340 - Part 3
(An In-Depth Study)

Part 3 of 14 Parts 


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


(Please note that the last ten minutes of Leviathan An In-Depth Study, Part 2, follows this announcement.  Immediately following the end of the last ten minutes of Part 2 of this series is Leviathan An In-Depth Study, Part 3.)


I believe the giants died spiritually.  Now listen.  These giants were in the right moral order.  The mind was on top of the soul.  The mind was ruling the soul.  Maybe they experienced a spiritual flood, that the waters of the soul rose up and covered their mind, and that the soul took dominion over their mind.  There was a physical flood.  You see, we are drawing the conclusion that because there are geophysical signs in this physical earth that there was a flood, we are assuming that the flood that the Bible speaks about was natural, and the inhabitants of the earth before the flood all died from the natural flood.  But what the Bible says, if I am not mistaken, everything that breathed or all the animals died in the flood. 


There is no distinguishing whether they died from the physical flood or whether they died from a spiritual flood that rose up and covered over the mind of Seth, which was the old testament way of expressing the word of God, the mind of God.  We may be drawing an incorrect conclusion to say the descendants of Seth died from the physical flood.  They may have died from the spiritual flood.  There was also a physical flood.  I do not know.  I do not even know what I am talking about.  I cannot even keep my eyes open.  All I know is that when it comes to deep spiritual truth, we have to be very careful about drawing conclusions because we are carnal.


I will never forget when I was a very young disciple, and I heard a man, who today has deep deep deep revelation, stand up in front of a couple of hundred people, and say that the serpent must have had legs because the curse in the Bible says now you are going to crawl on your belly.  He drew the conclusion that the serpent must have had legs at one time.  It was a wrong conclusion.  If you study that in the Hebrew, what it is saying is the serpent is now going to be in this external world.  He is no longer going to be the tree of the knowledge of good and evil within the protection of the tree of life.  He is now going to be in the external realm because his sin forced the tree of life down underneath him, but he does not have the strength to provide as the tree of life could provide.  So now that you have pierced through the tree, and you are in the outer realm, you are going to have to labor for your existence.  It has nothing, whatsoever, to do with the serpent having legs. 


We must be very careful about the conclusions that we draw, and we must pray every step of the way about everything.  Let us pray right now.  Lord, if man did not have an animal body before the flood, how did he drown in the flood?  If I was not getting slain in the Spirit right now, I would open my Bible and get the exact wording of who died in the flood.  I think the Bible says everything that had life in it died in the flood.  Is anybody awake enough to look up that scripture? 


Genesis 6:17 says, And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die.  The second part of Genesis 7:4 says, And every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth. 


That is so interesting.  I have not looked that up in the Hebrew, but to me when I hear every living substance, that does not mean any physical body to me.  I do not know whether living substance means spirit or soul or whatever.  If the Lord lets me, I will check that out before the beginning of the Sunday morning meeting.  We will see if He gives me any revelation on that.  What I find very interesting off the top of my head is that when the Scripture talks about who was saved to the other side of the flood, it says and eight souls were saved by water in 1Peter 3:20.  But what you just read talks about living substance. 


So why would the Scripture say souls in one place and living substance in another place?  This is how we got from tape #313 to tape #338 to tape #340.  (Laughter)  We are just all over the place, but that is an excellent question.  I will see what I have for you on Sunday.  Pray that we have a meeting chock-full of good stuff.  We all have been in a war zone here, and the word has definitely been affected.  I am just believing God to give us a great study and a great day on Sunday.  Praise the Lord.


COMMENT: I have to ask what form did Noah take?  What type of body did he have? 


PASTOR VITALE: Noah was a giant.  He was in the same form as the men on the other side of the flood.  You may recall the teaching that it took five generations, I believe,  after Shem, Ham and Japheth for the creation to fall down into these human bodies as we know them today, which are both male and female.  Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth were male and female within one giant body, and they were superior spiritual beings.  Praise God.


COMMENT: I keep wondering how all this could be in the image of Satan when all these scriptures are saying what the Lord has created for His pleasure and glory.


PASTOR VITALE: Well, it was all created for His pleasure and His glory, but the dragon stole it.  The dragon stole it.  The fact that the substance of the creation is now formed in the image of the serpent has nothing to do with the fact that it was created for His pleasure.  It was created for His pleasure, but that which was created was stolen and used for the serpent’s pleasure.  It is just like a man’s wife was stolen and another man is enjoying her sexually.  That is what happened. 


Jehovah has sent the Lord Jesus Christ to get His wife back because He does not like the idea of another man using her for his pleasure.  That is exactly the whole story, our lower condition in a nut shell.


Part 3 of Leviathan - An In-Depth Study


Praise the Lord.  As an introduction to this series, we have studied three scripture verses that specifically name Leviathan.  I have the amplified translation for two of them which we will review as a recap before we begin the fourth scripture reference in the King James Translation which names Leviathan.  That is in Job, Chapter 41


Lord willing, we shall translate the whole chapter 41 of the book of Job.  As I have told you this is a very exciting project for me.  I have looked at this chapter many times, and have been looking at it for years without any revelation on it at all.  The Lord has now revealed to us that Leviathan is the name of the Serpent’s completed mind.  That is Leviathan is the name of the mind which was formed as a result of the union between the Serpent and Christ.  When the Serpent penetrated or pierced through the tree of life, and crucified Christ, the immature mind which was in the creation at the beginning of time, Christ died.  He died to his manhood, and he became spiritually female.


The union between the Serpent and the Christ which she crucified, produced the incomplete mind of the Serpent, the two thread mind of the Serpent called the Dragon.  The Dragon continued to increase until he became a three thread, or a three cord, or a completed mind, which is the full expression of the Serpent in humanity today.  The name of that completed mind is Leviathan.  Leviathan is the three thread mind of the Serpent appearing in humanity today.  We are the second generation in which this completed mind of the Serpent is appearing.  The name of the first generation in which the completed mind of the Serpent appeared is?  Does anybody recall?  Yes, it was the man named Cain. 


The first man in whom the completed mind of Christ appeared is the Lord Jesus Christ.  The first man, in the first generation, in which the completed mind of Christ Jesus appeared, is the Lord Jesus Christ.  The name of that completed mind of Christ, which was in the man Jesus, is the Logos, the Word of God.  Christ Jesus is the new man, which was appearing in Jesus of Nazareth.  Now remember, Jesus of Nazareth was born of a fallen woman.  He had an old man and He had a new man.  The old man was the personality that he received from his mother, which we know as the carnal mind.  His old man was his humanity.  His new man, which appeared in the man Jesus of Nazareth, is called Christ Jesus.


The spiritual man, Christ Jesus, is the only mediator, between God and man.  Now Christ Jesus is a spiritual man, a many membered man, who is appearing in men all over the world today.  Jesus of Nazareth, in the days of his flesh, was a human being, that was restricted to a human body.  It is only in His glorified state, whereby He is no longer a human body, where He is no longer a human being, but a glorified man, that the Lord Jesus can enter into the minds of men.  In this hour, the Lord Jesus is entering into the minds of men in the form of the Holy Spirit.  The Lord Jesus was crucified, raised from the dead, and ascended unto the bosom of the Father.  He was restored to the Father.  He is now a glorified Spirit, and in that form He is appearing in the minds of men.  He is a glorified Spirit.


Jesus of Nazareth, in the days of his flesh, could not be inside somebody’s mind as the whole man, than anyone of us could.  He was a man like us.  He had an old man.  Everyone has the same old man.  What is his name?  No, it is not Adam, because Adam could be a soul or he could be a quickening spirit.  I know that I have that on some old tapes, but it really is not accurate.  The name of the old man is the Devil, fallen Adam.  That is right, Jesus had an old man.  He inherited him from his mother.  The guy’s name is the Devil.


Jesus also had a new man, whom he inherited from his Father, and the name of his new man is Christ Jesus.  Now there is a mind in that new man, that mind that was in Christ Jesus.  What is the name of His mind? The name is The Logos, the Word of God.  There was a mind in that old man, the mind that he inherited from his fallen mother.  What was the name of that mind?  Leviathan was that name.  Leviathan, the completed three thread mind of the Serpent.  Jesus of Nazareth had two minds, Leviathan and the Word of God.


Do not stop reading.  I am telling you the truth.  Something wonderful happened.  The Word of God was stronger than Leviathan.  The Word of God defeated Leviathan. The Word of God, in the man Jesus of Nazareth, forced Leviathan under his authority and bound him there.  We are told in chapter 20 of the book of Revelation, that Satan and the Devil were down in the bottomless pit.  Leviathan is the mind which is in the Devil.  The god of the Devil, or the spirit which dwells in the mind called Leviathan, is called Satan.  Now we see he is down in the bottomless pit in Revelation, Chapter 20.  Who do you think put him there?  The hero of Israel put him there.  The Lord Jesus Christ is His name.  Hallelujah !


Do not get upset when I tell you Jesus had a carnal mind or had a devil living through him.  How could you have glory if there is no victory?  How could you have victory if there is no fight?  How could you have a fight if there is no contest?  Wake up all you silly childish people.  Something wonderful has happened.  God, Himself, incarnated as a fallen man, and defeated the criminal mind possessing fallen humanity in this hour.  Is that not wonderful?  All you silly pharisees, wake up. 


We have reviewed the condition of man’s mind once again.  Leviathan is the completed three thread mind, which has been generated or incarnated by the Serpent.  Leviathan is inhabiting and possessing every member of humanity today, who is in the flesh.  The only man in the history of humanity to defeat Leviathan, this monster who dwells in the sea of this fallen world, the cosmic sea of this fallen world, is the Lord Jesus Christ.  He is no longer in the flesh in His maturity. 


There is no man in the flesh today, who has defeated Leviathan, but something wonderful is happening.  The Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is better known as the Holy Spirit, is entering into the hearts of men today, and performing the same miracle that Christ Jesus did in the man Jesus of Nazareth.  Christ is being raised from the dead in us.  The Word of God, the completed mind of Christ Jesus, which is in the shape and the image of the Father, Lord willing, shall overcome Leviathan in us and put him under, and keep him there permanently, so that we might rise from the dead.  Hallelujah !    


This series of tapes is an expose of who Leviathan is, and how this work shall be completed in us.  We are paying a severe price for exposing him.  We declare that every second of torment that has been visited upon any member of this ministry, in a form of retaliation for preaching this truth, should go back on Leviathan’s head, in whatever vessel is allowing him to appear through him.  All of his plans for us and all of his devices should go back on his own head, and that the Lord Jesus should be glorified through his mind.  The Word of God, is resident in that glorious man, the only mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus, the many membered spiritual man, who in this hour, is in a death struggle with Leviathan for the possession of the many members of humanity.


What a message, and everybody out there is waiting to die and go to heaven.  What an abomination.  The whole creation is on tip toe waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God, and who are the sons of God?  They are human beings in whom Christ Jesus has been raised from the dead.  Christ Jesus is a many membered spiritual man who has a mind called the Word of God.  We read about Him in the back of the book of Revelation.  I keep forgetting what chapter it is.  The Lord is telling me to put it on the tape.  Father, help me to remember what chapter this is in.  It is Chapter 19 verse 13, brethren.  


Let us go on with this.  I am giving you a recap now of first Psalm 74:14 and then Psalm 104:26.  These are our amplified translations.  If you are following these studies very closely, you may note that I have further amplified Psalm 74:14.  What does that mean?  It means I have put it in English that anybody could understand, and in some cases I have interpreted the symbols so that these verses can relate to the message of salvation as we understand it here. 

Amplified Translation of Psalm 74:14;  You, speaking about the Lord, you broke Leviathan, that spiritual plant.  A mind is a spiritual plant, brethren, growing in the earth of the soul.  You broke Leviathan, that poisonous spiritual plant into pieces, and reformed him into Christ Jesus, the bread from heaven, so that the fallen animalistic men inhabiting this visible physical world could be raised from the dead.


Amplified Translation of Psalm 104:26; This proud visible world, which is full of your Spirit is inhabited by men who are possessed of the Serpent’s completed mind, that Leviathan, who is destined to engage in warfare with Christ Jesus, to determine whether this fallen dead soul will be in the Lord Jesus Christ’s image or in the Serpent’s image.  This proud visible world, which is full of your Spirit, is inhabited by men who are possessed of the Serpent’s completed mind, that Leviathan, who is destined to engage in warfare with Christ Jesus, to determine whether or not this fallen dead soul will be in the Lord Jesus Christ’s image, or whether it will be in the Serpent’s image.  Hallelujah !  


Let me remind you, please, that mind consists of the spirit, which has incarnated, and the garment that that spirit dwells in is the mind.  The spirit is sometimes known as the unconscious mind or the controller.  The spirit that is in the mind, which is in the soul, is the controller of the whole creation, or the whole personality.  Personality or man is soul and mind, mind in two parts, the actual mind and the spirit that dwells in that mind.  The spirit which dwells in the mind is the god of the whole man.  He is the one which has caused that man’s incarnation.  So we see the spirit in the man is his unconscious mind and the controller of the whole man.  The garment that that spirit, or that god dwells in, is called the mind.  It is woven.  The mind can be woven from either two threads or three threads. 


A two thread mind is an in-completed mind.  It is also called an altar.  An in-completed mind is that which is formed when the male spirit joins with the female spirit.  It is either called an altar or an immature or an in-completed mind.  When that union increases; what union?  The union between the male spirit and the female spirit, which is in the soul.  You see, there is a spirit in the soul.  There is a spirit in man.  We are calling it female because the soul is female, and there is a union between the male spirit and the soul, in particular, the spirit in the soul.  That union produces an in-complete mind, a two thread mind, also known as an altar.


Hopefully, at least in the case of the Lord Jesus Christ, there will be an increase from that union.  That increase is called the fruit of the union, or the offspring of the union, and it is a mind.  The fruit of the union between a male spirit and the soul that God made is the mind which is in that creation.  The last step is that that mind marries or is joined to the soul.  This is the completion of the creation.  In this hour, the Serpent’s mind, called Leviathan, is married to this soul, and the result of that marriage is that this soul is dead.


It is the Lord’s intention to raise us from the dead.  The way He shall raise us from the dead is by giving us a new mind, which mind will war against our existing mind, and circumcise or cut away that dead mind from our soul, like a cancer is cut out of a human body.  The name of that mind that the Lord Jesus Christ is begetting in us is the Word of God, and He exists within the spiritual man, Christ Jesus.  That mind is being sewn to our soul. You see, this is a great mystery.  Let me give it to you again.  Right now Humanity is dead.  There is a spiritual man which dwells within this many membered fallen dead soul.  His name is the Devil.  The Devil has a mind named Leviathan, and that mind is sewn to the soul.  The Devil exists because the mind called Leviathan is sewn to the soul, so Christ Jesus is coming.  He is circumcising that mind.  He is cutting the threads that sew Leviathan to this soul.  He is guillotining Leviathan off of this soul and sewing His own mind to the soul.  The mind, which the Lord Jesus is begetting in the soul is called the Word of God. 


Now when the mind, which is sewn to the soul, is the Word of God, there will appear a whole new man called Christ Jesus, because the man is made up of soul and mind.  There are two minds.  One is of the Serpent and one is of the Father.  But there is only one soul.  This soul is either dead or alive, or it is either the Devil or the man Christ Jesus, depending on which mind is sewn into it.  So we see that first the mind is formed.  The mind, which is joined to the soul, determines whether the whole man is the old man or the new man.  The mind, which is sown to the soul determines whether the spiritual man that lives in you is the Devil or Christ Jesus.


The fact that the Word of God, the mind of the man Christ Jesus, is being formed in you, does not make you Christ Jesus, does make you the new man.  The mind of God can be formed in you to full maturity, and so long as Leviathan is sewn to your soul, and the mind of God, which is the Logos of God, is not sewn to your soul, you are still the old man.  You are still the Devil.  This is what the temptation is all about.  When that mind, which was in Christ Jesus, is formed to its fullest maturity in you, it is going to be challenged.  The Scripture tells me that Satan challenges the Word of God.  Why?  Because the Word of God is coming to circumcise Leviathan, or to separate Leviathan from the soul, for the specific purpose of joining Himself to the soul.  When the Word of God comes and circumcises Leviathan, cuts Leviathan away from the soul, and sews Himself onto the soul, you will become Christ Jesus, and you will not be the devil anymore. 


As the Word of God comes to circumcise Leviathan off of your soul, the defender of the old man, that spirit which is the power source rises up.  Satan rose up and challenged the Word of God in the man Jesus of Nazareth.  He said I am not going to let you cut me off the soul of this man and sew yourself on.  I am not going to let you do it.  That was what the temptation was all about.  So the fact that the mind of God is being formed in you does not mean that you are a son of God.  The fact that the mind of God is fully matured in you does not mean that you are a son of God.  You are still a member of the two witness company.  It is not until that mind of God defeats Satan’s mind called Leviathan, and chases him from his position of authority, that you can call yourself a manifested son.


We have a whole church world out there under deception.  At the exact appropriate moment, Leviathan is going to rise up and devour them.  You see, they think they have got everything under control, but they do not.  When Satan gives the word, Leviathan is going to rise up and have them for breakfast.  Why?  It is because they are underestimating Leviathan’s power.  Why?  Why are they underestimating Leviathan’s power?  One word; why?  Why do we underestimate Leviathan’s power?  PridePridePride!  It is going to kill you. 


Listen!  I do not care how mature you are.  I do not care how strong you are.  So long as Leviathan is the mind which is sewn to your soul, so long as Leviathan is the sitting queen, so long as Leviathan possesses your house, he is stronger than you.  You need the Lord Jesus.  You need the double portion.  You cannot do it alone.  I do not care how good you are.  As long as you think you can do it alone, as long as you think you do not need the Glorified Lord Jesus, you are as good as gone.  It is just a matter of time.  Praise the Lord.

Let us begin.  Job, Chapter 41, Verse 1: Canst thou draw out leviathan with an hook?  Or his tongue with a cord which thou lettest down?  This is the Lord Jehovah challenging Job, who is lifted up in pride, saying why is God letting all of this wickedness happen to me when I am perfect?  It was a full blown manifestation of pride.  Job has lost all his worldly possessions.  He has lost his children.  He has lost his servants.  He has lost his land.  He has lost his money.  He has lost his cattle, and rather than admit that he might be lacking is some area, he chooses to say that the Lord Jehovah has unrighteously permitted this to happen to him. 


I point out to you that Jehovah has taken mercy on this faithful servant of God who executed the Hebrew law perfectly.  What does that mean?  A lot of Christians think that Job was perfect.  Job was not perfect.  Job was not perfect in comparison to the Lord Jesus.  Job was a fallen man who was doing the best that could be expected from a man in his condition.  He was under the law, and he kept the law perfectly, but he was an unrighteous man.  The Scripture says if you sin in one point of the law, you are guilty of breaking the whole law.  But Jehovah honored his efforts because He knew that Job was doing the best that this fallen man could do.  That is the good news in this book of Job.


It does not matter how bad you are because some of us are born with more sin in our family line than others.  That is just the truth.  It does not matter how bad you are.  What matters is the effort that you are putting forth to do righteousness.  The Lord is trying the intents of your heart; your motives, your desires to please Him, and your efforts to please Him.  Do not fall into the trap.  Do not compare yourself to people who appear more spiritual than you are, who may be more spiritual than you are.  Do not compare yourself to people who either are or appear to have more knowledge than you do.  Do not compare yourself to people who perhaps are or do have more spiritual maturity than you do.


You throw your two mites into the offering, brethren, and as far as the Lord is concerned, you have given a trillion dollars.  I am talking spiritually now.  You throw your two mites in.  You throw what you have in, and you are more likely to get the increase than spiritual Sue who is prophesying all over the church, who is preaching this glorious word of God, but who is not giving her all.  That may sound very foreign to the carnal minds of men, but that is how the mind of God thinks.  He does not need anything that you have.  What He is looking for is a willing heart.  What He is looking for is a sincere person.  What He is looking for is someone who is panting after Him.


For this reason, there will be many pharisees who will be shocked at who is brought into the kingdom.  Some terrible sinners are coming in, brethren.  Be very careful that you do not write people off because they have done terrible things or because they really are terrible people.  By this world’s standards, do not be a pharisee, unless the Lord Himself, has told you what is in that person’s heart.  You just do not know.  Some people are so reprobate that you cannot see their inner heart without an x-ray machine.  An x-ray machine has a name.  What is the name of the x-ray machine?  It is Christ Jesus.  It is Christ Jesus.  He is the only one that really knows what is in that terrible person’s heart, who has just done all these terrible things.


Look at the apostle Paul.  The Lord is the only one who knows who is panting after Him.  So unless you have a personal word from the Lord about somebody, you had better be careful about who you write off, less you be one who is written off.  That does not mean that you let people kill you.  It means you do not condemn anybody, and you do not make any judgment as to who is going into the kingdom and who is not, unless you have got a personal word from the Lord.  That is what it means.  Look at yourself.  Jesus said it, look at yourself.  Stop looking at your brother, and stop looking at what needs to be fixed in your brother because there is too much that needs to be fixed in you, for you to be taking your time to be looking at your brother, unless it is something that is involving you personally.  Keep your eyes on yourself.  Labor faithfully in the ministry that He has given you. 


Can you draw out Leviathan with a hook or his tongue with a cord, which you let down?  That verse always bothered me.  How can you draw anyone out with a cord?  I always saw it as a cord without a hook on it?  Well anyway, I want to get on with this very difficult translation.  In order for me to make any sense out of it, I am going to have to restate the King James Translation for you.  The King James translators looked at these Hebrew words, and this was the best sense they could make out of it.  It is an extremely difficult verse.  It is one of the more difficult verses we have ever done here. 

I am going to restate it in English for you.  When I read it to you it is going to be poor English.  When I am restating the English words in the order that I will translate them, and hope to show you a very exciting translation that the King James translators did not perceive.  They made sense out of it in the only way they could.  This is the way I would state the Hebrew translation of that verse.  Can you draw a cord out of leviathan’s tongue and a fishhook by letting him down?  Now that makes no sense in English, but by the time we finish translating the Hebrew words, you will see that this is the order it has to be in to get an understanding of what God is telling us here.


Let me give it to you again.  The Lord is asking Job, can you draw a cord out of Leviathan’s tongue and can you draw a fishhook out by letting him down?  That makes no sense at all.  No wonder the King James translators turned it around.  Now what we have that the King James translators did not have is an interpretation of the symbols.  Remember, prophesy must be both translated and interpreted.  The Hebrew word is translated into an English word, and then in the cases that the English word is a symbol, the symbol must be interpreted.  So the reason this verse is going to make sense with the words in this order, is that number one, we are going to find out that the English word tongue is a symbol.  Does anyone know what the word tongue is a symbol for?


Yes, it is a symbol for the mind.  Can you draw a cord out of Leviathan’s mind?  Is not Leviathan’s mind a three fold cord?What are the three cords of Leviathan’s mind?  What are the three threads that form Leviathan’s mind?  The male spirit, which is the Serpent, and the female spirit, which is Eve, the spirit in the soul, and the third thread is the increase of that union which is Leviathan.  Can you draw one of those threads out of Leviathan’s mind?  Now which thread of those three would Jehovah want to be drawing out of Leviathan’s mind?  Eve!  He wants Eve.  Why does He want her?  Why does He want to join with her?  He wants to join with her to bring forth Christ Jesus.  Can you hear that?


Jehovah is saying to arrogant Job, do you have the power to extract the human spirit out of your criminal mind for the specific purpose of reforming your criminal mind into the righteous mind of Christ Jesus?  Do you have the power to take your criminal mind and make it righteous?  That is what He is saying to him.  And can you draw a fishhook out by letting him down?  Now that is not so obvious, so I am going to take that a word at a time and give it to you.   


Let us begin.  Please note that I give an explanation of the word choked as we go on.  Please note that I am going to give you a detailed explanation of where I got this translation of choked a little further on.  I got it out of the word fishhook.  The Hebrew word translated fishhook, we are translating choked.  I will give you the details of how I got that translation a little further on in the message.  Please note that Leviathan is not being drawn out with a fishhook.  The King James says, can you draw Leviathan out with a hook?  That is an incorrect translation.  Leviathan, the mind of the Serpent in fallen man is not being drawn out with a fishhook, but the cord or the human spirit is being drawn out of Leviathan.  The fishhook is being drawn out of someone who is being choked. 


I want to suggest to you, we do not know who is being choked.  We do not know who the fishhook is being drawn out of.  I want to suggest to you that this is one of these instances in prophesy where there is a word missing.  It is missing because it is a secret, because the only way you can understand what the Lord is saying is if you already have the hidden manna in your heart.  This is one of those instances that you have to know the revelation because the complete intention of God’s mind is not stated in this verse, but part of it is implied. 


Now what is implied?  Brethren, if you have a mind, what else must you have?  You must have a soul.  Now you have heard me teach a lot about reverse inference.  If we have black and white people, and I tell you that so and so is not white, the reverse inference is that they must be black.  That is a reverse inference.  Then we have what we call an implication or something that is implied, but the Scripture talks about the mind.  There must be a soul.  So if one of the threads is being drawn out of the mind, and something or someone is being choked, I want to suggest to you that it is the soul who is being choked.  But the Scripture does not say so.  Something is happening to the mind, and another action is happening to the soul.  You have to think.


I did not even know this until I researched it.  The operation of the fishhook is that it catches the fish in the mouth, closing the fish’s mouth so that the fish chokes.  Fish do not have nostrils.  They breathe through their mouth. 

Did you ever see a fish in the water?  Its mouth is going almost up and down or in and out.  When a fishhook gets caught in a fish’s mouth, it hinders its ability to breathe.  It stops that mechanism that makes the fish’s mouth go in and out or up and down, and the fish chokes or suffocates to death.  It cannot breathe.  So to be a fish that is caught on a fishhook, is to be choked, or suffocated, or to be killed. 


Please note that Leviathan is not being drawn out with a fishhook, but that the cord is being drawn out of Leviathan, or one of the threads is being drawn out of Leviathan, that three thread mind, and the fishhook is being drawn out of someone, who is being choked or killed, because the fishhook is closing his mouth.  The question is who is the fishhook in?  I suggest to you the fishhook is in this soul that God has formed.  It was always a mystery to me why Jesus said to the disciples you will be fishes of men.  I never could put it together with any other knowledge that I had in the Scripture.  Now here comes a piece of information that seems to enhance that.  Also, I now put it together with this relatively recent knowledge that this world that we live in is a spiritual sea or a cosmic sea.


As far as God is concerned, we are dwelling under the water.  This is Atlantis.  How could that be?  Where God lives is Spirit, typified by air or vapor.  Soul is typified by water.  This visible physical world is the sea.  I believe it is 96% water, water in the air and water in our body, water everywhere.  We are Atlantis.  We are the world from before the flood, the world which existed before the flood, which dwelt in the Spirit with Jehovah, but fell down underneath the spiritual sea of the soul world.  Yet we live here, and we breathe.  We are fish.  (Laughter)


God sees us as fish.  It is very interesting because most fish have scales, and Leviathan has scales we are told in Job, Chapter 41.  What I find most interesting is that fish are cold blooded animals.  Fish are cold blooded.  I am not sure what I have to say about that yet.  Technically or scientifically speaking, we are warm blooded animals.  The bodies that we live in are warm blooded mammals.  I do have other translations in which the Lord has shown us that our unconscious mind is typified by the sea, that Satan is in the unconscious mind.


From that point of view, the unconscious mind, typifying the spiritual part of the world that we live in, is that we are fish.  I do have that in some scriptures out of the book of Revelation.  That which exists in the sea, that part of our mind, which is unconscious, the Lord calls fishes.  I do not have the revelation completely formed yet.  Out here in this visible world, we are warm blooded mammal beings, but in so far as our unconscious mind is concerned, or that part of us which is spiritual is concerned, we are cold blooded, and we dwell in the sea of this soul world, making us fish.  (Laughter)  


That is just very interesting.  Okay, I do not want to get off on a tangent here.  Let us just keep on going.  I am going to read you my notes just in case I missed something.  I suggest to you that the Scripture is not clear as to who is being choked.  I remind you that Leviathan, the Serpent’s completed mind, is living in and through the soul, which Jehovah formed out of the spiritual clay.  I further suggest to you that it is this soul which is Jehovah’s garden.  Remember, the soul is the garden that Jehovah dwells in, which is dead, because of the mind which has married her.  The soul died when the Serpent birth her mind in us.  The name of the Serpent’s immature two thread mind is the Dragon, and the name of the Serpent’s three thread mature completed mind is Leviathan. 


The soul is dead because of the mind which has married her, because of the mind which is joined to her, because of the mind which is sewn to her, and is living through her.  It is this soul that is being choked by Leviathan.  What I also find very interesting here is the symbol that says the soul that Jehovah made is a garden.  We have found several scriptures indicating that the carnal mind, or Leviathan, if you will, that is born of the Serpent is a weed.  It is a weed.  Our mind is a spiritual plant growing in the earth of the soul.  The cultivated plant that is growing in the earth of this soul is the mind of God or the Word of God. 


Now what do weeds do to the cultivated plant?  They choke them.  They choke them.  Is that not interesting?  This is just an ingenious parable.  To me this is an ingenious parable that the Lord has made up so we spiritual children can get some understanding of where we come from, who we are, and what the Lord intends to return us to.  This whole Bible, except for the history books, is a fairy story.  Even the history books can be directly related to the spiritual truth about us.  Why?  Because even that which has really happened through people who really existed, is just the result of the spiritual truth of their existence. 


So the experiences of the men and women, who we read about in the history books, are only witnesses to what the Lord is telling us is the spiritual truth of our own nature, and our own existence.  You see, the spiritual truth is being given to us, played out through our ancestors, who lived thousands of years ago.  Is that not interesting?  I find this just fascinating.  A witness is Genesis 2:24.  Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh.  I do not know why I put that in.  I guess that is a witness to me saying that the soul is dead because the Serpent’s mind has married her.  The Serpent’s mind is death.  To be carnally minded is death.


Leviathan is death.  The Dragon is death.  When that mind is knitted to the soul, the soul dies.  Why?  Because the wife receives everything that her husband is.  Why?  Because for this reason, a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves unto his wife and they become one flesh.  So if the husband is death, the wife dies.  If the husband’s name is Smith, the wife becomes a Smith.  The soul marries a dead man and she becomes a dead man’s wife, and she dies. 


The Scripture is speaking here about Jehovah’s soul, which is choking to death because the Serpent’s mind has cut her off from the mature expression of the breath of Jehovah’s life.  What is the mature expression of the breath of Jehovah’s life?  Breath, meaning spirit, and the mature expression of Jehovah’s Spirit is the man Christ Jesus.  The Serpent’s mind has cut off the soul from the man, Christ Jesus.  The Serpent’s mind has circumcised Christ Jesus off of the soul, and therefore the soul is choking to death.  Jesus.  Jesus.  Jesus.


You cannot live without Jehovah’s mind in you.  You cannot live when your mind is death. 1Timothy 5:6:  But she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth.  I used to wonder about that verse.  I used to think all kinds of carnal things about what it meant.  Of course, there is a truth in the natural, and I am going to take some time to translate this verse for you, because it really has a much deeper significance than to believe that someone in fornication is abiding in death.  It has a very real spiritual significance to it. 


The Greek word translated pleasure in the Interlinear is translated self pleasure.  Now to my carnal mind that does not make any sense, because to live in pleasure implies fornication.  I do not think anybody would doubt that.  Well you might say, we give ourselves pleasure by going after fornication, but fornication takes two people.  You need someone to fornicate with.


So let us examine this word a little further.  But she that liveth in self pleasure is dead while she liveth.  Let me give you a clue so you can follow me.  Self pleasure is pleasure that one gets for oneself.  Self pleasure is pleasure that is not given to us by the Lord.  Self pleasure is anything that you do to give yourself pleasure.  That even includes going out and getting a wife or a husband.  If you went out and got that wife or a husband by yourself, outside of God’s will for your life, it is considered self pleasure.  Can you hear this? 


It is meeting your own needs.  It is the exact opposite of the scripture which says, seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all of these things shall be added unto you.  The exact opposite of that scripture is self pleasure.  You see, most people that are truly called to Christ Jesus go through a stage of severe conflict where they have trouble understanding what the Lord’s impartation of pleasure to us is.  Pleasure really is a misleading word.  The Lord’s way of meeting our needs, the Lord’s way of giving a good feeling to our soul is nothing that we would choose for ourselves. 


You may have heard the expression, the way up is down.  The pleasure that the Lord has for our soul is what, brethren?   Does anybody know what it is?  The one word is Himself.  The way it is expressed in the Scripture is Himself.  He is our pleasure.  Christ in you, the hope of glory is the pleasure He is giving to you.  To get that pleasure it is necessary to take a long journey, which is very painful.  Most Christians cannot believe it.  Some believe it, but do not want it.  They are not willing to pay the price.  They would prefer the short term pleasure or gratification.  I think in our modern English, gratification is an even better word than pleasure.  They would much prefer the instant gratification than a sacrificial lifestyle which will end in the only true pleasure, the only age abiding pleasure, the only pleasure that when it is given to you, can never be taken away from you. 


The pleasure or the gratification that man gives you, even if that man is yourself, you can lose it at the snap of a finger.  But when the Lord gives you gratification, and when that gratification is Himself, no man gave it to you, and no man can take it away from you.  The problem is that we fallen human beings cannot imagine or envision that which we have not experienced.  Now it is very hard to reject the only gratification, that our mind can comprehend, in the hope of an abstract promise that we have never experienced.  It is really hard to do.  I do not think many men could do it.  Maybe no man could do it. 


That is why when the Lord has really chosen us, those people who are really chosen, frequently, have a very hard life.  That is because God takes away their pleasure, and there is a long journey in the wilderness before you receive enough of His pleasure to keep you content.  No man in his right mind would choose it.  It is a very painful path.  It is like having a very painful pregnancy where you are sick for the whole nine months.  Well, this goes on for years.  This is why the Lord is taking everyone that I know against their will.  Most people that I know, He is either taking them against their will or He is allowing the curses to manifest in their life.  This makes their life so painful that they are rejecting their life, and turning towards Him out of sheer desperation, believing that what He can give them is greater, because their own life is just so painful. 


Why is the Lord doing this?  Why is this the path that man must take to enter into glory?  Is Jehovah a monster?  Is He a sadist?  Why has He chosen this painful way?  Brethren, it is because we sinned.  We and our original ancestors, righteous Adam, are one.  We are just a present generation of the original creation, and the scriptural mystery regarding generations is that we are all the same man.  This is why I know you are the offspring of the pharisees because you are killing the prophets just like they did.  We are the same person that existed in the garden at the beginning of time.  When we were in that other form, we sinned, and we are still reaping the fruit of that sin.




But glory to God, the day is at hand and even is now, says the Lord, that the parents who have bitten the grape are no longer setting their children’s teeth on edge, saith the Lord.  But in this hour, each man shall reap what he sows in the life of Christ Jesus.  For behold, I have made you a new creature, saith the Lord.  You are a soul, and I have made you a quickening spirit, and you shall no longer pay the criminal price or the criminal penalty for the sins of your youth, saith the Lord.  I would not have you separate yourself from your original ancestor, saith the Lord.  But I would say unto you, that I have pardoned you from the sins of your youth.  Hallelujah !  Jesus. 


But she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth.  The word pleasure is translated self pleasure in the Interlinear Text, and is referring to the pleasures of flesh, that is the pleasures of the emotions, and the pleasures of the physical flesh, whoever gives it to you.  Pleasure which is derived from a pleasant stimulation of the emotions or the physical flesh, is considered self pleasure by the Lord, because the pleasure that the Lord gives us is always spiritual pleasure. 


Please note the homosexual or masturbation suggestion of the word self pleasure.  Pleasures of the emotions and the physical flesh are considered to be homosexual at their root or masturbation at their root by the Lord.  Do not stop reading.  It is just the truth.  It is pleasure which is self given.  Either you are masturbating, or you are going to someone of your own sex for pleasure, because the true heterosexuality is between spirit and soul.  Oh, they do not like that one.  I can hear them screaming in the spirit.      


The Greek word translated liveth is Zoe.  Zoe is the Greek word, which means life.  It is a word which means a simple life.  It just simple.  It is frequently modified in the Scripture because there are all different kinds of life.  We talk about plant life.  We talk about animal life.  We talk about spirit life.  I must remind you though that our experience here and now is not life.  It is death and God does not consider our present experience life.  There is a Greek word that expresses it, and I do not recall it at the moment.  It is referring to this present life, but it is not Zoe.  Zoe is true life, some measure of true life, and life is only in Christ Jesus.


So no matter how good this existence is to you because of the blessings of God, it is not true life.  Any pleasure that you derive from this world is homosexual or masturbation in God’s eyes.  Do not get your nose all out of joint.  Just as the Lord has said the marriage bed is undefiled, in the same way the pleasures of this world are undefiled, if they are within a context that the Lord has said is alright for you.  For so long as we are prisoners down here, there are certain soulish pleasures that He has allowed us.  It is alright to go on a picnic.  It is alright to enjoy sports.  It is alright to go out to dinner and enjoy it, until such time, if it ever happens, that the Lord says to you, I want you to give it up, because I want either that effort that you are making, or that amount of time that you are spending, I want it for me.


At that point, if you rebel against God’s call, it becomes sin unto you.  But up until that point; enjoy.  The Lord said to the Hebrew children or to the Judeans, I sent you, I have appointed seventy years in Babylon unto you.  Build your houses, plant your vines and your fig trees, because you are not coming out for seventy years.  He even let them get married.  The men got married and they had children.  God did not curse them for it, but in the hour that the Lord called them out of Babylon, those men who had married heathen women had to give up their wives and their children if they wanted to go back to Jerusalem.  So do not let any religious spirit get a hold of your mind.  


The Greek word translated liveth is Zoe.  Mankind is not experiencing life, but death.  The significance of the Greek word Zoe here then is that this widow.  What widow?  What widow?  This whole soul; humanity.  We are a widow.  Our husband died.  What was his name?  Christ.  He died.  How did He die?  We killed him.  We killed him.  It was the intelligence in the soul.  We are the soul which rose up and killed Christ.  We are the Christ killer.  We are the murderer of our husband.  We did it.  We are a self appointed widow.  The significance of the Greek word Zoe here then is that this widow is experiencing life, and the only way we can experience life is by having a relationship with the only one who is alive, Christ Jesus. 


Now I know you did not get that.  Let me give it to you again.  Now listen closely.  The one in self pleasure while living has died.  The Greek word translated living is Zoe, true life.  The fallen human being that has a relationship with Christ Jesus, and is experiencing true life, and turns away from that true life to have physical or emotional pleasure with the resources, or the time that the Lord Jesus has told her is now to be spent with Him, has died.  Now listen, spiritually speaking, you cannot be a widow who has died if you are not having an experience with Christ Jesus.  This scripture is not speaking about carnal women who want to get married again.  Do not go condemning widows in the flesh who desire to marry again.  This scripture is speaking about spiritual widows who have been reconciled to their husband; Christ.


You can be a natural widow, or you could be a married woman, or you could be a single woman who has never married.  You are the spiritual widow, who became a widow when the soul killed her husband, Christ, and you are now reconciled to Christ, experiencing true life again.  When you choose the pleasures of this world over the life which is being offered to you, through reconciliation with Christ, you have died to that resurrected life in you.  Do you hear it?  You do not have to be a natural widow.  Any human being who was widowed when the soul killed Christ, which is everybody, who is being reconciled to that husband through a relationship with Jesus Christ or Christ Jesus, and chooses the pleasures of this soul world, has died to the reconciliation, or to the reconciled life, that is being offered to her through a relationship with Christ Jesus.  Can you hear it?  You cannot have both. 


Let me say it again.  In the areas of your life that Christ Jesus has claimed for Himself, you cannot have both.  The balance is a certain portion of your life has been claimed by Christ Jesus, and In whatever portion of your life He is not dominating right now, you can have soulish pleasures until He claims it.  Can you hear it?  When He makes claims on your life, and you turn away from Him for a soulish pleasure, you are killing that relationship with Him, and you are dead while you are alive.  That is because you are only alive because of your relationship with Him.  Do you know what I am talking about?  Jesus.


I see this happening around me now.  As we move on to full stature, it is the challenge of the hour.  The devil is right there trying to steal you from your renewed relationship with Christ Jesus.  If the Lord has brought you to a point where you are spending four hours a day with Him, and some worldly pleasure is stealing one of those hours, you have turned away to follow after Satan for that one hour.  That one hour of self pleasure is seriously damaging the life which is within you, and you are dead while you yet liveth for that one hour. 


If you turn away from your walk with Christ Jesus completely, for the worldly pleasure, and of course this is all in your heart.  You cannot fool anybody.  Christ Jesus, in you, knows the degree to which you have turned away from Him.  If you have turned away from Him completely, Christ Jesus in you will die.  How will He die?  Your human spirit, that is cleaving unto the Lord Jesus Christ to form Christ Jesus, is going to pull back out of that mind.  She is the cord that is going to be drawn out of the mind of Christ Jesus, and she is going to be woven back into Leviathan’s mind, and you shall die, in the midst of your resurrection from the dead.


A soulish relationship is whatever it is that she is leaving the Lord for.  The widow who is in a position to compare the benefits of a soulish relationship in this world to the spiritual relationship, and chooses the soulish one, she has already died to her spiritual relationship with Christ Jesus.  Now hear it.  The spiritual widow that is in a position to compare, someone who has experienced a relationship with Christ Jesus, who has experienced the benefits of it, the pleasures of it, the comforts of it, and chooses the soulish relationship; at the moment that she chooses the soulish relationship, she has already died.  She does not have to go out and do it.  The second she chooses in her heart, she has already died to her relationship with Christ Jesus.  He who lusts after a woman in his heart has already committed adultery.  That is a very hard word. 


The Greek word translated widow means to lack a husband.  The whole human race is lacking a husband.  How come we are lacking a husband?  Anybody know?  I thought we were married to Christ Jesus.  How could we be lacking a husband?  I thought we were married to the Devil.  How are we lacking a husband?  The Devil is a woman, brethren.  The Devil is a butch lesbian.  You do not have any husband.  You are not married to Christ Jesus yet, at this point.  Our husband is being formed in us.  We will not be able to marry Him until we are divorced from the Devil.  You see, even this present Devil is not our husband.


What did Jesus say to the woman at the well?  You have had five husbands, and even the one you are married to now is not your husband.  You are married to a butch lesbian, brethren.  We do not have any husband.  So you want to know who are the five husbands of the woman at the well.  I do not know.  I prayed this prayer when we did Jesus in the Book of John.  I have been asking the Lord for a long time even before that, what that verse meant; even the husband you have now is not your husband.  I have just gotten a part of the answer.  The husband that she has now is the Devil, a butch lesbian.  Who the five prior husbands were, I have not gotten that revelation yet, but I continue to pray and ask the Lord to explain that difficult mysterious verse to us.  I would very much like to know the rest of the answer. 


Ask your questions, brethren.  He will answer you liberally.  Ask for wisdom.  He wants you to know.  Sometimes He does not answer you right away because your mind could not bear it at the moment, or there are other truths that He has to teach you first.  He wants us to have all knowledge.  I do not know about you, but I am very excited about that bit of revelation, of who her fifth husband is, that is not even her husband.  Hallelujah. 


We are still in 1Timothy, Chapter 5 Verse 11.  But the younger widows refuse: for when they have begun to wax wanton against Christ, they will marry.  I used to read that verse and say I do not understand this, Lord.  You are so hard on women and widows.  Most people would say Paul is a woman hater.  He hates women and he is against widows that want to remarry.  The Church has put human women under terrible bondage, telling them it is a sin to remarry.  Some women are widowed in their twenties or thirties, or even forties, fifties, or even sixties.  If you find a man that gives you peace, and the potential marriage is good, why should you not marry? 


The Church has put many lonely women in terrible bondage, telling her that she cannot remarry.  This is a spiritual teaching, brethren.  I have other tapes where I point out to you how Paul goes back and forth between the spiritual mode and the natural mode.  In one verse he is talking about spiritual things.  In the next verse he is talking about natural things.  You cannot understand what Paul is talking about without revelation.  If you take his spiritual instructions down into the flesh, and you have any authority to do it, you are really going to be hurting people, especially women.  Women are the ones who get hurt from this.  Why?  It is because they are the weaker vessel.  They are the ones over whom the authority is exercised.  When it is a misunderstood authority, they pay the price.  They pay a very heavy price.


Continuing with 1 Timothy, Chapter 5, Verse 11.  Let the younger widows refuse: for when they have begun to wax wanton against Christ, they will marry.  In the Greek, to wax wanton is translated to feel the impulses of sexual desire.  But the younger widows refuse.  This is speaking about giving them church welfare.  The younger widows refuse.  In other words, make them go to work.  Keep the younger widows busy.  What is a younger widow?  A younger widow is a believer who is not yet mature enough to have a deep enough relationship with Christ Jesus to be experiencing the satisfaction which comes from a union with Him.


Look at the Church today.  Many of the members get their satisfaction only from the music.  Now music is a good thing, but it cannot sustain you to the degree that the Word can sustain you.  You are not marrying the music.  You are marrying the Word.  You have got to have the person of the Word of God in your heart to sustain you.  So the younger widows, we are told, refuse welfare to them.  Make them go out to work.  Let them keep occupied with Godly worldly activities.  You see, a lot of the younger widows, young believers, they only know how to be spiritual when they are in church.  The minute they leave church, they do not know what to do with themselves.  If they go to church three or four times a week, they experience the Spirit of God, and they love the Lord on the level that they know Him, but the second they leave church, they are as carnal as could be.  Being carnal, they are very vulnerable to get into trouble.


So Paul says put them to work with some Godly activity.  Now here we see him talking about natural widows or just people in general.  People have to work.  You have to labor.  You have to keep busy or your mind is going to fall subject to demonic forces.  Idle minds are open play grounds for the devil.  So this verse could be taken in the natural and in the spiritual.  Younger widows refuse welfare, for when they begin to feel the impulses of sexual desire, they will go against Christ and they will marry.  Well, we could take it in the natural.  I knew a widow once.  She was in the Word day and night, and when she married, she had no time for that.  She was ministering to her husband and her family.


However, if the Lord ordains the marriage, that means this young widow, now no longer spending her time in prayer day and night, but in ministering to her husband and her children, it is acceptable to the Lord, if He blesses the marriage.  But the truth of the matter is, brethren, whether you are a natural widow or a spiritual widow, once you are in prayer day and night, communing with the Lord day and night, and you are now spending that time on natural pursuits, ministering to your husband, taking care of your children, you have waxed wanton against the Lord.  Now it sounds terrible in the Scripture, and it sounds like condemnation, but it is not.  It is just a fact.


You were in communion with the Lord ten hours a day, and now you are only in communion with the Lord one hour a day.  That is just a fact that cannot be denied.  The Lord cannot do the same thing with you when you are in communion with Him once a day or one hour a day, as He can do with you when you are in communion with Him ten hours a day.  The Church world does not like to hear this teaching, but it is the truth.  You have to spend time with the Lord for Him to use you.  You have to be available to Him.  The Lord will decide who He is going to use.  The Gadarene demoniac was healed and he wanted to be in the service of the Lord, and the Lord said no.


So the bottom line is you do what the Lord tells you.  Do not feel guilty if you are married with a family.  That is a high calling in life to be married with a family.  The whole key is you must be doing what the Lord has ordained for you to do.  He may be saying to you, you cannot follow me at this time.  He may be saying to you, you were a widow when you were in prayer and supplications ten hours a day for five years, and now I have something else for you.  I have a marriage and children for you.  There is no condemnation in that.  The only condemnation is when the Lord says I do not have that for you, and you go out and get yourself a husband or a wife.  Even then, the condemnation is not the condemnation of man.


What is the condemnation?  The condemnation is that your life becomes less spiritual and more carnal.  God is not going to kill you.  He is not going to give you a deformed child.  He is not going to send you into poverty.  This is all the hellish minds of men trying to hurt you.  The condemnation is that you no longer have ten hours a day to be with the Lord.  To whatever degree that blessed you, you have lost that blessing, and you have replaced it with a blessing of this world.  If you can hear it, hear it.  I do not know how to make it any clearer.


Surely someone is going to pick up this teaching and say, Sister Sheila is against marriage and all these lies that they tell about me.  No, I am not.  I am for the Lord.  I am for His will in your life.  If His will in your life be marriage, get married.  If His will in your life be service to Him, serve Him.  If you are disobedient to Him, it is between you and Him.  I have enough problems.  I do not have any time to be punishing you or praying against you, or doing any of the things your reprobate mind thinks that I am doing, which I am not doing.  I have enough trouble finding out His will for me.  Jesus.


Let the younger widows refuse: for when they have begun to wax wanton against Christ, they will marry.  Listen, if they are waxing wanton against Christ, who are they marrying?  Who are they marrying if they are waxing wanton against Christ?  They are marrying the devil.  Listen, spiritual things are a great mystery.  We can be partially married to the Devil, and partially married to Christ Jesus.  If you have dedicated ten hours a day to Christ Jesus and two hours to natural things, and you end off from your commitment to Christ Jesus, you are giving all of your efforts into worldly things.  You are marrying the other guy.  When they wax wanton against Christ, they will marry or remarry the Devil.  You can only be in union with one or the other at any particular given point, and there is a balance of power; eighty-twenty, fifty-fifty, forty-sixty, seventy-thirty.  You could only be married to one in any given instant or in any one given circumstance.    


Verse 12.  Having damnation because they have cast off their first faith.  The Greek word translated cast off means to be made of no effect.  They have made their first faith of no effect.  The Greek word translated first means the eternal one.  They have made the eternal one, who is now a part of their life, of no effect.  Christ Jesus is present in their life, but He is of no effect because they are not living out of Him.  They are living out of their other husband.  You see, we have two husbands.  Which one are we living with?  They have damnation because they have made the nature of the eternal one of no effect. 


Nature is the same as name.  They have made the name of the eternal one of no effect.  What is the Scripture speaking about; the nature or the name of the eternal one?  The nature is revealed through the mind.  Who is the mind of the eternal one?  Christ Jesus.  Christ Jesus is still in them, but they have made Him of no effect.  They are not having anything to do with Him.  They are living out of their marriage to the other guy.  They have made Him of no effect.  Now to make a mind of no effect, we accomplish that by not using it.  A mind is of no effect when we are not using it.  To have a life giving device and not use it, is typified in the Scripture as being sick.  First you get sick and then you die.


First you find yourself in a condition where Christ Jesus is alive in you and you are not using Him.  You are making Him of no effect.  That makes you sick.  If you continue along those lines, He pulls apart.  Christ Jesus, the man, pulls apart.  The threads of His mind unravel and He dies.  First you become sick and then you die.  If the Lord gets the revelation to you that you are not living out of Christ Jesus, and He fights for you, and you overcome and return to your first faith, and if you return to the faith or the mind of the eternal one, you can recover from that sickness.  If you do not recover from your sickness, He will die, and then there is nothing to return to.  Once He dies, there is nothing to return to, and you have to start all over again from the beginning. 


I believe the Lord is referring me to Hebrews, Chapter 6, Verse 4.  This is an understanding of this verse that I never really entertained before.  Verses 4 thru 6.  For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, and have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, if they shall fall away to renew them again unto repentance, seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put Him to an open shame.  Now I have always preached these verses to you, that to sin like that after, or to sin willfully after Christ Jesus was formed in you, means that you must have some heavy curses operating in you, and that these verses mean the only hope for you is judgment, which will break these curses.


But I now see a whole new shade of understanding in these verses.  For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened.  How are you enlightened?  Christ Jesus is formed in you.  For it is impossible for those who at one time had Christ Jesus formed in them, and have tasted of the heavenly gift.  The heavenly gift, I believe is the Spirit of Truth, if I am not mistaken.  I could be mistaken about that.  And they were made partakers of the Holy Ghost and have tasted of the good word of God.  The good word of God is the mind of Christ.  We just taught that.  They have tasted of Him.  That means they have had communion of Him.  They had communion with the Word of God.  That means understanding in the Word of God, and they have also tasted of the powers of the world to come. 


That means they have experienced the power and the Spirit of Christ.  If after this they shall fall away, they shall go back to their devilish mind, it is impossible to renew them again unto repentance.  Now I am not looking at this in the Greek, but what the Lord is telling me in my heart, is that when this falling away goes far enough, the whole mind breaks up.  The mind, which is in the man Christ Jesus, the Word of God, it unravels.  Once it unravels, it is gone.  You have to start from scratch again.


Listen to this.  Seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh.  Now we have a new revelation of what it means to crucify the Son of God.  Who is the Son of God?  Christ is the Son of God.  The crucifixion of Christ is the penetration of Christ.  Now listen!  If Christ Jesus was formed in you, that means the Son of God was crucified by the Lord Jesus Christ, and Christ Jesus was formed in you.  To crucify the Son of God afresh means to crucify Him again. 


What I am getting by the Spirit of Revelation right now is that this second crucifixion is not by the Lord Jesus Christ, but by the Dragon.  When the Dragon crucifies you again, Christ Jesus dies just like Christ died at the beginning of time, and the mind of the Devil is formed in you in renewed strength.  Not that it is impossible to start the process from the beginning again, but I believe it is my understanding of the Scriptures that once you have overcome the devil, and began to move into the kingdom and fall away, the only way you could fall away is if the devil gives such a strong blow to Christ Jesus in you that she kills Him.  When she gets you back, she binds you up twice as strong as she had you the first time.  It is not that it is impossible for the Lord to get you out, but it will require much more severe methods and you are starting from scratch. 


Then you have to get the Holy Ghost.  He has to come in and crucify Christ in you again, and this time the Devil is really watching out for Him.  Do you hear what I am saying?  I am losing most of you here.  Seeing they crucified to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put Him to an open shame.  The Son of God is Christ in you.  That after Christ Jesus was formed in you, after the warrior son began to be formed in you, the Dragon got back in and crucified Christ.  Now remember, at the beginning of time, the Serpent crucified the immature Christ and brought forth her mind in the creation.  Jesus.


In this hour, the Lord Jesus Christ has come to crucify the Son of God a second time, this time bringing forth Christ Jesus in him, the mature son, who is strong enough to defeat the serpent’s mind.  After this great miracle, the dragon still got into your heart and crucified the Son of God afresh, making an open shame of Christ.  What is the open shame?  It is making a harlot out of him again, sending him back to the bondage that he was just in the process of being delivered from, making an open shame of him.  Joel 3:3; And have given a boy for a harlot.


Now remember, when Jesus rose from the dead, He made an open show of the powers and principalities.  But we are talking about a situation where the resurrection process, where the deliverance process, where the salvation process had already begun, and was cut off, and cut short, in mid process, making an open shame of Christ, the Son of God, by letting the dragon get into him again and making a harlot out of him again. 


The only way you can re-weave the mind of Christ in this man is through heavy judgment as we find out in verse 7.  For the earth which drinketh in the rain, that is the soul, that cometh oft upon it and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receives the blessing from God.  So the soul that drinks in the rain, you have to be under the anointing, and it has to come upon you often to nourish Christ Jesus coming forth in you, which is the blessing of God.  But that which beareth thorns and briars is rejected, and nigh unto cursing whose end is to be burned. 


Brethren, here is a reverse inference.  If the earth, which drinketh in the rain, if the soul which submits itself continuously to spiritual ministry brings forth Christ Jesus, the soul that does not submit itself to spiritual ministry, will not.  The soul that does not submit will bring forth thorns and briars.  The only thing that will help that soul.  What soul?  The soul who has Christ Jesus growing in him, but refuses to submit himself frequently to spiritual ministry is the burning judgment of God. 


Listen!  To sit under this kind of ministry is judgment.  It is judgment to the devil in you.  If you do not do it willingly, the Lord is going to bring you into it unwillingly.  Because if you do not submit to spiritual judgment, Christ Jesus in you will surely die.  I believe that the Lord is trying in every way that He can, in everyone in whom His son is being formed, to keep that fetus from dying.  So if you submit to ministry, all is well and He is with you.  If you will not go to church, you are under judgment because He wants you in church.  But nevertheless, despite all this, there will be some people in whom Christ Jesus dies. 


Back to verse 4.  The main point in this teaching here is for those in whom Christ Jesus was conceived, and who have experienced the Spirit of Truth, as a result of union with the Holy Ghost.  Verse 5.  And they tasted the good word of God, the mind of Christ was mature enough in them for them to have communion with Him, and they also tasted of the power of the Spirit of Christ, which is more powerful than the Holy Ghost.  If they shall fall away, or if they shall become sick and die, and the threads of the mind of Christ Jesus unravel, they have crucified, they have allowed the Dragon to come in and crucify Christ again, therefore putting him back in the shameful position of being the Dragon’s harlot, and their mind of Christ has died.  First the mind of Christ gets sick, and then He dies, and then you completely belong to the Dragon again, and he brings forth Leviathan in you. 


I do not know about you, but that revelation excited me.  There is a lot of revelation going on here.  We are going to stop now because I have lost a few of you, and there is a real opposition here.  At the very least, I am going to pray, because I cannot go on.  I am really being opposed with this doctrine.  Please put that tape on hold.


Praise the Lord.  I am just really excited at this revelation in Hebrews 6 that the Lord has given us.  I want to just reiterate it.  Verse 4.  For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened to be given light.  The light is in our new man, Christ Jesus.  To have tasted of the heavenly gift.  I believe the heavenly gift is Christ Jesus, that we were enlightened because we receive this heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost when He crucified Christ in us, and brought forth the increase of Christ Jesus, and have tasted of the good word of God.  The Word of God is the mind which is in our new man, Christ Jesus, and the powers of the world to come is the Spirit of Christ, which is in the new man, Christ Jesus. 


These believers who have experienced this, if they fall away.  Fall away how?  If they are seduced back by their old mind, it is impossible to renew them again to repentance because the mind of Christ Jesus, for that to happen, the mind of Christ Jesus has, or the threads of that mind have unraveled.  The reason the threads of that mind have unraveled is because they have crucified to themselves again the son of God afresh.  Now I always used to think that Jesus was crucified, was our sacrifice, and because of Him we have life.  So I could never understand what the big deal was about Him needing to be crucified a second time for those of us who are weak. 


Now the Lord reveals to us that He is not speaking about crucifying the son of God a second time on our behalf, but He is speaking about the Serpent rising up and crucifying the son of God, Christ, that crucifixion bringing forth in great power the resurrection of Leviathan.  For all intents and purposes, when the Serpent crucifies Christ afresh, she is reviving or raising from the dead her mind; Leviathan.  She is doing what the Lord Jesus Christ is doing, raising her mind from the dead, and that is why it is an open shame, because when the Serpent crucifies Christ in us, she raises Leviathan from the dead and makes Christ a harlot once again.  Christ is the harlot of Revelation when under the dominion of the Dragon and the Devil and Satan.  So that is why it is an open shame.


I am hitting such a blank wall here right now.  I rebuke all blank walls.  If you do not understand, I pray that you understand it some time in the future, but I rebuke every resistance to my preaching this message.  If I get the message preached, and you do not understand it, you can listen to the tape and understand it.  I rebuke any mind that is opposing me in the name of Jesus.  If you are opposing me, go to sleep.  If you cannot be in agreement with me, go to sleep.  I want to get this message on a tape.  In the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, I defeat all opposition.  Hallelujah!    


Let me go back to this message now.  We were in 1Timothy 5:12 saying that the widows, the human beings, and you do not even have to be a woman.  You could be a physical male.  Those who are not married to Christ Jesus have received damnation.  Now what is damnation?  Damnation is an existence, whereby Satan is your god.  That is what damnation is.  Having received damnation.  Who?  The younger widows, who have waxed wanton against Christ.  They have turned away from Christ and their minds, the Word of God, the mind in Christ, has unraveled, and they have remarried the Serpent, and Leviathan has been raised from the dead in them.


They now have damnation because Leviathan is their mind, and Satan is their god, and the reason that this has happened to them is that they have cast off, or made of no effect their first faith, the nature of the eternal one.  The nature of the eternal one in man, is in the form of the mind which the eternal one has birth into us, or begotten into us, and the name of the mind of the eternal one is the Word of God, the Logos.  Christ Jesus is your new man, and the name of the mind in Him is the Word of God.  The Greek word for that is Logos.  So sometimes you hear in the Church world, people will say Logos.  It means the same thing as the Word of God.  It is the mind, which is in the new man, Christ Jesus.


The new man is a whole man.  He is mind and soul.  So your new man is your soul to whom the mind of God or the Word of God has been joined.  Christ Jesus is your whole new man.  He is the condition of your personality after the Word of God has circumcised Leviathan off of your soul, and the Word of God has joined Himself to your soul, thereby giving life to your soul.  He is your whole new man, the man Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man.  Hallelujah!  Jesus. 


Verse 15.  For some are already turned aside after Satan.  For some are already turned aside after Satan.  The Greek word translated to turn aside means to turn back.  For some have already turned back after Satan.  That means for whatever reason, they are rejecting the Word of God, and they are communing with and falling into agreement with Satan.  Satan’s mind is Leviathan.  Usually the reason they are turning back is that they are being seduced or they are just too weak to fight the fight that is necessary.  They are too weak to fight the war that is necessary to stay in communion with the Word of God because you cannot stay in communion with the Word of God without fighting a war. 


Why?  It is because Satan does not want you in communion with the Word of God.  If you do not fight back, Satan is going to circumcise the Word of God from off of your soul.  You see, the Word of God is trying to attach Himself to your soul, just like a fertilized ovum tries to attach itself to a woman’s uterus.  If you are a woman, the fact that you have ovulated does not make you capable of bringing forth a full term child.  Even the fact that the egg, which has matured in you has been fertilized, does not guarantee that you will bring forth a living child.  That fertilized egg must engraft itself into your uterus.  If the fertilized egg fails to engraft itself into your uterus, it will pass out of your body in the same manner as an unfertilized egg. 


Speaking spiritually, if your human spirit has been fertilized by the Lord Jesus Christ, if that fertilized spirit does not, at some point, engraft itself to your soul, that mind of God in you has been of no effect to you, whatsoever.  You will not produce a living son.  Can you hear that hard word?  That is a hard word, but I am telling you it is my understanding of the Scriptures.  I believe it is true.  It is not enough to get the Holy Ghost.  It is not enough to get the engrafted word.  It is not enough to be having Christ Jesus formed in you.  Actually, it is the Word of God being formed in you.  It is not enough to have the mind of God being formed in you.  He has got to engraft Himself to your soul.


Did I say it was not enough to have the engrafted word?  That is not accurate.  Let me try it again.  It is not enough to ovulate.  It is not enough to be a fertile egg, and every man is not a fertile egg.  Some men stand no chance of conceiving.  Why?  They are born without the root of Christ.  We have several tapes on that.  What does that mean?  They were not incarnated at the will of the Father.  Every egg is just not ordained to be fertilized.  They just will never be fertilized.  It is not enough to be fertilized.  What is another word for fertilization?  It is not enough to have your heart crucified by the Lord Jesus.  It is not enough for Christ in you to be crucified by the Lord Jesus.  That is not enough.


A man whose heart has been crucified by the Lord Jesus is a fertilized egg.  That fertilized egg must engraft to the soul.  It must be imbedded in the womb or your fertilized egg is passing out of this world system without having much effect on the world.  Then even once you are fertilized, and the egg engrafts to your womb, it is not enough.  You see, at each stage the Word of God in you gets stronger, and there is less and less of a chance of Him being spontaneously aborted.  But Satan is trying to spontaneously abort every spiritual son that has been conceived in this world system.  He is out to stop us no matter what it takes.  He is starting with the point of least resistance.  If he can just turn us away from the Lord, that is fine.  The further we get, the more likely he is to kill us if he can.  He will do anything to stop the Son of God from standing up in us.


Once that fertilized seed engrafts to our soul, the seductions and the trials become heavier and heavier and heavier.  If he really cannot stop you, he would kill you if the Lord would let him.  He will do anything to stop Christ Jesus from appearing in you.  So the more mature you are, and the harder you are fighting, the more heavier the warfare you are in, and the greater the danger of you aborting.  It is the opposite in the natural.  In the natural, the younger the fertilized seed is, the easier it is to abort.  Well maybe it is just as easy to abort in the spiritual. 


There is a lot of confusion on my mind.  Satan does not like this message at all.  I am just going to go on from here.  It is 2:00 P.M. now.  If I can do it, I will preach another half an hour, and then we will finish this out tonight.  I continue to break every curse coming against my mind.  I curse it and I crush it, and I cast it down.


Verse 15.  For some are already turned aside after Satan.  For some are already turned back, because they have turned back to the root which incarnated them; Satan.  The significance is they have turned back to the root which incarnated them.  The significance being that the mind, which is joined to their soul, has more influence over them than the mind which is in them, which is not yet joined to their soul.  The Word of God or the mind of Christ, as we call it, is the invading force, and He is fighting against a mind that has possession of the soul.  It is a miracle that we are being saved.


Continuing on with Job 41:1.  Can you draw a cord out of Leviathan’s  tongue, and can you draw a fishhook out of the fallen dead soul by letting him down?  That still makes no sense in English.  Let us see what we have here.  So we are finding out that Job 41:1 is speaking about two different events, drawing a cord out of Leviathan’s tongue and drawing a fishhook out of Jehovah’s fallen dead soul, which is choking to death, because the Serpent’s mind has cut her off from the mature expression of the breath of Jehovah’s life.  The mature expression of the breath of Jehovah’s life is the mind of Christ, also known as the Word of God.  Hallelujah!


Now this is a great mystery.  Why should the Lord be helping Leviathan, you say.  How is He helping Leviathan?  By drawing a cord out of his tongue.  I have gotten ahead of myself by telling you that his tongue is his mind, and that the cord that is being drawn out is the human spirit.  I got ahead of my notes.  The reason the Lord is helping Leviathan is that He really is not helping Leviathan by drawing a cord out of his tongue.  He is actually killing Leviathan, because the only way He is going to get the human spirit free is to kill him.  The only way the Lord is going to draw the cord out of Leviathan’s tongue, is for Jehovah’s benefit, unto Leviathan’s death.  Jesus.


Now remember, Leviathan is a completed mind.  I suggest to you that the Lord is helping first Leviathan’s tongue, that is his mind, and secondly the whole animal.  Now a mind is attached to a soul.  The whole animal is called Leviathan, and the soul that he is attached to is an animal, in this spiritual world.  It is called a soul.  The name of the animal is the soul.


I think I am going to have to stop preaching this.  I rebuke this confusion on me.  Lord, I pray you do not let me stop preaching unless it is your will that I stop preaching.  I rebuke this confusion right now. 


Now remember, Leviathan is a completed mind.  I suggest to you that the Lord is helping first Leviathan’s tongue, and secondly the whole animal.  Who is Leviathan’s tongue?  Physically, a man cannot speak without a tongue.  The animals have tongues, but they cannot speak.  They only make noises.  I suggest to you that, spiritually speaking, only man can exercise the spiritual authority of the spoken word.  Okay, what I told you at the beginning of the message, when I jumped ahead of myself, was not quite accurate. 


What the Lord is bringing forth here is not so much that the tongue is the mind, but that aspect of the mind which has the power of speech is the one thread.  It is the human spirit, that one thread in the mind that is specifically the power of speech that is given to that tongue.  The tongue is the mind, but every tongue does not speak.  The animals in the jungle have tongues.  They make noises.  They do not speak.  So the only minds, which are minds which are woven, where one of the threads is the human spirit, that is the mind which can speak.


We find that man is of a different cut, one cut higher than the animals, and I preached here before that man has a spirit, and the animals do not have a spirit.  The power of speech is in the fact that man has a spirit.  So when the Scripture says the Lord is drawing a cord out of Leviathan’s tongue, Leviathan’s tongue is just saying the mind which is Leviathan, and the Lord is drawing out of that tongue the ability to speak.  The Lord is drawing out of the mind of fallen man that thread which makes him higher than the animals.  That which makes us higher than the animals is our spirit, and the Lord wants His Spirit back.  He wants His Spirit back, and He wants her joined with the Lord Jesus, and increased into Christ Jesus. 


I suggest to you that spiritually speaking, only man can exercise the spiritual authority of the spoken word, because he has a spirit.  Animals have a soul, but no spirit.  Remember, spirit in man is in the form of a mind.  Animals have a soul.  They do not have a mind.  Well, I do not know if they do not have a mind.  I do not see how they could have a mind.  Animals have a soul, but no spirit.  There were no animals, as we know animals in this fallen world, in the Garden.  When the Serpent married Christ, the creation was reformed into the woman.  Incarnated are the negative or the east side of Eden, and the bones of the dead Christ were buried in the mind of the negative creation.


Listen.  I am going to give it to you again.  There were no animals, as we know animals in this fallen world, in the Garden.  When the Serpent married Christ; when did the Serpent married Christ?  When the Serpent, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil separated from the tree of life.  First she separated and then she rose up and attacked.  She pierced through the tree.  The Serpent pierced through the tree of life.  She crucified Christ.  The Serpent took on a male role and joined with the spirit in the soul, bringing forth her own two thread mind, whose name is the Dragon.  That is what she did.  That was the marriage.  The Serpent married Christ.  Christ died and the creation was reformed into the woman. 


The whole creation incarnated on the negative or the east side of Eden in the man Cain, and the bones of the dead Christ were buried in the mind of the negative creation.  How were they buried in the minds of the negative creation?  They were joined to the Serpent and became one of the threads of the Serpent’s mind.  The soul then expanded like a plant.  You can read about that in Zechariah in Chapter 6.  We have a tape expounding on that.  Just like a plant expands into many leaves, the soul expanded into many varieties of animals, but the dead spirit did not expand and remained only in the original specie; man.  Do you hear that?  Let me give you that again.


After Christ was killed, and the dead Christ was buried, she or he, was formed into the Serpent’s mind, Leviathan, and therefore buried underneath that mind.  The soul, which was now dead, expanded like a plant into many varieties of animals, but the dead spirit of the son of God did not expand.  Why?  Because he was dead, and he remained only in the original species; man.  Now when we studied the book of James, we recognize that the organic tongue has no power.  It is the mind behind the tongue which has power.  James 3:6 says, and the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity, so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body and setteth it on fire the course of nature, and it is set on fire of hell. 


The only way to stop our tongue from blaspheming men is to purify our mind.  The only way to purify our mind is to free our human spirit, which is the dead Christ, from his union with Satan, so that he can be joined to the Lord Jesus Christ and increase into Christ Jesus.  So you see, and we see, that the Lord is not helping Leviathan, the Serpent’s completed mind, but He is helping His own dead son, Christ, who has been swallowed up by and is now a part of the Serpent’s mind, which mind is in the belly of the whole great sea monster, which is in the form of the fugitive Serpent, who was taken in this visible physical world, which is 96% water. 


I think I must have a wrong word in my notes.  This whole great sea monster, which is in the form of the fugitive Serpent, which is existing in this visible physical world, which is 96% water.  I am just going to reread that last paragraph of my notes.  So you see the Lord is not helping Leviathan, the Serpent’s completed mind, but He is helping His own dead son, Christ.  Now I hear a question in some of your minds.  Sometimes I call the spirit which is in man, Christ or the human spirit.  Sometimes I call him Christ.  Sometimes I call her the human spirit.  For those of you who study with us and listen with a keen ear, I think the Lord is telling me this is producing some confusion for you.  So let me go over that.  


The soul that the Lord made is female.  Soul is female.  The breath of God’s life is in the soul.  It is in the soul and the soul is female.  My original revelation of this was that the spirit in man is the female seed coming out of a carnal mind.  I am saying, well Jehovah is the male seed, and the human spirit is the female seed, and they are producing a male son.  That is good enough in its place, until the Lord started giving me this revelation that the breath of the Father in the soul is Christ, and Christ is male, and I think I told you when he died, he became female.  So we have a lot of teaching along these lines.  However, the Lord showed me this from a different angle just about a year ago when we were in Nigeria.


Well let me give you this background first.  If you read the Song of Solomon, if you read it with some understanding, you will see that it is about the fallen soul who lost her virginity.  She fell into adultery with Satan and she was ruined.  She was spiritually muddied.  I know that there is one particular chapter that brings me to tears every time I read it.  She is saying to the Lord how dirty she is and how could He love her.  He just ignores her and tells her how beautiful she is.  The reason the Lord can do this is because He has the power to make her a virgin again. 


So along these lines, on the one hand I could say Christ the son of God died, and he was made into a male harlot by the Dragon.  He was made into a woman.  The mind of the creation was reformed from the son of God into the daughter of Babylon, or into confusion, or into the Devil, as we called her.  God, in the same manner as He looks upon that soul in the Song of Solomon, does not see the mud, but sees the regenerated, renewed, restored, glorious bride of Christ.  In the same manner, when Jehovah looks at the dead Christ, who has been made a harlot by the Dragon, and has been reformed as a woman, the Father looks at that human spirit and says, my son


Sometimes, depending on the context of the Scripture, we will see the human spirit referred to as female, usually when the context is of the human spirit as part of the female soul.  In other scriptures we see the context indicating that the Father is looking at the human spirit as His son, even though that son has been reformed into a female.  That son is presently a homosexual harlot in the Dragon’s house, and for all intents and purposes, a woman.  When the Lord is looking towards the human spirit with a point of view that sees into the future, which future includes the resurrection of that son, the Father calls that human spirit my son, before the event has been completed.  Can you hear it?  Can you hear it?


In the same manner, from the day you are reconciled unto God, He calls you a saint of God, a holy one.  The Church messes up on that and thinks we are really holy.  We are not holy.  We are filthy.  But the Father looks at us and He sees us at the end of the processing.  He sees us as clean and He calls us holy.  He looks at His dead son who has been made into a woman, and He calls her the son of God. 


Basically speaking, walking in the revelation that I have now, you will find me referring to the human spirit as he or you will find me referring to the human spirit as Christ.  The only time I will refer to him as a she or a her, at this time, will be if I feel calling Christ a he will confuse you or confuse people who have not studied with us on a regular basis.  In the same manner, you may hear me calling Satan, or the Devil, or the Serpent, or the Dragon; her.  Sometimes I call them him, depending on the context of the verse or depending on the feeling in my spirit, whether or not calling them her will confuse the student.


Now the truth about the Serpent and her offspring, the Dragon, the Devil, and Satan, is that in relationship to Jesus Christ, they are female.  Nevertheless, the Dragon, the Devil, and Satan have been acting like a male for thousands of years.  They are in a male role.  They are doing what men do.  They really are one person.  He is doing what a man does.  He has begotten.  He has taken a wife.  He has begotten a mind in the soul.  He has begotten a physical world, and formed a creation.  It confuses a lot of people to hear me calling the Devil a she.


So if I am teaching in a context where I have not gone over this whole explanation, that even though the Devil is in a male role, in relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ, she is the woman, the harlot of Revelation.  You might find me referring one moment to the Devil as a she, and the next moment to the Devil or even Leviathan as a he.  I more or less go as my spirit leads me.  I remind you that the primary goal of the teaching here is to educate you.  The primary goal is to impart to you the doctrine of Christ in the simplest form possible.


It is not my intention to make myself a great one, or a great teacher, or use big words, although sometimes I use big words because I find that they help me express what I am trying to say.  Every time I use a big word, I usually try to follow it up with a further explanation, and if I ever do not, you should ask me.  But for whatever reason, if that big word is in my vocabulary, it helps me to gel the concept that the Lord is giving me in my mind, and then I will break it down for you.  My purpose here is for you to receive this doctrine in your spirit.  That means I have to make it as simple as possible, and that is not easy, because this doctrine for the carnal minds of men is very complicated.  For the mind of Christ, it is not complicated at all.


So once again, we are rolling with the punches. We are not going to be restricted by any religious spirit.  If you hear something on a tape, or you read something in a transcript that upsets you, that makes you think I am inconsistent, please do not draw any false conclusions about me.  Definitely ask me about it, and maybe I am inconsistent once in awhile.  However, this doctrine is being imparted to the Church through an imperfect vessel, very imperfect mechanisms, and that is the way the Lord Jesus has decided to do it.  So we have to take what He has given us, and be grateful for it.


I told some of you today, and showed you the new computer the Lord gave us, which is making my life much easier.  I recall just eight years ago I started out with pen and ink, and did not even have a typewriter.  I started out with pen and ink, and I would write out whole paragraphs on long pages of yellow legal paper.  I then cut each paragraph, and stapled those paragraphs, because I would want to reorder them in the form that I originally wrote them.  I decided paragraph one should be paragraph four or paragraph three should be paragraph two, so I just cut the paragraph, or cut sentences, and stapled them in the order that I wanted them on the backing sheet of paper.  That is how I started this ministry.


We now have a Pentium five computer, probably the fastest one of the most fastest computers on the market today.  We are praising God for it, and thanking Him.  That is how far He has brought us in eight years.  The ministry is imperfect.  It is rough.  It is raw.  It is coming forth out of the rough, but it is not sophisticated at all at this time.  You have to roll with the punches.  If you cannot, you do not belong here.  All that I could tell you, or recommend to you, is I exhort you strongly not to get upset over anything.  Just ask God to make some sense out of it to you, and keep on going.  Just keep on going, keep on going.


Ask Him for every truth here, that you should receive it.  Just keep on going, because if you are a pharisee, and you are looking to find something wrong with my doctrine, you are probably going to find it.  So you might as well leave now because you are just wasting your time.  You are going to find something if you are looking for it, but you are not going to stop me from preaching.  I just exhort you all to not get caught up on these pharisaical thoughts in your mind.  Just take what you think is of God, and run with the ball.  There is some really good stuff here.


Do not let the devil mess up your mind because something sounds like an inconsistency to you.  It may be an inconsistency, but then again it may not be an inconsistency.  You may just not be understanding what I am doing. I do not know why I am going into this tonight.  I have not said anything like that in a long time.  I hope there is not anybody here who is having a problem along these lines.  Maybe it is just for this tape.  I do not know, but I repeat, do not worry about my mess ups because if you look hard enough you will find them.  Just ask the Lord to give you the truth. 


I remember I spent almost a whole year reading about a particular preacher who I will not tell you his name.  He has written about thirty three books.  I think he is dead now.  If he is not dead, he is very old and not preaching or writing anymore.  By the time I got to those books, the doctrine that the Lord was giving me was more mature than what he had written, but the Lord used everything he wrote.  As I went through those books, the Lord said to me, see, this is how you relate it to what I taught you.  You may have a little more maturity here, but look at this.  You did not know this, and you could learn this from him, and you could learn that from him.  Let me clean it up for you.  Let me show you how I want you to hear it now twenty or thirty years after he wrote the book. 


The day is going to come that someone is going to be reading my books or listening to my tapes, and the Lord is going to say to you, yes she did mess up over there.  Now it is twenty years later and you have got a deeper revelation.  But look, I am going to teach you something.  There is still something you could learn.  I am just going to update her doctrine for you.  In case you are interested, He does that with me on my own tapes.  I could listen to a tape from a month ago, and have the Lord show me that He has taught me that same truth a little deeper, now one month later.  You have got to go with the flow.  He is living waters.  He is not stagnant.  He is moving.  Glory to God.


So you see, the Lord is not helping Leviathan, the Serpent’s completed mind, but He is helping His own dead son, Christ.  Christ is one of the three threads that are braided together to form the mind of Leviathan.  God is not interested in helping the criminal fugitive serpent who is running from Jehovah’s justice.  The problem is His son is all twisted up there in Leviathan’s mind.  So it looks like the Lord is helping Leviathan, the three thread mind, but He is not.  He is just after one of those three threads, and the other two threads are receiving some action from the Lord Jesus because of that.  However, the action of the Lord Jesus upon Leviathan is to unbraid that mind, to unravel, to unweave that mind. 


You see, for the Lord to take the cord out of Leviathan’s tongue, the whole mind is going to unravel.  So we see it is a fallacy to even think that He is helping Leviathan.  It just sounds that way.  It says He is pulling the thread out of Leviathan’s tongue.  It sounds good, pulling a thorn out of his side.  What happens?  Did you ever have a garment with a loose thread, and you pulled the thread?  In this year, it is 1995 in the United States of America, and when you buy a ready made garment it is most likely you will find that the seams are not ended on that garment.  These garments are made in the factory where the people sewing on the machines get paid by the piece.  That means they have to work as fast as they can, and they are not taking the time to backstitch the end of their seams.


You can go out and spend fifty dollars, or twenty dollars, or forty dollars on a dress, and one day you wake up and you see a little thread, and you pull the thread, and the whole hem comes out.  You have to be very careful.  A thread is being pulled out of Leviathan’s tongue.  That thread is being snatched to safety.  It is the dead son of God.  When the Lord Jesus snatches him to safety, the whole garment that he was woven into will unravel.  Hallelujah!  Because that garment; who is the garment?  The mind.  Whose mind?  What is the name of the mind?  Leviathan!  Yes, Leviathan will unravel.  Hallelujah!  Glory to God.


So you see, the Lord is not helping Leviathan, the Serpent’s completed mind, but He is helping his own dead son, Christ, who has been swallowed up by, and is now a part of, is woven together with the Serpent’s mind, which mind is joined to this fallen soul.  When we read about it in parable form, we are told that Jonah was swallowed up and is in the belly of a sea monster.  I would like to suggest to you that the story of Jonah is a parable.  I do not know whether Jonah ever existed or not, but if he did exist, his life is still a parable of the spiritual reality of the son of God being swallowed up by this soul realm.  The son of God, Christ, was braided together with Leviathan’s mind, and sewn to the soul, and the whole creation fell down to the bottom of the sea when Christ died.


So we read a parable in the Scripture.  The faithful servant of God was swallowed up by the sea monster, but after three days and three nights, brethren, that monster spit him out, and the Lord picked him up and wove him together with Christ Jesus.  Hallelujah!


There is a lot of revelation coming down in this message.  Another scripture that I never quite understood was Jesus telling the pharisees, the only sign that I will give you, the only sign you will receive is the sign of Jonah; three days and three nights in the belly of the whale.  Brethren, the dead Christ is spending three days and three nights joined to this dead soul, which is in the bottom of the sea.  After the third night, he shall be spat up and retrieved by the Lord Jesus back into the beloved.  Jesus said to the pharisees, that is the only sign you are getting, the resurrection of the dead.  Hallelujah!


In other words, it is a spiritual sign.  It is a spiritual sign.  When you see the son of man raised up out of the waters of this soul realm, you know that the third day has begun.  Now the son of God is a many membered spirit.  He is a many membered mind.  He is being raised from the dead in one human being at a time.  So when you see the man, Jesus of Nazareth, raised from the dead, He is not raised from the dead like Lazarus was raised from the dead, but begotten out of the realm of death.  When you see the son of man ascended beyond this, the waters of this soul world, and restored unto the spirit world where He is once again one with his Father, you know that the third day is dawning on this creation in at least one member of it. 


Jesus said, today and tomorrow I do cures, and I cast out demons, and on the third day I shall be perfected.  If in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ you are casting out demons and healing people, you have entered into the first or perhaps the second day of the resurrection of the son of God.  That means it is happening in you.  We see in this world today that we have people who have entered into the first and second days.  Pretty soon, we will see people who have entered into the third day, or the beginning of the third day.  There are trillions of people in this world who are just completely dead, and are not in the process of the resurrection.


The resurrection of this dead soul will go on, I personally believe, for at least fifteen hundred years.  We may find out that is a carnal thought.  I do not know.  Well it has already started with Jesus of Nazareth.  We are about to see people being raised up to full stature very soon.  We are going to see the human beings in this world broken down into different categories, all co-existing in this world, physically co-existing, but spiritually being in totally different places.  The place where you exist spiritually is determined by the mind which you are living out of. 


A disciple said to Jesus, where dwellest thou Lord?  He said, come with me and see.  All the pharisees reading that scripture think they went back to Jesus’ house and had tea and crumpets, but they did not.  They went off somewhere and they spoke to the Son of God, and they listened to what He had to say.  They had discernment and they said, this man dwelleth in heaven where the Father is.  When I was a carnal Christian, I read that scripture and I said, I do not understand why they went and had tea and crumpets with Jesus, and the next day they decided they found the Messiah.  What did His house have to do with that information?  It was not His house that they looked at.  It was His mind that they looked at. 


These two men had to have a relationship with the Father through the Hebrew scriptures because when they met Jesus they knew who He was.  Did not Jesus say to the pharisees in another place, the Scriptures speak of me.  How come you do not recognize me?  It is because you use the Scripture for your own good.  You use the Scripture to exalt yourself.  You did not use the Scripture to learn of me.  Therefore, when you see me, you do not recognize me, because you never met me, even in the written word.

See, I will be found of those who seek me, saith the Lord.  They did not read the Word looking for me.  You read the Word looking to use that word for your own purposes, and you never met me in it.  Jesus said, I am the Spirit that is in that written Word.  You read the written word, but you never met the Spirit that wrote it.  Jesus!


So we see that this whole creation is in the belly of the great sea monster, the fugitive serpent.  We are in the belly of the fugitive serpent because the fugitive serpent has joined her mind to the soul, and the soul and the mind of the Serpent together is one big fish; a sea monster.  This fallen dead soul, soul and mind, is the personality of the spiritual woman ruling this world system, and her name is the Devil.  The name of the whole personality ruling this world is the Devil.  The spirit which is in the midst of her, the power source, is Satan.  The Devil and Satan, and of course, Leviathan and the Dragon is in there, the first generation.  Just as the resurrected ascended Jesus of Nazareth is the first generation of Christ, and this present generation is the second generation, Cain is the first generation of the incarnated serpent, and the second generation is the devil, which we are.  


The Dragon is the name of the Serpent’s two thread mind.  Just as Christ is the name of the Father’s two thread mind, the Dragon is the name of the Serpent’s two thread mind.  What does that mean?  The one thread is the spirit of man.  The second thread is the male spirit that joins with her.  It is either Jehovah or the Serpent.  A mind can be formed of two threads.  It is an incomplete mind.  It is an immature mind.  Those two threads can be broken apart easily.  If those two threads produce an increase, they will produce a third thread.  When Jehovah joins with the human spirit, the name of the third thread is Christ Jesus.  When the Serpent joins with the human spirit the name of the third thread is Leviathan.


When those three threads are braided together, that mind is not easily broken.  The name of Jehovah’s two thread mind is Christ.  The name of the Serpent’s two thread mind is the Dragon.  Jehovah’s three thread mind is the Word of God.  The Serpent’s three thread mind is Leviathan.  Jesus.


The first man in whom the completed mind of Christ appeared is the Lord Jesus.  The first man in whom the Serpent’s completed mind appeared is Cain.  Each of those men died, and was raised from the dead, and ascended into spirit form, and are now appearing in the present generation.  The Lord Jesus is appearing in this present generation as the Holy Spirit, and Cain is appearing in this present generation as the Devil.  Glory to God.

Now this whole fallen creation is 96% water, I believe.  If I am off a percentage, please do not get mad at me.  The soul is the sea monster, which is dwelling in this world, which has been formed by the Dragon, and sunk down to the bottom of the ocean after the Flood.  Before the Flood, creation lived in a spirit world.  It had never rained and they had never seen water.  They had never seen water coming up from underneath the earth.  There really was an actual flood.  I believe it, but spiritually speaking, the person of Christ Jesus and His mind, the Word of God drowned, went down under Leviathan in the person of the Devil.  When the mind, which was in the creation before the Flood, fell more under the power of the Serpent, it went down completely.  The waters of this soul realm covered it over.  Hallelujah!


Now the Lord is helping Christ by separating the sea monster’s tongue or his mind, that is his ability to speak, from the whole sea monster.  Now the whole sea monster is the personality of the fallen man, also known as the Devil.  The personality has a tongue and has an ability to speak.  This concept, brethren, is speaking about the separation of soul from spirit, and the joints from the marrow.  That is what this verse is all about.  When I first heard that scripture, God is separating the soul from the spirit, I said, Lord, why are you separating the soul from the spirit?  It is because the soul is joined to the spirit in this fallen creation in a perverted form.  The spirit is the dead son of God, and he is in bondage as a male harlot to the soul.  The son of God is suppose to be in charge of this creation.  It is like having a broken leg that mended wrong.  It has to be broken and put back together right. 


When we read about the Lord pulling a cord out of the tongue of the sea monster, He is pulling out the human spirit.  He is pulling out His dead son from this perverted creation, which has made a harlot out of the son of God.  That is what this verse 1 is all about.  The Lord is saying to Job, who do you think you are?  Do you have the power to separate soul from spirit?  Do you have the power to separate your perverted mind from your dead soul?  Do you have the power to free up your human spirit from that mind, which has been freed up so that your human spirit can join with Jehovah, and increase into Christ Jesus, a new man whose mind is called the Word of God. 


Another way of saying that is, do you have the power to raise yourself from the dead?  That is what the Lord is saying to Job.  Who do you think you are?  I am the one that has the power to raise you from the dead.  You should be walking on eggs when you are around me.  You should reverence me greatly.  How dare you lift yourself up and tell me that you do not deserve these afflictions that are fallen upon you, which implies that I am an unrighteous God for letting it happen. 


The tongue is a spirit’s ability to speak.  It is the mind that that spirit begets in the soul.  The tongue, a spirit’s ability to speak, is the mind that a spirit begets in the soul.  Animals have a soul.  They do not have a spirit.  They do not have a mind.  Now I have a reference for you that I did not mark down.  It is Revelation, Chapter 13:15.  It is speaking about the beast.  He had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.  Now look, it is the false prophet.  I believe it is the false prophet that had power to give life unto the image of the beast, the mind of the beast, and that the mind of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not submit to that mind, to be killed.  The image of the beast is in the spirit, which is the mind. 


If you will not submit to the mind that is giving you existence, you die.  I am up against something really tough today.  It is somebody’s mind.  I rebuke all this opposition.  I rebuke it in the name of Jesus.  We are still working on verse 1 of Job, Chapter 41.  Can you draw a cord out of Leviathan’s tongue and the fishhook out of the fallen dead soul by letting him down?  That is what we are working on.  The Hebrew word translated draw out is Strong’s #4900 and it means to make hard, to spread oneself out; to make hard or to spread oneself out.  Now can you draw a cord out of Leviathan’s tongue?  The salt sea, remember, is becoming the crystal sea.  Who is the salt sea?  Satan is the salt sea.  That is the unconscious mind of fallen man.


Water is unstable.  It flows.  It is not hard, but it is becoming hard in that the human spirit is being withdrawn from it, joined to the Lord Jesus and reformed into Christ Jesus.  The mind of Christ Jesus is the Word of God.  So we see that sea, which is raging, and foaming, and salty, and is not fit to be drank by mankind.  It is the unconscious mind of the fallen man that is being made hard.  It is being given permanent form where the human spirit is drawn out, and reformed as the mind known as the Word of God,  the mind of the man, Christ Jesus.  One of the definitions of the words, to draw out, is to make hard.  I suggest to you something that is hard is unchangeable.  Leviathan’s mind is changeable.  It is not stable, but the mind of Christ Jesus is unchangeable.  Have you heard of the immutable word of God?  It is unchangeable.  


It may appear to be changing, because our carnal mind does not have it straight.  The word of God changes here because my carnal mind does not have it straight, because that word of God is being filtered through my human mind, and I do not have it exactly right.  But the word of God is not changing.  It just appears to be changing because it is being filtered or imparted to us through an imperfect vessel; me.  Then what you are getting from that imperfect vessel is going into your understanding through a second imperfect vessel; you


Did you ever play that game telephone?  By the time you get through a few imperfect vessels, you would never believe it was the original word that came out of the first and perfect vessel.  I have a witness for you with regard to a hard mind.  Ezekiel 3:9;  As an adamant harder than flint have I made thy forehead.  Thy forehead is meaning our mind.  Fear them not, neither be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house.  The Scripture talks about a hard mind or a defensed mind.  The defensed mind is the Word of God, the mind of Christ Jesus. 


Brethren, when the mind of Christ Jesus comes up against the mind of the Devil, when Leviathan comes up against the Word of God, it is the softer mind that yields.  It is the softer mind that receives the impression.  When you take a seal, and you force it into soft wax or clay, the substance which is softer, gives way to the metal seal, and receives the impression of the metal seal in it.  When Leviathan comes up against the Word of God, the Word of God does not receive the image of Leviathan, but Leviathan receives the image of the Word of God. 


We are in a war, a war of the minds.  Two minds are butting each other just like two goats putting their heads down, and butting each other with their horns.  The substance, or the mind, which is made out of the softer substance will be proven to be just that, the weaker of the two minds.  It is proven only by conflict; trial by conflict.  We already know which mind is the stronger mind.  The mind of Christ Jesus is the stronger mind.  I read the back of the Book.       


The Hebrew word translated draw out indicates the maturation or the increase of the incomplete mind into a complete mind.  The Logos, the mind of Christ Jesus is the hard mind.  For our purposes in this verse, however, we are going to use this Hebrew word to indicate and un-modify increase, which we shall translate many membered.  The Hebrew word translated draw out indicates the maturation or the increase of the incomplete mind into a complete mind.  The mind of Christ Jesus is the hard mind.  For the purposes of this verse, we are going to use this word to indicate an unmodified increase, which we shall translate many membered.


To be honest with you, I do not know what that word unmodified is doing in there.  I put it in there, but I do not know why.  Oh, I see why I put it in there.  The scripture in the Hebrew speaks about an increase, but it does not really modify the word.  We do not know which mind is being increased.  But by the context of the verse, we are going to say that it is the mind of Jehovah that is increasing into the mind of Christ Jesus.


The word cord is Strong’s #2256 means a band of men or destruction.  Let me give you the verse again.  This is a very complicated translation.  We are dealing with Job 41:1.  Can you draw a cord out of Leviathan’s tongue?  This Hebrew word translated cord is Strong’s #2256 and it can also be translated a band of men or destruction.  We use this translation, a band of men or a band of destructive men, for the very same Hebrew word in Zephaniah, Chapter 2:10.  Our alternate translation is; So die to the devil’s lifestyle, and stand up in full stature, because the carnal mind is the idol which blinds you to this hellish world with a cord of hard labor. 


That cord of hard labor is a band of destructive men.  We are bound to this hellish world with a mind which is a many membered band of destructive men.  We are bound to this world because the mind that is in us continues to sin.  The mind that sins or the soul that sins dies.  So we continue to abide down here in death because of the mind which is within us.  The only way we are getting out of hell is to get out of this fallen mind, which kills us all the day long, every second of every minute of every hour of every day.


We are pronounced murderers by the thoughts which go through our mind.  Our only hope of getting out of hell is to get into a new mind.  Before we can get into a new mind, our human spirit must be extracted from our present fallen dead mind.  That is the cord that is coming out of Leviathan’s tongue.  That is the cord that is coming out of the tongue of this dead soul.  I guess it is not Leviathan’s tongue.  It is the tongue of the dead soul.  It gets so technical here, I get confused myself sometimes.                                                            


The Hebrew word translated tongue, Strong’s#3956,  is especially used of a malignant slanderous tongue.  I suggest to you, just as a preview of our alternate translation, that it should be the first phrase of Job 41:1.  Can you give this band of destructive men a strong mind?  Do you believe that?  That is the alternate translation.  Using the word cord now; Can you give this band of destructive men a strong mind?  Brethren, if you are dying every minute of every day because your mind sins, your mind is weak.  A strong mind does not sin.  The mind of Christ Jesus does not sin.  It is the weak mind that sins.  It is the mind that is going to cave in when it comes in contact with the mind of Christ Jesus. 


The Lord is saying to Job, can you give this band of destructive men, can you give this fallen humanity a strong mind?  Who do you think you are?  I have told you this many times, people have no fear of God, the one who can kill you, the one who can cast you into hell or raise you up into heaven.  He is the one who thinks of you when you live, and the one who forgets about you, and you die.  Men have no fear of God.  They just really do not.  For generations they had a religious fear of Him, an unrealistic fear of Him.  Men should have an awesome respectful fear of God.  We do not because we are ignorant, and we are in darkness. 


Can you draw a cord out of Leviathan’s tongue and the fishhook out of the fallen dead soul?  The Hebrew word translated fishhook is Strong’s #2443 and it is a feminine word, and it is that which is fixed in the palate of a fish, drawing the jaws together.  That results in choking the fish.  Webster says that to choke can mean to check or slow down the movement, growth or action of a garden that was choked by weeds.  Webster says that to choke can mean to check or slow down the movement, growth or action of.  It could mean a garden that was choked by weeds for example.  It can mean to block up or to obstruct by filling or clogging, to fill up completely, to jam, or to reduce the air intake, to have difficulty in breathing, swallowing, or speaking.  Jesus.


We are talking about the fishhook being taken out of the fallen dead soul.  Our alternate translation of that phrase is; And can you free the soul, which is the garden, which is being choked to death by the weed of the carnal mind?  The Lord is saying to Job, who do you think you are?  Can you give man who is dying because of his soft mind, can you give him a hard mind?  Can you free this soul which is dying?  Actually, it should say which is dead, because it is being choked by the weed of the carnal mind.  Can you free that soul?  Jesus!


Can you draw a cord out of Leviathan’s tongue and the fishhook out of the fallen dead soul by letting him down?  I do not even know what that means; letting him down with the fishhook?  This Hebrew word translated letting down is translated to hold down in the Interlinear.  It is Strong’s #8257 and it means to sink down or to be submerged as a country.  I found that so interesting because it sounds just like what happened to Atlantis to me.  This word to let down means to sink down as a country.  The world before the Flood sunk down and was covered over by the spiritual sea.  That is what Atlantis is.  This Hebrew word translated let down means to sink down as a country. That is what it means. 


Our Alternate Translation of Amos 9:5 says; And the Lord God of battle shall injure the carnal minds of men, and they shall be cast down and dissolved, and Christ Jesus shall arise, and the whole creation shall sink down and become the bed of His river of life because I will command it.  Did you hear that?  The whole creation shall sink down and become the bed of His river of life because I will command it.  That is what we are talking about in Job 41:1


Alternate translation of Job 41:1; Can the mind of that many membered band of destructive men, which is Leviathan’s malignant tongue and the fallen soul, which has been choking since the weed of the carnal mind killed the incomplete Christ mind, be submerged down underneath the waters of Christ Jesus? 


Let me give it to you again.  Listen to this.  This is a very exciting translation of Job 41:1.  Can the mind of that many membered band of destructive men, that’s us, humanity, which is Leviathan’s malignant tongue.  Leviathan speaks through us, brethren.  Can that band of many membered destructive men, and the fallen soul they are living in, which has been choking since the weed of the carnal mind killed the incomplete Christ mind back at the Fall.  Can the whole man, and can their soul be submerged down underneath the waters of Christ Jesus?  Can the process be reversed?  When Christ or the two thread Christ mind died, the whole creation sank down under the waters of the Serpent’s mind.


Can the process be reversed?  Can you make a soft mind hard?  Are you strong enough to drown the criminal mind of the Serpent, which is ruling in mankind today?  Who do you think you are telling the God of the Universe that you are innocent, and that you do not deserve what has happened to you?  Who do you think you are?  That is what the Lord is saying.  Thank God, He has pity on us knowing that we are just ignorant.  Most men would have wiped us out completely for that kind of disrespect.  It takes a great man to ignore the disrespect of an ignorant man.  It takes a very wise mature man. 


I was in the Copacabana Night Club once, in the days of my past.  There are a lot of gangsters that go into that club.  There was a gangster there having a good time with a couple of friends.  He was a little loud.  He went to the club all the time and everybody knew him.  The same night there was a man in the club who was probably there for the first and only time of his life.  He probably saved for four years to take his wife there.  He was very annoyed that this regular visitor to the Copa-cabana was making all this noise. 


I guess he was drinking, and he jumped up from his table and challenged this gangster, not knowing who he was.  He yelled at him and told him that he should shut up, and what was wrong with him?  All of a sudden, about six body guards or bouncers were standing between this foolish ignorant man who could have gotten himself killed.  They were standing between him, who was out in the middle of the dance floor, almost making a fool out of himself, and this well known gangster who was just sitting there looking at this ignorant man, and the bouncers took their positions.  You could see they were well trained.  It was obvious to me that they all had guns that they were ready to pull at a moment. 


Then the one that was in charge turned towards the gangster.  His name was “Sonny.”  He said to him, Oh Sonny, he is just a farmer.  I hope there are no farmers listening to this tape.  This is a direct quote.  This is what the bouncer said to the gangster.  “Oh Sonny, he is just a farmer, and he has had too much to drink.”  Everybody stood there.  Everybody that knew who Sonny was, was just waiting to see what the man was going to do.  He said, “Aw he is just a farmer.”  He turned away and the bouncers ushered the other guy back to the table, and there was no tragedy. 


Sometimes, you have to let things go when you are dealing with ignorant people who really do not know which end is up.  There is a time for everything, brethren.  There is a time to correct people when they insult you.  There is a time to correct people when they do not respect authority, and there is a time to let it go.  There is a time for everything.  To do the right thing at the wrong time could be a disaster.  You have to have wisdom.  If you do not have it, ask the Lord for it, because you have to have wisdom.  It is very important.  Besides wisdom, what else do you need?  You need understanding, brethren.  Get understanding, because even the wisdom is not enough if you do not have understanding with it.  Thank you Jesus.


The amplified translation of Job 41:1.  Can Leviathan’s malignant tongue, which is the mind of that many membered band of destructive men, and the fallen soul which has been choking since the carnal mind killed the incomplete Christ mind, can they both be submerged underneath the spiritual world, which is the visible image of Christ Jesus?  Look brethren, the world before the Flood was buried.  It was drowned underneath this fallen world.  Can it be reversed?  Can this fallen world, which is soul and mind, can it be buried, can it be drowned, under the waters of the glorious mind and world of Christ Jesus?  Can you do it, Job?  You fool, who is mouthing off at the Creator of the universe.  Look at who I am, and look at what I can do, and see how foolish you are.  That is what the Lord is telling him. 


I will read that again for you, and we will continue in verse 2.  This is Verse 1 of Job 41.  Can Leviathan’s malignant tongue, the mind of that many membered band of destructive men, and the fallen soul, which has been choking since the carnal mind killed the incomplete Christ mind, be submerged underneath the spiritual world, which is the visible image of Christ Jesus?  Continuing with Verse 2.  Canst thou put a hook into Leviathan’s nose?  This is Jehovah speaking to Job.  Can you put a hook in Leviathan’s nose?  Can you bore his jaw through with a thorn?  Well, the first phrase does not sound too way out.  Can you put a hook in his nose, but who would want to bore his jaw through with a thorn?


It is not a translation that makes much sense to me.  It is a translation that needs to be interpreted.  Remember, prophesy must be translated and the symbols must be interpreted.  Let us find out what the Scripture is talking about.  Can you put a hook into Leviathan’s nose?  The Hebrew word translated put means to put or to place a hook into his nose.  The Hebrew word translated hook is Strong’s #100.  The Interlinear translates it as a reed rope.  I do not think I can even find the translation hook anywhere.  What does that mean?  The King James translators could not make any sense out of the verse, so they changed the word to hook.  It is perfectly legitimate.  I am not against the King James translators.


On what authority did they do that?  Does anybody remember what it is called?  Yes, it is called translator’s license.  They had a perfectly legitimate right to do that.  Their job was to make as much sense out of these Hebrew words as they legitimately could.  They could leave words out and they could add word in.  They did all kinds of things when they translated this Hebrew word, Strong’s #100 as hook, but it means a reed rope.  It can also mean a boiling caldron, believe it or not.  The word translated hook can be translated a boiling caldron.  It is a boiling pot.  We are going to translate a boiling caldron. 


Remember, Christ Jesus is boiling our individual carnal minds as a sin offering.  Our unconscious mind, anyway, is being boiled.  Our unconscious mind is the salt sea.  Satan’s sea is going to be boiled away.  We found several scriptures indicating that.  I think most of which are in the book of Isaiah.  The Lord is going to boil Satan’s sea until it evaporates.  What happens when it evaporates?  What happens when Satan’s sea evaporates?  What is going to be crystallized?  Yes, the salt will be crystallized.  When the water of the sea evaporates, it will release the salt crystals, and the salt crystals are the symbol of Eve, the human spirit.


We are the salt of the earth, but if your salt has lost its savor, what are you going to salt something with?  If your salt has lost its saltiness, what good are you?  The human spirit is the preservative of this soul, but she has lost her preservative powers since she has been married to Satan.  In her present condition she is not doing her job.  She is worthless insofar as her ability to preserve the life of the creation.  She must be separated from Satan.  That is the separation of the joints from the marrow.  Glory to God.


I have for you our Alternate Translation of Daniel 7:7.  This is when the Lord first showed me this concept of the Lord Jesus boiling his dead soul as a sin offering.  I was shocked when the Lord first showed me this.  He has been building on it ever since.  I would like to read you our Alternate Translation of Daniel 7:7.  After seeing everything in the sleeping trance that I just told you about, there it was, a fourth living creature spiritually complete, and Christ Jesus, the offspring of the Father and the human spirit, was appearing in the many members of the fallen dead creature, which has multiplied to the fullest extent possible. 


He is terrifyingly strong  with superior dominant power, and he has the great spiritual strength necessary to boil Satan, the unconscious mind of man, as a sin offering, so that the human spirit can be separated from Satan.  And He is burning the carnal mind to separate her from the fallen dead creature.  Christ Jesus is then joining himself to the fallen dead soul, and bringing the dragon into submission to the authority of His male spiritual strength.  And Christ Jesus is so different from the living creatures which came before Him, that He appears perverted to them, and He has the power and authority to fulfill or to complete the law.  Jesus.


This concept of fulfilling the law or another word for fulfill is to complete.  Christ Jesus has the power and authority to complete the law.  Who is the law?  In this context we are talking about the law of sin and death.  Brethren, spirit is a law.  In order for Christ Jesus to complete the law, we must be speaking about what kind of a law?  For the Lord Jesus Christ to complete the law, what condition must the law be in?  Listen!  The Lord Jesus is going to complete what kind of a law?  He is going to complete an incomplete law.  In order for you to be completed, you must be incomplete. In order for you to be completed you must be incomplete.


So if Christ Jesus has the authority to fulfill or to complete the law, we must be talking about an incomplete law.  Therefore, we cannot be speaking about Jehovah, which is a law unto Himself, self sustaining.  Neither can we be speaking about the Lord Jesus.  He is complete.  Who is incomplete?  Satan is incomplete.  Yes, his fallen mind is incomplete.  It is the law of sin and death, which is incomplete.


Another name for the law of sin and death is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; the incomplete tree, which has folded down from her position within the tree of life.  She is the partial tree that left the completed tree to embark upon an existence of her own.  Christ Jesus has the power and the authority to fulfill or to complete the partial tree.  Christ Jesus has the power and authority to bring the tree of the knowledge of good and evil back under His authority, for we are complete in Him.  Hallelujah!  Glory to God.


We are dealing with Job 41 Chapter 2.  Can you put a hook into his nose, Job?  The Hebrew word translated nose is Strong’s #639.  This Hebrew word really does not mean nose.  It means breathing sack.  This is the same Hebrew word which appears in Genesis 2:7.  And Jehovah breathed into his nostrils.  Nostrils is the same word translated nose.  And Jehovah breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.  Brethren, the Adam which was formed, which Jehovah breathed the breath of life into, was not a man that had two arms and two legs, and a nose with two nostrils in it.  At that point, Adam was a mind.  We have no idea what he looked like.


The Scripture says he was a breathing sack.  Brethren, your skin breathes.  The skin breathes.  I am not suggesting to you that the creation at the beginning of time was in this kind of skin.  I do not believe it was, but it was some kind of a breathing sack.  It was some kind of a sack that held within it the breath of life, in the same manner that the Scripture calls us, in our present condition, bottles from heaven.  It is in the same manner as Jesus refers to man as wineskins, either old wineskins or new wineskins, referring to the spiritual man within us.  The creation was a breathing sack, whatever that means, at the beginning of time. 


So we see that when Jehovah speaks to Job and says to him, can you put a hook into Leviathan’s nose, He really is saying, can you put this completed mind into a boiling caldron?  Hook means boiling caldron or breathing sack.  Apparently, I translated it completed mind.  Let us see how I got that.  Can you put this completed mind into a boiling caldron?  I have for you another reference of Genesis 2:7 in our alternate translation.  And the Lord Jehovah cast His son away from Himself into the enclosed clay, the place which breathes.


We find out from Genesis 2:7 that the nose is the breathing sack.  It is the enclosed clay, the place which breathes.  And the son of God infused himself into and exerted great pressure upon the powdered gray rubbish of the field.  And the earth became filled with the light of God’s life and was converted into fertile soil.  And the Lord Jehovah caused the soil to cleave unto His son, which is spirit.  And this is how the creature was formed. 


We established in the number 18 series that Adam did not have a body at this point, but was the beginning embryo of the creation’s mind.  I suggest to you that in Job 41 Chapter 1, Verse 2, the Lord is speaking to the same mind which was completed on the negative side of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; Can you put this completed mind into a boiling caldron?  Jesus!


Note what the Lord is speaking to Job about, that same mind which God formed when He breathed the breath of life into him, but which mind was complete.  You see, when Jehovah breathed the breath of life into the clay, He formed only a two thread mind.  You may recall the teaching from the Book of Genesis that the Lord Jehovah watched Adam, and He wanted to see how Adam would complete his mind.  Would he join with Jehovah and complete the mind of Christ Jesus or would he join with the Serpent and complete the mind in the Serpent’s image. 


We had this whole teaching on a recent series, The Serpent, The Dragon, The Devil, And you.  The fairy story, the parable of the Scripture translates this event by saying, And God watched Adam to see how he would name all the animals; the lions, the giraffes, the tigers, and the zebras.  I heard a preacher preach once, that Adam was just a genius to know how many different categories of animals there are that our scientists have marked out as animals.  He gave these animals all these names.  No, he did not.  He gave the creation a nature, and God watched to see whether Adam would join with the Serpent, giving the Serpent’s nature to the creation, or whether Adam would join with Him, Jehovah, and give Jehovah’s nature to the creation.


Brethren, the Hebrew word translated name means nature; nature.  We know that Adam completed the creation in the image of the Serpent, and completed the creation on the negative side.  So with all this information from the number 18 series, I am going to draw an educated conclusion from Job, Chapter 41:2, when the Lord says, can you put something in a boiling caldron?  Knowing everything that we found out, that the boiling is the judgment, which will release the human spirit from her bondage to the Serpent, and knowing that Adam failed to complete the creation in Jehovah’s image, but did complete the creation in the Serpent’s image, I am putting all this prior knowledge together with the few words that we have in the Hebrew; Can you put in a boiling caldron the breathing sack? 


I am going to draw the conclusion that that which is being placed in the boiling caldron is not the two thread mind, but the three thread braided mind of the Serpent.  It is that mind which is being put in the boiling caldron for the specific purpose of sacrificing that mind unto Jehovah, which sacrifice will free up the human spirit, so that she might be joined with the Lord Jesus and increase into Christ Jesus, the Savior of all mankind.  Can you hear it?  Can you hear it?


Alternate translation; Can you put this completed mind into a boiling caldron?  Can you get it into the caldron?  Can you cause this mind to boil?  What is the boiling caldron?  How do you get this mind to boil?  How are we getting this mind to boil?  Well, it is true through trials, but what is the scriptural symbol?  What is the fire that is going to start this water boiling?  The Lake of Fire!  Yes, the lake of fire, and who is the lake of fire?  Christ JesusHimselfis the Lake of Fire!  As those with an Irish accent say, even The Man Himself.  Christ Jesus, He is the lake of fire. 


So we see our translation is saying, can you put this completed mind in a boiling caldron, when it should more accurately be, can you get this completed mind into the lake of fire?  Are you going to boil away?  Are you going to submit him to Christ Jesus?  Can you bring this completed mind called Leviathan, that has no fear of God, this awesome monster, that dwells in the sea; are you going to get him in the lake of fire so that he boils off?  You foolish man, yet you lift yourself up against the living God.  You cannot even recognize a dignitary when you see him. 


Continuing with the second half of Job 41:2.  Can you bore Leviathan’s jaw through with a thorn, Job?  The Hebrew word translated bore is Strong’s #5344 and it means to pierce.  Green’s Interlinear says it means to pierce,  and Gesengus further says it means to strike through or to perforate.  I suggest to you that the word means to crucify.  Can you crucify Leviathan’s jaw?  Brethren, are you the Lord Jesus Christ who is going to come in and crucify men’s human spirit to form the two thread mind of Christ, so that the human spirit can increase into the braided three thread mind of Christ Jesus, the Word of God?  Do you have the power to save humanity by crucifying their human spirit?  Who do you think you are, you silly man? 


Can you bore his jaw through with a thorn?  Jaw is Strong’s #3895 and it means to be soft, fleshly like, cheek or jaw-bone.  Gesengus says this word means the cheek.  It is specifically referring to the cheek as the seat of beauty; the cheek, the seat of beauty.  That is what Gesengus says.  I suggest to you that that which is beautiful in man is the human spirit.  The only thing that is beautiful in man is the human spirit.  Everything else is the mud of the earth.  Gesengus says that this Hebrew word translated jaw can also be translated jaw bone.  The significance of a jaw bone is that when the jar is broken, the teeth can easily be extracted.  The teeth signify the carnal mind.  I have been preaching that for years; the teeth signify the carnal mind. 


So we can say; Can you crucify the human spirit or can you crucify the carnal mind?  The human spirit is within the carnal mind.  Both are correct in that the human spirit is within the carnal mind.  I suggest to you that the jaw bone signifies the Dragon, the corporate unconscious mind of fallen man, and the individual teeth, which are set in the jaw bone signify the individual carnal minds of the many members of humanity.  Can you crucify the Dragon?  Can you get into the Dragon’s defensed mind, known as Leviathan, crucify the human spirit, impregnate her, and let her increase into Christ Jesus, the warrior son, which will turn around and destroy the mind, Leviathan, which is holding that human spirit captive? 


Somebody wants to know how I get the carnal mind out of the teeth.  I have been teaching that here for quite a while.  I will just review it for you quickly.  First of all, there is no color in the teeth.  We know that Adam is ruddy, red in the face.  The teeth are white, so we do not see any sign of the breath of life in him.  Also, the teeth are visible, but the roots go deep down under the surface.  The roots typifying Satan, the spirit; actually the Dragon, which has generated the carnal mind.  That was what we said.  The jaw bone; well maybe the jaw bone even signifies the Serpent; the roots of the Dragon, and that which is showing of the carnal minds of the individual men. 


The question is can you bore his jaw or his jaw bone through with a thorn?  The Hebrew word translated thorn is Strong’s #2336.  Webster says that the primary meaning of this word is sharp.  The Hebrew word translated thorn is masculine, and appears right before #2338 in the Lexicon.  Number 2338 means to sew.  I suggest to you that the Hebrew word translated thorn signifies the needle which is sewing the creation to Christ Jesus or to the mind of Christ Jesus.  The term needle, as some of you may remember is one of Jesus’ symbolic names.  We found that out when we received some revelation on Jesus’ comment about the eye of a needle.  Jesus is the needle.  He is the sharp piercing instrument by which this creation is being sewn back to the mind of God. 


Alternate Translation of the second half of Job 41:2.  Can you crucify the Dragon with a sharp instrument, Job?  Or can you crucify the Dragon with your mind?  Is your mind sharp enough to crucify the Dragon, Job, for the   destruction of the Dragon, and the carnal mind, and Leviathan?  This is all mind warfare that we are speaking about.  Can you make a weak mind hard, Job?  Is your mind strong enough to penetrate the Dragon?  Further down in Chapter 41 of the Book of Job, we are told the Dragon is impenetrable.  We are told his scales are so close together, he is impenetrable; by man.  But all things are possible with God.


Alternate Translation Job 41:2.  Can you put Leviathan into a boiling caldron or crucify the Dragon with your mind?  God is challenging Job.  Can you put Leviathan into a boiling caldron or crucify the Dragon with your mind?  Who do you think you are?  You foolish fallen man.


Amplified Translation: Job, can your mind penetrate the Dragon, and join with the human spirit within him, and increase him into Christ Jesus, the one who is strong enough to boil Leviathan until he evaporates and releases the human spirit?  Job, can your mind penetrate the Dragon, and join with the human spirit to increase into Christ Jesus, the one who is strong enough to boil Leviathan until he evaporates and releases the human spirit?  Now remember that the Hebrew word translated sea can also be translated western quarter.  The western quarter signifies this visible physical world, over which the devil rules. 


The evaporation of Leviathan’s sea then is speaking about the dismantling of this visible world, which is the physical embodiment of the Serpent.  The expression, this visible physical world includes our physical body.  So the Lord is saying to Job, is your mind strong enough to dissolve this visible physical world and replace it with the visible spiritual world of Christ Jesus?  How could you set your mind against me?  That is what the Lord Jehovah is saying to Job, openly challenging him.   


I have prepared verse 3 for you.  I would like to give you an Alternate translation of verses 1 and 2 before we continue, however.  Job Chapter 41, Verses 1 and 2: Can Leviathan’s malignant tongue, the mind of that many membered band of destructive men, and the fallen soul, which has been choking since the carnal mind killed the incomplete Christ mind, be submerged underneath the spiritual world, which is the visible image of Christ Jesus?  Can your mind penetrate the Dragon, and join with the human spirit to increase into Christ Jesus, the one who is strong enough to boil Leviathan until he evaporates and releases the human spirit?  Jehovah is speaking to Job.


Continuing with verse 3: Will Leviathan make many supplications to you?  Will he speak soft words unto you?  To make supplications is Strong’s #8469.  It is a masculine word and it means earnest prayer.  I remind you that prayer means submission as evidenced by kneeling down.  This kneeling down can be physical or it can be spiritual.  To kneel down spiritually means to allow another mind to cover you over.  To make supplications for one mind to kneel down to another mind. 


Brethren, Leviathan must kneel down to the mind of Christ Jesus in order for the mind of Christ Jesus to mount him, thus creating or forming the kingdom of the two heavens.  The two minds piggyback under the dominion of the man, Christ Jesus.  Leviathan must kneel down.  He must bend his knee to the mind of Christ Jesus in order for us to stand up in full stature.  He is not doing it of his own free will.  Leviathan is not bending his knee to the mind of Christ Jesus.  He has to be forced to his knees. 


Will he make supplications?  Will Leviathan bend his knee unto you?  Once again, is your mind strong enough to bring Leviathan into submission to you?  Do you hear this, brethren?  That is what some of us are going through right now.  We are in mind to mind conflict.  Can the mind of Christ Jesus in us bring Leviathan in our mind, and or in, another man’s mind in submission to us?  That is no easy task.  Right now, I just had an experience where I failed.  I failed to bring Leviathan in another man’s mind in submission to me.  If I could have done it, maybe I could have helped him, but I could not do it.  Leviathan in his mind was stronger than Christ Jesus in my mind.  So I will wait.  I will wait.  I will bide my time until Christ Jesus becomes stronger in me. 


Will Leviathan make many supplications unto you?  The Hebrew word translated many is Strong’s #7235.  It is a primitive root and it means to increase; to increase in whatever respect.  I suggest to you that this Hebrew word is speaking about the spiritual increase that is either Leviathan or the mind of Christ Jesus; the increase of the two thread cord.  The Serpent in the human spirit increases into Leviathan, and Jehovah and the human spirit increases into the mind of Christ Jesus, which is the Word of God. 


I did mention to you that this word supplications is masculine.  I suggest the significance there is that masculine entity will be bending its knee.  Leviathan is in a masculine role, and Jehovah is saying to Job, can you make that Leviathan who is in a male role with male strength, can you make him bend his knee to you? 

The Hebrew word translated unto you can be translated concerning; concerning you.  Now listen here.  This is very interesting and very important.  Let me just read you the English translation from the King James of Job 41:3.  Will Leviathan make many supplications unto you?  Supplications, submission, unto you, concerning you, many increase.  Now there is a word in the Hebrew that was not translated by the King James translators.  That word is a negative particle.  It can be translated not.  Strong’s #518 translated not.  Some of you may remember that we have done a lot of work with negative particles.  We found out that it is a hidden way that the Lord speaks about the Serpent or the Dragon in the Old Testament. 


Jehovah laughs at the Dragon and thinks he is a nothing, and calls him a work of vanity, and frequently speaks about him in the terms of a negative particle.  There are two or three small Hebrew words that can be translated not, or never, or nothing.  We found that in many instances, when this word appears, the Lord is referring to the Serpent, the Dragon, or the Devil.  Not infrequently, the King James translators cannot figure out what this negative particle is doing in the Hebrew text, so they just leave it out, like they just did in Job 41:3.  They just left it out.  A negative particle did not make any sense to them in this place, but it makes sense to us, because we are going to translate it as the serpent. 


Listen!  Will he, meaning Leviathan, will he make supplications unto you?  Will he submit?  Will he make many supplications?  Will he submit the increase to you?  Will he submit the increase to you?  Now listen!  Leviathan is the increase.  Is he not?  Leviathan is the increase of the union of the Serpent and the human spirit.  Yet, Jehovah is saying to Job, will he submit Leviathan to you?  Who is the only one that could submit the increase to somebody?  It is the spirit that generated the increase.  Will the Serpent concede the increase to you? 


Listen!  Leviathan is the Serpent’s completed mind.  Will the Serpent give up his completed mind to you?  Will he pull it back?  Job, is the Serpent so afraid of you that he is going to dissolve his completed mind for you?  He is going to do it for me, Job!  You had best respect me!  Can you hear this?  Is that not exciting? 


I suggest to you that we have both the Serpent and Leviathan appearing in verse 3.  Let me show it to you again.  The King James translators say, and it sounds like they are talking about Leviathan.  Will he submit; supplications, submit many, the increase unto you?  Will he submit the increase unto you?  I suggest to you that the increase is Leviathan.  So the he must belong to somebody else.  Who is the he?  The he is the negative particle that is not translated.  We are going to translate it the Serpent.  Will the Serpent submit Leviathan to you for destruction?  For sacrifice?  Will the Serpent sacrifice Leviathan, his completed mind, so that Christ Jesus can be raised from the dead in you, so that your life can be saved?  Is the Serpent going to give up her full expression in this world, for all intents and purposes, is the Serpent going to die so that you can live?  No!!  No!!


Will the Serpent sacrifice Leviathan, his own completed mind so that Christ Jesus can be raised from the dead in you?  Now check this out, brethren.  I keep telling you the one thing that really excites me is when the Lord lets me bring forth such an unconventional translation as this, and I find out that it matches up with another unconventional translation that I brought forth a year ago.  I was in no way looking to match it. This is just what manifested.  Now let me match this up for you with our Alternate Translation of Matthew 4:9.  This is the temptation of Jesus.  How many temptations did Satan give Jesus?  I wrote down three, but I think Satan offered Jesus four things.  I will have to check that out.  This was Satan’s last desperate effort to tempt Jesus in Matthew 4:9 in our alternate translation. 


And Satan says to Jesus, I will sacrifice Leviathan, my own completed mind, and let you possess all of the minds of humanity, which I just demonstrated that I own, if you will just give up your claims of Lordship and acknowledge that I am god.  Do you hear it?  It is the same exact translation from Job 41:3 to Matthew 4:9.  In our alternate translation bible, you will find a reference linking the two verses.  There will be a reference on each of those verses.  I do not know about you, but that excites me. 


And Satan says to Jesus, I will sacrifice Leviathan, my own completed mind, and let you possess all the minds of humanity, which I just demonstrated that I own, if you will just give up your claims of Lordship, and acknowledge that I am god.  Will the Serpent sacrifice Leviathan, his completed mind, so that Christ Jesus can be raised from the dead?  Now this is very interesting.  I am going to try to make a point here.  I know you are tired, and I am tired.  Let me see if I can make this point for you.


Now listen to what Satan is saying to Jesus.  I will sacrifice Leviathan, my completed mind, if you, the Lord Jesus, will just worship me.  What Satan is saying to Jesus Christ is, I will let you function in Cain’s role.  The first man to have the completed mind of Christ Jesus is the Lord Jesus, and the first man to have the completed mind of the Serpent is Cain.  Now both of these men died and were raised from the dead, and in this hour, are in spirit form, manifesting in the minds of men as their first incarnated generation.  Are you all okay? 


Let me just get it on the tape.  As the Lord Jesus Christ is the unconscious mind of the second generation of Christ, in the same manner, the spirit of Cain is the first incarnated generation of the Serpent appearing in the minds of men as their unconscious mind today.  Satan was saying to Jesus, I am going to let you incarnate as a second generation.  I am going to let you have the minds of men.  I will let you be the unconscious mind of humanity.  I will let you incarnate as the unconscious mind of the second generation of Christ if you will just worship me.  That was what he said to Him. 


I am up against such a dead wall today.  Father, help me to bring this forth or let me let it go for another time.  I am really up against a lead wall tonight.  I do not know where it is coming from, Father.  Jesus.  Maybe I will let it go.  It is very late, and maybe the next time I preach on Leviathan, I will try by putting it on the board for you.  Let me go past it right now. 


Continuing with the second half of Job 41:3.  Will Leviathan speak soft words unto me?  The word speak is the Hebrew word, Strong’s #1696 and it can also be translated to appoint.  The word soft is Strong’s #7390 and it can be translated weakness; weakness.  There is no Hebrew word that is translated words.  The King James translators just added the English word, words.  It is not there in the Hebrew.  The Hebrew merely says; Will he speak soft unto thee?   Weakness, of course, is referring to the female mind.  And who is the female mind?  Satan is not a mind.  Leviathan is Satan’s mind, and the female mind.  Amen.


The Hebrew word translated, unto thee, can also be translated over you.  Will he appoint Leviathan’s female mind to rule over you?  Will the Serpent appoint Leviathan’s female mind to rule over you?  The whole verse sounds like this.  Will the Serpent sacrifice Leviathan, his completed mind, so that Christ Jesus can be raised from the dead, or will he appoint Leviathan’s female mind to rule over you?  Is he going to sacrifice his life so you can live or is he going to keep you in bondage?


Remember that Jehovah appointed Leviathan over humanity with a righteous motive.  The Dragon appointed or incarnated Leviathan with an unrighteous motive.  Our alternate translation of 2 Peter 2:4 explains it.  It says; Because if God did not grant leniency to the spiritual men that sinned, but thrust them out of the realm of God’s Spirit, down into the world which exists underneath the earth of the living soul, and put them into prison by joining them to the darkness, which dwells in the earth of mankind, even Satan, the spirit which rules in the living soul, for the purpose of preventing them from marrying Jesus Christ until the judgment which will restore their virginity, has been completed. 


So we see that Jehovah has appointed Leviathan over humanity just until the judgment.  Jehovah has sold the creation under sin for a righteous motive, to preserve us alive until the judgment that will restore us unto righteousness.  But the Serpent appoints Leviathan over us, as far as he is concerned, forever and forever, for his own benefit, and his own motive.  So we see the Lord saying to Job, will the Serpent sacrifice Leviathan, his completed mind, so that Christ Jesus can be raised from the dead, or will he appoint Leviathan’s female mind to rule over you?  What is the Serpent going to do?  Is he going to suffer the loss or is he going to take full advantage of your weakness?  We know wherever the Serpent’s mind is manifesting, he will take full advantage of your weakness. 


Amplified Translation of Job 41:3.  Will the Serpent appoint Leviathan, her completed female mind, to rule over you, or will she sacrifice him so that Christ Jesus can raise you from the dead?  So the Lord is really saying to Job, will your own mind sacrifice its existence so that you can be raised from the dead?  The answer is no!  That Leviathan, in the mind of an individual man, will not even give up his existence so that the whole man can be raised from the dead.  That makes us self destructive, brethren.  That makes us self destructive.  We will not give up our own deadly mind so that we can be raised from the dead.  We are in such bondage to Leviathan.  We are in such bondage to the mind of the Serpent that we will not willingly give him up so that Christ Jesus can be formed in us.  That is what the Lord is pointing out to Job.  The apostle Paul says we oppose ourselves. 


Brethren, let me read you the three Alternate Translations of verses 1 thru 3 and we will call it quits for tonight.  It has been a long day. 


Job 41: 1 thru 3.  Can Leviathan’s malignant tongue, the mind of that many membered band of destructive men, and the fallen soul, which has been choking since the carnal mind killed the incomplete Christ mind, be submerged underneath the spiritual world, which is the visible image of Christ Jesus?  Can your mind penetrate the Dragon, and join with the human spirit, to increase enough to boil Leviathan until he evaporates and releases the human spirit?  Will the Serpent appoint Leviathan, her completed female mind to rule over you, or will she sacrifice him so that Christ Jesus can raise you from the dead?  Hallelujah!


Any questions or comments on this?  Is everybody okay? 


COMMENT: What do you mean when you said that Cain resurrected as a spirit?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, the spirit of Cain.  Just as the Lord Jesus Christ was resurrected as a Spirit, Cain was resurrected as a spirit.  Do you know when he was resurrected or where he was resurrected?  He was resurrected in the mind of Noah.  A spirit of Cain appeared in the righteous mind of Noah after the Flood.  The Scripture says he planted a vineyard and became drunk on the vineyard.  When we did an alternate translation of that verse, we found out that the vineyard was planted by Satan in the form of the spirit of Cain.  Amen. 


It was right after that that Noah fell.  His sons; Shem, Ham, and Japheth fell, and all of us fell down right after him. That is how we got to where we are today.  I believe the Fall came in three stages.  The first stage was spiritual death at the time that Christ was killed.  The second stage of the Fall was after Cain killed Abel.  Then the third stage of the Fall was when Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth fell.  We are now in the final stage of death. 


COMMENT: I was just thinking when you said that when the sons of God manifest, that there will be people at different levels, some human.  In the beginning, too, some were giants.  There could have been humans on the earth at the same time. 


PASTOR VITALE: Well, the creation was already falling.  The giants, I believe, were the descendants of Seth, and what you would call the humans, were the descendants of Cain.   


COMMENT: But still, even at the time of David, the Philistines were there.  There were still giants there. 


PASTOR VITALE: At the time of David, the giants had become evil.  I believe the giants in the earth at the time of David were the descendants of the Philistines.  If you check it out, the giants were all Philistines, and the Philistines are the descendants of Ham.  If you check it out, their progenitor is Ham.  Ham, even though he fell, and he fell very hard, I believe that he was the only righteous one out of the other two sons and the father, Noah.  Because he had that spirit of righteousness in him, it took his descendants longer to degenerate or deteriorate into man as we know him today, although his mind had become evil.  We fall first in the mind.  So the Philistines’ minds were evil, but their bodies were still giants.  First your mind changes, and then your body changes, if that makes any sense to you.


I am having a little trouble teaching tonight.  I am up against something.  God knows what it is.  So that is the best explanation I can give you right now.  I am going to call it quits because I am up against a real tough wall tonight.  Goodnight.



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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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