Part 1 of 3 Parts
The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
The first few verses of Genesis 1 to John the gospel of John chapter 1, In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. In the beginning created, Strong's #1254, it means to cause to be born, in the beginning God caused to be born, the heaven and the earth. Verse 1 of Genesis is making a general statement, it is saying that God created or caused to be born the heaven and the earth. If you look that word heaven up in the Hebrew, the word is plural, the heavens, God created the heavens and the earth, in the beginning. As we go forward, we will see the verses 2 and 3 are speaking about the birthing of Christ which is the greater of the two heavens, and then as we go on, we will find out that verses 4 through 8, describe the separation of the two spiritual authorities in the creation.
There were two spiritual powers, Christ and Satan, and the placing of Christ over Satan, that is verses 4 through 8, and starting with verse 9, 9 through 12, we see the formation of the earth which is Satan, I will explain that to you as we go on, the earth is Satan and the water is typifying Christ, and I will not say anymore right now, those are just general principles. We are in verse 1, which is making a general statement, and I would like to remind you that this is a Scriptural principle that God makes a general statement, a general overall broad statement, and then in the following verses, He goes into detail in explaining that, what He has just generally stated has come to pass. Is everybody following me? This is a Scriptural principle. God will say, for example the Scripture will say, And God made man, and then starting with the very next verse, He will start to tell you how the son of God was slain from the foundation of the earth, how He was joined to the dust of the earth, how the man was formed, how He breathed the breath of life into Him, and all of the details follow the general statement.
It is the literary style of the Bible. We have some Christians in the church today thinking that Genesis 1:1 is speaking about a first creation and Genesis 1:2 is speaking about a second creation, and I want to disagree with that. I am of the opinion that Genesis 1:1 is making a general broad statement about the creation, and starting with verse two, you start to get the details of the creation of the heavens and the earth. In the beginning and Christ was the beginning. Jesus Christ said He is the alpha and the omega. God created the heavens and the earth. I would like to call to your attention that the Hebrew word translated God can be likened to the word God in John chapter 1 in the study that we just did, without the article. We are not speaking about the God here, we are speaking about God.
This is very interesting, because we have just come out of study in the first chapter of the gospel of John, where we find out that in the beginning there was the God, and the God had a thought that was a God, that was what we just found out in our study of John 1:1, is that true? Everybody with me? Well here in Genesis 1:1, we see that the one who is doing the creating is God, not the God, but God. I remind you of Genesis, of the gospel of John chapter 1 where it says everything that was made was made through Him, it was made out Him and here in Genesis 1:1 we see that God, Christ was creating the heavens, creating or forming, causing to be born, the heavens and the earth, and I will point out to you in advance, that the phrase in the Old Testament which can be likened to the phrase the God, in the gospel of John chapter 1, is in verse 2 and it says, And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters, that is as if I were to say to you, the Spirit of Christ was in Christ. Christ is the mind of a man and it is the conscious mind, the Spirit of the Father is always present with Christ, it is the double portion, unconscious mind and conscious mind, the Spirit of the Father, and the Spirit of the son, they are always together, wherever you have the son, the Father is present.
Every place that you have the Father, the son is not present.
Every place that the son is present, the Father is present. In Genesis chapter 1, the Hebrew word translated God is speaking about the son, it is Elohim, it is not Jehovah, it is Elohim, meaning the many membered God. Elohim is the many membered God. In verse 2 of Genesis 1 where it says the Spirit of God, it is like saying, the Spirit which was in Christ, is another way of saying Jehovah. Is everybody okay? Do you know what I am talking about?
Joseph knows what I am talking about, does everybody else know what I am talking about. Is everybody okay? Praise God. We see, and you are going to see as we go down these verses, that it was Christ, that this whole Scripture in Genesis 1, with that one exception where it says the Spirit of God is speaking about God and not the God, it is speaking about Christ. In the beginning we see that Christ, I am going to say Christ caused to be born the heavens, and the earth. I would like to suggest to you that the reason the word heavens is plural, is that heaven, the word heaven is referring to spiritual power and we are told that the creation is made with two sources of spiritual power. The spiritual power that was in Christ, spirit, and the spiritual power that was in the earth in the form of a moral impurity by the name of Satan.
There were two spiritual powers opposite one another, one darkness and one light, contrary one to the other, and the flesh lusteth against the spirit, and the one is contrary unto the other, we are told in another place in the New Testament, that is the principle here. God made a creation with warring factors in it. Did not Paul say that there is a war going on in my members? That which I desire to do I cannot do, and that which I do not want to do I do, but there is a war in my members, making war against the war of my mind.
God made it that way, but He gave righteousness dominion over unrighteousness and He said, Rule over that unrighteousness, put down the rebellion and live in peace because the only peace that there is, is the subjecting of God's enemies. There were two heavens we see in Daniel described as a, the creation is described as a two horned ram, horned in the Scripture typifies spiritual power. The creation at the beginning had two spiritual powers in it. God set it up, that they should function as one, that the moral impurity should be so under the dominion of the righteousness of Christ, that even though there were two spiritual powers, they should function as one, that those two powers should be bound together so completely, that they should function as one, and of course we see this principle today in marriage, it is not working too well in this country, but that is what God said, let the woman be in submission to her husband, that this family might function in peace and harmony.
Of course the man is supposed to be subject to Christ, but I am not going to get into that right now. That is the principle. In the beginning Christ caused the two heavens and the earth to be born. What are the heavens, and what are the earth. As we go on, starting with verse 2, we are going to find out, God answering all of these questions and giving us more detail about the birth of the heavens and the earth.
2. And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. KJV
And the earth was without form, now you might want to review our series on heaven and earth, I did go into a little detail there and I am going to refer to what I taught there, but I am not going to do it all over again. The message heaven and earth has interesting points on these Scriptures. And the earth was without form. I am suggesting to you that the earth, at this point the earth is referring to the solid matter that we see in this world, let me remind you that God is Spirit, He is invisible, He is not solid, He is vaporous, He is gaseous, and He had to create or cause to be born, this is called matter, anything that has a physical substance to it.
God created or caused to be born the physical substance of this world system, but it was without form. My suggestion to you is that what He brought into being were the atoms of this creation, the atoms of this creation. As I was reviewing heaven and earth to prepare for this message, the Lord made something clear to me that, I would like to share with you, and that is, that as in the natural body we have veins through which the majority or the bulk flows and is pumped through the veins, we also see that blood is present in every cell of our body. If we prick our skin we bleed, because every cell has blood in it, and we know that the life of the flesh is in the blood, that is what we are told, the life of the flesh is in the blood. We have the bulk of the blood flowing through our veins and our arteries, yet that blood is also completely saturating every physical cell of our body. Well so it is in the spirit. We have the bulk of the spiritual blood of Christ flowing through the main arteries and veins which we will call the mind, is everybody with me?
We also have the spiritual life of Christ completely saturating every element of our spiritual being, every of our spiritual being, everything we touch, every thought that we think, everything is completely saturated, our entire personality is completely saturated with the life of the mind that is within us. When the mind is Christ, that is true, when the mind is carnal, the same thing is true. When we are talking about Christ right now, when He is our mind, He is the blood that is flowing through our spiritual veins and arteries which is the mind, and He is also saturating every element of our being, every cell of our spiritual body which is what? Our personality, every aspect of our personality.
He is our mind, and He is affecting out behavior, our words, in everything about us. I also would like to suggest to you what God has told me, He has given me some further information about God creating the matter of the universe. God, when this whole creation was made out of Him. We know that He is the lamb that was slain from the foundation of the earth, He was slaughtered, He was cut into many pieces, and what happened was, when the atoms, when the spiritual atoms of the universe were formed, not just the spiritual atoms, when the atoms of the universe were formed, we find that, that very life of Christ, that is present as a mind is also present as the nucleus of every atom. Let me put this on the board for you.
We find that at atom has a nucleus, and it has orbits which goes around it. This is scientific knowledge. The nucleus is positive and it has positive elements called protons, and it has neutral elements, for all intents and purposes the nucleus is positive and the orbits which surround the nucleus which have bodies in them, bodies of matter in them which are called electrons, is negative. The nucleus is positive, the orbits are negative.
What I am trying to get out of my mouth and am having trouble getting out, is that the way God set this, is when He was slaughtered and broke into many pieces and when He was joined to the dust of the earth, so that we had spirit and we had earth, He was joined to the earth in a format, and the format was this, every drop of God's life, He was surrounded by rings of earth, and that was how the atoms of the universe were formed. Did I get it out? Do you know what I am saying?
For every atom of the universe, the life of God is present in it, so what I am saying? He is not only present as our mind, which can be likened to the blood which is flowing through the main arteries and veins, but His very life is the center of every cell of our soul and our body. Wherever He is, He is the center of everything. Everybody following what I am saying?
And the earth was without form. We see an earth made up of God only knows how many atoms, and they were just floating out there with Christ in the center surrounding by the matter which is earth, we can call it earth or we can call it darkness, but it had no form, it was like saying there were grains of sand, or grains of wet sand which would be mud lying all over the beach, but no one had taken that stand and built a castle out of it yet. The atoms were out there, and they were just floating around and they were in this format with God in the center and He was surrounded by rings of earth.
But, the earth was not formed, and it was void, it was not, it had not been formed into a man, and of course the Spirit of God was not filling the man, because the man was not formed yet. If you recall further on, God formed a man out of the dust of the earth and then He breathed the breath of life into him. The man was not formed, neither was he filled or had the breath of life been breathed into him yet. That is what Genesis 1:2 was saying. Is everybody okay?
The darkness, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. Darkness we see on two levels, it means when you look up the Hebrew word, it means darkness, and we can take it on two levels, it was the darkness of the earth, because earth is dark, light does not penetrate mud, light does not penetrate mud, but aside from that, there was an intelligence of the darkness, a moral impurity, his name is Satan, and his name is darkness.
When we speak about darkness, we can be speaking about Satan or we can be speaking about the whole of the mud of which Satan is the intelligence. It is like saying, I am a whole human being, but my mind is the intelligence of me. Is everybody okay? There was mud and there was an intelligence in that mud. And that darkness was upon the face of the deep, face meaning the surface, and the Hebrew word translated deep is speaking about the abyss or the pit. Satan is locked up in the bottomless pit in the book of Revelation, remember? Darkness was on the surface of the pit. I want to suggest to you that it is referring to the format of these atoms. Darkness was on the surface of the abyss, meaning the soul. The soul realm, God made the soul, and it is a pit. That is what it is.
The way God set it up, was that the Spirit of God would be in the center, and the darkness would be on the surface, we see this in one of the prophets, the Lord says, Behold I do a new thing, a woman shall compass a man, and let me remind you that spirit is male and soul is female. When God says in the prophets that a woman shall compass a man, saying I am going to do a new thing, I am going to have a spiritual male, meaning the mind of God, is going to be covered with the darkness of the soul realm, and that is what Genesis 1:2 is saying, that the darkness of the earth was upon the surface of this soul realm that God had just created.
The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. All of a sudden, we are not talking about God anymore, but we are speaking about the Spirit of God, the Spirit of the Father, moved upon the face, the surface of the waters, and I want to suggest to you that the waters is typifying the soul realm. God made a creation, God is positive, and He made a creation that was opposite of Him, God we can say is concave, I do not know how to explain this to you, help me Lord. God is a mountain, okay, thank you Father, God is a mountain, everybody okay with that? God is a mountain, well the soul realm is the exact opposite of a mountain, the Scripture calls it, does anybody know? A valley, amen, a valley. God is a mountain, He is high and lofty, and the soul realm is a valley, but here in Genesis 1:2, the Scripture calls it an abyss.
This valley is going to be filled with something. It is going to be filled with water, and our natural type is the sea. The seabed. You never see the seabed, all you see is the water, all you see is the water. This valley, or this abyss we can liken it to the seabed, and the water is the spiritual substance of the soul realm. This abyss is earth, it is only meant to give form. Remember I have been teaching you that about Satan for years, the earth is meant to give form, and it is filled with the water of the soul realm, and the Spirit of the Father hovered over or moved gently over the water that was filling up the pit, which is made of earth.
I want to suggest to you that this Spirit of the Father up here was hovering over the water that was in the pit, and He was bringing forth an offspring. We have the Spirit of the Father with the spirit that was in the soul realm, how could there be spirit in the soul realm? Remember that the word was with God, and He was God. The Father was Spirit, and the son came out of Him, therefore He had to have some measure of spirit in Him, the Father was the God, and the son was God. We see in the water that is filling the pit, we see the substance that is in this pit, it came out of God, it has to have something of God in it. If it has something of God in it, it is spirit.
We see the spirit, or the God gently hovering over the spirit that came out of it, the Spirit of the Father, spirit of man, male, Spirit of the Father, spirit of man, female, and what is the offspring? Mind. A mind is born. I want to suggest to you that the Scripture says, And the Spirit of God moved upon the surface of the waters which were in the pit produced the mind of Christ. This is how, let me take you back to Genesis 1:1, this is how in the beginning Christ created the heaven and the earth, it started out by the Father having a thought and therefore the thought was separate from the Father, it became the pit which was filled with the water typifying the spirit that came out of the mind of the Father. The Father hovered over what had come out of Him, and produced the mind of Christ in that living word. Is everybody following me? Okay.
Let me go back here and read you my note, I will read it to you, I do not know why I put this in, but I will read it to you, with regard to verse 2, the pit was filled with water, the pit being formed out of the matter, which you may recall was the byproduct of the son separating from the Father. Remember God had an imagination and it took form and when it took form, we can say, that the son separated from the Father, and the way He separated was by an explosion, the Scripture likened it to a nuclear explosion, and in a nuclear explosion, there is what? Debris fallout, debris fallout, exactly and that was how God brought forth the physical matter of this creation.
We see that physical matter being formed into the pit, and then we see the spirit that came out of the Father when He thought it, as the waters filling the pit. Everybody with me? Praise God. I have a note for you, the pit was filled with water, and God's attention when He hovered over it was not directed towards the pit, but it was directed towards the water, and the Scripture says, and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters, God is not the God of the dead brethren, He is the God of the living. He is concerned with the spirit that is in this creation, He is not concerned with the earth that is in this creation. He is the God of all spirits. We can say that God's attention was directed towards the waters or the heavens which were in the pit, which is the earth, and not towards the pit itself.
3. And God said, Let there be light, and there was light. KJV
Let me remind you from our teaching in the gospel of John chapter 1, that light spiritually speaking typifies spirit. Please note that the Spirit of God moved upon the lower heaven and Christ said, and God said let there be light, and there was light, now this is not the God, it is God. Christ said, Let there be light and there was light. And God said, verse 3, or Christ said, Let there be light and there was light. I know what I was trying to say here. The phrase where Christ says let there be light, I want to draw it for you. I want to suggest to you that this is what the Scripture is saying. There was an Adam of the creation, Christ had become the mind, and the earth, there were rings of earth, surrounding it, and darkness was on the face of the deep, and Christ from within every atom said, Let there be light, and what He did was He vibrated forth out beyond the darkness and we know have a creation which is Christ at the base, and Christ at the most exterior part completely enveloping the darkness. In the occult this outer ring is called an aura, have you ever head of an aura, this outer ring is called an aura. In the New Testament, we hear that Peter walked down the street and his shadow was cast on people and they were healed. The spirit that was at the center vibrated forth and appeared as the rays of the sun on the exterior.
We are back to the same principle again, God is really hitting this home, when the person's center is the carnal mind, I want to tell you that demon that is looking him in the eye, has vibrated out of his mind. It is a spiritual principle. It cannot be one principle for Christ and another principle for the carnal mind. There is no such thing as a free floating demon brethren. Yes?
COMMENT: If Christ vibrated the light, would He not have completely covered the darkness, you know eliminated the darkness when He vibrated forth His light. The darkness has to go right, so where did it go?
PASTOR VITALE: First of all, let me just remind you that light is speaking about spirit, and the darkness did disappear, because before the fall, the darkness was completely swallowed up. Remember John, the gospel of John chapter 1, and the darkness did not overtake the light, therefore we must draw the conclusion that the light most certainly overtook the darkness.
The only problem was, that this darkness was just lying there underneath this measure of light at the beginning of time in the creation the darkness was just laying under a cover of light, in the man Jesus of Nazareth, you may recall the third stage of the resurrection, after Christ vibrated to the outside, what is the name of this experience, for the new covenant man, when Christ which is in full stature, in your spirit vibrates to the outside of the carnal mind, what is that called, does anybody remember? The circumcision without hands, alright, you people are going to put me down in my seat, you are going to start teaching soon, fantastic.
It is the circumcision without hands, that is the second stage of the resurrection, and does anybody remember what happens next. What is the third stage of the resurrection? And He binds this darkness up so completely that the darkness can never shine itself through the light again. That is what Jesus Christ of Nazareth did. At the beginning of time, the immature creation had not yet done that, He had not yet done that, He was just in the second state of resurrection and Satan can still talk in this condition. He could whisper, and He whispered to Christ and Christ fell.
At that point, when Christ fell, what happened to the creation, when Christ fell we can say that the creation was turned inside out, almost like a glove was turned inside out, and we had what at the center, who? No, Satan's offspring, after the fall, what did the atom of the creation look like after the fall, who was at the center? No, the carnal mind, instead of Christ we find the carnal mind at the center of the creation, and we still have darkness out here, and the carnal mind vibrates forth and we have an expression of that darkness, we have an expression of that darkness and it is called the fallen personality.
It is also called in the Old Testament, anybody remember? The daughter of Babylon, in the New Testament, anybody remember? Harlot, the beast, the harlot riding the beast. It is all darkness, darkness within and darkness without. Isaiah says, gross darkness within the people and darkness without. Paul says, the whole world lieth in wickedness. Thinking evil thoughts continuously, darkness within and darkness without, and I believe it is Zechariah, I might have the wrong prophet, it is Zechariah or Ezekiel, I think it is Zechariah, it says, and the promise, my promise to you, is that I am going to change this, and it is going to be fire inside of you and fire outside of you. Meaning He is going to reverse it, Christ is going to be back in the middle. Our God is a consuming fire, and it will be light within you and light without, and there is going to be so much light, you are going to be light within and light without, there is going to be so much light that in the middle of the night it is going to be like? Noon time. Boy you people read your Bible.
I knew this was going to be a good night, I am starting to. We are up to verse 4, are you okay?
4. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. KJV
God saw the light, that it was good, and God, this is not the God, this is all Christ now, and Christ, He saw the light on the outside, and He saw that the atom of the creation was in good shape, and Christ divided the light from the darkness. In verse 4, this word, the Hebrew word translated divided, it means to distinguish. I want to, I know that it has always been taught that God separated the light from the darkness but I want to suggest another translation to you. I want to suggest to you that Christ who was joined to the earth, He could recognize that He was not the earth. Do you hear what I am saying? What this is Scripture means that He divided the light from the darkness, or He distinguished the light from the darkness, He distinguished sounds very different than divided. I want to suggest to you that the mind of Christ in the creation, He knew that He was not of the darkness, He knew that He was light, and that there was darkness in Him that was separate from Him.
I want to tell you brethren, that the fallen creation does not know that. I have been preaching here for almost a year now that our problem, the problem of the fallen man is that we are so joined to the darkness that when Christ comes to set us free from the darkness, we join with the darkness to wage war against the Christ. This is our fallen condition. We think when Christ comes to kill our captor, we are so one with our captor, that we think that we too would cease to exist, when Christ does His work. Instead of rising up and turning on our own carnal mind and killing it, at least at the beginning, we join with our carnal mind to fight against Christ, or to fight against the one in whom Christ is manifesting, because we have an identity problem.
We perceive ourselves as the carnal mind, whether we would use those words or not, out vision of ourselves, our opinion of ourselves is that we are the carnal mind that is within us and we see another mind, totally opposite from us and we think that He is the one that is sin. We have an identity crisis, we do not know who we are, we are fighting against the one that is trying to liberate us.
I want to suggest to you that verse 4 of Genesis 1 is indicating that Christ before the fall, He knew that He was not the darkness, He knew that He was different than the darkness. He knew that He was dwelling with the darkness but that He was not darkness. Brethren, we do not know that we are spirit and that we are dwelling with the darkness of the living soul, but we are not darkness, we do not know it, we think we are the darkness. The reason we think we are the darkness is that we are so joined to Satan and his carnal mind that we are having an identity crisis. We are a dysfunctional family. We have not individuated. It is like saying, another word for it, is a symbiotic relationship, you take a mother and a child, that they are so close that the child is emotionally crippled. Brethren, we are so close with Satan and his carnal mind that we are emotionally crippled. We are so under the dominion of Satan and the carnal mind and their evil ways, that the Scripture describes us as a harlot. We are in their pocket brethren, they have got us. Satan and his carnal mind possesses us so completely that we are in agreement with everything they are doing with us and through us.
I want to suggest to you, that verse 4 is saying that the Christ at the beginning of the time was not in this condition, He knew He was joined to the earth, but He was not of the earth. Is that not a New Testament Scripture, that we are in the world but we are not of it? We are in the world but we are not of it. Christ at the beginning of time, He knew that He was in the world but He was not of it. I want to tell you the church today, we are in the world and we are of it, most of us, we are of it, because you do not come out of the world by giving up smoking.
The world is in your mind, you come out of the world when you stop thinking with the mind of the world and you start thinking with the mind of Christ. Christ at the beginning of time, He was in the world but He was not of it, and He knew it.
5. And God called the light day, and the darkness He called night, and the evening and the morning were the first day. KJV
We all know that Jesus is the day, does anybody not know that Jesus is the day? Jesus is the morning, every title that has to do with light is referring to our God, and every title that has to do with darkness is referring to the pestilence or the moral impurity in the darkness of the earth. He called the light or the spirit day, and He called the darkness Satan or the soul realm, He called night, and the evening and the morning were the first day. I had an interesting comment for you on that evening and the morning, when we did Daniel, I think we found it both in Daniel 8 and in Daniel 12. When we looked the word evening, yes in Daniel 8 and 12, there is a reference to the evening sacrifice, now it is not clear here in Genesis 1, but if you go back to our studies in Daniel 8 and Daniel 12, it is clear enough for me, it satisfies me, that the word evening is not the correct translation. We are told in our Gesenius lexicon, that an alternate translation for the word translated evening, which is by the way Strong's #6153, the alternate translation can be foreigners, strangers, foreign kings, or the armies of foreign kings.
If you go back a couple of verses, it says the firmament is this part that is in the middle. And it is water underneath and water on top, and then all of a sudden, this is really confusing, in verse 8, it says and God called the whole firmament heaven, and I want to suggest to you that He was calling the whole thing, well first of all the word is plural, and God called the firmaments heavens, He called the whole creation heavens. We are talking about the mind of a man in this condition with Christ at the center, Satan under His feet, the earth on top and then the Spirit of Christ vibrating forth to make an outer layer, and we have a mind which is visible, spiritual and visible, not physical and visible, spiritual and visible, and God called the whole thing heavens, in the Hebrew it is plural, He called the whole thing the heavens.
COMMENT: Heavens mean that there were two powers at work in the beginning?
PASTOR VITALE: not at work, but there existed two powers, only one was at work, and one was inert or inactive. The one that was at work was and the one that was inactive, brethren, God does not have business partners, God does not take prisoners, the peace of God exists when God's enemies are completely subjected to His authority. There is no negotiated peace, there is no plea bargaining, you bow your knee, one way or the other. Verse 9; verses 9-12 describe the formation of the earth.
9. And God said, Let the waters under the heavens, (under the heavens, I did not check that out, whether it was plural or not), be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear, and it was so. KJV
I guess I did not check out that phrase, let the waters under the heavens, I just went on to deal with, let the waters be gathered into one place, and let the dry land appear. This is very interesting. The word gathered, the Hebrew word gathered is #6960 and it means to bind or to twist, and I want to suggest to you it is talking about the binding and twisting together of the two heavens.
Waters, referring to the spiritual aspect of the soul, the soul had two sides to it, spirit and dust, the waters referring to the spiritual aspect of the soul, and the earth referring to the dust aspect of the soul, and God said, let the spiritual aspect of the soul that were in the heavens, let them be bound together, unto one place, let the two spiritual authorities, Christ and Satan. Remember, First they were brought, first Satan was put underfoot of the Christ, and the whole creation was in order and it was called heaven, the imputed anointing.
God is saying, let them be bound together, imparted anointing, I should not say imputed anointing, that is not correct. First stage of the resurrection, and the second stage of the resurrection, two stages of the resurrection, and now God is saying, let them be bound together, third stage of the resurrection, is everybody following me. God said, Let be gathered together, let the two spiritual authorities be bound together unto one place, and this Hebrew word translated place is speaking about a place of habitation, and I want to suggest to you that God is using our human marriage as a type or a parable to understand this. God said that Satan should be married to Christ.
Brethren, the living soul is God's wife, the living soul is God's wife, and the living soul is darkness, she is earth and there is an intelligence in that earth, and her name is Satan, and when we are one with our husband, when we are in submission to our husband, when he is ruling over our spiritual authority we live, and when we separate from Him, and we go out on our own authority, because the living soul has an authority, it is called witchcraft.
There is spiritual power in the living soul, and when she separates from her husband and goes out and does her own thing, she experiences death. In submission is life, in bondage and servitude to the living God is life, and independence and separation from the living God is death.
To our carnal mind that is a contradiction, how could bondage and servitude be life? But when you are bound to the living God it is life because everything that touches Him lives. When you separate from Him everything that is without Him is dead. You might have your freedom, but it is freedom and death. It is not really freedom, you are bound to another. Paul clearly tells us in the book of Romans I believe I get my chapters mixed up, 6 or 7, you are married to that carnal mind and you are married to him until, until, what happens to him, what is going to set you free from him? He has to, he must die.
You are bound to that husband until he dies, and from the moment Christ begins to be formed in you, Paul instructs us to count that man dead, and start living unto your new husband. Act like he is dead, think like he is dead, but do not be a fool and go around saying that he is dead because he is not dead, just act like he is dead. Disobey him, disobey him, disobey your carnal man, disobey your carnal mind. Rebel against him, you cannot ignore him, you have got to rebel against him. The word ignore implies that if your ignore him he will not do anything about it, you cannot ignore you carnal mind, kill that man.
So God said, Let the spirit that is in the creation, the two spiritual laws, let them be gathered together in one habitation, let them dwell as man and wife and let the wife be subject to her husband, that is what He said. And let the dry appear. That is very interesting, what does dry mean? Dry means to be without water. Remember Ezekiel's dry bones which typify spiritual death, I am suggesting to you that the gathering of the waters under the heavens into the house, into one house is the drying up or the binding up of Satan's spiritual authority, as in Ezekiel we see the dry bones of Israel which have been killed, because they have been given over in harlotry to Satan and the carnal mind, we see that commanded of God to be happening to Satan, let her be dry, let her be so bound to the Christ that it is as if she had no spiritual authority at all, let her be dry.
And God said, Let the two spiritual authorities flow together into one house, and let Satan's submission become obvious, and the let dry land appear, let it be seen, let her submission be obvious. How can Satan's submission be obvious? Her submission is obvious when the creation is at peace. When she is not submitting the creation is at war, and what a war! She is something to be reckoned with.
10. And God called the dry land earth. KJV
Earth, that part of the creation that it without spiritual power yet capable of birthing the offspring of the ruling spirit. Let me explain that to you. Earth is without spiritual power, yet when a seed from a spiritual power is planted in it, the earth has the authority to bring forth life. Just as in our natural example, the earth, well she is not supposed to be bringing forth anything of her own, but we found out that there were some tares coming forth, that under some circumstances the earth does bring forth something of her own, but when Christ has the land subdued, God said to Adam, keep the garden, He said, Keep those weeds out of your garden. The land could only bring forth of itself, when Adam is not weeding his garden. The earth is supposed to be barren until a seed is planted in her. The earth typifies female and the spirit typifies male, so we see in verse 10, And God called the dry land earth, He called the dry portion of the living soul, the portion of the living soul that had died to its spiritual authority, through submission, and the gathering of the waters He called seas. And God called the dry land earth. That portion of the creation which was the earth which is the darkness, which is the mud, which has an intelligence in it called Satan. When that Satan died to a spiritual authority, by having it bound up to Christ, her name became the earth.
That portion of the creation which is the earth, which is the darkness which is the mud, which has an intelligence in it called Satan, when that Satan dies to a spiritual authority, by having it bound up to Christ, her name became the earth. The living soul, the soul realm, the flesh, the soul. That is what we are supposed to be, earth, but we are not, because Satan got out, and she got herself dissolved in the water again, and her spiritual authority came alive, and that is how we died, and we fell, but I am not going to get into that now, because it is late and I really do not want to go to a second tape with this, I want to finish this up.
God called the dry land earth, that part of the soul that did not have any spiritual authority He called it earth, and He made it female, He said it would be capable of producing life when the seed of God was deposited in it, but it would not be capable of producing life of itself so long as it stayed in submission to Christ.
...and the gathering together of the waters called He seas. KJV
First phrase, And God called the dry land earth, the Hebrew word translation earth, one of the translations in Gesenius is silver believe it or not, silver, and silver typifies the living soul that is in proper submission to her husband.
When the spiritual, when the lower horn, of the creation is in her proper position, when her spiritual authority is bound up and totally turned over to Christ, she can be called silver, a soul that is saved, a soul that is protected and rescued, because she is bound to her husband. The gathering together of the waters called He seas.
This is very interesting, the Hebrew word translated seas is Strong's #3220, and it is the same Hebrew word that is translated west, as in north, south, east, and west. We studied this word both in Daniel 8, well at least in Daniel 8, we may have studied it in another chapter of Daniel also, but definitely in Daniel 8, and when we studied it we found out that, that word west typifies the visible creation, and I am not going to go over it again right now, but we spent some time on it, the west typifies the visible creation, the east is where God is, how do I know that?
The sun rises in the east. The east is the invisible realm or eternal realm of God, that is where it comes from and it goes down in the west, and the two realms are completely opposite one to another. The west is visible, and the east is invisible, how do I know? The eternal realm of God is invisible.
That which is exactly opposite is visible, it is a mirror image. God wants to be seen, that is what this creation is all about. The west typifies the realm of appearance, the visible world, a visible creation. So God called the dry land earth, He called the living soul in submission to her husband earth, and He called the gathered together, the place where the waters or where the spirit gathered together, He called it the visible realm of the soul, strangely enough. Remember, in the natural sea, only the water is seen, only the water is seen. God calls it the west, the visible, the place where the creation is visible, and He also calls it the seas, indicating that part of the creation which is sea, the water, not the earth. This Hebrew language is incredible, is everybody okay?
...and God saw that it was good. KJV
11. And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after its kind, whose seed is in itself, let them come forth upon the earth, and it was so. KJV
Grass, Strong's #1877, and this is a word that indicates the young grass, the first signs of life were the imputed anointing, I want to suggest to you that these next few verses are not talking about the grass and the trees outside of your house, but it is talking about the spiritual life which is coming forth out of the earth of your soul, after the seed of Christ has entered into your earth, you are going to see three stages of His life appearing in you. The first stage is called grass, we call it the imputed anointing, it is also described as the gifts and the calling of God which are without repentance that is the first sign of God's life coming forth in the earth of your soul. The second sign of God's life coming forth is described as herb yielding seed, Strong's #6212, and it is speaking about full grown grass which is in seed, that which is food for man, food for man.
I want to suggest to you that this is the immature imparted anointing. It is the mind of Christ coming forth in the soul of the man that is mature enough to feed others, yet it is not fully born. To be fully born, what is the criteria to be fully born in Christ? To be fully born that mind, what it means is for you to truly born again, if the mind of Christ was truly born again in you, He would have totally dominated your carnal mind, there would be no sign of darkness or carnality in you. Any sign, one sign, one sign in three years of carnality in you, you are not fully born again. To be fully born of the spirit of God, your carnal mind must die. The way Jesus said it was, where the carcass is, where the carcass is, the eagles will gather. When your carnal mind is fully dead, not a breath of life, dead, the Greek word is nekros, when your carnal mind is dead as a corpse, as a cadaver, you shall be fully born again of the Spirit of God.
If there is any sign of life at all brethren, you are a phony. I tell you wherever you are, wherever this message is going, if that cadaver has a twitch in his eyelash, you are not dead. In Haiti they call that a Zombie. You have to be dead, or you are not born again, and you are not a fully manifested son of God. I tell you the truth. The third sign of His spiritual life is to be fully born again of the Spirit of God. The Scripture describes that condition or when your mind is fully born of Christ or of the Spirit, you will be a fruit tree, you will have produced the fullness of the fruit of Christ, yielding fruit after His kind whose seed is in itself, and what that means is, if you are fully born of the Spirit of God, and you are a fruit tree that has fully produced its fruit with the seed in itself, it means you have life within you that you need nothing to sustain your life. Brethren, you do not need food to be fully born again in the spirit, to be in full stature, you do not need food, you do not need water, you do not even need air, there is nothing that can be done to your body that can cause it to die without your agreement.
Now all you little Christs running around on the earth today, I declare you invalid, untrue and spiritual liars. Repent, and ask the Lord to bring you in. Verse 12; well verse 11 is the command, And God said let it happen, verse 12 says;
12. And the earth brought forth the grass, (imputed anointing), and the herb yielding seed after its kind, (immature imparted anointing), and the tree yielding fruit whose seed was in itself (fully born again men) after its kind, and God saw that it was good. The evening and the morning were the third day. KJV
The third day had both darkness and light. Brethren, this has not happened yet, it has not happened yet. Glory to God. We are not going to do it tonight, but as you go on, if the Lord lets me, I will do it Sunday, if He lets me, as you go on, we will see that all of this prophecy of God, the only thing that has happened to date as far as I could see is verses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, up to the binding together, they have not been bound together, up through verse 9, and God said, Let the waters under heaven be gathered together, let them flow together unto one place. Let me see if that is the word that means bound together, up to verse 8 has happened. And God called the firmament, the whole creation, that was the righteous Adam who was not brought forth from seed, the immature righteous Adam, and God called the whole creation heavens and the evening and the morning were the first day.
Up until verse 8 has happened and then we had a tragedy and the creation fell. Just like I told you in the gospel of John, up through verse, was it verse 5? Does anybody remember, let me put it correctly on the message here, up through verse 5 of the gospel of John chapter 1 is speaking about the creation at the beginning of time. John does not mention the fall, he goes on with verse 6, and he is talking about the continuation of God's plan to bring forth the fully mature Christ in the earth whose two heavens will be bound together. In Genesis chapter 1, verses 1-8, we find the same or a similar account as we find in the gospel of John, chapter 1, verses 1-5, and there is no talk about the fall. Going on with verse 9 in Genesis 1, God is going on to say, let the imparted anointing come forth, and in John chapter 1, starting with verse 6, we start hearing about the first man in whom this came to pass, in whom what came to pass? In whom the two spiritual authorities in His mind were bound together. That which is commanded in Genesis 1:9, Let the two heavens be bound together, and in submission to the Christ, it has just begun to come to pass with the man Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified for us and raised from the dead, and ascended, and because of His sacrifice for us, the next generation of Christ is about to appear, and we are about to pick up in verse 9 of Genesis 1.
Let me say it again, in the gospel of John verses 1-5, we have the story of the immature Christ, in Genesis chapter 1, verses 1-8, we have the account of the immature Christ, a little different, we have additional information in there, and in verse 9, of chapter 1 of Genesis we get the command to bring forth the imparted anointing, but it has not happened yet because there was an accident you see, Adam was tested and he failed the test, and we spent all of these thousands of years getting everything together here, and then we go into the gospel of John chapter 1, starting with verse 6, and we find that the restoration or the regeneration has begun, and we are right back here in Genesis 1:9, it has not happened yet. Glory to God, any questions? Do you have a question? No?
We see God's plan going all of the way through the end of chapter one, and then in chapter two, we get some more information including God's testing of Adam, and God's preparation, we get more detail, God's preparation of Adam, to have Christ formed in him in an imparted anointing, but beginning with chapter 3, we read about the fall. If you did not have this understanding, you would never be able to put it together like this. And beginning with chapter 3 of the book of Genesis, the whole rest of the Bible is about the fall, and it is about God calling Abraham, and the impartation of the law, and the giving of the law, and the prophesies of God, and then we get into the New Testament, where we pick up with God's continuation of His program from Genesis 1:1, with Christ. The whole Bible is about the fall except the very beginning, and the end, amazing huh? Glory to God. Last call for questions. But you see as far as God is concerned, He will deal with it, He deals with it, when He is giving you the story of His creation, He does not include the fall as a part of His original plan, but He will deal with it in another place, He deals with it. I am going to tell you what I told you last Sunday, that we have preachers in this hour who do not want to deal with the negative aspect of the creation, they just want to talk about the positive aspect of the creation, but you must deal with it.
People must know how to deal with their lower nature, people must know that they have an enemy in their mind, people need instruction as to how to overcome that enemy, but when God presents it, He makes it clear, if you have ears to hear and eyes to see, that this fall was not His choice, it was not His plan, it was not His plan. All you people out there saying, or misquoting that Scripture that God subjected this creation to vanity, God did not plan the fall of this creation, it is not in Genesis 1, nor is it in Genesis 2, God did not plan it. He said, the man must be tested, because he is a free agent, and should he fail the test, I have made a provision that in the restoration, in the correction of the weakness that produced the fall, I will build him up to a point that he will never fall again.
So it is appointed unto man once to die, and then the judgment, it will never happen again. God is righteous and the commandment is righteous and the test was righteous, God is righteous, man sinned, and every hardship and problem in this world is a result of our original ancestor's sin. God is righteous, the law is righteous, the commandment and the test is righteous, and if you are calling God unrighteous on any level you are a Pharisee and you are killing yourself, repent. Last call for questions.
COMMENT: What is a Pharisee?
PASTOR VITALE: A Pharisee is a type of religious person who Jesus tells us has the appearance of being very holy, because of the things that they do, they say a lot of prayers, and they fasten it to front, I got it (chuckle), okay, but they are phonies, they are not the genuine article. Life is in Christ, not in religious works. They are carnal men with religious activities. Going, going, gone (chuckle).