188 - Part 2

Part 2 of 8 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



Revelation Chapter 21, Part 2. Recap, Revelation Chapter 21, Verses 1-8, "And I saw the mind of Christ renewing Jesus' soul, and Jesus wasn't living out of the carnal mind and the dead soul, which he inherited from His Mother, and His dead unconscious mind didn't exist anymore. And I, John, saw Jesus' renewed soul coming down from God out of Christ, and she was in the correct moral order and emotionally prepared to be joined to the mind of Christ which was within her. And I heard the authoritative voice of the Lord Jesus Christ saying, look, God's temple. Jesus -- I'm sorry. God's Temple, Christ Jesus is in the midst of men, and because He shall live together with them, and be the God in the midst of them, every member of the living soul shall be of the same stalk and speak the same language."


"And Christ Jesus shall cleanse and cover over the divided living soul with His anointing. And her many parts shall be complete in Him, and she shall no longer be in mourning, or well in distress, because of her separation from God, which separation is spiritual death. Nor shall she labor to survive in this world system, or experience great trouble because of the intense desires of her carnal mind. Because the immaturity of the creation has passed away. And the Lord Jesus Christ said to Christ Jesus, look, I'm renewing the creation. Therefore, write My nature upon the many members of the living soul so that they may be true and faithful to Me."


Now, please, note that Revelation -- what did I do here? I see, OK. Please note that Revelation 20, Verse 11 -- now I know we're doing Chapter 21 now, but I'm giving you a cross reference to Revelation 20 [sic]. Verse 11 says, "And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and He then sat upon him, was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He doth judge and make war." Christ Jesus is the faithful and the true One. We must be made in His image. Please note, also, that the faithful and true One makes war.


And we have a lot of people in the church today believing that God is only sweet and nice and gentle, but God makes war against sin. Christ Jesus in a man will make war against sin. Don't believe this lie that God is a namby-pamby because that's just what it is, a lie, and no good thing can come out of a lie. And we know that this is Scripture that says, "Shortly the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet."


Now, we've talked about the situation about the variation of the names of God in the Scripture. Well, why would Paul be calling God the God of peace? Bruising Satan under feet? Isn't the bruising of Satan under feet -- isn't that a war-like action? If you look up that word, bruise, in the Greek, it's talking about breaking Satan to pieces. That's a war-like activity. Now why would Paul call Him the God of peace, doing a war-like act like that? Because, brethren, the way God makes peace with His enemies is to totally overcome them. A piece of God only appears when His enemies are completely destroyed, so, therefore, the God that makes peace will tread Satan under His feet, and then there will be peace because the enemy will have perished.


Brethren, we must deal with every Scripture in this Bible. Every Scripture must fit in with every other Scripture. If it sounds like it's a contradiction, there has to be an answer to it. You can't just leave out Scriptures that don't fit into your doctrine, which is what's being done today.


OK, going on. Let me see what verse we're up to here. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, right. "And Christ Jesus said to John, man's new unconscious mind and conscious mind now exist, and I who am both the immature and the mature creation shall give this spiritually dead soul the Holy Spirit freely. Christ Jesus shall receive the living soul as His inheritance, and the Lord Jesus Christ shall be his God, and Christ Jesus shall be the Son. But the fearful members of the living soul, who haven't conceived Christ and those whose unconscious and conscious is Satan and the devil and those who are still fornicating with Satan and the carnal mind, making use of Satan's spiritual power and worshiping the carnal mind, and all of those who don't have the nature of the Father, all of which are that part of the renewed living soul, which is the second death, shall find themselves under the dominion of Christ who is consuming and purifying sin by the spiritual authority of the divine incense which is the spirit of Christ.


Continuing on with Revelation 21, Verse 9. "And they came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with Me, saying, Come hither, I will show thee the bride and the Lamb's wife."


I'm going to deal with the phrase the seven angels, first. Let me remind you that the number seven is the spiritual number of completion, and we've been talking about angels here, on and off, quite a bit for awhile. And I'll remind you that an angel is Christ in a man. Now, Paul speaks about a terrestrial body and a celestial body. We have a celestial body. It is the formation Christ in us. Christ, being manifested through your soul, is your new man, your inner man, your new man. Christ is the mind of the new man, and at certain of stages of maturity, He has the ability to vibrate out of your body and appear in many places all across the world. He's a supernatural being. He's an angel. He's dwelling within this vile, fallen body, and upon the command of the Father, He has the authority to leave your body and when He appears to somebody else, He does not appear as a ghost. He appears as a normal human being. And He does the works of the Father. That's what an angel is.


The phrase seven angels, then, is speaking about the full manifestation of Christ. That means the many membered Christ, Christ in a many membered body. In an individual man, the expression means a mature manifestation of Christ Jesus in full spiritual manhood. Now it's my understanding that someone in whom Christ Jesus is being developed -- well, let me say that another way. That a Christ Jesus who is not in full stature can manifest, fully manifest, upon the command of the Father. It would be an imputed manifestation. It would be by special dispensation of the Father. But at the time that Christ Jesus in a man is fully born in that man, from that point forward, He is the full manifestation of Christ in everything that He does. Right now, because Christ in us is immature, we see varying degrees of His manifestation. I have seen Him manifest in me very powerfully, without giving me any warning. Believe me, brethren, I have no control over it; it's all at His will. It's an error in the church to think we command the angels. It's not true. Man is filled with pride, and the church is filled with pride. Make your petitions known to the Lord because He has all power and authority; it's all in Him. And thank God we don't have all power and authority with our fallen minds. Thank God for that.


OK. And there came unto me, there is no Greek word translated there. It was added in by the King James translators. And the word came is Strong's 2064. It means to come into being, to find place or to influence. So we're talking about the manifestation of angels here. The phrase, unto me, is Strong's 4314, and Thayer says it can be translated on the side of me, the one who was on the side of me or the other one. And we were speaking earlier this evening about having two sides. We looked in I Timothy, Chapter -- II Timothy, Chapter 2, and we see that Paul speaks about people who oppose themselves. Well, how can you oppose yourself when your left side or your carnal mind is actively opposing Christ in you? The true you is Christ, so you are therefore opposing yourself. And the phrase, one of -- let me see. "And there came unto me one of," strangely enough, that is the Greek word which is listed under the number 1519, and it means into. The English word of does not appear in the Greek. Strong's says the Greek word translated one -- now, this is not the phrase, one of.


Let me read this to you again. "And there came unto me one of the seven angels, which had the seven vials," hmm. OK, let me see what I got here. The English word of does not appear in the Greek. Strong's says that the Greek word translated one is number 1520, but the interlinear text says it is 1519. That's what read you above. One of is 1519. The two words are pronounced the same. They're pronounced eis. But Strong's 1520 has an extra silent letter at the beginning of the word, which was -- which does not appear in the interlinear text. Apparently, the King James translators could not make any sense out of the word into in this translation, and they drew erroneous conclusion that there was an error in the Greek text.


Let me give it to you simply again. The Strong's - for this phrase, one of, Strong's says that it's 1520, but when I looked it up in the Greek, it's 1519. It's the word before. Now the word that's listed under 1519 means into. It doesn't mean one of. It means into. But when the King James translators went to translate this phrase, the word into made no sense to them at all, so they drew the conclusion that it must have been a mistake, when they handwrote the text, and it must be the word -- the text must mean the word -- the next word or the word before it. Must mean the word after it, that's what it is, it's after it. Is everybody OK with that?


OK, the words. The two words are spelt -- are pronounced the same. One of the words has a silent letter in front of it. The words are very similar. And the King James translators chose to use Strong's 1520 instead of Strong's 1519, but I'm suggesting to you that the translation into does make sense because I'm suggesting to you that the one on the other side of John is his inner man or his new man or Christ Jesus in him. And, if you will, his inner man influenced him, and the human being known as John, who was a carnal man, became a spiritual man when Christ Jesus expressed His mind through him. "And there came into me one of the seven angels." What John is saying,  Christ Jesus manifested in him; He came into him. 


Alternate Translation, first quarter of Revelation 21:9, "And the One on the other side of me influenced me, and I became an expression of the Christ." Or we could say, this is John talking now, "And my other mind influenced me, and I became an expression of the Christ." Or we could say, "And Christ Jesus forced my carnal mind under His feet and expressed His mind through me."


 Everybody OK? And this is where I have the reference for you which says, "And the God of peace shall brew Satan under your feet shortly." That's Romans 16, Verse 20. And in that verse the word bruise is Strong's 4937. It means to break in pieces or shivers, to trample or break down. It can also be translated to tear one's body and shatter one's strength, to suffer extreme sorrow and be, as it were, crushed. So this bruising of this Satan underfoot is the bruising of Satan underneath Christ. It's the treading underfoot and the destruction of the carnal mind. How could our God be goody-goody? He's a God of war, brethren. He is a God of peace, but He makes peace through war.


Continuing with the second quarter of Revelation 21:9, "which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues." This phrase, which had, the interlinear translators it the one having. He was the angel having. OK, and that word -- well, the King James says had; the interlinear says having, possessing, owning. He was the angel who was possessing the seven vials. The seven vials are the complete company. Let me see if I could put this on the board for you.


I gave you this a couple week ago; let's go over it. We said that the soul is a cup and that Christ is the mind or the spirit in the cup, and I forgot what I taught you. Lord, help me. Now what did we say the saucer was? It was the mind that was the soul. Did we say this was the carnal mind? For some reason I don't know if that's right. The cup was -- the cup is the soul, and Christ is the mind in the soul; that's the renewed soul, and the renewed soul is in the carnal mind. I guess that's what I said. That's what happens when I study three weeks before I teach it. The seven vials are the complete company of carnal minds that the new or inner man is dwelling in. Did I tell you that the Greek word translated vial can also be translated saucer? And we know -- most people that study the Scriptures are familiar with the term cup. We have the harlot of Revelation having a cup in her hand


            You said the saucer is the physical body.


The physical body? The physical body. We have a lady that takes notes here, OK. I'm going to have to patch up this message. I'm going to have to pray about this and patch up this message because I -- to be honest, at the moment, I don't know which it is. OK. Let's go on. I'll have to patch up the message.


So I'm saying here, for the message, the seven vials of the complete company of carnal minds that the new or inner man is dwelling in. Well, we'll find out. "Which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues." The word full of really means fulfill. So I went into Webster's, and Webster's says the word fulfill can be translated to fulfill the requirements of. The interlinear text reveals that it is not the bowls that are full of the seven last plagues, but the one who is possessing the bowls that is filled up with the seven last plagues. Can you hear that? When you look at this, in the inter- -- see when you read this in the Greek, it makes it sound like the angels had the seven last plagues, ready to curse mankind with it. But when you read it in the interlinear, it really isn't saying that at all. It's saying that that angel that was possessing the bowls, he was the one that was filled up with the seven last plagues.


Everybody OK? The angel that was possessing the bowls -- which I guess it must be the physical body then. I guess I must have preached it right, last time. The angel is Christ, and He is possessing the physical bodies of the members of humanity, in whom He is being expressed. I guess He's also possessing their carnal minds because He's got them tread underfoot. OK? And He is the one that is filled up with the one that is filled up with the wrath of God. And I remind you, we found that, in two places in the book of Revelation, that this Greek word translated wrath, can also mean passion. And we found out -- and it could mean lust. Now, when God lusts, it's not evil. God -- there's no evil in Him. But God has -- when God lusts for His bride, the word changes to desire, OK. God is desiring His bride, which is who? The living soul. As strongly as a bridegroom lusts for his wife on wedding night, that's what the Scripture teaches.


We found it more specifically in the 78 series. We found Scriptures showing this. And when the book -- when the Scripture says, mostly in the book of Revelation, that the day of the wrath of God has come, what it means is, it's the day of His reaching out for us. We've been separated from Him for so long. And the day that He reaches out for us is a traumatic day to the living soul because of all of us sin has to be burned away in order for us to be rejoined to Him. So it's a nightmare for us, but for God, it's His wedding night. And that which is motivating Him to reach out for us and to burn all of our sin away, we're told, is the Godly desire of a bridegroom for his wife. We found that Revelation; I believe it was chapter 14, And we did it in the 78 series. That which is motivating the Lord to throw us into the lake of fire is His desire to be joined with us. Now let's see your carnal mind deal with that one, but that is the truth of the Scripture. He wants us back; He wants His bride, and He wants to be joined to us, and we are going to have to change because no unclean thing will enter into the kingdom where God is. He's not becoming unclean. We must be purified.


And no matter how good or in what kind of condition we think we're in, compared to God, we're filthy. We were talking about this earlier today and it's much harder to be a Pharisee than to be an obvious sinner. Because when you're a Pharisee, when you're leading a normal life and you go to church every Sunday and you're doing all kinds of good works, it's very hard for you to get a revelation that you're not good enough to get into the kingdom, that you've got to be cleansed. It's hard. And we're told in the book of Malachi, He's coming with fuller's soap; He's coming to scrub us clean. And who can abide His coming? Who can abide this cleansing?


I wanted to -- oh. Does anybody know who can abide it? Who can abide this cleansing? The people in whom Christ is growing. And the reason we're going to be able to abide it is that He's going to burn away everything that is not of Him. But we won't die because He's going to keep us alive. We're the only ones that can abide it. So we have a whole church room filled with people that have the Holy Ghost, that have received the Holy Ghost, but have not conceived. The Holy Ghost is who? Is the Father. But they have not conceived the Son. And when the judgment falls, when the burning comes, they're going to be scorched. They're going to be burnt up. God, help us because it's not being taught that you have to conceive the Christ. It's not being taught. God, have Mercy on humanity. God, have mercy on us. Let Him bring forth the man with the true teaching. How much longer shall we be subject to women and children?


"And there came unto me one of the seven angels." "And Christ manifested in me, and He had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and He was possessing the fullness of the fallen humanity." And fallen humanity is made up of carnal -- the carnal minds and the physical bodies of man. That which Jesus inherited from His mother was the carnal mind and the physical body. That is the chaff, brethren, the carnal mind and the physical body. Both are going to be discarded, and this many membered manifestation of Christ Jesus, He was possessing the entire company of human beings in whom Christ was appearing in full stature. He was totally controlling their carnal minds and their physical bodies. "And He was saying" -- "and He talked with me saying, Come hither. I will show thee the bride, the Lamb's wife." "Come hither, I will show thee the bride, the Lamb's wife."


Well, I'm sorry I jumped ahead of myself. The word plagues is Strong's 4137, and it means deadly wound or a public calamity or a heavy affliction. Now seven, again, is the number of completion. The word last is 2078, and it means the last in a series. He had it within Him, this angel; this Christ Jesus had within Him the spiritual authority to inflict the last heavy affliction, deadly wound and public calamity to what? To the carnal minds of men.


And I call your attention to the phrase, public calamity. When we are being chasten, in preparation for the perfection that is in Christ, frequently, our wound is public. Frequently, I don't -- I cannot honestly tell you if everybody has to go through a form of public humiliation, but I know that I have. Not -- it seems to be over for the time being, anyway. I can't say I won't have to go through it in the future, but I had several years of public humiliation, in that the Lord took every job from me. I was a disgrace to society. I never had trouble holding a job in my life until the Lord got a hold of me. The shame was intense. I lost every job I touched until He pulled me out of my career completely, and gave me a whole new career. But there was a lot of public humiliation involved, in my preparation for this ministry. So as I said, I can't promise you that it will have to happen to you, but it certainly does happen to some people who are called to this ministry of perfection. It happened to me.


So Christ Jesus in a many membered body of fallen men. OK, He possessed the vials. Another word for the vial is saucer. He possesses the fallen bodies and the carnal minds of the company of men in which He was appearing. He was in complete control. And within Him was the spiritual authority to inflict these seven last wounds and humiliations upon the carnal mind. There's only one problem, brethren. When your carnal mind gets wounded and humiliated, you're still attached to it. And there is wounding and humiliation in going on in Christ. I didn't set it up; God set it up, but your carnal mind must be wounded and exposed as to what it is, evil, and fallen, and illegal.


The Lord Jesus Christ is the one who has overcome His carnal mind, and He has thus fulfilled the Father's requirements which make Him eligible to execute judgment on the remainder of the fallen living soul. When the Lord Jesus Christ is born from seed in the mind of a man, His name changes to Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus in a many membered company is filled up with the seven last plagues. He has this honor because He overcame His carnal mind. And He is therefore being born in a whole company of men, attacking the carnal minds of men who are not in full stature. And at least, initially, these men will perceive Him as an enemy, and they will perceive Him as evil. It will be much easier when the firstfruits company is in full stature. When you know somebody that's attacking you is in full stature, it's very easy to say, well, You're God, and I'm fallen. Well, You must be right. But in this hour, God is sending out not the company the sons of God, but the company called the two-witness company. And these are a group of men who are doing this work but who are not yet in full stature. They're called the two-witness company. When they stand up in full stature, their name changes to sons of God.


And Paul said, "When I came to you in my infirmity, you received me as an angel of God." And the whole church world is squabbling over whether he has something wrong with his eyes. It was not a physical problem that Paul had, brethren. Paul was saying I came to you before I was in full stature, and I came to you with my gospel. Paul preached a gospel that no one else had ever heard. I hope you all know that. He came with his gospel, and he probably came with correction, and he probably came with judgment. He came as a member of the two-witness company. And he said in one of his epistles, "You received me as an angel of God." You recognize that even though I was in a vile, fallen body and I wasn't perfect, that my ministry to you was Christ. That's what he said to them.


So we have an Alternate Translation. I'm putting the first and the second quarter of Revelation 21:9 together. "And Christ Jesus, the one who owns the many membered fallen living soul and has fulfilled the Fathers requirements to execute the last deadly wounds upon her, forced John's carnal mind under his feet and expressed His mind through him."


Wow. That's powerful. Do you hear that?


"And he talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will show thee the bride, the Lamb's wife."


Now remember, in Verse 9, it's Christ Jesus within John, speaking to John. Well, He must be speaking to John's carnal mind, right? There's two of them. And Christ Jesus talked with me, saying, come hither. The word talked, means to communicate with words, so we know it was a verbal communication. Christ Jesus spoke to John's carnal mind in an audible voice. And the word with, "He talked with me," the word -- Greek word translated with is Strong's 3326. It means in the middle of. I'm suggesting to you that Christ Jesus spoke to John from the middle or from his heart. Christ Jesus was inside of John's carnal mind.


The heart of the fallen man is the carnal mind. Christ Jesus is the mind of the new man, which is being formed within the carnal mind. "And He talked with me," saying -- the Greek word translated saying is Strong's 3304, and it means to cause to lie down or to put to sleep. Now isn't that strange? The Greek word translated saying, Strong's 3304, means to cause to lie down and put to sleep. Now when I looked it up in Thayer, that was the first definition in Thayer. I didn't even go pouring through all kinds of definitions trying to find this. It was the first and primary definition in Thayer's Lexicon. It means to put to sleep. And the King James translators translated it saying. Why? Because it didn't make any sense to them.


"Come hither," Strong's 1204. [INAUDIBLE] [AUDIO CUTS OUT] When you look it up in Webster, Webster means the word hither means, on this side. Now, brethren, let me remind you that in this very same verse, in one of the phrases just before [AUDIO CUTS OUT] -- Christ Jesus was John's other side, right? Let me suggest to you, then, that the Greek word translated come hither is speaking about John's other side. In the first phrase, it was talking about his other side, which was Christ, and here, the word hither, on this side, is talking about his carnal mind. Christ Jesus put John's carnal mind to sleep. That's what it's saying. Christ Jesus spoke to John, and his carnal mind went to sleep. We see a lot of that in these meetings, although it hasn't been happening too much lately. Christ Jesus speaks and you go, oh, and you're all sleeping. As soon as I stop talking, you wake up ready to go out on the town. There is something that happens to the carnal minds of men when Christ speaks. The carnal mind cannot bear it. It goes to sleep. But, brethren, this is what it's supposed to do. This is the God of peace bruising Satan under His feet. The first step of the bruising is to put him to sleep.


Now let me remind you that the carnal mind is Satan expressing himself as the mind of the man. Just as Christ is the Father expressing himself as a mind in a mind, the carnal mind is Satan expressing himself in the mind of a man. When Christ speaks, the carnal mind is supposed to go to sleep. Now if you're sleeping during these meetings, there is nothing wrong with your carnal mind sleeping. The problem is that Christ Jesus in you isn't strong enough to keep your body awake. Can you hear that? Christ Jesus has to mature in you. You see, it's not that Christ Jesus in your mind that's putting you to sleep. It's the Christ Jesus in my mind that's putting you to sleep. So if the question is in your mind, well, if Christ Jesus was strong enough to put my carnal mind to sleep, how come He couldn't keep my eyes open to hear the message? The answer is that it was not Christ Jesus in your mind that put you to sleep. It's Christ Jesus in my mind that's putting you to sleep. Can you hear that? So when Christ Jesus gets more mature in you, He will keep you awake and will join with me in putting your carnal mind to sleep, and you will fully participate in these meetings, if you're not already fully participating in it. You will hear every word that I say; you will hear details that you will not believe that you are hearing. Your mind will be keen; it will be sharp. How long will it take? I don't know. But you stick with it, and God's going to do it.


So please note that the first -- that first Christ Jesus bruised the carnal mind underfoot, and then He put her to sleep. And I'm calling the carnal mind her at this point because as soon as Christ appears, your carnal mind is revealed to be female. And as soon as Christ dominates her, she is a -- that is a second witness that she is female. Brethren, the one who is dominated is female; the dominator is male.


Alternate Translation, the third quarter of Revelation 21:9, "And Christ Jesus spoke from within me, and my carnal mind was sleeping." This is John; this is John speaking. "And Christ Jesus spoke from deep within my heart from within my carnal mind, and as soon as He spoke, my carnal mind was sleeping."


Psalms 46, 1-6, "God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early. The heaven raged, the kingdoms were moved." Now hear this. "He uttered his voice, and the earth melted." Second witness to the fact that Christ speaks and the carnal mind goes to sleep. Psalms 46, Verses 5 to 6. "God is in the midst of her." Didn't we just say that Christ Jesus was in the midst of John? We just said that.


"God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early. The heathen raged." That's the carnal mind. "The kingdoms were moved: He uttered His voice." Who? God uttered His voice, "and the earth melted." This Hebrew word melted is translated Strong's 4127, and it means, a wound made by a sword or a death stroke, has nothing to do with melting. It's the wounding of the carnal mind. Everybody OK? We have an Old Testament witness to the fact that Christ Jesus will wound our carnal minds. Brethren, your carnal mind is not going away. It is not going to lie down and die. You have to kill it.


I find it very humorous that God is bringing forth this message from a woman and a petite woman at that. All these male preachers out there, some of them are very macho, and they're not preaching this war, brethren. Doesn't God have a sense of humor? I think He's funny.




I mean, He's just really funny, sending me out to preach this. You know, I'm on my way to Nigeria, and I've been wondering what I'm going to do with my hair because I can't stand the heat, and I thought about braids. And I said how can you preach in braids? Well, you want to know something? I just might wear braids. You're all supposed to be recognizing the anointing on me. It's not supposed to matter what I look like.


[AUDIO CUTS OUT] [?I have?] --


Well, I'll be -- I'll try [AUDIO CUTS OUT] class about me, but I think it's very funny that God's sending me. I think it's hilarious. I just really think it's hilarious. God's got a sense of humor. He uttered his voice, and the carnal mind was wounded, second witness to Revelation 21:9.


Continuing with the fourth quarter of Revelation 21:9, "I will show thee the bride, the Lamb's wife." I will show Strong's 1166, to expose to the eyes. That means to see with the eyes. The Greek word translated bride is 3565, and it means -- it can mean a betrothed women a woman, or it can mean a recently married woman. The Greek word translated lamb means a little male lamb. First of all, the lamb, the word, is male. So we know that we're talking about Christ, and it's also little, so I'm suggesting to you that this word is typifying Christ Jesus before His marriage to the carnal mind, Christ Jesus before his marriage to the carnal mind. Huh, that can't be right. That cannot be right. He's a little male lamb. That can't be right. [?You have a pen?]? [INAUDIBLE] OK, that's right.




You need this back? OK. The Greek word translated lamb means a little male lamb, and when we read about the lamb on Mount Zion at the back of the book of Revelation, we find out that that is a lamb of less than a year old. And the significance here is that this lamb has been brought forth from seed. This is not the ram that was formed at the beginning of time without growing up. One day a ram appeared. A creation appeared. God spoke, and it appeared and we found out in Daniel 8 that the form of this creation was the form of a ram which is a mature male sheep. But we also found out that the creation was - I don't want to say - well, I don't know what word to use except physically, but it wasn't physical like this creation. This creation is fallen, but it did have substance. [AUDIO CUTS OUT]


What I've given you is the manifestation of a 25-year-old man, just appearing on the streets of Manhattan, physically full grown and not having learned anything at all that a 25-year-old man should know. He just manifested; he just appeared. He had no knowledge of this world. He had no knowledge of His body. He had no knowledge of his mind. That was the creation at the beginning of time, physically mature with the mind of an infant. And that was how that creation came to die because the mind could not sustain the creation. The mind could have sustained the creation if it would have obeyed God, but it didn't obey God because it had a weakness in it, and it yielded to that weakness because of lack of experience. So the significance of this little male lamb is that the Scripture is saying this was not the ram that was created without experience. This is not the ram that had an infantile mind. This is the lamb. This is the creation that was born from seed. It was a very young creation under a year old. But it had many experiences. And, remember, that to God, one day to God is 1,000 years to man, so this is a -- compared to fallen man, this a very experienced lambkin and -- who is marrying the living soul. Hallelujah.


The word wife, the lamb's wife -- the Greek word translated wife is Strong's 1135, and that means woman, so we seem to have a repetition here. We have the word bride, which means a recently married woman and the word wife which means woman. The interlinear translates this phrase the bride of the lamb, the woman. And I suggest to you that it should be translated, the woman who is the bride of the lamb. And the significance there is that woman is the living soul. The many membered living soul is God's wife. We are the woman to God, but we are the man to the rest of creation. Is everybody OK with that, changing sexual roles depending on who you are relating to?


Please, note that the woman has already married the Lamb and, therefore, this Scripture must be speaking about the glorified creation.


Alternate Translation the fourth quarter of Revelation 21:9. "I will show you the woman who is the Lamb's wife." Now the angel showed this to John in the spirit. John was looking into the future when he saw this because we know that this hasn't even happened yet except in the man, Jesus of Nazareth. We know that Christ Jesus and the man, Jesus of Nazareth married or joined to the carnal mind of that man. But what this Scriptures talking about here is the many membered Christ joining to the many membered living soul, so John got a look at the future.


Alternate Translation Revelation 21:9. "And Christ Jesus forced my carnal mind under His feet and expressed His mind through me, the One who owns the many membered fallen living soul and has fulfilled the father's requirements" -- let me start that again.


"And Christ Jesus forced my carnal mind under His feet and expressed His mind through me, the One who owns the many membered fallen living soul and has fulfilled the father's requirements to execute the last deadly wounds upon her, and spoke from within me, and my carnal mind was sleeping. I will show you the woman who was the lamb's wife."


 And that makes no sense at all, but I gave it to you as -- I gave it to you phrase-by-phrase as it appears in Verse 9, and now I took all those words and I rearranged them to put it in good English. This is translators license, perfectly legitimate.


Amplified Translation, Revelation 21:9. "And Christ Jesus, the one who owns the many membered fallen living soul and who has fulfilled the father's requirement to execute the last deadly wounds upon her, appeared in me as He forced my carnal mind under His feet, and He was saying from within me, I'll open your spiritual eyes so that you can see the woman who was Christ Jesus' bride, and my carnal mind was sleeping. "


Let me read it for you again. "And Christ Jesus, the one who owns the many membered fallen living soul and who has fulfilled the father's requirement to execute the last deadly wounds upon her, appeared in me as He forced my carnal mind under His feet." You see it's simultane- -- it's a simultaneous action. As He forced the carnal mind under his feet, He appeared as John's mind, and as He appeared as John's mind, John started to see, and he started to understand. "And He was saying from within me, I'll open your spiritual eyes so you can see the woman who was Christ Jesus' bride, and my carnal mind was sleeping."


Please, note that it was necessary for John's carnal mind to go to sleep so that his spiritual eyes could be opened. Remember our example of the bird. His wings and feet cannot function at the same time. So it was a simultaneous treading underfoot and putting to sleep of the carnal mind as well as a rising of Christ and an opening of John's eyes in understanding which is in Christ.


Continuing with Revelation 21:10. "And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem descending out of heaven from God."


 Carried me away Strong's 1667 it means to carry off violently. So he didn't just take him for a ride in the sky. Christ Jesus carried John off violently. Well, what does that mean? I suggest to you to get John he had to violently tread the carnal mind underfoot. Brethren, this is a violent warfare. It's a lie being preached in the church today. This warfare is vicious, and it's violent, and it's the battle of Armageddon. And Christ Jesus, within John, had to literally win him away from the carnal mind. You might almost say kidnap him from the carnal mind. Why? Because in the hour before our conversion we do belong to the carnal mind. We are married to him. So for John to take him away for a season, to show him what something or give him an experience in the spirit. John literally -- Christ Jesus literally had to abduct John from the carnal mind. But in Christ it's legal; it was a legal abduction. Can you hear this?


The phrase in the spirit -- "and he carried me away in the spirit." The phrase in the spirit means to be -- or can be translated to be under the power of or to be moved by the spirit; that's in Thayer's. Christ Jesus carried away John's spiritual reality in the authority of God's spirit. When the phrase says, "And He carried me away in the spirit," it means he abducted John from his spiritual husband, but he did it in the authority of God's spirit. It was a kidnapping. You wonder why it's so hard to move in the spirit? It is a warfare between Christ in you and your carnal mind for you to move in the spirit.


"And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain." The word - the Greek word translated great is Strong's 3173, and it is speaking of the external form or sensible appearance specifically with regard to space and it's dimensions. It's talking about mass and weight. This great city -- the -- Christ Jesus is speaking about the size of it. Now, remember, it's a spiritual city, but it still occupies times and space. Why? Because it is manifestation of the living soul. Soul has mass and weight.


Please, note also that this word is speaking about that aspect of the creation which is appearing. Now the Greek word translated high is Strong's 5308, and that is referring to the spiritual height or authority. So the word high is speaking about the spiritual authority over the physical creation, which is Christ Jesus. So we are talking about a soul which is great; it takes up a lot of space. And we are talking about the mind in that soul, which is of a high spiritual authority, Christ Jesus.


Now I remind you that God made one living soul, and that soul is capable of having two different minds. Actually -- well, two different minds. When it has the carnal mind being expressed through it, the living soul is dead. When Christ is being expressed through the living soul, the living soul is alive. It's always the living soul. It has the same name, Adam, the living soul, and when he's dead, his name is death or the carnal mind and when he's alive his name is Christ. God made one creation. The mind is changeable. Everybody OK?


And the word mountain typifies spiritual nations rising above the level of the earth. Christ is a many membered nation. Everyone who is not in Christ is a gentile. Even in this hour, the world is in two camps. Either you are a Jew or you are a gentile. if Christ is being formed in you, you are a Jew. If Christ is not being formed in you, you are a gentile, and this includes all the so-called Christians who have received the Holy Ghost but who have not conceived the Son. That's a hard word, but I tell you the truth. If you are hearing this word and you think you haven't conceived the Son, do not curse me. Ask God to get you pregnant.


Alternate Translation, the first half of Revelation 21:10. And in the authority of God's spirit, He violently carried me away from my carnal mind to a heavenly populated nation which was governed by Christ Jesus. And I suggest to that means a many membered nation, heavily populated, many human beings who -- excuse me, who were governed by Christ Jesus. This nation, this great and high mountain is a many membered company of human beings whose mind is Christ.


Now, please, note this Scripture is not saying who is -- who has conceived Christ or in whom Christ is being formed. This great and high nation is a many membered nation over which Christ rules. We are talking about full stature or better here. I think we mentioned earlier that we had some witness that this creation -- that at this point the creation was glorified. I must have had a reason for saying that. Let me go on.


Continuing with the second half of Revelation 21:10. "And he showed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem descending, out of heaven from God." Showed me, this means to expose to the eyes, to see a visible form. That great city, the holy Jerusalem, please, note that both verses 2 and 10 speak about the city called Jerusalem. Verse 2 tells us that Jerusalem has become holy and new. Let me remind you that Jerusalem is the city of God. The old Jerusalem is the spiritual city which was formed in Israel after the flesh. That is the spiritual city which housed the imputed or the immature mind of Christ, which was revealed through natural Israel.


Galatians 4, verses 24-26 tells us that this is the covenant from the mount Sinai, "which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar. For this Agar is Mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which is now is, and is in bondage with her children. But Jerusalem, which is above this fray which is the mother of us all." That's new Jerusalem. New Jerusalem is the renewed soul of the man, Jesus of Nazareth whose unconscious mind and conscious mind were Jehovah and Christ Jesus, which new mind converted him from Jesus of Nazareth, a fallen man who had a relationship with God to Jesus the Christ, the Son of God. Jesus' mind which He got from His Father made him Jesus the Christ.


Verse 10 tells us that Jerusalem is great and holy. I'm suggesting to you that verse ten is still speaking about new Jerusalem. how can I say that? I can say it because verse one tells us that the first heaven and the first earth, which is the old Jerusalem, is passed away or has been covered over by the new heaven and earth which is the mind of Christ. Remember, the old Jerusalem which is the fallen human mind which Jesus inherited from His mother, which was justified under the old covenant. Let me say that again. Remember, the old Jerusalem is the fallen human mind which Jesus inherited from his mother which was justified under the old covenant. Well, since verse 2 has already revealed that new Jerusalem is holy or sinless, the only new information we have in verse 10 is that somewhere verse 2 and verse 10, the new sinless Jerusalem became great or became structurally large. That means more people were added to it.


Brethren, I am suggesting to you, that verses -- that verse 1 is speaking about the man Jesus becoming the Christ. Verse 2 is speaking about the glorification of the man Jesus. And verse 3 is speaking about Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man which is the tabernacle. Christ Jesus is the tabernacle in the midst of the renewed creation. See, first, it happened in the man Jesus. The man Jesus was the tabernacle of God. When he was glorified and He poured out of his spirit upon all flesh and He's landing on your heart and He's growing in your heart, the tabernacle, which was glorified, is now in the midst of you, now in the midst of man.


Jesus the Christ was the tabernacle of God. He was glorified. He's poured out of his spirit. He's landed in your heart, and He's reproducing himself in your heart. And, therefore, the tabernacle of God is in the midst of your heart. He's in the midst of men. The sp- -- the tabernacle of God was spiritualized. He could have never gotten inside of your heart. He could have never put down roots in your heart. He could never be reproducing Himself in your heart if He had not sacrificed His life as Jesus the Christ. He could have lived in that condition forever, but it wouldn't have done us any good.


Verses 4 through 8 speak about the processings which will deliver the remainder of humanity out of their bondage to Satan and the carnal mind and into Christ Jesus. And verse 10 speaks about the second generation of Christ which is to be structurally larger than the first generation. The first generation was one man. The second generation will be many, many men; we don't even know how many. Please, note that this Scripture is speaking -- excuse me. Please, note that this Scripture is speaking about the soul not the body. A soul can be small or large because it is formed out of the dust of the earth and thus has form and shape.


Alternate translation the second half of Revelation 21:10, "And He showed me that many membered renewed soul, the sinless Jerusalem, coming down to the earth out of heaven from God." "And He, Christ Jesus, showed me, John, that many membered renewed soul, the sinless Jerusalem, coming down to the earth out of heaven from God.


Amplified translation, I put it in better English for you. The second half Revelation 21:10, "And He showed me that many membered soul, the sinless Jerusalem, coming down to the earth by the authority of God's spirit through Christ."


It starts with God's spirit in heaven lies and passes through Christ, and new Jerusalem is appearing in the earth. The new Jerusalem is an expression of the Father in the earth. The Father passes through His Christ and appears in the Earth. Just like if you recall from the 38th series, the spirit of God passes through the water of the living soul, and we see a rainbow. Remember that teaching In the 38 series? The Father in heaven passing through as Christ, and we will see a sinless creation in the earth. We're really not even sure what it will look like. We see a spiritual -- a description in Ezekiel 1, but we don't  know what it will look like. When -- this is the glorification. Now we are not talking about full stature. In full stature we'll look like human men. We're talking about the glorification. Jesus.


Alternate Translation, the whole of Revelation 21:10, "And in the authority of God's spirit, He violently carried me away from my carnal mind to a heavily populated nation which was governed by Christ Jesus, and He showed me that many membered soul, the sinless Jerusalem, coming down from the earth through Christ by the authority of God's spirit."


So we see that the great and high mountain or nation is the resurrected, many membered mind of Christ which is dwelling in the renewed Jerusalem, and that the great city, holy Jerusalem, is the renewed living soul which has become holy because the resurrected mind of Christ is dwelling in her. And what does the Scripture mean when it says coming down to the earth out of God's spirit? I suggest to you it means that the great and holy city, the renewed Jerusalem, is appearing in the Earth as well as in heaven. This Scripture is speaking about the reflection or the image of the righteous soul -- excuse me, of the righteous soul appearing in this realm of appearance. So we see the New Jerusalem will appear in heaven as well as in earth. Hallelujah.


I have an amplified translation of Revelation 21:10. "And He took me in the authority of God's spirit to a heavily populated nation which abides in a spiritually high place because Christ Jesus is her God. And He showed me the renewed Jerusalem, that many membered sinless soul whose heavenly condition was reaching into the Hell of this world system and converting it into Eden."


Let me give you that again. "And He took me in the authority of God's spirit to a heavily populated nation which abides in a spiritually high place because Christ Jesus is her God. And He showed me the renewed Jerusalem, that many membered sinless soul whose heavenly condition was reaching into the Hell of this world system and converting it into Eden."


First, Christ is raised from the dead. First, Christ, the firstfruits. Then those who are His [?in His?] coming, the souls of men. Then the end, the ends of the earth, our physical bodies will be touched. And then, brethren, this world system outside of us. The conversion or the resurrection from the dead is starting from the most innermost place within us and working its way outward, spirit, soul, physical body, world system. How exciting.


Recap, Revelation 21:9-10, "And Christ Jesus, the One who owns the many membered fallen living soul and who was fulfilled the Father's requirements to execute the last deadly wounds upon her, appeared in me." Excuse me, "appeared in me."


I'll start again. "And Christ Jesus, the One who owns the many membered fallen living soul and who has fulfilled the Father's requirements to execute the last deadly wounds upon her, appeared in me as He forced my carnal mind under His feet. And He was saying from within me, I'll open your spiritual eyes so that you can see the woman who was Christ Jesus' bride, and my carnal mind was sleeping. And He took me in the authority of God's spirit to a heavily populated nation which abides in a spiritually high place because Christ Jesus is her God, and he showed me the renewed Jerusalem, that many-membered sinless soul whose heavenly condition was reaching into the hell of this world system and converting it into Eden."


Any questions?


            It's not a question, but as you were speaking, all I could think of was -- is Christ, us being an individual tabernacle of Christ, that each one of us was made a perfect living stone and all put together made this glorious tabernacle of God. The whole tabernacle is just -- we're just His drawing place. We're the temple, everything. Christ is --


Yes, the living soul is the temple, yes.


            The whole city.




            The whole nation, the many membered, just multiplied upon multiplied.




            [UNINTELLIGIBLE] thought [?where do?] the streets of gold? I don't get that connection.


Well, we're not up to that yet.


            Well, [CROSSTALK]


But gold, generally speaking, refers to the Christ, the resurrected Christ. But we haven't -- we'll get to it eventually. We'll get to it. We've done almost the whole book of Revelation at this point. There's very little to go.


            The thought I was meant to be his drawing plate, [?we're saying?] here?




            [UNINTELLIGIBLE] understand really.




            [?Deeper meaning?].


Yeah. Yep. A living tabernacle, we're the tabernacle. But this tabernacle has raised up its own mind, you know; we have. Praise God. We've paid a terrible price. Anybody else?


            We don't know what we'll look like at the glorification, but, like, we'll be like a  glass stone or something or just mirroring Christ?


Well I don't really know.




I just know the symbolism. The symbolism is a crystal, a giant crystal. But we don't know. But I know it has to be good. It has to be a lot better than this. I'll tell you. It has to be a lot better than this. And we don't have it so bad, you know. OK, I'll -- yes, I'll answer your question before I talk, yeah.


            Did -- if I heard correctly, did you say that the new Jerusalem was the mind of Christ?


No, the new Jerusalem is the living soul that has been renewed because her mind is now Christ.




The city is the soul; a city is a soul. OK? Yeah.


            My head's just crawling different things. I'm just thinking what you said the other night, something about prisms, covenant and rainbow. The prism, the light coming through, the covenant, the promise.






We're the prism. We are -- the living soul is the prism that the light's going to be shining through.


            Like [INAUDIBLE] crystal tabernacle




            -- and everything over and over and over again and just showing us different points.




            It's the same things.


[?Now?] look at how detailed it is. You see, God wants us to listen to every word.




Every word that we hear and every word that our carnal mind is thinking. That's what He's bringing us into, that kind of de- -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT]


Yes, I agree it's the same story, and he keeps expanding and expanding and expanding.


            Covering the Father, covering the Father, covering the [AUDIO CUTS OUT]


            I know, for me, you'd have to say something three times, and it really sinks in like it's so profound.


See, no matter how much you hear, it has to be made real to you. And all of you, you've all taken turns. It never ceases to amaze me, you know, that I'm preaching it and I'm preaching it and I'm preaching it, and then one night you'll ask me the question like you've never heard me preaching it, but that's the night that God just seals it all in your brain, you know.


            Even when I hear and understand something and you say it in a different way, I understand it even deeper, and it makes more sense, like, more and more. Like, the puzzle pieces are right there, but they have to be moved around so they can be fit into place to make sense.


And the more you submit to the -- it's a spiritual exercise; it's an exercise of the mind. That's what you're submitting to when you're coming here. And the more you submit to it and the more He molds your mind, then the more you can receive, and it's just an ever increasing development of the mind of Christ in you because the carnal mind cannot understand this, so He's developing the mind of Christ in you and that's -- your understanding it with that mind.


You can talk to me about anything. As I said earlier, you may not like my answers, but you can talk to me about anything. And as long as you come to me in a right spirit -- you come to me fighting with me, then I don't -- I can't guarantee you what's going to come out of me. OK, if you come to me looking to argue me -- argue with me or take -- or dominate me in any way. If you come to me in a quiet spirit, you can talk to me about anything, and I'll pray with you about it. If you don't like my answer, I'll be glad to pray with you about it and see if the Lord will move any further. I'm very fair. I hope you think that. I believe I'm very fair. I'm very strict. I don't deny it. I'm very strict, but someday you're going to thank me for it. Someday you're going to thank me for it. But I am fair; I strive to be fair; I desire to be fair. I pray all the time for fairness, and the correction can only be for your good.


There's a movie that really blessed me if you want to consider taking it out. What's the name of the movie? "An Officer and a Gentleman," with Richard Gere, and it's about a young group of officer trainees who come in and they have to be trained by a sergeant. And he is so rough on them, at some points during the movie they hate him. He is so -- and in the Marine corps they scream at you and everything, you know. And they -- at one point they wanted -- he had a fight with him, a physical fight with him. And at the end of the movie you see all of these -- well, they're now officers. Now while the training was going on, the sergeant was their superior, but I think they're called [?incense?]. But once they graduate they're now officers, and when they go to say goodbye to this sergeant, he has to salute them and call them sir. And they're all in tears because they know that he made them, yeah. So you might want to watch the movie. You know, God has shown me all these movies to prepare me for my role here. OK?


            Oh yeah?


So, I confess, I'm very tough. I'm very tough, but I believe it's in God; it's in righteousness. My motive towards you is to make out of you what God wants you to be.


            Just thinking of some of those Marine corps people who can no longer do a lot of things they did. Their motive definitely is to make Marines out of them and   to fit them along.




            But there was the abuse of authority, and there were things that had to stop because there was no balance there. And even there, even with that authority, there has to be that balance.


Well, the balance here is Christ. OK, the balance here is Christ. And I tell you all the time I'm most certainly not perfect, and if I ever do manifest an ungodly spirit toward you, I will apologize to you. I've apologized to you, have I not? I will do it, OK. So more than that, I can't say. My first responsibility my first responsibility is to God. I have to do what I believe he wants me to do.


            This is just something else that come out of my [INAUDABLE] carnal mind. It was an emotional abusive that I felt.


When I stopped you from talking?


            Oh no, no. I didn't really feel anything then. I just didn't want the anointed to go so I was in full agreement. I didn't feel that.


When did you feel emotionally abused?


            Oh, I'm just saying that's what's coming out, you know. That -- it's the emotional abuse.




            That stuff that has nothing to do with doctrine or authority abuse or something like that.


When? When? When did you feel emotionally abused?


            Not me, per se --


In general?


            I'm just saying. [?It's a general, yes?].


Yeah I know that you think that. I know that you thought that, on occasion. And I have to tell you that I - on the occasion that it -- well, the original problem with Rita, I don't believe that it was true. I know that you thought that, you know.


            [?I'm not so sure it's just her and Rita?].


Yeah. OK, well.


            [CROSSTALK] myself.


Yeah, OK. I know that you think that, and you all have recourse. Your recourse is to go before the Lord and speak to Him and tell Him that if it's true, pray for me, that if it's true that, He should help me, you know, or that if there's any correction to be made, He will speak to me, and if He speaks to me, I will come to you. But as I said in the meeting last Sunday, silence does not mean yes. I have people who have gone before the Lord and complained about me and have gotten -- a year later they still haven't heard an answer. And my response to those people are -- is if God hasn't -- if you've taken your complaint before Him, and He hasn't told you that you're right and He hasn't spoken to me to correct me, you better drop it. You better drop it. And I'm -- this is the wisdom of God, I tell you the truth with any person in authority you be- -- it's time to drop it. If God's not coming to you and actively talking to you about it and sending you back to the minister as prophet, you better make sure it's not your carnal mind, OK.


You better drop it because it's between -- either it's not true, and in due season -- it could be years later, either He'll deal with you and show it to you correctly, or He's intending to deal with the minster in His time. So you got to make your complaint and let it go; drop it. And do the best you can to concentrate on the positive aspect of the ministry. No ministry's perfect; no minister is perfect.




And if you feel that God wants you here and that more than 50 percent of my ministry to you is Godly, and I think it's more than 50 percent here. I think we've got a pretty fine ministry here, you know, considering I'm fallen like everybody else. I think we've got a pretty fine ministry here. And -- so, you know, just pray for me. If you see a problem with me, pray for me. But I do know -- I will comment on this, that you have said -- and the two of you have said that you think you see a real hardness in me. And I want you to know that I -- my opinion is that hardness is Christ, and it is a hardness, but it's a military hardness in Christ. I don't think that it's carnal, so if you disagree, you're free to disagree, but take it before the Lord, and if he doesn't speak to you, let it go. And if you want to pray for me, you know, pray for me. Don't accuse me of sin, but ask God to give me the -- you know, however you want to pray is good to help me.


            Usually, When I come up anything like that it's not my desire really even to   correct anybody around me to but to look into myself where I am doing the same thing because usually it's the Lord's -- the way He deals with me is if I see it in somebody else and I don't like it, usually it's within me. So I look to myself. Am I doing this in my role, in my walk, personal walk? And that's what I look at. It's not so much just to correct somebody else, just myself. In a sense, I'm selfish. I want His correction, selfishly, for myself.


Well, that's good. That's good


            I think -- I guess Paul says he wants -- how did he say -- I don't know how he put that. He wanted to go on. He wanted everything God had for himself. I don't [?know?] exactly how he put it.


Yeah, he wanted to go on to perfection.


            Perfection, [CROSSTALK]


Well that's what this ministry is all about. We're not only going on to perfection, but we're being trained to -- literally to the aristocracy of God. Do you do you have any -- do you realize at all that one day we're going to open our eyes and that whole fivefold ministry's going to have disappeared, and God is going to reveal to the whole world that He is in us, that we're going to have supernatural power to change lives, that people are going to be banging on our doors that we're going to have to hide from them there's going to be so many people and that we're going to have to know how to deal --




I mean, can you -- do you really believe this, that it's going to happen in your lifetime? It's going to happen in your lifetime. It's unbelievable, you know; look at this, but it's true, and we're going to be going all over the world, and we have to learn how to not to be offensive. Just like the diplomats go through training, you cannot be an ambassador for the United States or for any other country if you don't watch every word you say and look at every thought in your mind. I tell you the truth. That's what you train -- if you go to Harvard, that's what they teach you. I tell you the truth. So He's got a bunch of housewives here that are training to be Harvard executives. It's the truth.


            Kingdom executives.


Kingdom executives. And everyone who has ever laughed at us is going to be ashamed.


08/04/14 – Transcribed by VerbalFusion

08/12/14 – 1st Edit CAS/BP



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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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