196 - Part 2

Part 2 of 2 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



Alternate Translation, Isaiah, Chapter 40, Verses 1 and 2:


Take vengeance on Satan and the carnal mind my people speak to the carnal mind which has subjected you and tell her that I have fenced her in and brought her to an end. And that the double portion of God's strength has taken hold of himself and covered over the sins of the whole living soul.


And I remind you that we wound up in this study after studying Romans 8 verses 19, 20 and 21 where the Lord revealed to us that He is waiting as anxiously and expectedly as the creation is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God and that the hope that is mentioned in Romans 8 verse 20 I believe is Christ in you the hope of glory. The hope that Christ will rise up in the minds of the people and subject the one who has subjected us down to this condition.


And here we see in our alternate translation of Isaiah 42 the same message speak to the carnal mind which has subjected you and tell her that I have fenced her in and brought her to an end.


So when Christ arises to subject the one who has subjected us He is doing it through us. He is doing it by giving us a new mind which is His mind. He is giving Himself to us and we have to join with Him and make an enemy out of our carnal mind. We have to perceive our carnal mind as an enemy and that is not always easy because we have been with this carnal mind from birth.


And frequently when God brings this end time ministry to a believer they perceive themselves to be under attack. They perceive themselves to be under attack from the person who is bringing this message to them but the truth is that their carnal mind is under attack but they are suppose to be joining with Christ or they are joining with Christ they just do not know it yet because God only chastens you if you are a son.


So He is coming to you with this message to take revenge on your carnal mind I must believe and I suggest that you believe that He is engrafted unto your soul and that He has begun to manifest in you but perhaps you cannot see it yet. And the person in this condition will perceive the minister of God that is bringing this message as attacking them. And it does not have to be someone in the pulpit you can receive this word and God will send you out to someone in the workplace or a friend of yours. The issue is this it is not what you say but it is the spirit that is saying it. And if it is in fact Christ in you speaking to a believer exposing sin or declaring the warfare that believer's carnal mind will perceive you or may perceive you as an enemy.


If the carnal mind in you is giving this news to the carnal mind in somebody else the other person that is receiving the message will not be too threatened. They might even like the sound of it. The warfare is spiritual. It is not so much the words that you say as who is saying the words that is the issue who is saying the words.


Now we have a whole element of the church today preaching a very deep message revealing a very deep revelation of the scripture but they are preaching it out of their carnal minds and people are not too threatened by what the carnal mind has to say.


There is no danger to the carnal mind.


You see when Christ preaches this message He is proclaiming the death of the carnal mind. Christ is going forth right now and He is sounding the last trump to all those who have ears to hear rise up the rebellion against your captor has begun. That is what the message is. If you can hear it that is what the message is.


So when the carnal mind says that, the carnal mind in the person hearing the message really is not very threatened he will probably say amen take vengeance on the carnal mind. Why? Because even though he is saying the words there is no power in the words. Satan is not going to take vengeance against himself.


So the bottom line is that we must discern the spirit. Forgive me if I repeat myself a lot but I am frequently misunderstood so I repeat myself a lot I am never condemning you never. When I say to you we must discern the spirit if you cannot discern the spirit I have not condemned you but hopefully I have made you aware that you should start to pray about this issue because God wants you to discern the spirit.


Now what He is requiring of you is a confession that you cannot do what is required of you and the reason you cannot do it is because you are carnal. So God wants a confession from you that you are carnal that you are not engaged in a measure of this warfare that you have heard preached about and that you admit that He is stronger than you are and that you want His help that is your part.


But a person who is bound by pride and again I am not condemning you but we say in the United States if the shoe fits wear it. You know the word if you hear yourself if you can say amen that this is true of you when I say something then confess it and repent.


Now this is what I am saying to you if you are bound by pride your reaction to this message will be she has condemned me, and the technique behind it is if your reaction is what she just said condemned me, and there is no hope of me ever doing this because she has just condemned me and I will never make it pride has succeeded in keeping you out of the war.


The first thing it will try to do is to keep you out of a meeting like this. If he cannot, he will try to just make the message nonsense to you. If he cannot, he will tell you that the message is a lie. If you still believe it he will try to turn you against the messenger of God through whom the power to enter into this warfare is flowing that is how he works.


Pride is the overriding characteristic of the carnal mind just like you call yourself by your father's name you have a given name but you have a surname, pride is the surname of the carnal mind. It is the name which identifies him and he is going to do anything he can to convince you to wage war against the true minister of God because that preserves his life.


And until you come to a place where you understand that this carnal mind is not fooling around but he will kill you if he can. He will destroy your spiritual life if he can. He is not fooling around, he does not want to give up the use of your mind and your body and he will not give it up outside of outright defeat.


So the sooner you can believe it and you cannot force yourself to believe all you can do is pray about what I am telling you. The sooner you can believe it the sooner you are going to really enter into this warfare. It is as real as if you were out there shooting a gun at a soldier somewhere it is just that it is in the spirit the rules are different but once you start to see it and once you start to see the victory it is very exciting. It is very exciting. Okay.


So I wanted to give you another witness to this in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 14 which says speaking about the Holy Spirit of promise it says which is earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchase possession unto the praise of his glory.


And the reason I picked that out is I fitted it right in here Jesus is saying He has fenced in the carnal mind and He has given the double portion of God's strength to take hold of Himself. I got that out of the phrase in Isaiah 40 verse 2 which says and her iniquity is pardoned.


So this witness of Ephesians 1 verse 14 is to deal with that word pardoned and I believe that I commented on it briefly last night. The way God pardons you is to bring you to a place of sinlessness. God does not say that you are forgiven and leave you in the same condition.


God is a holy God. He is a righteous God. He will never tolerate sin, He will never abide with sin. He is righteousness and everything that He touches becomes righteous. So when God says you are pardoned you do not get out of jail so that you can go and sin again. God's pardon is the impartation of righteousness unto you and this is not clearly understood in the church. I always thought that God forgave me and that meant that I could stay the way I was but that the judgment will not fall on me. I think that was the question that you asked last night, no that is not true God forgives you and then He cleans you.


We must be purged from all spiritual filth of the soul and the spirit. We will be a church without spot or wrinkle but you see the fallen mind of men cannot comprehend how God will accomplish this spiritual purification. So its carnal mind imagines well it will happen after this body dies or he will be raptured, he will be translated these are all thoughts of the carnal mind.


The way God purifies us from the spiritual filth of the mind which is the spirit and the soul is by the procedure I have been preaching to you about for the last several meetings that we have been together. It is by warfare it is by burning purification by burning first the burning element has to get inside of you that is Christ He is the lake of fire and then He reaches out and starts to burn every manifestation of your carnal mind.


The problem brethren is that when our carnal mind gets burnt we are joined to him and we feel the burning that is why education is so important. The natural example I will give you is this France when she was occupied by Hitler's Germany and the allies invaded France to set her free, French people, French farms, French businesses, French lives came under the same shelling and bombardment that the occupying forces came under. There were French men who died there were French women and children who died. There were French buildings that were bombed out, French farms that were destroyed.


So this is our condition we are right here where the bombs are falling and the natural tendency is to become frightened, to become anxious, to become agitated and try to save ourselves from the warfare. This is the human reaction. What I am telling you will help you to not react this way. I am telling you what to expect of your own heart to try to get away from the bombing. And the Lord supported reason for this is is that either we do not understand or we really do not believe this message that we are being joined to Christ and that this burning and that this bombardment will not kill us. It will just kill our carnal mind and as the mind of Christ in us draws closer to the carnal mind one of the ways the scripture expresses it is that the devil and Satan and hell and death shall be cast into the lake of fire.


You see there is a joining coming of the mind of Christ to the carnal mind in another place the scripture calls it the crucifixion of Christ. Now this is a great mystery because I have not studied this in the Greek but the King James expression is the crucifixion of Christ but it does not kill Christ. Christ is crucified to that old man so that the body of sin should be destroyed.


So why has not the King James say the crucifixion of the carnal mind, I honestly do not know. I do not know whether it is a mistranslation or the Lord really said it that way in the Greek because it is a mystery and mysteries are only for those to understand who God calls to the mystery.


So I do not know but I do have a scripture for you that the old man must be crucified that the body of sin should be destroyed and the way this is accomplished is through the joining of the Christ in you to that carnal mind in crucifixion.


And it is the destruction of the carnal mind. Paul said that he was crucified to the world he was talking about the carnal mind in him. He Paul said I meaning I am Christ that is what Paul was saying. I am no longer this carnal mind I am Christ and I am crucified to the world meaning the cosmos of the fallen mind in him. So it is glorious, it is wonderful but it is not without stress and it is not without discomfort I cannot lie to you it is not but the victory is assured. The victory is assured, glory to God.


So we are looking at Ephesians 1 verse 14 as another witness to the fact that the pardon of our sin the crucifixion of our carnal mind. So we are sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance. Now this Greek word translated earnest it means down payment, it means when you get the Holy Spirit it is just the down payment as if you purchased a house. Christ has put a down payment on you He is giving a down payment to you His Holy Spirit as a promise that He fully intends to purchase and possess you totally.


Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, now this phrase the redemption of the purchased possession I am likening it to the word pardon in Isaiah 40 verse 2 so I will comment on this for a bit. This Greek word translated redemption it really means ransom. Ransom, now in our world a ransom means for example if someone has kidnapped one of your possessions you give the thief money and he returns your possession to you but in the realm of the spirit things are not exactly as they are in the natural. And the intent of this Greek word ransom is that the ransom money is being given to the carnal mind but the carnal mind is not running away with the money it is a joining.


Jesus Christ is the ransom He has given Himself to us in our fallen condition and He is permitting Himself in spirit form to be nailed or crucified to our fallen mind. And because He is permitting Himself to be crucified to us and He has prepared to spend the life of the ages crucified to us we have been pardoned. So you see the ransom price is being given but the feet are not running away with it. The ransom price is completing our fallen mind.


You have heard this scripture we are complete in Christ what that means is that we are fallen because we are lacking something and what we are lacking is righteousness that is why we can cast out demons for the next two thousand years and it will never make us righteous.


The casting out of demons and the breaking of curses it is just part of the process which ploughs the earth of our soul to bring it into a condition whereby the seed of Christ will sprout and grow in us but the only thing that will give you life brethren is the life of the Son of God. There is no life in casting out of demons and if life is not imparted to you after you cast them out they can come back.


You see a lot of spiritual people cast out demons witch doctors cast out demons, Hindus cast out demons I am told that the order of the cherubim and seraphim cast out demons. The difference between the casting out of demons that is done in Christ and all of this other spiritual people is that when Christ cast a demon out of you He fills in the vacant area with Himself and seals it off so that your fallen soul does not produce another like demon. But all of these other spiritual orders they can cast the demons out of you and there is a very good possibility that you will go back to the same behaviour that produced them in the first place and produce another one so that is the difference.


So the purchase possession is about to be redeemed it is going to the ransomed we are being ransomed Christ is crucifying Himself to us. Remember He said pick up your cross and follow me did you ever wonder what that meant? In the Greek the word is not cross it is torture stick it is referring to a piece of wood our soul is symbolised by wood in the scripture. What He was saying was pick up your carnal mind which is the wood furniture in your person pick it up do not let it walk you, do not let it run you, do not let it rule you, let the other side of you which is Christ take it up take authority over it take the possession over it. He said pick up your cross and follow me.


So what He was also saying is that in order to follow me you have got to take authority over this carnal mind. He was saying you will never follow me if you do not take authority over this carnal mind because if your carnal mind is ruling you he is not going to let you follow me that is what He was saying.


So the redemption is the fact that He is giving Himself to us as our righteousness and He is going to be joined to us for the life of the ages. The Greek word translated purchase possession is really just one word of the Greek and it means property and I want to suggest to you that we are His property. We are His property we are made out of His very flesh and all power and authority in heaven and in earth has been given unto Him. This is a truth that some people do not like to hear but we human beings must be somebody's property we are not our own man. It is either the carnal mind possessing us or Christ possessing us.


Now that might not make you feel good but that is just your pride manifesting. We are the property of some spirit just as if that broken stallion is the property of some man who is riding on its back. This is our condition, Glory to God.


Okay so in view of this witness I have made some further I call it amplification for the alternate translation. Have you ever heard about the amplified bible here in Nigeria? The amplified bible or what the translator of the amplified bible did was pretty much what I am doing here. And I am telling you this because some people get very nervous when they see me changing these words around and I am just trying to convince you that I am not doing anything that other translators have not been doing for years. It is just that I cannot tell you that I have a book published. If I have a book published every body will probably love it but some people tend to get nervous when I change these words.


So the amplification process is this it is simply taking the Greek or the Hebrew and bring forth the translation that the spirit of God has given you and as you pray about it and find these other references in both the Old and New testament I changed some of the word and I add something to put it in a language that we can really understand and it is again translators licence it is perfectly legitimate.


Amplified Translation of Isaiah 40, Verses 1 and 2, Take vengeance on Satan and the carnal mind my people, speak to the carnal mind which has subjected you and tell her that Christ Jesus has ransomed His property which is the whole creation by covering over her sins. He has bought us back by covering over our sins with Himself and this is expressed in Isaiah 40 chapter 2 by saying her iniquity is pardoned.


And the primary reason that I amplified it like this is because if I say it to you her iniquity is pardoned people misunderstand me they think that God is waving his hand and we are going to continue along the same way without having our nature changed.


So the basic purpose the primary purpose of amplification is that it puts God's intention it puts the message that God wants to give to us in words that will mean to us what God means. If we do not understand what God means what good is this translation in the bible. If it says if the translation of the bible says something to us that makes us stumble what good is it to us? So now we have to pray about these translations and see what the spirit has to say to you.


Verse 3, Isaiah, Chapter 40, The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord. The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness first of all this Hebrew word translated voice is a masculine plural word. Now the tense and the .... and whether or not the word is singular or plural is very important. Every little thing is very important especially in prophesy. So the only male voice in the scripture brethren is God. He is the only male. So if the voice is male that means that it is Christ crying out. It is Christ crying out a voice of Him that crieth in the wilderness is not some fallen men crying out it is Christ crying out.


Now I know that you are all thinking that John the Baptist said if he was the one who was the voice crying in the wilderness and he was and that John the Baptist was the greatest prophet under the Old covenant but the Spirit of Christ was upon Israel. The Spirit of Christ was upon Israel the difference between the anointing that was upon Israel and the anointing that was upon Jesus of Nazareth and the anointing that is promised unto those of us that are coming into sonship is this the Spirit of Christ that was upon John the Baptist too was a prophet under the old covenant was formed through a union of the Spirit of God with the spirit of that man John but there was no offspring. There was no roots put down, there was no joining of this Spirit of Christ to the carnal mind.


There was no permanent joining, the permanent joining is what I call a mature manifestation of the Christ. We can call it a threefold cod where there was a male spirit and a female spirit and an offspring that came forth joining them all together that the three fold cod that is the kind of an anointing that was on Jesus of Nazareth the three fold cod. It is the kind of anointing that has been built in us because I mentioned on Friday night that the reason we have to have experiences in God is because these experiences is intertwining the mind of Christ with our carnal mind binding them together in the agape love of the Lord Jesus Christ. Knitting them together so that when the job is finished this creation will never ever fall again.


The anointing that was on John the Baptist that was on natural Israel was a twofold cod anointing it was the same kind of anointing that was on the immature Christ at the beginning of time, who was a formation of Christ with no experiences.


Let me give you some more information natural Israel had the mind of Christ formed in them but they did not have the understanding. We are told that the prophets that brought forth these glorious prophesies did not know what they meant. They had no idea what they meant.


Remember I told you God was not bringing forth a church of robots, He is bringing forth a church of thinking reasoning mature spiritual men and that is why we must grow up from seed. We must have spiritual experiences, we must be allowed to make mistakes so that we can recognise our own weaknesses and rectify them and overcome them and live by the victory which is in Christ.


Natural Israel did not have any of these overcoming experiences they came out of Egypt God poured a heavy anointing on them when God wanted them to move He either put up a pillar of fire or the cloud and they moved. They moved on command they did on command they were like your small children go to bed Johnny, get up Johnny, go to school Johnny and they obeyed and they were safe but that is not the covenant that God has for us.


God has the covenant of sonship for us understanding people able to reason in Christ make decisions. The scripture said that Jesus thought it not robbery to make Himself equal with God. Israel never make themselves equal with God they were not. They were spiritual puppets and I do not say this to diminish their important in anyway, I am trying to emphasize the difference between the two covenants.


God was being expressed through them and He was running the whole show. We are told in another place that the one who obeys my commandment is not my servant but my friend. Natural Israel was the servant of God they served Him in that they were present for Him to express Himself through but He never told them His plans. He never told them His secrets, He loved them and He blessed them but we who are been joined to Him in our minds are His friends. He is telling us everything that His Father told Him from the beginning. Does anybody not see the difference of the covenant? Okay.


So I just want to say one more thing about that we see a manifestation of the anointing that was on Israel in the church today but it is a lesser manifestation. We see it through the gifts prophesies speaking in tongues. We see ourselves expressing spirit without understanding it, giving words of knowledge without understand in it.


And we see a lot of people in the church stumbling because they cannot tell when the Spirit of God leaves off and their carnal mind picks up. We have abuses in the church people giving glorious prophesies by the Spirit of God and then when the Spirit of God stops speaking their carnal mind comes right in and interprets the prophesy and the person bringing it forth does not recognise this. The person receiving it does not recognise it. Some kind of misfortune comes into their lives because the prophesy is being misinterpreted and everybody thinks that God failed. God did not fail. This is an abuse in the carnal church.


God anoints you to pray a powerful prayer and then the spirit withdraws and the carnal mind comes in and gives counsel. And the individual who does not understand this or who cannot recognise this says well that person just brought forth the most glorious prophesy surely she must know the understanding of it. And that is a wrong conclusion because the anointing that comes with the gifts makes you a servant a channel for the expression of the spirit counselling and interpretation is in the mind of Christ except the person.


It can be in gift form but it is very rare in the carnal church to find someone with a true spirit of counsel with the true spirit of interpretation it can be but it is rare but this qualities are found in the man in whom Christ is being formed. He will give you the prophesy and He will give you the interpretation. He will pray for you and He will counsel you why? Because the mind of Christ is being woven together with his carnal mind, controlling the negative element in it, repressing it and putting understanding wisdom and counsel through the son.


So before you take any counsel or interpretation from anyone in the church I strongly suggest that you pray and ask the Lord if they have been anointed to counsel you or interpret a spiritual word that has come forth because interpretation and prophesy are two completely gifts. Just as an ability to pray in the spirit is a completely different gift than counselling. It is a strong abuse in the church you come to someone for prayer and they sit you down and they counsel you and they do not know what they are talking about. It is coming out of their carnal mind.


So we see this in the carnal church today. It is an anointing that is similar to the anointing that was on natural Israel but the anointing on natural Israel was much greater, both the church today, the carnal church plus natural Israel had a relationship with God whereby He channelled through them. They were servants and the carnal church is a servant but not a son. Does anybody have a question on this issue? Okay.


So what I can say to you that the voice of one crying in the wilderness which we know was expressed through John the Baptist was a male voice. I can say that even though John the Baptist was not a son in the sense of the sons coming forth today but it was Christ being expressed through him as he expressed Himself through the prophets when these prophesies were written down. Is everybody okay on that?


The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness the Hebrew word translated voice indicates clearly that it is not the voice of the spirit it is the voice of either a man or an animal. So we see her that the two words one indicating the fact that it is masculine plus that it is an animal or a man's voice we see that it is God being expressed through man why? Because man is female in relationship to God and this whole bible is written about God and relationships to God.


So we see that it is a man expressing the Spirit of Christ the voice is the voice of God through a man and the Hebrew word translated crieth also indicates that it is a sound that comes from an animal or a man. So it is not pure spirit it is the voice of the Spirit of Christ through a man and the Hebrew word translated wilderness one of the definitions for this word wilderness is that it is used to describe a country which is forcibly laid waste and it is used that way in Isaiah 14 verse17. And I am suggesting to you that the living soul is the country that was laid waste by the carnal mind when that carnal mind rose up and defeated and killed the immature Christ which was in the creation at the beginning of time.


We see the Spirit of Christ calling crying out through a natural man. I know he is a natural man because he is described as the wilderness that was laid waste. So we see the voice of God crying out through a natural man and there is a reference to that I give you Genesis chapter 4 verse 10 and God said to Cain what has thou done the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.


What that means is that the blood of the righteousness which was born into Cain and Abel was covered over by the ground of the carnal mind it was forced underneath. That is our condition today brethren, that which was Christ at the beginning of time is buried under the earth of our carnal minds and our physical bodies. And this scripture in Genesis is indicating that the blood typifying the life of the mind of Christ the life of the righteousness which was in the creation Abel was the one who was giving the animal sacrifices, Abel was the one who sacrificed what is acceptable unto God but he was slain and his life typified by blood the life of the flesh is in the blood was buried underneath the ground.


This is a parable Genesis 4 verse 10 is expression of a parable indicating the death of the righteous mind of the creation at the beginning of time. And we see in Isaiah 40 verse 3 a masculine voice crying out from the fallen soul. So we in Isaiah chapter 40 that the creation is still in the same spiritual condition that it was in at the time that righteous Abel was buried underneath the earth of the carnal mind.


The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness and this is what he was saying this is a difficult verse so I offered you an alternate translation for what we have done so far. The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness and Christ voice is crying out of the ruined living soul, of the ruined living soul, the soul that has been forcibly laid waste. Another translation for the word is ruined that is where I got that from and Christ voice is crying out of the ruined living soul.


This is what He is saying prepare ye the way of the Lord make straight in the desert a highway for our God. The Hebrew word translated prepare it means to turn oneself to take yourself out of the way to put your house in order. It also means the surface or upper part which covers the rest. In other words the earth that is over the Christ in us this word prepare ye means turn yourself around that which is inside put it on the outside, that which is on the outside put it on the inside.


Brethren your carnal mind must go down under the feet of Christ in you. He has got to go down and I want to encourage you by telling that water baptism is a type of this. Water baptism is a type of your carnal mind being forced under the life of Christ. Now if you are a thinking person if you have ever thought about it if you have not I am going to give you the thought now, you could think that you could do in the natural which will increase your spiritual life.


There is nothing that man can do to raise himself from the dead but God who is a great and merciful God has come down to us because we cannot get up to Him and He has said I know there is absolutely nothing you can do to help yourself. But if you will enter into a covenant with me, if you just show me a sign of faith, agree to having your soul dumped under the water because that is all you can do, you cannot keep your own soul alive, if you give me that sign of faith that you put your body down under the water you see God says I know you have authority to put your body down under the water but you have no authority to put the carnal mind down. So I am going to ask you to do something where you have authority if you will take that step of faith and put your body under the water I will put your carnal mind under the water of my life.


That is His promise to you and that is what we are talking about in Isaiah 40 verse 3 prepare yourself turn yourself inside out get that carnal mind out thread it under feet stamp on it. Every time it rises in your mind curse it, kill it, oppose it, force it down and if you cannot if it is too strong in that instance cry out to God and confess it because you see if your carnal mind is so strong in a particular instance that you cannot get it down that is sin in you flexing his muscles to the point that he has full use of your mind and your body and if it is happening to you, you must cry out to God and say Father I am overtaken sin in my mind is possessing me against my will. And He will come and save you but you must confess that it is sin because if pride arises in your mind and you are looking to blame your husband or your wife or your mother or your father or the butcher down the street or the guy that just bumped into your car whoever you are blaming it is going to put a block between you and God's deliverance. You must be repentant to receive God's deliverance brethren.


And that is the bottom line pride will kill your spiritual man. If you are overtaken by sin in your mind you must confess that it is sin and you must confess that you are overtaken and God will come and save you. I have experienced it in a multitude of times He will come and save you but you must confess your condition that is His requirement. So prepare turn yourself inside out get that carnal mind down underneath turn yourself into the path. Prepare ye the way the word way means path turn yourself into the path of Jehovah.


I forgot to tell you something going back to the phrase before that I pointed out to you that it was masculine and plural that the voice was masculine and plural that is important the reason that it is plural is that it is Christ in a many membered crying out.


John the Baptist was only the first one, it is the Spirit of Christ in a many membered body crying out. It is the preaching company for this instance I am manifesting the same spirit to you that John the Baptist manifested to you. I am telling you turn yourself around the battle is at hand but I am not telling you be baptised for the remission of sins in the river Jordan I am telling you turn yourself around and be baptised under the water of Christ and this message is coming out of a many membered preaching company.


The difference between what happened two thousand years ago and now is this, two thousand years ago we saw a man who was existing under the Old covenant John the Baptist preaching under the influence of the Spirit of Elijah. He was a fallen man with the Spirit of Christ preaching repentance. And then we see Jesus of Nazareth who was the Christ two different men but in this hour it will be the same man.


It will be the same man today we are a company of fallen men saying turn yourself around, repent confess your sin, get that carnal mind under foot, be baptised for the remission of not your behavioural sins but for the hidden sins of your heart.


I am preaching the same thing that John the Baptist preached but when Christ appears in full stature it will be in the same man. Do you understand what I am saying? It is not going to be another man out there it is going to be me I hope, it is going to be me and whoever else is preaching this message today we shall ascend unto full stature and we shall evolve if you will from a fallen man manifesting the Spirit of Christ unto a manifested son of God.


I will give you another witness to this, in our natural life whatever sex you are born you remain that sex for the remainder of life. If you are born a baby boy you live out your life and when you die you are a man. If you are born a baby girl you live out your life and when you die you are a woman but not so in Christ, not so in the realm of the spirit.


In the realm of the spirit you start out with some people having a physically male body and some people having a physically female body but when the seed of the baby when Christ is engrafted unto you as mustard seed and you become a child of the kingdom and you start to grow up, you start out as a young spiritual child it does not matter whether your body is physical, whether your body is a physical woman or a physical man it does not matter. When you are grown up you become a spiritual man.


In the realm of the spirit the evolution is from physical it does not matter whether you are a man or a woman but from physical unto spiritual, from physical man or woman and the goal is the same spiritual manhood unto the fullness of the stature of the Lord Jesus Christ.


So therefore I can say to you that under the Old covenant John the Baptist was a fallen man preaching by the Spirit of Christ and then there was a second man His name was Jesus of Nazareth who was the Christ but in this dispensation we are going to see a company of people who are not perfect who are preaching repent, prepare yourself, turn yourself around and be baptised under the water of the soul of Christ. And then when that company of sons stands up in full stature it is going to be the same people who are preaching turn yourself around.


So we see a voice crying out in the wilderness Christ coming out of the fallen man saying turn yourself around and make straight in the desert a highway for the Lord.


Make straight in the desert a highway for the Lord. This Hebrew word translated straight it means one of the translations is to spread out over, to spread out over. And again I am suggesting to you that God is saying to you turn yourself inside out get that carnal mind down underneath the Christ in you and let Christ spread out over you. Did we not just read in the prior verse that the way we are being redeemed is that Christ is covering over our sins here it is He is covering over our sins. He is covering over our carnal mind which is our sins.


And this word translated highway another translation for it is ladder and we all know about Jacob's ladder. So we see that this highway of God is a connection between God and the living soul. So what is it saying there is a voice crying out of a fallen man but it is the voice of Christ coming out of fallen men turn yourself around get your carnal mind down under the Christ in you. Let Christ spread out over you and let the living soul be what she was intended to be a connection between the Spirit of God which is heaven and the earth. Christ Jesus the only mediator between God and man that is what the soul is a mediator between God and man or God and the earth.


So I will like to take just a minute here to talk about the three stages of the resurrection, now the reason I will like to do that is that Isaiah 40 verses 1 to 3 are speaking about the first two stages of the resurrection I just like to point that out to you.


Let me review the three stages of the resurrection for you and then I will point it out to you in these three verses. The resurrection brethren is in three stages you have read about the first resurrection in I believe it is chapter 20 of the book of Revelation the first resurrection. Most people read about the first resurrection and they think that it is the first hundred people that are going to be resurrected or the first group of people who are going to be resurrected but I have a different opinion brethren. When I looked this word up in the Greek I found out that another possible interpretation of this word the first resurrection or these two words could be the first stage of resurrection the first stage of the resurrection which every individual will experience. We are experiencing this resurrection from the dead individually and it is going to happen to each of us in three stages. You see God is not a respecter of persons.


This resurrection is not like unto the pressing of palm oil or peanut oil where the first oil that is drained of is the prime oil the virgin oil it demands the best price and then you keep pressing the nut and each pressing the oil that comes out is less precious and worth less. Brethren this is not the way of our God He is not a respecter of persons. So this first resurrection is referring to the beginning of the process that each and every one of us will experience when we are raised from the dead three stages of the resurrection or you can say two stages of resurrection the third stage having a name of its own glorification.


The first stage of the resurrection is what we know to be full stature our spirit is raised from the dead. Our spirit our human spirit which is dead when the immature Christ at the beginning of time died His form changed and His name changed. Let me give you a natural example when you know a man who dies and he is buried in the ground and you go and look at him a thousand years later he does not look like the man who died he looks like a skeleton his name is no longer man or John or Joe his name is skeleton he does not even have an individual name he has what we call a generic name. Everybody that died Joe, John, Jimmy now whatever other name you want to use when they are buried in the ground and you dig them up a thousand years later they are all skeletons, there is no more individuality.


Well when that righteous mind that was in the creation at the beginning of time died his name changed and his form changed. He no longer looked like he looked now he looked like a skeleton which is us okay and his name changed and now it is the human spirit. And each bone of that skeleton of that dead mind of Christ is buried in what we call a human being today. That part of us which is like God is our human spirit God does not look like this.


We are in the likeness of God because He is Spirit and we are spirit. We are like God because we are both spirit and this body is just a garment that we are wearing. So the first stage of the resurrection or the first resurrection is that of the spirit and when your human spirit is raised from the dead he gets a name back again. He gets a new name the name of the living Christ, the name of the dead Christ is human spirit. So when your human spirit is raised from the dead it is Christ raised from the dead. And if that spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you, it will quicken or it will give life to your mortal body which is your soul.


Now your soul is not raised from the dead, brethren the scripture is a puzzle when God uses a different word you must understand that there is a different meaning no matter subtle that difference is. Christ in you is raised from the dead your soul is given life, your soul is not raised from the dead. The soul is dust it is made out of the dust of the earth and it is either alive or dead depending on the mind which is revealed through it.


This living soul is dead because the mind that is being revealed through her today is death, to be carnally minded is death but when Christ is raised from the dead and puts down all the rule and power and authority which is in your carnal mind and puts it under His feet that mind which is in you will be life. The righteous life of Christ and life will be imparted to this soul. The soul is not raised from the dead it is either dead or alive depending on the energy source falling through it.


Christ in you is raised from the dead, your soul receives life and your body becomes preserved. That vitality, that energy, that life, that glory, that is inside of you in the form of Christ is vibrating forth and invigorating your soul and your body.


So the first stage of the resurrection brethren is that your human spirit which is the dead Christ should be raised from the dead. The condition that Jesus of Nazareth was in when He walked the earth healing and delivering was the first stage of the resurrection.


Now brethren if you just stop to think about it there is an evolution of resurrection. Can anyone not see that after the resurrection that the man Jesus of Nazareth who was the Christ was in a much more spiritual form than before the crucifixion? How do I say that? He was no longer restricted to one human identity. He could take any human identity that He wanted to, He appeared inside a building supernaturally. Jesus of Nazareth never did that, He travelled like human beings travelled.


So Jesus was God do not let anyone misunderstand me Jesus of Nazareth was the Christ very son of God but remember everything God does is a progression everything starts from seed and matures.


The man Jesus of Nazareth matured into the glorified Christ which is now pouring out of His Spirit upon all flesh and reproducing the very nature and mind of Christ in us. If He had stayed the man Jesus of Nazareth or less mature form even though fully God He could not have achieved the universal seeding of humanity that He is doing now. He was too young to do that but when He grew up into the fullness of the spirit whereby He returned unto the Father and became one with the Father He is now matured enough to be seeding this whole human race or sowing the seed of His life in this whole human race.


So there is an evolution of resurrection and I told you the third stage of the resurrection first because the second stage of the resurrection is not as obvious and if you cannot receive it it is not big problem just put it on the shelf and pray about it.


Let me tell you this first, the first stage of the resurrection is such that the Holy Spirit first of all full stature is the end result of a process which begins when the Holy Spirit enters into your heart and the seed of God engrafts unto your heart and Christ starts to be formed. Christ is growing inside of your heart, the scripture says the Holy Spirit enters into your heart and plants the seed. Your heart is your carnal mind so the Holy Spirit by which the seed is engrafted causes Christ to start to grow inside of your carnal mind and your carnal mind becomes a womb for it. And the scriptural type is the grapes in Revelation chapter 14 the grapes must be crushed because the skins of the grapes must be crushed so that the life of God which is typified by the wine can flow out.


So the life of God is growing inside of our carnal mind and Christ has become so powerful that even though this carnal mind is lying over Him we are told about the circumcision without hands. The carnal mind is lying over the Christ as if He was an uncircumcised man this is what the scripture says brethren and despite that He is exercising perfection of righteousness in His mind but we do not see Him engaged in any form of aggressive activity. He is healing, He is delivering, He is denouncing sin, He is teaching we do not see any aggressive activity. And the very fact is that the reason natural Israel stumbled was that they were expecting a captain of the host to lead them into battle against Rome. And they looked at this man who did nothing militaristically and they could not believe He was messiah but we see brethren in the garden of Gethsemane a strange account in the scripture after which Jesus walks towards the guards that have come to arrest Him and He merely said to them it is I and they go falling backwards as if a powerful spiritual force has knocked them down. As far as I am concerned this is the first sign of aggressive spiritual power I have ever seen in my reading of the scripture in the man Jesus of Nazareth and I want to suggest to you that the second stage of the resurrection took place while Jesus was on His knees in the garden of Gethsemane and that the translation of the King James bible of this account is totally incorrect.


And before I go into any more detail I want to give you something to think about. For someone to say that God the man who was Christ the man who was God to be down on His knees begging God to release Him from this trial is a sign of human weakness. It is a sign of human weakness now you cannot be God and have human weakness, either He was God or He was not God.


So whether it is for somebody here or for somebody who will be listening to this tape before you rise up and make a decision that I am speaking heresy I ask you to consider this I am saying that this translation cannot be true because it has made my God weak. And I am going to give you something else to consider, so if you are going to reject what I say before you even hear it that means you are cleaving unto and embracing the doctrine that makes your God weak. He cannot be God and weak at the same time so you owe it to yourself to pray about it.


I looked up every word in the Greek in that account of Jesus in the garden and I do not hesitate to tell you that the King James translators came up with that translation because this account is describing a deep spiritual truth that they could not even comprehend. They did the best they could but it cannot possibly be true because it indicates fear, it indicates a desire to disobey, it indicates a desire for self preservation none of these things are found in Christ brethren.


I do that I get down on my knees and say God get me out of this trial and I am a fallen man. I have done it I have gotten down on my knees and said God this is too much I cannot make it through this one get me out of here. God does not do that God overcomes without fear, without weakness, without hesitation He just walks through.


So I looked up every one of those words in the Greek and I found out that Jesus was saying to the Father, Father, am I strong enough to circumcise my soul? The Christ which I am is lying under the covering. Which is we are talking about the spiritual circumcision I am lying under that covering that is what Jesus was saying.


And the next stage of the resurrection is for Him to go underneath the me to go on top. Now I am strong enough to be controlling him so that I do not sin, I am with sinless I am without sin I am perfect I am a manifestation of God I am the son you are the Father. If anyone is asking the question in their mind about how could He be petitioning the Lord to ask if He was strong enough? He was the son He clearly said the Father is greater than I and He clearly was greater after the glorification. We are talking about an evolution of resurrection in three stages.


He said Father about this thing on the leech I cannot sin I am holding on to it but am I strong enough to pierce through and circumcise myself that is what He was saying. And the Father said to Him yes do it and the scripture said He went into an agony of the mind, an exertion of the will of Christ.


Now we are piercing through this thing this carnal mind which is described as a military force we had that last night. A military force, an army of soldiers armed with weapons in the realm of the spirit and Christ was cutting through it and the scripture says He agonised in an exertion of the will of Christ in Him and it says He agonised so badly that He sweated blood and the King James makes it sounds like He was so frightened He sweat blood. I am not against the King James translators brethren I am not hear what I am saying the truth is going to set you free they just made a mistake.


So what is that talking He sweated blood? Sweat brethren is salted moisture I cannot repeat the whole teaching now brethren but we talked about this issue on our number 78 series. Let me remind you that Jesus said ye are the salt of the earth, salt typifying the spiritual life within the man and within the believer. Jesus said but if that salt has lost its savour you are not doing the work. Now what is Jesus talking about? Jesus was saying brethren you have a spirit when that spirit is joined to Christ and Christ is coming forth in you the Christ is the preservative of your soul and your body.


When Christ is present your soul is giving life and your body is preserved. What Jesus is saying is that if you have a human spirit and it is not joined to Christ what good is it to have a spirit? Because when your human spirit is joined to Satan and the carnal mind there is no preserving factor in it but on the contrary death is covering over your soul and your body and eventually you cease to exist.


So salt typifies the spirit which is Lord willing joined to Christ and the fact that it is dissolved in water when we say that sweat is salt water, water is typifying the life of Christ. Is He not a fountain of living water? So salt water typifies the Christ in a man which is growing out of his human spirit, it is typifying the human spirit of a man which has been raised from the dead and it is now Christ functioning. It is Christ repressing the carnal mind and imparting life to the soul and preserving the body. When the scripture says that Jesus sweated blood let me say here that the blood typifies the soul life and the sweat or the saline solution typifies the Spirit of Christ that was in the man Jesus. The sweat typifies the unconscious mind of the man Jesus of Nazareth called the Spirit of Christ or the Father and the blood typifies the soul life of the man Jesus of Nazareth who was the Christ.


He was spirit and soul, He had the Father within Him, Father and son, sweat typifying the Father, blood typifying the life of the son. Blood came forth, the life of Christ came forth. It came forth along with the water of His life and the way it got to the other side the way He circumcised Himself according to this Greek word is that that carnal mind is described as a porous surface that means moisture can pass through it.


My example is a sponge a dry sponge if you pour water on it eventually the water appears on the bottom of the sponge. Water oozes through the sponge the carnal mind is described as porous and when Christ the way He circumcised Himself was that He penetrated that porous surface His life is typified by blood is it not? ....specifically means clotted blood not dripping loose flowing blood but clotted blood and the indication was as He agonised in His mind His life typified by blood penetrated through this porous surface and appeared on top of the carnal mind in great drops of clotted blood which clotted blood joined together to form a scab on the top of the carnal mind forcing it underneath Him.


He circumcised Himself without human hands. And when He got up off His knees and He went out into the garden to meet the soldiers He had power that He did not have when He walked in there, He had aggressive all like power in His mouth. Now before that when they tried to kill Him or throw Him off the cliff He disappeared from the midst of them He never fought with them. He never posed any aggressive sense He fled from them and in this instance He was not even fighting with them there was so much power on Him they fell backwards. Can you imagine if He said I rebuke you? They might have died.


And we have found other witnesses to this it is all if you can hear it, if you can hear it if you have ears to hear it, it is everywhere but it is written in parable form we found it at the end of Daniel 8, and in another place too. We have at least two witnesses to it.


And then the third stage of the resurrection is the glorification. So we see here in Isaiah chapter 20 verses 1 and 2 let me just read it to you we see the first stage of the resurrection. Take vengeance on Satan and the carnal mind my people speak to the carnal mind which has subjected you this is the warfare and tell her that Christ Jesus has ransomed His property the whole creation by covering over her sins. And that covering over is the first stage of the resurrection also called full stature.


The second stage of the resurrection we see in verse 3 where it talks about spreading over, spreading over and I just described that to the circumcision without hands. I have an alternate translation for you of verse 3 and let Christ voice cry out of the ruined soul saying let the woman be covered so that she might be a ladder unto God. Let the woman be covered let the waste place, let the wilderness which is the living soul which has been laid waste she is God's wife let the woman be covered that she might be a ladder or the connection between heaven and earth.


The function of soul is to join heaven and earth. And I needed a little more understanding again verse 3 and let Christ voice cry out of the living soul which is married to Satan in our present condition we are married to Satan. And Christ that voice crying out in the wilderness or that voice crying out of the soul which has been laid waste or that voice crying out from underneath the ground saying let the woman be covered so that our God may be expressed through her. Or we could say and let Christ voice cry out of the whore sitting upon the scarlet coloured beast saying let her be covered that Christ might be revealed through her.


Brethren this creation in the form that it is in now is the harlot of Revelation. We are God's wife and we committed adultery with the serpent and we bore an illegitimate child called the carnal mind and we are not covered. We are uncovered woman and we have fallen into a pit so I thought we would just take a look at Revelation 17 just briefly. I will show you the harlot thus if you can receive it receive it.


Revelation, Chapter 17, Verse 1, And there came one of the seven angels (which let me call it to your attention that when I said let the woman be covered I was making a reference to 1st Corinthians 11 and we did that up in Benin. We did the spiritual understanding of that chapter.)


Brethren there is no cloth covering that can protect the natural woman that whole chapter is spiritual speaking about the spiritual woman that needs to be covered by Christ. Christ is marrying the church brethren. We are the bride of Christ and this is the voice of Christ coming out of our fallen soul saying let the woman which is us be covered. Let Christ arise and protect us literally from ourselves and protect us from our own fallen carnal mind and this in Revelation chapter 17 this is how God sees us. And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials and talked with me saying unto me come hither I will show unto you the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters.


And last night when we did verses 1 and 2 of Isaiah 40 we found out that the judgments of God are merciful they are corrective and they are designed to save our life. So that whore who is sitting on many waters which is the human race the judgment of God is not unto destruction but it is unto restoration and in this King James translation it is very hard to see because as I told you the men who did the translation were scholars they were not prophets they were carnal men and they were strongly influenced by Rome.


The judgments of God are merciful and they are designed to wound and destroy our carnal mind because Christ cannot arise until our carnal mind is wounded. Why? Because He is entering into our heart in the form of a seed He is not entering into our heart as a full grown man He is coming in as a mustard seed. He is that shoot coming forth out of dry ground and the carnal mind is all grown up he is the big bully on the block.


So Christ is coming He is coming through a variety of men some of them more mature and the carnal mind is being wounded if you are sitting in a meeting like this brethren your carnal mind is under a full frontal attack by the Spirit of Christ. If you are feeling hostile, if you are feeling anxious, if you are feeling any ungodly emotion in any way it is not who you think it is, it is your carnal mind rebuke it.


So we need to be covered the problem with the whole human race is that we are a woman who is uncovered and the angels have gotten one good hold of us. The angels being the carnal mind in the individual has become our mind and sometimes even the minds of believers who love God but because we are the spiritual woman has been deceived and they think they are hearing from God but it is the angel prophesying through them because the woman should be covered because of the angels because if she is not covered the carnal mind is going to get in there and prophesy through her.


So God's solution to this is not to cast us down to hell to put all these terrible plagues as they are translated in the book of Revelation upon us to punish us to hell for ever no His judgment His warfare is against the carnal mind which has taken His wife captive.


The warfare of Christ is against the carnal minds of men which are keeping us in bondage and keeping us dead. Us who? We who are His wife, the whole problem is when God bombs the carnal mind we are sitting in the same house with him because we are married to him illegally an adulterous marriage. So the warfare comes upon us too but the end of this warfare will be that God will deliver us from the tent of the carnal mind just as Dinah was delivered. He will set us free.


Now remember when her brothers came to deliver her what was the first thing they did they weakened the men of that tribe. They weakened them did they not? If you remember the story I will tell you the story just briefly. The brothers of Dinah came to set her free and the way they did it was that they went to the prince and the men of that tribe and they said we want to be friends with you we want to do business with you we accept you as brethren but if you want to do business with us you must submit to circumcision.


Listen to the spiritual significance of this. It is like going to human beings and saying to them yes the mercy of God is upon you, here is the Holy Ghost, here is the things of the Lord but you must be circumcised and the whole church says amen let the circumcision occur and then Jesus appears with a knife and everybody is screaming their head off. You understand what I am saying. The whole church is saying amen let us be circumcised, let this wickedness or impurity or whatever you want to call it let it be gone from us but they think they are going to come up on a prayer line and someone is going to hit them on the head they are going to be slain in the spirit and they are going to wake up Holy. No you have got to be circumcised but when you said amen you did not realise what it involved.


So Dinah's brothers went in and they circumcised all of the heathen and they took their sister out of the prince's tent. And all of the mighty men the young strong battle men they could do nothing because they were in pain from their circumcision.


Brethren Christ is coming He is wounding your carnal mind. He is circumcising your carnal mind and your carnal mind will be so weak that when it comes to take you out of the carnal minds tent that carnal mind will not be able to do anything about it at all.


The whole problem of the church today is that we are so joined in our mind to this carnal mind.


Now remember at the beginning of time we were joined to Satan because of an illegal active adultery we are so joined in our mind that we have trouble saying to Christ amen come and get me out of here. When we get the vision of what is really involved we have trouble of saying amen get me out of here and we tend to cleave unto the carnal mind. It is just our fallen condition that is why the Lord has forgiven us that is why there is now no more condemnation in Christ Jesus. We are overtaken, we are overtaken all of us in one way or another we are all in bands typified by Dinah there was no way she could get out of that tent.


So He is coming to get us and most of the time who is coming to get us Christ? Most of the time we are fighting against Him thinking that He is the enemy, misunderstanding Him blaspheming because our mind is darkened because of the influence of our spiritual husband but He does not care He loves us with a love that is beyond human understanding. And He will have us righteous, clean and with Him always whatever it takes even if we scream and even if we yell and even if we make a mistake and even if we complain brethren He loves you with a love that is beyond human understanding. But God is a realist He is not a man that He should lie and He knows the condition that we are in and He is not lying about it.


And this is how He sees it in Revelations chapter 17. We are a harlot brethren corporately the human race is a whore. We were betrothed to the living God and we had a union with another man and bore his child and this is what has happened to us. And there came one of the seven angels with had the seven vials and talked with me saying unto me come here the judgment of the great whore. The judgment is merciful unto redemption.


Verse 2, The one with whom the kings of the earth has committed fornication.


Brethren the king of the earth are the individual human being and the mind is the human man today male or female as carnal and it is the carnal mind in the individual today who are still engaged in an ongoing illicit spiritual sexual union with the human spirit of that man. So this is a harlot or the whole who is fornicating with all the kingdom.


Let me remind you I mention it the other night about the scripture in Romans that speaks about uncleanness unto iniquity unto iniquity. And what that means is that uncleanness which is Satan is joining with our human spirit illegally because we are God's wife and producing an illegitimate offspring called the carnal mind that is the iniquity the uncleanness unto iniquity. And the second iniquity is that our human spirit is also engaging in an unclean union with the carnal mind and the fruit of that union is demons. And we are completing bound in this ungodly relationship.


With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication the wine of her fornication. Wine typifies spirit, the spirit which has been produced as a result of her fornication is the spirit of this world and the spirit of this world is darkness. And all of those that inhabit the earth that is all of us brethren we are blinded by the spirit which rules in this world even though we have Christ we see through a glass darkly.


So He carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness that is the living soul we just had that in Isaiah 40 and I saw a woman that is the whole living soul she is a woman she is God's wife and I saw her sitting upon a scarlet coloured beast full of the names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns.


So this living soul she is sitting upon a scarlet coloured beast I do not want to take too much time on this but I would like to call your attention to the word scarlet and remind you that the name Adam maybe you have not heard this before.


In the Hebrew the name Adam means ruddy red blood in the face this is Adam. He has become a scarlet coloured beast. You have heard about the beast 666 is his number he is what men has degenerated to this is our condition God is not fooling Himself. It is only the carnal minds of men that are fooling themselves but you see He loves us anyway.


You know in the Song of Solomon there is a passage where the woman is saying unto her lover which is Christ she is saying unto Him How could you even look at me? I have been defiled I am filthy how can you even look at me? And He just ignores her and tells her how beautiful she is because you see when God looks at us He looks at what He intends to restore us to. As far as He is concerned we have fallen down or been hit by a car and we are lying there covered with blood but He knows that He put us in a hospital bed and He is going to come back we are going to be all cleaned up and we are going to be His wife again. But He is not lying, He is not lying about our condition He is telling us though you are my beloved and there is nothing that can keep you from me.


You see this whole concept of God casting people into hell it is almost a joke because it is so against His nature. He is all powerful why would anyone who has the power to rehabilitate burn someone in hell forever? You see the only reason we put people in jail for life or execute them for severe crimes is because we as fallen men do not have the authority to rehabilitate and we are trying to protect society so we kill them but God has the power to rehabilitate and rehabilitate He will. To the fallen minds of men it looks like it is taking such a long time it cannot be but it is only the third day to God you know. One day to God is as a thousand years to men it is only the third day since His son died. We are His son we are His wife incest is legal in the kingdom of God it is not legal down here. Polygamy is legal in the kingdom of God one man His name is Christ many wives every human being on the face of the earth.


I will just read the next verse, Verse 4, And the woman was arraigned in purple and scarlet colour and it is the colours of royalty. She was decked with gold typifying deity the gold in us brethren is our human spirit. It is that part of us which is as God is or just like God. Gold typifies spirit the Spirit of God and precious stones and pearls typifying a wisdom having a golden cup on her hand full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication. The golden in cup is typifying the soul and the abominations that it is filled with is the fruit that she has produced which is known as both iniquity and the carnal mind and demons. This living soul is filled with the filth or the product of our fornication.


We must know the condition we are in if we are to be raised up out of it. If we think that we are okay now how will we ever get raised up out of it? Jesus said to the Pharisees if you say that you are not blind that you see there is nothing I can do for you. Brethren we must see our condition and that our salvation has not yet been completed but praise it is under horizon. I believe with all my heart we are going to see it in our life times I believe it with all my heart. But we have to know we are buried down here in the heart of the earth that our soul is filled with the filth of the fornication that originated with our ancestor back at the time of the fall and that the sins of the father shall be visited on the children unto the 3rd and 4th generation.


And as Jesus said unto the Pharisees I know that you are the children of those who killed the prophets because you are doing it to me and I say unto the whole human race I know that you are the children of those who kill Christ why? Because you are still killing Him but in this hour redemption is offered unto you, let men everywhere repent and confess their condition and let us receive the ransom which is Christ that we too might be raised up out of this realm of death as was our elder brother the first begotten of the dead even the Lord Jesus Christ.


Brethren we cannot be raised from the dead yet we do not look like Him we do not look anything like Him. And I am not talking about our body I am talking about our mind it does not look anything like Him. We are still dead.


Verse 5, And upon her forehead was a name written mystery Babylon the hidden truth about Babylon the great who is the mother of harlots and the abominations of the earth.


Let me remind you that Eve is the mother of all living whether the life form is alive in Christ or dead in the carnal mind there is no creation without Eve, the reproductive parts of the creation of God which are spirit. Why do I say that? Because God is a spirit the reproductive parts of His wife has to be spirit, spirit is joining unto spirit and bringing forth spirit the son of God Christ.


So I thought that we would spend some time in Ezekiel 37 unless anybody has a question now. Does anybody have a question now on anything that we have just talked about? I will wait a couple of minutes and if there are no questions I just like to spend some time in Ezekiel 37 talking about the dead bones that are about to be raised from the dead. Halleluiah. I will take questions now. Okay going going gone.


Ezekiel, Chapter 37


The valley of dry bones is what is happening in this hour brethren but it is in parable form. The hand of the Lord was upon me and carried me out in the Spirit of the Lord and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones. Brethren we exist in a valley right now, we exist in a valley another scriptural expression for it is pit. We fell down into a low place when the righteous mind of the creation died. We fell down into this low place it is called the valley and the reason it is filled with bones is that bones in the scripture typify spirit. It typifies spirit, it typify that which remains after the flesh is stripped off.


Brethren when this physical body and this soul dies there is something that remains and it is spirit. And we are told that I believe it was a grave digger I am not sure but some young men fell into the grave where Elisha's bones were buried. It was not a grave digger they were burying somebody in the same grave and his flesh made contact with the skeleton of Elisha and He became alive.


Brethren that is a mysterious way of God giving you a witness that the bones typifies the spirit that which remains alive even after the flesh and the soul dissolves and when that spirit is connected to God or even has been connected to God there is still life in it.


So what am I saying to you there is a one born in each and every one of us of the dead Christ. When He died He was buried underneath the earth of the carnal mind in the physical bodies of men and it is a great mystery but it does not look like a human skeleton where everything connected He has one bone buried in each human being. And that is why when God raises His Christ from the dead He is going to raise your soul He is going to give life to your soul also because His bone was that part of His spirit is in you and when His spirit is raised from the dead He is going to give life to your soul and your body.


You see God is really primarily interested in His Spirit this flesh is just clay. It is just clay the life in the creation is Spirit and we are Spirit except that we are fallen and we are living a life in outer darkness in the outer realms of the earth as far away from the sons of Christ as you can get. But we are on a journey we are going back inwards towards the Son which is inside. The Kingdom of God is within you we must turn inward and pursue the spiritual things.


So the valley of bones is that low place which is filled with bones where we are and let me remind you the bones are dry that means the life of God has gone out of it. It is a residue our human spirit is a residue of what was the life of God just as the human skeleton is a residue of a man. It is that which has survived it is the remnant which has survived.


Verse 2, And the Spirit of God caused me to pass by them by the bones round about and behold there were many in the open valley and lo they were very dry.


Brethren it is dry down here without the Spirit of God have you ever experienced the rain of God in an outpouring, in the early days when the Lord first called me I used to experience it a lot. I belong to a church where that rain of God poured out continuously it was glorious and then one day it stopped, and I cried and I mourned and I groan and I travailed before the Lord and I said what happened. And he said to be the purpose of that rain has been accomplished it got inside of you.


He said everything that blessed you that was coming from outside of you is now inside of you. And I could not understand the Lord because I was very unhappy and I was really missing that glory because that glory made me feel good. And it was not until many years later that I began to understand that what the Lord was saying to me was that the seed of God had been engrafted to me and that everything that was outside of me was now inside of me in seed form. And the reason that I was so unhappy was that seed was that that seed was not mature enough to be given the prosperity to my soul which is my emotions that my soul was receiving in this outpouring. Does anybody not know what I am talking about?


As the years go by as the seed grows it is a different manifestation, it is a different experience that I experienced with this external outpouring of the glory of God but it is steady and it is sure and I am not dependent upon a church filled with the whole group of people to feel good. It is an expression of Christ that rises up from the depth of my soul and waters my garden and it can happen when I am in a group like this it can happen when I am alone it can happen anywhere.


So it is a manifestation of the glory of God that is more mature and more sure than the external outpouring that we see early in our walk with the Lord. I am not saying that that young manifestation is bad for people who are coming into the church now I pray that experience it but brethren if the Lord permits let us go on to perfection. Let us go on to the more mature manifestation of the Christ.


So these bones were very dry they were without the Spirit of God, the human spirit of men without the Spirit of God drought.


Verse 3, And He said unto me son of man can these bones live? Can these human spirits be Christ again? And I answered oh Lord God you are the only one that knows the answer to that.


Verse 4, And the Lord said unto me prophesy unto these bones and say unto them oh ye dry bones hear the word of the Lord and brethren that is what I have been saying to you for all these nights that I have been ministering. Oh ye dry bones hear the word of the Lord thou shall surely live.


Verse 5, Thus sayeth the Lord God unto these bones behold I will cause breath to enter into you and you shall live. That is what I just said to you.


Now just in case you have any problem perceiving yourself as a bone, let me remind you of what a bone looks like. If you went to the market place to purchase some meat bones it is a very rare bone that has no meat on it. When you buy a bone when you go to the market does is not have meat wrapped around it? that is what we are brethren. We are a bone with meat wrapped around it but God does not say oh you bones with meat on it He just says oh you bones because it is like saying the husband is the head of the wife when you have some business dealings with the family you go to the husband. You say I am going to see Mr so and so He will speak for the whole family. The bone is the head of the flesh, brethren the spirit is the head of the soul. The spirit is the head of the soul but we find the human race in a condition right now where the soul has become the head. And that is a shame that is a spiritual shame but in a condition where Christ is present in a man's mind and the soul is the head of the spirit God says you are disfigured I am going back to 1st Corinthians 11 again.


If the man is covered he is disfigured if your soul is ruling your spirit brethren you are disfigured. You have got to get that soul under your feet. You have got to get your soul under your feet when you are disfigured you cannot think right you cannot reason properly, you cannot function properly. It is like saying your liver is out hanging on your back. Do you know that there are babies that are born with their stomachs outside of their bodies? They live for a few days and they die that is why this human race is dying. We are disfigured we are in a moral order which cannot live and therefore we die, we are dead. To be carnally minded is death, the scriptural definition of death is not lack of existence, the scriptural definition of death is to be carnally minded separation from God. God never said we will cease to exist He said we will die to our immortality through separation from God.


Verse 6, And I will lay sinews upon you and will bring up flesh upon you and cover you with skin and put breath in you and you shall live and ye shall know that I am the Lord.


Now I want to tell you something if you can receive it fine if you cannot receive it, it is fine too. These phrases and I will lay sinews upon you and will bring up flesh upon you and cover you with skin it is talking about the formation of the new man in you. It is talking about the formation of the new man right in the midst of God's enemy, right in the midst of God's enemy He is bringing forth a new man even Christ in you the hope of glory. He shall rule in the midst of His enemies and I shall put breath in you and you shall live and ye shall know that I am the Lord.


So I prophesied as I was commanded and as I prophesied there was a noise and behold a shaking and the bones came together bone to bone. That Hebrew word translated noise is the same Hebrew word that we found in Isaiah chapter 40 and if you recall I told you that that Hebrew word was masculine and plural. So these bones were making a noise it is Christ a many membered Christ in a many membered body and they made one big loud noise brethren. It is a battle cry it is the death know to the carnal mind. No more, no further but you shall be covered and you shall go down under and you shall no longer possess the Lord's possession nor shall you commit adultery with His wife, nor shall you be expressed through God's people but you shall be thread under the feet of the sons and because of this great miracle which shall happen in the midst of humanity all men shall know the power of God that is what Ezekiel is saying.


And as they prophesied there was a great noise and behold a shaking and the bones came together bone to bone. It is a formation brethren of the body of Christ and the body of Christ is not this physical bodies. The body of Christ is the new man in you and the new man in you and the new man in you and the new man in each of us joining together in the spirit. I call your attention to the phrase bone to bone not body to body and not soul to soul.


You have heard about soul ties I think this is a spiritual tie, I remind you that Jesus clearly stated He committed Himself to no man. Do you know what that means He did not join with any man. He did not join with any man's fallen soul but we are told that there was a disciple that Jesus loved John. Well what does that mean? He just loved one man what does that mean? I want to suggest to you that Jesus had a spiritual tie with John He loved him with the agape love of the Spirit of the Father. The Old Testament type of it is David and Jonathan they had a love higher than the love of women what does that mean? Does it mean marriage is no good? No it does not mean that but it means that there is a form of love which is greater or more mature than married love.


Am I telling you not to get married? No but I am telling you what the bible says that there is a form of love which is higher than married love and it is a love of the spirit of Christ in one man to the spirit of Christ in another man. Now we have an Old Testament witness to it Jonathan and David and a New Testament witness to it Christ and John.


So I prophesied as I was commanded and as I prophesied there was a noise and behold a shaking and the bones came together bone to bone, spirit to spirit. And brethren you cannot join bone to bone if Christ is not being formed in you. You see this is a great mystery but the man and his wife they are one flesh, they are souls, they are joined in their soul. They are soul to soul, parents and children brethren that love each other with the phileo love, the love of friendship they are soul to soul. When Jesus said He made no commitment to any man He was saying He has no phileo connection with anybody His union was of the spirit.


So the body of Christ must be joined in the spirit and if Christ is not being formed in you, you cannot be formed bone to bone because we might say you do not have a bone. To be joined bone to bone you must have a bone, so brethren Christ must be formed in you. If you think that He may not be being formed in you ask the Father for it, He wants Christ to be formed in you He wants it for you, He is not a respecter of persons.


Verse 8, And when I beheld low the sinews and the flesh came up upon them and the skin covered them above. And the skin covered them from above from Christ not from underneath not from the carnal mind but there was no breath in them.


Now brethren I want to suggest to you that verse 8 of Ezekiel chapter 37 is speaking about the incarnation, the incarnation of the church. The church is brought forth into this real of appearance on the foundation of the Christ which existed at the beginning of time which was killed by the carnal mind. The church was brought forth and is being brought forth in this hour at the express will of the Father. We are told in the book of Romans that a man can be incarnated by the will of man by the will of the flesh or by the carnal mind but there is a man or there is a company of men who is being incarnated at the express will of the Father and this company of people is called the church.


Let us back up to Verse 3, And He said to me son of man can these bones live. Can these spirit live again? can the Christ who was killed at the time of the fall live again?


Verse 4, Again He said unto me prophesy unto these bones, prophesy unto this dead Christ and say unto them oh ye bones which have been separated from the water of the soul life they are dry because they are separated from the water of the soul life of God hear the word of the Lord.


Verse 5, Thus saith the word of the Lord unto these bones, unto these dead Christ behold I will cause breath I will cause the life of God to enter into you and you shall live. I will cause the Spirit of God to enter into the dead Christ and you will experience life on the soul realm again.


Let me say it again, the Father through the prophet Ezekiel is saying to the dead Christ and each of us has a bone of that dead Christ in us and the Father is saying unto the prophets, prophesy unto them and say I am going to do something unto you, I am going to send my Spirit to all of you bones and what does the bone typify the dead human spirit of men. I am going to send my spirit saith the Lord to the dead human spirits of men and when I do that you will experience the life of the soul realm again.


Brethren we are not experiencing the life of the soul realm this existence is death. It is death on the soul realm. So the Lord is saying when I send my Spirit to touch your human spirit the result of it will be that you shall experience the life of God in the soul realm.


Verse 6, And I will lay sinews upon you and I will bring up flesh upon you and cover you with skin. So we see in verse 6 there is some added information not only is God going to join His Spirit with our spirit so that we can live in the soul realm but He is saying here to live in the soul realm He will also give us a physical body because that is necessary to live in the soul realm.


Now brethren the way we are being raised from the dead is that the Holy Spirit is coming to us. He is touching our human spirit joining with it and thus raising Christ from the dead in us. This is exactly what Ezekiel is talking about the breath of God the Spirit of God the Holy Spirit is coming to the dead bones the human spirits of men and as a result of that Christ shall be raised from the dead and we shall once again experience life in the soul realm and we shall cease from the experience known as death in the soul realm.


Verse 6, And I will lay sinews upon you and will bring up flesh upon you and cover you with skin. I am going to give bodies physical bodies to the Christ. Now what this scripture is talking about is the fact that the living God is going to will the incarnation of the company of men we find in the book of Romans that we are told that it is possible for human beings to appear on the face of this earth because the carnal mind has willed it, because our physical flesh has willed it to men excuse me a man and a woman has come together and produced a child, either they were yielding to the lust of their flesh or their soul desired sex and a child was born as a result of that. So we are told there are several reasons or several circumstances which can result in a human being being born but when the Father said I shall cause flesh and skin to come upon a company of men will of the Father. And in that company or to that company I shall impart my breath His Holy Spirit and you shall live again. You shall experience life in the soul realm brethren when Christ begins to be formed in you that is the beginning of life in you. You can be likened to a pregnant woman, glory to God.


Verse 7, So I prophesied as I was commanded and as I prophesied there was a great noise and behold a shaking and the bones came together bone to bone. We have already talked about that.


Verse 8, And when I beheld lo the sinews and the flesh came up upon them they incarnated and the skin covered them from above. They were incarnated at the express will of the Father but there was no breath in them. Brethren there is a whole company of people in this earth who did not have the breath of God in them when they were first born into this world but nevertheless they were born at the express will of the Father but they did not receive the breath of His life until further on in many cases until they have existed many years in this world.


Verse 9, Then said He unto me prophesy unto the wind, prophesy son of man and breath upon these slain that they may live. It is the catching up brethren it is Christ unto the body of Christ saying stand up stand up avenge yourself on God's enemy, put him down wound him and stand. And now having done everything that you can to stand stand let the life of God prophesy to you let it be.


So I preached as He commanded me and breath came into them and they lived and they stood up on their feet an exceeding great army. Halleluyah.


So look at the sequence he prophesied what is prophesy? This kind of teaching is prophesy any teaching that comes forth from the Christ within a man is prophesy. You know the gift of prophesy is different from prophesy, the gift of prophesy is given without repentance. I touched on this earlier it is the mind of God channelling through a man without the man's understanding because God wants to be expressed but the person has nothing to do with it that is the gift of prophesy it is fine in its place but does not the scripture say the gift are fallen or passing away? The gifts are passing away why? Why will the gift of prophesy pass away? Because the true prophesy comes and swallows it up.


We have people all over the United States refusing to prophesy and refusing to manifest the gifts because they read the scripture that says it is passing away. God save us from our carnal minds. You do not give up anything until the more mature expression of it comes. When you start to truly prophesy not by the gift of prophesy but when you start to speak by the Christ in you the gift of prophesy will tend to begin to fade away because when that which is greater is come that which is lesser fades away swallowed up by that which is greater.


You do not take it away by yourself and leave yourself with nothing that does not make any sense at all. But there is a lot of things that do not make any sense in the church today. All kinds of things the product of the carnal minds of men trying to steal from God's people the glory that He has waiting for us. I declare unto you those who truly love their God cannot lose what He purposes to give you. He will give it to you.


Brethren I say this last night I am going to say it again we are not saved by doctrine and we cannot lose our salvation because of receiving a false doctrine. We are saved through union with the very Son of God. He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit and if your spirit is joined to the Spirit of the Lord He will deliver you from every false doctrine. He will bring you through every trial, He will heal you of every problem, He will deliver you of every destruction and He will bring you through if your heart is truly turned towards Him.


No man can pluck you out of His hand, no mistake is irreversible, no sin is unforgiveable if He is truly the object of your affection. The only sin that can pluck you out of His hand is an evil heart that is turned away from Him and even then He might take you anyway. In some events He lets you go, in some cases He lets the people go, in other cases He takes them against their will. My opinion is that in the cases that it looks like He is taking you against your will it is a situation where a person is opposing themselves in their heart of hearts they are really turned towards and sold out towards God but their carnal mind is so strong that it is dragging them away from Christ.


So to the carnal eyes of a man it looks like that person is running away from God and God brought them back against their will and the other person who run away God did not bring back that is to the carnal mind of a man. But to the mind of the spirit both people appear to have done the same thing they ran away from God but one person is doing it out of their own will deliberately refusing God and the other person is overtaken by spiritual sickness of their mind and their spirit is crying out God save me. God save me , God save me I cannot tell my left hand from my right hand. I cannot tell one spirit from another I cannot tell one doctrine from another.


I am falling into the pit every day of my life the grasshopper lands on my back and I fall down, help me help me, help me that is the person that He is going after and to the carnal minds of men it looks like He is taking them against their will. If you are truly turned towards God brethren there is nothing that will pluck you out of His hand.


Verse 10, So I prophesied as He commanded me and the breath came into them that company of people who are incarnated at the express will of the Father were found by Him and they received the Holy Spirit and they lived and life began to be formed in them imputed anointing breath imparted anointing life and they stood upon their feet and exceeding great army full stature. Imputed anointing breath imparted anointing life stand on their feet full stature.


Verse 11, Then He said unto me son of man these bones are the whole house of Israel behold they say our bones are dried and our hope is lost we are cut off for our part. Now that is the church today these bones are the whole church and our bones are dried and our hope is lost. Who is the hope? Christ is the hope. We have the whole church today some of which have the Holy Spirit some of which do not but a large part of which does not have the engrafted seed.


Now let me connect the terms that I am using I just said the Holy Ghost and the engrafted seed. We are saying that the Holy Ghost is the breath which Ezekiel talks about we are also calling it the imputed anointing. The manifestation of Christ which was upon natural Israel, the manifestation of Christ which existed at the beginning of time but we are not talking about the mature manifestation of Christ which we saw upon Jesus of Nazareth He had the imparted anointing. Just by brief way of review there is an imputed anointing there is an imparted anointing.


The imputed anointing is typified by the two fold cod the imparted anointing is typified by the three fold cod. The imputed anointing can arise in a man until God's purpose is accomplished for example as He did in the Hebrew prophets the anointing of God arose in them Christ arose in them the imputed anointing arose in them delivered the prophesy the word of God and withdrew.


The imputed anointing two fold cod temporary manifestation of Christ but in the man Jesus of Nazareth we had the mature manifestation of Christ the imparted anointing. The anointing which abides forever the anointing which arose in the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth in the form of the mind of Christ and stayed and remained His mind and His mind was Christ the anointing never withdrew.


So we are talking about an immature and a mature anointing of Christ or we can say an imputed anointing or an imparted anointing. Or the way Ezekiel expresses it in chapter 37 is the breath came into them the imputed anointing the receiving of the Holy Ghost and they lived. When Ezekiel says they lived he is saying that the Holy Ghost coming into them resulted in the word of God engrafting to them. It resulted in the incorruptible seed engrafting to their souls. So we are talking about the mature manifestation of Christ, the imparted anointing of Christ, the engrafted word and Ezekiel says life. Breath the Holy Ghost the anointing that rises and falls and life the engrafted word the anointing that is imparted to men that arises in him and never falls but abides for the life of the ages.


Behold they say our bones are dried and our hope is lost we are cut off for our part. Now that is the church today these bones are the whole church and our bones are dried and our hope is lost. Who is the hope? Christ is the hope. We have a whole church today some of which have the Holy Spirit some of which do not but a large part of it does not have the engrafted seed. So He is lost unto them.


If the seed is not engrafted into you Christ is lost unto you. I have been preaching it for a long time now. ..... it is wonderful work He gave up His life, He was crucified He was raised from the dead, He is pouring out His Spirit upon all flesh but if He does not sprinkle on you it is not doing you any good. And even if He is sprinkling on you if He does not engraft to you it is not going to save your life. You may have some minimal blessings but to get the fullness of the blessing of God that seed must engrafted in you.


Your very own personal saviour must be living in your heart in the form of Christ in you the hope of glory not the Holy Spirit but the very person of Christ that mind which was in Christ must be in you and the Holy Spirit is not the mind. The Holy Spirit is not the mind. The mind of Christ is righteousness, the mind of Christ is righteous brethren the Holy Spirit does not produce righteousness in you.


There is a whole church out there of unrighteous people with the Holy Spirit and the whole world knows it. Some of the church knows it, some people are deceived but the church is not righteous. Our righteousness has not appeared in us yet we are waiting for His appearance. It has to be that mind fully living through you.


Verse 12, Therefore prophesy and say unto them thus saith the Lord behold oh my people I will open your graves and cause you to come up out of your graves and bring you into the land of Israel.


Three stages again our graves have to be open then we have to come out and then we have go into Israel three different stages. Now what is our grave? The grave that our spirit is dwelling in is this fallen soul, it is the carnal mind. The Lord is going to open it. Now I do not know what that word means in the Hebrew but I do know that the first stage of the resurrection is that we would have access we would have authority over that carnal mind.


The second stage of the resurrection is that we will come up out of it and over shadow it and then we shall go into Israel is that what it says? And I shall bring you into the land of Israel that is the third stage. It is the entering into Christ we talked about it earlier it is the circumcision I am sorry it is the crucifixion of that old man that the body of sin might be destroyed and our true reality which is the human spirit shall enter into Israel which is the life of God the kingdom of God Christ within you the hope of glory.


So He is going to open our graves He is going to open our soul whatever that means in the Hebrew. He is going to bring us out of it and then we are going to enter into Israel or the mind of Christ. And the only mind operating in us, the only mind present in us will be Christ because the carnal mind will have been crucified and that is the slaying of the enmity in our flesh.


And this procedure is taking a whole lifetime or maybe many years at least in this hour it starts out with a salvation experience with the Lord which is really reconciliation unto God coming back into a relationship with God teaching submitting yourself to studying receiving the Holy Ghost. How much or to what degree this procedure will be speeded up once the first fruit company stands up I honestly do not know. I suspect it will be speeded up but I do not know exactly how fast it will go but it is taking a whole lifetime to get this thing off the ground but it is real soon. I just know it I just feel it in my dead bones. Ha ha.


Verse 13, And ye shall know that I am the Lord when I have opened your graves oh my people and brought you up out of your graves. So God is saying that there are many people in the church that do not even know that He is God, now how can He be saying that? Well we are told that that man of sin is sitting in the temple of God calling himself God. Do you know that there are many Christians who are being directed by their carnal mind and they think that it is God? In the United States we have a very well known preacher who calls it the led disease. God led me, God led me, God led me right down into the pit of destruction because well it was God alright you know I will never argue with somebody I will tell you heard from God alright the question is which god?


We get the fruit of that communication, what has it brought into your life? You heard from God okay. Jehovah said that He is the God which is greatest of all the gods. He never said that He was the only God, He said He was the greatest God.


So the church is going to know who their God is when He takes them out of their graves. He is saying that they do not even know who He is now maybe we do not even know who He is. Maybe I do not even know maybe I just know Him in a measure. I know that I know Him somewhat. But I know that there is a whole church out there that cannot discern Christ I know that. They cannot discern Christ they cannot discern His Spirit they cannot discern His doctrine and therefore they are prosecuting His prophets and locking Him out of the church.


You know God does not just send me to kingdom churches He sends me to carnal churches also and it is amazing how He grinds this message down into babyhood for them. I was in a carnal church somewhere here in Nigeria and I preached several nights several times and one of those times was a Sunday service and they utterly crushed the manifestation of Christ which was in me. They did not know that they were doing it but ... important to them in their service was this word. They had music and they had testimonies and they had announcements and they had everything that you can imagine and when it came to the word they restricted it to a very short period of time and the Spirit of God in me was grieved, it was painful for me.


They do not know who their God is, they do not know that if the Lord was standing there right in the midst of them He would have said the most important thing is this word because this word is the prophesy which is going to bring out your graves. Remember what the prophet said He prophesied and they came out. So we have the whole church world that cannot even recognise their God. It is not all of the time at least some of the time and maybe I cannot recognise Him some of the time.


We are all fallen some of us a little more mature than others I am not in any way putting anybody down. I am just saying that the church cannot recognise their God either depending on who we are talking about either they can never recognise Him or some of the time they cannot recognise Him but the Lord says when He takes you out of your grave you are going to recognise Him.


Brethren when He takes you out from under the influence of the carnal mind you will know your God. You see the reason that there is no condemnation in Christ is that God knows that the only reason you cannot recognise Him is that you are subjected to this carnal mind. But without that in Romans 8 verse 20 that the one that has subjected us the carnal mind is about to be subjected by the very Christ, and when Christ in you subjects the one who has subjected you you shall know your God.


Verse 13, I will like to read it again and you shall know that I am the Lord when I have opened your graves. First you have got to open them oh my people and brought you out of your graves and I shall put my Spirit in you and ye shall live. Now that is not the Holy Spirit brethren, that is not the Holy Spirit, one Spirit of God many administration of that Spirit.


The Holy Spirit is the administration of the Father which brings the seed it contributes to the engrafted word and when the seed is engrafted and Christ begins to be formed in you that Spirit that one Spirit changes its administration and its name changes it is the Spirit of Christ. The Spirit that raised Christ from the dead is not the Holy Spirit it is the Spirit of Christ. It is the Spirit that is present with a fully mature mind of Christ.


And I shall put my spirit in you, I shall put the Spirit of Christ in you and you shall live and I shall place you in your own land that is the new man, the inner man, the renewed soul and then you shall know that I the Lord has spoken it and I have performed it saith the Lord. Well He is speaking it in our ears these days and He shall surely perform it. Any questions? First on this if it is not on this I will take questions on anything for a few minutes any questions? What a beautiful spirit here tonight, it is like thick like a cloud it is just glorious. Halleluiah.


Such love He has for us, such love there is nothing that can pluck you out of His hand. Somebody here is afraid that they are about to be plucked out of the Lord's hands. Nothing I do not know who it is nothing can pluck you out of His hand nothing.


In every trial He shall surely make a way of escape. Just humble yourself before Him and ask Him what He wants you to do in this crisis you are His.


No questions tonight?


COMMENT: The other time you speak about when Jesus after the resurrection by the time He appeared to the disciples in the house then He was able to enter into the house even though the door was locked. He was able to enter into the house and you were saying that that happened because it was not Jesus Christ of Nazareth that died after appearance it is the glorified Jesus because according to you Jesus Christ of Nazareth has no such a power to be able to do what the glorified Jesus did. And I was thinking about the other time when Jesus was still walking with the disciples, we learnt that He was able to walk on the water in the sea I do not know how do you link it to when He appeared after the crucifixion?


COMMENT: I believe it I am correct He is feeling that what Jesus did after the glorification He actually did before.


PASTOR VITALE: Well in that one incident I guess that is true He travelled in the spirit after the glorification and He did do it before but He did other things after the glorification that He did not do before and the most obvious is that He took the form of several different men that after the glorification He was no longer restricted to one identity. So that is the primary difference He took the form of Jesus of Nazareth with the holes in His hand He walked down the road to a maze in a form that nobody recognised Him. Then in another scene He was cooking fish and only John recognised Him by the spirit. Then He appeared as a bolt of light to Paul and the man Jesus of Nazareth before the crucifixion and resurrection could not do any of that. So I hope I answered your question. Did I?


COMMENT: Something has just come to my mind now I think we have had a teaching once I cannot remember where it came from but that episode about Jesus walking on the water I think they were trying to say the Greek word that when the disciples said look at I cannot remember the exact words but that it meant like ghost so that He was not there with His body. He did not defile gravity or something I do not know.


PASTOR VITALE: Well the Greek word does mean when the disciples said they were afraid because they thought He was a spirit it is not the Greek word that means demons it is a Greek word that means ghost that is correct. And I cannot prove this to you this is just my opinion when we get into high intellectual things like this just a matter of opinion you really should not get upset if somebody disagrees with you or you should not get nervous when someone disagrees with you. I cannot prove it to you but that is my opinion that the spiritual life that was inside of Him which we see on the mount of transfiguration vibrated out from Him and encapsulated His physical body and when He was seen He looked like a ghost. This is my opinion I will not argue with anybody about it. And if the Lord should bring a correction I will stand corrected but right now I believe that that is what God has shown me.


We are told when He was on the mount of transfiguration that He was shining white in that description we do not hear anything about His human body for all intents and purposes His human body disappeared in the account on the mount of transfiguration.


A damnable heresy is a heresy that denies the saving power of the Lord Jesus Christ. The only thing that you have to worry about and you should not even worry about that if you are truly believing God to bring you through He will get you out of anything. But the only thing that you really have to be concerned about is the teaching that denies the saving blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, that denies that Jesus is saviour and we have that in the church today. It is a big movement in the church today that it is really new age but they do not call themselves new age they call themselves Christians they are preaching their doctrine sounds so much like what I preach that when I first found out about it it cost me a little distress. There is nothing I can do about it.


There is a very subtle difference they sound very much like me but if you read between the lines what I am saying is that Jesus Christ is Lord and that His mind must be reproduced in you that mind of Christ must be in you. Your spirit must be raised from the dead Christ in you the hope of glory I gave all the glory to God but this other teaching says no you are God and the human spirit that is in you can be raised from the dead without let me start again what I am saying is that that Holy Spirit has to come to you and commit with you and raise your human spirit from the dead but this other teaching says no you do not need anything from the outside your human spirit is Christ and somehow by some miracle when you realise who you are you are going to be Christ and they are denying the necessity of the spirit of God. So that is a damnable heresy brethren denying that you need Christ but any of this other stuff do not worry about it do not let it separate you from the brethren it should not separate you from the brethren, doctrine should not separate you. Well nothing should separate you well you know what I am saying it is nothing to be concerned about when we get into these areas.


I tell you all the time you do not have to believe anything that I preach I do not care I mean I am not offended. If you do not believe what I preach I am not offended at all. I understand that a lot of what I preach is very controversial only because you have never heard it before and it is so different than what the church world preaches.


So we do not have to believe but for your own sake my counsel to you is at least pray about it. You owe it to yourself to at least pray about it and truly open yourself to God. Well I have seen some people pray about it but they have already made up your mind that it is not true you have to pray about it with an open heart asking God and telling God that you want every bit of truth that He has for you and tell Him to take away everything that is false and let everything that is true cleave unto you. Tell Him that you are doing the best you can but He is got to save you from deception and He will do it. Everything that is not true He will wash you clean and everything that is true that shocked you at the beginning He will engraft it into your soul and then you will believe it. Do not be afraid God is able to bring you through He is. Anybody else?


You see all these fear it originates in this false believe that if you believe a false doctrine that you are going to lose your salvation it is just not scriptural. As I said earlier truth is in Christ He is the truth if Christ is growing in your heart you may take a step off this way a step off that way but He will straighten you out. He will straighten you out have faith in God, have faith in God He is able. He loves you.


Okay if there are no other questions maybe we will have one song and then we will close going going gone.




COMMENT: In talking about the Spirit of Christ being the one that does the raising up from the dead em I am just trying to understand is that a full stature or then the Spirit of Christ in full stature. When is the raising up I mean do you get my confusion?


PASTOR VITALE: There is one spirit of God but every time that spirit performs in a different function God changes it. Its either He changes His name or He modifies it. We know that there is that spirit it is the Spirit of God but we find the word spirit modified sometimes it the Holy Spirit, sometimes it is the Spirit of truth, sometimes it is the Spirit of Christ, God is not confused every time He modifies that word Spirit He is giving us a message saying that My Spirit in this scripture is involved in a certain function okay that is what He is saying and Paul puts it this way one Spirit many manifestations thereof.


The administration of the Spirit of God which is known as the Holy Spirit is the Spirit that comes to us to woo us unto Christ. He comes with gifts drawing us unto Christ drawing us unto the bible drawing us unto the spiritual meetings where there is the outpouring of the Spirit outpouring okay. But once that Holy Spirit accomplishes getting the word of God engrafted into your soul and Christ starts to grow it is the same Spirit of God. Wherever the son is the Father is present okay.


When Christ begins to grow or be formed in your soul He becomes the son and the Spirit of the Father that is present with Him is known as the Spirit of Christ. The function of the Spirit changes it is no longer the Holy Spirit that is bringing gifts and wooing you to Christ but it is now the administration of the Spirit of God which is found present with Christ. Another way of saying it is the double portion, it is the manifestation of the Spirit of God that is present in the double portion it is the warrior Spirit.


You see the Holy Spirit is not the warrior. The Holy Spirit comes with gifts He heals He delivers He can help if you have a financial problem if you have a song in the United States He will set you feet dancing I do not know if you have that here or not. He is the joy of courtship. He is the Spirit that comes to court you and we find that a lot of young women they love the courtship but they have somewhat of a problem with the stack reality of married life or the responsibility of children, getting married is totally different of being courted. So it is one spirit that comes and courts you but when Christ starts to be formed in you you are getting prepared for the wedding ... and it is a much more serious manifestation of the Spirit of God and that Spirit of Christ is a warrior Spirit.


You see the Holy Spirit does not attack, He does not attack neither is He defensive I call Him curative, He is curative. If you have a problem He can bring healing emotional, spiritual or physical healing but He is not defensive He does not stop you from getting sick, He does not stop the demon of getting inside of you He does not stop the curse of coming upon you, He does not but it is the Spirit of Christ and the double portion of Christ with the Spirit of Christ Paul had Him and the snake bit Him and He threw the snake off and the poison did not kill him.


It is the Spirit of Christ which preserves Jesus' body He never got sick nothing could hurt Him. The Spirit of Christ is defensive the Holy Spirit is a gift which brings healing and another way we can say it is that it is a less mature expression of the Spirit of God, sometimes when I say that it upsets people.


Let me just remind you that God the Father He is almighty He is eternal, He is out there in the heavenlies everything that exists is within Him but He has brought the seed of His son into men and Jesus clearly said that He comes into us as a mustard seed. I am in no way diminishing the power of God.


So the Holy Spirit is the glorified Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ He is the seed that has been sown in the hearts of men and He is the least of all seeds and He is not a warrior in that form but He brings forth the warrior Christ in you the hope of glory.


And that manifestation of administration of the Father which is in Christ He is a war head Spirit. Did I answer your question?


He will attack you see we do not hear very much about Christ attacking and the reason we do not hear about it very much is because the manifestation of this measure of Christ is just beginning to be seen. But He attacks He attacks the carnal minds of men, He does not attack men, He does not attack women, He does not attack the guy who cheated you down in the butcher store, He does not attack your ex husband because He divorced you, He does not attack another nation, He does not attack another race, He does not attack another religion, He attacks the many membered carnal mind of men. The warrior Spirit of Christ had an enemy and it is the carnal mind of men and He is attacking in this hour and He has been attacking for five weeks. He has been attacking the Spirit of Christ has been attacking your carnal mind. Has confusion entered into your life all kinds of disruption and crisis that were not there before? Well there is a good possibility that if you came to a meeting like this the Spirit of Christ has wounded your carnal mind.


Now what does an animal do when it gets wounded? If you wound an elephant, if you wound a tiger, if you shoot them I have never witnessed I have only seen pictures of it the animal lies down and roars. Is that not what happens?


First of all well I am not talking about if it is wounded slightly he might continue the charge but I am saying a wound that animal will lie down it will roar. So if there has been any form of harassment or confusion or disruption that did not exist before this warriors Spirit blew into Lagos five weeks ago I am telling you the truth you have every reason to believe that Christ has attacked your carnal mind.


And I will remind you I will say it again that the reason He is attacking you carnal mind is that your carnal mind is a full grown man and the Christ in you is a sibling and there is no way that sibling is going to grow up to be a big tree unless his big brother comes and beats up that full grown carnal mind and that is exactly what He is doing. He is rolling into town wherever He goes He is beating up that bully and He is engrafting the seed of His life into your heart.


And it really helps to know what is going on, if you do not understand where all these confusion has come from it could bring you distress. But what has happened if this has happened to you I have one thing to say to you welcome to the war. Welcome to the war the confusion in your life fantastic just ask God to be glorified brethren just ask Him to be glorified and He will. I have to tell you the truth you see the church the kingdom church we have been praying for full stature for years but then when Jesus comes in we are shocked at the way He is doing it. I used to think I was going to wake up one morning and be in full stature and I told you that the other night it does not work that way. Somehow our carnal mind never comprehends the way God is going to do it.


Brethren you will be raised from the dead at the end of the war. War nobody believes it until it happens to you then it happens to you and then you go I did all this myself you are running down the street screaming what is happening to me? Witchcraft, you see a spiritual power all right but if he Spirit is God it is not witchcraft.


But we have only seen a very small measure of spiritual power coming out of the church brethren a very small measure of it. We have not seen anything yet, we have seen a measure of spiritual power that is present with the Holy Spirit. We came to think that the spiritual power of God is manifested in singing in the spirit and dancing in the spirit and prophesying and speaking in tongues brethren this is kindergarten I am not against it. It is a stage that we all have to go through but it is kindergarten.


You have not experienced spiritual power in God until you have been in the war. It may not be fun while they are shooting at you but when you see it is victory, it is glorious. The war is on halleluiah. Did I answer your question? Anybody else halleluiah, glory to God He is an awesome God. We have to learn that song. He is an awesome God He reigns in heaven and earth. They think about the war but when the war comes they do not want to believe that it is God.


COMMENT: I want to take this song our God is an awesome God.


(He Sings the song) The wording is this 'Our God is an awesome God. He reigns from heaven above with wisdom and power and love our God is an awesome God.'


Praise the Lord!


PASTOR VITALE: Thank you very much, glory to God.





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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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