385 - Part 12





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Part 12 of 18 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.

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Praise the Lord! We have a very unusual message tonight. I'm not even sure how it's going to go myself. We're starting out with a few images that came to me, more or less as an afterthought or as a correction from the Lord. Image #1 or drawing #1 is up there because the Lord showed me that many of the drawings that I've drawn in this series, I have been showing the seas beneath the firmament and the waters above the firmament. I think I had it straight at one point. If you look back through all your drawings, you'll see something that looks like what I have on the board with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the earth. Well, maybe, I didn't have it exactly right. The firmament is a shelf or a foundation upon which Adam rests. Adam is an image, the reflection of Elohim. If you look back in Genesis 1, you'll see, first Elohim said; let a firmament be erected and separate the waters from above from the waters below.

            But then the urine was boiled and the waters from below ascended in that boiling and joined with the waters above and the creation became two-fold, the purified waters called the seas and the dry part was called earth. Anybody not remember that? What I did in all these drawings where you see the seas beneath the firmament and the waters above the firmament is incorrect. Since we have this on the board, I will briefly review what we've been teaching here for weeks.

            Our not too accurate cone shows the abyss. Elohim made a firmament out of Himself and the firmament is a shelf or a foundation. A shelf is something upon which something else sits. First of all, it's Adam foundation and it holds the seas up. The firmament is the shelf upon which the seas (which are the waters of life) sit. Aren't there Scriptures that say; I, Jehovah said, the seas can go so far and no further. Are you familiar with those Scriptures? This is what it is talking about. The seas were forbidden from joining with the earth. Why? Because the seas are the waters of life with some dust mixed in them; just a smattering, a strongly severely restricted amount of earth. What is the dust? It's the earth from the surface. The seas are the water part of the seminal fluid mixed with a specifically prescribed severely restricted amount of earth; just enough to produce Elohim's image in the form of Adam. Any more earth dissolved in the seas, would make the seas top heavy and they would go crashing down; they would break the firmament or pierce through the firmament and there would no longer be any separation between the seas and the earth. All the seas would be down at the bottom and the image on the surface would cease to exist.

            This is just a review. I have many messages on this. Initially, the purpose of the firmament was to separate the urine from the seminal fluid, but then after the urine was purified, the firmament then separates the seas from the earth. The earth must remain dry because when she is dry, she is barren. When the seas come together with the earth and the earth starts dissolving in the seas, we see that the earth comes forth in the form of a seed, called the serpent's seed, which destroys Elohim, the seed of the civilized creation. We see that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and grass is growing out of the earth.

            Jehovah interacts with the waters. Now remember, Elohim is the sperm and the sperm is dispersed throughout the waters. He's not in a single particle state. He's in a wave state dispersed throughout the waters. Jehovah hovers over the waters and His spirit enters into the waters, creates an electromagnetic field which interferes (that's the word in physics that means interacts) with Elohim and because they are both spirit, the result of that interference is that they repel one another and Elohim gets forced down to the bottom of the abyss. All of this is part of the plan which is to produce a photo electric effect. This is all designed to produce an image of Elohim on the surface of the waters. 

            So Elohim, as a particle stream, is driven down to the bottom of the abyss. The path of His light stream bends because of the sides of the pit. This is called refraction. He comes down and He pierces through. As the light path curves (because the abyss curves) and as He curves, He passes through to some degree, the earth. You may recall in the photo electric effect, some of the electrons in the light stream exchange places with some of the electrons of the earth. That means some of the earth gets light and some of the light gets darkness. And the evening and the morning were the first day. The light becomes morning; light mixed with a little bit of darkness. And the darkness becomes the evening; darkness with a little bit of light.

            This earthen part here is like the negative that you get when you take pictures; when you have your pictures developed. You get a negative and when you shine the light through the negative, you get a picture. This is the negative down here in the earth. As the light stream pierces through it, passes through it, there's some exchange of electrons and the light stream which is refracted now begins to diffract. It breaks into a white light that comes down. I've told you in the past that it breaks into the colors of the spectrum. I still don't have this a hundred percent straight in my head, but it's starting to look to me like it doesn't break into the colors of the spectrum. Or if it does break into the colors of the spectrum, the only thing that's mentioned, that I can see at this time is four. I'm told that there are three primary colors; red, yellow and blue.

            So where I'm now, I'm just trying to work my way through this. It seems to be a literary principle of the bible, for example, it'll say under seven seal; it has seven parts to it. I'm looking at these four streams of light that the one are broken down into as the four rivers of Eden. That's what I'm looking at right now. So I would say that the river coming out of Eden, if you could follow me, came out as one solid color. We're going to say it's brown because red, blue and yellow make brown. So we're going to say that the river of Eden came out as brown and it had three other colors as it appeared, as it diffracted. Does anybody not know what I'm talking about? Now this may be wrong; this is where I am right now. So the light hits the negative and bounces up to the surface of the deep where the image of Adam appears. Let me remind you that the creation is in the abyss, which is in an opening that has been made in Jehovah's fabric. When the creation dies, all of the waters fall down into the earth and civilization is transferred from the surface of the deep down into the earth. This area in the earth beneath the firmament becomes a black hole that is sealed off that we have not been able to get out of.

            I think I'm going to do this without drawing another picture since this is a review. What happened when the seas fell down into the earth? The heavens fell. It rained on the earth. The heavens fell down. All of civilization which was on top of the waters fell down beneath the waters and the dark shadow. What happened was that the seas pierced through the firmament and fell down in the earth so that when Elohim's light stream came down expecting to engage in the photo electric effect, there were no more waters. The seas were gone. They were all under the firmament. So this light stream just crashed into the earth.

            I guess I should do another picture on that. What I'm going to do is I'm going to modify this picture. In the middle of the left hand side, I have in red the words wrong. I'm briefly showing you how I drew the abyss in the past. But since we have somebody who's making drawings of these pictures, we're probably going to have corrected pictures to go out. Does everybody see what I'm talking about? I'm just going to modify this picture. I'm not going to do the whole thing over.

            This is drawing #2 and it depicts the seas falling down and covering the earth and we see that civilization which is in Adam has fallen down and we really cannot say that civilization is now under the sea because this is a criminal world that we live in, brethren. I don't care how good or how positive your experience is in this world. We are living in a criminal world. If you don't believe it, just open your eyes and look at the armies and look at your local police force and the patrol cars patrolling, if you're blessed enough to have them. I'm told that in Nigeria they don't even have patrol cars patrolling. There's really no one to keep the peace in the streets. We are in a criminal world because a righteous man or a law abiding man does not need patrol cars patrolling in the streets.

            Therefore we cannot say civilization is now under the sea. What we will say is civilization has become the criminal world which is under the seas. It is called Atlantis. Well, I don't know. Atlantis is the name of the civilized world that fell down. To say that Atlantis is now under the seas is really to say that Atlantis has become the criminal world which is under the seas. You may recall that the way civilization fell down and the criminal world under the seas became a black hole is that all of the seas fell down through the firmament and there now being no water pressure to hold the sides of the abyss open, the sides started to come in.

            The left side angled in and the right side angled in and curved and they finally met each other, at which point they sealed together closing off the world underneath the seas; the earth which is now underneath the seas. The earth is supposed to be separated from the seas. The earth in now underneath the seas. This seal is a seven part seal, but I'll get to that later. Also on this drawing you see Elohim's light stream coming in as the water. Now remember, Elohim is dispersed through the waters. So as the waters fall down, as the seas fell down through the firmament, Elohim's light stream fell down too, and crashed into the earth because He needed the waters to diffract and project His image upward. Is everybody okay?

            I feel to talk about these seals a little bit. You may recall from a recent message that the Lion of the Tribe of Judah is the one who is not only strong enough, but the one who has already opened the seal of the black hole. The Lord Jesus Christ has made a way of escape. Escape from what? Escape from hell. What is hell? Hell is the criminal world that now exists beneath the seas. We want to get back to the top of the waters where there is righteousness. Jesus of Nazareth, who became Christ and was glorified has opened that seal. You see, Elohim came down through the dry places and penetrated this seal and implanted Himself in the ovarian egg of Mary. He came forth in the likeness of sinful flesh in the man, Jesus of Nazareth. Elohim arose and matured into the mind of Christ, which overcame the carnal nature that Jesus of Nazareth had inherited from His mother.

            Elohim became the mind of Christ, which matured in Jesus, was glorified in Jesus and which broke through the physical body that He was born into and ascended through the seal of the black hole back up to His Father, Jehovah. Now the doorway is opened. Jesus said, I go to prepare a place for you. What He was talking about was He was going to prepare a door through which we could exit this black hole. The seal is already broken. The seal is already broken in Christ Jesus.

            I'm not going to draw this whole thing again. You have drawings from the other night that show the mind of Christ Jesus which is in the earth today. Why? Because Jesus of Nazareth ascended. He came back on the day of Pentecost and He is reproducing Himself in the minds of men. So Jesus of Nazareth who was glorified is in heaven with Jehovah, but He's also down here in the earth in the minds of the men where He's being formed. So there is a doorway that is opened and that doorway is the mind of Christ. It is not a doorway outside of you. It is a doorway inside of you. Although this is a great mystery, there is only one mind of Christ, but He is appearing in this hour in many people that are not attached; in many people that are not attached. When that mind of Christ matures in you to the point that you are living out of it, this doorway going through this seal that has now been opened, will be opened to you.

            I want to show you how this is happening. This is drawing #3. It shows the singular age and the divided age. You may have heard me say this is the divided age. I speak about it. I found this expression in my studies of the Old Testament. It's in the alternate translation. I can't tell you exactly where at this point. This is the age which resulted after actually Elohim separated from Jehovah. Adam is Elohim in another form. Elohim mixed Himself with the dust and formed Himself into the man Adam. So in the divided age, of course, Jehovah did not fall down. Jehovah stayed in the heavenlies and Elohim in the form of Adam, passed through the firmament. If you remember our studies in Quantum Mechanics, the science of spiritual activity; do you remember the experiment with regard to Schrodingers' cat and the whole principle of an electron or a particle passing through a filter.

            Okay, the question is would that which was passing through pass through as a wave or would it pass through as a particle? The experiment revealed that it passed through in both conditions and when the particle arrived on the other side, it was two. It had doubled. It had doubled by division. I don't really know if that's correct. That's what came into my mind. But when Adam, which is Elohim in the form of Adam, fell down with the waters; when he passed through that filter, he arrived on the other side in two parts as Cain and Abel.

            Jehovah's reaction to this division was to link Cain and Abel up, to join Cain and Abel. The way Jehovah did that was to appoint Abel as the head and Cain as the wife underneath Abel. Jehovah said, in that condition I will join with Abel and you'll still be singular. You see, even though you're down here under the seas, you'll still be singular because the singular condition means connection to Jehovah. The divided condition not only means separation from Jehovah, but it means a division within the man, himself. You see, all of you people who think God set up husbands and wives from the beginning, you're mistaken. You're mistaken. You were supposed to be singular. We're supposed to be male and female and married to Jehovah.

            That's what we're supposed to be. So this is our drawing #3. Civilization passes through the firmament and it appears on the other side as a particle and as a wave. Cain, who originally was the waters of the seminal fluid, is now saturated with earth and has become clay. I remind you that Jehovah's creation, Elohim's creation, was not clay. It was of a spiritual substance with just a smattering of dust in it. He did not form Adam out of the clay. He formed him out of the dust; just a smattering of dust. Let me take this opportunity to show you something else that the Lord has revealed to me. On past messages, I've told you that I found in the lexicons that the living soul was a reptile. I didn't really understand it at the time, but I've used those words and I've put it into the alternate translation and the Lord gave me the understanding just the other night. He led me to look up that word, the Hebrew word which revealed the English word reptile. He had me look it up again.

            That word not only means reptile, it also can mean animal; reptile and animal. A reptile is not an animal. So once again, we see a Hebrew word that means two opposite things. I looked up the word animal in our own dictionary and the overriding characteristic of animal, from what I could see, is that it is a multicellular creature. This is what the Lord said to me; that when Adam is existing on top of the waters, he is a clean animal, an aquatic animal. I don't know about you, but I was very surprised to find out as I looked in my reference books that man, humanity, mankind, is classified as an aquatic animal. Aquatic, meaning something that lives in the water. Man is an aquatic animal along with the whales and the porpoises. Now I know that whales and porpoises are mammals and I would consider them aquatic animals. They live in the sea. I would have never thought of man as an aquatic animal. But apparently there is so much water in our being, which I think is 96 percent and our whole world has so much water in it that we're actually classified by non-Christian people, whoever made this up, as aquatic animals. Surely we are spirit which is dwelling in a land that is under the water; that is what we are.

            This Hebrew word; I think it's translated moveth in Genesis. That indicated to me that the living soul was a reptile. What I didn't see in that study was that the living soul is a reptile when she's down under the sea. When she's Cain, the living soul is a reptile. Our spiritual being is Leviathan. Leviathan is very much a reptile. Our foundation is the serpent. The one who founded us is a reptile. Jesus called the pharisees vipers. Snakes are reptiles. This creature is now a wild animal whose mind is Leviathan. When we were up in the heavenlies with Adam (and we again will be up in the heavenlies, a reflection on top of the waters) we will no longer be a reptile, but we will be an aquatic animal dwelling in the sea.

            Do you remember all the drawings? Adam is the image that's on top of the seas. He's dwelling in the seas. When Adam is resurrected, he is dwelling in the seas. Let me say it again. I don't know that I made it clear. What is this living soul that Jehovah made or this soul which Jehovah made. What is a soul? It can be a living soul or it can be a dead soul. Whether it's alive or whether it's dead, the word soul indicates consciousness. Elohim formed a creature and He gave it consciousness. The creature can have consciousness in a live condition or the creature can have a form of consciousness in a dead condition.

            As I studied in Genesis 1 and 2 last night, the Lord showed me that Elohim gave the creature consciousness before He gave it life and it was two different things. The Lord is pouring so much revelation out on me that I cannot contain it and I do not have the time to formulate notes, the kind of notes that I need to do the kind of teaching that I've done in the past like telling you the Strong's number, etc. etc. So I'm just going with the flow and apparently what He has me doing is just sharing with you what He has showed me, but I'm in no position to give you the Strong's numbers or any such thing. I'm going to just go with the flow tonight. I was working in Genesis 1 and 2 last night and this is what the Lord showed me; that the soul that Elohim made was a creature with consciousness. What is consciousness? It's an ability to understand or to think. There was a great philosopher that said once, I think and therefore I know that I am. I think and therefore I know that I am; not that my arms move or my legs move, not that my eyes function or my heart functions, but because I think, I know that I am. Awareness; consciousness is awareness. Elohim mixed Himself with the earth. I believe the Scripture indicates it as irrigating the earth; a mist rose up and watered the earth. This was the mixing of Elohim's life with the earth, which is dead.

            In that mixing the earth received consciousness, but not life. Brethren, our world today has consciousness, but not life. It's a consciousness that's called death. Then in another time, in another action, Elohim breathed into the man that was formed and this soul, this creature that was already conscious, became alive. He became a living soul. He became a conscious creature, a creature which had consciousness that now had life also. There's no way anybody is going to be able to tell the difference between the conscious creature that is dead and the conscious creature that's alive until you have experienced both. Unless you have experienced the life of Jesus Christ to some degree in your life, there's no way you're going to understand what I'm talking about because to you the death of this existence is life. But it's not life, it's death. It is an existence; you have consciousness, but you do not know life.

            We're looking at drawing #3. I was talking about civilization. You see, Adam is civilization. He was, at the beginning of time, the seed of which all civilization would come forth. The Scripture says he was civilization, but he became a criminal world. When he passed through the filter, he divided. Ever since he passed through the filter, Jehovah has sent Elohim and Elohim has been trying to put us back together again. He did it three times. He joined Cain to Abel. Cain killed Abel. He joined Cain to Seth. I haven't found it in the Scripture yet, but he killed Seth. There's not a doubt in my mind that I'm going to find it. How do I know that Seth died? The Scripture says that Noah was the only righteous one in the days before the flood. All of those people in the time of the flood were Seth's descendants. Then Elohim did it a third time in Noah and Cain killed Noah. In this hour, Elohim in the form of the Lord Jesus Christ, is in the earth putting this altar back together again inside of you and inside of me.

            In drawing #4 I am attempting to show you how Christ Jesus can be in the many members of humanity at the same time. If you can see what I'm trying to tell you; Christ Jesus exists in the singular age. Jehovah, the last Adam, the resurrected and glorified Jesus Christ and the first Adam, your human spirit, in which Adam is rising from the dead are in heavenly places. Christ Jesus is the double portion. Now for a long time I've been telling you that Christ Jesus is the name of the resurrected first Adam in the New Testament. This is not correct. The Lord has shown me that Christ Jesus is greater than the first Adam. Christ Jesus is the double portion; the first Adam and the last Adam together. Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost in you, plus Adam that's rising from the dead in you is Christ Jesus. I've asked the Lord to show me the name of what we now know as the double portion is in the Old Testament.

            He hasn't shown me yet. It has to be in there. We know that the Emancipated Slave, the Ancient of Days in Daniel 7 is the Lord Jesus Christ. We know that the first Adam, the living soul is rising from the dead in our human spirit, but the two together I haven't found the name yet. Also in my studies last night, I found Scriptures. I can't remember where it was; I've been doing so much work lately, but it said that at the end of the creation, the first and the last Adam were together and they were fully armed, fully defended against what? Against the earth. They were fully defended against the waters in which the sperm is dispersed, joining with the earth and dragging the creation from civilization, from a civilized many membered conscious being down underneath the sea to a many membered reptile in a criminal world.

            This is how Christ Jesus can be in so many individual people and it's just one Christ Jesus, because down here underneath the filter is the divided age. So when the singular spirit known as Christ Jesus passes through the filter, He breaks down into many members. He becomes encapsulated in the earth and breaks down into many members. It is just an illusion that we are separate. What's separate is the animal bodies that we're living in, but we're really not separate. Christ Jesus has passed through the filter and is appearing in many members. As we ascend through the filter, as we ascend we shall be one because only Christ Jesus is going through. The earth is staying down here. The fornicators won't go through. The homosexuals won't go through. The adulterers won't go through. All the Pharisees are saying, I'm safe because I'm not doing any of those things. You're doing all of those things because your carnal mind, spiritually speaking, is doing all of those things. Jehovah is a Spirit and as far as He's concerned, your carnal mind is doing all of those things. Your carnal mind is of the earth, earthy, and she's not going through. So we will all be one and we all are one in the spirit. That's if you're abiding in the Spirit of God and I'm not talking about the Holy Spirit. I'm talking about your new man. If you have a new man and you're not living out of him, you're not one with me. You can't be in agreement with me.

            You see, there will be division of thought, division of opinion, division in the mind, so long as there are people who are dwelling in Leviathan. If everyone is dwelling in Christ Jesus, there will be no division. Now that doesn't mean you have to be exactly alike because there is creativity in the spirit of God flowing through us. But there will be no conflict. There will be a harmony of opinions, of contributions, in thoughts and of course, everybody will agree on the basic principles of what sin is. Did I make this clear? This is the divided age. It's the age underneath the filter. It's the age of the particles. This is the age of the wave, the single age. Is everybody okay?

            QUESTION: Sheila, (concerning the drawing) could you please tell me on the mixed double portion, does that reconstructed go with that or does that go with reconstructed firmament? They're all close.

            SHEILA: No, I drew a line here. First and Last Adam is the double portion. From here on down, it's for the firmament. Reconstructed firmament; let me talk about that. This is the second stage of the resurrection. This filter is the reconstructed firmament. You may recall in my teachings about the second stage of resurrection, I said that Christ Jesus in the man, Jesus of Nazareth, pierced through His carnal mind and appeared in large drops of clotted blood on top of the carnal mind and scabbed over.

            Do you remember that teaching? The second stage of resurrection has been a puzzle to me for the many years that I've been teaching this. But I now understand the mystery. The second stage of the resurrection is the reconstruction of the firmament, the reconstruction of the filter that is going to seal off the impurities. Because if we were to ascend without a filter being here, all of the earth would just ascend with us. There has to be a filter which just lets the spirit through and doesn't let the earth through. So the second stage of the resurrection is essential. It is essential that the filter is erected. Is everybody okay?

                QUESTION: Could you also call that diffraction?

            SHEILA: I don't know if I could call it diffraction because diffraction is light that's going through water that's being bent and casting a reflection. No, I don't think so. But it is a reversal, largely a reversal of the fall. We fell through the filter; we fell through the shelf and now we have to get back up through the shelf. This is Eden up here. The singular world is Eden. We fell through. So to get back up to Eden, we have to be in the condition that we were in, in Eden.

            Let me just take a minute to relate this to social problems that we're having in this country. We have a lot of people that would like to help the disadvantaged and they think that all they have to do is put them through college. But that's not true because when you get to be a lawyer or a doctor or any other kind of high position that you might me striving for, if you don't have the social skills, if you don't know how to act when you get up there, you're not going to succeed. I don't care how brilliant you are. You cannot ascend to a higher social position with the behavior that you abided in, in your lower social position.

            This is a big misunderstanding. In our society today, a lot of us are committed to helping some disadvantaged people to ascend to a better life style. I've read articles on this in magazines. We have some youths that were taken from the slums and we're sending them to colleges like Harvard and Dartmouth and they're behaving, especially the young men with the women, they're behaving like they behaved on the streets. It's causing a real problem in the universities. So you've got to change when you go from one condition to another. In the Scripture Jehovah changes your name. You've got to change. It's not enough to educate your brain. You have got to become the kind of person that goes with the life style that you are desiring. You cannot demand the life style that you enter into and all those people in it to start behaving like you. At the very least that would be to everybody's disadvantage. It's good to be civilized. It has very many benefits.

            Then of course this is the door in the drawing. The door is now where the seal was. The black hole is opened. Jesus opened the seal and what was the seal has become the door. But it's a very narrow way through. You're only going to get through when your human spirit is abiding in Christ Jesus because Leviathan is not going through.

             QUESTION: The Scripture says that in the day of Peleg the earth was divided. Does that have anything to do with this divided age?

            SHEILA: I'm sure it does because you may recall that Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth were giants and they were spiritual men. I do not believe that they had external wives. Their wives were within them. This is what we're returning to now. They were spiritual men and they all fell. So they all passed through a filter. They all passed through the filter from the singular age and they fell down into the divided age. As they passed through that filter and as their spiritual condition descended, they divided.

            I may not have made it clear on the prior drawing that when Adam incarnated as Cain and Abel, we had two parts, but then those two parts began to interact and they multiplied. We now have trillions of people on the face of the earth because of the interaction of the original division, which is one became two and then the division continued. It used to be a big complicated issue to me. But looking at this on the board, it's just so simple how the whole creation is going up into one. Remember He is reconciling all things into one. He's not reconciling your body. If you're reading this message; (I don't think anyone here has this problem) and you're still holding on to this fantasy that you're taking your body into heaven, I hope that this drawing and this message helps you to understand how impossible it is. Your consciousness is ascending. Your body is not ascending and your life style is not ascending.

            When I say your human spirit in which Adam has risen from the dead, I'm talking about your consciousness; your consciousness, which is in Christ Jesus. When I say that you have to live out of Christ Jesus to go through the door, I'm saying that your consciousness has to be in Christ Jesus. Your mentality has to be in Christ Jesus. How do you know if you're in Christ Jesus? You think like Him. If you're in Christ Jesus, you think like Him. Of course, that's no guarantee. It's very hard to tell. I'm just giving you some general guidelines. If your consciousness is dwelling in Christ Jesus as opposed to Leviathan, you think like he does.

            COMMENT: I'm just thinking of one of your teachings. The Scripture says that all things will be restored to Him, but you said that He sees everything as nothing, as the devil. He sees that there is nothing.

            SHEILA: Right, the only thing that He wants is His spirit. He doesn't want your beautiful body. He's not impressed. He is not impressed with our bodies. Believe me, all He wants is His spirit back. There's no place for animals in heaven. We're reptiles; that's what we are. There's no place for us in heaven. He's not the least bit impressed.

            I'm recalling that Star Trek episode that I have mentioned several times in which Worf inadvertently goes through a key-hole in space and begins to divide. He finds himself passing from reality to reality. I don't want to repeat the whole episode again, but at the very end, he is in a spaceship headed for that key-hole because that's the only way his life can become integrated. You see appearing in space a multitude of Enterprises. The whole world that Worf lived in was dividing and dividing and dividing. There was a multitude of Enterprises and each one had their own crew. You could see them screaming that they weren't going back. In one case Commander Riker killed himself because it was an insane Commander Riker. They were screaming that they won't go back. That's what's going on in the church today and in the whole world today. They want higher consciousness.

            They want the blessings of singularity that's in Christ Jesus, but they do not want to go back. They do not want to give up this world. They do not want to give up this consciousness. They do not want to give up this life style. They do not want to give up this body. They think they can have both worlds and they can't. If you want both worlds, you'll wind up with hell. You won't wind up with heaven if you want both worlds. You'll be Lot's wife looking back lusting for this world and you'll be here. Because where your heart is, that's where you are. You'll never ascend lusting for this world or this body or anything of it.

            Now there are two ways that your consciousness can get through that filter. When your body dies, the spirit goes back to God who gave it. The spirit goes through the filter. If you want your consciousness to get through the filter without dying, you have to go the route that we're preaching here. You have to get your consciousness into Christ Jesus. You have to think like He thinks. I saw an episode of Star Trek that I would like to share with you because I really don't have it a hundred percent clear in, in my head what happened to Jesus' body. I know for years I taught that His body was broken down and mixed with spirit and He took another form and then I stopped preaching that.

            Then I saw an interesting episode of Star Trek that I would like to share with you. This is very interesting. In, in this episode, Captain Picard comes in, in contact with himself (Captain Picard, six hours from the future). Apparently Captain Picard from the future had made a decision that resulted in, in the destruction of the Enterprise. Here he is thrown back in, in time six hours, so the present Captain Picard now has the opportunity to take a different route and make a different decision and hopefully save the Enterprise and the entire crew on it. The Captain Picard from the future does not recognize that he is talking to himself, which is very interesting, and the Captain Picard from the present is trying to reason with him, trying to find out what the other alternative was. In, in other words, the Captain Picard from the future made a decision that resulted in, in the destruction of the Enterprise.

            There had to be another choice that he rejected. So Captain Picard from the present was talking to him, reasoning with him trying to work with him to find out what the other choice was. When the Captain Picard from the present realized that the Captain Picard from the future was in, in no position to be reasoning with him or co-operating with him, but seemed to be on a track, on a cycle that he could not break, in, in which he was going to do the same thing all over again. In my words; now he was pre-programmed. The Captain Picard from the future was pre-programmed. He was going to do the same thing again. He couldn't hear a word Captain Picard from the present was saying. Captain Picard from the present made a decision that this Captain Picard from the future was going to go and do the same thing all over again and destroy the Enterprise. So therefore the Captain Picard of the present who had found out what the other alternative was, for him to do something different he had to destroy the Captain Picard from the future.

            So he takes a phaser and he kills him and the Captain Picard from the future is laying there and he's dead. Captain Picard from the present goes to the bridge and he gives the command to do the exact opposite of what the Captain Picard from the future did. As soon as the Enterprise went off in, in the other direction, the Captain Picard from the future, who was lying dead in, in one of the decks of the Enterprise completely disappeared; disappeared. This was the end of the episode. It was as if to say, when the Captain Picard of the present took another direction, the first path ceased to exist.

            Let me put this on the board for you. Okay, we have a man and he has made a choice in, in life. He has followed this path and he winds up down on this road and there's a disaster. By some miracle, this man doesn't die. We'll use the destruction of the Enterprise as an example because Captain Picard didn't die. He was the only survivor. Also we could say this path ends in, in a disaster. Somehow, by some miracle, this man Captain Picard who has experienced the destruction of his entire ship has an opportunity to come back and talk to himself before he took path A. Is everybody with me? After he talks with himself, it doesn't do any good, so himself from the present kills Captain Picard from the future, which is six hours back in, in the past. He dies. As soon as Captain Picard of the present takes a different path, this whole first path ceases to exist. As soon as Captain Picard takes path B, this dead Captain Picard (he had a spaceship) and all of the events that transpired along path A ceased to exist. Does anyone not know what I'm talking about?

            This is drawing #5. We're talking about what happens to the physical body after the first Adam rises from the dead in, in our human spirit and becomes one with the Emancipated Slave, the Lord Jesus Christ. That's the double portion that we're calling Christ Jesus and ascends through the seal, through the door which is the seal which the Lord Jesus Christ has opened. What happens to our physical body? What happened to Jesus' physical body? In, in a potential explanation I just related a portion of a Star Trek episode to you, where Captain Picard makes a fatal error. The Enterprise is destroyed and by some miracle he bounces back six hours in, in time and meets himself of six hours earlier, even before the crisis occurred. Captain Picard of the present determines that the only way he can change the course of events is to destroy the future, so he executes the Captain Picard from the future and commands his bridge officers to direct the ship in, in the opposite direction to that which was taken, which resulted in, in the destruction of the Enterprise. As soon as the ship goes into the opposite direction, the dead Captain Picard from the future and the craft that he was about to launch just completely vanished.

            So we see a principle here that says when a course that appears to be predetermined and is in, in fact existing in, in some dimension is reversed by a conscious decision of the person whose course we're talking about. Let me say it another way. This gets confusing. This could be you or this could be me. When we make a decision in, in our mind that we're going to do something, then it's just a matter of time until it's acted out. But for all intents and purposes, it's acted out. It's acted out. Now you all intend to be here Friday night for another meeting. It hasn't happened yet, but in, in another dimension somewhere in, in another dimension it is Friday night and you are leaving your house to arrive at this meeting on time. That event is sure to come to pass unless something changes your mind.

            But when something changes your mind, that event that is already existing in, in another dimension or that other whole dimension ceases to exist. Can you hear this? I've talked along these lines to you before. One of the basic principles of quantum mechanics theory teaches that every potential decision that we could make actually plays itself out in, in its own dimension of time and space. We only know the path that we choose to take, which hopefully is the positive path. All of these potential decisions which would have potentially negative results exist and are playing themselves out, each in, in their own dimension and that we could have a multiplicity of dimensions to express all of the possibilities of any decision that we have to make. Are you all following me?

            This is so exciting. When you make the decision in, in your mind to do something, that dimension in, in which it is going to happen is erected. But if you change your mind before you actually act it out and you go in, in another direction, the dimension that was erected to play out your decision that you are no longer going to do, vanishes. Can you hear this? Now listen, that's what's happening to this world. Adam made a mistake and this whole world was erected, but he's changed his mind and this whole world is being wiped out; if you can hear it. I am absolutely amazed as how the Lord had worked this meeting into these few translations that I have here. I'm just shocked. I have a few translations from Genesis 2. I really don't want to spend too much time on it because of the late hour.

            The translations are not perfected because I rushed through them, but I'm going to relate them to what I've told you here tonight. The principle being that this world is about to cease to exist and we have witnesses to it. We read about it in, in Amos 5 and as I'm revising the Alternate Translation of the Old Testament, I have found two other Scriptures that indicate the same thing. This world is rolling up like a scroll. It's going out like a light and the reason for it is that Adam has changed his mind. What's another word for change of mind? He's repented! He's repented! He's repented! This world will cease to exist in, in due season. Only those in, in whose human spirit the first Adam rises from the dead will return from whence he came.

            These notes are very sketchy. I have here Genesis 2:2 and 2:3 and then 2:9, 10 and 11. Genesis 2:2; And on the seventh day God (that's Elohim) ended His work which He had made and He rested on the seventh day from all His work that He had made. Well I hope that I'm not disappointing you, but Elohim did not rest. Elohim doesn't slumber or sleep and neither does He rest. So let's find out what this Scripture means. First of all, day I'm suggesting to you is a time period. It is a division of time. We have no idea how long it was. The word seven signifies completion. On the seventh day ended. That word ended, Strong's #3615 can also be translated completed. On the seventh day, Elohim completed His work which He had made. The work which He had made, of course, was Adam, the living soul. He rested. The Hebrew word translated rested is Strong's #7673. Actually the word primarily means to exterminate, to destroy or to cease to exist.

            I really think the King James translators just put it that rested to try and make some sense out of this verse. But the primary intention of the word is to exterminate, to cease to exist. So on the seventh day, Elohim completed the work that He had made and ceased to exist on the seventh day from (the word from is there). And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made and he rested on the seventh day from all his work. The Hebrew word translated from has a prefix in, in front of it, the Hebrew letter teth. When I looked up that prefix and that letter to find out what it means; it means the serpent. Believe it or not it means the serpent. So he destroyed from the serpent all his, or all of the serpent's work, which she had made.

            This is what I think it says, brethren. And during the seventh time period, Elohim completed the work that he had fashioned and he destroyed all of the work that the serpent had formed on the seventh day and she ceased to exist on the seventh day. And she ceased to exist on the seventh day. During the seven time period, Elohim completed the work that he had fashioned and he destroyed all of the work that the serpent had formed and she ceased to exist, on the seventh day. Adam repented; he took a different path and this entire dimension which sprang into being at the time of Adam's transgression ceased to exist. Is that awesome, brethren? Is that awesome? Oh alleluia! Jesus!

            Genesis 2:3; And God (that's Elohim) blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because that in, in it he had rested from all his work which God, which Elohim had created and made. I never really stopped to think about it before, but isn't it silly to think of God resting. It really is silly, isn't it? He doesn't need to rest. He doesn't get tired. And Elohim blessed the seventh day. Now this word blessed is Strong's #1288 and it can be translated to break down. Now my Brown-Drivers-Briggs' Lexicon says it can be translated to break down. I went into one of our dictionaries to look further into the concept of breaking down and I found out those words "to break down" can be translated to liquefy, to break down from solid to liquid. It can be translated to melt. It can be translated to unfreeze and it can also be translated to show oneself holy. I want to suggest to you that this word is signifying the glorification that Jesus of Nazareth typified when He was crucified. He broke down; He separated, brethren. He separated. His spiritual being separated from His physical being; separated from His physical body and from His carnal mind. He broke down and of course, Peter talks about the elements melting.

            And also the reason we know that He was glorified was that He was holy. If He wasn't holy, He would have just died. His spiritual being would not have separated in, in a live condition from His flesh. He would have died. So the very fact that He was raised from the dead establishes His holiness. That principle is preached largely in, in the New Testament. So Elohim melted; was proven to be holy when He was glorified on the seventh day. You see, you have to understand that the seventh day for me is not coming at the same time as the seventh day for you. The seventh day has already occurred for Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus of Nazareth has already experienced the Feast of Passover; the Feast of Tabernacles and the Feast of Pentecost. So the church world thinks we're waiting for Tabernacles. We're waiting for Passover.

            I have received the Holy Ghost. There's a whole world of people out there that have not yet received the Holy Ghost. I have been reconciled and am justified. There's a whole world of people out there who are not reconciled or justified. Brethren, our experience with God is an individual experience and the exact opposite is being preached in, in the church today. Large numbers of the most respected preachers in, in the church today are telling us that we cannot ascend without our brethren. We're not going up until everyone else goes up, so go out there and convert those people. It's a lie! It's a lie! You are not dependent on your brother. You're not being held back because of his sin. Well you're going forward because of Jesus Christ' righteousness, but you are not dependent on any mortal man for your experience with Jesus Christ. Don't you believe that lie. I openly call it what it is. It is a lie and it is a heresy because it will keep you in death. It is a heresy.

            So Elohim, of course, (as I told you earlier in this message) formed Himself into Adam. Now there's an untranslated word in, in verse 3 in, in the Hebrew. It's Strong's #853. I talk to you about it a lot. It's a word that means self and that word being present indicates that Elohim blessed himself. Who is himself? Adam is himself. We are Elohim's self. We are Elohim in, in another form. So Elohim blessed himself. Elohim was proven to be holy when He was glorified on the seventh day; seventh day, glorification. Sanctified, pronounced holy, he was shown to be holy and then he was pronounced holy because he was the instrument that he had rested. Now that word rested, once again, means to cease to exist from the serpent. We have that prefix again meaning the serpent. My notes are very poor today. You're just going to have to bear with me. I see that they're not really accurate, but believe me, when I did the research it was there.

            I have one more word I have to tell you. All his work which Elohim created, Strong's #1254 which means to cut down. Once again the primary intention of the word is to cut down and created is just a translation that I personally think was added in, in by the King James translators just to make sense out of these verses. But of course, we know that Hebrew has very contradictory translations of every word, so I guess it really is there in, in the Hebrew. This is our alternate translation of Genesis 2:3; And Adam proved that he was holy on the seventh day when he was spiritualized, when he was glorified. His glorification proved that he was holy because he destroyed all of the serpent's work that had cut down what Elohim had made. Adam proved that he was holy on the seventh day when he was spiritualized because he destroyed all of the serpent's work that had cut down what Elohim had made.

            The serpent's work had cut down what Elohim had made and I believe there is a Scripture in, in the New Testament that said; And Jesus of Nazareth, who was Christ, destroyed all of the works of the devil. Now how could that be when this world still stands and terrible dictators have tortured and are torturing people right to this day? How could the Scriptures say Jesus of Nazareth tore down or destroyed all of the works of the devil? Does anybody know how the Scripture could say that?

            COMMENT: He did it within Himself.

            SHEILA: He did it within Himself. Absolutely! He destroyed all of the serpent's work within Him. He experienced the seventh day. He was glorified. The benefit to us is that Jehovah sent Him to return to us in, in the earth in, in the form of the Holy Spirit as a gift; to strengthen us to do the same thing. But we have to do the same thing. I preached many times, oh you don't have to die. Jesus died. You're going to have the same experience but you don't have to die. Brethren, yes you have to die. When it's time to be glorified, this body is going to die. Well you don't have to be crucified, but you have to leave the physical body. But you don't have to be crucified; that's what I preached. Actually I should be saying, and the last Adam (this is the Old Testament so we're not saying Jesus of Nazareth who was Christ) and the last Adam proved that He was holy on the seventh day when He was glorified because He destroyed all of the serpent's work that had cut down what Elohim had made.

            What did Elohim make? Elohim was thrust into Mary's ovum and what Elohim made was the mind of Christ. It was the mind of Christ that came forth in the man Jesus of Nazareth, but that which the serpent had cut down at the time of the fall rose from the dead in the man Jesus of Nazareth. I hope I'm making sense. Am I making any sense? The last Adam proved that He was holy on the seventh day when He was glorified. He was glorified because He had destroyed all of the serpent's work in, in Him, that had cut down what Elohim had previously made. What Elohim had previously made was now appearing in, in Jesus of Nazareth, who was Christ. Alleluia!

            I really had a lot on these verses in, in between, but I was very pressed for time tonight, so I went on to do the four rivers for you. Genesis 2:9; And out of the ground made the Lord God (that's Jehovah and Elohim) to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of life also in, in the midst of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. I think the reason I did this one is because there's a correction to what I have taught you previously. I taught you that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was in, in the midst of the tree of life, but my carnal mind had it backwards. The tree of life which was in, in seed form was in, in the midst of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

            So let's take a look at this; and out of the ground. That Hebrew word translated out of, Strong's #4480 can be translated in, in the part of the ground. The ground, the earth that has been infused with Elohim's life; it's fertile ground. That part of the ground made the Lord God (Jehovah - Elohim) to grow. That word every means whole. The whole tree that is pleasant. Now this Hebrew word translated pleasant, Strong's #2530 can be translated to covet. We know that covertness is very indicative of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; of the mortal man. Pride and covetousness and envy are the roots of her being. I want to suggest to you that this word that's translated pleasant should be translated covetous. To the sight, Strong's #4758; it's talking about the appearance of something, but we know what appears is not necessarily what is. And good for food; that word food, well, fruit is a more accurate description. Gesenius says, especially corn. We know that corn is a type of the word of God which is Adam. The tree of life also in, in the midst of the garden and the garden is an enclosed place; the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

            This is what I got and I'm doing this very fast; And Jehovah caused the part of the ground where Elohim was. Now I did bring out a copy of the Alternate Translation that I was working on last night as I was revising the Old Testament. This is the verse, Genesis 2:6 and I'd like to read it to you. And after that Elohim's living substance rose up from underneath the earth in, in a gaseous form and Jehovah and Elohim formed the first Adam out of the surface (that's the dust of the earth) and Jehovah and Elohim's waters cultivated the first Adam and he received consciousness. That's the dust of the earth now, just the surface of it now. But the rest of the earth that was underneath, that was not a part of the first Adam (the conscious creature) wasn't alive yet, but he was conscious. The rest of the earth was not cultivated by Jehovah and Elohim's waters and remained in, in darkness or remained unconscious, remained unconscious.

            Now going back to our translation of Genesis 2:9, Jehovah caused the part of the ground where Elohim was. Do you see the connection? Elohim was mixed with the surface of the earth. That's where Elohim was. Elohim was not in, in the solid earth underneath. And Jehovah caused the part of the earth where Elohim was (that's the surface) to sprout the whole covetous tree that appeared to be able or agreeable to produce fruit. Now that doesn't mean it could produce fruit. It appeared that it could produce fruit. It looked like it could produce fruit. It looked good but there's a path that looks good, brethren, but the end of it is death. We have it on the board right there. There's a path; it looks like it's right, but the end of it is death.

            The only way to escape death is to change your mind about where you're going. And Jehovah caused the part of the ground where Elohim was, to sprout the whole covetous tree. It's the phony tree; it's this whole existence that appeared to produce fruit. I'm telling you about that well known preacher. I know that his message is wrong and he's having many of the spiritual experiences that I'm having and I couldn't understand it until I got a revelation of a full stature of goodness. It looks good, brethren. It looks like it's the right thing. It looks like it's producing corn, but it's a lie. It's the tree of the fruit of lies. And the tree of life was in, in the midst of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which was in, in the midst of the enclosed place. I'll read it for you one more time. And Jehovah caused the part of the ground where Elohim was to sprout the whole covetous tree that appeared to be agreeable to produce fruit, especially corn. And the tree of life was in, in the midst of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which was in, in the midst of the enclosed place. The seed of the tree of life was in, in the midst. Alleluia!    

Genesis 2:10; And a river went out of Eden to water the garden and from thence it was parted and became into four heads. The Hebrew word translated river; it could mean a flood of waters. I'm suggesting to you that it was the first Adam, that the river was the first Adam; Elohim in, in the form of the first Adam. These four heads; the Hebrew word translated heads can also be translated division. It is speaking about the different stages that Adam would have to go through to be perfected; the different stages that Adam would have to go through to become fruit. Those of us here who garden know that you start with a seed and the seed has to sprout and that there are various stages that that seed has to go through before it produces edible fruit. And a river; (I'm suggesting to you that it's Adam) went out of Eden and the word Eden means the place of pleasure. We've established this previously; that the place of pleasure is union with Jehovah.

            The true pleasure is union with Jehovah. Now the serpent gives you pain or pleasure, but the pleasure that the serpent gives you is the pleasure of the flesh where you are always dependent on someone or something outside of you for that pleasure. It is a conditional pleasure with the potential for torment. This is exactly what is happening in, in the church today with this preaching that you can't go on to full stature unless everybody goes up together. Brethren, the pleasure that the Lord Jesus Christ gives us is not dependent on any other man. It is you and the Lord. Now God has a government in, in His church. He has a five-fold ministry. They're really hard to see today, but they're around. He has teachers. He has elders in, in the church, but the one who gives you pleasure, the one who you are married to, brethren, is the Lord Jesus Christ and you don't get it from any other man. The serpent's pleasure is a lie. It's here today; it's gone tomorrow and the person that's involved in, in giving you that pleasure can use it for very evil purposes.

            They may or may not, of course, on a scale of 1 to 10. Look brethren, I'm a realist; on a scale of 1 to 10, if you're married to the greatest person in, in the world, I'd like someone to tell me that their mate has never ever used the pleasure that's available in, in marriage to hurt you. On a bad moment, on an off moment, even if they didn't mean it, they just weren't interested. It's a pleasure that's tainted with pain. It's pleasure with a price. You marry, you bear children, you have a family life; it's pleasure in, in your children and it's pain in, in your children. The best relationship that you have offers you pleasure and pain. But the pleasure that the Lord Jesus Christ gives you is unconditional, untainted pleasure.

            The flood of waters went out of the place of pleasure. Was not Elohim one with Jehovah at the beginning? Did he not separate out from Jehovah to form this creature that Jehovah imagined? So Elohim went out from his place of pleasure with Jehovah and the reason that he went out was to irrigate or fertilize the garden, the enclosed place. The enclosed place was just earth. It was dead. Nothing could grow there. Elohim went out from Jehovah and mixed with the earth that was on the surface for the purpose of making that earth capable of producing life. He fertilized the earth on the surface. It doesn't say earth here; it says the enclosed place. Well the enclosed place was the earth. In the enclosed place of the earth was the bottom of the abyss. The enclosed place is the abyss. From there the river was parted.

            The Hebrew lexicon says that word parted can mean separated, but I suggest to you diffracted and came into four heads. Now I really should have given you this at the time that I had the drawing on the board, but since you've all done your own drawings, I'm going to ask you to refer to them. I'd like to pick up that photograph of that first drawing that I did. Okay, look at what this is saying; And Elohim flowed out of the place of pleasure. Now that's at the top where Jehovah is and He cultivated Himself (that's Adam because Adam is the enclosed place. Adam is being brought forth in, in the enclosed place that is the abyss). He cultivated himself in, in the enclosed place and from there Elohim's waters were diffracted and became the visible parts. That's Adam. That's the image of Adam that's on the top.

            Can you see it looking at your notes? Elohim came out from His close union with Jehovah. He went down into the enclosed place. That's the earth in, in the bottom of the abyss and he went through everything that I've been talking to you about, the photoelectric effect. Some of his electrons exchanged with the electrons of the earth and he started ascending to the surface in, in a diffracted condition and became the visible parts or the heads. The head is the visible part or I suggest to you the primary qualities of the four. The word four is typical for a four footed beast or an animal or what the Scripture calls a living beast. Now the living beast of Jehovah was not in, in a clay body.

            The living beast of Jehovah was a spiritual being, but considered an animal as I explained to you earlier. I believe he was an aquatic animal because of his many members that he was about to multiply into and he's also considered an aquatic animal because he's living in, in the seas. We're living underneath the seas; Adam was living on the surface of the seas. Is everybody following me? Let me read this again to you. And Elohim flowed out of the place where He was one with Jehovah and He cultivated the enclosed place (that's the abyss). Now remember, when Elohim touched the earth He left some of His electrons in, in the earth and took some of the earth's electrons. So He made the earth fertile. And Elohim flowed out of His place of pleasure with Jehovah and He cultivated the abyss and from there He was diffracted and became the visible parts or the primary qualities of the living beast. I'm suggesting to you that the word four signifies living beast. We had this example when we did Ezekiel chapter 1. We have a whole study on the number four and how it meant the living beast in, in our study of Ezekiel 1.

            Genesis 2:11; The name of the first is Pison. Now remember we're talking about qualities. We're talking about qualities. So the first quality of the enclosed place which is becoming Adam (Adam is the enclosed place) the first quality is Pison. That is which compasseth the whole land of Havilah where there is gold. Pison is Strong's #6335. I don't know whether that's the number in, in the lexicon. What I have typed in my notes is from #6335, so probably when I looked up the Strong's number for Pison, I was referred to #6335 which means pride. This word is used of horsemen in, in Habakkuk 1:8 and of sportive and wanton calves in, in Malachi 4:2. I believe we have a calf in, in the four sided man of Revelation.

            I don't know whether we have a calf in Ezekiel's four sided man. Okay, so we're translating Pison as pride. The first quality that appeared as Adam began to mature was pride and that we know from other studies. Pride and lust were the primary qualities of the newly (I don't know if I can say newly formed) but of the embryonic man. So the name of the first is Pison; that's pride. That word that #1931 is translated that, but it really means himself. So Elohim in, in the form of himself had pride; Adam. Elohim is formed into Adam. Every time he talks about himself, he is talking about Adam. Is it which compasseth; and that Hebrew word translated compasseth Strong's #5437 can be translated transforms.

            Havilah, Strong's #2341 can be translated circle. And he transforms the whole circle of the earth. Okay, now the Pison goes out and he circles around and transforms the earth. The earth is dead. He's giving consciousness to the earth. Where, we are translating because from there is gold. Now the Hebrew word translated gold is Strong's #2091 and it can be translated oil. I want to suggest to you the anointing. The anointing is the double portion. The Holy Spirit is water, but Christ Jesus (that's the Lord Jesus Christ who is the first and the last Adam together) are typified by oil. This is what we have. The nature of the first division of the flood waters (that's Elohim) is pride. Adam in, in his early stages is proud, but the whole circle of the earth is transformed from that condition of pride because of his relationship with Jehovah.

            Do you hear this brethren? We're going through the same thing today. There is nothing that we cannot do; there is no sin that we cannot put down; there is no sin that we cannot overcome because of our relationship with Jehovah through the Lord Jesus Christ. Do not be discouraged as sin is revealed in, in you. Do not hide from it; do not shield it; but openly embrace it for there is nothing that cannot be overcome through your union with Jehovah through the Lord Jesus Christ. But if you don't face it; if you deny it; if you repress it, your sins are not covered and you will not rise from the dead. And the nature of the first division of the flood of waters (that's Elohim coming up). The first quality that we're seeing in, in the man , Adam , is pride. But the whole circle of the earth or of the enclosed place in, in which the man is, is transformed from that condition of pride because of his relationship with Jehovah. Alleluia! Glory to God!

            Genesis 2:12; And the gold of that land is good. There is bdellium and the onyx stone. Once again that word, that, Strong's #1932 is himself and the double portion of the land that is himself is good. Bdellium, Strong's #916; Gesenius says it's some kind of precious herb. The ancient Hebrews say it's a pearl. Of course, we know that pearls typify wisdom and wisdom typifies Christ Jesus. This word #916 translated bdellium is from #914 and Strong's #914 says that this word means to separate things previously mixed together; to separate them by a veil. To separate things previously mixed together by a veil; now does that sound familiar to you?

            What was previously mixed together? Jehovah and Elohim were previously mixed together. What is the veil that's separating them? The sides of the abyss, I suggest to you. Elohim is in the abysss. Jehovah is outside of the abyss. Why do we have a veil in the temple? Isn't that interesting that it should be the same word? When Jesus was crucified, the veil was rent from the top to the bottom. What veil was rent? It was not any veil in any natural temple. It was the veil between the spirit and the flesh. Jesus went on. He came out of the flesh and became fully glorified because the veil that separated Him from Jehovah was His flesh.

            The word stone, the onyx stone, is Strong's #68. This word is used to describe the foundation stone of a house in Isaiah 28:16. It's used that way and I'm suggesting to you that Adam is the foundation stone of civilization. We have Scriptures that say it's a different Hebrew word, but that's what it says. So there in that place, Adam the foundation stone of civilization is separated from Jehovah by the sides of the abyss, I suggest to you, which is the enclosed place.

            The word onyx, Strong's #7718; Gensenius tells us is a gem that resembles a human nail; a human nail. Now this is way out, brethren. You have to get your own witness from the Lord, but there is not a doubt in my mind that this human nail signifies a piece of protoplasm, the substance that indicates the very beginnings of a human being upon which cell would be added cell upon cell until we have a whole human being. That's what it means to me, a human nail. Look at how it fits in. Let me read my note. I put it to you this way in my notes. I suggest to you that this word indicates the earlier stages of the embryonic living beast in its embryonic condition.

            The double portion of the land that is himself (that's Adam who is Elohim's self) is good there. Adam, the foundation stone of civilization is separated from Jehovah by the sides of the abyss or by the sides of the enclosed place. Adam, the embryonic foundation stone of civilization is separated from Jehovah by the sides of the enclosed place who is himself. That's Adam. I see that I didn't do a particularly good job here. Let me see if I can figure out what I tried to say. Adam, the embronic foundation stone of civilization is separated from union with Jehovah. This is what it looks like with the quick job I did on it. The gold or the double portion of that land that's in the enclosed place; it's good and there is wisdom there. The bdellium is wisdom. There is wisdom there that is separated.

            The double portion of that land is good. That is the place where wisdom has separated from Jehovah and become the embryonic living beast. The double portion is present in this place and it's good and wisdom is present. The wisdom that separated from Jehovah when it came forth to irrigate and cultivate the enclosed place. It is now in the form of the living beast. You see, it's maturing. With each river it's maturing. So we see within that first stage of pride; it talks about pride and that condition being transformed because of the relationship with Jehovah. Because the relationship with Jehovah still exists at this time, gold is there, the double portion is there and the wisdom that separated from Jehovah is there in a different form; in the form of the embryonic beast, the foundation stone of civilization. Alleluia.

            We have two more verses here and we'll have all the rivers. The name of the second river is Gihon. The same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia. The name, of course, is speaking about the nature. The nature of the second division is Gihon, Strong's #1521. It means a bursting forth. I found in Gesenius that this word can also be translated fountain. You may have heard me preach many times that if you look up the word for eye in the Hebrew; the eye is a symbol of the soul in the Old Testament. For years I couldn't figure it out. The definitions of that word eye was a fountain. It describes a whole world. What it's talking about, I now understand, is consciousness; the word fountain.

            The word soul in the Scriptures; what it's talking about is consciousness and consciousness is a garden. It's a garden. It's a place where we dwell. When the two disciples said to Jesus, where dwellest thou Master? They were saying to Him, where is your consciousness? Are you in heaven or are you in hell? Where do you dwell? So, I'm suggesting to you that Gihon is speaking about consciousness; the bursting forth of consciousness. Now remember we had an enclosed place that was just earth, dry dead earth. Elohim flowed into it and joined with the surface of it and irrigated it and gave it consciousness and consciousness burst forth. Can you hear this? Elohim flowed over the surface of the earth and consciousness burst forth. That's what this is talking about.

            The same is he that compasseth or surrounds the whole land of Ethiopia. Ethiopia means black. We've done enough studies on Genesis 1. Black is referring to darkness. It's referring to the earth. At this stage the earth is still unconscious. The part of the earth that Elohim did not mix with is still unconscious; still in darkness, still in blackness; unconscious. The nature of the second division is the bursting forth of the consciousness that surrounds the whole dark non-functioning earth. The nature of the second division is the bursting forth of the consciousness that surrounds the whole dark non-functioning unconscious earth. So far we have pride that is contained and controlled through a union with Jehovah and the second division that we have is consciousness.

            The third, Genesis 2:14; And the name of the third river is Hiddekel; that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. The name of the third river is Hiddekel; Strong's #2313. It means rapid with a course to the east. I looked up the word rapid in our dictionary and it says that the rapids are the name for the fast moving part of the river. The reason that this part of the river is fast moving is that it comes to a place where the river bed goes down. It's a deep descent of the river bed. If you could think of it in terms of a waterfall, the water is just going along, going along, going along, and all of a sudden the river bed takes a deep descent and the river flowing down following the water bed speeds up and becomes rapid. Sort of reminds me of Elohim going down, of the waters going down and looking at our drawing again, it seems to fit in.

            But let's do a little more before we try to apply it. And the word east; now you may recall that there are two Hebrew words translated east. One is masculine and one is feminine. Masculine means strength. The garden of Eden is in the east, but Cain also went eastward of Eden. Cain went to the weak side and the weak side is death. So this is the feminine word translated east and it means the forward part; the forward part and it's feminine. Assyria, Strong's #804 is a masculine word that can be translated step.

            I would like to suggest to you that it is referring to the firmament which is a step up or a shelf. This is what we've got. And the third division is the part of the river that interacts with the earth and then steps up through the firmament to the surface of the deep to produce the photoelectric effect which forms Adam's image. The third division is the part of the river that interacts with the earth and then steps up through the firmament to the surface of the deep to produce the photoelectric effect which forms Adam's image. So we have pride that's contained by a relationship with Jehovah and then we have wisdom being formed into a living soul. We have consciousness. We have pride; we have wisdom; we have consciousness and now we have the image; the actual image being formed.

            The fourth division is Euphrates. Euphrates means fruit. The fourth division is the fruit. The fruit, brethren, is separated from the vine. I suggest to you that the fruit has only appeared in Jesus of Nazareth to date. The fruit is the full expression of the creature that Jehovah imagined. Let me see if I could give you all of this. And Elohim flowed out of the place of pleasure where he was one with Jehovah and cultivated himself in the enclosed place. That's Adam in the enclosed place. From there Elohim was diffracted and became into four primary qualities of the living beast. The nature of the first division of Elohim is pride. But the whole circle of the earth is transformed from that condition because of his relationship with Jehovah. The double portion is present, Elohim and Jehovah. The wisdom is there, that was separated from Jehovah and has now become the foundation stone of the embryonic living beast. The nature of the second division is the bursting forth of consciousness that surrounds the whole dark non-functional unconscious earth. The third division is the part of the river that interacts with the earth and then steps up to the firmament to the surface of the deep to produce the photoelectric effect which forms Adam's image.

            The fourth division is the fruit. You may realize that between the third division and the fourth division, the creation fell and this whole dimension that we exist in came into existence because Adam made a wrong choice. But Adam has changed his mind and this world is being shut down. Alleluia. We still have a lot to learn. I just want to take one more minute to show you something that the Lord pointed out to me. I don't know the answer to it, but pray with me and study with me. In chapter 1 of Genesis, it's all Elohim; Elohim creating, Elohim creating. The word God in the King James is Elohim. When we get into chapter 2, things change.

            Starting with verse 4, it's Elohim and Jehovah. When I looked at verse 4 in the interlinear, I found something, if I can remember. This is the history of the heavens. Verse 1 of chapter 2; thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the hosts of them. Elohim did all that. Down on verse 4 it's talking about Jehovah and Elohim and it's not the heavens and the earth, but it's the earth and the heavens, so there's some kind of reversal there. These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created in the day that Jehovah and Elohim made the earth and the heavens. When I looked at that in the interlinear, it can be translated, here is the other story; here is the other story.

             What I think it is meaning is that it is talking about the two different paths; the two different dimensions that were opened up because of Adam's double mindedness. Are you all following me? I'm just going to have to put a lot of time in this. All I know is that starting with chapter 2, it goes into the story of the fall and the whole rest of the bible is the fall until we get into the prophets or the book of Revelation which prophesy the other path. So there were two paths. I know there are a lot of Christians that talk about two creations. They think that there were two creations. God annihilated the first one and tried again. No, I don't think that happened. I think there were two paths; fifty-fifty, fifty-fifty. Adam had a choice. Fifty percent he would go this way and fifty percent he would go that way and both dimensions sprung into being so long as he was considering going both ways. Can you hear this? But Adam is no longer double minded. He's now very single minded in the form of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ and the correct path has been chosen and He is working. He is working in the dimension which is to be shut down to get everybody to turn in the other direction. It's called repentance and it's not just repentance for behavioral sin and it's not just repentance for sins of the mind. It's a repentance, it's a changing of the mind that is a turning away from this entire existence and every aspect of it.

            Now once again, I'm telling you, you don't give up anything until the Lord takes it from you. I am here to pronounce the work that the Lord Jesus Christ is doing. He is shutting down this world and all of the benefits and pleasures of it. Now you pursue your life and you serve Him as best as you're able until He changes things for you. But He wants your state of mind to be opened. He wants your state of mind to be saying to Him, anything you do Lord Jesus is okay with me. I know whatever you take away from me, you'll provide something much better. But we have a whole church world, brethren, clinging to this world; clinging to this world. Look, if you're single and He gives you a husband or a wife, get married and raise a family and be happy. I can't tell you though, how many single people come to me moaning and groaning that they have been begging Jesus for a mate and there is no mate. Brethren, stop moaning and stop groaning because you are called to something better. But each man in his own order. If you're married, it's not a bad thing. But if the Lord is not giving you a mate, it's not a bad thing.

            To be obsessed with the society of this world, when after much prayer the Lord Jesus Christ has not given it to you, is the sin of idolatry and pride. I'm here to pronounce that there are two paths in this hour. Both paths have created a world. There is a world that is expressing both paths in this hour. There is a path that no fowl flieth, you see. But the other way ends in death. It looks good. If that's what the Lord has given you for now; if the path that looks good is where you are, you serve Him to the best of your ability. But I'm here to let you know that the other path is open and this world that we live in is going to cease to exist. Your heart needs to be willing to follow the Lord Jesus anywhere as He leads you or you will be trapped here in this dimension, in this world, and when it rolls up like a scroll and goes out like a light, you will, too.





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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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