031 - Part 4

Part 4 of 8 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


There are just two points I wanted to make with regard to last week's message, and I hope you all know me by now that if I make a mistake, I will not hesitate to tell you, so I do not mean to be correcting anybody or contradicting anybody, I just want to clarify something as God showed it to me. There was a little question about the word caul, and I looked it up in Webster's dictionary and I wanted to read you Webster's definition of caul, it is the inner fetal membrane of higher vertebrates, especially when not ruptured or covering the head at birth. There was a just a little question, we just want to have everything straightened out here.


Someone had said that they had never heard of the amniotic sac being called a caul, and that they only thought the membrane covering the intestines were called a caul. I found this very interesting, because what Webster just said is that when this membrane is used in the, for the purpose of an amniotic sac, it called one thing, and if it leaves the body, covering the baby, it is now in a different function, and its name is changed, it is a different function, it comes out as covering the head of the baby at birth, I do not know what that means, but it is no longer sustaining the life of the baby in uteri, and the English language changes the name, and we know that in the Scripture, when a man goes from being a soul man to being a spirit man, as for example, Jacob to Israel, God changes his name.


We know that if you are a spiritual man and you fall and you become a soul man, God changes your name. what we are saying is, we have a vessel, we have a man, we have an object, and when its function is for one thing is it called by one name, and when its function changes, its name changes, caul, hallelujah, and the context that this came up in, is that we were talking about the creation and likening the creation, the whole of the creation to being a baby in uteri, and we were saying that, this, God is up here in the realm of the spirit, and He has literally lowered a great ball in the realm of the spirit, and He has called it a living soul, and that this is the membrane sac.


We cannot see the outside of it, we cannot see the outside of it because it encompasses the whole universe and the planets and everything, but the whole natural world including the universes, and the planets are a big ball that is just hanging there, that has been let down from the realm of the spirit, it came out of the mind of God, it is the creation of God. There is something that is coming, it is the womb of the earth. He has established this for the purpose of bearing offspring, the son of God wrapped in flesh. This creation, the living soul, is what is bringing it forth. I know, we see the living soul as man, but it is really more than that.


I am not going to get into it now but I am going to suggest to you that there is a man being brought forth in the earth, he is so large that we cannot see him, and we are all cells in his body, as if we could look with a microscope inside of our own body and see. I have seen moving pictures of microscopic clips of the cellular life inside of a human body. Has anyone seen that? They are very active, they move rapidly, like this, all of the cells go back and forth like this. I guess if you move 10,000 miles away from us, as we walk up and down the street, any superior spiritual being looking at us, that is what we look like moving back and forth. Each individual cell, each one of us having our own life.


Do you understand what I am saying, we are all part of some gigantic man that we cannot even see, we are as tiny as a cell deep inside of our own body. The Scripture in Romans that says the creature groaneth and stands on tip toes and groaneth for the manifestation of the sons of God, if you look in the reference on the side, it says, the word really means creation. The word really does not mean creation, the word means creature. God is bringing forth a creature, one man. When he is a soul man his name is Adam, and when he becomes a spiritual man, his name is Christ, and we are all cells inside of Him, and this whole world and all of the mighty manifestations of the natural man, his science, his spaceships, everything that he has, this is all going on inside of a creature. His name is the living soul and he is in the process of becoming the life giving spirit which is the Lord Jesus Christ. We are living inside of Him.


That is our condition. It is sort of humbling, but that is what it is. We were likening it to a baby being born, and this would be the external border of this creation that we cannot see, it would be called the membrane sac, which would be likened to the amniotic sac of the baby. What confused me a little on Sunday, was that we are told that the creation was made from rubbish, that this, that the earth and the creation was made from rubbish and I even asked somebody, Well would all of the blood and all of the fluids inside of a woman's body be called, well I got garbage mixed up with rubbish, it is not garbage, it is rubbish.


The definition of rubbish is waste material, and this person said to me, No, everything is very healthy for the baby, and it is not rubbish. When I prayed about it this is what God told me, and we know that everything in the natural is the opposite of what it is in the spiritual. The spiritual teaching is that, let me put it on the board for you.


We had this Sunday, that this is the way God is producing young, we had the rubbish of the earth, and we touched on this in the study on the creation, Adam was here, and what happened was God sent His son down, to lay on top of it, and this is the study from Isaiah 14, I do not remember which verse it is, and he laid on top of it, and he became one with it, and the result of what happened was that offspring, came forth, rose to the surface, and God called them worms, and He told us that all of us in these skin sacs running around on the face of the earth, what we really are, are worms, that we are spiritual life that is dwelling under the earth of these bodies, and these souls. This is very humbling brethren. That is what He called us.


There was rubbish, then came the life of Jesus Christ and the result of it that He has produced all of these worms, we are red worms, now the rubbish was white, if you recall from the study of creation, it was white and without the life of the Lord Jesus Christ. When it became joined to the Lord Jesus Christ, it became red from His life, Adam, the name Adam means earth, ruddy, blood in the face, red, so the offspring that come forth are red, we are called red worms. Glory to God, we are red worms, we are crawling through the earth. So there are two things that God told me, we were talking about maggots on Sunday, and maggots eventually turn into flies which is pestilence.


Everything, what is happening, what we read in the book, the opposite is happening, the maggots turn into pestilence in the natural, they turn into flies, but in the spiritual we are not turning into flies, we are turning into sons of God. That is what we are now, we are the creature, I do not know what the exact word is for it, I know there is a scientific word for it, before you birthed into what you really are, you are a caterpillar before you are a butterfly, we are red worms, but we are going to be birthed into sons of God. For the time being, that is what we are. If you want that teaching in more depth, get Sunday's message.


What I found out about a human woman, is that a baby, so over here it starts with the rubbish, and it goes forth, baby lies in rubbish which becomes useful after the baby is born. With a natural baby, it lies in organic matter which is sterile but it become rubbish after the baby is born. When the baby is lying in it, if this is the amniotic sac, it is sterile, and it is good for the baby, but after the baby is born it become rubbish, rubbish is waste material. The placenta comes out, the blood comes out, the water comes out, it is rubbish, you throw it away, the hospital throws it away unless they sell it for some disgusting purpose, well they are supposed to throw it away, it is rubbish, that is what it is.


With a natural baby, all of this amniotic fluid and the sac has a useful purpose in uteri, when the baby is born it is rubbish, in the spiritual, it start out rubbish, and it is not thrown away because what is happening over here. We have rubbish, we have Jesus Christ, we have the worm, nothing is going to get thrown away. We have studied this, Jesus Christ is going to overshadow everything, He is going to swallow it up, and the creation of God is going to contain everything.


Remember the baby is being born and he is staying within us, and this body is going to be converted into a spiritual body. Jesus' body did not become waste material, it did not become waste material, God converted it, He used everything that He had, so it is the exact opposite. Did I make that clear or did I confuse you more, did I make it clear? Just an interesting point. We are going to go on, hallelujah, since we found out that we are worms, red worms and we are becoming sons of God.


By the way, there is a Scripture is Revelation where it talks about red worms. I think the dragon is really a red worm, something like that, red worms are all over the Bible, I could never understand why they were red, they are red because they have blood in the face, that is the creation of God, hallelujah.


This is Babylon Is Fallen, and it is part 4, glory to God. We are on verse 11, I am going to read you the alternate translation from Sunday on verse 11.


ISAIAH 14:11


11. The spiritual splendor that God originally gave you, has flowed downward under the earth forming the subterranean world of the dead. Each of your individual members moan and mourn because of their captivity inside sacs of skin. They try to restore themselves to glory by exercising the power of speech, which they previously enjoyed, but only a great noise or powerless hum comes out of their mouth. You have fallen down to a place of spiritual weakness, which is Hades, you lie in a bed of garbage and putrefying filth which acts as fertilizer for the rapid production of your...


Did anyone ever see a puppy or a cat give birth? Any mammal that has multiple births, each offspring comes out in a separate amniotic sac. The whole creation is in an amniotic sac, and each one of us is in our own amniotic sac. This is our condition, our body is out here, and our soul is in here and in here is our spiritual substance, and this is what God is concerned with. We are trapped inside skin sacs and what is happening to us is that we are supposed to be standing up in spiritual power and when we do, we are going to vibrate out beyond the body and the soul, and we are going to take authority over it, it is going to be converted into a spiritual body and we will have been birthed and the new birth remains within the creation, there is no rubbish, the rubbish is used, everything remains within, and the change is from the inside out. Glory to God. This is our condition. We have a, we are in a very humiliating condition right now, if you have pride you might have trouble believing this, just pray about it, but that is what the Bible says we are, but we are becoming something glorious. Let us go on, verse 12 of Isaiah 14;


12. How art thou fallen from heaven O Lucifer, son of the morning, how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations. KJV


The Hebrew word fallen, it could be used to describe falling into a ditch, to fall in battle, and it can be used to describe a spiritual fall. Amos 9:11 says;


AMOS 9:11


11. In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof and I will raise up his ruins. KJV


Did you hear that, in that day I will raise up the tabernacle of David, and I will raise up his ruins. The tabernacle of David brethren, it is not something that is made out of wood, that you can see, that men walked into and worshiped. The tabernacle of David brethren was the body that the Lord Jesus Christ ruled in, in King David. I do not know whether you know that or not, but Jesus Christ ruled through King David, He ruled by His Spirit, and we have been talking about spirits and souls here, we also mentioned last week that the Lord Jesus Christ ruled through King Saul also, and we had Scriptures that supported that, He ruled through King Saul and He ruled through Kind David, but what happened? Both of their bodies died, and in King Saul's case, the spirit was withdrawn, so we know that it was an imputed anointing, it was imputed, because the Spirit of God ruled in King Saul, but what did he not have? Does anybody remember from last week what he did not have? He did not have the soul of God.


What is going to make it permanent, what is going to make the anointing imparted, what is going to make it irreversible, is that we are getting a new soul, the soul of God, the life of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself is coming into our own hearts, knocking the Adamic soul out, swallowing it up, and although we are going to look the same on the outside, we are going to look like a man at least for a season, until our body is glorified, we will have received a new heart, the heart of the Lord Jesus Christ, and He is going to swallow up our wicked heart. Glory to God.


That is why the anointing in the Old Testament was temporary, they have a Spirit of God manifesting through them, but the provision which made it possible for you and me to receive the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ was not yet available. Jesus Christ had to die on the cross, His body had to die on the cross before the dispensation where that would be available would occur. That is what happened in the Old Testament. We are in Amos 9:11;


AMOS 9:11


11. In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David...


What is He talking about? What is the tabernacle, does anyone know what the tabernacle of a man is? It is a body, he is going to raise up the body of David, the body of David, and in the old covenant, to say the body of David, they are talking about Messiah because they are talking about the offspring of David, Jesus said, I am the root and the offspring of David. We have spoken about how men in the Old Testament would go back ten or fifteen generations and call that man their father, the Hebrews in Jesus' day called Abraham their father, they just skipped past all of the generations in between.


When the prophet says He is going to raise up the tabernacle of David, it means He is going to raise up Jesus Christ. Hallelujah, He is going to raise up His ruins, hallelujah. The word Lucifer, means the morning star, the bright star, the splendid star, and it is from a root that means to be clear, to have no darkness to be brilliant. There is a lot of controversy over the word Lucifer, and what it really is, is the Latin translation of the word light bearer, it never was a proper noun. We know that somewhere along the line the Scriptures were translated into Latin, primarily by the Catholic church, it is my understanding, and then there were a lot of translations that were made from the Latin. Not every Bible that you have has been translated from the Greek or the Hebrew, some of it has been translated from the Latin.


Somewhere along the line, the translators found this Latin word meaning light bearer, and they turned it into a proper noun and they called it Lucifer but it was never meant to be the name of a man, it means light bearer or shining one, and it is the equivalent of the Greek word phosphorus, Strong's #5459. This word phosphorus is a title of Jesus Christ is in the New Testament, which is very suspicious, you know, a lot of people cannot deal with this. 2 Peter 1:19 says;


2 PETER 1:19


19. As unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawns and the day star arise in your hearts. KJV


That word day star is the Greek word phosphorus, it means the shining one and it refers to the vibrating, pulsating rays of the blinding bright Spirit of God. What that means is that Christ is going to appear in you, the day star is going to appear in you. I will read it again.


19. As unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawns and the day star arise in your hearts. KJV


That is saying that Jesus Christ is going to appear in all of our hearts. When the tabernacle of David is raised up again, it is going to be you. It is us, we are the tabernacle of David, new flesh, same spiritual man. Remember those teachings we had, same spiritual man, the bodies of the other generations wore out, and He is going to appear in the offspring of David. Glory to God. The title day star, although it is not the same word in the Greek, it corresponds to the word bright and morning star in Revelation 22:16, where Jesus said, I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright and morning star. How could this be, how could someone that is fallen from heaven have a title so similar to the Lord Jesus Christ, and there has been a lot of controversy about this, and I myself have gone totally round robin, first I thought it was Satan, I thought Lucifer was Satan, then I believed he was Adam, and then I found out that Adam and Satan are so close that they could almost be called one, because Adam is the living soul, and Satan is the spirit that rules in the living soul, and on another level, when Adam was right with God, he was the original creation, he was called Adam, and when he fell, he was called Satan because something very subtle happened. I do not want to waste too much time on this, I will explain it if you do not get it, do not worry about it.


There was the living soul, it was called Adam, and he had a spirit in the soul, it was called Satan, he was not supposed to be very much, he was the life of the existence of the earth that Christ was joined to, remember that? The living soul was made up of the son of God and the white rubbish of the earth. That white rubbish of the earth had an existence of its own. God does not call it life, but He calls it existence, He had an intelligence and his name was Satan, it was meant to be kept underfoot by the son of God, but because of many things that we have studied, I am not going to go into it now, this existence, this intelligence that lived in the rubbish rose up and took dominion over the whole living soul and for intents and purposes, he put Adam down here.


There is a difference between Adam and Satan, it is a very slight difference. It is like saying Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, how do separated them, they are all one, body, soul, and spirit, how do we separate it, it is all one. There are different elements of the creation. At the beginning Adam was the predominate personality in God's creation, after the fall, Satan was the predominant personality, but we are still talking about the same living soul. You can say his name was changed. Did I confuse you or did I make that clear? Do you understand that? Okay.


What is going to happen again is that Satan is going to get knocked out, he is going to go underfoot, he is going to go back down here, he is going to be swallowed up, he is going to have an existence in another form, but the living soul is not going to be called Adam anymore, because when God restores it, it is being caught up to a higher spiritual realm and it is going to be a life giving spirit, and its name is going to be Christ. At first the eternal one was made a man, the living soul, and at the last He was a life giving spirit, Christ, hallelujah. The son of God is being made into a creature, the son of God, spirit wrapped in flesh. Glory to God.


I started to say that a lot of people get confused because this Lucifer who God is rebuking and saying you know, I am judging you, you have done this wickedness, how could be so like unto Christ? I believe the answer to that brethren, we have touched on it before, it is not a popular word, pray about it if do not like me I am sorry. God made a creation when the son of God was propelled into the earth, he lost all of his spiritual power, he was rich and he became poor, he gave up everything that he had. He gave up his spiritual power, he was made into a natural man, knowing full well that in the fullness of time his Father was going to raise him up to a position of glory, as the Christ in the earth, but for a season, and that season is going on for thousands of years, he was a natural man, and he did all of the wickedness of the natural man, he was a natural man. He was like a fetus in the uterus, it is like there if life in the uterus. When Jesus Christ spent His years as a living soul as a natural man, He, it was an immature being, He was a partially created being, and we have had teachings that evil and wickedness is spiritual immaturity and it is a condition that results from not being completed. Jesus Christ is being made into a creature that will glorify God, His name is Christ, and there are different stages of development, and in this stage over here, he was the fallen Adam, he was Adam who was the glorious creation, and he was joined to God.


Remember the teaching, God withdrew because God is the salt of the earth, He is the preservative, and He withdrew for the specific purpose of Adam multiplying. Remember the teaching? That is why He withdrew, Adam could not have multiplied if God, the salt of the earth, the preservative was still in him, and God knew that when He withdrew Adam would be an incomplete being, and the definition of an incomplete being is evil. He became evil, because God withdrew from him, he became evil and he did all of these things that God is rebuking him for.


What we see here and this might be difficult for us to understand, God is a mighty God, sometimes I have trouble with His righteousness myself, but what He is saying here is that even though He let this come upon Adam, He let it come upon him because it was part of the process of bringing forth the Christ. Even though He let it come upon him, when Adam, the lowered side of God, when He did evil, God still called it evil. He still judged it, and He still punished it, even though it was His son, joined to the earth who could not do anything else, because of the condition that He was in, God still judged evil, he called it evil and He judged it.


Sometimes that blows my mind. The first time I ever read, where the Scripture that it pleased God to bruise His son, that blew my mind, but God is greater than we are. You know what it is like saying, it is like saying that God would take one of you, He had a dream, He was going to make a new kind of creation, and He took you and He put you in a pot and He melted you down, He knew that He was going to hurt you, He knew that it was going to cause you pain, He knew that it was going to put you into a position where you were going to do things that you would never do in the condition that you are in now, but He did it anyway, because He knew that after He melted you down and poured you into a new mold, you were going to be something great and glorious that He wanted you to be.


Can you relate to that? That is what He did to His son. That is exactly what He did to His son, but in the process of time that His son was doing evil, because he was in the condition that his Father put him in, and because he could not do anything else, God still judged the evil. He did not say, Well I put you there son, and I know you could not help it so it is okay. It is not okay.


Evil is not okay, even if it is the son of God doing it. Even if it is you, even if it is me, He judged it in His own son and He is sure going to judge it in us brethren. Glory to God. That is how we have the same title referring to Lucifer, and the Lord Jesus Christ. They are one in the same, at different stages of the their spiritual development. Oh God can you imagine the world hearing me preach this.


It is true, it is true brethren, it is true, you can say anything you want about me, and whatever God lets you do to me, He lets you do to me, but it is the truth and it is the message that is going to bring Him forth in you, because if God did this to His son, if He let His son become evil, and then raised him up for the glory of Christ, if you could believe that, do you then have any trouble believing He could do it to you? Glory to God. Hallelujah. We are dealing with the Scripture Revelation 22:16;




16. I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright and morning star. KJV


The word bright means brilliancy, brightness to beam to radiate brilliancy, shine. The word morning means dawn, brilliance in the early day. We know that the realm of the soul in the Scripture is referred to as darkness. If you are living in this realm of appearance brethren and you do not have Christ, the Scripture says that you are in darkness. I do not care if there is a sun shining up there and it is high noon, spiritually this is the realm of darkness, that is what the Scripture says, and He says that there is a day coming that a light is going to shine, the Scripture says, in the middle of the night it is going to be as bright as high noon. In the height of the darkness of your mind, when you are a cell in the living soul, at the lowest point of your darkness, that means the lowest of base human being you could find on the earth, He is going to come forth.


He is going to start here in the early morning and He is going to rise up to high noon, and when He gets to high noon, He is going to radiate forth in a brilliant, in a shining, in a radiating beam, and that which was in darkness shall see a great light in your mind, in our minds. We just have a little glimmer of it now, we do not have that much brethren, believe me.


A great light is going to shine in the darkness of the minds of mankind. Hallelujah. They are going to raise up their eyes. I remember I had a very hard life, and a lot happened to me, I was very ill as a young child and it affected my mind, I went for years that I, I do not know, I just survived, I do not even know how I survived, and somewhere along the line I went to Tanglewood, Massachusetts with some friends and that is the place where they have concerts, and resident classical orchestra, I was lying on a blanket and I heard this beautiful music and I just looked up and I saw a tree, and this sounds funny but it really happened to me. It was the most beautiful tree I had ever seen in my life, and something had happened to me, I had some kind of a spiritual renewal that God, I was not saved until years later, but God was with me through this whole horrible lifetime that I had, and that moment, He used the music and the tree to just show me that there was something in life that was just beautiful. I was very ill, yeah. Glory to God.


The morning is going to dawn and the darkness of the night is going to come, now that is where we are now, I do not know how far we are but, everybody here and probably if you are listening to this tape, the morning has dawned in you, the first rays of light have come forth in your heart. Everything spiritual is within, and He is going to keep on rising until high noon occurs in your own mind, and he is going to overshadow you, and glory to God, all of your pain and torment is going to be over. Hallelujah. We are in verse 12;


12. How thou art fallen from heaven O Lucifer, son of the morning, how thou art cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations. KJV


Glory to God. The word son means a builder of the family name, and the word cut down means to cut a tree down or to destroy anything. 1 Samuel 2:31 says;


1 SAMUEL 2:31


31. Behold the day is come that I will cut off thine arm, and there shall not be an old man in thine house. KJV


So the expression cut down can refer to spiritual life, when the Scripture says there shall not be an old man in thine house, well this natural life, this is not spiritual life, it means premature death, that the curse of premature death, there will not be an old man in thine house, premature death. For those of you that do not have a heavy deliverance background, that is a curse of God, it is a curse of God, Honor thy father and thy mother, that thou shalt live long on the face of the earth. Lamentations 2:3;




3. He has cut off in His fierce anger all of the horn of Israel. KJV


That is the spiritual witness. The same word is used to describe the cutting down of a tree, it is used to be cutting down of the soul life of a man, and it is used to be cutting down the spiritual life of a man. He has cut off in His fierce anger all of the horn of Israel, that is the spiritual strength of Israel brethren. It can also mean, the same word, we are talking about Strong's #1438, translated to cut down, and it can also mean to break in pieces. Deuteronomy 7:5 says;




5. Ye shall destroy their altars and break down their images and cut down their groves. KJV


That word cut in cut down their groves, that is the same word, Strong's #1438, so it is referring to, and a grove in case you do not know what it is, did you ever drive somebody's house and they have like a little altar with a statue, that is a grove. To cut that down, it means to break it in pieces, because it is not anchored to anything, that is what the Scripture means. The word ground, is referring to the earth, simply the hard part of the earth, and to weaken means to prostrate, to overthrow, to decay, to waste away, and that can mean, be spiritual brethren, and the nations mean a foreign nation in the sense of massing, a troop of animals, a flight of locusts. We have talked about this, and I suggested to you that there is one, you can look at it, there is one man or two men in the earth, there are two spiritual men in the earth, Adam and Christ, and we are the nations, the natural man is the nations.


The natural man, the many manifestations of the natural man that make up this one body, they are the nations. You look at the natural man across the face of the earth teaming, sometimes I walk down 42nd street and I see all of these people teaming, and I say, Oh, it is the nations. The natural man is the nations, and the spiritual man is dwelling in them. We have an alternate translation. I will read you from the King James first.


ISAIAH 14:12


12. How art thou fallen from heaven O Lucifer, son of the morning, how art thou cut down to the ground which didst weaken the nations. KJV




12. How you have descended spiritually, you in whom the brilliant shining of the Spirit of God dwelt, you who were the first ray of what was to be a whole family which would reveal Christ. How you are stripped of your spiritual authority and broken into many earthen vessels, you who caused the family of God's flesh to fall into a condition of spiritual weakness and decay and death in their souls and bodies. ATB


God was speaking to Adam, Adam had the anointing of God, and after God withdrew from him and said, Multiply, he still had a manifestation of the anointing, he did not lose it until he sinned. Even though this is God's son, and God permitted it to happen to him, he still called sin, sin, and He rebuked it. I would like to read that second part for you again. Maybe I will read the whole thing.


12. How you have descended spiritually Adam, you in whom the brilliant shining of the Spirit of God dwelt, you who were the first ray of what was to be a whole family, which would reveal Christ.


The whole family is in the earth, we are just not all revealing Christ yet. Do you see the progress of the creation? The nations are here, the whole family is here. We are up to the step where Christ is appearing in us.


How you are stripped of your spiritual authority and broken into many earthen vessels.


That is exactly what God intended to happen, he broke into many earthen vessels, that is us.


You, who caused the family of God's flesh (that is us brethren) to fall into a condition of spiritual weakness and decay and death in their souls and in their bodies. ATB


There is just something that God spoke to me the other day and usually when He speaks to me He wants me to tell it to you, I do not know if you understand this or not, sometimes I understand things and God just gives it to me and I just get a deeper understanding, and what He said to me was, You have all heard the Scripture, Well you are dying because of sin right? We are dying because of sin. I always though that it meant, well I am dying because I have a sin in me, if this is the living soul, well there is sin in me, so I am dying, you know, and if somehow I can get the sin out of me, I am going to stop dying. That is not really an accurate understanding of what is going on. Adam, man on the soul realm, he is sin, the soul man, he is sin. Are you going to cast out your whole life? I guess you are when you have a new life in Christ. That is why there is no remedy after all of these thousands of years, there is no remedy for man in the earth, because if you cast the sin out he is going to die. He is sin. Our soul man is sin, and those of us, some of us, I know I am one of them, had a wonderful experience in a deliverance church, I had a lot of evil spirits cast out of me, a lot of curses broken on me, and then the day came when the Lord said, well you know I still get it from time to time, I do not want anyone to think that I do not, but I went through five years of intense deliverance, four or five nights a week, and that came to an end, and now I get it once in a while, but I still sin.


How come I still sin? This is one of the messages of the hour, especially to people that have been in deliverance that are asking this question, and a lot of people are out of deliverance because their heart is broken, because I know people whose heart is broken because they believed the deliverance message and they did not get delivered, or they did not get delivered completely, or they are still sinning in their heart, and their heart is broken. This is the answer to your problem, you can only go so far with casting out of evil spirits, the very nature and state of being and substance of the natural man, the soul man, is sin, that is what we are, we are sin, and evil spirits are the evil fruit of that sin.


You could cast out if it is possible every evil spirit in you, and the root of the tree is still sin. The only thing that is going to stop us from sinning is to get a new heart, we need a new heart, a new heart, it is called the soul life, or the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. That is the only thing that is going to stop us from sinning brethren. There is no salvation in any other name, there is no salvation any other way, there is not salvation in the casting out of evil spirits. I thank God for it, it saved my life, but you cannot get saved by casting out evil spirits, you have to get the soul life and the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Sin is not a thing that is inside of me, I am sin. The natural man is sin, do you understand what I am saying to you? We have to get a new life, His name is Jesus Christ and this life is moving upon this life and swallowing it up, He is going to go right through it like a man of war, and we are going to be here together, Jesus Christ and us, and our name is the creation of God.


This plus this is the creation of God, the soul life of the Lord Jesus Christ, plus the soul life of the Adamic man, the sin, sin itself together, the Lord Jesus Christ and the rubbish, He is not throwing us away, He is keeping us, He is adding Himself to us and this is what we get, Christ in you the hope of glory, the creation of God. Hallelujah, glory to God. Verse 13;


13. For thou has said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north. KJV


This word said, it is Strong's #559 and again there are many translations to this word, and as I have told you before, what I do is, under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, I choose the translations that He leads me to, and this is how we wind up getting translations that do not sound anything like what we have in the Bible. This is, I am not doing anything that the other translators have not done when they translated the Scriptures, and Lord willing, I am being led by the Holy Spirit.


The translation for this word said that we have chosen for this Scripture is to boast oneself. In Psalm 94:4, it says;


PSALM 94:4


4. How long shall they utter and speak hard things, and all of the workers of iniquity boast themselves? KJV


This is the same word translated said in Isaiah 14:13. It also means to say to oneself, to think, to suppose, to will, to will in your heart, I will, I will raise myself up above the stars of God. Hallelujah. The word exalt means to triumph or to show oneself powerful. Psalm 13:2 says;


PSALM 13:2


2. How long shall take counsel in my soul having sorrow in my heart daily? How long shall my enemy be exalted over me? KJV


How long shall my enemy exercise dominion over me, how long shall my enemy be more powerful than I? I just want to read the verse for you again, to stay in touch with what we are talking about.


ISAIAH 14:13


13. For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation and the sides of the north. KJV


The word star is Strong's #3556, and it can be translated an illustrious prince, it is used in the Scriptures to typify deity. Numbers 24:17 says;




17. There shall come a star out of Jacob and a scepter shall rise out of Israel. KJV


That is a prophecy of Messiah.




15. I am the root and the offspring of David and the bright and morning star. KJV




10. And the little horn waxed great even to the host of heaven, and it cast down some of the host and of the stars to the ground and stamped on them. KJV


I just want to take a few minutes to show you here, that the stars that were cast to the ground were the sons of God. This word host, it said, and it cast down some of the host and the stars. This word host, in other Scriptures it is translated army, it is Strong's #6635, and in Exodus 7:4 it says;




4. But Pharaoh shall not harken unto you that I may lay my hand upon Egypt and bring forth my armies and my people, the children of Israel. KJV


That word and was inserted, it is in italics and it was inserted by the King James translators. This is what it should say.


...that I may lay my hand upon Egypt and bring forth my armies, my people the children of Israel. KJV


The armies of God are the children of Israel. Hallelujah. That word armies is the same word as host, and I am suggesting to you that the stars are the individual sons of God. Alternate translation, the first half of verse 13;


13a. Because you have boasted within yourself, I will become a spiritual man, without submitting to God's dominion, I will do it by bringing the rightful heirs to God's creation, the spiritual sons of God into submission to the soul realm where I am king.


13a. Because you have boasted within yourself, I will become a spiritual man without God...


He wants to become this without having this added to him, he is going to do it by himself. I will become a spiritual man without submitting to God's dominion, I will do it by bringing the rightful heirs to God's creation, the spiritual sons of God into submission to the soul realm where I am king. This is His plan brethren. This is the plan of the intelligence of the existence in the natural man, God does not call it life. He wants to become, you see he knows God's plan, he wants to be a spiritual man, but he knows that if he does it God's way, his mind that is separate from God has to go, so he does not want it. This is how he is going to do it.


The spiritual sons that are over here that are supposed to be rising up and taking dominion over the whole living soul, He is going to tread them underfoot, He is going to tread them underfoot and he is going to declare Himself God. We see that happening in the church world today brethren, there are people going around saying they are manifested sons of God. There are people going around saying they are going to speak demons out, and well you could say it all you want, but if the work is not done in you, if Christ is not emerged in you, it is not true.


I do not care, you could tell me all you want, let me see the fruit and let me see the signs and wonders. Usually when you go around saying something like that, it is only a matter of time before God exposes your human nature to the world by permitting the sin that is within your heart to manifest. God never tempts you, but he will test you and the result of the test is that the sin in your heart will be revealed. He will not tempt you to sin. Do you understand the difference? Glory to God.


This is what Satan wants to do, he wants to be god, but he does not want to be overlaid by Christ, he wants to overlay the sons of God, and he said I am going to do it. He is going around telling everybody that he is going to do it, and he probably believes it himself because he is still manifesting today in people, they believe it. The word sit means to, well let me read you the verse, so you can stay with me, this is a long verse.


...I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north. KJV


The word sit means, another translation of the word sit, Strong's #3427 means to lie in wait, to spring upon prey, to ambush. Psalm 17:12;


PSALM 17:12


12. Like as a lion that is greedy of his prey, and as it were a young lion lurking in secret places. KJV


That word lurking is Strong's #3427 translated sit in Isaiah 14:13. It is also used of an army, which sits down in a place and holds possession of it. Satan wants to hold possession of the soul man. All of these cells, all of the human bodies, all of the nations that are existing across the earth today, in which Christ intends to appear, Satan intends to hold possession of them. He is diametrically opposed to the appearance of Christ in the soul realm. 1 Samuel 13:16;


1 SAMUEL 13:16


16. And Saul and Jonathan his son and the people that were present with them abode in Gibeah of Benjamin, but the Philistines camped in Michmash. KJV


That word abode is the word translated sit, and it refers to armies in camps. I suggest to you that Satan is encamped in every vessel of the living soul where he could possibly pull it off, he is encamped, and that means when Christ comes to appear, he is going to fight. He is going to fight. I think I mentioned last week I received letter from somebody that told me that I preach man does not have a will, I do not know where they heard that, I preach man has a will, man has a will, you have to desire for God to deliver you, and I have been teaching that consistently that God divorced Israel when she stopped desiring His protection.


We had that in a recent meeting, I do not know if you remember it. When Israel stopped say God is my protector and said, alright I am going to fornicate with the enemy, He left them, He divorced them. I personally believe that an unsaved man, the will of an unsaved man can be utterly subdued by curses and problems in a person's life and that unsaved man is weaker than Satan, but when our savior comes, when our deliver comes, if in our heart, if we are powerless to do anything, if we are utterly bogged down, if a natural type is us being totally tied from the top of our heads to the bottom of our feet, if our mind can say, Lord Jesus Christ deliver me, I am with you, that is all we need.


We have to throw our minds in line with the Lord Jesus Christ and He will do the work. This word sit can also mean to dwell, to inhabit, it can mean to cause a woman to dwell with one, to take in marriage, to cause a land to be inhabited. We know that Jesus Christ wants to marry us, but the natural man is married to Satan, and she is bearing his children. A land being inhabited, we are the land, our soul and our body is the land. Isaiah 54:3 says;




3. And thy seed shall inherit the gentiles and make the desolate cities to be inhabited. KJV


The desolate cities are men on the soul realm without Christ. We are all cities and if you do not have Christ, you might not know it, but you are desolate. Isaiah 44:26;

ISAIAH 44:26


26. That confirmeth the word of his servant and performeth the counsel of his messengers; that saith to Jerusalem, Thou shalt be inhabited, and to the cities of Judah, Ye shall be built, and I will raise up the decayed places thereof. KJV



And I say unto you all here saith the Lord, Indeed thou shalt be inhabited, for I have ordained saith God that my Spirit shall appear in thee, and I have called thee saith God, and I have raised thee up, and I have brought thee to where thou art this day, and I say unto my church, Jerusalem I shall inhabit thee.


Hallelujah, glory to God. The word also, let me read the verse for you again.


...I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation.


This word also can be translated even, and what it does is, it intensifies it. He says, I will even do this, I am going to even do this, it gives strength to what he is saying and makes it even more rebellious. The word mount is the same word translated mountains, and in the Scripture mountains refer to nations. Isaiah 11:9;




9. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. KJV


The holy mountain of God is Zion, it refers to His people. The word congregation is a little deceiving, it means a set time, it is Strong's #4150 if you want to check this out, it means a set time, it means an assemblage, and it means to have a meeting at a stated time, to summon to trial, to engage for marriage, to betroth, to gather selves together. It sounds like the wedding supper of Christ to me. That is what this word congregation means. It can be translated congregation as we know it, but it also means an assemblage of people gathered at a set time to meet with somebody. Brethren, I believe the Lord in my heart that this is the time, I pray God that it is the time, and we are about to have a meeting with the Lord Jesus Christ, and we are going to meet Him in our minds when He appears in our hearts.


The word sides means, this is Strong's #3411, and it means the hinder part, the parts farthest in, the remote regions. This is very, these translators, they never cease to amaze me. This word which means the farthest part in, the hind part, it is the feminine of #3409 which means generative parts, reproductive parts. Well if it means reproductive parts in the male, why does it not mean reproductive parts when they give you the female version of it? Because they could not make any sense out of the Scripture, so they changed it. Did you understand what I said?


The word sides is Strong's #3411, and Strong's translates it, not only Strong's, Gesenius also, translates it the hinder parts, the parts farthest in, the remotest regions. It is the male equivalent of the word that means reproductive parts. It would be like me saying, you have reproductive organs, in a woman it is called womb, and you have something that is in the farthest remotest places of the world. What does that mean? You are a woman, you are a man, you should have reproductive parts too, so they changed it, the King James translators changed it, because they could not make any sense out of it being used that way, but we are going to use it that way.


The word north means the north quarter and the ancients, the Greek ancients regarded, always regarded the north as obscure and dark, and the south on the contrary as clear and lighted by the sun, and it is from a root that means to hide, to conceal, to secrete, to be inaccessible. The north is referring to darkness and we just earlier had it up on the board that the realm of darkness is the realm of the soul, and the realm of light is the realm of the Spirit of God. We have the north referring to the realm of the soul. Let us try and find out what this Scripture is saying, this is the first half of verse 13.


13a. Because you have boasted within yourself, I will become a spiritual man, without submitting to God's dominion, and I will do it by bringing the rightful heirs to God's creation, the spiritual sons of God, into submission to the soul realm where I am king, I will inhabit, I will even overshadow the nation which is betrothed to God, with the fertile parts of that hidden place, Hades. ATB


This is how he is going to do it. First he is going to bury the sons of God underfoot, then, now remember, remember what we said, when Jesus Christ emerges in the living soul, He is going to radiate out and overshadow it right? Do I have to draw it again or do you remember that? Okay. Satan is saying I am going to inhabit it, I am going to live in it right here, that is what the spiritual sons of God are supposed to be doing.


This is the living soul, he is out here, he says, I am going to get on the inside also, I am going to inhabit it, I am going to inhabit every manifestation of the living soul, everyone of you, everyone of the nations on the face of the earth, I am going to be their inner life, that is what I am going to do, I am going to overshadow it. He is saying, I am going to radiate out from it. How dare he, he says, I am going to overshadow it. How dare he, look at what he is doing? He is going to overshadow the nation which is betrothed to God, that is you and me, the living soul is betrothed to God. Our natural bodies and the souls within us, as soul men, we are the bride of Christ, we are betrothed to God, and he says, I am going to marry them, and he says, I am going to overshadow them, and what I am going to use to overshadow them is the fertile parts of the hidden place, the realm of darkness. That is what he is, he is the king of the realm of darkness. He is going to overshadow them with his own fertile parts. He is going to overshadow them. What does that mean? It means he is going to marry them and produce offspring, more demons.


What he is saying is, instead of Christ appearing in you, he is going to appear in you, Satan wants to appear in you. We had all of this experience and teaching about demons. Satan wants to appear in you, I am not kidding, he wants to appear in you, the depth of wickedness, the depths of reprobate, the depths that man could fall to, he wants that to be in you. He wants to knock out the sons of God completely, he wants to be your center, he wants to radiate out from you, overshadow you, and fertilize you and appear in you. Do remember the teaching of what that means?


What we have today in the earth is half and half, we know that we are the natural man, but the law of God is in the earth. We are raised, the world calls is civilized, but what it is, is the manifestation of God in the earth. We are not total animals because God has said, These are the rules that you live by. What Satan wants, he wants that all knocked out, he wants no vestige of God coming forth in your mind at all. This is the realm of appearance, and this is our mind and we know that wherever our mind, that is the behavior that we manifest. If our mind is Satanic and it thinks hatred, we are likely to murder. That is why man is dying because his mind is Satan. Like I just said, we are, Satan rules our mind but God is influencing us by His law and by His mercy. It says He pours out, I cannot recall the exact Scripture, but He pours out wine and oil, that might not be the right Scripture, He pours out mercy upon the wicked and the just.


He has given every human being on the face of the earth an ability to live a decent life if they can receive His word in whatever measure they can receive it. Jesus said, Even the evil are good to their own children. Yet we know, we are seeing it more and more in our society today, women are abandoning their children. That is a behavior that is showing in the realm of appearance that is a result of Satan appearing in their minds. God would never have you abandon your children. That is a manifestation of an increase of the mind of Satan overtaking whatever of Christ, whatever of God was in that woman, or however she was raised, what that means, when you see a woman abandon her child, it means whatever was given to her in her upbringing to enable her to lead a decent life, it has been overtaken by Satan in her mind.


What he wants brethren, he wants to take the law of God that is in the earth, and he wants to destroy it. He wants to cast it down, he wants to wipe it out totally, and he wants to appear in you as the fullest manifestation of evil that is possible. I do not even know what that would be like, but I think the closest thing that we could come to are practicing witches, but I do not know, I do not know what Satan manifesting unrestricted in a human being would be like, except it would be pure evil. I cannot even conceive of how bad it would be, but that is what he wants. You think he wants to birth a few demons in you, no, he wants your whole soul, he wants to appear in you, he wants to do everything that Jesus Christ wants to do.


He wants full possession of your mind, and your body and your behavior. The only thing that is restraining him in your life today is the mercy of God whether you will be saved, or whether you will not be saved, it is the only thing restraining him in this world today is the mercy of God. It is pretty scary brethren but it is the truth, it is the truth. Look around you, he is manifesting in this country. Did you know that Satan is manifesting in this country? Walk down the streets, people killing each other, a son, just eighteen just killed his mother, I do not know if the father died, children killing their parents, men enslaving men, enslaving woman for prostitution, enslaving men and woman, making zombies out of them because they making money selling them drugs.


Satan is appearing in this country brethren. You want to know what is happening? That is what is happening, he is overtaking, he is overshadowing the law of God. Remember the law of God is spiritual, so that means anything within these people that is of God is being, if you are not in a place where Christ is coming forth in you, he is overshadowing anything of God that is in these people, and he is appearing in their behavior, in their thoughts, and in their behavior. It is frightening brethren, walk down the street and look at what is happening, look at the television, watch the television.


I watch a lot of old movies, the difference is day and night. If you want to really see what is happening in this country, watch a couple of old movies, and then turn on the television. I see these old movies, it shows how men and women can love each other, how they can make a commitment to one another, how they love their children, how they sacrificed. Turn on the television, they are beating, men are beating up the women, they are getting divorced because they do not like the way they opened the window of some stupid thing, they are getting married for all of the wrong reasons, there is no commitment, there is no love, there is total selfishness, Satan is appearing in this country. I want to, let me read this for you again, this is the alternate translation of the first half of verse 13;


13. Because you have boasted within yourself, I will become a spiritual man without submitting to God's dominion and I will do it by bringing the rightful heirs to God's creation the spiritual sons of God into submission to the soul realm where I am king. I will inhabit them, I will even overshadow them, the nation which is betrothed to God, (that is us), I am going to overshadow them with the fertile parts of that hidden place, Hades. ATB


That is Satan himself, that is his own fertile parts. That is what he is saying. I just wanted to diverge here to emphasize this point a little more, what he is saying here is this. We have had a lot of studies on this. We talked about the fact that we are all cosmoses, and when our cosmos, when our spiritual arrangement is in the right spiritual order, we are going to stop dying, and the right spiritual order is Christ on top, and the man underneath him which is the spirit, and the woman underneath him, which is the soul realm, the woman is the soul, the man is the human spirit, and God is up here, and Christ is God in the flesh or God in you.


Christ that is, or Christ that is the offspring of the Holy Spirit and the human spirit, and when He first comes forth He is down here, we have talked about this, He comes forth in a spirit of weakness. This is the correct spiritual order, when God gets you into this spiritual order, you are going to stop dying, because the spirit that rules your soul and your body causes the manifestations of life or death in your soul and in your body. If you are dying, this may come, I do not think it is a shock to anyone here, I do not know who is hearing this tape, if you are dying, it means that Satan is on top.


I do not care how many good works you have done, I do not care if you go to church five times a week, talk in tongues, dance in the Holy Spirit, help the sick, go to the prisons, brethren if God is not on top of Christ right under him and then the man and then the woman, you are dying, and if you are dying, your condition is over here. This is what your condition is like if you are dying. It is the exact opposite. Satan is up here, he is your god, I am going to call this Satan in you because I do not know what the name is. I will call it son of Satan, and then most likely the woman is right underneath him, and the man is down on the bottom. This is what you look like if you are dying, and if you are in Christ, if you are moving on in Christ, you may be in some variation of change, but this is what the natural man looks like. Satan, the offspring of Satan, the human spirit and the man.


This is Adam, this is Eve, that is the condition of the woman riding the beast, and I think it is Revelation 20. Remember the woman is on top of the beast, the beast is Adam. That is the condition of the natural man, and Jesus Christ is breaking this apart, we have had teachings on separating the soul and the spirit and the bone from the marrow, He is breaking this order apart, and He is in the process of putting us into that order, and it hurts awful bad, but that is what is happening to you.


I just want to divert you to do a little study on 1 Corinthians 11, where the church world has so misunderstood this Scripture and tried to use it in an ungodly way to restrict women in their natural lives and in their spiritual lives. Before I go any further with this, I want to make it very clear, that I believe that there are certain rules that God has given us to live by in this natural realm, I believe that the head of the family is the man, I believe that in the natural, the father is the head of the family, the mother and the wife is underneath, and the children are underneath them. That is the natural order of things. I am not suggesting that there should be any kind of a reversal in a natural life, and if anyone wants to twist my words, there is really nothing much I could do about it.


However, this is the ideal situation in a marriage, you have a husband, and you have a wife, and in the natural she is to submit to her husband, and you have your children. When Christ comes into this family, what is supposed to happen, is that God is supposed to rule the family. Every decision is supposed to be made after seeking God, the husband is supposed to say, What do you want me to do Lord? The wife is supposed to say, He is hurting my feelings Lord help. The children are supposed to say, I am having a problem with both of them, help. God is supposed to say, May my love rest upon all of you. This is what you do, and if the husband hears from God, and if the wife hears from God, you are going to have peace.


The husband does not have to rule in an ungodly way over his wife, this is an ideal situation, if you can receive it and strive for it, God will really bless you. There should not be any situation of a wife crying or a husband feelings dominated if this situation exists. If everybody is going up to God and receiving His instructions in any given situation, you should have all happy people, but you see it has to, if God says to you, You are the one that is wrong in this situation, you have to be able to say, Yeah. If you are the husband and God says, You know, you are really hurting her feelings, you really should not do that. You have to be able to say, Yes Lord, help me. If God says to a husband and wife, You know, you really have broken your child's heart and you really wrong in that situation. You have to say, Yes Lord, we are sorry. How do we do it, how do we handle it, how do we make it right? When this manifests in a working reality, I cannot tell you the blessings that waits for you people. It is not enough to give it to Him, you got to do what He tells you. You got to do what He tells you.


As far as the natural family goes, I believe in the order that God has established, Hallelujah, but I do believe that 1 Corinthians 11:3-4, that he is really not talking about the natural order. If you read the verses before it, and if you read the verses after it, he is speaking to the church at Corinth which was known, I do not think there is any Bible scholar that would dispute this that it is known as a very carnal church, and he was dealing with them harshly because of their carnality, and their selfishness. He was not, well why would he stick this study about many women in the middle, because he was not talking about men and women. Let us touch on this, 1 Corinthians 11:3-8, I am only going to go into to two or three verses, but maybe I will read you the whole thing, so we can get a better feel for it. 1 Corinthians 11:3;




3. But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of every woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God.


4. Every man praying or prophesying having his head covered dishonoreth his head.


5. But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoreth her head, for that is even all one as if she were shaven.


6. For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn, but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn of shaven, let her be covered.


7. For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, for as much as he is the image and the glory of God, but the woman is the glory of the man.


8. For the man is not of the woman, but the woman of the man. KJV


I am going to stop over there, now just as a starting off point, brethren, the man is the human spirit, and the woman is the human soul. The Scripture says that when Christ appears in you, I am sorry He does not have to appear in you, He does not appear for a season after He is birthed in you. When Christ is birthed in you, He goes to the head of the class. He is over the man and He is over the woman. Christ answers to God. This should be your spiritual makeup.


We have a lot of believers in the church today living out of their soul. I do not mean to be unkind, this is the truth, they speak in tongues, and they dance in the spirit and maybe they have received a healing, but they are living out of their soul. If you are a believer and you are, I do not care how many people have been saved because you have witnessed to them, I do not care what kind of works you want to show me, if you are living out of your soul, you are going to have a problem, and the church at Corinth was having a lot of problems and this is Paul's answer to them, get your spiritual life in order, get your soul underfoot, and what is your soul? It is your emotions. Your soul is your emotions, your emotions and your carnal thinking. He is saying, Get it underfoot, in submission to the Spirit of God and to the Scripture, get it in line with the Scripture. Verse 3, 1 Corinthians 11:3;




3. But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God


4. Every man praying or prophesying having his head covered dishonoreth his head. KJV


The word pray is from a root, a Greek root #4314, it means to draw near to, or to draw to the side of, or to wish. What it means is, to pray means desire to draw closer to God. Some people think that it means, that it is a means to get something that they want, but the true meaning of the word pray is to draw closer to God. Webster says that the word wish means to crave an object of desire.


You are supposed to be desiring God brethren. If you go to the Lord in prayer, now you can ask the Lord for something if you need it. This is referring to your overall relationship with God, there is nothing wrong with going to the Lord and saying, Lord, would you help me, I really want something, there is nothing wrong with that. God looks at your heart, is your relationship to God based on a desire to be close to Him, or is it based on a desire to get the miracles and the blessings and the loaves and the fishes. If all you want is the loaves and the fishes brethren, you have got a real problem. Hallelujah.


To pray means to strongly desire to draw man to God. To prophesy means to, well let me read that for you again. We are talking about a man praying or prophesying with his head covered dishonoreth God. The word prophecy means to foretell events, to speak under inspiration, to exercise the prophetic office. You want to draw closer to God, you want His Spirit to manifest in you. You cannot have your head covered. I just want to read you what Unger's Bible dictionary says about the prophetic functions. To exercise the prophetic office is much greater than bringing forth a prophecy from the floor of the church. This is what Unger's says on page 891, Unger's Bible dictionary, that the prophetic function is, to show the people of God their transgressions and the house of Jacob their sins. His reference is Isaiah 58:1, Ezekiel 22:2, Ezekiel 43:10, and Micah 3:8. Do you want to show the people of God their sins? They get mad at you when you do that.


You have to bear the persecution, you want to manifest the Spirit of God, that is what, when Christ manifests in you, you will show the people their sins. It is nice to lay hands on people and see them healed but if you want to serve God, you are going to be shown the people their sins. It was there duty to admonish and reprove, to denounce prevailing sins, to threaten the people with the terrors of divine judgment and to call them to repentance. You bear a lot of persecution brethren. You want to be mature in Christ, this is what you are going to wind up doing. They also brought the message of consolation and pardon, they were watchmen, to warn of approaching danger, they are ambassadors from God, beseeching men to turn from their evil ways and live.


There are no accounts of the priests ever rebuking the prophets, but many of the prophets rebuked the priests when they went astray. The priests can be likened today, I believe to a lot of men in the pulpit. We see a lot of prophets rebuking what is going on in the pulpit today. The priests are just not equipped to rebuke the prophet because the prophet is a manifestation of Christ. If a man or a woman is a true prophet and you rebuke him, you are rebuking Christ, we have had this in depth here, you better make sure of the spirit on the person before you come against him, because if you come against God's prophet, when they are exercising their prophetic office, you are rebuking Christ, you are in trouble. Hallelujah.


The head, back in the verse, every man praying or prophesying having his head covered dishonoreth his head. What is his head? His head is Christ. Paul is not talking about your head, and he is not talking, the head of the man is Christ, the Scripture just said it, in verse 3, the head of the man is Christ. The word covered, it is Strong's #2596 and this is the only time it is translated covered, and it is a preposition which denotes motion or defusion or direction from the higher to the lower. It means, do not let your soul get on top of you. It says, if you are up here, if you are a spiritual man, and your woman, your soul is underneath you, it says, do not cover your head, do not let this happen, do not let your soul get on top, do not let your emotions and your carnal mind overshadow the Spirit of God in you or what you know is right in the Scripture, because if you do that, you cannot manifest the prophetic office, neither can you draw closer to God because you are out of order.


God is a spirit and we must worship Him is spirit and in truth. You cannot worship God with your soul. A lot of people think that you do, usually it manifests in good works, I am not saying you cannot get emotional and scream and yell and dance you know, if that is where you are in Christ, I did it, you could do it too, but basically, the root of your praise has to be coming from your spirit.


If it is coming from your spirit, if your relationship with Christ is growing, and you have a need to express your emotions in screaming or yelling or loud singing or clapping, or jumping or running around the church, praise God I am all for it when it is in the spirit, but I have seen fellowships where this happens under a true anointing and then the anointing leaves, the anointing leaves and the people do it out of their soul, and God does not receive it brethren. You cannot worship God out of your soul.


The word dishonoreth means to shame downward again, to bring down, it means disfigurement. If your soul, I had it on the board already, if your soul which should look like this, God, Christ, man, woman, if your soul looks like this, woman on top, man, which automatically breaks off the fellowship with Christ, because Christ is joined to the spirit, Christ is not joined to your soul when Christ appears in you, when He is birthed in you, He is joined to your spirit. If you put your spirit underfoot, you are putting Christ underfoot. If you are putting Christ underfoot, you are putting God underfoot.


That is what you are doing. It is the truth brethren, if you let your emotions out from under your spirit, you have not only put your spirit, but you have also put Christ and God underfoot, you have tread them underfoot, you know that Scripture in Hebrews? You have tread Christ underfoot. That is what it means.


When you have a crisis in your life, you have two choices, you have a crisis, if you are in Christ, I do not care what your emotions are telling you, you know what the Bible says, if you do not know what it says, get yourself to an elder that can tell you what is the Scriptural counsel in this crisis. I do not care what you are feeling, if you do what the spiritual thing is to do, you will make it, I do not care what you are feeling. If you run with your soul, if you run with your emotions, this is what is going to happen, and no good could come out of it. Not that it is irretrievable, you know, you could repent and get back in right order.


Your spirit must rule and when your spirit rules especially in a crisis, your soul is going to be in agony, there is probably going to be a lot of pain involved. If you resist what your soul wants to do, and you follow after the spiritual righteousness, you are going to be in a lot of pain.


We are talking about the word dishonor. It is translated, most people think that it means shame, but we are told, I believe this must have come from Gesenius, I did not write it down, that the origin of this word really means paleness and terror. I went into the Hebrew equivalent of this word dishonoreth, it is Gesenius #954, and the origin of this word means paleness and terror, which we know as fear. To fail in hope or expectation, to be troubled, to be disturbed, and to be confused of mind. This word is used frequently in the Old Testament, to be ashamed. Jeremiah 14:3;




3. And their nobles have sent their little ones to the waters; they came to the pits, and found no water; they returned with their vessels empty; they were ashamed and confounded, and covered their heads. KJV


They were confounded, they were confused, you cannot survive without water. They were upset, what are you going to do. They were not ashamed, you know, I exposed my ankle, they were devastated, their needs were not met. This word is much stronger than what we think it means, or than what it means in the English language. One of the definitions of dishonoreth in the Greek is disfigurement, I told you that already. Webster says that to disfigure means to obscure the existence or the true state or character of, to conceal. When your soul looks like this, you have concealed Christ, you have disfigured what your soul is supposed to look like, and you have concealed and placed Christ underfoot, you have obscured Him, you have denied the existence of Him, because when the soul realm is manifesting, and Christ is underfoot, you are literally denying the existence of Christ, because why? He cannot be seen in your behavior and He cannot be heard in your words. If someone that you would just meet that day would not even know that you are a believer or that you ever manifest Christ, He is utterly hidden when He is tread underfoot. Shame means a lot more than we thought that it means. I have an alternate translation for you, verse 4;


4. Every believer who has birthed Christ, who desires to draw closer to God and have the Spirit of God speak through him, who nevertheless weakens Christ, when he fails to exercise the power he has received from Christ being birthed in him, to bring his adamic soul into submission. ATB


When Christ has been birthed in us, we receive power to overcome our emotions. Brethren, I am not condemning you but I am telling you, I live this thing, I am down on the floor crying, Lord I am being overtaken help!! I will tell you, He has never failed me, He has never failed me. I live this thing, I am telling you I have lived it for years. If you feel your emotions rising up, you know you are going to do something wrong, if you can just get enough presence of mind to call for help, He will deliver you like that. I know I went through many occasions where I was not strong enough to yell for help until the destruction had come upon me. If you can receive this word and ask God to give you that strength, He will do it. I am going to read this again for you.


4. Every believer who has birthed Christ and desires to draw closer to God and have the Spirit of God speak through him, when he nevertheless weakens Christ in him because he fails to exercise that power which he has received with Christ, and the purpose of the power is to bring his adamic soul into submission. ATB


He is ashamed, that is the shame that God is talking about. I want to read verse 4 for you.


4. Every man praying or prophesying having his head covered dishonoreth his head. KJV


4. Every believer who has birthed Christ, desiring to draw closer to God and have the Spirit of God speak through him, he nevertheless weakens Christ in him if he fails to exercise the power he has received in Christ to bring his adamic soul into submission. ATB


That is the shame, if you fail to exercise the power that comes with Christ, you have shamed, you have shamed your spirit. Do not get condemned, do not get condemned, this is your condition, you are going to get stronger, let us just get some truth here, do not get condemned. 1 Corinthians 11:5;




5. But every woman that prayeth or prohesieth with her head uncovered dishonoreth her head...


Who is the head of the woman? The man, amen. The word uncovered is Strong's #177, and it is from a root #2596 which we read earlier, that is the word that was translated cover which means in a downward motion, to be lower, to go from high to low. It is from three roots, the other meaning to steal, to conceal to hide and keep secret. A woman who conceals or keeps secret her head, dishonoreth her head.


The soul that puts the spirit underfoot that conceals it, that keeps it a secret, because I have been there brethren, when your emotions are manifesting, you cannot see Christ, you cannot see your rational mind, you cannot see anything positive about that person when the emotions are ruling, and you are screaming. Webster says that the word conceal means to prevent recognition or disclosure of and refuse to make known. I think I gave that to you already. Alternate translation verse 5 of 1 Corinthians 11;


5. But every believer desiring to draw closer to God, and have the Spirit of God speak through her,


I am calling any believer manifesting out of the soul realm a her, I do not care what your body says, we are supposed to be getting spiritual.


5. But every believer desiring to draw closer to God and have the Spirit of God speak through her before her spirit has birthed Christ,


did you hear that? Do not expect to prophesy, and do not expect to draw near to God, without birthing Christ. It is what it says.


That believer is responsible for the continued failure of her spirit to produce Christ because she has lifted up her adamic soul and made him stronger than her spirit, instead of waiting for Christ to appear in silence,


That is without prophesying and without trying to force a spiritual experience,


She has sought to reach God through religious works and as a result of that, she is already prophesying by another spirit. ATB


Anybody here ever heard of false prophecy? What is happening? The person's soul is prophesying, the person's soul is prophesying, and the believer that yields to this, is preventing Christ from coming forth in them. That is what it says, I am going to read it again.


5. But every believer desiring to draw closer to God and have the Spirit of God speak through her before Christ is birthed in her,


In other words, she wanted so bad that she is letting her soul do it.


She is responsible for the continued failure of her spirit to produce Christ, because she has raised up her adamic soul, she has exalted him, she has made him stronger than her spirit, and instead of waiting for Christ to appear in silence,


Do not prophesy, do not force the spiritual life if it is not there yet, instead of waiting in silence,


She has sought to reach God through religious works, and as a result of that, she is already prophesying by another spirit. ATB


That was verse 5, I am going to do, I will finish this up, we are almost finished and then I will have questions on that. We are back to Isaiah now, chapter 14, verse 13, what I am doing here is I am just repeating this alternate translation, we already did this, just to close this out.

ISAIAH 14:13


13. Because you have boasted within yourself, I will become a spiritual man without submitting to God's dominion, and I am going to do it by bringing the rightful errors to God's creation, the spiritual sons of God into submission to the soul realm where I am king, and then I am going to inhabit them, I am going to ever overshadow them, that nation which is betrothed to God, and I am going to do it with the fertile parts of that hidden place Hades which is my spirit. ATB


He is going to fertilize the fertile parts of the living soul, incest, spiritual incest. Any questions?


COMMENT: What if your husband is not saved, who is the head, is the husband still the head, or is God the head?


PASTOR VITALE: God is always the head, only your husband does not know it. A woman cannot rise up and take authority over her husband. Her recourse is to pray to God, and God can speak to an unsaved man too. Your only recourse is to pray to God, if you rise up and take dominion over your husband, you are out of order. Of course, you know, and I am not suggesting this is your husband, if you are married to a drug addict and he tells you to go out and rob a bank with him, you do not do that, you do not sin, you do not sin, you do not do anything that is unrighteous, you stand against him in the power of God in unrighteousness, but in natural things, if he is making, you know you just cannot rise up against him, you are not supposed to be fighting with him.


I am not saying you know, that this is easy to do, I am talking about ideals, you are not supposed to be fighting. You are supposed to give everything to God. I know that I knew a pastor once, and I think he really, there were certain things that he did that I thought were not right, and he had announced to the congregation that it was not a democracy, it was a dictatorship, and after much prayer the Lord anointed me to go to him, this is not a dictatorship, the congregation is not a dictation, it is the greatest manifestation of democracy on the face of the earth. Every believer from the youngest child to the most, from the most carnal person has the right to petition God, who in His righteousness will decide whether the petition is valid or not, and if it, He will deal with the pastor.


I have seen the judgment fall. He laughed, I have seen the judgment fall. With your husband, with an elder in the church, with a boss on the job, we are not to rise up in our own power against anyone that has a natural authority over us, and we are petition the Lord, and the problem that men get into is that sometimes God takes by our standards a long time to deliver us, but you still cannot rise up in rebellion, you cannot do it, even if they crucify you, hallelujah, glory to God.


COMMENT: I wanted to know in Isaiah, verse 12, that was Adam but then when you went to 13, that was Satan again?


PASTOR VITALE: Let me look at the verse, verse 12 and verse 13. How thou art fallen O Lucifer, right he was the light bearer, that was the time when he manifested the Spirit of God, that was Adam, son of the morning, and the verse 13, For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven. This is a very fine line. I will try to explain it again. What I am suggesting to you is that, let me try it this way. We had a creation, it was called a living soul, it was called Adam, and Adam consisted of the son of God, being joined to the earth, and the earth had an existence and an intelligence of its own. His name was Satan and he was down here in the lower parts, he had an intelligence and an existence of his own. Up here we had God, and we had Adam joined to God. Adam was in an exalted condition, and even when God removed Himself from the living soul, Adam was still in an exalted position, he still had the anointing.


When God removed Himself, this little voice that was deep within Adam's being, and we know we have all experienced it, He gave an impulse, a thought to Adam, he said, You can be god, you do not have to do what God told you to do, you can be god. The second that Adam said, Yeah, this is what happened. This became Satan, and Adam went down here. If we are going to call the name of the living soul, by the name of the one that is dominating it, that is what happened. They are both, you see Adam and Satan were present in Lucifer, and Adam and Satan were present after he fell, but their position of authority reversed. We call the living soul by the name of the person that has the dominion. For all intents and purposes in verse 12 it was Adam, and in verse 13 it was Satan, if you can understand what I am saying. Anybody else? Hallelujah, glory to God.



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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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