186 - Part 2


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I have a lot of tapes here that have not been run off yet and one of those tapes, I have a question and answers message, and on that tape an issue arose. How can I describe the issue to you? An issue arose about Christ, about Jesus' crucifixion, and the difference between Jesus and the Christ, and I said, "Wow that is a good tape," and then when I started to clean off my desk, I found this teaching on it, and I believe that the Lord... it has been lying on my desk for God only knows how long, and it is written by a believer.


I believe that the Lord told me that He wanted me go a little more deeply into that explanation, and we are going to work from this man's paper. I believe that it is a good paper, but I believe that we go a little more deeply here. God has shown it to us a little more deeply and, once again, we are dangerously on the edge of sounding like the New Age movement. This is why God wants me to go over this man's paper.


Now we have another message, and it is called, "Exposing the Error of Ultimate Reconciliation, where we read from a man's book who believes in ultimate reconciliation. >From the bottom of my heart, I do not think we did anything wrong. We used that book as an authority as to the teachings of that doctrine, we commented on those teachings, and we showed where we thought that it was not accurate, I do not believe there was anything ungodly about that at all. Although I have been accused of cutting up another man's ministry, I do not believe that I have done that, and in this writing here I do not believe that we are doing that.


The name of this writing is...I will not give you the name because I do not particularly want the man to be known. I do not know if this tape will ever get to him, but the man who wrote this article, his major point is to declare the difference between the resurrected glorified Jesus Christ and the Christ of the New Age movement, which is impersonal, the Christ consciousness.


As I read this article, I see that one of his criticisms would apply to what I taught in this recent message; however, I still believe that what I taught was correct in that he just has not seen it deep enough. The Lord said to me, "Sheila, here is one more issue where you are going to be accused of being New Age," It is not New Age, it is the truth of the Scripture.


I am going to start this teaching by reading this man's two page article and commenting on it. We thank him for his contribution to our study, we bless him and we bless his ministry, and we pray that there is no misunderstanding about what we are doing here. We are seeking for the truth, and we are speaking to doctrinal issues as presented by other teachers. Praise God.


We are living in the day of great imitations and substitutes. We will skip past that, because as it is in this natural realm, so it is in the spiritual. Many today are being seduced by cheap "no-name" imitation Christs. These generic Christ teachings have infiltrated the sons of God circles for years, but the origin of these teachings are from the metaphysical New Age Eastern religions, and not from the revealed word of God. The Bible boldly declares that Jesus is the Christ, through Peter and through devils, Matthew 16:16, and Luke 4:41.


We know assuredly that God hath made this same Jesus, both Lord and Christ, Acts 2:36. "Every spirit that confesses not that Jesus is come in the flesh is not of God. Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God." Amen. "Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the son of God, God dwelleth in him, and He is God." Amen.


These are all his Scriptural proofs. "The Bible never states that the Christ is in Jesus." Everybody hear that? "The Bible never states that the Christ is in Jesus. Always it is written that Jesus is the Christ, the one identity, the Lord Jesus Christ is the son of God, Christ is the son of the living God, and Jesus is the son of God. Christ is the son of the living God, Matt.16:16, and Jesus is the son of God, I John 4:16, and they are used interchangeably. There is only one son."


Now, we have a problem here that we have been coming across in these meetings. We see that the Scriptures...God is not frivolous. If the name changes, if it is expressed a different way, the Lord is saying something subtle to us, and as we enter deeply and more deeply into these Scriptures, we find more and more subtleties. It is incredible how every little word has to be looked at. Now you present this to a carnal Christian, and they could get very upset. I remember it happening to me, I said, "I cannot deal with that, I do not want to hear any of this teaching if it is going to boggle my mind." Well brethren, you have to grow into it, and this is the problem that we, who are in deep teaching, run into with carnal Christians.


They do not have the knowledge to say...well, these people are into deep teaching, and they are in college and we are not. They do not have that understanding so they assume that we are wrong, and they come against us. Now this is really interesting, we find this not only from carnal Christian to deep teaching Christian, but we find stages of it.


Now the man who is writing this article, I think it is a fine article, and I will read through the rest of it. He has got a lot of truth there, and he is coming against the New Age Christ with a lot of ammunition, and he is into sonship. I do not know, but he is probably into ultimate reconciliation, but he is certainly into sonship. Here we find once again that we who are teaching the doctrine of perfection are in a shade deeper than the people in sonship, and we have as much as a controversy with them as they would have with a carnal Christian. It is not just from bottom to top, there are all kinds of grades in the middle. Does anyone not know what I am talking about?


Every time God gives us a revelation that another camp does not have, this situation will arise, and either they cannot find it within themselves to say, "Well. maybe God gave them a revelation that He has not given us, let me pray about it," and those who can find it within themselves to say that, when they pray and they do not get the revelation inside of two weeks, they assume that you are wrong, and they come against you.


I have been praying to the Lord for years that I have an open fleece with Him, that if ever I hear a revelation that He has not given me but He has given it to somebody else, that He would help me to not do that, to just let it rest unless I get a word from Him, or unless I am convinced that I have studied and God has shown me something different.


You see, if I have studied it and God has shown me something different, then maybe I have said to you certain doctrines are not true, and this has already happened to me once, and it was with the doctrine on celibacy I heard from another ministry. That not only was another ministry, but one who had a lot of "way out" things that they were preaching that I am still convinced was absolutely not of God, and I rejected that doctrine, but I do have this open fleece with God, and He corrected me. I thank God for it, I thank God for it.


Let us just comment on this here. Does anybody want to comment on this? "The Bible never states that the Christ is in Jesus." What we are dealing with here is the little known reality that the man Jesus experienced a spiritual evolution. He was the man Jesus, the Son of God, and then He was glorified, was He not? When He was glorified, I believe that His body and the soul, or the personality of the man Jesus was transmuted. The molecules, the atoms that it was made out of was converted into another form, spirit, and completely and permanently combined with the Christ. Well that is true, Jesus the son of God, the glorified Jesus Christ, the son of God, Christ is not in Him. The man Jesus before the crucifixion, He was a natural man who had Christ in him.


When you seek the Lord, brethren, you have to ask all these questions. What time of His existence, what time of His life, at what stage, who are you talking to, who are you talking about? You had to get all things straight, if you really want to know the truth.


Glory to God. We are declaring here with all respect to the writer of this letter, we are using it to teach, and to enhance, and to expand, and we are not criticizing him. Now, brethren, the ministry of Christ is here to address what is being preached in the church, and we disagree with this one statement, and last I heard it is all right to disagree, and that is not the definition of cutting up somebody's ministry.


Okay, "Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him...," amen "...and He in God. The Bible never states that Christ is in Jesus." Oh, but it does, does anyone know the Scripture for that? "And of the twain, of the two men, He made one new man." (Ephesians 2:15). Out of the carnal mind which He inherited from His mother, and of the Christ Mind which He inherited from His Father, He made one new man, the glorified Lord Jesus Christ, which Christ is not in, because the Lord Jesus is one integrated, spiritual man. Everybody okay?


Of the twain, of the carnal mind which He inherited from his mother and of the Christ which He inherited from His Father, He made one new man. By what process, who knows by what process, how did He join them?


Well that is true, but more specifically on the cross how were they joined? They were nailed, yes, they were joined in crucifixion, they were nailed. The carnal mind that He inherited from His mother was pierced through by the nail which is the Spirit of Christ which was within him (Galatians 2:20), and the two became one inseparable creation. They became joined so intimately that, that which was two cells became one cell. We have a type of this in human reproduction.


When the male sperm joins with the female ovum, it joins so completely it penetrates it. The sperm penetrates it, and they join so completely that science tells us they become one cell, and that cell has a name. It is called a zygote, it is the first cell of the new baby, and that is what happened to the man Jesus of Nazareth on the cross. He became the first cell of the Manchild, Hallelujah, the zygote. He is the zygote.


Let me give you some information about biology. You have a zygote, and you have a sperm and an egg, and the two become one fused cell. What happens to the zygote? He starts to multiply, cell division, so one cell becomes two, and the two become four, and the four become eight, and the eight become sixteen. Brethren, it is happening right now. That zygote, that glorified zygote named the Lord Jesus Christ is multiplying by cell division, brethren, and if He is in you, you are one of His cells.


Everybody okay? Hallelujah. We bless this man Lord, we bless this man.


COMMENT: Are you saying Jesus became Christ at the moment of crucifixion?


PASTOR VITALE: No, the Christ was within Jesus. He was two men with one man ruling. The Christ was ruling. He was a person in His Father's image. The Christ, He was a soul, a personality in the image of the Father, and He also had a soul, a personality that He had inherited from His mother. It was His carnal mind as well as His body that made Him a human being.


You know, I never knew that Christians thought Jesus did not have a carnal mind, but a few people recently had, in a very offended tone, said over the last six months, "Jesus did not have a carnal mind." Yes He did, that is what made Him a man. He was made in the form of sinful flesh. The carnal mind forms the human body, so the carnal mind that Jesus inherited from His mother is what made Him a man. The Scripture says that He was made into sinful flesh for us. He most certainly did have a carnal mind. The difference between Jesus of Nazareth and us is that in Him, in the man Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ utterly, unequivocally without exception, without a second's deviation moved and had total control over that carnal mind to the degree that it was incapable of sin (James 1:17).


Those of us in whom Christ is being formed have a carnal mind, and Christ is being formed in us, but He has started as a mustard seed, and He is waging war against our carnal mind. I do not know anybody in the earth today in whom Christ is fully controlling their carnal mind to the point that they do not sin. I do not know anybody, but He will. The day is coming, and we are going to see it. We are going to see men standing on the earth expressing the fullness of the nature of Christ. It is going to happen. It is going to happen because He is coming forth and will stand on the earth again. He will be glorified, and His cells are dividing, and He is expanding. Can I go on, is everybody okay? Glory to God.


"The Bible never states that the Christ is in Jesus." Well, it does not say it that way, but it says it. It says, "that Holy thing." What is that Scripture saying when it talks about the conception, the Holy thing that was in Mary? Some people read that, and they think that it meant the whole human fetus, but it was not the whole fetus. That Holy thing was wrapped in the sinful flesh of the carnal mind and of the physical body of that fetus. It is not that clear, it is a mystery.


Brethren, you can only go so far in Christ with the carnal mind, and then you must enter into the mystery of God. Someone said the other day, "God does not have a mystery." God has mystery, there are mysteries all through the Scriptures. The Book of Revelation says, "Now the mystery of God is finished." (Revelation 10:7)


He most certainly does have mysteries, and when you get into this deep stuff, it is not spelled out for you like it is when you are in spiritual kindergarten.


You must dig, you must submit yourself to spiritual ministry. These deep mysteries, brethren, are not available to the carnal mind of man. They are in Christ, and we found Scriptures that said...well, this would be another Scripture for this, if you have ears to hear it. We are told in the Book of Ecclesiastes that God has hidden all this wisdom in the mind of Christ, and has denied a knowledge of the mystery to the ages which are in the hearts of men (Ecclesiastes 3:11). If anyone wants the mystery, the knowledge, the mysterious knowledge of Christ, you must come out of your carnal mind and enter into Christ. They are not in the mind of man, they are not in the wisdom of man. You can only understand this as you enter into Christ.


This is how the goats are being separated from the sheep, and this is how the cattle are being separated from the cattle. It does not mean that we are better than anybody. It is for whosoever will, so do not get jealous of us because God has told us this, and you have not heard it yet. Tell the Lord you want it too.


There may be a price to pay, brethren. You may have to bear the marks of His crucifixion in your flesh to receive this. It is not free, it is for mature believers in Christ, it is for the warriors, and it is for the people that are willing to fight. It is not for the babies, and it is not for the woman. It is for those who are willing to tough it out. That is what I meant. It is not for the spiritual women, amen.


Let me clarify that. There is no male or female in Christ Jesus. If you are a man in Christ, it has nothing to do whatsoever with your body. It has to do with your relationship with the Lord Jesus. The person who denies their carnal mind and lives out of their Christ Mind is a spiritual male, because the mind that you live out of determines your spiritual sex, and Christ is male.


"Always it is written that Jesus is the Christ," meaning that the Christ in Him had totally dominated His carnal mind (Ephesians 1:4). Jesus is The Christ. He is the man, the personality, Jesus of Nazareth who rode the beast of His carnal mind so completely that He made it His servant.


He says here. "Always it is written that Jesus is the Christ." Amen, Jesus is the man who is called Christ because His carnal mind was so completely subdued that it is no longer named.


"The one identity, the Lord Jesus Christ is the son of God. Jesus the Christ." Jesus of Nazareth who was the Christ was the son of God before the crucifixion, resurrection and ascension, but after the glorification, the Lord Jesus Christ is the Father of Lights (James 1:17). That is, the Father of the many-membered Christ that began to appear in the earth on the Day of Pentecost.


I know that it is a subtle difference, brethren, but there is very much a difference between the man Jesus of Nazareth who is born of the woman Mary, and became The Christ in the days of His flesh, and the Lord Jesus Christ who is the glorified product of the joining of the mind of Christ which that man Jesus of Nazareth inherited from his Father, and the carnal mind that Jesus inherited from the corruptible physical seed of David, which the man Jesus of Nazareth inherited from His mother.


Jesus the Christ, the son of God, has experienced an evolution of development and is now both Lord and Christ (Acts 2:36). "Lord" is the title that is usually attributed to Jehovah in the Old Testament, and "Christ" is the title attributed to the Son in the New Testament. Jesus of Nazareth, who was the Christ, said that God was His Father. (Psalms 44:1; John 5:18; 10:36-37; John 16:27-28; John. 20:17). Even the Pharisees said that God was their Father (John 8:41). What does this mean? It means that today the glorified Jesus is one with Jehovah, our Father and our God, and that the Church is pregnant with Christ and, therefore, the Church is the Son of God; although, not yet in perfection.


What does that mean? It means that Christ is in the Church, but still separate from the mortal personalities that He dwells in, and that no one in the earth today (that I know of) has so completely defeated their carnal mind that the Christ within them is perfected. What does that mean? The Christ that rides upon and controls the carnal mind of the personality that He dwells in perfects that personality (James 3:2), and the personality that is perfected because Christ controls their carnal mind is incapable of sin (Romans 1:4).


Jesus said, "The Father and I are one" (John. 17:11). What does that mean? It means that a spirit can take two forms and be in two places at the same time; wherefore, Jesus is both Lord (in Heaven), and Christ (in the earth of humanity) at the same time. Hallelujah!


Do not shut off this message, because I said a dirty word "evolution." He was a man in the days of his flesh, but He has changed form, brethren. He is no longer the flesh man Jesus of Nazareth. He is now the ball of light that appeared to Paul, He evolved into a higher life form. Jesus help us.


Then he says these two names, "Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Christ is the Son of the living God and Jesus is the Son of God, they are used interchangeably." I doubt that, brother, that these names of God are used interchangeably. I would suspect very strongly that if I pulled out each of these Scriptures that there would be a specific reason, in direct context with the Scripture, why in one instance the Scriptures talks about the glorified Jesus Christ and in the other Scripture he is talking about Christ that was in full stature, but not glorified. God does not use anything interchangeably. It is a fantasy, there is not anything that God uses interchangeably. There has to be a subtle difference.


"Some today are teaching the Gnostic error," that is the doctrine of Gnosticism, which sounds strangely close to what I teach.


Well if you look closely with the eye of Christ, you will see that Gnosticism is different from what I teach in some essential points, basically the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. My answer to you who are gnashing their teeth, I see these people in the spirit, they are pulling their hair out of their head, and they are clawing at themselves and they are gnashing their teeth. Brethren, it is a perversion of the true gospel of God that has been around for 2000 years. The gospel of God was preached 2,000 years ago by Paul.


If it has been since then I do not know about it, but it is now. It is being preached here, and it sounds like a perversion. Gnosticism would not be a perversion if it did not sound like the truth. "Some today are teaching today the Gnostic error that Jesus was only a man, and that Christ is just an impersonal force." Now that is not true, but this young man, I do not know how old he is, he is right on here.


It is not true that Christ is an impersonal force, Christ is God in the flesh of mankind. We found the formation of Christ in natural Israel, God in the flesh of natural Israel. We find Christ in the flesh of the imputed church, God in the imputed church. We find Christ in the creation at the beginning of time, God in the flesh of righteous Adam. Christ is God in the flesh, He can be in the flesh in an imputed form, or He can be in the flesh of man in an imparted form.


The imparted Christ is grafted to the mortal personality, the imputed Christ is not grafted and, therefore, will not survive if He does not cut and root into the mortal personality.


God, Christ in the flesh, was in righteous Adam at the beginning of time, and in natural Israel in an imputed form, meaning that the Christ in the creation at that time was overpowering the carnal mind which is a part of the creation, but not to the point that Israel was without sin. Brethren, that which makes us man is that we have a carnal mind, and the way God set it up is that Christ, the mind of God in the flesh, is to be ruling over that carnal mind.


In righteous Adam at the beginning of time, the formation of the nature of God in righteous Adam, the Tree of Life, was ruling over and controlling the lower nature of the creation known as the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and the creation was righteous. There was a problem at the beginning of time, and the righteous mind of Christ, the righteousness of God in the creation, died because the Serpent rose up and overtook it and killed it, and became the carnal mind of mortal man. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is called the Serpent when it acts independently of the Tree of Life.


Before time began Adam, the Tree of Life, had an imputed Christ. It was not interwoven with the Serpent, the Tree of the Knowledge Of Good and Evil. Christ was merely laying over the Serpent and overpowering it. Next we see the Christ in natural Israel, an imputed Christ overpowering the carnal mind of the prophets, and overpowering the carnal mind of the individual members of Israel in accordance with God's will, not joined to or interwoven with their carnal mind but overpowering it. Natural Israel fell and died because their carnal mind escaped from the domination of their imputed Christ mind.


The next time we hear about the Christ is in the man Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus the Christ. The Christ in him was not an impersonal force, but it was the mind and the nature of the Father in the human man Jesus of Nazareth, who also had a carnal mind which He inherited from His mother.


Now do not get religious with me, brethren. Your carnal mind and your human body are what make you a mortal man, and Jesus inherited a carnal mind and a human body from Mary. The difference between Jesus and we who carry the Christ today is that the Christ in Jesus, the mind and the nature of the Father being revealed through Jesus' flesh, was not only overpowering Jesus' carnal mind but was completely interwoven with it. This is the imparted anointing. The Christ that is beginning to appear in the Church today, on the other hand, is neither interwoven with the carnal mind of the personality, nor fully overlaying it. Wherefore, the opposing views of the two minds destabilize the personality and complicate the decision-making process (James 1:8). This is the imputed anointing.


Jesus, the Christ, is the first man born of a woman to manifest the imparted anointing. Not only is Christ, the nature of the Father, not an impersonal force, but it is the actual mind of the Father. There is more spiritual strength in that imparted anointing than in the imputed anointing. Then we see the Christ in the third and final stage of spiritual evolution called glorification.


When the man Jesus of Nazareth hung on the cross we saw his physical body penetrated with iron nails. In the realm of the Spirit, however, the Spirit of Christ which is the spiritual nail of God, that nail that nails our tent which is our flesh to the spiritual earth of this world system. That nail penetrated the carnal mind that Jesus received from Mary and slew it. He slew the enmity in his flesh (Ephesians 2:15), and upon that slaying, the result of that slaying, was that the molecular formation, the molecules of that carnal mind and the physical body that Jesus had inherited from his mother was transmuted into a higher life form.


The two elements of the man Jesus of Nazareth, Christ and the carnal mind, were so completely intertwined and combined that they produced a new product, a spiritual man with a spiritual body, the first cell of the renewed creation of God (Revelation 3:14). Jesus said that He is the beginning of the creation of God. We see, brethren, that the Christ can never be an impersonal force, it is the very mind of God.


This New Age teaching that the Christ is an impersonal force is a teaching that supports the blasphemy that man in his fallen state is God, that the fallen Adamic nature is God, and that there is power that fallen man is born with that can make him good. The truth is that only the "regenerated" Adamic nature (Matthew 19:28) is God, and that the only kiss (Psalm 2:12) that will awaken mortal humanity from the sleep of death is the grafted reproductive seed (James 1:21) of the glorified Jesus Christ.


No brethren, only God is good, and man is fallen in this hour, and only the power of God will raise him up through repentance and the judgment and ultimate destruction of that wicked flesh, so that we too might be transmuted and live in a higher life form, as one with the Lord Jesus Christ. Just to clarify this, we see that Christ is the mind of God in man, but in the man Jesus of Nazareth, that mind of God was so completely combined with His flesh mind that we now call Him our Lord Jesus Christ, a new spiritual man, and the first cell of the creation of God.


Now when our Lord Jesus Christ grafts the seed of His glorified life to our mortal personality, He becomes the Father to the grafted Christ within us, brethren, and to us also, because it is his full intention to raise our mortal personality which is our spiritual potential from the dead, because when Adam, the Christ, died at the beginning of time, that part of him which survived is still in the earth is in the form of our mortal personality. Our mortal personality is the residue of Adam, that Christ which died at the beginning of time when the Serpent slew Him.


When the Lord Jesus Christ comes to dwell in us in the form of that Holy thing, even the spiritual seed of His glorified life, He comes to quicken our mortal personality which is Adam, the Christ's mortal remains within us, from the dead. When Christ in us is fully raised from the dead, when our mortal personality is fully raised from the dead, we will be Christ, and when the time comes for the creation to be completely glorified, we shall be transmuted and we shall be so completely combined with our Lord Jesus Christ that Christ alone shall no longer exist, but we shall all be in God, and the Father shall be all in all.


The day is coming, brethren, that the man Christ Jesus who is the mediator between fallen man and the Father, will no longer be necessary because the whole creation will be transmuted into a spiritual spirit form. We shall become spiritualized flesh, the creation of God. Hallelujah.


By way of summary, Christ is not an impersonal force. Christ is the mind of God in the flesh of a man who is fallen. He can also be found as the mind of God in the man who is in full stature, that is, a man in whom Christ has matured into His full potential and is dominating the carnal mind of that man. From the point of glorification, Christ as one of many individual men, ceases to exist and the entire creation and all of the elements of the creation are joined in one, and we become one with the Father. Hallelujah.


Jesus is the man and Christ is the God, so they say. Well that is true in us, it is not true of the Lord Jesus Christ. Why? Because all of His parts are interwoven and now He is one glorified spirit and His seed is in us. The Christ is in us, and we are not God but God is in us.


Now surely this young man must know that Christians have God in them, but they are not God. He has a good teaching, but He just did not think it out very deeply. Praise God.


We can say that we are the man, and that there is an anointing within us, and we continue in this dual state (James 1:8) until our personality is completely interwoven with Christ Jesus within us which is the imparted anointing. "Jesus is the man and Christ is the God," so we say "amen."


They go so far as to say that Jesus died, and not Christ. Now, brethren, Christ did not die on the cross, but, as we explained earlier, Christ died at the beginning of time when the creation fell, but Christ did not die on the cross. I am sorry whoever is objecting to me saying that Christ did not die on the cross. It was the soul life of Jesus, the Son of Man, that died. The God that was in the man, Jesus, did not die. Jesus, the Son of man, the perfected personality, died on the cross, not the Christ. The Son of God within Jesus, Christ, did not die on the cross. Christ died at the beginning of time, when His bones were broken, scattered, and buried in the earth of mortal humanity (Ezekiel 37:33-34).


God has shown this to me very clearly, that the Scriptures that talk about Christ dying are speaking about Jesus, the Christ, the Son of Man. Not Christ Jesus, the Son of God, within Jesus. Jesus was both Son of Man and Son of God, so just keep this in your mind, it is an important issue. Christ did die but not on the cross. Christ died at the beginning of time when the creation fell. Adam, the Christ, the Son of God, died at the beginning of time when the Serpent broke his bones, and scattered them in the earth of mortal humanity (Ezekiel 37:33-34), where they were formed into the carnal mind of mortal man.


The Christ within Jesus of Nazareth was the first one of Adam's scattered, dead bones to rise from the dead out of the carnal mind (3rd part of the day) that the man, Jesus of Nazareth, inherited from His mother as revealed in 1 Corinthians 15:4-5. Let those who have ears to hear, understand this mystery.


COMMENT: Romans 5:6 says, "In due time Christ died for the ungodly."


PASTOR VITALE: If you study that verse in the Greek, you will find out that what "died for the ungodly" is really saying is that Christ's death is overshadowing us, and what that means is that we are still feeling the effects of His death. He is like a skeleton, the dead Christ is the skeleton in the closet of mortal man. His death caused the whole creation to fall, and now we find ourselves in this unhappy condition because the death of Christ is still overshadowing us, it is still touching our lives.


Now remember, Christ in this context is talking about Adam, the Son of God, the first form that Christ appeared in.


I understand that this is a controversial issue, because most Christians have been hearing that Christ died for us ever since they came into the church. I will be teaching on this issue in a word-by-word study in the Greek. I will show you how I got to it and you are free to disagree with me if you like.


"Jesus is the man and Christ is the God," so they say. They go so far as to say that Jesus died, not Christ, and that is true. Jesus the man, Jesus the personality, that was in full stature died. He died so that the Christ within Him could be totally exalted. This is true. Some go further and say that Christ arose, but not Jesus. Well the man, the flesh man Jesus did not rise, the flesh man Jesus did not. Jesus and the Christ within Him arose in a commingled, glorified form, as one man (Ephesians 2:15). He is called the Lord Jesus Christ in His glorified form.


That is the difference between Jesus, the Christ, and the glorified Jesus Christ. In the former, the Jesus, the man, and Christ Jesus within Him exist as two separate entities, and in the latter, the two have become one glorified man. There are Scriptures that talk about Jesus only, talking about the man Jesus, alone, but when the Scripture talks about the Lord Jesus, they are talking about the resurrected, ascended Christ, the glorified man that came into existence when the natural man and the spiritual man within Him were made into one new man.


I challenge you to a Scripture that I do not know about to show me where He is called just Jesus after the glorification. I do not believe that it is there. He is called Jesus only before the crucifixion. Everybody okay?


We must understand that different truths apply to Jesus at different points of His evolution. There are certain attributes applied to you when you ten, and other attributes applied to you when you are twenty one. You can vote when you are eighteen, you can be drafted. God help us, God help us, deliver us Father from the darkness that is in our carnal mind that would prevent us from distinguishing the divine nature from the human nature, which distinction is a reality in all of us today.


"They have gone beyond the Scriptures to a fantasy of their own, they make themselves a target of the enemy and many fall into cults, whose intentions are to either deify man or deny Jesus Christ's divinity." Well, we do not deify man or deny Jesus Christ's divinity. We know that the Lord Jesus Christ is our God. We agree with this gentleman at this point, "...or they deny Jesus unique divinity...," we do not do either of these things.


Let me repeat that, by and large, I am in agreement with what he is teaching here. There were just a couple of fine points, a couple of nuances they say, where he is defending the gospel, but he was not quite right. I want to tell you something, if we are ever going to get the truth to these New Age people we have got to get it right, because if we go to them with an article like this, it is not going to touch them at all.


You know, the last meeting I had with the rabbi, you know I have an ongoing dialogue with a rabbi, he took out this book written by a Jewish man that had read the New Testament, and he was afraid for me to see it, he was afraid it would make me stumble. I am not really sure what his reasoning was along those lines, but I said, "No let me see it," and he took it out and he started reading what he thought was a inflammatory passage and comment about that passage, and after he read it, it was obvious to me that the man who had written this book did not comprehend the truth of that Scripture.


When the rabbi looked at me concerned that he had offended me, because we have a lot of respect for each other, we have had a dialogue for two years, and both of us were really trying not to offend one another and keep the dialogue going, and he looked at me very concerned that he offended me, and I said, "The author did not really understand what that Scripture said," and I told the rabbi the truth of it. He just looked at me, and he turned the page.


I want to tell you that if you take a newsletter like this to New Age people who know that you do not understand the depth of the Scripture, they are going to just turn the page. Brethren, the only way we are going to convert these people is to understand fully the subject that they are talking about and point out the subtle error, because these people have a lot of truth, but they go off at a certain point.


They will never take a correction from someone that does not know as much as they know. We must demonstrate to them that we know as much as they do, and more than they know, and I say this about the Jew, I say this about the New Age people, I say it about the Jehovah's witness, and I say it about the Mormons. You are not going to convert them by condemning them, never, never, unless maybe they are on their death bed, and you scare them into a conversion, which would not be a true conversion anyway.


"What does the Bible say concerning this glorious Son of God, is Christ divided?" Well, I do not know what he means by that, but I hope everybody here knows that Christ is one spirit, and that he is not divided. If there is a disagreement amongst us, brethren, at least one of us is not in Christ. Christ is not divided. Who is divided? The carnal man is divided. At what point in his history was he divided? No, not at the fall. The Tower of Babel. Amen, amen. The soul man is divided, Christ is not divided. He is one spirit that has one opinion, although that opinion may be expressed in many diverse ways.


"We preach Christ crucified unto the Judaeans a stumbling block and unto the Greeks foolishness, but unto them that are called both Judaeans and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God." Paul preached the gospel, not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ be of none effect. What is Paul saying here brethren? First of all, what is the cross of Christ, what is it that Christ was crucified to. Now crucifixion is a joining, in the natural the man Jesus was joined to His stake with nails, and they became...well, we might say that Jesus became one with the wood stake that He was nailed to, but it was not a permanent joining, because His body was removed from that stake.


I suggest to you, brethren, that Christ, the mind of God, within the man Jesus was permanently nailed, permanently joined to the wood stake with a spiritually wood stake which was Jesus' carnal mind.


Now man in the Scripture is typified by wood. The Christ, the mind of God in the man Jesus, was nailed to, or permanently joined to, or made one with the carnal mind that He inherited from His mother through death. Brethren, not through the death of Christ, through the death of the carnal mind. Brethren, when Christ and the carnal mind in the man Jesus, when the two men of which Christ made one of the twain, He made one new man, of the Christ man, or the Christ mind and of the carnal man or the carnal mind, when they were joined in death.


When they were joined in the crucifixion which produced death, the one that died was the carnal mind. Christ did not die in the crucifixion. Brethren, Christ did not die in crucifixion. I agree with you that He was crucified, but Christ is the nail that was crucified to the stake of the carnal man. They were permanently joined through the death of the carnal mind and, brethren, the Christ in you is going to nail your carnal mind. He is going to penetrate him, He is going to impale him, He is going to slay the enmity in your flesh and, therefore, God will make peace with you through the death of your carnal mind. Yes, He was crucified but Christ did not die on the cross. The crucifixion killed that which He was crucified to, the carnal mind of the man Jesus which He inherited from His mother.


Brethren, the imparted Christ cannot be killed by the carnal mind. Now I am going to take this slow. At the beginning of time, when the carnal mind killed Christ, the carnal mind killed an imputed Christ, a Christ which was not woven together with the carnal mind but merely lying on top of it and overpowering it. The Christ in the man Jesus of Nazareth was an imparted Christ, completely interwoven with the carnal mind, and, therefore, when that interwoven Christ, when that Christ that was completely interwoven with the carnal mind was crucified to the carnal mind, it was the carnal mind that died and not Christ. This is the complete reversal of what happened at the beginning of time. I feel to say it to you again.


At the beginning of time, brethren, when the carnal mind killed the Christ, the circumstances were this, the carnal mind was brought forth from seed, the carnal mind was the product of Satan and Eve, but the Christ was not brought forth from seed. He was an imputed Christ, an immature Christ to whom the Father had given authority that He really was not qualified to have, and our example, frequently, is when a man dies and leaves a widow. She is now in charge of the family but, in many instances, not qualified to rule and to raise the children. Therefore, the carnal mind at the beginning of time was stronger than the imputed Christ whose authority was a gift from God. It was not an earned authority, and the carnal mind was stronger.


We go into this in more detail on Part 2 of this series. When the Christ was crucified to the carnal mind in the man Jesus of Nazareth, that Christ was an imparted Christ. It had earned its authority. It was a fully mature Christ that had grown up in the man Jesus of Nazareth by taking the authority that the Father gave him and using it and having experiences with it, and which experiences caused him to be intertwined with the carnal mind, an imparted Christ in the man Jesus of Nazareth than the carnal mind that He was interwoven with and, therefore, when the two came together in union, one of them had to die.


Brethren, to have two minds is a perversion. If you are a double-minded man, if you have the mind of Christ and the carnal mind, you are a perversion. These things should not be, brethren, and there will be a fusion of this multiple personality, and the strongest mind shall prevail. Every other mind in you must die, and when the Christ in you, and when the Christ in the man Jesus of Nazareth is an imparted Christ, the authority of the Father imparted to a man through experience and overcoming, that imparted mind of Christ is stronger than the carnal mind and, that is why in the crucifixion of the Christ to the carnal mind, the stronger of the two lived and the weaker of the two died, and there is the peace of His cross through death. He made peace. There became one undeniable ruler over that vessel, know as our Lord Jesus Christ.


What did Paul mean when He said, "Lest the cross of Christ should be of none effect." Brethren, what he is talking about is speaking with the words of man's wisdom.


He said the cross of Christ. This is what he meant, the cross of Christ, the crucifixion of Christ in the man Jesus of Nazareth resulted in the glorification of the man Jesus of Nazareth, who ascended unto His Father after the resurrection, and who is now pouring out of His spirit upon our flesh. Therefore, the Lord Jesus Christ is forming Christ in us, and Paul is saying, "If all of this did not happen, if Christ is not being formed in us, we would be forced to speak with the wisdom of men, but since the work of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is resulting in His bringing forth the Christ in us, all of this work will be of none effect, if we teach out of the wisdom of men." Why?


Because the work of the cross is to produce the mind of Christ in us. Now, if we have a choice to teach out of, or understand out of, or preach out of the mind of Christ or the carnal mind, and we knowingly or unknowingly preach out of the carnal mind, the cross of Christ is of none effect.


Jesus died, He was raised from the dead, He ascended, and He is poured out upon you. Christ is being formed in you, and you have yielded knowingly or unknowingly to your carnal mind, and, therefore, the cross of Christ in you is of none effect. Paul said, "We will not preach with the wisdom of men, lest the cross of Christ be of none effect, that will not happen in us, we will preach out of Christ, who was crucified, the Lord of glory." Amen.


What does glory mean? What does glory mean? I will tell you because I have only mentioned this once or twice. Glory, I did a word study on it through the Old and the New Testament. It is the word that expresses the spirit of God in the soul realm, and where do we find God in the soul realm, brethren? God in the soul realm is expressed through man. God in the soul realm is appearing in the living soul in the form of Christ. The Scripture says, "The Lord of glory, or the Lord of the living soul in which God is being expressed in the earth is the form of Christ, who was crucified." The Lord, the master, the owner of the vessel, or the cell, or the individual man in which the spirit of God was being expressed in this soul realm, His name was Jesus Christ of Nazareth and He was crucified.


Let me say it again, brethren. The Lord of glory was crucified, Lord, owner, master of glory, the expression of God in a human being, the man who was the master of His vessel, and the result of His being the master of his vessel was that Christ was expressed through Him, the man who was the master of his vessel, because Christ was his mind. The Lord of glory was crucified, the man Jesus of Nazareth was crucified. Jesus the Christ, our Lord now glorified, was crucified.


The expression or the phrase, "They would not have crucified the Lord of glory" is speaking about the death of the physical body of the man Jesus of Nazareth which was killed at the hands of wicked men. The expression, "Christ crucified" is speaking about that which occurred in the realm of the spirit sometime during the six hours that the physical body of the man Jesus of Nazareth hung on the cross, and in the realm of the spirit, the nail, the spiritual nail Christ crucified the soul or the carnal mind of the man Jesus of Nazareth.


Wicked men killed His body in this realm of appearance, but Christ killed His carnal mind in the realm of the soul. Brethren, wicked men thought that they killed the Lord of glory, because they killed His body, but had they only known that by killing His body, they opened up the circumstances that the Lord or the Christ in the man Jesus to kill His carnal mind. Little did they know that by crucifying the Lord of glory, they were working along with God's plans and doing that which was necessary for God to glorify this Lord of glory, so that He could come back in spirit form and raise up many members of the Christ, in the many members of the church.


Had they only known that killing Him would set the stage for His reproduction, they would have never killed the Lord of glory. They did not kill the Christ, brethren. They killed the soul man Jesus of Nazareth, who was the Christ who was in full stature.


When they killed His body, the Christ joined so completely with His soul that the Father raised Him from the dead in a glorified supernatural form. Had they only known, they would have never killed the Lord of glory. God save us from the church. I see them screaming at me. Christ our Passover was sacrificed for us. The sacrifice that Christ made for us, brethren, is that He could have lived forever in the form of the man Jesus of Nazareth.


Now remember, Christ, the mind of God in the man Jesus of Nazareth, was so completely controlling the carnal mind of the man Jesus of Nazareth that He gave life to the whole vessel. It preserved His body. The life of Christ in full stature in the man Jesus of Nazareth preserved his body. Christ the mind of God could have lived for the life of the ages in the man Jesus of Nazareth, but He made a sacrifice on our behalf, brethren. He gave up that existence so that He could be crucified, resurrected, and glorified and then pour out of his spirit upon all flesh so that blood of the Passover lamb could be applied to the door post of our human vessels.


In this hour, if the blood of the lamb is on your doorposts, brethren, the angel of death is passing over you, the wrath of God which is upon this whole world system which is a judgment for sin is passing over you, and instead of reaping destruction because you have sowed destruction...why? Because your mind is fallen. Now, every judgment and just recompense for sin that is due to you because of your wicked ways, and the wickedness that is the fallen condition of your mind, will be used for your good as a manifestation of the judgment seat of Christ.


Brethren, your judge is no longer Satan, whereby your were turned over unto destruction, but your judge has now become the Lord Jesus Christ, and you are subject to His judgment throne, and every just recompense for every sin that you and your ancestors have committed shall be used as an opportunity to chasten you, in accordance with the purposes of God which will bring forth the righteousness of Christ in you.


The sacrifice of Christ, brethren, was indeed the death of the soul man, Jesus of Nazareth, but not as it is preached, brethren, not because Jehovah is a bloodthirsty God that needed a human sacrifice instead of the sacrifice of a bull or a goat. The crucifixion of the physical body of the man Jesus of Nazareth was God's provision or the fulfillment of God's provision that made the spiritual life of Christ available to the multitudes in this hour. He gave up His soul life so that He could be joined to us for the life of the ages because without Him we would have no life.


Jesus was slain, even the Lord Jesus Christ, who was raised from the dead, the Lord, who was raised. Christ rose again. According to the Scriptures, "But now is Christ risen from the dead." Well, Christ died at the beginning of time, amen. Who was raised? Christ rose again according to the Scriptures, I Corinthians 15:3-4, "But now is Christ risen from the dead..." He sure is, right out of the human spirit of the man Jesus of Nazareth, "...and become the first fruit of the them that slept. For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead."


Notice that Christ died. He most certainly did, brethren, but not on the cross. Christ rose again, and here He is called a man. He sure is the man Christ Jesus. "If Christ be not risen then our preaching is in vain, yea, we are found false witnesses of God." Everybody okay? Christ died, He did not die on the cross. Everybody okay? Christ did not die on the cross. The man Jesus of Nazareth died on the cross. He was killed by the resurrected Christ that was in that man.


Now remember, the physical body of the man Jesus of Nazareth was killed by wicked men. He was killed, He was crucified, and He was slain. The physical body was crucified, penetrated by nails, and the Greek word translated "slain" means, "He was taken away from the earth by wicked men," but the soul man, Jesus of Nazareth, the carnal mind of the man Jesus of Nazareth, the personality of the man Jesus of Nazareth, which He inherited from His mother which was completely interwoven with the Christ was not killed because the physical body died.


You see, the fact that the personality of the man Jesus was completely interwoven with the Christ was preserving that personality. Jesus said, "No man can take my life, I lay it down." Amen? The wicked men killed His physical body. The Christ in the man Jesus of Nazareth killed the soul or the personality of the man Jesus of Nazareth, completing the resurrection process. Why? Because His own carnal mind, or this personality known as Jesus of Nazareth was the enmity in His flesh that was completely under control through interweaving, but this was the third stage of the resurrection, and the Christ slew that carnal mind.


The wicked men killed the physical body, and the Father raised the whole three-part man from the dead, so completely intermingling them that they became one new substance, the glorified Lord Jesus Christ, praise God.


Some in their zeal, to cut up the son of God, declare that only Christ is in them. Well, He is the Lord Jesus Christ, the mind of Christ, but not Jesus. Well, that is because they are one. Christ in Jesus had become so completely intertwined that they are one, however Paul preached that, "We always bear about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus. Now what does that mean, "to bear about in your body the dying of the Lord Jesus?" It means that we are to die like He died, that word body meaning our adamic soul, our fallen soul.


Our fallen soul must die, and come into submission to the Lord Jesus Christ which is in us, just as the man Jesus of Nazareth did. "That the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh." That the life that was in Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh, II Corinthians 4:11. Brethren, the life of Jesus was Christ. God is not the God of the dead, He is the God of the living. The man Jesus had a carnal mind which He inherited from His mother which was dead.


We should bear in our body the dying of the Lord Jesus. Let me read you the exact Scripture. "We always bear in the body, our fallen adamic soul, the dying of the Lord Jesus Christ." Amen. You have to die that the life also of Jesus that, that which was alive in Him, which is Christ, might be made manifest in our mortal flesh. Amen. Let us die to the flesh so that Christ may be exalted in us as He was in the man Jesus. Amen?


Hallelujah, brother, if you get this tape, I love you, and I thank you for your sacrifice that you have made. If I have hurt you I am really sorry to be using this as a teaching instrument, but your sacrifice is vital to our education. Thank you.


II Corinthians 5:14-15 tells us that "The love of Christ constrains us, He died for all, that they which live should henceforth not live unto themselves, but unto Him that died for them, and rose again." He died for all. The love of Christ constrains us. "For the love of Christ constrains us; because we thus judge that if one died for all, then were all dead: that He died for all that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto Him which died for them, and rose again." If I heard you correctly, it did not say that Christ died for us, it said He who died for them. Is that correct? Okay.


Once the cross of Christ is effective in a man's life, henceforth there is a change in the whole being, amen, that the new creature lives unto the one who died and rose for all men, everywhere, amen, the one who died, the man Jesus, wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh, after the carnal or natural understanding. The uncrucified Ego was taken to the cross with Christ.


Now listen, this is a contradiction, after the carnal or natural understanding. Wherefore henceforth, know we no man after the flesh, that is after the carnal or natural understanding. The uncrucified Ego that was taken to the cross was Christ. He is saying it right here. You know, I find that a lot of believers say it is right there in their hand, but they do not see it. They are that close to it, but they do not see it. He is saying...do you understand what I am saying? He is saying that we no longer know any man after the carnal Ego, but the one that was raised from the dead, so he is saying that Jesus had an uncrucified Ego, but the whole point was that it was crucified on the cross. "Even though we have known Christ after the flesh, henceforth know we know Him no more. He is gone.


Some teach that this means to de-Jesus the Christ by throwing the man away for the Christ. I am already seeing that the man is called Christ, but He is a new man, He is a glorified man.


You become a new order man. He has evolved and is the means of resurrection, as well as the one to whom and for whom the new creature is to Him. Christ is not just a spirit, amen, He is a man, amen. He is a glorified man, a man of a higher order than we are, He is the mediator between God and man, amen, the man Christ Jesus. He is not just a spirit, He is a new order man, He is a personality, amen, that is true. "The truth of Christ is me," Paul says, "and since ye seek a proof of Christ speaking in me, examine yourselves." Who is this Christ that Paul is speaking about who actually is speaking in or through him? The answer is in his own statement. The examination or proof they are to find in their own selves is to know how that Jesus Christ is in you, or whether they are reprobate. Well, I am not going to spend too much time on that.


Paul knew no difference between the Jesus of history and the Christ of faith. "The truth of Christ is in me," Paul says, "and since ye seek a proof of Christ speaking in me, examine..." See, Paul separates it. "Since ye seek proof of Christ speaking in me, examine yourselves." Since ye seek a proof of Christ speaking in me, examine yourselves. Brethren, what Paul is saying here is that Christ is in him, that the glorified Lord Jesus Christ is pouring out of His spirit upon Paul's flesh in the form of the Holy Spirit, and that the Holy Spirit in Paul is bringing forth Christ in him through Paul's own human spirit, that the Father...the Holy Spirit is the Father.


When the Lord Jesus Christ was glorified He ascended unto the Father, He became spirit again, and now He is in the form of the Holy Spirit in the earth pouring out upon men's flesh, and that He was in Paul's flesh in the form of the Father, and the work of the Holy Spirit in man is to bring forth the Son by joining with our dead human spirit. Christ in this hour is appearing in men like you an me, and the glorified Lord Jesus Christ is the Father unto us.


Now what Paul is saying here in II Corinthians 13:3,5, let me read you the whole thing, "Since ye seek a proof of Christ speaking in me..., Paul is saying since you want proof that the glorified Lord Jesus Christ is being reproduced in me, that He is bringing forth the son in me, that it is the mind of Christ speaking through me, and He says, "And that Christ in me to you is not weak, but is mighty." Verse 5, He says "Examine yourselves whether you be in the faith." What Paul is saying to them, "If you cannot recognize Christ in me, you better examine yourselves to find out whether or not you are in the faith, of whether or not Christ is in you," because in another place Paul says, "No natural man can recognize Christ in a man."


Only Christ can recognize Christ in a man, so Paul is saying,"You Corinthians, if you cannot recognize Christ in me, you had better examine yourselves to find out why, you may just be without Christ." That is what He is saying to them. "Examine yourselves whether ye be in the faith, prove your own selves, is Christ in you or this your carnal mind speaking?"


"Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you. Jesus Christ in the form of the resurrected glorified Jesus Christ in the form of the Holy Spirit is in you, except ye be reprobate." Paul is saying, "If you do not have this understanding of how Jesus Christ is in you, then you cannot have Christ." Because, brethren, the Holy Spirit does not bring deep doctrine. For you to understand this deep doctrine and these mysteries of God, Paul is saying, "Christ must be in you." That is what he is saying to them. "Examine yourselves. Do you not know your own selves how that Jesus Christ is in you unless you are reprobate?"


If you do not know how He is in you, brethren, that means you do not have Christ, because Christ is the wisdom of God, and He comes with the understanding and the deep doctrine.


COMMENT: I do not have any problem with all those things, I think He is all of those things.


PASTOR VITALE: Paul knew no difference between the Jesus of history and the Christ of faith. He is a totally new order man. To him, the Christ was not a nebulous spirit, we agree He is not, nor a vital principle, we agree He is not, nor a mere consciousness, we agree He is not, nor an elevated state of mind. Well, I do not know about that. In His exalted manhood He most certainly is an elevated state of mind. Nor a cosmic awareness, amen, nor an energy force or a vibration, amen. I see what he is saying here, and I have to agree with all that. Neither was the Christ simply an anointing and an impersonal truth, nor a higher self. That is our friend's expression.


COMMENT: I do not have a problem with all of those things, I think He is all those things and more.


PASTOR VITALE: "All those things and more." Anyone listening to the tape, please note they are all, the lady said, they are all these things, He is all these things and more, amen. Neither was the...just so it does not sound like I am contradicting myself, I was agreeing with the brother, in the context of the way the New Age movement states these things, but our sister said He is all these things and more, which I agree with also, but let me clarify this. I do not want anyone stumbling over what I am saying.


He is all these things as a part of the whole glorified man Christ Jesus, the living Christ. To separate out one of His qualities and make in that quality the whole Christ is doing the same thing that happened at the beginning of time when the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil separated from the Tree of Life, and to take one quality of Christ and separate it and say, "This is the Christ," is death. Okay, that is the letter. Yes, but for the sake of this tape, since we are using this newsletter, I will agree with our brother that as far as the New Age movement goes, He is not any of these things alone, which is what they are saying. To Paul, the very Christ was the same one who died and rose again and met him on the road to Damascus. Christ in Paul was not a superego, nor an exalted idea.


A superego, well that is interesting. The superego is the unconscious mind, and we preach here that He is our new unconscious mind, but not the way the New Age...well, I do not really know how the New Age people preach it, but He is a superego. He is my new unconscious mind, thank God.


COMMENT: I think that the New Age people have the truth, the revelation, the new revelation, but have it in the letter, they do not have the spirit with it.


PASTOR VITALE: They do not have the spirit with it, and they are saying that it is them, that they are God as they exist. There is error there, but they have a lot of truth and with some error it is on a very high level.


One of the problems we are running into in the church today is that the New Age people, some of the occult people, they have knowledge way beyond the average church. They laugh at the church. They know they that they do not know what they are talking about, they know that the church does not know what they are talking about.


COMMENT: They have one side of the flaming sword. It is like one side of it, but they do not have the other side, so they cannot enter in.


PASTOR VITALE: Right, one will never enter in without the Spirit. You see, the church that has the spirit without the doctrine, they stand a very good chance of entering in because they have the spirit of God. When the Christians with their carnal doctrine, despite the spirit of God, when they go to the New Age people, the spirit of God is not enough of a witness to them to receive their false doctrine that they know is infantile. These are people that are into deep spiritual doctrine. You cannot come and preach this nonsense to them, they will not believe you. The spirit alone plus this false doctrine, they will throw you out of the door.


Brethren, we are not going to convert this world by threatening to throw them into hell forever. We are going to have to get this truth and debate with them in the synagogues and on the streets, and wrestle with them with doctrine, and let the mind of Christ penetrate them and plant His seeds in them. Legal rape, brethren, legal rape, spiritual rape with words.


You tangle with a Son of God, you will never be the same. It could take ten years for that seed to sprout, but if you have tangled with a Son, who by the anointing of Christ in you, has spoken the truth to you, and by the grace of God that seed has rooted in your mind, brethren, you will bear fruit, and there is no abortion for rape victims in a situation like this. Did you want to say something?


COMMENT: I was just saying that they seem to be deep into intellectualism. They have got the intellectual side, but they do not have the Holy Spirit, and without the Holy Spirit going into their heart, they do not have anything.


PASTOR VITALE: They do not have anything. It is all a fantasy.


COMMENT: They have all the knowledge and all of the truth of it, it seems, and their terminology may be a little different than ours, but there is a lot of truth there, but the error is to think that they are already God, and that they have exalted themselves that high. They have exalted themselves above everything else by saying that they are God, and then they take the revelation that belongs to Jesus Christ, and they have applied it to themselves saying they are already there. It is just all intellectualism.




COMMENT: It is fornicating with their own intelligence.


PASTOR VITALE: It is spiritual adultery with their carnal mind, amen. The carnal mind has brought forth the doctrine.


COMMENT: It is the like the highest form of fornication with their own carnal mind, like a high level of it, right?


PASTOR VITALE: The whole point of this particular message is that Christ wants to reach them also, and the church, in the condition that is it is in today, will never reach these people. They are going to laugh them out the door, that is the whole point for this message. Everything that you said is true, but that is the point for this message. You are not going to convert the Jew that knows the Scripture with the message in the church today, and I know there are Jews that are converted, most of them non-practicing, or even if they were practicing, they are a rarity. Maybe there was a sickness that God healed them from, maybe God called them out in advance, but very few Jews from the orthodox community that know this word. Brethren, this is the word that is going to convert the world, and the church is trying to crush it and stop it, and kill it, and kill those who are preaching it.


Now I remind you that when a male seed, when a sperm enters into a woman and goes forward it is programmed to fertilize her and starts swimming up her inward parts, the environment of the woman is deadly to the sperm, deadly. That is why there are thousands of sperm trying to fertilize one egg, because there are thousands of fatalities. The environment inside of the woman is deadly to the sperm. Our medical science says that it is a miracle every time a woman conceives, that the acid environment of her inward parts is so deadly to sperm, it is a miracle every time a woman conceives.


This word that is going forth into the church today is the male sperm of our Lord Jesus Christ, and it is being killed by the woman, but we are going to see a miracle, we are going to see a miracle, Hallelujah. The one who descended first into the lower parts of the earth, brethren, is the lamb that was slain so that the earth could be founded. The spiritual Son of God at the beginning of time descended into the earth. He is the breath of life that the Father breathed into the man. He is the same one as the one who ascended and fills all things, Christ, amen. He is going to fill everything that is in the earth, He is going to fill everything that is in the earth, but then, eventually, He is going to give up the creation to the Father, and the Father is the one who will be everything.


Without Jesus Christ, everything is empty. That is true, amen. He alone fills the void and what is void? "And the earth was without form and void." The earth of humanity. Let us not settle for some cheap no-name generic substitute Christ, and let us cleave with our whole being to the true and genuine Christ of the book, the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, etc. etc. 


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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