186 - Part 9


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We're going on with the Christ, Lord willing we're going to discuss all of the pertinent Scriptures that refer to the Christ, the only ones that we're skipping over are those which are repeats, or don't indicate any deep truth about what the Christ and who the Christ is, or what the Christ is. So we're picking up with the book of Romans 15:3, "For even Christ pleased not himself but as it is written, the reproaches of them that reproach thee fell on me. For even thee Christ in the Greek we find the word thee, it has not been translated, so what this Scripture is saying, let me ask you again, who is the Christ? And to the present date who is the Christ, the Christ is the Lord Jesus Christ he is the only one who is the Christ, we are members of his body at this time. When we are glorified we shall be one with the Christ, we shall be a part of the Christ, but right now we're his members on the earth. So when the Scripture says the Christ it's talking about our Lord Jesus Christ, and Romans 15:3, says that he didn't please himself, but the reproaches of them that reproach thee fell on you. Well what does that mean? It means brethren that he didn't do what was good for the man Jesus of Nazareth, he didn't do what made him feel good, he didn't do what was in his best interest, surely the crucifixion of the man Jesus of Nazareth was not in the best interest of the man Jesus of Nazareth, who wants to be crucified, he did not please himself, who did he please? He pleased the father, and that is a sign of someone who is moving in Christ.


Anybody who is thinking, acting, or doing out of self preservation is carnal, okay, now I'm not condemning you, we must learn to distinguish between Christ and the carnal mind, self preservation is carnal, the bottom line is if you're desiring to move into Christ the bottom line is father, what will please you? What will glorify you? What do you want me to do, and the answer that he's going to give you will have nothing to do with whether or not you're about to get hurt. The answer that the father is about to give you is the answer that is going to, does anybody know what the answer of the father will do? When you think with your carnal mind it's self preservation, but when you think with the mind of Christ, what is going to happen, does anybody know? His kingdom will be increased the increase of the kingdom. Do you know that there's a big difference between praying father be glorified and father be magnified? The word magnification means to increase, and the Lord corrected me one day and he said, don't pray for me to be glorified, I'm already glorified. Pray for me to be magnified in the earth. Hallelujah, pray for my cell division. Be increased in the earth, start appearing in many more members. Hallelujah. Moving on, so that finishes up the book of Romans, we're moving on to the book of I Corinthians, and we'll start with verse 1 of chapter 1. Okay the word Christ appears in verse 6, but I'm going to go briefly through verses 1-9, because I found this to be very interesting.


And before I start reading I'd like to call your attention to the play of words, some verses are going to say Jesus Christ, some verses are going to say Christ Jesus, and in a couple of instances I'm going to make you aware that the King James says Jesus Christ but the Interlinear says Christ Jesus, and I don't know if the King James translators had any rhyme or reason for the occasions on which they reversed the Greek, I just don't know, sometimes it says Christ Jesus, and they translate it Christ Jesus and sometimes the Greek text is Christ Jesus and they switch it to Jesus Christ, and the Lord has revealed here that words Jesus Christ is referring to either the man Jesus who was the Christ or the glorified Jesus Christ depending on the context of the verse, and the expression Christ Jesus is referring to the reproduction of the nature of the father in a man, the reproduction of the nature or the mind of the father in a human man is Christ Jesus.


Another way to describe Christ Jesus is to say, it is the anointing, or he is the anointing that was in the man Jesus, the same anointing that was in the man Jesus who was Christ, when it's in you or when it's in another man, is called Christ Jesus. The anointing that was in Jesus. Paul called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God etc. And I remind you that what makes you an apostle is when the mind of God is appearing as your mind, that makes you an apostle and we have apostles of different degrees. The Lord Jesus Christ was an apostle in full stature, and we have people in the church who are baby apostles, and the Scripture that I'll give you for this is he who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than the greatest, in the carnal church.


If Christ is conceived in you, you are an apostle, but even if you are an apostle, you are required to submit to the apostle with the greater anointing at that moment that that anointing is manifesting. Brethren this body had got to pull together, and we have a whole church world full of little kingdoms, where the pastor will not submit to anybody outside of his church. We have two contradictions in the church world today, we have denominations whereby we see pastors submitting to men who have no anointing at all, and then we have many independent churches where the pastor will submit to nobody, to no other man even if Christ is manifesting in them, and then back to the denominations again, we have pastors who will submit to their Christian executive authorities, but will not submit to an apostle who would have a word for them.


So to say the least, the church is not in the proper functioning order, the head of the church is the Lord Jesus Christ, and he can manifest through whomever he likes.


He usually manifests through the head of the local body, but if one day he should decide to do it otherwise, that head of that local body is required to submit to the anointing wherever it is manifesting. The Lord usually doesn't do that, unless he's speaking to the head and they cannot hear him, but the Lord could do it if he wants to, if he does manifest through another person who is not the head of that local group, it doesn't mean that the pastor is not in proper order, it doesn't have to mean that, it could be a test for the pastor. Brethren we know no man after the flesh anymore, but after the spirit. So Paul is an apostle, I'm going to skip through this, I'm not going to spend a lot of time on it, and he's an apostle unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, that word sanctified means set apart, and the reason that they're set apart is that they have conceived Christ and Christ Jesus is within them, the Christ the anointing, the same anointing that was in the man Jesus is appearing in these people, and that is what sanctifies them, and sanctification is what? Separation from the world.


Brethren you cannot separate from the world by leaving worldly pursuits, the world is in your mind, and there's no way you can separate from the world if you don't have another mind to run to. There's no place on this earth that you could run, which will separate you from the world, you have to receive the mind of Christ, which is in Christ Jesus so that you or your true reality which is what? What's your true reality, or part of your make up. Your human spirit can separate from your carnal mind and enter into and join with the mind of Christ, and that is the true sanctification. He's an apostle unto them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, called to be holy, with all that in every place or along with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. So if you have Christ Jesus in you, you're still required to call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, who is the God of Christ Jesus.


Verse 3, "Grace be unto you and peace from God our father and from the Lord Jesus Christ." Now we've talked about this on other tapes, for whatever reason the King James translators translated it this way, but it's really, it should be, from God our father which is the Lord Jesus Christ, because the two are now one. Anybody have a problem with that? Jesus returned unto spirit form, and he and the father are one, there is no difference.


Verse 4, "I thank my God always on your behalf for the grace of God which is given you by Christ Jesus." That should not be Jesus Christ, the Greek says Christ Jesus, and we see that the giving of Christ Jesus to us is the grace of God, and I remind you what the Lord has taught us here, that Christ Jesus is the grace of God by which we are able to keep the law. The grace of God is the ability to keep the law, and the only way we will ever keep the law is by living out of Christ Jesus, who is able to overcome the carnal minds of men.


Verse 5, "That in everything ye are enriched by him..", by who? By Christ Jesus in you, you must conceive the Christ, "..that you should be enriched in all utterance and in all knowledge, even as the testimony...", now the King James says the testimony of Christ and that's a poor translation, it should say, the testimony, which is Christ. "...that you should increase and be enriched by Christ, in everything you say, and in everything you know, even as the testimony, which is Christ, was confirmed in you." The testimony, the word testimony meaning evidence, even as the evidence, which is Christ, the evidence of what? That the life of God is in you, of the evidence of Christ, which is Christ, that you should increase in all these good things even as the evidence that God is in you in the form of the mind Christ, was confirmed in you in that word Greek word translated confirmed, means established in you.


So what the Scripture is saying is that as you increase in him, as you speak more and more out of Christ, as your knowledge is more and more out of Christ, this will be the evidence that Christ has been established in you, that he's been conceived in you brethren. Any questions on that area. Okay moving on, I Cor. 1:17, "For Christ sent me, not to baptize but to preach the gospel, but not with wisdom of words lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect." Now we see the word Christ in two place, in the first place it's Christ alone without the article and in the second place the article is present in the Greek but not present in the translation.


So Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel, and I'd like to point out to you that Jesus Christ of Nazareth baptized not the apostles or the disciples, I think the Scripture baptize, and Paul says he baptized very few, because God sent him to preach the gospel. So we find one more time a separation between the chores of the women in the church and the men in the church. The men, the spiritual men in the church, which can be either a female or a male body, rarely baptize. The men teach, well we all know that. Thou shalt not let a woman teach, the women shall be silent in the church, she shall do the learning and the man shall do the teaching. So what are the major signs that a believer is a spiritual man is that they are anointed to teach. A man teaches. Water baptism is one of the functions of the female church, although a man can do it once in a while if he wants to, but he has more weighty issues to be concerned with.


Now what does that mean? I hear them screaming in the spirit, listen to that pride? Brethren, the women can baptize and so can the men, but the men can teach and the women can't teach. So doesn't it make sense that the men should do mostly teaching and stay out of the women's way and let them have their job? It doesn't make you a better person when you can do something that most people can't do, but if you are in a position where you can do something that most people can't do, it's only common sense that you should concentrate all of your efforts in the area that God has anointed you to serve. But of course the church is filled with envy, and envy is what? It's carnality, it's immaturity, and it's associated with women and children, and I insult you not, serve the faithfully and grow up into spiritual manhood, he wants you to grow up into spiritual manhood, but you're going to have set aside your envy and your competition and your desires for what you don't have, serve at the level that the Lord has placed you on, and serve faithfully.


Don't have your head in the clouds about wanting someone else's job. Okay the second part of 1:17, "...not with wisdom..", Paul says he's preaching the gospel, "..not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect." Lest the cross of the Christ should be made of none effect. Now we have this on another tape, but I'll go over it for you? What is the cross of the Christ, well first of all what is the Christ, I just asked you the question, who is the Christ in this hour, who is the Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ in this hour is the Christ, he's the only one that is glorified into the Christ, we are the members in this hour, we're still on the earth, and who is the cross of the Christ, what is the Christ crucified to. The carnal mind amen.


So Paul is saying we preach the gospel not with wisdom of words or not with the wisdom of the carnal mind or the words that come out of the carnal mind because if we do that, the cross of Christ or the crucified condition of our Lord Jesus Christ should be made of none effect. Paul is saying that if we preach out of our carnal mind the crucified condition of the Lord Jesus Christ will be of none effect. Well what is the effect of the crucifixion of Christ, what effect has the crucifixion of the Christ had on your life, what has it done for you? What had it done for you? Anybody know? The crucifixion of the Christ, what has it done for you?


The crucifixion of the Christ brethren has, well as a result of the crucifixion of the Christ, the father raised the whole man Jesus from the dead, he returned to pure spirit form and in this hour he is pouring out of the realm of the spirit upon all flesh and if he's inside of you, he's reproducing the nature of the father in you, he either has already or is in the process of conceiving Christ in you. That is the benefit of the crucifixion of Christ for you, that is your personal benefit, that the same thing is going to happen to you. Now if Christ is being formed in you, and you preach out of your carnal mind, what did Jesus go through all this for? Why was he crucified, ascended and pouring out of his spirit to form Christ in you if you're not going to be living out of him.


So Paul is saying clearly that if you implement your worldly wisdom, either to preach or to do anything else, you are totally negating, setting aside, ignoring the work of the cross in your life. Does anybody not understand that. We must live out of Christ or his work for us is to no avail, and as I tell you all along, if you are carnal, don't worry about it, just be open to him, try to be open to him, the work is his. I Cor. 1:23, "But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumbling block, and unto the Greeks foolishness." We preach Christ crucified, now this is after Paul is talking about, if you preach out of your carnal mind, the whole work of the cross is a waste, Paul is saying we preach that Christ should be crucified, he's already crucified in the man Jesus of Nazareth and he's still being crucified and will continue to be crucified until he's crucified in every human being in which he's being formed. That means if he's being formed in you, your carnal mind must die.


Yes the man Jesus died for you, he rose from the dead, he ascended on high, and if he is pouring out of his spirit upon you, and forming Christ in you, it is for the purpose of crucifying your carnal mind, because if your carnal mind is not crucified, his death for you is of none effect. He didn't die to get your Cadillac, and I have a shock for you, he didn't even die to heal your body brethren. If he's healing your body it's an act of mercy, he didn't die so that you could be healed so that you could live another twenty years, and die anyway. He died for you so that you can rise from the dead, body, soul and spirit, and if you get healed along the way that's great, but that's just a little blessing along the way.


Verse 23, "But we preach that Christ needs to be crucified in you, and unto the Jews, this message is a stumbling block, I would like to tell you that I preached this message to the Rabbi, I preached this message to the Rabbi, I really think I blew his mind, I didn't say it like this, but we talked about the two hearts, and he was telling me how you deal with sin, you say the prayers and you do all the works of the law, and I told him, well when you have the second heart, and they're joined, you don't have to do that anymore. He freaked brethren, but he heard the gospel of Christ, he had no answer for me. Glory to God. So for the Jew it's a stumbling block, why is it a stumbling block? Because the Jew today is all, and I guess in Jesus' day too is all bound up in the works of the law, they don't know how to function without their law.


So to the Jew, saying that you start living in the spirit is a real stumbling block, they really at this hour they can't do it, and unto the Greeks, it's foolishness, and why is it foolishness unto the Greeks, well actually we're told in the verse before, that the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom, or the Greeks are intellectual, the Gentiles intellectual. So anything of the spirit is foolishness to them, to tell them that the answer to their problem is to get another heart and have them crucified together, to the Greeks that's just nonsense.


And you to the heathen and the heathen everywhere this whole spiritual aspect of Christ is just nonsense to them. Verse 24, "But unto them which are called, both the Jews and the Greeks", so we see here that there were Jews who were called and there were Greeks who were called, Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God. That's the spirit and the word is both in Christ. See the Jews want a sign that they could see, and the Lord wants them to move in faith. But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God, he's the word and the spirit. Christ has power and Christ had wisdom.


Brethren the wisdom of men will bring you nothing but death, and the power of men will bring you nothing but death, it can only go so far, human power and human wisdom, can only advance you so far in this world, and when the Lord moves like a flood on this world system, and starts taking away the things of this world system, you won't even be able to get very far with your power of the world, or with your worldly wisdom, because it's not going to function anymore. I Cor. 2:16. "For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him, but we have the mind of Christ." So here is our proof that Christ is a mind, Christ is a mind, he's the mind of the father in a man. I Cor. 3:1, "And I brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual men, but as unto carnal men, even unto babes in Christ." And I left this Scripture in to show you that Christ is growth process, he starts as a mustard seed, when he enters into your heart, you are a baby, and there is an evolution there is a growing up into Christ and you start out as a baby, and you wind up as a full grown man and Paul clearly stated that when he was a baby, he did what babies did, but when he was a full grown man, he started to do what full grown men did. And I recently heard a Christian tell me that he was instructed in a local church that everyone has equal authority in Christ.


Brethren this is not true, everyone has the same Holy Ghost, he said, everybody's the same. The Scripture clearly teaches that people have different gifts, that people have different degrees of maturity, and I remind you that what is happening in this hour is that Christ is growing up from seed, which means he is having many experiences in many different members, and some have had more experiences than others, we are by no means equal, and it's possible for someone to have more experience in a particular area of Christ than someone else, and in another area of Christ, the two people could be reversed. One person could be more experienced in one area, and another person could be more experienced in another area, and you should keep that to your heart also. If you find yourself immature, it doesn't necessarily mean that you're immature in every area. You know what the Lord likens that to, those of you who have had children. I saw my grandniece last week, and her father my nephew said to me, look at her face, how fat it is, I know that means she's going to grow, that's what happens to her, she's four years old, one day I look at her and she looks as fat as could be and within two weeks she just grows about 3 inches and she's not fat anymore.


Well we're growing to, and every part of us is not growing the way every part of our neighbor is growing. I want to tell you the Lord did everything backwards with me. He threw me right into a deep ministry, taught me all the deep things of God first, and I found out as I was growing up after several years, that there were people in the carnal church that knew things that I didn't know, and they were simple compared to what God was teaching me, they were simple things, but he never took the time to teach me that. He just threw me right into the deep stuff, and then he added this other stuff as I went along.


So everybody is not growing at the same rate, so don't make assumptions that if somebody is matured in one area, that they're mature in all areas, it's not necessarily true, beware, ask the Lord, he'll tell you.


Okay, we're going on to chapter 5, and we're going to do verses 5-8, Lord willing, "..to deliver such a one, unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus", I must have backed up here, let me see where the word Christ is. Why did I decide to do this one, verse 5-8, oh I see our Passover is sacrificed for us is in verse 7, and to give us the whole understanding, I backed up to verse 5. Okay we'll start with verse 5, and we're talking, Paul is talking here about delivering someone unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus Christ. So I just took this opportunity to point out to you that Satan, who is Satan the god of? He's the god of this world and he's also the god of the carnal mind amen? And the flesh that's being destroyed, what's another name for that? The carnal mind. So what Paul is really saying is that the person who is living out of their carnal mind is turned over to the god of the carnal mind.


The one who you serve, that's the one who you're in bondage to. Paul is saying if you can't get out of the carnal mind, if you can't start living out of Christ, well then we turn you over to the god of the carnal mind so that, he can punish you and destroy your flesh, and what's your flesh, it's your carnal mind, let the god of the carnal mind punish you and it's rage that you even have a relationship with the Lord at all. Paul is saying we're going to take the protection of the Lord off of you, we're turning you over to your god, so let him destroy your carnal mind.


See either Christ has to destroy it, or Satan has to destroy it, but your carnal mind has to be destroyed. And the reason now this is called the judgment. The destruction of your flesh or your carnal mind is the judgment. When Satan does it, it's the sowing and reaping judgment and when Christ does it, it's the judgment seat of Christ, and the reason for this judgment is that your spirit may be saved when the Lord Jesus Christ appears. All judgment is so that you can be saved when the Lord Jesus Christ is ready to appear.


Verse 6, "Your glorying is not good, know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the lump?" He's saying your confidence is not good, brethren beware if you think that you're standing, that's when you fall. So he says don't glory, don't think that once saved always saved, don't think that you have all the power over all the enemies, that you have all the power over all the demons, don't feel secure, because you're not secure brethren, until you're raised from the dead. Your glorying is not good, don't think like this Paul says, it's not good, you could get turned over to Satan. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump, and I hope everybody here knows that leaven, what is leaven likened to in the Scriptures, sin, leaven is sin, leaveneth the whole lump, what whole lump brethren? Well a lump to me when I think of a lump, I think of a lump of clay, I mean that's what we are, we're a lump of clay right. So Paul says, don't joke about this, don't think out of your carnal mind, don't joke about it, because one little sinful thought, if you're not watching diligently, it can cause your whole person to be turned over to sin.


He's saying this warfare is very serious, you have to be ever diligent of your own carnal mind, and then he tells you in verse 7, "Purge out therefore the old leaven, that you may be a new lump." Now let me point out to you, he says the old leaven, now brethren, there is a difference between old sin and new sin, there is such a thing as old sin and new sin.


Old sin is family line curses, and it could be demons that you were born with, but it could also be demons or curses that you acquired as a result of ungodly behavior before you knew the Lord. And Paul says, "purge out the old leaven", purge out the sins that you're no longer engaged in. Brethren if you're doing the sin you're really eligible for deliverance, and that means if you're doing the sin without repentance, if you're completely overtaken and you cry out to God as you do it saying dear God help me, I can't stop, that's not what I'm talking about, but you cannot be fornicating at night and waking up in the morning and enjoying that fornication and waking up in the morning and going to a deliverance service and expect that demon to be cast out, it's not coming out, only the old sins are eligible to be purged out, those which are a part of your past life which are confessed as sin which you have renounced, which you have repented of, and which you are resisting diligently.


Those are the sins which are eligible to be purged out of you, and Paul tells you to do it, and the purpose that you should do it, is that you may be a new lump. Now I find that very interesting, I've been teaching here for quite a few years not recently but on past tapes that what God is doing in this hour could be likened to the movie the body snatchers. He's keeping our body, he's keeping our families, he's keeping our position in life, but when you were an old no good rotten sinner, that's what you once were, and now in the same body the same family, the same name, you are a whole new creature, and we said that this is what happened, well it happened several times, the last time that it happened was after the flood. Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth were righteous, we know they were righteous, God told us that, on the other side of the flood, but on this side of the flood, a tragedy occurred, Noah got drunk and when we looked all those words up in the Hebrew, we found out that he got drunk with the wine of Satan's spirit, he was seduced in his mind. One day the man Noah, who had three sons, was the righteousness of God, and then one day Ham woke up, and took a look at his father, and he looked the same and he had the same name and he had the same three sons, but his mind had changed.


He had been a righteous lump and he turned into a leavened lump. So here it is in the Scripture. So Paul says, "Purge out the old sin, so that you could be a new lump as ye are unleavened, be a new unleavened lump, for even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us." And what Paul is saying, the reason the only reason that you can do this, the only reason that you can stay in the same body and same life and go from being a sinner to being a justified or reconciled person, a person reconciled to God, is that Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us, because the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified, and he was a sacrifice.


He did not have to die, the reason that he's a sacrifice is that he did not have to die but he gave up that sinless soul life so that he could ascend into spirit form and pour out of the spirit upon us so that the nature of the father could be built into us so that we could purge out the old leaven and become a new lump by doing what? By getting a new mind. Is everybody okay. Now I'd just like to make one more comment, this is a very important point brethren because a lot of people in the church world think that we don't have to be sacrificed when they read this Scripture. Brethren there is one many-membered sacrifice, it is the sacrifice of the many-membered carnal mind, and Jesus Christ sacrificed his soul life, by crucifying the carnal mind that he inherited from Mary, but that personality of Jesus of Nazareth was just one member of this whole many-membered living soul, and when Christ is reproduced in you, your carnal mind which is just one member of the whole, must be crucified to the Christ in you, and this process will continue until the many membered Christ is crucified to the many membered carnal mind so completely that the carnal mind has been completely killed and only the mind of Christ is appearing in the creation. Is everybody okay. Okay so, where some people stumble, let me just clarify the point that I'm trying to make, yes Jesus was sacrificed for us, but that does not mean that we don't have to die, our carnal fallen nature our old man must die. Paul said, that the old man must be crucified to Christ, so that the body of sin which is the carnal mind can be destroyed, and he said that after the crucifixion, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our body does not have to be crucified, and we do not physically die, that is the miracle of what God is doing in this hour, under the old covenant, if sin was found in somebody, they were stoned, if the sin was severe, they were stoned, that vessel was marred, they were killed, the spirit went back to the father, and the father started again with new vessels that were born unto Israel. But in this hour God is performing the most incredible miracle, no matter what you have done, no matter what your parents have done, the father has made a provision that is getting inside of you, purging out that sin and giving you a new righteous mind without killing you.


Brethren we all deserve to die. Every human being on the face of this earth today deserves to die. We are under the judgment of death, the only part of us that he is requiring to die is our sin filled carnal mind, he's not requiring us to give up our soul life, our personality, our loved ones our position in this world system, he's converting us from the inside out, it's a miracle brethren. If you study the Old Testament you'll see that when sin got into a family line every subsequent generation just went down hill. Even under the old covenant, which was very powerful, the covenant that God had with Israel was very powerful, he appeared to them as a pillar of fire in a cloud, and he gave them military victories, it was a powerful covenant, but the only answer for sin, was death of that individual person, there was no provision to cleanse the person, so they could go on, or to stop the sin from going down on the family line. Everybody okay?


Chapter 10, I Cor. 10:9, "Neither let us tempt Christ as some of them also tempted and were destroyed of serpents." We can have Christ in us, Christ can be formed in us and to think that we can do anything with impunity is to tempt Christ. Because if you sin, if you think that you could sin because Christ is being formed in you, you will wind up treading Christ underfoot, and your carnal mind will have dominion over you again. Christ can be aborted, I have been preaching that here too, Christ can be aborted, you can lose what you have, if you don't take him seriously.


Verse 16, I'm going to start with 13 and go through 16, oh let's see where the Christ is in 16, oh yes, this is interesting, verse 16 is speaking about the blood of Christ, but we're going to start with verse 13. "There hath no temptation taken you, but such as is common to man, but God is faithful", he's saying that we're still human and we're still fallen, and we will be tempted but God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that which ye are able to cope with, but will with the temptation also make a way to escape that you will be able to bear it. Now brethren the way that you escape is by dealing with the problem in Christ. The way that you escape is by following the laws of the Lord, bless your enemies, pray for those who despitefully use you and when you forgive your enemies, when you fulfill of these requirements, then if the Lord so will, he may execute judgment upon your enemies out of the realm of the spirit, but you the man, are required to enmity and hostility in accordance with the instruction of Christ, and again we must learn to distinguish between what we the man must do, and what Christ will do even if that manifestation of Christ is coming through us, can you understand what I'm saying, we must fulfill the requirements of the natural man, then if Christ in us comes out of the realm of the spirit with a word of knowledge, or execution of judgment, that's God's business, we have to deal with the problem in Christ, everybody okay on that? Wherefore my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry, well what does that have to do with what he just said? Wherefore my beloved flee from idolatry.


Brethren the true idolatry is the worship of your carnal mind. The true idol is the image of Satan which is engraved in the flesh of your soul, and the name of that image is the carnal mind, the carnal mind is the image of the beast. So we see in verse 13, Paul says, you're going to be tempted, but the Lord's not going to suffer you more than you're able, therefore flee from idolatry, live out of Christ, respond out of Christ, because if you respond out of your carnal mind, it is the worship of your carnal mind.


Verse 15, I speak as to wise men, Paul is saying, I'm speaking as if you wise men, I'm speaking as if you have wisdom, I'm speaking assuming that you have Christ and you're living out of him, judge what I say, you know what Paul is saying? He's saying try the spirit. Now I'm going to tell you something that's a hard word Paul is saying, now you have the wisdom of God, try the spirit that's what he's saying. Verse 16, the cup of blessing which we bless is it not the communion of the blood of Christ, now brethren I'm sure you've heard this Scripture hundreds of times, we're not babies, in this ministry, I want to remind you there is no punctuation in the Greek. All the punctuation in the Scripture has been placed by the translators, and I want to suggest to you that there is no question mark at the end of this sentence. The cup of blessing which we bless, it is not the communion of the blood of Christ. Brethren that carnal communion, that cup of wine that you put to your mouth, or that cup of grape juice, this is not the communion of the blood of Christ, the bread which we break, it is not the communion of the body of Christ.


Now remember Paul was just telling them, the Lord's not going to let you be tempted beyond what you could bear, he's going to make a way of escape, therefore beloved, flee from idolatry, and then he tells them, brethren this communion service that you're partaking of is idolatrous. You know I've had a couple of people say to me, well do you take communion when you're in a church that practices it? And you know to be honest with you I never had a Scripture on it before now, I just knew in my heart it was a serious business, and I would not compromise under any circumstances, if they threw me out of the church, I would not partake of it, I knew it wasn't innocent, but I didn't have a full understanding of why, and here it is, it's idolatry.


And this is why, now let me just read this to you, Paul is saying flee from idolatry, and listen to what I'm saying out of the mind of Christ in you and try the spirit and see if it is in Christ in me, the cup that you're drinking, it's not the true communion of the blood of Christ, the life of Christ, and that means Christ in you. The bread that you're breaking, it's not the communion of the body of Christ, why? Because the blood and body of Christ is in you, and in the next verse he says, and the reason for that is that we, I'm reading the second phrase first, for we are all partakers of that one bread. Now who is the one bread brethren? Our Lord Jesus Christ, he's saying for we, for everyone whose partaking of that one bread, we are the bread and the body of Christ. We are the bread and the body of Christ, when Christ is being formed in you.


For we being many are one bread and one body, why? Because we are all partakers of that one bread, we are the bread and the body of Christ, and if this is Christ in me preaching to you, you are taking communion, you are partaking of the bread of the body of Christ which is his word, and of the spirit of the father which is the mind. And if you're still going back to those little crackers and grape juice, it's a religious ritual of men that is satisfying your carnal mind and Paul says it is idolatry. So flee from idolatry little children, okay in verse 18 Paul says, Behold Israel after the flesh, look at natural Israel, are not they which eat of the sacrifices partakers of the altar? Brethren the priest that made the sacrifices ate the sacrifices and the significance of it was, that they were joined in union with the God to whom the sacrifice was made, that's the significance of it.


So when you eat of the bread and body of Christ, it joins you to him, but in this covenant, the bread and the body of Christ is spirit, verse 20, "But I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice gave sacrifice to devils and not to God, and I would not that you should have fellowship with devils. Brethren it's really not clear but I ask you to pray about this in Christ, what Paul is saying, is that if you partake of this idolatry, you are sacrificing to the god of your carnal mind.


This religious ritual is not unto the father, and the devils that you're sacrificing to are the devils in your own mind, people love religious ritual, they love it, and it's to their own self gratification. The religious works of men gratify our carnal minds. Brethren that is the issue that we are struggling with in this hour, we are trying to overcome the flesh, and to defeat our needs that are arising out of the flesh which is our carnal mind not by a religious work that's tormenting us, but by starting to live out of Christ, and to do the spiritual works of Christ, which will cause the carnal desires of our carnal mind to die. So back in verse 19, I don't think I put it to you exactly right, Paul is saying, what say I then, that the idol is anything or that which is offered in sacrifice to idols is anything. Paul is saying this is no small thing that you're doing here, and listen to this, it's a mystery brethren, pray about it, but I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, brethren he's calling the people that do this communion Gentiles.


I'm suggesting to you that he's calling the people in church that are sacrificing the sacrifice of the communion, he's calling them Gentiles. And They sacrificed to devils and not to God, and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. Brethren if Paul is talking about the Gentiles outside of the church, why is he saying this to you, that it's not devils it's God and that I don't want you to have fellowship with devils, brethren he's calling the people in the church who this, the Gentiles. Brethren the church of God is made up of those people in whom Christ is being formed that are living out of that Christ. This sin in the church has got to go. Then Paul goes on to say in verse 21, ye cannot drink of the cup of the Lord and the cup of devils, you cannot take spiritual communion and Gentile communion. Do you hear this he called them Gentiles.


You can't partake of both brethren, don't think that because you go into a carnal church that you're becoming all things to all men. Don't misuse the Scripture, Paul is clearly stating this is not becoming all things to all men, this is idolatry and it's partaking of the cup of devils. You cannot be partakers of the Lord's table and the table of devils, he's talking about the wine and the bread, which is in this hour spiritual. Verse 22, do we provoke the Lord to jealousy, are we stronger than he? He's talking to the people at Corinth brethren, and he's calling them Gentiles. He's telling you that the ritualistic carnal communion is no small thing. And I want to adjure you brethren, with all the strength I have in Christ, if you don't think you're strong enough to go into a place where they might be doing that and pass it by, you better off not going in. Glory to God. Chapter 11:3, "But I would have you know that the head of every man and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God." Brethren this has nothing to do with physical bodies. The head of every spiritual man is the Christ that is his mind. And what that means is, that the carnal mind that the spiritual man has is under the feet of, and in submission to that Christ mind, that's what makes you a spiritual man. The fact that the Christ mind in you is ruling over your wife, which is your carnal mind. I tell the Lord all the time, I'm having a lot of trouble with my wife, she's making me crazy. I pray like that, I'm not kidding. I don't like what she's doing. I don't like what she's thinking, I don't like what she's feeling, but in many areas I'm not strong enough to take dominion over her, and I'm crying out to God, for him to increase his strength in me, cause she's giving me trouble.


So getting back to the Scripture, we were in I Cor. 11:3, so the head of the spiritual man is Christ in him and that means that Christ is ruling over the carnal mind of the believer who is a spiritual man, it has nothing to do with your body. Now brethren if you're not strong enough to do that, you see I'm ruling over my wife, but she's really vexing me, she's a Jezebel you see, she wants to tell me what to do, and she wants to make the decisions in this household.


Now she's not doing it, but she's vexing me, but the fact that I'm listening to her and that I'm living out of Christ makes me a spiritual man. Now brethren, if your carnal mind is vexing you and dominating you, now don't get condemned, just know who you are, that means you're a woman, it means you're a spiritual woman, if you're thinking out of your carnal mind, if you're living out of your carnal mind, if you're listening to her nonsense, if you're listening to her carnal thoughts, if you're sinning because she is ruling through you, what you need to do is to get into a ministry, that's headed up by a spiritual man and submit yourself to it. Now brethren if you have a husband and he's not a spiritual man, submitting to your husband isn't going to cut it, now you have to submit to your husband unless he's ungodly, I'm not preaching rebellion in the marriage. We did the book of Ephesians and the book of Colossians recently, I think it was in Ephesians, your natural husband is the husband of your natural life, he's the head of the physical household, he's the father of your children, but you have a spiritual husband. Now either that spiritual husband is within your own mind, or I'm assuming if you're a believer, and if that spiritual husband is not within your own mind, you need to be under a spiritual man. It doesn't really have anything to do with your natural husband unless there's a spiritual problem in the marriage and we're not talking about that tonight.


If your carnal mind is reigning through your mind, you need to be under a spiritual man, and that doesn't mean any old church, get into a church that's headed up by a spiritual man, how do you know, ask the Lord to tell you where to go. And that doesn't mean that you stay there forever, it is God's plan for every believer to pass from spiritual childhood into spiritual womanhood, into spiritual manhood. You're suppose to be growing but you're not doing yourself any good by lying to your self about where you are at any given moment. Now if you're a woman you should be under a man, and you should be doing everything you can to wrestle with your carnal mind, confessing your sin continuously, that she's ruling and reigning through you, that's without condemnation now, don't let anyone say I'm condemning anybody, I'm not I'm here to grow you up, and the truth is going to grow you up.


So the head of every man is Christ, but the head of the woman is the man and the head of Christ is God. So even if you're a spiritual man and you're living out of Christ in you, you are still answerable to God. There is no one on the face of the earth that does not answer to somebody, even Jesus of Nazareth in full stature, he was the Christ, he said I do nothing except what my father tells me to do. Why? Because when we're in this flesh we are vulnerable, apparently even when we are in full stature. He only did what his father told him to do, that was what made him in full stature. Chapter 12:12, "For as the body is one, and hath many members and all the members of that one body, being many are one body, so also is Christ, and in the Greek, the article is there, so also is the Christ. So we see here that the Christ is a many-membered body, and this is a great mystery, but in the realm of the spirit we are all one, because Christ is not divided, and that's why as you start living out of Christ, as you become more and more spiritual, you will start feeling in your emotions and in your own spiritual mind the thoughts and the emotions of other people who are in Christ, because we're one, and you have to learn how to deal with that, you can't be overtaken by it, and that's one of the things that we're teaching here.


Verse 27 of the same chapter 12, "Now ye are the body of Christ and members in particular", just another witness to that. Each of us is not an individual, so let me address this error that when we're glorified we're going to be a whole bunch of glorified bodies running down the street, brethren without glorification, in the spirit, we're already not individuals.


So when the body is glorified, Christ will not be divided then either. And the glorification of the body is even a more intense union, because right now, we are spiritual beings that have walls, we live behind walls, these bodies are walls, and our adamic soul, our fallen soul, our carnal mind is another wall, it's a second layer of wall, because Christ is not divided, in the spirit we're all one. In our carnal minds we're divided, and in our physical bodies we're divided. So what's going to happen is that the carnal mind is going to be, what's going to happen to the carnal mind? It's going to be crucified, so Christ and the carnal mind is going to be one, that's the end of that wall. Okay, so after the crucifixion of the carnal mind, the body is going to be glorified, that's the end of that wall, so we're not going to be individual bodies, shining bodies running down the street. The body and the carnal mind is being absorbed into the spirit in which there is no division. Everybody okay? Are you okay? Because you had asked me that question once about the glorified bodies running down the street.


COMMENT: I thought you said that there was going to be, the person was going to be like full of light and there body was going to go within and the light is coming out, and then but if you get close you're going to see that person.


PASTOR VITALE: Well at the stage of glorification it's just going to be one body, that's true, but it's going to be just one body.


COMMENT: And you said, if you look a little further in you could see who it is.


PASTOR VITALE: Right that's the glorified Christ, but we're not going to be individuals, we're going to be one.


COMMENT: So you're just going to see the face of a man?


PASTOR VITALE: I don't know exactly what you're going to see.


COMMENT: What are we going to be one big ball of light?


PASTOR VITALE: Well maybe, I don't know, I don't know.


COMMENT: The stars are one big ball of light.


PASTOR VITALE: I don't know, I just know that we're all being absorbed into Christ, and we're only members of his body in accordance with this Scripture, this is a great mystery but your body that you have now is made up of billions of cells, and that's what each of us is a cell in this superhuman body of God. But it has to be on a much higher level, but one of the biggest stumbling blocks to some of the deep teaching coming forth here, is that people are having trouble giving up their walls, cause you're not giving up your spiritual identity, you're giving up your walls and the carnal minds of men don't want to do that, because for these walls to come down, your carnal mind has to die. So it's a big opposition of the carnal mind, and I'll tell you what I've been telling you all along, to our fallen carnal minds, and me too at this point, it sounds like we're going to be losing our identity, and moving into some big mish mash, which is what you're indicating with what you just said, but it cannot be, it has got to be an existence that will be far superior to this existence, I just don't know what it it, I have no information for you right now. But it must be far superior to this. Do you have another question?


COMMENT: It has to be more than everybody turns into light and then it's just a bunch of light, it to be more than that because God created the whole creation and he made a body to be seen in so, he did that for a purpose, why did he ever make us?


PASTOR VITALE: We're fallen.


COMMENT: We're fallen but I mean if he just wanted a shining star, you he's already got that.


PASTOR VITALE: We're going to have a form and that form is in Ezekiel 1, and the form is just one man, one glorified man, and we all have a part in him.


COMMENT: So he's going to be seen in a glorified man.


PASTOR VITALE: Oh, that's your question, oh he's going to be seen amen, if you want to know what he's going to look like you can read Ezekiel 1, or you can well the description of him in the back of the book of Revelation is a spiritual description with his hair white as snow and him riding on a horse, that's just a spiritual, we're the horse you know, that's a spiritual description. He's going to be a glorified man, and we don't know what it's going to be like, what the experience will be like, we don't know, and we don't know what he's going to look like, but we know that it's got to be good and we know that we're going to be light, because we see Jesus and he's a ball of light, but he's many things, he's not a ball of light, he's many things he takes many forms, but we don't know.


COMMENT: I thought Christ was going to overcome and we'd have the mind of Christ and that we'd be like Jesus was after the resurrection, walking upon the earth to restore the earth.


PASTOR VITALE: Well I don't know any Scripture that says that, it sounds good, but I don't know any Scripture that says that. The Scripture says eye hath not seen and ear hath not heard what the Lord has in store for us. Jesus was only walking on the earth for forty days, right now he's in heaven, he returned to heaven.


COMMENT: I thought that the church would have difficulty in accepting the sons of God, just as they did that they had difficulty accepting Jesus, and they couldn't see the mind of Christ in him.


PASTOR VITALE: Well that's true, but I don't understand what you're saying.


COMMENT: I thought they wouldn't be able to discern the body of Christ...


PASTOR VITALE: Oh you're saying if we're pure spirit, the church won't be able to discern us? Is that what you're saying? Oh, well we've skipped over a couple of steps, the glorification isn't happening for a couple of thousand years, the next step is that we will be in the condition that Jesus was in before the crucifixion.


COMMENT: So it's full stature.


PASTOR VITALE: Full stature, that's what we're dealing with now, the first fruits is going to stand up in full stature, and my personal opinion is that we're probably going to see this company of men on the earth for approximately 1500 years, and that 1500 years they will be appearing to the multitudes and doing the greater works, so they will very much be seen.


COMMENT: A woman many years ago said she saw a vision, she saw Christ was the head and there were faces all in the body the arms and the fingers the feet, through out the body.


PASTOR VITALE: So I think we have a fair grasp of what it's going to be like in the first and second stages of resurrection, the big mystery is the third stage of the resurrection. But we'll know, maybe when we're in full stature we'll know, but right now let's take it a step at a time, and we do have a very good vision of what it will be like in full stature, we saw Jesus. Amen, okay.


Chapter 15:3-4, Oh, we did this, maybe I'll review this, "For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures." And we've done a couple of messages on this, we found out that that word "for" can be translated across, and we found other Scriptures where there was another word included, across from this age, so we're saying Christ died in the age across from where we are sinners, and we found Romans 5:6 I believe which said, that Christ died in the age of innocence, and we fell down to this age where we became ungodly, and the phrase in verse three according to the Scriptures is referring to that Christ died in the age across from the sinners, across from the age where we are now, and the age of innocence was a spiritual age, and this age is a physical age, and this physical age is an image of the realm of the spirit.


So it's the complete opposite, the flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit lusteth against the flesh, and this age or this world is a mirror image of the spirit, the example we give is if you hold up a book into a mirror, the writing will come out backwards, if you look at your face in the mirror, you look the same, but if you hold a book up into the mirror, the writing will be reversed. We are the reverse image of the spiritual realm, and that's what this is talking about. Christ died in age that was the reverse of this age, he was in the spiritual age, he died and we fell down to this soulish age, where we became ungodly, and to be ungodly is the exact opposite of to be righteous. In the age of innocence Christ was righteous, we fell down to the opposite side, and we became ungodly, everybody okay on that? Verse 4, And that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the Scriptures. Now this is a big mystery, the crucifixion is not mentioned here at all and I remind you of some teaching that came forth here a few months ago, where the Lord clearly instructed us when the Scripture talks about events, and time periods to do with events.


We must ask the Lord from where we start counting. So if the Scripture is speaking about three days, we must say what? What must we ask the Lord, if the Scripture is talking about three days, what must we ask the Lord? Three days from when? Now the carnal minds of men, of the believers say well he must talking about the crucifixion, but brethren the Scripture does not say the crucifixion, if fact it does not say from when. So let us be careful brethren to not draw conclusions about the mysteries of the Scripture that the Lord is hoping to impart to us and has started to impart to us at the last meeting.


So Christ died in the age which was opposite of this age, that age was righteous and this age is wicked, and he was buried, and that Greek word translated buried, can mean entombed, brethren he was buried in a tomb that was made of earth, he was buried under where, where is he buried? He's buried under the carnal minds of men. Christ had a skeleton we're told brethren and when he was killed that skeleton was broken up, we're told his bones were broken and one of his bones is buried in each of us and when he died, his name changed, the name of Christ to which was alive changed to what? What's the name of his bone that's in you, the human spirit.


So the human spirit is buried under the carnal mind and the physical body of the ungodly people in this age, which is opposite the age where Christ was righteous, and that he rose again the third day. Well we know that Christ was raised from the dead, the whole issue here is when he was raised from the dead. And I want to suggest to you that for Christ to be raised from the dead, or let me put it to you this way, for the man Jesus of Nazareth to be the Christ, he had to be raised from the dead to be called the Christ. For anyone to be called the Christ, what that means is that your mind 100% of the time without variation is Christ, that your whole vessel is totally under the authority of Christ, that's what makes you the Christ, that was what made Jesus the Christ, he was without sin, because the mind of Christ was completely ruling his whole being.


Well if Christ died at the fall, and a bone of his is buried in each of us, for Jesus to be the Christ that bone had to be resurrected in the man Jesus of Nazareth. And I remind you of Rom.6, I can't remember the exact verse, Christ being raised from the dead, dieth no more. So if Christ was raised from the dead in the man Jesus of Nazareth before the crucifixion, how could he have been raised again when the man Jesus was raised, and I'm suggesting to you that the resurrection of the man Jesus was at a different time then the resurrection of the Christ. And I also suggest to you that if Christ was killed on the cross, if either he was killed again, which is negated by the Scripture that I just gave you, he can't die anymore, now the Scripture doesn't say he can't be killed anymore, it says he can't die anymore. So as far as I'm concerned he couldn't even give up his own life, but assuming that he did, if Christ had died on the cross, that would have been the righteousness of the man Jesus dying, can anyone not agree that the Christ was the righteousness of the man Jesus. Everybody okay? If that righteousness died on the cross, there would have been no reason for the father to raise the man from the dead, the reason the father raised the man Jesus from the dead was because he was righteous.


Now if that righteousness, brethren when righteousness dies, what does it die to, does it disappear? Or does it become something else, what does righteousness become when it dies? When righteousness dies, what happened at the beginning, at the fall, the righteous Christ died and he became what? He became the carnal mind, he became death, he became sin. So if righteousness died on the cross, that means the man would have become sin, and the father would have never raised him from the dead. Now you know, just take it easy and pray about it, I'm telling you the truth, if you don't want to believe it that's fine, but I'm telling you the truth, it's a deep revelation and it's the truth of God.


COMMENT: In this particular verse here that he was, you're talking about verse 3 and 4 aren't you, well this has to be talking about Jesus in this particular situation because it says and after that he was seen of above 500 brethren at once, and of whom the greater part remains, that he was seen of Cephas and then of the twelve, that's talking about Jesus.


PASTOR VITALE: Well that's talking about Jesus but don't draw the conclusion that the verse before was talking about Jesus, because Paul jumps back and forth. And aside from that the Scripture that says verse 3, Christ died for us, if you look at it in the Greek, the word the is not before Christ, it's Christ, not the Christ, Jesus was the Christ, this is verse 3, Christ, okay. So then he rose again and then we have the third day. So I'm going to suggest to you that with all the other Scriptures that I've already given you, and everything that we've talked about, about Christ dying at the fall and being raised from the dead, and everything else I've just presented to you, I want to suggest to you that there must be another translation of this phrase the third day, because it doesn't fit.


So when we looked up these words in the Greek, we found out that the Greek word translated the third can also be translated the third part of the day, the day being what? Okay, we've been taught here that the day is the light and that it's Jesus, but I went into that Greek word and I also found out that that Greek word can mean the civil day, the twenty four hour day that has both darkness and light in it, and I want to suggest to you that Jesus of Nazareth was the day, but he wasn't the day of the glorified Christ which is only light, he was the day of the Christ which had darkness in it, because he had a carnal mind that he inherited from his mother. So there was a man called Jesus of Nazareth, he was the day, he was light, but there was darkness in him, and I want to suggest to you that the third part of that man Jesus of Nazareth was that darkness and when we studied the book of Revelation, we found many Scriptures speaking about the third part and the revelation that came down in all of those studies was that the third part of man is the satanic realm, the third part of man is the satanic realm. There is the father, heaven, there is the soul, earth and there is a pestilence or a darkness in the earth whose function is to give form to the earth. So this is what we're saying here. This phrase the third day should be translated the third part of the man Jesus, which was the day, but he was a day that still had a carnal mind, and the alternate translation that the father gave us, was that Christ died in the age across from this age, we're fallen and he was righteous, he died in the age where he was righteous, even though he was innocent and he was buried under the carnal minds and the bodies of men, and he rose again out of the third part of the man Jesus, according to the Scriptures, and did not Christ come forth out from under the carnal mind of the man Jesus.


Does not the mustard seed enter into the fallen heart of man, and is not Christ being formed inside the carnal mind, and therefore are we not the temple of the Holy Ghost, because the Holy Spirit enters into our heart, but the Christ was resurrected out of the third part of the day which still has some darkness in it because he wasn't glorified yet, according to the Scriptures, and then the next verse says and he was seen of Cephas, and then of the twelve, yes, he was, the Christ who was in that hour appearing in the man Jesus of Nazareth was seen of Cephas and the twelve, after the resurrection of the man Jesus. And I declare to you that the resurrection of the man Jesus is deliberately not mentioned in this account, and the reason it's deliberately not mentioned is that this account is the account of the resurrection of Christ, and the resurrection of the man Jesus is left out to clarify that.


The following verse says that the Christ was seen of Cephas and the twelve because at that point the Christ had been completely joined with the resurrection man Jesus Christ who was now our Lord Jesus Christ, there is no longer any separation between Jesus of Nazareth, who was the Christ, and the Christ. They have been completely joined, the man Jesus the Christ and the carnal mind that Jesus inherited from his mother were completely joined and they now all have one name, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the way the Scripture is written is the Scriptural or the secret or the mysterious or the hidden way of the Scripture telling us, that after the Christ was raised from the dead, some time thereafter, he was so completely joined with the man Jesus of Nazareth, that when Jesus of Nazareth rose from the dead, the viewing of Christ was the same thing as the viewing of the resurrected glorified Lord Jesus.


There would have been no resurrection of the dead if Christ was not first raised out of the darkness in the man Jesus.


COMMENT: Does this revelation take away from any part that Jesus rose from the dead three days after the crucifixion, or is it like the Christian church says, he died on Friday and raised on Sunday.


PASTOR VITALE: No it has nothing to do with that at all, but the man Jesus of Nazareth rose from the dead three and three nights after he died on the cross, this has nothing to do whatsoever with the man Jesus of Nazareth, the whole point here is that a separation is being made between the resurrection of the Christ in the man Jesus, and the resurrection of the man Jesus after the crucifixion, the whole point being that the man Jesus would have never been raised from the dead, if the Christ wasn't first raised from the dead in him, and it's a deep mystery. So I just ask that you pray about it.


So what is this saying to us, there's no way that we're going to be glorified until Christ is raised from the dead in us, and when Christ is raised from the dead in us, we'll be seen too. So the crucifixion was deliberately omitted to emphasize that this Scripture is not speaking about the man Jesus but speaking about the Christ, and I also remind you that the article is missing in the Greek in verse 3, it is not talking about the Christ, it is talking about Christ who died in the age opposite this ungodly age, and he was buried under the souls and bodies of men and he rose again out of the Satanic realm of the man who was day, but still had that darkness within him for Christ to come out of, according to the Scriptures and then he was seen of Cephas but there is an event missing, the body of the man Jesus in whom the Christ was raised from the dead was crucified and that man was raised from the dead by the father, and then the Christ who was now one with the man was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve.


After the glorification there was no longer any separation between the Christ who was raised from the dead, and the man Jesus of Nazareth who was raised from the dead, and we find this even in the Gospels, any teacher of the Scripture will tell you, if you want the whole picture look for the account in all four of the Gospels and you'll find that some Gospels give information that the other Gospels don't have, is there anybody here that doesn't know that? When you're trying to get some information out of the Scripture you have to look for every place where the Lord gives the account and be a detective and pick up all the little extra clues that is not in every account, does anybody not know that? Well this is what's happening here, this is what's happening here. Christ was raised from the dead, it's a great mystery at the time he was raised from the dead, Christ was separate from the man Jesus, but by the time Cephas and the twelve saw the Christ, the Christ was totally and completely integrated with the man Jesus and they were one. So we have two accounts of the resurrection, one of the Christ, one of the man Jesus and after both were accomplished, Cephas and the twelve saw the Christ.


Does anybody not know what I'm talking about, you don't have to agree with me, do you not know what I'm talking about? Anybody not know what I'm talking about, glory to God. Okay, anymore questions, do you have anymore questions on this area?


COMMENT: It makes sense there kind of what you were saying about, it's really deep, he is talking about Christ was seen of the twelve, but was seen, of course we know he was seen in the man Jesus after he rose from the dead.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, but there one now.


COMMENT: It could be that he didn't mention Jesus here and you know the resurrection and glorification, but he's talking about, still he's talking about him as a whole thing you know.


PASTOR VITALE: Well that's the whole point, he is talking about the man Jesus who is raised from the dead, who is now one with the Christ, that's the whole point it's a mystery, it's a mystery, now let me say it again, and this is the major point that in the man Jesus of Nazareth before the crucifixion, Christ was separate from the man. After the resurrection, after the crucifixion and the resurrection, Christ was no longer separate from the man, so the only reason that Christ could be seen by Cephas and the twelve was that Christ was now one with the man, that's the mystery. So you can review the tape, and pray about it, okay are you alright? Okay, praise God Hallelujah. This is awesome, I want to tell you this is awesome what God is bringing forth here, it's awesome. It's really strengthening me, I don't know about you but I'm just much stronger in this walk than I've ever been, I just don't care what anybody thinks, nothing personal against anybody you know, I just don't care, I know that God told it to me, and I really don't mean anybody here, I really mean the people outside, I know God told it to me, if you don't like me that's okay, if you want to talk about me that's okay, I just really don't care, I want everything that God's gonna give me, and I'm not afraid, because if I'm wrong he's going to correct me and I know it, and I just don't care what the church world thinks, I don't care what they say about me, I'm going through, to the fullest degree that he lets me, I'm going through. Hallelujah, praise God I'm not stopping here.


Verses 12, in the same chapter 15, verse 12, for some reason, I have down 12-29, that's a long one, let me see what I did here.


COMMENT: Could this mean that you, when you're explaining a spiritual thing about what happened to Christ, that Christ rose from the dead out of the third part of Jesus.


PASTOR VITALE: Right, he came out of the carnal mind, you know that don't you.


COMMENT: Yes, but what I'm saying is that Jesus actually did, the man Jesus, his body did rise again, on the third day, in the natural, three natural days, so this has got two meanings to it?


PASTOR VITALE: No, because it's not talking about the man Jesus, the man Jesus did not die in the age across from this age.


COMMENT: Well this could refer to the body of Jesus rising again on the third day too.


PASTOR VITALE: It doesn't say the body of Jesus it says Christ, it says without the article, it says Christ died for us, and we already have at least two messages proving that Christ didn't die for us, that the man Jesus of Nazareth died for us, the son of man died for us. Christ was the mind that was in that man, and because the mind of the man Jesus of Nazareth was Christ, therefore that made the man Jesus of Nazareth the Christ, Jesus the Christ. That when Christ was crucified to the carnal mind, it was the carnal mind who died and we had two Scriptures in the last message on that, the first one saying that the man Paul says the man of sin must be crucified to Christ, so that the body of sin could be destroyed and then we had another Scripture in Galatians, where Paul said, "I live but yet not I", Paul said I'm crucified with Christ yet I live but not I. So the crucifixion in Paul killed his carnal mind and it was Christ that was alive in him.


So on the cross, I shouldn't even say on the cross, the crucifixion of Christ did not kill Christ, this is the whole point that we're teaching here, the crucifixion of Christ killed the carnal mind. So I really have to disagree with you that in this verse 3, I cannot see based on, I mean I have to be honest with you, that if we didn't have all the other Scriptures backing it up, I could say well maybe you have a point, but with everything else that God has taught us here, there is just no way that I can conceive that to be the man Jesus Christ. And I'll review for you, Christ without the article, meaning...


COMMENT: I don't understand when you say the article.


PASTOR VITALE: Whenever the Scripture says the Christ, the article is the word "the", it's called the article. So wherever the Greek says The Christ, it's talking about Jesus who is the and who was the Christ, but we did this on another message, whenever the Greek appears without the article, where it just says Christ, it's speaking about the spiritual mind of God in the creation, which is Christ, okay? The mind of God in the creation is called Christ. In this Scripture there is no article before the word Christ. So that's the first proof, and the second proof is that it says Christ died for us, for our sins and we have at least two other Scriptures in the book of Romans where we disprove that, and then we have other Scriptures saying that Christ has never died for us, when Christ died it was a tragedy, Christ was the mind that was in the creation, that made it righteous, and when Christ died, it caused the creation to fall and become unrighteous.


COMMENT: So when it said Christ died for us, it's mistranslated?


PASTOR VITALE: It's mistranslated because the King James translators didn't understand that there's a difference between Christ and the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ died for us, the son of man died for us, but when Christ died the creation fell, and when Christ is crucified, the carnal mind dies.


Okay chapter 15:12-29, "Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead...", and again there is no article there, "Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some that among you that there is no resurrection of the dead? But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not risen."


And I remind you that the risen Christ is referring to full stature, the rising of Christ from the dead is referring to full stature, "and if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith also is in vain", well what does that mean? What is the purpose of preaching, what is the purpose of preaching. To have Christ formed in us, well if Christ really didn't rise from the dead, that means that our preaching is not going to impart his nature to you, it would be in vain, there's no purpose in it, no purpose in it at all. "And if Christ be not risen then is our preaching in vain, and your faith is in vain also." We could preach for the next 60 years, and you have no reason to hope that Christ is going to be formed in you, because if Christ didn't rise from the dead in the man Jesus of Nazareth, then the work could not have been done, now listen I'll go through the whole thing. If Christ did not rise in the man Jesus of Nazareth, that means that he is not ascended on to heaven, that Jesus Christ is not ascended into heaven, has not become spirit form, is not pouring out of heaven upon all flesh, is not falling on your heart, and does not have the authority to form Christ in you.


So what am I preaching for, because the whole purpose in preaching is to feed your heart with the spirit of the resurrected Christ, so that he could be formed in you too, and raise you from the dead too. Now let me ask you a question. If the Christ was raised from the dead, in the man Jesus of Nazareth, okay well let me start another way. What we're preaching here is that we do not have to physically die. We do not have to physically die, okay. That Christ can be raised in us in the same way that Christ was raised from the dead in the man Jesus of Nazareth, Christ was raised from the dead in the man Jesus of Nazareth without a physical death, without a physical death, okay.


Now if Christ was raised from the dead only after the crucifixion, that would mean our bodies would have to be crucified too. So think about that one, okay. Don't forget the Scripture that says, well what I'm suggesting to you is for Jesus to be the Christ, Christ had to be raised from the dead in Jesus before the crucifixion, and the Scripture says once Christ is raised from the dead, he dieth no more, so how could he die on the cross okay. So we have a lot of scriptural truth here, we have a lot to pray about, we have a lot to pray about here.


Okay, going on with verse 15, "Yea, and we would be found false witnesses of God." Well how could you be false witnesses of God. Brethren the witness of God, well why does God need a witness? A witness to what? A witness that Christ was raised from the dead, and what is the witness that Christ was raised from the dead? It is the power and authority of the Christ in the believer, that is the witness that Christ was raised from the dead. And Paul says, we would be found a false witness. So Paul says, If we're preaching and we don't have any authority to have Christ formed in you so that you could be raised from the dead, that means that the spirit in us is not Christ and we're a false witness for God. Does anybody not understand that? Let me say it again. The witness, the way we are a witness for God, is that Christ is working in us, that we have received power and authority in our life, that we're being healed that we're being delivered, the sign of his resurrection is in our flesh.


Is everybody okay? So if I'm preaching Christ to you and my preaching does not have the authority to reproduce Christ in you, any healing and deliverance that is coming forth from this ministry is a false witness. You don't hear me, let me try again. The sign Paul is saying that Christ is raised from the dead, that the Lord Jesus Christ was raised from the dead was that he had the authority, that Christ was formed in him and he had the authority to do the works of Christ, but he said if Christ really wasn't raised from the dead, the spirit that's doing the healing and deliverance, it must be a false witness, because you know evil spirits can heal and deliver. You know evil spirits can even raise a dead body from the dead probably, nothing would surprise me, but evil spirits cannot raise Christ from the dead. Evil spirits can raise a body from the dead, evil spirits in a man can raise a body from the dead, they cannot raise Christ from the dead. And in the last message we went over the Scripture in Luke where Jesus is telling the Jews to not fear the men who have the power to kill your body and after that, can do no more harm to you. Human men cannot kill a mind so that was another point. How do you kill a mind? And I'm really not going to go over the whole thing again, but we did bring out that only another mind could kill a mind. The carnal mind killed Christ. Human beings could not kill the mind that was in Jesus of Nazareth, how could they kill his mind, his mind was living by the life of God, how could they kill his mind. They couldn't. Jesus said men only have the authority to kill your body.


So Paul is saying that he didn't have that witness in him, that if they didn't have that witness in them, they would be false witnesses of God. Because we have testified of God that he raised up and in this word Christ in the Greek the article is there, because we have testified of God that he raised up the Christ, we have testified of God that he raised up the Christ, whom he raised not up, in other words if it's true that he wasn't raised from the dead, then we're saying that the father raised up Christ and we're liars. Let me read you that whole verse again, "Yes, and we are found false witnesses of God because we have testified of God that he raised up the Christ, who he raised not up according to you, if so be that the dead rise not." If there is no resurrection of the dead, then the father didn't raise up the Christ, the man Jesus of Nazareth. For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised, and if Christ be not raised, your faith is in vain, ye are yet in your sins.


If I'm not mistaken every time Christ appears in this whole account it's without the article except in verse 15. And if Christ be not raised, so you see the whole sequence here is saying that the man Jesus could not have been raised up if Christ wasn't raised, that's what this is saying here. Back in verse 14, and if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain and your faith also vain, yea, and we are found false witnesses of God, because we have testified of God that he raised up the Christ. And he couldn't have raised up the Christ if Christ was not risen, that's what I was just saying, that's what I was talking about ten minutes ago. The man Jesus of Nazareth could have never been raised up if Christ was not risen.


So let's go on with verse 17, "And if Christ be not raised your faith is in vain, ye are yet in your sins, you haven't even been reconciled." Verse 18, "Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished, if in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are all men most miserable. Now I want to zero in on those last two verses because when I looked it up in the Greek it's nothing at all like it. Even I have been believing all along, verses 18 and 19, Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished...", and I've always heard it taught that those who had a relationship with the Lord and fell asleep that means that the Lord's not going to raise them from the dead, all your loving relatives that went to church every Sunday, and died, that that's who the dead in Christ are, or are asleep in Christ, and then at one point I was preaching that the Scripture is speaking about those have a relationship with the Lord, but Christ is not being formed in them, or even if Christ is being formed in them, that they're not living out of Christ, they haven't been awakened from the dead yet, and we're going to go into that.


Okay, the phrase "fallen asleep" it's Strong's #2837, and it means "to die", the implication being that these dead people are capable of being roused from the dead.


Now let me remind you that to the best of my knowledge, three Greek words that can be translated death, nekros means to be dead, corpse, you're a corpse, nekros, apathnesko, forgive my pronunciation if there are any Greek scholars listening to me, apathnesko means "to die a violent death", or to die unreformed". We found that word apathnesko in our study in Lazarus and the rich man, and we found out that the rich man typifying natural Israel died unreformed. They had an imputed Christ, they had a heavy anointing but their souls were never converted, the mind that was in the men of natural Israel remained the carnal mind. They had an anointing in Israel whereby the Holy Spirit would come upon their carnal minds and completely overpower them, but their hearts, they were never converted, their mind never stopped being the carnal mind, and became Christ. That is the Greek word apathnesko, and it also means a violent death, and the Scriptures that talk about the death of Christ use the Greek word apathnesko, Christ died a violent death, which resulted in the fall, he was violently attacked by the carnal mind, and the third Greek word that means death is thanatos and thanatos is referring to the separation of the soul from the body, it is the death of the body, which is caused by the separation of the soul from it. The body cannot live without a soul.


So this Greek word Strong's #2837 translated fallen asleep is implying that the dead, the person or the one who died here is capable of being aroused. When Lazarus died, Jesus said, he's just sleeping, because Jesus knew he had the authority to raise Lazarus from the dead, and the word perished, the Greek word translated "perished" is Strong's #622, and that word means to abolish or to put an end to, and what I'm going to suggest to you is that I'm going to go into it a little more deeper, but I'm going to tell you up front, that what I'm suggesting is that if there is no resurrection of the dead, I'm suggesting to you that this is the doctrine of Christ that's in the Scripture, if there is no resurrection of the dead, the reason that we have no hope is that, the one who died, who is the one who died? Who died at the fall? Christ, Christ died at the fall, and did we not all die in him, did not all die in Adam, did not all die when Adam was righteous? Well brethren if there is no resurrection of the dead bones of Christ, which are in us, if there's no such thing, then there's no hope for us. If Christ is not going to be raised from the dead, then there's no hope for us, we're locked in this realm of death forever, because the only thing that will get us out is the resurrection of Christ in us, that's what Paul is saying here. Let me give you a few more words here. Now here's the key in verse 19, if in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable...", and I've always you know the church teaches it, I never really studied it to tell you the truth, thinking that it means if in this existence right here, if this is the only thing that we have hope in, if we don't have hope of the rapture or the resurrection of the dead, we're miserable, did anyone hear anything different than that?


Here is the key ladies and gentlemen, the Greek word translated "life" is Strong's #2222, and the Greek word is zoe, the Greek word that refers to this world system, is bios, we have a wrong word here, either we have a wrong Greek word or we have a wrong translation, because this Greek word zoe is referring to true life, which is only in Christ, we see it used a great deal in the book of Revelation, I'm not even sure that it appears in any aside from here, it doesn't really appear very much anywhere, outside of the book of Revelation, but wherever it appears if you study the usage in the Scriptures, it may be used once or twice in the other epistles, it is referring to the true life, we do not have life down here, we have existence. This whole world is known as death, our condition is death. We exist in hell in a state of death, everybody okay.


This world is not life, what we are experiencing now is not life, everybody okay. Well this Greek word cannot possibly be talking about this existence. And again I remind you that the Greek word describing this existence is bios. So we have a bit of a problem here, if in this life only we have hope in Christ we're miserable, well it doesn't mean this existence. And I want to suggest to you what Paul is saying. Well let me give you my alternate translation, verse 19, if in this resurrected life, I'm taking it word for word out of the King James, "If in this resurrected life", which this life is not resurrected, having waited for, we're waiting for this resurrected life, that's what it's saying, we are in Christ forsaken. If Christ has forsaken us, we've been waiting for this resurrection of life, and it's in this matter Christ has forsaken us, most miserable of all men are we. That's what it's saying, let me take it a couple of words at a time.


If in this life only the word only means destitute of help or forsaken, and the word life, is referring to the life of God, since we're dead, it would have to mean a resurrected life. So we could say if in this resurrected life, so we could say if in this resurrected life, or if we can say in this manner of receiving the life of God, having waited for it in Christ, we're forsaken, most miserable of all men are we. Okay I put it in good English for you and I put 18 and 19 together. "Then if those members of Christ which died and in him at the fall have perished", and that's the word put an end to, abolish, wipe out completely, they didn't, Paul said, if it's not true that they just went to sleep, in the hope of the resurrection of the dead, if those members of Christ which died at the fall, perished, we who have waited for the resurrection of that life are forsaken, and most miserable of all men."


So if Christ be not raised your faith is in vain, you are yet in your sins and if those members of Christ which died in him at the fall have perished, that's us, we are the ones who died in Adam. Well if we perished, if there's no resurrection from the dead, that means we perished, there's no hope for us. We are the most miserable of all men.


So it has nothing whatsoever to do with people who have had a relationship with Jesus in this bios, in this existence, and have died. So this Scripture can be used to disprove the teaching that the personality is not resurrected, and I never really studied before, but coming across it not for that purpose we find the true explanation or the true translation, and it's talking about not those fallen human beings that had a relationship with Christ in this world of death which is called hell, but this Scripture is talking about everybody who died in Christ, and the Scripture says in Adam half of the population died, the quarter of the population died, the nice people died, who died in Adam? Everybody died in Adam. People who would be disagreeing with what we're teaching here, that the personality is not resurrected, okay, they would use this Scripture to say Sheila that's not true, look at the Scripture right here, those who go to sleep in Christ, those who had a relationship with Christ are going to be raised from the dead, they would use this Scripture to prove that okay. And here we've looked up all the words in the Greek and we find out that it does not mean what the church has been teaching that it means. It's talking about all those who have died in Adam and I have another, if you haven't been convinced by what I've told you so far, I have another witness for you and it's right here in this same chapter as we go on. So let's continue on.


Verse 20, But now as Christ again, there is no, the article does not appear before any of these words Christ, but now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept. Christ is risen from the dead in the man Jesus of Nazareth, and is become the first fruits of all of us who died in Christ. The man Jesus was the first one to be raised from the dead.


Verse 21, "For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead." And this is not my teaching, I think everybody here knows that by man came death, with the first Adam, we all died in the first Adam and death came into this world, or we came into this world of death, and by man meaning Jesus Christ, came the resurrection of the dead, verse 22, for as in Adam, all died, there's our Scripture, there's our text, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. So we see in verses 21 and 22, is referring right back to verses 18 and 19, and what I want to suggest to you is that verses 18 and 19 are spoken, is a truth which is spoken in a mysterious form of a parable, and for those who are not initiated into the mysteries of Christ, for those who are more carnal, Paul goes on in verses 22, to explain in a more understandable way to people who are not initiated into the mysteries. He says I'm not going to say the word Christ now, I'm not going to say, those who are fallen asleep in Christ, I'm going to say for as in Adam all die. Everybody okay. Even so in Christ shall all be made alive. Verse 23, in that verse, but every man, the word man is not in the Greek. But everyone, because we're not individual men, we're just members of this creation, but each one in his own order, Christ the firstfruits, afterward they that are Christ's at his coming.


Now for a long time brethren I did believe that this was speaking about the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and then the first fruits, the next group that would stand up in full stature, but I couldn't understand what the end meant after that, a lot of people believe and preach that it's the end of the world or however you want to see it, but I want to tell you what the Lord gave to me. So in Adam all died, but in Christ all shall be made alive, the whole creation shall be made alive and for those human beings that are on the face of the earth in the hour of this great event, this is how it's going to happen to you, this is how it's going to happen to the individual, in each man, this is the order, first Christ is going to be raised from the dead in you and what's that called, the first resurrection. The book Revelation speaks about the first resurrection, the Lord has given it to me a little more clearly, the first stage of resurrection, because we have a lot of people who think that the first resurrection means the first group of preferred people, and then whoever comes afterwards, either you're not going to go, or I never knew whether it was a second resurrection or, I remember praying about that, well all I hear about is the first resurrection, and then shortly after I prayed that prayer, I got some newsletter from California that talked about the last resurrection, couldn't find it in the Scripture anywhere, but I said well that sounds good a first resurrection and a last resurrection, I wasn't sure what it meant. And then about a year after that, the Lord has given us the three stages of resurrection which we have found in the Scripture, if you have an open heart to receive it, we have it in Daniel 8, and I think we found it in another place also, it's in there, three stages of resurrection.


First Christ is raised from the dead in you brethren, first stage of the resurrection, he is the firstfruits and when he comes forth in you he sanctifies your whole vessel, afterward they that are Christ's at his coming, after Christ in you was raised from the dead, we are told in Romans 8:11, he will quicken your what? Your mortal body, which is what, it's your soul, it's your soul, brethren your mortal body is your soul. When the mind that's dwelling in your soul is the carnal mind, your soul is dead, when the mind that is dwelling in your soul is Christ, your soul receives life, your soul is made alive, it's quickened, it receives life. So the first stage of the resurrection, Christ raised from the dead in you, and when he's raised from the dead in you, he will give life to your soul, and after he gives life to your soul, verse 24, "Then cometh the end". Now the word cometh is in italics, which means it's not in the Greek, then the end, I want to suggest to you brethren that the end is referring to ends of the earth.


So now Christ has been raised from the dead in you, he has given life to your soul, what is the end of your earth? He's coming from the inside and he's going out, what is the end of your earth? Your body brethren, your physical body, first Christ is raised from the dead in your human spirit, he gives life to your soul and then he's going to deal with your body, and then the end, when Christ shall have delivered up the kingdom to God.


Now brethren the kingdoms of this world are the individual human beings. We are the kingdoms of this world, when we don't have a king over us we're called the nations, when we have a king over us when Christ is our king, we become the kingdoms. So, when Christ shall have delivered up all of us to God, even the father, when ye shall have put down all rule and all authority and all power, now brethren Christ is going to be raised from the dead in you and then he's going to put down under him all rule and power and authority, second stage, second stage of the resurrection, the circumcision of the carnal mind and Christ going on top, and the carnal mind going under his feet, everybody okay? When he shall have put down all rule and all authority, put it down under his feet, Christ is going on top, that's when he's going to give the kingdoms to God the father. On with verse 26, the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. When all this happens brethren, when the second stage of the resurrection is completed, when all power rule and authority is underneath Christ the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death, third stage of the resurrection, he's going to slay the enmity in your flesh, everybody okay? Verse 27, For he hath put all things under his feet, but when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that the father is accepted, but which did put all things under him. The father is not underneath Christ brethren. And when all things shall be subdued under Christ, then shall the son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.


Three stages of resurrection and when Christ has completed his work, when he put everything down underneath him, Christ in submission to the father and the father will rule through his Christ and through the second generation of Christ. I'm just looking for one phrase here, the Lord's telling me to go over it. Some how I don't understand this Scripture seems to be out of order in verse 24, and then cometh the end when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the father, that's the third stage of the resurrection, I don't know what it's doing up there, when he's, it's the glorification, which really goes along with the destruction of the carnal mind, I don't you know with these Scriptures it could be that it was translated this way, but I don't know how it got that way, it doesn't seem to have any logical order there.


Sometimes when these Scriptures were copied they were copied incorrectly, sometimes modern translators have moved them around because to them it didn't make any sense, but it's not unusual to find the sequence out of order, is everybody okay on this teaching? Now for all of these verses that we just went through in chapter 15, there was only one time that the article precedes the Christ, there's only one time the Scripture is talking about the Lord Jesus Christ, and that is in verse 15. All the other times he's talking about the Christ who died at the fall, and then further on in verse 20, going on from verse 20, Paul is talking about the resurrection of that Christ in a many-membered body and the order that that resurrection will come in, the resurrection of the dead Christ in you, the putting down of the carnal mind under the feet of that Christ, the destruction of that carnal mind and the glorification of the body, third stage of the resurrection. Is everybody okay? Glory to God.


We'll go through verse 29, let's see what else is down here. Verse 29, "Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all, why are they then baptized for the dead?" Does anybody have any idea what Paul was talking about the baptism for the dead?


COMMENT: Would that be for the killing of our carnal mind?


PASTOR VITALE: The many members of humanity which all died in Christ which are being raised from the dead. Let me give you a reference here chapter 6 of the book of Romans, verse 4, therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death, that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the father, even so we also should walk in the newness of life. What Paul is saying is if there's no resurrection from the dead, and we our carnal mind dies, what about the baptism in to the death that the Lord Jesus Christ experienced?


If we, that death is the death of our carnal mind. If the carnal mind dies and Christ is not raised from the dead in us, it's the end of us, else what shall they do, the ones who are baptized into his death. If the dead rise not at all, why are they then baptized unto his death?


COMMENT: So you're saying here that it doesn't mean for the dead, you're saying into the death. Are you saying that in the Greek it says into the death?


PASTOR VITALE: Well you have to realize that these prepositions can have up to twenty meanings, it does mean for, see we went through this with Christ died for us, it does mean for, it means above, it means over, it means beyond, it means into, it means all of these words and the King James translators just picked what ever made since to them. But Paul is saying, if Christ is not raised from the dead, then what shall they do, the ones which are baptized from the dead, or baptized into the death of Jesus Christ. What are they going to do, because the baptism into death is the death of your carnal mind. So if your carnal mind is killed and Christ is not in you for you to rise from the dead, you just die, you can't live without a mind. You can't live without a mind, do you understand?


COMMENT: it's talking about the carnal mind being killed without just like perishing rather than the mind of Christ overcoming it?


PASTOR VITALE: Paul is saying if there is no resurrection from the dead, if there's no resurrection from the dead, what are all those people going to do that are killing their carnal mind? When you kill your carnal mind your human spirit is escaping supposedly into Christ. So if she's got no place to escape into, what's going to happen to you when you kill your carnal mind, you're going to die, you can't live without a carnal mind. He's saying why are all the faithful people in the church who are killing their carnal minds what are they doing it for if there is no resurrection from the dead. Glory to God.


Verses 15 and 16, "For we are unto God a sweet savor of Christ in them that are saved and in them that perish. The Lord is saying that when Christ is in us we are giving off a sweet, when Christ is in us, we are a sweet smell unto God. Now it doesn't say the Christ it says Christ, that means, see when you had the Holy Spirit, the Christ is in you, the Christ, the man Jesus of Nazareth was raised from the dead, and when he enters into your heart, he takes a new name, which is the Holy Spirit, okay but this Scripture here does not say the Christ, it says Christ, so when Christ is in us,


when we have conceived Christ, we are sweet savor, Christ in us is a sweet savor unto the father, and both to them that are saved and to them that are perish. To the one we are a savor of death, when Christ in you brethren ministers to those who are unto death, and that's talking about man's carnal mind, it's talking about believers, when Christ comes in contact with the carnal mind of a believer, it's unto the death of that carnal mind, and to the other, the savor of life unto life. When Christ in you will reach out and touch Christ in another believer, it will increase the life of Christ in that believer, but if Christ in you reaches out and finds himself confronted with somebody's carnal mind, it's death to that person's carnal mind.


And I pronounce death upon the carnal minds that are coming in contact with this Christ, fire and death and destruction. Everybody okay on that? Chapter 3:3, For as much as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the spirit of the living God. Brethren we are the living letters, that's the name of this ministry, Living Epistles of Christ, we are the living, you've heard of talking books, we have talking books today, books on tape. Well the Lord has a talking book, he has many talking books. You're listening to a talking book right now. We are the Epistles of Christ, verse 14, "But their minds were blinded, for until this day remaineth the same veil untaken away in the reading of the Old Testament which is done away in Christ, that word testament it's in this translation, it should be covenant, and what the Scripture, well the Scripture is talking about the Israel after the flesh, and Paul is saying, For until this day, the same veil that was on Moses...", now if you go back a few verses you'll see that a veil was over Moses' face indicating that the Jews could not see the end of the law, and what is the end of the law, or who is the end of the law?


Christ is the end of the law, they were blinded to that, they couldn't see it, and Paul is saying that their minds were blinded. For until this day remaineth the same veil, and what is the veil? The carnal mind amen, untaken away in the reading of the old covenant which is done away in Christ." And that's a poor translation, what it's really saying is that, not the veil is taken away, as you can see that word veil is in italics, which means that it's not in the Greek, what's taken away in Christ is the old covenant. The old covenant, the Old Testament isn't taken away, we study the Old Testament in the Scripture. It's the old covenant, is swallowed up into Christ. The letter covenant, the carnal covenant is swallowed up when Christ is conceived in us and we start moving in the spirit, and if you read down the next few verses you'll see that Paul says, it will be taken away when they repent. Brethren I want to tell you that anyone who has had a relationship with the living God and is turned away from him for whatever reason, needs to repent, and that's what is happening in this country right now.


A lot of people are praying for revival, brethren revival is for unsaved people, revival reaches out and touches the unsaved, but when you know the Lord and you deliberately walked away from him because your mind is blinded because of pride or rebellion or any other kind of wickedness, revival is not the answer for you, judgment is the answer for you, you need to repent. Israel needs to repent. I was rebuked for saying this by some believer that doesn't know what they're talking about. Brethren when you're raising children, and your child does something that you've never talked to him about, you go real easy on him and you sit down and you talk to him and you explain to him that that's not proper behavior and he's not allowed to do that, but when you've warned him and you've warned him several times and he's still doing it, brethren that child needs judgment. Israel will come to the Lord when she repents and the church will have her heart converted when she repents, because the church in this hour is in the same condition that Israel is in.


Their hearts have hardened unto the spirit of God, and they love their long gowns and their traditions of men more than they love the spirit of God, and there's no revival for them, there is judgment. Revival will not make a fallen Christian repent, but they don't think they're fallen because they're in church 4 times a week, and out there working over time condemning everybody. I think we'll take one more, chapter 5:14-17, "For the love of Christ constraineth us because we thus judge...", let me just back up a little, to not glory in appearance, we did something about glorying and not in the heart, "for whether we be besides ourselves it is God, whether we be sober it is for your cause. For the love of Christ constraineth us because we thus judge that if one die for all, then all, then were all dead." Okay now in this Scripture the article is there in the Greek, for the love of the Christ constraineth us, for the love of the Christ holds us back, for the love of the Lord Jesus Christ is a restraint on our carnality, and how is it he'll restrain our carnality. How is the what is the love of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of the Lord Jesus Christ is the reproduction of his nature in us, it's Christ in us, that's what it is. The love of the Lord Jesus Christ is Christ in us. So the love of God in us, Christ in us, constrains our carnal mind, is not our carnal mind being knitted together with the mind of Christ? So if God is truly in you, he is controlling, restraining and controlling your carnal mind. You better believe that Christ controls sin, he sure does, and he's restraining you and he's beating on you if you're going in the wrong direction. That's if you have the love of God brethren, if you don't have it you're a bastard, and he's leaving you all to your own devices.


So the love of God constraineth us, because we thus judge that if one die for all, then were all dead. Now this is a poor translation, it should say, that if one died for all, then all died, we all died at the fall brethren, and therefore when the Lord Jesus Christ gave up his soul life, when he made his sacrifice for us, he died for all of us, because we all died at the fall, and we are the fallen Christ which is being raised from the dead, the Lord Jesus Christ was the firstfruits, the first member of the Christ to be raised from the dead, is everybody okay? "And that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them and rose again."


So brethren if you were dead and if the Lord Jesus Christ died for you, and now he's being raised from the dead, and if he died for you so that you can be raised from the dead, then you should no longer live out of your carnal minds, but you should live out of the one which died for them, and rose again, you should live out of Christ. The one who died for you is the Lord Jesus Christ, he died for you so that Christ can be raised from the dead in you. For the love of the Christ constraineth us, the love of the Lord Jesus Christ constraineth us and how is he restraining us, by putting Christ in us. So if one died for all, if the Lord Jesus Christ died for all, then we must have been dead, and because he died for all of us, he died so that we should no longer live out of our carnal minds but we should live unto the Lord Jesus Christ who died for us and rose from the dead.


Verse 16, "Wherefore, henceforth know we no man after the flesh, yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, and what was the name of the flesh of Christ? The man Jesus was the flesh of Christ, yet now henceforth no we him no more, we don't know Christ after the flesh anymore. We have to discern his spirit in a man, he's not the man Jesus anymore.


Verse 17, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature..." Why is he a new creature? Because he has a new mind, amen. "...old things are passed away...", what's the old thing that's passed away? The carnal mind, behold all things are become new. So because he has the mind of Christ, his mind is new, his soul is renewed, and his body is renewed.


Whatever God's going to do with it, it's going to be processed. I think we're going to stop there, any questions on anything, I'll take any questions on anything right now.


COMMENT: My question getting back to the three days, that in no way takes away from Christ.


PASTOR VITALE: Not at all, the Lord Jesus Christ, the man Jesus who was the Christ was crucified and he rose from the dead in three natural days, and he ascended on high, and he is now one with the father, pouring out of his spirit upon all flesh, and forming Christ in us, amen.


COMMENT: The next stage when the Christ, the mind, when Jesus' mind is swallowed up, the carnal mind is swallowed up, and the Christ came forth, at that point was that the point that Jesus became the begotten son of God?


PASTOR VITALE: Well I'm sure what you just said, you said when the carnal mind was swallowed up and the Christ came forth, that's, I don't understand that.


COMMENT: Well what we're talking about is when he became the Christ, when there's no more...


PASTOR VITALE: When Jesus stood up in full stature? Okay now the carnal mind still existed, but he was overpowered by the Christ, is that what you're talking about?


COMMENT: So at what point did he become the begotten son?


PASTOR VITALE: At the point that he was raised from the dead. The Lord just gave me some additional information on that. I remind you that we're told in chapter 12 of the book of Revelation that if you listen to our tapes on that chapter, the Lord revealed when we looked up every word in the Greek that there is one manchild that is being born from seed, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ. And that was when the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth, when the man Jesus of Nazareth who was the Christ was raised from the dead, that was the birth of the manchild and that was the birth of the only begotten son, and then as continue it in Revelation 12, you'll see that that manchild is a many membered manchild and that we are not being brought forth from seed, but we are what the Scripture calls cuttings, we are being grafted in to that seed, which is the Lord Jesus Christ, so he was begotten from the dead at the time that he became the seed, and that's the resurrection of the man Jesus okay, okay praise God.


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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