165 - Part 4

Part 4 of 4 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



OK, we're winding up our teaching on Daniel 8 tonight. Let me remind you that Daniel 8 is in two parts. The first part is a prophecy; the second part is an interpretation. It took us 10 meetings to do the prophecy, and this is the fourth meeting on the interpretation. And as we found out when we did Daniel 7, the interpretation sounds, to the carnal ear, like it's just a repetition of what Daniel said in the prophecy, but we found out it's much more than that, that the angel Gabriel gives us additional information as he repeats what Daniel said to us. So, once again, I'll ask you to, please, hold your comments and your questions until after the end of the message unless you feel you absolutely cannot continue to follow me if I don't answer a question right at that moment.


And let me just explain to you one more time what we do here. Just like an English dictionary, every English word can have up to 20 definitions. Every Greek and Hebrew word can have up to 20 or more definitions, and we found that when we went back into the original Hebrew, in this case Hebrew, not Greek, that, very frequently, the King James translators chose a word that the Lord did not witness to me to choose. And we have wound up with an Alternate Translation of every verse of Daniel 8 that sounds nothing whatsoever like the King James, but every word that I use is a legitimate translation of the Hebrew word which appears in the Scriptures. Glory to God.


Our Alternate Translation of Daniel 8:23 through Verse 25, except for the last phrase which we didn't do last week, starting with Verse 23. "And in the end of the age in which the covenant breaker's rulership comes to an end, a king with a fortified mind who understands the mysteries of God shall appear. And the king's fortified Christ mind shall be strong enough to bind up and destroy the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the livi- -- of the fallen living soul so that the priests of God can appear. And He shall paralyze them and pass through and flow over them like a river, and He shall offer up their carnal minds as a sin offering to the Father. And this is how the king, the Lord Jesus Christ, shall give the firstfruits of the fallen living soul the sing mind of Christ Jesus."


"And by understanding, the Lord Jesus Christ shall pass through and flow over the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the fallen living soul, and He shall beget a Son by binding the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the fallen living soul together with the mind of Christ. And Christ Jesus shall stand upon the foundation of the glorified Jesus Christ who shall be the chief prince over the many princes of the Christ Jesus company, and Christ Jesus shall bring peace to humanity by slaying the carnal minds of the many members of the fallen living soul."


So we're picking up now at the last phrase of Daniel 8:25. "But He shall be broken without hand." The word but is not in the Hebrew. It's really a prefix, what we call a prefix. It's a single letter of the Hebrew language which can mean many different words that we call prepositions or conjunctions. It can mean but, and, with. It's called a copulative word, and we are going to say and instead of but. Translator's license, it's perfectly legitimate. Shall be broken is Strong's #7665, and that means to break or to tear. This particular Hebrew word is translated in Isaiah 66:9 to cause to break through the womb, and the phrase as it appears in Isaiah 66:9 is, "Shall I cause to break open the womb and not cause to bring forth?" This is the Lord speaking to Israel. So the same Hebrew word, Strong's 7665, is translated to break open the womb, and we are going to translate it that way in Daniel 8:25, to break through the womb. And if -- as you recall from the past meetings, the Lord Jesus Christ is bringing forth a Son, a second generation of Christ, and His name is Christ Jesus.


And I can't get the scene out of my mind of something that I saw on T.V. as an advertisement for a wildlife series. They showed, I think it was, a deer, and it was a back view of the deer, and she was just standing there. And all of a sudden, her -- I don't know what a baby deer is called, but her baby's head just popped out, right of -- they had a shot of this doe from the back with her baby's head just looking around, and the whole body was still inside of the doe. And that is what's happening to us. Our head, the Lord Jesus Christ, has popped out into the realm of the spirit. We are still in the womb. We are still in the womb of the earth, being formed, and the Scripture says we don't know what we're going to be. What do you mean [?when we're?] -- what we're going to be? We don't know what we're going to be when we're fully born, but we see Jesus, so we have some idea of what we're going to be like by looking at Him. And that's -- the reason I told you that is because this phrase at the end of Daniel 8:25 is talking about opening the womb, and I'm suggesting to you that it's speaking about the birth of the second generation of Christ, called Christ Jesus.


The phrase we're dealing with is, "But He shall be broken without hand." The word translated -- the Hebrew word translated without is Strong's #657. It can also be translated the ends of the earth or the extreme limits of the earth. This particular word is translated ends of the earth in Psalms 2:8, Psalms 22:28 and elsewhere, and we are going to use it that way in this translation. So we find that the spiritual application of the expression, the ends or the extreme limits of the earth, is that the ends of the earth is as far away from the spirit world as you can get, and another name for is it is outer darkness. Let me show it to you on the board. Spiritual life dwells within; the flesh is outside, so we have a spirit at our center. What's her name?


            [?Eve?] [INAUDIBLE]


Eve. When the Holy Spirit comes to -- Eve is dead. She died at the beginning of time. She is a remnant of the formation of Christ that existed at the beginning of time that died when the creation fell, and a drop of that life is in every human being alive, but it's in a -- it's dead, and it's buried. She was buried under the earth of our souls and our bodies, so at our very center is our spirit. Her name is Eve. When the Holy Spirit comes and joins with us, He is the male seed, and He brings forth His offspring, the second generation of --




Christ, known as Christ Jesus. So this is our center. Some of us just have a dead sprit; some of us have a spirit that's been quickened, and it's name is Christ, and outside laying on top of it, we have a mind that is a result of the fallen creation. If Christ has come and quickened your spirit, you now have two minds. James says you're double souled or double minded, and you're unstable in all your ways. And what does that mean? One minute you're thinking with your carnal mind, and the next minute you're thinking with the mind of Christ. And the flesh lusteth against the spirit, and the spirit lusteth against the flesh; the two will never agree. Don’t ever get into a debate with somebody that's thinking out of their carnal mind when you're thinking out of your spiritual mind, which is Christ, because you'll never agree, waste of time and effort and energy. You're not talking the same language.


So here spirit is at our center. We have a carnal mind, and we have a human body. There are some people on this earth whose spirit has not been quickened. They have a dead spirit, and because their spirit has not been quickened, their existence comes forth out of their carnal mind, and some people that are really lost live almost completely out of their body. Now you can disagree with me if you want, and it's possible that I could be wrong. I have no proof for you, but in my opinion, the people that live almost completely if not completely out of their human body are usually people that -- whose mind is gone, whose mind is completely gone, people in mental institutions, possibly people on drugs. I don't know, but people who are doing what their body does, who are in complete submission to bodily cravings, who have no self-control, who are living like the animals, no self-restraint.


You know, they had a Nightline show on last night, and I like Nightline. They have some very interesting news interviews, and usually of a very high caliber, but la- -- I think it was last night. They interviewed somebody who was trying to prove how much we are like the animals and how it's OK to engage in animalistic -- certain animalistic behaviors because, after all, that's what the animals do. Brethren, I may be in an animal body, but my spirit, which has been quickened by Christ, rules this body. Paul said, "I keep my body under." We are supposed to be resisting what the animals do. That is, we look at our nation and our society. We see more and more us going back to the ways of the animals. That is not a good thing. The -- Jehovah came to the Jews, and He said, you shall not be as the heathen; you shall not live as the heathen; you shall not do as the heathen; you shall be a consecrated people, separated unto Me because the flesh lusteth against the spirit, and I'm making you spirit. You can't live like they live, resist.


So outer darkness or the ends of the earth is out here. That's where it is. Outer darkness or the ends of the earth is -- or outer darkness is living out of bodily impulses on an animal level. That's outer darkness. The Lord just corrected me on this. The ends of the earth -- they're not the same. The ends of the earth is your carnal mind. To be living out of your carnal mind is to be living out of the ends of the earth. That means thinking with a fallen, reprobate, but thinking. To be in outer darkness is to be dwelling simply by animal impulses, and we are called to dwell in heaven in this spiritual realm, and we've had quite a bit of teaching about this recently. While we are in the body, we can -- this very same person can either be dwelling in heaven, in the spirit. They can be dwelling in the ends of the earth, their carnal mind, or -- and hopefully not many can be dwelling in outer darkness, which is someone that's given over to the animal impulses of their bodies, no discipline whatsoever. You do what you feel like doing. You feel like murdering somebody, you murder them.


See, now we have a lot of sexual promiscuity today, and we say, oh, that's OK. We're making all kinds of excuses for it. But, brethren, the next step is to commit crimes just because you feel like it or because you think that it's right, and we see the beginnings of that in this society. We must -- we are a civilized people. We must have law, and our spirit -- by our spirit, we must bring our carnal mind, with [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- our carnal minds, which desires, usually, to wage war, and the lusts of the flesh into submission. Even if you believe in free sex, you cannot force yourself on a member of the opposite sex. You can't have everybody that you want to have because the -- why? Because there's another person involved, and maybe they don’t want you, or maybe they don't want you at that moment. Now in the animal world, did you ever see have two animals have sex? The man comes up behind the woman and knocks her down and violently forces her. Well, we're supposed to be civilized. At what point are we going to stop this spiral downwards? OK, [?let's go on?].


So let me just say this one more time. Outer darkness is dwelling simply by the impulses of the body, which in most instances you would be institutionalized. If you're going around doing whatever you want, taking whatever you want, you're going to wind up in an institution, either in jail or in a mental institution. The ends of the earth is dwelling out of your carnal mind, thinking with the reprobate thoughts of fallen man, and heaven is -- [?well?], living out of your spirit, which is heaven when it's joined to Christ.


So we're dealing with the phrase, "But He shall be broken without hand," and we're saying, "And He shall break forth through the womb, the ends of the earth." Well, what does that mean? He shall break forth through the womb of the ends of the earth. And we know that Christ is growing in here. When the Holy Spirit comes in and Christ is formed, He starts as a mustard seed, and He starts to grow. He's not conceived a full-grown man; He's conceived in infancy. Now that seed has the potential to be a full-grown man, but Hi- -- at conception, He is a mustard seed. So, "But He shall be broken without hand." "He shall come forth from the ends of the earth." The ends of the earth, the carnal mind, is the womb in which the seed is growing, and Jesus talks a lot about planting. He talks about gardening. He talks about being a husband, men. The seed of Christ is a spiritual plant that is being planted in the ends of the earth of the carnal minds of men.


So this phrase which is translated by the King James translators -- who I remind you were scholars but not men moving under the anointing of the spirit of God, and as we f- -- we'll find out when we go further along that we cannot hear or understand the spiritual truth of God with our carnal minds. For us to understand the spiritual truth of God, Christ must be formed in our spirit. He is the only one who can understand this truth, and we found out here that there are different kinds of formation or formations of Christ. There's really just one formation of Christ, but it comes forth in different degrees of maturity, and the immature formation of the mind of Christ is a temporary formation where -- well, let me put it back up on the board -- where the Holy Spirit comes into your heart, and Christ is formed, and information is imparted, and then there's a breakaway, and we'll see that further down on in the next verse or two.


And then we have a permanent manifestation of the mind of Christ. When this happens, when the Holy Spirit comes in and Christ is formed, an adjoining takes place; a spiritual joining takes place. The Scripture expresses it a- -- this way, that they shall be "woven together as the warp and the woof of a garment, and they shall never be able to be separated again, and forever we shall be with the Lord." And this is what has happened to the man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. His mind was so completely woven together with the Christ which was within Him that when His body was killed, the Father raise Him from the dead, and this is what He's offering to humanity today, the resurrection of the dead bones of Christ, through the weaving together of His glorified, sinless mind with our fallen, corrupt mind.


And another way to express this, [?with?] -- which the Lord has really been pressing home here recently is to say that this is to be begotten of seed. What seed? The seed of the Holy Spirit, the male seed, and the female seed of God, Eve, the human spirit, have so totally been woven together that they cannot break apart, and they have become a new creature. And our example for this is human reproduction. This is scientific fact. You can find it in any textbook. You take a man's seed, and you take a woman's seed, and in fertilization, they join together so completely that they become one seed that is completely different from the female seed and completely different from the male seed. They become the first cell of a new person, the fetus.


And this is what happened in the man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The human spirit that He inherited from His mother, Mary, was so completely joined to the seed of the Father that was planted in His heart at conception that He became a new creature, the first or the beginning of the creation of God, the first man to have a mind completely woven together with the mind of God, and He could have lived forever. You know the Scripture that says He died for us? I hear Scriptures ev- -- Christians everywhere saying He died for me, He died for me. Brethren, I don't think many of them know what it means. This is what it means. His mind --  He was the first man to have His mind completely woven together with the mind of God, and He could have lived forever in the body because this occurrence, [?this weavi-?] -- and this weaving together, brings salvation to the soul and the body. Well, we won't talk about the body now. That's other whole story. I don't want to get off my message too much tonight.


But this weaving together of the spirit brings salvation to the soul. He could have lived for the rest of His li- -- for the rest of eternity in the condition that He was in, but He permitted Himself to be killed. Why? Because He knew that when He died, or when this body died -- see, His spirit didn't die. His body died, and His soul life died, and He knew, when that happened, the Father would raise His spiritual life from the dead, and with Him, He raise the whole -- I don't want anyone getting me on this. He raise the whole man from the dead, spirit, soul and body, converted Him into spirit form, which is what we call glorification, and because He returned to pure spirit form -- He said, "I go to My Father." What the means is He returned to pure spirit form, and because He returned to pure spirit form, He came into a condition whereby He was able to pour out of His spirit upon all the flesh of humanity, putting a drop of His life in each of us.


Do you remember that? I said it a few minutes ago. The Christ who died at the begin- -- the Christ that existed at the beginning of time died, and a drop of His dead bones is in each of us. Well, the Christ that was raised from the dead, who was begotten of seed -- see the Christ at the beginning of time was not begotten of seed. His mind was not woven together with the Father's; they were just present in His being. But the man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who was begotten of seed, has ascended and been glorified and is now pouring out of His spirit upon all flesh, and a drop of His life is in the same vessels which possess a drop of the death of the original Christ. And the drop of His life in you is going to raise from the dead the drop of the dead Christ whose mind was not woven together with the Father, who was not begotten of seed, who was formed of the earth but not begotten of seed, and He's going to raise that drop of the life of Christ, which died, from the dead. You have a question?


            [?Because we have the spirit, right?]?


Please, put it on -- the people need to hear your questions.


            That's when the Holy Spirit comes into the heart. The Ho- --


Right, that's the drop of His life that's being poured out on all flesh. It's got to get inside of you.


            So with the Holy Spirit, that's the drop of life --              


That's the drop.


            -- or is the conceived Christ --




            -- that's the drop?


No, the drop of His life is the Holy Spirit. It comes into your heart, and it raises your dead -- it joins with your dead human spirit and produces Christ, which is the resurrection of the dead human spirit.


            So it doesn't happen just because He ascended into heaven and He sprinkled Himself out?


No, it has to happen to you.


            It has to happen --


This is a big fallacy in the ---


            -- when the person receives the Holy Spirit.


-- church. Right. We have electrici- -- we have electric lights in this apartment. If no one turned the switch, we would have no light. This is a big error in the church, saying Jesus did it all on the cross and it's all over. What Jesus did on the cross was make available to us His life; now we have to lay hold of it. Just -- I mean, just use your eyes. Who's walking around in ascended power? Nobody's walking around in resurrected power, so we've got to be misunderstanding something. It's available to us, but what happened to the man, Jesus of Nazareth, has to happen to us, and because He lives, we too shall live when He does the same work in us that He did in the man, Jesus. It was Christ in the man, Jesus, that raised the man, Jesus, from the dead, and because He gave up His soul life, He is now available to drop into as many men's hearts as want Him.


You see, if He had stayed a natural man, He could have done the same work. I believe, and I have it on a message, that when He said to the woman in adultery, "Go and sin no more," and He scribbled on the ground, we looked all those words up in the Greek, and what it means is that He wrote on the earth or the ground of her heart. And what did He write? He engraved her heart with the image of the Father which would enable her to stop sinning. He enabled her. He didn't preach at her; He didn’t condemn her; He didn't say, if you don't stop your adultery, you're going to Hell. He gave her the ability to stop, and that was the writing on the ground. So Jesus of Nazareth could have raised people from the dead, but He was just a single man, and He was limited by His humanity, but because He gave up His life, was raised from the dead and ascended and is now pouring out of the realm of spirit, our out of heaven, like rain, He is available to the billions, each and every one of the billions of human beings today that are willing to receive Him, and many of those who aren’t willing to receive them [sic], He's going to take them anyway.


How did I get on this? OK, we were talking about the birth, "But He shall be broken without hand," and we're saying that it means, "But He shall break forth through the womb from the ends of the earth." The seed of Christ, the spirit, is inside the carnal mind, the ends of the earth. That's how we got on that. And the many members of Christ Jesus shall come forth from the non-spiritual or the earthen parts of fallen man, or we could say from the womb of the earth of fallen man.


"But He shall be broken without hand." The word hand is Strong's 3027, and it means the human hand, and we found out, in our studies in Daniel 12, that there is a spiritual power associated with fallen man, and it is the spiritual power that comes from Satan, and the Scripture calls it witchcraft. And we found out that the Lord Jesus Christ is going to save this whole creation by breaking the witchcraft power of the unsaved man. Why? Because the witchcraft power of the unsaved man opposes the power of God. Witchcraft power is any spiritual power that is not of the Lord Jesus Christ, any spiritual power that is not of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I know there's many kinds of witchcraft in the world.


Some people use witchcraft, and they say that they use it to do good, and they call it white witchcraft, and I acknowledge that they do good works with it, but it's my understanding of the Scripture -- this is my understanding of the Scripture, that there can only be one spiritual power that will rule over this earth, and that must be the power of the Lord Jesus Christ, and it is His full intention to interweave His power with the witchcraft power that comes from the mind of natural man. So even if you're doing good works with it, it's not acceptable to God because He is the chief honcho; He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and the Ruler of Rulers, as we find out right in this verse.


He -- you may be a king because you have spiritual authority in your humanity. You are a king of the earth when you have spiritual authority and you wield spiritual authority in your humanity, but there is a king that is greater than you. He is the king of all the kings, and when your mind -- even if you think you're doing good for somebody, when your mind is thinking outside of His dominion, He calls it the witchcraft power of the saints, and everybody -- just one second. Everybody engages in it because it's impossible for us to be thinking every second with the mind of Christ. If we were thinking every second with the mind of Christ, we wouldn't be in the condition that we're in. We wouldn't be fallen, so every human being alive, with the exception of Jesus of Nazareth, thinks with the witchcraft power of the saints.


Some people panic when they hear the word witchcraft. Don't panic when you hear the word witchcraft. It's just spiritual authority that doesn't come from Christ. It's the spiritual authority that comes from the mind of the natural man. Some people use it for evil, and some people use it for good, but when the day comes for the Lord Jesus Christ to rule and reign in the earth, it must bend its knee to the spiritual authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. Did you have a question?




Please, take the mic.


            I know that there's two different Scriptures in the Bible that say the carnal mind is an enmity of God, and it never can agree with God. I don't know the exact words. And in another it says, a natural man cannot receive the things of God. In other words, the spirit -- you have to get spiritual to get the things of God.




            And so I thought that the carnal mind was going to be something separate, like, cast out or destroyed --


No, swallowed up.


            -- or swallowed up even and just, like, doesn't -- won't exist, but what you're saying --


Well --


            Because anybody who is just thinking in their carnal mind is the -- it's the witchcraft of the carnal mind, right?


Mm-hmm, yeah.


            So what you're saying is that w- -- [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- that witchcraft and the Christ, He's weaving it together. He's going to save it --




            -- and He's going to change its form, I guess, huh?


Yes. I know that you've been very busy, but you really need to listen to the Daniel 8 series from the beginning, because I'll just give it briefly again so you can follow through with us. We found out that at the beginning of time, when God formed the creation out of the earth, he made it with two spiritual laws. God is a law; I'm sure you can say amen to that. And we know that Paul said, when he tried to do good, there was another law in his members, so there's a law that's not of God, and it is the law of the earth. There is a spiritual law in the earth, and it has a name; its name is Satan. And when the creation was formed at the beginning of time, the Father pushed the earth together and formed it, and the two laws were present but not joined. Oh, there's something else I'm supposed to tell you. The two laws were present but not joined. Thank You, Lord. [?Leave it there. It's OK.?]


We had the law of the Father. Well, we had Christ, which is the Son of God in the earth brought forth by the Father, and we had Satan. And -- well, that's not right. [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. Satan was out here. I've got him in the wrong place. Satan was over here in --


            In the carnal mind.


Well, the carnal mind hadn't come forth yet. Let me try this from scratch [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. OK, it didn't look like that at the beginning of time. We had the Father. We just had the creation. It's just the creation. We had the Father, and He made two laws in this creation. He brought forth His Christ. Why? Because Christ is the Son of God in the earth, so it had to be Christ. And there was another law, and they were all in there together, and S- -- where did Satan come from?




Christ, or the Son of God, came from the spirit. God breathed the spirit into the creation, and it became a living soul. The creation was made of the -- what was the creation made of?






The dust of the earth. Satan was the pestilence that was in the dust.


            And he was always the pestilence.


He was always the pestilence. He was like worms, like -- we have all kinds. When you go out and dig up dirt to plant, there's all kinds of pestilence. Some things -- some of them are fatal. And Satan was a spiritual pestilence that existed in the dust when the Father put it together with His spirit, which is typified by water, so He put the dust of the earth together with the water, and He got the clay of the creation, so Satan was there from the beginning. And the Father said, Christ, You're going to be the boss.


Now we have that in the church today. We have some people that don't want to submit to a minister, and they say, well, you're just as fallen as I am. Why should I listen to you? And when someone says that to me, what I tell them is, God said so. If you want to come and study here, I'm the one that teaches. You can teach if God tells me to let you teach, but unless God tells me to let you teach, I'm the boss. I'm no better than you. Everything that I have was given to me by God. I have no reason to laud myself over you, but God has said, of all these fallen people, I am the boss in this ministry. That's the only reason; God said so.


So God said Christ is the boss over Satan, and as we did some deep studies in Genesis as well as Daniel 8, we found out that Christ could exist by Himself, but Satan, we found out, is a partial tree. Christ is the Tree of Life; Satan is a partial tree called the Tree of the Knowledge of Good an Evil. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, when it separates out from Christ, dies, and that's what happened to us. And at the beginning of time, Satan was in submission; this partial tree was in submission to Christ. They were functioning as one tree. It was called the Tree of Life, and the creation was alive. And we found out that this partial tree separated out from the Tree of Life.


I'll draw it for you. This is what it looked like. This is the Tree of Life in the midst of the garden, and it was inside; the spirit is always inside, and around it was a tree called the knowledge of -- this is evil. Left side is evil; the right side is good, and they were appearing as one tree, and it was called life. And then a series of events happened, and this Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil separated from the Tree of Life, and we had -- actually, it didn't separate; it reversed, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil got on the inside, and the Tree of Life got on the outside, and the end result of this whole procedure was that the Tree of Life died, and that’s what we have today, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and somewhere in the midst of it is a little a drop of the dead Tree of Life. Did I answer your question? OK.


So the point that I was -- oh, I still didn't make this point. For three meetings I'm trying to make this point. So, at the beginning of time, we had a creation. Christ was present, Son of God in the earth; Satan was present and in submission to Christ, complete tree, incomplete tree. Together, they made the Tree of Life, but they were not joined. They were not woven together. There was a temporary manifestation of Christ. It was the beginning of the creation. It was as if you're making a dress. You cut out all of your pieces and lay it out, but either you hadn't sewn it yet or you've just basted it. They were not joined, and because they were not woven together, Satan succeeded in coming out, and this is the difference between being formed of the earth and being begotten of seed.


At the beginning of time, the creation was formed of the earth, Christ at the beginning of time. The man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, had a mind which was begotten of the seed of God, and we see that which -- that holy thing which was born in Him in Revelation 12 as the manchild. And if you look up those words in the Greek, it is explicitly pointed out that the manchild of Revelation 12 was begotten of seed. His mind was woven together with the Father, never to be separated. So some people get shocked when I say that Christ, at the beginning of time, was killed by the carnal mind, and they don't stop to think or pray, and they start yelling blasphemy. Brethren, I tell you the truth.


Christ, at the beginning of time, was formed of the earth a fully mature creation. He was a ram. A ram is a fully mature male sheep. He never grew up from seed. The creation, at the beginning of time, never started out as a young creation and grew up to be a ram, never started out as a lamb and grew up to be a spiritual ram. He was formed of the earth a fully mature ram that was not begotten of seed. These -- Christ was just lying on top of Satan with the possibility of being overthrown, and that is exactly what happened, and it is not blasphemy. That was why came, to do -- to finish the works of the Father, to finish the job of joining the creation. Satan is a part of the creation; he is a law; he is a spiritual power, and when he separates from under Christ, it becomes a negative power. When he's under the dominion of Christ, Christ rules. It's the two-sided creation, and all power is under the control of the Lord Jesus Christ, but Satan is a spiritual authority; he's a spiritual law. So when Satan -- when the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil separated from the Tree of Life, Satan became the prince of the power of the air. This is his world. That's why he has power over us; we are his. His carnal mind has brought us forth.


Let me show you how he overtook Christ. I still can't get this point out. I'm going to try again, Lord. This is how he overcame Christ. Christ, we also call Him righteous Adam as opposed to fallen Adam. This was the makeup of righteous Adam. He had a female part to him. Just as a woman has ovaries and a womb, Adam had a female part to Him that was capable of bringing forth offspring. So we had Christ over here, and within Him was Eve, and she was very fertile. So the Father said to C- -- to Adam -- I should say righteous Adam; it'll be easier to understand that way.


So the Father said to righteous Adam, guard the garden. What's a garden? It's a place where things grow. Well, the part of the creation where things grow had a name. It was called Eve. If you're a woman, you have a garden; it's your ovary; it's your womb; it's a place with -- your womb; it's a place where things grow, and the seed comes forth from your ovaries. Righteous Adam, which was both male and female in the image of the Father, had fertile parts, and the Father said to Him, guard your garden. If you look -- I think in the King James it says, "Keep the garden." If you look up that word in the Hebrew, it means guard militarily. Guard the garden. And the Father said to righteous Adam, guard the garden because this guy down here, Satan, is going to try to bring forth seed from Eve.


Now this is what happens when you bring forth seed. The spiritual Eve -- let me tell you this. Eve has spiritual authority. She is the female seed of the Father, and there is life in here. If you are a woman and you have ovum in your body, those seeds have the potential to bring forth life, and life is energy. They have spiritual e- -- well, they have physical energy in them to reproduce. Eve had spiritual energy in her to reproduce, and the spiritual law that joined with her and ha- -- and brought forth their offspring in her now had a double portion of spiritual authority. Does anybody -- this is very important. Does anybody not understand this? Eve had spiritual authority. When righteous Adam -- I shouldn't even say that. When the Father, through righteous Adam, joined with Eve, which he was planning to do, He would have brought forth what we call an imparted Christ, a Christ brought forth from seed, which would have had the double portion of spiritual power that would have been twice as strong as righteous Adam alone.


But Satan got there; Adam didn't do the job. Satan got there ahead of the Father. OK, just one second. The Father said, Adam, guard the garden. It may be a while until I get there. And if you've been walking with the Lord for a while, you know sometimes it feels like He's waiting forever until He gets there. Satan got there first and brought forth her seed called the carnal mind, and the carnal mind had the double portion of spiritual authority. [AUDIO CUTS OUT] [?female?] seed had the potential for spiritual life. The male spirit that joined with her to bring forth an offspring which was the product of the two spiritual authorities -- the male seed plus the female seed, the product of that would have a double portion of spiritual authority as opposed to the male seed that remained alone. When Satan got to Eve first, he brought forth the carnal mind, which was the product of Eve and Satan, had the double portion of spiritual authority and was too strong for Adam who was abiding alone.


Now what we have in the church today is a church filled with people that are in this condition. They have the Holy Spirit; they have the seed of the Father; they have Eve, and they have a carnal mind, and the carnal mind is stronger than the Holy Spirit. I've been preaching this for a long time. The Holy Spirit will cast out a demon after you birth one. He'll heal you after you get sick. He'll pull you out of whatever trouble you're in. Why doesn't He stop you from getting into trouble? Why can't He keep you off drugs? Why can't He keep you from backsliding on to alcoholism? Why are you still smoking when you have Him? Why? There has got to be an answer. Get rid of your religious thoughts.


There's got to be an answer, and this is the answer. You have a carnal mind. Every human being on the face of the earth is born with a carnal mind that is brought forth from seed. Satan has fertilized your human spirit and brought forth a seed, a woven -- the carnal mind, which is woven together, Eve and Satan woven together. An indestructible seed has been brought forth from Satan and Eve, and that seed is stronger than the Holy Spirit alone. He is indestructible except to the Lord Jesus Christ. If you don't have Christ, you have no hope to overcome this carnal mind which is killing you. That's why everybody ever born into this world dies, with the exception of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, because our carnal mind is killing us.


To be carnally minded is death, and the only way that we are going to overcome this carnal mind, which has a double portion of spiritual power -- negative spiritual power. There's only one way we're going to overcome it, and this is what the Holy Spirit is supposed to be doing in the life of the believer, but we've got a lot of Pharisees in the church, and they're cutting off themselves from the kingdom of heaven, and they're cutting off all the people underneath them. The Holy Spirit has appeared in the Earth. It is a miracle that He is in the Earth available to men. If it's your time, He's coming to you, and He's entering into your heart, and He's headed right for Eve who is woven together in an unbreakable union with Satan, and He's going right in. The Holy Spirit of God has the strength to penetrate this carnal mind which is woven together. He's going right into Eve. Now that can be likened to taking a piece of fabric and going in and touching the woof without touching the warp. It's impossible to man, but what is impossible to man is possible with God.


She is so woven together with Satan that -- and even in Christians much of the time, when we look at them, all we see is Satan's personality. You see a lot of false fronts around, but if you look at somebody's heart, Christian or not, there's a lot of wickedness in there. The Holy Spirit is going right in, and He is giving Eve a second child. He is impregnating Eve, who has already given birth to the carnal mind and joined in this union with Satan and carnal mind. He's giving her another child.


And the type of this in the Scripture is Sarah -- I'm sorry, is Abraham having two children by two different women. We know that the soul realm is the mirror image of the realm of the spirit, so in the Bible, it was one man that had two offspring, but in the realm of the spirit, it is one woman, Eve, also known as the harlot of Revelation, that has two offspring. And now, if it happens to you, everyone that has the Holy Spirit has not conceived Christ, has not put -- the Holy Spirit in ever believer has not caused Eve to bring forth the seed of Christ. It may have happened to you; it may not have happened to you. But when Christ comes forth, now Christ has the double portion of spiritual power, so we see, arising in the Earth, the war of the ages, the battle of Armageddon. I call it the battle of the two minds, Christ with a double portion of spiritual authority and the carnal mind with a double portion of spiritual authority, and Christ has every intention of killing the carnal mind. He shall slay the enmity in your flesh.


Now what is the carnal mind dying to? Death to a human being means something other than death in the realm of the spirit. He is going to die to everything he is. The carnal mind is going to die to everything he is. What is he? He's the prince of the power of the air. He's the ruler of this world. He is the ruling spirit of every fallen human being alive. His authority has already been taken. I know all power and authority was given to Jesus Christ, but it's got to happen to you, or it hasn't -- as far as you're concerned, it hasn't happened, so this is going to happen in everybody's mind that the Lord calls, and He is going to slay the enmity, and He's going to bring -- well, the carnal mind's going to break up. The carnal mind is going to die. It's going to break up. Eve is going to be -- come over here and be joined with Christ, and Satan is coming back to the place that I showed you on the board earlier. She's coming under Christ. Her spiritual authority will be under the rulership and the dominion of the Lord Jesus Christ.


The Father -- let me put it over here for you. It will be the Father, Eve, Christ. Satan will be there. Although, as you read the Scriptures, you'll find that the Lord doesn't even name her, but she's there. And it's going to be one tree, and it's going to be called the Tree of Life, and this is the reality of the lion lying down with the lamb. Is not Jesus the lamb? Is not Satan a roaring lion?




Hallelujah. So the carnal mind will die. The offspring of Satan and Eve will die, but the principles -- you hear about powers and principalities. Satan and Eve and the carnal mind are the powers and principalities -- will come into their proper moral order in the creation, and they will be one. Today this creation is divided, but Christ is not divided. We are a perversion. We are not supposed to be divided. Glory to God. Any questions on this area before I go back? OK.


            From what I understood, you said Eve has spiritual authority. Is that spiritual authority the authority to cause something to appear in the realm of appearance?


Well, I'm not sure what your que- -- let me tell you this, and then ask me again because I'm not sure what you meant. The spiritual authority that is in Eve is inactive; it's inert until it is combined with a male seed. She has no authority of her own.


            OK. Well, you said Adam had the spiritual ability to cause an image to appear in the realm of appearance, and that's what I was asking about Eve. Did she have that power to do that? Because you said she had spiritual power, and she -- when she conceived, the carnal mind appeared in the realm of appearance, right?






When she conceived, she gave birth to the carnal mind, and it is the carnal mind which has projected the image of this world system.


            OK, so she just gave birth to the carnal mind.


Yeah. She has no power of her own.


            OK, so the spiritual power was the carnal mind that made the image appear.




            And then my other question is that He was to be a ram in the beginning, which is a full-grown -- was that the Father's purpose in the purpose, that she birth Christ and Christ was going to be a full-grown man in the very beginning?


No. The ram was formed from the earth fully mature but not begotten of seed, and the ram was supposed to bring forth a lamb.


            Right. But if Eve would have conceived Christ instead of Satan, would He have been the begotten --




            -- seed in the beginning --




            -- but in a full-grown man instead of --


Yeah. I don't believe so, and the reason that I don't believe so is that the whole concept of being born of seed means that you start in a very simple form, and you grow and mature into something that's full-grown. And that's why I checked the Scriptures. I don't believe there is any mention of a ram in the New Testament. Jesus is the lamb, and if you look up the meaning of the Greek word that He -- that a lamb appeared on Mount Zion, not only is He a lamb, but He's a lambkin. He's a lamb that was less than a year old. He's coming forth from seed.


            Oh, because it looked like that the purpose was that a Chri- -- a full-grown Christ appear in the very beginning --




            -- and that righteous Adam fell out of that, and so Jesus came to do that finished work.


Yeah. No, the ram was t- -- the ram was only temporary. See, the Father knew that he wouldn't stand, so the purpose of the ram was to bring forth a lamb from seed, and the lamb was -- which is Christ begotten of seed, the manchild of Revelation 12, would abide forever.


            So it's [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- will that lamb become a ram?


Yes, I believe so, but what's really interesting is we don't see it in the Scripture. We don't really -- I have not seen, and eye hath not heard what God has in store for us. The lamb appearing on Mount Zion, I believe is Christ in Christ Jesus, Christ in the minds of the second generation of Christ, and we don't have any information about what's going to happen after that, and they are a lambkin [?of?] less than a year old, so we don't -- we're just starting. This whole -- we're not born yet.


            So then, down through the ages, it will mature into that fullness.


I believe that, yes. That's my opinion. Until such time as the Fa- -- the Lord Jesus Christ offers up the creation to the Father and the Father becomes all in all, which means the whole creation is returning to pure spirit. So the -- we -- I have not seen it, eye hath not heard what God has in store for us. We're still in utero, amen, and there are forces out there that are trying to abort us. Can I have that [?for June?], please?


            [?What's that?]?




There are for- -- there are spiritual forces that are trying to abort us. We're in utero, and our mother wants to abort us, but our Father doesn't agree.




The carnal mind wants to abort us, yeah, and Satan wants to abort us, yeah, the earth. The carnal mind is the earth that we're growing in. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] I'm sorry. Eve is our mother; she's the mother of all living. Now we are not living. The people that exist in this world today are dead. Eve is the mother of all living, and Eve, because she's illegally joined to Satan and the carnal mind, is trying to kill us, and our Father has gone to court to get a court order to stop it. Hallelujah. Yes, June?


            How is the Holy Spirit going to capture Eve, you know?


How is He going to capture her?




Well --


            [?How is He going to?], you know, bring forth the Christ in her, by what means or --


By what means? It's -- by what means is that He's entering into this gar- -- this woven garment. It's like coming -- me coming to your blouse and saying -- well, let me say it this way. I could take your blouse and dye it, and both the warp and the woof would get dyed, right, but Jesus is coming to your blouse, and He's saying, I'm not interested in the warp, but I'm going to dye the woof. It's impossible except to God. He's entering in to what has already been formed, and He's penetrating Eve. It's a form of spiritual rape, which is legal because God is doing it, and the result of it will be the deliverance of Eve from her captor.


You see, Eve is totally helpless. She has been taken captive by Satan, and she abides con- -- perpetually in a union with Satan and the carnal mind. She conti- -- is c- -- is engaged in a continuous spiritual intercourse with Satan. If it would stop, this world would disappear, so it's a continuous intercourse with him. And she's also engaged in a continuous intercourse with the carnal mind, which is producing our existence here, so she's in bondage. She's the harlot of Revelation; she cannot get away, so the Holy Spirit is coming right in. He's penetrating this garment which is woven tightly, and he's just going for the woof. He's not going for the warp, and is going to impregnate her, and she's going to bring forth a second offspring, and that is the double-minded man. If you have the mind of Christ -- now not the Holy Spirit. If you have the mind of Christ, that is the condition of your human spirit. She has two husbands; she's an adulteress; she's a harlot, but her offspring, Christ, is going to make her a virgin again. Though her sins were as scarlet, she shall be as white as snow.


Now the reason Jesus is doing -- the reason the Holy Spirit is doing it this way -- you might be saying, why doesn't He just wipe out this carnal mind and this whole mess and kill everybody and get Eve free? Because if He did that, the creation would be destroyed. See, the carnal mind is the one that has brought forth this world, and the carnal mind is the one who has brought forth our bodies and our personalities. We are in the image of Satan. If Jesus would just kill everybody, He'd have to start from scratch again, but Jesus doesn't do that. I've told you many times: He uses what He's got, and He converts it. He's not out there killing all the drug addicts, and He's not out there killing all the alcoholics. He's not out there killing all the adulterers and the adulteresses. He's converting their hearts; He's making them a new creature, and that's what He's doing with us. He's not killing us. He's reconverting us from the inside us and making us righteous, and when our spirit is made righteous, it will be reflected in our personalities and in our bodies. Did I answer your question?






            Is this -- [?would this be?] born again? Would that be born again, when Christ is formed and He [CROSSTALK]


No, you're not --


            That's not the [CROSSTALK]


Well, let me put it this way because people get really upset at what I say, so the Lord told me to start saying it this way. Just about every spiritual reality is a process, so if someone has a re- -- meets Jesus and has an experience with Him, we can say, yes, they're born again; they are being born again, and they shall be born again. So people feel better when I say that, but the hard word -- we're a tough group here tonight. The hard word is that you're not really born again until Christ is fully born in you, till He comes out of the womb. That's when you're born again. You're -- He's in utero. If you have Christ, He's in utero. He hasn't been born again; He's in utero. When He's standing on Mount Zion, He's going to be a lambkin of less than a year old. He hasn't been born again. Your new birth is His birth in you, and you're not really born again until He's born, and only His head is out of His mother's womb. He hasn't been fully born yet. Is a baby born when his whole body is sticking in the mother's womb?


But you could say -- I -- when people ask me, I say, well, yes, I've had a born-again experience because you can't be telling beginners things like this. They get very upset when you tell them that they're not born again or when you tell them that they're not saved. We're not saved. It's your soul that's saved; your spirit is redeemed, and your soul isn't saved until your spirit is raised from the dead, and we're not raised from the dead yet. But Paul said that he was all things to all men. You have to meet people where they are. Meet them where they are. OK, did I answer your question?






            Sheila, did you not say, in the beginning, when we used to come, that when Eve fornicated with Satan, she brought the carnal mind -- brought forth the carnal mind, and that was demons.




            What causes demons then?




            That's what you -- I thought you said when we [?first came?].


Oh, I did say it but not that way.




OK. Eve fornicated with Satan and brought forth the carnal mind. Then she fornicates with the carnal mind, and the demons are the product of Eve's forni- -- adultery with the carnal mind. She's committing adultery both with Satan and the carnal mind, and that's expressed -- I believe it's in the Book of Romans. I could be wrong. But Paul says then you bring forth iniquity unto iniquity, so you can cast out the demons, but you can't cast out the carnal mind.




So we're still on the last phrase of Daniel 8:25. "But He shall be broken without hand." "But He shall break through the womb throu- -- from the ends of the earth." He shall break through the womb, which are the ends of the earth, which is the carnal mind. And the members of Christ Jesus shall come forth from the non-spiritual or earth parts of the fallen man or from the womb of the earth of fallen man. And the word hand is speaking about the witchcraft power of the saints. That is the spiritual authority of Eve which has been joined with Satan. It's the carnal mind, and it doesn't matter whether you do evil works or you do good works, when we're comparing the spiritual authority of fallen man to the spiritual authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, the spiritual authority of man, even though it's used for good works is called witchcraft power in comparison to the authority of Christ. It is illegal. When Christ comes -- you see, it's OK bec- --


You see, let me explain this to you. The Lord knows that this creation is fallen, OK, so for people who don't have Christ in their life, if you're using witchcraft power to survive, if you're pressuring people to get your needs met, whatever you're doing, OK, the Lord's not really looking at you until He comes into your life. Everybody in this world is using witchcraft to get their needs met. Everybody's mon- -- finagling or maneuvering or doing something to get their physical needs met, to get their emotional needs met, but once Jesus comes into your life and He says, now, look, I'm here and because I'm here I give you access to the spiritual power of God to get your needs met; I'm giving you power to get your needs met. When the Holy Ghost came upon them, they received power. Power to do what? Power to get your needs met, so from the day the Lord comes to you and says, here's My power to get your needs met, to use the power that you had when He wasn't there has become illegal for you.


If Christ is not in your life, the Lord's winking at you. Now if you're using spiritual power in an evil, to curse people and hate people, you're going to be reaping what you sow. If you're killing people with spiritual power, you're going to reap death. But if you're into what is called white witchcraft and you're using it only for good, the Lord's winking at you. He's winking at you; He's looking away, but from the day that He comes to you and says, here, I give you My power. It's available to you, but to use My power, there are certain rules that you have to use. I give it to you. From that day forward, if you go revert to your old ways, y- -- He's going to chasten you. If He doesn't chasten you, you're a bastard.


OK, people hear witchcraft, and they -- right away, they think of voodoo drums in Africa. It's much more than that. Any spiritual -- use of spiritual authority, which everybody's doing in one way or another, outside of Christ is witchcraft. And if someone's, you know, taking me on right now and saying, well, how could you lump it all together? You will reap what you sow. If you use it to do evil, you will reap evil. If you use it to do good, you will do good, and the Lord winking at you. He's turned you over to Satan, you see. Satan is the unregenerate man. He is the one that brings evil into your life when you reap evil. He is the one that brings into your life when you sow -- I think I said reap instead of sow. Satan is the one that brings evil into your life when you sow evil. Satan is the one that brings good into your life when you sow good. Why? He's the prince of the power of this world.


So the Lord's winking at you. He's got His lieutenant taking care of you, but from the day He comes into your life, He says I want you to bend your knee. I want that spiritual authority to bend your knee, and come under My dominion, and I'll show you spiritual power that you have never even imagined in your wildest dreams, but there's a few rules that you have to follow, and they're not grievous. The Scripture says -- Jesus says, "My yoke is not grievous," and the number one chief honcho rule of wielding the power of God is that it has to be Him in you deciding how it's going to be used. Anybody not understand what I'm talking about? Yeah. I hate to make you get up, but I really -- OK.


            The law of reaping and sowing --




            -- that is being turned over to Satan?


That is Satan's dominion.


            That's Satan's dominion --




            -- the reaping and sowing. If you reap evil, you get evil back. If you sow good, you get good back.




            But then, when you come into Christ, that law is not in effect? If you s- -- [CROSSTALK]


No, it still is in effect, but when you come unto Christ, when you submit your life to Christ, the Lord Jesus Christ lays hold of what you reap. Now a lot of Christians think that when you've come in -- unto Christ that this law is annulled, but it's not. You will still reap what you sow, but the Lord Jesus Christ will lay hold of whatever evil comes your way and use it for your good, and the end of it is that He will change your heart so that you're no longer sowing evil and that you start sowing good, and then good starts coming into your life, and eventually He'll raise you from the dead, but you shall surely reap what you have sown. That law is not annulled when Christ comes into your life.


Now under certain conditions, He might pardon you, and -- but that's strictly His decision, and the way He makes His judgment about pardoning you is by examining your heart and seeing the motive for which you sowed this evil, and if you did it out of ignorance, there's a good chance that He might pardon you. But you can't do it in your own strength, and we must all be prepared to pray -- pay the price because every sin shall have its just recompence, and we all have to be prepared to pay the price, believing that our Father in heaven is merciful and that He's going to keep his word and that He's going to use it for our good, and the end of it will be the peaceable fruit of righteousness.


            When I think about it, I think that, really, we're all turned over to Satan because ou- -- the [?wages of sin?] is death, and everybody's dying.


Amen. And when the Lord chastens you -- He says if He doesn't chasten you, you're a bastard. When the Lord chastens you, it's His servant, Satan, that's chastening you, so we have a whole church world out there saying Satan's after me, Satan's after me, get that devil. God sent him. You're supposed to repent. When trouble comes in your way, the Scripture says, let men everywhere repent. You're supposed to repent when trouble comes your way. OK. Let's try and get this message out tonight. Glory to God.


OK, Alternate Translation, this is that last phrase of Daniel 8:25, "And Christ Jesus shall break forth from the womb of the fallen living soul."


Alternate Translation, the whole of Daniel 8:25, "And by understanding, the Lord Jesus Christ shall pass through and flow over the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the fallen living soul, and He shall beget a Son by binding the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the fallen living soul together with the mind of Christ, and Christ Jesus shall stand upon the foundation of the glorified Jesus Christ who shall be the prince over the many princes of the Christ Jesus company. And Christ Jesus shall bring peace to humanity by slaying the carnal minds of the many members of the fallen living soul, and Christ Jesus shall break forth from the womb of the fallen living soul."


Now as I've told you many times before, when we break these verses apart, I frequently amplify them, and what that means is that I'll add words because I know, in my heart -- I have the revelation in my heart that this thought is incomplete, so I'll add in the words. And then when I get to the next message, I find out that what I added in is really appearing in the next phrases of the Hebrew, but I couldn't see it until I looked up the words, so that's what we have here, and I had to make a -- if I had had time to finish this whole Verse 25 for the last meeting, I wouldn't even be telling you this, but I didn't. So I found out that this last phrase that we just did today really belongs towards the top of the verse, and I just want to tell you what I did here. In the last message, I amplified the second fifth of Daniel 8:25, and I now find that information that I added into that last phrase of Daniel 8:25 -- I found it here, so I'm not going to read you this whole thing.


I'm just going to read you what I call an amplified translation of Daniel 8:25. I moved this last phrase back up towards the top, and I made one minor change where I didn't realize -- I thought the verse was referring to Christ Jesus, and when I put it all together, I found out that it was referring to the rest of humanity, so I fixed up the whole verse, and this is what we have, Daniel 8:25. "And by understanding, the Lord Jesus Christ shall pass through and flow over the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the fallen living soul, and He shall beget a son, and Christ Jesus shall break forth from the womb of the fallen living soul and stand upon the foundation of the glorified Jesus Christ, the one who is the chief prince over the many princes of the Christ Jesus company. And Christ Jesus shall bring peace to humanity by binding the carnal minds of the fallen living soul together with the mind of Christ."


Does anybody remember how Christ Jesus will stand on the foundation of Jesus Christ? Anybody remember?




Well, no, he's going to be our new unconscious mind. The glorified Jesus Christ is our new unconscious mind. For the fallen man, Satan is our unconscious mind, OK, but the Lord Jesus Christ will be our new unconscious mind, and He's coming into our mind through Christ. Remember, Satan has joined with Eve and brought forth the carnal mind, but now Eve has a second offspring, and through that second offspring, the Lord Jesus Christ came in, in the form of the Holy Spirit, is our new unconscious mind, and Christ Jesus is our conscious mind.


Continuing with Daniel 8:26, "And the vision of the evening and the morning which was told is true: wherefore shut thou up the vision; for it shall be for many days." Now as we've done this study in Daniel 7, we have -- in Daniel 8, we have come across three different Hebrew words which are translated vision. This is the Hebrew word that means a vision that is given to a high priest of God. It's really talking about a word of wisdom from the Lord filling your mind, and it's Strong's 4758. "And the vision of the evening," the word evening is Strong's 6153, and, strangely enough, it doesn't mean evening, or, I guess, it could be translated evening, but it can also be translated foreigners, evening, typifying darkness. It can also mean -- be translated foreigners, strangers, foreign kings who made alliance with the Israelites or auxiliary forces, additional forces, and I suggest to you that that's that carnal mind. Now the foreign kings, I suggest to you, are the many members of the fallen living soul who are foreign to the mind of Christ.


This verse tells us that some of them, however, will make an alliance with the Lord Jesus Christ in their own mind. Does anyone have a pen handy? Thanks. Will make an alliance with the Lord Jesus Christ in their own mind, so we see that this whole creation, this whole humanity has become a foreigner, and we know that we're alienated in our minds, to the Lord Jesus Christ, but some members of this living soul shall make an alliance with the Lord Jesus Christ when He comes. And what does this alliance mean? Alliance means adjoining, a peace treaty, and there will be a result of this joining, and it will be the production of the Son of God in your mind. When the Lord Jesus Christ comes to you in the form of the Holy Spirit and you, which is typified by Rahab, the harlot, that met the spies, when you make peace with Him when He comes to you, He will bring forth His son, the second generation of Christ, Christ Jesus, in your mind. And the presence of Christ Jesus in your mind, what does it mean to you? It means spiritual authority.




He has imparted the gift of His life to you, spiritual authority, to be used for what? First to overcome weaknesses in your own life that are tormenting you and killing you, and after you have overcome in your own life, His grace will be extended to your immediate family, and depending on the degree to which you wield His power to overcome, He will send you to people that are not of your natural family, to help them to overcome. The power of the Lord Jesus Christ is to save mankind, and He is offering you and opportunity to wield His power for this purpose, for the good of mankind. So if you want to wield His power, it has to be for that purpose. Hallelujah.


"And the vision of the evening and the morning," the word morning is Strong's 1242, and it simply means morning. I'm going to suggest to you that, symbolically, the morning is a type of Christ. He is the s- -- it is a type of Christ. The nighttime is typified by darkness, by the carnal mind, and the daytime and the brightness is typified by Christ. "And the vision, the spiritual word of wisdom, of the foreign kings who made an alliance with Christ which was told is true," was told, Strong's 559. It means to bring light -- to bring to light, to reveal. It's a revelation. It's an understanding. And the word true is Strong's 571. It means faithfulness, fidelity or integrity of mind, and I'm going to suggest to you that Jesus Christ is the one who is true. He is the truth, and that this word true is speaking about the presence of His mind in Daniel.


Now, remember, Daniel was a fallen man with a carnal mind, so when the Lord wanted to speak to him -- now, remember, the carnal mind cannot understand the spiritual things of God, so when the Lord wants to speak to a fallen man, and we studied this in the earlier messages of Daniel 8, He will enter in to a person's mind; He will layer over their carnal mind and paralyze it; He will make contact with their human spirit and bring forth His Son, Christ Jesus, for as long as it takes to achieve His purpose, and then He breaks that union and withdraws. That is what happened to Daniel, and that is what happens in the church today.


And if someone says to you, oh, no, the Scripture says the anointing abides, I declare to you the anointing abides on the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Father raised Him from the dead. I haven't really seen anyone raised from the dead, and that raising from the dead is not a temporary raising from the dead. Even if someone were to die here now and the Father were to raise them from the dead, they would still eventually die at the end of the lifetime. Jesus Christ of Nazareth was raised from the dead to abide for the life of the ages. That is the anointing that abides. If you were to be killed now or even if you were not to be killed now, if you are in a condition where you die at the end of your natural lifetime, you do not have the anointing that abides. You have an anointing, an anointing of the Holy Spirit, but you do not have the anointing of a mature Christ which abides.


And to those people who are thinking in their heart, well, no, you can't tell me that some Christians are different than other Christians, I want to tell you that that’s that don't believe in the gifts of the Spirit say. You think you're better than us. You're no different than us, so the Christians with the gift of the Spirit are saying, oh, you who have conceived Christ, you think you're better than us? You're no different than us. Well, no, nobody's any better than anybody else, but, brethren, if you have children and you have a 5-year-old and a 10-year-old and a 15-year-old, the 5-year-old cannot do or does not receive the same privileges as the 15-year-old, but we're supposed to be one family working together for the good of mankind. Anyone that thinks they're better than somebody else has a problem, and the Lord will chasten them, but if you are the younger son, to say that you are 15 when you are 5 is to your own destruction because you need more protection at 5 than when -- than you do at 15, and if you say that you're 15 when you're really only 5, you can really be hurt, and you could be hurt badly. So you're suffering from pride, and you need to repent and ask the Lord to help you to grow up.


You must grow up in Christ. We start from seed. Even the man, Jesus of Nazareth, grew in grace. We start from spiritual seed. Don't look at how many years you've been in the church; don't look at your natural age or you natural successes or failures in life. Once you conceive the seed of Christ, nothing of this world really concerns the Lord except for one purpose: You must continue until that seed is brought to full term. If you s- -- if your body ceases to be before the seed of Christ is brought to full term, that seed will die. It will be likened to a spontaneous abortion in a woman. If a pregnant woman dies, her fetus dies, most of the time. It dies. So He gives us things in this world to keep us going until we bring this baby to term, and once this Christ child that's in you comes to term, these bodies will no longer be a life-sustaining organ, but the life of Christ within us will be the life-sustaining organ, and you shall have been truly born again of the spirit of God. Hallelujah.


So Jesus is the morning; the evening are the carnal minds of men. And something was brought to light by the faithfulness of the Lord Jesus Christ. Now I'm going to remind you that this Scripture is speaking about Gabriel's instruction to Daniel. This is Gabriel talking. Gabriel is assuring Daniel that the vision which he saw came from the day; it came from the morning; it came from the mind of Christ and not from the carnal mind. That's what Gabriel is saying to him.


Now let me remind you that back in Verse -- I think it's back in Verse 2 where Daniel tells everybody. Back in Verse 2 he says, I had a vision, and this is what the vision is. That Hebrew word translated vision is a different Hebrew word than the Hebrew word we're speaking about now. In Verse 2, it's Strong's 2377, but right now, in this verse, it's Strong's 4758. Daniel's choice of the word vision expresses a divine vision or dream. That word, 2377 in Strong's, it means a divine vision. It doesn’t say where it's coming from.  could be coming from the carnal mind, or it could be coming from Christ. It's just a [?division?]. Now what is something that's divine? Something that's divine is something that comes out of heaven. And what is heaven? Heaven is the realm of the spirit. Well, a vision can come out of the spirit of God, or it can come out of the spirit of Satan, so the word that Daniel used merely indicates that he had a divine revelation, and we found out in past meetings that he really wasn't quite sure himself which spirit gave it to him.


And I think it was either the last meeting or the meeting before, he was pretty nervous about it because he really thought it might not be God, and here we see Gabriel telling him, "And your priestly vision about the foreign kings who made an alliance with the glorified Jesus Christ came from the mind of Christ." This is what the angel is telling Daniel. That's the first half of Daniel 8:6. "And your priestly vision about the foreign kings who made an alliance with the glorified Jesus Christ came from the mind of Christ."


Continuing with the second half of Daniel 8:6 [sic], "Wherefore shut thou up the vision." Can I have that pen again, please?




Thanks. Thanks.


            [INAUDIBLE] 26 [INAUDIBLE]


8 -- yeah, did I not say that?


            [?You said 6?].


OK. Thank you. Continuing with the second half of Daniel 8:26, "Wherefore shut thou up the vision; for it shall be for many days." The word translated wherefore had no number. If you looked it up -- that word up in Strong's, it had no number listed in Strong's, but I went looking for it in the Hebrew lexicon my Gesenius, under the Hebrew spelling, and I found this word under the number 859. Gesenius says it's the word you. It's the second person you, preceded by the prefix, vav. We've done a lot of studying on that. The interlinear text translates this word but you, "But you, Daniel," and we're going to use it the same way. We're going to translate -- the word which appears as wherefore in the King James, we're going to translate it, but you.


"But you, Daniel, shut up the vision." Shut up, Strong's 5640, means to shut up as a fountain, and we all know that a fountain typifies spiritual life in this world. It also means to stop up as the chinks of a wall, as if there were little holes in the wall, to plug them up. "Shut up the vision," again it's the word that means a high priestly vision. Gabriel is still maintaining that this vision came from Christ. Many days, that's what it means. "But you, Daniel, shut it up." Shut up what? "But you, Daniel, you shut up the vision for many days." What does that mean? He stopped it from coming forth. If you shut up a fountain or you fill up the chinks in a wall [AUDIO CUTS OUT]


Shut up, Strong's 5640, means to shut up as a fountain, and we all know that a fountain typifies spiritual life in this world. It also means to stop up as the chinks of a wall, as if there were little holes in the wall, to plug them up. "Shut up the vision," again it's the word that means a high priestly vision. Gabriel is still maintaining that this vision came from Christ. Many days, that's what it means. "But you, Daniel" -- where did I get this from? I must have left something out here. Excuse me; just give me a second here. Oh, OK. "But you, Daniel, shut it up." Shut up what? "But you, Daniel, you shut up the vision for many days." What does that mean? He stopped it from coming forth. If you shut up a fountain or you fill up the chinks in a wall -- the water of Christ was trying to flow into Daniel's conscious mind, and Gabriel is telling him, don't worry, it came from Christ, but you shut it up. You kept it from coming forth for many days. It would have been here much sooner if you didn't oppose it.


And we have a whole church world today opposing the water of the mind of Christ that wants to flow into them and bring forth His Son and deliver them from death, and the reason it's taking so long is that every time the water breaks through the wall, these Christians are out there plugging it up with mortar. Every time the fountain tries to rise from within their own heart, they're crushing it down, and I've done it too. I've heard from the Lord, and I've been so convinced it wasn't God. I've rebuked it. I've done everything I could to wage war against it, until the Lord convinced me that whatever that particular word was, was of Him. So if you're wondering why it's taking so long for the truth to come into the church, it's because every time the water trickles through, the church runs there and mortars it up and cements it up.


But the latter rain is coming, brethren. You see, what's trying to come through now is the former rain, so the carnal minds of the church, they have the spiritual authority to plug up the wall and to shut up the fountain, but the latter rain is coming. It's coming. The Scripture calls it a nimbus, calls it a thundercloud, that black cloud that covers the whole sky and that comes down in a torrent. Brethren, doesn't the Scripture say first the natural and then the spiritual? Look at these thunderstorms we've been having. I've been around for a while. I've been around for quite a while. I've never seen such weather like this, thunder and lighting and torrential downpours. I was here the other day, and I was in the house, and all of a sudden, the sky became so dark that it caught my attention, and usually I get caught up in my work. Hours go by; I don't even see what's going on out in the street. But it was the morning, and the sky got so dark that I looked out the window, and, brethren, there was one gigantic, black cloud. It wasn't little bits of clouds. It was one gigantic, black cloud covering the whole sky. Thunder and lightning typify spirit coming from one realm into the other. We talk about that in our series on the Four Horsemen. Every sign is in the sky. Hallelujah.


The Lord Jesus Christ, He is the nimbus; He is the black cloud that is so large that it covers the whole sky, and when it rains, brethren, it is going to be the latter rain, and there is no mortar that will block up this one. What is the wall? It's the carnal minds of men. What is the wall? If Christ is in your mind, He's been brought forth from seed. There's a wall around Him, and it's the carnal minds of men, and every time Christ breaks through, some heroic person or Christian comes and plugs up the wall, closes it up. They think He's Satan.


But I don't mean to make fun of anybody. If you're hearing this message and I've offended you, I'm really sorry, but I'm telling you the truth. Stop plugging up the wall because you're killing yourself. So this is the wall that you're plugging up, and it's a fountain that wants to come through the wall, so you're hindering the fountain, and you're plugging up the wall. That's what the carnal mind of man is doing as Christ starts to come forth.


And we found Scriptures that say, if the Lord wants you, He will have you, and there are people in the church that are crushing the fountain and plugging up the wall, but Christ is going to get through anyway. Why? Because the Lord God has determined that He will appear in you. And the Scripture clearly says he's coming as a thief in the night. Well, did you ever stop to think about that? Why would the Lord Jesus Christ want to come as a thief in the night? Because you won't let Him in. Every time He tries to get through, you push Him back, and you plug up the wall, and the whole church is sounding the alarm. Don't listen to this spiritual truth; it's false doctrine. The Scripture we read in the previous verse, through understanding, the Lord Jesus Christ will save your life. Through understanding, the doctrine is important, so the church won't let Him into their minds, won't let Him past their carnal minds.


So He's coming, OK. This former rain has failed to break through. The carnal mind has been stronger than the former rain, and isn't that what we said? The carnal mind, which is brought forth from seed, is stronger than the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit has not been able to break through the carnal mind, so the Lord Jesus Christ is coming from the outside. He's coming from a person like me. Look, if you're a Christian and you have the Holy Spirit -- let's say it's not Christ in you. You have the Holy Spirit. He's trying to break through and meet the person that's preaching the truth of Christ, but He can't get through because the carnal mind, which is brought forth from seed, is stronger than the Holy Spirit. So the Lord is coming forth; He's coming in the nimbus; He's coming in the latter rain. Did I say the latter rain when it should have been the former rain before?


The former rain cannot get through. The Holy Spirit is the former rain. The Lord Jesus Christ is coming as the latter rain, and He's coming from the outside. He's coming from someone like me who He's giving this message to, in whom is a manifestation of Christ brought forth from seed. He has not been brought to full maturity, but He's in there, and He's brought forth from seed. And that means He's strong enough to tackle the carnal mind. So Christ, in a preacher or a believer -- you don’t have to be a formal preacher. As long as you've got the Christ in your heart, He'll send you, and He's sending Christ in another believer, and the Holy Spirit is coming this way, and Christ is coming this way, and They're going to open that wall, and it's going to go through like a flood.


We heard in a previous Alternate Translation that I read you, "And He shall flow through," and He shall overflow because eventually He's going to come out -- Christ is going to come out beyond the carnal mind and overflow him, and He's going to come out here, outside of him, and it will be a reversal. We're going to have the carnal mind in the center, and Christ will be out here. That's the second stage of the resurrection. Hallelujah. This is wonderful.


"But you kept it from coming forth for many days." Now what could Gabriel possibly be talking about? Well, I just showed it to you on the board, but let me make it a little clearer to you from the Scriptures. In Daniel 10:13, we read, "But the prince" -- and this is [?the?] -- Gabriel speaking again. "But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but lot, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia." Now isn't that what I just said to you? The carnal mind -- [?if you have?] the Holy Spirit can't get through the carnal mind, the Lord is sending is someone from outside of you to help.


Now this is in Daniel 10:13. I didn't have time to do this whole verse, but I will tell you this. I will comment on the phrase that Michael is one of the chief princes. I know that's a big area of controversy in the church. A lot of people would like to know who Michael is and who Gabriel is and what the relationship is between Michael and Gabriel, so I will spend a few minutes on this. On- -- in the phrase, "One of the chief princes," one of the is Strong's 259, and this word can be translated -- as well as one of the, it can be translated the first. Because when people read these translations in the English, they're saying, well, how can Michael possibly be Christ? He's only one of the chief princes. I've been saying that Michael was the glorified Lord Jesus Christ for a while now, and people come back at me, and they say, no, the Scripture says He's only one of the chief princes, and I don't -- I only study what I'm led to study, and up until now, I haven't gotten to this phrase, but I looked the word up, and it doesn't have to be translated one of the. It can. As a matter of fact, the first translation in Gesenius was the first, the chief, as I s- -- been saying, the chief honcho. And one of the chief princes -- can I have your pencil -- your pen, please? OK.


The word translated chief is Strong's 8269, and it means commander, and it's used especially of a commander of soldiers. So we're -- what we have so far is the first commander or the first -- that word first, it means in rank, first in rank, so the first, the most important, the chief honcho commander. We could be saying the general. And the word princes is Strong's 7223, and that word -- I don't know where they got princes from, but Gesenius says it means forefathers. Maybe princes is one of the definitions, but it's a word that usually means forefathers.


So I'm suggesting to you that Michael is the first commander or prince or the general -- the first one of our forefathers. He's our original forefather, talking about Christ. Michael is Christ. Michael is the glorified Lord Jesus Christ. He's the first one. Is He not the beginning of the creation of God? He's the first man that overcame His soul, His carnal mind, by the authority of Christ, and when He died, His Father raised Him from the dead, and He became the beginning of the creation of God. What does that mean? I talked about it earlier. He became the first cell of the offspring of the spirit of God the female seed of God which is buried in the earth of mankind.


He was the first -- not that He -- I'm sorry. He was not the first offspring. God is bringing forth a many membered creation. There is just one offspring. A lot of people get into trouble with this too. There's only one begotten Son of God. His name is the Lord Jesus Christ, but He is in many members, and Jesus Christ, who was raised from the dead, became the first member of the human race to be raised from the dead. When everybody is raised from the dead, there's just going to be one man, the Lord Jesus Christ. He became the first cell of the offspring of the Father and the female seed of Eve which is buried in the earth of men's souls. Remember, we related it to human reproduction: He became the first cell of the fetus, the first cell of the new baby, the first cell of the offspring, the only begotten Son of God, the first cell of the begotten offspring of the Father.


So I suggest to you then that Michael is Christ. Now, remember, when we first started doing this series, Daniel 8 prophecy, we found out that the King of Media typified righteous Adam before the fall and that the King of Persia typified Satan. I don't remember if it was Satan or the carnal mind. I don't remember. Forgive me. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- let me look at my note here. The King of Media -- Michael is Christ, typified by the King of Media at the beginning of this chapter, and Gabriel, I suggest to you, is Christ Jesus, the Prince of Media. Now did you ever notice that sometimes the Scripture talks about kings, and sometimes they talk about princes? Well, a prince is the offspring of a king. A prince is the next generation of the kingship, so the Lord Jesus Christ is the king, and we are princes. Everyone that's a member of the second generation of Christ is a prince. Jesus is the King of Media; we are the princes of Media.


            [?We are Gabriel?]?


Gabriel is Christ Jesus that was formed in Daniel's mind, second generation of Christ. First generation of Christ, the man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the second generation of Christ, Christ Jesus in the minds of the many members of the living souls. Gabriel typifies Christ Jesus, and Michael typifies Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, in His glorified condition, is the new unconscious mind of the body of Christ, and Christ Jesus is the conscious mind of the individual member of the body of Christ, but He's called Gabriel wherever He's appearing. Christ Jesus, in Daniel's mind, was not strong enough to overcome Daniel's carnal mind, so the first generation of Christ came to his aid out of the realm of the spirit or out of heaven, Christ Jesus g- -- that temporary formation of Christ Jesus, which was not woven together with Eve -- now, remember -- let me [?rest this?].


There existed in Daniel's mind a carnal mind which had, as a part of it, Satan and Eve, begotten of seed, very strong. Now the Father wanted to speak to Daniel. When the Father wants to speak to you, contrary to public -- or common belief, He does not fall down out of the sky. He rises from the human spirits of men, even when their human spirit is in this condition of begotten of seed of Satan. So the Father arose from heaven in the man, Daniel, and made contact with Eve and attempted to bring forth a manifestation of Christ Jesus that would be able to respond to the word of the Lord. Does everybody know what I'm talking about here? And He couldn't do it. He couldn't -- well, maybe He got in there and Christ was formed, but He couldn't move. He couldn't get past that carnal mind. He couldn't move. 21 days He was formed in there, but He couldn't get past the carnal mind. He was paralyzed; He couldn't do anything because the Prince of Persia, not the King of Persia now -- the King of Persia is Satan. The Prince of Persia is the offspring the king, the on- -- and who's the offspring of Satan?


            [?The carnal mind?].


The carnal mind, the Prince of Persia, and Daniel's own mind would not let this temporary manifestation of Christ become his conscious mind. Now let me remind you what we found out. It was either in the last message or the message before this. When Gabriel entered into Daniel's mind, in order for Him to communicate with Daniel, He had to do was layer over the carnal mind, suffocate it, press it down and crush it. You remember that message? You remember that teaching? Maybe you weren't here. Remember that teaching? That was how He did it. Gabriel entered in and covered over like -- put a big blanket over Daniel's carnal mind and pressed it down, and then Daniel could hear what the Lord had to say. Well, He couldn't do it. Christ Jesus formed, but He could not put down the carnal mind. He could not cover it over. The carnal mind was too strong for Him. So for 21 days He tried, and He couldn't do it, and finally Michael came. The spirit of the glorified Christ came, and He gave Him a hand, and They covered over the carnal mind, and now Daniel could hear; the mind of Christ was functioning in the man, Daniel.


Now at this time, I believe that the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ came out of the realm of the spirit, but in this hour, the Lord Jesus Christ is in men. He's in the earth. He has 7,000 faithful through whom He can appear. He has 7,000 faithful who are waging war and battling against their carnal minds every day so that when He wants to appear in them, He knows that they're a yielded vessel. So in this hour, when this happens, the Lord Jesus Christ is not coming out of the realm of heaven. He's coming out of the mouth of a believer who is yielded to His spirit, and that's what I had on the board before.


If this is your condition today, if your carnal mind is begotten from seed, and that's true of everybody that's alive, and the Holy Spirit has come to you and is either trying to form Christ Jesus or who has formed Christ Jesus but Christ Jesus is paralyzed and can't move, the Lord is sending someone to you. They're called a member of the two witness company, and they're coming to wound your carnal mind. They're coming to give a blow to your carnal mind. Now we've talked about this in other meetings. Now we've talked about this in other meetings. When your body gets hurt, how does it affect you spiritually? I don't know about you, but it knocks me down out of the realm of the spirit. No matter how high up I am, when I get pain in my body, every cell of my mind runs to heal that pain. If I'm bleeding, it runs to block up the blood. If I'm sick, it runs to take medicine or pray or do something; stop this pain. And I'm no longer thinking about spiritual things. All I could think about is either saving my life or blocking off this pain, and that's how the carnal mind gets our mind off of the things of God. But when the Son of God comes and wounds your carnal mind, it's going to have the exact opposite effect than when the carnal mind wounds your body. Do you hear this?


The carnal mind wounds your body and gets your mind off of Christ. Christ wounds your carnal mind, and you come up and join with Christ. The carnal mind wounds your body. Christ wounds your carnal mind. The carnal mind wounds your body, takes your mind off of spiritual things. Christ wounds your carnal mind and raises you up to spiritual things. And this -- what we're reading about in Daniel 8 right now is going on in the mind of every believer every single day. Christ Jesus wants to come forth as their mind, and He is not strong enough to overcome the carnal mind which has been begotten of seed. The temporary manifestation of Christ Jesus, which is not begotten of seed, in the form of the Holy Spirit, is not strong enough to overcome the carnal mind.


So we are about to see on the earth -- it's already starting in a trickle -- a company of believers who have overcome their carnal mind, in whom Christ has become -- has been begotten of seed and who is covering over, a large part of the time, their carnal minds, a company of believers who are coming forth in strength, in power as members of the company of the be- -- [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- of the only begotten Son of God. They have overcome in their minds, and they are headed for you; they are headed for the church, and they are coming with judgment. And what will that judgment do? That judgment is going to wound the carnal minds of the members of the church. Why? So that Christ Jesus in them can arise and do what He has to do. What does He have to do? He has to be begotten of seed and cover over the carnal mind and suffocate it, paralyze it, kill it, which we have found out is the first stage of the resurrection from the dead.


In II Timothy 2:25, we have a second witness to this concept, that man's worst enemy is his own mind. I'm reading verses 24 and 25. "And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth." I read this that we must repent in order to acknowledge the truth. What must be repent of? That we have been believing a lie, that we have been preaching a lie, that we have been teaching a lie and that we have been opposing ourselves in that we have not permitted Christ to come forth. What does that mean, opposing yourself? Brethren, when Christ comes to you, when the Holy Spirit comes to you with the full intention of begetting you of seed, when you have a temporary, unwoven manifestation of Christ Jesus in your mind, Christ Jesus is yourself as well as the carnal mind is yourself. You have two souls. James said, if you're double-minded, you're unstable in all your ways. You have two souls; you have two selves, so that's how you can oppose yourself. Your carnal mind opposes the Christ Jesus in you, and you're opposing yourself.


Alternate Translation, Daniel, Chapter 8, Verse 26, "And your priestly vision about the foreign kings who made an alliance with the glorified Jesus Christ came from the mind of Christ, but you kept it from coming forth for many days."


"And your priestly vision about the foreign kings who made an alliance with the glorified Jesus Christ came from the mind of Christ, but you kept it from coming forth or your carnal mind kept it from coming forth for many days."


I have an amplified version of that, OK. "And your priestly vision about the human beings who made an alliance with the glorified Jesus Christ came from the mind of Christ, but your own carnal mind kept you from receiving this word for many days."


Continuing with Daniel 8:27, "And I Daniel fainted, and was sick certain days; afterward I rose up, and did the king's business; and I was astonished at the vision, but unders- -- but none understood it." The word fainted is Strong's 1961. The Hebrew word translated fainted is the verb, to be. It has nothing to do with fainted at all. It may be translated to be made or done or come to pass or to become. Daniel 8:27 is the only time that it is translated fainted in the Scripture. Gesenius says that this Hebrew word can also express the idea of something in the past, something being past, something that's over or ended or gone by, and it's in this sense, Gesenius says, that this very same Hebrew word translated fainted, Strong's 1916, is translated break and to be broken in the phrase -- in Daniel 2:1 in the phrase, "And his sleep break from him." It's the same Hebrew word translated fainted in Daniel 8. In Daniel 2:1, it's translated break, "And his sleep breaking from him." So, once again, we see the King James translators translated the same Hebrew word many different ways. They're not doing anything different than I'm doing, and it's legitimate. It's legitimate translator's license.


I suggest to you then that the Hebrew word translated fainted in Daniel 8:27 should be translated break or end as it is in Daniel 2:1, signifying that Daniel's connection with the Lord Jesus Christ break [sic] or came to an end. Now, remember, the Lord Jesus Christ had seized his mind, had seized his human spirit and brought forth a temporary manifestation of Christ Jesus, so when the Lord Jesus Christ break or separated from him, he separated from his human spirit, and Christ Jesus -- the temporary manifestation of Christ Jesus, which was not begotten of seed, dissolved.


"And I Daniel fainted, and was sick certain days." Was sick, Strong's 2470, means to be rubbed smooth, to be polished, to be worn down in strength, to be wounded, and I'm suggesting to you that this Hebrew word is speaking about the wounding of Daniel's carnal mind, which resulted in Daniel becoming polished or shiny, or we can say Christ Jesus appeared in Daniel's mind after his carnal mind was wounded. The Lord Jesus Christ wounded Daniel's carnal mind, and He became shiny or polished, meaning Christ Jesus appeared in His mind and became His mind. He became glorious.


Remember the recent teaching that it was the carnal mind who wounded the righteous creation unto to death and that the fallen creation is now called the beast. So I'm going to read you my note. I know I just told you this, but I'm going to read you my note. I'm suggesting to you then that it was the Lord Jesus Christ who wounded Daniel's carnal mind by joining with it so that Gabriel, also known as Christ Jesus, could appear as Daniel's mind. I just read you my note, but let me just clarify this. I said the Lord Jesus Christ wounded Daniel's mind by joining with it. More specifically, He joined with Eve, the human spirit, which is a part of the carnal mind, and to get to Eve, He had to penetrate the carnal mind. He had to wound the carnal mind, to penetrate it, to get to Eve because when He joined with Eve, He brought forth the temporary or imputed or unjoined formation of Christ Jesus.


So let me read you this again. So I'm suggesting to you then that it was the Lord Jesus Christ who wounded Daniel's carnal mind by joining with it so that Gabriel, also known as Christ Jesus, could appear as Daniel's mind. And now that the Lord Jesus Christ had separated from Daniel, from his carnal mind, separated from Eve, Daniel felt the pain of his carnal mind. Why? Because Christ Jesus was no longer his mind. While Christ Jesus was his mind, Daniel did not feel any of the pain that was in his carnal mind, but when the break came, when the Lord Jesus Christ separated from Eve and the temporary formation of Christ Jesus dissolved, Daniel was no longer shiny and polished. He was his carnal mind again, and he felt the pain.


And I want to tell you, brethren, that I have experienced this. I walk in a revelation that no matter how much pain I have from what's happening to me in this world, that the answer to my pain is to get into Christ. I have personally experienced this. All pain goes away when you succeed in ascending into the mind of Christ, and I've been asking the Lord for a long time. I don't really have a firm answer yet, but I'm really curious as to how much pain Jesus Christ of Nazareth really experienced on that cross. If He had been -- had come to a position -- we know that He had circumcised his soul in the garden just before He was crucified, and if He had ascended to a position where He had the authority to dwell in His Christ mind, that would mean He was not experiencing any of the pain that was in His carnal self. Now the Lord hasn't proven that to me. That's my opinion. You're free to disagree with me if you want to.


And there is a testimony in print. I ca- -- the man was an Asian man. I can't remember his name. He’s written all kinds of books, and he was in jail for years and tortured continuously. I think it was Watchman Nee. Is that it? Yes. And one of his testimonies is that one time they came to torture him -- his tormenters came to torture him, and he said, Lord, I can't take it anymore, and the next thing he knew, he had -- he was ascended. He had projected -- the occult says astral projected, but in Christ, he had projected out of his body, and he was looking down, and there was a man down there screaming and yelling in terrible pain, and he was ascended above it and had no sensation of the pain at all. And I believe that there's a real good chance that that was what happened to Jesus.


The answer to every problem you have is to transfer into Christ, and if we're not in a place where we could do it permanently yet -- I'm not in a place where I could do it permanently yet. When pain comes upon me, I cry out to God to help me, to rise up into Christ because there's no pain. It covers over my carnal mind, and there's no pain. It's the answer to every problem.


            It's almost like being a schizophrenic. How [?would you say it?]?






The true word is multiple personality, and I've been saying this. I even have it on a couple of messages. We've seen -- there has been on T.V., demonstrations of people with multiple personalities, and when one personality is manifesting, they do physical tests on them, and they have diabetes and a heart condition, and then when another personality comes up -- the person never leaves the chair, but another personality comes up, and they do the physical tests, and there's no diabetes, and there's no heart condition. And I agree with you completely that we are two people. The reason that most of the church don't know it is that they spend so little time in Christ that they don’t' even realize that they're two people.


But now me, I have spent so much time in the mind of Christ that when I fall down out of it, I know that I have fallen out of Christ, and I want to tell you it's a sad day of my life when I fall down. It's happening less and less. It's happening less and less. But even being in Christ, there are days that I'm higher than others. There are days when I know I'm more ascended than others, and I agree with you completely, and that is how our body is being converted. When we enter into Christ, when we pierce Christ and enter in and remain there, this body will reflect the personality that we are.


You see, I'm still struggling with infirmity. I'm doing much better. I'm with the Lord 15 years. He has not healed me completely, and I believe with all my heart that He will not heal me completely as an outside miracle. My healing will come when I enter into Christ so permanently that my mind will be reflected in this body. I believe that, and I believe that it's going to happen, that as I abide more and more in Christ, this body must reflect the mind that is in me, and exactly what the turning point is, I don't know. Sometimes I look at myself and I listen to these messages, and I see what God's doing through me, and it's incredible to my mind that I still suffer from infirmity the way that I do. And I had a dream once, as I was waking up in the morning, that there was some kind of a container, which I believe was my body, and it was filled as far as it could be filled with the power of God, and it -- but it hadn't gone past those borders, so apparently there's a time span.


When we watch the T.V. about the human multiple personalities, they go back and forth with a blinking of the eye, but, apparently, to change a personality from the carnal mind to Christ, there's more involved because I've got more of Christ in me than a lot of people that I know, and it m- -- I'm better. You know, the Lord saved me from death about three times, but I'm not a well person. I'm sick too often. I'm just sick much too often, so that mind that's abiding in me most of the time these days has not yet exerted enough influence to change my body, but the day's coming, and I believe that it's coming very soon. It's got to affect this body. It's affected my external life. It's affected my relationships. It's affected my family. It's affected the circumstances of my life. It hasn't yet -- well, it hasn't yet completely rejuvenated my body. I'm doing much better.


So let me finish this up. We're almost done here. Continuing with the first third of Daniel 8:27, "And I Daniel fainted, and was sick certain days." The word certain is not in the Hebrew, and the word days is Strong's 3117. Gesenius says the Hebrew word translated days can also be translated the days of life or a lifetime. I'm suggesting to you then that this word should be translated lifetime or age, signifying the age or lifetime of Jesus Christ, which we know is for the life of the ages, and that it also means the soul or mind of Christ. Remember, the ages are in our hearts, we're told in Ecclesiastes, and the mind and the heart, in the Hebrew, is the same. They're different qualities of the same thing, and I'm suggesting to you that this word is talking about the mind of Christ, which was within Daniel, who is called Gabriel. The mind of Christ in Daniel is called Gabriel.


Daniel was joined to the age which wounds the carnal mind and polishes or puts the finishing touch on the creation. Remember, Jesus is finishing the Father's work. He's putting the finishing touches on, and that is to imprint the image of Christ in man, and the way He's doing it is by giving them a new mind, the mind of Christ.


Alternate Translation, first third of Daniel 8:27, "And I Daniel was separated from the Lord Jesus Christ, the one who had wounded my carnal mind."


Continuing with the second third of Daniel 8:27," Afterward I rose up, and did the king's business. "Afterward has no number in Strong's. This word is expressed by the Hebrew letter, vav. The interlinear says -- the interlinear translates this word when instead of afterward, but I suggest to you that wherefore is an even better choice. "Wherefore I rose up." I rose up, Strong's 6965. It means to cause to stand, to arise, to exist. I'm suggesting to you that Daniel arose in the mind of Christ. The other personality of Daniel arose. You know, when you see it on T.V. and they say -- they're talking to the person with multiple personality, they say, I'd like to speak to Johnny, and whoever's sitting there closes his eyes. I've never seen it any other way. They always close their eyes, and then when they open their eyes, they're Johnny. So I'm suggesting to you that Christ Jesus, or Gabriel in Daniel, arose, and He was the personality that was manifesting.


"Afterward I rose up, and did the king's business." And did, Strong's 6213, means to work at anything, and it's used of God producing or creating. I'm suggesting to you, in this phrase, it's talking about the work of God, the king's business. "He did the king's business". He did the work of God. And the word king is Strong's 4428. It means Jehovah -- can be translated Jehovah. The word business is Strong's 4399, and that’s speaking about the property or wealth of anyone, and as I just said, I'm suggesting to you that it's speaking about the work of God. And I'm also suggesting to you that the work of God, in this instance, is for Daniel to receive the oracle of God or the vision of God or the prophecy of God so that he could write the prophecy, that he could write this prophecy in a book that will be called the Prophetic Book of Daniel, which we today have in our Bible. It's one of the 66 books of the written word.


Alternate Translation, second third of Daniel 8:27, "Wherefore Christ Jesus arose in me to receive the prophecy of the Lord, which I was to write down."


Now, brethren, Christ Jesus is only formed in your mind for a purpose that will glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. Spiritual authority in Christ is not a parlor game. Christ Jesus was formed in Daniel's mind because it was the intention of the Lord to give him this vision, which today is the Book -- or the Prophetic Book of Daniel, and when the Lord's purpose was fulfilled, Christ Jesus dissolved in his mind.


And I want to tell you, without a question of a doubt in my mind, that the only reason I have been saved from death three times is that God has a work for me to do. And for whatever His reason, He decided that I was going to be the one to bring forth this doctrine in this hour, and that is why He saved me from death three times. The Lord had need of me, not that I was anything special but that He decided I was the one. When God saves your life or when God saves you out of drugs or any -- or mental illness or any other problem, He saves you so that you can serve Him. He does not save you to set you loose in the streets. You become His bondservant.


If you have an affliction that is ruining your life, a form of mental illness, an addiction that is destroying you and you cry out for illness, you should know that when He delivers you, you have become His. What does this mean? If you are so afflicted, it means that Satan has a great deal of authority over you. The curses on your family line must be very great for Satan to have that kind of author- -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT]


And when the Lord Jesus Christ saves you, He saves you by delivering you out of the clutches of Satan, so when He delivers you out of the clutches of Satan, you become His bondservant. You take on his yoke. It's easy, and it's light, but you're not your own man. You're not saved from Satan to be your own man. You go from slavery to Satan to servitude towards the Lord. No man is of his own man. It's a big deception in the world today. No one is of his own. We're all the offspring of a spiritual mind.


"Wherefore Christ Jesus arose in me to receive the prophecy of the Lord, which I was to write down." That was the second third of Daniel 8:27.


Continuing with the third third of Daniel 8:27, "And I was astonished at the vision, but none understood it." And I was astonished, Strong's 8074, means to be laid waste, destroyed, stunned, speechless, confounded. Daniel's carnal mind was rendered incapable of speaking because of the vision. Well, what does that mean? The vision came forth from the mind of Christ. It had to crush his carnal mind. It had to lay it waste. It had to destroy it, stun it, paralyze it for this vision to come into his mind, and we talked about that earlier. Gabriel came in, and He covered over Daniel's carnal mind. It was either on the last message or the one before that, covered it over, pressed it down, stunned it, stung it.


The sons of God are going to have stingers. They're going to be like scorpions. They're going to go in and paralyze people's carnal minds so that they can hear what Christ is saying. I have experienced this. In this hour, it's still an isolated incident. It's only happened, you know, once or twice that I can remember. It doesn’t happen every day, but I have experienced this, that Christ has manifesting in me and paralyzed the carnal minds of people who are opposing Christ in me as well as Christ [?in themselves?], and when they were paralyzed, I taught them, and they received what God had to say to them.


"And I was astonished at the vision." My carnal mind was utterly dismantled at the vision. And the word at can be translated, on account of or because of. It's Strong's 5922. The word vision is Strong's 4758, and, once again, means a priestly vision, indicating that the mind of Christ brought this vision forth. The word but we are translating wherefore. The word understood is Strong's 995, and that means to perceive, to comprehend, to understand. None of it, 369, simply means none of it. Daniel couldn't understand it. What this is saying is that when Chri- -- when the Lord Jesus Christ separated from him and Christ Jesus was dissolved, that which was left in his carnal mind, he couldn't understand. He had enough of a memory to write it down, but he had no understand because his carnal mind could not comprehend this spiritual truth.


Alternate Translation, the third third of Daniel 8:27, "And my carnal mind was confused and unable to understand Gabriel's explanation of the vision; wherefore I understood none of it."


Daniel couldn't understand any part of the vision after the Lord Jesus Christ separated from his mind because his carnal mind had been stunned or unconscious during Gabriel's explanation. The understanding of the vision is only in Christ Jesus. Daniel could only remember or understand when Christ Jesus was formed in his mind. This loss of spiritual memory applies to modern believers with the imputed anointing, believers who try to understand or remember spiritual truth which they heard at a meeting, for example, when Christ Jesus is not appearing in their mind, find themselves either in confusion or remembering false doctrine. The carnal mind will never understand this message. The carnal mind can comprehend it to a point. We have a lot of carnal minds preaching a doctrine that sounds very similar to this, but it's not this, but they could only go so far. When they really get into the secrets of God, only Christ has these secrets, and Christ can be in you. You have to ask for it, and you have to be willing to pay the price.


Alternate Translation, Daniel 8:27, "And then I Daniel was separated from the Lord Jesus Christ, the one who had wounded my carnal mind; wherefore Christ Jesus arose in me to receive the prophecy of the Lord, which I was to write down, and my carnal mind was confused and unable to remember or understand Gabriel's explanation of the vision, wherefore I understood none of it."


Amplified translation, Daniel 8:27, "And then I Daniel was separated from the Lord Jesus Christ, the one who had wounded my carnal mind and caused Christ Jesus to arise in me to receive the prophecy which I was to write down, but my carnal mind was confused and unable to understand or repeat Gabriel's explanation of the vision, so I couldn’t understand any of it."


Recap, Daniel, Chapter 8, Verses 25 to 27, "And by understanding the Lord Jesus Christ shall pass through and flow over the carnal minds of the firstfruits of the fallen living soul; and He shall beget a Son, and Christ Jesus shall break forth from the womb of the fallen living soul and stand upon the foundation of the glorified Jesus Christ, the one who is the chief Prince over the many princes of the Christ Jesus company, and Christ Jesus shall bring peace to humanity by binding the carnal minds of the fallen living soul together with the mind of Christ.


And your priestly vision about the human beings who made an alliance with the glorified Jesus Christ came from the mind of Christ, but your own carnal mind kept you from receiving it for many days.


And then I Daniel was separated from the Lord Jesus Christ, the one who had wounded my carnal mind and caused Christ Jesus to arise in me to receive the prophecy which I was to write down, but my carnal mind was confused and unable to understand or repeat Gabriel's explanation of the vision, so I couldn’t understand any of it."


Hallelujah. Any questions? Awesome, isn't it? Awesome, I can't think of any other word for it.




No questions, people thinking?


            [?I'm still thinking about the one earlier a little bit?] [CROSSTALK]


Take the mic, please.


            It said that the carnal mind will never receive the things of God, and yet it's going to be in there, interwoven with Christ. That means it's going to be used. I still don't understand that.




            No, I -- it looks as though that -- the mind of Christ going one way and the carnal mind going the other way, right?


Yeah, but he's going to die to everything that he is in this existence. He's going to be the -- I believe it's the warp of the garment. I may have it backwards. He's either the warp or the woof. Jesus is weaving Himself a garment so that He could be seen in this world, and Satan is the pestilence in the earth. Pestilence is being castrated. That means he can no longer. Well, no, the carnal mind's not going to be interwoven. The carnal mind's being dissolved, but Satan is being interwoven. The carnal mind is being dissolved. I said that earlier.


            Well, I was asking you about the witchcraft and everything, and that's with the carnal mind, and you said that that was going to be interwoven.


Yeah, well, I don't remember exactly what I said, but the way ti -- the procedure is this. The carnal mind is being dissolved. The carnal mind is the product of Satan and Eve, and the carnal mind is being dissolved, and that which is of Eve is going back to Eve, and that which is of Satan is going back to Satan, and Satan and Eve are interwoven in that garden -- in that garment. Now, remember, at the beginning of time, Satan brought forth the carnal mind form seed. Satan brought forth her begotten daughter or her begotten son, spiritual but -- male to us but female in relationship to Christ, and that begotten offspring was stronger than the Holy Spirit alone. Now we have Christ begotten of seed, and we have Satan alone, so Christ is stronger. Do you see the reversal?


I'll say it again. At the beginning of time, Satan brought forth the carnal mind from seed, and because Satan's offspring was from seed, she was stronger than Christ who had been formed but was not from seed. And in this hour, it's being reversed. The carnal mind is being dissolved, and Satan and Eve have a place in the creation, but Christ is the one that's begotten from seed, and Christ is stronger than Satan alone and will totally control him.


            So the Holy Spirit has the power to bring us into truth?


Well, truth is Christ. He has the power to bring forth Christ in us.


            He has the power to press through the carnal mind?


The Holy Spirit?


            The Holy Spirit.


Only minimally, not really. That's why we see --


            He --


-- in the church today gifts.


            -- has the power to press through the carnal mind to go into the human spirit.


Oh, yeah. He has the power --


            He could do that. He punctured through. [?Yet?] He had that power.


He had that power. What I thought you meant was that -- did He have the power to press through the carnal mind with regard to doctrine? Not -- no. That's why we see in the church today a Holy Spirit that has punctured in through the carnal mind that has come forth with gifts and some measure of power, OK, but this deep doctrine isn't present because this deep doctrine is not -- the Holy Spirit does not have the strength to bring forth this doctrine. This comes forth from Christ.


            So the gifts and all cannot cause conception?


No, the gifts are passing away. We're [CROSSTALK]


            The gifts are part of the sexual experience with the Father though, right?


Yes. Just as when a man courts a woman in the natural, he gives her an engagement ring. He brings her gifts. It's just a way of introducing Himself. When we have the Holy Spirit -- when we receive the Holy Spirit, we have a relationship with the Father, and that --




-- relationship, hopefully, is going to lead to something deeper, which is conception.


            What is it that's actually taking the person into the conception of Christ that they conceive? Because the gifts are gifts. The gifts don't bring that person into truth because the Holy Spirit -- that's what He's full of is gifts, the nine gifts, the fruits.


The only thing that I can say to you -- God's going to have to witness it to you. The only other thing I can say to you to try and help you is to give you a human example. When a man comes to a woman that he's courting, he brings her all kinds of gifts. I don't know about today, but years ago, sometimes he came with flowers and candy. A man that was courting a woman always brought gifts. He brought her watches and rings. It was the thing to do. That was you -- that was the sign that you were serious about her, but behind everything that he was doing, this man eventually wanted to get into bed with this woman. Let's not be naïve about this. If he li- -- if he cared for the woman, he was following society's prescriptions, but he was waiting for the day that he could get into bed with her. So the Holy Spirit comes with gifts, and He makes Himself pleasant to be in your life so that you'll turn towards Him and look towards Him and want Him to be in your life and read your Bible and go to church. That's why believers who are spiritual young are so blessed by the Holy Spirit, and believers who are entering into maturity and going through trials and are wounded and are bleeding look so different from each other.


            Well, if we're used as an agent to minister to someone that is to conceive Christ, in the natural, there's a time that a woman tries more to get pregnant. Is there a period of the month? You know what I -- so to speak?


Yes, but it's not --


            You know what I'm saying? In a person's life, that we, by the Father's will, could find that one that's to be a son and help them to conceive.


Well, I'm sure there is an overall season, when it's time for the conception to start. We know in the Song of Solomon that we're told He has as younger sister. It's Jesus speaking. I have a younger sister, and it's -- and she doesn't have any breasts yet, so we do enter into a season where Christ Jesus starts to -- or the -- not Christ Jesus but the living soul in whom Christ Jesus will appear starts to develop breasts. There's another Scripture in the [?prophets?prophecy?] that says the time of f- -- the time for love came, so there is an overall season that the living soul is reaching puberty, and we talk about that in Daniel 12. The carnal mind is coming into puberty, and in each individual's life within this overall time span of the time for love, each individual, I'm sure, has a time when they're most fertile.


            But some are fertile and some aren't. What if I go to a person that isn't -- is not ready, is not in that season individually --




            -- is not fertile and I'm trying to help that person to conceive Christ and they are not ready? How is it that I can see, OK, well, that one's fertile, and that's one [?says?] -- I'll go to the fertile one instead of wasting my time because it's got to be God's time.


Well, you're not supposed to be thinking --


            You know what I'm saying?


-- like that. You're supposed to be going where God sends you. Those thoughts are not supposed to be in your mind.


            That you don't go to the ones that aren't fertile, period?


Well, no. You go where God sends you.


            And He's going to send you to the ones that are fertile?


I don't know. Maybe He'll send you to someone that's unfertile. See, this is the major re- -- one of the major reasons for obedience is that we cannot comprehend the mind of Christ. He might send you to someone that's totally unfertile, and they may hear something of you and repeat that one word to a fertile person that you will never meet or never know about for the rest of your life, and that one word could start that person off. So that's why we cannot possibly do this of ourselves, but we must only minister to those people that the Lord sends us to at the time that He sends us to them.


            Well, isn't He going to -- isn't it our business though to go as sons to those who are sons?


No. It's our business as sons to go where the Lord sends us.




It's hard, but that's -- we've got to come into submission, and that is the Scripture -- Jesus said it, that when you're young, you dress yourself, which means you go in your own cupboard. You go in your own mind. You do what you think is right, but as you come into maturity, someone else will gird you, and that someone else is the Lord Jesus Christ, will cover you, will be your mind, will send you and tell you and give you direction. And that's one of the lessons that everyone that's coming into Christ has to come to. We must submit to the authority of Christ in everything that we do.


            So we don't just take it as if -- if something happens we take it, well, I believe this is of God, but we still should pray to be led by the spirit. We should pray in the Holy Spirit. We should pray to be led by the spirit, right?


Well, when you come to this place you don't. Once He comes to this place of preeminence in your mind, you shouldn't have to pray for it. You should just be led. Once you come to a place where you have a relationship with Christ that is very intense -- I'll use myself as an example. My relationship with Christ is very intense. I never prayed to be led by the Holy Spirit. I will pray from time to time as He moves upon me, let Your mind be my mind; let Your will be my will. Don't let me be used of the carnal mind, but it's just a general prayer. As I go, I never, in any one situation, pray, now I'm here, and I'm ready to go, and I want You, Lord, to lead me. I almost never pray like that. It has to be an overall relationship with the Lord, and then you don't think about it. You just go, and you'll wind up going where He wants you to be.


Because to sit down and say, well, I have an afternoon off, and I want to be led of the spirit, and sit there until you get a word in your mind, is really flirting with witchcraft. It's a very dangerous thing to do, to sit down and say I'm not going to move off of this chair and do anything with my Sunday afternoon until I hear from God. Because what if God's not speaking? God made you -- see, what that's doing, in essence, is demanding God to speak to you, and He may not respond to your demand. So if He doesn't respond to your demand, Satan very well may. So the way -- the thing to do, and I live my life this way, is I have a general, overall fleece with the Lord, that I love Him, th- -- with all my heart, that He is the most important thing in my life and that I want nothing more than to please Him and to move in His spirit. And when I have a Sunday afternoon off, I just do whatever I -- comes to my heart, and sometimes there's ministry, and sometimes there's not. Frequently there's ministry. But to sit down and say, now, Lord, I demand now that you tell me what to do this afternoon, you're flirting with witchcraft. It's not the thing to do. We just have to be open to be led of His spirit.


Why do I say that? Because it's taking control of your situation. It's your mind taking control of your situation, demanding that God give you a word [?on that minute?], and it's not the way to go.


            So if I took a friend -- like, if I went with a friend and we just decided we wanted to go somewhere, we can just go where we want? I mean, like, if -- like, for instance, because I've gone through this with a couple of friends. Like, for instance, let's say Michelle. If I just went -- took Michelle and we just decided to go somewhere that we like to go --




            -- and that's it. We just up and go.




            We just decide to go from our desire --




            -- to go there and do whatever we want to do.




            And that's all right?


And He'll operate in that. Maybe your desire is His desire. That's the way to do it, to sit down and say, well, we've got a Sunday off. What do you feel like doing? No thing where I must hear from God. What do you feel like doing? And you talk to your friend, and you just reach an agreement, and you just go. It shouldn’t be any -- I can't think of the word that I want to use. I'm getting a little tired. But there should be no in- -- this is the word. There shouldn't be any intensity in it, that I must hear from God. I must hear a word in my head from God. That's witchcraft.


            Right, but on the way, if God -- if you're praying it's all right, and then you hear in the spirit, you hear from God about something, that's different, right?


Well, I guess you can pray if you want to, you know. I personally believe in a more relaxed way. I can't tell you exactly, you know, what happened to you on your experience, but I believe that we're supposed to come to the place where this thing is very relaxed, and let me say --


            It's been that way --




            -- with her.


Let me say this.


            With Michelle, it's been pretty relaxed.


And we're going to have the mic to someone else, but let me just say this to you. Old order -- an old order relationship with the Lord, an imputed relationship with the Lord -- in an imputed relationship with the Lord, believers pray to the Lord for direction, and this is my best example. I was in a service, and I heard this preacher's wife saying that she was praying for a ministry for two years, praying, praying, praying, praying, and God finally raised up the ministry, and I walked out of the service in confusion. I said, Lord, t his is not my experience with you. You came to me and asked me to start this ministry. So what am I saying to you? If you're in an imputed relationship with the Lord, you pray and you pray and you pray and you pray, and sometimes He talks to you, but in an imparted relationship with the Lord, your sold out to Him. You just live your life, and He moves through you. He sends you. He moves through you. Can you hear the difference?




OK. It's a big difference. It's a very important difference for someone who's trying to move in to the imparted anointing. This is a very important word for you. You've got to stop trying to take control because what you're doing with all of this praying is trying to take control of the circumstance. That's what you're trying to do, and it's OK. There's nothing terribly wrong with it, but if God's calling you to something higher, you're going to have to let go, and I believe He's calling you to something higher. You've got to stop trying to take control, and that's hard to do, but He's going to help you.


            I hear you saying stop taking control, and I'm willing to, you know, work on that, but I just don't see the other of really being led. I see our own mind getting in the way.


Well, [?you can't see it?].


            That's what I see happening.


Yeah. Well, you can't see it until you let go.


            But our own mind starts to rule though as soon as I do.


No, your ow- --


            [UNINTELLIGIBLE] put down the spirit.


Well, you can't -- God cannot move in an imparted way if you won't let go, and what you're doing with all this praying in tongues is taking control of the situation, and when you let go, maybe He won't move that week. Maybe you'll just go out and have a good time, but eventually He will start to flow into your life in an imparted way, if you let go, but you've got to let go because He doesn't -- His imparted anointing is not functioning in someone trying to take this kind of control over the day. His imputed anointing will function. He'll -- He could give you something. He may; He may not. But if you're looking to go on in Christ and to grow up in Christ, the kind of -- being a sent one, of being an apostle, the true apostle, being a sent one. He is not going to send you a response to your demand. It's a different measure --


            [?I hear you?].


-- of ministry. It's a different measure of ministry that He gives to the person with the imparted anointing. The Lord will use anybody. He will use someone that just said I accept you, Jesus Christ, as my Lord and savior two minutes ago. He'll use them, but the question is how is He going to use you?




And for you to be used as a sent one of God, you must let go and give up and relinquish all control of the circumstances, and there may be days that He doesn't use you, but you've got to be open, open to God.            




OK. Would you mind handing the mic to [?Cecelia?]? Thanks.


            What I wanted to ask was, when it took 21 days for Daniel praying, now was he in the imparted -- I mean, in an imputed anointing?


Daniel was always in the imputed anointing.




The imparted anointing was not available to him at that time.


            Right. I didn't even mean that when I said it. But then in 21 days, and then his carnal mind was wounded, right, and paralyzed?




            And what I'm amazed about, some of the ministers now get revelations from God, but it's not wiped out of their mind. Like, he didn't understand anything, so I'm wondering what makes the different between --


The difference is [?it's?] end-time revelation.




They don't -- they're not -- I mean, I can't say for sure. I don't know every minister in the world, but by and large, they don’t get this deep doctrine. There is -- you can get a measure of revelation and understanding with the imputed anointing, but there is a cutoff point beyond which you cannot go unless you're in the mind of Christ.


            Do you believe that why the Lord allowed that was so that it would be hidden up until this time?


Why the Lord allowed what?


            That -- allowed him to be put to sleep and that he wouldn't remember it?


Well, that's what the Book of Daniel says, that --




-- the book is sealed until the end-times. That's what we're told, yeah, that his function was to bring forth the letter of the word. And we're also told in the New Testament that the prophets of old didn't understand what they were bringing forth, so Daniel was in the same boat as the other prophets. OK, anything else? OK.


            [INAUDIBLE] [?he didn't forget it. He just didn't understand it, right?]?


He remember the proph- -- the sister just said he didn't forget it. He just didn't understand it. He remembered the letter of it. He wrote it -- he wrote down the letter of it. It was the spirit of it that he forgot. He forgot the spirit of it. And all of the human beings around today, we have gone to sleep, and we have forgotten what it's like to be with God, but we're being awakened to the righteousness of the mind of Christ, and that's why, if you're having an experience where when you hear a spiritual truth and something inside of your heart just says, hey, that's right. It's just right. It just sits with me. It's just right. What's happening is that your dead human spirit had been quickened, and she is beginning to remember. [?She remember?] -- it sounds right. What do you mean it sounds right? Your human spirit that's being regenerated says, yeah, I remember that. I heard that somewhere. It sounds right. It's of God.




That's what's happening to you. It's just clicking. That's what's happening to you. That's what's happening to your friend right now, so he must be touched by Christ. I believe that your friend -- I don't want to put the name on the tap. You know who I mean right? No, the other one. That he hears things from me, and he says, yeah, that sounds right, you know. That sounds right. First he's shocked, and he said that he sat in the meeting, and his whole insides were turning over because his carnal mind is feeling sick from the whole thing, but, apparently, the Holy Spirit has penetrated him to the point that it's touched his human spirit. She's been quickened, OK. There may not be a joining. There may not be a weaving together, but the Holy Spirit has penetrated her enough that she's not totally dead anymore, and that human sp- -- did I say Holy Spirit? I meant human spirit. And that human spirit in him, when he hears the truth, when he smells the scent of water, which is the word of God, he goes, yeah, that sounds right. And then the more he hears, the more his human spirit gets raised from the dead, and eventually, Christ Jesus --


You see, I'm the -- I'm Michael. I'm typifying -- Michael is flowing through me. Anyone hearing this message, I'm not saying I'm Christ, but the Lord Jesus Christ is flowing through me. I'm the one that's been sent to your friend, to help Christ Jesus arise in him. He's ready; he's fertile; it's that time of the month for him. Hallelujah.


            And it's not wasting time?


Please, Rita, please. People really need to hear this? Oh, don't throw it.


            It's not wasting time if this is given to those that may not be fertile?


There's no such thing as not wasting time. You're just supposed to be doing what God tells you to do because we don't know what God's purposes are.


            [INAUDIBLE] [?come back?] [INAUDIBLE]


            Yeah that's true.


But the bottom line is obedience.




We are not to make a decision as to whether or not we're wasting time. Our prayer should be, Father, do you want me to continue with this person? I've cried out many a time saying, Lord --




-- God, there's no change. There's no change at all. Do you really want me to continue with this person? And my prime example is the rabbi that I minister to. I'm meeting with him now for two years, and I've cried out to God. I said, Lord, we're locking horns. I haven't touched him at all. Do you really want me to continue with this? And the Lord said yes. So, you see, we don’t have any time. All our time belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ, and we have to go wherever He wants to use us, so --


07/29/14 – Transcribed by VerbalFusion

08/06/14 – 1st Edit CAS/BP








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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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