457 - Part 8
(Isaiah, Chapter 2 - Exhortation)





Part 8 of 12 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



 Praise the Lord. We are picking up with our exhortation on the Alternate Translation of Isaiah, Chapter 2.


We are up to Verse 3, And the thoughts of King Adam shall vibrate within the tribes saying, Let us die to our lifestyle, and let the 12 tribes of Jacob teach us about Jehovah's moral character and lifestyle, and seed our heart center with Elohim's life, and let the Fiery Serpent shoot forth into Elohim's household and climb up into Jehovah's sixth center and circumvent Ashtoreth, and let Elohim's spiritual law and the speech of Elohim's Gospel of Peace go forth from our parched higher energy centers, and we shall live according to Jehovah's lifestyle.


Well, that is a mouthful. Let us take it a phrase at a time.


I believe in Part 7, when we were doing Verse 2, I gave you a whole exhortation reviewing spiritual speech, that the true speech is ideation, ideas coming forth from the unconscious mind. Every thought that arises within us arises from the unconscious mind, either from Satan within us, who is the spirit of the carnal mind, or from the Spirit of Christ within us, or it is possible for the Holy Spirit to speak to us. Does anybody know the difference between the Spirit of Christ speaking through us and the Holy Spirit? Exactly what is the difference of how that spirit moves upon us to speak through us? Does anybody know that?


When the Spirit of Christ speaks through us -- first of all, you have to have Christ formed in you because the Spirit of Christ is the spirit that is within Christ Jesus. It is the spirit of Christ Jesus, and He is our new unconscious mind. The Spirit of Christ is the unconscious mind of our New Man. All speech begins with an idea or a thought that arises out of our unconscious mind, either out of Satan or out of the Spirit of Christ. Now, brethren, if you do not have Christ formed in you, you only have one unconscious mind, and that is Satan. And Satan is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, so even the good thoughts that come forth from you all come forth from Satan.


The Holy Spirit is not a man. He is not a whole man. He is a spirit, and when the Holy Spirit speaks through you -- now, this part I have told you before. When the Holy Spirit speaks through you, He channels through you, He overlays your carnal mind and makes it inactive, and the Holy Spirit flows through your vocal chords and your voice, and He speaks through you without understanding. You become a channel. The New Age talks about channeling a lot. Well, the Holy Spirit channels also.


Now I hear some religious Christians getting all upset over what I am telling you, but this is the truth. The Holy Spirit channels. He overlays your conscious mind, He lays hold of your vocal chords, and the person who yields to Him will speak His words without any necessary understanding of those words, or without any idea of why those words are being spoken. And this language that comes forth does not rise from the unconscious mind of that person, because they only have one unconscious mind, and that is the spirit of Satan.


When the Holy Spirit speaks through us with the gift of prophecy, this speech, if you want to call it speech; let us say this language, and speech is not coming forth as an idea which is arising out of our unconscious mind. Ideas which rise out of our unconscious mind have to work their way through our unconscious or subconscious, they work their way into our conscious mind. As Xxxx says, They marinate, and they come together, they mix with our understanding, and by the time they come forth in language, we are speaking words that, hopefully, we believe, but even if somebody is lying, even if a person lies, they are speaking words that they have chosen to speak. It is their words, their beliefs. If they are lying because they are in denial, or if they are consciously lying, it is the belief system of that person, but not so with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit overlays our conscious mind and speaks through our members. He does not come out of our unconscious mind, and, therefore, what He has to say is not mixed with our understanding. We may think we understand it, but all of the prophecies that I have heard, which is the gift of prophecy on the floor of the Church, has pretty much been very prosaic. It has been in the form of prose, of poetry. A lot like the King James translation, Thus saith the Lord, I will bless you going in, and I will bless you coming out.


Well, that is a nice encouragement in an exhortation, but the Spirit of Christ goes to somebody and says, Look, I am going to meet your need, and this is what is going to happen to you. When He prophesies like that, the Spirit of Christ is not engaged too much in personal prophecy, but when He has something to say it is much more specific, because when the Spirit of Christ speaks it comes through the understanding of a Son of God. When the Spirit of Christ speaks He speaks through a man that understands what he is saying to you. I never go to you and say to you, Thus saith the Lord, you are going to rise early tomorrow, and you are going to go to the left and not to the right, and everything is going to be, OK? Do I ever give you prophecy like that? I say, Look, this is what I believe the Lord wants me to tell you. This is what is happening in your life, here is your choice, you can do this or do that. I talk to you in language that you understand, because the Spirit of Christ channeling through me mixes with my personality and my understanding, and the Holy Spirit overlays my conscious mind, suppresses my conscious mind, and speaks through me, and that is a big difference.


So we get a lot of people in the Church who have the gift of prophecy, and they bring forth the prophecy, and then they go forward to interpret the prophecy, and they may be right, but they are not always right. If it is the Spirit of Christ that is rising up in your unconscious mind -- I know when I go to you with a word, I know what the Lord wants me to tell you. I am not just a deliverer of a message. I am the message. With this message from God is my understanding and my counsel and my experience, and you are getting everything. There is a radical difference between the gift of prophecy and the true prophecy. Every time I come to you and say, Look, this is what the Lord told me, even if I do not say, This is what the Lord told me, if I come to you under the anointing, that is the true prophecy. If it is Christ in me, speaking through me, whatever it is that I have to tell you, that is true prophecy. Prophecy is anything that God says through a man.


We are in Verse 3. And [the thoughts of] King Adam shall vibrate within the tribes. Those words the thoughts of, in brackets, is my amplification. Why would I have to add that in? Because King Adam can vibrate because King Adam is a spiritual man. He is not a physical man, but how does King Adam vibrate? Well, He is invisible so he thinks towards us, and that is the vibration of Adam. He is thought, King Adam is on the mental plane, He is on the high mental plane, He is thought. And I have told you this before, and I am going to say it again, I am going to be perfectly honest with you, I cannot relate to an existence completely on the high mental plane. I am still very physical. When your sole existence is in the high mental plane, and you do not have a body, and you are not eating, and you do not have to wear clothes, and you do not have to take a shower every morning, you do not have to clean your house, you do not have to go shopping, you do not have to lug bottles of water into the house, I cannot even imagine what life is like in a disembodied state. King Adam in the Old Testament, or Christ Jesus, who is married to the glorified Jesus Christ in the New Testament, is a spiritual man who is living in our body.


Now there will be a joining, eventually, of the spiritual man, Christ Jesus or King Adam, with the personality, and we will be liberated from these physical bodies which are prison houses. In that liberation, we, the personality, will be so completely woven together with King Adam that there will be no separation, but so long as we are in this physical body there is a separation. We are not alive, but life is within us. We are not alive, we are dead, but the Living One is in us, Christ is in you, the Living One is in you, and because the Living One is in us we have this hope that He will completely join Himself to our personality and deliver us from this prison house of this physical body.


That is why Paul said, This is your hope of glory. Christ in you, the hope of glory. Because of the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ, that drop of life of the Lord Jesus Christ enters into us, and hopefully, after the whole process, which I will not review now, Christ is raised from the dead in us. Life is in us, but we are alive. Poison can be in you, but you do not have to be poisoned. Do you know that one of the tings that people trying to smuggle drugs do? They fill a rubber finger with heroin, and they swallow it. Did you know that? And when they get past customs they pass it out when the evacuate, and every once in a while that rubber finger breaks and the heroin is absorbed by the carrier's body, and they die a horrible death. So you see, death was in them but only once in a while, when that rubber breaks, does the person die. Death is in them. Now I am talking about the physical death of this world. Death is in them, but they are not dead, but when that death that was in them mixes with their physical body, they die.


So you see, we have life within us but it has not mixed with our personality yet. The very fact that it is in us, is our hope, that at some time in the future that life which is within us, which is the life of the Lord Jesus Christ, will fully weave itself through our personality, and then He will evacuate from this physical body and we will go with Him because we will be fully woven together with Him. That is our hope. So King Adam is spirit, and He is living inside of us. In the New Testament, King Adam is Christ Jesus, who has been joined to the Lord Jesus Christ, who is above.


Isaiah says, In the last day King Adam, or [the thoughts of] King Adam. The reason I put the words the thoughts in is because the average person reading this does not know what I just took 10 minutes to tell you, that King Adam is thoughts. To say to you, King Adam will vibrate, is the same thing as saying that the thoughts of King Adam will vibrate because He is thought. That is what He is. He is solely on the mental plane and higher.


The thoughts of King Adam shall vibrate within the tribes. What tribes? The 12 tribes of Jacob. Well, it does not say Jacob right here. Within the tribes, saying, Let us die to our lifestyle and let Jacob teach us. It could be the tribes of the earth. I think it is witnessed in a future verse that this is talking about the tribes of the Gentiles.


And the thoughts of King Adam shall vibrate within the tribes, saying, Let us die to our lifestyle and let the 12 tribes of Jacob teach us about Jehovah's mortal character and lifestyle. Well, brethren, how do you think the tribes of Jacob are going to teach the people, who do not know the Lord, about Jehovah's moral lifestyle, moral character and lifestyle? How can we teach what we do not possess? For this prophecy to come to pass, the 12 tribes of Jacob must themselves be living in Jehovah's moral character. They must have His moral character, and they must be living His lifestyle.


This is what is happening to us right now. This is what the judgment is all about. This is what the exposure of the hidden sins of the heart is all about. In order for Jehovah's plan, which is being manifested through the Lord Jesus Christ, to go forth in the earth, the 12 tribes of Jacob who have Jehovah's moral character and who are living His lifestyle, must appear. And, brethren, I have a flash for you, Jehovah's not in an animal body.


So we are looking for a company of men who have a righteous, sinless nature, who are not living the beast life, but who are living of the life of the Spirit. So before the salvation of the world can manifest, the Saviors must manifest, and the Head Savior has already manifested in the person of the Lord Jesus. Now He is coming back, and He is going to manifest again a second time in a company of men that He will have purified and given a righteous nature of Himself, which is Jehovah's righteous nature, and the Holy lifestyle that a man leads when he has a righteous nature.


That is what is happening today. The world is waiting for us. It is not that Jesus has the power to deliver the world and He is holding back. That is not the case. Jesus' plan, which is Jehovah's plan, is going forth, and He is fighting with the people who are called to be a part of this company of the Saviors that are on Mt. Zion that are going to go forth. He is waiting for us, He is waiting for our nature to line up with His, and He is waiting for our lifestyle to line up with His. This is no easy job. I am glad I do not have it. I am glad I just have a little part of it. I cannot even imagine having a whole bunch of people that you have to minister to day and night, whose nature is the nature of the Serpent, which is the condition that we are all coming out of. Me too, I am still in the nature of the Serpent.


It is an awesome task, but this is what Jehovah, through the prophet Isaiah, has said is the plan for the deliverance of humanity, and that is the plan. So by hook or by crook, one way or another, the Lord is going to do it. Incredible as it sounds. the Lord is going to bring a company of men into the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ, who has Jehovah's nature, and we are going to live His lifestyle, and then we are going to go out and we will have the power to help the peoples of the world.


What is interesting, within this last couple of days, the thought came into my mind about Gideon sending all of those people away. When a thought comes into you mind it is either Christ or Satan speaking to you. That is where your thoughts come from. And the thought was that Gideon sent all those people away; I was thinking about me closing the door to this ministry and really not letting anyone in unless the Lord tells me to let them in, because the anointing has to be maintained at a certain level here, and to let people in who are leading lifestyles that will hinder them from rising to this level with us would bring down the whole meeting. So this is a closed meeting, except for those that the Lord tells me to let in. I was thinking about Gideon, and I said, Well, he sent all those people home. Then the thought came to me, you really cannot do much with a large group. We are doing more here with this small group than churches with a couple of hundred people. They do not really do very much of anything. There is not much happening in these churches. You are really limited as to what you can do with a large group, but a small group that is well trained and well disciplined, the Lord can do a lot. That is a thought that came to me. I do not know why He told me that, but that thought came into my mind.


When I first came into the Church, everything was big churches. There was revival in this area, and there were lots of Pentecostal churches with hundreds of people in each church, and when the Lord first raised up this ministry I was a little disturbed at the size of it because I was without understanding, but now I realize that this is definitely preferable. You can get so much more done, and the people get personal ministry. Did you know that the purpose of Church is that you are supposed to be having the life of God developed in you, not just to come there and sing on Sunday and go home feeling good? You are supposed to have the life of God developed in you, and that requires personal ministry and a personal interaction between the member of the congregation and the pastor. That is what is going to bring it forth. You can sit in a congregation and listen to messages and sing songs for years and never grow, but it is really hard to be in a small ministry like this and not grow because either the Lord is going to send me to put my finger on you or on your problems, or He is going to tell you this place is not for you. You see, you can hide in these big ministries, people hide there. They go there for years, the pastor does not even know them by name, they feel that they are Holy, and nothing is happening, so they are deceived.


So we see that in these last days thoughts of King Adam will vibrate into the tribes. Now, how are the thoughts of Adam going to vibrate into the tribes? Let us say we have this company of Saviors that have come down from Mt. Zion, they are called the Sons of God, and that they do have the moral nature of Jehovah and that they are living His lifestyle, how are their thoughts going to vibrate into the nations?


Now, when I talk about the existing Church, I am really not against them. I believe that the Church, in many ways, has done the best that it could with what it has. The Church that exists today is a female Church, it is the bride company, and the way they have accomplished this, the way they have spread the word, although it would not be Adam's thoughts, because they do not have Christ, but they have spread the word by physical evangelism. They have risen up, they have gone to China, they have gone to Africa, they have gone to India, they evangelize in areas of this nation itself, and they physically, verbally, in language speak this word. That is how they have tried to accomplish and bring to pass the promises of the Scripture, that this message will go to all nations, and that people will hear the word and be saved, but it has not happened.


Not only has it not happened, but things are turning around. In places like Africa, a lot of people are turning back to witchcraft, a lot of people, especially the black people are turning to Islam, right here in this nation. Generations of Christian blacks are turning to Islam, and not only that, but the peoples of the Third World, who were pagan people that the Christian world went to evangelize, are now coming to this country and bringing voodoo and pagan religion to the shores of this country. So something did not quite work right, and what did not work right is that, although I am sure the efforts of the Church were not in vain, they have spread the Holy Spirit, they have spread the word of Jesus Christ, a lot of missionaries were not Pentecostal, they were Baptists, a lot of Anglican missionaries, a lot of Lutheran missionaries, they brought the Bible, they spread the word of faith of Jesus Christ, and they helped a lot of people, and a lot of people received that word of faith, but at this point this evangelism seems to be languishing in the world. Why? Because this was just the first wave.


The physical evangelism was just the first wave. The prophecy says that the thoughts of Adam will enter into the tribes, and I want to suggest to you, it is the spiritual thoughts of Adam, it is the thought forms that are created and go forth from the preaching of the Doctrine of Christ, by the resurrected Christ Jesus in a man. I am going to say that again. When the resurrected Christ Jesus, which is the resurrected Adam, preaches the Doctrine of Christ through a man in a room like this, when there are people sitting here listening to it and receiving it and agreeing with it, thought forms are created, and they go forth all over the world in a high plane, a plane that is higher than the astral plane.


They go forth in the mental plane, and they touch people. These thought forms touch people, and the Lord Jesus Christ who is in charge of His own program will lay hold of these thought forms and direct them to the people who He wants to have them. Maybe it does not even work like that, sometimes I get very carnal myself. The Lord Jesus Christ is not a man as we know men, that are dropping thought forms on people, but these thought forms of the Doctrine of Christ hover in the mental plane, and anybody truly seeking the truth, their spirit vibrates toward truth, and it is like magnetism. These thought forms will touch them, and they will be directed to our web page or to one of our books. Somehow this word is being spread today by the spirit. It is happening by the spirit.


So the evangelism which comes out of the Spirit of Christ, or if you are in the Old Testament, it is the Spirit of Elijah. King Adam is married to the Spirit of Elijah, that evangelism is by thought form, at least initially. I am talking about the evangelism to the tribes who may not even be Christian. If they are Christian they are not receiving this message. I do not believe, at this point, that the ministry of the Holy Spirit forms thought forms. I do not think so, and in accordance with my understanding of thought forms, at this moment, is that it is the powers and principalities in the energy centers thinking through us that form the thought forms, and, of course, if we are in the true timeline, the powers and principalities are Christ Jesus. But I think the Lord is correcting me, and He is saying that there are some thought forms formed when a man preaches under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. There is enough power to form some thought forms, but they are not as deep as the thought forms that come forth from the Spirit of Christ preaching, and, of course, the message that the Holy Spirit preaches does not have the depth of the message that is the Doctrine of Christ. But there are thought forms -- the Lord just gave me an interesting analogy.


There is a testimony of an Indian preacher that I have heard who was cleaning the idols that belonged to his family, and he was looking at all of the idols and saying, Now, which one is the greatest God? Never thinking anything about Christ, he was looking at all the idols, and there was a little boy standing near him, and the little boy said, Jesus Christ is the greatest God of all. Now, I heard this testimony years ago, and I wondered, if the Holy Spirit is in men, how did this little boy speak that truth? Where did the anointing come from? And the Lord just said to me, It was a thought form that hit that little boy. See, I do not understand the whole thing. I know that Jesus is not a man, but I know that He is involved in the individual lives of men, and somehow it was arranged, I do not understand how, that that thought form hit that little boy at that moment, and he spoke out the thought that came into his mind. Isn't that interesting?


Well, in this hour, what we have been doing here for 11 years, is manufacturing thought forms of the Doctrine of Christ, and we also have the verbal and the printed message upon the Internet and available through email, if people want to write to us. These thoughts forms that we have manufactured are being spread all over the earth, and what they are doing is preparing the hearts of the person that these thought forms are touching to receive this message when they actually hear it, and when they actually hear this message they are going to say, Well, it just sounds right, it just sounds right to me, I am going to pursue this further.


Now, you have to ask yourself, why, when we first started, 11 years ago, so few people wanted this message? It was very discouraging. Now we have a steady steam of people wanting these messages through our web pages, and every once in a while someone writes to us also, but most of the activity is through the web pages. Well, why have things changed like this? There were not this many requests when we first went up on the web almost four years ago. Because we keep manufacturing these thought forms, and the people who read our material in the right spirit, if they do have Christ formed in them, and as they read our material, thought forms are being manufactured from them too, and they are going all over the world, preparing the hearts of people to hear this message, either through their friends or through a book, and when they hear it they say, That sounds right. Right now, a lot of people are saying, No, that does not sound right. That means their heart has not been prepared for it, and we see that the ones who are going to be distributing this word are the ones through whom the thoughts of King Adam will be vibrating through. They are the 12 tribes of Jacob.


Now, this is very interesting. I have told you all many times, when I came to the Church I was really a non-practicing Jew my entire life. I never practiced my religion. To me it was a nationality more than a religion. I identified as a Jew, but I never lived as a Jew, and as I came up in the Church I never had any particular burden for the Jews, but, of course, I was never into this Church-ianity, get out there and preach it, and save people, and tell them -- I was never into that. I was always into the study. What I am into now, I was into from the beginning, only on a lesser level, and I did not realize that I had a whole different anointing than the whole Church world. But I never had any particular burden for the Jews, and the pastor of the church that I was raised up in taught us that, now, because of Jesus Christ's sacrifice, salvation is open to the whole world, and there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, and that was what I believed.


Even after I started this ministry that was what I believed, until a couple of years ago, the Lord started showing me, No, there really is a difference. There is a difference. The difference is this, that in the beginning -- what are you talking about Sheila, in the beginning? There has already been 2,000 years of Christianity. In the beginning of the regeneration, in the beginning of the generation when Adam begins to rise from the dead in people. See, for 2,000 years we have had people who have believed the Scripture, people who have had a relationship of faith with the Lord Jesus Christ, people who have received the Holy Spirit, but the resurrected Adam has not been ministering through the Church. He is just beginning to come forth now. So in the beginning of the mature man coming into the Church, it is going to be the descendants of Jacob, the physical descendants of Jacob, who will have the message. Why? Does anybody remember why?


COMMENT: Because they are the root?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, the root of the Tree of Life is in physical Judah. The seed of the Tree of Life -- we died when we were cut off from the Godhead. The Tree that was in the earth died, and in this hou,r since humanity took the form that it is in now, Jehovah came to Abraham and imparted the seed, or the cutting of the root of the Tree of Life, to Isaac through Abraham. Isaac imparted it to Jacob, and Jacob imparted it to Judah, and within Judah this root, this Holy root, everything it needs to produce a full grown Tree of Life, which is immortality in this fallen world, is in the descendants of David within the tribe of Judah. So, that is why Isaiah says that in the last day, this ministry is coming forth from the descendants of David, but it is not going to stay that way because when the Holy Spirit, which is the scent of water, touches the dead root of the Tree of Life in a natural Jew, then Christ rises from the dead, but it is really Adam rising. In another generation, Abel, and then Adam, rises, and the reason we are called Christ instead of Abel and Adam is because the work is being done through the glorified Jesus Christ, so we take His name.


What is really happening is that Abel is being raised from the dead. Abel is Adam's root system. Abel is that dead root, Abel is the root of the Tree of Life. He is Adam's root system, and you know what that means? This is what it means, all of the people in the Church who have the Holy Spirit have the top of the tree, they have the branches and the leaves. You have the top of the tree, but Jesus says, For those of you who have the top of the tree, that when you hear the Word, you love it, but when tribulation comes, you are offended, and you do not stand, because you have no root in you. It means the tree that is on the surface, but if you want to stand in the trials, if you want to go on to immortality, that top of the tree has to connect with the root.


So that is what the Holy Spirit brings forth. He brings forth the top of the tree. And we see a lot of people in the Church with very deep anointing, and according to the parable of the soils, you love the Word of God, you look like you are really going on with God, hopefully nobody here, and most of the people just cannot stand when Satan rises up to war against them because they are not really going on with God. They are only going to stand when the root is imparted and grafted to the top of the tree. So initially, at the beginning, the root is going to manifest in the natural tribe of Judah through the descendants of David, but once it starts going forth as the Spirit of Christ, it will be imparted to non-Jews. I am not telling you that the Jews will exclusively, forever, have the root of the tree. It is just at the beginning, that the root of the tree has to come together with the water of the Holy Spirit, so that you can have the whole Tree of Life in you, and then you do not have to be a natural Jew. Once you receive the root of the Tree of Life, from someone who has it in the form of the Spirit of Christ, then you have got the whole tree, and this is how the Gentiles, the way Paul put it, is that they are being grafted into the Tree of Life, and Paul also says that all the Jews out there that do not have the root will be grafted back into their own tree.


So we see that it is possible, spiritually speaking, to have a Tree of Life in you that has no root, and if you do not get that root, all of the blessings of the Tree of Life that is in you, and it really is the Tree of Life, it is Jesus Christ, it is power in God, it is a relationship with God, it is all of the gifts, but if you do not get that root grafted to you, as you start to ascend, Satan will knock you off. You have got to have the root, got to have the root to go on with this doctrine, got to have the root to understand this message, and you have got to have the root to ascend.


And the thoughts of King Adam shall vibrate within the tribe saying, Let us die to our lifestyle, and let the 12 tribes of Jacob teach us about Jehovah's moral character and lifestyle. Now, these are the thoughts of King Adam vibrating out there. Most people have a lot of pride, and the thought of hearing, Let the 12 tribes of Jacob teach us, pride says, Who is going to teach me? I hear from the Holy Spirit directly. What do you mean Jews might be teaching us? We have the Holy Spirit. All of this pride in the Church, but I personally do not believe that it will be a Jew who does not know Jesus Christ. That is my personal opinion, based on everything that I see happening.


Why do I say that? Because I believe I was born with the root of the tree, but my ministry did not start until that root was touched by the scent of water. I had to receive the Holy Spirit, because the people who have the root of the tree, they have the root. What ever population it is of Jews that have the root, and I do not really think it is that many. I think it is certainly not all the Jews; we know it is the descendants of David, and I do not think it is all of the descendants of David. So they have the root, and they do not have the branches, and the Church has the branches, but they do not have the root. We have to have the whole Tree of Life, and once somebody gets the whole Tree of Life, and the Lord raises them up in ministry, that spirit that goes forth is the Spirit of Christ. The Spirit of Christ is the whole tree, and that Spirit of Christ has the power to impart the root to the Gentile, and it has the power to impart the branch to the Jew that just has the root, if you can hear it.


The Spirit of Christ and Christ Jesus; actually, it is the whole man, Christ Jesus, who is the Tree of Life. He is the resurrected Tree of Life. So we see these thought forms are going forth, and that thought forms will put ideas in our mind. And they will say, Let the 12 tribes of Jacob teach us about Jehovah's mortal character and lifestyle, and that is taught within the Doctrine of Christ. You see, a man who has no knowledge of Jehovah's moral character and lifestyle cannot teach you about Jehovah's moral character and lifestyle. So the only one who can teach anybody about Jehovah's moral character and lifestyle is the man who has both the root and the branch, and has had the hidden sins of his heart revealed and exposed and crushed. So the only one who can teach you this is the person who is experiencing Jehovah's moral character and Jehovah's lifestyle. We teach on the level that we are at, because, believe me, I do not have Jehovah's moral character in every area. I tell you that openly. I fail miserably when held up against Jehovah's moral character, but I am trying, and there is a level of ministry that is a associated with whatever degree of morality you have ascended to, and that is the level I teach on. I could not teach you on a level of morality that I am not living because if I do I am going to be tested in that area myself. So who knows what I would be preaching or what anybody would be preaching if we really had Jehovah's moral character. Look at what is coming forth here now, and I am an unclean man.


As I was speaking, the words that came out of my mouth was root and branch, and the Lord quickened to me that I had read a phrase like that in the Scripture, root and branch. So I went inside and looked it up, and I found two Scriptures using that phrase, root and branch, and we are going to put it on the message, and I will comment on it. So who has Job 29:19? We will start with that.


Job 29:19, My root was spread out by the waters, and the dew lay all night upon my branch. Well, this is Job talking about the time when he had the full Tree of Life in him, and in case you have not heard me tell you, it is my opinion that Job is Noah after Noah fell and became a mortal man, and he is remembering the day when he had the spiritual power and the immortality of the Godhead. He had both the root and the branch of the Tree of Life. Praise the Lord.


Someone has Malachi 4:1, For behold, the day cometh that shall burn as a oven, and all the proud, yea, all that do wickedly shall be stubble, and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of Hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.


Well, I did not look at that Scripture in the Interlinear Text, so I do not know whether that is an accurate translation or not, but I will take it on face value. Let us say that this is a prophecy of the destruction --  does anybody know who Malachi was preaching to, was it Judah or Israel? Malachi was preaching to Israel, and we will take the prophecy on face value that the whole Tree of Life. First of all, this says that the whole Tree of Life was in Israel, and that the Lord Jehovah was going to burn up the whole tree, both the root and the branch. Now, let me remind you that it is my understanding at this time, and I know that I have told you this, that the whole Israel, the 12 tribes, because the separated 10 tribes are known as Israel, so when we talk about Israel we have to distinguish about whether we are talking about the whole Israel or the divided Israel. When Israel was whole, when all 12 tribes were together under the headship of David, the whole of Israel had both the root and the branch, but the root was in Judah through the line of David, through the descendants of David, and the branch was in Israel. And together they made one whole Tree of Life.


So Jehovah is telling Israel that He is going to burn up both the root and the branch, and the Tree of Life will be lost to them, but, you see, what that Scripture does not tell you, and I do not know if it would appear in the Interlinear Text or not, but in the regeneration in this hour, through the Lord Jesus Christ, that root and branch is being restored. Because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, because the Holy Spirit is in the earth, because the Holy Spirit has the ability to raise up the branch, or the top part of the Tree, when that Living Water, which is the Holy Spirit, touches the dead root in some physical man who has it, the whole Tree will be restored, in the person of Christ Jesus, and go forth with the strength to impart, to plant the Tree of Life in all of the men of the earth.


You see, Judah's restoration is in the Church, if you can hear it. Judah, or at least the descendants of David, I personally think there are very few that have this dead root. They are walking around with the root of a dead tree that can only be raised when the scent of water touches it, and that scent of water is the Holy Spirit. So it has to be a Jew who is open to the Holy Spirit, you see. Once that whole Tree of Life is raised, and it goes forth in the person of the spiritual man, Christ Jesus, the whole Tree, both root and branch, will be imparted to the whole world, to every man of the whole world. We each have to have a Tree of Life in us. That is why Ezekiel saw many trees. He saw many trees by the river. There is a Tree of Life in each one of you, the Lord willing, and if there is not, if you keep pursuing the Lord there will be one in you. It may be a baby tree, it may be a seedling tree. How do you get the tree in you? The way you get the Tree of Life in you is to submit yourself and open yourself to the Spirit that plants the Tree, and how do you open yourself and submit yourself to a spirit? You receive the Words that he speaks.


So that is why I tell you all the time, the people that come to this message, there are all different kinds of people. The more children you have the more you see that each child is different. There are all different kinds of people coming to this message, and as the Spirit of Christ enters into you as the seeds of this Word, which are the seeds of the Life of Christ Jesus, fall upon your heart, everybody is not growing in the same way. Spiritual children are very different than physical children. Physical children, you know by the time they are a year old they should be walking, or certainly within the next month or two after they are a year old, they should be eating solid food, although chopped up. You know what they should be doing. They will be toilet trained at a certain age. So although there is a high and a low, you know what to expect from physical children, but with spiritual children it is not the same way. The Lord goes right into you, and He starts raising you up for what -- I do not know what His motivation is. One possible motivation is that He will go to you if you are really in trouble, if you are in danger of physically dying, or if you are in danger of alcoholism or some serious bondage on your life, He will go right to that weakness and strengthen you in that weakness first. He does not train everybody the same way.


So we see different people have different strengths. Different people come to this message with different strengths that they were born with, and the Lord is not moving exactly in the same way in everybody's life. He is teaching you one thing today, and you something else. Everybody is having their own lessons. This is a little red school house. Everybody is on their private program that is directed by God as to how this Tree is going to be raised up in you, because we all have roots of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and stones and all kinds of debris in our earth that has to be purged out of us if the seed of the Tree of Life is going to take root. Everybody does not have the same amounts of stones and debris in their earth, and everybody's earth is not as hard a clod as the other persons. Some people's earth is soft. Other people's earth is hard. Everybody is on their own program. So, as I have been telling you for years, do not look at anybody else. If you see somebody that is more spiritual than you, well, they probably were born spiritual, but you have something that they do not have. Usually, the spiritual people do not have the emotional stability. Why? Because being spiritual without having Christ built in you makes you emotionally unstable. There was a whole episode in Star Trek about that, and depending on how your life goes, it can make you downright neurotic. If you are a spiritual person born to parents that do not recognize what you have, and take steps to direct that spirituality and to strengthen that spirituality in God, you could grow up being very neurotic. I tell you the truth. Praise the Lord.


I am persuaded that anyone who submits themself to this message and to this spiritual ministry, and they are sincere about it -- they are not a phoney, but they are sincerely submitting themselves -- I am persuaded that, in due season, the cutting of the whole Tree of Life will be added to you. If your heart is right toward God, if you are sold out towards God, and you are really working this program, I cannot believe that the Tree of Life will not be imparted to you. Now, you may not be getting it as fast as other people, and who knows, maybe you go slow, slow, slow, and then all of a sudden, you go shooting forward. We should not even be thinking in these terms, but I encourage you all to be persuaded, because I am persuaded that if you honestly submit yourself to this program, that the Tree of Life is being imparted to you. I do not see how it could be otherwise.


Of course, the Tree of Life is Christ Jesus. The Lord just said to me that the branch, the upper part of the Tree, is not so much the Holy Spirit as it is the glorified Jesus Christ. The glorified Jesus Christ is the branch, and the root is Abel so it is the joining of the glorified Jesus Christ with the root that is the whole Tree of Life. Well, we know that Jesus has the whole Tree of Life. For us to have the Tree of Life in us, the whole Tree of Life, it has to be Christ Jesus in us joined to the glorified Jesus Christ, and when you have the whole Tree of Life in you, you receive eternal life. So for everybody who is still a mortal man. we do not have the whole Tree of Life. I do not have the whole Tree of Life yet. It is not until Christ Jesus in us marries the Lord Jesus.


What we are working on right now is the maturing of Christ Jesus in us. So whatever seeds you have received, hopefully Christ is being formed in you, and He has to, according to that drawing on the board there, He has to get the Fiery Serpent's tail out of her mouthm because the Fiery Serpent is our spiritual virginity, and Christ has to marry our spiritual virginity, the spiritual virginity of our personality. Christ is going to join with our personality though a union with our spiritual virginity which is the Fiery Serpent. She is our spiritual sexuality and our potential for spirituality, and she is masturbating. Every man born of a woman has a Fiery Serpent, and she is married to herself, so she appears as a circle.


According to the board that I have over here, I show you the virginal Fiery Serpent, and she is not attached to anyone. The Fiery Serpent married to herself, the Serpent with the tail in her mouth, she appears as a circle; and the Fiery Serpent married to Christ Jesus, He pulls her tail out of her mouth, straightens her out, and begins to restore her to the brow center. I cannot go into this whole teaching now, but we have a teaching in a series called The Serpent's Triangle, which tells us that the fully mature Adam, or Christ Jesus, is geometrically expressed as a parallelogram, and that the geometric expression of Adam's destruction and fall, is that one of the legs of His parallelogram was knocked out, and His geometric expression became a triangle. He became a totally different creature, and He died. Adam died to everything that He was, as the Son of God, before the fall. So we see that the Fiery Serpent straightened out by Christ Jesus, and joined to by Christ Jesus, is the missing leg of Adam's parallelogram, and that Christ Jesus in the individual is raising that Fiery Serpent, which is our personality. Now, the Fiery Serpent is the spiritual virginity of the personality, and Christ Jesus, when He straightens her out, He starts to drag her upward into the brow center so that Adam's parallelogram can be restored. And Adam's parallelogram is just another way of saying the Tree of Life, and the Tree of Life is just another way of saying immortality in Christ Jesus. Anybody have any questions here?


We are still on Verse 3. And the thoughts of King Adam shall vibrate within the tribes, saying (that is the tribes of the world, that is the Gentile tribes, that is the non-Jewish tribes), Let us die to our lifestyle of paganism, and let us die to our lifestyle of this flesh, of this world, and let the 12 tribes of Jacob teach us about Jehovah's moral character and lifestyle. And now we know for that to happen there has to be a few people that are going to be able to do this, and they themselves have to get cleaned up first. They are going to teach us about Jehovah's lifestyle and His moral character, and they are also going to seed our heart center with Elohim's Life. They are going to seed our heart center with Elohim's life, and Elohim, of course, is Jehovah's whole semen. Semen has two sides, water and seed, and Elohim is the name of Jehovah's semen. Michael is the name of the seed, and Michael is the seed, the sperm, Jehovah's sperm that has gone forth and gathered material molecules unto Himself and formed the man, Adam. Michael is not a man. Michael is an angel.


And how will our heart centers be seeded with Elohim's life? When Adam speaks His words. Jesus said, My words are spirit, and My words are life. Remember, Adam, in this hour, is Christ Jesus. Adam is Christ Jesus. When we speak and it is Christ Jesus speaking in us, the spirit that is generating the language is depositing seeds, and they are entering into your spiritual being as you hear the Word. We shall be saved by the foolishness of preaching. It seems foolish to the world, but preaching to a person who is open to hear the message imparts the seed of immortality in Christ Jesus. Apparently, according to this Scripture and several others, the seeds of the Spirit of Christ fall on our heart center. And let the [Fiery Serpent] shoot forth into Elohim's household. I do not know if that is exactly right. You can see that I put the Fiery Serpent in brackets, so what the Hebrew said was, And let shoot forth into Elohim's household. And what I am thinking is that is supposed to be right now is, And let Elohim's household, which is Christ Jesus, shoot forth into the Fiery Serpent. Christ Jesus is shooting forth into the Fiery Serpent and apprehending her. He is inserting himself into her. We are talking about spiritual sexual intercourse.


I removed the Fiery Serpent and believe the translation should be, Let Elohim's household shoot forth. And Elohim's household, I believe, is Christ Jesus married to the Fiery Serpent. That is the whole household. We know that the reverse of that is spoken about by Jesus in the New Testament. He said, How can you enter into a strong man's house unless you bind the strong man, and then you can enter into his house, or enter into his household and spoil his goods? The Greek word translated goods means the  man's wife. So the household is the union between the spiritual male and the spiritual female. So for Isaiah to say, And let Elohim's household shoot forth, what it is saying is, Let Christ Jesus stop the Fiery Serpent from masturbating, let Christ Jesus join Himself to her in an on-going act of spiritual sexual intercourse. Then, the next phrase is, And let them climb up into Jehovah's sixth energy center.


That is exactly what I just told you, that Christ Jesus has to join with the Fiery Serpent, He is going to straighten her out, she is the missing leg of Adam's parallelogram. Our sixth energy center is presently geometrically expressed as a triangle because one of the legs was broken off, and that leg of Adam's parallelogram that was broken off signifies His energy. The Serpent stole His energy and brought forth this perverse creation. This world as we know it, called Hell, was never supposed to come into existence. It is the Serpent's world, it is a female world which the Serpent can inhabit. The Serpent, who is the Woman who was supposed to be the receptacle for the Life of God, known as Adam. The Son of God is supposed to inhabit the Woman called the Serpent, but the Serpent, to take the female role, killed her husband, made herself into a male, and brought forth this whole world to be a female receptacle for her illegal perverse male organ.


This is Drawing #2. I have attempted to show you the relationship between Jehovah, Adam, the Ox, and the Serpent. Please note that the Primordial Serpent is the ocean bed. Remember now, the whole creation was raised up within Jehovah. There is nothing beyond Jehovah. He exists, He always was, and there is nothing greater than He or beyond Him. I do not know about you, but I have trouble with that concept, so I just receive it on faith. I cannot imagine a being who always was, and that there is nothing other than Him, and that He is greater than all of the universes. I have difficulty with it. At this time my brain cannot comprehend it. So we will just believe it on faith.


So there was an ocean that was raised up in the midst of Jehovah, and we studied this in creation in Creation Revisited. We understand that Elohim separated from Jehovah, and with that separation there was a tear in their unity, and one of the fruits of that separation was that spirit was brought down to a plane that was lower than Jehovah. How could this be? Well, there was a separation from Jehovah. You cannot go up. Elohim could not go higher than Jehovah, so He had to come to a plane of existence lower than Jehovah, and spirit on the next plane down appears as water. At least symbolically it appears as water, and this is where the Primordial ocean came from. To the best of my understanding right now, is that there was a fallout from this separation. Somehow, this separation produced physical particles of physical matter. I do not really have more information about that right now. We are told that the earth fell in pieces to the bottom of the ocean and formed an ocean bed. That is in Genesis 1. We also see that Adam was formed from the dust. The Hebrew word that is translated dust really means ashes, the surface of the earth.


So we see two layers of earth. Now, I know this is greatly simplified. I do not know how many layers there were, but this is the information that we have right now. And we are dealing with spiritual principles. We are not being exact right now. So we see that the Serpent is called the earth, and the surface part of the earth which tends to be loose -- the reason it is called ashes is that the surface earth is usually more dry, and you can kick it with your foot, and when you get down to the ground beneath that, it is usually much harder to break up. It is usually in clods the lower down you go.


So the Primordial Serpent is the solid earth, and there are ashes, or dust, lying on the surface of her earth, and Adam is made from the dust. Adam is the breath of life, Elohim, mixed with the ashes. So we see that Adam has a wife. He is joined to a Woman, and the Woman that he is joined to is not of the same substance that He is joined to. She is made basically from the earth. Adam, although he has dust in him, is primarily Elohim, the spirit of God. So we see that Adam is inhabiting the Ox as a man inhabits a Woman. We see that the Ox is concave, and that Adam is resting in her as a man inhabits a woman. Then we see that Jehovah is resting in Adam. We see that Adam has two sides. Now I am sure that this drawing is not accurate, I just know it in my spirit right now that this drawing is not accurate, so please just bear with me, and we will just go with the principles.


We know that Adam has two sides. He has a female side to him, so the part of Adam that relates to the Ox is made because he is inhabiting that part of the Ox which is concave. She is like a receptacle, and he is inhabiting her, he is living in her, he is resting in her, he is filling her, and then we see on Adam's other side he is a female, Adam is concave, and Jehovah is filling him and resting in him. This relationship exists throughout humanity, in work, in the family, everyone has an authority over them, and then is, in turn, an authority over others under them. So we all have a male and a female side, spiritually speaking.


Whenever we have to submit to someone, whenever it is righteous to submit to somebody, we are female in relationship to that person, but then we can turn around and go into a different aspect of our life where people are legitimately supposed to submit to us, and we become male. I have been calling that changing spiritual sexual roles for quite a while now. So we see that Jehovah inhabits Adam, Adam inhabits the Ox, the Ox is the Woman, and the Woman is really made of the Serpent's substance. So this Woman -- I keep revising my book, Adam and the Two Judgments, but if you have read it, and you have read what I have to say about the two sides of the Woman, and I have also mentioned it on a few messages, that this woman in here, this Ox, she has Adam inhabiting her on one side, and she has the Primordial Serpent pressuring her on the other side, to be a Woman to her.


You see that the Ox is in a position, she is concave, and she is in a position where she cannot be penetrated. She can only be penetrated from the top here, you see. When you are concave, if you are a bowl for example, and something is going to fill your bowl, you expect to be filled from the open part. You do not expect someone to go crashing through the bottom of the bowl and try and fill you. So the Ox was a receptacle for Adam, but she was not constructed to be a receptacle for the Primordial Serpent; yet, they have the same border, and when I looked at this drawing, all that I could think about was a hernia. Is not that what a hernia is? When one part of your body breaks into your intestines?


If you have a hernia in your intestine -- because the intestine is curved, one part of your intestine breaks the wall and penetrates the intestine in another place. That is what came to my mind when I saw this drawing, that there is a wall, a separation between the earth and the dust, and as long as Adam was occupying the Ox it was not supposed to be possible for the Primordial Serpent to push up the walls of the Ox and penetrate her. But we found out that Adam was deceived, that he heard a voice, he came under an illusion, he was not deceived, but he was tricked by witchcraft, and somehow the Primordial Serpent got Adam to agree to this.


The information that I have so far is that Adam thought that it was Jehovah talking to him that said, Let me penetrate your Ox, and I am going to perfect her with experience. This is the principle that has come to pass recently, that Adam would never have fallen if he blindly obeyed Jehovah's instruction, but he heard a voice that sounded like Jehovah, telling him to do something other than the commandment, and he broke the commandment on the basis of hearing a voice that sounded like God. And somehow Adam released this Ox to the Primordial Serpent, and the result of it is that the Primordial Serpent pressed up into the Ox and occupied her like a woman. So for a season, this poor woman was occupied from underneath and from above, and then Adam died. When Adam died Jehovah departed from him, and the result was that the creation became a black hole. This green circle here on the second part of the board indicates that these two concave lines indicating the Ox both were pushed upward and became convex, and the Serpent occupied her and sealed her off from Jehovah, and the creation became a black hole.


Now, according to the recent teaching that came down, was that first, the Serpent seduced the Woman. So first, the Serpent seduced the Woman. First, there was an interaction between the Primordial Serpent and the ashes, which is the Ox, and somehow the Primordial Serpent penetrated the Woman. Now, Adam was supposed to be guarding against this, he was supposed to be guarding the Garden. I do not know what Adam felt like, I do not know what he experienced, but if Jehovah said, Adam, guard the Garden, Adam had to have had the ability to prevent the seduction of the Woman.


So, first, the Primordial Serpent penetrated th Woman, she forced the woman down underneath her, and this is how the Primordial Serpent got close to Adam. I do not really have this on the board, but if you can see this Primordial Serpent penetrating the Ox, she came right up to the place where she came in contact with Adam. You see, I have red speckles in here, where it says the Ox, to show that Adam was completely penetrating the Ox. So when the Primordial Serpent pressed into the Ox she came into an ungodly union with Adam. Adam was supposed to be guarding this border. Over here, I have all these blue lines where Adam is, to show that Jehovah is completely occupying Adam. So when Adam became polluted by the Primordial Serpent Jehovah withdrew from him. Jehovah is a Holy God, and the result of the whole mess was that the woman became the wife of the Primordial Serpent, and it is incest because the Woman, or the Ox, are both of the earth.


The earth married the earth, and it is spiritual incest. One of the results of this was this outer shell of this whole world was formed. This whole physical world exists because the Primordial Serpent made a Woman and occupied that Woman. So the physical body and the whole physical world will cease to exist when all things are restored, and when the Woman, who was supposed to be Adam's wife, is restored, and the Primordial Serpent is put back down here -- today she is appearing as Satan. When she is put back down here in the bottomless pit this whole world will disappear, because this whole world is the receptacle for the Primordial Serpent's male organ. And that male organ, which is called Leviathan, will be cooked, and she will cease to exist.


So this whole world, brethren, is a receptacle for the Serpent's male organ. That is the whole purpose of being here. We, the personality, are the Ox that was married to Adam, and Adam rose from the dead in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, and is in the process of bringing us back into a right moral order as demonstrated in Revelation, Chapter 12. And when that reorganization or that regeneration is completed we will be liberated from this physical body and this physical world, and we will have a spiritual body which will be one with our husband, Adam appearing to us as the Lord Jesus Christ. Any questions or comments about this drawing?


As I sat down, one of the brethren in the congregation got a scriptural witness to what I have on the board, and that is Judges, Chapter 14, Verse 18, and she is going to read that onto the message.


Judges 14:18, And the men of the city said unto him, on the seventh day, before the sun went down, What is sweeter than honey, and what is stronger than a lion? And he said unto them, If ye had not plowed with my heifer, ye have not found out my riddle.


I just went inside and looked that up in the Interlinear Text, and it is interesting because, first of all, the word what is a hidden way of saying Elohim. We have known that for a long time, and if you are wondering where I got that information from, I got it out of the Zohar, which is part of Jewish mysticism, but the Lord witnessed to me that it is true, that the word who, Who is this? is a hidden way of saying Jehovah, and What, What is this? is a hidden way of saying Elohim. Besides, that is the word that is translated manna with regard to the Hebrew children in the desert. They said, What is this? It was Elohim, they were fed by Elohim. So this is really saying that Elohim is sweeter than honey, and Elohim is stronger than meat.


Judges 14:14 says, And he said unto them, out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth sweetness, and they could not in three days expound the riddle.


Well, that word riddle can be translated to trick, and I just asked Xxxx to read Verse 14 because that is the question. Could you just give me again the first phrase of Verse 14? This was the question in Verse 14, and he said to them, Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth sweetness, and they could not in three days expound the riddle.


When I looked in the Interlinear Text, what that came out to be, the Hebrew word translated eater is talking about the consumed one. So Sampson was saying, Out of the consumed one came forth meat. And who was consumed? The spiritual Ox was consumed by the Primordial Serpent, and she became the flesh animals that we are today. This is talking about deep spiritual truth.


So, Out of the consumed one came forth meat, and out of the strong one -- who is the strong one? Adam was the strong man. How can you enter into a strong man's house unless you bind the strong man and steal his goods? Adam was the strong man of Jehovah's household, and the Serpent had to bind that strong man, Adam. And what this means is, Out of the strong one came forth Elohim. Elohim is a translation of what. When Adam died Elohim still existed, and that breath of life that was in the creation, which came forth from Elohim, was freed up from under Adam's control, and was absorbed by the Serpent. That is what it means.


I want to do the whole Bible. I have been wanting -- these deep translations of some of these stories just excite me so much, but I can only do what the Lord lets me do. So we see that Sampson's struggle with the Philistines went way beyond some little -- the King James almost makes it sound like a contest between two boys on the street. We see that there was a deep spiritual truth to this whole thing, and I do not know if the Lord will ever let me do it, but back to the Scripture about the heifer in Verse 18.


Judges 14:18, And the men of the city said unto him, on the seventh day before the sun went down -- what sun went down? It was Sampson's sun that was going down. What is sweeter than honey? Elohim is the one that is sweeter than honey, and Elohim is stronger than the lion. And he said unto them, If ye had not plowed with my heifer. That word plowed can mean engraved. If you had not engraved the heifer, that word not we can translate the Serpent, and the word found means to come into existence.


If you had not engraved the heifer with the Serpent's nature, the Serpent would have never come into existence and trick me. So we see that this is Adam rising up in Sampson talking to his tormentors. Of course, I am really not satisfied with that translation. I would have to do several more verses to see what is really going on there, but the reason we are talking about this Scripture is because it seems to witness to the drawing that the Lord has given us to put on the board this evening. That Ox was engraved by the Serpent's nature, and you can see how close the Ox -- she was sharing the border with the Primordial Serpent, and the first thing that happened was that the Ox was seduced by the Serpent, and because the Serpent was able to seduce the Ox, the Serpent got close to Adam. Then she tricked Adam. Adam was not seduced, Adam was tricked by witchcraft. We see a witness to this spiritual truth, and I am really glad that the Lord brought forth that Scripture. To be honest with you, I did not even know it was there, and I thank you, Xxxx, for bringing it forth.


I am going to try to finish Verse 3, but I do not think I will go to a second message. We will just see what the Lord gives us.


And the thoughts of King Adam shall vibrate within the tribes of the world within the nations, saying -- well, I do not know that that means the nations. That could mean the tribes of Israel. Usually the Gentiles are described as the nations.


And the thoughts of King Adam shall vibrate within the tribes. I am sorry, I think I made a mistake. I think that is the tribes of Israel saying, Let us die to our lifestyle, and let the 12 tribes of Jacob teach -- I do not know whether it means teach us. I would have to look up my Alternate Translation and see who -- I believe the 12 tribes of Jacob are teaching. I am not sure who they are teaching here. It may be the rest of the 12 tribes.


Let us die to our lifestyle and let Jacob teach us about Jehovah's moral character and lifestyle, and seed our heart center with Elohim's life. I am sorry, I am half slain in the spirit here. We see, in Verse 2, that King Adam is going to beam into the energy centers of the non-Hebrew peoples of the world, so this is King Adam's thoughts vibrating into the non-Hebrew peoples of the world saying -- oh I see.


And the thoughts of King Adam that are within the 12 tribes of Jacob shall vibrate forth into the non-Hebrew peoples of the world, and they will then say, Let us die to our lifestyle, and let the 12 tribes of Jacob teach us about Jehovah's moral character and lifestyle, and seed our heart with Elohim's life, and let Elohim's household shoot forth in us. I am making another change here. And circumvent Ashtoreth, should come after that, and let Elohim's household shoot forth in us, and circumvent Ashtoreth, and climb up into Jehovah's sixth energy center. I could preach a whole message just on that one phrase, and circumvent Ashtoreth. Does anybody remember who Ashtoreth is?


COMMENT: She is the Devil in the Old Testament.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, exactly. Can anyone tell us exactly what part of our spiritual being she is? She is our Old Man. Ashtoreth is our Old Man, and she is called the Devil in the New Testament. It is the Fiery Serpent married to herself. If you remember the Drawing #1, the Fiery Serpent, with her tail in her mouth, ascended into the heart center and then even higher than the heart center, into the sixth energy center, where she marries Leviathan. She pierces into the heart center, and from there she ascends into the brow center, the sixth energy center, where she marries Leviathan and gets energized from that union, and then, from that time forward, she descends and ascends between the heart center and the brow center. She pretty much inhabits the heart center, and ascends into the brow center every time she needs a new supply of energy from Leviathan. So that is who our Old Man is, and our Old Man is really the Serpent, and the name Ashtoreth is the name that pagan peoples gave her. 


I want to clarify that again, as I was really a little confusing there for a while. In Verse 2, we are told that the Spirit of Elijah is going to beam into the lower energy centers of the non-Hebrew peoples of the world, and the thoughts of King Adam shall vibrate within the tribes. That is not really clear. We should say, And the thoughts of King Adam shall vibrate within the tribes, and those thoughts are going to be transmitted to the non-Hebrew peoples of the world. This is what the non-Hebrew peoples of the world are going to start thinking, they are not even going to be aware that it is someone else's thoughts. But you see, when we sit here and preach this message these thoughts are going out into the spirit, and the people who are hearing will be influenced by them, and they will begin to say, Let us die to our lifestyle and let the 12 tribes of Jacob teach us about Jehovah's moral character.


Well you know, I have to take that out. If you see I added in there, let the 12 tribes of, I have that amplified. I am going to take that out because what the Lord is telling me is that the thoughts that they are going to think are, and let Jacob teach us. And in this hour, Jacob is not appearing as 12 tribes. Jacob is appearing as spiritual Israel, in this hour. Jacob is appearing as spiritual Israel in this hour, so I am going to take that 12 tribes out, because it sounds like only the Jews will be teaching, and I do not believe that.


Saying, Let us die to our lifestyle, and let Jacob, however Jacob is manifesting in this hour. So to say, and let Jacob teach us, could mean any descendant of Jacob. It does not mean that every member of Jacob is going to teach the world. It does not mean that all the 12 tribes are going to teach the world. We know that the seed is coming out of the descendants of David, and in this hour, the descendants of David have a dead root of the Tree of Life. So it is only the descendants of David who come to the Lord Jesus Christ and receive the Holy Spirit that will have both the root and the branch of the Tree of Life manifesting in them. So, the expression of Jacob, in this hour, is going to be, at least initially, among some Jewish person who brings the root of the tree, the Holy Spirit is the branch of the tree, and once that union takes place, and the man Christ Jesus is formed in that person, or persons, then the seed of the whole Tree of Life will go forth freely to the whole world, from whoever receives this Spirit of Christ. So initially. it is going to be with some Jews, but it is not going to remain that way. Does everybody understand that? OK.


The Church has the branch, that is the Holy Spirit, and the Jews have the root, and once the two get together and start manifesting as Christ Jesus, that spirit and that ability to impart the Tree of Life will be spread out, and then it will come to pass, the truth of the Scripture is that there is no longer any Jew or Greek, no longer any male or female. That is after the whole Tree of Life is come together and resurrected, that there will be no more difference between the Jews and the Greeks. But it has to happen. Of course, it happened in the Lord Jesus Christ, but now we are waiting for the same thing to happen to the peoples of the world; to the Church, and to the peoples of the world.


And Jacob, in whatever form he is appearing in, will teach us about Jehovah's moral character and lifestyle, and seed our heart center with Elohim's life. If you can see that, Elohim's life is amplified there. I am thinking that maybe it should be the Tree of Life. I just love when the Lord lets me do a series like this, and there are time periods between messages. He teaches me so intensely, that a day does not go by that I do not learn something, and when I go back to a translation that I did a month ago, I see all these changes in it. So I think I am going to change Elohim's life to the Tree of Life. Let us make that the Tree of Life.


And seed our heart center with the Tree of Life, and let Elohim's household shoot forth in us and circumvent Ashtoreth, and climb up into Jehovah's sixth energy center, and let Elohim's spiritual law and the speech of Elohim's Gospel of Peace go forth from our parched higher energy centers. We had some teaching in an Online Meeting recently about the government being on the shoulders of the spiritual man, Christ Jesus, and we found out that the spiritual government of Jehovah is manifesting through Christ Jesus in the sixth energy center, that is the brow energy center, where He is married, or joined to the glorified Jesus Christ, and that is the government of Jehovah. The double portion of Christ Jesus in the individual joined to the glorified Jesus Christ, and a man in this condition is sinless. We are talking about what we used to call full stature. That is the government.


And the government of Jehovah, as expressed through Jesus Christ, has two elements to it. It is spirit and it is Word, and the spirit is the law, the spiritual law, and the Word is the Doctrine of Christ. We see that Elohim's spiritual law will go forth from the brow energy center of those who have ascended there, and the speech of Elohim's Gospel of Peace, that is the Old Testament word for the Doctrine of Christ. Now remember that this Gospel of Peace is not preaching about peace between men. It is preaching about peace between fallen man and Jehovah through the mediator, Christ Jesus. If you look at that board you will see that the personalities of humanity are the spiritual Ox that became meat, you see. You can see that Adam is the mediator between this Ox and Jehovah. So we are that Ox in another form, and we cannot have a direct relationship with Jehovah. We still need a mediator, and today that mediator is the man, Christ Jesus. He is the only mediator between God and man.


The Lord will accept no one else, and the Gospel of Peace is the message that there is a mediator in the earth today which will make it possible for fallen man to have a relationship with Jehovah, which relationship will produce eternal life. Now, for everyone in the Church today, that eternal life is not after death. Either you receive it while you are still in the flesh or you did not get it.  You are not going to hell, you are not going to burn in Hell forever, but these vessels are just temporary clay vessels, until such time as Christ Jesus apprehends the whole creation and brings it into His image. The Gospel of Peace is the message that peace between fallen man and Jehovah is now available through the mediator, Christ Jesus, and everybody to be reconciled to Jehovah through the Lord Jesus Christ has to have the man, Christ Jesus, formed within them, because what you see on the board there is being reconstructed today, and it has to be Christ Jesus in us, connected to the glorified Jesus Christ, which is the whole Tree of Life raised from the dead, which has a relationship with Jehovah. Jehovah has a relationship with the Tree of Life.


I used to read about the Garden of Eden being the place of pleasure, and I thought that the pleasure was for Adam, and then I found out, No, it is for Jehovah's pleasure. When He occupies Adam He receives pleasure. I do not know what kind of pleasure it is. I know very little about Jehovah. I do not know what would give Him pleasure, but I know that the Scripture likens it to the marital union. That spiritual life wants to occupy a spiritual female, and we, the personality, are the spiritual female. So we will be occupied either by Adam or by Leviathan, but if we are not occupied we have no existence, and that is the truth of our spiritual existence.


Let Elohim's household shoot forth. We already did that. That is Christ Jesus joined to the Fiery Serpent. And circumvent Ashtoreth, and circumvention is in preparation of cutting off. To circumvent means to cut off, so if we circumvent Ashtoreth -- Ashtoreth is our Old Man occupying the heart center, and if we cut her off, who are we cutting her off from? Anybody know who we are cutting her off from? We are cutting her off from Leviathan. Exactly. We are cutting her off from Leviathan, because Ashtoreth cannot continue to occupy the heart center without being sustained by energy that is beyond the energy of the individual that she is indwelling. She needs Leviathan's cosmic energy. What is that? Leviathan's cosmic energy is the energy of the astral plane. There is not enough energy in any one individual to sustain the Fiery Serpent in the heart center. She has to have an ongoing spiritual sexual union with Leviathan or she will not be able to remain there.


And let Elohim's spiritual law. That should be Jehovah's spiritual law. And let Jehovah's spiritual law and the speech of Elohim's Gospel of Peace. I think that should be Jehovah, too. Jehovah's spiritual law and the speech of Jehovah's Gospel of Peace go forth from our parched higher energy centers, and we shall live according to Jehovah's lifestyle. So, the Scripture says that our higher energy centers are parched. That means they are lacking the waters of life, and Adam, I remind you, is the whole of Jehovah's semen. The resurrected Adam is Elohim, which is Jehovah's semen mixed with the dust. So Elohim separates out from Jehovah, Elohim is the waters of life plus the virile seed of Jehovah. Michael is the name of the virile seed. Adam is Michael, the virile seed -- actually, Adam is the whole of Elohim. He has got the water and the seed and the dust, and out of everyone I have named so far, Adam is the only one that can die. Michael cannot die, Elohim cannot die, Jehovah cannot die, but Adam, the one who is made partially of dust, can die.


So we see that our higher energy centers are parched because the Serpent, which is the earth, has absorbed the waters of life. She has literally stolen the waters of life, but she has not absorbed them all, because they are flowing as Satan down here in the world underneath the firmament. There is only so much water in this creation, and it is either above or it is beneath. Sometimes it is spread out between the two windows, but then there is no power anywhere. There is a constant warfare going on, between the powers and principalities of the Serpent's world and the household of Elohim, to possess the waters, because the earth without the water is powerless. The earth without the water is dead. She is dry earth, and she is powerless, and, in the same manner, Jehovah's virile seed. which we are recognizing as the root of the Tree of Life, is just as dead without the waters.


I found it so interesting that I saw in a Hindu book where they are talking about Siva and Sakti. Siva is supposed to be the ultimate male deity, and Sakti is supposed to be his consort, the female deity that comes out from him. In the beginning, according to Hinduism, there is just Siva and then he divides. In other words, there is just a male, just like Adam, and then he divided. The Scripture says, The Lord took Adam's side, or rib, out of him and made a woman. According to Hindu philosophy there is just Siva and then he divided and he separates Sakti out from him, and she is the female aspect. There has to be something to this story because it is a basic spiritual truth, and you find it in every spiritual philosophy. I read this in a Hindu book, that once the separation takes place, that Siva without Sakti is dead, and the Lord just quickened it to me that Siva is the Hindu name for the reality of the beginning of our world. This is beyond religion.


The reality of the beginnings of our world is that there was a male entity. You can call him Siva or you can call him Adam. There was a male entity, he had a female side, the two were one, then a separation came, and the female side separated from the male. And you can call the female Eve or you can call the female Sakti, but when the female separates from the male, the male is dead. When the waters separated from Adam, he died, and when the waters of Jehovah's virile semen separate from the seed, the seed is dead. The sperm, without the watery medium to flow in, is dead. The root of the tree, where there is no Holy Spirit, is dead, and in the same manner, the earth that is dissolved in the waters is activated and she becomes Satan, a high active spiritual force. But when Satan is boiled, and the earth is separated from the waters, the earth is powerless.


The earth is only dangerous when she lays hold of the waters of life, so we see that the Lord and this earth are fighting over the female waters, and female waters signifies the energy. There is power in the female. The waters of life is the female, and the waters of life, without a righteous head, is witchcraft, and the one who possesses, or has the power to wield the energy of the waters of life of this world, is either a witch or a Son of God that is moving in a high spiritual power. The energy is the female aspect of the creation. That is the waters of the semen, and the seed of the semen is the righteousness. The head of the waters, the righteousness.


So when the earth lays hold of the waters -- the earth is morally corrupt, morally impure and perverse, and what do we see? A morally impure, perverse mind inhabiting the Ox, and that is what mortal man is. The best of us, the most moral man of the earth, when you compare them to Jesus Christ, you will see how perverse they are. They could be living godly lives, what we would call godly lives in their behavior, but compared to the Holy One. they are impure. If for no other reason -- I am going to touch on a sacred cow -- if for no other reason, they are living in a human marriage, which is spiritual homosexuality, compared to the holiness of God. What God put together, let no man put asunder. And what God put together was a marriage between Elohim, Jehovah's virile semen, and an Ox that was made from the earth. The marriage is between spirit and earth, and all humans, both physical males and physical females, are earth. So what we consider an acceptable marriage in this world is acceptable because Jesus has said, as long as you are down here, it is OK, but it is still spiritual homosexuality. No matter how positive a life you lead, you still have a carnal mind, and the carnal mind is a murderer. That is the truth of it.


Paul say, it is in John, and I think also in the Book of Revelation, that all of these will not enter into the kingdom: no fornicators, no adulterers, no homosexuals, no whoremonger. Do you know that fallen man is every one of those things? All of us, no matter how moral our lifestyle might appear to be, in our heart and in relationship to Jehovah, we are all of these things, and in relationship to Jesus Christ, we are all of these things because Jesus Christ is Jehovah's representative to us in this hour.


We are all of these things. We are unclean, and it is a challenge to know that we are unclean without going into condemnation. That is the challenge of the hour, because the false revival is out there in the Church telling people that we have no sin. It is a rapture mentality. They say we are just waiting -- as soon as we believe who we are, we are going to be supernatural people and not die anymore, and that we have no sin in this present condition. So we, who are willing to accept the fact that we are morally impure and unclean, have to be very careful that we do not go over the line and go into condemnation, because that is just as bad as saying we have no sin. Why is it just as bad? Because it is your carnal mind coming forth with those messages. Your carnal mind, the pride of man, will get you coming, or will get you going, if she can do it. She will either get you believing that you have no sin and you are OK, or that you are a sinner and you are worthless, that you are not worth anything, and Jesus just does not want anything to do with you.


The truth is that Jesus wants to marry us, He wants to make us powerful Sons of God, He wants to make us great people, He wants to make us great men, and He wants to make us men of wisdom in the earth, who will be capable of helping the peoples of the earth to arise above the curses and the afflictions of their lives. He wants to make us great people, and it is OK to say you are great if you are, in fact, great because Christ Jesus is living through you, and because the activities of your life are truly the ministry of Christ Jesus; you become great. He wants to make you great. That is what He wants for all of us, but we have to die to this lifestyle. We have to die to our carnal mind, and before we can die to her we have to recognize her, and that is not easy. We have to be plowed. As we are plowed with the nature of Jesus Christ, that plowing, that engraving, exposes the Serpent's nature in us. There is nothing like comparison to find out the truth about yourself. Praise the Lord.


We are going to circumvent Ashtoreth in the heart center, we are going to cut her off from Leviathan, and if we cut Ashtoreth off in the New Testament, it is our Old Man. People get all upset when I say the Devil. It is our Old Man. When we cut her off from Leviathan it is just a matter of time until she starts sinking down back into the root center, and this is why one of the judgments in the Bible is the breaking of the teeth. I keep thinking that we are going to break Leviathan's teeth, and yet the Hindu books say that it is the Fiery Serpent that bites Leviathan, but I have found a couple of principles in the Hindu books that the Lord has told me are reversed.


For example, those of you here in the ministry know that the first edition of Sick of the Palsy that came out, I had to rewrite a couple of paragraphs because I realized that I was saying, that as the Fiery Serpent ascends, she swallows up the powers and principalities. And after the book was published, after we sent out a couple of hundred copies, the Lord said to me, No Sheila, you have it backwards: as the Fiery Serpent ascends, she creates the powers and principalities. When I got that word from the Lord, and I rewrote those paragraphs, I said, Well, I know how I could have made a mistake like that, it was my carnal mind, but I was so surprised that I got it backwards like that. And I just recently picked up a Hindu book, and that is what it says in the Hindu book, that as she ascends, she dissolves everything, but that is the carnal mind's perception. The Lord told me that it is the other way around, and all of this time I am saying, Where did I get that from, that as she ascends, she dissolves everything? Where did I get that from? And I just found out today where I got it from. But the Lord told me, knowing that they got it backwards, or at least from the point of view of the people who are maturing in Christ Jesus. They have it backwards.


I am really no expert on Hinduism, but I do know this, that the Lord is moving us on in spiritual principles, and the only place that the Lord has shown to at least find these spiritual principles written down, so that He can talk to me about them and refine them, refine my understanding of them, is through Hinduism and other Eastern books. It is not in the Bible. Spiritual instruction is not in the Bible, and there is no way that you can understand the depth of the Scripture without knowing spiritual principles. So I read Hindu books, mostly. I have read Theosophy and a few Theosophical books and Buddhist books, but I find the most valuable, for me, in the Hindu books, and then the Lord is in it. He actually directs me to certain things to read, and then He talks to me about it, and says, This is your jumping off point, but this is the way it is. A lot of the things I have read in the Hindu books the Lord has said, Yes, that is the truth, that is the way it is. So if that offends anybody reading this message, I am sorry, but we are going on anyway, whether you are offended or not. I am not saying this to anybody here, I do not know why this is going on this message, but if you are offended, it is not that we do not want you. We want yo to go on with us, but this is the way it is, so you have to pray it through. You have to get before God, and you have to get your own witness.


We are circumventing Ashtoreth, we are cutting her off from Leviathan, and we are breaking those teeth that connect the two. When I first read that in this Hindu book that the Fiery Serpent ascends, and when she makes contact with Leviathan, she bites him, that struck me as so strange. Why would she bite him? Because the whole Hindu concept is that the Fiery Serpent is rising in a passion that could be likened to human sexuality, and we see this principle in the Song of Solomon. There is a spiritual part of us that can be passionate, and I could not understand why she would bite Leviathan, and now as the Doctrine of Christ evolves, I realize that that biting of Leviathan is another way of saying, And she joins with Leviathan. It is a union which imparts to her the cosmic energy of the astral plane, which she needs to abide in the heart center.


And let Jehovah's spiritual law, and the speech of Jehovah's Gospel of Peace go forth from our parched higher energy centers. Well, in order for that to happen, the waters have to be returned to the higher energy centers, and the waters are being returned to the higher energy centers in the person of King Adam, or the resurrected Adam, and in the New Testament, it is Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus is the full restoration of Adam. It is the virile seed, it is the root of the Tree of Life grafted to the waters of life. That is who Christ Jesus is. So, when Christ Jesus ascends back into the higher energy centers, He is bringing the waters with Him, and that is how our parched energy centers -- sometimes Jesus calls them the waste places or the wilderness or the desert. Sometimes, I think in the New Testament it says, Jesus went out into a desert. He ascended into one of the higher energy centers, and when He ascended into it He brought the waters with Him and made it a running stream. There are Scriptures like that. It will say the place was all dried out, and now it became a running stream or a running river.


So we see Jehovah's law and spiritual speech that produces peace between God and man will go forth from the parched higher energy centers. That is talking about the energy centers of the true timeline which are parched in most of the peoples of the earth. What does that mean? Most of the peoples of the earth are not living out of them. Most of the peoples of the earth are living in the third or the second energy center, where they are absorbed and preoccupied with lust for material things, and lust for sex, and those who are ascended, most of them are ascended in the Serpent's timeline. Their whole life is in the world here underneath the sea.


And we shall live according to Jehovah's lifestyle. That means that no one is going to be able to live -- first, they are going to hear the thoughts in their minds, saying,Llet us die to this lifestyle and live according to Jehovah's lifestyle, but what you have to go through before you can live according to Jehovah's lifestyle is everything that we have just reviewed here. If you want to live according to Jehovah's lifestyle you have to learn about Jehovah's moral character, and you have to learn about His lifestyle. You have to find out what it is. You have to find out what is expected of you, then our heart center has to be seeded with the Tree of Life, and Elohim's household has to shoot forth in us, and we have to circumvent Ashtoreth, or our Old Man, and cut her off from Leviathan, and we have to climb up into the sixth energy center.


Then, after we get up there, Jehovah's spiritual law and speech have to go forth from us. Well, for His spiritual law and His spiritual speech to go forth from us, Adam has to be living through you. King Adam has to be living through you, or Christ Jesus has to be living through you. For the spiritual speech of Jehovah to go forth from you means your mind has to be thinking the thoughts of God. So, how much is your mind thinking the thoughts of God when you walk out of here? And I do not say this to condemn you, I am just giving you something to measure yourself by.


And that will go forth from our parched higher energy centers, and when all that happens we shall be living according to Jehovah's lifestyle. I cannot imagine what it is like. I have to tell you, I look at the sin in my mind and I am really satisfied with this life, I am just in heaven living this life. My only complaint is that I wish I did not have to do all that administrative work, and that I could be in this Word 24 hours a day, but I am in the Word enough to say that my life is in heaven. Well, believe me, I am filled with sin. My sin nature is alive and well. All kinds of wicked thoughts flow through my mind. I cast them down, but they are there. I struggle with them, I fight with them, I wrestle with them, but they are there. I am a fully fallen man, and my life is wonderful, rich with this word, and I cannot even imagine what it would be like in the hour that my sin nature is defeated by the glorified Jesus Christ working together with Christ Jesus in me. I cannot imagine what life would be like.


Verse 4, And King Adam shall convince the tribes of Jehovah's doctrine, and they shall violently crush their carnal mind, and their human spirit shall be reformed into Adam, the one who is near to Elijah. And the Fiery Serpent shall be lifted up within the non-Jewish nations, and the Spirit of Elijah shall war against Satan, their unconscious mind, and King Adam shall besiege the carnal mind of the non-Jewish nations continually, and King Adam shall govern among the non-Jewish nations also.


Well, I think we are going to call it quits for tonight. Are there any questions or comments? We will pick up with Part 9 on Verse 4. Any questions or comments on what I talked about tonight?


COMMENT: I was just thinking that the riddle that Sampson talked about was the question of the ages: Where did we all come from? The scientists are asking, How did all of this come about?


PASTOR VITALE: I believe that Paul clearly says in the book of Romans that we became so wise that we became fools, and I believe that is happening in this country today, that we have become very wise in the intellectual studies of men, and with all of this knowledge that has come forth out of academia in our world, out of the people that study academics and go on to high degrees in college, they still are missing it. They are missing it because they do not want to believe that there really is a God that made this creation, that we have to answer to. They do not want to believe it, and the bottom line is that they want to be their own gods, so they are spending billions and trillions of dollars on space ships and all kinds of telescopes and material, and the information is in the spirit.


They are out there in the macrocosm studying the planets, which are really the reflection of the spiritual reality. There is an outer space and there is an inner space. You can spend trillions of dollars to study outer space, and then you have to be a really smart guy to study outer space, to be an astronaut. You have to be a special person to study outer space. Well, you have to be a special person to experience inner space, but that opportunity to be a special person is available to everybody in Christ Jesus, to have the equipment and be that special person that can receive this knowledge, and there are very few people who are qualified to go to other planets, at least at this time.


So they are very wise, but with all of their wisdom they are still fools, and what I hear in my head right now, is that with everything they are doing, they are still underneath the firmament. The truth of the matter is that, when we gather together like this, and the Spirit of Christ teaches us these high and exciting truths, we have ascended above the firmament. Our meetings take place in the upper room. We are in the upper room because this knowledge is not available underneath the firmament. So even though our physical bodies are still here, Christ Jesus in us lays hold of our personality and gives us spiritual experiences in the upper room. We penetrate and then we fall down, we penetrate and then we fall down. Lord willing, eventually we will penetrate into the upper room and remain there forever, and eventually be liberated from these prison houses of our physical bodies.


So all of the scientists of the world, scripturally speaking, are fools. A lot of the physicists and the astrophysicists today are starting to recognize that the reality is other dimensions. I am saying inner space and outer space. They are calling it other dimensions, and they are interested in exploring these other dimensions and making contact with the beings there, and what they do not understand is that these beings are all members of the Serpent's household, which means that they are all evil at their root. There are no good aliens. These beings in the other dimensions are the life forms that came forth when the waters of Jehovah's semen were absorbed by the earth. They are spiritual power without righteousness. They are completely without righteousness. They are evil. There is no such thing as a good alien.


So this seduction is upon the whole world, and especially the prosperous world, this country which has been made so great because of our Judeo-Christian heritage and beliefs, and the worship of the God of the Bible. That is why we are so great, not because we are superior to any other race, but that is why we are so great, and we are headed off in many areas into foolishness. But we believe that the Lord Jesus Christ has received this nation, that the nation is dedicated to Him, that despite everything that is going on in our government, prayers for the Congress still go forth every day, and He has received this nation as His, and He will chastise us, but we will be restored to righteousness in due season, and we thank God for that. In the name of Jesus. That is the end of this message. We will pick up next time with Verse 4. Praise the Lord.  

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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