340 - Part 13
(An In-Depth Study)

Part 13 of 14 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Recap of Job Chapter 41 Verses 25 thru 27.  He incarnates in the members of fallen humanity and assembles them for his evil purposes.  They miss the path of righteousness because their minds are separated from Jehovah.  No fallen man is strong enough to pull Christ out of Leviathan’s three thread defensed mind, lay hold of the spiritual riches, which are in Christ Jesus, and stand up in full stature.  The Dragon weaves the human spirit into the Serpent’s completed mind, and the tree of life and Jehovah’s breath decays into the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 


Continuing with Job 41:28.  The arrow cannot make him flee: slingstones are turned with him into stubble.  The arrow; the English word the is not a translation of any Hebrew word.  That was added in by the King James translators.  The English word arrow is a translation of two Hebrew words.  The first Hebrew word is Strong’s #1121 and it means a son, specifically a male child.  The second of the two words which are translated arrow is Strong’s #7198.  It is used to describe might, power strength, and it is also used to describe a rainbow.  So we have two Hebrew words that can be translated son of the rainbow.  Son of the rainbow.  One might say where do you get the word arrow from that? 


Well, who is the son of the rainbow?  Christ Jesus.  He is an arrow.  He is a weapon.  How do we get that?  How do we determine that Christ Jesus is the son of the rainbow?  What is the rainbow?  The rainbow is what appears when white light is forced through a prism, or when light is propelled through clouds, and we will see a rainbow in the sky.  The rainbow is the breaking down of pure white light.  Pure white light typifies the Father, the spiritual world, or the spirit world which is pure spirit where Jehovah dwells in eternity.  The rainbow or the spectrum of colors is what we see in the visible world.  Jehovah’s color is white.  He is invisible.  He is white light.


When He appears in a world that can be seen, that white light becomes the spectrum of colors.  The rainbow is the son of God.  How do I get that?  Well, the Father is pure Spirit.  He is in heaven.  The son is in the soul realm.  Jesus said the Father is greater than I.  The Father and I are one, but the Father is greater than I.  How is that?  God in the form of pure Spirit is greater than God in the form of sinful flesh.  Why?  Because in sinful flesh there is weakness.  We know that Jesus overcame that weakness, but there was always potential danger for Jesus to fail.  The pharisees are going to hate this, but I am telling you it is the truth.  Until Jesus was glorified, there was always a potential for him to slip backwards.  It did not happen.  Thank God that it did not.


But until that glorification there was always the potential for the kingdom of heaven in the man of Jesus of Nazareth to separate into the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of God.  Should that have happened, that would have been the dissolving of the perfect mind of God, which was appearing in the man Jesus.  When you have two minds, the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of God, and the kingdom of darkness is not underneath the kingdom of God, is not subjected to the kingdom of God, is not dominated by the kingdom of God to the point that it is restrained from sinning, then we have the activity of sin in the mind of that man.  Where sin is there can be no perfection.  Amen.


So we see that the soul realm is inferior or this visible world is inferior to the invisible world.  The visible world is characterized by color.  The invisible world is characterized by white light which is transparent.  The son of the rainbow is the offspring of the rainbow.  The first one to appear as the rainbow was the Lord Jesus Christ and His offspring is Christ Jesus, a many membered company of men in whom the mind of Christ Jesus has been fully raised from the dead.  The son of the rainbow is Christ Jesus.  Christ Jesus in you and in me is the hope of glory. 


I find that to be a very interesting translation.  The Hebrew is so rich.  You never know what you are going to find.  I have a really interesting discovery here for you that is going to come up really soon.  The arrow cannot make him flee.  The son of the rainbow cannot make him flee.  The Hebrew word translated cannot is Strong’s #3808.  That is the word that we most of the time translate either the Serpent, the Dragon, or the Devil.  It is a negative particle, and we must make a judgment after examining all of the words, and the entire context of the verse, as to whether or not we will translate this word as the Serpent, the Dragon, the Devil, or no, not, neither, never, or only. 


After examining this whole verse I have drawn the conclusion that the Hebrew word, Strong’s #3808 in this verse should be translated as only.  The son of the rainbow only.  Make him flee is Strong’s #1272 and can be translated to pass through.  Can anybody tell me what the words to pass through signify?  What spiritual significance would the words pass through have?  What is the penetration?  The penetration is the crucifixion.  So I would like to suggest to you that this supposedly harmless phrase, the arrow cannot make him flee, is speaking about the crucifixion.  Our alternate translation for the first half of Job 41:28 is, only the son of the rainbow can pass through him. 


Let me take it for you slowly.  This is a difficult translation.  The Hebrew word translated cannot we are translating as only.  Arrow is the son of the rainbow.  Only the son of the rainbow, make him flee, can pass through him.  Only the son of the rainbow can crucify Leviathan.  Only the son of the rainbow can penetrate Leviathan’s mind.  Only Christ Jesus can penetrate Leviathan’s mind.  Jesus.


Slingstones are turned with him into stubble.  Before we go on I have a note.  Remember that crucifixion results in the conception and ultimate maturation of Christ Jesus, the only one strong enough to boil Leviathan.  Leviathan is typified by the salt sea in this physical world.  And one is going to boil the salt sea.  It is the mind of Christ that is being formed in the same vessel as Leviathan.  Leviathan is a sea of salt water and the mind of Christ is a lake of fire.  I do not know too much about the Hebrew, but If you do a word study in the Greek, the word lake and sea frequently is the same Greek word.  If I am not mistaken, the Greek word translated lake in the lake of fire is the same Greek word that is translated sea frequently. 


So we see Leviathan signified by the salt sea and the mind of Christ, which is the Word of God, signified by the sea of fire.  So we have two seas or two lakes, however you want to say it.  Do not be confused, you see, because Leviathan is the salt sea and the mind of Christ is the lake of fire.  Do not let that confuse you.  It is the same body of water.  You can call them both lakes or you can call them both seas.  One is filled with fire and the other is filled with water, so when the two come together, the water is suppose to put out the fire, but there is no water in this world that can put out the fire, which is the very Spirit of Christ.  The Spirit of Christ breaks every natural law in this realm.


In the same manner as we have been taught, when you mix oil and water in this world, the oil beads up.  The water remains whole.  The oil is broken up, but in the spirit world, when you mix the oil of the Spirit with the water of this visible world, the oil does not bead up, brethren.  It is the water that beads up.  There is no substance in this world that can overtake the substance of the Lord Jesus Christ.  He breaks every physical law in this world, and His symbols break every physical law in this world.  Only the son of the rainbow can pass through Leviathan, or can pierce Leviathan, or can crucify Leviathan, cleave unto the human spirit, and increase into Christ Jesus, the only one strong enough to boil Satan’s sea.


Satan is the spirit which is the god of the mind whose name is Leviathan.  Every mind has a god in it.  Satan is the god or the spirit which dwells in the mind called Leviathan.  His sea evaporates when it comes in contact with the sea which is filled with brimstone and fire.  How are the two coming together?  The lake of fire is approaching, is aggressively approaching Satan’s salt sea, with the specific purpose in mind of bringing it in submission to Him, of forcing it underneath Him, of treading it down under Him, and completely dominating that salt sea. 


Amplified Translation of the first half of Job 41:28.  Only the Lord Jesus Christ can penetrate Leviathan’s defensed mind and resurrect the dead Christ.  Only the Lord Jesus Christ, the son of the rainbow, the son of the light, only the Lord Jesus Christ can penetrate Leviathan’s defensed mind, and resurrect the dead Christ.  I guess I should have really said it differently.  Well you see, the Lord Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus, they are one.  I was looking at this and saying I should have made that Christ Jesus.  Only Christ Jesus can penetrate Leviathan’s defensed mind, but actually it is the Lord Jesus Christ who is doing it in the form of Christ Jesus.  It is the Lord Jesus Christ.  Only the Lord Jesus Christ can penetrate Leviathan’s defensed mind and resurrect the dead Christ.


Continuing with the second half of Job 41:28.  Slingstones are turned with him into stubble.  Slingstones are turned with him into stubble.  I have some very interesting information for you about the word slingstones.  I seem to start with the words are turned, Strong’s #2015 and it means to change oneself.  Into stubble; the Hebrew word translated stubble is Strong’s #7179 and it means straw, and the meaning of the word is specifically referring to the dried up condition of the straw.  Straw is dry, that  is without water.  To be without water in this visible world is to be dead.  We cannot live without water.  This world is ninety nine percent water.  Our flesh is ninety nine percent water.  The physical world is ninety nine percent water.  This world is a watery grave.  It is a watery grave where the skeleton of the son of God is buried. 


The American Heritage Dictionary says that straw is a single stalk of threshed grain.  It also says to thresh means to beat the stems and husks of grain plants with a machine to separate the grains or seeds from the straw.  I suggest to you to separate the living from the dead.  What we are talking about is separating the plant from the dried up stalk.  When you take the corn, when you harvest the corn, the corn stalks that are left in the field are dead.  That is what this definition of straw is.  It is the dead plant, that has produced the fruit, that is now dried up.


I suggest to you that the human spirit is that single stalk of grain, which was separated from the Christ mind, and then woven into Leviathan’s dead mind.  We had a Christ mind.  It was formed from the one thread, which was Jehovah, and the second thread, which was the breath that Jehovah breathed into the creation.  The two threads were twisted, and we had an immature Christ mind that was formed, but there was a separation.  The breath separated from the Spirit of Jehovah because the dragon attacked, and succeeded in seducing the man, so Jehovah withdrew, and the breath that Jehovah had breathed into the creation, which was a part of the Christ mind, now stood alone, and his name changed because he had separated from Jehovah in disgrace. 


The Scripture describes what happened to him as being circumcised, was being dwarfed, as being shortened.  To be dwarfed is definitely to be subjected to a perverse change.  To be a dwarf is not an acceptable condition.  I believe it says in the Levitical law, where the prohibitions against the priesthood are listed, it says you cannot be a priest if you have certain physical blemishes.  I believe one of those blemishes listed, if I am not mistaken, is being a dwarf.  You cannot be a priest if you are a dwarf.  If you are shorter than you are suppose to be, you cannot be a priest.  If you are suppose to be two rungs up on the ladder, and you separated from the second rung, you are only half the size of what you are suppose to be. 


So when the breath that Jehovah breathed into the creation separated from Jehovah, he was circumcised.  He was dwarfed and his name was changed to the human spirit.  He lost all of his defenses.  He became easy prey for the Dragon, who approached him as a man approaches a woman, and apprehended that single thread, that breath that Jehovah had breathed into the creation, which was now standing alone because of sin. 


He was apprehended by the Dragon, who made him her harlot.  She made a woman out of him, and the Dragon, herself, being a female.  We find the son of God, not only dead, not dead in that he ceased to exist, but dead in that he lost his immortality.  We find him in a condition of hell, whereby he has been brought into the position of harlot, not only by another spirit, but by a female spirit.  He finds himself as a spiritual lesbian harlot, a very degrading and humiliating condition.  Praise the Lord.  I suggest to you that the human spirit is the single stalk of grain which was separated from the Christ mind, and that single stalk of grain, that single thread, was then woven into Leviathan’s dead mind.


We are dealing with the phrase, the second half of Job 41:28.  Slingstones are turned with him into stubble.  We have not worked on slingstones yet.  I must have saved that for the last.  Turn means to change oneself.  Stubble means straw.  It is speaking about a dead plant.  I remind you that spiritual life in this world is signified by plants.  Jesus said He is the vine.  We speak about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  Animal life does not signify spiritual life, brethren.  Animal life is the exact opposite of spiritual life. 


This creation is a union of light and darkness.  It is a union of spiritual life and animal life.  Jehovah said let man have dominion over all the animals.  I bet you thought He meant all the animals in the jungle.  When Jehovah said let man have dominion over all the animals, He was talking about the animal that He was joined to.  He was talking about the beast that He was joined to.  He was talking about the fish, meaning the unconscious mind of the man that He was joined to.  Jehovah was not speaking about herds of animals outside of man.  He was speaking about the creature that He was forming.


He was saying let the mind of Christ in this man have dominion over the whole creature, over that part of the creature which is beast, and that part of the creature which is fowl, and that part of the creature which is fish.  Beast, soul, fowl, mind, fish, the spirit in the mind.  You do not believe it, that is your loss.  If you are not even going to pray about it, that is your loss.  Pray about it because you are not getting out of hell if you do not have the true doctrine.  Why?  Because to get out of hell, you need to pray the doctrine, and you cannot pray the doctrine if you do not know what the doctrine is. 


Slingstones are turned with him into stubble.  To turn, to change oneself into straw.  Well, that does not make any sense so far.  Let us do a study on slingstones.  Once again we see two Hebrew words translated slingstone.  The first of these two words is Strong’s #68 and it means to build.  It means a stone.  It is speaking about a foundation stone, something upon which a family is built.  Jesus.  The second word slingstone is Strong’s #7050.  This word can be translated a sling, a slingstone, a leaf as in a leaf of a door, a hanging, as we read about with the instructions given to building the tabernacle in the wilderness, which speaks about the hangings.  That is the same word translated slingstone.  Do you believe that?  (Laughter) 


Veil, such as the veil in the temple.  It is the same Hebrew word translated slingstone.  I wonder how in the world you can get slingstone out of the hanging or a door or a veil.  I suggest to you, brethren, that there are only about four or five scriptures in which this Hebrew word is translated slingstone.  They are 1 Samuel, Chapter 17 verses 40 and 50; 1 Samuel, Chapter 25 verse 29;  2 Chronicles Chapter 26 verse 14, and Zechariah Chapter 9 verse15.  In every one of those verses this Hebrew word that we are dealing with right now, Strong’s #7050, is translated slingstone, but I think there are fifteen verses in which this same Hebrew word is translated door or leaf or hanging or veil.


I am suggesting to you that the Scriptures that I just read off that speak about slingstone as a weapon, is a secret way of speaking about Christ Jesus.  David used a slingstone against Goliath, and this is the same Hebrew word that is translated door.  David used a door against Goliath.  What kind of a door?  David used the doorway into the spiritual realm of God against Goliath.  Who is the doorway into the spiritual realm of God?  Jesus said I am the door.  Jesus said I am the door, but no flesh and blood will ever enter into the kingdom of heaven.  The one who is the door is the Christ Jesus mind, or the mind of Christ Jesus, that was in the man Jesus of Nazareth.


You see here the same principle as Jesus saying to the pharisees, before Abraham was, I am.  The pharisees rose up and tried to kill him, saying you are not even thirty years old.  How could you say you existed before our father Abraham.  The pharisees, not understanding that it was not the physical man Jesus speaking to them, but the spiritual man, Christ Jesus, was speaking out through the physical man, Jesus of Nazareth.  So we see a great mystery revealed.  David’s slingshot was Christ Jesus in him, the hope of glory.  He defeated the giant enemy by Christ Jesus within him.  That really blessed me.


I gave you this teaching without even looking at my notes.  I went way off, so I would like to read my notes to you just to make sure I am giving you all the information the Lord would like you to have.  Strong’s # 7050 is translated slingstones only seven times, and hangings or leaves of a door fifteen times.  I suggest to you that the true meaning of this Hebrew word translated slingstone is door.  The human spirit is the doorway into the kingdom of God, and he is a stone door, meaning a spiritual door.  The human spirit is a spiritual doorway into the kingdom of God.  Jesus could say I am the door because his human spirit had already increased into Christ Jesus.  We see the same principle here as when Jesus said, before Abraham was, I am.  It was not the fallen man Jesus speaking, but his new man, Christ Jesus. 


I will read you my note.  An interesting aside to this understanding of the Hebrew word translated slingstone is its application to 1 Samuel 17: 40 and 50.  I read you all those verses before.  In all of these verses this Hebrew word is translated slingstone.  We see now that this weapon, when used in the Scripture, signifies the resurrected Christ Jesus.  Of course this is the weapon by which David defeated Goliath. 


Alternate Translation of the second half of Job 41:28.  And turn the stalk of fresh grain into an entranceway into the holy place.  Let me go over that with you.  It is a radically different translation.  Let me give it to you a word at a time.  Slingstones, the entranceway into the holy place.  Turn; we are keeping that definition to turn.  The stalk of threshed grain is stubble.  It is a stalk of threshed grain.  It is that which is dried up and dead after the fruit is harvested.  And turn the stalk of threshed grain into an entranceway into the holiest place. 


Amplified Translation of the second half of Job 41:28.  And change the dead Christ into the entranceway into the kingdom of God.  How would you change the dead Christ into the entranceway of the kingdom of God?  Well, you have to crucify her, brethren.  You have to penetrate her.  You have to shore her up and strengthen her.  You have to impart a seed into her that will enable her to conceive Christ Jesus, who, when He is fully grown and mature, is Himself, the entranceway into the kingdom of God.


The Scripture says unless you are born again you cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven.  Does that make God a respecter of persons? No!  That is a very practical statement.  The entranceway or the doorway into the kingdom of heaven is Christ Jesus in you, the hope of glory.  If you are not born again you cannot enter in.  To be born again means to have Christ Jesus in you, so if you do not have Christ Jesus in you, you do not have the door in you.  Brethren, there is no way you can enter in when you do not have the door.  If you cannot find the door, there is no way you are going to get in, and the door is in your mind.  It is Christ in you, the hope of glory.  Jesus.  Help us Lord.


John Chapter 3: Verses 3 and 4 says; Jesus answered and said unto him, verily, verily,  I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.  Nicodemus saith unto him, how can a man be born when he is old?  Can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb, and be born?  Hebrews 10:20 answers that question.  By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh.  I always wondered about that scripture.  How do we enter into the most holy place by a new and living way through the veil, that is to say, his flesh?  You know, I used to think that it meant we had to pass through the flesh of his soul or the flesh of his mind.  Then I found out that he does not have a separate soul.  There is only one soul, and it is either alive or dead, depending on the mind that is in it. 


Now I find out that the new and living way, by which we enter into the holiest place through the veil, is by having Christ Jesus born in us.  He is the door.  First he has to be formed in us.  Then he has to be born in us.  Then our human spirit has to pass through that door and completely leave this mind of Leviathan behind.  When she does that, this whole hellish world will cease to exist for the person who experiences what I have just described.  For the person whose human spirit completely passes through the door which is Christ Jesus, leaving nothing of himself braided into the Leviathanical mind, will leave this whole hellish world behind.  For that person, this world will cease to exist.


Brethren, you are not this body.  Neither are you your soul.  You are spirit.  Jesus said, where your treasure is, that is where your heart should be.  Is that what the Scripture says?  Where your treasure is, that is where your heart will be?  Where your spirit is, brethren, that is where your entire substance is; where your spirit is.  If your spirit is braided into Leviathan, you are in hell.  If your spirit is braided into the Word of God, you are in heaven.  Spirit in this world appears in the form of a mind, of a completed three thread mind which is braided.  Depending on who the other two threads of the mind are that you are braided into, determines whether or not you are in heaven or hell. 


Look at it this way, brethren, we are spirit and our spirit is tightly joined to two other threads.  Can you imagine being hand cuffed to the hunchback of Notre Dame or to Dracula?  That would pretty much be a hellish experience.  Can you also imagine being shackled to the Glorious Son of God?  That truly would be heaven.  This is our condition, as our spiritual substance is braided into a mind, whose nature is determined by the male spirit that is ruling in this braid.  If the male spirit braiding this mind together is the Dragon, you are shackled to the hunchback of Notre Dame, under their power.  Let me tell you, that is hell.  If the male spirit that is braided in you is the Lord Jesus Christ, you are braided together with heaven, for he who is joined to the Lord is one Spirit.  In the Spirit of God, brethren, is all provision, peace and glory.  Jesus.  What an anointing.  Thank you Jesus. 


John 3:5 says, Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.  The way of being born of the Spirit, brethren, is that your spirit is braided into a mind.  Spirit in man is in the form of mind.  For you to be born again of the Spirit, it means that your human spirit must be freed from her condition of being braided into Leviathan’s mind.  She must be the thread that is drawn out, which is one of the first couple of verses in Leviathan in Job Chapter 41.  The Lord talks about pulling the cord out, pulling the human spirit out of the mind which is possessing all of mankind.  Jesus.  I am getting slain in my own meeting.  Lord, get me through this message.  Thank you Lord.


Alternate Translation of Job 41: 28.  Only the Lord Jesus Christ can penetrate Leviathan’s defensed mind and change the dead Christ into the entranceway into the kingdom of God.  Only the Lord Jesus Christ can penetrate Leviathan’s defensed mind and change the dead Christ into the entranceway into the kingdom of God. 


Continuing with Job 41:29.  Darts are counted as stubble: he laugheth at the shaking of a spear.  Darts is Strong’s #8455 and it means a weapon, perhaps a club or mace.  This is the only time in Job 41:29 that this Hebrew word is used in the Scripture.  Gesenius refers us to Strong’s #8456 which appears in the Scripture only once in Isaiah 18:5 where it is translated to cut down.  Gesenius says this word means to die by cutting away, to dwarf, that is to shorten by cutting off, to cut off the tendrils of a vine.  We know that Jesus is the vine.  Gesenius also tells us that this word is translated to cut off the head in the Talmud.  I am always very interested in how the Talmud translates any given word.  To cut off the head or to cut off speaks to me, brethren, of circumcision.  To cut off speaks of circumcision. 


We know that spiritual circumcision is separating the mind from the soul.  Spiritual circumcision is separating the soul from the spirit.  In the end, spirit is in the form of mind.  So we see spiritual circumcision separating Leviathan from the soul, from the creature which Jehovah formed.  Jehovah formed a creature which is soul.  I suggest to you that, that which was cut away, or that which was dwarfed, or that which was circumcised, is Christ.  When Christ is circumcised, the human spirit remains.  I mentioned that a little earlier.  When Christ is dwarfed, that means the breath which was breathed into the creation is separated from the Spirit of Jehovah.  Therefore that breath which is the son of God in the creation has been dwarfed.  He has been cut in half.  He has been circumcised.  He has been separated from the Spirit of Jehovah.  He has been cut down to half the size. 


So we see the Hebrew word translated darts is from the word which means to cut off the head, which meaning we are going to use in this study.  Darts are counted to cut off the head or count it.  These are difficult translations.  The Hebrew word translated are counted is Strong’s #2803 and it means to braid or to interpenetrate or to weave.  Aha, so we see that to cut off are braided.  What in the world does that mean?  Well, let us keep on going.  We have three difficult translations here.  Remember the word dry speaks of death.  Christ was stripped of his living waters and became a dry straw when he separated from Jehovah. 


This is signified in Genesis, Chapter 2, I believe, where it says, And God put Adam in the garden and stood him up.  Adam’s dominion over the whole creation lay in his union with Jehovah.  The spirit which was in man, that breath that Jehovah breathed in from the beginning, when it became intertwined with Jehovah, resulted in the formation of an immature Christ mind, which preserved the creation.  But when Jehovah withdrew, because the creature had fallen into sin, that breath was circumcised or dwarfed, and he found himself alone in the world.  He became a dry straw, stripped from his source of life, which was Jehovah. 


Alternate Translation of the first half of Job 41:29.  Christ is circumcised as the dead human spirit is woven into Leviathan, the Serpent’s three fold completed mind.  Christ is circumcised and the dead human spirit is woven into Leviathan, the Serpent’s three fold completed mind. 


Continuing with the second half of Job 41:29.  He laugheth at the shaking of a spear.  He laugheth at the shaking of a spear.  Laugheth is Strong’s # 2832 and it means to laugh, either in pleasure or in detraction, to deride, to have in derision, to scorn.  So we see that this Hebrew word translated laughter is not speaking necessarily of joy and mirth.  It can be, but I suggest to you in this instance, is speaking about scorn and mockery. 


He is laughing or he is scorning at the shaking of.  The Hebrew word translated the shaking of is Strong’s #7494 and it means fierceness.  So we see Leviathan is scorning the fierceness of the spear.  Spear is Strong’s #3591 and it means something to strike with such as a dart, a lance, a shield, or a spear.  Gesengus says that this is a small hand thrown weapon.  This Hebrew word translated spear is a small hand thrown weapon.  I suggest to you that Leviathan scorns the men in whom Christ Jesus is appearing.  Remember, the men who are not perfected yet, are members of the two witness company.


Alternate Translation of the second half of Job 41:29.  He scorns the fierceness of the two witness company.  See, I do not believe Leviathan is scorning the fierceness of the son of God.  I do not believe he is scorning the fierceness of the Lord Jesus Christ, but he is scorning the fierceness of we human beings who are not yet perfected, who still are fallen men, very much sinners, but nevertheless have Christ Jesus being formed in us, and therefore have some power with God.  Leviathan scorns him, and those of us who are moving in this office of the two witness company, who have been called to show people their sins, as the Lord leads us to, and we are met with the most fierceness manifestation of Leviathan, who cuts us to ribbons. 


What am I saying?  We go to tell the person their sin for the purpose of saving their life, and then the Leviathanic mind rises up in them, and tries to kill the Christ in us for telling them the truth.  But the Scripture says if we see it, and God tells us to say it, and we do not do it, their blood is on our hands.  So no matter how much they rise up, and rage against us, no matter how much Leviathan rises up, and accuses us of the very sin that we are exposing in them, it is our motive being to save their life, but Leviathan’s motive being to destroy us and shut us up.  No matter how hard Leviathan rises up against us, we must fulfill the commission that the Lord has given us.


But those members of the two witness company who are faithfully executing their service, and their responsibility to the Lord, are met with a scorning, mocking response from the very person whom they are trying to save.  This is a major characteristic of Leviathan.  He mocks the members of the two witness company, or the sons of God, who are still not yet in perfection.  You could say it either way.  He thinks we are a joke, but the Scripture says, had they only known they would have never crucified the Lord of Glory.


You see, Leviathan does not understand that we have an elder brother, the Lord Jesus Christ, who has already overcome the world.  What is the world?  The world is this age.  What is an age?  Age is a mind.  So we see that the Lord Jesus Christ has already overcome this wicked mocking scorning mind.  He overcame it in Himself, and He is joined with us and behind us, and supporting us in every manifestation of Leviathan that we are either challenging or who is challenging us.  We have the double portion. 



You may be mocking us and scorning us now, Leviathan, but when we attack you or challenge you in righteousness, and we are backed up by the Lord Jesus Christ, you shall come down with a crash, saith the Lord, for we shall melt you, saith God.  And we shall boil you as a sin offering.  We shall remove Christ from you, saith the Lord, and your power source to incarnate shall disappear, for He shall be woven into the mind of Christ, and your whole world shall come down with a crash, saith the Living God, and it shall never rise again.  Thank you Jesus.  Hallelujah. 


Our Alternate Translation of Job 41: 29.  Christ is circumcised and the dead human spirit is woven into Leviathan, the Serpent’s three fold completed mind, who scorns the fierceness of the two witness company.  He does not think we have any power at all. 


Continuing with Job 41:30.  Sharp stones are under him.  He spreadeth sharp pointed things upon the mire.  This is an extremely difficult translation, brethren.  I had to meditate on it quite a while.  I will go as slowly as I can.  It is radically different than the King James Translation.  Although the King James Translation is in English, I have not got the vaguest idea of what it is saying in the first place.  Let us try and puzzle this out.  Sharp stones.  The Hebrew word translated sharp is Strong’s #2303 and it means sharp or pointed.  The Hebrew word translated stones is a different word and it was translated stones in verse 28.  This is Strong’s #2789 and it means a piece of pottery or earthen or stoneware.


I suggest to you the significance is that this is a sharp stone which is made out of the earth.  A stone’s tradition may typify spirit, but this is a sharp stone.  It is not really a stone.  It is like saying it is a sharp piece of earth or a sharp piece of earthenware.  If someone has made a vessel, a bottle out of earthen, and baked it, it becomes hard.  When you shatter that bottle, it is like a piece of glass.  The significance here is a sharp pointed instrument made out of the earth.  The earth is the Serpent, brethren.  The form that the Serpent takes, which is a weapon, is her mind.  Mind is the spiritual weapon and Leviathan is the Serpent’s defensed military mind.    


I suggest to you, therefore, that the phrase sharp stones is speaking about Leviathan.  Jesus.  Leviathan, which is the proper name of the carnal mind.  The carnal mind merely means the mind which is born of the flesh.  The name of that flesh mind is Leviathan.  We also have the mind which is born of Christ, the mind which is born of the Spirit of Christ.  The name of that mind is the Word of God.  Hallelujah.


We are working on Job 41:30.  Sharp stones are under him.  I am not going to be able to translate this verse in two parts like I usually do.  Under normal circumstances I would give you an alternate translation for sharp stones are under him, and then I would give you a translation for he spreadeth sharp pointed things upon the mire.  I cannot do this with this verse because to get an accurate translation I have to take all the words together.  Sharp stones is Leviathan or the carnal minds of men.  The English word are does not have a Hebrew word.  It was added in by the King James translators.


Under him is Strong’s #8478 and the Concordance has many meanings.  We are going to be using the translation for the Hebrew word #8478 translated under him.  We are taking one of the many translations of, instead of.  Instead of; that is radically different than under him, but it is in the Brown, Driver, Briggs Lexicon of the Hebrew language.  What do we have so far?  We have sharp stones, carnal minds, under him.  Sharp stones, instead of him.  That is why I cannot give you an alternate translation of the first phrase.  Sharp stones instead of him makes no sense at all.


He spreadeth is Strong’s #7502 and it means to spread out, to support, to comfort.  I suggest to you that the comforter is who?  Who is the Comforter?  The Spirit of Truth is the Comforter.  Of course, Jesus is the Spirit of Truth.  That is true.  He is the truth, the way, and the life.  He is the Comforter.  That is correct.  No, there is no scripture that says the Holy Spirit is the truth.  We have that on a tape as a matter of fact.  It is a conversation with you on the tape asking me the same question.  It happened about three years ago when you were very upset with me. 


Actually, there is no scripture that says that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth.  Of course there is one Spirit with many administrations thereof.  The Holy Ghost is the word of God.  The Holy Ghost is the seed.  The Holy Ghost is the sperm.  The Spirit of Truth is a mature Spirit.  Jesus said he is the truth.  Whenever Jesus would say something like that, I am the truth, I am the way, He was not speaking about the physical fallen man Jesus.  He was speaking about the resurrected Christ Jesus, the spiritual man that was within him.


So we see that the Spirit of Truth is a mature Spirit, which is found in the mature spiritual man, Christ Jesus.  The Holy Ghost is the sperm, the seed, of that Glorious Christ Jesus, who is to come, who is to be born in you, who is the hope of your glory, the glory being this visible physical world.  Christ Jesus is your only hope of getting out of this visible physical world because He is the door into the visible spiritual world.  Only your spirit man can enter in.  When your spirit man enters into the door, which is Christ Jesus, eventually your soul and your body will follow.  God help me.  I am getting slain in the Spirit.  Lord, just help me to finish this out, please.  Jesus.  Thank you Lord.


Sharp stones; carnal minds; under him; instead of him; spreadeth; comfort him; sharp pointed things; upon the mire.  Sharp pointed things is Strong’s #2742 can be translated gold, such as gold which is mined.  That means gold apart from the ore.  A threshing sledge having sharp teeth, or as we are familiar with in the Old Testament, the phrase is a sharp threshing instrument.  Strong’s #2742 is a sharp threshing instrument. 


I suggest to you that the sharp pointed things are the mind of Christ in the many members.  We are the sharp threshing instrument.  I think most of us that have been studying the word of God for awhile know that.  So we see that at the beginning of this phrase, sharp stones is speaking about carnal minds and sharp pointed things are speaking about the minds of Christ.  That is so interesting.


Sharp stones; the carnal minds; instead of him; spreadeth; comfort; sharp pointed things; the minds of Christ; upon the mire.  Well, this does not make any sense at all.  Just hang in there with me.  I do have a translation for you.  Upon the mire.  The Hebrew word translated upon is Strong’s #5921 and it means by or because.  Those are the translations we will be using.  There are many translations for this Hebrew word, upon, Strong’s #5921. 


The mire is Strong’s #2916 through the idea of dirt to be swept away.  It means mud or clay.  It symbolically can mean calamity.  Where do you get calamity out of mud or clay?  Mud or clay typifies the creature that Jehovah formed.  Anyone that is ruled by this creature, which is soul, anyone who is ruled by a soul, the soul is the woman.  Anyone whose head is a woman is in a condition of calamity because the woman is not qualified to rule. That is why this whole world is one continuous calamity.  The god of this world is a woman and her name is Satan.  I should say the name of the woman is the devil, and her god is Satan. Thank you Jesus.


The Hebrew word translated mire is speaking about mud or clay.  Mud or clay is wet earth.  I remind you that the earth is the Serpent and wet earth is the Serpent in this visible physical world, which is a watery grave.  The one who is here in this watery grave, the manifestation of the Serpent, the expression of the Serpent in this watery grave, is Leviathan.  The earth is the ocean bed, and the water flows on top of the earth, the watery grave which the Serpent is possessing in the form of a mind called Leviathan.


Remember, Leviathan, whose god is Satan, is Jehovah’s judgment upon this fallen dead creature.  We are told, I think in 2 Peter, that Jehovah sold us all under sin, and sold us under the authority of Satan.  We are here continuing in an existence which reserves us, which keeps us alive until the time of the judgment which will restore us to righteousness. 


Alternate Translation of Job 41:30.  Leviathan comforts them instead of the Word of God because of Jehovah’s judgment.  This is a very interesting translation.  Leviathan comforts them instead of the Word of God because of Jehovah’s judgment.  Brethren, Jehovah’s judgment is that we are bound with chains of darkness to this blaspheming spirit.  The significance here is that we are literally married to the Serpent.  Because we are so joined and fused to the Serpent, we prefer the comfort that he gives us to the comfort that Jehovah would give us.


I have been petitioning the Lord on this because I have had some very stressful moments recently.  I know that if I had my choice, knowing that there would be no negative repercussions,  knowing that it was not sin, I would choose the comfort in this world.  Not all the time, but sometimes I would choose the comfort in this world.  I had a very difficult night a couple of nights ago.  I was having a severe anxiety attack, and all I could think about was being comforted in a way that this world would provide comfort.  I spoke to the Lord about it and I confessed it as sin.  I said, Lord, I know that you are suppose to be our comforter.


Why is it that we crave the comfort of the things of this world?  Here is the answer right here.  It is because we are married to the Serpent.  We are joined to her in every cell of our being.  We find the comfort that she provides very comforting.  We need to be comforted by the Word of God,   Let me put it to you this way.  Please bear with me, I am really being slain in the Spirit.  We are almost done.  The degree of comfort which the Spirit of Truth can give us, who is the Comforter, is directly proportionate to the maturity of Christ Jesus in us.


You see, the world would be horrified at what I have to say here, but the truth is that the comfort that the Lord gives us is His Word.  The comfort that He gives us is reading His Word, studying His Word, and meditating on His Word.  His Word, the Spirit of Truth, which is in His Word, is our Comforter.  The more carnal you are when you are hearing this message, the more you are horrified at what I am saying.  Brethren, food is not the Comforter.  Sexual intercourse or any form of sex play is not the Comforter.  Buying new clothes is not the Comforter.  There is no kind of carnal activity that is the Comforter, which the Lord Jesus Christ has promised you.  The Spirit of Truth is the Comforter, and He is the Truth.


Brethren, the Comforter is Himself.  The comfort that the Lord Jesus gives us is spiritual, and there are very few believers today that can tolerate this word, very few.  They want the comfort of this world.  They want power.  Either they are comforted by power, by sex, or by food, or by some other carnal source.  It is sometimes by ungodly methods.  I already said power, but by exercising ungodly power over other people.  Brethren, the comfort that the Lord Jesus gives us is spiritual, and you can only be comforted by the Comforter in direct proportion to the maturity of Christ Jesus in you because the Holy Ghost is not the Comforter.


So if you wonder why you go to church, and you dance and you sing, and you feel wonderful a couple of times a week, but all the other times that you are out of church you are in abject misery, it is because you do not have the Comforter manifesting in you.  The word of God is not the Comforter.  The Spirit of Truth is the Comforter.  The word of God is the seed.  The Spirit of Truth is the mature or the Spirit in the mature man, Christ Jesus, who has the ability to comfort you with spiritual truth; spiritual truth.


Alternate Translation of Job 41:30.  Leviathan comforts them instead of the word of God because of Jehovah’s judgment.  I would like to go over this translation for you a word at a time because it is so difficult.  This is the literal translation.  Leviathan is the translation of sharp stones.  Instead of is the translation of under him.  Comfort him is the translation of spreadeth, and the word of God is the translation of sharp pointed things.  Upon is translated because of.  The mire is translated calamity or Jehovah’s judgment.  This whole world is under Jehovah’s judgment.  The clay or the mud that fallen man is made of is under judgment.  That judgment is that we are joined to chains of darkness in our mind.  That darkness has a name.  It is Leviathan.                                                                          


Please note that verse 30 is not speaking about Leviathan, but about the members of the two witness company.  I mean Leviathan is not the main subject.  That verse is speaking about the members of the two witness company.  Leviathan comforts them.  Leviathan comforts the members of the two witness company instead of the word of God because of Jehovah’s judgment.  That means that even though you have Christ Jesus in you, you seek the comfort of the mind of the Serpent. 


Brethren, if you are miserable in any way, and you think the answer to your problem is marriage, it is because your mind is Leviathan.  I am not against marriage if God gives you a mate.  God bless you.  May you enjoy it, but if you think the answer to your anxiety, or the answer to your stress is a husband, or sex, or anything along those lines, you are just thinking that because that is the thoughts of Leviathan.  The comfort which Christ Jesus gives you is Himself.  Hallelujah. 


We see here then the members of the two witness company, human men who are still fallen, in whom Christ Jesus is being formed, but in whom that spiritual man, Christ Jesus, has not yet tread under their carnal mind, still seek the comfort of the Dragon.  God forgive us.  How will you ever be able to repent if you do not believe what I just told you?  How will you ever be able to pray the doctrine if you do not believe what I just told you?


If you are, in fact, comforted by human relationships or marriage, or sexual activity, you need to tell the Lord that you are aware that you are being comforted by someone or something other than Him.  Brethren, it is a form of spiritual adultery.  Now God knows that we are just dust, and He knows where you are when you walk with the Lord, but the more spiritual you get, the more likely He is to consider you are comforting yourself with carnal things, and with the things of this world, as adultery.


When you are upset do you turn to the Lord or do you call another human person?  If you call another human person without first praying and asking for permission, you are guilty of adultery and unfaithfulness to the Lord.  At least, turn to Him first.  I try to do that.  I’ll turn to Him.  I’ll tell Him I am very upset.  I’ll tell Him I think I would really like to talk to another human being, but I will not call unless He gives me His permission.  Sometimes He gives me His permission.  Sometimes somebody calls me.  Sometimes I just turn around and put on a tape.  He wants to be number one in your life, brethren.  He wants to be privy to every decision that you make.  He wants to be your everything.  Jesus.


Revelation Chapter 6, Verses 9 to 10.  And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:  And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?  So we see a group of people in the book of Revelation saying, how much longer, Lord, how much longer, until you are mature enough in us to comfort us so completely that we would never seek another source of comfort?  Jesus.


You may remember this.  Let me comment on this part of Revelation, verse 9.  I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God.  You may wonder how someone could be slain and that it would glorify the word of God.  The word of God, I remind you, is the mind of Christ, the soul that was slain.  Now remember, Leviathan is not really a spirit.  He is soul acting like a spirit.  To say the soul was slain is a secret way of saying that the mind which is born of the soul, or the mind which is born of the flesh, was slain. 


The way you slay a soul is to slay the mind in it.  This is a secret way of saying that Leviathan was slain for the word of God.  Leviathan was killed.  The carnal mind was killed.  He was broken apart down into his basic parts, so that the human spirit can be removed, and joined with the word of God, so that the creation could be raised from the dead.  Jesus.     


Recap of Job 41:28 to 30.  Only the Lord Jesus Christ can penetrate Leviathan’s defensed mind and change the dead Christ into the entranceway into the kingdom of God.  Christ is circumcised, and the dead human spirit is woven into Leviathan, the Serpent’s three fold completed mind, who scorns the fierceness of the two witness company.  Leviathan comforts them instead of the word of God because of Jehovah’s judgment, or because the members of the two witness company are fallen, and joined in their spirit to Leviathan, and we desire the form of comfort which comes from the man that we are joined to. 


That is the secret.  When we are joined to the Lord Jesus Christ, we will never desire the comfort of the flesh again.  You see, you need to know, brethren, that if you are one of those people who have cried out to Jesus, and said, please Lord, help me to stop desiring this form of comfort, whether it be drugs or alcohol, or cigarettes, or whatever, you do not even realize that you are praying a prayer which will result in the destruction of your carnal mind.  The way the Lord stops you and delivers you from being comforted by an ungodly source is to destroy your carnal mind.  So you have to be very careful what you pray, brethren. 


Are there any questions or comments on this message, as I pass out in my own meeting?  Jesus.  I thought that these last few messages have been short because I have not had the time to do any more research.  Even if I had the notes in my hand I could not deliver another three verses.  My eyes are not even open.  Any questions or comments?




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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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