385 - Part 8



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Part 8 of 18 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For

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By The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


          Praise the Lord. I know this message is about  Quantum Mechanics In Creation, but if you have been following along with us, you are aware that all of our studies are diverging. On a recent message we had some points of our study in Kundalini associating with the physics and the quantum mechanics that the Lord has been showing us here.  It is mostly quantum mechanics, but we see that the teachings of Kundalini seem to be weaving in here.

            If you're a Christian and you are offended by what I said, I'm truly sorry, but there seems to be a lot of spiritual truth in these ancient Hindu teachings. The Lord has been dealing with us about them showing us which ones He is in agreement with, which aspects of the teaching He is in agreement with and giving us scripture to back it up.  All that I could tell you if you are distressed over what you are hearing is that the King James version and all of the translations that grow out of the King James version are in a condition which is spiritually called ignorance. You might say that it's coated. You might say that it's a parable. It's written in a form where the spiritual truth is deeply hidden. The deeper the spiritual truth, the less words are said about it in the King James translation. However, if you dig deeply into the Hebrew language, they become clearer. But even so, from what I could see after doing these studies all these years, I can only recognize the deeper understanding of the scripture after the Lord first puts the word in my heart. From time to time, He does go outside of giving me direct revelation and from time to time He has shown me other knowledge which I acknowledge is witchcraft knowledge, but He says to me, Sheila, look at it and I'm going to show you the truth of it because everything that Satan does is a counterfeit of the reality. If the Lord chooses to teach me this way, this is the way that I will be taught. If you can't go for it, that's okay.  

            Alright, so tonight in part 8 of Quantum Mechanics In Creation, we have a touch of the Kundalini teachings coming in. I'm going to translate a couple of verses for you, in particular John 14:26 and Zechariah 14:4 which is about His feet standing that day on the Mount of Olives. We are going to do a translation of that and we are going to relate it to some of the principles that we have learned. I would say if someone were to ask me what is the most major thing that you have learned from going through these Kundalini teachings and having the Lord speak to me about them is that all of the spiritual teachings that I have learned so far can be applied to the body.  I have to admit to you that after all these years of deep studies I really was not relating what I had learned to my very person. I had this abstract concept of full stature, of the sons of God manifesting, of standing up in spiritual authority, but I had no idea of how it was going to happen.

            Then in the last six months or so, the teaching came down that it is not in any way a rapture. We have to grow into this experience and the next thing that happened after that was that the Lord led me into this Kundalini studies where I realize that what is happening is happening right in the body. Our true essence is spirit. I believe the scripture teaches that. Our experience as a spiritual being is happening in this body. It just exploded me into a whole new realm of understanding, to understand that we are spirit, that we are trapped in this body, that there is a negative force in this body as well as our positive force and that there are many obstacles to overcome for us to transcend this body.  In case you don't know it, that is our hope, our hope is Christ in you, the hope of glory, the hope of glorification. Christ is our hope of transcending residence in this body because all of our problems in this world arise from the fact that we are dwelling in an animal body and we are not animals. We are not supposed to be animals. We are spirit. We are supposed to be spirit men. We are not supposed to be animal men, but we found out in Genesis 11, I believe, that Jehovah turned the altar of life over to the animals because they were disobedient.

            The altar was continuously breaking up and serving the serpent. So He said alright, you want it that bad, I'll give it to you. If you are a student of the scripture you know that from time to time Jehovah will deal with His people; He will plead with His people. But the day will come when He will turn you over to that which you lust for. Is that not a spiritual principle? He turns you over to that which you lust for. The creation was lusting to serve the serpent.  They chose the serpent over Jehovah and He said alright, I'll give you the serpent as your king. We know that this has happened many times throughout the scripture. I'll take this opportunity to clarify something that I've been saying all along.

            I've been telling you that Jehovah did not form this world, that the serpent formed this world. So here is the answer for people whose response to me is I thought Jehovah was in control of everything. This is my answer. Jehovah is in control of everything and you might even say if you wanted to push it very far that Jehovah formed this world, but He didn't do it Himself. He formed this world by turning it over to the serpent and then the serpent formed the world in her image. If you can hear what I am saying, that might help you when you are ministering to other people who don't have the level of understanding that we have. The serpent formed this world through Leviathan in her own image, but Jehovah was the one who turned the whole creature over to the serpent. So Jehovah always has the last word. Jehovah always has the last word.  

            Praise the Lord. In our studies of the Kundalini teachings, we see one and I'm going to try not to use the Hindu names. We see there is one who is in a trance like sleep, sleeping in the arms of the serpent. Now for a long time I thought that Adam fell; Adam who was the son of God. He is the son of God. At the time he fell, he was the son of God, and he became the serpent. That was what I believed. But this is not correct. Let me remind you although I've talked to you about this before. This is not correct. Who is the serpent?  If Adam is not the serpent, who is the serpent? Does anybody remember? Please use your microphones. This is the trap believing that Adam is the serpent or that Adam is Lucifer. This is the trap that many fell into. As we start to go into deeper studies, we have to make mistakes. Bill Britton preached that. Although it has turned out, as far as I'm concerned, it has turned out that it is not correct. I understand that we have to make mistakes. Bill Britton, as far as I know, was the first one who picked up on that scripture that said Lucifer is a man.

            Lucifer is a man. Therefore he began to preach that Adam was that man who was Lucifer. It was the first step that changed people's thinking.  As we continued to grow and to investigate, eventually we come into more and more truths. So I'm in no way knocking Bill Britton. Who knows what is going to be preached about what I'm saying ten years from now. All I know is that we are on a journey and we have to keep on going and keep on learning and there's no way that we can jump into the end revelation, whatever it is, without going a step at a time, each step deeper and deeper with many errors. Many errors, when you compare it to the end revelation, but great truth when you compare it to what's in the fundamental church today. So we are in transition. Now the serpent is the other side of Cain. Remember Adam is Elohim's reflection that appears on the waters of the creation.

            Elohim is Jehovah's sperm that came out in a median of water. Elohim is the sperm and the water, at the time had no name, but eventually the water appeared as Cain. When Adam died and Abel appeared (I'm not going to go into that whole big teaching right now) but Abel appeared with Cain.  The revelation that I am walking in right now is that Abel was Elohim's reflection appearing on the polluted waters of the creation. How did Cain come to be Cain? The waters became Cain when the waters became saturated with the earth. Abel is Elohim's reflection in the waters saturated with earth. Adam is Elohim's reflection on the pure waters. 

            Everybody okay?  Then we found out that Jehovah said; Cain, you have to submit to Abel. The church world tells you that they were brethren, but that Jehovah received Abel's offerings. I'm not going to argue with you tonight because that's not my point. But the way I see it is that Jehovah said to Cain, you are Abel's wife. Anyone listening to this message, I don't have any argument with you because we should be in agreement that Jehovah said; Cain, submit to Abel. Does anybody not agree that Jehovah said; Cain, submit to Abel? The only thing that we disagree about is the relationship between Cain and Abel, which is not the subject of this message. But Cain did not submit to Abel.  Everybody knows that. Cain killed Abel. The King James translation is very clear. I submit to you that when Cain rebelled against Abel and killed Abel, her evil side rose to the surface and she was swallowed up by her evil side. When Cain was swallowed up by her evil side, her name changed and her name became the serpent. Cain, who Jehovah placed in submission to Abel killed Abel and Cain, herself, had a lower nature. Cain was the one in submission to Abel.  I perceive Cain to be Abel's wife.

            So as long as she was in submission to her husband, the scripture calls her the woman. But when Cain murdered her husband, her lower nature which was evil, rose up and overtook her, sort of like a serial killer who is staying at home trying very hard not to kill again. He sends notes to the police saying; help me, I'm going to do it again. Do you know what I'm talking about? Cain's lower nature did it again. She rose up and became evil and stayed evil and her name changed to the serpent. So we find that in a lot of areas of the church, in particular in the Kingdom church, they will tell you that Lucifer is Adam or whatever. Not many areas of the church distinguish between Lucifer, Satan, the serpent and the dragon. 

            We've been able to do that here, by the grace of God. But they will tell you that Adam is the bad guy, that Adam is Lucifer. Look in any of these newsletters. They're just saying, well we are just Adam and he has got to go and that's not true. Adam is the mighty son of God. He's not evil. Adam is not evil. Adam was murdered and he ceased to exist until he was raised from the dead in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ who went on to be the last Adam.  The first Adam was raised from the dead in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ and He went on to be the last Adam who is indestructible. Well then who is this Lucifer guy? The scripture says he's a man. This Lucifer guy is Cain.

            Cain is the waters of the creation, the primeval waters which were saturated with earth to the point that they became clay. We're told, specifically in our studies of Genesis 6 and 7 that Cain became the female animal. Cain became the female animal. You may say to me, well, I thought you said Cain became the female animal. The scripture says that Lucifer is a man.  What are you talking about, Sheila? Well brethren, the female animal killed her husband, the man. She killed Abel and took on the male role. She has taken on the male role and she is acting like a male and the scripture calls her a male. She's the man of this world. She's the male in this world. She's a butch lesbian. I'm sorry if that offends you. We actually found that in the scripture in Is. 63, I believe. Who is this with garments dyed red? If you read it, it appears to be the Lord Jesus Christ. And who is this woman that you're with, that's appearing in this world as a man? That's our alternate translation. So the serpent, brethren, is the manifestation of the primeval waters that Elohim came forth in, which have been saturated with earth and become clay. That's who the serpent is.

            Adam is the mighty son of God who Cain and the serpent continue to kill and Jehovah continues to raise him from the dead again. The Lord gave us this revelation that Adam is our hero, and the Lord Jesus Christ is Adam in the days of His flesh. The Lord Jesus Christ was Adam.  He said; before Abraham was, I Am. He existed as Adam before Abraham. Every time I read a newsletter or read a book that talks about Adam as being the fall guy or calling fallen mortal man (who is a murderer and a serpent) calling fallen mortal man Adam, I have to laugh because the serpent just continuously kills Adam, ruins his reputation and destroys him on every level that she can all the day long. Adam failed the test, but he has repented and strengthened by Jehovah, he entered into this world in an attempt to reconcile the waters of this world to himself. Because Adam has a commission from Jehovah to build a visible spiritual world which is in the image of Jehovah. Adam cannot fulfill that commission without the primeval waters that he comes forth in because Adam is spirit.

            He's not a particle. He's not a single entity as we would think of a single entity.  He's spirit and he was spread, or dissolved you might say, (if that helps you to understand) in the primeval waters. He needs the waters back, you see. He appeared as one man, as Jesus of Nazareth, but to repossess the whole creation and form a whole world that is in the image of Jehovah, he needs the waters back. He has to get Cain back. That's what He's doing here in this world. Look, let me tell you something.  I've been preaching this for a long time, that when Elohim came forth, he came forth in the primeval waters. Is everybody okay with that? You can relate that to spermatozoa coming forth in the seminal fluid. Okay, let me throw something at you now. I'm going to say it again or in a little bit of a different way and then I'm going to tell you something you've never heard before. The sperma of Jehovah, Elohim, came forth disseminated, dissolved in a flood of waters. Does that sound pretty scriptural to you, the flood of waters? It's in the King James. The serpent when she incarnated this world incarnated not in a flood of waters but in a solid medium. Let me tell you something else first. Elohim came forth in the flood of waters. As for Adam, I don't know really what he was, but he was spiritually visible.

            I don't know if he was semi-solid or not, but he was spiritually visible.  Can anybody guess what his medium was? What did he appear in? Now before you even think about it, let me tell you this. No man is an island. There was no such thing as a particle just standing alone. It comes forth in a medium. Elohim came forth in the flood of waters. Where was Adam found dwelling after he was formed? The man was formed out of the dust and then Elohim and Jehovah breathed the breath of life into him and then where did he go to live? Where was he living?  Yes, in the garden. What I'm trying to say may not be too clear because of the parable form that it's in.

            I don't know what it looks like in the Hebrew. In the parable form it says that the man was formed and placed in a garden. But I want to suggest to you that the man could not have existed outside of the garden because the man and the garden were one and that when Adam died the garden ceased to exist. The King James says that the man was driven out of the garden. I'm telling you that when Adam died the garden ceased to exist. It's the same principle as the scripture saying that this world is going to go out like a light.  Remember that teaching in Amos 5? 

            After Christ rises and builds up the visible spiritual world, this world is going to go out like a light. A more popular way of saying it is the sun of this world will be black as sackcloth and the moon will be covered with blood and the stars will cease their shining. This world is going out like a light. This is what I am trying to tell you now. When the serpent incarnated in the form of mortal man, mortal man came forth in a medium. It wasn't a flood of waters and it wasn't the garden of Eden, but it was this world. Now I'm not being literal and don't hold me to this. I just want you to understand. This whole world is mortal man's garden of Eden. When mortal man ceases to exist, this whole world will cease to exist. It only exists as a place of sustenance for man. That includes all of the animals, all of the trees, all of the plant life, all of the rivers, all of the oceans, the brooks and all of the sources of food that grow natural in this world. As beautiful as it might be in the natural, it is a counterfeit of the garden of Eden. Everything on this earth including the livestock is to sustain the existence of mortal man. It's a negative garden of Eden. The scripture calls it in some places the valley of the shadow of death, the low place.  

            Now there are teachings going forth today that are the exact opposite of this; equating human beings to animals, making the timber and the natural resources of nature more important than man. It is the serpent's perversion and she is trying to destroy that in which the remnant of Abel exists. Animals have no spirit, trees have no spirit. They do have soul. They do have the energy source that generated this world, but they don't have the spirit. Now as I told you on the last message, if you recall, the cerebellum is what I believe the withered Abel. That cerebellum is responsible for posture. That means the cerebellum is responsible for man walking upright. So why don't the animals walk upright?  

            They don't walk upright because they don't have a cerebellum. They don't have Abel withered in them. The witnesses are everywhere. All of this I have told you because I'm trying to equate the Hindu teaching of a person that they name (I won't use the Hindu name because I can't even pronounce it and to be honest with you, I don't even remember what it is) but there is a being in this Hindu philosophy that is in a trance like sleep upon the serpent. I want to relate that to Genesis chapter 2:21; And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept and He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh thereof. So everybody thinks, everybody that has thought about it, thinks that Adam is the one who's in the trance like sleep because that's what the King James translation I never doubted it, I never had any problem with it. I equated that sleep with the death that Adam went into before the Lord Jesus Christ came.

            I never really addressed it very much but now that I'm getting into this deep teaching and I'm looking at the Hindu books and they show this being asleep in a trance like sleep on the serpent, I said, Lord something is not right here. See, there are a lot of people in the church today that are going into this deep doctrine and they're really not being led by the Lord Jesus and they are being seduced by the doctrine.  Now remember these books were probably written before the bible was written. Looking at this being asleep on the serpent in a trance like sleep, I said well now, that must be Adam sleeping in a trance like sleep on the serpent. It must be true that Lucifer is that man Adam and it must be true that mortal man in our fallen murderous vehement condition is Adam.

            There was no thought that it must be a lie. The thought that Adam is the mighty son of God, the king of the creation appointed by Jehovah, Himself; that thought never even enters their mind. Every witness everywhere they look says that mortal man is Adam. Does anybody disagree with me? The whole world thinks it's Adam. It's not Adam, it's Cain.  This world is Cain gone bad. When she went bad her name changed to the serpent. Well then Sheila, what are you going to do with this scripture that says Jehovah put Adam into a trance like sleep when you compare it or you line it up to the Hindu doctrine that says there is this being in a trance like sleep on the serpent?

            What are you going to do with that? I said, Lord, what am I going to do with that? This is what He said to me. This is where our notes begin. The Hebrew lexicon according to Strong's numbers says that the name for the man Adam is Strong's #120. Strong's #120 to #126 are a series of words all related to the color red. All the words are very similar. Adam means ruddy, the red of the earth.  Strong's #127 (I believe that's the correct number) which is pronounced Adamah as opposed to Adam is the word for ground. Now you may recall me teaching you the difference between the earth and the ground. The earth is white powdered gray rubbish with no life in it at all. The earth becomes ground when the waters of life flow over it, imparting all of the spiritual minerals and nutrients or whatever else is in it. I'm trying to use words that you can relate to. You may recall in Genesis 1, the waters flowed over the earth and they were called back. Elohim said, let the dry appear and let the waters be called seas.

            Now the seas had some fragments or some particles of earth in them and the earth, although dried out, had some minerals and spiritual nutrients from the waters of life in her. The word ground is earth enriched or fertilized by the waters of life.  The waters left a residue in the earth. I cannot prove this to you. You are free to disagree with me if you want to. But this is what I heard in my spirit and I have no problem believing it, that some scribe copying over this scripture saw the word Adamah instead of Adam. There's just one letter different. Remember the ancient Hebrew had no vowels. They didn't have any vowels written in.  Adamah has one more letter at the end of the word. Some scribes say this has to be a mistake. How could you put the ground to sleep and he took the last letter off. Who is the ground? The ground is Cain saturated with the earth.

            The ground is the female animal that became male when she killed her husband and took over the creation. You don't have to agree with me, but does anybody not understand what I said? So when the scriptures says that Jehovah put Adam into a deep sleep, I suggest to you, that the Hebrew word Adamah, not Adam, should be used. Adamah means ground and the ground is the earth saturated in Cain's waters. So Adam is Elohim's reflection and Adamah, the serpent, is Elohim's dark shadow. Since there was a question earlier, let me review this part for you also.  When we look in a mirror, brethren, when we take a piece of glass and you want to make it into a mirror, you have to paint some black paint on the back of the mirror. When we look in the mirror, if the back of it is painted with black, it causes a reflection to appear. So the reflection is us, but it doesn't happen in this world. But in the spirit, what happened was that black paint back was not black paint, it was earth.

            Elohim is light and when the light shot through the waters, it didn't hit black paint, it hit what was called the ocean bed and it dug out what would be the closest thing to my knowledge, a negative. It dug out a negative or a footprint or an imprint in the ocean bed. If you just take a look at your drawings from the last few messages, the light came down. It went through the seas, it bounced off the earth, it diffracted up and the reflection appeared on the waters.  Can you follow what I just said? But then the fall occurred. The waters fell down, broke through the firmament, and when the light of Elohim came down into the waters, it didn't diffract and go up. It stayed right there.

            It stayed right there and the image that was left was that negative image in the earth and that is Elohim's dark shadow. So Adamah, or the ground, is the negative image. If I walk through this house and you shine a light over me and you see a shadow on the wall, the shadow is not me. The shadow has no light; the shadow cannot talk; the shadow cannot eat; sleep; bear children.  But, of course, Elohim's shadow is on a higher level. Now we cannot bear children after the image of Jehovah, but we do have existence down here, this whole world and the people in it. All of this, thus far, was our introduction; this is where we are picking up on this message. Let me remind you that part 7 of this message was a preparation for what I'm going to teach you now. If you haven't listened to part 7 or you don't have the diagrams from part 7, you might want to take them up first. I laid out all the principles of Quantum Mechanics In Physics on part 7 of this message.  

            This will be the spiritual part. We're talking about the serpent now as the founder of this visible world. She has incarnated it and is fully intending to completely possess it. Now when the serpent incarnated this world, she incarnated in another form. Brethren, when you reproduce yourself by having a child, when you and your husband reproduce yourself by producing a child, you produce an offspring in your likeness and hopefully you have a very close relationship (that's what families are all about) but that child is not you. The serpent produced another generation. What does that mean, another generation? Well let me remind you that the creation started in an invisible place; in the spirit world in an invisible place. Jehovah's original goal and the serpent's goal is to appear in a visible world. In order to appear in a visible world, the one who is incarnating, whether it be Jehovah or the serpent, must travel away, outward from the spirit world. The best example I can give you is a spaceship.  We call it outer space, but we say that the spaceship goes up, but it's really not going up, it's going out and this is a physical law of our creation.

            If you want to get a physical idea of what is necessary for an invisible spirit to incarnate, think about a spaceship going up through all the gravitational pull and levels of our atmosphere. So the spirit that wants to incarnate starts on a march outward; on a march outward. The serpent therefore, as she pierces through every level to a place where she will become visible on that level; she takes a different name.  Why? Because she's in a different form. At every level she is more visible. A child when conceived is first an embryo and then a fetus and then a child. With growth, our name changes. There's an infant; there's a toddler; there's a child; there's a teenager; there's a young adult; there's an adult, as the serpent works her way outward and appears on the next level that I know about. Now I want to tell you these books that I'm reading talks about seven levels of appearance. I don't know of any such thing. Maybe it's not true. I'm waiting for the Lord to comment on it to me, hopefully either to tell me it's not true or to show it to me in the scripture. I asked Him today to show it to me in the scripture because I was really surprised to see that there were so many levels to be pierced through to become visible.  So we'll see what He has to say. I'm just waiting on Him for that. As far as I know, the first time that the serpent's name changes because she's becoming more visible, is Leviathan and Satan first and then comes the devil. Satan comes first, the unconscious mind and then Leviathan comes, the conscious mind, and then the devil comes which is our personality and physical body.

            The physical man is the devil with the personality. That's what Revelation is talking about in chapter 12 and in chapter 20; that ancient serpent, that old dragon, the devil, Satan and the devil. Four; the serpent, the dragon which is Leviathan, Satan the unconscious mind of man and the devil, the physical man, his personality and his body. So in this hour, that old serpent, that ancient serpent is appearing as mortal man as we know him. I suggest to you that it is the serpent's intention to fully possess us.  Now she's not fully possessing us right now. Why is she not fully possessing us? Because Jehovah put her into a deep trance like sleep. Why? He doesn't want her fully possessing us. We are only in this condition for a season until the judgment which will restore us to righteousness. We're in a spiritual jail, brethren.

            If you can't see it, I suggest you ask the Lord to open your eyes. We're spiritual beings and we're grounded. We cannot fly. We cannot get off the ground. We've invented all kinds of machines, but we, ourselves, cannot get off the ground. We're supposed to be flying in the heavenlies.  Our very physical condition reveals our spiritual and mental condition. We're grounded and we're in a spiritual jail. Yes, the serpent in the form of Satan, the god of this world has authority over us. She's the warden. But only so far; Jehovah said you can only go so far; you can only touch her so far; you can only do so much because they are in your custody, but the day is coming that I am going to restore them to righteousness and take them home to the spiritual realm where I live, where I dwell, says Jehovah. So the serpent is sleeping.  Her power is minimal. Her power is at a very low vibration. She is very limited as to what she can do. That's why we get sick and we die and we have all kinds of problems because the energy levels in mortal man are very low. Now if you take mortal man as a whole, some people have more energy or higher energy levels than others. They're physically healthier; they're mentally healthier, but everybody dies after a season because the serpent is in spiritual chains that keep her sleeping. But it is her desire to break out of those chains, to arise up in the fullness of her potential strength and totally possess humanity as we know it. But she's in a trance like sleep, but she's existing on more than one level. 

            The serpent is in a trance like sleep, but the devil is not necessarily in a trance like sleep and Leviathan and Satan are not necessarily in a trance like sleep. How do I know that? Because many human beings of the human race are devising ways to restore their spiritual authority and ascend into the high places of spiritual power. It's in the bible. It's called the tower of Babel.  Brethren, if you think that the people on the earth at that time were trying to build a tower out of stones as we know them (I'm very sorry, I don't mean to insult you) but scripturally and spiritually speaking, you're ignorant. You are in darkness. That's not an insult, it's just the truth. Your mind is in darkness. 

            You don't understand that no matter how good your life is on this earth, spiritually you are crippled. You are a bird whose wings have been clipped and you may be content, but there are people in this world who have a revelation that their wings have been clipped and they want to fly in the heavenlies and they're still trying to build that tower of babel. They're trying to get back up into a high spiritual place outside the will of Jehovah. As incredible as it sounds, this Hindu philosophy has been evolved and is highly accurate. It's a spiritual truth.  It has been kept from the world and the church for all these years because it is illegal to build the tower of babel. But in this hour it is time for the people of God to arise back into a high spiritual place by the power of Almighty God, Jehovah, through His son, the Lord Jesus Christ. So it is time for us to go up and we need this knowledge to go up.

            Now you do not go up by knowledge alone. You shall not ascend by knowledge alone. You must have the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. His life must be in the process of being reproduced in you because only He who came down from heaven will go back up to heaven.  The serpent never was in heave and she will not ascend back up to heaven. I haven't seen this myself, but I'm told that there are people or yogis or whatever that have tried to ascend into the heaven. They have laid hold of all this knowledge and they have devised all kinds of ways to implement it, but when they start ascending to a particularly high place, they go insane. In one case I heard a story where the yogi actually exploded and disintegrated. He had been levitating over a body of water for forty days without eating, fasting, just levitating and he just exploded. He had challenged a Christian missionary, I'm told. It sounds like shades of Elijah with the prophets of Baal.  

            The Christian missionary took the challenge. He said I will fast for forty days and forty nights and the Christian missionary fasted for forty days and forty nights and the Hindu yogi levitated over this body of water for forty days and forty nights and he exploded. I was told this by a missionary who was in India. He exploded and he disappeared. It doesn't work without Christ Jesus in you.  So we see that the serpent's incarnation is in three different forms, Satan, the serpent, and the devil. Although the serpent is sleeping, through another form, her designs and her desires are appearing and manifesting through individual men across the world. They're devising to get back into the high realms of the spirit. They're trying to build the tower of babel. They've never stopped trying. It is my opinion at this time that the place where all this knowledge came from is Ham. It is my opinion, at this time, that when you are immortal and I believe Ham was immortal (I believe that Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth were immortal) when you are immortal and you die to your immortality, you lose your power but you retain knowledge.  

            You may recall that Ham was the righteous one. Noah, Shem and Japheth had been perverted by Leviathan and Ham was cast down by Noah's curse and it was Leviathan or Satan (sometimes I'm not sure what it is. I have to sit and think about it) and it was Satan in Leviathan manifesting through Noah that cursed Ham. Noah, Shem and Japheth were overcome. They backslid and they lost a lot of their knowledge. Ham did not backslide. I've talked to you about the difference between backsliding and being overcome. When you backslide, you are overtaken by your own sin. You yield to sin. But when you are overcome, you do not yield to sin. But because of your weaknesses you go down because you were not strong enough to stand against the attack that was coming against you. But you've never compromised your commitment to God. You went down because you were defeated, not because you sinned. Does anybody not know what I am talking about? I don't know about sin, that's not a good word. You did not go down because you yielded to sin; you went down because you were not strong enough to overcome the forces that were against you. That's what happened to Ham. All of this knowledge is in Ham's descendants.

            He died to his immortality, but he didn't lose his knowledge. This knowledge was transferred by word of mouth from generation to generation and it wasn't until the tenth century that it began to be put down in books.  That's where I believe this knowledge came from. You don't have to agree with me if you don't want to. So we see the serpent even from her trance like condition rising up in members of the devil to try and build this tower of Babel again. She has never given up. The time of maturing is very near and as Jesus taught us, the wheat and the tares will mature at the same time. This is coming to pass. I believe the sons of God will be appearing on the earth as well as the sons of the serpent. The sons of the serpent will be in two forms.

            They will be in a full stature of goodness or a full stature of evil. Certainly the ones in the full stature of goodness will not be able to go on to everlasting life.  They will not be able to ascend out of this body and have an existence without the body. I've read that these yogis ascend out of the body, but the body had to be in a trance like state. Jesus no longer has a human body. He has a spiritual body. So for the serpent to arise in consciousness, she must arise out of the trance that she's in. Some definitions of the word trance are; moral insensibility, unintelligence, mental disorder, mythical creature, will, desire and impulse. I suggest to you that the words, will, desire and impulse clearly identifies mortal man; will, desire and impulse. So the serpent is attempting to ascend out of the trance that Jehovah put her in.

            If you read these works on Kundalini, it is interesting because the point of view that they are written from is that the serpent has no desire to rise up. She's sleeping at the base of the spine and all these mortal men who really are the devil, the serpent's children, are trying to figure out ways to prod her into stirring up. Brethren, you surely have seen a situation where somebody that you know wants to accomplish something, but they don't want to admit that they want to accomplish it, so they will tell you that they're doing it for you. I know that you really want to do this, all you mortal men, you really want to ascend to full stature.  I particularly don't care whether you do or not. I'm down here sleeping and I'm very happy. But look at all these mortal men trying to stir me up. It's the serpent who is putting the ideas in their mind. I'll take this opportunity to tell you brethren because it is very common in our world today that anyone who uses that kind of a tactic is manifesting an aspect of their personality that is satanic.

            To want something and to act like you're doing it to do someone else a favor is a satanic mentality, satanic behavior, it is witchcraft and it is very ungodly. It is the epitome of pride.  It should be resisted in you at all cost. Every time you see it rising up in you because I know people here do it. It's sin. I'm telling you right out. I know that you have spent years of your life not knowing that it is sin, but now you've heard my words. It's sin and every time you do it, you are required to confess it as sin and repent. It is the epitome of pride to not want to confess that you want something and make it look like you are doing the other person a favor. It is a high manifestation of pride and we see it manifested right from the serpent's mouth, you might say.

            Of course, the men who have written all of this literature, they're writing under the influence of the serpent.  That's how they are writing it. She's sleeping peacefully. We're the ones that want to stir her up. Know all you members of the human race, you are the serpent's slaves and you are doing her will and you are acting out the manifestation and the thoughts of her mind. She wants to rise up. She wants to be awakened out of this trance. But there are only two ways she can be awakened out of this trance. That is either Jehovah wakes her or she gets the other side of her, the human side of her, to wake up. I'll be honest with you. I have this before the Lord. At this point I cannot tell you how the rising up of the Kundalini fits into Jesus' plan for salvation.  

            We have a lot of knowledge, but for the life of me I have not heard from Him yet, as to when He comes into the body and the mind of a human being and starts flowing through us and breaking up the seven seals that we read about in the book of Revelation. I'm not really sure whether He wants the serpent to rise up or He wants her to stay down. I think He wants her to stay down. I haven't really heard from Him. It's just looking to me that way right now. When Jesus comes in, in the form of the Holy Spirit, He wants her to stay down. Is everybody okay? So the serpent is trying to come awake.  Did you ever try to wake up out of a deep sleep and you can't get up? That's the condition the serpent is in. She can't wake up. But her mind is raising up other people to do her will and make it look like she's not interested. I've written down in your notes the seven part spiritual seal. I'm coming to the conclusion that there really are not seven seals. There's really just one seal. It's broken down into many parts and the number seven is used to indicate a multiplicity of sealed areas. I think that there's a lot more than seven. There are seven major locations.  If we don't get to it tonight, we'll get to it at the next meeting. I know we've been notorious here for preaching two 90 minute sessions at a meeting, but these messages are so deep that it's really too much to sit through.

            So I'm going to preach until I feel you can't take anymore and if we don't get to it tonight, we will get to it Sunday.  So, the serpent is in this sleep like trance that Jehovah put her in and she wants to release the seven seals. Of course, the Hindu philosophy calls them knots or chakras, but we're going to use the biblical term which is the seven seals. These seven seal being tied up are restraining her or mortal humanity's spiritual potential. Now I liken this condition to a black hole. You may want to refer to your notes from part 7 where I spoke about a black hole. A black hole results from a star collapsing upon its own gravity. A star is open and I showed you the abyss from the beginning of time, how Jehovah's energy flowed through the primeval waters and interacted with Elohim and there was a continuous flow going on.  

            But when the waters of creation pierced through the firmament and fell down to the seas, the abyss collapsed under its own gravity and sealed off the lower part of the abyss. This world is Atlantis, the world that exists underneath the seas and the whole world is a black hole. We're trapped in here and there are energies and all kinds of debris. I don't have my definition of black hole with me right now, but our world in itself is cut off from the spiritual realm of God. Jehovah sent Jesus in to penetrate the enemy lines. We're in a sealed world under the sea and each individual human being, which is very visibly obvious is its own sealed world.  Each one of us. These walls that separate us is not a good place to be. We're in a very low spiritual condition.

            Each human being is its own little universe and his own black hole. It is just like saying, here I am, one person, but I have trillions of cells in my body and each cell is a cell unto itself. So each one of us is his own black hole. We're sealed off. We can't get out. We can't arise off of the earth. But Jesus has come in, you see. We can't get out, so He has come in. Brethren, He has come down to hell to get us out.

            Not only to this world which is hell, has He come, but He's come into our individual black hole with the full intention of opening us up to a relationship with Jehovah, in whom there is all life. For those of you here anyway and those of you reading this message. He is going to reverse what happened to us and open up this black hole.  Praise the Lord. So what do we see here? We see in this fallen world today and in many individuals both the Lord Jesus Christ and the serpent having the same goal. If you are reading this message, most likely, Christ Jesus is being formed in you and He wants to release the seven seals in you, but the serpent also wants to release the seven seals in you. So when the Lord Jesus comes in in the form of the Holy Spirit, He not only has the job of opening your seven seals, but He's got a war with the serpent who doesn't want Him to do it. She wants to do it because the releasing of the seven seals is the opening up of the individual to spiritual maturity. When the peoples of the world are all opened up to spiritual maturity, the spirit that's ruling in them will own an everlasting world.  

            For those who are opened up by the Lord Jesus Christ, they will be resurrected. There are going to be two resurrections. They will be resurrected into heaven and those who are opened up by the serpent will be resurrected into damnation. It's all within. It's where your spiritual consciousness abides. The disciples, the first couple of disciples that Jesus was reaching out for said; Master, where do you dwell?  They had a revelation of spiritual things and that we could have our feet on the earth and be in any physical place, but be in another place spiritually. That when we have spiritual authority, our spirit can travel anywhere, from the highest heights down to the lowest hell. Just as in this world, we have the power to get up and walk away, to get on a plane, to get into a car. In this hour, we can go anywhere in the world.

            A spiritually mature man has the authority to travel amongst the different heights and levels and areas of the spiritual world; of which it appears there are many. I'm waiting for confirmation from the Lord.  But we know, at the very least, there is the spiritual realm of eternity where Jehovah dwells. We know that there's the spiritual realm where Jesus dwelt in the days of His flesh where He was still in His body. So we know that there are at least those two. Actually we know that there's a third. Actually it's the second; it's the circumcision without hands. I have some more information about that for you. I don't know if I'll get to it tonight. But the Lord did give it to me. I struggled with that spiritual circumcision for many years. I just couldn't figure out what it was all about. I've got some more insight into it and I'm more convinced that ever that the Kingdom church world that is preaching about tabernacles and the harvest, etc.; I just fully disagree with what they're saying. I do not think it is scriptural. 

            Again, if I don't get to it tonight, we will get to it. I see that I am losing a couple of you. I'm going to go on a little bit longer. How is the serpent doing this? How is the serpent attempting to ascend into a spiritual maturity? She's doing it through witchcraft, brethren.  Witchcraft is spiritual power that does not come through the Lord Jesus Christ. Now in a very simplified statement, I'm going to say that there is black witchcraft and white witchcraft. Within each category are many different categories. Let us define black witchcraft and white witchcraft. Black witchcraft is the power of the serpent which is specifically used to do evil; to kill people, to take people's jobs, to steal someone's wife or someone's husband.  Then there is white witchcraft. What is that?

            The use of the powers of the serpent to help the people or the things of this world; to heal men and animals, to bring health and wealth without damage to another human being. How is this power of the serpent harnessed. The power of the serpent is the powers of nature. It's the powers and the energy flowing through this world. Therefore you see the practices of wiccan frequently out in the woods saying prayers and evoking the goddess in the midst of the trees and in the forest. It's the power of nature.  The people that worship water spirits; you see them by large bodies of water trying to harness the very powerful energy field that lies over very large bodies of water, especially the ocean.

            It's very powerful. You see, the power of the serpent is through this whole world. The power of Jehovah in the form of our withered human spirit is only in men. But the energy of the serpent is through the whole world, particularly over large bodies of water.  Because who is the serpent? She's Cain. She's the primeval waters of the creation and she is very powerful over the waters which appear in this natural world because that's her original form; water. So we see people that practice witchcraft, black or white, are trying to harness the powers of nature or the powers of this world. There is energy in this world. That's why we eat food, to get energy into these bodies.

            We have to consume objects from outside of us to get enough energy into these bodies to exist. If you really stop to think about it, it is barbaric. It's a very low place to be. I used to wonder if in a high spiritual place we needed to eat. I could only wonder because I didn't understand the whole principle of what the intake of food was.  The intake of food is to provide energy to keep this animal alive. The energy that is in me and that's in every mortal man is not strong enough to sustain the life of the animal that we are living in. It's a very low place to be. So therefore when we ascend into the high world of Jesus' Spirit, we can say we're entering into a world in which there is no labor. Because all the labor of this world is to sustain the animal that we are riding on or riding in.  


            We're spirit. We're supposed to be riding on this animal, but we're riding in it or it's riding us. That's why there will be no more labor. We won't have this animal to take care of. All labor is to sustain this animal, to keep it alive. Of course, we see very frequently the bedtime stories that we tell our children revealing deep spiritual truth. Now take the fairy tale of the Sleeping Beauty. She is in a sleep like trance and she can only be awakened by the kiss of the handsome prince who will liberate her and they will rule the kingdom together and be married and live happily ever after.  Is this not the story of the serpent?

            Except that the roles are reversed a little. The serpent is not a beautiful young princess; she is an ugly old hag and the prince who is going to kiss her and bring her to life are the human beings of this world. The individual people of this world that are reaching inside of themselves for a spiritual relationship with an energy source (that many of them know are a serpent and a goddess and call her as such) are the princes which are going to kiss the sleeping beauty, so that they could marry each other and rule this whole world. What the bedtime story doesn't tell you is that they will rule this world in tyranny. The sleeping beauty having been awakened, no longer needing the handsome prince, will bring him into bondage and deep tyranny. There is a tremendous move across the whole world to kiss the goddess and awaken her and foolish men across the world think they will control her once she is awakened. But she is a sleeping dragon, brethren.  You will not control her once she is awakened, but she will enslave you. I know that every healing that Jesus did had a spiritual significance. One of the healings that He did was the withered arm of a man. I often wondered what that meant. I realize now that it is speaking about our human spirit, Abel, who is also appearing as the cerebellum, which is a part of our brain, which is underneath the authority of the cerebral cortex, which is fully controlled by Leviathan and Satan.  

            When Jesus healed the man's withered arm, He raised Adam from the dead in him. Or at least, that was a sign that that's what He would be doing in the future. I don't know if it happened to that man, but that's the sign of the withered arm. Isn't that interesting? I love these little tidbits. Let's see what else I could tell you. You know how I found that? I looked up the word trance in the dictionary and I found out that a synonym for trance is enchanted, to be in a trance, to be enchanted. You've heard all about the enchanted forest. This word entranced, a synonym for it is to be withered; your power is dried up.  

            The more awakened the serpent is when Christ Jesus begins to take possession of an individual, the more difficult the battle and the more likely an uninformed individual will choose the serpent over Christ Jesus. Brethren, I've spoken to people in Africa. They heard about Jesus. They gave up their witchcraft and they became Christians and found the power that's in the church today was not strong enough to overcome the witchcraft power that's prevalent in Africa. Africans by the thousands are vacating the Christian church and going back to witchcraft because life is very hard in Africa. You really need spiritual power to lead a decent life in Africa. Most Christians, spiritually speaking, on a measurement of spiritual strength, they're so immature, they're absolutely no match for the witch doctors at all.

            Even the mature ones of us today are not a match for the witch doctor, but we, together with the Lord Jesus Christ, can overcome all things. But the teaching is so incomplete. They're taught that they have all power and they don't.  They're vacating the Christian church. The last I heard when I was over there is that the universities were being overtaken with groups of students practicing witchcraft. So what am I saying? When Jesus Christ is offered by His spokesperson to a man, the more spiritually awakened that man is, the less likely he is going to be interested in Jesus Christ. Why?  Because he doesn't have the full information.

            He sees all the power that he has and he sees how little power there really is in the church and he's not interested. But if the Lord Jesus convicts that man and he starts being drawn to the Lord Jesus Christ, the battle for this man to bring him into the kingdom will be much greater than the battle for someone who has no spiritual power. Why? Because the witchcraft in the man's mind will be attacking Jesus Christ's representative, the member of the two witness company, whoever the Lord sends to draw this man, will be under a severe attack by the witchcraft in that man's mind. As I said earlier, the less informed he is about the true message of the Lord Jesus Christ, the less likely he is to choose Jesus over the witchcraft world.

            See, people who are engaged in witchcraft, they know what spiritual power is and they want it. See, Jesus is going a whole different route than the serpent is going.  Jesus wants the whole world, but He is coming to the poor, the desperate, the sick, those who are being overcome in this world. He's going to those who are looking for power to go on living. They're being crushed. But the people in witchcraft; they're talking about power, power to get wealth, power to get love, power to get money, power to get the woman or the man that you want. You do hear a little about that in the church, but I'm talking about the drawing power of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

            Most people that come just want to survive. So we're dealing with two whole different categories of people. If you look around this country, (I don't really don't know too much about the rest of the world) but if you look around this country, large numbers of witches are very educated, very wealthy and they hold very high positions in our society. The majority of the Christians are just everyday people with average every day education, average every day incomes and many of them are very poor. The people that Jesus is drawing seem to be coming from a whole different area than the people interested in witchcraft.  

            When the Lord starts drawing someone from the witchcraft camp, the battle is intense because they are spiritually developed. Today, both the serpent and Christ Jesus are trying to open the seven part seal that is covering over humanity's spiritual potential. Christ Jesus, for your information, is the Lord Jesus Christ, who has been glorified and returned to this world in the form of the Holy Spirit who is the seed.  He is the seed or the cutting. He is looking to attach himself to the hearts of men, but I now believe that He is looking to attach himself to the corpus callosum of the brain. He is looking to reproduce Himself in the form of the tree of life on the high place of the human being, which is the top of their brain. 

            The brain is the computer from which the entire body is controlled. So both the Lord Jesus Christ, who is in the form of the Holy Spirit today; I'm calling Him Christ Jesus because He is ascended. He and the serpent are trying to release humanity's spiritual potential.  Jesus Christ in the form of the last Adam; He is the Holy Spirit who is really the last Adam. In the days of His flesh, Jesus was the resurrected first Adam. He went on to be the ancient of days, the emancipated slave. He went on to be someone who no longer needs this body to exist and in that condition He is the last Adam. He made the full circuit; He is the Alpha and the Omega; He is the beginning and the end and He is in the earth today in the form of the Holy Spirit to impregnate humanity with His life. So Jesus Christ in the form of the last Adam enters into a man who is a black hole.

            I talked about that a little while ago and He focuses all of His efforts on engrafting Himself to the corpus callosum. If this is the first message you are reading, the corpus callosum is an inner part of the brain which connects the left and the right hemisphere and sets up a link of communication between the two hemispheres that they should work together as one brain. Right now the left side of the brain controls the right side of your body and the right hemisphere controls the left side of your body and Jesus is coming to engraft himself to the corpus callosum to cause the two sides of the brain to work as one.  Just as you have two eyes, but you only see one picture, he is going to unify the use of the two hemispheres of the brain and severely increase our intelligence, our intellectual capacity, and our spiritual ability.

            Once he engrafts himself to the corpus callosum, from that point he will implant the seedling, Christ Jesus, in the Mount of Olives. We know that the tree of life is an olive tree. So the Mount of Olives is the mountain of life, the mountain where life is, in regard to the human being; the brain.  From there he goes forth in his warrior stance to open that man's sealed spiritual potentials, which when opened are channeled to the developing embryo so that he can grow. The last Adam and Christ Jesus co-exist. The last Adam in the form of the Holy Spirit and Christ Jesus who is growing in you co-exists through the first two stages of resurrection. If you think that you are maturing and you are not acknowledging Jesus Christ in your life; if you don't think you need an elder brother; if you don't think you have an elder brother, I want to tell you that no matter how high up you succeed in ascending, you will not stay there. You will not stay there.

            This message is coming to an end tonight, but I have more information for you on that. We will do it Sunday morning.  Elijah ascended to full stature. Noah ascended to full stature. I believe Lot ascended to full stature and they all fell down. If in this hour you are a man or a woman and you think that you're ascending and maybe you are ascending spiritually, you will never sustain the height of your position without the Lord Jesus Christ. You won't stand. They didn't do it in the Old Testament and you won't do it in the New Testament unless you take the gift of New Testament, which is not the Holy Spirit, but the Spirit of Truth. Christ in you, the hope of glory, together with the Holy Spirit, working together just as Jesus said; I do nothing except what my Father tells me. It takes the two of you so long as you are in this body.

            You need the Lord Jesus Christ. You need the last Adam or you will never sustain your position.  You will never sustain your ascended position without the Lord Jesus Christ. I have a lot of information for you along these line, but I seem to be losing the group. Any questions? You were talking about the different stages that Leviathan, Satan, the devil and the serpent go through; the different stages of the serpent's incarnation. Would that possibly be also the aliens? Would that be a next stage?


          Sheila: A next stage?  Well it sounds like it's a possibility. I don't really know, but it sounds okay. Very interesting thought. 


Praise the Lord. I know this tape is Quantum Mechanics In Creation, but if you have been following along with us, you are aware that all of our studies are diverging. On a recent message we had some points of our study in Kundalini associating with the physics and the quantum mechanics that the Lord has been showing us here.  It is mostly quantum mechanics, but we see that the teachings of Kundalini seem to be weaving in here.  If you're a Christian and you are offended by what I said, I'm truly sorry, but there seems to be a lot of spiritual truth in these ancient Hindu teachings. The Lord has been dealing with us about them showing us which ones He is in agreement with, which aspects of the teaching He is in agreement with and giving us scripture to back it up.  All that I could tell you if you are distressed over what you are hearing is that the King James version and all of the translations that grow out of the King James version are in a condition which is spiritually called ignorance. You might say that it's coated. You might say that it's a parable. It's written in a form where the spiritual truth is deeply hidden. The deeper the spiritual truth, the less words are said about it in the King James translation. However, if you dig deeply into the Hebrew language, they become clearer. But even so, from what I could see after doing these studies all these years, I can only recognize the deeper understanding of the scripture after the Lord first puts the word in my heart. From time to time, He does go outside of giving me direct revelation and from time to time He has shown me other knowledge which I acknowledge is witchcraft knowledge, but He says to me, Sheila, look at it and I'm going to show you the truth of it because everything that Satan does is a counterfeit of the reality. If the Lord chooses to teach me this way, this is the way that I will be taught. If you can't go for it, that's okay.   Alright, so tonight in part 8 of Quantum Mechanics In Creation, we have a touch of the Kundalini teachings coming in. I'm going to translate a couple of verses for you, in particular John 14:26 and Zechariah 14:4 which is about His feet standing that day on the Mount of Olives. We are going to do a translation of that and we are going to relate it to some of the principles that we have learned. I would say if someone were to ask me what is the most major thing that you have learned from going through these Kundalini teachings and having the Lord speak to me about them is that all of the spiritual teachings that I have learned so far can be applied to the body.  I have to admit to you that after all these years of deep studies I really was not relating what I had learned to my very person. I had this abstract concept of full stature, of the sons of God manifesting, of standing up in spiritual authority, but I had no idea of how it was going to happen.  Then in the last six months or so, the teaching came down that it is not in any way a rapture. We have to grow into this experience and the next thing that happened after that was that the Lord led me into this Kundalini studies where I realize that what is happening is happening right in the body. Our true essence is spirit. I believe the scripture teaches that. Our experience as a spiritual being is happening in this body. It just exploded me into a whole new realm of understanding, to understand that we are spirit, that we are trapped in this body, that there is a negative force in this body as well as our positive force and that there are many obstacles to overcome for us to transcend this body.  In case you don't know it, that is our hope, our hope is Christ in you, the hope of glory, the hope of glorification. Christ is our hope of transcending residence in this body because all of our problems in this world arise from the fact that we are dwelling in an animal body and we are not animals. We are not suppose to be animals. We are spirit. We are suppose to be spirit men. We are not suppose to be animal men, but we found out in Genesis 11, I believe, that Jehovah turned the altar of life over to the animals because they were disobedient.  The altar was continuously breaking up and serving the serpent. So He said alright, you want it that bad, I'll give it to you. If you are a student of the scripture you know that from time to time Jehovah will deal with His people; He will plead with His people. But the day will come when He will turn you over to that which you lust for. Is that not a spiritual principle? He turns you over to that which you lust for. The creation was lusting to serve the serpent.  They chose the serpent over Jehovah and He said alright, I'll give you the serpent as your king. We know that this has happened many times throughout the scripture. I'll take this opportunity to clarify something that I've been saying all along.  I've been telling you that Jehovah did not form this world, that the serpent formed this world. So here is the answer for people whose response to me is I thought Jehovah was in control of everything. This is my answer. Jehovah is in control of everything and you might even say if you wanted to push it very far that Jehovah formed this world, but He didn't do it Himself. He formed this world by turning it over to the serpent and then the serpent formed the world in her image. If you can hear what I am saying, that might help you when you are ministering to other people who don't have the level of understanding that we have. The serpent formed this world through Leviathan in her own image, but Jehovah was the one who turned the whole creature over to the serpent. So Jehovah always has the last word. Jehovah always has the last word.   Praise the Lord. In our studies of the Kundalini teachings, we see one and I'm going to try not to use the Hindu names. We see there is one who is in a trance like sleep, sleeping in the arms of the serpent. Now for a long time I thought that Adam fell; Adam who was the son of God. He is the son of God. At the time he fell, he was the son of God, and he became the serpent. That was what I believed. But this is not correct. Let me remind you although I've talked to you about this before. This is not correct. Who is the serpent?  If Adam is not the serpent, who is the serpent? Does anybody remember? Please use your microphones. This is the trap believing that Adam is the serpent or that Adam is Lucifer. This is the trap that many fell into. As we start to go into deeper studies, we have to make mistakes. Bill Britton preached that. Although it has turned out, as far as I'm concerned, it has turned out that it is not correct. I understand that we have to make mistakes. Bill Britton, as far as I know, was the first one who picked up on that scripture that said Lucifer is a man.  Lucifer is a man. Therefore he began to preach that Adam was that man who was Lucifer. It was the first step that changed people's thinking.  As we continued to grow and to investigate, eventually we come into more and more truths. So I'm in no way knocking Bill Britton. Who knows what is going to be preached about what I'm saying ten years from now. All I know is that we are on a journey and we have to keep on going and keep on learning and there's no way that we can jump into the end revelation, whatever it is, without going a step at a time, each step deeper and deeper with many errors. Many errors, when you compare it to the end revelation, but great truth when you compare it to what's in the fundamental church today. So we are in transition. Now the serpent is the other side of Cain. Remember Adam is Elohim's reflection that appears on the waters of the creation.  Elohim is Jehovah's sperm that came out in a median of water. Elohim is the sperm and the water, at the time had no name, but eventually the water appeared as Cain. When Adam died and Abel appeared (I'm not going to go into that whole big teaching right now) but Abel appeared with Cain.  The revelation that I am walking in right now is that Abel was Elohim's reflection appearing on the polluted waters of the creation. How did Cain come to be Cain? The waters became Cain when the waters became saturated with the earth. Abel is Elohim's reflection in the waters saturated with earth. Adam is Elohim's reflection on the pure waters.  Everybody okay?  Then we found out that Jehovah said; Cain, you have to submit to Abel. The church world tells you that they were brethren, but that Jehovah received Abel's offerings. I'm not going to argue with you tonight because that's not my point. But the way I see it is that Jehovah said to Cain, you are Abel's wife. Anyone listening to this tape, I don't have any argument with you because we should be in agreement that Jehovah said; Cain, submit to Abel. Does anybody not agree that Jehovah said; Cain, submit to Abel? The only thing that we disagree about is the relationship between Cain and Abel, which is not the subject of this tape. But Cain did not submit to Abel.  Everybody knows that. Cain killed Abel. The King James translation is very clear. I submit to you that when Cain rebelled against Abel and killed Abel, her evil side rose to the surface and she was swallowed up by her evil side. When Cain was swallowed up by her evil side, her name changed and her name became the serpent. Cain, who Jehovah placed in submission to Abel killed Abel and Cain, herself, had a lower nature. Cain was the one in submission to Abel.  I perceive Cain to be Abel's wife.  So as long as she was in submission to her husband, the scripture calls her the woman. But when Cain murdered her husband, her lower nature which was evil, rose up and overtook her, sort of like a serial killer who is staying at home trying very hard not to kill again. He sends notes to the police saying; help me, I'm going to do it again. Do you know what I'm talking about? Cain's lower nature did it again. She rose up and became evil and stayed evil and her name changed to the serpent. So we find that in a lot of areas of the church, in particular in the Kingdom church, they will tell you that Lucifer is Adam or whatever. Not many areas of the church distinguish between Lucifer, Satan, the serpent and the dragon.   We've been able to do that here, by the grace of God. But they will tell you that Adam is the bad guy, that Adam is Lucifer. Look in any of these newsletters. They're just saying, well we are just Adam and he has got to go and that's not true. Adam is the mighty son of God. He's not evil. Adam is not evil. Adam was murdered and he ceased to exist until he was raised from the dead in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ who went on to be the last Adam.  The first Adam was raised from the dead in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ and He went on to be the last Adam who is indestructible. Well then who is this Lucifer guy? The scripture says he's a man. This Lucifer guy is Cain.  Cain is the waters of the creation, the primeval waters which were saturated with earth to the point that they became clay. We're told, specifically in our studies of Genesis 6 and 7 that Cain became the female animal. Cain became the female animal. You may say to me, well, I thought you said Cain became the female animal. The scripture says that Lucifer is a man.  What are you talking about, Sheila? Well brethren, the female animal killed her husband, the man. She killed Abel and took on the male role. She has taken on the male role and she is acting like a male and the scripture calls her a male. She's the man of this world. She's the male in this world. She's a butch lesbian. I'm sorry if that offends you. We actually found that in the scripture in Is. 63, I believe. Who is this with garments dyed red? If you read it, it appears to be the Lord Jesus Christ. And who is this woman that you're with, that's appearing in this world as a man? That's our alternate translation. So the serpent, brethren, is the manifestation of the primeval waters that Elohim came forth in, which have been saturated with earth and become clay. That's who the serpent is.  Adam is the mighty son of God who Cain and the serpent continue to kill and Jehovah continues to raise him from the dead again. The Lord gave us this revelation that Adam is our hero, and the Lord Jesus Christ is Adam in the days of His flesh. The Lord Jesus Christ was Adam.  He said; before Abraham was, I Am. He existed as Adam before Abraham. Every time I read a newsletter or read a book that talks about Adam as being the fall guy or calling fallen mortal man (who is a murderer and a serpent) calling fallen mortal man Adam, I have to laugh because the serpent just continuously kills Adam, ruins his reputation and destroys him on every level that she can all the day long. Adam failed the test, but he has repented and strengthened by Jehovah, he entered into this world in an attempt to reconcile the waters of this world to himself. Because Adam has a commission from Jehovah to build a visible spiritual world which is in the image of Jehovah. Adam cannot fulfill that commission without the primeval waters that he comes forth in because Adam is spirit.  He's not a particle. He's not a single entity as we would think of a single entity.  He's spirit and he was spread, or dissolved you might say, (if that helps you to understand) in the primeval waters. He needs the waters back, you see. He appeared as one man, as Jesus of Nazareth, but to repossess the whole creation and form a whole world that is in the image of Jehovah, he needs the waters back. He has to get Cain back. That's what He's doing here in this world. Look, let me tell you something.  I've been preaching this for a long time, that when Elohim came forth, he came forth in the primeval waters. Is everybody okay with that? You can relate that to spermatozoa coming forth in the seminal fluid. Okay, let me throw something at you now. I'm going to say it again or in a little bit of a different way and then I'm going to tell you something you've never heard before. The sperma of Jehovah, Elohim, came forth disseminated, dissolved in a flood of waters. Does that sound pretty scriptural to you, the flood of waters? It's in the King James. The serpent when she incarnated this world incarnated not in a flood of waters but in a solid medium. Let me tell you something else first. Elohim came forth in the flood of waters. As for Adam, I don't know really what he was, but he was spiritually visible.  I don't know if he was semi-solid or not, but he was spiritually visible.  Can anybody guess what his medium was? What did he appear in? Now before you even think about it, let me tell you this. No man is an island. There was no such thing as a particle just standing alone. It comes forth in a medium. Elohim came forth in the flood of waters. Where was Adam found dwelling after he was formed? The man was formed out of the dust and then Elohim and Jehovah breathed the breath of life into him and then where did he go to live? Where was he living?  Yes, in the garden. What I'm trying to say may not be too clear because of the parable form that it's in.  I don't know what it looks like in the Hebrew. In the parable form it says that the man was formed and placed in a garden. But I want to suggest to you that the man could not have existed outside of the garden because the man and the garden were one and that when Adam died the garden ceased to exist. The King James says that the man was driven out of the garden. I'm telling you that when Adam died the garden ceased to exist. It's the same principle as the scripture saying that this world is going to go out like a light.  Remember that teaching in Amos 5?  After Christ rises and builds up the visible spiritual world, this world is going to go out like a light. A more popular way of saying it is the sun of this world will be black as sackcloth and the moon will be covered with blood and the stars will cease their shining. This world is going out like a light. This is what I am trying to tell you now. When the serpent incarnated in the form of mortal man, mortal man came forth in a medium. It wasn't a flood of waters and it wasn't the garden of Eden, but it was this world. Now I'm not being literal and don't hold me to this. I just want you to understand. This whole world is mortal man's garden of Eden. When mortal man ceases to exist, this whole world will cease to exist. It only exists as a place of sustenance for man. That includes all of the animals, all of the trees, all of the plant life, all of the rivers, all of the oceans, the brooks and all of the sources of food that grow natural in this world. As beautiful as it might be in the natural, it is a counterfeit of the garden of Eden. Everything on this earth including the livestock is to sustain the existence of mortal man. It's a negative garden of Eden. The scripture calls it in some places the valley of the shadow of death, the low place.   Now there are teachings going forth today that are the exact opposite of this; equating human beings to animals, making the timber and the natural resources of nature more important than man. It is the serpent's perversion and she is trying to destroy that in which the remnant of Abel exists. Animals have no spirit, trees have no spirit. They do have soul. They do have the energy source that generated this world, but they don't have the spirit. Now as I told you on the last tape, if you recall, the cerebellum is what I believe the withered Abel. That cerebellum is responsible for posture. That means the cerebellum is responsible for man walking upright. So why don't the animals walk upright?   They don't walk upright because they don't have a cerebellum. They don't have Abel withered in them. The witnesses are everywhere. All of this I have told you because I'm trying to equate the Hindu teaching of a person that they name (I won't use the Hindu name because I can't even pronounce it and to be honest with you, I don't even remember what it is) but there is a being in this Hindu philosophy that is in a trance like sleep upon the serpent. I want to relate that to Genesis chapter 2:21; And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept and He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh thereof. So everybody thinks, everybody that has thought about it, thinks that Adam is the one who's in the trance like sleep because that's what the King James translation I never doubted it, I never had any problem with it. I equated that sleep with the death that Adam went into before the Lord Jesus Christ came.  I never really addressed it very much but now that I'm getting into this deep teaching and I'm looking at the Hindu books and they show this being asleep in a trance like sleep on the serpent, I said, Lord something is not right here. See, there are a lot of people in the church today that are going into this deep doctrine and they're really not being led by the Lord Jesus and they are being seduced by the doctrine.  Now remember these books were probably written before the bible was written. Looking at this being asleep on the serpent in a trance like sleep, I said well now, that must be Adam sleeping in a trance like sleep on the serpent. It must be true that Lucifer is that man Adam and it must be true that mortal man in our fallen murderous vehement condition is Adam.  There was no thought that it must be a lie. The thought that Adam is the mighty son of God, the king of the creation appointed by Jehovah, Himself; that thought never even enters their mind. Every witness everywhere they look says that mortal man is Adam. Does anybody disagree with me? The whole world thinks it's Adam. It's not Adam, it's Cain.  This world is Cain gone bad. When she went bad her name changed to the serpent. Well then Sheila, what are you going to do with this scripture that says Jehovah put Adam into a trance like sleep when you compare it or you line it up to the Hindu doctrine that says there is this being in a trance like sleep on the serpent?  What are you going to do with that? I said, Lord, what am I going to do with that? This is what He said to me. This is where our notes begin. The Hebrew lexicon according to Strong's numbers says that the name for the man Adam is Strong's #120. Strong's #120 to #126 are a series of words all related to the color red. All the words are very similar. Adam means ruddy, the red of the earth.  Strong's #127 (I believe that's the correct number) which is pronounced Adamah as opposed to Adam is the word for ground. Now you may recall me teaching you the difference between the earth and the ground. The earth is white powdered gray rubbish with no life in it at all. The earth becomes ground when the waters of life flow over it, imparting all of the spiritual minerals and nutrients or whatever else is in it. I'm trying to use words that you can relate to. You may recall in Genesis 1, the waters flowed over the earth and they were called back. Elohim said, let the dry appear and let the waters be called seas.  Now the seas had some fragments or some particles of earth in them and the earth, although dried out, had some minerals and spiritual nutrients from the waters of life in her. The word ground is earth enriched or fertilized by the waters of life.  The waters left a residue in the earth. I cannot prove this to you. You are free to disagree with me if you want to. But this is what I heard in my spirit and I have no problem believing it, that some scribe copying over this scripture saw the word Adamah instead of Adam. There's just one letter different. Remember the ancient Hebrew had no vowels. They didn't have any vowels written in.  Adamah has one more letter at the end of the word. Some scribes say this has to be a mistake. How could you put the ground to sleep and he took the last letter off. Who is the ground? The ground is Cain saturated with the earth.  The ground is the female animal that became male when she killed her husband and took over the creation. You don't have to agree with me, but does anybody not understand what I said? So when the scriptures says that Jehovah put Adam into a deep sleep, I suggest to you, that the Hebrew word Adamah, not Adam, should be used. Adamah means ground and the ground is the earth saturated in Cain's waters. So Adam is Elohim's reflection and Adamah, the serpent, is Elohim's dark shadow. Since there was a question off the tape, let me review this part for you also.  When we look in a mirror, brethren, when we take a piece of glass and you want to make it into a mirror, you have to paint some black paint on the back of the mirror. When we look in the mirror, if the back of it is painted with black, it causes a reflection to appear. So the reflection is us, but it doesn't happen in this world. But in the spirit, what happened was that black paint back was not black paint, it was earth.  Elohim is light and when the light shot through the waters, it didn't hit black paint, it hit what was called the ocean bed and it dug out what would be the closest thing to my knowledge, a negative. It dug out a negative or a footprint or an imprint in the ocean bed. If you just take a look at your drawings from the last few messages, the light came down. It went through the seas, it bounced off the earth, it diffracted up and the reflection appeared on the waters.  Can you follow what I just said? But then the fall occurred. The waters fell down, broke through the firmament, and when the light of Elohim came down into the waters, it didn't diffract and go up. It stayed right there.  It stayed right there and the image that was left was that negative image in the earth and that is Elohim's dark shadow. So Adamah, or the ground, is the negative image. If I walk through this house and you shine a light over me and you see a shadow on the wall, the shadow is not me. The shadow has no light; the shadow cannot talk; the shadow cannot eat; sleep; bear children.  But, of course, Elohim's shadow is on a higher level. Now we cannot bear children after the image of Jehovah, but we do have existence down here, this whole world and the people in it. All of this, thus far, was our introduction; this is where we are picking up on this message. Let me remind you that part 7 of this message was a preparation for what I'm going to teach you now. If you haven't listened to part 7 or you don't have the diagrams from part 7, you might want to take them up first. I laid out all the principles of Quantum Mechanics In Physics on part 7 of this message.   This will be the spiritual part. We're talking about the serpent now as the founder of this visible world. She has incarnated it and is fully intending to completely possess it. Now when the serpent incarnated this world, she incarnated in another form. Brethren, when you reproduce yourself by having a child, when you and your husband reproduce yourself by producing a child, you produce an offspring in your likeness and hopefully you have a very close relationship (that's what families are all about) but that child is not you. The serpent produced another generation. What does that mean, another generation? Well let me remind you that the creation started in an invisible place; in the spirit world in an invisible place. Jehovah's original goal and the serpent's goal is to appear in a visible world. In order to appear in a visible world, the one who is incarnating, whether it be Jehovah or the serpent, must travel away, outward from the spirit world. The best example I can give you is a spaceship.  We call it outer space, but we say that the spaceship goes up, but it's really not going up, it's going out and this is a physical law of our creation.  If you want to get a physical idea of what is necessary for an invisible spirit to incarnate, think about a spaceship going up through all the gravitational pull and levels of our atmosphere. So the spirit that wants to incarnate starts on a march outward; on a march outward. The serpent therefore, as she pierces through every level to a place where she will become visible on that level; she takes a different name.  Why? Because she's in a different form. At every level she is more visible. A child when conceived is first an embryo and then a fetus and then a child. With growth, our name changes. There's an infant; there's a toddler; there's a child; there's a teenager; there's a young adult; there's an adult, as the serpent works her way outward and appears on the next level that I know about. Now I want to tell you these books that I'm reading talks about seven levels of appearance. I don't know of any such thing. Maybe it's not true. I'm waiting for the Lord to comment on it to me, hopefully either to tell me it's not true or to show it to me in the scripture. I asked Him today to show it to me in the scripture because I was really surprised to see that there were so many levels to be pierced through to become visible.  So we'll see what He has to say. I'm just waiting on Him for that. As far as I know, the first time that the serpent's name changes because she's becoming more visible, is Leviathan and Satan first and then comes the devil. Satan comes first, the unconscious mind and then Leviathan comes, the conscious mind, and then the devil comes which is our personality and physical body.  The physical man is the devil with the personality. That's what Revelation is talking about in chapter 12 and in chapter 20; that ancient serpent, that old dragon, the devil, Satan and the devil. Four; the serpent, the dragon which is Leviathan, Satan the unconscious mind of man and the devil, the physical man, his personality and his body. So in this hour, that old serpent, that ancient serpent is appearing as mortal man as we know him. I suggest to you that it is the serpent's intention to fully possess us.  Now she's not fully possessing us right now. Why is she not fully possessing us? Because Jehovah put her into a deep trance like sleep. Why? He doesn't want her fully possessing us. We are only in this condition for a season until the judgment which will restore us to righteousness. We're in a spiritual jail, brethren.  If you can't see it, I suggest you ask the Lord to open your eyes. We're spiritual beings and we're grounded. We cannot fly. We cannot get off the ground. We've invented all kinds of machines, but we, ourselves, cannot get off the ground. We're suppose to be flying in the heavenlies.  Our very physical condition reveals our spiritual and mental condition. We're grounded and we're in a spiritual jail. Yes, the serpent in the form of Satan, the god of this world has authority over us. She's the warden. But only so far; Jehovah said you can only go so far; you can only touch her so far; you can only do so much because they are in your custody, but the day is coming that I am going to restore them to righteousness and take them home to the spiritual realm where I live, where I dwell, says Jehovah. So the serpent is sleeping.  Her power is minimal. Her power is at a very low vibration. She is very limited as to what she can do. That's why we get sick and we die and we have all kinds of problems because the energy levels in mortal man are very low. Now if you take mortal man as a whole, some people have more energy or higher energy levels than others. They're physically healthier; they're mentally healthier, but everybody dies after a season because the serpent is in spiritual chains that keep her sleeping. But it is her desire to break out of those chains, to arise up in the fullness of her potential strength and totally possess humanity as we know it. But she's in a trance like sleep, but she's existing on more than one level.  The serpent is in a trance like sleep, but the devil is not necessarily in a trance like sleep and Leviathan and Satan are not necessarily in a trance like sleep. How do I know that? Because many human beings of the human race are devising ways to restore their spiritual authority and ascend into the high places of spiritual power. It's in the bible. It's called the tower of Babel.  Brethren, if you think that the people on the earth at that time were trying to build a tower out of stones as we know them (I'm very sorry, I don't mean to insult you) but scripturally and spiritually speaking, you're ignorant. You are in darkness. That's not an insult, it's just the truth. Your mind is in darkness.  You don't understand that no matter how good your life is on this earth, spiritually you are crippled. You are a bird whose wings have been clipped and you may be content, but there are people in this world who have a revelation that their wings have been clipped and they want to fly in the heavenlies and they're still trying to build that tower of babel. They're trying to get back up into a high spiritual place outside the will of Jehovah. As incredible as it sounds, this Hindu philosophy has been evolved and is highly accurate. It's a spiritual truth.  It has been kept from the world and the church for all these years because it is illegal to build the tower of babel. But in this hour it is time for the people of God to arise back into a high spiritual place by the power of Almighty God, Jehovah, through His son, the Lord Jesus Christ. So it is time for us to go up and we need this knowledge to go up.  Now you do not go up by knowledge alone. You shall not ascend by knowledge alone. You must have the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. His life must be in the process of being reproduced in you because only He who came down from heaven will go back up to heaven.  The serpent never was in heave and she will not ascend back up to heaven. I haven't seen this myself, but I'm told that there are people or yogis or whatever that have tried to ascend into the heaven. They have laid hold of all this knowledge and they have devised all kinds of ways to implement it, but when they start ascending to a particularly high place, they go insane. In one case I heard a story where the yogi actually exploded and disintegrated. He had been levitating over a body of water for forty days without eating, fasting, just levitating and he just exploded. He had challenged a Christian missionary, I'm told. It sounds like shades of Elijah with the prophets of Baal.   The Christian missionary took the challenge. He said I will fast for forty days and forty nights and the Christian missionary fasted for forty days and forty nights and the Hindu yogi levitated over this body of water for forty days and forty nights and he exploded. I was told this by a missionary who was in India. He exploded and he disappeared. It doesn't work without Christ Jesus in you.  So we see that the serpent's incarnation is in three different forms, Satan, the serpent, and the devil. Although the serpent is sleeping, through another form, her designs and her desires are appearing and manifesting through individual men across the world. They're devising to get back into the high realms of the spirit. They're trying to build the tower of babel. They've never stopped trying. It is my opinion at this time that the place where all this knowledge came from is Ham. It is my opinion, at this time, that when you are immortal and I believe Ham was immortal (I believe that Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth were immortal) when you are immortal and you die to your immortality, you lose your power but you retain knowledge.   You may recall that Ham was the righteous one. Noah, Shem and Japheth had been perverted by Leviathan and Ham was cast down by Noah's curse and it was Leviathan or Satan (sometimes I'm not sure what it is. I have to sit and think about it) and it was Satan in Leviathan manifesting through Noah that cursed Ham. Noah, Shem and Japheth were overcome. They backslid and they lost a lot of their knowledge. Ham did not backslide. I've talked to you about the difference between backsliding and being overcome. When you backslide, you are overtaken by your own sin. You yield to sin. But when you are overcome, you do not yield to sin. But because of your weaknesses you go down because you were not strong enough to stand against the attack that was coming against you. But you've never compromised your commitment to God. You went down because you were defeated, not because you sinned. Does anybody not know what I am talking about? I don't know about sin, that's not a good word. You did not go down because you yielded to sin; you went down because you were not strong enough to overcome the forces that were against you. That's what happened to Ham. All of this knowledge is in Ham's descendants.  He died to his immortality, but he didn't lose his knowledge. This knowledge was transferred by word of mouth from generation to generation and it wasn't until the tenth century that it began to be put down in books.  That's where I believe this knowledge came from. You don't have to agree with me if you don't want to. So we see the serpent even from her trance like condition rising up in members of the devil to try and build this tower of Babel again. She has never given up. The time of maturing is very near and as Jesus taught us, the wheat and the tares will mature at the same time. This is coming to pass. I believe the sons of God will be appearing on the earth as well as the sons of the serpent. The sons of the serpent will be in two forms.  They will be in a full stature of goodness or a full stature of evil. Certainly the ones in the full stature of goodness will not be able to go on to everlasting life.  They will not be able to ascend out of this body and have an existence without the body. I've read that these yogis ascend out of the body, but the body had to be in a trance like state. Jesus no longer has a human body. He has a spiritual body. So for the serpent to arise in consciousness, she must arise out of the trance that she's in. Some definitions of the word trance are; moral insensibility, unintelligence, mental disorder, mythical creature, will, desire and impulse. I suggest to you that the words, will, desire and impulse clearly identifies mortal man; will, desire and impulse. So the serpent is attempting to ascend out of the trance that Jehovah put her in.  If you read these works on Kundalini, it is interesting because the point of view that they are written from is that the serpent has no desire to rise up. She's sleeping at the base of the spine and all these mortal men who really are the devil, the serpent's children, are trying to figure out ways to prod her into stirring up. Brethren, you surely have seen a situation where somebody that you know wants to accomplish something, but they don't want to admit that they want to accomplish it, so they will tell you that they're doing it for you. I know that you really want to do this, all you mortal men, you really want to ascend to full stature.  I particularly don't care whether you do or not. I'm down here sleeping and I'm very happy. But look at all these mortal men trying to stir me up. It's the serpent who is putting the ideas in their mind. I'll take this opportunity to tell you brethren because it is very common in our world today that anyone who uses that kind of a tactic is manifesting an aspect of their personality that is satanic.  To want something and to act like you're doing it to do someone else a favor is a satanic mentality, satanic behavior, it is witchcraft and it is very ungodly. It is the epitome of pride.  It should be resisted in you at all cost. Every time you see it rising up in you because I know people here do it. It's sin. I'm telling you right out. I know that you have spent years of your life not knowing that it is sin, but now you've heard my words. It's sin and every time you do it, you are required to confess it as sin and repent. It is the epitome of pride to not want to confess that you want something and make it look like you are doing the other person a favor. It is a high manifestation of pride and we see it manifested right from the serpent's mouth, you might say.  Of course, the men who have written all of this literature, they're writing under the influence of the serpent.  That's how they are writing it. She's sleeping peacefully. We're the ones that want to stir her up. Know all you members of the human race, you are the serpent's slaves and you are doing her will and you are acting out the manifestation and the thoughts of her mind. She wants to rise up. She wants to be awakened out of this trance. But there are only two ways she can be awakened out of this trance. That is either Jehovah wakes her or she gets the other side of her, the human side of her, to wake up. I'll be honest with you. I have this before the Lord. At this point I cannot tell you how the rising up of the Kundalini fits into Jesus' plan for salvation.   We have a lot of knowledge, but for the life of me I have not heard from Him yet, as to when He comes into the body and the mind of a human being and starts flowing through us and breaking up the seven seals that we read about in the book of Revelation. I'm not really sure whether He wants the serpent to rise up or He wants her to stay down. I think He wants her to stay down. I haven't really heard from Him. It's just looking to me that way right now. When Jesus comes in, in the form of the Holy Spirit, He wants her to stay down. Is everybody okay? So the serpent is trying to come awake.  Did you ever try to wake up out of a deep sleep and you can't get up? That's the condition the serpent is in. She can't wake up. But her mind is raising up other people to do her will and make it look like she's not interested. I've written down in your notes the seven part spiritual seal. I'm coming to the conclusion that there really are not seven seals. There's really just one seal. It's broken down into many parts and the number seven is used to indicate a multiplicity of sealed areas. I think that there's a lot more than seven. There are seven major locations.  If we don't get to it tonight, we'll get to it at the next meeting. I know we've been notorious here for preaching two 90 minute tapes at a meeting, but these messages are so deep that it's really too much to sit through.  So I'm going to preach until I feel you can't take anymore and if we don't get to it tonight, we will get to it Sunday.  So, the serpent is in this sleep like trance that Jehovah put her in and she wants to release the seven seals. Of course, the Hindu philosophy calls them knots or chakras, but we're going to use the biblical term which is the seven seals. These seven seal being tied up are restraining her or mortal humanity's spiritual potential. Now I liken this condition to a black hole. You may want to refer to your notes from part 7 where I spoke about a black hole. A black hole results from a star collapsing upon its own gravity. A star is open and I showed you the abyss from the beginning of time, how Jehovah's energy flowed through the primeval waters and interacted with Elohim and there was a continuous flow going on.   But when the waters of creation pierced through the firmament and fell down to the seas, the abyss collapsed under its own gravity and sealed off the lower part of the abyss. This world is Atlantis, the world that exists underneath the seas and the whole world is a black hole. We're trapped in here and there are energies and all kinds of debris. I don't have my definition of black hole with me right now, but our world in itself is cut off from the spiritual realm of God. Jehovah sent Jesus in to penetrate the enemy lines. We're in a sealed world under the sea and each individual human being, which is very visibly obvious is its own sealed world.  Each one of us. These walls that separate us is not a good place to be. We're in a very low spiritual condition.  Each human being is its own little universe and his own black hole. It is just like saying, here I am, one person, but I have trillions of cells in my body and each cell is a cell unto itself. So each one of us is his own black hole. We're sealed off. We can't get out. We can't arise off of the earth. But Jesus has come in, you see. We can't get out, so He has come in. Brethren, He has come down to hell to get us out.  Not only to this world which is hell, has He come, but He's come into our individual black hole with the full intention of opening us up to a relationship with Jehovah, in whom there is all life. For those of you here anyway and those of you listening to the tape. He is going to reverse what happened to us and open up this black hole.  Praise the Lord. So what do we see here? We see in this fallen world today and in many individuals both the Lord Jesus Christ and the serpent having the same goal. If you are listening to this tape, most likely, Christ Jesus is being formed in you and He wants to release the seven seals in you, but the serpent also wants to release the seven seals in you. So when the Lord Jesus comes in in the form of the Holy Spirit, He not only has the job of opening your seven seals, but He's got a war with the serpent who doesn't want Him to do it. She wants to do it because the releasing of the seven seals is the opening up of the individual to spiritual maturity. When the peoples of the world are all opened up to spiritual maturity, the spirit that's ruling in them will own an everlasting world.   For those who are opened up by the Lord Jesus Christ, they will be resurrected. There are going to be two resurrections. They will be resurrected into heaven and those who are opened up by the serpent will be resurrected into damnation. It's all within. It's where your spiritual consciousness abides. The disciples, the first couple of disciples that Jesus was reaching out for said; Master, where do you dwell?  They had a revelation of spiritual things and that we could have our feet on the earth and be in any physical place, but be in another place spiritually. That when we have spiritual authority, our spirit can travel anywhere, from the highest heights down to the lowest hell. Just as in this world, we have the power to get up and walk away, to get on a plane, to get into a car. In this hour, we can go anywhere in the world.  A spiritually mature man has the authority to travel amongst the different heights and levels and areas of the spiritual world; of which it appears there are many. I'm waiting for confirmation from the Lord.  But we know, at the very least, there is the spiritual realm of eternity where Jehovah dwells. We know that there's the spiritual realm where Jesus dwelt in the days of His flesh where He was still in His body. So we know that there are at least those two. Actually we know that there's a third. Actually it's the second; it's the circumcision without hands. I have some more information about that for you. I don't know if I'll get to it tonight. But the Lord did give it to me. I struggled with that spiritual circumcision for many years. I just couldn't figure out what it was all about. I've got some more insight into it and I'm more convinced that ever that the Kingdom church world that is preaching about tabernacles and the harvest, etc.; I just fully disagree with what they're saying. I do not think it is scriptural.  Again, if I don't get to it tonight, we will get to it. I see that I am losing a couple of you. I'm going to go on a little bit longer and I don't believe I will go to a second tape tonight. How is the serpent doing this? How is the serpent attempting to ascend into a spiritual maturity? She's doing it through witchcraft, brethren.  Witchcraft is spiritual power that does not come through the Lord Jesus Christ. Now in a very simplified statement, I'm going to say that there is black witchcraft and white witchcraft. Within each category are many different categories. Let us define black witchcraft and white witchcraft. Black witchcraft is the power of the serpent which is specifically used to do evil; to kill people, to take people's jobs, to steal someone's wife or someone's husband.  Then there is white witchcraft. What is that?  The use of the powers of the serpent to help the people or the things of this world; to heal men and animals, to bring health and wealth without damage to another human being. How is this power of the serpent harnessed. The power of the serpent is the powers of nature. It's the powers and the energy flowing through this world. Therefore you see the practices of wiccan frequently out in the woods saying prayers and evoking the goddess in the midst of the trees and in the forest. It's the power of nature.  The people that worship water spirits; you see them by large bodies of water trying to harness the very powerful energy field that lies over very large bodies of water, especially the ocean.  It's very powerful. You see, the power of the serpent is through this whole world. The power of Jehovah in the form of our withered human spirit is only in men. But the energy of the serpent is through the whole world, particularly over large bodies of water.  Because who is the serpent? She's Cain. She's the primeval waters of the creation and she is very powerful over the waters which appear in this natural world because that's her original form; water. So we see people that practice witchcraft, black or white, are trying to harness the powers of nature or the powers of this world. There is energy in this world. That's why we eat food, to get energy into these bodies.  We have to consume objects from outside of us to get enough energy into these bodies to exist. If you really stop to think about it, it is barbaric. It's a very low place to be. I used to wonder if in a high spiritual place we needed to eat. I could only wonder because I didn't understand the whole principle of what the intake of food was.  The intake of food is to provide energy to keep this animal alive. The energy that is in me and that's in every mortal man is not strong enough to sustain the life of the animal that we are living in. It's a very low place to be. So therefore when we ascend into the high world of Jesus' Spirit, we can say we're entering into a world in which there is no labor. Because all the labor of this world is to sustain the animal that we are riding on or riding in.   We're spirit. We're suppose to be riding on this animal, but we're riding in it or it's riding us. That's why there will be no more labor. We won't have this animal to take care of. All labor is to sustain this animal, to keep it alive. Of course, we see very frequently the bedtime stories that we tell our children revealing deep spiritual truth. Now take the fairy tale of the Sleeping Beauty. She is in a sleep like trance and she can only be awakened by the kiss of the handsome prince who will liberate her and they will rule the kingdom together and be married and live happily ever after.  Is this not the story of the serpent?  Except that the roles are reversed a little. The serpent is not a beautiful young princess; she is an ugly old hag and the prince who is going to kiss her and bring her to life are the human beings of this world. The individual people of this world that are reaching inside of themselves for a spiritual relationship with an energy source (that many of them know are a serpent and a goddess and call her as such) are the princes which are going to kiss the sleeping beauty, so that they could marry each other and rule this whole world. What the bedtime story doesn't tell you is that they will rule this world in tyranny. The sleeping beauty having been awakened, no longer needing the handsome prince, will bring him into bondage and deep tyranny. There is a tremendous move across the whole world to kiss the goddess and awaken her and foolish men across the world think they will control her once she is awakened. But she is a sleeping dragon, brethren.  You will not control her once she is awakened, but she will enslave you. I know that every healing that Jesus did had a spiritual significance. One of the healings that He did was the withered arm of a man. I often wondered what that meant. I realize now that it is speaking about our human spirit, Abel, who is also appearing as the cerebellum, which is a part of our brain, which is underneath the authority of the cerebral cortex, which is fully controlled by Leviathan and Satan.   When Jesus healed the man's withered arm, He raised Adam from the dead in him. Or at least, that was a sign that that's what He would be doing in the future. I don't know if it happened to that man, but that's the sign of the withered arm. Isn't that interesting? I love these little tidbits. Let's see what else I could tell you. You know how I found that? I looked up the word trance in the dictionary and I found out that a synonym for trance is enchanted, to be in a trance, to be enchanted. You've heard all about the enchanted forest. This word entranced, a synonym for it is to be withered; your power is dried up.   The more awakened the serpent is when Christ Jesus begins to take possession of an individual, the more difficult the battle and the more likely an uninformed individual will choose the serpent over Christ Jesus. Brethren, I've spoken to people in Africa. They heard about Jesus. They gave up their witchcraft and they became Christians and found the power that's in the church today was not strong enough to overcome the witchcraft power that's prevalent in Africa. Africans by the thousands are vacating the Christian church and going back to witchcraft because life is very hard in Africa. You really need spiritual power to lead a decent life in Africa. Most Christians, spiritually speaking, on a measurement of spiritual strength, they're so immature, they're absolutely no match for the witch doctors at all.  Even the mature ones of us today are not a match for the witch doctor, but we, together with the Lord Jesus Christ, can overcome all things. But the teaching is so incomplete. They're taught that they have all power and they don't.  They're vacating the Christian church. The last I heard when I was over there is that the universities were being overtaken with groups of students practicing witchcraft. So what am I saying? When Jesus Christ is offered by His spokesperson to a man, the more spiritually awakened that man is, the less likely he is going to be interested in Jesus Christ. Why?  Because he doesn't have the full information.  He sees all the power that he has and he sees how little power there really is in the church and he's not interested. But if the Lord Jesus convicts that man and he starts being drawn to the Lord Jesus Christ, the battle for this man to bring him into the kingdom will be much greater than the battle for someone who has no spiritual power. Why? Because the witchcraft in the man's mind will be attacking Jesus Christ's representative, the member of the two witness company, whoever the Lord sends to draw this man, will be under a severe attack by the witchcraft in that man's mind. As I said earlier, the less informed he is about the true message of the Lord Jesus Christ, the less likely he is to choose Jesus over the witchcraft world.  See, people who are engaged in witchcraft, they know what spiritual power is and they want it. See, Jesus is going a whole different route than the serpent is going.  Jesus wants the whole world, but He is coming to the poor, the desperate, the sick, those who are being overcome in this world. He's going to those who are looking for power to go on living. They're being crushed. But the people in witchcraft; they're talking about power, power to get wealth, power to get love, power to get money, power to get the woman or the man that you want. You do hear a little about that in the church, but I'm talking about the drawing power of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Most people that come just want to survive. So we're dealing with two whole different categories of people. If you look around this country, (I don't really don't know too much about the rest of the world) but if you look around this country, large numbers of witches are very educated, very wealthy and they hold very high positions in our society. The majority of the Christians are just every day people with average every day education, average every day incomes and many of them are very poor. The people that Jesus is drawing seem to be coming from a whole different area than the people interested in witchcraft.   When the Lord starts drawing someone from the witchcraft camp, the battle is intense because they are spiritually developed. Today, both the serpent and Christ Jesus are trying to open the seven part seal that is covering over humanity's spiritual potential. Christ Jesus, for your information, is the Lord Jesus Christ, who has been glorified and returned to this world in the form of the Holy Spirit who is the seed.  He is the seed or the cutting. He is looking to attach himself to the hearts of men, but I now believe that He is looking to attach himself to the corpus callosum of the brain. He is looking to reproduce Himself in the form of the tree of life on the high place of the human being, which is the top of their brain.  The brain is the computer from which the entire body is controlled. So both the Lord Jesus Christ, who is in the form of the Holy Spirit today; I'm calling Him Christ Jesus because He is ascended. He and the serpent are trying to release humanity's spiritual potential.  Jesus Christ in the form of the last Adam; He is the Holy Spirit who is really the last Adam. In the days of His flesh, Jesus was the resurrected first Adam. He went on to be the ancient of days, the emancipated slave. He went on to be someone who no longer needs this body to exist and in that condition He is the last Adam. He made the full circuit; He is the Alpha and the Omega; He is the beginning and the end and He is in the earth today in the form of the Holy Spirit to impregnate humanity with His life. So Jesus Christ in the form of the last Adam enters into a man who is a black hole.  I talked about that a little while ago and He focuses all of His efforts on engrafting Himself to the corpus callosum. If this is the first tape you are listening to, the corpus callosum is an inner part of the brain which connects the left and the right hemisphere and sets up a link of communication between the two hemispheres that they should work together as one brain. Right now the left side of the brain controls the right side of your body and the right hemisphere controls the left side of your body and Jesus is coming to engraft himself to the corpus callosum to cause the two sides of the brain to work as one.  Just as you have two eyes, but you only see one picture, he is going to unify the use of the two hemispheres of the brain and severely increase our intelligence, our intellectual capacity, and our spiritual ability.  Once he engrafts himself to the corpus callosum, from that point he will implant the seedling, Christ Jesus, in the mount of olives. We know that the tree of life is an olive tree. So the mount of olives is the mountain of life, the mountain where life is, in regard to the human being; the brain.  From there he goes forth in his warrior stance to open that man's sealed spiritual potentials, which when opened are channeled to the developing embryo so that he can grow. The last Adam and Christ Jesus co-exist. The last Adam in the form of the Holy Spirit and Christ Jesus who is growing in you co-exists through the first two stages of resurrection. If you think that you are maturing and you are not acknowledging Jesus Christ in your life; if you don't think you need an elder brother; if you don't think you have an elder brother, I want to tell you that no matter how high up you succeed in ascending, you will not stay there. You will not stay there.  This message is coming to an end tonight, but I have more information for you on that. We will do it Sunday morning.  Elijah ascended to full stature. Noah ascended to full stature. I believe Lot ascended to full stature and they all fell down. If in this hour you are a man or a woman and you think that you're ascending and maybe you are ascending spiritually, you will never sustain the height of your position without the Lord Jesus Christ. You won't stand. They didn't do it in the old testament and you won't do it in the new testament unless you take the gift of the new testament, which is not the Holy Spirit, but the Spirit of Truth. Christ in you, the hope of glory, together with the Holy Spirit, working together just as Jesus said; I do nothing except what my Father tells me. It takes the two of you so long as you are in this body.  You need the Lord Jesus Christ. You need the last Adam or you will never sustain your position.  You will never sustain your ascended position without the Lord Jesus Christ. I have a lot of information for you along these line, but I seem to be losing the group. Any questions? You were talking about the different stages that Leviathan, Satan, the devil and the serpent go through; the different stages of the serpent's incarnation. Would that possibly be also the aliens? Would that be a next stage? Sheila: A next stage?  Well it sounds like it's a possibility. I don't really know, but it sounds okay. Very interesting thought. 


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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