Part 6 of 14 Parts
The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
(Last 5 minutes of Leviathan, Part 5)
Coming out of our reprobate mind is the easy part. The hard part is having a righteous mind appear in us. We may have power to cut our own reprobate mind out or off from our souls, but we have no power to give ourselves a righteous mind. That is a gift which must come from the Lord Jesus and there is nothing we can pay to get it. Well that's not true. There is only one payment that the Lord Jesus will receive and that is what? The head of the serpent on a platter. That wicked Leviathan mind offered up John the Baptist's head on a platter. You see, we will offer up the dragon's head on a platter to the Lord Jesus.
Alternate Translation: Job 41:6; Will the men who are bound to Leviathan because of the serpent's witchcraft be able to dig through their souls? Will they be able to separate Leviathan from their souls and free their human spirits by unraveling his completed mind?
Amplified Translation: Job 41:6; Will the men who are bound to Leviathan because of the serpent's witchcraft be able to separate themselves from him by digging through the earth of their souls and unraveling his completed mind? Will the men who are bound to Leviathan because of the serpent's witchcraft be able to separate themselves from him by digging through the earth of their souls and unraveling his completed mind?
Brethren, let me read you my note. I know I went over it before. Remember that the scripture refers to fallen man as earth worms. Also remember that man is made of spirit and earth. Our true nature is spirit. So it is man's human spirit that will be digging through the earth of his own soul to join with the Lord Jesus Christ, who will increase man's human spirit into Christ Jesus, who will then unravel Leviathan's completed mind. Now our captivity is spiritual, brethren. And our deliverance will be spiritual. Men who are waiting for a physical deliverance will most likely miss the coming of the Lord. The only exceptions being those men whom the Lord judges faithful, but legitimately unable or unequipped to accept the truth. It's my understanding of the scripture that the Lord will bypass and leave behind the men to whom the truth has been offered and refused and who continue to refuse and repent and acknowledge the truth. Glory to God.
Leviathan, An In-Depth Study - Part 6
Recap, Job Chapter 41 verses 1 through 6:
Can Leviathan's malignant tongue, the mind of that many membered band of destructive men and the fallen soul which has been choking since the carnal mind killed the incomplete Christ mind be submerged underneath the mind of Christ Jesus and the spiritual visible world which is in His image? Can your mind penetrate the dragon and fuse with the human spirit who is joined to him so that she can increase into Christ Jesus, the only one who is strong enough to boil Leviathan until he evaporates and releases the human spirit. Will the serpent appoint Leviathan, her completed female mind to rule over you or will she sacrifice her so that Christ Jesus can raise you from the dead? Will you, who are the serpent, Job, cut Leviathan away from your soul so that your human spirit can overcome death by increasing into Christ Jesus? Will you unfold your fallen dead soul into your mind and enslave her for the life of the ages? Will you, Job, who are the serpent cut Leviathan away from your soul so that your human spirit can overcome death by increasing into Christ Jesus? Will you, Job, who are the serpent unfold your fallen dead soul into your own mind and enslave her for the life of the ages. I think I read verse 4 twice. You may laugh at Behemoth's power to hurt you now, but you won't be laughing, Job, when you find out that Leviathan has made you his prostitute. Will the men who are bound to Leviathan because of the serpent's witchcraft be able to separate themselves from him by digging through the earth of their souls and unraveling his completed mind?
Verse 7: Can you fill his skin with barbed irons or his head with fish spears? Job, can you fill Leviathan's skin with barbed irons or his head with fish spears? Hebrew translated fills Strong's #4390 means to accomplish, to confirm, to be ended, to be armed, to be satisfied, to complete or to mass themselves against. Now remember that our spiritual weapon is the mind and that satisfaction speaks about completion or salvation. I suggest to you that this Hebrew word implies completion unto salvation. Can you fill his skin, can you complete his skin, can you save his skin? That's interesting. The world talks about saving one's skin. I never knew how many worldly expressions came out of the bible. I was amazed to find out to be saved by the skin of your teeth or to have your knees knocking together all come out of the bible. And now I read that saving your skin comes out of the bible. What an amazing book. What an amazing book.
Can you fill his skins with barbed irons? Skins: Strong's #5785 and it is from Strong's #5783 which means skin referring to nakedness. It can mean hide or leather and it is used of men and animals. The Hebrew word which this word is derived from is Strong's #5783 can be translated nakedness or to be aroused from sleep; to be aroused from sleep. Can you satisfy, can you complete, can you save that which is sleeping? Can you save that which is sleeping? Can you save that which is naked? To be naked means to be uncovered. There is only one true cover and that's Jehovah and Jehovah is covering mankind in the form of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
If your cover is not the Lord Jesus Christ, you are naked. If your mind isn't the mind of Christ Jesus, you are sleeping. And you are sleeping the sleep of death. Whether you are dead or you are alive is determined by the mind which is ruling your soul. And there is proof in the pudding. If the mind which is ruling your soul is the serpent's mind, how do we know it is the serpent's mind? Your body will die. And before your body dies, it will age, and in many cases will be sick before death. If your mind is alive, your soul and your body will be alive and there will be nothing that can kill it. Because the soul and the body is an expression of the mind which is behind the soul and the body. The soul and the body are in front of the mind. And the mind is in front of the...anybody know? The mind is in front of the spirit or god which lives in this city that we are. Human beings are a residence for spiritual life and the church is preaching that we are going to inherit a mansion. We are the mansion. And we belong to one spirit or the other. He lives in us. And there is a tower in the city. The tower is the mind. Jesus, help me to preach this message. My eyes are three quarters closed. Glory to God.
So we see that Job 41:7 is speaking about the salvation of that which is sleeping. And what is sleeping? The soul that God created is sleeping. The mind isn't sleeping. The mind died. The spirit or the breath that Jehovah breathed into the creation is not sleeping. He died. But the soul is sleeping the sleep of death. Adam descended into the sleep of death. And the mind of Christ that was born into the creation, or that was begotten into the creation or that was in the process of being begotten into the creation died. The soul went to sleep. Paul said, awake to righteousness.
The concept of being awake is directly related to life. Sleep is directly related to death. Everyone in this world is asleep, spiritually asleep, and we have died to the reality of the world which is ruled over by Jehovah. We have entered into a dream state, actually a nightmare state. We have entered into another reality, another dimension. You can use whatever word you like. If you want to call it hell, call it hell. We have entered into another reality because we were corrupted in our mind.
Paul says, be ye renewed in the spirit of your mind. We were corrupted in the spirit of our mind. And we died to our existence whereby we fellowshipped continuously with the Father as described by the parable in Genesis of Adam and Eve being in the garden and then the Father looking for them and not being able to find them. We died to that reality of total provision which exists in the mind of God and we entered into another mind. We, the spirit that we are entered into another mind and we were bound to that mind by chains of darkness.
We were sold unto Satan. We were sold unto the serpent who begot his mind in us. And the serpent entered into that mind and is dwelling there in the form of the spirit known as Satan. The serpent is appearing in this world as Satan. Just as Jehovah, in this hour, is appearing in this world either as the Lord Jesus Christ or Christ Jesus or the man Christ Jesus. The Lord Jesus Christ is a Spirit. He is not a mind. He is not a whole man. Oh boy, they are going to get me on that one. He is a whole man. He is a resurrected man, but He is not growing out of our soul. When the Lord Jesus Christ reproduces Himself in us and is found in us in the form whereby He can marry us, His name changes to the man Christ Jesus. The Lord Jesus Christ is the sperm; He is the seed which will hopefully sprout and produce the man Christ Jesus, the fully mature spiritual man who is growing out of our soul, the double portion, the increase. The Lord Jesus Christ in this hour is the seed. Thank you Father.
So we see that the Hebrew word translated skin can also be translated nakedness, although this is not the same Hebrew word which appears in Genesis 2 and Genesis 3 with regard to Adam and his wife being naked. This word also means to be naked or to be uncovered. The implication of being uncovered is to have lost Jehovah's covering. Also remember, that to lose Jehovah's covering means spiritually to go to sleep. Remember that Cain was sent into the land of Nod or the land of deep sleep. Nod means deep sleep.
Christ died and spiritually speaking began to experience the sleep of death. I suggest to you that the phrase, can you fill his skin should be translated, can you complete his sleeping or his dead mind? Job, can you complete Leviathan's dead mind? Who do you think you are Job? Do you have the power to complete Leviathan's mind? Remember now, salvation is only through the spiritual completion which comes from union with the Son. You can cast out demons for your entire life, but you will not be saved unless the man Christ Jesus is added to you. The man Christ Jesus must be fully born in you.
Brethren, to be born again, it means that your spirit must be raised from the dead and when he is raised from the dead, He will be born in you as the man Christ Jesus. Genesis 3:21 says, unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord make coats of skin and clothed them. Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord make coats of skin and clothed them. So we see that the man and his wife, they were naked, and Jehovah clothed them. Jehovah became their cover.
Continuing with the first half of Job, Chapter 41:7, Can you fill his skin with barbed irons? There is one Hebrew word which is translated barbed irons, Strong's #7905. It means a barb or a spear. This is a feminine word that is very significant. When the Hebrew lexicon tells us that this word is feminine because we know that everything that is feminine is of the serpent and everything that is masculine or manly is of Christ.
So as soon as we hear the word is feminine, we have a very strong clue right at that moment that we are talking about some manifestation of the serpent. Most likely, her mind. Barbed irons #7905; it is a feminine word and can mean a dart as pointed like a thorn and we have had many scriptures which have revealed that the thorns spoken of in the scripture typify the carnal mind; Leviathan, the completed mind of the flesh. Carnal means flesh and the carnal mind has a name. Its name is Leviathan.
Thorns in the scripture, as far as I'm concerned have been established a long time ago, that they typify the weapon of the fallen man, the carnal mind whose name is Leviathan. So barbed iron can mean thorn. It can mean spear, but surprisingly enough it comes from the root Strong's #7900 which means a booth or a tabernacle as interlaced speaking about taking branches and interweaving them to make a booth as men did in bible days. The same Hebrew word that means barbed iron or thorn means to be interlaced or tabernacle. I find that very interesting because the thorn is the carnal mind. We have established that going back two years ago that thorns typify the carnal mind.
And here we see that this word comes from a root which means to be woven. And we now know that the mind is a woven garment. Two or three years ago when we found out that thorns typify the carnal mind, I don't think I had the revelation that the mind was a woven garment. Now we have the revelation that the mind is a woven garment. So now we have two witnesses that the Lord is speaking about a mind. That the mind is a thorn. It is sharp. It's a weapon and the root that it comes from means to be woven or interlaced. And that word is from another word which means a briar, as of a hedge, a prick. And Paul said, of course, don't push against the pricks. So one more time we get a witness that we are speaking about a mind and the information that this mind is feminine tells us therefore, without a shadow of a doubt that we are speaking about the serpent's mind.
In man, the serpent's mind is called Leviathan. The three thread mind of the serpent is called Leviathan. Alleluia. Please note that this Hebrew word speaks about a prick that is both woven and female. A prick or a thorn, that is not a dirty word. I was ministering to a Hasidic rabbi once and I used the word prick. I said don't push against the pricks and he thought I was cursing. But I was not cursing. That word is in the scripture. It means a thorn. It means a sharp instrument that can prick you. Jesus. There is an awesome anointing here tonight. Awesome! So please note that this Hebrew word speaks about a prick that is both woven and female. It speaks about something that is sharp and something that is a weapon, something that is woven and something that is female. So the fact that it is a weapon and that it is woven tells us that it is a mind.
And the fact that it is female tells us that that mind is not Jehovah's mind, but the serpent's mind, whose name is Leviathan. Jesus! And also, let me remind you that the three threads of a completed mind, the scriptures tell us are woven, and I want to suggest to you that they are braided. They are braided. Perhaps if the Lord lets me we'll talk on some of those scriptures. I don't think there are very many where Paul talks about braiding your hair. I don't know if I have ever looked those scriptures up in the Greek, but I suspect very strongly that Paul is talking about and exhorting the people not to let their minds be completed in Leviathan. Paul is one of the most understood apostles. He speaks on a lot of deep spiritual issues and when carnal men listen to him, they misunderstand him. They call him a woman hater and they make all kinds of mistakes about him.
So we see that this expression, can you fill or can you save his skin with barbed irons is a challenge from Jehovah to Job, saying who do you think you are? You are holding yourself up against me, the God of the universe, and I'm telling you that I have the power to complete Leviathan's three thread braided mind. Can you do that? How could you lift yourself up against me like that? And I'm finding out more and more every day that people and men who are lifted up in pride; they really are so blinded to the reality of anyone's authority, legitimate or otherwise, that they really do have the nerve to lift themselves up and raise their head up against people of very high order because of pride. They're so blinded to the truth of situations that they make mistakes which bring destruction into their life. They don't honor people that should be honored. They talk down to people who have authority over them.
Pride makes you or brings you into total confusion as to what your proper position is in each and every relationship. I have had some people tell me they are insulted when I say something is not your place. They say this is America. No one has a place, we are all equal. That's not true, brethren. It's a big lie. We are not all equal. You are not equal to your employer. You are not equal to your husband. You are not equal to your mother or your father. You are not equal and depending on the circumstance, you are not equal to the policeman in a position in which he has authority. You are not equal to the person who has twice as much physical strength as you have. You are not equal. It is a lie. In every relationship, one person is the head and the other person is the tail. And if you don't know when to submit, you are really at a tremendous disadvantage. Why? Because the person who is the head must have something that you need. And second of all, if you insult the person who is the head, you'll incur his wrath. The Lord speaks about that in the book of Proverbs; Soothe the king, don't provoke him. When someone has authority over you, don't provoke them. Soothe them. No good can come out of you provoking someone that has a legitimate authority over you. Only evil can come of it. Jesus.
Alternate Translation; the first half of Job 41:7, Job, can you complete Leviathan's dead militarily defensed mind? Where did I get militarily defensed from? I guess Leviathan is militarily defensed; a briar, a hedge, a barbed wire, okay. Job, can you complete Leviathan's dead militarily defensed mind?
Continuing with the second half of Job 41:7, Or, Job, can you fill his skin with barbed irons or his head with fish spears? Can you fill his head with fish spears? The Hebrew word translated head is rosh and that's the word that means head, authority, beginning, first. It is a word that is used to describe the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Head of the church and I suggest to you that Leviathan's head is the first incarnated generation of the serpent.
All that I will put on this tape at this time is that we have been studying the generations of incarnated spiritual life and I've been giving you as an example the generations of the family of God in heaven because you are most familiar with that. And I have told you that Jehovah is the Father and that He breathed the breath of life into the soul and that there was a mind, an immature mind formed in that soul when Jehovah joined with it.
If you listen to the series on creation, you'll hear that first Jehovah breathed the breath of life into the soul and then He hovered over that soul and light appeared and that is referring to the formation of the two thread immature mind called Christ and then Christ increased into a three thread mind and the name of that three thread mind is Christ Jesus. And Christ Jesus appeared for the first time in the man called Jesus of Nazareth.
Jehovah's three thread completed mind, which is not easily broken, appeared for the first time in the man, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus of Nazareth was glorified; He was crucified; He was raised from the dead and He ascended up into the heaven in the form of Spirit. In this hour, He is a Spirit and He is reproducing Himself in men, today, and the Lord Jesus Christ in men, today, is in men in the form of mind, and the name of that mind is Christ Jesus. And the God who rules through that mind is Jehovah. In this hour He is ruling through and dwelling in that mind in the form of the Spirit of Christ. So in the same way, we see that the serpent is bringing forth her mind into the earth.
The name of the serpent's mind in the early stages is the dragon. The dragon is on the same generational level as Christ. The dragon is a mind which is formed from two threads and the dragon increases into a three thread mind just as Christ increased into Christ Jesus. The dragon increases into a three thread mind and the name of that three thread mind is Leviathan. When Christ increases into a three thread mind, the name of that three thread mind is Christ Jesus. Now Christ Jesus is a mind and that mind appeared in the man, Jesus of Nazareth.
Likewise, Leviathan or the serpent's three thread mind is a mind and that mind appeared in the man, Cain. The Lord Jesus Christ was crucified, raised from the dead and ascended and in this hour is in the minds of men as the unconscious mind of the man Christ Jesus, which is being formed in some men. In the same manner, Cain was killed. When was he killed? If not sooner, brethren, he died surely in the flood. Cain was killed. What we found out was that he was raised from the dead in spirit form. Does anybody remember where? Cain is now a spirit. He died, but he was raised from the dead. The spirit that was in that man, the mind that was in that man, was raised from the dead and appeared in Noah's mind. He appeared in Noah's mind. I preached that on the Noah tapes before I even had the revelation of where the spirit of Cain was fitting into everything. I was confusing myself. But I had a true word. I just didn't have the fullness of the understanding that I have now.
That man Cain died and he was raised from the dead in spirit form in Noah's mind. The scripture says, Noah planted a vineyard and became drunk on the fruit thereof. But when we looked at it in the Hebrew, we found out that it was actually the serpent who planted a vine or a false vine or the mind of the serpent in Noah's mind. Now Noah was righteous in God's eyes. He had to have the mind of Christ. He had to be living out of the mind of Christ, but I suggest to you, it was a two thread mind of Christ. And he was walking on top of whatever measure of authority the dragon had over him in that time. Noah was a giant, I believe, and I don't believe he looked like we look today. He looked like the men looked on the other side of the flood. Men were living until 800 or 900 years then. They couldn't have possibly looked like we look. These bodies wouldn't make it for 800 or 900 years. They would wear out.
So, Noah and the men on the other side of the flood didn't have bodies like these. And I suggest to you that the spirit of Cain appeared in his mind and Noah became a member of the second generation of Cain, just like we are the second generation of the Lord Jesus Christ, called Christ Jesus. In this hour there is a second generation of the serpent's mind which is appearing in men and they are called ...what?...the devil. Jesus said to the pharisees, your father is the devil. Let me go on. I'll try again on Sunday. I know I've done it several times, but I can't make it any clearer right now. The spirit of Cain is on the same generational level as the Lord Jesus Christ. In this hour, He is in Spirit form and He is appearing in the minds of men as the first generation or the unconscious mind of their corrupted criminal mind known as Leviathan.
Father, if you want me to preach another 45 minutes, you are going to have to do something with me because I am going out in the spirit. Thank you Jesus. I did want to take a few minutes at this point to talk about a phenomenon that occurred in the church that I was being raised up in. My pastor had gone out to a seminar at a famous deliverance church. I don't know whether he experienced this personally or he heard about it. He came back with a report that someone at this other church had manifested a spirit of Noah. He spoke about it from the pulpit assuming that it was valid because he was in the church of a famous preacher who was a very anointed man of God. He never did tell us who it was, but somebody in that church stood up and manifested the spirit of Noah.
My pastor talked about it and told the congregation about it and within a couple of weeks, he too, my pastor, manifested this spirit of Noah. It never sat right with me. I didn't like the sound of it. It sounded like channeling, some kind of medium experience. I was inclined to think it was demonic rather than of God, but I had no revelation on it. This was probably ten years ago. And now where I am now, that God is showing me that the spirit that was in Noah was the spirit of Cain and the spirit of Cain being the first incarnation of the serpent; it is saying to me that my feeling about this spirit of Noah was correct. The spirit of Noah, the spirit that was in Noah, the spirit of Cain. And I believe that it was an ungodly manifestation speaking through both of those men exalting himself through them making a mockery of their ministry as members of the two witness company and making mockery of their ministry as incomplete sons of God.
I believe that the serpent actually exalted himself through them calling itself the spirit of Noah. I don't see any difference between that and the serpent manifesting through other people and calling himself Mary or any other name that he is taking on to receive worship. The serpent takes on many names and it has taken the Lord almost ten years to answer this question to me about this spirit of Noah expressing himself through two men of God. Brethren, you had better believe that the serpent in you is stronger than Christ Jesus in you before Christ Jesus is in full stature. You had better believe it because if you don't believe it, he is going to kill you. He is going to kill you. You need your older brother, the Lord Jesus Christ. Even if Christ Jesus is being formed in you, you need your elder brother. You need the double portion to defeat this Leviathan because as far as you and Christ Jesus, Himself, is concerned, Leviathan is undefeatable. He will surely kill you. And he will kill you through deception and seduction. Don't think you are all there is. You can't make it without the Lord Jesus.
Father, I am asking your permission to end this meeting. After a 45 minute message I cannot keep my eyes open. Of course, this is the second 45 minute message. I did preach that short tape on the form of exhortation. It's not that I am tired Lord, I am being slain in the spirit. I can't keep my eyes open. Even if you told me to go on, I don't know that I could do it, Lord. I continue to ask for instruction as to how I am suppose to preach when I am getting slain in the spirit. I don't know how to do it. So I will just finish out this section here. I can't go on. I don't even know what I am saying.
The first half of the Alternate Translation of the first half of Job 41:7, Can you complete his dead militarily defensed mind or his head with fish spears? The word head means authority and Leviathan's head is the first incarnated generation of the serpent. I'm trying to make the point of who this spirit of Cain is and I'm going to call him the negative Lord Cain.
Some of you might have heart me preach on the gospel of Thomas in which we preached on the doctrine of another Jesus and I called that other Jesus, Jesus the devil. Jesus, the devil, trying to make my point or press my point home. Right now we have the Lord Jesus Christ, the incarnation of the mind of God. And just to press the point home, I am going to call the spirit of Cain the negative Lord Cain. I am going to call him Lord Cain, but he is a negative Lord Cain. He is an expression of the devil.
Can you, Job, fill Leviathan's head with fish spears? The Hebrew word translated head is Strong's #7218. This is the Hebrew word Rosh. We have dealt with that word many times. It is the word that can mean the top, the summit, the chief, the head. It is used in the Old Testament to describe the Lord Jesus Christ, the head of the armies of heaven. He is the head of all Power and Principalities. This is the Hebrew word that describes Him. According to the King James translators, we are speaking about Leviathan's head. However, can his head be filled with fish spears? Now who is Leviathan's head?
Let's just review who Leviathan is. Leviathan is a completed mind woven from three cords. Now who is the head of a mind? Who is the head of a mind? The spirit that dwells in that mind is the head of the mind. Now remember, a mind is a woven garment. It is the house that is woven for the spirit to dwell in, just as a spider weaves a web and dwells in that web. In that same manner the serpent is likened unto a spider, who is weaving the web of her completed mind whose name is Leviathan. On the positive side, we have the Spirit of Jehovah, who in the form of the Lord Jesus Christ is weaving Jehovah's completed mind, the name of which is...does anyone know what the name of Jehovah's completed mind is?...the Word of God. The Word of God. The Word of God.
The immature mind is Christ and the mature completed mind is the Word of God and the Word of God is the mature mind of Christ which is found in the man, which is the complete personality called Christ Jesus. So the head of the mind is the spirit that dwells in the mind. The head of the mind is the spirit who has woven the mind. He has made a house for himself. Amen.
Can Leviathan's head be filled with fish spears? Fish spears. The Hebrew word translated fish is Strong's #1709 and simply means a fish, but when you take it back to its root, it is from Strong's #1672 which means squirming. And the significance is to move by the vibratory action of the tail. Brethren, that's how sperms move. Has anybody here ever seen an educational movie on human reproduction? Sperm move by whipping their tail. They whip their tail and it propels the sperm up into the woman, into the place where the ovulated egg is available for fertilization. And there are many kinds of life forms in this planet, usually simple life forms that move by whipping their tails. Usually microscopic life forms or I think, even in the ocean or in the water beds, many forms of simple life that exists in the sea move by whipping their tail. Maybe most fish move by vibratory action.
What are we talking about when we speak about fish? We are speaking about the unconscious mind. The Lord has been dealing with us on that level for on and off for several years now. The unconscious mind of fallen man is typified by the sea. Satan is the sea. Well okay, I thought the serpent was the earth? Yes, the serpent is this earth realm and this realm is both water and earth. It is water and earth. Why? Because we have fallen down underneath the sea. We are Atlantis and we are the sea bed. The earth is the sea bed which is covered over by the waters of this world which typify the spiritual realm in this world which is typified by water. The realm of the spirit where the Father is typified by vapor and that is pure spirit. But there is a spiritual world that exists on the soul realm.
The scriptures speaks about the heavens. There are two heavens. There is the heaven which Jehovah is, pure Spirit and there is the heaven where the Powers and Principalities of this world are. And they are in the heavenlies of this fallen world, of this soulish world. And soul is typified by water. This world, I preached it here recently, is 96 percent water, but I read somewhere just this week that it is 99 percent water. I think I got some advertisement from National Geographic or some such thing that came in the mail. And it said that 99 percent of this world is water. Not only am I talking about our tissues and the atmosphere, but the planet, itself, is 99 percent water and only one percent solid land. So this water world, what I am hearing in my head, is that this world is a watery grave. A watery grave where the spirits which once dwelled in the high heavens of the garden of Eden with Jehovah have fallen down into. A watery grave; a watery grave.
And fish signify the life form that is dwelling in this watery grave which is ruled over by the serpent in the form of Leviathan. What am I talking about? Brethren, we spoke about this on the message called the Spirit of Cain. Now listen, Jehovah is incarnating and as He passes through each stage of incarnation, His name changes. Jehovah, Christ, the human spirit, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Word of God, Christ Jesus. This is all the Spirit of Jehovah in different stages of incarnation and each stage of incarnation has a different function.
So in like manner, we see the serpent who also is incarnating in this hour and her name changes in each stage of incarnation; the serpent, the dragon, the spirit of Cain, Leviathan, the form of the serpent who is dwelling in the sea because at the point in time that the serpent is in the form of Leviathan, she is dwelling in this soulish world that she has formed. And in this soulish world the spiritual part of it is in the form of water signifying that the level of spiritual power which is present in this world is lower than the level of spiritual power in the mountain where Jehovah is. The spiritual power in the mountain where Jehovah is is the highest spiritual power. Spiritual power signified by water is a lower realm of spiritual power. You never heard anything like this? Go to Africa. They will tell you all about red and black witchcraft and yellow witchcraft and I think in Africa, I think it is either white or green witchcraft along with it. There are levels of spiritual power. There is also water spirits that are in there somewhere. There is voodoo. There are all different kinds of spiritual power in the kingdom of darkness. Thank you Jesus!
So we see that fish typify the life form which exists in this soulish realm. And of course, to say life form, is not accurate because nobody is alive down here. Everybody is dead. It would be more accurate to say fish typify the form of existence down here in Atlantis in the world that fell down underneath the waters that arose as a judgment from Jehovah. The question is can Leviathan's head which is the serpent be filled with fish spears? The Hebrew word translated spears, Strong's #6767, means warring, buzzing, a warring locust and I suggest to you that locust typifies the judgment of God. Locusts was one of the plagues that was visited upon Pharaoh and the spiritual locusts which we read about in Revelation, chapter 9, I suggest to you, typify the sons of God. The sons of God which are the judgment of Jehovah upon this world beginning with the church and the elders thereof.
Why would the sons of God who are executing the judgment of Jehovah be typified by locusts? Does anybody know? Locusts eat vegetation. Locust eat plant life. And what is plant life? What is the plant life of this planet a symbol of? Spirit, spirit. The animal life of this planet typifies the soul. Our soul is an animal. It is the beast, but the plant life of this planet typifies our spirit. Jesus said we are the planting of the Lord and He is the true vine. We are a spiritual plant growing in the earth of this soul which is the beast. And the name of the beast, the proper name of the beast is? The serpent in this hour in the form of Leviathan. Yes, that's true. Or even more completely, the devil. All of these answers are correct depending upon what aspect you are looking at it from. Glory to God.
So, the sons of God are typified by locusts. They are the judgment of God devouring the illegal plant life that is in this world. We have discussed this before. If Jesus calls Himself the true vine, that means there must be a false vine. A vine is plant life. We know that there is a Tree of Life and there is a tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. There is a positive tree and a negative tree. There is a positive vine and a negative vine. Therefore, the locust which are the sons of God are devouring the negative vine, the false vine, the vine that produces sour grapes.
So we see that the locusts of God are devouring the false vine and we learned from our studying in 1 Kings 19 in regard to Elijah, that the Spirit of Christ is swallowing up or chasing after the blaspheming spirit of Satan. So we see spirit is fighting with spirit. Mind is fighting with mind. The Spirit of Christ fights with Satan and the Word of God fights with Leviathan; mind to mind, spirit to spirit. And what is the prize? What is the prize that spirit and mind is fighting over? The soul, the soul! The winner gets the soul. The winning spirit and the winning mind will possess the single soul.
There is only one soul. Jehovah created and formed one soul. There are two spirits fighting for this soul and each spirit has formed a mind. There are two minds fighting for possession of this soul. The soul is the woman and the spirit in his mind, each spirit in his specific mind is at war with the opposing spirit who is dwelling in his mind for the possession and the use of the soul which Jehovah formed out of the earth. One soul. When the mind in her is good or is righteous, she is holy and a virtuous woman and when the mind in her is the offspring of the serpent, fallen and corrupt, she is a harlot. She is a harlot depending on which mind is born in her. Jehovah makes her righteous and the serpent makes her a slut. She has no identity of her own. She is a reflection of the one who possesses her. Alleluia!
The Hebrew word translated spear, we are speaking about that, means warring, buzzing locusts. The whirring of wings such as locust wings; also it can mean a cricket. Now I did not prepare to give you all the quotes here, but I will just remind you that we do have an alternate translation on Job 38 verses 4 through 7. This is the verse which speaks about the sons of God singing with Jehovah at the beginning of time. This is the scripture that many kingdom preachers quote to prove to you that we all existed in the fullness of our maturity before time began. And that we gave up this marvelous existence to incarnate in this fallen condition because the Lord asked us to do it. I suggest to you that this is not true. We were sperm in the loins of Jehovah at the beginning of time. We were unincarnated sperm, unincarnated sperm, and we passed into this world in an infantile stage. I do not believe we had consciousness in Jehovah. Okay?
In this particular scripture when we worked up the alternate translation on it, we found out that it has been misinterpreted and that the actual significance of the word to sing; it is not a word that means to sing as human beings sing opera or vocal. It is referring, if you look it up in Strong's Concordance and in Gesenius, the word translated to sing is speaking about a high stridulous sound such as a cricket makes and not as a human voice singing. It is referring to the sound made from vibration. Men speak because their vocal cords vibrate. This particular word is referring to the vibration even of a violin string. But most specifically to the sound more likely made by a cricket, which you may or may not know is a sound that is not pleasant to the human ear. The sound that a cricket makes, the sound that a locust makes is not pleasant to the human ear, but it is a sound that is made as a result of vibration.
And the alternate translation of this verse Job 38:4 & 7 is not that the sons of God sang opera with Jehovah in some heavenly choir, which is preached, but they made a high stridulous sound that is not a pleasant sound. I don't know about Strong's, but it definitely appears as an alternate translation in Gesenius. This word can be translated evil. Our translation, as we worked up the whole verse of Job 38: 4 and 7; we translated them together is speaking about the sons of God when they became evil. How did the sons of God become evil? Brethren, the sons of God existed in Adam's loins, just as Levi existed in Abraham's loins when Abraham paid tithes.
The sons of God, all the potential sons that the Lord intended to bring forth in this creation became evil when their original ancestor, Adam, yielded to the serpent and he, himself, became evil. When Adam fell, brethren, all the potential for his reproductive, all the potential for his descendents, became evil with him. Someone said I thought it was Eve that messed up. I'm not going to get into that teaching right now. We have plenty of tapes on it. For this tape, let me say, Eve ate and she gave to Adam and he ate with her. Adam fell and in Adam we all died. Because he died, we died. But I have good news for you, brethren. Because Jesus Christ rose from the dead, we too shall rise from the dead. Because of one, the many fell down into a painful life, because of the sin of one. But because of the righteousness of one man, all shall be made alive. The first Adam failed and the second Adam succeeded.
So we see that this Hebrew word translated spear is speaking about becoming evil. I remind you that Paul said, that if we had every spiritual gift and we had not love, we were as empty as a clanging cymbal. I suggest to you that this phrase that Jehovah is putting to Job; Can you fill Leviathan's head with fish spears? With that phrase, Jehovah is actually saying to Job, can you save fallen man by judgment? Can you save fallen man by judgment? Can you fill his head with fish spears? Well, fish referring to the unconscious mind; spears referring to judgment; head speaking about the spirit in fallen man, Satan. He is saying, Job, do you have the power to bring judgment upon the serpent and deliver the creation through that judgment? Jehovah is saying, look, that's what I am going to do. I am going to raise this creation up out of hell for judgment. The Spirit of Christ is judging Satan and the Word of God, which is the mature mind of Christ is judging Leviathan.
This was very clear at 1 Kings 19 in the tape series called Jehovah. When the Lord moved mightily to raise Jehovah back up a second time after He fell down. We are told clearly in our alternate translation that the Spirit of Christ chased after Satan and the minds of the sons of God who had cursed Elijah because he had pointed out their sins and that the mind of Christ in Elijah chased after the fallen mind in the reprobate sons of God, sons of Israel. The implication here, brethren, is that fallen man attempts to minister judgment, but the judgment of fallen man does what? It destroys. It destroys. The judgment of fallen man kills. Now that judgment is necessary. If the merciful judgment of Jehovah is not present, we must judge sin. Murders must be put away. Society must be protected. Fallen man does not have the power to rehabilitate, therefore he must destroy all malignant human beings, which if left to themselves, would destroy society. But Jehovah doesn't have to destroy malignant human beings. He has the authority to rehabilitate.
So in this phrase; Job, can you fill Leviathan's head with fish spears?...what Jehovah is really saying to Job is; You think you are such a great man Job. Do you have the power to heal this creation through judgment? Of course, the answer is no. The judgment of fallen man destroys. So we see Jehovah pointing out Job's weaknesses; pointing out the weaknesses in Job's righteousness. Job's righteousness is the righteousness of the law. Can you do what is necessary to save this soul, Job? Can you complete this fallen mind? The scripture says we are complete in Him. The principle being, brethren, that man can cast out demons and fix up the mind that we have; patch it up; heal it up; we can cook it and bake it and love it and roll it; and do everything you want with it, but this fallen mind, this existence we have is incomplete and there is nothing that we can do to it that will complete it. We can put makeup on it; we can take it to the beauty parlor; we can put perfume on it, but it is lacking something that is essential. That is the Spirit of God.
Therefore, Jehovah is asking Job all of these questions that Jehovah already knows the answers to. Jehovah is asking Job rhetorical questions, questions that He does not expect an answer from. Why? Because Jehovah, the One asking the questions, knows the answers. Job doesn't know the answers. Jehovah's specific motive for putting these questions to Job is to stimulate his thought. Jehovah wants Job to think. Jehovah knows the answer. It is Job who doesn't know the answer. And the answer is; Job, you are powerless to save yourself.
Alternate Translation, the second half of Job 41 verse 7; Or can you save fallen Adam by judging the Spirit of Cain in his unconscious mind? For those of you who are listening to the tapes, we had a message entitled "The Spirit of Cain" this morning, which fits in right here.
I believe the Lord told me to put it on a tape with its own name. If you would like to stop here and listen to that tape entitled "The Spirit of Cain", it might give you a better understanding of who the spirit of Cain is. But if you would rather not do that, for this tape I will give you a review by saying the spirit of Cain is the spirit of Satan, which is the unconscious mind of fallen man. The spirit of Cain is in the unconscious mind of fallen man. Can you save fallen Adam by judging the spirit which dwells in his fallen mind? The spirit which dwells in his fallen mind. And the spirit of Cain is also known as that blaspheming spirit called Satan. Just as the glorified Lord Jesus Christ is also known as the Holy Spirit, the spirit of Cain is known as that blaspheming spirit. That spirit which is the unconscious mind of man also has a proper name. The Spirit of Christ has a proper name. It is the Lord Jesus, the glorified Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. And that blaspheming spirit that is in the fallen mind of man has a proper name and that proper name is Satan, the spirit of Cain. The spirit of Cain, okay.
Jesus, help me preach this message. The Lord Jesus Christ, the glorified Lord Jesus Christ, was the first man in which the Spirit of Jehovah incarnated. Cain was the first man in which the serpent incarnated. The Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ is now one with Jehovah. The spirit of Cain is now one with the serpent. Okay? If the Lord allows, we will have an exhibit from that tape that we did this morning, called the "Spirit of Cain." So in the positive creation, we see the glorified Lord Jesus Christ appearing as the Holy Spirit in this hour, also called Jesus sometimes. The glorified Spirit of Jesus is the incarnation of Jehovah. On the negative side, we see the spirit of Cain that is appearing in fallen man. Sometimes he is called Cain, sometimes he is called the blaspheming spirit. But at his root, he is the serpent. The Lord Jesus at His root is Jehovah. The lord Cain at his root is the serpent.
The Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. One is positive and the other is negative. The creation is both negative and positive, but designed to be under the dominion of the positive force in the creation. There was a tragedy, however, and the creation fell down under the power of the negative force and because of that we are dying. Just as a contrast, just as a contrast, the lord Cain is negative; the Lord Jesus is positive. In this hour, the Lord Jesus is appearing in the minds of men as the Holy Spirit. In this hour, the lord Cain is appearing in the minds of men as the blaspheming spirit. The blaspheming spirit is the incarnation of the serpent. The incarnation of the serpent in this incarnated generation called Satan. The Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, is the incarnation of Jehovah. In this hour He is called Jesus, in our mind, in our unconscious mind, Jesus. He is the glorified Lord Jesus. He is in there. He is our new conscience; He is our unconscious mind. So if this is confusing you, don't get all hung up on it. The Lord wants it preached. If you can hear it; fine. If you can't hear it; fine too. You might be edified by the tape called the "Spirit of Cain." Thank you Jesus.
Alternate Translation: Job 41 verse 7: (Jehovah speaking to Job) Can you complete Leviathan's dead militarily defensed mind? Can you complete Leviathan's dead militarily defensed mind? Or can you save this fallen dead soul by judging the spirit of Cain, which is her unconscious mind? Notice that Leviathan is called her. She is female. Job, can you complete your fallen dead militarily defensed mind? The answer is no. Only Christ Jesus can do that. Or can you save this fallen dead soul by judging the spirit of Cain, which is her unconscious mind? The answer is, no Job, you cannot do it.
Please notice in this one verse 7, that Jehovah addresses Himself both to spirit and mind. Remember my teaching that the god of the whole person dwells in the mind. The god of the whole person dwells in the mind. In this hour, the glorified Lord Jesus is one with Jehovah and Jehovah is the spirit that is dwelling in the mind of Christ also called the Word of God. In this hour, the serpent is now one with Cain. As the Lord Jesus Christ is one with Jehovah, the serpent is now one with the spirit of Cain, with the lord Cain. And they are appearing in the minds of fallen men as Satan in the mind of Leviathan. Leviathan is the mind. The spirit or the god that dwells in the mind is called Satan. Satan is the form that the serpent is taking in this hour. The lord Cain is now one with the serpent. They are appearing together as Satan in the fallen mind of Leviathan or in the mind of Leviathan in fallen man. The Lord Jesus is one with Jehovah and together they are appearing in the glorious mind called the Word of God in the man Christ Jesus. Alleluia!
Amplified translation: Job 41:7 Job, can you save this fallen dead soul by completing Leviathan, that dead militarily defensed mind which the serpent birth in her? And by judging the spirit of Cain, which is her unconscious mind? Job, why do you think you are such a hot shot for? I know you can't do it. Can you save this fallen dead soul by completing Leviathan's mind?
You see, Leviathan is a completed mind, completed to the fullest extent that the serpent can complete it. She is a three thread mind and she is woven, but she is not completely completed because of the Spirit of God is not in her. She is completed to the fullest extent that she can be completed. Now I have another message that I never got around to preaching to you. It is in that tape, I don't know if God will ever let me preach it or not, but the Lord did reveal to me that each one of those three threads that form the braid of the completed the word of God, each one of those threads is doubled. And in the completed mind of Leviathan, each one of those threads is a single thread.
Because you might be asking yourself, well if Leviathan is a three thread mind and the mind of God is a three thread mind, what is the difference? This is the difference. Each of the three threads in the mind of God is a double thread. Okay, alleluia! Yes, the Father and the Son. I don't know whether it is three of the threads or two of the threads because the third thread of the mind (I am not going to get in over my head because I don't have my notes in front of me) but it is the Father and the Son. At least, two if not three of the threads are doubled over. The natural example that we have is the production of silk, the production of silk. I have it all printed out from the encyclopedia. I haven't preached it yet.
We are now in the middle of the study of Leviathan. We are in the middle of the study of Jeremiah 8. We haven't finished "The Serpent, the Dragon, the Devil and You." And now we are also in the physics of creation. I am just trying to do what God is telling me to do. I hope we get back and finish these other messages, but the production of silk is a type of the production of the mind. The strands of silk that are taken out of the cocoon because silk is a natural product that is woven by the silk worm. If you look it up in your encyclopedia, you'll find out that the way silk fabric is produced before the silk fabric is woven, forget about the garment, we are talking about the yard goods of silk fabric; before it is woven, the strands of thread that come right out of the cocoon are doubled. That's how the product, that's how silk is manufactured. Then each double strand is set up as either the woof or the warp. It is interwoven. This is a type of the mind of God; the double portion. Therefore the mind of God is superior to the mind of Leviathan. Alleluia!
We are in the amplified translation of Job 41:7, Can you save this fallen dead soul by completing Leviathan, that dead militarily defensed mind which the serpent birth in her, which the serpent birth in the soul and by judging the spirit of Cain, which is the unconscious mind or the spirit which dwells in that soul?
And brethren, the continued and consistent message from God to man is that there is nothing we can do to save ourselves. We are female unto Him and are lacking something that only He has. And if you will forgive me for being graphic, once again, Freud would call this..does anyone not know who Freud was? He is the father of modern psychiatry. Does anyone know what he would call this? This condition of lacking and of envy and rage that arises out of the knowledge of that lack. Freud called it "penis envy."
Freud has a theory that women are in a condition of emotional rage, conscious or unconscious, whatever it may be, unconscious, because of a lack of a penis. Which really translated means the lack of the power that goes with manhood. It is what Freud said. I believe he is on to something. Except that the whole human race is suffering from penis envy with regard to Christ Jesus. And when Christ Jesus begins to appear in the flesh of fallen men, the fallen men in whom Christ Jesus is not appearing will be enraged; enraged when they see or perceive on a conscious or unconscious level the spiritual power of the Lord Jesus Christ ascending in that man. Fallen men who are spiritually female, fallen men who have nothing of Christ, whatsoever, will be enraged at the very presence of the son of God in another man. So prepare yourself, brethren, as Christ Jesus ascends in you. Prepare yourself for the rage that arises out of envy that will come at you from every side. And don't be shocked when you see the violence of it and the viciousness of it and the hatred associated with it, because it is the rage of the spiritual woman and her name is the serpent; in this hour appearing as the devil in fallen men. She is enraged with envy that you are the man and that she is the woman.
Continuing with Job 41 verse 8: Lay thine hand upon him, remember the battle. Do no more. The Hebrew word translated lay means to put; to fix; to plant; to fashion; to work; to bring to pass. This is the word that is used when the scripture says, And Jehovah formed the man out of the earth. This is not creation. This is formation of existing material. To fashion, to mold, to form out of a substance that already exists. Lay thine hand upon him. Upon him is Strong's #5921. It can also be translated against or concerning.
As I study this verse, brethren, in view of the context of the usage of the whole verse, I am going to tell you this in advance so you see where I am coming from. As I prayed about it and studied it, in view of the context and the usage of the whole verse I am forced to draw the educated conclusion that the word him or the pronoun him is not referring to Leviathan, but is referring to the Lord Jesus Christ. Lay thine hand upon him. I bet you all thought the scripture was speaking about Leviathan. No, I walk you through this. It is speaking about Christ Jesus. Lay hold of Christ Jesus, brethren. Remember the battle. What battle? For your soul. Lay hold of Christ Jesus because there is a battle going on for your soul. Your soul is the prize and if you don't remember the battle, you are going to lose your soul. Lay thine hand upon the Lord Jesus. Remember the battle. Do no more.
Romans 8:29 says: For whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son that He might be the first born among many brethren. Hebrew 1:3 says: Who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person and upholding all things by the word of His power when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the majesty on high.
The Hebrew word translated hand, Strong's #3709 means the palm, the hollow or the flat of the hand. Praise the Lord! The word hand, then is speaking about something that is hollow, the palm of the hand, the hollow or flat of the hand. Thighs refer to the reproductive areas. A sling is a weapon. Even the dish or a bowl is a hollow. So we see that this word translated hand is referring to that which is hollow. That which is hollow refers to the soul. That which is hollow is constructed to receive something that is to be inserted into it. So that which is hollow as the womb, is female. And the word can also be translated sling or power. I suggest to you this word is referring to the power of the soul, the negative power of the soul, Strong's #3709.
Alternate Translation, the first third of Job 41 verse 8: Fashion or form your soul after the Lord Jesus Christ. Let your soul be engraved in the image of the Lord Jesus Christ. Fashion yourself after Him. Lay the nature which is appearing in your soul; lay hold of the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ to appear in your soul. Lay hold of Him. Brethren, if we don't lay hold of the Lord Jesus, a nature defaults to that which we were born with, the nature of the serpent. We must actively reach out to make the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ our nature. We must fight every day to make the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ our nature. The Lord Jesus Christ in our soul is called Christ Jesus.
Christ Jesus, the nature of the Lord Jesus reproduced in our individual soul takes the name of Christ Jesus. And He is likened unto a cultivated plant that we are trying to grow in a garden which is riddled with weeds. If we don't continuously weed that garden, we will be overrun with the serpent's mind, which is Leviathan. We must continuously be purging our mind from the illegal growth, the illegal plant, known as Leviathan. In order for the cultivated plant of Christ Jesus to grow and flourish in our soul and our mind. We must be constantly vigilant, constantly vigilant, or we will lose our soul to the possession of Leviathan, which is the serpent's mind. So fashion your soul after the Lord Jesus Christ. Don't be passive. Don't let the serpent do whatever she wants with the clay of your soul, but rise up and take the authority which is yours in Christ Jesus. And fashion your soul, your personality after the Lord Jesus. Actively resist the devil. Submit to God. Submit to the Lord Jesus, the mind of the Lord Jesus. Resist the mind of the devil and he will flee from you. The only thing that will be found in you will be the mind or the personality of God, but not without a warfare, brethren, not without a warfare.
Continuing with the second third of Job 41 verse 8: Remember the battle, remember the battle. Remember, Strong's #2142 is a primitive root properly meaning to mark, to be recognized, to remember. Another translation of it is to be male. To remember is to be male. The significance being that to remember gives life. Spiritually speaking, when Jehovah remembers us, we have existence. When He forgets about us, we cease to exist. There is life only in His sight. Therefore to have the power to remember is the power to give life. And only the male has the power to give life, if you can hear it. The Hebrew word translated battle, Strong's #4421 and it means battle or war.
Alternate Translation, the second third of Job 41 verse 8: Be male in the battle. Not remember the battle, but be male in the battle. What does that mean? The battle is referring to the weapon that you are. Not the weapon that you wield, but the weapon that you are. So to be female in the battle is to be Leviathan. And to be male in the battle is the mind of Christ. Be male in the battle; be one with the battle weapon, which is Christ. Don't be female in the battle. Don't be the enemy of the man. Align your will up with the male in this battle for the possession of your soul. Leviathan being the female mind and the Word of God, also called the Mind of Christ Jesus being the male mind. Align your will with the male that you might be male in this battle.
Amplified Translation, the second third of Job 41 verse 8: Fight on Christ's side in the war for the possession of your soul. Fight on Christ's side in the war for the possession of your soul.
Continuing with the third third of Job 41 verse 8: Do no more, do no more. The word no is Strong's #408. Once again it means nothing and I suggest to you that we are going to translate this word nothing as Leviathan, the serpent's criminal mind. I have been preaching this a lot lately. Maybe this is the first tape that you are listening to. God calls the serpent in all of her manifestations nothing. He laughs at the serpent. He laughs at Leviathan. To Him, she is nothing. We find in the scripture, especially in the Old Testament, the Lord is continuously using the parable of the negative participle meaning no, to describe the serpent. It is an insult just as President Bush used to call Suddam Hosane "Saddum Hosane" all the time. It was just an insult to the serpent.
The Lord continuously calls her nothing. It is a mystery. Hear it If you can hear it, hear it. If you can't, don't worry about it. But we are translating the negative particle no, in view, as we study the whole verse, in view of the whole verse, we are translating that word Leviathan. Do no more. Do no more.The word more or no more as it is translated in the interlinear, #3254 in Strong's means to add, to increase, to conceive or to join to your enemies. To conceive or to join to your enemies. We are translating this word, don't conceive your enemy that you might be joined to him. Don't conceive Leviathan. Don't agree with the serpent in your mind so that Leviathan, which is a mind, might be born in you. Don't do it. Don't agree with the whisper of the serpent, because she will bring forth her completed mind in you, when you fall into agreement with her thought.
Alternate Translation, third third of Job 41 verse 8: Don't conceive your enemy, Leviathan, the serpent's completed mind. Brethren, that's what happened to Noah after the flood. Noah, the only righteous man on the other side of the flood. When he got to this side of the flood, the serpent caused Leviathan to be conceived in his mind, which proved that he was a fallen man, who by the grace of God had the righteous mind of Christ on the other side of the flood. But when he got to this side of the flood, that mind was corrupted. How do you corrupt the mind of Christ? The serpent got in there and brought forth the dragon and the dragon waged war against the immature Christ and killed Him. The scriptural expression is, the dragon circumcised Christ, cut Him or broke the connection. The mind is sewn to the soul. The dragon came in and took the stitching out; circumcised the mind of Christ off of the soul and then broke down Noah's altar and separated the union of Jehovah with the human spirit upon which the mind of Christ was resting. And the dragon joined with Noah's human spirit and Leviathan was conceived.
The scripture says that Noah began to be a husbandman and there was a vine planted in his mind. It wasn't the true vine, brethren. It was the false vine. How do I know that? Listen to this, how I know it. You can't say to me, Noah began to be a husbandman; Noah began to plant the true vine. The true vine had to be there before the flood. Why? Because the Bible tells me he was the only righteous one. That means the righteous mind had to be in his mind on the other side of the flood. So he began to be a husbandman only after he got to this side of the flood. The vine that was growing there had to be a vine that wasn't there on the other side of the flood. Does anyone know what I am talking about? If he began to grow a particular vine after the flood, it had to be a vine that wasn't there before the flood. But the Bible says that before the flood, he was righteous. That means the righteous vine was in his mind before the flood. So if he began to grow a vine after the flood, it had to be a different kind of a vine. Does this not make sense?
He began to grow the unrighteous vine of Leviathan in his mind after the flood. And then he got drunk on that unrighteous vine because he drank the poisonous wine from the sour grapes of the unrighteous mind. And he died. The spirit of Cain was raised from the dead in the mind of the man, Noah. And all of the descendents of Noah through Shem, Ham and Japeth were corrupt. That's us, brethren. This whole humanity. We are the descendents of Noah through Shem, Ham and Japeth. And the whole world is corrupted. The righteous seed that Jehovah brought to this side of the flood; when He got him over here corrupted. Tragedy, tragedy, tragedy.
I declare to you that Noah must have done the very best that he could do, but not being perfected, not having the mind of Christ Jesus completed and perfected in maturity in him, the serpent was stronger than he was; was wiser than he was; was more seductive than he could bear or that he could deal with. And in view of what I have been through these last few months, I want to tell you, I have a compassion for both Noah and Adam that I have never had before. I have been confronted with the most intense seduction I've ever experienced in my life. I can't even believe what happened to me, what happened to my mind. And if this was anything at all like what Noah or Adam went through, I have to repent of, in my heart for condemning Adam and Noah over the years, thinking that it was some simple pressure put on them that they just yielded to. It was much more than that, brethren, it was witchcraft. The serpent is the witch and he comes to you with witchcraft and seduces your mind. It is stronger than anything you can deal with unless you are in full stature. And I believe that it is a test that everyone of us will have to go through before we enter into full stature.
Any believer reading this message that is subscribing to that teaching in the church today, that God has completely poured Himself out into us and that there is no Lord Jesus, we are all that there is and that we must evolve into full maturity without the Lord Jesus; I encourage you with all my strength to repent of that doctrine because you will never make it in without the Lord Jesus, who has already overcome this world and the Powers and Principalities that rule it; because they are stronger than you are. The Powers and Principalities of this world are stronger than the fully incompleted mind of Christ in you. You won't make it without the Lord Jesus, who already made it. You won't make it. The devil is too strong.
I hear someone calling that blasphemy. It is not blasphemy. It is the truth. You can't make it without the Lord Jesus. Even though Christ Jesus is conceived in you, you will not make it. The devil is too strong. Why is she too strong for you? Because so long as sin is found in you, she has legal ground in you. And the power of that legal ground in you plus her devices is too strong for the young tree or the young plant; you are not a tree; young plant, Christ Jesus being raised up in you. The devil with the legal ground of sin to be found in you is too strong for that young vine. That young branch can be aborted. He won't make it. You need the double portion. Glory!
Alternate Translation of Job 41 verse 8: Fashion your soul after the Lord Jesus Christ and fight on His side in the war for possession of your soul. Don't conceive your enemy Leviathan, the serpent's completed mind.
Amplified Translation; Job 41 verse 8: Be a man in the war to determine whose nature will be engraved in your soul and fashion her after the Lord Jesus Christ so that you don't conceive your enemy, Leviathan, the serpent's completed mind. Let me read it again. Job 41:8 Amplified Translation: Be a man in the war to determine whose nature will be engraved in your soul and do what a man does. Fashion your soul or have her engraved in the image of the Lord Jesus Christ so that you don't conceive your enemy, Leviathan, the serpent's completed mind.
Please note that the only, the only, the only, preventive against the serpent being completely born in a man's soul is to complete that soul with Jehovah's mind, the mind of Christ, which is in the man, Christ Jesus. The only preventive, the only way you are going to stop the weed from growing in your garden is to plant the plant that will kill the weed. You see, not only is Christ Jesus the cultivated plant. He is also the weed killer. And once again, we have a natural type. Did you know that marigolds are weed killers. Did you know that there are plants that you could plant in your garden that kill weeds? Do you know that if you plant a clove of garlic behind every tomato plant, it will keep the bugs off of your tomatos? I guess marigolds aren't weed killers, they are bug killers. Tomato worm killers. Jesus! Also please note that it is not necessary for Christ Jesus to be formed in you first. He is not formed in us first. We all have Leviathan formed in us now. Because of the miracle working power of the Lord Jesus Christ, all is not lost, because Leviathan is already formed in us. Jesus is never late. Remember that, remember Lazarus. He was dead to the point that he stank and Jesus still raised him from the dead. Let me tell you, brethren, we stink. We stink like dead fish stink. We have the biggest stench on the planet coming from man, corrupt man.
Alternate Translation here, Genesis chapter 9 verses 20 and 21: And Noah who was a fallen man yielded to the dragon's suggestions as Satan pierced through his Christ mind and rooted in Noah's human spirit. I guess that should be the serpent pierced through. And Noah who was a fallen man yielded to the dragon's suggestions and the serpent pierced through his Christ mind and rooted in Noah's human spirit.
Verse 21: And the devil sprang forth in Noah and Noah agreed with the devil's whispers and Noah lost control over the (I guess I have my serpent and my Satan and my devil all mixed up here. I worked up this alternate translation a while back. Let's see, this should be...) And Noah, who was a fallen man, yielded to the serpent's suggestions and the dragon pierced through his Christ mind and rooted in Noah's human spirit. Well, I may have that backwards. I'm not going to get into this right now. And Noah who was a fallen man yielded to the dragon's suggestions and the serpent pierced through his Christ mind and rooted in Noah's human spirit. I don't know whether that's right or not. I'm drunk in the Spirit. I'll have to work on this for my notes.
And the devil sprang forth in Noah and Noah agreed with the devil's whispers and Noah lost control over the serpent when he agreed with the devil's whispers and Noah's defensive veil of righteousness, which was Christ in his mind, (not Christ Jesus now, but Christ) was stripped away from him and the devil took him captive and Satan had intercourse with him within his Christ mind. That would have to be the dragon took him captive. I have all these negatives all messed up. We talked about this earlier. Apparently I quoted the scripture (?).
Continuing with Job chapter 42 verse 9: Behold, the hope of him is in vain. Shall not one be cast down even at the sight of him? Behold the hope of him is in vain. Shall not one be cast down even at the sight of him? The hope of him is Strong's #8431 and it means expectation. It is from the root #8496, which means to cut in pieces. It also means fraud; deception; deceit. Fraud, deception and deceit, brethren, are some of the basic qualities of Leviathan. Human beings who live their whole life on a foundation of fraud, deception and deceit are very close to being full expressions of the devil himself. This word also means, however, to be cut in pieces.
Now the spiritual suggestion of being cut in pieces is the breaking down of a mind; the breaking down of a mind; to cut in pieces. To cut the mind away from the soul or to circumcise the soul and to break down the altars to break up communion between the male spirit and the human spirit. In this case, the scripture here is speaking about Leviathan cutting in pieces. The scripture is speaking about Leviathan's ability to rip to pieces or to destroy the Christ mind which is being formed in a man. And the unstated implication in this verse is that when...should Leviathan find the strength within an individual man to rip his Christ mind to pieces, that that Christ mind is replaced by the completed mind of Leviathan.
You see, when the dragon comes in and finds the strength to rip the Christ mind to pieces, then the dragon lays hold of the human spirit and increases into Leviathan. The dragon enters into a man's mind, breaks up the Christ mind, rips it to pieces, lays hold of the human spirit, joins with her and increases into Leviathan. That is the unstated principle here when the scripture says; Behold, the hope of him is in vain. Okay, the hope of him...his ability to cut in pieces. Now after he cuts in pieces, after the dragon comes in and cuts in pieces, he brings forth Leviathan in that man's mind. The unstated implication here...well let me read you my whole note.
The phrase cutting in pieces implies the dismantling of the Christ mind. The unstated implication here is that the mind which replaces that which was cut in pieces is a lie. It's the mind that is the lie. It's not the true mind. It is the false mind. It's the mind that is a lie. It's a mind which is the counterfeit of Jehovah's reality. In the idiom of the day, one would say, the serpent has formed another reality, which reality is a lie. That reality is a counterfeit. That reality is a shadow. But for the people who are subjected to that reality, to them it is real; to them it is real. Let me put it another way for the people in whom...let me back up a little. The serpent has brought forth another reality, a reality, a world, an existence in which Leviathan is the ruling mind. For the people in whom Leviathan has been born as the ruling mind; for those people, that reality is a true reality.
Brethren, for the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is now glorified, this world and this existence, which is a reality to us, is not a true reality to the Lord Jesus. To Him, He has nothing of it in Him. But for those of us who are possessed of this criminal mind, this reality is very real. And the devil's ability to cause us pain and distress is very real. Why? Because in this hour we belong to him. We have not yet been broken free by the Lord Jesus Christ. But to the man whose mind is fully born into Christ Jesus, this reality is a fantasy to him. It is a fantasy to him. Jesus! Behold, the hope of him is in vain. The Hebrew word translated in vain is Strong's #3576 and it means to be found a liar; to be in vain; to fail; to disappoint.
Alternate Translation, first half of Job 41 verse 9: Now we are translating behold, the hope of him is in vain...our alternate translation is...Look. Behold means look. Look at what the serpent has formed out of Jehovah's creation. Look, the hope of him, the cutting in pieces is in vain, is found to be a liar. Behold, look at what is being cut in pieces. Look...and the implication of what's being cut in pieces is that after the Christ mind is cut in pieces, the serpent is forming Leviathan out of the pieces. So the Alternate Translation is, Look at what the serpent has formed out of the pieces. Look at what the serpent has formed of Jehovah's creation. The hope of him is in vain. That which Jehovah has formed out of the pieces will a failure, a disappointment, and (I don't know how I got this to be honest. Oh, I was talking about another reality.) Look at what the serpent has formed out of Jehovah's creation, but it won't last. It is in vain. It is going to fail. That which the serpent has formed out of the spiritual clay, which is Jehovah's creation won't last. It's vanity. It's temporal. It's not everlasting. It's not forever.
Jehovah is saying to Job; look at what the serpent has done with my creation that she has stolen, but it won't last, Job. Don't worry. This existence is temporary. It is not forever. It is not everlasting. It is not everlasting. Job 40 verses 23 to 24: Alternate Translation says this: Satan who is a part of the female soul was confident that he could erect an image of a world as well as the male Christ. So enraged with envy, he violently penetrated the mind of Christ and broke forth as spirit upon the female reproductive parts of the soul and he took her for himself and fornicated with her without any alarm or fear of God and he hardened into this visible physical world system, which is the image of death, also known as hell.
Verse 24: He takes the reproductive parts, which is the human spirit of the creation for himself with his passions. His anger strikes through that which restrains him and he breaks forth into the realm of appearance and hardens into a solid covering for the living soul. Jesus! Look at what the serpent has formed out of Jehovah's creation. But don't worry, Job. It won't last.
Continuing with the second half of Job 40 verse 9: Shall not one be cast down even at the sight of him? Even...the Hebrew word translated even means even or indeed. It is Strong's #1571. And the word not...first of all the word one is not in the original Hebrew. The Hebrew says, shall not be cast down even at the sight of him. The Hebrew word translated not is the negative particle, Strong's #408. We are translating it serpent. And the him, I suggest to you, (I think I mentioned this earlier in this verse) is referring to Christ Jesus, not to the serpent. Shall not be cast down at the sight of him. The word one is not in the Hebrew. Shall not be cast down. Shall the serpent be cast down even at the sight of him?
Shall the serpent or the serpent shall be cast down at the sight of Christ Jesus, the serpent shall be cast down at the appearance of Christ Jesus. Don't worry, Job. It's not forever. The serpent shall be cast down at the appearing of Christ Jesus. To be cast down, Strong's #2409 means to hurl; to cast; to throw away; to carry away; to hurl, oh..I gave you that twice. At the sight of him, Strong's #4758. The word sight means phenomenon; spectacle; appearance; a supernatural vision. The context of this whole verse, I suggest to you indicates that it is the serpent which will be cast down at the appearance of Christ Jesus.
Luke 10:18 says: And He said unto them (Jesus speaking) I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. And Revelation, chapter 12:3 says: And there appeared another wonder in heaven and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns upon his heads. It is Satan that is being cast out. He is in heaven right now because he is a Power and Principality over this world system. He is going to fall like lightning from heaven.
Revelation chapter 12 verses 7, 8 and 9: And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon fought against his angels. The dragon is in the unconscious mind of fallen man. Remember the dragon is within Leviathan and prevailed not, neither was their place found anymore in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world, he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him.
Alternate Translation, the second half of Job 41 verse 9: Won't the serpent be cast down at the sight of Christ Jesus? Won't the serpent be cast down at the sight of Christ Jesus?
Alternate Translation, the whole of Job 41 verse 9: Jehovah speaking to Job, asking a rhetorical question. Jehovah already knows the answer. He is trying to stimulate Job's thought. Look at what the serpent has formed out of Jehovah's creation, Job. But don't worry. It won't last. Won't the serpent be cast down at the sight of Christ Jesus.
Amplified Translation: Job 41 verse 9: Look at what the serpent has made of Jehovah's creation. But don't worry, Job. It won't last because the serpent will be cast down when Christ Jesus appears.
Two witnesses to that, Zechariah chapter 6 verse 7: Alternate Translation: Then the angel in a loud anguish cry explained to me, you will see in due season that the parts of the living soul that unfold toward the dark part of the unconscious mind (that's the fallen creation) even the spark of my life which is to bring forth Christ Jesus, but who is now joined to Satan shall yet be the place where my Spirit shall rest. Even though the creation is fallen and Satan is possessing it, the Spirit of Christ shall yet rest in this soul. Jehovah has not abandoned us.
Titus 2 verse 13 says: Looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ. At the appearance of Christ Jesus, Satan shall be cast down. And all that we can do until His appearing, brethren, is hold on to the horns of the altar and pray and hope for the best and do the best that we can until the Lord Jesus brings forth Christ Jesus in us to the fullness of His maturity, at which point Satan will be cast down. The scripture says a righteous man can be cast down seven times, but never destroyed. So until that hour that Christ Jesus appears in us and casts down Satan, we may be cast down. Christ Jesus will be cast down, but the Lord Jesus will raise us from the dead every time and He will keep on raising us from the dead until Christ Jesus appears in all His splendor and glory, at which point we shall never be cast down again. Alleluia!
Continuing with Job 41 verse 10: None is so fierce that dare stir him up. Who then is able to stand before me? None is so fierce that dare stir him up. The Hebrew word translated none #3808 once again is a negative particle. We are translating it serpent at this point. The words is so do not appear in the Hebrew text. They just are not there and they were added by the King James translators. The Hebrew word translated fierce, Strong's #393, can also be translated violent; cruel; or fierce. I remind you that the scripture speaks about the violent man. The Kingdom of God is taken by force by the violent man. And in another scripture in Genesis, we are told that the earth was covered with violence. Violence is a word that describes the attitudes and emotions of the fallen man. The fallen man, brethren, is a spiritual criminal, a spiritual criminal and his nature is violent. And the nature of Christ Jesus is peace and love. The nature of the fallen man is violence and cruelty. Whenever you hear about violence, you know that the scripture is speaking about the fallen man who mind is Leviathan. None is so fierce. The serpent is so violent. The serpent is so violent.
The word that is Strong's #3588 can also be translated since. We are translating that word since. The serpent is so violent since. None are so fierce that dare stir him up. The word dare does not appear in the Hebrew. It was just put in by the King James translators because they felt like putting it in. It is just called translators license. It was what they felt they had to do to make sense out of this scripture, but it is not in the Hebrew. So we are going to eliminate it. None is so fierce that stir him up. The serpent is so violent since he was stirred up. Stir up, Strong's #5782 means to rouse oneself or to awake. Now we know that sleep is associated with death. Paul speaks about the sleep of death. He says, awake to righteousness. I suggest to you that awaking is associated with incarnation. And that sleep is associated with death or dormancy or lack of consciousness. Although we do have a consciousness in this realm of death, we have a lack of the consciousness of God. We have, except for those of us who are being restored, we have lost our consciousness of God. I suggest to you that that is what this scripture is saying. I suggest to you that the scripture is saying, since the serpent awoke, since the serpent incarnated.
Does anyone know the New Testament scripture that witnesses to this? How about Romans 6? And sin revived and was found to be exceedingly sinful. Paul tells us that when sin revived, he fell. The exceeding sinfulness, the rage which came from envy which was present in sin, or the serpent in the form of the dragon, was so wicked it killed the Christ mind. It was exceedingly sinful. And Paul says it slew me. Those of you who study with this ministry might know that we teach here that Paul was speaking prophetically because we have no other account of Paul being slain by sin. The one who was slain by sin was Adam in the garden at the time of the fall. So we see Paul giving this account of being slain by sin, speaking not as the man, Paul, who existed 2,000 years ago, but speaking as the spiritual man, fallen Adam. And we have a similar experience with the man, Jesus of Nazareth. When the new man, Christ Jesus, spoke through Jesus of Nazareth, He said, before Abraham was, I Am. And the old man revived speaking through the man, Paul, saying that when sin revived, he died. Isn't that interesting?
We see in the New Testament one account of the new man speaking out through sinful flesh. Christ Jesus spoke through the man, Jesus of Nazareth. And we find an account of the old man speaking out through sinful flesh. Fallen Adam, also known as the devil, spoke out through the man, Paul, and told us what happened to him; that sin revived and slew him and in Adam we all died. Because Adam died, we all died with him. We died before we were ever born into this existence. We died in utero. It wasn't even in utero. We died...the sperm in Adam's loins died. We died as sperm or as ovum, I guess. I guess we were ovum. We died as ovum. When the spiritual man Adam died, all of his ovum died. We all have been born dead. None are so fierce that stir him up.
The serpent is so violent since he awoke, Paul says, awake to righteousness. The serpent awoke to violence and criminal activity. The serpent whose wickedness was dormant when she was under the direction and the control of the ministry of the mind of Christ in the creation. She had a consciousness when she was under Christ. So what does this word awoke mean? Or awake mean? It means that she awoke to her individual existence. The serpent who had an existence under the authority of Christ awoke to her independence and she was found to be violently cruel when she was out from under the authority of the Christ, of the immature Christ mind. Stir up means to rouse oneself to awake. I suggest to you that the Hebrew word translated stir up suggests incarnation. The majority of the verses in which this word is used, what word? ...the Hebrew word, Strong's #5782, the majority of the verses in which this word is used suggests the incarnation of the Lord Jesus or the sons of God. However, there are a significant number of verses which suggest negative incarnation.
I have some verses for you. Some suggesting the incarnation of the Lord Jesus and the others suggesting the incarnation of a negative. We are talking about the word, the Hebrew word, Strong's #5782 translated to rouse oneself to awake. And I'm about to give you witnesses that this word is used to suggest incarnation. Jeremiah 6 verse 22: Thus sayeth the Lord, behold a people cometh from the North country and a great nation shall be raised from the sides of the earth, speaking about the incarnation of the sons of God. Jeremiah 50 verse 41: Behold, a people shall come from the North and a great nation and many kings shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth, incarnation of the sons of God. Hosea 7:4 They are all adulterers, as an oven heated by the baker, who ceases from raising after he hath kneaded the dough until it be leavened. They are all adulterers, as an oven heated by the baker who stops (I'm getting slain in the Spirit again. I don't know why I put this one in). The Hebrew word that we are dealing with, Strong's #5782 is translated not awake, but to raise up as leaven, which typifies sin. That's how it is translated in Hosea 7:4.
Joel 3:12 says, Let the heathen be wakened and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat for there will I sit to judge all the heathen round about. So we see Joel 3:12 is speaking about the heathen arising or being wakened in the believers for the purpose of judgment. And we know that Daniel 12 speaks about the judgment of the righteous or the judgment of the live and of the dead. If I'm not mistaken, it's Daniel 12 and also in the Book of Revelation. There is a judgment of the quick and the dead.
Habakkuk 2:19 says, Woe unto him that saith to the wood, Awake; to the dumb stone, Arise. Now stones typify spirit. Woe unto him who says to the dumb spirit...that can't be the Spirit of Christ; that has to be the blaspheming spirit. Arise or incarnate and you shall teach. Woe unto him that says to the wood (that's the soul) Awake, and to the dumb spirit, incarnate and you shall teach. Behold that spirit is laid over with gold and silver, but there is no breath at all in the midst of it. It is a dead spirit. Negative incarnation.
Habakkuk 2:20 says, But the Lord is in His holy temple. Let all the earth keep silence before Him. But the Lord is in His holy temple. Let all the earth keep silence before Him. I'm sorry, I don't know which of those words is translated from the word in question. I'm getting slain in my own meeting again. I hope I'm making sense. We are dealing with the Hebrew word #5782, which is translated to awake and if I'm not mistaken these words, keep silence, (I better not guess. I don't know why I put that verse in). Either I chose the wrong verse or this is an unusual translation of that word and I didn't mark it.
Alternate Translation, one half of Job 41:10, The serpent is so violent since she incarnated. The serpent is so violent since she incarnated. As a witness to that we have Daniel 8:5, Alternate Translation; And as I turned to Christ Jesus to receive understanding, there was the vision; the serpent rebelled against Christ and brought her negative spiritual law out from under His authority. And the dragon appeared in the earth and began to dominate righteous Adam, but didn't penetrate him right away. And the dragon had the spiritual vision of the land of Nod in his mind.
Continuing with the second half of Job 41:10. We are finishing up now. Ten is the last verse that I have for you. Who then is able to stand before me? Who then is able to stand before me? The serpent is so violent since she incarnated. Who then is able to stand before me? Who then is Strong's #4310 and the implication of this Hebrew word is that on one is able to stand before Jehovah. Because to stand before Jehovah means to stand in judgment. Brethren, Jehovah is the Spirit of Righteousness. Everyone who stands before Him is judged. And if sin is found in you, the judgment of death is executed upon you. That's why man needs a mediator because close contact with Jehovah would kill us.
The result of close contact with Jehovah will result in our death because He is a righteous, Holy God. And we are filled with sin and the fire of His life would kill us instantly. So Jehovah is saying, that the serpent is so violent, she is so filled with sin since she wakened. How can this soul, which is suppose to be standing in front of Jehovah stand in front of Jehovah? Remember the soul is Jehovah's wife. But we are so filled with sin that our closeness to Him would kill us. Jehovah is saying to Job; Listen Job, since the serpent got out from underneath Christ's authority, the sin in her has become exceedingly sinful. And she is so filled with sin, that any contact with me would destroy her.
Now I created and formed this soul for the purpose of standing in front of me. I created and formed this soul for the purpose of me dwelling in her as my outer garment. My inner garment is the mind that I weave and my outer garment is the soul. She is my wife. But how could she perform her function if she is so filled with sin, that when she gets near to me, she will be destroyed. That's what Jehovah is saying to Job.
11 Samuel 18:12 says, And the man said unto Joab, though I should receive a thousand shekels of silver in my hand, yet would I not put forth mine hand against the king's son: for in our hearing the king charged thee and Abishai and Ittai, saying, beware that none touch the young man Absalom. This word none is a translation of the same Hebrew word that is translated who then. The King James translators translated that same Hebrew word #4310 as none. In 11 Samuel 18:12, likewise in Malachi 3:2, we find this same Hebrew word translated who then in Job 41:10 translated as who, indicating no one is able in Malachi 3:2. But who may abide the day of His coming. And who shall stand when He appears? That's a very close witness to Job 41:10 which says; then who is able to stand before me. Malachi 3:2 says who is able, who shall stand when He appears? You see the scripture is saying the same thing in both cases.
For He, Christ Jesus, is like a refiner's fire and like fuller's soap. So the sin filled man will never stand at the appearance of Christ Jesus. The word is, who then is able to stand before me; the word is is not in there. The King James translators just put it in. And the Hebrew word translated able to stand, Strong's #3320 means to stand. And the implication of stand, we have been teaching here for years is to stand up in the spiritual strength of the Lord Jesus Christ, meaning full stature. Jesus! Before me, Strong's #6440 means in front of. We have been teaching here for years and I just mentioned it earlier that the flesh of this soul is designed to stand in front of Jehovah. And the Spirit of Jehovah is designed to shine through this flesh for the purpose of Jehovah appearing in an image. Jehovah is spirit; He is invisible. In order to appear, He is going to shine the light of His person through the darkness of this soul which is made of the earth. That's the whole purpose of the creation. The Lord wants to appear and this soul is designed to stand in front of Him, so that His Spirit can be seen.
Alternate Translation of Isaiah 63:1 says; Who is this one (this is the Lord Jesus Christ speaking now) who is this one who is separated from His unrighteous, violent and treacherous sin stained wife, which is His flesh? That woman, who was pregnant because the dragon, which is dwelling within the multitude of human beings, which he has generated, has had sexual intercourse with her. This unrighteous and violent and treacherous sin stained wife is the same one that the scripture is speaking about in Job 41:10. And because of the condition of this soul, no one is qualified to stand in front of Jehovah. Because only those who have been brought to a condition of holiness can stand in front of Jehovah and not be destroyed. We are told in Isaiah, that the seraphim will surround the throne of God. The redeemed serpents, which we are; the serpent is the earth. We are the earth and the earth man or the soul man shall be restored to his position of submission to Christ Jesus and we shall be glorified serpents that stand in front of and surround the throne of God. The earth shall fulfill her purpose, that Jehovah formed her for.
Alternate Translation, the second half of Job 41:10; No one is able to stand. Amplified Translation of the second half of Job 41:10; No man, no one is able to survive the fiery presence of the Lord.
Matthew 9: verses 16 and 17; says, No man putteth a piece of new cloth into an old garment. For that which is put in to fill up taketh from the garment and the rent is made worst. Neither do men put new wine into old bottles, else the bottles break and the wine runneth out and the bottles perish. But they put new wine into new bottles and both are preserved.
Alternate Translation, Job 41:10; The serpent is so violently sinful since she incarnated that on one is able to survive the fiery presence of the Lord. The serpent is so violently sinful since she incarnated that no man existing today (and all men are an incarnation of the serpent) is able to survive the fiery presence of the Lord. Jesus!
Amplified Translation; Job 41:10; The serpent is so violently sinful since she incarnated that no one is able to survive the fiery presence of the Lord.
Recap Job 41: verse 7 through 10; (I really didn't have time to think about this, but I believe verse 10 has to be interspersed somewhere, but what I have right now is verse 7, 9, 8 and 10. Ten is really in the wrong place, but this is what we have got. Jehovah speaking to Job. Can you save this fallen dead soul, Job, by completing Leviathan, that dead militarily defensed mind, which the serpent birth in her. And by judging the spirit of Cain, which is her unconscious mind? (I think we will put verse 10 in here). The serpent is so violently sinful since she incarnated, Job, that no man is able to survive the fiery presence of the Lord. So obviously, Job, you cannot save this fallen dead soul because look at what the serpent has made out of Jehovah's creation. But don't worry, it won't last, because Leviathan will be cast down when Christ Jesus appears. So therefore, Job, be a man in the war to determine whose nature will be engraved in your soul. And fashion her, your soul, after the Lord Jesus Christ so that you don't conceive your enemy, Leviathan, the serpent's completed mind. Alleluia! Jesus! Thank you for this anointing. I've been on automatic pilot this last half hour.
Any questions? If you have them, I'll try to answer them. I'm half or three quarters slain in the Spirit. My eyes are closing on me. But if anyone has a question, I will try to answer it. Everyone is slain in the Spirit. Someone just awoke with a question.
COMMENT: You mentioned that the cords were doubled in the Christ mind.
PASTOR VITALE: In the Christ mind each one of the threads is doubled over.
COMMENT: When you add them all up, it is six. Could that be the possible meaning of man?
PASTOR VITALE: Offhand, I wouldn't think so because we are not talking about man's mind, we are talking about the Christ mind. But I can't remember whether it's all three or two of the threads that are doubled over. Because isn't the third thread of the mind the serpent? One is the Father and one is the Son and the third thread is the serpent, which is the earth. The mind is woven of spirit and earth, so the spiritual aspect or the two threads that were doubled over would be four threads not six threads. And four is the number of the earth. I don't really see it that way. Of course, I'm half drunk in the Spirit, but I don't see it as being the number for man. Anybody else?