406 - Part 1

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For 
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By 
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


 Praise the Lord, brethren, what we're doing is trying to pretty much rush through this revelation. I'm not going to give you the details that I usually give you, I'm just going to read the King James translation and I will comment on the words that we're taking a different translation for, I don't have numbers for you or anything like that, and I hope that this message comes out as a blessing.


As I told you off the message, the Lord has dumped a lot of revelation on me, and I hope that word "dump" doesn't offend you because that's really what happens. He opens up the window in heaven and literally falls down on me, and sometimes it's staggering because I don't want to lose any of it, and I have to juggle to catch it.


So this is what I did tonight, and I still couldn't finish it. I had hoped to get this whole message to you tonight, and I couldn't do it. I have no idea how long it's going to take me to preach this, but I couldn't even get my notes, these simple scattered notes that just take me a fraction of the time of the other involved notes that I give you, I couldn't even get all the notes out.


So let's see what we've got here, we're starting in Gen.22:1, and eventually we will probably go through Verse 16, and today I have worked up for you Verse 11, so at the most it will be two parts. I'm assuming we're going to get through these eleven verses, but who knows.


Okay. let's read a few in the King James to start out with, "And it came to pass after these things that God did tempt Abraham and said unto him, "Abraham," and he said, "Behold here I am." and he said, "Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac whom thou lovest and get thee into the land of Moriah, and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of."


And Abraham rose up early in the morning and saddled his ass and took of his young men with him, and Isaac his son and clave the wood for the burnt offering and rose up and went unto the place of which God had told him.


Then on the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place afar off, and Abraham said unto his young men, "abide ye here with the ass and I and the lad will go yonder and worship and come again to you." And Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it upon Isaac his son, and took the fire in his hand and a knife, and they went both of them together. And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father and said, "My father," and he said "here I am," and he said, "behold the fire and the wood but where is the lamb for burnt offering." And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for burnt offering." So they went both of them together, and they came to the place where God had told him of, and Abraham built an altar there and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son and laid him on the altar upon the wood. And Abraham stretched forth his hand and took the knife to slay his son. And the angel of the Lord called out of heaven and said, Abraham, Abraham, and he said, "here am I."


This is Leviathan's translation of the Hebrew Scriptures that appear in Gen.22:1-11, praise the Lord, and once again I'm not knocking the King James translators. I thank God for the King James translation, it's a base that we work from, and we certainly needed it to do what we're doing here. I'm certainly not a Hebrew scholar that I could do this without all of the lexicons and books that I use.


The King James translation was a first step, I hope that you know Jesus does things in steps. He takes us a step at a time, you just keep on walking, and just like in school, if you're in the first grade or the second grade and the curriculum in that school is to introduce the children to mathematics, they may teach you the very basics of algebra if you're learning that in second grade, but the time you get to algebra in college it's a much deeper depth and much more involved. That's what's happening here, we're just going deeper and deeper, and I'm just very grateful for having the privilege of bringing forth a positive understanding of these Scriptures because, brethren, the heathen just crucifies Christians on Scriptures like this, that God would put Abraham through this, to tell him, not only is he taking his son, but that Abraham himself is required to wield the knife that would sacrifice his son. This is an abomination, and this message is coming right in the middle of a series on Moses.


We see the same principle, the same Satanic principle, coming forth in the King James translation of the exodus, that Jehovah sent Moses to Pharaoh to say, let my people go, and all they gather up their things and they run, desperate people enslaved for 430 years, generations of slavery, 430 years, that's over a hundred generations of slavery, and they're running in the desert, and Jehovah says to Pharaoh, I'm going to harden your heart, I want you to chase after them. This is horrendous, except it's not true. If this the first message you are reading, it's not true, but look at it with a righteous mind. That is absolutely a horrendous thing to do to somebody, and now we see in the King James translation, Abraham is required to slay his own son as a human sacrifice! Brethren, Satan offers human sacrifice to the Serpent, Jehovah does not require human sacrifice.


Jehovah's very own law says that to put your children through the fire is an abomination and a crime. If you do a study of societies, the more you can measure the degree of Satanism or Satanic activity in a society, by their religion, and societies that give human sacrifice are Satanically based societies.


What I'm saying, I know it's not shocking anybody here, I don't know where this message is going, but this is shocking to people to be told that people who are Christians, I believe the translators were Christians, I think they were nominal Christians, I don't know maybe they even had the spirit, I don't know, but to tell them, but to say that Satan in their mind translated these Scriptures, where you could you ever get a concept that Jehovah is requiring a human sacrifice of a man's own son. Where would such a thought even come from. There is no human sacrifice in the Judeo law.


It's declared an abomination, and then a double abomination to say well, Jehovah really didn't mean it, he just wanted to know if Abraham was willing to do it for him, and you get some poor demented soul desperately trying to get help out of the Scripture reading this translation, and he gets it in his head that Jesus wants him to sacrifice his own son, and he throws the kid out the window.


A lot of people are going to be shocked when they hear this, but I'm telling you Satan rose up in the minds of the King James translators and translated these verses. Now in defense of King James translators, I believe that these men, that they were just scholars, they were nominal Christians. At the very best, I would say they had the spirit, the chances, well I can tell you right out, they did not know the doctrine of Christ.


How do I know that? If they did, they wouldn't have translated these Scriptures this way. The more hidden the message, the more deeply the Scriptures are revealing aspects of the doctrine of Christ, the more difficult the translation is. Perhaps this was the best that could be done, perhaps these translators, they didn't understand that there are spiritual sacrifices that goes on everyday, everyday. Either Leviathan is sacrificing Christ, or Christ is sacrificing Leviathan every second of every minute of every hour of everyday of your life, and if you're not in the war, Satan and Leviathan are sacrificing your human spirit to the Serpent continuously. He is a continuous burnt offering to the Serpent, if you're not in the war.


Well, the King James translators did not have any revelation of spiritual sacrifice which I really would be surprised if they did. I guess there's no other way that they could have translated these Scriptures, any other meaning for them. So praise the Lord, if Christ is not there to see the truth in the Scripture, Leviathan will translate.


Let's start with Verse 1, "And it came to pass after these things that God did tempt Abraham and said unto him, Abraham, and he said, Behold here I am." Now first of all James tells us that God tempts no man. Okay, the Hebrew word translated "tempt" can be translated "tested," I don't even know that tempt was a potential translation. God tests us, he does not tempt us. What is the difference between temptation and testing? Temptation tempts us to sin, temptation is a seduction that encourages us to sin. Elohim's test, and by the way the English word God here is a translation of Elohim, Elohim's test is a difficult situation which will reveal by the way you deal with the situation.


Well my English wasn't sure there, let me try again. The test that Elohim gives is a situation that requires us to deal with that situation, and the way we deal with the situation reveals whether we're dealing with it with our carnal mind Leviathan, or whether Christ is dealing with that problem, and the ultimate reason for the test is to find out whether or not Christ is there, and if he's there, of course if he's there and you're living out of Leviathan, it's the salt has lost its savor, he's good as a dead man anyway.


So the test is to find out if you're living out of resurrected Abel or a resurrected Adam in your life. That's what the test is for.


And if the test proves that Abel is present in your life, then it's Michael's intention and, of course, in the new covenant Michael is appearing in the magnificent man, Jesus of Nazareth, who's now glorified. He's coming to bring us up higher, you see, but he's not coming to bring Leviathan in you up higher. He's coming to bring Christ in you up higher. So the first thing to do is to find out if Christ is there. And please remember that it's Jesus' intention, under instruction from Jehovah, to deliver us from this black hole that we're living in. This black hole is sealed up with a seven part seal. Please remember that the first, I believe it's the first three seals, I really have to check this out, bring forth the mind of Christ. There's no way the remaining seven seals will be opened if you do not bring forth the mind of Christ. See the first, the opening of the first three seals, brings forth the mind of Christ, so that's what the test is all about. Is Christ present?


Oh good come on, we'll go on with the fourth seal. Let's get out of here, that's what the test is all about. But Satan tempts you to sin so that you will be bound in this black hole and never escape. So you see temptation is wicked, it's an evil deed to influence someone to sin. This is another operation of the Serpent. We now know how to recognize that Satan breaks your will, Leviathan will blame someone else for his own sins to remain to appear righteous, and the Serpent is the most malignant of them all.


So we see temptation is an activity of the Serpent, the Lord's revealing the Serpent here. Envy is an activity of the Serpent, malevolence, desiring to see evil upon people so that you could be the only one standing you see. We don't have to destroy other people to stand, we can all stand together by the grace of God, see. Temptation is an activity of mortal man, temptation to sin, it binds you to the death of this world.


Testing reveals, hopefully, that Christ is there in you and enables you to go on with your deliverance. The test is a good thing, it's a good thing. "And it came to pass that after these things that Elohim did test Abraham and said unto him, "Abraham," and he said, "Behold here I am," please note that the words "here" and "am" are in italics, they do not appear in the Hebrew.


Now what I have down here on your notes, is that I have, you'll see each verse appearing two times. The first time, I have the words of the King James translation, in the instance where I have changed the translation, I have the word as it appears in the King James in those pointed brackets, the words in those pointed brackets are in those King James translation, and the alternate translation that I have chosen is right before the word in those pointed brackets. And the second time that the verse appears, I've taken those brackets out, and I've given our alternate translation.


This is Verse 1 of Gen.22, "And it came to pass after these matters, that Elohim intended," "intended" instead of "said," that's a legitimate translation of the same word, "intended to test himself in Abraham saying," well let me stop there. You see, there is no test if the Lord knows that Christ is not in us. The test that comes from Jesus is a test to find out if he has been reproduced in us. So the Scripture says he comes to test himself, the test is for the resurrected Abel or the resurrected Adam.


There's no test for an unregenerate man, you see. There's no testing a man in whom Adam is not rising from the dead. Jesus is not testing an unregenerate man. Jesus is not testing the Serpent, Jesus is testing the life of himself in a man.


"And it came to pass after these matters that Elohim intended to test himself in Abraham, saying.... see, now that word "behold" in the King James translation it says, "Behold here I am," but oh I see on your notes I left the pronoun out. It should be I see, I see, I don't know why I took that "I" out. I took that "I" out. I think the King James translation, translators, they just put that pronoun I am, but it shouldn't be there. It's a command, okay, but it's a verb, that word that's translated "behold," okay, well behold means look and see, but in this case it's really intended to be a verb, and a command, see.


Elohim said to Abraham, "I want you to see, or can you see." Perhaps it's "can you see." I don't know. You realize of course, it's not until I put all these translations together that I really polish this up.


It looks to me like it's.... the test is to see whether or not Abraham can see, and the only way Abraham can see is if Abel's rising from the dead in him, because when Elohim comes to test us to see if we could see, he's not looking at our natural eyes. When Elohim comes or, in the New Testament, when Jesus comes to test us to see if we have sight, the sight that he's coming to see whether we have it or not, is his mind in us. Our eyes, the eyes that we have are Elohim's mind in us, which is Abel.


That's why people cannot understand this message unless Adam has begun to rise from the dead in them. When Adam first begins to rise from the dead, he's in the form of Abel. He is our eyes. So I think this alternate translation of Verse one should be saying, "And after it came to pass in these matters, Elohim intended to test Abraham saying, I desire you to see, I want you to see." Elohim came to test Abraham so that he should see. I see I'm going to have to work on these translations. Jesus.


"And it came to pass after these matters, that Elohim intended to test himself in Abraham, saying or because he wanted him to see, saying that he wanted him to see." "And it came to pass after these matters that Elohim continued to test himself in Abraham saying that, and it came to pass after these matters that Elohim intended to test himself saying that...." I'm just going have to polish this up after I put it all together, but, for now, we're just going to say, "And it came to pass after these matters that Elohim intended to test himself in Abraham, because he wanted Abraham to see, or to see if Abraham could see, to find out if Abraham could see."


Verse 2, "And He said, take now thy son, thine only son Isaac whom thou lovest and get there, and get thee into the land of Moriah, and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of." The word "take" we're translating "marry," and he said now marry your only son." Now in the King James it says, now take thine son, thine only son, that word only, it really is not used, it's really not used the way it's used in the King James translation. It's talking...., and it's used to speak about the concept of being the only begotten son, and I'm suggesting to you that it's talking about Abel or Adam conceived in the man Abraham. "And he said, now marry your only begotten son, the spiritual son within you." And the King James says, "whom thou lovest." That Hebrew word translated lovest, it can also be translated "lover," and we know that Jesus is the lover of our soul.


Elohim says to Abraham," marry the son that I have begotten in you, who is your lover, and proceed with Isaac," and "get," that word we're translating it "proceed" "into," we're translating that "with," all legitimate translations, "Isaac to the land of Moriah."


Now this word "land," it really is the Hebrew word for "earth," and we're going to be translating it "mind." Take Isaac and the two of you, I want you to get into the mind where you can see if Jehovah's sight, the word Moriah is talking about Jehovah's sight. Now this is very interesting because when I looked up the word "Moriah" in Strong's and Brown Driver's Briggs, it said that the word means something like "comfort of Jehovah," something like that, but whenever I get a word like this of a name of a place, it always will tell you, the lexicons will always tell you, well this word is derived from these two other words, and I checked out the two other words and it doesn't mean Jehovah's comfort, it means Jehovah's "sight." Clearly, the two words that it was derived from, it's Jehovah's sight, Jehovah's perception, Jehovah's discernment. It's talking about Jehovah's mind.


The word Moriah is talking about Jehovah's sight or his mind. So when we talk about the land of Moriah, we're going to be translating it either Abel or Adam for those of you who haven't, are not familiar with my teachings. Abel is the mind of God which coexists with our carnal mind, and Adam is the mind of God who has completely dominated our carnal mind and is without sin.


So Abel is the immature Adam, and sometimes when I do a message like this, I'm really not sure what word to use until I finish the whole chapter and I pray about it and work it up together, but when it comes to translating these symbols, when it comes to Satan and Leviathan, I'm very frequently.... I don't want to take the time to do it right now, so I just say Satan or Leviathan, whatever comes to mind, and when I put the whole thing together and I see the context, I'm in a better position to use the right words.


So Elohim said to Abraham, "I want you to marry my son in you, who is your lover." So if you need a witness that it's the spiritual son within him, we see that, that word "whom thou lovest," it really is much more likely translated "to be one's lover," and proceed with Isaac to the mind that has Jehovah or that will give you Jehovah's sight, and send up, and that word "offer him," "and offer him there for a burnt offering." That word "offer" it means to ascend, and ascend up, and the word "burnt offering" is speaking about a spiritual stairway, and the principle behind it is that when you give a burnt offering you ascend, you ascend spiritually.


If you're dwelling under the old covenant, or even if you're engaged in Satanic religion that offers sacrifices, the whole principle of offering a sacrifice is that it brings you closer to your God, it brings you closer to towards.... you ascend spiritually, that's the whole purpose of sacrifice.


Our sacrifice, brethren, is Leviathan, when we kill her or when we wound her or when we put her down over who beat her, we become closer to Jesus. So we see that a burnt offering is a stairway up to heaven, and ascend up the stairway that is there to the united mountain. And the King James says "and give him for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains." The Hebrew word translated "one" can also be translated "united," because when you're united you become one, and who is the united mountain? A mountain is talking about a mind, it's a high place, that mountains are found in the earth, mountains are not found in the sky, they're in the earth.


So a mountain in a man is a mind, and the high place of that mountain is the spirit of the mind. So who is the united mountain? The united mountain is Michael united to Adam, Michael above the firmament united to Adam who has been raised from the dead in the man. So Elohim is giving some excellent instructions here, "marry the only son that you have, the only true son that you have." You see, brethren, the only true son that you have is Christ in you. I don't care if you're the mother of thirteen physical male children, the Scripture is saying that the only true son that you have is Christ in you the hope of glory.


And we have some mothers here, and I hope that you know, I would expect you all know, because you're all mature ladies, that none of these kids belong to you. Our children do not belong to us, they are lent to us for a season, they're given to us to be care takers for a season, and then they go on and live their own lives. They get married, they take mates, they have children, they have their own relationship with God, and if you're still trying to influence your children when they're past the age of a minor, you're operating in witchcraft and pride. These children, these people don't belong to you. These young men and women, they do not belong to you. You're there to support them, to pray for them, to give them advice and answer their questions if they're asking you for it.


And this whole "empty nest syndrome" is an abomination, because if you were serving Jesus you would not have an empty nest syndrome. These children are not yours. The only son that you have that is really yours is Christ in you, and he's your son and he's your true husband.


So now, "marry the only true son that you have who is also your lover, and proceed with your natural children." Well, I don't know how old Isaac was here, but, in this case, if Jesus tells you to do it, you do it. And Elohim says, "Proceed with Isaac." So now we see that Isaac is called to the mind that has Jehovah's sight, or that sees with Jehovah's spirit. "And ascend up the stairway, that takes you above the firmament, ascend up there to the united matter, increase into the beginnings of the second stage of resurrection where you have a union with Michael, that is above, which I have spoken about, concerning that which I have spoken about. And Michael said to Abel in Abraham, now marry your only begotten son." That should be Abel, I have Abraham written there, but it should be Abel.


"And Michael said to Abel in Abraham, now marry your only begotten son, Abel, who is your lover and proceed with Isaac into the mind that sees with Jehovah's sight, and ascend up the stairway to the united mountain that I have told you is above the firmament." And that, of course, is glorification. So we see in Verse 2, Elohim is speaking to Abraham, and giving him instruction to go on to glorification.


Now you have to realize that this commandment of Elohim according to spiritual principles.... First of all it must come to pass because Elohim has commanded it, but it does not have to come to pass in the person, in the physical person of the man Abraham, because obviously it didn't, Abraham died. But it will come to pass in Abraham's descendants. The commandment has gone out, it must come to pass.


Verse 3, "And Abraham rose up early in the morning and saddled his ass, and took two of his young men with him and Isaac his son, and clave the wood for the burnt offering and rose up and went in to the place which Elohim had told him." Most unfortunate translation. If I've been too hard on the King James translators, I really apologize, it's not my intention at all, but this is a most unfortunate translation.


Now, in the Interlinear Text it's pretty clear that Adam arose in Abraham. Abraham did not rise up early in the morning but Adam arose in Abraham, and according to the context of this verse, it appears that Michael is coming up as "the morning." So I don't really have it clear in my mind right now who the morning is, whether it's Michael.... up until now, I thought that the morning was Adam, and as I told you I'm not going to make a big deal out of these interpretations. As the Lord show them to me, I'm just going to have to make correction. I have said that Michael is the morning in this verse, because the context of Verse 3 requires it.


The Hebrew word translated "to rise up early" can also be translated to "shoulder the burden," and I have to tell you that the study that I did, one of the two studies that I did yesterday, it must have been the one about the war with Moab, I had this same word. You see, when you study enough in the Interlinear Text, you start seeing how the mind of God uses a particular word, and as soon as you see it you recognize it, that's why my studies are going faster and faster. Of course, the mind of God could be using this word in a different way, but the chances are if the word is used in a deep symbolic way, you'll see it used that way again. Ad I just did this other study yesterday, so as soon as I saw this word, I just knew, It may have taken me a half an hour yesterday to understand how this word was being translated and here the very next day I'm using it again, a lot of the work was done for me already.


So we're translating the word "rose up early, we're translating it "to shoulder the burden," and I want to tell you that Michael rose up in Adam, in Abraham, and shouldered the burden. What burden? Of treading sin under foot, you see. We struggle every day to keep sin under foot.


Maybe you don't realize the degree to which you struggle every day because you've been keeping sin under foot for so many years, but every day that we don't steal, we have kept sin under foot, every day that we don't lie, we have kept sin under foot, every day that we have been faithful to our mates, we have kept sin under foot, every day someone has needed us and we have responded to that need and not failed them, we have kept sin under foot.


And Michael arose. Now Michael in this context, he's doing what Jesus does for us in the form of reconciliation. Michael, you might say, is in the role of the Holy Spirit here. He arose, he came into Abraham's life, he shouldered the burden of keeping Leviathan under foot. And the Hebrew word translated "saddled" can be translated "ruled," he shouldered the burden of ruling his ass," and ass is a male donkey. I suggest to you that it's Leviathan, did I say Leviathan, Leviathan.


"Adam arose in Abraham and shouldered the burden of ruling over Leviathan." Now you have to realize that Abraham was struggling, we all struggle with Leviathan, but he was a mortal man that was doing the best he could to lead a decent life, but when Michael arose and shouldered the burden, what do you think happened? Leviathan went all the way down under Michael's feet, and Abraham rose all the way up. That's the whole significance. And Michael arose in Abraham and shouldered the burden of ruling Leviathan, and he married Michael.


Married, that "married" is a translation of the word "took two of his young men" with him. He married the two young men, and I believe that's talking about Abel both in Abraham and in Isaac. "And Abel his son," now this Hebrew word translated "son," it can also be translated "male child." That is a word, a very common word, Strong's #1121. It's very widely used, and it can mean many things. I suggest to you, in this case, it's talking about the male child, the spiritual male child. Now when Michael put Leviathan under, and married these two young men, Abel rose up and burst through the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.


Now the word, we're translating the word "clave" as "burst through," and wood is just another word for tree, it's the same word as tree, and I'm saying the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.


Now listen, Michael came in like the Holy Spirit, he shouldered the burden, he put down Leviathan, he married the two young men, Abraham and Isaac, and Abel was conceived and rose up and burst through the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, that's the carnal mind. And Abel burst through the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, remember Christ is inside, conceived inside of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and he has come through. And then the next Hebrew word is "burnt offering" which we're translating "stair case," and "rose up" we're translating "ascended," the word "went" we're translating "to proceed," unto the place which God had told him of.


And this is what we have, "And Michael arose in Abraham, married the two young men who were near to him and shouldered the burden of ruling Leviathan, and Abel, the male child in Isaac, burst through the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and ascended up the stair case and proceeded to the place that Elohim had told him about, which place is above the firmament." We're talking about the world above the firmament. So we see an intense soul tie here. I shouldn't say soul tie, spirit tie between Abraham and his son Isaac, and the two of them seem to be having a joint spiritual experience.


I can relate to this. I'm going through this, somewhat, with my daughter, and she's just not anywhere near where I am but I see all the signs of her spirituality that's coming forth in her. Her conscious mind tells her that she's not interested in this life that I have, but she's very spiritual, and I see a lot of the things, well as I told you off the message, the Lord told me that the way to help her was to serve him, and I went all out to serve him, and I'm now in the ministry and I really see the spirit tie that we have, and there have been occasions where I've given teachings here and she's called me the next day asking me a question about what I was preaching on the night before, although that's only happened a couple of times.


I don't know if I'm making this very clear to you, but what I'm trying to tell you is that I really can see Abraham's spirit tie with his son, that their ascension were related, that Abraham's ascension was directly connected, or maybe I should put it the other way, that Isaac's ascension was directly connected to Abraham's ascension, and I know that my daughter's ascension, wherever she is right now with God, only he knows where she is, is a direct response to my relationship with him, I know that.


Now personally I'm surprised to hear that Abel burst through in Isaac before he burst through in Abraham. To be honest with you at this point, I don't understand that. Perhaps by the time we do the whole chapter, I'll get a better understanding of it, but I'm telling you honestly that I'm really surprised to see that Abel broke through in Isaac first, unless of course the thought that just came into my mind which is probably the Lord talking to me, is that Abel had already been conceived in Abraham, and I don't know whether Genesis' previous verses would indicate that Abel had been conceived in Abraham or not.


I don't know because we're starting in Chapter 22, but it's not true, it was my carnal mind thinking that Abel came forth in Isaac first, that's not true, Abel had already been conceived in Abraham. Okay everybody okay? Let's go on.


Verse 4, "Then on the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place afar off." Now brethren, the place that they're looking for, the place that Elohim's telling them about is a place, I might say to you it's above the firmament, and that's true that it's a place above the firmament, but I'm not really giving you an accurate concept of where that is. We will see in one of the subsequent verses that this land, this good land, this place, it's within, it's inner space, it's the world within, the kingdom of God is within you, the promise land is within us, and the firmament is within us. The land above the firmament and the land underneath the firmament, it's all within us, spiritual existence, spiritual existence, spiritual experiences are within.


"So on the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place afar off." Well if we're talking about a spiritual place, then we have to know that the Scripture is talking about spiritual eyes, and our spiritual eyes are in the form of a mind. Take the phrase "the third day," I want to suggest to you that this is the same principle that we have seen in other Scriptures. We've dealt with this in the New Testament with regard to Jesus' resurrection, and I cannot recall the Scripture right now, but it talks about Jesus being raised on the third day, and we had a whole couple of messages on that, indicating that Christ was raised from the dead before the man Jesus was raised from the dead, and this third day, it can legitimately be translated the third part of the day.


The third part of the day is Satan, the third part of the day is Satan. I've been preaching that here for nine years, and I established it on a message, one of our early messages, and I believe that, that symbolism fits into this verse. The Hebrew word translated "lift up" can also be translated "carried away," and the word that says "afar off" is speaking about ancient times, ancient times, not just far away but of old, and that principle is talking about the world before the fall.


"Then Satan was carried away, and Abraham's eyes saw the golden timeline."


He saw the other world, he saw the world above, he saw the mind of God, or he saw with the mind of God, that even sounds better, and Abraham's eyes, or Abraham saw. Well, I'll have to work on that off the tape. And Satan was carried away and Abraham's eyes saw the golden time line. He saw the land, the promise land, the mind of God, he saw Adam.


Verse 5, "And Abraham said unto his young men, abide ye here with the ass, and I and the lad will go yonder and worship and come again to you." "And said to his young men, and said his young men, Adam unto Abraham. Okay, I see what I'm saying here, "And said the young men unto Abraham." As I translated this verse, there's no way that it could be Abraham speaking to the young men, because the balance, it has to be someone speaking to Abraham saying, dwell here, dwell ye on this side. That word "abide" means "dwell," and the word "here" is translated "on this side," on this side of what, on this side of Leviathan. Now remember Adam had risen up and put Leviathan down under Abraham's feet, Abraham was now seeing with Adam's mind cause Leviathan was suppressed, and Adam is saying to Abraham, "continue to abide on this side of Leviathan, on top of him not underneath him."


"On this side of the ass," and the ass is talking about Leviathan. "Continue to abide on top of the ass," because if the ass abides on top of you, you know what that makes you? It makes you an ass. I tell you the truth, it makes me an ass too if it happens to me, but if Adam abides on top it makes me a son of God. "And said the young man unto Abraham, dwell on this side of the ass," and Jehovah, that's a translation of the word "I," and the lad, that's the single young man will proceed or will go on in this manner. "Until" is a translation of the word "yonder" and "proceed" is a translation of the word "go."


Now I added the word Leviathan in, because another translation of the word worship is to prostrate yourself, to completely humble yourself, and I suggest to you that what's being said here is that the young man, you see, I couldn't really tell from this Hebrew, whether that phrase "the young man," whether it really was plural or not, I couldn't tell, so we'll just let it remain plural. And the young men, if it is plural it would be Adam and Michael. Michael and Adam said unto Abraham,"stay or remain on this side or on top of Leviathan."


And Jehovah and the single lad," I don't know who that means, we'll say Adam for now, and "Jehovah and Adam will proceed in this manner." In what manner? We will continue to keep Leviathan down under until she prostrates herself, until she is completely under your dominion. And "you return," that's a translation of "come again," that's return, and another translation of the word "to you," is within. We will keep Leviathan in this position down under until you return to the world within, because brethren this world that we're living in out here, it's outer darkness, the lifestyle that we engage in, it is outer darkness.


Everything we do is outside of us. Our energy comes from outside of us in the form of food, our pleasure comes from outside of us, our love comes from outside of us, our affection, and our comfort comes from outside of us. We have to put clothing on us to regulate our body temperature, everything in this world is external. The world of God is within, and when we're dwelling completely in the world of God within, we will not need any of these things that are outside of us. We won't need companionship from other people, we won't need love from other people, we won't need respect or admiration of other people. Our relationship with the world within will provide all of our needs. Everything that we need will just appear.


Now that doesn't mean that you don't work, you'll probably work three times as hard as you're working now.


"And Michael and Adam the young men said to Abraham, dwell on this side of Leviathan, and Jehovah and Adam will continue to dominate Leviathan until she prostrates herself and you return to the world above." Now with regard to Michael and Adam, the young men, I'd like to remind you that in one of the accounts of Jesus' resurrection there were two young men that were sitting by. I do not know why this would come up Jehovah and Adam. Jehovah is a translation of the word "I," unless it shouldn't be Jehovah it's Elohim speaking, it's Elohim speaking so maybe I should not have made it Jehovah. Let's switch it back to Michael, because even if it's Elohim speaking, Elohim's personality is Michael.


"And Michael and Adam the young men said to Abraham, dwell on this side of Leviathan and Michael and Adam will continue to dominate Leviathan in this manner until she prostrates herself, and you return to the world within." I say I guess it really does have to be "I," it's Elohim talking, "And Michael and Adam the young men said to Abraham, dwell on this side of Leviathan, and Adam and I will continue to dominate in this manner until she prostrates herself and you return to the world within." I'm going to let that go for now.


Verse 6, "And Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it upon Isaac his son, that poor kid and he took the fire in his hand and a knife and they went both of them together." Can you imagine this if it really happened, is that the most horrendous thing? I recently saw a documentary about the ancient.... was it the Aztecs or the Mayans? I'm not sure I think it was the Aztecs, and one of the significant aspects of their religious life was that the people who were to be sacrificed, by having their heart cut out, went willingly to the altar. They considered it a great honor, and here we see Isaac just walking along with his father holding a fire in one hand and a knife in the other hand. Is that awesome?


It's a shame, you know. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord for the truth. And Abraham took the wood, we're translating "to take," "capture" a legitimate translation. "And Abraham captured the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil." The word "tree" is the same Hebrew word as "wood," and I have added in or amplified that word to the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And of course the tree of knowledge of good and evil is Satan and Leviathan.


"And Abraham captured Satan and Leviathan and the burnt offering..," I see that I didn't put in the word stairway there, it should be stairway, "he captured Satan and Leviathan and the stairway, the stairway up above the firmament, violently seized, he violently seized the stairway. You see he captured Satan and Leviathan, he struggled with them, he brought them under his control, and in the same instance he violently seized the stairway, his ability to ascend up above the firmament. Who is this? This is Adam. Adam is our ability to ascend up above the firmament. We have to lay hold of him, brethren. We have to rebuke and punish Leviathan and Satan in ourselves, we have to deal them severe wounds and severe blows, and lay hold of our access to the mind of God.


Abraham captured Satan and Leviathan, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and Adam, the stairway to the world above the firmament, violently seized and covered Isaac. Oh I see I've got it backwards, "And Abraham captured the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the stairway...," the stairway is Adam, violently seized and covered Isaac.


Okay, listen brethren, when we fight with Leviathan and Satan, Adam is going to rise from the dead and fight with us. I've taught you this many times, he doesn't fight unless you fight, he's just not into this passivity. When we fight he backs us up. So Abraham captured the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, he took the victory over it, and the stairway, the burnt offering which is Adam, the access to heaven, rose up and violently seized and covered over.... covered over is a translation of "laid it," "over" is a translation of "upon" Isaac.


What is this telling us? That when we take the victory over Satan and Leviathan in our life, Adam is going to rise up and cover our children, his spiritual authority ascends beyond us. Now you also have to realize that Isaac was in complete agreement, Isaac had gone with his father. Isaac, I believe, had a revelation of what was happening, he had a revelation of the doctrine of Christ. He had a hope, he was willing to confess his sins and repent. This was not a rebellious child. This was a child that was in agreement and in submission to the parent, but who would never had have had the strength to go through Abraham's experience without his parent. Can you hear that?


"And Abraham captured the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, Satan and Leviathan, and Adam rose up and violently seized and covered over Isaac, his son. Now he covered over Leviathan in Isaac, his son, and he, Adam, took hold of Satan. That's the fire. Now the fire is talking about spiritual power. Brethren, it could be the spiritual power, fire could typify Michael, or could typify Satan, and in the context of this verse it's typifying Satan.


And Adam took hold of the spiritual power of Satan, and his hand, we're translating hand "phallus," that's a legitimate translation of that word, and we use it that way in spiritual translations a lot, and the phallus is the immature, is an immature mind. It's the immature male organ, and we're translating it immature male mind, and his mind.... Let me read from the beginning, "And Abraham took captured the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and Adam rose up and violently seized and covered over Leviathan and Isaac. his son, and Adam took hold of Satan of the, took hold of Satan and his mind and Leviathan. Okay, Leviathan is a translation of the word "knife."


Now, I went into Gesenius and I found another word with the same exact letters but different vowels, and that other word appeared either just before it or after it, and that word means "food for fire." I have to tell you that I couldn't work this word knife in. I could not work this word knife in no matter how I looked at it, and I prayed about it, and then finally I went into Gesenius and this is what I found, and I'm going to take translator's license and take the other word with the same exact letters but different vowels, which means "food for the fire," and I hope that you can all see that Leviathan is food for the fire. Leviathan has to be thrown into the lake of fire, that's her judgment. So she is food or fuel for the fire.


And the word "went" we're translating "to die to this lifestyle." It sounded a little choppy when I gave you those words, but this is our alternate translation Verse 6, "And Abraham captured Satan and Leviathan, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and Adam the stairway to the world above the firmament violently seized and covered over Isaac, or covered over Leviathan in Isaac his son, and Adam, Abraham's phallus, took hold of Satan and Leviathan and cast both of them into the lake of fire together, and their mortal lifestyle died." Let me give it to you again.


"And Abraham captured Satan and Leviathan, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.." I'm sorry. "And Abraham captured Satan and Leviathan, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and Adam, the stairway to the world above the firmament, violently seized and covered over Isaac, his son, and Adam, Abraham's phallus, took hold of Satan and Leviathan and cast both of them into the lake of fire together, and their mortal lifestyle died.


Now if you can see the words in the brackets, I amplified, I added in the words "into the lake of fire," because where else would they be casting them into? I know the answer, so I've amplified the verse. .".and their mortal lifestyle died," or we could say Abraham died to their mortal lifestyle. Abraham stood up in full stature, brethren. Abraham stood up in full stature, he died to his mortal lifestyle.


Verse 7, "And Isaac spoke unto Abraham, his father, and said, 'my father,' and he said "here am I my son," and he said, 'behold the fire and the wood but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?' Now, well let me just go on with this, I'd like to read you the alternate translation before I go through the words with you.


This is Verse 7, "And Isaac spoke unto Abraham, his father, and said, 'Michael my father said, my spiritual father said, we would see the son,' that's Adam, and he said, "Isaac, I see Satan the fire and I see Leviathan the wood, but where is the lamb who will enable us to ascend above the firmament?" Now apparently these verses are out of order.


Adam, Verse 7, should come before Verse 6, which talks about Abraham capturing Satan and Leviathan and Satan and Leviathan dying to this lifestyle. I'm going to have to intersperse these verses, but I suggest to you with all my heart that, that's what Verse 7 says, "And Isaac spake to Abraham his father and said, 'My spiritual father said we would see the son,' and then he said further, 'I see Satan and I see Leviathan,'.... In other words he was looking at his own sins, he saw his own fallen nature, 'but I don't see Adam rising from the dead in me.'


Brethren, can you relate to that? I know lots of people that could relate to that.


I see Adam rising from the dead in me because I have all this revelation, but I have to tell you that I really desire more victory in my life, the warfare knocks me to and fro, up and down, it's intense and it's never-ending. But I could say I see Christ, but you know there was a time in my life that I could not see Christ in myself. There was a time in my life that I was so depressed that I said Lord, how could, what kind of a witness is this, I've been serving you I don't know 8, 9, 10 years at the time, what kind of a witness is this to your glory, look at my life. I didn't know that I was being prepared for this great honor of bringing forth this word, I didn't understand. I did not have what you have, I was totally without understanding, I couldn't understand it, and I was very depressed, my life was very hard, without understanding.


And that was the time that the Lord sent me into a local church, and had the pastor bring forth a prophecy that was so powerful that the pastor was jumping around the front of the church, saying I don't even know you, I don't believe I brought forth a prophecy like this, I don't even know you, and the prophecy was "don't slip and don't slide, the Lord is restoring the altar." And I didn't even know what it meant in those days, but now I know what it means. He's restoring my altar, he's raising Adam from the dead in me, and he's preparing Adam to marry Michael, and I'm going to be hooked back up above the firmament.


But, brethren, I would have never believed it as to how long it's taking and I really cannot be complaining because my life's 500% better now than it was you know 10, 15 years ago, it was really hard. It's all worth it and it doesn't mean that it's going to be that hard for you, you have to realize that the greater the responsibility, the harder your life.


I'm the one that's bringing forth this revelation right out of the third, well there is no third heaven, right out of the mind of God, and I've really been through hell to prepare me to be a vessel that can not only receive this word, but a vessel that will stand all of Satan's punishment.


You know, as I was preparing this message for tonight, the Lord told me very clearly that I had been severely punished today, severely punished. And that's what we're telling people who you know might want to attend these meetings right now. There are many qualifications to attending these meetings, and one of them is that you can stand against the warfare. It's not just a question of understanding this word, you have to realize what's coming against you when you hear this word.


And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, "My father," and I put in Michael there, my spiritual father said, "we would see," and I think that's a translation of "behold" the son, and he said, "I see Satan, the fire, and Leviathan, the wood, but where is the lamb who ascends?" And ascend is a translation of burnt offering. Now you could see in your notes that the phrase, "we would see" is a translation of "here I am." Tat Hebrew word translated "here I am," it's the same Hebrew word that's translated "behold."


So the King James translator's took a lot of license there, translating it "here I am," they just did the best they could. "And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father and said, 'My father said, my spiritual father said, we would see the son,' the son of God. And then he went on to say, "I see Satan in myself, and I see Leviathan in myself, but I don't see Adam rising from the dead in me, where is the lamb who will enable us to ascend above the firmament?"


Now, of course, with the King James translation we're dealing with the church doctrine that says that Jesus was the perfect sacrifice that satisfied Jehovah's blood lust, another abominable doctrine coming out of Satan, and mortal man's carnal mind. Brethren, the blood sacrifice is our own sin nature. She must be bloodied unto death. That's what Paul was talking about when he said, you have not yet suffered unto blood, or unto death. Our carnal nature must die and the lamb, that is the stairway to the world above the firmament, is the bloodless sacrifice, the one by whom we ascend.


Jesus said he came and led captivity captive. He said that the only one that can go up to heaven is the one who first came down from heaven. So it's only Adam in you that's arising up into heaven, and if your personality is twisted together with the resurrected Adam, you're going up, because you can't get up there by yourself.


And Verse 8, let me read you Verse 8 right up front. And Abraham said, "My son, Elohim will present himself as the sinless lamb who is able to ascend above the firmament." So the two of them went forward together. Brethren, if you're seeing your sins, if you're seeing Satan and Leviathan in yourself but you're not seeing Abel rising from the dead, do not be discouraged, but go on, go on, because the word of God promises you that if you're willing to have your sins exposed, and if you're willing to see them, that Elohim will present himself as a sacrifice in you, as the lamb. I'm sorry, as the lamb within you.


He is the lamb, and he will reproduce the lamb in you, but first you have to have your sins exposed, so don't be discouraged when you see Satan and you see Leviathan but you don't see Christ. And I've heard that, I think, from all of you here, I've heard that. We're laboring and we're laboring and we're laboring, and we're doing the best we can. Proceed, brethren, proceed, don't give up, don't turn back, don't look to the left and don't look to the right, because Elohim himself shall be the sinless lamb by which you shall ascend above.


The word, And Abraham said, "My son, God will provide," and we're translating provide "present himself." He is the lamb that is the burnt offering, he is the lamb that is the stairway, he is the lamb by which we shall ascend above. He has to be born in you, brethren, because if you're not born again, you'll never see the Kingdom of God.


Verse 9, "And they came to the place where God had told them of..," that's Elohim had told them of, "and Abraham built an altar there and laid the wood in order and bound Isaac his son and laid him upon the altar upon the wood." Can you imagine this, can you imagine this?


Brethren, I'm telling you again, I'm not in any way putting down these King James translators. They did the best they could, but look at the nerve of that Serpent, look at the nerve of Satan to put her satanic religion into the Holy Scriptures of God, sacrificing your own child, strictly forbidden by the Mosaic law. The nerve of her. And all of these Christians over 2,000 years believing this translation, God help us!


And they came to the place that Elohim had told them about, and Abraham, the word is "built an altar," that word "build," can also be translated "repaired." And Abraham prepared the altar there, the three part altar that was tore down when Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth fell. And laid the tree, that's a translation of wood, "and laid the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in order, or put it in order." What's the correct moral order of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? It has to be underneath the feet of the Tree of Life. Put Satan and Leviathan down under. He restored the altar, and he put Satan and Leviathan down under.


So you can have the altar restored if Satan and Leviathan are not down under, because if Satan and Leviathan go on top, the altar breaks up. By simply saying that the altar was repaired, we know that Satan and Leviathan were put down under, and bound Isaac his son. This Hebrew word translated "bound" it's a word that specifically means "to bind a sheep specifically to be sheared," and the whole significance of shearing a sheep is to take something away from the animal without killing him. When we shear a sheep, the sheep is traumatized.


Did you ever see.... I saw a movie that had to do with sheep shearing and these poor sheep they're just traumatized, you know these men these big husky men they go and they get a hold of sheep and capture them and immobilize them, and they come at them with this electric clipper, probably scares the poor sheep half to death and take all of his fleece off him, her, I guess it's a her, and the sheep just goes, when they finally release her, just goes running off terrified.


Well it isn't very pleasant having our fleece sheered, I'll tell you that, it's painful, it's frightening, it's stressful, it's traumatic, but that which we need for this existence must be stripped from us. The foundation which gives us an existence in this world must be stripped from us, but it will not be stripped from us until our new foundation has been laid in place, or we should surely die. And he bound up his son in preparation to have this mortal life stripped from him, and he laid him above the altar.


The Hebrew word translated "laid" can also be translated "directed." And he directed Isaac on the altar, and the word "upon" we're translating it "above." And he laid him upon the altar, upon. "And he directed Isaac to the altar that was above the wood, and by binding up Isaac in preparation to have his fleece sheered, this is how he directed his son Isaac to the altar which was above the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.


So you see that Isaac's sins had to be exposed, and dealt with for Abraham to help him. We saw in an earlier verse that when Abraham came into right relationship with Michael and Adam, that Adam seized Isaac, Abraham's son, and covered him. That's the imputed anointing that comes at the beginning. You come to the Lord, you have a relationship with him, you're reconciled, you're justified, hopefully, and you're praying for your children and you cover, but it won't last forever, brethren, it's just an imputed anointing. Anything that they received as a result of your prayers, it's just imputed.


It's the same thing as being healed by someone else's faith. When the hour of judgment comes, they will not stand under an imputed anointing. Therefore, if you want to continue your good works towards your children, I told you this off the message, I don't really know what it means, but it's the message for tonight, it's very strong on me.


I can't tell you how strong it is on me, I don't know whether it's specifically for someone here, or one of your children, or it's just something that's happening in the spirit, I don't know. But all the prayers that you've prayed for them all these years, if you don't start acknowledging their sins as the Lord comes to you, I don't know what this means, and it may not mean the same thing for everyone of you, but the word is "be prepared," that if they're doing something wrong you have to admit it, and if the Lord tells you, you have to tell them, if he tells you to. And if you're not willing to do this, all of the years that you have been praying for them are going into the drink, it's gonna be for naught. Anybody not understanding me? Praise the Lord.


Verse 9, "And they came to the place that Elohim had told them about, and Abraham repaired the altar there, and put Satan and Leviathan the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in order and bound Leviathan and his son Isaac and thereby, because he bound Leviathan directed Isaac to the altar which is the upper part of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil." Now you have to realize here that Isaac was in complete submission to Abraham, a very similar relationship to that which we have here. We all have, we have an agreement here, if the Lord shows me something in your heart that you're not aware of, I will go to you, and you all tell me you want me to do it, otherwise I don't do it, and I'll tell you what the Lord has told me. That's the kind of agreement that Isaac had with Abraham.


So he just went and he took him, and he bound up his Leviathan. I have a lot of authority to help you here, because of your submission to me, and because of your submission to Jesus in this whole process. Abraham could do this for Isaac, he just went and took him and bound him up. Now when this comes to our children, maybe our children aren't in that kind of submission, I don't know that any of our children are in that kind of submission. It's going to be a personal individual situation, the Lord's going to tell all of us, me too, you know I have a child too, what he's going to require, so this is just a preparation, get ready, get ready.


I expect that he'll be challenging each of us to confess our children's sins. The degree to which he will want us to tell them something, I don't.... that will vary from situation to situation. But if we do not, if the Lord tells us to tell one of our children something, and we do not tell them, for peace in the family or for any other reason, we're sacrificing our children, we're literally turning them over to Satan. This is the word for tonight, if the Lord tells you to speak, you must speak.


Verse 10, "And Abraham stretched forth his hand and took the knife to slay his son." "And Adam stretched forth in Abraham, Adam the mind of God, manifested in Abraham, and seized Leviathan, the knife." Remember, the translation of knife is the one who is fuel for the fire, the one who's being burnt in the fire. And Adam manifested in Abraham, and seized Leviathan, the fuel for the lake of fire, and beat her down. That's a translation of the Hebrew word translated "under him," and the son slaughtered her, Leviathan. Brethren the son of God that Isaac could not see manifested in Abraham's mind and crucified or slaughtered Leviathan.


Brethren, you want to see the son in you? Measure the degree to which Leviathan is being killed. Jesus said to the Greeks, you want to see the father, I am the father. I think he said that to his disciples. After all this time with me, you're asking to see the father? What is the sign of the father? The father is the fruit of the spirit, self control brethren, and the love of God, not a wishy washy sloppy Agape, but the righteous love of God which hates sin. The death of your old nature is the sign of the son in you.


Verse 11, "And the angel of the Lord called unto him out of heaven and said, "Abraham, Abraham," and he said, "here I am." The angel of the Lord is Michael, called out unto himself, Michael above the firmament called to Adam beneath the firmament, and I suggest to you that he called to Adam in Abraham, "Abraham, Abraham," and Adam.... you see when the Lord calls to us, he looks to see who's going to respond, Leviathan or Abel. In our case, it's Abel, cause none of us here are in full stature.


When I speak to you here, when we have a spiritual meeting, I'm watching to see who responds to me, because if Leviathan responds to me, I'm asking you to restrain her. I will point it out to you and ask you to restrain your beast. Leviathan is not permitted to manifest in these meetings, this is holy convocation here, we don't allow Leviathan in these meetings. How you think defines who you are, because the mind that's manifesting in you is who you are. Your personality adapts to the mind that is manifesting through your personality.


So Michael called out from above the firmament, he wanted to see who would answer. Now remember that this whole situation that we're talking about is a test. Michael is testing Abraham to see, first of all, if Adam is there, and second of all whether or not he's living out of him.


"And Adam stretched forth in Abraham and seized Leviathan." I'm sorry, we're in the wrong verse. We're in Verse 11, "And Michael called to Adam, which is himself, out of heaven and said, Abraham, Abraham, and Adam responded saying....," Now "here I am" is that same Hebrew word translated "behold," and it means "see."


Verse 1 says, "And it came to pass after these matters that Elohim said that he intended to test Abraham saying...." I'll have to work on that verse, I'm not sure whether it should be Elohim said "see" or I'm going to test you to see if you can see, which I think is the correct translation. "And it came to pass after these matters that Elohim said that he intended to test Abraham to tell if he could see."


And Verse 11 says, "And Michael called to Adam which is himself out of heaven, saying, Abraham, Abraham, and Adam responded and the words that he responded with were, "I can see." What does he see? He sees Leviathan and Satan in himself, because there is no way that you will see the kingdom of God if you have first not put down Leviathan and Satan. So he has put Leviathan and Satan under, and he can see now with the mind of God. Hallelujah.




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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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