340 - Part 7
(An In-Depth Study)

Part 7 of 14 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



Recap, Alternate Translations of Job, Chapter 41 Verses 1 thru 10 interspersed and amplified


This is what I believe Jehovah is saying to Job in these first ten verses:  Will the Serpent appoint Leviathan, her completed female mind, to rule over you, or will she sacrifice her so that Christ Jesus can raise you from the dead?  Can Leviathan’s malignant tongue, the mind of that many membered band of destructive men, and the fallen soul, which has been choking since the weed of the carnal mind killed the incomplete Christ mind, be submerged underneath the mind of Christ Jesus, and the spiritual visible world, which is in his image? 


Will the men who are bound to Leviathan because of the Serpent’s witchcraft be able to separate themselves from him by digging through the earth of their souls, and unraveling his completed mind?  Can you save this fallen dead soul, Job, by completing Leviathan, that dead militarily defensed mind, which the Serpent birth in her, and by judging the spirit of Cain, which is her unconscious mind?  Can your mind penetrate the Dragon, Job, and join with the human spirit who is joined to him so that she can increase into Christ Jesus, the one who is strong enough to boil Leviathan until he evaporates and releases the human spirit?  Will you, Job, who are the Serpent, cut Leviathan away from your own soul so that your human spirit can overcome death by increasing into Christ Jesus? 


Will you, Job, who are the Serpent, enfold your fallen dead soul into your mind?  That means to make one of them.  It is speaking about glorification.  And enslave her for the life of the ages?  Obviously, you cannot do any of this, Job, because look at what the Serpent has made out of Jehovah’s creation.  She is so fiercely sinful since she incarnated, speaking about the Serpent now, that there is not a man anywhere who can survive the fiery presence of the Lord.  That is because wherever the fire of God isHe judges sin


So the Serpent is so fiercely sinful in men, since she incarnated, that there is not a man anywhere who could survive being close to the Lord.  The righteousness of the Lord would kill them.  So you may be laughing at Behemoth’s power to hurt you now, Job, but you will not be laughing when you find out that you are Leviathan’s prostitute.  Nevertheless, do not worry, Job, your fallen condition will not last forever because Leviathan will be cast down when Christ Jesus appears.  Therefore, be a man in the war to determine whose nature will be engraved in your soul, and fashion her after the Lord Jesus Christ, so that you do not conceive your enemy, Leviathan, the Serpent’s completed mind. 


What an awesome translation.  Do you know what I like about these alternate translations?  They are so real.  They are just so real.  I do not know if you feel the same way, but I can just relate to them.  I can just relate them to human beings.  They are not stiff and formal like the letter of the Scripture.  They are just real.  Incredible!


Continuing with Job 41:11; Jehovah speaking.  Who have prevented me that I should repay him?  Whatsoever is under the whole heaven is mine.  Who hath prevented me?  The Hebrew word translated who is Strong’s # 4310 and it is an interrogative pronoun.  Interrogative means it is a pronoun that asks a question; who, what, when, why, where.  However, I did not make a note of which lexicon gave me this.  It is probably the Brown Driver Briggs or Strong’s.  We are working with a new lexicon now.  We are not working only with Gesenius.


We are working with Brown Driver Briggs.  Why?  It is because that is the lexicon that is in the computer program. To use Gesenius, I have to manually look up the words.  So my primary lexicon now has become Brown Driver Briggs.  I hope I have the right name. I am only using Gesenius if I am not satisfied with the definitions from both Strong’s and Brown Driver Briggs.  Those are the two lexicons that are on my CD disc from my Bible software program.  If I am not satisfied with what I have from those two sources, then I will manually look up Gesenius.


The Hebrew word translated who is Strong’s # 4310 is an interrogative pronoun, a pronoun that asks a question.  However, Brown Driver Briggs says also, under certain circumstances this word can be translated whoever, meaning any man, which is not interrogative.  What Brown Driver Briggs is saying, this word which is an interrogative pronoun, under certain circumstances does not have to be an interrogative pronoun.  It can also be translated whoever, or what man, or any man.  We are going to translate it any man for our purposes in this scripture. 


Jehovah speaking,  Who hath prevented me?  The Hebrew word translated prevented is Strong’s # 6923 and it means to be in front of or to go before.  I suggest to you, and I have no problem with this revelation at all, the one who went before or the one who incarnated before Jehovah was who?  Who incarnated before Jehovah?  Who went forth before Jehovah?  There are only two spirits that incarnated.  If it was not Jehovah, who was the other guy?  The Serpent.  The Serpent beat out Jehovah and incarnated before Him.  Oh, blasphemy; I hear all the pharisees yelling.  Well, I am sorry if you think that is blasphemy.  I will tell you why you think it is blasphemy. 


You think it is blasphemy because you think I just said that the Serpent was faster, stronger, wiser, better, or in some way superior to Jehovah, and that is not what I said.  That is a conclusion that you drew.  I told you that the Serpent incarnated ahead of Jehovah, and you drew the conclusion, whoever you are, you drew the conclusion that the reason the Serpent beat out Jehovah was because the Serpent was better, faster, smarter, wiser or whatever, than Jehovah.  But I never said any such thing.  Your carnal mind told you that.  If you are somebody sitting here that thought that, or if you are somebody listening to this tape that thought that, I remind you that we did a series in The Serpent, The Dragon, The Devil, And You, where we did an alternate translation on several of the verses in Genesis, Chapter 3, whereby Adam is naming the animals.


We found out that Adam was giving a nature to the animals.  He was not naming the giraffes and the tigers, but he was giving a name or a nature or the nature to the whole creation.  There were only two natures that Adam could be giving this creation, either the nature of Jehovah or the nature of the Serpent.  It would be determined whose nature was engraved on the creation, which is the soul that Jehovah made.  That determination would be made by Adam’s choice as to who he would cohabit with.  An alternate translation said the Father and the Son sat back and they waited and watched to see whether righteous Adam, whose mind was Christ, would increase, would join with Jehovah and increase into Christ Jesus or would join with the Serpent and increase into Leviathan.


A tragedy happened.  The Serpent came and seduced the creation.  We are told the man was not deceived.  It was the woman who was deceived.  So you see it was Adam who was in the transgression.  He should have known better.  Righteous Adam, whose mind was Christ, yielded to his passions which the Serpent had stirred up, and fell down into a condition of weakness which is identified as a female condition.  And righteous Adam joined with the Serpent and completed the mind of the creation in the image of the Serpent instead of Jehovah.


When I say to you that I am interpreting Job, Chapter 41:11 that the Serpent incarnated before Jehovah, I am in no way faulting Jehovah.  Jehovah is perfect, but the man was not perfect.  Adam was not perfect.  He was good with a potential for evil.  He was good with a non active potential for evil.  When Adam yielded to the seduction of the Serpent, that non active, or that latent, or that dormant potential for evil arose.


We are told in Romans, Chapter 7; And sin became exceedingly sinful.  Paul said, I was alive once, but when the commandment came, sin revived and became exceedingly sinful.  I suggest to you that Paul was speaking prophetically, that it was not even the individual Paul speaking, but it was the spiritual man, fallen Adam, speaking through Paul, just as it was the new man, Christ Jesus, speaking through Jesus of Nazareth, when he said before Abraham was, I am.  Same thing, same thing, same thing. 


Brethren, if we do not get spiritual, we are going to die in our sins, just like the Hebrews did. Ye are gods, but ye shall die like men if you do not get into the spirit of this word.  The drunkard and the prostitute are going to enter in before the Church because the Church is all bound up with their own doctrine, that someone devised a hundred years ago or fifty years ago, or twenty five years ago, that pride is locking out the Spirit of Truth who wants to open their blind eyes and bring them into a high spiritual place.  The drunkard and the prostitute are entering in first. All you pharisees are all chained to your doctrine.  You are all bound up and you are afraid of being deceived, and whatever else the pharisees are telling you.


Where is your faith in God?  Come out of her, my people, and partake not of her sins.  That whore, Babylon, has stolen your mind, and she has subjected you to death, and you are drowning in your own vomit.  Do not be the dog that returns to his vomit, but be one of the lepers who went down to see if it could possibly be true, that the Syrians had fled, leaving all of their wealth behind.  It is better that you should be a drunkard or a prostitute, or a leprous man, and enter into the kingdom than be a pharisee with all of the wealth of this world, and die in your sins. 


Jesus had nothing against wealth when He said sell all that you have and follow me.  He just knew that men that have everything in this world just are not desperate enough to take the chance that is necessary to enter into the kingdom.  You see, the only security you are going to have when you enter into the kingdom is Christ Jesus.  There is no money.  There is no medical insurance.  There is nothing to hang on except Him.  Not many rich will enter in, brethren, because your faith is not in Him.  Your faith is in the things of this world.  Let us go on.


The Hebrew word translated prevented means to go before.  I suggest to you it means to have incarnated before.  The one who incarnated before Jehovah is the Serpent.  It does not mean the Serpent is great.  It means the immature Christ mind failed.  Jesus.  Who hath prevented me that I should repay him?  Repay is Strong’s # 7999 and it is the Hebrew word for shalom; peace.  It is the Hebrew word for salvation.  The one who has incarnated before me that I should repay him?  The King James translators put a question mark in there.  I think we are going to keep the question mark.  Let us see if we can make some sense out of this first sentence.


The one who has incarnated before me that I should repay him.  The word that is not in the Hebrew.  I should repay.  Repay means to be in a covenant of peace, to make peace with, to cause to be at peace.  We are talking about salvation.  To be complete; salvation is completion.  It is the addition of Christ Jesus to our soul.  To be sound; which implies health.  To be finished, which also lines up with the word complete.  To be uninjured.  Remember the beast had his head wounded.  This creation is injured, brethren.  We were injured when we were violently, when we the soul, was violently separated from our head; Christ.  This word also means to make good, to reward, which make an end of.  


Now this is interesting.  I would like to point this out to you.  We see clearly by the Scripture that the Lord’s definition of to make an end of, or to finish off, or to destroy, is not annihilation, but completion.  I had a man walk out of my house years ago before the Lord ever raised up this ministry.  We were studying together, and I tried to tell him, yes the Scripture says Satan will be destroyed, but the mind of God does not view destruction as man views destruction.  Satan was being destroyed or was dying to his present existence.  Satan is dying to an existence which is independent of Christ Jesus.  He is coming into submission to Christ Jesus, and he is dying to everything that he is.  The word destruction does not necessarily mean to cease to exist.  You can die to everything that you are without ceasing to exist.  This man put on his hat and his coat and he walked out of my house after hearing me say this.


I think that this scripture and this word, in particular, clearly shows that when Jehovah makes an end of you, when Jehovah finishes you off, He kills you and causes you to die to every evil that you presently are, and He makes you holy.  He makes you a saint.  He makes you good, because evil, brethren, is a condition which results from separation from God.  Evil is a condition of in-completion.  If you are evil, it is because you are a partial tree. 


Eat whole foods, brethren, eat whole foods.  Partial foods are no good.  We have a health food movement in this country that have done some good, but have done a lot of damage.  If you believe them, that is fine, but ten years later they preach the exact opposite to what they preached ten years before.  I have one rule that I go by.  Eat whole foods.  Do not separate your eggs into yellows and whites.  Do not throw the egg yolks away.  That is ridiculous.  Eat the whole food.  One aspect of the food balances the other aspect of the food.  Do you think egg yolks have a lot of cholesterol in them?  Egg yolks are also loaded with lecithin which breaks up the cholesterol.  Eat whole foods, brethren.   


I was saying that years ago when people were giving up butter and eating margarine.  I said the chemicals in the margarine were much worse than the butter fat.  Now fifteen years later, the scientists with their PHD’s and their PPHD’s and their PPPHD’s are saying the butter fat is better than the chemicals.  I told you that twenty years ago.  Eat what is natural and eat what is whole.  I do not know who needed to hear that.  Praise God.


Alternate Translation of the first half of Job 41:11.  I want to point out to you the tense of this verb prevented.  Who hath prevented me that I should repay him?  The verb repay is in the conditional tense; that I should, or I would, repay him.  That is called a conditional tense.  It means whether or not the action is completed is dependent on something.  If you paint my house, I will pay you.  If you do not finish the paint job, I will not pay you.  I would be willing to pay you if you would carry my packages.  If you do not carry my packages, I am not going to pay you.  A conditional tense.  Why is the tense conditionally here?  It bothered me. 


Alternate Translation of the first half of Job 41:11;  I should complete the one who has gone before me.  Well, I do not have any trouble saying Jehovah is going to complete the Serpent.  The Serpent is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil who separated out from the tree of life.  The partial tree has her own existence and she has produced a whole realm of death because she is only a partial tree.  Do not eat only the egg whites.  Eat the whole egg.  The Serpent is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  She separated the egg yolk from the egg white.  So I have no problem believing that Jehovah wants to complete the Serpent.  What does that mean?  He wants to restore the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to the tree of life, that the two should be as one tree.  I have no problem believing that.  So why is the tense conditional?  I will tell you what I think.  We will get to it in just a minute. 


An Amplified Translation of the first half of Job 41:11.  I should make the Serpent whole.  Now our alternate translation was I should complete the one who has gone before me.  Our amplified translation is I should make the Serpent whole.  I should complete the Serpent.  I should make the Serpent whole.  She is the partial tree, and I am going to make her whole by sewing her back up to the tree of life. 


She got away.  Is there a song like that; that man that got away?  Nobody remembers that song?  It was a torch singer that used to sing that.  I cannot remember her name.  There is an interesting spirit on me tonight.  (Laughter)  The fish that got away?  No, there was a famous torch singer that sang that song; the man that got away.  It was a woman with a real husky voice.  It was a love song.  I think Judy Garland sang it, but I have someone else in mind, and I cannot remember her name. 


Now remember, the Serpent is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and one of the translations of the Hebrew word translated to repay, is to make good.  So we can say the Serpent is being made good.  We can say the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is being made good.  Now if you recall the teachings over the last few months here, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil defaults to what?  If you leave it to its own devices, is it good or is it evil?  It is evil.  We are the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  For humanity in our present fallen condition to be good, we have to wage a warfare.


We have to be educated by our parents.  We have to be chastened when evil appears in us.  We have to learn self discipline.  We have to make some really hard choices to be good, because if we are left to our own devices we would be evil.  Why?  Because evil feels good.  Sometimes being good causes pain.  Sacrifice and denial of the desires of our flesh can be painful.  I found this very interesting.  Jehovah is talking about making the Serpent good.  He is talking about changing the nature of the tree.  Jesus said, can a fig tree bear olive berries?  The answer is no, but in Christ Jesus all things are possible.  Can the leopard change his spots?  That is in the Scripture too.  In Christ all things are possible.


The leopard can change his spots, and of course in the Scripture the leopard signifies what?  Where do we see a leopard in the Scripture?  In Daniel 7 and Revelation 13.  Brethren, the leopard signifies sin because it is the spot on the animal nature.  The leopard typifies the sinful nature of fallen man.  It is possible to change the leopard’s spots, but only in Christ Jesus.  This scripture is talking about making a tree that by its very nature is evil, and making it good.  Well that sounds way out.  It is talking about making the Serpent whole, making the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which is really evil, because the evil is stronger than the good.


Making it good?  Well, where does it say that in the Scripture?  How about Isaiah 6:2;  Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly.  I remind you that the seraphim are redeemed serpents, which are surrounding the throne of God.  Serpents.  Evil.  Serpents typify evil.  They shall be elevated and purified to a place where they can stand in front of God.  What I just said is interesting.  They are going to be elevated to a place where they could stand in front of God.


I just read an Alternate Translation of verse 10 which says the serpent is so fiercely sinful since she incarnated that there is not a man anywhere who could survive the fiery presence of the Lord.  That is a translation of Hebrew words that say there is no man who could stand before the Lord.  Here we see serpents standing before the Lord.  All things are possible in Christ.  It is possible to have your nature changed in Christ, but do not think someone is going to go poof on your head, and it is going to be done because you are naive. 


Continuing with the second half of Job 41:11.  Whatsoever is under the whole heaven is mine.  Whatsoever is not in the Hebrew.  It was just inserted by the King James translators.  The word under is Strong’s #8478 and it means the underpart, that which is beneath, that which is in subjection.  It is also used to describe women.  Why?  Because women, in principle, scripturally speaking, the woman is the weaker vessel.  She is that which is underneath, and she is underneath the man.  First God, and then Christ, then the man, and then the woman. 


This word under #8478 is also used to describe subjection or conquest.  The Serpent is suppose to be in subjection to Christ Jesus, but you may recall she is the fugitive fleeing serpent.  Jehovah’s armies are after her because she is AWOL.  She is absent without official leave.  She is away without leave.  She is a fugitive and she has increased into a criminal condition known as Leviathan.  She is Leviathan.  She has increased into Leviathan.  Jesus.


We are going to be translating the phrase, whatsoever is under, as the woman which has been conquered.  Let me tell you how I got that again.  Whatsoever is not in the Hebrew.  Under is used to describe a woman, a female condition of weakness.  It is used of subjection or conquest, so we are going to carry the word whatsoever forward, even though it is not in the Hebrew.  Whatsoever is under the woman which has been conquered; the woman which has been conquered.  Then we have the phrase, the whole heaven.  The word whole is Strong’s # 3605.  It means the whole thing.  The word heaven is Strong’s # 8064.  It is singular in the King James, but both Strong’s and Brown Driver Briggs Lexicon says it is not singular, it is plural.  They both agree it is dual.  That means it is two of the unused singular shameh.  In other words, the word heaven almost never appears in the singular.  That is what it is saying.


The phrase is the whole heaven.  Brethren, if there is a whole heaven, if the Scripture speaks about a whole heaven, there must be a what?  Yes, there must be a partial heaven.  Are we not told in the Book of Genesis that there was a partial tree in the midst.  Another way the King James Translation words it, it sounds like the tree is in the midst of the garden.  Of course the Hebrew word translated partial is not translated in the King James Translation.  We found it in the Hebrew and we have it on a tape.  I do not know why the number 163 is coming to me.  I really do not know whether that number is correct or not, but we have it on a tape.  There is a partial tree and that is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.


Therefore, the whole heaven must be the tree of life plus the partial tree.  We found other scriptures which speak about the divided age.  In a recent message we had that phrase; a divided age.  Brethren, we exist right now in the divided age.  The age in which the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is divided or separated from the tree of life.  The tree of the knowledge of good and evil was not always divided from the tree of life, and it will not always be because the Lord is reconciling all things into one.  Everything that is separated is being brought back together again. 


Therefore brethren, I suggest to you that the whole heaven is the reconciled heavens, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the midst of the tree of life operating as one tree.  The term tree signifies what?  Trees in the Scripture signify mind.  The tree is the mind.  Thank you Jesus.  The mind signifies the personality.  The tree signifies the mind.  Is that right?  I am getting slain in the spirit.  I know the tree signifies the mind.  Thank you Jesus.  Thank you Lord.  Jesus said I am the vine and you are the branches.  I am pretty sure we said the mind typified the whole personality of the new man.  Thank you Jesus.  I hope that is correct.


The phrase the whole heaven is speaking about the dual heaven.  That is the kingdom of the two heavens, which is the kingdom of darkness, bound underneath the kingdom of God as a single kingdom or a single mind.  2 Corinthians 11:3 says, But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.  That Greek word translated simplicity means singleness.  Do not let anyone tell you this gospel is simple.  That is ridiculous.  The Jews have been studying these scriptures for thousands of years.  Do not tell me the gospel is simpleThat is ridiculous.   


This Hebrew word translated simplicity means single.  It means do not have two minds.  Do not be doubleminded.  Submit to Christ every time.  Resist your carnal mind and he shall flee from you because your carnal mind is the devil.  Obeying the devil comes naturally.  We default to the carnal mind.  Obeying Christ requires an active never ending warfare; confession of sin and repentance on a regular basis.  Thank you Jesus.


Whatsoever is under the whole heaven is the fugitive serpent and her criminal three cord mind, Leviathan, which is appearing in that fallen dead creature, the woman called the devil.  That is what is under the whole heaven.  The one who incarnated first is the serpent, and the one who is underneath in the kingdom of heaven.  Now the kingdom of heaven is two minds; the mind of Christ Jesus on top, and the mind of the kingdom of darkness is underneath.  So when you are talking about the kingdom of the two heavens, that which is underneath is the mind that is in the kingdom of darkness.  The name of that mind is Leviathan.  That which is under the complete heaven is Leviathan.  Can you hear it?  Jesus.


That which is under the whole heaven is mind.  There is no Hebrew word translated is.  It is added in by the King James translators.  The Hebrew word mind is Strong’s # 8705.  It can also be translated belonging to.  Then there is one more word for which there is no English translation.  This word is Strong’s # 1931.  It is not translated in the King James.  The word means himself.  I would like to suggest to you that that word in the Scripture, himself, is usually speaking about Christ Jesus.  As far as I know, it always speaks about Christ Jesus, but I cannot tell you that it never refers to anyone else because I am not aware of every time the word, himself, exists in the Scripture.  Every time I have ever seen it, it is speaking about the Lord Jesus.


You might know that it is very common for people who come from Ireland to speak about “himself” all the time.  It is an expression that we find in the Scripture.  One example that I have for you is Revelation 14:19.  We found that expression when we looked up every word in the Greek in Revelation 14:19 and we included it in our Alternate Translation which reads as follows.  This is speaking about the Lord Jesus now:  Because of His strong desire to save the fallen dead soul, the Glorified Jesus Christ forcibly hurled Himself into the lake of fire, which is the crushing judgment that is separating the second generation of sons from their carnal minds and the fallen dead creature, which is the devil and Satan, were devoured by the lake of fire, and the Glorified Jesus Christ appeared as the unconscious mind of the Spirit of Christ, of the first fruits of the second generation of sons.  Himself is speaking about the second generation of Christ Jesus as He is appearing in the sons of God today.  We see when Jesus looks upon us, He considers us Himself.  He can consider us Himself because in due season there will be nothing left of us. 


Enoch walked with God and he was not.  This may come as a shock to you, but he was not raptured.  He is not living in his own mansion.  He is not eating spaghetti dinners and walking on streets of gold.  Enoch walked with Christ, you see.  He had two minds.  He had a carnal mind and Christ Jesus was formed in his mind, and he agreed so much, and walked so much to such a degree with Christ Jesus that he was not found anymore.  Only Christ Jesus was found, Christ Jesus, Himself. 


Alternate Translation of the second half of Job 41:11;  And that woman which is under subjection because she has been conquered by Christ Jesus belongs to Him.  Let me go over how I got that.  That woman is a translation of the word under.  Brown Driver Briggs says that it can be used to describe a woman.  It is used as subjection and conquest.  That woman which is under subjection.  The woman who was under.  The word under is translated the woman who was under, the weaker vessel; the one who was under the whole heaven.  The one who was under subjection to Christ Jesus because she has been conquered by Him.  You cannot be a part of the kingdom of heaven if you have not been conquered by Christ Jesus.


Then we have the word mind.  It can also be translated belonging to.  That woman which is under subjection because she has been conquered by Christ Jesus belongs to Him.  Brethren, when your carnal mind is brought under the authority of Christ Jesus, your carnal mind will belong to Him.  Your humanity will belong to Him.  The woman which is under subjection because she has been conquered by Christ Jesus belongs to Him.  This is a witness that the living soul, which has died, the dead soul, belongs to Christ Jesus; Isaiah 63:1


Our Alternate Translation of Isaiah 63:1 is;  Who is this one who is separated from his unrighteous, violent, and treacherous sin stained wife, which is his flesh?  That woman who is pregnant because the dragon, which is dwelling within the multitude of the human beings which he has generated, has had sexual intercourse with her.  It is I, the Lord Jesus Christ who is saving the fallen dead creature from death by arranging her many members in the correct moral order. 


Alternate Translation of Job 41:11;  I should make the serpent good and that woman which is under subjection because she has been conquered by Christ Jesus, belongs to Him. 


Amplified Translation of Job 41:11;  Now that the woman which belongs to Christ Jesus has been conquered and is under His subjection, I should be able to make the serpent good.  Now I am still questioning that conditional tense.  What does Jehovah mean by He should be able to make the serpent good?  What is He talking about? 


John 4:35; Say not ye there are yet four months and then cometh harvest.  Behold, I say unto you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields for they are white already to harvest.  Matthew 9:37; Then sayeth he unto his disciples, the harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few.  I suggest to you Jehovah is saying, now that the woman which belongs to Christ Jesus has been conquered and is under subjection, I should be able to make the serpent good.  There is only one way the serpent will be made good and that is to be under subjection to Christ Jesus, but nevertheless, the laborers are few.


You see, in the man Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus of Nazareth brought that woman under subjection, and the work is finished at Calvary.  So Jehovah is saying, I should be able to bring the whole soul in line, but there is a conditional tense.  There is a conditional tense and it implies that everybody is not going to do their part, and that the fields are white to harvest.  What does that mean?  It means Christ Jesus has been conceived and is maturing in probably millions of believers, but they are not waging the warfare out of Him that will destroy Leviathan.


I would like to believe that I have convinced those of you coming to these meetings, by the teachings over the last few months, that if you do not use Christ Jesus as a weapon to wage war against your carnal mind, to wage war against Leviathan in your own mind, the day will come that Leviathan will get a spurt of double energy and rise up and kill Christ Jesus.  If you are playing games with this guy, you are laying your life on the line.  If you have Christ Jesus being formed in you, and you are just playing with Leviathan, you are about to lose your spiritual life.  You had better kill that guy while he is weak enough to be killed, because he is about to take a growth spurt.  It is going to make him very strong.  He just may be too strong for Christ Jesus in you.  Stop playing games.  He is not a toothless wonder.  He is very strong. 


So Jehovah is saying, now that the Lord Jesus Christ has done His job, I should be able to make the serpent good.  I should be able to bring the whole tree of the knowledge of good and evil under subjection to the tree of life, but it is not going to be that easy because the people are still in their sins, going back to their sins like a dog going back to his vomit.  You people cannot stop sinning despite the great sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ.  They are still subject to the serpent’s witchcraft power. 

I will read this one more time.  Amplified Translation of Job 41:11;  Now that the woman which belongs to Christ Jesus has been conquered and is under subjection to Him, I should be able to make the serpent good. 


Continuing with Job 41:12;  I will not conceal his parts or his power nor his comely proportions.  The Hebrew word translated not is Strong’s # 8705 and it does not mean not.  It is not even a negative particle.  I do not know why they did that, except they did not know what else to do with the word.  It is Strong’s # 8705 and it means, to, toward, at, in, till, until.  There is nothing negative there at all.  In order to, for the purpose of, belonging to, with respect to, in regard to, according to; and the King James translators translated it not.  I cannot tell you why. 


The answer is that was the only way they could make any sense out of the verse.  I will not conceal his parts.  Conceal is Strong’s # 2790 and it means to scratch, to engrave, to plow, to fabricate, or to form out of any material.  To me that is pretty obvious, brethren.  Every time I read about scratching or engraving, to me it means the engraving of the image both upon the spirit and upon the soul.  The engraving of the spirit is signified or typified by a molten image because the spirit is typified as metal, and the engraving of the soul is typified by wood idols, the engraving of wood in the Scripture. 


So this word translated concealed means to engrave as far as I am concerned; to engrave an image on.  Conceal; I do not know where the King James translators got that translation from.  They picked it out of their hat.  I will not conceal his parts.  Parts is Strong’s # 905 and it means a part of a body or a branch of a tree.  We mentioned earlier that the tree is referring to mind, and there is really only one mind.  There is the fallen mind and the glorious mind.


Whether you are talking about the fallen mind, which is death, to the carnally minded is death, or whether you are talking about the glorious mind of Christ Jesus, there is only one mind, and there are many branches of it, many members of that mind.  That is what the body of Christ is.  We all have the mind of Christ.  We are all a branch on the tree.  You see, the mind is signified by the tree, and each individual is a branch of that tree.  Jesus said, I am the vine and you are the branches.  Hallelujah!  Jesus.  Thank you, Lord, for your Spirit.  Keep me awake, Lord.


I will not conceal his parts nor his power.  The Hebrew word translated nor is Strong’s # 1697 and it is not a negative particle.  It means speech, a word, speaking, a thing or words.  That is crazy.  Two negative particles, not and nor, in the same verse, and neither one of which is a negative particle.  I just remind you that the Word of God is the mind of our new man, Christ Jesus.   


Alternate Translation of the first half of Job 41:12; I will engrave my word into their minds.  The word not we are translating into.  The word conceal we are translating engrave.  The word parts we are translating into the parts of the mind of God.  I will engrave my word into their minds.  Jeremiah 31:33 says; But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days saith the Lord.  I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts, and will be their God, and they shall be my people. Verse 34; And they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother saying, know the Lord, for they shall all know me from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord, for I will forgive their iniquity and I will remember their sin no more.


Continuing with the second half of Job 41:12.  His power, the word is comely proportion.  Please note, if you have not noticed it already, that the way I broke up this verse makes so sense at all in English.  The first half of the verse that I chose to translate is, I will not conceal his parts nor, and the King James translators put the nor with his power, but since nor is not even a negative particle, it means speech.  It means words.  We translated that nor with I will not conceal its parts.  In the second half of the verse we are dealing with is, his power nor his comely proportion. 


The Hebrew word translated power is Strong’s # 1369 and it is a feminine passive participle, and it means force, valor, victory, mastery, mighty power and strength.  We are speaking about his power.  Mastery; we are going to translate that mastery.  I suggest to you that men, when their mind is Christ Jesus, will attain mastery over their own soul.  The reason the word is feminine is that it is relating to the soul, which is female.  The sons of God will have mastery over their female soul; over their wives.  They are going to rule her.  They are going to put her underneath them. 


The words nor comely is Strong’s # 2433 and it means beauty, graciousness, or preciousness.  So that word nor, I guess it was just added in by the King James translators.  I suggest to you that Christ Jesus is beauty; it is His Spirit.  His Spirit is what is beautiful.  Brethren, if you want the true beauty, it is in your spirit.  The beauty in your flesh is passing away.  It is the beauty of your spirit that will endure forever, and the beauty of your spirit that will give you positive, godly relationships.


You cannot build a relationship, nor can you build a marriage on what someone’s flesh looks like.  If you are attracted to members of the opposite sex, because of the way they look, you are flirting with danger.  Nobody wants to be dating a super ugly person, but if your primary concern is what somebody looks like, you are moving in a world of foolishness, brethren.  You could find yourself married to a terribly wicked person who will abuse you, who may or may not remain beautiful, for a season, after you marry him or her.  It is the spirit that is beautiful. 


Proportion; nor his comely proportion.  The Hebrew word translated proportion is Strong’s # 6187 and it means; an order, a row, an estimate, things that are set in order, a layer, a pile, an estimate or a valuation.  We are going to stay with the meaning that seems to be predominate, a valuation, an estimate, or to be in high esteem, things that are set in order, things that are valuable.  Alternate translation; They shall be highly esteemed because the power of His Spirit shall give them mastery over their soul.  Let me show you how I got that.  These are some difficult translations. 


His power, nor His comely proportion.  Power is Strong’s # 1369 and is mastery.  Nor comely is His Spirit.  Proportion is value.  They shall be valued.  They shall be highly esteemed because the power of His Spirit shall give them mastery over their soul.  With this verse 12 of Job 41, I refer you to our Alternate Translation of Daniel 7:14 which we did almost five years ago.  It is as follows: Christ Jesus, the Spirit which produces life from within Himself, was set up in fallen Adam, and became the foundation which gave him mastery over his own soul, and he was given a glorified body so that all the peoples who know God, as well as those who do not know Him, and all nationalities and groups of people with different ethnic backgrounds, or who speak the same language, should find the strength for their human spirit to break out of their carnal minds and pierce through into Christ Jesus.  Adam’s mastery over his own soul is for the life of the ages.  He shall never lose it, and his glorified body shall never be destroyed.  Hallelujah!  What a promise!  I will take that over my own mansion any day.  Would you?  I sure would.


Alternate Translation of Job 41:12;  I will engrave my word into their minds and they shall be highly esteemed because the power of His Spirit shall give them mastery over their own soul.  Revelation 19:13 says, And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood and his name is called the Word of God.  I just put that in because I would like to give you some additional comments here.  I have been preaching for quite a while now that name signifies spirit.  I am going a little deeper tonight.  I remind you that the spirit in man is in the form of a mind.  Therefore, I say unto you that name signifies mind.  With regard to the above scripture, we can say then, I will engrave their minds with my mind, the Word of God.  I will engrave my word into their minds.  That is how we translated it.  I will engrave my word into their minds. 


What I am telling you is that the Word of the Lord is the mind of Christ Jesus.  So what He is really saying is, I will engrave their minds with my mind.  In other words, brethren, we have carnal minds.  Our minds are made of inferior metal, and the mind of Christ Jesus is coming up against our carnal minds and changing the engraving.  That is what it is talking about.  The mind of Christ Jesus is engraving our existing mind, changing the mark.  You are worried about the mark of the beast?  Do not worry about getting it.  You are born with it.                    


When the mind of God is fully born in you, He is going to attack your carnal mind and He is going to change the mark on your mind.  That is what this is talking about, the changing of the mark.  Hallelujah!   He is changing the mark of the beast into the mark of God.  I suggest to you that it is not man’s whole mind that is being engraved.  If you recall the teaching at the beginning of this series, it is just the single thread of man’s mind.  Now man’s mind is Leviathan.  It is a three thread mind.  Do you remember verse 1 of Chapter 41 that Jehovah is pulling one thread out of the mind?  Our fallen mind is made up of our dead human spirit, and Satan, and the devil.  That which is being changed is the spirit in our mind; Be ye renewed in the spirit of your mind. 


The mind is a three thread cord, and only one of those threads is spirit, and it is the human spirit.  Her name is Eve.  Satan is soul, and the devil is soul.  So when the mind of Christ Jesus comes up against our inferior mind, He is actually only engraving, or re-engraving the human spirit.  How does He re-engrave the human spirit?  She must be separated from Satan because Satan himself is the engraving.  Satan is the mark of the beast.  The fact that our human spirit is joined to Satan is the mark of the beast.  When she is joined to Christ Jesus, she will have the mark of God.  The mark is the man that she is joined to.  It is just like when a woman in our society marries, she takes her husband’s name.  The human spirit, Eve, takes the name or the mark of the spirit that she is joined to. 


Now Satan is not a spirit, but he is acting like a spirit.  He is in the male role.  So we see that the Scripture says I will engrave their minds with my mind.  The meaning here is not that man’s whole mind, but that single thread of man’s fallen mind, is being extracted and saved.  That human spirit will be engraved with or converted into the mind of Christ.  First she must be extracted from the dead mind so that she may be converted.  What is another word for converted?  She must be woven into the mind of Christ Jesus.  She has to be removed from the fabric or the braid which is Leviathan, and woven into or joined to the mind of Christ Jesus.     


Amplified Translation of Job 41:12.  I will engrave my nature upon their human spirits and the Word of God shall be born in them, and they shall be highly esteemed and very valuable because their new man, Christ Jesus, shall give them mastery over their soul.  Eye hath not seen, and ear hath not heard, what God has in store for us, brethren, when we stop dying.  Wonder what kind of work we are going to have to do.  How exciting. 


Recap of Job 41:11 and 12.  Now that the woman which belongs to Christ Jesus has been conquered and is under subjection to Him, I should be able to make the serpent good, and this is how I will do it.  I will engrave my nature upon their human spirits and the Word of God shall be born in them, and they shall be highly esteemed and very valuable because their new man, Christ Jesus, shall give them mastery over their own soul.  Hallelujah!  Any questions or comments on the message tonight?


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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