433 - Part 1
(Luke 2:1-20)


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Praise the Lord, we are starting to translate Chapter 2. I have gotten through Verse 14. I had really hoped to have the whole chapter, at least the Alternate Translation of it, but I could not get it done.  Actually, the translation goes over into the first two verses, I think, of Chapter 3.


I do know that it was the King James translators who marked off the paragraph beginning and the paragraph ends, so sometimes we find that if you are following the train of thought it really does go on into the next chapter.


What I am going to do is read the Alternate Translation of the first 14 verses. I was just looking at it, and I could probably start expounding on it and make a whole message out of just expounding on this translation, but I think I am going to resist that.


I am going to read it onto the message, and then I am going to start giving you some comments on each of the verses. I am not going word-for-word, that just takes too long, but words that I have a radical translation for, I think some explanation is in order.


I would like to make one comment on what you will hear, that the first three verses sound radically different than the King James. What I have done is when we translated Daniel, I interpreted the names. I have interpreted Caesar, and Augustus, I have interpreted David, so we have come up with a spiritual translation of this chapter.


This is very interesting because when we first started translating the Book of Daniel,  going back a few years, I skipped the first few verses where it talks about King so-and-so and in the year of so-and-so.  I always thought those verses were not important but have now found out that those verses are deeply, deeply important.


When you interpret the names and the numbers, there is a deep, deep spiritual message in them.  Today I wanted to just skip pass the first three verses, thinking they were not important, but I went in and interpreted the names, and I found that what this chapter seems to be saying is that there was a spiritual reason that raised up Caesar Augustus to call for this taxation, that called everybody to start going to their own cities, that a command came, a spiritual command went forth into the mind of Caesar Augustus, and although I have heard it preached that, that spiritual command was from Jehovah to bring Jesus, to bring Mary and Joseph, to a place where Jesus would fulfill prophecy.


I do not agree with that from what I see in this translation. The spiritual translation that went forth was from the household of the Serpent. At this point, I had not really meditated or interspersed the translation, so I am going to be saying "the household of the Serpent" a lot, because I may have the member of the household wrong, whether it is the Serpent or Leviathan.


The command went forth from the Serpent's household to start engraving or to engrave the whole world with the nature of the Serpent.


What does that mean, the whole world is engraved with the nature of the Serpent? Except who at that time anyway except natural Israel, natural Israel was the only nation at that time that had the mind of Christ.  They had the resurrected Adam. 


The command went forth from the Serpent to put an end to this nonsense, "I want the whole world engraved in my nature" said the Serpent, and this spiritual command went forth into the mind of someone who had secular authority, Caesar Augustus, and what is interesting is that Caesar Augustus is not the name of a man.  It is a double title, which I will go over when I start actually teaching on the verse.




That is a sign right there that the Scripture has a deep spiritual connotation, because there is no name of an individual human being, just a title,  so that is a sign that something spiritual is happening here. Another way to put it is that the command went forth from the Serpent to erase Elohim's nature from everyone in the household of Elohim who had His nature.


When a command goes forth to engrave the whole world in the nature of the Serpent, by reverse inference it is saying, "Get that nature, get Elohim's nature off of those Israelites." That was the command that went forth.


You will find that the first few verses are highly spiritual.  I am not even sure how I am going to do this when I put it into the Alternate Translation, because the spiritual translation is radically different.


That is another problem, and I will have to ask the Lord what He wants me to do.  You will find that the first three verses are highly spiritual, and after that the verses can be taken both in the natural... as the chapter proceeds it becomes more and more physical. 


I have some basic studies for you showing you the Scriptures in which the English word "babe" is used, and then there are Scriptures in which the word "child" is used.  I am going to suggest to you that when the Greek word translated "babe" is used, it is talking about Christ, not the child Jesus.  The child is Jesus, the "babe" is Christ in the child Jesus.


Look brethren, there has to be a reason why two different words are used.  That is something I have been teaching you here for years. If there are two different words used there is a reason for it, even if both of those words, if you look them up in the Greek and the English dictionary, they mean the same thing.


If the Scripture uses two different words there is a reason for it, and most of the time the difference is that one word is applying to the Christ mind, and the other word is applying to the carnal mind. Most often, you will find that is what the difference is.


I have a lot of interesting material for you here, and I was going to tell you one other thing, and it just popped out of my mind. I cannot remember what popped into my mind so we will just go on.


I am going to read you Luke 2:1-14 and, Lord willing, I am going to resist commenting on it, because there are profound spiritual principles here that happened to get me very excited, and I want to go out and expound on it, but I am going to resist.


Luke 2:1-14, And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from the old, from that old Serpent who was severed from Elohim's household, that the whole world should be engraved with the Serpent's, this nature first coming in to existence when the exalted warrior took command.


Everyone went into his own city to be engraved  and Leviathan, the heathen timeline that has the nature of the sea bottom, sprang up out of the human spirit that Joseph's Christ mind guarded, which Christ mind was a part of Elohim's spiritual city, because Joseph was of the tribe of Elohim's household that bore Elohim's nature. 


The reason he went was to have the pregnant woman, that is the carnal mind that he was mentally joined to, engraved with the nature of the thief so that she would bring the timelines that were within her into existence to supply that place, and I will expound on that when we get to it.


Elohim compressed his first born son, made him to spiritually lie down and brought him forth in a food animal body, to break apart and destroy the Serpent's lodging place, but there were those who were assembled in the spiritual part of themselves while preserving and guarding themselves against the spiritual darkness of their animal nature, and Michael, the spiritual man who controlled the carnal mind, appeared and they saw Elijah, the controller.


Michael, you cannot see. You can only see Elijah.  He appeared with Elijah, the controller, and Michael's magnificent vibrating energy was shining all around Elijah like a halo.  Their carnal minds were seized with alarm, but the preserved men acknowledged that Elijah was their elder and submitted to him.


Elijah, the spiritual man, said to them, "Do not be alarmed but understand that I am bringing the good news of spiritually mature, calm delight, to all the people, and Christ, the controller, who is the evidence that this good news has come to you is delivered by Michael, Elohim's spiritual city, delivered into your bosom by Michael, Elohim's spiritual city, this day, as Savior. 


Understand that this miraculous embryo which is now within you is contracted and lying down in the food animal body," and suddenly Elijah, the spiritual man who was the celestial luminary that came from the heaven above, told the men the story of the true God, and they were filled, or completed, or made whole, and the truth that indeed the most high God satisfies men from above the earth.


Brethren, I have told you this before.  We philosophize a lot here, we put it on this message.  The whole world is suffering from lack of completion. 


Every evil thing that a man does, and every non-evil thing, every good and every evil thing that people do, because we are the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, is to make themselves feel good, because we are all lacking. 


This is not obvious to people, because we take society for granted, but husbands and wives and children and family lives and jobs and gainful employment are all things that make us feel good, or they are suppose to be making you feel good, unless you have a very negative life. 


Even work makes us feel good.  You may not know what a blessing it is to be able to work until you find yourself locked up in a cell some day where you are not allowed to work. You do not know what a blessing it is to study and use your mind until you are deprived of that privilege.  Everything that we do satisfies ourselves.


It is very, very, very rare that anybody does anything completely for somebody else. This is the nature of our condition, it is nothing to be ashamed of.


People have needs, and so society has developed a system to satisfy these needs that does not hurt anybody but mutually meets each other's needs.


You want sex you get married, you are lonely and maybe you have your children who make you not lonely. A lot of women are lonely even in marriage, and children satisfy that need for a lot of women, and that is okay, as long as you do not try to hold on to them when they get older. There is nothing wrong with being satisfied with raising your family.


All of humanity is lacking, incomplete, unfulfilled, and dying, and the good news, brethren, although you do not really hear it preached, the good news is that there is one who will complete us, that there is one who comes from above who will satisfy us with spiritual satisfaction that is not destructive to us.


Most human beings, or a large percentage of human beings, even they are engaged in the nondestructive activities of marriage and children and family life and a responsible job, many of us, if not all of us, I cannot speak for every individual, but most of us in some area have a tendency to go overboard, you go overboard.


If you are having trouble in your life, if there is pain in your heart for whatever reason, you must really guard against excess in any other area of your life. Why? Because we all feel pain in our emotions, and the tendency is to be driven by that pain to find something to make it go away that is not too destructive, and sometimes people do engage in destructive activities and deny that it is destructive, but what everybody is doing is trying to make that pain go away.  That pain or that emptiness, that is what everybody is trying to do whether they know it or not.


If you want to look at this from a spiritual point of view, everything that we do, even devoting ourselves to our families which is so acceptable in this society, everything that we do in which God is not first separates us from God and is, therefore, sin. 


There is always some trouble.  You raise children, there is always trouble with your kids, you get married, there is always trouble with your wife.  It is not perfect, that is what I am trying to say. It does the job.  It is better than being alone on an island, but there is always pain, is there not?


Always pain, always pain, pain for the husband, pain for the wife, pain for the children, pain for the employer, there is always pain.


The good news is that there is satisfaction that comes from above in which there is no pain, but a satisfaction that heals pain. There is a perfect satisfaction that comes from above, a 100% satisfaction. 


It may be painful being reshaped into a form that can receive this satisfaction, but we will be permanently and completely satisfied. That means no pain, that means continuous pleasure.  Not the pleasures of the flesh, but spiritual pleasures in which there is no pain. It exists, it is real, and it is available to us.


I tell the Lord all the time what a blessing my relationship with Him  is, and I thought just like everybody else thought, when the Lord first starting drawing me into this deep relationship, I wanted to get married, I did not want to live alone, I did not want a lot of the things that I have right now, and my life was painful. 


There was pain in my heart, but I went through, He got me through, and I pierced through to the other side, and I want to tell you, this is the best relationship I have ever had in my life.


He is always there for me.  It is impossible for Him to not be there when I need him.  He is always listening. I can pour my heart out to Him, He never criticizes me, He never cuts me off. He never is in a power play with me, He is never trying to exalt Himself at my expense.


So many people, they just do it and from a selfish point of view.  I do not have to stop and listen to what He has to say, I just talk until I am talked out, and He will listen.


When you have a relationship with a human being, you have to let them talk too, you have to hear what they have to say too. You have to share, you have to compromise, you have to meet their needs also.


I have found out that if I am just willing to lay down my own ways, everything that the Lord does meets my need. It meets both of our needs. You see in a human marriage where two imperfect people compromise means that each of you has to have some loss, but not in Christ. 


If you are willing to give up your fleshly ways, it is a very positive thing to come into full agreement with Christ where you both want the same thing.


In a human relationship, that is impossible unless one person goes into bondage and just agrees to everything else that the other person says, but there is a satisfaction from above.  It is a perfect satisfaction, and that is the good news.


I am sorry, the good news is not that you are going to be raptured.  That is not the good news. The good news is that there is a relationship that will heal your pain.  That is the good news, and not only heal your pain, but preserve your life, preserve your personality, and preserve your body until the glorification. 


There is a relationship available to you that will meet your every need, and if you are hearing this message, and you have been in God for several years and your every need is not met, it is because your thinking is wrong. 


I do not condemn you.  I just told you it took me years to get my thinking straightened out, and my thinking is still not a hundred percent, but I want to tell you any pain that I experience I know that I am in the midst of wrong thinking. I know that. 


What is the right thinking? The right thinking is that I pray the prayer, I confess my sins, I repent, I ask Jesus to help, whether it is me or a member of my family, and I get my mind on the things of God, because all pain is in that carnal mind. 


There is nothing but satisfaction if you have the discipline.  It has taken me years to get here.  If you can do it, if you can get into the mind of Christ no matter what is going on, the mind of Christ engages in the activities of Christ.


With me, it is usually study and receiving revelation, the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life.


I am going to start this study.  I am starting off with Verse 1, I am starting off with some basic principles of this chapter. The first one I have already mentioned to you is the English word "babe." It is a translation of Strong's #1025, and it can be translated "infant," but it can also be translated "embryo or fetus." 


I want to suggest to you that this word "babe" is referring to (Oh, I know what I wanted to talk to you about before)  the unborn Christ that is within the child Jesus.  Christ is not born until Jesus was fully born again when He was glorified.


When you are born, you come into another world. When a woman carries a child in her womb, all that child knows is that watery womb. When the child is born, it goes into a completely different environment, an airborne environment.  It is not the same kind of water that was in the womb.  We know we are in a sea of energy here. 


The unborn embryo is Christ in a man who is not yet glorified.  I preached here for a long time (This is what I wanted to tell you before) that Jesus was born with a fertilized human spirit. I believe that He was born with Christ already engrafted to Him, and Christ is the resurrected Adam.


I believe that Jesus was born with a seed engrafted to His human spirit that had the potential to grow into the resurrected Adam who is called Christ.


Then, I did a study on the wise men and the gifts and the myrrh, if you recall, I interpreted all of those symbols, and I believe it is, well it was myrrh and frankincense. I do not know which one it was. 


One of those words seem to me that they should be interpreted as the Holy Spirit, and maybe it was frankincense. I am not sure, but it was one of those symbols that talked about a sweet smelling odor, and I know that a sweet smelling odor is a symbol of the Holy Spirit.


When I did that, and I did not write it up, I had done it very quickly but when I did that interpretation, I told you...I think I made a mistake.  It looks like Jesus was not born with an engrafted seed.  It looks like He was just born with the Holy Spirit.


Do you remember me telling you that? I based it on that word that meant "sweet smelling odor," but according to this study that is coming forth here, He was born with an engrafted seed, and so I have to weigh these two things.


What conclusion do I draw as I weigh this evidence before the Lord believing that He is going to correct every error and bring forth all truth? This is the conclusion that I come to, that, that sweet smelling odor can be the Spirit of Christ as well as the Holy Spirit and, perhaps in fact, maybe my information was wrong. 


Maybe the sweet smelling odor is not even the Holy Spirit.  Maybe it is the Spirit of Christ. I do not know about you, but I do not smell a sweet smelling odor an awful lot. I have been in large congregations with great praise going up and heavy deliverance anointing, and I have never smelled a sweet smelling odor. Has anybody here ever smelled it?


You have?  Is it common, or do you just smell it? Twice in many years, two times you experienced that when you were alone?


Those of us who have some experience with the Holy Spirit, we see that it is not a common thing.  Certainly, we cannot say that every time we gathered, and sang songs, and cast out demons, that the sweet smelling odor was there.  It is not a typical manifestation, right? You can say that?


Either the sweet smelling odor is actually the sign of the Spirit of Christ and not the Holy Spirit, or that sign could be imputed to either one of them.  We just keep gathering our facts, and we just keep going with the flow.


It looks like I was right the first time, that the human child, Jesus, was born with an embryonic Christ. Does everybody understand what I just said?  That was what I wanted to tell you earlier, and it is coming forth here in this study.


The English word "babe," Strong's #1025, can mean an "infant," but it also can mean an "embryo" or a "fetus," and I am suggesting to you, or at least in this chapter, we are going to translate it,  "the unborn Christ fetus that is within the child, Jesus."


If anyone that is listening to this message is having a problem with this, I will tell you, or I will repeat what I said at the beginning of this message. You have to deal with the fact that the word "child" appears in this chapter, I think, twice, and one of those times it was added in by the King James translators.


It only appears, I think, once, the word "child," which definitely means a human child, that there are two terms used here, "babe" and "child."


You have to address that fact, and you have to ask the Lord why the two different words are used if you are having a problem receiving what I am telling you, because I am suggesting to you that the two different terms differentiate between the human child, Jesus, and the embryonic child, or the embryonic Christ, the embryo of Christ that is within the human child, Jesus.


I have some witnesses for you on that,


Luke 1:41, And it came to pass that when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost.


The child did not leap in her womb.  The unborn in this case, well in this case I think it was not even the unborn Jesus.  It was the unborn Christ in the unborn child, Jesus, that leaped in her womb, because how was Elizabeth filled with the Holy Ghost?


I suggest to you that the embryonic Christ within the fetus, Jesus, manifested right through the fetus, right through Mary, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost.


Christ is spirit, brethren.  It is no hindrance to Him, it is no hindrance to Him that He was inside of two different bodies, that He had to pierce through, actually three. He had to appear through Jesus' physical body, through Mary's physical body, and He had to pierce through Elizabeth's physical body to fill her with the Holy Ghost.


Luke 1:44, For lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in my ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy.


I suggest that it was not the baby or the child, Jesus, but the embryonic Christ that leaped for joy.


Luke 2:12, And this shall be a sign unto you, ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger.


This is not the work up. I am just going to give you the Alternate Translation here, because you need that to understand what I am saying. "But understand that this miraculous unborn embryo, that is Christ, which is now within you is contracted, and lying down in your food body."


Let me explain that, "contracted." This is a spiritual principle, brethren.  I have never expressed it to you this way before, but we have talked about it.  We talked about singularities, how the whole creation started out as a single point and expanded into all these people, that is spiritually speaking.  


A spirit can contract or expand.  A spirit that is contracted, we might say, is a particle, and when it is expanded it is a wave.  Spirit is a wave, you know, and it rises and it falls, and it expands and then it collapses back upon himself.


We know that when creation started that the big bang can be likened to nuclear fission, but we are now coming to a place where there is going to be a nuclear fusion, everything that is separated out is now coming back. Does anybody not know what I am talking about?


What I am suggesting to you that is being said in the Scripture is that the spirit that engrafted to the human spirit of the fetus, Jesus, had to contract to be put inside of a human body. Spirit throws off great light vibrations. One spirit can vibrate for miles and miles and miles and ,of course, in outer space light goes for light years.


For a spirit to be put inside of an animal body, it must be contracted, folded in upon itself, fused down to that singular point. That is what this is talking about, but understand that this miraculous unborn embryo, which is now within you is contracted, and it is lying down, lying down in spiritual weakness, lying down underneath the carnal mind above the embryo and the mother, both the fetus and the fetus of the child, Jesus, and the mother.


Another way to say that is that this spirit, this Christ who is the Holy one, is not manifesting any spiritual power in this child.


Brethren, Christ is in me, Christ is in you, why are we not doing miracles, why are we still aging and getting sick, and if the Lord does not intervene we will all die, why not? Because the Christ in us is lying down underneath the carnal mind.  It has to stand up if we are to be preserved.


This spirit that is engrafted to the human spirit of the fetus of the child, Jesus, is contracted and lying down, and nobody would know that deity is in this person unless you were told. Nobody knows that deity is in us unless they are told, and I am sure all of us can say "amen" to Jesus saying, "A prophet is not without honor except in his own country."


The members of your own household may even mock you for your walk with the Lord.  They do not believe. Does your husband believe Christ is in you? Does any member of your family believe Christ is in you? How about you? Anybody? Nobody.


You walk down the street, nobody knows that Christ is in us, because Christ in us is contracted and lying down, and the word "manger" means "food."  I looked it up in the dictionary.  A manger is a box where food is supplied for the animals. I find this very interesting.  God is so faithful.


I was watching a TV program several months ago with a spiritual program, the man was not a Christian, but he was talking about the different bodies, and he referred to this physical body that we dwell in as the food body.  His reason for calling it a food body is this, and I receive it. 


He says that we live in an animal body.  We are not cannibals, but animal flesh is raised and slaughtered for the purpose of food, and we eat that flesh, and it puts flesh on this body.  Of course, we know there are cannibals in the world.  He called this physical body a food body.  When I looked at this, and I asked the Lord about this translation of the word "manger," I said, "Wow, I bet you that is it."


What I did not tell you was that the way I got into this study was that Christ Jesus spoke to me a couple of weeks ago, I guess it was Christ. How do I tell the difference? It was a very quiet thought that just seeped into my mind. 


It was Christ in me, and the word was about this Scripture, that the word "manger," that the baby, that the child, Jesus, was not put in a manger, but the Christ was put in a manger in the physical body of the child, Jesus. Does anyone not know what I just said?


This thought was just seeping into my mind as of a couple of weeks ago, and finally I said, "Let me just check this out," and, of course, I give my work load to the Lord every day, you know.  I thought I was just going to look up this one Scripture and do something else today.  I have been on it all day, and sure enough it checked out.


I am convinced that the use of the word "manger" is indicating that the embryonic Christ was placed in a food body, in a body that is food. This body, if you are a cannibal, you can eat it. Anybody having a problem with this? 


This shall be a sign unto you, you shall find the babe, the embryonic Christ, wrapped in swaddling clothes. That is contractive. When you swaddle a baby, you bind them up real tight. 


Swaddling clothes, that is one Greek word which can be translated "contracted," and lying in a manger.  Understand that this miraculous unborn embryo, which is now within you, is contracted and lying down in your food body. That is a manger.


Oh here, I printed this out, "manger - a trough or an open box in which feed for live stock is placed." It is a food body.


Luke 2:16, And they came with haste and found Mary and Joseph and the babe lying in a manger." "And they went eagerly and found the embryonic Christ,


That is the babe, and there is an untranslated word in that verse that means "join to."  They found the embryonic Christ joined to Mary, I suggest to you.  Joined to somebody, well maybe it was joined to, I bet you it was joined to the babe, Jesus. "And they went eagerly, and they found the embryonic Christ joined to."  It must be Jesus, and Mary and Joseph, and he was lying down in a food animal body.


No, I guess he was joined to Mary and Joseph, joined to them in a soul tie, I guess. "And they went eagerly and found the embryonic Christ joined to Mary and Joseph, and he was lying down in a food animal body."


Luke 18:15, And they brought unto him also infants that he would touch them, but when his disciples, they rebuked them...


I have had a very good day today, brethren.  Listen to this Alternate Translation, which this verse makes the disciples of Jesus sound very carnal and very selfish.


Brethren, I know there are Scriptures that indicate that Jesus was rebuking His disciples all of the time. I have not looked up all of those Scriptures, but I believe that at some point all of His disciples had an imputed full stature, and they knew exactly what He was doing. If they were not, they were very high. 


They were not like we are now.  Even if they were not fully in full stature, they had a lot of spiritual knowledge, and they were very high. In the King James translation we have not been given an accurate idea of what they were like.


Alternate translation Luke 18:15, And the unborn Christ child, and they brought also unto him infants.


I guess I should not say "child." I should say the unborn Christ embryo, and I am just going to say the unborn Christ, "And the unborn Christ presented himself to the intent that he would attach himself to them, and when the disciples saw that Christ was willing to attach himself to these people, willing to receive them, the disciples judged their sins."


That is what the rebuke means. The unborn Christ in that man, I guess it is talking about Jesus. I just pulled the verse out here, "presented himself," he showed himself with signs and wonders, and when it became obvious to the disciples that the unborn Christ in the man was willing to receive these people, they judged their sins.


It is not enough to have Christ being formed in you.  If your sin nature is not exposed and judged, Christ in you will die.  He will die.


"And they brought unto him also infants that he would touch them." It does not say "Jesus."  It says "him," but when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them.


I suggest to you that this verse is saying that the unborn Christ showed himself to the intent that he would attach himself, I said to, he revealed that he was willing to attach himself to these people who came.  When the disciples saw that Christ was willing to receive them, the disciples judged their sins.


I want to suggest to you again, that is what Ananias was going to Peter for.


These people were Hebrews, they had a knowledge of the Scripture, they knew that Christ was formed in them, and they came to get their sins judged, because you have to...Christ has to break out of your carnal mind, or he will die on the vine. I tell you the truth.


There is another verse, I think I have it, I think I have it in here, that if you do not shed the blood of your carnal mind, Christ is going to die. 


There is a Scripture that says you have not suffered unto blood yet.  What that means is, you have not suffered enough to shed the blood of your carnal mind. You are not going to kill that thing in a second.  You are fighting for your life and the life of all of your family, because what you do will affect your whole family.


Acts 7:19, The same dealt subtly with out kindred and evil entreated our fathers so that they cast out their young children to the end that they might live.


Remember, these are all Scriptures where the Hebrew word is the word that is translated "babe," Strong's #1025. That is why I am reading you all these verses. 


I am suggesting to you, like in Verse 15 above, it is not human infants.  These people came that had Christ conceived in them, and when the disciples saw that Christ was in them, then they judged their sins.


The people came to have their sins judged. The people came to the disciples, because they were not strong enough to put their own carnal mind under Christ.  They came for help, and the help they got was that their sins were exposed.


Acts 7:19, The same dealt subtly with our kindred and evil entreated our fathers so that they cast out their young children to the end they might not live.


They killed Christ in them, brethren.  "The same dealt subtly with our kindred, and evil to our fathers." What is this evil that they did, that they cast out the young children to the end that the young children did not live? I just said it, brethren, what these people did was they refused to acknowledge their sin nature.


That is how Israel stumbled, that is what happened to Israel. Israel had Christ formed in them but, because of pride, they would not recognize their sin nature, and chose on the other hand to believe that they would be saved by the works of the law. They justified their refusal to recognize, confess, and destroy their sin nature, and they went into denial. 


They believed a lie, that they would be justified by the works of the law, and the Scripture says that they dealt subtly, and they did evil to their fathers, and they aborted the Christ in them.


 Text inside of brackets “[]”signify content that I have added.


2 Tim. 3:15, And that from an unborn child, thou hast perceived the Holy Scripture. . . .


“Perceived” is a translation of the word "known," so the unborn child in you, the embryonic Christ in you, has enabled you to perceive or to understand the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise unto salvation through faith, which is moral conviction.


I hear a lot about faith today, I hear a lot of people talking about it in other ways. Faith is moral conviction, faith is the belief in the truth of the Scripture.


The reason I put that word "Sophia" in brackets there, is that I found out that the Greek word translated "wise" is Sophia, and you may recall that the Lord recently revealed to me that the word "Sapphira" in Ananias and Sapphira was a rendition of Sophia.


When I did that translation of Ananias and Sapphira, I found out by the spirit of revelation that Sapphira, the Lord's interesting, and then several months after I did Ananias and Sapphira and got that information by revelation, I found out, out of another book written by an individual, that Sophia is the name for wisdom.  It does not have to be Christ, it could be the wisdom of the carnal mind.


If you remember me telling you that, I got that information which was a second witness that I had heard from the spirit of revelation when I preached that message that Sapphira was Ananias' carnal mind, and here in this study, I see the word, the Greek word, translated "wise" is Sophia, so here is another witness to that if you know what I was just talking about.


1 Pet.2:2, As newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby.


I translated that verse for you."As newborn babes." First of all, that word "newborn," it does not have to be translated newborn, "intensely crave unmixed milk so that the new embryos that the logos has begotten in you may increase unto Christ Jesus, which is your salvation."


Intensely crave the sincere milk, and the newborn does not have to mean newborn babies.  It could mean the new embryos, the newly conceived embryos in you, and one of those words meant logos or the sincere milk of the word.  That Greek word is logos.


Peter is saying, "Intensely crave the milk so that the engrafted word, the word that has just been engrafted to you, that the logos has just begotten in you, may increase." 


That word "increase" can be used of animals or plants, and I suggest to you that Christ in us is a spiritual plant, and increases into Christ Jesus, who is your salvation, Christ Jesus in the midst of you, your salvation, not that you simply may grow thereby, and that word "salvation" was not translated.  It is in the Interlinear Text, Strong's #4991, the whole verse is utterly castrated.  "Crave the milk of the word that your salvation that is now in the midst of you shall grow until your salvation is completed."


That is the end of our study on babe.  Any questions or comments in this area? Anybody?


We will go on to the next principle which is the word "son," Strong's #5207, Wheos, and this is the only time this word appears in Luke 2. It means a son, generally used of the offspring of men, the male offspring of a father, sons of Abraham.  It is talking about a male offspring, and we will find that when we start our translation.


The third point is the word "firstborn" which is Strong's #4416. This is the only...what I am doing is I am picking out all the words that we previously have referred to the human child, Jesus, babe, child, firstborn.  That is what we are doing.


We are examining all of these words, and we are finding out that most of them refer to the embryonic Christ. I think "child" is the only word that refers to the actual human Jesus.  "Firstborn" is Strong's #4416.  This is the only time this word is used in the Gospel of Luke. Every other Scripture using this word refers to Christ, not the man, Jesus.


It is from #4413, it means "firstborn of man or beast," Christ the firstborn of all creation, and we are going to take a look at these other Scriptures.  I am hoping to convince you that when you see the firstborn in Luke 2, it is not talking about the child, Jesus, but it is talking about the Christ, the firstborn of all creation that is within the child, Jesus.


 And she brought forth her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger because there was no room for them in the Inn.


Alternate Translation, Luke 2:7 And Elohim compressed the firstborn son of himself and made him lie down in a food animal body, so that the Serpent's lodging place could be broken apart and destroyed.


What is the Serpent's lodging place? I suggest to you, brethren, that is talking about the Fiery Serpent who is lodged down in the human bodies of all of humanity.  That word "lodging place" can also be translated "scabbard" which is the sheath of a sword, the Serpent's sheath. The Serpent is a sword that kills us. Elohim compressed the firstborn son, His own firstborn son and made Him to lie down in a food animal body for the specific purpose that the Fiery Serpent's vessels could be broken apart and destroyed.


Brethren, these human bodies are not of God.  They are to be broken apart, dissolved, and destroyed. Why are they not of God?


 Brethren, these human bodies are intimately connected to our animal mind. We have an animal body because we have an animal mind, and this animal mind, and this animal body, and the lusts thereof, with all their strength are directing us away from the Lord Jesus Christ and the spiritual life which is above.


Brethren, the whole principle and the whole point of this great salvation that is delivered unto us is based on the fact that the Lord Jesus and Jehovah, who sent Him, knows that we cannot overcome this animal mind, the lusts of this animal mind and this animal body. We cannot overcome it.


Jehovah has sent the Lord Jesus Christ to destroy the one that is stopping us, that is preventing us from leading a spiritual life.  Does  that not make sense?


Did you ever hear, well I do not know if you hear it too much these days, but you used to hear it.  If a woman was seduced by a man, and she could not get away from him because he was holding her by some seductive power,  did it not  happen in the Scripture with Dinah? Her brothers went, and they did evil to the whole tribe of the man who seduced her.


Brethren, we are captured, we are living in our captor's tent, and we cannot get free.  At the moment, I cannot remember the name of the man who seduced Dinah, but I do believe if I remember correctly, he was kind to her. I think the Scripture says his heart smote him, he loved her, but she was still a slave in a heathen society, and her brothers went and got her back.


Jesus is our elder brother who is coming to get us free.  We are captured. I do not care how pleasant your life is, or how positive your life is, you are a slave on a plantation. I tell you the truth.  We are doing the word "firstborn."


Rom.8:29, For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son, that is Christ Jesus, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.


This is not talking about a physical man, but talking about the spiritual man.


Col.1:15, Christ Jesus who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature.


Col.1:15 is talking about the spiritual man.


Col.1:18, And he, Christ Jesus, is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead.


Christ Jesus was born out of this world of death, and He was born out of the death of the carnal mind, and He was born out of the physical man Jesus, who was dead, who was abiding in death until Christ Jesus dominated His carnal mind, that in all things He might have the preeminence.


Hebrews 1:6, And again when he bringeth in Christ, the first begotten into the world, he saith, and let all the angels of God worship him.


I have got a flash for you, brethren, that verse, Hebrews 1:6, started me on a whole study that is another whole message, if I ever preach it. It says "Let all the angels of God worship him." I do not know if it was that verse, but I found a another verse where Jesus was talking to the evil angels, saying, "Let all the evil angels worship him."    


Hebrews11:28, "Through faith he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of blood, lest he that destroyed the firstborn, should touch him.


This is the first negative use of that term firstborn, and I suggest to you that it is referring to the firstborn of the fallen creation.  The whole point is, it is not referring to a human child.


He kept His personal Passover.  We all know that we all have to have a personal Passover. The whole world out there thinks that we are waiting for Tabernacles, and we are all waiting for Passover, brethren. Passover is the passing over of the angel of death. When Christ Jesus in us rises and passes over the angel of death,  that is our Passover. Christ rises up and passes over the angel of death.


The only reason that the Hebrews did not die in Egypt, whatever that Scripture really says about that account, I do not recall the spiritual translation right now, but the reason the, based on the traditional understanding of the angel of death that went out and smote the firstborn of all of Egypt, the reason.... the only reason the angel of death did not smite the Hebrews was because they were living out of their Christ mind. The firstborn that died is the carnal mind.


Is everybody okay with that?  The Passover, the personal Passover that we have to experience is that the angel of death has to be passed over.  He cannot get us. The angel of death within us has to be prevented from killing us, and the only way that is going to happen is for Christ to rise in us and pass over our carnal mind.  I do not think you understand this, let me try it another way.


The angel of death went out into Egypt and killed the firstborn. Do you understand that the firstborn was Cain, was born ahead of Abel? The firstborn was not the Son of God.


Do you understand that, that the Serpent captured the creation.  Before  the creation of God had ever incarnated, the Serpent captured it, and it was the Serpent who incarnated it. Can you get that? Are you with me with that?  Are you okay? It was the Serpent who incarnated it.  The firstborn of this fallen creation is the carnal mind. Are you okay? 


When the angel of death went out, he went out to kill the firstborn, he did not go out....I do not believe he killed the firstborn human children of Egypt, and the spiritual understanding is coming back to me now. I do not even believe the plagues were sent against a physical Pharaoh. The plagues were sent against the carnal mind, Pharaoh in the minds of the Hebrew children, who had been seduced by the gods of Egypt.


The angel of death that went out to kill the firstborn, the firstborn being the carnal mind, the angel of death that went out to kill him was the Christ in the individual, rose up and killed the carnal mind in themselves. Can you hear this?


For the people who have not heard our Moses messages, I am of the opinion that, that whole account is symbolic. I believe that the Jews that immigrated to Egypt prospered, and they became assimilated into the land just like the Jews in this country today. They stopped practicing their religion, they stopped worshiping Jehovah,  they were absorbed into the spiritual practices of the Egyptians, and Moses was sent to bring the people back to the faithful worship of Jehovah, which can only be....Jehovah can only be worshiped in spirit and in truth, out of the Christ mind that was in the Hebrews.


Brethren, the whole church today is following after another spirit.  It is the same thing happening again. When the judgment of the church goes forth, when those who will be in the two-witness company go forth, we will be going forth to kill the firstborn in the members of the church, the carnal mind that has risen up in the people of God, that is covering over Christ and killing Him. The same thing is happening again.


If you can get it into your head or, at least, if you could believe this just for this message, that the angel of death that went forth did not go forth to kill human children, human Egyptian children. I do not even believe that the Hebrews were physically enslaved in Egypt. There is no proof of it, there is no historical proof of it.


If you could just follow me just for this teaching, if you do not want to believe it that is okay, but you should pray about it.


I believe Moses was sent to the Hebrew children who were prospering in Egypt. They were eating garlic and leeks, and slaves do not eat garlic and leeks. They had good food, they were completely assimilated into the land and worshiping the Egyptian gods, and Pharaoh had risen up in the hearts of these people and in the minds of these people and covering over Christ, and Christ was dying.


Moses went forth and he spoke to the Hebrew children, "Come, repent of your sins and serve your God." Brethren, look at the church.  It is going to be happening here very soon, and the Hebrew children they could not or they would not come.  They were entangled in the land, the Scripture says. 


Upon the instruction of the Lord, those people in whom Christ was formed by Moses' hand, I do not understand completely how it happened, he strengthened Christ in these people, and Christ rose up and slew the firstborn, the carnal mind in those people.  That is what happened. If you do not pray about it you are silly, because I am telling you, it is the truth.


We are relating it to this Scripture here, "Through faith he kept the Passover." He kept his personal Passover. How do you keep your personal Passover? You keep Christ on top of your carnal mind, that is your personal Passover, that Christ is on top of your carnal mind.  He kept his personal Passover, and the way he did it was by shedding the blood of his carnal mind.


That word "sprinkling" means to shed blood. He kept His personal Passover, He kept his Christ mind on top of His carnal mind by shedding the blood of His carnal mind, lest He, Christ that slew the firstborn, should be injured. He kept His personal Passover, he kept Christ on top of the carnal mind by shedding the blood of the carnal mind so that Christ in Him, the one who slew the carnal mind, the firstborn should not be injured.


The whole principle, brethren, is that you cannot live in peace with your carnal mind.  You have to kill her. If you do not shed her blood, and how do you shed her blood?  You do not kill her right away.  How do you shed her blood? You have to crucify her, you have  to penetrate her, you have to pierce her, you have to impale her unto yourself like a shish kabob.


Christ has to be on top. If you are just resting on top of her she will surely rise up and slay you.  You have to nail her down. That is why Jesus is the veil.


He kept his personal Passover, he kept Christ on top of his carnal mind. He did it by crucifying his carnal mind, and the reason that he did it was that he knew that if he did not do it, Christ the one who put the carnal mind under him in the first place, would be injured.  How would he be injured? The carnal mind would rise up and crucify him.


I think we got that.  Somebody was not understanding that, I think we broke through. Everybody okay with that, you want to ask me anything? You have a question?


COMMENT: On that, and he kept his personal Passover by the shedding of the blood of the carnal mind, lest he, Christ that slew the firstborn should be injured, are you saying Moses' time, all those Hebrews, they slew the carnal mind within themselves, that the Passover would go over, and the angel of death would not touch them?


PASTOR VITALE:  It was a personal thing, yes. Let me just say it was a personal thing, but it was Moses' mind that joined to their Christ mind that gave them the strength to do it.


COMMENT: I am trying to understand what that shedding of the blood means, because were they then righteous, did they become spiritually righteous people? Or did they go back and forth and sometimes sin?


PASTOR VITALE:  I think they were righteous but not perfect if that is what you mean.


I think that my carnal mind, I think I shed the blood of my carnal mind.  I could be wrong about this, this is what I am thinking right now. I have told you that I had a piercing through, that I could not live this life that I live a couple of years ago, it was like torment. You people cannot live my life. 


The only reason I could live it is that I pierced through to the other side. I pierced through, I pierced through my carnal mind. I believe I shed her blood, but I am not perfect yet, but I am on the other side. I am on what other side? I am on the other side of my heart center.


There are two sides of your heart center. When you are living out of your lower centers, you are living out of the lower part of your heart center, because our heart center is where our whole nature is. What we really are is in our heart center, but just as the human heart has three or four chambers, does anyone know if there are three or four chambers?


I think there are at least three or four chambers of the physical heart.  There are different chambers, at least two chambers in our spiritual heart, and one chamber goes with the lower centers, and then the higher chamber goes with the higher centers, but we have to be living out of our heart center, either the lower part of it or the upper part of it. 


I have to have pierced through to the upper part of my heart, or I could not be living like this with the peace that I have.


COMMENT: Did that Scripture mean that they slew the carnal mind of the Hebrews that were not, I mean the Egyptians, they slew the firstborn, according to the Scripture, of the Egyptians.


PASTOR VITALE: Let me correct you. According to the King James translation, I do not believe there was any physical death, and I do not think there were any Egyptians hurt.


There was Pharaoh, it was the spirit that was over Egypt. Pharaoh was the religious head of this highly occult nation, so it was Pharaoh's mind that was being reproduced in the Hebrews. 


Just like when Moses came in, and Elijah did the same thing with the prophets of Baal.  He came in with that strong Christ Jesus mind, and he attached his.... both of them attached their minds to the Hebrew men, remember that? And brought Christ up from underneath the carnal mind. 


When the Scripture says Pharaoh, what it means is that Pharaoh did what Elijah did, Pharaoh did what Moses did. Pharaoh's mind was so strong with this occult power, he was strengthening the carnal mind in all of the Hebrews so that carnal mind was on top of the Christ mind. It was not even fair, it was not even a battle between Christ and the carnal mind in the individual.


Pharaoh, the spiritual head of Egypt, was strengthening the carnal mind in all of the Hebrews.  It was not a fair fight, so God sent Moses to strengthen Christ.


COMMENT: So Pharaoh's mind was cut off the Hebrews.


PASTOR VITALE: He was put under.


COMMENT: It had nothing to do with the Egyptians?


PASTOR VITALE: I do not believe so, xxxx, and to the best of my knowledge there is no historical fact that can prove it. The whole Judeo-Christian world believes it on faith, because what happens is that we experience the Holy Spirit, we experience a relationship with the Godhead, so we just assume that this whole translation is true, but it is just a translation. It is not the truth of the Scripture.  It is a parable, and I believe that it is wrong in this case. I am convinced of it.


COMMENT: None of the Egyptians were spiritually touched by the mind of Christ?


PASTOR VITALE: I do not believe so.  One of the major principles, if not the major principle, the thread that I see running through all the studies that I do is that all of the evil that Jehovah does is to the carnal mind for the purpose of setting His people free.


There are incidents in the Scripture where the Hebrew children really had physical wars, I believe that. I do believe that, but I do not know where to divide it because I have not studied all of them, but I believe that the Bible is a parable, and the hidden message of the parable to God's people is that "The only reason you are not serving me, the reason you are in sin, the reason you are having pain and trouble in your life is because you are separated from me, and when you are separated from me,  you are fair game for Satan." 


"So my help to you is to wound your carnal mind and get Christ back on top of you, because when Christ is up on top of your carnal mind you are going to serve me, Satan will not have any power  over you."


That is Jehovah's whole purpose, to get Christ in the people to be on top of the carnal mind so that they could do what is best for them, because we are under the influence of a criminal mind.  Further to all that, as we return to Jehovah through the Lord Jesus Christ, we will become spiritual giants that no one can hurt.


Here is the second basic principle.  The Lord does not have to go killing Egyptians. His answer to every problem that we have is to raise us back up to spiritual power. What is the story, none of their shoes wore out in the wilderness? Whatever that means, they were fed.  All, everything we need is in a spiritual condition of Christ prevailing in our life.  Our every need will be met.


We are going to have some problems until we get to that point. We need help, we may need a job, we may need a healing until we get to that place where we are restored to spiritual power, but the answer to every problem we have is to be restored to spiritual power by living out of the mind of Christ, and that is what Jehovah has sent the Lord Jesus to do for us, not to fight for us like we are little helpless babies beating up all these other people, because Jesus loves all the people. 


He wants to give the whole world the mind of Christ, He wants to give this whole human race spiritual power in Himself, spiritual power over the evil mind that makes us do evil. He loves everybody as much as He loves the Christians and the Jews.  It is just that everybody does not have a relationship with Him right now, but He wants to save us all. 


It is not His desire to go killing Egyptians or being against particular nations. His answer is to kill His enemy, the Serpent and her carnal mind, and that mind in us is His enemy.


Sometimes, you have people who are completely yielded to their criminal mind, and they are doing criminal things, because they are in agreement with their carnal mind, and when the judgment goes on the criminal mind, the person that is in agreement with the carnal mind gets hurt. 


The deliverance is to not agree with your criminal mind and, hopefully, when judgment falls the person cries out and says, "Hey, Lord Jesus, I am your son, I am the King's kid, how could this be happening to me?"


Hopefully, when the Lord speaks, the person will listen, but that is the bottom line, the judgment.  All judgment is on the carnal mind, and it is just the people who are in agreement with the carnal mind that get hurt. I think I made that clear, did I make that clear?


Our own sin is bringing this destruction on us, because what are you doing agreeing with the carnal mind? Is Jesus punishing you because you agree with the carnal mind? He is punishing the Serpent who has brought forth the carnal mind.


If you want to be safe, you better get behind the right superman. Jesus is the right superman, you better get behind Him, because if you are having fun with the Serpent, you are going to lose, because Jesus is going to defeat the Serpent every time, every time.


The only time you will ever see a child of God defeated is because they were in agreement with their carnal mind. I tell you the truth, it is not a popular word, but I tell you the truth.  You may not know that you are in agreement with your carnal mind, that is how the Scripture says all things work for the good for those who love the Lord, that is how it works for the good.


You have the privilege every time you are whipped of getting down on your face and saying, "Lord, what did I do that opened me to this, what did I do?  Show it to me or help me to understand and help me to change," because I tell you there is not supposed to be any disaster in our lives. 


Our cover of our children is limited, but there is not suppose to be any disaster in our lives at all if we are really serving him, I tell you the truth. Anybody else on this issue?


What we are doing here is a word study on the use of the word "firstborn," and I am attempting to show you that every time that word is used in the Scripture, it is speaking about either the embryonic Christ or the first.


It is talking about the spiritual mind and, in this case, it was talking about the carnal mind, which was born first, which incarnated first, but in every other Scripture, it is talking about the first born of God.


Hebrews 12:23, To the general assembly and the church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven and to God the judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect.


That word “firstborn” has to be modified, it has to either say, “the firstborn of the church,” or “the firstborn of God.”  We see  that the word “firstborn” in Hebrews 11:28 is not modified, "lest he that destroyed the firstborn should touch him." You have to modify the whole verse, because there is no adjective modifying that single word, “firstborn” which is referring to a spiritual birth.


Rev. 1:5, And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood, first begotten from the dead, and from Jesus Christ the faithful witness, and the first begotten from the dead.


That sounds like it is talking about the man, Jesus, but the fact is that Jesus Christ would have never been raised from the dead if Christ in Him was not raised from the dead.  I did not look at that in the Greek, so I am not sure what it says. I should have but I did not. Sorry about that.


This is our forth study now on the word "child." That is Strong's #3813, and it can mean a child of either sex, an infant, a half grown boy or girl, and the only time that this word is used, it is only used once in Luke 2, and that is Verse 27, "And he came by the spirit into the temple, and when the parents brought in the child, Jesus, to do for him. The child , Jesus.  The word child is used, it is referring to Jesus.


I think that the Lord wants me to check out that Revelation 1:5 in the Interlinear. I just said off the message, when I think about Jehovah killing babies, you know, I have to really, really laugh, because only the carnal mind would come up with something like that. I do not believe Jehovah would ever, ever do anything like that, I do not believe it.  You had a question or comment you wanted to put on?


COMMENT: I had a question. I think that the child Jesus in another, and you had mentioned that Holy child Jesus.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, it is in the book of Acts.  It talks about the holy child, and it does not say Jesus.  It says the holy child, and the holy child is the Christ within you, or maybe it does say the holy child, Jesus.


Yes, I have looked that up so many times, says thy holy, doing wonders, signs and wonders witnessing to thy holy child, Jesus.  What that Scripture means in the book of Acts is that they are witnessing to the resurrection of Jesus because His holy child is now within them. Christ is now within them, and that is the proof and the witness to the resurrection of the Lord, Holy Child Jesus, that is what it said.


Did I answer that for you?  Because I know I looked it up several times, "doing signs and wonders in the name of the holy child, Jesus, in the spirit of the holy child, Jesus, and the only way they could have that spirit is by Him rising from the dead. That is what that was about.


Rev. 1:5, And from Jesus Christ who is the faithful witness and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth.  To be the prince of the kings of the earth, He has to be glorified to be higher than all the kings of the earth.  He is the head of the body.


This Scripture is saying, Jesus Christ the first begotten, because Jesus Christ now is so completely merged with Christ Jesus that there is no difference. This is talking about Jesus Christ after His glorification.  We can be talking about the begotten child as a spiritual child. Is everybody okay with that?


I do have the translation of the first 14 verses that I would like to go through, just pointing out some of the translations that I got that are so radically different. I would like to give you some ammunition to deal with this as to where I got it from.


Luke 2:1, And it came to pass in those days that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed.


Please note that both Caesar and Augustus are titles.  There is no personal name stated, signifying that there is a spiritual significance to this verse. Also note that the Greek word translated "taxed" can also be translated "engraved," and we know that when we hear the word engraved in Scripture it is usually talking about engraved with the nature of somebody.


Caesar is Strong's #2541, and I found this very interesting. The Greek word is kaiser. I wonder if that is where the German title Kaiser comes from, although I do not know what relationship there is between Greek and German actually, but that really struck me.


Caesar also means "severed, to be cut off". Caesar is the sir name of Julius Caesar which, adopted by Octavious Augustus and his successors, afterward became a title and was appropriated by the Roman emperors as a part of their title. Augustus, Strong's #828, means "venerable," which means "old one."


Again, it was a title conferred upon Roman emperors. I have not, as I told you at the beginning of this message, especially these first three verses, I am interpreting all of these names, "And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from that old one."


Who is the old one? In the Book of Revelation we are told about that old Dragon, that old Serpent, that Dragon who is Satan and the devil. "And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from that old Serpent who was severed," and I have added in, I have amplified "severed from Elohim's household, that the whole world should be engraved with the Serpent's nature," engraved a translation of "tax," and I have amplified "with the Serpent's nature."


Please note that this spiritual command was interpreted by the physical Caesar's carnal mind  as the idea of taxing the whole empire, spiritual command went forth, and it was heard in the natural.


I do not doubt that there was a call to be taxed, I have no reason unless the Lord shows me otherwise to believe that this was not true, that Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem. I have no reason to believe that this was not true both in the natural and in the spiritual.


Luke 2:1,  And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.


I believe Cyrenius is a true name, so that would be our clue that this event happened both in the natural and in the spiritual.  As soon as we hear about a historical character which I believe Cyrenius is, and this writing or this nature, taxing, writing, nature, this writing first came into existence, this nature first came into existence when the exalted warrior took command. Anybody want to guess who the exalted warrior is? Anybody?


COMMENT: Satan or Leviathan?


PASTOR VITALE: I am not sure myself, but I think it is probably Leviathan. I think it is a good chance it is Leviathan.


We know that it was a member of the Serpent's household that invaded the upper room.  It was definitely a member of the household, yes.


Actually, I am thinking that it might be that turtle. We are not going to get to it tonight, but you may recall that on other messages we found out that there is a Scriptural reference to the fish that was in the lower window, but we did not know what kind of a fish it was, and I told you at the time that we studied it that I had read in a Hindu book that the Hindu doctrine believes that there was a turtle, primordial turtle.


I followed through, I just investigated on it since the word "fish" was not modified in the Hebrew.  All I had was fish, and I looked up...we did a study on the turtle. I do not even remember what series we did that in. Does anybody remember what series we did that in?


We looked up the word "turtle," and I decided that it very well may have been a turtle. The turtle may have been the fish in the lower window before the fall, and I made a statement that unless the Lord corrected me I would leave it at that.


At the time, I scanned for the word "turtle" through the whole Scripture with my Bible data base, and the only reference I could find to turtle in the Scripture was when the Hebrew word that could be translated "turtle," but which could also be translated "turtle dove," was translated turtle dove.


That was the only reference in the Scripture, turtle dove.  There was no turtle, and we find that in Chapter 2 of the Book of Luke, there is a reference to the turtle dove, and now, maybe it is six months after I did that study.  You cannot do this without the spirit of revelation.


I actually, based on knowledge and information that I have gained since my prior search, can translate that word turtle, and it actually fits into the whole spiritual translation of the verse, but we will not get to it tonight. I am sorry to whet your appetite like that, but I think it is just really exciting. It seems that as soon as the Lord gives me a certain kind of information, He does not waste one second to put me in a translation that is going to apply that understanding.


I think it was something that I learned out of the Ezekiel 1 translation, which we have not even finished that study yet, that gave me this understanding that can translate that verse "turtle."  You have to wait until Sunday to find out.


We are on Luke 2, this nature first coming into existence when the exalted warrior took command, whether it was the turtle or Leviathan I am not sure. I will try to have an answer for you by Sunday. I will see if the Lord will clarify that for me.


Luke 2:3, And all went to be taxed, everyone into his own city. And everyone went into his own city.


We will proceed verse by verse, and I believe these Scriptures can be taken both spiritually and naturally.  To be honest with you, I have not studied the historical record. 


Unless the Lord shows me otherwise, I am assuming that this taxation was a historical fact and can be collaborated, and everyone went into his own city to be taxed. If you are taking it in the natural, they went to their own city to be taxed, but if you are taking it in the spiritual, they went into their own city to engraved.


That is right, that is right, someone is pointing to their heart center. We all have a spiritual city in our spirit. Either we are dwelling in the spiritual, in the Serpent's spiritual city, which stretches from the lower part of our heart center down to our root center, and that is called Babylon, that is the negative city, or we are dwelling in the city of God which stretches from the upper part of our heart center up to the brow center from which point we communicate with Michael in the Crown center, and we are a very, very powerful spiritual being in righteousness.


Everybody is a citizen either of the city of Babylon or of Michael's city, although I find that in Luke 2 it is referred to as “David's city,” and we will talk about that a little more when we get to it.


There is a city of God.  Sometimes it is called Jerusalem, sometimes it is called the Holy City. There is a city of God, a spiritual city that you have to enter into Christ.  Christ is a citizen of Michael's city, Christ is a citizen.  We, our human spirit, has to pierce into Christ and then whatever He has is ours. It is the same principle as a woman marrying a man, or a man marrying a woman, whatever goods you have becomes the other's.


Everyone went into his own city to be engraved,


Luke 2:4, And Joseph went up from Galilee out of the city of Nazareth into Judea unto the city of David which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and the lineage of David.


Galilee means the heathen circuit or a circle, and I looked up the word "circle" in our dictionary, and in the English dictionary "circle" can be translated "timeline," so we are translating it timeline. Nazareth means "the guarded place," Judea means "praise," Bethlehem in Greek  means "the house of bread," and in the Hebrew it is Strong's #1036 and #1037 which means "the bottom of the sea."


When I first saw that Bethlehem meant the house of bread I thought that was a positive term, and I was a little confused that the Greek translation would be positive and the Hebrew translation would be negative, because the bottom of the sea is talking about the muddy bottom of the sea that is the Serpent's territory. 


I realize now that "bread" can be eaten and, if I am not mistaken, I do recall  reading that term in the Scripture that "You shall be bread unto your enemies." They will just eat you up and consume you.


Bethlehem is talking about someone who is very vulnerable to be consumed, and David, the word David can be translated "mark," "sign," "evidence," or "proof," and what it is talking about is that the tribe of David has the nature which is the proof that God is in men. Jesus said something about that, you know, having said that the Father witnesses to Him.


For a while there, I really could not figure that out. What is all this two witnesses that he is talking about? I could not figure that out, and then I finally got the answer, the witness that God is in men, and that God is in men in the form of a mind, and that His counsel and His wisdom are available to us, and His righteousness is available to us through that mind.


We are translating the word "went," "sprang up," so sprang up in Joseph the heathen timeline out of the city of the guarded place within, that is a translation of "into."


The Christ mind, that is praise, translating "praise" the Christ mind, because only the Christ mind praises God. The carnal mind curses God. Which has the "nature," that is a translation of the word "called." "From the bottom of the sea," that is the Serpent's nature, because he, Joseph, was of the household of Elohim and the tribe that bore or that bears Elohim's nature.


"So the heathen timeline which has the nature of the sea bottom sprang up out of the guarded place." That is the human spirit, brethren, the place that is guarded of Joseph's Christ mind. The mind guards the spirit that is within it.


Our human spirit that has the potential to become Christ is guarded by the carnal mind that He is in the midst of. The carnal mind is guarding the human spirit making sure we are doing the best he can to make sure that there is no spiritual sexual activity between that human spirit and the Spirit of Christ.. That is why we have so much trouble getting into Christ. The carnal mind is guarding us, standing in the way.


Alternate translation verse 4, "So Leviathan, the heathen timeline that has the nature of the sea bottom, sprang up out of the human spirit that Joseph's Christ mind guarded which was a part of, or a citizen of Elohim's spiritual city, because Joseph was of the tribe of Elohim's household that bore or carried Elohim's nature." Any questions on that translation?


Verse 5, "To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child." To be taxed can be translated "engraved," "espoused" can be translated "to be joined in mind," and "Mary,"  I found this very interesting.  Did anybody here know that Mary means "to spoil or to rob," that Mary means "thief"? I did not know that.


In the dictionary that I looked in, it means "thief," the one who robs the role of the true Christ. You know that is what Mary does, right? She is robbing the role of the true Christ.


Did anyone see that horrible show on TV, Mary of Nazareth? It was really....I saw it was going to be an abomination, I tried to watch it for the information, but it was so awful, I could not even bear more than sixty seconds of it, Mary of Nazareth.


Praise the Lord.  Of course, we know that it was not this young woman who bore the child Jesus that was an ungodly person. It is the spiritual meaning of the word Mary.


Praise the Lord, verse 5, "To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child." "To be engraved with the nature of, the robber or the spoiler," that is a translation of Mary. The woman that he was joined to mentally, that is a translation of "espoused," who was very pregnant. To have the pregnant woman, that is the carnal mind that he was mentally joined to, engraved with the nature of the thief. Well maybe not. To have the pregnant woman that he was mentally joined to, the woman who was pregnant with Christ engraved with the nature of the thief.


What we are being told here in the spiritual translation, brethren, is that the Serpent saw that there were faithful people in Israel, in whom Christ was rising, and she sent forth a commandment that these people in whom Christ was rising should be engraved with her nature.


She sent out the commandment, "bring down Christ at any cost, that man is pregnant with Christ, bring down that holy nature at any cost, I want that man engraved in the nature of the Serpent, I do not want him living out of Christ. Do whatever you have to do."


That is the commandment that went forth, and if you do not think there are commandments going forth to bring each and every one of us down, you are mistaken. You are mistaken.


Not just us, you know, everyone that is moving, everyone that is warring against the carnal mind, everyone in whom Christ is prevailing, there is a contract out on us.  You need to know that you are not normal people. We are not normal people.


Luke 2:6, And so it was that while they were there the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.


When I looked at the Interlinear Text here it did not make much sense. I did print it out for you so you could see it, "it was and within the to be they and that place there were filled, that is a translation of accomplished, "that place" is a translation of "there," and we are translating "days" timelines, "to bring forth," I want to suggest to you that the "days" are the individual human beings that are bringing forth the Christ child, because Christ Jesus is the eternal timeline so if you have Christ, you and you have Christ in you, you are the days or you are the, you are individual timelines, that when we put all the timelines together there will be one eternal timeline set in place.


Alternate Translation, Luke 2:6, So that she would bring the timelines that were within her into existence to supply that place.


Let me just give you the verse before that. Let us start with verse 4,


Alternate Translation, Luke 2:4, And the heathen timeline that has the nature of the sea bottom sprang up out of the human spirit that Joseph's Christ mind guarded, which was a citizen of Elohim's spiritual city, because Joseph was of the tribe of Elohim's household, that bore Elohim's nature.


The reason that she sprang up, the reason that the heathen sprang up, was to have the pregnant woman, that is the carnal mind that he was mentally joined to, engraved with the nature of the thief and that includes the embryonic Christ in him.


The reason the Serpent wanted the pregnant woman that he is mentally joined to engraved with the nature of the thief is so that the heathen timeline would bring the timelines that were within her into existence to supply that place.  That is a very hidden statement. The timelines that were within her. 


At this point, the Scripture is talking about the collective carnal mind. Every individual is a timeline, and it is saying that the Serpent wanted all the timelines that were, that had the potential to be born into this world, brought forth for the specific purpose of supplying that place.


I want to suggest to you that this is a very hidden way of saying what I have told you before. We, humanity, are the Serpent's herd of cattle. We are also the Lord's herd of cattle, we are a herd of cattle.  Whether we belong to the Lord or whether we belong to the Serpent, we are a herd of cattle. We are the ox that Adam made.


We are everything.  We are the ox that Adam made, we are the carnal mind, we are the Christ mind, but as far as our humanity goes, we are the ox that Adam formed. We are a herd of cattle, brethren, and we raise cattle for food and slaughter that cattle and prepare it and consume it.


In the same manner, the Serpent is raising up and is incarnating, is causing to be born, human beings for the specific purpose of consuming our energy.


She incarnates us so that she can feed off of our energy, and that is why we die, because the Serpent consumes our energy.  We have had several messages where I have drawn it on the board for you. I have shown you the centers, the lower centers, I have shown you that Leviathan in the second center is the upper tooth, and the Fiery Serpent in the lower center is the lower tooth, and together the two rows of teeth are called Satan. 


Satan is this sea of energy that we live in, and she needs energy continuously, just as we need food continuously, and we raise cattle, and slaughter cattle, and we eat cattle, and she raises human beings. She keeps generating this herd of humanity, and she consumes our energy, and she throws away the carcase, just like we eat the cattle and throw away the bones.


I tell you the truth, and the reason that this is happening is that the Serpent has illegally incarnated this world and not only did she do it illegally, but she did it ill-equipped to do it.  She did not have the goods, she does not have the strength to sustain this world, so she consumes the citizens of this world.  When Christ Jesus is the God of this world, He is complete, He does not need our energy.  He gives energy to us, and we live forever.


We are  married to the Serpent, she robs us of our energy, of our spirit. Jesus Christ gives, gives, and gives and we live forever.


I suggest to you that the spiritual translation of Verse 6 is a very subtle spiritual truth that if you do not know what the Scripture is talking about it would go right over your head,


Alternate Translation, Luke 2:6, So that she would bring the timelines, that is all of the people that have a human spirit in them, that she would bring the timelines that were within her into existence, that she would incarnate them to supply that place.            What place? To supply this world with cattle, whose energy she can consume.


I want to tell you, you get a vision of what condition we are really in, you would be running to Jesus to help you, for this ignorance is bliss.  This whole world out there, this whole church out there, they are just, you know, dancing and singing and marrying and giving in marriage.  They do not even know that they are a herd of cattle that is being slaughtered.


All of this disease, brethren, it is not normal to be sick, it is not normal to have your body cut open, it is not normal for your organs to be diseased, it is not normal to be bedridden or have limbs amputated.


This is not the world that Jehovah has given us.  This is hell, but we are actually bread for our fleece. You have heard Jesus refer to taking the fleece from the sheep, what is he talking about? What is spiritual fleece? It is our spirit, which is our energy. That is the truth of the matter.


Luke 2:7, And she brought forth her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger because there was no room for him at the Inn.


I suggest to you that where the Scripture says, "and she brought forth," that is a pronoun that could easily be translated "he." I suggest to you that it should be a "he." The Elohim brought forth of Himself His firstborn son, and He was compressed.  This is Christ now.


He was compressed, and made to spiritually lie down in a food animal body, because the Serpent which is a translation of the word "no," was "lodging place," and that word "room" can be translated "scabbard," meaning that which is lodging in it is a weapon or a knife, and the word "Inn" means to disunite, destroy, or dissolve.


"So Elohim compressed his firstborn son, made him to spiritually lie down, and brought him forth in a food animal body to break, for the specific purpose of breaking apart and destroying the Serpent's," and I suggest that should be the "Fiery Serpent's lodging place," the Serpent that dwells in the root center of human beings.


We are born with a parasite in us, brethren. Not only are we born with a parasite in us, and I am talking about the Fiery Serpent, but it is the Fiery Serpent herself who incarnates us.


You see, there is....I do not want to get into this too deeply right now, the way incarnation progresses is that the sparks of the Serpent or, well we are talking about the Serpent now, Leviathan,  who is the expression of the Serpent sends off sparks of herself and those sparks pass down through what we might call the matter stream, the different planes of existence where is found matter of varying degrees of density. 


The sparks of herself that Leviathan sends forth gathers unto herself through some form of magnetism, atoms of matter, and she descends, she incarnates as a human being, a spiritual Serpent that has wrapped a garment around herself, made of physical solid matter.


I think everybody got that, everybody okay with that?  Then after she incarnates this being, this human being around herself, she proceeds to consume....we are being eaten from the inside out.


Not only do we have a parasite in the midst of us, the parasite has actually incarnated us for the purpose of gathering energy from the atoms of the universe. . Can you hear that? That is some hard word, huh? I have a witness to that. Let me read for you again,


Alternate Translation, Luke 2:7, So Elohim compressed his firstborn son, made him to spiritually lie down and brought him forth in a food animal body to break apart and destroy the Fiery Serpent's lodging place.


That is us, each of us is a lodging place of the Fiery Serpent. There are many Fiery Serpents.  The Fiery Serpent started out as a spark that broke off from the collective Leviathan. We see all these many trillions of people on the earth, we are all sparks of one spiritual Dragon.


That is why you may have heard that our separation is an illusion.  We sit across the room from one another, and we are separate and apart. I know there are a lot of spiritual teachers that would not agree with me on this.  They would say no, no, no, no, there is no separation.  To me, that is ridiculous to tell you who is sitting six feet away from me that there is no separation. I do not think that makes any sense at all.


There is no separation on this physical plane, but there is a part of us that goes deeply beyond this physical plane.  There is a spiritual part of us that goes deep,  and we are all incarnated. I am not talking about those of us who are in Christ right now.


All of humanity is incarnated by the Serpent, and all of humanity has a root, that roots into the Serpent. It is just like many rivers coming out of an ocean. 


While we are in this physical plane, of course, we are separate.  How ridiculous to tell me we are not separate. I am sorry that is how I feel about it.  Everybody is entitled to their opinion, and I do not mean to be mocking anybody.  I just do not agree with it.


On a physical basis we are separate, but as we descend into the spirit or ascend into the spirit world, however you want to look at it,  we become more and more joined and, at our basic foundational root, we are all one.


In our unconscious mind we are all one, she is Satan. In our subconscious mind collectively we are all one, that is Leviathan, but we also have an individual subconscious mind which is the Fiery Serpent that is wrapped around the phallus at the base of our spine and the etheric part of our physical body.  At this physical level we are separate.


The reason they tell you it is an illusion that we are separate is because we are just looking at the outer part of our self, and if we could look at the whole of our self, we would see that we were all attached, but for people who are not looking at the whole of themselves, for people who are living on this carnal level, to tell them that you are attached to all the rest of humanity, I believe could put great distress and confusion upon them. You have to meet people where they are.


Hebrews 2:14, For as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same, that through death, he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is the devil.


Elohim compressed His firstborn son, made Him to spiritually lie down and brought Him forth in a food animal body, to break apart and destroy the Fiery Serpent's lodging place, that through death He might destroy him that had the power of death, that is the devil. Everybody okay, any questions or comments on that?


Luke 2:8, And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field keeping watch over their flock by night.  This word "shepherds," I hate to disappoint you all, but that word means "assembled." We can translate that Greek word "assembled." Shepherds can be translated "assemblage," and in view of the whole verse, I have translated it "those assembled." 


The word "country" can be translated "in a limited space," a limited space being this physical body. The same as dwelling under the open sky. The Scripture says "in the field."


Another way of saying dwelling in the field is dwelling under the open sky, or the open heavens, or I suggest to you, beings that were assembled or incarnated in a physical body but who had access to the spiritual world, or the astral plane, whatever you want to call it.


There were spiritual men that had assembled their parts.  The way you incarnate is to assemble yourself.


Do you recall just a few minutes ago, I gave you somewhat of a description of incarnation that the sparks of the Dragon descend through the different planes of existence, and they gather matter atoms from the matter stream around themselves, and they literally assemble themselves.


We even have a translation in our Alternate Translation of the Book of Revelation where it talks about all of the elements that are assembled to incarnate in Christ.  I think it is Chapter 17, if I am not mistaken.


The ones who assemble themselves, I think we are talking about incarnated immortals.  They assemble themselves. They incarnated, they passed through the matter stream, they took human form, they entered into a country, that is a limited space, this physical body.  Even though they were dwelling in a physical body, they still were under open skies, they had full access to the spirit world.  There is a word that is untranslated, it is "while."


The word "keeping" can be translated "preserving" or "obeying," and the word "watch" can be translated "guarding."


The night is the darkness, talking about the darkness, spiritual darkness of the carnal mind, and their herd, the flock, can be translated "herd of animals," and we just spent 15 minutes telling you, talking about how we are a herd of animals that are being raised so that the Fiery Serpent can consume our energy.


We are literally being eaten alive, and this being eaten alive produces disease and death.  We think this is normal, and we think that it is wonderful that we have big hospital buildings and millions of people earning a living through other people's illnesses and sicknesses.


I guess from a carnal point of view it is wonderful if you are the one who is sick or is in pain, and the medical society can help you. I guess to you it is wonderful, but you have to see the overall picture, this medical society.... Jesus Christ saved my life, but He sent me to the hospital, I was in the hospital for three months.  I would have died surely unless the Lord intervened supernaturally, if the medical system was not available to me.


I am not against going to doctors, and I am not against the medical system if you seek Jesus Christ first and He sends you, but you need to know the truth. That is a vile condition.


I went into the hospital after many years of being in a church where the Lord was pouring out supernatural healing, and then that anointing lifted. It is a tremendous humiliation to go from supernatural healing to the indignities of a hospital, but you put up with the indignities because it is saving your life.  You need to know what a horrible condition we are in.


There were those who were assembled, that is a translation of "were in a limited space." "In the spirit of themselves," and that is a translation of the word "same." In the spirit of themselves, they were assembled within themselves while preserving and guarding the night darkness or the darkness of the night over their herd of animals which I have written down "their physical bodies," but I really think it should be the carnal mind.


The beast is the carnal mind. I see I changed it on the next page, but there were those who were assembled in the spiritual part of themselves while preserving and guarding themselves against the spiritual darkness of their animal nature.   


What that means is they were maintaining their consciousness in the spiritual part of themselves.  I am thinking at this point that these were incarnated immortals, but just bringing it down to a human level, brethren, there are people in this world who preserve themselves within the spiritual part of themselves by pursuing a lifestyle that develops one's mind and minimizing the lifestyle that develops your animal lusts.


There are people in this world that have a revelation that the healthiest lifestyle you could live is to develop your mind, and develop your creativity, and develop your sensitivity and put some restraints on your animal nature.


If you want to have sex, get married and be faithful to your wife, faithful to your husband and do not put your whole emphasis of your life on sex.  Love your wife, love your children, pursue your career. Of course, serve God, that should be at the top of the list. Have hobbies, be creative.


Do not put all of your pleasure in sexuality, you will surely be destroyed, and you will destroy your whole family.


 There were those who were assembled in the spiritual part of themselves. What is the spiritual part of themselves? Their mind. You know that our consciousness can be dwelling either in the lower centers or in the upper centers. They were in the spiritual part of themselves. 


What is the spiritual part of yourself? The first center is the Fiery Serpent, and that is a very perverse lifestyle. You may be a homosexual if you are in that lifestyle, or a drug addict, or a severe alcoholic. That is a very, very low condition to be in.


The second center is your genitals. That means you are obsessed with sex, and the third center is the nonsexual lusts, which also to be living in that center you have to be in a condition of selfishness, and no selfish person is ever going to be happy because you will never satisfy yourself, so that is not a good place to be.


To be gathered together in the spiritual part of themselves says to me that these men had to be living at least out of the upper part of their heart, if not in their throat center.  This makes them spiritual men, and I believe that they are incarnated immortals. I believe that reincarnation is real, I now believe it is real.


I believe the reason the Scripture does not particularly talk about it is because reincarnation is illegal.  It is an activity of the immortals in the fourth dimension.


The Lord Jesus Christ does not sanction it.  You do not hear about it in the Scripture. You hear about it from the occultists, but for years I did not believe it. Now I believe the Lord has told me it is a reality. I think recently I put it on the board for you, I think we took a picture of it.


Everybody in the earth is not an incarnated immortal. If two incarnated immortals get married and they have a child, that child may not be an incarnated immortal.  We have different kinds of people living in the earth.


The sign that someone is either an incarnated immortal or incarnated at the express will of the Father is that they are spiritual. If you have a spiritual hunger, if you cannot live without or be happy without a spiritual life, that means that either you are an incarnated immortal or the Father incarnated you.


There are many people that are just very happy, they play golf, and they sing and they dance, and there is nothing wrong with that, but they have no thirst for spiritual things at all.


What does that mean? The chances are that they are the offspring of people who are not spiritual. I put that on the board, we took a picture of it that time, you do not remember? I am pretty sure we took a picture, we took a picture of it, yes.  Let us go on,


Luke 2:9, And lo the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shown round about them, and they were sore afraid.


The word "lo" can be translated "and they saw." An angel is a spiritual man, and the Lord...we found out here a while ago that whenever we see the word "Lord" alone, it is talking about the resurrected Adam, and in this case, this was before Jesus was born, so the only one that Adam had resurrected in and overcome in was Elijah. 


I do not want to say he is the only one, but that is the one that we hear a lot about in the Scripture.  He and Elijah is the mediator to Israel.


The word Lord means "controller," because the controller, Adam, was resurrected in the man, Elijah, and the man, Elijah, was glorified, so Elijah was the personality of Adam, which is the Savior of Israel.


The word "Lord" means "controller," meaning that it is Adam or whatever personality He is appearing in.


In this hour, Adam is appearing to us as the Lord Jesus Christ,  and He is the controller of our carnal mind.  The spiritual man, Elijah, I see that I changed that to Michael.  Please bear with me with these names. I tell you all the time, it is very possible I got them wrong.


The spiritual man, Elijah, the controller, which is the Lord, and the "vibrations," that is a translation of the word "glory." I think I....you know what happened here, I went back and I tried to fix this up, so I am not even going to read these names to you, because I think they are not even consistent. 


The vibrations of whoever it is, Michael or Elijah, the Lord's magnificent energy, that is what glory is, the magnificent energy, vibrations of magnificent energy appeared. That is a translation of "came upon them and shown around like a halo," and that I took right out of either the Strong's or the Thayer's translation. "Shown like a halo." "And put to flight," that is a translation of "they were."


We see this word appearing twice, #5399, the first time it is translated "they were," and the second time it is translated "they revered" or "they were afraid." It is the same word twice.


The word "sore," they were sore afraid, can be translated the "elder."  This is the translation that I got, and I see I put Michael in there, but Michael is not man. I am going to make it Elijah. I do not know what I will do with this finally, but I am making it Elijah now,


Alternate Translation, Luke 2:9, And Elijah the spiritual man who controlled the carnal mind appeared and they saw Elijah the controller, and Michael's magnificent vibrating energy.


The reason I switched to Michael over here is that Michael does not have the appearance of a man. Elijah is a glorified man, but the magnificent vibrating energy is Michael who is connected to Elijah.  They are one.


Alternate Translation, Luke 2:9, So Elijah the spiritual man who controlled the carnal mind appeared, and they saw Elijah, the controller, and Michael's magnificent vibrating energy was shining all around him like a halo, and the carnal minds of the men were seized with alarm, but the preserved men acknowledged that Elijah was their elder and they submitted to him.


And Elijah, the spiritual man who controlled the carnal mind, appeared and these men, these incarnated immortals, they saw Elijah, the controller, and Michael's magnificent vibrating energy was shining all around him like a halo, and their carnal minds were seized with alarm, but these men who were preserved,


That word,  that word "preserved" should not be in a bracket, that is one of our legitimate translations there.  "Appeared," I will just leave it for now. "But the preserved men acknowledged that Elijah was their elder and submitted to him."


They did not follow after their carnal minds. Their carnal minds were torn with fear, but they did not live out of their carnal mind. They were living out of a spiritual mind, and they recognized that Elijah was their elder, and they submitted to him.


These men were not Israelites. They were superior beings that had incarnated. I believe that.


Luke 2:10, And the angel said unto them, fear not, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people,


Alternate Translation, Luke 2:10, And said to them, Elijah, that is the angel the spiritual man, do not be alarmed.


"Look," that is a translation of "behold." "Because I bring good news to you." Translation, "joy, calm delight, great, mature which shall be to all people." The significance of this calm delight is satisfaction that is calm.


We had a whole exhortation earlier on this message about people trying to satisfy themselves, people being unsatisfied.  The people of this world, they engage in all kinds of not calm activity, all kinds of agitated activity, trying to make themselves feel good.  They jump out of airplanes, parachute jumping, they go into all kinds of activities.


I am not against any of these things.  I am just trying to give this message of the Scripture, that the joy that comes from Christ is calm joy.


Experience the spiritual experiences of Leviathan, the sea Serpent, the Fiery Serpent's companion because Leviathan is.... I want to tell you that the things that I used to do, I cannot do anymore. I was a fanatic Pentecostal, jumping up and down passing out in the spirit, running around the church, I was a real fanatic, I cannot do it anymore.


I used to also be a rageaholic, I cannot even yell anymore, there is something, I have just calmed down, something's happened to me.  This other side of me has been circumcised.


Of course, jumping in the church was not negative. Being a rageaholic I am very glad that, that is gone. I thank God for that.  My whole personality is changed. I have become very calm, at least compared to what I use to be, and I have to be calm.  This agitating music, I cannot listen to anymore, and I find that I have to be very, I have to really guard my heart against vibrations that will damage me.


What are vibrations? Either things people are saying, music is vibration, or people's minds. I am very, very sensitive to the carnal mind. I have to really guard myself.


This joy, it is calm joy.  There are a lot of people who would probably say to me, "Well Sheila, you are just getting old," but I do not think that is it. I happen to think I am very youthful in my heart and in my mind, and I think that this same calmness can come to people in their twenties, people in their thirties, it is just a different way of having fun.


I would not describe it as having fun.  The Scripture says "being satisfied." It is a different way of being satisfied, and it is a calm way of being satisfied.


What does that say about all of these Pentecostal churches where people are singing, and jumping, and running around the church? It does not say anything bad about them, but what it says is that they are still, that they have not crossed over from their carnal mind to their Christ mind.


This is all acceptable to God, this jumping and dancing, and singing and clapping and running around the church is acceptable to God for a season. It is a part of spiritual childhood.


When you move on into Christ, your joy will be calm joy. The joy of the Pentecostal church is the joy that comes from the Holy Spirit influencing the carnal mind. The calm joy comes when you are living out of your Christ mind.


Alternate Translation, Luke 2:10, And Elijah, the spiritual man, said to them, do not be alarmed but understand that I am bringing the good news of spiritually mature, calm delight to all the people.


Spiritually mature,” means "calm delight," satisfaction with peace and contentment, no reason to be agitated or jumping around, peace and calm.


Luke 2:11, For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior which is Christ the Lord.


This word "born" can be translated "to be delivered." "There is delivered to you this day a Savior which is Christ, the controller," and we know that Christ is the resurrected Adam who was appearing to these incarnated immortals as Elijah.


Please note that in the prior verses it just says angel, spiritual man, and now in Verse 11, it says Christ.  I want to suggest to you that what has happened is that Christ has been imparted to these incarnated immortals. 


The spiritual man, or the angel, or Elijah, whatever you want to call him, did not come to these men who were in the field who were living, who were both open to the spiritual world and the physical, to give them a message about a man in whom the Savior was appearing.


He came, the angel came, I believe that angel was Elijah, and he imparted Christ.  He gave the engrafted seed to these men, and he gave them the whole story of what Jesus Christ would be doing for mankind.


Brethren, I know that it took me a long time to understand this, I know that I preached it here, but I will repeat it to you again. Jesus Christ was not the first man to overcome his carnal mind.


Elijah was glorified, and Elisha was glorified, and we have reason to believe that possibly Jonah was glorified. Jesus is the Savior of the world, He is the glorified man who was sent to reproduce His glorified life in the hearts of the many.


Elijah and Elisha were sent to Israel. Jonah was sent specifically to Nineveh, and we do not know how many other prophets were sent as Savior or as Messiah to specific isolated groups of people.


Jesus Christ of Nazareth who has now ascended and glorified is Savior of the world.  He is sent to everybody, all nations, all creeds, all races all religions, He is the ultimate. All the other Messiahs were just sent to individual groups. Elijah came and he imparted Christ to these men.


I just heard myself say a contradiction. Elijah was the Savior of Israel, and here he is imparting Christ to men that were not of Israel.  What does this mean? I have not had time to pray about it, but I am under a heavy anointing, and what is in my mind is Peter and the sheet coming down, and Peter being told, "that which I have cleansed is not unclean."


Peter who was an Israelite was sent to Cornelius of the Italian band, and here on the hour that the Savior of the world, that the human Savior of the world, the man designated to be the Savior of the world was being born, Elijah the Savior of Israel was appearing to a non-Israelite saying, "Here is the good news, it is for you too."


Elijah imparted Christ to these men, and because Christ was imparted to them, they could understand what Elijah had to say to them. Because in a subsequent verse you will hear that Elijah gave them the whole story about the one true God, because there is a lot of lies being circulated around the one true God, some very blasphemous lies.


Then, as we go on, you will see these...my whole point is this. These men received Christ as a sign of the great works that were coming forth in the earth through the birth of the child, Jesus, but these men did not have the...they were not the Savior. Christ was imparted to them, but they still had a carnal mind, they could not pass it on.


Jesus is the Savior that was glorified and now is passing it on to the whole world.


Remember, Israel had Christ raised in them too, and they did not pass it on, they could not even get it for themselves. So the fact that this angel came and raised Christ in these men, do not let it confuse you. He did not call them to be Savior, he gave them a spiritual gift,  but he did not make them Savior.


Christ was raised in all of Israel.  Is everybody okay with that?  Now Christ was raised in a non-Israelite as a token, as a sign that the Savior of the world had been born in the flesh.


Let me read you this again. Verse 10, Now these were spiritual men, they were spiritual men and they were holding their own against their animal nature , but remember, there is good and evil in the Serpent. They did not have Christ. Elijah came and gave them Christ. "


Elijah, the spiritual man, said to them, "Do not be alarmed but understand that I am bringing the good news of spiritually mature calm delight to all the people, not just Israel."


Verse 11, and now Christ the controller, so this is the first time we hear Christ, Christ the Lord, Christ the controller, who is the evidence of this good news.  The angel just did not come and give them a message.  He gave them evidence of the message, he gave them proof that the message was true, he imparted Christ to them.


"And Christ, the controller, who is the evidence of this good news is delivered by Michael, Elohim's spiritual city into your bosom this day as Savior."


Alternate Translation, Luke 2:11, And Christ the controller who is the evidence of this good news, the angel brought a message with power, he brought a message with proof, is delivered by Michael, Elohim's spiritual city into your bosom this day a Savior.


Is everyone okay on that, does anyone have a question for me? Two more verses to go, I know it is late.


Luke 2:12, And this shall be a sign unto you, ye shall find the babe,


That is the embryonic Christ now, wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.  The word "babe" has no article before it. It does not say "the babe," and I have translated it "unborn child or embryo," and "this thing," that is a translation of "this."


"Within you," that is a translation of "unto you," and the words "shall be" are not in the Greek. "The miracle," and this shall be a sign unto you, "sign," we are translating "miracle," and "ye shall find it," we are translating "recognize." "Find" can be translated "recognize," and the unborn embryo, that is the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes.


That is one Greek word that can be translated "contracted," and there is a word "and" which is not translated, "lying down" and "the manger" is the food animal body.


Verse 12, "But understand that this miraculous embryo which is now within you," I added that in,


Alternate Translation, Luke 2:12, But understand that this miraculous embryo which is now within you is contracted and lying down in the food animal body.


In other words, the angel said to these men, "Now, do not go thinking you are God. I have given you the seed of Christ, and He has to grow up like a plant, and overcome your carnal mind.  Do not get all carried away now, because you had a visit from an angel. All you got was the seed, and it is ordained that Jesus Christ who is born with the seed will be Savior of the world. The spirit of Elijah is destined to come to the man, Jesus of Nazareth, and join with that Christ in the man, Jesus of Nazareth, and catch him up to high realms of the spirit."


This promise was not made to the incarnated immortals or to the spiritual men. What was given to these spiritual men was the seed of Christ which was the promise of better things for themselves in this life.


Luke 2:13, And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying." "And suddenly was with the angel filled,


We are translating the word "multitude" "filled," army, heavenly, saying the...the word "praising" can be translated "the true story."


Believe it or not, to praise means to tell the truth about something of God. The word "army" is Strong's #4756, and it can be translated "celestial luminary,"and the word "host," heavenly host, the word "host," Strong's #3770, can be translated "belonging to or coming from the sky, heavenly," and we are translating “angel,” “spiritual man."


Alternate Translation, Luke 2:13, And suddenly Elijah "who was the celestial luminary that came from the heaven above told these men the story of the true God, and these men were filled or completed and made whole.


It is a little different than the King James. Let me read it again,       "And suddenly Elijah the spiritual man who was the celestial luminary that came forth from the heaven above, told these men the story of the true God, the true story of the true God, and they were filled and made whole."


That is the indication of the word "to fill." They were made whole.


If you are wondering if that means that they were caught up to full stature, I am not sure, but they very well might have been.  Remember, there is a temporary full stature, there is a temporary full stature. It is just very possible that there was such power coming out of Elijah that they were caught up to full stature, but that does not mean to say that it lasted forever. It probably waned after their spiritual experience.


Luke 2:14, Glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace good will towards men.


The word "glory" means "truth or opinion," the opinion of the most high God or the truth about the most high God, and "above" is a translation of the word "on," and good will towards men. I see I did not write down what satisfaction is a translation of, probably good will.  Sorry I did not write it down.


Alternate Translation, Luke 2:14, The truth that indeed the most high God satisfies men from above the earth.


You do not need the satisfaction that is available in this earth. The Most High God can reach you from where He is and satisfy you while you are still down here. That is the good news, and that is the truth.


You do not need the satisfaction that the Fiery Serpent offers you, which satisfaction causes you to engage in activities that discharge your energy. She wants your energy, and when you discharge it, she gobbles it up. 


You do not have to do those things that discharge your energy. The Most High God who is above can satisfy you, that is what it says.


Once again, I have to tell you, you know that at least one of the activities that the angel is talking about is sexual activity. I am not against sex. I just know people are going to take this all wrong. I have to live with it.  If you want to be spiritual, if you want to go on with God, you reach a certain height where you have to retain all of your energy to ascend to and abide in that spiritual height.


We are talking about the higher centers of consciousness. In this hour if you choose the family life, you can have it, the Lord is not forcing anybody in this hour. If you do not want to give up your sex life, and you are married, then keep it.  No one is forcing you in this hour.


The message is that you cannot take it into heaven with you, and Jesus clearly said that there is no marrying or giving in marriage in heaven.  He said it, I am just telling you the truth that you cannot be a high spiritual man and engage in animal activities.


You have to make a choice, you can only have both to a certain point, and it is not a very high point that you could have both. I tell you the truth.


When we get to Part 2 of this message, we will find out that after Elijah imparted Christ to these spiritual men, and they filled up with the spirit, they were filled up with the spirit, they decided to go looking for the Savior of the world, and I believe that the reason they decided to do it was that they were living out of their Christ mind, and it was the will of God that they go do it.


Because when you are living out of the mind of Christ, you only do what Christ wants you to do.


Please note that the Greek word indicated that they were filled up...the Lord just gave me a witness to what I told you a few minutes ago. The words "filled up" is talking about a temporary full stature, temporary full stature. Jesus was anointed with the Holy Ghost.  His full stature never receded. Jesus' condition of full stature never receded, it stuck to him like oil.


The phrase, "to be filled up with the Holy Ghost," is talking about a temporary full stature, like water rises and then it drains down.  It does not stick to you.


They were filled up to full stature, because of their encounter with the angel, and I believe that the Lord sent them on a mission. I know somebody here has been asking for a while, why they went to Herod.


At this point I am of the opinion, I have looked at the Interlinear Text, and I am of the opinion that they were sent to Herod.  They were sent to the secular king of Israel that he should know that the spiritual head was born into Israel.


You do not light a candle and put it under a table, you put it on a hill so that everybody could see it. Jehovah sent Elijah to spiritual men. I hope that does not mean that there were no spiritual men in Israel. Maybe it means that there were no spiritual men in Israel, I do not know. There are not many spiritual men in the church today.


Jehovah sent Elijah to some spiritual men that were not Israelites, and maybe it was a double reason.  The message was that this salvation was for all men, and then they were assigned to go tell Herod, the secular king of Israel, "Your true king is born," and Herod's first reaction was, "Well glory to God, go find Him, I will worship Him too."


When he had time to think about it, when Herod had time to think about it, his carnal mind starting cogitating, and he said, "Well, if this king of Israel is born, He is going to take away privileges from me."


Brethren, this is exactly what the carnal mind in the individual says when he hears the message about Christ. When he hears the message about going on to spiritual maturity, the carnal mind in the individual says, "Spirituality in Christ, it is wonderful, but I am going to have to give up this, and I am going to have to give up that, I am going to have to give up that, I think I do not want it."


That is what happened to Herod. He thought he was going to turn his kingdom....he did not have any idea at all of what it meant that a Savior was born today, that there was an actual child that was born that had to be raised up for thirty years before His day came.


Herod probably was not even alive by that time, but his carnal mind rose up and said, "Oh, I am not letting this king take my kingdom away," and that is what every carnal mind is saying today. Christ has been knocking on the doors of the minds of His church, and nobody wants Him, or very, very few want him. I should not say nobody.


They say they want Him, and they talk a good game, but they do not do what He says. They say, "Lord, Lord," but they do not do what He says.


The rest is history. Herod did everything he could to kill the child, and this is happening and will happen. Everyone who yields to their carnal mind will spiritually be looking out to kill the ones who have yielded to their Christ mind.  The mind, the fallen mind, is the murderer, and we need to know that here, and we need to know how to deal with it, and denial will kill you.


You have to be able to see in the spirit, you have to know who is in agreement with their carnal mind, and you have to know how to pray without yourself falling into sin.  The major message here today in this ministry is that you need to see in the spirit, or you are hindered in your ability to follow God and to keep yourself safe in His purposes.


If you cannot see in the spirit, what is blinding you is spiritual blinders that were erected probably years ago, which you probably even inherited from your family that stop you from looking at your own sin nature.


The way you are going to break into unhindered sight in the spiritual world, because that is what the promise is, unhindered sight in the spiritual world, you have to start by telling the Lord you are willing to see everything He will show you about yourself.


It takes time, I think we would all go insane if we saw what we really....I do not know what my reaction would be if I really saw myself all at once. I do not know if even I could bear it, but we can only go as fast as the Lord is taking us.


Our job is to be open to the Lord as rapidly as He will move us, so that we can be prepared to do our part in this great cataclysm that is coming upon the earth.


What is this great cataclysm that is coming upon the earth? Jesus Christ is bringing down the Serpent's religion. Jesus Christ is sending His sons to tell the truth about the one true God, and to set free  those who are held captive. 


If you have made it through this message, the chances are you are being offered the opportunity to be a part of this company. Any questions or comments? We have a question, okay.


COMMENT: Were the children that Herod supposedly slaughtered under three years of age?


PASTOR VITALE:  Oh, I have not gotten to that yet.  I did not say that, if you thought that I said that, I did not say that. To be honest with you, I do not have an opinion on that right now, and it may have happened in the natural and in the spiritual, I do not know, but I really have not studied it yet. Anybody else?


That is a good question I would like to know the answer myself, to tell you the truth.     



Alternate Translation, Luke 2:1-14


            2.01     And it came to pass in those days, that a decree went out from [the resurrected] Adam, the elder [brother] who was severed [from Elohim’s household], that the whole world should be engraved [with]


            2.02     The nature of [Elohim], our honorable ruler, [the same nature] that Adam, the exalted warrior,1 had [before the Primordial Serpent murdered him (see, Note #  to the Alternate Translation of the New Testament)],


            2.03a   And everyone went into his own [spiritual] city (see, Note #  to the Alternate Translation of the New Testament)


            2.05     So that the [spiritual] women [who] were pregnant with the mind [that has] the nature of the thief R etched upon it,


            2.03b   Could be engrav[­ed with Elohim’s nature], 2

                                                                                                                                                         R  Jn 10:1,10


            2.06     And bring the [righteous] time lines3 within her into existence, to supply that [spiritual] place [between the heart (4th) and crown (7th) energy centers], R 

                                                                                                                                                            R Jn. 14:3


            2.04a   But [Leviathan], the heathen time line (see, Note #  to the Alternate Translation of the New Testament) who has the nature of [the Primordial Serpent], the sea bottom, sprang up out of the human spirits of Judah,R the tribe [of Elohim’s] household that carries [Jehovah’s] male seed, but [The Fortified Adam] guarded Joseph’s emotional animal [personality]4 against [the fiery serpent], his [animal nature, from the spiritual] city [on the right side of the heart (4th) energy center], 

                                                                                                                                       R Jonah 1:4(AT); Mic. 1:13


            2.08     And there were [other personalities] that were preserved because  [The Fortified Adam] guarded their animal [nature] while they were assembled5 in the [spiritual] darkness [of their Carnal Mind],R-1 

                                                                                                                                                    R Matt 8:20(AT)


            2.07     So, [Elohim] com­press­ed6 His firstborn7 Son,8 made him to [spiritually] lie down,R and brought Him forth in a animal body,9 for the purpose of  breaking apart and destroying the fiery serpent’s  house[hold in Israel],10

                                                                                                                                               R Ps. 8:5; Heb. 2:7,9


            2.09     And [Elijah], the spiritual man who overcame [his Carnal Mind], R-1 appeared, and [the spiritual men] saw [Elijah], the controller, R-2 and [Elohim’s] magnificent, vibrating energy was shining all around [Elijah] like a halo, R-3 and [Satan and Leviathan within the spiritual men] were seized with alarm, R-4 but the [who were guarded by The Fortified Adam acknowledged that Elijah was] their elder [brother], and submitted to him, 

                                                                                                                                               R-1 2 Kings 2:11(AT)


                                                                                                                                                  R-2 Acts 4:29(AT)


                                                                                                                                   R-3 Ez. 1:28a, 124b, 128b(AT)


                                                                                                                                                   R-4 Ez. 1:22(AT)


            2.10     And [Elijah, Jehovah’s] angel said [to the spiritual men, Satan and Leviathan] are afraid,R but I bring you the good news that calm delight11 is now available to all the people [who are tormented because their fiery serpent has ascended without Christ Jesus], 

                                                                                                                                                    R Matt 8:26(AT)


            2.11     And, as evidence of this [good news, Elijah], Elohim’s [spiritual] city, has [given to you] this day, Christ, the controller,R-1 the Saviour R-2 who can deliver [you from your animal nature], 

                                                                                                                                                  R-1 Acts 4:29(AT)


                                                                                                                                                  R-2 Matt 8:25(AT)


            2.12     But understand that this miraculous [Christ] embryo12 is contracted (see, Note #  to the Alternate Translation of the New Testament), and lying down in your animal body,R 

                                                                                                                                                            R Ps. 8:5;


                                                                                                                                                                                         Heb. 2:7,9; Lk. 2:7(AT)


            2.13     And suddenly, [Elijah], the spiritual man who brought God’s promise from heaven, grafted [Christ], the celestial luminary (see, Note #  to the Alternate Translation of the New Testament), [to the assemblage], the [spiritual] men, said to the incarnated immortals,13

                                                                                                                                                             R Acts 1:9


            2.14     It is true, indeed, that [mortal] men [can experience the] tranquility and satisfaction R [that is] above the earth, through the Most High God (see, Note #  to the Alternate Translation of the New Testament), 

                                                                                                                                                    R Matt 8:26(AT)


1Adam exists in two stages of maturity: (1) Resurrected in an individual, but not yet rejoined to the Godhead above, Adam is that man’s male, spiritual mantle; (2) Joined to the whole Godhead above, Adam is King of the whole visible world in that man’s heart center (Gen. 1:26).


2The Carnal Mind perceives the Scripture with natural understanding, but the spiritual, Christ Mind, discerns the Scripture spiritually (1 Cor. 2:14).


      Babylon and Jerusalem, the city of God, exist in both the natural and in the Spiritual worlds (Rev. 21:10). Judah was the pregnant woman in Jesus’ day, and the Church, and each member in particular,  is the pregnant woman today (Rev. 12:1-2).


      There is no male or female in Christ Jesus. Every human being, both physical males, and physical females, are spiritually female in relation to God, and can, therefore, bear the Christ child, Elohim’s righteous mind (1 Tim. 2:15; Rev. 12:5).


      The spiritual understanding of the phrase, So everyone went into his own [spiritual] city to engrave the pregnant woman . . ., is that the people of Israel were summoned to The Fortified Adam’s spiritual city to be sealed, or marked, with Elohim’s nature, their only defense against the Dragon  [mark of the beast] devouring the Christ Mind  (Rev. 12:4) that was to be grafted to them.


      Conception of the Christ Mind was available to all of Israel by the Spirit of Elijah, the Saviour of Israel, but Mary was the only one who was physically impregnated, and she bare Jesus (1 Jn. 4:9), the SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD.


      The Spirit of Elijah incarnated as the man, Jesus (see, Message # 396, Jesus & John - Elijah & Elisha???), who was glorified, and now Jesus is Saviour of Israel (Acts 13:23) AND Saviour of the whole World (Acts 13:23; Jn. 4:42).


3Christ Jesus, Elohim’s time line, is swallowing up this present spiritual generation of fallen men (Matt. 17:17). Every individual who is pregnant with Christ, is pregnant with one member of Elohim’s many-membered, renewed time line.


4Adam was joined to an emotional animal that was made from the mud of the ocean bottom, and they were one Living Beast. The Primordial Serpent murdered Adam, and stole his ox, and the two are presently joined to each other as the personality and the fallen animal nature of mortal man.


      Christ Jesus is  saving the emotional personalities of mortal humanity by grafting the Mind of Christ to us, and destroying our Carnal Mind, which is engraved with the Primordial Serpent’s nature.


5The root of Strong’s # 4166, translated shepherds four times in Luke 2 (verses 8, 15, 18 and 20), is from a root which means to assemble. The spiritual significance of this word is incarnation, the gathering of spiritual beings into physical bodies.


      The mortal man that Christ is grafted to is an incarnated immortal, because the Immortal One is within him, and the emotional animal [personality] can ascend into immortality IF her Carnal Mind is overthrown (Ez. 1:28b[AT]). (See, also, Note # .)


      Accordingly, we have translated shepherds, the assembled in verse 8, and incarnated immortals, in verses 15, 18 and 20.


6Elohim condensed His spiritual Son into a human body (Job 10:11).


7The Greek word prototokos, Strong’s # 4416, is translated firstborn eight times in the Scripture, but the only time this word  refers to the human child, Jesus, is in Luke 2:7. Every other Scripture using this word refers to the spiritual man, Christ Jesus.


8Strong’s # 1025, brefos, translated babe, speaks about the spiritual Christ child, and Strong’s # 5207, huios, speaks about Jesus, the human child.


      In Luke, Chapter 2, huios is used only in verse 7. All other references to the child, or the babe, are translations of Strong’s # 1025, the spiritual Christ child, the Mind of Christ.


9The Greek word translated manger, is derived from the verb, to eat, and means, a trough, or an open box in which feed for livestock is placed. Christ Jesus is the bread from heaven which, when eaten, imparts immortal life (Jn. 6:51).


      We have translated the word firstborn to mean Christ, the spiritual child who is the bread from heaven and, accordingly, we are translating manger to mean the place, or physical body, that the spiritual child was placed in.


10Fallen humanity (Matt. 12:29,44).


11Salvation means complete satisfaction. Many today are trying to satisfy their physical, emotional and spiritual cravings by engaging in all sorts of activities, but Christ Jesus promises calm delight -- the internalized peace which arises out of a sinless nature.


      Activity, as we now know it, will cease to exist, when we enter into the laborless world of Elohim’s eternal time line.


12The engrafted Word (James 1:21), which is the Mind of Christ.


13The Lord Jesus is incarnating in the mortal men who prefer Him over their Carnal Mind.


      Christians who have Christ, the humble seed, grafted to them (Js. 1:21), and who have made their fallen personalities bow down to Christ Jesus so that Christ Jesus can express His nature and purposes through them, are righteous incarnated immortals.


      Satan is also incarnating in the mortal men who prefer her. These men are evil incarnated immortals (see, Rev. 12:7).


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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