Lord Jesus.


Before Christ Jesus marries us we have to be divorced from our present husband. Now if our spirituality is ascended and married to Leviathan, Christ Jesus is not going to marry us. We have got to get a divorce first, and this is the principle behind the phrase, "Satan will be cast into the bottomless pit." You will see it over and over if you can pick it up in the King James translation. When you see someone being cast down, that is what it means. When you see that phrase "being cast down," that is what it means. Even the account Jesus and the swine, it is a total parable, the way it appears in the King James translation. The swine is the ascended Fiery Serpent. The swine that is feeding is the ascended Fiery Serpent feeding on Leviathan's energy through illegal spiritual sexual activity. The swine that went down into that steep place; Jesus broke that connection, and the Fiery Serpent, the swine went hurling down into the root center. It has got to be broken.


So there is a time in this conversion period, in this journey that we are all taking from a carnal man to an ascended son of God, there is a time when we become weak, because the spiritual strength of the carnal man, of the man in the street, our spiritual strength is pride. It is the carnal mind, that is what we need to survive in this world. So there is a period that we will be vulnerable, it is likened unto a physical circumcision. If you circumcise an adult man, he is weakened until he recovers from the operation. So there is a period when God breaks your natural strength, when He breaks your carnal mind, but He will protect you during that period. But you are going to find -- people will come to me and say, and I have experienced this myself, you know, and they say, I do not know, I have just lost my strength. And I will tell you, That is OK, just lay low, do everything you can to not get into situations that will be confrontational. Just mind your p's and q's, and just lay low and study with the Lord until your strength rises in Christ. Stay away from any spiritual warfare that you are aware of, and anything that you can stay away from, until your strength builds in Christ. So you have that vulnerable transition period there.


Verse 10, "And the son of God that dwell above the Fiery Serpent," and the Fiery Serpent is our translation of the earth. Well, what does that mean? You see, either we are underneath the Fiery Serpent or on top of the Fiery Serpent. When Abel is dead, he is underneath the earth, and what that means is: when Abel dies he does not cease to become conscious. The death of Abel means that he comes under the dominion of the Fiery Serpent, and he is forced into the female role, and he experiences spiritual death, but he is still conscious. So this phrase "to be above the earth" means that we are manifesting dominion over the Fiery Serpent and our spirituality is active in Christ. So a simple word like that, "to dwell above the earth," that word "above" is so important. So the sons of God that dwell above the Fiery Serpent, those of us who are covering and dominating the Fiery Serpent, shall rejoice over what happened to Satan and Leviathan.


The word "sin" we will translate "transfer." "And they will transfer their gifts," and a legitimate translation of the word "gifts" is "a sacrifice." They are going to transfer their ability to sacrifice Satan to other people. You see, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we all know what the gifts of the Holy Spirit are, they are tongues and prophecy and healing, but the gifts that come out of Christ Jesus is power to boil Satan away in your life, and rise above the earth and become a supernatural man.


"So the sons of God who dwell above the Fiery Serpent, who were dominating the Fiery Serpent, shall rejoice over what happened to Satan and Leviathan, and they will transfer their spiritual strength, or they will transfer the spiritual strength they received when they sacrificed Satan, to other people." That is just another way of saying they are going to to transfer the root of Christ, which is appearing today as the Spirit of Christ, they are going to transfer the ability for Abel to rise from the dead in other people. And the reason that they are going to be able to do this, is that these two prophets "tested," and that is a legitimate word for "tormented," these two prophets tested those who dwelt in the heart center, and I am translating "above the earth" as "the heart center." And it is talking about the judgment that will ultimately destroys your carnal mind.


So what made it possible for these two prophets to dwell above the Fiery Serpent and to transfer their spiritual victory to the rest of the world, what made it possible was that these two prophets tormented the carnal minds of those people who were living in the heart center, and it is talking about the exposure and destruction of your carnal mind. It is talking about the Judgment Seat of Christ.


Verse 11, "And the spirit of life from God took possession of," that is a translation of "enter," "took possession of the Satan," that is a translation of "third day," "and Leviathan, the partial mind," that is a translation of "half," "and the rest of the Church saw and revered Christ."


Let me start again. "And the Spirit of life from God took possession of Satan and Leviathan, the partial mind, and rest of the Church saw and revered," "revered" is a translation of "fear," "the rest of the Church saw and revered Christ Jesus appearing in these men, Christ Jesus the great one." And I think that word "great" is in the King James, "who came down from heaven," and "who came down" is a translation of the word "fell," "and stood upon their carnal minds." Feet is a euphemism for the carnal mind.


"And the Spirit of life from God took possession of Satan and Leviathan, the partial mind, and the rest of the Church saw and revered Christ Jesus, the great one who came down from heaven and stood upon their carnal mind." Because Christ Jesus in the sons of God will stand upon the carnal minds of the people in the Church, will cover the Fiery Serpent, the carnal mind of the people in the Church, so that they could do the same thing. And I did not have the time to look it up, but that phrase, "the one who fell down," we see that in the Book of Acts, where Paul was ministering to some people, I think it was on Mars hill, and I think it says -- and they were saying about Paul, that he is the one who fell down from heaven. It is just a way of saying that God came down from heaven. I am going to read that one more time, it is really very exciting.


"And the Spirit of life from God took possession of Satan and Leviathan, the partial mind, in the sons of God, and the rest of the Church saw and revered Christ Jesus, that great one who came down from heaven and stood upon the carnal minds of the sons of God." You see, when Christ Jesus is standing on our carnal mind, all that you are going to see is Christ Jesus, we are just a shell. So when He stands on our carnal mind, the Church world, and maybe the whole world will see Him. He is in us now, but they cannot see Him because our carnal mind keeps getting in front of Him. Or even more than that, I did not say that correctly, their carnal mind, who? The carnal mind of the people keeps getting in front of them. You see, we are visible now. Christ Jesus is visible, maybe not 100% of the time, even in all of you, maybe not 100% of the time, but He is visible. He is visible in me a lot of the time, but people cannot see me, why? Because Christ Jesus in me is not strong enough to cover over their feet, to cover over their carnal mind. They are blind because their own carnal mind is blinding them, but when a son of God is in full stature, He will have the strength to cover their carnal mind so that they can see who He is, and submit to the ministry and the instruction or whatever they need, to come into the same spiritual salvation. Is not that exciting? I like that better than, the people killed the Two Witnesses, and they were rejoicing and sending Christmas gifts over them, I will take this one any time.


OK, are there any questions or comments before we go back into our translation of Genesis 27?


OK, starting out now, going back to Jacob and Esau, the Lord has revealed to me that the English word in the King James translation "venison" is talking about Adam, and I have some proof of that for you. The word "savory meat" we are translating "the preserved personality," the word "before" can be translated "front," "that part which is in the front," we have been translating that personality for a long time, and the Hebrew word "nephesh," I did not write down what it is translated in the King James, but it probably talks about flesh, that is the animal nature, not really the personality, the animal nature. That is our soul, the Hebrew word "nephesh," it has become the animal nature in fallen man.


So I looked up the word "venison" in the dictionary, and it says that venison is deer, the flesh of a game animal used as food. So it does not have to be a deer, and we know that Adam is a ram, so if you do not remember, I will remind you. In Daniel 8, Adam is revealed symbolically to be a ram, a male sheep. A deer is any of various hoofed ruminant and mammals of the family Cervidae, I do not think that is what I wanted to read. If you go down to word history, just down in the next paragraph it says, word history. In various middle English text one finds a fish, an ant, or a fox called a "der," the middle English ancestor of our word "deer." In its old English form "deer," our word referred to any animal, including members of the deer family, and continued to do so in middle English, although it took on a specific sense, a deer, by the end of the English period, around 1500.


So we see that when the Scripture came forth the word "deer" could have meant any animal, and I want to suggest to you, that it is talking about Adam, whose symbol is the ram. And I have printed out some definitions of sheep for you, showing that male sheep are called rams. So that will be our key or code for translation. Now I made some changes on these translations so I did not reprint the whole verse like I usually do when I am working from scratch, I just indicated the changes that I made. And again, I hope I did this right, the round parentheses are the words that appear in the King James translation, and within the brackets are words that I have added.


Verse 1, "And as Isaac aged, the supply of energy that he was born with, which enabled him to appear in the visible world..." Well, I am sorry for the confusion, I see sometimes I get all mixed up between the square and round brackets. This word "to appear" is a translation of the word "see," so see should be a round bracket.


"And as Isaac aged, the supply of energy that he was born with, which enabled him to appear," translation of see, " in the visible world...," translation of eyes, "was waning." And that is a translation of "dim." "So Isaac called Esau, his son, and said to him, Christ or Abel...," we are in the Old Testament, so I guess that should be Abel, "Abel, the male offspring within me..," and the male offspring is a translation of "my son," Strong's #1121, that is a legitimate translation, it is in the Lexicon, "within me," and that within me is a translation of "unto him," which is Strong's #414. "..demands" is a translation of "said," and those should be round brackets with "said," "...to be seen," and to be seen is a translation of "behold, here I am."


"And as Isaac aged, the supply of energy that he was born with, which enabled him to appear in the visible world, was waning." So that means he is dying, OK, his ability to appear in the visible world was waning. "So Isaac called Esau, his eldest son, and said to him, 'Abel, the male offspring within me, demands to be seen'." Isaac is saying that Abel within him is demanding to rise into Adam. Isaac is trying to bring the promise to pass in his own strength. Now of course this is not true, and I know that it is not true that Abel within him was demanding to be seen, because he was, by the context of the whole account, he was going forth in witchcraft to raise up Abel into Adam by himself with the power of witchcraft. So Isaac was deceived in his mind, he could not believe that he was going to die without seeing this promise come to pass. I guess he had a false pregnancy there.


Verse 2, "And he said, (still talking to Esau), 'Look at how old I am now, and Satan knows that I am about to die..,' so I have got to bring this manchild forth before I die. You see, that is pride to think that if he does not bring it forth, the manchild will not come forth. See, no matter how great we are in Christ, now matter how great our ministry is, there is always someone else that could do it, because our greatness is in Christ Jesus, and He does not die, so if we die, everything just goes to another vessel, and that is really hard for the carnal mind to deal with. This is a big problem for people that have heard me say that the personality is not resurrected. Everything that we are that is worth anything is in Christ Jesus. We are the wineskin. Isaac is saying that he has not fulfilled the promise, the appearance of Christ, and he is about to die. Isaac did not understand that Jesus would appear in future generations, and took matters into his own hands, which so many do.


Verse 3, "Please, lift up your emotional desire body and the etheric container that holds it now, and go forth as a spiritual weapon into the astral plane...," and astral plane is a translation of "field," field meaning energy field. I tell you, I thought for years that it had to be a field that you plant vegetables in, or wheat in, but now I found out that it could easily mean, or in fact does mean an energy field. And you know, every individual person is an energy field. There is a collective astral plane, but every individual person, looking at us from this point of view, is an energy field. So we know, the Scripture is not really clear what energy field Isaac is telling Esau to go forth into, but I suspect he is telling him to go forth into Jacob's energy field.


"So please lift up your emotional desire and the etheric container that holds it," and you may recall from Part 2, that our astral body together with our etheric body is the body of sin; that is what Paul calls the body of sin. "Now, and go forth as a spiritual weapon into the astral plane and seize the energy that I need to raise up Adam." And we are translating "venison" Adam. "Please lift up your emotional desire body and the etheric container that holds it now, and go forth as a spiritual weapon into the astral plane and seize the energy that I need to raise up Adam." Seize Satan's energy so that Adam will rise in me. Well, that is not right, that is not right, seize Satan's energy, he wants Esau to seize Jacob's virile seed. "Seize Jacob's virile seed, so that Adam will rise in me." You see, he had the waters, why do I say that this has to be Jacob? Because Isaac had the waters. Esau was completely submitted to him, and I suspect that Isaac had a lot of spiritual power himself, what he was missing was the righteous seed. And you know, if your eyes are opened to it, it is obvious through the whole Church, wherever the anointing really manifest, someone is always trying to capture you. If you have an anointing and you are aware of it, unfortunately frequently it is the pastors, they want you in their Church, they want your ministries to be a part of their ministry. People are predators, brethren, very few are not. So, Isaac was taking things into his own hands.


Verse 4, "So that Adam, the one who will marry," that is a translation of love. "So Adam, the one who will marry me, and preserve my personality," to preserve my personality, that is a translation of "savory meat," "..can be formed," that is a translation of "make in me," "...and bring it to me that I may consume," translation of "eat," "that I may consume it, and cross over," that is a translation of the word "that." I have not put any numbers in here for you, but if you want to look it up yourself you can, the word "that" we are translating "cross over" , "...into the brow center, and save," that is a translation of "bless," "save my personality," that is a translation of "soul," "before I die." It is really, the real translation is animal nature, "save my animal nature." Well, I guess personality is OK, I do not know, I may have to pray about that. And to "bless" is "to save," or to cause to kneel down, the word "to bless" can be translated "to kneel down." And I think when we did this on Part 1 and 2 I said, "to cause to kneel down my animal nature." And that is just another way of saying, "When my animal nature submits to me, I will not die, I will forbid it to die and it will not die." So I changed that word "to kneel down" to "save" because it is more appropriate, "and save my animal nature before I die."


Verse 5, "And Rebekah heard when Isaac spoke to Esau, his son, and knew that Esau was going into the astral plane to hunt for energy that would increase Abel.." "..and he was going into the astral plane to hunt...," I am going to change that, "to hunt for the virile seed, and to bring it to Isaac." "And Rebekah heard when Isaac spoke to Esau, his son, and knew that Esau was going into the astral plane to hunt for the virile seed that would raise up Adam." "For the virile seed that would raise up Adam, and to bring it to Isaac."


Verse 6, "And Rebekah spoke to her son Jacob saying, 'Look, I heard your father speak to Esau, your brother, saying, Bring me Adam...'," that is a translation of "venison," "to consume," "bring me Adam to consume who will put me in order..," "consume" is a translation of "eat," and "put me in order" is a translation of "make."


"Bring me Adam to consume who will put me in order and make me the personality, and make the personality of death...," "personality" is a translation of "before," "make the personality of death kneel down before Jehovah..." Now, who is the personality of death? It is Astarte in the Old Testament, and the devil in the New Testament. It is just another way of saying your Old Man. "Bring me Adam to consume who will put me in order, and make the personality of death kneel down before Jehovah and preserve my flesh," and that is a translation of savory meat. So you see, Isaac had the whole revelation that he had to have Adam raised from the dead in him, and that this was what was necessary to preserve his flesh and to keep him alive. So he is trying to bring it to pass in his own strength.


Verse 8, "Now therefore my son, obey my voice, because it is I who is commanding you," and that word "I" in the Hebrew, it is not a pronoun of another verb, it is a word that simply means "I," and when it appears, it usually means "I am," which is one of Jehovah's names, and I suggest to you that this is Jehovah speaking through Rebekah his prophet, "It is I, I am, who is commanding you. This is not your mother, this is "I am" overshadowing Rebekah, now obey my voice." "Go in and seize Abel, the second offspring of Astarte..." Now, this is a very deep verse, I am not going to re-teach it, it is very complicated, and we did do it on Part 2, so I am just going to go through it.


"Go and seize Abel, the second offspring of Astarte..," and of course, Cain was the first offspring, "the second offspring of Astarte, the she-goat's desire body, and I will make Abel into Adam, Jehovah's preservative, because your father is committing adultery with Satan." Well, to understand what that means, you have to know the whole story. Isaac is committing adultery with Satan, and he is trying to lay hold of the virile seed which is in Abel, and Jacob is not strong enough to resist him, therefore Jehovah says to Jacob, "I am going to raise up Adam in you," and actually, we will see he raises up King Adam in Jacob, so not only can Jacob and the virile seed be protected from Isaac, who is a witch -- if he is moving in high spiritual power to defeat Jehovah's purposes, for all intents and purposes at this moment, Isaac is a witch, he is manifesting witchcraft -- and Jehovah's deliverance is to raise up King Adam in Jacob.


Brethren, I have been telling you this for a long time, Jehovah's deliverance for us, is to raise Christ in us. Now, He will give us little helps along the way, because it is taking a long time for Christ Jesus to rise in us and become fortified, and this is because there is no perfect man in the flesh, so it is taking us all this time to do it. And He will help us along the way; He will heal us and He will get us a job, and He will do all of these things, but these are just emergency room techniques. The answer for every human problem that we have is for Christ Jesus to be raised from the dead, to ascend into the 6th brow center, and to be nailed there by Jesus Christ, and we will be above the earth. And when we are above the earth, there will not be anything that we cannot do. That is His answer to our problem, and to humanity's problem, and He is really just nurturing us and helping us along the way until He gets us up there. No matter what kind of help He gives us, tomorrow we just need help again. We are a very needy people, we need something everyday, so His answer is to make us independent and self-sufficient through union with Him. And this manifests on every level, anyone that we minister to. If you want to check your ministry to make sure that it is in Christ Jesus, one of the things to look for is, are you helping this person to become independent, or is your ministry to them allowing them to remain a child, that is something to look for.


Verse 10, "And bring it to your father so that he may consume it, and make the personality of death kneel down to you," that is a translation of "bless you." "Bring it to your father so that he may consume it and make the personality of death kneel down." Jehovah raised up Adam in Jacob, and sent Jacob to Isaac so that Adam could overcome the personality of death in Isaac. When I first read that, the reason that I just hesitated was because it looked to me like Jehovah was sending Jacob to grant Isaac's wish, to make the personality of death kneel down. My carnal mind said to me, Oh, that must mean that Jehovah is going to grant Isaac's wish that he should receive eternal life, but I know that that is not what happened, because I know that Isaac died, according to the King James translation, and that was why I hesitated. And then the Lord gave me the answer, indeed Jehovah sent Jacob to cause the personality of death in Isaac to kneel down, so that is just another way of saying what I have been saying all day today, that Jehovah sent Jacob to cover Isaac's carnal mind so that he could come out of his illusion and realize what a mistake he was making. And this is what it means to make the personality of death kneel down: Jehovah was sending Jacob, and King Adam was raised from the dead in Jacob, he was a powerful supernatural man, and he went to visit his father, and King Adam manifested through Jacob to Isaac, just like Jehovah manifested through Rebekah to Jacob. And I have looked ahead on these Scriptures, I just have not worked them up yet.


King Adam spoke directly to Isaac through Jacob, and brought him into his right mind, and I have told you in both parts of this message, when Isaac comes into his right mind, he is terrified when he realized how influenced he was and that Satan had completely overtaken him. And we see several years later, approximately twenty one years later, Isaac dies. To the best of my knowledge, Isaac dies after Jacob leaves Laban's house, and I think Jacob worked at least twenty one years for Laban, so Isaac died somewhere around twenty one years after this whole incident. So we know that Isaac died, but apparently he died in right standing. This is just such a blessing to me to know that Isaac was overcome by Satan, to the point that he was going to spiritually kill Jacob to lay hold of his spiritual power, and Jehovah's response to this is to raise up King Adam to cover Isaac's reprobate mind. That is His solution, not to whip us, not to beat us, not to kill us, not to punish us. His solution to every sin known to man is to raise up King Adam to cover our reprobate mind so that we will not have any chance of even thinking of doing such a thing again. Is that the most incredible message you have ever heard? Sometimes I break down in tears when I think about it. That is his answer.


Now the problem is with humanity today is that He is coming to give us this great gift, but we are the household of Satan and Leviathan, we are occupied cities, defended by Satan and Leviathan, so when the Lord Jesus comes, or when Christ Jesus comes in the flesh of a man to give us this gift, Satan and Leviathan are making war out of the very vessel that Christ Jesus is sent to deliver, and that is where the warfare comes in. Everybody's mind in the whole world is utterly reprobate. Even the brave men in Washington that are standing in righteousness with regard to this political situation, they are reprobate with regard to the doctrine of Christ; they would never believe this message I am preaching here tonight. So everything is in degrees, but everybody's mind is reprobate, every last one of us, including me. If it was no,t I would be a supernatural man, so there has to be areas in which I am still reprobate. That is the solution to our problem, cover our reprobate mind. Now you go and do it.


I read a couple of years ago, a prophecy, and it was prophesied by Kenneth Copeland. He prophesied it right on the front page of his magazine. I think he has a monthly magazine, and the Lord was saying to him in the prophecy, "Everything is done, everything is taken care of, all that we need now, all that we are waiting for is the clean up. All that we are waiting for is the clean up." As far as Jesus is concerned, the hard part is over and now we are up to the clean up, but as far as we, down here in hell, are concerned, that is no small thing getting cleaned up. Every prophecy that comes forth, we have to realize it is coming out of God's mind, you know, it is no small thing to us down here; just the clean up, just the clean up.


Jehovah raised up Adam in Jacob and sent Jacob to Isaac so that Adam could overcome the personality of death in Isaac. Jacob's obedience to Jehovah saved Isaac from ascending into the Serpent's timeline, and from dying in dishonor. If Isaac had died in dishonor, those curses would have gone on Jacob. So you see, as much as the Lord loves us, His purposes are always beyond us. He loves us and He does whatever He can to help us, but His purposes are much greater than any individual. If Isaac had died in disgrace, heavy curses would have gone on all of Jacob's descendants, the whole twelve tribes, and the curses might have been so severe that it would have hindered Jehovah's plan of salvation for humanity. So he raised up King Adam in Jacob to go and cause the personality of death, the devil in Isaac's mind, to kneel down, to submit to the personality of life, which King Adam. Isaac confessed his sins and he was covered. You do not hear very much about Isaac. From the time that King Adam is raised up in Jacob, you hear next to nothing about Isaac. The inheritance was given to Jacob, Isaac transferred whatever he had, and Jacob had the ball. The deliverance of humanity was now in Jacob. You hear next to nothing about Isaac, just that he dies, pretty much. The commission was passed on.


Verse 11, "And Jacob said to Rebekah, his mother, 'Look, my brother Esau is a spiritual mortal man, and I am a meek mortal man.'"


Verse 12, "Perhaps my father will discern the spiritual world that speaks in tongues, and I will bring a curse upon myself instead of a blessing." We talked about that earlier, Jacob was thinking about poor Ham. Jacob is saying, "Perhaps Isaac will do to me what Noah did to Ham." This was no unfounded fear. Jacob knew the story about Noah's curse upon Canaan, and feared a repetition of what happened between Noah and Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Satan completely overshadowed Noah and was controlling Shem and Japheth, who were one spiritual man. Ham, who had the righteous seed, separated himself from Noah and would not yield to Noah's demand that he submit the righteous seed to Satan, even though Satan was manifesting through his natural father. I now understand how Noah could curse his own progeny so completely; Satan was fully overshadowing him. This was not Noah cursing Canaan, but Satan cursing the righteous seed, or we can say, it was the Primordial Serpent cursing Abel through the flesh or personalities of Noah and Ham. They were both overshadowed. Satan was overshadowing Noah, and Abel was predominant in Ham. This was a battle which transcended the two men, who we do not even know what they looked like in those days, but they were men, they were still men. This is the challenge that we all have today. If Christ is raised in us, we are to resist Satan in whatever authority figure she is appearing. This is a very dangerous thing to preach, though, because if you think that the Spirit of Christ is Satan, and resist Him, you will experience painful corrective judgment. This is a very mature thing to say. Only people who really have their rebellion in check can move in this. You have to be very careful with it.


"So Jacob proceeded to enter into the flock and enfold Satan." "So Jacob proceeded to enter into the flock...," and the flock, I believe, is the household of God within Jacob, it is talking about Abel within Jacob. Jehovah was saying, "Well, come on, rise up in Abel and enfold Satan, the widowed mother of Jehovah's creature."


"And Jehovah made Adam, the spiritual preservative out of Satan, the widowed mother, and Abel, because Isaac, his father, was adulterous. And Jacob, the younger son, enfolded Satan, the deceitful female desire body of Esau, the eldest son of Rebekah's household, and clothed Esau. And Jehovah added Satan's waters to Abel, Jacob's spiritual phallus, and King Adam's smooth neck clothed the hairy etheric bodies of Esau and Jacob, Astarte's two male goats, and King Adam, the salted or preserved meat," that is savory meat, "clothed Abel, the spiritual phallus of Jacob's household," that is his internal spiritual household, "and Jacob became bread."


I had to do a recap of Verses 13-17 to really make sense out of this, and I see that it is a really blow-by-blow detail of how Jehovah raised up King Adam in Abel.


Verse 13 -- well, I will not tell you the verse because, as you can see, it is only dispersed there. "And Jehovah said to Jacob, 'Satan, the mother of this fallen creation, is the cursed one. Do not obey Satan's voice, but obey My voice only, and go and enfold what belongs to you." So Jehovah is saying to Jacob, "You have the virile seed, and what belongs to you is the waters of creation. It is now time, I am giving you permission, go lay hold of your brother and enfold what belongs to you, you are the head."


"So Jacob, the younger son, proceeded to enter into the flock...," he entered in within himself. I believe that Abel was the sheep, he entered in within himself, the flock, and enfolded, "he proceeded to enter into the flock and to enfold the Fiery Serpent." And that is what we talked about at the beginning of the message. What is happening here is that Abel was raised from the dead in the male position, and the Fiery Serpent was forced into the female position. "And Abel, Jacob's spiritual phallus, added himself to the deceitful female desire body of Esau, the eldest son of Rebekah's household, and enfolded and clothed Satan," covered Satan. First Abel covered the Fiery Serpent, and then Abel covered Satan, the waters of creation. And what does that mean? It means that he was joining with her in every single spiritual molecule. That is how a spirit covers us, he covers us in every spiritual molecule, he joins with that spiritual molecule in the male position and forces her under him.


"And Abel, Jacob's spiritual phallus, added himself to the deceitful female desire body of Esau, the eldest son of Rebekah's household, and enfolded and clothed Satan, the widowed mother of Jehovah's creature, and Adam, the salted preserved meat, clothed Abel, Jacob's spiritual phallus, and King Adam...," do you see the progression there? First it is Abel, then Abel covers Satan, then Adam is raised, and then King Adam is raised.


"And Adam, the salted preserved meat covered Abel, Jacob's spiritual phallus, and King Adam's smooth neck clothed the hairy etheric bodies of Esau and Jacob, Astarte's two male goats, and so Jacob's spiritual household acquired," that is a translation of "made," "acquired Satan, the widowed mother, and became bread."


"And so Jacob's spiritual household," and who is Jacob's spiritual household? Jacob and Esau. "And so Jacob's spiritual household acquired Satan, the widowed mother of creation," that is the waters of creation, "...and Jacob became bread, because Isaac, his father, was committing adultery." Any questions or comments about this? I did prepare, I think, two more verses. How far are we along on that message? OK. I did Verses 18 and 19, and we have plenty of room on the recording, so we are going to do Verses 18 and 19, and we will call it quits for tonight.


Verse 18, King James, "And he came unto his father and said, 'My father,' and he said, 'Here I am, who art thou my son?'"


The word 'came' we are translating 'entered,' and it is interesting, we are back to using prefixes in this translation. We have not done that in quite a while, but the Lord has led me to that when I prayed for the translation, so that is what we are doing. Let us see what we have here. Prefixes, 'vav' = nail and 'yod' = hand and phallus. So those are prefixes of the word translated 'said.' There are two Hebrew letters, each of which is a prefix, and pretty much a pattern of King James translation, that when there is a prefix before a word that the King James translators translated, and it has a conjunctive, either 'and' or 'or,' something like that. But what the Lord has shown us is that we can, in a case such as that, we can take the meaning of the Hebrew letter, and apply it, if it applies to the context of the whole verse, which it almost always does, because Hebrew is a supernatural language, and each letter of the Hebrew language expresses a spiritual principle in itself, if you have a revelation of what that spiritual principle is.


So we see that in front of the Hebrew word translated said, there are two prefixes, the first one is 'vav' and that means 'nail,' and the spiritual principle behind the word nail is that the Lord Jesus Christ will nail us into the 6th energy center so that we can never fall down again, fall down out of that supernatural condition again. And the second prefix is the 'yod,' which means 'hand,' and hand is the symbol for phallus, we did a teaching on that earlier in this message.


"And he entered unto his father," well, I will just go through with this word by word. The word 'said' we are translating 'commands.' Let me see, I did something different, I cannot keep up with myself with all of these things that I am doing. I have those squiggly brackets, can you see the difference between the round brackets? Actually, we have four kinds of brackets. OK, the round brackets, that is the word that is in the King James, the triangular brackets, that is the Strong's number, that is easy. The square brackets is what I have entered in for myself, and do you see those squiggly brackets around the word 'my,' before 'my son?' Can you see the difference, that is it is a squiggly bracket and it is not round, and it is not square? Everybody OK with that? That means that that English word 'my,' that there is no Hebrew word that was translated 'my,' it was something that was added in by the King James translators. So it just 'son,' it does not say 'my son.'


"And Jacob entered into his father's mind," and that word 'mind' is a translation of 'phallus.' "And Jacob entered into his father's mind, and Abel the nailed phallus, said..." What did I do here? "..and Abel, the nailed phallus, said, and the father of the nailed phallus commands..." well, I cannot really make much sense out of this. I see. I understand... the translation of 'I am here,' we are translating it 'I see' or 'I understand,' and I guess this was a very deep verse.


This is the Alternate Translation, "And Abel, the phallus nailed to Jacob, entered into Michael, his father, and Michael, the father of the nailed phallus said to Jacob, 'I am commands you to understand.." OK, what is happening here, I may have to make some changes there. What is happening here is that Jacob went to see his father, with King Adam raised from the dead, and I think I have some of these words wrong here. It was not Abel who entered in, it was King Adam who entered into Isaac's mind, that is what this is saying here. I am sorry for the confusion, the most incredible anointing has just fallen. Is anybody aware of it, it has like just literally doubled within the last few seconds. Are you aware of it? It has literally doubled.


What has happened here is that King Adam in Jacob entered into Isaac's mind. It was not, I am sorry, the translation is wrong. It was not Abel in Jacob, Jacob is a spiritual giant at this point, but King Adam in Jacob's mind speaks to Abel in Isaac's mind. You see, the Lord does not talk to the carnal mind, He talks to His son. We had this principle when we translated Jonah. The Holy Spirit is the ministry to the carnal mind. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself talks to Christ in the individual, and if Christ is not there, He is not talking to you; the Holy Spirit is talking to you, and the Holy Spirit is the aspect of the Lord Jesus Christ which is sent to the carnal mind. And the Holy Spirit relates to the carnal mind only in specific ways, which are just a shadow of the way that the Lord Jesus Christ relates to those that His son is raised in.


So, let me see if I could straighten out what I did here. These translations are not right, I am going to have to work on them, so what I am going to do is, I am just going to give you an exhortation on them right now, because apparently when I worked these up, I did not work them, I did this last week and I have grown so much in one week that I see all the errors. That is what really happens in one week, I have a totally different revelation. So I see that I have made a lot of mistakes in the translations of these verses, but the spiritual principles of what is happening here is that King Adam raised up to supernatural heights in Jacob, goes to Isaac and speaks to Abel in Isaac, and what he says to him is, "I am commands you to understand that you are his son." King Adam said to Abel in Isaac, "I am, Jehovah, commands you to stop believing Satan's lies and to believe that you are His son. Do you not hear me saying this to you?


OK, I am saying, especially to this sister, all the time, "I am commands you to believe that you are His son." I say that to you, I do not use those words, but that is what I say to you all the time. Right? You are under an illusion, you are under a delusion, Satan is lying to you Isaac! Now, these are not just empty words. "I am commands you to understand or to believe that you are Jehovah's son." These are words that are spoken with spiritual power, and words that are spoken with spiritual power impart the power to the person to obey. "I am commands you to believe, therefore with these words, I give you the power to believe, believe you are His son. Stop submitting to Satan, you are His son." To me, this is just so exciting, you know.


Verse 19, King James, "And Jacob said unto his father, 'I am Esau, thy first born, I have done according as thou badest me; arise, I pray thee, sit and eat of my venison, that thy soul may bless me.'" I think I got this wrong. I think. at this point, with Verse 18, this is someone from the household of God speaking to Jacob, saying, "Now that King Adam is raised from dead in you, I want you to know that you are Jehovah's son." And in Verse 19, this is information being given, and Abel -- I will have these worked up for you on Part 4, but for now, someone is talking here. I do not know who it is at the moment, saying to I am... You see, in the King James translation it is translated that Jacob goes to Isaac and says, "I am Esau," but the way it looks here, is that Jacob said to I am...


You see, Jehovah says to Jacob, "You are my son," and Jacob answers back and says, "But I am (but father), Esau has acquired wings," and that word 'wings," it is a translation of a prefix. I am not even going to give you what I have worked up there, but there is a prefix. I will tell what word it is for, the English words 'according to,' we have translated that 'in order to,' and there is a prefix there, it is the 'kaf,' and it means 'wings.' And Jacob is complaining to Jehovah who has just said to him -- you know, I can really relate to that, Jehovah has just said to him, "I want you to go..." You know, Jacob is afraid of facing his father, he is afraid he is going to be cursed, and Jacob is saying to Jehovah, "Jehovah, I am, Esau, the first born has acquired wings, he is become highly spiritual for the purpose of subduing me, he is flying in the astral plane." Well, I guess I am putting confusion on you, but I see that I -- wow, I better just drop it here, because I see what I did, but I am really bringing confusion on this, well if you are confused, tune in to Part 4, I will straighten it out on Part 4.


Look, I am just going to tell you this as I close out here, that I had it right in the first place. Back in Verse 17, let me take a look at this. Well, what has happened here is that these verses are not out of order, they need to be interspersed, and I got thrown off because when I read you that interspersion of Verses 13-17, it gives you the whole account of how King Adam was raised from dead in Jacob. And I got thrown off because apparently, Verses 18-19, if I ever get around to interspersing it, have to occur before the ascension. Because, we see here that Jacob is communicating with Jehovah, and Jehovah is speaking to Abel in Jacob, and saying, "I am commands you to understand that you are His son." So Jehovah is communicating with Abel in Jacob, and Jacob's response to this, or Abel within Jacob, his response to Jehovah, his father is, "Esau, the first born, has acquired wings in order to subdue me, so please consume my carnal mind, so that I can cross over into the heart center, and ascend into the brow center and marry You, and save my personality."


So what is happening here is that Adam -- Abel is raised from dead in Jacob, and he really is communicating with Michael. I did not want to put Michael in there because people get all freaked out with all of these different names, but to the best of my knowledge, that is who he was talking to. Once Abel was raised from dead, he started communicating with, if I have the wrong name, he was communicating with some immortal aspect of the household of God, I believe it was Michael, and Michael was saying to him, "Now I want you to understand that you are the son of God. I want you to stop being afraid of going to visit your father. You are going to have this supernatural experience, King Adam is going to be raised from the dead in you, and I want you to know who you are." And Jacob turns around and says, "But I am; but Jehovah, my brother Esau is flying in the astral plane, and he intends to subdue me and to capture the virile seed, therefore, please consume my carnal mind, join with me, so that Adam can rise from dead, so that I can cross over into the heart center and ascend into the brow center and marry you, marry you who are in the 7th center, so that my personality can be saved."


And this was so powerful when I was working it up, that I prayed that prayer, I prayed that prayer. And I am sorry for all the confusion, but what happened was that this needs to interspersed. So apparently, after this petition, after Abel in Jacob makes this petition, then we go into this account of Verses 13-17, which explains how Abel is caught up into King Adam. You see, this is so important, that Jacob knew the whole story, he knew what to pray. You see, we have to know what to pray, and you have to pray the doctrine, and your motive has to be right. Jacob prayed, "Please catch me up to perfection, catch me up to full stature, because my brother, or we could say the Church world, is trying to pursue me," although we do not have too much of that problem here, thank God. But there are lots of times when you are serving Jesus, the Pharisees that do not have your revelation really want to steal what you have, to kill what you have. So Jacob is praying out of Abel, he is praying out of his Christ mind, "See, my brother is trying to kill me, and he is coming with high spiritual power. Please join with me, consume me, consume my carnal mind, join with me, so that I can ascend in spiritual consciousness, so that I will not die, so that he will not destroy me."


And then, when we do the interspersion properly, we will see that Jehovah responded to his prayer, and King Adam rose from dead in Jacob, and then once that happened, Jacob went and did what Jehovah wanted him to do; he went to speak to his father. And one principle that I find a lot in the Scripture, when it is talking about spiritual beings talking to men, the way it is expressed is that the angel or the spiritual Adam or whoever it is, inserted himself into Jacob's righteous mind. Let us just say for the time being that it was Michael he was talking to. At this moment, which I am about to pass out in the spirit here, I believe he was talking to Michael, who is in the eternal realm of the Godhead. For a man, for a human being to talk, in our generation it would be the Lord Jesus Christ, the only way we could speak directly to the Lord Jesus Christ, is for Him to insert himself into our mind, and He will not insert himself into our carnal mind.


This insertion, this joining of the minds, it is an act of spiritual sexual intercourse. The Lord Jesus Christ will not join Himself to a harlot. He will not join himself to our carnal mind, He will only join himself to the resurrected Christ in you and in me. If Christ is not raised in you, you have to talk to the Holy Spirit, and that is not such a bad thing, except that the relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ is a more mature relationship. The Holy Spirit is the nursemaid, he is the paraclete. If you are reading this message and you are offended, I am really sorry, it is really clear in the Scriptures that he is the paraclete, he is the nursemaid. If all that you have is the Holy Spirit, you are an itty bitty spiritual baby. That is not a bad thing, unless you have been that way for twenty years and you do not want to grow. It is time to grow up. It is time to stop being a child. The Lord Jesus wants a more mature relationship with you, and the way He carries out that mature relationship with you, is that He locks on to the resurrected Christ in you, and this locking on to the resurrected Christ in you is an act of spiritual sexual intercourse, and He is not going to do it with your carnal mind.


So that is what Verse 18 is talking about. "And Abel, the phallus nailed to Jacob, entered into Michael (or it really should be Michael entered into Abel), the phallus nailed to Jacob, and said to him, 'I am commands you to know that you are His son.'" And actually, I think that Verse 19 should even come first. I really cannot do these interspersions until I finish the whole chapter.


"And Abel, the phallus nailed to Jacob, said to Adam, his father, and to I am (Adam, Michael, I am not going to get hung up on names) -- said to his father.." We have two fathers; Michael and Adam are the two fathers of the creation. "He said to Adam, his father, and to I am, 'Esau, the firstborn, has acquired wings in order to subdue me. He has ascended into the astral plane, so please consume my carnal mind." I do not know why that carnal mind is there.


Well, I think I really better stop because I am confusing everybody. I am sorry, I am going to have to work on these two verse, and Lord willing, for Thursday, I will get this straightened out and I will have a few more verses for you. It is a very exciting translation, because as I went ahead in the Interlinear text. Jacob goes into Isaac, and King Adam in Jacob inserts himself into Isaac's mind. See, that is what I am doing right here, I am penetrating you right here, I am not just giving you this revelation by sitting here speaking words, Christ Jesus in me is reaching out and touching you. He has inserted Himself in your mind right here. You could never understand this stuff, to whatever degree you are understanding it -- He set up a channel, a spiritual channel, a spiritual pipeline right from my mind into your mind, but because we are all so carnal, I still have to speak in this language, because I am not just saying that you are carnal, I would not even know how to impart this to you in any way other than language, so we are all still so immature. So He is reaching out from my mind and He has locked on to the resurrected Christ in you, and He is in you, helping you to understand what He is saying from me, if you can hear that. He has to join to us. Are there any questions or comments about this message tonight?


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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